
Talk:Amazing Grace/Archive 1

Source šŸ“

much to the "urban legend" that connects this song specifically with Newton's earlier participation in the slave trade, or with his much later opposition to it, yet your revision introduces the author precisely in these terms. The previous version of the article was much more circumspect in this regard. Much of the biographical coverage in the article duplicates that in the article on Newton, where it really belongs. And, while it is certainly appropriate to discuss the music for this popular hymn, is seems like a can of worms to refer to the tune as a "traditional melody" in the first paragraph, when its possible origins are discussed more fully later. There appear to be factual errors in the section on "Harmony Grove," and I have yet to see a single "scholar" cite even the slightest evidence that the melody is of Scots origin--it's merely feelgood speculation, not worth repeating in WP. I appreciate your edit and your careful citations, and I intend to make further edits in the coming weeks, but it seems a little disingenuous for you to thoroughly revise and expand an article and then immediately nominate it yourself for "good article" status. Finn Froding (talk) 21:33, 14 November 2009 (UTC)
comment by Peter van der Merwe, an author known for speculative flights. Richard Taruskin, while praising one of his recent works, characterizes the author as follows (Music and Letters 81 (2007): 134-9): "Its author, a South African librarian, is a self-taught, amateur musicologist with an eccentric vocabulary and a propensity for overstatement that he is loath to restrain. Its thesis is uncontroversial but the author is naive enough to believe that he is setting the world on its ear with it. Its method is cheerfully ā€˜verificationistā€™ or confirmation-biased, and it uses its debased standards of proof to advance historiographical absurdities." If this is the only source making such a claim, it's certainly suspect. There are strong reasons to suppose that the tune circulated in oral tradition before its 1829 publication--the publication history itself suggests this, with many variants appearing in the southern U.S. within a few years. To suggest an ultimate origin in the British Isles however, and even to narrow down the specific part of that archipelago, is treading on thin ice. Enough for now, I'll return to the article soon, but carefully and verifiably. Cheers.
has become widely believed without evidence of any kind. To single it out is misleading. What is "Scottish music," anyway? The specialized vocal and pipes music of the (historically) Gaelic speaking highlands is markedly different from the song and dance music traditions of the lowlands, and the so-called Celtic influence on the culture of the upland southern U.S. is a contentious, though a legitimate issue. More obvious in these regions is the settlement of "Scotch-Irish," a North American synonym for "Ulster Scots," whose musical traditions are largely analogous to those of the Lowlands and northern England. I'm not going to start an editing war over the issue, but, as a scholar of this specific repertory, I believe the disadvantages of singling out a hypothetical Scottish origin far outweigh the advantages. That Turner mentions it, even in such an offhand way, reflects the limitations of his otherwise commendable treatment, and his background as a journalist. If you choose to revert, I hope you will consider bolstering the speculation with stronger references (if they exist) than those provided by van der Merwe and Noll & Blumhofer. Thanks.
Scottish folk ballad as many of the new residents of Kentucky and Tennessee were immigrants from Scotland, or folk songs developed in Virginia, or South Carolina, William Walker's home state." As we reviewed this earlier, nobody could name a single reliable source that could demonstrate a Scottish origin for the melody, which was first printed in America in 1829, and has never been traced to a printed or manuscript source in the British Isles or elsewhere in Europe. Among residents of Kentucky, and the other southern states where the melody was likely independently transcribed, there were indeed Scots--there were also English, Irish, Welsh, Germans, Africans, and members of various Native ethnicities. Those who single out the Scots seem to be doing so out of wishful thinking, or out of a vague feeling that it "sounds like" a Scottish tune--not a good reason to include it in the article. I would say merely " As neither tune is attributed, and both show elements of oral transmission, scholars can only speculate on the tune's origins. " and leave it at that. Have you found anything new on this, or would you be willing to omit the second sentence?
written about "Amazing Grace" from multiple reliable sources." The thing is that much of what is written is not really about the poem, but about Newton's life, with a huge dose of conjecture trying to connect this one poem, uniquely, with these specific events. I have not found any evidence that Newton, or any of his contemporaries, made such a connection that isn't true of many of his other 280-some poems such as "Afflictions though they seem severe," or "Nay, I cannot let thee go." "'Tis passed--the dreadful stormy night," "When the poor prisā€™ner through a grate," etc. But because the song is a pop-culture fetish, it seems to invite conjecture, because anything that popular must have a good story, eh? Yes, it is a spiritual song about conversion, and the author was indeed a convert. But I suggest that it would be useful to incorporate much of the biographical detail on Newton into the Newton article and merely summarize the most verifiably relevant biography in the Amazing grace article.
simply accepted as paradoxical and mysterious. I fully agree with your two sentences beginning with "God kept calling Newton", and as I said before, some kind of language such as that Newton "gave in", abandoned his pride, embraced God, etc., would be entirely appropriate (that is, if the sentence still fits into the rewritten text, which I'm not sure it does). The distinction is between Newton being in a real situation and making a real choice (which everyone affirms) and the question of who really is ultimately responsible for the event (which is theologically more tricky). Ordinarily I wouldn't make such a big deal over a theological fine point, but since we talking specifically about conversion, and since conversion is intrinsically a theological event about which many theological systems think very carefully (though differently), I think we should try to keep the language as neutral as possible. --
also have to introduce readers to stuff they may not know, and in an open-editing format such as this, it offers too many opportunities for folks to "fix" stuff they see is incorrect or not comprehensive enough, which they may do before reading the entire article. I keep having to remove redundant statements in the first paragraph that say Newton didn't write the melody. That's covered in the 3rd paragraph. So I realize that Newton wrote the hymn, and that should be enough, but for new readers that can be construed as Newton also wrote the music. Lower in the article it's explained that at the time Newton was preaching hymns were religious poetry. If you're ok with the way it's worded now, I'm ok with it as well. There are other ways to get creative, such as inserting a footnote in the lead. I have to wonder how many would read a footnote, but there are already several in the article. --
2106:) have sections titled "Musical Structure". A highly discussed song like this could have a musical structure section. The fault with the current article is that it neither discusses nor depicts the musical structure of the song. Musical structure need not be depicted by the more notable examples, which likely are not PD. Any example by a reputable musical group, such as the one presented could depict the musical structure. I used the term musical structure, which may not be precise. Basically, the casual reader wants to know "what this song sounds like" (Is this the song I am thinking of?). The musical sophisticate wants to analyze musical structure at a higher level, with a discussion of the elements of the score, sheet music, and such. Both types want a section that shows them "what the song sounds like" (which the current musical sample does a poor job at). According to 1486:
free". Kathleen Norris in her book Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith characterizes this transformation of the original words as "wretched English" making the line that replaces the original "laughably bland". Part of the reason for this change has been the altered interpretations of what wretchedness and grace means. Newton's Calvinistic view of redemption and divine grace formed his perspective that he considered himself as a sinner so vile that he was unable to change his life or be redeemed without God's help. Yet his lyrical subtlety, in Steve Turner's opinion, leaves the hymn's meaning open to a variety of Christian and non-Christian interpretations. "Wretch" also represents a period in Newton's life when he saw himself outcast and miserable, as he was when he was enslaved in Sierra Leone; his own arrogance was matched by how far he had fallen in his life.
life." It's also good to note that "hymns" were largely excluded from formal Anglican worship in Newton's time, and also that, strictly speaking, according to the traditional Ephesian distinction among "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs," "Amazing grace" is a spiritual song, focusing not so much on the Deity itself as upon divine influence in human affairs. Still, in the absence of a separate article on NEW BRITAIN or any of the other possible tunes or tune names, we have to cover the music as well, while confirming that according to scholars "hymns are texts" and acknowledging that layfolk often confound hymns (poetry) with tunes (musical settings). And if you have sound or notation examples, it's good to have at least one (a lined-out Kentucky version) that reflects a tune other than the commonplace one.
people" or even just "the Cherokee language" with a wikilink to it? The latter would be better than plain "Cherokee" which seems to name the language. The article is beautifully written and I don't want you to feel it's being compromised; I can only tell you it's discouraging that such elementary things are not understood, but it's a common problem for tribal people who have been conquered. "Cherokee" isn't our name for ourselves, either. The other article is in need of some repair, too. By the way, I had absolutely no idea that AG had such an involved history! I can't really stand the song, and ended up on the article because someone wanted to sing it at an upcoming funeral and I thought it too Christian for our atheist friend, and so I decided to read about it. Good work. And thanks for listening.--
illustration of the 'revivalist' style, but there's much better representations of the the song. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with having multiple versions of the song in this article. Personally, I think the "standard" or preferred version should played on a bagpipe. As for FA standards - I don't think there's an particularly notable cover version of this song, nor if there did exist one. (Side note: There are some song FAs for which there are particularly notable versions. For example, the 1990 London Symphony cover of Gorecki's 3rd symphony. This fact should be stated in the article, but I'm not sure how much the article should dwell on this fact. Regardless, that's a moot point here, because IMO there is no particularly notable cover of Amazing Grace.)
banned from any projects on Knowledge for being relentless in the pursuit of rewards at the expense of various content review processes. This appears to be a significant factor in how long this is taking and whyever you are directing your exasperation at me (or you plural) is a mystery. To put a fine point on this absurdity, what if all three US Air Force versions were added to the article long enough for Tony to get his star, then I remove them because they don't belong there? I've not seen any evidence that Tony truly cares about the cohesion of the material in the article, so that would seem to please everyone while at the same time shamefully abusing Knowledge and misleading readers to think that the US Air Force versions are notable when they are not.
space the song deserves means that I am disingenuous. I spent a couple weeks hunting down books, bought most of them, read them, and wrote the article. I do not own it. You are welcome to find other sources, read them, and add to the content. However, as it is now, I think the article fulfills the GA criteria. It can always be improved. I think it can be promoted to featured article, and with that in mind, I will continue to improve it. Returning to my opening point, as one of the most popular or recognizable song, it means many things to many people. It is going through a peer review. I am soliciting all the opinions I can from experienced editors on Knowledge. I hope you will participate because the topic is a worthy one. --
1224:"allowed": is cited to Turner, who discusses the Calvinistic roots of the song, but also notes that it is adaptable to other schools of thought. Bruner and Ware (Turner also) discuss Newton's pride as an obstacle to his being able to accept the messages he was being sent by God to bring a full transformation. The "allowed" refers to Newton acknowledging at the lowest point in his life that he had no more pride left and was thus able to allow the transformation to take place. It is supported by Newton's own words. As I stated in the edit summary, if you have differing sources that speak to another interpretation, please provide them. No doubt a section on "interpretations" is going to provide multiple views. -- 4432: 1556:
So, as I understand Calvinism, that God chooses the person and the circumstances under which the person comes to God, thus there is no personal decision in the conversion. I don't know if that's accurate, but it seems not to fit completely with what the sources are saying. God kept calling Newton, over and over, apparent by the many near-death experiences he had, and Newton refused to heed the call until his arrogance was gone. I guess it could be argued that God caused the circumstances by which Newton's pride eroded, but there is an element of personal decision in Newton's conversion. I don't think it's right to completely remove the
you quite seriously! But I just cannot bear to try a repost, but I will try to mention a few of my thoughts. As for Turner, I did find him on Amazon and I am not ready to see him as any sort of expert on what Newton may have been thinking or experiencing. Also, Turner seems to think that new age thought seems to now prevail with redemption and self worth being seen as an "innate quality within all people who must be inspired or strong enough to find it", however the Evangelical "born again" experience in which God removes our sin is a large and growing movement. Like BlueMoonLet, I'm in no hurry and I hope you feel better soon.
running around insisting people who are trying to add it have some sort of problem. You can just discount any Sandy argument against me because she argues on behalf of anyone who contests anything I say. If you were insisting the sky is not blue, you would likely get policy support from Sandy who has already shown that she is willing to ignore the fact that virtually all other similar FAs use non-notable renditions. Sandy and I have a history where she takes sides against me on any issue I raise on WP and ensures the votes follow to see that her contestation carries. She will probably tell you this herself.
but usually if I'm hit over the head with a point by multiple sources then I include it in the article. I also have no background in theology or any particular religious influence, so I wrote only what I thought was covered by sources. After writing multiple featured articles on Knowledge, I understand that when I form the majority of the article myself I inevitably color the material using my own values. I just hope I do it as fairly as possible most of the time. If I have no particular religious views, then none strike me as significant when they are mentioned in the sources.
3231:, you ask why I think more than one version is relevant to the text. I feel that if there are 7000 versions of varying styles, you should present a few different styles. String and brass arrangements are different styles in my mind (although I am not a music scholar). Jazz is certainly different than the other two and than the current revival version. If none of the FU clips you intend to create demonstrate jazz renditions, you should also include the jazz, IMO. Are you making the argument that you think the three versions that I have presented are all the same style?-- 3282:
have at least gotten the main author to present content that helps the reader understand what the song sounds like although the experts on music probably would still like a more technical discussion on the sound. I am glad to see the fine examples that have been added throughout to help the reader. I remain puzzled at the direction of the instrumental versions which would seem to me to address the text. I pointed out a location where they would add value, but seem to have been rebuffed. I await information on the expectations about the instrumental versions.--
and Blumhofer. Both discuss the details of Newton's life, which they got, I'm assuming, from his journals and biographies published before 2000. So I went where they did and read Newton's autobiography in his letters to the Earl of Dartmouth, and two other biographies to round out the sources so they wouldn't all be autobiographical or pre-1950. Turner, as you know, also discusses Newton's life, as does Bill Moyers, so with four sources and more still yet to be found, it seems a summary of Newton's biography is an integral part of this article.
ogg and whatever I need to do to add quality to the article. I'll be happy to add one of the USAF Band files where appropriate, but I disagree with adding another because it does not illustrate anything that sources mention and as one file shows what the song sounds like, another one doesn't make that understanding any clearer unless something else is being highlighted, like the style or the way the folk roots of the song have changed. Again, because you can't provide a source to discuss that, one USAF Band sound file does the job. --
1799: 3596:
can reach an agreement it seems is through one of the early stages of dispute resolution: an RfC. This debate has really shown the worst in some of you (being a collective pronoun here), the attitude displayed has so far been nothing short of unsavoury and childish. And what's more is the reticence of the FA Director(s), I have yet to see Raul (or Dabomb) to opine on the matter and serve as mediators so to speak. As I said, if the matter cannot be resolved in a mature fashion, I believe it is necessary to pursue
2619:) have exhibited this several times. Instead of agreeing now to go and read the sources, which I've told you to do not only to answer your questions about which versions are notable, but also to illustrate how much information sources dedicate to the structure of this very simple melody, you're going to keep making the same arguments that don't matter. Nothing matters, Tony, aside from what the sources say. Not what you say or I say. Go read the sources. But I'd advise you at least to read the article first. -- 1473:
rather than tattooed on its skin." For example, "when Newton referred to himself as a 'wretch' it was with total depravity in mind, but an opponent of the doctrine... could take it to mean a feeling of despondency. Likewise, 'I once was lost but now am found' was meant by Newton to emphasize his inability to save himself and thus his utter dependence on God, but it could be taken to mean 'I once felt confused and unsure of my direction in life but now I feel as though I am on the right path'."
did there? Ha. Anyway...I have concerns about points being made succinctly and using as few words as possible while still being written on a professional level. The quotes by Turner are, in my opinion, too extensive and should be paraphrased. If Turner's own words are making the point for us, it should be quoted in full, and ideally, a comment that could never be made by Knowledge: one that espouses a clear emotional or value opinion, which we are precluded from making by the NPOV policy.
3648:, through you James?--because he has been banned from that project, to again push to get all three US Air Force versions in the article. The talk page for this article was not notified of that discussion, nor was I as an editor who has raised pretty darn good points about these files. That's poor form on Knowledge and a clear attempt to gain undue consensus about these files from editors who are wholly unfamiliar with the issues in the article. He has furthermore on your talk page, James, 4620: 31: 923:
article dispels that theory (I hope clearly, and if not I can make it clearer), but as such, it was necessary to make it clear that he was a slave trader and a slave himself briefly, that he was not on a slave ship when he had his conversion, that he continued in the slave trade for several years after his conversion--his conversion was not immediate and not related to guilt about slavery, all in order to dispel the rumors that surround the song such have been widespread.
2637:). You do not note any notable versions. The current consensus prevailing practice at FAC, is to include available PD versions, when there is no prevailing notable version (note my list FA above does not include songs where there is a prevailing notable version). Note some FAs even include military band versions. You have stated that I have presented two examples of what amounts to the "New Britain" tune. What is wrong with adding these two versions to this section?-- 4501:
be something perhaps it's not. However, the sentence is as accurate as it can be; it only offers guesses and the guesses are published by experts in reliable sources. I've not found anything different about it, but I haven't looked. I can do that. I have access to a different library than I did when I wrote the article originally, and it may have more to say about the melody's origins. If you have sources, by all means, dust them off and let's see what we can find.
inevitable that I'm going to miss some, so I am always happy to find them where I can. I think with multiple sources that speculate on the origins of "New Britain", "St. Mary", and "Galaher", it would not be difficult to simply say what musicologists or anthropologists think of the songs' origins. Some older sources work with the origins of William Walker as a native of Spartanburg, South Carolina, writing the songs he may have heard there. Others work with the
God's sake, Tony, don't you write FAs? Don't you know that "it is not perceived" as passive voice is poor writing and is unfavorable basically because it says nothing? Passive voice is used by people who have no point and can't back up their assertions. Who perceives this? Certainly not I. I see it doing exactly that: placing undue weight on these versions when more popular and meaningful versions are more appropriate, not because I think so, but
the article should reflect what sources have highlighted as examples of styles and notable versions. As a hymn that has been changed hundreds of ways as folk songs often are, it would be more meaningful to illustrate how it has changed with time, dependent on location, even on the race of the singers/musicians. That is currently explained somewhat in the prose. It could stand to be illustrated more, particularly with a subject like music.
compromise to place one US Air Force version in the article. It doesn't matter to me which one; they're all three equally irrelevant to what the sources say about the song. It's also not clear what you or Tony think is gained by illustrating "New Britain" three times. It's the same tune, you know. Unless there are notable ways in how the tune is expressed, as in the various folk music techniques, what is the reason for the redundancy?
not feasible to state that the reason a version is included is because it's beautiful. The article would be inundated with similar opinions for thousands of versions of the song. Also, for an opinion such as this, it's important to cite who is making claims that the song is notable. Until a source can say why this version is notable and for what reason--beyond it being beautiful--I'm going to remove the mention of Johnston's version.
4243:(p. 118). Documentation of "Amazing Grace" before the 1990s states that this was the first recorded instance of the song in musical notation, but later research has proven this to be inaccurate. The "New Britain" tune section addresses this with the most accurate documentation available. Therefore, I don't know what kind of value including this information has. I've hidden this information until it can be discussed further. 3722:
flawless and irrelevant sounds unrelated to articles. You get your star and articles remain excellent. You're the FS delegate. Put that in motion. Otherwise, perhaps any Dispute Resolution or RfC needs to happen between Featured Sounds and Featured Articles. FA writers should be aware that any FSC could go in any FA despite how little sense it makes to place it there. I think there may be some objections.
2094:. I will summarize my points there here: You have text in the article that states "The ability to record combined with the marketing of records to specific audiences allowed "Amazing Grace" to take on thousands of different forms in the 20th century." You also have text that notes several notable renditions. My point is that many well-structured song articles (and even half-arsed ones like 3162:
for FU creations. I don't understand the phrase "improve the article but do you no service" in this usage. However, if you are going to create the FUs yourself, then once you do for "balance" as you say, I would still propose adding both a string and a brass instrumental to the New Britain section after you add the other sample content to avoid the "apple lesson" that you perceive.--
provides only anecdotal information, and as such should be considered a primary source. Knowledge defers to secondary sources, opinions from historians. Who says the Cherokee sang this? Where is the documentation? In the two books I consider comprehensive about the song, Steve Turner's and Jonathan Aitken's, neither dedicates any space to the song's use among the Cherokee people.
1192:, your language implies that the modern "communal understanding of redemption" is to reject Calvinism. Clearly it is incorrect to imply that there is even such a thing as a single "communal understanding" of such a fundamental theological topic, nor is it correct to claim the demise of Calvinism. Again, even if this is what your source says, it is inappropriate. 2278:, which is suppose to summarize all the information of the article, that any particular renditions are notably associated as the definitive versions of the song. Does this article present information on any particular versions of "New Britain" (as you call it) that are notable? I am very new to adding .ogg files. It is my perception from following along at 3379:. Dropping three marginal songs into the lead of a featured article is not something I expect of an editor experienced with featured content-- I'm glad to see this is being sorted now, and hope this discussion will stay on the topic of how to best accomplish that, and that you will refrain from adding sound files to the article until there is consensus. 1185:, I am concerned about the word "allowed". This word endorses a particular theological interpretation of Newton's conversion, and in fact one that Newton himself would have rejected. Even if this is what your source Turner said (I do not currently have a copy of his book), it is inappropriate for WP to take sides on controversial issues. 4334:. Articles should ideally be written for a reasonably intelligent high school student to be able to understand. These are musical terms, clearly relevant to the topic, but this is a meaningless sentence for casual readers. I'm going to remove this from the lead. It's also worth discussing if it should be included in the lead. 1533:, and perhaps also mentioning Turner's "once was lost" example (though perhaps one example is enough). You seem to be saying that the "allowed" bit is not fitting into your new paragraph; does that mean it could perhaps just be dropped? I think the last sentence in your new paragraph might cover that point well enough? -- 3898:#3 establishes that media in FAs should be placed "where appropriate". That leaves a lot open to interpretation, particularly in this case. If that needs to be clarified at Featured Article Criteria, then it should be. I've never participated at Featured Sounds; I don't know if that process needs to be clarified also. -- 934:
acknowledges that some of this speculation is based on the popularity of the song rendered in bagpipes as well. If you don't have access to Turner, I can summarize his points here, and if it's useful, put them in a footnote in the article. If you have sources to state otherwise, then I'm happy to read them.
As for the second point, about the wording of the sentence, I'm sure you know it's difficult to introduce the difference between what hymns used to be and what they are today in the first sentence of the article. First sentences are often nightmares because they have to be written accurately and they
begs questions from conscientious readers. It was inserted as a compromise, and I can't remember now how it came about. I'm ambivalent about removing it or keeping it, because I agree that folks really want "Amazing Grace" to have a slave origin, or Scottish origin, or whatever it is, they want it to
I would suggest saying "Tsalagi" and letting it redirect, but that's because it's important to me (and mine). It's probably of little interest to anyone else (which is a painful fact of life). Would it be too cumbersome to say "Tsalagi, the Cherokee language" or "Tsalagi, the language of the Cherokee
Furthermore, responding to your incoherent comment about tenure and my years on Knowledge would be flattering it by notice. I should not have to respond to that because you should never have brought it up, FS delegate. You should know better than that. I've made excellent points about the content of
says something about use of Featured Media, in fact I'm certain the FAC say something about the use of Featured Media to accompany the article as supplementary material. SandyGeorgia may assert her position as an FA delegate, but I am an FS delegate, we're locked in this stalemate and the only way we
These conflicts often end up in compromise, Tony. So if you can convert the sound files I've mentioned to ogg, clip them to 30 seconds and load them, I'll write the hell out of the fair use rationales, the captions, and anything else that needs to be done. Then I will be more than happy to add one of
I am aware of more or less three dozen editors who have more featured content to follow than you do; most of them also oversee projects, and are humble and interested in content more than promoting themselves via rewards and stars, so you may not be aware of just how many of them there are. They tend
Your holier than thou attitude is unbecoming. I help out around here in all kinds of ways. I actually had intended to go into content creation semi-retirement until the FS on the main page motivated me to help the Sound-hunters. Of course, since you seem to lack the sophistication to pursue the sound
AFAIK, FU sounds and FU images all count against FU limits. If you have 3 FU images, you are not suppose to add a couple of FU sounds, AFAIK. P.S. I am not sure you said what you meant in the second sentence because I infer that you mean you are annoyed I want to negotiate to get USAFs in in exchange
These conflicts often end up in compromise, Tony. So if you can convert the sound files I've mentioned to ogg, clip them to 30 seconds and load them, I'll write the hell out of the fair use rationales, the captions, and anything else that needs to be done. Then I will be more than happy to add one of
Miss .. the editor seeking to add material to an article is the editor who needs to supply the source-- do you have sources discussing the notability of these songs, or are they just a collection of trivia for you to keep up the "been there done that" you mentioned when FS were added to the mainpage?
I have no problem with captions that say the following: Instrumental (string) rendition of "Amazing Grace", also known as "New Britain", performed by the United States Air Force Band Strolling Strings and Instrumental (brass) rendition of "Amazing Grace", also known as "New Britain", performed by the
Many Wikipedians arrive to edit articles within the scope of their personal interests. That is why I came here and it appears you have come to do this as well. Your interest in Native American flute and some related topics can be quite helpful to Knowledge. Your additions to the site, however, should
I think both Bruener and Ware and Turner are saying that there are two meanings to "wretch": Newton's total depravity, profanity, sin, etc., and his fall from pride. The sources make it seem as if Newton may not ever have had his conversion unless he was distanced from his pride, until he hit bottom.
For example, "when Newton referred to himself as a 'wretch' it was with total depravity in mind, but an opponent of the doctrine... could take it to mean a feeling of despondency. Likewise, 'I once was lost but now am found' was meant by Newton to emphasize his inability to save himself and thus his
In recent years, the words of the hymn have been changed in some religious publications to downplay a sense of imposed self-loathing by its singers. The second line, "That saved a wretch like me!" has been rewritten as "That saved and strengthened me", "save a soul like me", or "that saved and set me
Hi there to both of you. I wrote a rather long post this morning and BAM! I lost it. I live on the US East Coast and we had storms this morning and the power went out for a moment. Moni3, I know you are a good editor and that you have worked very hard on this article, so I take a disagreement with
When you say "before and after", do you mean Calvinist and pop-psych? Such a chronological view is untenable, because not only is Calvinism alive and well today, but the view that salvation comes from "grace within" was extant in Newton's time and dates at least to Pelagius in the 5th century. Here
Firstly, I totally agree with the point that the song is acceptable to a wide variety of schools of thought despite its Calvinist roots. My edits were partly an effort to better emphasize this point. As for "allowed", I agree with anything along the lines that Newton "gave in", abandoned his pride,
Moni3, there's a lot of good information in your rewritten article on Amazing Grace, but in my opinion it's too long and too broad. While it's certainly legitimate to claim that the poem was a response to a conversion experience, the same could be said about most of Newton's hymns. There's really not
I have absolutely no idea what "erathe" is!Ā ;) it was meant to be "era the" but it doesn't take much to put a space in, nor does it take much to put an s on the end of occasions. I do think prose works a lot better here than a two or three bullet list, as would most reviewers at FAC. The Franklin bit
I have nothing against pictures of bagpipers, but a picture of a bagpiper--even if we are told he's playing Amazing Grace--does not add to the article. It's not a picture of Amazing Grace, it doesn't actually say anything about Amazing Grace. If there were some way of seeing, from the picture, that
Many believe that Newton heard the music from the slaves he transported who usually only knew 5 notes or what we call the "Black Notes" or what Europeans call Pentatonic. If you check most Slave Spirituals you'll find the same 5 black notes on almost all Negro Spirituals. There are many that actually
I've seen two local performances of this song, done for comic effect, sung to the tune of "Gilligan's Island". I can't document these performances due to the age and nature of these small shows, but they were separate performances by different artists. I'm adding this comment to encourage others to
There is nothing odd about the captain of a slaves transport being a Christian - most were. Half of the USA kept slaves until 1865 - but 99% of the people, Black and White, professed to be Christians. All of the slaves transported across the Atlantic were already slaves when loaded in Africa. Most
is not explicit enough on this matter, although it features a definition of a Christian hymn by respected scholars Eskew and McElrath: "a lyric poem, reverently and devotionally conceived, which is designed to be sung and which expresses the worshiper's attitude toward God or God's purposes in human
Another issue that arose in recent good faith edits reflects the ambiguity of the term "hymn" itself. The article currently begins " Amazing Grace" is a Christian hymn with lyrics... " One editor wanted to change "lyrics" to "words." To a hymnologist, the point is moot: a hymn, is defined as a poem
for future reference). I looked at it previously, but assumed (from experience) that the lack of discussion here meant that you were no longer interested. So for clarity, I should ask if you have any responses to the points I made above. As for the sound file, I see that you created it. I have vague
While there is room for the article to be improved, and I certainly appreciate anyone willing to access the sources to work on improving the article, these changes for now don't achieve that goal. But as I said, I'm eager to discuss improvements with Hyacinth or anyone else willing to do the work to
That would be appreciated MoniĀ :) I'm glad that this is over. I'm relieved that we're not using all three, I didn't even get a proper listen of the pieces up until now. The FS criteria are undergoing an overhaul, you can participate in the discussion if you like, propose a mock-up, what have you. It
where there is currently an image of William Walker and a free sound file that is referenced by the text. I'm assuming he thinks it is more appropriate to 1. remove the image of Walker and the current free sound file despite very obvious reasons they should be in that section, or, 2. violate the MOS
Yes. I will create one clip for one USAF inclusion, two for two and three for three I've been editing for some time now and this is about the most mean-spirited thing I've ever read on a talk page. I would tell this editor to go to hell. I would refuse to work with this editor. No clip is better
I am sure you are aware that there are few people on WP who have more FAs, FLs and GAs to watch than me. I have about 300 of those to watch, plus all the other articles I watch that I have created and others that I volunteer to watch. In addition, I oversee three projects. In terms of discussion, I
These are personal attacks, TonyTheTiger, and besides that, unhelpful to the discussion. You've been on Knowledge too long for a talk page warning, but knock it off. Perhaps you unwatch FAs that you have contributed to once they're earned a star, but many FA writers pour heart and soul into writng
Because without the other samples I mentioned above, it's the equivalent of what in education is known as "apple lessons". To get kids to do busy work, teachers sometimes have kids color pictures of apples or something similarly mindless. It doesn't tie into anything meaningful, and it doesn't build
before you took it upon yourself to decide to insert these sound samples into it. You did not consult the talk page. You just assumed you knew what the hell you're doing by placing these samples in the lead. Your comments here and on Raul's talk page (discussions in two different venues, by the way,
we are suppose to substitute free use for fair use whenever possible. Since the article states that the first recording of this song was in 1922, most of the notable recordings were published after 1923. Thus, although you might be able to explain to the reader what the song sounds like with fair
I've got what I think is a rather useful, informative, non-commercial pages that includes sheet music for the New Britain melody. I didn't see sheet music available or referenced on any other part of this page, so I added a link. It was quickly removed, and I'm not sure why. OK, so I'm rather new to
So I'm not quite understanding your point: are you saying it's inaccurate that "Newton allowed his conversion to take place" if Newton was a strict Calvinist? The Bruner and Ware source I have makes it seem as if Newton had to reach his lowest point, the bottom of the barrel so to speak, in order to
I'm slow in responding because I have a bad sinus infection and I'm pretty heavily drugged. Gandydancer, maybe because of the drugs here I take it you think Steve Turner (a he) is not a reliable source? Have you read the book? I take it not, because you don't know Steve is a he. What kind of vetting
There is more than one tunebook entitled Columbian Harmony. The one by William Moore of Wilson Co., Tennessee was published in 1825. The one by Benjamin Shaw and Charles Spilman of Kentucky was published in 1829. This is the one that contained not one but two versions of the tune later printed as
Thanks for the note. What's a "erathe"? And "on several occasion". (Should the latter be plural?) These weren't there before, so the text did actually change. This information is list-like, so a list mechanism was natural way to present it when we were tidying up the article a couple of months ago
Also there is no indication that he continued his slave trade while serving as a priest and it was during his time as a priest that he penned Amazing Grace. He claimed to have converted to Christianity in 1748 and he continued as a slave trader for some time following. He entered the priesthood in
Moni3, the "Scottish origins" issue has arisen again in the recent discussion and I must say I'm still very uncomfortable with the current version: "As neither tune is attributed, and both show elements of oral transmission, scholars can only speculate on the tune's origins. These guesses include a
There are more than 7,000 recorded versions of the song, so any mentions of specific versions need to include a source, which was included, but also a reason why a specific version was notable: either it charted, or exhibited a kind of folk music technique discussed in the source, for example. It's
Yes, that is what I meant. I meant no offence in what I said, I don't agree with the use of FS's in articles just because they're featured material, yes, there does need to be cohesion, but the addition of those pieces to the modern interpretations section was harmless. Having listened to all three
some of the performances there aren't mentioned in the article. As a Featured Sound it means it has been identified as a piece of superb quality and flawlessness, which both pieces were identified as being. Furthermore, their addition to the other renditions section was not inherently disruptive as
Then let me be clear. It's quite obvious to me that you have no interest in improving this article unless it serves to give you some featured credit. I don't respect that in the least and I cannot stress how much disrespect I have for that attitude. So I'll do the work to convert the sound files to
Yes. I will create one clip for one USAF inclusion, two for two and three for three. Also, please note that I have not examined your images, but the clips would be FUs and would count against a conventional limit of FU content in an article which is in about the 2-4 range for FAs. So if you already
The lining out version currently in the article illustrates one of the ways the song has been sung. I think it has distinct value to the understanding of how folk songs morph so much. I'm not opposed to adding other samples, but they should be meaningful to the text, which is to say that samples in
Raul, your preference for the bagpipes is the instrumental 1972 Royal Scots Dragoon Guards' version, which has its own paragraph to describe it in the article, and remains the best selling instrumental song in UK history. But caution: it's not official. It's just one version. I want to stress that.
is so full of confusion and errors that I hardly know where to start. What policy is this? Surely because a file is free does not make it perfect or even good for an article, and especially an FA. So whatever policy you think you're referring to, it does not apply to FAs. "It is not perceived"? For
Hi, can you please add citation for "It has been played following American national disasters such as such as the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the September 11 attacks". I can understand, that User Moni3 removed my request as obvious for Americans, but speaking
BlueMoonlet, you seem to have a special interest (and this is not an accusation, just an observation) in Newton's Calvinist theological roots. When I constructed the article, I do not recall coming across points that were made in multiple sources that discussed Calvinism. Certainly it is in Turner,
I think this paragraph can be incorporated into the first in the section, which discusses the differing meanings of Newton's wretchedness. As it appears, the "wretch" discussion is addressed in the first and then third paragraphs, broken by the second. This is incongruous and ungraceful. See what I
provided a suggestion, and you haven't given much of a specific reason against it. "Popular" would be a small improvement, but it leaves intact the chronological sense that Calvinism was then and pop-psych is now, which is distractingly controversial at best (more below). My text simply sidesteps
I think there is some value in stating that other Newton hymns also address his conversion and life of sin, but of course, why this one took on a different life should be addressed in the article. So what I will look for over the next few days are statements from sources about the general nature of
recognized song in the English language (though this was softened a bit in the lead to say one of the most), and a veritable American institution to the point of being overused, I don't believe it is either too long or too broad. Actually, I found that the song is so popular, so widespread, that it
you forgot to mention the fact that the song was also recorded by the successful japanese j-pop singer Mika Nakashima in two different versions, one of them used in her album "BEST", and the other one in her album "TRUE", you did write it in articles referring to the singer, but you did not mention
Moni3, I think the treatment of the "hymn" concept is ok, but the points I raised could well be kept in mind in any future editing, especially in the introduction. I feel I must draw the line at the "Scottish" meme, which perhaps influenced by the recent adoption into the highland pipes repertory,
I had the same problem when I tried to add the FS for O Canada to the article, however, after a few hours of debating we all agreed on a compromise and that piece has been in the other media section with no complaints thereafter. The material doesn't necessarily need to tie-in with the article, it
No, I'm acting as a third-party observer, my contributions to the article are not in my capacity as an FS Director or in support of anyone's position. If you don't agree with my additions, by all means revert my contributions, no questions asked. This argument has NOT lasted 2 days, it was a whole
This has gone on long enough, if neither of you can come to a reasonable compromise on the matter I believe an RfC should be initiated, whether on unbecoming user conduct or on the sounds themselves. Featured Media should always be used in place over other readily available free media as they have
ogg files are not my forte, even though I've written song articles previously. For some reason, I can't figure out how to convert mp3 or mpeg files despite other editors explaining it to me quite clearly. If I could do this, I would add 30-second samples of the shape note version previously linked
Sources have well described notable versions of the song that have added to its popularity or illustrated a style, such as shape note singing, that helped disseminate it across the U.S. I have already listed them in this discussion. If any sound samples are to be added, these are the ones that are
To post images at Commons, it would have to be in the public domain or you would have to release it under the GNU free documentation license. To be honest, there are so many issues with uploading images that I very rarely do it unless I know for sure it's free or in the public domain. The image in
The article needs to be an encyclopedic overview of the topic. While the sheet music for it at first sight could seem relevant, quickly that becomes a distraction. You inserted a link for music tailored to a specific instrument. For fairness then any published link to sheet music for "New Britain"
I was just thinking I might make an edit replacing the first and third paragraphs of the section with Moni3's suggested rewrite above, but I notice now that the second paragraph also needs to be included in the rewrite. In particular, the first sentence of that second paragraph still implies that
While "there is no personal decision in the conversion" may seem to logically follow from the doctrine of predestination, it is not actually what Calvinism teaches. There is a "both-and" element (rather than "either-or") between divine election and personal responsibility that, to some extent, is
The communal understanding is again Turner's point. This is more secular pop psychology, New Age religion, and self-help. It is not meant to imply that religions themselves have changed. "Communal" can be changed to "popular" or some other similar word. If you have a suggestion, please provide it.
One idea would be to have a separate but linked article about Newton's life, rather than chopping information. That would make the article more concise about the hymn, while the historical information about the great man's life would be easily referenced by those interested, and probably easier to
On Newton's life: this is a matter that may be somewhat deceptive about Newton's life in relation to the best reliable sources. I do my best to find the the most authoritative. There are two sources that are article/chapter length sources about the song. One by Pollock and one by Hindmarsh in Noll
I never said one or three files were disruptive in the Modern interpretations section. Irrelevant and redundant absolutely. I'm also troubled by your illustration in O Canada: you added the file, so of course you would support it. But how can you justify it? After a few hours debate etc
The "not all sound has to be relevant to the article" is laughable. That just makes absolutely no sense at all and I don't know how you aren't embarrassed trying to explain that. Why not make FS, if you and FS enthusiasts want featured credit so badly, not have to be in articles? They can just be
1725:, a third-party edited source is necessary to supply a citation. I peeked at your contributions and you appear to be adding material that you have authored. Please make yourself familiar with the reliable source policy so that you will know what to expect when you add information to an article. -- 1472:
Over the years, "Amazing Grace" has been loved and valued by many people who do not share Newton's Calvinistic view of redemption and divine grace. Steve Turner explains this phenomenon as an example of Newton's subtlety, saying that the song's "theological distinctives were buried in its sinews
If it's the size of the article that concerns you, with some experience writing FAs, this is a relatively medium sized one that I don't plan on expanding too terribly much, especially not the details of Newton's life. Newton's life in this article is a very bare-bones overview of what the sources
Thank you for your responses. I will certainly take these into account, and will continue minor edits with a view toward addressing some of the questions, including Harmony Grove and the tune's relation to tradition. You write, quite reasonably, "The article is so far a summary of what has been
What are the factual errors in the paragraph of Harmony Grove? Can you point me to sources that refute what is already there? As much of the history of the melody is unknown, there are a lot of "probably"s in that section. I have no problem saying outright that record-keeping in folk music in the
The tune first appeared in 1829 in Columbian Harmony. With minor variations, it appeared again in Virginia Harmony (1831), and Genuine Church Music (1832), all with different texts. Finally, it appears as "New Britain" in Southern Harmony (1835), now linked with Newton's hymn. I've revised the
Clearly I don't object to free media as there are free versions in the article already. I added one of them. However, I object to versions of the song that are superfluous; not mentioned by the sources either in totality or as an illustration of a folk music technique. I thought it a pretty good
Since I was asked to give my two cents on the issue - I think Tony's song contributions are very good and definitely should be included this article. Finding free music for these articles is hard, and finding good quality music is harder still. The version I uploaded isn't great - it's not a bad
Hi - Just thought it was worth pointing out that it is not only Calvinists that believe in Total Depravity, or that grace must come from outwith ourselves. This is also, for example, the belief of Arminians. And, as Blue Moonlet says, Calvinism is certainly not dying out - I would say that it is
It will take a month or so probably for someone to get to reviewing this for GA. I'm not sure how replacing the article as it was, lacking in citations, written poorly and confusingly, with a trivia section that added nothing to the overall understanding of the song, not giving it the effort and
There is enormous uncertainty about the modern tune- it could well have been written by Newton, albeit unlikely. What is most unlikely is that it was derived from negro songs. Typical African songs of the period would not have been recognisable as spirituals. Negro spirituals arose in America,
It's not that strange. "Amazing Grace" is a common meter hymn, and many poems and hymns were written in common meter, making the lyrics interchangeable with any tune that could fit eight syllables in the first line and six in the second. This is noted in the article, as is the fact that Newton's
So, Dispute Resolution if it pleases you, but I'm confident in my position and unless someone can prove with a reliable source that these three US Air Force versions are integral to the understanding of the material in the article, I don't see any reason to change my opinion. I've also not been
Why are these versions notable enough to put in the lead? Or for that matter, anywhere in the article? There are a few notable styles or versions (shape note singing, call and response, lining, Judy Collins' version, the Royal Scots' Dragoon Guards' version) that sources have stated are somehow
I overturned BlueMoonlet's edits because s/he did not counter with a source that disagrees with the wording or made any mention that the sources used are not reliable. Once I can actually keep a single thought in my head, hopefully in a day or so, I'll be able to suss out if this is a matter of
Newton's original sixth verse is "The earth will soon dissolve like snow...". Edwin Othello Excell published a hymnal (see the Urban revival section) that popularized a version of four verses: Newton's first three and a fourth verse not written by Newton starting with "When we've been there ten
does not state anything for sure, but merely what scholars have speculated. Because much folk music history before 1829 was lost, I have no problem making a clear statement that it is ultimately impossible so far to know for sure where the song came from but that some theories include Scotland,
source, so I will search for it and see what it says. I copied the list of sources at the Library of Congress "Amazing Grace" collection and used what I have access to, and have searched what I can think of, as well as collecting what I can from bibliographies in what sources I have found. It's
recommend embedded lists for some things: see the second form of their New York City buildings and their "Philosophers discuss" examples. And that information in "Amazing Grace" seems to be in that category. (Perhaps it needs a some "parental" heading text, though.) Could I suggest we continue
I would say by treating them well, taking time to ensure their well-being, and seeing to it that they leave his care only by going to a good owner who will treat them well. As I understand the slave trade, most of the slaves picked up by these ships were already slaves, and such a fate would be
reservations about it, which can probably be overcome if you explain what value you think the sound file adds to the article. It's going to go up against the other sound files already there. When you added it originally, no text was provided to explain what readers should understand from it. --
Related note: Turner's book is used as a source in this article, as I stated. Please keep an eye on making sure information from this source and others already used as sources is cited consistently. Anything coming from Turner should be cited as "Turner, p. 118", for example. Collins wrote the
weak link to "Amazing Grace". The documentation on this from the source is nearly unacceptable to be included in the article. One sentence, written in passive voice: "It is said that 'Amazing Grace' was sung so often along the Trail of Tears it practically became a Cherokee anthem." The source
What are you trying to accomplish? I appreciate the mistype, honestly I do, but for this article, for this instance, one US Air Force file is enough and the compromise, in my opinion, is sufficient. If you want the strings version, I can change it. I don't really care. You should be aware that
issues that with a lack of interest in helping for other reasons. Look in the mirror to see the reason for your disrespect. As ugly as your holier than though attitude is, I hope it does not crack. When the FA director tells you he would like to see content added to articles, you should not be
This is my point. 7,000 renditions of this song. There is no single version that defines what the song is. Not even the "New Britain" tune is the "official" version. Not even John Newton's original lyrics with any specific melody is the right or official version. It's a folk song, one that has
More importantly, however, is the issue with linking it back to this article. Similarly to trimming trivia, ensuring that articles do not become link farms, or overly long lists of links to external sources, is essential. I have concerns about linking to specific sheet music as I also do about
What exactly is an "African American spiritual"? Slaves were not US citizens, so this seems to be an anachronistic term on some level. Moreover, the term "negro spiritual" is used on the Knowledge page that it links to. Copious examples of the use of negro spiritual are available. "African
I am familiar with the musical literature, and have Turner's book, which has turned up much useful information. He cites Harmony Grove, correctly, as the 1831 title of the now-familiar tune as printed in Virginia Harmony (1831). His only substantial citation on Scots origins of the tune is a
Newton's participation in the slave trade: I agree this is somewhat an urban legend, but as it is described in the Critical analysis section, other sources--including some that ostensibly have quite some authority--insist that "Amazing Grace" is Newton's response to his slave trading days. The
First, sources about this song almost invariably include information about Newton's life: like almost all of his life. The article should be a summary of what sources cover. I disagree with your assessment about the amount of space dedicated to Newton. If you would like to discuss why this is
above, Fiddlin' John Carson's version, Judy Collins' version, and the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards' version. With these meaningful examples, there is of course room for a full free version. I would choose one of the three USAF Band versions, and I'm leaning toward either the string or brass. --
Scottish origin: Another "probably" (Jessye Norman speculated it would be "quite unbelievable" to contemplate that it was a slave song), but Steve Turner (p. 118ā€“124) does go into quite a bit of detail, including some scholarly sources who insist the song is Scottish in origin. Turner also
4034:. Swiderski was a professor of anthropology at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, I'm not sure if he was still when the book was published or what he is doing now. This is certainly the best source for a full discussion of the translation. Obviously, I'm using google books: 3653:
by placing three (irrelevant) sound files in the section that already has an image and a free sound file that are very relevant, or, 3. some other thing I cannot anticipate. These moves are baffling to me and all I can surmise is that TonyTheTiger does not care about the article quality.
Please try to get an art article through FAC with a gallery chock full of junk pictures, or multiple unnecessary sound files that add nothing to the article. If you have sources discussing why these sounds are notable, pls add them. Otherwise, please carry your experiment elsewhere.
seems to assert that "Negro spiritual" is the proper terminology. It's cited five times, but none of them are really reliable sources. Do you know of an authoritative source, as in an encyclopedia of music or some such, that would confirm this is the term used for this genre of music?
Likewise, the song can be sung to tune of the theme song for Gilligan's Island. Someone (who I doubt has actually tried it) has claimed this needs fact checking. How do you tell people to fact check something they can do for themselves? (By actually trying to sing it to that tune?)
The article on John Newton only mentions his slave trade career in passing. The majority of the article focuses on his time as an Anglican priest so to suggest that reached his "greatest success" in any profession other than the one for which he is most well known, is misleading.
I noticed the article says Amazing Grace was translated in "Cherokee." This really should read: "...into Tsalagi" (which is the name of our language). We don't call our language "Cherokee". It would be nice if Moni or someone else would change it. Thanks. Great article, as usual,
It is common policy in song articles to use non-notable renditions to represent the encyclopedic content of what the song sounds like. It is not perceived as giving prominence to such version, but rather as providing the reader with a chance to understand what the song sounds
It is common policy in song articles to use non-notable renditions to represent the encyclopedic content of what the song sounds like. It is not perceived as giving prominence to such version, but rather as providing the reader with a chance to understand what the song sounds
can be used to illustrate modern interpretations and renditions of the piece. Your aversion to this change is quite disconcerting. Well, when you talk of your tenure in such a manner, why then are you so averse to change, haven't the years taught you anything on the matter? ā€”
myself, I prefer the brass and strings rendition over the jazz vocals, however, the brass rendition isn't as majestic as I'd hoped it'd be. But I digress, yes that comment about your tenure was irrelevant, I completely misread your statement and I apologise for that as well.
The disparity refers to the before and after views of Grace. Where the Calvinist view of Grace is God choosing the person to give Grace to, the popular or communal recent interpretations are saying that Grace is within all people and we must work hard enough to find it.
and maintaining FAs, and your appreciation of that fact might help advance this discussion. Please stop dropping things into the article without discussion; you already know your additions are disputed and under discussion, and discussion should proceed here on talk.
In the passage I quoted, it seems to me that Turner is saying that, while there may be two meanings to "wretch", total depravity was Newton's intended meaning while more general wretchedness is the meaning that more naturally occurs to listeners with other theological
This should be discussed. I think it adds too much emphasis on one person's opinion, particularly as no one really knows where it came from and many musicologists and anthropologists have speculated on it. I'm going to revert this for now until it can be hashed out
Without the lyrics, the song is just "New Britain", so the first two samples should be labeled "New Britain", or they should be explained in the caption that without the lyrics, the song is just "New Britain" and the lyrics have been joined to at least 20 melodies.
252:"A great irony of the song's history and its role in the civil rights era is that Newton reached his greatest success in the slave trade after writing the song and being born again (although this is not to imply a connection between his profession and his faith)." 4472:
designed for singing, and the tune is another entity with its own history, so we could simply say "Amazing Grace" is a Christian hymn by ... John Newton, etc." I'm not suggesting this; I think the opening is appropriate in its emphasis on the text. The article
James, the entire conversation took 2 days. Are you referring to this discussion that has gone on long enough? Or further attempts by TonyTheTiger to insert all three free media files into the article despite the fact that he has been topic banned from Featured
4433: 2186:. As for providing readers with a true understanding of what the song sounds like, this is why NFCC was created. If you truly think free sound content is the best way to illustrate what a song this notable and widespread sounds like, record yourself singing " 3416:. I generally check in on these about twice a week using related changes rather than having them on my watch list. Yes trying to get along with the editor regarding included content. Still have a few more tax issues to figure out so I will keep this short.-- 4560:
Like I said, I'm ambivalent about the sentence and don't care much if it stays or goes. But be prepared at some unforetold future point that someone is going to fuss about it. I may nudge you when that happens as you feel more strongly about it than I do.
not be self-promotional. You will be frustrated time and again if you seek only to link to articles in such a way that you would benefit. I recommend you approach editing Knowledge to add information simply to do so, just to improve the collection here. --
There are almost 7,000 versions of "Amazing Grace". I hope the limitations of Knowledge's tenets of free material aren't forcing the article to exhibit these sound samples, giving them some prominence they clearly do not have, only because they are free.
2127:. I should use that feedback to describe the current musical sample by saying "This is not well recorded, even for not very listenable. There were other...recordings old enough to be public domain which would be more representative of how the 3764:
the article and the appropriateness of these files in the article. FS and FA operate separately for the most part and there is a genuine difference in approaches here, it should be resolved between the two projects. I suggest starting a discussion at
TTT, it appears to me that trying to add non-notable versions of a song to the lead of a Featured article (three of them no less), while stating that you only learned to upload sound files last week, may be an attempt by you to, as you have stated,
There is no evidence this experience had any influence on his slave trading or his converson to Christianity. The sudden alteration in his attitudes because of a storm at sea is, I believe, a myth. Snopes and other less easily influenced sources say
can be included, then different versions of "New Britain" depending on the year. The article then no longer is an overview of the topic, but a list of links that are somehow tangential. That is not what Knowledge is for, as you can read in the
1859: 3210:
stuff, you are free to be a hater. Since learning how to do so 5 days ago, I have added FU music clips to article with no likelihood of any recognition. All three of the articles that I have added FU clips to since learning how to do so ("
4031: 1528:
I knew the quote was too long, but I thought the job of incorporating into the text you had already written was best left to you. And I think you've done a great job. I might tweak it a little bit, such as perhaps actually mentioning
3978:(the spam also removed lyrics in Cherokee, which I never cared for). I'm a bit confused if there is a problem with the mention, as it is a big deal to many people, so I'm adding it back in. Let me know if I should add more citations. 1239:
embraced God, etc. The question is at whose ultimate will did these events take place, Newton's or God's. The current wording comes firmly down to say it was Newton's, while I suggest WP should not be wading into such deep waters. --
1817: 127:
Most Christians thoughout history have seen no problem with combining slavery and a belief in Christ. And remember that the most devout Moslems in Arabia kept slaves until the 1960's - or still have slaves, if some reports are to be
It looked like fan-vertising. I've re-arranged things to put it as just another item in the list of versions and tried to neutralise the unsourced opinions ("widely popular" etc.) CCM is "Contemporary Christian Music", by the way.
These are not notable renditions. As stated below. When noted renditions are not PD and we have PD renditions that present the same encyclopedic content (what does this song sound like, in this case), we can and should use the PD
1838: 1510:
be able to accept God's salvation. In a less proselytizing way to write that, it came out as "allowed his conversion to take place". If you have specific objections to the way that's written, can you provide alternate wording? --
Why is my aversion to adding these files disconcerting? How can you not see my point and subsequently the disconnect between "material doesn't necessarily need to tie-in with the article"? Do you not connect it with WP:UNDUE or
Yes. The movie references the life of John Newton who wrote the hymn text. So I think a mention is fair. But such mentions should be brief, as the movie has its own article. Indeed, I've just stripped out much extraneous stuff.
the USAF Band sound files to the article, and make sure that its caption is meaningful to the text. This is called a compromise offer and the thing you are describing as meanspirited is called a compromise counteroffer. The
Please make some attempt to present a cogent statement. Neither of the two things ending in periods above is even a sentence. the first has no verb and the second has no subject. How am I suppose to even attempt to argue with
ApJ: I've come to agree with you. The movie has its own article. And 'our' article starts with a disambiguation reference which guides anyone seeking the movie towards it. So I've removed the reference for the time being.
OK, thanks. This is helpful. Would it be considered valuable and pass the criteria on Wiki inclusion if I posted sheet music into WikiCommons and then cited that here? I'm just trying to provide some useful resources ...
2123:, does not mean you should toss aside valid examples of "what the song sounds like". Also, please note that the current musical sample in the article is a poor example of how the song should sound. Earlier today, I got 3375:
to work quietly without drawing attention to themseleves or touting their perceived accomplishments. I'll be glad to see focus here remain on the article and not name-calling aimed at Moni3, and misinterpretation of
1199:, I honestly have no idea which "disparity" is being referred to. If you can explain your meaning, I might be more comfortable with the current text or may be better able to suggest a rewording that you would accept. 4021:
Hmm, I used the Arcadia Local History Series book because it seemed the most general interest well-distributed source. A couple other good sources on this are poet Robert McDowel's book on poetry and spirituality,
So these were added to the bottom of the lead. They're free, so that's a plus. However, I'm not sure how relevant they are to the points of what sources have expressed and what has been summarized in the article.
Simply adding one version of the song will give the impression that it is the "right" one. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guard version is based on Judy Collins', which gained enormous unsolicited popularity in its time.
Regarding "Question 2" - I had a look at Turner and could not find a reference supporting the modern "communal understanding of redemption". Is this just a bit of personal essay, or did I overlook the reference?
467: 4497:
These guesses include a Scottish folk ballad as many of the new residents of Kentucky and Tennessee were immigrants from Scotland, or folk songs developed in Virginia, or South Carolina, William Walker's home
doesn't matter if you're unfamiliar with the process as we're looking for wording which everyone will agree on and that wasn't as ambiguous and open to interpretation as this and the prior criteria. Regards, ā€”
So, which is it? Did the tune first appear in 1835 or 1829? Or is the first sentence just horribly constructed, and meant to indicate that the tune was first put to these lyrics in 1835? What's going on, man?
You keep talking about complementing the text with music. I am presenting two instrumental versions that complement the New Britain section and you have not explained why they should not be included in this
It's nice of Dr. Blofeld to show up here; he also supported all of TTT's FACs, which were lengthy, difficult, and often had to have significant prose and MOS corrections by other reviewers in order to pass.
1319:. Pop-psych types are not primarily thinking about the disparity between their view of grace and that of others, they're simply thinking about their view of grace, which is the general sense of my edit. -- 3633:
As a folk song, it has taken on many renditions. This song in particular is used to illustrate various folk music techniques like lining out, shape note singing, and call and response. This is cited in the
277: 1560:
to the fact that he allowed the conversion to occur, but perhaps reworded with the Calvinist sensitivities in mind. And since my Calvinist sensitivities are shaky, I don't know how this could be reworded.
I rewrote the article in November 2009. I scrapped the entire article completely and started over fresh. Everything in the article, aside from the Cherokee thing, was in the sources listed at the bottom.
There appears to be two versions of the sixth verse. One that starts "When we've been there ten thousand years.." and another that starts "the earth will soon dissolve like snow..." Which one is right?
pretty much the best thing that could happen to them at that point. Is it still wrong? Yes. But maybe, perversely, better for the individual slave, even if it perpetuated the institution as a whole. --
This was added to the first paragraph of the Dissemination section. The first paragraph in "New Britain" tune section discusses the publication history of the musical notation. Steve Turner discusses
it's a picture of Amazing Grace, that would be fine. But a picture of a bagpiper playing Scotland the Brave would look identical: indeed, we have only a flickr caption to tell what it claims to be.
1857: 1108:
thousand years..." There have been dozens of versions of Newton's verses set to different music, with his verses, with other verses. I'm not sure there is such a thing as a right version, though. --
Sounds, not images. And don't worry about it. If you're going to dicker like this over files that would clearly improve the article but do you no service, I'll do it myself, frustration and all. --
Yes, it is true that my primary interest in this article is to improve its discussion of Newton's Calvinism, and to point out that the hymn's popularity extends far beyond theological distinctives.
There are more than 7,000 recorded versions of the song. A few versions are very notable, namely Judy Collins' version and the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards', samples of which are now in the article.
1815: 2323:
I honestly don't see a problem with Tony's additions on this and actual think even if not the best quality they most certainly have encyclopedic use. They don't have any copyright issues right?ā™¦
1836: 1619:
was my suggested rewrite, but now much of that same thought is incorporated into the newly rewritten paragraph. So I'll hold off on editing the text until we straighten out that question. --
Please don't use the undo tool (or at least, don't leave the automatic summary in) if you are reverting a good faith edit. What exactly where the "errors" contained in my edit and why did you
that non-notable renditions are commonly added to help the reader understand the song. I will have to get back to you on policy. Please point me to the significant versions mentioned in the
transitioned and changed over two hundred years. With recorded music more changes: lyrical addenda, musical instrumentation, melody, style, have all been individualized with each recording.
I like BlueMoonlet's edits and I feel that his/her reasoning is solid. This article is giving "Turner" a lot of authority. I'd like to know more about this person. Is s/he in wikipedia?
is assumed to be understood that everyone knows it. It is used to illustrate a number of musical techniques and only until recently has there been some kind of analysis on the song itself.
1764 and did not meet the co-author of the hymn until 1767. According to this page, the hymn was written in sometime in 1772 and it was first published as a collection of hymns in 1779.
the most appropriate. A version that is never mentioned by sources only serves to confuse readers why it is included when much more notable, famous, or academic samples are available. --
use samples of notable recordings, it is not necessary. There are plenty of PD examples of "What the song sounds like" in its variety of forms. A large proportion (if not majority) of
1858: 302: 2250:. With that in mind, there are songs where the original version is considered the notable version of the song. The reader can infer the importance of such a rendition by reading the 1816: 1123: 1837: 1672: 1767:
listing or linking to the more than 6,000 recorded versions of "Amazing Grace". For a song as widely known and recorded as this one, it is best to keep the information generalized.
So if you truly care about the quality of material in this article ... load 30-second samples of song versions that are most appropriate according to the sources. They would be:
3222:") have little chance of attaining higher quality levels and FU clips are FS-ineligible. You are misinterpreting my lack of interest in helping you create clips because of your 475: 144:
were enslaved by their own chiefs, or by Arabs. They probably would have had a better life as slaves in the New World than if they had stayed in the old - free or a slaves.
I think it's worth it to add the "once was lost" point in the paragraph and cite it to Turner, but as ever, an accurate paraphrasing of Turner's point is the challenge. --
294: 4035: 3695:
1-2 week argument when Tony was pushing for their addition to the article during the FS process. The matter is, not all sound has to be relevant to the article. Look at
1687: 1077: 867: 536: 3641:. The sound files in the article mostly do that except for the US Air Force one, which is just kind of there for no logical reason other than the fact that it's free. 1138: 1683: 1663: 470:, and it has audio samples, now, so maybe the code for taking it out of that category is broken. I don't see an explicit inclusion of this article in that category. 854:
the tune "New Britain" of which the composer is unknown and which is in William Walker's shape-note tunebook Southern Harmony, 1835. Shape Note version from 1835.
471: 290: 163:
Some times it is necessary to include a trivia heading. Not many people know this but Swing Low Sweet Chariot can be sung underneath Amazing Grace. Try it out.
utter dependence on God, but it could be taken to mean 'I once felt confused and unsure of my direction in life but now I feel as though I am on the right path'
In March 2008, mention of the song as something that was played for shortened funeral services on the trail of tears was marked as needing improved references
Is there a logical reason to have one file in there that is not notable according to the text and not others, especially when it has poor recording quality?--
as somebody from the other side of world without daily detailed media coverage of the events in question, I'd like to have some references for that. Regards
semantics. That's very often the case. Apologies for not tackling this immediately. I hope it can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction in a couple days. --
532: 504: 4026:. The story from this book about how the song was used in a shortened funeral rite was the story I learned as a kid. McDowell has had a good career as an 3624:
At any rate, revisiting this, in summary: TonyTheTiger added three US Air Force versions of Amazing Grace to the lead. I objected on the following grounds:
2709:, is not really relevant when it is the consensus prevailing practice at FAC. The consensus prevailing practice at FAC does not require notable versions.-- 2396: 621: 327: 269: 2167:
I read your replies in the Featured Sound nomination, but did not respond because you could not provide a source to state that these versions are notable.
1130: 911:
Too long and too broad: The article is so far a summary of what has been written about "Amazing Grace" from multiple reliable sources. As it is probably
393: 207: 4228: 3032:
I will do one clip for each USAF file you are willing to include in the article. Hit my email this user. I will reply with my email. Send me .mp3s.--
2754: 2001: 887: 453: 4030:, although I think concentrates on spirituality, so I figured that source wasn't so good. A super-boring academic source is Richard M. Swiderski's, 2847:
I strongly agree with Moni3, especially this statement: "Simply adding one version of the song will give the impression that it is the "right" one."
2091: 1144:
Well, this can be debated I guess. Africans didn't come over on slave ships singing Christian songs. It took a generation or two. But the article on
document a more widespread use if they can. It would be especially interesting if it can be determined it's this discussion creating the phenomenon.
3443: 3391: 3309: 3276: 2786: 2736: 2701: 2591: 1962: 3529: 3100:
Clarify, please. You will only convert one file if I agree to add only one USAF Band file? I just want to make sure I understand that correctly. --
2888: 2388: 2370: 2254:, which in a well-formed article (of which an FA should be), would explain to the reader any particular renditions that are notable. In terms of " 434: 224: 164: 2158: 2124: 1449: 1435: 1358: 4257:
adds more information from the inaccurate allmusic source and is problematic on several levels. I'm going to restore this section the way it was.
3868: 3813: 2274:
versions are the notable versions of the song. Thus, the song samples from those versions. This article does not present any information in the
The Native American Group Walela has recorded the song and the lyrics are available on their website, where it says that the Cherokee lyrics are
323: 2403:. Do you have sources discussing the notability of the songs you want to add here? If not, you might have better luck experimenting on a GA. 104: 1332: 1309: 1292: 1269: 1117: 765: 750: 4570: 4543: 4520: 4003:
Unless you know of much better sources for this information, this may be a mere footnote for this article if it should be included at all. --
3543: 3258: 3204: 3189: 3156: 3142: 3109: 3095: 3059: 3027: 2966: 2933: 2664: 2628: 2573: 2540: 2522: 2313: 2241: 2051: 1158: 1020: 778:~im doing an essay on the song amazing grace and would like anyones input on what they get out of the song -what it means to them. thank you 721: 684: 4161: 3575: 2856: 1632: 1609: 1578: 1546: 1395: 1377: 1252: 1233: 1065: 568: 153: 1780: 1753: 1734: 4451: 4424: 4408: 4175: 4144: 4130: 4089: 4068: 4042: 4012: 3645: 3591:
been deemed by the community to have a high level of artistic standard and quality which is paramount to other available media, I'm sure
2415: 1923: 1033:
Too much about Newton. It should be severely chopped. The paragraphs for the whole piece are too long anyway, and so is the lead. Yours,
239: 3491: 2838: 2329: 2119:
articles and are commmonly accepted on wikipedia even though notable recordings of many of these songs exist. The fact that you have a
of a source are you suggesting needs to be done? An entire book is written about the song. But not reliable enough for you then? Why so?
585: 544: 3976: 3973: 2247: 2084: 316:
christian childrens fund had a version done of amazing grace sung by a male accapella,can anybody tell me who the artist is.thank you
4023: 3949: 3907: 3777: 3716: 3685: 1707: 1081: 4486: 1850: 479: 2810: 2421: 308:
The song was also sung in honor of Jerry Garcia by the Bob Weir's Ratdog on December 8, 1995 following his death on August 9, 1995.
107: 3975:. That tag was removed eventually, but then mention of the trail was removed in a spam, and as far as I can see never reintroduced 3673: 1042: 987:
Newton's hymns and what they addressed to make the point that this is not the only one of his that speaks of grace and conversions.
122: 93: 2439: 2018: 137: 3637:
Ideally, media in any article should complement the sourced material. This should be a concrete rule in a Featured Article, per
I'm ok with you calling me holier than thou. God forbid I'm unbecoming to you. However shall I exist? Thanks for...nevermind. --
1101: 971: 871: 840: 188: 1808: 1667: 655: 298: 195:
The words can doubtless be sung to hundreds of tunes, from many cultures around the world. But is this information notable, or
825: 801: 4267:
of common terms. "Lyrics" is debatable, but "melody" should be simple enough for any English reader to know, and the link to
1652: 1216: 705: 180: 4111: 3736:
made no comment on the compromise of the one US Air Force file. Is it not enough in this article? Must there be three? Why?
2495:. Sandy of all people knows that notable rendition is a totally made-up standard that is not relevant to any discussion.-- 2476: 2340: 1829: 1073: 863: 577: 540: 145: 375: 167: 3982: 1679: 1659: 947: 647: 629: 4610: 4379: 4370:
make it a better article. As long as, you know, the changes meet the highest expectations for articles on Knowledge. --
He gives only examples of sound recordings that are relevant to their articles, but that are not mentioned in the text.
679: 611:
What speaks against quoting the lyrics in the wiki article if they are public domain anyways? The author died in 1859.
335: 3512: 3426: 3292: 3241: 3211: 3172: 3125: 3078: 3042: 2949: 2871: 2769: 2719: 2647: 2556: 2505: 2353: 2296: 2141: 2079: 2034: 1984: 1945: 1906: 1790: 1698:
adding information on Knowledge, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to offer what I think is useful information.
1692: 1519: 787: 779: 272: 69: 4666: 3068:. I am not sure what you are going to send, but some clips may not be 30 seconds depending on what is permissible.-- 1644: 1628: 1605: 1542: 1391: 1328: 1288: 1248: 1212: 3516: 3430: 3296: 3245: 3176: 3129: 3082: 3046: 2953: 2875: 2773: 2723: 2651: 2560: 2509: 2357: 2300: 2246:
First of all, I just learned how to make .ogg music files this week. My first music .ogg contributions on WP were
2145: 2038: 1988: 1949: 1910: 4117:
Tsalagi redirects to Cherokee (and there's only one mention of the term in that article). There is an article for
have stated are the most important parts, even as they relate the highlights of his life to the words of the hymn.
417: 351:"a rock version of Amazing Grace with an added chorus which has since become widely popular in the CCM community." 4362: 906:
Hi, Finn Froding. I'm going to answer your issues here one by one, and I appreciate the scrutiny on the article.
520: 510: 3649: 4459: 4203: 3612: 331: 1182: 1170: 695: 1028: 3585: 3064:
P.S. unless the full-length version is at least 5 minutes full 30-second versions are not permissible under
2216: 3808: 2220: 89: 2634: 2065: 4260: 4254: 3405: 1616: 1316: 1275: 1196: 1189: 698: 664: 4187: 2486: 4627: 3219: 2706: 2686: 2400: 500: 389: 38: 3018:
the USAF Band sound files to the article, and make sure that its caption is meaningful to the text. --
2258:", the article in the lead presents that the notable version is by Dylan. I have never created an FA 74:"He continued to be a slave trader for several years after his experience, but with more compassion." 4101: 2468: 2255: 2187: 1763:
was published before 1923, so public domain. If it's sheet music you wrote, you'd have to release it.
1715: 893: 808: 746: 461: 184: 2427:
USAF Band version still not notable. More words on the talk page (Raul's too) doesn't change that.
1893: 1056:
and the right-aligned Table of Contents. They look unspeakably bad on my 1200-pixel wide browser. --
1086: 581: 149: 3563: 1718:
guidelines. There is no reason the Native American flute should be singled out for this treatment.
4276: 2096: 1164: 1097: 845: 773: 651: 625: 590: 449: 430: 371: 204: 2453:
shows almost all renditions in articles are not described as notable versions in the text. See "
When Newton allowed his conversion to take place, it was a profound supernatural transformation.
199:? I think not, and so I will delete this section. Feel free to put it back if you can provide a 4539: 4482: 3967: 3508: 3422: 3387: 3376: 3288: 3272: 3237: 3168: 3121: 3074: 3038: 2945: 2867: 2765: 2750: 2715: 2697: 2643: 2587: 2552: 2501: 2411: 2384: 2349: 2292: 2137: 2030: 1980: 1941: 1902: 1134: 967: 883: 836: 791: 783: 408:
Does this movie actually have anything to do with the song? If not, why is it even mentioned? (
158: 4606: 4264: 3800: 3571: 3487: 2852: 2324: 2068:. The brass version could add something there but adding it would mess up the block quote. -- 1648: 1624: 1601: 1538: 1445: 1431: 1387: 1354: 1324: 1284: 1244: 1208: 1038: 496: 489: 385: 311: 1490:
Now I'm rather stuck in incorporating the following parts of what I wrote and what you did:
2073: 821: 797: 643: 617: 528: 413: 319: 286: 176: 77: 756:
needs a reference as well, why exactly is it notable in the history of this hymn? Regards
8: 4342: 4206:) made to the article in good faith. I'm changing some of them to adhere to the rules of 3408:
is one list of articles I watch. I also volunteer to watch a list of dozen articles like
are non-notable versions by military musical ensembles. They complement a vast array of
2102: 1749: 1703: 813:""New Britain" first appears in a shape note hymnal from 1829 called Columbian Harmony." 357: 4027: 4636: 4582: 4420: 4404: 4197: 4158: 4141: 4108: 3765: 3558:
If it was not too hard to do, is there any chance I could get you to add a clip to the
Furthermore, flutopedia appears to be a wiki where anyone can add information. Per the
1093: 742: 738: 712:
in articles like this when prose would suffice or actually be an improvement. Regards.
445: 426: 367: 344: 220: 47: 17: 2759:
I don't think presenting what the song sounds like is unnecessary in a song article.--
I look forward to improving this article with you and discussing our progress here. --
4535: 4478: 4118: 3520: 3503: 3434: 3417: 3380: 3300: 3283: 3265: 3249: 3232: 3180: 3163: 3133: 3116: 3086: 3069: 3050: 3033: 2957: 2940: 2879: 2862: 2806: 2777: 2760: 2743: 2727: 2710: 2690: 2655: 2638: 2580: 2564: 2547: 2513: 2496: 2404: 2377: 2361: 2344: 2304: 2287: 2149: 2132: 2042: 2025: 1992: 1975: 1953: 1936: 1914: 1897: 1865:"Amazing Grace" jazz vocal version by the United States Air Force Band Airmen of Note 963: 879: 832: 708:. I can't see how it introduced errors when I didn't actually change the text. Lists 2992:
on other lessons in writing or math that help students connect to other disciplines.
2343:. It is probably an uncommon form of the prayer, but still enlightens the reader.-- 1823:"Amazing Grace" string version by the United States Air Force Band Strolling Strings 255:
This statement does not match up with other information available on
4602: 4331: 4308: 4224: 3567: 3483: 3065: 2848: 2682: 1620: 1615:
the modern "communal understanding" is to reject Calvinism. You might recall that
1597: 1534: 1441: 1427: 1383: 1350: 1320: 1280: 1240: 1204: 1034: 118: 85: 857:
The melody later known as "New Britain" first appears in Columbian Harmony (1829),
4566: 4516: 4447: 4429:
Hello again, Hyacinth. You responded to one of the points here, the sound file. (
4375: 4211: 4171: 4126: 4064: 4008: 3903: 3895: 3773: 3681: 3638: 3539: 3401: 3397: 3215: 3200: 3152: 3105: 3023: 2929: 2834: 2624: 2536: 2491: 2481: 2459: 2435: 2267: 2237: 2212:
Fiddlin' John Carson's version because it uses the lyrics with a different melody
2069: 2014: 1776: 1730: 1574: 1530: 1515: 1373: 1305: 1265: 1229: 1154: 1113: 1061: 1016: 943: 817: 761: 729: 717: 709: 409: 356:
Who is the CCM Community? Can someone expand that abbreviation and wikilink it?
247: 235: 133: 4635:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
Could James have miswritten "relevant" when he intended "mentioned in the text"?
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
4593: 4288: 4157:
Ga li 'e li 'ga, v g lv, Moni. (I am grateful, my sister. From Awi Usdi, aka --
3524: 3438: 3304: 3253: 3184: 3137: 3090: 3054: 2961: 2883: 2781: 2731: 2659: 2633:
The article currently has a whole section devoted to the instrumental version (
2568: 2517: 2472: 2449:
that I can find. It seems to be made up for convenience. A quick run through
2365: 2308: 2283: 2275: 2266:
and see if there are any notable renditions of a song. E.g., my GA version of "
2263: 2259: 2251: 2153: 2116: 2107: 2046: 1996: 1957: 1918: 1745: 1699: 926:
Traditional melody: in the first paragraph of the lead, what would you suggest?
classless thing is to then refuse to negotiate after getting a counteroffer.--
1844:"Amazing Grace" brass version by the Ceremonial Brass: United States Air Force 1052:
Secondly, I'm going to have to revert the changes to the 600 px wide image of
4416: 4400: 4193: 4086: 4039: 3979: 3223: 2336: 2271: 2059: 403: 216: 2228:
If the sample in the article is poor now, then fix it. You can also contact
4319: 4316: 4207: 3597: 3592: 3556:
Counteroffer? What do you think this is, a garage sale? Nice job Moni3!
3413: 2802: 2454: 2450: 2446: 2279: 2229: 2120: 2112: 1722: 675: 564: 200: 2430:
Read article, Check sources=Quality work and understanding. Simplicity. --
2397:"learn how to do a FS to keep up my main page been there done that thing"; 4312: 4268: 3409: 2464: 196: 114: 81: 516:
believe the "Slave Scale" is the foundation of Newton's Amazing Grace.
4562: 4512: 4443: 4371: 4284: 4167: 4122: 4060: 4004: 3940: 3899: 3859: 3769: 3707: 3677: 3603: 3535: 3482:
than one added with this sort of spirit, especially for this article.
3196: 3148: 3101: 3019: 2925: 2830: 2620: 2532: 2431: 2233: 2010: 1874: 1772: 1726: 1570: 1511: 1369: 1301: 1261: 1225: 1174: 1150: 1109: 1057: 1012: 939: 919:
Conversion experience: It's not me making this claim, it's the sources.
757: 713: 231: 129: 816:
Most people seem to agree the Coumbian Harmony was published in 1825.
606: 3700:
from what I can see, you, Moni, were the one making a big fuss of it.
2191: 1145: 1129:
American spiritual" sounds like a neologism. Would like to change.
Perfection. I will unhide the Cherokee fact and replace it with the
They don't belong in the lead. (They were moved to another section.)
find by those searching for historical information about the author.
3696: 602: 230:
lyrics were sung to about 30 different melodies (and still are). --
argues that "New Britain" is an, "overwhelmingly Scottish tune"),
pushed to get all three to be placed in the "New Britain" section
have 2 or three FU images in the article we need to be careful.--
671: 560: 2531:
Same point. Not notable when other versions are very much so. --
scholars speculate that they may have been Scottish folk ballads
missing information (about singers who performed "amazing grace)
So if its no longer linked search for "File:Example.extension"
Also, what do you think the infobox adds to the article? Also,
does not reference music, but an island near Papua New Guinea.
please experiment elsewhere. Regarding Ava Maria, please see
foreword, so her name should not be included in the citation.
Looks good. Thanks for taking such good care of the article.
3559: 2335:
I have just notice a non-notable performance of Ave Maria at
4473: 283:
her here(both of the versions can be watched on youtube).
Why should I? You clearly haven't made the effort even to
FA. See how well that goes over. I will wait for you here.
The name of "Amazing Grace" in Hmong is "Yexus Hlub Kuv"
source. Thank you for digging up some sources on that. --
The metamorphosis of English: versions of other languages
The metamorphosis of English: versions of other languages
citation needed for use of the song in national disasters
2685:(which a collection of non-notable songs is). See also 2445:
Notable version is not a standard relevant to any other
Newton didn't even write the music. The tune is called
Where is the licensing, artist, and source information
In 1831 it was published in Winchester, VA. as part of
I edited my post a little to make my thoughts clearer.
I am out of ideas, so any suggestions on what to do? ā€”
started a discussion at Talk:Featured Sound Candidates
early 19th century was scarce and much music was lost.
To find information about an audio file linked thus:
Until that is addressed, the link has to be removed.
Thoughts: Hiding them did not improve the article.--
4283:("Amazing Grace") is, "a heart-rendingly beautiful 576:
derived more from English hymns than African music.
381: 1382:I'm not in a rush, and I hope you feel better. -- 2092:Knowledge:Featured sound candidates/Amazing Grace 1892:Ceremonial Brass: United States Air Force in the 99:How can you trade slaves "with more compassion"? 466:For some reason I don't see, this article is in 3404:. If you want to know what articles I follow, 1315:again, you haven't given a good reason against 2009:I've hidden them. Anyone have any thoughts? -- 468:Category:Song_articles_missing_an_audio_sample 4591:Orozco, Ron. "Merced Hmong Alliance Church." 3674:have you not involved yourself in the matter? 1124:Isn't the appropriate term "negro spiritual"? 605:for the listing of their recordings and see 1759:this article of the shape note notation in 1481:I've attempted to join the two paragraphs: 850:This little tidbit appears in the article: 1003:. The wording that is in the article now, 4495:Finn Froding, I agree that this sentence 1931:relevant to how the song became popular. 637:John Newton seems to have died in 1807. 4287:setting of the well-known melody," for 2209:the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards' version 2131:should sound." I have provided three.-- 14: 4667:String Quartet No. 4 ("Amazing Grace") 4633:Do not edit the contents of this page. 2262:article. I do know enough to read the 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 4038:is a list of other possible sources. 1169:I have three questions regarding the 685:Should number ones be in list format? 4614: 2477:On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away 2341:File:Schola Gregoriana-Ave Maria.ogg 2190:" in the shower and place it in the 1894:Amazing_Grace#.22New_Britain.22_tune 1851:"Amazing Grace" (jazz vocal version) 741:rather than here? Hope that helps. 614:Kangaroo 17:42, 28 April 2008 (UTC) 266:This statement needs to be deleted. 25: 23: 3212:Sideways (Clarence Greenwood song) 2064:You mention the hymn tune used in 1873:Problems playing these files? See 1797: 1470:BlueMoonlet added this paragraph: 559:, published after Newton's death. 24: 4685: 2215:a version of shape note singing, 2062:after I suspended the nomination) 1049:necessary, I am happy to do that. 898:(Copied from Moni3's talk page): 4618: 4597:. Saturday January 12, 2002. H2. 4391:Audio file "Audio.mid" not found 2635:Amazing_Grace#"New Britain" tune 2090:I was waiting for a response at 2066:Amazing Grace#"New Britain" tune 1855: 1834: 1813: 1809:"Amazing Grace" (string version) 1658:increasing amonst evangelicals. 878:paragraph to make this clearer. 29: 3377:Knowledge:OWN#Featured articles 1830:"Amazing Grace" (brass version) 382:#Todd_Agnew.27s_Grace_Like_Rain 4659: 4176:20:41, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 4162:20:37, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 4145:18:39, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 4131:13:57, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 4112:05:13, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 4090:22:55, 12 September 2011 (UTC) 4069:20:58, 12 September 2011 (UTC) 4043:20:30, 12 September 2011 (UTC) 3950:07:06, 26 September 2011 (UTC) 3908:13:44, 25 September 2011 (UTC) 3869:04:52, 25 September 2011 (UTC) 3814:02:55, 25 September 2011 (UTC) 3778:13:54, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 3717:00:49, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 3686:13:08, 23 September 2011 (UTC) 3613:06:25, 23 September 2011 (UTC) 3562:article? I would like this: 3396:Sandy, I know where I rank at 2125:feedback on another nomination 640:William Walker died in 1875. 525:Happy Understanding -- Taylor 208:04:40, 26 September 2007 (UTC) 189:23:30, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 13: 1: 4665:Tyranny, Blue" Gene (2011). " 4409:15:58, 15 December 2011 (UTC) 4013:22:06, 8 September 2011 (UTC) 3983:16:45, 8 September 2011 (UTC) 1781:18:12, 13 December 2010 (UTC) 1754:17:54, 13 December 2010 (UTC) 1735:17:33, 13 December 2010 (UTC) 1708:16:42, 13 December 2010 (UTC) 1688:08:15, 25 November 2010 (UTC) 1118:13:34, 26 December 2009 (UTC) 1102:03:12, 26 December 2009 (UTC) 1082:11:19, 1 September 2010 (UTC) 1066:19:37, 16 November 2009 (UTC) 1043:19:35, 16 November 2009 (UTC) 1021:23:34, 15 November 2009 (UTC) 972:18:35, 15 November 2009 (UTC) 948:22:09, 14 November 2009 (UTC) 586:09:03, 20 December 2009 (UTC) 454:13:49, 24 February 2008 (UTC) 435:00:40, 24 February 2008 (UTC) 336:00:50, 23 November 2007 (UTC) 154:08:59, 20 December 2009 (UTC) 4571:21:57, 13 January 2012 (UTC) 4544:17:35, 13 January 2012 (UTC) 4380:22:27, 6 December 2011 (UTC) 4024:Poetry as Spiritual Practice 3993:The Cherokee fact now has a 1633:17:27, 22 October 2010 (UTC) 1610:17:18, 22 October 2010 (UTC) 1579:20:59, 21 October 2010 (UTC) 1547:20:34, 21 October 2010 (UTC) 1520:16:23, 21 October 2010 (UTC) 1450:11:40, 16 October 2010 (UTC) 1436:00:31, 16 October 2010 (UTC) 1396:01:04, 15 October 2010 (UTC) 1378:00:41, 15 October 2010 (UTC) 1359:23:44, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1333:20:32, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1310:16:57, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1293:20:32, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1270:16:57, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1253:20:32, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1234:16:57, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1217:14:42, 14 October 2010 (UTC) 1171:reversion of my recent edits 888:14:45, 1 November 2009 (UTC) 872:06:14, 31 October 2009 (UTC) 841:22:29, 28 October 2009 (UTC) 418:13:56, 30 January 2008 (UTC) 303:22:06, 6 November 2007 (UTC) 123:16:02, 3 February 2009 (UTC) 7: 4521:22:26, 9 January 2012 (UTC) 4487:20:55, 9 January 2012 (UTC) 4452:22:04, 3 January 2012 (UTC) 4425:01:46, 3 January 2012 (UTC) 4166:Sweet. Rock on and w00t. -- 555:and first showed up in the 273:19:47, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 10: 4690: 4611:00:45, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 4192:I'm referencing the edits 3576:01:13, 15 April 2011 (UTC) 3544:23:39, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3530:23:34, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3492:23:14, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3444:14:48, 15 April 2011 (UTC) 3392:14:05, 15 April 2011 (UTC) 3310:13:54, 15 April 2011 (UTC) 3277:12:14, 15 April 2011 (UTC) 3259:23:34, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3220:Fanfare for the Common Man 3205:22:35, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3190:21:57, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3157:21:47, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3143:21:43, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3110:21:38, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3096:21:37, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3060:21:33, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 3028:21:17, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2967:21:10, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2934:20:56, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2889:16:15, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2857:15:19, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2839:12:11, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2811:05:13, 14 April 2011 (UTC) 2787:23:44, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2755:23:10, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2737:23:06, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2702:23:01, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2665:23:42, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2629:23:15, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2592:23:10, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2574:23:06, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2541:23:00, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2523:22:57, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2440:22:29, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2416:22:17, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2389:22:21, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2371:21:29, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2330:20:15, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2314:18:23, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2242:17:49, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2184:because the sources say it 2159:15:14, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2085:01:18, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2052:16:46, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 2019:21:14, 12 April 2011 (UTC) 2002:16:46, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 1963:16:46, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 1924:16:46, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 1791:US Air Force sound samples 1693:Sheet music for this song? 1653:02:56, 22 March 2011 (UTC) 1468:Retracking the discussion. 802:00:06, 10 March 2009 (UTC) 656:16:08, 27 April 2011 (UTC) 569:02:32, 20 April 2008 (UTC) 545:23:48, 19 April 2008 (UTC) 240:20:56, 27 April 2011 (UTC) 225:20:00, 27 April 2011 (UTC) 70:compasionate slave trader? 4212:Featured Article criteria 4121:. What do you suggest? -- 3896:Featured Article Criteria 2469:National Anthem of Russia 2424:not get through to you? 2270:" clarifies that various 2256:Everybody Must Get Stoned 2188:Everybody Must Get Stoned 1716:Knowledge:Handling trivia 1668:19:09, 13 June 2011 (UTC) 1159:12:45, 17 June 2010 (UTC) 1139:09:45, 17 June 2010 (UTC) 826:11:13, 15 June 2009 (UTC) 732:(that you mention). That 480:08:18, 9 March 2008 (UTC) 376:01:00, 2 March 2008 (UTC) 168:03:03, 20 June 2007 (UTC) 138:10:39, 30 July 2009 (UTC) 108:04:52, 19 July 2007 (UTC) 94:12:50, 29 June 2005 (UTC) 2487:Symphony No. 3 (GĆ³recki) 2286:when you get a chance.-- 766:21:53, 28 May 2008 (UTC) 751:23:31, 27 May 2008 (UTC) 722:22:41, 27 May 2008 (UTC) 680:20:42, 22 May 2008 (UTC) 607:here the Cherokee Lyrics 505:06:24, 24 May 2008 (UTC) 394:06:25, 24 May 2008 (UTC) 2097:Manhattan Beach (march) 511:Historical Inaccuracies 4460:Scottish origins again 1802: 1723:reliable source policy 1488: 859: 4631:of past discussions. 2206:Judy Collins' version 1801: 1483: 1029:Too much about Newton 994:I was unaware of the 852: 710:shouldn't be embedded 495:to include a sample. 42:of past discussions. 4330:This is too full of 4311:, using neither the 4281:String Quartet No. 4 4221:The Virginia Harmony 3229:Getting to the issue 690:Moved from talkpages 519:A link that helpsĀ : 2707:WP:OTHERSTUFFEXISTS 2687:WP:OTHERSTUFFEXISTS 2401:WP:OTHERSTUFFEXISTS 2232:, who loaded it. -- 2103:The Gallant Seventh 665:Picture of bagpiper 2617:aren't that cogent 1803: 1398:(P.S., I'm a "he") 739:Talk:Amazing Grace 603:the Walela Website 18:Talk:Amazing Grace 4656: 4655: 4643: 4642: 4637:current talk page 4208:Featured Articles 4119:Cherokee language 4102:Cherokee language 3812: 3528: 3442: 3308: 3257: 3188: 3141: 3094: 3058: 2965: 2887: 2785: 2735: 2663: 2572: 2521: 2369: 2312: 2157: 2063: 2050: 2000: 1961: 1922: 1860: 1839: 1818: 996:Music and Letters 979:Hi, Finn Froding. 894:Article expansion 809:Columbian Harmony 728:and accords with 646:comment added by 633: 620:comment added by 547: 531:comment added by 462:Category Mismatch 338: 322:comment added by 305: 289:comment added by 191: 179:comment added by 96: 80:comment added by 67: 66: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 4681: 4674: 4663: 4652: 4645: 4644: 4622: 4621: 4615: 4440: 4439: 4438: 4436: 4394: 4393: 4392: 4241:Virginia Harmony 4229:David S. Clayton 4225:James P. Carrell 4188:Hyacinth's edits 3948: 3943: 3867: 3862: 3811: 3805: 3798: 3715: 3710: 3611: 3606: 3506: 3420: 3384: 3286: 3269: 3235: 3166: 3119: 3072: 3036: 2943: 2865: 2763: 2747: 2713: 2694: 2641: 2612:read the article 2584: 2550: 2499: 2422:Risker's message 2408: 2381: 2347: 2327: 2290: 2135: 2082: 2076: 2057: 2028: 1978: 1939: 1900: 1862: 1861: 1841: 1840: 1820: 1819: 1800: 1761:Southern Harmony 1087:Two Sixth Verses 1054:Southern Harmony 1008:Virginia, et al. 1001:Virginia Harmony 805: 658: 615: 557:Virginia Harmony 526: 497:The Evil Spartan 494: 488: 386:The Evil Spartan 317: 291:Forevergitsandff 284: 174: 75: 63: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 4689: 4688: 4684: 4683: 4682: 4680: 4679: 4678: 4677: 4664: 4660: 4648: 4619: 4585: 4462: 4434: 4431: 4430: 4390: 4389: 4388: 4307:This melody is 4190: 4104: 3970: 3941: 3938: 3860: 3857: 3801: 3799: 3708: 3705: 3604: 3601: 3588: 3382: 3267: 3216:My Kind of Town 2745: 2692: 2582: 2492:Thespis (opera) 2482:Sylvia (ballet) 2460:Gianni Schicchi 2406: 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Talk:Amazing Grace
current talk page
ArchiveĀ 1
12:50, 29 June 2005 (UTC)
04:52, 19 July 2007 (UTC)
16:02, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
10:39, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
08:59, 20 December 2009 (UTC)
03:03, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
23:30, 25 September 2007 (UTC)
reliable source
Matt's talk
04:40, 26 September 2007 (UTC)

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