
Talk:Operation Trio: Difference between revisions

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266:::::If I were you, that would be the last time you accuse me of dishonesty. That is the sort of direct personal attack that WP considers completely unacceptable. This article is called "Operation Trio", not "Third Enemy Offensive". "Operation Trio" was just one of several operations that fall under the fairly vaguely defined "Third Enemy Offensive". Operation Trio ran from 20 April – 13 May 1942 in eastern Bosnia. It is a subset that didn't involve the Sandzak Muslim militia (according to sources you have yet to translate but which you are apparently relying on). YOU wanted to link THIS article (Operation Trio) to the article on the militia, because YOU stated that there were <u>many</u> sources that say that the militia participated in THIS operation (Operation Trio). You didn't say the militia participated in the "Third Enemy Offensive", you said "this operation" ie "Operation Trio". But they didn't participate in THIS operation (according to your sources, that don't even mention the words "Operation Trio"). I don't know how I can make it any clearer than that. ] (]) 00:55, 2 June 2014 (UTC) 259:::::If I were you, that would be the last time you accuse me of dishonesty. That is the sort of direct personal attack that WP considers completely unacceptable. This article is called "Operation Trio", not "Third Enemy Offensive". "Operation Trio" was just one of several operations that fall under the fairly vaguely defined "Third Enemy Offensive". Operation Trio ran from 20 April – 13 May 1942 in eastern Bosnia. It is a subset that didn't involve the Sandzak Muslim militia (according to sources you have yet to translate but which you are apparently relying on). YOU wanted to link THIS article (Operation Trio) to the article on the militia, because YOU stated that there were <u>many</u> sources that say that the militia participated in THIS operation (Operation Trio). You didn't say the militia participated in the "Third Enemy Offensive", you said "this operation" ie "Operation Trio". But they didn't participate in THIS operation (according to your sources, that don't even mention the words "Operation Trio"). I don't know how I can make it any clearer than that. ] (]) 00:55, 2 June 2014 (UTC) 2401:У трећој офанзиви непријатељ је, током априла и маја, усмеравао главна дејства из санџачких гарнизона долином Таре према Чајничу и планини Љубишњи да би пресекао слободну територију Санџака и уништио санџачке партизанске снаге у кањону Таре. Најтеже борбе вођене су у рејону Мојковца, на вододелници између Лима и пехотине и на подручју Косаница — Глибаћи — Мељак — пл. Љубишња. На мојковачком сектору су вођене драматичне даноноћне борбе, у којима су против најопасније непријатељске групације (делова црногорских и санџачких четника, под командом Павла Ђуришића) биле ангажоване главне партизанске снаге Санџака: Бјелопољски НОП одред, 1. пљеваљски ударни батаљон „1. децембар", Милешевски батаљон „Љубиша Миодраговић" и 4. пљеваљски батаљон. У исто време, дивизија „Пустерија", делови „Венеције", 2087:
through the relevant chapters and look at everything that happened in the area of operations between the start and end dates. Dangić fought the Black Legion immediately before the operation began (the Partisans also attacked Dangić's Chetniks while they were being attacked by the Black Legion). Actual Chetnik units were pretty scarce when the operation actually kicked off around 20 April due to their defeats at the hands of the Partisan main force and mass defections of Chetniks to the "Volunteer Detachments" in March. I am still pulling together all the details of the operation itself, so I'm leaving them as separate groups in the infobox until I actually have trawled through everything and can categorically source it one way or the other. Clear as mud?
637: 813: 789: 1561:
attacked Dangić's Chetniks and routed them. Operation Trio proper didn't start until 20 April, and involved Germans, Italians, Ustaše and Home Guard formations and units attacking the Chetnik-infiltrated Partisans in eastern Bosnia. It was a pretty confused situation in eastern Bosnia at that stage. Then, in the second half of May, strong Italian formations supported by Bosnian and Herzegovinian Chetniks attacked the Partisans in eastern Herzegovina, essentially all but destroying them. These are facts clearly explained by both Tomasevich and Hoare.
1478: 823: 2662:
out that you are probably confusing Operation Trio and the Herzegovina Offensive, but yet you appear to persist in trying to equate the two. They might both fall into the communist "Third Enemy Offensive" trope, but that is not necessarily relevant to the Operation Trio article, and the Herzegovina Offensive article is yet to be created. You have yet to produce a translated source that says they participated in Operation Trio. If you have one, produce it. If you don't have one, stop pestering me here and on my talk page.
693: 669: 951: 927: 1353: 277::::::Another misinterpretation of my position. I did not accuse you of dishonesty. It is your insisting on ''Trio'' term which I believe violates ] because you know that Yugoslav historiography uses "Third Enemy Offensive" instead of Operation Trio. Since you decided to continue with this approach you discouraged me from further editing here. This will be my last comment in this article. This page is removed from my watchlist. All the best.--] (]) 12:25, 2 June 2014 (UTC) 1088: 1064: 519: 1369: 1289: 1402: 1098: 1442: 961: 1336: 1237: 1385: 71: 1251: 1201: 2802:
fairly vaguely defined "Third Enemy Offensive". Operation Trio ran from 20 April – 13 May 1942 in eastern Bosnia. It is a subset that didn't involve the Sandzak Muslim militia (according to sources you have yet to translate but which you are apparently relying on). YOU wanted to link THIS article (Operation Trio) to the article on the militia, because YOU stated that there were
2228:. My current intent is that the various 'operations' will be associated with the "X enemy offensive" to which they relate, but that we no longer try to equate one operation with each offensive (unless of course they are identical in scope). Thus, this article becames one of two articles that are associated with the "Third enemy offensive". The other one is the yet to be created 1982:. I would be much happier with covering the Ustasha offensive of 31 March in the Black Legion (needs to be added) and Francetic (already there in summary) articles and keeping this article to Trio and its aftermath, particularly as we have no WP:RS for Operation Foca and sources that say the Ustasha offensive was not part of Trio. 2124:
They fought on their own side, which meant (at that time), try to avoid fighting against the Germans, be at peace with the Italians, and attack the Ustashe and Partisans whenever you can. I advise you to read ZBORNIK DOKUMENATA I PODATAKA O NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKOM RATU NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE, KNJIGA 2. You
problem. Francetic independently launched a separate offensive on his own initiative prior to this one taking place, thus this cannot be factored in the infobox and is in defiance of the quotes I listed above. Also, I can't stress enough how inappropriate it is to change sentences into something that
I have the Yugoslav military encyclopedia (1975 edition) with me. The book 10 says that the NDH government wanted to prevent the Italians and their Chetnik allies from entering Eastern Bosnia (page 95), which is why the Ustashe started their attack before the schedule. The Chetniks who fought for the
I'm still very busy with real-life studies (hopefully putting an end to them for good :)), so I won't be able to participate here (and probably won't reply for quite a while), but here's my two cents. Infoboxes can be modified to denote practically any and all changes in allegiance that can possibly
It is far more complex than that, and in fact ignores references PRODUCER has... produced. I'm going to need some time to pull together all the references so we can see where the commonalities and variances are. We are close to 3RR at present, so I suggest we just stick with what the references that
During the inter-allied military conference of Opatija – organised to prepare the “Trio” anti-partisan operation planned to take place in Bosnia-Herzegovina between 20 April and 13 May 1942 – the Croats rejected an Italian proposal to involve the Chetniks of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the campaign. And,
sources that say that the militia participated in THIS operation (Operation Trio). You didn't say the militia participated in the "Third Enemy Offensive", you said "this operation" ie "Operation Trio". But they didn't participate in THIS operation (according to your sources, that don't even mention
If I were you, that would be the last time you accuse me of dishonesty. That is the sort of direct personal attack that WP considers completely unacceptable. This article is called "Operation Trio", not "Third Enemy Offensive". "Operation Trio" was just one of several operations that fall under the
Operation Trio, also known as the Third Enemy Offensive (Serbo-Croatian: Treća neprijateljska ofenziva) in Yugoslav Partisan historiography, was a large-scale German-Italian-Ustaša offensive carried out against the Partisans and Chetniks in southeastern Bosnia from March to June 1942.. The Chetniks
I agree with PRODUCER, on reflection the question is what the scope of this article is. We could describe the Francetić operation as part of the Background as a preliminary op or prequel, but Tomasevich, Ramet and Hoare are all saying that Operation Trio proper involved Chetniks on the side of the
It is clear from the quotes that you have pasted here that you a. don't know what you are talking about, or b. are purposely being obtuse. You have not produced a translated quote that shows that this militia (or some part of a Muslim militia) participated in Operation Trio. I have already pointed
You clearly have no point other than to attempt to bait me. When you began this tirade, you seemed to think you had many sources that said that the Sandzak Muslim militia were involved in Operation Trio. You produced three (now four) above, none of which are English, and NONE of which support your
That is a big assumption, particularly when it is at odds with what I have expressly and repeatedly stated about my language skills. I can use Google Translate to tell if the words "Operation Trio" are in a passage, regardless of what language it is, and the term just doesn't appear in the quotes
The short answer is I don't know yet, the situation was very confused, and and it is hard to define clearly what a Chetnik was at this stage (leaving aside Dangić's and Račić's units). Hoare (who is the most comprehensive source for this) jumps around all over the place, and I'm having to go right
1940:. However, we still have the problem of equating Operation Trio with the Third Enemy Offensive in the lead. Operation Trio appears to have been part of the Third Enemy Offensive, not the whole thing, which covered more ground. And the Ustaše offensive is clearly not part of it (according to the 1560:
I have moved this discussion here because User:Calapone has rightly raised the issue with User:PRODUCER. Chetniks were (at different stages and in different areas) on both sides of Operation Trio. We need to somehow reflect this in the article. In late March-early April, Francetić independently
At a German-Italian-Croatian conference in Opatija (Abbazia) on the Istrian peninsula on March 2-3, 1942, a series of anti-Partisan operations was planned in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sandzak, Montenegro, western Bosnia, and Lika. However, only operations in eastern Bosnia by German and
we have). So we need to decide what to do with the Ustaše offensive. If the article is only about Operation Trio, perhaps we need to limit it to that, and leave out the Ustaše offensive and Operation Foča. However, there doesn't appear to be sufficient WP:RS for Operation Foča to have its own
Perhaps part of the problem is that we are currently including in the scope of this article the offensive launched by Francetić. He launched it without coordinating with the Germans, and strictly speaking (and according to Hoare) it is a prequel to Operation Trio,(Hoare p. 202-203 refers) and
Yes I know, I was just reading that. But this article is about Trio, not the Italian-Chetnik operation which formed the latter part of the Third Enemy Offensive. That's why I haven't included them here. In Trio the Chetniks were a third force, but in the Italian-Chetnik operation they fought
because you know that Yugoslav historiography uses "Third Enemy Offensive" instead of Operation Trio. Since you decided to continue with this approach you discouraged me from further editing here. This will be my last comment in this article. This page is removed from my watchlist. All the
uložili su krajnje napore da likvidiraju slobodnu teritoriju i unište NOB u ovim pokrajinama. U proleće 1942. na teritoriji Sandžaka nalazile su se ove neprijateljske snage: italijanska divizija »Pusterija« i delovi divizije »Venecija«, zatim sandžački i delovi srbijanskih, crnogorskih i
with the support of the Germans, they prevailed. But then, at a conference held in Ljubljana (28 and 29 March), it was decided to conclude temporary and non-political accords with the Chetniks of Herzegovina, but not with those of eastern Bosnia (and especially not Dangic’s Chetniks).
2380:) "Dalji polet NOB u Sandžaku privremeno je prekinula tzv. treća neprijateljska ofanziva koja je u proleće 1942. zahvatila Sandžak, istočnu Bosnu, Crnu Goru i Hercegovinu. Udružene italijanske i nemačke okupatorske snage, sa četničkim, ustaškim i domobranskim formacijama i jedinicama 2423:Јединице италијанске дивизије „Пустерија" кренуле су у напад 22. априла од Пљеваља, преко Чајничка, ка Горажду и од Вишеграда, преко Рогатице. На правцу Пљевља — Чајниче, начитавом фронту између Ћехотине и планине Чемерна, наступало је око 4.000 Италијана заједно са четницима и 2224:
Interesting. I am sure she is referring to the follow-up operation by the Italians in Herzegovina and Montenegro. In my view this again illustrates the difficulites of the "X enemy offensives" construct which Direktor and I have been discussing off and on for months
It is very rude to continue to add sources and quotes in languages other than English when you have been repeatedly told that the editor you are communicating with doesn't read the lingo. Please provide translations if you wish to continue this discussion. Thanks,
Francetić's breakthrough to the Drina river turned into a devastating blow against the main parts of Dangić's group. The situation on the Serbian-Croatian border is still unclear, because the Partisans are fighting only against Dangić's supporters, not against the
above. But Google Translate is very poor at providing translations of Cyrillic that are good enough to ensure context and meaning is clear, so I'm going to need translations of the above if you want to continue this conversation. Take your time, I'm in no hurry.
165: 2599:
Your comment is completely unfathomable. You apparently have no point and you are wasting my time. To be absolutely clear, I "Google Translated" ALL of the above quotes, and exactly NONE of them included the words "Operation Trio". Are your eyes painted on?
Axis during the operation were from Herzegovina and Montenegro, and they never entered Eastern Bosnia (page 96). The book 2 says that there were 4000 Chetniks in Eastern Bosnia, and that some of them fought against the Germans and Ustashe (page 544). --
1616:"on April 15 the Germans, Croatian quisling troops, and Italians, with some help from the Chetniks, launched another large-scale offensive (the Third Enemy Offensive) in southeastern Bosnia, eastern Herzegovina, and Montenegro." Tomasevich (1975), p. 161 63: 1541:), I am moving this article to 'Operation Trio' per the German operation name. Please read the discussion for reasoning. The scope of the article will include the Black Legion offensive that preceded Operation Trio as well as the operation itself. 1620:"only operations in eastern Bosnia by German and Croatian troops and in Montenegro and eastern Herzegovina by Italian and Montenegrin Chetnik forces were undertaken from March to June 1942 (the Third Enemy Offensive)." Tomasevich (2001), p. 414 -- 1977:
I don't agree. We just went through the process of moving away from the artificial Partisan-centric propaganda construct of the 'seven enemy offensives', and I believe that was the right decision for the reasons explained in the talkpage of
initial statement. NONE of them say anything about Operation Trio (according to Google Translate). If you claim one of them does, translate it here, now. If not, go and annoy someone else with your marginally comprehensible ramblings.
453: 2409:, 1. и 3. златарски ударни батаљон и делове Бјелопољског одреда на правцима: Пљевља — Чајниче, Пријепоље — Камена гора — Маоче — Косаница, Пљевља — Косаница — Бо-бово, Бијело Поље — Коврен и Пљевља — Љубишња. 1360: 1215: 1392: 1223: 1376: 1343: 1219: 1211: 1963:
By renaming this article "Third Enemy Offensive" and making three subsections with three separate infoboxes. One for Francetić's operation, one for Operation Trio, and one for Operation Foča.--
15: 1838:
OK, I found one hit for Operation Foča on Google Books (and none on Scholar) which makes it look like it and Trio were both parts of the Third Enemy Offensive. Hmmm. What else does it say?
1786:, the operation was cancelled before the end of April, and the Italian/Chetnik fights against the partisans in Sandžak and Montenegro were actually a separate operation, Operation Foča.-- 2677: 1875:- The other fire was coming from the Partisan 1st and the 2nd proleterian brigade, which gave rise to the Chetnik propaganda about the Ustashe-Partisan alliance. Ironic, isn't it? -- 2034:
infobox. If we're all clear on exactly who fought with who at any given time, the infobox can easily be made to depict this. (Sry if I'mmissing something, be back in a week or so.)
3096: 1451: 607: 898: 2229: 1409: 1227: 1820:
Colić, Mladenko - Pregled Operacija na Jugoslovenskom Ratištu 1941-1945 (Belgrade: Vojnoistorijski Institut, 1988), pp 53-55; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 250/361-69).
447: 2863:
Croatian troops and in Montenegro and eastern Herzegovina by Italian and Montenegrin Chetnik forces were undertaken from March to June 1942 (the Third Enemy Offensive).
where you extensively used work written on the same language (by Marjan). If you don't know the language why did you remove my sourced addition of Operation Trio here
1612:"On 15 April, a combined German-Italian-Ustaša-Chetnik counteroffensive (the "Third Enemy Offenseive") put serious pressure on the Partsans..." (Ramet (2006), p. 153) 1456: 224: 148: 1306: 3101: 3001: 2198:
Ramet (2006) p. 166 states that Chetnik commanders Pavle Djurisic, Petar Bacovic, and Rade Korda took part in the Third Enemy Offensive against the Partisans. --
888: 3061: 3081: 3006: 2748:
Because that is the name of this article, AND the operation you claim the sources say the SM militia was involved in? See you first comment in this thread.
Why did you search for Операција Трио/Operacija Trio when you know that it is associated with the Third Enemy Offensive in Yugoslav historiography?--
2533: 2486: 1263: 1172: 2996: 1555: 870: 1035: 2930: 2912: 2839: 2816: 2796: 2757: 2743: 2689: 2671: 2656: 2642: 2627: 2609: 2594: 2580: 2566: 2548: 2505: 2455: 2439: 2368: 2785:
Honesty is expected in all processes of Knowledge, including content discussion, the dispute process and all other functions of the community.
1570: 711:
and its nations. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the project and see a list of open tasks.
160: 93: 2952: 2935:
If you are desperate for confirmation that the "X Enemy Offensives" is a reference used in Yugoslav historiography, then p. 60 of Redžić's
Your reply is WP:IDHT. What passage of "Историјски записи" were you looking at when you removed my sourced addition of Operation Trio here
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the project and see a list of open tasks.
841: 794: 31: 28: 2052: 2986: 750: 72: 3041: 2329: 2281: 2266: 2241: 2179: 2156: 2119: 2096: 2015: 1991: 1972: 1954: 1903: 1884: 1866: 1847: 1833: 1813: 1795: 1775: 1760: 1737: 1708: 1679: 1658: 1639: 1603: 1585: 1296: 379: 3091: 2517: 3031: 2991: 2138: 1931: 1722: 1515: 1162: 3016: 2353: 1025: 183: 3086: 3036: 1258: 1206: 344: 2647:
If you wanted a quote to verify the assertion, you should request one. You should not remove cited addition of other editor.--
1267: 468: 385: 156: 89: 2776: 2728: 2615: 2554: 2521: 2513: 1550: 3021: 2981: 732: 435: 194: 2101:
Ugh.. never understood this mess myself. This is probably the most complex "Offensive" of the war. Kudos on your efforts.
Then it must be clearly explained in the article which Chetniks fought on which side during all stages of the operation.--
548: 172: 2779:
because Google Books snippet search of work of Yugoslav historiography revealed no Операција Трио, and no Operacija Trio
3026: 1144: 1120: 330: 111: 2897: 2875: 983: 2218: 3011: 2971: 2719:
A Google Books snippet search of that work reveals no Операција Трио, and no Operacija Trio. Stop wasting my time.
1007: 703: 674: 1873:
Francetić's Black Legion attacked the Chetnik territory around Vlasenica. Chetniks were caught between two fires.
536: 530: 399: 429: 2976: 2335: 2296:
The map is just too large.. Its ok on higher resolutions, but on low-res and phones the map is just humongous.
1532: 404: 320: 100: 1519: 1111: 1069: 828: 490: 374: 2917:
What are you talking about? The fact that the "X Enemy Offensives" is a trope of Yugoslav historiography is
1262:. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the project and see a 1154: 1017: 974: 932: 880: 742: 425: 2314: 2908: 2835: 2792: 2739: 2685: 2652: 2623: 2590: 2562: 2529: 2482: 2435: 2349: 2344:
participated in this operation. I propose to add this important information to the text of the article.--
2080: 1511: 365: 179: 1857:. Number 65, general Bader orders the units under his command to start Operation Foča, April 30, 1942.-- 1645:
constitutes both a Ustaše-Chetnik fight and Ustaše-Partisan fight. And btw, isn't a
2193: 485: 2821:
Another misinterpretation of my position. I did not accuse you of dishonesty. It is your insisting on
475: 2524:? Anyway, if the language is really a problem, I will present a translation when I have more time. -- 2232:
article (tentative title), which will cover the Italian-Chetnik follow-up operation mentioned above.
of eastern Herzegovina and Montenegro helped the Italians in destroying the Partisans in those areas.
2341: 2320:
OK, just leave it for a day and I'll upload an eastern Bosnia version and create a template for it.
2948: 2926: 2893: 2871: 2853: 2812: 2769:
you knew that Yugoslav historiography do not use term Operation Trio, but the Third Enemy Offensive
2753: 2724: 2667: 2638: 2605: 2576: 2544: 2501: 2451: 2364: 2325: 122: 1119:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
588: 409: 190: 118: 2904: 2831: 2788: 2764:"when you know that it is associated with the Third Enemy Offensive in Yugoslav historiography" 2735: 2681: 2648: 2619: 2586: 2558: 2525: 2478: 2431: 2345: 2277: 2237: 2152: 2092: 1987: 1950: 1843: 1809: 1771: 1733: 1654: 1599: 1566: 1546: 846: 107: 2553:
What passage were you looking at when you removed my sourced addition of Operation Trio here
1538: 644: 66: 600: 581: 441: 518: 8: 812: 788: 355: 2306: 2258: 2210: 2171: 2134: 2111: 2072: 2044: 2007: 1968: 1923: 1899: 1880: 1862: 1829: 1791: 1756: 1718: 1700: 1675: 1631: 1581: 1486: 370: 198: 2921:. I fail to see what your point is. What is it about the article you are challenging? 2772:
still, you searched works of Yugoslav historiography for Операција Трио/Operacija Trio
2944: 2922: 2889: 2867: 2826: 2808: 2784: 2749: 2720: 2663: 2634: 2601: 2572: 2540: 2497: 2447: 2360: 2321: 2273: 2233: 2148: 2144: 2088: 1983: 1946: 1937: 1909: 1839: 1805: 1767: 1729: 1650: 1595: 1562: 1542: 540: 351: 2807:
the words "Operation Trio"). I don't know how I can make it any clearer than that.
2291: 1979: 16: 707:, a collaborative effort to improve the Knowledge coverage of articles related to 461: 2676:
If you wanted a translation to verify the assertion, you should request one with
2463: 2416: 2394: 2057: 2028: 1591: 1477: 2918: 1783: 1190: 1103: 1053: 916: 778: 658: 324: 499: 2965: 2299: 2249: 2201: 2164: 2130: 2104: 2065: 2037: 1998: 1964: 1914: 1895: 1876: 1858: 1825: 1787: 1752: 1714: 1691: 1671: 1622: 1577: 966: 692: 668: 1766:
are already in the article actually say until we can thrash this thing out.
1510:)) and some terms that are used in it may be different or absent from other 47: 1941: 1822:
Operation Foča between 5 – 12 May 1942 was a follow on from Operation Trio.
1801: 1646: 503: 1352: 950: 926: 2126: 1854: 845:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of articles related to 504: 2377: 2062:
Did the Chetniks fight on different sides during this conflict or not?
is not actually supported by the sources cited as Calapone has done. --
708: 2272:
alongside the Italians. Different lots of Chetniks I might add, too.
She says they "were taking part in the German "Third Offensive"". --
1087: 1063: 1590:
Agree, I'm thinking something like the treatment in the infobox of
1401: 1368: 501: 2557:? The source "Историјски записи" was also published in Cyrillic.-- 1236: 1889:
The same book, page 306, the German report dated April 20, 1942.
Here's the list of German documents from January to December 1942
1441: 1335: 1288: 1116: 1384: 2226: 979: 505: 1713:
Are you doubting the Yugoslav military sources, Producer?--
The following is verbatim from Rodogno 2006, pp. 310-311.
1250: 1200: 2512:
I thought that language is not a problem, based on this
2376:Жарко Видовић, Трећа пролетерска бригада, Београд 1972 ( 3097:
Successful requests for military history A-Class review
The following is verbatim from Tomasevich 2001, p.414.
and deleted my sourced addition of Operation Trio here
460: 54: 2468:. Istorijski institut SR Crne Gore c. 1975. p. 274. 2403:санџачки и делови србијанских и босанских четника и 1115:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1093: 978:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 956: 818: 315: 2161:Yes indeed. Not acceptable unless quoted verbatim. 2963: 333:for general discussion of the article's subject. 2903:None of them mention Yugoslav historiography.-- 2680:. Not remove cited addition of other editor. -- 3102:Knowledge articles that use Australian English 3002:Mid-importance Bosnia and Herzegovina articles 2937:Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Second World War 2470:Снаге окупатора, санџачких четника и санџачке 643:This article is of interest to the following 546:If it no longer meets these criteria, you can 3062:European military history task force articles 1472: 1189:template instead of this project banner. See 1052:template instead of this project banner. See 915:template instead of this project banner. See 777:template instead of this project banner. See 657:template instead of this project banner. See 474: 3082:Italian military history task force articles 3007:All WikiProject Bosnia and Herzegovina pages 855:Knowledge:WikiProject Bosnia and Herzegovina 3072:German military history task force articles 3052:Balkan military history task force articles 2474:нису биле у стању да без јачих четничких... 858:Template:WikiProject Bosnia and Herzegovina 214: 3057:A-Class European military history articles 1608:It's like the citations don't even matter. 1490:, which has its own spelling conventions ( 636: 634: 3077:A-Class Italian military history articles 2518:June 1941 uprising in eastern Herzegovina 3067:A-Class German military history articles 3047:A-Class Balkan military history articles 2414: 2392: 1556:Issue of which side the Chetniks were on 1256:This article is within the scope of the 2997:A-Class Bosnia and Herzegovina articles 2446:and in the language of this Knowledge? 2964: 2399:. Vojnoizdav. i Novin. 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Opštinski odbor SUBNOR-a. p. 97. 1393:Italian military history task force 323:for discussing improvements to the 223: 210: 171: 154: 147: 134: 99: 87: 13: 2987:Mid-importance Yugoslavia articles 1945:article, so how do we include it? 1440: 1400: 1383: 1377:German military history task force 1367: 1351: 1344:Balkan military history task force 1334: 842:WikiProject Bosnia and Herzegovina 314: 35: 3113: 3042:A-Class military history articles 2678:Template:Source needs translation 2425:муслиманском милицијом из Пљеваља 2418:Prilog u krvi: Pljevlja 1941-1945 539:. 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