
Johann Balthasar Schupp

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1135:. That transition alone would be enough to secure him a place in the history of German literature. He was, at least initially, able to limit his official work. He was required to preach three sermons a week, on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sometimes there were also prayer sessions to be conducted on Thursdays. It was for the sermons, however, that he became known. It was normal for Lutheran pastors to use their sermons to launch attacks on Jews, Catholics, Calvinists and atheists. Schupp did not do that. The focus of his criticism was not on cohorts of people defined by shared religious beliefs, but on the sins and follies of his own fellow-citizens. In their style his sermons did not follow the traditional format of a formulaic and scholarly treatise. Instead his syntax was fresh, contemporary and compelling. He would use examples from the everyday lives of his listeners, introducing anecdotes and even jokes. Schupp employed these devices and techniques not only when addressing his own congregations, but also when appearing as a guest preacher in other churches nearby, greatly swelling congregations in the process. 1455:. He would not submit his sermons or tracts to the church authorities for "correction". There was nothing in them that he wished to change. Even if he were reduced to begging on the streets, his sermons and tracts were personal matters that were only answerable to himself and not subject to the jurisdiction of the commission: "es wären eine Sachen supra nostram crepidam". The February 26, 1658 hearing produced a total lack of agreement, and appeared to demonstrate that agreement would probably be impossible. The hearing appears to have ended in an atmosphere of heightened acrimony. Shortly after that the city council put an end to the dispute with an Amnesty Decree which imposed a requirement of silence on both parties. Although this put an end to the public warring, the underlying disagreements remained unaffected. By this time Schupp's tracts had nevertheless become less contentious. "Die Krankenwärterin: oder Auslegung des heiligen Vaterunser, wie man es mit armen, einfältigen kranken Leuten beten kann" ( 1475:) was written after 8 June 1657 and first printed before 5 April 1658. This tract discusses issues of the time involving household servants and tries to find ways to improve the situation. It clearly belongs to the "political" category rather than the "edifying" of Schupp's pamphlets, but in pursuit of its serious purpose it follows to a serious approach, even if it is still not entirely free of fables and anecdotes. In this tract Schupp at several points made free use of material that had already appeared in "Gesindeteufel" by Peter Glaser, which had appeared in 1564. It was not the first time that tracts by Schupp had featured what would in the twenty-first century be construed as plagiarism, but it was a particularly egregious example. Earlier instances had, perhaps been protected from criticism by the eccentric and witty terms in which they had been couched. Maybe by 1658 Schupp had simply accumulated more enemies among literary elites. Either way, on this occasion the blatant plagiarism triggered a 1427:. The councillors made three principal demands: Schupp should not mention their meeting nor the dispute behind it from the pulpit; secondly, he should not have any more of his satirical pieces printed in Hamburg; and thirdly, he should attend a meeting with the senior clergy and resolve his differences with the Hamburg church establishment. Schupp agreed to the first two demands, but said he would not attend any meeting with the church authorities without first being able to inspect the advice that they had received from the universities. The next day the church representatives rejected that demand. At the same time they came up with their own demand that the city councillors should arrange an oral disputation between representatives of the two sides. The disputation, was to be supervised and arbitrated by representatives from the city council (senate). 1443:, on behalf of the church authorities, applied for the councillors to hand over a copy of the plaint against them which Schupp had lodged with the city fathers the previous month. He demanded that Schupp should be required to expunge the fables, jokes and humorous anecdotes from his sermons and from his printed pamphlets. He then asked what further steps might be taken to remedy the aggravation caused: it turned out that Müller's question was rhetorical. The best solution, he continued, would be for the senior clerics to issue a document in which the questions at issue might be settled once and for all. 1508:, and that furthermore Schupp knew it. In reality, Schupp's opinion of its authorship seems to have shifted over time, and may have been more nuanced. Writing in his tract "Calender" which was first printed in 1659 and which he addresses/dedicates to his son Anton Meno Schupp (1637–1703), Schupp himself opines that the author using the name Butyrolambius was not necessarily even an ordained minister. What does become apparent is that, regardless of his opinions on the authorship, Schupp was powerfully affected by "Der Bücherdieb Antenor": the book preoccupied him for several years. 1332:). It is clear that they were eagerly sought out by readers, since there were many reprints produced over relatively short periods of time. They all deliver Schupp's personal views with uncompromising confidence and flair, and concern a range of topics that cover both public and private concerns. They are attractively written, but sometimes show a certain digressive tendency and are sometimes peppered with anecdotes which are not infrequently taken from the author's own life. Schupp's pamphlets can be broadly divided into two types: there are tracts which edify (such as "Die Predigt" ( 596:. There was self-evidently a tension between the Landgraf's commission and the agreed need for Schupp to continue his public teaching and ensure that students should continue with the opportunity to study History and Eloquence. A letter from 29 September 1641 to the university authorities spells out the conflicting objectives and hints at some sort of ill-defined scaling back of the university teaching, and a subsequent letter addressed to Schupp himself and dated 29 October 1641 undertaking to provide supplementary "princely recompense" in the form of 12 516:, leaving Marburg with a vacancy for a professor of Eloquence and History. Johann Balthasar Schupp accepted the Marburg professorship in Eloquence and History, retaining the post till 1646. Sources recall that he took a personal interest in his students, and displayed a talent for relating to them, delivering his lectures with flair and liveliness, while shunning academic stiffness and pedantry. He was accordingly able to generate a certain level academic zeal, along with a mutually fulfilling relationship that benefited teacher and students alike. 1540:. The shorter of them, "Relation aus dem Parnasso", was printed in Wolfenbüttel that same month. The second of them, "Calender", is a more considered but no less passionate refutation, comprising more than 100 pages. It includes the date 20 December 1658 below text on the final page, but on the title page at the front, the year of printing in (what appears to be) the first edition is shewn as 1659. He also prepared a third refutation text in response to "Der Bücherdieb Antenor", under the title "Prüfung des Geistes Nectarii Butyrolambii" ( 33: 968:, who would take it into consideration in their forthcoming deliberations. It would appear from the correspondence that Schupp's backers for the job were by this time encountering irritation and impatience on the part of the Hamburg congregation over the delays that had arisen from Schupp's continuing diplomatic responsibilities. His own appeal and reputation, had meanwhile been further enhanced by the favourable reactions of the assembled diplomats to his sermon at the service of thanksgiving, held at 876:) with a further service of thanksgiving. It was again Balthasar Schupp who delivered the sermon. During the next couple of years there would be further negotiations on matters such as military demobilisation (which seems to have involved the payment of a large amount of money to the Swedes) and papal protests against certain provisions relating to religion; but February 1649 would appear to have marked the end of any involvement with the treaty negotiations on the part of Balthasar Schupp. 1483:) was the unfriendly dedication appearing at the front of an edition of the tract dated 14 March 1658 which was apparently intended for distribution at that year's Frankfurt Easter Fair. Till now Schupp had apparently been untroubled when editions of his tracts were published without his authorisation, but now he turned his energies to opposing these "pirate" editions which seem rapidly to have acquired the character of an orchestrated anti-Schupp campaign, conducted through the printed word. 1548:
had appeared in the book shops, and the Hamburg pastors reacted by submitting to the city council a detailed submission on 27 January 1659. All their objections to Schupp's conduct were set out again: "...such aggravating matters and the major disruption to our church, as well as the grievance condition of the ministry is no longer conscionable". Although the reaction of the city fathers is unknown, something of it can be inferred from Schupp's subsequent actions.
From fellow clerics, steeped in the traditions of a more baroque approach to sermons and written religious pieces, came the criticism that the colloquial syntax of his delivery was inconsistent with the serious purposes of a sermon - any sermon. It soon became evident that as his sermons became ever more widely discussed, Schupp would have to learn to face criticism from both wings of the Christian faith among the good Protestant citizens of Hamburg.
762:. Whereas Schupp's previous work had been, in the first instance, a university position, he was now employed, principally, as a churchman. There were nevertheless a number of complementary appointments from the start. In addition to being employed at Braubach as court chaplain, Schupp's roles also included the ecclesiastical advisory post of "Konsistorialrat" and a job as Braubach's inspector of churches and schools. He quickly impressed 528:, she came from another academic family in the region. Her father had died in 1617, however. The marriage was a happy one. After the death of his first wife in 1650 he married, secondly, Sophia Eleonora Reinkingk in 1651. By each of his marriages Balthasar Schupp was father to at least one son and one daughter. According to at least one source, however, his marriages resulted in the births not of four but of five recorded children. 221:, the eldest recorded child of a prosperous middle class couple. He was baptised as a Protestant on 29 March 1610, but the baptismal record did not mention his birth date. The birth date of 1 March 1610 is widely applied in secondary sources, but no original record of it is traceable. Johann Eberhart (Ebert) Schupp, his father, was a local businessman and town councillor who twice, in 1630 and again in 1640, served terms as 1415:, and were read out to conventions of the assembled clerics on 15 and 22 January 1658. The learned gentlemen of the university theology faculties agreed that Schupp's conduct described in the first question was not right. On the second question, reflecting their Lutheran credentials, the men from then university recommended that if nothing else worked, then the clerics should turn to the secular government. 1587:
son, Jost Burchard Schupp, who included it in a 1667 compendium of Schupp's collected works. There were several more tracts printed during Schupp's final couple of years, mostly in the "edifying" rather than the "political" category. At least a further three were published posthumously by one or other of his sons. The order in which these were actually written is not entirely clear.
previously lodged with the city fathers, insisting that he no longer had a copy of it. On the more substantive issue concerning the demands that he should change the way he preached and the contents of his published tracts, he referred his accusers to the record of the commission's hearing from when he had previous appeared on September 29, 1657. This had been drafted by
didactic approach of abandoning pedantic tradition in favour of a more lucid eloquence effectively heralded a new technique and methodology that would win lasting approval, even though at this stage neither Schupp nor anyone else of influence in the universities establishment took the next obvious step of teaching the topic of "Eloquence" in the
3169: 201:. After 1654, his having switched mid-career to a position as a high-profile Lutheran pastor, the content and populist approach of Schupp's sermons and of the printed pamphlets which he now started to publish brought him into increasingly acrimonious conflict with Hamburg's (relatively) conservative church establishment. 1380:. For the political and religious establishments the attacks were more threatening precisely because of their popularity bordering at times on populism. After the appearance on the streets of "Salomo oder Regentenspiegel" ("Salomo or Regent's mirror" - published under the pseudonym "Antenor") and "Freund in der Noth" ( 1282:(who had also been sitting as chairman of the commission) Schupp agreed to the first two of these requests, but rejected the third and the fourth, insisting that they would have infringed his freedom. The meeting therefore ended with a "friendly request" from the commission that Schupp should "stick to the rules" ( 1261:
1657 that Balthasar Schupp found himself facing a "Commission of the Ministry", a panel of senior Lutheran clergy that had been convened in response to the growing disquiet caused by his increasingly challenging complementary career as a published author. The commissioners requested, on behalf of the
His approach was, by the standards of the times, truly innovative, and by many criteria highly successful. But not everyone was impressed. There were those who interpreted rebukes in his sermons as personal insults and other who thought their life choices were no business of this tiresome preacher.
throughout virtually the whole of 1643. By the end of the decade he was nevertheless finding opportunities to turn his attentions from the Philosophy faculty (which under the conventions of the time incorporated a wide range of topics including History and Eloquence) and towards the Theology faculty,
632:. Schupp was forced by plague to leave the city on a number of occasions. Along with the challenges inherent in the Landgraf's commission, there were times when he was required to add administrative deanery duties to his job portfolio, and on one occasion he also found himself serving as a university 1594:
of a "violent illness" some months short of what would otherwise have been his fifty-second birthday on 26 October 1661. Sources giving more details of his death indicate that his final days were marked by a rapid deterioration which was unresponsive to the curative efforts of the physicians. He
in a manner which implied that he thought it unlikely that Müller agreed with the sentiments of "Butyrolambius": it is possible that by this time his opinion on the likely identity of Butyrolambius had shifted. In any case, although "Butyrolambius" was clearly aware of the various sessions that had
hearing. The appearance of these pamphlets was seen by the ministers who had participated in the commission as a declaration of war on the part of Schupp, and a campaign was launched against him which may not have destroyed him factually or in the eyes of history, but which nevertheless sapped his
who came to the fore during the second half of the seventeenth century. Schupp was not exactly a typical churchman-scholar, although he certainly possessed an abundance of knowledge, was well read, and blessed with a formidable memory. His more remarkable defining gifts involved the effectiveness of
Despite Balthasar Schupp's background in education, it was not till the next year that Schupp committed his thoughts on the schools and universities to one of his tracts. The result was entitled "Ambassadeur Zipphusius". However, this was printed only posthumously, and at the instigation of his
The tract was a screed of crude personal abuse against Balthasar Schupp. Any shortage of subtlety in the text is more than balanced by savagery. The true identity of the author has never been pinned down, although two centuries later a consensus had emerged that the author was probably Schupp's old
honoured both Schupp's bereavement and his second marriage with a warmly sympathetic poem, indicating that the two men were already in contact with one another. There were those who surmised that Schupp's marriage to his second wife was less amicable than his first marriage had been, but these are
work on education reform. There was also a threat from a "God-fearing countess" (probably Marie Magdalene, the widowed Countess of Lippe: 1606–1671) that if he persisted with the move to Hamburg and rejected the Augsburg offer she would personally make it her business to ensure that he would not go
Schupp's sermon on 1 January 1659 was particularly offensive in its condemnation of the church ministerial establishment. Shortly after this the city council, exasperated by the continuing feuding between Schupp and his fellow pastors, issued him with a warning. By the end of January "Calender"
were endlessly complex, not leastly because there were no fewer than 109 individual delegations to be accommodated (although it seems there were no sessions at which all 109 delegations were present at the same time). Two complementary treaties were signed on 24 October 1648. The Treaty of Münster
on 2 November 1645. Balthasar Schupp lost his papers and his home through the plundering of the city that followed. He even lost his holiday-home in the countryside beyond the city: it was burnt down. He lost everything. It is not surprising, under the circumstances, that in December 1645
in 1659. In it the author, identified as Master Bernhard Schmid, produced a systematic refutation of "Freund in der Noth" References also appear to a third opponent who had printed a tract in Leipzig, this time attacking "Calender". In response to this attack (authorship of which remains
Om 26 February 1658 Schupp appeared before a reconvened "Commission of the Ministry". The parties were probably taking part at the direction of the city councillors. Schupp again refused to provide the panel of churchmen with a copy of the complaint against the church authorities which he had
In 1638 Schupp organised the republication of his father-in-law's book "Theatrum historicum et chronologicum", which remained a useful tool for history teaching. The books lasting relevance is evident from the fact that further reprints were still being issued in the eighteenth century. His own
By now aged not quite 40 Schupp was already richly experienced, possessing more knowledge of the ways of the world than almost anyone else. He had also lived long enough to have formed strong convictions concerning virtually everything that happened, always firmly and consistently based on his
991:) although the actual duties and responsibilities involved would have been wider than a pedantic interpretation of the title would suggest. His Bremen portfolio would also, for instance, include duties as "Superintendent der Landgemeinden" (responsible for rural communities in the (Protestant) 604:
annually. That would surely have been enough to keep the growing Schupp family warm through the winter and well provided with meat through the year. The book was almost certainly never completed, but something of its likely tone and content can be inferred from the text of a speech that Schupp
1311:- published under the author's own name) both appeared just a few weeks later. "Freund in der Noth" was probably written on or shortly before 16 August 1657. "Salomo" was probably written a little earlier. Only the "Afterword to the reader" at the end of "Salomo" was clearly written after the 1418:
Schupp was now invited for a further meeting with a delegation of senior Hamburg clergy. His request that he might know in advance what questions he should be prepared to answer was refused. He therefore in turn refused to meet the clerical delegation. The church ministers now turned to what
472:, of greater significance was his appreciation at close hand of the mutual tolerance apparent in the relationship between church and state. He himself later attributed his liberal approach to church-state relations to his Dutch experiences. The religious toleration upon which visitors to the 963:
indeed wrote a letter of recommendation on his behalf to the city fathers. The reply which the mayor and city councillors sent the Landgraf survives. It is dated 8 December 1648 and includes the assurance that the city fathers had passed the landgraf's letter on to the gentlemen of
The text was purportedly an extended letter of congratulation addressed to a friend on the occasion of the man's marriage. In it Schupp praises the lion as a model exemplar for the husband to follow. It has been suggested by a modern scholar that the lion may also have been the
856:), Balthasar Schupp was the man who delivered the sermon. Following the signings on 24 October 1648 copies of the treaty had to be sent to the governments involved for ratification. For nearly another four months, to his evident annoyance, Schupp was obliged to hang around in 1348:), "die Litanei" and "Golgotha") and there are those which Schupp himself classified as "political writings" which were primarily focused on public issues. These frequently demonstrate an engaging interplay of the frivolous and the serious. There are many instances of savage 1595:
died towards the end of the morning, at around eleven o'clock, "in a spirit of great and unbelievable joy". His last recorded words, appropriate to his pastoral calling, were: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and an everlasting life".
1205:). This was the only time he published one of his sermons in full as a written pamphlet, although quotations and extracts from some of his sermons do appear in some of his other publications. Other publications included "Sendschreiben an einen vornehmen Cavallier" ( 951:, confirmed that the candidate was "theologically sound", and backed up his judgement by agreeing that Schupp might use his own pulpit for the test sermon, which was duly delivered on 5 September 1648 (a Tuesday). Although Schupp was directly after this called back to 1022:. Although Schupp no doubt gave these competing offers proper consideration, he concluded that "for the education of my children and a number of other benefits, it seemed to me that a pastoral role in Hamburg would be better than a grand title somewhere else". 824:: Reinkingk had many daughters and in 1650, following the death of his first wife, Balthasar Schupp would marry one of them. It is apparent from surviving correspondence that, during his mission to Osnabrück, Schupp robustly represented the interests of 931:. St.James' was one of Hamburg's five principal churches, and the church administrators were eager to win over Balthasar Schupp, whose international public profile as a preacher among opinion formers seems to have been much enhanced through his work in 1286:). Although this is the most formal disciplinary exercise to which Schupp was subjected in connection with his writing, it was only the first of a series of confrontations with the church authorities involving Schupp during his final four years. 807:
delegates. Schupp nevertheless took care never to shed his clerical persona. Indeed, Oxenstierna even appointed him as chaplain to the entire Swedish delegation at the peace conference. Schupp also managed to establish excellent relations with
864:, which for him gave rise to what one source describes as "all sorts of inconveniences". With ratification completed, a further series of formal ceremonies took place in Münster during the first half of February 1649 at which the appropriate 958:
By this time Schupp no longer had any intention of returning to his job in Braubach. In the short term his diplomatic duties kept him from accepting a new position in Hamburg (or anywhere else), but negotiations continued. At Schupp's request,
and used a sermon to complain to his congregation about the treatment he had been accorded in it by "Butyrolambius". By the time the Hamburg church establishment had used their influence to ensure that Schupp could no longer find a printer in
1368:, the aggressive satire of Schupp's later years was part of a broader trend, supported by increased public literacy and a rapid growth in the availability of printing presses. Others attacking the status quo with similar fervour included 1446:
The chairman of the presiding delegation of councillors refused to hand over a copy of Schupp's complaint against the church authorities. He undertook to place the other two substantive demands before the full council for consideration.
Personal tragedy struck on 12 June 1650 when Anna Elisabeth, his wife, died, possibly following a long period of poor health. His second marriage was to Sophie Eleonore Reincking and took place on 10 November 1651. She was a daughter of
taken place involving Balthasar Schupp and Müller's "Commission of the Ministry", the information about them that is contained in "Der Bücherdieb Antenor" is not sufficiently accurate to support the view that it had come directly from
his family was struck down with illness which seems to have been a version of the all-too familiar plague. Departure was delayed by several months, and it was not till July 1649 that Schupp was able to relocate, with his family, to
About six months after that Balthasar Schupp's tract "Abgenöthigte Ehrenrettung" appeared, with a dedication addressed, by name, to each of the Hamburg city councillors. In it Schupp refutes again the allegations against him.
thought to ask him if there were any other Schupp pamphlets currently at the printers. There were. "Salomo oder Regentenspiegel" ("Salomo or Regent's mirror" - published under the pseudonym "Antenor") and "Freund in der Noth"
722:. Schupp's hymn lyrics no doubnt servd their purpose for seventeenth century Lutherans, but they were essentially "of their time". During later centuries they have been overlooked: they evince no enduring poetic merit. 1042:, formally confirming their request for his release from his work for the Swedes. Schupp accepted the job, and the Swedish release arrived without more ado. He appears to have missed the Palm Sunday appointment, however. 794:. Schupp's correspondence with his landgraf, which become available to historians only at the end of the nineteenth century, shows the complexity of the mission with which he had been entrusted, but also demonstrates that 261:. On a number of occasions he was obliged to change his travel plans at short notice, reacting to the dangers presented by the marauding armies and the accompanying plague epidemics that were a constant feature of the 1399:
Was it right that a doctor of Theology who was also a cleric of the Lutheran church with responsibility over a large congregation and parish should preach and have printed witticisms, fables, satires and ridiculous
1499:). The publisher of the initial print-run was identified as "Pieter Jansoon" of Amsterdam. In fact, two editions were printed one directly after the other. A copy, which may be of a first edition, survives in the 1423:(generally referred to before 1861 as the "Rath" or city council). They found that Schupp had already lodged a plaint against the church authorities. On 27 January 1658 Balthasar Schupp attended an interview with 798:
had chosen his emissary well. Despite representing a politically puny landgraviate, Schupp was able to win the confidence and respect of the diplomatic representatives of the great powers, and most importantly of
as acknowledgment of the low level of Schupp's remuneration during the earlier years. Both the letters involved in this remunerative exchange pay fulsome tribute to the young professor's hard work and enthusiasm.
1610:. Following this revival in his reputation, at least one of these was content to share the judgement that Johann Balthasar Schupp had become "generally regarded as one of the most significant men of his time". 500:. By now, still aged only 25, he believed himself well prepared to take up a position as a university theologian. The university authorities had other ideas, however, which Schupp was in no position to counter. 1074:
short of grief and tribulation. Having already accepted the Hamburg post, however, Schupp decided to stick with it. The threatened tribulation was not to be foregone: during the early part of that summer in
3173:; Johan Balthazar Schuppius (whose collected written works fill the rest of the book, and under whose name the volume is therefore likely to be identified in catalogues and other source references) (1733). 253:. In 1628 he undertook a lengthy tour educational through southern Germany and the Baltic coastal region According to one source his travels also took in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, extending also to 3033:
Inge Mager (author of the section on the 'Erklärung der Litanei'); Ada Kadelbach (compiler-editor); Andreas Marti (compiler-editor); Wolfgang Ratzmann; Alexander Volker, Irmgard Scheitler (November 2011).
Schupp was very conscious of the burden of responsibilities that came with his office. There was some time for writing, but it is nevertheless no coincidence that whereas he had hitherto published only in
The such a man should not defer to privately conveyed rebukes, but should react with contemptuous attacks, derision and blasphemy against colleagues, rather than desisting from the conduct complained of?
329:. In the event, Rostock suffered less under occupation than many other regional centres, although trade was badly disrupted. Later during October 1631 Schupp had nevertheless left town, moving via 369:. He should restrict himself to subjects that fell within the existing scope of his students' understanding: he must take care to avoid any questions that might prejudice the standing of the 225:. His mother, born Anna Elisabeth Ruß, came from a patrician family: her father, Johannes Ruß, had also, in 1601 and 1613, served as mayor. Balthasar Schupp had five younger siblings. 1123:
his communication skills, whether in negotiation with great men or in delivering a sermon to a church congregation. In that respect he was without question the right man in the right job.
urging him to abandon his Hamburg plans, and instead to accept a position in Augsburg. The offer was a tempting one, not least because it would have enabled him to progress directly his
3032: 1114:
Protestant world view. He was determined that the centrality of Christin faith in human existence should always be taken seriously. In these and other respects he may be compared to
1384:- published under the author's own name) at the end of 1657 ministers of the Hamburg church establishment decided they needed inspiration and reassurance from the world of academe. 613:. The text survives because in 1640 it was printed and published as a short (16 page) booklet, dedicated to Landgraf Georg, and made available under the title "Hercules togatus" ( 3505: 3731: 3709: 1165:
countered with suggestions that these negative reports were no more than malicious rumours put about by rival churchmen and others who found Schupp threatening or annoying.
Much of his later written work appeared under a succession of pseudonyms. These included Antenor, Philandron, Ehrnhold, Philanderson, Mellilambius and Ambrosius.
1882:"... allein ich sorge, ihr werdet in eurer Hoffnung betrogen werden, und wenn ihr die Augsburger verlasset, so wird es euch an Kreuz und Trübsal nicht ermangeln." 555:
One surviving indication of the affection and esteem in which he was held by colleagues is a letter dated 12 December 1638 addressed by the entire university to
2742: 1495:). The authors' names were given as Nectarius Butyrolambius and Ambrosius Mellilambius, who gave themselves the additional soubriquet "Arzneikunst Liebhabern" ( 1034:, and the next day the Hamburg sent him a letter informing him of their decision and inviting him to make his appearance among them on the Friday preceding 357:) at Marburg's "collegium und exercitium oratorium". Here he may have been imprudently generous with his political views, since in December 1632, following 4443: 620:
Reasons for the non-appearance of the ambitious history book included the acute politico-military and economic pressures of the time. Throughout the 1630s
3777: 1641: 1629: 588:
commissioned Schupp to write a large Latin-language work of history. It was to be a history of the government of Landgraf Georg and of his father, the
3669: 706:), made its first appearanance probably in the same year. The two volumes were aggregated into a single volume of fourteen hymns and re-printed in 428:
Schupp resumed his teaching career. He was also able to network with some of the leading international scholars of the day, including the classicist
1520:. The evidence adduced in support of Müller having been the author (or one of the authors) of "Der Bücherdieb Antenor" is very far from conclusive. 3214: 1873:"Wegen Education meiner Kinder und anderer Commoditäten halber deuchte mich, es sei ein Pastorat zu Hamburg besser, als anderswo ein großer Titel". 738: 318: 1229:
1657, although there are today no surviving versions from before 1659. During the Summer of 1657 Schupp also used his Danish contacts to have a
By the early part of 1649 Schupp was faced with an attractive list of competing job offers. Swedish friends had arranged that he should move to
812:, Oxenstierna's wily and quick-witted senior colleague at the peace conference, and the man who was seen, both at the time and subsequently, as 955:
in connection with his diplomatic duties, it would appear from the way his career unfolded during 1649 that his test sermon was well received.
It was probably in 1654 that Balthasar Schupp started to produce a string of written pieces in the German language that are, for scholars of
3797: 2698:
Das ist, Fürstellung Des grossen Creutzträgers Hiobs, und der manchfaltigen ... Begegnissen, mit denen Er auf die Gedultprob gesetzet worden
567:). The Landgraf's reply, dated 17 January 1639, indicates that he will supplement the university salary with a personal annual grant of 100 4448: 3877: 1392: 1177:, his most important and enduring contribution. Of those pieces for which the date can be ascertained, the first was "Der lobwürdige Löw" ( 1931:"...solchem ärgerlichen Wesen und großer Zerrüttung unserer Kirche, wie auch dem betrübten Zustande des Ministerii nicht länger zuzusehen" 456:, Heinsius insisted that Schoppe and Schupp must be cousins., during which time he made the acquaintance of the well-travelled theologian 816:
de facto personal representative in the negotiations. Another diplomat with whom Schupp established particularly cordial relations was
3258: 2116:. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. Vol. 33. Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. pp. 67–77 940: 2424:"Schupp (Schuppius), Johann Balthasar. - Scrittore tedesco, nato a Giessen il 1° marzo 1610, morto ad Amburgo il 26 ottobre 1661 ..." 1536:). In December 1658 Schupp took a trip to Wolfenbüttel, where he made the time to compose not one but two pamphlets on the offending 1511:
In December 1660 in "der Litanei" (printed in 1661, the last of his tracts to appear before he died) Schupp quoted an utterance from
939:. Schupp was nevertheless still relatively unknown to most members of the congregation and it was decided, with the approval of the 592:, who had died in 1626. The period in question was an eventful one, coinciding with the outbreak and more than two decades of the 1623:
Dissertatio Praeliminaris De Opinione, Johan-Balthasaris Schuppii, Eloquentiae Et Historiarum Professoris in Academia Marpurgensi
1054: 755: 684: 606: 585: 556: 524:
On 9 May 1636 Johann Balthasar Schupp married Anna Elisabeth Helwig. As the only (recorded) daughter of the polymath-philologist
358: 346: 4453: 2146: 3787: 3107: 3045: 2970: 2629: 2572: 2537: 2490: 2381: 2238: 1156:
succeeded to the throne of Denmark towards the end of 1648. Dietrich Reincking was no longer a senior diplomat representing
589: 420:. Identified in records as the companion Rau von Holzhausen, on 3 June 1634 Johannes Balthasarus Schuppius enrolled at the 1324:
By this time the character and pattern of Schupp's pamphlets was becoming clear. He himself defined them as "small tracts" (
1209:) which he published around the end of May 1657 under the pseudonym "Ambrosius Mellilambius" and "Ein holländisch Pratgen" ( 392:. Sources differ as to whether it was dissatisfaction with the teaching work in Giessen or the continuing twin impacts of 4077: 3285: 1913:, although these are widely believed to have been forgeries of a document which, if it ever existed, was subsequently lost. 464:. Although he was impressed by these and by many other eminent academic gentlemen whom he met during his time accompanying 3176:
Korte beschryvinge van den Levens-Loop van wijlen den Eerwaardigen, Edelen en Hooggeleerden Heer Johan Balthazar Schuppius
2617: 778:
By this time the great powers, exhausted, were feeling their way to a settlement that might put a permanent finish to the
who exercised a particular influence on Schupp's later career included the noted professor of eloquence, Samuel Fuchs, at
4386: 3171:
Petrus Lambecius (editor-compil;er and the author of a lengthy biographical section which appears at the end of the book)
1377: 1152:, a friend from Schupp's time as a diplomat in Osnabrück whose fortunes had been enhanced after his friend and employer 286: 2423: 1598:
For many years Balthasar Schupp was forgotten. During the nineteenth century he was rediscovered by scholars such as
loosely, "The nurse, or interpretation of 'The Lord's Prayer' so that you can pray with poor simple people who are ill"
672: 992: 584:
Having been alerted to the excellence of the Professor of History and Eloquence at his university in Marburg, in 1640
2746: 2691: 2621:Äussere Sonntagsfeier und innere Sonntagsheiligung bei Johann Balthasar Schupp, Hauptpastor an St. Jacobi (1649-1661) 1270:
so that it might be censored and (4) avoid including fables, jokes and funny stories in connection with phrases from
According to an old chronicle, on 31 October 1658 Schupp took a copy of "Der Bücherdieb Antenor" into his pulpit at
828:, although he never hesitated to state his views plainly where he disagreed with a position taken by his landgraf. 345:. The military-political situation locally was relatively quiet, and during 1632 he received permission from the 3967: 3144:"Der schändliche Sabbath-Schänder: durch alle und jede Strände, vermahls aus Gottes Wort überwiesen und bestrafft" 1038:, which that year meant 16 March 1649. At the same time the Hamburg Senate wrote to the royal Swedish legation at 3693: 3341: 2574: 1910: 1058: 1011: 759: 688: 401: 57: 2618:
Inge Mager (author); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor-compiler); Sandra Richter (editor-compiler) (10 March 2015).
1607: 1262:
ministry that Schupp should (1) not produce theological writing under pseudonyms, (2) avoid the printing of any
4376: 3408: 3301: 3251: 1590:
The struggles of his final years took their toll. Johann Balthasar Schupp never reached old age, but died at
1157: 821: 1517: 1512: 1505: 1452: 1440: 1299: 1279: 1103: 1015: 999: 944: 4438: 4172: 3738: 3716: 1524: 1194: 1107: 1091: 1031: 965: 948: 920: 873: 3882: 1565:
Meanwhile, another literary opponent came onto the scene. "Discurs de republica academica" was printed in
571:, effective retrospectively from 1 January 1639. In addition the Landgraf proposes a one-time payment of 50 548:
By this time, in addition to his teaching duties at the university, Schupp was providing private lessons in
317:). However, on 15 October 1631 the imperial garrison left Rostock, ushering in what came to be known as the 4433: 4202: 3608: 3317: 3309: 305:
on 18 August 1631. He was especially proud that the university had ranked him at the top of degree list.
3099: 326: 3723: 2573:
Johann Balthasar Schupp; Anton Meno (which was one of many pseudonyms used by Balthasar Schupp) (1663).
270: 3600: 1369: 1190: 813: 433: 4112: 912: 844:
and Protestant Sweden and their respective allies. The next day a service of thanksgiving was held at
4458: 4147: 4137: 4012: 3244: 1906: 1356:
and idiocies in universities and schools, systems and the hankering after what is new and "strange".
485: 362: 4157: 4052: 3207: 3129: 3078: 2992: 2945: 2874: 2813: 2662: 2604: 2559: 2512: 2403: 2260: 1473:
loosely, "Seven evil spirits which these days rule over and seduce household servants of both sexes"
4282: 4062: 3432: 3325: 2201: 1388: 1153: 3917: 3481: 1006:
reverted to Catholicism in 1648 despite the strength of Protestant sentiment in the region). The
and Catholic France and their respective allies. The Treaty of Osnabrück was a treaty between the
4292: 4187: 4067: 3962: 3592: 3373: 2579:. Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek: digital collection). pp. 971–978 2197:"Schupp(ius), Johann Balthasar (Pseudonym Antenor, Ambrosius Mellilambius, Ehrenhold, Philander)" 4347: 3143: 3007: 2693: 1181:), which was an extended letter of congratulation addressed to Schupp's friend Marcus Pensin in 1018:
and was accompanied by an assurance that he would enjoy a higher income than might await him in
3817: 3416: 1491:
During the summer of 1658 a combative tract appeared under the title "Der Bücherdieb Antenor" (
960: 825: 795: 783: 763: 743: 711: 621: 393: 3932: 3227: 3196: 3174: 3093: 3067: 3035: 2960: 2923: 2889: 2791: 2651: 2371: 2228: 1387:
On 12 November 1657 the Hamburg pastors sent out two letters to the Theology Faculties at the
928: 919:
Protestant northern Europe. At the time of his visit the senior clerical job at the church of
he increasingly found himself entrusted by his employer with political and diplomatic duties.
702:), contained the lyrics for ten hymns. A second volume, entitled "Morgen- und Abendlieder" ( 4267: 4212: 4182: 4087: 3952: 3792: 3701: 3631: 3392: 3349: 2774: 2619: 2527: 2480: 1603: 1424: 1420: 1339: 1246: 1220: 676: 650: 497: 381: 366: 353:. At the same time he was appointed director and, between 1632 and 1634, head stipendiate ( 302: 282: 274: 242: 238: 172: 168: 2906: 2852: 2828: 2676: 2453: 1570:
unknown) Schupp produced a "Eilfertiges Sendschreiben an den Calenderschreiber zu Leipzig" (
501: 4428: 4423: 4207: 4032: 3772: 3467: 3037:"Allein den Bettern kann es nich gelingen": Johanna Balthasar Schupps Erklärung der Litanei 2458:
sive de illustrissimo celsissimoque heroe Domino Georgio II. Cattorum Landgravio ... oratio
1544:). This was referenced in both of the first two, but it seems that it was never printed. 1500: 1373: 1365: 779: 767: 610: 593: 440:, nevertheless refused even to meet Schupp. Having noticed the similarity (especially in 421: 374: 262: 3276: 2692:
Antenor (which was one of the many pseudonyms under which Schupp's work appeared) (1659).
Ein Holländisch Pratgen von dem jetzigen Krieg zwischen den beyden Nordischen Königreichen
1201:). On 4 July 1656 he published one of his sermons under the title "Gedenk daran Hamburg" ( 786:
sent Balthasar Schupp with full powers to represent Hesse-Braubach in the negotiations at
8: 4352: 4317: 4222: 4097: 3892: 3837: 3822: 3645: 3460: 3333: 3293: 2274: 1003: 908: 904:(which following its military occupation in 1628 had become the administrative centre of 889: 832: 809: 791: 664: 653: 1328:): they were produced in the smallest of the standard publication formats of the time ( 1237:. "Invitatio publica ad adornandum memoriale biblicum" was presented as an appendix to " 1065:, where he was intercepted by a courier with a message from the Protestant community in 766:
with his combination of efficiency and candour, and during the final three years of the
and by Schupp that he would have the time to conclude his tome on the recent history of
in 1643 the relevant official appointed Schupp to succeed him as the minister-preacher (
4371: 4312: 4242: 4142: 4122: 4022: 3982: 3947: 3942: 3922: 3862: 3847: 3842: 3827: 3807: 3575: 3551: 3400: 3184: 3117: 3055: 2980: 2933: 2862: 2801: 2639: 2592: 2547: 2500: 2391: 2248: 1436: 1295: 1275: 1267: 1263: 1149: 817: 465: 436:. The man described in a number of sources as the greatest scholar of his generation, 429: 405: 237:
till the end of 1625 when, on 29 December, he enrolled at the already well established
79: 4237: 1493:"The book thief Antenor" - Antenor was one of Schupp's most frequently used pseudonyms 1471:"Sieben böse Geister, welche heutiges Tages Knechte und Mägde regieren und verführe" ( 698:
in 1643. The volume, entitled "Passion und Buß, auch Trost-, Bitt- und Danklieder" (
4322: 4287: 4217: 4107: 4102: 4027: 3782: 3474: 3103: 3041: 2966: 2625: 2533: 2486: 2377: 2234: 1638: 1626: 1302:
report was a complete ones, none of the commissioners who interviewed Balthasar that
Between 1649 and his death in 1661 Johann Balthasar Schupp served as chief minister (
1062: 936: 897: 849: 841: 837: 800: 715: 513: 481: 370: 188: 83: 61: 1813: 1061:
in person. Returning north towards Braubach from Darmstadt involved passing through
4391: 4297: 4257: 4132: 3992: 3684: 3660: 3616: 3520: 3496: 3357: 2286: 2196: 1242: 1214: 1070: 981: 915:, which at the time was one of the largest and most economically dynamic cities in 625: 525: 509: 477: 457: 409: 397: 290: 266: 4332: 4302: 4072: 4042: 3852: 2830:
Sieben böse Geister, welche heutiges Tages Knechte und Mägde regiren und verführen
2723: 2700:. Michael Endter (1613–1682), Nuremberg & Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München 1030:
On 2 February 1649 Schupp was unanimously elected to take up the pastoral post in
480:" was particularly striking after his earlier travels across various parts of the 32: 4401: 4396: 4342: 4277: 4127: 3987: 3977: 3972: 3907: 3867: 3832: 3767: 3451: 1893: 1797: 1737: 1709: 1699: 1678: 1575: 1329: 916: 461: 437: 298: 278: 1213:) of 21 June 1657, which concerns the conflicts known to English readers as the 496:
At the end of 1635, after approximately another year away, he returned again to
4307: 4272: 4177: 4162: 4047: 3937: 3912: 3902: 3529: 3424: 3365: 1599: 1353: 1271: 1132: 1115: 985: 905: 473: 469: 449: 445: 425: 2478: 1479:
that over time became strikingly toxic. "Der Bücherdieb gewarnt und ermahnt" (
pennalism (abusive exploitation unequal employer:apprentice/student relations)
679:. Two years later, in 1645, he received from the university his doctorate in 628:
ravaged the area. Sometimes the basic necessities of life were unavailable in
4417: 4381: 4357: 4337: 4327: 4262: 4252: 4117: 4092: 4007: 4002: 3997: 3927: 3897: 3887: 3560: 3267: 3170: 1659:"De Arte Ditescendi Dissertatio Prior ex Avellino Ad Philosophos in Germaniä" 1476: 995: 947:, a notable theologian and a church minister with his own assigned pulpit at 719: 700:
loosely, "Passion, repentance and consolation: songs of requests and thanks"
417: 408:
and leave the area and embark on what in effect became a second period as an
and Marburg were at this time administered as a single entity.) He studied
2341: 831:
The negotiations that led up to the signing of what came to be known as the
258: 4247: 4227: 4192: 4152: 4082: 4057: 4037: 4017: 3584: 1533: 1102:
On Friday 20 July 1649 Balthasar Schupp was installed in his new office by
865: 601: 314: 198: 1857: 969: 952: 932: 896:. There were also other brief work-related visits undertaken on behalf of 885: 845: 787: 552:
at "Avellin", his summer holiday-home in the countryside outside Marburg.
341:. By 1632, after an absence of perhaps three years, he was back home in 4197: 4167: 3957: 3812: 3802: 3759: 3638: 3624: 1435:
The disputation was quickly arranged: it took place on 10 February 1658.
1161: 1035: 943:, to break with precedent by inviting Schupp to deliver a "test sermon". 730: 683:: correspondence indicates that it was now intended and assumed both by 444:) between Schupp's family name and that of the Catholic controversialist 322: 2479:
Johann Rist; Andreas Hammerschmidt; Michael Jacobi (12 September 2016).
for his pamphlets which instead were now being printed in Wolfenbüttel (
1217:. From contemporary references it is clear that "Der geplagte Hiob" ( 1189:) in celebration of Pensin's marriage to Catharine, the daughter of the 637:
thus fulfilling some of those ambitions with which he had returned from
should be increased. The letter describes Schupp as a "rarum ingenium" (
Antenor, Philandron, Ehrnhold, Philanderson, Mellilambius and Ambrosius
3857: 3536: 1537: 1412: 1408: 1312: 1303: 1258: 1234: 1226: 1193:
Hinrich Schwelund. The ceremony itself is known to have taken place at
during the run-up to the signings of the key documents included in the
Schupp's first compilation of religious songs (hymns) was published at
538: 254: 246: 2576:
Der Lobwürdige Löw/ Einem vornehmen Freund zu Ehren/ eylend abgemahlet
2278: 1861: 1274:. According to the report of the encountered that was produced by the 1197:
on 30 January 1654. This was followed by "Der rachgierige Lucidor" (
1039: 1007: 869: 857: 3872: 3753: 1238: 1050: 633: 549: 404:
that drove him, during 1634/35, to team up with the young aristocrat
on 25 October 1648, following the treaty signings the previous day.
330: 297:
during 1630/31. It was also Lauremberg who supervised him for the
3236: 2430: 2348:. Hessisches Landesamt für geschichtliche Landeskunde. 1 March 2020 2109: 1909:
already existed (and exist), dating from the earliest years of the
loosely, "Critical review of the spirit of Nectarius Butyrolambius"
1075: 1066: 893: 861: 751: 710:
in 1655. Some of the hymns reappeared in the 1666 edition of the
680: 657: 389: 250: 2894:. [VI-] 992 p., frontispice, portrait. pp. 625–689. 1591: 1566: 1529: 1186: 1119: 1080: 1053:
in order to take his leave of his former employer and benefactor
1019: 927:
had recently fallen vacant, through the death on 16 July 1648 of
734: 707: 695: 675:. He combined the office with his continuing academic duties at 629: 597: 572: 568: 560: 413: 385: 350: 342: 334: 294: 234: 218: 53: 1094:, where he quickly became known for the power of his preaching. 758:, and Hesse-Braubach was an adjacent (and smaller) territory to 361:
personal intervention, he was formally and firmly admonished by
1460: 1349: 1174: 901: 804: 638: 505: 338: 194: 191: 2283:
Nordisk familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 24. Ryssläder - Sekretär /
1131:, works published during his eleven Hamburg years appeared in 1110:. Later a serious rivalry would emerge between the two men. 2908:
Eilfertiges Sendschreiben an den Kalenderschreiber zu Leipzig
in which they sought authoritative answers to two questions:
1230: 1182: 1128: 1046: 542: 441: 222: 1463:
in 1657: the first printed versions appeared during 1658.
had just vacated Marburg in order to take up a position as
453: 313:
Still in Rostock, he immediately began to work as a tutor (
who had, it seems, taken charge during the interregnum at
and, perhaps most importantly, the academic poet-polymath
loosely, "Urgent letter to the Leipzig 'Calender' writer"
3005: 790:
that would lead, later that year, to the signing of the
2921: 2904: 2887: 2850: 2826: 2789: 2772: 2451: 1856:
Sources differ over whether this service took place at
1319: 1049:
to collect his family. Along the way he stopped off at
were exchanged. The event was celebrated, this time in
2745:. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München. Archived from 3091: 2472: 892:, Schupp was able to make several trips back home to 852:
ensured that, as chaplain to the Swedish delegation (
Johann Balthasar Schupps "Ninivitischer Buß=spiegel"
2740: 1289: 803:, who was probably the more powerful of two leading 1241:" and consists of a letter (falsely) attributed to 559:, urging that Schupp's meagre annual salary of 140 384:was cleared by plague Schupp returned once more to 241:, some 25 miles to the north. (The universities of 3026: 2726:, published October 2010, accessed 8 February 2018 2611: 3022:– via Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München. 3008:"Corinna oder die ehrbare und scheinheilige Hure" 1637:. - Ed. tertia. - Marpurgi : Chemlin, 1642. 1466: 1160:: he was the Danish chancellor. The poet-pastor 4415: 3040:. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 150–162. 1316:energies and caused him very great aggravation. 1045:Before taking up his New job Schupp returned up- 720:locally compiled and printed "community hymnals" 609:, but also vividly described the horrors of the 2846: 2844: 2842: 2840: 2768: 2766: 2764: 2421: 2346:Hessische Biografie / Hessian Biography (LAGIS) 2336: 2334: 2332: 2330: 2328: 2326: 2324: 2273: 1922:library reference Bm 8530: Titel und 58 S. 12° 1616: 605:delivered in 1638 in which he warmly eulogised 293:. Schupp evidently lodged with Lauremberg at 228: 2525: 2417: 2415: 2413: 2322: 2320: 2318: 2316: 2314: 2312: 2310: 2308: 2306: 2304: 2194: 416:and then to what was known at the time as the 3252: 3165: 3163: 3161: 2962:From harmony to discord: emblems and proverbs 2482:Vorrede an den Leser .... page 33, footnote 3 2279:"Schuppius, Johann Balthasar, tysk predikant" 2226: 2107: 1642:Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf 1630:Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf 1430: 1359: 1142: 212: 2958: 2898: 2837: 2820: 2761: 2267: 2222: 2220: 2190: 2188: 2186: 2184: 2141: 2139: 2137: 2135: 2133: 2131: 2103: 2101: 2099: 2097: 2095: 2093: 2091: 2089: 2087: 2085: 2083: 2081: 2079: 2077: 2075: 2073: 2071: 2069: 2067: 2065: 2063: 2061: 2059: 2057: 2055: 2053: 2051: 2049: 2047: 2045: 2043: 2041: 2039: 2037: 2035: 2033: 2031: 2029: 2027: 2025: 2023: 2021: 2019: 2017: 2015: 2013: 2011: 2009: 2007: 2005: 2003: 2001: 1999: 1997: 1995: 1993: 1991: 1989: 1987: 1985: 1983: 1981: 1979: 1977: 1975: 1973: 1971: 1969: 1967: 1686:"Der Rachgierige und unversöhnliche Lucidor" 733:during 1645 culminated in the occupation of 4444:Academic staff of the University of Marburg 3085: 2965:. Cambridge University Press. p. 158. 2925:Zugab Doct: Joh: Balth: Schuppii Schrifften 2685: 2410: 2376:. BoD – Books on Demand. pp. 723–727. 2365: 2363: 2301: 2182: 2180: 2178: 2176: 2174: 2172: 2170: 2168: 2166: 2164: 1965: 1963: 1961: 1959: 1957: 1955: 1953: 1951: 1949: 1947: 1266:, (3) submit anything that he wrote to the 1252: 476:frequently commented during the so-called " 233:Schupp attended the Pädagogium (school) in 3259: 3245: 3158: 2915: 2881: 2783: 2519: 2369: 31: 3213:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2736: 2734: 2732: 2217: 2128: 1211:very loosely, "Dutch preachings/dialogue" 644: 373:, or touch on the causes and disputes of 2952: 2360: 2161: 2149:. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 1944: 1560: 714:(German-language hymn book) produced in 673:Elisabethkirche (Church of St.Elisabeth) 484:in which the more conservative precept " 2999: 2566: 2445: 1497:loosely, "Medical artistry enthusiasts" 1419:nineteenth century sources identify as 866:documentary instruments of ratification 725: 531: 187:(1 March 1610 – 26 October 1661) was a 149:Johann Eberhart (Ebert) Schupp (?–1646) 4416: 3146:. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München 3136: 2729: 2233:. Wallstein Verlag. pp. 432–439. 2230:Johann Balthasar Schupp und sein Kreis 2147:"Schupp, Johann Balthasar (1610-1661)" 1481:"The book thief admonished and warned" 773: 754:. Johann was a younger brother to the 600:(roughly 20 meters) of timber and two 448:(who by now had relocated permanently 265:. Scholars encountered during these 3450: 3240: 2891:Doct: Ioh: Balth: Schuppii Schrifften 2532:. BoD – Books on Demand. p. 89. 1352:attacking public grievances, such as 975: 127:1. Anna Elisabeth Helwig (1617–1650) 3266: 1320:A certain format: a certain approach 1207:"Letter to a distinguished cavalier" 998:. A competing offer came from the 911:, that he made a brief diversion to 879: 649:In August 1641 Schupp was awarded a 308: 217:Johann Balthasar Schupp was born in 111:University teacher and administrator 4449:17th-century German Lutheran clergy 3228:Evangelische Volksbibliothek Vol. 5 2526:Joachim Scherf (26 November 2019). 2227:Martin Mulsow (17 September 2018). 742:Schupp accepted an invitation from 579: 321:. The city was now controlled from 13: 2460:(in Latin). Chemlin. pp. 1–16 1625:. - Rintelii : Lucius, 1640. 14: 4470: 3798:Emilie Juliane of Barby-Mühlingen 3006:Schupp, Johann Balthasar (1660). 2959:Stephen Rose (24 February 2011). 1290:Absence of clerical rapprochement 744:Landgraf Johann of Hesse-Braubach 2928:. Utgivare okänd. pp. 116–. 2922:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1667). 2905:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1659). 2888:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1663). 2851:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1659). 2827:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1658). 2790:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1658). 2773:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1658). 2452:Johann Balthasar Schupp (1640). 1097: 1025: 418:"Zuiderkwartier" (South Holland) 4078:Matthäus Apelles von Löwenstern 3342:Lutheran Hymnal with Supplement 3221: 2712: 2669: 2624:. De Gruyter. pp. 91–104. 2370:ohne Autor (19 November 2014). 1925: 1916: 1899: 1894:bridgegroom's astrological sign 1885: 1876: 1867: 1850: 1798:Der schändliche Sabbathschänder 1764:"Corinna oder die ehrbare Hure" 1179:loosely, "The commendable Lion" 988:literally, "cathedral preacher" 432:and the remarkable philologist 388:where during 1633/34 he taught 3409:Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn 3302:Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book 3092:Johann Anselm Steiger (2011). 2743:"Salomo, oder Regentenspiegel" 2485:. De Gruyter. pp. 21–52. 1828: 1581: 1010:offer was for the position of 325:by Swedish forces directed by 25:Johannes Balthasarus Schuppius 1: 4454:German Protestant hymnwriters 4173:Christian Knorr von Rosenroth 3968:Christian Fürchtegott Gellert 3739:Den svenska psalmboken (1986) 3732:Den svenska psalmboken (1937) 3717:Den svenska psalmboken (1819) 3710:Den svenska psalmboken (1695) 2724:The Epistle to the Laodiceans 1937: 1806:"O edle Wunden, was soll ich" 1692:"Salomo oder Regentenspiegel" 1679:Von der Kunst Reich zu werden 1551: 1168: 1000:church authorities of Münster 860:while his family remained in 460:and of the polymath-humanist 137:Anton Meno Schupp (1637-1703) 129:2. Sophia Eleonora Reinkingk 3609:Landstads reviderte salmebok 3318:Evangelical Lutheran Worship 3310:Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary 1617:Published output (selection) 1225:) must have appeared before 519: 229:Student and journeyman years 7: 1746:"Eilfertiges Sendschreiben" 1606:and, later in the century, 1407:The answers came back from 900:. It was during a visit to 718:: some were reproduced in 615:loosely, "Citizen Hercules" 466:Rudolf Rau von Holzhausenin 301:which he received from the 96:and other author pseudonyms 10: 4475: 3601:Psalmebog for Kirke og Hus 2741:Schupp, Johann Balthasar. 2342:"Schupp, Johann Balthasar" 2110:"Schupp, Johann Balthasar" 1907:Epistles to the Laodiceans 1834:English language sources: 1784:"Ninivitischer Bußspiegel" 1758:"Abgenötigte Ehrenrettung" 1718:"Relation aus dem Parasso" 1639:published digitally by the 1627:published digitally by the 1486: 1431:Resolution by disputation? 1370:Johann Michael Moscherosch 1360:Intensifying confrontation 1344:), "Die Krankenwärterin" ( 1143:Bereavement and remarriage 1092:St. James' Church, Hamburg 1083:and take up his new post. 1002:(which as a result of the 731:Heavy fighting in the area 434:Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn 213:Provenance and early years 117:Lutheran minister-preacher 16:German writer and academic 4366: 4148:Christian Heinrich Postel 4013:Bernhard Severin Ingemann 3752: 3683: 3659: 3574: 3550: 3519: 3495: 3443: 3384: 3274: 2911:. de Leeu. pp. 1–48. 2796:. Wust. pp. 444–469. 1839:German language sources: 1724:"Ein Holländisch Pratgen" 1665:"Morgen- und Abendlieder" 1227:Michaelmas (29 September) 836:was a treaty between the 704:Morning and Evening songs 502:Professor Theodor Höpingk 491: 488:" was seldom challenged. 486:Cuius regio, eius religio 406:Rudolf Rau von Holzhausen 178: 164: 159: 155: 145: 133: 123: 113:Historian and Rhetorician 101: 90: 68: 39: 30: 21: 4063:Magnus Brostrup Landstad 3433:Evangelisches Gesangbuch 3326:Lutheran Book of Worship 3100:Frommann-Holzboog Verlag 2422:Emma Mezzomonti (1936). 2202:Neue Deutsche Biographie 1822: 1364:In the aftermath of the 1336:), "Der geplagte Hiob" ( 1284:"intra terminos bleiben" 1253:Before the commissioners 923:"Hauptkirche St. Jacobi" 565:loosely, "a rare talent" 365:, a senior professor at 4293:N. Samuel of Tranquebar 4233:Johann Balthasar Schupp 4188:Gottfried Wilhelm Sacer 4113:Johann Matthäus Meyfart 4068:Ludvig Mathias Lindeman 3963:Fredrik Gabriel Hedberg 3593:Landstads kirkesalmebog 3374:Service Book and Hymnal 2529:Johann Balthasar Schupp 2195:Hebert Jaumann (2007). 1775:posthumously published: 1647:"Eusebia prodeumbulans" 1574:) which was printed in 1071:(first) father-in-law's 801:Count Johan Oxenstierna 207: 185:Johann Balthasar Schupp 23:Johann Balthasar Schupp 4158:Bartholomäus Ringwaldt 4053:Johann Balthasar König 3818:Birgitte Cathrine Boye 3778:Albert von Brandenburg 3506:Sálmabók Føroya kirkju 3417:Praxis pietatis melica 2681:. 1657. pp. 3–25. 2108:Carl Bertheau (1891). 1790:"Lehrreiche Schriften" 1506:Pastor Johannes Müller 1411:and a week later from 1233:pamphlet published in 1203:"Think on it, Hamburg" 1012:Superintendent General 945:Pastor Johannes Müller 872:, on 4 February 1649 ( 645:Theologian and hymnist 363:Johann Heinrich Tonsor 4387:In continental Europe 4213:Johann Hermann Schein 3953:Andreas Hammerschmidt 3918:Frans Michael Franzén 3793:Johann Sebastian Bach 3632:Norsk Salmebok (1985) 3393:First Lutheran hymnal 3350:Lutheran Service Book 2427:Enciclopedia Italiana 1604:Friedrich Adolf Ebert 1561:More pamphlet attacks 1504:clerical antagonist, 1459:) was written during 1245:and addressed to the 1185:(just to the west of 820:who was representing 746:to work as chaplain ( 303:University of Rostock 239:University of Marburg 173:University of Giessen 169:University of Marburg 4439:Writers from Hamburg 4348:Carl David af Wirsén 4208:Heinrich Scheidemann 4138:Hallgrímur Pétursson 4033:Balthasar Kindermann 3773:Johann Georg Albinus 3102:. pp. 153–174. 2718:Michael D. Marlowe, 1905:A number of alleged 1467:"Seven evil spirits" 1199:"Vindictive Lucidor" 1118:(1635-1705) and the 726:Swedish intervention 532:Academic progression 422:University of Leiden 371:imperial authorities 4434:People from Giessen 4353:Catherine Winkworth 4318:Philipp Wackernagel 4223:Cyriakus Schneegass 4098:Wilhelmi Malmivaara 3933:Bartholomäus Gesius 3838:Dieterich Buxtehude 3823:Hans Adolph Brorson 3646:Norsk salmebok 2013 3461:Den Danske Salmebog 3334:The Lutheran Hymnal 3294:Common Service Book 3179:. pp. 401–423. 2793:Die Krankenwärterin 2694:"Der geplagte Hiob" 2275:Edvard Magnus Rodhe 1730:"Der geplagte Hiob" 1004:Peace of Westphalia 890:Peace of Westphalia 854:"Legationsprediger" 833:Peace of Westphalia 810:Johan Adler Salvius 792:Peace of Westphalia 774:Unexpected diplomat 663:After the death of 355:"Stipendiatenmajor" 140:and at least 3 more 4372:Luther § Hymnodist 4313:Gottfried Vopelius 4243:Nikolaus Selnecker 4143:Michael Praetorius 4123:Erdmann Neumeister 4023:Sigfrid Karg-Elert 3983:Valerius Herberger 3948:Britt G. Hallqvist 3943:N. F. S. Grundtvig 3923:Erik Gustaf Geijer 3878:Ludmilla Elisabeth 3863:Wolfgang Dachstein 3848:Elisabeth Cruciger 3843:Christian Cappelen 3828:Johan Nordahl Brun 3808:Sigmund von Birken 3727:(in Swedish, 1891) 3705:(in Swedish, 1553) 3702:Een liten Songbook 3482:Thomissøn's hymnal 3444:In other languages 3401:Erfurt Enchiridion 3195:has generic name ( 3066:has generic name ( 2776:Freund in der Noth 2650:has generic name ( 2454:"Hercules togatus" 2205:. pp. 757–759 1911:Christian movement 1421:the Hamburg senate 1264:biblical apocrypha 1150:Dietrich Reinkingk 993:General Diocese of 976:Alternative offers 909:German possessions 818:Dietrich Reinkingk 750:) to the court at 430:Claudius Salmasius 412:, moving first to 151:Anna Elisabeth Ruß 4411: 4410: 4323:Johan Olof Wallin 4288:Melchior Teschner 4218:Benjamin Schmolck 4108:Felix Mendelssohn 4103:Hemminki of Masku 4028:Christian Keymann 3783:Michael Altenburg 3748: 3747: 3679: 3678: 3655: 3654: 3570: 3569: 3546: 3545: 3515: 3514: 3491: 3490: 3468:Guldberg's hymnal 3286:Christian Worship 3109:978-3-7728-2536-1 3047:978-3-525-57221-4 2972:978-1-107-00428-3 2749:on March 27, 2020 2631:978-3-05-005785-9 2539:978-3-7494-3758-0 2492:978-3-11-047928-7 2383:978-3-8460-9726-7 2240:978-3-8353-4203-3 2114:Schupp, Balthasar 1778: 1700:Freund in der Not 1578:, still in 1659. 1374:Johann Lauremberg 1243:the apostle, Paul 1195:St. James' church 1175:satirical writing 1108:the "Hauptkirche" 1055:Landgraf Georg II 966:St. James' Church 949:St. James' Church 898:Count Oxenstierna 884:While working in 880:Hamburg job offer 850:Count Oxenstierna 842:Holy Roman Empire 838:Holy Roman Empire 814:Queen Christina's 594:Thirty Years' War 557:Landgraf Georg II 482:Holy Roman empire 410:itinerant scholar 327:Gustavus Adolphus 309:Itinerant scholar 182: 181: 4466: 4459:German satirists 4392:Lutheran chorale 4298:Zachris Topelius 4258:Lazarus Spengler 4203:Martin Schalling 4133:Johann Pachelbel 3993:Johannes Hermann 3883:Princess Eugénie 3681: 3680: 3657: 3656: 3617:Nynorsk salmebok 3572: 3571: 3548: 3547: 3517: 3516: 3493: 3492: 3448: 3447: 3358:Lutheran Worship 3268:Lutheran hymnody 3261: 3254: 3247: 3238: 3237: 3231: 3225: 3219: 3218: 3211: 3205: 3200: 3194: 3190: 3188: 3180: 3167: 3156: 3155: 3153: 3151: 3140: 3134: 3133: 3127: 3123: 3121: 3113: 3089: 3083: 3082: 3076: 3071: 3065: 3061: 3059: 3051: 3030: 3024: 3023: 3021: 3019: 3003: 2997: 2996: 2990: 2986: 2984: 2976: 2956: 2950: 2949: 2943: 2939: 2937: 2929: 2919: 2913: 2912: 2902: 2896: 2895: 2885: 2879: 2878: 2872: 2868: 2866: 2858: 2848: 2835: 2834: 2824: 2818: 2817: 2811: 2807: 2805: 2797: 2787: 2781: 2780: 2770: 2759: 2758: 2756: 2754: 2738: 2727: 2716: 2710: 2709: 2707: 2705: 2689: 2683: 2682: 2673: 2667: 2666: 2660: 2655: 2649: 2645: 2643: 2635: 2615: 2609: 2608: 2602: 2598: 2596: 2588: 2586: 2584: 2570: 2564: 2563: 2557: 2553: 2551: 2543: 2523: 2517: 2516: 2510: 2506: 2504: 2496: 2476: 2470: 2469: 2467: 2465: 2449: 2443: 2442: 2440: 2438: 2419: 2408: 2407: 2401: 2397: 2395: 2387: 2367: 2358: 2357: 2355: 2353: 2338: 2299: 2298: 2296: 2294: 2287:Project Runeberg 2271: 2265: 2264: 2258: 2254: 2252: 2244: 2224: 2215: 2214: 2212: 2210: 2192: 2159: 2158: 2156: 2154: 2143: 2126: 2125: 2123: 2121: 2105: 1932: 1929: 1923: 1920: 1914: 1903: 1897: 1889: 1883: 1880: 1874: 1871: 1865: 1854: 1848: 1832: 1771: 1425:the city fathers 1382:"Friend in need" 1309:"Friend in need" 1268:church "seniors" 1215:Anglo-Dutch Wars 1154:Prince Frederick 1016:Prince-Bishopric 929:Severin Schlüter 782:. In April 1648 665:Johannes Steuber 580:Royal commission 526:Christoph Helvig 478:Dutch Golden Age 458:Gerardus Vossius 291:Peter Lauremberg 287:Thomas Lindemann 199:Christian lyrics 197:and a writer of 91:Other names 75: 49: 47: 35: 19: 18: 4474: 4473: 4469: 4468: 4467: 4465: 4464: 4463: 4414: 4413: 4412: 4407: 4406: 4402:Chorale cantata 4397:Chorale setting 4377:Hymns by Luther 4362: 4343:Olle Widestrand 4278:Jesper Swedberg 4238:Heinrich Schütz 4128:Philipp Nicolai 3988:Nikolaus Herman 3978:Ludwig Helmbold 3973:Johann Heermann 3908:Melchior Franck 3868:Nikolaus Decius 3833:Joachim a Burck 3768:Mikael Agricola 3758: 3756: 3744: 3675: 3670:Culto Cristiano 3651: 3566: 3542: 3511: 3487: 3439: 3380: 3270: 3265: 3235: 3234: 3226: 3222: 3212: 3203: 3202: 3192: 3191: 3182: 3181: 3168: 3159: 3149: 3147: 3142: 3141: 3137: 3125: 3124: 3115: 3114: 3110: 3090: 3086: 3074: 3073: 3063: 3062: 3053: 3052: 3048: 3031: 3027: 3017: 3015: 3004: 3000: 2988: 2987: 2978: 2977: 2973: 2957: 2953: 2941: 2940: 2931: 2930: 2920: 2916: 2903: 2899: 2886: 2882: 2870: 2869: 2860: 2859: 2849: 2838: 2833:. Georg Pappen. 2825: 2821: 2809: 2808: 2799: 2798: 2788: 2784: 2771: 2762: 2752: 2750: 2739: 2730: 2717: 2713: 2703: 2701: 2690: 2686: 2675: 2674: 2670: 2658: 2657: 2647: 2646: 2637: 2636: 2632: 2616: 2612: 2600: 2599: 2590: 2589: 2582: 2580: 2571: 2567: 2555: 2554: 2545: 2544: 2540: 2524: 2520: 2508: 2507: 2498: 2497: 2493: 2477: 2473: 2463: 2461: 2450: 2446: 2436: 2434: 2420: 2411: 2399: 2398: 2389: 2388: 2384: 2368: 2361: 2351: 2349: 2340: 2339: 2302: 2292: 2290: 2272: 2268: 2256: 2255: 2246: 2245: 2241: 2225: 2218: 2208: 2206: 2193: 2162: 2152: 2150: 2145: 2144: 2129: 2119: 2117: 2106: 1945: 1940: 1935: 1930: 1926: 1921: 1917: 1904: 1900: 1890: 1886: 1881: 1877: 1872: 1868: 1855: 1851: 1838: 1833: 1829: 1825: 1772: 1619: 1613: 1584: 1563: 1554: 1489: 1469: 1433: 1362: 1322: 1292: 1255: 1171: 1145: 1100: 1059:Hesse-Darmstadt 1028: 986:"Domprediger" ( 978: 961:Landgraf Johann 917:German-speaking 882: 826:Landgraf Johann 796:Landgraf Johann 784:Landgraf Johann 776: 764:Landgraf Johann 760:Hesse-Darmstadt 728: 712:Praxis Pietatis 689:Hesse-Darmstadt 647: 590:Landgraf Ludwig 582: 541:rather than in 534: 522: 494: 462:Caspar Barlaeus 438:Daniel Heinsius 402:Hesse-Darmstadt 319:"Swedish times" 311: 299:magister degree 279:Johann Cothmann 231: 215: 210: 171: 150: 138: 128: 118: 116: 114: 112: 110: 108: 106: 86: 77: 73: 72:26 October 1661 64: 58:Hesse-Darmstadt 51: 45: 43: 26: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 4472: 4462: 4461: 4456: 4451: 4446: 4441: 4436: 4431: 4426: 4409: 4408: 4405: 4404: 4399: 4394: 4389: 4384: 4379: 4374: 4368: 4367: 4364: 4363: 4361: 4360: 4355: 4350: 4345: 4340: 4335: 4330: 4325: 4320: 4315: 4310: 4308:Jaroslav Vajda 4305: 4300: 4295: 4290: 4285: 4283:Jiří Třanovský 4280: 4275: 4273:Paul Stockmann 4270: 4268:Philipp Spitta 4265: 4260: 4255: 4250: 4245: 4240: 4235: 4230: 4225: 4220: 4215: 4210: 4205: 4200: 4195: 4190: 4185: 4183:Johan Runeberg 4180: 4178:Daniel Rumpius 4175: 4170: 4165: 4163:Martin Rinkart 4160: 4155: 4150: 4145: 4140: 4135: 4130: 4125: 4120: 4115: 4110: 4105: 4100: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4070: 4065: 4060: 4055: 4050: 4048:Johann Kolross 4045: 4040: 4035: 4030: 4025: 4020: 4015: 4010: 4005: 4000: 3995: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3975: 3970: 3965: 3960: 3955: 3950: 3945: 3940: 3938:Johannes Gigas 3935: 3930: 3925: 3920: 3915: 3913:Salomon Franck 3910: 3905: 3903:Michael Franck 3900: 3895: 3890: 3885: 3880: 3875: 3870: 3865: 3860: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3830: 3825: 3820: 3815: 3810: 3805: 3800: 3795: 3790: 3788:Anna Sophia II 3785: 3780: 3775: 3770: 3764: 3762: 3750: 3749: 3746: 3745: 3743: 3742: 3735: 3728: 3724:Hemlandssånger 3720: 3713: 3706: 3698: 3694:Swenske songer 3689: 3687: 3677: 3676: 3674: 3673: 3665: 3663: 3653: 3652: 3650: 3649: 3642: 3635: 3628: 3621: 3613: 3605: 3597: 3589: 3580: 3578: 3568: 3567: 3565: 3564: 3556: 3554: 3544: 3543: 3541: 3540: 3533: 3530:Siionin Virret 3525: 3523: 3513: 3512: 3510: 3509: 3501: 3499: 3489: 3488: 3486: 3485: 3478: 3475:Kingo's hymnal 3471: 3464: 3456: 3454: 3445: 3441: 3440: 3438: 3437: 3429: 3425:Becker Psalter 3421: 3413: 3405: 3397: 3388: 3386: 3385:German hymnals 3382: 3381: 3379: 3378: 3370: 3366:ReClaim Hymnal 3362: 3354: 3346: 3338: 3330: 3322: 3314: 3306: 3298: 3290: 3281: 3279: 3272: 3271: 3264: 3263: 3256: 3249: 3241: 3233: 3232: 3220: 3193:|author1= 3157: 3135: 3108: 3084: 3064:|author1= 3046: 3025: 2998: 2971: 2951: 2914: 2897: 2880: 2836: 2819: 2782: 2760: 2728: 2720:Bible Research 2711: 2684: 2668: 2648:|author1= 2630: 2610: 2565: 2538: 2518: 2491: 2471: 2444: 2409: 2382: 2359: 2300: 2289:. p. 1226 2266: 2239: 2216: 2160: 2127: 1942: 1941: 1939: 1936: 1934: 1933: 1924: 1915: 1898: 1884: 1875: 1866: 1849: 1826: 1824: 1821: 1820: 1819: 1814:Vom Schulwesen 1809: 1803: 1793: 1787: 1780: 1779: 1768: 1767: 1761: 1755: 1749: 1743: 1733: 1727: 1721: 1715: 1710:Der Bücherdieb 1705: 1695: 1689: 1683: 1674: 1671:"Gedenk daran" 1668: 1662: 1656: 1650: 1644: 1635:Ineptus Orator 1632: 1618: 1615: 1600:Ludwig Wachler 1583: 1580: 1562: 1559: 1553: 1550: 1518:Müller himself 1501:Berlin library 1488: 1485: 1468: 1465: 1432: 1429: 1405: 1404: 1401: 1378:Joachim Rachel 1361: 1358: 1321: 1318: 1291: 1288: 1272:Holy Scripture 1254: 1251: 1231:Latin language 1170: 1167: 1144: 1141: 1116:Philipp Spener 1099: 1096: 1027: 1024: 977: 974: 881: 878: 775: 772: 756:Landgraf Georg 739:Swedish troops 727: 724: 677:the university 646: 643: 641:back in 1635. 581: 578: 533: 530: 521: 518: 493: 490: 474:Dutch Republic 470:Dutch Republic 446:Caspar Schoppe 426:Dutch Republic 382:the university 367:the university 359:the Landgraf's 349:to lecture at 347:young Landgraf 310: 307: 285:legal scholar 267:"wander years" 230: 227: 214: 211: 209: 206: 180: 179: 176: 175: 166: 162: 161: 157: 156: 153: 152: 147: 143: 142: 135: 131: 130: 125: 121: 120: 103: 99: 98: 92: 88: 87: 78: 76:(aged 51) 70: 66: 65: 52: 41: 37: 36: 28: 27: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4471: 4460: 4457: 4455: 4452: 4450: 4447: 4445: 4442: 4440: 4437: 4435: 4432: 4430: 4427: 4425: 4422: 4421: 4419: 4403: 4400: 4398: 4395: 4393: 4390: 4388: 4385: 4383: 4382:Lutheran hymn 4380: 4378: 4375: 4373: 4370: 4369: 4365: 4359: 4358:Johannes Zahn 4356: 4354: 4351: 4349: 4346: 4344: 4341: 4339: 4338:Georg Weissel 4336: 4334: 4333:Michael Weiße 4331: 4329: 4328:Johann Walter 4326: 4324: 4321: 4319: 4316: 4314: 4311: 4309: 4306: 4304: 4303:Leonard Typpö 4301: 4299: 4296: 4294: 4291: 4289: 4286: 4284: 4281: 4279: 4276: 4274: 4271: 4269: 4266: 4264: 4263:Paul Speratus 4261: 4259: 4256: 4254: 4253:Haquin Spegel 4251: 4249: 4246: 4244: 4241: 4239: 4236: 4234: 4231: 4229: 4226: 4224: 4221: 4219: 4216: 4214: 4211: 4209: 4206: 4204: 4201: 4199: 4196: 4194: 4191: 4189: 4186: 4184: 4181: 4179: 4176: 4174: 4171: 4169: 4166: 4164: 4161: 4159: 4156: 4154: 4151: 4149: 4146: 4144: 4141: 4139: 4136: 4134: 4131: 4129: 4126: 4124: 4121: 4119: 4118:Georg Neumark 4116: 4114: 4111: 4109: 4106: 4104: 4101: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4093:Martin Luther 4091: 4089: 4086: 4084: 4081: 4079: 4076: 4074: 4073:Elias Lönnrot 4071: 4069: 4066: 4064: 4061: 4059: 4056: 4054: 4051: 4049: 4046: 4044: 4043:Børre Knudsen 4041: 4039: 4036: 4034: 4031: 4029: 4026: 4024: 4021: 4019: 4016: 4014: 4011: 4009: 4008:Konrad Hubert 4006: 4004: 4003:Anders Hovden 4001: 3999: 3998:Sebald Heyden 3996: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3981: 3979: 3976: 3974: 3971: 3969: 3966: 3964: 3961: 3959: 3956: 3954: 3951: 3949: 3946: 3944: 3941: 3939: 3936: 3934: 3931: 3929: 3928:Paul Gerhardt 3926: 3924: 3921: 3919: 3916: 3914: 3911: 3909: 3906: 3904: 3901: 3899: 3898:Johann Franck 3896: 3894: 3891: 3889: 3888:Jacobus Finno 3886: 3884: 3881: 3879: 3876: 3874: 3871: 3869: 3866: 3864: 3861: 3859: 3856: 3854: 3853:Johann Crüger 3851: 3849: 3846: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3829: 3826: 3824: 3821: 3819: 3816: 3814: 3811: 3809: 3806: 3804: 3801: 3799: 3796: 3794: 3791: 3789: 3786: 3784: 3781: 3779: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3769: 3766: 3765: 3763: 3761: 3755: 3751: 3741: 3740: 3736: 3734: 3733: 3729: 3726: 3725: 3721: 3719: 3718: 3714: 3712: 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University of Marburg
University of Giessen
Christian lyrics
University of Marburg
on-going war
"wander years"
Johann Cothmann
Thomas Lindemann
Peter Lauremberg

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