

Source ๐Ÿ“

713:โ€“ Nolan Sackett โ€“ 1871 (Information in Chapters 14 and 15 place this novel after the Sacketts arrive in Mora and prior to the end of "The Daybreakers", and prior to "Mojave Crossing" and "The Sackett Brand". In Chapter 14 of "Mustang Man", Nolan rides into a camp and, while negotiating a horse trade, tells the campers that he is headed for Mora to visit some kin named Sackett. The camp riders state that they have heard of the Sacketts in Mora but do not make any reference to Tyrel as the Mora gunfighter which could indicate that this book takes place prior to 1872 which is when Tyrel has the big gunfight with Tom Sunday and becomes known as the Mora gunfighter In Chapter 15, Nolan tells Ollie Shaddock that he does not know Tyrel or Orrin Sackett but has heard of them. He would later join Tyrel and Orrin in the final shootout in "The Sackett Brand". Since he does not mention to Ollie Shaddock anything about knowing Tell, this would imply that this tale also takes place prior to "Mojave Crossing" in which Tell first meets up with Nolan as indicated in "The Sackett Brand" because, in Ch 16 of "The Sackett Brand", Tell informs the reader that he has met Nolan before when Nolan helped with a serious situation told about in "Mojave Crossing". Considering that the camp riders in Chapter 14 do not refer to Tyrel as the Mora Gunfighter, it seems reasonable to assume that "Mustang Man" is set in 1871 prior to 1872 when he had the big gunfight that earned him that reputation.) 570:
his tales of the Sacketts to include numerous members of the Sackett clan as well members of the Talon and Chantry families who would over the generations have various relationships with the Sacketts. In "The Sackett Companion", L'Amour described "The Man From the Broken Hills" as being a Talon book. He wanted the Talon and Chantry books to be seen as series of books separate from the Sackett books. Yet, at the same time, he had already written and planned future stories establishing various connections between the three families. In so doing, he had already begun creating a single saga that was built around the Sacketts and reflected how L'Amour wanted to describe the settling of the American frontiers in an entertaining and, yet, a relatively accurate historical and cultural way with bigger than life characters. Included in the saga are several novels which are not specifically Sackett, Talon, or Chantry tales but, rather outliers where L'Amour managed to weave a Sackett touch into the story. Examples of these outliers are "Bendigo" and "Passin' Through". The following is a suggested chronological listing of the 32 novels that make up this saga of the Sacketts and their kin.
743:โ€“ Flagan and Galloway Sackett โ€“ 1877 โ€“ (Based on the timing of "The Sackett Brand", "The Skyliners" and "Milo Talon", "Galloway" would have to take place in late 1877. "The Skyliners" appears to take place immediately after "The Sackett Brand" which would indicate that "Galloway" takes place after "The Skyliners". This is never directly stated though, and none of the events of "The Skyliners" are mentioned despite the degree of prominence they brought to Flagan and Galloway. This has led to alternate theories that "Galloway" is set earlier and that Flagan and Galloway's ranch failed, causing them to return to Tennessee just before the events of "The Skyliners" (although this would not explain the absence of Galloway's wolf). Regardless of this, it is also apparent that "Galloway" takes place prior to "Milo Talon" because Milo Talon mentions a cousin who is followed around by a wolf. The latest that "Milo Talon" can take place is also 1877 which places "Galloway" in 1877 as well. It covers a period of about 70 days which would put it in the September and October timeframe. Parmalee Sackett and Logan Sackett have cameos.) 749:โ€“ Milo Talon โ€“ 1877 โ€“ (This novel has to be after "Galloway" because, in Chapter 3, Milo mentions a cousin with a wolf-dog that follows him around. This would be Flagan in "Galloway". In addition, this would place this story about 12 years after the Civil War because, in Chapter 2, the reader is told that Milo is almost 30 which indicates that he is no older than 29. If he joined the army at 17 to fight in the Civil War and he is 29, that would mean this is 12 years after he joined the army. If he did not join the army until the last year of the war, it would make the latest that "Milo Talon" could take place as 1877 while still being after "Galloway". If the year were after 1877, Milo could not have fought in the Civil War. If the year were prior to 1877 or he is less than 29, it would force the placement of "Milo Talon" earlier than Galloway which would mean there would be no cousin followed by a wolf. Also mentioned is Packet Sackett who was small but feisty and a dead shot.) 488:โ€“ Oldest son of Colburn Sackett ("Ride the Dark Trail" section of "The Sackett Companion"). Fought for the Union in the Civil War. A hard, tough, quiet man who wants only to be left alone, it takes very little to anger Tell, and he will fight like a rabid wolf if pushed, as several men have found out โ€“ usually, it's the last mistake they make. He's a loner, at home in the High Lonesome, often going years without seeing or communicating with his family back in Tennessee. He takes any job that suits him at the moment, from cowhand to miner, and drifts, rarely staying in one place any great length of time. He's killed several men in his lifetime, is fast and deadly accurate with any kind of gun, as well as the Tinker-made knife he carries. Although outwardly he appears rough, he has a sound, strong moral character, never forgetting his father's rule of "...always ride on the side of the law, never against it". In the film adaptations he is portrayed by 498:โ€“ Second son of Colburn Sackett. Orrin likes people and tries to see the best of them. Handsome, witty, and smart, he likes to believe that most people like him, however he can be a bit naive at times. Good with a gun, and always ready with a smile and a quote, he's strong willed and completely devoted to his family. He is calm during a fight, never getting excited or losing his head, a trait that is in all three brothers. Married twice, he killed a member of the Higgins family during a gunfight, only to have Long Higgins come after him on his wedding day. Orrin was unarmed, and his new wife jumped in front of him as Higgins fired, killing her. Orrin's brother Tyrel killed Higgins, then left Tennessee to avoid further problems. Orrin left soon after, promising his mother they'd send for her. He then married the treacherous Laura Pritts who tried to use him as part of her bigoted father's land grab in Santa Fe against the settled Mexican landowners. 520:โ€“ Third son of Colburn Sackett. He idolizes his brothers Tell and Orrin. Known throughout the West as the Mora Gunfighter, and by his brothers as the "mean one" or the "black sheep", Tyrel is the fastest with a gun of the three brothers. Wherever Tyrel goes, he seems to attract trouble, and sooner or later someone always tries to outdraw him, but never succeeds โ€“ by his own admission: "Till the day I hung 'em up, I was the fastest gun alive." Compassionate to a fault, his sense of morals never leaves him and stands as a steady guide on his way west. In Santa Fe he is forced to kill Tom Sunday, a close friend who'd gone bad after losing what he saw as his last chance to start a new life, which affects him deeply. Naive where women are concerned, Tyrel often seems like a shy schoolboy when facing a pretty girl. He marries Drusilla Alvarado, the beautiful granddaughter of a rich Spanish don. In the film adaptations, Tyrel is portrayed by 785:โ€“ Passin' Through โ€“ 1881 โ€“ (In Chapter 8, Passin' tells Ms. Hollyrood that "1881 has started off slow..." This gives the year for this novel. This is another story without an active role played by a Sackett unless Passin' Through is himself actually a Sackett. In Chapter 10, Ms. Hollyrood tells of a shooting incident years before that involved Parmalee Sackett who left shortly thereafter to help a relative who was in trouble. This was likely a reference to Tell Sackett in "The Sackett Brand". In Chapter 23, a young woman named Matty reveals that her last name is Higgins and that she is a Clinch Mountain Higgins. Early on in the Sackett saga, readers learned that the Sacketts had a long running feud with the Higgins. It may be that L'Amour had Matty make this statement because she believed it would mean something to a Sackett.) 773:โ€“ Tell, Tyrel and Orrin Sackett โ€“ circa 1879 โ€“ (1879 seems the most logical time for this novel. This story also starts in the spring which would make it difficult to squeeze it into 1880 because of Tyrel's involvement in "Borden Chantry". The inclusion of a real historical figure, Louis Riel, makes it difficult to place the story after 1885 as Riel was hanged that year during what was called the Second Resistance. It could not be during the First Resistance which took place from 1869 to 1870. In addition, the story makes reference to a Fort Garry. Knowledge indicates that Fort Garry was demolished between 1881 and 1884. Based on the history of Fort Garry, 1879 seems to be a reasonable fit for this novel.) 719:โ€“ William Tell Sackett โ€“ 1873 (Tell leaves Texas after killing a man named Bigelow in a gunfight. He joins a trail herd headed north for Montana. From there, he heads for Mora, New Mexico to find Tyrel & Orrin. Along the way, he stumbles on an old gold mine. When Tell finds his mine, he says it is late spring. The next year he returns to mine in late spring and discovers Ange and her grandfather's grave. The year of 1874 on the gravestone is given in Chapter 8. Tell tells the reader that the year of 1874 is the year before his discovery of the grave. Considering his travels to Montana and towards New Mexico, this indicates that the story began in 1873. This is the first novel about Tell Sackett.) 767:โ€“ Tell Sackett โ€“ 1878 (1878 seems a reasonable year in which to set this novel. First, based on the characters and their familiarity with each other, it is definitely after "The Sackett Brand" in 1877. Second, its inclusion of Flagan Sackett in a minor role and settled in Colorado indicates that it is also set after "Galloway" in 1878. However, it is still in the 1870s as Tell makes a comment in Chapter 2 about the New Orleans of the 1870s which gives reason to place this novel no later than in 1879. But, 1879 would be difficult because Logan is major character in "Lonely On the Mountain" which is likely set in 1879. Major roles are played by Orrin Sackett and the Tinker.) 187:. The family quickly divides into three clans, sired by several of their sons: the "Smoky Mountain Sacketts", "Cumberland Gap Sacketts", and "Clinch Mountain Sacketts". There are also Flatland Sacketts that are rarely touched upon in the novels. It is the Smoky Mountain Sacketts that produce some of L'Amour's most memorable and beloved characters including William Tell "Tell" Sackett and his brothers, Tyrel and Orrin, of the novel "Sackett" (see below) and others. Orrin was a Sheriff, legislator and eventually senator. Tyrel became a respected rancher and lawman often simply known as the "Mora Gunfighter" after the town he settled in. 658:โ€“ Tom Shanaghy โ€“ 1866 (In Chapter 1, Shanaghy recalls his arrival in New York where he meets John Morrisey. Morrisey is another of those actual historical figures often found in L'Amour's books. Shanaghy is told that Morrisey "was" the heavyweight bare-knuckle champion. Shanaghy recalls working for Morrisey for 12 years which would place the time about 1866. It would not likely be later because Morrisey was elected to the US Congress in 1867. Contains the smallest Sackett reference of all with no specific Sackett identified. It just has a reference to a "man in Tennessee by the name of Sackett".) 429:โ€“ Twin brother of Nolan Sackett. Comes from the Clinch Mountain branch of Sacketts and lives up to their reputation. Rough, two-fisted, a man "with the bark on", and with a deserved reputation as being fast with a gun and hell-on wheels in any kind of fight, he has ridden the Owlhoot Trail and admits to skirting the dark side of the law on more than one occasion. A lot rougher than Orrin or Tyrel, he is nonetheless a generally decent man. Comes to the aid of his aunt, Emily Talon. 700:โ€“ Otis Tom Chancy โ€“ 1871 (In Chapter 4, the cattle drive reaches Abilene, KS where they find that Wild Bill Hickok is marshal. According to his biography in Knowledge, Hickok was marshal of Abilene only in the year of 1871. In Chapter 1, Gates tells Chancy of a man named Sackett who rode through Texas telling them of a green valley out west which would fit with Tell Sackett's timeline. Chancy then reveals to the reader that he is a distant relative to the Sacketts.) 761:โ€“ Logan Sackett โ€“ 1878 or 79 (1878 appears to be a reasonable year for this novel although it could be later. The story has to follow "Milo Talon" and "The Sackett Brand" because Milo has still not returned home and Logan makes reference to Tell's problems in the Tonto Basin as told in "The Sackett Brand". Logan is the twin brother of Nolan from the Clinch Mountains. Major role is played by Em Talon nee Sackett. Cameos are made by Milo and Barnabas Talon.) 682:โ€“ Milo Talon โ€“ 1868 (In Chapter 1 of this book, Milo states that most of the last three years he had been riding the Outlaw Trail. This indicates that this story takes place three years after the Civil War or Milo would have given more history like he does in "Milo Talon" when he talks of riding shotgun for a stage and working as a town marshal. In Chapter 1, Milo mentions his brother Barnabas who he says is named after the patriarch Barnabas Sackett.) 779:โ€“ Borden Chantry โ€“ 1879 (In Chapter 18, Border asks Tyrel Sackett about unsolved murders in Mora 7โ€“8 years previously. As Tyrel was a deputy sheriff at the end of "The Daybreakers" in 1872, this would imply that "Borden Chantry" is taking place 7 or 8 years after "The Daybreakers" or around 1879 or 1880. As Tyrel Sackett was involved in "Treasure Mountain" set in 1878, the year 1879 seems a reasonable fit. A cameo is made by Tyrel Sackett.) 608:โ€“ Jubal Sackett โ€“ 1630 (In Chapter 13, Jubal Sackett tells the reader that his father "had been in America most of 30 years". This would indicate that Barnabas died in 1629 which makes this story take place circa 1629. Although there is nothing explicit in the story regarding the year, it appears reasonable that this tale may have been intended to be set in an approximate time concurrent with his two brothers in "The Warrior's Path".) 32: 797:โ€“ Tom Chantry โˆ’1906 (Tom is the son of Borden Chantry. In this book, the reader learns that Borden Chantry was town marshal for six years which indicates that he was killed in 1886. No specific year is given for this novel. However, the maps at the front of the book show the Oklahoma panhandle to be Indian Territory. Since Oklahoma became a state in 1907, it would seem the latest setting for this novel would be 1906.) 620:โ€“ Ronan Chantry โ€“ 1805 (The Ferguson Rifle was named after Major Patrick Ferguson who was a real person who was killed in 1780 at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Ronan tells the reader that Major Ferguson gave the rifle to him shortly before being killed. Since Ferguson was killed in 1780 and Ronan claims that he has had the rifle for 25 years, this would make the year of this tale to be 1805.) 199:
were contemporaries as well: Tatton Chantry (the first who used the name Chantry, hero of the novel "Fair Blows the Wind") and a famous pirate called Talon (who took the name after the hook he used for a lost hand) were contemporaries of Barnabas Sackett, around the year 1600. Timing is a little vague, as L'Amour never rewrote his earlier novels and exact years may not match in each novel.
638:โ€“ Bendigo Shafter โ€“ 1866 (In Chapter 29 when the settlers have been in their town for 2 years, Bendigo refers to the nomination of Ulysses S. Grant to be President. According to, Grant was nominated and elected in 1868. Since the story began 2 year previous, the story would have begun in 1866. Ethan Sackett plays a major role. "Bendigo Shafter" won a U.S. 737:โ€“ Flagan and Galloway Sackett โ€“ 1877 (This novel takes place right after the story told in "The Sackett Brand". It covers a period of time of about 3 months from about June through August. In addition, Flagan and Galloway run into Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson in Dodge City. Biographies in Knowledge for these two place Earp and Masterson both in Dodge City in 1877. 632:โ€“ Echo Sackett โ€“ 1840 (In Chapter 3, the author tells the reader that James White, the shyster lawyer, had an annual income that was a good income for 1840. Dorian Chantry plays a major role. Cameos include Finian Chantry and Clinch Mountain Sacketts Trulove, Macon and Mordecai. References are made to Daubenny Sackett and Ethan Sackett.) 676:โ€“ Tyrel Sackett and Orrin Sackett โ€“ 1867 to 1872 (In Chapter 3, Tyrel tells the reader when they leave Abilene, "In 1867, the Santa Fe Trail was an old trail..." Later, in Chapter 14, Tyrel replies to a comment from Tom Sunday that it had been 5 years since they had met. In Chapter 3, Tyrel refers to his brother Tell.) 435:โ€“ Twin Brother of Logan Sackett. Comes from the Clinch Mountain Branch of Sacketts. Like his brother, he has ridden the outlaw trail. Rough and dangerous, with a hefty reputation as a very bad man to fool around with, he has a strong sense of right and wrong. Wears three pistols, two tied down and one in his coat. 731:โ€“ Tell Sackett โˆ’1877 (This novel is set in 1877 based on the date that Tell puts on Ange's grave marker. It covers a period of time of only about 40 days late April and May. Sacketts who show up in minor roles include Lando with his friend the Tinker, Nolan, Tyrel, Orrin, Falcon, Flagan, Galloway, and Parmalee.) 602:โ€“ Barnabas Sackett โ€“ 1600 (In Chapter 1, Barnabas has returned to the Fens in England where he comments that nothing has changed "now almost a year later" which indicates it is one year after Sackett's Land" or 1600. Also included are his four sons Kin Ring, Yance, Jubal, and Brian. And, his daughter Noelle) 417:โ€“ Fourth son of Barnabas Sackett. He was the first Sackett to cross the mountains and see the plains. Known as the quiet one, he is a ghost in the woods. Spends much time away from home and eventually quits the hills of North Carolina for the Rocky Mountains. Marries Itchakomi Ishaia, a "Sun" of the Natchee. 578:
in Abilene. According to Knowledge, historical records show that Hickok was marshal of Abilene only in the year of 1871 which makes the setting of "Chancy" to be 1871. Other books are given their place in the chronology based on references by characters or events that indicate a book's place in the
In one of the novels, Orrin's ex-wife Laura Pritts sends men to kill him. As one of his brothers relates it, "Seems like they'd been told they were hunting a lawyer. Well, there's lawyers and there's lawyers, just like there was a dentist named Doc Holliday." The man died. In the film adaptations,
Two other families whose members L'Amour wrote about, and whose families have rubbed shoulders at different times over the three centuries his novels cover, are the Chantry and Talon families, with Borden Chantry and Milo Talon being contemporaries of Tell Sackett. The founders of the three families
The main theme that runs through most of the Sackett books is that of loyalty to the family and helping the family when beset by foes. "When you step on the toes of one Sackett, they all come running." The deadly Sackett-Higgins feud in Tennessee lasted years. As Tell Sackett notes in the book "The
Louis L'Amour wrote a number of fiction novels telling of the settlement of much of North America revolving around a fictional family named Sackett. The first of these books was "The Daybreakers" which introduced the Sackett family to fans of Wild West fiction. Over his life, L'Amour would expand
Abijah Catlow and Ben Cownan โ€“ 1871 (In Chapter 3, Ben tells Catlow to drive his herd to Abilene where Wild Bill Hickok is marshal. According to his biography in Knowledge, Hickok was marshal in Abilene in 1871. In Chapters 15 and 22, references are made to Sacketts in New Mexico which would have
The three main and most well known characters are the three brothers, sons of Colburn Sackett; Tell, Orrin, and Tyrel. Their father liked his horses fast, his drinks hard, and his preachers Hellfire hot, and raised his three sons accordingly. Although they often go long periods without seeing one
After her fraud is exposed, Laura attempts to lure William Tell into Apache country to rescue her nonexistent son with Orrin, a plan which fails. Always honest and straightforward, the fights that Orrin usually finds himself a part of are generally started by his steadfast and unwavering attitude
The Clinch Mountain boys tend to be rougher. The twins, Nolan and Logan have hired out their guns, held up a stage or two, but are decent men. Logan came to the aid of Emily Talon, herself a Sackett by birth, in Colorado. Several Clinch Mountain Sacketts also show up in "Ride the River" to help
Following each title is the year in which the book is most likely set. In some books, L'Amour has his protagonist explicitly give the year. In others, the year can be determined by some historical reference used by the author such as in "Chancy" when Chancy tells of meeting
694:โ€“ Gaylord Riley โ€“ 1869 (In Chapter 9, when Tell Sackett makes a cameo appearance, he is asked if he is kin to the Sacketts of Mora. This indicates that the year for this story is just prior to 1870 or 1871 since Tyrel and Orrin were fairly well established in Mora by then.) 159:
The novels trace much of the history of the family through individual members of the family as they move across the Atlantic from England, settle in the Appalachians, and then move west to the Great Plains, the Rockies, and California. Unlike novels by such writers as
The name(s) that follows each title listed below identifies the main protagonist in the novel. The year(s) in which the novels are set are given after the protagonist name followed by the justification for the year assigned as the setting for the novel.
469:โ€“ A "flatland Sackett", Parmalee's family moved down to the richer flatlands while the majority of the clan stayed in the mountains. His affluent lifestyle has not made him weak, as men who have braced him could testify โ€“ if they were still above ground. 725:โ€“ Tell Sackett โ€“ 1876 (The year of 1876 is based on the novel "Sackett" ending in the winter of 1875. This novel also includes once again the appearance of Nolan Sackett from the Clinch Mountains. It is also the first introduction of a Trelawney girl.) 478:
another, they're completely devoted to one another, and come to each other's aid any time needed, dropping all else that they might be involved in at the time, true to the one binding rule in their lives: "When you hunt one Sackett, you hunt 'em all".
234:, among others. He is the brother of Tyrel and Orrin Sackett, who went west to New Mexico in 1867 in "The Daybreakers". Tell is also the 'ugly duckling' (by his own admission) of the family. However, he does meet a beautiful woman named Ange Kerry in 755:โ€“ Tell Sackett โ€“ 1877 or 1878 (Since "The Sackett Brand" was set in 1877, a reasonable estimate for this novel would be late 1877 or early 1878 since Tell refers to injuries received in "The Sackett Brand. Mention is made of Tyrel and Orrin.) 263:
This non-fiction book, published in 1988 a few months after Louis L'Amour's death, is his personal guide to the Sackett novels, with long lists of characters, locations, ships, weapons, and summaries of each of the novels.
688:โ€“ Orlando Sackett โ€“ 1868 to 1874 (Near the beginning of Chapter 3, Lando declares the year to be 1868. He spends six years as a prisoner in Mexico. A major role is played by Lando's father Falcon Sackett.) 411:โ€“ Third son of Barnabas Sackett. Best known for his quick temper and strength and willingness of action. Founder of Clinch Mountain Branch of Sacketts. Married a girl named Temperance Penney from Cape Ann. 451:โ€“ Father of Orlando Sackett. Formerly captain of a ship. Finds a lost treasure of great value and spends several years in a Mexican prison before finally escaping and being rescued by his son. 590:โ€“ Tattan Chantry โ€“ 1590 (Based on the reference in Chapter 23 to the Battle of Ivry when Chantry is taken captive shortly before leaving for America at which point the story initially begins.) 253:
who was an Indian fighter in the region before the Civil War. L'Amour has used names and places that roughly parallel a real branch of the Sackett Family, but the accounts are fictional.
veteran who makes his way West in the years following the War, hoping to settle down at the right place as a rancher. He is the main character in several other Sackett books including
164:, these stories do not trace the rise and fall of the fortunes of a clan or extended family, but simply tie together significant and minor characters in several of the Western novels. 626:โ€“ Jean Talon โ€“ 1821 (In Chapter 3, Jean Talon makes an observation about "political windbags" being plentiful in the "year of 1821" which identifies the year for this tale as 1821.) 791:โ€“ Mike Bastian โ€“ 1882 (Significant cameos are made by Tyrel Sackett and Borden Chantry. Based on Tyrel's timeline, 1882 seems like the earliest year that it could be set in.) 179:. The patriarch of the family, Barnabas Sackett, becomes a merchant captain and eventually settles with his wife Abigail (nรฉe Tempany) in what will become the borderlands of 393:โ€“ The founding member of the Sackett clan. Travels to the New World to escape the warrant of the Queen. Killed by Seneca Indians. Son of Ivo Sackett, soldier and war hero. 810:
has information about the surname of real families found primarily in the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia, plus links to Knowledge pages of notable Sacketts.
643: 399:โ€“ First son of Barnabas Sackett, born on a buffalo robe in the heat of battle. First Sackett born in the New World. Married Diana Macklin from Cape Ann. 445:โ€“ Son of Falcon Sackett. One of the last Sacketts to move west. Spends six years in a Mexican prison. Becomes a well-known fist-fighter and boxer. 245:
L'Amour confirmed to Dr. John Sackett that he found the name on Sackett's Well in a place west of Yuma. The desert watering hole was named for
557:. However, neither the novel nor the movie are connected with the Sackett Saga. The movie was made primarily to capitalize on the success of 1262: 191:
Sackett Brand", "The last feud my family taken part in lasted seventy years. The last Higgins died with his gun in his hand, but he died."
toward what he believes in strongly. A smooth talker, Orrin has no problem making friends, especially female. He was elected sheriff of
906: 652:- Owen Chantry โ€“ 1866 (In Chapter 3, Doby Kernohan tells the reader, "In the year of 1866, the fast draw was an unheard of thing...) 214:
was the first to be published in 1960 though it is not the first chronologically). It tells the story of William Tell Sackett, a
457:โ€“ Brother of Galloway Sackett. One of the younger Sacketts. Has a strong will to survive. Rarely found far from his brother. 1257: 664:โ€“ Tell Sackett โ€“ Sometime between 1866 and 1869. A short story. It appears to have been an introduction to Tell Sackett. 1205: 463:โ€“ Brother of Flagan Sackett. Tall and handsome, nearly fearless in the face of danger. Known to brave danger and live. 96: 839: 115: 68: 238:
and falls in love. He loses her when she is brutally murdered in "The Sackett Brand.". He meets another lady in
899: 75: 53: 278:, published in 1974, is the first novel chronologically of the Sackett novels, taking place around AD 1600 in 1221: 1085: 829: 242:, and presumably marries her. L'Amour has left the ending to the imagination of the reader in this novel. 1252: 82: 871: 506:, where his reputation as a man fair to all ethnicities, Hispanic and Anglo alike, gained him respect. 892: 614:โ€“ Kin Ring Sackett and Yance Sackett โ€“ 1630 (In Chapter 1, Kin tells the reader, "This was 1630...") 405:โ€“ Second son of Barnabas Sackett. Leaves America with his mother and sister to study law in England 306:. The main character and narrator is Barnabas Sackett, son of mercenary and freeholder Ivo Sackett. 64: 1197: 875: 537: 49: 878:. Retrieved March 8, 2012. (With essay by John Gallaher from the Awards 60-year anniversary blog.) 1061: 42: 1117: 1077: 1173: 1125: 1069: 423:โ€“ Only female member of the Sackett clan to narrate a story. Aunt of Tell, Orrin and Tyrel. 503: 375: 8: 1181: 639: 371: 670:โ€“ Tell Sackett โ€“ Soon after "Booty for a Badman" but prior to "Sackett". A short story. 973: 144: 1149: 1093: 989: 957: 835: 807: 596:โ€“ Barnabas Sackett โ€“ 1599 (In Chapter 1, Barnabas tells the reader the year is 1599.) 533: 299: 287: 210:
This is the ninth in the chronology of the Sackett novels and was published in 1961 (
161: 130: 89: 20: 1109: 997: 981: 915: 575: 250: 148: 1229: 1053: 965: 136: 1157: 1133: 550: 521: 355: 343: 295: 180: 172: 1246: 949: 932: 347: 303: 1189: 1045: 1024: 363: 1101: 884: 546: 542: 511: 489: 367: 339: 335: 176: 140: 854: 1141: 351: 215: 1016: 359: 184: 31: 1213: 323: 283: 168: 378:(as "Ma Sackett"). It was later released in a cut-down version as 279: 246: 1165: 291: 860: 135:
is a fictional American family featured in a number of
553:(Jesse Traven) in similar roles to those they play in 326:
broadcast on May 15 and 16, 1979, based on the novels
564: 541:
was based upon another Louis L'Amour novel and stars
56:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 385: 302:of North America, particularly in the vicinity of 1244: 900: 827: 914: 907: 893: 309: 267: 116:Learn how and when to remove this message 472: 256: 167:L'Amour's Sackett family originates in 1245: 865: 346:as Tyrel, but also featured parts for 202: 888: 828:l'Amour, Louis (September 30, 2003). 54:adding citations to reliable sources 25: 1263:Western (genre) heroes and heroines 13: 565:List of Sackett stories by L'Amour 14: 1274: 30: 386:Characters in mainstream novels 41:needs additional citations for 848: 821: 1: 1222:Shaughnessy: The Iron Marshal 872:"National Book Awards โ€“ 1980" 814: 680:The Man From the Broken Hills 154: 1086:Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado 7: 1258:Western (genre) gunfighters 834:. Random House Publishing. 801: 10: 1281: 19:For the real surname, see 18: 1035: 1008: 941: 922: 644:one-year category Western 600:To the Far Blue Mountains 527: 876:National Book Foundation 668:The Courting of Griselda 1062:Four Guns to the Border 1009:Stories and collections 415:Jublain Sackett (Jubal) 1206:The Quick and the Dead 1118:Guns of the Timberland 1078:Treasure of Ruby Hills 771:Lonely On the Mountain 707:been Tyrel and Orrin.) 510:Orrin is portrayed by 482:William Tell Sackett ( 1174:Cancel My Reservation 1126:Heller in Pink Tights 1070:Stranger on Horseback 473:Three main characters 258:The Sackett Companion 504:Santa Fe, New Mexico 376:Mercedes McCambridge 350:veterans, including 50:improve this article 16:Fictional characters 1182:The Man Called Noon 789:Son of a Wanted Man 759:Ride the Dark Trail 650:Over on the Dryside 640:National Book Award 588:Fair Blows the Wind 147:by American writer 1253:Fictional families 974:The Ferguson Rifle 795:North to the Rails 662:Booty for a Badman 618:The Ferguson Rifle 612:The Warrior's Path 549:(Mac Traven), and 1240: 1239: 1198:The Shadow Riders 1094:The Burning Hills 990:Last of the Breed 958:The Tall Stranger 831:The Sackett Brand 808:Sackett (surname) 765:Treasure Mountain 729:The Sackett Brand 538:The Shadow Riders 534:made for TV movie 439:Orlando Sackett ( 338:as Tell Sackett, 300:Atlantic Seaboard 288:Queen Elizabeth I 240:Treasure Mountain 232:The Sackett Brand 228:Treasure Mountain 162:James A. Michener 145:historical novels 126: 125: 118: 100: 21:Sackett (surname) 1270: 1153:(1967 TV series) 1110:Apache Territory 998:The Haunted Mesa 982:The Walking Drum 909: 902: 895: 886: 885: 879: 869: 863: 852: 846: 845: 825: 656:The Iron Marshal 576:Wild Bill Hickok 467:Parmalee Sackett 461:Galloway Sackett 397:Kin-Ring Sackett 391:Barnabas Sackett 251:Delos B. Sackett 121: 114: 110: 107: 101: 99: 58: 34: 26: 1280: 1279: 1273: 1272: 1271: 1269: 1268: 1267: 1243: 1242: 1241: 1236: 1230:Crossfire Trail 1054:East of Sumatra 1038:and adaptations 1037: 1031: 1004: 937: 918: 913: 883: 882: 870: 866: 853: 849: 842: 826: 822: 817: 804: 783:Passin' Through 723:Mojave Crossing 674:The Daybreakers 636:Bendigo Shafter 567: 530: 475: 388: 380:The Daybreakers 328:The Daybreakers 322:was a two-part 315: 273: 261: 220:Mojave Crossing 208: 157: 122: 111: 105: 102: 59: 57: 47: 35: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 1278: 1277: 1266: 1265: 1260: 1255: 1238: 1237: 1235: 1234: 1226: 1218: 1210: 1202: 1194: 1186: 1178: 1170: 1162: 1154: 1146: 1138: 1130: 1122: 1114: 1106: 1098: 1090: 1082: 1074: 1066: 1058: 1050: 1041: 1039: 1033: 1032: 1030: 1029: 1021: 1012: 1010: 1006: 1005: 1003: 1002: 994: 986: 978: 970: 962: 954: 945: 943: 942:Selected books 939: 938: 936: 935: 930: 923: 920: 919: 912: 911: 904: 897: 889: 881: 880: 864: 847: 840: 819: 818: 816: 813: 812: 811: 803: 800: 799: 798: 792: 786: 780: 777:Borden Chantry 774: 768: 762: 756: 753:The Lonely Men 750: 744: 738: 732: 726: 720: 714: 708: 701: 695: 689: 683: 677: 671: 665: 659: 653: 647: 633: 630:Ride the River 627: 621: 615: 609: 603: 597: 594:Sackett's Land 591: 566: 563: 551:Jeff Osterhage 545:(Dal Traven), 529: 526: 522:Jeff Osterhage 474: 471: 455:Flagan Sackett 449:Falcon Sackett 387: 384: 356:Gilbert Roland 344:Jeff Osterhage 342:as Orrin, and 314: 308: 296:Atlantic Ocean 276:Sackett's Land 272: 269:Sackett's Land 266: 260: 255: 224:The Lonely Men 207: 201: 181:North Carolina 173:Cambridgeshire 156: 153: 137:western novels 124: 123: 38: 36: 29: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1276: 1275: 1264: 1261: 1259: 1256: 1254: 1251: 1250: 1248: 1232: 1231: 1227: 1224: 1223: 1219: 1216: 1215: 1211: 1208: 1207: 1203: 1200: 1199: 1195: 1192: 1191: 1187: 1184: 1183: 1179: 1176: 1175: 1171: 1168: 1167: 1163: 1160: 1159: 1155: 1152: 1151: 1147: 1144: 1143: 1139: 1136: 1135: 1131: 1128: 1127: 1123: 1120: 1119: 1115: 1112: 1111: 1107: 1104: 1103: 1099: 1096: 1095: 1091: 1088: 1087: 1083: 1080: 1079: 1075: 1072: 1071: 1067: 1064: 1063: 1059: 1056: 1055: 1051: 1048: 1047: 1043: 1042: 1040: 1034: 1027: 1026: 1022: 1019: 1018: 1014: 1013: 1011: 1007: 1000: 999: 995: 992: 991: 987: 984: 983: 979: 976: 975: 971: 968: 967: 963: 960: 959: 955: 952: 951: 950:Silver Canyon 947: 946: 944: 940: 934: 933:Chick Bowdrie 931: 928: 925: 924: 921: 917: 916:Louis L'Amour 910: 905: 903: 898: 896: 891: 890: 887: 877: 873: 868: 862: 858: 857: 851: 843: 841:9780553899719 837: 833: 832: 824: 820: 809: 806: 805: 796: 793: 790: 787: 784: 781: 778: 775: 772: 769: 766: 763: 760: 757: 754: 751: 748: 745: 742: 739: 736: 735:The Skyliners 733: 730: 727: 724: 721: 718: 715: 712: 709: 705: 702: 699: 696: 693: 690: 687: 684: 681: 678: 675: 672: 669: 666: 663: 660: 657: 654: 651: 648: 645: 641: 637: 634: 631: 628: 625: 622: 619: 616: 613: 610: 607: 606:Jubal Sackett 604: 601: 598: 595: 592: 589: 586: 585: 584: 580: 577: 571: 562: 560: 556: 552: 548: 544: 540: 539: 535: 525: 523: 519: 518:Tyrel Sackett 515: 513: 507: 505: 499: 497: 496:Orrin Sackett 493: 491: 487: 485: 479: 470: 468: 464: 462: 458: 456: 452: 450: 446: 444: 442: 436: 434: 433:Nolan Sackett 430: 428: 427:Logan Sackett 424: 422: 418: 416: 412: 410: 409:Yance Sackett 406: 404: 403:Brian Sackett 400: 398: 394: 392: 383: 381: 377: 373: 369: 365: 361: 357: 353: 349: 348:Western movie 345: 341: 337: 334:. It starred 333: 329: 325: 321: 320: 312: 307: 305: 304:Cape Hatteras 301: 297: 293: 289: 285: 281: 277: 270: 265: 259: 254: 252: 248: 243: 241: 237: 233: 229: 225: 221: 217: 213: 205: 200: 196: 195:cousin Echo. 192: 188: 186: 182: 178: 174: 170: 165: 163: 152: 150: 149:Louis L'Amour 146: 142: 141:short stories 138: 134: 132: 120: 117: 109: 106:November 2011 98: 95: 91: 88: 84: 81: 77: 74: 70: 67: โ€“  66: 62: 61:Find sources: 55: 51: 45: 44: 39:This article 37: 33: 28: 27: 22: 1228: 1220: 1212: 1204: 1196: 1190:The Sacketts 1188: 1180: 1172: 1164: 1156: 1148: 1140: 1132: 1124: 1116: 1108: 1100: 1092: 1084: 1076: 1068: 1060: 1052: 1044: 1025:Trap of Gold 1023: 1015: 996: 988: 980: 972: 964: 956: 948: 929:(characters) 926: 867: 856:The Sacketts 855: 850: 830: 823: 794: 788: 782: 776: 770: 764: 758: 752: 746: 740: 734: 728: 722: 716: 710: 703: 697: 691: 685: 679: 673: 667: 661: 655: 649: 635: 629: 623: 617: 611: 605: 599: 593: 587: 581: 579:chronology. 572: 568: 559:The Sacketts 558: 555:The Sacketts 554: 536: 531: 517: 516: 508: 500: 495: 494: 483: 481: 480: 476: 466: 465: 460: 459: 454: 453: 448: 447: 440: 438: 437: 432: 431: 426: 425: 421:Echo Sackett 420: 419: 414: 413: 408: 407: 402: 401: 396: 395: 390: 389: 379: 364:Slim Pickens 331: 327: 319:The Sacketts 318: 317: 316: 311:The Sacketts 310: 275: 274: 268: 262: 257: 244: 239: 235: 231: 227: 223: 219: 211: 209: 203: 197: 193: 189: 166: 158: 129: 127: 112: 103: 93: 86: 79: 72: 60: 48:Please help 43:verification 40: 1102:Utah Blaine 1036:Screenplays 711:Mustang Man 692:Dark Canyon 624:Rivers West 547:Tom Selleck 543:Sam Elliott 512:Tom Selleck 490:Sam Elliott 372:Ben Johnson 368:Pat Buttram 340:Tom Selleck 336:Sam Elliott 282:(including 212:Daybreakers 206:(the novel) 177:East Anglia 1247:Categories 1142:Kid Rodelo 815:References 747:Milo Talon 352:Glenn Ford 313:(TV movie) 298:, and the 294:), on the 216:Union Army 155:Background 76:newspapers 1017:Yondering 532:The 1982 360:Jack Elam 185:Tennessee 65:"Sackett" 1214:Conagher 802:See also 741:Galloway 324:TV movie 284:The Fens 169:The Fens 1158:Shalako 1134:Taggart 966:Shalako 927:Sackett 717:Sackett 642:in the 332:Sackett 280:England 271:(novel) 247:cavalry 236:Sackett 204:Sackett 131:Sackett 90:scholar 1233:(2001) 1225:(1996) 1217:(1991) 1209:(1987) 1201:(1982) 1193:(1979) 1185:(1973) 1177:(1972) 1169:(1971) 1166:Catlow 1161:(1968) 1145:(1966) 1137:(1964) 1129:(1960) 1121:(1960) 1113:(1958) 1105:(1957) 1097:(1956) 1089:(1956) 1081:(1955) 1073:(1955) 1065:(1954) 1057:(1953) 1049:(1950) 1028:(1987) 1020:(1980) 1001:(1987) 993:(1986) 985:(1984) 977:(1973) 969:(1962) 961:(1957) 953:(1956) 838:  704:Catlow 698:Chancy 528:Trivia 374:, and 292:London 230:, and 133:family 92:  85:  78:  71:  63:  1150:Hondo 1046:Hondo 686:Lando 441:Lando 97:JSTOR 83:books 861:IMDb 836:ISBN 484:Tell 330:and 286:and 249:Lt. 183:and 143:and 128:The 69:news 290:'s 175:in 171:of 52:by 1249:: 874:. 859:, 561:. 524:. 514:. 492:. 382:. 370:, 366:, 362:, 358:, 354:, 226:, 222:, 151:. 139:, 908:e 901:t 894:v 844:. 646:. 486:) 443:) 119:) 113:( 108:) 104:( 94:ยท 87:ยท 80:ยท 73:ยท 46:. 23:.


Sackett (surname)

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western novels
short stories
historical novels
Louis L'Amour
James A. Michener
The Fens
East Anglia
North Carolina
Union Army
Delos B. Sackett
The Fens
Queen Elizabeth I

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