
Military history of the Neo-Assyrian Empire

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686: 848: 968: 877: 746: 1258: 912: 951:. The chariot was a fast and extremely maneuverable vessel. The use of chariots in warfare resembled a well disciplined army that dominated the battlefield in flanking maneuvers, causing opposing forces to divide or flee the battlefield. Chariots usually consisted of two or three horses, a platform with two wheels, and two soldiers. One soldier would have control of the reins to steer while the other wielded a bow and arrow to fire at enemy troops. The use of chariots is limited to a relatively flat battleground, making it effective in certain locations. The Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians used war chariots in this fashion as firing mobile platforms or as mobile command platforms; the elevated view would give the general some ability to see how the troops fared in battle. Because the chariot was fast and easily maneuverable, an alternative use for chariots was to send messages to and from the battlefield. They were also a prestigious vessel used by Assyrian kings to display wealth and power. 28: 940: 1513:
a large spear, was used to batter away and chip pieces of the enemy wall. While this would have been almost useless against stone walls, one must keep in mind that mud and not stone was used to build walls. Even when dried, these mud walls could be attacked with such engines. Walls were strengthened with time and the Assyrians responded by building larger engines with bigger "spears". In time, they closely resembled a large and long log with a metal tip at the end. Even stone would not withstand pounding by a larger weapon. Larger engines accommodated greater numbers of archers. To protect against fire (which was used by both sides at the Siege of Lachish) the battering ram would be covered in wet animal skins. These could be watered at any time in battle in case they dried.
1401: 1267: 1112: 1133:, the great Lord, I rushed upon the enemy like the approach of a hurricane...I put them to rout and turned them back. I transfixed the troops of the enemy with javelins and arrows. Humban-undasha, the commander in chief of the king of Elam, together with his nobles...I cut their throats like sheep...My prancing steeds, trained to harness, plunged into their welling blood as into a river; the wheels of my battle chariot were bespattered with blood and filth. I filled the plain with corpses of their warriors like herbage 1495:
enemy to return to their fields and therefore abandon the city. However, with the reforms of Tiglath Pileser III Assyria's first standing army was forged and could therefore blockade a city until it surrendered instead. Nonetheless, it is known that Assyrians always preferred to take a city by assault than to settle down for a blockade: the former method would be followed by extermination or deportation of the inhabitants and would therefore frighten the opponents of Assyria into surrendering as well.
that could dominate the battlefield. Cavalry units were well equipped with light armor, spears or lances as well as bows and arrows. The use of the cavalry in the 9th century BC operated almost the same as the chariots did; two horses with one soldier controlling the reins while another soldier wielded a ranged weapon. Over the course of nearly two centuries, the Assyrians were able to master the art of the cavalry. However, Assyrian attempts were not without difficulties;
608: 1335: 1002:, while their mounts were equipped with fabric armour, providing limited yet useful protection in close combat and against missiles. Cavalry were to form the core of the later Assyrian armies. Cavalry could dominate the battlefields but their one weakness when attempting to divide enemy troops would have been long spears. Long spears were capable of eliminating cavalry units from a safe distance, allowing enemy troops to hold the line. 1548: 1051: 1172: 619:, the Assyrian army was also very much similar to the other Mesopotamian armies of the time. Soldiers were mostly raised farmers, who had to return to their fields to collect the harvest. Professional soldiers were limited to a few bodyguards that protected the King and or other nobles and officials, but these would not have been deployed or wasted in battle unless the situation became urgent, as it later did. 1024:
Ashurbanipal's campaigns of conquest, the rebellions following his death may have contributed significantly to the downfall of the empire as fewer vassals were available to pay tribute horses and other war material needed. Horses were a very important war resource and the Assyrian king himself took a personal interest in overseeing an adequate horse supply. Three main sources of horses were:
758: 34: 1200:. The result was that both cities had a measure of natural protection. However, rivers would not stop a determined army, so attacking and destroying their enemies' ability to wage war was the best method of ensuring the survival of the Assyrians. To this end, the Assyrians sought a decisive encounter that would destroy their enemies' armies. 1233:, Madaktu, Haltemash and the rest of the cities I gathered together and took to Assyria... The noise of people, the tread of cattle and sheep, the glad shouts of rejoicing, I banished from its fields. Wild asses, gazelles and all kinds of beasts of the plain I caused to lie down among them, as if at home. 1484:, King of Egypt and Ethiopia, the one accursed by all the great gods. Five times I hit him with the point of my arrows inflicting wounds from which he should not recover, and then I laid siege to Memphis his royal residence, and conquered it in half a day by means of mines, breaches and assault ladders 1388:) sanction. To rebel against this most humble servant of Ashur, it means defying Ashur himself, something that could only bring divine destruction; therefore, the glorification of such brutality. Brutality was also a way to show the king's strength and power, which were considered to be heroic traits. 1512:
The battering ram appears to be one of the best Assyrian contributions to siege warfare. They consisted of a tank-like wooden frame on four wheels. There was a small tower on top for archers to provide covering fire as the engine moved forward. When it had reached its destination, its primary weapon,
Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed... I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught;
Other acts of brutality include: mutilating men to death, cutting off heads, arms, hands and lips and displaying them on the walls of conquered cities, hanging skulls and noses on the top of stakes, stacking or cutting corpses so that it could be fed to dogs and forcing people whose eyes were blinded
1074:. The latter type was the most dominant in Assyrian armies. From the time of Ashurnasirpal, archers would be accompanied by a shield bearer while slingers might have aimed to distract the enemy into lowering their shield to protect against the stones, thereby allowing the archers to shoot above their 954:
However, the rise of cavalry in the 1st millennium BC meant that by the 7th century BC, the chariot was demoted to combat duties only; lighter chariots consisting of two to three horses were later upgraded under the reign of Ashurbanipal to heavy four-horse chariots. Such chariots could contain up to
Before long, the weaknesses of the Assyrian army soon began to show itself. Battle after battle killed off important soldiers, while the seasons ensured that soldiers returned after a short time to their fields without achieving decisive conquests. By the mid-eighth century BC, the Assyrian levy-army
was typical of the Mesopotamian armies at the time. The King whose rule was sanctioned by the gods, would be the commander of the entire army of the Empire. He would appoint senior officers on certain occasions to campaign in his place if his presence on the battlefield could or had to be spared. The
is credited for utilizing sound strategy in his wars of conquest. While aiming to secure defensible frontiers, he would launch raids further inland against his opponents as a means of securing economic benefit, as he did when campaigning in the Levant. The result meant that the economic prosperity of
Whenever a rebellion broke out in the Assyrian empire, the Assyrian kings inevitably brutally crushed it (as an alternative to deportation) and enforced great punishments on the rebellious vassals. Tiglath-Pileser III, for example, destroyed Bit-Shilani so that it could look like a city destroyed by
It is not known if the Assyrians were the first to deport people, although since none before had ruled the Fertile Crescent as they did it is likely that they were the first to practice it on a large scale. The Assyrians began to utilize mass-deportation as a punishment for rebellions since the 13th
sometime before 3000 BC, although there is increasing evidence to support an Indo-European origin in the Black Sea region of Ukraine (Wolchover, Scientific American, 2012). In any case, the Assyrians were the first to manufacture tires of metal, made from copper, bronze and later iron. Metal-covered
in their pursuit of conquest. However, military tactics mainly involved using troops raised from farmers who had finished planting their fields and so could campaign for the king until harvest time called for their attention again. The result was that military campaigning was limited to a few months
to the south. In fact, the latter never tired of rebelling against Assyrian rule. As a result, in order to prevent chariots and cavalry from completely overwhelming these settlements, walls were constructed though often from mud or clay since stone was neither cheap, nor readily available. In order
Despite the above, Sargon II's instinct saved the day; leading his exhausted troops, he launched a surprise attack against his Urartian opponents who broke at the speed and surprise of the attack. So vicious was the battle that the Urartian King abandoned his state officials, governors, 230 members
The harassed troops of Ashur, who had come a long way, very weary slow to respond, who had crossed and re-crossed sheer mountains innumerable, of great trouble for ascent and descent, their morale turned mutinous. I could give no ease to their weariness, no water to quench their thirst; I could set
Lancers were introduced to the infantry under Tiglath-pileser III. Depictions of infantry with special bronze scale metal protection are rare and reconstructions show the smallest vests to weigh as much as 20 pounds (9 kg), with armoured suits up to the ankles tripling that weight of metal and
The use of cavalry was the result of having diverse enemies in rough and mountainous terrains. Chariots could not operate on rough terrain which meant that a new protocol needed to be developed. The cavalry operated as the chariot corps did, as an intimidating, well-armored, elite class of soldiers
Sieges were costly in terms of manpower and more so if an assault was launched to take the city by force—the siege of Lachish cost the Assyrians at least 1,500 men found at a mass grave near Lachish. Before the advent of standing armies, a city's best hope would be that the harvest would force the
By the 9th century BC, the Assyrians made it a habit of regularly deporting thousands of restless subjects to other lands. Re-settling these people in the Assyrian homeland would have undermined the powerbase of the Assyrian Empire if they rebelled again. As a result, Assyrian deportation involved
regions, with great upheavals and mass movements of people. Despite the apparent weakness of Assyria, at heart it remained a solid, well defended nation whose warriors were the best in the world. Assyria, with its stable monarchy and secure borders, was in a stronger position during this time than
The brutal treatment of Ashurnasirpal II succeeded in pacifying the rebels. While campaigning in Syria, he was able to take a large number of soldiers from Mesopotamia, without fear of a rebellion cutting off their supply lines. They were so successful in their brutality in the northern cities of
I felled 3,000 of their fighting men with the sword. I carried off prisoners, possessions, oxen, cattle from them. I burnt many captives from them. I captured many troops alive: from some I cut off their arms hands; from others I cut off their noses, ears, extremities. I gouged out the eyes of
The Assyrians fully appreciated the use of terrorizing their enemies. To conserve manpower and rapidly move on to solve Assyria's multiple problems, the Assyrians preferred to accept the surrender of their opponents or else destroy their ability to resist a surrender. This in part explains their
policies (see below), would also send some of their own into foreign lands and settle them as colonists. The primary aim was to establish a loyal power base; taxes, food and troops could be raised here as reliably as at their homeland, or at least that must have been the hope. Furthermore, their
However, by the end of the Ashurbanipal's reign it appears that the Assyrian Empire was falling into another period of weakness, one from which it would not escape. It appears that years of costly battles followed by constant (and almost unstoppable) rebellions meant that it was a matter of time
Large units of cavalry were required to be deployed by the Assyrians; some units consisted of hundreds or even a thousand horsemen. There is little doubt that without a continuous supply of horses, the Assyrian war machine would have collapsed. As the empire suffered horrendous casualties under
The most common siege weapon and by far the cheapest was the ladder. However, ladders are easy to topple over and so the Assyrians would shower their opponents with arrows to provide cover fire. These archers in turn would be supported by shield bearers. Other ways of undermining the enemies'
were little more than well-trodden pathways used by the locals. However, this was inadequate for an empire whose armies were constantly on the move, repressing one revolt after another. The Assyrians were the first to institute, control and maintain a system of roads throughout their empire.
847: 659:. Following this was the King, the humble servant of Assur surrounded by his bodyguard with the support of the main chariot divisions and cavalry, the elite of the army. In the rear was the infantry; the Assyrian troops followed by the conquered peoples. Following this would be the 651:. Other requirements of the Governors included calling up the needed manpower. Vassal states were in particular required to present troops as part of their tribute to the Assyrian king and in good time: failure to do so would have almost certainly been seen as an act of rebellion. 1476:
to destroy the opponents, these cities had to be taken as well and so the Assyrians soon mastered siege warfare; Esarhaddon claims to have taken Memphis, the capital of Egypt in less than a day, demonstrating the ferocity and skill of Assyrian siege tactics at this point in time:
1012:. Before then, many nomads or steppe warriors who raided Assyrian lands relied on cavalry. The Assyrians had to counter this mobile form of warfare and so beat their opponents, notably the Iranians, at their own game. Perhaps the greatest outside influence was that of the Iranian 654:
The arrival of the King and his bodyguard ended the preliminary stage and the army would move on to the target of their campaign. The army would march in good order; in the vanguard came the standard of the Gods, signifying the servitude of the Assyrian Kings to their primary God
967: 876: 745: 626:
once boasted a force of 120,000 men in his campaigns against Syria. Such a force required men to be extracted from conquered peoples. A large army also needed more food and supplies and for this the Assyrians organized what they needed for a campaign before they set out.
depicts soldiers using ladders to scale walls, while others use their spears to scrape the mud and clay from the walls. A soldier is also depicted beneath a wall, suggesting that mining was used to undermine the foundations and bring the walls down on their opponents.
or when demanded by the Assyrian King. They were given Assyrian equipment and uniform which made them indistinguishable from one another, possibly to increase their integration. While the infantry in the standing army contained a large number of foreigners (including
1257: 911: 1123:"The spear of the Assyrian footman was short, scarcely exceeding the height of a man; that of the horseman appears to have been considerably longer… The shaft was probably of some strong wood, and did not consist of a reed, like that of the modern Arab lance." 1441:
their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.
of their horses at the same time. As a result, cavalry under Ashurnasirpal are depicted in pairs, with one rider holding both reins and the other shooting with a bow. The Assyrians experienced fewer problems with cavalry when they were deployed as
assured that the rebellions whom he encountered would be crushed with the same cruelty so that his opponents would never do it again. In one of his expeditions, Ashurnasirpal II described how he faced the rebels, in which they were being
four men. Heavier chariots also found new roles, smashing into enemy formations and dispersing the infantry in the process. The Assyrian cavalry and infantry would then be able to exploit the gap and rout the enemy, thereby taking the
of the year. As a result, armies could not conquer vast amounts of land without having to rest (and hence allow their enemy to recover) and even if they did they would not be able to garrison conquered lands with troops for long.
404:, further Assyrian offensives occurred, although these were designed not only for conquest, but also to destroy their enemies' ability to undermine Assyrian power. As such, costly battles raged taking tolls on Assyrian manpower. 1435:
reveals Ashurbanipal as an "avenger", seeking retribution for the humiliations the Elamites had inflicted on the Mesopotamians over the centuries. Ashurbanipal dictates Assyrian retribution after his successful siege of Susa:
1221:. However, it is known that the Assyrians, as part of their overall strategy of weakening their opponents and of exacting revenge, would violently destroy what they could not take back or could not consolidate. Regarding the 1211:
presence would bring innumerable benefits: resistance to other conquerors, a counter to any rebellions by the natives and assisting the provincial Assyrian governors in ensuring that the vassal state was loyal to Assyria.
The nature of Mesopotamia, plain and fertile with few natural defenses, meant that defensive operations were out of the question; only a decisive attack could defend such vulnerable yet valuable locations. The cities of
939: 880:
Assyrian soldier, using a dagger, about to behead a prisoner from the city of Lachish. Detail of a wall relief dating back to the reign of Sennacherib, 700–692 BC. From Nineveh, Iraq, currently housed in the British
469:(1790–1754 BC), Assyria was the seat of a regional empire controlling northern Mesopotamia and regions in Asia Minor and northern Syria. From 1365 to 1076 BC, Assyria became a major empire and world power, rivalling 448:
to attack the rival kingdom of Umma; the two were involved in minor skirmishes and raids along their respective borders. Although Eanatum triumphed, he was struck in the eye by an arrow. After the battle, he had the
Assyrian cavalry charges the enemy, dating back to the reign of Ashurnasirpal II, 865–860 BC. In this period, cavalry was relatively new. Detail of a gypsum wall relief from Nimrud, currently housed in the British
because they could carry five times the load but required less watering. Camels were not domesticated until shortly before 1000 BC, on the eve of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The first camel to be domesticated was the
671:. Such a formation would have been very vulnerable to a rear attack. Some columns of troops could travel 30 miles a day and such speed would have been used to surprise and frighten an opponent into submission. 701:
came to the throne in 745 BC. After increasing the efficiency of the Assyrian administration, he went on to change the Assyrian army as well. The most important aspect of his reform was the introduction of a
Detail of a gypsum wall relief depicting the deportation of the inhabitants of the city of Lachish by the Assyrian army. Reign of Sennacherib, 700–692 BC, from Nineveh, Iraq, currently housed in the British
Many different types of bows are recorded by the Assyrians, including Akkadian, Cimmerian and their own "Assyrian" type. However, it is most likely that these were simply different variants of the powerful
would flow through the empire with greater ease, thus feeding the Assyrian war effort further. Of course, roads that sped up Assyrian troops would not discriminate and would speed up enemy troops as well.
Assyria slingers hurling stones towards the enemy at the city of -alammu. Detail of a wall relief dating back to the reign of Sennacherib, 700–692 BC. From Nineveh, Iraq, currently housed in the British
Tiglath Pileser III re-introduced deportation on a grand scale, deporting tens, even hundreds of thousands of people. Deportations were also coupled with colonization; see above for more details.
Assyrian warships. The Assyrians would have used these to transport horses, chariots and supplies across rivers. Although they reached the Mediterranean on numerous occasions, rebellions in the
many troops. I made one pile of the living (and) one of heads. I hung their heads on trees around the city, I burnt their adolescent boys girls. I razed, destroyed, burnt, consumed the city.
385:. Although he campaigned for 31 years of his 35-year reign, he failed to achieve or equal the conquests of his predecessor, and his death led to another period of weakness in Assyrian rule. 1094:
could be expended in battle so in preparation for war many arrows would be made. Facilities also existed that would travel with the army's supply train that could manufacture more arrows.
before Assyria ran out of troops. The loss of the outer regions meant that foreign troops were gone too. By 605 BC, independent political Neo-Assyrian records vanish from history.
723:), the Assyrian cavalry and charioteers continued to be dominated by Assyrians. There were exceptions however, and as casualties mounted additional troops would not be unwelcome; 685: 855:, part of the ascending assaulting wave. Detail of a wall relief dating back to the reign of Sennacherib, 700–692 BC. From Nineveh, Iraq, currently housed in the British Museum 809:. By the 1st millennium BC, Nineveh and Assur had stone bridges, testament to the wealth of the kingdom of Ashur. The construction of roads and increased transport meant that 1316:
state that Shalmaneser became king on the 25th day of the month Tebeth, following Tiglath-Pileser's death, and that he died in the month of Tebeth in his fifth year as king.)
While cavalry provided the most expensive and elite arm of the Assyrian Empire, infantry were cheaper and more numerous. Often, they were also more effective, for example in
Assyrian army crosses a river, probably the Euphrates. Some soldiers are swimming while others are loading chariots on to a boat. Reign of Ashurnasirapl II, 865–860 BC, from
2028: 1565: 599:
Neo-Assyrian Empire took advantage of many different types and styles of militaristic vessels and engines for warfare. This includes chariots, cavalry, and siege engines.
721 BC: Sargon II (claimed) deports 27,290 people from Samaria, Israel and disperses them throughout the Empire. However, it is likely that his now deceased predecessor,
392:, whose reforms once again made Assyria the most powerful force in the Near East, and transformed it into a fully fledged empire – the first of its kind. Later, under 147: 1451:
The plains and fertile lands of Mesopotamia were not only ideal for warfare but actually attracted war. Raiders from all nations coveted the lands of the Assyrians:
Assyrian war chariot dating back to the reign of Ashurnasirpal II, 865–860 BC. Detail of a gypsum wall relief from Nimrud, currently housed in the British Museum
Information on the Assyrian army during this time is difficult to make out. The Assyrians were able to establish their independence on two occasions, during the
647:. On some occasions the designated meeting points would change depending upon the campaign. Governors were instructed to accumulate supplies of grain, oil and 1738:
732 BC Babylon is conquered by Assyria following an usurpation of the throne by a Chaldean. Lands around Babylon are devastated during three years of fighting
2865: 1839:
655 BC Elam attacks Babylon. At the same time, Egypt launches another offensive. Elamite attack repelled by large Assyrian army assembled by Ashurbanipal.
1612: 1584: 1062:, where the mobility provided by horsemen would be of no advantage. Assyrian infantry were composed of both native Assyrians and foreigners employed as 2362:. Adelman, Jeremy,, Aron, Stephen,, Brown, Peter, 1935–, Elman, Benjamin A., 1946–, Liu, Xinru,, Pittman, Holly (Fourth edition,  ed.). New York. 635:
Preparations for a new campaign required first and foremost the assembly of troops at a designated base. In Assyria, the designated locations included
Syria in that many of the smaller settlements were immediately handed over to their troops, then they marched south in parallel of the Mediterranean.
3145: 3140: 2395: 1591: 3048: 2244:
The encyclopædia britannica:a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general information, Volume 26, Edited by Hugh Chrisholm, 1911, p. 968
1959: 783: 740: 325: 1229:
For a distance of a month and twenty-five days' journey I devastated the provinces of Elam. Salt and sihlu I scattered over them... The dust of
with regular way stations for messengers to rest and/or exchange mounts were established. Later, these would form the basis for the Persians to
27: 2898: 2391: 140: 2836:
Whilst he did indeed give up the "kingdom of the two lands" (upper and lower Egypt, shows the frontline in 639 BC as including the Nile River)
Rugged mountains were cut through thus greatly decreasing travel time. Engineers built fine stone pavements leading up to the grand cities of
1598: 1880:
622 BC An Assyrian expedition may have been launched west of the Euphrates; lack of Assyrian records points to a likely Assyrian defeat.
1580: 1008:
were rarely used by the Assyrians or many other Mesopotamians until the 9th century BC, when their use is mentioned during the reign of
and controlled his own horse. By the 7th century BC, mounted Assyrian warriors were well armed with a bow and a lance, and armored with
1934: 133: 2858: 2733:
Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC: I (1114–859 BC) (Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Assyrian Periods. Volume 2)
2611: 1288:
a multi-ethnic population base in each region would have curbed nationalist sentiment, making the running of the Empire smoother;
were designed to shock the enemy and surprise them. However, they were also a strategy employed when time was not on their side:
1117: 244: 1517:
I captured 46 towns... by consolidating ramps to bring up battering rams, by infantry attacks, mines, breaches and siege engines
was the site of some of the earliest recorded battles in history. In fact, the first recorded battle was between the forces of
Bra böckers encyklopedi om människans historia. 5, Civilisationens vaggor: tidiga högkulturer i esopotamien, Egypten och Asien
706:. This included a larger number of foreign soldiers but mixed in with other Assyrian soldiers. These men could be supplied by 2731: 1298:
removing one enemy population and settling them into another. Below is a list of deportations carried out by Assyrian Kings:
Babylon, Elam, Media, Egypt, Urartu, Archaic Greece, Arameans, Arabs, Scythia, Persia, Cimmeria, Mushki, Israel, Neo-Hittites
2851: 2707:
Davenport, T.L. (August 1, 2014). "Situation and Organisation: The Empire Building of Tiglath-pileser III (745-728 BC)".
1605: 805:, so as to impress foreigners with the wealth of Assyria. By the 2nd millennium BC, wooden bridges were built across the 1016:. The raiding by that people assisted Assyrian attempts in building a cavalry army with which to destroy the Kingdom of 1411:'s brutal campaign against Elam in 647 BC is triumphantly recorded in this relief. Here, flames rise from the city as 2903: 2754: 2367: 2185: 1983: 1631: 1527:
Siege towers, even ones that could float were reported to have been in use whenever there was a wall facing a river.
3087: 1851:
651 BC Ashurbanipal abandons Egypt to focus on Elamite attacks; Assyrian army shows signs of overstretching itself.
212: 694:
could not cope with the demands of an empire that often stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.
744 BC: Tiglath Pileser III deports 65,000 people from Iran to the Assyrian-Babylonian border at the Diyala river
425: 1569: 1305:
742 BC: Tiglath Pileser III deports 30,000 people from Hamath, Syria and into the Zagros mountains in the east.
1090:. Depending upon the bow, an archer would have a range of anything between 250 and 650 meters. Vast numbers of 2504:
Stephanie, Dalley (1985). "Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II".
3135: 1806:
681 BC Sennacherib is murdered by two of his sons; another son Esarhaddon avenges his death and rules Assyria
176: 1842:
Unknown date (possibly 655 BC) Ashurbanipal drives Elmite forces across the River Ulai in the plain of Susa.
and kill their enemies. Even in siege warfare, arrows were used to drive back defenders from the wall while
3130: 3109: 1765:
703 BC Another Chaldean-backed Babylon revolt is crushed by Sennacherib, only one year after his succession
With the rise of the Assyrian Empire, new demands were placed on transport and communication. Prior to the
188: 1800:: The alliance of Elamites, Babylonians, Chaldeans, and Aramaic and Zagros tribes fight off the Assyrians. 1773: 259: 1679:
877 BC Ashurnasirpal II takes Assyrian troops to the Mediterranean and Mount Lebanon for the first time.
1400: 1904: 1897: 350: 330: 318: 291: 217: 1827:
668 BC Ashurbanipal succeeds Esarhhadon, last King of Assyria to expand her borders beyond Mesopotamia
691 BC Sennacherib wins a Pyrrhic victory against Elam. However he is able to crush the Babylon revolt
3077: 1939: 1914:: Newly established Assyrian capital at Harran is destroyed by pursuing Median and Babylonian forces. 1753:
714 BC A major military disaster befalls Urartu; Sargon II destroys Urartu's ability to fight forever
1222: 298: 286: 224: 2427: 1949: 1944: 522: 239: 1042:
Horses were drawn from outlying provinces and brought in to be trained with new recruits for war.
c. 2450 BC. Like many Mesopotamian records, it contains elements of fiction. The ruler of Lagash,
1558: 1294:
rather than being butchered, the people could serve as slave labor or as conscripts in the army.
281: 205: 1790: 1786:
694 BC Sennacherib attacks Elam. Elam attacks Babylon, which is now unoccupied by Assyrian army
578: 264: 234: 2414: 1883:
616 BC Nabopolassar, King of Babylon since 626 BC, drives out Assyrian troops from Babylonia.
1456: 1313: 450: 1900:: Nineveh is destroyed by an alliance of Medians and Babylonians after a mere 3-month siege. 1854:
648 BC Babylon is utterly destroyed by Assyria; Elamite civil war ensures no help from Elam.
663 BC Ashurbanipal relieves an Egyptian siege of Memphis and destroys Thebes in the south.
8: 2970: 2874: 1954: 1732: 1428: 991: 774: 698: 680: 616: 574: 389: 370: 171: 889:
consisting of a wooden shaft tipped with a lethal iron spearhead; 5 feet long altogether
An image of Tiglath-Pileser III's troops. In the background, a siege engine can be seen.
3072: 2924: 2712: 2529: 2521: 2466: 2458: 2385: 1762:
709 BC Assyrian expeditionary forces sent by Sargon II force Midas to seek peace terms.
1009: 994:, the Assyrian cavalry continued to be paired, but this time each warrior held his own 229: 1676:
883 BC Ashurnasirpal II takes power and begins expansion of Assyria beyond Mesopotamia
707 BC: Sargon II deports 108,000 Chaldeans and Babylonians from the Babylonian region
125: 2750: 2716: 2533: 2470: 2373: 2363: 2191: 2181: 1989: 1979: 1531: 791: 506: 502: 498: 494: 335: 1192:
were both sandwiched between rivers; Nineveh was more enclosed and protected by the
3017: 3011: 3000: 2929: 2513: 2450: 1864:
639 BC Ashurbanipal devastates the lands of Elam. Elamite kingdom does not recover.
1797: 1769: 1694:
849, 845 and 841 BC Shalmaneser III makes three unsuccessful attempts to take Syria
1686: 1357: 1266: 1176: 1111: 827: 374: 274: 269: 254: 193: 2409:
Archer, Robin. "Chariotry to Cavalry: Developments In the Early First Millennium".
679 BC An alliance of Cimmerians and Scythians is defeated by Esarhaddon's forces.
1196:, while Assur, while being close to the Tigris, was a fair distance away from the 1038:
High-ranking state officers overseeing horse production and reporting to the King.
3082: 2950: 2934: 1973: 1929: 1924: 1658: 1651: 1144: 1079: 999: 623: 474: 382: 340: 249: 2965: 2955: 2939: 2919: 2843: 1911: 1858: 1713:
780–756 BC Argistis I reigns over Assyria, lake Urmia lost by Assyria to Urartu
921: 892: 720: 462: 355: 313: 308: 303: 200: 181: 1793:: Assyrian assault to Elam through Der is called back due to Babylonian revolt 1768:
701 BC Sennacherib moves down Mediterranean coast to subdue Syria and Israel.
3124: 3092: 3005: 2975: 2960: 2377: 2195: 1309: 1163:
of the royal family, many cavalry and infantry, and even the capital itself.
1087: 1067: 1059: 978: 927: 703: 668: 567: 538: 490: 486: 470: 393: 345: 85: 1993: 1815:
676 BC Esarhaddon launches an offensive to counter increasing Iranian power.
2995: 1420: 1408: 1275:
century BC. The purposes of deportation included, but were not limited to:
707: 664: 648: 530: 482: 478: 409: 1756:
713 BC Rumours of an anti-Assyrian alliance leads Sargon II to take Tabal.
717–716 BC Sargon II takes Carchemish to secure trade routes in the north.
721 BC Coup of Sargon II results in Samaria revolt; it is quickly crushed.
The Assyrians considered their kings as ruling with the gods’ (or the god
2985: 2944: 1889:
614 BC Assur, first capital of Assyria is sacked by the Medes under King
745 BC Tiglath Pileser III seizes power in a coup; Assyrian Army reformed
Video on The Assyrian assault on Lachish and a water tunnel in Jerusalem.
1472: 1427:
apparently participated on the other side. A tablet unearthed in 1854 by
1385: 1207: 1130: 1075: 1063: 956: 778: 660: 656: 510: 466: 429: 401: 2990: 2525: 2462: 1735:: Rebellions in Syria and Palestine are crushed. Damascus falls in 732. 1572: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1464: 1415:
soldiers topple it with pickaxes and crowbars and carry off the spoils.
1351: 1347: 787: 607: 405: 1270:
The Israelites were one of the many peoples deported by the Assyrians.
Assyrians using inflated sheep skins to transport chariots across the
2980: 1812:
679 BC Esarhaddon's troops take Arzani and reach the Egyptian border.
1452: 1218: 1197: 1054:
Assyrian archers taking aim, under the protection of a shield bearer.
1029: 860: 836: 806: 762: 728: 724: 716: 644: 595: 547: 526: 505:(1115–1077 BC) forged an empire which at its peak stretched from the 397: 2517: 2454: 1725:
743 BC Tiglath Pileser III decisively defeats Urartu, besieges Arpad
1547: 1334: 757: 96:
Mesopotamia, parts of the Levant, Anatolia, Egypt and western Persia
1890: 1703:
824 BC Shalmaneser III dies, Assyria enters into period of weakness
1468: 1460: 1050: 904: 534: 514: 445: 1217:: One must be careful before assuming that the Assyrians utilized 1179:
would have made such sea ventures into the Mediterranean unlikely.
1171: 611:
Assyria's greatest pre-reform military commander, Ashurnasirpal II
2024: 1481: 1432: 1412: 1362: 1338: 1189: 1005: 948: 898: 852: 802: 711: 636: 582: 555: 441: 77: 1886:
615 BC Median invasion of Assyria results in capture of Arrapha.
the possibility of deportation would have terrorized the people;
1505: 1404: 1193: 1071: 987: 886: 831: 766: 750: 563: 559: 542: 518: 433: 81: 1685:
853 BC After taking Aleppo, Shalmaneser III is stopped at the
for their military campaigns. Camels were of greater use than
1185: 1091: 1013: 995: 982: 864: 823: 810: 798: 640: 73: 69: 1759:
710–707 BC Another Babylonian revolt is crushed by Sargon II
858 BC Shalmaneser III subjugates Bit Adini to vassal status
2238: 2200:
Assyrien har med rätta kallats världens första militärmakt.
Gli assiri : la prima superpotenza dell'Oriente Antico
724–722 BC Shalmaneser V besieges and then captures Samaria
1424: 1230: 1028:
Raids designed to steal horses from opponents, such as the
1017: 551: 437: 33: 1877:
627 BC Ashurbanipal dies. Collapse of Assyria accelerates.
671 BC Another Assyrian offensive into Egypt is a success;
after bloody fighting, while Egyptian aid is driven back.
744 BC Mass deportation of Iranians by Tiglath Pileser III
851 BC Shalmaneser III defeats Chaldean revolt in Babylon
Scurlock, JoAnne (1997). "Neo-Assyrian Battle Tactics".
832 BC Shalmaneser III fails to take Damascus in a siege
to publicly roam so that natives would be demoralized.
703 BC: Sennacherib deports 208,000 people from Babylon
155: 2615:. Vol. I. The Outlook Company. 1904. p. 470. 2441:
J.N., Postgate (2000). "The Assyrian Army In Zamua".
1907:: Egyptians unsuccessfully try to help the Assyrians. 1830:
665 BC A ten-year campaign against Media is launched.
leveled the city during a war in which the people of
The Assyrian empire has been described as the "first
Battle a Visual Journey Through 5000 Years of Combat
Battle a Visual Journey Through 5000 Years of Combat
Battle a Visual Journey Through 5000 Years of Combat
Battle a Visual Journey Through 5000 Years of Combat
Battle a Visual Journey Through 5000 Years of Combat
635 BC Egypt, unchecked since 651 BC, storms Ashdod.
2729: 907:
to break shields and for medium range thrown spears
734: 408:succeeded in taking lower Egypt and his successor, 2599:R. Hachmann, Frühe Phöniker im Libanon. p. 94-100 1354:, the city's king, and forced survivors to watch. 630: 2654: 2652: 2048:Until final Egyptian aid at Carchemish was beaten 1845:653 BC Median invasion stopped by Scythian attack 1722:Unknown date: Tiglath Pileser III defeats Babylon 1672:Cavalry use first recorded by Tukulti Ninurta II 1504:defences included mining. A 9th-century Assyrian 868:wheels have the advantage of being more durable. 851:Assyrian siege-engine attacking the city wall of 674: 3122: 2873: 2702: 2700: 378:the region would fuel the Assyrian war machine. 1960:Medo-Babylonian conquest of the Assyrian Empire 1861:: Susa is destroyed completely by Ashurbanipal. 1663:1170 BC Nineveh at its peak power and influence 981:were used but could not use their bows and the 741:State communications in the Neo-Assyrian Empire 589: 2649: 2859: 2697: 2338: 2336: 2320: 2318: 1747:721 BC Sargon II defeats Babylonian rebellion 1697:840 BC Shalmaneser III fails to defeat Urartu 1581:"Military history of the Neo-Assyrian Empire" 1480:I fought daily, without interruption against 141: 2609:"Manners and Customs of Babylonia-Assyria". 2205: 930:was a ranged weapon used to attack from afar 2736:. University of Toronto Press. p. 201. 2663:. New York: Osprey. pp. Various pages. 2394:) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2093: 2091: 1971: 1824:669 BC Memphis is sacked by Assyrian troops 1644: 1206:: The Assyrians, in conjunction with their 2866: 2852: 2780: 2778: 2667: 2582: 2580: 2578: 2564: 2562: 2560: 2558: 2486: 2484: 2482: 2480: 2390:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 2333: 2315: 2289: 2287: 2285: 2283: 2281: 2267: 2265: 2263: 2225: 2223: 1935:List of artifacts significant to the Bible 1818:675 BC An assault on Egypt is thrown back. 901:for slitting throats with a secondary hand 727:reports that he managed to incorporate 60 148: 134: 2789:. London: Dorling Kindersley. p. 17. 2706: 2503: 2234:. London: Dorling Kindersley. p. 13. 2216:. London: Dorling Kindersley. p. 12. 2175: 2165:. London: Dorling Kindersley. p. 16. 2143: 2141: 2127: 2125: 2111: 2109: 2107: 2064: 2062: 2060: 2058: 2056: 2054: 1728:741 BC Arpad falls to Tiglath Pileser III 1632:Learn how and when to remove this message 1365:, impaled, decapitated, or burned alive: 947:The core of the Assyrian army lay in its 412:, took the southern upper half of Egypt. 3146:Lists of wars by former country involved 2549:Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons 2546: 2088: 2018: 1399: 1333: 1265: 1256: 1243: 1170: 1110: 1049: 966: 938: 910: 875: 846: 756: 753:, currently housed in the British Museum 744: 684: 606: 3141:Military history of the Assyrian Empire 2802:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2799: 2775: 2745: 2743: 2691:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2688: 2676:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2673: 2575: 2555: 2477: 2345:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2342: 2327:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2324: 2309:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2306: 2278: 2260: 2220: 2003:Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 2000: 1833:665 BC Elam attacks Babylon, but fails. 1166: 1101: 3123: 2358:L., Tignor, Robert (24 October 2013). 2180:(in Swedish). Bra böcker. p. 37. 2138: 2122: 2104: 2051: 1329: 521:. The 11th and 10th centuries BC were 2912: 2847: 2829: 2814: 2784: 2766: 2658: 2640: 2625: 2229: 2211: 2160: 2009: 1082:advanced against the fortifications. 622:Assyrian armies could be very large; 581:, with the latter reaching as far as 129: 2740: 2612:The Historians' History of the World 2440: 1570:adding citations to reliable sources 1541: 1118:The Historians' History of the World 822:The Assyrians were the first to use 245:Sennacherib's campaign in the Levant 2804:. New York: Oxford UP. p. 267. 2678:. New York: Oxford UP. p. 268. 2347:. New York: Oxford UP. p. 255. 2329:. New York: Oxford UP. p. 254. 2311:. New York: Oxford UP. p. 253. 842: 42:by Braun & Schneider (c. 1860). 38:Assyrian soldiers, from a plate in 13: 2408: 2357: 456: 453:erected to celebrate his victory. 388:Assyria would later recover under 381:Ashurnasirpal II was succeeded by 14: 3157: 1780: 1707: 1667: 465:(1813–1791 BC) and his successor 3088:Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 1848:652 BC Babylon once more revolts 1546: 1498: 1395: 1292:Preservation of human resources: 1249:offensive strategy and tactics. 817: 735:Transportation and communication 546:potential rivals such as Egypt, 513:, and from the foothills of the 213:Campaigns of Tiglath-Pileser III 32: 26: 2823: 2819:. New York: Osprey. p. 30. 2808: 2793: 2771:. New York: Osprey. p. 50. 2760: 2723: 2682: 2645:. New York: Osprey. p. 32. 2634: 2630:. New York: Osprey. p. 47. 2619: 2602: 2593: 2540: 2497: 2434: 2402: 2351: 2300: 2247: 1557:needs additional citations for 1252: 863:are credited for inventing the 631:Preparations for a new campaign 2169: 2154: 2075: 2042: 1035:Tribute paid by vassal states. 675:Reforms of Tiglath-Pileser III 373:arose in the 10th century BC. 1: 2749:Persians: Masters of Empire" 2360:Worlds together, worlds apart 2014:. London: Dorling Kindersley. 1965: 1419:In 647 BC, the Assyrian king 1341:flaying their prisoners alive 731:chariot teams into his army. 602: 419: 177:Campaigns of Ashurnasirpal II 2730:Albert Kirk Grayson (1991). 1654:conquers much of Mesopotamia 1152:up no camp, nor fix defences 784:A state communication system 590:Organization of the military 189:Campaigns of Shalmaneser III 7: 1918: 1537: 1407:, sacked by the Assyrians. 1045: 934: 895:for fighting in close range 201:Campaigns of Shamshi-Adad V 10: 3162: 2253:According to George Roux, 2019:Mistrini, Vinenzo (2022). 1905:Battle of Megiddo (609 BC) 1898:Battle of Nineveh (612 BC) 1312:ordered the deportation. ( 1129:At the command of the god 1106: 962: 871: 738: 678: 444:, was inspired by the god 3105: 3078:Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal 3068: 3061: 3041: 3034: 2889: 2882: 2800:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 2689:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 2674:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 2343:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 2325:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 2307:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 2176:Burenhult, Göran (1994). 2001:Bertman, Stephen (2005). 1940:Military history of Egypt 1350:. Afterwards, he impaled 1225:, Ashurbanipal recorded: 1223:Assyrian conquest of Elam 924:to hurl stones at enemies 299:Campaigns of Ashurbanipal 167: 116: 108: 100: 92: 65: 55: 47: 25: 20: 2709:The University of Sydney 2036: 1950:Military history of Iraq 1945:Military history of Iran 1645:3rd and 2nd millennia BC 1032:or other steppe peoples. 326:Medo-Babylonian conquest 240:Campaigns of Sennacherib 697:All was to change when 282:Campaigns of Esarhaddon 104:capable of 300,000+ men 2693:. New York: Oxford UP. 2422:Cite journal requires 2005:. New York: Oxford UP. 1791:Battle of Diyala River 1525: 1492: 1449: 1416: 1378: 1342: 1280:Psychological warfare: 1271: 1263: 1241: 1180: 1160: 1141: 1125: 1066:, spearmen, slingers, 1055: 973: 944: 917: 882: 856: 770: 754: 690: 615:Before the reforms of 612: 579:Middle Assyrian Empire 235:Campaigns of Sargon II 40:THE HISTORY OF COSTUME 2832:The Ancient Assyrians 2817:The Ancient Assyrians 2769:The Ancient Assyrians 2661:The Ancient Assyrians 2643:The Ancient Assyrians 2628:The Ancient Assyrians 2588:The Ancient Assyrians 2570:The Ancient Assyrians 2492:The Ancient Assyrians 2295:The Ancient Assyrians 2273:The Ancient Assyrians 2149:The Ancient Assyrians 2133:The Ancient Assyrians 2117:The Ancient Assyrians 2099:The Ancient Assyrians 2083:The Ancient Assyrians 2070:The Ancient Assyrians 1975:The Ancient Assyrians 1515: 1478: 1438: 1403: 1367: 1337: 1314:Babylonian chronicles 1269: 1260: 1244:Psychological warfare 1227: 1215:Destruction of cities 1174: 1149: 1127: 1114: 1053: 970: 942: 914: 879: 850: 760: 748: 739:Further information: 688: 610: 451:Stele of the Vultures 3136:Histories of empires 3049:State communications 2834:. New York: Osprey. 2830:Healy, Mark (1991). 2815:Healy, Mark (1991). 2785:Grant, R.G. (2005). 2767:Healy, Mark (1991). 2659:Healy, Mark (1991). 2641:Healy, Mark (1991). 2626:Healy, Mark (1991). 2230:Grant, R.G. (2005). 2212:Grant, R.G. (2005). 2161:Grant, R.G. (2005). 2010:Grant, R.G. (2005). 1972:Healy, Mark (1991). 1566:improve this article 1167:Overall war strategy 1102:Strategy and tactics 594:The Assyrian army's 3131:Neo-Assyrian Empire 2971:Tiglath-Pileser III 2899:Resettlement policy 2875:Neo-Assyrian Empire 1955:Syro-Ephraimite War 1869:Collapse of Assyria 1733:Syro-Ephraimite War 1429:Austen Henry Layard 1330:Dealing with rebels 992:Tiglath-Pileser III 859:Traditionally, the 775:Neo-Assyrian Empire 699:Tiglath-Pileser III 681:Tiglath-Pileser III 617:Tiglath-Pileser III 575:Old Assyrian Empire 501:(1133–1116 BC) and 485:(c. 1307–1296 BC), 390:Tiglath-Pileser III 371:Neo-Assyrian Empire 172:Rise of Neo-Assyria 160:Neo-Assyrian Empire 93:Active regions 3073:Assyrian sculpture 2925:Tukulti-Ninurta II 1978:. London: Osprey. 1774:Siege of Jerusalem 1417: 1343: 1272: 1264: 1181: 1126: 1056: 1010:Tukulti-Ninurta II 974: 945: 918: 883: 857: 788:expand this system 771: 755: 691: 613: 57:Dates of operation 3118: 3117: 3101: 3100: 3057: 3056: 3030: 3029: 3026: 3025: 1642: 1641: 1634: 1616: 507:Mediterranean Sea 503:Tiglath-Pileser I 499:Ashur-resh-ishi I 495:Tukulti-Ninurta I 366: 365: 124: 123: 3153: 3066: 3065: 3039: 3038: 3018:Ashur-uballit II 3012:Sin-shumu-lishir 3001:Ashur-etil-ilani 2930:Ashurnasirpal II 2910: 2909: 2887: 2886: 2868: 2861: 2854: 2845: 2844: 2839: 2838: 2827: 2821: 2820: 2812: 2806: 2805: 2797: 2791: 2790: 2782: 2773: 2772: 2764: 2758: 2747: 2738: 2737: 2727: 2721: 2720: 2704: 2695: 2694: 2686: 2680: 2679: 2671: 2665: 2664: 2656: 2647: 2646: 2638: 2632: 2631: 2623: 2617: 2616: 2606: 2600: 2597: 2591: 2584: 2573: 2566: 2553: 2552: 2544: 2538: 2537: 2501: 2495: 2488: 2475: 2474: 2438: 2432: 2431: 2425: 2420: 2418: 2410: 2406: 2400: 2399: 2389: 2381: 2355: 2349: 2348: 2340: 2331: 2330: 2322: 2313: 2312: 2304: 2298: 2291: 2276: 2269: 2258: 2251: 2245: 2242: 2236: 2235: 2227: 2218: 2217: 2209: 2203: 2202: 2173: 2167: 2166: 2158: 2152: 2145: 2136: 2129: 2120: 2113: 2102: 2095: 2086: 2079: 2073: 2066: 2049: 2046: 2032: 2015: 2006: 1997: 1798:Battle of Halule 1770:Lachish is taken 1687:Battle of Qarqar 1637: 1630: 1626: 1623: 1617: 1615: 1574: 1550: 1542: 1523: 1490: 1471:to the East and 1447: 1376: 1375:Ashurnasirpal II 1358:Ashurnasirpal II 1239: 1177:Fertile Crescent 1158: 1145:frontal assaults 1139: 843:Wheeled vehicles 828:beasts of burden 792:their own empire 497:(1244–1208 BC), 493:(1274–1245 BC), 489:(1295–1275 BC), 481:(1329–1308 BC), 477:(1365–1330 BC), 473:. Kings such as 375:Ashurnasirpal II 287:Conquest of Elam 225:Conquest of Aram 162: 158:Campaigns of the 150: 143: 136: 127: 126: 58: 36: 30: 18: 17: 3161: 3160: 3156: 3155: 3154: 3152: 3151: 3150: 3121: 3120: 3119: 3114: 3097: 3083:Lachish Reliefs 3053: 3022: 2951:Adad-nirari III 2935:Shalmaneser III 2908: 2878: 2872: 2842: 2828: 2824: 2813: 2809: 2798: 2794: 2783: 2776: 2765: 2761: 2748: 2741: 2728: 2724: 2705: 2698: 2687: 2683: 2672: 2668: 2657: 2650: 2639: 2635: 2624: 2620: 2608: 2607: 2603: 2598: 2594: 2585: 2576: 2567: 2556: 2545: 2541: 2518:10.2307/4200230 2502: 2498: 2489: 2478: 2455:10.2307/4200483 2439: 2435: 2423: 2421: 2412: 2411: 2407: 2403: 2383: 2382: 2370: 2356: 2352: 2341: 2334: 2323: 2316: 2305: 2301: 2292: 2279: 2270: 2261: 2252: 2248: 2243: 2239: 2228: 2221: 2210: 2206: 2188: 2174: 2170: 2159: 2155: 2146: 2139: 2130: 2123: 2114: 2105: 2096: 2089: 2080: 2076: 2067: 2052: 2047: 2043: 2039: 1986: 1968: 1930:Assyrian Levies 1925:Ancient warfare 1921: 1783: 1710: 1670: 1659:Battle of Nairi 1652:Sargon of Akkad 1647: 1638: 1627: 1621: 1618: 1575: 1573: 1563: 1551: 1540: 1524: 1521: 1501: 1491: 1488: 1448: 1445: 1398: 1377: 1374: 1332: 1289: 1283: 1255: 1246: 1240: 1237: 1169: 1159: 1156: 1140: 1137: 1109: 1104: 1048: 1000:lamellar armour 965: 937: 874: 845: 820: 743: 737: 683: 677: 633: 624:Shalmaneser III 605: 592: 525:for the entire 475:Ashur-uballit I 459: 457:Middle Assyrian 422: 383:Shalmaneser III 367: 362: 230:War with Urartu 163: 159: 156: 154: 112:Assyrian Empire 61:911 BC – 605 BC 56: 51:King of Assyria 43: 12: 11: 5: 3159: 3149: 3148: 3143: 3138: 3133: 3116: 3115: 3113: 3112: 3106: 3103: 3102: 3099: 3098: 3096: 3095: 3090: 3085: 3080: 3075: 3069: 3063: 3059: 3058: 3055: 3054: 3052: 3051: 3045: 3043: 3042:Infrastructure 3036: 3032: 3031: 3028: 3027: 3024: 3023: 3021: 3020: 3015: 3008: 3003: 2998: 2993: 2988: 2983: 2978: 2973: 2968: 2966:Ashur-nirari V 2963: 2958: 2956:Shalmaneser IV 2953: 2948: 2942: 2940:Shamshi-Adad V 2937: 2932: 2927: 2922: 2920:Adad-nirari II 2916: 2914: 2907: 2906: 2901: 2896: 2890: 2884: 2880: 2879: 2877: articles 2871: 2870: 2863: 2856: 2848: 2841: 2840: 2822: 2807: 2792: 2774: 2759: 2739: 2722: 2696: 2681: 2666: 2648: 2633: 2618: 2601: 2592: 2574: 2554: 2539: 2496: 2476: 2433: 2424:|journal= 2401: 2368: 2350: 2332: 2314: 2299: 2277: 2259: 2246: 2237: 2219: 2204: 2186: 2168: 2153: 2137: 2121: 2103: 2087: 2074: 2050: 2040: 2038: 2035: 2034: 2033: 2023:(in Italian). 2016: 2007: 1998: 1984: 1967: 1964: 1963: 1962: 1957: 1952: 1947: 1942: 1937: 1932: 1927: 1920: 1917: 1916: 1915: 1912:Fall of Harran 1908: 1901: 1894: 1887: 1884: 1881: 1878: 1875: 1866: 1865: 1862: 1859:Battle of Susa 1855: 1852: 1849: 1846: 1843: 1840: 1837: 1834: 1831: 1828: 1825: 1822: 1819: 1816: 1813: 1810: 1807: 1804: 1801: 1794: 1787: 1782: 1781:7th century BC 1779: 1778: 1777: 1766: 1763: 1760: 1757: 1754: 1751: 1748: 1745: 1742: 1739: 1736: 1729: 1726: 1723: 1720: 1717: 1714: 1709: 1708:8th century BC 1706: 1705: 1704: 1701: 1698: 1695: 1692: 1689: 1683: 1680: 1677: 1669: 1668:9th century BC 1666: 1665: 1664: 1661: 1655: 1646: 1643: 1640: 1639: 1554: 1552: 1545: 1539: 1536: 1535: 1534: 1519: 1500: 1497: 1486: 1455:to the north, 1443: 1397: 1394: 1372: 1331: 1328: 1324: 1323: 1320: 1317: 1306: 1303: 1254: 1251: 1245: 1242: 1235: 1168: 1165: 1154: 1135: 1108: 1105: 1103: 1100: 1068:shield bearers 1047: 1044: 1040: 1039: 1036: 1033: 964: 961: 936: 933: 932: 931: 925: 909: 908: 902: 896: 890: 873: 870: 844: 841: 819: 816: 736: 733: 679:Main article: 676: 673: 669:camp followers 632: 629: 604: 601: 591: 588: 463:Shamshi-Adad I 458: 455: 426:military power 421: 418: 364: 363: 361: 360: 359: 358: 356:Fall of Harran 353: 348: 343: 338: 333: 323: 322: 321: 316: 311: 306: 296: 295: 294: 289: 279: 278: 277: 272: 267: 262: 257: 252: 247: 237: 232: 227: 222: 221: 220: 210: 209: 208: 198: 197: 196: 186: 185: 184: 174: 168: 165: 164: 153: 152: 145: 138: 130: 122: 121: 118: 114: 113: 110: 106: 105: 102: 98: 97: 94: 90: 89: 67: 63: 62: 59: 53: 52: 49: 45: 44: 37: 23: 22: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3158: 3147: 3144: 3142: 3139: 3137: 3134: 3132: 3129: 3128: 3126: 3111: 3108: 3107: 3104: 3094: 3093:Balawat Gates 3091: 3089: 3086: 3084: 3081: 3079: 3076: 3074: 3071: 3070: 3067: 3064: 3060: 3050: 3047: 3046: 3044: 3040: 3037: 3033: 3019: 3016: 3014: 3013: 3009: 3007: 3006:Sinsharishkun 3004: 3002: 2999: 2997: 2994: 2992: 2989: 2987: 2984: 2982: 2979: 2977: 2976:Shalmaneser V 2974: 2972: 2969: 2967: 2964: 2962: 2961:Ashur-Dan III 2959: 2957: 2954: 2952: 2949: 2946: 2943: 2941: 2938: 2936: 2933: 2931: 2928: 2926: 2923: 2921: 2918: 2917: 2915: 2911: 2905: 2902: 2900: 2897: 2895: 2892: 2891: 2888: 2885: 2881: 2876: 2869: 2864: 2862: 2857: 2855: 2850: 2849: 2846: 2837: 2833: 2826: 2818: 2811: 2803: 2796: 2788: 2781: 2779: 2770: 2763: 2756: 2755:0-8094-9104-4 2752: 2746: 2744: 2735: 2734: 2726: 2718: 2714: 2710: 2703: 2701: 2692: 2685: 2677: 2670: 2662: 2655: 2653: 2644: 2637: 2629: 2622: 2614: 2613: 2605: 2596: 2589: 2583: 2581: 2579: 2571: 2565: 2563: 2561: 2559: 2550: 2543: 2535: 2531: 2527: 2523: 2519: 2515: 2511: 2507: 2500: 2493: 2487: 2485: 2483: 2481: 2472: 2468: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2452: 2448: 2444: 2437: 2429: 2416: 2405: 2397: 2393: 2387: 2379: 2375: 2371: 2369:9780393922080 2365: 2361: 2354: 2346: 2339: 2337: 2328: 2321: 2319: 2310: 2303: 2296: 2290: 2288: 2286: 2284: 2282: 2274: 2268: 2266: 2264: 2257:, p. 282–283. 2256: 2250: 2241: 2233: 2226: 2224: 2215: 2208: 2201: 2197: 2193: 2189: 2187:91-7133-171-9 2183: 2179: 2172: 2164: 2157: 2150: 2144: 2142: 2134: 2128: 2126: 2118: 2112: 2110: 2108: 2100: 2094: 2092: 2084: 2078: 2071: 2065: 2063: 2061: 2059: 2057: 2055: 2045: 2041: 2030: 2026: 2022: 2017: 2013: 2008: 2004: 1999: 1995: 1991: 1987: 1985:1-85532-163-7 1981: 1977: 1976: 1970: 1969: 1961: 1958: 1956: 1953: 1951: 1948: 1946: 1943: 1941: 1938: 1936: 1933: 1931: 1928: 1926: 1923: 1922: 1913: 1909: 1906: 1902: 1899: 1895: 1892: 1888: 1885: 1882: 1879: 1876: 1873: 1872: 1871: 1870: 1863: 1860: 1856: 1853: 1850: 1847: 1844: 1841: 1838: 1835: 1832: 1829: 1826: 1823: 1820: 1817: 1814: 1811: 1808: 1805: 1802: 1799: 1795: 1792: 1788: 1785: 1784: 1775: 1771: 1767: 1764: 1761: 1758: 1755: 1752: 1749: 1746: 1743: 1740: 1737: 1734: 1730: 1727: 1724: 1721: 1718: 1715: 1712: 1711: 1702: 1699: 1696: 1693: 1690: 1688: 1684: 1681: 1678: 1675: 1674: 1673: 1662: 1660: 1656: 1653: 1650:2340–2284 BC 1649: 1648: 1636: 1633: 1625: 1614: 1611: 1607: 1604: 1600: 1597: 1593: 1590: 1586: 1583: –  1582: 1578: 1577:Find sources: 1571: 1567: 1561: 1560: 1555:This section 1553: 1549: 1544: 1543: 1533: 1530: 1529: 1528: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1507: 1499:Siege weapons 1496: 1485: 1483: 1477: 1474: 1470: 1467:to the West, 1466: 1462: 1458: 1454: 1442: 1437: 1434: 1430: 1426: 1422: 1414: 1410: 1406: 1402: 1396:Siege warfare 1393: 1389: 1387: 1382: 1371: 1366: 1364: 1359: 1355: 1353: 1349: 1340: 1336: 1327: 1321: 1318: 1315: 1311: 1310:Shalmaneser V 1307: 1304: 1301: 1300: 1299: 1295: 1293: 1287: 1281: 1276: 1268: 1259: 1250: 1234: 1232: 1226: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1209: 1205: 1201: 1199: 1195: 1191: 1187: 1178: 1173: 1164: 1153: 1148: 1146: 1134: 1132: 1124: 1120: 1119: 1113: 1099: 1095: 1093: 1089: 1088:composite bow 1083: 1081: 1077: 1073: 1069: 1065: 1061: 1060:siege warfare 1052: 1043: 1037: 1034: 1031: 1027: 1026: 1025: 1021: 1019: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1003: 1001: 997: 993: 989: 984: 980: 979:horse archers 969: 960: 958: 952: 950: 941: 929: 928:Bow and arrow 926: 923: 920: 919: 913: 906: 903: 900: 897: 894: 891: 888: 885: 884: 878: 869: 866: 862: 854: 849: 840: 838: 833: 829: 825: 818:Use of camels 815: 812: 808: 804: 800: 795: 793: 789: 785: 780: 776: 768: 764: 759: 752: 747: 742: 732: 730: 726: 722: 718: 713: 709: 708:vassal states 705: 704:standing army 700: 695: 687: 682: 672: 670: 667:and then the 666: 665:supply wagons 662: 658: 652: 650: 646: 642: 638: 628: 625: 620: 618: 609: 600: 597: 587: 584: 580: 576: 571: 569: 565: 561: 557: 553: 549: 544: 540: 539:Mediterranean 536: 532: 528: 524: 520: 516: 512: 508: 504: 500: 496: 492: 491:Shalmaneser I 488: 487:Adad-nirari I 484: 480: 476: 472: 468: 464: 454: 452: 447: 443: 439: 435: 431: 428:in history". 427: 417: 413: 411: 407: 403: 399: 395: 394:Shalmaneser V 391: 386: 384: 379: 376: 372: 357: 354: 352: 349: 347: 344: 342: 339: 337: 334: 332: 329: 328: 327: 324: 320: 317: 315: 312: 310: 307: 305: 302: 301: 300: 297: 293: 290: 288: 285: 284: 283: 280: 276: 273: 271: 268: 266: 263: 261: 258: 256: 253: 251: 248: 246: 243: 242: 241: 238: 236: 233: 231: 228: 226: 223: 219: 216: 215: 214: 211: 207: 206:Dur-Papsukkal 204: 203: 202: 199: 195: 192: 191: 190: 187: 183: 180: 179: 178: 175: 173: 170: 169: 166: 161: 151: 146: 144: 139: 137: 132: 131: 128: 119: 115: 111: 107: 103: 99: 95: 91: 87: 86:Dur-Sharrukin 83: 79: 75: 71: 68: 64: 60: 54: 50: 46: 41: 35: 29: 24: 21:Assyrian Army 19: 16: 3010: 2996:Ashurbanipal 2893: 2835: 2831: 2825: 2816: 2810: 2801: 2795: 2786: 2768: 2762: 2732: 2725: 2708: 2690: 2684: 2675: 2669: 2660: 2642: 2636: 2627: 2621: 2610: 2604: 2595: 2587: 2569: 2548: 2542: 2509: 2505: 2499: 2491: 2446: 2442: 2436: 2415:cite journal 2404: 2359: 2353: 2344: 2326: 2308: 2302: 2294: 2272: 2255:Ancient Iraq 2254: 2249: 2240: 2231: 2213: 2207: 2199: 2177: 2171: 2162: 2156: 2148: 2132: 2116: 2098: 2082: 2077: 2069: 2044: 2020: 2011: 2002: 1974: 1868: 1867: 1671: 1628: 1619: 1609: 1602: 1595: 1588: 1576: 1564:Please help 1559:verification 1556: 1526: 1516: 1511: 1502: 1493: 1479: 1450: 1446:Ashurbanipal 1439: 1421:Assurbanipal 1418: 1409:Ashurbanipal 1390: 1383: 1379: 1368: 1356: 1344: 1325: 1296: 1291: 1286:Integration: 1285: 1279: 1277: 1273: 1253:Deportations 1247: 1238:Ashurbanipal 1228: 1214: 1213: 1204:Colonization 1203: 1202: 1182: 1161: 1150: 1142: 1128: 1122: 1116: 1096: 1084: 1076:shield walls 1057: 1041: 1022: 1004: 975: 953: 946: 858: 821: 796: 772: 696: 692: 653: 649:war material 634: 621: 614: 593: 572: 531:North Africa 483:Arik-den-ili 479:Enlil-nirari 460: 423: 414: 410:Ashurbanipal 387: 380: 368: 265:Diyala River 157: 66:Headquarters 39: 15: 2986:Sennacherib 2945:Shammuramat 1731:734–732 BC 1522:Sennacherib 1473:Babylonians 1208:deportation 1138:Sennacherib 1064:auxiliaries 957:battlefield 893:Iron swords 779:Mesopotamia 777:, roads in 661:siege train 511:Caspian Sea 467:Ishme-Dagan 430:Mesopotamia 402:Sennacherib 331:2nd Babylon 275:1st Babylon 88:(Khorsabad) 3125:Categories 2991:Esarhaddon 2551:: 491–514. 2449:: 89–108. 1966:References 1592:newspapers 1489:Esarhaddon 1465:Cimmerians 1352:Nabonassar 603:Pre-reform 523:a dark age 420:Background 406:Esarhaddon 72:(Nimrud), 2981:Sargon II 2947:(regent?) 2717:159717852 2534:162367249 2512:: 31–48. 2471:194089136 2386:cite book 2378:870312289 2196:186397556 1453:Scythians 1339:Assyrians 1219:total war 1198:Euphrates 1157:Sargon II 1143:Assyrian 1098:leather. 1080:engineers 1030:Scythians 861:Sumerians 837:dromedary 807:Euphrates 763:Euphrates 729:Israelite 725:Sargon II 719:and even 717:Aramaeans 645:Khorsabad 596:hierarchy 548:Babylonia 527:Near East 398:Sargon II 260:Jerusalem 117:Opponents 3110:Category 2894:Military 2883:Politics 2572:, p. 21. 2494:, p. 20. 1994:26351868 1919:See also 1891:Cyaxares 1657:1230 BC 1622:May 2024 1538:Timeline 1520:—  1487:—  1469:Elamites 1461:Arameans 1444:—  1413:Assyrian 1373:—  1236:—  1155:—  1136:—  1121: : 1046:Infantry 990:; under 949:chariots 935:Chariots 905:Javelins 577:and the 535:Caucasus 515:Caucasus 446:Ningirsu 3062:Culture 3035:Economy 2711:: 126. 2590:, p. 22 2586:Healy, 2568:Healy, 2526:4200230 2490:Healy, 2463:4200483 2297:, p. 18 2293:Healy, 2275:, p. 19 2271:Healy, 2151:, p. 54 2147:Healy, 2135:, p. 17 2131:Healy, 2119:, p. 13 2115:Healy, 2101:, p. 10 2097:Healy, 2081:Healy, 2072:, p. 23 2068:Healy, 2025:Gorizia 1910:609 BC 1903:609 BC 1896:612 BC 1857:647 BC 1796:692 BC 1789:693 BC 1606:scholar 1482:Taharqa 1457:Syrians 1433:Nineveh 1190:Nineveh 1107:Tactics 1072:archers 1006:Cavalry 988:lancers 963:Cavalry 899:Daggers 872:Weapons 853:Lachish 832:donkeys 803:Nineveh 712:tribute 637:Nineveh 583:Babylon 556:Phrygia 509:to the 442:Eanatum 351:Nineveh 341:Tarbisu 336:Arrapha 255:Lachish 109:Part of 78:Nineveh 48:Leaders 2913:Rulers 2904:Queens 2757:p. 7-8 2753:  2715:  2532:  2524:  2469:  2461:  2376:  2366:  2194:  2184:  2085:, p. 7 1992:  1982:  1776:fails. 1608:  1601:  1594:  1587:  1579:  1506:relief 1405:Hamanu 1363:flayed 1348:Deluge 1262:Museum 1194:Tigris 1092:arrows 972:Museum 922:Slings 916:Museum 887:Spears 881:Museum 824:camels 767:Tigris 751:Nimrud 721:Greeks 564:Persia 560:Urartu 543:Balkan 519:Arabia 461:Under 434:Lagash 314:Ashdod 270:Halule 250:Azekah 194:Qarqar 82:Harran 31:  2713:S2CID 2530:S2CID 2522:JSTOR 2467:S2CID 2459:JSTOR 2037:Notes 1613:JSTOR 1599:books 1386:Ashur 1186:Assur 1131:Ashur 1115:From 1014:Medes 996:lance 983:reins 865:wheel 811:goods 799:Assur 657:Assur 641:Kalhu 568:Media 471:Egypt 346:Assur 319:Egypt 292:Egypt 218:Gezer 74:Assur 70:Kalhu 2751:ISBN 2506:IRAQ 2443:IRAQ 2428:help 2396:link 2392:link 2374:OCLC 2364:ISBN 2192:OCLC 2182:ISBN 1990:OCLC 1980:ISBN 1585:news 1463:and 1425:Susa 1346:the 1231:Susa 1188:and 1018:Elam 801:and 765:(or 566:and 552:Elam 541:and 438:Umma 436:and 400:and 369:The 309:Susa 304:Ulai 182:Suru 101:Size 2514:doi 2451:doi 2029:LEG 1568:by 1431:in 1290:3) 1284:2) 1278:1) 1070:or 826:as 790:to 710:as 643:or 517:to 3127:: 2777:^ 2742:^ 2699:^ 2651:^ 2577:^ 2557:^ 2528:. 2520:. 2510:47 2508:. 2479:^ 2465:. 2457:. 2447:62 2445:. 2419:: 2417:}} 2413:{{ 2388:}} 2384:{{ 2372:. 2335:^ 2317:^ 2280:^ 2262:^ 2222:^ 2198:. 2190:. 2140:^ 2124:^ 2106:^ 2090:^ 2053:^ 2027:: 1988:. 1459:, 1020:. 959:. 839:. 794:. 769:). 663:, 639:, 570:. 562:, 558:, 554:, 550:, 537:, 533:, 529:, 396:, 84:, 80:, 76:, 2867:e 2860:t 2853:v 2719:. 2536:. 2516:: 2473:. 2453:: 2430:) 2426:( 2398:) 2380:. 2031:. 1996:. 1893:. 1635:) 1629:( 1624:) 1620:( 1610:· 1603:· 1596:· 1589:· 1562:. 149:e 142:t 135:v


Campaigns of the
Neo-Assyrian Empire

Rise of Neo-Assyria
Campaigns of Ashurnasirpal II
Campaigns of Shalmaneser III
Campaigns of Shamshi-Adad V
Campaigns of Tiglath-Pileser III
Conquest of Aram
War with Urartu
Campaigns of Sargon II
Campaigns of Sennacherib
Sennacherib's campaign in the Levant
Diyala River

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.