
User talk:Xaris333

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2105:Στην Αγγλική Knowledge δεν χρησημποιούνται σχεδόν ποτέ παρενθέσεις τύπου (men) στους τίτλους για να διευκρινιστεί ότι πρόκειται για διοργανώσεις ανδρών. Τα άρθρα δημιουργούνται με βάση (και μόνο) το όνομα της διοργάνωσης. Οι διευκρινιστικές παρενθέσεις χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο όταν είναι εντελώς απαραίτητο, δηλαδή αν θέλεις να δημιουργήσεις ένα νέο λήμμα και υπάρχει ήδη κάποιο με το ίδιο όνομα. π.χ Αν ήθελες να δημιουργήσεις ένα αντίστοιχο λήμμα για το Κύπελλο Μπάσκετ Γυναικών, τότε επειδή υπάρχει ήδη ένα με τον τίτλο Cypriot Basketball Cup (το οποίο αφορά του αντρες), αναγκαστικά στο νέο λήμμα θα έδινες ένα ελαφρώς διαφορετικό όνομα, οπότε θα το ονόμαζες "Cypriot Basketball Cup (Women)" ή πιο σωστά "Cypriot Women's Basketball Cup", αλλά αυτό που ήδη υπάρχει (των ανδρών) δεν θα του αλλάξεις καθόλου τον τίτλο. Για τους άνδρες δεν χρειάζεται να διευκρινίζεται με παρενθέσεις, καθώς εκτός και αν αναφέρει κάτι άλλο ο τίτλος του λήμματατος (π.χ. Women's), τότε εννοείται ότι το λήμμα αφορά διοργάνωση ανδρών όταν πρόκειται για ομαδικά αθλήματα (Ποδοόσφαιρο, Μπάσκετ, Βόλλευ κτλ). 5093:, ενάντια στην συγχώνευση του κυρίως λήμματος με αυτά των περιόδων. Δυστυχώς εκτός από τα λήμματα της 1ης κατηγορίας όλων των χωρών (που 100% θεωρούνται notable βάσει των κανόνων της Knowledge), και κάποιες πιο χαμηλές κατηγορίες των μεγάλων χωρών, το τι θεωρεί κάποιος notable είναι σχετικό και στην κρίση του καθενός. Και συνήθως οι ξένοι τα λήμματα μικρών χωρών (όπως της Κύπρου) τα θεωρούν χωρίς πολύ-πολύ σκέψη ως "ασήμαντα". Ο συγκεκριμένος user πάντως είναι πολύ επίμονος (μου έχει απαντήσει και εμένα προσωπικά στο talk page της 2ης Κατηγορίας), και από αυτά που βλέπω ομολογώ ότι δεν είμαι και πολύ αισιόδοξος για την κατάληξη του συγκεκριμένου θέματος. Τουλάχιστον από την στιγμή που το έβαλε σε συζήτηση το συγκεκριμένο ζήτημα, αν δεν βρεί συμπαραστάτες στο αίτημα του τότε τα λήμματα θα μείνουν όπως είναι (όπως έγινε με αυτά της 3ης Κατηγορίας). Οπότε συστήνω υπομονή φίλε μου, έτσι και αλλιώς δεν μπορούμε αυτή την στιγμή να κάνουμε κάτι περισσότερο. 4533:, η εισαγωγή και το infobox είναι μια χαρά και δεν χρειάζονται καθόλου αλλαγή. Επίσης, έχοντας διαβάσει προσεκτικά τις παραγάφους "History" και "Format" (σε ελληνικά & αγγλικά), θεωρώ ότι στην ουσία λένε τα ίδια πράγματα και στις δύο εκδόσεις, απλά τα λένε με διαφορετικό τρόπο, και δομή. Επίσης είναι γραμμένες και σε πολύ καλό επίπεδο αγγλικής γλώσσας (ειδικά η παράγραφος "History"), οπότε δεν βλέπω τον λόγο να γίνουν σοβαρές αλλαγές. Αυτό που έχω προσέξει είναι ότι σε αυτές τις δύο παραγράφους υπάρχει αρκετή έλλεψη πηγών (references), οπότε αυτό που μπορείς να κάνεις είναι προσθέσεις κάποιες πηγές που πιθανόν να έχεις και ταιριάζουν με τα όσα έιναι ήδη γραμμένα. 3126:
federation's regulation in which teams of villages with population under 1500 people couldn't join the federation. Ethnikos Defteras resorted to the court. Before the court’s decision to be known, the draw of the qualifying round made, including Ethnikos Defteras. They were drawn against Cypriot Third Division team, Ethnikos Assias. During the draw, Cyprus Football Association announced that if the court's decision hadn't been known in two weeks after the draw (and the other teams would have already played their qualifying matches), the opponent of Ethnikos Defteras would advance to the next round without playing any match, thing which it happened.
3448:Απλά να σε ενημερώσω ότι στα λήμματα κυπέλλου που ήδη υπήρχαν (δηλαδή από την σεζόν 2005–06 και μετά) όπου υπήρχαν οι πίνακες με τα αποτελέσματα των διπλών αγώνων κάθε γύρου, τους επανέφερα στην προηγούμενη τους μορφή. Δηλαδή επανέφερα το template με τους λευκούς πίνακες χωρίς (το μπλε) background γιατί είναι αυτοί που χρησιμοποιούνται ανέκαθεν για τους διπλους αγώνες σε όλα τα λήμματα κυπέλλου στην Αγγλική Knowledge (Είναι πιο πρόσφατο template, αυτό με το μπλε background είναι πιο παλιό). Επίσης επανέφερα-πρόσθεσα τα section με τα brackets που είχαν διαγραφεί (αυτά που δείχνουν περιληπτικά όλη την διαδρομή του κυπέλλου στην αρχή του λήμματος). 3484:Φίλε, για τις περιόδους πρωταθλήματος από την σεζόν 2008–09 μέχρι και την φετινή δεν χρειάζεται να γίνει καμία αλλαγή γιατί έχουν γίνει με τα πιο πρόσφατα και καταλληλότερα templates. Τα τελευταία 7-8 χρόνια που ασχολούμαι εντατικά με την Αγγλική ΒΠ, όλα τα λήμματα πρωταθλημάτων (ακόμη και των μεγάλων όπως Ισπανίας, Αγγλίας, κτλ) τα φτιάχνουμε με τον συγκεκριμένο τρόπο, κάτι που εξακολουθεί να συμβαινει μέχρι και σήμερα. Ουσιαστικά το μόνο που έχει αλλάξει (και αυτό μόλις πέρσι) είναι το template του βαθμολογικού πίνακα που πλέον είναι πιο εύκολο στο editing (στην εμφάνιση του πίνακα όμως είναι ολόϊδιο στυλ με των προηγούμενων χρόνων). 2868:
Division match up to that day, was obviously one of the 5 last placed teams which participated in the qualifying round. Later, Orfeas Athienou's objection against CFA's original decision was accepted, so they eventually participated in the 1985–86 Cypriot Second Division and Digenis Ypsona participated to the Cypriot Third Division. But the Cypriot Cup already advanced, so Orfeas Athienou didn't participate in the competition. So, in the 1985–86 Cypriot Cup, eventually participated all the 14 teams of the Cypriot Third Division and the 13 of the 14 teams of the Cypriot second Division.
4697:Φίλε Χάρη, κατ' αρχήν σε ευχαριστώ πολύ για τα καλά σου λόγια και τις ευχές σου. Θέλω επίσης να σε ευχαριστήσω για την συνεργασία που είχαμε και την βοήθεια που μου έδωσες, αλλά και για τον κόπο και χρόνο που ξόδεψες για την βελτίωση των λημμάτων του Κυπριακού ποδοσφαίρου, δημιουργώντας πολλά νέα λήμματα και βελτιώνωντας πάρα πολλά από τα υπόλοιπα. Ήταν μεγάλη μου χαρά και τιμή που συνεργαστήκαμε, και θα είμαι πάντα στην διάθεση σου για οποια βοήθεια χρειαστείς στο μέλλον. Εύχομαι σε εσένα και στην οικογένεια σου ό,τι καλύτερο σε προσωπικό και επαγγελματικό επίπεδο και πάντα με υγεία! 5148:το χέρι μου στην φωτιά για αυτό, αλλά κάτι τέτοιο συμπαίρανα. Επίσης από την στιγμή που αυτός δεν ασχολείται με αθλητικά λήμματα, αλλά την πρόταση του για συγχώνευση με το κυρίως λήμμα την έχει κάνει βασισμένος στο τι έχει δει να γίνεται στο παρελθόν σε άλλα -μη αθλητικά- λήμματα, θεωρώ ότι δεν θα περάσει το αίτημα του αφού δεν έχω δει ποτέ να ενσωματώνονται ξεχωριστές αναλύσεις σαιζόν μέσα σε κυρίως λήμματα διοργανώσεων. Δεν είναι καθόλου πρακτικό, αλλά ούτε και λογικό αυτό. Μάλιστα στο τέλος μου λέει μάλλον ότι πρέπει να κάνει τα παράπονα του σε αυτούς που ασχολούνται με το 4081:Φίλε, η αλήθεια είναι ότι έχω και εγώ στο παρλθόν διαβάσει 2-3 παρόμοια άρθρα σε εφημερίδες όσον αφορά την ιστορία της 2ης κατηγορίας. Θυμάμαι ότι αυτά τα άρθρα έλεγαν ότι τα πρωταθλήματα από το 1934-35 μέχρι το 1952-53 ναι μεν διοργανώνονταν από την ΚΟΠ, αλλά ήταν σε ανεπίσημη βάση. Τότε δεν υπήρχαν πολλές ομάδες (πέραν αυτών της 1ης Κατηγορίας), και η 2η Κατηγορία λειτουργούσε κυρίως για να μην μένουν αδρανείς οι αναπληρωματικές ομάδες των συλλόγων της 1ης κατηγορίας και μερικές άλλες ομάδες. Θύμιζε κάτι σαν το σημερινό πρωτάθλημα U21 περισσότερο, παρά κατηγορία ανδρών. 4577:, εξηγώντας τι είναι ακριβώς αυτή η διοργάνωση και γιατι είναι "αξιοσημείωτη" (notable) σύμφωνα με τους κανόνες της Knowledge. Επίσης, στο τέλος σαν εισήγηση (και ελπίζωντας ότι θα βοηθήσει στο να μην σβηστεί το λήμμα) αναφέρω ότι είναι πολύ σημαντικό να δημιουργηθεί κυρίως λήμμα για την διοργάνωση (CFA Integration Championship) και να προστεθούν πηγές και στα δύο λήμματα (κυρίως λήμμα και 2016), καθώς δεν γίνεται να έχουμε λήμμα για την διοργάνωση του 2016, αλλά να μην έχουμε γενικό λήμμα για την διοργάνωση. 3498:που έχει φτιαχτεί με λίγο διαφορετικά templates (αυτά της τότε εποχής), δεν χρειάζεται να αλλάξει κάτι δραματικά. Κάποιες πολύ μικρές διορθώσεις που ίσως χρειάζονται σε κάποια templates θα τις κάνω εγώ. Οι βαθμολογικοί πίνακες μπορεί να έχουν διαφορετικά χρώματα από ότι οι δικοί σου, αλλά αυτά ειναι τα χρώματα που χρησιμοποιούνται τα τελευταία χρόνια στην Αγγλική ΒΠ (Παραλλαγές του πράσινου για πρόκριση σε Τσ. Λιγκ, παραλλαγές του γαλάζιου για πρόκριση σε Γιουρόπα Λιγκ και κόκκινο για διαβάθμιση). 2809:Αν και δυσκολέυτηκα λίγο, νομίζω έκανα την καλύτερη μετάφραση που μπορούσα. Πιο κάτω σου παραθέτω μεταφρασμένη όλη την παράγραφο, η οποία έιναι εντελώς έτοιμη να μπει στο άρθρο ακριβώς όπως είναι με ένα απλό copy-paste. Έχω βάλει ολά τα απαραίτητα wikilinks για τα λήμματα των ομάδων και των διοργανώσεων, όπως επίσης έχω συμπεριλάβει και όλα τα references όπως ακριβώς υπάρχουν στο Ελληνικό λήμμα. Απλά όταν τελιώσεις όλο το αγγλικό λήμμα, τσέκαρε στο τέλος τα references αν είναι όλα ok. 8585: 4227:γιατί στην ουσία ο κανονικός ΑΠΟΕΛ, η κανονική ΕΠΑ, η κανονική ΑΕΛ, κτλ, ποτέ δεν κέρδισαν αυτούς τους τίτλους, αφού εκείνη την στιγμή αγωνίζονταν στην 1η Κατηγορία και όχι στην 2η. Τους τίτλους τους κέρδισαν θυγατρικές ομάδες (αναπληρωματικών) που δημιουργήθηκαν προσωρινά τότε. Δεν ξέρω πάντως αν τους έδιναν συγκεκριμένη ονομασία των αναπληρωματικών ομάδων τότε. Αν συμφωνείς και εσύ τότε κάνε την συγκεκριμένη αλλαγή, αν διαφωνείς απλά άφησε το λήμμα όπως είναι. 10265: 8960: 7450: 4003: 346:. The article had been reviewed at peer review and recently has been listed as a Sports and recreation good article. The problem is that, to nominate as a featured article is needs an overhaul by a proficient English writer, as others users said in the last nomination. Because my English are not in that level, i need someone to read the articles and change the sentences (with my explanation if it is needed) that may are problematic for an encyclopedia. 9928: 9103: 8903: 8410: 8362: 8314: 7239: 6864: 6732: 4607: 9796: 9756: 9718: 9680: 9642: 9517: 9158: 9064: 7723: 7200: 7128: 6693: 6658: 6623: 6588: 6553: 6518: 6483: 6448: 6413: 6378: 6343: 6308: 6273: 6238: 6203: 6168: 6133: 5910: 5666: 5523: 5136:Όσον αφορά τον τύπο που έκανε την εισήγηση: Όπως έχεις προσέξει τον ρώτησα δύο πολύ απλές ερωτήσεις (που θα μπορούσε να μου απαντήσει απλά με ένα ναι ή όχι) και απέφυγε με τρόπο να μου απαντήσει και στις δύο. Τον ρώτησα αν προσθέσουμε πηγές στα λήμματα των σαιζόν 1966–67 & 1967–68 τότε αυτά θα είναι notable ή όχι (αν το πρόβλημα είναι δηλαδή η έλλειψη πηγών), και δεν μου απάντησε. Τον ρώτησα αυτό που τον ρωτάς ξανά και εσύ, εαν δηλαδή το λήμμα 2352: 1960: 5948: 5243: 3573:Όσο αφορά τον πίνακα με τα results, τα templates που υπάρχουν από την σεζόν 2008–09 μέχρι και την φετινή είναι όλα σωστά γιατί είναι ακριβώς τα ίδια με αυτά που ισχύουν και χρησιμοποιούμε μέχρι σήμερα. Είναι πιο πρόσφατο template από αυτό που βάζεις. Αν τα συγκρίνεις μάλιστα θα δεις ότι είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο στο editing, με πιο ωραία εμφάνιση και περισσότερη λεπτομέρεια (κόκκινο χρώμα η εντός έδρας ήττα, κίτρινο η ισοπαλία και μπλε η νίκη). 246: 6046: 3852: 3792: 3732: 8196: 10196: 10127: 10058: 9988: 9838: 9445: 9371: 9299: 5815: 5012:, είναι η πολιτική της Knowledge (της Αγγλικής έκδοσης τουλάχιστον, δεν ξέρω τους αντίστοιχους κανόνες της Ελληνικής) στο χάρτη να φαίνονται οι τοποθεσίες που εδρεύουν οι ομάδες, και όχι οι τοποθεσίες στις οποίες βρίσκονται τα στάδια που χρησιμοποιούν. Ο σκοπός αυτού του χάρτη είναι να δείχνει ποιες πόλεις (ή περιοχές) αντιπροσωπεύνται με την παρουσία κάθε ομάδας στο εκάστοτε προτάθλημα, και όχι το ποια στάδια χρησιμοποιούνται. 5155:Υ.Γ. Συγγνώμη αν μακρηγόρησα ή έγινα κουραστικός αλλά τα έχω ψιλοπάρει λίγο, επειδή μου έχουν τύχει και άλλοι τέτοιοι ιδιότροποι τύποι στο παρελθόν (που δεν μπορείς να συνεννοηθείς με τίποτε μαζί τους ή αποφεύγουν να σου απαντήσουν σε κάποια πολύ εύλογα ερωτήματα που τους θέτεις). Δυστυχώς άλλα τον ρωτάς και άλλα σου απαντά, και δεν θεωρώ είναι τυχαίο το ότι αποφέυγει να απαντήσει. Όμως, όπως είπα και χθες, υπομονή φίλε μου. 3954:Όσον αφορά την Γ' Κατηγορία (και την Δ' Κατηγορία πιο μετά), δεν υπάρχει κανένα πρόβλημα φίλε μου να διορθώσω όλα τα λήμματα που έχεις φτιάξει. Χαρά μου να βοηθήσω σε ότι χρειαστείς, άλλωστε είναι κρίμα να πάει χαμένη τόση προσπάθεια και τόσος κόπος για να εμπλουτίσεις την Αγγλική Knowledge σε ότι αφορά το Κυπριακό ποδόσφαιρο. Όσα λήμματα φτιάξεις, να είσαι σίγουρος ότι θα τα κοιτάξω και θα κάνω όποιες διορθώσεις χρειαστούν. 7915: 7814: 7547: 7354: 5718:). Κατα τα άλλα το λήμμα είναι εξαιρετικό και δεν θεωρώ ότι υπάρχει κάτι το οποίο είναι περιττό ή άσχετο ώστε να πρέπει να αφαιρεθεί. Τώρα όσο αφορά τους σκόρερ και τους πρώτους σε συμμετοχές, απο την στιγμή που δεν υπάρχουν ξεκάθαρα στοιχεία (ή ονόματα) και δεν υπάρχουν ούτε ανανεωμένα -μέχρι σήμερα- στατιστικά, καλύτερα να μην προστεθούν καθόλου για να μην υπάρχουν ημητελείς ή λανθασμένες πληροφορίες στο λήμμα. 4037: 2004: 49: 2138:) είναι πολύ βοηθητικό και κατατοπιστικότατο σε σχέση με τα λήμματα που θέλεις να δημιουρήγσεις. Στο κομμάτι με τα Youth competitions υπάρχουν λήμματα για όλες τις διοργανώσεις της διεθνούς ομοσπονδίας πετόσφαιρας (FIVB) σε όλες τις μικρές ηλικίες για εφήβους και νεανίδες (U23, U21, U20, U19, U18). Βάση αυτού μπορείς άνετα να ονομάσεις με τον ίδιο τρόπο και όλα τα αντίστοιχα δικά μας πρωταθλήματα. 915: 106: 5615: 1909: 193: 2389: 1054: 3974:Αν βρεις πηγές και χρόνο στο μέλλον για περισσότερα λήμματα τότε καλώς, αν όχι δεν πειράζει αφού έχεις ήδη κάνει πάρα πολλή και καλή δουλειά, σε σημείο που δεν είχε ασχοληθεί κανείς στο παρελθόν όσο αφορά τα Αγγλικά λήμματα. Σε ευχαριστώ και εγώ για την συνεργασία μας και την προσφορά σου στην Αγγλική Knowledge. Για ό,τι βοήθεια χρειαστείς στο μέλλον είμαι πάντα στην διάθεση σου. 4276: 4267: 4258: 5207:. The idea is not to record every minor edit, but to create a momentum to motivate editors to produce good content improvements and creations and inspire people to work on more countries than they might otherwise work on. There's also the possibility of establishing smaller country or regional challenges for places like South East Asia, Japan/China or India etc, much like 4247:Φίλε έχω να σου προτείνω την παρακάτω σειρά χρώματων που είναι αρκετά ελαφριά, με μόνο (σχετικά) έντονο αυτό της 1ης Κατηγορίας που κατα την γνώμη μου πρεπει να ξεχωρίζει από τις υπόλοιπες. Κοίταξε τα, και αν θέλεις άλλαξε την σειρά τους (το τι συμβολίζει κάθε χρώμα). Επίσης, αν θες κάποιο άλλο συκεκριμένο χρώμα, ή κάποια άλλη αλλαγή μη διστάσεις να μου το ζητησεις. 5876:Υ.Γ. Τους Μουσουλμάνους στα Αγγλικά τους λένε Muslims, και έτσι τους έχω μεταφράσει στo edit που έκανα. Επειδή δεν γνωρίζω αν τους συγκεκριμένους που εναφέρεται το λήμμα τους λέγανε Mohammedans, αν εσύ γνωρίζεις κάτι περισσότερο και είσαι σίγουρος ότι έτσι τους ονομάζανε, τότε ξανα-άλλαξε το αν κρίνεις απαραίτητο. Πάντως νομίζω το Muslims είναι πιο σωστό σαν όρος. 5707: 2860:. The play-offs were played at the same time along with Cypriot Second and Third Division, so the play-offs teams would play their matches later, depending on which Division they would participate. so, the Third Division would consisted of 13 teams, as one of the 14 teams would be promoted to the Second Division, after taking Orfeas place. 2668:Κοίταξε επίσης τα μικρά-μικρά σχόλια που έκανα στα edit summary και των δύο λημμάτων (ίσως έχω επισημάνει και κάποια άλλα πράγματα) για να έχεις υπόψη σου τι πρέπει να προσέξεις στα μελλοντικά λήμματα που θα φτιάξεις. Δες πως μοιάζει η τελική μορφή των λημμάτων και χρησημοποίησε τα σαν οδηγό-template για τα επόμενα λήμματα που θα φτιάξεις. 4469:, έχω μεταφράσει όσα σημεία άφησες στα Ελληνικά και έχω κάνει και κάποιες άλλες πολύ μικρές διορθώσεις. Τα ονόματα των τοπικών ομοσπονδιών τα έχω μεταφράσει όσο πιο σωστά μπορούσα (σε κάποια δεν μοπρούσε να γίνει ακριβής μετάφραση), αλλά την συντομογραφία τους (στα Αγγλικά) την έβαλα με βάση τα ελληνικά ακρώνυμα, και όχι τα αγγλικα. 5144:, το οποίο όπως καταλαμβαίνεις δεν είναι καθόλου αυτό που του ζήτησα αφού δεν έιναι κυρίως λήμμα, αλλά ακόμα ένα λήμμα που κατα την γνώμη του δεν είναι notable. Στην ουσία, ούτε και εδώ μου έδωσε απάντηση. Και το περίεργο είναι ότι μου λέει ότι δεν μπορεσε να βρεί καλύτερο παράδειγμα να μου δώσει γιατί δεν ακολουθεί τα sports!!! 5743:Απο εκεί και πέρα ζητά πολλά references (σε συγκεκριμένα σημεία αλλά και σχεδόν σε ολόκληρη την παράγραφο "Structure"), τα οποία και εγώ προσωπικά δεν μπορώ να τα βρω κάπου. Αν έχεις εσύ κάποιες πηγές πρόσθεσε ότι μπορέσεις. Πάντως πράγματι είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο (αυτή την στιγμή τουλάχιστον) να γίνει GA το συγκεκριμένο λήμμα. 4330:δεν έχω να σου προτείνω κάποια αλλαγή ή διόρθωση. Το λήμμα είναι πλήρες, αναλυτικότατο, με σωστή δομή και με όλες τις απαραίτητες λεπτομέρειες που χρειάζονται. Προσωπικά δεν βλέπω να λείπει κάτι. Άν έχεις κάτι εσύ που σκέφτεσαι να αλλάξεις ή έχεις κάποια αμφιβολία για κάτι, ευχαρίστως να σου πώ την γνώμη μου και να βοηθήσω. 4295: 4115:Έχω διαβάσει με προσοχή το λήμμα που έχεις φτιάξει για την Β' Κατηγορία στην ελληνική ΒΠ. Κατ' αρχήν να σου πω ότι είναι εξαιρετικό, και δεν χρειάζεται να αλλάξει κάτι σε ότι αφορά την ουσία. Έχω μόνο να σου προτείνω κάποιες πολύ-πολύ μικρές αλλαγές που αφορούν κυρίως τα δύο σκέλη του πρωταθλήματος (πριν και μετά το 1953): 7203: 5211:. For this to really work we need diversity and exciting content and editors from a broad range of countries regularly contributing. At some stage we hope to run some contests to benefit Asian content, a destubathon perhaps, aimed at reducing the stub count would be a good place to start, based on the current 2493:Γεια σου φίλε μου. Μετάφρασα αυτά που μου ζήτησες όσο καλύτερα μπορούσα. Μην παραξενευτείς αν κάπου η μεταφραση σου φανεί λίγο διαφορετική σε σχέση με το Ελληνικό κείμενο. Σε κάποια σημεία δεν μπορεί να γίνει ακριβής μετάφραση των Ελληνικών γιατί μετά δεν θα αποδίδεται σωστά το νόημα, έτσι τα άλλαξα ελαφρώς. 3114: 2800: 4353: 4327: 4216: 4206: 8159:
Census 1891, 1931, 1946, 1960, 1973, 1976, 1982, 1992, 2001, 2011 lists PO and PM separately with no entry for Palaichori. From 1973 to 2011 the organizer of the census is Cyprus Republic. Only in census 1881, 1901, 1911 and 1921 the two villages are counting together. These census were organize from
If both teams had scored the same number of home and away goals, then extra time was following after the end of the second leg match. If during the extra thirty minutes both teams had managed to score, but they had scored the same number of goals, then the team who scored the away goals was advancing
is the third, CALDAS SC FOOTBALLERS should go in third place of those categories - my categories approach is the following: first personal cats, then X COUNTRY FOOTBALLERS, then player position, then leagues and clubs by order in career, then international cats, expatriate cats and lastly, if needed,
I have run two similar events before - a wikithon at the British Association of American Studies in 2008, and another at the Native American Literature Symposium last year - and am reasonably confident of being able to get attendees interested. However, I am not a very active editor these days, and
3) The relegation group was scheduled to be played under a single match format: every team would play only one match against each of the other three teams, in a neutral stadium. However, after the first matchday results, the points difference of the 12th placed team from the other teams could not be
The next four rounds were played in a two-legged format, each team playing a home and an away match against their opponent. The team which scored more goals on aggregate, was qualifying to the next round. If the two teams scored the same number of goals on aggregate, then the team which scored more
Anyway φίλε μου, από αυτά τα περίεργα που (στην ουσία δεν) μου είπε συμπαίρανα δύο πράγματα. Ότι αν μπορέσεις να βρεις 2-3 πηγές (απευθείας links από πηγές του internet όμως, όχι σελίδες κυπριακών βιβλίων) να προσθέσεις στα λήμματα 1966–67 & 1967–68, τότε μάλλον τα λήμματα θα είναι ΟΚ. Δεν βάζω
The event will be in the evening and will last around 3 hours. I will have various academics there whose research mainly concentrates on Cyprus, but who have never edited Knowledge, as well as students and hopefully expert Wikipedians such as yourself. We will also have access to the subscription
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion
Well, many people says "I am going to Palaichori", withour say Oreinis or Morphou because the villages have the same name and are so close so it is no need to say in which one. But there are no village called Palaichori that divided to two municipalities. There are two villages with the same name.
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be removed without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be removed without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion
The aim, as with any edit-a-thon, would be to get academic input into existing articles and train educators and students in how to improve the encyclopedia (also, it's always good to meet other editors face to face). The initial introduction to wiki markup, good practice, etc, will be in English,
According to Cypriot Cup regulations, in the qualifying round draw participated the 13 teams of the Cypriot Third Division and the 5 last placed teams of the Cypriot Second Division. The draw took place one day after play-offs were finished, so Digenis Ypsona which didn't played any Cypriot Second
contratulations on adding all those new club categories. However, a small favour: when you do add them, can you add them in the correct place (Spanish clubs next to Spanish clubs, Portuguese clubs next to Portuguese clubs, in order or representation, not before all the international and expatriate
which has produced near 200 articles in just three days. If you would like to see this happening for Asia, and see potential in this attracting more interest and editors for the country/countries you work on please sign up and being contributing to the challenge! This is a way we can target every
597:. single-legged mean only one game in a stadium that is not the home statium for none of the team. (Not two games, one in each of the home stadiums). Please take your time. I don't mind if you read the article in one or two weeks. I just want for you to find the mistakes, when ever you have time. 9250:
I would like to ask you to take part in Google Code-In as a mentor. That would mean to prepare at least one task (it can be documentation related, or something else - the other categories are Code, Design, Quality Assurance and Outreach) for the participants, and help the student to complete it.
The question then is whether the PAEK redirect to Polyaryletherketone should becopme a disabiguation page between Polyaryletherketone and the football club or if a note would make sense at the top of Polyaryletherketone indicates that PAEK redirects there. What is the difference between PAEK and
4134:. Το θεωρώ πιο σωστό αυτό σαν περιγραφή, αλλά αν διαφωνείς απλά αγνόησε την εισήγηση μου. (Υ.Γ. Στην Αγγλική ΒΠ, αναγκαστικά θα χρησιμοποιήσεις τους όρους Official και Unofficial, γιατί στα Αγγλικά το Regular, έχει διαφορετική έννοια από ότι στα ελληνικά σε ότι αφορά τις αθλητικές διοργανώσεις). 4084:Γι' αυτό και αν διαβάσεις την ιστορία κάθε συλλόγου, είτε από επίσημα βιβλία, είτε από ιστοσελίδες δεν θα βρεις σχεδόν ούτε μια επίσημη πηγή (και ούτε καν απλή αναφορά) που να αναφέρει ότι στους τίτλους που κατέκτησε η ομάδα (π.χ. του ΑΠΟΕΛ) συμπεριλαμβάνονται και 11 πρωταθλήματα 2ης Κατηγορίας. 2549:
3.The teams had to declare their interest to participate in the 1996 UEFA Intertoco Cup before the end of the championship. At the end of the championship, the higher placed team among the interested ones was participating in the Intertoto Cup (if they had not secured their participation in any
The winner was qualifying to the next round. If a match was drawn, extra time was following. If extra time was drawn, there was a replay at the ground of the team who were away for the first game. If the rematch was also drawn, then extra time was following and in the if the match remained drawn
Sorry, my mistake, and I see that I also made it "the home of Aris Limassol". However, "the home of . . ." may not be quite idiomatic when referring to a sports team. Does it mean the stadium or the home city or the team offices? If it was the stadium of Aris Limassol and the stadium of Alki, we
Thanks. I did some more copyediting. Just one question this time: what does "single-legged" mean when referring to a playoff? I'm not familiar with the term. I think I can finish my work on the article if I can find another free hour over the next day or two, but free hours are hard to find this
In the first qualifying draw, participated all the 14 teams of the Cypriot Third Division and 12 teams from the Cypriot Fourth Division (first four of the league table of each group at the day of the draw). Eight out of the 26 teams were drawn to qualify directly to the second qualifying round,
1.The league consisted of three rounds with eleven match weeks in each round. In the first two rounds all teams played against each other twice, once at their home and once away. The home teams for the third round matches were determined based on their league table position after the end of the
One of the Cypriot Third Division teams was Ethnikos Defteras, a team which had been promoted from the amateur divisions. However, they were expelled from Cyprus Football Association after Cyprus' Court of Arbitration for Sport (ΑΔΕΑ) decision, after Doxa Paliometochou's objection based on a
Please stop messing up these navboxes. As pointed out before, we should not link to other templates from within templates as this takes the reader out of mainspace. You are also consistently removing the above category and replacing it with the respective year category, which is an article
The club has two names, Nea Salamis Famagusta FC or Nea Salamina FC. It is correct to mention that in the lead sentence, but I think it's better to use one name after that. I started changing instances of "Salamina" to "Salamis" but stopped because I wondered if there was a reason to use the
I've taken a quick look, and the main problems are in the second half of the article; the first half looks quite good. I'm terribly busy this afternoon but can give it some attention tomorrow. The easiest thing would be if I just go through, paragraph by paragraph, and copyedit, rewriting as
3500:Θα ήταν καλό στο συγκεκριμένο λήμμα (σεζόν 2007-08) αν σου είναι εύκολο να αντικαταστήσεις (με το δικό σου template) μόνο τον πίνακα με τα αποτελέσματα της πρώτης φάσης του πρωταθλήματος, αφού όλα τα αποτελέσματα είναι γραμένα σε bold, και να προσθέσεις επίσης και τα Stadiums and Locations 7140:
is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
I thought i explained myself well in the original message, let's try it again: when people add a new category automatically, usually it goes to the bottom. However, that screws up the order one is trying to keep (example: if a player plays for four Portuguese clubs during his career and
4285: 7735:
is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
5740:, και έκανα όλες τις αλλαγές ακριβώς όπως τις ζητούσε. Διόρθωσα την εισαγωγική παράγραφο, τα όποια λάθη γραμματικής, μετέτρεψα την παραγραφο "Points system" σε πεζή (δεν ήθελε bullet points αυτός που έκανε τον έλεγχο), και ένωσα sections "Sources" και "Bibliography" όπως το ζήτησε. 9247:, Google-organized contest in which the Wikimedia Foundation participates, starts in a few weeks. This contest is about taking high school students into the world of opensource. I'm sending you this message because you recently edited a documentation page at the English Knowledge. 3656:Δεν ξέρω αν σου χρειαστεί όταν φτιάχνεις τα επόμενα λήμματα, αλλά διαφορετικό χρώμα επίσης βάζουμε αν υπάρχουν μπαράζ ανόδου (πιο ελαφρύ πράσινο στην ομάδα που προκρίνεται για τα μπαράζ), ή μπαράζ για αποφυγή διαβάθμισης (πιο ελαφρύ κόκκινο στην ομάδα που προκρίνεται για τα μπαράζ). 3290:
also participated in the league. AEK's relegation during 2006–07 season forced the team to suspend operations. The team resumed operations in 2009–10 season. According to a specific regulation, the refugees football clubs that were resuming their operations could participate in the
3075: 3037: 2923: 3652:Απλά μια μικρή επισήμανση για τα χρώματα στους βαθμολογικούς πίνακες της 2ης κατηγορίας. Στις πρώτες 3 ομάδες (η σε όσες ομάδες κερδίζουν την άνοδο στην 1η Κατηγορία), βάζουμε το ίδιο (πράσινο) χρώμα σε όλες. Δηλαδή ο πρωταθλητής δεν έχει διαφορετικό χρώμα από τον 2ο και 3ο. 3881:
or available under a compatible license, it will be deleted. For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material. You may use such publications as a source of information, but not as a source of sentences. See our
or available under a compatible license, it will be deleted. For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material. You may use such publications as a source of information, but not as a source of sentences. See our
or available under a compatible license, it will be deleted. For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material. You may use such publications as a source of information, but not as a source of sentences. See our
4526:μετάφρασα την πρόταση που είχες βαλει στα Ελληνικα, και εκεί που έλεγε "In the 1988–89 season there was an extra regional group in Nicosia and Larnaca", το έχω αλλάξει σε "In the 1988–89 season, the championship was played in four regional groups." όπως εισηγήθηκες. 4399:
So, this is to ask, firstly, if you would consider attending the event, and, second, if you can recommend other Wikipedians in Cyprus who I should contact? I would also be very grateful if you would be willing to spread the word on the Greek language Knowledge.
4209:, δεν φαίνεται να χρειάζεται κάποια δραματική αλλαγή. Το μόνο που χρειαζόταν κατά την γνώμη μου μια πολύ μικρή αλλαγή ήταν η παράγραφος που έλεγε για την συμμετοχή των ομάδων στο κύπελλο, και μετέπειτα στο κύπελλο Γ-Δ κατηγορίας. Έκανα την πιο κάτω μικροδιόρθωση 3517:
09, δηλαδή αντί της μικρής πάυλας (-), θα πρέπει να βάζεις την λίγο πιο μεγάλη (–). Την έχω πάθει και εγώ κάποτε με την συγκεκριμένη λεπτομέρεια όταν δημιουργούσα λήμματα. Στο επισημαίνω απλά για να το έχεις υπόψη σου όταν θα δημιουργήσεις τα επόμενα λήμματα του
5340:. Go please thrrought all the season templates and fix it. For a season template the link should be at the respective season article, even if it is red. You can create the season articles for Cypriot Super Cup, then the link will be blue. As well you can create 5129:Για μένα δεν είναι αυτό το θέμα. Δεν καταλαμβαίνω πως γίνεται μια ολόκληρη σαιζόν ή και περισσότερες να ενωματωθούν μέσα στο κυρίως λήμμα της κατηγορίας. Δεν κολλούν οι αναλύσεις σαιζόν μέσα στο κυρίως λήμμα μιας κατηγορίας, δεν έχει λογική. Ναι, διαβάζοντας το 9952:
until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
3545:). Αν υπήρχαν αυτά τα λήμματα τότε θα ήταν πολύ σωστό να προστεθούν και τα δύο, αλλα από την στιγμή που τα links δεν οδηγούν πουθενά δεν υπάρχει λόγος να τα βάζουμε στην συγκεκριμένη παράγραφο, αφού ο αναγνώστης δεν μπορεί να τα δει (όπως λέει και ο τίτλος 8031:
Hello Xaris and thank you for responding. What we should do depends on the situation, so I have a few questions. Firstly, does "Palaichori" exist as a collective term for Palaichori Oreinis (PO) and Palaichori Morphou (PM)? Looking at the references in
5759: 2649:Στο infobox (Πρωταθλήματος ή κυπέλλου) τα ονόματα των ομάδων τα συντομεύουμε όσο τον δυνατό πιο πολύ, συνήθως μονολεκτικά πχ. APOEL, Omonia, Anorthosis, Enosis, Ethnikos, Nea Salamina, κτλ. To ίδιο κάνουμε και στα λήμματα πρωταθλήματος στους πίνακες των 5888:Γεια σου φίλε. Δεν είχα προσέξει αυτή την λεπτομέρεια-διαφορά μεταξύ Αγγλικής-Ελληνικής ΒΠ... Όμως από την στιγμή που η επίσημη αρχή του ποδοσφαίρου μας (ΚΟΠ) μετράει τα πρωταθλήματα Α΄ κατηγορίας χωρίς να υπολογίζει την περίοδο 1963-64 και λέει ότι το 6993:
Since all the other templates are like the templates I have made, i am not wrong. Please stop "correct" them and accept their structure. The same structure have many-many other templates on wikipedia and noone want to change them. Stop making a mess.
is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
5071:) και ότι πρέπει να διατηρηθούν τα λήμματα, αφού επίσης έχεις πλέον προσθέσει και πηγές εκεί που έλειπαν. Θεωρώ πως έχει κρίνει λάθος τα συγκεκριμένα λήμματα αυτός που πρότεινε την διαγραφή τους. Ελπίζω και εύχομαι να αναθεωρήσουν την διαγραφή τους. 130: 2260: 1748:Γεια σου φίλε. Μου είχες ζητήσει στο talk page μου να σε βοηθήσω στην μετάφραση των κειμένων για το πιο πάνω λήμμα από το αντίστοιχο ελληνικό. Έχω κάνει όσες περισσότερες διορθώσεις μπορούσα, αφού τα Αγγλικά μου δεν είναι και στο πιο ψηλό επίπεδο. 9956:
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article until the discussion has finished.
3567: 8539:
I have reverted those edits, because cut-and-and-paste moves are never acceptable; they break attribution, which is fundamental to Knowledge's licensing of contributions. In this case, the page was also the subject of a still-open discussion at
after they were accused of bribing an opponent goalkeeper. So, play-off matches were played to determine which team would take Orfeas place in the Cypriot Second Division. In the play-offs participated the two teams which were relegated from the
Hi! Today I finished translating the paragraphs of the article, I'm sorry for taking so long. The links and the references still have to be added, but I left the original text unchanged as a hidden text. Please tell me if you need anything else!
In the quarter-finals participated all the teams which qualified from the group stage. The group winners were drawn against the runners-up, with the group winners hosting the second leg. Teams from the same group could not be drawn against each
1682:). Τυγχαίνει να είμαι από την Πάφο και έχω και συγγενή μέσα στο συμβούλιο της ομάδας ο οποίος μου το έχει επιβεβαιώσει αυτό. Μπορείς επίσης να το επιβεβαιώσεις και εσύ μέσα απο τις πρόσφατες ανακοινώσεις της ΚΟΠ που επίσης αναφέρει την ομάδα ως 7265:
until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
2112:) υπάρχουν όλα τα κύπελλα μπάσκετ ανδρών των Ευρωπαϊκών χωρών και όπως μπορείς να δεις κανένα δεν χρησημοποιεί παρενθέσεις (men) στον τίτλο. Θα δείς ότι είναι όλα στυλ Cypriot Basketball Cup, Belgian Basketball Cup, German Basketball Cup κτλ. 5140:είναι notable, και πάλι δεν μου απάντησε. Επίσης του ζήτησα να μου δώσει ένα παράδειγμα κάποιου κυρίως λήμματος που έχει ήδη συγχωνευτεί με κάποιο λήμμα χρονικής περιόδου (γιατί ποτέ δεν έχω δει κάτι τέτοιο να συμβαίνει) και μου έδωσε αυτό 467:. It' good that you don't know a lot about soccer. I want the article to be understandable to any reader! I prefer to answer here and not to make the changes now. I need your final suggest for every sentences. Your right about everything! 666:. No. Nea Salamina won Enosi Neon Paralimni. But this wasn't enought. It needs that Omonoia (the team which has already won the champion) not to lose by Evagoras. And something i forget: and Alki to win Olympiakos. None of these happened. 1033:, as i say before, please take your time. I don't mind if you read the article in one or two weeks. I just want for you to find the mistakes, when ever you have time. I made my comments just to be ready for you when ever you have time. 6970:
That's not the point. It's not my responsibility, this is a collective project. I have had a go at a few others here and there, but there's a lot of them. If I didn't have to keep reverting your mess, perhaps I'd have more time...
3621:Για όλες τις σεζόν που προηγούνται της 2008-09, πολύ σωστά βάζεις τα δικά σου templates αφού έτσι και αλλιώς τα λήμματα τότε είχαν φτιαχτεί με ακόμη πιο παλιά templates, οπότε οι αλλαγές που κάνεις βοηθούν στην βελτίωση των λημμάτων. 3459:, αλλά αυτός που δημιούργησε το λήμμα πίστευε ότι ήταν πιο σωστό να του δώσει μια πιο γενική ονομασία. Δεν είναι λάθος, γιατί ίσως η ακριβής μετάφραση να διαβάζεται λίγο περίεργα στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Εγώ δεν θα το άλλαζα γιατί π.χ. το 9683: 9672: 6086:. When a page has substantially identical content to that of a page deleted after a discusion, and any changes in the content do not address the reasons for which the material was previously deleted, it may be deleted at any time. 10029:
and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself.
It is possible that the bot was mistaken and found similarity where none actually exists. If that is the case, you can remove the tag from the article. The article will be reviewed to determine if there are any copyright issues.
It is possible that the bot was mistaken and found similarity where none actually exists. If that is the case, you can remove the tag from the article. The article will be reviewed to determine if there are any copyright issues.
It is possible that the bot was mistaken and found similarity where none actually exists. If that is the case, you can remove the tag from the article. The article will be reviewed to determine if there are any copyright issues.
2663:Επίσης στους βαθμολογικούς πίνακες κάθε Πρωταθλήματος, τα ονοματα των ομάδων τα βάζουμε ολόκληρα αλλα αφαιρούμε τα FC, AC, κτλ. Πχ. Anorthosis Famagusta, Nea Salamis Famagusta, Ethnikos Achna. AEL Limassol, APOEL, Omonia, κτλ. 1073: 1067: 1061: 7990:. This isn't a discussion as to whether or not there are two municipalities. It is a discussion of your incorrect editing process. You want to correct an inaccuracy, that's laudable. The way you are doing it is against policy. 3257:. The first four teams of the 2001–02 Cypriot First Division were set heads of each group and the 5th–8th placed teams were drawn one per group. The eight teams which advanced from the third round were drawn without limitations. 8708:
The previous name of the club had three latin letters and one greek letter? in a name where someone who is greek would expect it to be Rho Alpha Epsilon Kappa and someone who isn't would expect Latin P-A-E-K? What did it stand
3566:Φίλε, δεν ξέρω ποιο έιναι το template που χρησιμοποιείται αυτή την στιγμή στην Ελληνική Knowledge, αλλά φαίνεται ότι στην Αγγλική είναι διαφορετικά. Το καινούργιο template (απο πέρσι) για τους βαθμολογικούς πίνκακες είναι αυτό 3325:
1) The league was split into a two tier system, B1 Division and B2 Division with 8 teams participating in each division. All teams played against each other four times, twice at home and twice away, for a total of 28 matches.
9721: 9710: 8476:
as I'd expect. You'll need to identify what other pages need to be modified; once you've done that, I'd be happy to make the needed edits, but until then, any edits either would break things or would have no effect at all.
In the next round, the teams were drawn into four groups of four. The teams of each group played against each other twice, once at their home and once away. The group winners and runners-up of each group advanced to the next
9670: 6932:
we shouldn't have redlinks in navboxes, and you are also adding links to articles that are not year-specific or Cyprus specific. I know there are other similar navboxes which do all this, but they need correcting out too.
10026: 9995: 9981: 2429: 2396: 2382: 1817: 5133:λέει ότι καποιοες σαιζόν μπορούν να ενωθούν μεταξύ τους και να γίνουν ένα μόνο λήμμα (δεν το γνώριζα αυτό), αλλά από ότι κατάλαβα δεν εννοεί όμως να ενσωματωθούν στο κυρίως λήμμα, αλλά σε κάποιο νέο, διαφορετικό λήμμα. 8544:. There is a big pink notice on the page, which you could not have missed, and it clearly says not to move the page while discussion is underway. Short-cutting a consensus-forming discussion like that looks very like 1765:Φίλε, αυτή είναι η καλύτερη μεταφραση που μπορούσα να κάνω για τη φράση "Πλούσια δράση είχε και στα πολιτιστικά δρώμενα της πόλης με υπαίθριους χορούς, δημιουργία θεατρικού ομίλου και διοργάνωση θεατρικών παραστάσεων." 5803: 2607:". Δηλαδή βάζεις το λινκ and αλλά το συντομεύεις αφαιρώντας το 1990-91 και το κάνεις , γιατί εννοείται ότι μιλάς για τα clubs της κάθε κατηγορίας της συγκεκριμένης σεζόν, αφού το κύπελλο αφορά την συγκεκριμένη σεζον. 1628:
Hi, I saw that you asked another user for help regarding using AWB to do more than trivial search and replace. If you still need help, I will be happy to offer some guidance. Just repeat your question on my talk page.
9708: 7008:
I have explained the reasons together with relevant guidelines as to why the additions you are making to these navboxes are inappropriate. Please follow the guidelines, rather than repeating the mistakes of others.
9691: 8541: 3428:. The rest Kissos' scheduled matches until the end of the season were cancelled and all the opponents awarded a 3–0 win over Kissos. Also, all the points the team already won were were deducted and reduced to zero. 1823: 9759: 9748: 9729: 9133:
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
8400: 7269:
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
8457:. If you want to re-request changes to these templates, you'll need to provide technical details, because I'm not clear how to edit them. This one's drawing data from somewhere else. Here's its complete code: 4580:ΥΓ: Μην δημιουργήσεις το κυρίως λήμμα μέχρι να δούμε ποια θα είναι η τελική απόφαση (αν θα συμφωνίσουν με τις εισηγήσεις μου, ή αν διαγραφεί το συγκεκριμένο λήμμα), καθώς είναι κρίμα να μπεις σε τόσο κόπο άδικα. 4183:, αφού δεν χρειάζεται χρονολογική διευκρίνηση (του στυλ "από την περίοδο 1953-54"), γιατί ουσιαστικά είναι η λίστα με όλες τις πρωταθλήτριες ομάδες από την ημέρα που άρχισε να διεξάγεται κανονικά το πρωτάθλημα. 9007: 8304: 2765:. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose 2710:. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose 9976: 9236: 7423:
needs to be a disambiguation page: it's a topic in its own right and there can be legitimate incoming links. I hope you can help with this editing, as you clearly know the subject matter and I don't. Thanks,
4430: 766:
Your wording read: "The next football season was not accompanied by discrimination," which I assumed meant that the sanctions imposed on them the previous season had ended. I guess this needs to be rewritten
lists PO and PM separately. Palaichori Morfou with code 1300 and Palaichori Oreinis with code 1310. The publisher is Cyprus' principal government institution in charge of statistics and census data (CYSTAT).
5845: 5822: 5808: 1079: 9746: 3404:
decided that the team did not meet basic requirements for the registering as a member of the federation. After an extraordinary general meeting it was decided that the team was eventually able to join the
2380: 1107: 9799: 9788: 7672:
I only added it as another user (pretty sure it was an admin) told me that the article I marked for PROD could be evidence of a COI. If it gets de-PRODed for any reason, feel free to remove the warning.
Yes. I think that's clear as written, although the information about his activities with Omonoia decades later, while interesting, is extraneous and probably doesn't add to readers' understanding of Nea
9767: 8967: 8953: 8426: 2402: 8330: 280:
Though I passed it, while regoing through it, in the lead I find there is written "The club is temporarily based in Larnaca"I would suggest you to give a reason for it and also give a citation.Thanks!
9544:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 9185:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 7747:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 7152:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 6721: 6094: 6071: 6039: 6034: 5913: 5547:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 7629:
In addition, you must disclose your employer, client, and affiliation with respect to any contribution which forms all or part of work for which you receive, or expect to receive, compensation (see
3333:, while the first two teams of B2 Division were promoted to B1 Division. The last four teams of B1 Division were relegated to B2 Division, while the last four teams of B2 Division were relegated to 7211: 9807: 9786: 8352: 9075: 9933: 9918: 9890: 9863: 9831: 9826: 9433: 7060: 6755: 6686: 6651: 6616: 6581: 6546: 6511: 6476: 6441: 6406: 6371: 6336: 6301: 6266: 6231: 6196: 6161: 6126: 5903: 4186:Αυτές είναι οι (μικρο)εισηγήσεις μου φίλε. Κατα τα άλλα το άρθρο σου είναι πλήρες, καλογραμμένο και με σωστή δομή. Ότι διευκρίνηση και επιπλέον βοήθεια χρειαστείς μη διστάσεις να την ζητήσεις. 486:: the athletic facilities of the team were finished. They were built at the refugge settlement of Tsakkilerou (a neighbor with only refugges houses), beside the place of practice i said before. 8378: 4441:Υ.Γ.: Φίλε συγγνώμη αλλά πολύ δύσκολο το βλέπω να ασχολούμαι με λήμματα stub στην αγγλική ΒΠ για κυπριακές ομάδες που δεν έχουν. Άν χρειαστείς οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια όμως ευχαρίστως να βοηθήσω. 2281: 8183: 8177: 8173: 8169: 8165: 8161: 5068: 7193: 6704: 6669: 6634: 6599: 6564: 6529: 6494: 6459: 6424: 6389: 6354: 6319: 6284: 6249: 6214: 6179: 6144: 5921: 9948: 9057: 4596: 3122:
In the qualifying round draw participated the 14 teams of the Cypriot Third Division and 6 of the 14 teams of the Cypriot Second Division (last six of the league table at the day of draw).
324:. I see you work a lot on sports-related articles. I don't know much about such topics, but I'd be happy to give what help I can over the next few days. Which article are we talking about? 5376:
Better yet, stop creating unreferenced articles about non-notable seasons. Rather than give you bad advice, Unikalinho should have told you that Wikpedia doesn't need templates like that.
Thanks! That will be great! More people will have acces to the information if is in English! I will create all seasons for my country also, and in time Knowledge will be almost complete!--
9916: 9653: 9067: 5936: 4614: 4598: 4473: 4466: 8762:
Before 1974 the team was known as PAEK (Football and sport union of Kyrenia) After 1977 the team is known as PAEEK (Football and sport union of Kyrenia District). They changed the name.
from the old title to the new. If you cannot perform a particular page move yourself this way (e.g. because a page already exists at the target title), please follow the instructions at
9483: 9452: 9438: 126: 5152:(αφού διαφωνεί με κάποιες πρακτικές τους), οπότε από την στιγμή που αυτοί είναι λογικά που θα επιληφθούν του θέματος, πλέον είμαι αισιόδοξος ότι τα λήμματα θα παραμείνουν ως έχουν. 4797: 2585:Όταν μιλάς για τις ομάδες που συμμετέχουν στο κύπελλο, στα λινκς των κατηγοριών που βάζεις να τα συντομεύεις χωρίς να φαινεται η σεζόν μπροστα από την κατηγορια. Π.χ. Αντί να γράφεις " 428:
This year completed proprietary sports club of the refugee settlement Tsakkilerou beside the court training the football team, volunteer work and offer hundreds of friends of the club.
9560: 9201: 8948: 7763: 7168: 5563: 4630: 484:
This year completed proprietary sports club of the refugee settlement Tsakkilerou beside the court training the football team, volunteer work and offer hundreds of friends of the club
4957: 4917: 4877: 4837: 4574: 2673:Αν θες όταν τελειώνεις κάθε λήμμα κυπελλου ή πρωταθλήματος ενημέρωνε με να κοιτάζω για τελικές διορθώσεις που ίσως να χρειαστούν. Οτι άλλο χρειαστείς πάντως ευχαρίστως να βοηθήσω. 2177:Μπορείς να χρησημοποιήσεις το πιο πάνω template σαν βάση και στο μέλλον αν πρόκειται να δημιουργήσεις άλλα λήμματα στα Αγγλικά που θα αφορούν οποιεσδήποτε διοργανώσεις πετόσφαιρας. 1319: 7698: 1768:"He has also taken a very active role in the cultural life of the City through outdoor dance performances, theatrical group creation and organization of theatrical performances." 9530: 9171: 2799: 1821:, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at 1330: 1312: 2363: 757:
what do you mean? I want to say that the next SEASONS the team has no honours (something important) but its made many wins against the teams that were in the top of the table.
9632: 3393: 2999: 2961: 2882: 9282: 10165: 10134: 10120: 9645: 9634: 6918: 1016:
Please see my replies indented above. Unfortunately, I don't have time to make any of the changes now. Just quickly checking my watchlist, then I need to be somewhere else.
4716:φίλε μου... Μπράβο πάντως για την δουλειά που έκανες στο συγκεκριμένο λήμμα, έχει αναβαθμιστεί πάρα πολύ, σε σχέση με το πως ήταν πριν κάνεις αυτές τις αλλαγες-βελτιώσεις. 1725: 10115: 2273: 9359: 8443: 7370: 5344: 5234: 4223:), αφού όλες οι πρωταθλήτριες ήταν αναπληρωματικές όμαδες (και όχι οι κανονικές), ίσως κατα την γνώμη μου θα ήταν καλύτερα αντί ΑΠΟΕΛ, Τραστ, ΕΠΑ, ΑΕΛ και Τσετίν Καγιά, 3599:). Όσο αφορά τον πίνακα με τα results, θα δεις ότι είναι από αρκετά χρόνια πριν μέχρι και σήμερα το ίδιο template που χρησιμοπούμε στο Κυπριακό πρωτάθλημα από την σεζόν 3570:, όχι εκείνο που έβαλες. Πάτα πάνω στο edit για να δεις πως είναι ακριβώς. Εμείς για το Κυπριακό πρωτάθλημα το χρησιμοπούμε πρώτη φορα φέτος (με ένα χρόνο καθυστέρηση). 1218: 1203: 1188: 1164: 1141: 9741: 9265: 9256: 8347: 8216:
The two communities have the same website. This is not strange. The two village are divided only by a river. And is cheaper for small villages to have a common website.
4480:, καθώς στην ουσία δεν διοργανώνεται από την ΚΟΠ, την βασική αρχή ποδοσφαίρου της χώρας. Το πρόσθεσα πάντως στο template, δημιουργώντας ένα νέο κομμάτι, ονομάζωντας το 10234: 10203: 10189: 9703: 8205: 7845:
for that. If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you may leave a message on my talk page. Thank you. - Your continued ignoring of WP policy (see
2614:, εκεί καλό ειναι να γράφεις ολόκληρο το λινκ της κατηγορίας (χωρίς συντόμευση), γιατί μιλάμε για διαφορετικές (προηγούμενες) σεζόν και διαφορετικά πρωταθλήματα. Π.χ. 2515:
to the next round (i.e. the team which was playing away). If there weren’t scored any goals during extra time, the qualifying team was determined by penalty shootout.
2419: 1280: 535:
are both valid names, but it may confuse readers if we go back and forth between them, so I think we should use one form only (after the first sentence). I'll go with
6772: 5931: 5859: 4392:
but we can work on English, Greek, and Turkish Wikipedias at the event itself. (My own Greek is still not good, but most academics in attendance are Greek speaking).
2141:Επειδή πρόκειται για εφηβικές διοργανώσεις δεν χρειάζεται διευκρινιστική παρένθεση στο τέλος, αφού αυτό θα φαίνεται από τον τίτλο αν πρόκειται για αγόρια ή κορίτσια. 2067:Κατ' αρχήν, δεν μπορεί να γίνει ακριβής μετάφραση για τον όρο "Επίλεκτη κατηγορία", δηλαδή είναι λάθος να μεταφραστεί σε "Chosen Division" ή σε "Selected Division". 10184: 4172:, για να είναι πιο ευδιάκριτο ότι δεν πρόκειται για επίσημους τίτλους, αφού ουσιαστικά η συγκεκριμένη λίστα αναφέρεται στο λήμμα καθαρά για εγκυκλοπεδικούς σκοπούς. 2024: 69: 8420:, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. A discussion is taking place to decide whether this proposal complies with the 8372:, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. A discussion is taking place to decide whether this proposal complies with the 8324:, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. A discussion is taking place to decide whether this proposal complies with the 6121: 9287: 8835: 8776: 7798: 5765: 3522:η οποιασδήποτε άλλης διοργάνωσης. Διόρθωσα πάντως όλες τις πάυλες μέσα στο λήμμα του 2008–09 (εκτός από την ονομασία του), και επίσης διόρθωσα όλες τις πάυλες στο 2861: 2849: 1337: 223: 9781: 4044:, but there are some minor changes or clarifications needing to be addressed. If these are fixed within 7 days, the article will pass; otherwise it may fail. See 398:
What does "After termination of the supervisor" mean, and who terminated him? And is this the same official as the referee? (Sorry, I don't know football/soccer.)
10307: 9409: 9378: 9364: 9092: 6716: 6681: 6646: 6611: 6576: 6541: 6506: 6471: 6436: 6401: 6366: 6331: 6296: 6261: 6226: 6191: 6156: 5643: 4126:, κάτι που σε εμενα τουλάχιστον δεν μου ακούγεται σωστό σαν περιγραφή, θα πρότεινα (προσωπική άποψη πάντα) να ονομαστεί η περίοδος πριν το 1953 με την περιγραφή 8395: 7404:
to have it moved by someone else. Also, if there are any other pages that you moved by copying and pasting, even if it was a long time ago, please list them at
7079:) it was concluded that one article was okay, but it may make more sense to redirect the historic club to the current club. This was done, and the content from 6029: 4660:Διόρθωσα τις πηγές που είχες προσθέσει στην Α' Κατηγορία αλλάζωντας ουσιαστικά την θέση τους και το template τους. Συγκεκριμένα στον πίνακα με τους πρωταθλητές 4380:
I am organising an edit-a-thon at my university, European University Cyprus, for the 12th May. The page for the event is at Knowledge:Meetup/Cyprus_Wikithon.
3684: 9110: 9094: 7329: 7328:
Unfortunately you continued to create unreferenced articles and did not address the issue raised. The above article can now be worked on in draftspace, as can
7228: 7031:
Only you think are mistakes. No one else. And you don't have the courage to "correct" the other templates. You know you are wrong. I have to revert your mess.
5495: 3377: 1349: 1345: 1341: 1214: 1199: 1184: 1160: 1137: 955:
I'm not sure. Please clarify: Nea Salamina played against Cyprus twice, losing in Vienna but winning in Cyprus—is that right? If so, which game happened first?
166: 31: 10041: 9087: 9052: 8668:
which has a latin PA then an Epsilon and then a Latin K. Is this correct or should it be changed to something else. PAEK (all latin) is already a redirect to
withdrew from the league after the 22nd matchday. The decision to withdraw was taken after the team received heavy penalties by the judicial committee of the
10096: 10065: 10051: 9821: 9595: 5588: 5016: 4536:Εισήγηση μου είναι -αν μπορέσεις και όταν βρεις χρόνο- να προσθέσεις στο λήμμα (μιας και δεν υπάρχουν καθόλου στην Αγγλική έκδοση) τις πιο κάτω παραγράφους: 4014: 2345: 1937: 1306: 881:
I want to say that the following period (2003-04) won the champion of second division. As is now it seems to say that the team win first division. I think...
From my own experience, Google Code-In can be fun, you can make several new friends, attract new people to your wiki and make them part of your community.
8242: 7223: 6947: 10046: 9911: 9502: 9337: 9306: 9292: 9126: 2355: 2311: 2196: 2020: 65: 9971: 5581: 4647: 1667:γιατί παντού είναι γραμμένο έτσι, και σε όλες τες αναφορές που υπάρχουν στις επίσημες ανακοινώσεις, και σε όλα τα λογότυπα που κυκλοφόρησαν κατα καιρούς. 8529: 7262: 5212: 2157:Αν πρόκειται για ηλικίες από U19 και κάτω (U17, U15 κτλ) χρησιμοποίησε ακριβώς τον ίδιο τίτλο (με Boys' ή Girls') και απλά άλλαξε το U19 σε U17, U15 κτλ. 1882: 1291: 9612:. This is purely for routine maintenance and is not indicative of wrongdoing on your part. You may regain access at any time by simply requesting it at 9354: 5892:είναι το 78ο στην σειρά, τότε προφανώς αυτό είναι που ισχύει και είναι και το πιο σωστό. Δηλαδή το φετινό είναι το είναι το 78ο πρωτάθλημα, όχι το 79ο. 3320:Στα βάζω με την σειρά που μου τα ζήτησες. Τα πρώτα δύο κομμάτια είναι τα Αγγλικά αποσπάσματα διορθωμένα και τα υπόλοιπα τρία οι μεταφράσεις που ζήτησες: 418:
so I can't integrate it properly into the rest of the paragraph. What are "training premises"? Was this a place to practice, an actual stadium, or what?
10272: 10258: 7834: 7551: 5216:
country of Asia, and steadily vastly improve the encyclopedia. We need numbers to make this work so consider signing up as a participant! Thank you. --
5118: 9586: 8084:
So only one reference out of six (plus the infobox) even mentions PO or PM. I think the topic of Palaichori is at least as notable as PO or PM alone.
6964: 5111:Για αυτό που με ρώτησες και εγώ με μια πρώτη ανάγνωση έτσι κατάλαβα, αλλά διαβάζοντας λίγες γραμμές πιο πριν, στην πρώτη γραμμή της ίδιας παράγραφου ( 9227: 8629: 7781: 7186: 5204: 9665: 8524: 7697:
article by a disambiguation page. There are several incoming links which I'm unable to resolve; please can you help? I've found a few clues, e.g.
8830: 8577: 7284: 7099: 7072: 5326: 4090:
1) Οι τίτλοι αρχίζουν να μετρούν από την σεζόν 1953-54, όταν και άρχισε να διοργανώνεται σε επίσημη βάση (και με κανονικές ομάδες) η 2η Κατηγορία.
2794: 2568:Γεια και πάλι φίλε. Έκανες αρκετή και καλή δουλεια στα δύο λήμματα. Εκανα όλες τις διορθώσεις που χρειάζονταν (κατα την άποψη μου) στα λήμματα των 1987: 1355:
La squadra fa parte della polisportiva Nea Salamina Famagusta che fu fondata nel 1948; la polisportiva comprende anche una squadra di pallavolo. --
1302: 1232:
1)Do you have article for each one of the notable departments? Yes we have articles for each one notable departments. For example see Trabzonspor:
9143: 5019:, στο οποίο είναι μαζεμένα όλα τα "Stadia and locations" όλων των ευρωπαϊκών πρωταθλημάτων για την σεζόν 2016-17 και θα καταλάβεις. Ακόμη και στο 310: 289: 275: 9627: 7271: 5512: 5196: 3186:
The quarter-finals and semi-finals were played over two legs and the same format as in the third round was applied. The final was a single match.
2739: 1932: 9874:
how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the
8887: 8654: 5112: 3345:. So all the teams that were relegated from B1 to B2 and the teams that promoted from B2 to B1 participated in the new unified Second Division. 3306: 3275: 3168: 3137: 2818: 2375: 2027:! The gallery may have a few too many similar images; there's particular overlap in the volleyball section. Good luck with GA and all the best, 1811: 1207: 1168: 218: 9428: 8892: 7303:
The tags can be removed by you or another editor once the issues they mention are addressed. If you have questions, you can leave a comment on
7279: 6853: 321: 8632:. If you have any questions, or any doubts regarding what edits are appropriate, you are welcome to discuss them with me or any other editor. 5693: 386:
The agreement was canceled because it was impossible for a foreign coach to be employed due to financial problems caused by his refugee status
10248: 10222:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. If it remains empty for seven days or more, it may be deleted under 10215: 10211: 10153:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. If it remains empty for seven days or more, it may be deleted under 10146: 10142: 10084:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. If it remains empty for seven days or more, it may be deleted under 10077: 10073: 10014:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. If it remains empty for seven days or more, it may be deleted under 10007: 10003: 9468: 9464: 9394: 9390: 9322: 9318: 8910: 8894: 2070:Οπότε κατά την γνώμη μου, η πλησιέστερη (και σωστότερη) μετάφραση που μπορεί να γίνει στον όρο "Επίλεκτη κατηγορία ΣΤΟΚ" είναι η ονομασία σε 5737: 5673:
for reasons why the nomination failed. If or when these points have been taken care of, you may apply for a new nomination of the article.
5638: 5423:
and creating wholly unsourced articles helps no one. If you're not willing to perform research then you should not be creating content, per
5229: 5009: 4068: 2236: 1967:
for reasons why the nomination failed. If or when these points have been taken care of, you may apply for a new nomination of the article.
10179: 7438: 5988: 5223: 1655:στην Αγγλική έκδοση, και το έχω ήδη κάνει, όσο καλύτερα μπορούσα γιατί τα Αγγλικά μου είναι σχετικα μέτρια. Μπορείς να δείς το article εδώ 8601:
You have shown interest in Eastern Europe or the Balkans. Due to past disruption in this topic area, a more stringent set of rules called
8526: 5391: 3583:, χρησιμοποιούσαν για τους βαθμολογικούς πίνακες το ίδιο template με αυτό που χρησιμοπούσαμε και για το Κυπριακό πρωτάθλημα από την σεζόν 9507: 8943: 8926: 8572: 7636:
Also please note that editing for the purpose of advertising, publicising, or promoting anyone or anything is not permitted. Thank you.
6887: 3421: 9875: 7969:. The sentence "Officially the village is divided into two municipalities" is wrong. There is no village just with the name Palaichori. 7040: 7023: 7003: 6985: 6913: 5488: 5442: 5337: 3595:χρησιμοποιούν αυτό το καινούργιο template που σου ανέφερα πιο πάνω και το οποίο χρησιμοποιούμε και εμείς στο Κυπριακό πρωτάθλημα φέτος ( 9148: 7715: 7322: 7120: 4225:να αναφέρονται σαν ΑΠΟΕΛ Β', ΕΠΑ Β', Τραστ Β', ΑΕΛ Β' και Τσετίν Καγιά Β'. Το θεωρό πιο σωστό και πιο κατατοπιστικό προς τον αναγνώστη, 4122:, έτσι θα πρέπει να βρεθεί μία ονομασία-περιγραφή και για την περίοδο πριν το 1953. Επειδή το αντίθετο του Κανονική διαξαγωγή είναι το 3467:δεν μου ακούγονται και πολύ καλά στα Αγγλικά. Το αφήνω στην κρίση σου φίλε, αν θες να μεταφέρεις το λήμμα σε νέα πιο ακριβής ονομασία. 1741: 1284: 8853: 8416: 8401: 9937: 9898:. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, then please contact the 9115: 8915: 8867: 8533: 8515: 7602: 7535: 7251: 6876: 6744: 6102:. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, then please contact the 4774: 4619: 2216: 1839:
Hello Xaris333, I read the message you left at my talk page and I would be pleased to help with any translation, where can I help? --
with a professional task but will make those changes and continue working on the article soon (today or tomorrow). I understand that
8820:" before the article title) where you can incubate the article with minimal disruption. When you feel the article meets Knowledge's 8320: 8305: 4462:. Έχω κάνει αρκετές διορθώσεις σε όλες τις παραγράφους, και νομίζω ότι είναι πλέον έτοιμο χωρίς ιδιαίτερα προβλήματα και ελλείψεις. 2441: 2314:
doesn't seem to be working. Should it be updated to use a wmflabs link, or should it be sent to TfD (or something else)? Thanks!
1025: 687:
means that he win titles with Omonoia some decades later. (The coach didn't became Omonoia's manager that year but many years after.
589: 574: 556: 458: 371: 10253: 10110: 9871: 6777: 6696: 6661: 6626: 6591: 6556: 6521: 6486: 6451: 6416: 6381: 6346: 6311: 6276: 6241: 6206: 6171: 6136: 4477: 3887: 3827: 3767: 3523: 2744: 1779: 1757: 1568: 9867: 8001: 7682: 6848: 1042: 606: 395:
and I may have mistaken its meaning. The sentence is still clumsy but I think I can fix it if I'm sure what it's supposed to mean.
10348: 8133:
cutting and pasting those parts which are about PO into a new PO article (and any parts which are about PM into the PM article).
Could you create new pages with "Infobox settlement" (480 000 transclusions) and NOT "Infobox Settlement" (11000 transclusions)?
7540: 7084: 7068: 6739: 6723: 5955: 5941: 5285: 4669: 3530: 3506: 8756: 8718: 8298: 8142: 7666: 7645: 5618:
This process may take up to 7 days. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you might have during this period.
4792: 1912:
This process may take up to 7 days. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you might have during this period.
1613: 1588: 1519:
but I didn't find it. I want to make a citation for an excel file (is online), for a specific sheet. Is there any specific way?
After the linesman make complaint (formal, to the police or to the court of justice). court of justice. Strange but it happened!
This process may take up to 7 days. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you might have during this period.
10328: 10185: 10116: 10047: 9977: 9827: 9434: 9360: 9288: 9028: 8109:
What we do will depend on the answers to those questions and is a matter of opinion, but here are my suggestions. If the whole
7630: 7515: 6035: 6009: 5804: 5306: 5023:, υπάρχουν ομάδες που δεν παίζουν στην φυσική τους έδρα (ή πόλη), αλλά στον σχετικό χάρτη δείχνει την πόλη την οποία εδρεύουν. 2689: 1369: 1318:
Dal 1948 al 1953 la società ha partecipato alla Cyprus Amateur Football Federation mentre dal 1953 è entrata a far parte della
1119: 7341: 1502: 1480: 1438: 1397: 547:) is an assistant referee. Is the "supervisor" the chief referee? I couldn't find anything to support that usage of the word. 8863: 8649: 8567: 7358: 5208: 5190: 2831:(last four of the league table at the day of the draw). Before the start of 1985–86 season, the Cypriot Second Division club 2212: 2209:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 1101: 471:
Arsov wasn't a refugee. The team became refugee and because of that couldn't pay for a foreign manager (Arsov wasn't Cypriot)
8210: 3934: 3916: 1493:(under this account, not the bot account) and ask for approval of the bot. Don't use the bot until you're approved there. 480:: They started to construct place for the practice of the team (i don't know the English word) that will belong to the team. 9582: 9223: 7875: 7777: 7405: 7182: 5776:, θα το διορθώσω απο εβρομάδας όταν θα ξαναμπώ στην Knowledge (το πολύ μέχρι την ερχόμενη Τρίτη-Τετάρτη θα το έχω έτοιμο). 5577: 5020: 4591: 4567: 4516: 4495: 4452: 4425:Γεια σου φίλε. Απολογούμαι για την αργοπορημένη απάντηση μου αλλά δεν είχα χρησημοποιήσει την Knowledge εδώ και 7-8 μέρες. 2790: 2735: 1490: 91: 3899: 3839: 3779: 1096: 10219: 10150: 10081: 10011: 9609: 9472: 9398: 9326: 8431: 8383: 8335: 8247:"What was mentioned in 13th century documents: Palaichori as a whole: PO or PM?" I don't know. The source is not telling 7838: 6104: 5830: 5137: 4803: 4680:πρόσθεσα ένα μικρό κείμενο στην αρχή περιγράφωντας τι δείχνει κάθε πίνακας και μετακίνησα εκεί τις πηγές σαν references. 3948: 3542: 3414: 3410: 3397: 3373: 3237: 3204: 3200: 3192: 3157:
14 clubs from the 1985-86 Cypriot First Division and the rest clubs from the 1985-86 Cypriot Second Division were added.
2841: 2828: 2628: 2624: 2603: 2592: 2407: 1877: 1862: 1848: 1828: 1638: 1084: 3280:-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3173:-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2265:
Perhaps, but I must you said, that the english is not my fort,... send the paragraph to my and I seen whath I can fair.
2046: 719:
In that case, I'd suggest removing this and simply noting that they finished seventh for the season. Didn't they always
10207: 10138: 10069: 9999: 9803: 9763: 9725: 9687: 9649: 9460: 9386: 9314: 9071: 8785: 8777: 8248: 7802: 7794: 7393: 7378: 7207: 6700: 6665: 6630: 6595: 6560: 6525: 6490: 6455: 6420: 6385: 6350: 6315: 6280: 6245: 6210: 6175: 6140: 5917: 5889: 5834: 5660: 5250: 5236: 4963: 4923: 4883: 4843: 4420: 4031: 3904: 3679: 3643: 3629: 3625: 3615: 3611: 3607: 3600: 3596: 3588: 3584: 3560: 3538: 3495: 3487: 3478: 3439: 3353: 3254: 3250: 3241: 3233: 3229: 3196: 2853: 2824: 2777:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to
2599: 2588: 2569: 2359: 2162:Αν όμως πρόκειται για διοργανώσεις ελπίδων (U21 ή U23) τότε αντί Boys' ή Girls' θα χρησιμοποιήσεις το Men's ή Women's. 2121: 1954: 1742: 240: 9608:
may be temporarily removed. If you do not resume editing within the next week, your username will be removed from the
8849: 3176:Γειά σου φίλε. Οι μεταφράσεις που μου ζήτησες. Τις παραθέτω με την ίδια σειρά όπως τις είχες βάλει στο talk page μου: 9048: 8263: 8025: 7978: 7949: 7853:
and engage on the talk page, at this point might be constructed as disruptive editing. Please refrain from doing so.
7830: 2323: 2255: 2135: 2109: 1834: 8824:
and thus is ready for mainspace, please click on the "Submit your draft for review!" button at the top of the page.
8368: 8353: 5043:Αν έχεις και άλλα λήμματα στο μέλλον για διόρθωση, θα βάζω δίπλα από το κάθε λήμμα (στο talk page μου) την ένδειξη 4367: 4341: 4318: 4239: 4197: 4153:, αναλόγως με ποια περιγραφή από τις δύο αποφασίσεις να υοθετήσεις. Το ίδιο να κάνεις και ακριβώς από κάτω που λέει 4104: 2083: 1528: 675:
I'll have to look at this part again. I rewrote the whole thing, and while I was careful, I apparently got it wrong.
necessary. If I'm not sure about the meaning of a phrase, I'll discuss it here on your talk page. I hope that's ok.
9966: 8841: 7864: 5966:
An unremarkable club that plays in the third & fourth tier football leagues. Significant RS coverage not found.
5370: 4713: 3988: 3965: 3253:
which did not participated in the third round, that were the teams which finished in the first eight places in the
2340: 1048: 37: 8510: 8039:
The census, primary but probably the most reliable source, lists PO and PM separately with no entry for Palaichori
5727: 1222: 1192: 1145: 389:
I'm not sure I understood. If Arsov was a refugee, I think we should briefly explain why. The original wording was
10332: 9578: 9219: 9032: 8486: 7879: 7773: 7622: 7519: 7178: 6792:, for deletion because I don't think it meets our criteria for inclusion. If you don't want the article deleted: 6083: 6013: 5573: 5507: 5463: 5409: 5310: 5067:Έξήγησα όσο πιο καθαρά μπορούσα ότι η 3η κατηγορία είναι "part of the highest level of football" της Κύπρου (στο 3519: 3452: 2786: 2731: 1152: 161: 5185: 5164: 5102: 5080: 5058: 5034: 4157:. Αν κρατήσεις το "κανονική διεξαγωγή" τότε άφησε την παρένθεση όπως είναι, διαφορετικά άλλαξε την παρένθεση σε 2483: 2469: 2277: 1364: 333: 9900: 8771: 8740: 8702: 7923: 7818: 7564: 7555: 7365:
a different title by copying its content and pasting either the same content, or an edited version of it, into
7115: 5200: 5149: 5141: 3628:χρησιμοποιεί πιο παλιά templates από ότι οι επόμενες (2008-09 και μετά). Αν θαλλάξε όλα τα templates της σεζόν 3311: 2684: 2562: 2531: 2088: 1736: 4415: 3886:
for further details. (If you own the copyright to the previously published content and wish to donate it, see
for further details. (If you own the copyright to the previously published content and wish to donate it, see
for further details. (If you own the copyright to the previously published content and wish to donate it, see
second round as follows: The first placed team plays at home against 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th and 9th placed teams.
1678:(αυτό ήταν το όνομα που είχαν προτείνει στις αρχικές διεργασίες που έγιναν, αλλα τελικά κατέληξαν επίσημα στο 1010: 516: 378:
All right, I started work on the article, copyediting the sections about the 1970s, '80s, and '90s. Questions:
355: 8681: 4990: 4950: 4910: 4870: 4830: 4755: 4573:Γεια σου φίλε. Εξέφρασα όσο πιο καθαρά μπορούσα την άποψη μου υπέρ του να διατηρηθεί και να μην διαγραφεί το 3717: 3505:Υ.Γ. Μια μικρή λεπτομέρεια φίλε που ίσως τη γνωρίζεις και απλά δεν την πρόσεξες εκείνη την στιγμή: στο λήμμα 3486:Το μόνο που είδα ότι λείπει και αν μπορέσεις προσθεσέ τα είναι τα Stadiums and Locations στο λήμμα της σεζόν 2241: 2201:
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
2191: 1992: 250: 8254:
Is so tired to try to prove something that the official goverment agree with me... Do what ever you want...
4780: 3977:Υ.Γ. Τα λήμματα της 4ης Κατηγορίας (λόγω έλλειψης χρόνου) θα τα διορθώσω όλα μέσα στις επόμενες 2-3 ημέρες. 129:
again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on
9847: 9553: 9194: 8079:
The website in the infobox,, mentions both PO and PM under the general heading of Palaichori
have been undone because they did not appear constructive. If you would like to experiment, please use the
7908: 7903: 7756: 7297: 7161: 6055: 5670: 5556: 4788: 4769: 4748: 4727: 4706: 4691: 2300: 8788:, does not have enough sources and citations as written to remain published. It needs more citations from 8281:. If you can please identify any similar sentences that are specifically about PO only, and move them to 8192:
lists PO and PM separately. Two communities, two Communal Councils, two President of Communal Council etc.
5829:, because the category has been empty for seven days or more and it is not presently under discussion at 4356:είναι ΟΚ, δεν βρήκα κάτι που να χρειάζεται σοβαρή αλλαγή, εκτός από δύο πολύ-πολύ μικρά edits που έκανα. 879:
the team was relegated again to second division, but came back to win the championship the following year.
10320: 10276: 10254: 9565: 9206: 9020: 8971: 8949: 7768: 7569: 7507: 7461: 7439: 7433: 7173: 6778: 6001: 5959: 5937: 5568: 5298: 5254: 5217: 4661: 4093:
2) Το πρώτο πρωτάθλημα Β΄ κατηγορίας θεωρείται αυτό του 1953-54, για τον ίδιο λόγο που ανέφερα πιο πάνω.
4073: 3844: 3784: 3724: 3425: 3406: 3401: 3386: 3338: 2836: 2782: 2727: 2643:Δες πως είναι η τελική μορφή και στα δύο λήμματα και θα καταλάβεις τι εννοώ και την διαφορά μεταξύ τους. 2057: 2010: 1714: 1584: 1510: 55: 8424:
guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at
guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at
guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at
10324: 9895: 9488: 9414: 9342: 9024: 8610: 8220: 7807: 7788: 7511: 6099: 6079: 6005: 5850: 5302: 4045: 3939: 2305: 1964: 1719: 8621: 7710: 4385: 1336:
La squadra ha partecipato a delle competizioni internazionali per la prima volta nel 1990 giocando la
is a wrong word for that sentences. For the name i will change it to Nea Salamina to all the article.
9941: 9605: 9350: 9119: 8919: 8840:
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. An automated process has detected that when you recently edited
8645: 8563: 8542:
WP:Categories for discussion/Log/2019 February 15#Category:Ethnic_groups_in_the_Republic_of_Macedonia
8448: 7401: 7255: 7052: 6880: 6748: 5698: 5400:
All seasons I have created are notable. Are national championships of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th level...
4623: 3249:
In the group stage participated the eight winners of the third round ties and the eight teams of the
1634: 1623: 409:? Is it usually called "the court"? I think of tennis courts and soccer fields, but I could be wrong. 7938:. Thanks. - It has been explained to you that you cannot cut and paste. That's against WP policies. 1806: 415:
Then implementation started training premises owned Nea Salamis near the settlement of Tsiakillerou.
9854: 9278: 8614: 8421: 8373: 8325: 7290: 7017: 6979: 6941: 6062: 5481: 5435: 5384: 5331: 3895: 3835: 3775: 1227: 847: 745:
I see. Then it should say: ". . . where radiographs failed to show injuries caused by the players."
Then implementation started training premises owned Nea Salamis near the settlement of Tsiakillerou
343: 236: 229: 179: 172: 60: 38: 5469:
Why do you believe there's assumed notability for these seasons? What guideline can you point to?
3632:, εκτός από τα εκείνα των αποτελεσμάτων (results) των τριών group της Β' φάσης του πρωταθλήματος. 3203:. The two fourth division teams which were promoted from the 2002 STOK promotion play-offs to the 1108:
Knowledge:Categories for discussion/Log/2013 October 19#Category:Minnesota Strikers (NASL) players
431:(later in the same section) seems to be related. I'm not sure enough of the meaning to rewrite it. 17: 10344: 7076: 5656: 5649: 5645: 5601: 5594: 5590: 5470: 5090: 4997: 4523: 4459: 4372: 4016: 3878: 3863: 3845: 3818: 3803: 3785: 3758: 3743: 3725: 3690: 3361: 3342: 3292: 2573: 1983: 1939: 1928: 1884: 1426: 1375: 929: 9252: 9244: 8498: 8230: 1462: 1246: 8659: 7986:
Hi. No, your edits are not correct. This has been explained to you several times. Please see
your contributions, but if you have an external relationship with the people, places or things
5420: 4530: 4502: 3922: 3334: 3330: 2488: 2479: 2465: 2099: 2089: 1378:
Panellinios and Enao: When they were founded ? Where they played their home matches(stadium)?
99: 6078:, because the page appears to be a repost of material that was previously deleted following a 5267:
While all constructive contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, content or articles may be
933: 632:
should say so. Or was it the offices of those teams, located somewhere outside their stadiums?
9541: 9182: 9044: 8469: 8121:
cut and paste) the article to PO, creating a new stub to replace the resulting redirect from
7887: 7744: 7589: 7562:(COI). Editors with a COI may be unduly influenced by their connection to the topic. See the 7149: 6768: 6025: 5544: 4349:Φίλε, ότι βοήθεια χρειαστείς στη μετάφραση των λημμάτων στα αγγλικά ευχαρίστως να βοηθήσω. 4027: 4020: 3146:Όλα μια χαρά φίλε μου, δεν γίνεσαι κουραστικός. Ότι βοήθεια χρειαστείς ευχαρίστως να βοηθήσω. 2015: 1993: 1950: 1943: 1895: 1888: 1794: 315: 8591:
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect.
is about individual seasons of teams in top professional leagues. Not about league seasons.
9879: 9552:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 9346: 9193:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 9139: 8939: 8857: 8813: 8638: 8606: 8556: 7869: 7755:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 7559: 7494: 7160:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 5555:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 5366: 4008:
For a fellow Wikipedian Building The future through History 15:30, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
3883: 3823: 3763: 3365: 3211:
which finished first in the 2002 STOK promotion play-offs, participated in the Cypriot Cup.
2773:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2718:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2371: 2319: 2126: 2037: 1630: 1301:
Il 1990 è il periodo di maggiori soddisfazioni sportive per il club che in quel anno vinse
1021: 843: 585: 552: 454: 367: 329: 157: 82: 7071:, and that the latter should be redirected to the former. Following further discussion at 6788:
Hello, Xaris333. I wanted to let you know that I’m proposing an article that you started,
5758:Η μετάφραση της φράσης "Επιπρόσθετα, η Ανόρθωση φιλοξενούσε στο οίκημα της το δεξιό κόμμα 3993: 3664:για όλες τις ομάδες που κερδίζουν την άνοδο (συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του πρωταθλητή), και 3537:προς το τέλος έχει βάλει δύο λήμματα που ναι μεν είναι σχετικα αλλά όμως δεν υπάρχουν (τα 3228:
In the third round participated the winners of the second round ties and six teams of the
3097: 3059: 3021: 2983: 2945: 2904: 8: 10336: 9817: 9777: 9737: 9699: 9274: 9036: 8983: 8669: 8289:
article in the edit summary for attribution), then I think we'll have done the job well.
7935: 7846: 7523: 7246: 7230: 7028: 7012: 6990: 6974: 6952: 6936: 6906: 6841: 6825: 6712: 6677: 6642: 6607: 6572: 6537: 6502: 6467: 6432: 6397: 6362: 6327: 6292: 6257: 6222: 6187: 6152: 6117: 6017: 5475: 5448: 5429: 5397: 5378: 5314: 4822: 4737:, επλίζω να μην ξέχασα κάτι. Έκανες πάντως πολλή και ωραία δουλειά και σε αυτό το λήμμα. 3930: 3913: 3891: 3859: 3831: 3799: 3771: 3739: 3592: 3580: 3316:Ξεκίνησα νέο section φίλε γιατί το προηγούμενο είχε μεγαλώσει πολύ και κάπου μπερδεύει. 2857: 2845: 2778: 2723: 2451: 2437: 2415: 2296: 2058: 1802: 1609: 1564: 1388:
fans do you have an article about this team in greek Knowledge and in cyprus wikipedia?--
1092: 306: 285: 270: 213: 8860:, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of unrelated topics with similar titles. 7701:
mentions Κάτω Δευτερά, but not enough to be certain where each link should go. Thanks,
10340: 10243: 9908: 9613: 9083: 8282: 8278: 8200: 8126: 8125:. If the article is a mixture of facts about Palaichori, PO and perhaps PM, we should 7987: 7966: 7962: 7927: 7883: 7678: 7641: 7531: 7412: 7397: 7389: 7366: 7347: 7308: 7275: 7219: 5897: 5881: 5797: 5781: 5748: 5723: 5451: 5416: 5181: 5160: 5130: 5123: 5098: 5076: 5054: 5030: 4765: 4744: 4723: 4702: 4687: 4652: 4587: 4563: 4512: 4491: 4448: 4363: 4337: 4314: 4235: 4193: 4100: 3984: 3961: 3675: 3639: 3556: 3474: 3435: 3380:. Achyronas won (2-2 full time score, 5-4 penalty) and remained in the Third Division. 3302: 3271: 3164: 3133: 3084: 3046: 3008: 2970: 2932: 2891: 2814: 2680: 2558: 2527: 2187: 2117: 2079: 1979: 1974: 1924: 1919: 1853:
Excellent, I'll be glad to translate the text, I'll try to be done during this week! --
1775: 1753: 1710: 1406: 1385: 1124: 6955:, why you don't correct them first? I thing you only want to change cypriot template. 5870: 5069:
Knowledge:Templates for discussion/Log/2016 October 29#Template:Cypriot Third Division
Thank you for the creation of the article but please add some sources, in any language
1)Όπως ονόμασες-περιέγραψες την περίοδο από το 1953 μέχρι σήμερα, αναφέροντας την σαν
after finishing to the second and third place did not participate in the Cypriot Cup.
has been nominated for deletion, merging, or renaming. You are encouraged to join the
Respondo al "Hello. Can you help me translate 2 paragraphs from English to Esperanto?"
at the home of Alki : Alki is a sport team. Is the word home better choice than house?
492:: the team use as home ground for that period was the football stadium of Anorthosis. 10303: 9524: 9165: 9003: 8883: 8874:
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articles about yourself, your family, friends, company, organization or competitors;
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ha giocato più di 50 stagioni nel campionato cipriota ed è settima nel ranking del
932:, the club qualified for the second round, with two victories against the Albanian 9870:, because the article appears to be about a club, society, or group that does not 7396:
for you). This both preserves the page history intact and automatically creates a
6074:, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Knowledge. This has been done under 4543:"Αριθμός ομάδων, συμμετοχή στις διοργανώσεις της UEFA και υποβιβασμός ανά περίοδο" 2864:
was the play-offs winner, so they won their promotion to Cypriot Second Division.
2522:-Αν χρειαστείς κάποια διευκρίνηση ή περισσότερη βοήθεια ευχαρίστως να σε βοηθήσω! 1283:
a causa dell'occupazione turca nel nord dell'isola e si stabilì momentaneamente a
524: 438:
What does ". . . seat football department was the venue of Anorthosis . . ." mean?
118: 9961: 9661: 9135: 8935: 8825: 8602: 7688: 7457: 7443: 7381:. Instead, the software used by Knowledge has a feature that allows pages to be 7111: 5609: 5362: 5358: 5171: 3349: 2832: 2616: 2367: 2328: 2315: 2028: 1903: 1581: 1253:
2)Do you have article for the parent club? Rarely.But i think you can create it.
1030: 1017: 785: 778: 594: 581: 548: 464: 450: 363: 339: 325: 294: 187: 153: 110: 73: 10289:
While all constructive contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, pages may be
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tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
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tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
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tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
9310: 9309:
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While all constructive contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, pages may be
While all constructive contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, pages may be
tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
6075: 5970:
While all constructive contributions to Knowledge are appreciated, pages may be
tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
5826: 5825:
requesting that it be speedily deleted from Knowledge. This has been done under
Talk:Cypriot Second Division#Proposed merge with 1966–67 Cypriot Second Division
Neither do I. The only one I have is 2007/08. I keep a full list of my books at
9813: 9773: 9733: 9695: 9604:! This message is to inform you that due to editing inactivity, your access to 9549: 9190: 8114: 7826: 7752: 7612: 7157: 6929: 6925: 6898: 6833: 6708: 6673: 6638: 6603: 6568: 6533: 6498: 6463: 6428: 6393: 6358: 6323: 6288: 6253: 6218: 6183: 6148: 6113: 6109: 5552: 4810: 4643: 4041: 3926: 3910: 3369: 2770: 2762: 2715: 2707: 2632: 2433: 2411: 2292: 1798: 1732: 1602: 1560: 1115: 1111: 1088: 755:
The next season proceeded without prejudice, and Nea Salamina scored many wins.
302: 298: 281: 265: 260: 208: 203: 8101:
What was mentioned in 13th century documents: Palaichori as a whole: PO or PM?
the village of Palaichori is just 40 km from Nicosia … and is separated in two
Once the page is back in place we can split it between an article specific to
2610:Από την άλλη, όσο αφρά στα λήμματα πρωταθλημάτων, εκεί που είναι η παράγραφος 736:
i mean that the radiographs shows that he hasn't received blows by the players
10238: 9905: 9545: 9186: 9079: 8979: 8821: 8763: 8732: 8694: 8502: 8255: 8225: 8017: 8011: 7991: 7970: 7956: 7939: 7919: 7854: 7850: 7748: 7674: 7658: 7652: 7637: 7527: 7215: 7153: 7032: 6995: 6956: 5893: 5877: 5793: 5789: 5777: 5773: 5744: 5719: 5548: 5499: 5455: 5401: 5291:
Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing
5177: 5156: 5094: 5072: 5050: 5026: 5005:Τα άρθρα που μου ζήτησες θα τα έχω διορθωμένα μέσα στις επόμενες 1-2 μέρες. 4761: 4740: 4719: 4698: 4683: 4583: 4559: 4508: 4487: 4444: 4359: 4333: 4310: 4231: 4189: 4096: 3980: 3957: 3671: 3635: 3552: 3470: 3431: 3298: 3267: 3160: 3129: 2810: 2766: 2711: 2676: 2578:Απλά να σου επισημάνω κάποια πράγματα που είδα όταν έκανα τις διορθώσεις μου: 2554: 2523: 2332: 2183: 2180:Ελπίζω να βοήθησα. Οτιδήποτε άλλη βοήθεια χρειαστείς είμαι στην διάθεση σου. 2113: 2075: 1771: 1749: 1706: 1593:
If the information is on a particular row, column or cells, you can also use
1520: 1516: 1472: 1421: 1034: 1002: 598: 566: 508: 496: 347: 8184:
I am not experimenting. My contribution are correct. There are two village:
3295:. So, AEK's application to participate in the fourth division was accepted. 946:
i forgot to write that the team won Austria Wien in Cyprus. How to say that?
The sentence lists several things the team won that season. They didn't win
8879: 8875: 8799: 8793: 8789: 8545: 8493: 8478: 8454: 8435: 8387: 8339: 8273:
to make it clear that it has two villages. I've also moved the section on
can you give me an example of an article that I have conflict of interest?
5676: 5621: 5605: 5318: 4970: 4930: 4890: 4850: 4051: 3287: 2247: 2228: 2224: 1970: 1915: 1899: 1869: 1854: 1840: 1430: 1389: 1356: 941: 500: 256: 225: 199: 183: 168: 25: 10313:
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing
9475:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. 9459:, because the category has been empty for seven days or more and is not a 9401:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. 9385:, because the category has been empty for seven days or more and is not a 9329:, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. 9313:, because the category has been empty for seven days or more and is not a 9013:
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing
Britains. In 1881, 1901, 1911 the villages call together as Palaeo Khorio
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing
Hi there, I'm pleased to inform you that I've begun reviewing the article
5047:, για να ξέρεις και εσύ ποια έχουν διορθωθεί (όπως κάναμε και πιο παλιά). 3610:) είναι πιο παλιά από εκείνα που υπάρχουν σε όλα τα λήμματα απο την σεζόν 3413:
had already began, it was decided that the team would book a place to the
Hi there, I'm pleased to inform you that I've begun reviewing the article
Hi there, I'm pleased to inform you that I've begun reviewing the article
If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read
8809: 8805: 8748: 8726: 8710: 8688: 8673: 8461:{{flag template documentation|Macedonia|MKD|MKD|MKD}} </noinclude: --> 8290: 8151: 8134: 7895: 7702: 7425: 7333: 7314: 6871: 6855: 6789: 6782: 6054:
If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read
5685: 5680: 5630: 5625: 5424: 4784: 4734: 4407: 4403:
If you have any queries please message me via j . mackay @ euc . ac . cy
4060: 4055: 3697: 3509:η παύλα μεταξύ του 2008-09 στον τίτλο του λήμματος είναι λάθος. Αντί 2008 2457: 1790: 1444: 1416: 1236: 561:
supervisor. I mean the assistant referee. That days was called linesman.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
8584: 7759:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
5764:"Additionally, Anorthosis was hosting at their clubhouse the right-wing 5559:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
2291:Γεια σας. Ναι, μπορώ να μεταφράσω. Είναι ένα κείμενο από την wikipedia; 856:
My mistake. The good result would be: Apollon not to lose by Doxa or ...
9657: 9534:
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
Google Code-In 2019 is coming - please mentor some documentation tasks!
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
8286: 8270: 8122: 8110: 8088: 8033: 7891: 7420: 7416: 7362: 7107: 7061:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou
A page you started (1992–93 Cypriot Fourth Division) has been reviewed!
1784: 1578: 490:
From 1987 to 1988, seat football department was the venue of Anorthosis
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Konstantios & Evripidis Trachoniou
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may
isn't even the top tier in Cyprus so I don't see any notability here.
A page you started (1977–78 Cypriot Third Division) has been reviewed!
A page you started (1982–83 Cypriot Third Division) has been reviewed!
A page you started (1979–80 Cypriot Third Division) has been reviewed!
A page you started (1978–79 Cypriot Third Division) has been reviewed!
4002: 2246:
I wish I could help you, but I only have a reading ability in Nynorsk.
1691: 1687: 1402:
Thanks for the help.Now I'm creating new page about Cypriot football.
245: 10229:
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason you may
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason you may
9516: 9157: 8473: 8189: 7722: 7419:
containing the details common to the two communities. I don't think
7127: 5854: 5665: 5522: 5117:
This guideline does not cover sports teams. For guidance, please see
4639: 4396:
really need to get expert, active editors such as yourself involved.
3220: 2636: 2202: 2003: 1959: 1728: 1494: 1468: 1454: 1295: 1269: 1176: 1156: 48: 7100:
User talk:Premeditated Chaos#AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou
User talk:Premeditated Chaos#AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou
page. Thank you. Hovhannes Karapetyan 02:07, 15 February 2015 (UTC)
503:(the formal form of Greek language in 1948) is Nea Salamis. Nowdays 10170: 10101: 10032: 9878:, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please read more about 9493: 9419: 4386:
1656: 540: 8091:
as being about PO or PM or the whole of Palaichori. For example:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/2016 STOK Integration Championship
1698:είναι λανθασμένο, και αν μπορεις άλλαξε τον τίτλο του λήμματος σε 1275:
Il club ha dovuto cambiare sede spostandosi in un'altra città nel
114: 8845: 7694: 7300:
tools, as having some issues to fix. Please add your references.
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/2016 CFA Integration Championship
4476:), δεν ξέρω αν βαση των κανονισμών πρέπει να προστεθεί ή όχι στο 4087:Οπότε, όσον αφορά τα ερωτήματα σου για εμένα είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι: 2761:
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Knowledge
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Knowledge
2206: 976:
It depends on context. The second choice should be safe, however.
9569:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 9210:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 8665: 8597:
imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
Nomination for deletion of Template:Διοικητική Διαίρεση (Κύπρος)
you think the article should be kept in your edit summary or on
Knowledge:Notability (sports)#Organizations and games notability
el:Κύπελλο Κύπρου ποδοσφαίρου ανδρών 1983-84#Προκριματικός γύρος
el:Κύπελλο Κύπρου ποδοσφαίρου ανδρών 1985-86#Προκριματικός γύρος
1670:Να σε ενημερώσω όμως ότι το επίσημο όνομα της νέας ομάδας είναι 1077:
have been nominated for merging. You are encouraged to join the
Nea Salamina player Xariss333 or Nea Salamina's player Xaris333?
342:. I need help about the language, not the topic. The article is 9559:
If you wish to participate in the 2020 election, please review
If you wish to participate in the 2019 election, please review
8555:... and let consensus-building discussions run their course. -- 7934:. If you have any questions, you can ask for assistance at the 7762:
If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review
If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review
Nomination for deletion of Template:1934–35 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1969–70 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1968–69 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1967–68 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1966–67 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1965–66 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1963–64 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1964–65 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1962–63 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1961–62 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1960–61 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1959–60 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1957–58 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1956–57 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1955–56 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1954–55 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1953–54 in Cypriot football
Nomination for deletion of Template:1958–59 in Cypriot football
If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review
1264:(in greco Νέα Σαλαμίς Αμμοχώστου‎) comunemente conosciuto come 1133:
categories)? I'm trying to keep everything tidy and organized.
937: 617:
Thx again for the good work!! Some details about your changes:
539:, but you can decide and change it if you disagree. I see from 122: 9528:
is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 7 December 2020. All
Other sites about Cyprus villages lists PO and PM separately:
7914: 7813: 7546: 7353: 5864: 4036: 3951:και μετά, είναι μια χαρά όπως είναι τα συγκεκριμένα λήμματα. 3606:Τα templates που έβαλες εσύ (βαθμολογίες και αποτελέσματα στο 2598:
In the 1990–91 Cypriot Cup, participated all the teams of the
In the 1990–91 Cypriot Cup, participated all the teams of the
after extra time the winner was decided by penalty shootout.
2388: 1053: 9058:
Nomination for deletion of Template:Population history Cyprus
Hello. This is a message to let you know that one or more of
Talk:Cypriot Second Division#Checking against the GA criteria
5089:Έχω κάνει και εγω τα σχόλια-εισιγήσεις μου στο Talk page του 3389:
decided to cancel all the matches of the rest two matchdays.
In the qualifying round participated all the 14 teams of the
Sorry. The name must be only with latin letters in English.
8241:"is Metamorfosis tou Sotiros in PO or PM?" Is in PO. Source 8213:
Goverement data about agriculture lists PO and PM separately
was the conclusion that articles weren't necessary for both
5614: 4384:
e-journals and databases that the university subscribes to (
4219:, εκεί που υπάρχει η λίστα με τις Ανεπίσημες πρωταθλήτριες ( 3568:
Template:2015–16 Cypriot First Division Regular Season table
2.The Cypriot First Division teams were not drawn together.
1908: 1241: 710:
no. I mean the team try to take a top place. (but it didn't)
192: 8269:
Thank you; that's very helpful. I've reworded the lead of
The second question is whether we can resolve each fact on
A page you started (2002–03 Cypriot Cup) has been reviewed!
3357: 1290:
Il squadra ha preso l'attuale denominazione dalla città di
1276: 293:
You can compare the article with featured articles such as
6108:, or if you have already done so, you can place a request 3866:, and it appears to include material copied directly from 3806:, and it appears to include material copied directly from 3746:, and it appears to include material copied directly from 3368:
played a single relegation playoff match (19 August 2012,
did not appeared in the stadium. Match was awarded 2–0 to
Not sure. I've been asking myself the same question with
The team needed to beat Omonia in order to defeat Evagoras
etc, understand the flaws(if any), then make the decision.
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
Yes, it is correct. It is the previous name of the club.
7829:. Please take some time to familiarise yourself with our 7388:
You should be able to move an article yourself using the
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page
Template:Cypriot football clubs in UEFA Cup Winners' Cup
Template:Cypriot football clubs in UEFA Cup Winners' Cup
is now open until 23:59 on Monday, 2 December 2019. All
Information that can't be referenced should be removed (
6821:. If you don't do so, it may be deleted later anyway. 4221:Οι πρωταθλήτριες ομάδες (ανεπίσημη διεξαγωγή: 1953-1935) 4170:Οι πρωταθλήτριες ομάδες (Ανεπίσημη διεξαγωγή: 1935–1953) 3618:μέχρι και την σημερινή δεν χρειάζονται καθόλου αλλαγές. 2538:*Η μετάφραση για το κείμενο μου ζήτησες σήμερα φίλε μου: 580:
week. Anyway, the remaining problems look less serious.
process can result in deletion without discussion, and
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
process can result in deletion without discussion, and
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
8844:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 8501:. The country in the template must be North Macedonia. 8468:
are nowhere on the template, and yet the page links to
8060:; again no mention of whether the church is in PO or PM 7743:
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
process can result in deletion without discussion, and
7307:. Or, for more editing help, talk to the volunteers at 7244:
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
and argue a case that it should be a separate article.
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
process can result in deletion without discussion, and
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
process can result in deletion without discussion, and
Unsourced and not part of the highest level of football
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article
goals away from home was advancing to the next round.
2205:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 1074:
Category:Netherlands under-20 international footballers
Category:Netherlands under-19 international footballers
Category:Netherlands under-17 international footballers
is the name we use, but the formal one is Nea Salamis.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
to your organization's website in other articles (see
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the
just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you:
just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you:
just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you:
just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you:
just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you:
4211:]. Αν δεν συμφωνείς με την αλλαγή, απλά αναίρεσε την. 3862:. I have performed a web search with the contents of 3802:. I have performed a web search with the contents of 3742:. I have performed a web search with the contents of 3700:
just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you:
2102:στην κατάσταση που ήταν πριν αλλάξεις τον τίτλο του. 1381:
A question about Kouklia FC: How many fans they have?
Template:Cypriot football clubs in UEFA Intertoto Cup
Template:Cypriot football clubs in UEFA Intertoto Cup
Goverement data about area lists PO and PM separately
Category:Years in Cypriot football navigational boxes
List of top-division football clubs in UEFA countries
Cypriot Cup of Thrid Division and STOK Elite Division
In the first round participated all the teams of the
who went on to win titles with Omonia decades later.
Cannot find a single source about the football club.
indicating that it is currently empty, and is not a
indicating that it is currently empty, and is not a
indicating that it is currently empty, and is not a
indicating that it is currently empty, and is not a
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Salamina Dromolaxias
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
el:Ντέρμπι των αιωνίων αντιπάλων Κύπρου (ποδόσφαιρο)
is suitable for inclusion in Knowledge according to
The first two teams of B1 Division were promoted to
Hello, Xaris333. This is a courtesy notice that the
Hello, Xaris333. This is a courtesy notice that the
Category:Ethnic groups in the Republic of Macedonia
7841:. If you only meant to make test edits, please use 7263:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Sourouklis Troullon
7098:as a redirect, or participate in the discussion at 5213:
Knowledge:WikiProject Africa/The Africa Destubathon
2016–17 Cypriot First Division#Stadia and locations
3877:If substantial content is duplicated and it is not 3817:If substantial content is duplicated and it is not 3757:If substantial content is duplicated and it is not 3457:Κύπελλο Γ΄ κατηγορίας και Επίλεκτης κατηγορίας ΣΤΟΚ 3073:"Το μεσημέρι η κλήρωση του α΄ γύρου του κυπέλλου". 2430:
Category:Hungary under-19 international footballers
Category:Hungary under-17 international footballers
Category:Hungary under-17 international footballers
Category:Armenia under-21 international footballers
Category:Armenia under-21 international footballers
1315:il miglior piazzemento di sempre è il terzo posto. 1183:
About Tininho yes, you were misled. Cheers again --
125:by modifying 1 ""s. If you have, don't worry: just 9806:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 9766:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 9728:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 9690:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 9652:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 9074:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 7210:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6703:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6668:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6633:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6598:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6563:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6528:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6493:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6458:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6423:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6388:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6353:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6318:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6283:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6248:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6213:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6178:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 6143:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 5920:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 5119:Knowledge:Notability (organizations and companies) 3461:Cypriot Thrid Division and STOK Elite Division Cup 2623:were relegated from previous season and played in 2362:. You are invited to comment on the discussion at 2149:. To "Πρωτάθλημα Νεανίδων Κύπρου" θα το ονομάσεις 832:in the cup. We can use another word if you prefer. 9264:If you have any questions, please let us know at 8250:Maybe that centure don't separate the two places. 7601:your COI when discussing affected articles (see 7385:to a new title together with their edit history. 5205:Knowledge:WikiProject Africa/The 10,000 Challenge 4733:Γεια σου φίλε. Έκανα τις σεχτικές διορθώσεις στο 3232:(the teams which finished 9th, 10th, 11th in the 2753:You appear to be eligible to vote in the current 2698:You appear to be eligible to vote in the current 8836:Disambiguation link notification for September 1 8219:Other goverment sites list P0 amd PM separately 7839:contributing constructively to this encyclopedia 7585:on the talk pages of affected articles (see the 7361:to Knowledge. It appears that you tried to give 7102:. Alternatively, you could create a new AFD for 4250:Πρωτάθλημα ή κατάσταση για την περίοδο 2015–16: 3868: 3808: 3748: 137:List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page: 9760:Template:Statistics UEFA Intertoto Cup (Cyprus) 9749:Template:Statistics UEFA Intertoto Cup (Cyprus) 7922:. I wanted to let you know that one or more of 7373:", and it is undesirable because it splits the 5197:Knowledge:WikiProject Asia/The 10,000 Challenge 4177:Οι πρωταθλήτριες ομάδες από την περίοδο 1953-54 4166:Οι πρωταθλήτριες ομάδες από το 1935 έως το 1953 2627:. They were replaced by the first two teams of 1110:. I'll try to give somebody a wake up call. – 967:Nea Salamina players or Nea Salamina's players? 865:We can't say "lose by Doxa". Do you mean "lose 10224:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 10155:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 10086:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 10016:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 9996:Category:Grêmio Desportivo Sãocarlense players 9982:Category:Grêmio Desportivo Sãocarlense players 9868:section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion 9809:the entry on the Templates for discussion page 9769:the entry on the Templates for discussion page 9730:the entry on the Templates for discussion page 9692:the entry on the Templates for discussion page 9654:the entry on the Templates for discussion page 9457:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 9383:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 9311:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 7837:which also provides further information about 7833:. You can find information about these at our 7289:Hi, I'm Boleyn. Xaris333, thanks for creating 6076:section G4 of the criteria for speedy deletion 5827:section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion 5706:Έκανα εγώ το όποιες μικροδιορθώσεις βρήκα στο 5199:has recently started, based on the UK/Ireland 3113:Η μετάφραση που μου ζήτησες για την παράγραφο 2145:To "Πρωτάθλημα Εφήβων Κύπρου" θα το ονομάσεις 1651:Μου είχες ζητήσει να δημιουργήσω το λήμμα της 799:Yes, but make it "the opponents' home ground". 654:Either one is fine. "Schedule" is more formal. 9596:Your access to AWB may be temporarily removed 8664:I noticed that you created the redirect page 8224:That website refere to PO and PM separately. 8202:Even Cyprus church lists PO and PM separately 3341:merged the two divisions, creating a unified 2346:Nomination for deletion of Template:Catcross2 2098:Ήθελα να σε ενημερώσω ότι επανέφερα το άρθρο 1268:è una società calcistica cipriota con sede a 8113:article is entirely about PO then we should 8056:The Department of Antiquities refers to the 5126:αφορά αποκλειστικά και μόνο σαιζόν ομάδων. 4670:List of Spanish football champions#Champions 4205:Γεια σου φίλε. Διαβάζοντας το λήμμα για την 4155:Πρώτη περίοδος: 1953-54 (κανονική διεξαγωγή) 3236:and the three teams which promoted from the 2197:Disambiguation link notification for July 27 1789:Hi, will you review my Good Article nominee 1213:Done, did the best i could, happy weekend -- 253:for comments about the article. Well done! 9255:and send us your Google account address to 8927:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/ThOI Filias 8620:For additional information, please see the 8605:is in effect. Any administrator may impose 7890:resulting from the new disambiguation page 7825:, did not appear constructive and has been 6888:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Ormideia FC 5823:Category:Women's volleyball clubs in Cyprus 5809:Category:Women's volleyball clubs in Cyprus 4668:, βασισμένος στο αντίστοιχο Ισπανικό λήμμα 4326:Γεια σου φίλε. Σχετικά με το λήμμα για την 4179:, εισηγούμαι να αλλάξεις τον τίτλο σε απλά 3577:Πάρε για παράδειγμα το Ισπανικό πρωτάθλημα: 3455:σίγουρα δεν είναι ακριβής μετάφραση για το 412:I can't understand what this sentence means 9800:Template:UEFA Country coefficient (Cyprus) 9789:Template:UEFA Country coefficient (Cyprus) 8617:, when making edits related to the topic. 4821:To reply, leave a comment on Ymblanter's 4664:μετακίνησα τις πηγές στην αρχή της στήλης 4546:"Συνολικές κατακτήσεις τροπαίων ανά ομάδα" 4168:, εισηγούμαι να αλλάξεις τον τίτλο της σε 2171:Cyprus Women's U21 Volleyball Championship 8534:Category:Ethnic groups in North Macedonia 5040:Φίλε διόρθωσα τα άρθρα που μου ζήτησες. 4779:Hi. I hope I am not too late. Please see 4458:Φίλε έχω διορθώσει ολόκληρο το λήμμα της 4354:el:Δ΄ κατηγορία ποδοσφαίρου ανδρών Κύπρου 4328:el:Α΄ κατηγορία ποδοσφαίρου ανδρών Κύπρου 4217:el:Β΄ κατηγορία ποδοσφαίρου ανδρών Κύπρου 4207:el:Γ΄ κατηγορία ποδοσφαίρου ανδρών Κύπρου 2151:Cyprus Girls' U19 Volleyball Championship 1489:Okay. I'll unblock it, but please go to 10237:and removing the speedy deletion tag. 10168:and removing the speedy deletion tag. 10099:and removing the speedy deletion tag. 8812:on Knowledge). I've moved your draft to 8578:Balkan issues, including North Macedonia 8046:but doesn't explicitly mention PO or PM. 7285:Ways to improve Agios Theodoros Tilliria 4981:To reply, leave a comment on WebCite's 4941:To reply, leave a comment on WebCite's 4901:To reply, leave a comment on WebCite's 4861:To reply, leave a comment on WebCite's 4048:for things which need to be addressed. 3888:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 3828:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 3768:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 3668:για όλες τις ομάδες που διαβαθμίζονται. 3524:Template:Cypriot Cup for lower divisions 3400:through the amateur divisions. However, 3396:also secured their participation in the 2167:Cyprus Men's U21 Volleyball Championship 2147:Cyprus Boys' U19 Volleyball Championship 392:due to financial problem cause by refuge 10302:notice, but please explain why in your 9848:the guide to writing your first article 9002:notice, but please explain why in your 8417:Category:Aluminium Nag Hammâdi managers 8402:Category:Aluminium Nag Hammâdi managers 7693:Hello. I see that you've replaced the 7572:for more information. We ask that you: 7489:notice, but please explain why in your 7392:at the top of the page (the tab may be 7085:AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou 7069:AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou 6924:category, not a template category (see 6740:AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou 6724:AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou 6056:the guide to writing your first article 5983:notice, but please explain why in your 5956:AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou 5942:AEN Ayiou Georgiou Vrysoullon-Acheritou 5788:Γεια σου φίλε. Έτοιμο το λήμμα για την 5280:notice, but please explain why in your 5122:", οπότε δεν είμαι 100% σίγουρος αν το 3708:To reply, leave a comment on Ueutyi's 3531:2008-09 Cypriot Cup for lower divisions 3507:2008-09 Cypriot Cup for lower divisions 3337:. However, after the end of the season 2432:is also included in this discussion. – 1340:, in seguito ha anche partecipato alla 1159:footballer, why insert the category? -- 1129:Hi there XARIS, AL from Portugal here, 9934:Konstantios & Evripidis Trachoniou 9919:Konstantios & Evripidis Trachoniou 9864:Konstantios & Evripidis Trachoniou 9832:Konstantios & Evripidis Trachoniou 8609:on editors who do not strictly follow 8528:you performed a cut-and-paste move of 8321:Category:Aluminium Nag Hammâdi players 8306:Category:Aluminium Nag Hammâdi players 6801:remove the text that looks like this: 5021:2016–17 UEFA Europa League#Group stage 4040:. The article is close to meeting the 2456:Can you help creating more seasons in 9880:what is generally accepted as notable 8968:Manchester City F.C. 8–0 Watford F.C. 8954:Manchester City F.C. 8–0 Watford F.C. 7296:I've just tagged the page, using our 7204:Template:Διοικητική Διαίρεση (Κύπρος) 5209:Knowledge:The 1000 Challenge (Nordic) 3372:) against the 4th placed team of the 1547:for a prose description of the file, 113:. I have automatically detected that 9525:2020 Arbitration Committee elections 9166:2019 Arbitration Committee elections 8460:{{flag|Macedonia}}<noinclude: --> 7732:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 7406:Knowledge:Requests for history merge 7137:2017 Arbitration Committee elections 7075:(the talk page of the closing admin 6697:Template:1934–35 in Cypriot football 6662:Template:1969–70 in Cypriot football 6627:Template:1968–69 in Cypriot football 6592:Template:1967–68 in Cypriot football 6557:Template:1966–67 in Cypriot football 6522:Template:1965–66 in Cypriot football 6487:Template:1963–64 in Cypriot football 6452:Template:1964–65 in Cypriot football 6417:Template:1962–63 in Cypriot football 6382:Template:1961–62 in Cypriot football 6347:Template:1960–61 in Cypriot football 6312:Template:1959–60 in Cypriot football 6277:Template:1957–58 in Cypriot football 6242:Template:1956–57 in Cypriot football 6207:Template:1955–56 in Cypriot football 6172:Template:1954–55 in Cypriot football 6137:Template:1953–54 in Cypriot football 6072:Template:1958–59 in Cypriot football 6040:Template:1958–59 in Cypriot football 5914:Template:1958–59 in Cypriot football 5532:2016 Arbitration Committee elections 5419:so far as I can tell. Notability is 4756:Cypriot First Division#Points system 4478:Template:2015–16 in Cypriot football 4145:να προσθέσεις δίπλα σε παρένθεση το 2916: 2914: 1998: 1491:Knowledge:Bots/Requests for approval 912: 43: 9938:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 9896:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 9853:You may want to consider using the 9508:ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message 9489:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 9415:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 9343:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 9116:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 8916:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 8622:guidance on discretionary sanctions 7849:), and your failure to comply with 7252:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 6877:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 6745:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 6100:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 6061:You may want to consider using the 5851:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 4620:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 3151:without needing to play any match. 2852:) and the third placed team of the 2021:Guild of Copy Editors requests page 1692: 1688: 1555:for the web address, including the 733:but refused to permit radiographs. 66:Guild of Copy Editors requests page 13: 10291:deleted for any of several reasons 10279:because of the following concern: 10263: 10194: 10125: 10056: 9986: 9836: 9443: 9369: 9297: 9149:ArbCom 2019 election voter message 9068:Template:Population history Cyprus 8991:deleted for any of several reasons 8974:because of the following concern: 8958: 8074:(sic) without mentioning PO or PM. 7716:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 7478:deleted for any of several reasons 7464:because of the following concern: 7448: 7121:ArbCom 2017 election voter message 7067:and the team it was merged into – 6044: 5972:deleted for any of several reasons 5962:because of the following concern: 5946: 5813: 5269:deleted for any of several reasons 5257:because of the following concern: 5241: 4615:2016 STOK Integration Championship 4599:2016 STOK Integration Championship 4474:2016 STOK Integration Championship 4467:2016 STOK Integration Championship 4175:4)Στην επόμενη παράγραφο που λέει 3858:This is an automated message from 3850: 3798:This is an automated message from 3790: 3738:This is an automated message from 3730: 3417:, the next seasons' championship. 3244:did not participate in this round. 2387: 1743:Cypriot clubs in European football 1449:Hi Xaris333, can you confirm that 1052: 14: 10359: 9946:The article will be discussed at 9453:Category:Nagykanizsai SC managers 9439:Category:Nagykanizsai SC managers 9125:The article will be discussed at 8925:The article will be discussed at 8784:An article you recently created, 8516:Cut-and--and-paste category moved 8404:has been nominated for discussion 8356:has been nominated for discussion 8308:has been nominated for discussion 7261:The article will be discussed at 6886:The article will be discussed at 6754:The article will be discussed at 5357:. P.S. That also affects elwiki ( 5174:. Έλπίζω να μην μου ξέφυγε κατι. 4775:old Cyprus Turkish football clubs 4629:The article will be discussed at 2911: 2779:review the candidates' statements 2724:review the candidates' statements 2136:Template:International volleyball 2110:Template:European basketball cups 1724:Hello!!! Yes, I can help you for 9926: 9794: 9754: 9716: 9678: 9640: 9515: 9156: 9101: 9062: 8901: 8842:List of football clubs in Cyprus 8583: 8408: 8360: 8312: refers to 7913: 7812: 7721: 7545: 7415:, and a more general article on 7379:legally required for attribution 7352: 7237: 7198: 7126: 6862: 6730: 6691: 6656: 6621: 6586: 6551: 6516: 6481: 6446: 6411: 6376: 6341: 6306: 6271: 6236: 6201: 6166: 6131: 5908: 5869:Γεια σου φίλε. Έτοιμη η ενότητα 5784:) 19:15, 21 February 2017 (EET) 5664: 5613: 5521: 4714:List of football clubs in Cyprus 4662:Cypriot First Division#Champions 4605: 4501:Γεια σου φίλε. Διορθώθηκε και η 4294:Συμμετοχή σε πρωταθλήματα εκτός 4130:και η περίοδος μετά το 1953 σαν 4035: 4001: 3494:Τώρα συγκεκριμένα για την σεζόν 3352:(which would participate in the 3240:). The first eight teams of the 3035:"Κληρώνεται σήμερα το κύπελλο". 2350: 2002: 1958: 1907: 1793:, in turn I will review yours - 1551:to indicate the sheet name, and 913: 890:Yes. That needs to be clarified. 641:decided to schedule: what about 244: 191: 104: 47: 9563:and submit your choices on the 9204:and submit your choices on the 7821:, such as the edit you made to 7766:and submit your choices on the 7729:Hello, Xaris333. Voting in the 7541:Managing a conflict of interest 7171:and submit your choices on the 7134:Hello, Xaris333. Voting in the 5751:) 17:15, 9 February 2017 (EET) 5529:Hello, Xaris333. Voting in the 5138:2014–15 Cypriot Second Division 4804:1992–93 Cypriot Fourth Division 3949:2009–10 Cypriot Second Division 3543:2008–09 Cypriot Fourth Division 3520:Cypriot Cup for lower divisions 3453:Cypriot Cup for lower divisions 3445:Γεια σου φίλε και καλή χρονια! 3415:2012–13 Cypriot Fourth Division 3411:2011–12 Cypriot Fourth Division 3398:2011–12 Cypriot Fourth Division 3374:2011–12 Cypriot Fourth Division 3238:2001–02 Cypriot Second Division 3205:2002–03 Cypriot Fourth Division 2880:"Διαγραφή του Ορφέα Αθηαίνου". 2842:1984–85 Cypriot Second Division 2629:1989–90 Cypriot Second Division 2625:1990–91 Cypriot Second Division 2596:", είναι πιο σωστό να γράφεις " 2593:1990–91 Cypriot Second Division 1320:Federazione calcistica di Cipro 1257:3)HERE IS IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE: 1153:Tininho (Portuguese footballer) 911:Good question. I have no idea! 842:and on either Apollo's beating 9053:20:48, 21 September 2019 (UTC) 8944:22:59, 15 September 2019 (UTC) 8369:Category:Aluminium Nag Hammâdi 8354:Category:Aluminium Nag Hammâdi 7565:conflict of interest guideline 7472:. Virtually no actual content. 7116:23:34, 23 September 2017 (UTC) 7041:17:14, 18 September 2017 (UTC) 7024:12:43, 18 September 2017 (UTC) 7004:12:37, 18 September 2017 (UTC) 6986:11:59, 18 September 2017 (UTC) 6965:11:40, 18 September 2017 (UTC) 6948:08:44, 18 September 2017 (UTC) 6914:13:14, 17 September 2017 (UTC) 6849:20:02, 16 September 2017 (UTC) 6804:{{proposed deletion/dated...}} 6773:19:44, 10 September 2017 (UTC) 5890:2016–17 Cypriot First Division 5415:No. Those articles don't pass 5251:1970–71 Cypriot Third Division 5237:1970–71 Cypriot Third Division 5201:Knowledge:The 10,000 Challenge 4964:1977–78 Cypriot Third Division 4924:1982–83 Cypriot Third Division 4884:1979–80 Cypriot Third Division 4844:1978–79 Cypriot Third Division 4484:(Αλλες τοπικές διοργανώσεις). 3614:και μετά. Οπότε από την σεζόν 3597:2015–16 Cypriot First Division 3539:2008–09 Cypriot Third Division 3354:2012–13 Cypriot Third Division 3255:2001–02 Cypriot First Division 3242:2001–02 Cypriot First Division 3234:2001–02 Cypriot First Division 3199:and 12 of the 14 teams of the 3066: 3028: 2990: 2952: 2921:"Προκριματικοί του κυπέλλου". 2873: 2854:1984–85 Cypriot Third Division 2785:. For the Election committee, 2755:Arbitration Committee election 2746:ArbCom elections are now open! 2730:. For the Election committee, 2700:Arbitration Committee election 2691:ArbCom elections are now open! 2589:1990–91 Cypriot First Division 2570:1990–91 Cypriot First Division 2518:The final was a single match. 2331:hi. TfD is the best solution. 1384:About italian football: I'm a 1370:Panellinios Kyprou and E.N.A.O 1198:Sure my friend. What is it? -- 449:I'll return to this tomorrow! 383:In the sentence that now reads 162:21:08, 20 September 2013 (UTC) 1: 9587:02:25, 24 November 2020 (UTC) 9542:Knowledge arbitration process 9503:15:23, 11 November 2020 (UTC) 9355:02:07, 25 February 2020 (UTC) 9283:21:58, 23 November 2019 (UTC) 9228:00:12, 19 November 2019 (UTC) 9183:Knowledge arbitration process 9144:01:45, 12 November 2019 (UTC) 8888:07:54, 1 September 2019 (UTC) 8511:13:06, 17 February 2019 (UTC) 8487:12:37, 16 February 2019 (UTC) 8299:18:11, 16 December 2018 (UTC) 8264:17:31, 16 December 2018 (UTC) 8143:18:22, 14 December 2018 (UTC) 8026:16:48, 14 December 2018 (UTC) 8002:16:24, 14 December 2018 (UTC) 7979:15:40, 14 December 2018 (UTC) 7950:14:55, 14 December 2018 (UTC) 7904:15:04, 12 December 2018 (UTC) 7874:Hello again. Please can you 7865:16:42, 10 December 2018 (UTC) 7803:02:28, 22 November 2018 (UTC) 7782:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 7745:Knowledge arbitration process 7683:20:34, 8 September 2018 (UTC) 7667:18:01, 8 September 2018 (UTC) 7646:23:56, 7 September 2018 (UTC) 7558:on Knowledge, you may have a 7536:23:54, 7 September 2018 (UTC) 7434:15:52, 7 September 2018 (UTC) 7342:20:14, 6 September 2018 (UTC) 7323:19:16, 5 September 2018 (UTC) 7150:Knowledge arbitration process 5728:00:36, 12 December 2016 (UTC) 5694:19:41, 24 November 2016 (UTC) 5639:19:21, 24 November 2016 (UTC) 5582:22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC) 5545:Knowledge arbitration process 5508:11:42, 10 November 2016 (UTC) 5191:Asian 10,000 Challenge invite 5165:15:42, 12 November 2016 (UTC) 5103:04:47, 12 November 2016 (UTC) 4749:00:48, 5 September 2016 (UTC) 4435:STOK Integration Championship 3966:15:20, 22 February 2016 (UTC) 3935:18:29, 12 February 2016 (UTC) 3440:20:48, 30 December 2015 (UTC) 3307:18:38, 18 December 2015 (UTC) 3276:02:22, 15 December 2015 (UTC) 2827:and 4 of the 14 teams of the 2795:14:09, 24 November 2015 (UTC) 2740:14:06, 24 November 2015 (UTC) 2685:07:13, 20 November 2015 (UTC) 2563:20:05, 15 November 2015 (UTC) 2532:07:23, 15 November 2015 (UTC) 2484:15:33, 11 November 2015 (UTC) 2470:11:29, 11 November 2015 (UTC) 2134:Νομίζω ότι αυτό το template ( 1737:11:19, 17 November 2014 (UTC) 1503:13:51, 27 December 2013 (UTC) 1481:13:47, 27 December 2013 (UTC) 1463:13:38, 27 December 2013 (UTC) 1331:Campionato cipriota di calcio 1313:Campionato cipriota di calcio 1136:Attentively, happy editing -- 1120:23:36, 27 November 2013 (UTC) 1102:re: Propose renaming Category 1097:01:13, 24 November 2013 (UTC) 784:against rival APOEL, 1–0, at 777:against rival APOEL, 1–0, at 322:your post at the Village Pump 251:Talk:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 10180:01:26, 12 October 2023 (UTC) 10111:01:26, 12 October 2023 (UTC) 9876:criteria for speedy deletion 9857:to help you create articles. 9742:22:15, 17 January 2023 (UTC) 9704:22:15, 17 January 2023 (UTC) 9666:12:40, 28 January 2022 (UTC) 9088:12:55, 12 October 2019 (UTC) 8822:general notability guideline 8786:Nicosia New General Hospital 8778:Nicosia New General Hospital 8444:23:09, 3 February 2019 (UTC) 8396:23:08, 3 February 2019 (UTC) 8348:23:07, 3 February 2019 (UTC) 8067:without mentioning PO or PM. 8053:without mentioning PO or PM. 7711:11:38, 7 November 2018 (UTC) 7224:18:23, 23 January 2018 (UTC) 7187:18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC) 7087:. However you then restored 6065:to help you create articles. 5860:17:19, 18 January 2017 (UTC) 5800:) 16:55, 1 March 2017 (EET) 5671:Talk:Cypriot Second Division 5489:23:15, 9 November 2016 (UTC) 5464:22:42, 9 November 2016 (UTC) 5443:22:36, 9 November 2016 (UTC) 5410:22:15, 9 November 2016 (UTC) 5392:19:35, 9 November 2016 (UTC) 5371:06:06, 30 October 2016 (UTC) 5327:18:26, 29 October 2016 (UTC) 5230:05:00, 21 October 2016 (UTC) 5186:13:35, 6 December 2016 (UTC) 5081:17:45, 31 October 2016 (UTC) 5059:20:38, 18 October 2016 (UTC) 5035:15:28, 18 October 2016 (UTC) 4770:15:55, 10 October 2016 (UTC) 4472:Υ.Γ. Το συγκεκριμένο λήμμα ( 3917:13:36, 28 January 2016 (UTC) 3900:22:11, 14 January 2016 (UTC) 3840:20:20, 14 January 2016 (UTC) 3680:02:00, 26 January 2016 (UTC) 3394:Levadiakos/Salamina Livadion 3169:23:18, 6 December 2015 (UTC) 3138:14:44, 5 December 2015 (UTC) 2819:13:55, 3 December 2015 (UTC) 2612:Changes from previous season 2442:18:34, 18 October 2015 (UTC) 2420:18:32, 18 October 2015 (UTC) 2095:Γεια σου και πάλι φίλε μου. 1807:07:37, 25 January 2015 (UTC) 1439:20:26, 9 December 2013 (UTC) 1398:01:17, 8 December 2013 (UTC) 1365:02:29, 7 December 2013 (UTC) 1223:22:36, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1208:19:32, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1193:16:58, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1169:16:26, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1146:15:56, 5 December 2013 (UTC) 1043:15:59, 30 October 2013 (UTC) 1026:05:47, 30 October 2013 (UTC) 1011:19:01, 28 October 2013 (UTC) 621:at the house of Alki --: --> 607:14:28, 28 October 2013 (UTC) 590:07:00, 28 October 2013 (UTC) 575:14:19, 27 October 2013 (UTC) 557:13:21, 27 October 2013 (UTC) 517:21:39, 26 October 2013 (UTC) 459:13:20, 26 October 2013 (UTC) 372:19:06, 25 October 2013 (UTC) 356:09:20, 25 October 2013 (UTC) 334:06:53, 25 October 2013 (UTC) 311:10:37, 23 October 2013 (UTC) 290:05:19, 21 October 2013 (UTC) 276:08:52, 18 October 2013 (UTC) 7: 10349:01:31, 26 August 2024 (UTC) 10335:allows discussion to reach 10316:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 10299:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 10135:Category:SV Spittal players 10121:Category:SV Spittal players 9787:Nomination for deletion of 9747:Nomination for deletion of 9709:Nomination for deletion of 9671:Nomination for deletion of 9646:Template:First Division Map 9635:Template:First Division Map 9633:Nomination for deletion of 9258:, so we can invite you in! 9035:allows discussion to reach 9016:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 8999:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 8190:Union of Cyprus Communities 7876:fix your cut-and paste move 7621:to comply with Knowledge's 7522:allows discussion to reach 7503:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 7486:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 6016:allows discussion to reach 5997:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 5980:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 5900:) 15:08, 28 May 2017 (EET) 5884:) 17:30, 19 May 2017 (EET) 5871:Pelendri#Population history 5736:Ακολούθησα τις οδηγίες στο 5566:and submit your choices on 5313:allows discussion to reach 5294:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 5277:{{proposed deletion/dated}} 4793:11:56, 19 August 2016 (UTC) 4482:Other domestic competitions 3780:09:12, 1 January 2016 (UTC) 3644:17:58, 8 January 2016 (UTC) 3561:02:36, 8 January 2016 (UTC) 3479:06:27, 7 January 2016 (UTC) 3426:Cyprus Football Association 3407:Cyprus Football Association 3402:Cyprus Football Association 3387:Cyprus Football Association 3339:Cyprus Football Association 2837:Cyprus Football Association 2781:and submit your choices on 2726:and submit your choices on 2376:12:44, 30 August 2015 (UTC) 2341:11:20, 30 August 2015 (UTC) 2324:02:50, 30 August 2015 (UTC) 2301:05:44, 21 August 2015 (UTC) 2282:14:43, 11 August 2015 (UTC) 2256:14:14, 10 August 2015 (UTC) 1780:23:09, 4 January 2015 (UTC) 1758:14:57, 4 January 2015 (UTC) 900:, who only needed a draw to 444:variation in some contexts. 320:Hello. This is in reply to 219:17:02, 3 October 2013 (UTC) 10: 10364: 10327:exist. In particular, the 9972:13:20, 25 April 2023 (UTC) 9912:12:30, 25 April 2023 (UTC) 9579:MediaWiki message delivery 9220:MediaWiki message delivery 9027:exist. In particular, the 8615:page-specific restrictions 8244:Church of Cyprus (diocese) 8197:lists PO and PM separately 7888:fix all mis-directed links 7774:MediaWiki message delivery 7514:exist. In particular, the 7280:13:59, 12 April 2018 (UTC) 7179:MediaWiki message delivery 6008:exist. In particular, the 5574:MediaWiki message delivery 5564:the candidates' statements 5305:exist. In particular, the 5142:2004–05 Isle of Man League 4433:(κατα την γώμη μου) είναι 4431:el:Πρωτάθλημα Ένταξης ΣΤΟΚ 4429:Η πιο σωστή μετάφραση του 4421:Μεταφράσεις σε Αγγλικά (2) 4368:21:15, 19 April 2016 (UTC) 4342:18:44, 13 April 2016 (UTC) 4198:01:11, 30 March 2016 (UTC) 4164:3)Στην παράγραφο που λέει 4105:20:30, 22 March 2016 (UTC) 4046:Talk:Nea Salamis Famagusta 3989:00:54, 16 March 2016 (UTC) 3905:European Football Yearbook 3513:09 θα πρέπει να είναι 2008 3079:. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 1985. p. 7. 3003:. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 1985. p. 7. 2965:. 8 Νοεμβρίου 1985. p. 11. 2927:. 3 Δεκεμβρίου 1985. p. 6. 2886:. 7 Νοεμβρίου 1985. p. 11. 2787:MediaWiki message delivery 2732:MediaWiki message delivery 1965:Talk:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1878:04:02, 13 April 2015 (UTC) 1715:15:50, 1 August 2014 (UTC) 1639:13:58, 17 April 2014 (UTC) 1599:|at=Sheet 1, cells J20:L39 788:, the opponent home ground 707:Nea Salamis took top place 523:That's fine. I've been on 10321:proposed deletion process 10249:14:18, 23 June 2024 (UTC) 10220:Categories for discussion 10202:A tag has been placed on 10151:Categories for discussion 10133:A tag has been placed on 10082:Categories for discussion 10064:A tag has been placed on 10042:22:25, 11 June 2023 (UTC) 10012:Categories for discussion 9994:A tag has been placed on 9862:A tag has been placed on 9822:14:28, 5 April 2023 (UTC) 9782:10:02, 5 April 2023 (UTC) 9628:04:23, 11 June 2021 (UTC) 9473:Categories for discussion 9451:A tag has been placed on 9399:Categories for discussion 9377:A tag has been placed on 9327:Categories for discussion 9305:A tag has been placed on 9021:proposed deletion process 8831:10:23, 26 June 2019 (UTC) 8655:05:22, 9 March 2019 (UTC) 8573:05:19, 9 March 2019 (UTC) 8432:categories for discussion 8384:categories for discussion 8336:categories for discussion 8016:Then tell me what to do. 7924:your recent contributions 7819:your recent contributions 7577:avoid editing or creating 7508:proposed deletion process 7394:hidden in a dropdown menu 6717:12:53, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6682:09:55, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6647:09:55, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6612:09:55, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6577:09:55, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6542:09:54, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6507:09:49, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6472:09:48, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6437:09:48, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6402:09:48, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6367:09:48, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6332:09:46, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6297:09:46, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6262:09:46, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6227:09:46, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6192:09:46, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6157:09:46, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6122:07:50, 10 July 2017 (UTC) 6070:A tag has been placed on 6002:proposed deletion process 5932:22:53, 28 June 2017 (UTC) 5835:disambiguation categories 5831:Categories for discussion 5821:A tag has been placed on 5608:-status according to the 5299:proposed deletion process 5170:Γεια σου φίλε. Έτοιμο το 4754:Γεια σου φίλε. Έτοιμο το 4707:01:12, 27 June 2016 (UTC) 4692:20:24, 24 June 2016 (UTC) 4648:08:54, 13 June 2016 (UTC) 4592:04:10, 15 June 2016 (UTC) 4416:08:36, 7 April 2016 (UTC) 4319:21:45, 5 April 2016 (UTC) 4240:20:25, 5 April 2016 (UTC) 4069:04:01, 4 March 2016 (UTC) 3591:). Από την επόμενη σεζόν 3041:. 2 Νοεμβρίου 1985. p. 5. 2550:other UEFA competition). 2408:Categories for discussion 2237:09:19, 27 July 2015 (UTC) 2192:19:25, 26 July 2015 (UTC) 2047:22:39, 26 June 2015 (UTC) 1902:-status according to the 1863:17:27, 6 April 2015 (UTC) 1849:03:34, 4 April 2015 (UTC) 1835:Football team translation 1829:Categories for discussion 1614:09:57, 4 April 2014 (UTC) 1589:09:38, 4 April 2014 (UTC) 1569:06:31, 4 April 2014 (UTC) 1529:05:18, 4 April 2014 (UTC) 1374:Just two questions about 1266:Nea Salamina Famagusta FC 1085:Categories for discussion 936:, but were eliminated in 828:(or privilege) or became 824:in the cup; they won the 186:-status according to the 92:23:28, 14 June 2013 (UTC) 10216:featured topics category 10204:Category:Digenis Morphou 10190:Category:Digenis Morphou 10147:featured topics category 10078:featured topics category 10008:featured topics category 9940:or whether it should be 9577:to your user talk page. 9469:featured topics category 9429:14:10, 29 May 2020 (UTC) 9395:featured topics category 9323:featured topics category 9218:to your user talk page. 9118:or whether it should be 8918:or whether it should be 8772:18:00, 3 June 2019 (UTC) 8767: 8757:17:32, 3 June 2019 (UTC) 8741:17:19, 3 June 2019 (UTC) 8736: 8719:17:04, 3 June 2019 (UTC) 8703:16:57, 3 June 2019 (UTC) 8698: 8682:11:53, 3 June 2019 (UTC) 8506: 8275:Metamorfosis tou Sotiros 8259: 8096:Metamorfosis tou Sotiros refers to says 8021: 7974: 7662: 7291:Agios Theodoros Tilliria 7254:or whether it should be 7036: 6999: 6960: 6879:or whether it should be 6824:You can leave a note on 6747:or whether it should be 6030:00:15, 5 July 2017 (UTC) 5503: 5459: 5405: 5336:Pay attention please to 4728:00:58, 8 July 2016 (UTC) 4622:or whether it should be 4568:06:45, 26 May 2016 (UTC) 4517:00:17, 24 May 2016 (UTC) 4496:02:33, 18 May 2016 (UTC) 4453:19:50, 12 May 2016 (UTC) 4346:--- --- --- --- --- --- 4323:--- --- --- --- --- --- 4244:--- --- --- --- --- --- 4202:--- --- --- --- --- --- 4109:--- --- --- --- --- --- 4034:has been placed on hold 3994:A cup of coffee for you! 3660:Γενικά τα χρώματα είναι 3356:) was relegated after a 2997:"Πανηγυρίζει ο Ύψωνας". 2336: 2122:16:18, 9 July 2015 (UTC) 2084:00:05, 9 July 2015 (UTC) 1988:09:21, 24 May 2015 (UTC) 1933:08:40, 24 May 2015 (UTC) 1476: 1327:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 1281:Invasione turca di Cipro 1262:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 1049:Multiple CfD nominations 1038: 1006: 848:Enosis Neon Paralimni FC 602: 570: 512: 351: 344:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 237:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 230:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 180:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 173:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 61:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 39:Nea Salamis Famagusta FC 16:You can also send me an 10308:the article's talk page 10208:disambiguation category 10139:disambiguation category 10070:disambiguation category 10000:disambiguation category 9461:disambiguation category 9387:disambiguation category 9315:disambiguation category 9008:the article's talk page 8626:Arbitration Committee's 8603:discretionary sanctions 8195:Last elections (2016): 8072:the village of Palehori 7831:policies and guidelines 7495:the article's talk page 7077:User:Premeditated Chaos 6828:if you have questions. 6819:the article's talk page 5989:the article's talk page 5657:Cypriot Second Division 5650:Cypriot Second Division 5602:Cypriot Second Division 5595:Cypriot Second Division 5471:Cypriot Second Division 5286:the article's talk page 5150:WP:WikiProject Football 5091:Cypriot Second Division 4674:Participations per club 4524:Cypriot Fourth Division 4460:Cypriot Second Division 4181:Οι πρωταθλήτριες ομάδες 4147:(Μη κανονική διεξαγωγή) 4124:"Μη κανονική διεξαγωγή" 3364:, the 12th placed team 3362:Cypriot Fourth Division 3293:Cypriot Fourth Division 3201:Cypriot Fourth Division 3193:Cypriot Second Division 2829:Cypriot Second Division 2604:Cypriot Second Division 1427:Enosis Agion Omologiton 1376:Cypriot Second Division 994:Same as my last answer. 930:2000 UEFA Intertoto Cup 541:our disambiguation page 499:is Nea Salamina and in 495:It’s the same name. In 131:my operator's talk page 10287: 10268: 10231:contest the nomination 10218:, under discussion at 10199: 10162:contest the nomination 10149:, under discussion at 10130: 10093:contest the nomination 10080:, under discussion at 10061: 10023:contest the nomination 10010:, under discussion at 9991: 9901:deleting administrator 9887:contest the nomination 9859: 9841: 9804:nominated for deletion 9764:nominated for deletion 9726:nominated for deletion 9688:nominated for deletion 9650:nominated for deletion 9480:contest the nomination 9471:, under discussion at 9448: 9406:contest the nomination 9397:, under discussion at 9374: 9334:contest the nomination 9325:, under discussion at 9302: 9072:nominated for deletion 8987: 8963: 8453:I saw your request at refers to the 7699:el:Αρμένιοι της Κύπρου 7556:you have written about 7474: 7453: 7369:. This is known as a " 7357:Hi, and thank you for 7208:nominated for deletion 6815:be sure to explain why 6701:nominated for deletion 6666:nominated for deletion 6631:nominated for deletion 6596:nominated for deletion 6561:nominated for deletion 6526:nominated for deletion 6491:nominated for deletion 6456:nominated for deletion 6421:nominated for deletion 6386:nominated for deletion 6351:nominated for deletion 6316:nominated for deletion 6281:nominated for deletion 6246:nominated for deletion 6211:nominated for deletion 6176:nominated for deletion 6141:nominated for deletion 6105:deleting administrator 6091:contest the nomination 6067: 6049: 5968: 5951: 5918:nominated for deletion 5842:contest the nomination 5818: 5766:Cypriot National Party 5246: 5219:Ser Amantio di Nicolao 5015:Δες για παράδειγμα το 4979: 4939: 4899: 4859: 4819: 4531:Cypriot First Division 4503:Cypriot Third Division 3923:User:Oldelpaso/Sources 3909:Sorry, no, I don't. – 3855: 3795: 3735: 3706: 3603:μέχρι και την φετινή. 3385:overcome any more, so 3335:Cypriot Third Division 3331:Cypriot First Division 3312:Μεταφράσεις σε Αγγλικά 3251:Cypriot First Division 3230:Cypriot First Division 3197:Cypriot Third Division 3092:Check date values in: 3054:Check date values in: 3016:Check date values in: 2978:Check date values in: 2940:Check date values in: 2899:Check date values in: 2825:Cypriot Third Division 2600:Cypriot First Division 2392: 2360:nominated for deletion 2100:Cypriot Basketball Cup 2090:Cypriot Basketball Cup 1543:should work fine. Use 1338:Coppa delle Coppe UEFA 1243:→Youth team (football) 1057: 430: 417: 405:the same thing as the 394: 388: 10333:articles for deletion 10281: 10277:proposed for deletion 10267: 10198: 10129: 10060: 9990: 9844: 9840: 9538:Arbitration Committee 9522:Hello! Voting in the 9447: 9379:Category:FC Svendborg 9373: 9365:Category:FC Svendborg 9301: 9179:Arbitration Committee 9163:Hello! Voting in the 9033:articles for deletion 8976: 8972:proposed for deletion 8962: 8470:Republic of Macedonia 8058:village of Palaichori 7741:Arbitration Committee 7570:FAQ for organizations 7520:articles for deletion 7466: 7462:proposed for deletion 7452: 7146:Arbitration Committee 6084:Articles for Deletion 6052: 6048: 6014:articles for deletion 5964: 5960:proposed for deletion 5950: 5817: 5760:Κυπριακό Εθνικό Κόμμα 5675:Message delivered by 5620:Message delivered by 5541:Arbitration Committee 5514:ArbCom Elections 2016 5311:articles for deletion 5255:proposed for deletion 5245: 5235:Proposed deletion of 4975: 4935: 4895: 4855: 4815: 4540:"Τηλεοπτική μετάδοση" 4151:(Ανεπίσημη διεξαγωγή) 4137:2)Βάση του πιο πάνω, 4128:"Ανεπίσημη διεξαγωγή" 4050:Message delivered by 4042:good article criteria 4028:Nea Salamis Famagusta 4021:Nea Salamis Famagusta 3854: 3794: 3734: 3702: 2759:Arbitration Committee 2704:Arbitration Committee 2391: 2242:Help with translation 2108:Σε αυτό το template ( 2023:is now complete. All 2016:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1994:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1969:Message delivered by 1951:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1944:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1914:Message delivered by 1896:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1889:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1795:Nea Salamis Famagusta 1056: 426: 413: 390: 384: 255:Message delivered by 198:Message delivered by 68:is now complete. All 9111:Salamina Dromolaxias 9095:Salamina Dromolaxias 8876:opt-out instructions 8611:Knowledge's policies 8499:Delčevo Municipality 8427:the category's entry 8379:the category's entry 8331:the category's entry 7560:conflict of interest 7550:Hello, Xaris333. We 7330:Draft:Livadi, Paphos 4962:Thanks for creating 4922:Thanks for creating 4882:Thanks for creating 4842:Thanks for creating 4802:Thanks for creating 4522:Γεια σου φίλε. Στην 4304:Η ομάδα δεν υπάρχει 4120:"Κανονική διεξαγωγή" 3944:Καλησπέρα φίλε μου. 3890:for the procedure.) 3830:for the procedure.) 3770:for the procedure.) 3689:Thanks for creating 3579:Μέχρι και την σεζόν 3366:Achyronas Liopetriou 2651:Stadia and locations 2225:opt-out instructions 1824:the category's entry 1576:may be useful, too. 1350:Coppa Intertoto 2000 1346:Coppa Intertoto 1997 1342:Coppa Intertoto 1995 844:Doxa Katokopias F.C. 543:that a linesman (or 121:may have broken the 32:User:Always Learning 10066:Category:SV Spittal 10052:Category:SV Spittal 9275:User:Martin Urbanec 8854:fix with Dab solver 8816:(with a prefix of " 8794:independent sources 8780:moved to draftspace 8670:Polyaryletherketone 7247:Sourouklis Troullon 7231:Sourouklis Troullon 7029:User:Woodensuperman 6991:User:Woodensuperman 6953:User:Woodensuperman 6080:deletion discussion 5772:Όσο αφορά το λήμμα 5659:you nominated as a 5449:User:Chris troutman 5398:User:Chris troutman 4529:Τώρα όσο αφορά την 4215:Υ.Γ. Όσο αφορά την 4159:"Επίσημη διεξαγωγή" 4132:"Επίσημη διεξαγωγή" 4074:Β΄ κατηγορία Κύπρου 4030:you nominated as a 3864:1981–82 Cypriot Cup 3846:1981–82 Cypriot Cup 3804:1985–86 Cypriot Cup 3786:1985–86 Cypriot Cup 3744:2004–05 Cypriot Cup 3726:2004–05 Cypriot Cup 3691:2002–03 Cypriot Cup 3409:. But, because the 2806:Γειά σου φίλε μου. 2763:arbitration process 2708:arbitration process 2574:1990–91 Cypriot Cup 2131:Γεια σου φίλε μου. 2072:STOK Elite Division 2064:Γεια σου φίλε μου. 2059:STOK First Division 1953:you nominated as a 1511:Citation Excel File 1307:Supercoppa di Cipro 1294:(Σαλαμίς) vicino a 1151:Also, for example, 963:General questions: 934:KS Vllaznia Shkodër 809:eligibility to play 239:you nominated as a 142:| managerclubs3 = ] 10325:deletion processes 10269: 10200: 10131: 10062: 9992: 9842: 9554:arbitration policy 9449: 9375: 9307:Category:Zacatepec 9303: 9293:Category:Zacatepec 9251:Please sign up at 9195:arbitration policy 9025:deletion processes 8964: 8866:• Join us at the 8856:). Such links are 8810:central importance 8523:In these two edits 8283:Palaichori Oreinis 8279:Palaichori Oreinis 8051:Palaichori Village 7967:Palaichori Morphou 7963:Palaichori Oreinis 7928:Palaichori Oreinis 7909:Disruptive editing 7884:Palaichori Oreinis 7808:Disruptive editing 7789:Infobox settlement 7757:arbitration policy 7512:deletion processes 7468:One source, fails 7454: 7413:Palaichori Oreinis 7371:cut-and-paste move 7367:Palaichori Oreinis 7359:your contributions 7162:arbitration policy 6050: 6006:deletion processes 5952: 5819: 5604:you nominated for 5557:arbitration policy 5516:: Voting now open! 5359:wikidata:Q24575130 5303:deletion processes 5247: 5225:Lo dicono a Signa. 4352:Υ.Γ. Το λήμμα της 3940:Λήμματα για έλεγχο 3856: 3796: 3736: 2835:was expelled from 2775:arbitration policy 2720:arbitration policy 2393: 2381:CfD nomination of 2356:Template:Catcross2 2312:Template:Catcross2 2306:Template:Catcross2 2274:Jean-François Clet 2215:• Join us at the 2013:you requested for 1898:you nominated for 1720:Help for translate 1453:is you/your bot? 1407:Panellinios Kyprou 1386:FBC Unione Venezia 1058: 723:to take top place? 182:you nominated for 148:(Weiss Manfred FC) 58:you requested for 10255:Proposed deletion 10235:visiting the page 10212:category redirect 10166:visiting the page 10143:category redirect 10097:visiting the page 10074:category redirect 10027:visiting the page 10004:category redirect 9891:visiting the page 9872:credibly indicate 9593: 9592: 9484:visiting the page 9465:category redirect 9410:visiting the page 9391:category redirect 9338:visiting the page 9319:category redirect 9234: 9233: 8950:Proposed deletion 8871: 8858:usually incorrect 8803: 8653: 8571: 8546:disrutive editing 8449:Template:MKD etc. 8434:page. Thank you. 8386:page. Thank you. 8338:page. Thank you. 7440:Proposed deletion 7104:Olympos Acheritou 7096:Olympos Acheritou 7089:Olympos Acheritou 7081:Olympos Acheritou 7065:Olympos Acheritou 7054:Olympos Acheritou 6779:Proposed deletion 6095:visiting the page 5938:Proposed deletion 5846:visiting the page 5683: 5628: 5352:Cypriot Super Cup 4994: 4989:Learn more about 4977:Reviewed 10/17/16 4969:Knowledge editor 4954: 4949:Learn more about 4937:Reviewed 10/17/16 4929:Knowledge editor 4914: 4909:Learn more about 4897:Reviewed 10/17/16 4889:Knowledge editor 4874: 4869:Learn more about 4849:Knowledge editor 4834: 4829:Learn more about 4809:Knowledge editor 4308: 4307: 4058: 4012: 4011: 3721: 3716:Learn more about 3696:Knowledge editor 3529:Επίσης στο λήμμα 3422:Kissos Kissonerga 3209:Olympos Xylofagou 2959:"Αγώνες μπαράζ". 2268:My discut-page : 2220: 2052: 2051: 1977: 1922: 1663:το έχω γράψει με 1624:Help with replace 1412:Olympos Xylofagou 1292:Salamina in Cipro 852:Ethnikos Achna FC 263: 206: 97: 96: 10355: 10318: 10317: 10301: 10300: 10273:Faros Acropoleos 10266: 10259:Faros Acropoleos 10246: 10241: 10197: 10178: 10128: 10109: 10059: 10040: 9989: 9930: 9929: 9903: 9839: 9798: 9797: 9758: 9757: 9720: 9719: 9682: 9681: 9644: 9643: 9626: 9625: 9623: 9576: 9519: 9512: 9511: 9501: 9446: 9427: 9372: 9300: 9253:the contest page 9217: 9160: 9153: 9152: 9105: 9104: 9066: 9065: 9018: 9017: 9001: 9000: 8961: 8905: 8904: 8861: 8850:check to confirm 8819: 8797: 8730: 8692: 8644: 8641: 8587: 8562: 8559: 8497: 8412: 8411: 8364: 8363: 8316: 8315: 8285:(mentioning the 8164:or Palaeokhorio 8155: 8015: 7998: 7995: 7960: 7946: 7943: 7917: 7861: 7858: 7823:AMEP Parekklisia 7816: 7725: 7656: 7623:content policies 7594: 7588: 7549: 7505: 7504: 7488: 7487: 7451: 7356: 7241: 7240: 7202: 7201: 7130: 7020: 7015: 6982: 6977: 6944: 6939: 6911: 6909: 6904: 6901: 6866: 6865: 6846: 6844: 6839: 6836: 6806: 6805: 6734: 6733: 6695: 6694: 6660: 6659: 6625: 6624: 6590: 6589: 6555: 6554: 6520: 6519: 6485: 6484: 6450: 6449: 6415: 6414: 6380: 6379: 6345: 6344: 6310: 6309: 6275: 6274: 6240: 6239: 6205: 6204: 6170: 6169: 6135: 6134: 6107: 6047: 5999: 5998: 5982: 5981: 5949: 5929: 5927:Ten Pound Hammer 5912: 5911: 5816: 5674: 5668: 5619: 5617: 5525: 5487: 5484: 5478: 5441: 5438: 5432: 5390: 5387: 5381: 5350:and include the 5349: 5345:Cypriot football 5343: 5332:Cypriot football 5296: 5295: 5279: 5278: 5244: 5220: 5108:Γεια σου φίλε. 5086:Γεια σου φίλε. 5064:Γεια σου φίλε. 4988: 4948: 4908: 4868: 4828: 4672:. 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Nea Salamis Famagusta FC

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Nea Salamis Famagusta FC
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23:28, 14 June 2013 (UTC)
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Gusztáv Sebes
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21:08, 20 September 2013 (UTC)
Nea Salamis Famagusta FC
Nea Salamis Famagusta FC


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