
Israeli-occupied territories

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West Bank, Golan Heights and our united capital Jerusalem to be harmed. We will not accept any external diktats about our borders. This matter will only be settled in direct negotiations between the parties." Israel is also concerned that the same policy could extend to settlement produce and goods exported to European markets, as some EU member states are pressing for an EU-wide policy of labelling produce and goods originating in Jewish settlements to allow consumers to make informed choices. A special ministerial panel led by prime minister Netanyahu, decided to approach the EU and demand several key amendments in the guidelines before entering any new projects with the Europeans. A spokesperson for the EU confirmed that further talks would take place between Israel and the EU, stating: "We stand ready to organise discussions during which such clarifications can be provided and look forward to continued successful EU-Israel cooperation, including in the area of scientific cooperation."
a wide belt of surrounding suburbs, villages and towns. Article 49 of the same convention prohibits the forcible transfer or deportation of residents from an occupied area, regardless of motive. And yet thousands of Palestinians have been expelled (see Lesch, 1979: 113–130, for a partial list of the "officially deported" ones) while many more have been, through measures to be described below, "pressured" to leave. The same Article expressly forbids the transfer by an occupying power of any of its civilian population into occupied areas. And yet, at most recent count, over 90,000 Israeli Jews have been officially "settled" within the illegally annexed Jerusalem district, and more than 30,000 others have been "settled" in some 100 nahals (military forts), villages and even towns that the Israeli government has authorized, planned, financed and built in unannexed zones beyond the 1949 cease-fire line that Israelis refer to not as a border, but euphemistically as a "green line."
2898: 1805:
water sources, and economic effects. Regarding the violation of freedom of Palestinians, in a 2005 report, the United Nations stated that: is difficult to overstate the humanitarian impact of the Barrier. The route inside the West Bank severs communities, people's access to services, livelihoods and religious and cultural amenities. In addition, plans for the Barrier's exact route and crossing points through it are often not fully revealed until days before construction commences. This has led to considerable anxiety among Palestinians about how their future lives will be impacted...The land between the Barrier and the Green Line constitutes some of the most fertile in the West Bank. It is currently the home for 49,400 West Bank Palestinians living in 38 villages and towns.
568: 531: 656: 2988: 604: 2106:, after Egypt's agreement to secure its side of the border. Under the Oslo Accords the Philadelphi Route was to remain under Israeli control to prevent the smuggling of materials (such as ammunition) and people across the border with Egypt. With Egypt agreeing to patrol its side of the border, it was hoped that the objective would be achieved. However, Israel maintained its control over the crossings in and out of Gaza. The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza was monitored by the Israeli army through special surveillance cameras. Official documents such as passports, I.D. cards, export and import papers, and many others had to be approved by the Israeli army. 689: 723: 2110: 491: 2246: 415: 1846: 2483: 2444: 2030: 2426:(yet unpublished, paragraph 3 of the opinion of the Court; hereinafter – The Gaza Coast Regional Council Case). In the center of this public international law stand the Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, The Hague, 18 October 1907 (hereinafter – The Hague Regulations). These regulations are a reflection of customary international law. The law of belligerent occupation is also laid out in IV Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War 1949 (hereinafter – the Fourth Geneva Convention). 33: 3100:
due to "sustained abuse by Israel of its position as an occupying power through its annexation and assertion of permanent control over occupied Palestinian territory, and its continued frustration of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination". The court also stated that Israel should "make reparations for the damage caused to all the people" of such lands, and that Israel also had "an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities and to evacuate all settlers" from the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
1670: 1335: 3045:
After Palestine's admission to the United Nations as a non-member state in September 2012, it potentially may have its complaint heard by the International Court. Israel's foreign ministry replied to the report saying that "Counterproductive measures – such as the report before us – will only hamper efforts to find a sustainable solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The human rights council has sadly distinguished itself by its systematically one-sided and biased approach towards Israel."
1854: 449: 2355: 2367: 1005: 1793: 2351:
Convention". They ruled that "Conventional international law does not become part of Israeli law through automatic incorporation, but only if it is adopted or combined with Israeli law by enactment of primary or subsidiary legislation from which it derives its force". However, in the same decision the Court ruled that the Fourth Hague Convention rules governing belligerent occupation did apply, since those were recognized as customary international law.
947: 920: 893: 3062:
explicitly exclude Jewish settlements and Israeli institutions and bodies situated across the pre-1967 Green Line – including the Golan Heights, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. EU grants, funding, prizes or scholarships will only be granted if a settlement exclusion clause is included, forcing the Israeli government to concede in writing that settlements in the occupied territories are outside the state of Israel to secure agreements with the EU.
2591: 1903:, and Israel captured and annexed the western part of Jerusalem . Jordan bilaterally annexed East Jerusalem along with the rest of the West Bank in 1950 as a temporary trustee at the request of a Palestinian delegation, and although the annexation was recognized by only two countries, it was not condemned by the UNSC. The British did not recognize the territory as sovereign to Jordan. Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 979: 837: 1274: 1063: 1039: 1021: 992: 907: 880: 3277: 1052: 2479:, has stated that the language of "occupation" has allowed Palestinian spokesmen to obfuscate this history. By repeatedly pointing to "occupation," they manage to reverse the causality of the conflict, especially in front of Western audiences. Thus, the current territorial dispute is allegedly the result of an Israeli decision "to occupy," rather than a result of a war imposed on Israel by a coalition of Arab states in 1967. 966: 934: 850: 824: 3070:
moment Israeli entities enjoy financial support and cooperation with the EU and these guidelines are designed to ensure that this remains the case. At the same time concern has been expressed in Europe that Israeli entities in the occupied territories could benefit from EU support. The purpose of these guidelines is to make a distinction between the State of Israel and the occupied territories when it comes to EU support.
1831:, obtaining broad authority over civilian issues in the West Bank. In June 2023, Israel shortened the procedure of approving settlement construction and gave Finance Minister Smotrich the authority to approve one of the stages, changing the system operating for the last 27 years. In its first six months, construction of 13,000 housing units in settlements, almost triple the amount advanced in the whole of 2022. 862: 2440:
territory of a High Contracting Party, and therefore do not apply since Jordan never exercised sovereignty over the region. However, that interpretation is not shared by the international community. The application of Geneva Convention to Occupied Palestinian Territories was further upheld by International Court of Justice, UN General Assembly, UN Security Council and the Israeli Supreme Court.
4468: 1482: 2292:, has asserted that "As noted in Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 'a party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty'. As such, Israeli reliance on local law does not justify its violations of its international legal obligations". Further, the Palestinian mission to the U.N. has argued that: 3606:. ... 'For 45 years, different compositions of the High Court of Justice stated again and again that international law applies to the West Bank, which is clearly opposed to Levy's findings. This is a colossal turnaround, which I do not think is within his authority. He can tell the government that he recommends changing legal status, and that's all,' said Sasson. 1789:
belligerent occupation, since 1967. The court also held that the normative provisions of public international law regarding belligerent occupation are applicable. The Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, The Hague of 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War 1949 were both cited.
refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purposes of a treaty when it has undertaken an act expressing its consent thereto." The Treaty, which is substantially a codification of customary international law, also provides that a State "may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty" (Art. 27).
decisions by the government of Israel. The EU reiterates that it will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties." The report by all EU foreign ministers also criticized the Israeli government's failure to dismantle settler outposts illegal even under domestic Israeli law."
The Court also concluded that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established "in breach of international law" and that all the States parties to the Geneva Convention are under an obligation to ensure compliance by Israel with international law as embodied in the Convention.
territories contravenes the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention." Moshe Dayan authored a secret memo in 1968 proposing massive settlement in the territories which said "Settling Israelis in administered territory, as is known, contravenes international conventions, but there is nothing essentially new about that."
international law regarding belligerent occupation. The legal meaning of this view is twofold: first, Israeli law does not apply in these areas. They have not been "annexed" to Israel. Second, the legal regime which applies in these areas is determined by public international law regarding belligerent occupation (see HCJ 1661/05
1769:, separating Israel and several of its settlements, as well as a significant number of Palestinians, from the remainder of the West Bank. State of Israel cabinet approved a route to construct separation barrier whose total length will be approximately 760 km (472 mi) built mainly in the West Bank and partly along the 1237:. As required by the treaty, Israel evacuated Israeli military installations and civilian settlements prior to the establishment of "normal and friendly relations" between it and Egypt. Israel dismantled eighteen settlements, two air force bases, a naval base, and other installations by 1982, including the only 6952:
annexations, expulsions and the creation of settlements are specifically prohibited by international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention, in Article 47, proscribes the annexation of occupied territory, and the United Nations has repeatedly condemned Israel's precipitous annexation of East Jerusalem and
In December 1948, at a conference which took place in Jericho, a group of hand-picked leaders of Palestinian Arabs resolved to ask King Abdullah of Transjordan to incorporate the Arab parts of Palestine into his kingdom. The General Armistice Agreement of 3 April 1949 constituted de facto recognition
forbidding transferring civilians of the occupying nation into occupied territory. It held that the settlements are "leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian state and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination."
has dismissed the position that they are not occupied as being "based on dubious legal grounds, considering that the Fourth Geneva Convention does not make its applicability conditional on recognition of titles". Many Israeli government websites do refer to the areas as being "occupied territories".
In the cases before the Israeli High Court of Justice the government has agreed that the military commander's authority is anchored in the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, and that the humanitarian rules of the Fourth Geneva Convention apply. The
The International Court of Justice delivered a landmark advisory opinion in July 2024 that Israel's occupation of West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip was illegal, and that this "unlawful presence" should be ended "as rapidly as possible". The court found that Israel's occupation was illegal
ruled that portions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 merely declare existing customary international law. In 1993, the UN Security Council adopted a binding Chapter VII resolution establishing an International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The resolution approved a Statute which said
had been an after-thought in planning portions of the Elon Moreh settlement. That situation did not fulfill the precise strictures laid down in the articles of the Hague Convention, so the Court ruled the requisition order had been invalid and illegal. In recent decades, the government of Israel has
it is of no relevance whether a State has a monist or a dualist approach to the incorporation of international law into domestic law. A position dependent upon such considerations contradicts Article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 which states that: "a state is obliged to
resources under Israeli control. The evacuation of the civilian population, which took place in 1982, was done forcefully in some instances, such as the evacuation of Yamit. The settlements were demolished, as it was feared that settlers might try to return to their homes after the evacuation. Since
released a series of controversial articles which revealed that key Israeli figures were aware of considerable danger that an attack was likely, including Golda Meir and Moshe Dayan, but had decided not to act. The two journalists leading the investigation, Ronen Bergman and Gil Meltzer, later went
was the Israeli government's expert on international law. On September 16, 1967, Meron wrote a top secret memo to Mr. Adi Yafeh, Political Secretary of the Prime Minister regarding "Settlement in the Administered Territories" which said "My conclusion is that civilian settlement in the Administered
applied to the recently occupied territories, but this order was rescinded a few months later. For a number of years, Israel argued on various grounds that the Geneva Conventions do not apply. One is the Missing Reversioner theory which argued that the Geneva Conventions apply only to the sovereign
from the Gaza Strip. The plan began to be implemented on 15 August 2005, and was completed on 12 September 2005. Under the plan, all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip (and four in the West Bank) and the joint Israeli-Palestinian Erez Industrial Zone were dismantled with the removal of all 9,000
The move was described as an "earthquake" by an Israeli official who wished to remain anonymous, and prompted harsh criticism by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who said in a broadcast statement: "As prime minister of Israel, I will not allow the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who live in the
In 2004 the International Court of Justice, in an advisory, non-binding opinion, noted that the Security Council had described Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in the occupied territories as a "flagrant violation" of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
on human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, in his 2017 report to the UN General Assembly has opined that the occupation itself has become illegal and has recommended that a UN study be commissioned to determine this and to consider asking the International Court of Justice
raised a number of exceptions and objections, but the Court found them unpersuasive. The Court ruled that territories had been occupied by the Israeli armed forces in 1967, during the conflict between Israel and Jordan, and that subsequent events in those territories, had done nothing to alter the
The international community has formally entrusted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with the role of guardian of international humanitarian law. That includes a watchdog function by which it takes direct action to encourage parties to armed conflict to comply with international
comes to the conclusion that Israel's presence in the West Bank is not an occupation in the legal sense, and that the Israeli settlements in those territories do not contravene international law. The report has met with both approval and harsh criticism in Israel and outside. As of July 2013, the
About 500,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank and another 200,000 live in East Jerusalem. The barrier has many effects on Palestinians including reduced freedoms, road closures, loss of land, increased difficulty in accessing medical and educational services in Israel, restricted access to
stating that it is "essential to the Palestinian nation in order to foster its national identity and independence without being dependent on the State of Israel". The Israeli Supreme Court, sitting as the High Court of Justice, stated that Israel has been holding the areas of Judea and Samaria in
issued guidelines for the 2014 to 2020 financial framework covering all areas of co-operation between the EU and Israel, including economics, science, culture, sports and academia but excluding trade on 30 June 2013. According to the directive all future agreements between the EU and Israel must
of 1907 were customary law that had been recognized by all civilized nations. In the past, the Supreme Court has argued that the Geneva Convention insofar it is not supported by domestic legislation "does not bind this Court, its enforcement being a matter for the states which are parties to the
The settlements program is quite simply contrary to international law. However, it is now so far advanced, and so plainly in violation of the Geneva Convention, that it actually creates a powerful reason for Israel's continuing refusal to accept that the Convention is applicable in the occupied
the guidelines conformity with the EU's longstanding position that Israeli settlements are illegal under international law and with the non-recognition by the EU of Israel's sovereignty over the occupied territories, irrespective of their legal status under domestic Israeli law. At the
The Judea and Samaria Area is held by the State of Israel in belligerent occupation. The long arm of the state in the area is the military commander. He is not the sovereign in the territory held in belligerent occupation (see The Beit Sourik Case, at p. 832). His power is granted him by public
On January 31, 2012, the United Nations independent "International Fact-Finding Mission on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" filed a report stating that Israeli settlement led to a multitude of violations of Palestinian human rights and that if Israel did not stop all
decided in March 2012 to establish a panel charged with investigating "the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem." In reaction the
In May 2012 the 27 ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union published a report strongly denouncing policies of the State of Israel in the West Bank and finding that settlements in the West Bank are illegal: "settlements remain illegal under international law, irrespective of recent
In 2000, the editors of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Palestine Yearbook of International Law (1998–1999) said "the "transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the
The guidelines do not apply to any Palestinian body in the West Bank or East Jerusalem, and they do not affect agreements between the EU and the PLO or the Palestinian Authority, nor do they apply to Israeli government ministries or national agencies, to private individuals, to human rights
settlement area in the Strip's southwest) and military bases. Some settlers resisted the order, and were forcibly removed by the IDF. On 12 September 2005 the Israeli cabinet formally declared an end to Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip. To avoid allegations that it was still in
of 1973, Syria attempted to recapture the Golan Heights militarily, but the attempt was unsuccessful. Israel and Syria signed a ceasefire agreement in 1974 that left almost all the Heights under Israeli control, while returning a narrow demilitarized zone to Syrian control. A United Nations
of 22 November 1967, which called for the return of Israeli-occupied State territories in exchange for peaceful relations. Israel had accepted Resolution 242 in a speech to the Security Council on 1 May 1968. In March 1972, Syria "conditionally" accepted Resolution 242, and in May 1974, the
was agreed in June 2008, but it was broken several times by both Israel and Hamas. As it reached its expiry, Hamas announced that they were unwilling to renew the ceasefire without improving the terms. At the end of December 2008 Israeli forces began Operation Cast Lead, launching the
5449: 1591:. Syria and Lebanon have claimed that the farms belong to Lebanon and in 2007 a UN cartographer came to the conclusion that the Shebaa farms do actually belong to Lebanon (contrary to the belief held by Israel). UN then said that Israel should relinquish the control of this area. 1983:
East Jerusalem residents are increasingly becoming integrated into Israeli society, in terms of education, citizenship, national service and in other aspects. Recent surveys show that, if given the option of having East Jerusalem transferred today from Israeli rule to the
1549:, which declared it as "null and void and without international legal effect", and consequently continuing to regard the Golan Heights as Israeli-occupied territory. The measure has also been criticized by other countries, either as illegal or as not being helpful to the 7268:
Report of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East
2501:, disputing these views, has written that the Israeli government knew at the outset that it was violating the Geneva Convention by creating civilian settlements in the territories under IDF administration. He explained that as the legal counsel of the Foreign Ministry, 1784:. It claimed that "Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defence or on a state of necessity in order to preclude the wrongfulness of the construction of the wall". However, Israel government derived its justification for constructing this barrier with Prime Minister 4738: 3472: 3090:
welcomed the guidelines, saying: "The EU has moved from the level of statements, declarations and denunciations to effective policy decisions and concrete steps, which constitute a qualitative shift that will have a positive impact on the chances of peace."
5468: 4081: 3004:
deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory" amounts to a war crime. They hold that this is obviously applicable to Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Arab Territories."
Jordan occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from 1948 to 1967, annexing it in 1950 and granting Jordanian citizenship to the residents in 1954 (the annexation claims and citizenship grants were rescinded in 1988 when Jordan acknowledged the
Because of the continuing controls Israel exercises over the lives and welfare of Gaza's inhabitants, Israel remains an occupying power under international humanitarian law, despite withdrawing its military forces and settlements from the territory in
4899: 3272: 2454:
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that the Supreme Court of Israel has ruled that the Fourth Geneva Convention and certain parts of Additional Protocol I reflect customary international law that is applicable in the occupied territories.
UN Security Council Resolution 478 also called upon countries which held their diplomatic delegations to Israel in Jerusalem, to move them outside the city. Most nations with embassies in Jerusalem complied, and relocated their embassies to
6260: 1459:, promised that within a year all Israeli forces would withdraw from Lebanon. When negotiation efforts failed between Israel and Syria—the goal of the negotiations was to bring a peace agreement between Israel and Lebanon as well, due to 4030: 6396: 2345:
held that the fundamental rules of international law accepted as binding by all "civilized" nations were incorporated in the domestic legal system of Israel. The Nuremberg Military Tribunal determined that the articles annexed to the
3602:'If the Levy Committee is pushing the government to determine that Israel's presence in the West Bank does not violate international law, Israel is in a dangerous position facing the rest of the world,' said Sasson this morning to 2550:
According to the BBC, "Israel argues that the international conventions relating to occupied land do not apply to the Palestinian territories because they were not under the legitimate sovereignty of any state in the first place."
1988:, most East Jerusalem Palestinians would oppose the proposal. According to Middle East expert David Pollock, in the hypothesis that a final agreement was reached between Israel and the Palestinians with the establishment of a 5235: 3057:(EU) foreign ministers in December 2012 stating that "all agreements between the state of Israel and the EU must unequivocally and explicitly indicate their inapplicability to the territories occupied by Israel in 1967", the 3972: 4730: 3462: 2918: 2890:
that the problem of adherence of some but not all States to the Geneva Conventions does not arise, since beyond any doubt the Convention is declarative of customary international law. The subsequent interpretation of the
In January 2012, the spokesperson for the UN Secretary General stated that under resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, the UN still regards Gaza to be a part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls the Gaza Strip's airspace and territorial waters as well as the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea.
stated in January, 2008: "Israel got out of Gaza. It dismantled its settlements there. No Israeli soldiers were left there after the disengagement." Israel also notes that Gaza does not belong to any sovereign state.
2925:, territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army, and the occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. 1963:
in 1995, stating that "Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel; and the United States Embassy in Israel should be established in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999." As a result of the
4992: 1575:
In 2004, there were 34 settlements in the Golan Heights, populated by around 18,000 people. Today, an estimated 20,000 Israeli settlers and 20,000 Syrians live in the territory. All inhabitants are entitled to
Letter dated 31 August 1949, addressed to the Chairman of the Conciliation Commission by Mr. Reuven Shiloah, Head of the Delegation of Israel, containing Replies to the Commission's Questionnaire of 15 August 1949
humanitarian law. The head of the International Red Cross delegation to Israel and the Occupied Territories stated that the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories is a grave breach of the
declared this action to be "null and void", and that it "must be rescinded forthwith". The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem and considers it an occupied territory.
7206: 2946:
for an advisory opinion. The general thrust of international law scholarship addressing this question has concluded that, regardless of whether it was initially legal, the occupation has become illegal over time.
7139: 4073: 2534: 6631:"Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel (Unofficial translation) Passed by the Knesset on the 17th Av, 5740 (30th July, 1980) and published in Sefer Ha-Chukkim No. 980 of the 23rd Av, 5740 (5th August, 1980)" 4960: 2184: 7412:"Guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli entities and their activities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967 for grants, prizes and financial instruments funded by the EU from 2014 onwards" 6990:
Article 49 has been interpreted as prohibiting both forced deportations of Palestinians and population transfers of the sort associated with the establishment and continuous expansion of Israeli settlements
4891: 3620: 2317:
The question is important given if the status of "occupied territories" has a bearing on the legal duties and rights of Israel toward those. Hence it has been discussed in various forums including the UN.
5266: 3589: 7458: 2329:, Jordan's prior illegal occupation and initiation of the 1967 war, and security needs due to its small borders and hostile neighbors. Israel states that the territories' final status should be decided 2256:
map showing East Jerusalem, the Green Line and Jerusalem's city limits which were unilaterally expanded by Israel, 28 June 1967, annexed by Knesset (30 July 1980), and modified and expanded in February
1907:. On June 27, Israel extended its laws, jurisdiction, and administration to East Jerusalem and several nearby towns and villages, and incorporated the area into the Jerusalem Municipality. In 1980, the 1398:(transformed from Free Lebanon Army), until the year 2000. Israel's stated purpose for the Security Belt was to create a space separating its northern border towns from terrorists residing in Lebanon. 7115: 6257: 3561: 5348: 4472: 4022: 6388: 3912:
Articles 85, 88, and 89 of Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977
1444:, which was the capital of the security belt. Residents remaining in the security zone had many contacts with Israel, many of whom have worked there and received various services from Israel. 6109: 5841: 5383: 4451: 4298: 6682: 5932: 3823: 2800: 2789: 5465: 3339: 3015:
Israel denies that the Israeli settlements are in breach of any international laws. The Israeli Supreme Court has yet to rule decisively on settlement legality under the Geneva Convention.
5970: 4929: 1463:
until 2005—Barak led the withdrawal of the IDF to the Israeli border on 24 May 2000. No soldiers were killed or wounded during the redeployment to the internationally recognized border of
5793: 4182: 1233:
into a city with a population of 200,000, though the actual population of Yamit did not exceed 3,000. The Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt in stages beginning in 1979 as part of the
3394: 4679: 2071: 1739: 4841: 1858: 5225: 6768:'Letter dated 29 January 2004 from the Deputy Director General and Legal Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Written Statement of the Government of Israel' 4426: 3962: 6162: 6370: 5023: 2906: 1424:
The strip was a few kilometers wide, and consisted of about 10% of the total territory of Lebanon, which housed about 150,000 people who lived in 67 villages and towns made up of
6135: 7671: 4708: 7271: 7552: 5675: 4780: 3398: 5583: 4400: 3656: 4982: 2514: 1968:, official U.S. documents and web sites refer to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Until May 2018, the law had never been implemented, because successive U.S. Presidents 7203: 7089: 6427: 3366: 284:
for the territories. The ICJ in 2024 ruled that Israel's occupation was illegal and called for Israel to end its "unlawful presence … as rapidly as possible" and to make
7358: 2121:
The Israeli position is that it no longer occupies Gaza, as Israel does not exercise effective control or authority over any land or institutions inside the Gaza Strip.
399: 7131: 2132:
Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."
1645:(PLO) as the sole representative of the Palestinian people). Egypt administered the Gaza Strip from 1948 to 1967 but did not annex it or make Gazans Egyptian citizens. 234:, respectively. The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the Golan Heights, where Israel had transferred its parts of population there and built large 7588: 7250: 6751: 4952: 7423: 6711: 3801: 6552: 2307: 6018:
International Law – Administered Territories – Rights and Duties of Occupying Power – Registration and Taxation – Articles 43 and 49 of the Hague Regulations, 1907
4605: 4198:"Upon completion of the interim withdrawal provided for in Annex I, the parties will establish normal and friendly relations, in accordance with Article III (3)." 3129: 2046: 214: 3776: 3617: 3422:
Strongly deplores the continued refusal of Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly;
5258: 3533: 1758:
and reinstated full military administration in various parts of the two territories. On July 31, 1988, Jordan renounced its claims to the West Bank for the PLO.
7447: 6598: 5064:
of that incorporation; however, it was specifically designed as a military agreement which did not prejudice the political positions of the contracting parties.
3579: 2475:
since the Convention "is based on the assumption that there had been a sovereign who was ousted and that he had been a legitimate sovereign." Israeli diplomat,
and boycotted the UN Human Rights Commission. The U.S. government acceded to the Israeli government demand to attempt to thwart the formation of such a panel.
5764: 4870: 7225: 3498: 3233:. Israel transferred the islands to Egypt as part of its withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and, subsequently, in 2017 Egypt transferred the two islands to 3207: 2234:
on Israel from the Gaza Strip. On 9 October 2023, following the beginning of the Israel–Hamas war and attacks in Israel by Hamas militants, Israel imposed a
7112: 65: 6189: 4107: 3556: 6093: 3109: 2203: 2153: 1720: 1511: 6660: 5340: 2785:
to describe Israeli-occupied territories is "the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem", which is used, for example, in Resolutions
4281: 4499:
Lutfiyya, Abdulla M., Baytin: A Jordanian Village. A Study of Social Institutions and Social Change in a Folk Community, Walter de Gruyter, 1966, p.14
have preferred the term "disputed territories" in the case of the West Bank, and Israel likewise maintains that the West Bank is disputed territory.
6618: 5869: 7514: 6113: 5845: 5373: 4448: 4302: 2797: 2786: 2063:
Between 1967 and 1993, the Gaza Strip was under Israeli military administration. In March 1979, Egypt renounced all claims to the Gaza Strip in the
6686: 5922: 3827: 3684: 2389:
case that the area in question was under occupation and that accordingly only the military commander of the area may requisition land according to
2267: 37: 6450: 6054: 6020: 5606: 4806: 4776: 3332: 1378:. Later, Israel withdrew from parts of the occupied area between 1983 and 1985, but remained in partial control of the border region known as the 6351: 5954: 5497: 4921: 4179: 2967: 2947: 2938: 2271: 2235: 392: 17: 5815: 5785: 5705: 5653: 2842:
also declared the annexation of the Golan "null and void". Following withdrawal by Israel from the Sinai Peninsula in 1982, as part of the 1979
4584: 3660: 3402: 2839: 2835: 1580:, which would entitle them to an Israeli driver's license and enable them to travel freely in Israel. The non-Jewish residents, who are mostly 1506: 677:
was created to provide a Palestinian interim self-government in the West Bank and the interior of the Gaza Strip. Its second phase envisioned "
4671: 3874: 425:
Three proposals for the post World War I administration of Palestine. The red line is the "International Administration" proposed in the 1916
7634: 7389: 7332: 5047: 4833: 2958:, that the occupation itself is an illegal regime "of alien subjugation, domination and exploitation", or some combination of these factors. 1747: 1295: 6573: 6550:"Annexe 2—Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention: statement by the International Committee of the Red Cross" 6500: 4362: 3939: 3296: 2199: 175: 6479: 6339:
See Yoram Dinstein, 'The International Law of Belligerent Occupation and Human Rights', 8 Israeli Yearbook on Human Rights 104, 107 (1978)
4423: 2179:
applied to Israel "in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war." In a 2009 interview on
6852: 6166: 2897: 2038: 1873: 1685: 502: 6826: 6634: 6367: 5015: 4526: 2971: 7204:
6730: 6139: 4639: 2008: 1980:
exercised the law's presidential waiver, citing national security interests. On 14 May 2018, the U.S. opened its Embassy in Jerusalem.
1402: 1391: 1259: 385: 311:
in 2005. The UN and a number of human rights organizations continue to consider Israel as the occupying power of the Gaza Strip due to
121: 5630: 5144: 4777:"Palestine question/Mideast situation – Compilation of resolutions and decisions adopted in 2003 (English and French) (23 April 2004)" 4760: 4700: 2572:
report was not brought before the Israeli cabinet or any parliamentary or governmental body which would have the power to approve it.
7692: 6905: 6525: 6073: 5177: 4053: 3725: 2089: 1208: 789: 549: 203: 154: 7613:
Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem
7267: 7266:
Human Rights Council Twenty-second session, Agenda item 7, Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories,
5544: 5316: 3751: 281: 5525: 5095: 3882: 3858: 2812: 1728: 58: 5580: 4552: 4397: 3896: 3850: 1816:. On June 9, 2020, the Israeli Supreme Court struck down the law as "infringing on the property rights of Palestinian residents." 374:. In 2015, over 800,000 Israelis resided outside the 1949 Armistice Lines, constituting nearly 13% of Israel's Jewish population. 5734: 2052:
Between 1948 and 1967, the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian military administration, being officially under the jurisdiction of the
1414: 90: 7642: 6236: 6209: 4230: 3718:"Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: The conflict in Gaza: A briefing on applicable law, investigations and accountability" 3086:
Palestinians and their supporters hailed the EU directive as a significant political and economic sanction against settlements.
is held to constitute a transfer of Israel's civilian population into the occupied territories and as such is illegal under the
2417:, the Court determined that "Judea and Samaria" and the Gaza area are lands seized during warfare, and are not part of Israel: 7542: 7087: 6419: 3915: 3370: 3134: 3036:
settlement activity immediately and begin withdrawing all settlers from the West Bank, it potentially might face a case at the
3024: 2157: 1263: 795: 708: 434: 149: 7354: 6770: 5399: 4572:"Israel High Court Ruling Docket H.C.J. 7957/04: International Legality of the Security Fence and Sections near Alfei Menashe" 7687: 7661: 7612: 7174: 7076: 6315: 5118: 4520: 4341: 4262: 4250: 4211: 4168: 3435: 3119: 2530: 2330: 1689: 1550: 581: 224: 109: 7574: 7491: 7247: 2156:
maintains an office on "Occupied Palestinian Territory", which concerns itself with the Gaza Strip. In his statement on the
1773:, or "Green Line" between Israel and Palestinian West Bank. 12% of the West Bank area is on the Israel side of the barrier. 7135: 6748: 5476: 3797: 3029: 126: 7411: 6708: 5259:"The desire of eastern Jerusalem Arabs to integrate in Israeli society outweighs the threats of the Palestinian Authority" 3999: 2526: 1505:. A ceasefire was signed on 11 June 1967 and the Golan Heights came under Israeli military administration. Syria rejected 6549: 5591: 5453: 5434: 5201: 4381: 4135: 2743: 2727: 2326: 2289: 1862: 1820: 1654: 297: 104: 51: 7113:
4807:"Humanitarian impact of the West Bank barrier on Palestinian communities (June 2007) – OCHA/UNRWA report (30 July 2007)" 4609: 3872:
Commentary on Part III : Status and treatment of protected persons #Section III : Occupied territories Art. 47
Since the occupation began in 1967, Israel applied its laws on Israeli citizens living in the West Bank with successive
567: 336: 6568: 5927: 5397:
Summary of the Advisory Opinion: Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
3772: 2808: 2402:
that its authority in the territories is based on the international law of "belligerent occupation", in particular the
2122: 1923: 1823:
under Benjamin Netanyahu approved the legalization of nine illegal settler outposts in the West Bank. Finance Minister
1546: 1523: 7294: 6849:"Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967" 5842:"Israel's Belligerent Occupation of the Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem and International Humanitarian Law" 3525: 2684:, Abraham's grandson. A literal reading of the text suggests that the land promise is (or was at one time) one of the 366:
in these territories are in breach of Israel's obligations as an occupying power and constitute a grave breach of the
6590: 5066: 3463:"International Court of Justice calls on Israel to end occupation of Palestinian territories 'as rapidly as possible" 2951: 2942: 2403: 2164: 1724: 1642: 1321: 639: 541: 340: 3395:"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan" 1303: 6284:. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (Israeli Security, Regional Diplomacy, and International Law). Archived from 5994: 5756: 4862: 2004: 1600: 355:, the resolution of specific conditions outlined in a peace treaty, or the formation of a new civilian government. 7222: 5426: 5295: 3187: 2934: 2782: 2231: 2211: 1920: 1876:
had contemplated that all of Jerusalem would be an international city within an international area that included
1538: 1194: 700: 308: 277: 273: 170: 6327:
See Israeli State Archives 153.8/7920/7A, Document 60, dated October 15, 1968, cited on page 173 of Gorenberg's
Statement by Prof. Richard Falk, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
5407: 4486: 4103: 3191: 2891: 2886: 2855: 2491: 2176: 2082: 2075: 1985: 1777: 1299: 1009: 674: 269: 97: 7625: 6281: 3639: 2691:
The definition of the limits of this territory varies between biblical passages, some of the main ones being:
530: 6656: 5369: 2987: 2843: 2382: 2145: 2064: 1448: 1409:
and later as an allied militia. Notably, the South Lebanon Army controlled the prison in Khiam. In addition,
1234: 1156: 250: 7355:"Statement by the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Israel on the European Commission Notice" 5054:. Session 12-11 Date: May 1950. Council approved plan to consider Jordan the "trustee" of Eastern Palestine. 5866: 4804:
Introduction, The Humanitarian Impact of the West Bank Barrier on Palestinian Communities, United Nations.
3037: 1828: 1460: 1056: 510: 324: 262: 246: 239: 5886: 5701: 5679: 4581: 3291:
Over the years Israel had several plans to annex portions of the territory. The first plan was called the
The Jewish religious belief that the area is a God-given inheritance of the Jewish people is based on the
2406:. The court has confirmed this interpretation many times, for example in its 2004 and 2005 rulings on the 1872:
has created additional issues in relation to the question of whether or not it is occupied territory. The
1533:, extending Israeli administration and law to the territory. Israel has expressly avoided using the term " 655: 3692: 3124: 2250: 1418: 6789:"Using the Master's Tools to Dismantle the Master's House: International Law and Palestinian Liberation" 4784: 2594:
Map showing an interpretation of the borders of the Land of Israel, based on scriptural verses found in
1992:, 48% of East Jerusalem Arabs would prefer being citizens of Israel, while 42% of them would prefer the 1522:
observation force was established in 1974 as a buffer between the sides. By Syrian formal acceptance of
6454: 6090: 6051: 6017: 5603: 4810: 3183: 1561: 1088: 603: 430: 312: 253:, Israel effectively annexed the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem in 1980, and brought the rest of the 131: 6348: 5489: 5424:
JCPA Legal Acrobatics: The Palestinian Claim that Gaza is Still "Occupied" Even After Israel Withdraws
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
722: 544:
as of 1947 in blue, constituting 7.4% of the total land area, of which more than half was held by the
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America)
5819: 5650: 5563: 5561:
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs office on Occupied Palestinian Territory web site
2826:) has not been recognized by any other country, and the annexation of the Golan Heights in 1981 (see 2467:
applicability of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention regarding occupied territories to the case of the
2447: 2407: 2109: 2042: 1888: 1770: 1762: 1743: 1697: 1692:
after the 1948 war. In April 1950, Jordan annexed the West Bank, but this was recognized only by the
1634: 1565: 1526:, which set out the cease-fire at the end of the Yom Kippur War, Syria also accepted Resolution 242. 688: 589: 585: 506: 426: 2866:
consider East Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank and occupied by Israel; Israel considers all of
2245: 7202:, 3 May 2012, "U.S. Pressing UN Human Rights Commissioner to Put Off West Bank Settlements Probe," 6876:"Negotiating the Illegal: On the United Nations and the Illegal Occupation of Palestine, 1967–2020" 5604:
A Debate on Israel's Invasion of Gaza: UNRWA's Christopher Gunness v. Israel Project's Meagan Buren
5091: 3871: 2981: 2816: 2542: 2053: 1732: 1452: 1284: 704: 344: 7667: 7639:"Security for Peace: Israel's Minimal Security Requirements in Negotiations with the Palestinians" 7381: 7324: 5044: 4512:
The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory
2563:, published in July 2012, a three-member committee headed by former Israeli Supreme Court justice 1225:. It established settlements along the Gulf of Aqaba and in the northeast portion, just below the 490: 6504: 5900: 3247: 2399: 2342: 2187:(UNRWA) contends that Israel is an occupying power. However, Meagan Buren, senior adviser to the 2172: 1630: 1604: 1401:
During the stay in the security belt, the IDF held many positions and supported the SLA. The SLA
1288: 712: 414: 359: 293: 191: 6571: 4359: 3931: 3299:
was to annex 60% of the territory by July 2020. None of the annexation plans were ever executed.
was returned in 1989 in a separate arrangement allowing Israelis to travel there free of charge.
In 1967, the West Bank came under Israeli military administration. Israel retained the mukhtar (
7002: 6475: 2216: 1956: 1845: 1664: 1363: 1119: 631: 358:
Israel disputes whether, and if so to what extent, it is an occupying power in relation to the
6848: 6630: 6039: 5226:"A surprising process of 'Israelization' is taking place among Palestinians in East Jerusalem" 5110:
The right to conquest: the acquisition of territory by force in international law and practice
5108: 4201: 3425: 1935:
or other Israeli cities prior to the adoption of Resolution 478. Following the withdrawals of
7052: 6788: 6727: 4510: 4333: 3721: 2847: 2838:
declared the annexation of East Jerusalem "null and void" and required that it be rescinded.
2195: 2103: 1965: 1960: 1755: 1751: 6926:
Abu-Lughod, Janet (1982). "Israeli Settlements in Occupied Arab Lands: Conquest to Colony".
6657:"The International Committee of the Red Cross as guardian of international humanitarian law" 4863:"Israel's Supreme Court strikes down law legalising settlements on private Palestinian land" 4646: 2922: 2390: 7584: 7053:
Preserving a legal inheritance: settlement rights in the "Occupied Palestinian Territories"
5786:"Israel announces 'complete siege' of Gaza, cutting its electricity, food, water, and fuel" 5626: 5134: 4758: 4629:
Makovsky, David (March/April 2004). "How to Build a Fence". Foreign Affairs 83 (2): 50–64.
3309: 2517:
that the territories are occupied and claim that use of the term "occupied" in relation to
2510: 2207: 2057: 1916: 1900: 1754:, and only partial Israeli military control, although Israel has frequently redeployed its 678: 574: 545: 114: 7248:
Independent UN inquiry urges halt to Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory
6875: 6518: 6070: 5167: 3717: 1711:) system of government inherited from Jordan, and subsequent governments began developing 1560:" based on Resolution 242. The first high-level public talks aimed at a resolution of the 8: 7453: 5541: 3748: 3282:, each one lasting for five years. The last emergency authorization was approved in 2023. 3058: 2984:. This is disputed by other legal experts who argue with this interpretation of the law. 2977: 2863: 2859: 2538: 2347: 2341:
In two cases decided shortly after independence, in the Shimshon and Stampfer cases, the
2311: 2029: 1701: 1626: 1577: 1464: 1144: 593: 438: 328: 5522: 4278: 3367:"Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" 2919:'Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory' 2769:, in the belief that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the 2482: 2443: 2242:, who declared: "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed." 7697: 7030: 7022: 6981: 6943: 6818: 6749:"Legal Consequence of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" 4548: 3893: 3847: 2955: 2875: 2685: 2638: 2568: 2436: 2414: 2394: 2141: 2133: 1993: 1989: 1919:, which declared Jerusalem to be the "complete and united" capital of Israel. However, 1813: 1673: 1406: 1395: 1383: 1375: 1359: 1255: 1173: 1135: 1115: 1111: 1030: 1004: 952: 925: 898: 367: 363: 285: 235: 7005:(1990). "Prolonged Military Occupation: The Israeli-Occupied Territories Since 1967". 5726: 4731:"Far-right Israeli Minister Lays Groundwork for Doubling West Bank Settler Population" 3312:, some Israelis have organized with the goal of rebuilding the evacuated settlements. 3153:
The occupied part consists of the western two-thirds of the territory, which includes
2041:, but no Arab state formed as a result of the 1947 partition plan. As a result of the 1735:
are applied to Israeli settlements and Israeli residents in the occupied territories.
Syria wants the return of the Golan Heights, while Israel has maintained a policy of "
32: 7657: 7638: 7170: 7111:, 14 May 2012, "EU: Israel's Policies in the West Bank Endanger Two-State Solution," 7072: 7034: 6897: 6822: 6810: 6519:"Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention: Declaration" 6311: 6232: 6205: 5962: 5114: 4516: 4337: 4258: 4227: 4207: 4164: 3580:"Legal Expert: If Israel Isn't Occupying West Bank, It Must Give Up Land Held by IDF" 3431: 3114: 3041: 2996: 2827: 2739: 2731: 2607: 2522: 2498: 2371: 2099: 1781: 1615: 1568:. Throughout the 1990s several Israeli governments negotiated with Syria's president 1530: 1367: 1094: 635: 332: 301: 5466:
Israeli MFA Address by Israeli Foreign Minister Livni to the 8th Herzliya Conference
4326: 3913: 1943:
in August 2006, no country maintained its embassy in Jerusalem until 2018, although
The Occupation of Justice: the Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories
7014: 6973: 6939: 6935: 6887: 6800: 6767: 5396: 4630: 4238: 2914: 2735: 2611: 1824: 1669: 1355: 1339: 1251: 755: 557: 207: 7654:
What Did We Do to Deserve This? Palestinian Life Under Occupation in the West Bank
4922:"Smotrich handed sweeping powers over West Bank, control over settlement planning" 4247: 2726:
The boundaries of the Land of Israel are different from the borders of historical
7646: 7629: 7543:"Top UN court says Israeli occupation of West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal" 7481: 7275: 7254: 7229: 7210: 7164: 7119: 7093: 6774: 6755: 6734: 6715: 6577: 6556: 6374: 6355: 6264: 6077: 6058: 6027:. Israeli Supreme Court document. April 5, 1983. (PDF) . Retrieved on 2012-01-15. 6024: 6002: 5998: 5873: 5657: 5610: 5587: 5567: 5548: 5529: 5472: 5430: 5403: 5205: 5051: 4764: 4455: 4430: 4404: 4385: 4366: 4285: 4254: 4234: 4186: 4003: 3967: 3919: 3900: 3878: 3854: 3755: 3643: 3624: 3565: 3246:
Although renounced in 1988 its claims to East Jerusalem, Jordan still claims the
2804: 2793: 2766: 2747: 2653: 2619: 2160: 1334: 1214: 750: 734: 623: 460: 289: 6805: 1880:
for at least ten years, after which the residents would be allowed to conduct a
1812:, which aimed at retroactively legalizing 2,000 to 4,000 Israeli settlements in 6036: 5378: 4953:"Former US ambassador accuses Israel of 'creeping annexation' of the West Bank" 3996: 3688: 3226: 3054: 2894:
does not support Israel's view on the applicability of the Geneva Conventions.
2851: 2754: 2665: 2657: 2615: 2585: 2581: 2546: 2322: 2253: 2188: 2137: 2114: 1973: 1952: 1896: 1840: 1809: 1712: 1693: 1569: 1557: 1518: 1410: 772: 663: 627: 43: 5542:"Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories" 5198: 4378: 4129: 3749:"Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories" 2811:
and 484. A conference of the parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the
2720: 2710: 2700: 2695: 2599: 2185:
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
1853: 1370:
Christian militias seized large sections of Lebanon, including the capital of
7681: 6901: 6814: 5966: 5613: 4588: 4477: 3503: 3230: 3087: 2831: 2823: 2758: 2715: 2705: 2595: 2502: 2180: 2012: 1912: 1494: 1486: 1476: 1134:
No, but Israel has maintained control over the territory's border crossings,
1129: 760: 619: 195: 7482:"UN top court says Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal" 6683:"Press Release-US Response to ICRC Statement on Illegal Israeli Settlements" 2921:. The Court observed that under customary international law as reflected in 2513:
have made political statements and many of Israel's citizens and supporters
7519: 7234: 6965: 6892: 5891: 5423: 4074:"Israel's Knesset Extends West Bank Emergency Orders by Another Five Years" 4058: 3237:. Israel was consulted and approved the subsequent transfer to Saudi Arabia 3234: 3222: 3154: 2902: 2642: 2458: 2354: 2239: 2168: 1977: 1969: 1619: 1588: 871: 670: 352: 5887:"Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank (minute 4:30)" 5727:"Israel attack: PM says Israel at war after 70 killed in attack from Gaza" 5070: 3079:
working toward promoting peace which operate in the occupied territories.
2366: 2007:
occurred between Palestinians and Israeli police over further anticipated
In the Golan Heights there is another area occupied by Israel, namely the
448: 210:
as well. Prior to 1967, the Palestinian territories was split between the
7579: 7515:"UN court orders Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories" 6308:
The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967–1977
6190:"The Missing Reversioner: Reflections on the Status of Judea and Samaria" 5450:
International Law and Gaza: The Assault on Israel's Right to Self-Defense
5172: 5139: 4508: 3262:
Area B is under PNA civillian control and under Israeli security control.
3170: 2614:, there are no, and cannot be, "occupied territories" because all of the 2564: 2559: 2435:
Soon after the 1967 war, Israel issued a military order stating that the
2125: 1940: 1904: 1797: 1502: 1222: 615: 553: 230:, while the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights are parts of Egypt and 199: 5016:"Netanyahu hands Smotrich full authority to expand existing settlements" 4323: 2098:
occupation of any part of the Gaza Strip, Israel also withdrew from the
7132:"Israel, the Conflict and Peace: Answers to frequently asked questions" 7026: 6985: 6947: 6097: 5288:"إستطلاع رأي : 93% من العرب في القدس يفضلون بقاء الحكم الإسرائيلي" 5287: 5090:
UK recognition of Israel and of Jordanian annexation of the West Bank,
4892:"U.S. Announced Israeli Settlement Freeze, Netanyahu Rushed to Deny It" 3657:"Israel, the Conflict and Peace: Answers to frequently asked questions" 3292: 2879: 2677: 2661: 2472: 2386: 2359: 2238:. The total blockade of Gaza was announced by Israeli Defense Minister 2094: 2024: 1936: 1881: 1792: 1785: 1534: 1456: 1425: 1242:
1982, the Sinai Peninsula has not been regarded as occupied territory.
1226: 777: 258: 211: 7615:, advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, 19 July 2024 3679: 3677: 3526:"Controversial UN expert: If talks fail, Hague should opine on Israel" 2972:
Human rights in Israel § Human rights in the occupied territories
2815:, have also resolved that these territories are occupied and that the 2219:
that left an estimated 1,166–1,417 Palestinians and 13 Israelis dead.
5374:"Evictions in Jerusalem Become Focus of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" 5135:"Costa Rica's Exit Leaves El Salvador with Lone Embassy in Jerusalem" 4834:"Israel Passes Provocative Law to Retroactively Legalize Settlements" 4672:"Jewish settler population in the West Bank surpasses half a million" 4634: 2867: 2590: 2487: 2476: 2468: 1877: 1869: 1766: 1677: 1658: 1441: 1429: 1238: 1125: 867: 765: 468: 464: 371: 254: 221: 7018: 6977: 4314:. General Assembly Security Council. United Nations. 23 October 1973 3848:
Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers
that according to international law the West Bank status is that of
1273: 513:, extraterritorial crossroads between the non-contiguous areas, and 459:
The first official proposal for partition, published in 1937 by the
437:, and the thin blue line refers to the final borders of the 1923–48 7618: 7486: 6285: 5992:
International Law in Domestic Courts: Israel, by Dr. David Kretzmer
5991: 5341:"New Poll Reveals Moderate Trend Among East Jerusalem Palestinians" 5208: 4987: 3674: 3637:
From "Occupied Territories" to "Disputed Territories," by Dore Gold
3636: 3467: 3157:. Israel has never occupied the eastern third of the Golan Heights. 3040:. It said that Israel was in violation of article 49 of the fourth 2999:, who was shot dead while reporting in the West Bank on 11 May 2022 2746:
ruled lands with similar but not identical boundaries. The current
2461:, taking a different approach, wrote in the 1970s that there is no 2285: 1948: 1932: 1106: 463:. An ongoing British Mandate was proposed to keep "the sanctity of 27:
Territories presently occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War
resolutions have described the continuing occupation of Palestine
2846:, the Sinai ceased to be considered occupied territory. While the 2541:" although they agree to apply the humanitarian provisions of the 1637:. Today, Palestinians make up around half of Jordan's population. 292:
called Israel's occupation "an affront to international law". The
5896: 5661: 5230: 4983:"Israeli government takes major step toward West Bank annexation" 4409: 4161:
The Arab–Israeli Dilemma (Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)
4146: 4077: 3584: 2770: 2762: 2669: 2533:. They argue it is more accurate to refer to the territories as " 2463: 2375: 2060:, de facto becoming under direct Egyptian military governorship. 1944: 1908: 1437: 1387: 1351: 1100: 984: 842: 288:
to the people of the occupied territories. UN Special Rapporteur
249:, and after the return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt after the 6524:. hosted by Foundation for Middle East Peace. 1949. p. 11. 6275: 6273: 5067:"Annexation of the West Bank by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" 4054:"Jordan scrambles to affirm its custodianship of al-Aqsa mosque" 3826:. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2014-07-18. Archived from 3659:. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2009-12-30. Archived from 3499:"Israel's Palestinian Territories Occupation Unlawful: UN Court" 3361: 3359: 2923:
Article 42 of the Regulations annexed to the Hague IV Convention
Article 52 of the Regulations annexed to the Hague IV Convention
2284:, an independent Palestinian human rights organization based in 2037:
The Gaza Strip was allotted to the Arab state envisioned by the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Israel and the Palestinians: Prospects for a Two-State Solution
July 6, 2006; Human Rights Watch considers Gaza still occupied.
2926: 2518: 2413:
In its June 2005 ruling upholding the constitutionality of the
2281: 2072:
Israel–Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition
1997: 1892: 1884:
and the issue could be re-examined by the Trusteeship Council.
Israel–Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition
1386:, which executed a limited authority over portions of southern 1371: 1347: 1075: 1068: 1044: 1026: 1013: 997: 912: 885: 227: 187: 7325:"EU: Future agreements with Israel won't apply to territories" 4781:
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
4701:"Israel to ramp up settlement expansion in occupied West Bank" 4449:
31st Aug 1949 Israel's official claim to non-state territories
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
In July 2004, the International Court of Justice delivered an
between God and the Israelites, as the following verses show.
In February 2005, the Israeli government voted to implement a
treated Gaza as a part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
and subsequently retained its forces to support the Christian
505:(UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II), 1947), prior to the 245:
From 1967 to 1981, the four areas were administered under the
7382:"EU's new policy on Israeli settlements: The full guidelines" 7223:
Israel must withdraw all settlers or face ICC, says UN report
6972:(217). Middle East Research and Information Project: 16–18 . 6270: 5317:"93% of east Jerusalem Arabs prefer Israeli rule, poll shows" 4509:
Orna Ben-Naftali; Michael Sfard; Hedi Viterbo (10 May 2018).
The Jerusalem Question and Its Resolution: Selected Documents
3369:. International Court of Justice. 9 July 2004. Archived from 3356: 2681: 2673: 2664:. According to the Book of Genesis, the land was promised by 2649: 2529:, and that it prejudges the outcome of any future or ongoing 2227: 1780:
issued an advisory opinion stating that the barrier violates
1708: 1581: 1498: 1433: 1417:(UNIFIL) were deployed to the security belt (from the end of 1405:
in the security zone, initially as the official force of the
1230: 1218: 971: 939: 855: 829: 514: 480: 476: 472: 231: 217: 7357:. Delegation of the European Union to Israel. 16 July 2013. 7288: 7286: 7284: 6685:. UN Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine. Archived from 4398:"Golan Heights Druze cross into Syria for annual pilgrimage" 2321:
Israel justifies its control over the territories by citing
2191:, a pro-Israel media group, contests that characterization. 1346:
The Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon took place after
The significance of the designation of these territories as
Public activities section of Ezer Weizman's Knesset profile
organizations operating in the occupied territories, or to
2634: 2555:
Report on the Legal Status of Building in Judea and Samaria
of 1993, the Gaza Strip came under the jurisdiction of the
1622: 1572:. While serious progress was made, they were unsuccessful. 1481: 642:
claim over East Jerusalem gained international recognition.
7438: 5560: 3894:
Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court Article 8
1440:). In the central zone of the Strip was the Maronite town 7547: 7281: 6233:"Beit Sourik Village Council v. The Government of Israel" 4592: 4332:. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press. pp.  3423: 3076: 2992: 2952:
prohibition on the acquisition of territory through force
2641:, since the times of Biblical antiquity based on various 2370:
A military checkpoint along the route of the forthcoming
In 2000, the Israeli government started to construct the
711:, two separate executive governments took control in the 618:, Israel captured the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the 4163:, Syracuse University Press; 3rd edition (August, 1985) 3384: 2954:, that the occupation violates the Palestinian right to 1584:, have nearly all declined to take Israeli citizenship. 1138:, and air space since the end of the occupation in 2005 737:
of settlements (cities, villages and other communities).
7278:(Advanced Unedited Version), accessed February 1, 2013. 4424:"UN tells Israel: Place Shaba Farms in hands of UNIFIL" 3618:
FAQ: The Peace process with the Palestinians – Dec 2009
Beit Sourik Village Council v. The Government of Israel
3389: 3387: 2198:
and took control over the Gaza Strip, Israel imposed a
7575:"Palestinians Hail ICJ Ruling, Condemnation In Israel" 7541:
Ebrahim, Nadeen; McCluskey, Mitchell (July 19, 2024).
6968:(2000). "International Law and the al-Aqsa Intifada". 6282:"From "Occupied Territories" to "Disputed Territories" 5667: 5523:"Israel: 'Disengagement' Will Not End Gaza Occupation" 3798:"Israel: 'Disengagement' Will Not End Gaza Occupation" 1633:
from Israel and territory Israel controlled after the
7635:"Israeli Water Interests in the Occupied Territories" 7619:"From 'Occupied Territories' to 'Disputed Territories 7013:(1). American Society of International Law: 44–103 . 6001:
and Chapter 2 "Application of International Law", in
5955:"The world court says Israel's occupation is illegal" 5860: 4752: 4549:"The Separation Barrier – Statistics | B'Tselem" 3824:"Ambassador Prosor addresses the UN Security Council" 3048: 2424:
The Gaza Coast Regional Council v. The Knesset et al.
On Feb 6, 2017, The Knesset passed the controversial
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status of Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories
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holding the West Bank under "belligerent occupation"
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Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
2136:also contested that this ended the occupation. The 2113:Israeli soldiers and protesters in Gaza during the 1684:The West Bank was allotted to the Arab state under 1512:
Agreement on Disengagement between Israel and Syria
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A 2173:Palestinian territories 1915:, which was declared a 1605:Palestinian territories 1595:Palestinian territories 713:Palestinian territories 709:Hamas electoral victory 360:Palestinian territories 351:until the signing of a 294:Supreme Court of Israel 192:Palestinian territories 7422:: 9–11. 19 July 2013. 6886:(3): 1072–1073, 1085. 5867:Jewish virtual library 5479:, 22 January 22, 2008. 4473:public domain material 3308:In the context of the 3250:within East Jerusalem. 3184:Gaza–Jericho Agreement 3072: 3000: 2910: 2668:to the descendants of 2603: 2495: 2450: 2428: 2378: 2363: 2299: 2258: 2118: 2034: 1957:United States Congress 1874:1947 UN Partition Plan 1866: 1850: 1821:new Israeli government 1819:In February 2023, the 1801: 1796:Israeli settlement of 1744:Palestinian population 1681: 1665:Judea and Samaria Area 1490: 1364:Israeli Defense Forces 1343: 1120:Judea and Samaria Area 733:The map indicates the 632:annexed East Jerusalem 435:Paris Peace Conference 300:. However, successive 41: 7656:, Garnet Publishing. 7652:Howell, Mark (2007). 6874:Imseis, Ardi (2020). 6787:Wilde, Ralph (2021). 6329:The Accidental Empire 6235:. UNHCR. p. 14. 4661:Retrieved 2007-04-16. 4288:. BBC. 30 August 2011 4279:Golan Heights profile 3997:Address to the Nation 3722:Amnesty International 3067: 2990: 2976:The establishment of 2900: 2848:Palestinian Authority 2593: 2485: 2446: 2419: 2369: 2357: 2294: 2266:Further information: 2248: 2196:Battle of Gaza (2007) 2167:on "the situation of 2112: 2076:Palestinian Authority 2033:Map of the Gaza Strip 2032: 2009:Palestinian evictions 1961:Jerusalem Embassy Act 1889:1948 Arab–Israeli War 1856: 1849:East Jerusalem zoning 1848: 1795: 1752:Palestinian Authority 1742:of 1993, most of the 1672: 1635:1948 Arab–Israeli War 1631:fled or were expelled 1562:Syria–Israel conflict 1484: 1337: 1178:No; evacuated in 1982 1143:Formerly part of the 630:). In 1980–81 Israel 590:1948 Arab–Israeli War 507:1948 Arab–Israeli War 455:1937 British proposal 427:Sykes–Picot Agreement 127:Gaza Strip occupation 35: 7585:Agence France-Presse 6893:10.1093/ejil/chaa055 6773:5 March 2011 at the 6689:on 25 September 2012 6306:Gorenberg, Gershom, 5594:, December 27, 2008. 4898:. 27 February 2023. 4305:on February 14, 2007 3936:Israel National News 3373:on 24 September 2015 3229:at the mouth of the 2941:. Michael Lynk, the 2637:, also known as the 2490:, May 2021, showing 2331:through negotiations 2312:disputed territories 2208:Operation Hot Winter 2058:United Arab Republic 1829:Civil Administration 1493:Israel captured the 1449:election in May 1999 1413:(UN) forces and the 1403:took over daily life 1296:improve this section 1213:Israel captured the 1087:Yes, as part of the 679:Palestinian enclaves 622:, together with the 594:1949 armistice lines 575:1949 armistice lines 431:Zionist Organization 176:West Bank annexation 110:Oslo II Accord areas 105:West Bank occupation 7454:The Daily Telegraph 7238:, January 31, 2013. 6310:, Macmillan, 2006, 6208:. BBC. 2009-12-10. 6005:, by David Kretzmer 5822:on November 3, 2004 4926:The Times of Israel 4678:. 2 February 2023. 4652:on October 28, 2005 4080:. 24 January 2023. 3530:The Times of Israel 3169:The border town of 3059:European Commission 2978:Israeli settlements 2864:UN Security Council 2860:UN General Assembly 2777:International views 2742:, and possibly the 2348:Hague IV Convention 2226:On 7 October 2023, 2212:six month ceasefire 2152:The United Nations 1887:However, after the 1771:1949 Armistice line 1727:). As a result of " 1725:Palestinian economy 1696:and Pakistan. (see 1578:Israeli citizenship 1547:UNSC Resolution 497 1539:UN Security Council 1507:UNSC Resolution 242 1447:Before the Israeli 1174:Israeli settlements 1118:, as a part of the 517:as an Arab exclave. 439:Mandatory Palestine 364:Israeli settlements 302:Israeli governments 278:UN Security Council 274:UN General Assembly 132:Gaza Strip blockade 7645:2005-10-30 at the 7628:2011-07-09 at the 7274:2019-06-10 at the 7253:2017-03-03 at the 7228:2020-08-01 at the 7221:Harriet Sherwood, 7209:2012-05-05 at the 7118:2015-04-08 at the 7092:2015-09-24 at the 7057:The Journal Online 6970:Middle East Report 6754:2008-04-30 at the 6733:2009-08-11 at the 6714:2016-03-04 at the 6576:2019-06-28 at the 6555:2006-09-28 at the 6424:The Jerusalem Post 6393:The New York Times 6373:2006-02-13 at the 6354:2023-04-19 at the 6263:2009-09-27 at the 6116:on October 5, 2008 6076:2005-12-24 at the 6057:2008-11-21 at the 6023:2016-01-13 at the 5997:2023-04-25 at the 5872:2016-03-04 at the 5792:. 9 October 2023. 5733:. 7 October 2023. 5616:, January 5, 2009. 5609:2010-06-09 at the 5586:2008-12-29 at the 5566:2012-02-06 at the 5547:2008-10-15 at the 5528:2008-11-01 at the 5494:Human Rights Watch 5471:2011-10-26 at the 5429:2010-06-21 at the 5402:2014-08-25 at the 5204:2018-05-17 at the 5143:. 18 August 2006. 5050:2016-03-04 at the 4637:. ISSN 0015-7120. 4454:2018-11-18 at the 4429:2012-11-03 at the 4403:2012-11-02 at the 4384:2006-08-21 at the 4365:2019-06-28 at the 4284:2009-01-31 at the 4253:2021-02-27 at the 4233:2008-03-21 at the 4185:2006-03-01 at the 4027:The New York Times 4002:2019-07-22 at the 3938:. 9 January 2016. 3918:2013-03-12 at the 3899:2013-10-19 at the 3877:2010-12-03 at the 3853:2009-01-23 at the 3754:2008-10-15 at the 3642:2011-07-09 at the 3623:2022-05-17 at the 3564:2022-09-13 at the 3001: 2956:self-determination 2911: 2876:Geneva Conventions 2803:2015-04-04 at the 2792:2015-05-17 at the 2728:Israelite kingdoms 2686:Biblical covenants 2639:Children of Israel 2604: 2569:Binyamin Netanyahu 2496: 2451: 2437:Geneva Conventions 2415:Gaza disengagement 2398:argued before the 2395:Military necessity 2379: 2364: 2259: 2142:Human Rights Watch 2134:Human Rights Watch 2119: 2035: 1996:. 9% would prefer 1994:State of Palestine 1990:two-state solution 1867: 1863:Israeli occupation 1851: 1802: 1682: 1491: 1407:Free Lebanon State 1396:South Lebanon Army 1384:Free Lebanon State 1376:Lebanese Civil War 1360:South Lebanon Army 1344: 1256:Free Lebanon State 1136:territorial waters 1124:Yes, as undivided 584:(light green) and 552:. White is either 368:Geneva Conventions 362:and as to whether 335:there are certain 325:occupied territory 42: 7662:978-1-85964-195-8 7176:978-0-7914-5337-7 7138:. November 2007. 7077:978-90-411-1304-7 6316:978-0-8050-7564-9 5899:. July 12, 2011. 5496:. June 14, 2022. 5370:Kingsley, Patrick 5120:978-0-19-828007-1 5094:, April 17, 1950— 4676:Los Angeles Times 4640:"Amherst College" 4522:978-1-107-15652-4 4343:978-0-87609-105-0 4263:978-965-511-597-0 4213:978-0-16-058935-5 4169:978-0-8156-2340-3 4134:(News). DW News. 3437:978-0-7923-2893-3 3115:Israeli apartheid 3042:Geneva convention 2997:Shireen Abu Akleh 2828:Golan Heights Law 2740:Hasmonean Kingdom 2711:Deuteronomy 11:24 2680:, descendants of 2660:, as well as the 2633:) belongs to the 2608:Religious Zionism 2523:international law 2499:Gershom Gorenberg 2404:Hague Conventions 2372:West Bank Barrier 2277:Palestinian views 2100:Philadelphi Route 1782:international law 1616:Mandate Palestine 1541:has rejected the 1531:Golan Heights Law 1368:Free Lebanon Army 1366:(IDF) and allied 1332: 1331: 1324: 1200: 1199: 1195:evacuated in 2005 1095:Golan Heights Law 1089:Northern District 784:Occupation period 636:the Golan Heights 501:Proposal per the 333:international law 190:has occupied the 184: 183: 16:(Redirected from 7705: 7622: 7601: 7600: 7598: 7596: 7587:. 19 July 2024. 7571: 7565: 7564: 7562: 7560: 7538: 7532: 7531: 7529: 7527: 7510: 7504: 7503: 7501: 7499: 7477: 7471: 7470: 7468: 7466: 7450: 7442: 7436: 7435: 7433: 7431: 7408: 7402: 7401: 7399: 7397: 7377: 7371: 7370: 7368: 7366: 7351: 7345: 7344: 7342: 7340: 7320: 7311: 7310: 7308: 7306: 7290: 7279: 7264: 7258: 7245: 7239: 7219: 7213: 7197: 7188: 7187: 7185: 7183: 7160: 7154: 7153: 7148: 7147: 7128: 7122: 7106: 7097: 7085: 7079: 7066: 7060: 7049: 7043: 7042: 6999: 6993: 6992: 6962: 6956: 6955: 6923: 6917: 6916: 6914: 6913: 6895: 6871: 6865: 6864: 6862: 6860: 6844: 6838: 6837: 6835: 6834: 6808: 6784: 6778: 6765: 6759: 6746: 6737: 6724: 6718: 6705: 6699: 6698: 6696: 6694: 6679: 6673: 6672: 6670: 6668: 6652: 6646: 6645: 6643: 6642: 6627: 6621: 6616: 6610: 6609: 6607: 6606: 6586: 6580: 6566: 6560: 6547: 6541: 6540: 6538: 6536: 6530: 6523: 6515: 6509: 6508: 6497: 6491: 6490: 6488: 6487: 6472: 6466: 6465: 6463: 6462: 6446: 6440: 6439: 6437: 6435: 6415: 6409: 6408: 6406: 6404: 6384: 6378: 6365: 6359: 6346: 6340: 6337: 6331: 6325: 6319: 6304: 6298: 6297: 6295: 6293: 6277: 6268: 6255: 6249: 6248: 6246: 6244: 6228: 6222: 6221: 6219: 6217: 6202: 6193: 6186: 6180: 6178: 6176: 6174: 6169:on June 22, 2006 6165:. Archived from 6159: 6153: 6151: 6149: 6147: 6142:on June 22, 2006 6138:. Archived from 6132: 6126: 6124: 6122: 6121: 6112:. Archived from 6106: 6100: 6087: 6081: 6068: 6062: 6049: 6043: 6034: 6028: 6015: 6006: 5988: 5982: 5981: 5979: 5978: 5951: 5945: 5944: 5942: 5940: 5919: 5913: 5912: 5910: 5908: 5883: 5877: 5864: 5858: 5856: 5854: 5853: 5844:. Archived from 5838: 5832: 5830: 5828: 5827: 5818:. Archived from 5812: 5806: 5805: 5803: 5801: 5790:Business Insider 5782: 5776: 5775: 5773: 5772: 5753: 5747: 5746: 5744: 5742: 5723: 5717: 5716: 5714: 5713: 5697: 5691: 5690: 5688: 5687: 5671: 5665: 5648: 5642: 5641: 5639: 5638: 5623: 5617: 5601: 5595: 5577: 5571: 5558: 5552: 5539: 5533: 5520: 5514: 5513: 5507: 5505: 5486: 5480: 5463: 5457: 5447: 5438: 5420: 5411: 5394: 5388: 5387: 5366: 5360: 5359: 5357: 5356: 5337: 5331: 5330: 5328: 5327: 5313: 5307: 5306: 5304: 5303: 5284: 5278: 5277: 5275: 5274: 5254: 5248: 5247: 5245: 5243: 5221: 5212: 5196: 5190: 5189: 5187: 5185: 5163: 5157: 5156: 5154: 5152: 5131: 5125: 5124: 5104: 5098: 5096:scan as PDF file 5092:House of Commons 5088: 5082: 5081: 5079: 5078: 5069:. Archived from 5061: 5055: 5042: 5036: 5035: 5033: 5031: 5011: 5005: 5004: 5002: 5000: 4991:. 21 June 2023. 4979: 4973: 4972: 4970: 4968: 4948: 4942: 4941: 4939: 4937: 4917: 4911: 4910: 4908: 4907: 4888: 4882: 4881: 4879: 4878: 4859: 4853: 4852: 4850: 4849: 4829: 4823: 4821: 4819: 4818: 4809:. Archived from 4802: 4796: 4795: 4793: 4792: 4783:. Archived from 4773: 4767: 4756: 4750: 4749: 4747: 4746: 4727: 4721: 4720: 4718: 4716: 4707:. 18 June 2023. 4697: 4691: 4690: 4688: 4687: 4668: 4662: 4660: 4658: 4657: 4651: 4645:. Archived from 4644: 4635:10.2307/20033902 4627: 4621: 4620: 4618: 4617: 4602: 4596: 4595:, July 10, 2004. 4579: 4573: 4570: 4564: 4563: 4561: 4560: 4545: 4539: 4538: 4536: 4534: 4506: 4500: 4497: 4491: 4490: 4484: 4470: 4469: 4464: 4458: 4444: 4438: 4420: 4414: 4413:1 September 2005 4395: 4389: 4376: 4370: 4357: 4351: 4350: 4331: 4321: 4315: 4313: 4311: 4310: 4301:. Archived from 4295: 4289: 4276: 4265: 4239:Yedioth Ahronoth 4237:, the newspaper 4224: 4218: 4217: 4196: 4190: 4177: 4171: 4158: 4152: 4150: 4144: 4143: 4126: 4120: 4119: 4117: 4115: 4099: 4093: 4092: 4090: 4089: 4070: 4064: 4063: 4049: 4043: 4042: 4040: 4038: 4018: 4007: 3994: 3985: 3984: 3982: 3980: 3958: 3952: 3951: 3949: 3947: 3928: 3922: 3910: 3904: 3891: 3885: 3868: 3862: 3845: 3839: 3838: 3836: 3835: 3820: 3814: 3813: 3811: 3809: 3794: 3788: 3787: 3785: 3784: 3768: 3759: 3746: 3737: 3736: 3734: 3733: 3714: 3705: 3704: 3702: 3700: 3691:. Archived from 3681: 3672: 3671: 3669: 3668: 3653: 3647: 3634: 3628: 3615: 3609: 3608: 3599: 3597: 3575: 3569: 3554: 3545: 3544: 3542: 3541: 3522: 3516: 3515: 3513: 3511: 3494: 3485: 3484: 3482: 3480: 3458: 3449: 3448: 3446: 3444: 3420: 3414: 3413: 3411: 3410: 3391: 3382: 3381: 3379: 3378: 3363: 3354: 3353: 3351: 3350: 3344: 3337: 3329: 3313: 3306: 3300: 3297:most recent plan 3289: 3283: 3281: 3269: 3263: 3260: 3251: 3244: 3238: 3219: 3210: 3204: 3195: 3180: 3174: 3167: 3158: 3151: 3095:2024 ICJ opinion 2915:Advisory Opinion 2878:that constitute 2753:A small sect of 2736:Herodian Kingdom 2732:Bar Kokhba state 2721:Ezekiel 47:13–20 2696:Genesis 15:18–21 2672:through his son 2625: 2624:אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל 2612:Orthodox Judaism 2600:Ezekiel 47:13–20 2511:Israeli Cabinets 2408:separation fence 2200:blockade on Gaza 1825:Bezalel Smotrich 1800:in the West Bank 1419:Operation Litani 1356:1982 Lebanon War 1340:southern Lebanon 1338:Israeli tank in 1327: 1320: 1316: 1313: 1307: 1276: 1268: 1252:Southern Lebanon 1067: 1065: 1064: 1055: 1054: 1053: 1043: 1041: 1040: 1025: 1023: 1022: 1008: 1007: 996: 994: 993: 983: 981: 980: 970: 968: 967: 951: 949: 948: 938: 936: 935: 924: 922: 921: 911: 909: 908: 897: 895: 894: 884: 882: 881: 866: 864: 863: 854: 852: 851: 841: 839: 838: 828: 826: 825: 756:Southern Lebanon 745: 744: 738: 725: 716: 691: 682: 658: 643: 606: 597: 570: 561: 558:Palestinian-Arab 533: 518: 497:1947 UN proposal 493: 484: 451: 442: 433:proposal at the 417: 402: 395: 388: 339:, including the 208:southern Lebanon 77: 68: 61: 54: 45: 44: 36:Map showing the 21: 7713: 7712: 7708: 7707: 7706: 7704: 7703: 7702: 7678: 7677: 7647:Wayback Machine 7630:Wayback Machine 7620: 7609: 7604: 7594: 7592: 7573: 7572: 7568: 7558: 7556: 7539: 7535: 7525: 7523: 7511: 7507: 7497: 7495: 7478: 7474: 7464: 7462: 7443: 7439: 7429: 7427: 7410: 7409: 7405: 7395: 7393: 7378: 7374: 7364: 7362: 7353: 7352: 7348: 7338: 7336: 7321: 7314: 7304: 7302: 7291: 7282: 7276:Wayback Machine 7265: 7261: 7255:Wayback Machine 7246: 7242: 7230:Wayback Machine 7220: 7216: 7211:Wayback Machine 7198: 7191: 7181: 7179: 7177: 7161: 7157: 7145: 7143: 7130: 7129: 7125: 7120:Wayback Machine 7107: 7100: 7094:Wayback Machine 7086: 7082: 7067: 7063: 7051:Gerald M Adler 7050: 7046: 7019:10.2307/2203016 7000: 6996: 6978:10.2307/1520166 6963: 6959: 6924: 6920: 6911: 6909: 6872: 6868: 6858: 6856: 6845: 6841: 6832: 6830: 6785: 6781: 6775:Wayback Machine 6766: 6762: 6756:Wayback Machine 6747: 6740: 6735:Wayback Machine 6725: 6721: 6716:Wayback Machine 6706: 6702: 6692: 6690: 6681: 6680: 6676: 6666: 6664: 6653: 6649: 6640: 6638: 6629: 6628: 6624: 6617: 6613: 6604: 6602: 6587: 6583: 6578:Wayback Machine 6567: 6563: 6557:Wayback Machine 6548: 6544: 6534: 6532: 6528: 6521: 6517: 6516: 6512: 6499: 6498: 6494: 6485: 6483: 6476:"Neturei Karta" 6474: 6473: 6469: 6460: 6458: 6447: 6443: 6433: 6431: 6416: 6412: 6402: 6400: 6385: 6381: 6375:Wayback Machine 6366: 6362: 6356:Wayback Machine 6347: 6343: 6338: 6334: 6326: 6322: 6305: 6301: 6291: 6289: 6278: 6271: 6265:Wayback Machine 6256: 6252: 6242: 6240: 6229: 6225: 6215: 6213: 6204: 6203: 6196: 6188:Yehuda Z. Blum 6187: 6183: 6172: 6170: 6161: 6160: 6156: 6145: 6143: 6134: 6133: 6129: 6119: 6117: 6108: 6107: 6103: 6088: 6084: 6078:Wayback Machine 6069: 6065: 6059:Wayback Machine 6050: 6046: 6035: 6031: 6025:Wayback Machine 6016: 6009: 5999:Wayback Machine 5989: 5985: 5976: 5974: 5953: 5952: 5948: 5938: 5936: 5931:. 20 May 2001. 5921: 5920: 5916: 5906: 5904: 5885: 5884: 5880: 5874:Wayback Machine 5865: 5861: 5851: 5849: 5848:on May 15, 2007 5840: 5839: 5835: 5825: 5823: 5814: 5813: 5809: 5799: 5797: 5784: 5783: 5779: 5770: 5768: 5755: 5754: 5750: 5740: 5738: 5725: 5724: 5720: 5711: 5709: 5698: 5694: 5685: 5683: 5672: 5668: 5658:Wayback Machine 5649: 5645: 5636: 5634: 5625: 5624: 5620: 5611:Wayback Machine 5602: 5598: 5588:Wayback Machine 5578: 5574: 5568:Wayback Machine 5559: 5555: 5549:Wayback Machine 5540: 5536: 5530:Wayback Machine 5521: 5517: 5503: 5501: 5488: 5487: 5483: 5473:Wayback Machine 5464: 5460: 5448: 5441: 5431:Wayback Machine 5421: 5414: 5410:, July 9, 2004. 5404:Wayback Machine 5395: 5391: 5367: 5363: 5354: 5352: 5339: 5338: 5334: 5325: 5323: 5315: 5314: 5310: 5301: 5299: 5286: 5285: 5281: 5272: 5270: 5255: 5251: 5241: 5239: 5222: 5215: 5206:Wayback Machine 5197: 5193: 5183: 5181: 5164: 5160: 5150: 5148: 5133: 5132: 5128: 5121: 5105: 5101: 5089: 5085: 5076: 5074: 5065: 5062: 5058: 5052:Wayback Machine 5043: 5039: 5029: 5027: 5012: 5008: 4998: 4996: 4981: 4980: 4976: 4966: 4964: 4949: 4945: 4935: 4933: 4918: 4914: 4905: 4903: 4890: 4889: 4885: 4876: 4874: 4861: 4860: 4856: 4847: 4845: 4830: 4826: 4816: 4814: 4805: 4803: 4799: 4790: 4788: 4775: 4774: 4770: 4765:Wayback Machine 4757: 4753: 4744: 4742: 4737:. 18 May 2023. 4729: 4728: 4724: 4714: 4712: 4699: 4698: 4694: 4685: 4683: 4670: 4669: 4665: 4655: 4653: 4649: 4642: 4638: 4628: 4624: 4615: 4613: 4604: 4603: 4599: 4580: 4576: 4571: 4567: 4558: 4556: 4551:. 4547: 4546: 4542: 4532: 4530: 4523: 4507: 4503: 4498: 4494: 4482: 4476: 4467: 4465: 4461: 4456:Wayback Machine 4445: 4441: 4431:Wayback Machine 4421: 4417: 4405:Wayback Machine 4396: 4392: 4386:Wayback Machine 4377: 4373: 4367:Wayback Machine 4358: 4354: 4344: 4322: 4318: 4308: 4306: 4297: 4296: 4292: 4286:Wayback Machine 4277: 4268: 4255:Wayback Machine 4235:Wayback Machine 4225: 4221: 4214: 4197: 4193: 4187:Wayback Machine 4178: 4174: 4159: 4155: 4141: 4139: 4128: 4127: 4123: 4113: 4111: 4100: 4096: 4087: 4085: 4072: 4071: 4067: 4050: 4046: 4036: 4034: 4019: 4010: 4004:Wayback Machine 3995: 3988: 3978: 3976: 3968:Washington Post 3959: 3955: 3945: 3943: 3930: 3929: 3925: 3920:Wayback Machine 3911: 3907: 3901:Wayback Machine 3892: 3888: 3879:Wayback Machine 3869: 3865: 3855:Wayback Machine 3846: 3842: 3833: 3831: 3822: 3821: 3817: 3807: 3805: 3796: 3795: 3791: 3782: 3780: 3769: 3762: 3756:Wayback Machine 3747: 3740: 3731: 3729: 3716: 3715: 3708: 3698: 3696: 3683: 3682: 3675: 3666: 3664: 3655: 3654: 3650: 3644:Wayback Machine 3635: 3631: 3625:Wayback Machine 3616: 3612: 3595: 3593: 3576: 3572: 3566:Wayback Machine 3555: 3548: 3539: 3537: 3524: 3523: 3519: 3509: 3507: 3495: 3488: 3478: 3476: 3459: 3452: 3442: 3440: 3438: 3421: 3417: 3408: 3406: 3393: 3392: 3385: 3376: 3374: 3365: 3364: 3357: 3348: 3346: 3342: 3335: 3331: 3330: 3326: 3322: 3317: 3316: 3307: 3303: 3290: 3286: 3275: 3270: 3266: 3261: 3254: 3245: 3241: 3220: 3213: 3205: 3198: 3181: 3177: 3168: 3161: 3152: 3148: 3143: 3106: 3097: 3051: 3021: 2974: 2964: 2805:Wayback Machine 2794:Wayback Machine 2779: 2767:State of Israel 2748:State of Israel 2716:Deuteronomy 1:7 2706:Numbers 34:1–15 2701:Exodus 23:28–33 2596:Numbers 34:1–15 2588: 2580:Main articles: 2578: 2537:" rather than " 2433: 2358:The settlement 2339: 2323:Jewish presence 2304: 2279: 2274: 2264: 2027: 2021: 1843: 1837: 1667: 1661: 1653:Main articles: 1651: 1612: 1607: 1599:Main articles: 1597: 1479: 1473: 1328: 1317: 1311: 1308: 1293: 1277: 1266: 1250:Main articles: 1248: 1215:Sinai Peninsula 1211: 1205: 1203:Sinai Peninsula 1155:Southern half: 1145:British Mandate 1092: 1062: 1060: 1051: 1049: 1038: 1036: 1020: 1018: 1017: 1002: 991: 989: 978: 976: 965: 963: 955:(1947–present) 946: 944: 943: 933: 931: 919: 917: 916: 906: 904: 892: 890: 889: 879: 877: 874:, 2000–present) 861: 859: 858: 849: 847: 836: 834: 823: 821: 812: 810: 788: 768: 751:Sinai Peninsula 743: 742: 741: 740: 739: 735:ethnic majority 732: 726: 718: 717: 698: 692: 684: 683: 668: 659: 648: 647: 646: 645: 644: 624:Sinai Peninsula 613: 607: 599: 598: 579: 571: 563: 562: 540: 534: 523: 522: 521: 520: 519: 500: 494: 486: 485: 461:Peel Commission 458: 452: 444: 443: 424: 418: 409: 408: 407: 406: 329:occupying power 321: 204:Sinai Peninsula 185: 180: 159: 138: 79: 75: 72: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 7711: 7701: 7700: 7695: 7690: 7676: 7675: 7665: 7650: 7632: 7623:" by Dore Gold 7616: 7608: 7607:External links 7605: 7603: 7602: 7566: 7533: 7505: 7472: 7437: 7403: 7372: 7346: 7312: 7280: 7259: 7240: 7214: 7189: 7175: 7155: 7123: 7098: 7080: 7061: 7044: 6994: 6957: 6918: 6866: 6839: 6779: 6760: 6738: 6719: 6700: 6674: 6647: 6622: 6611: 6581: 6561: 6542: 6510: 6507:on 2007-04-15. 6492: 6467: 6441: 6410: 6379: 6360: 6341: 6332: 6320: 6299: 6288:on 9 July 2011 6269: 6250: 6223: 6194: 6181: 6154: 6127: 6101: 6096:2005-10-28 at 6082: 6063: 6044: 6037:Yoram Dinstein 6029: 6007: 5983: 5946: 5914: 5878: 5859: 5833: 5807: 5777: 5763:. 2023-10-09. 5748: 5718: 5692: 5666: 5643: 5618: 5596: 5579:Richard Falk, 5572: 5553: 5534: 5515: 5481: 5458: 5439: 5412: 5389: 5379:New York Times 5372:(7 May 2021). 5361: 5332: 5308: 5279: 5249: 5213: 5191: 5158: 5126: 5119: 5099: 5083: 5056: 5037: 5006: 4974: 4943: 4912: 4883: 4854: 4838:New York Times 4824: 4797: 4787:on 25 May 2012 4768: 4751: 4722: 4692: 4663: 4622: 4597: 4587:2012-07-30 at 4574: 4565: 4540: 4521: 4501: 4492: 4459: 4439: 4415: 4390: 4371: 4352: 4342: 4316: 4290: 4266: 4242:on to publish 4219: 4212: 4191: 4172: 4153: 4121: 4094: 4065: 4044: 4008: 3986: 3953: 3923: 3905: 3886: 3863: 3840: 3815: 3789: 3760: 3738: 3724:. 2009-01-19. 3706: 3689:United Nations 3673: 3648: 3629: 3610: 3570: 3546: 3517: 3486: 3450: 3436: 3415: 3383: 3355: 3323: 3321: 3318: 3315: 3314: 3301: 3284: 3264: 3252: 3239: 3211: 3196: 3175: 3159: 3145: 3144: 3142: 3139: 3138: 3137: 3132: 3127: 3122: 3117: 3112: 3105: 3102: 3096: 3093: 3055:European Union 3050: 3047: 3020: 3017: 2991:Protestors in 2963: 2960: 2778: 2775: 2724: 2723: 2718: 2713: 2708: 2703: 2698: 2627:ʼÉreṣ Yiśrāʼēl 2616:Land of Israel 2586:Greater Israel 2582:Land of Israel 2577: 2574: 2547:Yoram Dinstein 2432: 2429: 2338: 2335: 2327:biblical times 2303: 2300: 2278: 2275: 2263: 2260: 2254:remote sensing 2232:a major attack 2189:Israel Project 2138:United Nations 2115:First Intifada 2023:Main article: 2020: 2017: 1953:Mevaseret Zion 1924:Resolution 478 1897:East Jerusalem 1859:United Nations 1841:East Jerusalem 1839:Main article: 1836: 1835:East Jerusalem 1833: 1810:Regulation Law 1713:infrastructure 1694:United Kingdom 1650: 1647: 1611: 1608: 1596: 1593: 1570:Hafez Al-Assad 1558:land for peace 1545:annexation in 1519:Yom Kippur War 1475:Main article: 1472: 1469: 1411:United Nations 1330: 1329: 1280: 1278: 1271: 1247: 1244: 1207:Main article: 1204: 1201: 1198: 1197: 1191: 1188: 1185: 1182: 1179: 1176: 1169: 1168: 1165: 1162: 1159: 1153: 1150: 1147: 1140: 1139: 1132: 1122: 1097: 1085: 1082: 1079: 1072: 1071: 1047: 1034: 1000: 987: 974: 961: 957: 956: 929: 928:(1947–present) 902: 901:(1947–present) 875: 845: 832: 819: 815: 814: 807: 804: 801: 798: 792: 785: 781: 780: 775: 773:East Jerusalem 770: 763: 758: 753: 748: 727: 720: 719: 707:following the 693: 686: 685: 664:Oslo II Accord 660: 653: 652: 651: 650: 649: 628:Yom Kippur War 608: 601: 600: 572: 565: 564: 535: 528: 527: 526: 525: 524: 495: 488: 487: 453: 446: 445: 419: 412: 411: 410: 405: 404: 397: 390: 382: 381: 379: 378: 377: 376: 320: 317: 182: 181: 179: 178: 173: 167: 165: 161: 160: 158: 157: 152: 146: 144: 140: 139: 137: 136: 135: 134: 124: 119: 118: 117: 112: 101: 100: 94: 93: 87: 85: 81: 80: 71: 70: 63: 56: 48: 26: 9: 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6854: 6850: 6843: 6828: 6824: 6820: 6816: 6812: 6807: 6802: 6798: 6794: 6790: 6783: 6776: 6772: 6769: 6764: 6757: 6753: 6750: 6745: 6743: 6736: 6732: 6729: 6723: 6717: 6713: 6710: 6704: 6688: 6684: 6678: 6662: 6658: 6651: 6636: 6632: 6626: 6620: 6615: 6600: 6596: 6592: 6585: 6579: 6575: 6572: 6570: 6565: 6558: 6554: 6551: 6546: 6527: 6520: 6514: 6506: 6502: 6496: 6481: 6477: 6471: 6457:on 2013-12-03 6456: 6452: 6445: 6429: 6425: 6421: 6414: 6398: 6394: 6390: 6383: 6376: 6372: 6369: 6364: 6357: 6353: 6350: 6345: 6336: 6330: 6324: 6317: 6313: 6309: 6303: 6287: 6283: 6276: 6274: 6266: 6262: 6259: 6254: 6238: 6234: 6227: 6211: 6207: 6201: 6199: 6191: 6185: 6168: 6164: 6158: 6141: 6137: 6131: 6115: 6111: 6105: 6099: 6095: 6092: 6086: 6079: 6075: 6072: 6067: 6060: 6056: 6053: 6048: 6041: 6038: 6033: 6026: 6022: 6019: 6014: 6012: 6004: 6000: 5996: 5993: 5987: 5972: 5968: 5964: 5960: 5959:The Economist 5956: 5950: 5934: 5930: 5929: 5924: 5918: 5902: 5898: 5894: 5893: 5888: 5882: 5875: 5871: 5868: 5863: 5847: 5843: 5837: 5821: 5817: 5811: 5795: 5791: 5787: 5781: 5766: 5762: 5758: 5752: 5736: 5732: 5728: 5722: 5707: 5703: 5696: 5682:on 2011-05-11 5681: 5677: 5670: 5663: 5659: 5655: 5652: 5647: 5632: 5628: 5622: 5615: 5614:Democracy Now 5612: 5608: 5605: 5600: 5593: 5589: 5585: 5582: 5576: 5569: 5565: 5562: 5557: 5550: 5546: 5543: 5538: 5531: 5527: 5524: 5519: 5512: 5499: 5495: 5491: 5485: 5478: 5474: 5470: 5467: 5462: 5455: 5451: 5446: 5444: 5436: 5432: 5428: 5425: 5419: 5417: 5409: 5405: 5401: 5398: 5393: 5385: 5382:. Jerusalem. 5381: 5380: 5375: 5371: 5365: 5350: 5346: 5342: 5336: 5322: 5318: 5312: 5297: 5293: 5289: 5283: 5268: 5264: 5260: 5253: 5237: 5233: 5232: 5227: 5220: 5218: 5211:, 14 May 2018 5210: 5207: 5203: 5200: 5195: 5179: 5175: 5174: 5169: 5162: 5146: 5142: 5141: 5136: 5130: 5122: 5116: 5112: 5111: 5103: 5097: 5093: 5087: 5073:on 2011-10-02 5072: 5068: 5060: 5053: 5049: 5046: 5041: 5025: 5021: 5017: 5010: 4994: 4990: 4989: 4984: 4978: 4962: 4958: 4954: 4947: 4931: 4927: 4923: 4916: 4901: 4897: 4893: 4887: 4872: 4868: 4864: 4858: 4843: 4839: 4835: 4828: 4813:on 2013-10-29 4812: 4808: 4801: 4786: 4782: 4778: 4772: 4766: 4762: 4759: 4755: 4740: 4736: 4732: 4726: 4710: 4706: 4702: 4696: 4681: 4677: 4673: 4667: 4648: 4641: 4636: 4632: 4626: 4612:on 2012-05-05 4611: 4607: 4601: 4594: 4590: 4586: 4583: 4578: 4569: 4554: 4550: 4544: 4528: 4524: 4518: 4514: 4513: 4505: 4496: 4488: 4481: 4480: 4474: 4463: 4457: 4453: 4450: 4443: 4436: 4432: 4428: 4425: 4419: 4412: 4411: 4406: 4402: 4399: 4394: 4387: 4383: 4380: 4375: 4368: 4364: 4361: 4356: 4349: 4345: 4339: 4335: 4330: 4329: 4320: 4304: 4300: 4294: 4287: 4283: 4280: 4275: 4273: 4271: 4264: 4260: 4256: 4252: 4249: 4245: 4240: 4236: 4232: 4229: 4223: 4215: 4209: 4205: 4204: 4195: 4188: 4184: 4181: 4176: 4170: 4166: 4162: 4157: 4148: 4137: 4133: 4132: 4125: 4109: 4105: 4098: 4083: 4079: 4075: 4069: 4061: 4060: 4055: 4048: 4032: 4028: 4024: 4017: 4015: 4013: 4005: 4001: 3998: 3993: 3991: 3974: 3970: 3969: 3964: 3957: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3927: 3921: 3917: 3914: 3909: 3902: 3898: 3895: 3890: 3884: 3880: 3876: 3873: 3867: 3860: 3856: 3852: 3849: 3844: 3830:on 2015-02-19 3829: 3825: 3819: 3803: 3799: 3793: 3778: 3774: 3767: 3765: 3757: 3753: 3750: 3745: 3743: 3727: 3723: 3719: 3713: 3711: 3695:on 8 May 2012 3694: 3690: 3686: 3680: 3678: 3663:on 2015-02-19 3662: 3658: 3652: 3645: 3641: 3638: 3633: 3626: 3622: 3619: 3614: 3607: 3605: 3591: 3587: 3586: 3581: 3574: 3567: 3563: 3560: 3559: 3553: 3551: 3535: 3531: 3527: 3521: 3506: 3505: 3504:BNN Bloomberg 3500: 3493: 3491: 3474: 3470: 3469: 3464: 3457: 3455: 3439: 3433: 3429: 3428: 3419: 3405:on 2017-10-10 3404: 3400: 3396: 3390: 3388: 3372: 3368: 3362: 3360: 3341: 3334: 3328: 3324: 3311: 3305: 3298: 3294: 3288: 3279: 3274: 3268: 3259: 3257: 3249: 3243: 3236: 3232: 3231:Gulf of Aqaba 3228: 3224: 3218: 3216: 3209: 3203: 3201: 3193: 3189: 3185: 3179: 3172: 3166: 3164: 3156: 3150: 3146: 3136: 3133: 3131: 3128: 3126: 3123: 3121: 3118: 3116: 3113: 3111: 3108: 3107: 3101: 3092: 3089: 3088:Hanan Ashrawi 3084: 3080: 3078: 3071: 3066: 3063: 3060: 3056: 3046: 3043: 3039: 3033: 3031: 3026: 3016: 3013: 3009: 3005: 2998: 2994: 2989: 2985: 2983: 2979: 2973: 2969: 2959: 2957: 2953: 2949: 2944: 2940: 2936: 2931: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2916: 2908: 2904: 2899: 2895: 2893: 2888: 2885:In 1986, the 2883: 2881: 2877: 2871: 2869: 2865: 2861: 2857: 2853: 2849: 2845: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2832:United States 2829: 2825: 2824:Jerusalem Law 2820: 2818: 2814: 2810: 2806: 2802: 2799: 2795: 2791: 2788: 2784: 2774: 2772: 2768: 2764: 2760: 2759:Neturei Karta 2756: 2751: 2749: 2745: 2741: 2737: 2733: 2729: 2722: 2719: 2717: 2714: 2712: 2709: 2707: 2704: 2702: 2699: 2697: 2694: 2693: 2692: 2689: 2687: 2683: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2667: 2663: 2659: 2655: 2651: 2646: 2644: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2631:Eretz Yisrael 2628: 2621: 2617: 2613: 2609: 2601: 2597: 2592: 2587: 2583: 2573: 2570: 2566: 2562: 2561: 2556: 2551: 2548: 2544: 2540: 2536: 2532: 2528: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2507: 2504: 2503:Theodor Meron 2500: 2493: 2489: 2484: 2480: 2478: 2474: 2470: 2466: 2465: 2460: 2455: 2449: 2445: 2441: 2438: 2427: 2425: 2418: 2416: 2411: 2409: 2405: 2401: 2396: 2392: 2388: 2384: 2377: 2373: 2368: 2361: 2356: 2352: 2349: 2344: 2334: 2332: 2328: 2325:beginning in 2324: 2319: 2315: 2313: 2309: 2302:Israeli views 2298: 2293: 2291: 2287: 2283: 2273: 2269: 2255: 2252: 2247: 2243: 2241: 2237: 2233: 2229: 2224: 2220: 2218: 2213: 2209: 2205: 2201: 2197: 2192: 2190: 2186: 2182: 2181:Democracy Now 2178: 2175:" wrote that 2174: 2170: 2166: 2162: 2159: 2155: 2150: 2147: 2143: 2139: 2135: 2130: 2127: 2124: 2116: 2111: 2107: 2105: 2101: 2096: 2091: 2086: 2084: 2079: 2077: 2073: 2068: 2066: 2061: 2059: 2055: 2050: 2048: 2044: 2040: 2031: 2026: 2016: 2014: 2013:Sheikh Jarrah 2010: 2006: 2003:In May 2021, 2001: 2000:citizenship. 1999: 1995: 1991: 1987: 1981: 1979: 1975: 1971: 1967: 1962: 1958: 1954: 1950: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1934: 1928: 1925: 1922: 1918: 1914: 1913:Jerusalem Law 1910: 1906: 1902: 1898: 1894: 1890: 1885: 1883: 1879: 1875: 1871: 1865:arrangements. 1864: 1860: 1855: 1847: 1842: 1832: 1830: 1826: 1822: 1817: 1815: 1811: 1806: 1799: 1794: 1790: 1787: 1783: 1779: 1776:In 2004, the 1774: 1772: 1768: 1765:, within the 1764: 1759: 1757: 1753: 1749: 1745: 1741: 1736: 1734: 1730: 1726: 1722: 1718: 1714: 1710: 1705: 1703: 1699: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1679: 1675: 1671: 1666: 1660: 1656: 1646: 1644: 1638: 1636: 1632: 1628: 1624: 1621: 1617: 1606: 1602: 1592: 1590: 1585: 1583: 1579: 1573: 1571: 1567: 1563: 1559: 1554: 1552: 1548: 1544: 1540: 1536: 1532: 1527: 1525: 1520: 1515: 1513: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1496: 1495:Golan Heights 1488: 1487:Golan Heights 1483: 1478: 1477:Golan Heights 1471:Golan Heights 1468: 1466: 1462: 1458: 1454: 1450: 1445: 1443: 1439: 1435: 1431: 1427: 1422: 1420: 1416: 1412: 1408: 1404: 1399: 1397: 1393: 1389: 1385: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1341: 1336: 1326: 1323: 1315: 1305: 1301: 1297: 1291: 1290: 1286: 1281:This section 1279: 1275: 1270: 1269: 1265: 1261: 1257: 1253: 1246:South Lebanon 1243: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1210: 1196: 1192: 1189: 1186: 1183: 1180: 1177: 1175: 1171: 1170: 1166: 1163: 1160: 1158: 1154: 1151: 1148: 1146: 1142: 1141: 1137: 1133: 1131: 1130:Jerusalem Law 1127: 1123: 1121: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1108: 1103: 1102: 1098: 1096: 1090: 1086: 1083: 1080: 1077: 1074: 1073: 1070: 1058: 1048: 1046: 1035: 1032: 1029:(Areas B and 1028: 1015: 1011: 1006: 1001: 999: 988: 986: 975: 973: 962: 959: 958: 954: 941: 930: 927: 914: 903: 900: 887: 876: 873: 869: 857: 846: 844: 833: 831: 820: 817: 816: 797: 791: 783: 782: 779: 776: 774: 771: 767: 764: 762: 761:Golan Heights 759: 757: 754: 752: 749: 747: 746: 736: 730: 724: 714: 710: 706: 702: 696: 690: 680: 676: 672: 666: 665: 657: 641: 637: 633: 629: 625: 621: 620:Golan Heights 617: 611: 605: 595: 591: 587: 583: 577: 576: 569: 559: 555: 551: 547: 543: 538: 532: 516: 512: 508: 504: 498: 492: 482: 478: 474: 470: 466: 462: 456: 450: 440: 436: 432: 428: 422: 416: 403: 398: 396: 391: 389: 384: 383: 375: 373: 369: 365: 361: 356: 354: 350: 346: 342: 338: 334: 330: 326: 316: 314: 310: 305: 303: 299: 295: 291: 287: 283: 279: 275: 271: 266: 264: 260: 256: 252: 248: 243: 241: 237: 233: 229: 226: 223: 219: 216: 215:controlled by 213: 209: 205: 201: 197: 196:Golan Heights 193: 189: 177: 174: 172: 169: 168: 166: 162: 156: 153: 151: 148: 147: 145: 141: 133: 130: 129: 128: 125: 123: 120: 116: 113: 111: 108: 107: 106: 103: 102: 99: 96: 95: 92: 89: 88: 86: 82: 78: 69: 64: 62: 57: 55: 50: 49: 46: 39: 34: 30: 19: 7653: 7593:. Retrieved 7578: 7569: 7557:. Retrieved 7546: 7536: 7524:. Retrieved 7520:The Guardian 7518: 7508: 7496:. Retrieved 7485: 7475: 7463:. Retrieved 7452: 7440: 7428:. Retrieved 7419: 7415: 7406: 7394:. Retrieved 7388:. Tel Aviv. 7385: 7375: 7363:. Retrieved 7349: 7337:. Retrieved 7331:. Tel Aviv. 7328: 7303:. Retrieved 7299:The Guardian 7298: 7262: 7243: 7235:The Guardian 7233: 7217: 7199: 7180:. Retrieved 7165: 7158: 7150: 7144:. Retrieved 7126: 7108: 7083: 7068: 7064: 7056: 7047: 7038: 7010: 7006: 6997: 6989: 6969: 6960: 6951: 6931: 6927: 6921: 6910:. Retrieved 6883: 6879: 6869: 6857:. Retrieved 6842: 6831:. Retrieved 6796: 6792: 6782: 6763: 6722: 6703: 6691:. Retrieved 6687:the original 6677: 6665:. Retrieved 6650: 6639:. Retrieved 6625: 6614: 6603:. Retrieved 6595:The Guardian 6594: 6584: 6564: 6545: 6533:. Retrieved 6513: 6505:the original 6495: 6484:. Retrieved 6470: 6459:. Retrieved 6455:the original 6444: 6432:. Retrieved 6423: 6413: 6401:. Retrieved 6392: 6382: 6363: 6344: 6335: 6328: 6323: 6307: 6302: 6290:. Retrieved 6286:the original 6253: 6241:. Retrieved 6226: 6214:. Retrieved 6184: 6171:. Retrieved 6167:the original 6157: 6144:. Retrieved 6140:the original 6130: 6118:. Retrieved 6114:the original 6104: 6085: 6066: 6061:(RTF format) 6047: 6032: 5986: 5975:. Retrieved 5958: 5949: 5939:26 September 5937:. Retrieved 5926: 5917: 5907:26 September 5905:. Retrieved 5892:Danny Ayalon 5890: 5881: 5862: 5850:. Retrieved 5846:the original 5836: 5824:. Retrieved 5820:the original 5810: 5798:. Retrieved 5789: 5780: 5769:. Retrieved 5760: 5751: 5739:. Retrieved 5730: 5721: 5710:. Retrieved 5695: 5684:. Retrieved 5680:the original 5669: 5646: 5635:. Retrieved 5621: 5599: 5575: 5556: 5537: 5518: 5509: 5502:. Retrieved 5493: 5484: 5461: 5392: 5377: 5364: 5353:. Retrieved 5344: 5335: 5324:. Retrieved 5320: 5311: 5300:. Retrieved 5291: 5282: 5271:. Retrieved 5262: 5252: 5240:. Retrieved 5229: 5194: 5182:. Retrieved 5171: 5161: 5149:. Retrieved 5138: 5129: 5109: 5102: 5086: 5075:. Retrieved 5071:the original 5059: 5040: 5028:. Retrieved 5019: 5009: 4997:. Retrieved 4986: 4977: 4965:. Retrieved 4957:The Guardian 4956: 4946: 4934:. Retrieved 4925: 4915: 4904:. Retrieved 4895: 4886: 4875:. Retrieved 4866: 4857: 4846:. Retrieved 4837: 4827: 4815:. Retrieved 4811:the original 4800: 4789:. Retrieved 4785:the original 4771: 4754: 4743:. Retrieved 4734: 4725: 4713:. Retrieved 4704: 4695: 4684:. Retrieved 4675: 4666: 4654:. Retrieved 4647:the original 4625: 4614:. Retrieved 4610:the original 4600: 4577: 4568: 4557:. Retrieved 4543: 4531:. Retrieved 4511: 4504: 4495: 4478: 4462: 4442: 4434: 4418: 4408: 4393: 4374: 4355: 4347: 4327: 4319: 4307:. Retrieved 4303:the original 4293: 4243: 4222: 4203:Jimmy Carter 4202: 4194: 4175: 4160: 4156: 4145:– via 4140:. Retrieved 4130: 4124: 4112:. Retrieved 4097: 4086:. Retrieved 4068: 4059:The Guardian 4057: 4047: 4035:. Retrieved 4026: 3979:December 10, 3977:. Retrieved 3966: 3956: 3944:. Retrieved 3935: 3926: 3908: 3889: 3866: 3843: 3832:. Retrieved 3828:the original 3818: 3806:. Retrieved 3792: 3781:. Retrieved 3730:. Retrieved 3697:. Retrieved 3693:the original 3665:. Retrieved 3661:the original 3651: 3632: 3613: 3603: 3601: 3594:. Retrieved 3583: 3573: 3557: 3538:. Retrieved 3529: 3520: 3508:. Retrieved 3502: 3477:. Retrieved 3466: 3441:. Retrieved 3426: 3418: 3407:. Retrieved 3403:the original 3375:. Retrieved 3371:the original 3347:. Retrieved 3327: 3304: 3287: 3267: 3242: 3235:Saudi Arabia 3178: 3155:Mount Hermon 3149: 3098: 3085: 3081: 3073: 3068: 3064: 3052: 3034: 3022: 3014: 3010: 3006: 3002: 2975: 2932: 2912: 2903:Donald Trump 2884: 2872: 2821: 2780: 2752: 2725: 2690: 2647: 2643:Hebrew Bible 2630: 2626: 2605: 2558: 2554: 2552: 2531:negotiations 2508: 2497: 2462: 2459:Meir Shamgar 2456: 2452: 2434: 2423: 2420: 2412: 2380: 2340: 2320: 2316: 2305: 2295: 2280: 2240:Yoav Gallant 2225: 2221: 2193: 2169:human rights 2161:Richard Falk 2151: 2131: 2120: 2087: 2080: 2069: 2062: 2051: 2036: 2002: 1982: 1929: 1886: 1868: 1818: 1807: 1803: 1775: 1760: 1737: 1706: 1683: 1639: 1620:Palestinians 1613: 1589:Shebaa farms 1586: 1574: 1555: 1542: 1528: 1516: 1514:was signed. 1501:in the 1967 1492: 1446: 1423: 1400: 1379: 1345: 1342:in July 1993 1318: 1309: 1294:Please help 1282: 1221:in the 1967 1212: 1105: 1099: 872:Shebaa Farms 806:1967–present 803:1967–present 800:1967–present 728: 695:2005–present 694: 671:Oslo Accords 661: 609: 573: 536: 496: 475:, including 454: 420: 357: 353:peace treaty 348: 322: 306: 290:Richard Falk 267: 244: 186: 74: 29: 6693:26 December 6667:26 December 6449:N.S. Gill. 5831:. 5504:October 19, 5422:Dore Gold, 5242:25 November 5173:Arutz Sheva 5140:Arutz Sheva 4379:Golan Facts 4348:0876091052. 4037:February 9, 3276: [ 2930:situation. 2676:and to the 2565:Edmund Levy 2560:Levy Report 2492:Palestinian 2486:Map of the 2126:Tzipi Livni 1966:Embassy Act 1959:passed the 1941:El Salvador 1911:passed the 1905:Six-Day War 1798:Neve Daniel 1729:Enclave law 1503:Six-Day War 1485:Map of the 1354:during the 1223:Six-Day War 1112:settlements 942:(1949–1979) 915:(1949–1988) 888:(1949–1988) 616:Six-Day War 614:During the 554:public land 286:reparations 280:all regard 272:(ICJ), the 236:settlements 200:Six-Day War 7682:Categories 7457:. London. 7182:15 January 7146:2010-10-04 6912:2022-03-19 6833:2022-03-19 6641:2015-02-20 6605:2009-03-08 6535:13 January 6486:2016-03-06 6461:2013-11-20 6434:13 January 6120:2006-09-11 6098:Archive-It 5977:2024-07-22 5852:2017-04-15 5826:2006-04-02 5800:10 October 5771:2023-10-10 5761:Al Jazeera 5712:2009-02-17 5686:2009-03-26 5637:2009-01-23 5355:2022-07-13 5326:2022-04-30 5302:2022-04-30 5273:2022-07-13 5077:2011-11-26 5030:10 October 4999:10 October 4967:10 October 4936:10 October 4906:2023-10-10 4877:2020-09-26 4848:2017-02-06 4817:2014-09-27 4791:2012-08-13 4745:2023-10-10 4715:10 October 4705:Al-Jazeera 4686:2023-10-10 4656:2013-08-18 4616:2012-08-13 4559:2012-08-13 4533:15 October 4309:2017-04-15 4142:2024-01-30 4088:2023-01-25 3946:10 January 3834:2015-01-24 3783:2009-05-30 3732:2009-06-05 3667:2015-01-24 3540:2014-01-06 3443:15 January 3409:2012-04-29 3377:2012-04-29 3349:2018-08-27 3320:References 3293:Allon Plan 2966:See also: 2939:as illegal 2901:President 2809:465 (1980) 2798:452 (1979) 2787:446 (1979) 2757:Jews, the 2678:Israelites 2645:passages. 2473:Gaza Strip 2387:Elon Moreh 2360:Elon Moreh 2095:Gush Katif 2070:Since the 2025:Gaza Strip 2019:Gaza Strip 1937:Costa Rica 1882:referendum 1786:Ehud Barak 1738:Since the 1702:Green Line 1688:, but the 1663:See also: 1610:Background 1535:annexation 1489:since 1974 1457:Ehud Barak 1421:in 1978). 1312:April 2023 1227:Gaza Strip 1157:until 1923 818:Claimed by 809:1956–1957, 794:1948–1949, 787:1956–1957, 778:Gaza Strip 699:After the 669:Under the 592:, showing 372:war crimes 349:status quo 276:, and the 261:under the 259:Gaza Strip 212:Gaza Strip 198:since the 143:Historical 40:as of 2018 7698:West Asia 7465:12 August 7430:12 August 7396:12 August 7365:12 August 7339:12 August 7305:12 August 7269:Jerusalem 7035:145514740 6902:0938-5428 6823:245698763 6815:1386-1972 6799:(1): 26. 5967:0013-0613 5741:7 October 3932:"407,118" 3596:March 12, 2933:Multiple 2880:war crime 2868:Jerusalem 2488:West Bank 2477:Dore Gold 2469:West Bank 2308:maintains 2230:launched 1998:Jordanian 1917:Basic Law 1895:captured 1878:Bethlehem 1870:Jerusalem 1767:West Bank 1733:civil law 1678:West Bank 1659:West Bank 1649:West Bank 1465:Blue Line 1442:Marjayoun 1430:Maronites 1283:does not 1172:Contains 1126:Jerusalem 953:Palestine 926:Palestine 899:Palestine 868:Hezbollah 811:1967–2005 796:1982–2000 790:1967–1982 766:West Bank 469:Bethlehem 465:Jerusalem 255:West Bank 238:, is the 222:West Bank 7643:Archived 7626:Archived 7589:Archived 7580:Barron's 7559:July 22, 7553:Archived 7526:July 22, 7492:Archived 7487:BBC News 7459:Archived 7424:Archived 7390:Archived 7359:Archived 7333:Archived 7301:. 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Israeli occupation of Palestine

status of Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories
Israeli-occupied territories
Golan Heights occupation
Occupied Palestinian Territory
West Bank occupation
Oslo II Accord areas
Enclaves within the West Bank
Displacement in East Jerusalem
Gaza Strip occupation
Gaza Strip blockade
Southern Lebanon occupation
Sinai Peninsula occupation
Jordan Valley annexation
West Bank annexation
Palestinian territories
Golan Heights
Six-Day War
Sinai Peninsula
southern Lebanon
Gaza Strip
controlled by
West Bank

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.