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license renewal; professional development or coaching; assessment; material; and instruction or intervention. As a result, many schools are moving away from balanced literacy programs that encourage students to guess a word, and are introducing phonics where they learn to "decode" (sound out) words. However, the adoption of these new requirements are by no means uniform. For example, only ten states have requirements in all six areas, and five have requirements in only one or two areas. Only nineteen states have requirements related to pre-service teacher certification or license renewal. Thirty-six states have requirements for professional development or coaching, and thirty-one require teachers to use specific instructional methods or interventions for struggling readers. Furthermore, eight states do not allow or require 3rd-grade retention for students who are behind in reading. Experts say it is uncertain whether these new initiatives will lead to real improvements in children's reading results because old practices prove hard to shake.
5521: 3082: 1828: 1923: 893: 3291:. Although phonics skills are de-emphasised in whole language programs, some teachers include phonics "mini-lessons" when students struggle with words while reading from a book. Short lessons are included based on phonics elements the students are having trouble with, or on a new or difficult phonics pattern that appears in a class reading assignment. The focus on meaning is generally maintained, but the mini-lesson provides some time for focus on individual sounds and the letters that represent them. Embedded phonics is different from other methods because instruction is always in the context of literature rather than in separate lessons about distinct sounds and letters; and skills are taught when an opportunity arises, not systematically. 2807: 5107:) is an international study of reading (comprehension) achievement in fourth graders. It is designed to measure children's reading literacy achievement, to provide a baseline for future studies of trends in achievement, and to gather information about children's home and school experiences in learning to read. The 2016 PIRLS report shows the 4th-grade reading achievement by country in two categories (literary and informational). The ten countries with the highest overall reading average are the Russian Federation, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Finland, Poland, Northern Ireland, Norway, Chinese Taipei, and England (UK). Some others are the United States 15th, Australia 21st, Canada 23rd, and New Zealand 33rd. 5975:. The conclusion was that the "long-term impact estimates were significant and negative". The study found that children who received Reading Recovery had scores on state reading tests in third and fourth grade that were below the test scores of similar children who did not receive Reading Recovery. It suggests three possible hypotheses for this outcome: 1) while Reading Recovery produces large impacts on early literacy measures, it does not give students the required skills for success in later grades; or, 2) the gains are lost because students do not receive sufficient intervention in later grades; or, 3) the impacts of the early intervention was washed out by subsequent experiences. 6220: 6122: 3761:, suggests that students need to learn about something in order to read well. However, some researchers say reading comprehension instruction has become "content agnostic", focused on skill practice (such as "finding the main idea"), to the detriment of learning about science, history, and other disciplines. Instead, they say teachers should find ways to integrate content knowledge with reading and writing instruction. One approach is to merge the two – to embed literacy instruction into social studies and science. Another approach is to build content knowledge into reading classes, often called "high-quality or "content-rich" curricula. However, according to 2071:(SRR). It reflects key insights from scientific research on reading that are not captured in the SVR and SRR. Although the AVR model has not been tested as a whole in research, "each element within the model has been tested in instructional research demonstrating positive, causal influences on reading comprehension". This model is more complete than the simple view of reading and does a better job of accommodating some of the knowledge about reading developed over the past several decades. However, it does not explain how these variables fit together, how their relative importance changes with development, or many other issues relevant to reading instruction. 3268:
Clackmannanshire Report and chose 393 participants to compare synthetic phonics instruction and analytic phonics instruction. The boys taught by the synthetic phonics method had better word reading than the girls in their classes, and their spelling and reading comprehension was as good. On the other hand, with analytic phonics teaching, although the boys performed as well as the girls in word reading, they had inferior spelling and reading comprehension. Overall, the group taught by synthetic phonics had better word reading, spelling, and reading comprehension. And, synthetic phonics did not lead to any impairment in the reading of irregular words.
6292: 733: 3107:(NRP) concluded that systematic phonics instruction is more effective than unsystematic phonics or non-phonics instruction. The NRP also found that systematic phonics instruction is effective (with varying degrees) when delivered through one-to-one tutoring, small groups, and teaching classes of students; and is effective from kindergarten onward, the earlier the better. It helps significantly with word-reading skills and reading comprehension for kindergartners and 1st graders as well as for older struggling readers and reading-disabled students. Benefits to spelling were positive for kindergartners and 1st graders but not for older students. 6141: 977:. In 2022, 30% of grade eight students failed to perform at or above the NAEP Basic level, which was 3 points lower compared to 2019. According to a 2023 study in California, only 46.6% of grade three students achieved the English reading standards. Another report states that many teenagers who've spent time in California's juvenile detention facilities get high school diplomas with grade-school reading skills. "There are kids getting their high school diplomas who aren't able to even read and write." During a five-year span beginning in 2018, 85% of these students who graduated from high school did not pass a 12th-grade reading assessment. 720: 6304: 2973:
approach to instruction techniques, classroom management, grouping, and other factors. Louisa Moats, a teacher, psychologist and researcher, has long advocated for reading instruction that is direct, explicit and systematic, covering phoneme awareness, decoding, comprehension, literature appreciation, and daily exposure to a variety of texts. She maintains that "reading failure can be prevented in all but a small percentage of children with serious learning disorders. It is possible to teach most students how to read if we start early and follow the significant body of research showing which practices are most effective".
4683:, a brain-based learning disability that specifically impairs a person's ability to read. These individuals typically read at levels significantly lower than expected despite having normal intelligence. It can also be inherited in some families, and recent studies have identified a number of genes that may predispose an individual to developing dyslexia. Although the symptoms vary from person to person, common characteristics among people with dyslexia are difficulty with spelling, phonological processing (the manipulation of sounds), and/or rapid visual-verbal responding. Adults can have either developmental dyslexia or 2624:
reading comprehension scores. Yet, some teachers, even after obtaining a master's degree in education, think they lack the necessary knowledge and skills to teach all students how to read. A 2019 survey of K-2 and special education teachers found that only 11 percent said they felt "completely prepared" to teach early reading after finishing their preservice programs. And, a 2021 study found that most U.S. states do not measure teachers' knowledge of the 'science of reading'. In addition, according to one study, as few as 2% of school districts use reading programs that follow the science of reading.
6159: 709: 2307:(VWFA). The VWFA is believed to be responsible for the brain's ability to read visually. This area of the brain tends to be activated when words are presented orthographically, as found in a study in 2002 where participants were presented with word and non-word stimuli. During presentation of word stimuli, this portion of the brain was extremely active; however, during presentation of stimuli that did not involve graphemes the brain was less active. Participants with dyslexia remained outliers, with this area of the brain being consistently underactive in both scenarios. 1635:) of oral language. Children will often "read" stories they have memorized. However, in the late 1990s, United States' researchers found that the traditional way of reading to children made little difference in their later ability to read because children spend relatively little time actually looking at the text. Yet, in a shared reading program with four-year-old children, teachers found that directing children's attention to the letters and words (e.g. verbally or pointing to the words) made a significant difference in early reading, spelling and comprehension. 3644:
words, "the phonological recoding mechanism is a very powerful, indeed essential, mechanism throughout reading development". Furthermore, researchers suggest that teachers who withhold phonics instruction to make it easier on children "are having the opposite effect" by making it harder for children to gain basic word-recognition skills. They suggest that learners should focus on understanding the principles of phonics so they can recognize the phonemic overlaps among words (e.g. have, had, has, having, haven't, etc.), making it easier to decode them all.
5161: 6174: 2747: 5417: 1082: 6280: 5938:
science-based approaches to reading instruction, early screening, and intervention, we should see only about 5% of students reading below grade level. However, in 2018–2019, 26% of all Ontario Grade 3 students and 53% of Grade 3 students with special education needs (students who have an Individual Education Plan), were not meeting the provincial EQAO standard. The results improved only slightly for Grade 6 students, where 19% of all students and 47% of students with special education needs did not meet the provincial standard.
5460:(the searchlights model in England) emerged. According to a 2010 survey 75% of teachers in the United States teach the three-cueing system. It teaches children to guess a word by using "meaning cues" (semantic, syntactic and graphophonic). While the system does help students to "make better guesses", it does not help when the words become more sophisticated; and it reduces the amount of practice time available to learn essential decoding skills. Consequently, present-day researchers such as cognitive neuroscientists 6255: 1605: 3504: 6232: 6201: 5265:
people reading before sleep. Some modern critics speculate that these concerns were rooted partially in fear that readers – especially women readers – would shirk their obligations to their family and community, and even transgress moral boundaries via the private fantasy afforded by books. Also during the 18th century in England, reading novels was often criticized as a time-wasting pastime, when contrasted with the cultural seriousness carried by reading history, classical literature or poetry.
23865: 1941:. Neither is enough on their own. In other words, they need the ability to recognize and process (e.g., sound out) the text, and the ability to understand the language in which the text is written (i.e., vocabulary, grammar, and background knowledge). Students are not reading if they can decode words but do not understand their meaning. Similarly, students are not reading if they cannot decode words that they would ordinarily recognize and understand if they heard them spoken out loud. 4391: 2952:, a member of that panel, recommends that primary students receive 60–90 minutes per day of explicit, systematic, literacy instruction time; and that it be divided equally between a) words and word parts (e.g. letters, sounds, decoding and phonemic awareness), b) oral reading fluency, c) reading comprehension, and d) writing. Furthermore, he states that "the phonemic awareness skills found to give the greatest reading advantage to kindergarten and first-grade children are 3787:(encoding), especially for children in kindergarten or grade one and elementary school students at risk for literacy difficulties. Students receiving encoding instruction and guided practice that included using (a) manipulatives such as letter tiles to learn phoneme-grapheme relationships and words and (b) writing phoneme-grapheme relationships and words made from these correspondences significantly outperformed contrast groups not receiving encoding instruction. 3332:-t). When the student is comfortable recognizing and saying the sounds, the following steps might be followed: a) the tutor says a target word and the student repeats it out loud, b) the student writes down each individual sound (letter) until the word is completely spelled, saying each sound as it is written, and c) the student says the entire word out loud. An alternate method would be to have the student use mnemonic cards to sound-out (spell) the target word. 24210: 23621: 4708: 4628:
orthographic conventions such as the direction of reading and that there are differing typefaces and capitalization for each symbol. In general, this means that to read proficiently, the reader has to understand the elements of a written language. In the United States, a limited amount of spelling is taught up to grade four, and beyond that "we gain orthographic expertise by reading"; so the amount and variety of texts that children read is important.
23631: 6348: 1213:(CCSS) in the United States has standards for foundational reading skills in kindergarten and grade one that include instruction in print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, and fluency. However, some critics of CCSS say that "To achieve reading standards usually calls for long hours of drill and worksheets – and reduces other vital areas of learning such as math, science, social studies, art, music and creative play". 5125:) measures 15-year-old school pupils scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading. In 2018, of the 79 participating countries/economies, on average, students in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang (China), and Singapore outperformed students from all other countries in reading, mathematics, and science. 21 countries have reading scores above the OECD average scores and many of the scores are not statistically different. 23611: 2450:. This has implications for students such as those who are learning to read. The results of studies imply that oral production is beneficial because it entails two distinctive components: speaking (a motor act) and hearing oneself (the self-referential auditory input). It is also thought that the "optimal benefit would probably come from reading aloud from notes that the student took at the time of initial exposure to new information". 1183: 6334: 5683: 3814: 2346:, which is not a part of the cerebral cortex, is also believed to play an important role in reading. When the cerebellum is impaired, victims struggle with many executive functioning and organizational skills both inside and outside of their reading ability. In a synthetic fMRI study, specific activities that displayed significant cerebellum involvement included automation, word accuracy, and reading speed. 2597:, a U.K. based non-profit since 2013 has organized education conferences around the world (e.g. Africa, Australia, Asia, Canada, the E.U., the Middle East, New Zealand, the U.K. and the U.S.) featuring researchers and educators to "promote collaboration between research-users and research-creators". It has been described as a "grass-roots teacher-led project that aims to make teachers research-literate and 2640:. On another occasion, when asked about the most common questions teachers ask her, she replied, "over and over" they ask "why didn't anyone teach me this before?". In an Education Week Research Center survey of more than 530 professors of reading instruction, only 22 percent said their philosophy of teaching early reading centered on explicit, systematic phonics with comprehension as a separate focus. 3881:, said "cognitive psychology directly refutes any notion of teaching via a 'global' or 'whole language' method". He goes on to talk about "the myth of whole-word reading", saying it has been refuted by recent experiments. "We do not recognize a printed word through a holistic grasping of its contours, because our brain breaks it down into letters and graphemes". In addition, cognitive neuroscientist 156: 85: 7642: 2514:. It is a resource for school systems and educators interested in research-proven tutoring programs. It lists programs that deliver tutoring programs that are proven effective in rigorous research as defined in the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act. The Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University provides the technical support to inform program selection. 5764:
vocabulary knowledge, 2) develop awareness of the segments of sounds in speech and how they link to letters (phonemic awareness and phonics), 3) teach students to decode words, analyze word parts, and write and recognize words (phonics and synthetic phonics), and 4) ensure that each student reads connected text every day to support reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.
groups other than Asians saw their scores decline. However, "black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) students and students in high-poverty schools were disproportionately impacted". (This was substantiated by other sources). In 2022, no states had a reading score increase and 30 states had a score decrease. The results by race or ethnicity were as follows:
6362: 7250: 1265:, Washington, D.C., released a draft position paper on DPA saying "The notion that young children are not ready for academic subject matter is a misunderstanding of developmentally appropriate practice; particularly in grades 1 through 3, almost all subject matter can be taught in ways that are meaningful and engaging for each child". And, researchers at 2558:(IES), Washington, DC, is the statistics, research, and evaluation arm of the U.S. Department of Education. It funds independent education research, evaluation and statistics. It published a Synthesis of its Research on Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education in 2013. Its publications and products can be searched by author, subject, etc. 3036:
not have positive outcomes, e) whole-class approaches (mostly cooperative learning) and whole-school approaches incorporating tutoring obtained outcomes for struggling readers as large as those found for one-to-one tutoring, and benefitted many more students, and f) approaches mixing classroom and school improvements, with tutoring for the most
5953:(including explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics), b) evidence-based screening assessments, c) evidence-based reading interventions, d) accommodations that are not used as a substitute for teaching students to read, and e) professional assessments (yet, not required for interventions or accommodations). 2688:, Canada followed by stating plans to revise the elementary language curriculum and the Grade 9 English course with "scientific, evidence-based approaches that emphasize direct, explicit and systematic instruction and removing references to unscientific discovery and inquiry-based learning, including the three-cueing system, by 2023." 5733:. The 2014 teachers' Professional Development guide covers the seven areas of attitude and motivation, fluency, comprehension, word identification, vocabulary, phonological awareness, phonics, and assessment. It recommends that phonics be taught in a systematic and structured way and is preceded by training in phonological awareness. 5081:) of cognitive and workplace skills in 39 countries between 2011 and 2018. The Survey measures adults' proficiency in key information-processing skills – literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving. The focus is on the working-age population between the ages of 16 and 65. For example, the study shows the ranking of 38 countries as to the 1221:
two groups became inseparable in reading skill. The authors conclude that the effects of early reading are like "watering a garden before a rainstorm; the earlier watering is rendered undetectable by the rainstorm, the watering wastes precious water, and the watering detracts the gardener from other important preparatory groundwork".
1303:, suggests, "Start teaching reading from the time you have kids available to teach, and pay attention to how they respond to this instruction – both in terms of how well they are learning what you are teaching, and how happy and invested they seem to be. If you haven't started yet, don't feel guilty, just get going". 3690:). Consequentially, they suggest that teachers and tutors should focus on "teaching decoding with more advanced vowel patterns before expecting young readers to tackle irregular words". Others recommend teaching the high-frequency words (i.e. Fry word list) by "focusing on the sound-symbol relations" (i.e. phonics). 2288:
region may be correlated with automatic word processing and decoding. The results of this study found this portion of the brain to be highly active in persons who were learning/struggling to read (children, those diagnosed with dyslexia, and those new to the English language) and less active in fluent adult readers.
787:, children and adults read because it is enjoyable and interesting. In the US, about half of all adults read one or more books for pleasure each year. About 5% read more than 50 books per year. Americans read more if they: have more education, read fluently and easily, are female, live in cities, and have higher 5085:. According to the 2019 OECD report, the five countries with the highest ranking are Japan, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Australia; whereas Canada is 12th, England (UK) is 16th, and the United States is 19th. It is also worth noting that the PIAAC table A2.1 (2013) shows the percentage of adults reading 7404: 2272:(MUSC) in 2022 indicates that "greater left-brain asymmetry can predict both better and average performance on a foundational level of reading ability, depending on whether the analysis is conducted over the whole brain or in specific regions". There have been correlations between specific brain regions in the 884:
counterparts, and often preserve features and expressions which are no longer current in the spoken language. The great benefit of writing systems is their ability to maintain a persistent record of information expressed in a language, which can be retrieved independently of the initial act of formulation.
1016:) publishes reading achievement for fourth graders in 50 countries. The five countries with the highest overall reading average are the Russian Federation, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland and Finland. Some others are: England 10th, United States 15th, Australia 21st, Canada 23rd, and New Zealand 33rd. 3825:
Students are taught to use context and pictures to "guess" words they do not recognize, or even just skip them and read on. It aims to make reading fun, yet many students struggle to figure out the specific rules of the language on their own, which causes the student's decoding and spelling to suffer.
produced a plan to improve education results. It states that "students who aren't reading at grade level aren't able to comprehend up to half of the printed fourth-grade curriculum". Furthermore, it says a gap exists between what is known about how to teach reading and how teachers can teach reading.
Before the mid-18th century, children's books in England usually focused on instruction or religious themes. Over time, a greater number of books were written with the intent of delighting children; for example, children's novels became increasingly popular over the 18th century. By 1800, the area of
Critics, however, say PISA is fundamentally flawed in its underlying view of education, its implementation, and its interpretation and impact on education globally. In 2014, more than 100 academics from around the world called for a moratorium on PISA. According to a 2023 book, PISA is failing in its
purported to combine phonics and whole language yet not necessarily consistently or systematically. It may include elements such as word study and phonics mini-lessons, differentiated learning, cueing, leveled reading, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading, and sight words. According to
do not support the theory. They say the three-cueing system's value in reading instruction "is a magnificent work of the imagination", and it developed not because teachers lack integrity, commitment, motivation, sincerity, or intelligence, but because they "were poorly trained and advised" about the
while not making specific recommendations for change. He goes on to say that, in his opinion, the high number of struggling readers in the United States is the result of how teachers are taught to teach reading. He also says that struggling readers should not be encouraged to skip a challenging word,
There have been studies on the effectiveness of instruction using analytic phonics vs. synthetic phonics. Johnston et al. (2012) conducted experimental research studies that tested the effectiveness of phonics learning instruction among 10-year-old boys and girls. They used comparative data from the
legislation, some teachers' unions are mounting opposition, citing concerns about mandates that would limit teachers' professional autonomy in the classroom, uneven implementation, unreasonable timelines, and the amount of time and compensation teachers receive for additional training. Some teachers'
When reading, the eye moves continuously along a line of text but makes short rapid movements (saccades) intermingled with short stops (fixations). There is considerable variability in fixations (the point at which a saccade jumps to) and saccades between readers, and even for the same person reading
In addition, some educators feel that SOR should include digital literacy; background knowledge; content-rich instruction; infrastructural pillars (curriculum, reimagined teacher preparation, and leadership); adaptive teaching (recognizing the student's individual, culture, and linguistic strengths);
is the sense that a reader is combining silent reading with internal sounding of the words. Advocates of speed reading claim it can be a bad habit that slows reading and comprehension, but some researchers say this is a fallacy since there is no actual speaking involved. Instead, it may help skilled
and scientifically based and focused on competency in the five areas of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and reading fluency, including oral skills and reading comprehension. In the same year, the state of North Carolina passed a bill requiring that the teaching
in 1936 by studying the most frequently occurring words in children's books of that era. Children are encouraged to memorize the words with the idea that it will help them read more fluently. Many teachers continue to use this list, although some researchers consider the theory of sight word reading
NAEP reading assessment results are reported as average scores on a 0–500 scale. The Basic Level is 208 and the Proficient Level is 238. The average reading score for grade-four public school students was 219. Female students had an average score that was 7 points higher than male students. Students
provides students with a collection of books, allows them the choice of what to read, limits students' reading to texts that can be easily read by them, provides teaching through mini-lessons, and monitors and supports reading comprehension development through one-on-one teacher-student conferences.
In addition, according to research, whole-word memorization is "labor-intensive", requiring on average about 35 trials per word. Also, phonics advocates say that most words are decodable, so comparatively few words have to be memorized. And because a child will over time encounter many low-frequency
3564:(NPR) concluded that phonemic awareness improves a learner's ability to learn to read. When teaching phonemic awareness, the NRP found that better results were obtained with focused and explicit instruction of one or two elements, over five or more hours, in small groups, and using the corresponding 3299:
For some teachers, this is a method of teaching spelling by using the sounds (phonemes). However, it can also be a method of teaching reading by focusing on the sounds and their spelling (i.e. phonemes and syllables). It is taught systematically with guided lessons conducted in a direct and explicit
Phonics can be taught systematically in a variety of ways, such as analogy phonics, analytic phonics, phonics through spelling, and synthetic phonics. However, their effectiveness varies considerably because the methods differ in such areas as the range of letter-sound coverage, the structure of the
The BEE review concludes that a) outcomes were positive for one-to-one tutoring, b) outcomes were positive, but not as large, for one-to-small group tutoring, c) there were no differences in outcomes between teachers and teaching assistants as tutors, d) technology-supported adaptive instruction did
A challenge in teaching phonics is that in some languages, such as English, complex letter-sound correspondences can confuse beginning readers. For this reason, it is recommended that teachers of English reading begin by introducing the "most frequent sounds" and the "common spellings", and save the
According to some researchers, having a highly qualified teacher in every classroom is an educational necessity, and a 2023 study of 512 classroom teachers in 112 schools showed that teachers' knowledge of language and literacy reliably predicted students' reading foundational skills scores, but not
There is robust evidence that saying a word out loud makes it more memorable than simply reading it silently or hearing someone else say it. This is because self-reference and self-control over speaking produce more engagement with the words. The memory benefit of "hearing oneself" is referred to as
The Perisylvian Region, which is the portion of the brain believed to connect Broca's and Wernicke's area, is another region that is highly active during phonological activities where participants are asked to verbalize known and unknown words. Damage to this portion of this brain directly affects a
Secondary ELA teachers in states with reading legislation were significantly more likely to report frequently engaging their students in these activities than secondary ELA teachers in states without such legislation, even though only one-quarter of states with these laws include requirements around
in the UK have found that starting literacy teaching in preschool has "been consistently found to have a positive effect on early learning outcomes" and that "beginning early years education at a younger age appears to have a high positive impact on learning outcomes". This supports current standard
In the academic field, some view literacy in a more philosophical manner and propose the concept of "multiliteracies". For example, they say, "this huge shift from traditional print-based literacy to 21st century multiliteracies reflects the impact of communication technologies and multimedia on the
published a report about their new initiative known as R.I.S.E., Reading Initiative for Student Excellence, which was the result of The Right to Read Act, passed in 2017. The first goal of this initiative is to provide educators with the in-depth knowledge and skills of "the science of reading" and
children in grades one and two receive explicit instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics "as the route to decode words". In grades three and four they continue to apply their knowledge of phonics; however, the emphasis shifts to the more meaning-focused technical aspects of reading and writing
Ministry of Education appointed seven reading specialist to help primary and secondary school teachers improve their literacy instruction. From February 2014 to January 2016, literacy coaches were hired in selected primary schools to assist teachers of kindergarten, grades 1 and 2 with pedagogy and
method was introduced. This method de-emphasizes the teaching of phonics out of context (e.g. reading books), and is intended to help readers "guess" the right word. It teaches that guessing individual words should involve three systems (letter clues, meaning clues from context, and the syntactical
Brain activity in young and older children can be used to predict future reading skills. Cross-model mapping between the orthographic and phonologic areas in the brain is critical in reading. Thus, the amount of activation in the left dorsal inferior frontal gyrus while performing reading tasks can
According to some, three-cueing is not the most effective way for beginning readers to learn how to decode printed text. While a cueing system does help students to "make better guesses", it does not help when the words become more sophisticated; and it reduces the amount of practice time available
appears to be the first in Canada to revise its K-2 reading curriculum based on "research-based instructional practice". For example, it replaced the various cueing systems with "mastery in the consolidated alphabetic to skilled reader phase". Although one document on the site, dated 1998, contains
became the only state to improve reading results between 2017 and 2019, 37 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have since passed laws or implemented new policies related to evidence-based reading instruction. These requirements relate to six areas: teacher preparation; teacher certification or
Spoken language is the foundation of learning to read (long before children see any letters) and children's knowledge of the phonological structure of language is a good predictor of early reading ability. Spoken language is dominant for most of childhood; however, reading ultimately catches up and
say that claims of reading up to 1,000 words per minute 'must be viewed with skepticism' and that 'people are as likely to read thousands of words per minute as they are to run faster than the speed of light'". It is estimated that the average reading speed for adults in English is from 175 to 320
have put their heavy scientific weight on the side of phonics. In 2018 the ministry created a science educational council that openly supported phonics. In April 2018, the minister issued a set of four guiding documents for early teaching of reading and mathematics and a booklet detailing phonics
Department of Education said children should know how to decode regularly spelled one-syllable words by mid-first grade, and be phonemically aware (especially able to segment and blend phonemes)". In grades two and three children receive explicit instruction in advanced phonic-analysis and reading
instruction is critical if children are to be taught to read well, whether or not they experience reading difficulties". As of October 5, 2018, The State Government of Victoria, Australia, publishes a website containing a comprehensive Literacy Teaching Toolkit including effective reading
arose. It is a theory of teaching reading and writing that is not clearly defined. It may include elements such as word study and phonics mini-lessons, differentiated learning, cueing, leveled reading, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading and sight words. For some, balanced literacy
Increasing vocabulary knowledge, listening skills, and teaching basic comprehension techniques may help facilitate better reading comprehension. It is suggested that students receive brief, explicit instruction in reading comprehension strategies in the areas of vocabulary, noticing understanding,
However, for others it is very different. For example: when a student encounters a word they do not know or get it wrong, the three steps are: 1) pause to see if they can fix it themselves, even letting them read on a little, 2) prompt them with strategies to find the correct pronunciation, and 3)
and few of the elements of balanced literacy. It is defined as explicit, systematic teaching that focuses on phonological awareness, word recognition, phonics and decoding, spelling, and syntax at the sentence and paragraph levels. It is considered to be beneficial for all early literacy learners,
and the Fry word list (e.g. a, be, call, do, eat, fall, gave, etc.). The supposition (in whole language and balanced literacy) is that students will learn to read more easily if they memorize the most common words they will encounter, especially words that are not easily decoded (i.e. exceptions).
A critical aspect of reading comprehension is vocabulary development. When a reader encounters an unfamiliar word in print and decodes it to derive its spoken pronunciation, the reader understands the word if it is in the reader's spoken vocabulary. Otherwise, the reader must derive the meaning of
allows you to see the effectiveness of specific programs. For example, as of 2020 they have data on 231 literacy programs. If you filter them by grade 1 only, all class types, all school types, all delivery methods, all program types, and all outcomes you receive 22 programs. You can then view the
Robert Slavin, of BEE, goes so far as to suggest that states should "hire thousands of tutors" to support students scoring far below grade level – particularly in elementary school reading. Research, he says, shows "only tutoring, both one-to-one and one-to-small group, in reading and mathematics,
approach to teaching reading – however, balanced literacy "is not systematic, explicit instruction". Teacher, researcher, and author, Louisa Moats, in a video about teachers and science of reading, says that sometimes when teachers talk about their "philosophy" of teaching reading, she responds by
fasciculus that are also active during different reading activities. These three regions are what connect the three respected cortex regions as the brain reads, thus are responsible for the brain's cross-model integration involved in reading. Three connective fasciculus that are prominently active
The inferior frontal region is a much more complex region of the brain, and its association with reading is not necessarily linear, for it is active in several reading-related activities. Several studies have recorded its activity in association with comprehension and processing skills, as well as
The two major regions of the brain associated with phonological skills are the temporal-parietal region and the Perisylvian Region. In an fMRI study conducted in 2001, participants were presented with written words, verbal frequency words, and verbal pseudo-words. The dorsal (upper) portion of the
of the brain is the most active region of the brain during reading. This is often disregarded because it is associated solely with movement; However, a 2014 fMRI study involving adults and children participants, where bodily movement was restricted, demonstrated strong evidence revealing that this
At the beginning of this stage, a child will often be devoting so much mental capacity to the process of decoding that they will have no understanding of the words being read. It is nevertheless an important stage, allowing the child to achieve their ultimate goal of becoming fluent and automatic.
OECD data from 54 countries demonstrates "no association between school entry age ... and reading achievement at age 15". Also, a German study of 50 kindergartens compared children who, at age 5, had spent a year either "academically focused", or "play-arts focused" and found that in time the
The persistence of the ideas despite the mass of evidence against them is most striking at this point. In normal science, a theory whose assumptions and predictions have been repeatedly contradicted by data will be discarded. That is what happened to the Smith and Goodman theories within reading
responded to this report by saying the government is taking immediate action to improve student literacy and making longer-term reforms to modernize the way reading is taught and assessed in schools, with a focus on phonics. Their plan includes "revising the elementary Language curriculum and the
Technological improvements during the Industrial Revolution in printing and paper production; and new distribution networks enabled by improved roads and rail helped push an increased demand for printed (reading) matter. Besides this, social and educational changes (such as wider schooling rates)
Reading became even more pronounced in the 19th century with public notes, broadsides, catchpennies, and printed songs becoming common street literature, it informed and entertained the public before newspapers became readily available. Advertisements and local news, such as offers of rewards for
In 18th-century Europe, some considered the then-new practice of reading alone in bed to be dangerous and immoral, for a time. As reading became a less communal, largely silent activity, some raised concerns that reading in bed presented various dangers, such as fires caused by bedside candles of
5148:, is an agency of the government of Ontario, Canada that reports on the publicly funded school system. In 2022, it reported that 77% of grade three students in Ontario's English language schools met the provincial standard in reading in 2018–2019. This decreased to 73% in 2021–2022 and 2022–2023. 4866:
had a significant impact on reading results in the United States. In 2022 the average basic-level reading score among elementary schoolchildren was 3 points lower compared to 2019 (the previous assessment year) and roughly equivalent to the first reading assessment in 1992. Students of all ethnic
The National Reading Panel concluded that phonics must be integrated with instruction in phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. And, some studies indicate that "the addition of language activities and tutoring to phonics produced larger effects than any of these components in
3454:). The goal of a synthetic phonics instructional program is that students identify the sound-symbol correspondences and blend their phonemes automatically. Since 2005, synthetic phonics has become the accepted method of teaching reading (by phonics instruction) in England, Scotland and Australia. 3110:
Systematic phonics is sometimes mischaracterised as "skill and drill" with little attention to meaning. However, researchers point out that this impression is false. Teachers can use engaging games or materials to teach letter-sound connections, and it can also be incorporated with the reading of
Some researchers suggest there is a need for more studies on the relationship between theory and practice. They say "We know more about the science of reading than about the science of teaching based on the science of reading", and "there are many layers between basic science findings and teacher
Although they say that all foundational skills are important, include reading, numeracy, basic reasoning ability, socio-emotional skills, and others – they focus specifically on reading. Their reasoning is that reading proficiency is an easily understood metric of learning, reading is a student's
children from lower socio-economic backgrounds performed at the same level as children from advantaged backgrounds in primary school (whereas with analytic phonics teaching, they did significantly less well.); and boys performed better than or as well as girls. A five-year follow-up of the study
does not involve pronouncing individual sounds (phonemes) in isolation and blending the sounds, as is done in synthetic phonics. Rather, it is taught at the word level and students learn to analyze letter-sound relationships once the word is identified. For example, students analyze letter-sound
2486:, U.S. Department of Education. In 2021, BEE released a review of research on 51 different programs for struggling readers in elementary schools. Many of the programs used phonics-based teaching and/or one or more other approaches. The conclusions of this report are shown in the section entitled 2260:
says that a few simple truths should be accepted by all, namely: a) all children have similar brains, are well tuned to systematic grapheme-phoneme correspondences, "and have everything to gain from phonics – the only method that will give them the freedom to read any text", b) classroom size is
The transition from the novice reader stage to the decoding stage is marked by a reduction of painful pronunciations and in its place the sounds of a smoother, more confident reader. In this phase the reader adds at least 3,000 words to what they can decode. For example, in the English language,
has argued that, since "there is no solid research demonstrating that early academic training is superior to (or worse than) the more traditional, hands-on model of early education", educators should defer to developmental approaches that provide young children with ample time and opportunity to
So, "reading to children is not the same as teaching children to read". Nonetheless, reading to children is important because it socializes them to the activity of reading; it engages them; it expands their knowledge of spoken language; and it enriches their linguistic ability by hearing new and
In the United States and elsewhere, it is widely believed that students who lack proficiency in reading by the end of grade three may face obstacles for the rest of their academic career. For example, it is estimated that they would not be able to read half of the material they will encounter in
The OHRC's report deals with all students, not just those with learning disabilities. The inquiry found that Ontario is not fulfilling its obligations to meet students' right to read. Specifically, foundational word-reading skills are not effectively targeted in Ontario's education system. With
describes or defines the set of symbols used in a language, and the rules about how to write these symbols (i.e., the conventional spelling system of a language). Orthographic Development proceeds in increasing complexity as a person learns to read. Some of the first things to be learnt are the
Furthermore, a 2017 study in the UK that compared teaching with phonics vs. teaching whole written words concluded that phonics is more effective, saying "our findings suggest that interventions aiming to improve the accuracy of reading aloud and/or comprehension in the early stages of learning
2520:(WWC) of Washington, DC, was established in 2002 and evaluates numerous educational programs in twelve categories by the quality and quantity of the evidence and the effectiveness. It is operated by the federal National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE), part of the 3906:
is not well defined; however, it is intended as a method that combines elements of both phonics and whole language. According to a survey in 2010, 68% of elementary school teachers in the United States profess to use balanced literacy. However, only 52% of teachers in the United States include
has the reputation of being a meaning-based method of teaching reading that emphasizes literature and text comprehension. It discourages any significant use of phonics, if at all. Instead, it trains students to focus on words, sentences and paragraphs as a whole rather than letters and sounds.
says that reading comprehension is heavily dependent on word recognition (i.e., phonological awareness, decoding, etc.) and oral language comprehension (i.e., background knowledge, vocabulary, etc.). Phonological awareness and rapid naming predict reading comprehension in second grade but oral
is a part of the phonics method. It describes words that are stored in long-term memory and read automatically. Skilled fully-alphabetic readers learn to store words in long-term memory without memorization (i.e. a mental dictionary), making reading and comprehension easier. "Once you know the
In the US, a pilot program using the Core Knowledge Early Literacy program that used this type of phonics approach showed significantly higher results in K–3 reading compared with comparison schools. In addition, several States such as California, Ohio, New York and Arkansas, are promoting the
a non-profit organization, is a resource for educators interested in research-proven tutoring programs. The programs it lists are proven effective in rigorous research as defined in the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act. The Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University
Some researchers report that teaching reading without teaching phonics is harmful to large numbers of students, yet not all phonics teaching programs produce effective results. The reason is that the effectiveness of a program depends on using the right curriculum together with the appropriate
In addition, phonics produces higher achievement for all beginning readers, and the greatest improvement is experienced by students who are at risk of failing to learn to read. While some children can infer these rules on their own, some need explicit instruction on phonics rules. Some phonics
In 2001, some researchers reached two conclusions: 1) "mastering the alphabetic principle is essential" and 2) "instructional techniques (namely, phonics) that teach this principle directly are more effective than those that do not". However, while they make it clear they have some fundamental
The following chart shows the percentage of K-12 English Language Arts teachers that engaged in foundational reading activities with students (i.e., engaging every student in a class in activities related to the foundational reading skills for more than a few minutes within the past five class
In 2016, out of 50 countries, the United States achieved the 15th highest score in grade-four reading ability. The ten countries with the highest overall reading average are the Russian Federation, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Finland, Poland, Northern Ireland, Norway, Chinese Taipei and
In order to understand a text, it is usually necessary to understand the spoken language associated with that text. In this way, writing systems are distinguished from many other symbolic communication systems. Once established, writing systems on the whole change more slowly than their spoken
that was convened in 2002. Amongst other things, the report concluded that code-focused interventions on the early literacy and conventional literacy skills of young children yield a moderate to large effect on the predictors of later reading and writing, irrespective of socioeconomic status,
concluded that explicit, systematic phonics programs, usually embedded in a rich literacy environment, give an additional four months progress over other programs such as whole language, and are particularly beneficial for young learners (aged 4–7). There is evidence, though less secure, that
were small, cheap forms of literature for children and adults that were sold on the streets, and covered a range of subjects such as ghost stories, crime, fantasy, politics, and disaster updates. They provided simple reading matter and were commonplace across England from the 17th to the 19th
involves students reading from "leveled books" at an appropriate reading level. A student who struggles with a word is encouraged to use a cueing system (e.g. three-cueing, searchlights model or MSV) to guess its meaning. Many systems purport to gauge the students' reading levels using scales
which is thought to be from 50,000 years to 2 million years old. So, unlike speech, the brain did not evolve to read naturally. As a result, the brain adapts to the challenge of reading. The process of reading involves most of the brain, especially an interconnection between visual areas and
Children improve their comprehension when they use a variety of tools such as connecting prior knowledge, predicting outcomes, drawing inferences, and monitoring gaps in their understanding. One of the most powerful moments is when fluent comprehending readers learn to enter into the lives of
Children acquire a spoken language in a few years. Five-to-six-year-old English learners have vocabularies of 2,500 to 5,000 words, and add 5,000 words per year for the first several years of schooling. This rapid learning rate cannot be accounted for by the instruction they receive. Instead,
early reading programs). As of 2010, 75% of teachers in the United States teach the three-cueing system. It proposes that children who are stuck on a word should use various "cues" to figure it out and determine (guess) its meaning. The "meaning cues" are semantic ("does it make sense in the
The model lists contributors to reading (and potential causes of reading difficulty) within, across, and beyond word recognition and language comprehension; including the elements of self-regulation. This feature of the model reflects the research documenting that not all profiles of reading
is the acquisition and practice of the skills necessary to understand the meaning behind printed words. For a skilled reader, the act of reading feels simple, effortless, and automatic. However, the process of learning to read is complex and builds on cognitive, linguistic, and social skills
published an Educator's Practice Guide on Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade. It contains four recommendations to support reading: 1) teach students academic language skills, including the use of inferential and narrative language, and
advocated "a balance between decoding and meaning-based instruction phonics and whole language". However, a review in 2006 advocated for a "systematic" approach. Subsequently, the syllabus in 2010 had no mention of whole language and advocated for a balance between "systematic and explicit
created a substantial overall learning deficit in reading abilities and other academic areas. It arose early in the pandemic and persists over time, and is particularly large among children from low socio-economic backgrounds. In the US, several research studies show that, in the absence of
Children are expected to learn to read and write as they learned to talk, that is gradually, without a great deal of direct instruction. (However, researchers and neuroscientists say that learning to read, unlike learning to talk, is not a natural process and many learners require explicit
published a report stating "The evidence is clear ... that direct systematic instruction in phonics during the early years of schooling is an essential foundation for teaching children to read". Phonics has been gaining acceptance in many other countries as can be seen from this page
Many studies show that increasing reading speed improves comprehension. Reading speed requires a long time to reach adult levels. According to Carver (1990), children's reading speed increases throughout the school years. On average, from grade 2 to college, the reading rate increases 14
acknowledges that comprehensive research does not always exist for specific aspects of reading instruction. However, "the lack of evidence doesn't mean something doesn't work, only that we don't know". He suggests that teachers make use of the research that is available in such places as
reported that 27% of grade three students did not meet the provincial reading standards in 2023. Also in Ontario, 53% of grade three students with special education needs (students who have an Individual Education Plan), were not meeting the provincial standards in 2022. The province of
along with increasing literacy rates, particularly among the middle and working classes, helped boost a new mass market for printed material. The arrival of gas and electric lighting in private homes meant that reading after dark no longer had to take place by oil lamp or candlelight.
expression. The ability to read fluently is one of several critical factors necessary for reading comprehension. If a reader is not fluent, it may be difficult to remember what has been read and to relate the ideas expressed in the text to their background knowledge. This accuracy and
spelling and working memory. Although the exact role of this portion of the brain is still debatable, several studies indicate that this area of the brain tends to be more active in readers who have been diagnosed with dyslexia and less active when treatment is successfully undergone.
initially promoted the virtue of reading, writing was still considered a superior activity, due to a belief among social elites that writing was constructive and a sign of social initiative, while reading was straightforward consumption of what had already made; as such, readers were
Cutting, Laurie, Scarborough, Hollis (2012). "Multiple bases for comprehension difficulties: the potential of cognitive and neurobiological profiling for validation of subtypes and development of assessments, Reaching an understanding: Innovations in how we view reading assessment".
9236: 6219: 6099:
is a method that is used to gain deeper meaning and comprehension of a text, research detailed information for this assignment, and read very difficult sections of a text. Five strategies include the RAP strategy, the RIDA strategy, the Five S method, and SQ3R. This is also known as
4841:("The Nation's Report Card") is the national assessment of what students know and can do in various subjects. Four of these subjects – reading, writing, mathematics, and science – are assessed most frequently and reported at the state and district level, usually for grades 4 and 8. 4152:
is a common practice in elementary schools. A 2007 study in the United States found that, on average only 37% of class time was spent on active reading instruction or practice, and the most frequent activity was students reading silently. Based on the limited available studies on
step, the tutor does not suggest the student skip the word or guess the word based on the pictures or the first sound. Instead, they encourage students to use their decoding training to sound out the word and use the context (meaning) to confirm they have found the correct word.
Government-funded research on reading instruction in the United States and elsewhere began in the 1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s, researchers began publishing studies with evidence on the effectiveness of different instructional approaches. During this time, researchers at the
temporal-parietal region was the most active during the pseudo-words and the ventral (lower) portion was more active during frequency words, except subjects diagnosed with dyslexia, who showed no impairment to their ventral region but under-activation in the dorsal portion.
The meaning-based curriculum came to dominate reading instruction by the second quarter of the 20th century. In the 1930s and 1940s, reading programs became very focused on comprehension and taught children to read whole words by sight. Phonics was taught as a last resort.
concluded that independent silent reading did not prove an effective practice when used as the only type of reading instruction to develop fluency and other reading skills – particularly with students who have not yet developed critical alphabetic and word reading skills.
of about 20 slots. In the best-case scenario and reading English, when the eye is fixated on a letter, four to five letters to the right and three to four letters to the left can be clearly identified. Beyond that, only the general shape of some letters can be identified.
with suggestions for parents and teachers in helping children prior to grade one. It covers the areas of letter names and letter-sound correspondence (phonics), as well as conversation, play-based learning, print, phonological awareness, shared reading, and vocabulary.
The environment in which children live may also impact their ability to acquire reading skills. Children who are regularly exposed to chronic environmental noise pollution, such as highway traffic noise, have been known to show decreased ability to discriminate between
1612:, Southeast Asia. In 2017, approximately 70% of five-year-old children were not enrolled in Early Childhood Education programs, with those in hard-to-reach areas and from poor families being the most excluded. The daily reading period shown here uses books provided by 15444:
Kim JS, Burkhauser MA, Relyea JE, Gilbert JB, Scherer E, Fitzgerald J, Mosher D, McIntyre J (2022-06-09). "A longitudinal randomized trial of a sustained content literacy intervention from first to second grade: Transfer effects on students' reading comprehension".
Reading to children has many benefits; however, for most children it is not sufficient to teach them how to read. For that "all teaching should be initially focused on a single goal, the grasp of the alphabetic principle whereby each letter or grapheme represents a
1023:) measures 15-year-old school pupils scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading. Critics, however, say PISA is fundamentally flawed in its underlying view of education, its implementation, and its interpretation and impact on education globally. 825:"the ability to use printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential". It includes three types of adult literacy: prose (e.g., a newspaper article), documents (e.g., a bus schedule), and 2948:(U.S. 2000) is clear that "systematic phonics instruction should be integrated with other reading instruction to create a balanced reading program". It suggests that phonics be taught together with phonemic awareness, oral fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. 838:
these "multiple literacies" have allowed educators to change the topic from reading and writing to "Literacy". He goes on to say that some educators, when faced with criticisms of how reading is taught, "didn't alter their practices, they changed the subject".
that encourages students to guess at the pronunciation of words, using pictures, etc. (rather than to decode them). In April 2024, the California Teachers Union was successful in stopping a bill that would have required teachers to use the science of reading.
4427:. In it, he says efficient reading is the result of the "skill in selecting the fewest, most productive cues necessary to produce guesses which are right the first time". Although not supported by scientific studies, the theory became very influential as the 6071:, mainly for non-fiction works, in which one analyzes a writing according to three dimensions: 1) the structure and purpose of the work, 2) the logical propositions made, and 3) evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions. This method involves 1256:
On the subject of Finland's academic results, as some researchers point out, prior to starting school Finnish children must participate in one year of compulsory free pre-primary education and most are reading before they start school. And, with respect to
19914: 4644:. Research suggests there is value in reading words both in isolation and in context. Reading words in isolation promotes faster reading times and better memory for spellings; whereas, reading words in context improves semantic knowledge and comprehension. 5507:
Department of Education took an increased interest in using phonics in schools. And in 1997 the department called for grade one teaching in concepts about print, phonemic awareness, decoding and word recognition, and vocabulary and concept development.
the word using another strategy, such as context. If the development of the child's vocabulary is impeded by things such as ear infections that inhibit the child from hearing new words consistently then the development of reading will also be impaired.
7783: 4668:
be used to predict later reading ability and advancement. Young children with higher phonological word characteristic processing have significantly better reading skills later on than older children who focus on whole-word orthographic representation.
A 2012 study in the U.S. found that 33% of grade three children had low reading scores – however, they comprised 63% of the children who did not graduate from high school. Poverty also had an additional negative impact on high school graduation rates.
catching criminals or for the return of stolen goods, appeared on public notices and handbills, while cheaply printed sheets – broadsheets and ballads – covered political or criminal news such as murders, trials, executions, disasters, and rescues.
53% of grade three students with special needs met the standard in 2018–2019, and this reduced to 48% in 2021–2022. 72% of grade three students who are English language learners met the standard in 2018–2019, and this reduced to 67% in 2021–2022.
In the United Kingdom, a 2010 government white paper contained plans to train all primary school teachers in phonics. The 2013 curriculum has "statutory requirements" that, amongst other things, students in years one and two be capable in using
difficulty are explained by low word recognition and/or low language comprehension. A second feature of the model is that it shows how word recognition and language comprehension overlap, and identifies processes that "bridge" these constructs.
5429:(NIH) conducted studies that showed early reading acquisition depends on the understanding of the connection between sounds and letters (i.e. phonics). However, this appears to have had little effect on educational practices in public schools. 1922: 6291: 5819:
As of 2018, the Ministry of Education in New Zealand has online information to help teachers support their students in years 1–3 in relation to sounds, letters, and words. It states that phonics instruction "is not an end in itself" and it is
Some education researchers suggest the teaching of the various reading components by specific grade levels. The following is one example from Carol Tolman, Ed.D. and Louisa Moats, Ed.D. that corresponds in many respects with the United States
with standards for development in the areas of phonology, phonics and word recognition, fluent automatic reading, vocabulary, text comprehension, handwriting, spelling, and written expression. At the same time, the Department of Education in
is small group reading instruction that is intended to allow for the differences in students' reading abilities. While they are reading, students are encouraged to use strategies from the three-cueing system, the searchlights model, or MSV.
1624:, usually lasts for the first five years of a child's life. Children typically speak their first few words before their first birthday. Educators and parents help learners to develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2046:
processes (e.g. working memory, planning, organization, self-monitoring, and similar abilities) to reading comprehension. Easy texts do not require many executive functions; however, more difficult text requires more "focus on the ideas".
evolving nature of texts, as well as the skills and dispositions associated with the consumption, production, evaluation, and distribution of those texts (Borsheim, Meritt, & Reed, 2008, p. 87)". According to cognitive neuroscientist
15259: 5834:
There has been a strong debate in France on the teaching of phonics ("méthode syllabique") versus whole language ("méthode globale"). After the 1990s, supporters of the latter started defending a so-called "mixed method" (also known as
Systematic phonics has gained increased acceptance in different parts of the world since the completion of three major studies into teaching reading; one in the US in 2000, another in Australia in 2005, and the other in the UK in 2006.
Teachers and parents may be tricked by fluent-sounding reading into thinking that a child understands everything that they are reading. As the content of what they can read becomes more demanding, good readers will develop knowledge of
4446:(U.S.) identified five ingredients of effective reading instruction, of which phonics is one; the other four are phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Reports from other countries, such as the Australian report on 1124:
in 2017. This is a program to identify students from kindergarten through grade three that are behind in reading, and provide support to make sure they are on track for reading success by the end of grade three. This is also known as
14382: 5624:
instruction" and "a rich language environment". It called for increased instruction in oral language skills together with phonemic awareness and the key decoding elements of synthetic phonics, analytic phonics, and analogy phonics.
Practice: Repeated exposure to print improves many aspects of learning to read and most importantly the knowledge of individual words. It increases the speed at which high-frequency words are recognized which allows for increased
in which she describes her view of the following five stages of reading development. Normally, children will move through these stages at different rates; however, typical ages for children in the United States are shown below.
It goes on to say that teachers' preparation programs must include evidence-based practices, including the five essential components of reading instruction (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension).
It has also been found that sustained content literacy intervention instruction that gradually builds thematic connections may help young children transfer their knowledge to related topics, leading to improved comprehension.
1663:). However, it is a mistake to assume a reader understands the meaning of a text merely because they can decode it. Vocabulary and oral language comprehension are also important parts of text comprehension as described in the 12767: 11771: 7906: 12281: 2610:
A systematic review and meta‐analysis was conducted on the advantages of reading from paper vs. screens. It found no difference in reading times; however, reading from paper has a small advantage in reading performance and
Children learn to speak naturally – by listening to other people speak. However, reading is not a natural process, and many children need to learn to read through a process that involves "systematic guidance and feedback".
4563:, but rather an awareness of the individual parts of speech, which may also include the whole word (as in Chinese characters) or syllables (as in Japanese) as well as others depending on the writing system being employed. 3048:
larger than +0.10 ... averages are around +0.30", and "well-trained teaching assistants using structured tutoring materials or software can obtain outcomes as good as those obtained by certified teachers as tutors".
are intended to replace "the searchlights multi-cueing model". On the other hand, some researchers suggest that "context" can be useful, not to guess a word, but to confirm a word after it has been phonetically decoded.
for children from low-income families is estimated to generate $ 4 to $ 11 of economic benefits over a child's lifetime for every dollar spent initially on the program, according to a cost-benefit analysis funded by the
Reading for pleasure has been linked to increased cognitive progress in vocabulary and mathematics during adolescence. Sustained high volume lifetime reading has been associated with high levels of academic attainment.
evidence-based instructional strategies. This included a focus on research-based instruction on phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension; specifically systematic and explicit instruction.
content of early literacy instruction. Primary schools have been provided with literacy resources for instruction, including phonemic awareness, word recognition, vocabulary manipulatives, phonics, and comprehension.
9536: 5511:
By 1998 in the U.K. whole language instruction and the searchlights model were still the norm; however, there was some attention to teaching phonics in the early grades, as seen in the National Literacy Strategies.
disagreements with some of the claims made by whole-language advocates, some principles of whole-language have value such as the need to ensure that students are enthusiastic about books and eager to learn to read.
required every elementary and special education teacher to be proficient in the scientific research on reading by 2021; causing Amy Murdoch, an associate professor and the director of the reading science program at
1249:) said David Elkind is relying too much on philosophies of education rather than science and research. He continues to say education practices are "doomed to cycles of fad and fancy" until they become more based on 985:. In that city, less than half of the students from the third grade to the eighth grade of school scored as proficient on state reading exams. More than 63% of Black and Hispanic test-takers did not make the grade. 756:
Reading is generally an individual activity, done silently, although on occasion a person reads out loud for other listeners; or reads aloud for one's own use, for better comprehension. Before the reintroduction of
15125: 19591: 1856:, reading comprehension, text, spelling and pronunciation, thinking strategies, oral language proficiency, working memory training, and written language performance (e.g., cohesion, sentence combining/reducing). 980:
Between 2013 and 2024, 37 US States passed laws or implemented new policies related to evidence-based reading instruction. In 2023, New York City set about to require schools to teach reading with an emphasis on
introduced standards requiring school districts to "develop a local literacy plan to ensure that all students have achieved early reading proficiency by no later than the end of third grade" by a Statute of the
By their first birthday most children have learned all the sounds in their spoken language. However, it takes longer for them to learn the phonological form of words and to begin developing a spoken vocabulary.
As a result, many governments put practices in place to ensure that students are reading at grade level by the end of grade three. An example of this is the Third Grade Reading Guarantee created by the State of
Bastian A. Betthäuser, Anders M. Bach-Mortensen, Per Engzell (January 30, 2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence on learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, Nature Human Behaviour (Report).
Individuals with reading fluency difficulties fail to maintain a fluid, smooth pace when reading. Strategies used for overcoming reading rate difficulties are also useful in addressing reading fluency issues.
At the end of this stage, many processes are starting to become automatic, allowing the reader to focus on meaning. With the decoding process almost automatic by this point, the brain learns to integrate more
Bulling A, Ward JA, Gellersen H, Tröster G (2008). "Robust Recognition of Reading Activity in Transit Using Wearable Electrooculography". In Jadwiga Indulska, Donald J. Patterson, Tom Rodden, Max Ott (eds.).
mission. It suggests that flatlined student outcomes and policy shortcomings have much to do with PISA's implicit ideological biases, structural impediments such as union advocacy, and conflicts of interest.
and the understanding that "words are made up of sounds and syllables and that sounds are represented by letters (phoneme/grapheme awareness)". In 2010 the DE required that teachers receive support in using
Goodman's guessing game theory was grievously wrong. Smith and Goodman's assumptions and predictions are theoretical zombies that cannot be stopped by conventional weapons such as empirical disconfirmation.
a seven-year study (the Clackmannanshire Report) was published in 2005. It compared analytic phonics with synthetic phonics and advantaged students with disadvantaged students. The report found that, using
of the United States, reading material was not written specifically for children, so instruction material consisted primarily of the Bible and some patriotic essays. The most influential early textbook was
2703:, a U.K. based non-profit since 2013 has organized education conferences around the world featuring researchers and educators in order to promote collaboration between research-users and research-creators. 5883:
revised their curriculum for K–12 English Language Arts including requirements for instruction in the alphabetic principle, phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, fluency and comprehension.
with a single character. There are a large number of characters, and the sound that each makes must be learned directly or from other characters that contain "hints" in them. For example, in Japanese, the
20303: 13060: 1129:. Another example is the policy in England whereby any pupil who is struggling to decode words properly by year three must "urgently" receive help through a "rigorous and systematic phonics programme". 723:
There is a growing body of evidence which illustrates the importance of reading for pleasure for both educational purposes as well as personal development. Photo: Reading a newspaper in Catania, Sicily.
20278: 1299:
There does not appear to be any definitive research about the "magic window" to begin reading instruction. However, there is also no definitive research to suggest that starting early causes any harm.
23532: 20134: 19795: 19616: 8399: 1423:
were grade 4 (37% in 2022), grade 8 (30% in 2022), and grade 12 (30% in 2019). As a result many secondary school teachers devote some class time to activities related to foundational reading skills.
5356:. It was designed to educate deaf people by placing a word alongside a picture. In 1830, Gallaudet described his method of teaching children to recognize a total of 50 sight words written on cards. 954:
Researchers have concluded that approximately 95% of students can be taught to read by the end of the first or second year of school, yet in many countries 20% or more do not meet that expectation.
Researchers have concluded that approximately 95% of students can be taught to read by the end of the first or second year of school, yet in many countries 20% or more do not meet that expectation.
5129: 2425:
was proposed, according to which there are two separate mental mechanisms involved in reading aloud, with output from both contributing to the pronunciation of written words. One mechanism is the
20328: 18895:
A method or comfortable beginning for all unlearned, whereby they may be taught to read English in a very short time, with pleasure: so profitable as strange, put in light, by I.H. Chester Heralt
17379: 11838:
Im Auge des Lesers foveale und periphere Wahrnehmung: vom Buchstabieren zur Lesefreude (In the eye of the reader: foveal and peripheral perception – from letter recognition to the joy of reading)
6085:) method, often taught in public schools, which involves reading so as to be able to teach what is read, and is appropriate for instructors preparing to teach material without referring to notes. 2253:
Several researchers and neuroscientists have attempted to explain how the brain reads. They have written articles and books, and created websites and YouTube videos to help the average consumer.
Tatiana Golovina, "Belles-Lettres and the Literary Interests of Middling Landowners: A Case Study from the Archive of the Dorozhaevo Homstead," in Damiano Rebecchini and Raffaella Vassena, eds.
24246: 21456:
Lesaux N. K., Lipka O., Siegel L. S. (2006). "Investigating cognitive and linguistic abilities that influence the reading comprehension skills of children from diverse linguistic backgrounds".
8768: 5640:
to teach literacy and numeracy, including a "systematic programme of high-quality phonics" that is explicit, structured, well-paced, interactive, engaging, and applied in a meaningful context.
2984:(BEE) released a review of research on 51 different programs for struggling readers in elementary schools. Many of the programs used phonics-based teaching and/or one or more of the following: 2676: 1973:
Scarborough published the Reading Rope infographics in 2001 using strands of rope to illustrate the many ingredients that are involved in becoming a skilled reader. The upper strands represent
6303: 3670:. In this process, students, rather than decode from left to right, are taught to focus attention on the irregular elements such as a vowel-digraph and a silent-e; for example, break (b – r – 1867:
In cognitive science, there is likely no area that has been more successful than the study of reading. Yet, in many countries reading levels are considered low. In the United States, the 2019
14835: 14389: 5570: 4567: 4451: 7945: 6824: 1198:
However, there is some evidence that "shared reading" with children does help to improve reading if the children's attention is directed to the words on the page as they are being read to.
science, but in education they are theoretical zombies that cannot be stopped by conventional weapons such as empirical disconfirmation, leaving them free to roam the educational landscape
14916: 11354:
Hoeft F, Meyler A, Hernandez A, Juel C, Taylor-Hill H, Martindale JL, McMillon G, Kolchugina G, Black JM, Faizi A, Deutsch GK, Siok WT, Reiss AL, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Gabrieli JD (2007).
8268: 4184: 2230:
In the field of psychology, automaticity is the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or
9118: 3865:, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, it has lost favor or been abandoned because it is not supported by evidence. Some notable researchers have clearly stated their disapproval of 1890:
study, out of 39 countries the United States ranked 19th for literacy levels of adults 16 to 65; and 16.9% of adults in the United States read at or below level one (out of five levels).
1034:(the lowest of five levels). Some examples are Japan 4.9%, Finland 10.6%, Netherlands 11.7%, Australia 12.6%, Sweden 13.3%, Canada 16.4%, England (UK) 16.4%, and the United States 16.9%. 19943:"What works clearinghouse: Educator's Practice Guide on Foundational Skills to support reading for understanding in kindergarten through 3rd Grade, 2016, Institute of Education Sciences" 17308: 8672:
Piasta SB, Justice LM, McGinty AS, Kaderavek JN (2012). "Increasing Young Children's Contact With Print During Shared Reading: Longitudinal Effects on Literacy Achievement, 2012-04-17".
6093:(RSVP) reading involves presenting the words in a sentence one word at a time at the same location on the display screen, at a specified eccentricity; for studying the timing of vision. 4761:
difficulties are commonly described as poor comprehenders. They have normal decoding skills as well as a fluid rate of reading, but have difficulty comprehending text when reading. The
3062:(Center for Research and Reform in Education) offers free up-to-date information on current PK–12 programs in reading, writing, math, science, and others that meet the standards of the 2564:(NFER) is a non-profit research and development organization based in Berkshire, England. It produces independent research and reports about issues across the education system, such as 2403: 19737: 744: 20420: 18449: 6225:
A girl reading from the public domain image book, "What Shall We Do?" "Five Hundred Games and Pastimes" by Dorothy Canfield published in 1907 by Frederick A Stokes Company of New York
Individuals with reading rate difficulties tend to have accurate word recognition and normal comprehension abilities, but their reading speed is below grade level. Strategies such as
to learn essential decoding skills. They also say that students should first decode the word, "then they can use context to figure out the meaning of any word they don't understand".
instruction has marked benefits such as the expansion of a student's vocabulary. Overall, children who are directly taught phonics are better at reading, spelling, and comprehension.
explore the natural world on their own terms. Elkind emphasized the principle that "early education must start with the child, not with the subject matter to be taught". In response,
17220: 9148: 7513: 19650: 18433: 13783: 13378:
Borowsky R, Esopenko C, Cummine J, Sarty GE (2007). "Neural representations of visual words and objects: a functional MRI study on the modularity of reading and object processing".
11775: 7741: 4168:
According to some, the classroom method called DEAR (Drop everything and read) is not the best use of classroom time for students who are not yet fluent. However, according to the
Reading, writing, and spoken language are not considered separate components of the curriculum or merely ends in themselves; rather they permeate everything the students are doing.
the sounds to form the word. This method involves learning how letters or letter groups represent individual sounds, and that those sounds are blended to form a word. For example,
2829:). It is taught in a variety of ways; some are systematic and others are unsystematic. Unsystematic phonics teaches phonics on a "when needed" basis and in no particular sequence. 2380:
The eye movements of deaf readers differ from those of readers who can hear, and skilled deaf readers have been shown to have shorter fixations and fewer refixations when reading.
Reading is an intensive process in which the eye quickly moves to assimilate the text – seeing just accurately enough to interpret groups of symbols. It is necessary to understand
Borowsky R, Cummine J, Owen WJ, Friesen CK, Shih F, Sarty GE (2006). "FMRI of ventral and dorsal processing streams in basic reading processes: insular sensitivity to phonology".
Reading to children is not the same as teaching children to read; however, it does help if the children's attention is directed to the words on the page as they are being read to.
1027: 806:
Since the 1990s, some organizations have defined literacy in a wide variety of ways that may go beyond the traditional ability to read and write. The following are some examples:
The three Ps approach is used by teachers, tutors, and parents to guide oral reading practice with a struggling reader. For some, it is merely a variation of the above-mentioned
14351: 13464:
Chan ST, Tang SW, Tang KW, Lee WK, Lo SS, Kwong KK (November 2009). "Hierarchical coding of characters in the ventral and dorsal visual streams of Chinese language processing".
14471: 6927: 1097:
developed from a very early age. As one of the four core language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), reading is vital to gaining a command of written language.
20184:"Identifying the essential ingredients to literacy and numeracy improvement: Teacher professional development and coaching, student textbooks, and structured teachers' guides" 19520: 5089:(out of five levels). Some examples are Japan 4.9%, Finland 10.6%, Netherlands 11.7%, Australia 12.6%, Sweden 13.3%, Canada 16.4%, England 16.4%, and the United States 16.9%. 3662:. It takes significantly less time than memorization. This process works for fully-alphabetic readers when reading simple decodable words from left to right through the word. 1272:
Other researchers and educators favor limited amounts of literacy instruction at the age of four and five, in addition to non-academic, intellectually stimulating activities.
Fiez JA, Tranel D, Seager-Frerichs D, Damasio H (May 2006). "Specific reading and phonological processing deficits are associated with damage to the left frontal operculum".
19538: 19431: 4609:, the ability to say quickly the names of letters, objects and colors, predicts an individual's ability to read. This might be linked to the importance of quick retrieval of 5829:
Identifying the essential ingredients to literacy and numeracy improvement: Teacher professional development and coaching, student textbooks, and structured teachers' guides
8874: 2854:, phonics training is effective for improving literacy-related skills, particularly the fluent reading of words and non-words, and the accurate reading of irregular words. 2684:
references to such practices as using "cueing systems" which is at odds with the department's current shift to using evidence-based practices. The Minister of Education in
2500:, Baltimore, MD. It offers free up-to-date information on current PK–12 programs in reading, math, social-emotional learning, and attendance that meet the standards of the 20109: 19928: 17767:
Facoetti A, Lorusso ML, Paganoni P, Cattaneo C, Galli R, Umiltà C, Mascetti GG (April 2003). "Auditory and visual automatic attention deficits in developmental dyslexia".
13039: 11918:
Pritchard SC, Coltheart M, Palethorpe S, Castles A (October 2012). "Nonword reading: comparing dual-route cascaded and connectionist dual-process models with human data".
5287:, reading practices were highly varied, as people from a wide range of social statuses read Russian and foreign-language texts ranging from high literature to the peasant 5272:
century. They are known to have been passed down through the generations. Their readership would have been largely among the poor, and among children of the middle class.
4852:(partial mastery of the proficient level skills). It is believed that students who read below the basic level do not have sufficient support to complete their schoolwork. 20888: 16611: 14320: 14218: 4014:
The three-cueing system (the searchlights model in England) is a theory that has been circulating since the 1980s. Its roots are in the theories proposed in the 1960s by
24239: 19759: 19595: 1296:. The program is staffed by certified teachers and offers "instruction in reading and math, group activities and educational field trips for children ages 3 through 9". 20078: 12853: 9708: 4172:, when fluent readers practice decoding words while reading silently, they learn what whole words look like (spelling), leading to improved fluency and comprehension. 3775:
believes the most effective way to improve reading comprehension skills is to teach students to summarize, develop an understanding of text structure, and paraphrase.
15298: 1981:
and work together as the reader becomes accurate, fluent, and automatic through practice. The upper and lower strands all weave together to produce a skilled reader.
As shown in the graphic, the Simple View of Reading proposes four broad categories of developing readers: typical readers; poor readers (general reading disability);
Castles A, Coltheart M, Wilson K, Valpied J, Wedgwood J (September 2009). "The genesis of reading ability: what helps children learn letter-sound correspondences?".
18648: 13274: 9551: 5756:
Legislature set minimum standards requiring the use of phonics including guidelines for teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
1588: 20165: 5492:
approach to reading. According to a survey in 2010, 68% of K–2 teachers in the United States practice balanced literacy. Furthermore, only 52% of teachers included
3140:, Australia, published a website containing a comprehensive Literacy Teaching Toolkit including Effective Reading Instruction, Phonics, and Sample Phonics Lessons. 2315:
person's ability to speak cohesively and with sense; furthermore, this portion of the brain activity remains consistent for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic readers.
to educational practice would be beneficial, but is extremely difficult to achieve due to a lack of adequate training in the science of reading among many teachers.
In 2019, among American fourth-graders in public schools, only 58% of Asian, 45% of Caucasian, 23% of Hispanic, and 18% of Black students performed at or above the
16802: 15623:
Weiser B, Mathes P (2011). "Using Encoding Instruction to Improve the Reading and Spelling Performances of Elementary Students At Risk for Literacy Difficulties".
14090: 1262: 20047: 16739: 16697: 16584: 13980: 12355: 11861:
Coltheart M, Curtis, Brent, Atkins, Paul, Haller, Micheal (1 January 1993). "Models of reading aloud: Dual-route and parallel-distributed-processing approaches".
9051: 4473:
should focus on the systematicity present in print-to-sound relationships, rather than attempting to teach direct access to the meanings of whole written words".
17670: 15489: 9255: 6121: 5437:
structure of the sentence). It became the primary method of reading instruction in the 1980s and 1990s. However, it is falling out of favor. The neuroscientist
791:. Children become better readers when they know more about the world in general, and when they perceive reading as fun rather than as a chore to be performed. 24232: 18269: 6020:
is the claim that you can increase reading speed without experiencing an unacceptable reduction in comprehension or retention. Methods include skimming or the
1228:(DAP) in which formal instruction on reading begins when children are about six or seven years old. And to support that theory some point out that children in 20215: 13850: 13801: 13766: 8938: 8031: 7706: 3133:
Beginning as early as 2014, several states in the United States have changed their curriculum to include systematic phonics instruction in elementary school.
At the expert stage, it will usually only take a reader one-half second to read almost any word. The degree to which expert reading will change throughout an
14157: 13717: 1750:
It is in the decoding phase that the child will get to what the story is really about, and learn to re-read a passage when necessary to truly understand it.
1266: 20141: 19413: 12083: 1897:
Contemporary reading science has had very little impact on educational practice—mainly because of a "two-cultures problem separating science and education".
1659:. They may also memorize the most common letter patterns and some of the high-frequency words that do not necessarily follow basic phonological rules (e.g. 16945: 12624: 10377: 4653:
Difficulties in reading typically involve difficulty with one or more of the following: decoding, reading rate, reading fluency, or reading comprehension.
pose more of a challenge, yet research in 2018 concluded that "fully-alphabetic students" learn irregular words more easily when they use a process called
3572:. As mentioned earlier, some researchers feel that the most effective way of teaching phonemic awareness is through segmenting and blending, a key part of 2078:
The following chart shows the ingredients in the authors' infographic. In addition, the authors point out that reading is also impacted by text, task, and
6140: 5679:
in regards to word reading, reading comprehension, fluency, and writing. This includes having skills in "sound to graphemes", "decoding", and "blending".
refers to it as a "theoretical zombie" because it persists despite a lack of supporting evidence. It is still widely practiced in related methods such as
3769:, "making the shift to knowledge is as much about changing teachers' beliefs and daily practice as about changing the materials they're supposed to use". 16782: 12888: 9964: 4354:
Textbooks are sometimes edited as a cohesive set across grades so that children will not encounter characters they are not yet expected to have learned.
Evidence-based reading instruction refers to practices having research evidence showing their success in improving reading achievement. It is related to
17400: 15592: 13289: 12577: 10451: 6872: 2434: 17113:
Direct experimentation confirms that the whole-language system does not perform effectively ... Its efficiency has also been disproved in the classroom
14296: 13748: 9156: 5914:
In 2021, the State of Connecticut passed an act concerning the "right to read" that will take effect in 2023. It requires education standards that are
Public School system revised its English Language Arts learning standards, calling for teaching involving "reading or literacy experiences" as well as
Pugh KR, Mencl WE, Jenner AR, Katz L, Frost SJ, Lee JR, Shaywitz SE, Shaywitz BA (2001). "Neurobiological studies of reading and reading disability".
18564: 8772: 6173: 5341:(1800–1873), an American educator, author, and Presbyterian minister who had a lifelong interest in teaching children, compiled the first four of the 4383:(1800–1873), an American educator, author, and Presbyterian minister who had a lifelong interest in teaching children, compiled the first four of the 1886:
study, the United States ranked 15th out of 50 countries, for reading comprehension levels of fourth-graders. In addition, according to the 2011–2018
17336: 14446: 13022: 5585:, recommends teaching reading based on evidence and teaching systematic, explicit phonics within an integrated approach. The executive summary says " 5413:, a passionate argument in favor of teaching children to read using phonics, adding to the reading debate among educators, researchers, and parents. 5291:. Provincial readers such as Andrei Chikhachev give evidence of the omnivorous appetite for fiction and non-fiction alike among middling landowners. 1758:
The goal of this stage is to "go below the surface of the text", and in the process the reader will build their knowledge of spelling substantially.
17077: 14842: 14015: 13169: 9013: 6297:
Girl reading a book featuring the title "The Children's Hour" and a photograph of a Hippopotamus in Thebarton Primary School, South Australia (1945)
recommendations. Some have described his stance as "traditionalist", but he openly declared that the so-called mixed approach is no serious choice.
standard-length words per minute each year (where one standard-length word is defined as six characters in text, including punctuation and spaces).
18863: 18766: 18708: 17319: 16362: 5698:
project to develop the literacy skills of grades 1 and 2 students. The project facilitates the training of primary school teachers in the use of a
Phonics approaches include analogy phonics, analytic phonics, embedded phonics with mini-lessons, phonics through spelling, and synthetic phonics.
13081: 7726: 6831: 5402:
to be a "myth". Researchers and literacy organizations suggest it would be more effective if students learned the words using a phonics approach.
was the most effective method for teaching reading. It also suggests the "best teaching" includes a brisk pace, engaging children's interest with
23667: 20585: 17475:
Lervåg A, Hulme C (2009). "Rapid automatized naming (RAN) taps a mechanism that places constraints on the development of early reading fluency".
14923: 7928: 5367:
By 1844 the defects of the whole-word method became so apparent to Boston schoolmasters that they urged the Board to return to phonics. In 1929,
Learning is emphasized more than teaching. It is assumed that the students will learn to read and write, and the teacher facilitates that growth.
Phonics is taught in many different ways and it is often taught together with some of the following: oral language skills, concepts about print,
England (UK). Some others are: Australia (21st), Canada (23rd), New Zealand (33rd), France (34th), Saudi Arabia (44th), and South Africa (50th).
19556: 15360: 14951:(July–September 2001). "Phonemic awareness instruction helps children learn to read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel's meta-analysis". 13731: 9126: 8221: 5903:
a teacher literacy achievement academy before the 2022–2023 school year". The required content of the academies' training includes the areas of
The National Reading Panel concluded that systematic phonics instruction is more effective than unsystematic phonics or non-phonics instruction.
1785:, says a strong case can be made for instruction in decoding, vocabulary, word knowledge, active comprehension strategies, and self-monitoring. 21995: 18795: 16963: 16567: 15992:"English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Foundational Skills » Introduction for K–5 | Common Core State Standards Initiative" 1217: 19732: 14781: 8148: 5655:. It is a synthesis of the scientific research on the development of early literacy skills in children ages zero to five as determined by the 4234:
are used in textbooks to help children learn the sounds that each logogram makes. These are written in a smaller size, using an alphabetic or
Snowden JS, Kindell J, Thompson JC, Richardson AM, Neary D (March 2012). "Progressive aphasia presenting with deep dyslexia and dysgraphia".
16675: 13941: 13187: 12163: 5839:) in which approaches from both methods are used. Influential researchers in psycho-pedagogy, cognitive sciences, and neurosciences, such as 5360:, the Secretary of the Board of Education of Massachusetts, U.S., favored the method for everyone, and by 1837 the method was adopted by the 3304:
cards containing individual sounds are used to allow the student to practice saying the sounds that are related to a letter or letters (e.g.
because the letters and the sounds they relate to are taught in a specific sequence, as opposed to incidentally or on a "when needed" basis.
Research suggests that reading books and writing are among the brain-stimulating activities that can slow down cognitive decline in seniors.
17357: 16561: 16559: 14076: 13151: 969:. There was a significant difference by race and ethnicity (e.g., black students at 52% and white students at 23%). After the impact of the 24312: 21537: 18737: 17849: 12204: 11532:"The Effect of First Language Transfer on Second Language Acquisition and Learning: From Contrastive Analysis to Contemporary Neuroimaging" 7505: 4863: 2561: 2524:(IES) Individual studies are available that have been reviewed by WWC and categorized according to the evidence tiers of the United States 2497: 1926:
The Simple View of Reading proposes four broad categories of developing readers: typical readers; poor readers; dyslexics; and hyperlexics.
970: 20455: 20135:"Essentials of Assessing, Preventing and Overcoming Reading Difficulties, David Kilpatrick,," 12748: 8096: 6158: 3351:), and perhaps even syllables (e.g. wa-ter). Sometimes the student practices by saying (or sounding-out) cards that contain entire words. 701:. The common link is the interpretation of symbols to extract the meaning from the visual notations or tactile signals (as in the case of 20403: 17444: 17279: 16556: 16521: 16348: 13767:"Exploring interventions for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs: A study of practice, UK Government" 12488: 8988: 6200: 5896: 5876: 2733: 2552:
that explores all aspects of reading research. Its Resource Database allows you to search for information based on a variety of criteria.
1417: 19300: 15991: 9841: 5718:
provided resources for teachers in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and reading strategies.
The suggestion is: "if some students are fluent readers, they could read silently while the teacher works with the struggling readers".
context?"), syntactic (is it a noun, verb, etc.?) and graphophonic (what are the letter-sound relationships?). It is also known as MSV (
22866: 20568: 16093: 13204: 8845:"English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Foundational Skills » Kindergarten | Common Core State Standards Initiative" 6231: 4133:
Some reports state that it is 'unlikely to lead to literacy success' for all students, particularly those lacking foundational skills.
2426: 20252: 18843: 18828: 17666: 16396:"The Use of a Structured Literacy Program to Facilitate the Inclusion of Martinal and Special Education Students into Regular Classes" 13646: 5949:, which are ineffective because they teach children to "guess" the meaning of a word rather than sound it out. What is required is a) 5899:. In June of that year the Texas Legislature passed a Bill requiring all kindergarten through grade-three teachers and principals to " 3651:
sound-based way to decode, your mind learns what words look like, even if you're not especially trying to do so". The process, called
2628:, a neuroscientist, states that, with few exceptions, teachers are not taught to teach reading and "don't know what they don't know". 1009:
reported that 43.4% and 30.7% did not meet the Reading Comprehension Achievement Levels for grades four and six respectively in 2023.
22792: 22646: 22257: 13560:
McArthur G, Sheehan Y, Badcock NA, Francis DA, Wang HC, Kohnen S, Banales E, Anandakumar T, Marinus E, Castles A (14 November 2018).
12945: 9507: 6966: 6941: 4734:– defined here as capturing and decoding words faster than 900 wpm – is not feasible given the limits set by the anatomy of the eye. 2760:
Educators have debated for years about which method is best to teach reading for the English language. There are three main methods,
bi-literacy development; equity, social justice and supporting underserved populations (e.g., students from low-income backgrounds).
15334: 14534: 14269: 13099: 13024:
School changes reading program after realizing students 'weren't actually learning to read', CNN national correspondent Athena Jones
10181: 6727: 5520: 1933:
is a scientific theory about reading comprehension. According to the theory, to comprehend what they are reading students need both
21529: 17614:"Prediction of reading skill several years later depends on age and brain region: implications for developmental models of reading" 14566:"Long-term effects of synthetic versus analytic phonics teaching on the reading and spelling ability of 10-year-old boys and girls" 12038: 9815: 9735: 9668: 9616: 9388: 7863: 6855: 2539: 1675:. Reading and speech are codependent: reading promotes vocabulary development and a richer vocabulary facilitates skilled reading. 1053:
gateway to learning in every other area, and reading proficiency can serve as a proxy for foundational learning in other subjects.
301: 19702:"English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Foundational Skills » Grade 1 | Common Core State Standards Initiative" 14605: 9586: 9207: 8505:
Harm, M. W., Seidenberg, M. S. (August 2000). "Phonology, Reading Acquisition, and Dyslexia: Insights from Connectionist Models".
In 2019, with respect to the reading skills of the nation's grade-four public school students, 35% performed at or above the NAEP
3052: 24510: 21839:
Turkeltaub PE, Flowers DL, Lyon LG, Eden GF (December 2008). "Development of ventral stream representations for single letters".
19399: 13517:
Sanabria Díaz G, Torres Mdel R, Iglesias J, et al. (November 2009). "Changes in reading strategies in school-age children".
12403: 8303:"Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade, The Institute of Education Sciences" 8054: 7026: 4139:
is an activity whereby the teacher and students read from a shared text that is determined to be at the students' reading level.
2776:, fluency, reading comprehension, sight words and sight vocabulary, the three-cueing system (the searchlights model in England), 21720: 20113: 18546: 13257: 8708: 7619:"How Third-Grade Reading Skills and Poverty Influence High School Graduation, figures 2, 4 and 6, The Annie E. Casey Foundation" 5864:
and oral language instruction in the five reading areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Intervention reports are provided for programs according to twelve topics (e.g. literacy, mathematics, science, behavior, etc.).
2265:, followed by appropriate specialized training, and d) while decoding is essential, vocabulary enrichment is equally important. 1852:
about how humans learn to read, and how reading should be taught. This includes areas such as oral reading fluency, vocabulary,
1827: 21492:
Noble KG, McCandliss BD (October 2005). "Reading development and impairment: behavioral, social, and neurobiological factors".
11584:"A new perspective for understanding the contributions of the cerebellum to reading: The cerebro-cerebellar mapping hypothesis" 8413: 5664: 3922:
However, balanced literacy has received criticism from researchers and others suggesting that, in many instances, it is merely
2422: 2416: 1313: 1210: 204: 20085: 19900: 14432: 12067:"What Is Evidence-Based Reading Instruction and How Do You Know It When You See It?, U.S. Department of Education, March 2012" 11041:"Can cognitive models explain brain activation during word and pseudoword reading? A meta-analysis of 36 neuroimaging studies" 7801: 4481:
a survey in 2010, 68% of K–2 teachers in the United States practice balanced literacy; however, only 52% of teachers included
4406:, advocated for a whole-word method of teaching reading to replace phonics. Others advocated for a return to phonics, such as 2475: 24454: 22262: 22225: 21922: 21634: 21361: 21110: 21053: 21030: 20949: 20823: 20767: 20718: 20691: 20660: 20627: 19701: 19364: 19352: 18632: 18529: 18487: 18304: 18203: 18176: 18104: 17137: 17106: 17045: 16887: 16865:"For Students Who Are Not Yet Fluent, Silent Reading Is Not the Best Use of Classroom Time – American Federation of Teachers" 16848: 16659: 16547: 16332: 16301: 16208: 16154: 16131: 16029: 15777: 15575: 15428: 15282: 15229: 15126:"McGraw-Hill Education Acknowledges Enduring Contributions of Reading and Language Arts Scholar, Author and Innovator Ed Fry" 15064: 14042: 13629: 13318: 11845: 11703: 11242: 11162: 10640: 10609: 10584: 10557: 10104: 10073: 9985: 9889: 9864: 9825: 9790: 9745: 9712: 9678: 9651: 9626: 9483: 9398: 9371: 9354: 9327: 8844: 8825: 8540: 8489: 8454: 7815: 7234: 7204: 7171: 7132: 7093: 7068: 6897: 6661: 6559: 5978:
Between 2013 and 2022, 30 States have passed laws or implemented new policies related to evidence-based reading instruction.
5964:, and removing references to unscientific discovery and inquiry-based learning, including the three-cueing system, by 2023." 5334:, published in 1687. There was little consideration given to the best ways to teach reading or assess reading comprehension. 5326: 3833:
instruction. They point out that millions of adults can speak their language just fine, yet they cannot read their language.)
2738:. If a practice lacks supporting evidence, it can be used with the understanding that it is based upon a claim, not science. 1150:
children learn that the meaning of a new word can be inferred because it occurs in the same context as familiar words (e.g.,
20473: 18952: 17158:"Comparing and Validating Methods of Reading Instruction Using Behavioural and Neural Findings in an Artificial Orthography" 16864: 16500: 14866: 14756: 12831: 3324:). Accuracy comes first, followed by speed. The sounds may be grouped by categories such as vowels that sound short (e.g. c- 3081: 2844:(NRP) concluded that systematic phonics instruction is more effective than unsystematic phonics or non-phonics instruction. 2517: 1280:
practice in the UK which includes developing children's phonemic awareness in preschool and teaching reading from age four.
In addition, since the 1940s the term literacy is often used to mean having knowledge or skill in a particular field (e.g.,
20600: 18128: 15606: 14986: 14414: 14174: 14140: 13924: 13361: 12205:"A Quantitative Synthesis of Research on Programs for Struggling Readers in Elementary Schools, Best Evidence Encyclopedia" 9572: 9295: 8382: 6679:"An experimental comparison between rival theories of rapid automatized naming performance and its relationship to reading" 6533: 5905:
The Science of Teaching Reading, Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Decoding (i.e. Phonics), Fluency and Comprehension.
Piper et al 2018 published the results of a study of early literacy and numeracy outcomes in developing countries entitled
published a curriculum review that added support for systematic phonics. In fact, systematic phonics in the UK is known as
2269: 1225: 296: 18656: 16220: 16166: 15794: 15658:
Ehri L (2014). "Orthographic Mapping in the Acquisition of Sight Word Reading, Spelling Memory, and Vocabulary Learning".
10200: 2785: 928:
Reading has been the subject of considerable research and reporting for decades. Many organizations measure and report on
Also, some organizations might include numeracy skills and technology skills separately but alongside of literacy skills.
24398: 23954: 23660: 22881: 20920: 19667: 13885: 12052: 7344: 5715: 5644: 2862:
less frequent sounds and complex spellings for later (e.g. the sounds /s/ and /t/ before /v/ and /w/; and the spellings c
1735:). They learn the common morphemes such as "s" and "ed" and see them as "sight chunks". "The faster a child can see that 1236:
international grade four reading achievement.) In a discussion on academic kindergartens, professor of child development
Major predictors of an individual's ability to read both alphabetic and non-alphabetic scripts are oral language skills,
21165:"Adolescent reading skill and engagement with digital and traditional literacies as predictors of reading comprehension" 18416:"The NCES Fast Facts Tool provides quick answers to many education questions (National Center for Education Statistics)" 14358: 13116: 9944: 8566:"Inference, says Clare Sealy, isn't a skill that can be taught. But it can be improved – through knowledge., ResearchED" 6678: 4100: 2261:
largely irrelevant if the proper teaching methods are used, c) it is essential to have standardized screening tests for
are considered to be important parts of the science of reading, but they are not the only ingredients. SOR includes any
where students read familiar words more quickly than unfamiliar words, and word length gradually ceases to play a role.
892: 23579: 21988: 20054: 16746: 16704: 16591: 16070: 13991: 12359: 12148: 7301:"Who Reads Science Fiction and Fantasy, and How Do They Feel About Science? Preliminary Findings From an Online Survey" 6769: 6254: 5180:
text is now an important way for the general population to access information, this has not always been the case. With
3967: 17: 21485: 17294: 16482: 8565: 8302: 6472:"Read: Reproduce mentally or vocally the written or printed words by following the symbols with the eyes or fingers". 1041:, 53% of all children in low-and-middle-income countries suffer from 'learning poverty'. In 2019, using data from the 23026: 20790: 19960:"Youtube, Overview of the Foundational Reading Skills Practice Guide and PLC Webinar, Florida State University, 2018" 19442: 19221: 19183: 19116: 18927: 17697: 16993: 15883: 15152: 15006:
Justice LM (2002). "Word Exposure Conditions and Preschoolers' Novel Word Learning During Shared Storybook Reading".
13133: 11953:
Zorzi M, Houghton G, Butterworth B (1998). "Two routes or one in reading aloud? A connectionist dual-process model".
9912: 6485: 5880: 5852: 5384: 3059: 2712: 2585:. It is a collection of research summaries of promising teaching practice written by experts at Ontario universities. 2571: 2493: 627: 19942: 17221:"Reading is more than sounding out words and decoding. That's why we use the whole language approach to teaching it" 16167:"It's time to stop debating how to teach kids to read and follow the evidence, Emily Sohn, Science news, 2020-04-26" 8908:
Suggate SP, Schaughency EA, Reese E (2013). "Children learning to read later catch up to children reading earlier".
5934:, on November 9, 2012, recognizing that learning to read is not a privilege, but a basic and essential human right. 5671:
include recommendations to teach print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and fluency.
Many researchers are concerned that low reading levels are due to how reading is taught. They point to three areas:
where students learn the relationship between the graphemes (letters) and the phonemes (sounds). Stage three is the
23772: 23687: 23393: 22097: 20015: 20001: 16183: 14658: 14509: 13861: 13812: 12787:"Effects of teacher knowledge of early reading on students' gains in reading foundational skills and comprehension" 12338: 6089: 5812: 5768: 5314:
in 1570, who suggested the teaching of reading should focus on the relationship between what is now referred to as
4403: 2336: 2273: 403: 19831: 18345: 15510: 11418:"A review and synthesis of the first 20years of PET and fMRI studies of heard speech, spoken language and reading" 10354: 8579:
Cohen S, Glass DC, Singer JE (1973). "Apartment noise, auditory discrimination, and reading ability in children".
7109: 5261:
children's literature was flourishing, with perhaps as many as 50 books being printed every year in major cities.
On the other hand, using sight words as a method of teaching reading in English is seen as being at odds with the
and stimulating resources, praise for effort and achievement; and above all, the full backing of the headteacher.
813:"the ability to ... understand ... using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts" 24561: 24259: 23727: 23059: 22483: 22470: 22024: 20233: 19158: 17577:
Linnea C. Ehri (2020-08-30). "The Science of Learning to Read Words: A Case for Systematic Phonics Instruction".
16618: 15316: 15245: 14327: 14225: 9052:"NAEYC Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice: 2020, Proposed Final Draft – Not For Citation" 6279: 5956: 5930:(OHRC) released a report on its public inquiry into the right to read. It followed the unanimous decision of the 5927: 5760: 4812: 3092:
is not one specific method of teaching phonics; it is a term used to describe phonics approaches that are taught
2578: 2555: 2521: 2483: 1005:
reported that 32% of grade three students did not meet the provincial reading standards in 2022. The province of
additional support, there is nearly a 90 percent chance that a poor reader in Grade 1 will remain a poor reader.
42: 18678: 16349:"Is it a Good Idea to Teach the Three Cueing Systems in Reading?, Timothy Shanahan, Reading Rockets, 2019-04-01" 12632: 12457: 9033: 7688: 7027:"A Brief History of the Quantitative Literacy Movement, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching" 6607: 4823:
The following organizations measure and report on reading achievement in the United States and internationally:
4582:, is the best way to ensure that children learn to read; such that it is now the law. In 2005 the government of 3889:, refers to whole language as a "theoretical zombie" because it persists despite a lack of supporting evidence. 2245:
make perfect. For a new skill to become automatic, sustained practice beyond the point of mastery is necessary.
24403: 24380: 24322: 24274: 24213: 23653: 23500: 22681: 22049: 17241: 9761: 9508:"Handbook of Language and Literacy Development – A Roadmap from 0 to 60 Months – Vocalizing – Parent/Caregiver" 7707:"In California's youth justice system, many high schoolers graduate with grade-school reading skills, Edsource" 7224: 3938:
nor rely on pictures or semantic and syntactic cues to "guess at" a challenging word. Instead, they should use
3934: 2728: 2574:(Ofsted), in England, conducts research on schools, early education, social care, further education and skills. 1276: 13910: 13836: 12986: 9930: 6770:"Literacy: The ability to read and write; knowledge or skills in a specific area, Oxford learner's dictionary" 1900:
Current teaching practice rests on outdated assumptions that make learning to read harder than it needs to be.
23929: 22975: 22785: 22641: 22606: 22247: 22039: 21981: 20912: 19685:"Developing Early Literacy, Report of the National early literacy panel, National Center for Family Literacy" 19038: 18193: 12585: 10508:"Ask the Cognitive Scientist: Practice Makes Perfect—But Only If You Practice Beyond the Point of Perfection" 9208:"What Should Be Emphasized at Each Stage of Reading Development, Louisa Moats, Carol Tolman, Reading Rockets" 8618: 8032:"Expert: How PISA created an illusion of education quality and marketed it to the world, The Washington Post" 5426: 5311: 4855:
Reading scores for the individual States and Districts are available on the NAEP site. Between 2017 and 2019
1293: 381: 219: 20841:"Psychophysics of reading. XX. Linking letter recognition to reading speed in central and peripheral vision" 16381:"An Explanation of Structured Literacy, and a Comparison to Balanced Literacy, Iowa Reading Research Center" 12475:"Research and the Teaching Profession: Building the Capacity for a Self-Improving Education System-BERA-RSA" 9587:"Handbook of Language and Literacy Development – A Roadmap from 0 to 60 Months – Reading – Parent/Caregiver" 6631: 5603:
concluded that the beneficial effects were long-lasting, in fact the reading gains increased. Subsequently,
2806: 2788:. Each practice is employed in different manners depending on the country and the specific school division. 24551: 24515: 24419: 24317: 24297: 24287: 23959: 23909: 23849: 22876: 22237: 22190: 22034: 20569:"The Ministry of Education thanks the Ontario Human Rights Commission for its Right to Read Inquiry report" 20554: 18325: 16964:"Reading wars rage again as Australian Government pushes to introduce phonics test,, 2019-06-29" 13205:"The Ministry of Education thanks the Ontario Human Rights Commission for its Right to Read Inquiry report" 8431: 7832: 5353: 4432: 3727:(the student visually reads a text while simultaneously hearing someone else fluently read the same text). 21644:
Shaywitz SE, Shaywitz BA (2008). "Paying attention to reading: the neurobiology of reading and dyslexia".
20588:(Report). Center for Research in Education and Social Policy at the University of Delaware. 23 April 2022. 18997: 17258: 14640: 14450: 12854:"Most States Fail to Measure Teachers' Knowledge of the 'Science of Reading,' Report Says, Education Week" 7846: 7618: 4493:(i.e., meaning/structure/visual or semantic/syntactic/graphophonic) that has its roots in whole language. 1116:
it has been reported that 15-year-old students are reading at the level expected of 12-year-old students.
24424: 23939: 23924: 23757: 23752: 23747: 23403: 17618: 15312: 14948: 8989:"Transitional Kindergarten: A Boondoggle by any other name, Brown Center on Education Policy, 2014-01-14" 8319: 7386: 5465: 5222: 5181: 4504:
by another name. And critics of whole language and sceptics of balanced literacy, such as neuroscientist
4224:: the right-hand part shows the character's pronunciation. However, this is not true for all characters. 4059: 3772: 3194:
ite. Furthermore, students are taught consonant blends (separate, adjacent consonants) as units, such as
2949: 2706: 2669: 1300: 24224: 23864: 20601:"New research shows controversial Reading Recovery program eventually had a negative impact on children" 19575:"Accelerating Reading and Spelling with Synthetic Phonics: A Five Year Follow Up, Johnston & Watson" 18871: 18774: 18716: 17976:
Sinanović O, Mrkonjić Z, Zukić S, Vidović M, Imamović K (March 2011). "Post-stroke language disorders".
16443: 16380: 14492: 14249: 9221: 8339: 7659: 24556: 24536: 23712: 23408: 23221: 22810: 22619: 22165: 22120: 22054: 22029: 19633: 16832: 16115: 15970: 15412: 10088: 8469: 7689:"What Does it take to accelerate the learning of every child, Policy Analysis for California Education" 6024:
of words in a body of text to increase the rate of reading. However, cognitive neuroscientists such as
3063: 2718: 2529: 2511: 2501: 810:"the ability to read and write ... in all media (print or electronic), including digital literacy" 139: 9193: 8894:
Sebastian Suggate, "Watering the garden before a rainstorm: the case of early reading instruction" in
6928:"Introduction to literacy in English, Literacy Teaching Toolkit, Victoria State Government, Australia" 5960:
Grade 9 English course with scientific, evidence-based approaches that emphasize direct, explicit and
be encouraged to skip words they find puzzling or rely on semantic and syntactic cues to guess words.
4228:, on the other hand, have to be learned and memorized as there is no way to tell from each character. 3370:, also known as blended phonics, is a systematic phonics method employed to teach students to read by 24045: 23914: 23879: 23021: 22338: 22267: 22125: 22110: 20683: 13188:"ATLANTIC CANADA ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM: GRADES 4–6, New Brunswick department of education" 8229: 7864:"New Brunswick Provincial Assessment Results 2022–2023, Grades 4 & 6 English Reading Proficiency" 7742:"NYC to mandate citywide reading approach in bid to lift lagging literacy rates, New York Daily News" 7366: 6406: 6104:, which allows multiple people a narrower purpose, to understand the concepts or arguments of a text. 5752:
from prekindergarten to grade 1 and phonics and word recognition for grades 1–4. That same year, the
5056: 4213: 4115: 4101:
Guided reading, reading workshop, shared reading, leveled reading, silent reading (and self-teaching)
Typically, the instruction starts with sounds that have only one letter and simple CVC words such as
2079: 1288: 448: 38: 21658: 21315: 21013: 18803: 14891: 14815:"A Seven Year Study of the Effects of Synthetic Phonics Teaching on Reading and Spelling Attainment" 14191:
Ehri LC (2020). "The science of learning to read words: A case for systematic phonics instruction".
14158:"Explaining Phonics Instruction, An Educator's Guide, International Literacy Association, p.1, 2018" 12606: 11888:
Yamada J, Imai H, Ikebe Y (July 1990). "The use of the orthographic lexicon in reading kana words".
7582:"The Evidence That Early Intervention Prevents Reading Failure, The American Federation of Teachers" 6575: 4859:
was the only State that had a grade-four reading score increase and 17 States had a score decrease.
732: 24541: 24474: 24469: 23807: 23737: 23692: 23388: 22778: 22651: 22343: 22277: 22242: 20759: 20539: 19174: 18362: 14788: 13004: 11680: 10656: 10534: 8197: 8168: 8113:
World Bank (2019). Ending Learning Poverty: What will it take, World Bank (Report). pp. 1–34.
7946:"Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS): National Report for England, 2017-12-12" 7635: 7040:
Boche, B. (2014). "Multiliteracies in the classroom, Emerging conceptions of first-year teachers".
6381: 5950: 5915: 5908: 5861: 5637: 5349: 4606: 4595: 4571: 4412: 4165:
Other studies indicate that, unlike silent reading, "oral reading increases phonological effects".
In the United States, guided reading is part of the Reading Workshop model of reading instruction.
3991: 3939: 3919:
isolation". They suggest that this may be a constructive way to view balanced reading instruction.
3492: 3485: 2977: 2938: 2591:, with offices throughout the world, funds research on early childhood, K–12, and higher education. 2549: 2479: 2465: 2459: 2172: 1904: 1853: 1849: 1822: 1778: 1643:
Novice readers continue to develop their phonemic awareness, and come to realize that the letters (
1250: 773: 597: 336: 71: 19140: 15809: 13040:"States Are Pushing Changes to Reading Instruction. But Old Practices Prove Hard to Shake, EdWeek" 12709: 12066: 10479:
Samuels SJ, Flor RF (1997). "The importance of automaticity for developing expertise in reading".
6192: 5831:. It concluded that "Including teachers' guides was by far the most cost-effective intervention". 4515:
Over time a growing number of countries and states have put greater emphasis on phonics and other
3532:(sounds of oral language) are heard, interpreted, understood and manipulated – unrelated to their 2959:
The Ontario Association of Deans of Education (Canada) published research Monograph # 37 entitled
2430: 2145: 1944:
It is expressed in this equation: Decoding × Oral Language Comprehension = Reading Comprehension.
where students attempt to grasp words as objects, an artificial form of reading. Stage two is the
1411: 23979: 23964: 23802: 23792: 23190: 22934: 22914: 22891: 22860: 22834: 22495: 22388: 22358: 22323: 22115: 22059: 22044: 21744:"Evidence that dyslexia may represent the lower tail of a normal distribution of reading ability" 21576:"Sequential processing of lexical, grammatical, and phonological information within Broca's area" 20490: 20437: 19959: 19865: 19848: 17417: 17365: 16071:"Four things you need to know about the new reading wars, Jill Barshay, The Hechinger Report, #2" 11259: 10883: 10781: 10734: 10684:"Cortical asymmetries at different spatial hierarchies relate to phonological processing ability" 10524: 6150: 6045:. It is not reading in the usual sense, as they may largely suspend comprehension while doing so. 5931: 5387:
in the article "The Sight Reading Method of Teaching Reading as a Source of Reading Disability".
5338: 4516: 4380: 3213: 3123: 2365: 2355: 904:
Research suggests that reading can improve stress management, memory, focus, writing skills, and
803:, yet from a historical perspective literacy is about having the ability to both read and write. 331: 107: 24055: 21973: 21779:
The Committed Reader: Reading for Utility, Pleasure, and Fulfillment in the Twenty-First Century
19382: 18745: 18376: 17877: 17523:"Rapid "automatized" naming of pictured objects, colors, letters and numbers by normal children" 17098: 16840: 16721: 16123: 15769: 15528: 15420: 14060:"Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science, American Federation of Teachers, Washington, DC, USA, 2020" 13942:"Why An Overemphasis on Foundational Reading Skills Makes Kids Sick | Shanahan on Literacy" 13310: 12474: 11222: 10632: 10096: 10065: 9319: 8481: 7602:"Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science, American Federation of Teachers, Washington, DC, USA, 2020" 5982: 4588: 4520: 3862: 2882: 1836:
language areas; but also neural systems related to action, emotion, decision-making, and memory.
719: 24464: 24279: 24150: 23273: 23114: 22749: 22536: 22353: 22252: 21653: 21310: 21008: 20734: 19400:"Phonics Developments in England from 1998 to 2018 by Jenny Chew, Reading reform foundation UK" 19246: 14565: 13222:"The Center for Literacy and Learning | Literacy & Education Professional Development" 12786: 10934:"Language-specific tuning of visual cortex? Functional properties of the Visual Word Form Area" 8163: 6783: 6411: 6072: 5968: 5961: 5632: 5541: 5525: 5331: 4762: 4641: 4532: 4443: 4158: 4068: 3561: 3537: 3137: 3104: 2989: 2945: 2894: 2841: 2115: 1917: 1798: 769: 254: 209: 179: 95: 21093:
Discovering the riches of the word: religious reading in late medieval and early modern Europe
20652: 18851:
Imagining Russian Regions: Subnational Identity and Civil Society in Nineteenth-Century Russia
17455: 16585:"Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics, Department for education and skills, England" 15088: 15056: 15050: 14814: 14091:" Getting Proven Tutoring Programs Into Widespread Practice, Robert Slavin" 12784: 12768:"Kids Understand More From Books Than Screens, But That's Not Always the Case, Education week" 10832:"Picturing words? Sensorimotor cortex activation for printed words in child and adult readers" 10201:"Subgrouping Poor Readers on the Basis of Individual Differences in Reading-Related Abilities" 9782: 9475: 9469: 8992: 8222:"The Four Basic Language Skills | Gorge Literacy | Columbia Gorge Community College" 5676: 3228:.) Teachers using the analogy method may have students memorize a bank of phonograms, such as 2175:(the structure of words and parts of words such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes) 1970:, is a leading researcher of early language development and its connection to later literacy. 1049:. Learning poverty is defined as being unable to read and understand a simple text by age 10. 24337: 23974: 23904: 23777: 23676: 23559: 23490: 23185: 22370: 22363: 22272: 22185: 22180: 20751: 20710:
Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can't, and What Can Be Done About It
20329:"L'Education nationale publie quatre circulaires de " recommandations " pour les enseignants" 19813: 19574: 18919: 18913: 18394: 17062: 15999: 14683: 14624:"Put reading first booklet, Partnership for reading, National institute for literacy, 3rd ed" 14447:"Reading Initiative for Student Excellence,, 2018" 13711: 12968: 12694: 12507:"Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Home Page, a part of the U.S. Department of Education" 10419:"The Science of Reading Progresses: Communicating Advances Beyond the Simple View of Reading" 10322: 6913: 6396: 6165: 6021: 5857: 5189: 4796: 4758: 4752: 4637: 4556: 4003: 3790: 3736: 3466: 3021: 3009: 2926: 2914: 2304: 2048: 1705: 1246: 620: 577: 244: 21351: 21042: 20939: 20677: 19345:
Reading at the Speed of Light: How we Read, why so many can't, and what can be done about it
17309:"Whole language high jinks: How to tell when scientifically based reading instruction isn't" 17038:
Reading at the Speed of Light: How we Read, why so many can't, and what can be done about it
14104: 10782:"Meta-Analysis of the Functional Neuroanatomy of Single-Word Reading: Method and Validation" 9274: 7993:
Zhao, Y. (January 22, 2020). "Two decades of havoc: A synthesis of criticism against PISA".
Research evidence on reading for pleasure, Department for Education, England, DFE-57519-2012
6454: 5789:(i.e., vocabulary, types of texts, reading strategies, spelling, punctuation, and grammar). 5059:
had an average score that was 28 points lower than that for students who were not eligible.
are "critically important" and "essential" to developing early reading skills. In 2000, the
2615:. Other studies conclude that many children understand more from reading books vs. screens. 24546: 24185: 23984: 23934: 23899: 23889: 23884: 23290: 23146: 22871: 22739: 22601: 22511: 22490: 22400: 22393: 22137: 21848: 21799: 21587: 21220: 17674: 16412:
Spear-Swerling, Louise (2019-01-23). "Structured Literacy and Typical Literacy Practices".
16221:"It's time to stop debating how to teach kids to read and follow the evidence, ScienceNews" 15378:
Kendeou P, Savage R, van den Broek P (June 2009). "Revisiting the simple view of reading".
14606:"Clackmannanshire Report, a seven-year study that was published in 2005," 13693: 13661: 13645:
Rayner K, Barbara Foorman, Charles Perfetti, David Pesetsky, Mark Seidenberg (March 2002).
13335: 12053:"Study finds reading information aloud to yourself improves memory, University of Waterloo" 11600: 11583: 11367: 9256:"Teachers Are Still Teaching Older Students Basic Reading Skills, Survey Finds," 9237:"Older Students Who Struggle to Read Hide in Plain Sight. What Teachers Can Do," 9082:
Van Kleeck A, Schuele CM (2010). "Historical Perspectives on Literacy in Early Childhood".
Rayner K, Barbara Foorman, Charles A. Perfetti, David Pesetsky, Mark S. Seidenberg (2001).
6501: 6416: 6376: 6180: 5711: 5249: 5173: 5077:) is an international study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( 3979: 3625: 2985: 2922: 2818: 2496:
began in 2017 and is produced by the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at
2123: 1967: 1840:
There is no single definition of the science of reading (SOR). Foundational skills such as
1656: 1535: 1242: 788: 671: 656: 470: 21397: 20385: 20304:"Apprentissage de la lecture: opposer méthode syllabique et méthode globale est archaïque" 19832:"PDST, The Reading Process, A Guide to the Teaching and Learning of Reading, Dublin, 2014" 18048:"Neural mechanisms of object naming and word comprehension in primary progressive aphasia" 16642:
Reid, Gavin, Soler, Janet, Wearmouth, Janice (2002). Reid G, Soler J, Wearmouth J (eds.).
15511:"Experimental effects of a model of reading engagement on first and second grade students" 12889:"States Should Recommend Better 'Science of Reading' Content, Report Says, Education week" 12653: 12524: 12458:"The role of research in teacher education: reviewing the evidence-BERA-RSA, January 2014" 9515: 9095: 8320:"Why Reading by the End of Third Grade Matters, p. 9, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010" 7187:
Reid, Gavin, Soler, Janet, Wearmouth, Janice (2002). Reid G, Soler J, Wearmouth J (eds.).
6970: 6945: 3556:, and is most prevalent in alphabetic systems. The specific part of speech depends on the 3212:
in which the teacher has students analyze phonic elements according to the speech sounds (
saying, "But your 'philosophy' doesn't work". She says this is evidenced by the fact that
2504:(ESSA) (the United States K–12 public education policy signed by President Obama in 2015). 8: 24357: 24130: 24105: 23131: 23052: 22729: 22636: 22614: 22571: 22556: 22521: 22465: 22410: 22405: 22284: 22170: 22147: 22092: 20525: 20216:"Le conseil scientifique de l'éducation nationale, au service de la communauté éducative" 19684: 15338: 14538: 14277: 12525:"Synthesis of IES Research on Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education July 2013" 9178: 8471: 8036: 7746: 7423: 6042: 5703: 4618: 4031: 3510:
girls sit outside their school, reading books they received at a rural school book party.
2098: 2043: 1782: 1763: 850: 490: 326: 311: 184: 103: 21852: 21803: 21591: 21224: 19849:"English–Language Arts, Transitional Kindergarten to Grade 1, California Public Schools" 17337:"Whole Language Lives On: The Illusion of Balanced Reading Instruction | LD OnLine" 16904: 16816: 14609: 13665: 11371: 7929:"Where the world's fourth-graders read at the most advanced level, Barclays, 2017-12-05" 7760: 7010:"Measuring Literacy: Performance Levels for Adults (2005), National Academy of Sciences" 819:"having the skills to be able to read, write and speak to understand and create meaning" 23969: 23944: 23919: 23844: 23787: 23596: 23505: 22980: 22829: 22626: 22435: 22380: 22375: 22330: 22289: 22082: 22008: 21872: 21822: 21787: 21739: 21679: 21608: 21575: 21562: 21473: 21431: 21333: 21298: 21285: 21195: 21146: 21121: 21100: 20985: 20960: 20870: 19882: 19483: 18577: 18573: 18493: 18330: 18245: 18220: 18072: 18047: 18028: 17955: 17919: 17830: 17735: 17640: 17613: 17594: 17500: 17198: 17185: 17092: 16927: 16834: 16467: 16425: 16260: 16235: 16117: 15947: 15922: 15873: 15854: 15846: 15763: 15737: 15675: 15640: 15548: 15470: 15414: 15202: 15031: 14968: 14738: 14584: 13685: 13594: 13561: 13542: 13499: 13446: 13403: 13304: 12806: 12729: 12223: 12125: 12098: 12019: 11818: 11745: 11720: 11657: 11632: 11613: 11561: 11509: 11450: 11417: 11390: 11355: 11331: 11306: 11287: 11168: 11125: 11018: 10911: 10856: 10831: 10809: 10762: 10710: 10683: 10626: 10574: 10465: 10283: 10225: 10121: 10090: 10059: 10035: 10010: 9991: 9694: 9594: 9313: 8750: 8649: 8475: 8285: 8189: 8010: 7554: 7529: 7481: 7456: 7161: 6401: 6353: 6067: 5749: 5604: 5560: 5300: 5235: 5160: 4807:, books, and other printed material read aloud, typically by volunteers. An example is 4723:(guided, repeated oral-reading instruction), may help improve a reader's reading rate. 4684: 4560: 4540: 4439: 3975: 3525: 3520: 3182:
ds. Also, students might be asked to practice saying words with similar sounds such as
2997: 2898: 2773: 2332: 1963: 1845: 1628: 1539: 1126: 784: 708: 679: 587: 443: 249: 214: 111: 63: 24070: 22526: 21949: 21897: 21704: 21273: 20857: 20840: 17943: 17780: 17539: 17522: 16905:"The Role of Self-Teaching in Learning Orthographic and Semantic Aspects of New Words" 16833:
Kamil, Michael L., Pearson, P. David, Moje, Elizabeth Birr, Afflerbach, Peter (2011).
Kamil, Michael L., Pearson, P. David, Moje, Elizabeth Birr, Afflerbach, Peter (2011).
Kamil, Michael L., Pearson, P. David, Moje, Elizabeth Birr, Afflerbach, Peter (2011).
14623: 13673: 10899: 10089:
Kamil, Michael L., Pearson, P. David, Moje, Elizabeth Birr, Afflerbach, Peter (2011).
8592: 8146: 6890:
Skills Matter: Additional Results from the Survey of Adult Skills, OECD Skills Studies
6751: 6519: 4715:(wpm) depending on age and measured with different tests in English, French and German 3723:(the student rereads a passage aloud several times with vocal expression). Another is 3220:) is composed of the vowel and the consonant sounds that follow it (e.g. in the words 2482:
School of Education's Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education and is funded by the
24444: 24347: 24302: 24000: 23630: 23474: 23305: 23109: 22754: 22719: 22704: 22688: 22676: 22661: 22631: 22591: 22561: 22541: 22531: 22475: 22455: 22445: 22430: 22415: 22310: 22305: 22232: 22202: 22197: 22175: 22157: 22152: 22142: 22132: 21918: 21901: 21864: 21827: 21765: 21730: 21708: 21671: 21630: 21613: 21554: 21509: 21505: 21477: 21435: 21402: 21388: 21357: 21338: 21277: 21248: 21243: 21208: 21187: 21151: 21106: 21080: 21049: 21026: 20990: 20945: 20862: 20819: 20796: 20786: 20763: 20714: 20687: 20656: 20645: 20623: 19929:"Third Grade Reading Guarantee Teacher Resources | Ohio Department of Education" 19487: 19348: 19227: 19217: 19189: 19179: 18933: 18923: 18628: 18497: 18483: 18250: 18199: 18172: 18110: 18100: 18077: 18020: 17985: 17947: 17923: 17911: 17869: 17822: 17784: 17727: 17719: 17645: 17598: 17544: 17492: 17488: 17190: 17133: 17102: 17041: 16989: 16883: 16844: 16655: 16543: 16429: 16328: 16265: 16204: 16150: 16127: 16025: 15952: 15879: 15858: 15773: 15644: 15571: 15552: 15474: 15462: 15424: 15395: 15278: 15225: 15206: 15194: 15148: 15070: 15060: 15035: 15023: 14742: 14730: 14219:"Independent review of the teaching of early reading, Rose report, 2006, UK, p. 2–89" 14038: 14031: 13677: 13625: 13599: 13581: 13534: 13491: 13477: 13438: 13395: 13343: 13314: 12810: 12733: 12227: 12130: 12011: 11970: 11935: 11897: 11841: 11822: 11750: 11699: 11662: 11617: 11605: 11565: 11553: 11501: 11493: 11489: 11455: 11437: 11433: 11395: 11356:"Functional and morphometric brain dissociation between dyslexia and reading ability" 11336: 11322: 11279: 11275: 11238: 11203: 11158: 11144: 11117: 11109: 11068: 11060: 11040: 11010: 11002: 10963: 10955: 10903: 10861: 10801: 10754: 10715: 10636: 10605: 10580: 10553: 10301: 10265: 10230: 10162: 10100: 10069: 10040: 9995: 9981: 9885: 9860: 9821: 9796: 9786: 9776: 9741: 9674: 9647: 9622: 9489: 9479: 9394: 9350: 9323: 9099: 8974: 8821: 8798: 8754: 8689: 8685: 8653: 8641: 8596: 8522: 8485: 8450: 8181: 8014: 7847:"2021–2022 Nova Scotia Assessment, Literacy and Mathematics/Mathématiques in Grade 3" 7559: 7486: 7322: 7230: 7200: 7167: 7128: 7089: 7064: 6893: 6701: 6657: 6555: 6481: 6391: 6367: 6241: 6025: 5946: 5840: 5836: 5476: 5469: 5450: 5245: 4800: 4579: 4477: 4458: 4119: 4072: 3903: 3898: 3878: 3745:
process in which a reader intentionally and interactively engages with the text. The
3637: 3613: 3573: 3569: 3462: 3366: 3360: 3127: 3029: 2769: 2361: 2257: 2180:
Graphophonological-semantic cognitive flexibility (letter-sound-meaning flexibility)
1621: 1613: 1163: 989: 846: 652: 557: 341: 316: 174: 21876: 21199: 20874: 19503:"Rowe, K., & National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (Australia). (2005)" 19211: 17834: 17739: 17504: 16931: 15741: 15679: 14947:
Ehri L, Simone Nunes, Dale Willows, Barbara Valeska Schuster, Zohreh Yaghoub-Zadeh,
14946: 14892:"Early Reading Strategy: The Report of the Expert Panel on Early Reading in Ontario" 14659:"Understanding Terminology of Grammar and Phonics, Learning difficulties, Australia" 14588: 14059: 13689: 13546: 13503: 13450: 12023: 11648: 11513: 11291: 11172: 11129: 10766: 10336: 9842:"Human language may have evolved to help our ancestors make tools, Science Magazine" 9275:"Exploring Foundational Reading Skill Instruction in K–12 Schools, Rand Corporation" 8400:"Reading Standards for Foundational Skills K–12, OHIO Department of Education, 2017" 7727:"Which States Have Passed 'Science of Reading' Laws? What's in Them? Education Week" 7601: 7472: 6264: 6051:
is reading a book more than once. "One cannot read a book: one can only reread it,"
readers to read since they are utilizing the phonological code to understand words (
5613: 5586: 5416: 4575: 3943: 2830: 1081: 965:, 34% of grade four students in the United States failed to perform at or above the 24484: 24292: 24125: 23817: 23614: 23574: 23542: 23373: 23005: 22844: 22734: 22666: 22656: 22596: 22586: 22581: 22566: 22551: 22546: 22460: 22450: 22318: 22212: 22105: 22087: 22077: 21893: 21856: 21817: 21807: 21755: 21700: 21683: 21663: 21603: 21595: 21566: 21546: 21501: 21465: 21423: 21392: 21384: 21328: 21320: 21289: 21269: 21238: 21228: 21179: 21141: 21133: 21072: 21018: 20980: 20972: 20852: 20508:"Senate Bill 387 / SL 2021-8 (2021–2022 Session) – North Carolina General Assembly" 20346: 20200: 20195: 20183: 19475: 19281: 18473: 18415: 18240: 18232: 18067: 18063: 18059: 18032: 18012: 17959: 17939: 17903: 17861: 17814: 17776: 17709: 17635: 17631: 17627: 17586: 17534: 17484: 17202: 17180: 17172: 17018: 16919: 16647: 16417: 16255: 16247: 15942: 15934: 15838: 15729: 15702: 15667: 15632: 15540: 15454: 15387: 15184: 15106: 15015: 14960: 14720: 14710: 14576: 14464: 14200: 14077:"How Much Have Students Lost in The COVID-19 Shutdowns?, Robert Slavin, 2020-10-01" 13669: 13644: 13589: 13577: 13573: 13526: 13481: 13473: 13430: 13407: 13387: 12798: 12785:
Susan B. Porter, Timothy N. Odegard, Emily A. Farris, Eric L. Oslund (2023-06-09).
12721: 12215: 12120: 12110: 12001: 11962: 11927: 11870: 11810: 11740: 11732: 11652: 11644: 11595: 11543: 11485: 11445: 11429: 11385: 11375: 11326: 11318: 11271: 11230: 11195: 11150: 11099: 11052: 11022: 10994: 10945: 10915: 10895: 10851: 10843: 10813: 10793: 10746: 10705: 10695: 10681: 10525:"Youtube, How the Brain Learns to Read – Prof. Stanislas Dehaene, October 25, 2013" 10488: 10430: 10257: 10248:
Kendeou P, Savage R, Broek P (June 2009). "Revisiting the simple view of reading".
10220: 10212: 10152: 10030: 10022: 9973: 9091: 8917: 8742: 8681: 8633: 8619:"Literacy in the mainstream inner-city school: Its relationship to spoken language" 8588: 8514: 8173: 8114: 8002: 7763: 7686: 7549: 7541: 7476: 7468: 7435: 7312: 7281: 7192: 6806: 6693: 6339: 6052: 5972: 5726: 5628: 5609: 5599: 5574: 5342: 5254: 5193: 4614: 4384: 4192: 4027: 4002:. The elements are taught using methods that are systematic, cumulative, explicit, 3633: 3431: 3389: 3167: 3155: 3149: 3037: 2696: 2588: 2392: 1627:
Reading to children helps them to develop their vocabulary, a love of reading, and
613: 525: 413: 286: 264: 166: 24050: 21524:
Edited by Jessica G. Purdy and Rosamund Oates. Leiden, Netherlands ;: Brill, 2021.
21324: 20780: 19709: 18893: 18146: 17157: 16395: 15593:"Why Main Idea is Not the Main Idea – Or, How Best to Teach Reading Comprehension" 15508: 14715: 14698: 13963: 11799:"How many words do we read per minute? A review and meta-analysis of reading rate" 8852: 8544: 8193: 6436: 3343:. Then it progresses to longer words, and sounds with more than one letter (e.g. h 2746: 1269:
say it is a myth that early readers are bored or become trouble makers in school.
822:"the ability to ... communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials" 24327: 24160: 24120: 24110: 24100: 24035: 24025: 24015: 24010: 23837: 23585: 23368: 23363: 23295: 23285: 22744: 22724: 22709: 22671: 22576: 22516: 22440: 22425: 22420: 22220: 22207: 20708: 19866:"English–Language Arts, Pedagogy Grades Two and Three, California Public Schools" 19776: 19013: 18016: 16923: 16251: 15938: 15671: 13886:"Exploding some of the myths about learning to read, NSW Teachers Federation, AU" 11860: 10700: 10026: 9344: 8921: 8769:"Why Reading Is Not a Natural Process, volume 55, number 6, ASCD, Alexandria, VA" 8250: 8059: 7545: 6029: 5995: 5967:
On April 23, 2022, the Center for Research in Education and Social Policy at the
5844: 5461: 5438: 5394: 4505: 4462: 4055: 3930: 3882: 3799:(memory support) alphabet cards when teaching letters and sounds, but not words. 3617: 2625: 2471:
Several organizations report on research about reading instruction, for example:
2277: 1871:
reported that 34% of grade-four public school students performed at or above the
866: 854: 835: 572: 567: 480: 259: 21760: 21743: 21353:
Multiple Paths to Literacy: Corrective Reading Techniques for Classroom Teachers
21022: 20016:"Delaware Literacy Plan / Delaware Literacy Plan Implementation & Resources" 17907: 16501:"Is This the End of 'Three Cueing, Science of Reading, Education week spotlight" 11966: 11874: 11234: 10847: 10452:"What about the new research that says phonics instruction isn't very important" 9537:"Ohio's Early Learning & Development Standards: Birth to Kindergarten Entry" 8875:"Report: Requiring kindergartners to read – as Common Core does – may harm some" 8518: 8055:"OECD and Pisa tests are damaging education worldwide – academics, The Guardian" 7799: 3503: 2691:
Some non-profit organizations, such as the Center for Development and Learning (
in Cincinnati to say "We still have a long way to go – but I do see some hope".
1604: 24494: 24479: 24195: 24190: 24180: 24175: 24170: 24165: 24115: 24090: 24075: 24065: 24060: 24005: 23624: 23591: 23517: 23432: 23427: 23398: 23378: 23211: 23126: 23045: 22944: 22929: 22801: 22759: 22714: 21792:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
21725: 21373:"Phonological processing in language production: time course of brain activity" 21213:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
21137: 21076: 20002:"Elementary Teacher Literacy Standards, Colorado Department of Education, 2016" 18457:. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2019. pp. 56–58. 17818: 16803:"What Do You Think of the Reading Workshop?, Timothy Shanahan, Reading Rockets" 16787: 16689: 16101: 15814: 15706: 15494: 15490:"What Is Background Knowledge, and How Does It Fit Into the Science of Reading" 15019: 14204: 13065: 13044: 12893: 12858: 12802: 12710:"Reading from paper compared to screens: A systematic review and meta-analysis" 11260:"Phonological processing in relation to reading: An fMRI study in deaf readers" 10750: 10507: 10216: 8006: 7768: 6697: 6131: 6062: 5745: 5730: 5567: 5481: 5433: 5372: 5192:. Some of the pre-modern societies with generally high literacy rates included 4720: 4428: 4369: 4231: 4154: 4106: 4023: 3821: 3808: 3762: 3609: 3557: 3549: 3473: 3284: 3017: 2930: 2836:
uses a planned, sequential introduction of a set of phonic elements along with
2781: 2777: 2765: 2699:), offer training programs for teachers to learn about the science of reading. 2300: 2292: 2235: 2210: 2039: 1412:
Foundational reading skill instruction practices, kindergarten through grade 12
1113: 1030:(PIAAC). Between 2011 and 2018, PIAAC reports the percentage of adults reading 911:
The cognitive benefits of reading continue into mid-life and the senior years.
878: 858: 698: 535: 346: 306: 21667: 21550: 21469: 19969: 19479: 19285: 19087: 19062: 18977: 18236: 17427: 17022: 16444:"An Explanation of Structured Literacy, and a Comparison to Balanced Literacy" 15733: 14580: 13911:"What Is the Science of Reading? Timothy Shanahan, Reading Rockets 2019-05-29" 13889: 13530: 13434: 13391: 13347: 13100:"Bill to mandate 'science of reading' in California classrooms dies, Edsource" 13061:"Why Putting the 'Science of Reading' Into Practice Is So Challenging, Edweek" 12908: 12006: 11989: 11814: 11548: 11531: 11154: 9552:"Small Change In Reading To Preschoolers Can Help Disadvantaged Kids Catch Up" 8364: 7816:"EQAO's 2022–2023 assessment of reading, writing and mathematics, grade three" 6810: 5669:
English Language Arts Standards for Reading: Foundational Skills in Grades 1–5
1174:(oral language sounds) as well as lower reading scores on standardized tests. 1026:
The reading levels of adults, ages 16–65, in 39 countries are reported by the
666:, reading is a multifaceted process involving such areas as word recognition, 24530: 24449: 24145: 24140: 24080: 24040: 24020: 23949: 23894: 23782: 23722: 23522: 23330: 23300: 23248: 22970: 20800: 20507: 19231: 18937: 18114: 17723: 16693: 16421: 15636: 15544: 15466: 15391: 15198: 15074: 15027: 14734: 14699:"Response to Phonics Through Spelling Intervention in Children With Dyslexia" 13585: 12115: 12099:"Is Reading Instruction Evidence-Based?, Frontiers in psychology, 2018-02-01" 11974: 11736: 11557: 11497: 11441: 11207: 11113: 11064: 11006: 10959: 10492: 10261: 10157: 10140: 9800: 9493: 8802: 8645: 8637: 8600: 7646: 7326: 7317: 7300: 6991: 6016: 5406: 5184:, only a small percentage of the population in many countries was considered 5165: 5128: 4731: 4435:, are unyielding in arguing that phonics should be taught little, if at all. 4407: 4183: 3553: 3217: 3040:, have the greatest potential for the largest numbers of struggling readers. 2993: 2680: 2612: 2598: 2339:. All three areas are found to be weaker in readers diagnosed with dyslexia. 2296: 1584: 1006: 690: 562: 376: 21860: 21812: 21599: 20976: 19193: 17805:
Ahissar M (November 2007). "Dyslexia and the anchoring-deficit hypothesis".
15189: 15172: 12725: 11476:
D'Mello AM, Gabrieli JD (2018-10-24). "Cognitive Neuroscience of Dyslexia".
11380: 9450: 8177: 2105:
Strategy use (related to word recognition, comprehension, vocabulary, etc.)
introduced a three-stage model to acquire skilled reading. Stage one is the
1109: 974: 929: 923: 24332: 24155: 24095: 24085: 24030: 23732: 23717: 23634: 23495: 23243: 23228: 23158: 23141: 23000: 21905: 21868: 21831: 21712: 21675: 21617: 21558: 21513: 21406: 21342: 21281: 21191: 21155: 21084: 20994: 20866: 19502: 18683: 18254: 18081: 18024: 17989: 17951: 17915: 17873: 17826: 17788: 17731: 17714: 17649: 17496: 17352: 17350: 17194: 16269: 15956: 15399: 14383:"English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools K–12" 13681: 13603: 13538: 13495: 13442: 13399: 12134: 12015: 11939: 11772:"Average reading speed, Research Digest, The British Psychological Society" 11754: 11666: 11609: 11505: 11459: 11399: 11340: 11283: 11199: 11121: 11072: 11014: 10967: 10950: 10933: 10907: 10865: 10805: 10797: 10758: 10719: 10269: 10234: 10166: 10044: 9103: 8956: 8693: 8526: 8185: 7581: 7563: 7530:"Life-span cognitive activity, neuropathologic burden, and cognitive aging" 7490: 7440: 6705: 6612:
Alberto Manguel, Chapter 2 of A History of Reading (New York; Viking, 1996)
6037: 5368: 4688: 4679:
mapping concept. One specific disability characterized by poor decoding is
4610: 4390: 4246: 3758: 3713: 3216:) in the word. For example, a type of phonogram (known in linguistics as a 2542:(BERA) claims to be the home of educational research in the United Kingdom. 2327: 2284: 2225: 2060: 1790: 1573: 1237: 758: 371: 291: 115: 21915:
The reading mind: a cognitive approach to understanding how the mind reads
21769: 21252: 21233: 20959:
Banai K, Hornickel J, Skoe E, Nicol T, Zecker S, Kraus N (November 2009).
Piper B, Simmons Zuilkowski S, Dubeck M, Jepkemei E, King SJ (June 2018).
20110:"It's all About Meaning,, 2018" 18530:"EQAO's 2022–2023 assessment of reading, writing and mathematics, grade 3" 18395:"NAEP Nation's Report Card – The NAEP Reading Achievement Levels by Grade" 18219:
Keenan JM, Hua AN, Meenan CE, Pennington BF, Willcutt E, Olson RK (2014).
17548: 16783:"Reading Workshop 'Unlikely to Lead to Literacy Success,' Researchers Say" 16651: 15720:
Shmidman A, Ehri L (2010). "Embedded picture mnemonics to learn letters".
14270:"Findings and Determinations of the National Reading Panel by Topic Areas" 13969:. University of Illinois at Chicago, Learning Point Associates. p. 9. 12909:"Youtube, Science of reading: Bridging the classroom gap, Mark Seidenberg" 11901: 7196: 6534:"National reading panel, Teaching child to read, Reports of the subgroups" 5544:(U.S.) that identified five ingredients of effective reading instruction: 5528:
in the U.S. identified five ingredients of effective reading instruction:
of reading. His findings were published in the February 1929 issue of the
4818: 4559:. In non-Latin languages, proficient reading does not necessarily require 3791:
Using embedded pictures, and mnemonic alphabet cards when teaching phonics
where students are expected to memorize common words such as those on the
24370: 24254: 24135: 23742: 23437: 23347: 23258: 23233: 23195: 23180: 23099: 23092: 23082: 21954: 21164: 20404:"K–12 Student Standards for English Language Arts, Louisiana, 2019-03-08" 20364: 18377:"Scale Scores and Achievement Levels – Understanding Results | NAEP" 17743: 15693:
Ehri LC, Deffner ND, Wilce LS (1984). "Pictorial mnemonics for phonics".
15260:"Teaching Sight Words According to Science, OHIO Department of Education" 13333: 10932:
Cohen L, Lehéricy S, Chochon F, Lemer C, Rivaud S, Dehaene S (May 2002).
9290: 9288: 9286: 9284: 7687:
Benjamin W. Cottingham, Heather J. Hough, Jeannie Myung (December 2023).
Powell D, Stainthorp R, Stuart M, Garwood H, Quinlan P (September 2007).
6245: 6210: 5686:
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
5398: 5357: 4856: 4837:
In the United States, the National Assessment of Educational Progress or
also outline some of the essential ingredients of reading comprehension.
4624: 4599: 4420: 4399: 4225: 4015: 3857:
As of 2020, whole language is widely used in the US and Canada (often as
3653: 3629: 3458: 3045: 2644: 2631:
A survey in the United States reported that 70% of teachers believe in a
2323: 1002: 905: 762: 737: 667: 582: 505: 395: 23645: 21961: 21444: 21414:
Hoover Wesley A., Gough Philip B. (1990). "The simple view of reading".
19319: 19088:"The First Step in the Destruction of America's Early Reading Supremacy" 18470:
Dire Straits: Education Reforms, Ideology, Vested Interests and Evidence
17347: 17242:"Teaching phonics builds balanced literacy, District administration, FL" 16641: 15850: 14867:"Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: Final Report, pp. 16, 49" 14662: 14513: 12946:"Dr. Louisa Moats Talks Teachers And Reading Science with Dyslexia Live" 12873: 12749:"Digital Reading Poses Learning Challenges for Students, Education Week" 11681:"Eye Movements and Reading, Louisa Moats, Carol Tolman, Reading rockets" 10982: 10884:"The visual word form area: expertise for reading in the fusiform gyrus" 10682:
Mark A. Eckert, Kenneth I. Vaden Jr., Federico Iuricich (5 April 2022).
9977: 9432: 9414: 7405:"Long term vocabulary benefits from 'reading for pleasure' in childhood" 7186: 5348:
The whole-word method was introduced into the English-speaking world by
5209:) was the more common practice in antiquity, and that reading silently ( 3477: 1801:. This stage in learning to read will often last until early adulthood. 1685: 24375: 24342: 23812: 23767: 23762: 23512: 23216: 23153: 23087: 22985: 21427: 21183: 19814:"Resources for Teachers | The Mississippi Department of Education" 19383:"English–Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools" 19320:"Whole Language Lives On: The Illusion of Balanced Reading Instruction" 19014:"Sight Words Teaching Strategy | Sight Words: Teach Your Child to Read" 18847:
An Ordinary Marriage: The World of a Gentry Family in Provincial Russia
17176: 16318: 16316: 16314: 16147:
Whole Language Lives On: The Illusion of "Balanced" Reading Instruction
15842: 15458: 15361:"Reading Fluency: The Neglected Key to Reading Success, Education Week" 14964: 14725: 14123:"Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | U.S. Department of Education" 13486: 10122:"Overview – The Cognitive Foundations of Learning to Read: A Framework" 9573:"Simple Yet Powerful Things to Do While Reading Aloud, Reading Rockets" 8746: 8118: 7673: 7269: 7163:
Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World
necessary to teach students "every combination of letters and sounds".
5737: 5504: 4707: 4552: 4146:
incorporating numbers, letters, colors, and lexile readability scores.
4019: 3593: 3507: 3025: 3005: 2700: 2594: 2343: 1952: 1794: 1038: 686: 592: 520: 515: 438: 408: 23383: 19414:"The National Strategies 1997–2011, Department for Education, England" 18478: 17766: 17274: 17272: 14972: 13275:"Science for Early Literacy Learning Really Matters, Psychology Today" 11104: 11087: 10981:
Turkeltaub PE, Gareau L, Flowers DL, Zeffiro TA, Eden GF (July 2003).
9907: 9905: 9903: 9901: 9281: 7965: 7285: 5571:
Independent review of the teaching of early reading (Rose Report 2006)
5379:, concluded that the cause of children's reading problems was the new 5073:
The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (
that are recruited to underpin a learner's word-recognition abilities.
Independent review of the teaching of early reading (Rose Report 2006)
Although widely used, whole-word methods are not supported by science.
is a non-profit organization, a separate subsidiary of the non-profit
2402: 1206:
There is some debate as to the optimum age to teach children to read.
the average basic reading score dropped by 3% in 2022. See more about
23797: 23527: 23457: 23278: 23268: 23175: 23168: 23163: 23136: 22954: 22949: 22939: 22004: 21968: 21522:
Communities of Print: Books and Their Readers in Early Modern Europe.
20181: 19796:"Literacy and phonics are, and should be, among America's top issues" 18979:
The Mother's Primer to Teacher Her Child Its Letters, and How to Read
de Certeau M, Certeau Md, Certeau Md (2000) . "Reading as Poaching".
18286: 16515: 16513: 16283: 15829:
Gough PB, Hillinger ML (1980). "Learning to Read: An Unnatural Act".
14836:"Why a Structured Phonics Program is Effective, Standards Institutes" 11931: 11186:
Casanova-Robin H (2002). "L'Actéon ovidien: un voyeur sans regard ".
11056: 8077: 7883: 7704: 7595: 7593: 7591: 7009: 5868: 5860:
requiring elementary teachers to be able to implement comprehensive,
5620: 5552: 5197: 4848:(solid academic performance), and 65% performed at or above the NAEP 4808: 4804: 4583: 4235: 4196: 3999: 3987: 3971: 3742: 3565: 2910: 2902: 2822: 2692: 1882:(partial mastery of the proficient level skills). As reported in the 1724: 1644: 1616:, a not-for-profit that promotes reading in Lao schools and villages. 1550: 777: 21939: 19159:"A New Model for Teaching High-Frequency Words, reading" 18467: 17865: 17590: 16946:"Ending the Reading Wars: Reading Acquisition From Novice to Expert" 16311: 16302:"PISA 2018 Age 15 International scores in reading, math and science" 15048: 14696: 13811:. WHAT WORKS? Research into Practice. September 2010. Archived from 13239: 12219: 12164:"The Most Popular Reading Programs Aren't Backed by Science, EdWeek" 11955:
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
10435: 10418: 10141:"Ending the Reading Wars: Reading Acquisition From Novice to Expert" 9774: 9467: 9034:"When should reading instruction begin? | Shanahan on Literacy" 8541:"Common Core States Standard Initiative, USA, English language arts" 6797:
Houston, Rab (1983). "Literacy and society in the west, 1500–1850".
Students reading in leisure time at Government Primary school Asir,
Beginning in 2000, several reading research reports were published:
in reading and the importance of object-naming circuits in the left
Evidence supports the strong synergy between reading (decoding) and
2888: 2429:
route whereby skilled readers can recognize a word as part of their
The unexpected finding from cognitive science is that practice does
resources can be devoted to considering the meaning of a text, etc.
The percentage of US students who failed to perform at or above the
1177: 24489: 24459: 24365: 24255: 23537: 23449: 23442: 23340: 23313: 23253: 23237: 23121: 22924: 22919: 22909: 22839: 22824: 21944: 17452:
Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training
17269: 16676:"3P versus 3-cueing, Timothy Shanahan, Reading Rockets, 2021-01-11" 16483:"How a flawed idea is teaching millions of kids to be poor readers" 16401:. Sydney, NSW, Australia: School of Education Macquarie University. 15526: 14304:
Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training
13457: 13082:"Why Some Teachers' Unions Oppose 'Science of Reading' Legislation" 12997: 12244: 11917: 10998: 9931:"What Is the Science of Reading, Timothy Shanahan, Reading Rockets" 9898: 9179:"High-quality Preschool Program Produces Long-term Economic Payoff" 8733:
Gough P, Hillinger M (1980). "Learning to read: An unnatural act".
8383:"Third Grade Reading Guarantee | Ohio Department of Education" 7149:
Advancing health literacy: A framework for understanding and action
6347: 5777: 5594: 5315: 5268: 5185: 5177: 4696: 4680: 4676: 4662: 4536: 4239: 4208: 3960: 3796: 3784: 3545: 3533: 3529: 3301: 3013: 2918: 2826: 2664: 2262: 1948: 1832: 1732: 1728: 1648: 1632: 1171: 862: 826: 800: 749: 663: 549: 500: 495: 485: 462: 433: 67: 22770: 21574:
Sahin NT, Pinker S, Cash SS, Schomer D, Halgren E (October 2009).
Duncan LG, McGeown SP, Griffiths YM, Stothard SE, Dobai A (2015).
19617:"2010 English language syllabus, Minister of Education, Singapore" 17971: 17969: 16510: 15529:"How Reading Motivation and Engagement Enable Reading Achievement" 13990:. WHAT WORKS? Research into Practice. October 2011. Archived from 13964:"The National Reading Panel Report: Practical Advice for Teachers" 12874:
California Reading Curriculum Report, California reading coalition
12421: 12267: 10390: 9068: 7884:"Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) – Index" 7588: 5546:
phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension
phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension
The following are some features of the whole language philosophy:
of reading serves as a bridge between decoding and comprehension.
1753: 23854: 23325: 23318: 23104: 22904: 22003: 21005:
Pervasive Computing: 6th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2008
20778: 19964: 18094: 17930:
Temple CM (August 2006). "Developmental and acquired dyslexias".
McNorgan C, Alvarez A, Bhullar A, Gayda J, Booth JR (June 2011).
17422: 16519: 16468:"What Is Structured Literacy, International Dyslexia Association" 16052: 15509:
James Kim, Jackie Relyea, Mary Burkhauser, Ethan Scherer (2000).
Van Rijthoven R, Kleemans T, Segers E, Verhoeven L (2020-01-13).
14527: 14122: 13342:. Sacramento, F.W. Richardson, Superintendent of State printing. 12950: 12913: 12677:"researchED Events for Researchers, Teachers & Policy Makers" 12299: 10529: 9966:
Skills Matter: Additional Results from the Survey of Adult Skills
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
7371: 7270:"Reading for pleasure and progress in vocabulary and mathematics" 6386: 6314: 5907:
The goal is to "increase teacher knowledge and implementation of
5785: 5722: 5485: 5319: 5307: 5239: 4672: 4633: 4548: 4544: 3983: 3750:
language skills account for an additional 13.8% of the variance.
3704: 3699: 3001: 2906: 2814: 2801: 2761: 2685: 2437:
route, in which the reader "sounds out" (decodes) written words.
Although it is not included in most meta-analytical studies, the
2213:(the ability to attribute mental states to ourselves and others) 2138: 2130: 1841: 1652: 1631:, i.e. the ability to hear and manipulate the individual sounds ( 1569: 1543: 1284: 1229: 1182: 997: 982: 765:, the ability to read silently was considered rather remarkable. 702: 675: 648: 530: 510: 475: 366: 321: 21455: 21259: 18002: 17078:"Science of Reading: Can We Get Beyond Our 30-Year Pillar Fight" 17009:
Goodman KJ (1967). "Reading: A psycholinguistic guessing game".
16688: 16533: 16531: 16522:"Is It a Good Idea to Teach the Three Cueing Systems in Reading" 15246:"A New Model for Teaching High-Frequency Words, Reading Rockets" 15052:
Proust and the squid: the story and science of the reading brain
13516: 12541: 11633:"Current perspectives on the cerebellum and reading development" 9778:
Proust and the squid: the story and science of the reading brain
Proust and the squid: the story and science of the reading brain
5879:, as compared to the National Average of 34%. In March 2019 the 5784:
The European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET) 2016 reports that
Phonics was a popular way to learn reading in the 19th century.
3813: 2772:. There are also a variety of other areas and practices such as 1028:
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
23832: 23827: 23547: 22990: 21737: 21413: 20937: 18563:
Andrew J. Coulson. "Delivering Education". In Lazear EP (ed.).
18438:. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2019. 18270:"Can Reading Comprehension Be Taught – Teachers College Record" 17966: 17362:
National Reading Panel, 2000 (NRP) – Publications and Materials
15173:"How do beginners learn to read irregular words as sight words" 13860:. WHAT WORKS? Research into Practice. June 2012. Archived from 12385: 12039:"Enhance Memory with the "Production Effect", Psychology today" 10830:
Dekker TM, Mareschal D, Johnson MH, Sereno MI (December 2014).
7222: 6333: 5691: 5361: 5284: 4692: 4535:(NRP) in 2000, the elements required for proficient reading of 4476:
More recently, some educators have advocated for the theory of
method. Since the 1970s some whole language supporters such as
4243: 3995: 3608:
a part of the phonics method. They are usually associated with
3541: 3424:), then blending those sounds orally to produce a spoken word, 2027:
Decoding (alphabetic principle, spelling-sound correspondence)
1878:(solid academic performance) and 65% performed at or above the 1599: 1306: 1042: 829:(e.g., using arithmetic operations in a product advertisement). 644: 21786:
Tan LH, Spinks JA, Eden GF, Perfetti CA, Siok WT (June 2005).
21162: 21120:
Devlin JT, Jamison HL, Gonnerman LM, Matthews PM (June 2006).
21119: 19466:
Coltheart M, Prior M (2006). "Learning to read in Australia".
18627:. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 165–176. 17236: 17234: 15337:. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning. Archived from 13837:"Word Study Instruction in the K–2 Classroom, Reading Rockets" 12928: 12489:"Resource Database | Florida Center for Reading Research" 12320: 11798: 10980: 10403: 9972:. OECD Skills Studies. OECD Skills Studies. 2019. p. 44. 5981:
For more information on reading educational developments, see
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
5682: 5472:
is intended to replace "the searchlights multi-cueing model".
Difficulty with decoding is marked by having not acquired the
23569: 23552: 23467: 23462: 23263: 22899: 21940:
The International Literacy Association (ILA) official website
21062: 21044:
A social history of the media: from Gutenberg to the Internet
20598: 20491:"The right to read, sHB6620 / File No. 650, Connecticut, USA" 19205: 19203: 18600:. 2nd. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 212 ff. 17975: 17380:"National curriculum in England: English programmes of study" 16902: 16528: 16184:"Unbalanced Comments on Balanced | Shanahan on Literacy" 15757: 15755: 15753: 15751: 15487: 13559: 12676: 11257: 10119: 9194:"Small investment in children's education yields big results" 8671: 7457:"A chapter a day: Association of book reading with longevity" 6676: 6318: 6310: 6075:
of the work or its arguments until they are fully understood.
presented the results of a study of the long-term effects of
5942: 5888: 5631:
was required by law to teach children foundational skills in
5488:. Others say balanced literacy in practice usually means the 5446: 5288: 5104: 5098: 5074: 5068: 4490: 4204: 4200: 3839:
Students read and write every day in a variety of situations.
3708: 3440: 3404: 3170: 3115:
lesson plans, and the time devoted to specific instructions.
2657: 2231: 1887: 1883: 1810: 1767: 1701: 1233: 1136: 1013: 944: 937: 694: 21690: 21372: 20048:"Literacy in Hungary, European literacy policy network 2016" 18046:
Hurley RS, Paller KA, Rogalski EJ, Mesulam MM (April 2012).
Chung KK, Ho CS, Chan DW, Tsang SM, Lee SH (February 2010).
14757:"Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: Final Report" 13377: 12963: 12961: 12181: 11188:
Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé: Lettres d'humanité
10829: 9014:"Overview of the Education System – PIRLS 2016 Encyclopedia" 8504: 7784:"COVID-19 means more students not learning to read, Amplify" 4054:
Consequently, researchers such as cognitive neuroscientists
3596:(i.e. high-frequency or common words), sometimes called the 3073:
provides the technical support to inform program selection.
program details and, if you wish, compare one with another.
and Hollis S. Scarborough has highlighted the importance of
Volunteer reads to a girl at the Casa Hogar de las Niñas in
24307: 23564: 23068: 22995: 21001: 20586:
Reading Recovery – Long-Term Effects and Cost-Effectiveness
PISA 2018 Results (Volume I): What Students Know and Can Do
18045: 17611: 17231: 16903:
Ricketts J, Bishop DV, Pimperton H, Nation K (2011-01-18).
16612:"Independent review of the teaching of early reading, 2006" 16393: 16363:"The three-cueing system in reading: Will it ever go away?" 15311: 14321:"Independent review of the teaching of early reading, 2006" 13510: 13414: 13167: 13079: 12096: 11258:
Aparicio M, Gounot D, Demont E, Metz-Lutz MN (April 2007).
Contemporary Debates in Childhood Education and Development
8149:"How psychological science informs the teaching of reading" 7251:"Reading for pleasure puts children ahead in the classroom" 6082: 5793: 5753: 5376: 5145: 5122: 5116: 5078: 4838: 4832: 4357: 4009: 3929:
According to phonics advocate and cognitive neuroscientist
would be read by pronouncing the sounds for each spelling,
2440: 1872: 1609: 1121: 1045:
Institute for Statistics, they published a report entitled
1020: 962: 948: 941: 933: 713: 155: 21530:"Orthographic facilitation in oral vocabulary acquisition" 21486:"Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America" 19983: 19200: 18953:"History of Reading Education in the U.S. | K12 Academics" 16568:"The three-cueing system in reading: Will it ever go away" 16094:"Early reading instruction survey, EdWeek Research Center" 15748: 15443: 15377: 13732:"NY English Language Arts Learning Standards, p. 22, 2017" 13420: 12559: 12439: 10780:
Turkeltaub PE, Eden GF, Jones KM, Zeffiro TA (July 2002).
10779: 10618: 10355:"Scarborough's Reading Rope: A Groundbreaking Infographic" 10126:
The Cognitive Foundations of Learning to Read: A Framework
9146: 9116: 7454: 5306:
Concerning the English language in the United States, the
is the officially recognized method for teaching reading.
3434: 3392: 2656:
unions, in particular, have protested attempts to ban the
In addition to regions on the cortex, which is considered
Reading-specific background knowledge (genre, text, etc.)
1966:, the creator of the Reading Rope and senior scientist at 1232:
start school at age seven (Finland ranked 5th in the 2016
21838: 20279:"4 priorités pour renforcer la maîtrise des fondamentaux" 20253:"4 priorités pour renforcer la maîtrise des fondamentaux" 18598:
The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture
18218: 18097:
The connections between language and reading disabilities
17889: 17887: 17850:"Cognitive profiles of Chinese adolescents with dyslexia" 17358:"National Reading Panel (NRP) – Reports of the Subgroups" 16763: 16236:"The Science of Reading and Its Educational Implications" 15923:"The Science of Reading and Its Educational Implications" 15875:
Understanding Whole Language: From Principles to Practice
13802:"Word Study Instruction: Enhancing Reading Comprehension" 13615: 13613: 12958: 10931: 10011:"The Science of Reading and Its Educational Implications" 7907:"PIRLS 2016 Exhibit 3.1: Achievement in Reading Purposes" 7800:
American Federation of Teachers, Reading rockets (2004).
7506:"Being a Lifelong Bookworm May Keep You Sharp in Old Age" 6549: 5337:
Phonics was a popular way to learn reading in the 1800s.
2410: 1589:
UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies
23037: 20941:
Constructing meaning: balancing elementary language arts
20033: 18622: 18511: 17894:
Cherney LR (2004). "Aphasia, alexia, and oral reading".
15147:. Oxford, NY: The Oxford Village Press. pp. 70–72. 11952: 11766: 11764: 11353: 10657:"How Left Brain Asymmetry Is Related to Reading Ability" 10182:"Early Reading Intervention | Shanahan on Literacy" 8793:
Lyon GR (1998). "Why Reading Is Not a Natural Process".
8286:"Put Reading First, The National Institute for Literacy" 6830:. European Literacy Policy Network. 2016. Archived from 6784:"LITERACY | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary" 3707:
is the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and
National Association for the Education of Young Children
21039: 20958: 20555:"Executive summary, Right to Read inquiry report, OHRC" 20166:"Sound Sense, Ministry of Education, New Zealand, 2018" 19777:"Mississippi SB2157 | 2016 | Regular Session" 19272:
Goodman KS (1967). "A psycholinguistic guessing game".
19039:"Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet American Sign Language (ASL)" 18363:"Nation's Report Card, grade 4 reading scores by state" 18346:"covid-19 in the early elementary years, nwea research" 17671:
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
16088: 16086: 16084: 16082: 16080: 15001: 14999: 13371: 12832:"Will the Science of Reading Catch On in Teacher Prep?" 11990:"I said, you said: the production effect gets personal" 8907: 7833:"Executive summary, Right to Read inquiry report, OHRC" 7802:"Waiting Rarely Works: Late Bloomers Usually Just Wilt" 7147:
Zarcadoolas, C., Pleasant, A., & Greer, D. (2006).
synthetic phonics programs may be more beneficial than
Reading achievement: national and international reports
in reading. It also supports orthographic development,
and Japanese are normally written (fully or partly) in
4079: 3143: 2810:
A Course of Study in Phonics, San Francisco, U.S., 1912
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
2349: 1977:
and reinforce one another. The lower strands represent
life depends on what they read and how much they read.
which helps them to discover new meanings in the text.
1245:, Director, Brown Center on Education Policy, (part of 1166:
says, "You shall know a word by the company it keeps".
They suggest five pillars to reduce learning poverty:
Reading achievement: national and international reports
21573: 18840:
Reading Russia: A History of Reading in Modern Russia.
Reading Russia: A History of Reading in Modern Russia.
17884: 16411: 16201:
The Death and Life of the Great American School System
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
14812: 13925:"National Reading Panel, NICHD, p. 2–97 and 2–1 – 4–1" 13610: 13362:"National reading panel, p. 2-89, (USA)" 13296: 12578:"Using Evidence in the Classroom: What Works and Why?" 12506: 12249:
Evidence for ESSA – Find Evidence-Based PK-12 Programs
12149:"Evidence based practices in schools, Reading Rockets" 10881: 10317: 10315: 9296:"National Reading Panel (NRP) – Summary Report (2000)" 8365:"Many teenagers can't read GCSE exam papers, BBC News" 7705:
Betty Marquez Rosales, Daniel J. Willis (2023-06-06).
focuses on ensuring children are literate in both the
The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (
with stations in capital cities and some other areas.
4526: 4438:
Yet, other researchers say instruction in phonics and
have been debated. It is sometimes referred to as the
2933:. And, phonics is often featured in discussions about 2372:
a single passage of text. When reading, the eye has a
and Kelly B. Cartwright, offers an alternative to the
The active view of reading (AVR) model (May 7, 2021),
The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (
682:, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. 21912: 21785: 21742:, Shaywitz BA, Fletcher JM, Makuch R (January 1992). 21122:"The role of the posterior fusiform gyrus in reading" 19432:"Independent review of the teaching of early reading" 18616: 17762: 17760: 16877: 15878:. Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., Portsmouth, NH. 15272: 15166: 15164: 14563: 13221: 13111: 13109: 12262: 12260: 12258: 12239: 12237: 12097:
Suárez N, Sánchez CR, Jiménez JE, Anguera MT (2018).
11761: 11307:"A combined fMRI study of typed spelling and reading" 11304: 10599: 10378:"Why Your Students May Not Be Learning to Comprehend" 8026: 8024: 7387:"Imagination And Why Reading Makes You More Creative" 5808:(including fluency and comprehension) in grades 1–5. 5442: 5310:
principle of teaching reading was first presented by
4784: 4047:
isual information such as the letters in the words).
The NRP describes reading comprehension as a complex
decoding, crosschecking, mental marking and rereading
3446: 3416: 3271: 2981: 2453: 1672: 1267:
The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential
224: 21527: 21442: 20682:. Pollatsek, Alexander. London: Routledge. pp.  20220:
Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse
Research and the Reading Wars, When Research Matters
Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print
19209: 19171: 18915:
Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print
18911: 18305:"Report of the national early literacy panel, NICHD" 18129:"National reading panel, p. 3-3, (US)" 17123: 17121: 16979: 16977: 16764:"Home | Learn – Children's Literacy Initiative" 16579: 16577: 16077: 14996: 14291: 14289: 14287: 14184: 13562:"Phonics training for English-speaking poor readers" 11946: 11471: 11469: 10505: 9461: 8414:"National curriculum in England: primary curriculum" 6329: 5911:
to positively impact student literacy achievement".
The Programme for International Student Assessment (
and the related kanji 眠 shares the same On-reading,
3933:, balanced literacy allows educators to diffuse the 3443: 3437: 3410: 3398: 2335:, the left inferior longitudinal faciculus, and the 1804: 1743:, the faster they will become a more fluent reader. 1684:
readers now learn the variations of the vowel-based
1678: 1019:
The Programme for International Student Assessment (
is the process of taking in the sense or meaning of
21299:"The human lexinome: genes of language and reading" 20838: 19668:"Update on National Institute for Literacy Closing" 19175:
Why Johnny can't read: and what you can do about it
18703: 18701: 17695: 17516: 17514: 16233: 16178: 16176: 16047: 16045: 12315: 12313: 11475: 10877: 10875: 10312: 10138: 8898:, ed. Sebastian Suggate, Elaine Reese. pp. 181–190. 8612: 8610: 8269:"Center for public education, March 2015," 7988: 7986: 7674:"Test Results for California's Assessments website" 7575: 7573: 7421: 7061:
Multiple Literacies Theory: A Deleuzian Perspective
4780: 4249:into Latin alphabet characters is used in Chinese. 3588: 3476:in the U.S. and some support from expert panels in 2618: 2566:
Using Evidence in the Classroom: What Works and Why
2068: 2022:Phonological awareness (syllables, phonemes, etc.) 1668: 1201: 21494:Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 21098: 21041: 20644: 19731: 19063:"PBS Online: Only A Teacher: Schoolhouse Pioneers" 19002:. Hartford, Connecticut: H. & F.J. Huntington. 17757: 17439: 17437: 15810:"How Do Kids Learn to Read? What the Science Says" 15488:Sarah Schwartz, Educationweek (January 30, 2023). 15161: 14510:"Understanding Terminology of Grammar and Phonics" 14030: 13290:"What if there is no reading research on an issue" 13168:Government of New Brunswick C (October 30, 2014). 13117:"A New Chapter for Arkansas Students, 2018 Report" 13106: 12255: 12234: 11913: 11911: 11088:"Perisylvian language networks of the human brain" 11085: 10572: 10247: 9762:"Comprehension Instruction: What Works, LD Online" 8340:"NAEP Reading: National Achievement-Level Results" 8049: 8047: 8021: 7579: 6942:"Why literacy, International literacy association" 6647: 6645: 6041:is a kind of reading for the purpose of detecting 5590:instruction, phonics, and sample phonics lessons. 5299:The history of learning to read dates back to the 2850:According to a 2018 review of research related to 2152:Bridging processes (the overlapping of WR and LC) 2012:Literacy knowledge (print concepts, genres, etc.) 1723:As readers move forward, they learn the makeup of 1638: 1534:The path to skilled reading involves learning the 21883: 20599:Emily Hanford, Christopher Peak (23 April 2022). 20380: 20378: 19365:"California Leads Revival Of Teaching by Phonics" 18985:. Hartford, Connecticut: Daniel Burgess & Co. 18267: 18166: 17155: 17118: 17090: 16974: 16574: 16565: 15871: 15761: 14284: 14175:"National Reading Panel, NICHD, p. 2-92 ... 2–96" 14033:Speech to print: language essentials for teachers 13957: 13955: 13716:: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2024 ( 13302: 12826: 12824: 12822: 12820: 11478:Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 11466: 11305:Purcell JJ, Napoliello EM, Eden GF (March 2011). 11038: 10624: 10057: 9854: 9311: 9253: 9234: 9081: 7720: 7718: 7716: 7497: 7122: 5941:The Ontario curriculum encourages the use of the 5612:programs; however, it is most important to teach 5144:The Education Quality and Accountability Office, 4496:In addition, some phonics supporters assert that 4207:, respectively), which represent a whole word or 3778: 3300:manner including appropriate feedback. Sometimes 3096:and in a structured, systematic manner. They are 2988:, technology-supported adaptive instruction (see 2889:Combining phonics with other literacy instruction 2605: 1178:Reading to children: necessary but not sufficient 24528: 21643: 21624: 21528:Ricketts J, Bishop DV, Nation K (October 2009). 20651:. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational. pp.  20617: 20474:"HB 3 Reading Academies, Texas Education Agency" 19634:"Statute 2007 No. 46, Northern Ireland, pp. 4–6" 18698: 18319: 18317: 18195:The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method 17847: 17511: 17412: 17410: 16983: 16520:Timothy Shanahan, Reading Rockets (2019-04-01). 16327:. New York: Basic Books. pp. 267, 300–304. 16322: 16173: 16042: 15692: 15590: 15358: 15219: 13961: 13619: 13287: 12310: 12282:"Widespread Support for New 'Evidence for ESSA'" 12036: 11525: 11523: 10872: 10547: 10519: 10517: 10449: 10375: 10337:"Hollis Scarborough | Haskins Laboratories" 9027: 9025: 9023: 8815: 8607: 8578: 7983: 7923: 7921: 7919: 7570: 7345:"14 reasons why reading is good for your health" 7223:Daniels, Peter T., William Bright, eds. (1996). 7083: 6632:"How to Read Medieval Handwriting (Paleography)" 6474:The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English 4363: 4187:Hieroglyph, one of the earliest forms of writing 3954:Structured literacy has many of the elements of 975:the breakdown by ethnicity in 2019 and 2022 here 748:Woman reading on a train ride to pass the time, 21491: 20839:Legge GE, Mansfield JS, Chung ST (March 2001). 20706: 20234:"Conseil scientifique de l'éducation nationale" 19085: 18907: 18905: 18823:Damiano Rebecchini and Raffaella Vassena, eds. 18468:Montserrat Gomendio, José Ignacio Wert (2023). 17561: 17434: 17395: 17393: 17253: 17251: 17214: 17212: 17127: 17035: 16644:Addressing Difficulties in Literacy Development 16537: 16019: 15328: 15326: 15049:Wolf, Maryanne, Stoodley, Catherine J. (2007). 14813:Johnston R, Joyce E Watson (11 February 2005). 14264: 14262: 13463: 12987:"Teaching, Reading & Learning: The Podcast" 12746: 11987: 11908: 11887: 11693: 11360:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 11086:Catani M, Jones DK, ffytche DH (January 2005). 11034: 11032: 10882:McCandliss BD, Cohen L, Dehaene S (July 2003). 10825: 10823: 10481:Reading & Writing Quarterly, 13(2), 107–121 9879: 9775:Wolf, Maryanne, Stoodley, Catherine J. (2007). 9641: 9468:Wolf, Maryanne, Stoodley, Catherine J. (2007). 8444: 8394: 8392: 8142: 8140: 8138: 8136: 8134: 8132: 8130: 8128: 8044: 7739: 7636:"Nation's Report Card, reading scores, grade 4" 7367:"15 incredible benefits from reading every day" 7189:Addressing Difficulties in Literacy Development 6825:"European Declaration of the Right to Literacy" 6721: 6719: 6717: 6715: 6651: 6642: 5176:during the 4th millennium BC. Although reading 4765:holds that reading comprehension requires both 4574:in England makes it clear that, in their view, 4343:, which is made up of two kanji characters: 漢 ( 3970:, structured literacy contains the elements of 3795:Research supports the use of embedded, picture 2054: 1939:oral language (listening) comprehension ability 1754:Fluent, comprehending reader: 9 to 15 years old 1063:Teachers at all levels are effective and valued 917: 21776: 21370: 20375: 19465: 18592: 18590: 17576: 17259:"3 Ways to Make Better Use of Reading Science" 15916: 15914: 15828: 15807: 15565: 15527:Ana Taboada Barber, Susan Lutz Klauda (2020). 15170: 14782:"Teaching Reading: Report and Recommendations" 14352:"Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum" 14315: 14313: 13952: 13258:"Science of reading eBook, The reading league" 13058: 13037: 12886: 12851: 12817: 12765: 11721:"What Eye Movements Reveal about Deaf Readers" 11718: 11411: 11409: 11185: 10983:"Development of neural mechanisms for reading" 10927: 10925: 10416: 10139:Castles A, Rastle K, Nation K (11 June 2018). 9075: 8732: 8667: 8665: 8663: 8572: 8432:"PIRLS reading results by country, NCES, 2016" 7724: 7713: 6992:"National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL)" 5887:And again in 2019, 30% of grade 4 students in 5798:Reading Standards for Foundational Skills K–12 5294: 4325: 4318: 4309: 4302: 4284: 4277: 4266: 4259: 2487: 2383:Research published in 2019 concluded that the 2002:Language structures (syntax, semantics, etc.) 1831:Writing is only about 5,500 years old, unlike 816:"the ability to read, write, speak and listen" 24240: 23661: 23053: 22786: 21989: 21484:National Endowment for the Arts (June 2004). 20889:"In-depth reading – OWLL – Massey University" 20421:"Louisiana's Early Literacy Commission, 2020" 19141:"Literacy Strategy: How to Teach Sight Words" 18999:The child's picture defining and reading book 18613:. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, p. 5. 18562: 18410: 18408: 18314: 18169:Reading rate: a review of research and theory 17800: 17798: 17407: 17292: 17075: 16606: 16604: 16480: 15453:. American Psychological Association: 73–98. 15145:The Underground History of American Education 14028: 12268:"Center for Research and Reform in Education" 12084:"Reading and the Brain, LD at school, Canada" 11520: 10732: 10514: 10466:"Theory of mind, Ruhl, C., Simply Psychology" 10199:Catts HW, Hogan TP, Fey ME (18 August 2016). 10198: 9959: 9957: 9813: 9733: 9666: 9614: 9386: 9369: 9272: 9084:American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 9020: 8072: 8070: 7960: 7958: 7940: 7938: 7916: 7901: 7899: 7897: 7360: 7358: 7338: 7336: 7298: 7267: 7058: 5800:laying out a systematic approach to teaching 5759:In 2016 the What Works Clearinghouse and the 5714:passed the Literacy-Based Promotion Act. The 5619:Until 2006, the English language syllabus of 3861:); however, in some US States and many other 3491:Resources for teaching phonics are available 3283:, is the type of phonics instruction used in 2840:teaching and practice of those elements. The 2205:Language structure (syntax, semantics, etc.) 2200:Verbal reasoning (inference, metaphor, etc.) 2007:Verbal reasoning (inference, metaphor, etc.) 1997:Vocabulary (breadth, precision, links, etc.) 1992:Background knowledge (facts, concepts, etc.) 1958: 1620:The emerging pre-reader stage, also known as 621: 114:. Please discuss this issue on the article's 24313:Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder 21884:Valdois S, Habib M, Cohen L (May 2008). "". 21538:Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 21206: 20818:(6th ed.). 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As British linguist 332:Structured word inquiry 24562:Educational psychology 24465:Management of dyslexia 22682:Dialects and varieties 22253:Received Pronunciation 22098:American Sign Language 18827:Vol. 2 (Milan, 2020). 17715:10.55782/ane-2008-1674 16745:. 2006. Archived from 14029:Moats, Louisa (2000). 13334:Johnstone, Corinne H, 12584:. 2014. Archived from 12358:. 2022. Archived from 11200:10.3406/bude.2002.2476 11045:Psychological Bulletin 10798:10.1006/nimg.2002.1131 9814:Maryanne Wolf (2008). 9734:Maryanne Wolf (2008). 9667:Maryanne Wolf (2008). 9615:Maryanne Wolf (2008). 9387:Maryanne Wolf (2008). 9370:Chall, Jeanne (1983). 9149:"Earlier Starting Age" 8795:Educational Leadership 8771:. 1998. Archived from 8480:. Routledge. pp.  7441:10.14301/llcs.v6i2.310 7311:(2): 215824401878094. 7059:David R. Cole (2009). 6969:. 2021. Archived from 6455:"Definition of 'read'" 6412:Simple view of reading 6134:. Oil paint on canvas. 5969:University of Delaware 5962:systematic instruction 5802:phonological awareness 5687: 5633:phonological awareness 5542:National Reading Panel 5533: 5526:National Reading Panel 5421: 5397:developed his list of 5352:, the director of the 5332:The New England Primer 5248:argued that while the 5221:) was unusual. In his 5217: 5211: 5205: 5169: 5132: 4777:and connecting ideas. 4763:simple view of reading 4716: 4642:vocabulary development 4533:National Reading Panel 4444:National Reading Panel 4395: 4394:McGuffey's Primer 1836 4188: 4130:reading workshop model 4069:simple view of reading 3959:especially those with 3818: 3562:National Reading Panel 3538:Phonological awareness 3511: 3138:Government of Victoria 3105:National Reading Panel 3086: 2990:Educational technology 2946:National Reading Panel 2895:phonological awareness 2842:National Reading Panel 2811: 2752: 2407: 2303:, include the brain's 2116:Phonological awareness 2110:Word recognition (WR) 2065:simple view of reading 1975:language comprehension 1927: 1918:Simple view of reading 1912:Simple view of reading 1837: 1799:experiential knowledge 1665:Simple view of reading 1617: 1583:Subsequently, in 2008 1224:Some scholars favor a 1187: 1086: 961:According to the 2019 897: 770:phonological awareness 753: 741: 724: 716: 651:language, by means of 255:Phonological awareness 210:Simple view of reading 180:Vocabulary development 70:. For other uses, see 24338:Speech sound disorder 23955:Mediated cross-border 23677:Communication studies 23560:Intellectual property 23186:Volume (bibliography) 21234:10.1073/pnas.95.3.914 20977:10.1093/cercor/bhp024 20944:. Toronto: Harcourt. 20752:Patricia Meyer Spacks 20386:"NAEP State Profiles" 19651:"Count Read: Succeed" 18996:Gallaudet TH (1830). 18976:Gallaudet TH (1835). 18225:L'Année Psychologique 17978:Acta Clinica Croatica 17477:Psychological Science 16839:. Routledge. p.  16752:on February 28, 2013. 16722:"National curriculum" 16652:10.4324/9781315015712 16597:on February 28, 2013. 16122:. Routledge. p. 15921:Seidenberg M (2013). 15793:Smith, Frank (2004). 15419:. Routledge. p.  13336:Burk, Frederic Lister 12929:"Louisa Moats, Ed.D." 12304:US Dept. of Education 10404:"Kelly B. Cartwright" 10095:. Routledge. p. 9069:"Myths about reading" 7197:10.4324/9781315015712 6397:Reading comprehension 6193:Jean-Honoré Fragonard 5858:Minnesota Legislature 5685: 5523: 5419: 5411:Why Johnny Can't Read 5190:Industrial Revolution 5163: 5131: 5087:at-or-below level one 4797:radio reading service 4795:In some countries, a 4791:Radio reading service 4759:reading comprehension 4753:Reading comprehension 4747:Reading comprehension 4710: 4687:which occurs after a 4638:reading comprehension 4613:representations from 4413:Why Johnny Can't Read 4393: 4238:script. For example, 4186: 4179:Logographic languages 4137:Shared (oral) reading 3816: 3737:Reading comprehension 3731:Reading comprehension 3668:hierarchical decoding 3506: 3374:the letters and then 3084: 3022:reading comprehension 3010:multisensory learning 2927:multisensory learning 2915:reading comprehension 2883:world-wide acceptance 2809: 2749: 2448:the production effect 2405: 2305:visual word form area 2167:Vocabulary knowledge 2080:sociocultural context 2049:Reading comprehension 1925: 1850:research and evidence 1830: 1607: 1549:British psychologist 1247:Brookings Institution 1185: 1084: 1032:at-or-below level one 895: 827:quantitative literacy 747: 735: 722: 711: 578:Functional illiteracy 24516:People with dyslexia 23890:Communication theory 23885:Communication design 21892:(Suppl 3): S77–S82. 21102:Reading in the brain 20814:Robinson FP (1978). 19883:"EngageNY Resources" 19690:. 2008. p. 118. 17094:Reading in the brain 15765:Reading in the brain 15301:. 19 September 2019. 13306:Reading in the brain 12607:"Research at Ofsted" 12270:. 13 September 2023. 11863:Psychological Review 11836:Hunziker HW (2006). 10951:10.1093/brain/awf094 10628:Reading in the brain 10576:Reading in the brain 10290:. 14 September 2023. 10061:Reading in the brain 9857:Reading in the brain 9817:Proust and the Squid 9737:Proust and the Squid 9670:Proust and the Squid 9618:Proust and the Squid 9393:. Harper Perennial. 9390:Proust and the Squid 9315:Reading in the brain 8507:Psychological Review 8472:Moje, Elizabeth Birr 8344:Nation's Report Card 6608:"The Silent Readers" 6506:Cambridge Dictionary 6417:Women reading in art 6377:Educational software 6181:A Young Girl Reading 6043:typographical errors 5897:Nation's Report Card 5891:were reading at the 5877:Nation's Report Card 5871:were reading at the 5712:State of Mississippi 5696:Leading for Literacy 5395:Edward William Dolch 5301:invention of writing 5250:Age of Enlightenment 5174:invention of writing 4649:Reading difficulties 4450:(2005) and the U.K. 3980:alphabetic principle 3875:Reading in the brain 3626:alphabetic principle 3568:(letters). See also 3287:programs. It is not 2986:cooperative learning 2923:cooperative learning 2819:alphabetic principle 2756:Alphabetic languages 2124:Alphabetic principle 1968:Haskins Laboratories 1869:Nation's Report Card 1727:(i.e. stems, roots, 1657:alphabetic principle 1593:Proust and the Squid 1536:alphabetic principle 1433:Activities / Grades 1243:Grover J. Whitehurst 1110:Nation's Report Card 963:Nation's Report card 795:Reading vs. literacy 789:socioeconomic status 471:Alphabetic principle 404:Automatic assessment 24552:Applied linguistics 24511:Dyslexia in fiction 24485:Reading acquisition 24358:Learning disability 22607:Proto-Indo-European 22263:White South African 21853:2008NYASA1145...13T 21804:2005PNAS..102.8781T 21592:2009Sci...326..445S 21458:Reading and Writing 21416:Reading and Writing 21225:1998PNAS...95..914F 20557:. January 27, 2022. 20542:. November 9, 2012. 20528:. January 27, 2022. 19147:. 16 December 2019. 17445:"Executive Summary" 16822:. Nelson education. 15901:The Reading Teacher 14872:. DCSF Publications 14762:. DCSF Publications 14573:Reading and Writing 14105:"Results: Literacy" 13784:"Concepts of print" 13666:2002SciAm.286c..84R 13654:Scientific American 12791:Reading and Writing 12344:. 8 September 2021. 12055:. December 1, 2017. 11372:2007PNAS..104.4234H 11221:Wernicke C (1974). 11092:Annals of Neurology 10987:Nature Neuroscience 9978:10.1787/1f029d8f-en 9844:. January 13, 2015. 9153:Early Years Toolkit 9123:Early Years Toolkit 8879:The Washington Post 8040:. December 3, 2019. 8037:The Washington Post 7835:. 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Michael Pressley 1764:figurative language 1421:basic reading level 1418:Nations Report Card 1377:Written expression 1325:Tolman & Moats 1261:(DPA), in 2019 the 1154:is often seen with 967:Basic reading level 930:reading achievement 851:ecological literacy 491:History of printing 327:Reciprocal teaching 312:Independent reading 279:Reading instruction 238:Cognitive processes 185:Vocabulary learning 29:Page version status 23920:Discourse analysis 23845:Telecommunications 23788:Meta-communication 23597:World Book Capital 22976:Canadian syllabics 22845:Scripts in Unicode 22830:History of writing 21945:The reading league 21886:Revue Neurologique 21428:10.1007/BF00401799 21356:. Merrill Pub Co. 21184:10.1111/bjop.12134 20913:"In-Depth Reading" 20782:How to read a book 20739:The Writing Center 19369:The New York Times 19020:. 12 November 2013 18583:on 17 August 2011. 18574:Hoover Institution 18547:"EQAO, highlights" 18331:The New York Times 17177:10.1037/xge0000301 16728:. 2 December 2014. 16678:. 11 January 2021. 15843:10.1007/BF02653717 15459:10.1037/edu0000751 15008:Reading Psychology 14965:10.1598/RRQ.36.3.2 14641:"What is phonics?" 14395:on October 9, 2022 14297:"Teaching Reading" 13851:"Morphology Works" 13244:The Reading League 12991:The Reading League 12325:ProvenTutoring.Org 12151:. 12 January 2013. 11778:on 5 February 2021 11143:Rutten GJ (2017). 10836:Brain and Language 9715:on 15 January 2021 9192:NIH (2015-03-11). 9177:NIH (2011-02-04). 8747:10.1007/BF02653717 7931:. 5 December 2017. 7393:. August 30, 2018. 6916:. 2021. p. 1. 6576:"What Is Braille?" 6402:Reading disability 6354:Linguistics portal 6147:Young Girl Reading 6068:How to Read a Book 6059:Analytical reading 5921:science of reading 5750:phonemic awareness 5688: 5605:Education Scotland 5587:systematic phonics 5561:systematic phonics 5534: 5432:In the 1970s, the 5422: 5170: 5133: 4941:Two or more races 4717: 4576:systematic phonics 4561:phonemic awareness 4557:text comprehension 4541:phonemic awareness 4440:phonemic awareness 4421:Kenneth J. Goodman 4396: 4216:of the kanji 民 is 4191:Languages such as 4189: 4067:. In England, the 4065:science of reading 3976:phonemic awareness 3956:systematic phonics 3944:systematic phonics 3819: 3747:science of reading 3674:– k), height (h – 3526:Phonemic awareness 3521:Phonemic awareness 3515:Phonemic awareness 3512: 3289:systematic phonics 3281:incidental phonics 3090:Systematic phonics 3087: 3077:Systematic phonics 2998:phonemic awareness 2935:science of reading 2899:phonemic awareness 2812: 2774:phonemic awareness 2753: 2653:science of reading 2408: 2406:Eye fixation point 2044:executive function 1964:Hollis Scarborough 1928: 1846:phonemic awareness 1838: 1817:Science of reading 1797:, background, and 1629:phonemic awareness 1618: 1563:orthographic stage 1559:phonological stage 1540:phonemic awareness 1188: 1142:surpasses speech. 1127:remedial education 1087: 898: 888:Cognitive benefits 754: 742: 725: 717: 680:phonemic awareness 662:For educators and 588:Literary criticism 444:Reading disability 250:Phonemic awareness 215:Science of reading 64:Reading, Berkshire 35: 18:Reading (activity) 24557:Psycholinguistics 24537:Reading (process) 24524: 24523: 24445:Dyslexia research 24433: 24432: 24348:Tip of the tongue 24303:Language disorder 24222: 24221: 23643: 23642: 23475:Coffee table book 23306:Bookworm (insect) 23035: 23034: 23027:In Southeast Asia 22768: 22767: 22268:Standard Canadian 22009:world's languages 21924:978-1-119-30137-0 21798:(24): 8781–8785. 21636:978-0-465-08065-6 21586:(5951): 445–449. 21545:(10): 1948–1966. 21383:(16): 2031–2033. 21363:978-0-13-785080-8 21112:978-0-14-311805-3 21105:. Penguin Books. 21055:978-0-7456-2375-7 21032:978-3-540-79575-9 20971:(11): 2699–2707. 20951:978-0-7747-3660-2 20825:978-0-06-045521-7 20768:978-0-674-06222-1 20720:978-0-465-08065-6 20693:978-0-8058-1872-7 20676:Rayner K (1995). 20662:978-0-7641-0401-5 20643:Moidel S (1998). 20629:978-1-5416-1715-5 20574:. March 11, 2022. 20188:World Development 19353:978-1-5416-1715-5 18864:"British Library" 18796:"British Library" 18767:"British Library" 18738:"British Library" 18709:"British Library" 18649:"British Library" 18634:978-0-520-04750-1 18489:978-1-80064-930-9 18479:10.11647/OBP.0332 18451:PISA 2018 results 18205:978-0-9934964-0-0 18192:Bremer R (2016). 18178:978-0-12-162420-0 18106:978-0-8058-5001-7 17626:(26): 9641–9648. 17139:978-0-465-08065-6 17108:978-0-14-311805-3 17047:978-1-5416-1715-5 16889:978-1-119-30137-0 16850:978-0-8058-5342-1 16694:Fountas, Irene C. 16661:978-1-315-01571-2 16549:978-0-465-08065-6 16334:978-1-5416-1715-5 16209:978-0-465-09799-9 16155:978-1-4379-0236-5 16133:978-0-8058-5342-1 16053:"Reading Matters" 16031:978-0-465-08065-6 15779:978-0-14-311805-3 15577:978-0-7352-1356-2 15568:The knowledge gap 15430:978-0-8058-5342-1 15386:(Pt 2): 353–370. 15284:978-1-119-30137-0 15231:978-1-5416-1715-5 15095:. 30 August 2019. 15066:978-0-06-018639-5 14794:on 12 August 2011 14058:Louisa C. Moats. 14044:978-1-55766-387-0 13839:. 5 January 2011. 13631:978-1-5416-1715-5 13320:978-0-14-311805-3 13210:. March 11, 2022. 13102:. April 12, 2024. 11847:978-3-7266-0068-6 11705:978-0-465-08065-6 11366:(10): 4234–4239. 11244:978-3-642-65950-8 11164:978-3-319-54632-2 11105:10.1002/ana.20319 10661:Neuroscience News 10642:978-0-14-311805-3 10611:978-1-119-30137-0 10586:978-0-14-311805-3 10579:. Penguin Books. 10559:978-0-465-08065-6 10392:pp. 101–116. 10106:978-0-8058-5342-1 10075:978-0-14-311805-3 9987:978-92-64-60466-7 9891:978-0-465-08065-6 9866:978-0-670-02110-9 9827:978-0-06-093384-5 9792:978-0-06-018639-5 9747:978-0-06-093384-5 9680:978-0-06-093384-5 9653:978-0-465-08065-6 9628:978-0-06-093384-5 9485:978-0-06-018639-5 9400:978-0-06-093384-5 9356:978-0-07-010380-1 9343:Chall JS (1983). 9329:978-0-14-311805-3 8955:Elkind D (2001). 8827:978-1-5416-1715-5 8674:Child Development 8491:978-0-8058-5342-1 8456:978-0-465-08065-6 7600:Louisa C. Moats. 7286:10.1002/berj.3180 7236:978-0-19-507993-7 7206:978-1-315-01571-2 7173:978-0-7914-0874-2 7134:978-0-415-25356-7 7095:978-1-5416-1715-5 7070:978-90-8790-909-3 6899:978-92-64-79900-4 6663:978-0-465-08065-6 6561:978-90-272-0270-3 6392:Primary education 6368:Psychology portal 6242:Persian miniature 6061:, popularized by 6033:words per minute. 6026:Stanislas Dehaene 5947:balanced literacy 5895:according to the 5893:proficiency level 5875:according to the 5873:proficiency level 5841:Stanislas Dehaene 5837:Balanced literacy 5700:synthetic phonics 5600:synthetic phonics 5498:balanced literacy 5477:Balanced literacy 5470:synthetic phonics 5456:In the 1980s the 5451:balanced literacy 5246:Michel de Certeau 5052: 5051: 4873:Race / Ethnicity 4864:COVID-19 pandemic 4757:Individuals with 4685:acquired dyslexia 4580:synthetic phonics 4498:balanced literacy 4487:balanced literacy 4478:balanced literacy 4459:Stanislas Dehaene 4337: 4336: 4333: 4332: 4292: 4291: 4120:synthetic phonics 4073:synthetic phonics 3966:According to the 3926:by another name. 3913:balanced literacy 3904:Balanced literacy 3899:Balanced literacy 3893:Balanced literacy 3879:Stanislas Dehaene 3859:balanced literacy 3767:The Knowledge Gap 3682:), and make (m – 3678:– t), touch (t – 3614:balanced literacy 3602:whole-word method 3574:synthetic phonics 3570:Speech perception 3463:synthetic phonics 3367:Synthetic phonics 3361:Synthetic phonics 3355:Synthetic phonics 3222:cat, mat and sat, 3128:Synthetic phonics 3111:meaningful text. 3060:Evidence for ESSA 3030:balanced literacy 2770:balanced literacy 2633:balanced literacy 2494:Evidence for ESSA 2362:visual perception 2333:arcuate faciculus 2258:Stanislas Dehaene 2217: 2216: 2040:Laurie E. Cutting 2036: 2035: 1622:reading readiness 1614:Big Brother Mouse 1517: 1516: 1409: 1408: 1164:John Rupert Firth 1037:According to the 990:COVID-19 pandemic 971:COVID-19 pandemic 847:computer literacy 752:, U.S., June 1974 638: 637: 558:Critical literacy 342:Synthetic phonics 317:Literature circle 205:Dual route theory 175:Reading readiness 133: 132: 47:21 September 2024 26: 16:(Redirected from 24569: 24293:Infantile speech 24275:Speech, language 24271: 24270: 24249: 24242: 24235: 24226: 24225: 24212: 24211: 23867: 23818:Public relations 23713:Biocommunication 23670: 23663: 23656: 23647: 23646: 23633: 23623: 23622: 23613: 23612: 23543:History of books 23062: 23055: 23048: 23039: 23038: 22964:Current examples 22945:Semi-syllabaries 22795: 22788: 22781: 22772: 22771: 22620:Kerkrade dialect 22243:General American 21998: 21991: 21984: 21975: 21974: 21928: 21909: 21880: 21835: 21825: 21815: 21782: 21773: 21763: 21734: 21729:. Archived from 21716: 21687: 21661: 21652:(4): 1329–1349. 21640: 21621: 21611: 21570: 21534: 21517: 21481: 21452: 21439: 21410: 21400: 21367: 21350:Gipe JP (1998). 21346: 21336: 21318: 21293: 21256: 21246: 21236: 21203: 21169: 21159: 21149: 21116: 21088: 21059: 21047: 21036: 21016: 20998: 20988: 20955: 20925: 20924: 20909: 20903: 20902: 20900: 20899: 20885: 20879: 20878: 20860: 20836: 20830: 20829: 20811: 20805: 20804: 20776: 20770: 20749: 20743: 20742: 20731: 20725: 20724: 20704: 20698: 20697: 20673: 20667: 20666: 20650: 20640: 20634: 20633: 20615: 20609: 20608: 20596: 20590: 20589: 20582: 20576: 20575: 20573: 20565: 20559: 20558: 20551: 20545: 20543: 20536: 20530: 20529: 20522: 20516: 20515: 20504: 20498: 20497: 20495: 20487: 20481: 20480: 20478: 20470: 20464: 20463: 20452: 20446: 20445: 20434: 20428: 20427: 20425: 20417: 20411: 20410: 20408: 20400: 20394: 20393: 20382: 20373: 20372: 20361: 20355: 20354: 20343: 20337: 20336: 20325: 20319: 20318: 20316: 20315: 20300: 20294: 20293: 20291: 20290: 20274: 20268: 20267: 20265: 20264: 20248: 20242: 20241: 20230: 20224: 20223: 20212: 20206: 20205: 20203: 20179: 20173: 20172: 20170: 20162: 20156: 20155: 20153: 20152: 20146: 20140:. Archived from 20139: 20131: 20125: 20124: 20122: 20121: 20112:. Archived from 20106: 20100: 20099: 20097: 20096: 20090: 20084:. Archived from 20083: 20075: 20069: 20068: 20066: 20065: 20059: 20053:. Archived from 20052: 20044: 20038: 20037: 20030: 20024: 20023: 20012: 20006: 20005: 19998: 19992: 19991: 19980: 19974: 19973: 19956: 19950: 19949: 19947: 19939: 19933: 19932: 19925: 19919: 19918: 19911: 19905: 19904: 19897: 19891: 19890: 19879: 19873: 19872: 19870: 19862: 19856: 19855: 19853: 19845: 19839: 19838: 19836: 19828: 19822: 19821: 19810: 19804: 19803: 19791: 19785: 19784: 19773: 19767: 19766: 19764: 19756: 19750: 19749: 19747: 19745: 19735: 19727: 19721: 19720: 19718: 19717: 19708:. Archived from 19698: 19692: 19691: 19689: 19681: 19675: 19674: 19672: 19664: 19658: 19657: 19655: 19647: 19641: 19640: 19638: 19630: 19624: 19623: 19621: 19613: 19607: 19606: 19604: 19603: 19594:. Archived from 19588: 19582: 19581: 19579: 19571: 19565: 19564: 19553: 19547: 19546: 19535: 19529: 19528: 19517: 19511: 19510: 19498: 19492: 19491: 19463: 19457: 19456: 19454: 19453: 19447: 19441:. Archived from 19436: 19427: 19421: 19420: 19418: 19410: 19404: 19403: 19396: 19390: 19389: 19387: 19379: 19373: 19372: 19361: 19355: 19342: 19336: 19335: 19333: 19331: 19315: 19309: 19308: 19296: 19290: 19289: 19269: 19263: 19262: 19260: 19259: 19253: 19242: 19236: 19235: 19207: 19198: 19197: 19169: 19163: 19162: 19155: 19149: 19148: 19137: 19131: 19130: 19128: 19127: 19112: 19106: 19105: 19103: 19102: 19097:. pp. 49–78 19092: 19083: 19077: 19076: 19074: 19073: 19059: 19053: 19052: 19050: 19049: 19035: 19029: 19028: 19026: 19025: 19010: 19004: 19003: 18993: 18987: 18986: 18984: 18973: 18967: 18966: 18964: 18963: 18948: 18942: 18941: 18909: 18900: 18899: 18889: 18883: 18882: 18880: 18879: 18870:. Archived from 18860: 18854: 18836: 18830: 18821: 18815: 18814: 18812: 18811: 18802:. Archived from 18792: 18786: 18785: 18783: 18782: 18773:. Archived from 18763: 18757: 18756: 18754: 18753: 18744:. Archived from 18734: 18728: 18727: 18725: 18724: 18715:. Archived from 18705: 18696: 18695: 18693: 18691: 18674: 18668: 18667: 18665: 18664: 18655:. Archived from 18645: 18639: 18638: 18620: 18614: 18607: 18601: 18594: 18585: 18584: 18582: 18571: 18560: 18554: 18553: 18551: 18543: 18537: 18536: 18534: 18526: 18520: 18519: 18512:"EQAO Home Page" 18508: 18502: 18501: 18481: 18465: 18459: 18458: 18456: 18446: 18440: 18439: 18430: 18424: 18423: 18412: 18403: 18402: 18391: 18385: 18384: 18373: 18367: 18366: 18359: 18353: 18352: 18350: 18342: 18336: 18335: 18321: 18312: 18311: 18309: 18301: 18295: 18294: 18283: 18277: 18276: 18274: 18265: 18259: 18258: 18248: 18216: 18210: 18209: 18189: 18183: 18182: 18164: 18158: 18157: 18151: 18142: 18136: 18135: 18133: 18125: 18119: 18118: 18092: 18086: 18085: 18075: 18043: 18037: 18036: 18011:(9): 1234–1249. 18000: 17994: 17993: 17973: 17964: 17963: 17927: 17891: 17882: 17881: 17876:. Archived from 17845: 17839: 17838: 17802: 17793: 17792: 17764: 17755: 17754: 17752: 17751: 17742:. Archived from 17717: 17693: 17687: 17686: 17684: 17682: 17677:on July 27, 2016 17673:. Archived from 17663: 17654: 17653: 17643: 17609: 17603: 17602: 17574: 17568: 17567: 17559: 17553: 17552: 17542: 17518: 17509: 17508: 17483:(8): 1040–1048. 17472: 17463: 17462: 17460: 17454:. Archived from 17449: 17441: 17432: 17431: 17414: 17405: 17404: 17397: 17388: 17387: 17376: 17370: 17369: 17364:. Archived from 17354: 17345: 17344: 17333: 17327: 17326: 17324: 17318:. Archived from 17313: 17305: 17299: 17298: 17290: 17284: 17283: 17276: 17267: 17266: 17255: 17246: 17245: 17238: 17229: 17228: 17225:The Conversation 17216: 17207: 17206: 17188: 17162: 17153: 17147: 17146: 17125: 17116: 17115: 17088: 17082: 17081: 17073: 17067: 17066: 17058: 17052: 17051: 17033: 17027: 17026: 17006: 17000: 16999: 16981: 16972: 16971: 16960: 16954: 16953: 16942: 16936: 16935: 16909: 16900: 16894: 16893: 16880:The reading mind 16875: 16869: 16868: 16861: 16855: 16854: 16830: 16824: 16823: 16821: 16813: 16807: 16806: 16799: 16793: 16792: 16778: 16772: 16771: 16760: 16754: 16753: 16751: 16744: 16736: 16730: 16729: 16718: 16712: 16711: 16709: 16702: 16686: 16680: 16679: 16672: 16666: 16665: 16639: 16633: 16632: 16630: 16629: 16623: 16617:. Archived from 16616: 16608: 16599: 16598: 16596: 16589: 16581: 16572: 16571: 16563: 16554: 16553: 16535: 16526: 16525: 16517: 16508: 16507: 16505: 16497: 16491: 16490: 16478: 16472: 16471: 16464: 16458: 16457: 16455: 16454: 16440: 16434: 16433: 16409: 16403: 16402: 16400: 16391: 16385: 16384: 16377: 16371: 16370: 16359: 16353: 16352: 16345: 16339: 16338: 16320: 16309: 16308: 16306: 16298: 16292: 16291: 16280: 16274: 16273: 16263: 16231: 16225: 16224: 16217: 16211: 16198: 16192: 16191: 16180: 16171: 16170: 16169:. 26 April 2020. 16163: 16157: 16144: 16138: 16137: 16113: 16107: 16106: 16098: 16090: 16075: 16074: 16073:. 30 March 2020. 16067: 16061: 16060: 16049: 16040: 16039: 16017: 16011: 16010: 16008: 16007: 15998:. Archived from 15988: 15979: 15978: 15967: 15961: 15960: 15950: 15918: 15909: 15908: 15896: 15890: 15889: 15869: 15863: 15862: 15826: 15820: 15819: 15805: 15799: 15798: 15790: 15784: 15783: 15759: 15746: 15745: 15717: 15711: 15710: 15690: 15684: 15683: 15655: 15649: 15648: 15620: 15614: 15613: 15611: 15603: 15597: 15596: 15588: 15582: 15581: 15563: 15557: 15556: 15524: 15518: 15517: 15515: 15506: 15500: 15499: 15485: 15479: 15478: 15441: 15435: 15434: 15410: 15404: 15403: 15375: 15369: 15368: 15356: 15350: 15349: 15347: 15346: 15330: 15321: 15320: 15309: 15303: 15302: 15295: 15289: 15288: 15275:The reading mind 15270: 15264: 15263: 15256: 15250: 15249: 15242: 15236: 15235: 15217: 15211: 15210: 15192: 15168: 15159: 15158: 15140: 15134: 15133: 15132:(Press release). 15121: 15115: 15114: 15103: 15097: 15096: 15085: 15079: 15078: 15046: 15040: 15039: 15003: 14994: 14993: 14991: 14983: 14977: 14976: 14944: 14938: 14937: 14935: 14934: 14928: 14922:. Archived from 14921: 14913: 14907: 14906: 14904: 14902: 14896: 14888: 14882: 14881: 14879: 14877: 14871: 14863: 14857: 14856: 14854: 14853: 14847: 14841:. Archived from 14840: 14832: 14826: 14825: 14823: 14821: 14810: 14804: 14803: 14801: 14799: 14793: 14786: 14778: 14772: 14771: 14769: 14767: 14761: 14753: 14747: 14746: 14728: 14718: 14694: 14688: 14687: 14686:. 24 April 2013. 14680: 14674: 14673: 14671: 14670: 14661:. Archived from 14655: 14649: 14648: 14637: 14631: 14630: 14628: 14620: 14614: 14613: 14608:. Archived from 14602: 14593: 14592: 14570: 14561: 14550: 14549: 14547: 14546: 14537:. Archived from 14531: 14525: 14524: 14522: 14521: 14512:. Archived from 14506: 14500: 14499: 14498:. pp. 2–89. 14497: 14489: 14480: 14479: 14468: 14462: 14461: 14459: 14458: 14449:. Archived from 14443: 14437: 14436: 14429: 14423: 14422: 14411: 14405: 14404: 14402: 14400: 14394: 14387: 14379: 14373: 14372: 14370: 14369: 14363: 14357:. Archived from 14356: 14348: 14342: 14341: 14339: 14338: 14332: 14326:. Archived from 14325: 14317: 14308: 14307: 14301: 14293: 14282: 14281: 14276:. Archived from 14266: 14257: 14256: 14254: 14246: 14240: 14239: 14237: 14236: 14230: 14224:. Archived from 14223: 14215: 14209: 14208: 14188: 14182: 14181: 14179: 14171: 14165: 14164: 14162: 14154: 14148: 14147: 14145: 14137: 14131: 14130: 14119: 14113: 14112: 14101: 14095: 14094: 14087: 14081: 14080: 14073: 14067: 14066: 14064: 14055: 14049: 14048: 14036: 14026: 14020: 14019: 14018:. 26 March 2020. 14012: 14006: 14005: 14003: 14002: 13996: 13985: 13977: 13971: 13970: 13968: 13959: 13950: 13949: 13938: 13932: 13931: 13929: 13921: 13915: 13914: 13907: 13901: 13900: 13898: 13897: 13888:. Archived from 13882: 13876: 13875: 13873: 13872: 13866: 13855: 13847: 13841: 13840: 13833: 13827: 13826: 13824: 13823: 13817: 13806: 13798: 13792: 13791: 13780: 13774: 13773: 13771: 13763: 13757: 13756: 13745: 13739: 13738: 13736: 13728: 13722: 13721: 13715: 13707: 13705: 13704: 13698: 13692:. Archived from 13651: 13642: 13636: 13635: 13617: 13608: 13607: 13597: 13572:(11): CD009115. 13557: 13551: 13550: 13514: 13508: 13507: 13489: 13461: 13455: 13454: 13418: 13412: 13411: 13375: 13369: 13368: 13366: 13358: 13352: 13351: 13331: 13325: 13324: 13300: 13294: 13293: 13285: 13279: 13278: 13277:. July 16, 2020. 13271: 13265: 13264: 13262: 13254: 13248: 13247: 13236: 13230: 13229: 13218: 13212: 13211: 13209: 13201: 13195: 13194: 13192: 13184: 13178: 13177: 13165: 13159: 13158: 13156: 13148: 13142: 13141: 13130: 13124: 13123: 13121: 13113: 13104: 13103: 13096: 13090: 13089: 13077: 13071: 13070: 13056: 13050: 13049: 13035: 13029: 13028: 13019: 13013: 13012: 13001: 12995: 12994: 12983: 12977: 12976: 12965: 12956: 12955: 12942: 12936: 12935: 12925: 12919: 12918: 12905: 12899: 12898: 12884: 12878: 12877: 12870: 12864: 12863: 12849: 12843: 12842: 12836: 12828: 12815: 12814: 12797:(8): 2007–2023. 12782: 12776: 12775: 12763: 12757: 12756: 12744: 12738: 12737: 12705: 12699: 12698: 12691: 12685: 12684: 12673: 12662: 12661: 12650: 12644: 12643: 12641: 12640: 12631:. Archived from 12621: 12615: 12614: 12603: 12597: 12596: 12594: 12593: 12574: 12568: 12567: 12556: 12550: 12549: 12538: 12532: 12531: 12529: 12521: 12515: 12514: 12503: 12497: 12496: 12485: 12479: 12478: 12471: 12465: 12464: 12462: 12454: 12448: 12447: 12436: 12430: 12429: 12418: 12412: 12411: 12400: 12394: 12393: 12382: 12371: 12370: 12368: 12367: 12352: 12346: 12345: 12343: 12335: 12329: 12328: 12317: 12308: 12307: 12296: 12290: 12289: 12286:Business Insider 12278: 12272: 12271: 12264: 12253: 12252: 12241: 12232: 12231: 12209: 12201: 12190: 12189: 12178: 12172: 12171: 12159: 12153: 12152: 12145: 12139: 12138: 12128: 12118: 12094: 12088: 12087: 12080: 12074: 12073: 12071: 12063: 12057: 12056: 12049: 12043: 12042: 12034: 12028: 12027: 12009: 12000:(6): 1197–1202. 11985: 11979: 11978: 11961:(4): 1131–1161. 11950: 11944: 11943: 11932:10.1037/a0026703 11926:(5): 1268–1288. 11915: 11906: 11905: 11885: 11879: 11878: 11858: 11852: 11851: 11833: 11827: 11826: 11794: 11788: 11787: 11785: 11783: 11768: 11759: 11758: 11748: 11716: 11710: 11709: 11691: 11685: 11684: 11677: 11671: 11670: 11660: 11628: 11622: 11621: 11603: 11588:Neuropsychologia 11579: 11570: 11569: 11551: 11527: 11518: 11517: 11473: 11464: 11463: 11453: 11413: 11404: 11403: 11393: 11383: 11351: 11345: 11344: 11334: 11302: 11296: 11295: 11270:(3): 1303–1316. 11255: 11249: 11248: 11218: 11212: 11211: 11183: 11177: 11176: 11140: 11134: 11133: 11107: 11083: 11077: 11076: 11057:10.1037/a0030266 11036: 11027: 11026: 10978: 10972: 10971: 10953: 10944:(5): 1054–1069. 10929: 10920: 10919: 10879: 10870: 10869: 10859: 10827: 10818: 10817: 10777: 10771: 10770: 10730: 10724: 10723: 10713: 10703: 10679: 10673: 10672: 10670: 10668: 10653: 10647: 10646: 10622: 10616: 10615: 10602:The reading mind 10597: 10591: 10590: 10570: 10564: 10563: 10545: 10539: 10538: 10521: 10512: 10511: 10503: 10497: 10496: 10476: 10470: 10469: 10462: 10456: 10455: 10447: 10441: 10440: 10438: 10414: 10408: 10407: 10400: 10394: 10393: 10388: 10382: 10381: 10373: 10367: 10366: 10365:(2). April 2018. 10351: 10345: 10344: 10333: 10327: 10326: 10319: 10310: 10309: 10298: 10292: 10291: 10280: 10274: 10273: 10245: 10239: 10238: 10228: 10196: 10190: 10189: 10177: 10171: 10170: 10160: 10136: 10130: 10129: 10117: 10111: 10110: 10086: 10080: 10079: 10055: 10049: 10048: 10038: 10006: 10000: 9999: 9971: 9961: 9952: 9951: 9949: 9941: 9935: 9934: 9927: 9921: 9920: 9909: 9896: 9895: 9877: 9871: 9870: 9852: 9846: 9845: 9838: 9832: 9831: 9811: 9805: 9804: 9772: 9766: 9765: 9758: 9752: 9751: 9731: 9725: 9724: 9722: 9720: 9705: 9699: 9698: 9697:. 19 March 2013. 9691: 9685: 9684: 9664: 9658: 9657: 9639: 9633: 9632: 9612: 9606: 9605: 9603: 9602: 9593:. Archived from 9583: 9577: 9576: 9569: 9563: 9562: 9560: 9559: 9547: 9541: 9540: 9533: 9527: 9526: 9524: 9523: 9514:. Archived from 9504: 9498: 9497: 9465: 9459: 9458: 9447: 9441: 9440: 9429: 9423: 9422: 9419:The Literacy Bug 9411: 9405: 9404: 9384: 9378: 9377: 9367: 9361: 9360: 9340: 9334: 9333: 9309: 9303: 9302: 9300: 9292: 9279: 9278: 9270: 9264: 9263: 9251: 9245: 9244: 9232: 9226: 9225: 9218: 9212: 9211: 9210:. 24 April 2013. 9204: 9198: 9197: 9189: 9183: 9182: 9174: 9168: 9167: 9165: 9164: 9155:. Archived from 9144: 9138: 9137: 9135: 9134: 9125:. Archived from 9114: 9108: 9107: 9079: 9073: 9072: 9065: 9059: 9058: 9056: 9048: 9042: 9041: 9029: 9018: 9017: 9010: 9004: 9003: 9001: 9000: 8991:. Archived from 8985: 8979: 8978: 8971: 8965: 8964: 8957:"Much Too Early" 8952: 8943: 8942: 8935: 8926: 8925: 8905: 8899: 8892: 8883: 8882: 8870: 8864: 8863: 8861: 8860: 8851:. Archived from 8841: 8832: 8831: 8813: 8807: 8806: 8790: 8784: 8783: 8781: 8780: 8765: 8759: 8758: 8730: 8724: 8723: 8721: 8719: 8704: 8698: 8697: 8669: 8658: 8657: 8623: 8614: 8605: 8604: 8576: 8570: 8569: 8562: 8556: 8555: 8553: 8552: 8537: 8531: 8530: 8502: 8496: 8495: 8467: 8461: 8460: 8442: 8436: 8435: 8428: 8422: 8421: 8410: 8404: 8403: 8396: 8387: 8386: 8379: 8373: 8372: 8361: 8355: 8354: 8352: 8350: 8336: 8327: 8326: 8324: 8316: 8310: 8309: 8307: 8299: 8293: 8292: 8290: 8282: 8276: 8275: 8273: 8265: 8259: 8258: 8247: 8241: 8240: 8238: 8237: 8228:. Archived from 8218: 8212: 8211: 8209: 8208: 8202: 8196:. Archived from 8171: 8153: 8144: 8123: 8122: 8110: 8104: 8103: 8101: 8093: 8082: 8081: 8074: 8065: 8064: 8051: 8042: 8041: 8028: 8019: 8018: 7990: 7981: 7980: 7978: 7976: 7962: 7953: 7952: 7950: 7942: 7933: 7932: 7925: 7914: 7913: 7911: 7903: 7892: 7891: 7880: 7871: 7870: 7868: 7860: 7854: 7853: 7851: 7843: 7837: 7836: 7829: 7823: 7822: 7820: 7812: 7806: 7805: 7797: 7791: 7790: 7789:. February 2021. 7788: 7780: 7774: 7773: 7771: 7758: 7752: 7751: 7737: 7731: 7730: 7722: 7711: 7710: 7702: 7696: 7695: 7693: 7684: 7678: 7677: 7670: 7664: 7663: 7656: 7650: 7644: 7643: 7639: 7632: 7626: 7625: 7623: 7615: 7609: 7608: 7606: 7597: 7586: 7585: 7577: 7568: 7567: 7557: 7525: 7523: 7521: 7501: 7495: 7494: 7484: 7452: 7446: 7445: 7443: 7419: 7413: 7412: 7401: 7395: 7394: 7383: 7377: 7376: 7362: 7353: 7352: 7349:Business Insider 7340: 7331: 7330: 7320: 7296: 7290: 7289: 7265: 7259: 7258: 7247: 7241: 7240: 7220: 7211: 7210: 7184: 7178: 7177: 7158: 7152: 7145: 7139: 7138: 7120: 7114: 7113: 7106: 7100: 7099: 7081: 7075: 7074: 7056: 7050: 7049: 7037: 7031: 7030: 7023: 7014: 7013: 7006: 7000: 6999: 6988: 6982: 6981: 6979: 6978: 6963: 6957: 6956: 6954: 6953: 6938: 6932: 6931: 6924: 6918: 6917: 6910: 6904: 6903: 6886: 6880: 6879: 6877: 6869: 6863: 6862: 6860: 6852: 6846: 6845: 6843: 6842: 6836: 6829: 6821: 6815: 6814: 6794: 6788: 6787: 6780: 6774: 6773: 6766: 6760: 6759: 6748: 6742: 6741: 6739: 6738: 6723: 6710: 6709: 6683: 6674: 6668: 6667: 6649: 6640: 6639: 6628: 6622: 6621: 6619: 6618: 6604: 6598: 6597: 6590: 6584: 6583: 6572: 6566: 6565: 6547: 6541: 6540: 6538: 6530: 6524: 6523: 6522:. 24 April 2013. 6516: 6510: 6509: 6498: 6492: 6491: 6469: 6463: 6462: 6451: 6445: 6444: 6433: 6370: 6365: 6364: 6363: 6356: 6351: 6350: 6342: 6340:Education portal 6337: 6336: 6306: 6294: 6282: 6263:, a painting by 6257: 6234: 6222: 6203: 6190: 6187: 6176: 6161: 6143: 6124: 6097:In-depth reading 6053:Vladimir Nabokov 5973:Reading Recovery 5727:English language 5629:Northern Ireland 5610:analytic phonics 5583:Teaching Reading 5557:Teaching reading 5466:Timothy Shanahan 5373:neuropathologist 5343:McGuffey Readers 5283:In 19th-century 5255:passive citizens 5233: 5230: 5220: 5214: 5208: 5196:and the Islamic 5194:classical Athens 4959:National Average 4870: 4869: 4846:Proficient level 4713:words per minute 4615:long-term memory 4448:Teaching reading 4385:McGuffey Readers 4329: 4328: 4322: 4321: 4313: 4312: 4306: 4305: 4299: 4298: 4288: 4287: 4281: 4280: 4272: 4271: 4263: 4262: 4256: 4255: 4252: 4251: 4060:Timothy Shanahan 4028:reading recovery 3851:reading to learn 3847:learning to read 3725:assisted reading 3648:Sight vocabulary 3453: 3452: 3449: 3448: 3445: 3442: 3439: 3436: 3423: 3422: 3419: 3418: 3413: 3412: 3407: 3406: 3401: 3400: 3395: 3394: 3279:, also known as 3277:Embedded phonics 3210:analytic phonics 3177: 3176: 3173: 3172: 3156:Analytic phonics 3150:Analytic phonics 3122:In 2009, the UK 3038:at-risk students 3000:, word reading, 2742:Teaching reading 2589:RAND Corporation 2431:sight vocabulary 2393:words per minute 2162:Reading fluency 2085: 2084: 1984: 1983: 1979:word recognition 1876:proficient level 1844:, decoding, and 1430: 1429: 1319: 1318: 1287:reports that an 1106:proficient level 1090:Learning to read 1077:Learning to read 785:leisure activity 630: 623: 616: 526:Written language 414:Readability test 382:Words per minute 297:Concept-oriented 287:Analytic phonics 265:Word recognition 167:Learning to read 158: 135: 134: 128: 125: 119: 87: 86: 79: 21: 24577: 24576: 24572: 24571: 24570: 24568: 24567: 24566: 24542:Writing systems 24527: 24526: 24525: 24520: 24499: 24475:Neuropsychology 24429: 24408: 24387: 24352: 24328:Speech disorder 24278: 24262: 24253: 24223: 24218: 24200: 23989: 23868: 23859: 23706: 23704: 23697: 23679: 23674: 23644: 23639: 23601: 23586:The Philobiblon 23479: 23413: 23352: 23200: 23147:limited edition 23071: 23066: 23036: 23031: 23010: 22959: 22886: 22861:Writing systems 22849: 22813: 22804: 22802:Writing systems 22799: 22769: 22764: 22693: 22647:Scottish Gaelic 22500: 22354:Standard Modern 22294: 22106:Modern Standard 22066: 22011: 22002: 21936: 21931: 21925: 21917:. Jossey-Bass. 21719: 21659: 21637: 21629:. Basic Books. 21532: 21364: 21316: 21167: 21113: 21056: 21033: 21014: 20965:Cerebral Cortex 20952: 20933: 20931:Further reading 20928: 20911: 20910: 20906: 20897: 20895: 20887: 20886: 20882: 20845:Vision Research 20837: 20833: 20826: 20816:Effective Study 20812: 20808: 20793: 20777: 20773: 20750: 20746: 20733: 20732: 20728: 20721: 20705: 20701: 20694: 20674: 20670: 20663: 20641: 20637: 20630: 20616: 20612: 20597: 20593: 20584: 20583: 20579: 20571: 20567: 20566: 20562: 20553: 20552: 20548: 20538: 20537: 20533: 20524: 20523: 20519: 20506: 20505: 20501: 20493: 20489: 20488: 20484: 20476: 20472: 20471: 20467: 20454: 20453: 20449: 20436: 20435: 20431: 20423: 20419: 20418: 20414: 20406: 20402: 20401: 20397: 20384: 20383: 20376: 20363: 20362: 20358: 20345: 20344: 20340: 20327: 20326: 20322: 20313: 20311: 20302: 20301: 20297: 20288: 20286: 20275: 20271: 20262: 20260: 20249: 20245: 20232: 20231: 20227: 20214: 20213: 20209: 20180: 20176: 20168: 20164: 20163: 20159: 20150: 20148: 20144: 20137: 20133: 20132: 20128: 20119: 20117: 20108: 20107: 20103: 20094: 20092: 20088: 20081: 20077: 20076: 20072: 20063: 20061: 20057: 20050: 20046: 20045: 20041: 20032: 20031: 20027: 20014: 20013: 20009: 20000: 19999: 19995: 19982: 19981: 19977: 19958: 19957: 19953: 19945: 19941: 19940: 19936: 19927: 19926: 19922: 19913: 19912: 19908: 19899: 19898: 19894: 19881: 19880: 19876: 19868: 19864: 19863: 19859: 19851: 19847: 19846: 19842: 19834: 19830: 19829: 19825: 19812: 19811: 19807: 19792: 19788: 19775: 19774: 19770: 19762: 19758: 19757: 19753: 19743: 19741: 19728: 19724: 19715: 19713: 19700: 19699: 19695: 19687: 19683: 19682: 19678: 19670: 19666: 19665: 19661: 19653: 19649: 19648: 19644: 19636: 19632: 19631: 19627: 19619: 19615: 19614: 19610: 19601: 19599: 19590: 19589: 19585: 19577: 19573: 19572: 19568: 19555: 19554: 19550: 19537: 19536: 19532: 19519: 19518: 19514: 19499: 19495: 19464: 19460: 19451: 19449: 19445: 19434: 19430:Rose J (2006). 19428: 19424: 19416: 19412: 19411: 19407: 19398: 19397: 19393: 19385: 19381: 19380: 19376: 19363: 19362: 19358: 19343: 19339: 19329: 19327: 19316: 19312: 19297: 19293: 19270: 19266: 19257: 19255: 19251: 19243: 19239: 19224: 19208: 19201: 19186: 19170: 19166: 19157: 19156: 19152: 19139: 19138: 19134: 19125: 19123: 19113: 19109: 19100: 19098: 19090: 19084: 19080: 19071: 19069: 19061: 19060: 19056: 19047: 19045: 19037: 19036: 19032: 19023: 19021: 19012: 19011: 19007: 18994: 18990: 18982: 18974: 18970: 18961: 18959: 18949: 18945: 18930: 18910: 18903: 18892:Hart J (1570). 18890: 18886: 18877: 18875: 18862: 18861: 18857: 18837: 18833: 18822: 18818: 18809: 18807: 18794: 18793: 18789: 18780: 18778: 18765: 18764: 18760: 18751: 18749: 18736: 18735: 18731: 18722: 18720: 18707: 18706: 18699: 18689: 18687: 18675: 18671: 18662: 18660: 18647: 18646: 18642: 18635: 18621: 18617: 18608: 18604: 18595: 18588: 18580: 18569: 18561: 18557: 18549: 18545: 18544: 18540: 18532: 18528: 18527: 18523: 18510: 18509: 18505: 18490: 18466: 18462: 18454: 18448: 18447: 18443: 18432: 18431: 18427: 18414: 18413: 18406: 18393: 18392: 18388: 18375: 18374: 18370: 18361: 18360: 18356: 18348: 18344: 18343: 18339: 18322: 18315: 18307: 18303: 18302: 18298: 18285: 18284: 18280: 18272: 18266: 18262: 18217: 18213: 18206: 18190: 18186: 18179: 18165: 18161: 18149: 18143: 18139: 18131: 18127: 18126: 18122: 18107: 18093: 18089: 18058:(14): 4848–55. 18044: 18040: 18001: 17997: 17974: 17967: 17892: 17885: 17866:10.1002/dys.392 17846: 17842: 17813:(11): 458–465. 17803: 17796: 17765: 17758: 17749: 17747: 17694: 17690: 17680: 17678: 17665: 17664: 17657: 17610: 17606: 17591:10.1002/rrq.334 17575: 17571: 17560: 17556: 17519: 17512: 17473: 17466: 17458: 17447: 17443: 17442: 17435: 17416: 17415: 17408: 17399: 17398: 17391: 17378: 17377: 17373: 17356: 17355: 17348: 17335: 17334: 17330: 17322: 17311: 17307: 17306: 17302: 17291: 17287: 17278: 17277: 17270: 17257: 17256: 17249: 17244:. 24 June 2019. 17240: 17239: 17232: 17217: 17210: 17160: 17154: 17150: 17140: 17126: 17119: 17109: 17089: 17085: 17074: 17070: 17059: 17055: 17048: 17034: 17030: 17007: 17003: 16996: 16982: 16975: 16970:. 29 June 2019. 16962: 16961: 16957: 16944: 16943: 16939: 16907: 16901: 16897: 16890: 16876: 16872: 16863: 16862: 16858: 16851: 16831: 16827: 16819: 16815: 16814: 16810: 16801: 16800: 16796: 16779: 16775: 16762: 16761: 16757: 16749: 16742: 16738: 16737: 16733: 16720: 16719: 16715: 16707: 16700: 16690:Pinnell, Gay Su 16687: 16683: 16674: 16673: 16669: 16662: 16640: 16636: 16627: 16625: 16621: 16614: 16610: 16609: 16602: 16594: 16587: 16583: 16582: 16575: 16564: 16557: 16550: 16536: 16529: 16518: 16511: 16503: 16499: 16498: 16494: 16479: 16475: 16466: 16465: 16461: 16452: 16450: 16442: 16441: 16437: 16410: 16406: 16398: 16392: 16388: 16379: 16378: 16374: 16361: 16360: 16356: 16347: 16346: 16342: 16335: 16321: 16312: 16304: 16300: 16299: 16295: 16282: 16281: 16277: 16232: 16228: 16219: 16218: 16214: 16199: 16195: 16182: 16181: 16174: 16165: 16164: 16160: 16145: 16141: 16134: 16114: 16110: 16096: 16092: 16091: 16078: 16069: 16068: 16064: 16057:Reading Matters 16051: 16050: 16043: 16032: 16018: 16014: 16005: 16003: 15990: 15989: 15982: 15969: 15968: 15964: 15919: 15912: 15897: 15893: 15886: 15870: 15866: 15827: 15823: 15806: 15802: 15791: 15787: 15780: 15760: 15749: 15718: 15714: 15691: 15687: 15656: 15652: 15621: 15617: 15609: 15605: 15604: 15600: 15589: 15585: 15578: 15564: 15560: 15525: 15521: 15513: 15507: 15503: 15486: 15482: 15442: 15438: 15431: 15411: 15407: 15376: 15372: 15357: 15353: 15344: 15342: 15331: 15324: 15310: 15306: 15297: 15296: 15292: 15285: 15271: 15267: 15258: 15257: 15253: 15244: 15243: 15239: 15232: 15218: 15214: 15169: 15162: 15155: 15141: 15137: 15122: 15118: 15105: 15104: 15100: 15087: 15086: 15082: 15067: 15047: 15043: 15004: 14997: 14992:. pp. 2–4. 14989: 14985: 14984: 14980: 14945: 14941: 14932: 14930: 14926: 14919: 14915: 14914: 14910: 14900: 14898: 14894: 14890: 14889: 14885: 14875: 14873: 14869: 14865: 14864: 14860: 14851: 14849: 14845: 14838: 14834: 14833: 14829: 14819: 14817: 14811: 14807: 14797: 14795: 14791: 14784: 14780: 14779: 14775: 14765: 14763: 14759: 14755: 14754: 14750: 14695: 14691: 14682: 14681: 14677: 14668: 14666: 14657: 14656: 14652: 14639: 14638: 14634: 14626: 14622: 14621: 14617: 14604: 14603: 14596: 14568: 14562: 14553: 14544: 14542: 14533: 14532: 14528: 14519: 14517: 14508: 14507: 14503: 14495: 14491: 14490: 14483: 14470: 14469: 14465: 14456: 14454: 14445: 14444: 14440: 14431: 14430: 14426: 14415:"ELA Standards" 14413: 14412: 14408: 14398: 14396: 14392: 14385: 14381: 14380: 14376: 14367: 14365: 14361: 14354: 14350: 14349: 14345: 14336: 14334: 14330: 14323: 14319: 14318: 14311: 14299: 14295: 14294: 14285: 14268: 14267: 14260: 14252: 14248: 14247: 14243: 14234: 14232: 14228: 14221: 14217: 14216: 14212: 14189: 14185: 14177: 14173: 14172: 14168: 14160: 14156: 14155: 14151: 14143: 14139: 14138: 14134: 14121: 14120: 14116: 14103: 14102: 14098: 14089: 14088: 14084: 14079:. October 2020. 14075: 14074: 14070: 14062: 14056: 14052: 14045: 14027: 14023: 14014: 14013: 14009: 14000: 13998: 13994: 13983: 13979: 13978: 13974: 13966: 13960: 13953: 13940: 13939: 13935: 13927: 13923: 13922: 13918: 13909: 13908: 13904: 13895: 13893: 13884: 13883: 13879: 13870: 13868: 13864: 13853: 13849: 13848: 13844: 13835: 13834: 13830: 13821: 13819: 13815: 13804: 13800: 13799: 13795: 13782: 13781: 13777: 13769: 13765: 13764: 13760: 13747: 13746: 13742: 13734: 13730: 13729: 13725: 13709: 13708: 13702: 13700: 13696: 13649: 13643: 13639: 13632: 13618: 13611: 13558: 13554: 13515: 13511: 13462: 13458: 13419: 13415: 13376: 13372: 13364: 13360: 13359: 13355: 13332: 13328: 13321: 13301: 13297: 13286: 13282: 13273: 13272: 13268: 13260: 13256: 13255: 13251: 13238: 13237: 13233: 13220: 13219: 13215: 13207: 13203: 13202: 13198: 13190: 13186: 13185: 13181: 13166: 13162: 13154: 13150: 13149: 13145: 13132: 13131: 13127: 13119: 13115: 13114: 13107: 13098: 13097: 13093: 13078: 13074: 13057: 13053: 13036: 13032: 13021: 13020: 13016: 13003: 13002: 12998: 12985: 12984: 12980: 12967: 12966: 12959: 12944: 12943: 12939: 12927: 12926: 12922: 12917:. June 4, 2019. 12907: 12906: 12902: 12885: 12881: 12876:(Report). 2021. 12872: 12871: 12867: 12850: 12846: 12834: 12830: 12829: 12818: 12783: 12779: 12764: 12760: 12745: 12741: 12706: 12702: 12693: 12692: 12688: 12675: 12674: 12665: 12652: 12651: 12647: 12638: 12636: 12623: 12622: 12618: 12605: 12604: 12600: 12591: 12589: 12576: 12575: 12571: 12558: 12557: 12553: 12540: 12539: 12535: 12527: 12523: 12522: 12518: 12505: 12504: 12500: 12487: 12486: 12482: 12477:. January 2014. 12473: 12472: 12468: 12460: 12456: 12455: 12451: 12438: 12437: 12433: 12420: 12419: 12415: 12402: 12401: 12397: 12384: 12383: 12374: 12365: 12363: 12354: 12353: 12349: 12341: 12337: 12336: 12332: 12319: 12318: 12311: 12298: 12297: 12293: 12280: 12279: 12275: 12266: 12265: 12256: 12243: 12242: 12235: 12220:10.1002/rrq.379 12207: 12203: 12202: 12193: 12180: 12179: 12175: 12160: 12156: 12147: 12146: 12142: 12095: 12091: 12082: 12081: 12077: 12069: 12065: 12064: 12060: 12051: 12050: 12046: 12035: 12031: 11986: 11982: 11951: 11947: 11916: 11909: 11886: 11882: 11859: 11855: 11848: 11834: 11830: 11795: 11791: 11781: 11779: 11770: 11769: 11762: 11717: 11713: 11706: 11692: 11688: 11679: 11678: 11674: 11629: 11625: 11580: 11573: 11528: 11521: 11474: 11467: 11414: 11407: 11352: 11348: 11303: 11299: 11256: 11252: 11245: 11219: 11215: 11184: 11180: 11165: 11141: 11137: 11084: 11080: 11037: 11030: 10979: 10975: 10930: 10923: 10880: 10873: 10828: 10821: 10778: 10774: 10731: 10727: 10694:(4): e3001591. 10680: 10676: 10666: 10664: 10655: 10654: 10650: 10643: 10623: 10619: 10612: 10604:. Jossey-Bass. 10598: 10594: 10587: 10571: 10567: 10560: 10552:. Basic Books. 10546: 10542: 10523: 10522: 10515: 10504: 10500: 10477: 10473: 10464: 10463: 10459: 10448: 10444: 10436:10.1002/rrq.411 10415: 10411: 10402: 10401: 10397: 10389: 10385: 10374: 10370: 10353: 10352: 10348: 10335: 10334: 10330: 10321: 10320: 10313: 10306:Merriam-Webster 10300: 10299: 10295: 10288:Merriam-Webster 10282: 10281: 10277: 10246: 10242: 10197: 10193: 10178: 10174: 10137: 10133: 10118: 10114: 10107: 10087: 10083: 10076: 10056: 10052: 10007: 10003: 9988: 9969: 9963: 9962: 9955: 9947: 9943: 9942: 9938: 9929: 9928: 9924: 9911: 9910: 9899: 9892: 9878: 9874: 9867: 9853: 9849: 9840: 9839: 9835: 9828: 9812: 9808: 9793: 9773: 9769: 9760: 9759: 9755: 9748: 9732: 9728: 9718: 9716: 9707: 9706: 9702: 9693: 9692: 9688: 9681: 9665: 9661: 9654: 9640: 9636: 9629: 9613: 9609: 9600: 9598: 9585: 9584: 9580: 9575:. 19 June 2016. 9571: 9570: 9566: 9557: 9555: 9548: 9544: 9535: 9534: 9530: 9521: 9519: 9506: 9505: 9501: 9486: 9466: 9462: 9449: 9448: 9444: 9431: 9430: 9426: 9413: 9412: 9408: 9401: 9385: 9381: 9368: 9364: 9357: 9349:. McGraw-Hill. 9341: 9337: 9330: 9310: 9306: 9298: 9294: 9293: 9282: 9271: 9267: 9252: 9248: 9233: 9229: 9220: 9219: 9215: 9206: 9205: 9201: 9190: 9186: 9175: 9171: 9162: 9160: 9159:on 3 April 2021 9145: 9141: 9132: 9130: 9129:on 3 April 2021 9115: 9111: 9080: 9076: 9071:. 20 July 2017. 9067: 9066: 9062: 9054: 9050: 9049: 9045: 9030: 9021: 9012: 9011: 9007: 8998: 8996: 8987: 8986: 8982: 8973: 8972: 8968: 8953: 8946: 8937: 8936: 8929: 8906: 8902: 8893: 8886: 8871: 8867: 8858: 8856: 8843: 8842: 8835: 8828: 8814: 8810: 8791: 8787: 8778: 8776: 8767: 8766: 8762: 8731: 8727: 8717: 8715: 8707:Hempenstall K. 8705: 8701: 8670: 8661: 8621: 8615: 8608: 8577: 8573: 8568:. 24 June 2019. 8564: 8563: 8559: 8550: 8548: 8539: 8538: 8534: 8503: 8499: 8492: 8468: 8464: 8457: 8443: 8439: 8430: 8429: 8425: 8412: 8411: 8407: 8398: 8397: 8390: 8381: 8380: 8376: 8363: 8362: 8358: 8348: 8346: 8338: 8337: 8330: 8322: 8318: 8317: 8313: 8305: 8301: 8300: 8296: 8288: 8284: 8283: 8279: 8271: 8267: 8266: 8262: 8249: 8248: 8244: 8235: 8233: 8220: 8219: 8215: 8206: 8204: 8200: 8151: 8145: 8126: 8111: 8107: 8099: 8095: 8094: 8085: 8076: 8075: 8068: 8053: 8052: 8045: 8030: 8029: 8022: 7991: 7984: 7974: 7972: 7964: 7963: 7956: 7948: 7944: 7943: 7936: 7927: 7926: 7917: 7909: 7905: 7904: 7895: 7882: 7881: 7874: 7866: 7862: 7861: 7857: 7849: 7845: 7844: 7840: 7831: 7830: 7826: 7818: 7814: 7813: 7809: 7798: 7794: 7786: 7782: 7781: 7777: 7759: 7755: 7738: 7734: 7723: 7714: 7703: 7699: 7691: 7685: 7681: 7672: 7671: 7667: 7658: 7657: 7653: 7641: 7634: 7633: 7629: 7621: 7617: 7616: 7612: 7604: 7598: 7589: 7578: 7571: 7519: 7517: 7502: 7498: 7453: 7449: 7420: 7416: 7403: 7402: 7398: 7385: 7384: 7380: 7363: 7356: 7341: 7334: 7297: 7293: 7266: 7262: 7249: 7248: 7244: 7237: 7221: 7214: 7207: 7185: 7181: 7174: 7160: 7159: 7155: 7146: 7142: 7135: 7121: 7117: 7108: 7107: 7103: 7096: 7082: 7078: 7071: 7057: 7053: 7038: 7034: 7025: 7024: 7017: 7008: 7007: 7003: 6990: 6989: 6985: 6976: 6974: 6965: 6964: 6960: 6951: 6949: 6940: 6939: 6935: 6926: 6925: 6921: 6912: 6911: 6907: 6900: 6888: 6887: 6883: 6875: 6871: 6870: 6866: 6858: 6854: 6853: 6849: 6840: 6838: 6834: 6827: 6823: 6822: 6818: 6795: 6791: 6782: 6781: 6777: 6768: 6767: 6763: 6756:Merriam-Webster 6750: 6749: 6745: 6736: 6734: 6724: 6713: 6681: 6675: 6671: 6664: 6650: 6643: 6630: 6629: 6625: 6616: 6614: 6606: 6605: 6601: 6592: 6591: 6587: 6574: 6573: 6569: 6562: 6548: 6544: 6536: 6532: 6531: 6527: 6518: 6517: 6513: 6500: 6499: 6495: 6488: 6471: 6470: 6466: 6453: 6452: 6448: 6443:. 17 July 2023. 6441:Merriam-Webster 6435: 6434: 6430: 6426: 6421: 6366: 6361: 6359: 6352: 6345: 6338: 6331: 6328: 6321: 6307: 6298: 6295: 6286: 6283: 6274: 6267: 6258: 6249: 6235: 6226: 6223: 6214: 6204: 6195: 6188: 6177: 6168: 6162: 6153: 6144: 6135: 6125: 6116: 6111: 6030:Mark Seidenberg 5996:Subvocalization 5991: 5916:evidenced-based 5518: 5462:Mark Seidenberg 5439:Mark Seidenberg 5297: 5236:Saint Augustine 5231: 5182:some exceptions 5158: 5142: 5119: 5113: 5101: 5095: 5071: 5065: 4835: 4829: 4821: 4793: 4767:decoding skills 4755: 4749: 4740: 4738:Reading fluency 4705: 4665: 4659: 4651: 4578:, specifically 4529: 4506:Mark Seidenberg 4463:Mark Seidenberg 4366: 4360: 4269: 4232:Ruby characters 4181: 4143:Leveled reading 4103: 4082: 4056:Mark Seidenberg 4012: 3952: 3931:Mark Seidenberg 3901: 3895: 3883:Mark Seidenberg 3811: 3805: 3793: 3781: 3739: 3733: 3702: 3696: 3664:Irregular words 3632:language (e.g. 3618:Dolch word list 3591: 3582: 3523: 3517: 3501: 3433: 3429: 3415: 3409: 3403: 3397: 3391: 3387: 3384:sh, r, ou, d, s 3363: 3357: 3297: 3274: 3206:Analogy phonics 3169: 3165: 3152: 3146: 3079: 2970: 2905:, oral reading 2891: 2817:emphasizes the 2804: 2798: 2786:leveled reading 2758: 2744: 2626:Mark Seidenberg 2621: 2608: 2512:Success for All 2462: 2456: 2443: 2419: 2413: 2395:(wpm), and for 2374:perceptual span 2358: 2352: 2278:cerebral cortex 2274:left hemisphere 2256:Neuroscientist 2251: 2228: 2222: 2157:Print concepts 2139:Decoding skills 2057: 1961: 1935:decoding skills 1920: 1914: 1825: 1819: 1807: 1793:, inferential, 1756: 1741:be + head + ed" 1681: 1641: 1602: 1532: 1526: 1450:Print concepts 1414: 1328:US Common Core 1309: 1204: 1180: 1139: 1079: 926: 920: 890: 881: 875: 873:Writing systems 867:visual literacy 855:health literacy 836:Mark Seidenberg 797: 730: 699:writing systems 634: 605: 604: 573:Family literacy 568:Distant reading 553: 552: 541: 540: 481:Dolch word list 466: 465: 454: 453: 429: 428: 419: 418: 399: 398: 387: 386: 362: 361: 352: 351: 282: 281: 270: 269: 260:Subvocalization 240: 239: 230: 229: 200: 199: 190: 189: 170: 169: 129: 123: 120: 101: 88: 84: 75: 60: 55: 54: 53: 52: 51: 50: 34: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 24575: 24565: 24564: 24559: 24554: 24549: 24544: 24539: 24522: 24521: 24519: 24518: 24513: 24507: 24505: 24501: 24500: 24498: 24497: 24495:Writing system 24492: 24487: 24482: 24480:Neurodiversity 24477: 24472: 24467: 24462: 24457: 24452: 24447: 24441: 24439: 24438:Related topics 24435: 24434: 24431: 24430: 24428: 24427: 24422: 24416: 24414: 24410: 24409: 24407: 24406: 24401: 24395: 24393: 24389: 24388: 24386: 24385: 24384: 24383: 24373: 24368: 24362: 24360: 24354: 24353: 24351: 24350: 24345: 24340: 24335: 24330: 24325: 24320: 24315: 24310: 24305: 24300: 24295: 24290: 24284: 24282: 24268: 24264: 24263: 24252: 24251: 24244: 24237: 24229: 24220: 24219: 24217: 24216: 24205: 24202: 24201: 24199: 24198: 24193: 24188: 24183: 24178: 24173: 24168: 24163: 24158: 24153: 24148: 24143: 24138: 24133: 24128: 24123: 24118: 24113: 24108: 24103: 24098: 24093: 24088: 24083: 24078: 24073: 24068: 24063: 24058: 24053: 24048: 24043: 24038: 24033: 24028: 24023: 24018: 24013: 24008: 24003: 23997: 23995: 23991: 23990: 23988: 23987: 23982: 23977: 23972: 23967: 23962: 23960:Organizational 23957: 23952: 23947: 23942: 23937: 23932: 23927: 23922: 23917: 23912: 23910:Cross-cultural 23907: 23902: 23897: 23892: 23887: 23882: 23876: 23874: 23870: 23869: 23862: 23860: 23858: 23857: 23852: 23847: 23842: 23841: 23840: 23830: 23825: 23820: 23815: 23810: 23805: 23800: 23795: 23790: 23785: 23780: 23775: 23770: 23765: 23760: 23758:Intrapersonal 23755: 23750: 23745: 23740: 23735: 23730: 23725: 23720: 23715: 23709: 23707: 23702: 23699: 23698: 23696: 23695: 23690: 23684: 23681: 23680: 23673: 23672: 23665: 23658: 23650: 23641: 23640: 23638: 23637: 23627: 23617: 23606: 23603: 23602: 23600: 23599: 23594: 23592:World Book Day 23589: 23582: 23577: 23572: 23567: 23562: 23557: 23556: 23555: 23550: 23540: 23535: 23530: 23525: 23520: 23518:Book packaging 23515: 23510: 23509: 23508: 23503: 23493: 23487: 23485: 23481: 23480: 23478: 23477: 23472: 23471: 23470: 23465: 23460: 23452: 23447: 23446: 23445: 23440: 23435: 23430: 23421: 23419: 23415: 23414: 23412: 23411: 23406: 23404:United Kingdom 23401: 23396: 23391: 23386: 23381: 23376: 23371: 23366: 23360: 23358: 23354: 23353: 23351: 23350: 23345: 23344: 23343: 23333: 23328: 23323: 23322: 23321: 23316: 23308: 23303: 23298: 23293: 23288: 23283: 23282: 23281: 23276: 23271: 23266: 23256: 23251: 23246: 23241: 23231: 23226: 23225: 23224: 23214: 23208: 23206: 23202: 23201: 23199: 23198: 23193: 23188: 23183: 23178: 23173: 23172: 23171: 23166: 23161: 23151: 23150: 23149: 23144: 23139: 23134: 23129: 23119: 23118: 23117: 23107: 23102: 23097: 23096: 23095: 23085: 23079: 23077: 23073: 23072: 23065: 23064: 23057: 23050: 23042: 23033: 23032: 23030: 23029: 23024: 23018: 23016: 23015:Related topics 23012: 23011: 23009: 23008: 23003: 22998: 22993: 22988: 22983: 22978: 22973: 22967: 22965: 22961: 22960: 22958: 22957: 22952: 22947: 22942: 22937: 22932: 22927: 22922: 22917: 22912: 22907: 22902: 22896: 22894: 22888: 22887: 22885: 22884: 22879: 22874: 22869: 22863: 22857: 22855: 22851: 22850: 22848: 22847: 22842: 22837: 22832: 22827: 22821: 22819: 22815: 22814: 22809: 22806: 22805: 22798: 22797: 22790: 22783: 22775: 22766: 22765: 22763: 22762: 22757: 22752: 22747: 22742: 22737: 22732: 22727: 22722: 22717: 22712: 22707: 22701: 22699: 22695: 22694: 22692: 22691: 22686: 22685: 22684: 22674: 22669: 22664: 22659: 22654: 22652:Serbo-Croatian 22649: 22644: 22639: 22634: 22629: 22624: 22623: 22622: 22617: 22609: 22604: 22599: 22594: 22589: 22584: 22579: 22574: 22569: 22564: 22559: 22554: 22549: 22544: 22539: 22534: 22529: 22524: 22519: 22514: 22508: 22506: 22502: 22501: 22499: 22498: 22493: 22488: 22487: 22486: 22478: 22473: 22468: 22463: 22458: 22453: 22448: 22443: 22438: 22433: 22428: 22423: 22418: 22413: 22408: 22403: 22398: 22397: 22396: 22391: 22383: 22378: 22373: 22368: 22367: 22366: 22361: 22356: 22348: 22347: 22346: 22341: 22333: 22328: 22327: 22326: 22321: 22313: 22308: 22302: 22300: 22296: 22295: 22293: 22292: 22287: 22282: 22281: 22280: 22275: 22270: 22265: 22260: 22255: 22250: 22245: 22240: 22230: 22229: 22228: 22223: 22215: 22210: 22205: 22200: 22195: 22194: 22193: 22188: 22183: 22178: 22173: 22168: 22160: 22155: 22150: 22145: 22140: 22135: 22130: 22129: 22128: 22123: 22118: 22113: 22108: 22100: 22095: 22090: 22085: 22080: 22074: 22072: 22068: 22067: 22065: 22064: 22063: 22062: 22057: 22052: 22047: 22042: 22037: 22027: 22022: 22016: 22013: 22012: 22001: 22000: 21993: 21986: 21978: 21972: 21971: 21966: 21959: 21952: 21947: 21942: 21935: 21934:External links 21932: 21930: 21929: 21923: 21910: 21881: 21836: 21783: 21774: 21754:(3): 145–150. 21735: 21733:on 2010-06-10. 21726:Cuesta College 21717: 21699:(6): 479–492. 21688: 21641: 21635: 21622: 21571: 21525: 21518: 21500:(5): 370–378. 21489: 21482: 21453: 21440: 21422:(2): 127–160. 21411: 21368: 21362: 21347: 21309:(5): 409–420. 21294: 21268:(4): 624–643. 21257: 21219:(3): 914–921. 21204: 21178:(2): 209–238. 21160: 21132:(6): 911–922. 21117: 21111: 21096: 21089: 21060: 21054: 21037: 21031: 20999: 20956: 20950: 20934: 20932: 20929: 20927: 20926: 20904: 20880: 20851:(6): 725–743. 20831: 20824: 20806: 20791: 20771: 20744: 20735:"Proofreading" 20726: 20719: 20699: 20692: 20668: 20661: 20635: 20628: 20610: 20591: 20577: 20560: 20546: 20531: 20517: 20499: 20482: 20465: 20447: 20429: 20412: 20395: 20374: 20356: 20338: 20320: 20295: 20277:nationale Md. 20269: 20251:nationale Md. 20243: 20225: 20207: 20174: 20157: 20126: 20101: 20070: 20039: 20025: 20007: 19993: 19975: 19972:on 2021-10-30. 19951: 19934: 19920: 19906: 19892: 19874: 19857: 19840: 19823: 19805: 19786: 19768: 19751: 19722: 19693: 19676: 19659: 19642: 19625: 19608: 19583: 19566: 19548: 19530: 19512: 19493: 19474:(4): 157–164. 19458: 19422: 19405: 19391: 19374: 19371:. 22 May 1996. 19356: 19337: 19310: 19291: 19280:(4): 126–135. 19264: 19245:James S. Kim. 19237: 19222: 19199: 19184: 19164: 19161:. 6 June 2019. 19150: 19132: 19107: 19078: 19054: 19030: 19005: 18988: 18968: 18943: 18928: 18901: 18884: 18855: 18831: 18816: 18787: 18758: 18729: 18697: 18669: 18640: 18633: 18615: 18602: 18586: 18555: 18538: 18521: 18503: 18488: 18460: 18441: 18425: 18404: 18386: 18368: 18354: 18337: 18313: 18296: 18278: 18260: 18231:(4): 753–777. 18211: 18204: 18184: 18177: 18159: 18137: 18120: 18105: 18087: 18038: 17995: 17965: 17938:(6): 898–910. 17883: 17880:on 2010-03-05. 17840: 17794: 17775:(2): 185–191. 17756: 17688: 17655: 17604: 17569: 17554: 17533:(2): 186–202. 17510: 17464: 17461:on 2011-04-22. 17433: 17430:on 2021-10-30. 17406: 17389: 17371: 17368:on 2010-06-11. 17346: 17328: 17325:on 2010-12-29. 17300: 17285: 17282:. 27 May 2021. 17268: 17247: 17230: 17208: 17171:(6): 826–858. 17148: 17138: 17117: 17107: 17083: 17068: 17053: 17046: 17028: 17017:(4): 126–135. 17001: 16994: 16973: 16955: 16937: 16895: 16888: 16870: 16856: 16849: 16825: 16808: 16794: 16788:Education Week 16773: 16755: 16731: 16713: 16710:on 2012-10-21. 16681: 16667: 16660: 16634: 16600: 16573: 16555: 16548: 16527: 16509: 16492: 16473: 16459: 16435: 16404: 16386: 16372: 16354: 16340: 16333: 16310: 16293: 16275: 16246:(4): 331–360. 16226: 16212: 16193: 16172: 16158: 16139: 16132: 16108: 16102:Education Week 16076: 16062: 16041: 16030: 16012: 15980: 15962: 15933:(4): 331–360. 15910: 15891: 15884: 15864: 15821: 15815:Education Week 15800: 15785: 15778: 15747: 15728:(2): 159–182. 15712: 15701:(5): 880–893. 15685: 15650: 15631:(2): 170–200. 15615: 15598: 15583: 15576: 15558: 15519: 15501: 15495:Education Week 15480: 15436: 15429: 15405: 15370: 15365:Education Week 15351: 15322: 15315:(2023-11-11). 15304: 15290: 15283: 15265: 15251: 15237: 15230: 15212: 15183:(1): 123–136. 15160: 15153: 15135: 15124:Education MH. 15116: 15098: 15080: 15065: 15041: 14995: 14978: 14959:(3): 250–287. 14939: 14908: 14883: 14858: 14827: 14805: 14773: 14748: 14689: 14675: 14650: 14632: 14615: 14612:on 2015-02-22. 14594: 14551: 14526: 14501: 14481: 14463: 14438: 14424: 14406: 14374: 14343: 14309: 14283: 14280:on 2008-07-05. 14258: 14241: 14210: 14183: 14166: 14149: 14132: 14114: 14096: 14082: 14068: 14050: 14043: 14021: 14007: 13972: 13951: 13933: 13916: 13913:. 29 May 2019. 13902: 13877: 13842: 13828: 13793: 13775: 13758: 13740: 13723: 13637: 13630: 13609: 13552: 13525:(2): 441–453. 13519:Span J Psychol 13509: 13472:(2): 423–435. 13456: 13429:(4): 233–239. 13413: 13370: 13353: 13326: 13319: 13295: 13280: 13266: 13249: 13231: 13213: 13196: 13179: 13160: 13143: 13125: 13105: 13091: 13086:Education Week 13072: 13066:Education Week 13051: 13045:Education Week 13030: 13014: 12996: 12978: 12957: 12937: 12920: 12900: 12894:Education Week 12879: 12865: 12859:Education Week 12844: 12839:Education week 12816: 12777: 12772:Education Week 12758: 12753:Education Week 12739: 12720:(2): 288–325. 12700: 12686: 12663: 12645: 12616: 12598: 12569: 12551: 12533: 12516: 12498: 12480: 12466: 12449: 12431: 12413: 12395: 12372: 12347: 12330: 12309: 12291: 12273: 12254: 12233: 12214:. 2021-03-21. 12191: 12173: 12168:Education Week 12154: 12140: 12089: 12086:. 15 May 2015. 12075: 12058: 12044: 12029: 11980: 11945: 11907: 11896:(3): 311–323. 11880: 11869:(4): 589–608. 11853: 11846: 11828: 11789: 11760: 11731:(3): 220–226. 11711: 11704: 11686: 11672: 11623: 11571: 11542:(1): 162–178. 11519: 11484:(4): 798–809. 11465: 11428:(2): 816–847. 11405: 11346: 11317:(2): 750–762. 11297: 11250: 11243: 11213: 11178: 11163: 11135: 11078: 11051:(4): 766–791. 11028: 10999:10.1038/nn1065 10993:(7): 767–773. 10973: 10921: 10894:(7): 293–299. 10871: 10819: 10792:(3): 765–780. 10772: 10745:(2): 231–238. 10725: 10674: 10648: 10641: 10617: 10610: 10592: 10585: 10565: 10558: 10540: 10537:on 2021-10-30. 10513: 10498: 10487:(2): 107–121. 10471: 10457: 10442: 10409: 10395: 10383: 10368: 10346: 10328: 10325:. 6 June 2019. 10311: 10293: 10275: 10256:(2): 353–370. 10240: 10211:(2): 151–164. 10191: 10172: 10131: 10112: 10105: 10081: 10074: 10050: 10021:(4): 331–360. 10001: 9986: 9953: 9936: 9922: 9897: 9890: 9872: 9865: 9847: 9833: 9826: 9806: 9791: 9767: 9753: 9746: 9726: 9700: 9686: 9679: 9659: 9652: 9634: 9627: 9607: 9578: 9564: 9542: 9528: 9499: 9484: 9460: 9442: 9424: 9406: 9399: 9379: 9362: 9355: 9335: 9328: 9304: 9280: 9265: 9260:Education Week 9246: 9241:Education Week 9227: 9213: 9199: 9184: 9169: 9139: 9109: 9090:(4): 341–355. 9074: 9060: 9043: 9019: 9005: 8980: 8977:. 9 July 2020. 8966: 8961:Education Next 8944: 8927: 8900: 8884: 8865: 8833: 8826: 8808: 8785: 8760: 8725: 8699: 8680:(3): 810–820. 8659: 8606: 8587:(5): 407–422. 8571: 8557: 8532: 8513:(3): 491–528. 8497: 8490: 8462: 8455: 8437: 8423: 8405: 8388: 8374: 8356: 8328: 8311: 8294: 8277: 8260: 8242: 8213: 8169: 8124: 8105: 8083: 8066: 8063:. May 6, 2014. 8043: 8020: 8001:(2): 245–266. 7982: 7954: 7934: 7915: 7893: 7872: 7855: 7838: 7824: 7807: 7792: 7775: 7753: 7732: 7712: 7697: 7679: 7665: 7651: 7627: 7610: 7587: 7569: 7540:(4): 314–321. 7496: 7447: 7434:(2): 173–189. 7414: 7396: 7378: 7354: 7332: 7291: 7280:(6): 971–991. 7260: 7242: 7235: 7212: 7205: 7179: 7172: 7153: 7140: 7133: 7115: 7101: 7094: 7076: 7069: 7051: 7032: 7015: 7001: 6983: 6958: 6933: 6919: 6905: 6898: 6892:. OECD. 2019. 6881: 6864: 6847: 6816: 6805:(3): 269–293. 6799:Social History 6789: 6775: 6761: 6758:. 6 July 2023. 6743: 6711: 6669: 6662: 6641: 6623: 6599: 6585: 6567: 6560: 6542: 6525: 6511: 6493: 6486: 6464: 6446: 6427: 6425: 6422: 6420: 6419: 6414: 6409: 6404: 6399: 6394: 6389: 6384: 6379: 6373: 6372: 6371: 6357: 6343: 6327: 6324: 6323: 6322: 6308: 6301: 6299: 6296: 6289: 6287: 6284: 6277: 6273: 6270: 6269: 6268: 6265:Honoré Daumier 6259: 6252: 6250: 6236: 6229: 6227: 6224: 6217: 6215: 6205: 6198: 6196: 6178: 6171: 6169: 6166:Auguste Renoir 6163: 6156: 6154: 6145: 6138: 6136: 6132:Fritz von Uhde 6126: 6119: 6115: 6112: 6110: 6107: 6106: 6105: 6094: 6086: 6076: 6063:Mortimer Adler 6056: 6046: 6034: 6013: 5990: 5987: 5771:updated their 5746:New York State 5731:Irish language 5614:systematically 5579: 5578: 5573:that supports 5568:United Kingdom 5564: 5549: 5517: 5514: 5490:whole language 5482:whole language 5464:and professor 5434:whole language 5327:colonial times 5318:(letters) and 5296: 5293: 5157: 5154: 5141: 5138: 5115:Main article: 5112: 5109: 5097:Main article: 5094: 5091: 5067:Main article: 5064: 5061: 5050: 5049: 5046: 5043: 5040: 5037: 5033: 5032: 5029: 5026: 5023: 5020: 5016: 5015: 5012: 5009: 5006: 5003: 4999: 4998: 4995: 4992: 4989: 4986: 4982: 4981: 4976: 4971: 4966: 4961: 4955: 4954: 4951: 4948: 4945: 4942: 4938: 4937: 4934: 4931: 4928: 4925: 4921: 4920: 4917: 4914: 4911: 4908: 4904: 4903: 4900: 4897: 4894: 4891: 4887: 4886: 4883: 4880: 4877: 4874: 4831:Main article: 4828: 4825: 4820: 4817: 4792: 4789: 4751:Main article: 4748: 4745: 4739: 4736: 4721:guided reading 4704: 4701: 4661:Main article: 4658: 4655: 4650: 4647: 4646: 4645: 4629: 4622: 4539:languages are 4528: 4525: 4502:whole language 4467:whole language 4429:whole language 4370:whole language 4359: 4356: 4335: 4334: 4331: 4330: 4323: 4315: 4314: 4307: 4296: 4293: 4290: 4289: 4282: 4274: 4273: 4264: 4180: 4177: 4155:silent reading 4118:in England as 4107:Guided reading 4102: 4099: 4081: 4078: 4024:whole language 4011: 4008: 3951: 3948: 3940:evidence-based 3924:whole language 3897:Main article: 3894: 3891: 3867:whole language 3855: 3854: 3843: 3840: 3837: 3834: 3822:Whole language 3809:Whole language 3807:Main article: 3804: 3803:Whole language 3801: 3792: 3789: 3780: 3777: 3765:, in her book 3763:Natalie Wexler 3735:Main article: 3732: 3729: 3698:Main article: 3695: 3692: 3610:whole language 3590: 3587: 3581: 3578: 3560:employed. The 3558:writing system 3519:Main article: 3516: 3513: 3500: 3497: 3359:Main article: 3356: 3353: 3296: 3293: 3285:whole language 3273: 3270: 3148:Main article: 3145: 3142: 3078: 3075: 3018:guided reading 2969: 2966: 2931:guided reading 2921:, word study, 2909:, vocabulary, 2890: 2887: 2800:Main article: 2797: 2794: 2782:shared reading 2778:guided reading 2766:whole language 2757: 2754: 2743: 2740: 2697:New York State 2620: 2617: 2607: 2604: 2603: 2602: 2599:pseudo-science 2592: 2586: 2575: 2569: 2559: 2553: 2543: 2536: 2533: 2515: 2505: 2491: 2455: 2452: 2442: 2439: 2415:Main article: 2412: 2409: 2354:Main article: 2351: 2348: 2301:fusiform gyrus 2297:parietal lobes 2250: 2247: 2236:working memory 2224:Main article: 2221: 2218: 2215: 2214: 2211:Theory of mind 2207: 2206: 2202: 2201: 2197: 2196: 2192: 2191: 2187: 2186: 2182: 2181: 2177: 2176: 2169: 2168: 2164: 2163: 2159: 2158: 2154: 2153: 2149: 2148: 2142: 2141: 2135: 2134: 2127: 2126: 2120: 2119: 2112: 2111: 2107: 2106: 2102: 2101: 2095: 2094: 2090: 2089: 2056: 2053: 2034: 2033: 2029: 2028: 2024: 2023: 2019: 2018: 2014: 2013: 2009: 2008: 2004: 2003: 1999: 1998: 1994: 1993: 1989: 1988: 1960: 1957: 1916:Main article: 1913: 1910: 1909: 1908: 1901: 1898: 1818: 1815: 1806: 1803: 1755: 1752: 1680: 1677: 1640: 1637: 1601: 1598: 1525: 1522: 1515: 1514: 1511: 1508: 1505: 1502: 1498: 1497: 1494: 1491: 1488: 1485: 1481: 1480: 1477: 1474: 1471: 1468: 1464: 1463: 1460: 1457: 1454: 1451: 1447: 1446: 1443: 1440: 1437: 1434: 1413: 1410: 1407: 1406: 1403: 1400: 1396: 1395: 1392: 1389: 1385: 1384: 1381: 1378: 1374: 1373: 1370: 1367: 1366:Comprehension 1363: 1362: 1359: 1356: 1352: 1351: 1348: 1345: 1344:Basic phonics 1341: 1340: 1337: 1334: 1330: 1329: 1326: 1323: 1308: 1305: 1203: 1200: 1179: 1176: 1138: 1135: 1114:United Kingdom 1078: 1075: 1074: 1073: 1070: 1067: 1064: 1061: 988:Globally, the 919: 916: 889: 886: 879:Writing system 877:Main article: 874: 871: 859:media literacy 831: 830: 823: 820: 817: 814: 811: 796: 793: 759:separated text 729: 726: 636: 635: 633: 632: 625: 618: 610: 607: 606: 603: 602: 601: 600: 590: 585: 580: 575: 570: 565: 560: 554: 548: 547: 546: 543: 542: 539: 538: 536:Writing system 533: 528: 523: 518: 513: 508: 503: 498: 493: 488: 483: 478: 473: 467: 461: 460: 459: 456: 455: 452: 451: 446: 441: 436: 430: 426: 425: 424: 421: 420: 417: 416: 411: 406: 400: 394: 393: 392: 389: 388: 385: 384: 379: 374: 369: 363: 359: 358: 357: 354: 353: 350: 349: 347:Whole language 344: 339: 334: 329: 324: 319: 314: 309: 307:Guided reading 304: 299: 294: 289: 283: 277: 276: 275: 272: 271: 268: 267: 262: 257: 252: 247: 241: 237: 236: 235: 232: 231: 228: 227: 222: 217: 212: 207: 201: 197: 196: 195: 192: 191: 188: 187: 182: 177: 171: 165: 164: 163: 160: 159: 151: 150: 144: 143: 131: 130: 124:September 2024 110:it, or adding 91: 89: 82: 58: 36: 30: 27: 25: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 24574: 24563: 24560: 24558: 24555: 24553: 24550: 24548: 24545: 24543: 24540: 24538: 24535: 24534: 24532: 24517: 24514: 24512: 24509: 24508: 24506: 24502: 24496: 24493: 24491: 24488: 24486: 24483: 24481: 24478: 24476: 24473: 24471: 24468: 24466: 24463: 24461: 24458: 24456: 24453: 24451: 24450:Learning Ally 24448: 24446: 24443: 24442: 24440: 24436: 24426: 24423: 24421: 24418: 24417: 24415: 24411: 24405: 24402: 24400: 24397: 24396: 24394: 24390: 24382: 24379: 24378: 24377: 24374: 24372: 24369: 24367: 24364: 24363: 24361: 24359: 24355: 24349: 24346: 24344: 24341: 24339: 24336: 24334: 24331: 24329: 24326: 24324: 24321: 24319: 24316: 24314: 24311: 24309: 24306: 24304: 24301: 24299: 24296: 24294: 24291: 24289: 24286: 24285: 24283: 24281: 24280:communication 24276: 24272: 24269: 24265: 24261: 24257: 24250: 24245: 24243: 24238: 24236: 24231: 24230: 24227: 24215: 24207: 24206: 24203: 24197: 24194: 24192: 24189: 24187: 24184: 24182: 24179: 24177: 24174: 24172: 24169: 24167: 24164: 24162: 24159: 24157: 24154: 24152: 24149: 24147: 24144: 24142: 24139: 24137: 24134: 24132: 24129: 24127: 24124: 24122: 24119: 24117: 24114: 24112: 24109: 24107: 24104: 24102: 24099: 24097: 24094: 24092: 24089: 24087: 24084: 24082: 24079: 24077: 24074: 24072: 24069: 24067: 24064: 24062: 24059: 24057: 24054: 24052: 24049: 24047: 24044: 24042: 24039: 24037: 24034: 24032: 24029: 24027: 24024: 24022: 24019: 24017: 24014: 24012: 24009: 24007: 24004: 24002: 23999: 23998: 23996: 23992: 23986: 23983: 23981: 23978: 23976: 23973: 23971: 23968: 23966: 23963: 23961: 23958: 23956: 23953: 23951: 23950:Media studies 23948: 23946: 23943: 23941: 23940:International 23938: 23936: 23933: 23931: 23928: 23926: 23925:Environmental 23923: 23921: 23918: 23916: 23915:Developmental 23913: 23911: 23908: 23906: 23903: 23901: 23898: 23896: 23895:Communicology 23893: 23891: 23888: 23886: 23883: 23881: 23878: 23877: 23875: 23871: 23866: 23856: 23853: 23851: 23848: 23846: 23843: 23839: 23836: 23835: 23834: 23831: 23829: 23826: 23824: 23821: 23819: 23816: 23814: 23811: 23809: 23806: 23804: 23801: 23799: 23796: 23794: 23791: 23789: 23786: 23784: 23783:Media ecology 23781: 23779: 23776: 23774: 23771: 23769: 23766: 23764: 23761: 23759: 23756: 23754: 23753:Interpersonal 23751: 23749: 23748:Intercultural 23746: 23744: 23741: 23739: 23736: 23734: 23731: 23729: 23726: 23724: 23723:Communication 23721: 23719: 23716: 23714: 23711: 23710: 23708: 23700: 23694: 23691: 23689: 23686: 23685: 23682: 23678: 23671: 23666: 23664: 23659: 23657: 23652: 23651: 23648: 23636: 23632: 23628: 23626: 23618: 23616: 23608: 23607: 23604: 23598: 23595: 23593: 23590: 23588: 23587: 23583: 23581: 23578: 23576: 23573: 23571: 23568: 23566: 23563: 23561: 23558: 23554: 23551: 23549: 23546: 23545: 23544: 23541: 23539: 23536: 23534: 23531: 23529: 23526: 23524: 23523:Book swapping 23521: 23519: 23516: 23514: 23511: 23507: 23504: 23502: 23499: 23498: 23497: 23494: 23492: 23489: 23488: 23486: 23482: 23476: 23473: 23469: 23466: 23464: 23461: 23459: 23456: 23455: 23453: 23451: 23448: 23444: 23441: 23439: 23436: 23434: 23431: 23429: 23426: 23425: 23423: 23422: 23420: 23416: 23410: 23409:United States 23407: 23405: 23402: 23400: 23397: 23395: 23392: 23390: 23387: 23385: 23382: 23380: 23377: 23375: 23372: 23370: 23367: 23365: 23362: 23361: 23359: 23355: 23349: 23346: 23342: 23339: 23338: 23337: 23334: 23332: 23331:Print culture 23329: 23327: 23324: 23320: 23317: 23315: 23312: 23311: 23309: 23307: 23304: 23302: 23299: 23297: 23294: 23292: 23289: 23287: 23284: 23280: 23277: 23275: 23272: 23270: 23267: 23265: 23262: 23261: 23260: 23257: 23255: 23252: 23250: 23249:Bibliotherapy 23247: 23245: 23242: 23239: 23235: 23232: 23230: 23227: 23223: 23220: 23219: 23218: 23215: 23213: 23210: 23209: 23207: 23203: 23197: 23194: 23192: 23189: 23187: 23184: 23182: 23179: 23177: 23174: 23170: 23167: 23165: 23162: 23160: 23157: 23156: 23155: 23152: 23148: 23145: 23143: 23140: 23138: 23135: 23133: 23130: 23128: 23125: 23124: 23123: 23120: 23116: 23113: 23112: 23111: 23108: 23106: 23103: 23101: 23098: 23094: 23091: 23090: 23089: 23086: 23084: 23081: 23080: 23078: 23074: 23070: 23063: 23058: 23056: 23051: 23049: 23044: 23043: 23040: 23028: 23025: 23023: 23020: 23019: 23017: 23013: 23007: 23004: 23002: 22999: 22997: 22994: 22992: 22989: 22987: 22984: 22982: 22979: 22977: 22974: 22972: 22969: 22968: 22966: 22962: 22956: 22953: 22951: 22948: 22946: 22943: 22941: 22938: 22936: 22933: 22931: 22928: 22926: 22923: 22921: 22918: 22916: 22913: 22911: 22908: 22906: 22903: 22901: 22898: 22897: 22895: 22893: 22889: 22883: 22880: 22878: 22875: 22873: 22870: 22868: 22864: 22862: 22859: 22858: 22856: 22852: 22846: 22843: 22841: 22838: 22836: 22833: 22831: 22828: 22826: 22823: 22822: 22820: 22816: 22812: 22807: 22803: 22796: 22791: 22789: 22784: 22782: 22777: 22776: 22773: 22761: 22758: 22756: 22753: 22751: 22748: 22746: 22743: 22741: 22738: 22736: 22733: 22731: 22728: 22726: 22723: 22721: 22718: 22716: 22713: 22711: 22708: 22706: 22703: 22702: 22700: 22696: 22690: 22687: 22683: 22680: 22679: 22678: 22675: 22673: 22670: 22668: 22665: 22663: 22660: 22658: 22655: 22653: 22650: 22648: 22645: 22643: 22640: 22638: 22635: 22633: 22630: 22628: 22625: 22621: 22618: 22616: 22613: 22612: 22610: 22608: 22605: 22603: 22600: 22598: 22595: 22593: 22590: 22588: 22585: 22583: 22580: 22578: 22575: 22573: 22570: 22568: 22565: 22563: 22560: 22558: 22555: 22553: 22550: 22548: 22545: 22543: 22540: 22538: 22535: 22533: 22530: 22528: 22525: 22523: 22520: 22518: 22515: 22513: 22510: 22509: 22507: 22503: 22497: 22496:Luxembourgish 22494: 22492: 22489: 22485: 22484:Maastrichtian 22482: 22481: 22479: 22477: 22474: 22472: 22469: 22467: 22464: 22462: 22459: 22457: 22454: 22452: 22449: 22447: 22444: 22442: 22439: 22437: 22434: 22432: 22429: 22427: 22424: 22422: 22419: 22417: 22414: 22412: 22409: 22407: 22404: 22402: 22399: 22395: 22392: 22390: 22387: 22386: 22384: 22382: 22379: 22377: 22374: 22372: 22369: 22365: 22362: 22360: 22357: 22355: 22352: 22351: 22349: 22345: 22342: 22340: 22337: 22336: 22334: 22332: 22329: 22325: 22322: 22320: 22317: 22316: 22314: 22312: 22309: 22307: 22304: 22303: 22301: 22297: 22291: 22288: 22286: 22283: 22279: 22276: 22274: 22271: 22269: 22266: 22264: 22261: 22259: 22256: 22254: 22251: 22249: 22246: 22244: 22241: 22239: 22236: 22235: 22234: 22231: 22227: 22224: 22222: 22219: 22218: 22216: 22214: 22211: 22209: 22206: 22204: 22201: 22199: 22196: 22192: 22189: 22187: 22184: 22182: 22179: 22177: 22174: 22172: 22169: 22167: 22164: 22163: 22161: 22159: 22156: 22154: 22151: 22149: 22146: 22144: 22141: 22139: 22136: 22134: 22131: 22127: 22124: 22122: 22119: 22117: 22114: 22112: 22109: 22107: 22104: 22103: 22101: 22099: 22096: 22094: 22091: 22089: 22086: 22084: 22081: 22079: 22076: 22075: 22073: 22069: 22061: 22058: 22056: 22053: 22051: 22048: 22046: 22043: 22041: 22038: 22036: 22033: 22032: 22031: 22028: 22026: 22025:Orthographies 22023: 22021: 22018: 22017: 22014: 22010: 22006: 21999: 21994: 21992: 21987: 21985: 21980: 21979: 21976: 21970: 21967: 21965: 21964: 21960: 21958: 21957: 21953: 21951: 21948: 21946: 21943: 21941: 21938: 21937: 21926: 21920: 21916: 21911: 21907: 21903: 21899: 21895: 21891: 21888:(in French). 21887: 21882: 21878: 21874: 21870: 21866: 21862: 21858: 21854: 21850: 21846: 21842: 21837: 21833: 21829: 21824: 21819: 21814: 21809: 21805: 21801: 21797: 21793: 21789: 21784: 21780: 21775: 21771: 21767: 21762: 21757: 21753: 21749: 21745: 21741: 21738:Shaywitz SE, 21736: 21732: 21728: 21727: 21722: 21718: 21714: 21710: 21706: 21702: 21698: 21694: 21689: 21685: 21681: 21677: 21673: 21669: 21665: 21660: 21655: 21651: 21647: 21642: 21638: 21632: 21628: 21623: 21619: 21615: 21610: 21605: 21601: 21597: 21593: 21589: 21585: 21581: 21577: 21572: 21568: 21564: 21560: 21556: 21552: 21548: 21544: 21540: 21539: 21531: 21526: 21523: 21519: 21515: 21511: 21507: 21503: 21499: 21495: 21490: 21487: 21483: 21479: 21475: 21471: 21467: 21463: 21459: 21454: 21450: 21446: 21441: 21437: 21433: 21429: 21425: 21421: 21417: 21412: 21408: 21404: 21399: 21394: 21390: 21386: 21382: 21378: 21374: 21369: 21365: 21359: 21355: 21354: 21348: 21344: 21340: 21335: 21330: 21326: 21322: 21317: 21312: 21308: 21304: 21300: 21295: 21291: 21287: 21283: 21279: 21275: 21271: 21267: 21263: 21258: 21254: 21250: 21245: 21240: 21235: 21230: 21226: 21222: 21218: 21214: 21210: 21205: 21201: 21197: 21193: 21189: 21185: 21181: 21177: 21173: 21166: 21161: 21157: 21153: 21148: 21143: 21139: 21135: 21131: 21127: 21123: 21118: 21114: 21108: 21104: 21103: 21097: 21094: 21090: 21086: 21082: 21078: 21074: 21070: 21066: 21061: 21057: 21051: 21046: 21045: 21038: 21034: 21028: 21024: 21020: 21015: 21010: 21006: 21000: 20996: 20992: 20987: 20982: 20978: 20974: 20970: 20966: 20962: 20957: 20953: 20947: 20943: 20942: 20936: 20935: 20922: 20918: 20914: 20908: 20894: 20890: 20884: 20876: 20872: 20868: 20864: 20859: 20854: 20850: 20846: 20842: 20835: 20827: 20821: 20817: 20810: 20802: 20798: 20794: 20792:1-56731-010-9 20788: 20784: 20783: 20775: 20769: 20765: 20761: 20757: 20753: 20748: 20740: 20736: 20730: 20722: 20716: 20712: 20711: 20703: 20695: 20689: 20685: 20681: 20680: 20672: 20664: 20658: 20654: 20649: 20648: 20639: 20631: 20625: 20621: 20614: 20606: 20602: 20595: 20587: 20581: 20570: 20564: 20556: 20550: 20541: 20535: 20527: 20521: 20513: 20509: 20503: 20492: 20486: 20475: 20469: 20461: 20457: 20451: 20443: 20439: 20433: 20422: 20416: 20405: 20399: 20391: 20387: 20381: 20379: 20370: 20366: 20360: 20352: 20348: 20342: 20334: 20330: 20324: 20309: 20305: 20299: 20284: 20280: 20273: 20258: 20254: 20247: 20239: 20235: 20229: 20221: 20217: 20211: 20202: 20197: 20193: 20189: 20185: 20178: 20167: 20161: 20147:on 2018-08-26 20143: 20136: 20130: 20116:on 2019-07-30 20115: 20111: 20105: 20091:on 2022-10-09 20087: 20080: 20074: 20060:on 2020-12-30 20056: 20049: 20043: 20035: 20029: 20021: 20017: 20011: 20003: 19997: 19989: 19985: 19979: 19971: 19967: 19966: 19961: 19955: 19944: 19938: 19930: 19924: 19916: 19910: 19902: 19896: 19888: 19884: 19878: 19867: 19861: 19850: 19844: 19833: 19827: 19819: 19815: 19809: 19801: 19797: 19790: 19782: 19778: 19772: 19761: 19755: 19739: 19734: 19726: 19712:on 2021-01-07 19711: 19707: 19703: 19697: 19686: 19680: 19669: 19663: 19652: 19646: 19635: 19629: 19618: 19612: 19598:on 2018-07-09 19597: 19593: 19587: 19576: 19570: 19562: 19558: 19552: 19544: 19540: 19534: 19526: 19522: 19516: 19508: 19504: 19497: 19489: 19485: 19481: 19477: 19473: 19469: 19462: 19448:on 2013-03-21 19444: 19440: 19433: 19426: 19415: 19409: 19401: 19395: 19384: 19378: 19370: 19366: 19360: 19354: 19350: 19346: 19341: 19325: 19321: 19314: 19306: 19302: 19295: 19287: 19283: 19279: 19275: 19268: 19250: 19249: 19241: 19233: 19229: 19225: 19223:0-262-51076-6 19219: 19215: 19214: 19206: 19204: 19195: 19191: 19187: 19185:0-06-091340-1 19181: 19177: 19176: 19168: 19160: 19154: 19146: 19142: 19136: 19122: 19118: 19111: 19096: 19089: 19082: 19068: 19064: 19058: 19044: 19040: 19034: 19019: 19015: 19009: 19001: 19000: 18992: 18981: 18980: 18972: 18958: 18954: 18947: 18939: 18935: 18931: 18929:0-262-01112-3 18925: 18921: 18917: 18916: 18908: 18906: 18897: 18896: 18888: 18874:on 2022-03-11 18873: 18869: 18865: 18859: 18852: 18848: 18844: 18841: 18835: 18829: 18826: 18820: 18806:on 2022-04-22 18805: 18801: 18797: 18791: 18777:on 2022-04-22 18776: 18772: 18768: 18762: 18748:on 2022-04-22 18747: 18743: 18739: 18733: 18719:on 2022-02-19 18718: 18714: 18710: 18704: 18702: 18686: 18685: 18680: 18673: 18659:on 2020-03-01 18658: 18654: 18650: 18644: 18636: 18630: 18626: 18619: 18612: 18606: 18599: 18593: 18591: 18579: 18575: 18568: 18567: 18559: 18548: 18542: 18531: 18525: 18517: 18513: 18507: 18499: 18495: 18491: 18485: 18480: 18475: 18471: 18464: 18453: 18452: 18445: 18437: 18436: 18429: 18421: 18417: 18411: 18409: 18400: 18396: 18390: 18382: 18378: 18372: 18364: 18358: 18347: 18341: 18333: 18332: 18327: 18320: 18318: 18306: 18300: 18292: 18288: 18282: 18271: 18264: 18256: 18252: 18247: 18242: 18238: 18234: 18230: 18226: 18222: 18215: 18207: 18201: 18197: 18196: 18188: 18180: 18174: 18170: 18163: 18155: 18154:ERIC:ED523331 18148: 18141: 18130: 18124: 18116: 18112: 18108: 18102: 18098: 18091: 18083: 18079: 18074: 18069: 18065: 18061: 18057: 18053: 18049: 18042: 18034: 18030: 18026: 18022: 18018: 18014: 18010: 18006: 17999: 17991: 17987: 17983: 17979: 17972: 17970: 17961: 17957: 17953: 17949: 17945: 17941: 17937: 17933: 17925: 17921: 17917: 17913: 17909: 17905: 17901: 17897: 17890: 17888: 17879: 17875: 17871: 17867: 17863: 17859: 17855: 17851: 17844: 17836: 17832: 17828: 17824: 17820: 17816: 17812: 17808: 17801: 17799: 17790: 17786: 17782: 17778: 17774: 17770: 17763: 17761: 17746:on 2018-11-04 17745: 17741: 17737: 17733: 17729: 17725: 17721: 17716: 17711: 17707: 17703: 17699: 17692: 17676: 17672: 17668: 17662: 17660: 17651: 17647: 17642: 17637: 17633: 17629: 17625: 17621: 17620: 17615: 17608: 17600: 17596: 17592: 17588: 17584: 17580: 17573: 17566:. p. 92. 17565: 17558: 17550: 17546: 17541: 17536: 17532: 17528: 17524: 17517: 17515: 17506: 17502: 17498: 17494: 17490: 17486: 17482: 17478: 17471: 17469: 17457: 17453: 17446: 17440: 17438: 17429: 17425: 17424: 17419: 17413: 17411: 17402: 17396: 17394: 17385: 17381: 17375: 17367: 17363: 17359: 17353: 17351: 17342: 17338: 17332: 17321: 17317: 17310: 17304: 17296: 17289: 17281: 17275: 17273: 17264: 17260: 17254: 17252: 17243: 17237: 17235: 17226: 17222: 17215: 17213: 17204: 17200: 17196: 17192: 17187: 17182: 17178: 17174: 17170: 17166: 17159: 17152: 17145: 17141: 17135: 17131: 17124: 17122: 17114: 17110: 17104: 17100: 17096: 17095: 17087: 17079: 17072: 17064: 17061:Frank Smith. 17057: 17049: 17043: 17039: 17032: 17024: 17020: 17016: 17012: 17005: 16997: 16995:0-471-29428-4 16991: 16987: 16980: 16978: 16969: 16965: 16959: 16951: 16947: 16941: 16933: 16929: 16925: 16921: 16917: 16913: 16906: 16899: 16891: 16885: 16881: 16874: 16866: 16860: 16852: 16846: 16842: 16838: 16837: 16829: 16818: 16812: 16805:. 2019-09-23. 16804: 16798: 16790: 16789: 16784: 16777: 16769: 16765: 16759: 16748: 16741: 16735: 16727: 16723: 16717: 16706: 16699: 16695: 16691: 16685: 16677: 16671: 16663: 16657: 16653: 16649: 16646:. Routledge. 16645: 16638: 16624:on 2010-05-12 16620: 16613: 16607: 16605: 16593: 16586: 16580: 16578: 16569: 16562: 16560: 16551: 16545: 16541: 16534: 16532: 16523: 16516: 16514: 16502: 16496: 16488: 16484: 16477: 16469: 16463: 16449: 16445: 16439: 16431: 16427: 16423: 16419: 16415: 16408: 16397: 16390: 16383:. 2019-04-09. 16382: 16376: 16368: 16364: 16358: 16351:. April 2019. 16350: 16344: 16336: 16330: 16326: 16319: 16317: 16315: 16303: 16297: 16289: 16285: 16279: 16271: 16267: 16262: 16257: 16253: 16249: 16245: 16241: 16237: 16230: 16223:. 2020-04-26. 16222: 16216: 16210: 16206: 16202: 16197: 16189: 16185: 16179: 16177: 16168: 16162: 16156: 16152: 16148: 16143: 16135: 16129: 16125: 16121: 16120: 16112: 16104: 16103: 16095: 16089: 16087: 16085: 16083: 16081: 16072: 16066: 16058: 16054: 16048: 16046: 16038: 16033: 16027: 16023: 16016: 16002:on 2020-05-14 16001: 15997: 15993: 15987: 15985: 15976: 15972: 15966: 15958: 15954: 15949: 15944: 15940: 15936: 15932: 15928: 15924: 15917: 15915: 15906: 15902: 15895: 15887: 15885:0-435-08535-2 15881: 15877: 15876: 15868: 15860: 15856: 15852: 15848: 15844: 15840: 15836: 15832: 15825: 15817: 15816: 15811: 15804: 15796: 15789: 15781: 15775: 15771: 15767: 15766: 15758: 15756: 15754: 15752: 15743: 15739: 15735: 15731: 15727: 15723: 15716: 15708: 15704: 15700: 15696: 15689: 15681: 15677: 15673: 15669: 15665: 15661: 15654: 15646: 15642: 15638: 15634: 15630: 15626: 15619: 15608: 15602: 15594: 15587: 15579: 15573: 15569: 15562: 15554: 15550: 15546: 15542: 15538: 15534: 15530: 15523: 15512: 15505: 15497: 15496: 15491: 15484: 15476: 15472: 15468: 15464: 15460: 15456: 15452: 15448: 15440: 15432: 15426: 15422: 15418: 15417: 15409: 15401: 15397: 15393: 15389: 15385: 15381: 15374: 15366: 15362: 15355: 15341:on 2005-01-23 15340: 15336: 15333:Rasinski, T. 15329: 15327: 15318: 15314: 15308: 15300: 15294: 15286: 15280: 15276: 15269: 15261: 15255: 15247: 15241: 15233: 15227: 15223: 15216: 15208: 15204: 15200: 15196: 15191: 15186: 15182: 15178: 15174: 15167: 15165: 15156: 15154:0-945700-04-0 15150: 15146: 15139: 15131: 15127: 15120: 15112: 15108: 15102: 15094: 15090: 15084: 15076: 15072: 15068: 15062: 15058: 15054: 15053: 15045: 15037: 15033: 15029: 15025: 15021: 15017: 15014:(2): 87–106. 15013: 15009: 15002: 15000: 14988: 14982: 14974: 14970: 14966: 14962: 14958: 14954: 14950: 14943: 14929:on 2016-05-15 14925: 14918: 14912: 14893: 14887: 14868: 14862: 14848:on 2021-01-15 14844: 14837: 14831: 14816: 14809: 14790: 14783: 14777: 14758: 14752: 14744: 14740: 14736: 14732: 14727: 14722: 14717: 14712: 14708: 14704: 14700: 14693: 14685: 14679: 14665:on 2020-06-05 14664: 14660: 14654: 14646: 14642: 14636: 14629:. p. 12. 14625: 14619: 14611: 14607: 14601: 14599: 14590: 14586: 14582: 14578: 14574: 14567: 14560: 14558: 14556: 14541:on 2021-04-17 14540: 14536: 14530: 14516:on 2020-06-05 14515: 14511: 14505: 14494: 14488: 14486: 14477: 14473: 14467: 14453:on 2019-07-30 14452: 14448: 14442: 14434: 14428: 14420: 14416: 14410: 14391: 14384: 14378: 14364:on 2010-02-05 14360: 14353: 14347: 14333:on 2010-05-12 14329: 14322: 14316: 14314: 14305: 14298: 14292: 14290: 14288: 14279: 14275: 14271: 14265: 14263: 14251: 14245: 14231:on 2010-05-12 14227: 14220: 14214: 14206: 14202: 14198: 14194: 14187: 14176: 14170: 14159: 14153: 14142: 14136: 14128: 14124: 14118: 14110: 14106: 14100: 14093:. 2021-03-21. 14092: 14086: 14078: 14072: 14061: 14054: 14046: 14040: 14035: 14034: 14025: 14017: 14011: 13997:on 2021-02-07 13993: 13989: 13982: 13976: 13965: 13958: 13956: 13947: 13943: 13937: 13926: 13920: 13912: 13906: 13892:on 2020-06-25 13891: 13887: 13881: 13867:on 2020-12-17 13863: 13859: 13852: 13846: 13838: 13832: 13818:on 2020-10-16 13814: 13810: 13803: 13797: 13789: 13785: 13779: 13768: 13762: 13754: 13750: 13744: 13733: 13727: 13719: 13713: 13699:on 2017-04-20 13695: 13691: 13687: 13683: 13679: 13675: 13671: 13667: 13663: 13659: 13655: 13648: 13641: 13633: 13627: 13623: 13616: 13614: 13605: 13601: 13596: 13591: 13587: 13583: 13579: 13575: 13571: 13567: 13563: 13556: 13548: 13544: 13540: 13536: 13532: 13528: 13524: 13520: 13513: 13505: 13501: 13497: 13493: 13488: 13483: 13479: 13475: 13471: 13467: 13460: 13452: 13448: 13444: 13440: 13436: 13432: 13428: 13424: 13417: 13409: 13405: 13401: 13397: 13393: 13389: 13385: 13381: 13374: 13363: 13357: 13349: 13345: 13341: 13337: 13330: 13322: 13316: 13312: 13308: 13307: 13299: 13291: 13284: 13276: 13270: 13259: 13253: 13245: 13241: 13235: 13227: 13223: 13217: 13206: 13200: 13189: 13183: 13175: 13171: 13164: 13153: 13147: 13139: 13135: 13134:"Amy Murdoch" 13129: 13118: 13112: 13110: 13101: 13095: 13087: 13083: 13076: 13068: 13067: 13062: 13055: 13047: 13046: 13041: 13034: 13027:. 2023-04-24. 13026: 13025: 13018: 13010: 13006: 13000: 12992: 12988: 12982: 12974: 12970: 12964: 12962: 12954:. 2020-03-20. 12953: 12952: 12947: 12941: 12933: 12930: 12924: 12916: 12915: 12910: 12904: 12896: 12895: 12890: 12883: 12875: 12869: 12861: 12860: 12855: 12848: 12840: 12837:. spotlight. 12833: 12827: 12825: 12823: 12821: 12812: 12808: 12804: 12800: 12796: 12792: 12788: 12781: 12773: 12769: 12762: 12754: 12750: 12743: 12735: 12731: 12727: 12723: 12719: 12715: 12711: 12704: 12696: 12690: 12682: 12678: 12672: 12670: 12668: 12659: 12655: 12649: 12635:on 2020-12-16 12634: 12630: 12626: 12620: 12612: 12608: 12602: 12588:on 2021-01-18 12587: 12583: 12579: 12573: 12565: 12561: 12555: 12547: 12543: 12537: 12526: 12520: 12512: 12508: 12502: 12494: 12490: 12484: 12476: 12470: 12459: 12453: 12445: 12441: 12435: 12427: 12423: 12417: 12409: 12405: 12399: 12391: 12387: 12381: 12379: 12377: 12362:on 2022-05-13 12361: 12357: 12351: 12340: 12334: 12326: 12322: 12316: 12314: 12305: 12301: 12295: 12288:. 2017-02-28. 12287: 12283: 12277: 12269: 12263: 12261: 12259: 12250: 12246: 12240: 12238: 12229: 12225: 12221: 12217: 12213: 12206: 12200: 12198: 12196: 12187: 12183: 12177: 12169: 12165: 12158: 12150: 12144: 12136: 12132: 12127: 12122: 12117: 12112: 12108: 12104: 12100: 12093: 12085: 12079: 12068: 12062: 12054: 12048: 12040: 12033: 12025: 12021: 12017: 12013: 12008: 12003: 11999: 11995: 11991: 11984: 11976: 11972: 11968: 11964: 11960: 11956: 11949: 11941: 11937: 11933: 11929: 11925: 11921: 11914: 11912: 11903: 11899: 11895: 11891: 11884: 11876: 11872: 11868: 11864: 11857: 11849: 11843: 11839: 11832: 11824: 11820: 11816: 11812: 11808: 11804: 11800: 11793: 11777: 11773: 11767: 11765: 11756: 11752: 11747: 11742: 11738: 11734: 11730: 11726: 11722: 11715: 11707: 11701: 11697: 11690: 11682: 11676: 11668: 11664: 11659: 11654: 11650: 11646: 11642: 11638: 11634: 11627: 11619: 11615: 11611: 11607: 11602: 11597: 11593: 11589: 11585: 11578: 11576: 11567: 11563: 11559: 11555: 11550: 11545: 11541: 11537: 11533: 11526: 11524: 11515: 11511: 11507: 11503: 11499: 11495: 11491: 11487: 11483: 11479: 11472: 11470: 11461: 11457: 11452: 11447: 11443: 11439: 11435: 11431: 11427: 11423: 11419: 11412: 11410: 11401: 11397: 11392: 11387: 11382: 11377: 11373: 11369: 11365: 11361: 11357: 11350: 11342: 11338: 11333: 11328: 11324: 11320: 11316: 11312: 11308: 11301: 11293: 11289: 11285: 11281: 11277: 11273: 11269: 11265: 11261: 11254: 11246: 11240: 11236: 11232: 11228: 11224: 11217: 11209: 11205: 11201: 11197: 11193: 11189: 11182: 11174: 11170: 11166: 11160: 11156: 11152: 11148: 11147: 11139: 11131: 11127: 11123: 11119: 11115: 11111: 11106: 11101: 11097: 11093: 11089: 11082: 11074: 11070: 11066: 11062: 11058: 11054: 11050: 11046: 11042: 11035: 11033: 11024: 11020: 11016: 11012: 11008: 11004: 11000: 10996: 10992: 10988: 10984: 10977: 10969: 10965: 10961: 10957: 10952: 10947: 10943: 10939: 10935: 10928: 10926: 10917: 10913: 10909: 10905: 10901: 10897: 10893: 10889: 10885: 10878: 10876: 10867: 10863: 10858: 10853: 10849: 10845: 10841: 10837: 10833: 10826: 10824: 10815: 10811: 10807: 10803: 10799: 10795: 10791: 10787: 10783: 10776: 10768: 10764: 10760: 10756: 10752: 10748: 10744: 10740: 10736: 10729: 10721: 10717: 10712: 10707: 10702: 10697: 10693: 10689: 10685: 10678: 10662: 10658: 10652: 10644: 10638: 10634: 10630: 10629: 10621: 10613: 10607: 10603: 10596: 10588: 10582: 10578: 10577: 10569: 10561: 10555: 10551: 10544: 10536: 10532: 10531: 10526: 10520: 10518: 10509: 10502: 10494: 10490: 10486: 10482: 10475: 10468:. 2020-08-07. 10467: 10461: 10453: 10446: 10437: 10432: 10428: 10424: 10420: 10413: 10405: 10399: 10387: 10379: 10372: 10364: 10360: 10356: 10350: 10342: 10338: 10332: 10324: 10318: 10316: 10307: 10303: 10297: 10289: 10285: 10279: 10271: 10267: 10263: 10259: 10255: 10251: 10244: 10236: 10232: 10227: 10222: 10218: 10214: 10210: 10206: 10202: 10195: 10187: 10183: 10176: 10168: 10164: 10159: 10154: 10150: 10146: 10142: 10135: 10127: 10123: 10116: 10108: 10102: 10098: 10094: 10093: 10085: 10077: 10071: 10067: 10063: 10062: 10054: 10046: 10042: 10037: 10032: 10028: 10024: 10020: 10016: 10012: 10005: 9997: 9993: 9989: 9983: 9979: 9975: 9968: 9967: 9960: 9958: 9946: 9940: 9933:. 2019-05-29. 9932: 9926: 9918: 9914: 9908: 9906: 9904: 9902: 9893: 9887: 9883: 9876: 9868: 9862: 9858: 9851: 9843: 9837: 9829: 9823: 9819: 9818: 9810: 9802: 9798: 9794: 9788: 9784: 9780: 9779: 9771: 9763: 9757: 9749: 9743: 9739: 9738: 9730: 9714: 9710: 9704: 9696: 9690: 9682: 9676: 9672: 9671: 9663: 9655: 9649: 9645: 9638: 9630: 9624: 9620: 9619: 9611: 9597:on 2021-08-02 9596: 9592: 9588: 9582: 9574: 9568: 9553: 9546: 9538: 9532: 9518:on 2021-04-22 9517: 9513: 9509: 9503: 9495: 9491: 9487: 9481: 9477: 9473: 9472: 9464: 9456: 9452: 9446: 9438: 9434: 9428: 9420: 9416: 9410: 9402: 9396: 9392: 9391: 9383: 9375: 9374: 9366: 9358: 9352: 9348: 9347: 9339: 9331: 9325: 9321: 9317: 9316: 9308: 9297: 9291: 9289: 9287: 9285: 9276: 9269: 9261: 9257: 9250: 9242: 9238: 9231: 9223: 9217: 9209: 9203: 9195: 9188: 9180: 9173: 9158: 9154: 9150: 9143: 9128: 9124: 9120: 9113: 9105: 9101: 9097: 9093: 9089: 9085: 9078: 9070: 9064: 9053: 9047: 9039: 9035: 9028: 9026: 9024: 9015: 9009: 8995:on 2021-01-21 8994: 8990: 8984: 8976: 8970: 8962: 8958: 8951: 8949: 8940: 8934: 8932: 8923: 8919: 8915: 8911: 8904: 8897: 8891: 8889: 8880: 8876: 8869: 8855:on 2021-01-21 8854: 8850: 8846: 8840: 8838: 8829: 8823: 8819: 8812: 8804: 8800: 8796: 8789: 8775:on 2021-01-16 8774: 8770: 8764: 8756: 8752: 8748: 8744: 8740: 8736: 8729: 8714: 8710: 8703: 8695: 8691: 8687: 8683: 8679: 8675: 8668: 8666: 8664: 8655: 8651: 8647: 8643: 8639: 8635: 8632:(1): 95–114. 8631: 8627: 8620: 8613: 8611: 8602: 8598: 8594: 8590: 8586: 8582: 8575: 8567: 8561: 8547:on 2021-01-21 8546: 8542: 8536: 8528: 8524: 8520: 8516: 8512: 8508: 8501: 8493: 8487: 8483: 8479: 8478: 8473: 8466: 8458: 8452: 8448: 8441: 8433: 8427: 8420:. 6 May 2015. 8419: 8415: 8409: 8401: 8395: 8393: 8384: 8378: 8371:. 2012-11-16. 8370: 8366: 8360: 8345: 8341: 8335: 8333: 8321: 8315: 8304: 8298: 8287: 8281: 8270: 8264: 8256: 8252: 8246: 8232:on 2020-10-31 8231: 8227: 8223: 8217: 8203:on 2017-08-12 8199: 8195: 8191: 8187: 8183: 8179: 8175: 8170: 8165: 8161: 8157: 8150: 8143: 8141: 8139: 8137: 8135: 8133: 8131: 8129: 8120: 8116: 8109: 8098: 8092: 8090: 8088: 8079: 8073: 8071: 8062: 8061: 8056: 8050: 8048: 8039: 8038: 8033: 8027: 8025: 8016: 8012: 8008: 8004: 8000: 7996: 7995:J Educ Change 7989: 7987: 7971: 7967: 7961: 7959: 7947: 7941: 7939: 7930: 7924: 7922: 7920: 7908: 7902: 7900: 7898: 7889: 7885: 7879: 7877: 7865: 7859: 7848: 7842: 7834: 7828: 7817: 7811: 7803: 7796: 7785: 7779: 7770: 7765: 7757: 7749: 7748: 7743: 7736: 7728: 7721: 7719: 7717: 7708: 7701: 7690: 7683: 7675: 7669: 7661: 7655: 7648: 7647:public domain 7637: 7631: 7620: 7614: 7603: 7596: 7594: 7592: 7583: 7576: 7574: 7565: 7561: 7556: 7551: 7547: 7543: 7539: 7535: 7531: 7515: 7511: 7507: 7500: 7492: 7488: 7483: 7478: 7474: 7470: 7466: 7462: 7458: 7451: 7442: 7437: 7433: 7429: 7425: 7418: 7410: 7406: 7400: 7392: 7388: 7382: 7374: 7373: 7368: 7361: 7359: 7350: 7346: 7339: 7337: 7328: 7324: 7319: 7314: 7310: 7306: 7302: 7295: 7287: 7283: 7279: 7275: 7271: 7264: 7256: 7252: 7246: 7238: 7232: 7228: 7227: 7219: 7217: 7208: 7202: 7198: 7194: 7190: 7183: 7175: 7169: 7165: 7164: 7157: 7150: 7144: 7136: 7130: 7126: 7119: 7111: 7105: 7097: 7091: 7087: 7080: 7072: 7066: 7062: 7055: 7048:(1): 114–135. 7047: 7043: 7036: 7028: 7022: 7020: 7011: 7005: 6997: 6993: 6987: 6973:on 2021-02-04 6972: 6968: 6962: 6948:on 2021-02-04 6947: 6943: 6937: 6930:. 2021-04-19. 6929: 6923: 6915: 6909: 6901: 6895: 6891: 6885: 6874: 6868: 6861:. 2018-10-18. 6857: 6851: 6837:on 2021-08-15 6833: 6826: 6820: 6812: 6808: 6804: 6800: 6793: 6785: 6779: 6772:. 2021-02-06. 6771: 6765: 6757: 6753: 6747: 6733: 6729: 6722: 6720: 6718: 6716: 6707: 6703: 6699: 6695: 6691: 6687: 6680: 6673: 6665: 6659: 6655: 6648: 6646: 6637: 6633: 6627: 6613: 6609: 6603: 6595: 6589: 6581: 6577: 6571: 6563: 6557: 6553: 6546: 6535: 6529: 6521: 6515: 6507: 6503: 6497: 6489: 6487:0-19-861243-5 6483: 6479: 6475: 6468: 6460: 6456: 6450: 6442: 6438: 6432: 6428: 6418: 6415: 6413: 6410: 6408: 6405: 6403: 6400: 6398: 6395: 6393: 6390: 6388: 6385: 6383: 6380: 6378: 6375: 6374: 6369: 6358: 6355: 6349: 6344: 6341: 6335: 6330: 6320: 6316: 6312: 6305: 6300: 6293: 6288: 6281: 6276: 6275: 6266: 6262: 6256: 6251: 6247: 6243: 6239: 6238:Youth reading 6233: 6228: 6221: 6216: 6212: 6208: 6202: 6197: 6194: 6183: 6182: 6175: 6170: 6167: 6160: 6155: 6152: 6148: 6142: 6137: 6133: 6129: 6123: 6118: 6117: 6103: 6098: 6095: 6092: 6091: 6087: 6084: 6080: 6077: 6074: 6070: 6069: 6064: 6060: 6057: 6054: 6050: 6047: 6044: 6040: 6039: 6035: 6031: 6027: 6023: 6019: 6018: 6017:Speed reading 6014: 6011: 6007: 6003: 5998: 5997: 5993: 5992: 5986: 5984: 5979: 5976: 5974: 5970: 5965: 5963: 5958: 5954: 5952: 5948: 5944: 5939: 5935: 5933: 5929: 5924: 5922: 5917: 5912: 5910: 5906: 5902: 5898: 5894: 5890: 5885: 5882: 5878: 5874: 5870: 5865: 5863: 5859: 5854: 5849: 5846: 5842: 5838: 5832: 5830: 5825: 5823: 5817: 5814: 5809: 5807: 5803: 5799: 5795: 5790: 5787: 5782: 5779: 5774: 5770: 5765: 5762: 5757: 5755: 5751: 5747: 5742: 5739: 5734: 5732: 5728: 5724: 5719: 5717: 5713: 5708: 5705: 5701: 5697: 5694:launched the 5693: 5684: 5680: 5678: 5672: 5670: 5666: 5661: 5658: 5654: 5650: 5646: 5643:In 2008, the 5641: 5639: 5634: 5630: 5625: 5622: 5617: 5615: 5611: 5606: 5601: 5596: 5591: 5588: 5584: 5576: 5572: 5569: 5565: 5562: 5558: 5554: 5550: 5547: 5543: 5539: 5538: 5537: 5531: 5527: 5522: 5513: 5509: 5506: 5501: 5499: 5495: 5491: 5487: 5483: 5478: 5475:In the 1990s 5473: 5471: 5467: 5463: 5459: 5454: 5452: 5448: 5444: 5440: 5435: 5430: 5428: 5418: 5414: 5412: 5408: 5407:Rudolf Flesch 5403: 5400: 5396: 5392: 5388: 5386: 5382: 5378: 5374: 5370: 5365: 5363: 5359: 5355: 5351: 5346: 5344: 5340: 5335: 5333: 5328: 5323: 5321: 5317: 5313: 5309: 5304: 5302: 5292: 5290: 5286: 5281: 5277: 5273: 5270: 5266: 5262: 5258: 5256: 5251: 5247: 5243: 5241: 5240:Saint Ambrose 5237: 5226: 5225: 5219: 5213: 5212:legere tacite 5207: 5201: 5199: 5195: 5191: 5187: 5183: 5179: 5175: 5167: 5166:Catholic monk 5162: 5153: 5149: 5147: 5137: 5130: 5126: 5124: 5118: 5108: 5106: 5100: 5090: 5088: 5084: 5080: 5076: 5070: 5060: 5058: 5047: 5044: 5041: 5038: 5035: 5034: 5030: 5027: 5024: 5021: 5018: 5017: 5013: 5010: 5007: 5004: 5001: 5000: 4996: 4993: 4990: 4987: 4984: 4983: 4980: 4977: 4975: 4972: 4970: 4967: 4965: 4962: 4960: 4957: 4956: 4952: 4949: 4946: 4943: 4940: 4939: 4935: 4932: 4929: 4926: 4923: 4922: 4918: 4915: 4912: 4909: 4906: 4905: 4901: 4898: 4895: 4892: 4889: 4888: 4884: 4881: 4878: 4875: 4872: 4871: 4868: 4865: 4860: 4858: 4853: 4851: 4847: 4842: 4840: 4834: 4824: 4816: 4814: 4810: 4806: 4802: 4798: 4788: 4786: 4782: 4778: 4774: 4772: 4768: 4764: 4760: 4754: 4744: 4735: 4733: 4732:speed reading 4728: 4724: 4722: 4714: 4709: 4700: 4698: 4694: 4690: 4686: 4682: 4678: 4674: 4669: 4664: 4654: 4643: 4639: 4635: 4630: 4626: 4623: 4620: 4616: 4612: 4608: 4605: 4604: 4603: 4601: 4597: 4592: 4590: 4585: 4581: 4577: 4573: 4569: 4564: 4562: 4558: 4554: 4550: 4546: 4542: 4538: 4534: 4524: 4522: 4518: 4513: 4511: 4507: 4503: 4499: 4494: 4492: 4488: 4484: 4479: 4474: 4470: 4468: 4464: 4460: 4455: 4453: 4449: 4445: 4441: 4436: 4434: 4430: 4426: 4422: 4417: 4415: 4414: 4409: 4408:Rudolf Flesch 4405: 4401: 4392: 4388: 4386: 4382: 4377: 4375: 4371: 4365: 4355: 4352: 4350: 4346: 4342: 4324: 4317: 4316: 4308: 4301: 4300: 4297: 4294: 4283: 4276: 4275: 4265: 4258: 4257: 4254: 4253: 4250: 4248: 4245: 4241: 4237: 4233: 4229: 4227: 4223: 4219: 4215: 4210: 4206: 4202: 4198: 4194: 4185: 4176: 4173: 4171: 4166: 4163: 4160: 4156: 4151: 4147: 4144: 4140: 4138: 4134: 4131: 4126: 4123: 4121: 4117: 4112: 4109: 4108: 4098: 4095: 4089: 4087: 4077: 4074: 4070: 4066: 4061: 4057: 4052: 4048: 4046: 4042: 4038: 4033: 4029: 4025: 4021: 4017: 4007: 4005: 4001: 3997: 3993: 3989: 3985: 3981: 3977: 3973: 3969: 3964: 3962: 3957: 3947: 3945: 3941: 3936: 3932: 3927: 3925: 3920: 3916: 3914: 3910: 3905: 3900: 3890: 3888: 3884: 3880: 3876: 3872: 3868: 3864: 3860: 3852: 3848: 3844: 3841: 3838: 3835: 3831: 3830: 3829: 3826: 3823: 3815: 3810: 3800: 3798: 3788: 3786: 3776: 3774: 3770: 3768: 3764: 3760: 3755: 3751: 3748: 3744: 3738: 3728: 3726: 3722: 3717: 3715: 3710: 3706: 3701: 3691: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3673: 3669: 3665: 3661: 3657: 3655: 3649: 3645: 3641: 3639: 3635: 3631: 3627: 3622: 3619: 3615: 3611: 3607: 3603: 3599: 3595: 3586: 3577: 3575: 3571: 3567: 3563: 3559: 3555: 3551: 3547: 3543: 3539: 3535: 3531: 3527: 3522: 3509: 3505: 3499:Related areas 3496: 3494: 3489: 3487: 3481: 3479: 3475: 3470: 3468: 3464: 3460: 3455: 3451: 3427: 3421: 3385: 3381: 3377: 3373: 3369: 3368: 3362: 3352: 3350: 3346: 3342: 3338: 3333: 3331: 3327: 3323: 3319: 3315: 3311: 3307: 3303: 3292: 3290: 3286: 3282: 3278: 3269: 3265: 3263: 3259: 3255: 3251: 3247: 3243: 3239: 3238:word families 3235: 3231: 3227: 3223: 3219: 3215: 3211: 3207: 3203: 3201: 3197: 3193: 3189: 3185: 3181: 3175: 3163: 3158: 3157: 3151: 3141: 3139: 3134: 3131: 3129: 3125: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3108: 3106: 3101: 3099: 3095: 3091: 3083: 3074: 3071: 3067: 3065: 3061: 3057: 3054: 3050: 3047: 3041: 3039: 3033: 3031: 3027: 3023: 3019: 3015: 3011: 3007: 3003: 2999: 2995: 2994:metacognitive 2991: 2987: 2983: 2979: 2974: 2965: 2962: 2957: 2955: 2951: 2947: 2942: 2940: 2936: 2932: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2916: 2912: 2908: 2904: 2900: 2896: 2886: 2884: 2879: 2877: 2873: 2869: 2865: 2859: 2855: 2853: 2848: 2845: 2843: 2839: 2835: 2833: 2828: 2824: 2820: 2816: 2808: 2803: 2793: 2789: 2787: 2783: 2779: 2775: 2771: 2767: 2763: 2748: 2739: 2737: 2736: 2731: 2730: 2725: 2721: 2720: 2715: 2714: 2708: 2704: 2702: 2698: 2694: 2689: 2687: 2682: 2681:New Brunswick 2678: 2675:In 2021, the 2673: 2671: 2666: 2662: 2659: 2654: 2649: 2646: 2641: 2639: 2634: 2629: 2627: 2616: 2614: 2613:metacognition 2600: 2596: 2593: 2590: 2587: 2584: 2580: 2576: 2573: 2570: 2567: 2563: 2560: 2557: 2554: 2551: 2547: 2544: 2541: 2537: 2534: 2531: 2527: 2523: 2519: 2516: 2513: 2509: 2506: 2503: 2499: 2495: 2492: 2489: 2485: 2481: 2477: 2474: 2473: 2472: 2469: 2467: 2461: 2451: 2449: 2438: 2436: 2432: 2428: 2424: 2418: 2404: 2400: 2398: 2394: 2390: 2386: 2381: 2378: 2375: 2369: 2367: 2363: 2357: 2347: 2345: 2340: 2338: 2334: 2329: 2325: 2320: 2316: 2312: 2308: 2306: 2302: 2298: 2294: 2289: 2286: 2281: 2279: 2275: 2271: 2266: 2264: 2259: 2254: 2246: 2244: 2239: 2237: 2233: 2227: 2212: 2209: 2208: 2204: 2203: 2199: 2198: 2194: 2193: 2189: 2188: 2184: 2183: 2179: 2178: 2174: 2171: 2170: 2166: 2165: 2161: 2160: 2156: 2155: 2151: 2150: 2147: 2144: 2143: 2140: 2137: 2136: 2132: 2129: 2128: 2125: 2122: 2121: 2117: 2114: 2113: 2109: 2108: 2104: 2103: 2100: 2097: 2096: 2092: 2091: 2087: 2086: 2083: 2081: 2076: 2072: 2070: 2066: 2062: 2052: 2050: 2045: 2041: 2031: 2030: 2026: 2025: 2021: 2020: 2016: 2015: 2011: 2010: 2006: 2005: 2001: 2000: 1996: 1995: 1991: 1990: 1986: 1985: 1982: 1980: 1976: 1971: 1969: 1965: 1956: 1954: 1950: 1945: 1942: 1940: 1936: 1932: 1924: 1919: 1906: 1902: 1899: 1896: 1895: 1894: 1891: 1889: 1885: 1881: 1877: 1874: 1870: 1865: 1861: 1857: 1855: 1851: 1847: 1843: 1834: 1829: 1824: 1814: 1812: 1802: 1800: 1796: 1792: 1786: 1784: 1780: 1775: 1771: 1769: 1765: 1759: 1751: 1748: 1744: 1742: 1738: 1734: 1730: 1726: 1721: 1719: 1715: 1711: 1707: 1703: 1699: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1676: 1674: 1670: 1666: 1662: 1658: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1636: 1634: 1630: 1625: 1623: 1615: 1611: 1606: 1597: 1594: 1590: 1586: 1585:Maryanne Wolf 1581: 1579: 1575: 1571: 1566: 1564: 1560: 1556: 1552: 1547: 1545: 1541: 1537: 1531: 1521: 1512: 1509: 1506: 1503: 1500: 1499: 1495: 1492: 1489: 1486: 1483: 1482: 1478: 1475: 1472: 1469: 1466: 1465: 1461: 1458: 1455: 1452: 1449: 1448: 1444: 1441: 1438: 1435: 1432: 1431: 1428: 1424: 1422: 1419: 1404: 1401: 1398: 1397: 1393: 1390: 1387: 1386: 1382: 1379: 1376: 1375: 1371: 1368: 1365: 1364: 1360: 1357: 1354: 1353: 1349: 1346: 1343: 1342: 1338: 1335: 1332: 1331: 1327: 1324: 1321: 1320: 1317: 1315: 1304: 1302: 1297: 1295: 1290: 1286: 1281: 1278: 1273: 1270: 1268: 1264: 1260: 1254: 1252: 1248: 1244: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1222: 1219: 1214: 1212: 1207: 1199: 1196: 1192: 1184: 1175: 1173: 1167: 1165: 1161: 1157: 1153: 1147: 1143: 1134: 1130: 1128: 1123: 1117: 1115: 1111: 1107: 1102: 1098: 1095: 1091: 1083: 1071: 1068: 1065: 1062: 1059: 1058: 1057: 1054: 1050: 1048: 1044: 1040: 1035: 1033: 1029: 1024: 1022: 1017: 1015: 1010: 1008: 1007:New Brunswick 1004: 999: 994: 991: 986: 984: 978: 976: 972: 968: 964: 959: 955: 952: 950: 946: 943: 939: 935: 931: 925: 915: 912: 909: 907: 902: 894: 885: 880: 870: 868: 864: 860: 856: 852: 848: 843: 840: 837: 828: 824: 821: 818: 815: 812: 809: 808: 807: 804: 802: 792: 790: 786: 781: 779: 775: 771: 766: 764: 760: 751: 746: 739: 734: 721: 715: 710: 706: 704: 700: 696: 692: 691:hazard symbol 688: 683: 681: 677: 673: 669: 665: 660: 658: 654: 650: 646: 642: 631: 626: 624: 619: 617: 612: 611: 609: 608: 599: 596: 595: 594: 591: 589: 586: 584: 581: 579: 576: 574: 571: 569: 566: 564: 563:Close reading 561: 559: 556: 555: 551: 545: 544: 537: 534: 532: 529: 527: 524: 522: 519: 517: 514: 512: 509: 507: 504: 502: 499: 497: 494: 492: 489: 487: 484: 482: 479: 477: 474: 472: 469: 468: 464: 458: 457: 450: 447: 445: 442: 440: 437: 435: 432: 431: 423: 422: 415: 412: 410: 407: 405: 402: 401: 397: 391: 390: 383: 380: 378: 377:Speed reading 375: 373: 370: 368: 365: 364: 356: 355: 348: 345: 343: 340: 338: 335: 333: 330: 328: 325: 323: 320: 318: 315: 313: 310: 308: 305: 303: 300: 298: 295: 293: 290: 288: 285: 284: 280: 274: 273: 266: 263: 261: 258: 256: 253: 251: 248: 246: 245:Comprehension 243: 242: 234: 233: 226: 223: 221: 218: 216: 213: 211: 208: 206: 203: 202: 194: 193: 186: 183: 181: 178: 176: 173: 172: 168: 162: 161: 157: 153: 152: 149: 146: 145: 141: 137: 136: 127: 117: 113: 109: 105: 99: 97: 92:This article 90: 81: 80: 77: 73: 69: 65: 48: 44: 40: 33: 28: 19: 24333:Speech error 24258:and related 23822: 23733:Conversation 23718:Broadcasting 23584: 23580:Preservation 23496:Book burning 23491:Banned books 23335: 23244:Bibliophilia 23229:Bibliography 23159:advance copy 23142:instant book 23110:Illustration 23093:dust jackets 22940:Pictographic 22935:Phonogrammic 22750:West Frisian 22537:Massachusett 22050:Prepositions 22019: 21962: 21955: 21914: 21889: 21885: 21847:(1): 13–29. 21844: 21840: 21795: 21791: 21778: 21751: 21747: 21731:the original 21724: 21696: 21692: 21649: 21645: 21626: 21583: 21579: 21542: 21536: 21521: 21497: 21493: 21461: 21457: 21448: 21419: 21415: 21380: 21376: 21352: 21306: 21302: 21265: 21261: 21216: 21212: 21175: 21171: 21129: 21125: 21101: 21092: 21071:(1): 68–88. 21068: 21064: 21043: 21004: 20968: 20964: 20940: 20916: 20907: 20896:. Retrieved 20892: 20883: 20848: 20844: 20834: 20815: 20809: 20781: 20774: 20756:On Rereading 20755: 20747: 20738: 20729: 20709: 20702: 20678: 20671: 20646: 20638: 20619: 20613: 20604: 20594: 20580: 20563: 20549: 20534: 20520: 20511: 20502: 20485: 20468: 20459: 20450: 20441: 20432: 20415: 20398: 20389: 20368: 20359: 20350: 20341: 20332: 20323: 20312:. Retrieved 20307: 20298: 20287:. Retrieved 20282: 20272: 20261:. Retrieved 20256: 20246: 20237: 20228: 20219: 20210: 20191: 20187: 20177: 20160: 20149:. Retrieved 20142:the original 20129: 20118:. Retrieved 20114:the original 20104: 20093:. Retrieved 20086:the original 20073: 20062:. Retrieved 20055:the original 20042: 20028: 20019: 20010: 19996: 19987: 19978: 19970:the original 19963: 19954: 19937: 19923: 19909: 19895: 19886: 19877: 19860: 19843: 19826: 19817: 19808: 19799: 19789: 19780: 19771: 19754: 19742:. Retrieved 19725: 19714:. Retrieved 19710:the original 19705: 19696: 19679: 19662: 19645: 19628: 19611: 19600:. Retrieved 19596:the original 19586: 19569: 19560: 19551: 19542: 19533: 19524: 19515: 19506: 19496: 19471: 19467: 19461: 19450:. Retrieved 19443:the original 19438: 19425: 19408: 19394: 19377: 19368: 19359: 19344: 19340: 19328:. Retrieved 19323: 19313: 19304: 19294: 19277: 19273: 19267: 19256:. Retrieved 19254:. p. 89 19247: 19240: 19212: 19173: 19167: 19153: 19144: 19135: 19124:. Retrieved 19120: 19110: 19099:. Retrieved 19094: 19081: 19070:. Retrieved 19066: 19057: 19046:. Retrieved 19042: 19033: 19022:. Retrieved 19017: 19008: 18998: 18991: 18978: 18971: 18960:. Retrieved 18956: 18946: 18914: 18894: 18887: 18876:. Retrieved 18872:the original 18867: 18858: 18850: 18846: 18839: 18834: 18824: 18819: 18808:. Retrieved 18804:the original 18799: 18790: 18779:. Retrieved 18775:the original 18770: 18761: 18750:. Retrieved 18746:the original 18741: 18732: 18721:. Retrieved 18717:the original 18712: 18688:. Retrieved 18684:The Atlantic 18682: 18672: 18661:. Retrieved 18657:the original 18652: 18643: 18624: 18618: 18610: 18605: 18597: 18578:the original 18565: 18558: 18541: 18524: 18515: 18506: 18469: 18463: 18450: 18444: 18434: 18428: 18419: 18398: 18389: 18380: 18371: 18357: 18340: 18329: 18299: 18290: 18281: 18263: 18228: 18224: 18214: 18194: 18187: 18168: 18162: 18153: 18140: 18123: 18096: 18090: 18055: 18051: 18041: 18008: 18004: 17998: 17984:(1): 79–94. 17981: 17977: 17935: 17931: 17902:(1): 22–36. 17899: 17895: 17878:the original 17857: 17853: 17843: 17810: 17806: 17772: 17768: 17748:. Retrieved 17744:the original 17708:(1): 73–82. 17705: 17701: 17691: 17681:November 12, 17679:. Retrieved 17675:the original 17623: 17617: 17607: 17582: 17578: 17572: 17563: 17557: 17530: 17526: 17480: 17476: 17456:the original 17451: 17428:the original 17421: 17383: 17374: 17366:the original 17361: 17340: 17331: 17320:the original 17315: 17303: 17288: 17262: 17224: 17168: 17164: 17151: 17143: 17129: 17112: 17093: 17086: 17080:. p. 2. 17071: 17056: 17037: 17031: 17014: 17010: 17004: 16985: 16967: 16958: 16949: 16940: 16915: 16911: 16898: 16879: 16873: 16859: 16835: 16828: 16811: 16797: 16786: 16776: 16767: 16758: 16747:the original 16734: 16725: 16716: 16705:the original 16684: 16670: 16643: 16637: 16626:. Retrieved 16619:the original 16592:the original 16539: 16495: 16486: 16476: 16462: 16451:. Retrieved 16447: 16438: 16413: 16407: 16389: 16375: 16366: 16357: 16343: 16324: 16296: 16287: 16278: 16243: 16239: 16229: 16215: 16200: 16196: 16187: 16161: 16146: 16142: 16118: 16111: 16100: 16065: 16056: 16035: 16021: 16015: 16004:. Retrieved 16000:the original 15995: 15974: 15965: 15930: 15926: 15904: 15900: 15894: 15874: 15867: 15834: 15830: 15824: 15813: 15803: 15788: 15764: 15725: 15721: 15715: 15698: 15694: 15688: 15663: 15659: 15653: 15628: 15624: 15618: 15601: 15586: 15567: 15561: 15539:(1): 27–34. 15536: 15532: 15522: 15504: 15493: 15483: 15450: 15446: 15439: 15415: 15408: 15383: 15379: 15373: 15364: 15354: 15343:. Retrieved 15339:the original 15307: 15293: 15274: 15268: 15254: 15240: 15221: 15215: 15180: 15176: 15144: 15138: 15129: 15119: 15110: 15101: 15092: 15083: 15051: 15044: 15011: 15007: 14981: 14956: 14952: 14942: 14931:. Retrieved 14924:the original 14911: 14899:. Retrieved 14886: 14874:. Retrieved 14861: 14850:. Retrieved 14843:the original 14830: 14818:. Retrieved 14808: 14796:. Retrieved 14789:the original 14776: 14764:. Retrieved 14751: 14706: 14702: 14692: 14678: 14667:. Retrieved 14663:the original 14653: 14644: 14635: 14618: 14610:the original 14572: 14543:. Retrieved 14539:the original 14529: 14518:. Retrieved 14514:the original 14504: 14475: 14466: 14455:. Retrieved 14451:the original 14441: 14427: 14418: 14409: 14397:. Retrieved 14390:the original 14377: 14366:. Retrieved 14359:the original 14346: 14335:. Retrieved 14328:the original 14303: 14278:the original 14273: 14244: 14233:. Retrieved 14226:the original 14213: 14199:(334): S57. 14196: 14192: 14186: 14169: 14152: 14135: 14126: 14117: 14108: 14099: 14085: 14071: 14065:. p. 4. 14053: 14032: 14024: 14010: 13999:. Retrieved 13992:the original 13987: 13975: 13945: 13936: 13919: 13905: 13894:. Retrieved 13890:the original 13880: 13869:. Retrieved 13862:the original 13857: 13845: 13831: 13820:. Retrieved 13813:the original 13808: 13796: 13787: 13778: 13761: 13752: 13743: 13726: 13712:cite journal 13701:. Retrieved 13694:the original 13660:(3): 84–91. 13657: 13653: 13640: 13621: 13569: 13565: 13555: 13522: 13518: 13512: 13469: 13465: 13459: 13426: 13423:Brain Topogr 13422: 13416: 13386:(2): 89–96. 13383: 13380:Brain Topogr 13379: 13373: 13356: 13339: 13329: 13305: 13298: 13283: 13269: 13252: 13243: 13234: 13225: 13216: 13199: 13182: 13173: 13163: 13146: 13137: 13128: 13094: 13085: 13075: 13064: 13054: 13043: 13033: 13023: 13017: 13008: 12999: 12990: 12981: 12972: 12949: 12940: 12931: 12923: 12912: 12903: 12892: 12882: 12868: 12857: 12847: 12838: 12794: 12790: 12780: 12771: 12761: 12752: 12742: 12717: 12713: 12703: 12689: 12680: 12657: 12648: 12637:. Retrieved 12633:the original 12628: 12619: 12610: 12601: 12590:. Retrieved 12586:the original 12581: 12572: 12563: 12554: 12545: 12536: 12519: 12510: 12501: 12492: 12483: 12469: 12452: 12443: 12434: 12425: 12416: 12407: 12398: 12389: 12364:. Retrieved 12360:the original 12350: 12333: 12324: 12303: 12294: 12285: 12276: 12248: 12211: 12185: 12176: 12167: 12157: 12143: 12106: 12102: 12092: 12078: 12061: 12047: 12032: 11997: 11993: 11983: 11958: 11954: 11948: 11923: 11919: 11893: 11889: 11883: 11866: 11862: 11856: 11837: 11831: 11806: 11802: 11792: 11780:. Retrieved 11776:the original 11728: 11724: 11714: 11695: 11689: 11675: 11640: 11636: 11626: 11591: 11587: 11539: 11536:RELC Journal 11535: 11481: 11477: 11425: 11421: 11363: 11359: 11349: 11314: 11310: 11300: 11267: 11263: 11253: 11226: 11216: 11194:(4): 36–48. 11191: 11187: 11181: 11145: 11138: 11095: 11091: 11081: 11048: 11044: 10990: 10986: 10976: 10941: 10937: 10891: 10887: 10839: 10835: 10789: 10785: 10775: 10742: 10738: 10728: 10691: 10688:PLOS Biology 10687: 10677: 10665:. Retrieved 10660: 10651: 10627: 10620: 10601: 10595: 10575: 10568: 10549: 10543: 10535:the original 10528: 10501: 10484: 10480: 10474: 10460: 10445: 10426: 10422: 10412: 10398: 10386: 10371: 10362: 10359:The Examiner 10358: 10349: 10340: 10331: 10305: 10296: 10287: 10278: 10253: 10249: 10243: 10208: 10204: 10194: 10185: 10175: 10148: 10144: 10134: 10125: 10115: 10091: 10084: 10060: 10053: 10018: 10014: 10004: 9965: 9939: 9925: 9916: 9881: 9875: 9856: 9850: 9836: 9816: 9809: 9777: 9770: 9756: 9736: 9729: 9717:. Retrieved 9713:the original 9703: 9689: 9669: 9662: 9643: 9637: 9617: 9610: 9599:. Retrieved 9595:the original 9590: 9581: 9567: 9556:. Retrieved 9545: 9531: 9520:. Retrieved 9516:the original 9511: 9502: 9470: 9463: 9454: 9445: 9436: 9427: 9418: 9409: 9389: 9382: 9372: 9365: 9345: 9338: 9314: 9307: 9268: 9259: 9249: 9240: 9230: 9216: 9202: 9187: 9172: 9161:. Retrieved 9157:the original 9152: 9142: 9131:. Retrieved 9127:the original 9122: 9112: 9087: 9083: 9077: 9063: 9046: 9037: 9008: 8997:. Retrieved 8993:the original 8983: 8969: 8960: 8913: 8909: 8903: 8895: 8878: 8868: 8857:. Retrieved 8853:the original 8848: 8817: 8811: 8794: 8788: 8777:. Retrieved 8773:the original 8763: 8738: 8734: 8728: 8716:. Retrieved 8712: 8702: 8677: 8673: 8629: 8625: 8584: 8580: 8574: 8560: 8549:. Retrieved 8545:the original 8535: 8510: 8506: 8500: 8476: 8465: 8446: 8440: 8426: 8417: 8408: 8377: 8368: 8359: 8347:. Retrieved 8343: 8314: 8297: 8280: 8263: 8255:LearnEnglish 8254: 8245: 8234:. Retrieved 8230:the original 8225: 8216: 8205:. Retrieved 8198:the original 8162:(2): 31–74. 8159: 8155: 8108: 8078:"PIAAC-OECD" 8058: 8035: 7998: 7994: 7973:. Retrieved 7969: 7966:"About PISA" 7887: 7858: 7841: 7827: 7810: 7795: 7778: 7756: 7745: 7735: 7700: 7682: 7668: 7654: 7630: 7613: 7607:. p. 5. 7537: 7533: 7526:which cites 7518:. Retrieved 7509: 7499: 7464: 7460: 7450: 7431: 7427: 7417: 7408: 7399: 7390: 7381: 7370: 7348: 7308: 7304: 7294: 7277: 7273: 7263: 7254: 7245: 7225: 7188: 7182: 7162: 7156: 7148: 7143: 7124: 7118: 7104: 7085: 7079: 7060: 7054: 7045: 7041: 7035: 7004: 6995: 6986: 6975:. Retrieved 6971:the original 6961: 6950:. Retrieved 6946:the original 6936: 6922: 6908: 6889: 6884: 6867: 6850: 6839:. Retrieved 6832:the original 6819: 6802: 6798: 6792: 6778: 6764: 6755: 6746: 6735:. Retrieved 6732:The Atlantic 6731: 6692:(1): 46–68. 6689: 6685: 6672: 6653: 6635: 6626: 6615:. Retrieved 6611: 6602: 6593: 6588: 6579: 6570: 6551: 6545: 6528: 6514: 6505: 6496: 6477: 6473: 6467: 6458: 6449: 6440: 6431: 6317:province of 6260: 6237: 6206: 6179: 6146: 6128:Girl Reading 6127: 6101: 6096: 6088: 6078: 6066: 6058: 6048: 6038:Proofreading 6036: 6015: 6009: 6005: 6001: 5994: 5980: 5977: 5966: 5955: 5940: 5936: 5925: 5913: 5904: 5900: 5892: 5886: 5872: 5866: 5851:In 2019 the 5850: 5845:Michel Fayol 5833: 5828: 5826: 5821: 5818: 5811:In 2018 the 5810: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5792:In 2017 the 5791: 5783: 5772: 5767:In 2016 the 5766: 5758: 5744:In 2015 the 5743: 5736:In 2014 the 5735: 5720: 5710:In 2013 the 5709: 5699: 5695: 5689: 5673: 5668: 5663:In 2010 the 5662: 5656: 5652: 5648: 5642: 5626: 5618: 5592: 5582: 5580: 5556: 5545: 5535: 5529: 5524:In 2000 the 5516:21st century 5510: 5503:In 1996 the 5502: 5497: 5493: 5489: 5474: 5455: 5431: 5423: 5410: 5404: 5393: 5389: 5381:sight method 5380: 5369:Samuel Orton 5366: 5347: 5336: 5324: 5305: 5298: 5282: 5278: 5274: 5267: 5263: 5259: 5244: 5223: 5206:clare legere 5202: 5171: 5150: 5143: 5134: 5120: 5102: 5086: 5082: 5072: 5053: 4978: 4973: 4968: 4963: 4958: 4861: 4854: 4849: 4845: 4843: 4836: 4822: 4794: 4779: 4775: 4770: 4766: 4756: 4741: 4729: 4725: 4718: 4712: 4703:Reading rate 4689:brain injury 4670: 4666: 4652: 4611:phonological 4593: 4565: 4530: 4514: 4509: 4501: 4497: 4495: 4486: 4482: 4475: 4471: 4466: 4456: 4447: 4437: 4424: 4418: 4411: 4410:in his book 4397: 4378: 4374:reading wars 4373: 4367: 4353: 4348: 4344: 4340: 4338: 4247:romanization 4230: 4226:Kun readings 4221: 4217: 4190: 4174: 4169: 4167: 4164: 4149: 4148: 4142: 4141: 4136: 4135: 4129: 4127: 4124: 4113: 4105: 4104: 4093: 4090: 4085: 4083: 4053: 4049: 4044: 4040: 4036: 4013: 4004:multisensory 3965: 3953: 3935:reading wars 3928: 3923: 3921: 3917: 3912: 3908: 3902: 3886: 3874: 3870: 3866: 3858: 3856: 3850: 3846: 3827: 3820: 3794: 3782: 3771: 3766: 3756: 3752: 3740: 3724: 3720: 3718: 3714:automaticity 3703: 3687: 3683: 3679: 3675: 3671: 3667: 3663: 3659: 3654:orthographic 3652: 3647: 3646: 3642: 3623: 3605: 3601: 3597: 3592: 3583: 3524: 3490: 3482: 3471: 3456: 3425: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3372:sounding out 3371: 3365: 3364: 3348: 3344: 3340: 3336: 3334: 3329: 3325: 3321: 3317: 3313: 3309: 3305: 3298: 3288: 3280: 3276: 3275: 3266: 3261: 3257: 3253: 3249: 3245: 3241: 3237: 3233: 3229: 3225: 3224:the rime is 3221: 3209: 3205: 3204: 3199: 3195: 3191: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3164:spelling of 3161: 3154: 3153: 3135: 3132: 3121: 3117: 3113: 3109: 3102: 3097: 3093: 3089: 3088: 3069: 3068: 3058: 3051: 3042: 3034: 2976:Interest in 2975: 2971: 2960: 2958: 2953: 2943: 2892: 2880: 2875: 2874:at before du 2871: 2867: 2863: 2860: 2856: 2851: 2849: 2846: 2837: 2831: 2813: 2790: 2759: 2734: 2727: 2723: 2717: 2711: 2705: 2690: 2674: 2663: 2652: 2650: 2642: 2630: 2622: 2609: 2582: 2565: 2545: 2525: 2507: 2470: 2463: 2447: 2444: 2420: 2396: 2388: 2384: 2382: 2379: 2373: 2370: 2359: 2341: 2328:white matter 2321: 2317: 2313: 2309: 2290: 2282: 2267: 2255: 2252: 2242: 2240: 2229: 2226:Automaticity 2220:Automaticity 2077: 2073: 2061:Nell K. Duke 2058: 2037: 1978: 1974: 1972: 1962: 1946: 1943: 1938: 1934: 1930: 1929: 1892: 1879: 1875: 1868: 1866: 1862: 1858: 1839: 1833:human speech 1808: 1791:metaphorical 1787: 1776: 1772: 1760: 1757: 1749: 1745: 1740: 1736: 1722: 1717: 1713: 1709: 1704:pairs (also 1697: 1693: 1689: 1682: 1661:have and who 1660: 1642: 1626: 1619: 1592: 1582: 1577: 1567: 1562: 1558: 1554: 1548: 1533: 1518: 1425: 1420: 1415: 1310: 1298: 1282: 1274: 1271: 1258: 1255: 1238:David Elkind 1223: 1215: 1208: 1205: 1197: 1193: 1189: 1168: 1159: 1155: 1151: 1148: 1144: 1140: 1131: 1118: 1105: 1103: 1101:grade four. 1099: 1093: 1089: 1088: 1055: 1051: 1046: 1036: 1031: 1025: 1018: 1011: 995: 987: 979: 966: 960: 956: 953: 927: 913: 910: 903: 899: 882: 844: 841: 832: 805: 798: 782: 767: 755: 684: 670:(spelling), 661: 640: 639: 372:Slow reading 360:Reading rate 292:Basal reader 147: 121: 93: 76: 46: 37:This is the 31: 24547:Orthography 24371:Dyscalculia 23880:Closed-loop 23743:Information 23705:terminology 23513:Book curses 23389:Netherlands 23259:Bookselling 23234:Bibliomania 23217:Bestsellers 23205:Consumption 23196:Book series 23181:Typesetting 22955:Syllabaries 22925:Logographic 22920:Ideogrammic 22480:Limburgish 22371:Greenlandic 22248:New Zealand 22181:Northern Wu 22040:Determiners 22020:Phonologies 22005:Phonologies 21377:NeuroReport 20917:ESL Program 20605:APM Reports 20333:Le 20308:Le 20285:(in French) 20259:(in French) 20194:: 324–336. 19744:20 November 19299:Hanford E. 17860:(1): 2–23. 16487:APM Reports 15837:: 179–196. 14901:14 November 14876:14 November 14820:14 November 14798:14 November 14766:14 November 14726:2066/219397 14399:January 15, 13487:10397/24142 11098:(1): 8–16. 10180:Refsnes H. 9433:"Education" 9032:Refsnes H. 8741:: 179–196. 8349:February 1, 8119:10986/32553 7510:Smithsonian 7391:Why To Read 6272:Photographs 6246:Reza Abbasi 6211:John Lavery 6189: 1770 6130:(1889), by 5989:Other terms 5647:, with the 5566:2006 – The 5551:2005 – The 5540:2000 – The 5443:sight words 5399:sight words 5358:Horace Mann 5238:remarks on 5224:Confessions 5218:legere sibi 5188:before the 4857:Mississippi 4850:Basic level 4625:Orthography 4600:orthography 4570:, from the 4568:Rose Report 4433:Frank Smith 4400:Horace Mann 4016:Ken Goodman 3658:, involves 3630:logographic 3594:Sight words 3459:Rose Report 3046:effect size 2645:Mississippi 2389:non-fiction 2324:gray matter 1953:hyperlexics 1903:Connecting 1880:basic level 1355:Vocabulary 1283:A study in 1003:Nova Scotia 906:imagination 763:Middle Ages 738:Mexico City 672:alphabetics 668:orthography 664:researchers 583:Great books 506:Orthography 396:Readability 112:subheadings 24531:Categories 24376:Dysgraphia 24343:Stuttering 24267:Conditions 24196:Wertheimer 24076:Horkheimer 23813:Propaganda 23768:Mass media 23763:Journalism 23703:Topics and 23458:audiobooks 23357:By country 23310:Furniture 23301:Digitizing 23296:Collecting 23286:Censorship 23269:book towns 23154:Publishing 23137:incunabula 23076:Production 22986:Devanagari 22740:Vietnamese 22611:Ripuarian 22602:Portuguese 22512:Macedonian 22491:Lithuanian 22401:Hindustani 22238:Australian 22191:Historical 22138:Belarusian 22035:Adjectives 21740:Escobar MD 21464:: 99–131. 20921:UW-Madison 20898:2022-09-27 20314:2018-05-06 20289:2018-05-06 20263:2018-05-06 20151:2021-01-15 20120:2021-01-15 20095:2021-01-15 20064:2021-01-15 19716:2021-01-15 19602:2021-01-15 19452:2011-08-24 19330:29 January 19258:2021-03-07 19126:2020-06-12 19101:2022-10-25 19095:Don Potter 19072:2018-06-15 19048:2018-06-15 19024:2018-06-15 18962:2018-06-15 18878:2021-02-10 18810:2022-04-22 18781:2022-04-22 18752:2022-04-22 18723:2022-04-22 18663:2022-04-22 17750:2012-06-28 16628:2020-05-22 16453:2021-05-09 16006:2021-01-15 15975:Educhatter 15907:: 280–291. 15345:2007-10-21 14933:2021-01-15 14852:2021-03-17 14669:2021-01-15 14545:2021-01-15 14520:2021-01-15 14457:2021-01-15 14368:2021-01-15 14337:2021-01-15 14235:2021-01-15 14001:2021-01-15 13896:2021-01-15 13871:2021-01-15 13822:2021-01-15 13703:2021-01-15 13466:NeuroImage 13348:1042899593 12681:ResearchED 12639:2021-01-29 12592:2021-01-29 12366:2022-05-13 11809:: 104047. 11782:20 January 11594:: 108231. 11422:NeuroImage 11311:NeuroImage 11264:NeuroImage 10786:NeuroImage 9719:15 January 9601:2021-01-15 9558:2012-07-17 9522:2021-01-15 9163:2021-04-03 9133:2021-04-03 8999:2021-01-15 8859:2021-01-15 8779:2021-01-15 8718:29 January 8551:2021-01-15 8236:2021-01-15 8207:2021-01-15 7975:8 February 6977:2021-02-06 6952:2021-02-06 6841:2021-02-09 6737:2019-10-02 6617:2013-06-20 6424:References 6207:Miss Auras 6149:(1924) by 6055:once said. 5738:California 5555:report on 5553:Australian 5505:California 5322:(sounds). 5232: 400 4805:newspapers 4553:vocabulary 4537:alphabetic 4500:is merely 4362:See also: 4214:On-reading 4020:Marie Clay 3992:morphology 3871:whole-word 3849:and later 3580:Vocabulary 3214:phonograms 3098:systematic 3094:explicitly 3026:curriculum 3006:vocabulary 2866:ke before 2832:Systematic 2701:ResearchED 2595:ResearchED 2458:See also: 2344:cerebellum 2133:knowledge 1854:morphology 1821:See also: 1795:analogical 1655:, and the 1572:professor 1528:See also: 1427:lessons). 1039:World Bank 922:See also: 712:A reading 687:pictograms 598:Children's 593:Literature 521:Vocabulary 516:Sight word 439:Hyperlexia 409:Legibility 108:condensing 23980:Technical 23965:Political 23873:Subfields 23798:New media 23528:Book tour 23501:incidents 23433:miniature 23428:fictional 23314:bookcases 23254:Bookmarks 23169:paperback 23164:hardcover 23022:In Africa 23006:Mongolian 22950:Shorthand 22910:Alphabets 22840:Graphemes 22730:Ukrainian 22637:Sardinian 22615:Colognian 22572:Old Saxon 22557:Norwegian 22522:Maldivian 22466:Latgalian 22411:Icelandic 22406:Hungarian 22285:Esperanto 22171:Cantonese 22148:Bulgarian 22121:Levantine 22093:Afrikaans 21654:CiteSeerX 21478:144753964 21436:144342092 21311:CiteSeerX 21009:CiteSeerX 20801:788925161 19521:"Phonics" 19488:145085836 19324:LD Online 19318:Moats L. 19232:256731826 18938:256731826 18498:256890161 18115:470295626 17924:218644618 17724:0065-1400 17599:225251838 16918:: 47–70. 16430:149516059 15859:143275563 15645:146167964 15553:216348392 15475:249556974 15467:1939-2176 15207:150055551 15199:0141-0423 15075:471015779 15036:144874700 15028:0270-2711 14743:212828096 14735:1057-3569 14709:: 17–31. 13586:1469-493X 12811:259619958 12734:149835771 12228:233850664 11975:1939-1277 11823:202267075 11643:: 55–66. 11618:247859931 11566:247720799 11558:0033-6882 11498:0161-1461 11442:1053-8119 11208:1247-6862 11114:0364-5134 11065:1939-1455 11007:1097-6256 10960:1460-2156 10842:: 58–67. 10151:(1): 27. 9996:243226424 9801:471015779 9494:471015779 8916:: 33–48. 8803:0013-1784 8755:143275563 8654:145153275 8646:0265-6590 8601:0022-1031 8164:CiteSeerX 8015:213889847 7970:OECD PISA 7534:Neurology 7467:: 44–48. 7327:2158-2440 7305:SAGE Open 7063:. Sense. 6248:(1625–26) 6114:Paintings 6049:Rereading 5869:Louisiana 5786:Hungarian 5621:Singapore 5405:In 1955, 5345:in 1836. 5316:graphemes 5312:John Hart 5269:Chapbooks 5198:caliphate 5002:Hispanic 4809:Australia 4773:ability. 4584:Australia 4387:in 1836. 4197:logograms 4000:semantics 3988:syllables 3972:phonology 3863:countries 3743:cognitive 3721:rereading 3566:graphemes 3546:syllables 3457:The 2005 3328:-t and s- 3236:, or use 2911:syllables 2903:phonology 2823:graphemes 2751:phoneme". 2693:Louisiana 2293:occipital 1949:dyslexics 1725:morphemes 1708:) (e.g. r 1645:graphemes 1551:Uta Frith 1218:PISA 2007 778:verbal IQ 689:(e.g., a 116:talk page 104:splitting 102:Consider 24490:Spelling 24460:Literacy 24366:Dyslexia 24256:Dyslexia 24214:Category 24166:Richards 24091:Jakobson 24071:Habermas 24026:Castells 24016:Benjamin 23994:Scholars 23625:Category 23538:Dog ears 23454:Formats 23450:Grimoire 23443:textbook 23394:Pakistan 23341:literacy 23319:bookends 23238:tsundoku 23122:Printing 22915:Featural 22905:Abugidas 22825:Language 22818:Overview 22627:Romanian 22436:Japanese 22394:Biblical 22381:Hawaiian 22376:Gujarati 22339:Standard 22331:Galician 22319:Parisian 22290:Estonian 22221:Standard 22166:Mandarin 22162:Chinese 22126:Tunisian 22111:Egyptian 22083:Acehnese 22055:Pronouns 22030:Grammars 21906:18675051 21877:20801906 21869:19076386 21832:15939871 21713:11725860 21676:18838044 21618:19833971 21559:19301209 21514:16222178 21407:14600492 21343:18466916 21282:16881271 21200:34397623 21192:26094956 21156:16839299 21085:19268301 20995:19293398 20875:17429516 20867:11248262 20754:(2011). 19781:LegiScan 19738:Archived 19194:12837722 18255:25937640 18082:22492040 18025:22465163 17990:22034787 17952:17131596 17916:14872397 17874:19544588 17854:Dyslexia 17835:11682478 17827:17983834 17789:12668226 17740:21021554 17732:18389017 17650:21715629 17505:44971393 17497:19619178 17263:Edutopia 17195:28425742 16968:ABC News 16932:35782556 16696:(2010). 16270:24839408 15957:24839408 15851:23769975 15742:62629566 15680:62200040 15666:: 5–21. 15400:19091164 14589:55324494 13690:32588383 13682:11857904 13604:30480759 13547:13821050 13539:19899646 13504:23720865 13496:19591947 13451:10815942 13443:16845597 13400:17929158 13338:(1912). 12135:29449818 12024:11679593 12016:21938642 11940:22309087 11755:26594098 11667:29730484 11610:35378104 11514:53943474 11506:30458541 11460:22584224 11400:17360506 11341:21109009 11292:20053235 11284:17329129 11173:12820073 11130:17743067 11122:15597383 11073:23046391 11015:12754516 10968:11960895 10908:12860187 10866:25463817 10806:12169260 10767:12138423 10759:15831408 10720:35381012 10270:19091164 10235:15493430 10167:29890888 10045:24839408 9104:20581109 8694:22506889 8527:10467896 8369:BBC News 8251:"Skills" 8186:26151366 7564:23825173 7514:Archived 7491:27471129 6706:17555762 6326:See also 6022:chunking 5778:Delaware 5729:and the 5595:Scotland 5320:phonemes 5186:literate 4697:dementia 4681:dyslexia 4677:grapheme 4663:Dyslexia 4657:Decoding 4416:(1955). 4398:In 1841 4240:hiragana 4236:syllabic 4209:morpheme 4039:eaning, 3961:dyslexia 3797:mnemonic 3785:spelling 3638:Japanese 3598:look-say 3534:grapheme 3530:phonemes 3302:mnemonic 3066:(U.S.). 3014:spelling 2996:skills, 2919:spelling 2838:explicit 2827:phonemes 2665:Arkansas 2263:dyslexia 1737:beheaded 1733:suffixes 1729:prefixes 1649:phonemes 1633:phonemes 1501:Fluency 1484:Phonics 1388:Fluency 1172:phonemes 1156:cowardly 863:numeracy 801:literacy 750:Oklahoma 728:Overview 550:Literacy 501:Morpheme 496:Language 486:Grapheme 463:Language 434:Dyslexia 140:a series 138:Part of 96:too long 68:Literacy 43:reviewed 24413:Sensory 24186:Tankard 24181:Shannon 24176:Schramm 24161:Quebral 24156:Postman 24146:Packard 24126:McLuhan 24121:Marcuse 24116:Luhmann 24111:Lippman 24106:Kincaid 24101:Johnson 24066:Goffman 24061:Gerbner 24051:Flusser 24031:Chomsky 24011:Bateson 24006:Barthes 23975:Science 23905:Climate 23855:Writing 23823:Reading 23773:Meaning 23693:Outline 23688:History 23615:Outline 23575:Outline 23484:Related 23424:Genres 23374:Germany 23348:Reviews 23336:Reading 23326:Library 23274:history 23132:history 23127:edition 23105:Editing 23083:Binding 22981:Chinese 22930:Numeral 22755:Yiddish 22720:Turkish 22705:Tagalog 22689:Swedish 22677:Spanish 22662:Slovene 22632:Russian 22592:Persian 22562:Occitan 22542:Medumba 22532:Marathi 22476:Latvian 22456:Kurdish 22446:Konkani 22431:Italian 22416:Ingrian 22385:Hebrew 22359:Ancient 22344:Bernese 22335:German 22315:French 22311:Finnish 22306:Faroese 22233:English 22203:Cornish 22198:Chukchi 22176:Hokkien 22158:Catalan 22153:Burmese 22143:Bengali 22133:Avestan 22102:Arabic 22007:of the 21849:Bibcode 21823:1150863 21800:Bibcode 21770:1727544 21684:2369304 21609:4030760 21588:Bibcode 21580:Science 21567:5632111 21334:2488410 21290:4486571 21253:9448259 21221:Bibcode 21147:1524880 21095:. 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Reading (activity)
latest accepted revision
Reading, Berkshire
Reading (disambiguation)
too long
talk page
a series

Learning to read
Reading readiness
Vocabulary development
Vocabulary learning
Dual route theory
Simple view of reading
Science of reading
Scarborough's Reading Rope
The active view of reading model
Phonemic awareness
Phonological awareness
Word recognition
Reading instruction
Analytic phonics

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