
Antoine Hamilton

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2688:), written in 1705, gives an etymology for "Pontalie", the name his sister Elizabeth invented for Les Moulineaux, her house at Versailles. The story starts in verse and then continues in prose. A giant called Moulineaux has an ingenious ram. His neighbour, a druide, has a beautiful daughter called Alie. The giant wants to marry Alie, but she is in love with the prince of Noisy. Her father protects her by surrounding his castle with water. The ram builds a bridge across it. This is Alie's bridge, or Pont-Alie. After many detours full of comical and absurd inventions the ram, who is really the prince of Noisy, marries Alie. Voltaire praised the introduction in verse, and mentioned in 1729 that Josse was printing the 1393: 1127: 1239: 2734:
house. He meets Fleur d'Epine posing as a shepherd. He frees her from Dentue and they return to Kashmir. On the way he tells her how he and his brother Phenix went to seek adventures. Serena gives Tarare the remedy that cures Luisante's eyes. The caliph wants him to marry Luisante and fill his palace with baby Tarares. At the mention of "baby Tarares" the sultan interrupts Dinarzade and Scheherazade's life is safe. Dinarzade continues her story: Tarare marries Fleur d'Epine, whereas Phenix marries Luisante. Phenix then tells his adventures which overlap with those of his brother.
2541: 38: 1080:, asking him whether he had not forgotten something in London. He replied "Pardonnez-moi, messieurs, j'ai oublié d'épouser votre sœur." (Forgive me, Sirs, I have forgotten to marry your sister). This episode might have happened in autumn 1663 when Gramont's sister Susanne-Charlotte told him in error that he could return to France. He went but found that he was not welcome. However, perhaps Gramont attempted to leave Elizabeth later, in December just before he announced his intention to marry her. 2537:
source. He may have jotted this part down more or less how Gramont told it. The second, "English", part seems to be Hamilton's work. The subtitle of the first edition "L'histore amoureuse de la cour d'Angleterre" (lovelife of the English court) pertains to this part, for which Hamilton had Gramont, who died in 1707, and Elizabeth, who died in 1708, as witnesses. Hamilton's brothers James and George, important characters of the second part, had died in 1673 and 1676 respectively.
5612:. "Im folio 31 der 'régistres paroissiaux, année 1719' fand ich unter dem 22. April den Totenschein Hamiltons den ich hier getreu nach dem Original wiedergebe: 'Acte de décès. Le même jour a été inhumé dans cette église le corps de mre. Antoine Hamilton marechal de camp de la maison d'Abercorne en Ecosse décédé sur cette paroisse le jour précédent âgé de soixante et quatorze ans, en présence de Sr. Jean Nugent, Ecuyer du Roi d'Angleterre, et Cousin du défunt ...'." 2748:, the handsome Facardin, and the tall Facardin. Hamilton left the story incomplete and never mentions the fourth Facardin. Saintsbury considers it the best of Hamilton's tales. Facardin of Trebizond tells the story. He meets the handsome Facardin who tells his adventures on the Lions' Island and on Mount Atlas. He seeks adventures to become worthy of Mousseline. Facardin of Trebizond then meets Cristalline who is the lady of the rings from 2726: 1304:, a Protestant, lord lieutenant of Ireland. Clarendon arrived in January 1686. He considered Hamilton a moderate Catholic and possible ally. Clarendon praised Hamilton, saying that he understood the regiment better than its colonel. Clarendon also stated that Hamilton objected to replacing good Protestant officers with mediocre Catholic ones. Near the end of 1686, Hamilton became a member of the 1348:, in July, Hamilton commanded the horse. The outcome would show that he was "better with his pen than with his sword". Mountcashel asked him to pursue retreating enemy troops, but the enemy led him into a trap and Hamilton's dragoons were routed. Hamilton was wounded in the leg at the beginning of the action and fled the scene. With Captain Peter Lavallin of Carroll's dragoons he was 5065:. "He was again in Ireland in 1671, apparently to assist his brother, who had obtained permission from the King to levy secretly a regiment of 1500 men in that country for the French service. A news-letter of the day (printed in the State Papers) records a gallant deed performed by him on the night of May 19, when a destructive fire broke out in the storehouse of Dublin Castle." 3730:. "Hamilton (Antoine, comte d'), né à Caën. On a de lui quelques jolies poésies, et il est le premier qui ait fait des romans dans un goût plaisant, qui n'est pas le burlesque de Scarron. Ses Mémoires du comte de Grammont, son beau-frère, sont de tous les livres celui où le fond le plus mince est paré du style le plus gai, le plus vif et le plus agréable." 7325:. "... the court of the young king and the princess, Marie Louise, could not but be something more light-hearted than the court of the deeply humiliated monarch with his penitence and his mortifications of the flesh. Not one of the letters that Hamilton writes from Saint-Germain between 1700 and 1710 approaches the pessimism of Zeneyde ..." 3221:, tells us how she meets Tigrane, prince of Armenia, travels to France to marry Childeric, is bewitched by Alboflède on an island in the Seine; how Alboflède kills Tigrane and almost Zénéide too, and how she is saved by the intervention of the river god and becomes a nymph of the Seine. Hamilton awakes all wet on the bank of the Seine ( 5243:. "George Hamilton did not himself go to Ireland, as his affairs, so he said, required an early return to France. He left in the very beginning of March , but Anthony was put in charge of the difficult expedition, and with him was his younger brother Richard, who must have entered the French service some time before." 5524:. "Triomphe de l'Amour, Ballet en vingt entrées de M. Quinault, Musique de M. Lully, représenté devant Sa Majesté, à S. Germain en Laye, le Mardi 21 Janvier 1681. ... Zéphyrs. M. le Prince de la Roche-sur-Yon, M. de Vermandois, Messieurs les marquis d'Alincourt, de Moy et de Richelieu, M. le Comte d'Hamilton." 3238:, continues the story told by Facardin of Trebizond. Mousseline appears and Cristalline's genie is eaten by a crocodile. Facardin of Trebizond reads his mother's memoirs, in which she explains that the four Facardins are brothers but by different fathers and that the fourth Facardin appeared in form of a monkey. ( 1425:. Berwick married Anne in 1700 at Saint-Germain, as his second wife. Hamilton affectionately called her "Nanette". He was in love with Henrietta or at least wrote her admirative letters. She was about 30 years younger than him and had no dowry. Hamilton thought his pension insufficient to support a family. 2536:
were originally planned to cover Gramont's entire life but were cut short so that they end with his marriage. Hamilton pretended the memoirs were dictated to him by Gramont. He started work in 1704 and completed them in 1710. For Gramont's life up to his arrival in London, Gramont was Hamilton's only
The book was a bestseller and remains a classic of French literature. It is still admired for its graceful and elegant language. The memoirs were written to amuse and entertain and sometimes depart from the correct chronological order. The book situates itself at the cross-roads between memoirs,
The story starts with the eyes of Luisante, the daughter of the caliph of Kashmir, that kill men and blind women. A prince calling himself "Tarare" contacts the sorceress Serena, who agrees to help but demands that he must free Fleur d'Epine, held by the witch Dentue. Tarare travels to Dentue's
In 1647 Ormond abandoned Dublin to the parliamentarians and left for England. Anthony, his mother, and siblings seem to have stayed behind in Ireland. Ormond together with Anthony's father returned to Ireland in 1648. In 1649, during the Cromwellian conquest, Ormond made Anthony's father
Hamilton lived the last thirty years of his life at the exile court at the Château-Vieux of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. He held no office, but James II granted him a generous pension. Hamilton was also given an apartment in the castle. He was appreciated as an ornament of that court.
6505:. "With the rank of major-general he commanded the dragoons, under Lord Mountcashell, at the siege of Enniskillen, and in the battle of Newtown Butler on 31 July 1689 was wounded in the leg at the beginning of the action, and his raw levies were routed with great slaughter." 4564:. "James Hamilton's marriage to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Colepeper ... took place as early as 1660 or 1661. As the lady was a Protestant, James Hamilton left the Church of Rome shortly before his marriage, to the great sorrow and anger of his devout mother ..." 3674:. "... Anthony Hamilton's biographers have assigned to Roscrea the honour of being his birth-place, as Anthony was supposed to have been born in 1646. He was, however, at this time at least a year old, but it is quite possible, of course, that he was born at Roscrea." 1054:
Hamilton's elder brothers, James and George, became courtiers at Whitehall. The King arranged a Protestant marriage for James. Early in 1661 Hamilton's father also brought his wife and younger children to London, where they lived all together in a house near Whitehall.
6251:. "To strengthen his forces in the face of the Dutch threat, James ordered the better elements of the Irish army into England. One regiment of dragoons, a battalion of the Irish Foot Guards, and Anthony Hamilton's and Lord Forbes's battalions of line infantry ..." 7063:. "Le duc de Berwick se remaria à Mlle Anne de Bulkeley, seconde fille de Henri de Bulkeley et de Sophie Stuart, première dame d'honneur de la reine d'Angleterre, Marie d'Este . Ce dernier mariage fut célébré à Saint-Germain-en-Laye, le 20 avril 1700 ..." 8590:. "... translated into English (with many errors) by Boyer in 1714; and this translation revised and annotated by Sir W. Scott, was reissued in 1811. A new translation was made in 1930 by Quennell with an introduction and commentary by C. H. Hartmann." 5433:. "Near Saverne Lorraine attacked his rear-guard, commanded by George Hamilton, but was driven back in a fierce combat, in which Hamilton and his regiment fought with all possible bravery ... George Hamilton fell. This was on the 1st of June, 1676." 1315:
in September 1688, James asked Tyrconnell to send four Irish regiments to England. Hamilton's was among them. The troops landed on the English west coast in October and marched across the midlands to southern England. Hamilton's regiment was stationed in
6267:. "Irish Regts. which came to England at the revolution in 1688 ... Col. Butler's Dragoons ... King's Foot Guards ... Lord Forbes Regt of Foot ... Col. Hamilton's Regt. of Ft. / Ant. Hamilton ... Col. McElligott's do.  ..." 4461:. "Il arriva à Londres le 15 janvier 1663, et retrouva entre autres camarades, les Hamilton, de grande maison écossaise et catholique, dont il avait fréquenté plusieurs jeunes gens au Louvre dans l'entourage de la veuve et du fils de Charles 1er." 4342:. "When Ormonde left the kingdom in December, 1650, Sir George would have accompanied him with his family, but the clergy having unjustly questioned his honesty as Receiver-General, he was obliged to stay and clear his name, which he did successfully." 2654:), written about 1696, starts as a letter to "Madame de P.", in which Hamilton criticises James II's exile court and then escapes into fiction by meeting a nymph at the Seine. The nymph, called Zénéyde, tells her life. Her father was the Roman emperor 6283:. "The Irish reinforcements began arriving at Chester, Liverpool and neighbouring ports in early October 1688. The Irish ... and Anthony Hamilton marched through the midlands, arriving at their quarters in and around London by the end of the month." 2994:
title. Anthony is often called "Count" in French as well as English sources, but sometimes the title is omitted where one might expect it. Such is the case of his death certificate and Berwick's letter of 1713 where Anthony is called "M. Antony
7341:. "In May 1703 Louis XIV gave Hamilton's sister the use during her lifetime of a house near Meudon called 'Les Moulineaux'. In the five years until her death in June 1708 it was much frequented and became the centre of Hamilton's social world." 7357:. "When Félix, the chief-surgeon, died in 1703, a small property of his, les Moulineaux, which lay within the grounds of Versailles, fell vacant and the king at once gave it to Madame de Gramont, a present which caused no little talk ..." 1324:
was governor. The regiment surrendered in Portsmouth on 20 December. On the 23 James II embarked for France. It seems that Hamilton followed him. Anthony and John returned with James II to Ireland in 1689. Richard was already there.
in October, where both were wounded. In the winter 1674–5 Anthony, George, and Richard travelled to England from where George returned to France while Anthony and Richard continued to Ireland to recruit. French ships picked up the recruits at
His death certificate states that he was buried on 21 April 1719 and had died the day before. Dulon (1897) seems to be the first to give the right year. Many give 1720 in error. The earlied occurrence of his wrong death date seems to be
5935:. "He was made a colonel of dragoons on the Irish establishment by James II on 20 June 1685, and in April 1686 he was promoted to brigadier, making him (after Tyrconnell and Justin MacCarthy) the third most senior member of the Irish army." 1099:. Among them was Anthony's brother George, who in 1668 went to France. Anthony probably accompanied him. In 1671 George recruited a regiment in Ireland for French service. Hamilton seems to have accompanied him and in May helped his cousin 2856:
Anthony Hamilton died on the 20 April 1719 aged 74. He was therefore born between 21 April 1644 and 20 April 1645. Older authors in error give his year of death as 1720, leading to a later date of birth (i.e. 1645 or 1646).
991:. The war had been halted by a truce in 1643. An attempted peace failed in March 1646. After a last extension the truce expired on 1 May. The newborn Anthony, his mother, and his siblings were brought to Dublin in May for their security. 9031:. "The author was Anthony Hamilton (1646–1720), the originator of the celebrated Memoires de la vie du comte de Gramont. The story is entitled L'Enchanteur Faustus, and is printed in most editions of Hamilton's works as the fifth Conte." 6014:, 2nd paragraph. "As governor of Limerick during the anti-catholic scares caused by the 'popish plot' of 1678, King took an active and assiduous role in improving fortifications and pursuing suspects, often in association with Orrery." 1216:, who had been lieutenant-colonel, was preferred over Hamilton as the new colonel of what had been Hamilton's regiment. Louis XIV told Anthony that he had no regiment for him. Anthony left while Richard became lieutenant-colonel. 5205:. "In 1674 he was engaged in two desperate struggles between Turenne and the Duke of Bournonville, at Sintzheim on June 16th and at Entzheim on October 6th, on both occasions playing a distinguished part in Turenne's victory." 6617:. "... James and the major part of his cavalry and dragoons, with Major-Generals Patrick Sarsfield, Thomas Maxwell, Anthony and John Hamilton, and Alexander Rainier, the Marquis of Boisseleau, had joined Lauzun ..." 6049:. "On the 1st of August, same year , Lieut.-Colonel Anthony Hamilton came to Limerick as Governor, in place of Sir William King, who was deposed. Hamilton was the first Governor who for 35 years before publicly went to Mass." 7015:. "At the exiled court Hamilton was on particularly good terms with the Duke of Berwick's second wife Anne (née Bulkeley) and her three sisters Charlotte (Viscountess Clare), Henrietta and Laura (both unmarried) ..." 1016:, Normandy. His father and his elder brothers, James and George, served Charles II in various functions. Lady Ormond left for England in August 1652, whereas Anthony's mother moved to Paris, where she lodged in the 4165:. "The younger Lady Hamilton was brought to Dublin, presumably with her family, in 1646, with her mother, Lady Thurles, and her sisters: Lady Muskerry and the wife of the baron of Loghmoe as reported on May 30th 1646." 4050:. "His fourth son, Sir George Hamilton, first baronet (c. 1608–1679), soldier and landowner, was raised, along with his siblings, by his uncle, Sir George Hamilton of Greenlaw, who converted them to Roman Catholicism." 1007:
Having lost the leadership to the Catholic clergy, Ormond left for France in December 1650. Hamilton's father followed with his family in spring 1651. Anthony was about seven. They were accommodated by Anthony's aunt
4982:. "Au comte de Grammont. Paris le 6 mars 1664. Monsieur Le Comte de Grammont. Il ne faut point que l'impatience de vous rendre auprès de moi, trouble vos nouvelles douceurs. Vous serez toujours le bien-venu ..." 4668:. "Près de deux ans après le rétablissement de Charles II, arriva à Londres le fameux chevalier de Grammont, exilé de France pour avoir voulu disputer à son maître le cœur de mademoiselle La Mothe-Houdancourt." 4998:. "It therefore became necessary to cashier all Roman Catholics serving in the Royal Guards, and, on the 28th of September, 1667, on the ground that they refused to take the Oath of Supremacy, they were dismissed." 2583:, had followed in hot pursuit in 1714. Boyer, fearing an uproar, hid the persons' identities behind their initials. Many new or amended translations were published in due course. W. Maddison published one in 1793. 5784:. "Quelques années auparavant, en 1681, dans un de ces voyages qu'il faisoit en France, il avoit vu ce même St-Germain l'asile des plaisirs et de la volupté, et il avoit été choisi par le roi pour figurer dans le 2752:. She tells her life in which she was married to a genie but loved the tall Facardin. Facardin of Trebizond delivers Cristalline from the genie and they meet the tall Facardin. The story breaks off at that point. 7130:. "Il paraît avoir été épris d'Henriette, mais elle n'avait point de fortune; lui-même était dans une position fort embarrassée ... Un mariage était donc impossible, parce qu'il y avait un rang à soutenir;" 6124:, 2nd paragraph, last sentence. "... Clarendon consistently overestimated (or overstated) the power of such catholic 'moderates', and it may be significant that he rarely named them in his correspondence." 4240:. "In January 1649, after the peace between the Lord Lieutenant and the Confederates, Sir George was appointed Receiver-General of the Revenues for Ireland, in the place of the Earl of Roscommon who had died." 1436:, for help. In March James suffered a stroke. Berwick was called for and arrived back in Saint-Germain in April. In September James II died at the Château-Vieux of Saint-Germain. Hamilton wrote a poem 7623:. "On 11 April 1713 the peace was signed at Utrecht: in return for the acknowledgement of his grandson as Philip V of Spain, Louis had had to recognize the Hanoverian and Protestant succession in England." 4205:. "In the spring of 1651 took place, at last, the event which had such a determining influence on the fate of the young Hamiltons. Sir George Hamilton left his country for France with his family ..." 2785:
Hamilton's tales were circulated privately as manuscripts during his lifetime. The first three were published individually in Paris in 1730, ten years after the author's death. A collection of his works,
9159:. "Hamilton, qui était le secrétaire en titre d'office de la famille du comte de Grammont, écrivit, au nom de madame de Stafford, plusieurs lettres en prose et en vers, qui se trouvent dans ses oeuvres." 7031:. "... she married ... Henry Bulkeley (c.1641–1698) fifth but third surviving son of Thomas, 1st Viscount Bulkeley ... he was master of the household to Charles II and James II ..." 8753:. "Il va plus loin dans Fleur-d'Epine : il y a des traits d'une vérité charmante, et de l'intérêt dans les caractères et les situations. L'objet en est moral, et très-agréablement rempli ;" 3161:, but the Grand Prior could not have been there at the time because he was arrested in Switzerland in October 1710 and could not return to France until 1711. Back in France, Louis XIV banished him to 948:. Both are called George and both married a Mary Butler. In 1640 Ormond had granted Anthony's father Nenagh for 31 years. Anthony was probably born there. Hamilton's parents had married in 1635. 1182:, who stopped the German advance but retired at the end of the campaign. In the winter 1675–6 George, accompanied by either Anthony or Richard, again went recruiting and visited Lady Arran, wife of 1356:, the highest-ranking French general. Given his family's influence, Hamilton was acquitted, but Lavallin was shot. This affair destroyed Hamilton's reputation as a soldier. When in spring 1690 the 6470:. "... il dit à Antoine Hamilton d'aller avec treize compagnies de dragons chasser un parti qui paroissoit, et occuper ensuitte un passage où cent hommes pourraient en arrester dix milles." 5331:, p. 166, line 39. "... Condé, who had been securing a strong position on the Meuse, was hurried to Alsace with reinforcements, and was able to hold the Imperialists in check ..." 3339:. "... there were two George Hamiltons, one being the nephew of the other. The older couple lived at Roscrea Castle and the younger couple, the parents of Anthony Hamilton, were at Nenagh." 6601:. "... Sa Maiesté ne veut point pour commandant des troupes Irlandoises qui viendront à son service, pas mesme pour un des colonels, des Srs. d'Hamilton qui ont servy en France ..." 6315:. "... Portsmouth, where they remained with ... Colonel Anthony Hamilton's regiments of foot and two regiments of English soldiers, until the surrender of that place on the 20th ." 4224:. "... and in August , he himself began his journey thither. On leaving Havre, he was shipwrecked ... but at the end of September he again embarked, arriving at Cork on the 29th." 4162: 4063: 3955: 3923: 3600: 3336: 12594: 7378:. "Hamilton's decision to write the 'Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont' (sic), his brother-in-law, was originally taken in 1704, while the two men were at Séméac in Gascogne ..." 8398:: "Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont, contenant l'histoire particulièrement amoureuse de la Cour d'Angleterre sous le règne de Charles II. A Cologne, chez Pierre Marteau. M DCC XIII" 8462:. "... en 1772, à Strawberry-Hill, par M. Horace Walpole. Les noms anglois, étrangement défigurés ... se trouvent écrits dans celle-ci selon leur véritable orthographe ..." 7735:. "... l'abbé de Chaulieu qui mangeait gaiement ses revenus ecclésiastiques dans sa petite maison de l'enclos du Temple, rendez-vous d'une société aussi spirituelle que désordonnée." 5014:. "On the first of February, 1668, at last and aided by a new gift of five hundred pistols by Louis, George Hamilton managed to sail from Dover to Ostend with 100 men and horses ..." 8737:. "... Hamilton's four contes had a considerable influence in the eighteenth century, particularly on Claude Crédbillon {fils), who considerred himself as Hamilton's literary heir." 8013:
can fairly lay claim to be one of the prodigies of literature—a work that is characteristically and exquisitely French, written by a man who had not a drop of French blood in his veins."
4832:. "... Antoine et George ... lui dirent en l'abordant 'Chevalier de Grammont, n'avez-vous rien oublié à Londres?'—'Pardonnez-moi, messieurs, j'ai oublié d'épouser votre sœur.'" 2885:
but places it in Tipperary instead of Louth. The Encyclopædia Britannica (1911) also mentions Drogheda, but as an alternative to Roscrea. Voltaire in error believed Hamilton was born in
3550:. "He was, as well as his brothers and sisters, born in Ireland it is generally said, about the year 1646; but there is some reason to imagine that it was three or four years earlier." 11266: 8414:. "The work was first published anonymously in 1713 under the rubric of Cologne, but it was really printed in Holland at that time the greatest patroness of all questionable authors." 8152:. "The first part of the memoirs, dealing with Gramont's life on the Continent down to the time of his banishment from the French court, was probably dictated by Gramont to Hamilton." 1284:
of "Cromwellians". Talbot replaced Protestants with Catholics, recruiting among others Anthony and his younger brothers Richard and John. Anthony was appointed lieutenant-colonel of
6951:. "He continued to live in the Château de Saint-Germain where he had an apartment and where he was looked after in his last years by Mrs. Lockhart, the widow of a fellow Jacobite." 6569:. "Rosen presided over the court ... Anthony was acquitted and Lavallin, who to the end protested that he had repeated the order as it had been given to him, was put to death." 8622:. "... towards the close of the century the fairy tale attained, in the hands of Anthony Hamilton, Perrault and Madame d'Aulnoy, its most delightful and abundant development." 4864:. "... it might seem as if the two 'troublesome brothers', alarmed by the chevalier's sudden departure for France, had delayed his expedition and exacted a public engagement." 1223:, concluded between August 1678 and October 1679. The regiment was disbanded in December, anticipating the signature in February 1679 of the peace between France and the Emperor. 8542:. "It should be here mentioned that in 1793 Edwards published at the same time as his French edition, an English translation by W. Maddison, embellished with the same portraits." 5644:. "...  in 1671 was appointed lieutenant-colonel of George Hamilton's Irish regiment in French pay ... He took over as colonel after Hamilton's death in 1676 ..." 1073:
Gramont integrated easily as French was spoken at the court. Hamilton befriended Gramont, who soon became part of the inner circle. Gramont courted Hamilton's sister Elizabeth.
7477: 6002:. "... he was, however, appointed Governor of Limerick in 1685, in place of the Protestant Governor, Sir William King, who was deposed, and his company quartered in Limerick." 6140:. "Clarendon ... speaks very kindly of Anthony Hamilton, and describes him as a man who understands the regiment better than the Colonel, ' for he makes it his business/" 1051:, where the court was. Charles II restored Donalong, Ulster, to Hamilton's father. About that year Charles allegedly created Hamilton's father baronet of Donalong and Nenagh. 1017: 1193: 6375:. "On the revolt of England against the King in 1688, he retired, as his Sovereign did, to France, and was one of those officers who accompanied him from Brest to Ireland." 5907:, 12th paragraph. "In late April Talbot was sent to Ireland to purge the entirely protestant Irish army of 'disaffected officers' or, as Talbot called them, 'Cromwellians'." 185:
where he became a courtier, poet, and writer. He chose French as his language and adopted a light and elegant style, seeking to amuse and entertain his reader. He wrote the
Hamilton came from an English-speaking family but chose to write in French. Despite his origins he excelled in that light and elegant badinage considered typically French.
3958:. "... February 28th 1635 regarding the marriage intended between Hamilton and Mary Butler, sister of the earl, which was to take place before the last day of April." 5291:. "Turenne defeated them at Mulhouse on the 29th of December and at Turckheim on January 5th. George and Anthony did not, however, take part in these operations ..." 8884:. "... trouvant le nom de Moulineau trop peu digne d'un lieu qu'elle avoit rendu charmant, elle changea ce nom en celui de Pontalie. Hamilton fut chargé ..." 2692:. It was the first of Hamilton's tales to be published and must have been a success as Josse went on to publish two more of them and the first collection of his works, 7767:. "... after taking Roscrea on Sept. 17 , and putting man, woman, and child to the sword, except sir G. Hamilton's lady, sister to the marquis of Ormond ..." 5452:. "At the beginning of June he took part in the battle of Zebernstieg and was engaged in covering the French retreat on Saverne when he was killed by a musket-shot." 7394:. "At the French court Hamilton frequented the circle of the duc and duchesse du Maine, particularly after 1700 when the latter first occupied the Château de Sceaux." 1512:
shortly before 1715. Hamilton never married and died at Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 20 April 1719. He was buried on the 21 in the parish church. A distant cousin,
Gramont married Elizabeth in London, either in December 1663 or early in 1664. In March 1664, Louis XIV, having heard of Gramont's marriage, allowed him to return.
197:. These memoirs are a classic of French literature and a source for the history of the Stuart Restoration. Hamilton also wrote many letters, poems, and five tales. 7655:. "Queen Mary of Modena, however, was allowed to remain at Saint-Germain after the departure of her son and continued to maintain there a large royal household." 3147: 5656:, pp. 168–169. "'Anthony Hamilton' Sarsfield wrote on 1st July 'quits'; he was told by Louis that he could not afford to give him a regiment this year." 6406:, 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence. "... Hamilton tricked William, broke his parole, and once having reached Ireland remained there and joined the Jacobites." 1371:. When William abandoned his siege end of August, Tyrconnell sent Hamilton to France to report the deliverance. He may not have returned. His presence at the 3041:
per year; in 1703 it was diminished to 1,320 but increased to 2,200 in 1717. The 2000 livres were about £150 as the pound sterling was worth about 13 French
Frontispiece of the 1811 London edition of the Mémoires. The caption reads "Le comte Antoine Hamilton". The image is signed under the frame E. Scriven S. ."
7114:. "... he was a particular admirer of Henrietta Bulkeley; but their union would have been that of hunger and thirst, for both were very poor ..." 3655:. "According to some authorities he was born at Drogheda, but according to the London edition of his works in 1811, his birthplace was Roscrea, Tipperary." 2806:
Hamilton also wrote songs and exchanged amusing verses with the Duke of Berwick. He helped his niece Claude Charlotte, Gramont's daughter, who had married
11036: 11009: 10986: 9140: 8932:. "... Voltaire, who reserved, however, his highest praise for the poetical introduction of another of Hamilton's stories, styled 'The Ram' ..." 8411: 7423: 7047:. "Il voyait surtout le duc de Berwick (fils de Jacques II); la duchesse était la nièce de la belle Stewart, qui occupe tant de place dans les Mémoires." 3835:. "5 June Westminster. The King to the Lord Deputy for Claude Hamilton and Sir George Hamilton, Kt. and Bt. Ordering him to consider a petition ..." 3652: 3531: 3496: 3180: 3122: 2873:Ó Ciardha (2009), Manning (2001), and Gleeson (1947) say Hamilton might have been born at Nenagh. However, most older authors give Roscrea, confusing his 8948:. "M. Josse, qui vous rendra ce billet, imprime actuellement le Bélier, de feu M. Hamilton. Il voudrait avoir quelques pièces, fugitives du même auteur." 1135: 7426:. "With Ludovise, duchesse du Maine, he became an especial favourite, and it was at her seat at Sceaux that he wrote the Mémoires that made him famous." 7210:. "... Hamilton put it: 'there is no mercy here for those who do not spend half their day at their prayers or at any rate make a show of doing so'. 3878:. " m. (art. dated 2 June 1629) Mary, 3rd dau. of Thomas, Viscount Thurles and sister of the 1st Duke of Ormonde. He d. 1679. She d. Aug 1680 ..." 8366:. "... they were published anonymously and without authorisation the following year , allegedly at 'Çologne' though probably in reality at Rouen." 4912:. "... marriage only took place in the end of December and amidst circumstances which would completely justify one in placing the anecdote there." 4596:. "It was in the beginning of 1661 that Sir George Hamilton brought his wife and younger children to England. His elder sons had already preceded him." 3894:. "He d. v.p. , being drowned off the Skerrieds 15 Dec. 1619. His widow m. George Mathew, of Thurles, and d. at Thurles. May 1673 in her 86th year." 3819:. "During the Irish wars he served King Charles loyally, in association with his brother-in-law, James Butler, twelfth earl and first duke of Ormond." 2782:. Contrary to Hamilton's other tales, this one is linear and easy to follow. Hamilton dedicated it to his niece Margaret, his brother John's daughter. 1293: 3693:. "The place of his birth, according to the best family accounts, was Roscrea, in the county of Tipperary, the usual residence of his father ..." 1174:, where George witnessed Turenne's death. At the retreat from Sasbach in August, the regiment suffered 450 casualties in the rearguard actions of the 12599: 6779:. "... two major-generals (Dorrington and John Hamilton), a brigadier and another nine colonels were captured. Hamilton later died from wounds." 2914: 2718:. Dinarzade tells the sultan a story with the condition that he must spare Scheherazade's life should he interrupt that story. The sultan agrees and 8120:. "... to himself we owe these memoirs, since I only hold the pen, while he directs it to the most remarkable and secret passages of his life." 3926:. "... on May 1st 1640 by a grant ... to George Hamilton of Knockanderig ... of the manor, castle, town and lands of Nenagh for 31 years." 3318:. "Anthony Hamilton died unmarried at the age of seventy-four at St Germain on 21 April 1719 (not 1720 as stated in many biographies) ..." 3071: 6731:. "... that Major-Generals Dorrington, H. M. J. O'Neil, Brigadier Gordon O'Neil, Colonels Felix O'Neil and Anthony Hamilton held the centre;" 6585:. "It was in the spring of 1690 ... that the formation of the force, styled 'Irish Brigade in the Service of France' was commenced ...'" 4374:. "... Hamilton, au printemps de 1651, conduisit sa femme et toute sa famille en France, et il résida près de Caen avec lord et lady Ormond." 1401: 3235: 3218: 1159:
in March. Hamilton's Irish voyage caused him to miss Turenne's winter campaign in which Turenne marched south and surprised the Germans in upper
5986:. "... cr. him 20 June 1685 Baron of Talbotstown, co. Wicklow, Viscount Baltinglass, also in co. Wicklow, and Earl of Tyrconnell ..." 5705:. "... the French and Dutch signed the Treaty of Nijwegen on 10 August . ... and peace followed with the emperor on 6 February 1679 ." 5489:. "As for Anthony, who is so often styled 'Çount' Anthony, there is no evidence whatsoever to show that he bore this title during his lifetime." 8280:. "The anonymous Mémoires de la Vie du Comte de Gramont ... is universally acknowledged to be a masterpiece of French literature ..." 6156:. "Men, he said, were put out of that regiment who were as good men as were in the world, and he did not think so of those who replaced them." 7550:. "Besides the French general officers on board, he had with him 4 of his own country, viz. Dorington, Richard Hamilton, Skelton and Galmoy;" 6232:. "On Tuesday 25 September 1688 ... Tyrconnell received an urgent demand from London to sent four regiments of Irish troops to England." 5077:, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence. "... he saved Dublin castle from total destruction during a fire by carrying out a barrel of gunpowder." 3603:. "Gleeson adds that Anthony's father was also governor of Nenagh Castle for his brother-in-law and that Anthony might have been born there." 9047:. "... l'Enchanteur Faustus, défilé de quelques beautés célèbres du temps jadis devant la reine Elisabeth, se prête à un compte rendu." 7178:. "... un Archevêque de Paris dans François de Harlay, l'un des Grands Prélats de son siècle, mort le 6 Août 1695, âgé de 70 ans." 4291:. "... against the continuance of His Majesty's authority in the person of the Marquess of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ..." 5109:. "... George raised a regiment for service in France in 1671 in which both Richard and another brother Anthony ... took commissions." 4880:. "Later in the year Philibert heard from his sister, Madame de St-Chaumont ... that Louis XIV had given him leave to return ..." 4628:. "Près de deux ans après le rétablissement de Charles II, arriva à Londres le fameux chevalier de Grammont, exilé de France ..." 2674:. At that point the nymph is overcome by emotion and a beautiful brunette takes over as story teller. The text stops here as Hamilton left 5382:. "He had to raise 1100 men, and while Anthony or possibly Richard remained in Toul with the regiment, he proceeded to England ... " 5030:. "It is more than likely that Anthony accompanied him to France at this time, since we know that the two brothers served there together." 8061:. "mais il convient de mettre à part Hamilton, esprit original, qui, pressé par les dames de la cour de faire des contes dans le goût de 6791:, Last paragraph, 1st sentence. "Hamilton spent the remainder of his life at Saint-Germain, where he died on 21 April 1720 ..." 6652:. "With regard to Anthony Hamilton, whose name has just been mentioned, it may be stated that he did participate in the cavalry charges." 3749:. "Hamilton, Anthony , Count Hamilton in the French nobility (1644/5?–1719), courtier and author, was the third of the six sons ..." 2807: 9583: 9563: 8312:. "The chronology of the Memoirs does not pretend to be exact. Hamilton admits that they were written to amuse rather than to instruct." 2552:
The memoirs were first circulated in manuscript and then published anonymously in 1713, without the author's consent. The imprint says:
12569: 8136:. "The Memoirs were not written later than 1710, for Richard Jones, Count of Ranelagh, mentioned as still alive, died in January 1711." 6438:. "... le duc de Barwick est posté entre Dery et Iniskilin, Antoine Amilton à Belterbot, et un nommé Sasphilt du costé de Sligo." 1624: 2987: 6871:. "Hamilton was given a pension of 2000 livres per annum, later reduced to 1320 livres in 1703 but increased to 2200 livres by 1717." 6454:. "The cavalry of his force was commanded hy Anthony Hamilton, and the result showed that he was better with his pen than his sword." 5753:. "James Hamilton, of Donalong aforesaid, grandson and h. being 1st s. and h. of Col. James Hamilton, Groom of the Bedchamber " 5173:. "The soldier portrait of Anthony Hamilton preserved at the National Portrait Gallery, must have been painted not long after this ;" 4548:. "1. James, col. in the service of Charles II and Groom of the Bedchamber, m. 1661, Elizabeth, dau. of John, Lord Colepeper." 4018:, p. 379. "He was reared in the Catholic religion, which was the religion of his parents, and he adhered to it till his death." 2223: 1479: 8045:. "Auprès d'eux le vif Hamilton, Toujours armé d'un trait qui blesse, Médisait de l'humaine espèce, Et même d'un peu mieux, dit-on." 7082:. "In Paris on 18 April 1700 he married Anne (c. 1675–1751), daughter of Henry Bulkeley, master of the household to James II." 5919:, 2nd paragraph, 5th sentence. "Tyrconnell had already overseen a significant 'catholicisation' of the army in Ireland during 1685." 212:
Anthony Hamilton with parents and other selected relatives. He never married. His father is sometimes confused with his granduncle,
7604:. "On 6 September 1712, James said good-bye to the Queen Regent, who was at Chaillot, and set out on the first stage of his exele." 6359:
ps=. "A List of all the Men of Note that came with King James out of France .../ Col. Anthony Hamilton. / Col. John Hamilton."
2948: 2901: 2874: 2637: 1432:, in which he denounces the bigotry of James's last years. Early in 1701 Hamilton accompanied Berwick to Rome to ask the new pope, 952: 888: 526: 84: 9143:. "In the name of his niece, the countess of Stafford, Hamilton maintained a witty correspondence with Lady Mary Wortley Montagu." 8706:. "Nous avons entendu des gens ... se plaindre sérieusement de ce que les contes d'Hamilton étoient remplis d'extravagances." 7226:. "In 1701 he accompanied Berwick on his misson to Rome to obtain the support of the new Pope Clement XI for the Jacobite cause." 6999:. "... during the 1680s LouisXIV had ordered Hardouin-Mansart to add a pavillion to each of the five corners of the château." 3765:. "Sir George Hamilton, fourth son of James, first Earl of Abercorn, who was seated at Donalong, in the county of Tyrone ..." 3023: 12411: 12372: 12333: 11591: 10812: 10587: 9754: 9715: 9387: 9236: 8606:. "It was not until the 1690s in France that the fairy tale could establish itself as a 'legitimate' genre for educated classes." 6823:. "James II was given the larger of the two royal châteaux, known as the château-Vieux. The other one, the château-neuf ..." 2878: 945: 386: 213: 9345:(1805). "Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages d'Hamilton" [Note on Hamilton's Life and Work]. In Auger, Louis-Simon (ed.). 2844:
This family tree is partly derived from the Abercorn pedigree pictured in Cokayne and from written genealogies of the Abercorns.
11647: 10757: 10734: 8382:. "... it was undoubtedly without the author's knowledge or consent that they were published anonymously in 1713 ..." 2038: 1277: 10843:
The State of the Freedom of the Press in France in the 17th and 18th Century – Meaning of Pierre du Marteau Printer in Cologne
7847:. "He d.v.p. of a wound received in a naval engagement with the Dutch, 6 June 1673 and was buried in Westminster Abbey." 12604: 12539: 12137: 12096: 12071: 11519: 11240: 10400: 10136: 9688: 9541: 8478:. "The Memoirs were, of course, translated into English as soon as they appeared. 1714 saw the translation of Boyer ..." 5804:. "He appeared as a zephyr in the performance of Quinault's ballet, the 'Triomphe d'amour,' at St. Germain-en-Laye in 1681." 4082:. "Throughout this time of stress Sir George was a staunch ally to Ormonde and was employed by him on confidential missions." 1816: 1333: 956: 653: 2633: 11896: 11865: 11834: 11803: 6633:. "He ordered Richard Hamilton to take command of the rearguard and to delay the Williamites as best as he could ..." 5157:. "... in Limerick in 1673 holding a captain's commission in the French army and recruiting for his brother's corps." 1953: 1856: 1801: 1422: 1321: 1232: 960: 895: 759: 508: 355: 143: 9044: 8913: 8719: 7863:. "1685, 24 Feb. / 20 Mar. / Michael Boyle, abp of Dublin 1663–79, L.C. , and Arthur, 1st e. of Granard L.JJ. " 7668: 7162:. "... the late Archbishop of Paris, who occupied one-half of the terrace with his chariot and eight horses ..." 4612:. "The family, the six sons and three daughters, lived for some time in a large comfortable house near Whitehall ..." 3110: 837: 10838:
L'état de la liberté de la presse en France aux XVII et XVIII siècles – Histoire de Pierre du Marteau imprimeur à Cologne
7993:. "Richard Hamilton est mort à Poussay, chez sa nièce l'abbesse, fille de la feue comtesse de Gramont, soeur de Richard." 7703:. "... Masner a eu la hardiesse, le 28 octobre 1710, de mettre de nouveau la main sir S. A. M. de Vendôme  ..." 4275:. "... taking Nenagh and two other castles, on the tenth of November , he came to his winter quarters at Kilkenny." 1213: 1009: 10157:. Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks, No. 2 (3rd ed.). London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society. 7442:. "Hamilton a laissé un récit bien spirituel de cette nuit du 9 au 10 août 1705 à laquelle il eut l'honneur d'assister." 1405: 1266: 1196:
commanded on the Rhine in the campaign of 1676. In June George was killed in a rearguard action at the Zaberner Steige (
4438:. "... his mother and his aunt, Lady Muskerry, had apartments at the couvent des Feuillantines in Paris ..." 4390:. "... James the eldest also joined the wandering court, though the precise nature of his connexion is not known." 1957: 1513: 930: 266: 11643:
Calendar of State Papers, Preserved in the Public Record Office, Domestic Series, James II, June 1687 to February 1689
4716:. "After the destruction by filre of Whitehall Palace in 1698, St James became the principal royal residence ..." 1493:
in Lorraine, whereas Anthony stayed behind at Saint-Germain and was allowed to keep his apartment. The dowager queen,
In 1712 James III left Saint-Germain as France was about to drop the Jacobites, a concession they made in 1713 at the
12609: 12475: 12424: 12385: 12346: 12182: 12160: 11655: 11604: 11405: 11319: 11078: 10825: 10717: 10600: 10305:
The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant
10162: 10085: 10057: 9984: 9957: 9794: 9767: 9728: 9454: 9400: 6065:. "... the Earl of Clarendon ... has been appointed Lord Deputy or Viceroy, and he is a strong Protestant." 2017: 1417:, master of the household to Charles II at Whitehall and to James at Saint-Germain, died in 1698. Their mother, 1301: 1183: 8785:. "In the Contes an entirely new and on the whole a much more satisfactory development of Hamilton's genius begins." 8347:. "His works, which, as usual at the time, were known in manuscript for some time before they were printed ..." 7194:. "The tale of Zeneyde ... can be dated through the reference to the death of the Archbishop of Paris, Harlay." 4931:. "The chevalier de Gramont's rare constancy had met with its reward long before, towards the end of December 1663." 4512:. "The Scottish settlers Sir George Hamilton and his brother Claud, Lord Strabane, were restored in Tyrone ..." 1111:(1672–1678). George and Anthony were later joined by their younger brother Richard. In 1672 the regiment garrisoned 12589: 11748: 11726: 11367: 10670: 9290: 9258: 5363:. "... at the end of this campaign, Condé left the army to spend his final decade on his estate ar Chantilly." 4814:
chevalier de Grammont avez-vous rien oublié à Londres? — Pardonnez-moi, Messieurs, j'ai oublié d'épouser votre sœur
3974:. "He m. in 1629 Mary, sister of James, 1st Duke of Ormonde , 3d. da. of Thomas Butler, styled Viscount Thurles," 3634:. "Il parait aussi qu'il vit le jour à Roscrea, dans le comté de Tipperary, séjour ordinaire de son père, ..." 1965: 1719: 1686: 1642: 1602: 1456: 1285: 903: 562: 233: 7783:. "The army then moved to Knocknanuss or Knock-na-gaoll, where on November 13th Taaffe was routed by Inchiquin." 11614: 10251:
Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant
Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant
Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant
9804: 8836:. "It is the Duc de Levis who first, in 1812, continued and brought to a close the Quatre Facardins and Zeneyde." 1413:
At Saint-Germain Hamilton got acquainted with the Bulkeley sisters, especially Anne and Henrietta. Their father,
1100: 918: 911: 406: 128: 11416: 9484:
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage and Baronetage, the Privy Council, Knightage and Companionage
8766: 7098:. "... her daughter Anne, Hamilton's "belle Nanette," was to marry the Duke of Berwick as his second wife." 6216:. "... Stephen Taaff to be ensign of Major Barnwall's company in Col. Anthony Hamilton's Regiment of foot;" 2835:Ó Ciardha (2009) gives Antoine in parentheses after Anthony. French sources usually call him "Antoine Hamilton". 2636:
in the 18th century. The tale Fleur d'Epine has been praised by La Harpe for its charming truths and its moral.
receiver-general of the revenues as well as governor of Nenagh Castle, which he in vain tried to defend against
10107:(in French). Vol. Tome trente-deuxième (Nouvelle ed.). Paris: Madame C. Desplaces. pp. 529–531. 3022:
In Hamilton's time there were two royal castles at Saint-Germain-en-Laye: The old (Château-Vieux) and the new (
2238: 1786: 964: 686: 9355:] (in French). Vol. Tome premier. Paris: Colnet, Fain, Mongie, Debray & Delaunai. pp. 1–30. 8526:. "Nevertheless, it held ist sway till 1793, when an entirely new version, ascribed to W. Maddison, appeared." 5824:, which was given twenty-nine performances in the Château de St Germain-en-Laye in January and February 1681." 4066:. "The younger Sir George fought with the earl of Ormond and is frequently mentioned in accounts of the wars." 12574: 12280: 12170: 11776: 11503: 11486: 11460: 11287: 10328: 9247: 9191:. "... ce comte de Grammont qui a fourni à Antoine Hamilton, l'historien de sa vie, l'occasion ..." 8065: ... prit le parti d'en faire comme Cervantes avait fait un livre de chevalerie, mais pour s'en moquer." 6112:. "Anthony Hamilton was not an admirer of Tyrconnell, which naturally attracted Clarendon's sympathy to him." 5970:. "Anthony also took service in Ireland as Sir Thomas Newcomen's Lieutenant-Colonel in his regiment of foot." 4326:. "... the Marquis of Ormonde, whom he followed to Caen in the spring of 1651 with his wife and family." 4310:. "... boarding a small frigate, the Elizabeth of Jersey, at Galway on the 7th December, 1650 ..." 3800:. "Ormond was rewarded by being named by the king as lord lieutenant, and was sworn on 21 January 1644." 3587:, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence. "Hamilton Anthony (Antoine) (1646?–1720) ... was probably born in Nenagh" 2386:, the only work published while he was alive. Hamilton also wrote at least five tales and many poems, songs, 2259: 9557: 7639:. "... his brother Richard had followed James III and most of his courtiers to Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine." 3205: 3152: 2798:
was published belatedly in 1776 but might have been written much earlier, probably even before the memoirs.
7748: 6664:, 3rd paragraph, last sentence. "He later fought in the second line of cavalry at the Boyne and Limerick." 5537: 4780:. "With this view he has cast his eyes on a beautiful young demoiselle of the house of Hamilton ..." 4184:. "On the 28th Ormonde delivered up the regalia and sailed for England, landing at Bristol on 2 Aug." 3910:. "1. Theobald Walter ... accompanied in 1185 John, Count of Mortaigue, Lord of Ireland ... into Ireland." 3401: 3166: 3094:
Hamilton was born in 1644 or 1645, while she was born after 1675 as this is when her older sister was born.
2292: 2179: 1092: 1022: 7290: 7060: 3143: 12614: 11786: 10899:(in French). Vol. Tome quinzième (Nouvelle ed.). Paris: Madame C. Desplaces. pp. 438–441. 10299: 7146:. "It was about 1696 that Anthony Hamilton wrote the well-known description of the exiled court ..." 3076: 2612: 2565: 2331: 1441: 1201: 9095:. "Les Mémoires de Grammont are preceded by ... and probably also by L'Enchanteur Faustus ..." 8674:. "Les Mille et une nuits, contes arabes traduits en français, Paris, 1704-1708, 12 vol. in-12 ..." 8085:
they need not be mentioned. His verses ... are entirely out of date for us, and almost unreadable;"
8081:. "This is the only work of Hamilton that is worth re-reading today; as for his verses and even for his 1455:
in Gascogne, where he decided to write his friend's memoirs. Hamilton was part of the circle around the
1288:'s infantry regiment. In June James created Talbot earl of Tyrconnell. In August Hamilton was also made 12505: 12406: 12367: 12328: 12017: 11586: 10859: 10807: 10701: 10582: 9786: 9749: 9710: 9382: 8494:. "He cautiously avoided giving proper names in most cases, only indicating them by initials ..." 7719:. "... permission du Roi de venir démeurer à Lyon, mais sans approcher la cour ni Paris ..." 6312: 5347:. "The King made Condé leave his army in Flanders to take the command vacated by the death of Turenne." 4966:. "Le contrat de mariage fut passé sans autre retard, le 9 décembre 1663 (style anglais) ..." 4580:. "... Charles ... obtained the hand of one of the Princess Royal's maids of honour for him." 3990:. "He married (contract dated 2 June 1629), Mary, third daughter of Thomas, Viscount Thurles ..." 2779: 2021: 1984: 1969: 1332:, Tyrconnell promoted Hamilton major-general and gave him the command of the dragoons of an army under 1281: 968: 899: 159: 6728: 6518: 6168:, 2nd paragraph, 6th sentence. "In the same year  ... was appointed to James II's privy council." 5398:. "1675-6, January 22 ... arrivall of Comte Hamilton ... Ye Monsieurs are now come ..." 4681: 4509: 3563: 3518:. "Antoine Hamilton d'une ancienne et illustre maison d'Écosse, naquit en Irlande, vers l'année 1646." 10491: 9410: 7515:. "Il ne devoit être suivi, comme en effet il ne le fut, que  ... des deux Hamiltons  ..." 5737:. "Suit une période assez obscure. Il vit en Irlande de 1677 à 1684, puis rentre à Londres ..." 4896:. "... a visit from his brother the Maréchal, with orders for him to return to England at once." 4748:. "...  was at once welcomed into the king's raffish entourage of mistresses and roués ..." 4130:. "He therefore urged the clergy to reject the peace which had been concluded without his sanction." 3165:
ans he could return to Paris only after the king's death in September 1715. The grand Prior's friend
2811: 2288: 1961: 1507: 1329: 1028: 941:. She was a sister of James Butler, making Anthony's father a brother-in-law of the lord lieutenant. 167: 11089: 9124: 8264:. "... it is written with such brilliancy and vivacity that it must always rank as a classic." 5983: 3891: 3781: 3423:. "Hamilton mourut a St.-Germain-en-Laye, le 6 août 1720, âgé d'environ soixante-quatorze ans." 2379: 1269:
before Louis XIV. However, possibly, this was Richard. In summer 1681 Anthony lived in Dublin.
12584: 12438: 11717: 11358: 11330: 10364: 10183: 9092: 9076: 9060: 8996: 8961: 8849: 8833: 8814: 8571: 8555: 8539: 8507: 8491: 8475: 8261: 8184:. "The second part of the memoirs relating to the English court appears to be Hamilton's own work." 8133: 8101: 7780: 7547: 7407: 7354: 7322: 7191: 7143: 6744: 6712: 6502: 5801: 5502: 5259:. "All in a sudden, in the first week of April , the French ships arrived unexpectedly in Kinsale." 5154: 5062: 4979: 4641: 4525: 4323: 4272: 4127: 4111: 4031: 3939: 3907: 3477: 3239: 2973:
Portrait in the National Portrait Gallery, painted soon after 1668 or about 1700 and attributed to
2144: 1368: 1305: 1249:
Hamilton may have visited France and have been the "comte d'Hamilton" who in January 1681 played a
972: 821: 104: 12489: 11578:"Butler [née Preston] Elizabeth, duchess of Ormond and suo jure Lady Dingwall (1615–1684)" 11065: 9281: 9172: 9012: 8798: 8782: 8687: 8619: 8574:. "... in 1889 by the late Henry Vizetelly and has come to be the commonly accepted version." 8395: 8344: 8296:. "But the Memoires de Grammont, they last; it is to them that the fairy has given all her grace." 8277: 8229: 8165: 7828: 7732: 7159: 7127: 7044: 6566: 6419: 6340: 6153: 6137: 6027: 5999: 5967: 5948: 5873: 5857: 5718: 5669: 5609: 5553: 5486: 5430: 5379: 5288: 5272: 5256: 5240: 5221: 5170: 5138: 5122: 5027: 5011: 4995: 4909: 4861: 4829: 4793: 4777: 4665: 4609: 4593: 4577: 4561: 4371: 4288: 4221: 4181: 3631: 3458: 2759: 2741: 2703: 2685: 2651: 2521: 2506: 2432: 2419: 12531: 12416: 12377: 12338: 12178: 12129: 12063: 11596: 11211: 10990: 10817: 10632: 10592: 9976: 9759: 9720: 9680: 9659: 9577: 9527: 9510: 9392: 8945: 8865: 8734: 8443: 8363: 8216:. "... who died v.p. , being mortally wounded 3 June in a sea-fight with the Dutch ..." 8042: 7974: 7958: 7927: 7876: 7860: 7812: 7391: 7375: 7338: 7306: 7223: 7207: 7111: 7012: 6896: 6868: 6836: 6776: 6677: 6630: 6598: 6467: 6435: 6213: 6081: 5672:. "It is somewhat uncertain whether Anthony Hamilton continued to serve in the regiment ..." 5470: 5344: 5186: 5046: 4928: 4893: 4877: 4809: 4761: 4745: 4435: 4403: 4387: 4355: 4339: 4237: 4202: 4143: 4095: 4079: 3671: 3439: 3222: 3126: 2335: 2116: 1682: 1345: 922: 171: 12108: 12042: 11995: 10022: 9127:. "He m. there , 3 April 1694, Claude-Charlotte, da. of Philibert, Count de Gramont ..." 8964:. "Fleur d'Epine is the thousand and first night, the Quatre Facardins the thousand and second." 8523: 8427: 8379: 7942: 7908: 7892: 7796: 7458: 7255: 7239: 7175: 6996: 6980: 6820: 6804: 6614: 6483: 6391: 6280: 6229: 5892: 5625: 5449: 5304: 5202: 4477: 3690: 3547: 2560:, a pseudonym often used for disreputable books. It might have been published in Holland, or at 12113: 12047: 10798: 10573: 10173: 10067: 9917: 9890: 9863: 9664: 9204: 8977: 8897: 8801:. "... giving probably the best picture in existence of the court of St Germains ..." 8750: 8671: 8635: 8587: 8293: 8181: 8168:. "... this portion has all the marks of having been taken down from Gramont's dictation." 8149: 8078: 8058: 8006: 7990: 7764: 7716: 7700: 7652: 7566: 7528: 7512: 7079: 7028: 6760: 6699:. "... he sent Anthony Hamilton to France with news of the raising of the siege ..." 6696: 6649: 6451: 6296: 6264: 6109: 5766: 5702: 5521: 5360: 4963: 4845: 4458: 4307: 3082: 3061:) was worth 54 pence). Per month this gave him about £12.5, equivalent to about £2,000 in 2023. 2540: 2183: 2071: 2042: 1357: 1297: 907: 11455: 11102:] (in French). Vol. Tome septième (Nouvelle édition ed.). Paris: Amable Costes. 10888: 10096: 9995: 8325: 8309: 8245: 7585: 7496: 6582: 6534: 6372: 6356: 6062: 6046: 5734: 5588: 4947: 4713: 3987: 3762: 3297: 1468: 12579: 12559: 12261:] (in French). Vol. Tome second (Nouvelle édition ed.). Paris: Garnier Frères. 12082: 11477: 11451: 11397: 11305: 10953: 10892: 10528: 10295: 10272: 10245: 10218: 10199: 10125: 10100: 10046: 9599: 9464: 9188: 8900:. "Le présent des Moulineaux, cette petite maison ... qu'elle appella Pontalie ..." 8197: 7684: 6550: 6537:. "Regiments of dragoons. Colonel Francis Carrol's ... Captains ... Peter Lavallen" 4764:. "Then he met Miss Hamilton and in a trice Middleton and Warmestre were forgotten ..." 3727: 3706: 3282: 3266: 3013:Ó Ciardha (2009) remarks that it is not sure that Hamilton went with the regiment to England. 2573: 2445: 2362: 1936: 1749: 1620: 984: 194: 182: 73: 9346: 9156: 9108: 8881: 8703: 8459: 8213: 6248: 5781: 5684:, p. 168 bottom. "... the Lieutenant-Colonelcy going to Richard Hamilton ..." 5049:. "... in 1671 Sir George Hamilton recruited an infantry regiment of 1,500 for France." 4796:. "This well known story is told in a letter from Lord Melfort to Richard Hamilton ..." 4697: 4625: 3534:. "Hamilton, Anthony, or Antoine (1646–1720), French classical author, was born about 1646." 3515: 3420: 2518: 1392: 1179: 1047:
brought Charles II on the English throne. Hamilton's father and his elder brothers moved to
12564: 12497: 11910: 11879: 11848: 11817: 11637: 11267:"The Two Sir George Hamiltons and their Connections with the Castles of Roscrea and Nenagh" 11257: 11253:
Calendar of the State Papers Relating to Ireland, of the Reign of Charles I. 1633–1647
10931: 10255: 10228: 10209: 9702:"Hamilton, Anthony [Antoine], Count Hamilton in the French nobility (1644/5?–1719)" 8655: 8603: 7095: 6967:. "... the most brilliant ornament of that exiled court was Anthony Hamilton ..." 6964: 6680:. "... he decided to raise the siege and return to the England at the end of August." 6327:, 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence. "It is not known whether Hamilton accompanied these forces." 5411: 3158: 3081:(cropped), 1725. The castle had stayed unchanged since the additions made for Louis XIV by 2001: 1887: 1660: 1289: 1220: 1059: 673: 190: 12275: 11179: 11069:[New Dictionary of Authors of All Times and Countries]. In Laffont, Robert (ed.). 10935: 10249: 10222: 10203: 9635: 9616: 9593: 9433: 8446:. "... Gramont's memoirs were Walpole's 'favourite book', which he 'knew by heart'." 8200:. "... que la mémoire de la comtesse de Grammont ait soutenu celle du comte ..." 6486:. "... the Enniskilleners recovered, and ambushed and massacred Hamilton's dragoons." 5750: 4253: 3971: 3848: 1460: 8: 12446: 12298: 12195: 11945: 11923: 11667: 11334: 11205: 10976: 10836: 10522: 10495: 9468: 8929: 8117: 8026: 7439: 7277:. "James II (who d. 16 Sept. 1701, at St. Germains, where he was buried.) ..." 7258:. "Berwick left Saint-Germain for Rome on 17 January 1701 and returned there on 2 April." 5395: 4700:. "... on parloit françois a St.-James presqu'aussi habituellement qu'à Versailles." 2939:
Older sources give earlier dates for his parents' marriage, due to the mistaken identity.
2745: 2611:) were inspired by the fairy tales that became popular in France in the 1690s and by the 2494: 2429: 2160: 2130: 2096: 2079: 1932: 1678: 1584: 1364: 1312: 1262: 1186:, in January 1676. She called them "ye monsieurs". The regiment quartered that winter in 1175: 1164: 1126: 175: 155: 12397: 12358: 12319: 12233: 12214: 12149: 11641: 11623:(in French). Vol. Tome quatrième (Nouvelle ed.). Paris: Librairies Associées. 11577: 11558:
The Scots Peerage, Founded on Wood's Edition of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland
11157: 11138: 10774: 10753:
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde K.P. Preserved at Kilkenny Castle
10706: 10652: 10438: 10386: 10177: 10151: 10071: 9946: 9779: 9740: 9701: 9444: 9373: 8817:. "4. 'Zénéyde', in which the nymph of the Seine recounts her history, also a fragment." 7751:. "... il y mourut, après l'avoir habitée pendant 31 ans, le 21 avril 1719." 7636: 6948: 6852: 6197: 6181: 5932: 5837: 5817: 5641: 5572: 5106: 5090: 4493: 4419: 4047: 4003: 3832: 3816: 3797: 3746: 3382: 3315: 2974: 2596: 2503: 2491: 2403: 1472: 12121: 12055: 11704: 11552: 11201: 10875: 10688: 9672: 9329: 8981: 6909: 6422:. "Anthony Hamilton had been appointed Major-General in the early part of the summer ." 6299:. "... James II made him Governor of Portsmouth on 1 December 1687 ..." 5575:. "In 1678, having inherited the title of count from his brother, Anthony left France." 4729: 2478: 2465: 2416: 2406: 2075: 1831: 1308:. In 1687 he was promoted colonel. In 1688 Hamilton was colonel of a regiment of foot. 1171: 1147: 1143: 1044: 988: 938: 151: 135: 12021: 11900: 11869: 11838: 11807: 11780: 11556: 11530: 11508: 11481: 11433: 11225: 11093: 11040: 11022:] (in French). Vol. Tome neuvième (3rd ed.). Paris: Schlesinger Frères. 11013: 10957: 10728: 10612: 10465: 10323: 10303: 9969: 9921: 9894: 9867: 9844: 9504: 9414: 8558:. "It was revised in 1809, again in 1811, by Sir Walter Scott, it would seem ..." 6184:. "At the end of the following year he was sworn of the Irish privy council ..." 5820:. "During this period he appeared alongside the dauphin as a zephyr in Lully's ballet 4358:. "Caen was doubtless the place where Sir George settled his family at first ..." 12535: 12509: 12485: 12471: 12464: 12450: 12420: 12381: 12342: 12304: 12262: 12239: 12220: 12201: 12156: 12133: 12092: 12067: 12027: 12023:
Little Jennings and Fighting Dick Talbot: A Life of the Duke and Duchess of Tyrconnel
12005: 12001: 11978: 11955: 11941: 11929: 11919: 11883: 11852: 11821: 11790: 11735: 11731: 11651: 11624: 11600: 11562: 11540: 11515: 11439: 11401: 11376: 11372: 11344: 11315: 11236: 11189: 11163: 11144: 11122: 11116: 11103: 11074: 11050: 11049:] (in French). Vol. Tome dixième (3rd ed.). Paris: Schlesinger Frères. 11023: 10996: 10963: 10941: 10919: 10900: 10846: 10821: 10784: 10761: 10738: 10713: 10658: 10638: 10631:
Hartmann, Cyril Hughes (1930a). "The Chronology of the Memoirs of Comte de Gramont".
10619: 10596: 10558: 10532: 10505: 10475: 10448: 10422: 10396: 10370: 10350: 10309: 10282: 10259: 10232: 10186: 10158: 10132: 10108: 10081: 10053: 10032: 9980: 9953: 9931: 9904: 9877: 9850: 9830: 9790: 9763: 9724: 9684: 9641: 9622: 9603: 9537: 9514: 9488: 9450: 9420: 9396: 9356: 9342: 9299: 9295: 9028: 4950:. "... she married in 1664 the dissipated Philibert, Count de Gramont ..." 3113:, who had died in August 1695. Zénéyde was therefore written shortly after that date. 2775: 2655: 2641: 1372: 1367:
in July 1690. Anthony rode in the cavalry charges. Afterwards he fought at the first
1254: 1235:, the future 6th Earl of Abercorn, then aged 17 or 18, inherited the family's lands. 1139: 1096: 12252: 11282: 8104:. "While L'Enchanteur Faustus was only given to the general public in 1776 ..." 7620: 7601: 7293:. "– Maladie et décès de Jacques II au Château-vieux de Saint-Germain-en-Laye." 6807:. " decided that the Château-Vieux de Saint-Germain-en-Laye would be more suitable." 5275:. "Hamilton expected the French ships on the 8th of March but they did not appear." 3404:. "... mourut à Saint-Germain-en-Laye, le 21 Avril 1720, agé d'environ 74 ans." 11764: 11696: 11618: 10871: 10077: 10007: 9808: 9556: 8852:. "Le Bélier was written before Sept., 1705, probably in the early summer of 1705." 7831:. "... repassa en Angleterre en 1660, à l'âge d'environ quatorze ans ..." 3201: 3139: 2671: 2625:. The characters' adventures are often extravagant. Hamilton likes to use multiple 2255: 1891: 1486: 1478:
In 1707 Gramont died in Paris. Hamilton was said to have sailed to Scotland in the
1353: 1349: 1108: 864: 809: 147: 12525: 11968: 9015:. "Les Quatre Facardins^ the most ambitious, and to my thinking the best ..." 7687:. "Les Chevaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem entrèrent donc en possession du Temple." 3169:
lived at the Temple and probably presided over the suppers that Hamilton attended.
maintains that Hamilton's tales have more literary merit than his fanous memoirs.
12191: 11951: 11311: 10884: 10554: 10412: 9826:
Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical, of King James's Irish Army List, 1689
9824: 9531: 7844: 7480:. " died on the 10th of January 1707, and the Mémoires appeared six years later." 7274: 6915: 6521:. "... Hamilton continued his flight till he reached Navan in County Meath." 5414:. "Nommé commandant de l'armée d'Allemagne, par pouvoir du 10 mars 1676 ..." 4545: 3875: 3851:. "This non-assumption of the dignity throws some little doubt on its creation." 3357: 2961: 2951:
has some detail about Anthony's Protestant grandfather, the 1st Earl of Abercorn.
2618: 2588: 2442: 1433: 1418: 987:. His father, despite being Catholic, sided with the lord lieutenant against the 11251: 10915:
La comédie à la cour - Les théatres de société royale pendant les siècle dernier
10913: 10751: 10548: 10514:– Fleur d’Épine, Bélier, Facardins, Zénéide & Faustus (for the illustration) 9111:. "Hamilton entretint avec lui une correspondance en prose et en vers ..." 7671:. "... Voltaire a connu Hamilton dans la société du Temple peu avant 1715;" 4406:. "... George, the second son, was made a page to Charles II ..." 10382: 10276: 10120: 9654: 9311: 6920: 6916:"The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Series)" 6096:, 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence. "... (he arrived in January 1686) ..." 2592: 2569: 2557: 2399: 1860: 1502: 1494: 1414: 1243: 1197: 1067: 934: 926: 127:
of Irish and Scottish ancestry, his parents brought him to France in 1651 when
11982: 11933: 11887: 11856: 11825: 11794: 11544: 11443: 11207:
A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from September 1678 to April 1714
11148: 11126: 11107: 10959:
The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the Late King James's Government
10945: 10923: 10742: 10662: 10642: 10623: 10536: 10452: 10374: 10313: 10263: 10236: 9854: 9645: 9518: 9492: 9424: 9207:. "Antoine Hamilton, one of the most Attic writers of our literature ..." 7569:. "June 1708. Dimanche 3 ... La comtesse de Gramont mourut à Paris." 6553:. "General Conrad von Rosen, who bore the brevet title of Maréchal d'Irlande." 3709:. "... selon quelques-uns à Drogbeda dans le comté de Tipperary ..." 1360:
was formed, the French wanted neither Richard nor Anthony among its officers.
1238: 1231:
Hamilton had returned to Ireland by 1677. His father died in 1679. His nephew
12553: 12493: 12454: 12402: 12363: 12324: 12266: 12243: 12224: 12031: 12009: 11683: 11628: 11582: 11566: 11348: 11193: 11167: 11054: 11027: 11000: 10937:
A French Ambassador at the Court of Charles the Second: le comte de Comminges
10803: 10788: 10765: 10578: 10479: 10426: 10286: 10190: 10036: 9935: 9908: 9881: 9834: 9745: 9706: 9626: 9607: 9572: 9567:. Vol. 12 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 332–333. 9552: 9478: 9378: 9360: 8430:. "... the book has been on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum since 1817." 7410:. "In fact Hamilton was described at Sceaux as the Horace of Albion ..." 6763:. "Major-General John Hamilton, who died at Dublin soon after of his wounds." 6084:. "1685, 1 Oct. / 9 Jan 1686. / Henry, 2nd e. of Clarendon, L.L. " 4848:. "Susanne-Charlotte mariée à Henri Mitte, Marquis de Saint-Chamond ..." 4812:. "Chevalier de Grammont, lui crièrent-ils du plus loin qu'ils l'aperçurent 2767: 1273: 1104: 12308: 12205: 10967: 10904: 10850: 10562: 10504:] (in French). Vol. Tome second. Paris: Antoine-Augustin Renouard. 10112: 9930:] (in French). Vol. Tome Dix-septième. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères. 7499:. "Dimanche 30  ... Le comte de Gramont mourut à Paris la nuit passée." 6715:. "... but whether Anthony Hamilton came back to Ireland is uncertain;" 5951:. "John, the youngest brother, was lieutenant in Lord Mount joy's regiment." 4684:. "Charlotte-Eléanore La Motte Houdancourt, another maid of honour ..." 1482:, but only Richard went. In June Hamilton's sister Elizabeth died in Paris. 37: 12513: 12174: 12117: 12051: 11991: 11959: 11739: 11390: 11380: 11220: 11134: 10509: 10354: 10146: 9668: 9500: 9368: 9303: 8868:. "Its aim was ro furnish a romantic etymology for the new name ... " 8690:. "... the half-burlesque, half-satirical contes of Hamilton ..." 6030:. "The new Governor went publicly to mass, an event unheard of since 1650." 3036: 2858: 2711: 2584: 996: 142:. When Catholics were excluded from the army, Anthony followed his brother 11140:
Assault on Olympus: The rise of the House of Gramont between 1604 and 1678
Revue de la Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
9063:. "... L'Enchanteur Faustus for his niece Margaret Hamilton ..." 5876:. "In the summer of 1681 he was definitely established at Dublin ..." 5721:. "In December Louis ... disbanded the regiment d'Hamilton ..." 4422:. "... in August 1652 she left for England with her family ..." 4146:. "On 16 February he succeeded in having the truce extended until 1 May." 4114:. "A peace was signed on March 28th, 1646 without the Nuncio's knowledge." 12434: 11343:] (in French). Vol. Deuxième volume. London: Trübner & Cie. 9482: 9277: 6343:. "On December 23, with William's connivance, James embarked for France." 5860:. "It would thus seem that the above Count Hamilton was Richard ..." 5840:. "... he danced before Louis XIV as a zephyr in Quinault's ballet 5307:. "Hamilton was at his side when the fatal shot struck him down ..." 2663: 2622: 2382:
mention him honourably. Today, he is mainly known for a single book: the
1452: 1341: 12183:"Report of the Officers of the Mint about the Preservation of the Coyne" 10692: 10675: 9903:] (in French). Vol. Tome Douzième. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères. 9587:. Vol. 12 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 884. 9576: 9333: 8916:. "...  un foisonnement d'inventions aussi cocasses que décousues." 3192:
His father was entirely Scottish, his mother half Irish and half English
1459:, where he was known as "Horace d'Albion". It was partly at her seat at 1451:, where Hamilton often visited. In 1704 Hamilton went to see Gramont at 1107:. Hamilton then took service in his brother's regiment, fighting in the 917:
Anthony's mother was half Irish and half English, the third daughter of
12521: 11721: 11708: 11362: 10418: 9876:] (in French). Vol. Tome Onzième. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères. 9316: 9285: 5189:. "A portrait of Anthony Hamilton can be dated to about 1700 ..." 3052: 2964:
in error as it would become the principal royal residence only in 1698.
2580: 1490: 1448: 1317: 1027:. The Hamilton brothers frequented Charles II's and his mother's, 163: 10029:
James II Stuart, his Family and the Jacobites at Saint-Germain-en-Laye
7879:. "1687, 8 Jan. / 12 Feb. / Richard, 1st e. of Tyrconnell L.D. " 4496:. "... until the restoration when the family moved to Whitehall." 2744:) tells the adventures of three men, all called Facardin: Facardin of 12088: 11768: 11175: 10024:
Jacques II Stuart, sa Famille et le Jacobites à Saint-Germain-en-Laye
6747:. "He does not appear to have been present at the battle of Aughrim." 6394:. "... James II landed at Kinsale from France on 12 March 1689." 2771: 2715: 2667: 2626: 2310: 1375:
in 1691 is disputed, but his brother John was fatally wounded there.
1337: 1292:, where his company of Newcomen's regiment was garrisoned, replacing 1063: 1048: 139: 12213:
Voltaire (1877). "Le temple du goût" [The Temple of Taste].
11700: 9829:. Vol. II (2nd enlarged ed.). London: John Russell Smith. 3385:. "He was probably born at Roscrea, co. Tipperary, in 1644 or 1645." 11909:] (in French). Vol. Tome quinzième (3rd ed.). Paris: 11071:
Nouveau dictionnaire des auteurs de tous les temps et tous les pays
10647:– Appendix by Hartmann to Hamilton's Memoirs translated by Quennell 9282:"Butler, James, twelfth Earl and first Duke of Ormonde (1610–1688)" 8658:. "The tales in her Œuvres mesles (Assorted Works, 1695) ..." 7242:. "... on 4 March  ... James II suffered a major stroke." 5141:. "... proceeded to Utrecht, which fell on the 20th of June ." 2882: 2387: 2378:
Hamilton's works were well known in the 18th century. Voltaire and
2314: 1498: 1447:
In 1703 Louis XIV gave Hamilton's sister Elizabeth a house at
1250: 1120: 975:
individually. Anthony's parents were both Catholic, and so was he.
124: 11073:(in French). Vol. II. Paris: R. Laffont. pp. 1377–1378. 10995:(in French). Vol. VII (2nd ed.). Paris: Antoine Boudet. 10363:
Goodwin, Gordon (1908). "Introduction". In Goodwin, Gordon (ed.).
10281:. Vol. III (1st ed.). Exeter: William Pollard & Co. 9175:. "Antoine Hamilton appartenait à une illustre famille écossaise;" 8769:. "... le plus beau conte de fées qu'on ait écrit en France." 8232:. "... ces mémoires eurent aussitot un grand succès ..." 7815:. "The battle of Rathmines, fought on 2 August 1649 ..." 6200:. "... and promoted to the rank of colonel in February 1687." 5505:. "It is not clear when and how he obtained his title of count.." 2725: 1112: 11232: 10749: 10726: 10012: 9817:] (in French). Vol. Tome huitième. Paris: chez l'auteur. 6883:, 1st table. "The Ecu of France of 60 sols Turnois / 54.13 pence" 5621: 5391: 4732:. "Elizabeth's brother Anthony became his close friend ..." 3942:. "... was probably born at Roscrea, Tipperary, about 1646." 3364:", Lieut-Gen in the French service, died 20 April 1719, aged 74." 2930:
as his place of birth, but it was his granduncle who lived there.
2927: 2553: 2100: 1517: 1363:
Anthony, as well as his brothers Richard and John, fought at the
1205: 1152: 1116: 5473:. "Anthony Hamilton had inherited his brother's title in 1678." 4098:. "... and the cessation was signed on the 15 Sept. ." 3442:. "Hamilton died at St. Germain, in April, 1720, aged about 74." 1208:) in lower Alsace. Reputedly, Hamilton succeeded his brother as 1076:
An anecdote tells how George and Anthony intercepted Gramont at
12200:. Vol. I. London: Vizetelly & Co. pp. xiii–xxii. 10860:"The Irish Fright of 1688: Real Violence and Imagined Massacre" 10179:
A Student's History of England: From the Earliest Times to 1885
5628:. "I wonder M. Antony Hamilton will still be rambling ..." 2659: 1702: 1556: 1160: 1156: 1032: 858: 60: 11620:
Description historique de la Ville de Paris et de ses environs
10308:. Vol. I (2nd ed.). London: The St Catherine Press. 7895:. "William III. ... acc. 13 Feb. 1689 ..." 7309:. "... his poem: 'Sur l'Agonie du feu Roi d'Angleterre'." 6855:. "Hamilton was given a generous pension by James II ..." 3047: 2629:, who may tell the same events from different points of view. 1873:
Supposedly succeeded his brother George as "comte d'Hamilton"
1444:, was 13. The court became gayer and Hamilton like it better. 873: 11977:] (in French). Vol. Deuxième. Paris: J. Cherbuliez. 11188:] (in French). Vol. V. Paris: Treuttel & Würtz. 9810:
Dictionnaire historique et biographique des généraux français
9079:. "Zeneyde appeared in 1731 in a volume of Œuvres mêlées ..." 8720:
187. Most of this page is about Hamilton's narration devices.
7799:. "Charles I. ... exec. 30 Jan. 1649 ..." 5540:. "Elle avoit pour frère Antoine, Comte d'Hamilton ..." 3567: 3499:. "He died at St. Germain-en-Laye on the 21st of April 1720." 3360:. "3. Anthony, the celebrated Count Hamilton, author of the " 2763: 2640:
called it "the most beautiful fairy tale written in France".
2561: 1077: 12595:
Jacobite military personnel of the Williamite War in Ireland
11878:] (in French). Vol. Tome vingt et deuxième. Paris: 10799:"Bulkeley [née Stuart], Lady Sophia (fl. 1660–1718)" 8999:. "3. 'Les Quatre Facardins' a fragment in the same style ." 4480:. "Charles II. ... acc. 29 May 1660 ..." 4256:. "... he was Col. of Foot and Gov. of Nenagh castle" 12490:"Anthony Hamilton's Mémoires de la Vie du Comte de Gramont" 11539:] (in French). Vol. Tome cinquième. Paris: Rozet. 7588:. "... she died, 3 June 1708, aged sixty-seven." 3162: 2990:" in his brother George's article also discusses the title 2886: 1204:
pursued the French who were retreating eastward to Zabern (
1187: 1013: 12187:– T 1/80.105, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK 10531:; Ryde, Henry T.; Kenney, Charles. London: Henry G. Bohn. 10369:. Vol. I. Edinburgh: John Grant. pp. vii–xxxii. 7461:. "Il mourut le 30 janvier 1707, âgé de 86 ans " 5895:. "James II. ... acc. 6 Feb. 1685 ..." 3070:
Vue du Vieux Château de St. Germain en Laye, engraving by
amended an English translation in 1809 and again in 1811.
2568:. Early French editions often deformed the English names. 11633:– St Martin, Grève, St Paul, St Avoye, Temple, St Antoine 10676:"Biographical Dictionary of Irishmen in France. Part VII" 10474:] (in French). Vol. II. London: William Miller. 9446:
The Prime Minister of Taste: A portrait of Horace Walpole
3784:. "He was cr. 30 Aug. 1642 Marquess of Ormonde ];" 2904:
has more detail about these attempts to become a baronet.
In January 1663, at the court, the Hamilton brothers met
879: 857:
Anthony was born in 1644 or 1645 in Ireland, probably at
Memoirs of Court of Charles the Second by Count Grammont
11419:[About fairies and their literature in France]. 10962:. Dublin: George Risk, George Ewing, and William smith. 10776:
Négociations de M. Le Comte d'Avaux en Irlande 1689–1690
English Army Lists and Commission Registers, 1661 – 1714
8510:. "The quarto edition of 1793 is the third translation." 7977:. "... he had safely arrived at Peterhead on 2nd ." 6839:. "He never had a post in the royal household ..." 2564:. In 1817 the Catholic Church inscribed the book on the 1763:
Brought to England by his parents after the Restoration
Old Galloway: the history of a Norman colony in Ireland
10031:] (in French). Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Ch. Lévêque. 9317:"Charles II's regiments in France, 1672–1678: Part III" 944:
Anthony's father has been confused with his granduncle
11847:] (in French). Vol. Tome quatorzième. Paris: 11435:
History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France
10637:. London: E. P. Dutton and Company. pp. 370–378. 10145: 9660:"Chapter XII: Ormond, Rinuccini, and the confederates" 7938: 7904: 7888: 7872: 7856: 7792: 6077: 5888: 5591:. "... she died, 3 June 1708, aged sixty-seven." 5319:, p. 166, line 15. "... of Hamilton's 450 ." 4528:. "These two brothers are frequently mentioned in the 4473: 2056:
His regiment sent to England to protect James II
12359:"Dongan, Thomas, second earl of Limerick (1634–1715)" 12320:"Hamilton, James, first earl of Abercorn (1575–1618)" 10834: 10149:; Greenway, D. E.; Porter, S.; Roy, I., eds. (1986). 9815:
Historic and Biographic Dictionary of French Generals
9002: 8391: 8336: 8334: 7450: 7448: 3480:. "He died at St. Germain-en-Laye on 21 April 1720." 1529:
As his birth date is uncertain, so are all his ages.
Anthony was one of nine siblings. They are listed in
876: 870: 11751:[Discovering Antoine Hamilton, storyteller] 11636: 11613: 10347:
Roscrea. A History of the Catholic Parish of Roscrea
9996:"Anthony Hamilton, Mémoire de Philibert de Grammont" 8385: 7680: 6572: 6362: 6209: 5922: 5827: 5096: 4450: 4448: 4446: 4444: 4006:. "Anthony Hamilton also had three sisters ..." 3393: 3391: 1119:
in June. In 1673 Hamilton, by now a Captain, was in
11994:(1846). "Biographical Sketch of Anthony Hamilton". 11035: 11008: 9595:
Anthony Hamilton: his Life and Works and his Family
9473:(in French). Paris: G Charpentier. pp. i–xliv. 9322:
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
Anthony Hamilton: his Life and Works and his Family
8638:. "En 1697, notre académicien publia ... des 8417: 8369: 8328:. "Souvenirs et biographie sont confondus ..." 7706: 7690: 7454: 7367: 7365: 7363: 7171: 6940: 6938: 5564: 5562: 4841: 4483: 3738: 3736: 3234:The suite of the Quatre Facardins, imagined by the 3125:(1774) and Dangeau (1857a) give Gramont's death in 2810:, in 1694, to carry on a witty correspondence with 1378: 1276:acceded to the English throne. In April James sent 1134:Anthony probably fought together with George under 867: 12463: 12396: 12357: 12318: 12238:(in French). Vol. 33. Paris: Garnier Frères. 12169: 12148: 12107: 12041: 11816:] (in French). Vol. Tome onzième. Paris: 11682: 11674:Memoirs and Reflections of the Marquess of La Fare 11576: 11507: 11389: 11359:"Hamilton, James, first Earl of Abercorn (d.1617)" 11224: 11064: 10985: 10797: 10705: 10674: 10611: 10572: 10150: 10124: 10045: 9968: 9945: 9781:A Court in Exile: The Stuarts in France, 1689-1718 9778: 9739: 9700: 9658: 9372: 9315: 8788: 8772: 8355: 8353: 8331: 8248:. "Le succès de ce livre fut très grand ..." 7919: 7917: 7445: 6880: 6782: 5533: 5527: 5462: 5460: 5458: 4953: 4835: 4034:. "Like his father, Anthony was a Roman Catholic." 3867: 3865: 3863: 3861: 3859: 3857: 3644: 3642: 3640: 3397: 3374: 3372: 3370: 12300:History of the Rebellion and Civil-War in Ireland 12219:(in French). Vol. 8. Paris: Garnier Frères. 11970:Histoire de la littérature française à l'étranger 11799:– A partial translation of the Causeries de lundi 11329: 11095:Lycée ou cours de littérature ancienne et moderne 9849:. Vol. II. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. 9374:"Butler, James, first duke of Ormond (1610–1688)" 8677: 7945:. "George I ... acc. 1 Aug. 1714;" 7824: 7518: 7502: 6159: 5080: 5068: 4920: 4918: 4825: 4441: 4299: 4297: 3773: 3771: 3580: 3578: 3576: 3488: 3486: 3388: 3349: 3347: 3345: 3307: 3305: 1819:fatally wounded in a sea-fight against the Dutch 887:), County Tipperary. He was the third son of Sir 12551: 11574: 11062: 10864:Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 10651:Hartmann, Cyril Hughes (1930b). "Introduction". 8919: 8855: 8724: 8513: 8299: 8225: 7911:. "Anne ... acc. 8 Mar. 1702 ..." 7834: 7626: 7413: 7360: 7328: 7266: 7264: 6935: 6842: 6826: 6655: 6524: 6318: 5807: 5647: 5559: 5093:. "They served in the Franco-Dutch war 1672-8." 4631: 4415: 4154: 4152: 3993: 3733: 3623: 3621: 2861:(1846) proposes an earlier date but stays vague. 2390:, and letters (ordered by year of publication): 11431: 11303: 9618:O'Neill and Ormond – A Chapter of Irish History 9438:(Fourth ed.). New York: Robert Coddington. 9435:The Battle-fields of Ireland, from 1688 to 1691 9194: 9130: 9034: 8903: 8609: 8401: 8350: 8283: 8093: 8091: 8068: 7996: 7980: 7914: 7469: 7467: 7381: 7213: 7002: 6858: 6810: 6578: 6368: 6187: 6171: 5740: 5601: 5599: 5597: 5455: 5441: 5439: 5322: 5310: 4535: 3854: 3808: 3806: 3719: 3717: 3715: 3637: 3559: 3461:. "He died at St. Germain's, in 1720, aged 74." 3367: 2658:and her mother a daughter of the Frankish king 2591:published another revised translation in 1889. 189:, which focuses on the time his brother-in-law 181:In France Hamilton lived at the exile court at 178:. The defeat led him to his last French exile. 12461: 11514:. Galway: Kennys Bookshops and Art Galleries. 11502: 11310:(Third ed.). Springfield, Massachusetts: 10795: 10783:] (in French). Dublin: Stationery Office. 10414:Queen Mary of Modena, her Life and her Letters 10318:– Ab-Adam to Basing (for Abercorn family tree) 10073:The Boyne Water: the Battle of the Boyne, 1690 9162: 8577: 8171: 8139: 7558: 7556: 7071: 7069: 7024: 6794: 6688: 6686: 6641: 6639: 6397: 6270: 6073: 6071: 6038: 6036: 5959: 5957: 5884: 5882: 5631: 4915: 4719: 4709: 4303: 4294: 4243: 3961: 3913: 3881: 3768: 3573: 3521: 3483: 3469: 3467: 3342: 3328: 3326: 3324: 3302: 1300:in public. In October 1685 the king appointed 12274:Walsh, Patrick; Doyle, T. G. (October 2009). 11749:"À la découverte d'Antoine Hamilton, conteur" 11415:Montégut, Jean-Baptiste Joseph Émile (1862). 10395:] (in French). Paris: Fayard-Tallandier. 8967: 8935: 8887: 8107: 8032: 8016: 7964: 7612: 7610: 7488: 7486: 7296: 7261: 7197: 7149: 7133: 7117: 7018: 6902: 6457: 6383: 6381: 6219: 5756: 5675: 5556:. "Hamilton, Count Anthony was born ..." 5232: 5230: 5176: 4469: 4467: 4149: 4053: 3945: 3838: 3618: 3615:, p. 102. Cited in Manning (2001) p. 149 3450: 3448: 3269:. "Tabular pedigree of the Earls of Abercorn" 2790:, published in 1731, contains the unfinished 1804:raised an Irish regiment for French service. 1155:in April 1675, after a missed appointment at 170:(1689–1691). He saw action in the battles of 12043:"Chapter XXIII: The Irish abroad, 1534–1691" 11928:(second ed.). London: Percival and Co. 11775: 11669:Mémoires et Réflexions du Marquis de La Fare 10781:Negotiations of the Count d'Avaux in Ireland 10708:Irish Battles: A Military History of Ireland 10447:] (in French). Cologne: Pierre Marteau. 10094: 9200: 9114: 9082: 9066: 8825: 8823: 8709: 8631: 8561: 8545: 8497: 8481: 8289: 8267: 8251: 8203: 8155: 8088: 8074: 7866: 7818: 7658: 7539: 7537: 7464: 7245: 7229: 7034: 6986: 6970: 6494: 6492: 6099: 5973: 5594: 5513: 5511: 5492: 5436: 5334: 5192: 5052: 4939: 4937: 4819: 4313: 4264: 4262: 4213: 4211: 4194: 4192: 4190: 4173: 4171: 4037: 3803: 3712: 3663: 3661: 3590: 3412: 3410: 1774:The chevalier de Gramont arrived in London. 1408:, north side, as it was in Hamilton's time. 1010:Elizabeth Preston, the Marchioness of Ormond 12502:The Cambridge History of English Literature 12462:Weinreb, Ben; Hibbert, Christopher (2008). 11895: 11864: 11833: 11802: 11417:"Des fées et de leur littérature en France" 11155: 10978:Antoine Hamilton sein Leben und seine werke 10974: 10700: 9822: 8986: 8893: 8804: 8740: 8593: 8529: 8465: 8048: 7961:. "1715, 1er septembre: Mort de Louis XIV." 7932: 7898: 7882: 7850: 7808: 7802: 7786: 7712: 7696: 7642: 7553: 7524: 7508: 7165: 7066: 6766: 6750: 6734: 6718: 6683: 6636: 6530: 6473: 6441: 6286: 6254: 6240: 6238: 6143: 6068: 6033: 6017: 5954: 5938: 5879: 5791: 5694: 5692: 5690: 5605: 5543: 5422: 5420: 5401: 5371: 5369: 5340: 5262: 5213: 5211: 5144: 5001: 4959: 4899: 4783: 4454: 4021: 3929: 3682: 3680: 3507: 3505: 3464: 3321: 3272: 2808:Henry Stafford-Howard, 1st Earl of Stafford 2350:Brother Richard died at Poussay, Lorraine. 894:His father was Scottish, the fourth son of 12278:. In McGuire, James; Quinn, James (eds.). 12273: 11940: 11918: 11484:. In McGuire, James; Quinn, James (eds.). 11476: 11458:. In McGuire, James; Quinn, James (eds.). 11450: 11285:. In McGuire, James; Quinn, James (eds.). 10897:Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne 10845:] (in French). Paris: Maison Quantin. 10750:Historical Manuscripts Commission (1906). 10727:Historical Manuscripts Commission (1902). 10326:. In McGuire, James; Quinn, James (eds.). 10105:Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne 9971:The Oxford Companion to English Literature 9803: 9741:"Hamilton, Elizabeth, Countess de Gramont" 9477: 9242: 9178: 9008: 8794: 8778: 8683: 8615: 8340: 8187: 7840: 7770: 7607: 7591: 7577: 7575: 7483: 7424:884, first paragraph, penultimate sentence 7270: 6788: 6667: 6661: 6508: 6403: 6378: 6324: 6165: 6127: 6121: 6093: 6052: 5989: 5916: 5771: 5476: 5407: 5227: 5074: 4599: 4567: 4541: 4515: 4464: 3871: 3606: 3584: 3445: 3431: 3429: 3353: 2143:Went to France to report the raise of the 933:, and never succeeded to the earldom. The 12394: 12355: 12190: 11676:] (in French). Paris: G. Charpentier. 11561:. Vol. I. Edinburgh: David Douglas. 11307:Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary 11174: 10930: 10796:Humphreys, Jennett; Wynne, S. M. (2004). 10650: 10630: 10011: 9571: 9551: 9136: 9050: 9018: 8951: 8925: 8839: 8820: 8756: 8661: 8645: 8519: 8433: 8423: 8407: 8375: 8123: 8022: 8002: 7754: 7738: 7674: 7534: 7473: 7419: 7397: 7344: 7312: 7181: 7085: 6954: 6912:inflation figures are based on data from 6886: 6702: 6620: 6588: 6540: 6489: 6425: 6330: 6302: 6087: 5928: 5910: 5833: 5637: 5578: 5508: 5294: 5246: 5224:. "George and Anthony were both wounded." 5102: 5038: 5036: 5017: 4975: 4934: 4924: 4883: 4867: 4773: 4767: 4687: 4615: 4583: 4489: 4425: 4393: 4377: 4361: 4329: 4259: 4208: 4187: 4168: 4117: 4101: 4069: 3696: 3658: 3648: 3527: 3492: 3407: 3109:mentions the "late Archbishop of Paris", 2621:. Hamilton's tales are their parodies or 2572:, a great admirer, corrected them in his 1605:abandoned Dublin to the Parliamentarians. 1520:to James III, attended the funeral. 1212:, but that title may never have existed. 138:the family moved to England and lived at 12600:Military personnel from County Tipperary 12484: 12250: 12231: 12212: 12146: 12016: 11746: 11680: 11528: 11414: 11200: 10883: 10609: 10543: 10517: 10486: 10460: 10433: 10294: 10271: 10254:. Vol. VII (1st ed.). London: 10244: 10217: 10198: 10172: 10052:. London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press. 9889: 9862: 9640:. Vol. II. Dublin: Joseph Dollard. 9533:The Williamite Wars in Ireland 1688–1691 9509:. Vol. III (New ed.). Oxford: 9442: 9310: 9146: 9120: 9040: 9024: 8973: 8941: 8909: 8871: 8762: 8715: 8693: 8667: 8625: 8449: 8439: 8315: 8305: 8273: 8219: 8209: 8161: 8113: 8038: 8029:. "... he is French wit incarnate;" 7948: 7923: 7664: 7562: 7543: 7492: 7429: 7280: 7155: 7050: 6874: 6604: 6556: 6479: 6409: 6336: 6276: 6235: 6225: 6115: 6105: 5979: 5898: 5863: 5847: 5762: 5746: 5708: 5687: 5681: 5659: 5653: 5615: 5517: 5445: 5417: 5385: 5366: 5350: 5328: 5316: 5278: 5208: 5198: 5160: 5128: 5112: 4985: 4851: 4789: 4751: 4735: 4655: 4637: 4409: 4249: 4227: 3967: 3903: 3887: 3844: 3777: 3723: 3677: 3537: 3502: 3287: 3278: 3262: 3256: 3102: 3100: 3029: 3016: 3007: 2724: 2539: 2273:Gramont's Memoirs published anonymously 1237: 1170:In July 1675 Hamilton's regiment was at 1125: 12412:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 12373:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 12334:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 12303:. Vol. II. Dublin: James William. 12109:"Chapter XIX: The War of the Two Kings" 11592:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 11280: 11264: 11249: 11114: 11088: 10981:(PhD) (in German). Universität Rostock. 10911: 10813:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 10618:. London: George Routledge & Sons. 10588:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 10570: 10467:Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont 10440:Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont 10381: 10362: 10344: 10227:. Vol. VI (1st ed.). London: 10208:. Vol. II (1st ed.). London: 10182:. Vol. II (New ed.). London: 10043: 9966: 9943: 9916: 9755:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 9716:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 9637:The Diocese of Meath Ancient and Modern 9409: 9388:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 9367: 9237:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 9098: 8746: 8583: 8535: 8235: 8177: 8145: 8054: 7986: 7954: 7722: 7572: 7435: 7101: 7075: 6772: 6756: 6692: 6645: 6447: 6387: 6292: 6058: 6042: 6005: 5904: 5724: 5125:. "... left in garrison in Liége." 5058: 4799: 4703: 4551: 4505: 4499: 4278: 4158: 4059: 4027: 3951: 3919: 3897: 3828: 3822: 3793: 3787: 3612: 3596: 3553: 3426: 3332: 3204:published his fairy tales in 1697, but 2954: 2942: 2920: 2817: 2534:Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont 2484:Epistle à monsieur le comte de Grammont 2458:De l'usage de la vie dans la vieillesse 2396:Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont 2384:Mémoires de la vie du comte de Grammont 1340:, County Cavan, to fight the rebels of 946:George Hamilton of Greenlaw and Roscrea 214:George Hamilton of Greenlaw and Roscrea 12552: 12316: 12296: 11966: 11665: 11387: 11356: 11250:Mahaffy, Robert Pentland, ed. (1900). 11143:. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co. 10835:Janmart de Brouillant, Léonce (1888). 10657:. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 10359:– Does not seem to be available online 10321: 10268:– S to T (for Stafford and Tyrconnell) 10119: 9842: 9653: 9614: 9526: 9463: 9184: 9168: 8193: 7776: 7728: 7616: 7597: 7531:. "J'ai dit qu'il n'y en avait qu'un." 7123: 7040: 6546: 6260: 6244: 6011: 5622:Historical Manuscripts Commission 1902 5392:Historical Manuscripts Commission 1906 5033: 4969: 4677: 4671: 4644:. "La Motte Houdancourt étoit une des 4367: 4345: 4319: 4268: 4139: 4133: 4123: 4107: 4085: 4043: 3977: 3812: 3752: 3702: 3627: 3217:The suite of Zénéyde, imagined by the 3064: 2980: 2869: 2867: 2852: 2850: 2778:, and other beauties to appear before 2039:Richard Talbot, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell 1497:, also stayed. Hamilton met the young 1406:Château-Vieux de Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1095:the Catholics who refused to take the 154:. After the accession of the Catholic 146:into French service and fought in the 12520: 12105: 12080: 12039: 11990: 11133: 11118:Limerick: its History and Antiquities 10857: 10772: 10669: 10410: 10349:. Dublin: Sign of the Three Candles. 10066: 10020: 9993: 9893:(1857b). Conches, Feuillet de (ed.). 9866:(1857a). Conches, Feuillet de (ed.). 9776: 9737: 9698: 9633: 9591: 9536:. London: Hambledon Continuum Press. 9499: 9431: 9341: 9231: 9223: 9152: 9104: 9088: 9072: 9056: 8980:. Illiustration for Fleur d'Epine by 8957: 8877: 8861: 8845: 8829: 8730: 8699: 8651: 8599: 8567: 8551: 8503: 8487: 8471: 8455: 8359: 8321: 8241: 8129: 8097: 7970: 7760: 7744: 7648: 7632: 7403: 7387: 7371: 7350: 7334: 7318: 7302: 7286: 7251: 7235: 7219: 7203: 7187: 7139: 7107: 7091: 7056: 7008: 6992: 6976: 6960: 6944: 6913: 6892: 6864: 6848: 6832: 6816: 6800: 6724: 6708: 6673: 6626: 6610: 6594: 6562: 6514: 6463: 6431: 6415: 6346: 6308: 6193: 6177: 6149: 6133: 6023: 5995: 5963: 5944: 5869: 5853: 5813: 5777: 5730: 5714: 5665: 5568: 5482: 5466: 5426: 5375: 5300: 5284: 5268: 5252: 5236: 5217: 5182: 5166: 5134: 5118: 5086: 5042: 5023: 5007: 4991: 4905: 4889: 4873: 4857: 4805: 4757: 4741: 4725: 4693: 4661: 4621: 4605: 4589: 4573: 4557: 4431: 4399: 4383: 4351: 4335: 4284: 4233: 4198: 4075: 4015: 4009: 3999: 3742: 3686: 3667: 3566:. Transliterated from the book's own 3543: 3511: 3435: 3416: 3378: 3311: 3211: 3132: 3097: 3088: 2913:Anthony's father's article discusses 2907: 2897: 2895: 2617:, published between 1704 and 1708 by 1705:Castle against the Parliamentarians. 1489:. Richard followed James III to 1467:. In 1705 he attended the feast that 1334:Justin McCarthy, Viscount Mountcashel 835: 820: 817: 815: 808: 805: 803: 798: 795: 782: 758: 752: 750: 748: 746: 744: 742: 740: 738: 736: 734: 732: 730: 728: 726: 720: 710: 698: 696: 685: 672: 670: 652: 616: 614: 580: 561: 559: 545: 525: 523: 507: 505: 475: 457: 455: 453: 435: 433: 423: 405: 403: 385: 383: 367: 354: 328: 326: 320: 318: 316: 290: 280: 265: 263: 261: 247: 232: 230: 228: 226: 211: 12433: 11947:A Short History of French Literature 11782:Portraits of the Seventeenth Century 11715: 11551: 11432:O'Callaghan, John Cornelius (1854). 11219: 11162:. London: Longmans, Green & Co. 10952: 10756:. New Series. Vol. IV. London: 10388:Initiation à l'histoire de la France 9920:(1859). Conches, Feuillet de (ed.). 9558:"Gramont, Philibert, Comte de"  9449:. New Haven: Yale University Press. 9276: 9264: 9253: 8992: 8810: 8257: 7581: 6740: 6498: 6352: 6203: 5797: 5698: 5584: 5549: 5498: 5356: 5150: 4943: 4521: 4217: 4177: 4091: 3983: 3935: 3758: 3473: 3454: 3293: 3228: 3172: 2967: 2527: 2471:Sur l'agonie du feu roi d'Angleterre 1645:returned to Ireland landing at Cork. 1438:Sur l'agonie du feu roi d'Angleterre 1219:The Franco-Dutch war ended with the 1091:In 1667 the King dismissed from his 896:James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Abercorn 852: 16:Irish soldier and writer (died 1719) 12527:The Oxford Companion of Fairy Tales 12470:. Bethesda, ML: Adler & Adler. 12232:Voltaire (1880). "Correspondance". 12151:Ireland's Fate: The Boyne and After 12026:. Vol. I. London: Hutchinson. 11975:History of French literature abroad 11648:His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office 10758:His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office 10735:His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office 10393:Initiation to the History of France 9487:(77th ed.). London: Harrison. 9141:884, 2nd paragraph, final two lines 8011:The Memoirs of the comte de Gramont 3497:884, first paragraph, last sentence 3186: 3116: 2933: 2864: 2847: 2710:and starts with a dialogue between 1428:About 1696 Hamilton wrote his tale 1200:), where Imperial troops under the 1146:in June 1674, and did surely so at 150:(1672–1678). He was wounded in the 123:, was a soldier and a writer. As a 13: 12419:. pp. 888–889, right column. 11907:Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon 11876:Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon 11845:Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon 11814:Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon 11575:Perceval-Maxwell, Michael (2004). 11532:Dictionnaire des théatres de Paris 10918:(in French). Paris: Firmin-Didot. 10876:10.1111/j.1468-2281.1982.tb01154.x 10048:The Catholics of Ulster, a History 3653:884, first paragraph, upper middle 2892: 2829: 2632:His tales influenced Voltaire and 2595:retranslated the memoirs in 1930 ( 2579:The first English translation, by 1623:, the Confederates were beaten by 1296:, a Protestant. Hamilton attended 978: 931:Walter Butler, 11th Earl of Ormond 836:*d.v.p. = predeceased his father ( 14: 12626: 12570:French people of Scottish descent 11789:London: The Knickerbocker Press. 11438:. New York: P. O'Shea Publisher. 11121:. Dublin: Hodges, Smith, and Co. 10940:. London: T. Fisher & Unwin. 10574:"FitzJames, James (1650/51–1712)" 10278:Complete Baronetage, 1611 to 1800 9621:. Dublin: Maunsel & Company. 9470:Mémoires du chevalier de Grammont 3035:This pension initially was 2,000 2838: 2788:Œuvres mêlées en prose et en vers 2694:Œuvres mêlées en prose et en vers 2452:Œuvres mêlées en prose et en vers 2018:Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of Clarendon 1570:Moved to Dublin with his mother. 1302:Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of Clarendon 1184:Richard Butler, 1st Earl of Arran 11899:(1929). Boislisle, A. de (ed.). 11868:(1910). Boislisle, A. de (ed.). 11837:(1899). Boislisle, A. de (ed.). 11806:(1895). Boislisle, A. de (ed.). 11727:Dictionary of National Biography 11718:"Hamilton, Anthony (1646?–1720)" 11537:Dictionary of the Paris Theatres 11368:Dictionary of National Biography 11326:– (for place name pronunciation) 10712:. Belfast: The Appletree Press. 10567:<!—- Chapters I to VII --> 10497:Œuvres du comte Antoine Hamilton 9928:Diary of the Marquess of Dangeau 9901:Diary of the Marquess of Dangeau 9874:Diary of the Marquess of Dangeau 9506:The Life of James Duke of Ormond 9481:; Burke, Ashworth Peter (1915). 9291:Dictionary of National Biography 9259:Dictionary of National Biography 6899:. "L'Ecu de France ... 5 0" 6881:Stanley, Newton & Ellis 1702 3195: 2998: 2729:Fleur d'Epine listens to Tarare. 2313:; Regency until the majority of 1844:Travelled to Ireland to recruit 1720:James Butler, Marquess of Ormond 1391: 1379:Final exile, death, and timeline 1267:Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1130:During his second French exile 921:, and his English Catholic wife 904:James Butler, Marquess of Ormond 863: 36: 11281:McGuire, James (October 2009). 11227:The Wars of Louis XIV 1667–1714 10654:Memoirs of the Comte de Gramont 10634:Memoirs of the Comte de Gramont 10610:Hartmann, Cyril Hughes (1924). 2222:Said to have taken part in the 1734:Taken to France by his parents 1086: 1070:, on whom he had set his eyes. 1060:Philibert, chevalier de Gramont 919:Thomas Butler, Viscount Thurles 129:Cromwell's army overran Ireland 11902:Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon 11871:Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon 11840:Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon 11809:Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon 11100:Lyceum or course of literature 10697:– Hely to Hooke (for Hamilton) 10557:. London: Vizetelly & Co. 10153:Handbook of British Chronology 2801: 2544:Title page of the 1713 edition 2334:landed in Scotland during the 2211:Friend Gramont died in Paris. 2163:died at Saint-Germain-en-Laye. 1894:between France and the Empire. 1272:In February 1685 the Catholic 1038: 1002: 914:and called himself a baronet. 47:Detail from the portrait below 1: 12504:. Vol. VIII. Cambridge: 12443:Compendium of Irish Biography 12398:"Hamilton, Richard (d. 1717)" 12281:Dictionary of Irish Biography 11487:Dictionary of Irish Biography 11461:Dictionary of Irish Biography 11456:"Hamilton, Anthony (Antoine)" 11288:Dictionary of Irish Biography 10975:Kissenberth, Wilhelm (1907). 10858:Jones, George Hilton (1982). 10730:Calendar of the Stuart Papers 10553:. Vol. I. Translated by 10329:Dictionary of Irish Biography 10322:Gibney, John (October 2009). 9948:The Williamite War in Ireland 9923:Journal du marquis de Dangeau 9896:Journal du marquis de Dangeau 9869:Journal du marquis de Dangeau 9269:Compendium of Irish Biography 9248:Dictionary of Irish Biography 7478:b333, first paragraph, bottom 2260:War of the Spanish Succession 2199:Mémoires du comte de Grammont 1123:recruiting for the regiment. 983:Hamilton was born during the 767: 703: 659: 536: 187:Mémoires du Comte de Grammont 109: 12605:Military personnel from Caen 12235:Œuvres complètes de Voltaire 12216:Œuvres complètes de Voltaire 12197:Memoirs of the Count Gramont 12194:(1889). "Anthony Hamilton". 11730:. Vol. XXIV. New York: 11681:Richards, Alfred E. (1908). 11371:. Vol. XXIV. New York: 11274:Tipperary Historical Journal 11156:Longueville, Thomas (1907). 10550:Memoirs of the Count Gramont 9443:Brownell, Morris R. (2001). 9294:. Vol. VIII. New York: 3249: 1018:Convent of the Feuillantines 553: 517: 417: 397: 375: 255: 85:George Hamilton, 1st Baronet 7: 12530:(Second ed.). Oxford: 11950:(fourth ed.). Oxford: 11747:Rousseau, André-M. (1968). 11042:Dictionnaire de la noblesse 11015:Dictionnaire de la noblesse 11005:– GAB to HAZ (for Hamilton) 10992:Dictionnaire de la noblesse 10345:Gleeson, Dermot F. (1947). 9348:Œuvres complètes d'Hamilton 9219:Subject matter monographs: 2926:Older sources usually give 2566:Index Librorum Prohibitorum 2357: 2346: 2324: 2302: 2280: 2269: 2248: 2233: 2218: 2207: 2193: 2171: 2153: 2139: 2125: 2111: 2089: 2063: 2052: 2031: 2010: 1994: 1979: 1946: 1924: 1913: 1902: 1880: 1869: 1851: 1840: 1826: 1811: 1796: 1781: 1770: 1759: 1741: 1730: 1712: 1697: 1671: 1653: 1635: 1613: 1595: 1577: 1566: 1551: 1533:for historical background. 10: 12631: 12506:Cambridge University Press 12415:. Vol. 24. New York: 12376:. Vol. 16. New York: 12337:. Vol. 24. New York: 12089:Routledge & Kegan Paul 11925:Essays on French Novelists 11583:Matthew, Henry Colin Gray. 11032:– GAR to GUE (for Gramont) 10880:– (1st page abstract only) 10804:Matthew, Henry Colin Gray. 10591:. Vol. 19. New York: 10492:Renouard, Antoine-Augustin 10044:Elliott, Marianne (2000). 9967:Drabble, Margaret (1985). 9787:Cambridge University Press 9758:. Vol. 24. New York: 9719:. Vol. 24. New York: 9411:Boulger, Demetrius Charles 9379:Matthew, Henry Colin Gray. 9353:Complete works of Hamilton 9214: 8588:409, right column, line 25 8392:Janmart de Brouillant 1888 8262:136, right column, line 29 8182:409, right column, line 35 8150:409, right column, line 31 7845:54, right column, line 40 7025:Humphreys & Wynne 2004 5933:888, right column, line 31 5838:888, right column, line 20 5818:766, right column, line 26 5642:523, right column, line 10 5573:766, right column, line 22 5107:888, right column, line 12 5091:766, right column, line 21 4710:Weinreb & Hibbert 2008 4526:135, right column, line 17 4494:888, right column, line 11 4004:766, right column, line 14 3129:, Chisholm (1910), in O.S. 2949:Anthony's father's article 2902:Anthony's father's article 2780:Queen Elizabeth of England 2022:lord lieutenant of Ireland 1480:attempted invasion of 1708 1226: 929:) predeceased his father, 900:lord lieutenant of Ireland 891:and his wife Mary Butler. 12439:"Hamilton, Count Anthony" 12395:Wauchope, Piers (2004b). 12356:Wauchope, Piers (2004a). 12147:Shepherd, Robert (1990). 12128:. Vol. III. Oxford: 12084:Jacobite Ireland, 1685–91 12062:. Vol. III. Oxford: 11646:. Vol. III. London: 11595:. Vol. 9. New York: 11529:Parfaict, Claude (1756). 11265:Manning, Conleth (2001). 11115:Lenihan, Maurice (1866). 11063:Laffont-Bompiani (1994). 11059:– GUE to IZA (for Harlay) 10912:Jullien, Adolphe (1885). 10816:. Vol. 8. New York: 10472:Memoirs of Count Grammont 10445:Memoirs of Count Grammont 10366:Memoirs of Count Grammont 9944:Doherty, Richard (1998). 9679:. Vol. III. Oxford: 9578:"Hamilton, Anthony"  9419:. London: Martin Secker. 9391:. Vol. 9. New York: 8997:136, right column, line 4 8815:136, right column, line 8 7681:Piganiol de La Force 1765 7637:768, left column, line 18 6949:768, left column, line 30 6853:767, left column, line 29 6503:135, right column, bottom 6210:Public Record Office 1972 5554:241, left column, line 12 5503:136, left column, line 10 5155:135 right column, line 33 4546:54, right column, line 38 4324:177, left column, line 46 4048:838, left column, line 35 3876:54, right column, line 34 3817:838, left column, line 43 3747:766, left column, line 38 3532:884, first paragraph, top 3478:136, left column, line 27 3383:766, left column, line 45 3358:54, right column, line 60 3316:768, left column, line 39 3144:Philippe, Duke of Vendôme 2812:Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 2426:Histoire de Fleur d'Epine 1543: 1540: 1537: 1528: 1062:, who had been exiled by 724: 722: 683: 646: 644: 642: 636: 634: 632: 630: 628: 626: 624: 612: 608: 606: 604: 602: 596: 594: 592: 590: 588: 586: 543: 499: 497: 495: 487: 485: 483: 473: 465: 463: 451: 447: 445: 365: 348: 346: 344: 342: 340: 338: 336: 324: 322: 314: 310: 308: 302: 300: 298: 296: 245: 90: 80: 67: 52: 30: 23: 12610:Younger sons of baronets 12486:Wheatley, Henry Benjamin 12317:Wasser, Michael (2004). 12313:– 1643 to 1660 and index 12259:The Century of Louis XIV 12126:A New History of Ireland 12060:A New History of Ireland 11304:Merriam-Webster (1997). 11210:. Vol. VI. Oxford: 10681:Irish Historical Studies 10571:Handley, Stuart (2004). 10524:Fairy Tales and Romances 10184:Longmans, Green, and Co. 9843:Dalton, Charles (1896). 9677:A New History of Ireland 9615:Coffey, Diarmid (1914). 9467:(1883). "Introduction". 7455:La Chenaye-Desbois 1866a 7172:La Chenaye-Desbois 1866b 6745:136, left column, line 8 6297:881, right column, line8 6198:767, left column, line 2 6182:767, left column, line 2 5802:135 right column, middle 4842:La Chenaye-Desbois 1866a 4714:716, left column, line 7 4222:56, left column, line 50 4182:56, left column, line 29 3940:135 left column, line 55 2822: 2602: 2549:biography, and fiction. 2370: 2226:, but only Richard went 1471:and the duchess gave at 1336:, that he sent north to 1280:to Ireland to purge the 1103:to extinguish a fire in 12590:Irish writers in French 12532:Oxford University Press 12466:The London Encyclopædia 12417:Oxford University Press 12378:Oxford University Press 12339:Oxford University Press 12155:. London: Aurum Press. 12130:Oxford University Press 12114:Moody, Theodore William 12064:Oxford University Press 12048:Moody, Theodore William 12040:Silke, John J. (1976). 11597:Oxford University Press 11571:– Abercorn to Balmerino 11212:Oxford University Press 11085:– G to M (for Hamilton) 10818:Oxford University Press 10733:. Vol. I. London: 10593:Oxford University Press 10214:– Bra to C (for Butler) 10068:Ellis, Peter Berresford 9977:Oxford University Press 9952:. Dublin: Four Courts. 9760:Oxford University Press 9721:Oxford University Press 9681:Oxford University Press 9665:Moody, Theodore William 9584:Encyclopædia Britannica 9564:Encyclopædia Britannica 9511:Oxford University Press 9416:The Battle of the Boyne 9393:Oxford University Press 8412:884, 2nd paragraph, top 6914:Clark, Gregory (2017). 5534:La Chenaye-Desbois 1774 3398:La Chenaye-Desbois 1774 3208:published hers in 1695. 3206:Marie-Jeanne L'Héritier 2336:Jacobite rising of 1715 2117:Battle of Newtownbutler 1346:battle of Newtownbutler 955:article, but also see 158:in 1685, he joined the 115:– 1719), also known as 12297:Warner, Ferd. (1768). 12254:Le siècle de Louis XIV 11787:Wormeley, Katherine P. 11684:"L'Enchanteur Faustus" 11666:Raunié, Émile (1884). 11388:Miller, Peggy (1971). 11357:Millar, A. H. (1890). 11353:– Chapters XXIII to XL 11336:Les Écossais en France 11047:Dictionary of Nobility 11020:Dictionary of Nobility 10893:Michaud, Louis Gabriel 10529:Lewis, Matthew Gregory 10502:Count Hamilton's Works 10411:Haile, Martin (1905). 10101:Michaud, Louis Gabriel 9823:D'Alton, John (1861). 9777:Corp, Edward (2004c). 9738:Corp, Edward (2004b). 9699:Corp, Edward (2004a). 7841:Burke & Burke 1915 7825:Francisque-Michel 1862 7271:Burke & Burke 1915 6122:Walsh & Doyle 2009 6094:Walsh & Doyle 2009 5917:Walsh & Doyle 2009 5844:at St Germain-en-Laye" 5842:Le triomphe de l'amour 5822:Le triomphe de l'amour 5788:, ballet de Quinault." 4826:Francisque-Michel 1862 4542:Burke & Burke 1915 3872:Burke & Burke 1915 3354:Burke & Burke 1915 3083:Jules Hardouin-Mansart 2881:. Sayous (1853) gives 2730: 2706:) shares the frame of 2545: 2043:lord deputy of Ireland 1987:as lieutenant-colonel 1501:at the suppers of the 1421:, was a sister of the 1253:in the performance of 1246: 1178:. Louis XIV called in 1131: 908:Irish Confederate Wars 193:spent at the court of 12106:Simms, J. G. (1976). 12081:Simms, J. G. (1969). 11689:Modern Language Notes 10773:Hogan, James (1934). 10241:– N to R (for Ormond) 10095:Foisset ainé (1854). 9432:Boyle, John (1879) . 9205:390, penultimate line 8226:Laffont-Bompiani 1994 4416:Perceval-Maxwell 2004 3148:grand prior of France 2915:his mistaken identity 2728: 2634:Crébillon the younger 2543: 2519:read online in French 2504:read online in French 2492:read online in French 2443:read online in French 2430:read online in French 2417:read online in French 2404:read online in French 2363:Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1621:Battle of Knocknanuss 1241: 1129: 1031:, exile court at the 985:Irish Confederate War 183:Saint-Germain-en-Laye 74:Saint-Germain-en-Laye 12575:French Army officers 12508:. pp. 261–264. 12447:M. H. Gill & Son 12380:. pp. 523–524. 12341:. pp. 837–838. 12132:. pp. 478–544. 12066:. pp. 587–633. 11716:Rigg, J. M. (1890). 11638:Public Record Office 11615:Piganiol de La Force 11599:. pp. 130–131. 11421:Revue de deux mondes 11392:James: Old Pretender 11258:Public Record Office 10820:. pp. 579–580. 10595:. pp. 881–884. 10256:George Bell and Sons 10229:George Bell and Sons 10210:George Bell and Sons 10097:"Perrault (Charles)" 10078:The Blackstaff Press 9994:Dulck, Jean (1989). 9762:. pp. 786–787. 9723:. pp. 766–768. 9683:. pp. 317–335. 9592:Clark, Ruth (1921). 9395:. pp. 153–163. 4948:55, pemultimate line 3560:Merriam-Webster 1997 3362:Mémoires de Grammont 2818:Notes and references 2796:L'Enchanteur Faustus 2756:L'Enchanteur Faustus 2738:Les quatre Facardins 2515:L'Enchanteur Faustus 2439:Les quatre Facardins 2197:Started writing the 2002:governor of Limerick 1983:Took service in the 1888:Treaties of Nijmegen 1290:governor of Limerick 1221:Treaties of Nijmegen 912:Cromwellian conquest 838:decessit vita patris 191:Philibert de Gramont 12122:Byrne, Francis John 12056:Byrne, Francis John 12018:Sergeant, Philip W. 11967:Sayous, A. (1853). 11777:Sainte-Beuve, C. A. 11553:Paul, James Balfour 11482:"Hamilton, Richard" 11341:The Scots in France 11231:. Harlow, England: 11202:Luttrell, Narcissus 11181:Œuvres de Louis XIV 11066:"Hamilton, Anthony" 10889:"Galland (Antoine)" 10419:J. M. Dent & Co 10324:"King, Sir William" 10174:Gardiner, Samuel R. 10131:. London: Phoenix. 9673:Byrne, Francis John 9121:& G. E. C. 1896 5786:Triomphe de l'amour 2662:. She was to marry 2131:Battle of the Boyne 1679:Battle of Rathmines 1525: 1469:Nicolas de Malézieu 1365:Battle of the Boyne 1328:In 1689 during the 1313:Glorious Revolution 1306:Irish privy council 1286:Sir Thomas Newcomen 1259:Triomphe de l'Amour 1176:Battle of Altenheim 898:. He supported the 162:and fought for the 12615:People from Nenagh 11942:Saintsbury, George 11920:Saintsbury, George 11757:Études littéraires 11734:pp. 135–137. 11398:St. Martin's Press 11375:pp. 176–177. 11186:Works of Louis XIV 11037:La Chenaye-Desbois 11010:La Chenaye-Desbois 10987:La Chenaye-Desbois 10702:Hayes-McCoy, G. A. 10127:Love and Louis XIV 10021:Dulon, J. (1897). 9655:Corish, Patrick J. 9634:Cogan, A. (1870). 8982:Jean-Michel Moreau 8063:Mille et une Nuits 6910:Retail Price Index 3111:François de Harlay 2960:Auger referred to 2731: 2666:but was caught by 2607:Hamilton's tales ( 2546: 2488:Epitres et lettres 2224:attempted invasion 1832:Battle of Entzheim 1555:Born, probably at 1523: 1463:that he wrote the 1311:At the eve of the 1247: 1163:, beating them at 1144:Battle of Sinsheim 1132: 1115:and then occupied 999:in November 1650. 771: 1661 – 1734 707: 1645 – 1719 663: 1630 – 1673 540: 1608 – 1679 152:Battle of Entzheim 59:Ireland, probably 12541:978-0-19-968982-8 12284:(online ed.) 12251:Voltaire (1922). 12139:978-0-1982-0242-4 12098:978-0-7100-6446-2 12073:978-0-1982-0242-4 12004:. pp. 3–17. 12002:Henry George Bohn 11732:MacMillan and Co. 11521:978-0-906312-21-6 11504:O'Sullivan, M. D. 11490:(online ed.) 11480:(October 2009b). 11478:Ó Ciardha, Éamonn 11464:(online ed.) 11454:(October 2009a). 11452:Ó Ciardha, Éamonn 11373:MacMillan and Co. 11331:Francisque-Michel 11291:(online ed.) 11283:"Talbot, Richard" 11242:978-0-582-05629-9 10545:Hamilton, Anthony 10519:Hamilton, Anthony 10488:Hamilton, Antoine 10462:Hamilton, Anthony 10435:Hamilton, Anthony 10402:978-2-235-01484-7 10332:(online ed.) 10138:978-0-7538-2293-7 9690:978-0-19-820242-4 9543:978-1-85285-573-4 9296:MacMillan and Co. 9201:Sainte-Beuve 1904 8632:Foisset aine 1854 8290:Sainte-Beuve 1904 8075:Sainte-Beuve 1904 7939:Fryde et al. 1986 7905:Fryde et al. 1986 7889:Fryde et al. 1986 7873:Fryde et al. 1986 7857:Fryde et al. 1986 7793:Fryde et al. 1986 7176:342, right column 7080:882, right column 6078:Fryde et al. 1986 5889:Fryde et al. 1986 4474:Fryde et al. 1986 3564:799, right column 2642:George Saintsbury 2576:edition of 1772. 2528:Gramont's memoirs 2368: 2367: 2145:Siege of Limerick 1789:married Gramont. 1440:. His successor, 1373:Battle of Aughrim 1369:Siege of Limerick 1097:Oath of Supremacy 853:Birth and origins 850: 849: 846: 845: 831: 830: 791: 790: 778: 777: 222: 221: 107: 98: 97: 12622: 12545: 12517: 12481: 12469: 12458: 12430: 12400: 12391: 12361: 12352: 12322: 12312: 12293: 12291: 12289: 12270: 12247: 12228: 12209: 12192:Vizetelly, Henry 12186: 12166: 12154: 12143: 12111: 12102: 12077: 12045: 12035: 12013: 11986: 11963: 11937: 11914: 11891: 11860: 11829: 11798: 11785:. Translated by 11772: 11769:10.7202/500018ar 11754: 11743: 11712: 11686: 11677: 11661: 11632: 11610: 11580: 11570: 11548: 11525: 11513: 11499: 11497: 11495: 11473: 11471: 11469: 11447: 11428: 11411: 11395: 11384: 11352: 11325: 11300: 11298: 11296: 11277: 11271: 11261: 11246: 11230: 11215: 11197: 11171: 11152: 11130: 11111: 11084: 11068: 11058: 11031: 11004: 10982: 10971: 10949: 10932:Jusserand, J. J. 10927: 10908: 10879: 10870:(132): 148–153. 10854: 10831: 10801: 10792: 10769: 10746: 10723: 10711: 10696: 10687:(127): 379–391. 10678: 10666: 10646: 10627: 10617: 10606: 10576: 10566: 10555:Vizetelly, Henry 10540: 10527:. Translated by 10513: 10483: 10456: 10430: 10407:– (for timeline) 10406: 10378: 10358: 10341: 10339: 10337: 10317: 10290: 10267: 10240: 10213: 10194: 10169:– (for timeline) 10168: 10156: 10142: 10130: 10116: 10091: 10063: 10051: 10040: 10017: 10015: 9990: 9974: 9963: 9951: 9939: 9912: 9885: 9858: 9838: 9819:– Monteq to Riva 9818: 9800: 9784: 9773: 9743: 9734: 9704: 9694: 9662: 9649: 9630: 9611: 9588: 9580: 9568: 9560: 9547: 9522: 9496: 9474: 9460: 9439: 9428: 9406: 9376: 9364: 9337: 9328:(100): 161–172. 9319: 9307: 9298:pp. 52–60. 9208: 9198: 9192: 9182: 9176: 9166: 9160: 9150: 9144: 9134: 9128: 9118: 9112: 9102: 9096: 9086: 9080: 9070: 9064: 9054: 9048: 9038: 9032: 9022: 9016: 9006: 9000: 8990: 8984: 8971: 8965: 8955: 8949: 8939: 8933: 8923: 8917: 8907: 8901: 8894:Saint-Simon 1895 8891: 8885: 8875: 8869: 8859: 8853: 8843: 8837: 8827: 8818: 8808: 8802: 8792: 8786: 8776: 8770: 8760: 8754: 8744: 8738: 8728: 8722: 8713: 8707: 8697: 8691: 8681: 8675: 8665: 8659: 8649: 8643: 8636:531, left column 8629: 8623: 8613: 8607: 8597: 8591: 8581: 8575: 8565: 8559: 8549: 8543: 8533: 8527: 8517: 8511: 8501: 8495: 8485: 8479: 8469: 8463: 8453: 8447: 8437: 8431: 8421: 8415: 8405: 8399: 8389: 8383: 8373: 8367: 8357: 8348: 8338: 8329: 8319: 8313: 8303: 8297: 8287: 8281: 8271: 8265: 8255: 8249: 8239: 8233: 8223: 8217: 8207: 8201: 8191: 8185: 8175: 8169: 8159: 8153: 8143: 8137: 8127: 8121: 8111: 8105: 8095: 8086: 8072: 8066: 8052: 8046: 8036: 8030: 8020: 8014: 8000: 7994: 7984: 7978: 7968: 7962: 7952: 7946: 7936: 7930: 7921: 7912: 7902: 7896: 7886: 7880: 7870: 7864: 7854: 7848: 7838: 7832: 7822: 7816: 7809:Hayes-McCoy 1990 7806: 7800: 7790: 7784: 7774: 7768: 7758: 7752: 7742: 7736: 7726: 7720: 7713:Saint-Simon 1910 7710: 7704: 7697:Saint-Simon 1910 7694: 7688: 7678: 7672: 7662: 7656: 7646: 7640: 7630: 7624: 7614: 7605: 7595: 7589: 7579: 7570: 7560: 7551: 7541: 7532: 7525:Saint-Simon 1929 7522: 7516: 7509:Saint-Simon 1929 7506: 7500: 7490: 7481: 7471: 7462: 7452: 7443: 7433: 7427: 7417: 7411: 7401: 7395: 7385: 7379: 7369: 7358: 7348: 7342: 7332: 7326: 7316: 7310: 7300: 7294: 7284: 7278: 7268: 7259: 7249: 7243: 7233: 7227: 7217: 7211: 7201: 7195: 7185: 7179: 7169: 7163: 7153: 7147: 7137: 7131: 7121: 7115: 7105: 7099: 7089: 7083: 7073: 7064: 7054: 7048: 7038: 7032: 7022: 7016: 7006: 7000: 6990: 6984: 6974: 6968: 6958: 6952: 6942: 6933: 6932: 6930: 6928: 6906: 6900: 6890: 6884: 6878: 6872: 6862: 6856: 6846: 6840: 6830: 6824: 6814: 6808: 6798: 6792: 6786: 6780: 6770: 6764: 6754: 6748: 6738: 6732: 6722: 6716: 6706: 6700: 6690: 6681: 6671: 6665: 6659: 6653: 6643: 6634: 6624: 6618: 6608: 6602: 6592: 6586: 6579:O'Callaghan 1854 6576: 6570: 6560: 6554: 6544: 6538: 6528: 6522: 6512: 6506: 6496: 6487: 6477: 6471: 6461: 6455: 6445: 6439: 6429: 6423: 6413: 6407: 6401: 6395: 6385: 6376: 6369:O'Callaghan 1854 6366: 6360: 6350: 6344: 6334: 6328: 6322: 6316: 6306: 6300: 6290: 6284: 6274: 6268: 6258: 6252: 6242: 6233: 6223: 6217: 6207: 6201: 6191: 6185: 6175: 6169: 6163: 6157: 6147: 6141: 6131: 6125: 6119: 6113: 6103: 6097: 6091: 6085: 6075: 6066: 6056: 6050: 6040: 6031: 6021: 6015: 6009: 6003: 5993: 5987: 5977: 5971: 5961: 5952: 5942: 5936: 5926: 5920: 5914: 5908: 5902: 5896: 5886: 5877: 5867: 5861: 5851: 5845: 5831: 5825: 5811: 5805: 5795: 5789: 5775: 5769: 5760: 5754: 5744: 5738: 5728: 5722: 5712: 5706: 5696: 5685: 5679: 5673: 5663: 5657: 5651: 5645: 5635: 5629: 5619: 5613: 5606:Kissenberth 1907 5603: 5592: 5582: 5576: 5566: 5557: 5547: 5541: 5531: 5525: 5515: 5506: 5496: 5490: 5480: 5474: 5464: 5453: 5443: 5434: 5424: 5415: 5405: 5399: 5389: 5383: 5373: 5364: 5354: 5348: 5341:Longueville 1907 5338: 5332: 5326: 5320: 5314: 5308: 5298: 5292: 5282: 5276: 5266: 5260: 5250: 5244: 5234: 5225: 5215: 5206: 5196: 5190: 5180: 5174: 5164: 5158: 5148: 5142: 5132: 5126: 5116: 5110: 5100: 5094: 5084: 5078: 5072: 5066: 5056: 5050: 5040: 5031: 5021: 5015: 5005: 4999: 4989: 4983: 4973: 4967: 4960:Saint-Simon 1899 4957: 4951: 4941: 4932: 4922: 4913: 4903: 4897: 4887: 4881: 4871: 4865: 4855: 4849: 4839: 4833: 4823: 4817: 4803: 4797: 4787: 4781: 4771: 4765: 4755: 4749: 4739: 4733: 4730:286, left column 4723: 4717: 4707: 4701: 4691: 4685: 4675: 4669: 4659: 4653: 4635: 4629: 4619: 4613: 4603: 4597: 4587: 4581: 4571: 4565: 4555: 4549: 4539: 4533: 4519: 4513: 4503: 4497: 4487: 4481: 4471: 4462: 4455:Saint-Simon 1899 4452: 4439: 4429: 4423: 4413: 4407: 4397: 4391: 4381: 4375: 4365: 4359: 4349: 4343: 4333: 4327: 4317: 4311: 4301: 4292: 4282: 4276: 4266: 4257: 4247: 4241: 4231: 4225: 4215: 4206: 4196: 4185: 4175: 4166: 4156: 4147: 4137: 4131: 4121: 4115: 4105: 4099: 4096:54, right column 4089: 4083: 4073: 4067: 4057: 4051: 4041: 4035: 4025: 4019: 4013: 4007: 3997: 3991: 3981: 3975: 3965: 3959: 3949: 3943: 3933: 3927: 3917: 3911: 3901: 3895: 3885: 3879: 3869: 3852: 3842: 3836: 3826: 3820: 3810: 3801: 3798:156, left column 3791: 3785: 3775: 3766: 3756: 3750: 3740: 3731: 3721: 3710: 3700: 3694: 3684: 3675: 3665: 3656: 3646: 3635: 3625: 3616: 3610: 3604: 3594: 3588: 3582: 3571: 3557: 3551: 3541: 3535: 3525: 3519: 3509: 3500: 3490: 3481: 3471: 3462: 3459:241, left column 3452: 3443: 3433: 3424: 3414: 3405: 3395: 3386: 3376: 3365: 3351: 3340: 3330: 3319: 3309: 3300: 3291: 3285: 3276: 3270: 3260: 3243: 3232: 3226: 3215: 3209: 3202:Charles Perrault 3199: 3193: 3190: 3184: 3176: 3170: 3159:Knights of Malta 3156: 3142:was the seat of 3136: 3130: 3120: 3114: 3104: 3095: 3092: 3086: 3080: 3068: 3062: 3033: 3027: 3020: 3014: 3011: 3005: 3002: 2996: 2992:comte d'Hamilton 2988:Comte d'Hamilton 2984: 2978: 2975:François de Troy 2971: 2965: 2958: 2952: 2946: 2940: 2937: 2931: 2924: 2918: 2911: 2905: 2899: 2890: 2871: 2862: 2854: 2845: 2842: 2836: 2833: 2473:, p. 66 of 2460:, p. 63 of 2454:(Paris: Josse): 2441:(Paris: Josse), 2428:(Paris: Josse), 2415:(Paris: Josse), 2358:20 Apr 1719 2326:22 Dec 1715 2256:Peace of Utrecht 2250:11 Apr 1713 2208:30 Jan 1707 2184:William III 2155:16 Sep 1701 2115:Defeated at the 2112:31 Jul 1689 2091:12 Mar 1689 2065:13 Feb 1689 1948:24 Feb 1685 1892:Franco-Dutch War 1882:26 Jan 1679 1771:15 Jan 1663 1743:29 May 1660 1701:Father defended 1655:30 Jan 1649 1637:29 Sep 1648 1615:13 Nov 1647 1597:28 Jul 1647 1585:Owen Roe O'Neill 1579:17 Sep 1646 1526: 1522: 1511: 1487:Peace of Utrecht 1457:Duchess of Maine 1395: 1350:court martialled 1294:Sir William King 1210:comte d'Hamilton 1202:Duke of Lorraine 1109:Franco-Dutch War 1043:In May 1660 the 1026: 923:Elizabeth Poyntz 886: 885: 882: 881: 878: 875: 872: 869: 833: 832: 793: 792: 780: 779: 772: 769: 708: 705: 668: 661: 557: 555: 541: 538: 521: 519: 421: 419: 401: 400: bef. 1657 399: 381: 377: 259: 257: 224: 223: 209: 208: 200: 199: 148:Franco-Dutch War 121:comte d'Hamilton 114: 111: 103: 101:Anthony Hamilton 63: 40: 25:Anthony Hamilton 21: 20: 12630: 12629: 12625: 12624: 12623: 12621: 12620: 12619: 12585:Irish Jacobites 12550: 12549: 12548: 12542: 12478: 12449:. p. 241. 12427: 12407:Harrison, Brian 12388: 12368:Harrison, Brian 12349: 12329:Harrison, Brian 12287: 12285: 12163: 12140: 12099: 12074: 11952:Clarendon Press 11752: 11701:10.2307/2916943 11658: 11607: 11587:Harrison, Brian 11522: 11493: 11491: 11467: 11465: 11408: 11322: 11312:Merriam-Webster 11294: 11292: 11269: 11243: 11159:Marshal Turenne 11081: 10828: 10808:Harrison, Brian 10720: 10614:La Belle Stuart 10603: 10583:Harrison, Brian 10403: 10383:Goubert, Pierre 10335: 10333: 10165: 10139: 10121:Fraser, Antonia 10088: 10060: 9987: 9960: 9797: 9770: 9750:Harrison, Brian 9731: 9711:Harrison, Brian 9691: 9575:, ed. (1910b). 9555:, ed. (1910a). 9544: 9465:Brunet, Gustave 9457: 9403: 9383:Harrison, Brian 9312:Atkinson, C. T. 9243:Ó Ciardha 2009a 9217: 9212: 9211: 9199: 9195: 9183: 9179: 9167: 9163: 9151: 9147: 9135: 9131: 9119: 9115: 9103: 9099: 9087: 9083: 9071: 9067: 9055: 9051: 9039: 9035: 9023: 9019: 9009:Saintsbury 1891 9007: 9003: 8991: 8987: 8972: 8968: 8956: 8952: 8940: 8936: 8924: 8920: 8908: 8904: 8892: 8888: 8876: 8872: 8860: 8856: 8844: 8840: 8828: 8821: 8809: 8805: 8795:Saintsbury 1891 8793: 8789: 8779:Saintsbury 1891 8777: 8773: 8761: 8757: 8745: 8741: 8729: 8725: 8714: 8710: 8698: 8694: 8684:Saintsbury 1891 8682: 8678: 8666: 8662: 8650: 8646: 8640:contes des fées 8630: 8626: 8616:Saintsbury 1892 8614: 8610: 8598: 8594: 8582: 8578: 8566: 8562: 8550: 8546: 8534: 8530: 8518: 8514: 8502: 8498: 8486: 8482: 8470: 8466: 8454: 8450: 8438: 8434: 8422: 8418: 8406: 8402: 8390: 8386: 8374: 8370: 8358: 8351: 8341:Saintsbury 1891 8339: 8332: 8320: 8316: 8304: 8300: 8288: 8284: 8272: 8268: 8256: 8252: 8240: 8236: 8224: 8220: 8208: 8204: 8192: 8188: 8176: 8172: 8160: 8156: 8144: 8140: 8128: 8124: 8112: 8108: 8096: 8089: 8073: 8069: 8053: 8049: 8037: 8033: 8021: 8017: 8001: 7997: 7985: 7981: 7969: 7965: 7953: 7949: 7937: 7933: 7922: 7915: 7903: 7899: 7887: 7883: 7871: 7867: 7855: 7851: 7839: 7835: 7823: 7819: 7807: 7803: 7791: 7787: 7775: 7771: 7759: 7755: 7743: 7739: 7727: 7723: 7711: 7707: 7695: 7691: 7679: 7675: 7663: 7659: 7647: 7643: 7631: 7627: 7615: 7608: 7596: 7592: 7580: 7573: 7561: 7554: 7542: 7535: 7523: 7519: 7507: 7503: 7491: 7484: 7472: 7465: 7453: 7446: 7434: 7430: 7418: 7414: 7402: 7398: 7386: 7382: 7370: 7361: 7349: 7345: 7333: 7329: 7317: 7313: 7301: 7297: 7285: 7281: 7269: 7262: 7250: 7246: 7234: 7230: 7218: 7214: 7202: 7198: 7186: 7182: 7170: 7166: 7154: 7150: 7138: 7134: 7122: 7118: 7106: 7102: 7090: 7086: 7074: 7067: 7055: 7051: 7039: 7035: 7023: 7019: 7007: 7003: 6991: 6987: 6975: 6971: 6959: 6955: 6943: 6936: 6926: 6924: 6907: 6903: 6891: 6887: 6879: 6875: 6863: 6859: 6847: 6843: 6831: 6827: 6815: 6811: 6799: 6795: 6789:O Ciardha 2009a 6787: 6783: 6771: 6767: 6755: 6751: 6739: 6735: 6723: 6719: 6707: 6703: 6691: 6684: 6672: 6668: 6662:O Ciardha 2009a 6660: 6656: 6644: 6637: 6625: 6621: 6609: 6605: 6593: 6589: 6577: 6573: 6561: 6557: 6545: 6541: 6529: 6525: 6513: 6509: 6497: 6490: 6478: 6474: 6462: 6458: 6446: 6442: 6430: 6426: 6414: 6410: 6404:O Ciardha 2009b 6402: 6398: 6386: 6379: 6367: 6363: 6351: 6347: 6335: 6331: 6325:O Ciardha 2009a 6323: 6319: 6307: 6303: 6291: 6287: 6275: 6271: 6259: 6255: 6243: 6236: 6224: 6220: 6208: 6204: 6192: 6188: 6176: 6172: 6166:O Ciardha 2009a 6164: 6160: 6148: 6144: 6132: 6128: 6120: 6116: 6104: 6100: 6092: 6088: 6076: 6069: 6057: 6053: 6041: 6034: 6022: 6018: 6010: 6006: 5994: 5990: 5978: 5974: 5962: 5955: 5943: 5939: 5927: 5923: 5915: 5911: 5903: 5899: 5887: 5880: 5868: 5864: 5852: 5848: 5832: 5828: 5812: 5808: 5796: 5792: 5776: 5772: 5761: 5757: 5745: 5741: 5729: 5725: 5713: 5709: 5697: 5688: 5680: 5676: 5664: 5660: 5652: 5648: 5636: 5632: 5620: 5616: 5604: 5595: 5583: 5579: 5567: 5560: 5548: 5544: 5532: 5528: 5516: 5509: 5497: 5493: 5481: 5477: 5465: 5456: 5444: 5437: 5425: 5418: 5408:Courcelles 1823 5406: 5402: 5390: 5386: 5374: 5367: 5355: 5351: 5339: 5335: 5327: 5323: 5315: 5311: 5299: 5295: 5283: 5279: 5267: 5263: 5251: 5247: 5235: 5228: 5216: 5209: 5197: 5193: 5181: 5177: 5165: 5161: 5149: 5145: 5133: 5129: 5117: 5113: 5101: 5097: 5085: 5081: 5075:O Ciardha 2009a 5073: 5069: 5057: 5053: 5041: 5034: 5022: 5018: 5006: 5002: 4990: 4986: 4974: 4970: 4958: 4954: 4942: 4935: 4923: 4916: 4904: 4900: 4888: 4884: 4872: 4868: 4856: 4852: 4840: 4836: 4824: 4820: 4804: 4800: 4788: 4784: 4772: 4768: 4756: 4752: 4740: 4736: 4724: 4720: 4708: 4704: 4692: 4688: 4676: 4672: 4660: 4656: 4636: 4632: 4620: 4616: 4604: 4600: 4588: 4584: 4572: 4568: 4556: 4552: 4540: 4536: 4520: 4516: 4504: 4500: 4488: 4484: 4472: 4465: 4453: 4442: 4430: 4426: 4414: 4410: 4398: 4394: 4382: 4378: 4366: 4362: 4350: 4346: 4334: 4330: 4318: 4314: 4304:O'Sullivan 1983 4302: 4295: 4283: 4279: 4267: 4260: 4248: 4244: 4232: 4228: 4216: 4209: 4197: 4188: 4176: 4169: 4157: 4150: 4138: 4134: 4122: 4118: 4106: 4102: 4090: 4086: 4074: 4070: 4058: 4054: 4042: 4038: 4026: 4022: 4014: 4010: 3998: 3994: 3982: 3978: 3966: 3962: 3950: 3946: 3934: 3930: 3918: 3914: 3902: 3898: 3886: 3882: 3870: 3855: 3843: 3839: 3827: 3823: 3811: 3804: 3792: 3788: 3776: 3769: 3757: 3753: 3741: 3734: 3722: 3713: 3701: 3697: 3685: 3678: 3666: 3659: 3647: 3638: 3626: 3619: 3611: 3607: 3595: 3591: 3585:O Ciardha 2009a 3583: 3574: 3558: 3554: 3542: 3538: 3526: 3522: 3510: 3503: 3491: 3484: 3472: 3465: 3453: 3446: 3434: 3427: 3415: 3408: 3396: 3389: 3377: 3368: 3352: 3343: 3331: 3322: 3310: 3303: 3292: 3288: 3277: 3273: 3261: 3257: 3252: 3247: 3246: 3233: 3229: 3216: 3212: 3200: 3196: 3191: 3187: 3177: 3173: 3150: 3137: 3133: 3121: 3117: 3105: 3098: 3093: 3089: 3074: 3069: 3065: 3034: 3030: 3021: 3017: 3012: 3008: 3003: 2999: 2985: 2981: 2972: 2968: 2959: 2955: 2947: 2943: 2938: 2934: 2925: 2921: 2912: 2908: 2900: 2893: 2872: 2865: 2855: 2848: 2843: 2839: 2834: 2830: 2825: 2820: 2804: 2722:is this story. 2714:and her sister 2619:Antoine Galland 2605: 2589:Henry Vizetelly 2574:Strawberry Hill 2530: 2486:, p. 1 of 2373: 2304:1 Sep 1715 2282:1 Aug 1714 2241:died in Paris. 2234:3 Jun 1708 2173:8 Mar 1702 2126:1 Jul 1690 2033:8 Jan 1687 2012:1 Oct 1685 1996:1 Aug 1685 1970:lord lieutenant 1937:Charles II 1926:6 Feb 1685 1830:Wounded at the 1827:6 Oct 1674 1750:Charles II 1748:Restoration of 1722:, left Ireland. 1714:7 Dec 1650 1673:2 Aug 1649 1505: 1411: 1410: 1409: 1403: 1398: 1397: 1396: 1381: 1322:Duke of Berwick 1229: 1089: 1066:for courting a 1041: 1029:Henrietta Maria 1020: 1005: 981: 979:Irish childhood 889:George Hamilton 866: 862: 855: 823: 822:Earls and Dukes 811: 800: 770: 766: 761: 706: 702: 693: 691: 680: 676: 666: 664: 662: 658: 569: 565: 552: 551: 548: 539: 535: 531: 528: 516: 515: 510: 416: 415: 411: 408: 396: 395: 391: 389: 379: 374: 373: 370: 362: 357: 277: 275: 271: 268: 254: 253: 250: 242: 238: 235: 195:Charles II 112: 72: 58: 57: 48: 45: 44: 43: 42: 41: 26: 17: 12: 11: 5: 12628: 12618: 12617: 12612: 12607: 12602: 12597: 12592: 12587: 12582: 12577: 12572: 12567: 12562: 12547: 12546: 12540: 12524:, ed. (2015). 12518: 12482: 12476: 12459: 12431: 12425: 12403:Matthew, Colin 12392: 12386: 12364:Matthew, Colin 12353: 12347: 12325:Matthew, Colin 12314: 12294: 12271: 12248: 12229: 12210: 12188: 12167: 12161: 12144: 12138: 12103: 12097: 12078: 12072: 12037: 12036:– 1643 to 1685 12014: 11988: 11987:– 17th century 11964: 11938: 11916: 11915:– 1707 to 1708 11893: 11892:– 1711 to 1712 11862: 11861:– 1706 to 1707 11831: 11800: 11773: 11763:(2): 185–195. 11744: 11713: 11695:(4): 119–121. 11678: 11663: 11662:– 1687 to 1689 11656: 11634: 11611: 11605: 11572: 11549: 11526: 11520: 11500: 11474: 11448: 11429: 11412: 11406: 11385: 11354: 11327: 11320: 11301: 11278: 11262: 11247: 11241: 11217: 11216:– 1705 to 1714 11198: 11172: 11153: 11131: 11112: 11090:LaHarpe, J. F. 11086: 11079: 11060: 11033: 11006: 10983: 10972: 10950: 10928: 10909: 10881: 10855: 10832: 10826: 10793: 10770: 10747: 10724: 10718: 10698: 10671:Hayes, Richard 10667: 10648: 10628: 10607: 10601: 10579:Matthew, Colin 10568: 10541: 10515: 10484: 10458: 10431: 10408: 10401: 10379: 10360: 10342: 10319: 10292: 10291:– 1649 to 1664 10269: 10242: 10215: 10196: 10195:– 1509 to 1689 10170: 10163: 10143: 10137: 10117: 10092: 10086: 10064: 10058: 10041: 10018: 9991: 9985: 9964: 9958: 9941: 9940:– 1717 to 1719 9914: 9913:– 1707 to 1709 9887: 9886:– 1706 to 1707 9860: 9859:– 1685 to 1689 9840: 9820: 9801: 9795: 9774: 9768: 9746:Matthew, Colin 9735: 9729: 9707:Matthew, Colin 9696: 9695:– 1645 to 1649 9689: 9651: 9650:– 1554 to 1790 9631: 9612: 9589: 9573:Chisholm, Hugh 9569: 9553:Chisholm, Hugh 9549: 9542: 9524: 9523:– 1643 to 1660 9497: 9479:Burke, Bernard 9475: 9461: 9455: 9440: 9429: 9407: 9401: 9365: 9339: 9308: 9273: 9272: 9271: 9262: 9251: 9240: 9229: 9216: 9213: 9210: 9209: 9193: 9177: 9161: 9145: 9137:Chisholm 1910b 9129: 9113: 9097: 9081: 9065: 9049: 9033: 9017: 9001: 8985: 8966: 8950: 8934: 8926:Vizetelly 1889 8918: 8902: 8886: 8870: 8854: 8838: 8819: 8803: 8787: 8771: 8755: 8739: 8723: 8708: 8692: 8676: 8660: 8644: 8624: 8608: 8592: 8576: 8560: 8544: 8528: 8520:Hartmann 1930b 8512: 8496: 8480: 8464: 8448: 8432: 8424:Hartmann 1930b 8416: 8408:Chisholm 1910b 8400: 8384: 8376:Hartmann 1930b 8368: 8349: 8330: 8314: 8298: 8282: 8266: 8250: 8234: 8218: 8202: 8186: 8170: 8154: 8138: 8122: 8106: 8087: 8067: 8047: 8031: 8023:Vizetelly 1889 8015: 8003:Hartmann 1930b 7995: 7979: 7963: 7947: 7931: 7913: 7897: 7881: 7865: 7849: 7833: 7817: 7801: 7785: 7769: 7753: 7737: 7721: 7705: 7689: 7673: 7657: 7641: 7625: 7606: 7590: 7571: 7552: 7533: 7517: 7501: 7482: 7474:Chisholm 1910a 7463: 7444: 7428: 7420:Chisholm 1910b 7412: 7396: 7380: 7359: 7343: 7327: 7311: 7295: 7279: 7260: 7244: 7228: 7212: 7196: 7180: 7164: 7148: 7144:125, last line 7132: 7116: 7100: 7084: 7065: 7049: 7033: 7017: 7001: 6985: 6969: 6953: 6934: 6921:MeasuringWorth 6901: 6885: 6873: 6857: 6841: 6825: 6809: 6793: 6781: 6765: 6749: 6733: 6717: 6701: 6682: 6666: 6654: 6635: 6619: 6603: 6587: 6571: 6555: 6539: 6523: 6507: 6488: 6472: 6456: 6440: 6424: 6408: 6396: 6377: 6361: 6345: 6329: 6317: 6301: 6285: 6269: 6253: 6234: 6218: 6202: 6186: 6170: 6158: 6142: 6126: 6114: 6098: 6086: 6067: 6051: 6032: 6016: 6004: 5988: 5972: 5953: 5937: 5929:Wauchope 2004b 5921: 5909: 5897: 5878: 5862: 5846: 5834:Wauchope 2004b 5826: 5806: 5790: 5770: 5755: 5739: 5723: 5707: 5686: 5674: 5658: 5646: 5638:Wauchope 2004a 5630: 5614: 5593: 5577: 5558: 5542: 5526: 5507: 5491: 5475: 5454: 5435: 5416: 5400: 5384: 5365: 5349: 5333: 5321: 5309: 5305:213, last line 5293: 5277: 5261: 5245: 5226: 5207: 5191: 5175: 5159: 5143: 5127: 5111: 5103:Wauchope 2004b 5095: 5079: 5067: 5051: 5032: 5016: 5000: 4984: 4976:Louis XIV 1806 4968: 4952: 4933: 4925:Hartmann 1930a 4914: 4898: 4882: 4866: 4850: 4834: 4818: 4798: 4782: 4774:Jusserand 1892 4766: 4750: 4734: 4718: 4702: 4686: 4670: 4654: 4630: 4614: 4598: 4582: 4566: 4550: 4534: 4514: 4498: 4490:Wauchope 2004b 4482: 4463: 4440: 4424: 4408: 4392: 4376: 4360: 4344: 4328: 4312: 4293: 4277: 4258: 4242: 4226: 4207: 4186: 4167: 4148: 4132: 4116: 4100: 4084: 4068: 4052: 4036: 4020: 4008: 3992: 3976: 3960: 3944: 3928: 3924:150, last line 3912: 3896: 3880: 3853: 3837: 3821: 3802: 3786: 3767: 3751: 3732: 3711: 3695: 3676: 3657: 3649:Chisholm 1910b 3636: 3617: 3605: 3589: 3572: 3552: 3536: 3528:Chisholm 1910b 3520: 3501: 3493:Chisholm 1910b 3482: 3463: 3444: 3425: 3406: 3387: 3366: 3341: 3320: 3301: 3286: 3271: 3254: 3253: 3251: 3248: 3245: 3244: 3227: 3210: 3194: 3185: 3171: 3131: 3115: 3096: 3087: 3072:Jacques Rigaud 3063: 3028: 3015: 3006: 2997: 2979: 2966: 2953: 2941: 2932: 2919: 2906: 2891: 2863: 2846: 2837: 2827: 2826: 2824: 2821: 2819: 2816: 2803: 2800: 2750:Arabian nights 2708:Arabian Nights 2614:Arabian Nights 2604: 2601: 2593:Peter Quennell 2570:Horace Walpole 2558:Pierre Marteau 2529: 2526: 2525: 2524: 2511: 2510: 2509: 2497: 2481: 2468: 2448: 2435: 2422: 2409: 2400:Pierre Marteau 2372: 2369: 2366: 2365: 2359: 2356: 2352: 2351: 2348: 2345: 2341: 2340: 2328: 2323: 2319: 2318: 2306: 2301: 2297: 2296: 2284: 2279: 2275: 2274: 2271: 2268: 2264: 2263: 2252: 2247: 2243: 2242: 2235: 2232: 2228: 2227: 2220: 2217: 2213: 2212: 2209: 2206: 2202: 2201: 2195: 2192: 2188: 2187: 2175: 2170: 2166: 2165: 2157: 2152: 2148: 2147: 2141: 2138: 2134: 2133: 2129:Fought at the 2127: 2124: 2120: 2119: 2113: 2110: 2106: 2105: 2093: 2088: 2084: 2083: 2067: 2062: 2058: 2057: 2054: 2051: 2047: 2046: 2035: 2030: 2026: 2025: 2014: 2009: 2005: 2004: 1998: 1993: 1989: 1988: 1981: 1978: 1974: 1973: 1962:lords justices 1950: 1945: 1941: 1940: 1928: 1923: 1919: 1918: 1915: 1912: 1908: 1907: 1904: 1901: 1897: 1896: 1884: 1879: 1875: 1874: 1871: 1868: 1864: 1863: 1861:Col de Saverne 1859:killed at the 1853: 1850: 1846: 1845: 1842: 1839: 1835: 1834: 1828: 1825: 1821: 1820: 1813: 1810: 1806: 1805: 1798: 1795: 1791: 1790: 1783: 1780: 1776: 1775: 1772: 1769: 1765: 1764: 1761: 1758: 1754: 1753: 1745: 1740: 1736: 1735: 1732: 1729: 1725: 1724: 1716: 1711: 1707: 1706: 1699: 1696: 1692: 1691: 1689:before Dublin. 1675: 1670: 1666: 1665: 1661:Charles I 1657: 1652: 1648: 1647: 1639: 1634: 1630: 1629: 1617: 1612: 1608: 1607: 1599: 1594: 1590: 1589: 1581: 1576: 1572: 1571: 1568: 1565: 1561: 1560: 1553: 1550: 1546: 1545: 1542: 1539: 1535: 1534: 1503:Temple Society 1495:Mary of Modena 1400: 1399: 1390: 1389: 1388: 1387: 1386: 1380: 1377: 1330:Williamite War 1278:Richard Talbot 1261:, to music by 1228: 1225: 1198:Col de Saverne 1142:troops in the 1088: 1085: 1068:maid of honour 1040: 1037: 1004: 1001: 980: 977: 927:courtesy title 854: 851: 848: 847: 844: 842: 841: 829: 827: 826: 819: 816: 814: 807: 804: 802: 797: 789: 787: 786: 776: 774: 773: 756: 754: 753: 751: 749: 747: 745: 743: 741: 739: 737: 735: 733: 731: 729: 727: 725: 723: 721: 718: 717: 715: 712: 711: 709: 697: 695: 684: 682: 671: 669: 650: 649: 647: 645: 643: 641: 639: 637: 635: 633: 631: 629: 627: 625: 623: 621: 618: 617: 615: 613: 611: 609: 607: 605: 603: 601: 599: 597: 595: 593: 591: 589: 587: 585: 583: 581: 578: 577: 575: 572: 571: 560: 558: 544: 542: 524: 522: 506: 503: 502: 500: 498: 496: 494: 492: 490: 488: 486: 484: 482: 480: 477: 476: 474: 472: 470: 468: 466: 464: 462: 460: 458: 456: 454: 452: 450: 448: 446: 444: 442: 440: 438: 436: 434: 431: 430: 428: 425: 424: 422: 404: 402: 384: 382: 366: 364: 352: 351: 349: 347: 345: 343: 341: 339: 337: 335: 333: 330: 329: 327: 325: 323: 321: 319: 317: 315: 313: 311: 309: 307: 305: 303: 301: 299: 297: 295: 293: 291: 288: 287: 285: 282: 281: 279: 264: 262: 260: 246: 244: 231: 229: 227: 220: 218: 217: 205: 204: 168:Williamite War 96: 95: 92: 88: 87: 82: 78: 77: 69: 65: 64: 54: 50: 49: 46: 35: 34: 33: 32: 31: 28: 27: 24: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12627: 12616: 12613: 12611: 12608: 12606: 12603: 12601: 12598: 12596: 12593: 12591: 12588: 12586: 12583: 12581: 12578: 12576: 12573: 12571: 12568: 12566: 12563: 12561: 12558: 12557: 12555: 12543: 12537: 12533: 12529: 12528: 12523: 12519: 12515: 12511: 12507: 12503: 12499: 12498:Waller, A. R. 12495: 12491: 12487: 12483: 12479: 12477:0-917561-07-4 12473: 12468: 12467: 12460: 12456: 12452: 12448: 12444: 12440: 12436: 12432: 12428: 12426:0-19-861374-1 12422: 12418: 12414: 12413: 12408: 12404: 12399: 12393: 12389: 12387:0-19-861366-0 12383: 12379: 12375: 12374: 12369: 12365: 12360: 12354: 12350: 12348:0-19-861374-1 12344: 12340: 12336: 12335: 12330: 12326: 12321: 12315: 12310: 12306: 12302: 12301: 12295: 12283: 12282: 12277: 12276:"Hyde, Henry" 12272: 12268: 12264: 12260: 12256: 12255: 12249: 12245: 12241: 12237: 12236: 12230: 12226: 12222: 12218: 12217: 12211: 12207: 12203: 12199: 12198: 12193: 12189: 12184: 12180: 12176: 12172: 12168: 12164: 12162:1-85410-101-3 12158: 12153: 12152: 12145: 12141: 12135: 12131: 12127: 12123: 12119: 12118:Martin, F. X. 12115: 12110: 12104: 12100: 12094: 12090: 12086: 12085: 12079: 12075: 12069: 12065: 12061: 12057: 12053: 12052:Martin, F. X. 12049: 12044: 12038: 12033: 12029: 12025: 12024: 12019: 12015: 12011: 12007: 12003: 11999: 11998: 11993: 11992:Scott, Walter 11989: 11984: 11980: 11976: 11972: 11971: 11965: 11961: 11957: 11953: 11949: 11948: 11943: 11939: 11935: 11931: 11927: 11926: 11921: 11917: 11912: 11908: 11904: 11903: 11898: 11894: 11889: 11885: 11881: 11877: 11873: 11872: 11867: 11863: 11858: 11854: 11850: 11846: 11842: 11841: 11836: 11832: 11827: 11823: 11819: 11815: 11811: 11810: 11805: 11801: 11796: 11792: 11788: 11784: 11783: 11778: 11774: 11770: 11766: 11762: 11759:(in French). 11758: 11750: 11745: 11741: 11737: 11733: 11729: 11728: 11723: 11719: 11714: 11710: 11706: 11702: 11698: 11694: 11690: 11685: 11679: 11675: 11671: 11670: 11664: 11659: 11657:0-11-440021-0 11653: 11649: 11645: 11644: 11639: 11635: 11630: 11626: 11622: 11621: 11616: 11612: 11608: 11606:0-19-861359-8 11602: 11598: 11594: 11593: 11588: 11584: 11579: 11573: 11568: 11564: 11560: 11559: 11554: 11550: 11546: 11542: 11538: 11534: 11533: 11527: 11523: 11517: 11512: 11511: 11505: 11501: 11489: 11488: 11483: 11479: 11475: 11463: 11462: 11457: 11453: 11449: 11445: 11441: 11437: 11436: 11430: 11426: 11423:(in French). 11422: 11418: 11413: 11409: 11407:9780049230569 11403: 11399: 11396:. Lanham MD: 11394: 11393: 11386: 11382: 11378: 11374: 11370: 11369: 11364: 11360: 11355: 11350: 11346: 11342: 11338: 11337: 11332: 11328: 11323: 11321:0-87779-546-0 11317: 11313: 11309: 11308: 11302: 11290: 11289: 11284: 11279: 11275: 11268: 11263: 11259: 11255: 11254: 11248: 11244: 11238: 11234: 11229: 11228: 11222: 11221:Lynn, John A. 11218: 11213: 11209: 11208: 11203: 11199: 11195: 11191: 11187: 11183: 11182: 11177: 11173: 11169: 11165: 11161: 11160: 11154: 11150: 11146: 11142: 11141: 11136: 11132: 11128: 11124: 11120: 11119: 11113: 11109: 11105: 11101: 11097: 11096: 11091: 11087: 11082: 11080:2-221-07717-2 11076: 11072: 11067: 11061: 11056: 11052: 11048: 11044: 11043: 11038: 11034: 11029: 11025: 11021: 11017: 11016: 11011: 11007: 11002: 10998: 10994: 10993: 10988: 10984: 10980: 10979: 10973: 10969: 10965: 10961: 10960: 10955: 10954:King, William 10951: 10947: 10943: 10939: 10938: 10933: 10929: 10925: 10921: 10917: 10916: 10910: 10906: 10902: 10898: 10894: 10890: 10886: 10882: 10877: 10873: 10869: 10865: 10861: 10856: 10852: 10848: 10844: 10840: 10839: 10833: 10829: 10827:0-19-861411-X 10823: 10819: 10815: 10814: 10809: 10805: 10800: 10794: 10790: 10786: 10782: 10778: 10777: 10771: 10767: 10763: 10759: 10755: 10754: 10748: 10744: 10740: 10736: 10732: 10731: 10725: 10721: 10719:0-86281-250-X 10715: 10710: 10709: 10703: 10699: 10694: 10690: 10686: 10682: 10677: 10672: 10668: 10664: 10660: 10656: 10655: 10649: 10644: 10640: 10636: 10635: 10629: 10625: 10621: 10616: 10615: 10608: 10604: 10602:0-19-861369-5 10598: 10594: 10590: 10589: 10584: 10580: 10575: 10569: 10564: 10560: 10556: 10552: 10551: 10546: 10542: 10538: 10534: 10530: 10526: 10525: 10520: 10516: 10511: 10507: 10503: 10499: 10498: 10493: 10489: 10485: 10481: 10477: 10473: 10469: 10468: 10463: 10459: 10454: 10450: 10446: 10442: 10441: 10436: 10432: 10428: 10424: 10420: 10416: 10415: 10409: 10404: 10398: 10394: 10390: 10389: 10384: 10380: 10376: 10372: 10368: 10367: 10361: 10356: 10352: 10348: 10343: 10331: 10330: 10325: 10320: 10315: 10311: 10307: 10306: 10301: 10300:Gibbs, Vicary 10297: 10293: 10288: 10284: 10280: 10279: 10274: 10270: 10265: 10261: 10257: 10253: 10252: 10247: 10243: 10238: 10234: 10230: 10226: 10225: 10220: 10216: 10211: 10207: 10206: 10201: 10197: 10192: 10188: 10185: 10181: 10180: 10175: 10171: 10166: 10164:0-86193-106-8 10160: 10155: 10154: 10148: 10144: 10140: 10134: 10129: 10128: 10122: 10118: 10114: 10110: 10106: 10102: 10098: 10093: 10089: 10087:0-85640-419-5 10083: 10079: 10075: 10074: 10069: 10065: 10061: 10059:0-713-99464-9 10055: 10050: 10049: 10042: 10038: 10034: 10030: 10026: 10025: 10019: 10014: 10009: 10005: 10002:(in French). 10001: 9997: 9992: 9988: 9986:0-19-866130-4 9982: 9978: 9973: 9972: 9965: 9961: 9959:1-85182-375-1 9955: 9950: 9949: 9942: 9937: 9933: 9929: 9925: 9924: 9919: 9915: 9910: 9906: 9902: 9898: 9897: 9892: 9888: 9883: 9879: 9875: 9871: 9870: 9865: 9861: 9856: 9852: 9848: 9847: 9841: 9836: 9832: 9828: 9827: 9821: 9816: 9812: 9811: 9806: 9802: 9798: 9796:0-521-58462-0 9792: 9788: 9785:. Cambridge: 9783: 9782: 9775: 9771: 9769:0-19-861374-1 9765: 9761: 9757: 9756: 9751: 9747: 9742: 9736: 9732: 9730:0-19-861374-1 9726: 9722: 9718: 9717: 9712: 9708: 9703: 9697: 9692: 9686: 9682: 9678: 9674: 9670: 9669:Martin, F. X. 9666: 9661: 9656: 9652: 9647: 9643: 9639: 9638: 9632: 9628: 9624: 9620: 9619: 9613: 9609: 9605: 9601: 9597: 9596: 9590: 9586: 9585: 9579: 9574: 9570: 9566: 9565: 9559: 9554: 9550: 9545: 9539: 9535: 9534: 9529: 9525: 9520: 9516: 9512: 9508: 9507: 9502: 9498: 9494: 9490: 9486: 9485: 9480: 9476: 9472: 9471: 9466: 9462: 9458: 9456:0-300-08716-0 9452: 9448: 9447: 9441: 9437: 9436: 9430: 9426: 9422: 9418: 9417: 9412: 9408: 9404: 9402:0-19-861359-8 9398: 9394: 9390: 9389: 9384: 9380: 9375: 9370: 9369:Barnard, Toby 9366: 9362: 9358: 9354: 9350: 9349: 9344: 9340: 9335: 9331: 9327: 9323: 9318: 9313: 9309: 9305: 9301: 9297: 9293: 9292: 9287: 9283: 9279: 9275: 9274: 9270: 9266: 9263: 9261: 9260: 9255: 9252: 9250: 9249: 9244: 9241: 9239: 9238: 9233: 9230: 9228: 9225: 9222: 9221: 9220: 9206: 9202: 9197: 9190: 9186: 9181: 9174: 9173:xiii, line 25 9170: 9165: 9158: 9154: 9149: 9142: 9138: 9133: 9126: 9122: 9117: 9110: 9106: 9101: 9094: 9090: 9085: 9078: 9074: 9069: 9062: 9058: 9053: 9046: 9042: 9041:Rousseau 1968 9037: 9030: 9026: 9025:Richards 1908 9021: 9014: 9010: 9005: 8998: 8994: 8989: 8983: 8979: 8978:before page 1 8975: 8974:Hamilton 1812 8970: 8963: 8959: 8954: 8947: 8943: 8942:Voltaire 1880 8938: 8931: 8930:xviii, line 1 8927: 8922: 8915: 8911: 8910:Rousseau 1968 8906: 8899: 8895: 8890: 8883: 8879: 8874: 8867: 8863: 8858: 8851: 8847: 8842: 8835: 8831: 8826: 8824: 8816: 8812: 8807: 8800: 8796: 8791: 8784: 8780: 8775: 8768: 8764: 8763:Montegut 1862 8759: 8752: 8748: 8743: 8736: 8732: 8727: 8721: 8717: 8716:Rousseau 1968 8712: 8705: 8701: 8696: 8689: 8685: 8680: 8673: 8669: 8668:Jourdain 1856 8664: 8657: 8653: 8648: 8641: 8637: 8633: 8628: 8621: 8617: 8612: 8605: 8601: 8596: 8589: 8585: 8580: 8573: 8569: 8564: 8557: 8553: 8548: 8541: 8537: 8532: 8525: 8521: 8516: 8509: 8505: 8500: 8493: 8489: 8484: 8477: 8473: 8468: 8461: 8457: 8452: 8445: 8441: 8440:Brownell 2001 8436: 8429: 8425: 8420: 8413: 8409: 8404: 8397: 8393: 8388: 8381: 8377: 8372: 8365: 8361: 8356: 8354: 8346: 8342: 8337: 8335: 8327: 8323: 8318: 8311: 8307: 8306:Hartmann 1924 8302: 8295: 8291: 8286: 8279: 8275: 8274:Wheatley 1912 8270: 8263: 8259: 8254: 8247: 8243: 8238: 8231: 8227: 8222: 8215: 8211: 8210:G. E. C. 1910 8206: 8199: 8195: 8190: 8183: 8179: 8174: 8167: 8163: 8162:Wheatley 1912 8158: 8151: 8147: 8142: 8135: 8131: 8126: 8119: 8115: 8114:Hamilton 1889 8110: 8103: 8099: 8094: 8092: 8084: 8080: 8076: 8071: 8064: 8060: 8056: 8051: 8044: 8040: 8039:Voltaire 1877 8035: 8028: 8024: 8019: 8012: 8008: 8004: 7999: 7992: 7988: 7983: 7976: 7972: 7967: 7960: 7956: 7951: 7944: 7940: 7935: 7929: 7925: 7924:Hamilton 1713 7920: 7918: 7910: 7906: 7901: 7894: 7890: 7885: 7878: 7874: 7869: 7862: 7858: 7853: 7846: 7842: 7837: 7830: 7826: 7821: 7814: 7810: 7805: 7798: 7794: 7789: 7782: 7778: 7773: 7766: 7762: 7757: 7750: 7746: 7741: 7734: 7730: 7725: 7718: 7714: 7709: 7702: 7698: 7693: 7686: 7682: 7677: 7670: 7666: 7665:Rousseau 1968 7661: 7654: 7650: 7645: 7638: 7634: 7629: 7622: 7618: 7613: 7611: 7603: 7599: 7594: 7587: 7583: 7578: 7576: 7568: 7564: 7563:Dangeau 1857b 7559: 7557: 7549: 7545: 7544:Luttrell 1857 7540: 7538: 7530: 7526: 7521: 7514: 7510: 7505: 7498: 7494: 7493:Dangeau 1857a 7489: 7487: 7479: 7475: 7470: 7468: 7460: 7456: 7451: 7449: 7441: 7437: 7432: 7425: 7421: 7416: 7409: 7405: 7400: 7393: 7389: 7384: 7377: 7373: 7368: 7366: 7364: 7356: 7352: 7347: 7340: 7336: 7331: 7324: 7320: 7315: 7308: 7304: 7299: 7292: 7288: 7283: 7276: 7272: 7267: 7265: 7257: 7253: 7248: 7241: 7237: 7232: 7225: 7221: 7216: 7209: 7205: 7200: 7193: 7189: 7184: 7177: 7173: 7168: 7161: 7157: 7156:Hamilton 1849 7152: 7145: 7141: 7136: 7129: 7125: 7120: 7113: 7109: 7104: 7097: 7093: 7088: 7081: 7077: 7072: 7070: 7062: 7058: 7053: 7046: 7042: 7037: 7030: 7026: 7021: 7014: 7010: 7005: 6998: 6994: 6989: 6982: 6978: 6973: 6966: 6962: 6957: 6950: 6946: 6941: 6939: 6923: 6922: 6917: 6911: 6905: 6898: 6894: 6889: 6882: 6877: 6870: 6866: 6861: 6854: 6850: 6845: 6838: 6834: 6829: 6822: 6818: 6813: 6806: 6802: 6797: 6790: 6785: 6778: 6774: 6769: 6762: 6758: 6753: 6746: 6742: 6737: 6730: 6726: 6721: 6714: 6710: 6705: 6698: 6694: 6689: 6687: 6679: 6675: 6670: 6663: 6658: 6651: 6647: 6642: 6640: 6632: 6628: 6623: 6616: 6612: 6607: 6600: 6596: 6591: 6584: 6580: 6575: 6568: 6564: 6559: 6552: 6548: 6543: 6536: 6532: 6527: 6520: 6516: 6511: 6504: 6500: 6495: 6493: 6485: 6481: 6480:Shepherd 1990 6476: 6469: 6465: 6460: 6453: 6449: 6444: 6437: 6433: 6428: 6421: 6417: 6412: 6405: 6400: 6393: 6389: 6384: 6382: 6374: 6370: 6365: 6358: 6354: 6349: 6342: 6338: 6337:Gardiner 1895 6333: 6326: 6321: 6314: 6310: 6305: 6298: 6294: 6289: 6282: 6278: 6277:Shepherd 1990 6273: 6266: 6262: 6257: 6250: 6246: 6241: 6239: 6231: 6227: 6226:Shepherd 1990 6222: 6215: 6211: 6206: 6199: 6195: 6190: 6183: 6179: 6174: 6167: 6162: 6155: 6151: 6146: 6139: 6135: 6130: 6123: 6118: 6111: 6107: 6106:Sergeant 1913 6102: 6095: 6090: 6083: 6079: 6074: 6072: 6064: 6060: 6055: 6048: 6044: 6039: 6037: 6029: 6025: 6020: 6013: 6008: 6001: 5997: 5992: 5985: 5981: 5980:G. E. C. 1896 5976: 5969: 5965: 5960: 5958: 5950: 5946: 5941: 5934: 5930: 5925: 5918: 5913: 5906: 5901: 5894: 5890: 5885: 5883: 5875: 5871: 5866: 5859: 5855: 5850: 5843: 5839: 5835: 5830: 5823: 5819: 5815: 5810: 5803: 5799: 5794: 5787: 5783: 5779: 5774: 5768: 5764: 5763:Hamilton 1811 5759: 5752: 5748: 5747:G. E. 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S. 9325: 9321: 9289: 9278:Airy, Osmund 9268: 9257: 9246: 9235: 9226: 9218: 9196: 9180: 9164: 9148: 9132: 9116: 9100: 9093:227, line 25 9084: 9077:263, line 16 9068: 9052: 9045:186, line 34 9036: 9020: 9004: 8988: 8969: 8953: 8937: 8921: 8914:186, line 18 8905: 8889: 8873: 8866:217, line 17 8857: 8841: 8806: 8790: 8774: 8758: 8747:LaHarpe 1813 8742: 8735:218, line 28 8726: 8711: 8695: 8679: 8672:439, line 48 8663: 8647: 8639: 8627: 8611: 8595: 8584:Drabble 1985 8579: 8572:227, line 20 8563: 8556:227, line 19 8547: 8540:xxx, line 18 8536:Goodwin 1908 8531: 8515: 8508:227, line 18 8499: 8492:227, line 12 8483: 8467: 8451: 8444:124, line 23 8435: 8419: 8403: 8387: 8371: 8317: 8301: 8294:394, line 20 8285: 8269: 8253: 8237: 8221: 8205: 8189: 8178:Drabble 1985 8173: 8157: 8146:Drabble 1985 8141: 8125: 8109: 8102:263, line 11 8082: 8079:393, line 15 8070: 8062: 8059:228, line 28 8055:LaHarpe 1813 8050: 8034: 8018: 8010: 7998: 7987:Dangeau 1859 7982: 7966: 7955:Goubert 1984 7950: 7934: 7900: 7884: 7877:170, line 10 7868: 7852: 7836: 7820: 7813:205, line 29 7804: 7788: 7772: 7756: 7740: 7724: 7708: 7692: 7676: 7669:185, line 13 7660: 7644: 7628: 7602:142, line 15 7593: 7520: 7504: 7459:642, line 10 7436:Jullien 1885 7431: 7415: 7408:137, line 14 7399: 7383: 7376:217, line 33 7346: 7339:217, line 12 7330: 7314: 7298: 7282: 7256:60, note 266 7247: 7231: 7215: 7199: 7183: 7167: 7151: 7135: 7128:xvi, line 10 7119: 7103: 7096:277, line 10 7087: 7076:Handley 2004 7052: 7036: 7020: 7013:217, line 4 7004: 6988: 6983:. "Figure 4" 6972: 6956: 6925:. Retrieved 6919: 6904: 6888: 6876: 6860: 6844: 6837:216, line 21 6828: 6812: 6796: 6784: 6777:181, line 31 6773:Doherty 1998 6768: 6757:Boulger 1911 6752: 6736: 6720: 6704: 6693:Boulger 1911 6669: 6657: 6646:Boulger 1911 6622: 6606: 6590: 6574: 6558: 6542: 6531:D'Alton 1861 6526: 6510: 6475: 6459: 6448:Boulger 1911 6443: 6436:257,33 line 6427: 6411: 6399: 6388:Doherty 1998 6364: 6348: 6332: 6320: 6304: 6293:Handley 2004 6288: 6272: 6256: 6221: 6205: 6189: 6173: 6161: 6145: 6129: 6117: 6101: 6089: 6059:Boulger 1911 6054: 6043:Lenihan 1866 6019: 6007: 5991: 5975: 5940: 5924: 5912: 5905:McGuire 2009 5900: 5865: 5849: 5841: 5829: 5821: 5809: 5793: 5785: 5773: 5767:frontispiece 5758: 5742: 5726: 5710: 5703:156, line 33 5677: 5661: 5649: 5633: 5617: 5580: 5545: 5529: 5494: 5478: 5403: 5387: 5352: 5336: 5324: 5312: 5296: 5280: 5264: 5248: 5194: 5178: 5162: 5146: 5130: 5114: 5098: 5082: 5070: 5059:Goodwin 1908 5054: 5019: 5003: 4987: 4971: 4955: 4901: 4885: 4878:173, line 28 4869: 4853: 4846:642, line 28 4837: 4821: 4813: 4801: 4794:263, note 15 4785: 4769: 4762:171, line 13 4753: 4737: 4721: 4705: 4689: 4673: 4657: 4649: 4645: 4633: 4617: 4601: 4585: 4569: 4553: 4537: 4529: 4517: 4506:Elliott 2000 4501: 4485: 4427: 4411: 4395: 4379: 4363: 4347: 4331: 4315: 4308:284, line 15 4280: 4245: 4229: 4163:151, line 29 4159:Manning 2001 4135: 4128:180, line 16 4119: 4103: 4087: 4071: 4064:151, line 23 4060:Manning 2001 4055: 4039: 4028:Goodwin 1908 4023: 4011: 3995: 3979: 3972:305, line 13 3963: 3956:150, line 42 3952:Manning 2001 3947: 3931: 3920:Manning 2001 3915: 3899: 3892:149, line 14 3883: 3840: 3829:Mahaffy 1900 3824: 3794:Barnard 2004 3789: 3782:149, line 27 3754: 3698: 3613:Gleeson 1947 3608: 3597:Manning 2001 3592: 3570:, "\'nē-nä\" 3555: 3539: 3523: 3361: 3333:Manning 2001 3289: 3274: 3258: 3236:Duc de Lévis 3230: 3219:Duc de Lévis 3213: 3197: 3188: 3174: 3134: 3118: 3106: 3090: 3066: 3058: 3053: 3046: 3042: 3037: 3031: 3024:Château-Neuf 3018: 3009: 3000: 2991: 2982: 2969: 2956: 2944: 2935: 2922: 2909: 2859:Walter Scott 2840: 2831: 2805: 2795: 2791: 2787: 2784: 2766:conjures up 2762:) tells how 2755: 2754: 2749: 2737: 2736: 2732: 2719: 2712:Scheherazade 2707: 2699: 2698: 2693: 2689: 2681: 2680: 2678:incomplete. 2675: 2647: 2646: 2631: 2613: 2608: 2606: 2585:Walter Scott 2578: 2551: 2547: 2533: 2531: 2514: 2499: 2487: 2483: 2474: 2470: 2461: 2457: 2451: 2438: 2425: 2412: 2395: 2383: 2377: 2374: 2330: 2325: 2308: 2303: 2286: 2281: 2254: 2249: 2198: 2177: 2172: 2159: 2154: 2095: 2090: 2069: 2064: 2041:, appointed 2037: 2032: 2020:, appointed 2016: 2011: 1995: 1952: 1947: 1930: 1925: 1886: 1881: 1760:1660 or 1661 1747: 1742: 1718: 1713: 1677: 1672: 1659: 1654: 1641: 1636: 1619: 1614: 1601: 1596: 1583: 1578: 1552:1644 or 1645 1530: 1484: 1477: 1464: 1446: 1437: 1429: 1427: 1423:Belle Stuart 1412: 1382: 1362: 1327: 1320:, where the 1310: 1271: 1258: 1248: 1242:Engraved by 1230: 1218: 1209: 1192: 1169: 1133: 1090: 1087:Second exile 1082: 1075: 1072: 1057: 1053: 1042: 1006: 997:Henry Ireton 993: 989:Confederates 982: 953:his father's 950: 943: 916: 893: 856: 783: 762: 699: 687: 675:Philibert de 674: 654: 563: 546: 529: 511: 409: 387: 368: 358: 269: 248: 236: 203:Family tree 186: 180: 133: 120: 116: 100: 99: 56:1644 or 1645 18: 12565:1719 deaths 12522:Zipes, Jack 12494:Ward, A. W. 12175:Newton, Is. 12171:Stanley, J. 11897:Saint-Simon 11866:Saint-Simon 11835:Saint-Simon 11804:Saint-Simon 11722:Lee, Sidney 11363:Lee, Sidney 10076:. Belfast: 9548:– (Preview) 9501:Carte, Tho. 9338:– Altenheim 9286:Lee, Sidney 9185:Sayous 1853 9169:Brunet 1883 9139:, pp.  9013:48, line 26 9011:, pp.  8896:, pp.  8850:232, note 4 8834:265, line 7 8797:, pp.  8783:41, line 32 8781:, pp.  8686:, pp.  8618:, pp.  8476:227, line 7 8428:12, line 12 8410:, pp.  8380:12, line 27 8364:218, line 1 8343:, pp.  8278:261, line 1 8228:, pp.  8194:Sayous 1853 8166:262, line 8 8134:203, note 1 8043:573, line 9 7959:406, line 5 7943:45, line 38 7909:45, line 31 7893:45, line 11 7861:170, line 7 7829:368, line 3 7797:44, line 17 7777:Coffey 1914 7729:Raunie 1884 7717:168, line 9 7621:147, line 8 7617:Miller 1971 7598:Miller 1971 7529:427, note 7 7513:415, line 6 7440:51, line 17 7392:217, line 9 7224:217, line 7 7142:, pp.  7124:Brunet 1883 7045:xvi, line 3 7041:Brunet 1883 7027:, pp.  6965:276, line 6 6869:216, note 4 6821:76, line 22 6761:244, line 3 6729:287, line 6 6583:15, line 37 6547:Childs 2007 6466:, pp.  6281:26, line 14 6261:Dalton 1896 6245:Childs 2007 6154:76, line 25 6082:170, line 9 6063:70, line 27 6028:75, line 11 6012:Gibney 2009 5968:74, line 10 5949:74, line 12 5893:44, line 46 5874:71, line 19 5751:305 line 17 5610:43, line 23 5520:, pp.  5471:217, line 1 5289:55, line 31 5273:56, line 31 5241:56, line 10 5123:45, line 26 5012:32, line 14 4996:29, line 24 4964:563, line 8 4908:, pp.  4862:22, line 19 4830:368, line 9 4778:94, line 13 4746:169, line 5 4682:115, line 3 4678:Fraser 2007 4664:, pp.  4610:12, line 22 4578:14, line 17 4478:44, line 39 4459:560, line 8 4418:, pp.  4372:xiv, line 8 4368:Brunet 1883 4320:Millar 1890 4269:Warner 1768 4254:305 line 11 4140:Corish 1976 4124:Coffey 1914 4108:Coffey 1914 4044:Wasser 2004 3988:53, line 29 3849:305, note c 3813:Wasser 2004 3761:, pp.  3703:Sayous 1853 3628:Brunet 1883 3601:149, line 4 3337:149, line 6 3296:, pp.  3281:, pp.  3240:read online 3223:read online 3181:La Chesnaye 3151: [ 3075: [ 2802:Other works 2760:read online 2742:read online 2704:read online 2686:read online 2652:read online 2623:fan fiction 2597:read online 2479:read online 2466:read online 2140:Autumn 1690 1559:in Ireland 1514:John Nugent 1506: [ 1342:Enniskillen 1101:John Butler 1093:Life Guards 1045:Restoration 1039:Restoration 1021: [ 1003:First exile 939:Old English 925:. Thurles ( 801:the article 556: 1680 530:1st Baronet 520: 1670 420: 1619 390:of Greenlaw 378: 1632 276:1559 – 1633 258: 1616 136:Restoration 113: 1645 94:Mary Butler 12554:Categories 12445:. Dublin: 12179:Ellis, Jn. 12087:. London: 12000:. London: 11983:1003959870 11934:1189639343 11888:1068033585 11857:1068033585 11826:1068033585 11795:1051753420 11545:1042991110 11444:1046538374 11276:: 149–154. 11256:. London: 11149:1147740696 11127:1048327570 11108:1049693041 10946:1045606296 10924:1047497240 10743:1041616450 10663:1150292676 10643:1150292676 10624:1035924728 10537:1003871429 10457:– Princeps 10453:1135254578 10417:. London: 10375:1048813157 10314:1042385438 10264:1180891114 10237:1180818801 9975:. Oxford: 9855:1044569104 9805:Courcelles 9646:1043021954 9598:. London: 9519:1086656347 9493:1155471554 9425:1041056932 9224:Clark 1921 9203:, p.  9187:, p.  9171:, p.  9155:, p.  9153:Auger 1805 9123:, p.  9109:6, line 17 9107:, p.  9105:Auger 1805 9091:, p.  9089:Clark 1921 9075:, p.  9073:Clark 1921 9059:, p.  9057:Clark 1921 9043:, p.  9027:, p.  8995:, p.  8960:, p.  8958:Clark 1921 8944:, p.  8928:, p.  8912:, p.  8880:, p.  8878:Auger 1805 8864:, p.  8862:Corp 2004c 8848:, p.  8846:Clark 1921 8832:, p.  8830:Clark 1921 8813:, p.  8765:, p.  8749:, p.  8733:, p.  8731:Corp 2004c 8718:, p.  8702:, p.  8700:Auger 1805 8688:2, line 10 8670:, p.  8654:, p.  8652:Zipes 2015 8642: ..." 8634:, p.  8602:, p.  8600:Zipes 2015 8586:, p.  8570:, p.  8568:Clark 1921 8554:, p.  8552:Clark 1921 8538:, p.  8522:, p.  8506:, p.  8504:Clark 1921 8490:, p.  8488:Clark 1921 8474:, p.  8472:Clark 1921 8458:, p.  8456:Auger 1805 8442:, p.  8426:, p.  8394:, p.  8378:, p.  8362:, p.  8360:Corp 2004c 8345:35, line 9 8324:, p.  8322:Dulck 1989 8310:95, note 1 8308:, p.  8292:, p.  8276:, p.  8260:, p.  8244:, p.  8242:Dulck 1989 8212:, p.  8196:, p.  8180:, p.  8164:, p.  8148:, p.  8132:, p.  8130:Clark 1921 8116:, p.  8100:, p.  8098:Clark 1921 8077:, p.  8057:, p.  8041:, p.  8025:, p.  8005:, p.  7989:, p.  7973:, p.  7971:Corp 2004c 7957:, p.  7941:, p.  7928:title page 7907:, p.  7891:, p.  7875:, p.  7859:, p.  7843:, p.  7827:, p.  7811:, p.  7795:, p.  7779:, p.  7763:, p.  7761:Carte 1851 7747:, p.  7745:Dulon 1897 7731:, p.  7715:, p.  7699:, p.  7683:, p.  7667:, p.  7651:, p.  7649:Corp 2004c 7635:, p.  7633:Corp 2004a 7619:, p.  7600:, p.  7586:56, line 7 7584:, p.  7565:, p.  7546:, p.  7527:, p.  7511:, p.  7495:, p.  7476:, p.  7457:, p.  7438:, p.  7422:, p.  7406:, p.  7404:Clark 1921 7390:, p.  7388:Corp 2004c 7374:, p.  7372:Corp 2004c 7353:, p.  7351:Clark 1921 7337:, p.  7335:Corp 2004c 7321:, p.  7319:Clark 1921 7305:, p.  7303:Corp 2004c 7289:, p.  7287:Dulon 1897 7273:, p.  7254:, p.  7252:Corp 2004c 7240:57, line 9 7238:, p.  7236:Corp 2004c 7222:, p.  7220:Corp 2004c 7206:, p.  7204:Corp 2004c 7190:, p.  7188:Clark 1921 7174:, p.  7158:, p.  7140:Clark 1921 7126:, p.  7110:, p.  7108:Scott 1846 7094:, p.  7092:Haile 1905 7078:, p.  7059:, p.  7057:Dulon 1897 7043:, p.  7011:, p.  7009:Corp 2004c 6995:, p.  6993:Corp 2004c 6979:, p.  6977:Corp 2004c 6963:, p.  6961:Haile 1905 6947:, p.  6945:Corp 2004a 6895:, p.  6893:Hogan 1934 6867:, p.  6865:Corp 2004c 6851:, p.  6849:Corp 2004a 6835:, p.  6833:Corp 2004c 6819:, p.  6817:Corp 2004c 6805:76, line 6 6803:, p.  6801:Corp 2004c 6775:, p.  6759:, p.  6743:, p.  6727:, p.  6725:Boyle 1879 6711:, p.  6709:Clark 1921 6695:, p.  6676:, p.  6674:Simms 1976 6648:, p.  6629:, p.  6627:Ellis 1978 6613:, p.  6611:Ellis 1978 6597:, p.  6595:Hogan 1934 6581:, p.  6565:, p.  6563:Clark 1921 6549:, p.  6533:, p.  6517:, p.  6515:Simms 1969 6501:, p.  6482:, p.  6464:Hogan 1934 6450:, p.  6434:, p.  6432:Hogan 1934 6418:, p.  6416:Clark 1921 6392:29, line 1 6390:, p.  6373:15, line 7 6371:, p.  6355:, p.  6339:, p.  6311:, p.  6309:Jones 1982 6295:, p.  6279:, p.  6263:, p.  6247:, p.  6230:26, line 1 6228:, p.  6212:, p.  6196:, p.  6194:Corp 2004a 6180:, p.  6178:Corp 2004a 6152:, p.  6150:Clark 1921 6138:76, line 9 6136:, p.  6134:Clark 1921 6108:, p.  6080:, p.  6061:, p.  6045:, p.  6026:, p.  6024:Clark 1921 6000:75, line 8 5998:, p.  5996:Clark 1921 5982:, p.  5966:, p.  5964:Clark 1921 5947:, p.  5945:Clark 1921 5931:, p.  5891:, p.  5872:, p.  5870:Clark 1921 5858:72, line 1 5856:, p.  5854:Clark 1921 5836:, p.  5816:, p.  5814:Corp 2004a 5800:, p.  5782:5, line 13 5780:, p.  5778:Auger 1805 5749:, p.  5733:, p.  5731:Dulck 1989 5719:69, bottom 5717:, p.  5715:Clark 1921 5701:, p.  5668:, p.  5666:Clark 1921 5640:, p.  5624:, p.  5608:, p.  5589:55, line 1 5587:, p.  5571:, p.  5569:Corp 2004a 5552:, p.  5536:, p.  5501:, p.  5487:32, note 6 5485:, p.  5483:Clark 1921 5469:, p.  5467:Corp 2004c 5448:, p.  5429:, p.  5427:Clark 1921 5410:, p.  5394:, p.  5378:, p.  5376:Clark 1921 5359:, p.  5343:, p.  5303:, p.  5301:Clark 1921 5287:, p.  5285:Clark 1921 5271:, p.  5269:Clark 1921 5257:56, bottom 5255:, p.  5253:Clark 1921 5239:, p.  5237:Clark 1921 5220:, p.  5218:Clark 1921 5201:, p.  5185:, p.  5183:Corp 2004c 5169:, p.  5167:Clark 1921 5153:, p.  5137:, p.  5135:Clark 1921 5121:, p.  5119:Clark 1921 5105:, p.  5089:, p.  5087:Corp 2004a 5063:x, line 23 5061:, p.  5045:, p.  5043:Silke 1976 5028:32, bottom 5026:, p.  5024:Clark 1921 5010:, p.  5008:Clark 1921 4994:, p.  4992:Clark 1921 4978:, p.  4962:, p.  4946:, p.  4927:, p.  4906:Clark 1921 4894:174, line 4892:, p.  4890:Lewis 1958 4876:, p.  4874:Lewis 1958 4860:, p.  4858:Clark 1921 4844:, p.  4828:, p.  4808:, p.  4806:Auger 1805 4792:, p.  4776:, p.  4760:, p.  4758:Lewis 1958 4744:, p.  4742:Lewis 1958 4728:, p.  4726:Corp 2004b 4712:, p.  4698:2, line 26 4696:, p.  4694:Auger 1805 4680:, p.  4662:Auger 1805 4650:Reine-Mère 4640:, p.  4626:2, line 28 4624:, p.  4622:Auger 1805 4608:, p.  4606:Clark 1921 4594:12, line 1 4592:, p.  4590:Clark 1921 4576:, p.  4574:Clark 1921 4560:, p.  4558:Clark 1921 4544:, p.  4524:, p.  4508:, p.  4492:, p.  4476:, p.  4457:, p.  4436:8, line 27 4434:, p.  4432:Clark 1921 4404:8, line 13 4402:, p.  4400:Clark 1921 4388:8, line 14 4386:, p.  4384:Clark 1921 4370:, p.  4354:, p.  4352:Clark 1921 4340:5, line 19 4338:, p.  4336:Clark 1921 4322:, p.  4306:, p.  4287:, p.  4285:Cogan 1870 4271:, p.  4252:, p.  4236:, p.  4234:Clark 1921 4220:, p.  4203:5, line 24 4201:, p.  4199:Clark 1921 4180:, p.  4161:, p.  4142:, p.  4126:, p.  4110:, p.  4094:, p.  4078:, p.  4076:Clark 1921 4062:, p.  4046:, p.  4032:x, line 15 4030:, p.  4016:Hayes 1943 4002:, p.  4000:Corp 2004a 3986:, p.  3970:, p.  3954:, p.  3938:, p.  3922:, p.  3906:, p.  3890:, p.  3874:, p.  3847:, p.  3831:, p.  3815:, p.  3796:, p.  3780:, p.  3745:, p.  3743:Corp 2004a 3726:, p.  3705:, p.  3689:, p.  3687:Scott 1846 3672:4, line 24 3670:, p.  3668:Clark 1921 3651:, p.  3630:, p.  3599:, p.  3562:, p.  3546:, p.  3544:Scott 1846 3530:, p.  3514:, p.  3512:Auger 1805 3495:, p.  3476:, p.  3457:, p.  3438:, p.  3436:Scott 1846 3421:7, line 12 3419:, p.  3417:Auger 1805 3400:, p.  3381:, p.  3379:Corp 2004a 3356:, p.  3335:, p.  3314:, p.  3312:Corp 2004a 3265:, p.  3123:La Chenaye 2995:Hamilton". 2879:granduncle 2581:Abel Boyer 2522:or English 2507:or English 2495:or English 2446:or English 2433:or English 2420:or English 2407:or English 2398:(Cologne: 2258:ended the 2103:, Ireland. 2099:landed at 1985:Irish Army 1964:replacing 1960:appointed 1890:ended the 1491:Bar-le-Duc 1449:Versailles 1434:Clement XI 1318:Portsmouth 1282:Irish Army 1257:'s ballet 1244:E. Scriven 1194:Luxembourg 799:Subject of 160:Irish Army 12455:122693688 12267:797039184 12244:697603790 12225:697603790 12032:474495830 12010:870885892 11629:832565452 11567:505064285 11506:(1983) . 11349:562743883 11295:26 August 11194:311560829 11176:Louis XIV 11168:665146146 11092:(1813) . 11055:797014713 11039:(1866b). 11028:797014713 11012:(1866a). 11001:491609675 10956:(1730) . 10789:230600157 10766:460421809 10704:(1990) . 10480:719396809 10427:457559782 10287:866278985 10191:499456578 10123:(2007) . 10037:313394287 9936:310446765 9909:310446765 9882:310446765 9839:– Cavalry 9835:557976252 9627:906164979 9608:459281163 9600:John Lane 9503:(1851) . 9361:848652758 9265:Webb 1878 9254:Rigg 1890 9232:Corp 2004 8993:Rigg 1890 8811:Rigg 1890 8258:Rigg 1890 8230:1377–1378 8214:6, line 7 7582:Paul 1904 7192:126, note 7112:9, line 5 6741:Rigg 1890 6499:Rigg 1890 6353:King 1730 5798:Rigg 1890 5699:Lynn 1999 5585:Paul 1904 5550:Webb 1878 5499:Rigg 1890 5357:Lynn 1999 5151:Rigg 1890 4944:Paul 1904 4522:Rigg 1890 4356:7, line 3 4238:5, line 2 4218:Airy 1886 4178:Airy 1886 4092:Airy 1886 3984:Paul 1904 3936:Rigg 1890 3759:Paul 1904 3691:4, line 7 3548:4, line 4 3516:2, line 1 3474:Rigg 1890 3455:Webb 1878 3294:Paul 1904 3250:Citations 2877:with his 2772:Cleopatra 2746:Trebizond 2716:Dinarzade 2682:Le Bélier 2668:Genserich 2664:Childeric 2627:narrators 2413:Le Bélier 2332:James III 2311:Louis XIV 2309:Death of 2239:Elizabeth 1787:Elizabeth 1782:1663/1664 1685:defeated 1625:Inchiquin 1524:Timeline 1442:James III 1344:. In the 1338:Belturbet 1265:, at the 1165:Turckheim 1064:Louis XIV 1049:Whitehall 965:Elizabeth 824:of Ormond 692:1641–1708 688:Elizabeth 681:1621–1707 570:1610–1688 363:1575–1618 270:11th Earl 243:1546–1621 164:Jacobites 140:Whitehall 12500:(eds.). 12488:(1912). 12437:(1878). 12409:(eds.). 12370:(eds.). 12331:(eds.). 12309:82770539 12206:20472183 12181:(1702). 12124:(eds.). 12058:(eds.). 12020:(1913). 11944:(1892). 11922:(1891). 11911:Hachette 11880:Hachette 11849:Hachette 11818:Hachette 11779:(1904). 11640:(1972). 11617:(1765). 11589:(eds.). 11555:(1904). 11494:18 April 11468:23 April 11333:(1862). 11223:(1999). 11204:(1857). 11178:(1806). 11137:(1958). 10989:(1774). 10968:85864076 10934:(1892). 10905:49140554 10887:(1856). 10885:Jourdain 10851:48730886 10810:(eds.). 10693:30100529 10673:(1943). 10585:(eds.). 10563:20472183 10547:(1889). 10521:(1849). 10490:(1812). 10464:(1811). 10437:(1713). 10385:(1984). 10298:(1910). 10296:G. E. C. 10275:(1903). 10273:G. E. C. 10248:(1896). 10246:G. E. C. 10221:(1895). 10219:G. E. C. 10202:(1889). 10200:G. E. 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Anthony Hamilton from NPG.jpg
George Hamilton, 1st Baronet
PC (Ire)
Cromwell's army overran Ireland
Franco-Dutch War
Battle of Entzheim
James II
Irish Army
Williamite War
Philibert de Gramont
Charles II
George Hamilton of Greenlaw and Roscrea
1st Ld

11th Earl

1st Earl

of Greenlaw
& Roscrea


2nd Earl

1st Baronet

1st Duke

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