
Abstract labour and concrete labour

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3130:"The product of one hour of compound labour is a commodity of a higher value—perhaps double or treble—in comparison with the product of one hour of simple labour. The values of the products of compound labour are expressed by this comparison in definite quantities of simple labour; but this reduction of compound labour is established by a social process which goes on behind the backs of the producers, by a process which at this point, in the development of the theory of value, can only be stated but not as yet explained. ... How then are we to solve the whole important question of the higher wages paid for compound labour? In a society of private producers, private individuals or their families pay the costs of training the qualified worker; hence the higher price paid for qualified labour-power accrues first of all to private individuals: the skilful slave is sold for a higher price, and the skilful wage-earner is paid higher wages. 2788:"The less time the society requires to produce wheat, cattle etc., the more time it wins for other production, material or mental. Just as in the case of an individual, the multiplicity of its development, its enjoyment and its activity depends on economization of time. Economy of time, to this all economy ultimately reduces itself. Society likewise has to distribute its time in a purposeful way, in order to achieve a production adequate to its overall needs; just as the individual has to distribute his time correctly in order to achieve knowledge in proper proportions or in order to satisfy the various demands on his activity." 607:. ... At first sight a commodity presented itself to us as a complex of two things – use value and exchange value. Later on, we saw also that labour, too, possesses the same twofold nature; for, so far as it finds expression in value, it does not possess the same characteristics that belong to it as a creator of use values. I was the first to point out and to examine critically this twofold nature of the labour contained in commodities. ... this point is the pivot on which a clear comprehension of political economy turns" 2913:, between the products of labour. ... For a society of commodity producers—whose general social relation of production consists in the fact that they treat their products as commodities, hence as values, and in this business-like form bring their individual, private labours into relation with each other as homogenous human labour—Christianity with its religious cult of man in the abstract, more particularly in its bourgeois development, i.e. in Protestantism, Deism, etc., is the most fitting form of religion.") 2717: 637: 77:, i.e. tangible products, results or effects which can be used or consumed. The creation of use-values is highlighted, when goods and services of poor quality are created, which are not supplied on time and mainly useless to the consumer. Labour must be applied to produce usable products, regardless of how much they are sold for, otherwise there are no use-values. If labour produces useless products or results, it is simply a waste of labour-time. 3100:"This division of the product into a useful thing and a thing possessing value appears in practice only when exchange has already acquired a sufficient extension and importance to allow useful things to be produced for the purpose of being exchanged, so that their character as values has already to be taken into consideration during production. From this moment on, the labour of the individual producer acquires a twofold social character." 46: 2741: 152: 2888:"As money is not exchanged for any one specific quality, for any one specific thing, or for any particular human essential power, but for the entire objective world of man and nature, from the standpoint of its possessor it therefore serves to exchange every quality for every other, even contradictory, quality and object: it is the fraternisation of impossibilities. It makes contradictions embrace." 2828:. In other words, when labour becomes a commercial object traded in the marketplace, then the form and content of work in the workplace will be transformed as well. This transformation is practically possible, because labour already contains the potential to adapt to the requirements of capitalist business. This potential has already been shaped up by previous schooling and training. 2729: 3229:
differs infinitely in quality and efficiency, so that each kind is more or less scarce, and is consequently paid at a higher or lower rate of wages. He regarded these differences as disturbing circumstances which would have to be allowed for; but his theory rests on the assumed equality of labour. theory rests on a wholly different ground. I hold labour to be
2859:"In proportion as exchange bursts its local bonds, and the value of commodities more and more expands into an embodiment of human labour in the abstract, in the same proportion the character of money attaches itself to commodities that are by Nature fitted to perform the social function of a universal equivalent. Those commodities are the precious metals." 2999:
function that could be filled by anybody with the required skills. Managers can calculate that with a certain budget, a certain number of paid working hours are required or available to do the work, and then divide up the hours into different job functions to be filled by suitably qualified personnel.
argued that the concept of abstract labour was really much more complex than it seemed at first sight. He distinguished between "physically equal" labour, labour which is "socially equated" by means of consensual social evaluation or comparison, and labour efforts equated via the exchange of products
Marx did not think there was anything particularly mysterious about the fact that people valued products because they have to spend time working to produce them, or to buy them. However, academics have made many objections to his idea. The conceptual issues associated with the idea of abstract labour
Marx had declared his intention to write a special study of the forms of labour-compensation, but he never did so. In contemporary society, a division is emerging between creative, skilled and specialized jobs attracting extraordinarily large salaries, and routine jobs paying very low salaries, where
can be measured by time in just the same way as the labour which produces commodities, but every serf knows that what he expends in the service of his lord is a specific quantity of his own personal labour-power. The tithe owed to the priest is more clearly apparent than his blessing. Whatever we may
The expansion of trade requires the ability to measure and compare all kinds of things, not just length, volume and weight, but also time itself. Originally, the units of measurement used were taken from everyday life—the length of a finger or limb, the volume of an ordinary container, the weight one
would over time replace people with machines, and encourage the easy replacement of one worker by another, and thus that most labour would tend to reduce to an average skill level and standardized norms of work effort. However he provided no specific calculus by which the value of skilled work could
However, Marx posited abstract labor, all labor-power, as homogeneous, productive labor due to the social nature of value. Labor power, whether managerial or otherwise, when exchanged directly with capital, is included in any calculation of the average socially necessary labor time for production of
activity that, if it is productively applied, can help create more value than there was before. If an employer hires labour, the employer thinks both about the value that the labour can add within his business, and about how useful the labour service will be for his business operations. That is, the
pure and simple, which could be realized as a sum of money once labour's product is sold or acquired by a buyer. The value-creating ability of labour is most clearly visible when all labour is stopped. If all labour is withdrawn, the value of the capital assets worked with will normally deteriorate,
educated class, on this view, can often raise its income far beyond the real worth of its work, if its specialist skills happen to be in short supply or in demand, or if they are hired through the "old boy" networks. That is to say, to an extent, the assumed skill level of the employee may be more
knew very well that in pre-bourgeois eras also products assumed the form of commodities and commodities that of money; but he shows in great detail that the commodity as the elementary and primary unit of wealth and alienation as the predominant form of appropriation are characteristic only of the
whose value is equated in trade. At first, the relationship between quantities of traded commodities symbolically represents the relative costs in labour time. Next, money-prices begin to represent symbolically the commodities being traded. In this way, a system of symbolic representation emerges
But it is too easy to go too far in considering labour as the regulator of value; it is equally to be remembered that labour is itself of unequal value. Ricardo, by a violent assumption, founded his theory of value on quantities of labour considered as one uniform thing. He was aware that labour
had a higher value (it costs more to produce, in money, time, energy and resources), and that skilled work could produce a product with a higher value in the same amount of time, compared to unskilled labour. This was reflected in a skill hierarchy, and a hierarchy of wage-levels. In this sense,
different labour-efforts—more or less accurately—in money-units (initially, quantities of gold, silver, or bronze). Marx then argues that labour viewed concretely in its specifics creates useful things, but labour-in-the-abstract is value-forming labour, which conserves, transfers and/or creates
3071:, the average person can perform, productive expenditure of a certain amount of human muscles, nerves, brain, etc. It is simple labour which any average individual can be trained to do and which in one way or another he has to perform. The characteristics of this average labour are different 2998:
of the worker. With the development of an average skill level in the workforce, the same job can also be done by many different workers, and most workers can do many different jobs; nobody is necessarily tied to one type of work all his life anymore. Thus we can talk of "a job" as an abstract
which can facilitate the exchange of the most diverse products with great efficiency. In the end, commodities become simply objects of value, and since their value can rise and fall, they can be bought and sold purely for capital gain. Closely related to this, is the growth of a
The British computer scientist Paul Cockshott in 2013 wrote a piece critical of the German Marxist academic Michael Heinrich who, Cockshott argued, wrongly reinterpreted the concept of abstract labour so that it is no longer a scientifically testable concept.
capital value, and to prevent loss of capital value. For example, cleaning work might seem a very menial and low-value activity, but if business equipment fails, customers stay away, and the staff get sick or hurt, it costs the business a lot of extra money.
Quite simply, in this case, a quantity of labour-time is equal to a quantity of money, and it can be calculated that X hours of labour—regardless of who in particular performs them—create, or are worth, Y amounts of new product value. In this way, labour is
3206:"Labour affects supply, and supply affects the degree of utility, which governs value, or the ratio of exchange. In order that there may be no possible mistake about this all-important series of relations, I will restate it in a tabular form, as follows: 3139:
be expressed as a multiple of unskilled work, nor a theory of what regulates the valuation of skill differences. This has led to some theoretical debate among Marxian economists, but no definitive solution has yet been given. In the first volume of
As economically valuable worktime, human labour is spent to add value to products or assets (thereby conserving their capital value, and/or transferring value from inputs to outputs). In this sense, labour is an activity which creates/maintains
As a corollary, in these conditions workers will increasingly treat the paid work they do as something distinct or separate from their personality, a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Work becomes "just work", it no longer
2974:("WertverhÀltnis" in German). It can also be calculated that it costs a certain amount of time and money to train a worker to perform a certain task, and how much value that adds to the workers' labour, giving rise to the notion of 72:
As a useful activity of a particular kind, human labour can have a useful effect in producing particular tangible products which are used by others, or by the producers themselves. In this sense, labour is an activity which creates
If the labour makes no net addition to new value produced, then the employer makes no money from it, and the labour will be only an expense to him. If the labour is only a net expense (overhead), then it is commercially speaking
However, according to Marx, the achievement of abstract thinking about human labour, and the ability to quantify it, is closely related to the historical development of economic exchange in general, and more specifically
considers abstract labour as the most radical foundational category of Marx's theory, and therefore he recommends the struggle against abstract labour as the centrepiece of the political struggle against capitalism.
In 2018, the world's business corporations spent an estimated $ 400 billion per year on cleaning contracts. See: Peter Levring and Christian Wienberg, "Global Cleaning Giant ISS to Shed 100,000 Jobs, Exit Markets".
the productive powers of a navvy, a carpenter, an iron-puddler, a school master and a barrister. Accordingly, it will be found that not one of my equations represents a comparison between one man's labour and
3600: 3481: 3283:
and the mathematician Ulrich Krause. Possibly, these conceptual issues can be resolved, through a better empirical appreciation of the political economy of education, skills and the labour market.
3040:"...only under capitalism is concrete labor in general metamorphosed into abstract labor, and only under capitalism is this necessary in order to bring about the reproduction of class relations." 535: 3170:
imaginary, than real; it all depends on how skills, experience and qualifications are defined and valued. Skilled labour may be over-valued and unskilled labour under-valued at the same time.
Throughout the writing he never ceases to say that abstract labour is "universal" and strictly manifests itself as social labour, not existing in small isolation. Marx repeats this point in
forms and quantities of labour uniformly to sums of money, so that any kind of labour becomes an interchangeable, tradeable good or "input" with a known price tag – and is also practically
603:. On the other hand, all labour is the expenditure of human labour power in a special form and with a definite aim, and in this, its character of concrete useful labour, it produces 3183:. It may be that the problems have never been resolved because they have been approached far too abstractly, using conceptual distinctions not really adequate for the purpose. 4443: 908: 878: 3113:. Skilled labour costs more to produce than unskilled labour, and can be more productive. Generally Marx assumed that—irrespective of the price for which it is sold—skilled 3048:, take a more evolutionary view. They argue that the abstract treatment of human labour-time is something that evolved and developed in the course of the whole history of 106:
value to capital, and does not directly add to net profit. So, the employer also buys unproductive labour because the employer's costs in this respect are lower than the
528: 3380: 3096:(1867) implying that abstract labour arises only when products are produced solely as commodities, something limited strictly to the capitalist mode of production: 2784:
Marx himself considered that all economising reduced to the economical use of human labour-time; "to economise" ultimately meant saving on human energy and effort.
In fact, Marx argues the abstraction of labour in thought is the reflex of a real process, in which commercial trade in products not only alters the way labour is
698: 81:
So, Marx argues that human work is both (1) an activity which, by its useful effect, helps to create particular kinds of products, and (2) in an economic sense a
4182: 2926:
production process, then the abstraction process is deepened, because production labour itself becomes directly treated and organised in terms of its commercial
521: 2905:
with which people confront each other in such a society, the social relations between individuals in the performance of their labour appear at all events as
450: 460: 3056:
already involves attempts to economise labour, by calculating the comparative quantities of labour-time involved in producing different kinds of outputs.
4433: 2896:"The natural form of labour, its specific kind—and not, as in a society of commodity production, its universality—is here its immediate social form. The 581: 322: 2945:
is established which very exactly quantifies the money-price applying to all kinds of different occupational functions, permitting equations such as:
2164: 554:
manuscript, Marx argued that the category of abstract labour "expresses an ancient relation existing in all social formations"; but, he continued,
Marx regarded the distinction between abstract and concrete labour as being among the most important innovations he contributed to the theory of
395: 4565: 4342: 3655: 3135: 3025: 1023: 308: 167: 131: 2835:
the quantities of human labour expended to produce those products, regardless of whether the traders are consciously aware of that (see also
If different products are exchanged in market trade according to specific trading ratios, Marx argues, the exchange process at the same time
658: 2813:, and then state authorities began to supervise the use of measures, with rules to prevent cheating. Once standard measuring units existed, 562:
in practice. Because only there does a system of price-equations exist within a universal market, which can practically reduce the value of
4423: 3984: 3161:
theory of the market valuation of skill differences. The counterargument is, that the valuation of skills depends to a great extent on the
653: 576:, Marx also distinguished between "particular labour" and "general labour", contrasting communal production with production for exchange. 94:
labour. Yet it may be very necessary to employ this unproductive labour, if, without its performance, considerable capital value would be
4438: 4175: 330: 3686: 798: 673: 3788: 2771: 3266:
the gradation of many different labour efforts along one general, hierarchical dimension of worth, for the purpose of compensation;
3809: 4168: 3088:
bourgeois period of production, and that accordingly labour which creates exchange-value is a specifically bourgeois feature."
1597: 1579: 1008: 282: 2846:, namely abstraction from (or indifference to) the particular characteristics of concrete (specific) labour that produced the 2492: 2419: 868: 192: 139: 1969: 4545: 86:
right kind of work not only needs to get done, but it needs to get done in a way that it helps the employer to make money.
the existence of normal labour-averages applying to different work tasks, which function as "labour norms" in any society;
from the employer's financial investments, or if business would fail without it. That is, labour may be very necessary to
4463: 1410: 823: 753: 728: 3553:, chapter 1, section 4, Penguin edition, p. 172 (translation corrected according to the German original, emphasis added. 4122: 4094: 4069: 4044: 4016: 3934: 3902: 1237: 893: 843: 335: 3861: 3009:
reflects about the inversions of object and subject, and of means and ends, which are involved in commodity trade.
2550: 2497: 1162: 808: 3759: 3745: 2004: 1554: 1252: 1130: 833: 733: 688: 4372: 3893:(1982), "Another look at the labour reduction problem in Marx", in Bradley, Ian C.; Howard, Michael C. (eds.), 3345: 3154: 3005:
considers the human and social implications of the abstraction and commercialization of labour. His concept of
3002: 1050: 948: 928: 838: 763: 212: 1152: 4191: 3320: 2764: 2299: 1202: 971: 858: 485: 187: 27: 2867:, it becomes difficult or even impossible to equate the value of all different labour-efforts directly. But 1974: 1854: 1028: 943: 788: 636: 4448: 3839: 3539: 3298: 2482: 2284: 1754: 888: 813: 708: 4540: 3446: 2254: 2229: 2154: 1517: 1315: 758: 277: 119:
a specific commodity, and is still represented by variable capital and therefore value adding capital.
4550: 4291: 3084: 2987: 2394: 1401: 1285: 1003: 903: 863: 793: 778: 380: 3662: 4428: 3150: 2757: 2487: 853: 773: 723: 3435: 3235:
must be determined by the value of the produce, not the value of the produce by that of the labour
3016:, and subsequently Marxian scholars have debated a great deal about its theoretical significance. 1172: 4494: 4453: 3981: 2652: 2632: 1465: 1197: 1080: 933: 898: 718: 713: 668: 445: 217: 207: 3649:
Christopher J. Arthur, "The Practical Truth of Abstract Labour". In: Riccardo Bellofiore (ed.),
4555: 4060:
Krause, Ulrich (1998), "Abstract labour and money", in Kurz, Heinz D.; Salvadori, Neri (eds.),
3922: 3918: 3523: 3335: 3199: 3180: 2580: 1904: 1310: 1242: 1232: 1220: 455: 272: 3279:
Some further aspects of the concept of abstract labour are provided by Marxian anthropologist
4504: 4230: 3187: 3006: 1724: 1569: 1145: 953: 873: 818: 599:, and in its character of identical abstract human labour, it creates and forms the value of 267: 3259:
To these three aspects we could add at least five others, which are also mentioned by Marx:
4560: 4514: 4408: 3157:
has analyzed input-output data, wage data and labour data for the US economy, to create an
2637: 2590: 2585: 2570: 2560: 2527: 2502: 2389: 2364: 2264: 1979: 1549: 1364: 1320: 1125: 1090: 1040: 982: 828: 703: 693: 646: 4276: 4064:, Cheltenham, UK Northampton, Massachusetts, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 6–10, 3786: 3202:
clearly stated the main criticism of the concept of abstract labour in his 1871 treatise:
with a certain monetary cost or earnings potential. Thus Professor John Weeks claims that
1434: 938: 579:
Marx published about the categories of abstract and concrete labour for the first time in
420: 8: 4484: 4479: 4347: 4311: 4286: 3269:
the universal exchangeability of labour efforts themselves, in a developed labour market;
2794: 2696: 2647: 2349: 2169: 1659: 1300: 1280: 1275: 1167: 1157: 1105: 1095: 1013: 993: 848: 768: 663: 410: 390: 177: 3803:
Jim Devine, "What Is 'Simple Labor": the Value-Creating Capacity of Skilled Labor", in:
3067:"This abstraction, human labour in general, exists in the form of average labour which, 2104: 1085: 4458: 4005: 3972: 3955: 3950: 3507: 3252: 2864: 2709: 2691: 2669: 2595: 2532: 2522: 2477: 2472: 2429: 2134: 1859: 1829: 1694: 1664: 1524: 1350: 1330: 1270: 1018: 921: 883: 743: 465: 197: 39: 4271: 3816: 3638:
The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries.
2184: 375: 4118: 4110: 4090: 4065: 4040: 4012: 3976: 3930: 3898: 3871: 3680: 2733: 2662: 2622: 2600: 2329: 2314: 2294: 1884: 1804: 1729: 1539: 1470: 1444: 1396: 1325: 1305: 1177: 1140: 1120: 1110: 1100: 1073: 1035: 978: 587: 495: 202: 172: 4321: 2124: 2029: 1964: 1914: 1779: 4519: 4499: 4316: 4296: 4246: 4205: 3964: 3293: 3195: 3119: 2995: 2745: 2721: 2657: 2642: 2434: 2369: 2269: 2204: 2179: 2129: 2094: 2054: 1889: 1849: 1814: 1704: 1684: 1634: 1629: 1609: 1564: 1534: 1480: 1429: 1424: 1391: 1290: 1247: 1192: 1135: 738: 620: 509: 360: 2805:
measurement units began to be used probably from circa 3000 BC onwards in ancient
2444: 595:"On the one hand all labour is, speaking physiologically, an expenditure of human 558:
in modern bourgeois society (exemplified by the United States) is abstract labour
and in the end, if labour is permanently withdrawn, nothing will be left except a
4306: 4281: 4032: 4000: 3988: 3876: 3792: 3620: 3596: 3477: 3461: 3280: 2930:, and in terms of its capacity to create new value for the buyer of that labour. 2902: 2674: 2565: 2517: 2512: 2424: 2359: 2339: 2279: 2174: 2149: 2114: 2109: 2099: 2069: 2024: 2014: 1879: 1819: 1774: 1739: 1719: 1679: 1654: 1500: 1419: 1115: 1045: 783: 415: 370: 4160: 3929:, Classic Reprint Series, Boston, Massachusetts: Elibron Classics, p. 187, 2084: 4398: 4357: 4266: 4256: 4215: 3968: 3612: 3325: 3110: 3013: 2927: 2877: 2679: 2507: 2409: 2344: 2334: 2324: 2319: 2239: 2219: 2209: 2199: 2189: 2159: 2139: 2079: 2074: 2059: 2044: 2034: 1954: 1924: 1919: 1909: 1834: 1809: 1799: 1794: 1769: 1759: 1734: 1649: 1644: 1639: 1614: 1295: 1227: 1182: 958: 803: 440: 400: 61: 31: 1934: 4534: 4489: 4352: 4225: 4087:
Money and abstract labour: on the analytical foundations of political economy
3191: 2975: 2942: 2801:
can carry, the duration of a day or a season, the number of cattle. Socially
2374: 2244: 2234: 2144: 2019: 1899: 1874: 1869: 1839: 1764: 1669: 1619: 1544: 1529: 1475: 1449: 1207: 988: 365: 262: 4261: 3601:
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century
between the rich educated class, and the "lower-skilled" working class. The
Another controversy concerns the differences between unskilled (simple) and
For some, abstract labour is an economic category which applies only to the
4377: 4367: 3895:
Classical and Marxian political economy: essays in honour of Ronald L. Meek
3355: 3340: 3166: 3123: 3114: 2881: 2617: 2439: 2414: 2379: 2309: 2304: 2289: 2274: 2224: 2214: 2064: 2049: 2039: 1989: 1959: 1944: 1929: 1894: 1714: 1674: 1624: 1574: 1495: 1439: 227: 4413: 4301: 4220: 3725: 3633: 3330: 3315: 3141: 3053: 3045: 3029: 2847: 2814: 2810: 2454: 2399: 2354: 2249: 2194: 2119: 1949: 1939: 1844: 1824: 1784: 1709: 1699: 1689: 1490: 1187: 1060: 748: 683: 600: 596: 385: 316: 222: 4418: 4382: 4251: 3890: 3409: 3395: 3350: 3272:
the general mobility of labour from one job or worksite to another; and
2991: 2836: 2449: 2259: 2089: 1999: 1994: 1984: 1864: 1789: 1749: 1744: 1584: 1384: 1359: 1055: 678: 572: 550: 302: 242: 237: 232: 110:
of value that would occur, if he did not employ unproductive labour to
66: 4089:. Peter Burgess (translator); Jon Rothschild (editor). London: Verso. 3810:"James G. Devine, Professor of Economics, Loyola Marymount University" 4509: 4403: 4210: 3033: 2922:
If the production process itself becomes organised as a specifically
2684: 2627: 2575: 2555: 2384: 2009: 1604: 1559: 1369: 604: 490: 355: 151: 74: 35: 23: 4115:
Labor markets and employment relationships: a comprehensive approach
Labour Content and Skills: Social Justice or Statistical Pragmatism?
have been one of the main reasons why many economists abandoned the
3580: 3563: 2610: 2605: 2404: 1485: 3275:
the ability of the same workers to do all kinds of different jobs.
3856: 3146:
the enormous differences in pay rates are difficult to explain.
1379: 628: 45: 34:
versus human labour as a particular activity that has a specific
30:. It refers to the difference between human labour in general as 3921:(2006) , "Relations of the theories of labour and exchange", in 3651:
In Marx's Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse
3075:, but in any particular society it appears as something given." 2897: 1374: 2740: 909:
Their Morals and Ours: The class foundations of moral practice
585:(1859) and they are discussed in more detail in chapter 1 of 4362: 3953:(Summer 1978). "Abstract labour and value in Marx's system". 3049: 2868: 2806: 4152:
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital.
Chrystia Freeland, "The rise of "lovely" and "lousy" jobs".
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital
The twofold nature of the production for exchange purposes.
In the feudal society of medieval Europe, Marx comments,
3874:, "The skilled/unskilled jobs divide is just snobbery." 3251:
Replying to this type of criticism, the Russian Marxist
3019: 699:
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
Paul Cockshott, "Heinrich's idea of abstract labour".
John Weeks, "Abstract Labor and Commodity Production",
4150:, Vol. 41 No. 2, 2013, pp. 287–297. Michael Heinrich, 3716:. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981, p. 38). 3073:
in different countries and different historical epochs
Therefore, Marx implies, the exchange process itself
3052:, or even precedes it, to the extent that primitive 4434:
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
John Holloway, Crack capitalism. Pluto Press, 2010.
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
3186:Without referring explicitly to Marx's work on the 3061:
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
4004: 4190: 3585:Labour Market Theory: A Constructive Reassessment 2917: 4532: 4109: 2911:not disguised as social relations between things 4117:. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. 3436:Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1, chapter 1, section 2 3246: 2871:enables us to express and compare the value of 611: 4176: 3032:or work-capacity is universally treated as a 2765: 659:The Condition of the Working Class in England 529: 4424:Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 2797:trade (the trade in wares and merchandise). 654:Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 102:capital value, even if it does not actually 4439:Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy 3536:Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts 1844 331:Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy 4183: 4169: 4062:The Elgar companion to classical economics 2772: 2758: 799:Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 674:The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 536: 522: 3223:Final degree of utility determines value. 3217:Supply determines final degree of utility 3079:However in the same writing he also says 2844:involves the making of a real abstraction 3237:. I hold it to be impossible to compare 44: 4148:Critique: A Journal of Socialist Theory 3897:, London: Macmillan, pp. 198–199, 3256:using money as a universal equivalent. 3059:In this sense, Marx argued in his book 4533: 4084: 4059: 4031: 3999: 3917: 3685:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 1580:Socialism with Chinese characteristics 4566:Marxian critique of political economy 4164: 4154:New York: Monthly Review Press, 2012. 3949: 3889: 3772:, Penguin ed., translation corrected. 3020:Evolutionary or historically specific 2493:Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 869:Change the World Without Taking Power 3524:Karl Marx, Capital Vol. 1, chapter 2 3493:Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis, 3426:, Pelican edition 1973, pp. 171–172. 3286: 3211:Cost of production determines supply 2941:The abstraction is completed when a 4338:Abstract labour and concrete labour 3785:Working paper, Oslo, NIFUSTEP 2008. 3028:, i.e. it applies only, when human 824:Marxism and the Oppression of Women 754:Theses on the Philosophy of History 20:Abstract labour and concrete labour 13: 3640:Duke University Press Books, 2011. 14: 4577: 3497:Chicago: Haymarket, 2011 reprint. 3104: 2833:relates, values and commensurates 2824:, but also how it is practically 844:Time, Labor and Social Domination 336:Time, Labor and Social Domination 3512:Essays in Marx's Theory of Value 3495:Schooling in Capitalist America. 3466:A concise history of mathematics 2739: 2727: 2715: 2551:21st-century communist theorists 894:Towards Socialism or Capitalism? 809:How Europe Underdeveloped Africa 729:Essays on Marx's Theory of Value 635: 150: 4464:Who cooked Adam Smith's dinner? 4140: 4131: 4113:; Skillman, Gilbert L. (2004). 4103: 4078: 4053: 4025: 3993: 3943: 3927:The theory of political economy 3911: 3883: 3865: 3848: 3833: 3797: 3775: 3763: 3749: 3735: 3719: 3706: 3693: 3643: 3626: 3606: 3590: 3573: 3568:Principles of Political Economy 3556: 3543: 3538:, section "The Power of Money" 3528: 3517: 3500: 2986:says anything at all about the 1253:Theory of historical trajectory 1131:Dictatorship of the proletariat 834:Hegemony and Socialist Strategy 734:History and Class Consciousness 689:Critique of the Gotha Programme 22:refer to a distinction made by 4373:Socially necessary labour time 3730:The Basic Theory of Capitalism 3487: 3471: 3455: 3440: 3429: 3416: 3402: 3384: 3368: 3346:Socially necessary labour time 3155:New School for Social Research 2955:amounts of unskilled labour = 2918:Abstract labour and capitalism 2901:think, then, of the different 1051:Socially necessary labour time 949:Philosophy in the Soviet Union 839:The Sublime Object of Ideology 764:A Critique of Soviet Economics 213:Socially necessary labour time 32:economically valuable worktime 1: 4343:Capitalist mode of production 4192:Critique of political economy 3701:Research in Political Economy 3361: 3321:Critique of political economy 3136:capitalist mode of production 3044:Other Marx-scholars, such as 3026:capitalist mode of production 2951:amount of qualified labour = 972:Critique of political economy 486:Critique of political economy 325:Critique of Political Economy 188:Critique of political economy 168:Capitalist mode of production 28:critique of political economy 16:Distinction made by Karl Marx 3617:Social and sexual revolution 3468:, 4th revised edition, 1987. 3399:, Penguin 1973, pp. 104–105. 3247:Response to these Criticisms 3173: 2907:their own personal relations 2884:). In 1844, Marx said that: 1009:Falling profit-rate tendency 789:The Society of the Spectacle 612:Abstract labour and exchange 283:Falling profit-rate tendency 183:Concrete and abstract labour 7: 4546:Theory of value (economics) 4449:Critique of Economic Reason 3309: 3003:Marx's theory of alienation 2483:Capitalism Nature Socialism 999:Concrete and abstract labor 889:Capital in the Anthropocene 814:Social Justice and the City 709:The Accumulation of Capital 548:In the introduction to his 53: 10: 4582: 4007:A treatise of social labor 3969:10.1177/030981687800500107 3587:. Routledge, London, 1998. 3451:, Notebook 1, October 1857 3111:skilled (qualified) labour 2970:This is what Marx calls a 759:Dialectic of Enlightenment 446:New School Economic Review 309:Economic and Philosophical 278:Technological unemployment 4472: 4391: 4330: 4239: 4198: 3758:, chapter 1 note a (1859) 904:Literature and Revolution 864:Late Victorian Holocausts 794:Pedagogy of the Oppressed 779:The Wretched of the Earth 122: 4429:The Mirror of Production 4039:. New York: Peter Lang. 3714:Capital and exploitation 2855:, and Marx claims that: 2817:could begin to develop. 854:The Origin of Capitalism 724:The State and Revolution 38:within the (capitalist) 4495:Criticism of capitalism 4454:Discourse on Inequality 4085:Krause, Ulrich (1982). 3923:Jevons, William Stanley 3919:Jevons, William Stanley 3163:balance of class forces 3134:Marx believed that the 1555:Marxism–Leninism–Maoism 1198:Relations of production 1081:Base and superstructure 934:Dialectical materialism 899:The Revolution Betrayed 719:Terrorism and Communism 714:Philosophical Notebooks 669:The Communist Manifesto 208:Relations of production 3653:. Leiden: Brill, 2013. 3336:Labour theory of value 3244: 3200:William Stanley Jevons 3188:labour theory of value 3181:labour theory of value 3132: 3102: 3090: 3077: 3042: 2915: 2890: 2861: 2790: 2498:Historical Materialism 1243:Proletarian revolution 1238:Primitive accumulation 1233:Historical determinism 609: 456:Historical Materialism 273:Historical materialism 50: 4505:Economic anthropology 4231:Erik Johan Stagnelius 4011:. Assen: Van Gorcum. 3204: 3128: 3098: 3081: 3065: 3038: 2894: 2886: 2857: 2786: 2734:Philosophy portal 2528:Science & Society 1146:Democratic centralism 1004:Factors of production 874:Caliban and the Witch 819:Women, Race and Class 593: 591:, where Marx writes: 323:A Contribution to the 238:Wertabspaltungskritik 48: 4515:Mainstream economics 4409:The Right to Be Lazy 3412:', pp. 296–297, 823. 3233:, so that its value 3231:essentially variable 3159:empirically testable 2959:number of workers = 2746:Socialism portal 2722:Communism portal 2591:History of communism 2586:Economic determinism 2571:Criticism of Marxism 2561:Creative destruction 1321:Marxism and religion 1041:Scientific socialism 944:Philosophy of nature 829:Imagined Communities 694:Dialectics of Nature 4485:Classical economics 4480:Assume a can opener 4312:Claus Peter Ortlieb 4287:Hans-Georg Backhaus 3956:Capital & Class 3880:, 27 November 2018. 3807:, #39 Winter 1989. 3805:Capital & Class 3379:, 10 December 2018. 2938:rendered abstract. 2478:Capital & Class 1158:False consciousness 1106:Commodity fetishism 1096:Class consciousness 1014:Means of production 849:The Age of Extremes 769:The Long Revolution 704:What Is to Be Done? 664:The German Ideology 466:Capital & Class 451:Crisis and Critique 411:Hans-Georg Backhaus 391:Claus Peter Ortlieb 311:Manuscripts of 1844 193:Means of production 141:Marxian critique of 4459:The Accursed Share 4111:Jacobsen, Joyce P. 3987:2016-03-03 at the 3844:, Part 2 Chapter 6 3840:Friedrich Engels, 3791:2011-05-24 at the 3744:, chapter 1 (1859) 3703:, Volume 12, 1990. 3508:Isaak Illich Rubin 3253:Isaak Illich Rubin 3069:in a given society 2972:value relationship 2963:amount of money = 2865:division of labour 2863:In a more complex 2692:Worker cooperative 2670:Left-wing populism 2596:Left-wing politics 2533:Socialist Register 2523:Rethinking Marxism 1316:Literary criticism 1019:Mode of production 884:Capitalist Realism 744:The Black Jacobins 461:Socialist register 198:Mode of production 51: 40:mode of production 4541:Marxian economics 4528: 4527: 4277:Neue Marx-LektĂŒre 4240:20th–21st-century 4199:18th–19th-century 4037:Labor & value 3982:Available online. 3872:Michael Skapinker 3287:Recent discussion 2967:amount of goods. 2782: 2781: 2623:Political ecology 2601:Marxian economics 1540:Council communism 1508: 1507: 1435:Neue Marx-LektĂŒre 1397:Regulation school 1286:Cultural analysis 1178:Lumpenproletariat 1121:Cultural hegemony 1111:Communist society 1101:Classless society 1036:Productive forces 774:Guerrilla Warfare 647:Theoretical works 588:Capital, Volume I 546: 545: 496:Marxist sociology 421:Hans-JĂŒrgen Krahl 203:Productive forces 143:political economy 4573: 4551:Labour economics 4500:Critique of work 4317:Georges Bataille 4297:Michael Heinrich 4247:Jean Baudrillard 4206:Friedrich Engels 4185: 4178: 4171: 4162: 4161: 4155: 4144: 4138: 4135: 4129: 4128: 4107: 4101: 4100: 4082: 4076: 4075: 4057: 4051: 4050: 4033:Krader, Lawrence 4029: 4023: 4022: 4010: 4001:Krader, Lawrence 3997: 3991: 3980: 3947: 3941: 3940: 3915: 3909: 3908: 3887: 3881: 3869: 3863: 3860:, 12 April 2012. 3852: 3846: 3837: 3831: 3830: 3828: 3827: 3821: 3815:. Archived from 3814: 3801: 3795: 3781:Anders Ekeland, 3779: 3773: 3770:Capital Volume 1 3767: 3761: 3753: 3747: 3739: 3733: 3723: 3717: 3710: 3704: 3697: 3691: 3690: 3684: 3676: 3674: 3673: 3667: 3661:. Archived from 3660: 3647: 3641: 3630: 3624: 3610: 3604: 3594: 3588: 3577: 3571: 3560: 3554: 3547: 3541: 3532: 3526: 3521: 3515: 3504: 3498: 3491: 3485: 3475: 3469: 3459: 3453: 3444: 3438: 3433: 3427: 3420: 3414: 3406: 3400: 3388: 3382: 3372: 3294:Crack Capitalism 3196:marginal utility 3120:Friedrich Engels 3094:Capital Volume 1 2774: 2767: 2760: 2744: 2743: 2732: 2731: 2730: 2720: 2719: 2718: 2697:Workers' council 2518:Race & Class 1425:Frankfurt School 1392:Neo-Gramscianism 1365:Marxism–Leninism 1347: 1346: 1291:Cultural Studies 1248:World revolution 1193:Private property 739:Prison Notebooks 639: 616: 615: 570:as such. In the 538: 531: 524: 510:Socialism portal 361:Friedrich Engels 154: 144: 127: 126: 4581: 4580: 4576: 4575: 4574: 4572: 4571: 4570: 4531: 4530: 4529: 4524: 4468: 4387: 4326: 4307:Roman Rozdolsky 4282:Helmut Reichelt 4272:Étienne Balibar 4235: 4194: 4189: 4159: 4158: 4145: 4141: 4136: 4132: 4125: 4108: 4104: 4097: 4083: 4079: 4072: 4058: 4054: 4047: 4030: 4026: 4019: 3998: 3994: 3989:Wayback Machine 3948: 3944: 3937: 3916: 3912: 3905: 3888: 3884: 3877:Financial Times 3870: 3866: 3853: 3849: 3838: 3834: 3825: 3823: 3819: 3812: 3808: 3802: 3798: 3793:Wayback Machine 3780: 3776: 3768: 3764: 3754: 3750: 3740: 3736: 3724: 3720: 3711: 3707: 3698: 3694: 3678: 3677: 3671: 3669: 3665: 3658: 3656:"Archived copy" 3654: 3648: 3644: 3631: 3627: 3621:South End Press 3611: 3607: 3597:Harry Braverman 3595: 3591: 3578: 3574: 3561: 3557: 3548: 3544: 3533: 3529: 3522: 3518: 3505: 3501: 3492: 3488: 3478:Harry Braverman 3476: 3472: 3462:Dirk Jan Struik 3460: 3456: 3445: 3441: 3434: 3430: 3421: 3417: 3407: 3403: 3389: 3385: 3373: 3369: 3364: 3312: 3289: 3281:Lawrence Krader 3249: 3176: 3107: 3022: 2920: 2903:character masks 2778: 2738: 2728: 2726: 2716: 2714: 2702: 2701: 2675:Universal class 2566:Conflict theory 2546: 2538: 2537: 2513:New Left Review 2468: 2460: 2459: 1600: 1590: 1589: 1520: 1510: 1509: 1420:Budapest School 1344: 1343:Common variants 1336: 1335: 1266: 1258: 1257: 1223: 1213: 1212: 1116:Critical theory 1076: 1066: 1065: 1046:Surplus product 974: 964: 963: 924: 914: 913: 784:Reading Capital 649: 614: 542: 502: 501: 500: 480: 472: 471: 470: 435: 427: 426: 425: 416:Helmut Reichelt 376:Étienne Balibar 371:Roman Rozdolsky 350: 342: 341: 340: 327: 324: 313: 310: 297: 289: 288: 287: 257: 249: 248: 247: 162: 142: 140: 125: 56: 17: 12: 11: 5: 4579: 4569: 4568: 4563: 4558: 4553: 4548: 4543: 4526: 4525: 4523: 4522: 4517: 4512: 4507: 4502: 4497: 4492: 4487: 4482: 4476: 4474: 4470: 4469: 4467: 4466: 4461: 4456: 4451: 4446: 4441: 4436: 4431: 4426: 4421: 4416: 4411: 4406: 4401: 4399:Unto This Last 4395: 4393: 4389: 4388: 4386: 4385: 4380: 4375: 4370: 4365: 4360: 4358:Dismal Science 4355: 4350: 4345: 4340: 4334: 4332: 4328: 4327: 4325: 4324: 4322:Katrine Marçal 4319: 4314: 4309: 4304: 4299: 4294: 4289: 4284: 4279: 4274: 4269: 4267:Moishe Postone 4264: 4259: 4257:Mahatma Gandhi 4254: 4249: 4243: 4241: 4237: 4236: 4234: 4233: 4228: 4223: 4218: 4216:Thomas Carlyle 4213: 4208: 4202: 4200: 4196: 4195: 4188: 4187: 4180: 4173: 4165: 4157: 4156: 4139: 4130: 4123: 4102: 4095: 4077: 4070: 4052: 4045: 4024: 4017: 3992: 3963:(2): 109–139. 3942: 3935: 3910: 3903: 3882: 3864: 3847: 3832: 3796: 3774: 3762: 3748: 3734: 3718: 3705: 3692: 3642: 3625: 3613:Bertell Ollman 3605: 3589: 3572: 3555: 3551:Capital Vol. 1 3542: 3527: 3516: 3499: 3486: 3470: 3454: 3439: 3428: 3415: 3401: 3383: 3377:Bloomberg News 3366: 3365: 3363: 3360: 3359: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3343: 3338: 3333: 3328: 3326:Exchange value 3323: 3318: 3311: 3308: 3288: 3285: 3277: 3276: 3273: 3270: 3267: 3264: 3248: 3245: 3226: 3225: 3220: 3214: 3175: 3172: 3149:The economist 3106: 3105:Skilled labour 3103: 3021: 3018: 3014:economic value 2928:exchange value 2919: 2916: 2878:economic value 2780: 2779: 2777: 2776: 2769: 2762: 2754: 2751: 2750: 2749: 2748: 2736: 2724: 2712: 2704: 2703: 2700: 2699: 2694: 2689: 2688: 2687: 2680:Vulgar Marxism 2677: 2672: 2667: 2666: 2665: 2660: 2655: 2650: 2645: 2640: 2635: 2625: 2620: 2615: 2614: 2613: 2608: 2598: 2593: 2588: 2583: 2578: 2573: 2568: 2563: 2558: 2553: 2547: 2545:Related topics 2544: 2543: 2540: 2539: 2536: 2535: 2530: 2525: 2520: 2515: 2510: 2508:Monthly Review 2505: 2500: 2495: 2490: 2488:Constellations 2485: 2480: 2475: 2469: 2466: 2465: 2462: 2461: 2458: 2457: 2452: 2447: 2442: 2437: 2432: 2427: 2422: 2417: 2412: 2407: 2402: 2397: 2392: 2387: 2382: 2377: 2372: 2367: 2362: 2357: 2352: 2347: 2342: 2337: 2332: 2327: 2322: 2317: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2257: 2252: 2247: 2242: 2237: 2232: 2227: 2222: 2217: 2212: 2207: 2202: 2197: 2192: 2187: 2182: 2177: 2172: 2167: 2162: 2157: 2152: 2147: 2142: 2137: 2132: 2127: 2122: 2117: 2112: 2107: 2102: 2097: 2092: 2087: 2082: 2077: 2072: 2067: 2062: 2057: 2052: 2047: 2042: 2037: 2032: 2027: 2022: 2017: 2012: 2007: 2002: 1997: 1992: 1987: 1982: 1977: 1972: 1967: 1962: 1957: 1952: 1947: 1942: 1937: 1932: 1927: 1922: 1917: 1912: 1907: 1902: 1897: 1892: 1887: 1882: 1877: 1872: 1867: 1862: 1857: 1852: 1847: 1842: 1837: 1832: 1827: 1822: 1817: 1812: 1807: 1802: 1797: 1792: 1787: 1782: 1777: 1772: 1767: 1762: 1757: 1752: 1747: 1742: 1737: 1732: 1727: 1722: 1717: 1712: 1707: 1702: 1697: 1692: 1687: 1682: 1677: 1672: 1667: 1662: 1657: 1652: 1647: 1642: 1637: 1632: 1627: 1622: 1617: 1612: 1607: 1601: 1596: 1595: 1592: 1591: 1588: 1587: 1582: 1577: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1547: 1542: 1537: 1532: 1527: 1521: 1518:Other variants 1516: 1515: 1512: 1511: 1506: 1505: 1504: 1503: 1498: 1493: 1488: 1483: 1478: 1473: 1468: 1460: 1459: 1455: 1454: 1453: 1452: 1447: 1442: 1437: 1432: 1427: 1422: 1414: 1413: 1407: 1406: 1405: 1404: 1402:Third-worldist 1399: 1394: 1389: 1388: 1387: 1382: 1377: 1372: 1362: 1354: 1353: 1345: 1342: 1341: 1338: 1337: 1334: 1333: 1328: 1323: 1318: 1313: 1311:Historiography 1308: 1303: 1298: 1293: 1288: 1283: 1278: 1273: 1267: 1264: 1263: 1260: 1259: 1256: 1255: 1250: 1245: 1240: 1235: 1230: 1228:Class struggle 1224: 1219: 1218: 1215: 1214: 1211: 1210: 1205: 1200: 1195: 1190: 1185: 1183:Metabolic rift 1180: 1175: 1170: 1165: 1160: 1155: 1150: 1149: 1148: 1143: 1138: 1133: 1123: 1118: 1113: 1108: 1103: 1098: 1093: 1088: 1083: 1077: 1072: 1071: 1068: 1067: 1064: 1063: 1058: 1053: 1048: 1043: 1038: 1033: 1032: 1031: 1026: 1016: 1011: 1006: 1001: 996: 991: 986: 975: 970: 969: 966: 965: 962: 961: 959:Marxist ethics 956: 951: 946: 941: 936: 931: 925: 920: 919: 916: 915: 912: 911: 906: 901: 896: 891: 886: 881: 876: 871: 866: 861: 856: 851: 846: 841: 836: 831: 826: 821: 816: 811: 806: 804:Ways of Seeing 801: 796: 791: 786: 781: 776: 771: 766: 761: 756: 751: 746: 741: 736: 731: 726: 721: 716: 711: 706: 701: 696: 691: 686: 681: 676: 671: 666: 661: 656: 650: 645: 644: 641: 640: 632: 631: 625: 624: 613: 610: 560:fully realized 544: 543: 541: 540: 533: 526: 518: 515: 514: 513: 512: 504: 503: 499: 498: 493: 488: 482: 481: 479:Related topics 478: 477: 474: 473: 469: 468: 463: 458: 453: 448: 443: 441:Monthly Review 437: 436: 433: 432: 429: 428: 424: 423: 418: 413: 404: 403: 401:Moishe Postone 398: 393: 388: 383: 378: 373: 368: 363: 358: 352: 351: 348: 347: 344: 343: 339: 338: 333: 328: 321: 319: 314: 307: 305: 299: 298: 295: 294: 291: 290: 286: 285: 280: 275: 270: 265: 259: 258: 255: 254: 251: 250: 246: 245: 240: 235: 230: 225: 220: 215: 210: 205: 200: 195: 190: 185: 180: 175: 170: 164: 163: 160: 159: 156: 155: 147: 146: 136: 135: 124: 121: 79: 78: 70: 62:economic value 55: 52: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4578: 4567: 4564: 4562: 4559: 4557: 4556:Labor studies 4554: 4552: 4549: 4547: 4544: 4542: 4539: 4538: 4536: 4521: 4520:Occam's razor 4518: 4516: 4513: 4511: 4508: 4506: 4503: 4501: 4498: 4496: 4493: 4491: 4490:Chrematistics 4488: 4486: 4483: 4481: 4478: 4477: 4475: 4471: 4465: 4462: 4460: 4457: 4455: 4452: 4450: 4447: 4445: 4442: 4440: 4437: 4435: 4432: 4430: 4427: 4425: 4422: 4420: 4417: 4415: 4412: 4410: 4407: 4405: 4402: 4400: 4397: 4396: 4394: 4392:Written works 4390: 4384: 4381: 4379: 4376: 4374: 4371: 4369: 4366: 4364: 4361: 4359: 4356: 4354: 4353:Chrematistics 4351: 4349: 4346: 4344: 4341: 4339: 4336: 4335: 4333: 4329: 4323: 4320: 4318: 4315: 4313: 4310: 4308: 4305: 4303: 4300: 4298: 4295: 4293: 4290: 4288: 4285: 4283: 4280: 4278: 4275: 4273: 4270: 4268: 4265: 4263: 4260: 4258: 4255: 4253: 4250: 4248: 4245: 4244: 4242: 4238: 4232: 4229: 4227: 4226:Paul Lafargue 4224: 4222: 4219: 4217: 4214: 4212: 4209: 4207: 4204: 4203: 4201: 4197: 4193: 4186: 4181: 4179: 4174: 4172: 4167: 4166: 4163: 4153: 4149: 4143: 4134: 4126: 4124:9780631208365 4120: 4116: 4112: 4106: 4098: 4096:9780860917496 4092: 4088: 4081: 4073: 4071:9781858982823 4067: 4063: 4056: 4048: 4046:9780820467986 4042: 4038: 4034: 4028: 4020: 4018:9789023216926 4014: 4009: 4008: 4002: 3996: 3990: 3986: 3983: 3978: 3974: 3970: 3966: 3962: 3958: 3957: 3952: 3946: 3938: 3936:9780543746856 3932: 3928: 3924: 3920: 3914: 3906: 3904:9780333321997 3900: 3896: 3892: 3886: 3879: 3878: 3873: 3868: 3862: 3859: 3858: 3851: 3845: 3843: 3836: 3822:on 2006-09-02 3818: 3811: 3806: 3800: 3794: 3790: 3787: 3784: 3778: 3771: 3766: 3760: 3757: 3752: 3746: 3743: 3738: 3731: 3727: 3722: 3715: 3709: 3702: 3696: 3688: 3682: 3668:on 2015-04-02 3664: 3657: 3652: 3646: 3639: 3635: 3629: 3622: 3618: 3614: 3609: 3602: 3598: 3593: 3586: 3582: 3576: 3569: 3565: 3559: 3552: 3546: 3540: 3537: 3531: 3525: 3520: 3513: 3509: 3503: 3496: 3490: 3483: 3479: 3474: 3467: 3463: 3458: 3452: 3450: 3443: 3437: 3432: 3425: 3419: 3413: 3411: 3405: 3398: 3397: 3392: 3387: 3381: 3378: 3371: 3367: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3349: 3347: 3344: 3342: 3339: 3337: 3334: 3332: 3329: 3327: 3324: 3322: 3319: 3317: 3314: 3313: 3307: 3303: 3300: 3299:John Holloway 3296: 3295: 3284: 3282: 3274: 3271: 3268: 3265: 3262: 3261: 3260: 3257: 3254: 3243: 3240: 3236: 3232: 3224: 3221: 3218: 3215: 3212: 3209: 3208: 3207: 3203: 3201: 3197: 3193: 3192:David Ricardo 3189: 3184: 3182: 3171: 3168: 3164: 3160: 3156: 3152: 3147: 3144: 3143: 3137: 3131: 3127: 3125: 3121: 3116: 3112: 3101: 3097: 3095: 3089: 3086: 3080: 3076: 3074: 3070: 3064: 3062: 3057: 3055: 3051: 3047: 3041: 3037: 3035: 3031: 3027: 3017: 3015: 3010: 3008: 3004: 3000: 2997: 2993: 2989: 2985: 2979: 2977: 2976:human capital 2973: 2968: 2966: 2962: 2958: 2954: 2950: 2946: 2944: 2943:labour market 2939: 2937: 2931: 2929: 2925: 2914: 2912: 2908: 2904: 2899: 2893: 2889: 2885: 2883: 2879: 2874: 2870: 2866: 2860: 2856: 2854: 2849: 2845: 2840: 2838: 2834: 2829: 2827: 2823: 2818: 2816: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2798: 2796: 2789: 2785: 2775: 2770: 2768: 2763: 2761: 2756: 2755: 2753: 2752: 2747: 2742: 2737: 2735: 2725: 2723: 2713: 2711: 2708: 2707: 2706: 2705: 2698: 2695: 2693: 2690: 2686: 2683: 2682: 2681: 2678: 2676: 2673: 2671: 2668: 2664: 2661: 2659: 2656: 2654: 2653:Revolutionary 2651: 2649: 2646: 2644: 2641: 2639: 2636: 2634: 2633:Authoritarian 2631: 2630: 2629: 2626: 2624: 2621: 2619: 2616: 2612: 2609: 2607: 2604: 2603: 2602: 2599: 2597: 2594: 2592: 2589: 2587: 2584: 2582: 2579: 2577: 2574: 2572: 2569: 2567: 2564: 2562: 2559: 2557: 2554: 2552: 2549: 2548: 2542: 2541: 2534: 2531: 2529: 2526: 2524: 2521: 2519: 2516: 2514: 2511: 2509: 2506: 2504: 2501: 2499: 2496: 2494: 2491: 2489: 2486: 2484: 2481: 2479: 2476: 2474: 2471: 2470: 2464: 2463: 2456: 2453: 2451: 2448: 2446: 2443: 2441: 2438: 2436: 2435:Moufawad-Paul 2433: 2431: 2428: 2426: 2423: 2421: 2418: 2416: 2413: 2411: 2408: 2406: 2403: 2401: 2398: 2396: 2393: 2391: 2388: 2386: 2383: 2381: 2378: 2376: 2373: 2371: 2368: 2366: 2363: 2361: 2358: 2356: 2353: 2351: 2348: 2346: 2343: 2341: 2338: 2336: 2333: 2331: 2328: 2326: 2323: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2308: 2306: 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1476:Communization 1474: 1472: 1469: 1467: 1464: 1463: 1462: 1461: 1457: 1456: 1451: 1450:Praxis School 1448: 1446: 1443: 1441: 1438: 1436: 1433: 1431: 1428: 1426: 1423: 1421: 1418: 1417: 1416: 1415: 1412: 1409: 1408: 1403: 1400: 1398: 1395: 1393: 1390: 1386: 1383: 1381: 1378: 1376: 1373: 1371: 1368: 1367: 1366: 1363: 1361: 1358: 1357: 1356: 1355: 1352: 1349: 1348: 1340: 1339: 1332: 1329: 1327: 1324: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1312: 1309: 1307: 1304: 1302: 1299: 1297: 1294: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1282: 1279: 1277: 1274: 1272: 1269: 1268: 1262: 1261: 1254: 1251: 1249: 1246: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1234: 1231: 1229: 1226: 1225: 1222: 1217: 1216: 1209: 1208:Working class 1206: 1204: 1201: 1199: 1196: 1194: 1191: 1189: 1186: 1184: 1181: 1179: 1176: 1174: 1171: 1169: 1166: 1164: 1161: 1159: 1156: 1154: 1151: 1147: 1144: 1142: 1139: 1137: 1134: 1132: 1129: 1128: 1127: 1124: 1122: 1119: 1117: 1114: 1112: 1109: 1107: 1104: 1102: 1099: 1097: 1094: 1092: 1089: 1087: 1084: 1082: 1079: 1078: 1075: 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553: 552: 539: 534: 532: 527: 525: 520: 519: 517: 516: 511: 508: 507: 506: 505: 497: 494: 492: 489: 487: 484: 483: 476: 475: 467: 464: 462: 459: 457: 454: 452: 449: 447: 444: 442: 439: 438: 431: 430: 422: 419: 417: 414: 412: 409: 408: 407: 402: 399: 397: 396:Geoff Pilling 394: 392: 389: 387: 384: 382: 379: 377: 374: 372: 369: 367: 366:Paul Lafargue 364: 362: 359: 357: 354: 353: 346: 345: 337: 334: 332: 329: 326: 320: 318: 315: 312: 306: 304: 301: 300: 293: 292: 284: 281: 279: 276: 274: 271: 269: 266: 264: 263:Crisis theory 261: 260: 253: 252: 244: 241: 239: 236: 234: 231: 229: 226: 224: 221: 219: 218:Socialization 216: 214: 211: 209: 206: 204: 201: 199: 196: 194: 191: 189: 186: 184: 181: 179: 176: 174: 171: 169: 166: 165: 158: 157: 153: 149: 148: 145: 138: 137: 133: 129: 128: 120: 116: 113: 109: 105: 101: 97: 93: 87: 84: 83:value-forming 76: 71: 68: 63: 58: 57: 47: 43: 41: 37: 36:useful effect 33: 29: 25: 21: 4378:Valorisation 4368:Law of value 4337: 4151: 4147: 4142: 4133: 4114: 4105: 4086: 4080: 4061: 4055: 4036: 4027: 4006: 3995: 3960: 3954: 3945: 3926: 3913: 3894: 3885: 3875: 3867: 3855: 3850: 3842:Anti-Duhring 3841: 3835: 3824:. Retrieved 3817:the original 3804: 3799: 3782: 3777: 3769: 3765: 3755: 3751: 3741: 3737: 3729: 3721: 3713: 3712:John Weeks, 3708: 3700: 3695: 3670:. Retrieved 3663:the original 3650: 3645: 3637: 3628: 3616: 3608: 3592: 3584: 3575: 3567: 3558: 3550: 3545: 3535: 3530: 3519: 3511: 3502: 3494: 3489: 3473: 3465: 3457: 3448: 3442: 3431: 3423: 3418: 3408: 3404: 3394: 3390: 3386: 3376: 3370: 3356:Working time 3341:Law of value 3331:Labour power 3304: 3292: 3291:In his book 3290: 3278: 3258: 3250: 3238: 3234: 3230: 3227: 3222: 3216: 3210: 3205: 3185: 3177: 3167:rent-seeking 3162: 3158: 3151:Anwar Shaikh 3148: 3140: 3133: 3129: 3124:Anti-Duhring 3122:comments in 3115:labour power 3108: 3099: 3093: 3091: 3082: 3078: 3072: 3068: 3066: 3063:(1859) that 3060: 3058: 3043: 3039: 3030:labour power 3023: 3011: 3001: 2983: 2980: 2971: 2969: 2964: 2960: 2956: 2952: 2948: 2947: 2940: 2935: 2932: 2923: 2921: 2910: 2906: 2895: 2891: 2887: 2882:Valorisation 2872: 2862: 2858: 2853:cash economy 2852: 2843: 2841: 2832: 2830: 2825: 2821: 2819: 2803:standardized 2802: 2799: 2791: 2787: 2783: 2618:Municipalism 2430:Bhattacharya 1575:Situationist 1550:Instrumental 1203:State theory 1168:Immiseration 1163:Human nature 1153:Exploitation 998: 983:accumulation 597:labour power 594: 586: 580: 578: 571: 567: 563: 559: 555: 549: 547: 405: 228:Wage slavery 182: 117: 111: 107: 103: 99: 95: 92:unproductive 91: 88: 82: 80: 19: 18: 4561:Abstraction 4414:Das Kapital 4302:Mark Fisher 4292:Robert Kurz 4221:John Ruskin 3951:Rubin, I.I. 3891:Blaug, Mark 3726:Makoto Itoh 3634:Kathi Weeks 3549:Karl Marx, 3534:Karl Marx, 3447:Karl Marx, 3422:Karl Marx, 3316:Abstraction 3242:another's." 3142:Das Kapital 3054:agriculture 3046:Makoto Itoh 3007:reification 2996:personality 2984:necessarily 2936:practically 2848:commodities 2815:mathematics 2811:Mesopotamia 2581:Communalism 1980:Wallerstein 1570:Revisionist 1301:Film theory 1281:Criminology 1276:Archaeology 1188:Proletariat 1173:Imperialism 1086:Bourgeoisie 1061:Wage labour 954:Reification 749:On Practice 601:commodities 386:Mark Fisher 381:Robert Kurz 317:Das Kapital 268:Imperialism 223:Wage labour 4535:Categories 4419:Grundrisse 4383:Value-form 4262:AndrĂ© Gorz 4252:Guy Debord 3826:2007-06-05 3672:2013-08-11 3449:Grundrisse 3424:Grundrisse 3410:Grundrisse 3396:Grundrisse 3362:References 3351:Value-form 2992:creativity 2924:capitalist 2909:, and are 2837:value-form 2638:Democratic 2503:Mediations 2115:Przeworski 2055:Poulantzas 1905:Sivanandan 1860:Bettelheim 1760:Horkheimer 1755:MariĂĄtegui 1730:Pashukanis 1655:Liebknecht 1585:Wertkritik 1525:Analytical 1385:Trotskyism 1360:Autonomist 1351:Structural 1331:Philosophy 1271:Aesthetics 1056:Value-form 1024:Capitalist 929:Alienation 922:Philosophy 679:Grundrisse 605:use values 573:Grundrisse 551:Grundrisse 303:Grundrisse 243:Value-form 233:Wertkritik 75:use-values 69:situation. 67:ghost town 4510:Economics 4404:Sarvodaya 4348:Commodity 4211:Karl Marx 3977:220738324 3391:Karl Marx 3198:theorist 3174:Criticism 3153:from the 3034:commodity 2795:commodity 2685:Economism 2648:Reformist 2628:Socialism 2576:Communism 2556:Anarchism 2410:Coulthard 2335:McDonnell 2295:Screpanti 2205:Rowbotham 2070:Harnecker 1880:Althusser 1820:Deutscher 1660:Kollontai 1650:Luxemburg 1630:Plekhanov 1560:Nkrumaism 1471:Classical 1445:Political 1370:Guevarism 1326:Sociology 1306:Geography 1126:Democracy 1074:Sociology 1029:Socialist 994:Commodity 491:Economics 356:Karl Marx 178:Commodity 24:Karl Marx 4331:Concepts 4035:(2003). 4003:(1979). 3985:Archived 3789:Archived 3681:cite web 3581:Ben Fine 3564:Kozo Uno 3310:See also 3239:a priori 2988:identity 2611:Old Left 2606:New Left 2473:Antipode 2467:Journals 2370:Heinrich 2345:Roediger 2340:Douzinas 2330:Hennessy 2285:Holloway 2200:Hartsock 2190:Eagleton 2175:Federici 2150:Bannerji 2125:Therborn 2105:RanciĂšre 2100:Easthope 2080:Anderson 2075:Altvater 1975:O'Connor 1970:MĂ©szĂĄros 1965:Guattari 1920:Thompson 1910:Miliband 1890:Williams 1875:Hobsbawm 1850:Emmanuel 1830:Beauvoir 1795:Lefebvre 1740:Benjamin 1705:Bukharin 1685:Zinoviev 1680:Grossman 1665:Bogdanov 1640:Connolly 1620:Lafargue 1565:Orthodox 1535:Centrist 1486:Leninism 1481:Feminist 1430:Humanist 1411:Hegelian 939:Ideology 621:a series 619:Part of 434:Journals 161:Concepts 132:a series 130:Part of 112:maintain 100:maintain 54:Overview 4473:Related 3925:(ed.), 3857:Reuters 3623:, 1979. 3085:Steuart 2826:treated 2710:Outline 2663:Utopian 2440:Srnicek 2425:Toscano 2420:Seymour 2375:Prashad 2325:Sankara 2320:Berardi 2305:Hampton 2280:Burawoy 2250:Panitch 2245:Haraway 2235:Cleaver 2220:Brenner 2185:Balibar 2140:Postone 2130:Losurdo 2060:Vattimo 2030:Gonzalo 2025:Jameson 2015:Parenti 1955:Liebman 1950:Guevara 1840:Nkrumah 1835:Sombart 1810:Padmore 1780:Kalecki 1775:Marcuse 1735:Bordiga 1720:Gramsci 1675:Trotsky 1635:Du Bois 1625:Kautsky 1501:Western 1380:Titoism 1265:Aspects 1221:History 1141:Radical 979:Capital 684:Capital 629:Marxism 568:treated 173:Capital 26:in his 4121:  4093:  4068:  4043:  4015:  3975:  3933:  3901:  3194:, the 2898:corvee 2822:viewed 2658:Social 2643:Market 2445:Horvat 2400:Fisher 2395:Linera 2390:Lordon 2380:Kelley 2365:Marcos 2360:Ghandy 2350:Foster 2275:Fraser 2270:Wright 2260:Jessop 2255:Clarke 2240:Bishop 2230:Massey 2210:Mouffe 2160:Newton 2155:Spivak 2145:Rodney 2110:Berman 2065:Badiou 2045:Laclau 2040:Harvey 2035:Dussel 1995:Debord 1990:Tronti 1960:Heller 1945:Castro 1940:Berger 1925:Bauman 1915:Cabral 1900:Mandel 1895:Freire 1885:Hinton 1865:Draper 1845:Sweezy 1815:Sartre 1805:Adorno 1770:Brecht 1725:Galiev 1700:Korsch 1695:LukĂĄcs 1670:Stalin 1615:Morris 1610:Engels 1598:People 1375:Maoism 1296:Ethics 1136:Soviet 859:Empire 349:People 256:Topics 134:on the 123:Origin 4363:Illth 3973:S2CID 3820:(PDF) 3813:(PDF) 3666:(PDF) 3659:(PDF) 3050:trade 2880:(see 2869:money 2807:Egypt 2455:Saito 2450:Hamza 2315:ĆœiĆŸek 2300:TamĂĄs 2265:Davis 2225:Davis 2215:Geras 2180:Wolff 2165:Sakai 2120:Cohen 2095:Sison 2090:Vogel 2050:Bahro 2020:Negri 2010:Nairn 1935:Kosik 1930:Fanon 1870:Jones 1825:Hoxha 1800:James 1785:Fromm 1715:Serge 1690:Bloch 1645:Lenin 1466:Black 1091:Class 406:NML: 296:Works 4119:ISBN 4091:ISBN 4066:ISBN 4041:ISBN 4013:ISBN 3931:ISBN 3899:ISBN 3687:link 2809:and 2415:Malm 2385:Dean 2355:West 2310:Cano 2290:Rose 2195:Kurz 2170:Wood 2135:Ture 2085:Löwy 2005:Hall 2000:Amin 1985:Mies 1855:Hill 1765:Dutt 1750:Basu 1605:Marx 1496:Post 1458:Both 1440:Open 556:only 108:loss 96:lost 3965:doi 3190:of 2994:or 2873:all 2839:). 1790:Cox 1745:Mao 1491:Neo 564:all 104:add 4537:: 3971:. 3959:. 3728:, 3683:}} 3679:{{ 3636:, 3619:. 3615:, 3599:, 3583:, 3566:, 3510:, 3480:, 3464:, 3393:, 3297:, 3126:: 2990:, 2978:. 2405:Li 1710:Ho 623:on 42:. 4184:e 4177:t 4170:v 4127:. 4099:. 4074:. 4049:. 4021:. 3979:. 3967:: 3961:2 3939:. 3907:. 3829:. 3732:. 3689:) 3675:. 3632:* 3603:. 3579:* 3570:. 3562:* 3514:. 3506:* 3484:. 3219:; 3213:; 3083:" 2965:q 2961:p 2957:z 2953:y 2949:x 2773:e 2766:t 2759:v 985:) 981:( 537:e 530:t 523:v


Karl Marx
critique of political economy
economically valuable worktime
useful effect
mode of production

economic value
ghost town
a series
Marxian critique of
political economy

Capitalist mode of production
Concrete and abstract labour
Critique of political economy
Means of production
Mode of production
Productive forces
Relations of production
Socially necessary labour time
Wage labour
Wage slavery
Crisis theory

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
