
Thou shalt not steal

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the distribution of the sovereign Lord of all. Therefore, no one can pervert his means to bad purposes without committing a fraud on a divine dispensation. Calvin asserts that God sees the long train of deception by which the man of craft begins to lay nets for his more simple neighbor. For Calvin, violations of this commandment are not confined to money, or merchandise, or lands, but extend to every kind of right. We defraud our neighbors to their hurt if we decline any of the duties which we are bound to perform towards them. God's wrath is incurred if an agent or an indolent steward wastes the substance of his employer, or does not give due heed to the management of his property; if he unjustly squanders or luxuriously wastes the means entrusted to him; if a servant holds his master in derision, divulges his secrets, or in any way is treacherous to his life or his goods. Likewise, a master incurs God's wrath if he cruelly torments his household, because he is guilty of theft before God; along with all who fail to deliver what he owes to others, keeps back, or makes away with what does not belong to him.
664:. Even if it does not contradict explicit provisions of civil law, any form of unjustly taking and keeping the property of others is against the seventh commandment: thus, deliberate retention of goods lent or of objects lost; business fraud; paying unjust wages; forcing up prices by taking advantage of the ignorance or hardship of another. The following are also considered morally illicit: speculation by which one contrives to manipulate the price of goods artificially in order to gain an advantage to the detriment of others; corruption in which one influences the judgment of those who must make decisions according to law; appropriation and use for private purposes of the common goods of an enterprise; work poorly done; tax evasion; forgery of checks and invoices; excessive expenses and waste. Willfully damaging private or public property is contrary to the moral law and requires reparation. In addition, Catholic teaching demands that contracts and promises be strictly observed. Injustices require restitution to the owner. 679:
Detachment from riches is portrayed as obligatory for entrance into the Kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are the poor in spirit" represents the expectation that those who do not receive all their physical longings are more inclined to seek fulfillment of their spiritual longings through Jesus Christ. “The Lord grieves over the rich, because they find their consolation in the abundance of goods.” "I want to see God" expresses the true desire of man. The water of eternal life quenches the thirst for God. Attachment to the goods of this world are a bondage. The Scriptural remedy is the desire for true happiness that is found in seeking and finding God. Holy people must struggle, with grace from on high, to obtain the good things God promises. Faithful Christians put to death their cravings and, with the grace of God, prevail over the seductions of pleasure and power. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul?
47: 721:
wealth cruelly wrung from the blood of others. It should be our constant aim faithfully to lend our counsel and aid to all so as to assist them in retaining their property; or if we have to do with the perfidious or crafty, let us rather be prepared to yield somewhat of our right than to contend with them. Calvin further asserted that the individual Christian should contribute to the relief of those observed under the pressure of difficulties, assisting their want out of one's own abundance. Calvin describes the commandment against stealing as requiring the unwavering delivery of any and all obligations:
671:, Catholic teaching holds that "if the need be so manifest and urgent, that it is evident that the present need must be remedied by whatever means be at hand (for instance when a person is in some imminent danger, and there is no other possible remedy), then it is lawful for a man to succor his own need by means of another's property, by taking it either openly or secretly: nor is this properly speaking theft or robbery". Catholic teaching also supports the doctrine of 764: 710:
promote his advantage, especially when one accepts money, wages, and one's livelihood for such service. Those who trespass this commandment may escape the hangman, but he shall not escape the wrath and punishment of God. Luther held that it must be impressed upon the young that they be careful not to follow the old lawless crowd, but keep their eyes fixed upon God's commandment, “lest His wrath and punishment come upon them too.”
280: 696:
when one overcharges a person in a trade and wantonly drives a hard bargain, skins and distresses him. ... Therefore they are also called swivel-chair robbers, land- and highway-robbers, not pick-locks and sneak-thieves who snatch away the ready cash, but who sit on the chair and are styled great noblemen, and honorable, pious citizens, and yet rob and steal under a good pretext.
the jealous husband will accept no compensation and will repay the adulterer with wounds and dishonor, not sparing when his fury takes revenge. The book of Zechariah describes God as cursing the home of the thief and the home of those who swear falsely and Jeremiah describes thieves as being shamed when they are caught.
Calvin further teaches that obedience requires us to be contented with our own lot. We should desire to acquire nothing but honest and lawful gain. We should not endeavor to grow rich by injustice, nor to plunder our neighbor of his goods, that our own may thereby be increased. We must not heap up
The book of 1 Corinthians asserts that thieves, swindlers, and the greedy will be excluded from the kingdom of God as sure as adulterers, idolaters, and the sexual immoral, but that those who leave these sins behind can be sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
then conspired to obtain the vineyard by writing letters in Ahab's name to the elders and nobles in Naboth's town instructing them to have two scoundrels bear false witness claiming that Naboth has cursed both God and the king. After Naboth was subsequently stoned to death, Ahab seized possession of
The Hebrew word translated 'steal' is more commonly applied to material possessions. Restitution may be demanded, but there is no judicial penalty of death. However, a thief may be killed if caught in the act of breaking in at night under circumstances where the occupants may reasonably be in fear of
Furthermore, in the market and in common trade likewise, this practice is in full swing and force to the greatest extent, where one openly defrauds another with bad merchandise, false measures, weights, coins, and by nimbleness and queer finances or dexterous tricks takes advantage of him; likewise,
describes negligence and dereliction of duty as violations of this commandment if such negligence causes one's employer to suffer loss. Likewise, laziness and unfaithfulness in one's paid employment are viewed as a fraud that is worse than the petty thefts that can be prevented with locks and bolts.
ascribes this commandment to God's desire to protect private property rights. He views this commandment as prohibiting not only the taking of another's property, but all unjust and fraudulent dealing in the marketplace, workplace, or any other place where transactions are conducted. Luther further
While private property rights are affirmed, the overriding theme in the New Testament is that one should trust and hope in God rather than in one's material possessions, and there is an acknowledgement of a struggle in the heart between loving God and loving money. It is said that "the love of money
The book of Proverbs contrasts the response of a victim to a thief who steals to satisfy his hunger with the response of a jealous husband to adultery. The thief is not despised by his victim, even though the thief must make restitution even if it costs him all the goods of his house. In contrast,
might tempt him to theft. In Proverbs 9:16, the idea that stolen things are sweet and the bread (food) eaten in secret is pleasant is rebuked as foolish. Even to be partner to a thief is described as to hate one's own life – to know of wrong doing but be unable to testify to it. Likewise in Romans,
explains that since injustice is an abomination to God, the intent of the commandment against stealing is that one must render to every man his due. This commandment forbids us to long after other men's goods. Calvin holds that each individual's possessions have not fallen to him by chance, but by
Catholic teaching reminds that Jesus enjoins his disciples to prefer him to everything and everyone, and bids them "renounce all that " for his sake and that of the Gospel. Jesus gave his disciples the example of the poor widow of Jerusalem who gave out of her poverty all that she had to live on.
The command against stealing is seen as a natural consequence of the command to “love your neighbor as yourself.” The prohibition against desiring forbidden things is also seen as a moral imperative for the individual to exercise control over the thoughts of his mind and the desires of his heart.
The New Testament repeats the commandment not to steal, contains dire warnings about spiritual consequences of the practice, and upholds the basic ideas of private property rights and the proper role of governmental authorities in punishing thieves. Thieves are exhorted to steal no longer, but to
The Hebrew Bible contains a number of prohibitions of stealing and descriptions of negative consequences for this sin. The Genesis narrative describes Rachel as having stolen household goods from her father Laban when she fled from Laban's household with her husband Jacob and their children. Laban
Martin Luther taught that it is each person's duty, at the risk of God's displeasure, not only to do no injury to his neighbor, nor to deprive him of gain, nor to perpetrate any act of unfaithfulness or malice in any bargain or trade, but faithfully to preserve his property for him, to secure and
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
In the book of Leviticus, the prohibitions of robbing and stealing are repeated in the context of loving one's neighbor as oneself and the prohibition is expanded to include dealing falsely or fraudulently in matters of trade and negotiations. Wages owed to a hired worker are not to be withheld.
Let every one, I say, thus consider what in his own place and order he owes to his neighbours, and pay what he owes. Moreover, we must always have a reference to the Lawgiver, and so remember that the law requiring us to promote and defend the interest and convenience of our fellow-men, applies
This command forbids us to rob ourselves of what we have by sinful spending, or of the use and comfort of it by sinful sparing, and to rob others by removing the ancient landmarks, invading our neighbour’s rights, taking his goods from his person, or house, or field, forcibly or clandestinely,
The seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the goods of one's neighbor and wronging him in any way with respect to his goods. It commands justice and charity in the care of earthly goods and the fruits of men's labor. For the sake of the common good, it requires respect for the
points out that just as "Thou shalt not kill" forbids one to injure his neighbor in his own person; and "Thou shalt not commit adultery" forbids injury to the person to whom one is bound in marriage; the Commandment, "Thou shalt not steal," forbids one to injure his neighbor in his goods.
sees the prohibition on stealing as applying to the unjust taking, sinful spending, and sinful sparing. One must not take another's goods or encroach upon the boundaries of his property. One must restore what is lost. One must pay what is owed: debts, rents, wages, taxes, and tithes.
Desire leads to coveting, and coveting leads to stealing. For if the owner (of the coveted object) does not wish to sell, even though he is offered a good price and is entreated to accept, the person (who covets the object) will come to steal it, as it is written
hotly pursued Jacob to recover his goods, and intended to do him harm, but Rachel hid the stolen items and avoided detection. Exodus 21:16 and Deuteronomy 24:7 apply the same Hebrew word to kidnapping (stealing a man) and demands the death penalty for such a sin.
344:(1953)) suggest that commandment "you shall not steal" was originally intended against stealing people—against abductions and slavery, in agreement with the Talmudic interpretation of the statement as "you shall not kidnap" (Sanhedrin 86a). 356:
greater harm. The ancient Hebrew understanding honored private property rights and demanded restitution even in cases that might have been accidental, such as livestock grazing in another man's field or vineyard (Exodus 22:1-9 (ESV)).
over-reaching in bargains, nor restoring what is borrowed or found, withholding just debts, rents, or wages, and (which is worst of all) to rob the public in the coin or revenue, or that which is dedicated to the service of religion.
Neighbors must not oppress or rob each other. Neighbors are to deal frankly with each other, protect the lives of each other, refrain from vengeance and grudges, and stand up for righteousness and justice in matters that go to court.
work hard with their own hands so that they might have something to share with people in need. Aquinas identifies five types of theft: by stealth, by violence, in withholding wages, fraud, and by buying positions of preferment.
493:(the Rambam) viewed stealing as one step in the progression from covetous desire to murder. When the person who owns a coveted item resists its unjust acquisition, the thief resorts to violence and may become guilty of murder. 502:
2:2) , 'They covet fields and (then) steal them.' And if the owner approaches him with a view to reclaiming his money or preventing the theft, then he will come to murder. Go and learn from the example of Achav and Navot
to sell him the vineyard Naboth owned adjacent to the king's palace. Ahab wanted the land to use as a vegetable garden, but Naboth refused to sell or trade the property to Ahab saying, “The L
The law obliged the thief to pay seven times (if the thief steals because he is hungry). If the thief wasn't able to pay compensation for his theft by selling his things, he was sold as a
also. ... No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
1680:"Catechism of the Catholic Church - Part 3: Life in Christ, Section 2: The Ten Commandments, Chapter 2: "You Shall Love Your Neighbor As Yourself, Article 9: The Ninth Commandment" 422:
or commandments, including prohibition of stealing and a number of other commandments related to the protection of private property and administration of justice in related cases.
1964: 75: 1743: 1994: 109: 1274: 186: 1959: 70: 621:
Catholic teaching regards the commandment “You shall not steal” as an expression of the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. The
800: 232:), which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars. 1803: 1211: 578:, pretending hypocritically it would have been useful if the nard would have been sold and the money given to the poor. There were some 2110: 1909: 254:
Nevertheless, this commandment has come to be interpreted, especially in non-Jewish traditions, as the unauthorized taking of private
2070: 1969: 84: 2103: 1954: 243:. With this understanding, a contextual translation of the commandment in Jewish tradition would more accurately be rendered as " 65: 1775: 1457: 2230: 2094: 2086: 1190: 406:
rulers such as those of Sodom and Gomorrah who lust after bribes are described as detestable, corrupting their entire state.
179: 160: 1332: 2240: 1679: 1169: 248: 1232: 1148: 1749: 1062: 1019: 994: 969: 1482: 1253: 2174: 2166: 872: 858: 827: 323: 474:
481. The court must implement laws against the one who assaults another or damages another's property (Exodus 21:8)
305: 2190: 2150: 2142: 1974: 1503: 879: 623: 236: 172: 89: 2206: 2198: 2158: 1984: 1902: 1870: 633: 290: 99: 1545: 567: 1411: 1523: 1367: 915: 1136: 20: 1294: 1114: 1305: 1444: 1422: 904: 2298: 2288: 1895: 1378: 1316: 30: 1103: 1748:. Translated by Bente, F.; Dau, W.H.T. Concordia Publishing House. pp. 565–773. Archived from 1703: 804: 204: 1714: 1649: 1400: 1389: 1092: 1725: 1660: 1433: 648:
Catholic teaching states that in economic matters, respect for human dignity requires practicing
301: 1865: 521:
refers to the narrative in 1 Kings 21 in which King Ahab of Israel tried to convince Naboth the
his sin, he was allowed to return the object, adding a fifth of its price and he brought to the
878: 1807: 297: 1949: 371: 56: 397:
In Proverbs, the otherwise unknown Agur requests the Lord not make him poor or rich fearing
2078: 1999: 850: 782: 440:
469. Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurate (Leviticus 19:36)
387: 114: 46: 8: 2267: 2037: 2020: 1979: 769: 672: 649: 155: 150: 94: 529:
forbid that I should give up to you what I have inherited from my fathers!” Ahab's wife
2250: 777: 2255: 1058: 1015: 990: 965: 868: 854: 842: 823: 1779: 1461: 2245: 1935: 1927: 1918: 1842: 1608: 1566: 787: 221: 135: 130: 38: 450:
472. Not to move a boundary marker to steal someone's property (Deuteronomy 19:14)
1882: 1336: 479: 336:
Significant voices of academic theologians (such as German Old Testament scholar
471. Not to possess inaccurate scales and weights even if they are not for use (
2293: 2182: 2049: 1683: 668: 609: 559: 435: 383: 1356: 2282: 1931: 1629: 736: 687: 499: 229: 140: 656:, a virtue that preserves our neighbors rights and renders what is due; and 462:
476. Not to covet and scheme to acquire another's possession (Exodus 20:14)
2118: 1587: 846: 555: 337: 263: 1012:
Making moral decisions: a Christian approach to personal and social ethics
This article is about the Commandment. For the Dick and Dee Dee song, see
2260: 2125: 2030: 2025: 713: 661: 445: 419: 391: 1041: 2054: 2042: 1875: 657: 522: 490: 483: 1609:"SUMMA THEOLOGIAE: Theft and robbery (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 66)" 442:
470. Not to commit injustice with scales and weights (Leviticus 19:35)
579: 575: 453: 427: 987:
Renewal theology: systematic theology from a charismatic perspective
475. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt (Leviticus 19:13)
308:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 1887: 1534: 1053:
Berlin, Adele; Brettler, Marc Zvi; Fishbane, Michael, eds. (2004).
468. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief (
255: 1125: 262:), which is a wrongful action already prohibited elsewhere in the 235:"Steal" in this commandment has traditionally been interpreted by 1821: 1588:"Question 122. The precepts of justice - II-II, Q. cxxii, Art. 6" 763: 653: 571: 530: 398: 2225: 1866:
Tanakh (Holy Scriptures), Jewish Publication Society (JPS) 1917
1034: 586:
is a root of all kinds of evils" (1 Timothy 6:6-10). And also:
539: 518: 375: 240: 239:
to refer to the stealing of an actual human being, that is, to
934:(2nd ed.). Onter-varsity Press. 1982. pp. 1174–1175. 880:"Part 3: The Seventh Commandment (Thou shalt not steal)"  2235: 2015: 1333:"PARASHAT YITRO The Tenth Commandment: "You Shall Not Covet"" 682: 563: 402: 379: 364: 259: 225: 215: 145: 1335:. The Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash. Archived from 1843:"Catechism of the Catholic Church - The fourth commandment" 1567:"Catechism of the Catholic Church: The seventh commandment" 514: 466:
478. Return the robbed object or its value (Leviticus 5:23)
without blemish out of the flock, or its equivalent, for a
477. Not to desire another's possession (Deuteronomy 5:18)
1275:"Isaiah1.23, Jeremiah7.8-11, Romans2.21-22 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 1078:
Goodrick, Edward W.; Kohlenberger, John R. (1981-05-01).
like Judas: they stole, although preaching not to steal.
and thus merit its inclusion among the Ten Commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
652:, a virtue that moderates attachment to worldly goods; 1052: 801:"Matthew Henry Concise Commentary of the Whole Bible" 1077: 887:. Translated by James Donovan. Lucas Brothers. 1829. 759: 513:
Maimonides’ admonition to learn from the example of
228:(known to Christians as the first five books of the 468:
479. Not to ignore a lost object (Deuteronomy 22:3)
964:. Vol. H–I. CrossAmerica Books. p. 117. 266:that does not ordinarily incur the death penalty. 1460:. Eternal Word Television Network. Archived from 574:; he objected when Mary anointed Jesus with pure 2280: 925: 923: 1798: 1796: 1960:Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 1871:Explanation of Torah, Mishnah, Talmud versions 636:and respect for the right to private property. 542:pronounces judgment on both Ahab and Jezebel. 470:480. Return the lost object (Deuteronomy 22:1) 1903: 1806:. Gods Ten Laws. June 8, 2009. Archived from 1674: 1672: 1670: 1668: 1326: 1324: 962:The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 920: 180: 1793: 1770: 1768: 1766: 1737: 1735: 1733: 1630:"CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Occult Compensation" 1212:"Proverbs30.1-9, Prov 1.10-19 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 562:, who took secretly his part from the money 1561: 1559: 1557: 1555: 1553: 534:Naboth's vineyard. The text describes the L 1910: 1896: 1665: 1321: 683:Reformation and post-reformation doctrines 616: 187: 173: 1970:Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy 1763: 1730: 820:The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. 545: 538:as very angry with Ahab, and the prophet 324:Learn how and when to remove this message 16:One of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:15) 2104:Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain 1550: 1057:. Oxford University Press. p. 150. 984: 960:Bromiley, Geoffrey W., ed. (July 1997). 959: 949:. Harvard University Press. p. 322. 853:, eds. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, MI, USA 458:474. Not to rob openly (Leviticus 19:13) 1955:Thou shalt have no other gods before me 1009: 2281: 1741: 944: 347:The Hebrew word translated 'steal' is 247:". Kidnapping would then constitute a 2096:Moses Breaking the Tablets of the Law 2088:Moses and his Ethiopian wife Zipporah 1891: 1458:"Explanation of the Ten Commandments" 885:The catechism of the Council of Trent 2074:(Sistine Chapel, 1481-1482 painting) 1917: 1804:"Matthew Henry-Commandment 8 (VIII)" 822:2007. Crossway Bibles, Wheaton, IL. 726:equally to our minds and our hands. 426:467. Not to steal money stealthily ( 390:for him before the Lord, and he was 342:Das Verbot des Diebstahls im Dekalog 273: 208: 1455: 989:. Zondervan Academic. p. 240. 13: 1191:"Lev6.1-7, Num5.5-8 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 1038: 793: 413: 378:as his compensation to the Lord a 14: 2310: 1859: 1330: 1170:"Exodus22.2-3 ESV;NIVUK;ASV;RMNN" 865:Catechism of the Catholic Church. 110:Thou shalt not bear false witness 1975:Honour thy father and thy mother 1883:John Wesley’s notes on the Bible 1877:Catechism of the Catholic Church 1776:"8. EXPOSITION OF THE MORAL LAW" 762: 642:Catechism of the Catholic Church 624:Catechism of the Catholic Church 278: 269: 90:Honour thy father and thy mother 45: 1835: 1814: 1719: 1708: 1697: 1654: 1643: 1622: 1601: 1580: 1539: 1528: 1517: 1496: 1475: 1449: 1438: 1427: 1416: 1405: 1394: 1383: 1372: 1361: 1350: 1310: 1299: 1288: 1267: 1246: 1233:"Proverbs9.16-17 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 1225: 1204: 1183: 1162: 1141: 1130: 1119: 1108: 1097: 1086: 1071: 1985:Thou shalt not commit adultery 1778:. Archived from 1046: 1028: 1014:. Fortress Press. p. 24. 1003: 978: 953: 938: 909: 898: 634:universal destination of goods 100:Thou shalt not commit adultery 71:No graven images or likenesses 1: 1254:"Proverbs29.24 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 892: 1080:The Niv Complete Concordance 985:Williams, J. Rodman (1996). 216: 7: 1483:"Ioan 12.3-8 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 945:Posner, Richard A. (2008). 755: 304:the claims made and adding 21:Thou Shalt Not Steal (song) 10: 2315: 1504:"Rom2.17-21 ESV;NIVUK;ASV" 867:2003. Doubleday Religion. 18: 2218: 2135: 2063: 2008: 1942: 1925: 1822:"Bible - Catholic Online" 1745:The Large Catechism (VII) 1682:. Vatican. Archived from 1010:Jersild, Paul T. (1991). 660:, in accordance with the 2082:(c. 1513–1515 sculpture) 2072:Descent from Mount Sinai 558:thief is personified by 85:Remember the sabbath day 2090:(c. 1645-1650 painting) 1742:Luther, Martin (1921). 617:Roman Catholic doctrine 570:raised for helping the 386:; and the priest made 66:No other gods before me 1055:The Jewish Study Bible 863:U.S. Catholic Church. 753: 734: 707: 646: 599: 546:New Testament doctrine 511: 488: 418:Jewish law enumerates 2160:Les Dix Commandements 1950:I am the Lord thy God 1456:Aquinas, St. Thomas. 1331:Samet, Rav Elchanan. 742: 723: 693: 629: 588: 495: 424: 245:Thou shalt not kidnap 2231:In Catholic theology 2208:The Ten Commandments 2192:The Ten Commandments 2176:The Ten Commandments 2168:The Ten Commandments 2152:The Ten Commandments 2144:The Ten Commandments 2021:Biblical Mount Sinai 2000:Thou shalt not covet 1990:Thou shalt not steal 1546:1 Corinthians 6:9–11 932:New Bible Dictionary 930:"Ten Commandments". 839:The NIV Study Bible. 833:New Jerusalem Bible. 783:You shall not murder 452:473. Not to kidnap ( 201:Thou shalt not steal 161:In Catholic theology 115:Thou shalt not covet 105:Thou shalt not steal 2268:Ethics in the Bible 2038:Ark of the Covenant 1980:Thou shalt not kill 845:, Burdick, Donald; 770:Christianity portal 703:The Large Catechism 673:occult compensation 237:Jewish commentaries 151:Ark of the Covenant 95:Thou shalt not kill 2251:Seven Laws of Noah 1412:1 Corinthians 6:10 916:Deuteronomy 5:1–23 851:Youngblood, Ronald 849:; Wessel, Walter; 807:on August 31, 1999 778:Seven Laws of Noah 289:possibly contains 2276: 2275: 2256:Great Commandment 2178:(2006 miniseries) 1149:"Proverbs6.30-31" 1137:Leviticus 19:9–17 334: 333: 326: 291:original research 214: 197: 196: 2306: 2299:Biblical phrases 2289:Ten Commandments 2246:613 commandments 2122:(1968 sculptures 2114:(1962 sculpture) 1936:Ritual Decalogue 1928:Tablets of Stone 1919:Ten Commandments 1912: 1905: 1898: 1889: 1888: 1854: 1853: 1851: 1850: 1839: 1833: 1832: 1830: 1829: 1818: 1812: 1811: 1800: 1791: 1790: 1788: 1787: 1772: 1761: 1760: 1758: 1757: 1739: 1728: 1723: 1717: 1712: 1706: 1701: 1695: 1694: 1692: 1691: 1676: 1663: 1658: 1652: 1647: 1641: 1640: 1638: 1637: 1626: 1620: 1619: 1617: 1616: 1605: 1599: 1598: 1596: 1595: 1584: 1578: 1577: 1575: 1574: 1563: 1548: 1543: 1537: 1532: 1526: 1524:1 Timothy 6:6–10 1521: 1515: 1514: 1512: 1511: 1500: 1494: 1493: 1491: 1490: 1479: 1473: 1472: 1470: 1469: 1453: 1447: 1442: 1436: 1431: 1425: 1420: 1414: 1409: 1403: 1398: 1392: 1387: 1381: 1376: 1370: 1368:1 Kings 21:20–23 1365: 1359: 1354: 1348: 1347: 1345: 1344: 1328: 1319: 1314: 1308: 1303: 1297: 1295:Proverbs 6:29–35 1292: 1286: 1285: 1283: 1282: 1271: 1265: 1264: 1262: 1261: 1250: 1244: 1243: 1241: 1240: 1229: 1223: 1222: 1220: 1219: 1208: 1202: 1201: 1199: 1198: 1187: 1181: 1180: 1178: 1177: 1166: 1160: 1159: 1157: 1156: 1145: 1139: 1134: 1128: 1123: 1117: 1115:Deuteronomy 24:7 1112: 1106: 1101: 1095: 1090: 1084: 1083: 1075: 1069: 1068: 1050: 1044: 1040: 1032: 1026: 1025: 1007: 1001: 1000: 982: 976: 975: 957: 951: 950: 947:How Judges Think 942: 936: 935: 927: 918: 913: 907: 902: 888: 882: 816: 814: 812: 803:. Archived from 788:Ten Commandments 772: 767: 766: 751: 732: 705: 644: 597: 537: 528: 509: 486: 329: 322: 318: 315: 309: 306:inline citations 282: 281: 274: 222:Ten Commandments 220:) is one of the 219: 213:romanized:  212: 210: 189: 182: 175: 136:Ritual Decalogue 131:Tablets of Stone 123:Related articles 79: 60: 49: 39:Ten Commandments 26: 25: 2314: 2313: 2309: 2308: 2307: 2305: 2304: 2303: 2279: 2278: 2277: 2272: 2214: 2131: 2098:(1659 painting) 2059: 2004: 1938: 1921: 1916: 1862: 1857: 1848: 1846: 1841: 1840: 1836: 1827: 1825: 1820: 1819: 1815: 1802: 1801: 1794: 1785: 1783: 1774: 1773: 1764: 1755: 1753: 1740: 1731: 1724: 1720: 1713: 1709: 1702: 1698: 1689: 1687: 1678: 1677: 1666: 1659: 1655: 1648: 1644: 1635: 1633: 1628: 1627: 1623: 1614: 1612: 1607: 1606: 1602: 1593: 1591: 1586: 1585: 1581: 1572: 1570: 1565: 1564: 1551: 1544: 1540: 1535:Matthew 6:19–24 1533: 1529: 1522: 1518: 1509: 1507: 1506:. Bible Gateway 1502: 1501: 1497: 1488: 1486: 1485:. 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1998: 1996: 1993: 1991: 1988: 1986: 1983: 1981: 1978: 1976: 1973: 1971: 1968: 1966: 1963: 1961: 1958: 1956: 1953: 1951: 1948: 1947: 1945: 1941: 1937: 1933: 1932:Finger of God 1929: 1924: 1920: 1913: 1908: 1906: 1901: 1899: 1894: 1893: 1890: 1884: 1881: 1879: 1878: 1874: 1872: 1869: 1867: 1864: 1863: 1844: 1838: 1823: 1817: 1809: 1805: 1799: 1797: 1782:on 2014-10-20 1781: 1777: 1771: 1769: 1767: 1752:on 2015-07-24 1751: 1747: 1746: 1738: 1736: 1734: 1727: 1722: 1716: 1711: 1705: 1700: 1686:on 2007-09-28 1685: 1681: 1675: 1673: 1671: 1669: 1662: 1657: 1651: 1646: 1631: 1625: 1610: 1604: 1589: 1583: 1568: 1562: 1560: 1558: 1556: 1554: 1547: 1542: 1536: 1531: 1525: 1520: 1505: 1499: 1484: 1478: 1464:on 2019-01-09 1463: 1459: 1452: 1446: 1441: 1435: 1430: 1424: 1419: 1413: 1408: 1402: 1397: 1391: 1386: 1380: 1379:Matthew 19:18 1375: 1369: 1364: 1358: 1353: 1339:on 2015-03-15 1338: 1334: 1327: 1325: 1318: 1317:Jeremiah 2:26 1313: 1307: 1302: 1296: 1291: 1276: 1270: 1255: 1249: 1234: 1228: 1213: 1207: 1192: 1186: 1171: 1165: 1150: 1144: 1138: 1133: 1127: 1126:Exodus 22:1–9 1122: 1116: 1111: 1105: 1100: 1094: 1089: 1081: 1074: 1066: 1060: 1056: 1049: 1043: 1042:Sanhedrin 86a 1036: 1031: 1023: 1017: 1013: 1006: 998: 992: 988: 981: 973: 967: 963: 956: 948: 941: 933: 926: 924: 917: 912: 906: 901: 897: 886: 881: 876: 874: 873:0-385-50819-0 870: 866: 862: 860: 859:0-310-92709-9 856: 852: 848: 844: 840: 837: 834: 831: 829: 828:1-58134-379-5 825: 821: 818: 806: 802: 798: 797: 789: 786: 784: 781: 779: 776: 775: 771: 765: 760: 750:Matthew Henry 746: 741: 738: 737:Matthew Henry 727: 722: 718: 715: 711: 704: 697: 692: 689: 688:Martin Luther 680: 676: 674: 670: 665: 663: 659: 655: 651: 643: 637: 635: 628: 626: 625: 614: 611: 607: 603: 592: 587: 583: 581: 577: 573: 569: 565: 561: 557: 552: 543: 541: 532: 524: 520: 516: 504: 501: 494: 492: 485: 481: 475: 472: 455: 447: 437: 432: 429: 423: 421: 411: 407: 404: 400: 395: 393: 389: 385: 381: 377: 373: 370:If the thief 368: 366: 361: 357: 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Thou Shalt Not Steal (song)
a series
Ten Commandments

I am the LORD thy God
No other gods before me
No graven images or likenesses
Not take the LORD's name in vain
Remember the sabbath day
Honour thy father and thy mother
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not covet
Tablets of Stone
Ritual Decalogue
Finger of God
Ark of the Covenant
Mount Sinai
In Catholic theology
Biblical Hebrew
Ten Commandments
Old Testament
Jewish commentaries

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.