
List of Slayers characters

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blade. When she dies, Luke loses control and seeks revenge; he dismembers the assassin who slashed her, kills Head Priest Francis Dmitri for hiring said assassin (despite him not having ordered the attack), and kills Head Priest Ryan Seinford for having turned them away when they sought medical attention for her at his temple. Each time, Lina and Gourry fail to stop him. Luke then heads for Ceres, because the medical care he gave Mileena was not enough to save her. After seeing the former comrades fight, Ceres willingly offers his life in order to stop the chaos, but Luke flees. In the fifteenth novel, Luke reveals himself to be the masked Shabranigdu who challenges Lina and Gourry to kill him. He explains that he willingly merged with the Shabranigdu fragment hidden inside him after being unable to get over Mileena's death and coming to hate the entire world; humans and demons alike. Luke plans to merge with the other Shabranigdu frozen in the Kataart Mountains, destroy the world, and then themselves. Lina destroys Luke/Shabranigdu by individually bursting and attacking with her four talismans that enhance magical capacity that she bought from Xellos, each representing one of the Dark Lords from the four worlds. The last one, representing Shabranigdu himself, only works because Luke wanted to die so he can see Mileena again.
699:. Although Luke is cocky and often argues with Lina, he seems to have a crush on Mileena and will follow his partner's commands. Although he can also cast spells, Luke has a magical sword he fights with. When Luke casts a spell to enhance his sword with the power of Shabranigdu, Lina and Sherra both note how they have never heard of it before. Luke and Mileena reappear in the tenth novel as bodyguards hired by Lavas Nexalia Langmeier. However, they are secretly investigating whether or not Lavas' father, the lord of Solaria City, has been usurped. After learning Lavas is creating chimeras, they team up with Lina and Gourry to fight Lavas, who has turned himself into a demonoid. In the twelfth novel, Luke and Mileena have been hired by Jade Caudwell, a knight from the Kingdom of Dils, to investigate a mercenary who has quickly risen through the ranks and effectively controls the kingdom with the king's complete trust. They accepted after hearing her name is Sherra. They defeat the demon general with Lina and Gourry. Sticking with the duo, Luke and Mileena also help them defeat Dynast Graushera in the thirteenth novel. 819:. She is the princess of the kingdom of Zoana and has green hair styled in drills. She specializes in curses through the power of Lord Zoamelgustar, a fictional monster that she worships; surprisingly, her curses actually work, even though Zoamelgustar does not exist. At the beginning of the series, she and her father plot to capture Amelia, but Lina saves Amelia and then casts a Dragon Slave to destroy Martina's castle, She then runs off and learns magic so that she can take revenge. She later joins Lina and the gang on their adventures. When Hellmaster Fibrizo kills her during the final battle, Martina uses her last moments to encourage Lina to keep fighting and save Gourry. Martina is fickle in her love affairs, obsessed with whatever man she happens to see first on any given day. At first she is hung up on Zelgadis, but her interests switch to Gourry and even Xellos as the series progresses, before settling on Zangulus. She eventually marries Zangulus. Lina and the gang remark that Martina is the comic relief character in their party. 2908:
Shabranigdu in power, as Volphied is the equivalent of Ceifeed. Dark Star devours Volphied, but grows so powerful that he can't control his own power, and becomes a being seeking only the destruction of everything. However, Valgaav reveals that Dark Star "devoured" Volphied by mutual agreement between the two. They realized how meaningless the eternal fight between gods and monsters was, and fused to bring "purification" to the worlds by destroying and remaking them so that gods and monsters would not have to constantly fight. Half monster and half god, the new Dark Star merges with Valgaav, who is the same combination. Dark Star's "astral body" is different from those of any other monster, making magic useless against him. Dark Star can only be defeated by the five weapons he created. When Filia and Xellos combine the powers of Light and Dark, of Ceifeed and Shabranigdu, and unleash it through the five weapons of Dark Star, the resulting Chaos force vanquishes him for good.
and protect him until the election. Daymia is the balding and bearded son of a noble family, and is considered crazy by both Talim and Halciform. According to Talim, Daymia claims to be researching immortality by experimenting with homunculi and chimera, which Lina and Gourry end up fighting. But unknown to Lina and Gourry, Talim had learned that Halciform was kidnapping and experimenting on townspeople to obtain immortality. Because Halciform had obtained quasi-immortality by making a contract with Seigram, Talim recruited Daymia, who previously aided Halciform in his research until they had a falling out, to seal him away. When unwittingly freed by Lina and Gourry, Halciform has Seigram curse Daymia into an immortal mass of flesh and decapitates Talim, whose head he keeps alive in a tank until killing him as collateral damage in an attack on Lina.
1617:. In contrast to the unwilling victim of the ninth novel, Bell willingly fuses with Dulgoffa and therefore appears as herself, but entirely black. Sherra reappears as the main antagonist of the twelfth novel. Posing as a mercenary, she quickly rose through the ranks in the Kingdom of Dils and effectively controls it with the king's complete trust. It is learned that she temporarily possessed the human nobles and officials who opposed her plans with Dulgoffa just long enough to weaken their wills, so they could then be possessed by low-ranking demons from the astral plane. Lina, Gourry, Luke and Mileena defeat Sherra together. In the fifteenth novel, it is revealed that Sherra's smile at death was because she identified Luke as a host of Shabranigdu when he grabbed Dulgoffa and was not consumed and passed this information on to Dynast. 1796:, the king's sorcerer, Lina deduces that Dynast Graushera has been masquerading as King Wells Xeno Gyria this whole time. The heroes work together to defeat the demon lieutenant by having Memphys' Zanafa armor attach itself to him, sealing him off from the astral plane and his real body, and taking turns attacking, allowing Lina an opening to deal the final blow with her Ragna Blade. Although they succeed in destroying his corporal form, Dynast's real body still exists, but Milgazia doubts he will show his weakened state to humans. In the fifteenth novel, it is revealed that Graushera was copying what Fibrizo had done 1,000 years prior; cause war and destruction in order to find and awaken a fragment of Shabranigdu hidden in someone's soul. Sherra had successfully identified Luke as the host and passed this on to Dynast before dying. 1575:
using the Giga Slave spell, which she has now perfected after interacting with the Claire Bible as he intended. He hopes she will be unable to control the spell and it will destroy the entire world. Fibrizo kidnaps Gourry and takes him to Sairaag, which he has reconstructed out of the lingering thoughts of the dead and his own being. He eventually succeeds in forcing Lina to cast Giga Slave to save her friends. However, the Giga Slave summons the Lord of Nightmares itself using Lina's body as a vessel. Fibrizo mistakenly thinks Lina has retained control over the spell and attacks her from inside herself by exploding her heart; as everything in the new Sairaag is Fibrizo, part of him entered her body as the food she ate. But Lina appears fine and the Lord of Nightmares obliterates Fibrizo for his transgression of attacking it.
2430:, Valgaav orders Gravos and Jillas to locate and recover the five Dark Star weapons. When Gravos loses control of Ragudo Mezegis is blasted away by a Dragon Slave, Jillas swears vengeance on the Slayers, and succeeds in stealing Gorun Nova from Gourry. After everyone is separated and Valgaav is presumed dead, Jillas is rescued by a fox named Elena and her son Palou, who call him "uncle". He abandons them to seek vengeance when he discovers that the Slayers are still alive. Filia saves him from the explosion of one of his own bombs, after which he calls her "Boss", a name that makes her uncomfortable. After Valgaav is reborn as a pure Ancient Dragon and is adopted by Filia, Jillas and Gravos (who was literally launched into orbit by the Dragon Slave) become her partners and help her sell maces and pottery in a shop. 1613:, and has it attack Bezeld. This "hyperdemon" mass has ten spider-like legs, tentacles to suck the life force out of people, and extremely fast regenerative abilities, making any attacks against it useless. Lina realizes that it is a combination of a demonic curse and a human possessed by a demon, thus the only way to destroy it is to kill the demon who cast the curse. She also correctly suspects that the demon who cast the curse is the same one doing the possessing; the sword itself, which is fused into the mass. Lina and Luke destroy the hyperdemon by simultaneously using Ragna Blade and Rube-Eye Blade on the tentacle which houses the core of the fused demon. Sherra recovers her black sword, but Lina tricks the demon into withdrawing for now. In the eleventh novel, it is learned that Sherra had given Dulgoffa to 2606:
Shabranigdu could have survived this attack, but a fragment of Rezo's remaining will forces open its defenses. A third portion of the Dark Lord is awakened in the fifteenth novel. Following the death of Mileena, Luke is driven to despair and develops hatred for the world; both humans and demons alike. He willingly merges with the Shabranigdu fragment hidden in his soul and plans to merge with the other fragment frozen in the Kataart Mountains, destroy the world, and then themselves. Lina destroys Luke/Shabranigdu by individually bursting and attacking with her four talismans that enhance magical capacity that she bought from Xellos, each representing one of the Dark Lords from the four worlds. The last one, representing Shabranigdu himself, only works because Luke wanted to die so he can see Mileena again.
2598:, Shabranigdu was split into seven parts and scattered throughout the world. Over a thousand years before the series begins, one of these parts awakened in the Kataart Mountains within the sorcerer Lei Magnus. When the piece of Shabranigdu within him awakened, he led the demons against a united army of dragons, humans, elves and dwarves. He was defeated and sealed in ice by Aqualord, a god and avatar of Ceifeed. However, Aqualord was destroyed, leaving only her memories and knowledge, which became the Claire Bible. The remaining four lieutenants (Dynast Graushera, Deep Sea Dolphin, Greater Beast Zellas Metallium, and Hellmaster Fibrizo) erected a shield that sealed the divine powers in the outer world, separated from the inner world where the 2269:
to the Claire Bible, out of fear of Xellos, where she learns the truth behind the Giga Slave spell. Milgazia saves Lina when Raltark appears, and later heals Amelia when she is seriously injured. Milgazia reappears at the end of the twelfth novel with the elf Memphys. He informs Lina and company that he suspects Dynast Graushera is plotting another Incarnation War. Milgazia and Memphys join their party in the following book, where they help defeat Dynast Graushera. The duo team up with Lina and Gourry again in the fifteenth novel. But the two teams are separated upon reaching Sairaag, as Lina and Gourry are sent to another world to fight Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu. At the end of the book, Milgazia and Memphys set off to kill any remaining demons.
1089:, known as Seigram the Faceless, is a masked demon working for Halciform in the second novel. He confronts Lina and Gourry several times, including leading enemies to fight them, but never engages in battle himself. This is revealed to be due to Halciform making a contract with him, which required Halciform to seal his own soul in a pledge stone that the demon wears as his mask. The risk of the mask breaking and the fact that Halciform will die if Seigram does, is why Halciform has the demon refrain from battle. After Lina and Gourry succeed in breaking the pledge stone and seriously injuring Seigram, the demon flees. He returns in the sixth novel seeking revenge on Lina and Gourry. Still weak from his injuries, Seigram fused with the human 2032:. Although Dilgear was placed under Zelgadis' command, when Zelgadis defects and frees Lina, Dilgear attacks them both with a large group of trolls. He ends up retreating, but attacks again the following day with a larger and more varied group, including the demon sorcerer Zolom, the latter of whom is defeated by the arriving Gourry. When Zolf and Rodimus also arrive, Dilgear thinks that he has been saved, but their loyalty is to Zelgadis, not Rezo, and the werewolf is quickly defeated by Rodimus. Two months later, after Copy Rezo places bounties on Lina and Gourry in the third novel, Dilgear is revealed to have survived and attacks the two under the command of Vrumugun, but is quickly defeated by Lina's Fireball. 2682:
created the spell when she was much younger by combining parts of the Dragon Slave's incantation with words of the Lord of Nightmares that she found in a Claire Bible manuscript, and later perfected it after interacting with the real Claire Bible in the seventh novel. The Lord of Nightmares' only direct appearance is in the eighth novel, when Lina is forced into casting Giga Slave by Hellmaster Fibrizo, who wants her to lose control of it so it destroys the world. However, when he mistakenly thinks she has retained control over the spell, Fibrizo attacks Lina, not knowing that the Lord of Nightmares has taken over Lina's body as a vessel. As punishment, the Lord of Nightmares obliterates Fibrizo.
and her family have known Milgazia since childhood, and she refers to him as her "uncle". Memphys shows disdain for humans and initially butts heads with Lina, until the two warm up to each other after defeating Dynast Graushera together. She used to be a timid and shy person, but an encounter with a human sorceress (implied to be Naga the Serpent) inspired her now-domineering personality. Memphys and Milgazia team up with Lina and Gourry again in the fifteenth novel. But the two teams are separated upon reaching Sairaag, as Lina and Gourry are sent to another world to fight Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu. At the end of the book, the elf and dragon duo set off to kill any remaining demons.
621:. He serves as her emissary and is extremely powerful; in the Incarnation War over 1,000 years ago, Xellos destroyed nearly all dragons by himself. Whereas Shabranigdu's four other demon lieutenants created both a priest and general to do their bidding, Zellas only created Xellos, thus he is twice as strong as the other demons' emissaries. Xellos is sometimes a hindrance, and sometimes a help to Lina and the other main characters. His actions appear frustratingly inconsistent because of his oft-changing loyalties at his master's request. His signature response to any important question that he does not want to answer is, "That is a secret!" 1515:'s butler. Under Gaav's orders, Rashart becomes the head of the royal guard in the Kingdom of Dils and is tasked with forging an alliance with the dragons and elves, but the plan is foiled by Xellos. On Dragons' Peak, Raltark is killed by Xellos and Lina, which sees Rashart fetch Gaav. After seriously wounding Xellos, causing him to flee, Gaav fights Lina and company. But he is easily defeated by Hellmaster Fibrizo at the beginning of the eighth novel. Rashart continues to attack Lina and company, claiming to seek revenge for Gaav. However, it is eventually revealed that he is now working for Fibrizo, before being killed by Lina. 1689:, head of the local sorcerers' council, and sent her younger sister, Aria, to warn of an insurrection her new husband was planning. After the insurrection takes place, Aria asks Lina and Gourry to help save her sister. However, after they kill Kailus, Bell reveals she was behind everything. After learning that Kailus had killed her fiancé, she was forced to marry him when he threatened Aria's life. Bell was given the demon sword Dulgoffa by Sherra and used her new powers to turn the members of Crimson Town's sorcerers' council into chimeras and start the insurrection in Kailus' name as revenge. These chimera include Zonagein 1508:. During the Incarnation War over 1,000 years ago, he fought Aqualord alongside Shabranigdu, but "died" striking the final blow. Although demons normally do not "die", their power is temporarily sealed and will recoup over time, Aqualord placed an imperfect seal on Gaav that caused him to be reincarnated into a human body. After countless reincarnations, Gaav has regained his memories and power, but his spirit has merged with his human host's. This causes him to oppose Shabranigdu and the other lieutenants; if Shabranigdu is revived, the human-bodied Gaav will be destroyed along with the rest of the world. 870:, healing, purification, transportation, and offensive spells effective against the most powerful monster. Her spell Chaotic Disintegrate is an astral offensive spell that outclasses the Ra-Tilt. Filia is able to switch back and forth with ease between her dragon and human forms. Her dragon's form comically wears a pink bow on the end of her tail. While in dragon form, Filia can fly, surpassing the speed of a normal Ray Wing levitation spell. Her Laser Breath, which fires an incredibly destructive beam from a dragon's mouth, can be used in both human and dragon forms. 2196:, Lina had helped Phil when he was the target of other assassination attempts. The culprit was Randionne, Phil and Chris' younger brother, who was killed in the incident by someone other than Lina. Also before the series, Phil's eldest daughter, Gracia Ul Naga Saillune, set out on a sojourn after his wife was killed, and now calls herself "Naga the White Serpent". Possibly due to his wife's death and Gracia's absence, Phil is very close with and protective of his youngest daughter Amelia. Like Amelia, her father has a strong belief in justice, and he is also a 1908:. Valgaav is loyal only to his savior, Gaav, and gives no allegiance to any side, be it Slayers, dragons, gods, or monsters. With the combined power of a monster and Ancient Dragon, Valgaav is the strongest of Gaav's servants. However, he is notably weaker than Gaav. His Ancient Dragon power conflicts with the monster power given to him by Gaav, causing him pain. He is able to best Xellos in a one-on-one fight by using Ragud Mezagis, one of the five Dark Star weapons. He survives a magically amplified Dragon Slave fired directly into his body. 2084:, who has switched allegiance to Halciform simply so that he can duel Gourry. Lantz' life is saved thanks to Lina performing healing magic on him. About a month later, Lantz, now with a beard, joins Lina and Gourry in their fight against the clone of Rezo the Red Priest in the third novel. Not being able to fight demons as effectively as his comrades, Sylphiel gives him the Bless Blade, which purifies and amplifies his will, allowing him to damage demons. Lantz successfully uses it to defeat the demon Vizea. 550:. Amelia longs to be a "hero of justice" and quixotically pursues her quest for justice by following Lina and fighting those who appear to be villains. Her naïve tendency to believe whatever she is told sometimes leads her to mistake friend and foe. Although Amelia is around the same age as Lina, the latter is often annoyed with Amelia for her naïveté and her larger bust size, but eventually comes to accept her as a friend. After the eighth novel, Amelia leaves Lina and Gourry and returns to Saillune. 1100:, Seigram is a servant of Gaav the Demon Dragon King and seemingly as powerful as his rival Xellos. He first appears as a mysterious figure that frames Damia and Tarimu by summoning ooze monsters out of their estates, and he makes an alliance with Halcyform. He later attacks Lina in the temple of the Claire Bible manuscript, revealing that he was granted enough of Gaav's power to withstand a Dragon Slave. He is killed when Xellos holds him directly in the path of Lina's Ragna Blade. 2520:, when the Slayers visit the Fire Dragon Temple, it is mentioned that she is known as the "Ceifeed Knight". As the Knight of Ceifeed, Luna wields an immense amount of holy power. Luna never appears in person during the novels or the anime, but Hajime Kanzaka has said that she is slightly more powerful than Xellos. She can cut a Dragon Slave in half with an ordinary, non-magical sword, and once defeated a plasma dragon with a kitchen knife. 35: 1152:, she was Rezo's assistant, helping him perform experiments to cure his blindness. Having been in love with Rezo, Eris wants revenge and to make a name for herself, so she has been controlling the homunculus copy that Rezo made of himself and placed very large bounties for the capture of Lina, Gourry and Zelgadis. However, when the copy reveals itself to be self-aware, it kills Eris in revenge for experimenting on it alongside Rezo. 1425:, wears an incomplete Zanaffar as anti-magic armor, but is killed by Gourry's Sword of Light. But it is another cultist who is consumed by a living Zanaffar armor for it to achieve its complete form; a silver, dragon-sized, wolf-like beast with whip-like tentacles. Lina kills Zanaffar by using her new spell Ragna Blade, which summons and channels darkness into a blade, to create a hole in its body that she then casts Fireball into. 2068:-wielding mercenary working for Talim the Purple in Atlas City during the second novel. He is lecherous and has red hair. Although a first-rate swordsman, he is not on the level of Gourry, whom he greatly respects after seeing his skills. When he sees the cursed mass that Daymia was turned into and learns that they are fighting demons, Lantz flees back to Talim's house where he is seriously injured by his former colleague Rod 474:
her father, he already has control over the people of Sairaag. She teams up with Zelgadis and, shortly after, with Lina, Gourry and Lantz. In the fight with Copy Rezo, Sylphiel's father and all of Sairaag are wiped off the planet. She then begins to live with her uncle in Saillune City in the fourth novel. In the eighth novel, she returns to the seemingly-restored Sairaag in order to save Gourry.
part of the seal to destroy Aqualord. According to Xellos, most of Hellmaster's servants were destroyed in the war, this being why Xellos is tasked with carrying out his plan of protecting and escorting Lina to the Claire Bible. Hellmaster is most likely the second-in-command of the demon race, and like all demons, he seeks to destroy the world and return everything to chaos. He manifests as an
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twice as strong as the other demon emissaries. During the Incarnation War, Shabranigdu posted Zellas to Wolfpack Isle as part of the seal to destroy Aqualord. Greater Beast briefly appears in the fifteenth novel alongside her fellow demon lieutenant Deep Sea Dolphin. They separate Lina and Gourry from Milgazia and Memphys by sending the former two to another world to fight Luke/Shabranigdu.
862:. She is a priestess of the Fire Dragon King. As a Golden Dragon, she has a pronounced sense of honor and is dedicated to "fulfilling her duties to the temple". Any monster that crosses her path annoys her, and she doesn't get along with Xellos at all. She carries a large mace (affectionately dubbed "Mace-sama") in her garter, and uses it to end most of her arguments. 1603:, she seems to be the target of a group of men dressed in black that they suspect are also after the sword. However, she is eventually revealed to be a high-level demon and the general of Dynast Graushera. Sherra turns a man into a dragon-sized mass of flesh with leg-like appendages after he grips the black sword, which is itself a demon she created named Dulgoffa 1852:, a bunch of bones mounted into a vaguely humanoid shape with green fluid leaking at the seams. He also seems to summon nameless demons that look like dead trees in human form, which reconstitute themselves when damaged and replicate from any severed pieces. Some of Bradu's attacks on Lina and company are stopped by a demon resembling a skinless human with 1196:
But with the real Rezo dead, the copy must settle for proving his superiority by killing those who did. It pretended to allow Eris to control it in taking over Sairaag and placing the bounties on Lina, Gourry and Zelgadis. Copy Rezo is finally killed when Lina pins him to the Flagoon tree with the Bless Blade, and the tree feeds off his evil energy.
actual partner, Alfred, eventually breaks ties with him because of his repeated deviations from their plan. Kanzel reveals himself to be a mid-ranked demon who teamed up with the Saillunes just so he could come into contact with Lina, whom he was ordered to kill with minimal human casualties; later revealed in the series to have been the orders of
2477:, Gravos and Jillas attempt to steal Gorun Nova on Valgaav's orders. During a struggle to get the holy magic and the black magic vessels from Princess Sera and Prince Marco, Gravos loses control of Ragudo Mezegis when he is hit by the Dragon Slave and is knocked into the distance, presumed dead. However, he is alive and well in the epilogue of 337:. When that seemingly breaks in the thirteenth novel, it is revealed to actually be the Blast Sword, a weapon known for its extreme sharpness. Gourry also has a high magic capacity and the potential to cast spells that rival Lina's power, but because of his faulty memory and disinterest, he cannot remember spells well enough to ever use them. 1651:
Veisam. Lina, Gourry, Luke, Mileena and Wizer Freion, a Ruvinagald inspector chasing Belgis, storm the castle. After quickly defeating a half-demon Veisam, they fight Lavas, who has turned himself into a demonoid and wears magical clothing and accessories, making him stronger than most pure demons. Lavas is killed by Lina's Ragna Blade.
ordering assassination attempts on Phil, who is first in the line of succession. With help from Lina and Gourry, it is revealed that, while Chris went along with the plan, it is his son Alfred who is chiefly behind the assassinations. After being captured by Amelia, Alfred is killed by Chris when he attempts to attack Phil.
1719:, a young woman with an emerald appearance that can reflect back magic she is hit with and who is absorbed by Kailus. With her goal complete, Bell, who is now fully fused with Dulgoffa, wants to kill Aria and herself. But Aria sacrifices her life in order to give Lina the opening to kill Bell with her Ragna Blade. 2379:, looking for a rematch. However, Gourry is being held prisoner by Hellmaster Fibrizo, so Zangulus does not get a chance to duel him a second time. He does help Lina and the others fight the Hellmaster. It is during this time that Zangulus meets and falls in love with Martina, who he marries after the battle. 1044:
stone, Talim recruited Daymia to seal Halciform away. Now freed, Halciform has Seigram curse Daymia and kills Talim. Lina and Gourry succeed in breaking Halciform's pledge stone and force Seigram to flee. Halciform, who also extended his life by consuming the demon Gio Gaia, is finally killed when Rubia
Lina is the only person known to directly use the power of the Lord of Nightmares in spells, and she is reluctant to do so as they are notoriously unreliable, with failure possibly having devastating consequences. Giga Slave, for instance, could theoretically destroy the world itself if miscast. Lina
and swordsman of considerable skill. Although he cannot use magic, he wields a weapon called the Howling Sword, a magical sword created by Rezo that can shoot great gusts of wind. Zangulus and the sorcerer Vrumugun were originally hired as bounty hunters by Eris and Copy Rezo to capture Lina, Gourry,
is the elder golden dragon at Dragons' Peak, a settlement of golden and black dragons who protect a door to the Claire Bible. First appearing in the seventh novel, he is over 1,000 years old and previously met Xellos as an enemy during the Incarnation War. After taking on a human form, he guides Lina
anime. Once known as Prince Val of the Ancient Dragon clan, he is nearly killed by the Golden Dragons, who feared the dark powers of the Ancient Dragons and exterminated them. He is saved at the last moment by Gaav, who sees in him a powerful ally and a spirit of hatred towards the Golden Dragons for
in place of eyes, who kills Gwon before being killed himself by a dead tree, and others by Xellos. Lina deduces that the dead tree demons are actually separate extensions of Bradhu himself. As Lina and company are about to kill him, Bradu offers to inform them why they are being lured to Sairaag. But
is a magic-wielding assassin who first appears in the fourth novel when he is hired by Kanzel to kill Lina. He has a reputation as the best in his line of work, with Lina being the only person to ever survive one of his attacks. Zuma continues to make attempts on Lina's life out of honor. Gourry uses
the world. However, upon attaining and swallowing the philosopher's stone, Rezo is revealed to have been taken over by the Dark Lord Shabranigdu from inside. Lina is able to defeat the Dark Lord using the incomplete Giga Slave and the Sword of Light, with help from Rezo's soul, but the priest dies in
A second portion of Shabranigdu awakens in the first novel. Rezo the Red Priest awakens the fragment sealed within his eyes when he uses the philosopher's stone in an attempt to cure his blindness. Lina confronts the unbound piece of Shabranigdu, casting Giga Slave to defeat him. It is possible that
is a sorcerer loyal to Zelgadis in the first novel. While under the command of Zelgadis and Rezo, Zolf infiltrated a group of bandits in order to steal a statue containing the philosopher's stone. But he was injured when Lina robbed the gang and, with bandages covering his entire body, she refers to
Despite his prowess as a warrior, Valgaav is radically unstable and reckless. He activates the gateway created to summon Dark Star with only two of the five weapons required. Although the gateway is closed by other gods from the Overworld, Dark Star fires a blast through it that destroys Valgaav. He
is the regent of Solaria City and the main antagonist of the tenth novel. He holds the position due to his father, Klein, being ill. Lavas claims his older brother Veisam is plotting a rebellion and is the person behind the chimera factory that Lina and Gourry find, but suspiciously, the citizens of
is the most powerful of the five demon lieutenants created by Shabranigdu. It was Fibrizo who ignited the Incarnation War over 1,000 years ago when he awakened the part of Shabranigdu sealed within the sorcerer Lei Magnus. During the war, Shabranigdu posted Hellmaster to the Desert of Destruction as
is an antagonist in the fourth novel. He first appears to be a strong sorcerer working with Chris Saillune to assassinate his brother Phil. He is handsome, but has a scar on his right cheek and an icy stare. However, every time Kanzel attacks, he seems to be focused on killing Lina instead. Kanzel's
is a young woman in the third novel who first appears as a novice bounty hunter chasing Zelgadis in Sairaag after Rezo the Red Priest put a bounty on him. Due to her lack of strength, the heroes agree to bring her along with them for her safety. However, Lina eventually deduces that Eris is the real
is the main antagonist of the first novel. He is a world-famous cleric and healer who travels the world performing miracles. Considered one of the "Five Great Sages", he has mastered not only clerical white magic, but shamanistic and black magic as well. Rezo is over a century old, but does not look
Pokota was born a human, the prince of Taforashia. When he was a teenager, the Durum sickness swept through Taforashia, and the king became very ill. Rezo the Red Priest appeared and sealed the residents of Taforashia in sleeping chambers to isolate them until a cure was found. In this way he sealed
with large ears that double as a set of functional arms used for casting spells, wielding swords, or gliding through the air. Like Lina, he is a powerful sorcerer capable of casting various spells, including the Dragon Slave. He wields a replica of the Sword of Light, which he carries in a pocket in
Amelia's perspective on good and evil evolves significantly as the series progresses. Most of her lessons in justice and heroism came from her father. After the murder of her mother, Amelia vowed never to use blades, though she once used the Sword of Light to channel the Ra-Tilt. Amelia is versed in
is a shrine maiden and the daughter of the high priest of Sairaag. She knows Gourry from when he helped her father in a previous visit to the city, and has had a crush on him ever since. She is introduced in the third novel. By the time Sylphiel realizes that Rezo the Red Priest is somehow poisoning
Luna and Lina's relationship is not particularly affectionate. Apparently, when they were younger, Lina would misbehave and Luna would "punish" her by making her do grueling workouts. The most notorious incident between the two was when Lina, ever keen on an opportunity to make some extra cash, set
anti-magic armor Lina previously fought; Memphys suspects that failure, and its different pronunciation and spelling, is due to humans' inferior magical abilities. Although first appearing with Milgazia at the very end of the twelfth novel, Memphys is properly introduced in the subsequent book. She
she is actually a century old. As an elf, Memphys possesses much more powerful magic than humans. Her white plate armor is actually Zenafa Armor, a semi-living armor co-created by elves and dragons to combat demons following the Incarnation War. It allows her to control her connection to the astral
is one of the five demon lieutenants created by Shabranigdu. Xellos serves as her right-hand man, and everything Xellos does in the end leads back to her. Whereas Shabranigdu's four other demon lieutenants created both a priest and general to do their bidding, Zellas only created Xellos, thus he is
is the crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Saillune and father of Amelia. He first appears in the fourth novel. Phil is the eldest son of King Eldran Saillune, older brother of Christopher Wil Brogg Saillune, and uncle of Alfred. With their father old and bedridden, Chris attempts to become king by
are the vice chairmen of Atlas City's sorcerers' council in the second novel. They have been competing for the position of chairmen since Halciform's disappearance. Talim is a fat bald man who loves eating and smoking cigars. Talim hires Lina and Gourry to work as bodyguards alongside Lantz and Rod
for experiments to cure his blindness. Although Copy Rezo's sight is cured, the real Rezo is unable to make it work on himself, leading to even more experiments on the copy. It was after being fused with a demon, that Copy Rezo gained self-awareness, causing it to seek revenge on the original Rezo.
411:, with the hope it will help him turn back into human. Searching for a way to regain his humanity, Zelgadis continues to travel with Lina and company out of convenience, not friendship. After the defeat of Hellmaster Fibrizo in the eighth novel, Zelgadis leaves Lina's group and continues his quest. 328:
is a wandering swordsman who meets Lina at the beginning of the series and accompanies her from then on as a self-appointed bodyguard. Although chivalrous and a loyal friend, he is rather dumb and appears to have memory deficiencies. However, his skills as a swordsman are unmatched, especially when
franchise. Although still a teenager, she is a powerful and well-known sorceress with nicknames such as the "Bandit Killer" and "Black Witch". Born to a merchant family, she has a great love of money, treasure, and food. After meeting in the first novel, Gourry becomes Lina's constant companion and
2674:, and two other known worlds, the realms of Chaotic Blue and Death Fog. Both Shabranigdu and his rival Ceifeed are its direct creations. The Lord of Nightmares may have done this simply because it wanted to watch gods, monsters, and mortals contend for amusement, a hypothesis adopted by Valgaav in 1574:
Although Fibrizo first appears in the seventh novel as a child of Gyria City who sets Lina onto Gaav's plans, his identity is not revealed until the next novel, where he easily kills Gaav and kidnaps Gourry to Sairaag. Fibrizo plans to force Lina to draw upon the power of the Lord of Nightmares by
In the anime, Copy Rezo orders Eris to lure the three of them to Sairaag, where he attempts to defeat them by resurrecting and absorbing the power of the demon beast Zanaffar. However, Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis, accompanied by Amelia and Sylphiel, kill him using the Blessed Blade and the power of
are a pair of traveling mercenaries and treasure hunters who first appear in the ninth novel. Luke has black hair and an unfriendly face, while the beautiful Mileena has silver hair and a much more reserved personality. They have a friendly competition with Lina and Gourry for the magical sword in
Xellos first appears in the fifth novel, where he is a mysterious priest that teams up with Lina and her friends so he can destroy the manuscript of the Claire Bible in possession of the demon-worshiping cult. In the next novel, Xellos reappears and starts to travel with Lina and company. He later
began, Lina was part of exposing the Ruvinagald monarchy for conducting human experiments by forcing people, including children, into becoming hosts for demons. Lord Klein, a distant relative, offered Belgis asylum, before Belgis started poisoning him, took control of Solaria, and experimented on
In the anime, it is later revealed that Rezo survived by transferring his soul, as well as the ghost of Shabranigdu, into the Hellmaster's Jar. Pokota resurrects Rezo in order to revive the people of Taforashia from their suspended state. After reviving the people of Taforashia, Rezo wants to see
In the fourteenth novel, Luke and Mileena are employed in Selentia City as bodyguards by Head Priest Ceres Laurencio during the struggle to see who will be the city's next high priest. Teaming up with Lina and Gourry, they are ambushed by mercenaries and assassins and Mileena is cut by a poisoned
In the anime, Vrumugun is partnered with Zangulus, and they try to capture Lina and Gourry. However, while Zangulus is short-tempered and arrogant, Vrumugun is quiet, collected, and takes everything seriously. Eris is killed in cold blood by Copy Rezo after he merges with the ancient Demon Beast
universe, is akin to willing oneself out of existence. Though he is not as learned in the art as Lina, Zelgadis' even combination of physical force and magical finesse render him among the most fearsome warriors. Due to his chimeric appearance, Zelgadis usually covers his head and face and often
universe, the creator of everything. It is the primodial Sea of Chaos that drifts below the many worlds of the universe. Although void or chaos is typically thought of as demonic, the Lord of Nightmares holds sovereignty over both the demons who wish to destroy and the living beings who seek to
is a red fox beastman and a servant of Valgaav. Jillas' people were nearly hunted to extinction. After being injured by humans and losing his left eye, Jillas is saved by Valgaav. He is partnered with Gravos Maunttop, who he refers to as "Boss". He has no knowledge of magic or swordplay, but is
him as a "mummy" as he pursues her leading a group of trolls. After Zelgadis' break with Rezo, Zolf chooses to follow Zelgadis and remain under his command, also removing his bandages. He casts a Dragon Slave at Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu, but it is reflected back, killing Zolf and his comrade Rodimus
is occurring. Lina and Gourry find Halciform sealed away in Daymia's house and free him. Unknown to them, Halciform was kidnapping and experimenting on townspeople to obtain immortality. Because he has obtained quasi-immortality by making a contract with Seigram and sealing his soul in a pledge
anime, he attempts to cross over into the Red World and cause further destruction. The gods of the Black World aim to destroy him using the five weapons he created: Gorun Nova (the Sword of Light), Ragudo Mezegis, Nezzard, Bodigar, and Galvayra. In his own world, Dark Star is the equivalent of
Naga's main spells, such as Freeze Arrow, are water- and ice-based, in direct opposition to Lina's fire-based skills. She has also shown the ability to use powerful shamanistic, white magic, and necromancy spells. Her true name is Gracia Ul Naga Saillune; she is the daughter of Prince Phil and
In the anime, Dilgear is seriously wounded by Zolf but is revived by his half-troll regenerative abilities. However, instead of seeking revenge he ends up as Luna Inverse's pet "Spot". The exact circumstances of this radical change in Dilgear's life are unknown. In the manga, Dilgear is a
is set, Ceifeed is the Dragon King who battles the Demon King Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu. Ceifeed successfully weakened his demonic counterpart by cutting Shabranigdu into seven pieces. Ceifeed dies in the process, but leaves behind four Dragon Lord avatars to continue his struggle: Aqualord
650:. After Hellmaster Fibrizo is defeated in the next novel, Xellos appears in order to have Lina explain what happened. After she does, both say goodbye and wish to never meet again. Xellos briefly appears in the fifteenth novel, first stopping a demon attack on Lina and company led by 1763:
team up with Lina and company in the thirteenth novel and investigate Gyria City, where the latter defeated Dynast's general Sherra in the previous book for seemingly gaining a controlling influence over the king. After entering the castle and defeating several demons, including
anime, the Red Priest revives, bringing the fragment of Shabranigdu back to life with him. It possesses the true body of Pokota, and when Pokota returns to this body, it causes instability between the occupying souls, allowing Lina's perfected Giga Slave to destroy Shabranigdu.
up a device that projected an image of Luna while she was taking a bath. Luna's reaction "compelled" Lina to begin her quest. Lina is still terrified of Luna, and even the mere mention of her sister sends Lina into a panic attack, as seen in “Slayers Try episode 2” and
1916:, although his power is cut in half by the open gateway. Valgaav/Dark Star/Volphied is destroyed by the combination of dark and light powers of Xellos's and Filia's abilities, combined with the five Dark Star weapons and Lina's incantation of Chaos power. At the end of 645:
and is to protect and guide Lina to the Claire Bible. Knowing she can not defeat the strong demon, Lina accepts Xellos into the group. After successfully leading Lina to the Claire Bible at Dragons' Peak in the eighth novel, Xellos flees after being severely injured by
Xellos quickly attacks and kills him before he can divulge the information. The demon-on-demon attacks are a result of some of the demons following the orders of the Shabranigdu in Luke, and others listening to the Shabranigdu frozen in the Kataart Mountains.
2590:, also known as the Dark Lord, is a powerful being of evil, the ruler and strongest of the demons. One of the Dark Lords of four worlds alongside Dark Star, Chaotic Blue and Death Fog, he is said to be the sole source of misery and negative emotions in the 1912:
reappears at the end of the season merged with the fusion of Dark Star and Volphied, and acts as an arbiter of the two. Possessing the powers of both dragon gods and monster lords, he is easily the most powerful being faced in the entire storyline of
is the youngest princess of the Holy Kingdom of Saillune, and its head shrine maiden. She is introduced in the fourth novel, where she joins Lina and Gourry on their travels after they stop her uncle and nephew's assassination attempts on her father,
481:, Sylphiel's skills in white magic (healing and protection) are impressive. Her defensive magic is powerful enough to easily hold its own against Copy Rezo. While her healing magic is able to bring Lina back from the brink of death using a high level 1320:
is the antagonist group of the fifth novel. Based near the village of Mayin, they worship Shabranigdu and his five lieutenants; Chaos Dragon, Deep Sea, Dynast, Greater Beast, and Hellmaster. Using a manuscript of the Claire Bible, they resurrect
2527:, Luna is Filia's first choice to save the world from the prophecy of destruction. Luna, being on the side of the gods, knows she is not the candidate in the prophecy; she turns down Filia's request and suggests Lina for the job instead. 1014:
again, if only for a moment, so he opens his eyes. As the power of Shabranigdu returns to him, he asks Lina to destroy him once more. With the help of the completed Giga Slave, Lina destroys Rezo, and the ghost of Shabranigdu with him.
the Sword of Light to cut off Zuma's right arm, while Lina turns his left hand to ash with a spell. Zuma returns in the sixth novel, still seeking to fulfill the contract to kill Lina and a new contract on the merchant Laddock Lanzard
his age; as Lina describes him as looking "both young and old" at the same time. He was born blind and is always clad in red. Rezo is the only-known relative of Zelgadis, who assumes he is either his grandfather or great-grandfather.
261:. She is also a skilled swordsman, though not on the level of Gourry or Zelgadis, as she lacks physical strength. During the series, Lina and company face down and defeat many powerful demons, including two fragments of Shabranigdu, 168:
and her companions as they journey through their world. Using powerful magic and swordsmanship, they battle difficult overreaching wizards, demons seeking to destroy the world, dark lords, and the occasional hapless gang of bandits.
1296:, Lina once killed a group of bandits that were responsible for killing Zuma's wife, thus denying him vengeance. He has his hands slashed off a second time before Xellos appears and kills him in order to steal the Hellmaster's Jar. 2200:. However, if Phil sees something he believes to be unjust, he will not hesitate to use force. Unlike most of the Saillune royal family, Phil has no magical powers, but his brute strength is sufficient to destroy lesser demons. 1038:
is the main antagonist of the second novel. He is a sorcerer and chairman of Atlas City's sorcerers' council. Missing for six months by the time Lina and Gourry arrive in the city, a succession battle between vice chairmen
Filia's Golden Dragon magic from the outer world is a raw, more intense form of white magic. Amelia states that the white magic used by clerics is only an "empty shell" of Filia's ancient holy magic. Filia's skills include
universe and the good dragonic counterpart to Shabranigdu. In each world of the universe, a Dragon King and a Demon King struggle against each other to direct the fate of the world. In the Red World, in which
Although he travels the land healing the sick and blind, Rezo is unable to cure his own blindness. So he seeks the philosopher's stone hoping it will boost his power enough to accomplish his wish to actually
armed with his family's magic blade, the Sword of Light, also known as Gorun Nova. When Gourry is captured by Hellmaster Fibrizo in the eighth novel, the demon sends the Sword of Light back to its creator,
Vrumugun; a sorcerer who confronted the heroes several times previously, despite easily being killed each time. These Vrumuguns were copies she created and controlled. With her full name Erisiel Vrumugun
as "Nama", a sentient suit of armor who remembers very little about her life before her soul was placed in the living armor. Her identity is never confirmed, but Nama's familiar laugh gives Lina chills.
Pokota's human body, but he used the magical Hellmaster's Jar to transfer Pokota's spirit into his current form. Years later, Pokota is searching for Rezo in order to find a way to revive his people.
Valgaav and Gaav are separated when the other four Demon Lords create the barrier separating the outer and inner worlds. The barrier remains in effect until Hellmaster Fibrizo's death at the end of
Despite not knowing the details of Hellmaster's plan involving Lina, Gaav orders his subordinates to kill Lina; including Kanzel and Raltark, the latter of whom first appears in the sixth novel as
1405:, who controls shadows and is heard, but never seen. When they are killed by Zelgadis, it is revealed that Gilfa's brain and mouth were transplanted into Vedul's hump. Battle axe-wielding Duclis 2375:
Zangulus becomes obsessed with fighting Gourry to see who is the better swordsman. They duel in Rezo's lab, but Gourry wins in the end, and Zangulus leaves. He reappears towards the end of
1289:. Zuma is also revealed to be the alter ego of Laddock. Zuma/Laddock/Seigram is killed by Lina's Ragna Blade, when his human heart causes him to hesitate after meeting eyes with his son. 407:
when bounties are issued for the three. Sometime later, he runs into and works with them, plus Amelia, while attempting to acquire the manuscript of the Claire Bible in possession of the
is a demon who combats Lina, Gourry, Milgazia and Memphys several times in the fifteenth novel. He appears as a tall young man with blond hair. He summons lower-level demons such as Gwon
1646:, the former king of Ruvinagald, is revealed to be the one behind everything and to be working with the men in black, whom Lina and company previously fought in the ninth novel. Before 422:, or spiritual, plane. Since he is part brow daemon, he is unable to cast black magic, as doing so would require him to call upon the power of another demonic being——which, in the 1054:, the homunculus he created of the dead woman he loves, uses the Sword of Light on him. Rubia briefly appears in the fifteenth novel, when Lina and company stop in Atlas City. 641:
admits to Lina that he is a demon serving Zellas and that he was originally tasked with destroying the Claire Bible manuscripts, but his current job was concocted by
1285:, who hires Lina to protect him. Zuma has now fused with the demon Seigram, this being why he has both arms again; later revealed in the series to have been done by 2505:, Lina's older sister, was born in a small village in Zephilia, the first daughter of merchants. Her father is an ex-mercenary and her mother is an ex-sorceress. 764:
spin-off prequel novels. She is obsessed with Lina, and follows the younger sorceress around for some time, annoying Lina with her characteristic cackling laugh.
the common clerical spells, and knows a bit of black and Shamanistic magic that she learned with her older sister, who may be Gracia, Naga the Serpent.
1337:, the beast who destroyed Sairaag 120 years ago, with the goal of attacking Saillune, but are stopped by the main characters. The cult is led by Klotz 1599:
first appears in the ninth novel as a young girl who knows the location of a rumored magical sword located in the town of Bezeld. To Lina, Gourry,
skilled with guns, gunpowder and various explosives. He also has a knack for exploiting the friction between people to his advantage, and employs
Filia originally wanted Lina's big sister Luna to accompany her on her quest, but Luna refuses and suggests Lina as a replacement. At the end of
3421: 877:, Filia accepts the egg of the reborn Valgaav in repentance for what her ancestors did to his kind, and raises him as his adoptive mother. 253:, specifically attack magic that calls upon the power of demons. Her signature spell, Dragon Slave, comes from the power of the Dark Lord 2892:
is one of the Dark Lords of the four worlds alongside Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu, Chaotic Blue and Death Fog. He is the main antagonist of the
99: 52: 71: 1699:, an old man who creates many lesser and brass demons, and can also grow spider-like legs from his back to move at high speed; Aileus 3431: 2473:. Gravos was almost killed by his own people, causing him to lose his right eye. Valgaav saves him and becomes his master. During 78: 752:, or Naga the White Serpent, is a powerful sorceress with an unstable but resilient personality. She does not appear in the main 3165: 3130: 3030: 2998: 2929: 1920:, he is reborn as an egg and falls under the care of Filia and two of his former demi-human subordinates, Jillas and Gravos. 1191:
is the main antagonist of the third novel. He is a homunculus copy of Rezo the Red Priest, created by the original Rezo as a
is one of the five demon lieutenants created by Shabranigdu who first appears in the seventh novel. Gaav's priest is Raltark
85: 395:. However, he is actually seeking the stone to make himself powerful enough to kill Rezo as revenge for turning him into a 246:
never leaves her for very long. Although the two appear to be in love with each other, there is no romance between them.
67: 1229:. Kanzel is killed by Gourry's Sword of Light that was enhanced with Dragon Slave by Lina, and with help from Amelia. 3199: 940:, though he borrows certain elements from the character Luke seen in the novels. He resembles a small stuffed animal 118: 1755:
is one of the five demon lieutenants created by Shabranigdu. Suspecting Dynast is plotting another Incarnation War,
1709:, a bizarre plant-like chimera with strong regenerative abilities, who dies with Kailus' death; and Elydia Mycale 1357:
as loyal members; most were dying mercenaries saved by being turned into chimeras. Second-in-command is Balgumon
2856:. A fragment of his will is lodged in Luna Inverse, Lina's older sister, who is known as the "Ceifeed Knight". 56: 403:
and brow daemon. Zelgadis teams up with Lina and Gourry to destroy Rezo, and again two months later to defeat
recruits Lina and Gourry to stop the insurrection in Crimson Town. After her fiancé died, Bell married Kailus
3303: 3426: 3308: 2551: 1936: 2469:, a reptilian beastman, is a servant of Valgaav. His first appearance in the series is in Episode 54 of 399:. Although he asked Rezo to make him stronger, he did not know he would do so by fusing him with a rock 92: 3237: 2311:, is a beautiful elf with long blonde hair. Despite having the appearance of a twenty-year-old, Lina 2028:" for lack of a more accurate term. He has a lupine face and humanoid body, and fights with a large 3228: 174: 17: 177:, and five anime films where events and characters differ significantly from the original novels. 2340: 1940: 1440: 485:
spell. Although Sylphiel is weak in shamanism and black magic, she is able to cast Dragon Slave.
45: 2481:, once again partnered with Jillas and helping Filia run a store that sells maces and pottery. 392: 3355: 3277: 3192: 2420: 582: 3340: 3313: 173:
has been adapted into several manga series, five televised anime series, two three-episode
magic, which includes both elemental and astral magic, the latter of which deals with the
is a sorcerer who Lina and Gourry meet in the first novel. As a retainer for his relative
8: 1901:
their betrayal. Gaav bestows upon him the powers of a monster and renames him "Valgaav".
396: 286: 199: 3333: 3284: 3161: 3126: 3026: 2994: 2658:
exist. Even among those steeped in the magical arts, few are aware of its existence.
1992: 348: 2947: 1636:
Solaria were unaware of Lavas' existence until recently. Lavas, who is really Belgis
1065: 3386: 3258: 3185: 2394: 888: 712: 210: 3349: 3326: 3265: 2390: 1167: 1111: 973: 965: 892: 830: 787: 507: 356: 3046: 2543: 164:
and illustrated by Rui Araizumi. It follows the adventures of teenage sorceress
3381: 3244: 3214: 3149: 3114: 3014: 2982: 2136: 1192: 1093:, who also has a grudge on Lina. Seigram/Zuma is killed by Lina's Ragna Blade. 791: 720: 514: 446: 278: 161: 136: 3082: 2040:
sent by Eris, along with Rahannim and Vrumugun, to eliminate Gourry and Lina.
3415: 3399: 3319: 3251: 2893: 2670: 2161: 2065: 2037: 1868: 1530: 496: 3177: 654:, and then destroying Bradu when he was about to give secrets away to them. 3376: 3157: 3122: 3022: 2990: 2445: 2143: 1436: 1240: 867: 571: 482: 297: 191: 165: 140: 2316:
plane and can change shape at will. It is a correctly made version of the
438: 333:. In the tenth book, he begins using a sword taken from the collection of 2441: 2332: 2312: 2154: 1996: 1872: 1526: 1422: 419: 290: 257:, while Ragna Blade and her most powerful spell Giga Slave call upon the 250: 238: 157: 695:
Bezeld, before teaming up with them to defeat the hyperdemon created by
2665: 1244: 834: 500: 203: 2933: 1373:, a skilled swordsman killed by Xellos. The humpbacked werebeast Vedul 2368: 1568: 1354: 768:
Amelia's older sister. Naga left home after her mother was murdered.
575: 415: 131: 1836:, a pulsing green brain mounted on dozens of spider legs, and Vaidaz 1669:
is first introduced in the eleventh novel as the reason Aria Ashford
Naga appears in the OVAs and films, and makes a cameo appearance in
34: 2650: 2197: 2029: 2025: 1853: 1571:
young boy in order to trick his victims into underestimating him.
3209: 3087: 153: 3391: 2247:
Voiced by: Masaaki Ōkura (Japanese); Zeke Zeigler (English)
henchman of Rezo in the first novel; referred to by Lina as a "
941: 617:, known as Xellos the Priest, is a high-level demon who serves 563: 478: 144: 2021: 400: 135:
Main characters from the anime TV series. Front row: Amelia,
is an anime-original character who appears exclusively in
is an anime-original character who appears exclusively in
1040: 2516:
A fragment of Ceifeed's will is lodged within Luna. In
2087: 1421:, whom Lina speculates is a fusion between human and 1353:, who is ultimately killed by Zanaffar, and has many 1156:Zanaffar that was buried in the Holy Tree Flagoon. 59:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 3083:"Slayers TRY - 2 - Doubtful? A Letter From Home!" 391:, Zelgadis and his colleagues fight Lina for the 3413: 160:series features a cast of characters created by 2885: 2849: 2821: 2793: 2765: 2727: 2699: 2668:, including the futuristic galaxy portrayed in 2642: 2583: 2498: 2462: 2411: 2360: 2302: 2286: 2261: 2229: 2181: 2117: 2101: 2077: 2057: 2013: 1974: 1957: 1889: 1845: 1829: 1813: 1789: 1773: 1748: 1592: 1559: 1501: 1485: 1469: 1414: 1398: 1382: 1366: 1346: 1330: 1313: 1278: 1261: 1217: 1184: 1145: 1128: 1082: 1031: 993: 925: 909: 851: 808: 756:novels, but instead is a main character in the 745: 687: 671: 630: 610: 538: 466: 380: 321: 230: 2867: 2831: 2803: 2775: 2747: 2709: 2693: 2625: 2565: 2492: 2456: 2405: 2354: 2296: 2280: 2255: 2211: 2175: 2111: 2095: 2071: 2051: 2007: 1968: 1951: 1883: 1839: 1823: 1807: 1783: 1767: 1730: 1712: 1702: 1692: 1682: 1672: 1662: 1639: 1628: 1606: 1586: 1541: 1495: 1479: 1451: 1408: 1392: 1376: 1360: 1340: 1324: 1307: 1272: 1255: 1211: 1178: 1139: 1122: 1076: 1047: 1025: 987: 919: 903: 845: 802: 739: 681: 665: 624: 604: 532: 460: 374: 315: 224: 3207: 3193: 932:, is an anime-original character created for 3144: 3142: 334: 3109: 3107: 3200: 3186: 2661:The Lord of Nightmares created the entire 2317: 1620: 1068: (Japanese); Robert O'Gorman (English) 408: 3139: 3047:"Naga the Serpent (slayers universe 4.1)" 2977: 2975: 2973: 2971: 2969: 2967: 2965: 1114: (Japanese); Rachel Nanstad (English) 330: 119:Learn how and when to remove this message 3104: 2372:and Zelgadis and bring them to Sairaag. 1299: 388: 130: 3148: 3113: 3072:(Legend of Darkness), July 1996, pg 41. 3013: 2981: 1780:, the king's trade minister, and Farial 1760: 642: 262: 258: 14: 3414: 2962: 1896:is one of the main adversaries in the 1170: (Japanese); Peter Davis (English) 1017: 957: 3181: 3154:Slayers: Collector's Edition Volume 3 3119:Slayers: Collector's Edition Volume 5 3019:Slayers: Collector's Edition Volume 3 2987:Slayers: Collector's Edition Volume 1 2896:, but is only referred to by name in 2617: 2423:against the Slayers to great effect. 2272: 1600: 1518: 618: 340: 266: 2706:, also known as Flare Dragon Ceifeed 2678:in his attempt to remake the world. 2367:is an anime-only character. He is a 2088:Talim the Purple and Daymia the Blue 1041:Talim the Purple and Daymia the Blue 57:adding citations to reliable sources 28: 3422:Lists of anime and manga characters 2203: 1923: 1722: 706: 657: 180: 24: 2433: 1304:An unnamed "demon-worshiping cult" 916:, full name Posel Korba Taforashia 810:Maruchina Zoana Meru Naburachirowa 547: 25: 3443: 441: (Japanese); Stacia Crawford 272: 2128: 254: 33: 3432:Lists of light novel characters 3090:(Funimation's official channel) 2484: 2335: (Japanese); Liam O'Malley 723: (Japanese); Kelly Manison 351: (Japanese); Daniel Cronin 185: 44:needs additional citations for 3075: 3063: 3039: 3007: 2940: 2918: 2535: 2231:Gurētā Bīsuto Zerasu Metariomu 2208:Greater Beast Zellas Metallium 952: 619:Greater Beast Zellas Metallium 404: 13: 1: 2911: 1756: 968: (Japanese); Peter Davis 799:Martina Xoana Mel Navratilova 3070:Choubaku Madouden Slayers #3 2859: 2595: 2594:world. Defeated long ago by 2588:, alternately "Shabranigdo") 2149: (Japanese); Matt Black 2147:(All subsequent appearances) 1159: 68:"List of Slayers characters" 7: 2886: 2850: 2822: 2794: 2766: 2728: 2700: 2643: 2584: 2546: (Japanese); Roger Kay 2499: 2463: 2412: 2361: 2324: 2303: 2287: 2262: 2240: 2230: 2182: 2158:(Episodes 25-26, 34-40, 53) 2118: 2102: 2078: 2058: 2014: 1975: 1958: 1890: 1846: 1830: 1814: 1790: 1774: 1749: 1593: 1560: 1502: 1486: 1470: 1415: 1399: 1383: 1367: 1347: 1331: 1314: 1279: 1262: 1218: 1185: 1146: 1129: 1083: 1032: 994: 926: 910: 852: 809: 746: 696: 688: 672: 631: 611: 539: 467: 430: 381: 322: 231: 10: 3448: 2926:The Slayers DVD Collection 2685: 2530: 1984: 1860: 1492:and his general is Rashart 1389:fights together with Gilfa 1057: 779: 710: 651: 561: 276: 241:and central figure of the 189: 3364: 3296: 3221: 3160:. pp. 199, 204–205. 2869: 2868: 2833: 2832: 2805: 2804: 2777: 2776: 2749: 2748: 2711: 2710: 2704:, alternately "Ceiphied") 2694: 2627: 2626: 2567: 2566: 2493: 2457: 2406: 2382: 2355: 2297: 2281: 2256: 2213: 2212: 2176: 2112: 2096: 2072: 2052: 2008: 1969: 1952: 1884: 1840: 1824: 1808: 1784: 1768: 1732: 1731: 1713: 1703: 1693: 1683: 1673: 1663: 1640: 1629: 1614: 1607: 1587: 1578: 1543: 1542: 1512: 1496: 1480: 1453: 1452: 1409: 1393: 1377: 1361: 1341: 1325: 1308: 1286: 1273: 1256: 1226: 1212: 1203: 1179: 1140: 1123: 1090: 1077: 1048: 1026: 988: 920: 904: 880: 846: 803: 740: 682: 666: 647: 625: 605: 557: 540:Ameria Wiru Tesura Seirūn 533: 529:Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune 488: 461: 375: 316: 225: 175:original video animations 2172:Philionel El Di Saillune 2043: 1799: 927:Poseru Koruba Tafōrashia 822: 414:Zelgadis specializes in 2828:, and Earthlord Rangort 2344:(Episodes 14-21, 49-52) 2183:Firioneru Eru Di Seirūn 1928: 1654: 1625:Lavas Nexalia Langmeier 1621:Lavas Nexalia Langmeier 1428: 1232: 1103: 443:(Episodes 18-26, 49-52) 335:Lavas Nexalia Langmeier 2887:Dāku Sutā Duguradigudu 2622:The Lord of Nightmares 893:Colleen O'Shaughnessey 427:avoids human contact. 148: 2772:, Flarelord Vrabazard 2585:Rubī Ai Shaburanigudu 2421:psychological warfare 2192:Before the events of 2020:is a half-wolf, half- 1300:Demon-worshiping cult 632:Sore wa, himitsu desu 583:Michael Sinterniklaas 468:Shirufīru Nerusu Rāda 450:(Episodes 90-93, 104) 409:demon-worshiping cult 134: 3341:Magical Battle Arena 3125:. pp. 306–307. 2795:Furearōdo Vurabazādo 2729:Furea Doragon Sīfīdo 2596:Flare Dragon Ceifeed 2562:Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu 2464:Gurabosu Mauntotoppu 2413:Jirasu Jirosu Jiresu 2402:Jillas Jillos Jilles 1750:Dainasuto Gurausherā 1033:Shiro no Harushifomu 977:(Episodes 3, 88-104) 382:Zerugadisu Gureiwāzu 249:Lina specializes in 53:improve this article 3229:Television episodes 3092:. November 12, 2009 2864:Dark Star Dugradigo 2611:Slayers Evolution-R 2293:, nicknamed "Mephy" 2108:and Daymia the Blue 1630:ラーヴァス=ネクサリア=ラングマイヤー 1561:Herumasutā Fiburizo 1294:Slayers Evolution-R 1200:the tree Flaggoon. 1147:Erishieru Vurumugun 1022:Halciform the White 1018:Halciform the White 984:Rezo the Red Priest 970:(Episodes 3-10, 23) 958:Rezo the Red Priest 938:Slayers Evolution-R 773:Slayers Evolution-R 457:Sylphiel Nells Ruda 393:philosopher's stone 389:Rezo the Red Priest 3427:Slayers characters 2767:Akuarōdo Raguradia 2618:Lord of Nightmares 2555:(Episodes 103-104) 2511:Slayers Revolution 2277:Memphys Rhinesword 2273:Memphys Rhinesword 2177:フィリオネル=エル=ディ=セイルーン 2103:Murasaki no Tarimu 1538:Hellmaster Fibrizo 1519:Hellmaster Fibrizo 1471:Kaosu Doragun Gāvu 934:Slayers Revolution 804:マルチナ・ゾアナ・メル・ナブラチロワ 643:Hellmaster Fibrizo 534:アメリア・ウィル・テスラ・セイルーン 371:Zelgadis Graywords 360:(Episodes 18-104, 341:Zelgadis Graywords 287:Yasunori Matsumoto 263:Hellmaster Fibrizo 259:Lord of Nightmares 200:Megumi Hayashibara 149: 3409: 3408: 3167:978-1-7183-7512-3 3132:978-1-7183-7514-7 3032:978-1-7183-7512-3 3000:978-1-7183-7510-9 2644:Rōdo obu Naitomea 2556: 2549: 2444: (Japanese); 2393: (Japanese); 2345: 2338: 2166: 2159: 2152: 2148: 2141: 1995: (Japanese); 1993:Hirohiko Kakegawa 1939: (Japanese); 1871: (Japanese); 1529: (Japanese); 1448:Chaos Dragon Gaav 1439: (Japanese); 1243: (Japanese); 978: 971: 891: (Japanese); 833: (Japanese); 790: (Japanese); 730: 726: 595: 587: 586:(Episodes 83-104) 580: 574: (Japanese); 523: 512: 511:(Episodes 14-104) 505: 499: (Japanese); 451: 444: 365: 354: 349:Hikaru Midorikawa 306: 295: 289: (Japanese); 215: 208: 202: (Japanese); 129: 128: 121: 103: 16:(Redirected from 3439: 3387:Naga the Serpent 3202: 3195: 3188: 3179: 3178: 3172: 3171: 3146: 3137: 3136: 3111: 3102: 3101: 3099: 3097: 3079: 3073: 3067: 3061: 3060: 3058: 3057: 3043: 3037: 3036: 3011: 3005: 3004: 2979: 2960: 2959: 2957: 2955: 2944: 2938: 2937: 2922: 2891: 2889: 2883: 2882: 2880: 2855: 2853: 2847: 2846: 2844: 2827: 2825: 2819: 2818: 2816: 2800:, Airlord Valwin 2799: 2797: 2791: 2790: 2788: 2771: 2769: 2763: 2762: 2760: 2734:, is God of the 2733: 2731: 2725: 2724: 2722: 2705: 2703: 2697: 2696: 2648: 2646: 2640: 2639: 2638: 2589: 2587: 2581: 2580: 2578: 2558: 2554: 2547: 2504: 2502: 2496: 2495: 2468: 2466: 2460: 2459: 2449: 2417: 2415: 2409: 2408: 2398: 2395:Maddie Blaustein 2366: 2364: 2358: 2357: 2347: 2343: 2336: 2310: 2309: 2306: 2300: 2299: 2292: 2290: 2288:Menfisu Rainsōdo 2284: 2283: 2267: 2265: 2259: 2258: 2248: 2235: 2233: 2227: 2226: 2224: 2204:Zellas Metallium 2187: 2185: 2179: 2178: 2168: 2165:(Episodes 90-91) 2164: 2157: 2151:(Episodes 11-13) 2150: 2146: 2140:(Season 1 and 2) 2139: 2123: 2121: 2115: 2114: 2107: 2105: 2099: 2098: 2092:Talim the Purple 2083: 2081: 2075: 2074: 2063: 2061: 2055: 2054: 2019: 2017: 2011: 2010: 2000: 1980: 1978: 1972: 1971: 1963: 1961: 1955: 1954: 1944: 1924:Other characters 1895: 1893: 1887: 1886: 1876: 1851: 1849: 1843: 1842: 1835: 1833: 1827: 1826: 1819: 1817: 1811: 1810: 1795: 1793: 1787: 1786: 1779: 1777: 1771: 1770: 1754: 1752: 1746: 1745: 1743: 1727:Dynast Graushera 1723:Dynast Graushera 1718: 1716: 1715: 1708: 1706: 1705: 1698: 1696: 1695: 1688: 1686: 1685: 1678: 1676: 1675: 1668: 1666: 1665: 1645: 1643: 1642: 1634: 1632: 1631: 1612: 1610: 1609: 1601:Luke and Mileena 1598: 1596: 1590: 1589: 1565: 1563: 1557: 1556: 1554: 1534: 1507: 1505: 1499: 1498: 1491: 1489: 1483: 1482: 1475: 1473: 1467: 1466: 1464: 1444: 1420: 1418: 1412: 1411: 1404: 1402: 1396: 1395: 1388: 1386: 1380: 1379: 1372: 1370: 1364: 1363: 1352: 1350: 1344: 1343: 1336: 1334: 1328: 1327: 1319: 1317: 1315:maō sūhai kyōdan 1311: 1310: 1284: 1282: 1276: 1275: 1267: 1265: 1259: 1258: 1248: 1223: 1221: 1215: 1214: 1190: 1188: 1182: 1181: 1171: 1151: 1149: 1143: 1142: 1134: 1132: 1126: 1125: 1115: 1088: 1086: 1080: 1079: 1069: 1053: 1051: 1050: 1037: 1035: 1029: 1028: 999: 997: 991: 990: 980: 976: 969: 931: 929: 923: 922: 915: 913: 907: 906: 896: 889:Yumiko Kobayashi 857: 855: 853:Firia Uru Koputo 849: 848: 838: 814: 812: 806: 805: 795: 751: 749: 743: 742: 736:Naga the Serpent 732: 728: 725:(OVAs and films) 724: 713:Naga the Serpent 707:Naga the Serpent 693: 691: 685: 684: 677: 675: 669: 668: 658:Luke and Mileena 636: 634: 628: 627: 616: 614: 608: 607: 597: 589: 585: 579:(Episodes 27-78) 578: 544: 542: 536: 535: 525: 517: 510: 504:(Episodes 11-13) 503: 472: 470: 464: 463: 453: 449: 442: 386: 384: 378: 377: 367: 359: 352: 327: 325: 319: 318: 308: 300: 293: 267:Dynast Graushera 236: 234: 228: 227: 217: 214:(OVAs and films) 213: 211:Cynthia Martinez 206: 181:Major characters 124: 117: 113: 110: 104: 102: 61: 37: 29: 21: 3447: 3446: 3442: 3441: 3440: 3438: 3437: 3436: 3412: 3411: 3410: 3405: 3360: 3292: 3217: 3206: 3176: 3175: 3168: 3150:Kanzaka, Hajime 3147: 3140: 3133: 3115:Kanzaka, Hajime 3112: 3105: 3095: 3093: 3081: 3080: 3076: 3068: 3064: 3055: 3053: 3045: 3044: 3040: 3033: 3015:Kanzaka, Hajime 3012: 3008: 3001: 2983:Kanzaka, Hajime 2980: 2963: 2953: 2951: 2950:. Exploded goat 2946: 2945: 2941: 2924: 2923: 2919: 2914: 2865: 2862: 2851:Āsurōdo Rangōto 2829: 2801: 2773: 2745: 2707: 2691: 2688: 2623: 2620: 2563: 2548:(Episodes 8-10) 2541: 2538: 2533: 2490: 2487: 2454: 2453:Gravos Maunttop 2439: 2436: 2434:Gravos Maunttop 2403: 2391:Takumi Yamazaki 2388: 2385: 2352: 2330: 2327: 2307: 2294: 2278: 2275: 2253: 2246: 2243: 2209: 2206: 2173: 2134: 2131: 2109: 2093: 2090: 2069: 2049: 2046: 2005: 1990: 1987: 1966: 1949: 1934: 1931: 1926: 1881: 1866: 1863: 1837: 1821: 1805: 1802: 1781: 1765: 1728: 1725: 1710: 1700: 1690: 1680: 1670: 1660: 1657: 1637: 1626: 1623: 1604: 1584: 1581: 1539: 1524: 1521: 1513:Laddock Lanzard 1493: 1477: 1449: 1434: 1431: 1406: 1390: 1374: 1358: 1338: 1322: 1305: 1302: 1280:Radokku Ranzādo 1270: 1253: 1238: 1235: 1209: 1206: 1176: 1168:Takehito Koyasu 1165: 1162: 1137: 1120: 1112:Etsuko Ishikawa 1109: 1106: 1074: 1063: 1060: 1045: 1023: 1020: 985: 966:Takehito Koyasu 963: 960: 955: 921:ポセル=コルバ=タフォーラシア 917: 901: 886: 883: 843: 831:Houko Kuwashima 828: 825: 800: 788:Tomoko Ishimura 785: 782: 758:Slayers Special 747:Sāpento no Nāga 737: 727:, Eva Kaminsky 718: 715: 709: 679: 663: 660: 622: 602: 592:Slayers Premium 569: 566: 560: 530: 520:Slayers Premium 508:Veronica Taylor 494: 491: 458: 436: 433: 372: 357:Crispin Freeman 353:(Episodes 2–10) 346: 343: 323:Gaurī Gaburiefu 313: 303:Slayers Premium 284: 281: 275: 222: 197: 194: 188: 183: 125: 114: 108: 105: 62: 60: 50: 38: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3445: 3435: 3434: 3429: 3424: 3407: 3406: 3404: 3403: 3396: 3395: 3394: 3389: 3384: 3382:Gourry Gabriev 3379: 3368: 3366: 3365:Other articles 3362: 3361: 3359: 3358: 3353: 3346: 3345: 3344: 3337: 3330: 3323: 3316: 3306: 3300: 3298: 3294: 3293: 3291: 3290: 3289: 3288: 3281: 3271: 3270: 3269: 3262: 3255: 3248: 3241: 3231: 3225: 3223: 3219: 3218: 3215:Hajime Kanzaka 3205: 3204: 3197: 3190: 3182: 3174: 3173: 3166: 3138: 3131: 3103: 3074: 3062: 3038: 3031: 3025:. p. 25. 3006: 2999: 2961: 2948:"Anime Review" 2939: 2916: 2915: 2913: 2910: 2879: 2876: 2873: 2861: 2858: 2843: 2840: 2837: 2823:Earōdo Bāruuin 2815: 2812: 2809: 2787: 2784: 2781: 2759: 2756: 2753: 2721: 2718: 2715: 2687: 2684: 2637: 2634: 2631: 2619: 2616: 2577: 2574: 2571: 2560: 2559: 2537: 2534: 2532: 2529: 2486: 2483: 2451: 2450: 2435: 2432: 2400: 2399: 2384: 2381: 2349: 2348: 2326: 2323: 2274: 2271: 2250: 2249: 2242: 2239: 2223: 2220: 2217: 2205: 2202: 2170: 2169: 2137:Masahiro Anzai 2130: 2127: 2089: 2086: 2045: 2042: 2002: 2001: 1986: 1983: 1946: 1945: 1930: 1927: 1925: 1922: 1878: 1877: 1862: 1859: 1801: 1798: 1742: 1739: 1736: 1724: 1721: 1656: 1653: 1622: 1619: 1580: 1577: 1553: 1550: 1547: 1536: 1535: 1520: 1517: 1463: 1460: 1457: 1446: 1445: 1430: 1427: 1301: 1298: 1250: 1249: 1234: 1231: 1205: 1202: 1173: 1172: 1161: 1158: 1117: 1116: 1105: 1102: 1071: 1070: 1066:Yōsuke Akimoto 1059: 1056: 1019: 1016: 995:Aka Hōshi Rezo 982: 981: 959: 956: 954: 951: 898: 897: 882: 879: 840: 839: 824: 821: 797: 796: 792:Rachael Lillis 781: 778: 734: 733: 721:Maria Kawamura 711:Main article: 708: 705: 659: 656: 599: 598: 562:Main article: 559: 556: 527: 526: 515:Luci Christian 490: 487: 462:シルフィール・ネルス・ラーダ 455: 454: 447:Stephanie Sheh 432: 429: 369: 368: 342: 339: 312:Gourry Gabriev 310: 309: 279:Gourry Gabriev 277:Main article: 274: 273:Gourry Gabriev 271: 219: 218: 190:Main article: 187: 184: 182: 179: 162:Hajime Kanzaka 127: 126: 41: 39: 32: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3444: 3433: 3430: 3428: 3425: 3423: 3420: 3419: 3417: 3402: 3401: 3400:Lost Universe 3397: 3393: 3390: 3388: 3385: 3383: 3380: 3378: 3375: 3374: 3373: 3370: 3369: 3367: 3363: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3351: 3347: 3343: 3342: 3338: 3336: 3335: 3331: 3329: 3328: 3324: 3322: 3321: 3317: 3315: 3312: 3311: 3310: 3307: 3305: 3302: 3301: 3299: 3295: 3287: 3286: 3282: 3280: 3279: 3275: 3274: 3272: 3268: 3267: 3263: 3261: 3260: 3256: 3254: 3253: 3249: 3247: 3246: 3242: 3240: 3239: 3235: 3234: 3232: 3230: 3227: 3226: 3224: 3220: 3216: 3212: 3211: 3203: 3198: 3196: 3191: 3189: 3184: 3183: 3180: 3169: 3163: 3159: 3155: 3151: 3145: 3143: 3134: 3128: 3124: 3120: 3116: 3110: 3108: 3091: 3089: 3084: 3078: 3071: 3066: 3052: 3048: 3042: 3034: 3028: 3024: 3020: 3016: 3010: 3002: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2984: 2978: 2976: 2974: 2972: 2970: 2968: 2966: 2949: 2943: 2935: 2931: 2927: 2921: 2917: 2909: 2906: 2901: 2899: 2895: 2888: 2877: 2874: 2871: 2857: 2852: 2841: 2838: 2835: 2824: 2813: 2810: 2807: 2796: 2785: 2782: 2779: 2768: 2757: 2754: 2751: 2742: 2737: 2730: 2719: 2716: 2713: 2702: 2683: 2679: 2677: 2673: 2672: 2671:Lost Universe 2667: 2664: 2659: 2656: 2652: 2645: 2635: 2632: 2629: 2615: 2612: 2607: 2603: 2602:takes place. 2601: 2597: 2593: 2586: 2575: 2572: 2569: 2553: 2552:Marc Thompson 2545: 2540: 2539: 2528: 2526: 2521: 2519: 2514: 2512: 2506: 2501: 2482: 2480: 2476: 2472: 2465: 2447: 2443: 2438: 2437: 2431: 2429: 2424: 2422: 2414: 2396: 2392: 2387: 2386: 2380: 2378: 2373: 2370: 2363: 2342: 2334: 2329: 2328: 2322: 2319: 2314: 2305: 2289: 2270: 2264: 2245: 2244: 2238: 2232: 2221: 2218: 2215: 2201: 2199: 2195: 2190: 2184: 2163: 2162:David Brimmer 2156: 2145: 2138: 2133: 2132: 2129:Phil Saillune 2126: 2120: 2104: 2085: 2080: 2067: 2066:bastard sword 2060: 2041: 2039: 2038:bounty hunter 2033: 2031: 2027: 2023: 2016: 1998: 1994: 1989: 1988: 1982: 1977: 1960: 1942: 1938: 1937:Masato Hirano 1933: 1932: 1921: 1919: 1915: 1909: 1907: 1902: 1899: 1892: 1874: 1870: 1869:Wataru Takagi 1865: 1864: 1858: 1855: 1848: 1832: 1816: 1797: 1792: 1776: 1762: 1758: 1751: 1740: 1737: 1734: 1720: 1652: 1649: 1618: 1616: 1602: 1595: 1576: 1572: 1570: 1562: 1551: 1548: 1545: 1532: 1531:Wayne Grayson 1528: 1523: 1522: 1516: 1514: 1509: 1504: 1488: 1472: 1461: 1458: 1455: 1442: 1438: 1433: 1432: 1426: 1424: 1417: 1401: 1385: 1369: 1356: 1349: 1333: 1316: 1297: 1295: 1290: 1288: 1281: 1264: 1246: 1242: 1237: 1236: 1230: 1228: 1220: 1201: 1197: 1194: 1187: 1169: 1164: 1163: 1157: 1153: 1148: 1131: 1113: 1108: 1107: 1101: 1099: 1094: 1092: 1085: 1067: 1062: 1061: 1055: 1042: 1034: 1015: 1011: 1010:the process. 1008: 1002: 996: 975: 967: 962: 961: 950: 946: 943: 939: 935: 928: 912: 894: 890: 885: 884: 878: 876: 871: 869: 863: 861: 854: 842:Filia Ul Copt 836: 832: 827: 826: 820: 818: 811: 793: 789: 784: 783: 777: 774: 769: 765: 763: 762:Slayers Smash 759: 755: 748: 729:(Evolution-R) 722: 717: 716: 714: 704: 700: 698: 690: 674: 655: 653: 649: 644: 638: 633: 620: 613: 593: 584: 577: 573: 568: 567: 565: 555: 551: 549: 548:Phil Saillune 541: 521: 516: 509: 502: 498: 497:Masami Suzuki 493: 492: 486: 484: 480: 475: 469: 448: 440: 435: 434: 428: 425: 421: 417: 412: 410: 406: 402: 398: 394: 390: 383: 376:ゼルガディス・グレイワーズ 363: 358: 350: 345: 344: 338: 336: 332: 324: 304: 299: 292: 288: 283: 282: 280: 270: 268: 264: 260: 256: 252: 247: 244: 240: 233: 212: 205: 201: 196: 195: 193: 178: 176: 172: 167: 163: 159: 156: 155: 146: 142: 138: 133: 123: 120: 112: 101: 98: 94: 91: 87: 84: 80: 77: 73: 70: –  69: 65: 64:Find sources: 58: 54: 48: 47: 42:This article 40: 36: 31: 30: 27: 19: 3398: 3377:Lina Inverse 3371: 3348: 3339: 3332: 3325: 3318: 3304:Light novels 3283: 3276: 3264: 3257: 3250: 3243: 3236: 3208: 3158:J-Novel Club 3153: 3123:J-Novel Club 3118: 3094:. Retrieved 3086: 3077: 3069: 3065: 3054:. Retrieved 3050: 3041: 3023:J-Novel Club 3018: 3009: 2991:J-Novel Club 2986: 2952:. Retrieved 2942: 2925: 2920: 2904: 2902: 2897: 2863: 2740: 2735: 2689: 2680: 2675: 2669: 2662: 2660: 2654: 2633:ロード・オブ・ナイトメア 2621: 2610: 2608: 2604: 2599: 2591: 2561: 2544:Daisuke Gōri 2524: 2522: 2517: 2515: 2510: 2507: 2489:Luna Inverse 2488: 2485:Luna Inverse 2478: 2474: 2470: 2458:グラボス=マウントトップ 2452: 2446:Nathan Price 2427: 2425: 2401: 2377:Slayers NEXT 2376: 2374: 2350: 2337:(Episode 13) 2313:guesstimates 2282:メンフィス=ラインソード 2276: 2251: 2207: 2193: 2191: 2171: 2144:Minoru Inaba 2119:Ao no Deimia 2091: 2047: 2034: 2003: 1947: 1917: 1913: 1910: 1906:Slayers NEXT 1905: 1903: 1897: 1879: 1803: 1726: 1658: 1647: 1624: 1582: 1573: 1537: 1510: 1447: 1437:Jouji Nakata 1303: 1293: 1291: 1251: 1241:Nobuo Tobita 1207: 1198: 1174: 1154: 1118: 1098:Slayers NEXT 1097: 1095: 1072: 1021: 1012: 1006: 1003: 983: 974:Liam O'Brien 947: 937: 933: 899: 874: 872: 868:clairvoyance 864: 859: 841: 817:Slayers Next 816: 798: 772: 770: 766: 761: 757: 753: 735: 701: 661: 639: 600: 591: 588:,Kurt Stoll 572:Akira Ishida 552: 528: 519: 483:resurrection 476: 456: 423: 413: 370: 361: 311: 302: 298:Chris Patton 248: 242: 237:is the main 221:Lina Inverse 220: 192:Lina Inverse 186:Lina Inverse 170: 166:Lina Inverse 152: 150: 147:and Zelgadis 143:. Back row: 115: 106: 96: 89: 82: 75: 63: 51:Please help 46:verification 43: 26: 3309:Video games 3297:Other media 2905:Slayers TRY 2894:Black World 2676:Slayers TRY 2542:Voiced by: 2536:Shabranigdu 2525:Slayers TRY 2518:Slayers TRY 2513:episode 8. 2500:Runa Inbāsu 2442:Hisao Egawa 2440:Voiced by: 2407:ジラス=ジロス=ジレス 2389:Voiced by: 2333:Bin Shimada 2331:Voiced by: 2155:Jimmy Zoppi 2135:Voiced by: 1997:Jimmy Zoppi 1991:Voiced by: 1935:Voiced by: 1918:Slayers TRY 1898:Slayers TRY 1873:Scottie Ray 1867:Voiced by: 1674:アリア=アシュフォード 1569:androgynous 1527:Kazue Ikura 1525:Voiced by: 1435:Voiced by: 1423:white tiger 1239:Voiced by: 1166:Voiced by: 1141:エリシエル=ヴルムグン 1110:Voiced by: 1064:Voiced by: 964:Voiced by: 953:Antagonists 945:his chest. 887:Voiced by: 875:Slayers TRY 860:Slayers TRY 847:フィリア・ウル・コプト 829:Voiced by: 786:Voiced by: 719:Voiced by: 678:and Mileena 570:Voiced by: 495:Voiced by: 437:Voiced by: 416:Shamanistic 405:Rezo's copy 347:Voiced by: 294:(TV series) 291:Eric Stuart 285:Voiced by: 255:Shabranigdu 251:black magic 239:protagonist 232:Rina Inbāsu 207:(TV series) 198:Voiced by: 158:light novel 3416:Categories 3372:Characters 3056:2024-01-26 2934:1578004861 2912:References 2666:multiverse 2219:グレーター・ビースト 1847:Vuaidaadzu 1714:エリディア=ミュカレ 1441:Jay Snyder 1355:werebeasts 1274:ラドック=ランザード 1245:Troy Baker 835:Tara Jayne 501:Joan Baker 317:ガウリイ・ガブリエフ 204:Lisa Ortiz 79:newspapers 3334:Wonderful 3285:Excellent 2881:デュグラディグドゥ 2860:Dark Star 2557:(English) 2448:(English) 2397:(English) 2369:mercenary 2362:Zangurusu 2346:(English) 2341:Ted Lewis 2263:Mirugazia 2225:ゼラス=メタリオム 2167:(English) 1999:(English) 1943:(English) 1941:Stan Hart 1875:(English) 1854:eyestalks 1533:(English) 1443:(English) 1368:Barugumon 1247:(English) 1186:Kopī Rezo 1175:Copy Rezo 1160:Copy Rezo 1084:Seiguramu 979:(English) 895:(English) 837:(English) 794:(English) 731:(English) 596:(English) 576:David Moo 524:(English) 452:(English) 439:Yumi Tōma 431:Sylphiel 366:(English) 331:Dark Star 307:(English) 216:(English) 109:June 2009 3314:SFC game 3259:Gorgeous 3152:(2022). 3117:(2024). 3017:(2022). 2985:(2021). 2744:Ragradia 2651:demiurge 2579:シャブラニグドゥ 2494:ルナ=インバース 2351:Zangulus 2325:Zangulus 2318:Zanaffar 2252:Milgazia 2241:Milgazia 2198:pacifist 2030:scimitar 2026:werewolf 1976:Rodimasu 1891:Varugāvu 1757:Milgazia 1487:Rarutāku 1416:Dukurisu 1321:Zanaffar 626:それは、秘密です 226:リナ・インバース 18:Milgazia 3350:d20 RPG 3327:Royal 2 3278:Special 3266:Premium 3238:Perfect 3210:Slayers 3096:May 30, 3088:YouTube 2903:In the 2898:Slayers 2875:ダーク・スター 2741:Slayers 2736:Slayers 2723:スィーフィード 2717:フレアドラゴン 2695:スィーフィード 2690:Ceifeed 2686:Ceifeed 2663:Slayers 2655:Slayers 2653:of the 2649:is the 2609:In the 2600:Slayers 2592:Slayers 2531:Deities 2194:Slayers 2015:Dirugia 2004:Dilgear 1985:Dilgear 1914:Slayers 1880:Valgaav 1861:Valgaav 1815:Buradou 1791:Fariāru 1764:Sardian 1761:Memphys 1744:グラウシェラー 1648:Slayers 1608:ドゥールゴーフ 1503:Rāshāto 1459:カオスドラゴン 1348:Kurotsu 1332:Zanaffā 1287:Raltark 1219:Kanjeru 1193:lab rat 1073:Seigram 1058:Seigram 1027:白ハルシフォム 780:Martina 754:Slayers 489:Amelia 424:Slayers 397:chimera 362:Premium 243:Slayers 171:Slayers 154:Slayers 93:scholar 3392:Xellos 3245:Return 3233:Films 3164:  3129:  3029:  2997:  2954:May 1, 2932:  2870:闇を撒くもの 2839:アースロード 2817:バールウィン 2789:ヴラバザード 2783:フレアロード 2761:ラグラディア 2755:アクアロード 2701:Sīfīdo 2383:Jillas 2257:ミルガズィア 2113:青のデイミア 2059:Rantsu 1959:Zorufu 1885:ヴァルガーヴ 1841:ヴァイダアヅ 1785:ファリアール 1775:Sādian 1769:サーディアン 1583:Sherra 1579:Sherra 1549:ヘルマスター 1497:ラーシャート 1400:Girufa 1384:Veduru 1326:ザナッファー 1309:魔王崇拝教団 1208:Kanzel 1204:Kanzel 1180:コピー・レゾ 942:rabbit 911:Pokota 900:Pokota 881:Pokota 741:白蛇のナーガ 697:Sherra 689:Mirīna 612:Zerosu 601:Xellos 564:Xellos 558:Xellos 479:cleric 420:astral 265:, and 145:Xellos 139:, and 137:Gourry 95:  88:  81:  74:  66:  3356:Songs 3320:Royal 3252:Great 3222:Anime 2845:ランゴート 2811:エアロード 2628:金色の魔王 2573:ルビーアイ 2568:赤眼の魔王 2356:ザングルス 2097:紫のタリム 2079:Roddo 2064:is a 2048:Lantz 2044:Lantz 2022:troll 2009:ディルギア 1970:ロディマス 1804:Bradu 1800:Bradu 1738:ダイナスト 1704:アイレウス 1694:ゾナゲイン 1594:Shēra 1555:フィブリゾ 1481:ラルターク 1410:デュクリス 1378:ヴェドゥル 1362:バルグモン 1213:カンジェル 1130:Erisu 1078:セイグラム 989:赤法師レゾ 823:Filia 652:Bradu 477:As a 401:golem 100:JSTOR 86:books 3273:OVA 3162:ISBN 3127:ISBN 3098:2015 3027:ISBN 2995:ISBN 2956:2007 2930:ASIN 2712:赤の竜神 2304:Mefi 1948:Zolf 1929:Zolf 1831:Guon 1809:ブラドゥ 1759:and 1684:カイラス 1659:Bell 1655:Bell 1641:ベルギス 1615:Bell 1588:シェーラ 1429:Gaav 1394:ギルファ 1263:Zūma 1252:Zuma 1233:Zuma 1227:Gaav 1119:Eris 1104:Eris 1091:Zuma 936:and 760:and 683:ミリーナ 673:Rūku 662:Luke 648:Gaav 151:The 141:Lina 72:news 3213:by 2834:地竜王 2806:空竜王 2778:火竜王 2750:水竜王 2523:In 2479:TRY 2475:TRY 2471:TRY 2428:TRY 2426:In 2298:メフィ 2073:ロッド 2053:ランツ 1953:ゾルフ 1825:グオン 1465:ガーヴ 1454:魔竜王 1342:クロツ 1292:In 1257:ズーマ 1124:エリス 1096:In 1049:ルビア 1007:see 905:ポコタ 667:ルーク 606:ゼロス 55:by 3418:: 3156:. 3141:^ 3121:. 3106:^ 3085:. 3049:. 3021:. 2993:. 2989:. 2964:^ 2928:. 2900:. 2884:, 2848:, 2820:, 2792:, 2764:, 2726:, 2698:, 2641:, 2582:, 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light novel
Hajime Kanzaka
Lina Inverse
original video animations
Lina Inverse
Megumi Hayashibara
Lisa Ortiz
Cynthia Martinez
black magic
Lord of Nightmares
Hellmaster Fibrizo

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