
Floor and ceiling functions

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5290: 1288: 7103: 4973: 1519: 1011: 6839: 4954: 5285:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&\left\lfloor {\frac {x{\vphantom {1}}}{n}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {m+x}{n}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2m+x}{n}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {(n-1)m+x}{n}}\right\rfloor \\=&\left\lfloor {\frac {x{\vphantom {1}}}{m}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {n+x}{m}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2n+x}{m}}\right\rfloor +\cdots +\left\lfloor {\frac {(m-1)n+x}{m}}\right\rfloor .\end{aligned}}} 57: 43: 7297: 11713: 9440: 1311: 1283:{\displaystyle {\begin{alignedat}{3}\lfloor x\rfloor &=m\ \ &&{\mbox{ if and only if }}&m&\leq x<m+1,\\\lceil x\rceil &=n&&{\mbox{ if and only if }}&\ \ n-1&<x\leq n,\\\lfloor x\rfloor &=m&&{\mbox{ if and only if }}&x-1&<m\leq x,\\\lceil x\rceil &=n&&{\mbox{ if and only if }}&x&\leq n<x+1.\end{alignedat}}} 7098:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\left({\frac {q}{p}}\right)&=(-1)^{\left\lfloor {\frac {q}{p}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2q}{p}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {mq}{p}}\right\rfloor },\\\left({\frac {p}{q}}\right)&=(-1)^{\left\lfloor {\frac {p}{q}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2p}{q}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {np}{q}}\right\rfloor }.\end{aligned}}} 1875: 4734: 5703: 9749: 11306: 2926: 7618: 7118: 2055: 9191: 1514:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}x<n&\;\;{\mbox{ if and only if }}&\lfloor x\rfloor &<n,\\n<x&\;\;{\mbox{ if and only if }}&n&<\lceil x\rceil ,\\x\leq n&\;\;{\mbox{ if and only if }}&\lceil x\rceil &\leq n,\\n\leq x&\;\;{\mbox{ if and only if }}&n&\leq \lfloor x\rfloor .\end{aligned}}} 8867: 11122: 8126: 3042: 4949:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {m{\vphantom {1}}}{n}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2m}{n}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {(n-1)m}{n}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{m}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2n}{m}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {(m-1)n}{m}}\right\rfloor .} 11692: 1699: 5556: 3585: 2415: 12450: 3455: 11155: 4070: 4194: 3939: 9489: 11424: 2532: 5437: 2219: 1676: 3818: 2643: 10350: 10801: 5545: 2772: 7292:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {q}{p}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2q}{p}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {mq}{p}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {p}{q}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {2p}{q}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {np}{q}}\right\rfloor =mn.} 7454: 10967: 9180: 10684: 10128: 7772: 9435:{\displaystyle \gamma =\sum _{k=2}^{\infty }(-1)^{k}{\frac {\left\lfloor \log _{2}k\right\rfloor }{k}}={\tfrac {1}{2}}-{\tfrac {1}{3}}+2\left({\tfrac {1}{4}}-{\tfrac {1}{5}}+{\tfrac {1}{6}}-{\tfrac {1}{7}}\right)+3\left({\tfrac {1}{8}}-\cdots -{\tfrac {1}{15}}\right)+\cdots } 7871: 2757: 1895: 12510:
Hardy & Wright, pp. 344—345 "Any one of these formulas (or any similar one) would attain a different status if the exact value of the number α ... could be expressed independently of the primes. There seems no likelihood of this, but it cannot be ruled out as entirely
3686: 10587: 9958: 7439: 3234: 11829:. Division by a power of 2 is often written as a right-shift, not for optimization as might be assumed, but because the floor of negative results is required. Assuming such shifts are "premature optimization" and replacing them with division can break software. 11736:
was defined to require this behavior and thus almost all processors implement conversion this way. Some consider this to be an unfortunate historical design decision that has led to bugs handling negative offsets and graphics on the negative side of the origin.
5877: 8729: 6445: 10982: 3318: 5960: 7974: 4347: 11505: 2937: 1870:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\lfloor x\rfloor +\lfloor y\rfloor &\leq \lfloor x+y\rfloor \leq \lfloor x\rfloor +\lfloor y\rfloor +1,\\\lceil x\rceil +\lceil y\rceil -1&\leq \lceil x+y\rceil \leq \lceil x\rceil +\lceil y\rceil .\end{aligned}}} 10219: 11535: 5698:{\displaystyle m\leq \left\lfloor {\frac {x}{n}}\right\rfloor \implies m\leq {\frac {x}{n}}\implies n\leq {\frac {x}{m}}\implies n\leq \left\lfloor {\frac {x}{m}}\right\rfloor \implies \ldots \implies m\leq \left\lfloor {\frac {x}{n}}\right\rfloor ,} 4479: 6255: 9063: 4611: 7961: 3463: 2291: 8347: 12328: 11301:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\tfrac {n}{3}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\tfrac {n+2}{6}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\tfrac {n+4}{6}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\tfrac {n}{2}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\tfrac {n+3}{6}}\right\rfloor ,} 3333: 9744:{\displaystyle \sum _{a<n\leq b}\varphi (n)=\int _{a}^{b}\varphi (x)\,dx+\int _{a}^{b}\left(\{x\}-{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right)\varphi '(x)\,dx+\left(\{a\}-{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right)\varphi (a)-\left(\{b\}-{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right)\varphi (b).} 3954: 12500:
Ribenboim, p. 180 says that "Despite the nil practical value of the formulas ... may have some relevance to logicians who wish to understand clearly how various parts of arithmetic may be deduced from different axiomatzations ...
4078: 3826: 11312: 5777: 4714: 2426: 5340: 2118: 1534: 3705: 2540: 10242: 10702: 8459: 5448: 2921:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\big \lfloor }\lfloor x\rfloor {\big \rfloor }&=\lfloor x\rfloor ,\\{\big \lceil }\lceil x\rceil {\big \rceil }&=\lceil x\rceil ,\\{\big \{}\{x\}{\big \}}&=\{x\}.\end{aligned}}} 3143: 6568: 7613:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\left({\frac {2}{p}}\right)&=(-1)^{\left\lfloor {\frac {p+1}{4}}\right\rfloor },\\\left({\frac {3}{p}}\right)&=(-1)^{\left\lfloor {\frac {p+1}{6}}\right\rfloor }.\end{aligned}}} 783: 850: 10831: 9071: 10606: 11723:
In most programming languages, the simplest method to convert a floating point number to an integer does not do floor or ceiling, but truncation. The reason for this is historical, as the first machines used
10000: 7678: 10454: 7459: 6844: 4978: 2050:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}x_{1}\leq x_{2}&\Rightarrow \lfloor x_{1}\rfloor \leq \lfloor x_{2}\rfloor ,\\x_{1}\leq x_{2}&\Rightarrow \lceil x_{1}\rceil \leq \lceil x_{2}\rceil .\end{aligned}}} 1704: 7777: 2654: 8550: 6338: 3600: 2107: 2280: 2942: 2777: 2296: 1900: 1539: 1316: 11827: 10465: 9825: 7308: 3158: 8862:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {n}{p}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {n}{p^{2}}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {n}{p^{3}}}\right\rfloor +\dots ={\frac {n-\sum _{k}a_{k}}{p-1}}} 6264:
At points of discontinuity, a Fourier series converges to a value that is the average of its limits on the left and the right, unlike the floor, ceiling and fractional part functions: for
5805: 11117:{\displaystyle \pi (n)=\sum _{j=2}^{n}{\Biggl \lfloor }1\,{\bigg /}\ {\sum _{k=2}^{j}\left\lfloor \left\lfloor {\frac {j}{k}}\right\rfloor {\frac {k}{j}}\right\rfloor }{\Biggr \rfloor }.} 8650: 6154: 928: 8121:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rceil =\left\lfloor x+{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right\rfloor +{\bigl \lceil }{\tfrac {1}{4}}(2x-1){\bigr \rceil }-{\bigl \lfloor }{\tfrac {1}{4}}(2x-1){\bigr \rfloor }-1} 6333: 3242: 6693: 6638: 5885: 3037:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\big \lfloor }\lceil x\rceil {\big \rfloor }&=\lceil x\rceil ,\\{\big \lceil }\lfloor x\rfloor {\big \rceil }&=\lfloor x\rfloor \end{aligned}}} 6821: 6769: 4213: 11430: 11687:{\displaystyle 3^{k}-2^{k}{\Bigl \lfloor }{\bigl (}{\tfrac {3}{2}}{\bigr )}^{k}{\Bigr \rfloor }>2^{k}-{\Bigl \lfloor }{\bigl (}{\tfrac {3}{2}}{\bigr )}^{k}{\Bigr \rfloor }-2\ ?} 8211: 963: 10148: 9797: 8923: 6082: 6002: 995: 8157: 6112: 6028: 4369: 3580:{\displaystyle n=\left\lfloor {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{m}}\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor {\frac {n+1}{m}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor {\frac {n+m-1}{m}}\right\rfloor .} 2410:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\lfloor x\rfloor +\lceil -x\rceil &=0\\-\lfloor x\rfloor &=\lceil -x\rceil \\-\lceil x\rceil &=\lfloor -x\rfloor \end{aligned}}} 716: 9481: 8979: 4501: 12445:{\textstyle \sum _{m=1}^{\lfloor {\sqrt {n}}\rfloor }{\bigl (}{\bigl \lfloor }{\frac {n}{m}}{\bigr \rfloor }-{\bigl \lfloor }{\frac {n-1}{m}}{\bigr \rfloor }{\bigr )}=1} 7879: 5332: 8281: 8273: 3450:{\displaystyle n=\left\lceil {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{m}}\right\rceil +\left\lceil {\frac {n-1}{m}}\right\rceil +\dots +\left\lceil {\frac {n-m+1}{m}}\right\rceil ,} 6138: 6054: 4065:{\displaystyle \left\lceil {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{m}}\right\rceil =\left\lfloor {\frac {n+m-1}{m}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\frac {n-1}{m}}\right\rfloor +1,} 4189:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{m}}\right\rfloor =\left\lceil {\frac {n-m+1}{m}}\right\rceil =\left\lceil {\frac {n+1}{m}}\right\rceil -1,} 3934:{\displaystyle \lfloor mx\rfloor =\left\lfloor x\right\rfloor +\left\lfloor x+{\frac {1}{m}}\right\rfloor +\dots +\left\lfloor x+{\frac {m-1}{m}}\right\rfloor .} 11782: 11762: 8237: 7669: 7646: 11419:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\tfrac {1}{2}}+{\sqrt {n+{\tfrac {1}{2}}}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\tfrac {1}{2}}+{\sqrt {n+{\tfrac {1}{4}}}}\right\rfloor ,} 2527:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor +\lfloor -x\rfloor ={\begin{cases}0&{\text{if }}x\in \mathbb {Z} \\-1&{\text{if }}x\not \in \mathbb {Z} ,\end{cases}}} 5432:{\displaystyle m\leq \left\lfloor {\frac {x}{n}}\right\rfloor \iff n\leq \left\lfloor {\frac {x}{m}}\right\rfloor \iff n\leq {\frac {\lfloor x\rfloor }{m}}.} 4619: 2214:{\displaystyle \lceil x\rceil -\lfloor x\rfloor ={\begin{cases}0&{\mbox{ if }}x\in \mathbb {Z} \\1&{\mbox{ if }}x\not \in \mathbb {Z} \end{cases}}} 1671:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\lfloor x+n\rfloor &=\lfloor x\rfloor +n,\\\lceil x+n\rceil &=\lceil x\rceil +n,\\\{x+n\}&=\{x\}.\end{aligned}}} 5711: 3813:{\displaystyle \lceil mx\rceil =\left\lceil x\right\rceil +\left\lceil x-{\frac {1}{m}}\right\rceil +\dots +\left\lceil x-{\frac {m-1}{m}}\right\rceil ,} 2638:{\displaystyle \lceil x\rceil +\lceil -x\rceil ={\begin{cases}0&{\text{if }}x\in \mathbb {Z} \\1&{\text{if }}x\not \in \mathbb {Z} .\end{cases}}} 10345:{\displaystyle \sum _{m=1}^{\infty }\left({\biggl \lfloor }{\frac {n}{m}}{\biggr \rfloor }-{\biggl \lfloor }{\frac {n-1}{m}}{\biggr \rfloor }\right)=2.} 10796:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor 2^{\omega }\right\rfloor ,\left\lfloor 2^{2^{\omega }}\right\rfloor ,\left\lfloor 2^{2^{2^{\omega }}}\right\rfloor ,\dots } 5540:{\displaystyle m\geq \left\lceil {\frac {x}{n}}\right\rceil \iff n\geq \left\lceil {\frac {x}{m}}\right\rceil \iff n\geq {\frac {\lceil x\rceil }{m}}.} 8375: 3073: 12052:
e.g. Cassels, Hardy & Wright, and Ribenboim use Gauss's notation. Graham, Knuth & Patashnik, and Crandall & Pomerance use Iverson's.
6510: 13092: 10962:{\displaystyle \pi (n)=\sum _{j=2}^{n}{\Biggl \lfloor }{\frac {(j-1)!+1}{j}}-\left\lfloor {\frac {(j-1)!}{j}}\right\rfloor {\Biggr \rfloor }.} 724: 9175:{\displaystyle \gamma =\lim _{n\to \infty }{\frac {1}{n}}\sum _{k=1}^{n}\left(\left\lceil {\frac {n}{k}}\right\rceil -{\frac {n}{k}}\right),} 1016: 10679:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor \theta ^{3}\right\rfloor ,\left\lfloor \theta ^{9}\right\rfloor ,\left\lfloor \theta ^{27}\right\rfloor ,\dots } 791: 10123:{\displaystyle \zeta (s)=s\int _{-\infty }^{\infty }e^{-\sigma \omega }(\lfloor e^{\omega }\rfloor -e^{\omega })e^{-it\omega }\,d\omega .} 7767:{\displaystyle {\text{rpi}}(x)=\left\lfloor x+{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right\rfloor =\left\lceil {\tfrac {1}{2}}\lfloor 2x\rfloor \right\rceil } 13224: 13096: 7866:{\displaystyle {\text{rni}}(x)=\left\lceil x-{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right\rceil =\left\lfloor {\tfrac {1}{2}}\lceil 2x\rceil \right\rfloor } 2752:{\displaystyle \{x\}+\{-x\}={\begin{cases}0&{\text{if }}x\in \mathbb {Z} \\1&{\text{if }}x\not \in \mathbb {Z} .\end{cases}}} 657:
commands in math mode. LaTeX has supported UTF-8 since 2018, so the Unicode characters can now be used directly. Larger versions are
10382: 3681:{\displaystyle n=\left\lfloor {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{2}}\right\rfloor +\left\lceil {\frac {n{\vphantom {1}}}{2}}\right\rceil .} 12932: 8479: 6573:
Then it follows from the definition of floor function that this extended operation satisfies many natural properties. Notably,
12911: 13147: 13069: 2071: 237:
produce graphs that appear exactly alike, they are not the same when the value of x is an exact integer. For example, when
10582:{\displaystyle p_{n}=\left\lfloor r^{n^{2}}\alpha \right\rfloor -r^{2n-1}\left\lfloor r^{(n-1)^{2}}\alpha \right\rfloor .} 9953:{\displaystyle \zeta (s)=s\int _{1}^{\infty }{\frac {{\frac {1}{2}}-\{x\}}{x^{s+1}}}\,dx+{\frac {1}{s-1}}+{\frac {1}{2}}.} 2238: 7434:{\displaystyle \left({\frac {p}{q}}\right)\left({\frac {q}{p}}\right)=(-1)^{mn}=(-1)^{{\frac {p-1}{2}}{\frac {q-1}{2}}}.} 11787: 3229:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {x+m}{n}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\frac {\lfloor x\rfloor +m}{n}}\right\rfloor ,} 5872:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {\lfloor x/m\rfloor }{n}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\frac {x}{mn}}\right\rfloor } 13190: 13165: 13129: 13086: 13043: 13025: 469:
notation.) Both notations are now used in mathematics, although Iverson's notation will be followed in this article.
13231:, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, retrieved 24 October 2008 13121: 13017: 8240: 6826: 6440:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor =x-{\frac {1}{2}}+{\frac {1}{\pi }}\sum _{k=1}^{\infty }{\frac {\sin(2\pi kx)}{k}}} 17: 8577: 3313:{\displaystyle \left\lceil {\frac {x+m}{n}}\right\rceil =\left\lceil {\frac {\lceil x\rceil +m}{n}}\right\rceil .} 877: 5955:{\displaystyle \left\lceil {\frac {\lceil x/m\rceil }{n}}\right\rceil =\left\lceil {\frac {x}{mn}}\right\rceil .} 4342:{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n-1}\left\lfloor {\frac {km}{n}}\right\rfloor ={\frac {(m-1)(n-1)+\gcd(m,n)-1}{2}},} 13287: 12031: 12007: 11500:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\sqrt {n}}+{\sqrt {n+1}}\right\rfloor =\left\lfloor {\sqrt {4n+2}}\right\rfloor .} 6294: 12713: 12248:
sequence A000522 (Total number of arrangements of a set with n elements: a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} n!/k!.)
6653: 6598: 13216: 12738: 12278: 12199:
Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 71, apply theorem 3.10 with x/m as input and the division by n as function
11861: 11841: 8970: 6773: 6721: 10214:{\textstyle {\bigl \lfloor }{\frac {n}{m}}{\bigr \rfloor }-{\bigl \lfloor }{\frac {n-1}{m}}{\bigr \rfloor }} 9975:} can be used to extend the zeta function to the entire complex plane and to prove its functional equation. 11849: 8169: 13211: 12974: 11845: 936: 9757: 13282: 13003: 12953: 11877: 8875: 6061: 5981: 968: 4474:{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n-1}\left\lfloor {\frac {km}{n}}\right\rfloor ={\tfrac {1}{2}}(m-1)(n-1),} 13292: 12838: 8470: 8131: 7444:
There are formulas that use floor to express the quadratic character of small numbers mod odd primes
6250:{\displaystyle \{x\}={\frac {1}{2}}-{\frac {1}{\pi }}\sum _{k=1}^{\infty }{\frac {\sin(2\pi kx)}{k}}} 6091: 6007: 5975: 13206: 9058:{\displaystyle \gamma =\int _{1}^{\infty }\left({1 \over \lfloor x\rfloor }-{1 \over x}\right)\,dx,} 4606:{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n-1}\left\lceil {\frac {km}{n}}\right\rceil ={\tfrac {1}{2}}(m+1)(n-1),} 2690: 2576: 2462: 2151: 12317:
Crandall & Pomerance, Ex. 1.3, p. 46. The infinite upper limit of the sum can be replaced with
11885: 11857: 11833: 11717: 10137:
used this representation to construct an analogue computer for finding roots of the zeta function.
7956:{\displaystyle {\text{ri}}(x)=\operatorname {sgn}(x)\left\lfloor |x|+{\tfrac {1}{2}}\right\rfloor } 5302:
Division by positive integers gives rise to an interesting and sometimes useful property. Assuming
12688: 699: 13061: 11961: 10145:
The floor function appears in several formulas characterizing prime numbers. For example, since
9457: 12662: 8342:{\displaystyle Q(x)=\Delta \cdot \left\lfloor {\frac {x}{\Delta }}+{\frac {1}{2}}\right\rfloor } 12112: 11035: 78: 5305: 11956: 11919:
rounds toward zero, the opposite of what "int" and "floor" do in other languages. Since 2010
10134: 9451: 8721: 8359: 8258: 6704: 3696: 438: 428: 424: 6147:
expansion. Since floor and ceiling are not periodic, they do not have uniformly convergent
6117: 6033: 434: 6143:
Since none of the functions discussed in this article are continuous, none of them have a
8: 11729: 11725: 11519: 10822: 7968: 5971: 12886: 12550: 11767: 11747: 10597: 8222: 8163: 7654: 7631: 1886: 1298: 856: 442: 12611: 13258: 13255: 13236: 13186: 13161: 13143: 13125: 13082: 13065: 13054: 13039: 13021: 12636: 12027: 12003: 8954: 8684: 8572: 5772:{\textstyle \lfloor x/n\rfloor ={\bigl \lfloor }\lfloor x\rfloor /n{\bigr \rfloor }.} 4709:{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n-1}\left\{{\frac {km}{n}}\right\}={\tfrac {1}{2}}(n-1).} 2229: 1302: 504: 4484:
and similarly for the ceiling and fractional part functions (still for positive and
13239: 12593: 11971: 11741: 8565: 7109: 6473: 1305:: it is the upper adjoint of the function that embeds the integers into the reals. 12091: 1005:
These formulas can be used to simplify expressions involving floors and ceilings.
13011: 11908: 8950: 6830: 6085: 500: 466: 291: 188:, and was historically denoted (among other notations). However, the same term, 12535: 12079: 7672: 6288: = 0. At points of continuity the series converges to the true value. 11928: 10234: 8958: 6148: 5779:
The second equivalence involving the ceiling function can be proved similarly.
12852: 12763: 12597: 11510:
Some generalizations to the above floor function identities have been proven.
One may also give formulas for producing the prime numbers. For example, let
The fractional part function also shows up in integral representations of the
8454:{\displaystyle \lfloor \log _{b}{k}\rfloor +1=\lceil \log _{b}{(k+1)}\rceil .} 13276: 11966: 11888:, a follow-on to APL that is designed to use standard keyboard symbols, uses 7964: 12813: 11924: 6144: 3138:{\displaystyle 0\leq \left\{{\frac {m}{n}}\right\}\leq 1-{\frac {1}{|n|}}.} 2931:
The result of nested floor or ceiling functions is the innermost function:
1294: 13002:, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, vol. 45, 12788: 6563:{\displaystyle x{\bmod {y}}=x-y\left\lfloor {\frac {x}{y}}\right\rfloor .} 196:
towards zero, which differs from the floor function for negative numbers.
12584: 12582:(1957). "On the fractional parts of the powers of a rational number II". 12579: 11932: 11697: 9971:= 1, where there is a pole) and combined with the Fourier expansion for { 8217: 2763: 82: 70: 13181:
Titchmarsh, Edward Charles; Heath-Brown, David Rodney ("Roger") (1986),
The following can be used to convert floors to ceilings and vice versa (
778:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor =\max\{m\in \mathbb {Z} \mid m\leq x\},} 8128:, which is the above expression for rounding towards positive infinity 6151:
expansions. The fractional part function has Fourier series expansion
Negating the argument switches floor and ceiling and changes the sign:
193: 9483:
is any function with a continuous derivative in the closed interval ,
9454:. It is straightforward to prove (using integration by parts) that if 8473:
of arbitrary length that doesn't use any character twice is given by
845:{\displaystyle \lceil x\rceil =\min\{n\in \mathbb {Z} \mid n\geq x\}.} 13263: 13244: 11135: 9800: 8667: 12555: 12536:"On some generalizations to floor function identities of Ramanujan" 11864:) provide standard functions for floor and ceiling, usually called 7649: 56: 449:, the names "floor" and "ceiling" and the corresponding notations 12244: 11733: 8160: 7302:
Combining these formulas gives quadratic reciprocity in the form
4485: 4353: 694: 89: 42: 8464: 4720:
Since the right-hand side of the general case is symmetrical in
997: may also be taken as the definition of floor and ceiling. 11712: 11127:
None of the formulas in this section are of any practical use.
8973:γ = 0.57721 56649 ... that involve the floor and ceiling, e.g. 8712:
a positive prime number. The exponent of the highest power of
If tie-breaking is away from 0, then the rounding function is
introduced the square bracket notation in his third proof of
Graham, Ronald L.; Knuth, Donald E.; Patashnik, Oren (1994),
11897: 11837: 11728:
and truncation was simpler to implement (floor is simpler in
10449:{\displaystyle \alpha =\sum _{m=1}^{\infty }p_{m}r^{-m^{2}}.} 8564:> 0 is the number of letters in the alphabet (e.g., 26 in 6667: 6612: 6518: 642: 465:. (Iverson used square brackets for a different purpose, the 11947:
has a third argument to reproduce Excel's earlier behavior.
typesetting system, these symbols can be specified with the
12247: 8545:{\displaystyle (n)_{0}+\cdots +(n)_{n}=\lfloor en!\rfloor } 2745: 2631: 2520: 2207: 13229:
Interactive Information Portal for Algorithmic Mathematics
13253: 11923:
has been changed to error if the number is negative. The
11853: 10229:, and to 0 otherwise, it follows that a positive integer 13056:
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (Fifth edition)
to the nearest integer value forms a very basic type of
441:(1808). This remained the standard in mathematics until 13234: 8933:. This is a finite sum, since the floors are zero when 2648:
Negating the argument complements the fractional part:
12331: 11640: 11577: 11395: 11372: 11345: 11322: 11272: 11249: 11218: 11187: 11164: 10151: 9710: 9661: 9600: 9410: 9389: 9361: 9346: 9331: 9316: 9293: 9278: 8878: 8696:= 26, this comes out to 1096259850353149530222034277. 8174: 8076: 8029: 8002: 7937: 7835: 7810: 7736: 7711: 6784: 6732: 5714: 4677: 4559: 4427: 2762:
The floor, ceiling, and fractional part functions are
2187: 2160: 2102:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor \leq \lceil x\rceil ,} 1477: 1429: 1381: 1333: 1243: 1180: 1111: 1048: 13180: 11790: 11770: 11750: 11700:
has proved there can only be a finite number of such
11538: 11433: 11315: 11158: 10985: 10834: 10705: 10609: 10468: 10385: 10245: 10003: 9828: 9760: 9492: 9460: 9194: 9074: 8982: 8732: 8580: 8482: 8378: 8284: 8261: 8225: 8172: 8134: 7977: 7882: 7780: 7681: 7657: 7634: 7457: 7311: 7121: 6842: 6776: 6724: 6656: 6601: 6513: 6341: 6297: 6157: 6120: 6094: 6064: 6036: 6010: 5984: 5888: 5808: 5559: 5451: 5343: 5308: 4976: 4737: 4622: 4504: 4372: 4216: 4081: 3957: 3829: 3708: 3603: 3466: 3336: 3245: 3161: 3076: 2940: 2775: 2657: 2543: 2429: 2294: 2241: 2121: 2074: 1898: 1702: 1537: 1314: 1014: 971: 939: 880: 794: 727: 702: 13033: 12469: 12467: 5970:
None of the functions discussed in this article are
2275:{\displaystyle \lfloor n\rfloor =\lceil n\rceil =n.} 718:, floor and ceiling may be defined by the equations 5965: 13053: 12444: 12163:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 85 and Ex. 3.15 11822:{\displaystyle \left\lfloor x/2^{n}\right\rfloor } 11821: 11776: 11756: 11686: 11499: 11418: 11300: 11116: 10961: 10795: 10678: 10581: 10448: 10344: 10213: 10122: 9952: 9791: 9743: 9475: 9434: 9174: 9057: 8917: 8861: 8644: 8544: 8453: 8341: 8267: 8231: 8205: 8151: 8120: 7955: 7865: 7766: 7663: 7640: 7612: 7433: 7291: 7097: 6815: 6763: 6707:, as modified by Eisenstein, has two basic steps. 6687: 6632: 6562: 6439: 6327: 6249: 6132: 6106: 6076: 6048: 6022: 5996: 5954: 5871: 5771: 5697: 5539: 5431: 5326: 5284: 4948: 4708: 4605: 4473: 4341: 4188: 4064: 3933: 3812: 3680: 3579: 3449: 3312: 3228: 3137: 3036: 2920: 2751: 2637: 2526: 2409: 2274: 2213: 2101: 2049: 1869: 1670: 1513: 1282: 989: 957: 922: 844: 777: 710: 13079:Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences 13009: 12464: 12024:Handbook of mathematics and computational science 11667: 11627: 11604: 11564: 11106: 11024: 10951: 10873: 10326: 10301: 10291: 10274: 7774:; rounding towards negative infinity is given as 120:to the smallest integer greater than or equal to 13274: 13101:ISO/IEC 9899::1999(E): Programming languages — C 10817:) be the number of primes less than or equal to 9082: 6718:be distinct positive odd prime numbers, and let 4306: 2060: 807: 740: 11716:Int function from floating-point conversion in 12997: 12277:These formulas are from the Knowledge article 9967:with real part greater than −1, (except 423:in the original) was first defined in 1798 by 12431: 12424: 12399: 12389: 12372: 12365: 11654: 11634: 11591: 11571: 10206: 10181: 10171: 10154: 10140: 8465:Number of strings without repeated characters 8107: 8070: 8060: 8023: 5761: 5737: 3009: 2993: 2963: 2947: 2890: 2874: 2844: 2828: 2798: 2782: 472:In some sources, boldface or double brackets 13103:(2nd ed), 1999; Section, p. 43. 13000:An introduction to Diophantine approximation 12975:"Documentation/How Tos/Calc: FLOOR function" 12358: 12348: 10072: 10059: 9884: 9878: 9703: 9697: 9654: 9648: 9593: 9587: 9445: 9021: 9015: 8645:{\displaystyle (n)_{k}=n(n-1)\cdots (n-k+1)} 8539: 8527: 8445: 8412: 8400: 8379: 7984: 7978: 7855: 7846: 7756: 7747: 6348: 6342: 6322: 6316: 6304: 6298: 6164: 6158: 6127: 6121: 6101: 6095: 6071: 6065: 6043: 6037: 6017: 6011: 5991: 5985: 5910: 5896: 5830: 5816: 5748: 5742: 5729: 5715: 5525: 5519: 5417: 5411: 3839: 3830: 3718: 3709: 3288: 3282: 3204: 3198: 3027: 3021: 3004: 2998: 2981: 2975: 2958: 2952: 2908: 2902: 2885: 2879: 2862: 2856: 2839: 2833: 2816: 2810: 2793: 2787: 2679: 2670: 2664: 2658: 2565: 2556: 2550: 2544: 2451: 2442: 2436: 2430: 2400: 2391: 2381: 2375: 2365: 2356: 2346: 2340: 2320: 2311: 2305: 2299: 2260: 2254: 2248: 2242: 2140: 2134: 2128: 2122: 2093: 2087: 2081: 2075: 2037: 2024: 2018: 2005: 1965: 1952: 1946: 1933: 1857: 1851: 1845: 1839: 1833: 1821: 1805: 1799: 1793: 1787: 1771: 1765: 1759: 1753: 1747: 1735: 1725: 1719: 1713: 1707: 1658: 1652: 1642: 1630: 1614: 1608: 1598: 1586: 1570: 1564: 1554: 1542: 1501: 1495: 1443: 1437: 1405: 1399: 1347: 1341: 1226: 1220: 1163: 1157: 1094: 1088: 1025: 1019: 978: 972: 946: 940: 923:{\displaystyle x-1<m\leq x\leq n<x+1.} 836: 810: 801: 795: 769: 743: 734: 728: 672: 418: 13115: 13051: 13010:Crandall, Richard; Pomerance, Carl (2001), 12102:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 70. 11915:rounds down rather than toward zero, while 11707: 10592:A similar result is that there is a number 8961:into two sequences via the floor function. 6492:. This definition can be extended to real 3047:due to the identity property for integers. 2228:, both floor and ceiling functions are the 560:These characters are provided in Unicode: 13118:Reciprocity Laws: from Euler to Eisenstein 13013:Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective 12954:"Documentation/How Tos/Calc: INT function" 12325: > 1 is prime if and only if 11140:Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society 10372: > 1, define the real number 7971:can be expressed with the more cumbersome 5667: 5663: 5659: 5655: 5630: 5626: 5609: 5605: 5588: 5584: 5509: 5505: 5480: 5476: 5401: 5397: 5372: 5368: 5296: 1524:These formulas show how adding an integer 1475: 1474: 1427: 1426: 1379: 1378: 1331: 1330: 480:are used for floor, and reversed brackets 13155: 13137: 12554: 12533: 12268:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, pp. 77–78 11032: 10821:. It is a straightforward deduction from 10110: 9906: 9633: 9557: 9045: 6328:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor =x-\{x\}} 2735: 2710: 2621: 2596: 2510: 2482: 2200: 2173: 820: 753: 704: 12491:Crandall & Pomerance, Ex. 1.4, p. 46 12172:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, Ex. 3.12 11711: 8699: 8652:denotes the number of strings of length 8251:) uniform quantizer with a quantization 6698: 6688:{\displaystyle 0\geq x{\bmod {y}}>y.} 6633:{\displaystyle 0\leq x{\bmod {y}}<y,} 6484:, gives the value of the remainder when 1528:to the arguments affects the functions: 855:Since there is exactly one integer in a 660:\left\lceil, \right\rceil, \left\lfloor, 13183:The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-function 13106: 12534:Somu, Sai Teja; Kukla, Andrzej (2022). 12000:A Brief History of Mathematical Thought 11989:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, Ch. 3.1 8964: 6816:{\displaystyle n={\tfrac {1}{2}}(q-1).} 6764:{\displaystyle m={\tfrac {1}{2}}(p-1),} 14: 13275: 13185:(2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford U. P., 12686: 12660: 12578: 12181:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 94. 11832:Many programming languages (including 10696:= 1.9287800... with the property that 7675:towards positive infinity is given by 6276:the Fourier series given converges to 6056:have discontinuities at the integers. 2065:It is clear from the definitions that 1887:monotonically non-decreasing functions 1685:is not an integer; however, for every 13254: 13235: 12190:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 94 12154:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 85 12145:Graham, Knuth, & Patashnik, p. 73 12136:Graham, Knuth, & Patashink, Ch. 3 8206:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{4}}(2x-1)} 1885:Both floor and ceiling functions are 13158:The New Book of Prime Number Records 13052:Hardy, G. H.; Wright, E. M. (1980), 2109:  with equality if and only if 11513: 8658:that don't use any character twice. 8353: 5782: 1693:, the following inequalities hold: 958:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor =m} 859:of length one, for any real number 88:, and gives as output the greatest 24: 12022:3) John W. Warris, Horst Stocker, 11149:is a positive integer, prove that 11130: 10408: 10262: 10035: 10030: 9857: 9792:{\displaystyle \varphi (n)=n^{-s}} 9217: 9092: 8999: 8944: 8918:{\textstyle n=\sum _{k}a_{k}p^{k}} 8316: 8300: 8262: 6399: 6209: 6140:  are lower semi-continuous. 25: 13304: 13199: 12217:Lemmermeyer, § 1.4, Ex. 1.32–1.33 8957:gives rise to a partition of the 6077:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor } 5997:{\displaystyle \lfloor x\rfloor } 990:{\displaystyle \lceil x\rceil =n} 13142:, Providence RI: AMS / Chelsea, 12308:Crandall & Pomerance, p. 391 12226:Hardy & Wright, §§ 6.11–6.13 11525:Are there any positive integers 11522:has led to an unsolved problem: 11138:submitted these problems to the 5966:Continuity and series expansions 55: 41: 13038:, Reading Ma.: Addison-Wesley, 12967: 12946: 12925: 12904: 12879: 12870: 12845: 12831: 12806: 12781: 12756: 12739:"Math (Java SE 9 & JDK 9 )" 12731: 12714:"Math (Java SE 9 & JDK 9 )" 12706: 12680: 12654: 12629: 12604: 12572: 12563: 12527: 12514: 12504: 12494: 12485: 12476: 12455: 12311: 12302: 12293: 12284: 12271: 12262: 12253: 12238: 12229: 12220: 12211: 12202: 12193: 12184: 12175: 12166: 12157: 12148: 12139: 12130: 12118:. The LaTeX Project. April 2018 12105: 12018:Calculus: Differential Calculus 10368:-th prime, and for any integer 8152:{\displaystyle {\text{rpi}}(x)} 6459: 6454: 6107:{\displaystyle \lceil x\rceil } 6023:{\displaystyle \lceil x\rceil } 1880: 1000: 597:&rceil;, &RightCeiling; 12689:"Math.Ceiling Method (System)" 12096: 12085: 12073: 12064: 12055: 12046: 12037: 11992: 11983: 10995: 10989: 10933: 10921: 10893: 10881: 10844: 10838: 10557: 10544: 10088: 10056: 10013: 10007: 9963:This formula is valid for all 9838: 9832: 9770: 9764: 9735: 9729: 9686: 9680: 9630: 9624: 9554: 9548: 9524: 9518: 9470: 9464: 9232: 9222: 9089: 8639: 8621: 8615: 8603: 8588: 8581: 8515: 8508: 8490: 8483: 8441: 8429: 8294: 8288: 8200: 8185: 8146: 8140: 8102: 8087: 8055: 8040: 7929: 7921: 7912: 7906: 7894: 7888: 7792: 7786: 7693: 7687: 7571: 7561: 7497: 7487: 7386: 7376: 7361: 7351: 7006: 6996: 6882: 6872: 6807: 6795: 6755: 6743: 6428: 6413: 6238: 6223: 5664: 5656: 5627: 5606: 5585: 5506: 5477: 5398: 5369: 5253: 5241: 5102: 5090: 4927: 4915: 4823: 4811: 4700: 4688: 4597: 4585: 4582: 4570: 4465: 4453: 4450: 4438: 4321: 4309: 4300: 4288: 4285: 4273: 3125: 3117: 2002: 1930: 635:&rfloor;, &RightFloor; 578:&lceil;, &LeftCeiling; 27:Nearest integers from a number 13: 1: 13138:Ramanujan, Srinivasa (2000), 12991: 12321:. An equivalent condition is 12043:Lemmermeyer, pp. 10, 23. 9990:in the critical strip 0 < 7628:For an arbitrary real number 5791:, and arbitrary real numbers 3691:More generally, for positive 2061:Relations among the functions 616:&LeftFloor;, &lfloor; 445:introduced, in his 1962 book 13225:"Integer rounding functions" 13107:Iverson, Kenneth E. (1962), 12663:"Math.Floor Method (System)" 12208:Titchmarsh, p. 15, Eq. 2.1.7 11977: 7671:to the nearest integer with 7108:The second step is to use a 5145: 4994: 4854: 4750: 4207:strictly positive integers: 4094: 3970: 3656: 3622: 3485: 3355: 3050: 1681:The above are never true if 863:, there are unique integers 711:{\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } 7: 13212:Encyclopedia of Mathematics 13116:Lemmermeyer, Franz (2000), 12259:Hardy & Wright, Th. 416 12113:"LaTeX News, Issue 28" 12092:Mathwords: Ceiling Function 11950: 9807:greater than 1 and letting 9476:{\displaystyle \varphi (x)} 8720:! is given by a version of 7623: 5295:This is sometimes called a 519:and defined by the formula 404: 35:Floor and ceiling functions 10: 13309: 13004:Cambridge University Press 12569:Hardy & Wright, p. 337 12461:Hardy & Wright, § 22.3 10141:Formulas for prime numbers 8708:be a positive integer and 1479: if and only if  1431: if and only if  1383: if and only if  1335: if and only if  1297:, the floor function is a 1245: if and only if  1182: if and only if  1113: if and only if  1050: if and only if  13177:, 8th edition, p. 86 13156:Ribenboim, Paulo (1996), 12598:10.1112/S0025579300001170 12520:Ramanujan, Question 723, 12080:Mathwords: Floor Function 10600:) with the property that 9815:be integers, and letting 9446:Riemann zeta function (ζ) 8953:shows how every positive 6829:is used to show that the 673:Definition and properties 648:\lceil, \rceil, \lfloor, 259: 243:⌊2.0001+1⌋ = ⌈2.0001⌉ = 3 12839:"R: Rounding of Numbers" 11927:file format, as used by 11708:Computer implementations 9819:approach infinity gives 8358:The number of digits in 6581:is always between 0 and 5327:{\displaystyle m,n>0} 4352:which, for positive and 871:satisfying the equation 145:For example, for floor: 13062:Oxford University Press 12998:J.W.S. Cassels (1957), 11962:Integer-valued function 10692:There is also a number 8969:There are formulas for 8469:The number of possible 8268:{\displaystyle \Delta } 6703:Gauss's third proof of 6468:and a positive integer 159:⌈−2.4⌉ = −2 151:⌊−2.4⌋ = −3 13160:, New York: Springer, 13109:A Programming Language 12446: 12362: 12281:, which has many more. 11886:J Programming Language 11823: 11778: 11758: 11742:arithmetic right-shift 11720: 11688: 11501: 11420: 11302: 11151: 11118: 11064: 11021: 10963: 10870: 10797: 10680: 10583: 10450: 10412: 10346: 10266: 10215: 10124: 9954: 9793: 9745: 9477: 9436: 9221: 9176: 9127: 9059: 8925:is the way of writing 8919: 8863: 8646: 8546: 8455: 8365:of a positive integer 8343: 8269: 8233: 8207: 8153: 8122: 7957: 7867: 7768: 7665: 7642: 7614: 7435: 7293: 7112:argument to show that 7099: 6817: 6765: 6689: 6634: 6564: 6441: 6403: 6329: 6251: 6213: 6134: 6108: 6078: 6050: 6024: 5998: 5956: 5873: 5773: 5699: 5541: 5433: 5328: 5286: 4950: 4710: 4649: 4607: 4531: 4475: 4399: 4343: 4243: 4190: 4066: 3935: 3814: 3682: 3581: 3451: 3314: 3230: 3152:is a positive integer 3139: 3038: 2922: 2753: 2639: 2528: 2411: 2276: 2224:In fact, for integers 2215: 2103: 2051: 1871: 1672: 1515: 1284: 991: 959: 924: 846: 779: 712: 447:A Programming Language 419: 92:less than or equal to 81:that takes as input a 13288:Mathematical notation 12876:Sullivan, p. 86. 12447: 12332: 11957:Bracket (mathematics) 11824: 11779: 11759: 11715: 11689: 11502: 11421: 11303: 11119: 11044: 11001: 10964: 10850: 10798: 10681: 10584: 10451: 10392: 10347: 10246: 10216: 10125: 9955: 9794: 9746: 9478: 9452:Riemann zeta function 9437: 9201: 9177: 9107: 9060: 8920: 8864: 8700:Factors of factorials 8647: 8547: 8456: 8344: 8270: 8234: 8208: 8154: 8123: 7969:rounding towards even 7958: 7868: 7769: 7666: 7643: 7615: 7436: 7294: 7100: 6818: 6766: 6705:quadratic reciprocity 6699:Quadratic reciprocity 6690: 6635: 6565: 6504:≠ 0, by the formula 6442: 6383: 6330: 6252: 6193: 6135: 6133:{\displaystyle \{x\}} 6109: 6086:upper semi-continuous 6079: 6051: 6049:{\displaystyle \{x\}} 6025: 5999: 5957: 5874: 5787:For positive integer 5774: 5708:keeping in mind that 5700: 5542: 5434: 5329: 5287: 4951: 4711: 4623: 4608: 4505: 4476: 4373: 4344: 4217: 4191: 4067: 3936: 3815: 3683: 3582: 3452: 3315: 3231: 3140: 3039: 2923: 2754: 2640: 2529: 2412: 2277: 2216: 2104: 2052: 1872: 1673: 1516: 1301:, that is, part of a 1285: 992: 960: 925: 847: 780: 713: 439:quadratic reciprocity 425:Adrien-Marie Legendre 13077:Nicholas J. Higham, 13036:Concrete Mathematics 12764:"Math (Julia v1.10)" 12329: 12299:Titchmarsh, pp.14–15 12061:Iverson, p. 12. 11788: 11768: 11748: 11744:of a signed integer 11536: 11431: 11313: 11156: 10983: 10832: 10703: 10607: 10466: 10383: 10243: 10149: 10001: 9826: 9758: 9490: 9458: 9192: 9072: 8980: 8965:Euler's constant (γ) 8876: 8730: 8578: 8480: 8376: 8282: 8275:can be expressed as 8259: 8255:equal to some value 8223: 8170: 8132: 7975: 7880: 7778: 7679: 7655: 7632: 7455: 7309: 7119: 6840: 6774: 6722: 6654: 6599: 6511: 6339: 6295: 6155: 6118: 6092: 6062: 6034: 6008: 5982: 5886: 5806: 5712: 5557: 5449: 5341: 5306: 5150: 4999: 4974: 4859: 4755: 4735: 4728:, this implies that 4620: 4502: 4370: 4214: 4099: 4079: 3975: 3955: 3827: 3706: 3661: 3627: 3601: 3490: 3464: 3360: 3334: 3243: 3159: 3074: 2938: 2773: 2655: 2541: 2427: 2292: 2239: 2119: 2072: 1896: 1700: 1535: 1312: 1012: 969: 937: 878: 792: 725: 700: 435:Carl Friedrich Gauss 427:in his proof of the 12853:"Python manual for 12070:Higham, p. 25. 12012:2) Albert A. Blank 11943:both do floor, and 11872:, or less commonly 10039: 9861: 9581: 9544: 9003: 6280:/2, rather than to 5151: 5146: 5000: 4995: 4959:More generally, if 4860: 4855: 4756: 4751: 4100: 4095: 3976: 3971: 3662: 3657: 3628: 3623: 3491: 3486: 3361: 3356: 2113:is an integer, i.e. 1293:In the language of 677:Given real numbers 262: 192:, is also used for 168:is also called the 153:, and for ceiling: 13259:"Ceiling Function" 13256:Weisstein, Eric W. 13237:Weisstein, Eric W. 13173:Michael Sullivan. 12637:"C++ reference of 12612:"C++ reference of 12442: 12235:Lemmermeyer, p. 25 12116:(PDF; 379 KB) 11819: 11774: 11754: 11721: 11704:; none are known. 11684: 11649: 11586: 11497: 11416: 11404: 11381: 11354: 11331: 11298: 11289: 11258: 11235: 11204: 11173: 11114: 10959: 10793: 10676: 10579: 10446: 10342: 10211: 10120: 10022: 9950: 9847: 9789: 9741: 9719: 9670: 9609: 9567: 9530: 9514: 9473: 9432: 9419: 9398: 9370: 9355: 9340: 9325: 9302: 9287: 9172: 9096: 9055: 8989: 8915: 8894: 8859: 8834: 8722:Legendre's formula 8642: 8542: 8451: 8339: 8265: 8229: 8203: 8183: 8149: 8118: 8085: 8038: 8011: 7953: 7946: 7863: 7844: 7819: 7764: 7745: 7720: 7661: 7638: 7610: 7608: 7431: 7289: 7095: 7093: 6813: 6793: 6761: 6741: 6685: 6630: 6560: 6437: 6325: 6291:Using the formula 6247: 6130: 6104: 6074: 6046: 6020: 5994: 5952: 5869: 5769: 5695: 5537: 5429: 5324: 5282: 5280: 4946: 4706: 4686: 4603: 4568: 4471: 4436: 4339: 4186: 4062: 3931: 3810: 3697:Hermite's identity 3678: 3577: 3447: 3310: 3226: 3135: 3034: 3032: 2918: 2916: 2749: 2744: 2635: 2630: 2524: 2519: 2407: 2405: 2272: 2211: 2206: 2191: 2164: 2099: 2047: 2045: 1867: 1865: 1668: 1666: 1511: 1509: 1481: 1433: 1385: 1337: 1299:residuated mapping 1280: 1278: 1247: 1184: 1115: 1052: 987: 955: 920: 857:half-open interval 842: 775: 708: 443:Kenneth E. Iverson 429:Legendre's formula 260: 112:. Similarly, the 13283:Special functions 13223:Štefan Porubský, 13149:978-0-8218-2076-6 13071:978-0-19-853171-5 12482:Ribenboim, p. 181 12473:Ribenboim, p. 186 12420: 12385: 12356: 12290:Titchmarsh, p. 13 11777:{\displaystyle n} 11757:{\displaystyle x} 11680: 11648: 11585: 11488: 11460: 11444: 11406: 11403: 11380: 11356: 11353: 11330: 11288: 11257: 11234: 11203: 11172: 11096: 11082: 11042: 10943: 10909: 10322: 10287: 10221:is equal to 1 if 10202: 10167: 9945: 9932: 9904: 9873: 9718: 9669: 9608: 9493: 9418: 9397: 9369: 9354: 9339: 9324: 9301: 9286: 9272: 9162: 9145: 9105: 9081: 9038: 9025: 8955:irrational number 8885: 8857: 8825: 8801: 8773: 8745: 8573:falling factorial 8332: 8319: 8247:one. A typical ( 8232:{\displaystyle x} 8182: 8138: 8084: 8037: 8010: 7945: 7886: 7843: 7818: 7784: 7744: 7719: 7685: 7664:{\displaystyle x} 7641:{\displaystyle x} 7595: 7548: 7521: 7474: 7424: 7406: 7342: 7324: 7271: 7239: 7213: 7192: 7160: 7134: 7080: 7048: 7022: 6983: 6956: 6924: 6898: 6859: 6792: 6740: 6551: 6435: 6381: 6368: 6245: 6191: 6178: 5943: 5917: 5863: 5837: 5686: 5649: 5624: 5603: 5578: 5532: 5499: 5470: 5424: 5391: 5362: 5269: 5219: 5187: 5158: 5118: 5068: 5036: 5007: 4937: 4893: 4867: 4833: 4789: 4763: 4685: 4667: 4567: 4549: 4435: 4417: 4334: 4261: 4171: 4142: 4107: 4047: 4018: 3983: 3921: 3878: 3800: 3757: 3669: 3635: 3568: 3527: 3498: 3438: 3397: 3368: 3301: 3266: 3217: 3182: 3130: 3095: 3063:are integers and 2726: 2701: 2612: 2587: 2501: 2473: 2190: 2163: 1480: 1432: 1384: 1336: 1303:Galois connection 1246: 1183: 1124: 1121: 1114: 1051: 1043: 1040: 505:sawtooth function 402: 401: 16:(Redirected from 13300: 13293:Unary operations 13269: 13268: 13250: 13249: 13240:"Floor Function" 13220: 13207:"Floor function" 13195: 13170: 13152: 13140:Collected Papers 13134: 13112: 13074: 13059: 13048: 13030: 13006: 12986: 12985: 12983: 12981: 12971: 12965: 12964: 12962: 12960: 12950: 12944: 12943: 12941: 12939: 12933:"FLOOR function" 12929: 12923: 12922: 12920: 12918: 12908: 12902: 12901: 12899: 12897: 12883: 12877: 12874: 12868: 12867: 12865: 12863: 12856: 12849: 12843: 12842: 12835: 12829: 12828: 12826: 12824: 12817: 12814:"PHP manual for 12810: 12804: 12803: 12801: 12799: 12792: 12789:"PHP manual for 12785: 12779: 12778: 12776: 12774: 12760: 12754: 12753: 12751: 12749: 12735: 12729: 12728: 12726: 12724: 12710: 12704: 12703: 12701: 12699: 12684: 12678: 12677: 12675: 12673: 12658: 12652: 12651: 12649: 12647: 12640: 12633: 12627: 12626: 12624: 12622: 12615: 12608: 12602: 12601: 12576: 12570: 12567: 12561: 12560: 12558: 12540: 12531: 12525: 12518: 12512: 12508: 12502: 12498: 12492: 12489: 12483: 12480: 12474: 12471: 12462: 12459: 12453: 12451: 12449: 12448: 12443: 12435: 12434: 12428: 12427: 12421: 12416: 12405: 12403: 12402: 12393: 12392: 12386: 12378: 12376: 12375: 12369: 12368: 12361: 12357: 12352: 12346: 12315: 12309: 12306: 12300: 12297: 12291: 12288: 12282: 12279:Euler's constant 12275: 12269: 12266: 12260: 12257: 12251: 12246: 12242: 12236: 12233: 12227: 12224: 12218: 12215: 12209: 12206: 12200: 12197: 12191: 12188: 12182: 12179: 12173: 12170: 12164: 12161: 12155: 12152: 12146: 12143: 12137: 12134: 12128: 12127: 12125: 12123: 12117: 12109: 12103: 12100: 12094: 12089: 12083: 12077: 12071: 12068: 12062: 12059: 12053: 12050: 12044: 12041: 12035: 11998:1) Luke Heaton, 11996: 11990: 11987: 11972:Modulo operation 11946: 11942: 11938: 11922: 11918: 11914: 11903: 11895: 11891: 11884:for floor. 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5958: 5953: 5948: 5944: 5942: 5931: 5922: 5918: 5913: 5906: 5894: 5878: 5876: 5875: 5870: 5868: 5864: 5862: 5851: 5842: 5838: 5833: 5826: 5814: 5783:Nested divisions 5778: 5776: 5775: 5770: 5765: 5764: 5755: 5741: 5740: 5725: 5704: 5702: 5701: 5696: 5691: 5687: 5679: 5654: 5650: 5642: 5625: 5617: 5604: 5596: 5583: 5579: 5571: 5546: 5544: 5543: 5538: 5533: 5528: 5517: 5504: 5500: 5492: 5475: 5471: 5463: 5438: 5436: 5435: 5430: 5425: 5420: 5409: 5396: 5392: 5384: 5367: 5363: 5355: 5333: 5331: 5330: 5325: 5291: 5289: 5288: 5283: 5281: 5274: 5270: 5265: 5239: 5224: 5220: 5215: 5201: 5192: 5188: 5183: 5172: 5163: 5159: 5154: 5153: 5152: 5138: 5123: 5119: 5114: 5088: 5073: 5069: 5064: 5050: 5041: 5037: 5032: 5021: 5012: 5008: 5003: 5002: 5001: 4987: 4980: 4955: 4953: 4952: 4947: 4942: 4938: 4933: 4913: 4898: 4894: 4889: 4881: 4872: 4868: 4863: 4862: 4861: 4847: 4838: 4834: 4829: 4809: 4794: 4790: 4785: 4777: 4768: 4764: 4759: 4758: 4757: 4743: 4715: 4713: 4712: 4707: 4687: 4678: 4672: 4668: 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Ceiling function

real number
Fractional part
Adrien-Marie Legendre
Legendre's formula
Carl Friedrich Gauss
quadratic reciprocity
Kenneth E. Iverson
Iverson bracket
fractional part
sawtooth function
half-open interval
order theory
residuated mapping
Galois connection
monotonically non-decreasing functions
Hermite's identity
reciprocity law

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