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chronic stress produces adrenal hormones which impact the hippocampal structure in the brains of rats. An experimental study by German cognitive psychologists L. Schwabe and O. Wolf demonstrates how learning under stress also decreases memory recall in humans. In this study, 48 healthy female and male university students participated in either a stress test or a control group. Those randomly assigned to the stress test group had a hand immersed in ice cold water (the reputable SECPT or 'Socially Evaluated Cold Pressor Test') for up to three minutes, while being monitored and videotaped. Both the stress and control groups were then presented with 32 words to memorize. Twenty-four hours later, both groups were tested to see how many words they could remember (free recall) as well as how many they could recognize from a larger list of words (recognition performance). The results showed a clear impairment of memory performance in the stress test group, who recalled 30% fewer words than the control group. The researchers suggest that stress experienced during learning distracts people by diverting their attention during the memory encoding process.
blood glucocorticoid levels that have increased drastically when measured after the exposure is completed. When subjects are asked to complete a learning task after short term exposure they often have difficulties. Prenatal stress also hinders the ability to learn and memorize by disrupting the development of the hippocampus and can lead to unestablished long term potentiation in the offspring of severely stressed parents. Although the stress is applied prenatally, the offspring show increased levels of glucocorticoids when they are subjected to stress later on in life. One explanation for why children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to display poorer memory performance than their higher-income peers is the effects of stress accumulated over the course of the lifetime. The effects of low income on the developing hippocampus is also thought be mediated by chronic stress responses which may explain why children from lower and higher-income backgrounds differ in terms of memory performance.
1957: 2387:
weaken the next time it is retrieved. "Some studies suggest that over-trained or strongly reinforced memories do not undergo reconsolidation if reactivated the first few days after training, but do become sensitive to reconsolidation interference with time." This, however does not mean that all memory is susceptible to reconsolidation. There is evidence to suggest that memory that has undergone strong training and whether or not is it intentional is less likely to undergo reconsolidation. There was further testing done with rats and mazes that showed that reactivated memories were more susceptible to manipulation, in both good and bad ways, than newly formed memories. It is still not known whether or not these are new memories formed and it is an inability to retrieve the proper one for the situation or if it is a reconsolidated memory. Because the study of reconsolidation is still a newer concept, there is still debate on whether it should be considered scientifically sound.
1768:, proteins and enzymes have been extensively researched for their association with memory. Long-term memory, unlike short-term memory, is dependent upon the synthesis of new proteins. This occurs within the cellular body, and concerns the particular transmitters, receptors, and new synapse pathways that reinforce the communicative strength between neurons. The production of new proteins devoted to synapse reinforcement is triggered after the release of certain signaling substances (such as calcium within hippocampal neurons) in the cell. In the case of hippocampal cells, this release is dependent upon the expulsion of magnesium (a binding molecule) that is expelled after significant and repetitive synaptic signaling. The temporary expulsion of magnesium frees NMDA receptors to release calcium in the cell, a signal that leads to gene transcription and the construction of reinforcing proteins. For more information, see 2339:
revealed that our memories are constructed: "current hypotheses suggest that constructive processes allow individuals to simulate and imagine future episodes, happenings, and scenarios. Since the future is not an exact repetition of the past, simulation of future episodes requires a complex system that can draw on the past in a manner that flexibly extracts and recombines elements of previous experiences – a constructive rather than a reproductive system." People can construct their memories when they encode them and/or when they recall them. To illustrate, consider a classic study conducted by Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer (1974) in which people were instructed to watch a film of a traffic accident and then asked about what they saw. The researchers found that the people who were asked, "How fast were the cars going when they
consolidation. System consolidation takes place during slow-wave sleep (SWS). This process implicates that memories are reactivated during sleep, but that the process does not enhance every memory. It also implicates that qualitative changes are made to the memories when they are transferred to long-term store during sleep. During sleep, the hippocampus replays the events of the day for the neocortex. The neocortex then reviews and processes memories, which moves them into long-term memory. When one does not get enough sleep it makes it more difficult to learn as these neural connections are not as strong, resulting in a lower retention rate of memories. Sleep deprivation makes it harder to focus, resulting in inefficient learning. Furthermore, some studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to
toothpick) and then later asked them whether they had done such a thing. Findings revealed that those participants who repeatedly imagined performing such an act were more likely to think that they had actually performed that act during the first session of the experiment. Similarly, Garry and her colleagues (1996) asked college students to report how certain they were that they experienced a number of events as children (e.g., broke a window with their hand) and then two weeks later asked them to imagine four of those events. The researchers found that one-fourth of the students asked to imagine the four events reported that they had actually experienced such events as children. That is, when asked to imagine the events they were more confident that they experienced the events.
841:(1963) using the "partial report paradigm." Subjects were presented with a grid of 12 letters, arranged into three rows of four. After a brief presentation, subjects were then played either a high, medium or low tone, cuing them which of the rows to report. Based on these partial report experiments, Sperling was able to show that the capacity of sensory memory was approximately 12 items, but that it degraded very quickly (within a few hundred milliseconds). Because this form of memory degrades so quickly, participants would see the display but be unable to report all of the items (12 in the "whole report" procedure) before they decayed. This type of memory cannot be prolonged via rehearsal. 2383:
something stable and constant when they are stored in long-term memory but this is not the case. There are a large number of studies that found that consolidation of memories is not a singular event but are put through the process again, known as reconsolidation. This is when a memory is recalled or retrieved and placed back into your working memory. The memory is now open to manipulation from outside sources and the misinformation effect which could be due to misattributing the source of the inconsistent information, with or without an intact original memory trace (Lindsay and Johnson, 1989). One thing that can be sure is that memory is malleable.
took place the following day, either in the same room with the vanilla scent again present, or in a different room without the fragrance. The memory performance of subjects who experienced stress during the object-location task decreased significantly when they were tested in an unfamiliar room without the vanilla scent (an incongruent context); however, the memory performance of stressed subjects showed no impairment when they were tested in the original room with the vanilla scent (a congruent context). All participants in the experiment, both stressed and unstressed, performed faster when the learning and retrieval contexts were similar.
1717:(STM) is temporary and subject to disruption, while long-term memory (LTM), once consolidated, is persistent and stable. Consolidation of STM into LTM at the molecular level presumably involves two processes: synaptic consolidation and system consolidation. The former involves a protein synthesis process in the medial temporal lobe (MTL), whereas the latter transforms the MTL-dependent memory into an MTL-independent memory over months to years (Ledoux 2007). In recent years, such traditional consolidation dogma has been re-evaluated as a result of the studies on reconsolidation. These studies showed that prevention after 1385:(Winograd, 1988). Prospective memory can be further broken down into event- and time-based prospective remembering. Time-based prospective memories are triggered by a time-cue, such as going to the doctor (action) at 4pm (cue). Event-based prospective memories are intentions triggered by cues, such as remembering to post a letter (action) after seeing a mailbox (cue). Cues do not need to be related to the action (as the mailbox/letter example), and lists, sticky-notes, knotted handkerchiefs, or string around the finger all exemplify cues that people use as strategies to enhance prospective memory. 2137:. Amnesia can result from extensive damage to: (a) the regions of the medial temporal lobe, such as the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, subiculum, amygdala, the parahippocampal, entorhinal, and perirhinal cortices or the (b) midline diencephalic region, specifically the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus and the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus. There are many sorts of amnesia, and by studying their different forms, it has become possible to observe apparent defects in individual sub-systems of the brain's memory systems, and thus hypothesize their function in the normally working brain. Other 1423:: infants are placed in a crib and a ribbon that is connected to a mobile overhead is tied to one of their feet. Infants notice that when they kick their foot the mobile moves – the rate of kicking increases dramatically within minutes. Studies using this technique have revealed that infants' memory substantially improves over the first 18-months. Whereas 2- to 3-month-olds can retain an operant response (such as activating the mobile by kicking their foot) for a week, 6-month-olds can retain it for two weeks, and 18-month-olds can retain a similar operant response for as long as 13 weeks. 1462:– during this task a subject would be asked to study a list of words and then later they will be asked to recall or write down as many words that they can remember, similar to free response questions. Earlier items are affected by retroactive interference (RI), which means the longer the list, the greater the interference, and the less likelihood that they are recalled. On the other hand, items that have been presented lastly suffer little RI, but suffer a great deal from proactive interference (PI), which means the longer the delay in recall, the more likely that the items will be lost. 1988: 2539:, Venus flytraps have evolved the ability to obtain meat for sustenance, likely due to the lack of nitrogen in the soil. This is done by two trap-forming leaf tips that snap shut once triggered by a potential prey. On each lobe, three trigger hairs await stimulation. In order to maximize the benefit-to-cost ratio, the plant enables a rudimentary form of memory in which two trigger hairs must be stimulated within thirty seconds in order to result in trap closure. This system ensures that the trap only closes when potential prey is within grasp. 786:. The sensory processor allows information from the outside world to be sensed in the form of chemical and physical stimuli and attended to various levels of focus and intent. Working memory serves as an encoding and retrieval processor. Information in the form of stimuli is encoded in accordance with explicit or implicit functions by the working memory processor. The working memory also retrieves information from previously stored material. Finally, the function of long-term memory is to store through various categorical models or systems. 51: 519: 822:
patients. The amount of attention given new stimuli can diminish the amount of information that becomes encoded for storage. Also, the storage process can become corrupted by physical damage to areas of the brain that are associated with memory storage, such as the hippocampus. Finally, the retrieval of information from long-term memory can be disrupted because of decay within long-term memory. Normal functioning, decay over time, and brain damage all affect the accuracy and capacity of the memory.
1417:: infants are first presented with pairs of visual stimuli, such as two black-and-white photos of human faces, for a fixed amount of time; then, after being familiarized with the two photos, they are presented with the "familiar" photo and a new photo. The time spent looking at each photo is recorded. Looking longer at the new photo indicates that they remember the "familiar" one. Studies using this procedure have found that 5- to 6-month-olds can retain information for as long as fourteen days. 890:, a person could chunk the digits into three groups: first, the area code (such as 123), then a three-digit chunk (456), and, last, a four-digit chunk (7890). This method of remembering telephone numbers is far more effective than attempting to remember a string of 10 digits; this is because we are able to chunk the information into meaningful groups of numbers. This is reflected in some countries' tendencies to display telephone numbers as several chunks of two to four numbers. 909: 1616:
damage are no more likely to remember emotionally charged words than nonemotionally charged ones. The hippocampus is important for explicit memory. The hippocampus is also important for memory consolidation. The hippocampus receives input from different parts of the cortex and sends its output out to different parts of the brain also. The input comes from secondary and tertiary sensory areas that have processed the information a lot already. Hippocampal damage may also cause
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that passes threshold, resulting in trap closure. Researchers, to prove that an electrical threshold must be met to stimulate trap closure, excited a single trigger hair with a constant mechanical stimulus using Ag/AgCl electrodes. The trap closed after only a few seconds. This experiment demonstrated that the electrical threshold, not necessarily the number of trigger hair stimulations, was the contributing factor in Venus flytrap memory.
other words, when asked to imitate a two-step action sequence (such as putting a toy car in the base and pushing in the plunger to make the toy roll to the other end), 9-month-olds tend to imitate the actions of the sequence in the correct order (step 1 and then step 2). Younger infants (6-month-olds) can only recall one step of a two-step sequence. Researchers have suggested that these age differences are probably due to the fact that the
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information for longer periods of time; 6-month-olds can recall information after a 24-hour period, 9-month-olds after up to five weeks, and 20-month-olds after as long as twelve months. In addition, studies have shown that with age, infants can store information faster. Whereas 14-month-olds can recall a three-step sequence after being exposed to it once, 6-month-olds need approximately six exposures in order to be able to remember it.
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information. Furthermore, it can store this information for a much longer duration, potentially for a whole life span. For example, given a random seven-digit number, one may remember it for only a few seconds before forgetting, suggesting it was stored in short-term memory. On the other hand, one can remember telephone numbers for many years through repetition; this information is said to be stored in long-term memory.
9876: 2606: 463: 9634: 11293: 451: 1522:– memories degrade with the passing of time. This occurs in the storage stage of memory, after the information has been stored and before it is retrieved. This can happen in sensory, short-term, and long-term storage. It follows a general pattern where the information is rapidly forgotten during the first couple of days or years, followed by small losses in later days or years. 11281: 2592: 439: 717: 2220:, where prior learning disrupts recall of new information. Although interference can lead to forgetting, it is important to keep in mind that there are situations when old information can facilitate learning of new information. Knowing Latin, for instance, can help an individual learn a related language such as French – this phenomenon is known as positive transfer. 2088:
order in which they learned information, source memory tasks that require them to remember the specific circumstances or context in which they learned information, and prospective memory tasks that involve remembering to perform an act at a future time. Older adults can manage their problems with prospective memory by using appointment books, for example.
2576:. An experimental apparatus was designed to drop potted mimosa plants repeatedly from the same distance and at the same speed. It was observed that the plants' defensive response of curling up their leaves decreased over the sixty times the experiment was repeated. To confirm that this was a mechanism of memory rather than 894:
acoustically similar letters rather than visually similar letters implies that the letters were encoded acoustically. Conrad's (1964) study, however, deals with the encoding of written text. Thus, while the memory of written language may rely on acoustic components, generalizations to all forms of memory cannot be made.
1980:(DNA-PKcs, KU70, KU80, and DNA LIGASE IV) (see Figure). These enzymes repair the double-strand breaks within about 15 minutes to two hours. The double-strand breaks in the promoter are thus associated with TOP2B and at least these four repair enzymes. These proteins are present simultaneously on a single promoter 1434:: an experimenter shows infants a unique sequence of actions (such as using a stick to push a button on a box) and then, after a delay, asks the infants to imitate the actions. Studies using deferred imitation have shown that 14-month-olds' memories for the sequence of actions can last for as long as four months. 2324:
Sleep affects memory consolidation. During sleep, the neural connections in the brain are strengthened. This enhances the brain's abilities to stabilize and retain memories. There have been several studies which show that sleep improves the retention of memory, as memories are enhanced through active
In fact, the term 'infantile amnesia' refers to the phenomenon of accelerated forgetting during infancy. Importantly, infantile amnesia is not unique to humans, and preclinical research (using rodent models) provides insight into the precise neurobiology of this phenomenon. A review of the literature
1094:, displaying difficulties regarding short-term memory. Recognition of sounds such as spoken numbers, letters, words, and easily identifiable noises (such as doorbells and cats meowing) were all impacted. Visual short-term memory was unaffected, suggesting a dichotomy between visual and audial memory. 962:
is essential (for learning new information) to the consolidation of information from short-term to long-term memory, although it does not seem to store information itself. It was thought that without the hippocampus new memories were unable to be stored into long-term memory and that there would be a
While short-term memory encodes information acoustically, long-term memory encodes it semantically: Baddeley (1966) discovered that, after 20 minutes, test subjects had the most difficulty recalling a collection of words that had similar meanings (e.g. big, large, great, huge) long-term. Another part
Up until the mid-1980s it was assumed that infants could not encode, retain, and retrieve information. A growing body of research now indicates that infants as young as 6-months can recall information after a 24-hour delay. Furthermore, research has revealed that as infants grow older they can store
might be the neural networks where memories are stored and retrieved. Considering that there are several kinds of memory, depending on types of represented knowledge, underlying mechanisms, processes functions and modes of acquisition, it is likely that different brain areas support different memory
Infants do not have the language ability to report on their memories and so verbal reports cannot be used to assess very young children's memory. Throughout the years, however, researchers have adapted and developed a number of measures for assessing both infants' recognition memory and their recall
The phonological loop stores auditory information by silently rehearsing sounds or words in a continuous loop: the articulatory process (for example the repetition of a telephone number over and over again). A short list of data is easier to remember. The phonological loop is occasionally disrupted.
The model also shows all the memory stores as being a single unit whereas research into this shows differently. For example, short-term memory can be broken up into different units such as visual information and acoustic information. In a study by Zlonoga and Gerber (1986), patient 'KF' demonstrated
Sensory memory holds information, derived from the senses, less than one second after an item is perceived. The ability to look at an item and remember what it looked like with just a split second of observation, or memorization, is an example of sensory memory. It is out of cognitive control and is
This new research into the concept of reconsolidation has opened the door to methods to help those with unpleasant memories or those that struggle with memories. An example of this is if you had a truly frightening experience and recall that memory in a less arousing environment, the memory will be
as the memories are not properly transferred to long-term memory. One of the primary functions of sleep is thought to be the improvement of the consolidation of information, as several studies have demonstrated that memory depends on getting sufficient sleep between training and test. Additionally,
However, memory performance can be enhanced when material is linked to the learning context, even when learning occurs under stress. A separate study by cognitive psychologists Schwabe and Wolf shows that when retention testing is done in a context similar to or congruent with the original learning
sites in CpG rich regions of the genome. Furthermore, many other genes were upregulated, likely often due to hypomethylation. Hypomethylation often results from the removal of methyl groups from previously existing 5-methylcytosines in DNA. Demethylation is carried out by several proteins acting in
or memory traces (Semon 1904). Some neuroscientists and psychologists mistakenly equate the concept of engram and memory, broadly conceiving all persisting after-effects of experiences as memory; others argue against this notion that memory does not exist until it is revealed in behavior or thought
memory. Recognition memory tasks require individuals to indicate whether they have encountered a stimulus (such as a picture or a word) before. Recall memory tasks require participants to retrieve previously learned information. For example, individuals might be asked to produce a series of actions
The more long term the exposure to stress is, the more impact it may have. However, short term exposure to stress also causes impairment in memory by interfering with the function of the hippocampus. Research shows that subjects placed in a stressful situation for a short amount of time still have
Although 6-month-olds can recall information over the short-term, they have difficulty recalling the temporal order of information. It is only by 9 months of age that infants can recall the actions of a two-step sequence in the correct temporal order – that is, recalling step 1 and then step 2. In
The working memory model explains many practical observations, such as why it is easier to do two different tasks, one verbal and one visual, than two similar tasks, and the aforementioned word-length effect. Working memory is also the premise for what allows us to do everyday activities involving
can also confuse encoding and words that sound similar can be switched or misremembered through the phonological similarity effect. the phonological loop also has a limit to how much it can hold at once which means that it is easier to remember a lot of short words rather than a lot of long words,
calcium levels. The first trigger causes a subthreshold cytoplasmic calcium influx. This initial trigger is not enough to activate trap closure, so a subsequent stimulus allows for a secondary influx of calcium. The latter calcium rise superimposes on the initial one, creating an action potential
into their daily lives. This study examined 17 subjects, (average age 53) with normal memory performance. Eight subjects were asked to follow a "brain healthy" diet, relaxation, physical, and mental exercise (brain teasers and verbal memory training techniques). After 14 days, they showed greater
Memory reconsolidation is when previously consolidated memories are recalled or retrieved from long-term memory to your active consciousness. During this process, memories can be further strengthened and added to but there is also risk of manipulation involved. We like to think of our memories as
or to a control group, were asked to remember the locations of 15 pairs of picture cards – a computerized version of the card game "Concentration" or "Memory". The room in which the experiment took place was infused with the scent of vanilla, as odour is a strong cue for memory. Retention testing
is how information and mental experiences are coded and represented in the brain. Scientists have gained much knowledge about the neuronal codes from the studies of plasticity, but most of such research has been focused on simple learning in simple neuronal circuits; it is considerably less clear
Memory is not a perfect processor, and is affected by many factors. The ways by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved can all be corrupted. Pain, for example, has been identified as a physical condition that impairs memory, and has been noted in animal models as well as chronic pain
Although people often think that memory operates like recording equipment, this is not the case. The molecular mechanisms underlying the induction and maintenance of memory are very dynamic and comprise distinct phases covering a time window from seconds to even a lifetime. In fact, research has
from the kind of memory loss associated with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's (Budson & Price, 2005). Research has revealed that individuals' performance on memory tasks that rely on frontal regions declines with age. Older adults tend to exhibit deficits on tasks that involve knowing the temporal
in the mouse causes the mouse to have a long-term memory and fear of the location in which it occurred. Contextual fear conditioning causes hundreds of DSBs in mouse brain medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and hippocampus neurons (see Figure: Brain regions involved in memory formation). These DSBs
help the storage of recent experiences. This is also true for stimulation of the amygdala. This proves that excitement enhances memory by the stimulation of hormones that affect the amygdala. Excessive or prolonged stress (with prolonged cortisol) may hurt memory storage. Patients with amygdalar
The episodic buffer is dedicated to linking information across domains to form integrated units of visual, spatial, and verbal information and chronological ordering (e.g., the memory of a story or a movie scene). The episodic buffer is also assumed to have links to long-term memory and semantic
Stress has a significant effect on memory formation and learning. In response to stressful situations, the brain releases hormones and neurotransmitters (ex. glucocorticoids and catecholamines) which affect memory encoding processes in the hippocampus. Behavioural research on animals shows that
after what was thought to be the full removal of both his hippocampi. More recent examination of his brain, post-mortem, shows that the hippocampus was more intact than first thought, throwing theories drawn from the initial data into question. The hippocampus may be involved in changing neural
Short-term memory is believed to rely mostly on an acoustic code for storing information, and to a lesser extent on a visual code. Conrad (1964) found that test subjects had more difficulty recalling collections of letters that were acoustically similar, e.g., E, P, D. Confusion with recalling
affects subsequent retrieval of the memory (Sara 2000). New studies have shown that post-retrieval treatment with protein synthesis inhibitors and many other compounds can lead to an amnestic state (Nadel et al. 2000b; Alberini 2005; Dudai 2006). These findings on reconsolidation fit with the
In 1974 Baddeley and Hitch proposed a "working memory model" that replaced the general concept of short-term memory with active maintenance of information in short-term storage. In this model, working memory consists of three basic stores: the central executive, the phonological loop, and the
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Research has revealed that asking individuals to repeatedly imagine actions that they have never performed or events that they have never experienced could result in false memories. For instance, Goff and Roediger (1998) asked participants to imagine that they performed an act (e.g., break a
2375:, a team of RIKEN-MIT scientists caused the mice to incorrectly associate a benign environment with a prior unpleasant experience from different surroundings. Some scientists believe that the study may have implications in studying false memory formation in humans, and in treating PTSD and 2283:
which in return kills neurons. Stressful life experiences can also cause repression of memories where a person moves an unbearable memory to the unconscious mind. This directly relates to traumatic events in one's past such as kidnappings, being prisoners of war or sexual abuse as a child.
The storage in sensory memory and short-term memory generally has a strictly limited capacity and duration. This means that information is not retained indefinitely. By contrast, while the total capacity of long-term memory has yet to be established, it can store much larger quantities of
The time lapse between trigger hair stimulations suggests that the plant can remember an initial stimulus long enough for a second stimulus to initiate trap closure. This memory is not encoded in a brain, as plants lack this specialized organ. Rather, information is stored in the form of
recalled a more serious car accident than they had actually seen. The findings of this experiment were replicated around the world, and researchers consistently demonstrated that when people were provided with misleading information they tended to misremember, a phenomenon known as the
1480:– individuals are shown a number of objects and color samples during a certain period of time. They are then tested on their visual ability to remember as much as they can by looking at testers and pointing out whether the testers are similar to the sample, or if any change is present. 1009:
have reduced expression of about 1,000 genes and increased expression of about 500 genes in the hippocampus 24 hours after training, thus exhibiting modified expression of 9.17% of the rat hippocampal genome. Reduced gene expressions were associated with methylations of those genes.
1783:. PKMΞΆ maintains the activity-dependent enhancement of synaptic strength and inhibiting PKMΞΆ erases established long-term memories, without affecting short-term memory or, once the inhibitor is eliminated, the ability to encode and store new long-term memories is restored. Also, 9638: 1703:(Ranganath et al. 2005), suggesting a strong relationship between working memory and long-term memory. However, the substantially more working memory signals seen in the prefrontal lobe suggest that this area plays a more important role in working memory than MTL (Suzuki 2007). 1468:– one is given a significant hints to help retrieve information that has been previously encoded into the person's memory; typically this can involve a word relating to the information being asked to remember. This is similar to fill in the blank assessments used in classrooms. 1474:– subjects are asked to remember a list of words or pictures, after which point they are asked to identify the previously presented words or pictures from among a list of alternatives that were not presented in the original list. This is similar to multiple choice assessments. 9636: 9641: 9640: 9635: 1606:
distinguished between short-term and long-term memory. He postulated that any memory that stayed in short-term storage for a long enough time would be consolidated into a long-term memory. Later research showed this to be false. Research has shown that direct injections of
9642: 1440:: is very similar to the deferred imitation technique; the difference is that infants are allowed to imitate the actions before the delay. Studies using the elicited imitation technique have shown that 20-month-olds can recall the action sequences twelve months later. 2580:, some of the plants were shaken post experiment and displayed normal defensive responses of leaf curling. This experiment demonstrated long-term memory in the plants, as it was repeated a month later, and the plants were observed to remain unfazed by the dropping. 2355:(there was no broken glass depicted in the film). Thus, the wording of the questions distorted viewers' memories of the event. Importantly, the wording of the question led people to construct different memories of the event – those who were asked the question with 9644: 801:. Semantic memory refers to memory that is encoded with specific meaning. Meanwhile, episodic memory refers to information that is encoded along a spatial and temporal plane. Declarative memory is usually the primary process thought of when referencing memory. 9643: 882:) Modern perspectives estimate the capacity of short-term memory to be lower, typically on the order of 4–5 items, or argue for a more flexible limit based on information instead of items. Memory capacity can be increased through a process called 2330:
data obtained from neuroimaging studies have shown activation patterns in the sleeping brain that mirror those recorded during the learning of tasks from the previous day, suggesting that new memories may be solidified through such rehearsal.
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A characteristic of procedural memory is that the things remembered are automatically translated into actions, and thus sometimes difficult to describe. Some examples of procedural memory include the ability to ride a bike or tie shoelaces.
of a particular place or time. Episodic memories often reflect the "firsts" in life such as a first kiss, first day of school or first time winning a championship. These are key events in one's life that can be remembered clearly.
Damage to certain areas in patients and animal models and subsequent memory deficits is a primary source of information. However, rather than implicating a specific area, it could be that damage to adjacent areas, or to a pathway
appear to depend on double strand breaks initiated by topoisomerase 2-beta (TOP2B) for activation. The induction of particular double-strand breaks are specific with respect to their inducing signal. When neurons are activated
an automatic response. With very short presentations, participants often report that they seem to "see" more than they can actually report. The first precise experiments exploring this form of sensory memory were conducted by
implies that such a definition of memory contains two components: the expression of memory at the behavioral or conscious level, and the underpinning physical neural changes (Dudai 2007). The latter component is also called
arousing specific responses from memory and shows that not all memory is consciously activated, whereas procedural memory is the slow and gradual learning of skills that often occurs without conscious attention to learning.
Considerable further research into long-term memory has illuminated the molecular mechanisms by which methylations are established or removed, as reviewed in 2022. These mechanisms include, for instance, signal-responsive
activity is essential for the expression of IEGs in a type of learning experience in mice termed associative fear memory. Such a learning experience appears to rapidly trigger TOP2B to induce double-strand breaks in the
and for psychotherapy: students may perform better when tested in their regular classroom rather than an exam room, eyewitnesses may recall details better at the scene of an event than in a courtroom, and persons with
2180: 1661:
systems and that they are in mutual relationships in neuronal networks: "components of memory representation are distributed widely across different parts of the brain as mediated by multiple neocortical circuits".
6156:"The DNA Repair-Associated Protein Gadd45Ξ³ Regulates the Temporal Coding of Immediate Early Gene Expression within the Prelimbic Prefrontal Cortex and Is Required for the Consolidation of Associative Fear Memory" 1741:
Study of the genetics of human memory is in its infancy though many genes have been investigated for their association to memory in humans and non-human animals. A notable initial success was the association of
Mandler, G. (1967). "Organization and memory". In K.W. Spence & J.T. Spence (Eds.), The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory. Vol. 1, pp. 328–372. New York: Academic
LeDoux J.E. (2007) Consolidation: Challenging the traditional view. In: Roediger, H.L., Dudai, Y. and Fitzpatrick S.M., eds. Science of Memory: Concepts. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 171–175.
involves the ability to orient oneself in space, to recognize and follow an itinerary, or to recognize familiar places. Getting lost when traveling alone is an example of the failure of topographic memory.
The central executive essentially acts as an attention sensory store. It channels information to the three component processes: the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, and the episodic buffer.
is part of memory preserving some characteristics of our senses pertaining to visual experience. One is able to place in memory information that resembles objects, places, animals or people in sort of a
2157:, also known as Korsakoff's psychosis, amnesic-confabulatory syndrome, is an organic brain disease that adversely affects memory by widespread loss or shrinkage of neurons within the prefrontal cortex. 1456:– when one learns to associate one specific word with another. For example, when given a word such as "safe" one must learn to say another specific word, such as "green". This is stimulus and response. 2239:
task (i.e., in the same room), memory impairment and the detrimental effects of stress on learning can be attenuated. Seventy-two healthy female and male university students, randomly assigned to the
stores visual and spatial information. It is engaged when performing spatial tasks (such as judging distances) or visual ones (such as counting the windows on a house or imagining images). Those with
Byrne, J.H. (2007) Plasticity: new concepts, new challenges. In: Roediger, H.L., Dudai, Y. and Fitzpatrick S.M., eds. Science of Memory: Concepts. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 77–82.
Moscovitch, M. (2007) Memory: Why the engram is elusive? In: Roediger, H. L., Dudai, Y. and Fitzpatrick S. M., eds. Science of Memory: Concepts. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 17–21.
Dudai, Y. (2007) Memory: It's all about representations. In: Roediger, H.L., Dudai, Y. and Fitzpatrick S.M., eds. Science of Memory: Concepts. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 13–16.
2153:, or hyperthymesic syndrome, is a disorder that affects an individual's autobiographical memory, essentially meaning that they cannot forget small details that otherwise would not be stored. 6602:
Bauer PJ, Wiebe SA, Carver LJ, Waters JM, Nelson CA (November 2003). "Developments in long-term explicit memory late in the first year of life: behavioral and electrophysiological indices".
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1086:. It also proposes that rehearsal is the only mechanism by which information eventually reaches long-term storage, but evidence shows us capable of remembering things without rehearsal. 8646:
Atkinson, R.C. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In The psychology of learning and motivation: II Oxford, England: Academic Press.
Lazzarim MK, Targa A, Sardi NF, Hack GR, Tobaldini G, Martynhak BJ, et al. (December 2020). "Pain impairs consolidation, but not acquisition or retrieval of a declarative memory".
Short-term memory, not to be confused with working memory, allows recall for a period of several seconds to a minute without rehearsal. Its capacity, however, is very limited. In 1956,
Doyon J, Bellec P, Amsel R, Penhune V, Monchi O, Carrier J, et al. (April 2009). "Contributions of the basal ganglia and functionally related brain structures to motor learning".
Plants lack a specialized organ devoted to memory retention, so plant memory has been a controversial topic in recent years. New advances in the field have identified the presence of
of individuals from age 26 to 106 years. Numerous genes were identified with reduced expression after age 40, and especially after age 70. Genes that play central roles in memory and
The double-strand breaks that are induced during a learning experience are not immediately repaired. About 600 regulatory sequences in promoters and about 800 regulatory sequences in
involves the spiking of individual neurons induced by sensory input, which persists even after the sensory input disappears (Jensen and Lisman 2005; Fransen et al. 2002). Encoding of
Foerde, K., Poldrack, R.A. (2009). Procedural learning in humans. In L.R. Squire (Ed.), The new encyclopedia of neuroscience, Vol. 7 (pp. 1083–1091). Oxford, UK: Academic Press.
and can be considered a subset of implicit memory. It is revealed when one does better in a given task due only to repetition – no new explicit memories have been formed, but one is
The multi-store model has been criticised for being too simplistic. For instance, long-term memory is believed to be actually made up of multiple subcomponents, such as episodic and
Hartshorn K, Rovee-Collier C, Gerhardstein P, Bhatt RS, Wondoloski TL, Klein P, et al. (March 1998). "The ontogeny of long-term memory over the first year-and-a-half of life".
1532:. Attention plays a key role in storing information into long-term memory; without proper attention, the information might not be stored, making it impossible to be retrieved later. 2422:
word fluency (not memory) compared to their baseline performance. No long-term follow-up was conducted; it is therefore unclear if this intervention has lasting effects on memory.
1756:, which appears to be associated with the rate at which material is forgotten over a delay period. There has been some evidence that memories are stored in the nucleus of neurons. 1282:
about the world, such as "Paris is the capital of France". Episodic memory, on the other hand, is used for more personal memories, such as the sensations, emotions, and personal
2521:. In addition to these homologous features of memory systems in both plants and animals, plants have also been observed to encode, store and retrieve basic short-term memories. 1863:). The pattern of induced and repressed genes in brain neurons subsequent to an intense learning event likely provides the molecular basis for a long-term memory of the event. 6369:
Ju BG, Lunyak VV, Perissi V, Garcia-Bassets I, Rose DW, Glass CK, et al. (June 2006). "A topoisomerase IIbeta-mediated dsDNA break required for regulated transcription".
7160: 5026:
Meacham, J. A., & Leiman, B. (1975). Remembering to perform future actions. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, September.
is the unconscious storage and recollection of information. An example of a non-declarative process would be the unconscious learning or retrieval of information by way of
3824:"Isolating age-group differences in working memory load-related neural activity: assessing the contribution of working memory capacity using a partial-trial fMRI method" 1638:
Cognitive neuroscientists consider memory as the retention, reactivation, and reconstruction of the experience-independent internal representation. The term of internal
released in 2001 a report which includes in pages 14–16 recommendations for keeping the mind in good functionality until advanced age. Some of the recommendations are:
1381:. Thus, retrospective memory as a category includes semantic, episodic and autobiographical memory. In contrast, prospective memory is memory for future intentions, or 4427:
Buchmann A, Mondadori CR, HΓ€nggi J, Aerni A, Vrticka P, Luechinger R, et al. (2008). "Prion protein M129V polymorphism affects retrieval-related brain activity".
9141:"Simulations of the role of the muscarinic-activated calcium-sensitive nonspecific cation current INCM in entorhinal neuronal activity during delayed matching tasks" 2115:
of those genes with reduced expression. It was suggested that DNA damage may reduce the expression of selectively vulnerable genes involved in memory and learning.
event may retain a life-long memory of the event, even after a single training session. The long-term memory of such an event appears to be initially stored in the
about the neuronal changes involved in more complex examples of memory, particularly declarative memory that requires the storage of facts and events (Byrne 2007).
techniques have been used to assess infants' recognition memory and the deferred and elicited imitation techniques have been used to assess infants' recall memory.
2188: 6575:
Bauer PJ (2004). "Getting explicit memory off the ground: Steps toward construction of a neuro-developmental account of changes in the first two years of life".
2172:(also called nominal aphasia or Anomia), however, do experience the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon on an ongoing basis due to damage to the frontal and parietal 7034:"Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Gene Expression Patterns Divergence Reveals Different Grade of RNA Metabolism Involvement" 7007: 6000:
Frankland PW, Bontempi B, Talton LE, Kaczmarek L, Silva AJ (May 2004). "The involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex in remote contextual fear memory".
1956: 5726:"Biologists 'transfer' a memory through RNA injection: Research in marine snails could lead to new treatments to restore memories and alter traumatic ones" 1688:(STDP). The persistent spiking in working memory can enhance the synaptic and cellular changes in the encoding of episodic memory (Jensen and Lisman 2005). 991: 8591:
Gagliano M, Renton M, Depczynski M, Mancuso S (May 2014). "Experience teaches plants to learn faster and forget slower in environments where it matters".
One of the newly synthesized proteins in LTP is also critical for maintaining long-term memory. This protein is an autonomously active form of the enzyme
11330: 10011: 1984:(there are about 147 nucleotides in the DNA sequence wrapped around a single nucleosome) located near the transcription start site of their target gene. 5093: 958:. Long-term memory, on the other hand, is maintained by more stable and permanent changes in neural connections widely spread throughout the brain. The 2371:
Research reported in 2013 revealed that it is possible to artificially stimulate prior memories and artificially implant false memories in mice. Using
which is believed to be important in consolidating short-term to long-term memories, and which is believed to be downregulated in Alzheimer's disease.
8940:, From the search for a molecular code of memory to the role of neurotransmitters: a historical perspective, Neural Plasticity, 2004, 11(3–4), 151–158 6797:
Parkin AJ, Walter BM, Hunkin NM (1995). "Relationships between normal aging, frontal lobe function, and memory for temporal and spatial information".
3169: 2481:
shows that an individual is more likely to remember a list of items when rehearsal is spaced over an extended period of time. In contrast to this is
494: 1750:. The search for genes associated with normally varying memory continues. One of the first candidates for normal variation in memory is the protein 848:
is a fast decaying store of visual information, a type of sensory memory that briefly stores an image that has been perceived for a small duration.
10881: 2271:
region of the brain. Therefore, the more stressful situations that someone encounters, the more susceptible they are to memory loss later on. The
is a fast decaying store of auditory information, also a sensory memory that briefly stores sounds that have been perceived for short durations.
is the method most often used. Methods of memorizing things have been the subject of much discussion over the years with some writers, such as
Research suggests that declarative memory is supported by several functions of the medial temporal lobe system which includes the hippocampus.
7143: 3579:
Liu X, Li L, Tang F, Wu S, Hu Y (2014). "Memory impairment in chronic pain patients and the related neuropsychological mechanisms: a review".
each other?" Furthermore, when asked a week later whether they had seen broken glass in the film, those who had been asked the question with
2184: 3075:"The onset of childhood amnesia in childhood: a prospective investigation of the course and determinants of forgetting of early-life events" 1838:. When such an exposure was experimentally applied, more than 5,000 differently methylated DNA regions appeared in the hippocampus neuronal 5825: 1577:
through the area is actually responsible for the observed deficit. Further, it is not sufficient to describe memory, and its counterpart,
10464: 7374: 994:. Long-term memory formation depends on both the activation of memory promoting genes and the inhibition of memory suppressor genes, and 879: 9693:"The Brain Learns in Unexpected Ways: Neuroscientists have discovered a set of unfamiliar cellular mechanisms for making fresh memories" 7291:"Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19? Neuropsychiatric symptoms and potential immunologic mechanisms" 1561:
are thought to be involved in specific types of memory. For example, the hippocampus is believed to be involved in spatial learning and
11591: 377: 1790:
The long-term stabilization of synaptic changes is also determined by a parallel increase of pre- and postsynaptic structures such as
10745: 8422:
Baluska F, Mancuso S (February 2009). "Plant neurobiology: from sensory biology, via plant communication, to social plant behavior".
of these induced breaks is associated with DNA demethylation of IEG gene promoters allowing immediate expression of these IEG genes.
behavioral evidence that retrieved memory is not a carbon copy of the initial experiences, and memories are updated during retrieval.
1294:– memory for particular events within one's own life – is generally viewed as either equivalent to, or a subset of, episodic memory. 1278:, concerning information specific to a particular context, such as a time and place. Semantic memory allows the encoding of abstract 392: 7904:
Loftus EF, Palmer JC (1974). "Reconstruction of automobile destruction: An example of the interaction between language and memory".
5202: 4748: 1960:
Regulatory sequence in a promoter at a transcription start site with a paused RNA polymerase and a TOP2B-induced double-strand break
of unique and highly emotional events. People remembering where they were or what they were doing when they first heard the news of
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Moriarty O, McGuire BE, Finn DP (2011). "The effect of pain on cognitive function: a review of clinical and preclinical research".
743:, stored, and retrieved when needed. It is the retention of information over time for the purpose of influencing future action. If 6862:
Lu T, Pan Y, Kao SY, Li C, Kohane I, Chan J, et al. (June 2004). "Gene regulation and DNA damage in the ageing human brain".
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There are a loosely associated group of mnemonic principles and techniques that can be used to vastly improve memory known as the
11323: 10004: 1596:
In general, the more emotionally charged an event or experience is, the better it is remembered; this phenomenon is known as the
9563: 11931: 2061:
suggests that accelerated forgetting during early life is at least partly due to rapid growth of the brain during this period.
1270:, since it consists of information that is explicitly stored and retrieved. Declarative memory can be further sub-divided into 6645:
Carver LJ, Bauer PJ (March 1999). "When the event is more than the sum of its parts: 9-month-olds' long-term ordered recall".
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Fagan JF (June 1974). "Infant recognition memory: the effects of length of familiarization and type of discrimination task".
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of the rats at one and at 24 hours after training. These alterations in methylation pattern occurred at many genes that were
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of many genes that had been subjected to methylation-controlled increases or decreases are transported by neural granules (
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thought. It is the section of memory where we carry out thought processes and use them to learn and reason about topics.
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Another major way to distinguish different memory functions is whether the content to be remembered is in the past,
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were twice more likely to report that they had seen broken glass than those who had been asked the question with
The double-strand break introduced by TOP2B apparently frees the part of the promoter at an RNA polymerase-bound
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of long-term memory is episodic memory, "which attempts to capture information such as 'what', 'when' and 'where
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play a central role in determining this capability. Key epigenetic mechanisms involved in memory include the
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This research on the effects of stress on memory may have practical implications for education, for
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Researchers use a variety of tasks to assess older children and adults' memory. Some examples are:
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During a new learning experience, a set of genes is rapidly expressed in the brain. This induced
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and brain efficiency through simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises,
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It has been shown that trap closure can be blocked using uncouplers and inhibitors of
Acquisition which is the process of storage and retrieval of new information in memory
793:, is the conscious storage and recollection of data. Under declarative memory resides 11813: 11790: 11783: 11763: 11758: 11743: 11716: 11661: 11629: 11516: 11463: 11297: 11285: 11256: 11104: 10975: 10950: 10906: 10833: 10811: 10712: 10649: 10617: 10592: 10560: 10545: 10455: 10425: 10363: 10098: 9766: 9756: 9716: 9677: 9587: 9536: 9501: 9458: 9422: 9385: 9360: 9295: 9260: 9201: 9172: 9120: 9080: 9012: 8961: 8927: 8883: 8863: 8843: 8798: 8769: 8726: 8683: 8616: 8570: 8527: 8523: 8489: 8439: 8401: 8302: 8267: 8218: 8214: 8175: 8116: 8038: 7997: 7925: 7886: 7828: 7779: 7727: 7646: 7571: 7530: 7481: 7438: 7392: 7382: 7355: 7320: 7271: 7217: 7126: 7075: 6981: 6946: 6887: 6841: 6771: 6734: 6727: 6707: 6662: 6619: 6510: 6451: 6406: 6394: 6348: 6317:
Madabhushi R, Gao F, Pfenning AR, Pan L, Yamakawa S, Seo J, et al. (June 2015).
6294: 6247: 6235: 6196: 6185: 6133: 6082: 6025: 5974: 5939: 5895: 5817: 5807: 5772: 5634: 5587: 5538: 5501: 5442: 5406: 5337: 5327: 5296: 5258: 5206: 5171: 5161: 5116: 5074: 5009: 4999: 4968: 4925: 4881: 4871: 4846: 4836: 4830: 4800: 4722: 4678: 4651: 4599: 4550: 4501: 4444: 4409: 4368: 4327: 4234: 4183: 4103: 4058: 4001: 3960: 3950: 3931: 3888: 3853: 3839: 3804: 3745: 3696: 3651: 3639: 3596: 3561: 3516: 3504: 3451: 3405: 3333: 3290: 3255: 3192: 3154: 3140: 3104: 3055: 3004: 2953: 2904: 2855: 2804: 2794: 2756: 2723: 2712: 2637: 2597: 2486: 2470: 2418: 2240: 2165: 2038: 2019: 1890: 1714: 1700: 1665: 1558: 1502: 1326: 1316: 1235: 1201: 1197: 1083: 1006: 999: 865: 806: 771: 767: 748: 740: 535: 455: 443: 329: 249: 9470: 9372: 9213: 9092: 9048: 8973: 8895: 8855: 8314: 8230: 7960: 7791: 7493: 7450: 7111: 6993: 6783: 6319:"Activity-Induced DNA Breaks Govern the Expression of Neuronal Early-Response Genes" 6037: 5986: 5308: 5128: 4937: 4817:
T.L. Brink (2008) Psychology: A Student Friendly Approach. "Unit 7: Memory." p. 120
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Brain regions involved in memory formation including medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)
Research has suggested that long-term memory storage in humans may be maintained by
289: 11879: 11818: 11733: 11478: 11437: 11419: 11308: 11236: 11189: 11159: 11114: 10970: 10901: 10854: 10659: 10634: 10520: 10480: 10368: 9706: 9613: 9575: 9526: 9491: 9450: 9412: 9352: 9331: 9307: 9287: 9248: 9193: 9162: 9152: 9112: 9072: 9036: 9002: 8994: 8953: 8915: 8875: 8835: 8810: 8790: 8759: 8755: 8751: 8716: 8708: 8675: 8647: 8628: 8608: 8562: 8519: 8481: 8451: 8431: 8391: 8381: 8294: 8257: 8210: 8165: 8155: 8128: 8108: 8028: 7987: 7948: 7913: 7876: 7868: 7818: 7769: 7748:
Ellenbogen JM, Hulbert JC, Stickgold R, Dinges DF, Thompson-Schill SL (July 2006).
7717: 7707: 7636: 7628: 7561: 7520: 7473: 7430: 7347: 7310: 7302: 7261: 7251: 7207: 7199: 7116: 7106: 7065: 7055: 7045: 6973: 6936: 6926: 6899: 6879: 6833: 6806: 6763: 6699: 6654: 6611: 6584: 6557: 6500: 6490: 6441: 6433: 6386: 6338: 6330: 6284: 6274: 6227: 6215: 6175: 6171: 6167: 6123: 6113: 6072: 6064: 6017: 5966: 5929: 5885: 5875: 5799: 5762: 5752: 5646: 5626: 5606: 5577: 5550: 5530: 5396: 5386: 5288: 5248: 5240: 5198: 5108: 5058: 4980: 4960: 4915: 4790: 4712: 4641: 4633: 4589: 4581: 4540: 4532: 4491: 4483: 4436: 4399: 4358: 4317: 4309: 4269: 4246: 4226: 4175: 4142: 4095: 4048: 4040: 4013: 3991: 3927: 3900: 3880: 3843: 3835: 3794: 3784: 3735: 3727: 3686: 3682: 3678: 3631: 3588: 3551: 3543: 3494: 3486: 3443: 3395: 3385: 3345: 3325: 3282: 3245: 3237: 3184: 3132: 3094: 3086: 3045: 3035: 2994: 2984: 2943: 2935: 2894: 2886: 2845: 2835: 2681: 2510: 2506: 2490: 2414: 2396: 2297: 2196: 2192: 2070: 1847: 1791: 1776: 1743: 1696: 1600:. Patients with amygdala damage, however, do not show a memory enhancement effect. 1334: 1192: 1076: 987: 928: 912: 903: 887: 779: 590: 575: 244: 164: 9832: 8485: 6631: 6543: 6541: 6539: 4994:
Schacter DL, Gilbert DT, Wegner DM (2010). "Implicit Memory and Explicit Memory".
3170:"Implicit and explicit memory for new associations in normal and amnesic subjects" 2623:, memory systems that have evolved to help retain survival-and-fitness information 2465:
is a method of learning that allows an individual to recall information verbatim.
11921: 11823: 11768: 11738: 11726: 11681: 11666: 11522: 11174: 11154: 11129: 11119: 11074: 11069: 10823: 10795: 10530: 10513: 10508: 10503: 10498: 10373: 10326: 10151: 9815: 8566: 7952: 7203: 6495: 5934: 5917: 5679: 5521:
LaBar KS, Cabeza R (January 2006). "Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory".
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that are released during stress cause damage to neurons that are located in the
could not be remembered, it would be impossible for language, relationships, or
11554: 11340: 11241: 11205: 11099: 10697: 10644: 10470: 10440: 10420: 10407: 9356: 9335: 9236: 9197: 9076: 8998: 8879: 8679: 8366:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
7872: 7632: 6915:"H. M.'s medial temporal lobe lesion: findings from magnetic resonance imaging" 6536: 6334: 5858:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
4795: 4778: 3884: 3547: 3370:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
3188: 2728: 2718: 2687: 2518: 2494: 2478: 2410: 2280: 2169: 1802:. On the molecular level, an increase of the postsynaptic scaffolding proteins 1669: 1603: 1338: 1337:
accessing aspects of those previous experiences. Procedural memory involved in
1182: 1103: 968: 964: 831: 775: 334: 284: 259: 9770: 9618: 9591: 9579: 9454: 9314:
Olick, Jeffrey K., Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi, & Levy, Daniel (Eds.) (2010).
8612: 8435: 7774: 7749: 7712: 7477: 7306: 7256: 6810: 6767: 6231: 4964: 4637: 4274: 4179: 3996: 3979: 3015: 2302:
Making memories occurs through a three-step process, which can be enhanced by
2216:, when learning new information makes it harder to recall old information and 518: 11915: 11778: 11656: 11651: 11220: 11210: 11184: 11179: 11139: 11124: 11089: 11012: 10859: 10687: 10550: 10525: 10488: 10445: 10435: 10430: 10415: 10248: 10181: 10176: 10103: 9976: 9819: 9799: 9252: 8919: 8794: 8160: 7396: 7147: 6588: 6279: 5391: 5300: 5175: 5120: 5013: 3964: 3329: 2840: 2808: 2678:, a statistical property in which intertemporal dependence decays only slowly 2572: 2560: 2525: 2466: 2426: 2376: 2150: 2108: 2050: 1410:
Techniques used to assess infants' recognition memory include the following:
1374: 1346: 1295: 1027: 1023: 972:
connections for a period of three months or more after the initial learning.
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Eysenck, M.W. (2012). Fundamentals of cognition. New York: Psychology Press.
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Yin JC, Tully T (April 1996). "CREB and the formation of long-term memory".
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in plants, adding to the hypothesis that plants are capable of remembering.
1369:. John Meacham introduced this distinction in a paper presented at the 1975 11721: 11251: 11215: 11169: 11079: 10922: 10737: 10692: 10679: 10669: 10629: 10349: 9720: 9596: 9540: 9505: 9462: 9426: 9364: 9299: 9205: 9176: 9084: 9063:
Dudai Y (April 2006). "Reconsolidation: the advantage of being refocused".
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Tulving E, Schacter DL (January 1990). "Priming and human memory systems".
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Tulving E, Schacter DL (January 1990). "Priming and human memory systems".
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Stressful life experiences may be a cause of memory loss as a person ages.
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The social psychology of experience: Studies in remembering and forgetting
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is a type of sensory memory that represents a database for touch stimuli.
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they have seen before or to say a list of words they have heard before.
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Many other plants exhibit the capacity to remember, including
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(1904). 9532:10.1101/lm.1257509 9235:Mandler G (2011). 8034:10.3758/bf03212420 7993:10.3758/bf03211367 7589:Carlson N (2013). 7567:10.1101/lm.1257509 6377:(5781): 1798–802. 5583:10.1101/lm.4.3.291 5373:Kesner RP (2013). 4829:Neisser U (1982). 4405:10.1093/hmg/ddi228 2940:10.1242/dmm.035055 2891:10.1037/neu0000117 2789:Eysenck M (2012). 2703:Politics of memory 2671:Involuntary memory 2407:cognitive function 2174:lobes of the brain 2141:disorders such as 2033:Memory development 1993: 1962: 1622:retrograde amnesia 1516: 1478:Detection paradigm 1367:prospective memory 1254:Declarative memory 1249:Declarative memory 1193:Flashbulb memories 1114: 1065: 932: 813:is the process of 722: 541:Object recognition 180:Motor coordination 11909: 11908: 11903: 11902: 11662:Critical thinking 11630:Cognitive liberty 11567: 11566: 11563: 11562: 11517:Neuroregeneration 11464:Neurotransmission 11306: 11305: 11270: 11269: 11257:Cosmos Rossellius 11105:Marcia K. Johnson 10976:Exosomatic memory 10961:Context-dependent 10951:Absent-mindedness 10834:Memory conformity 10812:Collective memory 10713:Memory conformity 10650:Memory inhibition 10569: 10568: 10561:Tip of the tongue 10316: 10315: 10232:Areas of research 10182:Visual processing 10099:Cognitive liberty 9786:Library resources 9762:978-0-385-54863-2 9683:978-0-06-223789-7 9676:. HarperCollins. 9645: 9418:10.1101/lm.7.2.73 9391:978-0-7487-9463-8 8430:(Suppl 1): S3-7. 8263:10.1101/lm.7.2.73 7388:978-0-08-041046-3 6870:(6994): 883–991. 6740:978-0-86377-495-9 6659:10.1080/741944070 6273:(12): 3990–4000. 5813:978-0-444-53164-3 5796:Essence of Memory 5678:Tzofit O (2014). 5660:Kalat JW (2001). 5507:978-1-133-95660-0 5496:Kalat JW (2013). 5425:"Recall (memory)" 5333:978-0-8058-5733-7 5322:Bauer PJ (2007). 5167:978-1-85302-219-7 5051:Child Development 5005:978-1-4292-3719-2 4877:978-0-470-15187-7 4842:978-0-7167-1372-2 4626:Epigenet Insights 4398:(15): 2241–2246. 4266:Knowable Magazine 4217:(6699): 272–274. 4129:Conrad R (1964). 3956:978-0-205-68557-8 3542:(12): 2603–2605. 3146:978-0-19-852801-2 2800:978-3-642-68390-9 2762:978-1-305-44551-2 2724:Short-term memory 2713:Procedural memory 2638:Collective memory 2598:Psychology portal 2511:Action potentials 2507:neurotransmitters 2487:spaced repetition 2471:Cosmos Rossellius 2241:SECPT stress test 2166:tip-of-the-tongue 2039:Childhood amnesia 2020:fear conditioning 2009:mediator proteins 1715:Short-term memory 1701:prefrontal cortex 1559:mammillary bodies 1526:Absent-mindedness 1503:Eyewitness memory 1394:To assess infants 1327:implicit learning 1317:procedural memory 1202:President Kennedy 1198:episodic memories 1131:Irrelevant speech 1084:procedural memory 1063:Multi-store model 1049:Multi-store model 1000:DNA demethylation 876:Bell Laboratories 866:Short-term memory 860:Short-term memory 807:procedural memory 768:sensory processor 749:personal identity 714: 713: 505: 504: 337:("H.M.", patient) 330:Hans-Lukas Teuber 250:Elkhonon Goldberg 16:(Redirected from 11944: 11927:Mental processes 11600:Mental processes 11594: 11587: 11580: 11571: 11570: 11479:Action potential 11457:Other short term 11420:Evoked potential 11416: 11415: 11333: 11326: 11319: 11310: 11309: 11296: 11295: 11294: 11284: 11283: 11282: 11237:Jonathan Hancock 11190:Robert Stickgold 11160:Richard Shiffrin 11115:Elizabeth Loftus 11055: 11054: 10971:Childhood memory 10778:Research methods 10660:Repressed memory 10635:Forgetting curve 10623:transient global 10494:Autobiographical 10404: 10403: 10343: 10336: 10329: 10320: 10319: 10302: 10301: 10223:Triarchic theory 10014: 10007: 10000: 9991: 9990: 9978: 9977: 9972: 9971:from Wikiversity 9964: 9963: 9962: 9955: 9947: 9946: 9945: 9938: 9930: 9929: 9928: 9921: 9913: 9912: 9911: 9904: 9896: 9895: 9894: 9887: 9879: 9878: 9877: 9870: 9862: 9861: 9860: 9850: 9829: 9774: 9747: 9734: 9714: 9687: 9668: 9646: 9623: 9621: 9583: 9544: 9534: 9509: 9499: 9474: 9430: 9420: 9399:Sara SJ (2000). 9395: 9376: 9339: 9311: 9292:10.1038/35044580 9264: 9217: 9180: 9170: 9160: 9128: 9096: 9052: 9020: 9010: 8977: 8931: 8899: 8859: 8814: 8777: 8767: 8734: 8724: 8707:(1481): 773–86. 8691: 8633: 8632: 8588: 8579: 8578: 8542: 8536: 8535: 8507: 8498: 8497: 8469: 8456: 8455: 8419: 8410: 8409: 8399: 8389: 8357: 8351: 8350: 8348: 8346: 8340: 8334:. Archived from 8333: 8325: 8319: 8318: 8282: 8276: 8275: 8265: 8241: 8235: 8234: 8190: 8184: 8183: 8173: 8163: 8139: 8133: 8132: 8096: 8085: 8079: 8073: 8072: 8070: 8068: 8053: 8047: 8046: 8036: 8012: 8006: 8005: 7995: 7971: 7965: 7964: 7936: 7930: 7929: 7901: 7895: 7894: 7884: 7852: 7846: 7843: 7837: 7836: 7826: 7802: 7796: 7795: 7777: 7745: 7736: 7735: 7725: 7715: 7691: 7685: 7684: 7682: 7680: 7664: 7655: 7654: 7644: 7604: 7595: 7594: 7586: 7580: 7579: 7569: 7545: 7539: 7538: 7528: 7504: 7498: 7497: 7461: 7455: 7454: 7418: 7412: 7411: 7409: 7408: 7399:. Archived from 7370: 7364: 7363: 7352:10.1037/h0044616 7335: 7329: 7328: 7318: 7286: 7280: 7279: 7269: 7259: 7235: 7226: 7225: 7215: 7183: 7177: 7176: 7174: 7172: 7157: 7151: 7141: 7135: 7134: 7124: 7114: 7090: 7084: 7083: 7073: 7063: 7053: 7029: 7023: 7022: 7020: 7019: 7004: 6998: 6997: 6961: 6955: 6954: 6944: 6934: 6910: 6904: 6903: 6859: 6850: 6849: 6838:10.1037/h0084154 6821: 6815: 6814: 6794: 6788: 6787: 6751: 6745: 6744: 6732: 6722: 6716: 6715: 6697: 6677: 6671: 6670: 6642: 6636: 6635: 6599: 6593: 6592: 6572: 6566: 6565: 6545: 6534: 6533: 6528:Teti DM (2005). 6525: 6519: 6518: 6508: 6498: 6466: 6460: 6459: 6449: 6417: 6411: 6410: 6366: 6357: 6356: 6346: 6314: 6303: 6302: 6292: 6282: 6258: 6252: 6251: 6226:(6): 1011–1023. 6211: 6205: 6204: 6193: 6183: 6151: 6142: 6141: 6131: 6121: 6097: 6091: 6090: 6080: 6048: 6042: 6041: 5997: 5991: 5990: 5954: 5948: 5947: 5937: 5913: 5904: 5903: 5893: 5883: 5873: 5849: 5843: 5841: 5836: 5830: 5829: 5787: 5781: 5780: 5770: 5760: 5736: 5730: 5729: 5722: 5716: 5715: 5713: 5712: 5701: 5695: 5694: 5684: 5675: 5666: 5665: 5657: 5651: 5650: 5631:10.1038/377295a0 5602: 5596: 5595: 5585: 5561: 5555: 5554: 5518: 5512: 5511: 5493: 5480: 5479: 5468: 5462: 5455: 5449: 5439: 5433: 5432: 5421: 5415: 5414: 5404: 5394: 5370: 5364: 5363: 5352: 5346: 5345: 5319: 5313: 5312: 5276: 5267: 5266: 5256: 5224: 5215: 5214: 5186: 5180: 5179: 5153: 5147: 5146: 5144: 5143: 5137: 5131:. Archived from 5098: 5089: 5083: 5082: 5046: 5040: 5033: 5027: 5024: 5018: 5017: 4991: 4985: 4984: 4948: 4942: 4941: 4923: 4899: 4890: 4889: 4861: 4855: 4854: 4826: 4820: 4815: 4809: 4808: 4798: 4774: 4768: 4767: 4765: 4764: 4755:. Archived from 4745: 4739: 4738: 4720: 4696: 4687: 4686: 4666: 4660: 4659: 4649: 4617: 4608: 4607: 4597: 4565: 4559: 4558: 4548: 4516: 4510: 4509: 4499: 4467: 4461: 4460: 4435:(9): 2389–2402. 4429:Neuropsychologia 4424: 4418: 4417: 4407: 4383: 4377: 4376: 4366: 4342: 4336: 4335: 4325: 4293: 4287: 4286: 4284: 4282: 4277: 4257: 4251: 4250: 4206: 4200: 4199: 4159: 4153: 4152: 4150: 4126: 4120: 4119: 4100:10.1037/h0043158 4093: 4073: 4067: 4066: 4056: 4024: 4018: 4017: 3999: 3975: 3969: 3968: 3942: 3936: 3935: 3911: 3905: 3904: 3868: 3862: 3861: 3851: 3819: 3813: 3812: 3802: 3792: 3760: 3754: 3753: 3743: 3711: 3705: 3704: 3694: 3662: 3656: 3655: 3619: 3613: 3612: 3576: 3570: 3569: 3559: 3527: 3521: 3520: 3502: 3474: 3468: 3467: 3423: 3414: 3413: 3403: 3393: 3361: 3350: 3349: 3313: 3307: 3306: 3270: 3264: 3263: 3253: 3221: 3215: 3214: 3212: 3211: 3205: 3199:. Archived from 3174: 3165: 3159: 3158: 3122: 3113: 3112: 3102: 3070: 3064: 3063: 3053: 3043: 3019: 3013: 3012: 3002: 2992: 2968: 2962: 2961: 2951: 2919: 2913: 2912: 2902: 2870: 2864: 2863: 2853: 2843: 2819: 2813: 2812: 2786: 2767: 2766: 2746: 2682:Long-term memory 2614: 2609: 2608: 2607: 2600: 2595: 2594: 2593: 2528:. Native to the 2491:Zeigarnik effect 2449:to reduce stress 2419:stress reduction 2415:physical fitness 2397:Improving memory 2298:Sleep and memory 2131:memory disorders 2109:oxidative damage 2071:Memory and aging 1848:5-methylcytosine 1779:(PKC), known as 1777:protein kinase C 1697:long-term memory 1567:emotional memory 1389:Study techniques 1032:dendritic spines 988:long-term memory 942: 929:Washington, D.C. 913:Olin Levi Warner 904:Long-term memory 898:Long-term memory 888:telephone number 872:George A. Miller 789:Declarative, or 780:long-term memory 706: 699: 692: 546:Face recognition 521: 507: 506: 497: 490: 483: 466: 465: 464: 454: 453: 452: 442: 441: 440: 362: 346: 338: 245:Norman Geschwind 225:Arthur L. Benton 214: 165:Natural language 134: 62: 53: 39: 38: 21: 18:Memory retention 11952: 11951: 11947: 11946: 11945: 11943: 11942: 11941: 11912: 11911: 11910: 11905: 11904: 11899: 11828: 11795: 11703: 11682:Problem solving 11667:Decision-making 11601: 11598: 11568: 11559: 11543: 11523:Neuroplasticity 11500: 11452: 11407: 11386: 11343: 11337: 11307: 11302: 11292: 11290: 11280: 11278: 11266: 11247:Dominic O'Brien 11225: 11194: 11175:Susumu Tonegawa 11155:Daniel Schacter 11130:Eleanor Maguire 11120:Geoffrey Loftus 11075:Stephen J. Ceci 11070:Robert A. Bjork 11046: 10965:state-dependent 10939: 10911: 10843: 10824:Cultural memory 10800: 10796:Memory disorder 10772: 10732: 10674: 10565: 10475: 10450: 10395: 10352: 10347: 10317: 10312: 10290: 10227: 10186: 10152:Problem solving 10086: 10077: 10026: 10018: 9983: 9975: 9965: 9960: 9958: 9948: 9943: 9941: 9937:from Wikisource 9931: 9926: 9924: 9914: 9909: 9907: 9897: 9892: 9890: 9880: 9875: 9873: 9869:from Wiktionary 9863: 9858: 9856: 9853: 9849:sister projects 9846:at Knowledge's 9811: 9810: 9809: 9794: 9793: 9789: 9782: 9777: 9763: 9684: 9633: 9631: 9629:Further reading 9626: 9392: 9271:. London: Sage. 8826:(4940): 301–6. 8750:(41): 12711–6. 8642: 8637: 8636: 8589: 8582: 8543: 8539: 8508: 8501: 8470: 8459: 8420: 8413: 8372:(24): 8776–80. 8358: 8354: 8344: 8342: 8341:on 19 July 2007 8338: 8331: 8327: 8326: 8322: 8283: 8279: 8242: 8238: 8191: 8187: 8140: 8136: 8113:10.1038/nrn2090 8097: 8088: 8080: 8076: 8066: 8064: 8054: 8050: 8013: 8009: 7972: 7968: 7937: 7933: 7902: 7898: 7853: 7849: 7844: 7840: 7803: 7799: 7754:Current Biology 7746: 7739: 7692: 7688: 7678: 7676: 7665: 7658: 7605: 7598: 7587: 7583: 7546: 7542: 7505: 7501: 7462: 7458: 7419: 7415: 7406: 7404: 7389: 7371: 7367: 7336: 7332: 7287: 7283: 7236: 7229: 7184: 7180: 7170: 7168: 7159: 7158: 7154: 7142: 7138: 7091: 7087: 7030: 7026: 7017: 7015: 7006: 7005: 7001: 6962: 6958: 6925:(10): 3964–79. 6911: 6907: 6860: 6853: 6822: 6818: 6799:Neuropsychology 6795: 6791: 6752: 6748: 6741: 6723: 6719: 6695: 6678: 6674: 6643: 6639: 6600: 6596: 6573: 6569: 6546: 6537: 6526: 6522: 6481:(7): e0249691. 6467: 6463: 6438:10.1038/nrm3951 6418: 6414: 6367: 6360: 6329:(7): 1592–605. 6315: 6306: 6259: 6255: 6220:Nature Genetics 6212: 6208: 6195:(Erratum:  6194: 6152: 6145: 6098: 6094: 6049: 6045: 6008:(5672): 881–3. 5998: 5994: 5955: 5951: 5914: 5907: 5850: 5846: 5839: 5837: 5833: 5814: 5788: 5784: 5737: 5733: 5724: 5723: 5719: 5710: 5708: 5703: 5702: 5698: 5682: 5676: 5669: 5658: 5654: 5617:(6547): 295–6. 5603: 5599: 5562: 5558: 5535:10.1038/nrn1825 5519: 5515: 5508: 5494: 5483: 5470: 5469: 5465: 5456: 5452: 5440: 5436: 5423: 5422: 5418: 5371: 5367: 5354: 5353: 5349: 5334: 5320: 5316: 5277: 5270: 5225: 5218: 5187: 5183: 5168: 5154: 5150: 5141: 5139: 5135: 5096: 5090: 5086: 5063:10.2307/1127955 5047: 5043: 5034: 5030: 5025: 5021: 5006: 4992: 4988: 4949: 4945: 4900: 4893: 4878: 4862: 4858: 4843: 4827: 4823: 4816: 4812: 4775: 4771: 4762: 4760: 4747: 4746: 4742: 4711:(11): 417–423. 4697: 4690: 4667: 4663: 4618: 4611: 4566: 4562: 4531:(10): 587–593. 4517: 4513: 4468: 4464: 4425: 4421: 4384: 4380: 4343: 4339: 4294: 4290: 4280: 4278: 4258: 4254: 4207: 4203: 4160: 4156: 4127: 4123: 4091: 4074: 4070: 4045:10.1038/nn.3655 4025: 4021: 3976: 3972: 3957: 3943: 3939: 3912: 3908: 3869: 3865: 3820: 3816: 3761: 3757: 3712: 3708: 3663: 3659: 3620: 3616: 3577: 3573: 3530:Low LA (2013). 3528: 3524: 3475: 3471: 3434:(4940): 301–6. 3424: 3417: 3362: 3353: 3314: 3310: 3287:10.1038/nrn2213 3271: 3267: 3222: 3218: 3209: 3207: 3203: 3172: 3166: 3162: 3147: 3123: 3116: 3071: 3067: 3020: 3016: 2969: 2965: 2920: 2916: 2879:Neuropsychology 2871: 2867: 2820: 2816: 2801: 2787: 2770: 2763: 2747: 2743: 2738: 2733: 2708:Prenatal memory 2660:Implicit memory 2644:Explicit memory 2621:Adaptive memory 2612:Medicine portal 2610: 2605: 2603: 2596: 2591: 2589: 2586: 2503: 2399: 2393: 2336: 2300: 2294: 2265:Glucocorticoids 2232: 2226: 2210: 2205: 2197:influenza virus 2127: 2125:Memory disorder 2121: 2073: 2067: 2042: 2035: 2029: 1947:neuroplasticity 1930:gene expression 1926: 1875: 1869: 1824: 1796:dendritic spine 1762: 1739: 1729: 1711:reconsolidation 1674:episodic memory 1636: 1630: 1539: 1505: 1499: 1447: 1396: 1391: 1359: 1341:depends on the 1322:implicit memory 1313: 1276:episodic memory 1272:semantic memory 1267:explicit memory 1260:, in that some 1251: 1245: 1222: 1180: 1163: 1106: 1100: 1057: 1051: 996:DNA methylation 977:DNA methylation 940: 906: 900: 868: 862: 839:George Sperling 834: 828: 799:episodic memory 791:explicit memory 710: 650:Problem solving 645:Decision making 501: 472: 462: 460: 450: 448: 438: 436: 428: 427: 363: 358: 351: 350: 344: 336: 335:Henry Molaison 325:Roger W. Sperry 320:Mark Rosenzweig 305:Karl H. Pribram 295:Alexander Luria 265:Kenneth Heilman 235:Antonio Damasio 215: 212: 205: 204: 195:Problem solving 155:Decision making 135: 132:Brain functions 130: 123: 122: 103:Neurophysiology 63: 60: 43:Neuropsychology 37: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 11950: 11940: 11939: 11934: 11929: 11924: 11907: 11906: 11901: 11900: 11898: 11897: 11892: 11887: 11882: 11877: 11872: 11870:Mental fatigue 11867: 11862: 11857: 11852: 11847: 11842: 11836: 11834: 11830: 11829: 11827: 11826: 11821: 11816: 11811: 11805: 11803: 11797: 11796: 11794: 11793: 11788: 11787: 11786: 11781: 11776: 11766: 11761: 11756: 11751: 11741: 11736: 11731: 11730: 11729: 11719: 11713: 11711: 11705: 11704: 11702: 11701: 11696: 11695: 11694: 11689: 11679: 11674: 11669: 11664: 11659: 11654: 11649: 11644: 11643: 11642: 11632: 11627: 11622: 11617: 11611: 11609: 11603: 11602: 11597: 11596: 11589: 11582: 11574: 11565: 11564: 11561: 11560: 11558: 11557: 11555:Myelinogenesis 11551: 11549: 11545: 11544: 11542: 11541: 11540: 11539: 11534: 11520: 11514: 11508: 11506: 11502: 11501: 11499: 11498: 11497: 11496: 11491: 11481: 11476: 11471: 11466: 11460: 11458: 11454: 11453: 11451: 11450: 11445: 11440: 11435: 11430: 11424: 11422: 11413: 11409: 11408: 11406: 11405: 11400: 11394: 11392: 11388: 11387: 11385: 11384: 11379: 11374: 11369: 11364: 11363: 11362: 11351: 11349: 11345: 11344: 11341:nervous system 11336: 11335: 11328: 11321: 11313: 11304: 11303: 11301: 11300: 11288: 11275: 11272: 11271: 11268: 11267: 11265: 11264: 11259: 11254: 11249: 11244: 11242:Paul R. McHugh 11239: 11233: 11231: 11227: 11226: 11224: 11223: 11218: 11213: 11208: 11202: 11200: 11196: 11195: 11193: 11192: 11187: 11182: 11177: 11172: 11167: 11162: 11157: 11152: 11147: 11142: 11137: 11132: 11127: 11122: 11117: 11112: 11107: 11102: 11100:Ivan Izquierdo 11097: 11092: 11087: 11082: 11077: 11072: 11067: 11061: 11059: 11052: 11048: 11047: 11045: 11044: 11037: 11027: 11026: 11025: 11015: 11010: 11005: 11000: 10999: 10998: 10988: 10983: 10978: 10973: 10968: 10958: 10953: 10947: 10945: 10941: 10940: 10938: 10937: 10932: 10931: 10930: 10919: 10917: 10913: 10912: 10910: 10909: 10904: 10899: 10894: 10889: 10884: 10879: 10874: 10873: 10872: 10867: 10857: 10851: 10849: 10845: 10844: 10842: 10841: 10836: 10831: 10826: 10821: 10820: 10819: 10808: 10806: 10802: 10801: 10799: 10798: 10793: 10788: 10782: 10780: 10774: 10773: 10771: 10770: 10765: 10764: 10763: 10753: 10748: 10742: 10740: 10734: 10733: 10731: 10730: 10725: 10720: 10715: 10710: 10705: 10700: 10698:Hindsight bias 10695: 10690: 10684: 10682: 10676: 10675: 10673: 10672: 10667: 10662: 10657: 10652: 10647: 10645:Memory erasure 10642: 10637: 10632: 10627: 10626: 10625: 10620: 10615: 10610: 10605: 10603:post-traumatic 10600: 10595: 10590: 10579: 10577: 10571: 10570: 10567: 10566: 10564: 10563: 10558: 10553: 10548: 10543: 10541:Personal-event 10538: 10533: 10528: 10523: 10518: 10517: 10516: 10511: 10506: 10496: 10491: 10485: 10483: 10477: 10476: 10474: 10473: 10471:Working memory 10468: 10460: 10458: 10452: 10451: 10449: 10448: 10443: 10441:Motor learning 10438: 10433: 10428: 10423: 10418: 10412: 10410: 10401: 10397: 10396: 10394: 10393: 10388: 10383: 10377: 10376: 10371: 10366: 10360: 10358: 10357:Basic concepts 10354: 10353: 10346: 10345: 10338: 10331: 10323: 10314: 10313: 10311: 10310: 10295: 10292: 10291: 10289: 10288: 10251: 10246: 10241: 10235: 10233: 10229: 10228: 10226: 10225: 10220: 10215: 10210: 10205: 10200: 10194: 10192: 10188: 10187: 10185: 10184: 10179: 10174: 10164: 10159: 10154: 10149: 10144: 10139: 10134: 10129: 10124: 10116: 10111: 10106: 10101: 10096: 10090: 10088: 10087:and constructs 10079: 10078: 10076: 10075: 10065: 10060: 10055: 10050: 10045: 10040: 10034: 10032: 10028: 10027: 10017: 10016: 10009: 10002: 9994: 9988: 9985: 9984: 9974: 9973: 9956: 9954:from Wikibooks 9939: 9922: 9920:from Wikiquote 9905: 9888: 9871: 9842: 9840: 9839: 9830: 9808: 9807: 9802: 9796: 9795: 9784: 9783: 9781: 9780:External links 9778: 9776: 9775: 9761: 9748: 9735: 9688: 9682: 9669: 9655: 9630: 9627: 9625: 9624: 9590:(2008-03-26). 9584: 9574:(6): 607–617. 9559: 9552: 9545: 9510: 9475: 9438: 9431: 9396: 9390: 9377: 9340: 9330:(6): 898–907. 9319: 9312: 9275: 9272: 9265: 9247:(4): 232–235. 9232: 9228: 9225: 9218: 9181: 9151:(3): 1081–97. 9136: 9129: 9100: 9097: 9060: 9053: 9035:(6): 671–684. 9024: 9021: 8993:(1): 195–206. 8978: 8941: 8935: 8932: 8903: 8900: 8860: 8815: 8778: 8735: 8692: 8663: 8660: 8657: 8654: 8643: 8641: 8638: 8635: 8634: 8580: 8537: 8499: 8480:(3): 220–234. 8457: 8411: 8352: 8320: 8277: 8236: 8185: 8134: 8086: 8074: 8048: 8007: 7966: 7947:(4): 121–123. 7931: 7912:(5): 585–589. 7896: 7847: 7838: 7797: 7760:(13): 1290–4. 7737: 7706:(2): 192–203. 7686: 7656: 7596: 7581: 7540: 7499: 7456: 7413: 7387: 7365: 7330: 7281: 7227: 7198:(2): 166–181. 7178: 7152: 7136: 7105:(4): 465–473. 7085: 7024: 6999: 6956: 6905: 6851: 6816: 6805:(3): 304–312. 6789: 6762:(Pt A): 4–14. 6746: 6739: 6717: 6672: 6637: 6594: 6583:(4): 347–373. 6567: 6556:(2): 159–170. 6535: 6520: 6461: 6412: 6358: 6304: 6253: 6206: 6166:(6): 970–983. 6143: 6112:(4): a012583. 6092: 6063:(7): 278–288. 6043: 5992: 5949: 5905: 5844: 5831: 5812: 5782: 5751:(6): a005751. 5731: 5717: 5696: 5667: 5652: 5607:Markowitsch HJ 5597: 5576:(3): 291–300. 5556: 5513: 5506: 5481: 5463: 5450: 5434: 5416: 5365: 5347: 5332: 5314: 5287:(4): 137–141. 5268: 5239:(3): 497–515. 5216: 5181: 5166: 5148: 5084: 5041: 5028: 5019: 5004: 4986: 4943: 4914:(3): 198–204. 4891: 4876: 4856: 4841: 4821: 4810: 4769: 4740: 4688: 4677:(7): 171–172. 4661: 4609: 4580:(7): 278–288. 4560: 4511: 4482:(1): a021741. 4462: 4419: 4378: 4357:(6): 857–869. 4337: 4288: 4252: 4201: 4174:(4): 302–309. 4154: 4121: 4068: 4039:(3): 347–356. 4019: 3970: 3955: 3937: 3926:(2): 255–267. 3906: 3863: 3814: 3755: 3706: 3657: 3630:(8): 707–715. 3614: 3587:(4): 195–201. 3571: 3522: 3485:(3): 385–404. 3479:Prog Neurobiol 3469: 3415: 3351: 3308: 3265: 3216: 3160: 3145: 3114: 3065: 3014: 2977:Brain Sciences 2963: 2914: 2865: 2814: 2799: 2768: 2761: 2740: 2739: 2737: 2734: 2732: 2731: 2729:Working memory 2726: 2721: 2719:Sensory memory 2716: 2710: 2705: 2700: 2695: 2690: 2688:Method of loci 2685: 2679: 2673: 2668: 2663: 2657: 2651: 2646: 2641: 2635: 2629: 2624: 2617: 2616: 2615: 2601: 2585: 2582: 2559:production of 2519:photosynthesis 2502: 2499: 2495:Method of loci 2479:spacing effect 2460: 2459: 2456: 2453: 2450: 2447: 2444: 2441: 2411:healthy eating 2395:Main article: 2392: 2389: 2335: 2332: 2327:false memories 2322: 2321: 2316: 2311: 2296:Main article: 2293: 2290: 2281:NMDA receptors 2228:Main article: 2225: 2222: 2209: 2206: 2204: 2201: 2170:anomic aphasia 2123:Main article: 2120: 2117: 2097:frontal cortex 2069:Main article: 2066: 2063: 2031:Main article: 2028: 2025: 1925: 1922: 1871:Main article: 1868: 1865: 1823: 1820: 1761: 1758: 1728: 1725: 1724: 1723: 1704: 1689: 1670:working memory 1668:. Encoding of 1640:representation 1632:Main article: 1629: 1626: 1538: 1535: 1534: 1533: 1523: 1498: 1495: 1494: 1493: 1487: 1484:Savings method 1481: 1475: 1469: 1463: 1457: 1446: 1443: 1442: 1441: 1435: 1425: 1424: 1418: 1395: 1392: 1390: 1387: 1358: 1355: 1339:motor learning 1312: 1309: 1247:Main article: 1244: 1241: 1221: 1218: 1179: 1176: 1162: 1159: 1104:Working memory 1102:Main article: 1099: 1098:Working memory 1096: 1050: 1047: 1024:messenger RNAs 969:Henry Molaison 965:attention span 902:Main article: 899: 896: 864:Main article: 861: 858: 832:Sensory memory 830:Main article: 827: 826:Sensory memory 824: 778:) memory, and 712: 711: 709: 708: 701: 694: 686: 683: 682: 681: 680: 675: 670: 662: 661: 655: 654: 653: 652: 647: 642: 637: 632: 624: 623: 617: 616: 610: 609: 603: 602: 596: 595: 594: 593: 588: 583: 578: 570: 569: 563: 562: 556: 555: 554: 553: 548: 543: 538: 530: 529: 523: 522: 514: 513: 503: 502: 500: 499: 492: 485: 477: 474: 473: 471: 470: 458: 446: 433: 430: 429: 426: 425: 420: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 380: 375: 370: 364: 357: 356: 353: 352: 349: 348: 340: 332: 327: 322: 317: 312: 307: 302: 297: 292: 290:Rodolfo LlinΓ‘s 287: 285:Benjamin Libet 282: 277: 272: 267: 262: 260:Donald O. Hebb 257: 252: 247: 242: 237: 232: 227: 222: 216: 211: 210: 207: 206: 203: 202: 197: 192: 187: 182: 177: 172: 167: 162: 157: 152: 147: 142: 136: 129: 128: 125: 124: 121: 120: 115: 110: 105: 100: 95: 90: 85: 80: 75: 70: 64: 59: 58: 55: 54: 46: 45: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 11949: 11938: 11935: 11933: 11930: 11928: 11925: 11923: 11920: 11919: 11917: 11896: 11893: 11891: 11888: 11886: 11883: 11881: 11878: 11876: 11873: 11871: 11868: 11866: 11863: 11861: 11858: 11856: 11853: 11851: 11848: 11846: 11843: 11841: 11838: 11837: 11835: 11831: 11825: 11822: 11820: 11817: 11815: 11812: 11810: 11809:Consolidation 11807: 11806: 11804: 11802: 11798: 11792: 11789: 11785: 11782: 11780: 11777: 11775: 11772: 11771: 11770: 11767: 11765: 11762: 11760: 11757: 11755: 11752: 11749: 11745: 11742: 11740: 11737: 11735: 11732: 11728: 11725: 11724: 11723: 11720: 11718: 11715: 11714: 11712: 11710: 11706: 11700: 11697: 11693: 11690: 11688: 11685: 11684: 11683: 11680: 11678: 11675: 11673: 11670: 11668: 11665: 11663: 11660: 11658: 11657:Consciousness 11655: 11653: 11652:Comprehension 11650: 11648: 11645: 11641: 11638: 11637: 11636: 11633: 11631: 11628: 11626: 11623: 11621: 11618: 11616: 11613: 11612: 11610: 11608: 11604: 11595: 11590: 11588: 11583: 11581: 11576: 11575: 11572: 11556: 11553: 11552: 11550: 11546: 11538: 11535: 11533: 11530: 11529: 11528: 11524: 11521: 11518: 11515: 11513: 11510: 11509: 11507: 11503: 11495: 11492: 11490: 11487: 11486: 11485: 11482: 11480: 11477: 11475: 11472: 11470: 11467: 11465: 11462: 11461: 11459: 11455: 11449: 11446: 11444: 11441: 11439: 11436: 11434: 11431: 11429: 11426: 11425: 11423: 11421: 11417: 11414: 11410: 11404: 11401: 11399: 11396: 11395: 11393: 11391:Primarily PNS 11389: 11383: 11380: 11378: 11375: 11373: 11370: 11368: 11365: 11361: 11358: 11357: 11356: 11353: 11352: 11350: 11348:Primarily CNS 11346: 11342: 11334: 11329: 11327: 11322: 11320: 11315: 11314: 11311: 11299: 11289: 11287: 11277: 11276: 11273: 11263: 11260: 11258: 11255: 11253: 11250: 11248: 11245: 11243: 11240: 11238: 11235: 11234: 11232: 11228: 11222: 11221:Clive Wearing 11219: 11217: 11214: 11212: 11209: 11207: 11204: 11203: 11201: 11197: 11191: 11188: 11186: 11185:Endel Tulving 11183: 11181: 11180:Anne Treisman 11178: 11176: 11173: 11171: 11168: 11166: 11163: 11161: 11158: 11156: 11153: 11151: 11148: 11146: 11143: 11141: 11140:Brenda Milner 11138: 11136: 11133: 11131: 11128: 11126: 11125:James McGaugh 11123: 11121: 11118: 11116: 11113: 11111: 11108: 11106: 11103: 11101: 11098: 11096: 11093: 11091: 11090:Sigmund Freud 11088: 11086: 11083: 11081: 11078: 11076: 11073: 11071: 11068: 11066: 11063: 11062: 11060: 11056: 11053: 11049: 11043: 11042: 11038: 11035: 11034:retrospective 11031: 11028: 11024: 11021: 11020: 11019: 11016: 11014: 11013:Muscle memory 11011: 11009: 11006: 11004: 11001: 10997: 10994: 10993: 10992: 10989: 10987: 10984: 10982: 10979: 10977: 10974: 10972: 10969: 10966: 10962: 10959: 10957: 10954: 10952: 10949: 10948: 10946: 10942: 10936: 10933: 10929: 10926: 10925: 10924: 10921: 10920: 10918: 10914: 10908: 10905: 10903: 10900: 10898: 10895: 10893: 10890: 10888: 10885: 10883: 10880: 10878: 10875: 10871: 10868: 10866: 10863: 10862: 10861: 10860:Art of memory 10858: 10856: 10853: 10852: 10850: 10846: 10840: 10837: 10835: 10832: 10830: 10827: 10825: 10822: 10818: 10815: 10814: 10813: 10810: 10809: 10807: 10803: 10797: 10794: 10792: 10789: 10787: 10784: 10783: 10781: 10779: 10775: 10769: 10766: 10762: 10759: 10758: 10757: 10754: 10752: 10749: 10747: 10744: 10743: 10741: 10739: 10735: 10729: 10726: 10724: 10721: 10719: 10716: 10714: 10711: 10709: 10708:Memory biases 10706: 10704: 10701: 10699: 10696: 10694: 10691: 10689: 10688:Confabulation 10686: 10685: 10683: 10681: 10680:Memory errors 10677: 10671: 10668: 10666: 10663: 10661: 10658: 10656: 10653: 10651: 10648: 10646: 10643: 10641: 10638: 10636: 10633: 10631: 10628: 10624: 10621: 10619: 10616: 10614: 10611: 10609: 10606: 10604: 10601: 10599: 10598:post-hypnotic 10596: 10594: 10591: 10589: 10586: 10585: 10584: 10581: 10580: 10578: 10576: 10572: 10562: 10559: 10557: 10554: 10552: 10551:Rote learning 10549: 10547: 10544: 10542: 10539: 10537: 10534: 10532: 10529: 10527: 10526:Hyperthymesia 10524: 10522: 10519: 10515: 10512: 10510: 10507: 10505: 10502: 10501: 10500: 10497: 10495: 10492: 10490: 10489:Active recall 10487: 10486: 10484: 10482: 10478: 10472: 10469: 10466: 10462: 10461: 10459: 10457: 10453: 10447: 10444: 10442: 10439: 10437: 10434: 10432: 10429: 10427: 10424: 10422: 10419: 10417: 10414: 10413: 10411: 10409: 10405: 10402: 10398: 10392: 10389: 10387: 10386:Consolidation 10384: 10382: 10379: 10378: 10375: 10372: 10370: 10367: 10365: 10362: 10361: 10359: 10355: 10351: 10344: 10339: 10337: 10332: 10330: 10325: 10324: 10321: 10309: 10305: 10297: 10296: 10293: 10287: 10283: 10279: 10275: 10271: 10267: 10263: 10259: 10255: 10252: 10250: 10249:Psychometrics 10247: 10245: 10242: 10240: 10237: 10236: 10234: 10230: 10224: 10221: 10219: 10216: 10214: 10211: 10209: 10206: 10204: 10201: 10199: 10196: 10195: 10193: 10189: 10183: 10180: 10178: 10177:Understanding 10175: 10172: 10168: 10165: 10163: 10160: 10158: 10155: 10153: 10150: 10148: 10145: 10143: 10140: 10138: 10135: 10133: 10130: 10128: 10125: 10123: 10121: 10117: 10115: 10112: 10110: 10107: 10105: 10104:Communication 10102: 10100: 10097: 10095: 10092: 10091: 10089: 10084: 10080: 10073: 10069: 10066: 10064: 10061: 10059: 10056: 10054: 10051: 10049: 10046: 10044: 10041: 10039: 10036: 10035: 10033: 10029: 10025: 10022: 10015: 10010: 10008: 10003: 10001: 9996: 9995: 9992: 9986: 9979: 9970: 9969: 9957: 9953: 9952: 9940: 9936: 9935: 9923: 9919: 9918: 9906: 9903:from Wikinews 9902: 9901: 9889: 9885: 9884: 9872: 9868: 9867: 9855: 9854: 9851: 9845: 9838: 9834: 9831: 9827: 9826: 9821: 9817: 9813: 9812: 9806: 9803: 9801: 9798: 9797: 9792: 9787: 9772: 9768: 9764: 9758: 9754: 9749: 9745: 9741: 9736: 9733: 9731: 9727: 9722: 9718: 9713: 9708: 9704: 9700: 9699: 9694: 9689: 9685: 9679: 9675: 9670: 9666: 9662: 9657: 9656: 9651: 9620: 9615: 9611: 9607: 9603: 9599: 9598: 9593: 9589: 9585: 9581: 9577: 9573: 9569: 9565: 9560: 9557: 9553: 9550: 9546: 9542: 9538: 9533: 9528: 9524: 9520: 9516: 9511: 9507: 9503: 9498: 9493: 9490:(3): 229–36. 9489: 9485: 9481: 9476: 9472: 9468: 9464: 9460: 9456: 9452: 9448: 9444: 9439: 9436: 9432: 9428: 9424: 9419: 9414: 9410: 9406: 9402: 9397: 9393: 9387: 9383: 9378: 9374: 9370: 9366: 9362: 9358: 9354: 9351:(8): 374–80. 9350: 9346: 9341: 9337: 9333: 9329: 9325: 9320: 9317: 9313: 9309: 9305: 9301: 9297: 9293: 9289: 9285: 9281: 9276: 9273: 9270: 9266: 9262: 9258: 9254: 9250: 9246: 9242: 9238: 9233: 9229: 9226: 9223: 9219: 9215: 9211: 9207: 9203: 9199: 9195: 9191: 9187: 9182: 9178: 9174: 9169: 9164: 9159: 9154: 9150: 9146: 9142: 9137: 9134: 9130: 9126: 9122: 9118: 9114: 9111:(2): 263–74. 9110: 9106: 9101: 9098: 9094: 9090: 9086: 9082: 9078: 9074: 9070: 9066: 9061: 9058: 9054: 9050: 9046: 9042: 9038: 9034: 9030: 9025: 9022: 9018: 9014: 9009: 9004: 9000: 8996: 8992: 8988: 8984: 8979: 8975: 8971: 8967: 8963: 8959: 8955: 8952:(5): 742–55. 8951: 8947: 8942: 8939: 8936: 8933: 8929: 8925: 8921: 8917: 8913: 8909: 8904: 8901: 8897: 8893: 8889: 8885: 8881: 8877: 8873: 8869: 8865: 8861: 8857: 8853: 8849: 8845: 8841: 8837: 8833: 8829: 8825: 8821: 8816: 8812: 8808: 8804: 8800: 8796: 8792: 8789:(2): 142–62. 8788: 8784: 8779: 8775: 8771: 8766: 8761: 8757: 8753: 8749: 8745: 8741: 8736: 8732: 8728: 8723: 8718: 8714: 8710: 8706: 8702: 8698: 8693: 8689: 8685: 8681: 8677: 8674:(3): 501–18. 8673: 8669: 8664: 8661: 8658: 8655: 8653: 8649: 8645: 8644: 8630: 8626: 8622: 8618: 8614: 8610: 8606: 8602: 8598: 8594: 8587: 8585: 8576: 8572: 8568: 8564: 8560: 8556: 8553:(6287): 756. 8552: 8548: 8541: 8533: 8529: 8525: 8521: 8517: 8513: 8506: 8504: 8495: 8491: 8487: 8483: 8479: 8475: 8468: 8466: 8464: 8462: 8453: 8449: 8445: 8441: 8437: 8433: 8429: 8425: 8418: 8416: 8407: 8403: 8398: 8393: 8388: 8383: 8379: 8375: 8371: 8367: 8363: 8356: 8337: 8330: 8324: 8316: 8312: 8308: 8304: 8300: 8296: 8293:(6): 538–45. 8292: 8288: 8281: 8273: 8269: 8264: 8259: 8255: 8251: 8247: 8240: 8232: 8228: 8224: 8220: 8216: 8212: 8208: 8204: 8200: 8196: 8189: 8181: 8177: 8172: 8167: 8162: 8157: 8153: 8149: 8145: 8138: 8130: 8126: 8122: 8118: 8114: 8110: 8107:(4): 262–75. 8106: 8102: 8095: 8093: 8091: 8083: 8078: 8063: 8059: 8052: 8044: 8040: 8035: 8030: 8027:(2): 208–14. 8026: 8022: 8018: 8011: 8003: 7999: 7994: 7989: 7985: 7981: 7977: 7970: 7962: 7958: 7954: 7950: 7946: 7942: 7935: 7927: 7923: 7919: 7915: 7911: 7907: 7900: 7892: 7888: 7883: 7878: 7874: 7870: 7867:(8): 413–20. 7866: 7862: 7858: 7851: 7842: 7834: 7830: 7825: 7820: 7817:(5): 553–67. 7816: 7812: 7808: 7801: 7793: 7789: 7785: 7781: 7776: 7771: 7767: 7763: 7759: 7755: 7751: 7744: 7742: 7733: 7729: 7724: 7719: 7714: 7709: 7705: 7701: 7697: 7690: 7674: 7670: 7663: 7661: 7652: 7648: 7643: 7638: 7634: 7630: 7626: 7622: 7618: 7614: 7610: 7603: 7601: 7592: 7585: 7577: 7573: 7568: 7563: 7559: 7555: 7551: 7544: 7536: 7532: 7527: 7522: 7519:(3): 229–36. 7518: 7514: 7510: 7503: 7495: 7491: 7487: 7483: 7479: 7475: 7471: 7467: 7460: 7452: 7448: 7444: 7440: 7436: 7432: 7429:(5): 742–55. 7428: 7424: 7417: 7403:on 2008-12-03 7402: 7398: 7394: 7390: 7384: 7380: 7376: 7369: 7361: 7357: 7353: 7349: 7345: 7341: 7334: 7326: 7322: 7317: 7312: 7308: 7304: 7300: 7296: 7292: 7285: 7277: 7273: 7268: 7263: 7258: 7253: 7249: 7245: 7241: 7234: 7232: 7223: 7219: 7214: 7209: 7205: 7201: 7197: 7193: 7189: 7182: 7167:. 9 June 2020 7166: 7162: 7156: 7149: 7148:New Scientist 7145: 7140: 7132: 7128: 7123: 7118: 7113: 7108: 7104: 7100: 7096: 7089: 7081: 7077: 7072: 7067: 7062: 7057: 7052: 7047: 7043: 7039: 7035: 7028: 7014:on 2019-01-22 7013: 7009: 7003: 6995: 6991: 6987: 6983: 6979: 6975: 6971: 6967: 6960: 6952: 6948: 6943: 6938: 6933: 6928: 6924: 6920: 6916: 6909: 6901: 6897: 6893: 6889: 6885: 6881: 6877: 6873: 6869: 6865: 6858: 6856: 6847: 6843: 6839: 6835: 6832:(2): 175–92. 6831: 6827: 6820: 6812: 6808: 6804: 6800: 6793: 6785: 6781: 6777: 6773: 6769: 6765: 6761: 6757: 6750: 6742: 6736: 6731: 6730: 6721: 6713: 6709: 6705: 6701: 6696: 6691: 6688:(4): 726–45. 6687: 6683: 6676: 6668: 6664: 6660: 6656: 6653:(2): 147–74. 6652: 6648: 6641: 6633: 6629: 6625: 6621: 6617: 6613: 6610:(6): 629–35. 6609: 6605: 6598: 6590: 6586: 6582: 6578: 6571: 6563: 6559: 6555: 6551: 6544: 6542: 6540: 6531: 6524: 6516: 6512: 6507: 6502: 6497: 6492: 6488: 6484: 6480: 6476: 6472: 6465: 6457: 6453: 6448: 6443: 6439: 6435: 6432:(3): 155–66. 6431: 6427: 6423: 6416: 6408: 6404: 6400: 6396: 6392: 6388: 6384: 6380: 6376: 6372: 6365: 6363: 6354: 6350: 6345: 6340: 6336: 6332: 6328: 6324: 6320: 6313: 6311: 6309: 6300: 6296: 6291: 6286: 6281: 6276: 6272: 6268: 6264: 6257: 6249: 6245: 6241: 6237: 6233: 6229: 6225: 6221: 6217: 6210: 6202: 6198: 6191: 6187: 6182: 6177: 6173: 6169: 6165: 6161: 6157: 6150: 6148: 6139: 6135: 6130: 6125: 6120: 6115: 6111: 6107: 6103: 6096: 6088: 6084: 6079: 6074: 6070: 6066: 6062: 6058: 6054: 6047: 6039: 6035: 6031: 6027: 6023: 6019: 6015: 6011: 6007: 6003: 5996: 5988: 5984: 5980: 5976: 5972: 5968: 5964: 5960: 5953: 5945: 5941: 5936: 5931: 5928:(2): 430–43. 5927: 5923: 5919: 5912: 5910: 5901: 5897: 5892: 5887: 5882: 5877: 5872: 5867: 5864:(7): 2711–6. 5863: 5859: 5855: 5848: 5835: 5827: 5823: 5819: 5815: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5793: 5786: 5778: 5774: 5769: 5764: 5759: 5754: 5750: 5746: 5742: 5735: 5727: 5721: 5706: 5700: 5692: 5688: 5681: 5674: 5672: 5663: 5656: 5648: 5644: 5640: 5636: 5632: 5628: 5624: 5620: 5616: 5612: 5608: 5601: 5593: 5589: 5584: 5579: 5575: 5571: 5567: 5560: 5552: 5548: 5544: 5540: 5536: 5532: 5528: 5524: 5517: 5509: 5503: 5499: 5492: 5490: 5488: 5486: 5477: 5473: 5467: 5460: 5454: 5448: 5444: 5438: 5430: 5426: 5420: 5412: 5408: 5403: 5398: 5393: 5388: 5384: 5380: 5376: 5369: 5361: 5357: 5351: 5343: 5339: 5335: 5329: 5325: 5318: 5310: 5306: 5302: 5298: 5294: 5290: 5286: 5282: 5275: 5273: 5264: 5260: 5255: 5250: 5246: 5242: 5238: 5234: 5230: 5223: 5221: 5212: 5208: 5204: 5200: 5196: 5192: 5185: 5177: 5173: 5169: 5163: 5159: 5152: 5138:on 2003-07-21 5134: 5130: 5126: 5122: 5118: 5114: 5110: 5106: 5102: 5095: 5088: 5080: 5076: 5072: 5068: 5064: 5060: 5056: 5052: 5045: 5038: 5032: 5023: 5015: 5011: 5007: 5001: 4997: 4990: 4982: 4978: 4974: 4970: 4966: 4962: 4958: 4954: 4947: 4939: 4935: 4931: 4927: 4922: 4917: 4913: 4909: 4905: 4898: 4896: 4887: 4883: 4879: 4873: 4869: 4868: 4860: 4852: 4848: 4844: 4838: 4834: 4833: 4825: 4819: 4814: 4806: 4802: 4797: 4792: 4788: 4784: 4780: 4773: 4759:on 2013-04-30 4758: 4754: 4750: 4744: 4736: 4732: 4728: 4724: 4719: 4714: 4710: 4706: 4702: 4695: 4693: 4684: 4680: 4676: 4672: 4665: 4657: 4653: 4648: 4643: 4639: 4635: 4631: 4627: 4623: 4616: 4614: 4605: 4601: 4596: 4591: 4587: 4583: 4579: 4575: 4571: 4564: 4556: 4552: 4547: 4542: 4538: 4534: 4530: 4526: 4522: 4515: 4507: 4503: 4498: 4493: 4489: 4485: 4481: 4477: 4473: 4466: 4458: 4454: 4450: 4446: 4442: 4438: 4434: 4430: 4423: 4415: 4411: 4406: 4401: 4397: 4393: 4389: 4382: 4374: 4370: 4365: 4360: 4356: 4352: 4348: 4341: 4333: 4329: 4324: 4319: 4315: 4311: 4307: 4303: 4299: 4292: 4276: 4271: 4267: 4263: 4256: 4248: 4244: 4240: 4236: 4232: 4231:10.1038/26216 4228: 4224: 4220: 4216: 4212: 4205: 4197: 4193: 4189: 4185: 4181: 4177: 4173: 4169: 4165: 4158: 4149: 4144: 4140: 4136: 4132: 4125: 4117: 4113: 4109: 4105: 4101: 4097: 4092: 4087: 4083: 4079: 4072: 4064: 4060: 4055: 4050: 4046: 4042: 4038: 4034: 4030: 4023: 4015: 4011: 4007: 4003: 3998: 3993: 3989: 3985: 3981: 3974: 3966: 3962: 3958: 3952: 3948: 3941: 3933: 3929: 3925: 3921: 3917: 3910: 3902: 3898: 3894: 3890: 3886: 3882: 3878: 3874: 3873:Human Factors 3867: 3859: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3841: 3837: 3833: 3829: 3825: 3818: 3810: 3806: 3801: 3796: 3791: 3786: 3782: 3778: 3774: 3770: 3766: 3759: 3751: 3747: 3742: 3737: 3733: 3729: 3725: 3721: 3717: 3710: 3702: 3698: 3693: 3688: 3684: 3680: 3676: 3672: 3668: 3661: 3653: 3649: 3645: 3641: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3625: 3618: 3610: 3606: 3602: 3598: 3594: 3590: 3586: 3582: 3575: 3567: 3563: 3558: 3553: 3549: 3545: 3541: 3537: 3533: 3526: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3501: 3496: 3492: 3488: 3484: 3480: 3473: 3465: 3461: 3457: 3453: 3449: 3445: 3441: 3437: 3433: 3429: 3422: 3420: 3411: 3407: 3402: 3397: 3392: 3387: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3360: 3358: 3356: 3347: 3343: 3339: 3335: 3331: 3327: 3323: 3319: 3312: 3304: 3300: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3284: 3280: 3276: 3269: 3261: 3257: 3252: 3247: 3243: 3239: 3235: 3231: 3227: 3220: 3206:on 2021-10-26 3202: 3198: 3194: 3190: 3186: 3183:(3): 501–18. 3182: 3178: 3171: 3164: 3156: 3152: 3148: 3142: 3138: 3134: 3130: 3129: 3121: 3119: 3110: 3106: 3101: 3096: 3092: 3088: 3084: 3080: 3076: 3069: 3061: 3057: 3052: 3047: 3042: 3037: 3033: 3029: 3025: 3018: 3010: 3006: 3001: 2996: 2991: 2986: 2982: 2978: 2974: 2967: 2959: 2955: 2950: 2945: 2941: 2937: 2933: 2929: 2925: 2918: 2910: 2906: 2901: 2896: 2892: 2888: 2884: 2880: 2876: 2869: 2861: 2857: 2852: 2847: 2842: 2837: 2833: 2829: 2825: 2818: 2810: 2806: 2802: 2796: 2792: 2785: 2783: 2781: 2779: 2777: 2775: 2773: 2764: 2758: 2754: 2753: 2745: 2741: 2730: 2727: 2725: 2722: 2720: 2717: 2714: 2711: 2709: 2706: 2704: 2701: 2699: 2696: 2694: 2691: 2689: 2686: 2683: 2680: 2677: 2674: 2672: 2669: 2667: 2664: 2661: 2658: 2655: 2652: 2650: 2647: 2645: 2642: 2639: 2636: 2633: 2630: 2628: 2627:Animal memory 2625: 2622: 2619: 2618: 2613: 2602: 2599: 2588: 2581: 2579: 2575: 2574: 2573:Mimosa pudica 2568: 2566: 2562: 2561:jasmonic acid 2558: 2554: 2549: 2546: 2540: 2538: 2534: 2531: 2527: 2526:Venus flytrap 2522: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2508: 2498: 2496: 2492: 2488: 2484: 2480: 2476: 2473:using visual 2472: 2468: 2467:Rote learning 2464: 2457: 2454: 2451: 2448: 2445: 2442: 2439: 2438: 2437: 2435: 2430: 2428: 2427:art of memory 2423: 2420: 2416: 2412: 2408: 2404: 2398: 2388: 2384: 2380: 2378: 2377:schizophrenia 2374: 2369: 2365: 2363: 2358: 2354: 2350: 2346: 2342: 2331: 2328: 2320: 2317: 2315: 2314:Consolidation 2312: 2309: 2308: 2307: 2305: 2299: 2289: 2285: 2282: 2278: 2274: 2270: 2266: 2261: 2259: 2255: 2250: 2245: 2242: 2236: 2231: 2221: 2219: 2215: 2200: 2198: 2194: 2190: 2186: 2182: 2177: 2175: 2171: 2167: 2163: 2158: 2156: 2152: 2151:Hyperthymesia 2148: 2144: 2140: 2136: 2132: 2126: 2116: 2114: 2110: 2106: 2102: 2098: 2094: 2093:transcription 2089: 2086: 2082: 2078: 2072: 2062: 2060: 2054: 2052: 2051:dentate gyrus 2046: 2040: 2034: 2024: 2021: 2016: 2014: 2013:transcription 2010: 2006: 2002: 1998: 1989: 1985: 1983: 1979: 1974: 1972: 1967: 1958: 1954: 1952: 1948: 1944: 1939: 1935: 1931: 1921: 1919: 1915: 1911: 1906: 1904: 1900: 1896: 1892: 1891:demethylation 1888: 1884: 1880: 1874: 1864: 1862: 1859:pathway (see 1858: 1854: 1849: 1845: 1844:downregulated 1841: 1837: 1833: 1829: 1819: 1817: 1813: 1809: 1805: 1801: 1797: 1793: 1792:axonal bouton 1788: 1786: 1782: 1778: 1773: 1771: 1767: 1757: 1755: 1754: 1749: 1745: 1738: 1734: 1720: 1716: 1712: 1708: 1707:Consolidation 1705: 1702: 1698: 1694: 1690: 1687: 1683: 1679: 1675: 1671: 1667: 1664: 1663: 1662: 1659: 1654: 1649: 1646: 1641: 1635: 1625: 1623: 1619: 1614: 1610: 1605: 1601: 1599: 1594: 1592: 1588: 1584: 1580: 1576: 1570: 1568: 1564: 1560: 1556: 1552: 1548: 1544: 1531: 1527: 1524: 1521: 1518: 1517: 1514: 1509: 1504: 1491: 1488: 1485: 1482: 1479: 1476: 1473: 1470: 1467: 1464: 1461: 1458: 1455: 1452: 1451: 1450: 1439: 1436: 1433: 1430: 1429: 1428: 1422: 1419: 1416: 1413: 1412: 1411: 1408: 1406: 1402: 1386: 1384: 1380: 1376: 1375:Ulric Neisser 1372: 1368: 1364: 1354: 1350: 1348: 1347:basal ganglia 1344: 1340: 1336: 1335:unconsciously 1332: 1328: 1324: 1323: 1318: 1315:In contrast, 1308: 1306: 1302: 1297: 1296:Visual memory 1293: 1288: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1273: 1269: 1268: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1250: 1240: 1238: 1237: 1232: 1231: 1226: 1217: 1215: 1211: 1207: 1206:assassination 1203: 1199: 1195: 1194: 1189: 1186: 1185: 1175: 1172: 1168: 1158: 1154: 1150: 1148: 1144: 1139: 1136: 1132: 1126: 1122: 1120: 1110: 1105: 1095: 1093: 1092:brain damaged 1087: 1085: 1080: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1061: 1056: 1046: 1044: 1041: 1037: 1033: 1029: 1028:messenger RNP 1025: 1021: 1017: 1011: 1008: 1003: 1001: 997: 993: 989: 984: 982: 978: 973: 970: 966: 961: 957: 956:parietal lobe 953: 949: 944: 936: 930: 926: 922: 918: 914: 910: 905: 895: 891: 889: 885: 881: 877: 873: 867: 857: 855: 854:Haptic memory 851: 850:Echoic memory 847: 846:Iconic memory 842: 840: 833: 823: 819: 816: 812: 808: 804: 800: 796: 792: 787: 785: 781: 777: 773: 769: 765: 760: 758: 754: 753:forgetfulness 750: 746: 742: 738: 734: 730: 726: 718: 707: 702: 700: 695: 693: 688: 687: 685: 684: 679: 676: 674: 671: 669: 666: 665: 664: 663: 660: 657: 656: 651: 648: 646: 643: 641: 638: 636: 633: 631: 628: 627: 626: 625: 622: 619: 618: 615: 612: 611: 608: 605: 604: 601: 600:Metacognition 598: 597: 592: 589: 587: 584: 582: 579: 577: 574: 573: 572: 571: 568: 565: 564: 561: 558: 557: 552: 549: 547: 544: 542: 539: 537: 534: 533: 532: 531: 528: 525: 524: 520: 516: 515: 512: 509: 508: 498: 493: 491: 486: 484: 479: 478: 476: 475: 469: 459: 457: 447: 445: 435: 434: 432: 431: 424: 421: 419: 416: 414: 411: 409: 406: 404: 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 365: 361: 355: 354: 347: 341: 339: 333: 331: 328: 326: 323: 321: 318: 316: 313: 311: 308: 306: 303: 301: 300:Brenda Milner 298: 296: 293: 291: 288: 286: 283: 281: 278: 276: 273: 271: 268: 266: 263: 261: 258: 256: 253: 251: 248: 246: 243: 241: 238: 236: 233: 231: 228: 226: 223: 221: 220:Alan Baddeley 218: 217: 209: 208: 201: 198: 196: 193: 191: 188: 186: 183: 181: 178: 176: 173: 171: 168: 166: 163: 161: 158: 156: 153: 151: 150:Consciousness 148: 146: 143: 141: 138: 137: 133: 127: 126: 119: 116: 114: 111: 109: 106: 104: 101: 99: 96: 94: 91: 89: 86: 84: 81: 79: 76: 74: 71: 69: 68:Brain regions 66: 65: 57: 56: 52: 48: 47: 44: 41: 40: 35: 30: 19: 11800: 11381: 11252:Ben Pridmore 11170:Larry Squire 11080:Susan Clancy 11039: 10923:Memory sport 10848:Other topics 10738:False memory 10693:Cryptomnesia 10670:Weapon focus 10630:Decay theory 10391:Neuroanatomy 10350:Human memory 10306: / 10284: / 10280: / 10276: / 10274:neuroscience 10272: / 10268: / 10264: / 10260: / 10256: / 10146: 10119: 10072:visuospatial 10048:Intellectual 9966: 9949: 9932: 9915: 9898: 9886:from Commons 9881: 9864: 9843: 9823: 9790: 9752: 9743: 9724: 9705:(3): 74–79. 9702: 9696: 9673: 9664: 9601: 9597:Scholarpedia 9595: 9588:Eichenbaum H 9571: 9567: 9555: 9548: 9525:(2): 110–3. 9522: 9518: 9487: 9483: 9449:(2): 183–8. 9446: 9442: 9434: 9411:(2): 73–84. 9408: 9404: 9381: 9348: 9344: 9327: 9323: 9315: 9286:(3): 216–9. 9283: 9279: 9268: 9244: 9240: 9221: 9192:(2): 67–72. 9189: 9185: 9148: 9144: 9132: 9108: 9104: 9071:(2): 174–8. 9068: 9064: 9056: 9032: 9028: 8990: 8986: 8949: 8945: 8911: 8907: 8871: 8867: 8823: 8819: 8786: 8782: 8747: 8743: 8704: 8700: 8671: 8667: 8599:(1): 63–72. 8596: 8592: 8550: 8546: 8540: 8518:(2): 142–7. 8515: 8511: 8477: 8473: 8427: 8423: 8369: 8365: 8355: 8343:. Retrieved 8336:the original 8323: 8290: 8286: 8280: 8256:(2): 73–84. 8253: 8249: 8239: 8201:(1): 27–41. 8198: 8194: 8188: 8151: 8147: 8137: 8104: 8100: 8077: 8065:. Retrieved 8061: 8051: 8024: 8020: 8010: 7986:(1): 20–33. 7983: 7979: 7969: 7944: 7940: 7934: 7909: 7905: 7899: 7864: 7860: 7850: 7841: 7814: 7810: 7800: 7757: 7753: 7703: 7699: 7689: 7679:November 20, 7677:. Retrieved 7675:. Web MD LLC 7672: 7616: 7612: 7590: 7584: 7560:(2): 110–3. 7557: 7553: 7543: 7516: 7512: 7502: 7472:(2): 183–8. 7469: 7465: 7459: 7426: 7422: 7416: 7405:. Retrieved 7401:the original 7378: 7368: 7346:(1): 49–60. 7343: 7339: 7333: 7298: 7294: 7284: 7247: 7243: 7195: 7191: 7181: 7169:. Retrieved 7164: 7155: 7139: 7102: 7098: 7088: 7044:(24): 9500. 7041: 7037: 7027: 7016:. Retrieved 7012:the original 7002: 6969: 6965: 6959: 6922: 6918: 6908: 6867: 6863: 6829: 6825: 6819: 6802: 6798: 6792: 6759: 6755: 6749: 6728: 6720: 6685: 6681: 6675: 6650: 6646: 6640: 6607: 6603: 6597: 6580: 6576: 6570: 6553: 6549: 6529: 6523: 6478: 6474: 6464: 6429: 6425: 6415: 6374: 6370: 6326: 6322: 6270: 6266: 6256: 6223: 6219: 6209: 6163: 6159: 6109: 6105: 6095: 6060: 6056: 6046: 6005: 6001: 5995: 5965:(2): 264–8. 5962: 5958: 5952: 5925: 5921: 5861: 5857: 5847: 5834: 5795: 5785: 5748: 5744: 5734: 5720: 5709:. Retrieved 5699: 5690: 5686: 5661: 5655: 5614: 5610: 5600: 5573: 5569: 5559: 5529:(1): 54–64. 5526: 5522: 5516: 5497: 5475: 5466: 5458: 5453: 5437: 5428: 5419: 5382: 5378: 5368: 5359: 5350: 5323: 5317: 5284: 5280: 5236: 5232: 5197:(2): 69–89. 5194: 5190: 5184: 5157: 5151: 5140:. Retrieved 5133:the original 5107:(3): 80–85. 5104: 5100: 5087: 5057:(2): 351–6. 5054: 5050: 5044: 5036: 5031: 5022: 4995: 4989: 4959:(1): 61–75. 4956: 4952: 4946: 4911: 4907: 4866: 4859: 4831: 4824: 4813: 4786: 4782: 4772: 4761:. Retrieved 4757:the original 4752: 4743: 4708: 4704: 4674: 4670: 4664: 4629: 4625: 4577: 4573: 4563: 4528: 4524: 4514: 4479: 4475: 4465: 4432: 4428: 4422: 4395: 4391: 4381: 4354: 4350: 4340: 4308:(1): 11–21. 4305: 4301: 4291: 4279:. Retrieved 4265: 4255: 4214: 4210: 4204: 4171: 4167: 4157: 4138: 4134: 4124: 4084:(2): 81–97. 4081: 4077: 4071: 4036: 4032: 4022: 3987: 3983: 3973: 3946: 3940: 3923: 3919: 3909: 3876: 3872: 3866: 3831: 3827: 3817: 3772: 3768: 3758: 3723: 3719: 3709: 3674: 3670: 3660: 3627: 3623: 3617: 3584: 3580: 3574: 3539: 3535: 3525: 3482: 3478: 3472: 3431: 3427: 3373: 3369: 3321: 3317: 3311: 3278: 3274: 3268: 3233: 3229: 3219: 3208:. Retrieved 3201:the original 3180: 3176: 3163: 3127: 3082: 3078: 3068: 3031: 3027: 3017: 2980: 2976: 2966: 2931: 2927: 2917: 2882: 2878: 2868: 2831: 2827: 2817: 2790: 2751: 2744: 2649:False memory 2571: 2569: 2550: 2541: 2523: 2504: 2463:Memorization 2461: 2446:to socialize 2431: 2424: 2402: 2400: 2385: 2381: 2373:optogenetics 2370: 2366: 2356: 2352: 2348: 2344: 2340: 2337: 2323: 2301: 2286: 2262: 2246: 2237: 2233: 2217: 2211: 2208:Interference 2178: 2161: 2159: 2139:neurological 2130: 2128: 2090: 2074: 2059:Jee Hyun Kim 2055: 2047: 2043: 2017: 1994: 1975: 1970: 1963: 1943:promoter DNA 1927: 1907: 1899:methylations 1876: 1825: 1789: 1774: 1763: 1751: 1740: 1650: 1637: 1602: 1597: 1595: 1574: 1571: 1545:such as the 1540: 1525: 1519: 1489: 1483: 1477: 1471: 1465: 1459: 1453: 1448: 1437: 1431: 1426: 1420: 1414: 1409: 1397: 1382: 1378: 1360: 1351: 1331:motor skills 1320: 1314: 1301:mental image 1289: 1284:associations 1265: 1252: 1234: 1228: 1223: 1210:Sydney Siege 1191: 1190: 1183: 1181: 1170: 1166: 1164: 1155: 1151: 1140: 1127: 1123: 1115: 1088: 1081: 1066: 1012: 1004: 985: 981:'prion' gene 974: 950:(especially 948:frontal lobe 945: 937: 933: 916: 892: 869: 843: 835: 820: 815:subliminally 788: 761: 724: 723: 614:Metalanguage 566: 315:Oliver Sacks 280:Muriel Lezak 275:Edith Kaplan 240:Phineas Gage 174: 98:Neuroanatomy 29: 11699:Prospection 11672:Imagination 11635:Forecasting 11615:Association 11360:Wakefulness 11110:Eric Kandel 11058:Researchers 11030:Prospective 10981:Free recall 10935:Shas Pollak 10588:anterograde 10504:Declarative 10278:personality 10213:PASS theory 10171:abstraction 9866:Definitions 9604:(3): 1747. 8914:(1): 5–35. 8874:(1): 51–6. 8864:Alberini CM 8345:1 September 7619:(1): 4040. 7171:28 November 7061:2434/803710 6267:J Biol Chem 5693:(2): 34–44. 4908:Hippocampus 2676:Long memory 2632:Body memory 2545:cytoplasmic 2530:subtropical 2273:CA1 neurons 2269:hippocampal 2193:Ebola virus 2077:memory loss 2018:Contextual 1887:methylation 1867:Epigenetics 1853:TET enzymes 1832:hippocampus 1737:Eric Kandel 1618:memory loss 1613:epinephrine 1547:hippocampus 1472:Recognition 1466:Cued recall 1460:Free recall 1401:Habituation 1243:Declarative 1167:recognition 1022:. Also the 963:very short 960:hippocampus 745:past events 737:information 408:Stroop Test 310:Pasko Rakic 270:Eric Kandel 93:Human brain 11916:Categories 11880:Mental set 11759:Peripheral 11709:Perception 11692:strategies 11494:Inhibitory 11489:Excitatory 11145:Lynn Nadel 11023:intertrial 11008:Metamemory 10996:flashbacks 10916:In society 10613:retrograde 10575:Forgetting 10546:Procedural 10456:Short-term 10426:Eyewitness 10109:Creativity 10053:Linguistic 10038:Collective 9917:Quotations 9771:1420804022 7407:2011-10-30 7250:: 634827. 7018:2012-11-08 6972:: 547–63. 5711:2012-11-08 5447:0465067360 5142:2013-08-23 4996:Psychology 4763:2012-11-08 3828:NeuroImage 3500:10379/3129 3210:2019-03-12 2578:exhaustion 2565:hydrolases 2185:SARS-CoV-1 2105:DNA damage 2027:In infancy 1982:nucleosome 1879:epigenetic 1731:See also: 1537:Physiology 1520:Transience 1501:See also: 1343:cerebellum 1311:Procedural 1239:memories. 1196:are clear 1147:aphantasia 1053:See also: 1036:translated 979:, and the 954:) 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Memory retention
Memory (disambiguation)
The lobes of the brain, viewed laterally
Brain regions
Clinical neuropsychology
Cognitive neuropsychology
Cognitive neuroscience
Human brain
Neuropsychological assessment
Neuropsychological rehabilitation
Traumatic brain injury
Brain functions
Decision making
Executive functions
Natural language
Motor coordination
Problem solving
Alan Baddeley

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