
American imperialism

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923: 3258: 3344: 1620: 3471:
their territories, as well as to facilitate the US global defense posture. In addition, these two countries have increased their political and economic contribution to the U.S.-led military operations beyond the geographic scope of the alliance in the post-Cold War period ... Behavioral changes among the U.S. allies in response to demands for sharing alliance burdens directly indicate the changed nature of unipolar alliances. In order to maintain its power preponderance and primacy, the unipole has imposed greater pressure on its allies to devote much of their resources and energy to contributing to its global defense posture ... is expected that the systemic properties of unipolarity–non-structural threat and a power preponderance of the unipole–gradually increase the political and economic burdens of the allies in need of maintaining alliance relationships with the unipole.
3038: 1036: 6213:"If this American expansion created what we could call an American empire, this was to a large extent an empire by invitation...In semi-occupied Italy the State Department and Ambassador James Dunn in particular actively encouraged the non-communists to break with the communists and undoubtedly contributed to the latter being thrown out of the government in May 1947. In more normal France the American role was more restrained when the Ramadier government threw out its communists at about the same time. After the communists were out, Washington worked actively, through overt as well as covert activities, to isolate them as well as leftist socialists... US economic assistance was normally given with several strings attached." 1140: 468: 717:
his own People Room; the Legislator that makes effectual Laws for promoting of Trade, increasing Employment, improving Land by more or better Tillage; providing more Food by Fisheries; securing Property, etc. and the Man that invents new Trades, Arts or Manufactures, or new Improvements in Husbandry, may be properly called Fathers of their Nation, as they are the Cause of the Generation of Multitudes, by the Encouragement they afford to Marriage." Thomas Jefferson asserted in 1786 that the United States "must be viewed as the nest from which all America, North & South is to be peopled. The navigation of the Mississippi we must have. This is all we are as yet ready to receive.". From the left
1353:, talks about the American invasion of Haiti to bring about political stability through U.S. control. The American government did not believe Haiti was ready for self-government or democracy, according to Renda. In order to bring about political stability in Haiti, the United States secured control and integrated the country into the international capitalist economy, while preventing Haiti from practicing self-governance or democracy. While Haiti had been running their own government for many years before American intervention, the U.S. government regarded Haiti as unfit for self-rule. In order to convince the American public of the justice in intervening, the United States government used 1515:. The Battle of Midway was the American offensive to stop Midway Island from falling into Japanese control. This led to the pushback of American forces and the recapturing of American territories. There were many battles that were fought against the Japanese which retook both allied territory as well as took over Japanese territories. In October 1944 American started their plan to retake the Philippine islands. Japanese troops on the island ended up surrendering in August 1945. After the Japanese surrender on September 2, 1945, the United States occupied and reformed Japan up until 1952. The maximum geographical extension of American direct political and military control happened in the 800: 3479:. Classicist Eric Adler notes that Hanson earlier had written about the decline of the classical studies in the United States and insufficient attention devoted to the classical experience. "When writing about American foreign policy for a lay audience, however, Hanson himself chose to castigate Roman imperialism in order to portray the modern United States as different from—and superior to—the Roman state." As a supporter of a hawkish unilateral American foreign policy, Hanson's "distinctly negative view of Roman imperialism is particularly noteworthy, since it demonstrates the importance a contemporary supporter of a hawkish American foreign policy places on criticizing Rome." 11755:, vol. LXXI, no. 7 (18 April 2024), pp. 43–44, 46. "Blitzer... illustrates the timidity and opportunism of the US political class, which has repeatedly blocked reforms that would allow an orderly and safe flow of workers and their families across the border. After all, our postpandemic economy remains desperately short of workers.... ven if every unemployed person in found work, roughly three million jobs would go unfilled." (p. 44, 46.) "The use and abuse of immigrant labor as tools of nation building and race engineering is a long-established element of the American normal. Only if you step outside of history does it look like a 'crisis.'" (p. 46.) 3398:, but maintains worldwide influence by a system of mutually beneficial exchanges. He dismisses the notion of an American Empire altogether, with a mocking comparison to historical empires: "We do not send out proconsuls to reside over client states, which in turn impose taxes on coerced subjects to pay for the legions. Instead, American bases are predicated on contractual obligations — costly to us and profitable to their hosts. We do not see any profits in Korea, but instead accept the risk of losing almost 40,000 of our youth to ensure that Kias can flood our shores and that shaggy students can protest outside our embassy in Seoul." 3662:
figures raised their voices against the injustices of imperialism, advocating for peace, human rights, and the self-determination of colonised peoples. They criticized the exploitation and oppression inherent in imperialistic practices, highlighting the disproportionate impact on marginalised communities. Women activists collaborated across borders, forging transnational alliances to challenge American dominance and promote global solidarity. By engaging in social and political activism, women contributed to a more nuanced understanding of imperialism, exposing its complexities and fostering dialogue on the ethical implications of empire.
1274: 11595:, vol. 103, no. 1 (January/February 2024), pp. 150–156. "The dollar is one of the few currencies that almost all major banks will accept, and... the most widely used... As a result, the dollar is the currency that many companies must use... to do international business." (p. 150.) "ocal banks facilitating that trade... normally... buy U.S. dollars and then use dollars to buy . To do so, however, the banks must have access to the U.S. financial system and... follow rules laid out by Washington." (pp. 151–152.) "But there is another, lesser-known reason why the commands overwhelming economic power. Most of the world's 2346: 1186:
Great Britain or France might have had. In 1885, King David Kalākaua, last king of Hawaii, signed a trade reciprocity treaty with the United States allowing for tariff free trade of sugar to the United States. The treaty was renewed in 1887 and with it came the overrunning of Hawaiian politics by rich, white, plantation owners. On July 6, 1887, the Hawaiian League, a non-native political group, threatened the king and forced him to sign a new constitution stripping him of much of his power. King Kalākaua would die in 1891 and be succeeded by his sister Lili'uokalani. In 1893 with support from marines from the USS
3340:, the motive of which, he argues, was to prevent rival blocs from controlling oil. Furthermore, Harvey argues that there can arise conflict within the major blocs between business interests and the politicians due to their sometimes incongruent economic interests. Politicians live in geographically fixed locations and are, in the U.S. and Europe, accountable to an electorate. The 'new' imperialism, then, has led to an alignment of the interests of capitalists and politicians in order to prevent the rise and expansion of possible economic and political rivals from challenging America's dominance. 3450:—that US bases, contrary to the legions, are costly to America and profitable for their hosts—expresses the American view. The hosts express a diametrically opposite view. Japan pays for 25,000 Japanese working on US bases. 20% of those workers provide entertainment: a list drawn up by the Japanese Ministry of Defense included 76 bartenders, 48 vending machine personnel, 47 golf course maintenance personnel, 25 club managers, 20 commercial artists, 9 leisure-boat operators, 6 theater directors, 5 cake decorators, 4 bowling alley clerks, 3 tour guides and 1 animal caretaker. Shu Watanabe of the 681: 3026: 1924:, argued that powerful foreign states, in particular the United States, Great Britain and their allies, were instrumental in facilitating and encouraging the Indonesian Army's campaign of mass killing, and without such support, the killings would not have happened. The political changes that came with the mass-killings not only resulted in the purge of the Communist Party, but also a shift in Indonesia's foreign policy towards the West and capitalism. Furthermore, the mass-killings resulted in the expansion of American markets into Indonesia. By 1967, companies such as 2677: 2310: 3532: 10098: 3637:
conditions in occupied territories. These women played a vital role in caring for the wounded, preventing the spread of diseases, and providing medical assistance to communities affected by the conflicts. Their work as nurses and medical practitioners contributed to the establishment of healthcare infrastructure and the improvement of public health in imperial territories. These women worked tirelessly in often challenging conditions, dedicating themselves to the well-being and recovery of those affected by the conflicts.
3675: 896:. The "Long Walk" started at the beginning of spring 1864. Bands of Navajo led by the Army were relocated from their traditional lands in eastern Arizona Territory and western New Mexico Territory to Fort Sumner. Around 200 died during the march. During the march, New Mexican slavers, assisted by the Ute often attacked isolated bands, killing the men, taking the women and children captive, and capturing horses and livestock. As part of these raids, a large number of slaves were taken and sold throughout the region. 457: 3417: 2527: 700:, in front of children holding books labeled with various U.S. states and territories. A black boy is washing windows, a Native American sits separate from the class, and a Chinese boy is outside the door. The caption reads: "School Begins. Uncle Sam (to his new class in Civilization): Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that, in a little while, you will feel as glad to be here as they are!" 3819: 3864: 10137: 11648:(pp. 154–155.) Farrell and Newman, writes Krugman, "are worried about the possibility of overreach. f the weaponizes the dollar against too many countries, they might... band together and adopt alternative methods of international payment. If countries become deeply worried about U.S. spying, they could lay fiber-optic cables that bypass the . And if Washington puts too many restrictions on American exports, foreign firms might turn away from U.S. technology." (p. 155.) 2865: 946: 2275:, designed in 1948 a globe-circling system of anti-Russian alliances embracing all non-Communist countries of the Old World. The design was met by the US administration with enthusiasm. Disregarding George Washington's dictum of avoiding entangling alliances, in the early Cold War the United States contracted 44 formal alliances and many other forms of commitment with nearly 100 countries, most of the world countries. Some observers described the process as "pactomania." 3253:
is, indeed, very un-imperial.... America bears not the slightest resemblance to ancient Rome. Unlike all previous European empires, it has no significant overseas settler populations in any of its formal dependencies and no obvious desire to acquire any. ...It exercises no direct rule anywhere outside these areas, and it has always attempted to extricate itself as swiftly as possible from anything that looks as if it were about to develop into even indirect rule.
power was measured in directly economic terms. Trade and markets now figured as the economic nexuses of global power, a shift confirmed in the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement, which not only inaugurated an international currency system but also established two central banking institutions—the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank—to oversee the global economy. These represented the first planks of the economic infrastructure of the postwar American Lebensraum.
indigenous populations. Their missionary efforts involved establishing schools, churches, hospitals, and orphanages in imperial territories; through these institutions, women aimed to improve the lives of local people, provide education, healthcare, and social services. Their work intertwined religious and imperialistic motives, as they believed that the spread of Christianity and Western values would uplift and transform the "heathen" populations they encountered.
16189: 3161: 2541:, who served as Secretary of State during the end of the Cold War, announced: "The strategic command, control and communication system should continue to evolve toward a joint global structure…" The continuation of the strategic pattern implied for some that "the United States would hold to its accidental hegemony." In 1998, the UCC determined the Soviet "succession": the former Soviet Republics in Europe and the whole of Russia were assigned to the 3458: 2933: 2697: 15400: 1211: 1556:(excluding Canada)." The Grand Area encompassed all known major oil-bearing areas outside the Soviet Union, largely at the behest of corporate partners like the Foreign Oil Committee and the Petroleum Industry War Council. The US thus avoided overt territorial acquisition, like that of the European colonial empires, as being too costly, choosing the cheaper option of forcing countries to open their door to American business interests. 2366:, endorsed: "We needed to establish bases within reasonable range; then we could bomb and burn them until they quit." After the War, a global network of bases emerged. NCS-162/2 of 1953 stated: "The military striking power necessary to retaliate depends for the foreseeable future on having bases in allied countries." The bases were defined as nation's strategic frontier defining a sphere of American inviolate military predominance. 128: 8446: 860:, the United States eventually won and ended the reservation, carving it up into smaller reservations. The reservation system did not just serve as a way to facilitate American settlement and expansion of land, but also enriched local merchants and businesses who held significant economic power over the Native tribes. Traders would often accept payment for goods via annuity money from land sales contributing to further poverty. 1120:, The United States of America had significant influence over the economy of Cuba. By 1950, US investors owned 44 of the 161 sugar mills in Cuba, and slightly over 47% of total sugar output. By 1906, up to 15% of Cuba was owned by American landowners. This consisted of 632,000 acres of sugar lands, 225,000 acres of tobacco, 700,000 of fruits and 2,750,000 acres of mining land, along with a quarter of the banking industry. 16200: 39: 2291:
empires. By contrast to earlier empires, however, the American "imperial" presence was largely welcome. Ostrovsky says that although all earlier empires, especially persistent empires, were in a measure by bargain, cooperation and invitation, in the post-1945 world this took an extreme form. Disregarding national pride, large number of states, some of them recent great powers, "surrender their strategic sovereignty
to force economic modernization and political liberalism. Walker's government comprised those liberals, as well as Yankee colonizers, and European radicals. Walker even included some local Catholics as well as indigenous peoples, Cuban revolutionaries, and local peasants. His coalition was much too complex and diverse to survive long, but it was not the attempted projection of American power, concludes Gobat.
3760:... so influential has been the discourse insisting on American specialness, altruism and opportunity, that imperialism in the United States as a word or ideology has turned up only rarely and recently in accounts of the United States culture, politics and history. But the connection between imperial politics and culture in North America, and in particular in the United States, is astonishingly direct. 1751:
Petroleum and eight European and American oil companies. In August 2013, the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.
2605: 1956:, began to explore business opportunities in Indonesia. Declassified documents released by the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta in October 2017 stated that the U.S. government had detailed knowledge of the massacres from the start. The documents revealed that the U.S. government actively encouraged and facilitated the Indonesian Army's massacres to further its geopolitical interests in the region. 96: 3769:, which allows access to numerous U.S. and Western ideas and products that many non-U.S. and non-Western consumers across the world voluntarily choose to consume. Many countries with American brands have incorporated these into their own local culture. An example of this would be the self-styled "Maccas," an Australian derivation of "McDonald's" with a tinge of Australian culture. 2929:, which he describes as an "imperial acquisition—imperial in the sense of the aggressive encroachment of one people upon the territory of another, resulting in the subjugation of that people to alien rule." The U.S. policies towards the Native Americans, he said, were "designed to remold them into a people more appropriately conformed to imperial desires." 3413:, always an American, was an appropriate title for the American proconsul whose reputation and influence outweighed those of European premiers, presidents, and chancellors." U.S. "combatant commanders ... have served as its proconsuls. Their standing in their regions has usually dwarfed that of ambassadors and assistant secretaries of state." 2910:
Relations, "If, in the judgment of Congress, such a measure is supported by a safe and wise policy, or is based upon a natural duty that we owe to the people of Hawaii, or is necessary for our national development and security, that is enough to justify annexation, with the consent of the recognized government of the country to be annexed."
4343:"Despite disagreements about Manifest Destiny's validity at the time, O'Sullivan had stumbled on a broadly held national sentiment. Although it became a rallying cry as well as a rationale for the foreign policy that reached its culmination in 1845–46, the attitude behind Manifest Destiny had long been a part of the American experience." 2254:, international sanctions and arbitrary use of international law'. Capasso argued that the war in Libya acted to strip Libya of its autonomy and resources and the 'overall weakening and fragmentation of the African and Arab political position, and the cheapening and/or direct annihilation of human lives in Third World countries'. 3409:, detected several contemporary imperial features, including "proconsuls." Washington does not directly run many parts of the world. Rather, its "informal empire" was one "richly equipped with imperial paraphernalia: troops, ships, planes, bases, proconsuls, local collaborators, all spread wide around the luckless planet." "The 3308:, termed "Empire", but that it is decentralized and global, and not ruled by one sovereign state: "The United States does indeed occupy a privileged position in Empire, but this privilege derives not from its similarities to the old European imperialist powers, but from its differences." Hardt and Negri draw on the theories of 1640:, Washington policymakers believed that the Soviet Union was an expansionary dictatorship that threatened American interests. In their theory, Moscow's weakness was that it had to keep expanding to survive; and that, by containing or stopping its growth, stability could be achieved in Europe. The result was the 2295:." According to Ostrovsky, they host hegemonic bases, partly cover the expenses for running them, integrate their strategic forces under the hegemonic command, contribute 1-2% of their GDP to those forces, and tip military, economic and humanitarian contributions in case of the hegemonic operations worldwide. 852:. However, the discovery of gold in the Black Hills resulted in a surge of White settlement in the region. The gold rush was very profitable for the White settlers and the American government, with just one of the Black Hill Mines yielding $ 500 Million in gold. Attempts to purchase the land failed, and the 792:. Estimates of total deaths in the genocide vary greatly from 2,000 to 100,000 dead. The discovery of Gold in California resulted in an influx of settlers, who formed militias to kill and displace Indigenous peoples. The government of California supported expansion and settlement through the passage of the 829: 11627:
equipment to much of the planet giv China the power to eavesdrop on the rest of the world – just as the has done.... The learned that Huawei had been dealing surreptitiously with Iran – and therefore violating U.S. sanctions. Then, it... used its special access to information on international bank
objectives. No one has any clue what they're fighting for or even 'clear benchmarks of success.' That means that there is no obvious enemy, or that one's perception of the enemy keeps shifting. 'If you think the mission your country keeps sending you on is pointless or impossible and that you're only
defends U.S. imperialism, writing, "U.S. imperialism has been the greatest force for good in the world during the past century. It has defeated communism and Nazism and has intervened against the Taliban and Serbian ethnic cleansing." Boot used "imperialism" to describe United States policy, not only
published a series of articles whose central premise was Combatant Commanders' inordinate amount of political influence within the countries in their areas of responsibility. They "had evolved into the modern-day equivalent of the Roman Empire's proconsuls—well-funded, semi-autonomous, unconventional
I think if we look at the history of the European empires, the answer must be no. It is often assumed that because America possesses the military capability to become an empire, any overseas interest it does have must necessarily be imperial. ...In a number of crucial respects, the United States
was utilized to prevent Cuba from entering into any agreement with foreign nations and also granted the Americans the right to build naval stations on their soil. Executive officials in the American government began to determine themselves the supreme authority in matters regarding the recognition or
September 11 is another example of security crisis which triggered greater intervention as well as unleashed mass publications on the "American Empire" accompanied by heated debates (see "Post-September-11 debates" below). The pattern of increasing involvement responding to security crises or threats
The global network of military alliances and bases is coordinated by the Unified combatant command (UCC). As of 2024, the world is divided between six geographic "commands." The origins of the UCC is rooted in World War II with its global scale and two main theaters half-a-world apart. As in the case
Better than the American Century or the Pax Americana, the notion of an American Lebensraum captures the specific and global historical geography of U.S. ascension to power. After World War II, global power would no longer be measured in terms of colonized land or power over territory. Rather, global
in 1823. Historians have observed that while the Monroe Doctrine contained a commitment to resist colonialism from Europe, it had some aggressive implications for American policy, since there were no limitations on the US's actions mentioned within it. Historian Jay Sexton notes that the tactics used
America's imperial mission was the subject of much critique and praise to the contemporary American, and this is evident through the art and media which emerged in the 1800s as a result of this expansion. The disparities in the art produced in this period show the differences in public opinion, thus
argues that the American "soft power" and American global cultural influence is a good thing for other countries, and good for the world as a whole. Tanner Mirrlees argues that the discourse of "soft power" used by Matthew Fraser and others to promote American global cultural influence represents an
to argue that the US government and media corporations pursue different interests on the world stage (the former, national security, and the latter, profit), but structural alliances and the synergistic relationships between them support the co-production and global flow of Empire-extolling cultural
to American imperialism, arguing that "each new electronic development widens the perimeter of American influence," and declaring that "American power, expressed industrially, militarily and culturally has become the most potent force on earth and communications have become a decisive element in the
While some women supported American imperialism, others actively participated in anti-imperialist movements and expressed opposition to expansionist policies. Women, including suffragettes and progressive activists, were critical of the imperialist practices of the United States. They challenged the
Women also played important roles as nurses and medical practitioners during the era of American imperialism. Particularly during the Spanish–American War and subsequent American occupations, women provided healthcare services to soldiers, both American and local, and worked to improve public health
and a desire to assimilate native cultures into American norms. Women also sought to provide education, healthcare, and social services that aligned with American ideals of progress and civilisation, and by promoting Western education and introducing social reforms, they hoped to shape the lives and
Women played a crucial role in educational and social reform initiatives within imperial territories during the era of American imperialism. They established schools, hospitals, and orphanages, aiming to improve the lives of indigenous populations – initiatives reflecting a belief in the superiority
Within the United States, women played important roles in both advocating for and protesting against American imperialism. Women's organisations and prominent figures actively supported and promoted the expansion of American influence overseas and saw imperialism as an opportunity to extend American
A political unit that has overwhelming superiority in military power, and uses that power to influence the internal behavior of other states, is called an empire. Because the United States does not seek to control territory or govern the overseas citizens of the empire, we are an indirect empire, to
These anxieties prepared the way for a conservative revival based on family, faith and flag that enabled the neo-conservatives to transform conservative patriotism into assertive nationalism after 9/11. In the short term, the invasion of Iraq was a manifestation of national unity. Placed in a longer
during the late Republic. Scholars label the US network of alliances as "hub-and-spokes" system where the United States is the "hub." Spokes do not directly interrelate between and among themselves, but all are bound to the same hub. The "hub-and-spokes" analogy is used in the comparative studies of
was reported to be ecstatic when hearing that the United States was going to go to war with Iraq. "He and some of his top executives were really gung-ho about the war," said a former employee. "Brent said this would create new opportunities for the company. He was really excited about doing business
called the American government "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Initially based on stopping the spread of Communism into South Vietnam, the war and its motivations slowly began to lose its momentum in justifying the damage the war was causing to both sides. Particularly on the
during this period. By one contrast, however, the United States claimed to colonize in the name of anti-colonialism: "We are coming, Cuba, coming; we are bound to set you free! We are coming from the mountains, from the plains and inland sea! We are coming with the wrath of God to make the Spaniards
with the added factor of trying to expand slavery into Central America. Walker failed in all his escapades and never had official U.S. backing. Historian Michel Gobat, however, presents a strongly revisionist interpretation. He argues that Walker was invited in by Nicaraguan liberals who were trying
was signed, which gave the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes territory from the North Platte River in present-day Wyoming and Nebraska southward to the Arkansas River in present-day Colorado and Kansas. The land was initially not wanted by White settlers, but following the discovery of gold in the region,
and started moving westward, this was an imperial nation, a conquering nation." Expanding on George Washington's description of the early United States as an "infant empire", Benjamin Franklin wrote: "Hence the Prince that acquires new Territory, if he finds it vacant, or removes the Natives to give
rather than raw military or economic force. This includes such factors as the widespread desire to emigrate to the United States, the prestige and corresponding high proportion of foreign students at U.S. universities, and the spread of U.S. styles of popular music and cinema. Mass immigration into
2125:. Halliburton gained $ 39.5 billion in "federal contracts related to the Iraq war". Furthermore, of the $ 14 Trillion spent by the Pentagon after the start of the War on Terror, between a third and a half went to defence contractors. By 2013, contractors in Iraq had reaped $ 130 Billion in profits. 2061:
and other Pro-American monarchies in Arabia. Iraqi control over the Gulf region was also feared to harm access to the United States to a major corridor of international trade. Professor Kieh also argued for various economic factors behind the invasion. The Bush Administration calculated that Iraq's
In an October 1940 report to Franklin Roosevelt, Bowman wrote that "the US government is interested in any solution anywhere in the world that affects American trade. In a wide sense, commerce is the mother of all wars." In 1942 this economic globalism was articulated as the "Grand Area" concept in
Following World War I, the British maintained occupation of the Middle East, most notably Turkey and portions of formerly Ottoman territory following the empire's collapse. The occupation led to rapid industrialization, which resulted in the discovery of crude oil in Persia in 1908, sparking a boom
I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it...I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues
The foremost of these critics is Gary Clayton Anderson, a professor at the University of Oklahoma. Anderson insists that what happened to Native Americans during colonization was ethnic cleansing, not genocide. "If we get to the point where the mass murder of 50 Indians in California is considered
replied, "We don't seek empires. We're not imperialistic. We never have been." Many – perhaps most – scholars have decided that the United States lacks the key essentials of an empire. For example, while there are American military bases around the world, the American
U.S. historians have generally considered the late 19th century imperialist urge as an aberration in an otherwise smooth democratic trajectory ... Yet a century later, as the U.S. empire engages in a new period of global expansion, Rome is once more a distant but essential mirror for American
concluded there was no evidence of any relationship between Saddam's regime and al-Qaeda. No stockpiles of WMDs or active WMD program were ever found in Iraq. Estimates of how many died as a result of the war vary, ranging from 151,000 to more than 1 Million. The Iraq War was successful in ousting
the sum processes by which a society is brought into the modern world system and how its dominating stratum is attracted, pressured, forced, and sometimes bribed into shaping social institutions to correspond to, or even promote, the values and structures of the dominating centres of the system.
of other peoples. These women believed in the principles of self-determination, sovereignty, and equality for all nations. They argued that true progress and justice could not be achieved through the subjugation of others, emphasising the need for cooperation and respect among nations. By raising
At an alliance-level analysis, case studies of South Korea and Japan show that the necessity of the alliance relationship with the U.S. and their relative capabilities to achieve security purposes lead them to increase the size of direct economic investment to support the U.S. forces stationed in
is a crucial instrument in the expansion of a nation, due to the fact that once a territory is annexed it must act within the confines of its superior counterpart. The United States Congress' ability to annex a foreign territory is explained in a report from the Congressional Committee on Foreign
and the United States. All three, he finds, began with isolationism using geographic barriers and gradually built their empires responding to growing external threats. The three strategic transformations are analogous—from isolationism to hegemony to empire—with the modern process being currently
The last period of the US Isolationist policy ended with the World War II. Due to the progress of military technology, it was argued, the Oceans stopped protecting. Ever since, this War is invoked as a lesson for permanent involvement in world politics. Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton
approximately 160,000 of its active-duty personnel outside the United States and its territories. In 2015 the Department of Defense reported the number of bases that had any military or civilians stationed or employed was 587. This includes land only (where no facilities are present), facility or
propaganda, depicting the Haitian political process as uncivilized. The Haitian government would come to agree to U.S. terms, including American overseeing of the Haitian economy. This direct supervision of the Haitian economy would reinforce U.S. propaganda and further entrench the perception of
The United States' interests in Hawaii began in the 1800s with the United States becoming concerned that Great Britain or France might have colonial ambitions on the Hawaiian Kingdom. In 1849 the United States and The Kingdom of Hawaii signed a treaty of friendship removing any colonial ambitions
has examined the America-as-Empire issue at length. He says the traditional understanding of the word "empire" does not apply, because the United States does not exert formal control over other nations or engage in systematic conquest. The best term is that the United States is a "hegemon." Its
all profits earned in Iraq. Opposition from senior Iraqi officials, together with the poor security situation, meant that Bremer's privatization plan was not implemented during his tenure, though his orders remained in place. CPA Order 39 laid out the framework for full privatization in Iraq and
in which up to 600 Cheyenne were killed, most of whom were children and women. On October 14, 1865, the chiefs of what remained of the Southern Cheyennes and Arapahos agreed to live south of the Arkansas, sharing land that belonged to the Kiowas, and thereby relinquish all claims in the Colorado
Ultimately women's activism played a significant role in challenging and shaping American imperialism. Throughout history, women activists have been at the forefront of anti-imperialist movements, questioning the motives and consequences of U.S. expansionism. Women's organisations and prominent
is a classically imperialist war and is the last gasp of a doomed strategy. They expand on this, claiming that in the new era of imperialism, the classical imperialists retain a colonizing power of sorts, but the strategy shifts from military occupation of economies based on physical goods to a
It used to be that only the critics of American foreign policy referred to the American empire ... In the past three or four years , however, a growing number of commentators have begun to use the term American empire less pejoratively, if still ambivalently, and in some cases with genuine
commander from 2003 to 2007, said of the Iraq war: "first of all I think it's really important to understand the dynamics that are going on in the Middle East, and of course it's about oil, it's very much about oil and we can't really deny that". However, oil as a rationale for the war has been
In Schiller's formulation of the concept, cultural imperialism refers to the American Empire's "coercive and persuasive agencies, and their capacity to promote and universalize an American 'way of life' in other countries without any reciprocation of influence." According to Schiller, cultural
Moreover, sexuality and attitudes towards gender roles and behaviour played an important role in American expansionism. Regarding the war in Vietnam, the idea of American 'manliness' entered the conscience of those in support of ground involvement, pushing ideas of gender roles and that manly,
work. Missionary societies sent women to various parts of the world, particularly in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, with the aim of spreading Christianity and Western values. These women saw themselves as agents of cultural and religious transformation, seeking to "civilize" and "Christianize"
in the 19th century it works to globalize free markets, enhance the rule of law and promote representative government. He fears, however, that Americans lack the long-term commitment in manpower and money to keep the Empire operating. Head of the Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard
claims it vital to prevent the Eurasian land mass from coming under control of any single power or combination of powers. Some scholars explain the Cold War by geopolitics rather than ideology. They stress that the US grand strategy designed for the Cold War long outlived the Soviet Communism.
provided a mechanism whereby U.S. import quotas might be established on Philippine articles which "are coming, or are likely to come, into substantial competition with like articles the product of the United States". It further required U.S. citizens and corporations be granted equal access to
acted as magnets for attracting up-and-coming elites, who were keen to acquire the skills, qualifications and prestige that came with the 'Made in the USA' trademark. This is a subtle, long-term form of 'soft power' that has required only limited intervention by the US government to function
argued that Saddam approached the U.S. to find out how it would react to an invasion into Kuwait. They argued that Glaspie's comment that "'e have no opinion on the Arab–Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait' and that the U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that
1900:, an Anti-Communist purge began across the country led by Suharto and the army. The subsequent killings resulted in the deaths of up to 1,000,000 people. Though some estimates claim a death toll of 2 or 3 Million. Ethnic Chinese, trade unionists, teachers, activists, artists, ethnic Javanese 1750:
with support by the United Kingdom to overthrow Mosaddegh. The coup saw an increase in power of the monarchy, which went from a constitutional monarchy to an authoritarian nation. In the aftermath of the coup, the Shah agreed to replace the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company with a consortium—British
A national drive for territorial acquisition across the continent was popularized in the 19th century as the ideology of manifest destiny. The policy of settlement of land was a foundational goal of the United States of America, with one of the driving factors of discontent with British rule
that her company was not doing business with Iran. Canadian authorities, acting on a U.S. request, arrested her... in December 2018. After... almost three years under house arrest... Meng... was allowed to return to China... But by the prospects for Chinese dominance of 5G had vanished..."
landscapes and grand natural scenes. These paintings which admired the marvels of unexplored American territory emphasized this idea of America as a promised land. Common themes explored among paintings within the Hudson River School include: discovery; exploration; settlement and promise.
11179:, vol. 102, no. 2 (March/April 2023), pp. 6–10, 12, 14, 16–21. "Washington... needs to... avoid needless war... and provide ordinary citizens with the prospect of a decent life.... The chimera of another righteous military triumph cannot fix what ails the United States." (p. 21.) 3151:, argues that by the 21st century traditional economic imperialism was no longer in play, noting that the oil companies opposed the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Instead, anxieties about the negative impact of globalization on rural and rust-belt America were at work, says Hopkins: 2504:, this is contrast rather than similarity: "this time there are no frontiers and no areas beyond. The global strategic reach is unprecedented in world history phenomenon." "The United States is by circumstance and design an emerging global empire, the first in the history of the world." 2389:
speech in 1960, John F. Kennedy noted that America's frontiers are on every continent. Circling the Sino-Soviet bloc with bases resulted in a network of global dimensions. Contemplating its genesis, an observer wondered: What two places in the world have less in common than the frozen
in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street ... Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
11827:, vol. 99, no. 2 (March/April 2020), pp. 19–22, 24–29. "The United States should abandon the quest for armed primacy in favor of protecting the planet and creating more opportunity for more people." (p. 20.) "The United States should rally the industrialized world to provide 1506:
was what ended up bringing the United States into the war. Japan also launched multiple attacks on other American Territories like Guam and Wake Island. By early 1942 Japan also was able to take over the Philippine islands. At the end of the Philippine island campaign the general
A theory of "super-imperialism" argues that imperialistic U.S. policies are not driven solely by the interests of American businesses, but also by the interests of a larger apparatus of a global alliance among the economic elite in developed countries. The argument asserts that
American men shouldn't avoid conflict. These ideas of sexuality extended as far as President Johnson, who wanted to be presented as a 'hero statesman' to his people, highlighting further the affect of gender roles on both American domestic attitudes as well as foreign policy.
proclaimed that an expansion of markets was absolutely necessary, "American factories are making more than the American people can use; American soil is producing more than they can consume. Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours."
argues a "balanced and nuanced analysis is not aided ... by the use of the word 'empire' to describe United States hegemony, since 'empire' obscures rather than illuminates the differences in form of governance between the United States and other Great Powers, such as
elites ... Now, with military mobilisation on an exceptional scale after September 2001, the United States is openly affirming and parading its imperial power. For the first time since the 1890s, the naked display of force is backed by explicitly imperialist discourse.
values, culture, and civilization to other nations. These women believed in the superiority of American ideals and saw it as their duty to uplift and educate what they often perceived as 'lesser' peoples. By endorsing imperialist policies, women aimed to spread democracy,
2995:, and remains focused on an effort to expand its control across the world. As the surviving superpower at the end of the Cold War, the U.S. could focus its assets in new directions, the future being "up for grabs," according to former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy 3057:
Since September 11, 2001 ... if not earlier, the idea of American empire is back ... Now ... for the first time since the early Twentieth century, it has become acceptable to ask whether the United States has become or is becoming an empire in some classic
11855:, vol. 102, no. 3 (May/June 2023), pp. 136–52. "Washington is still in thrall to primacy and caught in a doom loop, lurching from self-inflicted problems to even bigger self-inflicted problems, holding up the latter while covering up the former. In this sense, the 2361:
During World War II, Franklin Roosevelt promised that the American eagle will "fly high and strike hard." But he can only do so if he has safe perches around the world. Initially, the Army and Navy disagreed. But the leading expert on "flying high and striking hard,"
2057:, national debt rising to $ 3 Trillion, an increasing trade deficit, unemployment, rising crime and growing wealth inequality. He also argued that other very significant motivating factors for the war were strategic factors, such as a fear of subsequent invasion of 1083:
and was an enthusiastic proponent of testing the U.S. military in battle, at one point stating "I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one." Roosevelt claimed that he rejected imperialism, but he embraced the near-identical doctrine of
2585:"Command," translated into Latin, renders "imperium." The Romans used the word "command" for their sphere of rule containing nominally independent states. Later, the word "imperium" lost its original meaning of "command" and obtained the meaning of "empire." 3378:
Thorton wrote that " imperialism is more often the name of the emotion that reacts to a series of events than a definition of the events themselves. Where colonization finds analysts and analogies, imperialism must contend with crusaders for and against."
3612:, and Western progress to territories beyond American borders: their domestic advocacy created a narrative that framed imperialism as a mission of benevolence, wherein the United States had a responsibility to guide and shape the destiny of other nations. 989:. This can be considered to be an explicitly colonial process in light of arguments that Native American nations were sovereign entities prior to annexation. Their sovereignty was systematically undermined by US state policy (usually involving unequal or 11676:
or other abuses, while indisputably valuable, has diverted Americans from 'deliberating on the deeper choice they were making to ignore constraints on starting war in the first place.' ar itself causes far more suffering than violations of its rules."
The question of whether the United States should intervene in the affairs of foreign countries has been a much-debated topic in domestic politics for the country's entire history. Opponents of interventionism have pointed to the country's origin as
argues that exceptionalism and the denials of imperialism are the result of a systematic strategy of propaganda, to "manufacture opinion" as the process has long been described in other countries. One of the earliest historians of American Empire,
than of the British. Ferguson argues that all of these empires have had both positive and negative aspects, but that the positive aspects of the U.S. empire will, if it learns from history and its mistakes, greatly outweigh its negative aspects.
435:— have justified their interventions in (or whole seizures of) various countries by citing the necessity of advancing American economic interests, such as trade and debt management; preventing European intervention (colonial or otherwise) in the 3727:
imperialism "pressured, forced and bribed" societies to integrate with the U.S.'s expansive capitalist model but also incorporated them with attraction and persuasion by winning "the mutual consent, even solicitation of the indigenous rulers."
centers of U.S. foreign policy." The Romans often preferred to exercise power through friendly client regimes, rather than direct rule: "Until Jay Garner and L. Paul Bremer became U.S. proconsuls in Baghdad, that was the American method, too".
4756:"Navajos were captured en route and sold off throughout New Mexico, Colorado, and northern Mexico." Reséndez, Andrés. The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America (p. 293). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition. 374:
to be similar enough in nature to be identified with the same term. While the United States has never officially identified itself and its territorial possessions as an empire, some commentators have referred to the country as such, including
assumes the U.S. cannot hold for long the status of mondial hegemonic power, due to limited resources. Instead, the U.S. is going to become just one of the major regional powers along with European Union, China, Russia, etc. Reviewing Todd's
repeated close versions of this lesson. If hostile powers are not checked from the beginning, the paradigm tells, they would gain control over vaster resources and eventually the United States would have to fight them when they are stronger.
6645: 871:
for example had a population of three thousand, including saloon-keepers, traders and contractors who had made fortunes during the Civil War and were hopeful of continuing their profits with an Indian war. Desire to fight resulted in the
Prior to his death in 1945, President Roosevelt was planning to withdraw all U.S. forces from Europe as soon as possible. Soviet actions in Poland and Czechoslovakia led his successor Harry Truman to reconsider. Heavily influenced by
In one point of view, United States expansion overseas in the late 1890s has indeed been imperialistic, but that this imperialism is only a temporary phenomenon, a corruption of American ideals, or the relic of a past era. Historian
1648:(1951) extended the Truman Doctrine to the whole non-Communist world. The United States could no longer distinguish between national and global security. Hence, the Truman Doctrine was described as "globalizing" the Monroe Doctrine. 2777:(Europe, Japan, Canada, and the U.S.) has become too entangled to permit military or geopolitical conflict between these countries, and the central conflict in modern imperialism is between the Global North (also referred to as the 3589:
argues that the United States is an empire and believes that this is a good thing: "What is not allowed is to say that the United States is an empire and that this might not be wholly bad." Ferguson has drawn parallels between the
that "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts" and that "the Kuwait issue is not associated with America", the USA following condemnation of Iraq by the United Nations, prepared for military action in the Gulf. Professors
A second equally important consideration was the need to restore the world economy, which required the rebuilding and reorganizing of Europe for growth. This matter, more than the Soviet threat, was the main impetus behind the
1716:. The subsequent military junta assumed dictatorial powers, banned opposition parties and reversed the social reforms of the revolution. The USA would continue to support Guatemala through the Cold War, including during the 3747:
are interdependent. Every war of Empire has relied upon a culture or "way of life" that supports it, and most often, with the idea that a country has a unique or special mission to spread its way of life around the world.
impairs popular recognition of U.S. imperial conduct. The resistance to actively occupying foreign territory has led to policies of exerting influence via other means, including governing other countries via surrogates or
says there has emerged a new type of imperialism due to geographical distinctions as well as unequal rates of development. He says there have emerged three new global economic and political blocs: the United States, the
Tensions between Russia (including its allies) and the West turned intensely ideological. Horrified by mass executions of White forces, land expropriations, and widespread repression, the Allied military expedition now
It was clear to the US that further expansion in Middle Eastern oil would not be possible without diplomatic representation. In 1939, CASOC appealed to the US State Department about increasing political relations with
Washington had 'no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.' Resulted in the USA effectively giving Iraq a green light. 3,664 Iraqi civilians were killed during the war with up to 1,500 of whom died in the
3798:'s view that American power rarely sought to acquire foreign territories, preferring instead to penetrate them — culturally, economically and politically — in such a way as to secure acquiescence for US interests. 1667:
has commented on the importance of "the eagerness with which America's friendship was sought and its leadership welcomed.... In Western Europe, America built an empire 'by invitation'" According to Lundestad, the
regarding America's imperial ambitions following McKinley's quick victory in the Spanish–American War of 1898. The American flag flies from the Philippines and Hawaii in the Pacific to Cuba and Puerto Rico in the
Concessions obtained by financiers must be safeguarded by ministers of state, even if the sovereignty of unwilling nations be outraged in the process... the doors of the nations which are closed must be battered
William Appleman Williams, "Empire as a Way of Life: An Essay on the Causes and Character of America's Present Predicament Along with a Few Thoughts About an Alternative" (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996),
Harvard professor Niall Ferguson concludes that worldwide military and economic power have combined to make the U.S. the most powerful empire in history. It is a good idea he thinks, because like the successful
International relations scholar David Rothkopf disagrees with the notion that cultural imperialism is an intentional political or military process, and instead argues that it is the innocent result of economic
5348: 3088:
in 2001, the idea of American imperialism was re-examined. In November 2001, jubilant marines hoisted an American flag over Kandahar and in a stage display referred to the moment as the third after those on
Newer research on cultural imperialism sheds light on how the US national security state partners with media corporations to spread US foreign policy and military-promoting media goods around the world. In
which participate in federal government programs in exchange for military basing rights, to Cuba which severed diplomatic relations during the Cold War. The United States was a public advocate for European
10068: 411:, as well as the American values of democracy, freedom, and independence. Conversely, supporters of interventionism and of American presidents who have been labelled as “imperialists” — most notably are 2560:
asked in 2002: What America needs to consider is "what is the optimum size for a non-territorial empire." His colleague, Max Ostrovsky, replied: "Precisely that year, the UCC supplied a precise answer:
wondered: "The Filipinos fighting for Liberty, the American people fighting them to give them liberty. The two peoples are fighting on parallel lines for the same object." However, from 1898 until the
enormous influence through high technology, economic power, and impact on popular culture gives it an international outreach that stands in sharp contrast to the inward direction of historic empires.
Mahan argued that modern industrial nations must secure foreign markets for the purpose of exchanging goods and, consequently, they must maintain a maritime force that is capable of protecting these
2572:, claims that the UCC map conveys the idea of the architecture underlying the entire global order and explaining how this order is sustained. The US national defense evolves into global defense. The 3629:
future of the people they encountered in imperial territories. These efforts often entailed the imposition of Western cultural norms, as women saw themselves as agents of transformation and viewed
7224: 7718: 3434:
calls them "the all powerful proconsuls of the new American empire. Like the proconsuls of Rome they were supposed to bring order and law to the unruly and anarchical world." In September 2000,
by the Russian Army against the Provisional Government. Nonetheless, once the Bolsheviks took Moscow, the British government began talks to try and keep them in the war effort. British diplomat
12147: 3371:
expansionism was a short-lived imperialistic impulse and "a great aberration in American history," a very different form of territorial growth than that of earlier American history. Historian
perspective, it reveals a growing divergence between new globalised interests, which rely on cross-border negotiation, and insular nationalist interests, which seek to rebuild fortress America.
Sunday magazine cover for January 5, 2003, read "American Empire: Get Used To It". The phrase "American empire" appeared more than 1000 times in news stories during November 2002 – April 2003.
which legalized the enslavement of Native Americans and allowed settlers to capture and force them into labor. California further offered and paid bounties for the killing of Native Americans.
of 2014 refers to "our global Combatant Commanders," that is "our" and "global" at the same time. These Commanders exercise heavy international influence and sometimes are associated with the
3257: 1731:, which gained significant revenues from Iranian oil, more so than the Iranian government itself. Mosaddegh was elected Prime Minister by the Majlis later in 1952. Mosadeggh's support by the 1433:
were deployed in Russia overall. This was the first event that made Russian–American relations a matter of major, long-term concern to the leaders in each country. Some historians, including
described the law as "clearly inconsistent with the basic foreign economic policy of this country" and "clearly inconsistent with our promise to grant the Philippines genuine independence."
12867: 3785:
America may justify this theory, but it is hard to know whether the United States would still maintain its prestige without its military and economic superiority., In terms of soft power,
6623: 3490:
is better than empire to describe the U.S.'s role in the world. Hegemony is distinguished from empire as ruling only external but not internal affairs of other states. Political scientist
secret documents. The US would have to have control over the "Western Hemisphere, Continental Europe and Mediterranean Basin (excluding Russia), the Pacific Area and the Far East, and the
3507:. The U.S. can be, and has been, simultaneously an empire and a hegemonic power. They claim that the general trend in U.S. foreign relations has been away from imperial modes of control. 6694: 1720:
in which up to 200,000 people were killed. After the coup, American enterprises saw a return of influence in the country, in both the public level of government but also in the economy.
14923: 13359: 7289: 4581: 1190:
Queen Lili'uokalani would be deposed in a bloodless coup. Hawaii has been under US control ever since and became the 50th US state on August 21, 1959 in a joint resolution with Alaska.
facilities only (where there the underlying land is neither owned nor controlled by the government), and land with facilities (where both are present). Also in 2015, David Vine's book
had significant stakes in the oil industry (various Gulf states saved more than $ 75 Billion in American banks), there were fears of a potential economic crisis due to the annexation.
and the global role of the United States in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, though he describes the United States' political and social structures as more like those of the
soldiers do not rule over the local people, and the United States government does not send out governors or permanent settlers like all the historic empires did. Harvard historian
This vision of empire assumed the necessity of the US to "police the world" in the aftermath of the war. This was not done primarily out of altruism, but out of economic interest.
which saw the loss of 90% of their land. The refusal of various warriors to recognise the treaty resulted in white settlers starting to believe that war was coming. The subsequent
for corporations operating within Iraq by reducing the rate from a maximum of 40% to a maximum of just 15% on income. Furthermore, corporations who collaborated with the CPA were
argued that CPA Order 39 was designed to create as favorable an environment for foreign investors as possible, which would allow American corporations to dominate Iraq's economy.
1598:" essay) wrote, "Tyrannies may require a large amount of living space freedom requires and will require far greater living space than Tyranny." According to Bowman's biographer, 10872:
Mirrlees, Tanner. 2006. American Soft Power or American Cultural Imperialism. In Colin Mooers (ed.), The New Imperialists: Ideologies of Empire. Oxford: One World Press. 198-228,
Access to Iraqi oil has been credited as a significant motivating factor behind the war, with Iraq claiming that $ 150 Billion of oil was stolen from Iraq after the war. General
2500:, the Roman garrisons were established to defend the frontiers of the empire and for surveillance of the areas beyond. For Historian Max Ostrovsky and International Law scholar 593:
In terms of territorial acquisition, the United States has integrated (with voting rights) all of its acquisitions on the North American continent, including the non-contiguous
7257: 1783:. The Jeju Uprising was violently suppressed and led to the deaths of 30,000 people, the majority of them civilians. North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950, starting the 16235: 13232: 2968: 2797:
to regenerate our victims, while incidentally capturing their markets; to civilise savage and senile and paranoid peoples, while blundering accidentally into their oil wells.
1502:, the US had multiple territories in the Pacific. The majority of these territories were military bases like Midway, Guam, Wake Island and Hawaii. Japan's surprise attack on 3852:
is also emulated in art created in this time, with art often used to justify this belief that the White Man was inevitably destined to spread across the American continent.
1237:, going so far as to physically beat him when the Philippine leader attempted to reject a speech the CIA had written for him. American agents also drugged sitting President 1225:
The Philippines is sometimes cited as an example. After Philippine independence, the US continued to direct the country through Central Intelligence Agency operatives like
15139: 15072: 8754:
United States. Cong. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Annexation of Hawaii. Comp. Davis. 55th Cong., 2nd sess. S. Rept. 681. Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1898. Print.
12949: 3935: 2959:"), discussed American policy as being driven by self-interested expansionism going back as far as the writing of the Constitution. Many politicians today do not agree. 258: 12954: 11074:["Extend External Assistance" Against "The Communist Gangrene": The Regional Anti-Communist Forces and the Finalization of Operation PBFortune, October 1952]. 8796: 6011: 3134:
declared that, given complete U.S. domination "culturally, economically, technologically and militarily", people were "now coming out of the closet on the word 'empire
1452:, a leader of the Haiti expedition and the highest-decorated Marine of that time, considered virtually all of the operations to have been economically motivated. In a 2176:," effectively granting immunity from any kind of suit, civil or criminal, for actions the contractors engaged in within Iraq. CPA Order 49 also provided significant 1799:, an American political theorist has claimed that this policy was heavily influenced by America's imperialistic policy in Asia in the 19th century, with its goals to 542:
reoriented American foreign policy towards opposing communism, and prevailing U.S. foreign policy embraced its role as a nuclear-armed global superpower. Through the
13049: 12389: 12259: 3383:
argue that even though the present world order is dominated by the United States, the form taken by that dominance is not imperial. International relations scholar
the United States framed the mission as protecting free peoples against an undemocratic system, anti-Soviet foreign policy became coercive and occasionally covert.
15288: 15271: 15082: 2793:
The enemy aggressor is always pursuing a course of larceny, murder, rapine and barbarism. We are always moving forward with high mission, a destiny imposed by the
733:. As part of the desire of Manifest Destiny to open up land for American settlement came campaigns in the Great Lakes region which saw the United States fight the 10072: 15207: 13639: 12519: 5713: 1301:. This was "a war for empire" to control vast raw materials in Africa and other colonized areas, according to the contemporary historian and civil rights leader 1261:
Philippine minerals, forests, and other natural resources. In hearings before the Senate Committee on Finance, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
be sure, but an empire nonetheless. If this is correct, our goal is not combating a rival, but maintaining our imperial position and maintaining imperial order.
1096:" for Roosevelt, the politician told colleagues that it was "rather poor poetry, but good sense from the expansion point of view." Roosevelt proclaimed his own 14398: 13126: 12894: 12728: 12384: 7054: 2200:
who stated in 2003 that "if oil were the driving force behind the Bush Administration's hard line on Iraq, avoiding war would be the most appropriate policy".
2046: 1511:
stated "I came through and I shall return" in response to the Americans losing the island to the Japanese. The loss of American territories ended the decisive
in 1823, in order to stop further European colonialism in the Latin America. Desire for territorial expansion to the Pacific Ocean was explicit in the idea of
7955: 4457:
genocide, then genocide has no more meaning," he says. Anderson tells me that, by his estimate, no more than 2,000 Native Americans were killed in California.
2042:. Overall civilian fatalities in Iraq caused by damage to infrastructure and access to food and water due to United States bombing campaigns reached 100,000. 1131:
bananas. If the United States was able to annex a territory, in turn they were granted access to the trade and capital of those territories. In 1898, Senator
597:. Hawaii has also become a state with equal representation to the mainland, but other island jurisdictions acquired during wartime remain territories, namely 486:
resulted in substantial territorial gains for American colonists who were expanding into native land. Wars with the Native Americans continued intermittently
13415: 12982: 12872: 7356: 11072:""Amplies Ayuda Externa" Contra "La Gangrena Comunista": Las Fuerzas Regionales Anticomunistas y la Finalizacion de la Operacion PBFortune, Octobre de 1952" 2109:
in both Syria and Iraq. The Iraq War and the subsequent sectarian conflict and instability has been credited as a reason for the rise of ISIS in the 2010s.
14471: 12750: 7997: 4882:
Williams, Walter L. (1980). "United States Indian Policy and the Debate over Philippine Annexation: Implications for the Origins of American Imperialism".
4492: 997:. Furthermore, following the Dawes Act of 1887 native american systems of land tenure and communal ownership were ended, in favour of private property and 9303: 5093: 4839: 3343: 15302: 14559: 14393: 12787: 11611:
to analyze the data. As a result, the can monitor almost all international communication." (p. 154) This has allowed the U.S. "to effectively cut
4211: 1619: 1252:
The U.S. retained dozens of military bases, including a few major ones. In addition, Philippine independence was qualified by legislation passed by the
represented the high tide of antebellum American imperialism. His brief seizure of Nicaragua in 1855 is typically called a representative expression of
firm, Byrd and Belding earned up to $ 27,000 in two years through supplying food. The policy of Manifest Destiny would continue to be realized with the
14704: 13327: 13185: 11846: 11818: 10286: 7725: 4510: 7749: 3454:
asks: "Why does Japan need to pay the costs for US service members' entertainment on their holidays?" One research on host nations support concludes:
in alliance with military and political bureaucracies and sometimes other industries such as oil and finance, a combination often referred to as the "
12889: 12676: 15089: 11599:, which carry data and messages around the planet, travel through the United States." (p. 152.) "he U.S. government has installed 'splitters': 10795: 6431: 938:
to implement the doctrine were modeled after those employed by European imperial powers during the 17th and 18th centuries. From the left historian
15036: 13381: 13354: 12671: 9933: 2239: 793: 8313: 6293: 2740:, often at the expense of the public interest. The proposed solution is typically unceasing popular vigilance in order to apply counter-pressure. 2724:" theory says that imperialistic U.S. policies are the products of the excessive influence of certain sectors of U.S. business and government—the 2552:
In 2002, for the first time, the entire surface of the Earth was divided among the US commands. The last unassigned region—Antarctica—entered the
and the United States that Iran would turn to Communism. America would officially remain neutral, but the CIA supported various candidates in the
13729: 13689: 12025: 9231:
Schulmeister, Stephan (March 2000). "Globalization without Global Money: The Double Role of the Dollar as National Currency and World Currency".
4197: 2963:
claims that the modern United States' drive to empire is "far removed from what the Founding Fathers had intended the young Republic to become."
2279: 2221: 1532: 9172: 8877: 7079: 3336:, and Asia centered on China and Russia. He says there are tensions between the three major blocs over resources and economic power, citing the 16240: 15340: 15266: 15212: 14928: 14641: 13537: 12455: 11942: 10555: 2913:
Prior to annexing a territory, the American government still held immense power through the various legislations passed in the late 1800s. The
319: 7998:"Number of Military and DoD Appropriated Fund (APF) Civilian Personnel By Assigned Duty Location and Service/Component (as of March 31, 2024)" 7296: 4573: 3209:
refers to the alleged motivation of U.S. foreign policy as preserving by force the status of the United States dollar as the world's dominant
15216: 15197: 15132: 15094: 15077: 14346: 13751: 12987: 12194: 9949: 3462: 1825:. Influenced by the Grand Area policy, the U.S. eventually assumed military and financial support for the South Vietnamese state against the 197: 7640:(2000). "Between Asoka and Antiochus: an essay in world history on universal kingship and cosmopolitan culture in the Hellenistic ecumene," 7154: 5729: 5433: 2668:
stressed one element not exceptional for the American Empire—the concept of exceptionalism. All dominant empires thought they were special.
argues that Wilson entered the war in order to open international markets to surplus US production. He quotes Wilson's own declaration that
American expansion in the Great Plains resulted in conflict between many tribes West of the Mississippi and the United States. In 1851, the
15046: 13369: 12966: 12782: 12723: 12306: 12264: 12020: 12015: 12010: 12005: 12000: 11995: 11990: 11985: 11980: 11975: 11603:
that divide the beams of light carrying information into two streams. One... goes on to the intended recipients, ... the other goes to the
8918: 7923: 5393: 2981:, wrote, "The routine lust for land, markets or security became justifications for noble rhetoric about prosperity, liberty and security." 2220:, which soon spiralled into a civil war. In the ensuing conflict, a NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya to implement 1430: 1282: 10709: 9980: 8291: 6782: 2664:
And in the United States, empire does not even exist; 'we' are merely protecting the causes of freedom, democracy and justice worldwide."
writes that "the United States is the one country that exists, as far as I know, and ever has, that was founded as an empire explicitly".
14960: 14493: 14336: 14231: 13976: 13714: 12834: 12745: 12487: 12472: 12354: 10156: 8166:
Cheney, Dick (January 1993). "Defense strategy for the 1990s: The regional defense strategy," (Washington: Department of Defense), p 11,
7264: 6870: 4551: 3496: 3037: 2854: 14319: 13834: 13829: 13819: 13192: 12921: 12169: 5657: 3930: 3920: 3900: 2283: 1700:, whose profits were affected by these policies, as well as fear of Communist influence in Guatemala culminated in the USA supporting 1018: 551: 460: 348: 254: 244: 160: 6915: 5288: 14709: 14488: 14431: 14324: 14153: 13595: 12098: 4470: 4056: 4031: 3503:
in the twentieth". Other political scientists, such as Daniel Nexon and Thomas Wright, argue that neither term exclusively describes
10765:"The Ties that Bind: Dutch-American Relations, US Public Diplomacy and the Promotion of American Studies since the Second World War" 2084:. A large part of the rationale for the invasion came from allegations of Iraq possessing Weapons of Mass Destruction, as well as a 14535: 14331: 13824: 13312: 13252: 12812: 12467: 12359: 12209: 11159:, the prime expression of American profligacy, had become 'the most significant threat to our national security.' In 2017, General 9740: 5586: 3889: 3380: 3049:
Following September 11, publications on the "American Empire" grew exponentially, accompanied by heated debates. Harvard historian
which stretched from Pole to Pole and covered half of the globe; the rest of geographic commands covered the other half. Historian
202: 8141:
Dufour, Jules (July 1, 2007). "The worldwide network of US military bases," Global Research: Center for Research on Globalization.
7975: 3042: 2157:
permitted 100% foreign ownership of Iraqi assets and strengthened the positions of foreign businesses and investors. Critics like
16230: 15373: 15278: 14955: 14441: 14414: 14373: 14368: 14341: 14271: 14158: 13954: 13761: 13349: 13173: 13071: 12703: 9441: 8513: 2756: 1571:
group offered its services to the State Department in 1939 and a secret partnership for post-war planning developed. CFR leaders
651: 212: 10308: 8231: 2635: 621:
in 1993.) The remainder of acquired territories have become independent with varying degrees of cooperation, ranging from three
15393: 14542: 14251: 13934: 13839: 13669: 13617: 13578: 13145: 13140: 12994: 12931: 12884: 12862: 12827: 12482: 12338: 11668:, vol. LXIX, no. 7 (April 21, 2022), pp. 40–42. "After September 11 no politician asked whether the proper response to a 5466: 3504: 2509: 2213: 1171: 788:
Following the American victory over Mexico, colonization and settlement of California would begin which would soon lead to the
10364: 10331: 5968: 907:, which became independent in 1847. By 1857, Liberia had merged with other colonies formed by state societies, including the 15297: 14682: 14358: 14246: 14116: 14020: 13929: 13853: 13398: 13364: 12379: 12369: 12364: 12222: 12217: 12081: 12046: 11773: 11495: 11350: 11129: 11060: 11034: 10681: 9577: 8725:
Castignani, Hugo (2012). "Can one speak of defensive imperialism? On the Roman theory of the just war and in its posterity,"
8055: 7574: 7442: 6828: 6765: 6606: 6406: 5376: 5333: 5103: 4866: 4545: 4070: 4006: 3971: 3085: 2850: 2785:), rather than between the imperialist powers. A conservative, anti-interventionist view as expressed by American journalist 2535:
of military alliances and bases, the UCC was founded to wage the Cold War but long outlived this confrontation and expanded.
2085: 1780: 1035: 982: 587: 192: 7405: 7322: 6506: 4767: 2654:, who concluded by agreeing that the U.S., uniquely, was "proceeding along a path to which no limit can be perceived". As a 1575:
and Walter H. Mallory saw World War II as a "grand opportunity" for the U.S. to emerge as "the premier power in the world."
1413:, which involved an attempted assassination of Lenin. The Bolsheviks proceeded to shut down the British and U.S. embassies. 769:. The deportation of Natives West of the Mississippi, resulted in significant economic gains for settlers. For example, the 15736: 14554: 14451: 14388: 14378: 14261: 14052: 14015: 13944: 13776: 13741: 13292: 13022: 12755: 12526: 12477: 12450: 12374: 12333: 7466: 3375:
sees the Spanish–American War expansionism not as an aberration, but as a culmination of United States expansion westward.
2340: 2314: 1973: 812:
settlers began to pour into the territory. In 1861, six chiefs of the Southern Cheyenne and four of the Arapaho signed the
resulted in a rise of Anti-American sentiment among the Native Americans in the Great Lakes region, which helped to create
112: 9831: 6311:
The U.S. played a very powerful and direct role in the life of this institution, the army, that went on to commit genocide
promised American neutrality throughout the war. This promise was broken when the United States entered the war after the
rapidly expanded their overseas territorial possessions. One of these factors was the prevalence of overt racism, notably
15741: 14871: 14510: 14498: 14436: 14193: 13684: 13583: 13180: 12839: 12735: 12619: 11836: 11578: 10499: 4979: 3830:, a romantic-inspired art movement which emerged in 1826 at the height of nineteenth-century American expansion depicted 2988: 2774: 2458: 2251: 2243: 1841:
arguing that fair elections weren't possible in North Vietnam. Beginning in 1965, the US sent many combat units to fight
234: 6362: 5684: 4317: 3401:
The existence of "proconsuls", however, has been recognized by many since the early Cold War. In 1957, French Historian
16082: 15982: 15283: 14895: 14634: 14483: 14424: 14309: 14304: 14241: 14003: 13964: 13924: 13771: 13724: 13704: 13317: 12944: 12939: 12844: 12792: 12321: 12076: 11935: 11460: 11026: 8023: 7767: 7323:"Iraq estimates that $ 150 billion of its oil money has been stolen from the country since the US-led invasion of 2003" 6853: 5944: 5143: 4440: 2630:
in the form of a warship bearing the words "World Power" and the word "Expansion" on the smoke coming out of its stack.
2481: 2425:
remain under U.S. control, the U.S. allowed many of its overseas territories or occupations to gain independence after
2304: 978: 335:
is the expansion of American political, economic, cultural, media, and military influence beyond the boundaries of the
312: 207: 11442: 9993: 8743: 867:. In order to maintain revenue and profit, settlers often waged war against native tribes. By 1871, the settlement of 15835: 15726: 15587: 15248: 15228: 15099: 14715: 14525: 14505: 14456: 14446: 14314: 14236: 14213: 14173: 14037: 14027: 13904: 13879: 13786: 13766: 13244: 13034: 12760: 12142: 11876: 11809: 11717: 11693: 11565: 11543: 11519: 11435: 11331: 11309: 11285: 11261: 11218: 11195: 10664: 10616: 10185: 9720: 9695: 9667: 9539: 9504: 9282: 8860: 8810: 8776: 8429: 6677: 6547: 6489: 6198: 6114: 6082: 6050: 6021: 5856: 5764: 5754: 5694: 5667: 5596: 5547: 5298: 5178: 4926: 4831: 4804: 4777: 4423: 4118: 3172:
and detention program – countries involved in the Program, according to the 2013 Open Society Foundation's report on
2489:, found 800 U.S. military bases located outside of the U.S., including 174 bases in Germany, 113 in Japan, and 83 in 2062:
annexation of Kuwait would result in it controlling up to 45% of global oil production and since major banks such as
1740: 1338: 1246: 1014: 512: 239: 82: 11619:
programs in exchange for relief." (pp. 153–154.) " few years ago, American officials... were in a panic about
The Shaping of America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History, Volume 2: Continental America, 1800–1867
8279: 8088: 7706: 5781:"The National Archives | Exhibitions & Learning online | First World War | Spotlights on history" 1713: 1139: 339:. Depending on the commentator, it may include imperialism through outright military conquest; military protection; 64: 15041: 14945: 14822: 14530: 14476: 14461: 14363: 14198: 13674: 13627: 13622: 13524: 13451: 13151: 12916: 12445: 11604: 11236: 7831: 5846: 4632: 3925: 3301: 2650:
traces the identification of American exceptionalism as a distinct phenomenon back to 19th-century French observer
2402:. On Guam, a common joke had it that few people other than nuclear targeters in Kemlin know where their island is. 2102: 2098: 1929: 1536: 108: 20: 11472:, "Fort Everywhere: How did the United States become entangled in a cycle of endless war?" (review of David Vine, 8199: 8155: 7348: 7098: 7018:"Western Imperialism in the Middle East: The Case of the United States' Military Intervention in the Persian Gulf" 6980:"Western Imperialism in the Middle East: The Case of the United States' Military Intervention in the Persian Gulf" 6939:"Western Imperialism in the Middle East: The Case of the United States' Military Intervention in the Persian Gulf" 5780: 4738: 4718: 4684: 4664: 1448:
Wilson launched seven armed interventions, more than any other president. Looking back on the Wilson era, General
15828: 15056: 14996: 14935: 14918: 14564: 14353: 14294: 14203: 14094: 14069: 13566: 13556: 13121: 13039: 12977: 12961: 12807: 12802: 12566: 12546: 12536: 12531: 11893: 8015: 6624:"The Council on Foreign Relations and the Grand Area: Case Studies on the Origins of the IMF and the Vietnam War" 2831:
is known as "defensive imperialism" in the Roman studies and Historian Max Ostrovsky applied the concept also to
2729: 2350: 2287: 2141: 2129: 131:
Map of the United States and directly controlled territories at its greatest extent from 1898 to 1902, after the
11912: 5872: 5290:
Honor in the Dust: Theodore Roosevelt, War in the Philippines, and the Rise and Fall of America's Imperial Dream
4259: 2008:
of South America in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, and Paraguay with substantial US support.
By the 1930s, the United States had cemented itself in the Middle East via a series of acquisitions through the
began as a result. Despite initial success by Native Americans in the war's first few battles, most notably the
15233: 15174: 14547: 14221: 14168: 14084: 14074: 14042: 13971: 13959: 13914: 13801: 13699: 13561: 13481: 13471: 13257: 13114: 12817: 12775: 12718: 12492: 12403: 9295: 5627: 5476: 5403: 2442: 1553: 1409:, supported by US diplomat Dewitt C. Poole, sponsored an attempted coup in Moscow involving Bruce Lockhart and 1193: 990: 575: 467: 363: 49: 9412: 8072:
Imperial Grunts: On the Ground with the American Military, from Mongolia to the Philippines to Iraq and Beyond
7198: 7123: 4919:
The Settlement of America: An Encyclopedia of Westward Expansion from Jamestown to the Closing of the Frontier
3105:, the new war represents an unprecedented quickening of the American Empire, a third chance at global power." 1326:
notes that Wilson's original avoidance of world war was not motivated by anti-imperialism; his fear was that "
555: 16225: 15763: 15258: 14627: 14299: 14163: 14079: 14010: 13981: 13919: 13809: 13781: 13425: 12797: 12690: 11928: 11474:
The United States of War: A Global History of America's Endless Conflicts, from Columbus to the Islamic State
11425: 10420:
Fighting for American Manhood: How Gender Politics Provoked the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars
10349: 8340: 7564: 3275: 2557: 2192: 1768: 1760: 1669: 1563:, it began planning for the post-war world from the conflict's outset. This postwar vision originated in the 903:
began subsidizing free black people to colonize the west coast of Africa. In 1822, it declared the colony of
900: 880:
were killed, most being women and children. Up to 27 Apache children were captured and sold into slavery in
845: 643: 351:; economic or diplomatic support; or economic penetration through private companies, potentially followed by 305: 10294: 7379: 4506: 4362: 3217:
is priced. The term was coined by William R. Clark, who has written a book with the same title. The phrase
985:. Their escalation under the federal republic allowed the US to dominate North America and carve out the 48 15464: 14594: 14587: 14520: 14383: 14266: 14188: 14178: 14032: 13993: 13949: 13909: 13866: 13814: 13746: 13719: 13679: 13657: 13466: 13280: 13227: 13160: 13017: 12973: 12901: 12822: 12740: 12551: 12415: 12244: 12152: 11960: 11840: 11751: 11731: 11664: 11615:
out of the world financial system... Iran's economy stagnated... Eventually, Tehran agreed to cut back its
11380: 8045: 8001: 5213: 4087: 2410: 2236:. According to the Libyan Health Ministry, the attacks saw 114 civilians killed and 445 civilians wounded. 1893: 1564: 1386: 1103:
Scholars have noted the resemblance between U.S. policies in the Philippines and European actions in their
857: 630:
after World War II (having started a ten-year independence transition for the Philippines in 1934 with the
606: 358:
The policies perpetuating American imperialism and expansionism are usually considered to have begun with "
103:: "Ten thousand miles from tip to tip." referring to the expansion of American domination (symbolized by a 10012: 9194: 6423: 1349:
on July 28, 1915, and American rule continued until August 1, 1934. The historian Mary Renda in her book,
104: 15882: 15454: 15429: 15366: 15157: 14736: 14515: 14466: 14281: 14183: 14106: 13988: 13884: 13709: 13694: 13632: 13267: 13222: 13029: 12911: 12765: 11867:
Boomerang!: How Our Covert Wars Have Created Enemies Across the Middle East and Brought Terror to America
9917: 8263: 7225:"THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ: NORTHERN REGION; Kurdish Region in Northern Iraq Will Get to Keep Special Status" 3802: 3165: 1977: 1406: 1179: 1151: 1104: 1022: 962: 808: 746: 10500:"White Women, Anti-Imperialist Feminism and the Story of Race within the US Women's Liberation Movement" 9883: 9208:"The Future of War and the American Military: Demography, technology, and the politics of modern empire" 2642:. The United States occupies a special position among the nations of the world in terms of its national 1361:
In World War I, the US, Britain, and Russia had been allies for seven months, from April 1917 until the
ensued, with extensive damage and death, ultimately resulting in the defeat of the Philippine Republic.
799: 15907: 15756: 15184: 15127: 14906: 14853: 14419: 14289: 14121: 14101: 14089: 13899: 13889: 13571: 13476: 13089: 13079: 12606: 12601: 12591: 12586: 12108: 11641: 11448: 8701: 8317: 7784: 2700:
In 1899, Uncle Sam balances his new possessions which are depicted as savage children. The figures are
2574: 1567:(CFR), an economic elite-led organization that became integrated into the government leadership. CFR's 1475: 863:
In the South-West, various settlements and communities had been established thanks to profits from the
782: 726: 571: 487: 352: 7856: 7644:, (eds. Bang, Peter Fibiger & Kolodziejczyk, Dariusz. New York: Cambridge University Press), p 65. 1735:
as well as a boycott by various businesses against the nationalised industry resulted in fears by the
1273: 16250: 15602: 15565: 15238: 13998: 13304: 13109: 13104: 12666: 12120: 11401:
deploying to protect your brothers and sisters in arms from danger,' Klay writes, 'then it's not the
11210: 9176: 9088:
Lake, David A. (2007). "Escape from the State of Nature: Authority and Hierarchy in World Politics".
6787: 3451: 3427: 3405:
associated the American "proconsul" with "the Roman of our time." Expert on recent American history,
3328: 2978: 2886: 2877: 2661: 2521: 2474: 2169: 1728: 1516: 1434: 1175: 1093: 939: 750: 380: 11577:, "The American Way of Economic War: Is Washington Overusing Its Most Powerful Weapons?" (review of 9207: 6229: 3475:
Increasing the "economic burdens of the allies" was one of the major priorities of former President
2345: 15823: 15501: 15444: 15403: 15321: 15149: 15051: 15020: 14940: 14828: 14741: 14667: 14659: 14111: 13491: 13461: 13456: 13446: 13212: 13168: 13009: 12770: 12556: 12420: 12234: 12174: 11849:, "Iraq and the Pathologies of Primacy: The Flawed Logic That Produced the War Is Alive and Well", 11384:, vol. LXX, no. 16 (19 October 2023), pp. 26–28. "Klay remains transfixed by the idea that in 10046: 9775:
The United States and Western Europe since 1945: From 'Empire' by Invitation to Transatlantic Drift
9496: 8712:
Adler, Eric (December 2008). " Post-9/11 Views of Rome and the nature of 'defensive imperialism,'"
Universal Empire: A Comparative Approach to Imperial Culture and Representation in Eurasian History
similarly displays themes of discovery and the hopeful prospects of American expansion. Notions of
3410: 3368: 2754:
during the late 19th century, supported the notion of American imperialism in his 1890 book titled
2623: 2615: 2457:
during the Second World War, this happened despite local popular opinion on the island. In 2003, a
2414: 2053:
was derived from a desire to distract from the various crisis' in America at the time, such as the
2039: 1759:
In Korea, the U.S. occupied the Southern half of the peninsula in 1945 and dissolved the Socialist
1080: 1057: 986: 774: 734: 705: 631: 622: 614: 532: 475: 336: 132: 116: 11763: 11396:, there have been not only no definable diplomatic or political objectives, but also no definable 7145: 6695:"'I don't want more children to suffer what I did': the 50-year fight to clear US bombs from Laos" 4277: 16127: 15679: 15523: 15471: 15243: 15006: 13605: 13341: 13099: 12066: 11799: 11629: 7893:
Lutz, Catherine (March 16, 2009). "US bases and empire: Global perspective on the Asia-Pacific,"
Lundestad, Geir (1986). "Empire by Invitation? The United States and Western Europe, 1945–1952".
4313: 4173: 3625: 3169: 3098: 3090: 2639: 2599: 2133: 2001: 1599: 1572: 1540: 1524: 1520: 1398: 893: 849: 400: 276: 60: 11053:
Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia
9657: 9467: 7930: 7898: 5325: 3815:
allowing us to identify how different social spheres responded to America's imperial endeavors.
16192: 16067: 15709: 15699: 15582: 15518: 15449: 15434: 15359: 15330: 15179: 14859: 14756: 14603: 14057: 13407: 13217: 13197: 12999: 12854: 12649: 12596: 12581: 12425: 12113: 11787: 10706: 8461: 8299: 7176: 6667: 6224: 4212:"Decolonization and the Global Reach of the 'American Century' | US History II (American Yawp)" 3300:
economies. They go on to say that the U.S. is central to the development of this new regime of
was "US-led imperialism" and the final conclusion in a wider war on Libya since the 1970s via '
2233: 1920:
were also among targeted groups in the killings. Geoffrey B. Robinson, professor of history at
1882: 1858: 1838: 1808: 1486:. This appeal was ignored until Germany and Japan made similar attempts following the start of 1108: 647: 583: 10164: 9628: 9569: 8802: 6396: 6188: 5368: 5317:
The Philippines Reader: A History of Colonialism, Neocolonialism, Dictatorship, and Resistance
5168: 4533: 4413: 4137:
Field, James A. Jr. (June 1978). "American Imperialism: The Worst Chapter i Almost Any Book".
2882: 56: 16007: 15845: 15577: 15506: 15192: 14697: 14256: 13939: 13054: 12611: 12576: 12571: 12514: 12497: 12227: 11703: 11152: 10463:
Brewster, Claire (2005). "Women and the Spanish-American Wars of Independence: An Overview".
9644: 9612: 9596: 8232:
7432: 6537: 5619: 5613: 5539: 5321: 4858: 4821: 4062: 3559: 3554:
in the early 20th century but "since at least 1803." This embrace of empire is made by other
3406: 3337: 2956: 2651: 2461:
distribution found the United States had bases in over 36 countries worldwide, including the
2399: 2153: 1949: 1897: 1874: 1807:
the peasant masses. In the following conflict, the USA oversaw a large bombing campaign over
1709: 1689: 1568: 1418: 1402: 1365:
seized power in Russia in November. Active distrust surfaced immediately, as even before the
1163: 950: 912: 779:
cession of 525,000 square miles (1,360,000 km) of Mexican territory to the United States
730: 293: 11747:
Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis
Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy
11048: 9062: 9049:, (Berkeley & Los Angeles & London: University of California Press, 2003), p XI-XII. 8215: 7789:
From World War to Cold War: Churchill, Roosevelt, and the International History of the 1940s
4794: 3025: 1811:. A total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, were dropped on Korea. 16245: 16132: 16037: 15850: 15818: 15808: 15793: 15694: 15689: 15632: 15335: 14991: 14950: 14877: 14746: 14608: 13736: 13610: 13501: 12879: 12311: 12291: 12189: 12130: 12061: 11907: 11295: 11207:
Faces of Power: Constancy and Change in United States Foreign Policy from Truman to Clinton
11143: 10633: 10570: 10202:
Keohane, Robert O. (1991). "The United States and the Postwar Order: Empire or Hegemony?".
Nina J. Easton, "Thunder on the Right," American Journalism Review 23 (December 2001), 320.
8635: 8550: 6564: 5813:"The Wilsonian Chimera: Why Debating Wilson's Vision Can't Save American Foreign Relations" 5812: 3869: 3831: 3795: 3744: 3691: 1965: 1697: 1378: 1167: 974: 908: 742: 738: 663: 559: 483: 175: 10682:"Culture and Imperialism, speech at York University, Toronto, February 10, 1993" 10332:"Operation Anglosphere: Today's most ardent American imperialists weren't born in the USA" 10246:
Nexon, Daniel H.; Wright, Thomas (2007). "What's at Stake in the American Empire Debate".
9550: 9343:
Vuoto, Grace (2007). "The Anglo-American Global Imperial Legacy: Is There a Better Way?".
7816:(1984). "The American conception of national security and the beginning of the Cold War," 2646:, historical evolution, and political and religious institutions and origins. Philosopher 761:
of 1830 culminated in the deportation of 60,000 Native Americans in an event known as the
680: 8: 15669: 15659: 15654: 15637: 15528: 15511: 15424: 14721: 14148: 14064: 13874: 13590: 13275: 12906: 12103: 11023:
Revolution in the Countryside: Rural Conflict and Agrarian Reform in Guatemala, 1944–1954
10192:, (eds. Craig Calhoun, Frederick Cooper and Kevin Moore, New York: The New Press), p 270. 7910: 7750:"Protesters Accuse US of 'Imperialism' as Obama Rekindles Military Deal With Philippines" 4942: 3839: 3827: 3575: 3447: 3420: 3402: 3391: 3297: 3206: 3186: 3131: 2952: 2819: 2811: 2747: 1905: 1830: 1717: 1701: 1582:, a key liaison between the CFR and the State Department, proposed an "American economic 1528: 1298: 1097: 1030: 994: 873: 821: 813: 789: 579: 432: 408: 367: 15912: 11173:, "The Reckoning That Wasn't: Why America Remains Trapped by False Dreams of Hegemony", 9748: 7983: 5493: 5011: 4980:"Flat Note from the Pied Piper of Globalization: Thomas L. Friedman's The World Is Flat" 4538:
An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846–1873
2676: 1862:
home front, where by 1970, two thirds of the American public advocated against the war.
1330:" were threatened by "the great white nations" destroying each other in endless battle. 15977: 15803: 15751: 15714: 15459: 14793: 14761: 14751: 14726: 13388: 13376: 13094: 13084: 13061: 13044: 12440: 12184: 12179: 12051: 11865: 11828: 11707: 11596: 11533: 11170: 11163:, Joint Chiefs vice chair, stated bluntly that 'the dynamics that are happening in our 11156: 11138: 11097: 11089: 10999: 10952: 10826: 10818: 10549: 10522: 10480: 10386: 10343: 10309:"Max Boot, "Neither New nor Nefarious: The Liberal Empire Strikes Back," November 2003" 10263: 10227: 10219: 10129: 10121: 9961: 9913: 9851: 9685: 9393: 9256: 9153: 9105: 8979: 8938: 8505: 8486: 8418: 7637: 7621: 7241: 7029: 6991: 6950: 6814: 6363:"Newly Declassified Documents Confirm U.S. Backed 1953 Coup in Iran Over Oil Contracts" 6336: 6298: 6250: 6242: 6133: 6103: 6071: 6039: 5925: 5730:"The Forgotten Story of the American Troops Who Got Caught Up in the Russian Civil War" 5255:
Hitchman, James (January 1970). "U. S. Control Over Cuban Sugar Production 1898-1902".
4899: 4624: 4415:
The Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War: A Political, Social, and Military History
4394: 4154: 4012: 3630: 3544: 3536: 3364: 3140: 3094: 2941: 2937: 2926: 2823: 2685: 2450: 1985: 1917: 1724: 1708:
in 1952. The plan involved providing weapons to the exiled Guatemalan military officer
The end of the Second World War and start of the Cold War saw increased US interest in
1426: 1389:, which was collapsing in the revolutionary upheaval. Ultimately, Soviet head of state 1366: 1262: 1245:. Prominent Filipino historian Roland G. Simbulan has called the CIA "US imperialism's 1076: 1026: 916: 864: 841: 758: 713: 709: 635: 618: 524: 499: 436: 428: 371: 14974: 10884:"The Chosen People: The Hudson River School and the Construction of American Identity" 6817:: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World 4917:
Blansett, Kent (2015). Crutchfield, James A.; Moutlon, Candy; Del Bene, Terry (eds.).
editorial opines on the phenomenon, "In Britain, empire was justified as a benevolent
2309: 1723:
On the March 15, 1951 the Iranian parliament, passed legislation that was proposed by
1068:'s call to "civilize and Christianize." The concepts were manifestations of a growing 1004: 119:; the cartoon contrasts this with a map showing the significantly smaller size of the 16165: 16032: 15917: 15798: 15704: 15570: 15476: 14677: 14131: 13287: 12639: 12137: 12056: 12041: 11872: 11805: 11795: 11769: 11713: 11689: 11582: 11561: 11539: 11515: 11491: 11456: 11431: 11346: 11327: 11319: 11305: 11281: 11275: 11257: 11240: 11214: 11191: 11125: 11101: 11056: 11030: 10991: 10956: 10944: 10905: 10830: 10764: 10726: 10660: 10612: 10526: 10484: 10316: 10231: 10133: 10069:"Full Rush Transcript: Donald Trump, CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall" 10020: 9925: 9791: 9716: 9691: 9663: 9573: 9535: 9500: 9371: 9278: 9248: 9157: 8983: 8856: 8806: 8772: 8693: 8466: 8452: 8425: 8051: 7813: 7669: 7570: 7503:
Capasso, Matteo (2020). "The war and the economy: the gradual destruction of Libya".
Capasso, Matteo (2020). "The war and the economy: the gradual destruction of Libya".
7438: 7055:"Cheney on torture report: Saddam Hussein 'had a 10-year relationship with al-Qaida'" 6849: 6824: 6761: 6702: 6673: 6602: 6543: 6485: 6481: 6475: 6402: 6194: 6110: 6078: 6046: 6017: 5852: 5827: 5760: 5690: 5663: 5623: 5592: 5543: 5518: 5472: 5441: 5399: 5372: 5329: 5294: 5174: 5099: 4922: 4862: 4827: 4800: 4773: 4541: 4486: 4419: 4398: 4191: 4114: 4066: 4016: 4002: 3967: 3844: 3786: 3781: 3687: 3579: 3563: 3262: 3228: 3014: 2721: 2689: 2569: 2454: 2434: 2354: 2247: 2097:
Saddam Hussein and the end of the Ba'athist government, but quickly collapsed into a
1822: 1772: 1508: 1422: 1128: 667: 508: 399:; the term "neocolonialism" has occasionally been used as a contemporary synonym for 340: 165: 100: 11835:." (p. 24.) "he United States should cease acting as a partisan in disputes such as 10390: 10267: 9397: 9260: 9109: 7685: 6916:"The Wages of War: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 2003 Conflict" 6254: 5508:
Lecture at the University of the Philippines-Manila, Rizal Hall, Padre Faura, Manila
4345: 4237:
Emily Eakin "Ideas and Trends: All Roads Lead To DC" New York Times, March 31, 2002.
3531: 3431: 2449:(1986). Most of them still have U.S. bases within their territories. In the case of 1981: 1100:
as justification, although his ambitions extended even further, into the Far East.
922: 16255: 16072: 16052: 15967: 15892: 15721: 15592: 15491: 15162: 14865: 14799: 14783: 14047: 13894: 13600: 13420: 12430: 12271: 12254: 12249: 12088: 11742: 11669: 11553: 11529: 11505: 11469: 11079: 10983: 10936: 10895: 10810: 10776: 10514: 10472: 10450:
Imperial Hygiene: A Critical History of Colonialism, Nationalism, and Public Health
10376: 10255: 10211: 10113: 9901:
The Unified Command Plan and Combatant Commands: Background and Issues for Congress
9843: 9383: 9352: 9244: 9240: 9145: 9097: 8996: 8971: 8930: 8850: 8764: 8744:
8604: 6891: 6635: 6518: 6471: 6234: 6137: 5976: 5756:
Russia's Frozen Frontier: A History of Siberia and the Russian Far East 1581 – 1991
Strategy and Supply (RLE The First World War): The Anglo-Russian Alliance 1914–1917
5494:"Equipo Nizkor – Covert Operations and the CIA's Hidden History in the Philippines" 5235:"FE479/FE479: Cuban Agriculture Before 1959: The Political and Economic Situations" 4891: 4616: 4386: 4146: 3994: 3963: 3905: 3883: 3849: 3838:
These themes were recurrent in other displays of artistic expression at this time.
3806:"apologia" for cultural imperialism, a way of rationalizing it (while denying it). 3753: 3736: 3706: 3702: 3679: 3526: 3522: 3395: 3237: 3210: 3050: 3009: 2948: 2922: 2741: 2737: 2733: 2497: 2446: 2367: 2152:
rate from around 45% to a flat tax rate of 15% and allowed foreign corporations to
2030: 1997: 1941: 1937: 1933: 1925: 1800: 1595: 1560: 1512: 1341:
can be viewed as imperialism to stop the advance of democracy in countries such as
1319: 1302: 1132: 1117: 1113: 1069: 1040: 1001:. This resulted in the loss of around 100 Million acres of land from 1887 to 1934. 966: 889: 766: 675: 639: 520: 491: 420: 344: 288: 155: 15167: 11299: 10518: 8376: 7177:"PROFITS OF WAR: CORPORATE BENEFICIARIES OF THE POST-9/11 PENTAGON SPENDING SURGE" 5644:
Taking Haiti: Military Occupation & the Culture of U.S. Imperialism, 1915–1940
4534:"The Yuma Massacres, Western Genocide, and U.S. Colonization of Indigenous Mexico" 4324:"Noam Chomsky Lectures on Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East and Beyond" 3674: 2398:
half a way around the world? Both happened to be principal operating areas of the
1705: 16:
Expansion of American political, economic, cultural, media, and military influence
16204: 16155: 16087: 16062: 16027: 15942: 15813: 15731: 15649: 15558: 15486: 15439: 15001: 14889: 14847: 14817: 14766: 13756: 13532: 13430: 13202: 12502: 12435: 12204: 12125: 12071: 11851: 11823: 11616: 11591: 11228: 11175: 11117: 10846:
Making The World Like Us: Education, Cultural Expansion, and the American Century
10713: 9806: 9563: 8677: 8530: 8387: 8295: 8280:
8167: 8089:
7877: 7707:
7656:(1986). "Empire by invitation? The United States and Western Europe, 1945-1952," 5709: 5533: 5362: 5315: 4852: 4108: 3957: 3915: 3878: 3555: 3540: 3516: 3347: 3313: 3232: 3123: 3114: 2984: 2914: 2815: 2713: 2647: 2619: 2610: 2526: 2501: 2379: 2217: 2113: 2093: 2063: 1969: 1953: 1804: 1673: 1641: 1453: 1370: 1334: 1327: 1238: 1234: 1226: 1123:
Industry and trade were two of the most prevalent justifications of imperialism.
1089: 1061: 1049: 1010: 934: 853: 778: 685: 671: 547: 543: 528: 516: 440: 396: 359: 249: 170: 11738: 10685: 10476: 10215: 7458: 5873:"Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC" 4246: 511:, a founding father and first president of the United States, began a policy of 456: 27: 16057: 15922: 15897: 15768: 15614: 15553: 15408: 14834: 14226: 14126: 13509: 12644: 12634: 12629: 12624: 12296: 12159: 12093: 11681: 11600: 11164: 11148: 9827: 9770: 9529: 9442:"The 2020 Artsakh War: What the World Lacks Now Is Leadership --" 9012: 8345: 8200:
8130: 7653: 7608:& Wright, Thomas (2007). "What is at stake in the American Empire debate?" 7546: 7533:
Pierre, Andrew J. (1972). "The future of America's commitments and alliances,"
7410: 6900: 6809: 6640: 6445: 6238: 5079: 3910: 3655: 3591: 3586: 3491: 3483: 3430:, among whom the whole globe is divided, the "pro-consuls" of this "imperium." 3384: 3372: 3333: 3317: 3309: 3245: 3202: 3181: 3063: 2996: 2778: 2665: 2656: 2462: 2418: 2313:
U.S. military presence around the world in 2007. As of 2013, the U.S. had many
2229: 2197: 2112:
American companies benefited from the war in Iraq. Indicted defense contractor
2078: 2017: 1878: 1817:, the U.S. eschewed its anti-imperialist rhetoric by materially supporting the 1771:
that proclaimed a provisional government. There was a lot of opposition to the
1747: 1736: 1664: 1449: 1438: 1401:. This separate peace led to Allied disdain for the Soviets, since it left the 1394: 1294: 1257: 1242: 1230: 1155: 1127:
resulted in multiple industrial investments, including the popular industry of
flee! We are coming, Cuba, coming; coming now!" Filipino revolutionary General
762: 627: 610: 495: 424: 412: 388: 384: 11084: 11071: 10259: 10117: 9149: 9136:
Hopkins, A. G. (2007). "Capitalism, Nationalism and the New American Empire".
9101: 8975: 6398:
Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and Decolonization
5234: 5053: 4854:
American Indian Sovereignty and the U.S. Supreme Court: The Masking of Justice
4323: 3998: 3988: 3416: 1318:
In a memo to Secretary of State Bryan, the president described his aim as "an
1207:, where domestically unpopular governments survive only through U.S. support. 16219: 16170: 16122: 16117: 16112: 16107: 16092: 16002: 15972: 15932: 15840: 15607: 15481: 15382: 14883: 14672: 14650: 13207: 12507: 12316: 11951: 11759: 11726: 11651: 11509: 11421: 11417: 11393: 10995: 10948: 10909: 10780: 10381: 10365:"The unconscious colossus: Limits of (& alternatives to) American empire" 10024: 9929: 9659:"Benevolent Assimilation" The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899–1903 9489: 9388: 9252: 8648: 8194:
Drea, Edward et al (2013). "History of the Unified Command Plan, 1946-2012,"
Drea, Edward et al (2013). "History of the Unified Command Plan, 1946-2012,"
7956:"Clandestine Camps in Europe: "Everyone Knew What Was Going On in Bondsteel"" 7551:
America and the World, 1898-2025: Achievements, Failures, Alternative Futures
6820: 6706: 6166: 5831: 5445: 5170:
The Blood of Government: Race, Empire, the United States, and the Philippines
3818: 3766: 3284: 3280: 3148: 3102: 3003: 2786: 2725: 2627: 2272: 2181: 2173: 2149: 2025: 2005: 1993: 1846: 1776: 1685: 1653: 1637: 1579: 1410: 1323: 1253: 1204: 1166:
had begun in August 1896 against Spain, and after the defeat of Spain in the
1065: 657: 416: 282: 120: 11686:
Empire by Integration: The United States and European Integration, 1945–1997
Wiggins, J. Russell; Merk, Frederick; Merk, Lois Bannister (December 1963).
9900: 5395:
Benevolent Assimilation: The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899–1903
Empire by Invitation: William Walker and Manifest Destiny in Central America
their voices against imperialism, these women sought to promote a vision of
would win nationwide elections. They both refused to sign agreements at the
1385:, and the latter approved the initial Allied military mission to secure the 16150: 16077: 16047: 15992: 15902: 15674: 15221: 14805: 14788: 13514: 13486: 12541: 11633: 11574: 11044: 9417: 9029: 8792: 8470: 8460: 8181:(2003). "Command of the commons: The military foundation of US hegemony," 7605: 6895: 5003: 4703: 4620: 3650: 3615:
During the era of American imperialism, women played a significant role in
3609: 3595: 3571: 3500: 3476: 3220: 3109: 2973: 2960: 2762: 2505: 2426: 2386: 2363: 2188: 2165: 2058: 2054: 2034: 1964:
From 1968 until 1989, the United States of America supported a campaign of
and North Vietnamese soldiers in South Vietnam, with fighting extending to
1818: 1764: 1503: 1499: 1487: 1483: 1382: 1085: 1053: 817: 718: 529:
annexation of 525,000 square miles (1,360,000 km) of Mexican territory
26:"American hegemony" redirects here. For the most relevant time period, see 4390: 2864: 2370:
argued in 2004 that America's version of the colony is the military base.
945: 463:–portions of each territory were granted statehood since the 18th century. 16160: 16042: 15997: 15987: 15937: 15927: 15877: 15684: 14777: 14771: 14731: 14619: 13791: 13322: 12659: 12561: 12301: 12164: 11920: 11832: 11655: 11608: 11389: 11359: 11271: 9795: 9356: 8255: 8178: 7960: 7589: 7245: 6365:(Interview). Interviewed by Amy Goodman and Juan González. Democracy Now! 6174: 5797:
Powaski, "The United States and the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917–1933", in
The War of 1898: The United States and Cuba in History and Historiography
4605:"California's Yuki Indians: Defining Genocide in Native American History" 4441:"California Slaughter: The State-Sanctioned Genocide of Native Americans" 4104: 4058:
How to Hide an Empire : A Short History of the Greater United States
3894: 3749: 3439: 3305: 3127: 3030: 2832: 2782: 2709: 2701: 2538: 2490: 2430: 2422: 2268: 2209: 2158: 2145: 2137: 2122: 1834: 1814: 1796: 1624: 1354: 1306: 1290: 1278: 1198: 1124: 754: 693: 602: 567: 11093: 10900: 10883: 10125: 9965: 9903:", (Congressional Research Service, Washington: White House, 2013), p 59 9855: 9047:
American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization
8942: 8904:, 2001, (tr. Delogu, C. Jon, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003). 8509: 8242:
Ignatieff, Michael (2003). "The challenges of American imperial power,"
7033: 7017: 6995: 6979: 6954: 6938: 6599:
Unheralded Victory: The Defeat of The Viet Cong and The North Vietnamese
6522: 6340: 6324: 6105:
American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization
American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization
American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization
5929: 5119: 5025:"April 16, 1897: T. Roosevelt Appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy" 5024: 4628: 4604: 4278:"Envisaging the West: Thomas Jefferson and the Roots of Lewis and Clark" 3387:
argues that international institutions have taken the place of empire.
A third factor was the realization, especially by Britain and the three
1425:, with the US covertly giving support to the autocratic and antisemitic 16102: 16097: 15962: 15887: 15746: 15664: 15644: 15202: 14692: 12654: 12460: 12286: 12281: 12199: 11782: 11637: 11535:
The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic
11478: 11244: 11160: 10822: 10013:"Donald Trump Sets Conditions for Defending NATO Allies Against Attack" 9950:"The United States–Japan Security Treaty at 50: Still a Grand Bargain?" 9472: 9003:, (Massachusetts & London: Harvard University Press, 2006), p 2-24. 8878:"Washington at Work; Ex-Cold Warrior Sees the Future as 'Up for Grabs'" 8636:
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives
The sorrows of empire: Militarism, secrecy, and the end of the republic
7517: 6325:"The "Third Government of the Revolution" and Imperialism in Guatemala" 5913: 5588:
Beyond 1917: The United States and the Global Legacies of the Great War
5032: 4903: 4158: 3777: 3773: 3646: 3616: 3567: 3321: 3119: 2906: 2770: 2371: 1784: 1693: 1591: 1583: 1390: 1233:
and other historians note, Lansdale controlled the career of President
998: 11003: 10972:"Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History: A Reinterpretation" 10634:"U.S. Empire and Communications Today: Revisiting Herbert I. Schiller" 10571:"U.S. Empire and Communications Today: Revisiting Herbert I. Schiller" 10223: 8264:
Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World
6246: 6169:(2004). "America right or wrong: An anatomy of American nationalism," 5717:, edited by Tony Brenton (Oxford University Press, 2017 ), pp. 185–192 4032:"Yes, the US has an empire – and in the Virgin Islands, it still does" 3717:, Schiller presented the premier definition of cultural imperialism as 3231:
whether the United States was "empire building," Secretary of Defense
found that it had been written in "a fit of French wishful thinking."
Although the United States was the last major belligerent to join the
828: 15773: 15597: 15496: 14839: 14687: 14143: 14136: 11371: 11363: 11147:, vol. 340, no. 2038 (March 2020), pp. 25–32. "In 2010, Admiral 9847: 8934: 7080:"The Iraq War and WMDs: An intelligence failure or White House spin?" 5585:
Zeiler, Thomas W.; Ekbladh, David K.; Garder, Lloyd C. (2017-03-27).
3642: 3457: 3214: 3160: 2932: 2751: 2696: 2579: 2546: 1989: 1842: 1826: 1712:, who was to lead an invasion from Nicaragua. This culminated in the 1628: 1587: 1539:
and before the United States granted the Philippines independence on
1362: 1158:'s order "Kill Everyone over Ten," from the front page on May 5, 1902 837: 689: 566:, and interference in various foreign elections. The long and bloody 11821:, "The Price of Primacy: Why America Shouldn't Dominate the World", 10971: 10924: 10814: 8702:
7569:. Internet Archive. Lanham, Md. : University Press of America. 7290:"" 6743:
The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-1966
The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-1966
Was Revolution Inevitable?: Turning Points of the Russian Revolution
4895: 4796:
The Monroe Doctrine: Empire and Nation in Nineteenth-Century America
4150: 2282:, these are not alliances in the Westphalian sense characterized by 1210: 443:
of 1823; and the benefits of keeping "good order" around the world.
67:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 14811: 12326: 12276: 11856: 11406: 11254:
Logics of American Foreign Policy: Theories of America's World Role
The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power
11183: 10987: 10940: 10099:"Post-9/11 Views of Rome and the Nature of "Defensive Imperialism"" 9058: 8210:
Freedland, Jonathan (September 18, 2002). "Rome, AD ... Rome, DC,"
3550: 3487: 3293: 3288: 2992: 2118: 2089: 2081: 2050: 1945: 1870: 1854: 1792: 1442: 1381:
cultivated a relationship with several Soviet officials, including
929:(1880), shown connected to the United States, Mexico, and Nicaragua 770: 539: 392: 376: 127: 11859:
remains unfinished business for the United States." (p. 152.)
The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansion, 1860–1898
8445: 6384:
Clandestine Service History: Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran
5880: 5349:
Secretary Root's Record: "Marked Severities" in Philippine Warfare
4260:"Franklin's "Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind... "" 4171: 3822:
Landscape painting by Edward D. Nelson - A View to the River, 1861
says imperial behavior by the United States dates at least to the
published on April 6, 1901, in the wake of gainful victory in the
In late 1952, with Mosaddegh remaining in power, the CIA launched
American rule of ceded Spanish territory was not uncontested. The
387:. Other commentators have accused the United States of practicing 11673: 11558:
The Star-Spangled Mirror: America's Image of Itself and the World
11402: 11368:
Uncertain Ground: Citizenship in an Age of Endless, Invisible War
10659:(1st ed.). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 8962:
Hopkins, A. G. (2007). "Comparing British and American empires".
American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
8451: 6871:"New movie explores global complicity in Argentina's 'dirty war'" 4574:"The Gold Rush: Act for the Government and Protection of Indians" 4295: 4172:
University, © Stanford; Stanford; California 94305 (2017-04-25).
3809: 3173: 2553: 2542: 2391: 2177: 1909: 1901: 1889: 1865:
The Vietnam War also saw expansion of conflict into neighbouring
1660: 1611:
FDR promised: Hitler will get lebensraum, a global American one.
1052:" of the late 19th century, when the United States and the other 904: 563: 502: 395:—which leverages economic power rather than military force in an 15351: 11672:
should be a US war or an international police action. Debating
Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War
7913:, International Herald Tribune (Opinion section), March 6, 1998. 7349:"Abizaid: "Of Course It's About Oil, We Can't Really Deny That"" 5434:"New Book on Marcos Says U.S. Knew of His '72 Martial-Law Plans" 5095:
The Secret US Plan to Overthrow the British Empire: War Plan Red
A U.S. soldier stands guard duty near a burning oil well in the
3130:" to topple dangerous regimes beyond Afghanistan. The columnist 2144:
of Iraq, planned to restructure Iraq's state owned economy with
Map showing the Great Sioux Reservation and current reservations
16199: 11620: 8593:
The Problem of Asia and the Effects upon International Politics
8016:"Department of Defense, Base Structure Report FY 2015 Baseline" 7688:(2009). "Empire discourses: The 'American Empire' in decline?" 6190:
After Tamerlane: The Rise and Fall of Global Empires, 1400–2000
The Cold War: The United States and the Soviet Union, 1917–1991
Butterfield, Fox; Times, Special to the New York (1987-04-19).
2466: 2225: 2021: 1888:
After the deaths of six generals in the Indonesian Army, which
1877:, which made Laos "the most heavily bombed nation in history", 1788: 1645: 885: 881: 877: 868: 594: 515:
which lasted into the 1800s. The United States promulgated the
will drive uncertainty and will drive conflict." (p. 31.)
7592:(1995). "Toward an American grand strategy after bipolarity," 6565:"The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950-1960" 5120:""The White Man's Burden": Kipling's Hymn to U.S. Imperialism" 3990:
Human Rights, Imperialism, and Corruption in US Foreign Policy
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
2604: 505:
more valuable territory on the eastern side of the continent.
How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States
9372:"Imperialism, liberalism & the quest for perpetual peace" 8298: (archived May 21, 2008), (archived from 7899:
7258:"" 7124:"Politics Case shines light on how war contracts are awarded" 6539:
The Deaths of Others: The Fate of Civilians in America's Wars
The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute
argue that "the decline of Empire has begun". Hardt says the
A leading spokesman for America-as-Empire, British historian
2794: 2643: 2562: 2438: 1913: 1791:
and the subsequent Korean War, the U.S. adopted a policy of "
1732: 1696:
which granted property to landless peasants. Lobbying by the
1346: 1342: 954: 11587:
Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy
11141:, "The Old Normal: Why we can't beat our addiction to war", 9486: 6890: 6294:"Trial on Guatemalan Civil War Carnage Leaves Out U.S. Role" 4377:
Manzo, Joseph (1984). "Economic Aspects of Indian Removal".
1959: 1337:
seeking to "make the world safe for democracy," some of his
634:). Even so, the US desire for an informal system of global 11644: 11612: 11453:
Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire
11410: 11385: 10860:
Weapons of Mass Distraction: Soft Power and American Empire
Gender and Mission Encounters in Korea: New Women, Old Ways
Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar
8771:. Yale University Press. pp. 22–23, 170–196, 516–517. 3936:
United States involvement in regime change in Latin America
3357: 3351: 3266: 2705: 2470: 2406: 2395: 2375: 2317:. Their presence has generated controversy and opposition. 2106: 1921: 1866: 1850: 708:
has asserted, "From the time the first settlers arrived in
697: 598: 95: 8487:"Geography, technology, and British naval strategy in the 8338: 7626:
Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires
5902:(dissertation). Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. 4346:"Manifest Destiny | History, Examples, & Significance" 3669: 1072:
and racism in some schools of American political thought.
1700s–1800s: Indigenous American Wars and manifest destiny
overthrowing the democratically elected government of Iran
10188:(2002) "The myths of empire and strategies of hegemony," 9710: 8371:
Zakaria, Fareed (March 24, 2003). "The arrogant Empire,"
7976:"US rejects Cuba demand to hand back Guantanamo Bay base" 5686:
A Century of Spies: Intelligence in the Twentieth Century
5202:. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1998. Print. 4296:"Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East and Beyond" 2936:
A map of Central America, showing the places affected by
and impermanence. Instead, they were associated with the
Early in his career, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
1890s–1900s: New Imperialism and "The White Man's Burden"
that's trying to kill you, it's America.'" (p. 28.)
11294: 10190:
Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories and American Power
Chapter I: Discussion of the Elements of Sea Power 
6848:. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. pp. 231–232, 237. 6507:"The US-led liberal order: Imperialism by another name?" 6273: 4247:
Contending with the American Empire  : Introduction
3602: 2493:. The total cost was estimated at $ 100 billion a year. 2232:, command was shared with the United States, as part of 2168:
which granted all foreign contractors operating in Iraq
in the Middle East." One of the top profiteers from the
2000:. It was officially implemented in November 1975 by the 1663:
nations, that American military involvement was needed.
1644:(1947). Initially regarding only Greece and Turkey, the 1614: 1393:
decided the Bolsheviks would settle peacefully with the
11624: 11511:
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
11270: 11122:
The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism
11049:"Land Speculators versus Indians and the Privy Council" 10596:(1st ed.). Boston: Beacon Press. pp. 206–207. 10297:
on 2011-04-04 – via Council on Foreign Relations.
Among Empires: American Ascendancy and Its Predecessors
Among Empires: American Ascendancy and Its Predecessors
A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
Urban Sprawl, Global Warming, and the Empire of Capital
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
Thomas Friedman, "The Lexus and the Olive Tree", p. 381
1519:, in the period after the surrender and occupations of 1405:
to fight Germany without a strong Eastern partner. The
apologized for the overthrow of the Hawaiian government
America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy
10287:"American Imperialism? No Need to Run Away from Label" 10280: 10278: 9983:", (PhD thesis, University of Iowa, 2012), pp. 149–151 9296:"American imperialism? No need to run away from label" 8919:"Illusions of Empire: Defining the New American Order" 5314:
Schirmer, Daniel B.; Shalom, Stephen Rosskamm (1987).
5194: 5192: 5190: 5010:
New York: Basic Books. Reprinted 2001, full biography
and civilization abroad could be achieved through the
practices as in need of improvement and "upliftment".
carried the headline, "The Case for American Empire".
argues that the U.S. did not fundamentally change its
Writers and academics of the early 20th century, like
2549:. USEUCOM stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 1873:. Both of which saw extensive bombing campaigns under 1125:
American intervention in both Latin America and Hawaii
strongly opposed this war and expansionism generally.
a former colony that rebelled against an overseas king
History of the foreign relations of the United States
After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order
After the Empire. The Breakdown of the American Order
8595:, (Washington & London: Kennikat Press), p 26–27. 8339:
Magdoff, Harry; John Bellamy Foster (November 2001).
Military Globalization: Geography, Strategy, Weaponry
Military Globalization: Geography, Strategy, Weaponry
8198:, (Washington: Joint Chiefs of Staff) , p 5, 75, 84, 8125:
Iadicola, Peter, (2008). "Globalization and Empire,"
Military Globalization: Geography, Strategy, Weaponry
7724:. United States Department of Defense. Archived from 7703:
Military Globalization: Geography, Strategy, Weaponry
7553:, (London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan), p 134. 6177:
et al, London & New York: Routeledge), p 171-172.
Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy since 1938
Outside In: The Transnational Circuitry of US History
American imperialism has long had a media dimension (
2716:, which were formerly known as the Ladrones Islands). 2374:
argued similarly in 2006 that enduring U.S. bases in
criticised by various commentators such as Economist
2024:. Despite reported statements by then US Ambassador, 1679: 10011:
Sanger, David E.; Haberman, Maggie (July 20, 2016).
Empire Discourses: The 'American Empire' in Decline?
8742:, (Lanham: University Press of America), p 240-293, 8099:
Falk, Richard (2003). "Will the Empire be Fascist?"
7672:(2003). "The challenge of American imperial power," 6013:
Neoliberal Australia and US Imperialism in East Asia
A People's History of the United States 1492—Present
Manfred Steger, "Globalism: The New Market Ideology"
3859: 803:
Indian land as defined by the Treaty of Fort Laramie
53:. Many of the sources do not refer to "imperialism". 11702: 11326:(2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. 10275: 7911:
Pay Attention to Okinawans and Close the U.S. Bases
7768:"Anti-US Base Candidate Wins Okinawa Governor Race" 7566:
Y = Arctg X : the hyperbola of the world order
5584: 5187: 4086:Lindsay, Ivo H. Daalder and James M. (2001-11-30). 2582:(chapter "'Empire' and alternative terms" below). 2077:In 2003, the United States under the leadership of 1692:, Guatemala saw the expansion of labour rights and 848:was signed. 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The United States has now 607:United States Virgin Islands 255:Involvement in regime change 28:Hegemony § 21st century 7: 15455:Environmental globalization 15430:Anti-globalization movement 14737:Mexican War of Independence 14394:Women's reproductive health 13360:Federally recognized tribes 13223:Public utilities commission 13127:Public Health Service Corps 13030:Code of Federal Regulations 12912:Congressional Budget Office 12766:Central Intelligence Agency 12672:Water supply and sanitation 12099:Declaration of Independence 11749:, Penguin Press, 523 pp.), 11378:, Penguin, 2020, 407 pp.), 11274:; James M. Lindsay (2003). 11078:(in Spanish) (149): 45–58. 10923:Weems, Jason (March 2011). 10763:Scott-Smith, Giles (2007). 10477:10.1057/ 10216:10.1177/0022343391028004010 9948:Packard, George R. (2010). 9899:Cited in Andrew Feickert, " 9786:Schlesinger, Arthur Meier. 9345:Canadian Journal of History 8917:Ikenberry, G. John (2004). 8083:Max Ostrovsky, Max (2018). 7964:. 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Oxford University Press. 3855: 3499:in the 19th century or the 2955:(sometimes referred to as " 2876:to comply with Knowledge's 2801: 2730:military–industrial complex 2328: 100–1,000 U.S. troops 2257: 1714:1954 Guatemalan coup d'état 1441:, trace the origins of the 1407:Secret Intelligence Service 1214:A map of "Greater America" 747:Treaty of Fort Wayne (1809) 696:, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and 451: 63:the claims made and adding 10: 16272: 15603:Offshore financial centres 14992:North American Union (NAU) 14854:Three Mile Island accident 13572:Red states and blue states 13477:City commission government 13472:Council–manager government 11729:, "The End of a Village", 11706:; Robert Dujarric (2004). 11642:financial services company 11486:Immerwahr, Daniel (2019). 11392:, and in all contemporary 11298:; Seth P. Tillman (1989). 11252:Callahan, Patrick (2003). 11014: 10607:Schiller, Herbert (1969). 10592:Schiller, Herbert (1969). 9994:"AIPAC and foreign policy" 8639:. (New York: Basic Books). 8416:Johnson, Chalmers (2004). 8290:Frederick Jackson Turner, 8260:Quadrennial Defense Review 8050:. Henry Holt and Company. 8044:Vine, David (2015-08-25). 6641:10.25148/CRCP.2.1.16092111 6505:Parmar, Inderjeet (2018). 6239:10.1177/002234338602300305 5811:Wertheim, Stephen (2011). 5642:Renda, "Introduction," in 5519:"Commonwealth Act No. 733" 5468:Edward Lansdale's Cold War 4851:Wilkins, David E. (2010). 4793:Sexton, Jay (2011-03-15). 4055:Immerwahr, Daniel (2019). 3690:) and cultural dimension ( 3570:. It is also made by some 3520: 3514: 2848: 2845:U.S. foreign policy debate 2597: 2588: 2575:Quadrennial Defense Review 2519: 2405:While territories such as 2338: 2302: 2204:2011 Intervention in Libya 1769:People's Republic of Korea 1761:People's Republic of Korea 1670:U.S. interfered in Italian 1431:Over 30,000 Western troops 1305:. More recently historian 1008: 727:Royal Proclamation of 1763 661: 484:wars with Native Americans 446: 25: 18: 16183: 16141: 16016: 15951: 15868: 15859: 15786: 15623: 15544: 15537: 15417: 15389: 15315: 15257: 15148: 15140:Universities and colleges 15123: 15116: 15065: 15032: 15028: 15019: 14982: 14973: 14914: 14905: 14658: 14581: 14407: 14280: 14212: 13865: 13861: 13852: 13800: 13665: 13656: 13552: 13523: 13500: 13439: 13406: 13397: 13340: 13328:Comparison of governments 13303: 13266: 13243: 13159: 13139: 13070: 13008: 12930: 12853: 12711: 12702: 12698: 12689: 12411: 12402: 12347: 12307:Post-Cold War (1991–2008) 12148:drafting and ratification 12121:Articles of Confederation 12034: 11968: 11959: 11908:Resources in your library 11712:. Yale University Press. 11455:(Third ed.). Islet. 11211:Columbia University Press 11085:10.35424/rha.149.2013.406 10976:The New England Quarterly 10655:Mirrlees, Tanner (2016). 10632:Mirrlees, Tanner (2015). 10569:Mirrlees, Tanner (2015). 10448:Bashford, Alison (2004). 10348:: CS1 maint: unfit URL ( 10260:10.1017/S0003055407070220 10204:Journal of Peace Research 10118:10.1007/s12138-009-0069-7 9662:. Yale University Press. 9294:Boot, Max (May 5, 2003). 9150:10.1080/03086530601143412 9102:10.1162/isec.2007.32.1.47 8976:10.1017/S1740022807002343 8964:Journal of Global History 8849:Bacevich, Andrew (2004). 8716:, vol 15 (4): p. 587-610. 8664:Kissinger, Henry (1994). 8620:Kissinger, Henry (1994). 8582:(February 18, 1998), p 1. 8314:"American Exceptionalism" 7658:Journal of Peace Research 7596:, vol 19 (4): p 111, 117. 7175:Hartung, William (2021). 6788:National Security Archive 6217:Journal of Peace Research 6026:– via Google Books. 5969:"Philippine Republic Day" 5943:fdrlibrary (2015-10-20). 5912:Woodhouse, C. M. (2009). 5753:Wood, Alan (2011-05-15). 5699:– via Google Books. 5672:– via Google Books. 5532:Jenkins, Shirley (1954). 5465:Nashel, Jonathan (2005). 5398:. Yale University Press. 4532:Madley, Benjamin (2016). 4418:. ABC-CLIO. p. 514. 3999:10.1007/978-3-030-99815-8 3752:, one of the founders of 3740:and entertainment goods. 3452:Democratic Party of Japan 3381:Liberal internationalists 3350:in the U.S. territory of 3122:, editor in chief of the 2979:William Appleman Williams 2972:, the political activist 2522:Unified combatant command 2516:Unified combatant command 1729:Anglo-Persian Oil Company 1517:aftermath of World War II 1435:William Appleman Williams 1427:General Alexander Kolchak 1176:First Philippine Republic 1064:" racial superiority and 995:white settler-colonialism 940:William Appleman Williams 836:Following the victory of 381:Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. 15445:Democratic globalization 14668:Peopling of the Americas 14347:Prescription drug prices 13467:Mayor–council government 13457:Coterminous municipality 13447:Consolidated city-county 13213:Agriculture commissioner 12863:House of Representatives 12771:National Security Agency 12421:Contiguous United States 11863:Zepezauer, Mark (2002). 11605:National Security Agency 11341:Hampf, Michaela (2019). 10858:Fraser, Matthew (2005). 10781:10.1163/187119007X240532 10422:. Yale University Press. 10382:10.1162/0011526053887419 10363:Ferguson, Niall (2005). 10285:Max Boot (May 6, 2003). 9741:"A Funny Sort of Empire" 9684:Lafeber, Walter (1975). 9497:Harvard University Press 9389:10.1162/0011526053887301 9370:Pagden, Anthony (2005). 8568:The Cuban Missile Crisis 8498:Naval War College Review 8244:Naval War College Review 7895:The Asia-Pacific Journal 7857:"The Election on Empire" 7674:Naval War College Review 7660:, vol 23 (3): p 263-267. 7378:Juhasz, Antonia (2015). 6666:Magoc, Chris J. (2015). 6572:The Asia-Pacific Journal 5008:T.R.: The Last Romantic. 4978:Faux, Jeff (Fall 2005). 4107:; Zinn, Howard (2003) . 3411:Supreme Allied Commander 2889:may contain suggestions. 2874:may need to be rewritten 2624:National personification 2415:Northern Mariana Islands 2040:Amiriyah shelter bombing 2002:right-wing dictatorships 1984:, and assassinations of 876:of 1871 where up to 144 735:Northwestern Confederacy 623:freely associated states 615:Northern Mariana Islands 476:Samuel Augustus Mitchell 337:United States of America 15727:Investor-state disputes 15680:Illicit financial flows 15524:Political globalization 15472:Global financial system 15267:Countries by population 15229:Music (indigenous) 15007:Transatlantic relations 14432:Criticism of government 13777:Social welfare programs 13370:State-recognized tribes 12355:Outline of U.S. history 12067:Continental Association 11801:The New American Empire 11630:chief financial officer 10433:Choi, Hyaeweol (2009). 9069:7/5, (October 15, 2001) 8738:Ostrovsky, Max (2007). 8566:White, Mark J. (1996). 8274:Ostrovsky, Max (2018). 8226:Ostrovsky, Max (2018). 8070:Kaplan, Robert (2005). 7924:"Base Structure Report" 7859:. The National Interest 7701:Ostrovsky, Max (2018). 7563:Ostrovsky, Max (2007). 6597:Mark, Woodruff (2005). 4379:Southeastern Geographer 4350:Encyclopædia Britannica 4113:. London: Pluto Press. 3446:Another distinction of 3198:The U.S. dollar is the 3170:extraordinary rendition 3086:invasion of Afghanistan 3029:American occupation of 2640:American exceptionalism 2600:American exceptionalism 2594:American exceptionalism 2429:. Examples include the 2378:suggested a vision of " 2263:U.S. military alliances 2164:Also controversial was 2140:, chief executive the 1755:1945–1970: Asia-Pacific 1573:Hamilton Fish Armstrong 1494:1941–1945: World War II 1399:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1194:Stuart Creighton Miller 1180:Philippine–American War 1152:Philippine–American War 1023:Philippine–American War 894:Long Walk of the Navajo 850:Great Sioux Reservation 588:new form of colonialism 562:in Cuba, occupation of 461:U.S. westward expansion 143:expansion and influence 16068:Christopher Chase-Dunn 15836:Primitive accumulation 15519:Military globalization 15450:Economic globalization 15435:Cultural globalization 14757:Canadian Confederation 14494:Environmental movement 14337:Health insurance costs 14232:Educational attainment 13757:Federal Reserve System 13715:Science and technology 13218:Insurance commissioner 12756:Intelligence Community 12451:minor outlying islands 12214:Civil rights movement 11788:London Review of Books 10507:Women's History Review 9715:. Palgrave Macmillan. 9562:Harvey, David (2005). 9090:International Security 8825:Chomsky, Noam (1988). 8729:, vol 45 (1): p 35-57. 8694:Harris, William Vernon 8403:Flynn, John T. (1944) 8183:International Security 7594:International Security 7197:Fifield, Anna (2013). 7022:Arab Studies Quarterly 6984:Arab Studies Quarterly 6943:Arab Studies Quarterly 6323:Paiz, Alfonso (1970). 6171:The Geopolitics Reader 6016:. Palgrave Macmillan. 5949:Forward with Roosevelt 4820:Gobat, Michel (2018). 3993:. Palgrave Macmillan. 3987:Xypolia, Ilia (2022). 3823: 3762: 3724: 3683: 3641:notion that spreading 3547: 3473: 3466: 3423: 3354: 3270: 3255: 3196: 3176: 3158: 3097:. All moments, writes 3082: 3073: 3060: 3046: 3041:Ceremonies during the 3034: 2944: 2799: 2717: 2693: 2631: 2531: 2358: 2336: 2234:Operation Odyssey Dawn 2212:, protests erupted in 1883:Operation Freedom Deal 1859:Martin Luther King Jr. 1839:1954 Geneva Conference 1632: 1609: 1463: 1339:activities at the time 1316: 1286: 1222: 1159: 1094:The White Man's Burden 1045: 958: 953:; with bodies of four 930: 899:Starting in 1820, the 833: 809:Treaty of Fort Laramie 804: 751:Tecumseh's Confederacy 701: 584:Martin Luther King Jr. 531:was the result of the 527:was peaceful, but the 479: 464: 401:modern-day imperialism 135: 124: 14747:California Gold Rush 14698:British North America 14683:European colonization 14320:Immigrant health care 13835:Transportation safety 13830:Transportation policy 13820:Public transportation 12890:President pro tempore 12746:Executive departments 12515:National Park Service 12170:Territorial evolution 11296:Fulbright, J. William 11256:. New York: Longman. 11205:Brown, Seyom (1994). 11153:Joint Chiefs of Staff 10862:. St. Martin's Press. 10540:Dean, Robert (2002). 10071:. CNN. Archived from 9817:, 6/2, (1982): p 115. 9179:on February 20, 2013. 9034:Le Monde Diplomatique 8827:Manufacturing Consent 8551:Morison, Samuel Eliot 8103:, vol 5 (1): p 22-23. 7772:PopularResistance.Org 7622:Motyl, Alexander John 7612:, vol 101 (2): p 258. 7016:Kieh, George (1992). 6978:Kieh, George (1992). 6937:Kieh, George (1992). 6536:Tirman, John (2011). 6511:International Affairs 6422:Risen, James (2000). 6329:Science & Society 5898:Quinn, J. W. (2009). 5361:Zinn, Howard (2014). 5287:Jones, Gregg (2013). 5221:North American Review 5004:Brands, Henry William 4949:. Cornell University. 4391:10.1353/sgo.1984.0012 3821: 3758: 3719: 3677: 3534: 3521:Further information: 3486:argues that the term 3468: 3460: 3419: 3407:Arthur M. Schlesinger 3346: 3338:2003 invasion of Iraq 3260: 3250: 3191: 3163: 3153: 3077: 3068: 3055: 3040: 3028: 2935: 2849:Further information: 2791: 2699: 2679: 2662:'white man's burden.' 2652:Alexis de Tocqueville 2607: 2529: 2482:United States deploys 2459:Department of Defense 2400:Strategic Air Command 2348: 2339:Further information: 2312: 1950:Raytheon Technologies 1898:30 September Movement 1875:Operation Barrel Roll 1827:Vietnamese communists 1710:Carlos Castillo Armas 1690:Guatemalan Revolution 1622: 1604: 1569:War and Peace Studies 1458: 1311: 1276: 1213: 1164:Philippine Revolution 1142: 1038: 1009:Further information: 951:Wounded Knee Massacre 948: 927:The American Colossus 925: 913:Mississippi-in-Africa 831: 802: 731:Appalachian Mountains 725:originating from the 683: 662:Further information: 470: 459: 245:Foreign interventions 213:Military bases abroad 161:Territorial evolution 130: 98: 16226:American imperialism 16133:Immanuel Wallerstein 15794:Capital accumulation 15660:Endangered languages 14987:American imperialism 14742:Mexican–American War 14489:Environmental issues 14154:Political ideologies 14053:Indigenous languages 13253:List of legislatures 13050:separation of powers 12751:Independent agencies 12677:World Heritage Sites 12312:September 11 attacks 12235:Spanish–American War 12175:Mexican–American War 12131:Confederation period 12062:Continental Congress 11899:American imperialism 11829:developing countries 11155:, declared that the 10844:See also Liping Bu, 10097:Adler, Eric (2008). 9357:10.3138/cjh.42.2.259 8320:on February 17, 2006 8196:Joint History Office 8152:Joint History Office 7820:, vol 89 (2): p 349. 7537:, vol 16 (3): p 696. 7524:, vol 55 (4): p 882. 7097:Porter, Tom (2014). 6844:Good, Aaron (2022). 6823:. pp. 200–206. 6756:Good, Aaron (2022). 6474:(January 23, 2001). 6386:, Mar. 1954: p. iii. 6187:John Darwin (2010). 6138:Brinkley, Douglas G. 5996:George A. Gonzalez, 4621:10.1093/whq/39.3.303 4333:– via YouTube. 3966:. pp. 467–469. 3870:United States portal 3780:," which comes from 3754:post-colonial theory 3745:cultural imperialism 3692:cultural imperialism 3369:Spanish–American War 2684:, depicts President 2616:Spanish–American War 2568:Canadian Historian, 2103:insurgency continued 2099:period of insurgency 2088:that Iraq supported 2047:George Klay Kieh Jr. 1966:political repression 1829:following the first 1779:in 1948 and further 1698:United Fruit Company 1627:missiles in Europe, 1168:Battle of Manila Bay 1081:Spanish–American War 909:Republic of Maryland 884:. In the 1860s, the 820:would result in the 775:Mexican–American War 743:Treaty of Greenville 739:Northwest Indian War 664:American Indian Wars 632:Tydings–McDuffie Act 560:Bay of Pigs invasion 533:Mexican–American War 372:Indigenous Americans 333:American imperialism 208:Military deployments 133:Spanish–American War 117:Spanish–American War 19:For other uses, see 16205:Business portal 15764:Transnational crime 15670:Forced displacement 15655:Economic inequality 15529:Trade globalization 15425:Alter-globalization 14722:American Revolution 14332:Health care finance 13825:Rail transportation 13591:Imperial presidency 13313:State constitutions 13258:List of legislators 13208:Auditor/Comptroller 13181:Lieutenant governor 12907:Library of Congress 12798:Diplomatic Security 12441:Indian reservations 12104:American Revolution 11301:The Price of Empire 11171:Bacevich, Andrew J. 11139:Bacevich, Andrew J. 11021:Handy, Jim (1994). 10901:10.31261/rias.11804 10498:Burgin, SN (2016). 10167:on October 21, 2006 9914:Freedland, Jonathan 9565:The new imperialism 8246:, vol 56 (2): p 54. 8185:, vol 28 (1): p 19. 8129:, vol 1 (2): p 12, 7986:on 7 December 2016. 7936:on January 10, 2007 7884:, vol 37 (1): p 71. 7774:. 17 November 2014. 7676:, vol 56 (2): p 53. 7638:Bang, Peter Fibiger 7084:The Washington Post 6134:Ambrose, Stephen E. 5820:White House Studies 5418:Johnson, Chalmers, 5098:. Frontline Books. 4737:Brown, Dee (1971). 4717:Brown, Dee (1971). 4683:Brown, Dee (1971). 4663:Brown, Dee (1971). 4653:Greene, 2004, p. 27 3828:Hudson River School 3737:Herbert I. Schiller 3703:Herbert I. Schiller 3576:Zbigniew Brzezinski 3482:Political theorist 3448:Victor Davis Hanson 3421:Enlargement of NATO 3403:Amaury de Riencourt 3392:Victor Davis Hanson 3322:Autonomist Marxists 3302:international power 3207:petrodollar warfare 3187:Stephen Peter Rosen 3132:Charles Krauthammer 2953:non-interventionism 2820:Zbigniew Brzezinski 2812:Alfred Thayer Mahan 2748:Alfred Thayer Mahan 2299:U.S. military bases 2288:Roman client system 1831:First Indochina war 1727:to nationalize the 1718:Guatemalan Genocide 1702:Operation PBFortune 1631:, Netherlands, 1983 1299:Zimmermann Telegram 1256:. For example, the 1031:Roosevelt Corollary 874:Camp Grant Massacre 822:Sand Creek Massacre 814:Treaty of Fort Wise 790:California genocide 580:imperial presidency 433:William Howard Taft 368:settler colonialism 240:Non-interventionism 198:Military operations 15978:Andre Gunder Frank 15752:Race to the bottom 15742:North–South divide 15460:Global citizenship 15284:indigenous peoples 15047:Telecommunications 14860:Iran–Contra affair 14794:Stock market crash 14762:Mexican Revolution 14727:Louisiana Purchase 14442:affirmative action 14415:Capital punishment 14374:Poverty and health 14369:Physician shortage 14342:Health care prices 14272:Standard of living 13955:standard of living 13762:Financial position 13389:Hawaiian home land 13377:Indian reservation 13350:Tribal sovereignty 13193:Secretary of state 13062:United States Code 12978:Territorial courts 12950:Associate Justices 12835:Inspector generals 12322:War in Afghanistan 12185:Reconstruction era 12052:Stamp Act Congress 11796:Tremblay, Rodrigue 11597:fiber-optic cables 11514:. New York: Holt. 11320:Gaddis, John Lewis 11304:. Pantheon Books. 11151:, chairman of the 10753:(2004), pp. 33–72. 10749:Joseph S. Nye Jr, 10712:2012-01-19 at the 10017:The New York Times 9815:Diplomatic History 9413:"Empire hits back" 9329:Charles S. Maier, 9273:Clark, William R. 9036:, (September 2002) 9028:Philip S. Golub, " 8882:The New York Times 8727:Raisons politiques 8405:As We Go Marching. 7670:Ignatieff, Michael 7547:Clemens, Walter C. 7518:Gaddis, John Lewis 7242:The Shock Doctrine 7229:The New York Times 6846:American Exception 6815:The Jakarta Method 6758:American Exception 6428:The New York Times 6299:The New York Times 6057:grand opportunity. 5646:, pp. 10–22, 29–34 5438:The New York Times 3824: 3684: 3548: 3545:Dominican Republic 3537:Theodore Roosevelt 3467: 3424: 3365:Samuel Flagg Bemis 3355: 3271: 3177: 3062:Harvard professor 3047: 3035: 2945: 2938:Theodore Roosevelt 2927:Louisiana Purchase 2718: 2694: 2672:Economic interests 2632: 2532: 2510:The Sun never sets 2359: 2337: 1725:Mohammad Mosaddegh 1633: 1445:to this conflict. 1367:October Revolution 1287: 1263:William L. Clayton 1223: 1160: 1077:Theodore Roosevelt 1060:'s conception of " 1046: 1027:Big stick ideology 959: 931: 917:Kentucky in Africa 865:American Civil War 834: 805: 759:Indian Removal Act 702: 652:tribal sovereignty 578:emerging from an " 572:arrogance of power 525:Louisiana Purchase 494:campaign known as 488:after independence 480: 465: 437:Western Hemisphere 429:Theodore Roosevelt 370:at the expense of 294:America's Backyard 136: 125: 48:possibly contains 16213: 16212: 16179: 16178: 16038:K. Anthony Appiah 16033:Daniele Archibugi 15782: 15781: 15571:COVID-19 pandemic 15477:Global governance 15349: 15348: 15311: 15310: 15112: 15111: 15108: 15107: 15015: 15014: 14969: 14968: 14896:COVID-19 pandemic 14678:Pre-Columbian era 14617: 14616: 14577: 14576: 14573: 14572: 14543:National security 14252:Income inequality 14132:Statue of Liberty 13935:income inequality 13848: 13847: 13840:Trucking industry 13652: 13651: 13648: 13647: 13579:Foreign relations 13567:Electoral College 13548: 13547: 13336: 13335: 13288:District attorney 13135: 13134: 12962:Courts of appeals 12685: 12684: 12398: 12397: 12339:COVID-19 pandemic 12292:Feminist Movement 12138:American frontier 12057:Thirteen Colonies 11894:Library resources 11847:Wertheim, Stephen 11837:Yemen's civil war 11819:Wertheim, Stephen 11775:978-0-231-13103-2 11628:data to that 's 11554:Kerry, Richard J. 11530:Johnson, Chalmers 11506:Johnson, Chalmers 11497:978-0-374-17214-5 11470:Immerwahr, Daniel 11352:978-3-11-065774-6 11343:Empire of Liberty 11144:Harper's Magazine 11131:978-0-8050-8815-1 11062:978-0-8078-9986-1 11036:978-0-8078-4438-0 10408:(2005) pp 286–301 10155:Walzer, Michael. 10075:on March 30, 2016 10000:. March 22, 2016. 9916:(June 14, 2007). 9890:, 2, (2009): p 18 9882:Günter Bischof, " 9579:978-0-19-927808-4 9402:Quoting pp 52–53. 8765:Meinig, Donald W. 8611:, p 179-180, 457. 8605:Spykman, Nicholas 8302:on May 21, 2008). 8258:(March 4, 2014). 8057:978-1-62779-170-0 7576:978-0-7618-3499-1 7465:. 25 March 2011. 7444:978-0-7486-9304-7 7153:. 18 March 2013. 6830:978-1-5417-4240-6 6767:978-1-5107-6913-7 6608:978-0-89141-866-5 6523:10.1093/ia/iix240 6472:Johnson, Chalmers 6408:978-1-84511-347-6 6282:, pp. 47–49. 5575:Zinn, pp. 359–376 5422:(2000), pp. 72–79 5378:978-615-5505-13-3 5335:978-0-89608-275-5 5105:978-1-5267-1205-9 4868:978-0-292-77400-1 4547:978-0-19-921140-1 4445:Newsweek Magazine 4072:978-1-84792-399-8 4008:978-3-030-99815-8 3973:978-0-7876-3888-7 3845:American Progress 3796:Samuel Huntington 3787:Giles Scott-Smith 3782:cultural hegemony 3707:cultural industry 3688:media imperialism 3580:Michael Ignatieff 3263:Rumaila oil field 3015:G. John Ikenberry 2904: 2903: 2878:quality standards 2738:natural resources 2722:social-democratic 2690:Panama Canal Zone 2638:is the notion of 2636:global leadership 2570:Michael Ignatieff 2558:Christopher Kelly 2455:Battle of Okinawa 2435:Panama Canal Zone 2355:Al Udeid Air Base 2267:The architect of 2252:military bombings 2248:gunboat diplomacy 2086:conspiracy theory 1857:. During the war 1823:counterinsurgency 1773:division of Korea 1527:in May and later 1423:Russian Civil War 987:contiguous states 737:resulting in the 668:Empire of Liberty 509:George Washington 500:European American 341:gunboat diplomacy 330: 329: 166:American frontier 101:political cartoon 93: 92: 85: 50:original research 16263: 16251:Overseas empires 16203: 16202: 16191: 16190: 16144: 16053:Jean Baudrillard 16021: 15968:Giovanni Arrighi 15956: 15913:Branko Milanović 15893:Jagdish Bhagwati 15871: 15866: 15865: 15757:pollution havens 15722:Invasive species 15626: 15547: 15542: 15541: 15492:Global workforce 15402: 15401: 15376: 15369: 15362: 15353: 15352: 15324: 15121: 15120: 15073:GDP (per capita) 15030: 15029: 15026: 15025: 14980: 14979: 14912: 14911: 14866:Chiapas conflict 14829:Civil Rights Act 14800:Great Depression 14784:Roaring Twenties 14644: 14637: 14630: 14621: 14620: 14597: 14590: 14477:African American 14359:Health insurance 14247:Household income 14117:National symbols 14048:American English 14021:Federal holidays 13930:household income 13863: 13862: 13859: 13858: 13663: 13662: 13601:Anti-Americanism 13525:Special district 13452:Independent city 13421:County executive 13404: 13403: 13198:Attorney general 13157: 13156: 13146:Federal District 12729:Executive Office 12709: 12708: 12700: 12699: 12696: 12695: 12456:populated places 12436:federal enclaves 12431:federal district 12409: 12408: 12272:American Century 12255:Great Depression 12250:Roaring Twenties 12210:Women's suffrage 12089:Halifax Resolves 12082:Founding Fathers 12077:military history 12042:Pre-colonial era 11966: 11965: 11945: 11938: 11931: 11922: 11921: 11882: 11870: 11815: 11779: 11743:Jonathan Blitzer 11723: 11699: 11670:terrorist attack 11571: 11549: 11525: 11501: 11466: 11441: 11356: 11337: 11315: 11291: 11267: 11248: 11235:. Philadelphia: 11229:Burton, David H. 11224: 11201: 11135: 11118:Bacevich, Andrew 11105: 11087: 11066: 11040: 11008: 11007: 10967: 10961: 10960: 10920: 10914: 10913: 10903: 10879: 10873: 10870: 10864: 10863: 10855: 10849: 10842: 10836: 10834: 10800: 10791: 10785: 10784: 10760: 10754: 10747: 10741: 10740: 10738: 10737: 10723: 10717: 10705:Rothkopf, David 10703: 10697: 10696: 10694: 10693: 10684:. Archived from 10677: 10671: 10670: 10652: 10646: 10645: 10629: 10623: 10622: 10604: 10598: 10597: 10589: 10583: 10582: 10566: 10560: 10559: 10553: 10545: 10537: 10531: 10530: 10504: 10495: 10489: 10488: 10460: 10454: 10453: 10445: 10439: 10438: 10430: 10424: 10423: 10415: 10409: 10404:Niall Ferguson, 10402: 10396: 10394: 10384: 10360: 10354: 10353: 10347: 10339: 10327: 10321: 10320: 10315:. Archived from 10305: 10299: 10298: 10293:. Archived from 10282: 10273: 10271: 10243: 10237: 10235: 10199: 10193: 10183: 10177: 10176: 10174: 10172: 10163:. Archived from 10152: 10146: 10144: 10142: 10136:. Archived from 10103: 10094: 10085: 10084: 10082: 10080: 10065: 10059: 10058: 10056: 10054: 10042: 10036: 10035: 10033: 10031: 10008: 10002: 10001: 9990: 9984: 9977: 9971: 9969: 9944: 9938: 9937: 9910: 9904: 9897: 9891: 9880: 9874: 9869:Niall Ferguson, 9867: 9861: 9859: 9848:10.2307/20034046 9824: 9818: 9812: 9804: 9798: 9784: 9778: 9767: 9761: 9760: 9758: 9756: 9747:. Archived from 9736: 9727: 9726: 9708: 9702: 9701: 9681: 9675: 9673: 9653: 9647: 9638: 9632: 9622: 9616: 9606: 9600: 9590: 9584: 9583: 9559: 9553: 9548: 9542: 9525: 9519: 9517: 9515: 9513: 9494: 9484: 9478: 9477: 9463: 9457: 9456: 9454: 9452: 9437: 9431: 9430: 9428: 9426: 9409: 9403: 9401: 9391: 9367: 9361: 9360: 9340: 9334: 9327: 9321: 9318:Habits of Empire 9314: 9308: 9307: 9291: 9285: 9271: 9265: 9264: 9228: 9222: 9221: 9219: 9218: 9212:Harvard Magazine 9203: 9197: 9189:Niall Ferguson, 9187: 9181: 9180: 9169: 9163: 9162:Quoting page 95. 9161: 9133: 9127: 9120: 9114: 9113: 9085: 9079: 9076: 9070: 9056: 9050: 9043: 9037: 9026: 9020: 9010: 9004: 8997:Charles S. Maier 8994: 8988: 8987: 8959: 8953: 8952: 8950: 8949: 8935:10.2307/20033908 8914: 8905: 8898: 8892: 8891: 8889: 8888: 8873: 8867: 8866: 8846: 8840: 8836: 8830: 8823: 8817: 8816: 8789: 8783: 8782: 8761: 8755: 8752: 8746: 8736: 8730: 8723: 8717: 8710: 8704: 8691: 8685: 8678:Bacevich, Andrew 8675: 8669: 8662: 8656: 8646: 8640: 8631: 8625: 8618: 8612: 8602: 8596: 8589: 8583: 8577: 8571: 8564: 8558: 8548: 8542: 8541: 8535: 8527: 8521: 8520: 8518: 8495: 8482: 8476: 8474: 8464: 8458: 8448: 8442: 8436: 8435: 8423: 8413: 8407: 8401: 8395: 8385: 8379: 8369: 8363: 8362: 8360: 8358: 8336: 8330: 8329: 8327: 8325: 8316:. Archived from 8309: 8303: 8288: 8282: 8272: 8266: 8253: 8247: 8240: 8234: 8224: 8218: 8208: 8202: 8192: 8186: 8176: 8170: 8164: 8158: 8148: 8142: 8139: 8133: 8123: 8117: 8110: 8104: 8097: 8091: 8081: 8075: 8068: 8062: 8061: 8041: 8035: 8034: 8032: 8031: 8020: 8012: 8006: 8005: 7994: 7988: 7987: 7972: 7966: 7965: 7952: 7946: 7945: 7943: 7941: 7935: 7928: 7920: 7914: 7907: 7901: 7891: 7885: 7878:Hoopes, Townsend 7875: 7869: 7868: 7866: 7864: 7852: 7846: 7845: 7843: 7842: 7827: 7821: 7811: 7805: 7798: 7792: 7782: 7776: 7775: 7764: 7758: 7757: 7746: 7740: 7739: 7737: 7736: 7730: 7723: 7715: 7709: 7699: 7693: 7683: 7677: 7667: 7661: 7651: 7645: 7635: 7629: 7619: 7613: 7606:Nexon, Daniel H. 7603: 7597: 7587: 7581: 7580: 7560: 7554: 7544: 7538: 7531: 7525: 7515: 7509: 7508: 7500: 7494: 7493: 7485: 7479: 7478: 7476: 7474: 7455: 7449: 7448: 7428: 7422: 7421: 7419: 7418: 7401: 7395: 7394: 7392: 7390: 7375: 7369: 7368: 7366: 7364: 7344: 7338: 7337: 7335: 7333: 7318: 7312: 7311: 7309: 7307: 7301: 7295:. Archived from 7294: 7286: 7280: 7279: 7277: 7275: 7269: 7263:. Archived from 7262: 7254: 7248: 7239: 7233: 7232: 7220: 7214: 7213: 7211: 7209: 7194: 7188: 7187: 7185: 7183: 7172: 7166: 7165: 7163: 7162: 7148: 7141: 7135: 7134: 7132: 7130: 7120: 7114: 7113: 7111: 7109: 7094: 7088: 7087: 7076: 7070: 7069: 7067: 7065: 7051: 7045: 7044: 7042: 7040: 7013: 7007: 7006: 7004: 7002: 6975: 6966: 6965: 6963: 6961: 6934: 6928: 6927: 6925: 6923: 6912: 6906: 6905: 6892:John Mearsheimer 6888: 6882: 6881: 6879: 6878: 6866: 6860: 6859: 6841: 6835: 6834: 6806: 6800: 6799: 6797: 6795: 6778: 6772: 6771: 6753: 6747: 6746: 6738: 6732: 6731: 6723: 6717: 6716: 6714: 6713: 6690: 6684: 6683: 6663: 6657: 6656: 6654: 6653: 6643: 6619: 6613: 6612: 6594: 6588: 6587: 6585: 6583: 6569: 6560: 6554: 6553: 6533: 6527: 6526: 6502: 6496: 6495: 6468: 6462: 6461: 6459: 6457: 6442: 6436: 6435: 6419: 6413: 6412: 6393: 6387: 6381: 6375: 6374: 6372: 6370: 6358: 6352: 6351: 6349: 6347: 6320: 6314: 6313: 6308: 6306: 6289: 6283: 6277: 6271: 6265: 6259: 6258: 6232: 6211: 6205: 6204: 6184: 6178: 6164: 6158: 6151: 6145: 6131: 6125: 6123: 6108: 6098: 6092: 6091: 6076: 6066: 6060: 6059: 6044: 6034: 6028: 6027: 6007: 6001: 5994: 5988: 5987: 5985: 5984: 5975:. Archived from 5965: 5959: 5958: 5956: 5955: 5940: 5934: 5933: 5918:Pakistan Horizon 5909: 5903: 5896: 5885: 5884: 5879:. Archived from 5869: 5863: 5862: 5842: 5836: 5835: 5817: 5808: 5802: 5795: 5789: 5788: 5777: 5771: 5770: 5750: 5744: 5743: 5741: 5740: 5728:Trickey, Erick. 5725: 5719: 5707: 5701: 5700: 5680: 5674: 5673: 5653: 5647: 5640: 5634: 5633: 5609: 5603: 5602: 5582: 5576: 5573: 5567: 5560: 5554: 5553: 5529: 5523: 5522: 5515: 5509: 5507: 5505: 5504: 5489: 5483: 5482: 5462: 5456: 5455: 5453: 5452: 5429: 5423: 5416: 5410: 5409: 5389: 5383: 5382: 5358: 5352: 5346: 5340: 5339: 5311: 5305: 5304: 5284: 5278: 5271: 5265: 5264: 5252: 5243: 5242: 5231: 5225: 5224: 5218: 5209: 5203: 5198:Pérez, Louis A. 5196: 5185: 5184: 5164: 5158: 5157: 5155: 5154: 5140: 5134: 5133: 5131: 5130: 5116: 5110: 5109: 5089: 5083: 5076: 5070: 5069: 5067: 5065: 5050: 5044: 5043: 5041: 5039: 5021: 5015: 5001: 4995: 4994: 4992: 4991: 4986:. pp. 64–67 4975: 4969: 4966: 4960: 4957: 4951: 4950: 4939: 4933: 4932: 4914: 4908: 4907: 4879: 4873: 4872: 4848: 4842: 4837: 4817: 4811: 4810: 4790: 4784: 4783: 4763: 4757: 4754: 4748: 4747: 4745: 4734: 4728: 4727: 4725: 4714: 4708: 4707: 4700: 4694: 4693: 4691: 4680: 4674: 4673: 4671: 4660: 4654: 4651: 4645: 4644: 4642: 4640: 4600: 4594: 4593: 4591: 4589: 4570: 4564: 4563: 4561: 4559: 4529: 4523: 4522: 4520: 4518: 4503: 4497: 4496: 4490: 4482: 4480: 4478: 4466: 4460: 4459: 4453: 4451: 4436: 4430: 4429: 4409: 4403: 4402: 4374: 4368: 4360: 4359: 4357: 4356: 4341: 4335: 4334: 4332: 4330: 4310: 4304: 4303: 4292: 4286: 4285: 4274: 4268: 4267: 4256: 4250: 4244: 4238: 4235: 4226: 4225: 4223: 4222: 4208: 4202: 4201: 4195: 4187: 4185: 4184: 4174:"Beyond Vietnam" 4169: 4163: 4162: 4134: 4125: 4124: 4101: 4092: 4091: 4083: 4077: 4076: 4052: 4046: 4045: 4043: 4042: 4036:The Conversation 4027: 4021: 4020: 3984: 3978: 3977: 3953: 3906:Manifest destiny 3884:Anti-Americanism 3872: 3867: 3866: 3865: 3850:manifest destiny 3680:Saint Petersburg 3556:neoconservatives 3527:One World (book) 3523:American Century 3396:world domination 3244:World historian 3238:Charles S. Maier 3211:reserve currency 3137: 3103:War on Terrorism 3051:Charles S. Maier 3010:After the Empire 2951:, in support of 2949:Charles A. Beard 2942:Big Stick policy 2923:Donald W. Meinig 2899: 2896: 2890: 2867: 2859: 2783:global periphery 2742:Chalmers Johnson 2734:war profiteering 2608:On the cover of 2580:Roman proconsuls 2498:Robert D. Kaplan 2480:As of 2024, the 2447:Marshall Islands 2445:(1986), and the 2380:Iraq as a colony 2368:Chalmers Johnson 2333: 2327: 2321: 2284:balance of power 2242:argued that the 2073:Invasion of Iraq 2031:John Mearsheimer 1998:Operation Condor 1942:Caterpillar Inc. 1938:American Express 1934:General Electric 1926:Freeport Sulphur 1596:American Century 1561:Second World War 1513:Battle of Midway 1498:At the start of 1303:W. E. B. Du Bois 1220: 1217: 1149: 1145:New York Journal 1133:Albert Beveridge 1118:Cuban revolution 1114:Emilio Aguinaldo 1105:colonies in Asia 1070:Social Darwinism 967:Manifest destiny 890:ethnic cleansing 767:ethnic cleansing 676:Manifest destiny 640:American Century 521:manifest destiny 492:ethnic cleansing 421:William McKinley 345:unequal treaties 322: 315: 308: 289:American Century 193:Military history 156:Manifest destiny 138: 137: 88: 81: 77: 74: 68: 65:inline citations 41: 40: 33: 16271: 16270: 16266: 16265: 16264: 16262: 16261: 16260: 16216: 16215: 16214: 16209: 16197: 16175: 16156:Thomas Friedman 16142: 16137: 16088:Anthony Giddens 16063:Manuel Castells 16028:Arjun Appadurai 16019: 16017: 16012: 15954: 15952: 15947: 15943:Joseph Stiglitz 15883:Richard Baldwin 15869: 15861: 15855: 15814:Fiscal localism 15778: 15732:McDonaldization 15650:Development aid 15624: 15619: 15588:Multilingualism 15583:Labor arbitrage 15559:Climate justice 15545: 15533: 15487:Global politics 15440:Deglobalization 15413: 15385: 15380: 15350: 15345: 15327: 15320: 15307: 15303:Life expectancy 15253: 15144: 15104: 15061: 15011: 15002:Pan-Americanism 14965: 14901: 14890:Great Recession 14872:NAFTA agreement 14818:Mexican miracle 14767:Progressive Era 14654: 14648: 14618: 14613: 14600: 14593: 14586: 14569: 14555:Opioid epidemic 14472:Native American 14452:intersex rights 14403: 14399:Life expectancy 14389:Medical deserts 14379:Race and health 14276: 14262:Personal income 14208: 14112:National anthem 13945:personal income 13910:Economic issues 13844: 13796: 13644: 13544: 13533:School district 13519: 13502:Minor divisions 13496: 13435: 13393: 13332: 13318:Statutory codes 13299: 13262: 13239: 13149: 13144: 13131: 13066: 13023:civil liberties 13004: 12995:Other tribunals 12974:District courts 12926: 12885:current members 12868:current members 12849: 12783:Law enforcement 12681: 12394: 12343: 12334:Great Recession 12205:Progressive Era 12195:Native genocide 12126:Perpetual Union 12114:Treaty of Paris 12072:United Colonies 12030: 11955: 11949: 11919: 11918: 11917: 11902: 11901: 11897: 11890: 11885: 11879: 11852:Foreign Affairs 11824:Foreign Affairs 11812: 11776: 11720: 11696: 11682:Lundestad, Geir 11592:Foreign Affairs 11568: 11546: 11522: 11498: 11463: 11449:Hudson, Michael 11438: 11353: 11334: 11312: 11288: 11272:Daalder, Ivo H. 11264: 11221: 11198: 11190:. Basic Books. 11176:Foreign Affairs 11132: 11112: 11110:Further reading 11063: 11037: 11017: 11012: 11011: 10968: 10964: 10921: 10917: 10880: 10876: 10871: 10867: 10856: 10852: 10843: 10839: 10815:10.2307/2010115 10798: 10792: 10788: 10761: 10757: 10748: 10744: 10735: 10733: 10725: 10724: 10720: 10714:Wayback Machine 10704: 10700: 10691: 10689: 10680: 10678: 10674: 10667: 10653: 10649: 10630: 10626: 10619: 10605: 10601: 10590: 10586: 10567: 10563: 10547: 10546: 10538: 10534: 10502: 10496: 10492: 10465:Feminist Review 10461: 10457: 10446: 10442: 10431: 10427: 10416: 10412: 10403: 10399: 10361: 10357: 10341: 10340: 10328: 10324: 10307: 10306: 10302: 10283: 10276: 10244: 10240: 10200: 10196: 10184: 10180: 10170: 10168: 10153: 10149: 10145:Quoting p. 593. 10140: 10101: 10095: 10088: 10078: 10076: 10067: 10066: 10062: 10052: 10050: 10049:. 10043: 10039: 10029: 10027: 10009: 10005: 9992: 9991: 9987: 9979:Sung Woo Kim, " 9978: 9974: 9954:Foreign Affairs 9945: 9941: 9911: 9907: 9898: 9894: 9881: 9877: 9868: 9864: 9836:Foreign Affairs 9828:Cohen, Eliot A. 9825: 9821: 9810: 9807:Lawrence Kaplan 9805: 9801: 9785: 9781: 9768: 9764: 9754: 9752: 9745:National Review 9737: 9730: 9723: 9709: 9705: 9698: 9682: 9678: 9670: 9654: 9650: 9639: 9635: 9623: 9619: 9607: 9603: 9591: 9587: 9580: 9560: 9556: 9549: 9545: 9527:Michael Hardt, 9526: 9522: 9511: 9509: 9507: 9485: 9481: 9464: 9460: 9450: 9448: 9438: 9434: 9424: 9422: 9421:. July 15, 2001 9411: 9410: 9406: 9368: 9364: 9341: 9337: 9328: 9324: 9315: 9311: 9292: 9288: 9272: 9268: 9229: 9225: 9216: 9214: 9204: 9200: 9188: 9184: 9171: 9170: 9166: 9134: 9130: 9122:A. G. Hopkins, 9121: 9117: 9086: 9082: 9077: 9073: 9067:Weekly Standard 9057: 9053: 9044: 9040: 9027: 9023: 9011: 9007: 8995: 8991: 8960: 8956: 8947: 8945: 8923:Foreign Affairs 8915: 8908: 8900:Emmanuel Todd, 8899: 8895: 8886: 8884: 8874: 8870: 8863: 8847: 8843: 8837: 8833: 8824: 8820: 8813: 8790: 8786: 8779: 8762: 8758: 8753: 8749: 8737: 8733: 8724: 8720: 8711: 8707: 8692: 8688: 8676: 8672: 8663: 8659: 8647: 8643: 8632: 8628: 8619: 8615: 8603: 8599: 8590: 8586: 8578: 8574: 8565: 8561: 8549: 8545: 8538:Mises Institute 8533: 8529: 8528: 8524: 8516: 8493: 8483: 8479: 8443: 8439: 8432: 8414: 8410: 8402: 8398: 8388:C. Wright Mills 8386: 8382: 8370: 8366: 8356: 8354: 8337: 8333: 8323: 8321: 8310: 8306: 8296:Wayback Machine 8289: 8285: 8273: 8269: 8254: 8250: 8241: 8237: 8225: 8221: 8209: 8205: 8193: 8189: 8177: 8173: 8165: 8161: 8149: 8145: 8140: 8136: 8124: 8120: 8116:, vol 11: p 29. 8111: 8107: 8101:Global Dialogue 8098: 8094: 8082: 8078: 8069: 8065: 8058: 8042: 8038: 8029: 8027: 8018: 8014: 8013: 8009: 7996: 7995: 7991: 7974: 7973: 7969: 7954: 7953: 7949: 7939: 7937: 7933: 7926: 7922: 7921: 7917: 7909:Patrick Smith, 7908: 7904: 7892: 7888: 7882:Foreign Affairs 7876: 7872: 7862: 7860: 7853: 7849: 7840: 7838: 7828: 7824: 7814:Leffler, Melvyn 7812: 7808: 7799: 7795: 7785:Reynolds, David 7783: 7779: 7766: 7765: 7761: 7748: 7747: 7743: 7734: 7732: 7728: 7721: 7717: 7716: 7712: 7700: 7696: 7686:Bischof, Günter 7684: 7680: 7668: 7664: 7654:Lundestad, Geir 7652: 7648: 7636: 7632: 7620: 7616: 7604: 7600: 7588: 7584: 7577: 7561: 7557: 7545: 7541: 7532: 7528: 7522:Foreign Affairs 7516: 7512: 7501: 7497: 7486: 7482: 7472: 7470: 7457: 7456: 7452: 7445: 7429: 7425: 7416: 7414: 7402: 7398: 7388: 7386: 7376: 7372: 7362: 7360: 7353:Huffington Post 7345: 7341: 7331: 7329: 7319: 7315: 7305: 7303: 7299: 7292: 7288: 7287: 7283: 7273: 7271: 7267: 7260: 7256: 7255: 7251: 7240: 7236: 7221: 7217: 7207: 7205: 7195: 7191: 7181: 7179: 7173: 7169: 7160: 7158: 7151:Financial Times 7143: 7142: 7138: 7128: 7126: 7122: 7121: 7117: 7107: 7105: 7095: 7091: 7078: 7077: 7073: 7063: 7061: 7053: 7052: 7048: 7038: 7036: 7014: 7010: 7000: 6998: 6976: 6969: 6959: 6957: 6935: 6931: 6921: 6919: 6914: 6913: 6909: 6889: 6885: 6876: 6874: 6867: 6863: 6856: 6842: 6838: 6831: 6810:Bevins, Vincent 6807: 6803: 6793: 6791: 6779: 6775: 6768: 6754: 6750: 6739: 6735: 6724: 6720: 6711: 6709: 6691: 6687: 6680: 6664: 6660: 6651: 6649: 6620: 6616: 6609: 6595: 6591: 6581: 6579: 6567: 6561: 6557: 6550: 6534: 6530: 6503: 6499: 6492: 6469: 6465: 6455: 6453: 6444: 6443: 6439: 6420: 6416: 6409: 6395: 6394: 6390: 6382: 6378: 6368: 6366: 6359: 6355: 6345: 6343: 6321: 6317: 6304: 6302: 6290: 6286: 6278: 6274: 6266: 6262: 6230: 6212: 6208: 6201: 6185: 6181: 6165: 6161: 6152: 6148: 6132: 6128: 6117: 6099: 6095: 6085: 6067: 6063: 6053: 6035: 6031: 6024: 6008: 6004: 5995: 5991: 5982: 5980: 5967: 5966: 5962: 5953: 5951: 5941: 5937: 5910: 5906: 5897: 5888: 5871: 5870: 5866: 5859: 5843: 5839: 5815: 5809: 5805: 5796: 5792: 5779: 5778: 5774: 5767: 5751: 5747: 5738: 5736: 5726: 5722: 5710:Martin Sixsmith 5708: 5704: 5697: 5681: 5677: 5670: 5654: 5650: 5641: 5637: 5630: 5610: 5606: 5599: 5583: 5579: 5574: 5570: 5561: 5557: 5550: 5530: 5526: 5517: 5516: 5512: 5502: 5500: 5490: 5486: 5479: 5463: 5459: 5450: 5448: 5430: 5426: 5417: 5413: 5406: 5390: 5386: 5379: 5359: 5355: 5347: 5343: 5336: 5312: 5308: 5301: 5285: 5281: 5272: 5268: 5253: 5246: 5233: 5232: 5228: 5216: 5210: 5206: 5197: 5188: 5181: 5165: 5161: 5152: 5150: 5142: 5141: 5137: 5128: 5126: 5118: 5117: 5113: 5106: 5090: 5086: 5077: 5073: 5063: 5061: 5052: 5051: 5047: 5037: 5035: 5023: 5022: 5018: 5002: 4998: 4989: 4987: 4976: 4972: 4967: 4963: 4958: 4954: 4941: 4940: 4936: 4929: 4915: 4911: 4896:10.2307/1887638 4880: 4876: 4869: 4849: 4845: 4834: 4818: 4814: 4807: 4791: 4787: 4780: 4764: 4760: 4755: 4751: 4743: 4735: 4731: 4723: 4715: 4711: 4702: 4701: 4697: 4689: 4681: 4677: 4669: 4661: 4657: 4652: 4648: 4638: 4636: 4601: 4597: 4587: 4585: 4572: 4571: 4567: 4557: 4555: 4548: 4530: 4526: 4516: 4514: 4505: 4504: 4500: 4484: 4483: 4476: 4474: 4467: 4463: 4449: 4447: 4437: 4433: 4426: 4410: 4406: 4375: 4371: 4363: 4354: 4352: 4344: 4342: 4338: 4328: 4326: 4318:Wayback Machine 4311: 4307: 4294: 4293: 4289: 4276: 4275: 4271: 4258: 4257: 4253: 4245: 4241: 4236: 4229: 4220: 4218: 4210: 4209: 4205: 4189: 4188: 4182: 4180: 4170: 4166: 4151:10.2307/1861842 4135: 4128: 4121: 4102: 4095: 4084: 4080: 4073: 4053: 4049: 4040: 4038: 4028: 4024: 4009: 3985: 3981: 3974: 3954: 3950: 3945: 3940: 3916:New Imperialism 3893:– 2008 book by 3879:Americanization 3868: 3863: 3861: 3858: 3812: 3672: 3605: 3541:Monroe Doctrine 3529: 3519: 3517:Neoconservatism 3513: 3465:, December 2018 3436:Washington Post 3360: 3348:Naval Base Guam 3314:Michel Foucault 3233:Donald Rumsfeld 3135: 3124:National Review 3115:Weekly Standard 3023: 2985:Andrew Bacevich 2915:Platt Amendment 2900: 2894: 2891: 2881: 2868: 2857: 2847: 2842: 2816:Henry Kissinger 2804: 2714:Mariana Islands 2674: 2648:Douglas Kellner 2602: 2596: 2591: 2524: 2518: 2502:Richard A. Falk 2343: 2335: 2331: 2329: 2325: 2323: 2319: 2307: 2301: 2265: 2260: 2218:Muammar Gaddafi 2206: 2114:Brent R. Wilkes 2094:9/11 Commission 2075: 2069: 2064:Bank of America 2014: 1970:state terrorism 1962: 1954:Lockheed Martin 1916:", and alleged 1757: 1682: 1642:Truman Doctrine 1617: 1594:, who (in his " 1549: 1496: 1468: 1373:, an attempted 1371:Kornilov Affair 1335:moral diplomacy 1322:to the world". 1271: 1239:Elpidio Quirino 1235:Ramon Magsaysay 1227:Edward Lansdale 1218: 1147: 1090:Rudyard Kipling 1050:New Imperialism 1033: 1011:New Imperialism 1007: 991:broken treaties 854:Great Sioux War 842:Red Cloud's War 704:Yale historian 686:Louis Dalrymple 678: 672:Monroe Doctrine 660: 548:Reagan Doctrine 544:Truman Doctrine 517:Monroe Doctrine 454: 449: 441:Monroe Doctrine 397:informal empire 360:New Imperialism 326: 264: 250:Monroe Doctrine 217: 180: 171:Alaska Purchase 142: 141:History of U.S. 89: 78: 72: 69: 54: 42: 38: 31: 24: 21:American Empire 17: 12: 11: 5: 16269: 16259: 16258: 16253: 16248: 16243: 16238: 16233: 16228: 16211: 16210: 16208: 16207: 16195: 16184: 16181: 16180: 16177: 16176: 16174: 16173: 16168: 16163: 16158: 16153: 16147: 16145: 16139: 16138: 16136: 16135: 16130: 16125: 16120: 16115: 16110: 16105: 16100: 16095: 16090: 16085: 16080: 16075: 16070: 16065: 16060: 16058:Zygmunt Bauman 16055: 16050: 16045: 16040: 16035: 16030: 16024: 16022: 16014: 16013: 16011: 16010: 16005: 16000: 15995: 15990: 15985: 15980: 15975: 15970: 15965: 15959: 15957: 15949: 15948: 15946: 15945: 15940: 15935: 15930: 15925: 15923:Thomas Piketty 15920: 15918:Kevin O'Rourke 15915: 15910: 15908:Michael Hudson 15905: 15900: 15898:Robert Brenner 15895: 15890: 15885: 15880: 15874: 15872: 15863: 15857: 15856: 15854: 15853: 15848: 15843: 15838: 15833: 15832: 15831: 15826: 15816: 15811: 15806: 15801: 15796: 15790: 15788: 15784: 15783: 15780: 15779: 15777: 15776: 15771: 15769:Westernization 15766: 15761: 15760: 15759: 15749: 15744: 15739: 15734: 15729: 15724: 15719: 15718: 15717: 15712: 15707: 15702: 15697: 15692: 15682: 15677: 15672: 15667: 15662: 15657: 15652: 15647: 15642: 15641: 15640: 15629: 15627: 15621: 15620: 15618: 15617: 15612: 15611: 15610: 15608:Tax inversions 15605: 15595: 15590: 15585: 15580: 15578:Digital divide 15575: 15574: 15573: 15563: 15562: 15561: 15554:Climate change 15550: 15548: 15539: 15535: 15534: 15532: 15531: 15526: 15521: 15516: 15515: 15514: 15509: 15499: 15494: 15489: 15484: 15479: 15474: 15469: 15468: 15467: 15457: 15452: 15447: 15442: 15437: 15432: 15427: 15421: 15419: 15415: 15414: 15412: 15411: 15406: 15396: 15390: 15387: 15386: 15379: 15378: 15371: 15364: 15356: 15347: 15346: 15344: 15343: 15338: 15333: 15326: 15325: 15317: 15316: 15313: 15312: 15309: 15308: 15306: 15305: 15300: 15295: 15294: 15293: 15292: 15291: 15289:classification 15276: 15275: 15274: 15263: 15261: 15255: 15254: 15252: 15251: 15246: 15241: 15236: 15231: 15226: 15225: 15224: 15219: 15210: 15205: 15200: 15195: 15187: 15182: 15177: 15172: 15171: 15170: 15165: 15154: 15152: 15146: 15145: 15143: 15142: 15137: 15136: 15135: 15124: 15118: 15114: 15113: 15110: 15109: 15106: 15105: 15103: 15102: 15097: 15095:Internet users 15092: 15087: 15086: 15085: 15075: 15069: 15067: 15063: 15062: 15060: 15059: 15057:Transportation 15054: 15049: 15044: 15039: 15033: 15023: 15017: 15016: 15013: 15012: 15010: 15009: 15004: 14999: 14994: 14989: 14983: 14977: 14971: 14970: 14967: 14966: 14964: 14963: 14958: 14953: 14948: 14943: 14938: 14936:Extreme points 14933: 14932: 14931: 14921: 14915: 14909: 14903: 14902: 14900: 14899: 14893: 14887: 14886:(2001–present) 14881: 14875: 14869: 14863: 14857: 14851: 14845: 14844: 14843: 14835:Apollo program 14832: 14826: 14820: 14815: 14809: 14803: 14797: 14791: 14786: 14781: 14775: 14769: 14764: 14759: 14754: 14749: 14744: 14739: 14734: 14729: 14724: 14719: 14713: 14707: 14702: 14701: 14700: 14695: 14690: 14680: 14675: 14670: 14664: 14662: 14656: 14655: 14653: articles 14647: 14646: 14639: 14632: 14624: 14615: 14614: 14612: 14611: 14606: 14599: 14598: 14591: 14583: 14582: 14579: 14578: 14575: 14574: 14571: 14570: 14568: 14567: 14562: 14557: 14552: 14551: 14550: 14540: 14539: 14538: 14528: 14523: 14518: 14513: 14511:Mass shootings 14508: 14503: 14502: 14501: 14499:Climate change 14496: 14486: 14481: 14480: 14479: 14474: 14469: 14464: 14459: 14454: 14449: 14444: 14437:Discrimination 14434: 14429: 14428: 14427: 14417: 14411: 14409: 14405: 14404: 14402: 14401: 14396: 14391: 14386: 14381: 14376: 14371: 14366: 14361: 14356: 14351: 14350: 14349: 14344: 14339: 14329: 14328: 14327: 14322: 14317: 14312: 14307: 14302: 14292: 14286: 14284: 14278: 14277: 14275: 14274: 14269: 14264: 14259: 14254: 14249: 14244: 14239: 14234: 14229: 14227:American Dream 14224: 14218: 14216: 14210: 14209: 14207: 14206: 14201: 14196: 14194:Transportation 14191: 14186: 14181: 14176: 14171: 14166: 14161: 14156: 14151: 14146: 14141: 14140: 14139: 14134: 14129: 14127:Mount Rushmore 14124: 14114: 14109: 14104: 14099: 14098: 14097: 14092: 14087: 14082: 14077: 14067: 14062: 14061: 14060: 14055: 14050: 14040: 14035: 14030: 14025: 14024: 14023: 14013: 14008: 14007: 14006: 13996: 13991: 13986: 13985: 13984: 13979: 13969: 13968: 13967: 13962: 13957: 13952: 13947: 13942: 13937: 13932: 13927: 13922: 13917: 13907: 13902: 13897: 13892: 13887: 13882: 13877: 13871: 13869: 13856: 13850: 13849: 13846: 13845: 13843: 13842: 13837: 13832: 13827: 13822: 13817: 13812: 13806: 13804: 13798: 13797: 13795: 13794: 13789: 13784: 13779: 13774: 13769: 13764: 13759: 13754: 13749: 13747:Federal budget 13744: 13739: 13734: 13733: 13732: 13727: 13722: 13717: 13712: 13707: 13702: 13697: 13692: 13687: 13685:Communications 13682: 13677: 13666: 13660: 13654: 13653: 13650: 13649: 13646: 13645: 13643: 13642: 13637: 13636: 13635: 13630: 13625: 13615: 13614: 13613: 13608: 13606:exceptionalism 13603: 13593: 13588: 13587: 13586: 13584:foreign policy 13576: 13575: 13574: 13569: 13559: 13553: 13550: 13549: 13546: 13545: 13543: 13542: 13541: 13540: 13529: 13527: 13521: 13520: 13518: 13517: 13512: 13506: 13504: 13498: 13497: 13495: 13494: 13489: 13484: 13479: 13474: 13469: 13464: 13459: 13454: 13449: 13443: 13441: 13437: 13436: 13434: 13433: 13428: 13423: 13418: 13412: 13410: 13401: 13395: 13394: 13392: 13391: 13386: 13385: 13384: 13374: 13373: 13372: 13367: 13362: 13352: 13346: 13344: 13338: 13337: 13334: 13333: 13331: 13330: 13325: 13320: 13315: 13309: 13307: 13301: 13300: 13298: 13297: 13296: 13295: 13285: 13284: 13283: 13281:Chief justices 13276:Supreme courts 13272: 13270: 13264: 13263: 13261: 13260: 13255: 13249: 13247: 13241: 13240: 13238: 13237: 13236: 13235: 13225: 13220: 13215: 13210: 13205: 13200: 13195: 13190: 13189: 13188: 13178: 13177: 13176: 13165: 13163: 13154: 13137: 13136: 13133: 13132: 13130: 13129: 13124: 13119: 13118: 13117: 13115:National Guard 13112: 13107: 13102: 13097: 13092: 13087: 13076: 13074: 13068: 13067: 13065: 13064: 13059: 13058: 13057: 13052: 13047: 13042: 13032: 13027: 13026: 13025: 13018:Bill of Rights 13014: 13012: 13006: 13005: 13003: 13002: 12997: 12992: 12991: 12990: 12988:list of judges 12985: 12983:list of courts 12971: 12970: 12969: 12967:list of judges 12959: 12958: 12957: 12952: 12947: 12936: 12934: 12928: 12927: 12925: 12924: 12919: 12914: 12909: 12904: 12902:Capitol Police 12899: 12898: 12897: 12892: 12887: 12877: 12876: 12875: 12870: 12859: 12857: 12851: 12850: 12848: 12847: 12842: 12837: 12832: 12831: 12830: 12825: 12823:Secret Service 12820: 12815: 12810: 12805: 12800: 12795: 12790: 12780: 12779: 12778: 12773: 12768: 12763: 12753: 12748: 12743: 12738: 12736:Vice President 12733: 12732: 12731: 12726: 12715: 12713: 12706: 12693: 12687: 12686: 12683: 12682: 12680: 12679: 12674: 12669: 12664: 12663: 12662: 12657: 12652: 12647: 12642: 12637: 12632: 12627: 12616: 12615: 12614: 12609: 12604: 12599: 12594: 12589: 12584: 12579: 12574: 12569: 12564: 12559: 12554: 12549: 12544: 12539: 12534: 12524: 12523: 12522: 12520:National Parks 12512: 12511: 12510: 12505: 12500: 12495: 12490: 12480: 12475: 12473:Extreme points 12470: 12465: 12464: 12463: 12458: 12453: 12448: 12443: 12438: 12433: 12428: 12423: 12412: 12406: 12400: 12399: 12396: 12395: 12393: 12392: 12387: 12382: 12377: 12372: 12367: 12362: 12357: 12351: 12349: 12345: 12344: 12342: 12341: 12336: 12331: 12330: 12329: 12324: 12314: 12309: 12304: 12299: 12294: 12289: 12284: 12279: 12274: 12269: 12268: 12267: 12257: 12252: 12247: 12242: 12237: 12232: 12231: 12230: 12225: 12220: 12212: 12207: 12202: 12197: 12192: 12187: 12182: 12177: 12172: 12167: 12162: 12160:Federalist Era 12157: 12156: 12155: 12153:Bill of Rights 12150: 12140: 12135: 12134: 12133: 12128: 12118: 12117: 12116: 12111: 12101: 12096: 12094:Lee Resolution 12091: 12086: 12085: 12084: 12079: 12074: 12069: 12064: 12059: 12054: 12044: 12038: 12036: 12032: 12031: 12029: 12028: 12023: 12018: 12013: 12008: 12003: 11998: 11993: 11988: 11983: 11978: 11972: 11970: 11963: 11957: 11956: 11954: articles 11948: 11947: 11940: 11933: 11925: 11916: 11915: 11910: 11904: 11903: 11892: 11891: 11889: 11888:External links 11886: 11884: 11883: 11877: 11860: 11844: 11816: 11810: 11792: 11780: 11774: 11760:Todd, Emmanuel 11756: 11736: 11727:Shawn, Wallace 11724: 11718: 11700: 11694: 11678: 11652:Lears, Jackson 11649: 11583:Abraham Newman 11572: 11566: 11550: 11544: 11526: 11520: 11502: 11496: 11483: 11467: 11462:978-3981826098 11461: 11445: 11436: 11418:Hardt, Michael 11414: 11357: 11351: 11338: 11332: 11316: 11310: 11292: 11286: 11268: 11262: 11249: 11225: 11219: 11202: 11196: 11180: 11168: 11149:Michael Mullen 11136: 11130: 11113: 11111: 11108: 11107: 11106: 11067: 11061: 11041: 11035: 11016: 11013: 11010: 11009: 10988:10.2307/363114 10962: 10941:10.1086/660024 10915: 10894:(1): 107–152. 10874: 10865: 10850: 10837: 10809:(3): 333–368. 10803:World Politics 10786: 10775:(3): 283–305. 10755: 10742: 10718: 10698: 10679:Said, Edward. 10672: 10665: 10647: 10624: 10617: 10599: 10584: 10561: 10532: 10513:(5): 756–770. 10490: 10455: 10440: 10425: 10410: 10397: 10355: 10322: 10319:on 2008-05-15. 10300: 10274: 10272:Pages 266–267. 10254:(2): 253–271. 10238: 10210:(4): 435–439. 10194: 10178: 10147: 10143:on 2020-01-21. 10112:(4): 587–610. 10086: 10060: 10037: 10003: 9985: 9972: 9939: 9905: 9892: 9875: 9862: 9819: 9799: 9779: 9771:Geir Lundestad 9762: 9728: 9721: 9703: 9696: 9676: 9668: 9648: 9633: 9617: 9601: 9585: 9578: 9554: 9543: 9530:Gilles Deleuze 9520: 9505: 9479: 9458: 9432: 9404: 9362: 9351:(2): 259–270. 9335: 9322: 9309: 9286: 9266: 9239:(3): 365–395. 9223: 9198: 9182: 9164: 9128: 9115: 9080: 9071: 9051: 9038: 9021: 9013:Niall Ferguson 9005: 8989: 8970:(3): 395–404. 8954: 8929:(2): 144–154. 8906: 8893: 8868: 8861: 8841: 8831: 8818: 8811: 8784: 8777: 8756: 8747: 8731: 8718: 8705: 8686: 8670: 8657: 8649:Gray, Colin S. 8641: 8626: 8613: 8597: 8584: 8580:Jerusalem Post 8572: 8559: 8543: 8522: 8477: 8437: 8430: 8408: 8396: 8380: 8364: 8346:Monthly Review 8331: 8304: 8283: 8267: 8248: 8235: 8219: 8203: 8187: 8171: 8159: 8143: 8134: 8118: 8114:Foreign Policy 8105: 8092: 8076: 8063: 8056: 8036: 8007: 8004:. May 9, 2024. 7989: 7967: 7947: 7915: 7902: 7897:, vol 7 (12), 7886: 7870: 7847: 7822: 7806: 7793: 7777: 7759: 7741: 7710: 7694: 7692:, vol 2: p 17. 7678: 7662: 7646: 7630: 7614: 7598: 7582: 7575: 7555: 7539: 7526: 7510: 7495: 7480: 7450: 7443: 7423: 7411:Bloomberg News 7396: 7370: 7339: 7313: 7281: 7249: 7234: 7215: 7189: 7167: 7136: 7115: 7089: 7071: 7046: 7008: 6967: 6929: 6907: 6901:Foreign Policy 6883: 6861: 6855:978-1510769137 6854: 6836: 6829: 6801: 6773: 6766: 6748: 6733: 6718: 6685: 6678: 6658: 6614: 6607: 6589: 6555: 6548: 6528: 6497: 6490: 6463: 6437: 6414: 6407: 6388: 6376: 6353: 6315: 6284: 6272: 6260: 6223:(3): 263–277. 6206: 6199: 6179: 6167:Lieven, Anatol 6159: 6146: 6126: 6115: 6093: 6083: 6061: 6051: 6029: 6022: 6002: 5989: 5960: 5935: 5904: 5886: 5883:on 1998-05-24. 5864: 5857: 5837: 5826:(4): 343–359. 5803: 5790: 5772: 5765: 5745: 5720: 5702: 5695: 5675: 5668: 5648: 5635: 5628: 5604: 5597: 5577: 5568: 5562:Zinn, Howard. 5555: 5548: 5524: 5510: 5484: 5477: 5457: 5424: 5411: 5404: 5384: 5377: 5353: 5341: 5334: 5306: 5299: 5279: 5273:Zinn, Howard. 5266: 5244: 5226: 5204: 5186: 5179: 5159: 5135: 5111: 5104: 5084: 5080:British Empire 5071: 5045: 5016: 4996: 4970: 4961: 4952: 4934: 4927: 4909: 4890:(4): 810–831. 4874: 4867: 4843: 4832: 4812: 4805: 4785: 4778: 4758: 4749: 4746:. p. 131. 4729: 4726:. p. 130. 4709: 4695: 4692:. p. 177. 4675: 4655: 4646: 4615:(3): 303–332. 4595: 4565: 4546: 4524: 4498: 4461: 4431: 4424: 4404: 4369: 4361: 4336: 4305: 4287: 4269: 4251: 4239: 4227: 4203: 4164: 4145:(3): 644–668. 4126: 4119: 4093: 4078: 4071: 4047: 4022: 4007: 3979: 3972: 3947: 3946: 3944: 3941: 3939: 3938: 3933: 3928: 3923: 3918: 3913: 3911:Neocolonialism 3908: 3903: 3898: 3886: 3881: 3875: 3874: 3873: 3857: 3854: 3811: 3808: 3803:Matthew Fraser 3800: 3799: 3678:McDonald's in 3671: 3668: 3658:and equality. 3656:global justice 3626:Western values 3604: 3601: 3592:British Empire 3587:Niall Ferguson 3564:Dinesh D'Souza 3562:, and writers 3515:Main article: 3512: 3509: 3492:Robert Keohane 3484:Michael Walzer 3432:Günter Bischof 3385:John Ikenberry 3373:Walter LaFeber 3359: 3356: 3334:European Union 3320:, and Italian 3318:Gilles Deleuze 3310:Baruch Spinoza 3246:Anthony Pagden 3203:world currency 3182:British Empire 3141:New York Times 3084:Following the 3064:Niall Ferguson 3022: 3019: 2997:Paul Wolfowitz 2989:foreign policy 2902: 2901: 2871: 2869: 2862: 2846: 2843: 2841: 2838: 2803: 2800: 2680:1903 cartoon, 2673: 2670: 2666:Fareed Zakaria 2657:Monthly Review 2598:Main article: 2595: 2592: 2590: 2587: 2563:510 million km 2520:Main article: 2517: 2514: 2475:Guantánamo Bay 2469:. Since 1959, 2463:Camp Bondsteel 2419:American Samoa 2357:in Qatar, 2015 2330: 2324: 2318: 2300: 2297: 2264: 2261: 2259: 2256: 2240:Matteo Capasso 2230:United Kingdom 2205: 2202: 2198:Gary S. Becker 2079:George W. Bush 2074: 2071: 2018:Saddam Hussein 2013: 2010: 1961: 1958: 1906:ethnic Chinese 1892:blamed on the 1879:Operation Menu 1821:in a colonial 1756: 1753: 1748:Operation Ajax 1737:United Kingdom 1681: 1678: 1665:Geir Lundestad 1616: 1613: 1554:British Empire 1548: 1547:The Grand Area 1545: 1537:September 1945 1495: 1492: 1467: 1464: 1450:Smedley Butler 1439:Ronald Powaski 1403:Western Allies 1395:Central Powers 1379:Bruce Lockhart 1295:Woodrow Wilson 1270: 1267: 1258:Bell Trade Act 1231:Raymond Bonner 1205:puppet regimes 1156:Jacob H. Smith 1041:Judge magazine 1006: 1003: 763:Trail of Tears 684:Caricature by 659: 656: 628:decolonization 611:American Samoa 496:Indian removal 453: 450: 448: 445: 425:Woodrow Wilson 413:Andrew Jackson 389:neocolonialism 385:Niall Ferguson 328: 327: 325: 324: 317: 310: 302: 299: 298: 297: 296: 291: 286: 279: 277:Exceptionalism 271: 270: 266: 265: 263: 262: 252: 247: 242: 237: 235:Foreign policy 232: 224: 223: 222:Foreign policy 219: 218: 216: 215: 210: 205: 200: 195: 187: 186: 182: 181: 179: 178: 173: 168: 163: 158: 150: 149: 145: 144: 115:following the 91: 90: 45: 43: 36: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 16268: 16257: 16254: 16252: 16249: 16247: 16244: 16242: 16239: 16237: 16234: 16232: 16229: 16227: 16224: 16223: 16221: 16206: 16201: 16196: 16194: 16186: 16185: 16182: 16172: 16171:Vandana Shiva 16169: 16167: 16164: 16162: 16159: 16157: 16154: 16152: 16149: 16148: 16146: 16140: 16134: 16131: 16129: 16126: 16124: 16123:Saskia Sassen 16121: 16119: 16118:George Ritzer 16116: 16114: 16113:Antonio Negri 16111: 16109: 16108:L. H. M. Ling 16106: 16104: 16101: 16099: 16096: 16094: 16093:Michael Hardt 16091: 16089: 16086: 16084: 16081: 16079: 16076: 16074: 16073:Alfred Crosby 16071: 16069: 16066: 16064: 16061: 16059: 16056: 16054: 16051: 16049: 16046: 16044: 16041: 16039: 16036: 16034: 16031: 16029: 16026: 16025: 16023: 16015: 16009: 16006: 16004: 16003:Susan Strange 16001: 15999: 15996: 15994: 15991: 15989: 15986: 15984: 15981: 15979: 15976: 15974: 15973:Robert W. Cox 15971: 15969: 15966: 15964: 15961: 15960: 15958: 15950: 15944: 15941: 15939: 15936: 15934: 15933:Jeffrey Sachs 15931: 15929: 15926: 15924: 15921: 15919: 15916: 15914: 15911: 15909: 15906: 15904: 15901: 15899: 15896: 15894: 15891: 15889: 15886: 15884: 15881: 15879: 15876: 15875: 15873: 15867: 15864: 15858: 15852: 15851:World-systems 15849: 15847: 15846:World history 15844: 15842: 15841:Social change 15839: 15837: 15834: 15830: 15827: 15825: 15822: 15821: 15820: 15819:Modernization 15817: 15815: 15812: 15810: 15807: 15805: 15802: 15800: 15797: 15795: 15792: 15791: 15789: 15785: 15775: 15772: 15770: 15767: 15765: 15762: 15758: 15755: 15754: 15753: 15750: 15748: 15745: 15743: 15740: 15738: 15735: 15733: 15730: 15728: 15725: 15723: 15720: 15716: 15713: 15711: 15708: 15706: 15703: 15701: 15698: 15696: 15693: 15691: 15688: 15687: 15686: 15683: 15681: 15678: 15676: 15673: 15671: 15668: 15666: 15663: 15661: 15658: 15656: 15653: 15651: 15648: 15646: 15643: 15639: 15636: 15635: 15634: 15631: 15630: 15628: 15622: 15616: 15613: 15609: 15606: 15604: 15601: 15600: 15599: 15596: 15594: 15591: 15589: 15586: 15584: 15581: 15579: 15576: 15572: 15569: 15568: 15567: 15564: 15560: 15557: 15556: 15555: 15552: 15551: 15549: 15543: 15540: 15536: 15530: 15527: 15525: 15522: 15520: 15517: 15513: 15510: 15508: 15505: 15504: 15503: 15500: 15498: 15495: 15493: 15490: 15488: 15485: 15483: 15482:Global health 15480: 15478: 15475: 15473: 15470: 15466: 15463: 15462: 15461: 15458: 15456: 15453: 15451: 15448: 15446: 15443: 15441: 15438: 15436: 15433: 15431: 15428: 15426: 15423: 15422: 15420: 15416: 15410: 15407: 15405: 15397: 15395: 15392: 15391: 15388: 15384: 15383:Globalization 15377: 15372: 15370: 15365: 15363: 15358: 15357: 15354: 15342: 15339: 15337: 15334: 15332: 15329: 15328: 15323: 15319: 15318: 15314: 15304: 15301: 15299: 15296: 15290: 15287: 15286: 15285: 15282: 15281: 15280: 15279:Ethnic groups 15277: 15273: 15270: 15269: 15268: 15265: 15264: 15262: 15260: 15256: 15250: 15247: 15245: 15242: 15240: 15237: 15235: 15232: 15230: 15227: 15223: 15220: 15218: 15214: 15211: 15209: 15206: 15204: 15201: 15199: 15196: 15194: 15191: 15190: 15188: 15186: 15183: 15181: 15178: 15176: 15173: 15169: 15166: 15164: 15161: 15160: 15159: 15156: 15155: 15153: 15151: 15147: 15141: 15138: 15134: 15131: 15130: 15129: 15126: 15125: 15122: 15119: 15115: 15101: 15100:Minimum wages 15098: 15096: 15093: 15091: 15088: 15084: 15081: 15080: 15079: 15076: 15074: 15071: 15070: 15068: 15064: 15058: 15055: 15053: 15050: 15048: 15045: 15043: 15040: 15038: 15035: 15034: 15031: 15027: 15024: 15022: 15018: 15008: 15005: 15003: 15000: 14998: 14995: 14993: 14990: 14988: 14985: 14984: 14981: 14978: 14976: 14972: 14962: 14959: 14957: 14954: 14952: 14949: 14947: 14944: 14942: 14939: 14937: 14934: 14930: 14929:by population 14927: 14926: 14925: 14922: 14920: 14917: 14916: 14913: 14910: 14908: 14904: 14897: 14894: 14891: 14888: 14885: 14884:War on terror 14882: 14879: 14876: 14873: 14870: 14867: 14864: 14861: 14858: 14855: 14852: 14849: 14846: 14841: 14838: 14837: 14836: 14833: 14830: 14827: 14824: 14821: 14819: 14816: 14813: 14810: 14807: 14804: 14801: 14798: 14795: 14792: 14790: 14787: 14785: 14782: 14779: 14776: 14773: 14770: 14768: 14765: 14763: 14760: 14758: 14755: 14753: 14750: 14748: 14745: 14743: 14740: 14738: 14735: 14733: 14730: 14728: 14725: 14723: 14720: 14717: 14714: 14711: 14708: 14706: 14705:Turtle Island 14703: 14699: 14696: 14694: 14691: 14689: 14686: 14685: 14684: 14681: 14679: 14676: 14674: 14673:Paleo-Indians 14671: 14669: 14666: 14665: 14663: 14661: 14657: 14652: 14651:North America 14645: 14640: 14638: 14633: 14631: 14626: 14625: 14622: 14610: 14607: 14605: 14602: 14601: 14596: 14592: 14589: 14585: 14584: 14580: 14566: 14563: 14561: 14558: 14556: 14553: 14549: 14546: 14545: 14544: 14541: 14537: 14534: 14533: 14532: 14529: 14527: 14524: 14522: 14519: 14517: 14514: 14512: 14509: 14507: 14504: 14500: 14497: 14495: 14492: 14491: 14490: 14487: 14485: 14484:Energy policy 14482: 14478: 14475: 14473: 14470: 14468: 14465: 14463: 14460: 14458: 14455: 14453: 14450: 14448: 14445: 14443: 14440: 14439: 14438: 14435: 14433: 14430: 14426: 14425:incarceration 14423: 14422: 14421: 14418: 14416: 14413: 14412: 14410: 14406: 14400: 14397: 14395: 14392: 14390: 14387: 14385: 14382: 14380: 14377: 14375: 14372: 14370: 14367: 14365: 14362: 14360: 14357: 14355: 14352: 14348: 14345: 14343: 14340: 14338: 14335: 14334: 14333: 14330: 14326: 14323: 14321: 14318: 14316: 14313: 14311: 14310:Prenatal care 14308: 14306: 14305:Birth control 14303: 14301: 14298: 14297: 14296: 14293: 14291: 14288: 14287: 14285: 14283: 14279: 14273: 14270: 14268: 14265: 14263: 14260: 14258: 14255: 14253: 14250: 14248: 14245: 14243: 14242:Homeownership 14240: 14238: 14235: 14233: 14230: 14228: 14225: 14223: 14220: 14219: 14217: 14215: 14211: 14205: 14202: 14200: 14197: 14195: 14192: 14190: 14187: 14185: 14182: 14180: 14177: 14175: 14172: 14170: 14167: 14165: 14162: 14160: 14157: 14155: 14152: 14150: 14147: 14145: 14142: 14138: 14135: 14133: 14130: 14128: 14125: 14123: 14120: 14119: 14118: 14115: 14113: 14110: 14108: 14105: 14103: 14100: 14096: 14093: 14091: 14088: 14086: 14083: 14081: 14078: 14076: 14073: 14072: 14071: 14068: 14066: 14063: 14059: 14056: 14054: 14051: 14049: 14046: 14045: 14044: 14041: 14039: 14036: 14034: 14031: 14029: 14026: 14022: 14019: 14018: 14017: 14014: 14012: 14009: 14005: 14002: 14001: 14000: 13997: 13995: 13992: 13990: 13987: 13983: 13980: 13978: 13975: 13974: 13973: 13970: 13966: 13965:working class 13963: 13961: 13958: 13956: 13953: 13951: 13948: 13946: 13943: 13941: 13938: 13936: 13933: 13931: 13928: 13926: 13925:homeownership 13923: 13921: 13918: 13916: 13913: 13912: 13911: 13908: 13906: 13903: 13901: 13898: 13896: 13893: 13891: 13888: 13886: 13883: 13881: 13878: 13876: 13873: 13872: 13870: 13868: 13864: 13860: 13857: 13855: 13851: 13841: 13838: 13836: 13833: 13831: 13828: 13826: 13823: 13821: 13818: 13816: 13813: 13811: 13808: 13807: 13805: 13803: 13799: 13793: 13790: 13788: 13785: 13783: 13780: 13778: 13775: 13773: 13770: 13768: 13765: 13763: 13760: 13758: 13755: 13753: 13750: 13748: 13745: 13743: 13740: 13738: 13735: 13731: 13728: 13726: 13723: 13721: 13718: 13716: 13713: 13711: 13708: 13706: 13705:Manufacturing 13703: 13701: 13698: 13696: 13693: 13691: 13688: 13686: 13683: 13681: 13678: 13676: 13673: 13672: 13671: 13668: 13667: 13664: 13661: 13659: 13655: 13641: 13638: 13634: 13633:Third parties 13631: 13629: 13626: 13624: 13621: 13620: 13619: 13616: 13612: 13609: 13607: 13604: 13602: 13599: 13598: 13597: 13594: 13592: 13589: 13585: 13582: 13581: 13580: 13577: 13573: 13570: 13568: 13565: 13564: 13563: 13560: 13558: 13555: 13554: 13551: 13539: 13536: 13535: 13534: 13531: 13530: 13528: 13526: 13522: 13516: 13513: 13511: 13508: 13507: 13505: 13503: 13499: 13493: 13490: 13488: 13485: 13483: 13480: 13478: 13475: 13473: 13470: 13468: 13465: 13463: 13460: 13458: 13455: 13453: 13450: 13448: 13445: 13444: 13442: 13438: 13432: 13429: 13427: 13424: 13422: 13419: 13417: 13414: 13413: 13411: 13409: 13405: 13402: 13400: 13396: 13390: 13387: 13383: 13380: 13379: 13378: 13375: 13371: 13368: 13366: 13363: 13361: 13358: 13357: 13356: 13353: 13351: 13348: 13347: 13345: 13343: 13339: 13329: 13326: 13324: 13321: 13319: 13316: 13314: 13311: 13310: 13308: 13306: 13302: 13294: 13291: 13290: 13289: 13286: 13282: 13279: 13278: 13277: 13274: 13273: 13271: 13269: 13265: 13259: 13256: 13254: 13251: 13250: 13248: 13246: 13242: 13234: 13231: 13230: 13229: 13226: 13224: 13221: 13219: 13216: 13214: 13211: 13209: 13206: 13204: 13201: 13199: 13196: 13194: 13191: 13187: 13184: 13183: 13182: 13179: 13175: 13172: 13171: 13170: 13167: 13166: 13164: 13162: 13158: 13155: 13153: 13147: 13142: 13138: 13128: 13125: 13123: 13120: 13116: 13113: 13111: 13108: 13106: 13103: 13101: 13098: 13096: 13093: 13091: 13088: 13086: 13083: 13082: 13081: 13078: 13077: 13075: 13073: 13069: 13063: 13060: 13056: 13053: 13051: 13048: 13046: 13043: 13041: 13038: 13037: 13036: 13033: 13031: 13028: 13024: 13021: 13020: 13019: 13016: 13015: 13013: 13011: 13007: 13001: 13000:U.S. attorney 12998: 12996: 12993: 12989: 12986: 12984: 12981: 12980: 12979: 12975: 12972: 12968: 12965: 12964: 12963: 12960: 12956: 12953: 12951: 12948: 12946: 12945:Chief Justice 12943: 12942: 12941: 12940:Supreme Court 12938: 12937: 12935: 12933: 12929: 12923: 12920: 12918: 12915: 12913: 12910: 12908: 12905: 12903: 12900: 12896: 12893: 12891: 12888: 12886: 12883: 12882: 12881: 12878: 12874: 12871: 12869: 12866: 12865: 12864: 12861: 12860: 12858: 12856: 12852: 12846: 12845:Public policy 12843: 12841: 12840:Civil service 12838: 12836: 12833: 12829: 12826: 12824: 12821: 12819: 12816: 12814: 12811: 12809: 12806: 12804: 12801: 12799: 12796: 12794: 12791: 12789: 12786: 12785: 12784: 12781: 12777: 12774: 12772: 12769: 12767: 12764: 12762: 12759: 12758: 12757: 12754: 12752: 12749: 12747: 12744: 12742: 12739: 12737: 12734: 12730: 12727: 12725: 12722: 12721: 12720: 12717: 12716: 12714: 12710: 12707: 12705: 12701: 12697: 12694: 12692: 12688: 12678: 12675: 12673: 12670: 12668: 12665: 12661: 12658: 12656: 12653: 12651: 12648: 12646: 12643: 12641: 12638: 12636: 12633: 12631: 12628: 12626: 12623: 12622: 12621: 12617: 12613: 12610: 12608: 12605: 12603: 12600: 12598: 12595: 12593: 12590: 12588: 12585: 12583: 12580: 12578: 12575: 12573: 12570: 12568: 12565: 12563: 12560: 12558: 12555: 12553: 12550: 12548: 12545: 12543: 12540: 12538: 12535: 12533: 12530: 12529: 12528: 12525: 12521: 12518: 12517: 12516: 12513: 12509: 12508:Sierra Nevada 12506: 12504: 12501: 12499: 12496: 12494: 12491: 12489: 12486: 12485: 12484: 12481: 12479: 12476: 12474: 12471: 12469: 12466: 12462: 12459: 12457: 12454: 12452: 12449: 12447: 12446:insular zones 12444: 12442: 12439: 12437: 12434: 12432: 12429: 12427: 12424: 12422: 12419: 12418: 12417: 12414: 12413: 12410: 12407: 12405: 12401: 12391: 12388: 12386: 12383: 12381: 12378: 12376: 12373: 12371: 12368: 12366: 12363: 12361: 12358: 12356: 12353: 12352: 12350: 12346: 12340: 12337: 12335: 12332: 12328: 12325: 12323: 12320: 12319: 12318: 12317:War on Terror 12315: 12313: 12310: 12308: 12305: 12303: 12300: 12298: 12297:LGBT Movement 12295: 12293: 12290: 12288: 12285: 12283: 12280: 12278: 12275: 12273: 12270: 12266: 12263: 12262: 12261: 12258: 12256: 12253: 12251: 12248: 12246: 12243: 12241: 12238: 12236: 12233: 12229: 12226: 12224: 12221: 12219: 12216: 12215: 12213: 12211: 12208: 12206: 12203: 12201: 12198: 12196: 12193: 12191: 12188: 12186: 12183: 12181: 12178: 12176: 12173: 12171: 12168: 12166: 12163: 12161: 12158: 12154: 12151: 12149: 12146: 12145: 12144: 12141: 12139: 12136: 12132: 12129: 12127: 12124: 12123: 12122: 12119: 12115: 12112: 12110: 12107: 12106: 12105: 12102: 12100: 12097: 12095: 12092: 12090: 12087: 12083: 12080: 12078: 12075: 12073: 12070: 12068: 12065: 12063: 12060: 12058: 12055: 12053: 12050: 12049: 12048: 12045: 12043: 12040: 12039: 12037: 12033: 12027: 12024: 12022: 12019: 12017: 12014: 12012: 12009: 12007: 12004: 12002: 11999: 11997: 11994: 11992: 11989: 11987: 11984: 11982: 11979: 11977: 11974: 11973: 11971: 11967: 11964: 11962: 11958: 11953: 11952:United States 11946: 11941: 11939: 11934: 11932: 11927: 11926: 11923: 11914: 11911: 11909: 11906: 11905: 11900: 11895: 11880: 11878:1-56751-222-4 11874: 11869: 11868: 11861: 11858: 11854: 11853: 11848: 11845: 11842: 11838: 11834: 11830: 11826: 11825: 11820: 11817: 11813: 11811:0-7414-1887-8 11807: 11803: 11802: 11797: 11793: 11790: 11789: 11784: 11781: 11777: 11771: 11767: 11766: 11761: 11757: 11754: 11753: 11748: 11744: 11740: 11739:Tobar, Héctor 11737: 11734: 11733: 11728: 11725: 11721: 11719:0-300-10069-8 11715: 11711: 11710: 11705: 11704:Odom, William 11701: 11697: 11695:0-19-878212-8 11691: 11687: 11683: 11679: 11677:(p. 40.) 11675: 11671: 11667: 11666: 11661: 11657: 11653: 11650: 11646: 11643: 11639: 11635: 11631: 11626: 11622: 11618: 11614: 11610: 11606: 11602: 11598: 11594: 11593: 11588: 11584: 11580: 11579:Henry Farrell 11576: 11575:Krugman, Paul 11573: 11569: 11567:0-8476-7649-8 11563: 11559: 11555: 11551: 11547: 11545:0-8050-7004-4 11541: 11537: 11536: 11531: 11527: 11523: 11521:0-8050-6239-4 11517: 11513: 11512: 11507: 11503: 11499: 11493: 11489: 11484: 11481: 11480: 11475: 11471: 11468: 11464: 11458: 11454: 11450: 11446: 11444: 11439: 11437:0-674-00671-2 11433: 11429: 11428: 11423: 11422:Antonio Negri 11419: 11415: 11412: 11408: 11404: 11399: 11395: 11394:American wars 11391: 11387: 11383: 11382: 11377: 11373: 11369: 11365: 11361: 11358: 11354: 11348: 11344: 11339: 11335: 11333:0-19-517447-X 11329: 11325: 11321: 11317: 11313: 11311:0-394-57224-6 11307: 11303: 11302: 11297: 11293: 11289: 11287:0-8157-1688-5 11283: 11279: 11278: 11273: 11269: 11265: 11263:0-321-08848-4 11259: 11255: 11250: 11246: 11242: 11238: 11234: 11230: 11226: 11222: 11220:0-231-09669-0 11216: 11212: 11208: 11203: 11199: 11197:0-465-00721-X 11193: 11189: 11185: 11181: 11178: 11177: 11172: 11169: 11166: 11162: 11158: 11157:national debt 11154: 11150: 11146: 11145: 11140: 11137: 11133: 11127: 11124:. Macmillan. 11123: 11119: 11115: 11114: 11103: 11099: 11095: 11091: 11086: 11081: 11077: 11073: 11068: 11064: 11058: 11054: 11050: 11046: 11045:Holton, Woody 11042: 11038: 11032: 11028: 11024: 11019: 11018: 11005: 11001: 10997: 10993: 10989: 10985: 10981: 10977: 10973: 10966: 10958: 10954: 10950: 10946: 10942: 10938: 10934: 10930: 10926: 10919: 10911: 10907: 10902: 10897: 10893: 10889: 10885: 10878: 10869: 10861: 10854: 10847: 10841: 10832: 10828: 10824: 10820: 10816: 10812: 10808: 10804: 10797: 10790: 10782: 10778: 10774: 10770: 10766: 10759: 10752: 10746: 10732: 10728: 10722: 10715: 10711: 10708: 10702: 10688:on 2001-09-17 10687: 10683: 10676: 10668: 10666:9780774830157 10662: 10658: 10651: 10643: 10639: 10635: 10628: 10620: 10618:9780807061756 10614: 10610: 10603: 10595: 10588: 10580: 10576: 10572: 10565: 10557: 10551: 10543: 10536: 10528: 10524: 10520: 10516: 10512: 10508: 10501: 10494: 10486: 10482: 10478: 10474: 10470: 10466: 10459: 10451: 10444: 10436: 10429: 10421: 10414: 10407: 10401: 10395:Quoting p 21. 10392: 10388: 10383: 10378: 10374: 10370: 10366: 10359: 10351: 10345: 10337: 10333: 10326: 10318: 10314: 10310: 10304: 10296: 10292: 10288: 10281: 10279: 10269: 10265: 10261: 10257: 10253: 10249: 10242: 10233: 10229: 10225: 10221: 10217: 10213: 10209: 10205: 10198: 10191: 10187: 10182: 10166: 10162: 10158: 10151: 10139: 10135: 10131: 10127: 10123: 10119: 10115: 10111: 10107: 10100: 10093: 10091: 10074: 10070: 10064: 10048: 10041: 10026: 10022: 10018: 10014: 10007: 9999: 9998:The Economist 9995: 9989: 9982: 9976: 9967: 9963: 9960:(2): 92–103. 9959: 9955: 9951: 9943: 9935: 9931: 9927: 9923: 9919: 9915: 9909: 9902: 9896: 9889: 9885: 9879: 9872: 9866: 9857: 9853: 9849: 9845: 9841: 9837: 9833: 9829: 9823: 9816: 9808: 9803: 9797: 9793: 9789: 9783: 9776: 9772: 9766: 9751:on 2008-05-11 9750: 9746: 9742: 9735: 9733: 9724: 9722:0-333-24848-1 9718: 9714: 9707: 9699: 9697:0-8014-9048-0 9693: 9689: 9688: 9680: 9671: 9669:0-300-02697-8 9665: 9661: 9660: 9652: 9646: 9642: 9637: 9630: 9626: 9621: 9614: 9610: 9605: 9598: 9594: 9589: 9581: 9575: 9571: 9567: 9566: 9558: 9552: 9547: 9541: 9540:0-8166-2161-6 9537: 9533: 9531: 9524: 9508: 9506:0-674-00671-2 9502: 9498: 9493: 9492: 9483: 9475: 9474: 9469: 9462: 9447: 9443: 9436: 9420: 9419: 9414: 9408: 9399: 9395: 9390: 9385: 9381: 9377: 9373: 9366: 9358: 9354: 9350: 9346: 9339: 9332: 9326: 9319: 9313: 9305: 9301: 9297: 9290: 9284: 9283:0-86571-514-9 9280: 9276: 9270: 9262: 9258: 9254: 9250: 9246: 9242: 9238: 9234: 9227: 9213: 9209: 9202: 9196: 9192: 9186: 9178: 9174: 9168: 9159: 9155: 9151: 9147: 9144:(1): 95–117. 9143: 9139: 9132: 9125: 9119: 9111: 9107: 9103: 9099: 9095: 9091: 9084: 9075: 9068: 9064: 9060: 9055: 9048: 9042: 9035: 9031: 9025: 9018: 9014: 9009: 9002: 8998: 8993: 8985: 8981: 8977: 8973: 8969: 8965: 8958: 8944: 8940: 8936: 8932: 8928: 8924: 8920: 8913: 8911: 8903: 8897: 8883: 8879: 8872: 8864: 8862:0-674-01375-1 8858: 8854: 8853: 8845: 8835: 8828: 8822: 8814: 8812:0-89526-272-X 8808: 8804: 8800: 8799: 8794: 8793:Buchanan, Pat 8788: 8780: 8778:0-300-05658-3 8774: 8770: 8766: 8760: 8751: 8745: 8741: 8735: 8728: 8722: 8715: 8709: 8703: 8699: 8695: 8690: 8683: 8679: 8674: 8667: 8661: 8654: 8650: 8645: 8638: 8637: 8630: 8623: 8617: 8610: 8606: 8601: 8594: 8588: 8581: 8576: 8569: 8563: 8556: 8552: 8547: 8540:. 2014-08-18. 8539: 8532: 8526: 8515: 8511: 8507: 8504:(3): 89–102. 8503: 8499: 8492: 8490: 8481: 8472: 8468: 8463: 8457: 8455: 8447: 8441: 8433: 8431:9780805070040 8427: 8422: 8421: 8412: 8406: 8400: 8393: 8389: 8384: 8378: 8374: 8368: 8352: 8348: 8347: 8342: 8335: 8319: 8315: 8308: 8301: 8297: 8293: 8287: 8281: 8277: 8271: 8265: 8261: 8257: 8252: 8245: 8239: 8233: 8229: 8223: 8217: 8213: 8207: 8201: 8197: 8191: 8184: 8180: 8175: 8169: 8163: 8157: 8153: 8147: 8138: 8132: 8128: 8122: 8115: 8109: 8102: 8096: 8090: 8086: 8080: 8073: 8067: 8059: 8053: 8049: 8048: 8040: 8026: 8025: 8017: 8011: 8003: 7999: 7993: 7985: 7981: 7977: 7971: 7963: 7962: 7957: 7951: 7932: 7925: 7919: 7912: 7906: 7900: 7896: 7890: 7883: 7879: 7874: 7858: 7851: 7837: 7833: 7826: 7819: 7815: 7810: 7803: 7797: 7790: 7786: 7781: 7773: 7769: 7763: 7756:. 2014-04-28. 7755: 7751: 7745: 7731:on 2015-02-21 7727: 7720: 7714: 7708: 7704: 7698: 7691: 7687: 7682: 7675: 7671: 7666: 7659: 7655: 7650: 7643: 7639: 7634: 7627: 7623: 7618: 7611: 7607: 7602: 7595: 7591: 7586: 7578: 7572: 7568: 7567: 7559: 7552: 7548: 7543: 7536: 7530: 7523: 7519: 7514: 7506: 7499: 7491: 7484: 7468: 7464: 7460: 7454: 7446: 7440: 7436: 7435: 7427: 7413: 7412: 7407: 7400: 7385: 7381: 7374: 7358: 7354: 7350: 7343: 7328: 7324: 7317: 7302:on 2016-03-03 7298: 7291: 7285: 7270:on 2004-07-01 7266: 7259: 7253: 7247: 7243: 7238: 7230: 7226: 7219: 7204: 7200: 7193: 7178: 7171: 7156: 7152: 7147: 7140: 7125: 7119: 7104: 7100: 7093: 7085: 7081: 7075: 7060: 7056: 7050: 7035: 7031: 7027: 7023: 7019: 7012: 6997: 6993: 6989: 6985: 6981: 6974: 6972: 6956: 6952: 6948: 6944: 6940: 6933: 6917: 6911: 6903: 6902: 6897: 6893: 6887: 6872: 6865: 6857: 6851: 6847: 6840: 6832: 6826: 6822: 6821:PublicAffairs 6818: 6816: 6811: 6805: 6790: 6789: 6784: 6777: 6769: 6763: 6759: 6752: 6744: 6737: 6729: 6722: 6708: 6704: 6700: 6696: 6689: 6681: 6679:9781610694308 6675: 6671: 6670: 6662: 6647: 6642: 6637: 6633: 6629: 6625: 6618: 6610: 6604: 6600: 6593: 6577: 6573: 6566: 6559: 6551: 6549:9780199831494 6545: 6541: 6540: 6532: 6524: 6520: 6516: 6512: 6508: 6501: 6493: 6491:0-8050-6239-4 6487: 6483: 6479: 6478: 6473: 6467: 6451: 6447: 6441: 6433: 6429: 6425: 6418: 6410: 6404: 6400: 6399: 6392: 6385: 6380: 6364: 6357: 6342: 6338: 6334: 6330: 6326: 6319: 6312: 6301: 6300: 6295: 6288: 6281: 6276: 6269: 6264: 6256: 6252: 6248: 6244: 6240: 6236: 6231: 6226: 6222: 6218: 6210: 6202: 6200:9781596917606 6196: 6192: 6191: 6183: 6176: 6172: 6168: 6163: 6156: 6150: 6143: 6139: 6135: 6130: 6122: 6118: 6116:9780520243385 6112: 6107: 6106: 6097: 6090: 6086: 6084:9780520243385 6080: 6075: 6074: 6065: 6058: 6054: 6052:9780520243385 6048: 6043: 6042: 6033: 6025: 6023:9781137272775 6019: 6015: 6014: 6006: 5999: 5993: 5979:on 2021-07-29 5978: 5974: 5970: 5964: 5950: 5946: 5939: 5931: 5927: 5924:(1): 81–106. 5923: 5919: 5915: 5908: 5901: 5895: 5893: 5891: 5882: 5878: 5874: 5868: 5860: 5858:9780805095623 5854: 5850: 5849: 5841: 5833: 5829: 5825: 5821: 5814: 5807: 5800: 5794: 5786: 5782: 5776: 5768: 5766:9781849664387 5762: 5758: 5757: 5749: 5735: 5731: 5724: 5718: 5716: 5711: 5706: 5698: 5696:9780199880584 5692: 5688: 5687: 5679: 5671: 5669:9781317703457 5665: 5662:. Routledge. 5661: 5660: 5652: 5645: 5639: 5631: 5625: 5621: 5617: 5616: 5608: 5600: 5598:9780190604035 5594: 5590: 5589: 5581: 5572: 5565: 5559: 5551: 5549:0-8047-1139-9 5545: 5541: 5537: 5536: 5528: 5520: 5514: 5499: 5495: 5488: 5480: 5474: 5470: 5469: 5461: 5447: 5443: 5439: 5435: 5428: 5421: 5415: 5407: 5401: 5397: 5396: 5388: 5380: 5374: 5370: 5366: 5365: 5357: 5350: 5345: 5337: 5331: 5327: 5323: 5319: 5318: 5310: 5302: 5300:9780451239181 5296: 5292: 5291: 5283: 5276: 5270: 5262: 5258: 5251: 5249: 5240: 5236: 5230: 5222: 5215: 5208: 5201: 5195: 5193: 5191: 5182: 5180:9780807877173 5176: 5172: 5171: 5163: 5149: 5145: 5139: 5125: 5121: 5115: 5107: 5101: 5097: 5096: 5088: 5081: 5075: 5059: 5055: 5049: 5034: 5030: 5026: 5020: 5013: 5012:OCLC 36954615 5009: 5005: 5000: 4985: 4981: 4974: 4965: 4956: 4948: 4944: 4938: 4930: 4928:9780765619846 4924: 4920: 4913: 4905: 4901: 4897: 4893: 4889: 4885: 4878: 4870: 4864: 4860: 4856: 4855: 4847: 4841: 4835: 4833:9780674737495 4829: 4825: 4824: 4816: 4808: 4806:9781429929288 4802: 4798: 4797: 4789: 4781: 4779:9780190459871 4775: 4771: 4770: 4762: 4753: 4742: 4741: 4733: 4722: 4721: 4713: 4705: 4699: 4688: 4687: 4679: 4672:. p. 68. 4668: 4667: 4659: 4650: 4634: 4630: 4626: 4622: 4618: 4614: 4610: 4606: 4599: 4583: 4579: 4575: 4569: 4553: 4549: 4543: 4539: 4535: 4528: 4512: 4508: 4502: 4494: 4488: 4472: 4465: 4458: 4446: 4442: 4435: 4427: 4425:9781851098538 4421: 4417: 4416: 4408: 4400: 4396: 4392: 4388: 4384: 4380: 4373: 4366: 4351: 4347: 4340: 4325: 4319: 4315: 4309: 4301: 4297: 4291: 4283: 4279: 4273: 4265: 4261: 4255: 4248: 4243: 4234: 4232: 4217: 4213: 4207: 4199: 4193: 4179: 4175: 4168: 4160: 4156: 4152: 4148: 4144: 4140: 4133: 4131: 4122: 4120:0-7453-2100-3 4116: 4112: 4111: 4106: 4100: 4098: 4089: 4082: 4074: 4068: 4064: 4060: 4059: 4051: 4037: 4033: 4026: 4018: 4014: 4010: 4004: 4000: 3996: 3992: 3991: 3983: 3975: 3969: 3965: 3961: 3960: 3952: 3948: 3937: 3934: 3932: 3929: 3927: 3924: 3922: 3919: 3917: 3914: 3912: 3909: 3907: 3904: 3902: 3899: 3896: 3892: 3891: 3887: 3885: 3882: 3880: 3877: 3876: 3871: 3860: 3853: 3851: 3847: 3846: 3841: 3836: 3833: 3829: 3820: 3816: 3807: 3804: 3797: 3792: 3791: 3790: 3788: 3783: 3779: 3775: 3770: 3768: 3767:globalization 3761: 3757: 3755: 3751: 3746: 3741: 3738: 3734: 3728: 3723: 3718: 3716: 3711: 3708: 3704: 3700: 3695: 3693: 3689: 3681: 3676: 3667: 3663: 3659: 3657: 3652: 3648: 3644: 3638: 3634: 3632: 3627: 3621: 3618: 3613: 3611: 3600: 3597: 3593: 3588: 3583: 3581: 3577: 3573: 3572:liberal hawks 3569: 3565: 3561: 3557: 3552: 3546: 3542: 3538: 3533: 3528: 3524: 3518: 3508: 3506: 3502: 3498: 3497:Great Britain 3493: 3489: 3485: 3480: 3478: 3472: 3464: 3459: 3455: 3453: 3449: 3444: 3441: 3437: 3433: 3429: 3422: 3418: 3414: 3412: 3408: 3404: 3399: 3397: 3393: 3388: 3386: 3382: 3376: 3374: 3370: 3366: 3353: 3349: 3345: 3341: 3339: 3335: 3330: 3325: 3323: 3319: 3315: 3311: 3307: 3303: 3299: 3295: 3290: 3286: 3285:Antonio Negri 3282: 3281:Michael Hardt 3278: 3277: 3269:, April 2003. 3268: 3264: 3259: 3254: 3249: 3247: 3242: 3239: 3234: 3230: 3225: 3223: 3222: 3216: 3212: 3208: 3204: 3201: 3195: 3190: 3189:, maintains: 3188: 3183: 3175: 3171: 3167: 3162: 3157: 3152: 3150: 3149:A. G. Hopkins 3145: 3143: 3142: 3133: 3129: 3125: 3121: 3117: 3116: 3111: 3106: 3104: 3100: 3096: 3092: 3091:San Juan Hill 3087: 3081: 3076: 3072: 3067: 3065: 3059: 3054: 3052: 3044: 3039: 3032: 3027: 3018: 3016: 3012: 3011: 3005: 3004:Emmanuel Todd 3000: 2998: 2994: 2990: 2986: 2982: 2980: 2975: 2971: 2970: 2964: 2962: 2958: 2954: 2950: 2943: 2939: 2934: 2930: 2928: 2924: 2919: 2916: 2911: 2908: 2898: 2888: 2884: 2879: 2875: 2872:This section 2870: 2866: 2861: 2860: 2856: 2852: 2837: 2836:uncompleted. 2834: 2828: 2825: 2821: 2817: 2813: 2808: 2798: 2796: 2790: 2788: 2787:John T. Flynn 2784: 2780: 2776: 2772: 2766: 2764: 2760: 2758: 2753: 2749: 2745: 2743: 2739: 2735: 2731: 2727: 2726:arms industry 2723: 2715: 2711: 2707: 2703: 2698: 2691: 2687: 2683: 2678: 2669: 2667: 2663: 2659: 2658: 2653: 2649: 2645: 2641: 2637: 2629: 2628:Easter bonnet 2625: 2621: 2617: 2613: 2612: 2606: 2601: 2586: 2583: 2581: 2577: 2576: 2571: 2566: 2564: 2559: 2555: 2550: 2548: 2544: 2540: 2536: 2528: 2523: 2513: 2511: 2507: 2503: 2499: 2494: 2492: 2488: 2483: 2478: 2476: 2472: 2468: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2452: 2448: 2444: 2440: 2436: 2432: 2428: 2424: 2420: 2416: 2412: 2408: 2403: 2401: 2397: 2394:and tropical 2393: 2388: 2383: 2381: 2377: 2373: 2369: 2365: 2356: 2352: 2347: 2342: 2316: 2311: 2306: 2296: 2294: 2289: 2285: 2281: 2280:Max Ostrovsky 2278:According to 2276: 2274: 2273:George Kennan 2270: 2255: 2253: 2249: 2245: 2241: 2237: 2235: 2231: 2227: 2223: 2219: 2215: 2211: 2201: 2199: 2194: 2190: 2185: 2183: 2179: 2175: 2174:legal process 2171: 2167: 2162: 2160: 2155: 2151: 2150:corporate tax 2147: 2143: 2139: 2135: 2131: 2126: 2124: 2120: 2115: 2110: 2108: 2107:Islamic State 2104: 2100: 2095: 2091: 2087: 2083: 2080: 2070: 2067: 2065: 2060: 2056: 2052: 2048: 2043: 2041: 2036: 2032: 2027: 2026:April Glaspie 2023: 2019: 2009: 2007: 2006:Southern Cone 2003: 1999: 1995: 1994:South America 1991: 1987: 1983: 1979: 1975: 1971: 1967: 1957: 1955: 1951: 1947: 1943: 1939: 1935: 1931: 1927: 1923: 1919: 1915: 1912:, so-called " 1911: 1907: 1903: 1899: 1895: 1891: 1886: 1884: 1880: 1876: 1872: 1868: 1863: 1860: 1856: 1852: 1848: 1847:North Vietnam 1844: 1840: 1836: 1832: 1828: 1824: 1820: 1819:French Empire 1816: 1812: 1810: 1806: 1802: 1798: 1794: 1790: 1786: 1782: 1778: 1777:Jeju uprising 1774: 1770: 1766: 1762: 1752: 1749: 1744: 1742: 1738: 1734: 1730: 1726: 1721: 1719: 1715: 1711: 1707: 1706:Jacobo Árbenz 1703: 1699: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1686:Latin America 1677: 1675: 1671: 1666: 1662: 1657: 1655: 1654:Marshall Plan 1649: 1647: 1643: 1639: 1638:George Kennan 1630: 1626: 1621: 1612: 1608: 1603: 1601: 1597: 1593: 1589: 1585: 1581: 1580:Isaiah Bowman 1576: 1574: 1570: 1566: 1562: 1557: 1555: 1544: 1542: 1538: 1534: 1530: 1526: 1522: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1505: 1501: 1491: 1489: 1485: 1479: 1477: 1472: 1462: 1457: 1455: 1451: 1446: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1432: 1428: 1424: 1420: 1414: 1412: 1411:Sidney Reilly 1408: 1404: 1400: 1396: 1392: 1388: 1387:Eastern Front 1384: 1380: 1376: 1372: 1368: 1364: 1359: 1356: 1352: 1348: 1344: 1340: 1336: 1331: 1329: 1325: 1324:Lloyd Gardner 1321: 1315: 1310: 1308: 1304: 1300: 1296: 1292: 1285:, August 1918 1284: 1280: 1275: 1266: 1264: 1259: 1255: 1254:U.S. Congress 1250: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1212: 1208: 1206: 1201: 1200: 1195: 1191: 1189: 1183: 1181: 1177: 1173: 1169: 1165: 1157: 1153: 1146: 1141: 1137: 1134: 1130: 1126: 1121: 1119: 1115: 1110: 1106: 1101: 1099: 1095: 1091: 1087: 1082: 1078: 1073: 1071: 1067: 1066:Josiah Strong 1063: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1042: 1037: 1032: 1028: 1024: 1020: 1016: 1012: 1002: 1000: 996: 992: 988: 984: 981:began in the 980: 976: 971: 968: 964: 956: 952: 947: 943: 941: 936: 928: 924: 920: 918: 914: 910: 906: 902: 897: 895: 891: 887: 883: 879: 875: 870: 866: 861: 859: 855: 851: 847: 843: 839: 830: 826: 823: 819: 815: 810: 801: 797: 795: 791: 786: 784: 780: 776: 772: 768: 764: 760: 756: 752: 748: 744: 740: 736: 732: 728: 722: 720: 715: 711: 707: 699: 695: 691: 687: 682: 677: 673: 669: 665: 655: 653: 649: 645: 641: 637: 633: 629: 624: 620: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 596: 591: 589: 585: 581: 577: 573: 569: 565: 561: 557: 553: 549: 545: 541: 536: 534: 530: 526: 522: 518: 514: 510: 506: 504: 501: 497: 493: 489: 485: 477: 473: 469: 462: 458: 444: 442: 438: 434: 430: 426: 422: 418: 417:James K. Polk 414: 410: 404: 402: 398: 394: 390: 386: 382: 378: 373: 369: 365: 361: 356: 354: 350: 349:regime change 346: 342: 338: 334: 323: 318: 316: 311: 309: 304: 303: 301: 300: 295: 292: 290: 287: 285: 284: 283:Pax Americana 280: 278: 275: 274: 273: 272: 268: 267: 260: 259:Latin America 256: 253: 251: 248: 246: 243: 241: 238: 236: 233: 231: 228: 227: 226: 225: 221: 220: 214: 211: 209: 206: 204: 201: 199: 196: 194: 191: 190: 189: 188: 184: 183: 177: 174: 172: 169: 167: 164: 162: 159: 157: 154: 153: 152: 151: 147: 146: 140: 139: 134: 129: 122: 121:United States 118: 114: 110: 106: 102: 97: 87: 84: 76: 66: 62: 58: 52: 51: 46:This article 44: 35: 34: 29: 22: 16166:John R. Saul 16151:Noam Chomsky 16143:Non–academic 16083:Susan George 16078:Nancy Fraser 16048:Walden Bello 15993:David Harvey 15983:Stephen Gill 15903:Jayati Ghosh 15809:Earth system 15675:Human rights 15615:Water crisis 15512:early modern 15259:Demographics 15222:Social media 15175:Architecture 15066:Countries by 14986: 14878:9/11 attacks 14806:World War II 14789:Cristero War 14526:Human rights 14506:Gun politics 14457:Islamophobia 14447:antisemitism 14315:Hospice care 14257:Middle class 14237:Homelessness 14214:Social class 14174:Social class 14038:Human rights 14028:Homelessness 13940:middle class 13905:Demographics 13880:Architecture 13787:Unemployment 13767:Labor unions 13515:Town meeting 13492:City council 13487:City manager 13228:State police 13090:Marine Corps 13080:Armed Forces 13055:civil rights 13035:Constitution 12607:Southwestern 12602:Southeastern 12592:Northwestern 12587:Northeastern 12552:Mid-Atlantic 12542:Great Plains 12260:World War II 12239: 12143:Constitution 12047:Colonial era 12026:2008–present 11898: 11866: 11850: 11833:fossil fuels 11822: 11800: 11786: 11764: 11750: 11746: 11730: 11708: 11685: 11663: 11659: 11634:Meng Wanzhou 11590: 11586: 11557: 11534: 11510: 11487: 11477: 11473: 11452: 11426: 11397: 11379: 11376:Missionaries 11375: 11367: 11360:Hansen, Suzy 11342: 11323: 11300: 11276: 11253: 11232: 11209:. New York: 11206: 11187: 11174: 11142: 11121: 11075: 11052: 11022: 10979: 10975: 10965: 10932: 10929:American Art 10928: 10918: 10891: 10887: 10877: 10868: 10859: 10853: 10845: 10840: 10806: 10802: 10789: 10772: 10768: 10758: 10750: 10745: 10734:. Retrieved 10730: 10721: 10701: 10690:. Retrieved 10686:the original 10675: 10656: 10650: 10641: 10637: 10627: 10608: 10602: 10593: 10587: 10578: 10574: 10564: 10541: 10535: 10510: 10506: 10493: 10468: 10464: 10458: 10449: 10443: 10434: 10428: 10419: 10413: 10405: 10400: 10375:(2): 18–33. 10372: 10368: 10358: 10336:Boston Globe 10335: 10325: 10317:the original 10312: 10303: 10295:the original 10290: 10251: 10247: 10241: 10207: 10203: 10197: 10189: 10186:Snyder, Jack 10181: 10169:. Retrieved 10165:the original 10160: 10150: 10138:the original 10109: 10105: 10077:. Retrieved 10073:the original 10063: 10051:. Retrieved 10040: 10028:. Retrieved 10016: 10006: 9997: 9988: 9975: 9957: 9953: 9942: 9921: 9908: 9895: 9887: 9878: 9870: 9865: 9842:(4): 49–63. 9839: 9835: 9822: 9814: 9802: 9787: 9782: 9774: 9765: 9753:. Retrieved 9749:the original 9744: 9712: 9706: 9686: 9679: 9658: 9651: 9636: 9620: 9604: 9588: 9564: 9557: 9546: 9528: 9523: 9518:p. xiii–xiv. 9510:. Retrieved 9490: 9482: 9471: 9461: 9449:. Retrieved 9445: 9435: 9423:. Retrieved 9418:The Observer 9416: 9407: 9382:(2): 46–57. 9379: 9375: 9365: 9348: 9344: 9338: 9330: 9325: 9317: 9312: 9299: 9289: 9274: 9269: 9236: 9232: 9226: 9215:. Retrieved 9211: 9201: 9190: 9185: 9177:the original 9167: 9141: 9137: 9131: 9123: 9118: 9093: 9089: 9083: 9074: 9066: 9054: 9046: 9045:Neil Smith, 9041: 9033: 9024: 9016: 9008: 9000: 8992: 8967: 8963: 8957: 8946:. Retrieved 8926: 8922: 8901: 8896: 8885:. Retrieved 8881: 8871: 8851: 8844: 8834: 8826: 8821: 8797: 8787: 8768: 8759: 8750: 8739: 8734: 8726: 8721: 8713: 8708: 8697: 8689: 8681: 8673: 8665: 8660: 8652: 8644: 8634: 8629: 8621: 8616: 8608: 8600: 8592: 8587: 8579: 8575: 8567: 8562: 8554: 8546: 8537: 8525: 8501: 8497: 8488: 8480: 8453: 8440: 8419: 8411: 8404: 8399: 8391: 8383: 8372: 8367: 8355:. Retrieved 8350: 8344: 8334: 8324:February 20, 8322:. Retrieved 8318:the original 8307: 8300:the original 8286: 8275: 8270: 8259: 8256:Hagel, Chuck 8251: 8243: 8238: 8227: 8222: 8212:The Guardian 8211: 8206: 8195: 8190: 8182: 8179:Posen, Barry 8174: 8162: 8151: 8146: 8137: 8126: 8121: 8113: 8108: 8100: 8095: 8084: 8079: 8071: 8066: 8046: 8039: 8028:. Retrieved 8022: 8010: 7992: 7984:the original 7979: 7970: 7959: 7950: 7938:. Retrieved 7931:the original 7918: 7905: 7894: 7889: 7881: 7873: 7861:. Retrieved 7850: 7839:. Retrieved 7835: 7825: 7817: 7809: 7801: 7796: 7788: 7780: 7771: 7762: 7753: 7744: 7733:. Retrieved 7726:the original 7713: 7702: 7697: 7689: 7681: 7673: 7665: 7657: 7649: 7641: 7633: 7625: 7617: 7609: 7601: 7593: 7590:Joffe, Josef 7585: 7565: 7558: 7550: 7542: 7534: 7529: 7521: 7513: 7504: 7498: 7489: 7483: 7471:. Retrieved 7462: 7453: 7433: 7426: 7415:. Retrieved 7409: 7399: 7387:. Retrieved 7383: 7373: 7361:. Retrieved 7352: 7342: 7330:. Retrieved 7326: 7316: 7304:. Retrieved 7297:the original 7284: 7272:. Retrieved 7265:the original 7252: 7237: 7228: 7218: 7206:. Retrieved 7203:CNN Business 7202: 7192: 7180:. Retrieved 7170: 7159:. Retrieved 7150: 7139: 7127:. Retrieved 7118: 7106:. Retrieved 7102: 7092: 7083: 7074: 7062:. Retrieved 7058: 7049: 7037:. Retrieved 7025: 7021: 7011: 6999:. Retrieved 6987: 6983: 6958:. Retrieved 6946: 6942: 6932: 6920:. Retrieved 6910: 6899: 6896:Stephen Walt 6886: 6875:. Retrieved 6864: 6845: 6839: 6813: 6804: 6792:. Retrieved 6786: 6776: 6757: 6751: 6742: 6736: 6727: 6721: 6710:. Retrieved 6699:The Guardian 6698: 6688: 6668: 6661: 6650:. Retrieved 6631: 6627: 6617: 6598: 6592: 6582:13 September 6580:. Retrieved 6575: 6571: 6558: 6538: 6531: 6514: 6510: 6500: 6476: 6466: 6454:. Retrieved 6449: 6440: 6427: 6417: 6397: 6391: 6383: 6379: 6367:. Retrieved 6356: 6344:. Retrieved 6332: 6328: 6318: 6310: 6303:. Retrieved 6297: 6287: 6280:Moulton 2013 6275: 6270:, p. 4. 6263: 6220: 6216: 6209: 6189: 6182: 6175:Toal, Gerard 6170: 6162: 6154: 6149: 6141: 6129: 6120: 6104: 6096: 6088: 6072: 6064: 6056: 6040: 6032: 6012: 6005: 5997: 5992: 5981:. Retrieved 5977:the original 5972: 5963: 5952:. Retrieved 5948: 5938: 5921: 5917: 5907: 5899: 5881:the original 5876: 5867: 5847: 5840: 5823: 5819: 5806: 5798: 5793: 5784: 5775: 5755: 5748: 5737:. Retrieved 5733: 5723: 5714: 5705: 5685: 5678: 5658: 5651: 5643: 5638: 5614: 5607: 5587: 5580: 5571: 5563: 5558: 5534: 5527: 5513: 5501:. Retrieved 5497: 5487: 5467: 5460: 5449:. Retrieved 5437: 5427: 5419: 5414: 5394: 5387: 5363: 5356: 5344: 5316: 5309: 5289: 5282: 5274: 5269: 5260: 5256: 5238: 5229: 5220: 5207: 5199: 5169: 5162: 5151:. Retrieved 5147: 5138: 5127:. Retrieved 5123: 5114: 5094: 5087: 5074: 5062:. Retrieved 5060:. PBS Online 5057: 5048: 5036:. Retrieved 5028: 5019: 5007: 4999: 4988:. Retrieved 4983: 4973: 4964: 4955: 4946: 4937: 4918: 4912: 4887: 4883: 4877: 4853: 4846: 4822: 4815: 4795: 4788: 4768: 4761: 4752: 4739: 4732: 4719: 4712: 4698: 4685: 4678: 4665: 4658: 4649: 4637:. Retrieved 4612: 4608: 4598: 4586:. Retrieved 4577: 4568: 4556:. Retrieved 4537: 4527: 4515:. Retrieved 4501: 4475:. Retrieved 4464: 4455: 4448:. Retrieved 4444: 4434: 4414: 4407: 4382: 4378: 4372: 4364: 4353:. Retrieved 4349: 4339: 4327:. Retrieved 4314:Ghostarchive 4312:Archived at 4308: 4299: 4290: 4281: 4272: 4263: 4254: 4242: 4219:. Retrieved 4215: 4206: 4181:. Retrieved 4177: 4167: 4142: 4138: 4109: 4105:Lens, Sidney 4081: 4057: 4050: 4039:. Retrieved 4035: 4025: 3989: 3982: 3958: 3951: 3888: 3843: 3837: 3825: 3813: 3801: 3771: 3763: 3759: 3742: 3732: 3729: 3725: 3720: 3714: 3712: 3698: 3696: 3685: 3664: 3660: 3651:colonization 3639: 3635: 3622: 3614: 3610:Christianity 3606: 3596:Roman Empire 3584: 3560:Paul Johnson 3549: 3501:Soviet Union 3481: 3477:Donald Trump 3474: 3469: 3445: 3435: 3425: 3400: 3389: 3377: 3367:argues that 3361: 3329:David Harvey 3326: 3274: 3273:In the book 3272: 3251: 3243: 3226: 3221:currency war 3218: 3199: 3197: 3192: 3185:University, 3178: 3154: 3146: 3139: 3113: 3110:Bill Kristol 3107: 3083: 3078: 3074: 3069: 3061: 3056: 3048: 3008: 3002:Since 2001, 3001: 2983: 2974:Noam Chomsky 2967: 2965: 2961:Pat Buchanan 2957:isolationism 2946: 2920: 2912: 2905: 2895:January 2014 2892: 2883:You can help 2873: 2829: 2809: 2805: 2792: 2775:Global North 2767: 2763:trade routes 2755: 2746: 2736:and looting 2719: 2681: 2655: 2633: 2609: 2584: 2573: 2567: 2551: 2537: 2533: 2506:Robert Kagan 2495: 2486: 2479: 2477:as illegal. 2441:(1981), the 2433:(1946), the 2427:World War II 2404: 2387:New Frontier 2384: 2364:Curtis LeMay 2360: 2292: 2277: 2266: 2238: 2207: 2189:John Abizaid 2186: 2172:from "Iraqi 2166:CPA Order 17 2163: 2127: 2111: 2082:invaded Iraq 2076: 2068: 2059:Saudi Arabia 2055:Keating Five 2044: 2035:Stephen Walt 2015: 1982:coup d'états 1976:operations, 1974:intelligence 1963: 1887: 1864: 1813: 1801:Christianize 1765:Syngman Rhee 1758: 1745: 1722: 1694:land reforms 1688:. Since the 1683: 1658: 1650: 1634: 1610: 1605: 1577: 1558: 1550: 1541:July 4, 1946 1504:Pearl Harbor 1500:World War II 1497: 1488:World War II 1484:Saudi Arabia 1480: 1473: 1469: 1459: 1447: 1415: 1383:Leon Trotsky 1374: 1360: 1351:Taking Haiti 1350: 1332: 1317: 1312: 1288: 1251: 1224: 1197: 1192: 1187: 1184: 1161: 1144: 1122: 1102: 1086:expansionism 1074: 1054:great powers 1047: 983:colonial era 977:against the 972: 960: 955:Lakota Sioux 932: 926: 898: 862: 835: 818:Colorado War 806: 787: 723: 719:Noam Chomsky 706:Paul Kennedy 703: 592: 537: 523:. The giant 507: 481: 471: 405: 357: 332: 331: 281: 229: 203:List of wars 79: 70: 47: 16246:Imperialism 16161:Naomi Klein 16043:Ulrich Beck 16018:Politics / 16008:Robert Wade 15998:Ronen Palan 15988:Peter Gowan 15938:Amartya Sen 15928:Dani Rodrik 15878:David Autor 15804:Development 15685:Imperialism 15633:Brain drain 15298:Immigration 15189:Mass media 15037:Agriculture 14814:(1947–1991) 14808:(1939–1945) 14780:(1918–1920) 14778:Spanish flu 14774:(1914–1918) 14772:World War I 14732:War of 1812 14531:Immigration 14462:LGBT rights 14364:Food safety 14199:Video games 13792:Wall Street 13772:Public debt 13675:Agriculture 13611:nationalism 13323:Uniform act 13245:Legislative 13152:Territorial 13110:Coast Guard 13105:Space Force 12855:Legislative 12650:Red (South) 12640:Mississippi 12562:New England 12498:Appalachian 12468:Earthquakes 12365:Discoveries 12360:Demographic 12302:Vietnam War 12245:World War I 12240:Imperialism 12190:Indian Wars 12165:War of 1812 11843:." (p. 27.) 11783:Tooze, Adam 11656:Samuel Moyn 11609:computation 11390:Afghanistan 10935:(1): 2–10. 9888:Kurswechsel 9643:, pp.  9641:Harvey 2005 9625:Harvey 2005 9611:, pp.  9609:Harvey 2005 9593:Harvey 2005 8489:dreadnought 7961:Der Spiegel 7940:January 23, 7836:TomDispatch 7690:Kurswechsel 7246:Naomi Klein 7059:@politifact 6517:: 151–172. 6121:lebensraum. 6089:lebensraum. 5734:Smithsonian 4329:20 February 3895:Howard Zinn 3750:Edward Said 3440:Dana Priest 3327:Geographer 3306:sovereignty 3205:. The term 3128:colonialism 3071:enthusiasm. 3031:Mexico City 2779:global core 2710:Philippines 2702:Puerto Rico 2539:Dick Cheney 2491:South Korea 2487:Base Nation 2431:Philippines 2423:Puerto Rico 2269:Containment 2210:Arab Spring 2159:Naomi Klein 2146:free market 2138:Paul Bremer 2123:Halliburton 2012:1990 onward 1996:as part of 1992:leaders in 1914:unbelievers 1835:Ho Chi Minh 1809:North Korea 1805:Americanize 1797:John Tirman 1625:Pershing II 1466:1920s–1930s 1454:1933 speech 1375:coup d'état 1355:paternalist 1307:Howard Zinn 1291:World War I 1281:during the 1279:Vladivostok 1243:Claro Recto 1219: 1900 1199:Realpolitik 1143:One of the 1062:Anglo-Saxon 975:Indian Wars 825:territory. 755:War of 1812 694:Philippines 603:Puerto Rico 568:Vietnam War 498:gained for 230:Imperialism 176:Ceded lands 148:Colonialism 113:Philippines 109:Puerto Rico 73:August 2024 16220:Categories 16103:Paul Hirst 16098:David Held 15963:Samir Amin 15953:Political 15888:Ravi Batra 15829:history of 15824:ecological 15799:Dependency 15747:Offshoring 15710:scientific 15700:linguistic 15665:Fair trade 15645:Care drain 15598:Tax havens 15593:Population 15502:History of 15213:Newspapers 15203:Video game 15198:Television 15133:endangered 15083:per capita 14848:Oil crisis 14693:New France 14565:Xenophobia 14354:Disability 14295:Healthcare 14204:Visual art 14149:Philosophy 14095:television 14085:newspapers 14075:journalism 14065:Literature 13977:attainment 13628:Republican 13623:Democratic 13596:Ideologies 13557:Corruption 13122:NOAA Corps 13045:preemption 13040:federalism 12655:Rio Grande 12557:Midwestern 12537:West Coast 12532:East Coast 12375:Inventions 12287:Space Race 12282:Korean War 12265:home front 12200:Gilded Age 11638:bank fraud 11479:The Nation 11245:B0007GMSSY 11161:Paul Selva 10982:(4): 528. 10736:2016-11-10 10692:2006-02-23 10581:(3): 3–27. 9755:October 8, 9627:, p.  9595:, p.  9512:October 8, 9473:The Nation 9217:2020-01-22 8948:2020-01-22 8887:2020-01-22 8357:October 8, 8030:2017-09-04 7863:October 8, 7841:2020-01-23 7735:2017-04-09 7417:2022-05-15 7363:August 26, 7161:2017-02-24 6949:(1): 7–8. 6904:(134): 54. 6877:2021-10-06 6873:. NBC News 6794:18 October 6712:2023-07-12 6652:2020-06-15 6335:(2): 151. 6268:Handy 1994 6124:, p 27-28. 5983:2020-05-22 5954:2022-03-28 5801:, pp. 5–34 5739:2019-04-05 5629:0801429366 5503:2018-01-23 5478:1558494642 5451:2018-01-24 5405:030016193X 5369:unnumbered 5153:2018-01-27 5129:2018-01-25 5033:PBS Online 5006:. (1997). 4990:2020-01-23 4385:(2): 117. 4355:2019-09-17 4221:2019-04-29 4183:2019-05-09 4041:2019-02-02 3964:Gale Group 3943:References 3778:soft power 3774:Joseph Nye 3647:oppression 3631:indigenous 3617:missionary 3568:Mark Steyn 3539:using the 3511:Proponents 3292:networked 3229:Al Jazeera 3120:Rich Lowry 3099:Neil Smith 2991:after the 2921:Historian 2907:Annexation 2814:and until 2771:capitalism 2704:, Hawaii, 2372:Chip Pitts 2353:(CAOC) at 2303:See also: 2154:repatriate 2045:Professor 1972:involving 1815:In Vietnam 1785:Korean War 1600:Neil Smith 1592:Henry Luce 1590:publisher 1584:Lebensraum 1391:V.I. Lenin 1363:Bolsheviks 1058:John Fiske 1044:Caribbean. 999:capitalism 892:under the 783:Whig Party 613:, and the 185:Militarism 105:bald eagle 57:improve it 16128:John Urry 16020:sociology 15870:Economics 15774:World war 15497:Globality 15465:education 15217:magazines 15185:Etiquette 15168:Sculpture 15128:Languages 14956:Mountains 14907:Geography 14840:Apollo 11 14752:Civil War 14688:New Spain 14548:Terrorism 14325:Rationing 14222:Affluence 14169:Sexuality 14137:Uncle Sam 14043:Languages 13972:Education 13915:affluence 13875:Americana 13802:Transport 13700:Insurance 13690:Companies 13670:By sector 13562:Elections 13203:Treasurer 13161:Executive 13100:Air Force 13072:Uniformed 12895:President 12712:Executive 12483:Mountains 12416:Territory 12404:Geography 12228:1954–1968 12223:1896–1954 12218:1865–1896 12180:Civil War 12021:1991–2008 12016:1980–1991 12011:1964–1980 12006:1945–1964 12001:1917–1945 11996:1865–1917 11991:1849–1865 11986:1815–1849 11981:1789–1815 11976:1776–1789 11969:By period 11372:Phil Klay 11364:Phil Klay 11184:Boot, Max 11102:257442076 10996:0028-4866 10957:188656106 10949:1073-9300 10910:1991-2773 10831:154553877 10550:cite book 10527:146480559 10485:154141760 10471:: 20–35. 10344:cite news 10291:USA Today 10289:. Op-Ed. 10236:Page 435. 10232:108760853 10134:143223136 10025:0362-4331 9970:pp. 98–99 9946:Cited in 9930:0028-7504 9860:pp. 60-61 9769:Cited in 9451:5 January 9300:USA Today 9253:0160-3477 9158:143521756 9096:: 47–79. 8984:162871393 8666:Diplomacy 8622:Diplomacy 7754:VICE News 7389:26 August 7332:26 August 7306:26 August 7274:26 August 7208:26 August 7182:26 August 7129:26 August 7108:26 August 7064:26 August 7039:26 August 7028:(1): 11. 7001:26 August 6990:(1): 10. 6960:26 August 6707:0261-3077 6225:CiteSeerX 5832:1535-4768 5446:0362-4331 4639:16 August 4588:16 August 4558:16 August 4517:16 August 4477:16 August 4450:16 August 4399:129757742 4017:248384134 3840:John Gast 3643:democracy 3438:reporter 3298:affective 2999:in 1991. 2887:talk page 2752:U.S. Navy 2686:Roosevelt 2547:USCENTCOM 2349:Combined 2132:began to 1990:socialist 1986:left-wing 1843:Viet Cong 1656:of 1948. 1629:The Hague 1588:Time-Life 1509:MacArthur 1320:open door 838:Red Cloud 690:Uncle Sam 554:included 535:of 1846. 490:, and an 61:verifying 16193:Category 15862:scholars 15787:Theories 15695:cultural 15690:academic 15394:Journals 15331:Category 15239:Religion 15163:Painting 14975:Politics 14812:Cold War 14604:Category 14300:Abortion 14164:Religion 14122:Columbia 14080:internet 14016:Holidays 14011:Folklore 13982:literacy 13920:eviction 13810:Aviation 13782:Taxation 13737:Currency 13730:by state 13640:Scandals 13510:Township 13268:Judicial 13169:Governor 12932:Judicial 12818:Marshals 12691:Politics 12645:Missouri 12635:Columbia 12630:Colorado 12625:Arkansas 12618:Longest 12597:Southern 12582:Northern 12426:counties 12380:Military 12370:Economic 12348:By topic 12327:Iraq War 12277:Cold War 12035:By event 11857:Iraq war 11839:and the 11798:(2004). 11762:(2004). 11684:(1998). 11556:(1990). 11532:(2004). 11508:(2000). 11451:(2021). 11424:(2001). 11407:al-Qaeda 11398:military 11322:(2005). 11231:(1968). 11186:(2002). 11120:(2008). 11094:44732841 11047:(1999). 10710:Archived 10391:57571709 10369:Daedalus 10268:17910808 10171:June 10, 10126:25691268 10079:June 26, 10053:July 31, 10030:July 31, 9966:20699853 9934:Archived 9856:20034046 9830:(2004). 9796:13455179 9425:April 6, 9398:57564158 9376:Daedalus 9316:Nugent, 9304:Archived 9261:59022899 9193:(2004), 9110:57572519 9059:Max Boot 8943:20033908 8795:(1999). 8767:(1993). 8696:(1979). 8680:(2004). 8651:(1988). 8607:(1942). 8553:(1979). 8514:Archived 8510:26396746 8373:Newsweek 7980:BBC News 7787:(2006). 7624:(2001). 7549:(2000). 7473:26 March 7467:Archived 7463:BBC News 7357:Archived 7155:Archived 7034:41858004 6996:41858004 6955:41858004 6812:(2020). 6646:Archived 6456:1 August 6432:Archived 6341:40401478 6255:73345898 6140:(1997). 5930:24711057 5064:July 26, 5038:July 26, 4633:Archived 4629:25443732 4582:Archived 4552:Archived 4511:Archived 4487:cite web 4316:and the 4192:cite web 3897:, et al. 3856:See also 3756:, said, 3682:, Russia 3551:Max Boot 3488:hegemony 3294:biopower 3289:Iraq War 3279:(2000), 3200:de facto 3095:Iwo Jima 3066:states: 3053:states: 2993:Cold War 2802:Security 2620:Columbia 2437:(1979), 2258:Strategy 2228:and the 2216:against 2182:exempted 2178:tax cuts 2170:immunity 2119:Iraq War 2090:Al-Qaeda 2051:Gulf War 2020:invaded 1980:-backed 1946:StarKist 1918:leftists 1910:atheists 1871:Cambodia 1855:Cambodia 1793:rollback 1456:he said: 1443:Cold War 1419:assisted 1154:General 771:Arkansas 745:and the 710:Virginia 688:showing 582:," with 540:Cold War 503:settlers 452:Overview 393:hegemony 377:Max Boot 269:Concepts 16256:Empires 15955:economy 15860:Notable 15638:reverse 15566:Disease 15507:archaic 15418:Aspects 15409:Studies 15404:Outline 15322:Outline 15272:density 15249:Symbols 15180:Cuisine 15150:Culture 15117:Society 15052:Tourism 15021:Economy 14946:Islands 14941:Geology 14898:(2020–) 14868:(1990s) 14862:(1980s) 14802:(1930s) 14660:History 14588:Outline 14536:illegal 14521:Smoking 14384:Obesity 14267:Poverty 14189:Theater 14179:Society 14033:Housing 13994:Fashion 13950:poverty 13895:Cuisine 13867:Culture 13854:Society 13815:Driving 13742:Exports 13720:Tourism 13680:Banking 13658:Economy 13618:Parties 13462:Charter 13426:Sheriff 12873:Speaker 12741:Cabinet 12704:Federal 12612:Western 12577:Eastern 12572:Central 12567:Pacific 12527:Regions 12478:Islands 11961:History 11674:torture 11617:nuclear 11403:Taliban 11165:climate 11015:Sources 10848:(2003). 10835:p. 344. 10823:2010115 10644:(2): 6. 9333:(2006). 9195:excerpt 9126:(2019). 8531:"Books" 8471:2553178 8294:at the 7086:. 2019. 6578:(51): 1 6369:24 July 6346:31 July 6305:July 7, 6173:, (eds 5014:, ch 12 4984:Dissent 4904:1887638 4159:1861842 3832:sublime 3174:torture 3138:". The 3058:sense." 3033:in 1847 2773:in the 2589:Factors 2554:USPACOM 2543:USEUCOM 2451:Okinawa 2385:In his 2293:en mass 2193:CENTCOM 2004:of the 1902:Abangan 1890:Suharto 1787:. With 1661:Benelux 1525:Austria 1521:Germany 1397:at the 1088:. 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The 2822:, the 2467:Kosovo 2421:, and 2413:, the 2409:, the 2332:  2326:  2320:  2226:France 2092:. The 2022:Kuwait 1853:, and 1646:NSC-68 1188:Boston 1178:. The 1109:Africa 1029:, and 993:) and 915:, and 886:Navajo 882:Mexico 878:Apache 869:Tucson 757:. 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