
User talk:Peacemaker67/Archive 21

Source šŸ“

claims. They weren't my POV or opinions or just my feelings. However you demonstrated such attributes by deleting parts of my edit taken from his book. Because you felt it wasn't correct. Based on what I don't know. Not my issue. Peacemaker agreed with the edit, is he also excusing or downplaying Ustase crimes? You almost alluded to him doing so in the talk page and I countered your reply to him. There is no such think as a justified genocide. A another editor had stated on that talk page to one of you. Would it be excusing and downplaying 9/11 if we acknowledge that The West's actions in the Middle-East contributed to it? Of course not. Doing so is a way to shut up dialogue and insight into where these terrorists group come from. A valid comparison as I personally view the Ustashe as a Catholic form of ISIS. I am also not elevating Chetnik crimes as I am editing based on sources I came by. Had I edited based on my own personal research then you would be valid in your claim. The editor who shall no be named, labels those who question Chetnik anti-fascist loyalty or opens discussion about Chetnik crimes as Ustashe apologists. And he claims I have no honor? Please. That was the posts of his that was the last straw for me. So my issue was mainly with him. You deny the genocide happened ( I mean this in a literal sense in that you don't feel there are enough sources that validate it). Fine. But when deleting my edits, at least include edit comments stating your reasoning. Also notice how I don't have issue with Peacemaker or other editors with disagreeing with my point. I have no issue with disagreement.
Knowledge in general not the Banjica Camp specifically that I have had concerns about. While you may have rewritten some of them, lately a lot of changes were made by other editors. That content is my concern. As well as what information or sources may be missing potentially that you or I may not be aware of. As for claims of the regimes collaborators being ā€œcloseā€ in comparison to Ustashe, this was historian Israeliā€™s viewpoint on pg 32 of his book. Claiming that GNS collaborators didnā€™t seem resistant to orders. And in fact responsive. He was cited in the intro. I do not claim they were the same as the Ustashe. Absolutely not. Recent edits to the articles were my concern. And articles such as Milan Nedić, Holocaust in Serbia and Milan Nedićā€™s regime especially in recent edits in the past weeks appear to downplay their complicity and culpability (in their role in the Holocaust again not the camp specifically). Not sure if you see the same thing occurring on Knowledge. Do collaborators bare responsibility in their roles? Do the articles about Nedić, his regime, the Holocaust in Serbia and collaboration appear to be overall accurate to the extent of Serbian collaboration? I donā€™t know if you had done most the writing of these article but keep in mind recently a number of edits were made to them by various editors hence why I ask. Also because you appear far more knowledgeable on the subject and neutral so I trust your views and judgement. Itā€™s why I tend to come to you with questions. As I donā€™t fully trust my own probable biases. I hope Iā€™m a bit more clear this time.
3257:, he states that the use of "widespread genocide" was the reason for high amount of human loss in Yugoslavia and that it was also used in revenge. He then goes on about how 'Serbs perished at the hands of the Ustashe" and that "Croats and Muslims perished at the hands of Chetniks". He clearly is painting both as acts of genocide. He claims that Italians up to September 1943 and Germans thought the war assisted in this genocide. Partly independently and partly through puppet regimes. Also saying Italians used the Chetniks, for example, to assist in killing of the Croatian population in parts of territory under Italian control (conflict with MacDonald). As for Redzic, sorry I gave the wrong page, page 155 is the one. Here he details how "after 3 year long Chetnik campaign against the Croats and Muslims, conducted int he form of ethnic cleansing and genocide, to form an ethnically homogeneous territory for ther expansionist Serbian state" the order to incorporate Croats and Muslims into the Yugoslav army was "too late" and "unrealistic" as Chetniks became "desperate" for additional fighting power against Partisans. I am trying to get access to the page for Parson's. Will get back to you. Also, the wiki pages for list of massacres that were carried out in WWII Yugoslavia, there were a number of large scale massacres carried out by Chetniks against Croats specifically. 7431:. Nationality (in the sense of the state to which the person belonged, not the Yugoslav concept of nationality, which is often conflated with the republics and ethnicity) can be and usually is in the first sentence of biographies, but ethnicity usually isn't unless it is inherent to the person's notability. In Pavelić's case, it is certainly arguable that his ethnicity IS part of his notability, as he led a Croatian puppet state and was a Croatian ultranationalist. I don't think the same ethnic connection applies to Stepinac, to the same extent at least. His main point of notability is his position as a Catholic leader in Yugoslavia, but it is also arguable that his Croatian ethnicity and nationalism, and conflicted relationship with the Ustashas are part of his notability. At present I am leaning towards describing him as Yugoslav, but if the majority of the reliable sources describe him as Croatian, rather than Yugoslav, I'm willing to reconsider my view. What I object to is random IPs just changing it without discussion or providing sources. Cheers, 7639:
does not make sense. I neither said whether these terms are good, bad, whatever, I simply stated that they are being used and they really are. I checked the behavior of user Tuvixer and I have seen more people here on Knowledge complaining about similar behavior from him. If necessary, I make a larger report on that because this does not make any sense. Since when is sourced content being allowed to be removed just like that? I mean, I put multiple references there on purpose to show that it can be seen as used often in proper historical literature. I am writing this before putting the references back and also changing the word commonly to word also since even the term socialist Croatia that was used there earlier is not necessarily a commonly used term. This is to address one of the grievances in the newest reason on the talk page for the removal of the sourced content that was there for a while.
of genocide. Having said all that, his is a minority view regarding the killing, conversion and expulsion of Serbs from the NDH by the Ustashas, which clearly was genocidal in intent and practice. It is unlikely that any sources would consider the killing of Croats by the Chetniks to be genocidal in intent (it is usually couched as revenge or counter-terror), although some sources say the Chetnik killings and expulsions of Muslims in eastern Bosnia was genocidal. As to how to deal with POV-pushers, I tend to deprecate local sources (particularly those from the post-Yugoslavia period on all sides, which are often very biased) and generally use foreign academic sources like Tomasevich, Hoare, Ramet, Milazzo, Roberts, Pavlowich, Mojzes etc on controversial matters within the former Yugoslavia. If the POV-pushing is clear and persistent, and I can provide enough diffs, I take the editor(s) to
have any historical source data which prove that. Original historical information mentioned by American historian is that he is captured in Croatia (today part of eastern Bosnia) otherwise in that area other historical sources mention Croats, Serbs are extremely rare in historical documents (I'm talking about the historical records which mention local population). And when I bring information that Sokollu Mehmed Pasha coming from Croatia it is not relevant information? Which are these reliable sources which prove that Sokollu Mehmed Pasha is Serbian origin when we don't have any historical data which prove that, but we have information that it comes from Croatia. Something is wrong here, as I said this is an ideal platform for mitomania, unfortunately, but I'll try to fight with the truth.
You took the ā€outnumberedā€ bit right out of my damned mouth. I really donā€™t know how you stay sane on here. At times it feel like itā€™s David vs Goliath and I come close to just quitting Knowledge. (I took a break for a while) Iā€™m glad you continue your work. You pretty much are outnumbered on this part of Knowledge and that concerns me the most honesty. The war ended on the Balkan battlefields but it appears not totally. It continues in a pov war on the internet. I wish it would just cease. I guess your peacekeeping duties continue, haha. By the way I read your bio where you were interviewed for Knowledge. Although Iā€™m not an Aussie, but a Yanky. Thank you for your service. Iā€™d hope to learn more about you experiences in the military one day if the opportunity arises. Take care.
5409:. It's bigger than usual (8,752 Ɨ 6,890) and not anti-aliased to allow you to edit it without loss of quality - obviously any derived maps can be smaller! I actually found a copy of the original Italian map that defined the boundary of the Croatian demilitarised zone embedded in the PDF I linked to above, so the wavy nature is how it was. The German-Italian boundary was defined in a different way - just stating what towns and features (railheads etc) lay on the German side. So in that case I think that the edge is defined mostly by the boundaries of the districts those towns lay in (unless very large). This certainly reflects what you see in the more accurate secondary source maps and accords with the German practice in Serbia. Anyway, hope you can make good use of itĀ :-) 9527:(3) As for your point about Croatia, if German-Occupied Serbia is to be kept than German-Italian-Occupied Croatia would be valid. As the Nurnberg Trials stated. It was concluded that the Independent State of Croatia was not a sovereign entity capable of acting independently of the German military, despite recognition as an independent state by the Axis powers. According to the Tribunal, "Croatia was at all times here involved an occupied country". Otherwise NDH would never have been installed nor would the Ustashe be put in power. This is not to say that they didnā€™t enjoy more freedom and autonomy compared to other occupied territories. Still, it is evident that to be consistent, one cannot be called occupied and the other not. 7277:
in various areas in Eastern Europe about the events back then. Since various people have various thoughts, biases, and points of views, so to their statements. For example in the book you can find a lot of journalists from that time. It just happens to be that in former Yugoslavia all journalists with opposing views were banned from work, i.e. you had to comply with the Communist Party if you wanted to work there. More specifically, being a journalist was deemed to be a social-political task (in Croatian you were said to be a "druŔtveno politički radnik" i.e. social-political worker)). Therefore, asking such people of what they thought about Tito is somewhat similar as asking a journalist from Nazi Germany working for e.g.
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the guarding. But guarding doesn't include actually running the camp, it just means guarding (from escapes and from outside interference). The SDS also helped with executions, and the SP UGB also had a bit of leeway to make decisions about their own internees, but really had to clear pretty much everything with the Gestapo. The GNS was not anything like the Ustase, it was completely under German control and supervision at all times, while the Ustase had a free hand with most things, decided their own policies etc, although they were subject to influence from both the Italians (until September 1943) and the Germans.
governments ran only under the direct supervision of German forces right down to district level. Equating the two is just wrong, and is frankly a POV used by people wanting to claim that they were as bad as each other, which they were not. In relation to your first point, the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia is a terrible compromise title that we ended up with (see the talk archives) as a result of POV-pushers wanting it to be given a title that indicated it was a country. So we used the official title, which is rarely a good idea, as UCN usually applies, and a far better descriptive title was needed.
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non-Serbs and targeted both Croats and Bosniaks. It being partly repisal shouldnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t perusing of Genocide. Revenge doesnā€™t negate it being genocide. I believe it was stated on the Chetnik page that mass killings in Eastern Bosnia occurrd by Chetniks before any significant Ustashe atrocities took place. If killings of Bonsiaks would be considered Genocide, why not Croat civilians as well? Chetniks didnā€™t specifically target Ustase sympathizers only. Some sources make the claim that it was revenge against Bosnians as some were aligned with the Ustase. Regardless
hexaremes sailed alongside each other, at the "point" of the wedge. The third squadron (III) was immediately behind them, towing the transports. The fourth (IV) was in line abreast, protecting the rear... As the two leading Roman squadrons (I and II) made for the middle of the Carthaginian line, Hamilcar staged a feigned retreat with his centre, probably by rowing in reverse, and the consuls pursued. The Roman squadron towing the transports (III) fell behind and a gap opened between the two leading (I and II) and the two rear (III and IV) Roman squadrons." etc.
5473:. I think the problem is with the NDH locator map template you are using. The new locator map has slightly different bounds to the map used with the template and this means that points plotted will also be shifted. The new bounds should be LatMin=42.38 LatMax=46.56 LonMin=13.40 LonMax=20.98. So I guess either change the NDH template to use the new coordinates and map or create a new NDH2 template. If that still doesn't work it means the map projection of the new map isn't rectilinear and I'll need to do a new one that is! 2237: 2230: 1532:
ARCAs and have even gone to the effort of putting together a voting guide for the ArbCom elections. I'm actually quite concerned about the ArbCom getting out of its lane, and with particular editors who are encouraging them to do so. They need to handle conduct issues well (which they haven't at times recently), and getting involved in content is not only out of scope, it is potentially a really serious problem for content creators, especially when few current ArbCom members have any content creation chops. Cheers,
5233: 5588: 10520:, my personal reading of it is that the primary MOS guidance is words are preferred when they are mixed. But strictly speaking, you don't need to follow what I'm suggesting, and can follow the exception in NUMNOTES if you wish. Another factor is that you can't use integers to start a sentence, so I think the weight of the MOS falls on the side of using words. But I stress that is just my view. The goalposts do get moved occasionally, of course, because there are those that tweak the MOS over time. Cheers, 208: 2302: 9913: 7892: 7880: 6350: 6265: 5054: 5042: 5021: 4987: 4256: 2463: 1693: 1671: 949: 906: 844: 8673:
Nedicā€™s regime? Itā€™s worded differently in the source. It seems added with the intent to downplay Nedicā€™s regimes responsibility and guilt in their actions. As the source states on pg 32 that they were overzealous and their crimes were in nature and gravity ā€œcloseā€ but not ā€œsimilarā€ to the Ustashe. The intro of the article paints a more sedated picture. In fact the article in general does. So it seems at least. A problem I have had with the article for a while. What do you think about it? Cheers
9988: 9923: 8924: 8900: 7860: 6360: 6338: 6275: 5001: 4343: 4327: 4266: 2592: 2481: 1681: 1631: 1001: 959: 890: 870: 3896:
committee genocide. But they never fully succeeded in finishing. Neither did the Ustashe finish. Thankfully both were stopped. But complete extermination is not what only defines Genocide. The Bosnian genocide was not in whole but still regarded a genocide as that was the intent. But you basically are saying to do believe that was the Chetniks goal during WWII. Cited sources saying so matters. I don't base my edits on my feelings. I explain my edits through citation of books or other documents.
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am close to the issue in me being interested in Croatian history and dealing with a lot of data and documents. The editing that I am doing is precisely because I think that there seems to be lack of neutral information here, especially in the currently referenced book that I mentioned for the reasons I explained. Because of that, would it be OK to replace the potentially biased reference about Tito being an benevolent dictator with a reference to the book that you mentioned?
6313: 6251: 4977: 4234: 2554: 2518: 2445: 1617: 971: 927: 822: 8848:), which is what you should have done when you added it. Commissioner Government is an FA, which means everything added to it absolutely must have a citation to a reliable source, no exceptions. There is a pattern of you adding uncited material and also removing reliably sourced material from Balkans articles (which a quick search of my contributions demonstrates). I suggest you start doing what is expected, or expect to be taken to ANI for disruptive editing. Thanks, 5653: 1401: 496: 11118: 10322: 9395:. Many ACW regimental titles such as 1st Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry do not even say they are a regiment, and this is subpar on precision (lacking size), and subpar on concision (Volunteer is unneeded, as far as I can see). 1st Rhode Island Regiment (ARW) and 1st Rhode Island Infantry Regiment (ACW) are not the same title, and a hatnote on each can sort out any confusion. Can you link to a RI unit article with the same name as the ACW ones you are referring to? 1845: 6853:(this was used to cite a direct quote from a bishop who had seen the massacres) and is Edmond Paris RS? Reading up on him, it seemed he had an anti-Catholic bias and used the Independent State of Croatia to attack the Catholic church according to his wiki bio. Nor sure if you came across his works. These sources were recently introduced in the Ustashe and Jasenovac articles. Iā€™ll put them on the WP:RSN page to see if anything can be determined. Cheers. 272: 10671: 2392: 2252: 1483: 10274: 1127: 2165: 10145: 7683: 9515:(2) Why not use the actual name of the territory making it ā€œHolocaust in the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbiaā€ as by your own arguments, Serbia was not a country at the time with same borders. German-occupied implies it was a country with same modern borders occupied by Germans. Germans redrew the borders. TMCS would be in line naming wise with the other Holocaust page. It is also the name used on itā€™s own article. 8707:
jointly run by the German army and GNS was not presented until I added it. While content already their is reflective of the sources. New Information may always be yet to be included. So I hope you didnā€™t take my worries about the article as a personal attack on your writings. A number of other editors made changes to your work in the intros and body. Not sure if you had the chance to look more in depth the past two years edits.
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FAC, the first was Avenue Range Station massacre. This one has received quite a bit of attention in the last few years due to a memorial being established, amid some rancour between members of the local community."! - A friend died in RL, and his obit sais today "keep telling stories about me and dare to laugh". Tough, but I'll try, - this is a start. He's borderline notable, obit on same page as
articles inevitably being inappropriately edited or changed is ridiculous. Having to check back to see if it was done again. Not sure how you keep level headed. Itā€™s great that the public can engage on here but also problematic. Especially in Balkan articles. So much bitter motives on here. POV pushing and trying to sway the public. I can see why me being an IP can leave bad first impressions.
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careful when using them to attribute success on the battlefield, opposition casualties, etc particularly if they are the only source you have on some particular detail. There are often Union accounts of these battles that should be included in articles at A-Class and higher to ensure we are not just giving a Confederate view of the war or a unit's performance. Cheers,
future. And no, as Peacemaker said, crimes done by the Yugoslav army to Croat civilians can not be labeled as genocide, and most probably the same goes for Bosniaks (although the scale of crimes and massacres is much bigger, widespread and it's yet another shameful part of the WW2 in YU). Naturally, you will try to label me and whoever does not agrees with your POV as
4144:. We only use a result for the whole war that is in the reliable sources. It is OR to analyse the results of individual battles and decide on an overall result. Sometimes a good approach where there is legitimate disputation over a result can be to put "See Aftermath section" in the result field of the infobox and explore what the sources say in that section. Cheers, 8748:
Holocaust in Serbia articles, although I watchlist them and try to revert the more egregious nonsense. In the first instance, I will review the recent changes to the Banjica camp article as that is the one I am most familiar with. When I get time I'll look at the others, but there are a lot out there and frankly, I'm busy in the RW and I'm outnumbered here.
not volunteering to take part in the Holocaust either. Again of course not at all equal to the Ustase. Just as Germany, Hungary or so on were not all equal but their names are used for their Holocaust articles. Also should we ignore the Nurnberg Courts findings? Just figured using official names (as I was for NDH) would makes most logical sense.
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have contributed to the problems with burnout. It looks like we have somewhat differing views on the detail of this case, but are in agreement that ArbCom is implementing penalties which unduly get into content matters. The World War II case was much worse, and I'd if I had my time again I'd post quite different evidence there. Regards,
my other accounts before this all transpired (although as it turned out Wiki accounts cannot be deleted). So I am fine with never looking back at them. Thank you for the warning a lesson and giving me the benefit of the doubt TonyBallioni. You have my word this will be the only account that represents me on Knowledge. Take care all.
6620: 246:-led peacekeeping missions. Of the 148 new articles and seven new templates he has created 48 are featured articles/lists, 83 are A-class articles and 59 good articles. Over 66,000 edits to his credit. Peacemaker67 is a prolific and helpful reviewer, at all three levels, but especially at ACR and FAC. A long time coordinator of the 11344:(the format of which might need changing to accommodate it). Of course, there may well be significant coverage in local printed sources, which would help him clearly meet GNG. My view may be a marginal one on notability, but over the years I have drifted in this direction. In my first few years of editing, I would have nominated 3902:
aware the context many times. By your logic, I should accuse you of excusing or downplaying Chetnik crimes. But I won't because that would be nonsense and opinion driven. Just because genocide is committed in revenge doesn't negate it was genocide. I will clarify this with a excerpt from Tomaseviches book in reply to Peacemaker.
claims of my character that are untrue. In interactions with me you did not use sources to prove my sources wrong. Never did I make edits that I didn't back up with factual sources. That is incredibly dishonest to say. And proving my initial point. Firstly, accusing me of downplaying or excusing Ustashe crimes is definitely a
9590:, the actual name of the territory as we are using official names for entities? And as I provided in point (3) of my reply, why mention the occupation of one territory and not the other? As courts ruled Croatia to be occupied by Germany. Surely then it should be made known in the title that NDH was installed by Germany? 9668:. The common name of the German-occupied territory of Serbia isn't clear, see the section in the article that shows how many ways it is described in reliable sources. This is a completely different situation from the NDH, where NDH is the clear common name, and precisely differentiates it from modern Croatia. 3224:
targeted. As was any non-Serb. Far less died in the 90ā€™s genocide yet it was still deemed genocide. I wouldnā€™t make the claim if I didnā€™t come across convincing sources. Also it just seems logical but personal opinion is irrelevant. Iā€™m surpised you never came across, not one, source that called it genocide.
Knowledge not on the sole discussion of genocide. Claiming Iā€™m on a ā€œHoly Warā€ is just laughable. You tried to use MacDonaldā€™s quote to argue against Genocide. And using thebterms ā€œcrimes carried out by the Yugoslav armyā€.... That isnā€™t bad faith? Iā€™m not engaging with you any further on this talk page.
10811: 10543:
No worries. There is a currently undergoing small project among several editors moving ACW articles to a standard titling that reflects normal military unit titles, including the size of the unit at the end of the title, and dropping "Volunteer" is it is unnecessary to meet the precision requirements
As for you mention of an old talk page discussion, why would using the official name be a bad idea? Just curious. I mean Independent State of Croatia wasnā€™t exactly completely Independent but relative to other Yugo territory it definitely was. But it was the official name. Is there something I should
Yeah sorry, my mind runs faster than my fingers. And I tend to over explain things which may only make the ideas I try to get across all the more confusing. If you happen to get a chance please do review the changes that were made as well as the state of the other articles. I know you are quite busy.
and everything is clear. It is the first time I read this article and it's amazing that such article exists on wikipedia. Without a single concrete RS, only evidence are political pamphlets. I still can't figure it out that this article is part of wikipedia, it is more in line with the war period and
Thank you today for the justice you did to it, "an incident in the Australian frontier wars, during which an undetermined number of local Aboriginal people were killed by white settlers partly at least in reprisal for killing of white settlers. This is the second frontier wars article I've brought to
I'm only seeing one additional image, File:RN Premuda.jpg. There is no information to confirm that this is in fact Premuda, not information about when it was taken or who by. The link on Italian Knowledge is dead. As far as I can tell, someone found this on the internet and uploaded it claiming it is
It enhances by allowing readers to see what the rank looks like, without placing the image in higher resolution somewhere further in the text. If already has the unwritten rule that everyone has an icon of their act, then let the unwritten rule apply to everyone. Recently the French generals received
My edits aren't citing my opinions. I made those edits because I had sources to present as backing them. otherwise I wouldn't have made such edits. I will not entertain this pointless argument of personal matters further. I am here to discuss the validity and strength of the sources I found. I am not
Unfortunately, those photos don't appear to be public domain, so they can't be used, and those without an identified reliable source in which they were published cannot be used for the hull symbols. Anything of Freivogel's is reliable, so the hull symbol for Beograd could be added with that reference
what does someone do if they want to resume systematic Quality Assessment of history-related articles, for example? or if they need help with an article? Or if they need help with a template, or formatting, or coding etc etc? the least we can do as a WikiProject is provide some data set, or directory
Just on this case, when I consider the ArbCom candidates on the weekend, I'm going to pay close attention to their responses to the question you asked and their views on cases like this one. I think that the current committee too enthusiastically got itself involved in content matter issues. This may
I did contribute to it, but the one who did the heavy lifting is effectively retired from WP. I'd have to read it through and see what sources I have that mention it. For FAC it would need to include some additional Yugoslav sources in order to be truly comprehensive. I'll have a look at let you know
Ah, OK, I understand now. Yes, I am concerned by the level of POV pushing on WWII Yugoslavia articles recently by editors who are demonstrably not editing neutrally. Some of it is getting close to being brought to the attention of ANI or ArbCom. I haven't really done much work on the Nedić, GNS, and
Hi again. My sourced content was again removed without previous discussion and I feel as being a second class editor here. I repeat - the content was sourced, I even added the page numbers, and now there is another excuse, namely that the content does not reflect to the stuff that I used it in. That
Exactly, it should be discussed on the Josip Broz Tito talk page, but unfortunately I do not see that you engaging in a discussion, just reverting edits with merit and inadvertently helping a disruptive user to push his own agenda. And I am not saying that everything should be removed, that is clear
I do not doubt that there are numerous such books, but then it should be books like maybe the one you mentioned that ought to be referenced, and not the one being currently referenced there because that book contains biased memories one of which is referenced in the current version of the article. I
I agree that the Shapiros' book is probably more focused to the area, but I was thinking more about the way the sourcing was done. I am not sure whether you checked the actual part in the book talking on that so if you have not, I can try to explain it. The book contains testimonies of people living
It was a case of a rouge IP removing sourced material and when I reverted it, another editor kept undoing my revert even intentionally deleting ā€œanti-Croat policiesā€ despite the source backing up the term. They seemed to have stopped... for now. And yes I should make an account. The whole anxiety of
Many of the sources are not "Croatian Websites" and the Chetnik page literally talks about the Chetnik Directive if 1941 to form a Greater Serbian ethnically cleansing of non-Serbs to which the Chetnik head leader was aware as per multiple sources. You even said you don't deny that Chetniks tried to
You have made edits based on emotion and personal opinion before. On the Genocide of Serbs page for example. And have been reverted and called out by other editors for it. Strange you accuse me of doing that. You are using your own opinions in your response as well as edits you have made. And making
by the way, I will retain the title of "admin coordinator" for myself. this simply means I am the person who took it upon myself to do the actual admin tasks, update the page, contact others, etc etc. Anyone else is free to volunteer for this role and title, just as I did. it is simply a descriptive
How they not reliable when most has original historical documents as a source. The rest was written by historians and there is no reason for them to have lied, that lie can be easily disputed. I am curious how come that Sokollu Mehmed Pasha is referred in the Knowledge as a Serbian when we donā€™t
and are still active. Thanks for the insight. I wish there were more people on here to churn out such articles for the other Balkan regions as he has done a bang on job for Serbia wiki articles. I may try to reach out to him/her for pointers. Thanks Peacemaker. By the way, I read your bio about your
I donā€™t see how there would be equating of the two. Saying both territories were occupied is not saying the same or equal scope of brutalities occurred nor controlled to the same extent by Germany. One is a territory, another a full on state. But itā€™s not as if Nedicā€™s regime and collaborators were
because that title implies that there was a country called Serbia at the time (which there was not), or that the article is about the Holocaust in the territory of the current country of Serbia, neither of which is correct, and the latter of which would be ahistorical IMHO. I'm happy with it as is.
Absolutely. Now that I know the rules more clearly about multiple accounts on Knowledge, I will be sticking with just this one to avoid future problems. As I agreed. I will also make sure this account stays logged in permanently to avoid my IP being exposed or used. In fact I was planning to delete
Yeah, just to clarify, in my view the use of multiple accounts was a policy violation but I was willing to unblock on a one account restriction, which hopefully will solve the problem. If there is continued use of multiple accounts after the unblock, it will be a violation of that unblock condition
The whole article needs a rewrite. In the absence of anyone willing to do that, my focus is on ensuring that the lead and article is at least semi-balanced. I will take a look at Hoare and Tomasevich and add what they say about the origins of the UstaŔe hatred of Serbs, which is what the Background
I agree. Letā€™s. Also I had mentioned twice there was a conversation on that talk page. I thought going to another editorā€™s talk page behind the scenes was a no no? As was stated in the past. On the given page from Tomasevichā€™s book, he literally talks about genocide and how the victims of this were
Yes I am biased in that I fear that groups of victims and perpetrators will fall between the cracks of history due to failed acknowledgment. Failure to acknowledge history lead to the atrocities of the 90's. Denial of Ustahse and Chetnik crimes lead to history repeating itself . And this is a place
Yes, frankly it is a poorly worded sentence in MacDonald's book, and I think the later quote is worse, and isn't consistent (as he claims) with Lemkin (or the Srebrenica case). Unfortunately I have not been able to find an academic source that criticises MacDonald's interpretation of the definition
There is no one on talk page, because there is no concrete evidence that Sokollu Mehmed Pasha is Serbian origin. And what we have from talk page when that information(Serbian origin) still exists in the Knowledge article. Go to some forum and prove that Sokollu Mehmed Pasha is Serbian origin, you
G'day TwoScars, you are welcome. Ping me once you've finished. Exactly, once you've addressed my comments, I would be happy to review it for GAN if you nominate it. I doubt I'll find much more. It is pretty clear to me that the preference in the MOS, expressed in the first, stand-alone sentence of
I essentially rewrote the article sometime over the last couple of years, so I know it reflects what the reliable sources say about the running of the camp. The Gestapo were always in charge of the camp, and the gendarmerie then the SDS helped them guard it, and eventually were responsible for all
One other thing, for the Banjica Concentration Camp article, the newly added ā€œ which was under full control of the occupational forcesā€ part after Milan Nedicā€™s government is mention. Do you think this gives the impression occupational forces had full control of the camp instead of full control of
There is no policy which states that edits by socks or possible SPAs need to be reverted on sight. Like all edits they are treated on their merits. These edits are reliably sourced, and should stand. I don't believe that the sentence you have quoted at all covers the material introduced by Nbanic.
what they thought about Hitler. Should they say that most people saw him as a good guy and, then using this in an article as this one, and sourcing it by referencing a book that holds recollections would in my opinion be bad sourcing. This is what I meant. I apologize if I did not state it precise
Paris as well. Though a good amount of well sourced info has been added too. But there have been issues where new information was added to the Wiki article that isnā€™t reflected in the cited news article. And seemed like opinionated personal conclusions. Which is worrisome. For example the Thompson
In many of my posts, I explicitly talk about The Ustase Genocide and how the Chetnik Genocide was largely in revenge of Ustahse crimes. I also stated multiple times that the number of Serb victims was way higher than number of Croatian or Bosniak victims. So you point about context is moot. I make
I'm not really interested in the WikiProject Council, sorry. I think you'd be better off trying to identify a few other editors who are interested in reviving WikiProject History. A few things that work for us at Milhist are having a monthly newsletter where we highlight achievements by individual
you have been mentioned as well. If you have some sort of dispute or a problem with my views - bring it on, like a serious person would do. I did not report your remark that I was mentally unstable, or whatever the wording was (you will know what I am talking about). I shall not tolerate it in the
I thought you were in agreement with it being labeled genocide. Given you agree the MacDonald quote is poorly written. However Tomasevich, Parsons and Redzic claim it as genocide. It has been stated in multiple sources that Chetniks pursued a Greater Serbia over the region that is to be rid of any
Match each squadron parenthetically to the labelling used in the maps at every mention. Ie "The first two squadrons (I and II) led the way, each arrayed in echelon, together forming a wedge. The squadron on the right (I) was under Vulso and the squadron on the left (II) under Regulus. The consuls'
I see though arenā€™t Herman and Peterson considered controversial for denial of the Bosnian Genocide as mentioned on the Bosnian Genocide Denial Page? Are their more neutral sources? On the Op Storm page it states exodus instead of expulsion and that the ICTY ruled it not cleansing hence why I was
Huh, so itā€™s a loose translation of the German name, not actually an official name. I assumed based on the article name for that territory. Which proves your point how itā€™s problematic. Should be changed. But as you said apparently it was a shit show in the talk page. Thanks for being patient and
Firstly a number of edits have occurred since your last edits a couple years back to the article. Those are the edits I had concerns with. I am not saying the article is entirely wrong, let me be clear. However it may not always have all information covered. For example the fact that the camp was
I see. This was the matter I had asked you to take a peak at on the Jasenovac talk page week or so back. An editor has been adding ne edits that seem to use questionable sources. I will check with WP:RSN as you advised. Still learning the process of all this on Knowledge. Thank you and stay well.
and false. Not once did I excuse their genocide against Serbs or downplay in any of my edits or talk posts. Including other events and actions that contributed to their formation and crimes is not excusing or downplaying. I included insight from Tomasevich, a well respected historian who made the
My concern is what may be missing. As for my comment, the new line I referred to was entered by another editor recently, not yourself. As well as the recent edits made to the article which donā€™t appear to be done by you. Also I meant the articles dealing Milan Nedicā€™s regime and collaboration on
I'm not denying that Chetniks were responsible for mass killing of Croats, they were. I'm uncomfortable with using Redžić for a claim of genocide against the Croats because of his ideological alignment with the Partisans and their propaganda against the Chetniks. I'll wait until you have Parsons
That is not correct. Tomasevich makes a general comment about genocidal actions in his conclusion, then lists some mass killings. Tellingly, in his 1975 book about the Chetniks, he does not say their killing of Croats was genocide. The second one I can't verify, and Redžić doesn't say that about
my real role and title should be "admin coordinator." meaning that I will be glad to handle the admin tasks of actually trying to get the project up and running, and assembling a few people to actually do so and to help others. but then we should add roles for others such as eg people working on
Okay, that is really excellent. I am glad to have your involvement. In fact, I am contemplating creating a list of active co-coordinators, facilitators, volunteers, etc, or something like that. the reason for this is that given the project itself is moribund right now, and yet we supposedly have
To be honest Nick, I didn't pay enough attention to the initial Poland case, and should have twigged to the incursion into content, as I believe it is similar to some aspects of the GWE case in terms of ArbCom overreach. I wanted to lay out my concerns, which is why I've commented on both Poland
No worries, you are doing great work with these articles, and every one I look at is better than the last one. I think the main take-home message is that academic-standard works are better, but you can use sources like Tucker for routine material like unit movements, changes in CO etc. Just be
I was thinking about if it is a good thing to make a proposal somewhere to name all Genocide articles in line with the political entities of that time rather than with today's countries. Or it might be better to judge case by case instead of all with the same rationale. Something worth thinking
No, Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia is definitely not the common name in sources (it is a translation of the official name in German), which is why a descriptive name would be far better, but after the last brouhaha, I have no interest in reviving that particular fight, as we will
No one is going "behind the scenes". I posted it to his TP because he was the arbitrator between you and Sadko, and I sought clarification. You've posted many times here regarding issues. I assume you mean that you mentioned the discussion to me. You did once, when I reverted your edit. Sheesh.
We are all volunteers here. You come up with insights or criticisms, put all this verbiage out at the DYK, and choose not to fix the article. Do what you want; your choice. I was trying to fix the problem (I edited the article, and then you added your snarky accusation in the edit summary),
Taking your last point first, because they were fundamentally different. One was a puppet state that ran itself, made its own laws under its own initiative, but had Axis troops occupying it, the other was an occupied territory, not a puppet state or even anything like one, the collaborationist
which would be clearer that it was an occupied territory with defined borders, not a country with similar borders to modern-day Serbia. But this is unlikely to fly because there are editors who prioritise concision over clarity in article titles, and no doubt also some POV-pushers would prefer
Reading the cited source it seems the author sates that if the estimate for when Nazis began the killings is correct, then the Ustashe genocide would precede the killing of Jews by the Nazis. The edit implies that the author is certain of the timing of events but they are actually deemed as an
8425:. I encourage any interested editors to improve the article, using academic sources rather than news sites. If this has been an enduring phenomena, it would have been researched by credible academics, not just journalists. The source I linked provides some detail on the first appearance of it. 7207:
I disagree with changing the sense of what a reliable source has said, but providing an alternate view is fine, but it needs to be a good quality relatively recent source that takes into account everything that is known from research over the years, rather than the rather hysterical and highly
It seems much of it was brought back regardless. Also it seems some of the added material doesnā€™t match what the sources say. For example A Thompson song labeled as being about ā€œUstashe claimed landsā€. Please take a look. Seems like opinion rather than fact. The modern day section seemed a bit
Operation Storax should probably be a list in its current shape, but should be expanded into an article if other nuke test articles are any indicator. I would leave it as an article for now, in the expectation that it will be fleshed out one day. Re coording, not really, I see you are checking
Most of the time Serbs, Croats and Bosnians is not written in alphabetical order. So meaningless point. I reverted your edit so that is why it went back to that order. I am not pushing anything with that. Other editors who reverted me did so because I did not include citation next to the link.
You are proving my point. I never called you mentally unstable. You are doing nothing but attacking me and itā€™s pointless. You claim I am POV pushing yet my edits are backed by sources I include. I said you were POV pushing and off comments in talk sections and based on your overall actions on
at some point I may create such a list, and probably start by adding your name. is that okay? I hope it is. there is no extra work that you would neeed to do. I simply want to have at least two or three names provided there of editors who are active in a role to help others, and who can answer
Question, Peacemaker. Is it violating Knowledge rules for me to ask you your opinion on an article? I was accused of such by another editor on my talk page. Perhaps even insinuated that Mikola22 is my sockpuppet or that I informed him to come here. Which as I told them, you all can verify for
I posted three in my previous reply. See the citations. I donā€™t see how it is false equivalence. What do you call aiming to wipe out an ethnic group from a new established state? I fail to see how when this befell the Croatian population, the term doesnā€™t apply. Both Croats and Bosnians were
Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved through dialog, peoples rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of
I read that article and the sources are portals or political pamphlets. I know that some books were thrown away, communist books, Serbian books, etc but compare this with events in the Nazi NDH it makes no sense, at least not without the acceptable reliable sources. What would be your advice
Serbs by Ustashe and Croats and Muslims by Chetniks. It is unmistakable and painfully clear on that page. There is no possible question. You speculation on Hoare is just that, personal speculation. Not whatā€™s there. He specifically talks about Genocide used as counter to Ustashe atrocities.
Thanks, that is very interesting. I suggest you post on our project talk page to inform all our project members that someone is working at WikiProject History. There is a fair bit of cross-over between our projects, but I had thought yours was largely moribund. I'll take a look and make some
10807: 8249: 7541:
I hope. User Nbanic was proven to be a sock puppet master and was blocked because of disruptive behavior. Now he is using another IP sock puppet. You don't believe that the sentence I have quoted at all covers the material introduced by Nbanic? I have quoted the exact same sentence. --
I did not change it therefore in the last revision, but in my opinion it should be changed because it seems to be an example of bad sourcing. I explained it in more detail in the talk page. If you want, you can take a look at it there and if necessary, I can explain it in more detail.
Yes, I agree. As ArbCom had been pretty good at keeping out of content matters (quite ruthlessly rejecting case requests at times) over the previous 5+ years, I didn't really notice that the current committee had reversed that position. Thanks a lot for the voting guide. Regards,
wrong so I had to re-render it. Rather than create a new template I have simply updated the NDH 41 and 43 locator maps. This means you don't use the new file I uploaded as an Alt now. I did a random check of some of the pages that use the NDH locator and all seem OK. And on your
10771: 6178:
Given the space available in the article and the limited value of the two aerial images in terms of seeing what she looked like, I just don't see the need for them. The others have no information about their author, when they were taken or their sources, so they are unuseable.
The image file page for File:Zerstƶrer_Dubrovnik.jpg fails to give an author and their year of death, which is required for that licence. It also has no source other than some online collection. It is definitely not PD based on the information available on the image file page.
might say he is presumptively notable as president of a country, but he still needs to clearly meet GNG as well and the use of Encarta for the details of his personal life gives me the impression that with the current sources we would be better off with a beefed-up entry on
Where reliable sources (which Shapiro is) disagree, we compare and contrast them, we don't pick and choose which ones correspond with our own opinions. Instead of quibbling over one word in the lead, why don't you start working on the body of the article, which needs work?
By the way, I actually have some of the referenced books not in the paperback, but in the digital format, which I can prove if necessary by citing more content from there that is not available on Google Books and I can provide more information on the surrounding content.
8208:. AWM pics are almost universally owned by the government (the AWM is a government body) so despite being out of copyright, we use the approach of File:Casualties from the capture of Leane's Trench.jpg. Suggest you use that, which obviates the need for a US tag. Cheers, 2178:
Or Season's Greetings or Happy Winter Solstice! As the year winds to a close, I would like to take a moment to recognize your hard work and offer heartfelt gratitude for all you do for Knowledge. May this Holiday Season bring you nothing but joy, health and prosperity.
and currently serving as the lead coordinator. He seems to be everywhere in the project, offering sage and calm advice, and making sure that everything runs smoothly at the editor interface. Exactly, it seems to me, the sort of selfless editor this award was created to
propaganda. So I don't need anyone to tell me what to say and write, this is a wikipedia with tens of thousands of editors and anyone is free to edit articles. What should I do @OyMosby, to run away from you? Therefore this is my wikipedia as well as from all of you.
service in the military and NATO, especially during the Yugoslav Wars. Have you written more elsewhere on you experiences of that time? I'd really like to read more about it. Especially from someone outside the Balkans, such as yourself. Thank you for your service.
I am for ā€œHolocaust in the Independent State of Croatiaā€ and ā€œHolocaust in the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbiaā€ as the article titles. I have held this position since June 2nd when the RfC was started. I hope I am a bit more clear now. Cheers
G'day, Sm8900. I have a subpage called "The Pool Room" where I keep all the various trinkets I've been given over the years. There is a link near the top of my user page. If you hover the cursor over each one, there is usually a short explanation. Cheers,
relating to the removal of over 100 Serbian books from a library on Korčula. I haven't looked at the article in detail as yet, and given the significant uptick in POV editing in the Balkans space at the moment, I probably won't get a chance for a while.
Do you read the headline? The title video on British Path says that this is Princess Olga of Yugoslavia. If you've seen a photo of Princess Olga at least once, then you recognize her on the video hitting the wine bottle. Behind her is her husband Prince
Usually we would give it a month from nomination, but with two opposes and no apparent action on the comments, I would usually put a comment on it indicating that it will be closed in a week unless action is taken to fix the problems identified. Cheers,
2664:. The case consolidated all previous remedies under one heading, which should make them easier to understand, apply, and enforce. In particular, the distinction between "primary articles" and "related content" has been clarified, with the former being 9587: 5823:
Did you have a chance to look? It seems out of place for the scope of the article. And I am unsure pf the sources for those quotes. Being are on the talk page I figured Iā€™d get your input. Seems same quite was put on the Ustase page as well. Cheers.
8407:, I took a look at the article. The tone of the article needs some improvement, and due to that I might rewrite some parts. I am not much familiar with the topic, though if I find some info sourced to RS, I will make some content additions. Cheers, 4540:
IP vandalism and POV pushing are very common on Balkans articles. I only watchlist WWII Yugoslav ones and I usually have to revert one or more edits everyday on several articles. Generally IPs in the area are treated with suspicion for that reason.
It isn't about what the original one was, it is about the most appropriate category. The Ustashas were an emigre movement, terrorist organisation and political party, and I think the overarching Fascist organizations category is more appropriate.
2621: 9816:
Yeah, a Wiki-wide proposal could start a large-scale Wiki war. That is why a case by case stance might be a better way to follow. That way Balkan Genocide articles can have proper names regardless of what happens with non-Balkan counterparts.
Thanks! I've made one final tweak - I didn't think the default 1941 NDH locator map showed the zones very well. So I updated the first map I did to the same projection and shaded the zones as well as marking the sea boundaries. I've changed
7771:, and I'd be open to applying any combination of these. The thing about putting images into the table is that, while in the first few years there are a lot of people with images, the further it goes along the fewer images there are of people. 5446:
with a pog for Knin, expecting Knin to be in Zone II, and found that it is showing in Zone I. Yugoslav text sources indicate that Knin was in Zone II, and I'm just wondering if you could double-check the Zone I/II boundary (the border of the
1784: 8311: 8453:
I'm used to Antid's rants, and generally ignore them. He has no insight into his own behaviour, and as a result, is unlikely to change his behaviour. I mean, he got a long TBAN (now lifted) and that didn't change his behaviour one iota.
Why that is matter where did i put my explanation. Give me yours or stop reverting. I saw your knowledge on article Petar Baćović. You were keeping reverting me, it looked like Baćović could have teleportation device back in 1942/43...
I am not saying that these photos should be included in the article, but that they are evidence of these hull symbols. Maybe these pictures can be put as an external link. For Freivogel, page is 16 and date of first photo (no colored
Also note, you claim one would not say "Nazi Genocide against Poles" yet you made a recent edit to the genocide templates to say "Genocide of Serbs by Ustashe" I simply followed your formatting. Also as for why Croats and Bosnians,
9564: 1780: 7487:
Was super weird not to be able to go to Dawn Service. Stood at my doorstep for 15 minutes at 6am, as requested by StandAtDawn, looking at the silent street. Played the recording of the service at Scott Base about three times!!
On the talk page I exposed that all presented information are accurate and written in books by historians, deleting that facts is because someone does not like it, I'm here alone and I'm interested in what to do? Thanks.
I fail to see why anyone would need to see a separate list of commanders, none of whom are notable. It would be incomplete in any case, as we have no source for the Italian and cannot be sure there weren't other captains.
is that "Integers from zero to nine are spelled out in words.", followed by "Integers greater than nine expressible in one or two words may be expressed either in numerals or in words". Whilst there is an exception under
4377: 1276:
won't be able to prove it. But this information still stands on Knowledge read by ordinary people's, students, etc. but it is a lie. That's why i asked is Knowledge a private portal? I don't know what's going on here?
1053: 10623:
For cheerfully reviewing a number of my Missouri Confederate series articles, and keeping good humor the whole time, even though since I wrote one a day for a stretch, they all had the same issues over and over again.
Create a new page/talk page at the existing WikiProject Council, where members of various WikiProject can gather to offer updates, information and ideas on the latest efforts at each of their own WikiProject, such as
I suggest discussing this on the article talk page (which I watchlist), not here. For example, you need to explain why is a reliable source. But do this on the article talk page, not here. Thanks,
I agree that the Tesla page is a mess, and the talk page gets rather heated. I tend to avoid it for that reason. If you believe that there is a pattern of personal attacks on any page, the best place to report it is
What you do now is you discuss the edits on the talk page and a consensus is developed about their inclusion (or not). That is how Knowledge works. Be prepared to explain why you think these sources are reliable per
Should I split it into a presidency and list of presidents article? I certainly think there's enough content to split, but an earlier time I tried to it was reverted. However, there's a lot more content this time
Pretty major project, and you will get a lot of pushback from those that prioritise concision over precision. I'd just be happy if the Yugoslav ones were better titled, and leave the others to their own devices.
I had a look and couldn't see anything egregious. I strongly suggest you register, as remembering any IP address (assuming it is static) is difficult, other editors are more able to recognise a username. Cheers,
No, as you have been unblocked you can unstrike them. I strongly suggest you do not use multiple accounts again or edit as an IP. You are very fortunate to have been given the benefit of the doubt in this case.
It is not an example of bad sourcing. Shapiro and Shapiro is a reliable book focussing on the subject area. It is better than the one you are using for the alternative view, because that is a more general book.
It isn't PD in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country where the cabin is, because there isn't FoP in that country. So AFAIK it can't be PD in the US because it isn't PD in the source country. I'm not familiar with
8954: 4368:
are now enabled on the English Knowledge. This functionality allows administrators to block users from editing specific pages or namespaces rather than the entire site. A draft policy is being workshopped at
page 101, is another example. You seem to be very close to this issue given your family history, and I urge you to strive to achieve a neutral point of view with your editing. This is not the place to try to
3718: 10792:
confused by the List of Ethnic Cleansing Campaigns page edit. I now cases of ethnic cleansing and war crimes occurred during the operation but wasnā€™t sure if the entire operation itself was labeled as such.
5087: 9682:
I think I see your point. Though isnā€™t the common name Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia not German-occupied territory of SerbiaĀ ? It seems straightforward and differentiates from modern Serbia.
I have included RS that states the killing of Croats as genocide. Personal feelings, interpretations and opinions are irrelevant to this issue (Taker your own advice here). The sources speak for themselves.
You know, you are one who is disruptive. I think I prove I don't lie and I know better history of my country than you. If it something forgotten by Tomasevich, it doesn't mean it is untrue. In article on
of rewarding editors for producing quality content. You can sign up to any task force that interests you. If you would like some guidance on writing your first article, I recommend our academy article on
that checkuser and oversight blocks must not be reversed or modified without prior consultation with the checkuser or oversighter who placed the block, the respective functionary team, or the Arbitration
I don't agree with the description of what was done to Croats being referred to as genocide. That is false equivalence. What sources specifically say that the killing of Croats by Chetniks was genocide?
I moved the article back as requested because recent controversial bold moves are automatically restored to the previous title. Feel free to start a move request on the article's talk page if you wish.
was 2884 metric tones. This is what German sources say. I also found old paper with data from the late 30's when in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia testing was perform with the displacement of the destroyer
8046: 8840:
Then, after you have verified that that material in another article actually appears in the reliable source in question and is accurate and reliably cited, add the citation when you add the material,
7676: 6132: 6002: 5942: 5872: 5320: 5283: 3749: 3664: 4749:
G'day AR, my only area of knowledge (with access to related sources) regarding the invasion of Greece is with respect to the German ORBAT. I will take a look and see what I can find though. Cheers,
312: 10690: 6798:
Doesn't look RS to me, looks like a website for a local association of people associated with victims of the camp. No information about the editor-in-chief Dusan J. Bastasic. Suggest listing it at
4629: 4574: 4365: 2614: 7783:
I looked at it quite closely, and you deleted reliably sourced information from Fine that gives one view of the trial. It is necessary that it be included, and it is not in any respect redundant.
Thanks, you are very welcome. Sometimes it takes someone uninvolved in the dispute to look closely at existing consensus and policies and come up with a third solution acceptable to all parties.
10733:, I would be very happy to. A bit busy at present, but will take a look over the weekend or early next week. It's the least I can do to thank you for all the awesome work you do at RSX! Cheers, 9443:
None of these units you have listed have "Infantry" in the title like the ACW ones, or in their alternative titles per the articles. Volunteer just isn't needed. Hatnotes can do the job easily.
1386: 4727: 4711: 4589: 1952: 1936: 1362: 1346: 746: 4096: 4080: 353: 153: 137: 6867: may be reliable. is a portal for Croatian scientific journals, so anything on there should be ok. Paris is pretty heavily biased, and should only be used with care.
should be enabled on the English Knowledge. If enabled, this functionality would allow administrators to block users from editing specific pages or namespaces, rather than the entire site.
7674: 5862: 4595: 10806:
I don't know about the genocide issue, but a reliable source can be controversial on one issue but not on another. In this case, Ramet et al agree it was ethnic cleansing, and there is
7109: 7093: 5773: 5757: 10340:(it caught my eye on the nomination page last week as I was curious what HSwMS stood for). I thought you went above and beyond in guiding the nominator through the GA process. Cheers, 2661: 11414:
How about YOU fix it, instead of using citations to sources that fail verification. Do you even check the sources you are using? You have repeatedly done it, and that is problematic.
10881: 10865: 10609: 9235: 9219: 6770: 4719: 1944: 1763: 1354: 1066: 785: 8586: 8570: 4583: 4088: 145: 5595: 5072: 4397: 11284: 3175:
or another relevant dramaboard for the community to deal with them. I rarely use my admin tools for anything controversial regarding Yugoslavia in WWII because I might be seen as
1496: 10461:
No worries, glad it was of help. He's written a series on VC recipients as well, I don't have those but I believe them to be similar in providing short bios of each recipient -
8937: 7101: 5765: 2657: 2270: 1370: 994: 990: 986: 982: 978: 974: 952: 942: 938: 934: 930: 10873: 9227: 3570:
I think this photo is from some italian book but unfortunately I don't know what book it is. This is a photo I have, it's a little better than the one on that italian site. ā†’
161: 8578: 8038: 10083: 4498: 3834:
To stay on topic I moved this discussion to another talk section....again.... I will get back to you about Parson's as I am having a hard time looking for that page online.
1829: 1111: 10060: 9392:. Clearly military unit titles need to provide an indication of their size, so regiment is needed and the standard military unit title format across WP is <ordinal: --> 2796: 5100: 3477: 10889: 10580:
I've seen Confederate units with "Volunteer" in the title too, so it does nothing to differentiate the Union and Confederate units, and they were all volunteers anyway.
10194: 8907: 6551: 6478: 6420: 5643: 5209: 2888: 2676: 1391: 595: 10132: 9016: 8632:
You are right. Reading closer I see the first mass murder occurred April 28th about a month or two before the Nazis began their mass murders of Jews. Sorry about that.
6391: 5057: 5045: 2989:
Alternately, if you have any interest at all, feel free to reply right here, on this talk page. please ping me when you do so, by typing {{ping|sm8900}} in your reply.
If you have any experience at all with standard WikiProject processes such as quality assessment, article help, asking questions, feel free to come by and get involved.
Thank you for all your help with my first Good Article, and for your suggestion to nominate it for A Class. Thank you for your encouragement. It means a huge amount.
8032: 786: 11362:
I see. Well, we can agree to disagree on notability, I suppose; though it's worth mentioning that I'm some distance from the inclusionist end of the spectrum myself.
5012: 5004: 2500: 2496: 1835: 1662: 1658: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1634: 10240: 10079: 6760:, membership is entirely voluntary, you can get involved in as much or little of our collective activities as you like. We run backlog drives (one just finished), a 6597: 6514: 5880: 5701: 4309: 4305: 4301: 4297: 4289: 4285: 4281: 4277: 4269: 2934: 1449: 897: 881: 877: 486: 271: 6777:
page. If you have any more questions at any stage, feel free to contact me here. Yes, this is really how people converse on Knowledge! Enjoy your editing. Regards,
5008: 4273: 11285: 10566:
I don't really like the word "Volunteer" either. I will stick to Illinois and Texas units, though I'm not quite done with some Missouri Union artillery batteries.
7867: 6286: 6282: 6278: 4942: 4615: 2952:. we need people there!! right now the project seems to be semi-inactive. I am going to various WikiProjects whose topics overlap with ours, to request volunteers. 2632: 1872: 1706: 1042: 544: 10549: 9934: 9930: 9926: 9389: 4293: 8911: 8903: 6320: 4623: 4413:
When trying to move a page, if the target title already exists then a warning message is shown. The warning message will now include a link to the target title.
Iā€™m not interested in such internet drama. I stated an observation. And it seems more accurate now. My main objective is discussion of the sources I showed you.
I have worked on the article, but so far have only got to the point where he became leader of the CPY. I haven't gone beyond that as yet, or looked at the lead.
1070: 11173: 9867: 10087: 8381: 5628:
contest entries as you go and looking at ACRs to see if they are ready for promotion or nominators/reviewers need a prompt. They are our main jobs these days.
5215: 5137: 4346: 11444: 11423: 11321: 11301: 8222:
Thanks, mate! I knew that there had to be a way past the US copyright issues, though I obviously didn't dig deep enough into the Australian copyright tags.--
8039: 6433: 4845: 4772: 4758: 3784:
on Worldcat or Google Books, so unless you can provide a full citation for one or the other (and a page for the former), I don't see how the hull symbol for
737: 10092:
all discussions about pharmaceutical drug prices and pricing and for edits adding, changing, or removing pharmaceutical drug prices or pricing from articles
6503: 5663: 4221: 1602: 1411: 809: 506: 11216: 9852: 9122: 8967: 4215: 4194: 4128: 3444: 1721: 480: 11234: 10214: 10018: 9991: 8231: 8217: 6571: 4673: 4030: 4000: 3943: 3917: 3079:
quality assessment, people who can answer questions, people who have areas they help with, people who know how to write templates (unlike me) etc etc etc.
2908: 2432: 589: 11278: 10920: 10456: 10068: 9181: 9143: 8173: 8132: 8118: 7930: 6737: 6719: 6545: 6211: 6188: 6173: 5637: 5613: 5460: 5141: 4881:
I've reverted, but if they persist with the edit warring over the wording and refuse to discuss on the talk page, semi protection may be needed. Cheers,
4792: 4550: 4535: 4520: 4015: 3871:
for facts, no matter how unfavorable or uncomfortable they make one's self. If you want some of the truth heard, you have to have all of the truth heard.
3843: 3829: 3797: 3266: 3248: 3233: 3218: 3203: 3188: 2978: 2817: 1988: 1968: 1890: 1467: 1194: 851: 803: 455: 441: 423: 11373: 11357: 10756: 10742: 10496: 10306: 9831:
Yeah I donā€™t see much luck with that. Seems every edit leads to pandemonium on Balkan articles. Itā€™s getting to my final nerves honestly at this point.
6890: 4652: 4171: 4153: 3982: 3156: 3031: 2844: 2351: 1674: 10258: 10043: 9060: 8067: 7792: 7578: 7509: 7495: 7043: 7029: 7015: 6987: 6158: 6061: 6046: 6032: 6010: 5978: 5950: 5910: 5719: 5342: 5328: 5305: 5291: 5277: 3771: 3757: 3691: 3672: 3565: 2644: 713: 562: 11257: 10589: 10575: 10561: 9826: 9807: 9452: 9404: 9314: 9300: 9269: 8434: 7908: 6238: 6037:
There isn't a reliable source for the Italian, and a Commander section just repeats what is already in the article. I just don't see the need for it.
That is not my problem. There are plenty of images on Commons with dodgy licences like that one. You just can't use them in articles, especially FAs.
4964: 4932: 4918: 4890: 2330: 847: 11399: 11381: 11195: 11102: 10655: 10529: 9472: 9376: 9283: 9158: 8360: 8338: 8290: 8091: 7482: 6786: 6661: 4831: 3059:
hundreds of members signed up, means that we need some means to call attention to whomever is actually active and actually available to help others.
On behalf of the Military History Project, I am proud to present the WikiChevrons for participating in 46 reviews between October and December 2019.
2105: 1270: 1239: 1180: 1027: 775: 731: 395:
Match each squadron parenthetically to the labelling used in the maps at first mention. Ie "The first two squadrons (I and II) led the way ... " etc.
10823: 10801: 10786: 10717: 10470: 10438: 9900: 9769: 9721: 9706: 9691: 9677: 9655: 9614: 9599: 9581: 9546: 9488: 8867: 8857: 8772: 8757: 8730: 8701: 8641: 8627: 8532: 8491: 8477: 8463: 8448: 8375: 8323: 8188: 8158: 7721: 7624: 7599: 7550: 7535: 7454: 7440: 7184: 7169: 7155: 7140: 6876: 6862: 6840: 6826: 6811: 6232: 5818: 5804: 5024: 4994: 2372: 677: 659: 636: 380: 11072: 11058: 11044: 11030: 11016: 10998: 10981: 10941: 9438: 9342: 9328: 9037: 8949: 8801: 7699: 7403: 7365: 7330: 7291: 7259: 7236: 7217: 6973: 6944: 6912: 5223: 5153: 5145: 4954: 4876: 3538: 3524: 3130: 3108: 3069:
or something, of users who are actually active, available, ready and willing to help others on this. adding myself was just the tip of the iceberg.
3053: 2880: 2866: 2357: 1590: 1564: 1541: 642: 610: 192: 10367: 9894: 9755: 8416: 7845: 7828:
Please slow down and look again at paragraph 1, 4th sentence, and then at paragraph 3 and the identical 3rd sentence. Not ideal for a lede, is it?
There is no shortage of books that describe Tito as a benevolent dictator, including most biographies of him such as West. Peter Lane's 1985 book
6696: 6682: 6580:
On behalf of the Military History Project, I am proud to present the WikiChevrons for participating in 26 reviews between January and March 2020.
5564: 5528: 5508: 5479: 5433: 5415: 5400: 5386: 5371: 3346: 3331: 3311: 3297: 702: 10109: 9840: 8993: 8073: 8009: 7991: 7445:
I agree with you but I am talking about something else. I may have not been clear in how I started this discussion. Iā€™ll make a separate section.
6455: 5876: 5186: 5149: 5129: 4817: 4475: 2773: 2628: 2421: 1806: 1709:
was closed. 18 proposals have been summarised with a variety of supported and opposed statements. The inactivity grace period within which a new
1285: 1088: 859: 757: 11151: 8394: 7895: 7160:
My main concern remains a few unreliable sources like Lituchy, and the use of marginal online news sources for much of the modern day material.
The reader wants to know about the man, and can click on the link if they want to know what his rank epaulettes for his final rank looked like.
5103:, Twinkle's default CSD behavior will soon change, most likely this week. After the change, Twinkle will default to "tagging mode" if there is 4259: 10699: 10223:
On behalf of the Military History Project, I am proud to present the WikiChevrons for participating in 59 reviews between April and June 2020.
10003: 9788: 9104: 9051:
No worries Ed. I've protected it and will drill down into the 2019 RFC and see if I can explain it in a clearer manner and suggest a solution.
8682: 8656: 7282:
enough. So, something like that be considered bad sourcing? If not, is it OK to find the opposite claim in more books and put it here as well?
6316: 5833: 5258: 1860: 1314: 9916: 7871: 6140: 5884: 2624:
asks whether admins who don't use their tools for a significant period of time (e.g. five years) should have the toolset procedurally removed.
2470: 1696: 1522: 10959: 10535: 10114: 9516: 8998: 8893: 8523:
I've responded there. There are plenty of reliable sources that say Đilas was involved in "leftist errors" in Montenegro. I've linked three.
8014: 7705: 7663: 7655: 7648: 7640: 7357: 7283: 7228: 6765: 6460: 6353: 6341: 6258: 6136: 6006: 5946: 5941:
Then remove that photo from the Wikimedia Commons. At the end the two photos from the 1936 voyage remaining for Gallery or somethihg else. --
5324: 5287: 5191: 4990: 4679: 4480: 4361: 3753: 3668: 3005: 2778: 2640: 2610: 1904: 1811: 1620: 1093: 1008: 829: 6412: 6395: 5558:
article to use this updated map - if you prefer it too then cool, if not just revert my change and go back to the default NDH 1941 locator.
4334: 4330: 2585: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2565: 2561: 2557: 2545: 2541: 2537: 2533: 2529: 2525: 2521: 1789:
will no longer use partial or temporary Office Action bans... until and unless community consensus that they are of value or Board directive
10075: 9479:
because the NDH was a country, a puppet state of course, but still a country, and the Italians also occupied part of it from 1941 to 1943.
7883: 7061: 6363: 5490: 4980: 4425: 3959: 3302:
I'm not interested in hosting a free-for-all on my talk page. Take your disputes to article talk or your own talk pages, not mine. Thanks,
2595: 2448: 1684: 837: 105: 7941: 2488: 10849: 10770:
There are better sources, and although it is contested, I understand the general academic consensus is that it was ethnic cleansing; see
9203: 8885: 8607: 8554: 7077: 6527: 5741: 5725: 5133: 4695: 4664:
Believe it or not, I find sfn easier. I suppose it is what you are used to. I started off using ref tags and changed to sfn after a bit.
4241: 4064: 4048: 3813: 2452: 1920: 1330: 121: 10297:
You are very welcome! Great to see people stretching themselves and putting their work up for review! I'll take a look at the ACR soon.
This barnstar is awarded to you for your good work, careful contributions and valuable mediation in resolving the naming dispute at the
3556:. I'm afraid that a modelling website doesn't qualify as reliable. If you can find a reliable source for it, it could be added. Cheers, 2474: 2466: 1004: 962: 893: 10502: 10104: 8988: 8004: 6450: 5181: 4470: 4249: 2768: 2079:
Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season, from the horse and bishop person. May the year ahead be productive and distraction-free.
1801: 1638: 1473: 1083: 825: 8835: 7863: 6268: 3317: 2288: 10833: 10288: 9382: 8889: 6149:
That video link can't be used either. There is no indication it is PD, in fact British Pathe require you to buy a licence to use it.
4237: 2492: 2456: 1624: 873: 863: 10633: 8302:
Yet another of Antid's creations. "Bookicide" is an obscure and recent word first used in Croatia in 1998 in the satirical magazine
3396: 10661: 9476: 9187: 8976:
articles related to the history of Jews and antisemitism in Poland during World War II (1933ā€“45), including the Holocaust in Poland
8538: 8272: 7837: 6437: 6436:
of the pages most visited through various social media platforms to help with anti-vandalism and anti-disinformation efforts. The
4560: 3678:
if you know what page the image is on and it says the year when the image was taken. As far as the displacement characteristics of
editors, an assessment area where editors can submit articles for assessment/re-assessment, and a simple system of awards. Cheers,
1896: 10189: 6643: 432:! I think introducing them using the relevant numeral at first mention is all that is required given the map is so clear. Cheers, 10349: 9569: 8927: 8915: 6254: 4400:. There is a small checkbox that toggles the "partial" status for both blocks and templating. There is currently one template: 833: 6978:
Photos with FoP-USonly aren't really free, but unlike Commons enwiki doesn't require images to be free in their source country.
2149: 1012: 909: 855: 2484: 2314: 1429: 326: 262: 247: 2087: 2040: 11405: 10536: 10386: 9882: 7904: 7813: 7745: 7632: 6846: 6605: 5789: 5362:
That sounds great, XrysD. I'm looking forward to seeing it, I know it will get good use across a number of articles. Cheers,
4245: 3453: 2942: 2378: 1156: 10552:
for the discussion and progress. One of the editors involved will get to the Union Missouri units soonish I'm sure. Cheers,
look out for as apposed to just going with the official names? What have you found sources to use as the most common label?
estimate and assuming the estimate was correct, as the author states. Small detail but heavy. I fixed the wording therefore.
7966: 6903:, the problem is that Bosnia and Herzegovina doesn't have freedom of panorama, so the building itself is still copyrighted. 10128: 9873: 9251: 9012: 8058:. I will alert them to the DS and have made a comment there. I don't feel it would be best for me to close though. Thanks, 8028: 6474: 5843: 5673: 5205: 4494: 2792: 2427: 1825: 1363:
Willbb234 on Allied pilots, Hawkeye7 on the defence of Australia and logistics in Indochina, Nick-D on Australian commandos
1107: 4044:
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
Generally the term "admin" refers to sysops. I would just go with coordinator, that's what most WikiProjects use. Cheers,
2217: 1256: 1220: 10399: 9460: 5250: 5245: 3851: 1859:
On behalf of the Milhist coordinators, I hereby award you the Writer's Barnstar, for placing second in the November 2019
10503: 9506:(1) Why was there was no consensus or RfC for what the new name should be? Number of editors were not in favor in fact. 8198: 7978: 6378: 5296:
No-one has bothered to remove them? How does their addition improve the reader's comprehension of the article? Thanks,
4527: 4007: 3931: 3909: 3835: 3486: 3388: 3338: 3258: 3225: 3195: 9319:
I'm not sure if I should congratulate or commiserate with you over having two TFAs in a month! I've watchlisted both.
created a script that will show a link to the proper Special:Undelete page when viewing a since-deleted revision, see
2190: 11348:
for FAC (he passed ACR in 2013), but have since decided against it due to the lack of coverage of his personal life.
9066: 5931: 2823: 97: 89: 84: 72: 67: 59: 6634:
For you many contributions to military history articles, to the Wikproject Military History and for your 100th ARC.
hull symbol. But it will be hard. For displacement I found this book with data of displacement (in metric tones). ā†’
are concerned, I will stay with Chesneau and Lenton at this stage, as they are naval specialist historians. Cheers,
because it could still be read as implying that Serbia was a country (despite the clear evidence to the contrary).
9043: 6423:
and not open to comments from the community yet. Interested editors can comment on the RfC itself on its talk page.
6093: 6089: 3529:
hm okay. well, I do appreciate your reply on that. thanks for your input. I will give that some thought. thanks. --
For anyone who wants to get involved, please come by and add your name at our talk page, at our talk page section:
section should be about. It should not be about the history of Croat nationalism in a more general sense. Cheers,
1979:, but make sure you advise the editor you are reporting and provide multiple diffs showing the behaviour. Cheers, 11179: 10124: 9008: 8807: 8024: 6891: 6470: 5201: 4490: 3011: 2788: 1821: 1742: 1103: 6773:, and if you would like another editor to take a look at your work and provide feedback, you can post it at our 8817: 7558: 6725: 6217: 3908:
looking to spam this talk page with such wasted energy back and forths. So I won't respond to them further.
1073:. The self-nomination period will close November 12, with voting running from November 19 through December 2. 11145: 11108: 7945: 7462: 6484: 3861: 3037: 2949: 2060: 7919: 7590:
I'll tell you what, how about you use edit summaries that explain why you are deleting information? Thanks,
a CSD tag present. You will be able to always default to "deletion mode" (the current behavior) using your
2223: 10599: 10312: 10155: 9874: 7563: 6939: 5844: 5575: 5216: 5125: 4442: 3969: 3508: 3099:
label to describe the sort of things that I plan or hope to do there. I hope that sounds okay. thanks!!! --
1738: 1425: 520: 223: 11429:
respond to what I thought the two of you had come up with. I was not trying to fix the blame. Cheers.
My point about notability and tertiary sources applies to Luis Arturo GonzĆ”lez LĆ³pez too. Pick-outs like
10421: 8666: 8239: 7757: 5424:! Thanks so very much for your research and work on putting this together. Greatly appreciated! Regards, 5268:, icons should not be merely decorative. Use of rank icons doesn't improve comprehension of the article. 5090:
confirmed that sandboxes of established but inactive editors may not be blanked due solely to inactivity.
3546: 1767: 516: 10646:. I am finding ACW units quite diverting from patrolling the POV-warrior-infested WWII Balkans pages... 9746:
If you two want to have a stink, take it elsewhere. I've made my position clear on both article titles.
7923: 6850: 5995:
you can see Armin Pavić, Vladimir Å aÅ”kijević and Emil Kopka. And this source already is in the article.
5377: 5232: 2257: 11437: 11314: 10264: 7934: 7318: 6792: 6610: 5570: 4898: 4841: 4768: 4446: 2636: 646: 325:
Created 148 articles and 7 templates. A prolific and helpful article reviewer. Lead coordinator of the
198: 38: 10138: 2243: 11329: 10163: 9760:
I have not interest in using another editorā€™s page for this sort of fight and ridiculous conclusions.
Peacemaker, I never said to go back to the old name ā€œHolocaust in Serbiaā€. My issues were as follows:
9418: 9410: 7775: 7519: 5681: 5672:
On behalf of the Military History Project, I am proud to present the A-Class medal with Diamonds for
5239: 2850: 2824: 1745:, allows the setting of a different default block length for IP editors. Neither is currently used. ( 1420:
On behalf of the Military History Project, I am proud to present the A-Class medal with Diamonds for
708: 515:
On behalf of the Military History Project, I am proud to present the A-Class medal with Diamonds for
Your ongoing efforts to improve the encyclopedia have not gone unnoticed: You have been selected as
11161: 11139: 10153:
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can
9091: 9044: 7994:
with consensus to create a Village Pump-style page for communication with the Wikimedia Foundation.
7768: 7110:
Hawkeye7 looks at the logistics behind the Crusades and the USAF's early Cold War nuclear deterrant
6745: 6518:, I am pleased to award you this token of appreciation from the Project. Thank you, and well done. 5619: 5265: 4743: 4628:
Create a subpage at an umbrella-type WikiProject that already covers a broad topical area, such as
4370: 3162: 714: 7278: 5160: 11382: 11345: 11212: 9560: 9467: 8618:
The Ustashas started killing immediately they took power in April 1941. This is well documented.
8296: 8227: 7201: 6079: 5448: 4026: 3939: 1162: 568: 5168: 2666:
the entire set of articles whose topic relates to the Arab-Israeli conflict, broadly interpreted
11419: 11407: 11395: 11353: 11341: 11297: 11274: 11253: 11230: 11191: 11169: 11098: 11068: 11040: 11012: 10977: 10937: 10916: 10819: 10782: 10738: 10713: 10651: 10585: 10557: 10525: 10492: 10452: 10434: 10363: 10302: 10254: 9890: 9863: 9803: 9751: 9702: 9673: 9665: 9610: 9577: 9484: 9448: 9400: 9372: 9338: 9310: 9265: 9177: 9139: 9118: 9056: 9033: 8853: 8845: 8797: 8753: 8697: 8623: 8612: 8528: 8487: 8459: 8430: 8356: 8319: 8286: 8213: 8169: 8154: 8128: 8114: 8087: 8063: 7788: 7717: 7695: 7669: 7595: 7574: 7531: 7505: 7478: 7436: 7399: 7326: 7255: 7213: 7165: 7136: 7125: 7039: 7011: 6969: 6908: 6872: 6836: 6807: 6782: 6733: 6715: 6678: 6667: 6657: 6541: 6523: 6228: 6207: 6184: 6169: 6154: 6057: 6042: 6028: 5974: 5906: 5800: 5715: 5633: 5609: 5504: 5456: 5429: 5396: 5367: 5338: 5301: 5273: 5156:. There are a total of seven editors that have been appointed as stewards, the most since 2014. 4914: 4886: 4861: 4827: 4754: 4669: 4648: 4546: 4531: 4516: 4211: 4190: 4149: 4124: 4011: 3996: 3978: 3913: 3839: 3825: 3793: 3767: 3762:
We can't external link to copyvios, so unless the images are PD, they can't be external links.
3687: 3561: 3520: 3392: 3342: 3307: 3262: 3244: 3229: 3214: 3199: 3184: 3152: 3126: 3049: 3027: 2968:
and if you have NO Experience, but just want to come by and get involved, feel free to do so!!!
2922: 2862: 2840: 2813: 2417: 2368: 2347: 2326: 2296: 2284: 2213: 2145: 2101: 2051: 2036: 1984: 1886: 1868: 1586: 1537: 1506: 1463: 1437: 1304: 1266: 1235: 1190: 1176: 1152: 799: 771: 763: 727: 698: 673: 632: 616: 606: 585: 558: 532: 476: 451: 437: 419: 376: 297: 226:
in recognition of your outstanding and continuing work. Thank you for the great contributions!
188: 47: 17: 7962: 11431: 11368: 11308: 11242: 10752: 10284: 10280: 10185: 9422: 9414: 9356: 8978:. Article talk pages where disruption occurs may also be managed with the stated restriction. 8602: 8102: 8074: 5356: 4837: 4764: 4167: 1714: 577: 428:
I have to say, this is a great series of maps which lay out the battle very well. Great job,
386: 10411:
Notes his 1940 appraisal as "below average, for whom it was doubtful a niche could be found"
9912: 7891: 7879: 7526:
The latter is far stronger. The appropriate place to discuss this is on the Tito talk page.
6349: 6264: 5555: 5519: 5443: 5053: 5041: 5020: 4986: 4255: 2462: 1692: 1670: 948: 905: 843: 11336: 10373: 10236: 9987: 9922: 8923: 8899: 8047:
WP:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring#User:OyMosby reported by User:WEBDuB (Result: )
7912: 7859: 7833: 7569:
Sure, will keep a weather eye. Feel free to ping me to any particularly problematic pages.
7492: 7025: 6983: 6593: 6359: 6337: 6274: 5868: 5697: 5000: 4342: 4326: 4265: 4200: 3271:
Dear IP editor, please be civil enough and stop badmouthing me, it is not your first time.
2930: 2591: 2480: 2111: 1680: 1630: 1445: 1000: 958: 889: 869: 540: 9958: 9940: 9367:
I don't have enough knowledge of the sources to chime in there, unfortunately. Good luck!
that they will develop a universal code of conduct for all WMF projects. There is an open
for a community opinion on their reliability, pointing out in which ways they do not meet
6292: 4445:
will begin on 08 February 2020, 14:00 (UTC) and end on 28 February 2020, 13:59 (UTC). The
8: 10723: 10571: 9822: 9784: 9434: 9361: 9293: 9096: 8786: 8412: 7428: 7421: 6996: 6954: 6921: 6023:. It can be used as a reference though, so I have created a citation and added the fact. 5312: 4950: 4928: 4872: 4658: 4609: 4179: 3016: 2310: 1725: 1185:
Done. The redirect from the old review page had to be deleted to make way for a new one.
687: 576:
G'day. I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with sportsperson articles. I suggest you ask at
Sorry, I don't know what you are referring to. Can you provide more information? Thanks,
8844:. Antid has restored the material and added a citation to a reliable source (thank you, 3709:
in 1943 had another type of camouflage). For this second photo we have one more suorce,
11208: 10764: 10629: 10424:
stating: "he always lived right on top of the world, as though every day was his last".
10228: 9154: 8587:
Nick-D and Hawkeye7 look at fortifications, the German Army, and post-Cold War conflict
8390: 8334: 8268: 8223: 8205: 8106: 6639: 6585: 5963: 5406: 4903: 4812: 4787: 4404: 4022: 3935: 3274: 3239:
Croats, he is referring only to Bosnian Muslims. Can you provide a quote from Parsons?
3176: 2084: 1994: 1281: 1252: 1216: 1202: 753: 402:
Match each squadron parenthetically to the labelling used in the maps at first mention
177: 9999: 8881: 6312: 6250: 6001:
Then the other two photos from 1936 remain.They are already in the other articles. --
5164: 4976: 4233: 2553: 2517: 2444: 1616: 970: 926: 821: 11415: 11391: 11349: 11293: 11270: 11249: 11226: 11187: 11165: 11094: 11064: 11036: 11008: 10973: 10947: 10933: 10912: 10815: 10797: 10778: 10734: 10709: 10647: 10581: 10553: 10521: 10488: 10466: 10448: 10430: 10359: 10298: 10250: 10056: 9886: 9859: 9836: 9799: 9765: 9747: 9717: 9698: 9687: 9669: 9651: 9606: 9595: 9573: 9542: 9480: 9444: 9396: 9368: 9334: 9306: 9261: 9173: 9135: 9128: 9114: 9052: 9029: 8849: 8828: 8793: 8768: 8749: 8726: 8693: 8678: 8652: 8637: 8619: 8524: 8483: 8473: 8455: 8444: 8426: 8371: 8352: 8315: 8282: 8209: 8184: 8165: 8150: 8124: 8110: 8083: 8059: 7784: 7776: 7767:
What list style should I go with? There are three possible changes I came up with at
7713: 7691: 7617: 7591: 7570: 7546: 7527: 7501: 7474: 7467: 7450: 7432: 7395: 7322: 7251: 7209: 7180: 7161: 7151: 7132: 7035: 7007: 6965: 6904: 6868: 6858: 6832: 6822: 6803: 6778: 6729: 6711: 6674: 6653: 6537: 6519: 6408: 6224: 6223:
G'day, I'd be happy to if necessary, but are you expecting a support from A. Parrot?
6203: 6180: 6165: 6150: 6053: 6038: 6024: 6020: 5970: 5962:
Citations are needed for all information, and we can't use Knowledge as a source per
5902: 5829: 5814: 5796: 5711: 5629: 5605: 5500: 5452: 5425: 5392: 5363: 5334: 5297: 5269: 5112: 4910: 4882: 4823: 4750: 4665: 4644: 4542: 4512: 4207: 4186: 4145: 4120: 3992: 3974: 3927: 3821: 3789: 3763: 3683: 3557: 3516: 3483: 3450: 3303: 3240: 3210: 3180: 3148: 3122: 3045: 3023: 2918: 2858: 2836: 2809: 2413: 2364: 2343: 2322: 2280: 2209: 2141: 2097: 2032: 2021: 1980: 1882: 1864: 1759: 1582: 1533: 1490: 1459: 1433: 1262: 1231: 1186: 1172: 1148: 1117: 1031: 795: 767: 723: 694: 669: 655: 628: 602: 581: 554: 528: 472: 447: 433: 429: 415: 372: 368: 184: 8439:
You and I were called out in the articleā€™s talk page. Just thought you should know.
5935: 5451:) for me, particularly around which zone Knin is within on the source maps. Thanks, 5311:
the icons of their general titles in addition to the icons of the Marshal's title -
wide-spread support for an alternative desysoping procedure based on community input
2835:, I'm back on deck properly now after the break, will take a look shortly. Regards, 11364: 11054: 11026: 11007:, I've reached my Google Books limit on that book. You don't have a physical copy? 10994: 10955: 10748: 10730: 10480: 10181: 10039: 9324: 9022: 8971: 7659: 7644: 7361: 7287: 7232: 6933: 5620: 4941:
up - don't know if you got the ping when I added your name to it, but if not, it's
4504: 4163: 4141: 4134: 3534: 3104: 3001: 2876: 2832: 1762:
is open to eligible editors until Monday 23:59, 2 December 2018 UTC. Please review
1560: 1518: 1421: 624: 10414:
Notes that the other two Oyster mines also detonated after the primer was removed.
I agree with the first, but accept the current title for now as it is better than
No worries, I won't do the GAN after the c/e, but it should sail through. Cheers,
request for comment to streamline the source deprecation and blacklisting process.
1746: 10926: 10545: 10345: 10232: 8055: 7829: 7584: 7489: 7196: 7021: 7003: 6979: 6961: 6761: 6692: 6589: 5992: 5693: 5689: 4643:
No worries. Enjoy your editing, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
3326: 3292: 2926: 2808:
Thanks Gerda. Must be one of very few TFAs on leading Nazis. Not a pleasant man.
2755: 1953:
Hawkeye7 and Nick-D look at works on aspects of the Second World War and Cold War
My pleasure. I thought at least an alternative view should be presented. Cheers,
1441: 569: 536: 8098: 6619: 5587: 3022:
The best place to discuss this is on the talk page of the Tito article. Cheers,
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
10567: 10358:
Thanks Zawed! Always keen to help people get started in the quality processes.
9818: 9780: 9430: 9287: 8941: 8422: 8408: 6774: 6750: 6085:
Maybe if someone wants to see the commander's list without looking in the text.
5316: 4946: 4937:
The Francesco Caracciolo FAC took a bit longer than I expected, but I just put
4924: 4868: 4637: 4112: 3140: 2306: 2301: 2155: 1897: 344: 243: 9333:
Thanks mate, it can be a bit hectic, but at least they aren't Balkans ones...
Right, so it is not PD in those countries. Or are you saying that photos with
5924: 5858: 4380:
seeking the community's sentiment for a binding desysop procedure closed with
2236: 2229: 1305:
207: 11263: 10905: 10643: 10625: 10224: 10026: 9661: 9279: 9166: 9150: 8402: 8386: 8344: 8330: 8264: 8142: 6799: 6757: 6704: 6635: 6581: 6196: 4807: 4782: 3172: 2336: 2180: 2080: 1976: 1710: 1277: 1248: 1212: 749: 665: 465: 229: 11035:
Iā€™ve sent you an email, just reply with scans or pics of the pages. Cheers,
For scoring 322 points in the WikiProject Military history 2020 edit-a-thon
Great, I can put it up as soon as the Francesco Caracciolo FAC is finished.
You need to have this discussion on the talk page of the article, not here.
11201: 11135: 11131: 10793: 10694: 10517: 10462: 10444: 10382:
That he offered his services to the RAN on 1 September 1939 and was refused
10173: 10022: 9832: 9761: 9713: 9683: 9647: 9591: 9538: 8841: 8821: 8764: 8722: 8674: 8648: 8633: 8469: 8440: 8367: 8348: 8180: 7610: 7542: 7446: 7176: 7147: 6854: 6818: 5825: 5810: 4457: 4393: 3553: 2120: 2046: 2012: 1227: 668:
that worked on that one. In any case, I'll have a look at it soon. Cheers,
651: 364: 2679:, the following editors have been appointed to the Arbitration Committee: 1717:
are permitted to use their discretion when returning administrator rights.
11117: 11050: 11022: 11004: 10990: 10965: 10951: 10512: 10321: 9320: 8517: 6928: 6900: 5677: 3884:
I have provided multiple sources stating Genocide against Croats as well.
3530: 3100: 2997: 2872: 2802: 1844: 1556: 1514: 8101:, but I don't dare to face an AfD. We saw Faust Part 2 in Frankfurt, so 7958: 6849:
as among other newspapers used as sources for historical information ,
4450: 3879:
that is the order the sources put it in. Genocide of Croats and Muslims.
is not required has been reduced from three years to two. Additionally,
10670: 10341: 10038:
Protection templates on mainspace pages are now automatically added by
9252: 6688: 5930:
Armin Pavić, Vladimir Å aÅ”kijević and Emil Kopka are in the text of the
5685: 5559: 5523: 5496: 5485: 5474: 5439: 5421: 5410: 5381: 4728:
Nick-D looks at a failed German counterattack in the Battle of Normandy
3320: 3286: 2384: 2070: 1500:
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
10273: 5652: 3284:, but - be it on your honour, if such a concept interests you at all. 2251: 2198: 1400: 495: 367:
and WikiProject Editor Retention! Thanks very much for nominating me,
Croatia Since Independence: War, Politics, Society, Foreign Relations
Joined the VC and GC Association in 1964 while in the UK for reunion.
tells the reader that it's a Civil War U.S. Volunteer regiment. Thx.
9275: 6851:
of current stewards is being held in parallel. You can automatically
1482: 1126: 1056:
is seeking the community's sentiment for a binding desysop procedure.
524: 10608: 10550:
Knowledge talk:WikiProject Military history#Titling of ACW regiments
2391: 2164: 3713:(Achille Rastelli) page 172. One more thing, I found this site for 2401: 1163: 10693:. Your work helped us to reduce the backlog by over 60%. Regards, 9588:
The Holocaust in the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia
problematic and concerning that it is falling through the cracks.
6764:, and reward reviewers at the end of each quarter. We also have a 5470: 4580:
Create an entirely new WikiProject with an inclusive name such as
3728:, I will try to find a book from which the photo is white-colored 10337: 9409:
The issue isn't "regiment," it's the removal of "Volunteer." See
9075: 7175:
claim was restored by two different editors despite being false.
Point taken. Note that IP's POV pushing/holy war has continued -
10447:! Thanks for finding this. Have added some good detail from it. 9951: 9664:
or use a descriptive title when the common name isn't clear per
8248: 6052:
Premuda. We need to do better than that with Featured Articles.
Thanks, onel5969. Hope you get a break over the holiday period.
Wikimedia projects can set a default block length for users via
10203: 10150:
Hello, Peacemaker67. Please check your email; you've got mail!
explaining it all out, Peacemaker. I appreciate it. Take care.
No worries, if you have any questions, feel free to post here!
Thanks. Was pretty weird not being able to go to Dawn Service.
6560: 6493: 5809:
Sorry, the Jasenovac Concentration Camp talk page and article.
As it is a Featured article, everything in the article needs a
3442: 2897: 2735: 1881:
Thanks Gog! It's been a long time between drinks for that one.
Thanks Gog, some of that has taken years to get up to scratch.
A survey to improve the community consultation outreach process
For your contributions that have elevated so many articles to
is updated daily and will be available through the end of May.
6124: 6117: 6113: 3991:
Let have this discussion centrally on the template talk page.
3745: 3741: 3737: 3660: 3650:
PS. When we already discussing: Full battle load of destroyer
3643: 3627: 3571: 1728:
has been opened up to users with the Edit Filter Helper right.
Nick-D on Hadrian's Wall and Hawkeye7 on the British military
of an editor by the WMF last year, the Arbitration Committee
For the exact same reasons, the NDH article should remain at
Thanks Gerda! Sorry to hear about your friend. Warm regards,
for all pages and edits related to COVID-19, to be logged at
can opine about whether it can be used in this case? Cheers,
of an editor by the WMF last year, the Arbitration Committee
5861:? This photo is the Public Domain on the Wikimedia Commons - 5484:
I can take a look at the template issue instead if you like?
4414: 1999: 242:
Let's begin on a real world note. Peacemaker67 served on two
9978: 8872: 8820:
there is whole paragraph on his rejection to sign appeal. --
Thanks for providing thorough reviews for FOUR! of my GANs.
7850: 6328: 5032: 4317: 3446:
Century of genocide: critical essays and eyewitness accounts
2711: 2508: 1607: 917: 762:
Sorry, French history isn't my thing. I suggest you post at
should allowed any unblock request or just private appeals.
Knowledge:Arbitration Committee/Anti-harassment RfC (Draft)
The video isn't PD, so can't be linked in the article, per
Who is to say that is Princess Olga? We need a text source.
1863:, achieving 35 points from four articles. Congratulations, 627:
is a good model for writing up a massacre article. Cheers,
will be my memorial. He wasn't religious, so Penderecki's
7973: 6297: 2723: 2699: 787:
Knowledge:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/Basil II
Hi, would you be able to help with this page...Brigadier
I guess Iā€™m not. Perhaps it is better to just walk away.
Thanks Hog Farm, all of them very interesting reads too.
6303: 5919:
In the external link clearly shows that Princess Olga is
5128:, the following editors have been appointed as stewards: 5107:
CSD tag present, and default to "deletion mode" if there
undo or alter CheckUser or Oversight blocks, rather than
2681: 2363:
Sorry, I know nothing about that subject. Happy editing,
Hawkeye7 reports back on a high-profile history symposium
280: 11286:
Template:Did you know nominations/Hamilton McWhorter III
9963: 9565:
The Holocaust in the German-occupied territory of Serbia
7735: 7733: 5851:
And what's the problem with Princess Olga of Yugoslavia?
is now open until 23:59 on Monday, 2 December 2019. All
Knowledge:Requests for comment/2019 Resysop Criteria (2)
The follow-up RfC to develop that change is now open at
9969: 9945: 8399:
Based on the discussion and the request for opinion by
and I can always recognize her. See this three photos:
5075:, the blocking policy was changed to state that sysops 2693: 601:
Quite right, sorry about that. I have reverted myself.
8351:, mention it on the talk page of the article as well. 7801: 6728:, DYK, image of a very small light in a ... night). -- 4569:
If so, which option below seems most feasible to you?
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
I don't agree. I actually was never comfortable with
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia
7730: 7094:
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
OK it's done! In the end the original map projection
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
3659:, where the load of the ship was 2690 metric tons. ā†’ 1937:
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
From the editors; awards and honours; contest results
Thanks Gerda! I think finster could also be "grim"?
4428:, the Arbitration Committee reminded administrators 3930:'s talk page, I've responded to you on my talk page 3638:
from a book but I don't know which one. Hull symbol
2729: 2717: 2687: 1781:
consultation on partial and temporary office actions
Knowledge:Arbitration Committee/Anti-harassment RfC
4622:Create a new sub-page in my own userspace, such as 2741: 596:
Axis order of battle for the invasion of Yugoslavia
414:I'll have a look at this later today, Gog. Cheers, 11063:I take there is just the one page? If so, got it. 5522:article Knin is outside Zone 1 as it should beĀ :) 5282:Then why do all these Field Marshals have icons?-- 4566:Would you be interested in an idea of this nature? 2705: 2645:Knowledge talk:New pages patrol/Redirect whitelist 1766:and, if you wish to do so, submit your choices on 10195:Congratulations from the Military History Project 10025:(template that misrepresents established policy) 9473:The Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia 6552:Congratulations from the Military History Project 5644:Congratulations from the Military History Project 5499:? I'm a bit of a duffer with this stuff. Thanks, 2889:Congratulations from the Military History Project 1392:Congratulations from the Military History Project 487:Congratulations from the Military History Project 10968:. Do you have copies of the relevant page(s) of 10429:That's great, thanks Dumelow! I'll have a look. 9236:Nick-D looks at the naval siege of Japan in 1945 6088:Actually I was talking about these two photos - 3744:The tests were conducted on October 12, 1939. ā†’ 11269:Thanks Gerda! Creeping slowly towards 50 TFAs! 7131:thanks for re-deleting the unsourced material. 6724:Thank you, but probably not "grim night", no? ( 4606:as a new WIkiProject, i.e. with some name like 2643:after a discussion following the guidelines at 2631:, a whitelist is now available for users whose 1836:November 2019 Military History Writers' Contest 8329:regarding this article, deletion etc? Thanks. 4602:Create a new collaborative page or forum, but 3479:Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Second World War 10874:Last month's new featured and A-class content 10679:The Multiple Good Article Reviewer's Barnstar 9517:Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia 9228:Last month's new featured and A-class content 8579:Last month's new featured and A-class content 7102:Last month's new featured and A-class content 6078:Thank You! Maybe this for video will be good 5766:Last month's new featured and A-class content 5465:Hi Peacemaker! I've checked in QGIS and Knin 4720:Last month's new featured and A-class content 4089:Last month's new featured and A-class content 3430:War and Revolution in Yugoslavia: 1941 - 1945 3255:War and Revolution in Yugoslavia: 1941 - 1945 2641:Knowledge:New pages patrol/Redirect whitelist 1945:Last month's new featured and A-class content 1787:concluding, among other things, that the WMF 1355:Last month's new featured and A-class content 738:You still working on French military history? 146:Last month's new featured and A-class content 9853:War of 1812 - not following wikipedia policy 8829: 8822: 7618: 7611: 7208:partisan stuff that came out after the war. 6652:Thanks Donner60! Much appreciated. Regards, 5664:Military history A-Class medal with diamonds 4460:. Thank you everyone for your contributions! 1412:Military history A-Class medal with diamonds 507:Military history A-Class medal with diamonds 289:Lead Coordinator of Military History Project 10071:and is open to comments from the community. 1969:Talk:Nikola_Tesla/Nationality_and_ethnicity 7744:sfn error: no target: CITEREFBellamy2003 ( 5586: 4384:. No proposed process received consensus. 4222:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ February 2020 3443:Samuel Totten; William S. Parsons (1997). 3427: 2948:Hi everyone. I am the new coordinator for 1603:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ December 2019 810:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ November 2019 10970:Stories of Heroism: PVC & MVC Winners 9881:I'm relaxed about that, as long as it is 7969:and share your thoughts on the talk page. 3634:I found a scanned photo of the destroyer 2754:This issue marks three full years of the 2433:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ January 2020 1707:RfC on the administrator resysop criteria 205: 11021:Yes, I have. How do I share it with you? 10890:Nick-D on diversity and military history 9477:The Holocaust in German-occupied Croatia 7677:Draft:1 Signal Regiment (United Kingdom) 5923:the destroyer if you ever looked at it. 5224:Adelaide Meetup 22 ā€“ Friday 6 March 2020 2658:fourth case on Palestine-Israel articles 2358:Regarding sources for asat test of india 2300: 2058: 1861:Military History Article Writing Contest 1171:No worries, it is pretty proforma, tbh. 162:Hawkeye7 on writing a military biography 11049:Hi, I have mailed you the scan. Thanks! 11003:Unfortunately that doesn't work for me 10854: 9570:The Holocaust in German-occupied Serbia 9208: 8559: 8164:so there wouldnā€™t be a ā€œthird chanceā€. 7812:sfn error: no target: CITEREFFine2007 ( 7739: 7500:The only ones not physical distancing! 7082: 6417:Arbcom RfC regarding on-wiki harassment 6239:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ April 2020 5746: 4965:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ March 2020 4700: 4630:Knowledge:WikiProject History/Town Hall 4575:Knowledge:WikiProject Council/Town Hall 4069: 2305:Merry Christmas! Hope yours is joyful. 1925: 1335: 319:for the week beginning October 13, 2019 154:Hawkeye7 and Nick-D look at three works 126: 14: 9901:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ July 2020 9697:probably end up with something worse. 8868:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ June 2020 8366:yourselves if I am doing such a thing. 7427:I think we have to take our lead from 5259:Petar Bojović Field Marshal epaulettes 3482:. New York: Tylor and Francis. p.Ā 84. 3475: 2127:Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2020! 1430:1st Army Group (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) 645:? It seems they changed their name to 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 10537:7th Missouri Cavalry Regiment (Union) 9883:Template:Infobox executive government 8482:My advice is to choose your battles. 7846:Administrators' newsletter ā€“ May 2020 7706:Question about source use and context 3926:As to not continue the disruption of 3701:) is 1941, and second photo (colored 2871:hi there! that's terrific. thanks. -- 10154: 9905: 9094:quickly! Thank you, Peacemaker67! - 8942:Unblock Ticket Request System (UTRS) 7807: 6392:new requirements for user signatures 6243: 5854:What is the problem with commanders? 5674:Arthur Sullivan (Australian soldier) 4969: 4590:Knowledge:WikiProject Bulletin Board 4226: 3960:Question regarding genocide template 2677:2019 Arbitration Committee elections 2639:queue. Admins can add such users to 2437: 1760:2019 Arbitration Committee Elections 1491:2019 Arbitration Committee elections 1071:2019 Arbitration Committee Elections 814: 363:Well, this is a very nice surprise, 25: 8608:Roman Emperor first line formatting 4021:Anyway, I'll take it over there. -- 3814:Cont. Discussion on Sources...Again 23: 11248:Thanks, missed a step. Fixed now. 10504:18th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment 10336:For a particularly helpful review 10143: 9977: 8871: 7979:User:Enterprisey/link-deleted-revs 7933:has been proposed to create a new 7849: 7681: 6845:Thank you. Iā€™m also curious about 6419:. A draft RfC has been posted at 6327: 6096:. For this italian photo, this is 5927:you can see Princess Olga clearly. 5031: 4777:I think I can reference them from 4596:Knowledge:WikiProject Water Cooler 4456:The English Knowledge has reached 4316: 2996:we welcome your input. thanks!! -- 2507: 2390: 2383: 2256: 2242: 2235: 2228: 2011:Happy Holidays to you and yours. ā€• 1998: 1606: 1474:ArbCom 2019 election voter message 916: 231:Knowledge Editor Retention Project 24: 11458: 9383:Renaming American Civil War Units 6687:I am, thanks for asking. Cheers. 6628:The Tireless Contributor Barnstar 6127:of the profile drawings from the 5997:Source already is in the article. 5934:, only Mario Bartalesi is in the 3624:Kriegsmarine in der Adria 1941-45 3600:in Regia Marine) had hull symbol 3586:in Regia Marine) had hull symbol 2979:WikiProject History needs you!!!! 2635:by a bot, removing them from the 1783:that ended in October received a 1067:nominate themselves as candidates 11116: 10857:Your Military History Newsletter 10848: 10691:Aprilā€“May 2020 GAN Backlog drive 10669: 10662:Aprilā€“May 2020 GAN Backlog drive 10607: 10320: 10272: 10202: 10088:standard discretionary sanctions 10065:RfC regarding on-wiki harassment 9998: 9986: 9957: 9939: 9921: 9911: 9211:Your Military History Newsletter 9202: 9074: 8922: 8898: 8880: 8562:Your Military History Newsletter 8553: 8380:It is enough to look at article 8247: 7946:bureaucrat activity requirements 7890: 7878: 7858: 7085:Your Military History Newsletter 7076: 6673:Thanks CPA-5! Hope you're well? 6618: 6559: 6492: 6358: 6348: 6336: 6311: 6291: 6273: 6263: 6249: 5749:Your Military History Newsletter 5740: 5651: 5231: 5052: 5040: 5019: 4999: 4985: 4975: 4798: 4779:Germany and the Second World War 4703:Your Military History Newsletter 4694: 4561:Idea for new community workspace 4341: 4325: 4264: 4254: 4232: 4072:Your Military History Newsletter 4063: 4040:The discussion above is closed. 3951:The discussion above is closed. 3500:The discussion above is closed. 3253:Pardon? On page 747 in his book 2896: 2590: 2552: 2516: 2479: 2461: 2443: 2250: 2197: 2163: 2119: 2059: 2009:serenity without social tension. 1928:Your Military History Newsletter 1919: 1843: 1691: 1679: 1669: 1629: 1615: 1481: 1399: 1338:Your Military History Newsletter 1329: 1125: 999: 991:The Blade of the Northern Lights 969: 957: 947: 925: 904: 888: 868: 842: 820: 494: 446:Thanks Peacemaker. Appreciated. 279: 270: 261: 257: 206: 129:Your Military History Newsletter 120: 29: 11292:Gā€™day, no prob. No I wonā€™t be. 8818:MiloÅ”_N._Đurić#Ethics_professor 7926:global group has been created. 6762:monthly article writing contest 5469:outside zone 1 on my map - see 5171:; they will serve for one year. 4584:Knowledge:WIkiProject Town Hall 4185:Thanks Borislav. I do my best. 3618:(Achille Rastelli) and journal 2633:redirects will be autopatrolled 1743:MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry-ip 329:. Offers sage and calm advice. 9858:Thanks, I've commented there. 9278:article has been scheduled as 7944:has been proposed to make the 6892:File:Tito's cabin at Drvar.jpg 6504:Military history service award 3820:before addressing Tomasevich. 3469: 3436: 3421: 2174:Merry Christmas, Peacemaker67! 1298: 13: 1: 10067:. The RfC has been posted at 10021:is in progress to remove the 8343:I would bring the sources to 7633:Socialist Republic of Croatia 6606:Not sure what to make of this 5991:What are you talking about?! 5790:Insight in recent page edits. 5416:17:37, 29 February 2020 (UTC) 5401:23:36, 27 February 2020 (UTC) 5387:13:15, 27 February 2020 (UTC) 5372:23:23, 26 February 2020 (UTC) 4955:13:24, 29 February 2020 (UTC) 4891:23:36, 26 February 2020 (UTC) 4877:23:31, 26 February 2020 (UTC) 4846:07:40, 24 February 2020 (UTC) 4832:23:18, 23 February 2020 (UTC) 4818:21:52, 23 February 2020 (UTC) 4793:18:44, 23 February 2020 (UTC) 4773:08:39, 23 February 2020 (UTC) 4759:06:40, 23 February 2020 (UTC) 4674:00:08, 13 February 2020 (UTC) 4653:23:25, 11 February 2020 (UTC) 3089:questions from other editors. 2943:posted request for volunteers 2422:23:33, 31 December 2019 (UTC) 2379:Happy New Year, Peacemaker67! 2373:06:34, 30 December 2019 (UTC) 2352:23:51, 28 December 2019 (UTC) 2331:03:14, 26 December 2019 (UTC) 2315:00:00, 26 December 2019 (UTC) 2289:22:21, 25 December 2019 (UTC) 2218:23:08, 22 December 2019 (UTC) 2191:11:12, 20 December 2019 (UTC) 2150:03:47, 22 December 2019 (UTC) 2106:22:43, 20 December 2019 (UTC) 2088:16:35, 20 December 2019 (UTC) 2041:00:17, 20 December 2019 (UTC) 2026:17:49, 12 December 2019 (UTC) 1989:00:07, 20 December 2019 (UTC) 1591:09:09, 22 November 2019 (UTC) 1565:09:00, 22 November 2019 (UTC) 1542:04:51, 22 November 2019 (UTC) 1523:09:35, 21 November 2019 (UTC) 1468:00:36, 14 November 2019 (UTC) 1450:00:30, 14 November 2019 (UTC) 1318:: Issue CLXIII, November 2019 1286:09:31, 11 November 2019 (UTC) 1271:21:57, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 1257:09:29, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 1240:08:56, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 1221:08:46, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 1195:09:26, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 1181:07:55, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 1157:07:55, 10 November 2019 (UTC) 11093:Thanks Eddie. All done now. 10932:No worries, you're welcome. 10159:at any time by removing the 9875:Yugoslav government-in-exile 9134:Thanks for letting me know. 5845:Yugoslav destroyer Dubrovnik 5217:Operation Retribution (1941) 5159:The 2020 appointees for the 4933:13:59, 31 January 2020 (UTC) 4919:23:12, 30 January 2020 (UTC) 4683:: IssueICLXVI, February 2020 4551:23:15, 3 February 2020 (UTC) 4536:21:43, 3 February 2020 (UTC) 4521:07:03, 3 February 2020 (UTC) 4499:15:06, 1 February 2020 (UTC) 4216:04:20, 27 January 2020 (UTC) 4195:00:15, 27 January 2020 (UTC) 4172:05:24, 23 January 2020 (UTC) 4154:01:59, 23 January 2020 (UTC) 4129:04:31, 23 January 2020 (UTC) 3944:00:18, 18 January 2020 (UTC) 3918:20:40, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3844:20:44, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3830:03:03, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3798:05:53, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3772:05:17, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3758:11:20, 11 January 2020 (UTC) 3692:08:11, 11 January 2020 (UTC) 3673:11:36, 10 January 2020 (UTC) 3539:04:17, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3525:03:35, 15 January 2020 (UTC) 3397:02:36, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3347:02:24, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3332:02:06, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3312:01:57, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3298:01:45, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3267:00:37, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3249:00:14, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3234:00:09, 17 January 2020 (UTC) 3219:23:59, 16 January 2020 (UTC) 3204:23:41, 16 January 2020 (UTC) 3189:23:04, 16 January 2020 (UTC) 3157:21:51, 16 January 2020 (UTC) 3131:05:25, 16 January 2020 (UTC) 3109:23:51, 11 January 2020 (UTC) 3054:22:14, 10 January 2020 (UTC) 3032:22:00, 13 January 2020 (UTC) 3006:20:31, 12 January 2020 (UTC) 2935:00:31, 11 January 2020 (UTC) 2881:00:56, 10 January 2020 (UTC) 2428:Welcome to the 2020 WikiCup! 2169: 1908:: Issue CLXIV, December 2019 1891:23:22, 2 December 2019 (UTC) 1873:18:14, 2 December 2019 (UTC) 1830:02:48, 2 December 2019 (UTC) 1785:closing statement from staff 1739:MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry 1426:Yugoslav destroyer Ljubljana 1112:21:15, 3 November 2019 (UTC) 1030:with the consensus that the 804:22:39, 28 October 2019 (UTC) 776:22:39, 28 October 2019 (UTC) 758:05:05, 28 October 2019 (UTC) 732:21:35, 27 October 2019 (UTC) 703:00:01, 22 October 2019 (UTC) 678:21:46, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 660:15:17, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 637:02:50, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 611:06:29, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 590:02:47, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 563:00:35, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 545:00:30, 20 October 2019 (UTC) 521:2/10th Battalion (Australia) 481:22:08, 16 October 2019 (UTC) 456:15:06, 15 October 2019 (UTC) 442:03:21, 15 October 2019 (UTC) 424:01:04, 15 October 2019 (UTC) 381:01:03, 15 October 2019 (UTC) 193:23:22, 12 October 2019 (UTC) 7: 10747:That's very kind of you! -- 10422:Sir John Smyth, 1st Baronet 9461:Holocaust in Serbia Article 8306:as the Serbo-Croatian word 7065:: Issue CLXVIII, April 2020 6108:of photos of the destroyer 5420:You are a dead-set legend, 3852:Cont. Discussion on Sources 3566:22:53, 9 January 2020 (UTC) 2867:23:00, 9 January 2020 (UTC) 2845:05:42, 8 January 2020 (UTC) 2818:07:44, 6 January 2020 (UTC) 2797:20:06, 4 January 2020 (UTC) 2269:Spread the WikiLove; use {{ 2196: 2170: 2096:Thanks, Ealdgyth! You too! 517:Schichau-class torpedo boat 347:-led peacekeeping missions 109:: Issue CLXII, October 2019 10: 11463: 10843: 10404:for mine training (before 10125:MediaWiki message delivery 9563:, although I would prefer 9197: 9009:MediaWiki message delivery 8548: 8199:US copyright for AWM image 8092:01:05, 30 April 2020 (UTC) 8025:MediaWiki message delivery 7992:request for comment closed 7967:review the proposed design 7793:06:12, 30 April 2020 (UTC) 7722:01:08, 30 April 2020 (UTC) 7700:01:05, 30 April 2020 (UTC) 7664:19:54, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 7649:19:47, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 7625:18:35, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 7600:01:34, 27 April 2020 (UTC) 7579:22:54, 27 April 2020 (UTC) 7551:10:51, 24 April 2020 (UTC) 7536:10:30, 24 April 2020 (UTC) 7510:08:03, 27 April 2020 (UTC) 7496:07:59, 27 April 2020 (UTC) 7483:03:41, 25 April 2020 (UTC) 7455:15:25, 23 April 2020 (UTC) 7441:03:17, 23 April 2020 (UTC) 7404:12:06, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7366:08:07, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7331:07:58, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7292:07:25, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7260:07:09, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7237:06:52, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7218:06:47, 22 April 2020 (UTC) 7185:05:40, 14 April 2020 (UTC) 7170:05:07, 14 April 2020 (UTC) 7156:03:00, 14 April 2020 (UTC) 7141:01:44, 12 April 2020 (UTC) 7071: 7044:11:40, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 7030:11:33, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 7016:11:28, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 6988:11:05, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 6974:07:49, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 6945:07:45, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 6913:06:59, 10 April 2020 (UTC) 6831:I've tagged them for now. 6471:MediaWiki message delivery 6233:23:54, 31 March 2020 (UTC) 6212:06:49, 28 March 2020 (UTC) 6189:22:27, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6174:22:27, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6159:22:27, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6141:22:16, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6062:00:37, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6047:00:32, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6033:00:27, 24 March 2020 (UTC) 6011:17:20, 22 March 2020 (UTC) 5979:23:51, 21 March 2020 (UTC) 5951:13:32, 21 March 2020 (UTC) 5911:03:17, 21 March 2020 (UTC) 5885:14:29, 20 March 2020 (UTC) 5857:What is problem with this 5834:23:46, 23 March 2020 (UTC) 5819:01:17, 22 March 2020 (UTC) 5805:23:51, 21 March 2020 (UTC) 5735: 5729:: Issue CLXVII, March 2020 5720:05:06, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 5702:00:30, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 5638:05:05, 14 March 2020 (UTC) 5614:07:52, 12 March 2020 (UTC) 5202:MediaWiki message delivery 4689: 4491:MediaWiki message delivery 4058: 4052:: Issue CLXV, January 2020 4031:02:29, 16 March 2020 (UTC) 4016:01:51, 16 March 2020 (UTC) 4001:01:36, 16 March 2020 (UTC) 3983:02:35, 16 March 2020 (UTC) 2789:MediaWiki message delivery 2279:Thanks Donner60! You too! 2162: 1914: 1822:MediaWiki message delivery 1324: 1104:MediaWiki message delivery 115: 11445:12:27, 28 July 2020 (UTC) 11424:12:10, 28 July 2020 (UTC) 11400:22:18, 27 July 2020 (UTC) 11374:01:49, 27 July 2020 (UTC) 11358:01:27, 27 July 2020 (UTC) 11322:14:08, 24 July 2020 (UTC) 11306:Okay. Thanks. Cheers. 11302:12:08, 24 July 2020 (UTC) 11279:11:50, 23 July 2020 (UTC) 11258:16:01, 20 July 2020 (UTC) 11235:11:30, 20 July 2020 (UTC) 11217:11:28, 20 July 2020 (UTC) 11196:04:09, 20 July 2020 (UTC) 11174:00:41, 20 July 2020 (UTC) 11152:14:46, 19 July 2020 (UTC) 11115: 11103:02:38, 17 July 2020 (UTC) 11073:00:56, 17 July 2020 (UTC) 11059:18:05, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 11045:14:24, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 11031:12:13, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 11017:11:38, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 10999:11:35, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 10982:11:32, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 10960:11:30, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 10942:10:21, 16 July 2020 (UTC) 10921:08:12, 14 July 2020 (UTC) 10824:05:32, 13 July 2020 (UTC) 10802:04:50, 13 July 2020 (UTC) 10787:04:35, 13 July 2020 (UTC) 10757:19:05, 11 July 2020 (UTC) 10743:04:16, 11 July 2020 (UTC) 10718:10:39, 11 July 2020 (UTC) 10700:08:31, 11 July 2020 (UTC) 10685:Thank you for completing 10675: 10668: 10656:04:59, 11 July 2020 (UTC) 10634:04:03, 11 July 2020 (UTC) 10613: 10606: 10326: 10319: 10208: 10201: 10027:speedy deletion criterion 9868:08:47, 30 June 2020 (UTC) 9841:02:42, 29 June 2020 (UTC) 9827:17:44, 27 June 2020 (UTC) 9808:00:03, 27 June 2020 (UTC) 9789:18:06, 26 June 2020 (UTC) 9770:00:54, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9756:00:40, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9722:03:25, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9707:03:16, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9692:03:13, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9678:03:00, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9656:01:29, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9615:01:18, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9600:01:08, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9582:01:02, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9547:00:52, 18 June 2020 (UTC) 9489:07:59, 17 June 2020 (UTC) 9453:01:17, 28 June 2020 (UTC) 9439:01:13, 28 June 2020 (UTC) 9419:1st Pennsylvania Regiment 9411:1st Rhode Island Regiment 9405:00:55, 28 June 2020 (UTC) 9377:07:20, 26 June 2020 (UTC) 9343:11:48, 17 June 2020 (UTC) 9329:11:09, 17 June 2020 (UTC) 9315:10:34, 17 June 2020 (UTC) 9301:10:14, 17 June 2020 (UTC) 9270:00:12, 15 June 2020 (UTC) 9182:22:30, 13 June 2020 (UTC) 9159:06:04, 11 June 2020 (UTC) 9144:05:17, 11 June 2020 (UTC) 9080: 9073: 9067:This barnstar is for you! 8947:The Wikimedia Foundation 8253: 8246: 7690:Thanks, I've deleted it. 6877:02:12, 8 April 2020 (UTC) 6863:06:24, 7 April 2020 (UTC) 6841:05:23, 7 April 2020 (UTC) 6827:02:47, 7 April 2020 (UTC) 6812:02:37, 7 April 2020 (UTC) 6787:01:51, 8 April 2020 (UTC) 6738:07:41, 6 April 2020 (UTC) 6720:07:19, 6 April 2020 (UTC) 6697:13:30, 5 April 2020 (UTC) 6683:23:15, 3 April 2020 (UTC) 6662:05:42, 4 April 2020 (UTC) 6644:04:54, 4 April 2020 (UTC) 6624: 6617: 6598:00:30, 3 April 2020 (UTC) 6565: 6558: 6546:22:38, 2 April 2020 (UTC) 6528:12:09, 2 April 2020 (UTC) 6498: 6491: 6479:07:00, 1 April 2020 (UTC) 6131:of Zvonimir Freivogel. -- 5682:Yugoslav destroyer Zagreb 5657: 5650: 5594: 5585: 5565:12:34, 8 March 2020 (UTC) 5529:17:00, 7 March 2020 (UTC) 5509:00:24, 6 March 2020 (UTC) 5491:14:55, 5 March 2020 (UTC) 5480:10:31, 4 March 2020 (UTC) 5461:08:17, 3 March 2020 (UTC) 5442:. I just used the map on 5434:00:21, 1 March 2020 (UTC) 5391:Exactly what I am after. 5343:20:58, 7 March 2020 (UTC) 5329:06:54, 4 March 2020 (UTC) 5306:23:50, 2 March 2020 (UTC) 5292:20:09, 2 March 2020 (UTC) 5278:04:44, 2 March 2020 (UTC) 5210:11:20, 2 March 2020 (UTC) 3428:Tomasevich, Jozo (2001). 2902: 2895: 2825:Talk:Bakassi conflict/GA1 2271:subst:Season's Greetings1 2140:Thanks Trekker! You too! 2118: 2065: 2031:Thanks Buster7, you too! 1849: 1842: 1405: 1398: 1131: 1124: 1065:Eligible editors may now 500: 493: 212: 10837:: Issue CLXXI, July 2020 10590:01:33, 9 July 2020 (UTC) 10576:22:20, 8 July 2020 (UTC) 10562:04:06, 8 July 2020 (UTC) 10530:23:36, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10497:23:27, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10471:10:11, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10457:10:01, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10439:07:09, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10368:10:03, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10350:09:15, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10307:07:05, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10289:06:55, 6 July 2020 (UTC) 10259:01:29, 5 July 2020 (UTC) 10241:00:32, 5 July 2020 (UTC) 10190:18:05, 3 July 2020 (UTC) 10133:10:25, 1 July 2020 (UTC) 9895:00:24, 1 July 2020 (UTC) 9280:today's featured article 9123:06:09, 6 June 2020 (UTC) 9105:09:12, 5 June 2020 (UTC) 9092:Macedonia Naming Dispute 9061:02:45, 5 June 2020 (UTC) 9045:Macedonia naming dispute 9038:22:36, 2 June 2020 (UTC) 9017:13:27, 1 June 2020 (UTC) 8858:23:37, 31 May 2020 (UTC) 8836:21:31, 31 May 2020 (UTC) 8802:07:39, 29 May 2020 (UTC) 8773:07:47, 26 May 2020 (UTC) 8758:07:20, 26 May 2020 (UTC) 8731:06:38, 26 May 2020 (UTC) 8702:05:56, 26 May 2020 (UTC) 8683:23:15, 25 May 2020 (UTC) 8657:03:13, 25 May 2020 (UTC) 8642:02:47, 25 May 2020 (UTC) 8628:02:36, 25 May 2020 (UTC) 8533:03:41, 13 May 2020 (UTC) 8492:01:33, 12 May 2020 (UTC) 8478:01:22, 12 May 2020 (UTC) 8464:01:04, 12 May 2020 (UTC) 8449:01:01, 12 May 2020 (UTC) 8435:00:33, 12 May 2020 (UTC) 8417:18:32, 11 May 2020 (UTC) 8395:13:09, 11 May 2020 (UTC) 8376:12:44, 11 May 2020 (UTC) 8361:06:13, 11 May 2020 (UTC) 8339:04:42, 11 May 2020 (UTC) 8324:03:09, 11 May 2020 (UTC) 7769:User:Eddie891/Presidency 7020:If hosted locally only. 4371:Knowledge:Partial blocks 4042:Please do not modify it. 3953:Please do not modify it. 3502:Please do not modify it. 2172: 1726:edit filter mailing list 1034:should be made stricter. 715:Yugoslav torpedo boat T7 327:Military History Project 248:Military History Project 11383:Commissioner Government 11180:Feedback RE Tucker 1993 10105:Discuss this newsletter 9561:The Holocaust in Serbia 9468:The Holocaust in Serbia 9191:: Issue CLXX, June 2020 8989:Discuss this newsletter 8808:Commissioner Government 8542:: Issue CLXIX, May 2020 8291:01:08, 7 May 2020 (UTC) 8273:23:17, 6 May 2020 (UTC) 8232:03:55, 4 May 2020 (UTC) 8218:03:40, 4 May 2020 (UTC) 8189:18:36, 3 May 2020 (UTC) 8174:16:37, 3 May 2020 (UTC) 8159:03:15, 3 May 2020 (UTC) 8133:07:56, 2 May 2020 (UTC) 8119:07:16, 2 May 2020 (UTC) 8068:07:55, 2 May 2020 (UTC) 8033:01:19, 2 May 2020 (UTC) 8005:Discuss this newsletter 7905:Discretionary sanctions 7838:02:57, 1 May 2020 (UTC) 6775:requests for assessment 6451:Discuss this newsletter 5774:Recent external reviews 5449:Governorate of Dalmatia 5182:Discuss this newsletter 4471:Discuss this newsletter 4426:recent arbitration case 3012:Revision to my own role 2769:Discuss this newsletter 2412:Thanks Eddie! You too. 2273:}} to send this message 1802:Discuss this newsletter 1084:Discuss this newsletter 11408:Hamilton McWhorter III 11342:President of Guatemala 10642:You are most welcome, 10148: 9982: 8970:was passed to enact a 8876: 7963:the talk pages project 7924:edit filter maintainer 7854: 7686: 7559:Genocide of Serbs Page 7394:I'm happy to do that. 6927:aren't really free? ā€” 6802:for a community view. 6332: 6218:Request for FAC review 5380:of map that you want? 5376:Just checking - is it 5126:2020 Steward Elections 5036: 4616:Knowledge:Water Cooler 4451:check your eligibility 4443:2020 Steward elections 4321: 4097:Hawkeye7 on Jim Mattis 3476:Redžić, Enver (2005). 2758:. Thanks for reading! 2512: 2395: 2388: 2317: 2261: 2247: 2240: 2233: 2028: 2003: 1611: 921: 18:User talk:Peacemaker67 11164:, you are very kind! 11124:The Writer's Barnstar 10617:The Patience Barnstar 10330:The Guidance Barnstar 10147: 9981: 9423:1st New York Regiment 9415:1st Maryland Regiment 8875: 8257:The Reviewer Barnstar 8109:wouldn't be right. -- 8103:an opera on the topic 8075:Waterloo Bay massacre 7853: 7685: 7463:Nationality/Ethnicity 7279:Vƶlkischer Beobachter 6485:Some stripes for you! 6331: 5035: 4624:User:Sm8900/Town Hall 4320: 3449:. Routledge. p.Ā 430. 3044:suggestions. Cheers, 3038:update re wikiproject 2511: 2394: 2387: 2321:Thanks Tom, you too! 2304: 2260: 2246: 2239: 2232: 2005: 2002: 1853:The Writer's Barnstar 1711:request for adminship 1610: 1488:Hello! Voting in the 920: 647:Amanuensis Balkanicus 343:participating in two 183:My pleasure, SusunW! 42:of past discussions. 9425:for examples of how 9084:The Admin's Barnstar 8382:Bookocide in Croatia 7961:has been working on 7675:Your draft article, 7564:Ukrainian hot potato 6992:OK, so we could use 6432:The WMF has begun a 6390:There is a plan for 5576:Precious anniversary 5161:Ombudsman commission 4458:six million articles 4447:confirmation process 3722:- Associazione Venus 3509:need some assistance 2670:reasonably construed 255:{{User:UBX/EoTWBox}} 11420:click to talk to me 11396:click to talk to me 11354:click to talk to me 11298:click to talk to me 11275:click to talk to me 11254:click to talk to me 11231:click to talk to me 11192:click to talk to me 11170:click to talk to me 11162:Field Marshal Aryan 11109:A barnstar for you! 11099:click to talk to me 11069:click to talk to me 11041:click to talk to me 11013:click to talk to me 10986:Sure, here it is... 10978:click to talk to me 10938:click to talk to me 10917:click to talk to me 10820:click to talk to me 10783:click to talk to me 10739:click to talk to me 10714:click to talk to me 10652:click to talk to me 10586:click to talk to me 10558:click to talk to me 10526:click to talk to me 10493:click to talk to me 10453:click to talk to me 10435:click to talk to me 10364:click to talk to me 10303:click to talk to me 10255:click to talk to me 10019:request for comment 9891:click to talk to me 9864:click to talk to me 9804:click to talk to me 9752:click to talk to me 9703:click to talk to me 9674:click to talk to me 9662:use the common name 9611:click to talk to me 9586:Right, but why not 9578:click to talk to me 9485:click to talk to me 9449:click to talk to me 9401:click to talk to me 9393:<name/state: --> 9373:click to talk to me 9339:click to talk to me 9311:click to talk to me 9266:click to talk to me 9178:click to talk to me 9140:click to talk to me 9119:click to talk to me 9057:click to talk to me 9034:click to talk to me 8957:regarding the same. 8938:request for comment 8854:click to talk to me 8798:click to talk to me 8754:click to talk to me 8698:click to talk to me 8667:Running vs Guarding 8624:click to talk to me 8529:click to talk to me 8488:click to talk to me 8460:click to talk to me 8431:click to talk to me 8357:click to talk to me 8320:click to talk to me 8287:click to talk to me 8240:A barnstar for you! 8214:click to talk to me 8155:click to talk to me 8129:click to talk to me 8088:click to talk to me 8064:click to talk to me 7942:request for comment 7931:request for comment 7789:click to talk to me 7758:Question about list 7718:click to talk to me 7696:click to talk to me 7596:click to talk to me 7575:click to talk to me 7532:click to talk to me 7506:click to talk to me 7479:click to talk to me 7437:click to talk to me 7400:click to talk to me 7327:click to talk to me 7319:WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS 7256:click to talk to me 7214:click to talk to me 7166:click to talk to me 7137:click to talk to me 7040:click to talk to me 7034:Thanks Nikkimaria! 7012:click to talk to me 6970:click to talk to me 6909:click to talk to me 6873:click to talk to me 6837:click to talk to me 6808:click to talk to me 6783:click to talk to me 6771:Writing a good stub 6766:project-wide system 6716:click to talk to me 6679:click to talk to me 6658:click to talk to me 6542:click to talk to me 6269:Boing! said Zebedee 6229:click to talk to me 6208:click to talk to me 6185:click to talk to me 6170:click to talk to me 6155:click to talk to me 6058:click to talk to me 6043:click to talk to me 6029:click to talk to me 5975:click to talk to me 5907:click to talk to me 5897:they are unsourced. 5801:click to talk to me 5716:click to talk to me 5634:click to talk to me 5610:click to talk to me 5582: 5505:click to talk to me 5457:click to talk to me 5430:click to talk to me 5397:click to talk to me 5368:click to talk to me 5339:click to talk to me 5302:click to talk to me 5274:click to talk to me 5113:Twinkle preferences 5088:request for comment 4915:click to talk to me 4909:Sounds good to me. 4887:click to talk to me 4828:click to talk to me 4755:click to talk to me 4670:click to talk to me 4649:click to talk to me 4610:Knowledge:Town Hall 4547:click to talk to me 4517:click to talk to me 4378:request for comment 4362:request for comment 4212:click to talk to me 4206:Sent you an email. 4191:click to talk to me 4150:click to talk to me 4125:click to talk to me 3997:click to talk to me 3979:click to talk to me 3826:click to talk to me 3794:click to talk to me 3768:click to talk to me 3688:click to talk to me 3614:hull symbol are in 3562:click to talk to me 3547:Destroyer Dubrovnik 3521:click to talk to me 3308:click to talk to me 3245:click to talk to me 3215:click to talk to me 3185:click to talk to me 3153:click to talk to me 3127:click to talk to me 3050:click to talk to me 3028:click to talk to me 2950:WikiProject History 2863:click to talk to me 2841:click to talk to me 2814:click to talk to me 2611:request for comment 2418:click to talk to me 2369:click to talk to me 2348:click to talk to me 2327:click to talk to me 2285:click to talk to me 2214:click to talk to me 2146:click to talk to me 2102:click to talk to me 2037:click to talk to me 1985:click to talk to me 1887:click to talk to me 1587:click to talk to me 1538:click to talk to me 1464:click to talk to me 1267:click to talk to me 1236:click to talk to me 1191:click to talk to me 1177:click to talk to me 1153:click to talk to me 800:click to talk to me 772:click to talk to me 728:click to talk to me 699:click to talk to me 674:click to talk to me 633:click to talk to me 607:click to talk to me 586:click to talk to me 559:click to talk to me 477:click to talk to me 438:click to talk to me 420:click to talk to me 377:click to talk to me 354:Submit a nomination 189:click to talk to me 11346:Vojislav Lukačević 11138:status. Regards, 10600:A barnstar for you 10313:A Barnstar for You 10265:A brownie for you! 10156:remove this notice 10149: 9983: 9475:. It cannot be at 8877: 7922:on Meta-Wiki, the 7855: 7687: 6793:Is this source RS? 6611:A barnstar for you 6333: 5580: 5571:Genocides template 5313:Franchet d'Esperey 5037: 4899:March Madness 2020 4335:Premeditated Chaos 4322: 3967:The discussion is 3776:BTW, I can't find 2513: 2396: 2389: 2318: 2262: 2248: 2241: 2234: 2224:Season's Greetings 2027: 2004: 1612: 922: 313:Editor of the Week 224:Editor of the Week 216:Editor of the Week 199:Editor of the Week 11390:Thanks Ealdgyth! 11385:scheduled for TFA 11330:Comprehensiveness 11157: 11156: 10948:Vijay Kumar Berry 10903: 10902: 10899: 10898: 10705: 10704: 10639: 10638: 10420:Has a quote from 10355: 10354: 10294: 10293: 10246: 10245: 10135: 10011: 10010: 9952:GeneralNotability 9255:scheduled for TFA 9249: 9248: 9245: 9244: 9110: 9109: 9019: 8940:asks whether the 8846:Antidiskriminator 8600: 8599: 8596: 8595: 8278: 8277: 8082:Thanks Ealdgyth! 8077:scheduled for TFA 8035: 7920:recent discussion 7777:Aloysius Stepinac 7314:Europe since 1945 7123: 7122: 7119: 7118: 6943: 6649: 6648: 6603: 6602: 6533: 6532: 6481: 6371: 6370: 6321:WereSpielChequers 5887: 5871:comment added by 5787: 5786: 5783: 5782: 5707: 5706: 5601: 5600: 5266:WP:ICONDECORATION 5256: 5255: 5219:scheduled for TFA 5212: 5065: 5064: 4836:Cheers. Regards, 4763:Cheers. Regards, 4741: 4740: 4737: 4736: 4501: 4354: 4353: 4110: 4109: 4106: 4105: 3626:(D. Freivogel) ā†’ 3455:978-0-203-89043-1 2940: 2939: 2851:note re your page 2799: 2603: 2602: 2205: 2204: 2137: 2136: 2093: 2092: 2006: 1966: 1965: 1962: 1961: 1900:scheduled for TFA 1878: 1877: 1832: 1504: 1503: 1455: 1454: 1384: 1383: 1380: 1379: 1144: 1143: 1114: 1020: 1019: 722:Thanks Ealdgyth! 717:scheduled for TFA 709:A bit of a bollix 664:I thought it was 550: 549: 404:in each paragraph 371:! Cheers to all, 360: 359: 239: 238: 228:(courtesy of the 175: 174: 171: 170: 103: 102: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 11454: 11443: 11433:7&6=thirteen 11372: 11320: 11310:7&6=thirteen 11148: 11142: 11120: 11113: 11112: 10852: 10845: 10844: 10841: 10840: 10697: 10673: 10666: 10665: 10611: 10604: 10603: 10324: 10317: 10316: 10276: 10269: 10268: 10206: 10199: 10198: 10180: 10178: 10172: 10168: 10162: 10158: 10146: 10122: 10040:User:MusikBot II 10002: 9990: 9972: 9966: 9961: 9954: 9948: 9943: 9925: 9915: 9906: 9298: 9206: 9199: 9198: 9195: 9194: 9103: 9078: 9071: 9070: 9006: 8955:local discussion 8952: 8926: 8902: 8884: 8833: 8826: 8557: 8550: 8549: 8546: 8545: 8406: 8251: 8244: 8243: 8022: 7976: 7935:main page editor 7894: 7882: 7862: 7818: 7817: 7805: 7750: 7749: 7737: 7684: 7622: 7615: 7080: 7073: 7072: 7069: 7068: 7001: 6995: 6960:though. Perhaps 6959: 6953: 6931: 6926: 6920: 6746:Talk:Rumpler C.X 6726:on the Main page 6622: 6615: 6614: 6563: 6556: 6555: 6496: 6489: 6488: 6468: 6362: 6352: 6340: 6315: 6306: 6300: 6295: 6277: 6267: 6253: 6244: 5894:it is unsourced. 5866: 5744: 5737: 5736: 5733: 5732: 5655: 5648: 5647: 5621:Operation Storax 5590: 5583: 5579: 5562: 5526: 5495:Would you mind, 5488: 5477: 5413: 5384: 5235: 5228: 5227: 5199: 5056: 5044: 5023: 5003: 4989: 4979: 4970: 4838:AustralianRupert 4822:Thanks Hawkeye! 4815: 4810: 4806: 4802: 4801: 4790: 4785: 4765:AustralianRupert 4744:Battle of Greece 4698: 4691: 4690: 4687: 4686: 4488: 4409: 4403: 4398:partial blocking 4345: 4331:Opabinia regalis 4329: 4268: 4258: 4236: 4227: 4067: 4060: 4059: 4056: 4055: 3493: 3492: 3473: 3467: 3466: 3464: 3462: 3440: 3434: 3433: 3425: 3329: 3323: 3295: 3289: 3282:genocide deniers 3278: 3163:Much appreciated 2900: 2893: 2892: 2786: 2756:Admin newsletter 2744: 2738: 2736:Worm That Turned 2732: 2726: 2720: 2714: 2708: 2702: 2696: 2690: 2684: 2637:new pages patrol 2594: 2556: 2520: 2483: 2465: 2447: 2438: 2407: 2274: 2254: 2201: 2194: 2187: 2184: 2176: 2167: 2160: 2159: 2123: 2116: 2115: 2063: 2056: 2055: 2024: 2019: 1923: 1916: 1915: 1912: 1911: 1847: 1840: 1839: 1819: 1695: 1683: 1673: 1633: 1619: 1485: 1478: 1477: 1422:Arthur Blackburn 1403: 1396: 1395: 1333: 1326: 1325: 1322: 1321: 1307: 1302: 1129: 1122: 1121: 1101: 1032:resysop criteria 1003: 973: 961: 951: 929: 908: 892: 872: 846: 824: 815: 625:Gudovac massacre 498: 491: 490: 283: 274: 265: 258: 235: 232: 210: 203: 202: 124: 117: 116: 113: 112: 81: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 11462: 11461: 11457: 11456: 11455: 11453: 11452: 11451: 11430: 11411: 11387: 11363: 11332: 11307: 11289: 11266: 11245: 11204: 11182: 11146: 11140: 11111: 10929: 10908: 10895: 10859: 10839: 10767: 10726: 10695: 10689:reviews in the 10664: 10632: 10602: 10540: 10507: 10483: 10379:Date of wedding 10376: 10315: 10267: 10197: 10192: 10176: 10170: 10166: 10164:You've got mail 10160: 10152: 10144: 10141: 10139:You've got mail 10136: 10120: 10119: 10012: 9968: 9962: 9950: 9944: 9903: 9878: 9855: 9666:WP:ARTICLETITLE 9463: 9390:this discussion 9385: 9364: 9359: 9294: 9257: 9241: 9213: 9193: 9169: 9131: 9095: 9069: 9048: 9025: 9020: 9004: 9003: 8974:restriction on 8948: 8870: 8810: 8789: 8669: 8615: 8610: 8605: 8592: 8564: 8544: 8520: 8400: 8299: 8297:Second opinion. 8242: 8201: 8145: 8079: 8043: 8036: 8020: 8019: 7972: 7848: 7823: 7822: 7821: 7811: 7806: 7802: 7780: 7760: 7755: 7754: 7753: 7743: 7738: 7731: 7708: 7682: 7680: 7672: 7635: 7587: 7566: 7561: 7522: 7520:Josip Broz Tito 7470: 7465: 7424: 7204: 7202:Josip Broz Tito 7199: 7128: 7115: 7087: 7067: 6999: 6993: 6957: 6951: 6924: 6918: 6896: 6795: 6753: 6748: 6707: 6670: 6613: 6608: 6554: 6487: 6482: 6466: 6465: 6372: 6342:NativeForeigner 6302: 6296: 6241: 6220: 6199: 5936:italian article 5848: 5792: 5779: 5751: 5731: 5646: 5624: 5578: 5573: 5560: 5524: 5486: 5475: 5411: 5382: 5359: 5261: 5240:Adelaide Meetup 5226: 5221: 5213: 5197: 5196: 5066: 4967: 4906: 4901: 4864: 4813: 4808: 4799: 4797: 4788: 4783: 4746: 4733: 4705: 4685: 4661: 4640: 4563: 4507: 4502: 4486: 4485: 4407: 4401: 4355: 4274:BrownHairedGirl 4224: 4203: 4182: 4137: 4115: 4102: 4074: 4054: 4046: 4045: 3987: 3986: 3985: 3962: 3957: 3956: 3862:personal attack 3854: 3816: 3554:reliable source 3549: 3511: 3506: 3505: 3498: 3497: 3496: 3489: 3474: 3470: 3460: 3458: 3456: 3441: 3437: 3426: 3422: 3328:(talk is cheap) 3327: 3321: 3294:(talk is cheap) 3293: 3287: 3272: 3165: 3143: 3040: 3019: 3014: 2945: 2891: 2853: 2828: 2805: 2800: 2784: 2783: 2740: 2734: 2728: 2722: 2716: 2710: 2704: 2698: 2692: 2686: 2680: 2604: 2435: 2430: 2409: 2408: 2398: 2381: 2360: 2339: 2299: 2276: 2268: 2263: 2255: 2226: 2185: 2182: 2158: 2114: 2054: 2049: 2022: 2013: 1997: 1971: 1958: 1930: 1910: 1902: 1838: 1833: 1817: 1816: 1768:the voting page 1651:MichaelQSchmidt 1643:John Vandenberg 1605: 1509: 1476: 1394: 1389: 1376: 1340: 1320: 1312: 1311: 1310: 1303: 1299: 1205: 1168: 1120: 1115: 1099: 1098: 1021: 812: 790: 740: 719: 711: 690: 623:what I reckon. 619: 598: 573: 570:Akane Yamaguchi 489: 468: 409:Something else. 389: 338: 316: 256: 230: 227: 201: 180: 167: 131: 111: 77: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 11460: 11450: 11449: 11448: 11447: 11410: 11404: 11403: 11402: 11386: 11380: 11379: 11378: 11377: 11376: 11331: 11328: 11327: 11326: 11325: 11324: 11288: 11283: 11282: 11281: 11265: 11262: 11261: 11260: 11244: 11241: 11240: 11239: 11238: 11237: 11220: 11219: 11203: 11200: 11199: 11198: 11181: 11178: 11177: 11176: 11155: 11154: 11127: 11126: 11121: 11110: 11107: 11106: 11105: 11090: 11089: 11088: 11087: 11086: 11085: 11084: 11083: 11082: 11081: 11080: 11079: 11078: 11077: 11076: 11075: 10944: 10928: 10925: 10924: 10923: 10911:Thanks Gerda! 10907: 10904: 10901: 10900: 10897: 10896: 10894: 10893: 10885: 10877: 10869: 10863:Project news: 10860: 10855: 10853: 10838: 10832: 10831: 10830: 10829: 10828: 10827: 10826: 10766: 10763: 10762: 10761: 10760: 10759: 10725: 10722: 10721: 10720: 10703: 10702: 10682: 10681: 10676: 10674: 10663: 10660: 10659: 10658: 10637: 10636: 10628: 10620: 10619: 10614: 10612: 10601: 10598: 10597: 10596: 10595: 10594: 10593: 10592: 10539: 10534: 10533: 10532: 10506: 10501: 10500: 10499: 10482: 10479: 10478: 10477: 10476: 10475: 10474: 10473: 10426: 10425: 10418: 10415: 10412: 10409: 10398:It has him at 10396: 10385:It has him at 10383: 10380: 10375: 10372: 10371: 10370: 10353: 10352: 10333: 10332: 10327: 10325: 10314: 10311: 10310: 10309: 10292: 10291: 10277: 10266: 10263: 10262: 10261: 10244: 10243: 10220: 10219: 10209: 10207: 10196: 10193: 10151: 10142: 10140: 10137: 10121: 10118: 10117: 10112: 10107: 10101: 10100: 10099: 10098: 10097: 10096: 10095: 10072: 10055:Following the 10050: 10049: 10048: 10047: 10033: 10032: 10031: 10030: 10009: 10008: 10007: 10006: 9995: 9994: 9975: 9974: 9973: 9955: 9937: 9919: 9904: 9902: 9899: 9898: 9897: 9877: 9872: 9871: 9870: 9854: 9851: 9850: 9849: 9848: 9847: 9846: 9845: 9844: 9843: 9811: 9810: 9792: 9791: 9775: 9774: 9773: 9772: 9743: 9742: 9741: 9740: 9739: 9738: 9737: 9736: 9735: 9734: 9733: 9732: 9731: 9730: 9729: 9728: 9727: 9726: 9725: 9724: 9632: 9631: 9630: 9629: 9628: 9627: 9626: 9625: 9624: 9623: 9622: 9621: 9552: 9551: 9550: 9549: 9531: 9530: 9529: 9528: 9522: 9521: 9520: 9519: 9510: 9509: 9508: 9507: 9501: 9500: 9499: 9498: 9492: 9491: 9462: 9459: 9458: 9457: 9456: 9455: 9407: 9384: 9381: 9380: 9379: 9363: 9360: 9358: 9355: 9354: 9353: 9352: 9351: 9350: 9349: 9348: 9347: 9346: 9345: 9256: 9250: 9247: 9246: 9243: 9242: 9240: 9239: 9231: 9223: 9217:Project news: 9214: 9209: 9207: 9192: 9186: 9185: 9184: 9172:Thanks Gerda! 9168: 9165: 9164: 9163: 9162: 9161: 9130: 9127: 9126: 9125: 9108: 9107: 9099:SilentResident 9087: 9086: 9081: 9079: 9068: 9065: 9064: 9063: 9047: 9042: 9041: 9040: 9024: 9021: 9005: 9002: 9001: 8996: 8991: 8985: 8984: 8983: 8982: 8981: 8980: 8979: 8961: 8960: 8959: 8958: 8945: 8931: 8930: 8919: 8918: 8904:Anna Frodesiak 8896: 8869: 8866: 8865: 8864: 8863: 8862: 8861: 8860: 8809: 8806: 8805: 8804: 8788: 8785: 8784: 8783: 8782: 8781: 8780: 8779: 8778: 8777: 8776: 8775: 8738: 8737: 8736: 8735: 8734: 8733: 8713: 8712: 8711: 8710: 8709: 8708: 8686: 8685: 8668: 8665: 8664: 8663: 8662: 8661: 8660: 8659: 8614: 8613:Recent removal 8611: 8609: 8606: 8604: 8601: 8598: 8597: 8594: 8593: 8591: 8590: 8582: 8574: 8568:Project news: 8565: 8560: 8558: 8543: 8537: 8536: 8535: 8519: 8516: 8515: 8514: 8513: 8512: 8511: 8510: 8509: 8508: 8507: 8506: 8505: 8504: 8503: 8502: 8501: 8500: 8499: 8498: 8497: 8496: 8495: 8494: 8298: 8295: 8294: 8293: 8276: 8275: 8260: 8259: 8254: 8252: 8241: 8238: 8237: 8236: 8235: 8234: 8200: 8197: 8196: 8195: 8194: 8193: 8192: 8191: 8144: 8141: 8140: 8139: 8138: 8137: 8136: 8135: 8078: 8072: 8071: 8070: 8051: 8050: 8042: 8037: 8021: 8018: 8017: 8012: 8007: 8001: 8000: 7999: 7998: 7997: 7996: 7995: 7985: 7984: 7983: 7982: 7970: 7952: 7951: 7950: 7949: 7938: 7927: 7916: 7899: 7898: 7887: 7886: 7875: 7874: 7847: 7844: 7843: 7842: 7841: 7840: 7820: 7819: 7810:, pp.Ā 284ā€“285. 7799: 7798: 7797: 7796: 7795: 7779: 7774: 7773: 7772: 7765: 7759: 7756: 7752: 7751: 7728: 7727: 7726: 7725: 7724: 7707: 7704: 7703: 7702: 7679: 7673: 7671: 7670:Glina, Croatia 7668: 7667: 7666: 7651: 7634: 7631: 7630: 7629: 7628: 7627: 7603: 7602: 7586: 7583: 7582: 7581: 7565: 7562: 7560: 7557: 7556: 7555: 7554: 7553: 7521: 7518: 7517: 7516: 7515: 7514: 7513: 7512: 7469: 7466: 7464: 7461: 7460: 7459: 7458: 7457: 7423: 7420: 7419: 7418: 7417: 7416: 7415: 7414: 7413: 7412: 7411: 7410: 7409: 7408: 7407: 7406: 7379: 7378: 7377: 7376: 7375: 7374: 7373: 7372: 7371: 7370: 7369: 7368: 7342: 7341: 7340: 7339: 7338: 7337: 7336: 7335: 7334: 7333: 7301: 7300: 7299: 7298: 7297: 7296: 7295: 7294: 7267: 7266: 7265: 7264: 7263: 7262: 7242: 7241: 7240: 7239: 7221: 7220: 7203: 7200: 7198: 7195: 7194: 7193: 7192: 7191: 7190: 7189: 7188: 7187: 7127: 7126:Ustase Article 7124: 7121: 7120: 7117: 7116: 7114: 7113: 7105: 7097: 7091:Project news: 7088: 7083: 7081: 7066: 7060: 7059: 7058: 7057: 7056: 7055: 7054: 7053: 7052: 7051: 7050: 7049: 7048: 7047: 7046: 6895: 6889: 6888: 6887: 6886: 6885: 6884: 6883: 6882: 6881: 6880: 6879: 6794: 6791: 6790: 6789: 6752: 6749: 6747: 6744: 6743: 6742: 6741: 6740: 6706: 6703: 6702: 6701: 6700: 6699: 6669: 6668:100th ARC pass 6666: 6665: 6664: 6647: 6646: 6631: 6630: 6625: 6623: 6612: 6609: 6607: 6604: 6601: 6600: 6577: 6576: 6566: 6564: 6553: 6550: 6549: 6548: 6531: 6530: 6509: 6508: 6499: 6497: 6486: 6483: 6467: 6464: 6463: 6458: 6453: 6447: 6446: 6445: 6444: 6443: 6442: 6441: 6427: 6426: 6425: 6424: 6407:Following the 6402: 6401: 6400: 6399: 6385: 6384: 6383: 6382: 6369: 6368: 6367: 6366: 6356: 6345: 6344: 6325: 6324: 6323: 6308: 6307: 6289: 6271: 6261: 6242: 6240: 6237: 6236: 6235: 6219: 6216: 6215: 6214: 6202:Thanks Gerda! 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