
User talk:TParis/Archive 6

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climática, não muito comum ao longo dos tempos, trouxe prejuízos incalculáveis aos mais de 350 mil habitantes desse território com o atraso anormal do período chuvoso. Caminhamos para o início de março e o pluviômetro da estação meteorológica de Irecê marca até o momento meros 174,5 mm de chuva nos últimos 90 dias. Fenômeno um tanto quanto preocupante, levando em consideração que os meses de dezembro, janeiro, fevereiro e março possuem as maiores médias pluviométricas registradas. As chuvas da microrregião de Irecê advêm do chamado Sistema Equatorial Continental Amazônico, gerado em uma zona de alta pressão que se forma sobre o interior da floresta amazônica no verão. Nessa época, esta área se associa a uma intensa atividade convectiva, constituindo grande fonte de umidade para o desenvolvimento do sistema denominado de Massa de Ar equatorial Continental que atua na região de Irecê entre o final da primavera ao início do outono. No entanto, é notável uma mudança no período das chuvas na última década. Os camponeses costumavam realizar seus plantios já nos meses de outubro e novembro com a chegada das primeiras chuvas, colhendo seus produtos entre janeiro e fevereiro. Ato que não vem mais acontecendo com frequência, já que é perceptível uma maior irregularidade do período chuvoso, que oscila a cada ano, apresentando uma sazonalidade entre os meses de outubro a abril. Essa periodicidade desigual traz consequências diretas para o agricultor, principalmente os pequenos trabalhadores rurais, que são a maioria na região. Esses têm dificuldades de se adaptar ao “novo” período de chuvas, isso acompanhado de heranças passadas trazidas por projetos agrícolas mal executados, que fizeram modificar o ecossistema local. Consequências como lixiviação dos solos, aumento de pragas, acréscimo na média da temperatura, são fatos que em conjunto com a “indefinição” do período chuvoso da região fazem com que aumente as dificuldades dos camponeses em se manter no campo. A agricultura irrigada é outra atividade vulnerável. Em uma região do semiárido nordestino alocada sob uma bacia sedimentar que possui considerável quantidade de água subterrânea armazenada no aqüífero cárstico prevalecente, essa prática se apresenta em constante ascensão. Contudo, por conta do desmatamento desenfreado, essencialmente nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, com o pró-feijão, os lençóis freáticos existentes perderam uma substancial aliada para sua recarga. A partir da década seguinte se deu início a perfuração descontrolada de poços tubulares, desencadeando de vez o processo de carga-recarga do aqüífero, trazendo consigo a aceleração de fenômenos cársticos, como o desabamento de cavernas no município de Lapão, ocasionando tremores, rachaduras no solo e danos materiais e econômicos em alguns bairros da cidade. A agricultura irrigada em regiões semiáridas aparentemente inóspitas como a microrregião de Irecê, emerge como um “substituto ideal” para prática da agricultura de sequeiro. Com a ideia de ter uma produção rápida, com água em abundância e retorno financeiro garantido, os agricultores investem em massa na perfuração de poços tubulares em suas propriedades. Essa sendo a principal justificativa para o desenvolvimento desenfreado dessa prática agrícola, que se prende ao macabro modelo agrícola brasileiro, ficando a mercê do uso de fertilizantes químicos e agrotóxicos, em meio a um ecossistema em amplo desequilíbrio. Tornando os cultivos caros, insaudáveis e de comércio impraticável em épocas de preços baixos como é de praxe acontecer. Naturalmente o clima semiárido prevalece na microrregião essencialmente por duas questões. Por esta se localizar a partir do sopé das escarpas ocidentais da Chapada Diamantina, obstáculo que impede a chegada de uma maior umidade do Oceano Atlântico à região e por estar em uma área final de um dos percursos da Massa Equatorial Continental, sendo contemplada com nebulosidades pouco elevadas, durante curtos períodos anuais. Além dessas causas, o clima da região polarizada pela cidade de Irecê pode ser vítima do desmatamento da Amazônia, devido a diminuição da umidade transferida pela floresta (já que é da floresta que surge a Massa de Ar Equatorial Continental); o aumento da temperatura do globo, que pode ser a principal causa das mudanças climáticas globais; e até mesmo a transferência de um período glacial para uma era mais quente. São perceptíveis alguns danos socioambientais nas últimas décadas (2000 – 2010) inerentes ao clima e as práticas agrícolas, como uma maior irregularidade das chuvas entre outubro e abril, variando demasiadamente entre alguns anos e consequentemente a continuidade do êxodo rural. Ademais, outros problemas também ligados ao clima atualmente na região podem trazer drásticos problemas à população, como o risco de ocorrer um colapso no Sistema de Abastecimento de Água Integrado de Irecê - SAAI que atende cerca de 330 mil habitantes atualmente. Devido a diminuição imódica do volume da Barragem de Mirorós, reservatório responsável por atender o SAAI. Para se ter um maior embasamento sobre as mudanças climáticas ocorridas na região é necessário que haja um maior número de pesquisas. No entanto, isso só será possível, a princípio, com a reativação e construção de estações meteorológicas distribuídas pela microrregião. Assim, em um futuro próximo, poderemos ter uma concretude maior na formulação de políticas públicas voltadas a práticas agrícolas locais, que vem perdendo espaço na economia baiana ao longo das últimas décadas.
it's deletion? As for notability I tried my best to find eligible sources and listed all the links of the page. It was never sought out by a news organization for me to list as a reference but it has attained notability in the pornographic as well as the internet world. I sited reviews from more than one website to prove that it is well noted and sites like Alexis to show it as an extremely large web traffic involving thousands of users. You have to see that the site has pictures and videos of women from the entire planet! United States, Spain, France. The site has a large network that is so much bigger than I can explain but it does clearly show that it has large database with frequent updates proving that it has a staff of several dozen people. As I sited on the page all these references including reviews to show notability because it is the longest serving site for voyeur pornography in the world! That was the point I was trying to make and that is why it should be on this encyclopedia. Also if administrators don't like something I would like there help to make things better because this public encyclopedia. No one helped me write this and when some sees something they don't like that can't simply delete it because I worked very hard on this project for it to be deleted so many times without anyone making the proper adjustments to fit the criteria. Remember that notability does not necessarily require fame so most of the material I provided on the page fits the criteria but if you need more sources I will send them to you.
will listen how much of a poor admin I am (funny how most neutral editors or admins who enters the dispute and comes to a decision, he accuses of having an agenda, despite the fact that we live on the other side of the globe and don't give the tiniest of shits about their stupid border and ethnic rivalries). I'm more concerned with the fact that he does basically nothing on Knowledge other than complain and stir the pot of controversy; even when he does make edits, they are so blatantly bad that even Darkness shines calls him on it (no diff at the moment; but it's there somewhere). If he brought up legitimate controversies, it would be fine with me; but he doesn't: instead, he is the living definition of a double standard, carrying the
however, is purely punitive. The sanctions proposed do exactly nothing to prevent disturbances. Magog's proposal of permanent 1RR makes no sense as editors haven't been reverting all too much anyway (in my case I don't even know when was the last time that I reverted more than once). When some editors reverted too often, they got blocked for a period of time as every other editor does. The second proposal isn't even fully formulated. What is it? That people need to apply to policy? That is a given, isn't it. So, what is the purpose of that proposal other than singling out editors for partly dubious reasons? Not to speak of the fact that this new proposal is completely circumventing Jehochman's proposal everyone had agreed to.
mentored). Do me a favor though, before that gets posted, and be sure you are not throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. If you are going to do this, you'll want to make sure your complaint is clearly justified. Opponents to the RFC (or RFC/U) will targets the weak points, the weak arguments. I'm saying this because I think you should sit on this RFC for a little while and make sure this is what you really want to do. I caution you. I know now seems like the perfect opportunity because there is strong consensus against the ARS's activities right now but you don't want to let that encourage you to start something that isn't well thought out. I'm saying this with an abundance of concern for you.--v/r -
all of his articles and look for copyright violations or close paraphrasing, then they could see an unblock with scrutiny. If I were working with him trying to find a compromise with the community, I'd start with that. Perhaps also a 6 month ban on autoreviewer right as well. I doubt Rlevse would gain much from mentoring as he already understands how Knowledge works, but perhaps if there were several editors who volunteered to do spot-checks on his new articles and significant content contributions, that might also be helpful. You might also ask Raul and Sandy (although she might be gone by now) what they'd accept because they are likely to be the most vocal opponents of an unblock.--v/r -
10181:. However, as far as I can see (unless WP suddenly became a democracy... which would surprise me), the result was no consensus. And in that case, shouldn't we respect the choice of the editor who created the article (Pristino). May I suggest that you verify the only point that those who want to keep this article made : a notability based entirely on a page of the website of the BBC that doesn't even say what we can read in the article. Anyway, the creator of this article has said himself very clearly that it is an OR. Should we keep OR on WP? I don't want the work of Pristino to be deleted, just to go back to his userspace until it reached (if it ever does) the threshold of notability. 12925:
the case as a presenter (for or against) doesn't make one inelligible. But parsing that out will ultimately rest on Courcelles' shoulders. Let's see if the other supporters come out and endorse it... and then let Courcelles decide. But based upon his initial posting, I suspect that he's going to be fairly liberal in interpretation of his guidelines. E.g. his initial post relative this discussion indicated that, his words said one thing, but he meant another thing, but that he'll honor his words. I suspect that he'll revisit his recall criteria when this is all said and done. But it is ultimately up to Courcelles to decide, recall is purely voluntary.---
yourselves, then I will speak to Magog about trying this noticeboard idea before asking for sanctions. However, I will expect no quid pro quo behaviors. Poor behavior by another isn't a reason to engage. I'll also expect no whining about it either. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. Have you noticed how very little I object when something is said about me on anyone's talk page? JCAla and Darkness Shines, you two have said some things about me I don't appreciate; but how often did I retaliate. TopGun, that definitely goes for you. No more retaliation. Suck it up. If you can all do that and 'take the higher road' than I will talk to Magog.--v/r -
11945:@Ryulong: I haven't seen the AfD or DRV, but what you've offered isn't a white flag. It's a white flag with an angry red blotch on the edge. Withdrawing is one thing, saying you plan to do it again in the future is another. It implies you plan to wait until no one is looking (ABF). I think you should revert your own withdrawl, leave a comment that you do withdraw, and then wait for someone uninvolved to come by. This AFD likely would close as keep which would make a future AFD tougher for you and it appears like you are trying to game the system; whether true or not, that is the perception. @Worm: I think you've hit the nail on the head.--v/r - 12754:
admonished, but that is a warning and not a restriction. 2) "Not from an editor who has been active in articles closely related to where I have been issuing ArbCom discretionary sanctions." That these editors took part in the Arbcom case does not qualify for this one. This is directly tied to an article and specifically an article where Courcelles has issues discretionary sanctions. I don't see that they qualify. As I said, I checked their history and Courcelles would've had to leave a warning on their talk page had this been the case. So although I see your point, I think they are eligible.--v/r -
might not appriciate how casually I tend to move past things (a few other folks think I'm trolling when I engage with them after a block), but I'm considering starting to train for a half marathon with some folks in my office. I can run a solid 4 miles ( in about an hour) and I havent really tried anything further than that, but these two guys I work with just did a marathon and are getting ready for another and invited me to join them. I could definitely use the exercise, I'm trying to lose about 30 lbs, and I find it relaxing. Do you run for the competition or just to run?--v/r -
don't carry the truth banner like it's their job can do that far better than he can. If that means we have to seek a general sanction for South Asia ethnic disputes (apart from the caste dispute that already exists), that is fine with me. If it means we file an RFC on JCAla, all the better (although his ability for introspection is shot, so it will do no good, just as my criticism here or anywhere else has done no good). If we go to ANI with diffs about his disruptive behavior, then we're in for a party (I may not be able to put it together, given how much I'm working these days).
would be fairly natural. There was clearly a majority believing the article should be kept, and there was more participation there than I see in most AfDs, many of which end up relisted. I'm not saying there was a consensus to keep, but I find the idea that votes were excessively stifled to the point that there were no helpful ones to be wrong. It then follows that an immediate renomniation is inappropriate. An article about an internet celeb is always going to spark a lot of debate - I think there was a clear an reasonable result here.
2852: 10513:: I have a difficult time believing that they didn't know. The account name, editing history, domain has all of the classic signs of a spammer. Read the deleted revision of their talk page. So I would say no, don't unblock, but if you really think they are sincere, then you can unblock them. You might want to have a CU see what other spam accounts are lurking behind their IP address/range. If you want to know what indicators I mean, I'd be happy to explain it by email, but not on wiki. -- 9351: 8940: 6129: 31: 3496:
notability. Three or maybe four are indeed RS, the rest being online magazines without bylines, an article by the subject himself, a petition signed by the subject and scores of others, and so on. But arguendo, let's say all the article's claims are both true and supported by RS. Then where's the notability? In the meantime, I've deleted most of the "Written works", which are nothing but on-demand printings of Knowledge articles, for crying out loud (see e.g. "Product Description) at
notability. Three or maybe four are indeed RS, the rest being online magazines without bylines, an article by the subject himself, a petition signed by the subject and scores of others, and so on. But arguendo, let's say all the article's claims are both true and supported by RS. Then where's the notability? In the meantime, I've deleted most of the "Written works", which are nothing but on-demand printings of Knowledge articles, for crying out loud (see e.g. "Product Description) at
their participation in deletion discussions has often been helpful. And I'm hopful they received the message about canvassing; not just because the rescue template was deleted but because of all of the discussion surrounding it that laid out to them that the community will not tolerate it. If you want to do this the right way, you need to target specific editors who have misbehaved and your evidence needs to be more comprehensive. I think the way you're going about this is going to
5268:, which you opened a few days ago. You were unclear about what you expected DRV to do, and as best as I can tell you were asking for an evaluation of the subject's notability and the reliability of the article's sources. That's pretty much exactly what AfD is for. You listed three editors who, it seems, want the article to be deleted. Well, if that's the case, they should open an AfD and make their arguments there. They'll probably get more participants in a discussion there, anyway. 3245: 8056:
take that approach and target NA1K poor behavior, I strongly suggest you go view the diffs I provided at the ANI thread that initiated the Rescue TfD. I gave a lot of strong diffs of poor rationales by NA1K. I like your other rationales, but you'll need more and stronger diffs proving poor AFD !votes. They !vote a lot and you'll need substantial evidence documenting this or you'll be accused of picking and choosing (cherry picking) data that meets your expected outcome.--v/r -
11225: 2777: 657: 11697: 11031: 5513:? "The burden of evidence lies with the editor who adds or restores material." - Done, see references. "You may remove any material lacking a reliable source that directly supports it" - Show me they arn't reliable and it can be removed. There has been no shifting. The sources are available to you. There isn't any point in your replying unless it contains an investigation of each source. Short of that, I'm just going to ignore you on forward. Goodbye.--v/r - 3141: 2939: 8544:. UTF-8 is a very common one, but the one PHP uses is configured in the php.ini. I may be mixing servers here, but if I recall correctly, it's not set to default to UTF-8. It's a bit complicated because I'll have to first urldecode the string from the querystring, then detect that encoding, and then convert to whatever the databases uses. I'll play around with it and see if I can figure it out, I just wasn't sure if you knew what it needed offhand.--v/r - 6432: 10862: 11738:- and Ryulong wrote a longer rationale "so not feel the need to flood the page with comments". Since I would have closed the first nomination differently (it looked like a clear keep to me - but I'm involved!), and I also have commented in this nomination I feel my hands are rather tied but I was wondering if you could have a look at this second nomination, assess whether any action should be taken and perhaps do something? Thank you. 12228: 11449: 6071: 5659:, a file you uploaded, the resolution actually seems quite large. Because this is the cover of a videogame, it's copyrighted and we're using it under a fair use license. The resolution should be no larger than what is needed to adequately demonstrate the subject but well below what can be used to financially damage the copyright holder. The resolution it's at could be used to create fake covers. I'd suggest about half that size. 11079: 5799: 4604: 7648: 12308: 3975:, where you can learn more about MediaWiki customization and development, extending functionality with JavaScript, the new Lua templating system, how to best use the web API for bots, and various upcoming features and changes. We'd love to have power users, bot maintainers and writers, and template makers at these events so we can all learn from each other and chat about what needs doing. Best wishes! 10895: 8252: 6683: 6548: 8446: 7795: 1196:
else' mommy. Can you do that for me? If so, I'm willing to talk to Magog. Show me you can handled yourself. Do not let others control you. If you get upset at any little snappy comment you see, you are letting other people control you. I'm not going to stick my neck out there and ask for another chance from Magog unless you can hold your tounge better and quit pointing fingers.--v/r -
the relief of several of your fellow editors, not to mention to the enhancement of your reputation for admitting your own mistake. Now for the last time: will you, or won't you, address yourself to the substance of the article, and explicitly confirm or reverse your action? I'm sorry to seem so strident, but three times I've asked you and three times you've simply deflected the request.
10824: 7964:
becomes about users and not issues. It then raises the need to have people certify against that user. And the response would be to start having views put into place about you. If you keep it issue focused on the more egregious problems, you might avoid the boomerang. But if you open the door to singling out users, do not be surprised if a number of views don't target you.---
4858: 5548:
conform with the current Knowledge nomenclature. If they don't, please instruct me how to make them do, your previous instructions have been really helpful. It's been a challenging project but I think it was worth it, for she is an inspiring figure, at least to me. Thanks again for your consideration, and I hope you will republish my work soon. Best regards, Susan.
assumed we mean 'unimportant.'" As for my spelling, I tend to get ahead of myself when I write and I misspell easy words. It's not that I can't spell. I've never claimed to be in a profession that involves equisite composition. Knowledge is not the place to get the word out about this software. We don't publish original thought. All of our content
achieve the best results. When partisanship takes hold of a dispute, the issue becomes distorted and the best solution is lost in the crossfire. Seems idyllic to me for anyone to think the ARS will ever be free of editors like North, but one can minimize the damage such editors can do to the project by making ARS a less favorable tool for them.--
11570: 3756:. Not every person who appears in a newspaper is notable. It must have "received significant coverage in reliable secondary sources that are independent of the subject" (I'm quoting WP:GNG), and this is not the case. Reading the sources, you don't find significant coverage anywhere. Did you realize, for example, that 1472:
expressed regrets about this awkward situation in my talk page after your final decision. It is regrettable that notability in the field of open-source EMR is being established by people that know practically nothing about this. The cherry-on-top is that the final decision is taken by someone who repeatedly misspells
to say 'this is what it says' to keep the drama low. Courcelles created his definition of neutral and he was quite specific. I'm willing to pull discretion when appropriate, but I think in this case John's involvement is obvious (and Balloonman determined enough to call in discretion) but not the other two.--v/r -
probably aware, distance training usually becomes a priority over speed. Anyway, whichever community you live in or near should have some kind of running website that lists all the road races taking place in your area. You might consider participating in a few 5Ks and/or 10Ks if you haven't already. Good luck!
2139:. I can summarize what is contained inside a hatted discussion. What you do from there is up to you, but if you are bound and determined to win your side of the argument, then you are the one who can win by utilizing that "block account" feature, while telling yourself that you are doing so as a neutral admin. 1558:? And if you do, as an expert on Knowledge's guidelines, why don't you just delete that list and the tens of articles linked there? Yeah, I think that would be truly foolish but I dare you follow the notability guidelines as explained by you and your fellow deletionists... And why do you raise the problem of 12325:
Hello TParis. I am currently conducting a study on the dispute resolution processes on the English Knowledge, in the hope that the results will help improve these processes in the future. Whether you have used dispute resolution a little or a lot, now we need to know about your experience. The survey
You might notice this was an hour or so ago, when I first logged on - I asked the opinion of an editor I respect. Since then, I saw the DRV, and the conversation on MelbourneStar's page - which I commented on. I appreciate that you are happy to drop it, but you were not the only person voting delete,
As you correctly point out, my close was questioned and contentious. I think I should stay away from this one. I'm sorry. I would say that there is significantly less battleground, though, but I would have preferred that Ryulong is battling with himself (interally) trying not to let the impulse to
Thats fine, I just reverted my close. I've been involved with TopGun and Darkness Shines in other discussions so it's probably improper for me to close it anyway. I was just trying to knock out some of the AFD backlog. If you want an explanation how I came to 'no consensus' still, just let me know
I certified it based upon the discussion at AN a few weeks ago. My suggestion would be for MQS and you to contribute to the discussion and to share his vision of what he wants to see get done. Can he sell it to the community and then get the RFC to push his ideas through? As for him sitting back, he
If there had only been badgering on the delete side, I would've done that. But MStar was badgering too and I couldn't ignore that. Badgering discourages participation and so it's impossible to know how many people would've participated and how that discussion would've gone had they said their peace
I am annoyed I keep getting implicated with this user. Its upsetting really. What happened was this user was attempting to get me blocked because I reverted and reported a lot of his socks. What I can't understand is why no one cleans up the talk page to prevent me from getting falsely accused again.
I'm an editor who has made over 4000 edits to Knowledge. I think that I'm ready to become an administrator on the English Knowledge. I will admit to certain edits that were not constructive (my first days on the English Knowledge) and some edits were incorrect, but unintentional. I am a rollbacker on
Might be easier, but I don't think Knowledge or toolserver would like that idea much. For the account, the CC-BY-SA 3.0 would require one owner of an account, that'd be X. For the toolserver, I don't think they'd like the idea at all either. However, if you create a new bot account with X's source
JCAla, evidence of poor behavior in the topic area does not have to be recent. The evidence can cover a longer term and only recent diffs are needed to prove it is still ongoing. At least in the case of Darkness Shines and TopGun; this is true. Previous blocks do not wipe the slate clean as blocks
Do you ... what a pleasure ... This guy was an involved party at the Taliban discussion, judging the supposed competence or lack thereof of other editors, hardly qualifies for any such task. What a timing to bring this back up, now that issues are being resolved in a different manner and by different
are sockpuppets of one another, possibly of another editor who has had a vested interest in this article. The latest tactic has been inappropriate assessment of the article by both of these editors. Given that sockpuppetry has been a significant concern in the existence of this article and that these
You said: "It is regrettable that notability in the field of open-source EMR is being established by people that know practically nothing about this." My response is: "It is regrettable that folks don't understand what Knowledge is and assume because our guidelines say something is 'unnotable' it is
Magog is proposing community sanctions hand-picking and singling out editors. As the others will speak for themselves and as I have not been stalking all their contributions, speaking for me, there is nothing in my recent editing which would justify his proposal. More specific, what Magog wrote about
I think there is a misconception about what Magog's effort is. He's not seeking to send you to trial about the same offense twice. He's trying to get community involvement and tightening of policy around articles about this geographic region to make editing more collaborative. These diffs he and I
If it came out as promotional that was not my intention my intention was to have it explain a website that invades people's privacy. I would to speak with you to make the necessary changes to have it reenstated. Will you help me with this? One problem that I am having is that it was blanked and now I
Did you see where I said, "Alright, relax. Hipocrite is wrong and we all know it, but no reason to get upset." I acknowledged it was inappropriate. I think we've argued this enough. Do something about it, or let it go. You're not incapable of handling your own disputes, we all know you are vocal
Seconded. Other proceedings which are not closed when nominators withdraw include Arbcom requests, RFAs, RFCs, AFDs, and MFDs. In fact, I'm not sure of a single proceeding which does close when the nominator withdraws except for mediations. Could you point one out to me, please, given that you write
Sure, I couldn't agree with you more. However, if I were to subjectively apply my opinion on to the intentions of the criteria rather than work with the letter of the criteria, don't you think it'd add more drama (from either side depending on what I did) to an already dramatic event? It's practical
I actually thoroughly checked all criteria. The good standing were easy, there were edit counters and logs to check that criteria. As far as neutral, I checked editor histories and talk pages, Courcelles' talk page history, and to see where the editors had major overlaps. I could not see anything
discussion; we're developing a new patrolling interface for new articles, and we want your input like never before :). So if you haven't already seen it, please go there, take a look at the screenshots and mockups and ideas, and add any comments or suggestions you might have to the talkpage. Thanks!
You are upset you couldn't delete it now, so you are planning on bringing it back later on. You hope by withdrawing what would've been an obvious keep, then in the future people can't say it ended as keep. Your statement shows that. You also removed large amounts of text after you closed it. But
I dont have much recent interaction with JCAla and I just dont have any time to go diff hunting. I'd be willing to certify an RFC/U but I just can't carry the load myself. I am sure Top Gun could throw lots of diffs out but his credibility about this isn't that good. I don't really know what else
Agree... I hope it doesn't. While I haven't looked into the issue in any depth on my own (and am unfamiliar with current ARS practices), I feel like he raises legit concerns---one's which mirror my expereriences from years ago. But we shall see. I'm going to hold off on my own !voting until I see
Generally when AFDs close as no consensus and is immediate renominated, there is an immediate rush of "keep, the last AFD just closed". "No prejudice" in this sense should tell any participants in a new discussion that there was a 'mistrial' of sorts and that the previous AFD should not result in a
I wish I had the time to read it, I'm actually working right now. But my initial impression is that you're making a bad mistake. I'll be the first to say that ARS does some shaddy stuff. But overall, and despite some of the people involved, ARS does good work and is beneficial to Knowledge. Even
It appears you got it working before I did. However Cyberbot I is just about ready to completely replace SoxBot. I have been working on it for the past month. Could you perhaps tell me what files you modified and in what way to help me get rid of the bug. My bot keeps hanging after initializiing
Movimentos excepcionais Promoção: é quando o peão atinge a 8ª horizontal, visto que ele não pode voltar e cumpriu seu objetivo que era chegar ao fim da linha (conhecendo, invadindo, atacando e mapeando o território inimigo!), então ele automaticamente será promovido a outra peça para poder voltar. A
Foi então que começou a distribuição dos grãos. Porém, quando estavam chegando nas trinta e duas casas do tabuleiro concluíram após alguns cálculos que se juntasse todo o trigo do mundo não daria para pagá-lo e precisaria de toda produção de trigo da época na Índia cultivada por mais de 60.000 anos,
Good morning. I've done a thorough review of your last 2000 contributions and BLUF: I just can't nominate you at this time. I'll explain why. Of your 4000 edits, about 1000 are automated (using Twinkle). I saw quite a few of them, around 300-400, were removing red links. Our policy on red links
review of the article and its sources, instead of relying on someone else. Since you're the one who's re-started this circus, could you please do that now, at long last? Or at the very least, you might ask Miss Manazna to explain what qualifies the subject as notable. And please notify give a link
TP, please take a few minutes to reconsider your revival of the Galindo article. Miss Manzana notwithstanding, the article has exactly the same problems as before: (1) Even if all the claims in the article are true, there's little or no evidence of notability, and (2) the references are, with few or
I run 3 times a week but only for short distances up to 2 miles. I can run a mile is about 7:30 but then I slow down and my mile and a half is 12:30. I can do two miles in about 20 miles and three miles comes up somewhere around 35-40 minutes. I can usually maintain this pace, it's a jog, for the
TP, please take a few minutes to reconsider your revival of the Galindo article. Miss Manzana notwithstanding, the article has exactly the same problems as before: (1) Even if all the claims in the article are true, there's little or no evidence of notability, and (2) the references are, with few or
Tom, I think you are a fair and open minded guy, I suppose Magog is also but he seems pissed at me :o) I would like your advice, once again TG has edit warred unsourced content into an article, I am at a loss over what can be done. Is it best just to leave him to it? I do not want another block over
As for ref 4, I'm not trying to assess PatientOS is notable in the larger field of commerical EMR (which would make it familiar to hospital IT people). What I'm trying to establish is that PatientOS is notable in the (much smaller) field of open source EMR, which that book helps to establish. It has
perceive something was wrong) from after the time any of us was last blocked for a supposed/alleged "offense". As you might be aware, none is "charged" for the same thing twice in modern jurisdiction. What I am saying is, don't come up with all the same old stories. Either there is something recent,
I'm against the recall but that closure seemed odd. 5 editors certified within 12 hours, so it stands to reason one more would probably come along in the remaining 36 hours. Plus it seems like any of the certifiers would've stepped up to replace the nominator, and probably will start a new petition
I read every word you wrote. Firstly, blocking someone for showing up out of nowhere and telling me to "fuck off," is hardly involvement. Further, the correct action in the event you think action is necessary but can't take it is not to tell the aggrieved party (that would be me, the one being told
editors would even know about the recall or block, to have seen it on either Courcelles or MF's talk page. Maybe a solution to this would be notify more people about the recall petition et al. I had thought about posting it on Jimbo's page, but as I am one of the certifiers it could be construed as
Well I took the caveat of "Not from an editor who has been warned by me within the last year" and "Not from an editor who has been active in articles closely related to where I have been issuing ArbCom discretionary sanctions" ruled out John, who was admonished by ArbCom in the very case concerning
Well, whatever the reason, I won't be able to take a look at until tomorrow. I am exhausted. Install a new 7 ton force motor on our logsplitter and it wasn't the easiest thing to do. Not to mention I converted our snow blower back into a lawn mower. I'm disabling the task for now to prevent any
I ask for your help in crafting a solution to get him the hell off the back of the community, who has spent far more time dealing with him than in other constructive activities. That he corrects some of the POV-pushing by TopGun is of no concern to me; the harm outweighs the benefit. And people who
It's unclear exactly what the RFC is going after. You mention ARS a lot but focus on NA1K a lot. If I were you, I'd take either Balloonman's advice or mine but not both. Balloonman's advice is probably better because it's easier to prove, less controversial, and more direct. If you are going to
Actually, TPairs, the links in your copy are still linking to soxred93 and not you. That needs to be changed. I am working on a copy of Toolserver tools myself to see if I can to work a little better than yours do. As soon as I have Cyberbots I - X ready to replace SoxBots I - X, I will create a
No, I wasn't involved in any of that. I'm not trying to enforce anything on you, I asked you if this was in the realm of things you promised to avoid. Read it in full context. It's voluntary, you go right ahead and police yourself. All I've said is that if this is related to what you said you'd
to review the "new" article yourself instead of relying on someone else. As the one who undeleted, you are the only person in a position to prevent repeat of the wasteful circus we've already been through twice, by reversing your action. I believe it's not too late for you to reverse yourself, to
I copied them right from his home folder to mine. I'm working on the others, but I'm out pulling weeds in the yard today. I've been meaning to do some chores around the house for the last couple of weeks but the new unblock tool has kept me too busy to do it so I'm taking this weekend to get some
I was not impressed by Darkness Shines and TopGun's latest block, but I think we're still skirting below the sanctions like, thanks for the offer. JCAla: involved editors may ask for sanctions on other editors and help put diffs together. Uninvolved editors are needed to close discussions and use
review of the matter, to your action in undeleting. One needn't speak Spanish (I don't) to see that even if all claims in the article are true, there's nothing like notability under en-WP guidelines. (Other WP's have different standards, as you no doubt know, which makes it inappropriate for you to
None on my end either, I'm more frustrated by the response because I thought not going straight to a block was more appropriate and I dislike that someone suggested that was more appropriate. In any case, I noticed you liked runing marathons. I was going to say something yesterday but thought you
tactics are used way too often in Knowledge by editors in lazy, dishonest attempts to win debates. My sister worked at a car rental place and said that it was true that those businesses are notorious for rude customers. Her agency fixed it using a simple approach...they put big mirrors behind the
For what it's worth Cla, I took the case to ANI because your edits did not represent NPA/Civil violations and were in fact incivil with the attempt to still conversation. I asked for an admin to review the edits and two did. Both concurred that your thread failed to contain NPA/Civil violations.
You took a side in your hatting summary. Talk pages are for editors to give an opinion. I gave mine, then you hatted my opinion to hide it and gave your opinion as to why, and gave your authority as an admin as justification for your right to do so. You said that me saying that those editors had
Keep it up man... That's the spirit! Hit me with one more gratuitous accusation and do not bother with all the distortions and false allegations you have already said. The problem is now that I have learned too much about how Knowledge works. A few days ago I was pretty much oblivious in regards to
19:58, 3 February 2012 TParis (talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:Calypto Design Systems" ‎ (G8: Talk page of a deleted page) 19:58, 3 February 2012 TParis (talk | contribs) deleted "Calypto Design Systems" ‎ (A7: Article about a company, corporation, organization, or group, which does not indicate the
If ya'all think this is the place to argue, you're wrong. Apparently ya'all arn't familiar with talk page etiquette and Magog has indulged you all previously. However, it is impolite to cross-talk on someone else's talk page. You'll note how infrequently I engaged on Magog's talk page and when I
I'd like to thank you for returning my e-mail so quickly. I would like to apologize if my article looked like a conflict of interest it was never my intention. I tried to make it look neutral as possible. When you say a conflict of interest do you mean to promoted to viewing of the site or promote
Would you mind if I restore and move the article back to their user space? It was there for awhile before. It has gone through a very convoluted path to being deleted, userfied, republished, AfD/CSD, moved, and CSDed yet again. I told Paulmcanders that I would ask you about userfying the article
The 'fuck off' comment? I'm not going to get into disputes with editors related to this that might involve me and prevent me from effectively being a neutral uninvolved admin. If it's directly related to the recall, and not cross chat on my talk page, then I'll step in. Feel free to address the
In the end it doesn't matter what any of you think. This is a voluntary process. If six people plus a replacement nominator step forward, then it will be up to Courcelles to determine if he feels that any of them are not neutral per his criteria. IMO, I tend to agree with TP. Being involved in
Gilderien, that would be completely inappropriate and unfair. It is impossible to "canvass neutrally" here because there is no provision for "oppose the recall" opinions. Let's say you were to bring this to the attention of 50 uninvolved people and 2 of them think the recall is a good idea and the
Hey TParis. Again I come to you on the same subject! More for your advice this time. I don't spend much time at AfD, so I'm not 100% certain of the procedures there - especially with regard to closing. Ryulong has withdrawn his nomination, and closed the AfD. There was at least one good faith vote
You recently closed the above deletion discussion as delete, however there was three articles included in that particular AfD & I was wondering why you didn't delete the other two articles (if the result was delete all) nor did you remove the AfD templates (if the result was keep for the other
I've had enough of this user; I gave him a break for a while because he'd asked me to enter the dispute, and I didn't want to begrudge him that. Not to mention that he has a very good point about TopGun's POV pushing. But I'm done with that. It's bad enough that he parades about telling anyone who
My intention is to provide evidence on North since he is the worst offender, but I do not think stopping that one editor will change much. Another editor will take his place without fail. However, you do have a point that this is currently a bit too broad and that is similar to what another editor
Thanks. I'll get with you soon to scout out the WML soon. I'm not sure setting up github on TS would be that much harder than copying it all over to WML and then updating all the on-wiki links, but I'd like to know what the environment is over there since some other stuff of mine might be moving
Hello. It appears the server is unable to call from it.wikipedia. Since TParis simply copied the source code to his server area, issues with the database has been discovered. The code needs a minor overhaul to get the tools with the new server location. This is probably why it.Knowledge is not
Please review "Listing of Schools offering D.B.A. degrees." This section was unilaterally removed from the article's main body without discussion where it had been for years. Individual making deletion refuses to even allow list to be in talk section. I feel that the list should be returned to the
Well it's Magog's request but I'm behind him if he pushes it forward. Magog would be completely justified no matter what the trio would come here and say. However, they've all said several times they want to try to work out the content issues without getting personnal. I've yet to see extensive
I accidentally adapted the toolserver tools along with SoxBot's code in the process of getting the bots operational. I guess I will also place them on my page as a backup in case TParis retires and lets toolserver expire or something happens with the tools, an active copy will still be retained to
What I meant to say was that although no community ban was supported, neither was there opposition to the block either and a few folks actually said an indef block instead of a ban was appropriate. A lot, and I mean a lot, of folks have said that if Rlevse were to partake in the CCI to go through
come from reliable sources that have already reported on a topic. You were unable to show evidence of this. Perhaps in a few years, the software will gain more notability in hospitals and gain more attention by the media, journals, or authors. Until then, it doesn't belong on Knowledge. Please
I have repeatedly said in that discussion that it could be the case that the whole field of open-source healthcare is not notable enough for Knowledge. However, I am not a deletionist, so I would advise against removing the already existing tens of articles on this topic. And as long as there is a
My only connection with PatientOS is my masters thesis on the subject of free software EMR, I have said that twice already in the deletion discussion. Only one person in that whole thread actually demonstrated some knowledge in this particular field, he gave the article a Keep vote and he has also
wont be using euphemism for that. I'm certain my question referred to content and not to a user, while confrontations on me are the other way round. I don't like pointing fingers, and I ignore the minor attacks most of the time, only report when they are persistent (or have been persistent). I can
You're question is coming off aggressively TopGun. And your comment above doesn't give me much faith. The point of my comment was 'Police yourself' and not others. Take the high road. Just worry about your own behavior and not the behavior of others. You are your own boss. You are not anyone
As your probably know, I'm not an expert or well read on Pakistan or the Taliban. I have my opinion from what I read in the news and what I hear from other folks I am around but I'm not in a position to judge the accuracy of what you write. That said, I am always willing to give it a read (learn
again and I think I'm right on this. There are two items that involve Arbcom. 1) "No ArbCom restrictions within the last year; whether issued by the Committee itself or under a discretionary sanction provision." None of these editors are under a restriction or discretionary sanction. John was
have caused as much angst as me. There have been moments - of fair frequency - when it has felt as if an entire population of 1.2 bn have had me in their sights, for actions here but aimed at me both from within and without. I balls things up quite frequently but, hey, to err is human etc & I
I've got to say, I can see where Dream Focus is coming from here. If I were MelbourneStar, and an article I had that much effort into was put up for deletion and then every keep vote was being attacked, I'd probably start commenting on them. He's a much newer editor that Ryulong and emulating him
8092: 7480:
Hi, you maintain the script from X!'s Edit Counter. If i want to check my edits (on nl-wiki), i get the message 'Sorry, but in order to save resources for the Toolserver, a bot has automatically killed this query for being longer than 60 seconds.' Is there a way i can see my edits without getting
Nos últimos meses, os baixos índices pluviométricos registrados na microrregião de Irecê – BA vem trazendo consequências socioeconômicas diversas. Se tratando de uma região predominantemente agrícola, onde a prática da agricultura de sequeiro possui suma importância na economia local, essa “ação”
Thanks for resurrecting X!'s tools, I've been using them again. I mentioned them at AN when NuclearWarfare was asking about one of the tools. An editor noted the the hyperlinks at the top of each tool page still link to the old ~soxred93 URLs. Any chance you could fix those if it's not too much
on your talk page. My concern was whether the only reason for protection was the external link or if there was other edit warring going on. I know there are more than one contentious discussions taking place on that article and I didn't want to assume the one we closed was the cause of all edit
Hi. I dont have the time to go through your edits right now, but later today I certainly will. You're right at the edge of what's commonly accepted and declined with 4000 edits. It will make a difference seeing how many are to mainspace and how many are automated edits. When I get the chance,
Great to see you again. You've created more articles than me, but their quality gives me slight concern about how familiar you are with Knowledge's content policies, and I'd like to see you more into dispute resolution processes like the edit warring noticeboard. It would also be good to see more
Hello Mr. TParis, I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to my re-publishing task. But thanks to you, I was able to re-research and re-format the "Astrid Chevallier" page, as promised. Everything is documented -- mostly towards external references -- and please review my links to make sure they
TP, your hatting wasn't honest. In your hatting statment, you gave your own, pejorative opinion of what it contained. In order to equally rebut your opinion, I have summarize what is contained within the hat. Now, perhaps you could place a more neutral, true title to the hat, such, "Discussion
Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker and I don't think I get your first question. As for editing with another account, this account is the only one I have used in the past 7 years or so in Knowledge. After accusing me of a hidden agenda, am I being accused of sock-puppeting now? Have you ever
I'm sorry, but you still fell short. Refs 1 and 2 are very trivial mentions. Ref 3 has a substantial paragraph about PatientOS and would count toward notability. Ref 4 has several mentions, but again all trivial. In fact, ref 4 says of PatientOS "none of these are traditional hostpital legacy
At some point you're going to have to accept that this is not a one sided confrontation. Your editing and communcation styles are confrontational. You are going to have to forgive others for past transgressions if you intend to edit collaboratively. I suggest you just start by telling Darkness
Good morning then Tom (unless you were napping? What time is it in Texas?) I can give my word that I will bite my tongue in future. I know I tend to be, snappy :o) But will stop for the sake of go along to get along. BTW is it a copyvio to use a direct quote from a source is it is in blockquotes?
Hold up guys, no back and forth here. I dont mind if I'm involved in the conversation, but please don't spend an hour talking to each other on my talk page when I'm asleep. Anyway, if all three of you give me your word as adults that you can avoid personal attacks, and by this I mean you police
RFAs, AFDs, and MFDs close when the nominator withdraws. I mentioned Arbcom requests specifically because once they are accepted then they proceed. As far as RFCs, or RFC/Us and those more closely resemble this, I wasn't positive but as they take two certifiers, if one backs out then yes, it'd
I'm not seeing the 'no consensus'. There is consensus that this article meets WP:GNG and WP:LISTN per the BBC Source and the book source. As far as the article creator goes, if I were to have closed as delete I would've restored to his userspace. But he doesn't own the article, he released it
Most people participating said keep. You can ignore the back and forth squabbles and just focus on the fact that most felt the sources were enough to prove notability. Skip over the post of those two editors if you don't feel like reading all of what they had to say. And what is this nonsense
I kinda agree with TParis... I personally wouldn't single any one person out as that opens the door to the boomerang aspect. I would focus more on the issues at hand... canvassing/vote stacking/etc. You can use specific examples from a specific user, but if you make it about said user, then it
On a further note, I think the ARS could do good work, but in many ways this focus on getting involved in deletion discussions prevents such work. From my perspective canvassing is not just a problem of people trying to skew the discussion towards one result, but inhibiting natural discussion to
feels that a sysop should not attempt lesser methods of adjusting behavior before going straight to a block. So, just instruct the new admin to throw down a series of escalating blocks until they reach indef. *sigh* But honestly, yeah, you'll need to find a new sysop to address the issue from
I was wondering if you would be willing to talk to me about your recent deletion of Calypto Design Systems' page. Calypto is referred to in numerous articles throughout wikipedia yet does not have it's own company page. I was in the midst of creating one and then you deleted it before I was even
I think that it is getting to the point where the majority of regular contributors have had some sort of involvement with DS and TG. I am among those but pretty much backed off when the ownership issues became obvious, although I regret doing so because quite a few of the contested articles are
did not do a thorough investigation of the sources. The AFD was closed based on consensus and an assumption of good faith that the sources were indeed investigated. Now I'm asking for direct evidence of this investigation. Either do it, renominate at AFD, or drop the stick. The rest of your
the other day. I actually didn't see a lot of support there keeping the indef in place; I think two people had opposed the ban but supported a continued block, but perhaps I missed some? Anyway, I was hoping to get your thoughts on that, because I'm trying to figure out a way to get him editing
I'm going to be bluntly honest. One of the biggest drawbacks to the idea of joining ARS is having more involvement with you. I cannot stand your wikilawyering, you constantly misunderstand and misinterpret policy and then you spam it over 10 WikiProjects and Knowledge space pages. I strongly
I've been meaning to talk to you. TopGun, JCAla, and Darkness Shines have all requested to try out Jehochman's noticeboard idea. Given their unity toward this idea, I think it's worth a try before general sanctions. What do you think about proposing such a noticeboard on WPAN instead?--v/r -
Torre - Antigamente era usada como arma de guerra. Subiam nela soldados armados para poder observar com segurança quando houvesse aproximação de tropas inimigas. Essas torres eram móveis, porém muito pesadas, tendo que ser movimentadas somente em linha reta, pois possuía rodas que poderiam ser
I didn't say they were all blogposts and primary, I said that each was, with ew or no exceptions, a blogpost, primary sources (like the picture of the subject's Save the Children ID card) or (even if considered a RS) non-supportive of the text -- and I will add now, certainly non-supportive of
I didn't say they were all blogposts and primary, I said that each was, with ew or no exceptions, a blogpost, primary sources (like the picture of the subject's Save the Children ID card) or (even if considered a RS) non-supportive of the text -- and I will add now, certainly non-supportive of
Maybe, but then they know already who is popping up, doing what and who isn't and many administrators can share the responsibility. Jehochman's proposal presents a valid alternative. The proposal of community sanctions and singling out of editors (in some cases with simply untrue allegations),
TP, as I wrote at the arbitration, I think these issues should be decided upon at ANI or other respective noticeboards. Another possibility is the proposal made by Jehochman of setting up that specific board. As you can see above, I didn't retaliate to the "nationalistic idiocy" comment either
Well so much for it being easy. There appears to be some database issues when trying to connect to cywiki_p. I know it's supposed to connect to sql-s3-rr to cywiki_p. I made a modified script to specifically handle cy.wikipedia do to the different language used there. For some reason when
Seria impossível afirmar com certeza a origem do xadrez, mas conta-se que na Índia, no século VI, um sábio denominado Sissa apresentou ao monarca da época um jogo cujo nome era chaturanga e que com o passar dos anos foi expandido pelos paises da Europa até chegar ao nome e movimentos de hoje.
and I had concerns with the tone of the article and, again, the lack of mutliple significant third party sources. I think bodies of water are generally considered notable, but you should try to see if third party sources are available and adjust the picknicking and fishing sections to use an
After being deleted in an AfD debate, I assume a new discussion has to be hold to readmit an article, or at least we should continue debating this AfD. I find astonishing that the opinion of a single user who didn't take part of the AfD can change completely an AfD process. Well, I'm sysop in
Sounds good. I would suggest trying to increase your distance so that your runs last at least 25-30 minutes each session. By keeping your heart rate in the "cardio zone" for that long you should start seeing a noticeable improvement in your speed. For a marathon program, however, as you're
I run for the exercise and the runner's high. If I ran for competition, my 5k times would need to be about five minutes faster than they currently are. Four miles at 15 minutes each is a fine start for starting a full marathon preparation program. I won't give you any advice, however, on a
Entretanto, depois de insistentes pedidos o sábio disse que não queria ouro, palácio, nem terras, deixando bem claro que o objetivo dele era deixar o rei satisfeito e que somente a alegria transmitida era seu pagamento, mas visto que o nobre rei sentia-se ofendido em não recompensá-lo, Sissa
Your assessment is incorrect and the entire AFD has tried to explain it to you. What I said was that you should take it the Wiki to RSN. That doesn't make the mention in the source any less trivial. Even if it were a reliable source, the mention is barely more than a mention and a few key
like to think that I get the application of consensus etc right at least most of the time. Your hit rate will be far higher than mine. And, yes, understanding the viewpoint of someone else is always A Good Thing, even if I disagree with that viewpoint. I play devil's advocate quite a lot! -
about two months ago and he told me about all of the good ideas he wanted to try to push to improve ARS and I promised I'd not cause trouble for him for six months to give him some breathing room to do it. Although I would like to see NA1K and his disruptiveness finally off the project (or
494:@Magog, I'm really disappointed it has had to come to this. I've tried to encourage everyone to work together for the big nice "GA" circle for each of our user pages. I'll see what I can do but I've got studying right now, working on a website for a client, and working on the UTRS tool with 13259:
Did you read what I said? "I'm not going to get into disputes with editors related to this that might involve me and prevent me from effectively being a neutral uninvolved admin." Are you going to argue with anyone who tries to stay uninvolved until you can manage to involve them?--v/r -
Barring that, I'm glad this is over and done with, not only has it been a disruption to my own editing, but others, and frankly, although it shouldn't be, it does question me as to whether or not I should even bother continuing with the project, considering my edits seem to be problematic.
Cavalo - Representa os cavaleiros do rei, que conseqüentemente eram os mais bem treinados soldados da guarda real. O cavalo anda somente em "L" de quatro casas. Contando a casa em que está como 1, a seguinte 2, a outra como 3, forma-se uma reta e então é só virar para a direita ou esquerda
O peão movimenta-se de uma em uma casa sempre para frente, sendo que se estiver em sua casa inicial poderá andar duas casas de uma só vez.Dica: o peão é a única peça que captura de maneira diferente da qual se move, ou seja, anda para frente, mas captura na diagonal no raio de uma casa.
Sorry I've not replied sooner, I had some rl matters to attend to. Nonetheless, I disagree with your conclusion. Although I can technically see your point, I am more of a "We hold these truths to be self evident" reader of this, and most of those editors do not fit the definition of
Obs: no jogo de xadrez existem dois bispos no início de cada partida, um fica na casa branca (mais clara) e o outro na casa preta (mais escura); podendo cada um andar quantas casa dispuser, contando que não saia da diagonal de sua cor e não utilize duas diagonais em um só movimento.
Dama - Também conhecida pelos amadores por rainha, é a peça mais poderosa do jogo de xadrez. Por ter um raio de ação muito grande, com ela você pode mover nas horizontais, verticais ou diagonais, semelhante aos movimentos do rei, com a diferença de poder mover quantas casas desejar!
Thank you very much to regain the article "Jaume Cañellas Galindo" ( We just ask that protects you from new meaningless attacks ). You are righteous, with a true word honor, upright and generous. We support you on Knowledge. Our best and most sincere wishes for you and your family.
Thank you very much to regain the article "Jaume Cañellas Galindo" ( We just ask that protects you from new meaningless attacks ). You are righteous, with a true word honor, upright and generous. We support you on Knowledge. Our best and most sincere wishes for you and your family.
without comment as to Thomas Erak's and Andrew Forsman's individual notability (I was the IP who posted the Andrew Forsman interviews in an attempt to establish his notability). Could you please look over this again and/or provide an explanation as to why the article was deleted?
when there is absolutely no original research in my article of PatientOS? Have you actually read those two paragraphs? Thank you for the attention, I realize there is no hope in pursuing this further with you. I don't question your good intentions but you are way too superficial.
Conta ainda a lenda que o rei, percebendo a grande sabedoria de Sissa, pediu com insistência para que ele permanecesse trabalhando como primeiro ministro e pudesse com seus conhecimentos aconselhá-lo, beneficiando o povo e auxiliando estrategicamente na segurança de seu reino...
3703:"If it is true that the sources are from a reliable media source, then the subject passes GNG"??? Are you kidding? Quite frankly if that's your understanding of GNG then you're not ready to be an admin. I've asked you twice to base your action, if only retrospectively, on your 13216:
Aside from being further evidence that you are uninformed about the requirements of an administrator at this encyclopedia, unwilling to acknowledge error and are willing to let blatant incivility slide when it's done by people you like? Yeah, it's only relevant as a difflink.
There are of course cases where it doesn't happen. But the nominator holds a lot of sway when closing AFDs and they often close early when the nominator withdraws. In this case, there is no such thing as an "uncertifier". If this were an AFD, it'd be leaning keep.--v/r -
You would need toolserver and the entire Peachy folder that controls the login and edits to Knowledge. I'm not trying to appear as a control freak, but I will be happy to implement it for that wikipedia for you. Just give me a hollor on my page if you want me to do it for
There was a config file for Peachy that I oversaw. It was the main reason why my bot hung up. The config file was still set up for SoxBot and so I accidentally ran SoxBot off of my toolserver. Cyberbot I seems to be functioning now and so I have now shut it down pending
Please especially look at the edit by Amalthea 21:02, 14 April 2011 on the unblock discussion. Of course if your intentions where not to accuse me I apologize but it gets very upsetting when most of my edits here are good and not been reverted and things like this come up (
place for open-source EMR in Knowledge, PatientOS is notable enough to be mentioned, even though it is a relatively new entry into the field and not much talked about on the Internet. There are enough reliable sources to show its notability in the field of open-source EMR.
12773:, imo. By common sense or the recall dictate. I would expect an editor to not be involved in the case in any way, and see the block to be so bad it deserves a recall, in order for this to be valid. I don't think any reasonable person can honestly say that's the case here. 1600:
You are right, it is not an argument for adding yet another open-source EMR in Knowledge. My point was that requiring such a high entry barrier would be an argument for removing that whole list of articles. However, I believe that would be against the spirit of Knowledge.
I read through the discussion and I feel like the commenters also didn't realize there were two other articles. No one mentions them and many people talk as if there is only one article up for AFD. So I'm going to decline deleting them in favor of their own AFD.--v/r -
if you wish to try to find a consensus that I was wrong. Having an opinion doesn't constitute a 'side'. I'm sure my editing history has known I don't align to 'sides'. I say what I think and do what I think is right and I work with others despite their 'sides'.--v/r -
Ohh ok, well there was stronger consensus to delete. Although a significant number of folks did suggest merging, there wasn't a consensus for it. Although if it's what you really want to do, I'm not opposed to IAR/Supervoting a merge in favor of a list article.--v/r -
edits be critisized. I'm not taking ownership of the article or anything, I'm just very passionate at what I do on it, and to have editors not address the issues upfront, and simply AfD it, thinking they will have it deleted, I did not think that was appropriate to do.
I'm not sure we're radically different. I understand your point of view and I guess what we can agree on is that whichever way TDA goes about it, he should make sure that he has substantive and accurate evidence and a clear intended outcome that is construtive.--v/r -
wrong and reversed a decision. You've yet to show me that you've taken any sort of review yourself and have resorted to a blanket "they're all blogs or primary". Please, if your are so insistant, go source by source and explain why each one does not contribute toward
On the subject of the Wiki, I'm convinced that if it truly is a Wiki of experts, then WP:RSN might make an exception for it. However, no effort has been done yet to take the source there. I strongly suggest that any WP:DRV do their homework and take that Wiki to WP:RSN
Hi TParis, would you mind looking again at where you hatted the Fae RFC? Currently you've left four lines unhatted at the beginning that names certain editors such as myself. Would you mind revisiting it to include the bit which lists us in your hatted section. Thanks
Observe que em ambos os casos o rei preto não tem lugar para mover, mas não está obrigado a jogar, pois não se encontra em xeque. O interessante é que as pretas têm a vez de jogar, mas não têm nenhuma jogada possível para fazer, empatando a partida por "afogamento".
features. More of an advertising blerp than anything. As far as ref four, it is still trivial and the point is to establish notability for an encyclopedia. This product does not meet Knowledge's threshold. May I ask what your connection to the product is?--v/r -
Esse jogo que ele apresentou foi através de um concurso promovido pelo rei que por ser muito generoso oferecia o direito de pedir o que quisesse à custa do jogo mais interessante, com objetivo de distraí-lo, pois tinha perdido seu filho em combate há pouco tempo.
Knowledge's notability guides (as any person can quickly deduce from the short history of the PatientOS article, the associated talk page and the deletion discussion) and now I know more that I should? Yeah, something is very fishy with that... Dude, get a brain!
I agree with JCAla given that why a user has been previously blocked is mentioned or any other activities prior to the block(s) that the user was not blocked for. But anyway, this is for general sanctions... shouldn't this be bent on the issues with the disputes?
Sorry to butt in, but I clearly stated Keep two, redirect others. I specifically didn't want a merge, and disparaged all the unsourced character space as excessive detail. I shouldn't speak for 28bytes, but that editor also bolded keep two and redirect the rest.
I dont know for sure. I considered doing it but you said you were going to do most of X's tasks and I didnt want to take too much on at once. If you're going to do it, I think there is also some kind of Feature Picture thing that needs to be done also.--v/r -
6031: 6497:
warring. After reading that section, it appears your reason for the full protection was about the external link so I restored the previous semi-protection. Thanks for your honesty about yourself; your actions reflect greatly on the entire admin corp.--v/r -
AFDs are often closed in this way. As far as the nominator having more sway, when considering consensus on the strength of the argument if a nominator is swayed to the other side it is demonstration that the argument is stronger on the keep side.--v/r -
3687:; a notability guideline. @Kinu: I don't mind if you want to reassess it, I've no doubt they are either socks or meatpuppets, but I did have the sources reviewed by an sysop who is familar with notability and reliable sources guidelines: 1031:. One of the arbitrators (Jehochman) had proposed the creation of a noticeboard which could address and solve issues if and when they arise with regards to the topic. We all had agreed to that. Whatever happened to that plan, only Magog knows. Thank you. 425:
for a general sanctions on the area. I'm not sure how much it will do (many of the current editors are very good at going exactly as far as the rules will allow them), but it's pretty common sense and will surely pass community scrutiny. I have a page at
PROTECTION from systematic attacks. Please, do not be fooled Mr. Paris, there are systematic attacks the character on Knowledge, honest nonsense (Own a vandalism in bad faith). This is an example: "BLP applies to AfD discussions also--see my comment at
PROTECTION from systematic attacks. Please, do not be fooled Mr. Paris, there are systematic attacks the character on Knowledge, honest nonsense (Own a vandalism in bad faith). This is an example: "BLP applies to AfD discussions also--see my comment at
is that red links can exist and actually promote article creation if the subject of the red link is likely to be notable. I saw some in there about professional wrestlers that could be notable. Not a huge issue, but it was noticed. I also noticed on
You are wrong. AFD's are not closed on nominator withdrawal, nor are MFD's or RFA's. Do you want me to find you examples? I'm happy to do so, but if you are wrong and force me to find examples, I want you to resign your precious tools for six months.
Afogamento é aquela posição que o rei não está em xeque e não tem casa para mover ou qualquer outro movimento possível para fazer. Quando esse fato acontece de não ter nenhum movimento possível, sendo a vez de jogar, a partida é declarada empatada.
6039: 4126:
are preventative, not punative. If a collection of diffs were to stretch back to last November, that would sufficiently cover the topic area and all editors in it to prove that it is a contentious area and topic sanctions are needed. Have you read
The way it came off, when I first read it, was like I should know what your talking about. It came off a bit arrogant. But then you explained it as I was in the middle of deleting those articles so you assumed I'd know you meant that AFD.--v/r -
People are always argue at AFD. You can't just ignore everything and encourage a do-over because you believe some might not join in do to the length of the arguments. Most people just ignore the long text and post what they were going to anyway.
EEng - I actually spoke with a fluent Spanish speaker from Spain (an es-wikipedia sysop) who identified the sources as a major Catalonian newspaper. Why is it that she says the sourcing is strong and you say they are blogposts and primary?--v/r -
EEng - I actually spoke with a fluent Spanish speaker from Spain (an es-wikipedia sysop) who identified the sources as a major Catalonian newspaper. Why is it that she says the sourcing is strong and you say they are blogposts and primary?--v/r -
Hi TParis. A couple of weeks ago, you closed an AfD as No Consensus, with no prejudice to an immediate renomination, with less battleground. I believe a number of editors disputed your close, including myself. Well, the renomination has happened,
9144: 13160:
there are still valid delete votes? If so, that's news to me. Again AFAIK, a nominator being being convinced to change his/her position should not be a stronger factor in assessing the consensus than any other participant changing their opinion.
There is a huge schema update to the replication databases right now so database replication has a huge lag of literally a week. 21 March 2012 doesn't even make me blink when trying to imaging whether or not it could be affected by this.--v/r -
I haven't gone through your toolserver with in the last 24h. I've been busy working on mine and trying to get the bots running. I will be running them on Willow since Nightshade seems to having issues. If I see a link I will certainly let you
Bispo - Representa a religião do reino. Alguns historiadores contam que antigamente ao invés de bispo, curiosamente, essa figura era representada no "jogo dos reis" através do elefante, que na Índia é sagrado e aclamado com veneração religiosa.
Alright, well I just copied over all of X's scripts in his public_html folder and I'm trying to work on figuring out how his edit counter works so if you need any of his source code, he's already given me the go ahead to copy everything.--v/r -
About your addition "On Indians in Afghanistan, reverted five edits because he disputed one", I disputed all those edits (and had explained previously on talk - and still dispute them). I think you're going without a context here. And objecting
I'll review it. Then there will be a question of experience in policy; so I'll be sure to check for signs of your understanding of the ones that most commonly come up at RfA. Check back here this evening or tomorrow for a full review.--v/r -
I've no problem restoring it, just do me a quick favor and show me a couple of independent reliable sources that talk about the company. If you want, I can put it in your userspace so you won't be bothered anymore while you develop it.--v/r -
No, it's alright. Later on today I'll go through it again and explain my rationale. I'm used to it, I close AFDs a lot. I just can't recall what exactly went through my head the first time I read it because I do so many at one time.--v/r -
did I tried to direct it at Magog himself. Please, if you have something to say to me, my talk page is open. Magog came here to address something to me, you've noted your objections. There isn't any reason to go back and forth here.--v/r -
curious about what I may have missed that gave rise to the decision but don't particularly want to put you into a corner and have you thinking that there is some sort of vindictive motive on my part, given that I !voted in that discussion. -
6687:. Please help why some tools of Soxred93 not working. Some of them are working very well but for some of them i got "user's account expired" what is this? Why not the account is expired for other tools (that working) by the same person/user? 5629:
even edit/month rates (most of your edits are concentrated in the past few months). Other than that and the fact that most !voters also look for more edits in the article namespace that aren't all vandalism reversions, I think you have it.
editors have the same pattern of style, language, etc., as the previous sockpuppets, I am concerned. I'm not certain and don't have the time to investigate this further right now, but I'd appreciate another admin's set of eyes on this. --
You'll be hard pressed to prove I have any sort of bias in this matter. I'm as honest as it gets. My opinion is that you've engaged in personal attacks. As you surely know, you have no rights here except the right to leave. I suggest
been agreements. There are issues with the users but the dispute is (not counting my disputes with DS here) based generally on itself. The noticeboard would be a better idea than general sanctions I guess but I'm not against them either.
After your advice I have taken steps to focus it on ARS and the canvassing issue. I also tried to rework the desired outcomes section to better illustrate the options so that it doesn't seem like there is only severe restrictions or the
En passant: acontece quando um peão está na 5ª casa e o peão adversário em sua casa inicial. Quando este avançar duas casas e ficar ao lado dará a oportunidade ao adversário de tomar este peão, como se ele tivesse caminhado apenas uma.
6552:. I'd say skip SVN and go with Github as it seems to have a lot of momentum right now. I've been using Hg (Mercurial), but now I wish I'd chosen Git a few years back. Too much crap to learn and things seem to change ever more quickly. 2134:
The two "sides" here are me and you. You disagree with me and I disagree with you. The difference is that you use your assumed perogative as an admin to impose your will on me. I can say on a talk page if I think someone has violated
have deferred to someone not an admin here on en.) As seen below the SPAs are turning out again in quantity and, quite bluntly, you most of all should take the lead in fixing this -- unless you can point out the notability I've missed.
902:@TopGun - I'll review the talk page for context. @Darkness Shines - I'm sure Magog or I will have plenty of diffs on you as well. I just felt it would be more fair and less biased if I start with my "battleground buddy" first.--v/r - 4439: 833:
purposes. I don't even see you getting a consensus for that still. And I did not attribute that content to Mullen rather added his accusation as an example (and I explained it to you). It is funny how you repeatedly attribute stuff to
That will help but, wouldn't it be easier for him to give us the password to his account and and move the data over. Bots too. Wouldn't it be easier for use to give the account passwords to the bots and then change the usernames to
It makes it impossible for a closing sysop to determine the general consensus rather than the insistent demand of one or two editors. No prejudice to an immediate renomination with less WP:BATTLEGROUND. v/r - TP 01:13, 12 March 2012
I can, it's just a slow process right now because I am busy with paid work for clients (not WP editing) and also I have to edit using the vi interface which is kind of a pain in the ass. I'm looking to install SVN or Github.--v/r -
once again, but also warned him that the notability issues must be addressed before publishing yet again (see the many messages I left them on their talk page). I will userfy it if you and RHaworth agree to userfication. Thanks. --
Thank you very much for arranging the article on "Jaume Cañellas Galindo" in "User:Samen54". We fixed some erroneous references and you're all ready for you to retrieve it. We hope your tests prove successful. With our best wishes.
Alright, relax. Hipocrite is wrong and we all know it, but no reason to get upset. Let him run his circles until he tires himself out. Hipocrite, I can show you two examples for every one you show me; especially in AFD.--v/r -
If you are to comment on above, that is the wrong question, the right one would be "is it a copyvio to copy paste a sentence from source into a direct block quote which is not a direct quotation without attribution to the source
O tabuleiro representa o campo de batalha e as peças são de aparência e movimentos diferentes, sendo elas rei, dama (ou rainha), torre, bispo, cavalo e peão, cada peça representando em seus movimentos uma figura de antigamente.
Observe que o peão branco encontra- se na 5ª casa. O peão que estava na casa inicial andou duas. Então o condutor das brancas optou em tomar "en passant". Nesse caso pode tomar o peão como se ele tivesse caminhado apenas uma.
In the meantime, I will continue readapting his bot code to try and get them going and approved as quickly as possible. Updating the RfX Table and Tally is starting to become a bother to me. At least everyone has their stats
don't blame your failure to understand what Knowledge is on our failure to understand how important this software is. We get it, it's an important peice of software and is used in "over 5000 hospitals". You need sources that
5726:. You do good content maintenance work and image work but I just don't see a need or experience in administrative areas. I'm sorry, I know you were hoping for a better answer but I hope this short review saves you a week at 2173:. It's not a personal argument between us, and it won't be despite your attempts to get me to make it one. I've not threatened to block you, I specifically said I did not intend to. Again, feel free to seek wider review at 7273:
1. Se já tiver movimentado o rei ou a torre do lado em que deseja fazer o roque. 2. Se tiver em xeque ou for ficar depois de completar o movimento "roque". 3. Se passar com o rei por casa atacada no momento do movimento.
And that's fine, but the location of the discussion doesn't have to be in the same place. If you open a section on the article talk page, I'll add a link to it at the top of the Tri(sp?) page for quick reference.--v/r -
1370:, but most of them were issued when the article had fewer references. Please consult the last version of the PatientOS article and its references which I have tried to assess against Knowledge's notability guides in this 11811:. As an uninvolved pair of eyes, am I right in thinking that, and should that close be overturned? (I'm not asking you to do it, if you want to stay away, but more for an opinion as someone who's more familiar with AfD) 10546:
I strongly urge that no unblock of the user take place, that is a clear Commission Breakthrough spam link, there are no conceivable reasons to place it on Knowledge besides monetary gain thru the Commission Breakthrough
Only if we make the noticeboard say, "if you continue to accuse people of the other side of bad faith, you will be blocked." It seems like all they do is accuse each other of bad faith and try to get each other blocked.
I see, thanks. I'm not surprised you've been asked that, often. I wonder if it may be helpful to your many readers if you put it in full, or gave an explanation as to its meaning? Just a thought. Anyway, happy editing.
avoid that you make sure you really are doing what you said you'd do. You know whatever it is you agreed to and until I'm threatening to enforce something on you, I don't see a reason for me to go diff-hunting.--v/r -
hatted because I don't agree with what it contains and I'm an admin." If not, then I suggest you discontinue trying to win your argument with me, because both of us have equal claim to what we believe to be the truth.
Heh, well I could suggest the subpage of a subpage but you might be better off just avoiding the topic altogether. It's likely to cause more drama in the future. Less stress for you, less stress for everyone.--v/r -
Because you had, naturally, already done that yourself on the new version before undeleting. You therefore know of one or two qualifying source or sources, and could save all of us a lot of trouble by just pointing to
Well TParis, some of the toolserver code is found on the Google Repository and it may be malfunctioning because the tools are still running off of X!'s repository. That code needs to reworked to have the stuff work
4382:, not the subject of the article. And the list really doesn't belong on the article itself. If you seek a third party to publish it, it still likely will be denied publication on the article unless the source is a 1487:
And for Nyaya Health, PatientOS was unarguably the most significant open-source EMR, this is shown not only from their notes in the wiki where they said they chose it for their tests but also from a later that says
me on that page - word for word - is untrue. Although I appreciate the joke in your last sentence, it unfortunately shows that you missed several things which make a complete farce of Magog's allegations against me.
takes around five minutes, and the information you provide will not be shared with third parties other than to assist in analyzing the results of the survey. No personally identifiable information will be released.
Thanks for the reply. Critical thought regarding the project, such as you have provided, should hopefully ultimately improve the WikiProject. I'm cognizant of your criticisms of the project; but they can be used as
Well the community did say in his RFA that they trust his knowledge of policies and judgement to weigh consensus. That's essentially what an RFA is. Are you concerned about contentious RFCs in particular?--v/r -
On another note, have you considered apologizing to Magog for being the huge pains in the butt that you, JCAla, and TopGun have been ;) Maybe you guys can open a new dialogue on better terms. Just saying.--v/r -
577:, - and once again I am not Indian. I guarantee you, Magog, you will be put under scrutiny yourself if you proceed with that kind of hounding behavior. Get over it that someone (me) dared to question your actions. 11548:
Through thick and thin, through snowploughs and log-splitters - both of you got there in the end. The Welsh word for excellent is Bendigedig! An in case you can't pronounce it, here's a barn-star for perseverance:
Antigamente, ou até hoje em alguns países, o rei é a figura mais importante. Como o propósito do invento era proporcionar alegria ao rei, não poderia ser diferente: seu objetivo único é a morte do rei adversário!
Explicou que os grãos de trigo deviam ser colocados sobre o tabuleiro de xadrez (que tem 64 casas), sendo que na primeira seria posto 1 grão, na segunda 2, na terceira 4, 8, 16, e assim dobrando sucessivamente...
I'm only going to be running the rfx report, the rfx talley, the admins and the crat stats. I recommend you check to make sure no one else is running any other tasks too, you don't wanna have bot wars.--v/r -
no one other than the nominator recommends that the page be deleted." (emphasis original) Also, as far as I'm aware, when closing an AfD the nominator's opinion should not have more "sway" than anyone else's.
I'm dropping you a note because you filled out the New Page Patrol survey, and indicated you'd be interested in being contacted about follow-up work. This is to notify you that we've finally released both the
2084:" administrator who has interacted with an ...topic area purely in an administrative not involved and is not prevented from acting in an administrative capacity in relation to that...topic area" 9320:) but it's not inconceivable that someone may link to the term from a school in another state. Then readers will end up at an inappropriate article. I guess it could be turned into a dab page as you suggest. 12719:, although I am not positive they fit, as being a violation of this caveat: "No ArbCom restrictions within the last year; whether issued by the Committee itself or under a discretionary sanction provision". 6820:
I see crontab.before_nightshade_reinstall, .crontab, and .crontab2. I would assume the second one is the current one but I can't download it. I always get 3 Permission Denied. It's in soxred93's folder.—
vendors, and most are names with which many hostpital I.T. people are not familar." That's pretty damning evidence of the lack of notability of this product. I believe the AFD concluded correctly.--v/r -
O sábio reafimou sua decisão e continuou insistindo no pedido, até que o rei ordenou para que um de seus empregados trouxesse alguns sacos de trigo para que pudesse pagar os serviços oferecidos por Sissa.
5542: 5163:
Yeah, I havent found a whole lot of time this week to work on the tools. I'm considering starting up a toolserver project for the tools so more folks can have access to it. Trying to get X!'s ok.--v/r -
Would you like me to give you the script? I can send it to you through e-Mail. My computer is having serious issues so I am having difficulty working on the script. I am even having issues typing this
9000:. I am not going to start self-reverting all over the place but I do belatedly recognise that I have probably done things incorrectly and I hope that you can accept my apologies for that mistake. Best. - 6188:
Have you considered starting a section on the article's talk page to discuss our discussion? Also, are you sure you're not on the edge of your voluntary topic 'avoidance' of BLPs and LGBT issues?--v/r -
Yes, the "fuck off," comment. You let it slide. It's still sliding. You now want me to go to ANI to get the standard "chin up, since you're not a pretend female on the internet you can take a fuck off."
What I'm doing now is going to bed. Spent almost the entire day reorganizing SoxBot code and then constructing the userpage for Cyberbot I and setting the run pages which do respond if you change them.—
9138: 3077:
tags to do the edit stats pages but if there is another page then it might take me awhile to find it. X had a lot of code in his home directory and I'm still trying to discover what it all does.--v/r -
He wish to use a Pakistani denial of support for terrorists to deny the US called the ISI a terrorist group? He even wanted to attribute it to Mike Mullen till after a while the BLP implication sank in.
There were two other case specific points that went through my head during that AFD - but you hit the general AFD closing thought pattern right on the head. I've no objections to what you said.--v/r -
Hi, I just tried to use my editcounter on, but the system tells me it is not existing, and that you are managing it as an administrator. Could you please help me to heve it back? Thanks a lot.--
984:. He's not asking for any specific sanction against any particular one of you. However, I would like to point out that the impossible has been achieved: you two actually agree on something ;)--v/r - 4440:
3556: 2519: 859:"ISI is accused by U.S. authorities like Adm. Mike Mullen, for giving aid to the terrorists who attacked the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan and being as dangerous as those organizations invovled." 2748: 9842:
I noticed your edit summary where you mentioned something about attitude. (with a negtive implication). No negative attitude here, merely was a request. And since you were willing to do that...  : )
5446: 11508:
Add 'echo $ rawuser;' after line 24 "function process ($ rawuser) {" and check the output. I think your getting a bad response from "preg_match("/(Sgwrs )?Defnyddiwr:(*)/i", $ name, $ m);"--v/r -
7539: 1546:
Sorry to be forced to point this again, but I'm not sure you understand even the most basic arguments from the beginning of the deletion discussion. It was not me who brought in the discussion the
Thanks for all your help with UTRS over the past several weeks! I think the tool is really incredible, and there's no way it would have gotten done without your help. Thanks a thousand times over!
Let me add my voice in thanks for bring back X!'s edit counter. Would you happen to know the source and/or URL syntax used to get the machine-readable edit count results used at RfA pages such as
6474: 12869:
other 48 think it's a terrible idea; well, the 2 people would tip the balance towards their preference and the views of the other 48 would have no effect. Surely you can see how wrong that is.
Everything I try won't work. I am good at programming but I rarely ever used databases like this so I am little clueless. Perhaps you could help me. I only need to get the database to work.—
6059: 1444:
as the matrix at page 386 shows it has been tested against +40 criteria by the authors themselves in addition to benchmarking it against the MSP EHR Selector, which also a suite of +700 tests.
I would like to know why and if possible make the necessary edite to have it reenstated also I tried to see it on my user page but it is not there if you blanked it may you please put it back?
3551:. I am going to assume it is an honest mistake, but you should be more careful.DGG ( talk ) 02:08, 12 November 2011 (UTC)". Attacks mainly promoted by this user Catalan, who do not understand: 2514:. I am going to assume it is an honest mistake, but you should be more careful.DGG ( talk ) 02:08, 12 November 2011 (UTC)". Attacks mainly promoted by this user Catalan, who do not understand: 6359: 5830: 5814: 5380:" wrong is nothing to crow about. More praiseworthy would be to address reasonable concerns expressed by multiple editors, without waiting for those concerns to rise to the level of "proof". 2190: 325:. It does not matter whether the site is being advertised or not, these notability guidelines are almost always followed. Also, the old version of your page had problems with weasel wording ( 7227:
6º e último passo - Os peões visam a defesa das peças maiores, portanto existe em maior quantidade sendo que cada um fica na frente de cada peça, completando a segunda fileira do tabuleiro.
Which specific tool do you see this on? I've updated about 12 of them last night to reflect the new links so if you know a specific one which still has the old link, please give it.--v/r -
Hello TParis, I think you made a mistake because he is in fact notable because his album Your Kingdon Come chart on Billboard's charts of Christian Albums and Heatseekers. Just follow the
6043: 6032: 4653:
I've planning on creating tools hence my account and I'm in the process of writing a few bots that can potentially help RfX's. So TallyBot, SoxBot, and toolserver would be a great addition.
engaged in personal attacks was itself a personal attack. Thus, we're making the same argument. You go one step further and say that your argument wins because you are a "neutral" admin.
are collecting are to demonstrate that there are strong feelings and opinions about the subjects; not to get ya'all banned. That's my understanding. See what Magog wrote at the bottom of
Hi, I made a comment about a recent AfD close that you performed and now feel uncomfortable with its placement. I really should have probably raised the issue here. Anyway, you can see it
Isso se dá através de uma jogada que se generalizou chamar de xeque-mate (do persa "shah mat", que significa rei morto), representando uma posição em que o monarca não pode ser defendido.
argument is getting dangerously close to becoming personal, including your earlier comments about whether I am fit to be an admin. Either do the work or find something else to do.--v/r -
for deletion, and many substantive keep votes. His comment that he "may in the future decide to revisit this" really does imply that he's trying to avoid a keep close, which goes against
10174: 8792:
is about the only badgering immune place on Knowledge because of the level of experience most participants have. The question is not what the result was, the question is what the result
Oh, I see. Well, I'd be shocked if anyone found anything procedurally wrong with your undeletion, but nevertheless I'll undo my close and offer an opinion instead. Thanks for explaining,
7542:: "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 88090 bytes) in /home/tparis/Peachy/Includes/Wiki.php on line 575". Would you look into this? Thanks, 5600:
Knowledge, and this is my second request since April 19, 2011. My first request was declined because I was not ready (with a total of 800 edits and most of which were from userspace). --
11110: 11094: 3905:
I'm willing to let anyone on the project who wants access, I just think we'd be better off with a clean home for the tools. But if it doesnt work out, I'll look at nlwikibots.--v/r -
I hope you will pardon my unarchiving of this thread. You answered my request with a query, which I addressed. I now invite you, again, to give substantive reconsideration, via your
to support this article, and by reviving it you risk repeating that waste. I'd appreciate hearing from you (I'll be watching here) after you've had a chance to look into the matter.
to support this article, and by reviving it you risk repeating that waste. I'd appreciate hearing from you (I'll be watching here) after you've had a chance to look into the matter.
Do you know how to make those shortcut folders like X! had with the sf folders? I would like to make some for convenience purposes so I can work a little quicker through the server.—
5822: 5103:
Thank you for your work. We are very sad on Hungarian Knowledge that X! has retired and his account has expired, and we hope that Soxred93's other tools also will be available soon.
11735: 9610: 12949:
Given five (and a sixth editor was about to certify), the closure isn't reasonable -- it's either going to get reverted or someone else will initiate and six editors will certify.
Context would be wonderful. A merge doesn't only not require deletion, a merge requires that a deletion did not happen. Now, if you want something out of me, just say it.--v/r -
As far as I know, Tally, RfX, Graph, Adminstats, and several edits, cratstats aren't used yet. My bot is set up exactly like SoxBot which means individual tasks can be shut down.—
Most personal attacks come on me, if that is what sanctions include I fully support them (not that I havn't let them go without even mentioning anywhere at all many many times). --
9104: 8861:
was facing a full topic ban until discussion at WP:AN suggested an RfC... thus the AN report was closed by me with the provision that he get the RfC started or be topic banned.---
8432: 936:@TP, I will reserve my comment about what I think about this effort by Magog (in which you now got involved) for later. But I suggest to you that you only include diffs (in which 6884:
I am having trouble setting up Cron. I add the tasks and then save, and all I get is no changes ave been made to cronie. What could I be doing wrong? Where do I need to save?—
11102: 8556:
Yeah, sorry I can't be more helpful there. I just assumed that Mediawiki used the same encoding for all of the links in the box at the bottom of the Special:Contributions page.
5838: 5584: 5568: 4005: 3956:
might be a good place to host this code and run the bot from. We'd also be happy to store bot code in the Wikimedia source code repository as a Git project (we're switching to
3272: 981: 562: 427: 9895:
Ok, not going for incredible depth here, or even trying to read between the lines. And also ignoring comments regarding Eunice and Thelma for the purpose of counting the rest.
Roque : é um movimento combinado de rei e torre, que vale por uma só jogada que tem por objetivo a segurança do rei e uma maior mobilidade para a torre pelas colunas centrais.
Your comment that it was intended to chill discussion and intimidate others was spot on, IMO. That's how it goes. The follow-up badgering is standard practice too, I'm afraid.
9775: 5265: 4924:
Good job. Now for the rest. I'll create a backup to avoid such incidents in the future. We also have to fix the links to this counter as well. I'll start off with the RfA.
2920: 4087:
That's good. I'd support it too since these three seem to just be examples. It's a contentious area to edit in, and it's surely seen more than its fair share of POV-pushers.
no exceptions, blogposts, primary sources, and sources not supporting the article's text. A great deal of time has been wasted combatting an extensive sockpuppetry campaign
no exceptions, blogposts, primary sources, and sources not supporting the article's text. A great deal of time has been wasted combatting an extensive sockpuppetry campaign
now. On the other hand, it also doesn't seem like the recall will achieve broad consensus, but I think those who are for it will insist on going through the process anyway.
My job is to summarize the discussion, not comment on its individual merits. Overall, you didn't establish the notability of the two musicians outside of this band.--v/r -
Hey TParis, I've fulfilled your request to desysop this account. Have a good break and let us know when you're back so we can re-install the extra buttons. All the best.
Your shifting story about whether you did or didn't review the sources before undeleting doesn't hang together. (For those interested, here's a link to our prior discussion
8497: 5414:
Oh wait... except that you twice explicitly said that you were relying on someone else, and even after my repeated requests never, never just said, "Well, I did review it."
Nah, just point over at X's folder on toolserver. All the code is there. I'm still going through it all myself so I can't point you to specifically what you want.--v/r -
11118: 10137: 8676:
about an immediate renomination? Why would you actually encourage that? It just means everyone who participated would have to show up again and make the same argument.
Afogamento Esse tipo de posição que requer bastante atenção em virtude de seu aparecimento com freqüência em partidas de iniciantes, gerando dúvida comum sobre situação.
requests for closure. Do you know any uninvolved admin which will close it out? Waiting nearly two months just to try and get some content into an article is ridiculous.
3822:. This is an account maintained by several users and doesn't risk becoming expired. You can contact them at nlwikibots AT or ask the users who maintain it 9246: 3683:@ EEng: I don't mind at all that you unarchived it. As far as notability goes, if it is true that the sources are from a reliable media source, then the subject passes 3028:
suggest you find a mentor. I'm willing to let things go if you show serious improvememt in 'clue'. It is what it is, but that's why I'm not throwing my hat in.--v/r -
2011: 8204: 5258: 7327: 2977: 1371: 611:
Re above, your absolutely right and I apologize to you both. Re Taliban, I was doing a little light reading today and found a perfect source for the ideology section.
so I'm struggling for time. I mean, geeze, I haven't played Battlefield 3 in a week. I'm going to start going through withdrawls soon. But I'll give it a shot.--v/r -
Dica: o tabuleiro de xadrez não pode ser colocado de qualquer maneira. A regra diz o seguinte: a casa de cor branca (a mais clara) deve ficar sempre do lado direito.
Sorry I forgot to join the link where you put the page for me to work on it: User:Wikidesign9/Astrid Chevallier Please let me know if it works for you. Thanks, Susan
12438: 12395: 9108: 7350: 2740: 2734: 11656:
36 times, but this article is not listed. So for some reason the edit counter shows the wrong article there. I hope that I expressed the matter now more clearly. --
And I don't think it is only a trivial mentions as the section dedicated to PatientOS represents a significant proportion of their notes on open-source EMR options.
I just went through and looked at the comments (not just bolded ones);; there seem to be more people asking "merge" than "delete", though maybe I missed something.
5666:, concerns me because there is only one reference. Our notability guidelines and our BLP policy requires multiple references for living people. Then I looked at 5355:. That was one of the first things I did when the two users proposed recreating the article. My reputation is fine, I have plenty of experiences where I've been 9750:
A merge doesn't require deletion, merely a redirect. And, it would appear that several even made that clear in the discussion. Please revert your self on this. -
Toolserver has been having issues for a couple of days. If it doesn't resolve itself in a day or so, let me know again and I'll give you a status update.--v/r -
opinions, as I do not think this action by myself would be seen as constructive/would be seen as canvassing, but you are a well-respected uninvolved admin. :) --
Whaw, great! Can you please go ahead? I've never ran a bot, but I'll give it a go. I have no python however; so please make life as simple as possible! Diolch.
10997: 10264:
While you're editing it, would you mind changing the sentence "Editing by $ 7 has been disabled by $ 1 for the following reason(s):" to "Editing by $ 7 has been
9667: 9096: 8663: 6697:
Some of his tools did actually expire and I am still in the process of bringing them back up on my account. Which specific one are you trying to access?--v/r -
They are, the links simply haven't been updated in the tools. When you click on a link, you have to replace soxred93 with tparis in the URL to get it to appear.
Probably the best approach, while I don't doubt that it's true, without difs, it is hard to tell him that he's engaged in NPA without admonishing you as well.---
In order for any page to exist on Knowledge, it must be established that the subject is notable. In the case of the above website, the guidelines are written at
12165: 8455: 5406:
of socking here -- and most especially since the two new requestors were obviously, even at the time they contacted you, just more spawn from the same sockfarm
3752:, native Catalan and Spanish speaker, and I'm familiar with notability and reliable sources guidelines, and I say NO, this article does not pass
1817: 12342:
You are receiving this invitation because you have had some activity in dispute resolution over the past year. For more information, please see the associated
RfC :). It's always great to be able to field questions like these to the community; it's genuinely the highlight of my work! The NOINDEX idea sprung from our
It appears Anomie didn't take over the task so I guess I can take over the task. I am waiting for a response from Anomie before I submit a BRFA for the task.—
9159: 8825: 7918: 7393: 8746:
I disagree, I think the nominator and a delete !voter badgering creates a hostile environment not conducive to a good discussion to develop consensus.--v/r -
Foi então que o brâmane Sissa encantou o rei, apresentando e explicando o nome das peças, seus movimentos e o que cada uma representava no reino onde viviam.
12024: 10594: 9126: 7785:, which sets out how we plan to work with the community on this. Please give both a read, and leave any comments or suggestions you have on the talkpage, on 7323: 6646: 4009:, and thought it's a great idea (and unfortunately necessary). I'd be happy to help you and Magog out if you need any diffs of tendentious editing. Regards, 1680:
No, what I'm curious about is how someone with only 85 or so edits is familar with wikipedia-centric terms such as "deletionist" and "sock puppetry".--v/r -
Are you serious? I've been doing code mods and it was that echo command that was causing problems? I feel like an idiot. I'm embarrassed. Thanks a lot.—
I havent taken a look, but I wouldnt be surprised if you are having encoding issues. Do some sample selects on the database and check the encoding.--v/r -
11184: 7401: 7057:
Após toda a explicação e de terem, inclusive, jogado uma partida, o rei agraciado com o sábio lhe perguntou o que queria em troca do tão criativa invenção.
If something isn't ongoing, any actions such as the ones proposed would be purely punative and inappropriate - besides sending a very wrong message. I gave
userpages (don't worry about asking in English, most Dutch people speak English). I hope you can put them on a project page as these are widely used tools.
3549: 2512: 1173: 12433: 12390: 9254: 8699: 8493: 7768: 6634: 3724:
What part of "topic has received significant coverage in reliable secondary sources that are independent of the subject" doesn't make sense to you?--v/r -
3051: 2842: 1534:
as the expert on this product have not meet the requirements as explained. What more do you want or expect? We've afforded you every opportunity.--v/r -
12181: 11831: 10615: 2888: 1246:
Shines that you'd like to start over and work more collaboratively and drop everything from before that point and then proceed foreward with abundance of
Yup, that is it. I ran the script manually just a few days ago to ensure it's still operating but just not receiving the updates due to the lag.--v/r -
10503: 7813: 725: 403: 288: 242: 7997: 7978: 12120:
Hi - what's the situation with updating the Adminstats templates at the moment? TPBot doesn't seem to have touched these for the last couple of weeks.
10993: 10472:
Anomie isn't responding or doesn't want to respond. In either case, I have left a message for Anomie stating that I will initiate a BRFA to take over
9394: 9250: 8586:. I can freely admit that I didn't "drop" conversations - however, the nominator knows that AfDing an article there will always be some sort of debate 7422: 5942: 5576: 5556: 1530:
I'm not an expert on this software, but I'm an expert on Knowledge's guidelines for inclusion. I've explained to you what you need for this subject.
551: 532: 236: 10716:
Replag cannot be controlled. The fault is the wikipedia servers as their resources are being used a lot and it's slowing down database replications.—
in the PatientOS article in your last comment), you should actually address that and explain yourself or apologize if you realize you have mistaken?
to fuck off) to go deal with it themselves, but rather to ask someone else to deal with the emergent situation on your talk page. Still further, you
10804: 7389: 5667: 2732: 2258: 13190: 11395: 10493: 10467: 10361: 8855: 8314: 8046: 7958: 7943: 7928: 6866: 6802: 5316: 5304: 5290: 5176:
I've been working with X!'s google repository and started adapting the toolserver code. I may beat him to the punch but we'll just wait and see. :)
5001: 4974: 4636: 3365:, which I belong to under my real name, has a lot of good advice on different kinds of training programs and tips for runners with different goals. 13073: 13055: 13041: 12484: 11765:
respond control him and losing. He needs to step back at this point. It's obvious the discussion is going to close as keep and this is a case of
11349: 11325: 11180: 10398:
I know bad images might be taken over by Anomiebot but I was asked to consider having TPBot do it. You might get with Anomie if I'm right.--v/r -
9695: 8583: 8128: 7901:
on the Article Rescue Squadron in my userspace. There is a short time limit on this and I would like any input you can offer as soon as possible.--
Rei - Já que o objetivo do jogo é prendê-lo, não seria coerente ele ficar movimentando com freqüência. Por isso seus movimentos são tão limitados.
6642: 5390:
AfDs on the old version. You would know this since you closed the second AfD. (Only you and other admins have access to the old version, however).
I never knew it existed ) I have no wish to drop anyone in the poop, nor get anyone blocked so I'll hope for the best on the notice board, cheers.
I think you know what I'm trying to say without taking a position here. Determine what levels you've tried, and elevate to the next level.--v/r -
I am getting at either letting ANI or relevant noticeboards address such issues or Jehochman's proposal being far better for solving this problem.
1213: 12470: 12427: 12038: 10978: 10962: 10951: 9120: 5690:. I wouldn't be overly concerned about this if I saw some activity in administrative areas. However, I saw very little in the way of reports to 3090:
Thanks and sorry to bother you. (I thought that it might be as simple as adding something like "&machread=1" to the URL, like you can do with
customer service desk. The level of rudeness dramatically dropped. People just can't be rude when they are looking at themselves in the mirror.
You are more than welcome to try to take this to ANI, but it is pretty much an open and shut case... if this does go to ANI please let me know.---
haven't told him that "fuck off," was totally inappropriate and not to be repeated - is that because you think it's ok to tell me to "fuck off?"
11893: 11875: 11849: 10218: 8997: 7440: 4734:
Not even transferring ownership of it? Oh boy. Well then, could you provide me the links to the toolserver code as well as SoxBot and TallyBot?
3594: 2962: 2762: 2004: 1871:
DS - I'm having a hard time trying to find the right way to say this, so I'll just say it procedurally. The steps to dispute resolutions are so:
13367: 13088: 11801: 11776: 9604: 8803: 8796:
had the badgering not happened. It's a matter of gaming the system and turning it into a battleground to deter resistance to your will.--v/r -
8779: 8515:
Do you know what exact charset it should be in? It'd be easy to fix with iconv() if you could tell me that; it'd save me a ton of time.--v/r -
8361: 8248:
Tom, I notice you use the same bot as I for archiving, I tried to speed mine up to one day and think I broke it, could you fix it for me please
4º passo - Agora que sobrarm duas casas, é fácil. Se a dama for de cor branca ficará na casa branca e se for de cor preta ficará na casa preta.
I can't seem to download X!'s Cron. Could you possibly assist me? I'm just about ready to give the bot a test run before I send for approval.—
4452: 3035: 3022: 3002: 2722: 2710: 2685: 2641: 12108: 11143: 10727: 8277: 6025: 5863: 4527: 4486: 4429: 2557: 1951: 1938: 1921: 1190: 1166: 1110: 1006: 890: 870: 853: 820: 802: 641: 10190: 9733: 9707: 9562: 8591: 7344: 6416: 3984: 3121: 3109: 3085: 1801: 1789: 1774: 1086: 342: 12995: 12980: 12209: 12193: 12019: 11543: 11515: 11437: 11430:
You're welcome to email it though I'm not sure when I'll have time to look and I dont quite understand what your trying to do anyway.--v/r -
11378: 11361: 11311: 10842: 10816: 10739: 10595: 10421: 10405: 10393: 10373: 10342: 10326: 9581:, which I did on my talkpage. If you think I am misrepresenting your point of view there, (or if you think I am wrong) just me know. Cheers, 9509: 9484: 9116: 8657: 7883: 7858: 7782: 7751: 7726: 7713: 7688: 7674: 7640: 6917: 6904: 6879: 6840: 6815: 6776: 6750: 6737: 6470: 6363: 6051: 5981: 5955: 5888: 5198: 5086: 5056: 5042: 5013: 4894: 4850: 4834: 4807: 4795: 4768: 4756: 4729: 4716: 4688: 4675: 4648: 4468: 3947: 2404: 2356: 2311: 2297: 2278: 1760: 1024: 570: 489: 475: 458: 12510: 11940: 11922: 11287: 10659: 10628: 10541: 9819:
I counted just to make sure. I think you're miss-counting the "Keep X and X, delete the rest" !votes because they have bolded keep.--v/r -
9590: 7519: 6347: 6296: 6283: 6260: 6247: 6228: 6215: 6196: 5636: 5158: 5140: 2393: 1994: 1990: 1751:
If you want, we can tone down the language for specific users and only give a few diffs to support it. This isn't an ArbCom case after all.
309: 275: 12497: 11168: 11015: 10290: 10168: 9774:
My apologies I did not add a link, because it was what you were in the middle of doing when I posted here. I am, of course, talking about:
9242: 9234: 8880:
I do remember that, I would just hate to see the wrath of the community turn a legitimate concern entirely into an issue about TDA.--v/r -
8753: 8741: 8712: 8422: 8413: 8401: 8301: 6956: 6578: 6466: 6047: 5782: 5649: 5277: 3878:
That would be a great idea. But remember the tools are used by users on many Knowledge projects, not only enwp or nlwp. Good luck with it!
1694: 1667: 1652: 1602: 1564: 1504: 1445: 1382: 13156:
I'm unsure what you mean; yes, AfDs are often closed when the nominator withdraws, but are they often closed when the nominator withdraws
10572: 10557: 9437: 9423: 8919: 8907: 8887: 8875: 8193: 8180: 8164: 8151: 8010: 7503: 7416: 6704: 6591: 6561: 6539: 4386:. I strongly suggest that you just drop the issue. What you want just isn't in line with what Knowledge wants and that's what we call a 3621: 3178: 1610: 1595: 1212:
surely take responsibility for my behavior... even ignore others', but don't expect me to ignore the persistent ones. This is what I mean
13286: 13267: 13254: 13239: 13226: 13115: 13102: 13023: 13008: 12863: 12851: 12478: 12069: 12055: 11078: 10204: 10162: 9613:
apply to you for userfication. If requested, I hope this can be granted. Subject may well get the RS it needs after the event concludes.
9368: 9238: 8957: 6668: 6635:
6367: 6142: 6040:
Talk:Campaign for "santorum" neologism#RfC - Should be hyperlinked within the article body and/or "External Links"?
5998: 5798: 5733:
Going forward from here, if you feel you want to help in an administrative way, I'd suggest getting involved clerking some admin areas.
So yes, as you say, tedious. I guess we're off to AfD again after all. Perhaps you could join us there to help fight off the sockpuppets.
5249: 4323: 3912: 3900: 3873: 3451: 3306: 2387: 2337: 2323: 2302:
He has done it to me previously. I'm not going to trawl over the ashes of a year-old incident - I have better things to do with my life.
2223: 2201: 2038: 1479:
As for RSN, you were the only one who mentioned this new-to-me Wikipedian acronym when closing the discussion. I would argue that as per
750: 443: 387: 373: 302:
Before I am willing to restore it, I need you to show me independent reliable sources that support the notability of the website.--v/r -
12292: 10780: 10768: 10753: 9166: 8237: 7071:
A principio o rei e todos que estavam à sua volta riram dizendo ser ridículo o pedido dele e que estava desperdiçando a concessão dada.
6504: 4560: 4501: 4419: 4365: 4003:
Hey again. I see you're still dealing with that Taliban crew— I'm quite impressed, I would've bailed long ago. But I happened to notice
3190: 2584: 698: 13199: 13170: 13151: 13138: 12878: 12807: 12625: 12613: 12599: 12343: 11970: 11952: 11677: 11665: 11639: 11062: 10906: 10584: 10090: 9634: 9622: 8565: 8551: 8536: 8522: 7590: 7564: 7142:
Por ele ser o rei, tem o livre-arbítrio de mover para todos os lados, com a seguinte limitação: apenas de uma em uma casa de cada vez.
5615: 4100: 4082: 4069: 3231: 3217: 2630: 2441: 2283:
IF that is the case, you might want to find examples of it. If it's not, then this can similarly be construed as a personal attack.---
1844: 704: 139: 13211: 12832:
Would you feel comfortable adding a note/link regarding this to a high-profile area, for example AN, or Jimbo's page, to attract more
12761: 12733:
Alright, I think I misunderstood "closely related". I took that line to mean that the editor was under restrictions and so I checked
12359: 11626: 11606:
First of all a big "Thank you" for overtaking X!'s edit counter. A user of de.wikipedia detected a bug with the top edited pages. See
11527: 11209: 10641: 10251: 10149: 9719: 9078: 9059: 9045: 9023: 8326: 8063: 7576: 7467: 7453: 6603: 5772: 4397: 4038: 3490: 3475: 1230: 1203: 1151: 991: 930: 215: 195: 183: 156: 11899:
you can't withdraw since someone else has voted keep, I have undone your closure, as well as the large removal of text from the AFD.
11769:. Whether he is right or wrong in truth, the community feels he is wrong and it'll do him no good to continue fighting them.--v/r - 11645: 11607: 10078: 9332: 9303: 9287: 9196: 8379: 7095:
O xadrez é apontado como o jogo mais intelectual dos praticados no mundo, graças ao seu aspecto artístico, científico e competitivo.
Mas deixou bem claro: não queria qualquer jogo. Desejava algo lógico que não dependesse de sorte para ganhar, mas sim de raciocínio.
6983: 6661:
was suspicious. It obviously wasn't enough to ask for a checkuser or a SPI. Darkness2005 was blocked for their own socking.--v/r -
6452: 5235: 5171: 4137: 4051: 3402: 3387: 3356: 3341: 3328: 2184: 2148: 2129: 2108: 2093: 2073: 2055: 1718: 1702: 1687: 1675: 1572: 1541: 1512: 1466: 1453: 1410: 1366:
Hi! I think your decision to delete the PatientOS article was a bit hasted. It seems you have only read the Keep and Delete comments
1333: 1315: 1308:
So what are you getting at? I said if you guys can behave, I'll talk to Magog about going with Jehochman's proposal instead.--v/r -
1286: 1257: 1127: 1062: 974: 600: 509: 12904: 12827: 12782: 12744: 12728: 12709: 10874:
I couldn't find a "Barnstar of Patience" so this will have to do. Kudos for enduring constant "are we there yet"s without snapping.
10113: 10101: 10059: 10045: 9875: 9864: 9851: 9826: 9814: 9797: 9784: 9769: 7123:
Diagonais - conjunto de casas da mesma cor em direção inclinada. Ao todo são 26 diagonais, sendo a menor duas casas e a maior oito.
7098:É um jogo que se assemelha à guerra, onde um exército luta contra outro dispondo do mesmo número de elementos no início da partida. 5908: 5520: 5504: 5457: 5440: 5371: 5346: 4880: 4157: 4120: 3731: 3717: 3698: 3508: 3374: 3311:
No hard feelings TParis. This issue is bigger than you, me, Prioryman, or any other individual editor or admin. It amazes me that
3257: 2715:
Well strong opinated women do often get labeled as such. People just need to realize that intelligence isnt limited to men.--v/r -
2480: 2465: 2267:
Cla68 has a habit of collecting diffs of people disagreeing with him and his pals and presenting them falsely as "personal attacks".
11994: 11720: 11617:. So I think that there is some problem with a conversion from numbers to strings or something like that. I hope you can fix it. -- 11248: 11054: 8469:
and would like to know what you think. This is probably done I think, but I want to know if you have any last minute suggestions.--
7026: 3786: 3347:
marathon training program, as I'm sure your friends have plenty due to their recent experience. How many times a week do you run?
Ok, I'll check that. I wasn't aware of what the strike meant was why I left that comment. I'll go look for a final vote.--v/r -
10710: 9111:. Per my policy-based !vote, the term could be considered a generic dictionary definition (certainly without the capitalisation): 8643: 8620: 6658: 3568: 3529: 2498: 11758: 10277: 9578: 9183: 8134: 8081: 8031: 7910: 7209:
Você que está aprendendo, agora vamos montar as peças no tabuleiro. Utilizando a primeira fileira do tabuleiro, faça o seguinte:
I have to say I don't appreciate the sock accusations made here. I am nothing to do with Darkness 2005. You mentioned them here:
if you'd like, for work having to do with Knowledge -- just come into #mediawiki sometime (Freenode IRC) and ask, or contact me.
6135: 6128: 5594: 5240:
A third applaud from me. :-) These tools are great motivators in keeping up the good work, as well as valuable analysing tools.--
article's main body or at least be available in the Talk section. I don't want to start and edit war. Please mediate and advise.
3798: 1554:. Do you realize that requiring such a high entry barrier for open-source healthcare software actually means removing the entire 788: 540: 538: 12657:
No ArbCom restrictions within the last year; whether issued by the Committee itself or under a discretionary sanction provision.
12139: 11280:
No, sorry it won't. It's enwiki only. I'd be happy to give you the source if you want t run your own bot on that Wiki.--v/r -
8391: 8348: 5146: 3162: 2798: 2670: 2531: 1498:) for the electronic medical record that we are starting to use at both at the Sanfe Bagar Clinic and at the Bayalpata hospital. 634:
something) and weigh in on whether I think it's NPOV or not based on the sources so let me know if I can be of any help.--v/r -
586: 366:
That's fine with me. I don't mind my actions being reversed. I'd just hate to see Knowledge used for free advertising.--v/r -
13363: 13069: 13037: 12635:
You seem to be taking only one portion of the caveats and marking editors "eligible to certify", without considering the rest.
12000: 11855:
and the keeps were very detailed. When you hint that you will be looking at this again in the future it's hardly a white flag.
11601: 11139: 10522: 9609:
I thought the close was just fine, but didn't fully understand one editor's rationale. BTW, I've suggested the page creator in
8509: 8441:? I can offer some travel subsidy. Please reply on my talk page on if you're interested, or email me at sumanah 5948:
Not working? Hmm, I'll take a look. I'm still learning how all of this new code works, but I'll get back to you soon.--v/r -
5859: 4338: 4266: 3194:
again. He would like to return, but the ban=no/block=yes close leaves me a little confused as to how to approach that. Thanks,
2948: 2666: 1746: 12955: 12679:
Not from an editor who has been active in articles closely related to where I have been issuing ArbCom discretionary sanctions
12095: 9410: 9132: 8114: 7490: 6050:
for the closing admins to discuss the close. Thank you for volunteering for this difficult task. I wish you the best of luck.
4946: 4596: 1356: 411: 296: 250: 11498: 11424: 11147: 10883: 10038:
I counted the ones in the "Only seemed to express opinion on keeping Thelma and/or Eunice" category as delete others.--v/r -
5867: 3284: 1865: 11593: 11274: 8527:
Can you point me to a list of choices? I'd assumed all WP usernames are unicode/utf-8 but I'm not really familiar with PHP.
8478: 6388: 4840: 3968:
about their experience with moving the Coren bot to Labs; I believe it's been moved and now happily lives in Wikimedia Labs.
3757: 1485:
it is not unreasonable to allow relatively informal sources for free and open source software, if significance can be shown.
it is not unreasonable to allow relatively informal sources for free and open source software, if significance can be shown.
682: 12559: 10772: 10240:, all you have to do is remove it sometime during it's seven days. If it gets deleted, you can request it be undeleted at 10129: 9383: 6691: 4547: 3434: 3315:
arguments have become such an accepted part of Knowledge debate discourse that many people don't see them as violations of
3091: 1394: 790:
Were he reverts out 30 odd academic references based on an RFC which was about something totally different. Or his section
360: 132: 13334: 12331: 10197:
irrevocably under the Knowledge's license. Sounds harsh when said, but it is what it is and the article was kept.--v/r -
You'll have more experience of this sort of thing than me and so probably the next closer will reach the same decision. I
8984: 6182: 5404: 12444: 12401: 11487:
Take your time there's no rush. I haven't been able to get to it myself that much as well but your help is appreciated.—
11001: 10956:
I've created 49 articles to date, and the tool still shows only 38. The last article it shows was created a week ago...--
10927: 9568: 9502: 9463: 9364: 9090: 8977: 8264: 7876: 7837: 7744: 7706: 7667: 7619: 6897: 6859: 6833: 6795: 6769: 6730: 6009: 5974: 5935: 5191: 5133: 5079: 5035: 4994: 4967: 4939: 4827: 4788: 4749: 4709: 4668: 4629: 4589: 4521: 3940: 3497: 2487: 2424: 1983: 10450: 10312: 9672: 9470: 8953: 8837: 7844: 7260:
Xeque-mate: é quando o rei está ameaçado e não existe nenhuma das três defesas acima. Ocasionando o término da partida!
for why it would not be appropriate for me to unprotect the page, despite being the admin that originally protected it.
3860: 3669: 2915: 2678:
LOL. Actually, I spent six years in construction with my Dad, so I do know how to handle a 2 x 4 quite well ;).--v/r -
12962: 11262: 6968: 6333: 6201:
Discussing the closure of this RFC seems worthy of my inclusion imo. If you object I will ask at ANI for verification.
6117: 4310: 3773: 2831: 1072: 733: 627: 542:
Quite a large chunk of editing there, funny thing about those edits of course is TG did not revert them, I wonder why?
416: 12939: 10686: 10140:
as a redirect, but deleted the article and redirected the talk page. So I'm not really sure what you meant to do. --
7551: 7196:
Pronto, agora que já sabemos todos os movimentos das peças, vamos para a colocação inicial do tabuleiro e das peças.
6650: 6621: 6266: 6165: 5478: 5220: 5112: 4316:
Hello. I've already added my name to the list, so feel free to contact me by email or IRC when you are ready.--v/r -
3464: 3203: 2454: 517: 113:
revision from my user page I got in turn for reverting vandalism on yours. It is highly derogatory abusive content in
13178: 12298: 10763: 10692: 10350:
shows a list of tasks that it can do. Since you know more about who took over what, your help would be appreciated.—
8367: 7428: 7331: 6525: 6493: 5564: 3069: 2958: 2938: 12887:
I can certainly understand that. Oh well, looks like more Wiki-dramaz for the time being. Oh, and put me down as a "
I completely didn't see them. Even after you sent me back there it took me a minute to find them. Hang on.--v/r -
10529: 10510: 9548: 8121:
Thanks, but it has yet to be approved ;) We'll see; there is another bot vying for the distinct privillage. --v/r -
Diante disso, surpreso, o rei não soube diferenciar o que foi mais inteligente: o jogo ou o pedido que o sábio fez?
Hi - you claim I have "a voluntary topic 'avoidance' of BLPs and LGBT issues?" - Please point to the diff of this -
4296: 4148:
a look and that case isn't really applicable since it includes things such as alleged hacking, etc., another story.
2837: 2086:. Having acted in an administrative capacity does not make me involved or on a "side". I don't take sides.--v/r - 12582: 8224: 7626: 7496:
I'll see if I can fix it. Can you upload a screeenshot to photobucket and send me an email with the links?--v/r -
7397: 6486: 6422: 12986:"any other proposal that gets withdrawn by the nominator gets closed (except Arbcom proceedings once accepted)."? 12383: 10301:
Do you know if FLC-Report was taken over by anybody? As far as I can tell it was still an active task in SoxBot.—
9221:. As generic terms, these don't warrant encyclopedic entries connected to their use in ratings systems, etc. (cf. 8541: 4574:
I could take over the edit counter or SoxBot. I've also been working on getting them from X!. What do you think?
4352: 3972: 2617: 2048:
discontinue trying to reinsert the material. I'm acting in an unbiased administrative capacity only here.--v/r -
2022: 12975: 12846: 12802: 8893:
more evidence either way... and even then I might try to take more of a moderator role than a participant one.---
8833: 8483: 8474: 8297: 8077: 8027: 7954: 7939: 7906: 7508:
I'll have seen this also before, but it's not a permanent problem. Just reload the page and than it should work.
Elementos do jogo de xadrez Tabuleiro: o jogo é disputado em um tabuleiro de 64 casas (8x8) de cores alternadas.
Naturalmente, Sissa já sabia que seria impossível pagá-lo daquela maneira e liberou o rei de cumprir seu pedido!
5335: 5333: 5331: 5329: 5327: 3895: 3855: 3319:. The use of logical fallacies, in general, has just gotten out-of-control. Time to try to put a damper on it. 12695: 11520:
Forget that, I found the error. Delete line 42. " echo "uid = $ uid\n\n";" is causing your error.--v/r -
11196: 10230: 5470:
I did not say you are not "fit" to be an admin. I said that your mis-statement of GNG suggests that you are not
who managed to cast doubt and delete the character. The reasons "alleged" for deletion no longer exist. Anyone,
who managed to cast doubt and delete the character. The reasons "alleged" for deletion no longer exist. Anyone,
Thank you for the swift answer. However, I think you are being inconsistent in regards to ref 2. First you said
Given all the nationalist idiocy going on here, please help me come up with a proposal that we can put forth to
Let me know of your decision. If it takes you more than 48 hours to respond, please drop me a talkback notice.
9009: 8466: 8283: 7898: 7514: 6154: 5300: 5273: 5257: 1831: 8492:
that I could never get X! to fix; would you care to take a stab at it? The "edit count" link at the bottom of
You're probably right, but I like it short-hand. I might just add it to my edit notice for this page.--v/r -
Some more information has been added. I still have some more to add, but wondering what you think of it now.--
7475: 6630: 4273: 4257: 3961: 3425:
Can you reverse the deletion of the article "Jaume Cañellas Galindo" ? Thank you very much and best wishes. --
to improve the project, and hence, Knowledge itself. Anyway, the offer still stands for future consideration.
Can you reverse the deletion of the article "Jaume Cañellas Galindo" ? Thank you very much and best wishes. --
close. And a nominator is a certifier in an RFC/U. I will check Nortonius' eligibility and respond.--v/r -
12279: 12157: 12131: 11687: 11632:
I dont understand. One article was not edited 36 times and what does that have to do with the other?--v/r -
11215: 11021: 10852: 10501: 10257: 9293: 8594:
went into creating this article into what it is today, off course I'm not going to just drop things, and let
8106: 5609: 5018:
It's working now. What about the other tools like article blamer and so forth? Are you taking care of them?
3131: 2767: 2646: 1361: 909: 781: 8270:
I couldnt figure out what was wrong, so I copied/pasted my archive code on there to see if it helps.--v/r -
3º passo - Pegue os dois bispos de mesma cor e coloque uma do lado de um cavalo e o outro do outro cavalo.
1302: 1273: 950: 838:
which is explained clearly to you on the same talk page. Can you stop barging into user talk discussions? --
I would have to agree the discussion is solely focused around one article, anyway thanks for fixing it. ★☆
10130: 10053:
And I suppose we could call the "keeps" as "keep, don't delete", but I was trying to not read deeper : ) -
8946: 8939: 8577: 7186:
Peão - O peão nada mais é que um soldado do rei. Tendo por objetivo a promoção e a defesa de seu superior.
5656: 3827: 3760:
was just a print-on-demand collections of Knowledge articles? Hilarious way to expand an article! Wishes.--
3253: 2995:
I'm not interested in joining, I'll just continue to watch from the outside. Thanks for the offer.--v/r -
2955:, a collaborative effort to rescue articles from deletion if they can be improved through regular editing. 2747:. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at 2705: 2694:
BTW, SG is retiring. This is a place where women can have "bitch" inserted into their names with impunity.
this guys actions, but the fact that he just keeps doing this is insane, why does nobody tell him to stop?
166: 105: 10992:
on 21 March 2012‎, and still does not show. I have noticed the same. So the tool is probably on vacation.
10032: 9802:
I'm not sure I agree with your characterisation of the discussion (not that that matters at this point : )
9756: 7215:
2º passo - Pegue os dois cavalos de mesma cor e coloque um do lado de uma torre e o outro da outra torre.
Fair enough. Thanks for taking the time to review the issue and to offer your option. It's appreciated. --
4022: 3808: 3239: 2192:
Could you please deal with this once and for all? I don't appreciate this individual making false claims.
done. Please let me know why you feel Calypto having its own designated article page is wrong. Thank you!
615:(A good read, highly recommended) With this as a starting point I feel I can rewrite that entire section. 434:, so feel free to edit the heck out of it. Then we can sign it together (as one post! is that possible?). 12944: 12589: 11294: 10935: 10788: 9388: 7309:
Agora que já conhece as regras básicas do jogo de xadrez, o que esta esperando para começar a praticar?!
6964: 6711: 5916: 5894: 5623: 4370:
Hi. First off, good job on you to seek mediation rather than edit war over the content. Unfortunately,
3635: 3420: 3266: 2249: 1974: 1794:
I was thinking the same thing. "This noticeboard is for content disputes, not conduct disputes."--v/r -
1579: 1390: 647: 316: 97: 12965:. They didn't add their name to the list, but obviously supported the recall. Sorry for bothering you.-- 12045: 7230:
Xeque e xeque-mate Pronto, agora que já conhece todos movimentos precisa fixar bem o objetivo do jogo.
sendo que o total corresponderia a 2.305 montanhas (o número exato é 18.446.744.073.709.551.616 grãos)!
6674: 6064: 5670:: again, our notability guidelines requires multiple sources and one of these are primary. I looked at 4566: 3952:
Just started reading about these issues today so please forgive me if I've misunderstood something, but
Yes, sorry, you're right. I got caught up in reading something else. I get sidetracked easily.--v/r -
Where exactly do you get "deletionist"? Have you edited with any other account before this one?--v/r -
13359: 13093:
If an AFD has strong support and the nominator withdraws you believe it is a speedy keep? Do be clear.
13065: 13033: 11871: 11827: 11797: 11754: 9586: 9309: 8829: 8775: 8470: 8372: 8344: 8293: 8073: 8023: 7950: 7935: 7902: 7291:
Dica: esse movimento pode ser feito por qualquer dos peões, mas é somente válido no instante do lance.
5904: 4874: 4533: 3823: 3660: 2662: 111: 89: 84: 72: 67: 59: 38: 9271:
could be contacted for comment. In light of this explanation, would you please consider revising your
I am restructuring the code to have SoxBot operate under Cyberbot I. I hope to be done in a few days.
3769: 1076: 808: 561:
There is absolutely nothing in my recent editing justifying Magog's proposal. His characterization on
430:, but it's kind of old, and it has a lot of unsupported assertions that I might not be able to say at 13181: 12246: 12091: 11467: 10769:
10266: 8260: 6943: 6353: 6089: 6005: 5402: 5296: 5269: 4111:
Unless you can come up with any recent "evidence", I strongly advise you to stop terming my editing.
3462: 2452: 2410: 1934: 1861: 1162: 1082: 1002: 866: 816: 798: 623: 547: 528: 227: 13177:
Just a small handful, nothing of important note but it took me all of five minutes to gather these:
12238: 11459: 10809:
Yeah. There is an additional stats database and I keep forgetting to comment it out. Done.--v/r -
8438: 7719:
Yeah, you're going to have bot wars if you do that. Some folks took over the tasks already.--v/r -
I'm not a linux expert, you should probably ask in the #wikimedia-toolserver channel on IRC.--v/r -
Hi - please note my objections to the full protection situation and and the unanswered questions at
6081: 5397:
At least that's what one would presume an admin would have done -- familiar as he certainly is with
will add your name to my offline contact list. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can post your
Bottom line is that we really need your help, and would really appreciate the opportunity to speak
I'll look at past recalls (as few as they are) and how they were handled to find precedent.--v/r -
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can
12149: 12123: 11728: 11457:
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can
10776: 9729: 9691: 9544: 9379: 9357: 9350: 9317: 9189:
If there is another article the search term should point to, we can just create a disambig.--v/r -
8098: 7535: 6079:
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can
review). This means that all questions have been approved by the university and all students have
teach students about becoming Knowledge administrators. Not a lot is known about your community,
We have verified that has been Attacked with untruths and slander by a group of Catalan separatists
3564: 3103: 3063: 2913: 2542:
We have verified that has been Attacked with untruths and slander by a group of Catalan separatists
2527: 2242:
Thanks TParis, Good call, and my apologies for not spotting that those lines had been added later.
1785: 1756: 1352: 471: 439: 338: 8788:
and other places with heated discussion is that it deters participation when there is badgering.
Por tudo isso a torre anda somente pelas horizontais e verticais quantas casa tiver à disposição.
never be identified in any of our materials, unless you give the interviewer permission to do so.
motivations, likes, dislikes, etc. We were wondering if you'd be interested in speaking with one
considered that after someone exposes obvious flaws in your arguments (like attributing to me the
12770: 11256: 10669: 9669: 9496: 9457: 9313: 9100: 8971: 8630: 8607: 8334: 8307:
ok, I know whats wrong. ill fix it later when i get to my hotel. on the road right now.--v/r -
8220: 8139:
Hi. I notice that on your user page - & when signing? - you put 'v/r' in front of the 'TP'.
7870: 7831: 7738: 7700: 7661: 7613: 6891: 6853: 6827: 6789: 6763: 6724: 5968: 5929: 5185: 5127: 5073: 5029: 4988: 4961: 4933: 4890: 4821: 4782: 4743: 4703: 4662: 4623: 4583: 4515: 4189:
and our students (who are fascinated by wiki-culture by the way!) want to learn how you do what
Education Program. This semester I've been running a little experiment at MSU, a class where we
3934: 3290:
A new admin is going to have to take over from here. I'd strongly recommend the new admin throw
3249: 2879: 2636: 2064:, but you aren't neutral. Did you read every single one of the diffs contained in that section? 1341: 11880:
When consensus changes, I will be back on the article. Until then, consider it off of my radar.—
6395: 3866:
I'm actually looking at getting an English Knowledge equivalent. Something like ~tools.--v/r -
to review it and they've confirmed your sources are strong so I've restored the article.--v/r -
to review it and they've confirmed your sources are strong so I've restored the article.--v/r -
I'd recommend just striking your comments until you're ready to back them up with diffs.--v/r -
12750: 12734: 12715:
Malleus. You can also put both Silver and Pesky as being heavily involved on that case. I took
12493: 12466: 12423: 12379: 12353: 12077: 12015: 11589: 11321: 11270: 11153: 9808:
But regardless, nod, please revert the deletions, and I'll work on merging to the list page. -
7809: 7525: 6872:
Alright, well I found it. If you want it, send me an email and I'll send you the file.--v/r -
6445: 6328: 6278: 6242: 6210: 6177: 5873: 5491:
You're right about the stick -- I'd be wasting your time and mine engaging you further on this.
I have a toolserver account, google account, and this account. Is there something else I need?
All interviews will be completely anonymous, meaning that you (real name and/or pseudonym) will
_New_class_at_MSU|HERE]], where it was met mainly with positive feedback. Anyhow, I'd like my
3813: 3184: 2864:
Thank you for bringing back up the X! counter tool, man. That's some sweet shit you got there.
2244: 1969: 729: 407: 292: 246: 12702:
that disqualified any editors. What have you found? It took me hours to do my check.--v/r -
1028: 875:
Read the next comments with clarification on the talk page discussion. Don't spill it here. --
574: 13355: 13354:. But funny how the group who claim Malleus is witch-hunted are on a witch-hunt themselves. — 13061: 13029: 12516: 12086:
image that I uploaded. You're the only admin I've encountered thus far. Thanks in advance :D
11856: 11812: 11782: 11739: 10912: 10274: 10258: 9582: 8760: 8419: 8398: 8376: 8340: 6159: 5900: 5633: 5588: 5580: 5560: 4508:
Also the links to the other tools still link to soxred93. That should be fixed quickly too.—
Sciences at Michigan State University and a Teaching Fellow with the Wikimedia Foundation's
4165: 3831: 3792: 3016: 2971: 2697: 2658: 1850: 1592: 12170:
Yes the database is lagging right now. Once the replag clears, TPBot should operate again.—
What the hell is your problem? I withdrew the nomination. Why the hell was that not enough?—
9202: 7983:
I guess you are right... TParis and I have radically different views on the RfC afterall.---
6510: 6475:
Talk:Campaign for "santorum" neologism#Short message from the admin that protected the page.
was nearly unanimous, and that was Feb 17. Are you and the other volunteers working on it?
students to speak with a few administrators to get a sense of admin experiences, training,
13187: 13124:
which states a speedy closure is appropriate when "The nominator withdraws the nomination
12951: 12934: 12114: 12087: 9686:. Aside from that being a rather humorous statement, I'm not sure what's going on. Thanks, 9644: 9433: 9406: 9029:
highly skewed. In any event, I am grateful for your revert and we'll see what happens next.
8902: 8870: 8844: 8256: 8176: 8147: 7992: 7973: 7892: 7486: 7385: 6952: 6688: 6615: 6557: 6521: 6399: 6371: 6001: 5552: 4435: 4192:
you do, and why you do it. A while back I proposed this idea (the class) to the community
3441: 3158: 2794: 2654: 2431: 2351: 2292: 2218: 2018: 1930: 1857: 1378: 1158: 1078: 998: 862: 812: 794: 721: 619: 543: 524: 12682:
Not from an editor who has been engaged in an editing dispute with me within the last year
I do like TDA's desired outcome; very constructive, civil, and good-will inspired.--v/r -
Thanks, I'm running a virus scan now and tomorrow I'll change all of my passwords.--v/r -
Did you find it on Google or SVN? Just need to know so we can get X to remove it.--v/r -
The entire interview process is being overseen by MSU's institutional review board (ethics
8: 13388: 13282: 13250: 13222: 13204:
On another note: Is this relevant anymore? It's been reopened for other reasons.--v/r -
13098: 13051: 13019: 12991: 12971: 12842: 12798: 12570: 12564: 12065: 12034: 11808: 10562:
Strangely it's supposed to be already globally blacklisted, will have to look into this.
10537: 10518: 10186: 10145: 9927: 9725: 9687: 9540: 9375: 6044:
Knowledge:Administrators' noticeboard#Campaign for "santorum" neologism RFC close request
Knowledge:Administrators' noticeboard#Campaign for "santorum" neologism RFC close request
5245: 4448: 4306: 4234:
All interviews will be completely voluntary. You are under no obligation to say yes to an
Interviews can be conducted over skype (preferred), IRC or email. (You choose the form of
3645: 3560: 3280: 3095: 3055: 2902: 2523: 2400: 2333: 2307: 2274: 2197: 1781: 1752: 1348: 766:
of sources is not lawyering I guess? There are contradicting sources... see talk page. --
467: 435: 383: 356: 334: 13232:
incident on ANI. As far as your first comment, my recall criteria is available.--v/r -
13184: 12456: 12413: 10921:
running properly? To date, I've actually created 43 articles and it just records 38...--
to not update. I'd appreciate you taking a look at that when you have the time. Thanks.
Yes, but it's still a generic term. There are currently 3 articles linking to the term (
8629:" ~ I'm unfamiliar with the use of the word 'prejudice' in this sentence. Thank you, -- 7921:
on you. I'd suggest a more careful and targetting approach. Just my two cents.--v/r -
7060:- Nada quero - respondeu Sissa demonstrando além de muita sabedoria bastante humildade. 5309:
Nah, you and DGG both feel an AFD is more appropriate and you're probably right.--v/r -
Oh and don't forget to adjust the links to the tools. They're still linked to soxred93.
4390:. Sorry it's not the answer you were hoping for, but I hope I've clarified why.--v/r - 4195:[[Knowledge:Village_pump_(proposals)/Archive_82#Learn_to_be_a_Wikipedia_Administrator_- 3092:
I've always highlighted the entire page, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-P, and wrap it in the <pre: -->
12814: 12522: 12274: 12199: 12171: 11710: 11652:
36 times. This is not true, he edited it only one time. Instead, he edited the article
11533: 11488: 11414: 11385: 11368: 11339: 11301: 11238: 11161: 11044: 10968: 10941: 10940:
There's a replag of over 48 hours right now so information displayed is 2 days behind.—
10832: 10794: 10749: 10717: 10706: 10483: 10457: 10440: 10411: 10383: 10351: 10332: 10302: 10296: 9490: 9451: 9445: 9398: 9344: 8965: 8933: 8638: 8625:
Hi, just one last thing, could you please explain further to me, as what you mean by: "
8615: 8199: 8086: 7864: 7825: 7818: 7732: 7694: 7655: 7607: 7512: 7233:
Xeque: é quando o rei encontra-se ameaçado, mas existe a possibilidade de defender-se.
1º passo - Pegue as duas torres de mesma cor e coloque uma em cada canto do tabuleiro.
6885: 6847: 6821: 6783: 6757: 6718: 6482: 6460: 6314: 5962: 5923: 5881: 5179: 5121: 5067: 5023: 4982: 4955: 4927: 4886: 4815: 4776: 4737: 4697: 4656: 4617: 4577: 4509: 4481: 4415: 4348: 4145: 4127: 3928: 3919: 2967:
and help improve Knowledge articles considered by others as based upon notable topics.
2865: 2602: 2596: 2154: 2079: 11781:
That's fair enough. I'll have a word with Ryulong and see if it makes any difference.
a sccessful submission is not included at the moment, but you will likely see some at
On your enwp list, I think #5 and #6 are the only ones no longer getting done.--v/r -
doesn't seem to work for me. Apparently the user who created it is no longer active.--
Actually, my bot is going to run everything SoxBot did including what yours does now.—
6567: 4855:
Thank you for reviving the edit counter! I and many others appreciate it very much.
P.S. Stripping out every "/" is a bit strange. You should just truncate, if anything.
3953: 3114:
I'll look more into the source tonight when I get home; it might be that easy.--v/r -
13166: 13134: 12874: 12609: 12578: 12489: 12462: 12450: 12419: 12407: 12375: 12348: 12011: 11964: 11934: 11887: 11843: 11661: 11648:, you will see that the edit counter claims, that Schniggendiller edited the article 11622: 11585: 11317: 11266: 11174: 11152:
If you are a project member who does not want delivery, please remove your name from
10879: 10647: 10603: 10476: 10210: 10074: 9618: 9328: 9296:? Search terms don't hurt the encyclopedia and the history has been deleted.--v/r - 9283: 9264: 9179: 8561: 8532: 8505: 8243: 7805: 7586: 7547: 6629:
I can prove I am nothing to do with this user first off please review this SPI here:
6438: 6320: 6270: 6234: 6202: 6169: 5992: 5872:
If you are a project member who does not want delivery, please remove your name from
5352: 4329: 4090: 4059: 4012: 3980: 3688: 3617: 3590: 3430: 3227: 3199: 2896: 2813: 2757: 2611: 2580: 2553: 2420: 1826: 10771:
shows "Access denied for user 'tparis'@'' to database 'u_soxred93'"
But sure, if you like, I'll do a run-down of the discussion. Give me a sec or so. -
does make some sense. However, it sets a precedent that someone may do the same for
work done. Once the sun goes down, I'll look at getting more tools working.--v/r -
Alright, well I'm bring it over to DRV later today and let them evaluate it.--v/r -
1927: 333:) forbid us to insert our opinion of something, even if the opinion seems obvious . 13331: 13264: 13236: 13208: 13196: 13148: 13112: 13085: 13005: 12860: 12824: 12758: 12741: 12706: 12686:
Without even going into too much depth, there are obviously 4 of the 6 ineligible.
12622: 12596: 12507: 12289: 12190: 12105: 12052: 11949: 11900: 11773: 11674: 11636: 11524: 11512: 11434: 11358: 11284: 11206: 11191: 11183:, but would you try to add the AFC helper tool? See some unsuccessfuly examples at 11012: 10958: 10923: 10903: 10813: 10736: 10683: 10638: 10625: 10581: 10402: 10370: 10323: 10287: 10271: 10248: 10241: 10226: 10201: 10159: 10110: 10087: 10042: 10015: 9971: 9948: 9909: 9861: 9823: 9794: 9766: 9716: 9704: 9658: 9631: 9601: 9559: 9481: 9420: 9300: 9263:
is a redirect to an unrelated topic, although arguably shouldn't exist either, per
9259: 9201:
Thanks for looking into this. What seems to be a similar grading system in the UK (
9193: 9074: 9056: 9041: 9020: 9005: 8991: 8916: 8884: 8852: 8800: 8750: 8719: 8709: 8677: 8654: 8548: 8519: 8410: 8388: 8358: 8323: 8311: 8274: 8234: 8190: 8161: 8125: 8060: 8042: 8007: 7925: 7855: 7723: 7685: 7637: 7573: 7561: 7534:
to find the string "review the events of this specific incident" in the history of
7500: 7463: 7450: 7436: 7413: 7341: 6980: 6914: 6876: 6812: 6747: 6701: 6665: 6600: 6588: 6536: 6501: 6344: 6293: 6257: 6225: 6193: 6149: 6122: 6113: 6055: 6022: 5952: 5769: 5646: 5630: 5517: 5510: 5465: 5454: 5398: 5368: 5313: 5287: 5231: 5168: 5053: 5010: 4847: 4804: 4765: 4726: 4685: 4645: 4557: 4498: 4465: 4394: 4362: 4320: 4292: 4134: 4079: 4048: 3909: 3870: 3805: 3783: 3728: 3695: 3487: 3448: 3384: 3338: 3303: 3214: 3175: 3118: 3082: 3032: 2999: 2719: 2682: 2627: 2477: 2438: 2320: 2181: 2126: 2090: 2052: 2001: 1948: 1918: 1907: 1895: 1841: 1798: 1771: 1715: 1684: 1649: 1589: 1538: 1463: 1407: 1367: 1312: 1283: 1254: 1223: 1200: 1183: 1144: 1124: 1103: 1055: 988: 967: 923: 906: 883: 846: 791: 774: 747: 695: 638: 597: 506: 370: 326: 306: 272: 208: 192: 176: 149: 125: 47: 17: 10698: 9152: 8452: 8037:
If North is the worst offender, perhaps it should be an RfC/U in the first place.
Responding with e-Mail. I can tell you this, it wasn't on Google, SVN or GITHUB.—
I know this was made back in december however I have only just become aware of it
6575: 5757:
to get some experience handling user disputes. Try also getting more involved in
I think ANI is getting tired of the same names popping up again and again.--v/r -
12927: 12604:
Apparently he changed his vote a few times. The final vote of his is not struck.
11766: 10347: 9904: 9525: 9429: 9402: 9268: 8895: 8863: 8489: 8460: 8172: 8143: 7985: 7966: 7482: 6960: 6553: 6517: 5154: 5108: 4153: 4116: 4034: 3835: 3398: 3370: 3352: 3324: 3154: 2806: 2790: 2383: 2344: 2285: 2211: 2144: 2104: 2069: 2034: 2014: 1961: 1902: 1811: 1698: 1671: 1606: 1568: 1555: 1508: 1491: 1480: 1449: 1429: 1386: 1329: 1298: 1269: 1208: 1036: 946: 763: 606: 582: 485: 454: 12374:
He is evading his block using and WP:DUCK applies.
11569: 9650: 1020: 566: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
13382: 13278: 13246: 13218: 13094: 13047: 13015: 12987: 12967: 12900: 12838: 12794: 12778: 12724: 12691: 12083: 12061: 12030: 10989: 10533: 10514: 10237: 10182: 10141: 10136:
While handling orphaned talk pages, I ran across this article. You closed the
10020: 9983: 9932: 6989: 6015: 5742: 5711: 5703: 5691: 5500: 5436: 5417:
Oh wait... except now you say you did, after all, review back at the beginning.
5342: 5241: 5145:
Thank you, you are right. (I have still found some minor problems, for example
4867: 4475: 4444: 4302: 3879: 3839: 3713: 3525: 3504: 3471: 3276: 3045: 2851: 2494: 2461: 2396: 2329: 2303: 2270: 2193: 2189:
TParis, this is getting really stupid - he's done it again, in bold this time.
mention. I think it qualifies as a reliable source, especially in the light of
830: 829:
My comments were not addressed to you. And the sourced content was removed for
756: 499: 379: 352: 330: 257: 12666:
Was eligible to vote in the most recent elections to the Arbitration Committee
12636: 10067:
I'm not reading consensus for a merge in the above, given the assertions made.
5409: 12792:
canvassing, even if I tried to describe the situation in a neutral fashion.--
12369: 12267: 12005: 11187: 11165: 11157: 10745: 10702: 10010: 9966: 9942: 9937: 9745: 9518: 8789: 8785: 8207: 8205:
7778: 7600: 7509: 6478: 5885: 5877: 5761:. Participating in AFD will sharpen your knowledge of notability guidelines 5758: 5754: 5746: 5738: 5734: 5727: 5723: 5719: 5707: 5699: 5695: 5687: 5683: 5679: 5671: 5663: 5361: 4540: 4411: 4387: 4383: 4375: 4344: 3765: 3761: 3753: 3684: 3316: 3291: 3273:
Knowledge:Administrators' noticeboard#Cla68 now posting "warnings" to editors
2952: 2744: 2170: 2162: 2136: 2118: 1886: 1708: 1247: 670: 495: 480:
You do. What exactly do you base "nationalist idiocy" on with regards to me?
322: 265: 9105:
Texas Education Agency accountability ratings system#Academically Acceptable
Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Volunteer Development Coordinator
Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Volunteer Development Coordinator
13162: 13130: 13121: 12870: 12605: 12574: 12256: 12221: 11958: 11928: 11881: 11837: 11657: 11618: 11477: 11224: 10875: 10565: 10550: 10070: 9998: 9993: 9614: 9574: 9529: 9323: 9278: 9230: 9174: 8557: 8528: 8501: 8289: 7582: 7543: 6099: 5750: 5715: 5602: 5147:
Access denied for user 'tparis'@'' to database 'u_soxred93'
4371: 3976: 3641: 3613: 3586: 3426: 3295: 3223: 3195: 2776: 2752: 2607: 2576: 2549: 2416: 2174: 2166: 2114: 1821: 656: 431: 422: 378:
StephenBuxton beat me to the restore. Thank you for the consideration. --
11696: 11190:/recent (which should is - deacto - only changed by the script). Regards, 11030: 10270:(disabled) by $ 1 for the following reason(s):"? That bolding is optional. 10069:
On re-reading the procedure, yes I do see the consensus for merge. Sorry.
has a good record of closing contentious RFCs. You might ask him.--v/r -
3244: 2749:
Knowledge:Miscellany for deletion/User:Surturz/AdminWatch (2nd nomination)
Thanks Tom, I discovered a new notice board which I hope will do the job.
Speaking of diffs, is it against the rules to say this in an edit summary
329:; "infamous voyeur pornographic site") - Knowledge's neutrality policies ( 13328: 13261: 13233: 13205: 13193: 13145: 13109: 13082: 13002: 12857: 12821: 12755: 12738: 12703: 12619: 12593: 12504: 12286: 12187: 12146:
Ignore that - I assume it's due to the toolserver lag referred to above.
12102: 12049: 11946: 11770: 11671: 11633: 11521: 11509: 11431: 11355: 11335:
select( 'user', 'user_id', array( 'user_name' =: -->
11281: 11203: 11009: 10900: 10810: 10733: 10732:
Exactly what Cyberpower said. I can't control the replag, sorry.--v/r -
10680: 10635: 10622: 10578: 10577:
Yeah, I declined it. I'm unfamilar with Commission Breakthrough.--v/r -
10399: 10367: 10320: 10284: 10245: 10222: 10198: 10156: 10107: 10084: 10039: 9953: 9858: 9820: 9791: 9763: 9713: 9701: 9678:
Hi there. It does the same thing for the English version. I tried to run
9628: 9598: 9556: 9478: 9417: 9297: 9222: 9190: 9070: 9053: 9037: 9017: 9001: 8913: 8881: 8849: 8819: 8797: 8747: 8706: 8651: 8545: 8516: 8407: 8385: 8355: 8320: 8308: 8271: 8231: 8187: 8158: 8157:
Yes, it actually gets asked a lot. It means "Very Respectfully."--v/r -
8122: 8057: 8038: 8004: 7922: 7852: 7720: 7682: 7634: 7570: 7558: 7497: 7459: 7447: 7432: 7410: 7338: 6977: 6911: 6873: 6809: 6744: 6698: 6662: 6633:
and seconds please review Darkness2005 previous ukblock discussion here:
6597: 6585: 6533: 6498: 6341: 6290: 6254: 6222: 6190: 6109: 6019: 5949: 5766: 5643: 5514: 5451: 5365: 5310: 5284: 5227: 5165: 5050: 5007: 4844: 4801: 4762: 4723: 4682: 4642: 4554: 4495: 4462: 4438:
vulnerability. It isn't properly sanitizing its output. Example URL: <
4391: 4359: 4317: 4288: 4174: 4131: 4076: 4045: 3906: 3867: 3802: 3780: 3725: 3692: 3484: 3445: 3381: 3335: 3300: 3211: 3172: 3140: 3115: 3079: 3029: 2996: 2716: 2679: 2624: 2474: 2435: 2317: 2178: 2123: 2087: 2049: 1998: 1945: 1915: 1838: 1795: 1768: 1712: 1681: 1646: 1535: 1460: 1404: 1309: 1280: 1251: 1217: 1197: 1177: 1138: 1121: 1097: 1049: 985: 961: 917: 903: 877: 840: 768: 744: 692: 635: 594: 518:
Support removal of misrepresented content which reflects badly on Muslims
503: 367: 303: 269: 202: 189: 170: 143: 119: 10899:
Thanks, but I think I came very close to snapping several times.--v/r -
You mean bad images and current events? Current events is taken over by
8496:, for example, should display his edit count, but instead it just gives 8384:
ok probobly cant check it out until tomorrow, i qm on a trip.--v/r -
peça a ser escolhida fica a seu critério: dama, torre, bispo ou cavalo.
Dica: a dama tem os mesmos movimentos da torre e bispo em uma só peça.
6431: 5321:
What would be right would be, as I've urged two or three times now, for
If you have questions or concerns at any time, feel free to email me at
616: 10967:
Let's first wait until the replag clears before we dispute this issue.—
10918: 10861: 10379: 8582:
I'm a little 'disheartened' at your closing debate comment - regarding
7531: 5407: 5351:
You're getting tedious. I obviously reviewed them prior to contacting
5212: 5150: 5104: 4238:
interview, and can say no and stop or leave the interview at any time.
4149: 4112: 4030: 3998: 3965: 3394: 3366: 3348: 3320: 2379: 2140: 2100: 2065: 2030: 1325: 1294: 1265: 1032: 942: 691:
Thanks ;) It' actually been really fun and I've learned a lot.--v/r -
578: 481: 450: 114: 12961:
I didn't see this, but was going to ask you the same thing when I saw
It was forcibly reopened by Dream Focus and reclosed by someone else.—
So you haven't yet decided whether the request will actually be made?
Regarding project space for Soxred93's tools, you might place them on
2169:. There are no sides between me and you. There is you, and there is 1042:
Was just about to link the same pages JCAla did above. There actually
12896: 12891:" in any recall vote that might be initiated because of this absurd " 12774: 12720: 12687: 12029:
It seems to have stopped counting article created. At least, for me.-
For volunteering to help out with my script and fixing the problem. —
10211: 10097: 10055: 10028: 9988: 9871: 9847: 9810: 9780: 9752: 7224:
5º passo - Já o rei, será colocado na casa que sobrar dessa fileira.
5496: 5432: 5338: 5337:
So please, will you do that now and save us all the trouble of AfD?
I was looking for a review of my undeletion; but fair enough.--v/r -
4862: 3709: 3651: 3521: 3500: 3467: 2789:
Thank you for all the work you're doing to take over soxred's tools!
2490: 2457: 12198:
The lag is clearing. I estimate it should be gone within 24 hours.—
11338:, it hangs up. Do you think you could help me out with this issue?— 10175:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/List of countries by Nobel laureates
No prejudice to an immediate renomination with less WP:BATTLEGROUND.
8091: 7236:
Existem três opções para defender o rei no caso de xeque. São elas:
quebradas se empurrada em diagonal, além da facilidade de tombá-la.
The Rhythm Divine is a weekly music program in ABC Radio National.
code, I am sure the 'crats would speedy-approve the account.--v/r -
3819: 2328:
Fine, stricken. I'm not going to waste my time on the likes of him.
in his native language. Sorry for venting, it is that frustrating...
9977: 9914: 9657:" ( is no correct wiki). Can anyone help me? Yours 8784:
Out of the folks that turned out. But my experience from watching
Hi TParis. Thank you for taking over X!'s tools. I tried using the
Colunas - conjunto de casas dispostas em uma mesma linha vertical.
Because I and other editors already did that in the context of the
3552: 2515: 13046:
Shouldn't one of the civility police be around soon to block you?
Why the hell can't you people take a white flag when you see one?—
5694:, and I couldn't see any activity in administrative areas such as 4281:
Thanks in advance for your help. We have a lot to learn from you.
there is no free software suite 'used in 5000 hospitals worldwide'
12716: 12676:
Not from an editor who has been warned by me within the last year
At least 10 article edits per month during the preceding 3 months
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Aziz Shavershian (2nd nomination)
11653: 11614: 9416:
Fixed. I must have closed it before the script finished.--v/r -
Shoot. No wonder. I forgot to load the configuration folders.
completando a 4ª casa e automaticamente o lance estará completo.
Its not stress, but the unanswered questions do need responses -
4611: 4567: 3054:? If it was with X!'s counter, will it still work? Best regards, 1882:
Discuss the issue on a relevant noticeboard (ANEW, NPOV, ANI, 3O)
9974:- initially said delete or merge, but later changed to redirect. 9653:. But if I try to see edits of German wikipedia I can only see " 8095:
For taking over updating the adminstats functionality of Soxbot
7315: cache
Fileiras - conjunto de casas dispostas em uma mesma horizontal.
to be an admin. Your subsequent behavior reinforces my opinion.
Seems to be working for me. What error are you getting?--v/r -
3957: 399:
So please help me with this article I will be forever grateful.
The page was deleted because it was completely promotional, see
O tabuleiro se divide em casas, colunas, fileiras e diagonais.
Do you have an account? It's not all available on SVN.--v/r -
been trained how to conduct interviews ethically and properly.
4130:? These are the kind of sanctions we're talking about.--v/r - 10005:
Only seemed to express opinion on keeping Thelma and/or Eunice
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Thelma Harper (2nd nomination)
Sure, I won't dispute any of that, but haven't you heard that
Concerning X!'s tools, if you ever have a minute to check why
Yes, every single one; even the long ones. Also, please read
although I am far from being anywhere close to a nationalist.
12307: 3362: 2932: 2013:. By the way, I heartily agree with you about the hatting. -- 793:
were he argues that an Op-Ed is good for statements of fact.
10532:: No, I don't have an UTRS account. I sent you an email. -- 9627:
Of course, if he wants it I've no problem userfying.--v/r -
at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.
In all your time on Knowledge, it is unlikely that you have
at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.
7647: 6145:
at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.
Yeah. I don't mind if you want to take over either.--v/r -
4177:, I'm a professor in the College of Communication Arts and 3222:
Thanks, that helps! I appreciate the clarification. Cheers,
1495: 13327:
and strongly opinionated enough to defend yourself.--v/r -
No comment on the rest of this sorry business, but Barts1a
11649: 11610: 10482:
task. If you have any objections, please let me know now.—
to do until one of us can put more attention to it.--v/r -
9226: 7481:
this notice or do you know any other good counter? Thanks,
Dica: os bispos fazem o movimento contrário ao das torres.
The RFC ended about three weeks ago, it is now in limbo at
For your consideration: republish page "Astrid Chevallier".
What does the v/r mean, please? Has anybody asked before?
Hi TParis, I was wondering if you would consider deleting
This discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.
This discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.
long-term committment to this, but they're trying.--v/r -
some upcoming MediaWiki & Wikimedia developers' events
Ok, I think we're done here. Feel free to continue on to
141:... same. Some Indian IP editor you blocked apparently. -- 12233:
Hello, TParis. Please check your email; you've got mail!
Hello, TParis. Please check your email; you've got mail!
Howdy TP. There's a long-standing Unicode-parsing bug in
Dica: o cavalo é a única peça que salta sobre as outras.
I hear you – it's hard to live on what Knowledge pays us
Hello, TParis. Please check your email; you've got mail!
working right now. This user however is also very busy.—
4857: 4222:
communication based upon your comfort level, time, etc.)
Guess what? Cla68 has reposted his accusations yet again
1494:. We have customized the open-source PatientOS software ( 613:
International history of the twentieth century and beyond
And now I have a series of it.... all unambiguous abuses
I've included your adminstats template on my User page:
Invitation to Berlin hackathon, and possible sponsorship
Cool legend about the origins of chess. Thanks.--v/r -
Casa - menor parte do tabuleiro, sendo em seu total 64.
2650:(original Rennie version)-style civility-enforcement. 12337:
Many thanks in advance for your comments and thoughts.
It's awesome to finally get to start work on this! :).
The issues above demonstrate a lack of experience with
As I said on your talk page, you can take the issue to
1215:(this was not a stand alone..see Magog's talk page). -- 1095:
Really? How many times do you want to use 'however'? --
The replag on en is currently over a day, causing the
9151: 9095:
Hi. I wondered if you'd please review your closure at
respondeu que queria seu pagamento em grãos de trigo.
The Wikimedia Foundation would happily offer you both
Invitation to join WikiProject Article Rescue Squadron
2743:, a page you are mentioned on, has been nominated for 285:
can't seem to find it my you please undo this for me?
13189:. More can be found just by going through a list at 11613:
was edited 36 times, but this is wrong. It should be
10793:}@TParis:Aren't you supposed to connect to u_tparis?— 6398:
purely by chance, so I guess you're working on it (:
Message added 18:53, 24 February 2012 (UTC). You can
can all benefit from clerking. You can also work in
aren't just pointing to a qualifying source. Oh well.
P.S. Where are you getting his toolserver codes from?
That's embarrassing, thanks for the heads up.--v/r -
521: 9255:
Texas Education Agency accountability ratings system
revision due to the offensive edit summary. Cheers
do specify that talk pages are for discussing about
with you. If interested, please send me an email at
topic ban, shouldn't you actually notify the user? —
From the editors; award recipients; contest results
Actually that was a personal task. So never mind.—
9171:shows plenty of non-Texas refs. What do you think? 7284:Tente acompanhar pelo exemplo do diagrama ao lado: 6657:No one has accused you of socking, what I said was 5815:
From the editors; award recipients; contest results
537:BTW Tom, I had been rewriting that bloody article, 520:And of course then I go and do something like this 10050:Ah, I counted those as "no opinion on the others". 9395:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Blacktree Software 9237:) It's worth noting that there are no entries for 9649:Hello, I know that the edit counter is now unter 8437:TParis, would you be interested in coming to the 7351:Clima e Agricultura na Microrregião de Irecê – BA 6437:Thanks for taking on the santorum article close. 6048:Knowledge:Administrators' noticeboard#Triumvirate 5662:I then looked at your page creations. This BLP, 3248:Thanks for the acquisition of X! 's edit counter 12895:", I probably don't have that page watchlisted. 10095:Nod, though please fix link in your close : ) - 9477:Sorry I don't. Google "linux shortcuts"--v/r - 7633:Did you create a .cfg file for your bot?--v/r - 6571: 6494:User_talk:CIreland#.22santorum.22_and_protection 6233:I am voluntarily avoiding the article talkpage. 1898:(Requires voluntary participation by both sides) 11119:Hawkeye on Knowledge collaborating with the AWM 8843:I'm sorry, I can't. I had a conversation with 8664:Question about your closure of Aziz Shavershian 5722:, ect. I saw a little bit of participation at 5401:-- especially when there's been such a history 4215:Interviews will last between 15 and 30 minutes. 1073:Non controversial sentence structure adjustment 12082:I just wanted to request that an admin delete 11043:For putting up with me and still being nice. — 9393:Am I missing something, or did you just close 8490: 7446:You're right, it's been taken care of.--v/r - 4979:Edit Counter is not working. What's going on? 3189:Hi TParis. Quick question about your close of 1492: 110:Hi, when ever you log in.. kindly delete this 12654:No (unoverturned) blocks within the last year 12523: 10596:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Maren Knudsen 9165: 9097:Articles for deletion/Academically Acceptable 8705:and not beat up anyone who disagreed.--v/r - 8542:Character_encoding#Common_character_encodings 2601:Are you sure that the ANI diff you posted at 2060:You took a side and gave an opinion. You're 10221:, because it must be reinstated immediately. 7769:New Page Triage engagement strategy released 5765:deletion guidelines too. Good luck.--v/r - 4476: 2843:More praise for bringing back the X! counter 1711:, you won't find any more help here.--v/r - 941:or there is not. Do you agree with me here? 717:importance or significance of the subject) 516:I'm such a nationalist I do stuff like this 11999:Thanks to all of you for commenting on the 11237:For solving the malfunction of my script. — 7409:Awesome, I love hearing about rain.--v/r - 5376:That you've reversed yourself after being " 3708:here to wherever the article lands at DRV. 2165:. If you disagree, you are welcome to ask 12592:, he's struck out for some reason.--v/r - 11142:. To receive it on your talk page, please 11111:Nick-D looks into two recent Milhist books 10988:Jetstreamer is probably right. He started 9577:asked me to give my views on the close of 7423:Revision deletion - offensive edit summary 7363:The following discussion has been closed. 7002:The following discussion has been closed. 5862:. To receive it on your talk page, please 5831:Nick-D looks into two recent Milhist books 3275:- I suspect you will have a view on this. 1879:Invite a third party for a neutral opinion 11567: 11179:I know you only overtook X!'s tools e.g. 9712:It seems toolserver is fixed now.--v/r - 9356:Hello, TParis. You have new messages at 8945:Hello, TParis. You have new messages at 8439:Berlin Wikimedia hackathon, June 1-3 2012 6808:Can you give me a file name/path?--v/r - 6267:User_talk:Timotheus_Canens#offer_to_close 6166:User talk:Timotheus Canens#offer to close 6134:Hello, TParis. You have new messages at 5675:encyclopedic tone rather than a brochure. 4443:. Please fix this as soon as possible. -- 3153:For a neutral support, message in a box. 1490:Our clinical forms are downloadable from 12521:Just wishing my friends a Happy Easter.— 12046:Knowledge:VPT#Toolserver_replication_lag 12044:I know, nothing I can do about it. See 12025:Tool not working for 'Articles created'? 11103:The month's Featured and A-class content 10236:Restored. Generally when article has a 10083:I think we're all satisfied now?--v/r - ist kein korrektes Wiki 8090: 7458:Thanks for the speedy response! Cheers 5823:The month's Featured and A-class content 4538:There's always common ground with pie!-- 3243: 565:is a blatant lie especially considering 11367:possible corrupt edit from being made.— 11083: 10439:Simple approved for trial of 50 edits.— 9579:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/WeVideo 9016:and I'll reread the discussion.--v/r - 8828:. Would you be willing to certify it?-- 5803: 2957:For more information, please visit the 2811:Thanks for reviving the edit counter! 2644:by a busy-body who increasingly favors 1989:I actually didn't miss them, they were 1662:claim and raising the false problem of 1588:taken as a valid argument on Knowledge. 14: 9684:" is not a valid wiki" 9267:. For the immediate issue here, maybe 6471:Talk:Campaign for "santorum" neologism 6364:Talk:Campaign for "santorum" neologism 5839:Ian Rose discusses article assessments 4430:XSS vulnerability in one of your tools 4358:Hi, stick around for a minute.--v/r - 4339:Talk:Doctor_of_Business_Administration 4211:So a few things about the interviews: 2901:Thanks for reviving the edit counter. 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 13381: 11584:For you help to the Welsh Knowledge! 9831:I'm right and you're wrong. no wait, 8650:procedural keep of a new AFD.--v/r - 6358:Why is it that no one has closed the 6046:. I have started a new subsection at 5364:. Otherwise, take it to AFD.--v/r - 3557:Xtv - (my talk) - (que dius que què?) 2608:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2520:Xtv - (my talk) - (que dius que què?) 2010:I just figure I should let you know: 235:You recently deleted one of my pages 12237: 11703:The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar 11458: 11202:What is the AFC helper tool?--v/r - 10892: 10169:List of countries by Nobel laureates 9682:on myself today and it came up with 8249: 6680: 6545: 6080: 6038:Hi TParis. You volunteered to close 4839:I just got his edit counter working 2858:The Editcountitis Placating Barnstar 1891:Take the issue to dispute resolution 1556:list of such packages from Knowledge 25: 12787:Of course, one could say that only 12660:No involuntarily de-sysopped admins 12483:You closed the deletion review for 9203:Ofsted#Current system of inspection 7013: 5210:Thanks for keeping these tools up! 4278:more than happy to speak with you. 3971:Also, you might want to know about 3650: 2942:WikiProject Article Rescue Squadron 618:Is were you will see any progress. 138:Thanks. I guess I missed this one. 23: 12306: 12226: 11447: 9349: 8938: 7270:Quando não se pode fazer o roque: 6127: 6069: 4478:doesn't work I'd appreciate it. :) 3361:By the way, the runners' topic in 2937: 705:Deletion of Calypto Design Systems 24: 13407: 13120:Hipocrite is correct. Please see 12663:No record of abusive sockpuppetry 12648:At least 1,000 edits in mainspace 11578:The Tireless Contributor Barnstar 6136:Knowledge:Bot owners' noticeboard 5486:section headed "Hi dear Tom Paris 5383:Why don't I go source by source? 3820: 168:. Sorry for the inconvenience. -- 12302: 11995:Help us develop better software! 11695: 11568: 11223: 11086:Your Military History Newsletter 11077: 11029: 10893: 10860: 10822: 8444: 8250: 7793: 7646: 6681: 6546: 6430: 5806:Your Military History Newsletter 5797: 4856: 4602: 3925:avoid this from happening again. 3294:out the window since apparently 3139: 2850: 2775: 2395:. He's daring you to block him. 1584:"You should delete that too" is 655: 29: 12389:Thanks mate. He continues with 12275: 9956:- oppose a merge if not sourced 9724:It's working for me. Thanks! -- 8635: 8612: 7781:about the project and also the 7569:It should be fixed now.--v/r - 5595:Requesting a nomination for RfA 4259:(to maintain anonymity) and I 2153:Again, you must not understand 997:Sanctions working already, wow 12479:Deletion of 'The 30 Years War' 12347: 11670:Ok, I'll look into it.--v/r - 11602:Edit counter: Top edited pages 11562:Tireless Contributor Barnstar 8465:I have done some reworking on Thanks! Best, 5755:dispute resolution noticeboard 4610:Have you been in contact with 1747:Any luck on general sanctions? 1442:several mentions, all trivial 200:Right! Thanks alot. Cheers. -- 13: 1: 12573:in the last ArbCom election. 9294:Knowledge:Redirects_are_cheap 7345:20:16, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 7332:20:12, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6984:04:22, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6969:04:18, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6918:20:12, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6905:19:11, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6880:02:21, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6867:01:19, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6841:01:10, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6816:00:52, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6803:00:50, 29 February 2012 (UTC) 6777:21:20, 28 February 2012 (UTC) 6751:21:07, 28 February 2012 (UTC) 6738:21:02, 28 February 2012 (UTC) 6705:14:02, 28 February 2012 (UTC) 6692:07:40, 28 February 2012 (UTC) 6669:12:00, 27 February 2012 (UTC) 6651:05:19, 27 February 2012 (UTC) 6604:03:40, 28 February 2012 (UTC) 6592:17:56, 27 February 2012 (UTC) 6579:17:23, 27 February 2012 (UTC) 6562:22:39, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6540:20:54, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6526:18:22, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6505:18:26, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6487:18:22, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6453:15:39, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6417:05:25, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6389:05:07, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6348:02:07, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6334:02:02, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6297:02:08, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6284:02:06, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6261:02:02, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6248:02:00, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6229:01:50, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6216:01:46, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6197:01:43, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6183:01:41, 25 February 2012 (UTC) 6155:18:53, 24 February 2012 (UTC) 6118:02:43, 24 February 2012 (UTC) 6060:02:43, 24 February 2012 (UTC) 6026:02:07, 24 February 2012 (UTC) 6010:00:00, 24 February 2012 (UTC) 5982:18:58, 23 February 2012 (UTC) 5956:13:54, 23 February 2012 (UTC) 5943:13:48, 23 February 2012 (UTC) 5909:13:29, 23 February 2012 (UTC) 5889:10:34, 21 February 2012 (UTC) 5773:14:37, 20 February 2012 (UTC) 5650:14:08, 19 February 2012 (UTC) 5637:03:53, 19 February 2012 (UTC) 5616:03:26, 19 February 2012 (UTC) 5585:21:55, 21 February 2012 (UTC) 5569:06:52, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 5521:19:17, 21 February 2012 (UTC) 5505:00:09, 21 February 2012 (UTC) 5458:23:15, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 5441:23:04, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 5372:21:36, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 5347:21:19, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 5317:02:02, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 5305:00:28, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 5291:23:51, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 5278:21:36, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 5250:17:32, 21 February 2012 (UTC) 5236:18:24, 20 February 2012 (UTC) 5221:15:27, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 5199:11:03, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 5172:10:59, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 5159:10:56, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 5141:10:46, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 5113:10:38, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 5087:21:18, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 5057:20:55, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 5043:20:44, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 5014:20:30, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 5002:20:26, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 4975:10:40, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4947:01:35, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4895:17:30, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 4881:01:26, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4851:01:08, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4835:01:08, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4808:01:06, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4796:01:04, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4769:01:02, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4757:01:01, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4730:00:57, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4717:00:43, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 4561:14:10, 19 February 2012 (UTC) 4548:03:56, 19 February 2012 (UTC) 4528:23:35, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 4502:02:41, 19 February 2012 (UTC) 4487:22:23, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 4469:02:01, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 4453:00:15, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 4434:Hi. One of your tools has an 4420:00:36, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 4398:00:33, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 4366:00:29, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 4353:00:25, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 4324:22:46, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 4311:21:54, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 4297:07:26, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 4158:18:35, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 4138:13:41, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 4121:08:27, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 4101:00:20, 15 February 2012 (UTC) 4083:22:58, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 4070:22:12, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 4052:19:41, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 4044:administrative tools.--v/r - 4039:19:31, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 4029:very capable administrators. 4023:18:13, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 3985:13:23, 16 February 2012 (UTC) 3948:21:24, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3913:21:22, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3901:21:15, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3874:21:09, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3861:20:51, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3809:01:56, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 3787:17:08, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3774:17:00, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3732:01:46, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 3718:01:29, 14 February 2012 (UTC) 3699:10:56, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3670:06:31, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3569:10:37, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3530:07:02, 13 February 2012 (UTC) 3509:06:05, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3403:23:12, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3388:13:46, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3375:12:14, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3357:12:11, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3342:00:21, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3329:00:05, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3307:15:00, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3285:11:14, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3258:15:13, 12 February 2012 (UTC) 3232:20:58, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3218:20:49, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3204:20:37, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3179:17:08, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3163:17:07, 11 February 2012 (UTC) 3122:20:40, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3110:20:39, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3086:20:31, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3070:20:26, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3036:22:10, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3023:21:19, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 3003:18:33, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2978:18:25, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2924: 2916:15:39, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2889:14:46, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2838:06:44, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2799:02:13, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2647:The Day The Earth Stood Still 2532:10:37, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 2499:06:05, 10 February 2012 (UTC) 982:User:Magog_the_Ogre/Indo-Iran 563:User:Magog the Ogre/Indo-Iran 523:Yep, I'm a badman all right. 428:User:Magog the Ogre/Indo-Iran 12717:these restrictions from Bart 12242:at any time by removing the 11965: 11935: 11888: 11858: 11844: 11814: 11784: 11741: 11463:at any time by removing the 11140:Military history WikiProject 10131:2011 Angolan Air Force crash 9528:banner as high as anyone at 8762: 8494:Special:Contributions/とある白い猫 6492:Thanks for the note. I saw 6085:at any time by removing the 5860:Military history WikiProject 5657:File:WWE_Wrestlemania_21.jpg 5177: 5119: 5065: 5021: 4980: 4953: 4925: 4813: 4774: 4735: 4695: 4689:23:47, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 4676:23:44, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 4654: 4649:23:36, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 4637:23:27, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 4615: 4597:22:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 4575: 3926: 3652: 3622:12:34, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 3595:12:49, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 3491:13:54, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 3476:06:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 3452:02:17, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 3435:01:33, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2763:23:49, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2723:22:58, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2711:22:56, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2686:13:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2671:11:47, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2631:13:57, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2618:04:25, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2585:12:34, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2558:12:49, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2481:13:54, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2466:06:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2442:02:17, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2425:01:33, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2405:07:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2388:04:37, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2357:02:07, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2338:01:59, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2324:01:48, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2312:01:44, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2298:01:39, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2279:00:36, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2259:00:02, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2224:01:24, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2202:00:40, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2185:00:32, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2149:00:29, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2130:00:16, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2109:00:14, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2094:00:10, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2074:00:08, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2056:00:04, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2039:00:00, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 2023:23:36, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 2005:23:33, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1984:23:20, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1952:02:25, 9 February 2012 (UTC) 1939:18:07, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1922:18:03, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1866:17:54, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1845:17:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1832:17:02, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1802:02:04, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1790:01:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1775:21:00, 7 February 2012 (UTC) 1761:20:57, 7 February 2012 (UTC) 1719:23:12, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1703:21:40, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1688:16:15, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1676:08:29, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1653:22:16, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1611:08:29, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1596:22:11, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1573:22:07, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1550:claim. I have actually said 1542:21:11, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1513:20:25, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1467:18:33, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1454:17:59, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1411:14:34, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1395:10:27, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1357:01:55, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1334:08:51, 6 February 2012 (UTC) 1316:20:16, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1303:18:48, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1287:18:34, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1274:16:55, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 1258:17:59, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1231:17:53, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1209:A copy-paste is a copy-paste 1204:17:32, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1191:17:00, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1167:16:52, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1152:16:47, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1128:16:43, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1111:15:44, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1087:14:43, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1063:08:21, 4 February 2012 (UTC) 1007:18:53, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 992:18:43, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 975:16:52, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 951:16:45, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 931:16:30, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 910:16:26, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 891:16:08, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 871:16:01, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 854:15:58, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 821:15:53, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 803:15:49, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 782:15:22, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 751:22:39, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 699:13:55, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 683:06:07, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 642:21:21, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 628:20:57, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 601:20:49, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 587:20:37, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 552:20:24, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 533:20:10, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 510:20:02, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 490:20:00, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 476:19:59, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 459:19:57, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 444:19:54, 1 February 2012 (UTC) 412:03:18, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 388:08:15, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 374:03:22, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 361:03:08, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 343:00:50, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 310:00:36, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 297:22:24, 25 January 2012 (UTC) 276:03:48, 25 January 2012 (UTC) 251:03:27, 25 January 2012 (UTC) 216:21:07, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 196:21:06, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 184:20:56, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 157:20:51, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 133:20:36, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 7: 12590:Special:SecurePoll/list/240 10177:, you closed the debate as 9569:No talking behind your back 9091:RE: Academically Acceptable 8988:13:36, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 7789:talkpage, or in my inbox - 7106:Regras e noções elementares 7021:tag is missing the closing 5786:: Issue LXXI, February 2012 449:Do you include me in this? 10: 13412: 12879:02:02, 10 April 2012 (UTC) 12588:Yea, but if you check the 12056:16:02, 31 March 2012 (UTC) 12039:12:20, 31 March 2012 (UTC) 12020:16:48, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11971:02:18, 31 March 2012 (UTC) 11953:20:58, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11941:20:48, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11923:11:07, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11894:09:30, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11876:08:48, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11850:08:31, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11832:07:38, 30 March 2012 (UTC) 11802:07:44, 29 March 2012 (UTC) 11777:21:51, 28 March 2012 (UTC) 11759:09:12, 28 March 2012 (UTC) 11721:10:35, 27 March 2012 (UTC) 11678:21:52, 28 March 2012 (UTC) 11666:10:20, 28 March 2012 (UTC) 11640:21:52, 26 March 2012 (UTC) 11627:10:10, 26 March 2012 (UTC) 11594:04:53, 29 March 2012 (UTC) 11544:10:13, 27 March 2012 (UTC) 11528:02:22, 27 March 2012 (UTC) 11516:01:49, 27 March 2012 (UTC) 11499:01:15, 27 March 2012 (UTC) 11438:21:53, 26 March 2012 (UTC) 11425:10:21, 26 March 2012 (UTC) 11396:12:53, 25 March 2012 (UTC) 11379:02:21, 25 March 2012 (UTC) 11362:00:40, 25 March 2012 (UTC) 11350:00:02, 25 March 2012 (UTC) 11326:02:18, 24 March 2012 (UTC) 11312:00:27, 23 March 2012 (UTC) 11288:15:04, 22 March 2012 (UTC) 11275:08:10, 22 March 2012 (UTC) 11249:10:34, 27 March 2012 (UTC) 11210:23:53, 24 March 2012 (UTC) 11197:22:54, 24 March 2012 (UTC) 11181:the automated edti counter 11169:02:43, 24 March 2012 (UTC) 11072: 11055:00:32, 23 March 2012 (UTC) 11016:21:54, 26 March 2012 (UTC) 11002:06:52, 26 March 2012 (UTC) 10979:13:31, 23 March 2012 (UTC) 10963:13:06, 23 March 2012 (UTC) 10952:00:19, 22 March 2012 (UTC) 10928:23:48, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10907:21:37, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10884:21:19, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10843:13:06, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10817:12:58, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10805:11:35, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10781:11:30, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10754:17:49, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10740:12:59, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10728:08:34, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10711:05:22, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10687:02:33, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10660:02:16, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10642:02:12, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10629:02:08, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10616:02:04, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10585:12:59, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10573:12:54, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10558:12:49, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10542:21:32, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10523:21:13, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10494:20:35, 21 March 2012 (UTC) 10468:18:22, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10451:14:50, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10422:03:00, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10406:02:46, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10394:02:37, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10374:02:18, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10362:02:08, 20 March 2012 (UTC) 10343:21:16, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10327:20:39, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10313:20:27, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10291:01:43, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10278:00:17, 19 March 2012 (UTC) 10252:14:33, 17 March 2012 (UTC) 10231:05:43, 17 March 2012 (UTC) 10205:13:13, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10191:07:35, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10163:13:13, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10150:06:25, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10114:13:14, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10102:06:05, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10091:04:44, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10079:04:00, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10060:03:59, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10046:03:44, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 10033:02:52, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9876:02:49, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9865:02:31, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9852:02:28, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9827:02:23, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9815:02:05, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9798:01:54, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9785:01:25, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9770:01:21, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9757:01:19, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9734:04:44, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9720:02:24, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9708:20:29, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9696:19:50, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9673:19:48, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9635:13:15, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9623:04:13, 16 March 2012 (UTC) 9605:12:56, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9591:11:48, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9563:22:59, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9549:22:37, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9510:22:20, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9485:22:17, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9471:22:07, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9438:22:32, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9424:22:04, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9411:21:41, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9384:16:11, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9365:16:11, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9358:Reaper Eternal's talk page 9333:18:37, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9310:Alief Hastings High School 9304:17:33, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9288:15:09, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9197:13:05, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9184:11:17, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9079:00:38, 15 March 2012 (UTC) 9060:13:12, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9046:13:05, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9024:03:04, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 9010:02:03, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8985:13:36, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 8954:13:36, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 8920:18:43, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8908:17:55, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8888:17:50, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8876:17:48, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8856:17:38, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8838:17:05, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8804:13:09, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8780:08:59, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8754:01:18, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8742:01:07, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8713:17:33, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8700:11:39, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8658:17:35, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8644:09:03, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8621:06:32, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8566:17:22, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 8552:17:18, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 8537:16:59, 13 March 2012 (UTC) 8523:17:46, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8510:04:53, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8479:03:36, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8456:02:02, 12 March 2012 (UTC) 8423:05:12, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8414:01:16, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8402:00:44, 14 March 2012 (UTC) 8392:12:32, 10 March 2012 (UTC) 8380:12:29, 10 March 2012 (UTC) 8362:05:01, 10 March 2012 (UTC) 8327:16:44, 10 March 2012 (UTC) 8082:04:12, 11 March 2012 (UTC) 7301:Veja esses dois exemplos: 6596:I fixed the links.--v/r - 5792: 5264:Hey TParis, I just closed 3585:, can be easily checked.-- 2548:, can be easily checked.-- 417:India-Pakistan-Afghanistan 188:Haters gonna hate.--v/r - 13368:14:05, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13335:15:06, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13287:15:03, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13268:15:00, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13255:14:58, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13240:14:54, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13227:14:46, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13212:14:44, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13200:14:41, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13171:14:38, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13152:14:30, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13139:14:27, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13116:14:12, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13103:14:03, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13089:14:00, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13074:14:05, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13056:14:03, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13042:13:58, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13024:13:55, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 13009:13:49, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12996:13:47, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12981:13:45, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12956:13:43, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12940:21:13, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12905:17:13, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12864:17:55, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12852:17:08, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12828:16:49, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12808:16:48, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12783:16:37, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12762:14:09, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12745:13:55, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12729:13:52, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12710:13:41, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12696:13:32, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12637:Good standing and Neutral 12626:13:20, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12614:13:18, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12600:13:13, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12583:13:11, 9 April 2012 (UTC) 12560:14:04, 8 April 2012 (UTC) 12511:13:24, 8 April 2012 (UTC) 12498:13:11, 8 April 2012 (UTC) 12471:18:08, 7 April 2012 (UTC) 12428:17:52, 7 April 2012 (UTC) 12384:16:46, 7 April 2012 (UTC) 12360:23:28, 5 April 2012 (UTC) 12299:Dispute resolution survey 12293:14:52, 5 April 2012 (UTC) 12280:14:19, 5 April 2012 (UTC) 12210:20:45, 4 April 2012 (UTC) 12194:01:25, 4 April 2012 (UTC) 12182:14:36, 3 April 2012 (UTC) 12166:11:46, 3 April 2012 (UTC) 12140:11:42, 3 April 2012 (UTC) 12109:02:16, 2 April 2012 (UTC) 12096:21:07, 1 April 2012 (UTC) 12070:18:26, 1 April 2012 (UTC) 11694: 11574: 11222: 11066:: Issue LXXII, March 2012 11028: 10868:The Barnstar of Diplomacy 10859: 10764:Database login not ported 10693:Edit counter not updating 9980:- keep probably as merged 9917:- keep probably as merged 9247:Academically Unacceptable 8947:Cyberpower678's talk page 8445: 8368:How did a user vote? rfap 8349:23:15, 9 March 2012 (UTC) 8315:23:14, 9 March 2012 (UTC) 8302:21:58, 9 March 2012 (UTC) 8278:13:10, 7 March 2012 (UTC) 8265:10:39, 7 March 2012 (UTC) 8238:21:23, 6 March 2012 (UTC) 8225:21:16, 6 March 2012 (UTC) 8194:01:09, 7 March 2012 (UTC) 8181:01:08, 7 March 2012 (UTC) 8165:20:03, 6 March 2012 (UTC) 8152:19:42, 6 March 2012 (UTC) 8129:19:37, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 8115:19:05, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 8064:23:11, 8 March 2012 (UTC) 8047:22:23, 8 March 2012 (UTC) 8032:22:21, 8 March 2012 (UTC) 8011:00:52, 7 March 2012 (UTC) 7998:22:34, 6 March 2012 (UTC) 7979:21:46, 6 March 2012 (UTC) 7959:03:07, 4 March 2012 (UTC) 7944:01:30, 4 March 2012 (UTC) 7929:16:37, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7911:16:04, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7884:14:07, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7859:14:02, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7845:14:01, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7814:02:08, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7794: 7752:00:34, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7727:00:29, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7714:00:28, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7689:00:26, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7675:00:23, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7641:00:17, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7627:00:16, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7591:00:16, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7577:00:13, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7565:23:59, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7552:23:57, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7520:00:11, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 7504:13:40, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7491:09:06, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7468:02:23, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7454:02:14, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7441:02:08, 2 March 2012 (UTC) 7417:23:15, 1 March 2012 (UTC) 7402:21:06, 1 March 2012 (UTC) 6717:backup up of toolserver.— 4173:My name is Jonathan Obar 3138: 2947:You have been invited to 2849: 2774: 1496: 654: 10744:Alright, thanks anyway. 10679:Yay for Gujarat.--v/r - 9318:Alief Taylor High School 8375:reports "Invalid user!" 7934:raised concerns about.-- 7536:Costa Concordia disaster 7366:Please do not modify it. 7005:Please do not modify it. 6423:A cup of coffee for you! 5482:be sure to look for the 4374:is quite right that our 3758:the alleged written work 3380:rest of the run.--v/r - 1483:that is not required as 1075:when it so obviously is 787:Hey how about this one? 13393:13:53, 9 Apr 2012 (UTC) 9314:Alief Elsik High School 9109:Academically acceptable 9101:Academically Acceptable 8484:Edit counter vs Unicode 7199:O tabuleiro e as peças 3797:The DRV is located at: 2953:Article Rescue Squadron 2741:User:Surturz/AdminWatch 2735:User:Surturz/AdminWatch 2642:You have been mentioned 861:Who wrote those words? 12751:User:Courcelles/Recall 12311: 12231: 11452: 11231:The Technical Barnstar 9839:wrong, no wait... lol 9489:Well, thanks anyways.— 9354: 8943: 8290:automated edit counter 8284:Autoedit counting tool 8117: 7654:. Thanks so much. :)— 6132: 6074: 5464:You're still ignoring 5420:Oh wait... except you 5259:Jaume Cañellas Galindo 3260: 3010:constructive criticism 2943: 2783:The Technical Barnstar 663:The Technical Barnstar 12316:Dispute Resolution – 12310: 12230: 11644:When you look at the 11451: 11037:The Civility Barnstar 10259:MediaWiki:Blockedtext 9504:WP Edits: 522,389,304 9465:WP Edits: 522,387,153 9397:as redirect and then 9353: 8979:WP Edits: 522,119,207 8942: 8135:What does "v/r" mean? 8094: 7878:WP Edits: 520,223,270 7839:WP Edits: 520,222,605 7779:initial documentation 7746:WP Edits: 520,137,116 7708:WP Edits: 520,136,156 7669:WP Edits: 520,135,513 7621:WP Edits: 520,134,535 7041:Onde surgiu o xadrez? 6899:WP Edits: 519,699,058 6861:WP Edits: 519,556,475 6835:WP Edits: 519,555,016 6797:WP Edits: 519,552,382 6771:WP Edits: 519,518,924 6732:WP Edits: 519,515,714 6570:space and hosting in 6131: 6073: 5976:WP Edits: 518,509,992 5937:WP Edits: 518,459,570 4523:WP Edits: 517,560,198 3247: 3171:Hehe, thanks!--v/r - 2941: 2062:previously uninvolved 1993:after the hat. I've 1876:Discuss with the user 1424:and now you say it a 1362:Deletion of PatientOS 42:of past discussions. 11138:is published by the 9532:ever could hope to. 8845:User:MichaelQSchmidt 8830:The Devil's Advocate 8578:Thank you, however.. 8471:The Devil's Advocate 8294:The Devil's Advocate 8074:The Devil's Advocate 8024:The Devil's Advocate 7951:The Devil's Advocate 7936:The Devil's Advocate 7903:The Devil's Advocate 6572:our Git repositories 5858:is published by the 5759:deletion discussions 5297:A Stop at Willoughby 5270:A Stop at Willoughby 4388:conflict of interest 4376:talk page guidelines 3442:es:User:Miss Manzana 3147:The Surreal Barnstar 2432:es:User:Miss Manzana 106:Request for deletion 12945:Please undo closure 11688:A barnstar for you! 11265:. Will it work IW? 11216:A barnstar for you! 11022:A barnstar for you! 10853:A barnstar for you! 10026:Hope this helps. - 9928:User:TenPoundHammer 9389:What happened here? 9253:(other headings at 7783:engagement strategy 7557:K, looking.--v/r - 7137:Movimento das peças 6679:Hello, dear admin! 6584:over there.--v/r - 5895:Editcounter missing 5509:Have you even read 4553:Absolutely!--v/r - 3646:User:Winterfree2000 3640:I'm fairly certain 3267:Escalation by Cla68 3132:A barnstar for you! 2768:A barnstar for you! 1660:over 5000 hospitals 1548:over 5000 hospitals 807:This one is a hoot 648:A barnstar for you! 13060:One presumes so. — 13028:Oh, do fuck off. — 12312: 12285:I replied.--v/r - 12239:remove this notice 12232: 11460:remove this notice 11453: 11336:$ rawuser )); 11334:$ uid = $ db-: --> 9945:(merge but delete) 9369:remove this notice 9355: 8958:remove this notice 8944: 8592:my effort and time 8118: 6846:I think I got it.— 6143:remove this notice 6133: 6082:remove this notice 6075: 5751:dispute resolution 4534:Thanks for the pie 4146:Knowledge:DIGWUREN 4128:Knowledge:DIGWUREN 3655: 3261: 3250:Marek Mazurkiewicz 3019: 2974: 2944: 2733:MfD nomination of 2603:User talk:Tomcloyd 466:will be included. 260:. Also, it's not 13390: 12954: 12818: 12367: 12366: 12362: 12164: 12138: 11726: 11725: 11599: 11598: 11295:talk page stalker 11254: 11253: 11132: 11131: 11128: 11127: 11060: 11059: 10936:talk page stalker 10889: 10888: 10789:talk page stalker 10504:User:Nicoleharbin 9869:No worries : ) - 9275:closure? Thanks. 9205:) uses the terms 8590:because a lot of 8223: 8113: 7899:a draft of an Rfc 7897:Currently I have 7581:Cool, thank you! 7476:X!'s Edit Counter 7405: 7388:comment added by 7380: 7379: 7320: 7319: 6972: 6955:comment added by 6944:The Rhythm Divine 6712:talk page stalker 6689:TariButtar (talk) 6465:Hello. I noticed 6458: 6457: 6354:Just wondering... 5917:talk page stalker 5852: 5851: 5848: 5847: 5624:talk page stalker 5572: 5555:comment added by 5353:User:Miss Manzana 4546: 4301:Young June Sah -- 4207:of our students. 3960:soon; summary at 3923: 3770:que dius que què? 3689:User:Miss Manzana 3653: 3636:talk page stalker 3421:Hi dear Tom Paris 3240:X!'s edit counter 3168: 3167: 3094:.) Best regards, 3021: 3015: 2992: 2991: 2988: 2987: 2984: 2983: 2976: 2970: 2961:, where you can 2894: 2893: 2886: 2835: 2804: 2803: 2761: 2709: 2674: 2657:comment added by 2411:Hi dear Tom Paris 1830: 1580:talk page stalker 1398: 1381:comment added by 1009: 738: 724:comment added by 688: 687: 320: 317:talk page stalker 103: 102: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 13403: 13391: 13387: 13385: 13356:Strange Passerby 13062:Strange Passerby 13030:Strange Passerby 12979: 12978: 12950: 12930: 12850: 12849: 12812: 12806: 12805: 12557: 12552: 12551: 12548: 12545: 12542: 12539: 12536: 12533: 12530: 12527: 12485:The 30 Years War 12460: 12417: 12358: 12356: 12351: 12341: 12303: 12276: 12270: 12263: 12261: 12255: 12251: 12245: 12241: 12229: 12207: 12202: 12179: 12174: 12161: 12153: 12147: 12135: 12127: 12121: 11967: 11961: 11937: 11931: 11919: 11916: 11913: 11910: 11907: 11904: 11890: 11884: 11869: 11865: 11864: 11846: 11840: 11825: 11821: 11820: 11795: 11791: 11790: 11752: 11748: 11747: 11729:Aziz Shavershian 11718: 11713: 11699: 11692: 11691: 11572: 11565: 11564: 11541: 11536: 11496: 11491: 11484: 11482: 11476: 11472: 11466: 11462: 11450: 11422: 11417: 11393: 11388: 11376: 11371: 11347: 11342: 11337: 11309: 11304: 11298: 11246: 11241: 11227: 11220: 11219: 11156:. Your editors, 11144:join the project 11081: 11074: 11073: 11070: 11069: 11052: 11047: 11033: 11026: 11025: 10976: 10971: 10949: 10944: 10939: 10898: 10897: 10896: 10864: 10857: 10856: 10840: 10835: 10830: 10826: 10825: 10802: 10797: 10792: 10725: 10720: 10656: 10653: 10650: 10612: 10609: 10606: 10568: 10553: 10491: 10486: 10481: 10475: 10465: 10460: 10448: 10443: 10419: 10414: 10391: 10386: 10359: 10354: 10340: 10335: 10310: 10305: 10016:User:CallawayRox 9972:User:CrazyLegsKC 9949:User:Niteshift36 9910:User:Dream Focus 9680:X's Edit Counter 9665: 9583:Martijn Hoekstra 9512: 9505: 9499: 9493: 9473: 9466: 9460: 9454: 9399:deleted the page 9372: 9326: 9281: 9262: 9251:Not Rated: Other 9220: 9216: 9212: 9208: 9177: 9170: 9169: 9155: 8987: 8980: 8974: 8968: 8961: 8898: 8866: 8773: 8769: 8768: 8738: 8735: 8732: 8729: 8726: 8723: 8696: 8693: 8690: 8687: 8684: 8681: 8641: 8637: 8633: 8618: 8614: 8610: 8498:an error message 8450: 8449: 8448: 8447: 8341:The Rambling Man 8255: 8254: 8253: 8230:Perfect!--v/r - 8219: 8110: 8102: 8096: 7988: 7969: 7886: 7879: 7873: 7867: 7847: 7840: 7834: 7828: 7800: 7798: 7797: 7796: 7754: 7747: 7741: 7735: 7716: 7709: 7703: 7697: 7677: 7670: 7664: 7658: 7650: 7629: 7622: 7616: 7610: 7404: 7382: 7368: 7355: 7354: 7127:Objetivo do jogo 7032: 7031: 7030: 7024: 7020: 7007: 6994: 6993: 6971: 6949: 6907: 6900: 6894: 6888: 6869: 6862: 6856: 6850: 6843: 6836: 6830: 6824: 6805: 6798: 6792: 6786: 6779: 6772: 6766: 6760: 6740: 6733: 6727: 6721: 6715: 6686: 6685: 6684: 6675:Soxred93's tools 6551: 6550: 6549: 6450: 6449: 6443: 6434: 6427: 6426: 6414: 6405: 6386: 6377: 6331: 6327: 6323: 6281: 6277: 6273: 6245: 6241: 6237: 6213: 6209: 6205: 6180: 6176: 6172: 6146: 6106: 6104: 6098: 6094: 6088: 6084: 6072: 6065:You've got mail! 5984: 5977: 5971: 5965: 5945: 5938: 5932: 5926: 5920: 5901:Ferdinando Scala 5876:. Your editors, 5864:join the project 5801: 5794: 5793: 5790: 5789: 5627: 5612: 5611:My contributions 5605: 5571: 5549: 5217: 5216: 5197: 5194: 5188: 5182: 5139: 5136: 5130: 5124: 5085: 5082: 5076: 5070: 5041: 5038: 5032: 5026: 5000: 4997: 4991: 4985: 4973: 4970: 4964: 4958: 4945: 4942: 4936: 4930: 4877: 4872: 4865: 4860: 4833: 4830: 4824: 4818: 4794: 4791: 4785: 4779: 4755: 4752: 4746: 4740: 4715: 4712: 4706: 4700: 4674: 4671: 4665: 4659: 4635: 4632: 4626: 4620: 4609: 4606: 4605: 4595: 4592: 4586: 4580: 4545: 4524: 4518: 4512: 4484: 4287:Jonathan Obar -- 4098: 4096: 4093: 4067: 4065: 4062: 4020: 4018: 4015: 3964:). 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Thanks. 6513: 6463: 6447: 6446: 6439: 6425: 6413: 6406: 6400: 6385: 6378: 6372: 6356: 6329: 6325: 6321: 6317: 6279: 6275: 6271: 6243: 6239: 6235: 6211: 6207: 6203: 6178: 6174: 6170: 6162: 6147: 6140: 6125: 6107: 6102: 6096: 6092: 6090:You've got mail 6086: 6078: 6070: 6067: 6036: 6002:Darkness Shines 5995: 5980: 5975: 5969: 5963: 5941: 5936: 5930: 5924: 5914: 5897: 5892: 5844: 5808: 5788: 5668:Netgear WNA3100 5621: 5614: 5610: 5603: 5597: 5550: 5545: 5262: 5226:I second that! 5214: 5213: 5192: 5186: 5180: 5134: 5128: 5122: 5080: 5074: 5068: 5036: 5030: 5024: 4995: 4989: 4983: 4968: 4962: 4956: 4940: 4934: 4928: 4875: 4868: 4863: 4828: 4822: 4816: 4789: 4783: 4777: 4750: 4744: 4738: 4710: 4704: 4698: 4669: 4663: 4657: 4630: 4624: 4618: 4607: 4603: 4590: 4584: 4578: 4572: 4536: 4522: 4516: 4510: 4482: 4432: 4384:reliable source 4332: 4168: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4063: 4060: 4058: 4016: 4013: 4011: 4001: 3962:this blog entry 3941: 3935: 3929: 3899: 3891: 3885: 3859: 3851: 3845: 3836:Dutch Knowledge 3816: 3795: 3667: 3661: 3633: 3423: 3269: 3242: 3187: 3134: 3104: 3096: 3064: 3056: 3048: 3014: 2980: 2969: 2923: 2904: 2903: 2899: 2881: 2874: 2870: 2866: 2845: 2834: 2824: 2821: 2818: 2815: 2812: 2809: 2770: 2738: 2698: 2696: 2652: 2639: 2637:Courtesy notice 2616: 2612: 2599: 2413: 2373:Unfortunately, 2345: 2286: 2254: 2250: 2245: 2212: 2159:become involved 1979: 1975: 1970: 1964: 1931:Darkness Shines 1858:Darkness Shines 1853: 1814: 1749: 1577: 1376: 1364: 1344: 1342:Hi mister Paris 1216: 1176: 1159:Darkness Shines 1137: 1096: 1079:Darkness Shines 1048: 999:Darkness Shines 960: 916: 915:Fair enough. -- 876: 863:Darkness Shines 839: 813:Darkness Shines 795:Darkness Shines 767: 759: 719: 707: 650: 620:Darkness Shines 609: 544:Darkness Shines 525:Darkness Shines 419: 230: 201: 169: 142: 118: 108: 77: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 13409: 13399: 13398: 13397: 13396: 13395: 13394: 13376: 13375: 13374: 13373: 13372: 13371: 13370: 13324: 13323: 13322: 13321: 13320: 13319: 13318: 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20:36, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

20:51, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

20:56, 24 January 2012 (UTC)
21:06, 24 January 2012 (UTC)
21:07, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

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