
Logistic regression

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16629: 15690: 16624:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Pr(Y_{i}=1\mid \mathbf {X} _{i})={}&\Pr \left(Y_{i}^{1\ast }>Y_{i}^{0\ast }\mid \mathbf {X} _{i}\right)&\\={}&\Pr \left(Y_{i}^{1\ast }-Y_{i}^{0\ast }>0\mid \mathbf {X} _{i}\right)&\\={}&\Pr \left({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon _{1}-\left({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon _{0}\right)>0\right)&\\={}&\Pr \left(({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})+(\varepsilon _{1}-\varepsilon _{0})>0\right)&\\={}&\Pr(({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0})\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+(\varepsilon _{1}-\varepsilon _{0})>0)&\\={}&\Pr(({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0})\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon >0)&&{\text{(substitute }}\varepsilon {\text{ as above)}}\\={}&\Pr({\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon >0)&&{\text{(substitute }}{\boldsymbol {\beta }}{\text{ as above)}}\\={}&\Pr(\varepsilon >-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})&&{\text{(now, same as above model)}}\\={}&\Pr(\varepsilon <{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})&\\={}&\operatorname {logit} ^{-1}({\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})\\={}&p_{i}\end{aligned}}} 16730:
changes the utility of a given choice. A voter might expect that the right-of-center party would lower taxes, especially on rich people. This would give low-income people no benefit, i.e. no change in utility (since they usually don't pay taxes); would cause moderate benefit (i.e. somewhat more money, or moderate utility increase) for middle-incoming people; would cause significant benefits for high-income people. On the other hand, the left-of-center party might be expected to raise taxes and offset it with increased welfare and other assistance for the lower and middle classes. This would cause significant positive benefit to low-income people, perhaps a weak benefit to middle-income people, and significant negative benefit to high-income people. Finally, the secessionist party would take no direct actions on the economy, but simply secede. A low-income or middle-income voter might expect basically no clear utility gain or loss from this, but a high-income voter might expect negative utility since he/she is likely to own companies, which will have a harder time doing business in such an environment and probably lose money.
18889: 18173: 18884:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Pr(Y_{i}=1)&={\frac {e^{({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}+\mathbf {C} )\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{e^{({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}+\mathbf {C} )\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{({\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}+\mathbf {C} )\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\\&={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}e^{\mathbf {C} \cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}e^{\mathbf {C} \cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}e^{\mathbf {C} \cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\\&={\frac {e^{\mathbf {C} \cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{e^{\mathbf {C} \cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}(e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}})}}\\&={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}.\end{aligned}}} 24635:
a single degree of freedom. If the predictor model has significantly smaller deviance (c.f. chi-square using the difference in degrees of freedom of the two models), then one can conclude that there is a significant association between the "predictor" and the outcome. Although some common statistical packages (e.g. SPSS) do provide likelihood ratio test statistics, without this computationally intensive test it would be more difficult to assess the contribution of individual predictors in the multiple logistic regression case. To assess the contribution of individual predictors one can enter the predictors hierarchically, comparing each new model with the previous to determine the contribution of each predictor. There is some debate among statisticians about the appropriateness of so-called "stepwise" procedures. The fear is that they may not preserve nominal statistical properties and may become misleading.
probability value ranging between 0 and 1. This probability indicates the likelihood that a given input corresponds to one of two predefined categories. The essential mechanism of logistic regression is grounded in the logistic function's ability to model the probability of binary outcomes accurately. With its distinctive S-shaped curve, the logistic function effectively maps any real-valued number to a value within the 0 to 1 interval. This feature renders it particularly suitable for binary classification tasks, such as sorting emails into "spam" or "not spam". By calculating the probability that the dependent variable will be categorized into a specific group, logistic regression provides a probabilistic framework that supports informed decision-making.
24484: 14899: 24282: 14533: 29155: 14030: 24479:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}D_{\text{null}}-D_{\text{fitted}}&=-2\left(\ln {\frac {\text{likelihood of null model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}-\ln {\frac {\text{likelihood of fitted model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}\right)\\&=-2\ln {\frac {\left({\dfrac {\text{likelihood of null model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}\right)}{\left({\dfrac {\text{likelihood of fitted model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}\right)}}\\&=-2\ln {\frac {\text{likelihood of the null model}}{\text{likelihood of fitted model}}}.\end{aligned}}} 17702: 34342: 29609: 14894:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Pr(Y_{i}=1\mid \mathbf {X} _{i})&=\Pr(Y_{i}^{\ast }>0\mid \mathbf {X} _{i})\\&=\Pr({\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon _{i}>0)\\&=\Pr(\varepsilon _{i}>-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})\\&=\Pr(\varepsilon _{i}<{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})&&{\text{(because the logistic distribution is symmetric)}}\\&=\operatorname {logit} ^{-1}({\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})&\\&=p_{i}&&{\text{(see above)}}\end{aligned}}} 629: 25243:. Thus, although the observed dependent variable in binary logistic regression is a 0-or-1 variable, the logistic regression estimates the odds, as a continuous variable, that the dependent variable is a 'success'. In some applications, the odds are all that is needed. In others, a specific yes-or-no prediction is needed for whether the dependent variable is or is not a 'success'; this categorical prediction can be based on the computed odds of success, with predicted odds above some chosen cutoff value being translated into a prediction of success. 21475: 28636: 13667: 7877: 8426: 17389: 1042: 27: 29150:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&\lim \limits _{N\rightarrow +\infty }N^{-1}\sum _{i=1}^{N}\log \Pr(y_{i}\mid x_{i};\theta )=\sum _{x\in {\mathcal {X}}}\sum _{y\in {\mathcal {Y}}}\Pr(X=x,Y=y)\log \Pr(Y=y\mid X=x;\theta )\\={}&\sum _{x\in {\mathcal {X}}}\sum _{y\in {\mathcal {Y}}}\Pr(X=x,Y=y)\left(-\log {\frac {\Pr(Y=y\mid X=x)}{\Pr(Y=y\mid X=x;\theta )}}+\log \Pr(Y=y\mid X=x)\right)\\={}&-D_{\text{KL}}(Y\parallel Y_{\theta })-H(Y\mid X)\end{aligned}}} 34328: 25042:) rather than a continuous outcome. Given this difference, the assumptions of linear regression are violated. In particular, the residuals cannot be normally distributed. In addition, linear regression may make nonsensical predictions for a binary dependent variable. What is needed is a way to convert a binary variable into a continuous one that can take on any real value (negative or positive). To do that, binomial logistic regression first calculates the 25291:. The Lagrangian is equal to the entropy plus the sum of the products of Lagrange multipliers times various constraint expressions. The general multinomial case will be considered, since the proof is not made that much simpler by considering simpler cases. Equating the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the various probabilities to zero yields a functional form for those probabilities which corresponds to those used in logistic regression. 14025:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=y\mid \mathbf {X} _{i})={p_{i}}^{y}(1-p_{i})^{1-y}=\left({\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{1+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\right)^{y}\left(1-{\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{1+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\right)^{1-y}={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}\cdot y}}{1+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}} 24112:
a model with at least one predictor and the saturated model. In this respect, the null model provides a baseline upon which to compare predictor models. Given that deviance is a measure of the difference between a given model and the saturated model, smaller values indicate better fit. Thus, to assess the contribution of a predictor or set of predictors, one can subtract the model deviance from the null deviance and assess the difference on a
2354:), meaning the actual outcome is "more surprising". Since the value of the logistic function is always strictly between zero and one, the log loss is always greater than zero and less than infinity. Unlike in a linear regression, where the model can have zero loss at a point by passing through a data point (and zero loss overall if all points are on a line), in a logistic regression it is not possible to have zero loss at any points, since 7387: 4649: 20486: 10513: 16647: 17697:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Pr(Y_{i}=0)&={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\\\Pr(Y_{i}=1)&={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}.\end{aligned}}} 34366: 24271: 34354: 32016: 6193: 21723:
subjectively) regard confidence interval coverage less than 93 percent, type I error greater than 7 percent, or relative bias greater than 15 percent as problematic, our results indicate that problems are fairly frequent with 2–4 EPV, uncommon with 5–9 EPV, and still observed with 10–16 EPV. The worst instances of each problem were not severe with 5–9 EPV and usually comparable to those with 10–16 EPV".
6485: 23757:) increases, becoming exactly chi-square distributed in the limit of an infinite number of data points. As in the case of linear regression, we may use this fact to estimate the probability that a random set of data points will give a better fit than the fit obtained by the proposed model, and so have an estimate how significantly the model is improved by including the 7872:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}Y_{i}\mid x_{1,i},\ldots ,x_{m,i}\ &\sim \operatorname {Bernoulli} (p_{i})\\\operatorname {\mathbb {E} } &=p_{i}\\\Pr(Y_{i}=y\mid x_{1,i},\ldots ,x_{m,i})&={\begin{cases}p_{i}&{\text{if }}y=1\\1-p_{i}&{\text{if }}y=0\end{cases}}\\\Pr(Y_{i}=y\mid x_{1,i},\ldots ,x_{m,i})&=p_{i}^{y}(1-p_{i})^{(1-y)}\end{aligned}}} 9274: 19221: 15095: 24747:
healthy people in order to obtain data for only a few diseased individuals. Thus, we may evaluate more diseased individuals, perhaps all of the rare outcomes. This is also retrospective sampling, or equivalently it is called unbalanced data. As a rule of thumb, sampling controls at a rate of five times the number of cases will produce sufficient control data.
21076: 17249: 28435: 24104:. Smaller values indicate better fit as the fitted model deviates less from the saturated model. When assessed upon a chi-square distribution, nonsignificant chi-square values indicate very little unexplained variance and thus, good model fit. Conversely, a significant chi-square value indicates that a significant amount of the variance is unexplained. 20168: 10214: 29246:. The model of logistic regression, however, is based on quite different assumptions (about the relationship between the dependent and independent variables) from those of linear regression. In particular, the key differences between these two models can be seen in the following two features of logistic regression. First, the conditional distribution 20157: 24166: 17025: 29486:
surpassed it. This relative popularity was due to the adoption of the logit outside of bioassay, rather than displacing the probit within bioassay, and its informal use in practice; the logit's popularity is credited to the logit model's computational simplicity, mathematical properties, and generality, allowing its use in varied fields.
14368: 13153: 12587:= 0. This was convenient, but not necessary. Again, the optimum beta coefficients may be found by maximizing the log-likelihood function generally using numerical methods. A possible method of solution is to set the derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect to each beta coefficient equal to zero and solve for the beta coefficients: 20544:
predictors. The model will not converge with zero cell counts for categorical predictors because the natural logarithm of zero is an undefined value so that the final solution to the model cannot be reached. To remedy this problem, researchers may collapse categories in a theoretically meaningful way or add a constant to all cells.
13648: 6202: 13326: 24614:
predictor. In logistic regression, however, the regression coefficients represent the change in the logit for each unit change in the predictor. Given that the logit is not intuitive, researchers are likely to focus on a predictor's effect on the exponential function of the regression coefficient – the odds ratio (see
11668: 26935: 21381: 27361: 11868: 17980: 24746:
Suppose cases are rare. Then we might wish to sample them more frequently than their prevalence in the population. For example, suppose there is a disease that affects 1 person in 10,000 and to collect our data we need to do a complete physical. It may be too expensive to do thousands of physicals of
Two measures of deviance are particularly important in logistic regression: null deviance and model deviance. The null deviance represents the difference between a model with only the intercept (which means "no predictors") and the saturated model. The model deviance represents the difference between
Others have found results that are not consistent with the above, using different criteria. A useful criterion is whether the fitted model will be expected to achieve the same predictive discrimination in a new sample as it appeared to achieve in the model development sample. For that criterion, 20
Although several statistical packages (e.g., SPSS, SAS) report the Wald statistic to assess the contribution of individual predictors, the Wald statistic has limitations. When the regression coefficient is large, the standard error of the regression coefficient also tends to be larger increasing the
discussed above to assess model fit is also the recommended procedure to assess the contribution of individual "predictors" to a given model. In the case of a single predictor model, one simply compares the deviance of the predictor model with that of the null model on a chi-square distribution with
In some instances, the model may not reach convergence. Non-convergence of a model indicates that the coefficients are not meaningful because the iterative process was unable to find appropriate solutions. A failure to converge may occur for a number of reasons: having a large ratio of predictors to
After fitting the model, it is likely that researchers will want to examine the contribution of individual predictors. To do so, they will want to examine the regression coefficients. In linear regression, the regression coefficients represent the change in the criterion for each unit change in the
is used in lieu of a sum of squares calculations. Deviance is analogous to the sum of squares calculations in linear regression and is a measure of the lack of fit to the data in a logistic regression model. When a "saturated" model is available (a model with a theoretically perfect fit), deviance
In any fitting procedure, the addition of another fitting parameter to a model (e.g. the beta parameters in a logistic regression model) will almost always improve the ability of the model to predict the measured outcomes. This will be true even if the additional term has no predictive value, since
15220: 20543:
Sparseness in the data refers to having a large proportion of empty cells (cells with zero counts). Zero cell counts are particularly problematic with categorical predictors. With continuous predictors, the model can infer values for the zero cell counts, but this is not the case with categorical
model start out either by extending the "log-linear" formulation presented here or the two-way latent variable formulation presented above, since both clearly show the way that the model could be extended to multi-way outcomes. In general, the presentation with latent variables is more common in
Separate sets of regression coefficients need to exist for each choice. When phrased in terms of utility, this can be seen very easily. Different choices have different effects on net utility; furthermore, the effects vary in complex ways that depend on the characteristics of each individual, so
It turns out that this model is equivalent to the previous model, although this seems non-obvious, since there are now two sets of regression coefficients and error variables, and the error variables have a different distribution. In fact, this model reduces directly to the previous one with the
illustrates that the probability of the dependent variable equaling a case is equal to the value of the logistic function of the linear regression expression. This is important in that it shows that the value of the linear regression expression can vary from negative to positive infinity and yet,
and following years. The logit model was initially dismissed as inferior to the probit model, but "gradually achieved an equal footing with the probit", particularly between 1960 and 1970. By 1970, the logit model achieved parity with the probit model in use in statistics journals and thereafter
Another numerical problem that may lead to a lack of convergence is complete separation, which refers to the instance in which the predictors perfectly predict the criterion – all cases are accurately classified and the likelihood maximized with infinite coefficients. In such instances, one
Multicollinearity refers to unacceptably high correlations between predictors. As multicollinearity increases, coefficients remain unbiased but standard errors increase and the likelihood of model convergence decreases. To detect multicollinearity amongst the predictors, one can conduct a linear
17837: 24750:
Logistic regression is unique in that it may be estimated on unbalanced data, rather than randomly sampled data, and still yield correct coefficient estimates of the effects of each independent variable on the outcome. That is to say, if we form a logistic model from such data, if the model is
that results from making each of the choices. We can also interpret the regression coefficients as indicating the strength that the associated factor (i.e. explanatory variable) has in contributing to the utility — or more correctly, the amount by which a unit change in an explanatory variable
12768: 6196:
The image represents an outline of what an odds ratio looks like in writing, through a template in addition to the test score example in the "Example" section of the contents. In simple terms, if we hypothetically get an odds ratio of 2 to 1, we can say... "For every one-unit increase in hours
participants. However, there is considerable debate about the reliability of this rule, which is based on simulation studies and lacks a secure theoretical underpinning. According to some authors the rule is overly conservative in some circumstances, with the authors stating, "If we (somewhat
9130: 14373:
The choice of modeling the error variable specifically with a standard logistic distribution, rather than a general logistic distribution with the location and scale set to arbitrary values, seems restrictive, but in fact, it is not. It must be kept in mind that we can choose the regression
and will minimized by equating the derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to these probabilities to zero. An important point is that the probabilities are treated equally and the fact that they sum to 1 is part of the Lagrangian formulation, rather than being assumed from the beginning.
19033: 14939: 12149: 757:
tasks, such as identifying whether an email is spam or not and diagnosing diseases by assessing the presence or absence of specific conditions based on patient test results. This approach utilizes the logistic (or sigmoid) function to transform a linear combination of input features into a
3077: 24968: 20920: 21745:" to the noise in the data. The question arises as to whether the improvement gained by the addition of another fitting parameter is significant enough to recommend the inclusion of the additional term, or whether the improvement is simply that which may be expected from overfitting. 20481:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=y\mid \mathbf {X} _{i})={n_{i} \choose y}p_{i}^{y}(1-p_{i})^{n_{i}-y}={n_{i} \choose y}\left({\frac {1}{1+e^{-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\right)^{y}\left(1-{\frac {1}{1+e^{-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}\right)^{n_{i}-y}\,.} 17073: 10508:{\displaystyle p={\frac {b^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}{1+b^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot x}}}={\frac {b^{\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}}}{1+b^{\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}}}}={\frac {1}{1+b^{-(\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2})}}}} 28178: 6091:
serves as a link function between the probability and the linear regression expression. Given that the logit ranges between negative and positive infinity, it provides an adequate criterion upon which to conduct linear regression and the logit is easily converted back into the odds.
9766: 7275:, response variable, output variable, or class), i.e. it can assume only the two possible values 0 (often meaning "no" or "failure") or 1 (often meaning "yes" or "success"). The goal of logistic regression is to use the dataset to create a predictive model of the outcome variable. 29374:
for details. In his earliest paper (1838), Verhulst did not specify how he fit the curves to the data. In his more detailed paper (1845), Verhulst determined the three parameters of the model by making the curve pass through three observed points, which yielded poor predictions.
9935: 15468:
This model has a separate latent variable and a separate set of regression coefficients for each possible outcome of the dependent variable. The reason for this separation is that it makes it easy to extend logistic regression to multi-outcome categorical variables, as in the
5679: 26418: 24651:-test in linear regression, is used to assess the significance of coefficients. The Wald statistic is the ratio of the square of the regression coefficient to the square of the standard error of the coefficient and is asymptotically distributed as a chi-square distribution. 24604:
to assess whether or not the observed event rates match expected event rates in subgroups of the model population. This test is considered to be obsolete by some statisticians because of its dependence on arbitrary binning of predicted probabilities and relative low power.
19961: 24266:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}D_{\text{null}}&=-2\ln {\frac {\text{likelihood of null model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}\\D_{\text{fitted}}&=-2\ln {\frac {\text{likelihood of fitted model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}.\end{aligned}}} 23747: 733:. Disaster planners and engineers rely on these models to predict decision take by householders or building occupants in small-scale and large-scales evacuations, such as building fires, wildfires, hurricanes among others. These models help in the development of reliable 24511:
is used to assess goodness of fit as it represents the proportion of variance in the criterion that is explained by the predictors. In logistic regression analysis, there is no agreed upon analogous measure, but there are several competing measures each with limitations.
2015: 16847: 15463: 20551:
One can also take semi-parametric or non-parametric approaches, e.g., via local-likelihood or nonparametric quasi-likelihood methods, which avoid assumptions of a parametric form for the index function and is robust to the choice of the link function (e.g., probit or
29339:. If the assumptions of linear discriminant analysis hold, the conditioning can be reversed to produce logistic regression. The converse is not true, however, because logistic regression does not require the multivariate normal assumption of discriminant analysis. 23402: 6819: 17378: 14234: 12908: 709:, etc.). Another example might be to predict whether a Nepalese voter will vote Nepali Congress or Communist Party of Nepal or Any Other Party, based on age, income, sex, race, state of residence, votes in previous elections, etc. The technique can also be used in 6480:{\displaystyle \mathrm {OR} ={\frac {\operatorname {odds} (x+1)}{\operatorname {odds} (x)}}={\frac {\left({\frac {p(x+1)}{1-p(x+1)}}\right)}{\left({\frac {p(x)}{1-p(x)}}\right)}}={\frac {e^{\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}(x+1)}}{e^{\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x}}}=e^{\beta _{1}}} 13489: 29230:. This leads to the intuition that by maximizing the log-likelihood of a model, you are minimizing the KL divergence of your model from the maximal entropy distribution. Intuitively searching for the model that makes the fewest assumptions in its parameters. 26200: 24086: 15695: 13164: 23218: 8708: 21616:
allows these posteriors to be computed using simulation, so lack of conjugacy is not a concern. However, when the sample size or the number of parameters is large, full Bayesian simulation can be slow, and people often use approximate methods such as
19022: 23752:
which will always be positive or zero. The reason for this choice is that not only is the deviance a good measure of the goodness of fit, it is also approximately chi-squared distributed, with the approximation improving as the number of data points
173:(it is not a classifier), though it can be used to make a classifier, for instance by choosing a cutoff value and classifying inputs with probability greater than the cutoff as one class, below the cutoff as the other; this is a common way to make a 27035: 7184: 7039: 21727:
events per candidate variable may be required. Also, one can argue that 96 observations are needed only to estimate the model's intercept precisely enough that the margin of error in predicted probabilities is ±0.1 with a 0.95 confidence level.
12506: 11545: 19683: 19462: 29414:
in 1925 and has been followed since. Pearl and Reed first applied the model to the population of the United States, and also initially fitted the curve by making it pass through three points; as with Verhulst, this again yielded poor results.
28582: 27701: 26622: 13342:
The intuition for transforming using the logit function (the natural log of the odds) was explained above. It also has the practical effect of converting the probability (which is bounded to be between 0 and 1) to a variable that ranges over
When the saturated model is not available (a common case), deviance is calculated simply as −2·(log likelihood of the fitted model), and the reference to the saturated model's log likelihood can be removed from all that follows without harm.
21224: 15682: 3574: 20508:. Unlike linear regression with normally distributed residuals, it is not possible to find a closed-form expression for the coefficient values that maximize the likelihood function so an iterative process must be used instead; for example 27238: 22404: 26731: 7349:), that is, separate explanatory variables taking the value 0 or 1 are created for each possible value of the discrete variable, with a 1 meaning "variable does have the given value" and a 0 meaning "variable does not have that value".) 25213: 25136: 22914: 14145: 11718: 8998: 19276: 15555: 3458: 17856: 27161: 19818: 16806:
Even though income is a continuous variable, its effect on utility is too complex for it to be treated as a single variable. Either it needs to be directly split up into ranges, or higher powers of income need to be added so that
4303: 4153: 25034:, logistic regression makes use of one or more predictor variables that may be either continuous or categorical. Unlike ordinary linear regression, however, logistic regression is used for predicting dependent variables that take 208:, and in this sense is the "simplest" way to convert a real number to a probability. In particular, it maximizes entropy (minimizes added information), and in this sense makes the fewest assumptions of the data being modeled; see 27880: 23509: 102:(any real value). The corresponding probability of the value labeled "1" can vary between 0 (certainly the value "0") and 1 (certainly the value "1"), hence the labeling; the function that converts log-odds to probability is the 26212:
and the data. Rather than being specific to the assumed multinomial logistic case, it is taken to be a general statement of the condition at which the log-likelihood is maximized and makes no reference to the functional form of
25929: 12874:-th measurement. Once the beta coefficients have been estimated from the data, we will be able to estimate the probability that any subsequent set of explanatory variables will result in any of the possible outcome categories. 15106: 14538: 692:
using logistic regression. Many other medical scales used to assess severity of a patient have been developed using logistic regression. Logistic regression may be used to predict the risk of developing a given disease (e.g.
28166: 17713: 15346: 13416:
on the coefficients, but other regularizers are also possible.) Whether or not regularization is used, it is usually not possible to find a closed-form solution; instead, an iterative numerical method must be used, such as
9269:{\displaystyle p({\boldsymbol {x}})={\frac {b^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}{1+b^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}}={\frac {1}{1+b^{-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}}=S_{b}(t)} 16820:
Yet another formulation combines the two-way latent variable formulation above with the original formulation higher up without latent variables, and in the process provides a link to one of the standard formulations of the
26050: 19216:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=1)={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{1+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}={\frac {1}{1+e^{-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}=p_{i}} 15090:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}Y_{i}^{0\ast }&={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon _{0}\,\\Y_{i}^{1\ast }&={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon _{1}\,\end{aligned}}} 12593: 9089: 1560:
Remark: This model is actually an oversimplification, since it assumes everybody will pass if they learn long enough (limit = 1). The limit value should be a variable parameter too, if you want to make it more realistic.
represents the deviance and ln represents the natural logarithm. The log of this likelihood ratio (the ratio of the fitted model to the saturated model) will produce a negative value, hence the need for a negative sign.
21948: 23929: 12037: 8185: 5248: 20890: 29390:
for the same reaction, while the supply of one of the reactants is fixed. This naturally gives rise to the logistic equation for the same reason as population growth: the reaction is self-reinforcing but constrained.
21071:{\displaystyle \mathbf {w} _{k+1}=\left(\mathbf {X} ^{T}\mathbf {S} _{k}\mathbf {X} \right)^{-1}\mathbf {X} ^{T}\left(\mathbf {S} _{k}\mathbf {X} \mathbf {w} _{k}+\mathbf {y} -\mathbf {\boldsymbol {\mu }} _{k}\right)} 2828: 17244:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Pr(Y_{i}=0)&={\frac {1}{Z}}e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}\\\Pr(Y_{i}=1)&={\frac {1}{Z}}e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}\end{aligned}}} 14522: 4943: 28430:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}L(\theta \mid y;x)&=\Pr(Y\mid X;\theta )\\&=\prod _{i}\Pr(y_{i}\mid x_{i};\theta )\\&=\prod _{i}h_{\theta }(x_{i})^{y_{i}}(1-h_{\theta }(x_{i}))^{(1-y_{i})}\end{aligned}}} 24838: 20512:. This process begins with a tentative solution, revises it slightly to see if it can be improved, and repeats this revision until no more improvement is made, at which point the process is said to have converged. 18178: 14916:
instead of a standard logistic distribution. Both the logistic and normal distributions are symmetric with a basic unimodal, "bell curve" shape. The only difference is that the logistic distribution has somewhat
coefficients ourselves, and very often can use them to offset changes in the parameters of the error variable's distribution. For example, a logistic error-variable distribution with a non-zero location parameter
7392: 21152: 3201: 25637: 14203: 8911: 4085: 24728: 12301: 4235: 31744: 26742: 22105: 15473:
model. In such a model, it is natural to model each possible outcome using a different set of regression coefficients. It is also possible to motivate each of the separate latent variables as the theoretical
9585: 8413: 5779: 28641: 24287: 1302: 23020: 11350:
In the above cases of two categories (binomial logistic regression), the categories were indexed by "0" and "1", and we had two probabilities: The probability that the outcome was in category 1 was given by
2547: 30:
Example graph of a logistic regression curve fitted to data. The curve shows the estimated probability of passing an exam (binary dependent variable) versus hours studying (scalar independent variable). See
9785: 20152:{\displaystyle \operatorname {logit} \left(\operatorname {\mathbb {E} } \left\right)=\operatorname {logit} (p_{i})=\ln \left({\frac {p_{i}}{1-p_{i}}}\right)={\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}\,,} 15602: 15486:
models, because it both provides a theoretically strong foundation and facilitates intuitions about the model, which in turn makes it easy to consider various sorts of extensions. (See the example below.)
The fourth line is another way of writing the probability mass function, which avoids having to write separate cases and is more convenient for certain types of calculations. This relies on the fact that
12233: 8429:
This is an example of an SPSS output for a logistic regression model using three explanatory variables (coffee use per week, energy drink use per week, and soda use per week) and two categories (male and
23607: 10208: 5504: 26234: 24171: 19950: 17394: 17078: 23813: 23622: 17020:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\ln \Pr(Y_{i}=0)&={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}-\ln Z\\\ln \Pr(Y_{i}=1)&={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}-\ln Z\end{aligned}}} 6177: 22440:
outcomes. It can be shown that the optimized error of any of these fits will never be less than the optimum error of the null model, and that the difference between these minimum error will follow a
18932: 1872: 27961: 7990:
can take only the value 0 or 1. In each case, one of the exponents will be 1, "choosing" the value under it, while the other is 0, "canceling out" the value under it. Hence, the outcome is either
25275:", and the logistic function is the canonical link function), while other sigmoid functions are non-canonical link functions; this underlies its mathematical elegance and ease of optimization. See 3856: 24489:
If the model deviance is significantly smaller than the null deviance then one can conclude that the predictor or set of predictors significantly improve the model's fit. This is analogous to the
15357: 14363:{\displaystyle Y_{i}={\begin{cases}1&{\text{if }}Y_{i}^{\ast }>0\ {\text{ i.e. }}{-\varepsilon _{i}}<{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i},\\0&{\text{otherwise.}}\end{cases}}} 13148:{\displaystyle \operatorname {logit} (\operatorname {\mathbb {E} } )=\operatorname {logit} (p_{i})=\ln \left({\frac {p_{i}}{1-p_{i}}}\right)=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1,i}+\cdots +\beta _{m}x_{m,i}} 4845: 141:
Binary variables are widely used in statistics to model the probability of a certain class or event taking place, such as the probability of a team winning, of a patient being healthy, etc. (see
28183: 25777: 23273: 16852: 15111: 14944: 6665: 1148: 29926:
Biondo, S.; Ramos, E.; Deiros, M.; Ragué, J. M.; De Oca, J.; Moreno, P.; Farran, L.; Jaurrieta, E. (2000). "Prognostic factors for mortality in left colonic peritonitis: A new scoring system".
17289: 24622:
test. In logistic regression, there are several different tests designed to assess the significance of an individual predictor, most notably the likelihood ratio test and the Wald statistic.
and the regression coefficients are unobserved, and the means of determining them is not part of the model itself. They are typically determined by some sort of optimization procedure, e.g.
Marshall, J. C.; Cook, D. J.; Christou, N. V.; Bernard, G. R.; Sprung, C. L.; Sibbald, W. J. (1995). "Multiple organ dysfunction score: A reliable descriptor of a complex clinical outcome".
13643:{\displaystyle \operatorname {\mathbb {E} } =p_{i}=\operatorname {logit} ^{-1}({\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i})={\frac {1}{1+e^{-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}} 5141: 2686: 2620: 23854: 21562: 8234: 27642: 27613: 27584: 27551: 27458: 27393: 23261: 15607:
An intuition for this comes from the fact that, since we choose based on the maximum of two values, only their difference matters, not the exact values — and this effectively removes one
22300: 22174: 18167:
will produce the same probabilities for all possible explanatory variables. In fact, it can be seen that adding any constant vector to both of them will produce the same probabilities:
18143: 13321:{\displaystyle \operatorname {logit} (\operatorname {\mathbb {E} } )=\operatorname {logit} (p_{i})=\ln \left({\frac {p_{i}}{1-p_{i}}}\right)={\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}} 1514: 31325:, p. 8, "As far as I can see the introduction of the logistics as an alternative to the normal probability function is the work of a single person, Joseph Berkson (1899–1982), ..." 26061: 22637: 19567: 12834: 11938: 3904: 24043: 21987: 30529: 22751: 12018: 11976: 11909: 5092: 1410: 27220: 26492: 23077: 23066: 11417: 6660: 3751: 22234: 21216: 12882:
There are various equivalent specifications and interpretations of logistic regression, which fit into different types of more general models, and allow different generalizations.
12345: 9520: 8571: 3785: 28043: 25147: 25063: 21464: 20807: 18940: 13401:
conditions that seek to exclude unlikely values, e.g. extremely large values for any of the regression coefficients. The use of a regularization condition is equivalent to doing
11380: 9461: 13379: 4726: 4636:
This simple model is an example of binary logistic regression, and has one explanatory variable and a binary categorical variable which can assume one of two categorical values.
721:, it can be used to predict the likelihood of a person ending up in the labor force, and a business application would be to predict the likelihood of a homeowner defaulting on a 25444: 23999: 10893: 1349: 26946: 20707: 11663:{\displaystyle p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}})={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{n}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}{1+\sum _{u=1}^{N}e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{u}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}}} 9430: 7050: 24151: 22538: 22142: 12551: 6904: 6589: 5378: 4622: 25020: 23539: 22261: 20540:
regression analysis with the predictors of interest for the sole purpose of examining the tolerance statistic used to assess whether multicollinearity is unacceptably high.
6915: 4428: 4390: 2424: 775:
A group of 20 students spends between 0 and 6 hours studying for an exam. How does the number of hours spent studying affect the probability of the student passing the exam?
22567: 21828: 12380: 11712: 8493: 6549: 5496: 1646: 1555: 1451: 29224: 21376:{\displaystyle \mathbf {X} ={\begin{bmatrix}1&x_{1}(1)&x_{2}(1)&\ldots \\1&x_{1}(2)&x_{2}(2)&\ldots \\\vdots &\vdots &\vdots \end{bmatrix}}} 19598: 19588:. With this choice, the single-layer neural network is identical to the logistic regression model. This function has a continuous derivative, which allows it to be used in 14048:
models and makes it easier to extend to certain more complicated models with multiple, correlated choices, as well as to compare logistic regression to the closely related
10839: 10711: 10665: 10586: 10047: 28002: 20912: 19328: 18067: 18025: 15482:. (In terms of utility theory, a rational actor always chooses the choice with the greatest associated utility.) This is the approach taken by economists when formulating 11119: 10927: 10113: 10080: 28446: 27647: 26503: 21643:", states that logistic regression models give stable values for the explanatory variables if based on a minimum of about 10 events per explanatory variable (EPV); where 12801: 6033: 1202: 30379: 29193: 25251:
Of all the functional forms used for estimating the probabilities of a particular categorical outcome which optimize the fit by maximizing the likelihood function (e.g.
24830: 24803: 24776: 23432: 21521: 13474: 9356: 8742: 6854: 6515: 5997: 4679: 3972: 3941: 3702: 3671: 3637: 3606: 3350: 3319: 3280: 3249: 2776: 2745: 2352: 2286: 1809: 1778: 27356:{\displaystyle p_{nk}={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}}}{\sum _{u=0}^{N}e^{{\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{u}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}}}}} 24600: 15614: 1862: 682:
Logistic regression is used in various fields, including machine learning, most medical fields, and social sciences. For example, the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (
22194: 3466: 29270: 27767: 25390: 24028:
calculations – variance in the criterion is essentially divided into variance accounted for by the predictors and residual variance. In logistic regression analysis,
11863:{\displaystyle p_{0}({\boldsymbol {x}})=1-\sum _{n=1}^{N}p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}})={\frac {1}{1+\sum _{u=1}^{N}e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{u}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}}}}} 11249: 10767: 5848: 4588: 2319: 2253: 2220: 2187: 2154: 2121: 1743: 27488: 27076: 25474: 22308: 17061: 17030:
Two separate sets of regression coefficients have been introduced, just as in the two-way latent variable model, and the two equations appear a form that writes the
12864: 11054: 5448: 2803: 2714: 1015: 28624: 27427: 26640: 25546: 25503: 25355: 22474: 21720: 12372: 11303: 11276: 11193: 11146: 11001: 10954: 9551: 9305: 8820: 8439:
The above example of binary logistic regression on one explanatory variable can be generalized to binary logistic regression on any number of explanatory variables
7970:. This is because doing an average this way simply computes the proportion of successes seen, which we expect to converge to the underlying probability of success. 5405: 5330: 2381: 2082: 2051: 1706: 1675: 24991: 22762: 22671: 14081: 10011: 8917: 8069: 5968: 5938: 5909: 5874: 5280: 192:. The defining characteristic of the logistic model is that increasing one of the independent variables multiplicatively scales the odds of the given outcome at a 27520: 26205:
A very important point here is that this expression is (remarkably) not an explicit function of the beta coefficients. It is only a function of the probabilities
25716: 25665: 25324: 22943: 22699: 20611: 20585: 19229: 17975:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=c)=\operatorname {softmax} (c,{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i},{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i},\dots ).} 16709:
As an example, consider a province-level election where the choice is between a right-of-center party, a left-of-center party, and a secessionist party (e.g. the
15508: 12178: 11515: 11485: 11448: 11333: 11219: 11084: 11027: 10793: 10737: 10619: 10547: 9985: 9577: 9487: 9408: 9382: 9122: 8559: 7213: 4003: 3360: 983: 7952:, which is a general property of the Bernoulli distribution. In other words, if we run a large number of Bernoulli trials using the same probability of success 779:
The reason for using logistic regression for this problem is that the values of the dependent variable, pass and fail, while represented by "1" and "0", are not
27740: 21689: 21665: 11166: 10974: 9329: 8773: 6113: 6085: 6056: 5810: 5428: 5300: 5040: 5016: 4996: 4973: 4787: 4746: 21752:
is defined which is a measure of the error between the logistic model fit and the outcome data. In the limit of a large number of data points, the deviance is
dependent variable (with unordered values, also called "classification"). The general case of having dependent variables with more than two values is termed
27084: 19728: 4243: 4093: 29996:
Le Gall, J. R.; Lemeshow, S.; Saulnier, F. (1993). "A new Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) based on a European/North American multicenter study".
27775: 23440: 15215:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\varepsilon _{0}&\sim \operatorname {EV} _{1}(0,1)\\\varepsilon _{1}&\sim \operatorname {EV} _{1}(0,1)\end{aligned}}} 7918:. As noted above, each separate trial has its own probability of success, just as each trial has its own explanatory variables. The probability of success 25811: 22540:
in the linear regression case, except that the likelihood is maximized rather than minimized. Denote the maximized log-likelihood of the proposed model by
to be defined in terms of the other probabilities is artificial. Any of the probabilities could have been selected to be so defined. This special value of
17832:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=c)={\frac {e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{c}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}{\sum _{h}e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{h}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}}}} 14412:
than in the former case, for all sets of explanatory variables — but critically, it will always remain on the same side of 0, and hence lead to the same
28048: 12763:{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial \ell }{\partial \beta _{nm}}}=0=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\Delta (n,y_{k})x_{mk}-\sum _{k=1}^{K}p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}}_{k})x_{mk}} 30156:
Palei, S. K.; Das, S. K. (2009). "Logistic regression model for prediction of roof fall risks in bord and pillar workings in coal mines: An approach".
which shows that this formulation is indeed equivalent to the previous formulation. (As in the two-way latent variable formulation, any settings where
15242: 25940: 13397:, that finds values that best fit the observed data (i.e. that give the most accurate predictions for the data already observed), usually subject to 12144:{\displaystyle t_{n}=\ln \left({\frac {p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{p_{0}({\boldsymbol {x}})}}\right)={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{n}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}} 153:
when there are more than two possible values (e.g. whether an image is of a cat, dog, lion, etc.), and the binary logistic regression generalized to
Kologlu, M.; Elker, D.; Altun, H.; Sayek, I. (2001). "Validation of MPI and PIA II in two different groups of patients with secondary peritonitis".
16664: 9016: 7379:
that is specific to the outcome at hand, but related to the explanatory variables. This can be expressed in any of the following equivalent forms:
21840: 14424:(This predicts that the irrelevancy of the scale parameter may not carry over into more complex models where more than two choices are available.) 3072:{\displaystyle \ell =\sum _{k:y_{k}=1}\ln(p_{k})+\sum _{k:y_{k}=0}\ln(1-p_{k})=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\left(\,y_{k}\ln(p_{k})+(1-y_{k})\ln(1-p_{k})\right)} 23859: 8081: 5149: 20812: 24963:{\displaystyle {\widehat {\beta }}_{0}^{*}={\widehat {\beta }}_{0}+\log {\frac {\pi }{1-\pi }}-\log {{\tilde {\pi }} \over {1-{\tilde {\pi }}}}} 83:
the parameters of a logistic model (the coefficients in the linear or non linear combinations). In binary logistic regression there is a single
33463: 20532:
Having a large ratio of variables to cases results in an overly conservative Wald statistic (discussed below) and can lead to non-convergence.
As a result, we can simplify matters, and restore identifiability, by picking an arbitrary value for one of the two vectors. We choose to set
14457: 9775:
parameters will require numerical methods. One useful technique is to equate the derivatives of the log likelihood with respect to each of the
4853: 33968: 29410:, but they gave him little credit and did not adopt his terminology. Verhulst's priority was acknowledged and the term "logistic" revived by 29280:, because the dependent variable is binary. Second, the predicted values are probabilities and are therefore restricted to (0,1) through the 6821:. Then when this is used in the equation relating the log odds of a success to the values of the predictors, the linear regression will be a 21084: 3092: 1813:
which give the "best fit" to the data. In the case of linear regression, the sum of the squared deviations of the fit from the data points (
26930:{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial {\mathcal {L}}}{\partial p_{n'k'}}}=0=-\ln(p_{n'k'})-1+\sum _{m=0}^{M}(\lambda _{n'm}x_{mk'})-\alpha _{k'}} 25553: 14156: 9761:{\displaystyle \ell =\sum _{k=1}^{K}y_{k}\log _{b}(p({\boldsymbol {x_{k}}}))+\sum _{k=1}^{K}(1-y_{k})\log _{b}(1-p({\boldsymbol {x_{k}}}))} 8830: 4011: 34118: 30983: 24657: 13339:
by fitting a linear predictor function of the above form to some sort of arbitrary transformation of the expected value of the variable.
12238: 4164: 771:
As a simple example, we can use a logistic regression with one explanatory variable and two categories to answer the following question:
22020: 9930:{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial \ell }{\partial \beta _{m}}}=0=\sum _{k=1}^{K}y_{k}x_{mk}-\sum _{k=1}^{K}p({\boldsymbol {x}}_{k})x_{mk}} 8363: 5690: 169:
for further extensions. The logistic regression model itself simply models probability of output in terms of input and does not perform
33742: 32383: 30607:
Gourieroux, Christian; Monfort, Alain (1981). "Asymptotic Properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Dichotomous Logit Models".
1218: 25140:
Although the dependent variable in logistic regression is Bernoulli, the logit is on an unrestricted scale. The logit function is the
22951: 2437: 31366: 26055:
Assuming the multinomial logistic function, the derivative of the log-likelihood with respect the beta coefficients was found to be:
22433:, and then fitted using the proposed model. Specifically, we can consider the fits of the proposed model to every permutation of the 5674:{\displaystyle g(p(x))=\sigma ^{-1}(p(x))=\operatorname {logit} p(x)=\ln \left({\frac {p(x)}{1-p(x)}}\right)=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x,} 26413:{\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}_{fit}=\sum _{n=0}^{N}\sum _{m=0}^{M}\lambda _{nm}\sum _{k=1}^{K}(p_{nk}x_{mk}-\Delta (n,y_{k})x_{mk})} 15561: 33516: 25260: 12183: 659: 24643:
Alternatively, when assessing the contribution of individual predictors in a given model, one may examine the significance of the
23742:{\displaystyle D=\ln \left({\frac {{\hat {L}}^{2}}{{\hat {L}}_{\varphi }^{2}}}\right)=2({\hat {\ell }}-{\hat {\ell }}_{\varphi })} 23561: 16737:
Estimated strength of regression coefficient for different outcomes (party choices) and different values of explanatory variables
15611:. Another critical fact is that the difference of two type-1 extreme-value-distributed variables is a logistic distribution, i.e. 10121: 33955: 30339: 29521: 29473:. However, the development of the logistic model as a general alternative to the probit model was principally due to the work of 29406:, which led to its use in modern statistics. They were initially unaware of Verhulst's work and presumably learned about it from 23555:
and it can be shown that the maximum log-likelihood of these permutation fits will never be smaller than that of the null model:
19854: 11419:. The sum of these probabilities equals 1, which must be true, since "0" and "1" are the only possible categories in this setup. 4640:
is the generalization of binary logistic regression to include any number of explanatory variables and any number of categories.
2010:{\displaystyle \ell _{k}={\begin{cases}-\ln p_{k}&{\text{ if }}y_{k}=1,\\-\ln(1-p_{k})&{\text{ if }}y_{k}=0.\end{cases}}} 569: 12031:) are expressed in terms of the pivot probability and are again expressed as a linear combination of the explanatory variables: 30423: 29524:
and interpreting odds of alternatives as relative preferences; this gave a theoretical foundation for the logistic regression.
23770: 6121: 5911:
is the probability that the dependent variable equals a case, given some linear combination of the predictors. The formula for
31604: 18897: 15458:{\displaystyle Y_{i}={\begin{cases}1&{\text{if }}Y_{i}^{1\ast }>Y_{i}^{0\ast },\\0&{\text{otherwise.}}\end{cases}}} 31951: 31932: 31913: 31891: 31872: 31846: 31827: 31804: 31014: 30936: 30888: 30677: 30591: 30450: 30113: 29777: 27891: 25267:
of distributions maximizes entropy, given an expected value. In the case of the logistic model, the logistic function is the
variable and data in the proposed model is a very significant improvement over the null model. In other words, we reject the
measurements or data points will be generated by the above probabilities can now be calculated. Indexing each measurement by
for discussion. The logistic regression as a general statistical model was originally developed and popularized primarily by
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
23397:{\displaystyle {\hat {\ell }}_{\varphi }=K(\,{\overline {y}}\ln({\overline {y}})+(1-{\overline {y}})\ln(1-{\overline {y}}))} 19718:
is the number of successes observed (the sum of the individual Bernoulli-distributed random variables), and hence follows a
there need to be separate sets of coefficients for each characteristic, not simply a single extra per-choice characteristic.
6814:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}+\cdots +\beta _{m}x_{m}=\beta _{0}+\sum _{i=1}^{m}\beta _{i}x_{i}} 3804: 32378: 32078: 32020: 29811:
Walker, SH; Duncan, DB (1967). "Estimation of the probability of an event as a function of several independent variables".
17373:{\displaystyle Z=e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}+e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}} 13418: 6087:
of the predictors) is equivalent to the exponential function of the linear regression expression. This illustrates how the
4804: 559: 30129:
M. Strano; B.M. Colosimo (2006). "Logistic regression analysis for experimental determination of forming limit diagrams".
Truett, J; Cornfield, J; Kannel, W (1967). "A multivariate analysis of the risk of coronary heart disease in Framingham".
For the simple model of student test scores described above, the maximum value of the log-likelihood of the null model is
32982: 32130: 31211: 31032: 25721: 19706: 5303: 4976: 1073: 184:
instead of the logistic function (to convert the linear combination to a probability) can also be used, most notably the
Van Smeden, M.; De Groot, J. A.; Moons, K. G.; Collins, G. S.; Altman, D. G.; Eijkemans, M. J.; Reitsma, J. B. (2016).
29458:. The probit model influenced the subsequent development of the logit model and these models competed with each other. 24016:. Since this has no direct analog in logistic regression, various methods including the following can be used instead. 22444:, with degrees of freedom equal those of the proposed model minus those of the null model which, in this case, will be 9553:
as the categorical outcome of that measurement, the log likelihood may be written in a form very similar to the simple
220: 25050:
to create a continuous criterion as a transformed version of the dependent variable. The logarithm of the odds is the
227:. Logistic regression by MLE plays a similarly basic role for binary or categorical responses as linear regression by 33765: 33657: 32041: 21763:
Linear regression and logistic regression have many similarities. For example, in simple linear regression, a set of
16694: 5100: 2625: 2559: 27711:
In machine learning applications where logistic regression is used for binary classification, the MLE minimises the
23818: 16676: 196:
rate, with each independent variable having its own parameter; for a binary dependent variable this generalizes the
34370: 33943: 33817: 31967: 30750: 29589: 26195:{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial \ell }{\partial \beta _{nm}}}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}(p_{nk}x_{mk}-\Delta (n,y_{k})x_{mk})} 21526: 21487: 14436: 8193: 3976:
coefficients may be entered into the logistic regression equation to estimate the probability of passing the exam.
523: 27618: 27589: 27560: 27527: 27434: 27369: 25276: 24081:{\displaystyle D=-2\ln {\frac {\text{likelihood of the fitted model}}{\text{likelihood of the saturated model}}}.} 23226: 21647:
denotes the cases belonging to the less frequent category in the dependent variable. Thus a study designed to use
i.e. the latent variable can be written directly in terms of the linear predictor function and an additive random
34001: 33662: 33407: 32778: 32368: 29581: 29562: 29536: 29227: 24154: 22273: 22147: 18072: 15608: 15494:
seems fairly arbitrary, but it makes the mathematics work out, and it may be possible to justify its use through
11345: 4637: 4564:, the output indicates that hours studying is significantly associated with the probability of passing the exam ( 1468: 783:. If the problem was changed so that pass/fail was replaced with the grade 0–100 (cardinal numbers), then simple 717:
applications such as prediction of a customer's propensity to purchase a product or halt a subscription, etc. In
713:, especially for predicting the probability of failure of a given process, system or product. It is also used in 574: 512: 332: 307: 154: 23213:{\displaystyle \ell _{\varphi }=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\left(y_{k}\ln(p_{\varphi })+(1-y_{k})\ln(1-p_{\varphi })\right)} 22582: 21834:
parameters which minimize the sum of the squares of the residuals (the squared error term) for each data point:
19512: 12810: 11914: 3862: 34052: 33264: 33071: 32960: 32918: 30237:
Wibbenmeyer, Matthew J.; Hand, Michael S.; Calkin, David E.; Venn, Tyron J.; Thompson, Matthew P. (June 2013).
Tolles, Juliana; Meurer, William J (2016). "Logistic Regression Relating Patient Characteristics to Outcomes".
21956: 16657: 1033:" consisting of two categories: "pass" or "fail" corresponding to the categorical values 1 and 0 respectively. 434: 32992: 31007:
Regression Modeling Strategies: With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic Regression, and Survival Analysis
30468: 29571:
is an extension of multinomial logit that allows for correlations among the choices of the dependent variable.
22707: 11985: 11943: 11876: 8744:
are parameters of the model. An additional generalization has been introduced in which the base of the model (
8703:{\displaystyle t=\log _{b}{\frac {p}{1-p}}=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}+\cdots +\beta _{M}x_{M}} 5048: 1366: 34397: 34295: 33254: 32157: 31680:"On the Rate of Growth of the Population of the United States since 1790 and Its Mathematical Representation" 31074: 29439: 27172: 26440: 23031: 20505: 19017:{\displaystyle e^{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}=e^{\mathbf {0} \cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}}=1} 13394: 3207: 393: 216: 13381:— thereby matching the potential range of the linear prediction function on the right side of the equation. 11535:. The sum of these probabilities over all categories must equal 1. Using the mathematically convenient base 11385: 6622: 3720: 790:
The table shows the number of hours each student spent studying, and whether they passed (1) or failed (0).
34392: 33846: 33795: 33780: 33770: 33639: 33511: 33478: 33304: 33259: 33089: 29336: 29320:). Equivalently, in the latent variable interpretations of these two methods, the first assumes a standard 25802: 24025: 22199: 21618: 21157: 20533: 17985:
In order to prove that this is equivalent to the previous model, the above model is overspecified, in that
13398: 12321: 9496: 3757: 2090:. Log loss is always greater than or equal to 0, equals 0 only in case of a perfect prediction (i.e., when 652: 28007: 27030:{\displaystyle \sum _{m=0}^{M}\lambda _{nm}x_{mk}={\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}} 21389: 20712: 11354: 9435: 7179:{\displaystyle p={\frac {1}{1+b^{-(\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}+\cdots +\beta _{m}x_{m})}}}} 34358: 34190: 33991: 33915: 33216: 32970: 32639: 32103: 30239:"Risk Preferences in Strategic Wildfire Decision Making: A Choice Experiment with U.S. Wildfire Managers" 29672: 29554: 19311: 13346: 12902:
outcomes, is the way the probability of a particular outcome is linked to the linear predictor function:
7342: 4684: 750: 730: 595: 162: 158: 31548:(1966). "Some procedures connected with the logistic qualitative response curve". In F. N. David (ed.). 29363: 25399: 23969: 10844: 7034:{\displaystyle \log {\frac {p}{1-p}}=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}+\cdots +\beta _{m}x_{m}} 3086:
itself, which is the probability that the given data set is produced by a particular logistic function:
1310: 34402: 34075: 34047: 34042: 33790: 33549: 33455: 33435: 33343: 33054: 32872: 32355: 32227: 32032: 30953: 30238: 30042: 29637: 21601: 20632: 15491: 15233: 14427:
It turns out that this formulation is exactly equivalent to the preceding one, phrased in terms of the
12501:{\displaystyle \ell =\sum _{k=1}^{K}\sum _{n=0}^{N}\Delta (n,y_{k})\,\ln(p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}))} 9413: 564: 533: 460: 170: 60: 30830:"Modern modelling techniques are data hungry: a simulation study for predicting dichotomous endpoints" 30371: 30301: 24115: 23548:
values. Again, we can conceptually consider the fit of the proposed model to every permutation of the
22516: 22120: 19678:{\displaystyle {\frac {\mathrm {d} y}{\mathrm {d} X}}=y(1-y){\frac {\mathrm {d} f}{\mathrm {d} X}}.\,} 12514: 7977:
of the Bernoulli distribution, specifying the probability of seeing each of the two possible outcomes.
6859: 6557: 5335: 4601: 33807: 33575: 33296: 33221: 33150: 33079: 32999: 32987: 32857: 32845: 32838: 32546: 32267: 30199: 29632: 24996: 24735: 23517: 22239: 21565: 19472: 19457:{\displaystyle p_{i}={\frac {1}{1+e^{-(\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1,i}+\cdots +\beta _{k}x_{k,i})}}}.\,} 14918: 13658: 12565:
and zero otherwise. In the case of two explanatory variables, this indicator function was defined as
parameters to zero yielding a set of equations which will hold at the maximum of the log likelihood:
8777: 8031: 7974: 6003:
from the linear regression equation (the value of the criterion when the predictor is equal to zero).
4404: 4369: 4308:
This table shows the estimated probability of passing the exam for several values of hours studying.
Similarly, for a student who studies 4 hours, the estimated probability of passing the exam is 0.87:
2390: 554: 543: 507: 414: 28577:{\displaystyle N^{-1}\log L(\theta \mid y;x)=N^{-1}\sum _{i=1}^{N}\log \Pr(y_{i}\mid x_{i};\theta )} 27696:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{n}={\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}-{\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{0}} 27554: 26617:{\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}_{norm}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{k}\left(1-\sum _{n=1}^{N}p_{nk}\right)} 25295: 22543: 21784: 16841:
as a linear predictor, we separate the linear predictor into two, one for each of the two outcomes:
15379: 14256: 11673: 8454: 7657: 6520: 5854:(i.e., log-odds or natural logarithm of the odds) is equivalent to the linear regression expression. 5465: 1894: 1602: 1519: 1415: 34290: 34057: 33920: 33605: 33570: 33534: 33319: 32761: 32670: 32629: 32541: 32232: 32071: 32050: 31545: 31513: 29652: 29575: 29490: 29301: 29239: 29202: 27746: 26634:
are the appropriate Lagrange multipliers. The Lagrangian is then the sum of the above three terms:
24575: 24571: 24101: 23938: 22441: 21753: 17268: 14428: 14395:
is equivalent to setting the scale parameter to 1 and then dividing all regression coefficients by
13654: 13449:
the explanatory variable. In the case of a dichotomous explanatory variable, for instance, gender
13405:(MAP) estimation, an extension of maximum likelihood. (Regularization is most commonly done using 13336: 13332: 10798: 10670: 10624: 10555: 10016: 8042:
that are specific to the model at hand but the same for all trials. The linear predictor function
7889: 1824:, is taken as a measure of the goodness of fit, and the best fit is obtained when that function is 726: 686:), which is widely used to predict mortality in injured patients, was originally developed by Boyd 615: 486: 409: 302: 281: 30635: 30200:"Household-Level Model for Hurricane Evacuation Destination Type Choice Using Hurricane Ivan Data" 29508:, which greatly increased the scope of application and the popularity of the logit model. In 1973 27969: 26736:
Setting the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to one of the probabilities to zero yields:
20895: 18030: 17988: 15677:{\displaystyle \varepsilon =\varepsilon _{1}-\varepsilon _{0}\sim \operatorname {Logistic} (0,1).} 11339: 11091: 10899: 10085: 10052: 8781:. However, in some cases it can be easier to communicate results by working in base 2 or base 10. 6197:
studied, the odds of passing (group 1) or failing (group 0) are (expectedly) 2 to 1 (Denis, 2019).
34199: 33812: 33752: 33689: 33327: 33311: 33049: 32911: 32901: 32751: 32665: 31634:
Reports on Biological Standards: Methods of biological assay depending on a quantal response. III
24618:). In linear regression, the significance of a regression coefficient is assessed by computing a 24515:
Four of the most commonly used indices and one less commonly used one are examined on this page:
21622: 20525: 16672: 12776: 6008: 3569:{\displaystyle 0={\frac {\partial \ell }{\partial \beta _{1}}}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}(y_{k}-p_{k})x_{k}} 1164: 698: 645: 538: 31856: 31049: 30970:
Hosmer, D.W. (1997). "A comparison of goodness-of-fit tests for the logistic regression model".
Mesa-Arango, Rodrigo; Hasan, Samiul; Ukkusuri, Satish V.; Murray-Tuite, Pamela (February 2013).
The logistic function was independently rediscovered as a model of population growth in 1920 by
29163: 24808: 24781: 24754: 23410: 21497: 15478:
associated with making the associated choice, and thus motivate logistic regression in terms of
13452: 9334: 8720: 6832: 6493: 5975: 4655: 3950: 3919: 3680: 3649: 3615: 3584: 3328: 3297: 3258: 3227: 2754: 2723: 2324: 2258: 1787: 1756: 34237: 34167: 33960: 33897: 33652: 33539: 32536: 32433: 32340: 32219: 32118: 29517: 29407: 29273: 24578: 24033:
is calculated by comparing a given model with the saturated model. This computation gives the
22399:{\displaystyle {\hat {\varepsilon }}_{\varphi }^{2}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}({\overline {y}}-y_{k})^{2}} 21596:
difficult to calculate except in very low dimensions. Now, though, automatic software such as
21593: 20622: 15495: 8237: 8039: 7902: 7367: 4789:, and outputs a value between zero and one. For the logit, this is interpreted as taking input 1840: 1748: 502: 497: 439: 228: 205: 31815: 29461:
The logistic model was likely first used as an alternative to the probit model in bioassay by
26726:{\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}={\mathcal {L}}_{ent}+{\mathcal {L}}_{fit}+{\mathcal {L}}_{norm}} 22179: 11335:
is not as much as 10 times greater, it's only the effect on the odds that is 10 times greater.
34262: 34204: 34147: 33973: 33866: 33775: 33501: 33385: 33244: 33236: 33126: 33118: 32933: 32829: 32807: 32766: 32731: 32698: 32644: 32619: 32574: 32513: 32473: 32275: 32098: 30695:"No rationale for 1 variable per 10 events criterion for binary logistic regression analysis" 29593: 29585: 29371: 29321: 29277: 29249: 27752: 25362: 25208:{\displaystyle \operatorname {logit} \operatorname {\mathcal {E}} (Y)=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x} 25131:{\displaystyle \operatorname {logit} p=\ln {\frac {p}{1-p}}\quad {\text{for }}0<p<1\,.} 25046:
of the event happening for different levels of each independent variable, and then takes its
24631: 24034: 24029: 23613: 22909:{\displaystyle \ell =\sum _{k=1}^{K}\left(y_{k}\ln(p(x_{k}))+(1-y_{k})\ln(1-p(x_{k}))\right)} 21749: 21668: 21581: 19719: 16808: 16721:). We would then use three latent variables, one for each choice. Then, in accordance with 16668: 14440: 14213: 14140:{\displaystyle Y_{i}^{\ast }={\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i}+\varepsilon _{i}\,} 14041: 13410: 11224: 10742: 9410:
for a given observation. The main use-case of a logistic model is to be given an observation
8993:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}=\{\beta _{0},\beta _{1},\beta _{2},\dots ,\beta _{M}\}} 7315: 5815: 4595: 4567: 3284:, determining their optimum values will require numerical methods. One method of maximizing 2291: 2225: 2192: 2159: 2126: 2093: 1715: 754: 590: 286: 31860: 30302:"A discrete choice model based on random utilities for exit choice in emergency evacuations" 28626:
pairs are drawn uniformly from the underlying distribution, then in the limit of large 
27463: 27051: 25449: 19271:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}} 17067:
ensuring that the result is a distribution. This can be seen by exponentiating both sides:
17037: 15550:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}={\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{1}-{\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}} 14908:
models—makes clear the relationship between logistic regression (the "logit model") and the
14378:(which sets the mean) is equivalent to a distribution with a zero location parameter, where 12839: 11032: 5433: 3453:{\displaystyle 0={\frac {\partial \ell }{\partial \beta _{0}}}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}(y_{k}-p_{k})} 2785: 2696: 988: 34185: 33760: 33709: 33685: 33647: 33565: 33544: 33496: 33375: 33353: 33322: 33231: 33108: 33059: 32977: 32950: 32906: 32862: 32624: 32400: 32280: 32026: 31753: 31731: 31691: 31482: 30388: 30250: 30215: 29544: 29462: 29423: 29343: 28597: 27400: 25519: 25481: 25333: 25288: 25240: 25235:
of the probability of success is then fitted to the predictors. The predicted value of the
25035: 22447: 21694: 21592:
in logistic regression. When Bayesian inference was performed analytically, this made the
17280: 16710: 13402: 12350: 11281: 11254: 11171: 11124: 10979: 10932: 9529: 9283: 8793: 7327: 7255: 6095:
So we define odds of the dependent variable equaling a case (given some linear combination
5383: 5308: 2359: 2060: 2029: 1684: 1653: 1030: 1022: 734: 610: 600: 481: 449: 404: 383: 291: 232: 150: 95: 64: 31624: 31377: 29342:
The assumption of linear predictor effects can easily be relaxed using techniques such as
assuming that all the observations in the sample are independently Bernoulli distributed,
24976: 22647: 22409:
which is proportional to the square of the (uncorrected) sample standard deviation of the
is simply the sum of all un-normalized probabilities, and by dividing each probability by
regardless of settings of explanatory variables. Similarly, an arbitrary scale parameter
9990: 8045: 7927:
is not observed, only the outcome of an individual Bernoulli trial using that probability.
7341:(Discrete variables referring to more than two possible choices are typically coded using 5944: 5914: 5885: 5859: 5256: 3579:
and the maximization procedure can be accomplished by solving the above two equations for
8: 34332: 34257: 34180: 33861: 33625: 33580: 33488: 33468: 33440: 33173: 33039: 33034: 33024: 33016: 32834: 32795: 32685: 32675: 32584: 32363: 32319: 32237: 32162: 32064: 31963:"A simulation study of the number of events per variable in logistic regression analysis" 30746:"A simulation study of the number of events per variable in logistic regression analysis" 29677: 29325: 29196: 28169: 27499: 25695: 25644: 25303: 25031: 22922: 22678: 22494:, and so we can estimate how significant an improvement is given by the inclusion of the 21589: 21573: 21491: 20590: 20564: 14913: 14382:
has been added to the intercept coefficient. Both situations produce the same value for
is the estimate of the odds of having the outcome for, say, males compared with females.
13422: 12895: 12157: 11494: 11464: 11427: 11312: 11198: 11063: 11006: 10772: 10716: 10598: 10526: 9964: 9556: 9489:. The optimum beta coefficients may again be found by maximizing the log-likelihood. For 9466: 9387: 9361: 9101: 8538: 7331: 7192: 6822: 3982: 3083: 2087: 962: 784: 528: 429: 424: 378: 317: 262: 107: 99: 68: 31757: 31695: 31486: 31131:"Comparison of Logistic Regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Simulation Study" 31111: 30392: 30254: 27156:{\displaystyle p_{nk}=e^{{\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}\cdot {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}}/Z_{k}} 22487:
will yield an minimum error less than or equal to the minimum error using the original
19813:{\displaystyle Y_{i}\,\sim \operatorname {Bin} (n_{i},p_{i}),{\text{ for }}i=1,\dots ,n} 4298:{\displaystyle p={\frac {1}{1+e^{-t}}}\approx 0.87={\text{Probability of passing exam}}} 4148:{\displaystyle p={\frac {1}{1+e^{-t}}}\approx 0.25={\text{Probability of passing exam}}} 688: 34346: 34157: 34011: 33907: 33856: 33732: 33629: 33613: 33590: 33367: 33101: 33084: 33044: 32955: 32850: 32812: 32783: 32743: 32703: 32649: 32566: 32252: 32247: 31776: 31739: 31714: 31679: 31666: 31620: 31533: 31529: 31459: 31422: 30856: 30829: 30721: 30694: 30439: 30406: 30282: 29828: 29614: 27725: 25264: 25256: 21760:
to be implemented in order to determine the significance of the explanatory variables.
21674: 21650: 21577: 20626: 20509: 17842:
This shows clearly how to generalize this formulation to more than two outcomes, as in
17064: 13413: 12890:
The particular model used by logistic regression, which distinguishes it from standard
12554: 11151: 10959: 9314: 8758: 8035: 7961:, then take the average of all the 1 and 0 outcomes, then the result would be close to 7346: 7272: 6098: 6070: 6041: 5795: 5413: 5285: 5025: 5001: 4981: 4958: 4772: 4731: 1821: 1352: 1158: 633: 362: 347: 91: 87: 31981: 31962: 31033:
30764: 30745: 30142: 29939: 29860:"Evaluating trauma care: The TRISS method. Trauma Score and the Injury Severity Score" 27875:{\displaystyle h_{\theta }(X)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-\theta ^{T}X}}}=\Pr(Y=1\mid X;\theta )} 25239:
is converted back into predicted odds, via the inverse of the natural logarithm – the
23504:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}=\ln \left({\frac {\overline {y}}{1-{\overline {y}}}}\right)} 34341: 34252: 34222: 34214: 34034: 34025: 33950: 33881: 33737: 33722: 33697: 33585: 33526: 33392: 33380: 33006: 32923: 32867: 32790: 32634: 32556: 32335: 32209: 31986: 31947: 31928: 31909: 31887: 31868: 31842: 31823: 31800: 31781: 31719: 31637: 31498: 31473: 31451: 31130: 31010: 30987: 30932: 30884: 30861: 30810: 30769: 30726: 30673: 30620: 30587: 30446: 30321: 30274: 30266: 30262: 30219: 30109: 30073: 30069: 30034: 30013: 30009: 29978: 29974: 29943: 29908: 29881: 29876: 29859: 29773: 29729: 29721: 29713: 29642: 29622: 29608: 29359: 29281: 29243: 25924:{\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}_{ent}=-\sum _{k=1}^{K}\sum _{n=0}^{N}p_{nk}\ln(p_{nk})} 25268: 21479: 20517: 20491:
This model can be fit using the same sorts of methods as the above more basic model.
19581: 19291: 19282: 17843: 16822: 15470: 14922: 14444: 13480: 12891: 8018: 7335: 6608: 5877: 4758: 1064: 738: 694: 628: 419: 322: 276: 201: 174: 146: 103: 80: 52: 30286: 21474: 8240:
indicating the relative effect of a particular explanatory variable on the outcome.
The basic idea of logistic regression is to use the mechanism already developed for
An explanation of logistic regression can begin with an explanation of the standard
34277: 34232: 33996: 33983: 33876: 33851: 33785: 33717: 33595: 33203: 33096: 33029: 32942: 32889: 32708: 32579: 32373: 32257: 32172: 32139: 31976: 31771: 31761: 31709: 31699: 31658: 31616: 31589: 31567: 31525: 31490: 31443: 31418: 31414: 30979: 30851: 30841: 30800: 30759: 30716: 30706: 30650: 30616: 30549: 30396: 30313: 30258: 30211: 30165: 30138: 30101: 30065: 30005: 29970: 29935: 29871: 29820: 29705: 29455: 29443: 29386:, 1883). An autocatalytic reaction is one in which one of the products is itself a 29367: 29329: 28588: 27719: 26228:+1) fitting constraints and the fitting constraint term in the Lagrangian is then: 24502: 24493:-test used in linear regression analysis to assess the significance of prediction. 24024:
In linear regression analysis, one is concerned with partitioning variance via the
23934: 22501:
For logistic regression, the measure of goodness-of-fit is the likelihood function
22477: 21757: 19307: 19303: 17847: 13406: 11086:
has also increased, but it has not increased by as much as the odds have increased.
9308: 4762: 444: 373: 181: 31216:
Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles
28161:{\displaystyle \Pr(y\mid X;\theta )=h_{\theta }(X)^{y}(1-h_{\theta }(X))^{(1-y)}.} 14921:, which means that it is less sensitive to outlying data (and hence somewhat more 6067:
The odds of the dependent variable equaling a case (given some linear combination
34194: 33938: 33800: 33727: 33402: 33276: 33249: 33226: 33195: 32822: 32817: 32771: 32501: 32152: 31362: 31165: 30636:"Nonparametric estimation of dynamic discrete choice models for time series data" 29627: 29513: 29509: 29383: 29313: 25039: 24009: 23963: 23941:
with one degree of freedom from 11.6661... to infinity is equal to 0.00063649...
Also, as an analog to the error of the linear regression case, we may define the
subscript denotes the null model. It is seen that the null model is optimized by
21640: 21634: 21609: 21585: 21483: 19589: 19295: 18146: 15483: 15341:{\displaystyle \Pr(\varepsilon _{0}=x)=\Pr(\varepsilon _{1}=x)=e^{-x}e^{-e^{-x}}} 14905: 14432: 14072: 14060: 14045: 7323: 7259: 1570: 1209: 1059:) data. The curve shows the probability of passing an exam versus hours studying. 780: 702: 605: 312: 98:
can each be a binary variable (two classes, coded by an indicator variable) or a
84: 33684: 31593: 941:
We wish to fit a logistic function to the data consisting of the hours studied (
34143: 34138: 32601: 32531: 32177: 31745:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
31735: 31494: 30924: 30744:
Peduzzi, P; Concato, J; Kemper, E; Holford, TR; Feinstein, AR (December 1996).
30654: 30317: 30300:
Lovreglio, Ruggiero; Borri, Dino; dell’Olio, Luigi; Ibeas, Angel (2014-02-01).
30169: 29474: 29466: 29317: 29309: 26045:{\displaystyle \ell =\sum _{k=1}^{K}\sum _{n=0}^{N}\Delta (n,y_{k})\ln(p_{nk})} 25272: 21580:
are normally placed on the regression coefficients, for example in the form of
the vector of response variables. More details can be found in the literature.
20618: 19845: 19592:. This function is also preferred because its derivative is easily calculated: 19299: 16722: 15479: 14448: 14209: 11340:
Multinomial logistic regression: Many explanatory variables and many categories
For a more compact notation, we will specify the explanatory variables and the
7931: 4005:
into the equation gives the estimated probability of passing the exam of 0.25:
1582: 1454: 357: 240: 20: 31214:[Mathematical Researches into the Law of Population Growth Increase]. 30711: 30105: 29725: 29574:
An extension of the logistic model to sets of interdependent variables is the
so knowing one automatically determines the other. As a result, the model is
which have been determined by the above method. To be concrete, the model is:
9084:{\displaystyle t=\sum _{m=0}^{M}\beta _{m}x_{m}={\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot x} 8425: 7258:, explanatory variables, predictor variables, features, or attributes), and a 34386: 34300: 34267: 34130: 34091: 33902: 33871: 33335: 33289: 32894: 32596: 32423: 32187: 32182: 31641: 31455: 31405:
Berkson, Joseph (1944). "Application of the Logistic Function to Bio-Assay".
30846: 30789:"Relaxing the Rule of Ten Events per Variable in Logistic and Cox Regression" 30546:
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2002)
30541: 30325: 30270: 30223: 29717: 29647: 29395: 29379: 29378:
The logistic function was independently developed in chemistry as a model of
29305: 27712: 25141: 21943:{\displaystyle \varepsilon ^{2}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}(b_{0}+b_{1}x_{k}-y_{k})^{2}.} 20521: 19476: 12899: 5408: 5302:
equaling a success/case rather than a failure/non-case. It is clear that the
of multiple explanatory variables is treated similarly). We can then express
2553: 1574: 955: =1 for pass, 0 for fail). The data points are indexed by the subscript 476: 352: 30984:
Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
30554: 29481:, where he coined "logit", by analogy with "probit", and continuing through 23924:{\displaystyle D=2({\hat {\ell }}-{\hat {\ell }}_{\varphi })=11.6661\ldots } 14228:
can be viewed as an indicator for whether this latent variable is positive:
8180:{\displaystyle f(i)=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1,i}+\cdots +\beta _{m}x_{m,i},} 5243:{\displaystyle p(x)=\sigma (t)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-(\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x)}}}} 34242: 34175: 34152: 34067: 33397: 32693: 32591: 32526: 32468: 32453: 32390: 32345: 31901: 31785: 31723: 31502: 30865: 30814: 30730: 30401: 30367: 30363: 30278: 29947: 29912: 29733: 29709: 29450:, as an addendum to Bliss's work. The probit model was principally used in 29419: 29297: 25252: 22576:
data points are fitted in a probabilistic sense to a function of the form:
20885:{\displaystyle \mu (i)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-\mathbf {w} ^{T}\mathbf {x} (i)}}}} 19287: 14909: 14049: 13479:
An equivalent formula uses the inverse of the logit function, which is the
8749: 8528: 1041: 342: 185: 26: 31990: 31649:
Theil, Henri (1969). "A Multinomial Extension of the Linear Logit Model".
31566:(Technical report). Vol. 119. Tinbergen Institute. pp. 167–178. 31096: 30991: 30773: 30077: 30017: 29982: 29885: 25038:(treating the dependent variable in the binomial case as the outcome of a 22003:
outcomes: The data points are fitted to a null model function of the form
logistic regression is specifically intended to be used in this situation.
19475:. A single-layer neural network computes a continuous output instead of a 8527:= 0 and 1). For the simple binary logistic regression model, we assumed a 8357:
This makes it possible to write the linear predictor function as follows:
34285: 34247: 33930: 33831: 33693: 33506: 33473: 32965: 32882: 32877: 32521: 32478: 32458: 32438: 32428: 32197: 31961:
Peduzzi, P.; J. Concato; E. Kemper; T.R. Holford; A.R. Feinstein (1996).
31766: 31704: 31550:
Research Papers in Probability and Statistics (Festschrift for J. Neyman)
31516:(1958). "The regression analysis of binary sequences (with discussion)". 30805: 30788: 29657: 29568: 29431: 29399: 21742: 14517:{\displaystyle \Pr(\varepsilon _{i}<x)=\operatorname {logit} ^{-1}(x)} 10589: 8419: 8298: 7319: 6000: 4938:{\displaystyle \sigma (t)={\frac {e^{t}}{e^{t}+1}}={\frac {1}{1+e^{-t}}}} 4794: 4766: 2691:
The sum of these, the total loss, is the overall negative log-likelihood
2688:, as probability distributions on the two-element space of (pass, fail). 710: 388: 337: 31571: 31558: 17034:
of the associated probability as a linear predictor, with an extra term
11305:, but the effect on the odds is 10 times greater. But the effect on the 6187:
For a continuous independent variable the odds ratio can be defined as:
is the regression coefficient multiplied by some value of the predictor.
of the standard logistic function. It is easy to see that it satisfies:
4590:). Rather than the Wald method, the recommended method to calculate the 33131: 32611: 32311: 32242: 32192: 32167: 32087: 32036: 31670: 31537: 31463: 31426: 31112:
Gareth James; Daniela Witten; Trevor Hastie; Robert Tibshirani (2013).
29832: 23951:
can be expected to have a better fit (smaller deviance) than the given
21992: 19468: 706: 215:
The parameters of a logistic regression are most commonly estimated by
197: 40: 31960: 31212:"Recherches mathématiques sur la loi d'accroissement de la population" 31113: 30828:
van der Ploeg, Tjeerd; Austin, Peter C.; Steyerberg, Ewout W. (2014).
30372:"On the problem of the most efficient tests of statistical hypotheses" 21147:{\displaystyle \mathbf {S} =\operatorname {diag} (\mu (i)(1-\mu (i)))} 3196:{\displaystyle L=\prod _{k:y_{k}=1}p_{k}\,\prod _{k:y_{k}=0}(1-p_{k})} 729:, an extension of logistic regression to sequential data, are used in 33284: 33136: 32756: 32551: 32463: 32448: 32443: 32408: 31166:"Notice sur la loi que la population poursuit dans son accroissement" 30743: 30542:"A comparison of algorithms for maximum entropy parameter estimation" 30465:
For example, the indicator function in this case could be defined as
30410: 29592:
data when the strata are small. It is mostly used in the analysis of
29520:, showing that the multinomial logit followed from the assumption of 29411: 27722:
algorithm. The goal is to model the probability of a random variable
25632:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}=\{x_{0k},x_{1k},\dots ,x_{Mk}\}} 25047: 24644: 21735: 21613: 17031: 14198:{\displaystyle \varepsilon _{i}\sim \operatorname {Logistic} (0,1)\,} 5453: 4561: 3641:, which, again, will generally require the use of numerical methods. 2021: 718: 714: 31662: 31447: 30197: 30100:. Springer Series in Statistics (2nd ed.). New York; Springer. 29824: 25790:
The Lagrangian will be expressed as a function of the probabilities
25259:, etc.), the logistic regression solution is unique in that it is a 16679:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 11382:
and the probability that the outcome was in category 0 was given by
8906:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {x}}=\{x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\dots ,x_{M}\}} 7370:
data, where each outcome is determined by an unobserved probability
and equivalently, after exponentiating both sides we have the odds:
4080:{\displaystyle t=\beta _{0}+2\beta _{1}\approx -4.1+2\cdot 1.5=-1.1} 2222:), and approaches infinity as the prediction gets worse (i.e., when 145:), and the logistic model has been the most commonly used model for 32800: 32418: 32295: 32290: 32285: 32046: 31050:"The Equivalence of Logistic Regression and Maximum Entropy models" 29451: 29387: 24738:. The Wald statistic also tends to be biased when data are sparse. 24723:{\displaystyle W_{j}={\frac {\beta _{j}^{2}}{SE_{\beta _{j}}^{2}}}} 24615: 24013: 23944:
This effectively means that about 6 out of a 10,000 fits to random
21597: 20629:. If the problem is written in vector matrix form, with parameters 14912:, which uses an error variable distributed according to a standard 12374:
which can be equal to any integer in . The log-likelihood is then:
12296:{\displaystyle p_{0}({\boldsymbol {x}})=1-p_{1}({\boldsymbol {x}})} 5941:
after transformation, the resulting expression for the probability
4790: 4230:{\displaystyle t=\beta _{0}+4\beta _{1}\approx -4.1+4\cdot 1.5=1.9} 3979:
For example, for a student who studies 2 hours, entering the value
1578: 722: 22100:{\displaystyle \varepsilon ^{2}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}(b_{0}-y_{k})^{2}.} 13158:
Written using the more compact notation described above, this is:
8408:{\displaystyle f(i)={\boldsymbol {\beta }}\cdot \mathbf {X} _{i},} 6619:
If there are multiple explanatory variables, the above expression
5774:{\displaystyle {\frac {p(x)}{1-p(x)}}=e^{\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x}.} 34305: 34006: 31740:"The Determination of L.D.50 and Its Sampling Error in Bio-Assay" 21564:, which makes the slopes the same at the origin. This shows the 19302:
reign, while the "log-linear" formulation here is more common in
16726: 15475: 4648: 1297:{\displaystyle p(x)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-(\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x)}}}} 32000:
Data Mining Techniques For Marketing, Sales and Customer Support
Data Mining Techniques For Marketing, Sales and Customer Support
A common alternative to the logistic model (logit model) is the
The maximum value of the log-likelihood for the simple model is
23015:{\displaystyle p_{\varphi }(x)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-t_{\varphi }}}}} 13441:
parameter estimates is as the additive effect on the log of the
2542:{\displaystyle \ell _{k}=-y_{k}\ln p_{k}-(1-y_{k})\ln(1-p_{k}).} 165:(for example the proportional odds ordinal logistic model). See 34227: 33208: 33182: 33162: 32413: 32204: 32015: 29662: 29335:
Logistic regression is an alternative to Fisher's 1936 method,
equal to the difference in the number of parameters estimated.
The minimum value which constitutes the fit will be denoted by
should re-examine the data, as there may be some kind of error.
16725:, we can then interpret the latent variables as expressing the 16718: 16714: 13426: 7901: : conditioned on the explanatory variables, it follows a 6554:
For a binary independent variable the odds ratio is defined as
6192: 701:), based on observed characteristics of the patient (age, sex, 31580:
Cramer, J. S. (2004). "The early origins of the logit model".
30959:. Statistical Horizons LLC and the University of Pennsylvania. 30692: 20556: 15597:{\displaystyle \varepsilon =\varepsilon _{1}-\varepsilon _{0}} 11523:, which describe the probability that the categorical outcome 8243:
The model is usually put into a more compact form as follows:
Analogous linear models for binary variables with a different
32056: 31507:
These arbitrary probability units have been called 'probits'.
30827: 29666: 29312:(inverse logistic function), while the probit model uses the 25052: 22572:
In the case of simple binary logistic regression, the set of
16829: 12228:{\displaystyle p({\boldsymbol {x}})=p_{1}({\boldsymbol {x}})} 8532: 8531:
between the predictor variable and the log-odds (also called
8434: 6490:
This exponential relationship provides an interpretation for
6088: 5851: 5459: 4483:
The logistic regression analysis gives the following output.
683: 235:
responses: it is a simple, well-analyzed baseline model; see
112: 56: 31376:. New York: Academic Press. pp. 105–142. Archived from 30634:
Park, Byeong U.; Simar, Léopold; Zelenyuk, Valentin (2017).
30299: 29500:
The multinomial logit model was introduced independently in
29454:, and had been preceded by earlier work dating to 1860; see 29288:
of particular outcomes rather than the outcomes themselves.
Imposing the normalization constraint, we can solve for the
23602:{\displaystyle {\hat {\ell }}\geq {\hat {\ell }}_{\varphi }} 21748:
In short, for logistic regression, a statistic known as the
Yet another formulation uses two separate latent variables:
This formulation expresses logistic regression as a type of
10203:{\displaystyle t=\log _{10}{\frac {p}{1-p}}=-3+x_{1}+2x_{2}} 5282:
is interpreted as the probability of the dependent variable
32147: 31367:"Conditional Logit Analysis of Qualitative Choice Behavior" 30380:
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A
29960: 25043: 21605: 19992: 19945:{\displaystyle p_{i}=\operatorname {\mathbb {E} } \left\,,} 19887: 15451: 14356: 13442: 11519:
separate probabilities, one for each category, indexed by
7725: 2003: 219:(MLE). This does not have a closed-form expression, unlike 31434:
Berkson, Joseph (1951). "Why I Prefer Logits to Probits".
Various refinements occurred during that time, notably by
A detailed history of the logistic regression is given in
22480:, we may then estimate how many of these permuted sets of 19823:
An example of this distribution is the fraction of seeds (
are fixed, we can easily compute either the log-odds that
8561:. This linear relationship may be extended to the case of 94:, where the two values are labeled "0" and "1", while the 30236: 29791: 29789: 29238:
Logistic regression can be seen as a special case of the
which is maximized using optimization techniques such as
23808:{\displaystyle {\hat {\ell }}_{\varphi }=-13.8629\ldots } 19697:
is associated not with a single Bernoulli trial but with
14435:. This can be shown as follows, using the fact that the 6172:{\displaystyle {\text{odds}}=e^{\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x}.} 149:
since about 1970. Binary variables can be generalized to
29300:, as the related names suggest. From the perspective of 24012:
in linear regression models is generally measured using
The regression coefficients are usually estimated using
18927:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{0}=\mathbf {0} .} 12318:-th set of measured explanatory variables be denoted by 8297:
is added, with a fixed value of 1, corresponding to the
4625: 31867:. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 6–37. 31345: 31343: 31200:, p. 4, "He did not say how he fitted the curves." 29995: 27956:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y=0\mid X;\theta )=1-h_{\theta }(X)} 24507:
In linear regression the squared multiple correlation,
This functional form is commonly called a single-layer
at the end. This term, as it turns out, serves as the
30445:. Cambridge, UK New York: Cambridge University Press. 30131:
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
30128: 29925: 29898: 29786: 25688:
be the probability, given explanatory variable vector
24019: 21781:) are fitted to a proposed model function of the form 21529: 21241: 20914:
can be found using the following iterative algorithm:
20499: 14040:
The logistic model has an equivalent formulation as a
and, as in the example above, two categorical values (
4752: 4409: 3851:{\displaystyle \mu =-\beta _{0}/\beta _{1}\approx 2.7} 1461:-intercept and slope of the log-odds as a function of 236: 19:"Logit model" redirects here. Not to be confused with 31292: 31268: 31145: 30787:
Vittinghoff, E.; McCulloch, C. E. (12 January 2007).
30471: 30424:"How to Interpret Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression?" 30055: 29252: 29205: 29166: 28639: 28600: 28449: 28181: 28051: 28010: 27972: 27894: 27778: 27755: 27728: 27650: 27621: 27592: 27563: 27530: 27502: 27466: 27437: 27403: 27372: 27241: 27175: 27087: 27054: 26949: 26745: 26643: 26506: 26497:
so that the normalization term in the Lagrangian is:
26443: 26237: 26064: 25943: 25814: 25724: 25698: 25647: 25556: 25522: 25484: 25452: 25402: 25365: 25336: 25306: 25150: 25066: 24999: 24979: 24841: 24811: 24784: 24757: 24660: 24581: 24420: 24400: 24285: 24169: 24118: 24046: 23972: 23862: 23821: 23773: 23625: 23564: 23520: 23443: 23413: 23276: 23229: 23080: 23034: 22954: 22925: 22765: 22710: 22681: 22650: 22585: 22546: 22519: 22450: 22311: 22276: 22242: 22202: 22182: 22150: 22123: 22023: 21959: 21843: 21787: 21697: 21691:
of participants in the study will require a total of
21677: 21653: 21500: 21392: 21227: 21160: 21087: 20923: 20898: 20815: 20715: 20635: 20593: 20567: 20171: 19964: 19857: 19731: 19601: 19515: 19331: 19232: 19036: 18943: 18900: 18176: 18075: 18033: 17991: 17859: 17716: 17392: 17292: 17076: 17040: 16850: 15693: 15617: 15564: 15511: 15360: 15245: 15109: 14942: 14536: 14460: 14237: 14159: 14084: 13670: 13492: 13455: 13349: 13167: 12911: 12842: 12813: 12779: 12596: 12517: 12383: 12353: 12324: 12241: 12186: 12160: 12040: 11988: 11946: 11917: 11879: 11721: 11676: 11548: 11497: 11467: 11430: 11388: 11357: 11315: 11284: 11257: 11227: 11201: 11174: 11154: 11127: 11094: 11066: 11035: 11009: 10982: 10962: 10935: 10902: 10847: 10801: 10775: 10745: 10719: 10673: 10627: 10601: 10558: 10529: 10217: 10124: 10088: 10055: 10019: 9993: 9967: 9788: 9588: 9559: 9532: 9499: 9469: 9438: 9416: 9390: 9364: 9337: 9317: 9286: 9133: 9104: 9019: 8920: 8833: 8796: 8761: 8723: 8574: 8541: 8498:
To begin with, we may consider a logistic model with
8457: 8366: 8196: 8084: 8048: 7390: 7195: 7053: 6918: 6862: 6835: 6668: 6625: 6560: 6523: 6496: 6205: 6124: 6101: 6073: 6044: 6011: 5978: 5947: 5917: 5888: 5862: 5818: 5798: 5693: 5507: 5468: 5436: 5416: 5386: 5338: 5311: 5288: 5259: 5152: 5103: 5051: 5028: 5004: 4984: 4961: 4856: 4840:{\displaystyle \sigma :\mathbb {R} \rightarrow (0,1)} 4807: 4775: 4734: 4687: 4658: 4604: 4570: 4407: 4372: 4246: 4167: 4096: 4014: 3985: 3953: 3922: 3865: 3807: 3760: 3723: 3683: 3652: 3618: 3587: 3469: 3363: 3331: 3300: 3261: 3230: 3095: 2831: 2788: 2757: 2726: 2699: 2628: 2562: 2440: 2393: 2362: 2327: 2294: 2261: 2228: 2195: 2162: 2129: 2096: 2063: 2032: 1875: 1843: 1790: 1759: 1718: 1687: 1656: 1605: 1522: 1471: 1418: 1369: 1313: 1221: 1167: 1076: 991: 965: 33969:
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH)
31340: 31328: 30786: 29604: 29358:. The logistic function was developed as a model of 29233: 26430:
are the appropriate Lagrange multipliers. There are
Exponential family § Maximum entropy derivation
uses a test statistic that asymptotically follows a
The fitting process consists of choosing a value of
16815: 11940:. It can be seen that, as required, the sum of the 9771:
As in the simple example above, finding the optimum
2718:, and the best fit is obtained for those choices of 1045:
Graph of a logistic regression curve fitted to the (
31304: 31280: 31256: 31244: 31232: 30922: 25772:{\displaystyle p_{nk}=p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}}_{k})} 25263:solution. This is a case of a general property: an 25220:is the Bernoulli-distributed response variable and 25036:
membership in one of a limited number of categories
23267:, the maximum log-likelihood for the null model is 21995:may be introduced, in which it is assumed that the 11911:will have their own set of regression coefficients 11278:on the log-odds is twice as great as the effect of 7287:are assumed to depend on the explanatory variables 1143:{\displaystyle p(x)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-(x-\mu )/s}}}} 33431: 30523: 30438: 29839: 29264: 29218: 29187: 29149: 28618: 28576: 28429: 28160: 28037: 27996: 27955: 27874: 27761: 27734: 27695: 27636: 27607: 27578: 27545: 27514: 27482: 27452: 27421: 27387: 27355: 27214: 27155: 27070: 27029: 26929: 26725: 26616: 26486: 26412: 26194: 26044: 25923: 25771: 25710: 25659: 25631: 25540: 25497: 25468: 25438: 25384: 25349: 25318: 25207: 25130: 25014: 24985: 24962: 24824: 24797: 24770: 24722: 24594: 24478: 24265: 24145: 24080: 23993: 23923: 23848: 23807: 23741: 23601: 23533: 23503: 23426: 23396: 23255: 23212: 23060: 23014: 22937: 22908: 22745: 22693: 22665: 22631: 22561: 22532: 22468: 22398: 22294: 22255: 22228: 22188: 22168: 22136: 22099: 21981: 21942: 21822: 21736:Deviance and likelihood ratio test ─ a simple case 21714: 21683: 21659: 21556: 21515: 21458: 21375: 21210: 21146: 21070: 20906: 20884: 20801: 20701: 20605: 20579: 20480: 20151: 19944: 19812: 19677: 19561: 19456: 19270: 19215: 19016: 18926: 18883: 18137: 18061: 18019: 17974: 17831: 17696: 17372: 17258:is to ensure that the resulting distribution over 17243: 17055: 17019: 16623: 15676: 15596: 15549: 15457: 15340: 15214: 15089: 14893: 14516: 14362: 14197: 14139: 14024: 13642: 13468: 13373: 13320: 13147: 12858: 12828: 12795: 12762: 12545: 12500: 12366: 12339: 12295: 12227: 12172: 12143: 12012: 11970: 11932: 11903: 11862: 11706: 11662: 11509: 11479: 11442: 11411: 11374: 11327: 11297: 11270: 11243: 11213: 11187: 11160: 11140: 11113: 11078: 11048: 11021: 10995: 10968: 10948: 10921: 10887: 10833: 10787: 10761: 10731: 10705: 10659: 10613: 10580: 10541: 10507: 10202: 10107: 10074: 10041: 10005: 9979: 9929: 9760: 9571: 9545: 9514: 9481: 9455: 9424: 9402: 9376: 9350: 9323: 9299: 9268: 9116: 9083: 8992: 8905: 8814: 8767: 8736: 8702: 8553: 8487: 8407: 8228: 8179: 8063: 7871: 7207: 7178: 7033: 6898: 6848: 6813: 6654: 6583: 6543: 6509: 6479: 6171: 6107: 6079: 6050: 6027: 5991: 5962: 5932: 5903: 5868: 5842: 5804: 5789:In the above equations, the terms are as follows: 5773: 5673: 5490: 5454:Definition of the inverse of the logistic function 5442: 5422: 5399: 5372: 5324: 5294: 5274: 5242: 5135: 5086: 5034: 5010: 4990: 4967: 4937: 4839: 4781: 4740: 4720: 4673: 4616: 4582: 4422: 4384: 4297: 4229: 4147: 4079: 3997: 3966: 3935: 3898: 3850: 3779: 3745: 3696: 3665: 3631: 3600: 3568: 3452: 3344: 3313: 3274: 3243: 3195: 3071: 2797: 2770: 2739: 2708: 2680: 2614: 2541: 2418: 2375: 2346: 2313: 2280: 2247: 2214: 2181: 2148: 2115: 2076: 2045: 2009: 1856: 1803: 1772: 1747:are the probabilities that they will be zero (see 1737: 1700: 1669: 1640: 1549: 1508: 1445: 1404: 1343: 1296: 1196: 1142: 1009: 977: 30633: 30627: 30606: 30356: 30033: 29858:Boyd, C. R.; Tolson, M. A.; Copes, W. S. (1987). 27395:are not all independent. We can add any constant 23958:and so we can conclude that the inclusion of the 22426:data points are randomly assigned to the various 20809:and expected value of the Bernoulli distribution 20327: 20307: 20238: 20218: 13335:, which predicts variables with various types of 9384:for a given observation, or the probability that 6614: 16:Statistical model for a binary dependent variable 34384: 31129:Pohar, Maja; Blas, Mateja; Turk, Sandra (2004). 30923:Cohen, Jacob; Cohen, Patricia; West, Steven G.; 29039: 28991: 28959: 28912: 28823: 28787: 28706: 28536: 28261: 28217: 28052: 28011: 27895: 27842: 26434:normalization constraints which may be written: 25801:The first contribution to the Lagrangian is the 21730: 20172: 19037: 18181: 18104: 18076: 18034: 17992: 17860: 17717: 17544: 17397: 17161: 17081: 16942: 16861: 16507: 16448: 16376: 16278: 16169: 16041: 15915: 15828: 15747: 15698: 15274: 15246: 14928: 14925:to model mis-specifications or erroneous data). 14803:(because the logistic distribution is symmetric) 14756: 14701: 14643: 14588: 14541: 14461: 13671: 12885: 7914:, the probability of the outcome of 1 for trial 7733: 7576: 5784: 2431:These can be combined into a single expression: 200:. More abstractly, the logistic function is the 33517:Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) 31865:Econometrics of Qualitative Dependent Variables 31730: 31684:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 31407:Journal of the American Statistical Association 30426:. Institute for Digital Research and Education. 29857: 29470: 25144:in this kind of generalized linear model, i.e. 19317: 14044:. This formulation is common in the theory of 12024:is termed the "pivot index", and the log-odds ( 10769:. Similarly, the probability of the event that 7278:As in linear regression, the outcome variables 5136:{\displaystyle p:\mathbb {R} \rightarrow (0,1)} 2681:{\displaystyle {\big (}y_{k},(1-y_{k}){\big )}} 2615:{\displaystyle {\big (}p_{k},(1-p_{k}){\big )}} 31471:Bliss, C. I. (1934). "The Method of Probits". 30670:Machine Learning – A Probabilistic Perspective 29767: 29512:linked the multinomial logit to the theory of 29366:in the 1830s and 1840s, under the guidance of 27644:to 1, and the beta coefficients were given by 23849:{\displaystyle {\hat {\ell }}=-8.02988\ldots } 23025:The log-odds for the null model are given by: 21557:{\textstyle \Phi ({\sqrt {\frac {\pi }{8}}}x)} 20617:(IRLS), which is equivalent to maximizing the 16733:These intuitions can be expressed as follows: 15684:We can demonstrate the equivalent as follows: 14399:. In the latter case, the resulting value of 5407:to another, though they are independent given 2552:This expression is more formally known as the 744: 32072: 31822:. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 267–359. 31678:Pearl, Raymond; Reed, Lowell J. (June 1920). 31605:"The Case of Zero Survivors in Probit Assays" 31128: 30362: 30029: 30027: 17254:In this form it is clear that the purpose of 14035: 13409:, which is equivalent to placing a zero-mean 12347:and their categorical outcomes be denoted by 8229:{\displaystyle \beta _{0},\ldots ,\beta _{m}} 2673: 2631: 2607: 2565: 1679:are the probabilities that the corresponding 653: 31998:Berry, Michael J.A.; Linoff, Gordon (1997). 31836: 31043: 31041: 30643:Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 29810: 29768:Hosmer, David W.; Lemeshow, Stanley (2000). 29695: 29332:or error distributions can be used instead. 28440:Typically, the log likelihood is maximized, 27991: 27979: 27637:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{0}} 27608:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}} 27579:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{0}} 27546:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}} 27453:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}} 27388:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\lambda }}_{n}} 25783:-th measurement, the categorical outcome is 25669:possible values of the categorical variable 25626: 25572: 25433: 25409: 25287:In order to show this, we use the method of 23256:{\displaystyle p_{\varphi }={\overline {y}}} 19688: 14212:that is distributed according to a standard 12306:The log-likelihood that a particular set of 8987: 8929: 8900: 8842: 8287:, an additional explanatory pseudo-variable 7930:The second line expresses the fact that the 2822:its inverse, the (positive) log-likelihood: 31997: 29928:Journal of the American College of Surgeons 24832:if we know the true prevalence as follows: 24608: 22295:{\displaystyle \varepsilon _{\varphi }^{2}} 22169:{\displaystyle \varepsilon _{\varphi }^{2}} 20557:Iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) 18138:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=0)+\Pr(Y_{i}=1)=1} 12180:, the two-category case is recovered, with 6909:Again, the more traditional equations are: 1509:{\displaystyle \mu =-\beta _{0}/\beta _{1}} 32117: 32079: 32065: 31944:Statistical Methods for Psychology, 7th ed 31855: 31098:Lecture Notes on Generalized Linear Models 30024: 29806: 29804: 26940:Using the more condensed vector notation: 24004: 22632:{\displaystyle p(x)={\frac {1}{1+e^{-t}}}} 22144:of the fit to the null model, denoted by 21628: 19693:A closely related model assumes that each 19562:{\displaystyle y={\frac {1}{1+e^{-f(X)}}}} 18069:cannot be independently specified: rather 17846:. This general formulation is exactly the 12829:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{n}} 11933:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\beta }}_{n}} 11531:, conditional on the vector of covariates 10667:. By exponentiating, we can see that when 8435:Many explanatory variables, two categories 8038:of the explanatory variables and a set of 4626:§ Deviance and likelihood ratio tests 3899:{\displaystyle s=1/\beta _{1}\approx 0.67} 660: 646: 32730: 32028:Econometrics Lecture (topic: Logit model) 31980: 31775: 31765: 31713: 31703: 31677: 31094: 31038: 30954:"Measures of fit for logistic regression" 30855: 30845: 30804: 30763: 30720: 30710: 30577: 30575: 30573: 30571: 30569: 30567: 30565: 30553: 30400: 29875: 29763: 29403: 29284:because logistic regression predicts the 27615:which set the exponential term involving 25271:of the Bernoulli distribution (it is in " 25124: 23305: 22919:For the null model, the probability that 21999:variable is of no use in predicting the y 21982:{\displaystyle {\hat {\varepsilon }}^{2}} 21667:explanatory variables for an event (e.g. 20474: 20145: 20025: 20019: 19978: 19938: 19920: 19914: 19873: 19742: 19674: 19453: 16695:Learn how and when to remove this message 15082: 15012: 14194: 14136: 13495: 13179: 12923: 12457: 7487: 6062: 5111: 4815: 4652:Figure 1. The standard logistic function 3141: 2978: 31361: 31209: 31163: 30918: 30916: 30914: 30912: 30910: 30908: 30906: 30904: 30902: 30900: 30821: 30524:{\displaystyle \Delta (n,y)=1-(y-n)^{2}} 30155: 30122: 29761: 29759: 29757: 29755: 29753: 29751: 29749: 29747: 29745: 29743: 24741: 24625: 22746:{\displaystyle t=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x} 21473: 20613:) can, for example, be calculated using 19322:The model has an equivalent formulation 12013:{\displaystyle p_{0}({\boldsymbol {x}})} 11971:{\displaystyle p_{n}({\boldsymbol {x}})} 11904:{\displaystyle p_{0}({\boldsymbol {x}})} 9331:. The above formula shows that once the 8775:of the logarithm is usually taken to be 8424: 7330:, etc. The main distinction is between 7314:The explanatory variables may be of any 6191: 5812:is the logit function. The equation for 5087:{\displaystyle t=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x} 4948:A graph of the logistic function on the 4647: 2020:The log loss can be interpreted as the " 1405:{\displaystyle y=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x} 1040: 237:§ Comparison with linear regression 25: 31813: 31794: 31433: 31404: 31173:Correspondance Mathématique et Physique 31115:An Introduction to Statistical Learning 31028: 31026: 31004: 30436: 30095: 30039:Statistical Models: Theory and Practice 29801: 29532:There are large numbers of extensions: 29522:independence of irrelevant alternatives 29482: 29478: 27683: 27668: 27653: 27624: 27595: 27566: 27533: 27440: 27375: 27338: 27323: 27282: 27267: 27215:{\displaystyle Z_{k}=e^{1+\alpha _{k}}} 27126: 27111: 27017: 27002: 26487:{\displaystyle \sum _{n=0}^{N}p_{nk}=1} 25756: 25559: 24751:correct in the general population, the 24647:. The Wald statistic, analogous to the 24565: 23061:{\displaystyle t_{\varphi }=\beta _{0}} 22505:, or its logarithm, the log-likelihood 21162: 21053: 20426: 20359: 20126: 19258: 19243: 19234: 19170: 19115: 19074: 18951: 18903: 18844: 18807: 18772: 18720: 18683: 18617: 18513: 18449: 18386: 18325: 18274: 18225: 17935: 17905: 17799: 17754: 17657: 17620: 17585: 17510: 17473: 17438: 17343: 17306: 17210: 17130: 16976: 16895: 16574: 16520: 16464: 16426: 16383: 16304: 16289: 16195: 16180: 16084: 16054: 15973: 15925: 15537: 15522: 15513: 15044: 14974: 14836: 14776: 14724: 14650: 14317: 14104: 13998: 13958: 13906: 13872: 13818: 13784: 13616: 13570: 13421:(IRLS) or, more commonly these days, a 13299: 12816: 12734: 12482: 12327: 12286: 12256: 12218: 12194: 12137: 12123: 12104: 12081: 12003: 11961: 11920: 11894: 11851: 11837: 11787: 11736: 11651: 11637: 11596: 11582: 11563: 11402: 11365: 10595:. It is the log-odds of the event that 10259: 10240: 10232: 9901: 9746: 9742: 9654: 9650: 9502: 9446: 9418: 9235: 9227: 9194: 9186: 9167: 9159: 9141: 9071: 8922: 8835: 8383: 7943:is equal to the probability of success 4952:-interval (−6,6) is shown in Figure 1. 3213: 1212:. This expression may be rewritten as: 244: 34385: 34043:Kaplan–Meier estimator (product limit) 31941: 31922: 31881: 31631: 31602: 31579: 31556: 31349: 31334: 31322: 31310: 31298: 31286: 31274: 31262: 31250: 31238: 31197: 31151: 30969: 30878: 30872: 30667: 30581: 30562: 30539: 30441:The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics 30149: 30091: 30089: 30087: 29845: 29795: 29447: 29435: 29355: 27742:being 0 or 1 given experimental data. 25779:which is the probability that for the 24778:parameters are all correct except for 24100:can be shown to follow an approximate 21830:. The fit is obtained by choosing the 19848:, this model is expressed as follows: 17271:, i.e. it sums to 1. This means that 14904:This formulation—which is standard in 12154:Note also that for the simple case of 11412:{\displaystyle 1-p({\boldsymbol {x}})} 10549:. This can be interpreted as follows: 8340:are then grouped into a single vector 7884:The meanings of these four lines are: 6655:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x} 4594:-value for logistic regression is the 3746:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}\approx -4.1} 3714:using the above data are found to be: 34116: 33683: 33430: 32729: 32499: 32116: 32060: 31900: 31839:Handbook of the Logistic Distribution 31648: 31470: 31047: 30897: 30182: 29740: 29669:implementation of logistic regression 29565:dependent variables (ordered values). 29505: 29427: 27490:probabilities so that there are only 23937:of significance, the integral of the 22229:{\displaystyle b_{0}={\overline {y}}} 21211:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\mu }}=} 19506:) is computed from the general form: 13653:The formula can also be written as a 12340:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}} 10523:is the probability of the event that 9515:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {x}}_{k}} 9010:=1. The logit may now be written as: 8451:and any number of categorical values 3780:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}\approx 1.5} 34353: 34053:Accelerated failure time (AFT) model 31023: 29324:of errors and the second a standard 28038:{\displaystyle \Pr(y\mid X;\theta )} 27718:Logistic regression is an important 21671:) expected to occur in a proportion 21459:{\displaystyle \mathbf {y} (i)=^{T}} 20802:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} (i)=^{T}} 20615:iteratively reweighted least squares 16663:Relevant discussion may be found on 16640: 13419:iteratively reweighted least squares 11375:{\displaystyle p({\boldsymbol {x}})} 9456:{\displaystyle p({\boldsymbol {x}})} 8311:The resulting explanatory variables 209: 34365: 33648:Analysis of variance (ANOVA, anova) 32500: 31884:Econometric Analysis, fifth edition 31544: 31512: 30951: 30084: 29501: 29494: 27706: 27431:-dimensional vector to each of the 25446:, and the data points are given by 24496: 24020:Deviance and likelihood ratio tests 23764:data points in the proposed model. 20500:Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) 19707:independent identically distributed 18149:, in that multiple combinations of 13374:{\displaystyle (-\infty ,+\infty )} 9003:with an added explanatory variable 5462:(log odds) function as the inverse 4753:Definition of the logistic function 4721:{\displaystyle \sigma (t)\in (0,1)} 4478: 126:, hence the alternative names. See 110:for the log-odds scale is called a 13: 33743:Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel statistics 32369:Pearson product-moment correlation 31946:. Belmont, CA; Thomson Wadsworth. 31621:10.1111/j.1744-7348.1935.tb07713.x 31560:The origins of logistic regression 31530:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1958.tb00292.x 31210:Verhulst, Pierre-François (1845). 31164:Verhulst, Pierre-François (1838). 31072: 30945: 30472: 30216:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000083 29543:) handles the case of a multi-way 29426:, who coined the term "probit" in 29422:was developed and systematized by 28905: 28885: 28780: 28760: 28661: 27460:without changing the value of the 26761: 26754: 26749: 26703: 26680: 26657: 26646: 26510: 26369: 26241: 26151: 26076: 26068: 25992: 25818: 25439:{\displaystyle k=\{1,2,\dots ,K\}} 25246: 25228:values are the linear parameters. 25159: 23994:{\displaystyle 1-D\approx 99.94\%} 23988: 21530: 20311: 20222: 19661: 19651: 19616: 19606: 19278:will produce equivalent results.) 14075:) that is distributed as follows: 13365: 13356: 12877: 12657: 12608: 12600: 12518: 12432: 10888:{\displaystyle 1/(1000+1)=1/1001.} 9800: 9792: 6210: 6207: 5097:And the general logistic function 4631: 3487: 3479: 3381: 3373: 1344:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}=-\mu /s} 1161:(the midpoint of the curve, where 224: 14: 34414: 32008: 30883:(Fifth ed.). Prentice-Hall. 30143:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2005.07.005 29234:Comparison with linear regression 25022:is the prevalence in the sample. 24638: 24426:likelihood of the saturated model 24406:likelihood of the saturated model 24362:likelihood of the saturated model 24343:likelihood of the saturated model 24252:likelihood of the saturated model 24209:likelihood of the saturated model 24071:likelihood of the saturated model 23616:of a logistic regression fit as: 20702:{\displaystyle \mathbf {w} ^{T}=} 11873:Each of the probabilities except 11452:explanatory variables (including 9522:as the explanatory vector of the 9425:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {x}}} 8755:. In most applications, the base 8270:are grouped into a single vector 6182: 6058:denotes the exponential function. 5332:are not identically distributed: 4975:is a linear function of a single 4598:(LRT), which for these data give 3288:is to require the derivatives of 1751:). We wish to find the values of 189: 157:. If the multiple categories are 142: 34364: 34352: 34340: 34327: 34326: 34117: 32014: 31968:Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 31908:. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 31799:. New York: Wiley-Interscience. 31552:. London: Wiley. pp. 55–71. 30834:BMC Medical Research Methodology 30793:American Journal of Epidemiology 30751:Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 30699:BMC Medical Research Methodology 30263:10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01894.x 30010:10.1001/jama.1993.03510240069035 29975:10.1097/00003246-199510000-00007 29877:10.1097/00005373-198704000-00005 29607: 29477:over many decades, beginning in 29372:Logistic function § History 29304:, these differ in the choice of 27232:and write the probabilities as: 24276:Then the difference of both is: 24146:{\displaystyle \chi _{s-p}^{2},} 22533:{\displaystyle \varepsilon ^{2}} 22498:variable in the proposed model. 22419:We can imagine a case where the 22137:{\displaystyle \varepsilon ^{2}} 21394: 21229: 21154:is a diagonal weighting matrix, 21089: 21044: 21030: 21024: 21013: 20996: 20976: 20965: 20953: 20926: 20900: 20864: 20853: 20717: 20638: 20494: 20435: 20368: 20199: 20135: 20028: 19923: 19185: 19130: 19089: 18996: 18987: 18966: 18917: 18859: 18822: 18787: 18735: 18698: 18661: 18652: 18632: 18598: 18589: 18555: 18546: 18528: 18491: 18482: 18464: 18428: 18419: 18401: 18351: 18339: 18300: 18288: 18251: 18239: 17950: 17920: 17814: 17769: 17672: 17635: 17600: 17525: 17488: 17453: 17383:and the resulting equations are 17358: 17321: 17225: 17145: 16991: 16910: 16645: 16583: 16529: 16473: 16392: 16322: 16213: 16099: 16069: 15988: 15940: 15886: 15799: 15725: 15059: 14989: 14845: 14785: 14733: 14659: 14620: 14568: 14437:cumulative distribution function 14326: 14113: 14007: 13967: 13915: 13881: 13827: 13793: 13698: 13625: 13579: 13521: 13308: 13205: 12870:-th explanatory variable of the 12546:{\displaystyle \Delta (n,y_{k})} 8392: 6899:{\displaystyle i=0,1,2,\dots ,m} 6584:{\displaystyle {\frac {ad}{bc}}} 6551:for every 1-unit increase in x. 5373:{\displaystyle P(Y_{i}=1\mid X)} 4617:{\displaystyle p\approx 0.00064} 627: 34002:Least-squares spectral analysis 31355: 31316: 31203: 31191: 31157: 31122: 31105: 31088: 31066: 30998: 30963: 30780: 30737: 30686: 30661: 30600: 30533: 30459: 30430: 30416: 30332: 30293: 30230: 30191: 30176: 30049: 29989: 29582:Conditional logistic regression 29537:Multinomial logistic regression 29291: 27555:multinomial logistic regression 27040:and dropping the primes on the 25514:will also be represented as an 25296:multinomial logistic regression 25224:is the predictor variable; the 25103: 25015:{\displaystyle {\tilde {\pi }}} 23534:{\displaystyle {\overline {y}}} 22256:{\displaystyle {\overline {y}}} 21218:the vector of expected values, 14408:will be smaller by a factor of 13407:a squared regularizing function 11346:Multinomial logistic regression 11148:by 1 increases the log-odds by 10956:by 1 increases the log-odds by 9432:, and estimate the probability 6115:of the predictors) as follows: 4638:Multinomial logistic regression 4423:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{2}}} 4385:{\displaystyle \mu \approx 2.7} 2419:{\displaystyle 0<p_{k}<1} 1573:for a logistic regression uses 948:) and the outcome of the test ( 672: 575:Least-squares spectral analysis 513:Generalized estimating equation 333:Multinomial logistic regression 308:Vector generalized linear model 247:, where he coined "logit"; see 166: 155:multinomial logistic regression 131: 127: 32983:Mean-unbiased minimum-variance 32086: 31927:. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. 31419:10.1080/01621459.1944.10500699 31101:. pp. Chapter 3, page 45. 30672:. The MIT Press. p. 245. 30512: 30499: 30487: 30475: 30098:Regression Modeling Strategies 29954: 29919: 29892: 29851: 29689: 29308:: the logistic model uses the 29282:logistic distribution function 29182: 29170: 29140: 29128: 29119: 29100: 29066: 29042: 29024: 28994: 28986: 28962: 28939: 28915: 28856: 28826: 28814: 28790: 28741: 28709: 28655: 28613: 28601: 28571: 28539: 28490: 28472: 28418: 28399: 28395: 28391: 28378: 28359: 28343: 28329: 28296: 28264: 28238: 28220: 28207: 28189: 28150: 28138: 28134: 28130: 28124: 28105: 28096: 28089: 28073: 28055: 28032: 28014: 27950: 27944: 27922: 27898: 27869: 27845: 27795: 27789: 27416: 27404: 27048:indices, and then solving for 26906: 26867: 26834: 26808: 26407: 26391: 26372: 26337: 26189: 26173: 26154: 26119: 26039: 26023: 26014: 25995: 25918: 25902: 25766: 25751: 25535: 25523: 25328:explanatory variables denoted 25173: 25167: 25006: 24951: 24932: 24068:likelihood of the fitted model 23909: 23897: 23881: 23872: 23828: 23781: 23736: 23724: 23708: 23699: 23670: 23651: 23587: 23571: 23391: 23388: 23369: 23360: 23341: 23335: 23322: 23302: 23284: 23202: 23183: 23174: 23155: 23149: 23136: 22971: 22965: 22898: 22895: 22882: 22870: 22861: 22842: 22836: 22833: 22820: 22814: 22660: 22654: 22595: 22589: 22562:{\displaystyle {\hat {\ell }}} 22553: 22387: 22360: 22319: 22085: 22058: 21967: 21928: 21878: 21823:{\displaystyle y=b_{0}+b_{1}x} 21551: 21533: 21510: 21504: 21447: 21437: 21431: 21422: 21416: 21410: 21404: 21398: 21340: 21334: 21319: 21313: 21286: 21280: 21265: 21259: 21205: 21196: 21190: 21181: 21175: 21169: 21141: 21138: 21135: 21129: 21117: 21114: 21108: 21102: 20874: 20868: 20825: 20819: 20790: 20780: 20774: 20758: 20752: 20733: 20727: 20721: 20696: 20651: 20279: 20259: 20209: 20175: 20070: 20057: 19778: 19752: 19709:trials, where the observation 19644: 19632: 19551: 19545: 19442: 19365: 19059: 19040: 18747: 18673: 18343: 18320: 18292: 18269: 18243: 18220: 18203: 18184: 18126: 18107: 18098: 18079: 18056: 18037: 18014: 17995: 17966: 17894: 17882: 17863: 17739: 17720: 17566: 17547: 17419: 17400: 17183: 17164: 17103: 17084: 16964: 16945: 16883: 16864: 16811:on income is effectively done. 16593: 16570: 16539: 16510: 16483: 16451: 16414: 16379: 16344: 16314: 16284: 16281: 16261: 16252: 16226: 16205: 16175: 16172: 16141: 16115: 16109: 16049: 15735: 15701: 15668: 15656: 15296: 15277: 15268: 15249: 15205: 15193: 15156: 15144: 14855: 14832: 14795: 14759: 14743: 14704: 14688: 14646: 14630: 14591: 14578: 14544: 14511: 14505: 14483: 14464: 14447:, which is the inverse of the 14191: 14179: 13753: 13733: 13708: 13674: 13589: 13566: 13531: 13503: 13368: 13350: 13243: 13230: 13218: 13215: 13187: 13174: 13016: 13003: 12991: 12988: 12931: 12918: 12744: 12729: 12679: 12660: 12540: 12521: 12495: 12492: 12477: 12464: 12454: 12435: 12290: 12282: 12260: 12252: 12222: 12214: 12198: 12190: 12108: 12100: 12085: 12077: 12007: 11999: 11965: 11957: 11898: 11890: 11791: 11783: 11740: 11732: 11707:{\displaystyle n=1,2,\dots ,N} 11567: 11559: 11406: 11398: 11369: 11361: 11195:increases by 1, the odds that 11003:increases by 1, the odds that 10868: 10856: 10497: 10438: 9954:explanatory variable from the 9911: 9896: 9755: 9752: 9737: 9725: 9709: 9690: 9663: 9660: 9645: 9639: 9450: 9442: 9263: 9257: 9145: 9137: 8809: 8797: 8488:{\displaystyle y=0,1,2,\dots } 8376: 8370: 8094: 8088: 8058: 8052: 7973:The third line writes out the 7860: 7848: 7844: 7824: 7799: 7736: 7642: 7579: 7552: 7495: 7478: 7465: 7168: 7080: 6615:Multiple explanatory variables 6544:{\displaystyle e^{\beta _{1}}} 6417: 6405: 6360: 6354: 6340: 6334: 6314: 6302: 6288: 6276: 6255: 6249: 6238: 6226: 5957: 5951: 5927: 5921: 5898: 5892: 5837: 5834: 5828: 5822: 5726: 5720: 5706: 5700: 5629: 5623: 5609: 5603: 5581: 5575: 5560: 5557: 5551: 5545: 5526: 5523: 5517: 5511: 5491:{\displaystyle g=\sigma ^{-1}} 5367: 5342: 5269: 5263: 5232: 5203: 5177: 5171: 5162: 5156: 5130: 5118: 5115: 4866: 4860: 4834: 4822: 4819: 4715: 4703: 4697: 4691: 4668: 4662: 3909: 3553: 3527: 3447: 3421: 3190: 3171: 3061: 3042: 3033: 3014: 3008: 2995: 2946: 2927: 2886: 2873: 2668: 2649: 2602: 2583: 2556:of the predicted distribution 2533: 2514: 2505: 2486: 2338: 2272: 1974: 1955: 1641:{\displaystyle p_{k}=p(x_{k})} 1635: 1622: 1550:{\displaystyle s=1/\beta _{1}} 1446:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}=1/s} 1286: 1257: 1231: 1225: 1177: 1171: 1124: 1112: 1086: 1080: 1: 34296:Geographic information system 33512:Simultaneous equations models 31982:10.1016/s0895-4356(96)00236-3 31816:"Qualitative Response Models" 31651:International Economic Review 30765:10.1016/s0895-4356(96)00236-3 29940:10.1016/S1072-7515(00)00758-4 29683: 29527: 29471:Wilson & Worcester (1943) 29440:maximum likelihood estimation 29219:{\displaystyle D_{\text{KL}}} 25025: 24153:chi-square distribution with 22701:. The log-odds are given by: 21731:Error and significance of fit 21568:of the logistic distribution. 20506:maximum likelihood estimation 16828:Here, instead of writing the 14929:Two-way latent-variable model 14055:Imagine that, for each trial 13395:maximum likelihood estimation 12886:As a generalized linear model 10834:{\displaystyle x_{1}=x_{2}=0} 10706:{\displaystyle x_{1}=x_{2}=0} 10660:{\displaystyle x_{1}=x_{2}=0} 10581:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}=-3} 10042:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}=-3} 7888:The first line expresses the 7218: 5785:Interpretation of these terms 4761:. The logistic function is a 4643: 3208:maximum likelihood estimation 3082:or equivalently maximize the 2622:from the actual distribution 394:Nonlinear mixed-effects model 217:maximum-likelihood estimation 33479:Coefficient of determination 33090:Uniformly most powerful test 32042:Logistic Regression tutorial 30621:10.1016/0304-4076(81)90060-9 30070:10.1016/0021-9681(67)90082-3 29337:linear discriminant analysis 27997:{\displaystyle Y\in \{0,1\}} 24462:likelihood of the null model 23526: 23489: 23473: 23383: 23355: 23330: 23311: 23248: 22368: 22248: 22221: 21756:distributed, which allows a 21619:variational Bayesian methods 20907:{\displaystyle \mathbf {w} } 20561:Binary logistic regression ( 19318:As a single-layer perceptron 18062:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=1)} 18020:{\displaystyle \Pr(Y_{i}=0)} 17279:, the probabilities become " 16634: 11114:{\displaystyle \beta _{2}=2} 10922:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}=1} 10108:{\displaystyle \beta _{2}=2} 10075:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}=1} 9094:Solving for the probability 8247:The regression coefficients 8071:for a particular data point 8021:by modeling the probability 6829:explanators; the parameters 5380:differs from one data point 1453:(inverse scale parameter or 248: 135: 134:for formal mathematics, and 32: 7: 34048:Proportional hazards models 33992:Spectral density estimation 33974:Vector autoregression (VAR) 33408:Maximum posterior estimator 32640:Randomized controlled trial 31925:Applied logistic regression 31882:Greene, William H. (2003). 31594:10.1016/j.shpsc.2004.09.003 30931:(3rd ed.). Routledge. 30879:Greene, William N. (2003). 30584:Applied Logistic Regression 30183:Berry, Michael J.A (1997). 30058:Journal of Chronic Diseases 29770:Applied Logistic Regression 29673:Local case-control sampling 29600: 29555:Ordered logistic regression 29456:Probit model § History 29228:Kullback–Leibler divergence 28648: 25692:, that the outcome will be 25392:. There will be a total of 25294:As in the above section on 24993:is the true prevalence and 23071:and the log-likelihood is: 22756:and the log-likelihood is: 22014:with a squared error term: 21469: 19312:natural language processing 16675:the claims made and adding 15232:(0,1) is a standard type-1 12796:{\displaystyle \beta _{nm}} 11539:, these probabilities are: 10713:the odds of the event that 8748:) is not restricted to the 6028:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}x} 4292:Probability of passing exam 4142:Probability of passing exam 2055:relative to the prediction 1197:{\displaystyle p(\mu )=1/2} 751:supervised machine learning 745:Supervised machine learning 731:natural language processing 596:Mean and predicted response 163:ordinal logistic regression 10: 34419: 33808:Multivariate distributions 32228:Average absolute deviation 31906:Logistic Regression Models 31636:. H.M. Stationery Office. 31495:10.1126/science.79.2037.38 31397: 31005:Harrell, Frank E. 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The likelihood function 22270:values, and the optimized 21741:the model will simply be " 21632: 21516:{\displaystyle \sigma (x)} 16491:(now, same as above model) 15492:extreme value distribution 15234:extreme value distribution 14036:As a latent-variable model 13469:{\displaystyle e^{\beta }} 13432:The interpretation of the 11343: 9351:{\displaystyle \beta _{m}} 8737:{\displaystyle \beta _{i}} 8008:, as in the previous line. 6849:{\displaystyle \beta _{i}} 6510:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 5992:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 4674:{\displaystyle \sigma (t)} 3967:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 3936:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 3697:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 3666:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 3632:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 3601:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 3345:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 3314:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 3275:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 3244:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 2814:Alternatively, instead of 2771:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 2740:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 2347:{\displaystyle p_{k}\to 1} 2281:{\displaystyle p_{k}\to 0} 1804:{\displaystyle \beta _{1}} 1773:{\displaystyle \beta _{0}} 766: 761: 753:algorithm widely used for 677: 389:Linear mixed-effects model 171:statistical classification 18: 34322: 34276: 34213: 34166: 34129: 34125: 34112: 34084: 34066: 34033: 34024: 33982: 33929: 33890: 33839: 33830: 33796:Structural equation model 33751: 33708: 33704: 33679: 33638: 33604: 33558: 33525: 33487: 33454: 33450: 33426: 33366: 33275: 33194: 33158: 33149: 33132:Score/Lagrange multiplier 33117: 33070: 33015: 32941: 32932: 32742: 32738: 32725: 32684: 32658: 32610: 32565: 32547:Sample size determination 32512: 32508: 32495: 32399: 32354: 32328: 32310: 32266: 32218: 32138: 32129: 32125: 32112: 32094: 31942:Howell, David C. 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(2002). 30106:10.1007/978-3-319-19425-7 29302:generalized linear models 27586:was subtracted from each 24595:{\displaystyle \chi ^{2}} 23541:is again the mean of the 21386:The regressor matrix and 19689:In terms of binomial data 19473:artificial neural network 15502:following substitutions: 15490:The choice of the type-1 13659:probability mass function 13445:for a unit change in the 13337:probability distributions 11489:categories, we will need 9961:Consider an example with 8418:using the notation for a 8032:linear predictor function 8013:Linear predictor function 7975:probability mass function 4320: 4313: 3790:which yields a value for 1857:{\displaystyle \ell _{k}} 749:Logistic regression is a 737:and safer design for the 727:Conditional random fields 555:Least absolute deviations 34291:Environmental statistics 33813:Elliptical distributions 33606:Generalized linear model 33535:Simple linear regression 33305:Hodges–Lehmann estimator 32762:Probability distribution 32671:Stochastic approximation 32233:Coefficient of variation 31632:Gaddum, John H. 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The selection of 11422:In general, if we have 11251:Note how the effect of 11244:{\displaystyle 10^{2}.} 10762:{\displaystyle 10^{-3}} 9987:explanatory variables, 9493:measurements, defining 8565:explanatory variables: 8502:explanatory variables, 8238:regression coefficients 8040:regression coefficients 7366:are described as being 7357:Formally, the outcomes 6517:: The odds multiply by 5970:ranges between 0 and 1. 5843:{\displaystyle g(p(x))} 5253:In the logistic model, 5143:can now be written as: 4847:is defined as follows: 4583:{\displaystyle p=0.017} 2314:{\displaystyle y_{k}=0} 2248:{\displaystyle y_{k}=1} 2215:{\displaystyle y_{k}=0} 2182:{\displaystyle p_{k}=0} 2149:{\displaystyle y_{k}=1} 2116:{\displaystyle p_{k}=1} 1738:{\displaystyle 1-p_{k}} 1363:-intercept of the line 735:disaster managing plans 34347:Mathematics portal 34168:Engineering statistics 34076:Nelson–Aalen estimator 33653:Analysis of covariance 33540:Ordinary least squares 33464:Pearson product-moment 32868:Statistical functional 32779:Empirical distribution 32612:Controlled experiments 32341:Frequency distribution 32119:Descriptive statistics 31923:Hosmer, David (2013). 31861:"The Simple Dichotomy" 31841:. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 31603:Fisher, R. A. (1935). 31557:Cramer, J. S. (2002). 31118:. Springer. p. 6. 31095:Rodríguez, G. (2007). 31009:. New York: Springer. 30586:(2nd ed.). SAGE. 30525: 30402:10.1098/rsta.1933.0009 30204:Natural Hazards Review 29963:Critical Care Medicine 29710:10.1001/jama.2016.7653 29408:L. Gustave du Pasquier 29274:Bernoulli distribution 29266: 29242:and thus analogous to 29220: 29189: 29151: 28699: 28620: 28578: 28529: 28431: 28162: 28039: 27998: 27957: 27876: 27763: 27736: 27697: 27638: 27609: 27580: 27547: 27516: 27484: 27483:{\displaystyle p_{nk}} 27454: 27423: 27389: 27357: 27315: 27216: 27157: 27072: 27071:{\displaystyle p_{nk}} 27031: 26970: 26931: 26866: 26727: 26618: 26595: 26553: 26488: 26464: 26414: 26336: 26302: 26281: 26196: 26118: 26046: 25991: 25970: 25925: 25882: 25861: 25773: 25712: 25661: 25633: 25542: 25499: 25470: 25469:{\displaystyle x_{mk}} 25440: 25386: 25351: 25320: 25209: 25132: 25016: 24987: 24964: 24826: 24799: 24772: 24724: 24596: 24480: 24267: 24147: 24082: 23995: 23925: 23850: 23809: 23743: 23603: 23535: 23505: 23428: 23398: 23257: 23214: 23114: 23062: 23016: 22939: 22910: 22792: 22747: 22695: 22667: 22633: 22563: 22534: 22470: 22400: 22359: 22296: 22257: 22230: 22190: 22170: 22138: 22101: 22057: 21983: 21944: 21877: 21824: 21716: 21685: 21661: 21594:posterior distribution 21582:Gaussian distributions 21569: 21558: 21517: 21482:with a scaled inverse 21460: 21377: 21212: 21148: 21072: 20908: 20886: 20803: 20703: 20607: 20581: 20482: 20153: 19946: 19814: 19679: 19563: 19458: 19272: 19217: 19018: 18928: 18885: 18139: 18063: 18021: 17976: 17833: 17698: 17374: 17245: 17057: 17056:{\displaystyle -\ln Z} 17021: 16625: 15678: 15598: 15551: 15496:rational choice theory 15459: 15342: 15216: 15091: 14895: 14518: 14439:(CDF) of the standard 14364: 14199: 14141: 14026: 13644: 13470: 13375: 13322: 13149: 12860: 12859:{\displaystyle x_{mk}} 12830: 12797: 12764: 12718: 12656: 12547: 12502: 12431: 12410: 12368: 12341: 12297: 12229: 12174: 12145: 12014: 11972: 11934: 11905: 11864: 11829: 11772: 11708: 11664: 11629: 11511: 11481: 11444: 11413: 11376: 11329: 11299: 11272: 11245: 11215: 11189: 11162: 11142: 11121:means that increasing 11115: 11080: 11050: 11049:{\displaystyle 10^{1}} 11023: 10997: 10970: 10950: 10929:means that increasing 10923: 10889: 10835: 10789: 10763: 10733: 10707: 10661: 10621:, when the predictors 10615: 10582: 10543: 10509: 10204: 10109: 10076: 10043: 10007: 9981: 9931: 9892: 9845: 9762: 9689: 9615: 9573: 9547: 9516: 9483: 9457: 9426: 9404: 9378: 9352: 9325: 9301: 9270: 9118: 9085: 9046: 8994: 8907: 8824:-dimensional vectors: 8816: 8769: 8738: 8704: 8555: 8489: 8431: 8409: 8230: 8181: 8065: 7903:Bernoulli distribution 7873: 7209: 7180: 7035: 6900: 6850: 6815: 6790: 6656: 6585: 6545: 6511: 6481: 6198: 6173: 6109: 6081: 6063:Definition of the odds 6052: 6029: 5993: 5964: 5934: 5905: 5870: 5844: 5806: 5775: 5675: 5492: 5458:We can now define the 5444: 5443:{\displaystyle \beta } 5430:and shared parameters 5424: 5401: 5374: 5326: 5296: 5276: 5244: 5137: 5088: 5036: 5012: 4992: 4969: 4939: 4841: 4783: 4749: 4742: 4722: 4675: 4618: 4584: 4424: 4386: 4299: 4231: 4149: 4081: 3999: 3968: 3937: 3900: 3852: 3781: 3747: 3698: 3667: 3633: 3602: 3570: 3526: 3454: 3420: 3346: 3315: 3276: 3245: 3197: 3073: 2972: 2799: 2798:{\displaystyle -\ell } 2772: 2741: 2710: 2709:{\displaystyle -\ell } 2682: 2616: 2543: 2420: 2385:is either 0 or 1, but 2377: 2348: 2315: 2282: 2249: 2216: 2183: 2150: 2117: 2086:, and is a measure of 2078: 2047: 2011: 1858: 1805: 1774: 1749:Bernoulli distribution 1739: 1702: 1671: 1642: 1564: 1551: 1510: 1447: 1406: 1345: 1298: 1198: 1144: 1060: 1011: 1010:{\displaystyle k=K=20} 979: 777: 699:coronary heart disease 634:Mathematics portal 560:Iteratively reweighted 229:ordinary least squares 210:§ Maximum entropy 206:Bernoulli distribution 138:for a worked example. 106:, hence the name. The 36: 34263:Population statistics 34205:System identification 33939:Autocorrelation (ACF) 33867:Exponential smoothing 33781:Discriminant analysis 33776:Canonical correlation 33640:Partition of variance 33502:Regression validation 33346:(Jonckheere–Terpstra) 33245:Likelihood-ratio test 32934:Frequentist inference 32846:Location–scale family 32767:Sampling distribution 32732:Statistical inference 32699:Cross-sectional study 32686:Observational studies 32645:Randomized experiment 32474:Stem-and-leaf display 32276:Central limit theorem 32053:for teaching purposes 31857:Gouriéroux, Christian 31820:Advanced Econometrics 31075:"CS229 Lecture Notes" 30526: 30340:"Logistic Regression" 29864:The Journal of Trauma 29633:Jarrow–Turnbull model 29594:observational studies 29549:polytomous regression 29322:logistic distribution 29278:Gaussian distribution 29267: 29221: 29190: 29152: 28679: 28621: 28619:{\displaystyle (x,y)} 28579: 28509: 28432: 28168:We now calculate the 28163: 28040: 27999: 27958: 27877: 27764: 27737: 27698: 27639: 27610: 27581: 27548: 27517: 27485: 27455: 27424: 27422:{\displaystyle (M+1)} 27390: 27358: 27295: 27217: 27158: 27073: 27032: 26950: 26932: 26846: 26728: 26619: 26575: 26533: 26489: 26444: 26415: 26316: 26282: 26261: 26197: 26098: 26047: 25971: 25950: 25926: 25862: 25841: 25774: 25713: 25673:ranging from 0 to N. 25662: 25634: 25550:-dimensional vector 25543: 25541:{\displaystyle (M+1)} 25500: 25498:{\displaystyle y_{k}} 25471: 25441: 25387: 25352: 25350:{\displaystyle x_{m}} 25321: 25210: 25133: 25017: 24988: 24965: 24827: 24800: 24773: 24742:Case-control sampling 24725: 24632:likelihood-ratio test 24626:Likelihood ratio test 24597: 24481: 24268: 24148: 24083: 24035:likelihood-ratio test 23996: 23926: 23851: 23810: 23744: 23604: 23536: 23506: 23429: 23399: 23258: 23215: 23094: 23063: 23017: 22940: 22911: 22772: 22748: 22696: 22668: 22634: 22564: 22535: 22471: 22469:{\displaystyle 2-1=1} 22401: 22339: 22297: 22258: 22231: 22191: 22171: 22139: 22102: 22037: 21984: 21945: 21857: 21825: 21717: 21715:{\displaystyle 10k/p} 21686: 21669:myocardial infarction 21662: 21559: 21518: 21477: 21461: 21378: 21213: 21149: 21073: 20909: 20887: 20804: 20704: 20623:Bernoulli distributed 20608: 20582: 20483: 20154: 19947: 19815: 19720:binomial distribution 19680: 19564: 19459: 19273: 19218: 19019: 18929: 18886: 18140: 18064: 18022: 17977: 17834: 17699: 17375: 17246: 17058: 17022: 16832:of the probabilities 16809:polynomial regression 16626: 15679: 15599: 15552: 15460: 15343: 15217: 15092: 14896: 14519: 14441:logistic distribution 14365: 14214:logistic distribution 14200: 14142: 14042:latent-variable model 14027: 13645: 13471: 13376: 13323: 13150: 12861: 12831: 12798: 12765: 12698: 12636: 12548: 12503: 12411: 12390: 12369: 12367:{\displaystyle y_{k}} 12342: 12298: 12230: 12175: 12146: 12015: 11973: 11935: 11906: 11865: 11809: 11752: 11709: 11665: 11609: 11512: 11482: 11445: 11414: 11377: 11330: 11300: 11298:{\displaystyle x_{1}} 11273: 11271:{\displaystyle x_{2}} 11246: 11216: 11190: 11188:{\displaystyle x_{2}} 11163: 11143: 11141:{\displaystyle x_{2}} 11116: 11081: 11051: 11024: 10998: 10996:{\displaystyle x_{1}} 10971: 10951: 10949:{\displaystyle x_{1}} 10924: 10890: 10836: 10790: 10764: 10734: 10708: 10662: 10616: 10583: 10544: 10510: 10205: 10110: 10077: 10044: 10008: 9982: 9932: 9872: 9825: 9763: 9669: 9595: 9574: 9548: 9546:{\displaystyle y_{k}} 9526:-th measurement, and 9517: 9484: 9458: 9427: 9405: 9379: 9353: 9326: 9302: 9300:{\displaystyle S_{b}} 9271: 9119: 9086: 9026: 8995: 8908: 8817: 8815:{\displaystyle (M+1)} 8770: 8739: 8705: 8556: 8490: 8428: 8422:between two vectors. 8410: 8231: 8182: 8066: 7874: 7368:Bernoulli-distributed 7310:Explanatory variables 7256:independent variables 7231:consists of a set of 7210: 7181: 7036: 6901: 6851: 6816: 6770: 6657: 6586: 6546: 6512: 6482: 6195: 6174: 6110: 6082: 6053: 6030: 5994: 5965: 5935: 5906: 5871: 5850:illustrates that the 5845: 5807: 5776: 5676: 5493: 5445: 5425: 5402: 5400:{\displaystyle X_{i}} 5375: 5327: 5325:{\displaystyle Y_{i}} 5297: 5277: 5245: 5138: 5089: 5037: 5013: 4993: 4970: 4940: 4842: 4784: 4743: 4723: 4676: 4651: 4619: 4596:likelihood-ratio test 4585: 4425: 4387: 4300: 4232: 4150: 4082: 4000: 3969: 3938: 3901: 3853: 3782: 3748: 3699: 3668: 3634: 3603: 3571: 3506: 3455: 3400: 3347: 3316: 3277: 3246: 3198: 3074: 2952: 2800: 2773: 2742: 2711: 2683: 2617: 2544: 2421: 2378: 2376:{\displaystyle y_{k}} 2349: 2316: 2283: 2250: 2217: 2184: 2151: 2118: 2079: 2077:{\displaystyle p_{k}} 2048: 2046:{\displaystyle y_{k}} 2012: 1859: 1831:The log loss for the 1806: 1775: 1740: 1703: 1701:{\displaystyle y_{k}} 1672: 1670:{\displaystyle p_{k}} 1643: 1569:The usual measure of 1552: 1511: 1448: 1407: 1346: 1299: 1199: 1145: 1044: 1012: 980: 773: 755:binary classification 705:, results of various 591:Regression validation 570:Bayesian multivariate 287:Polynomial regression 151:categorical variables 96:independent variables 65:independent variables 29: 34398:Predictive analytics 34186:Probabilistic design 33771:Principal components 33614:Exponential families 33566:Nonlinear regression 33545:General linear model 33507:Mixed effects models 33497:Errors and residuals 33474:Confounding variable 33376:Bayesian probability 33354:Van der Waerden test 33344:Ordered alternative 33109:Multiple comparisons 32988:Rao–Blackwellization 32951:Estimating equations 32907:Statistical distance 32625:Factorial experiment 32158:Arithmetic-Geometric 32023:at Wikimedia Commons 31767:10.1073/pnas.29.2.79 31705:10.1073/pnas.6.6.275 30881:Econometric Analysis 30469: 30387:(694–706): 289–337, 30187:. Wiley. p. 10. 29653:Hosmer–Lemeshow test 29463:Edwin Bidwell Wilson 29424:Chester Ittner Bliss 29250: 29203: 29164: 28637: 28598: 28447: 28179: 28049: 28008: 27970: 27892: 27776: 27753: 27726: 27648: 27619: 27590: 27561: 27528: 27500: 27464: 27435: 27401: 27370: 27239: 27173: 27085: 27052: 26947: 26743: 26641: 26504: 26441: 26235: 26062: 25941: 25812: 25722: 25696: 25645: 25554: 25520: 25482: 25450: 25400: 25363: 25334: 25304: 25289:Lagrange multipliers 25241:exponential function 25148: 25064: 25030:Like other forms of 24997: 24986:{\displaystyle \pi } 24977: 24839: 24809: 24782: 24755: 24658: 24579: 24572:Hosmer–Lemeshow test 24566:Hosmer–Lemeshow test 24283: 24167: 24116: 24044: 23970: 23860: 23819: 23771: 23623: 23562: 23518: 23441: 23411: 23274: 23227: 23078: 23032: 22952: 22923: 22763: 22708: 22679: 22666:{\displaystyle p(x)} 22648: 22583: 22544: 22517: 22513:is analogous to the 22448: 22309: 22274: 22240: 22200: 22180: 22148: 22121: 22021: 21957: 21841: 21785: 21695: 21675: 21651: 21527: 21498: 21390: 21225: 21158: 21085: 20921: 20896: 20813: 20713: 20633: 20591: 20565: 20169: 19962: 19855: 19729: 19599: 19513: 19479:. The derivative of 19329: 19230: 19034: 18941: 18898: 18174: 18073: 18031: 17989: 17857: 17714: 17390: 17290: 17074: 17038: 16848: 15691: 15615: 15562: 15509: 15358: 15243: 15107: 14940: 14534: 14458: 14235: 14157: 14082: 14071:(i.e. an unobserved 13668: 13490: 13453: 13403:maximum a posteriori 13347: 13165: 12909: 12840: 12811: 12777: 12594: 12515: 12381: 12351: 12322: 12239: 12184: 12158: 12038: 11986: 11978:over all categories 11944: 11915: 11877: 11719: 11674: 11546: 11527:will be in category 11495: 11465: 11428: 11386: 11355: 11313: 11282: 11255: 11225: 11199: 11172: 11152: 11125: 11092: 11064: 11033: 11007: 10980: 10960: 10933: 10900: 10845: 10799: 10773: 10743: 10717: 10671: 10625: 10599: 10556: 10527: 10215: 10122: 10086: 10053: 10017: 10006:{\displaystyle b=10} 9991: 9965: 9947:is the value of the 9786: 9586: 9557: 9530: 9497: 9467: 9436: 9414: 9388: 9362: 9335: 9315: 9284: 9131: 9102: 9017: 8918: 8831: 8794: 8759: 8721: 8717:is the log-odds and 8572: 8539: 8535:) of the event that 8455: 8364: 8283:For each data point 8194: 8082: 8064:{\displaystyle f(i)} 8046: 7388: 7332:continuous variables 7193: 7051: 6916: 6860: 6833: 6666: 6623: 6558: 6521: 6494: 6203: 6122: 6099: 6071: 6042: 6009: 5976: 5963:{\displaystyle p(x)} 5945: 5933:{\displaystyle p(x)} 5915: 5904:{\displaystyle p(x)} 5886: 5869:{\displaystyle \ln } 5860: 5816: 5796: 5691: 5505: 5466: 5434: 5414: 5384: 5336: 5309: 5286: 5275:{\displaystyle p(x)} 5257: 5150: 5101: 5049: 5026: 5002: 4982: 4977:explanatory variable 4959: 4854: 4805: 4773: 4732: 4685: 4656: 4602: 4568: 4405: 4370: 4244: 4165: 4094: 4012: 3983: 3951: 3920: 3863: 3805: 3758: 3721: 3681: 3650: 3616: 3585: 3467: 3361: 3329: 3298: 3259: 3228: 3214:Parameter estimation 3093: 2829: 2786: 2755: 2724: 2697: 2626: 2560: 2438: 2391: 2360: 2325: 2292: 2259: 2226: 2193: 2160: 2127: 2094: 2061: 2030: 1873: 1841: 1788: 1757: 1716: 1685: 1654: 1603: 1520: 1469: 1416: 1367: 1351:and is known as the 1311: 1219: 1165: 1074: 1031:categorical variable 1023:explanatory variable 989: 963: 616:Gauss–Markov theorem 611:Studentized residual 601:Errors and residuals 435:Principal components 405:Nonlinear regression 292:General linear model 225:§ Model fitting 221:linear least squares 34393:Logistic regression 34258:Official statistics 34181:Methods engineering 33862:Seasonal adjustment 33630:Poisson regressions 33550:Bayesian regression 33489:Regression analysis 33469:Partial correlation 33441:Regression analysis 33040:Prediction interval 33035:Likelihood interval 33025:Confidence interval 33017:Interval estimation 32978:Unbiased estimators 32796:Model specification 32676:Up-and-down designs 32364:Partial correlation 32320:Index of dispersion 32238:Interquartile range 32021:Logistic regression 31758:1943PNAS...29...79W 31696:1920PNAS....6..275P 31572:10.2139/ssrn.360300 31487:1934Sci....79...38B 31082:CS229 Lecture Notes 31073:Ng, Andrew (2000). 30393:1933RSPTA.231..289N 30255:2013RiskA..33.1021W 29678:Logistic model tree 29518:Luce's choice axiom 29326:normal distribution 29197:conditional entropy 28170:likelihood function 27557:section above, the 27515:{\displaystyle N+1} 25711:{\displaystyle y=n} 25660:{\displaystyle N+1} 25319:{\displaystyle M+1} 25298:, we will consider 25032:regression analysis 24865: 24716: 24690: 24139: 23686: 22938:{\displaystyle y=1} 22694:{\displaystyle y=1} 22335: 22291: 22263:is the mean of the 22165: 21590:likelihood function 21578:prior distributions 21574:Bayesian statistics 21492:normal distribution 20606:{\displaystyle y=1} 20580:{\displaystyle y=0} 20258: 16738: 15874: 15853: 15793: 15772: 15430: 15409: 15034: 14964: 14914:normal distribution 14608: 14283: 14099: 13423:quasi-Newton method 12896:regression analysis 12173:{\displaystyle N=1} 11510:{\displaystyle N+1} 11480:{\displaystyle N+1} 11443:{\displaystyle M+1} 11328:{\displaystyle y=1} 11214:{\displaystyle y=1} 11079:{\displaystyle y=1} 11022:{\displaystyle y=1} 10841:can be computed as 10788:{\displaystyle y=1} 10732:{\displaystyle y=1} 10614:{\displaystyle y=1} 10542:{\displaystyle y=1} 10013:, and coefficients 9980:{\displaystyle M=2} 9572:{\displaystyle M=1} 9482:{\displaystyle y=1} 9403:{\displaystyle y=1} 9377:{\displaystyle y=1} 9117:{\displaystyle y=1} 8554:{\displaystyle y=1} 8529:linear relationship 7823: 7347:indicator variables 7227:points. Each point 7223:A dataset contains 7208:{\displaystyle b=e} 6906:are all estimated. 6823:multiple regression 6607:are cells in a 2×2 4955:Let us assume that 3998:{\displaystyle x=2} 3084:likelihood function 2088:information content 1710:will equal one and 978:{\displaystyle k=1} 785:regression analysis 461:Errors-in-variables 328:Logistic regression 318:Binomial regression 263:Regression analysis 257:Part of a series on 190:§ Alternatives 143:§ Applications 108:unit of measurement 100:continuous variable 73:logistic regression 69:regression analysis 35:for worked details. 34278:Spatial statistics 34158:Medical statistics 34058:First hitting time 34012:Whittle likelihood 33663:Degrees of freedom 33658:Multivariate ANOVA 33591:Heteroscedasticity 33403:Bayesian estimator 33368:Bayesian inference 33217:Kolmogorov–Smirnov 33102:Randomization test 33072:Testing hypotheses 33045:Tolerance interval 32956:Maximum likelihood 32851:Exponential family 32784:Density estimation 32744:Statistical theory 32704:Natural experiment 32650:Scientific control 32567:Survey methodology 32253:Standard deviation 31135:Metodološki Zvezki 31048:Mount, J. (2011). 30806:10.1093/aje/kwk052 30548:. pp. 49–55. 30521: 29615:Mathematics portal 29418:In the 1930s, the 29262: 29216: 29185: 29147: 29145: 28911: 28891: 28786: 28766: 28665: 28616: 28574: 28427: 28425: 28318: 28260: 28158: 28035: 27994: 27953: 27872: 27759: 27732: 27693: 27634: 27605: 27576: 27543: 27512: 27480: 27450: 27419: 27385: 27353: 27212: 27153: 27068: 27027: 26927: 26723: 26614: 26484: 26410: 26220:. There are then ( 26192: 26042: 25921: 25769: 25708: 25657: 25629: 25538: 25495: 25466: 25436: 25382: 25359:and which include 25347: 25316: 25265:exponential family 25257:Poisson regression 25205: 25128: 25012: 24983: 24960: 24842: 24822: 24795: 24768: 24720: 24695: 24676: 24592: 24476: 24474: 24429: 24409: 24263: 24261: 24155:degrees of freedom 24143: 24119: 24078: 23991: 23921: 23846: 23805: 23739: 23663: 23599: 23531: 23501: 23424: 23394: 23263:at the maximum of 23253: 23210: 23058: 23012: 22935: 22906: 22743: 22691: 22663: 22629: 22559: 22530: 22466: 22396: 22312: 22292: 22277: 22253: 22226: 22186: 22166: 22151: 22134: 22097: 21979: 21940: 21820: 21712: 21681: 21657: 21639:Widely used, the " 21570: 21554: 21513: 21456: 21373: 21367: 21208: 21144: 21068: 20904: 20882: 20799: 20699: 20603: 20577: 20478: 20244: 20149: 19942: 19810: 19675: 19559: 19454: 19268: 19213: 19014: 18924: 18881: 18879: 18135: 18059: 18017: 17972: 17829: 17791: 17694: 17692: 17370: 17241: 17239: 17065:normalizing factor 17053: 17017: 17015: 16736: 16656:possibly contains 16621: 16619: 15857: 15836: 15776: 15755: 15674: 15594: 15547: 15455: 15450: 15413: 15392: 15338: 15212: 15210: 15087: 15085: 15017: 14947: 14891: 14889: 14594: 14514: 14360: 14355: 14269: 14195: 14137: 14085: 14022: 13640: 13466: 13414:prior distribution 13371: 13318: 13145: 12856: 12826: 12793: 12760: 12557:which equals 1 if 12555:indicator function 12543: 12498: 12364: 12337: 12293: 12225: 12170: 12141: 12010: 11968: 11930: 11901: 11860: 11704: 11660: 11507: 11477: 11440: 11409: 11372: 11325: 11295: 11268: 11241: 11211: 11185: 11158: 11138: 11111: 11076: 11046: 11019: 10993: 10966: 10946: 10919: 10885: 10831: 10785: 10759: 10739:are 1-to-1000, or 10729: 10703: 10657: 10611: 10578: 10539: 10505: 10200: 10105: 10072: 10039: 10003: 9977: 9927: 9758: 9569: 9543: 9512: 9479: 9453: 9422: 9400: 9374: 9348: 9321: 9297: 9266: 9114: 9081: 8990: 8903: 8812: 8765: 8734: 8700: 8551: 8485: 8432: 8405: 8226: 8177: 8061: 8036:linear combination 7869: 7867: 7809: 7724: 7336:discrete variables 7273:dependent variable 7205: 7176: 7031: 6896: 6846: 6811: 6662:can be revised to 6652: 6581: 6541: 6507: 6477: 6199: 6169: 6105: 6077: 6048: 6025: 5989: 5960: 5930: 5901: 5866: 5840: 5802: 5771: 5671: 5488: 5440: 5420: 5397: 5370: 5322: 5304:response variables 5292: 5272: 5240: 5133: 5084: 5032: 5020:linear combination 5008: 4988: 4965: 4935: 4837: 4801:logistic function 4793:and having output 4779: 4765:, which takes any 4750: 4738: 4718: 4671: 4614: 4580: 4420: 4418: 4382: 4295: 4227: 4145: 4077: 3995: 3964: 3933: 3896: 3848: 3777: 3743: 3694: 3663: 3629: 3598: 3566: 3450: 3342: 3311: 3272: 3241: 3193: 3170: 3130: 3069: 2920: 2866: 2818:the loss, one can 2795: 2768: 2737: 2706: 2678: 2612: 2539: 2416: 2373: 2344: 2311: 2278: 2245: 2212: 2179: 2146: 2113: 2074: 2043: 2007: 2002: 1854: 1822:squared error loss 1801: 1770: 1735: 1698: 1667: 1638: 1547: 1506: 1443: 1402: 1341: 1294: 1194: 1159:location parameter 1140: 1061: 1007: 975: 348:Multinomial probit 161:, one can use the 92:indicator variable 88:dependent variable 61:linear combination 37: 34403:Regression models 34380: 34379: 34318: 34317: 34314: 34313: 34253:National accounts 34223:Actuarial science 34215:Social statistics 34108: 34107: 34104: 34103: 34100: 34099: 34035:Survival function 34020: 34019: 33882:Granger causality 33723:Contingency table 33698:Survival analysis 33675: 33674: 33671: 33670: 33527:Linear regression 33422: 33421: 33418: 33417: 33393:Credible interval 33362: 33361: 33145: 33144: 32961:Method of moments 32830:Parametric family 32791:Statistical model 32721: 32720: 32717: 32716: 32635:Random assignment 32557:Statistical power 32491: 32490: 32487: 32486: 32336:Contingency table 32306: 32305: 32173:Generalized/power 32019:Media related to 31975:(12): 1373–1379. 31953:978-0-495-59786-5 31934:978-0-470-58247-3 31915:978-1-4200-7575-5 31893:978-0-13-066189-0 31886:. Prentice Hall. 31874:978-0-521-58985-7 31848:978-0-8247-8587-1 31829:978-0-631-13345-2 31806:978-0-471-36093-3 31016:978-1-4419-2918-1 30952:Allison, Paul D. 30938:978-0-8058-2223-6 30890:978-0-13-066189-0 30679:978-0-262-01802-9 30593:978-0-7619-2208-7 30452:978-0-521-59346-5 30115:978-3-319-19424-0 30035:David A. Freedman 29779:978-0-471-35632-5 29623:Logistic function 29541:multinomial logit 29360:population growth 29330:sigmoid functions 29328:of errors. Other 29244:linear regression 29213: 29097: 29028: 28892: 28872: 28767: 28747: 28647: 28309: 28251: 27837: 27735:{\displaystyle Y} 27351: 26788: 26093: 25269:natural parameter 25253:probit regression 25107: 25101: 25009: 24958: 24954: 24935: 24913: 24879: 24852: 24805:. We can correct 24718: 24519:Likelihood ratio 24467: 24466: 24463: 24435: 24428: 24427: 24424: 24408: 24407: 24404: 24364: 24363: 24360: 24345: 24344: 24341: 24310: 24297: 24254: 24253: 24250: 24224: 24211: 24210: 24207: 24181: 24073: 24072: 24069: 23900: 23884: 23831: 23784: 23727: 23711: 23687: 23673: 23654: 23590: 23574: 23529: 23495: 23492: 23476: 23386: 23358: 23333: 23314: 23287: 23251: 23010: 22627: 22556: 22371: 22322: 22251: 22224: 21970: 21684:{\displaystyle p} 21660:{\displaystyle k} 21546: 21545: 21480:logistic function 20892:, the parameters 20880: 20518:multicollinearity 20448: 20381: 20325: 20236: 20162:Or equivalently: 20116: 20017: 19912: 19787: 19669: 19624: 19582:analytic function 19557: 19486:with respect to 19448: 19292:political science 19283:multinomial logit 19198: 19143: 18872: 18751: 18568: 18364: 17844:multinomial logit 17827: 17782: 17685: 17538: 17201: 17121: 16823:multinomial logit 16796: 16795: 16705: 16704: 16697: 16658:original research 16492: 16433: 16423: 16422:(substitute  16361: 16353: 16352:(substitute  15609:degree of freedom 15471:multinomial logit 15446: 15390: 14885: 14804: 14445:logistic function 14351: 14296: 14292: 14267: 14020: 13928: 13840: 13638: 13481:logistic function 13289: 13062: 12892:linear regression 12625: 12112: 11858: 11658: 11161:{\displaystyle 2} 10969:{\displaystyle 1} 10503: 10413: 10272: 10160: 9814: 9324:{\displaystyle b} 9242: 9201: 8768:{\displaystyle b} 8610: 8019:linear regression 7999:or 1 −  7711: 7675: 7451: 7353:Outcome variables 7271:(also known as a 7262:outcome variable 7174: 6941: 6609:contingency table 6579: 6455: 6370: 6364: 6318: 6259: 6128: 6108:{\displaystyle x} 6080:{\displaystyle x} 6051:{\displaystyle e} 5878:natural logarithm 5805:{\displaystyle g} 5730: 5633: 5423:{\displaystyle X} 5295:{\displaystyle Y} 5238: 5035:{\displaystyle t} 5011:{\displaystyle t} 4991:{\displaystyle x} 4968:{\displaystyle t} 4933: 4902: 4782:{\displaystyle t} 4759:logistic function 4741:{\displaystyle t} 4558: 4557: 4476: 4475: 4417: 4293: 4279: 4143: 4129: 3501: 3395: 3142: 3102: 2892: 2838: 1982: 1921: 1457:): these are the 1292: 1138: 1065:logistic function 939: 938: 739:built environment 670: 669: 323:Binary regression 282:Simple regression 277:Linear regression 202:natural parameter 175:binary classifier 167:§ Extensions 147:binary regression 132:§ Definition 128:§ Background 104:logistic function 59:of an event as a 53:statistical model 34410: 34368: 34367: 34356: 34355: 34345: 34344: 34330: 34329: 34233:Crime statistics 34127: 34126: 34114: 34113: 34031: 34030: 33997:Fourier analysis 33984:Frequency domain 33964: 33911: 33877:Structural break 33837: 33836: 33786:Cluster analysis 33733:Log-linear model 33706: 33705: 33681: 33680: 33622: 33596:Homoscedasticity 33452: 33451: 33428: 33427: 33347: 33339: 33331: 33330:(Kruskal–Wallis) 33315: 33300: 33255:Cross validation 33240: 33222:Anderson–Darling 33169: 33156: 33155: 33127:Likelihood-ratio 33119:Parametric tests 33097:Permutation test 33080:1- & 2-tails 32971:Minimum distance 32943:Point estimation 32939: 32938: 32890:Optimal decision 32841: 32740: 32739: 32727: 32726: 32709:Quasi-experiment 32659:Adaptive designs 32510: 32509: 32497: 32496: 32374:Rank correlation 32136: 32135: 32127: 32126: 32114: 32113: 32081: 32074: 32067: 32058: 32057: 32029: 32018: 32003: 31994: 31984: 31957: 31938: 31919: 31902:Hilbe, Joseph M. 31897: 31878: 31852: 31833: 31810: 31789: 31779: 31769: 31727: 31717: 31707: 31674: 31645: 31628: 31623:. Archived from 31597: 31575: 31565: 31553: 31541: 31509: 31467: 31430: 31413:(227): 357–365. 31392: 31391: 31389: 31388: 31382: 31371: 31363:McFadden, Daniel 31359: 31353: 31347: 31338: 31332: 31326: 31320: 31314: 31308: 31302: 31296: 31290: 31284: 31278: 31272: 31266: 31260: 31254: 31248: 31242: 31236: 31230: 31229: 31227: 31226: 31207: 31201: 31195: 31189: 31188: 31186: 31184: 31170: 31161: 31155: 31149: 31143: 31142: 31126: 31120: 31119: 31109: 31103: 31102: 31092: 31086: 31085: 31079: 31070: 31064: 31063: 31061: 31059: 31054: 31045: 31036: 31030: 31021: 31020: 31002: 30996: 30995: 30967: 30961: 30960: 30958: 30949: 30943: 30942: 30920: 30895: 30894: 30876: 30870: 30869: 30859: 30849: 30825: 30819: 30818: 30808: 30784: 30778: 30777: 30767: 30741: 30735: 30734: 30724: 30714: 30690: 30684: 30683: 30665: 30659: 30658: 30640: 30631: 30625: 30624: 30604: 30598: 30597: 30579: 30560: 30559: 30557: 30537: 30531: 30530: 30528: 30527: 30522: 30520: 30519: 30463: 30457: 30456: 30444: 30434: 30428: 30427: 30420: 30414: 30413: 30404: 30376: 30360: 30354: 30353: 30351: 30350: 30344:CORP-MIDS1 (MDS) 30336: 30330: 30329: 30297: 30291: 30290: 30249:(6): 1021–1037. 30234: 30228: 30227: 30195: 30189: 30188: 30180: 30174: 30173: 30153: 30147: 30146: 30126: 30120: 30119: 30093: 30082: 30081: 30053: 30047: 30046: 30031: 30022: 30021: 29993: 29987: 29986: 29958: 29952: 29951: 29923: 29917: 29916: 29896: 29890: 29889: 29879: 29855: 29849: 29843: 29837: 29836: 29819:(1/2): 167–178. 29808: 29799: 29798:, p. 10–11. 29793: 29784: 29783: 29765: 29738: 29737: 29693: 29617: 29612: 29611: 29465:and his student 29444:Ronald A. Fisher 29368:Adolphe Quetelet 29344:spline functions 29271: 29269: 29268: 29263: 29225: 29223: 29222: 29217: 29215: 29214: 29211: 29194: 29192: 29191: 29186: 29156: 29154: 29153: 29148: 29146: 29118: 29117: 29099: 29098: 29095: 29082: 29073: 29069: 29029: 29027: 28989: 28957: 28910: 28909: 28908: 28890: 28889: 28888: 28867: 28785: 28784: 28783: 28765: 28764: 28763: 28734: 28733: 28721: 28720: 28698: 28693: 28678: 28677: 28664: 28643: 28625: 28623: 28622: 28617: 28589:gradient descent 28583: 28581: 28580: 28575: 28564: 28563: 28551: 28550: 28528: 28523: 28508: 28507: 28462: 28461: 28436: 28434: 28433: 28428: 28426: 28422: 28421: 28417: 28416: 28390: 28389: 28377: 28376: 28358: 28357: 28356: 28355: 28341: 28340: 28328: 28327: 28317: 28302: 28289: 28288: 28276: 28275: 28259: 28244: 28167: 28165: 28164: 28159: 28154: 28153: 28123: 28122: 28104: 28103: 28088: 28087: 28044: 28042: 28041: 28036: 28003: 28001: 28000: 27995: 27962: 27960: 27959: 27954: 27943: 27942: 27881: 27879: 27878: 27873: 27838: 27836: 27835: 27834: 27830: 27829: 27802: 27788: 27787: 27768: 27766: 27765: 27760: 27741: 27739: 27738: 27733: 27720:machine learning 27707:Other approaches 27702: 27700: 27699: 27694: 27692: 27691: 27686: 27677: 27676: 27671: 27662: 27661: 27656: 27643: 27641: 27640: 27635: 27633: 27632: 27627: 27614: 27612: 27611: 27606: 27604: 27603: 27598: 27585: 27583: 27582: 27577: 27575: 27574: 27569: 27552: 27550: 27549: 27544: 27542: 27541: 27536: 27523: 27521: 27519: 27518: 27513: 27489: 27487: 27486: 27481: 27479: 27478: 27459: 27457: 27456: 27451: 27449: 27448: 27443: 27430: 27428: 27426: 27425: 27420: 27394: 27392: 27391: 27386: 27384: 27383: 27378: 27362: 27360: 27359: 27354: 27352: 27350: 27349: 27348: 27347: 27346: 27341: 27332: 27331: 27326: 27314: 27309: 27293: 27292: 27291: 27290: 27285: 27276: 27275: 27270: 27259: 27254: 27253: 27221: 27219: 27218: 27213: 27211: 27210: 27209: 27208: 27185: 27184: 27162: 27160: 27159: 27154: 27152: 27151: 27142: 27137: 27136: 27135: 27134: 27129: 27120: 27119: 27114: 27100: 27099: 27077: 27075: 27074: 27069: 27067: 27066: 27036: 27034: 27033: 27028: 27026: 27025: 27020: 27011: 27010: 27005: 26996: 26995: 26983: 26982: 26969: 26964: 26936: 26934: 26933: 26928: 26926: 26925: 26924: 26905: 26904: 26903: 26887: 26886: 26882: 26865: 26860: 26833: 26832: 26831: 26823: 26789: 26787: 26786: 26785: 26784: 26776: 26759: 26758: 26757: 26747: 26732: 26730: 26729: 26724: 26722: 26721: 26707: 26706: 26696: 26695: 26684: 26683: 26673: 26672: 26661: 26660: 26650: 26649: 26623: 26621: 26620: 26615: 26613: 26609: 26608: 26607: 26594: 26589: 26563: 26562: 26552: 26547: 26529: 26528: 26514: 26513: 26493: 26491: 26490: 26485: 26477: 26476: 26463: 26458: 26419: 26417: 26416: 26411: 26406: 26405: 26390: 26389: 26365: 26364: 26352: 26351: 26335: 26330: 26315: 26314: 26301: 26296: 26280: 26275: 26257: 26256: 26245: 26244: 26201: 26199: 26198: 26193: 26188: 26187: 26172: 26171: 26147: 26146: 26134: 26133: 26117: 26112: 26094: 26092: 26091: 26090: 26074: 26066: 26051: 26049: 26048: 26043: 26038: 26037: 26013: 26012: 25990: 25985: 25969: 25964: 25930: 25928: 25927: 25922: 25917: 25916: 25895: 25894: 25881: 25876: 25860: 25855: 25834: 25833: 25822: 25821: 25778: 25776: 25775: 25770: 25765: 25764: 25759: 25750: 25749: 25737: 25736: 25717: 25715: 25714: 25709: 25668: 25666: 25664: 25663: 25658: 25639:. There will be 25638: 25636: 25635: 25630: 25625: 25624: 25603: 25602: 25587: 25586: 25568: 25567: 25562: 25549: 25547: 25545: 25544: 25539: 25506: 25504: 25502: 25501: 25496: 25494: 25493: 25475: 25473: 25472: 25467: 25465: 25464: 25445: 25443: 25442: 25437: 25391: 25389: 25388: 25383: 25375: 25374: 25358: 25356: 25354: 25353: 25348: 25346: 25345: 25327: 25325: 25323: 25322: 25317: 25238: 25234: 25227: 25223: 25219: 25214: 25212: 25211: 25206: 25201: 25200: 25188: 25187: 25163: 25162: 25137: 25135: 25134: 25129: 25108: 25105: 25102: 25100: 25086: 25059: 25055: 25021: 25019: 25018: 25013: 25011: 25010: 25002: 24992: 24990: 24989: 24984: 24969: 24967: 24966: 24961: 24959: 24957: 24956: 24955: 24947: 24937: 24936: 24928: 24925: 24914: 24912: 24898: 24887: 24886: 24881: 24880: 24872: 24864: 24859: 24854: 24853: 24845: 24831: 24829: 24828: 24823: 24821: 24820: 24804: 24802: 24801: 24796: 24794: 24793: 24777: 24775: 24774: 24769: 24767: 24766: 24729: 24727: 24726: 24721: 24719: 24717: 24715: 24710: 24709: 24708: 24689: 24684: 24675: 24670: 24669: 24601: 24599: 24598: 24593: 24591: 24590: 24558: 24549: 24540: 24531: 24522: 24510: 24503:Pseudo-R-squared 24497:Pseudo-R-squared 24492: 24485: 24483: 24482: 24477: 24475: 24468: 24464: 24461: 24460: 24440: 24436: 24434: 24430: 24425: 24422: 24421: 24414: 24410: 24405: 24402: 24401: 24394: 24374: 24370: 24366: 24365: 24361: 24358: 24357: 24346: 24342: 24339: 24338: 24312: 24311: 24308: 24299: 24298: 24295: 24272: 24270: 24269: 24264: 24262: 24255: 24251: 24248: 24247: 24226: 24225: 24222: 24212: 24208: 24205: 24204: 24183: 24182: 24179: 24152: 24150: 24149: 24144: 24138: 24133: 24099: 24094: 24087: 24085: 24084: 24079: 24074: 24070: 24067: 24066: 24000: 23998: 23997: 23992: 23935:chi-squared test 23930: 23928: 23927: 23922: 23908: 23907: 23902: 23901: 23893: 23886: 23885: 23877: 23855: 23853: 23852: 23847: 23833: 23832: 23824: 23814: 23812: 23811: 23806: 23792: 23791: 23786: 23785: 23777: 23748: 23746: 23745: 23740: 23735: 23734: 23729: 23728: 23720: 23713: 23712: 23704: 23692: 23688: 23685: 23680: 23675: 23674: 23666: 23662: 23661: 23656: 23655: 23647: 23643: 23608: 23606: 23605: 23600: 23598: 23597: 23592: 23591: 23583: 23576: 23575: 23567: 23540: 23538: 23537: 23532: 23530: 23522: 23510: 23508: 23507: 23502: 23500: 23496: 23494: 23493: 23485: 23469: 23468: 23453: 23452: 23433: 23431: 23430: 23425: 23423: 23422: 23403: 23401: 23400: 23395: 23387: 23379: 23359: 23351: 23334: 23326: 23315: 23307: 23295: 23294: 23289: 23288: 23280: 23262: 23260: 23259: 23254: 23252: 23244: 23239: 23238: 23219: 23217: 23216: 23211: 23209: 23205: 23201: 23200: 23173: 23172: 23148: 23147: 23129: 23128: 23113: 23108: 23090: 23089: 23067: 23065: 23064: 23059: 23057: 23056: 23044: 23043: 23021: 23019: 23018: 23013: 23011: 23009: 23008: 23007: 23006: 23005: 22978: 22964: 22963: 22944: 22942: 22941: 22936: 22915: 22913: 22912: 22907: 22905: 22901: 22894: 22893: 22860: 22859: 22832: 22831: 22807: 22806: 22791: 22786: 22752: 22750: 22749: 22744: 22739: 22738: 22726: 22725: 22700: 22698: 22697: 22692: 22674: 22672: 22670: 22669: 22664: 22638: 22636: 22635: 22630: 22628: 22626: 22625: 22624: 22602: 22568: 22566: 22565: 22560: 22558: 22557: 22549: 22539: 22537: 22536: 22531: 22529: 22528: 22478:chi-squared test 22475: 22473: 22472: 22467: 22405: 22403: 22402: 22397: 22395: 22394: 22385: 22384: 22372: 22364: 22358: 22353: 22334: 22329: 22324: 22323: 22315: 22301: 22299: 22298: 22293: 22290: 22285: 22262: 22260: 22259: 22254: 22252: 22244: 22235: 22233: 22232: 22227: 22225: 22217: 22212: 22211: 22195: 22193: 22192: 22187: 22175: 22173: 22172: 22167: 22164: 22159: 22143: 22141: 22140: 22135: 22133: 22132: 22117:which minimizes 22106: 22104: 22103: 22098: 22093: 22092: 22083: 22082: 22070: 22069: 22056: 22051: 22033: 22032: 21988: 21986: 21985: 21980: 21978: 21977: 21972: 21971: 21963: 21949: 21947: 21946: 21941: 21936: 21935: 21926: 21925: 21913: 21912: 21903: 21902: 21890: 21889: 21876: 21871: 21853: 21852: 21829: 21827: 21826: 21821: 21816: 21815: 21803: 21802: 21758:chi-squared test 21721: 21719: 21718: 21713: 21708: 21690: 21688: 21687: 21682: 21666: 21664: 21663: 21658: 21563: 21561: 21560: 21555: 21547: 21538: 21537: 21522: 21520: 21519: 21514: 21465: 21463: 21462: 21457: 21455: 21454: 21397: 21382: 21380: 21379: 21374: 21372: 21371: 21333: 21332: 21312: 21311: 21279: 21278: 21258: 21257: 21232: 21217: 21215: 21214: 21209: 21165: 21153: 21151: 21150: 21145: 21092: 21077: 21075: 21074: 21069: 21067: 21063: 21062: 21061: 21056: 21047: 21039: 21038: 21033: 21027: 21022: 21021: 21016: 21005: 21004: 20999: 20993: 20992: 20984: 20980: 20979: 20974: 20973: 20968: 20962: 20961: 20956: 20941: 20940: 20929: 20913: 20911: 20910: 20905: 20903: 20891: 20889: 20888: 20883: 20881: 20879: 20878: 20877: 20867: 20862: 20861: 20856: 20832: 20808: 20806: 20805: 20800: 20798: 20797: 20773: 20772: 20751: 20750: 20720: 20708: 20706: 20705: 20700: 20689: 20688: 20676: 20675: 20663: 20662: 20647: 20646: 20641: 20612: 20610: 20609: 20604: 20586: 20584: 20583: 20578: 20487: 20485: 20484: 20479: 20473: 20472: 20465: 20464: 20454: 20450: 20449: 20447: 20446: 20445: 20444: 20443: 20438: 20429: 20406: 20392: 20391: 20386: 20382: 20380: 20379: 20378: 20377: 20376: 20371: 20362: 20339: 20332: 20331: 20330: 20321: 20320: 20310: 20300: 20299: 20292: 20291: 20277: 20276: 20257: 20252: 20243: 20242: 20241: 20232: 20231: 20221: 20208: 20207: 20202: 20187: 20186: 20158: 20156: 20155: 20150: 20144: 20143: 20138: 20129: 20121: 20117: 20115: 20114: 20113: 20097: 20096: 20087: 20069: 20068: 20047: 20043: 20042: 20038: 20037: 20036: 20031: 20024: 20020: 20018: 20016: 20015: 20006: 20005: 19996: 19982: 19981: 19951: 19949: 19948: 19943: 19937: 19933: 19932: 19931: 19926: 19919: 19915: 19913: 19911: 19910: 19901: 19900: 19891: 19877: 19876: 19867: 19866: 19819: 19817: 19816: 19811: 19788: 19785: 19777: 19776: 19764: 19763: 19741: 19740: 19684: 19682: 19681: 19676: 19670: 19668: 19664: 19658: 19654: 19648: 19625: 19623: 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2679: 2677: 2676: 2667: 2666: 2645: 2644: 2635: 2634: 2621: 2619: 2618: 2613: 2611: 2610: 2601: 2600: 2579: 2578: 2569: 2568: 2548: 2546: 2545: 2540: 2532: 2531: 2504: 2503: 2482: 2481: 2466: 2465: 2450: 2449: 2427: 2425: 2423: 2422: 2417: 2409: 2408: 2384: 2382: 2380: 2379: 2374: 2372: 2371: 2353: 2351: 2350: 2345: 2337: 2336: 2320: 2318: 2317: 2312: 2304: 2303: 2287: 2285: 2284: 2279: 2271: 2270: 2254: 2252: 2251: 2246: 2238: 2237: 2221: 2219: 2218: 2213: 2205: 2204: 2188: 2186: 2185: 2180: 2172: 2171: 2155: 2153: 2152: 2147: 2139: 2138: 2122: 2120: 2119: 2114: 2106: 2105: 2085: 2083: 2081: 2080: 2075: 2073: 2072: 2054: 2052: 2050: 2049: 2044: 2042: 2041: 2016: 2014: 2013: 2008: 2006: 2005: 1993: 1992: 1983: 1980: 1973: 1972: 1932: 1931: 1922: 1919: 1915: 1914: 1885: 1884: 1865: 1863: 1861: 1860: 1855: 1853: 1852: 1812: 1810: 1808: 1807: 1802: 1800: 1799: 1781: 1779: 1777: 1776: 1771: 1769: 1768: 1746: 1744: 1742: 1741: 1736: 1734: 1733: 1709: 1707: 1705: 1704: 1699: 1697: 1696: 1678: 1676: 1674: 1673: 1668: 1666: 1665: 1647: 1645: 1644: 1639: 1634: 1633: 1615: 1614: 1581:), the negative 1556: 1554: 1553: 1548: 1546: 1545: 1536: 1515: 1513: 1512: 1507: 1505: 1504: 1495: 1490: 1489: 1452: 1450: 1449: 1444: 1439: 1428: 1427: 1411: 1409: 1408: 1403: 1398: 1397: 1385: 1384: 1350: 1348: 1347: 1342: 1337: 1323: 1322: 1303: 1301: 1300: 1295: 1293: 1291: 1290: 1289: 1282: 1281: 1269: 1268: 1238: 1203: 1201: 1200: 1195: 1190: 1149: 1147: 1146: 1141: 1139: 1137: 1136: 1135: 1131: 1093: 1067:is of the form: 1016: 1014: 1013: 1008: 984: 982: 981: 976: 959:which runs from 793: 792: 781:cardinal numbers 690: 662: 655: 648: 632: 631: 539:Ridge regression 374:Multilevel model 254: 253: 231:(OLS) plays for 182:sigmoid function 77:logit regression 55:that models the 34418: 34417: 34413: 34412: 34411: 34409: 34408: 34407: 34383: 34382: 34381: 34376: 34339: 34310: 34272: 34209: 34195:quality control 34162: 34144:Clinical trials 34121: 34096: 34080: 34068:Hazard function 34062: 34016: 33978: 33962: 33925: 33921:Breusch–Godfrey 33909: 33886: 33826: 33801:Factor analysis 33747: 33728:Graphical model 33700: 33667: 33634: 33620: 33600: 33554: 33521: 33483: 33446: 33445: 33414: 33358: 33345: 33337: 33329: 33313: 33298: 33277:Rank statistics 33271: 33250:Model selection 33238: 33196:Goodness of fit 33190: 33167: 33141: 33113: 33066: 33011: 33000:Median unbiased 32928: 32839: 32772:Order statistic 32734: 32713: 32680: 32654: 32606: 32561: 32504: 32502:Data collection 32483: 32395: 32350: 32324: 32302: 32262: 32214: 32131:Continuous data 32121: 32108: 32090: 32085: 32027: 32011: 32006: 31954: 31935: 31916: 31894: 31875: 31849: 31830: 31807: 31663:10.2307/2525642 31563: 31481:(2037): 38–39. 31448:10.2307/3001655 31400: 31395: 31386: 31384: 31380: 31369: 31360: 31356: 31348: 31341: 31333: 31329: 31321: 31317: 31309: 31305: 31297: 31293: 31285: 31281: 31273: 31269: 31261: 31257: 31249: 31245: 31237: 31233: 31224: 31222: 31208: 31204: 31196: 31192: 31182: 31180: 31168: 31162: 31158: 31154:, pp. 3–5. 31150: 31146: 31127: 31123: 31110: 31106: 31093: 31089: 31077: 31071: 31067: 31057: 31055: 31052: 31046: 31039: 31031: 31024: 31017: 31003: 30999: 30968: 30964: 30956: 30950: 30946: 30939: 30925:Aiken, Leona S. 30921: 30898: 30891: 30877: 30873: 30826: 30822: 30785: 30781: 30742: 30738: 30691: 30687: 30680: 30666: 30662: 30638: 30632: 30628: 30605: 30601: 30594: 30580: 30563: 30538: 30534: 30515: 30511: 30470: 30467: 30466: 30464: 30460: 30453: 30435: 30431: 30422: 30421: 30417: 30374: 30361: 30357: 30348: 30346: 30338: 30337: 30333: 30298: 30294: 30235: 30231: 30196: 30192: 30181: 30177: 30154: 30150: 30127: 30123: 30116: 30094: 30085: 30054: 30050: 30032: 30025: 30004:(24): 2957–63. 29994: 29990: 29969:(10): 1638–52. 29959: 29955: 29924: 29920: 29897: 29893: 29856: 29852: 29844: 29840: 29825:10.2307/2333860 29809: 29802: 29794: 29787: 29780: 29766: 29741: 29694: 29690: 29686: 29628:Discrete choice 29613: 29606: 29603: 29530: 29516:, specifically 29514:discrete choice 29510:Daniel McFadden 29402:, published as 29384:Wilhelm Ostwald 29352: 29314:probit function 29294: 29251: 29248: 29247: 29236: 29210: 29206: 29204: 29201: 29200: 29165: 29162: 29161: 29144: 29143: 29113: 29109: 29094: 29090: 29083: 29081: 29075: 29074: 28990: 28958: 28956: 28946: 28942: 28904: 28903: 28896: 28884: 28883: 28876: 28868: 28866: 28860: 28859: 28779: 28778: 28771: 28759: 28758: 28751: 28729: 28725: 28716: 28712: 28694: 28683: 28670: 28666: 28651: 28640: 28638: 28635: 28634: 28599: 28596: 28595: 28559: 28555: 28546: 28542: 28524: 28513: 28500: 28496: 28454: 28450: 28448: 28445: 28444: 28424: 28423: 28412: 28408: 28398: 28394: 28385: 28381: 28372: 28368: 28351: 28347: 28346: 28342: 28336: 28332: 28323: 28319: 28313: 28300: 28299: 28284: 28280: 28271: 28267: 28255: 28242: 28241: 28210: 28182: 28180: 28177: 28176: 28137: 28133: 28118: 28114: 28099: 28095: 28083: 28079: 28050: 28047: 28046: 28009: 28006: 28005: 27971: 27968: 27967: 27938: 27934: 27893: 27890: 27889: 27825: 27821: 27817: 27813: 27806: 27801: 27783: 27779: 27777: 27774: 27773: 27754: 27751: 27750: 27727: 27724: 27723: 27715:loss function. 27709: 27687: 27682: 27681: 27672: 27667: 27666: 27657: 27652: 27651: 27649: 27646: 27645: 27628: 27623: 27622: 27620: 27617: 27616: 27599: 27594: 27593: 27591: 27588: 27587: 27570: 27565: 27564: 27562: 27559: 27558: 27537: 27532: 27531: 27529: 27526: 27525: 27501: 27498: 27497: 27495: 27471: 27467: 27465: 27462: 27461: 27444: 27439: 27438: 27436: 27433: 27432: 27402: 27399: 27398: 27396: 27379: 27374: 27373: 27371: 27368: 27367: 27342: 27337: 27336: 27327: 27322: 27321: 27320: 27316: 27310: 27299: 27294: 27286: 27281: 27280: 27271: 27266: 27265: 27264: 27260: 27258: 27246: 27242: 27240: 27237: 27236: 27230: 27204: 27200: 27193: 27189: 27180: 27176: 27174: 27171: 27170: 27147: 27143: 27138: 27130: 27125: 27124: 27115: 27110: 27109: 27108: 27104: 27092: 27088: 27086: 27083: 27082: 27059: 27055: 27053: 27050: 27049: 27021: 27016: 27015: 27006: 27001: 27000: 26988: 26984: 26975: 26971: 26965: 26954: 26948: 26945: 26944: 26917: 26916: 26912: 26896: 26892: 26888: 26875: 26874: 26870: 26861: 26850: 26824: 26816: 26815: 26811: 26777: 26769: 26768: 26764: 26760: 26753: 26752: 26748: 26746: 26744: 26741: 26740: 26708: 26702: 26701: 26700: 26685: 26679: 26678: 26677: 26662: 26656: 26655: 26654: 26645: 26644: 26642: 26639: 26638: 26632: 26600: 26596: 26590: 26579: 26568: 26564: 26558: 26554: 26548: 26537: 26515: 26509: 26508: 26507: 26505: 26502: 26501: 26469: 26465: 26459: 26448: 26442: 26439: 26438: 26428: 26398: 26394: 26385: 26381: 26357: 26353: 26344: 26340: 26331: 26320: 26307: 26303: 26297: 26286: 26276: 26265: 26246: 26240: 26239: 26238: 26236: 26233: 26232: 26218: 26210: 26180: 26176: 26167: 26163: 26139: 26135: 26126: 26122: 26113: 26102: 26083: 26079: 26075: 26067: 26065: 26063: 26060: 26059: 26030: 26026: 26008: 26004: 25986: 25975: 25965: 25954: 25942: 25939: 25938: 25909: 25905: 25887: 25883: 25877: 25866: 25856: 25845: 25823: 25817: 25816: 25815: 25813: 25810: 25809: 25795: 25760: 25755: 25754: 25745: 25741: 25729: 25725: 25723: 25720: 25719: 25697: 25694: 25693: 25681: 25646: 25643: 25642: 25640: 25617: 25613: 25595: 25591: 25579: 25575: 25563: 25558: 25557: 25555: 25552: 25551: 25521: 25518: 25517: 25515: 25512: 25489: 25485: 25483: 25480: 25479: 25477: 25457: 25453: 25451: 25448: 25447: 25401: 25398: 25397: 25370: 25366: 25364: 25361: 25360: 25341: 25337: 25335: 25332: 25331: 25329: 25305: 25302: 25301: 25299: 25285: 25261:maximum entropy 25249: 25247:Maximum entropy 25236: 25232: 25225: 25221: 25217: 25196: 25192: 25183: 25179: 25158: 25157: 25149: 25146: 25145: 25104: 25090: 25085: 25065: 25062: 25061: 25057: 25051: 25040:Bernoulli trial 25028: 25001: 25000: 24998: 24995: 24994: 24978: 24975: 24974: 24946: 24945: 24938: 24927: 24926: 24924: 24902: 24897: 24882: 24871: 24870: 24869: 24860: 24855: 24844: 24843: 24840: 24837: 24836: 24816: 24812: 24810: 24807: 24806: 24789: 24785: 24783: 24780: 24779: 24762: 24758: 24756: 24753: 24752: 24744: 24734:probability of 24711: 24704: 24700: 24699: 24691: 24685: 24680: 24674: 24665: 24661: 24659: 24656: 24655: 24641: 24628: 24611: 24586: 24582: 24580: 24577: 24576: 24568: 24561: 24556: 24552: 24547: 24543: 24538: 24534: 24529: 24525: 24520: 24508: 24505: 24499: 24490: 24473: 24472: 24459: 24438: 24437: 24419: 24415: 24399: 24395: 24393: 24372: 24371: 24356: 24337: 24330: 24326: 24313: 24307: 24303: 24294: 24290: 24286: 24284: 24281: 24280: 24260: 24259: 24246: 24227: 24221: 24217: 24214: 24213: 24203: 24184: 24178: 24174: 24170: 24168: 24165: 24164: 24134: 24123: 24117: 24114: 24113: 24097: 24092: 24065: 24045: 24042: 24041: 24022: 24010:Goodness of fit 24007: 23971: 23968: 23967: 23964:null hypothesis 23956: 23949: 23903: 23892: 23891: 23890: 23876: 23875: 23861: 23858: 23857: 23823: 23822: 23820: 23817: 23816: 23787: 23776: 23775: 23774: 23772: 23769: 23768: 23762: 23730: 23719: 23718: 23717: 23703: 23702: 23681: 23676: 23665: 23664: 23657: 23646: 23645: 23644: 23642: 23638: 23624: 23621: 23620: 23593: 23582: 23581: 23580: 23566: 23565: 23563: 23560: 23559: 23553: 23546: 23521: 23519: 23516: 23515: 23484: 23477: 23467: 23463: 23448: 23444: 23442: 23439: 23438: 23418: 23414: 23412: 23409: 23408: 23378: 23350: 23325: 23306: 23290: 23279: 23278: 23277: 23275: 23272: 23271: 23243: 23234: 23230: 23228: 23225: 23224: 23196: 23192: 23168: 23164: 23143: 23139: 23124: 23120: 23119: 23115: 23109: 23098: 23085: 23081: 23079: 23076: 23075: 23052: 23048: 23039: 23035: 23033: 23030: 23029: 23001: 22997: 22993: 22989: 22982: 22977: 22959: 22955: 22953: 22950: 22949: 22924: 22921: 22920: 22889: 22885: 22855: 22851: 22827: 22823: 22802: 22798: 22797: 22793: 22787: 22776: 22764: 22761: 22760: 22734: 22730: 22721: 22717: 22709: 22706: 22705: 22680: 22677: 22676: 22649: 22646: 22645: 22643: 22617: 22613: 22606: 22601: 22584: 22581: 22580: 22548: 22547: 22545: 22542: 22541: 22524: 22520: 22518: 22515: 22514: 22492: 22485: 22449: 22446: 22445: 22438: 22431: 22424: 22414: 22390: 22386: 22380: 22376: 22363: 22354: 22343: 22330: 22325: 22314: 22313: 22310: 22307: 22306: 22286: 22281: 22275: 22272: 22271: 22268: 22243: 22241: 22238: 22237: 22216: 22207: 22203: 22201: 22198: 22197: 22181: 22178: 22177: 22160: 22155: 22149: 22146: 22145: 22128: 22124: 22122: 22119: 22118: 22116: 22088: 22084: 22078: 22074: 22065: 22061: 22052: 22041: 22028: 22024: 22022: 22019: 22018: 22013: 22002: 21973: 21962: 21961: 21960: 21958: 21955: 21954: 21931: 21927: 21921: 21917: 21908: 21904: 21898: 21894: 21885: 21881: 21872: 21861: 21848: 21844: 21842: 21839: 21838: 21811: 21807: 21798: 21794: 21786: 21783: 21782: 21779: 21772: 21738: 21733: 21704: 21696: 21693: 21692: 21676: 21673: 21672: 21652: 21649: 21648: 21641:one in ten rule 21637: 21635:One in ten rule 21631: 21586:conjugate prior 21584:. There is no 21536: 21528: 21525: 21524: 21499: 21496: 21495: 21484:probit function 21472: 21450: 21446: 21393: 21391: 21388: 21387: 21366: 21365: 21360: 21355: 21349: 21348: 21343: 21328: 21324: 21322: 21307: 21303: 21301: 21295: 21294: 21289: 21274: 21270: 21268: 21253: 21249: 21247: 21237: 21236: 21228: 21226: 21223: 21222: 21161: 21159: 21156: 21155: 21088: 21086: 21083: 21082: 21057: 21052: 21051: 21043: 21034: 21029: 21028: 21023: 21017: 21012: 21011: 21010: 21006: 21000: 20995: 20994: 20985: 20975: 20969: 20964: 20963: 20957: 20952: 20951: 20950: 20946: 20945: 20930: 20925: 20924: 20922: 20919: 20918: 20899: 20897: 20894: 20893: 20863: 20857: 20852: 20851: 20847: 20843: 20836: 20831: 20814: 20811: 20810: 20793: 20789: 20768: 20764: 20746: 20742: 20716: 20714: 20711: 20710: 20684: 20680: 20671: 20667: 20658: 20654: 20642: 20637: 20636: 20634: 20631: 20630: 20627:Newton's method 20592: 20589: 20588: 20566: 20563: 20562: 20559: 20510:Newton's method 20502: 20497: 20460: 20456: 20455: 20439: 20434: 20433: 20425: 20421: 20417: 20410: 20405: 20398: 20394: 20393: 20387: 20372: 20367: 20366: 20358: 20354: 20350: 20343: 20338: 20334: 20333: 20326: 20316: 20312: 20306: 20305: 20304: 20287: 20283: 20282: 20278: 20272: 20268: 20253: 20248: 20237: 20227: 20223: 20217: 20216: 20215: 20203: 20198: 20197: 20182: 20178: 20170: 20167: 20166: 20139: 20134: 20133: 20125: 20109: 20105: 20098: 20092: 20088: 20086: 20082: 20064: 20060: 20032: 20027: 20026: 20011: 20007: 20001: 19997: 19995: 19994: 19991: 19990: 19986: 19977: 19976: 19975: 19971: 19963: 19960: 19959: 19927: 19922: 19921: 19906: 19902: 19896: 19892: 19890: 19889: 19886: 19885: 19881: 19872: 19871: 19862: 19858: 19856: 19853: 19852: 19846:expected values 19840: 19831: 19786: for  19784: 19772: 19768: 19759: 19755: 19736: 19732: 19730: 19727: 19726: 19717: 19705: 19691: 19660: 19659: 19650: 19649: 19647: 19615: 19614: 19605: 19604: 19602: 19600: 19597: 19596: 19590:backpropagation 19538: 19534: 19527: 19522: 19514: 19511: 19510: 19505: 19496: 19484: 19430: 19426: 19420: 19416: 19395: 19391: 19385: 19381: 19372: 19368: 19361: 19357: 19350: 19345: 19336: 19332: 19330: 19327: 19326: 19320: 19296:discrete choice 19262: 19257: 19256: 19247: 19242: 19241: 19233: 19231: 19228: 19227: 19207: 19203: 19189: 19184: 19183: 19174: 19169: 19168: 19164: 19160: 19153: 19148: 19134: 19129: 19128: 19119: 19114: 19113: 19112: 19108: 19101: 19093: 19088: 19087: 19078: 19073: 19072: 19071: 19067: 19065: 19047: 19043: 19035: 19032: 19031: 19000: 18995: 18994: 18986: 18985: 18981: 18970: 18965: 18964: 18955: 18950: 18949: 18948: 18944: 18942: 18939: 18938: 18916: 18907: 18902: 18901: 18899: 18896: 18895: 18878: 18877: 18863: 18858: 18857: 18848: 18843: 18842: 18841: 18837: 18826: 18821: 18820: 18811: 18806: 18805: 18804: 18800: 18799: 18791: 18786: 18785: 18776: 18771: 18770: 18769: 18765: 18763: 18754: 18753: 18739: 18734: 18733: 18724: 18719: 18718: 18717: 18713: 18702: 18697: 18696: 18687: 18682: 18681: 18680: 18676: 18665: 18660: 18659: 18651: 18650: 18646: 18645: 18636: 18631: 18630: 18621: 18616: 18615: 18614: 18610: 18602: 18597: 18596: 18588: 18587: 18583: 18582: 18580: 18571: 18570: 18559: 18554: 18553: 18545: 18544: 18540: 18532: 18527: 18526: 18517: 18512: 18511: 18510: 18506: 18495: 18490: 18489: 18481: 18480: 18476: 18468: 18463: 18462: 18453: 18448: 18447: 18446: 18442: 18441: 18432: 18427: 18426: 18418: 18417: 18413: 18405: 18400: 18399: 18390: 18385: 18384: 18383: 18379: 18378: 18376: 18367: 18366: 18355: 18350: 18349: 18338: 18329: 18324: 18323: 18319: 18315: 18304: 18299: 18298: 18287: 18278: 18273: 18272: 18268: 18264: 18263: 18255: 18250: 18249: 18238: 18229: 18224: 18223: 18219: 18215: 18213: 18206: 18191: 18187: 18177: 18175: 18172: 18171: 18166: 18157: 18147:nonidentifiable 18114: 18110: 18086: 18082: 18074: 18071: 18070: 18044: 18040: 18032: 18029: 18028: 18002: 17998: 17990: 17987: 17986: 17954: 17949: 17948: 17939: 17934: 17933: 17924: 17919: 17918: 17909: 17904: 17903: 17870: 17866: 17858: 17855: 17854: 17818: 17813: 17812: 17803: 17798: 17797: 17796: 17792: 17786: 17781: 17773: 17768: 17767: 17758: 17753: 17752: 17751: 17747: 17745: 17727: 17723: 17715: 17712: 17711: 17691: 17690: 17676: 17671: 17670: 17661: 17656: 17655: 17654: 17650: 17639: 17634: 17633: 17624: 17619: 17618: 17617: 17613: 17612: 17604: 17599: 17598: 17589: 17584: 17583: 17582: 17578: 17576: 17569: 17554: 17550: 17541: 17540: 17529: 17524: 17523: 17514: 17509: 17508: 17507: 17503: 17492: 17487: 17486: 17477: 17472: 17471: 17470: 17466: 17465: 17457: 17452: 17451: 17442: 17437: 17436: 17435: 17431: 17429: 17422: 17407: 17403: 17393: 17391: 17388: 17387: 17362: 17357: 17356: 17347: 17342: 17341: 17340: 17336: 17325: 17320: 17319: 17310: 17305: 17304: 17303: 17299: 17291: 17288: 17287: 17266: 17238: 17237: 17229: 17224: 17223: 17214: 17209: 17208: 17207: 17203: 17193: 17186: 17171: 17167: 17158: 17157: 17149: 17144: 17143: 17134: 17129: 17128: 17127: 17123: 17113: 17106: 17091: 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1916: 1910: 1906: 1890: 1889: 1880: 1876: 1874: 1871: 1870: 1848: 1844: 1842: 1839: 1838: 1836: 1818: 1795: 1791: 1789: 1786: 1785: 1783: 1764: 1760: 1758: 1755: 1754: 1752: 1729: 1725: 1717: 1714: 1713: 1711: 1692: 1688: 1686: 1683: 1682: 1680: 1661: 1657: 1655: 1652: 1651: 1649: 1629: 1625: 1610: 1606: 1604: 1601: 1600: 1597: 1590: 1571:goodness of fit 1567: 1541: 1537: 1532: 1521: 1518: 1517: 1500: 1496: 1491: 1485: 1481: 1470: 1467: 1466: 1435: 1423: 1419: 1417: 1414: 1413: 1393: 1389: 1380: 1376: 1368: 1365: 1364: 1333: 1318: 1314: 1312: 1309: 1308: 1277: 1273: 1264: 1260: 1253: 1249: 1242: 1237: 1220: 1217: 1216: 1210:scale parameter 1186: 1166: 1163: 1162: 1127: 1108: 1104: 1097: 1092: 1075: 1072: 1071: 1057: 1050: 1039: 990: 987: 986: 964: 961: 960: 953: 946: 873: 801: 787:could be used. 769: 764: 747: 703:body mass index 680: 675: 666: 626: 606:Goodness of fit 313:Discrete choice 243:, beginning in 63:of one or more 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 34416: 34406: 34405: 34400: 34395: 34378: 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S. 30355: 30331: 30306:Safety Science 30292: 30229: 30190: 30175: 30158:Safety Science 30148: 30137:(6): 673–682. 30121: 30114: 30083: 30048: 30045:. p. 128. 30023: 29988: 29953: 29918: 29907:(37): 147–51. 29891: 29870:(4): 370–378. 29850: 29838: 29800: 29785: 29778: 29739: 29687: 29685: 29682: 29681: 29680: 29675: 29670: 29660: 29655: 29650: 29645: 29640: 29635: 29630: 29625: 29619: 29618: 29602: 29599: 29598: 29597: 29579: 29572: 29566: 29552: 29529: 29526: 29483:Berkson (1951) 29479:Berkson (1944) 29475:Joseph Berkson 29467:Jane Worcester 29351: 29348: 29318:error function 29310:logit function 29293: 29290: 29276:rather than a 29261: 29258: 29255: 29235: 29232: 29209: 29184: 29181: 29178: 29175: 29172: 29169: 29158: 29157: 29142: 29139: 29136: 29133: 29130: 29127: 29124: 29121: 29116: 29112: 29108: 29105: 29102: 29093: 29089: 29086: 29084: 29080: 29077: 29076: 29072: 29068: 29065: 29062: 29059: 29056: 29053: 29050: 29047: 29044: 29041: 29038: 29035: 29032: 29026: 29023: 29020: 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27882: 27871: 27868: 27865: 27862: 27859: 27856: 27853: 27850: 27847: 27844: 27841: 27833: 27828: 27824: 27820: 27816: 27812: 27809: 27805: 27800: 27797: 27794: 27791: 27786: 27782: 27758: 27731: 27708: 27705: 27690: 27685: 27680: 27675: 27670: 27665: 27660: 27655: 27631: 27626: 27602: 27597: 27573: 27568: 27540: 27535: 27511: 27508: 27505: 27477: 27474: 27470: 27447: 27442: 27418: 27415: 27412: 27409: 27406: 27382: 27377: 27364: 27363: 27345: 27340: 27335: 27330: 27325: 27319: 27313: 27308: 27305: 27302: 27298: 27289: 27284: 27279: 27274: 27269: 27263: 27257: 27252: 27249: 27245: 27228: 27223: 27222: 27207: 27203: 27199: 27196: 27192: 27188: 27183: 27179: 27164: 27163: 27150: 27146: 27141: 27133: 27128: 27123: 27118: 27113: 27107: 27103: 27098: 27095: 27091: 27065: 27062: 27058: 27038: 27037: 27024: 27019: 27014: 27009: 27004: 26999: 26994: 26991: 26987: 26981: 26978: 26974: 26968: 26963: 26960: 26957: 26953: 26938: 26937: 26923: 26920: 26915: 26911: 26908: 26902: 26899: 26895: 26891: 26885: 26881: 26878: 26873: 26869: 26864: 26859: 26856: 26853: 26849: 26845: 26842: 26839: 26836: 26830: 26827: 26822: 26819: 26814: 26810: 26807: 26804: 26801: 26798: 26795: 26792: 26783: 26780: 26775: 26772: 26767: 26763: 26756: 26751: 26734: 26733: 26720: 26717: 26714: 26711: 26705: 26699: 26694: 26691: 26688: 26682: 26676: 26671: 26668: 26665: 26659: 26653: 26648: 26630: 26625: 26624: 26612: 26606: 26603: 26599: 26593: 26588: 26585: 26582: 26578: 26574: 26571: 26567: 26561: 26557: 26551: 26546: 26543: 26540: 26536: 26532: 26527: 26524: 26521: 26518: 26512: 26495: 26494: 26483: 26480: 26475: 26472: 26468: 26462: 26457: 26454: 26451: 26447: 26426: 26421: 26420: 26409: 26404: 26401: 26397: 26393: 26388: 26384: 26380: 26377: 26374: 26371: 26368: 26363: 26360: 26356: 26350: 26347: 26343: 26339: 26334: 26329: 26326: 26323: 26319: 26313: 26310: 26306: 26300: 26295: 26292: 26289: 26285: 26279: 26274: 26271: 26268: 26264: 26260: 26255: 26252: 26249: 26243: 26216: 26208: 26203: 26202: 26191: 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24441: 24439: 24433: 24418: 24413: 24398: 24392: 24389: 24386: 24383: 24380: 24377: 24375: 24373: 24369: 24355: 24352: 24349: 24336: 24333: 24329: 24325: 24322: 24319: 24316: 24314: 24306: 24302: 24293: 24289: 24288: 24274: 24273: 24258: 24245: 24242: 24239: 24236: 24233: 24230: 24228: 24220: 24216: 24215: 24202: 24199: 24196: 24193: 24190: 24187: 24185: 24177: 24173: 24172: 24142: 24137: 24132: 24129: 24126: 24122: 24089: 24088: 24077: 24064: 24061: 24058: 24055: 24052: 24049: 24026:sum of squares 24021: 24018: 24006: 24003: 23990: 23987: 23984: 23981: 23978: 23975: 23954: 23947: 23920: 23917: 23914: 23911: 23906: 23899: 23896: 23889: 23883: 23880: 23874: 23871: 23868: 23865: 23845: 23842: 23839: 23836: 23830: 23827: 23804: 23801: 23798: 23795: 23790: 23783: 23780: 23760: 23750: 23749: 23738: 23733: 23726: 23723: 23716: 23710: 23707: 23701: 23698: 23695: 23691: 23684: 23679: 23672: 23669: 23660: 23653: 23650: 23641: 23637: 23634: 23631: 23628: 23610: 23609: 23596: 23589: 23586: 23579: 23573: 23570: 23551: 23544: 23528: 23525: 23512: 23511: 23499: 23491: 23488: 23483: 23480: 23475: 23472: 23466: 23462: 23459: 23456: 23451: 23447: 23421: 23417: 23405: 23404: 23393: 23390: 23385: 23382: 23377: 23374: 23371: 23368: 23365: 23362: 23357: 23354: 23349: 23346: 23343: 23340: 23337: 23332: 23329: 23324: 23321: 23318: 23313: 23310: 23304: 23301: 23298: 23293: 23286: 23283: 23250: 23247: 23242: 23237: 23233: 23223:Since we have 23221: 23220: 23208: 23204: 23199: 23195: 23191: 23188: 23185: 23182: 23179: 23176: 23171: 23167: 23163: 23160: 23157: 23154: 23151: 23146: 23142: 23138: 23135: 23132: 23127: 23123: 23118: 23112: 23107: 23104: 23101: 23097: 23093: 23088: 23084: 23069: 23068: 23055: 23051: 23047: 23042: 23038: 23023: 23022: 23004: 23000: 22996: 22992: 22988: 22985: 22981: 22976: 22973: 22970: 22967: 22962: 22958: 22934: 22931: 22928: 22917: 22916: 22904: 22900: 22897: 22892: 22888: 22884: 22881: 22878: 22875: 22872: 22869: 22866: 22863: 22858: 22854: 22850: 22847: 22844: 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21888: 21884: 21880: 21875: 21870: 21867: 21864: 21860: 21856: 21851: 21847: 21819: 21814: 21810: 21806: 21801: 21797: 21793: 21790: 21777: 21770: 21737: 21734: 21732: 21729: 21711: 21707: 21703: 21700: 21680: 21656: 21633:Main article: 21630: 21627: 21553: 21550: 21544: 21541: 21535: 21532: 21512: 21509: 21506: 21503: 21478:Comparison of 21471: 21468: 21453: 21449: 21445: 21442: 21439: 21436: 21433: 21430: 21427: 21424: 21421: 21418: 21415: 21412: 21409: 21406: 21403: 21400: 21396: 21384: 21383: 21370: 21364: 21361: 21359: 21356: 21354: 21351: 21350: 21347: 21344: 21342: 21339: 21336: 21331: 21327: 21323: 21321: 21318: 21315: 21310: 21306: 21302: 21300: 21297: 21296: 21293: 21290: 21288: 21285: 21282: 21277: 21273: 21269: 21267: 21264: 21261: 21256: 21252: 21248: 21246: 21243: 21242: 21240: 21235: 21231: 21207: 21204: 21201: 21198: 21195: 21192: 21189: 21186: 21183: 21180: 21177: 21174: 21171: 21168: 21164: 21143: 21140: 21137: 21134: 21131: 21128: 21125: 21122: 21119: 21116: 21113: 21110: 21107: 21104: 21101: 21098: 21095: 21091: 21079: 21078: 21066: 21060: 21055: 21050: 21046: 21042: 21037: 21032: 21026: 21020: 21015: 21009: 21003: 20998: 20991: 20988: 20983: 20978: 20972: 20967: 20960: 20955: 20949: 20944: 20939: 20936: 20933: 20928: 20902: 20876: 20873: 20870: 20866: 20860: 20855: 20850: 20846: 20842: 20839: 20835: 20830: 20827: 20824: 20821: 20818: 20796: 20792: 20788: 20785: 20782: 20779: 20776: 20771: 20767: 20763: 20760: 20757: 20754: 20749: 20745: 20741: 20738: 20735: 20732: 20729: 20726: 20723: 20719: 20698: 20695: 20692: 20687: 20683: 20679: 20674: 20670: 20666: 20661: 20657: 20653: 20650: 20645: 20640: 20625:process using 20619:log-likelihood 20602: 20599: 20596: 20576: 20573: 20570: 20558: 20555: 20554: 20553: 20549: 20545: 20541: 20537: 20524:, or complete 20501: 20498: 20496: 20493: 20489: 20488: 20477: 20471: 20468: 20463: 20459: 20453: 20442: 20437: 20432: 20428: 20424: 20420: 20416: 20413: 20409: 20404: 20401: 20397: 20390: 20385: 20375: 20370: 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16703: 16702: 16653: 16651: 16644: 16636: 16633: 16632: 16631: 16614: 16610: 16606: 16602: 16599: 16598: 16595: 16590: 16585: 16580: 16576: 16572: 16569: 16564: 16561: 16557: 16553: 16549: 16546: 16545: 16541: 16536: 16531: 16526: 16522: 16518: 16515: 16512: 16509: 16506: 16504: 16500: 16497: 16496: 16488: 16485: 16480: 16475: 16470: 16466: 16462: 16459: 16456: 16453: 16450: 16447: 16445: 16441: 16438: 16437: 16428: 16419: 16416: 16413: 16410: 16407: 16404: 16399: 16394: 16389: 16385: 16381: 16378: 16375: 16373: 16369: 16366: 16365: 16357: 16349: 16346: 16343: 16340: 16337: 16334: 16329: 16324: 16319: 16316: 16311: 16306: 16301: 16296: 16291: 16286: 16283: 16280: 16277: 16275: 16271: 16268: 16267: 16263: 16260: 16257: 16254: 16249: 16245: 16241: 16236: 16232: 16228: 16225: 16220: 16215: 16210: 16207: 16202: 16197: 16192: 16187: 16182: 16177: 16174: 16171: 16168: 16166: 16162: 16159: 16158: 16153: 16149: 16146: 16143: 16138: 16134: 16130: 16125: 16121: 16117: 16114: 16111: 16106: 16101: 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13264: 13258: 13254: 13251: 13248: 13245: 13240: 13236: 13232: 13229: 13226: 13223: 13220: 13217: 13212: 13207: 13202: 13197: 13193: 13189: 13186: 13181: 13176: 13173: 13170: 13156: 13155: 13142: 13139: 13136: 13132: 13126: 13122: 13118: 13115: 13112: 13107: 13104: 13101: 13097: 13091: 13087: 13083: 13078: 13074: 13070: 13066: 13058: 13054: 13050: 13047: 13041: 13037: 13031: 13027: 13024: 13021: 13018: 13013: 13009: 13005: 13002: 12999: 12996: 12993: 12990: 12985: 12982: 12979: 12975: 12971: 12968: 12965: 12960: 12957: 12954: 12950: 12946: 12941: 12937: 12933: 12930: 12925: 12920: 12917: 12914: 12887: 12884: 12879: 12876: 12853: 12850: 12846: 12823: 12818: 12790: 12787: 12783: 12771: 12770: 12757: 12754: 12750: 12746: 12741: 12736: 12731: 12726: 12722: 12716: 12711: 12708: 12705: 12701: 12697: 12692: 12689: 12685: 12681: 12676: 12672: 12668: 12665: 12662: 12659: 12654: 12649: 12646: 12643: 12639: 12635: 12632: 12629: 12621: 12618: 12614: 12610: 12605: 12602: 12579: 12568: 12560: 12542: 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11714: 11703: 11700: 11697: 11694: 11691: 11688: 11685: 11682: 11679: 11653: 11649: 11644: 11639: 11633: 11627: 11622: 11619: 11616: 11612: 11608: 11605: 11598: 11594: 11589: 11584: 11578: 11572: 11569: 11565: 11561: 11556: 11552: 11506: 11503: 11500: 11476: 11473: 11470: 11455: 11439: 11436: 11433: 11408: 11404: 11400: 11397: 11394: 11391: 11371: 11367: 11363: 11360: 11344:Main article: 11341: 11338: 11337: 11336: 11324: 11321: 11318: 11292: 11288: 11265: 11261: 11240: 11235: 11231: 11210: 11207: 11204: 11182: 11178: 11157: 11135: 11131: 11110: 11107: 11102: 11098: 11087: 11075: 11072: 11069: 11043: 11039: 11018: 11015: 11012: 10990: 10986: 10965: 10943: 10939: 10918: 10915: 10910: 10906: 10895: 10884: 10880: 10876: 10873: 10870: 10867: 10864: 10861: 10858: 10854: 10850: 10830: 10827: 10822: 10818: 10814: 10809: 10805: 10784: 10781: 10778: 10756: 10753: 10749: 10728: 10725: 10722: 10702: 10699: 10694: 10690: 10686: 10681: 10677: 10656: 10653: 10648: 10644: 10640: 10635: 10631: 10610: 10607: 10604: 10577: 10574: 10571: 10566: 10562: 10538: 10535: 10532: 10517: 10516: 10499: 10494: 10490: 10484: 10480: 10476: 10471: 10467: 10461: 10457: 10453: 10448: 10444: 10440: 10437: 10433: 10429: 10426: 10422: 10417: 10407: 10403: 10397: 10393: 10389: 10384: 10380: 10374: 10370: 10366: 10361: 10357: 10352: 10348: 10345: 10337: 10333: 10327: 10323: 10319: 10314: 10310: 10304: 10300: 10296: 10291: 10287: 10282: 10276: 10268: 10265: 10261: 10256: 10252: 10249: 10242: 10238: 10234: 10229: 10223: 10220: 10210: 10197: 10193: 10189: 10186: 10181: 10177: 10173: 10170: 10167: 10164: 10158: 10155: 10152: 10148: 10143: 10138: 10134: 10130: 10127: 10104: 10101: 10096: 10092: 10071: 10068: 10063: 10059: 10038: 10035: 10032: 10027: 10023: 10002: 9999: 9996: 9976: 9973: 9970: 9950: 9943: 9938: 9937: 9924: 9921: 9917: 9913: 9908: 9903: 9898: 9895: 9890: 9885: 9882: 9879: 9875: 9871: 9866: 9863: 9859: 9853: 9849: 9843: 9838: 9835: 9832: 9828: 9824: 9821: 9818: 9810: 9806: 9802: 9797: 9794: 9769: 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6064: 6061: 6060: 6059: 6047: 6036: 6024: 6019: 6015: 6004: 5986: 5982: 5971: 5959: 5956: 5953: 5950: 5929: 5926: 5923: 5920: 5900: 5897: 5894: 5891: 5881: 5865: 5855: 5839: 5836: 5833: 5830: 5827: 5824: 5821: 5801: 5786: 5783: 5782: 5781: 5770: 5765: 5760: 5756: 5752: 5747: 5743: 5738: 5734: 5728: 5725: 5722: 5719: 5716: 5713: 5708: 5705: 5702: 5699: 5682: 5681: 5670: 5667: 5662: 5658: 5654: 5649: 5645: 5641: 5637: 5631: 5628: 5625: 5622: 5619: 5616: 5611: 5608: 5605: 5602: 5596: 5592: 5589: 5586: 5583: 5580: 5577: 5574: 5571: 5568: 5565: 5562: 5559: 5556: 5553: 5550: 5547: 5542: 5539: 5535: 5531: 5528: 5525: 5522: 5519: 5516: 5513: 5510: 5485: 5482: 5478: 5474: 5471: 5455: 5452: 5439: 5419: 5394: 5390: 5369: 5366: 5363: 5360: 5357: 5352: 5348: 5344: 5341: 5319: 5315: 5291: 5271: 5268: 5265: 5262: 5251: 5250: 5234: 5231: 5226: 5222: 5218: 5213: 5209: 5205: 5202: 5198: 5194: 5191: 5187: 5182: 5179: 5176: 5173: 5170: 5167: 5164: 5161: 5158: 5155: 5132: 5129: 5126: 5123: 5120: 5117: 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4205: 4202: 4197: 4193: 4189: 4186: 4181: 4177: 4173: 4170: 4156: 4155: 4139: 4136: 4133: 4125: 4122: 4118: 4114: 4111: 4107: 4102: 4099: 4088: 4087: 4076: 4073: 4070: 4067: 4064: 4061: 4058: 4055: 4052: 4049: 4044: 4040: 4036: 4033: 4028: 4024: 4020: 4017: 3994: 3991: 3988: 3961: 3957: 3930: 3926: 3911: 3908: 3907: 3906: 3895: 3892: 3887: 3883: 3878: 3874: 3871: 3868: 3858: 3847: 3844: 3839: 3835: 3830: 3824: 3820: 3816: 3813: 3810: 3788: 3787: 3776: 3773: 3768: 3764: 3753: 3742: 3739: 3736: 3731: 3727: 3691: 3687: 3660: 3656: 3644:The values of 3626: 3622: 3595: 3591: 3577: 3576: 3563: 3559: 3555: 3550: 3546: 3542: 3537: 3533: 3529: 3524: 3519: 3516: 3513: 3509: 3505: 3497: 3493: 3489: 3484: 3481: 3475: 3472: 3461: 3460: 3449: 3444: 3440: 3436: 3431: 3427: 3423: 3418: 3413: 3410: 3407: 3403: 3399: 3391: 3387: 3383: 3378: 3375: 3369: 3366: 3339: 3335: 3308: 3304: 3269: 3265: 3238: 3234: 3215: 3212: 3204: 3203: 3192: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3176: 3173: 3168: 3165: 3160: 3156: 3152: 3149: 3145: 3138: 3134: 3128: 3125: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3109: 3105: 3101: 3098: 3080: 3079: 3067: 3063: 3058: 3054: 3050: 3047: 3044: 3041: 3038: 3035: 3030: 3026: 3022: 3019: 3016: 3013: 3010: 3005: 3001: 2997: 2994: 2991: 2986: 2982: 2976: 2970: 2965: 2962: 2959: 2955: 2951: 2948: 2943: 2939: 2935: 2932: 2929: 2926: 2923: 2918: 2915: 2910: 2906: 2902: 2899: 2895: 2891: 2888: 2883: 2879: 2875: 2872: 2869: 2864: 2861: 2856: 2852: 2848: 2845: 2841: 2837: 2834: 2794: 2791: 2765: 2761: 2734: 2730: 2705: 2702: 2675: 2670: 2665: 2661: 2657: 2654: 2651: 2648: 2643: 2639: 2633: 2609: 2604: 2599: 2595: 2591: 2588: 2585: 2582: 2577: 2573: 2567: 2550: 2549: 2538: 2535: 2530: 2526: 2522: 2519: 2516: 2513: 2510: 2507: 2502: 2498: 2494: 2491: 2488: 2485: 2480: 2476: 2472: 2469: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2453: 2448: 2444: 2415: 2412: 2407: 2403: 2399: 2396: 2370: 2366: 2343: 2340: 2335: 2331: 2310: 2307: 2302: 2298: 2277: 2274: 2269: 2265: 2244: 2241: 2236: 2232: 2211: 2208: 2203: 2199: 2178: 2175: 2170: 2166: 2145: 2142: 2137: 2133: 2112: 2109: 2104: 2100: 2071: 2067: 2040: 2036: 2018: 2017: 2004: 1999: 1996: 1991: 1987: 1981: if  1978: 1976: 1971: 1967: 1963: 1960: 1957: 1954: 1951: 1948: 1945: 1944: 1941: 1938: 1935: 1930: 1926: 1920: if  1917: 1913: 1909: 1905: 1902: 1899: 1896: 1895: 1893: 1888: 1883: 1879: 1851: 1847: 1816: 1798: 1794: 1767: 1763: 1732: 1728: 1724: 1721: 1695: 1691: 1664: 1660: 1637: 1632: 1628: 1624: 1621: 1618: 1613: 1609: 1595: 1588: 1585:. For a given 1583:log-likelihood 1566: 1563: 1544: 1540: 1535: 1531: 1528: 1525: 1503: 1499: 1494: 1488: 1484: 1480: 1477: 1474: 1465:. Conversely, 1455:rate parameter 1442: 1438: 1434: 1431: 1426: 1422: 1401: 1396: 1392: 1388: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1372: 1340: 1336: 1332: 1329: 1326: 1321: 1317: 1305: 1304: 1288: 1285: 1280: 1276: 1272: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1256: 1252: 1248: 1245: 1241: 1236: 1233: 1230: 1227: 1224: 1193: 1189: 1185: 1182: 1179: 1176: 1173: 1170: 1151: 1150: 1134: 1130: 1126: 1123: 1120: 1117: 1114: 1111: 1107: 1103: 1100: 1096: 1091: 1088: 1085: 1082: 1079: 1055: 1048: 1038: 1035: 1006: 1003: 1000: 997: 994: 974: 971: 968: 951: 944: 937: 936: 933: 930: 927: 924: 921: 918: 915: 912: 909: 906: 903: 900: 897: 894: 891: 888: 885: 882: 879: 876: 871: 865: 864: 861: 858: 855: 852: 849: 846: 843: 840: 837: 834: 831: 828: 825: 822: 819: 816: 813: 810: 807: 804: 799: 768: 765: 763: 760: 746: 743: 679: 676: 674: 671: 668: 667: 665: 664: 657: 650: 642: 639: 638: 637: 636: 621: 620: 619: 618: 613: 608: 603: 598: 593: 585: 584: 580: 579: 578: 577: 572: 567: 562: 557: 549: 548: 547: 546: 541: 536: 531: 526: 518: 517: 516: 515: 510: 505: 500: 492: 491: 490: 489: 484: 479: 471: 470: 466: 465: 464: 463: 455: 454: 453: 452: 447: 442: 437: 432: 427: 422: 417: 415:Semiparametric 412: 407: 399: 398: 397: 396: 391: 386: 384:Random effects 381: 376: 368: 367: 366: 365: 360: 358:Ordered probit 355: 350: 345: 340: 335: 330: 325: 320: 315: 310: 305: 297: 296: 295: 294: 289: 284: 279: 271: 270: 266: 265: 259: 258: 249:§ History 245:Berkson (1944) 241:Joseph Berkson 136:§ Example 90:, coded by an 45:logistic model 33:§ Example 21:Logit function 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 34415: 34404: 34401: 34399: 34396: 34394: 34391: 34390: 34388: 34373: 34372: 34363: 34361: 34360: 34351: 34349: 34348: 34343: 34337: 34335: 34334: 34325: 34324: 34321: 34307: 34304: 34302: 34301:Geostatistics 34299: 34297: 34294: 34292: 34289: 34287: 34284: 34283: 34281: 34279: 34275: 34269: 34268:Psychometrics 34266: 34264: 34261: 34259: 34256: 34254: 34251: 34249: 34246: 34244: 34241: 34239: 34236: 34234: 34231: 34229: 34226: 34224: 34221: 34220: 34218: 34216: 34212: 34206: 34203: 34201: 34198: 34196: 34192: 34189: 34187: 34184: 34182: 34179: 34177: 34174: 34173: 34171: 34169: 34165: 34159: 34156: 34154: 34151: 34149: 34145: 34142: 34140: 34137: 34136: 34134: 34132: 34131:Biostatistics 34128: 34124: 34120: 34115: 34111: 34093: 34092:Log-rank test 34090: 34089: 34087: 34083: 34077: 34074: 34073: 34071: 34069: 34065: 34059: 34056: 34054: 34051: 34049: 34046: 34044: 34041: 34040: 34038: 34036: 34032: 34029: 34027: 34023: 34013: 34010: 34008: 34005: 34003: 34000: 33998: 33995: 33993: 33990: 33989: 33987: 33985: 33981: 33975: 33972: 33970: 33967: 33965: 33963:(Box–Jenkins) 33959: 33957: 33954: 33952: 33949: 33945: 33942: 33941: 33940: 33937: 33936: 33934: 33932: 33928: 33922: 33919: 33917: 33916:Durbin–Watson 33914: 33912: 33906: 33904: 33901: 33899: 33898:Dickey–Fuller 33896: 33895: 33893: 33889: 33883: 33880: 33878: 33875: 33873: 33872:Cointegration 33870: 33868: 33865: 33863: 33860: 33858: 33855: 33853: 33850: 33848: 33847:Decomposition 33845: 33844: 33842: 33838: 33835: 33833: 33829: 33819: 33816: 33815: 33814: 33811: 33810: 33809: 33806: 33802: 33799: 33798: 33797: 33794: 33792: 33789: 33787: 33784: 33782: 33779: 33777: 33774: 33772: 33769: 33767: 33764: 33762: 33759: 33758: 33756: 33754: 33750: 33744: 33741: 33739: 33736: 33734: 33731: 33729: 33726: 33724: 33721: 33719: 33718:Cohen's kappa 33716: 33715: 33713: 33711: 33707: 33703: 33699: 33695: 33691: 33687: 33682: 33678: 33664: 33661: 33659: 33656: 33654: 33651: 33649: 33646: 33645: 33643: 33641: 33637: 33631: 33627: 33623: 33617: 33615: 33612: 33611: 33609: 33607: 33603: 33597: 33594: 33592: 33589: 33587: 33584: 33582: 33579: 33577: 33574: 33572: 33571:Nonparametric 33569: 33567: 33564: 33563: 33561: 33557: 33551: 33548: 33546: 33543: 33541: 33538: 33536: 33533: 33532: 33530: 33528: 33524: 33518: 33515: 33513: 33510: 33508: 33505: 33503: 33500: 33498: 33495: 33494: 33492: 33490: 33486: 33480: 33477: 33475: 33472: 33470: 33467: 33465: 33462: 33461: 33459: 33457: 33453: 33449: 33442: 33439: 33437: 33434: 33433: 33429: 33425: 33409: 33406: 33405: 33404: 33401: 33399: 33396: 33394: 33391: 33387: 33384: 33382: 33379: 33378: 33377: 33374: 33373: 33371: 33369: 33365: 33355: 33352: 33348: 33342: 33340: 33334: 33332: 33326: 33325: 33324: 33321: 33320:Nonparametric 33318: 33316: 33310: 33306: 33303: 33302: 33301: 33295: 33291: 33290:Sample median 33288: 33287: 33286: 33283: 33282: 33280: 33278: 33274: 33266: 33263: 33261: 33258: 33256: 33253: 33252: 33251: 33248: 33246: 33243: 33241: 33235: 33233: 33230: 33228: 33225: 33223: 33220: 33218: 33215: 33213: 33211: 33207: 33205: 33202: 33201: 33199: 33197: 33193: 33187: 33185: 33181: 33179: 33177: 33172: 33170: 33165: 33161: 33160: 33157: 33154: 33152: 33148: 33138: 33135: 33133: 33130: 33128: 33125: 33124: 33122: 33120: 33116: 33110: 33107: 33103: 33100: 33099: 33098: 33095: 33091: 33088: 33087: 33086: 33083: 33081: 33078: 33077: 33075: 33073: 33069: 33061: 33058: 33056: 33053: 33052: 33051: 33048: 33046: 33043: 33041: 33038: 33036: 33033: 33031: 33028: 33026: 33023: 33022: 33020: 33018: 33014: 33008: 33005: 33001: 32998: 32994: 32991: 32989: 32986: 32985: 32984: 32981: 32980: 32979: 32976: 32972: 32969: 32967: 32964: 32962: 32959: 32957: 32954: 32953: 32952: 32949: 32948: 32946: 32944: 32940: 32937: 32935: 32931: 32925: 32922: 32920: 32917: 32913: 32910: 32909: 32908: 32905: 32903: 32900: 32896: 32895:loss function 32893: 32892: 32891: 32888: 32884: 32881: 32879: 32876: 32874: 32871: 32870: 32869: 32866: 32864: 32861: 32859: 32856: 32852: 32849: 32847: 32844: 32842: 32836: 32833: 32832: 32831: 32828: 32824: 32821: 32819: 32816: 32814: 32811: 32810: 32809: 32806: 32802: 32799: 32797: 32794: 32793: 32792: 32789: 32785: 32782: 32781: 32780: 32777: 32773: 32770: 32769: 32768: 32765: 32763: 32760: 32758: 32755: 32753: 32750: 32749: 32747: 32745: 32741: 32737: 32733: 32728: 32724: 32710: 32707: 32705: 32702: 32700: 32697: 32695: 32692: 32691: 32689: 32687: 32683: 32677: 32674: 32672: 32669: 32667: 32664: 32663: 32661: 32657: 32651: 32648: 32646: 32643: 32641: 32638: 32636: 32633: 32631: 32628: 32626: 32623: 32621: 32618: 32617: 32615: 32613: 32609: 32603: 32600: 32598: 32597:Questionnaire 32595: 32593: 32590: 32586: 32583: 32581: 32578: 32577: 32576: 32573: 32572: 32570: 32568: 32564: 32558: 32555: 32553: 32550: 32548: 32545: 32543: 32540: 32538: 32535: 32533: 32530: 32528: 32525: 32523: 32520: 32519: 32517: 32515: 32511: 32507: 32503: 32498: 32494: 32480: 32477: 32475: 32472: 32470: 32467: 32465: 32462: 32460: 32457: 32455: 32452: 32450: 32447: 32445: 32442: 32440: 32437: 32435: 32432: 32430: 32427: 32425: 32424:Control chart 32422: 32420: 32417: 32415: 32412: 32410: 32407: 32406: 32404: 32402: 32398: 32392: 32389: 32385: 32382: 32380: 32377: 32376: 32375: 32372: 32370: 32367: 32365: 32362: 32361: 32359: 32357: 32353: 32347: 32344: 32342: 32339: 32337: 32334: 32333: 32331: 32327: 32321: 32318: 32317: 32315: 32313: 32309: 32297: 32294: 32292: 32289: 32287: 32284: 32283: 32282: 32279: 32277: 32274: 32273: 32271: 32269: 32265: 32259: 32256: 32254: 32251: 32249: 32246: 32244: 32241: 32239: 32236: 32234: 32231: 32229: 32226: 32225: 32223: 32221: 32217: 32211: 32208: 32206: 32203: 32199: 32196: 32194: 32191: 32189: 32186: 32184: 32181: 32179: 32176: 32174: 32171: 32169: 32166: 32164: 32161: 32159: 32156: 32154: 32151: 32150: 32149: 32146: 32145: 32143: 32141: 32137: 32134: 32132: 32128: 32124: 32120: 32115: 32111: 32105: 32102: 32100: 32097: 32096: 32093: 32089: 32082: 32077: 32075: 32070: 32068: 32063: 32062: 32059: 32052: 32048: 32045: 32043: 32040: 32038: 32034: 32030: 32025: 32022: 32017: 32013: 32012: 32001: 31996: 31992: 31988: 31983: 31978: 31974: 31970: 31969: 31964: 31959: 31955: 31949: 31945: 31940: 31936: 31930: 31926: 31921: 31917: 31911: 31907: 31903: 31899: 31895: 31889: 31885: 31880: 31876: 31870: 31866: 31862: 31858: 31854: 31850: 31844: 31840: 31835: 31831: 31825: 31821: 31817: 31812: 31808: 31802: 31798: 31793: 31792: 31787: 31783: 31778: 31773: 31768: 31763: 31759: 31755: 31751: 31747: 31746: 31741: 31737: 31736:Worcester, J. 31733: 31729: 31725: 31721: 31716: 31711: 31706: 31701: 31697: 31693: 31689: 31685: 31681: 31676: 31672: 31668: 31664: 31660: 31657:(3): 251–59. 31656: 31652: 31647: 31643: 31639: 31635: 31630: 31626: 31622: 31618: 31614: 31610: 31606: 31601: 31595: 31591: 31587: 31583: 31577: 31576: 31573: 31569: 31562: 31561: 31555: 31551: 31547: 31546:Cox, David R. 31543: 31539: 31535: 31531: 31527: 31523: 31519: 31515: 31514:Cox, David R. 31511: 31508: 31504: 31500: 31496: 31492: 31488: 31484: 31480: 31476: 31475: 31469: 31465: 31461: 31457: 31453: 31449: 31445: 31441: 31437: 31432: 31428: 31424: 31420: 31416: 31412: 31408: 31403: 31402: 31383:on 2018-11-27 31379: 31375: 31368: 31364: 31358: 31352:, p. 13. 31351: 31346: 31344: 31337:, p. 11. 31336: 31331: 31324: 31319: 31312: 31307: 31300: 31295: 31288: 31283: 31276: 31271: 31264: 31259: 31252: 31247: 31240: 31235: 31221: 31217: 31213: 31206: 31199: 31194: 31178: 31174: 31167: 31160: 31153: 31148: 31140: 31136: 31132: 31125: 31117: 31116: 31108: 31100: 31099: 31091: 31083: 31076: 31069: 31051: 31044: 31042: 31034: 31029: 31027: 31018: 31012: 31008: 31001: 30993: 30989: 30985: 30981: 30977: 30973: 30966: 30955: 30948: 30940: 30934: 30930: 30926: 30919: 30917: 30915: 30913: 30911: 30909: 30907: 30905: 30903: 30901: 30892: 30886: 30882: 30875: 30867: 30863: 30858: 30853: 30848: 30843: 30839: 30835: 30831: 30824: 30816: 30812: 30807: 30802: 30798: 30794: 30790: 30783: 30775: 30771: 30766: 30761: 30757: 30753: 30752: 30747: 30740: 30732: 30728: 30723: 30718: 30713: 30708: 30704: 30700: 30696: 30689: 30681: 30675: 30671: 30664: 30656: 30652: 30648: 30644: 30637: 30630: 30622: 30618: 30614: 30610: 30603: 30595: 30589: 30585: 30578: 30576: 30574: 30572: 30570: 30568: 30566: 30556: 30551: 30547: 30543: 30536: 30516: 30508: 30505: 30502: 30496: 30493: 30490: 30484: 30481: 30478: 30462: 30454: 30448: 30443: 30442: 30433: 30425: 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29754: 29752: 29750: 29748: 29746: 29744: 29735: 29731: 29727: 29723: 29719: 29715: 29711: 29707: 29703: 29699: 29692: 29688: 29679: 29676: 29674: 29671: 29668: 29665:- contains a 29664: 29661: 29659: 29656: 29654: 29651: 29649: 29648:Ordered logit 29646: 29644: 29641: 29639: 29636: 29634: 29631: 29629: 29626: 29624: 29621: 29620: 29616: 29610: 29605: 29595: 29591: 29587: 29583: 29580: 29577: 29573: 29570: 29567: 29564: 29560: 29559:ordered logit 29556: 29553: 29550: 29546: 29542: 29538: 29535: 29534: 29533: 29525: 29523: 29519: 29515: 29511: 29507: 29503: 29498: 29496: 29492: 29487: 29484: 29480: 29476: 29472: 29468: 29464: 29459: 29457: 29453: 29449: 29448:Fisher (1935) 29445: 29441: 29437: 29436:Gaddum (1933) 29433: 29429: 29425: 29421: 29416: 29413: 29409: 29405: 29401: 29397: 29396:Raymond Pearl 29392: 29389: 29385: 29381: 29380:autocatalysis 29376: 29373: 29369: 29365: 29361: 29357: 29356:Cramer (2002) 29347: 29345: 29340: 29338: 29333: 29331: 29327: 29323: 29319: 29315: 29311: 29307: 29306:link function 29303: 29299: 29289: 29287: 29283: 29279: 29275: 29259: 29256: 29253: 29245: 29241: 29231: 29229: 29207: 29198: 29179: 29176: 29173: 29167: 29137: 29134: 29131: 29125: 29122: 29114: 29110: 29106: 29103: 29091: 29087: 29085: 29078: 29070: 29063: 29060: 29057: 29054: 29051: 29048: 29045: 29036: 29033: 29030: 29021: 29018: 29015: 29012: 29009: 29006: 29003: 29000: 28997: 28983: 28980: 28977: 28974: 28971: 28968: 28965: 28953: 28950: 28947: 28943: 28936: 28933: 28930: 28927: 28924: 28921: 28918: 28900: 28897: 28893: 28880: 28877: 28873: 28870: 28863: 28853: 28850: 28847: 28844: 28841: 28838: 28835: 28832: 28829: 28820: 28817: 28811: 28808: 28805: 28802: 28799: 28796: 28793: 28775: 28772: 28768: 28755: 28752: 28748: 28744: 28738: 28735: 28730: 28726: 28722: 28717: 28713: 28703: 28700: 28695: 28690: 28687: 28684: 28680: 28674: 28671: 28667: 28658: 28652: 28645: 28633: 28632: 28631: 28629: 28610: 28607: 28604: 28594:Assuming the 28592: 28590: 28568: 28565: 28560: 28556: 28552: 28547: 28543: 28533: 28530: 28525: 28520: 28517: 28514: 28510: 28504: 28501: 28497: 28493: 28487: 28484: 28481: 28478: 28475: 28469: 28466: 28463: 28458: 28455: 28451: 28443: 28442: 28441: 28413: 28409: 28405: 28402: 28386: 28382: 28373: 28369: 28365: 28362: 28352: 28348: 28337: 28333: 28324: 28320: 28314: 28310: 28306: 28304: 28293: 28290: 28285: 28281: 28277: 28272: 28268: 28256: 28252: 28248: 28246: 28235: 28232: 28229: 28226: 28223: 28214: 28212: 28204: 28201: 28198: 28195: 28192: 28186: 28175: 28174: 28173: 28171: 28155: 28147: 28144: 28141: 28127: 28119: 28115: 28111: 28108: 28100: 28092: 28084: 28080: 28076: 28070: 28067: 28064: 28061: 28058: 28029: 28026: 28023: 28020: 28017: 27988: 27985: 27982: 27976: 27973: 27947: 27939: 27935: 27931: 27928: 27925: 27919: 27916: 27913: 27910: 27907: 27904: 27901: 27888: 27887: 27886: 27866: 27863: 27860: 27857: 27854: 27851: 27848: 27839: 27831: 27826: 27822: 27818: 27814: 27810: 27807: 27803: 27798: 27792: 27784: 27780: 27772: 27771: 27770: 27756: 27748: 27743: 27729: 27721: 27716: 27714: 27713:cross-entropy 27704: 27688: 27678: 27673: 27663: 27658: 27629: 27600: 27571: 27556: 27538: 27509: 27506: 27503: 27493: 27475: 27472: 27468: 27445: 27413: 27410: 27407: 27380: 27343: 27333: 27328: 27317: 27311: 27306: 27303: 27300: 27296: 27287: 27277: 27272: 27261: 27255: 27250: 27247: 27243: 27235: 27234: 27233: 27231: 27205: 27201: 27197: 27194: 27190: 27186: 27181: 27177: 27169: 27168: 27167: 27148: 27144: 27139: 27131: 27121: 27116: 27105: 27101: 27096: 27093: 27089: 27081: 27080: 27079: 27063: 27060: 27056: 27047: 27043: 27022: 27012: 27007: 26997: 26992: 26989: 26985: 26979: 26976: 26972: 26966: 26961: 26958: 26955: 26951: 26943: 26942: 26941: 26921: 26918: 26913: 26909: 26900: 26897: 26893: 26889: 26883: 26879: 26876: 26871: 26862: 26857: 26854: 26851: 26847: 26843: 26840: 26837: 26828: 26825: 26820: 26817: 26812: 26805: 26802: 26799: 26796: 26793: 26790: 26781: 26778: 26773: 26770: 26765: 26739: 26738: 26737: 26718: 26715: 26712: 26709: 26697: 26692: 26689: 26686: 26674: 26669: 26666: 26663: 26651: 26637: 26636: 26635: 26633: 26610: 26604: 26601: 26597: 26591: 26586: 26583: 26580: 26576: 26572: 26569: 26565: 26559: 26555: 26549: 26544: 26541: 26538: 26534: 26530: 26525: 26522: 26519: 26516: 26500: 26499: 26498: 26481: 26478: 26473: 26470: 26466: 26460: 26455: 26452: 26449: 26445: 26437: 26436: 26435: 26433: 26429: 26402: 26399: 26395: 26386: 26382: 26378: 26375: 26366: 26361: 26358: 26354: 26348: 26345: 26341: 26332: 26327: 26324: 26321: 26317: 26311: 26308: 26304: 26298: 26293: 26290: 26287: 26283: 26277: 26272: 26269: 26266: 26262: 26258: 26253: 26250: 26247: 26231: 26230: 26229: 26227: 26223: 26219: 26211: 26184: 26181: 26177: 26168: 26164: 26160: 26157: 26148: 26143: 26140: 26136: 26130: 26127: 26123: 26114: 26109: 26106: 26103: 26099: 26095: 26087: 26084: 26080: 26071: 26058: 26057: 26056: 26034: 26031: 26027: 26020: 26017: 26009: 26005: 26001: 25998: 25987: 25982: 25979: 25976: 25972: 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25097: 25094: 25091: 25087: 25082: 25079: 25076: 25073: 25070: 25067: 25054: 25049: 25045: 25041: 25037: 25033: 25023: 25003: 24980: 24948: 24942: 24939: 24929: 24921: 24918: 24915: 24909: 24906: 24903: 24899: 24894: 24891: 24888: 24883: 24876: 24873: 24866: 24861: 24856: 24849: 24846: 24835: 24834: 24833: 24817: 24813: 24790: 24786: 24763: 24759: 24748: 24739: 24737: 24736:Type-II error 24712: 24705: 24701: 24696: 24692: 24686: 24681: 24677: 24671: 24666: 24662: 24654: 24653: 24652: 24650: 24646: 24636: 24633: 24623: 24621: 24617: 24606: 24603: 24587: 24583: 24573: 24554: 24545: 24536: 24527: 24518: 24517: 24516: 24513: 24504: 24494: 24469: 24456: 24453: 24450: 24447: 24444: 24442: 24431: 24416: 24411: 24396: 24390: 24387: 24384: 24381: 24378: 24376: 24367: 24353: 24350: 24347: 24334: 24331: 24327: 24323: 24320: 24317: 24315: 24304: 24300: 24291: 24279: 24278: 24277: 24256: 24243: 24240: 24237: 24234: 24231: 24229: 24218: 24200: 24197: 24194: 24191: 24188: 24186: 24175: 24163: 24162: 24161: 24158: 24156: 24140: 24135: 24130: 24127: 24124: 24120: 24109: 24105: 24103: 24075: 24062: 24059: 24056: 24053: 24050: 24047: 24040: 24039: 24038: 24036: 24031: 24027: 24017: 24015: 24011: 24002: 23985: 23982: 23979: 23976: 23973: 23965: 23961: 23957: 23950: 23942: 23940: 23936: 23931: 23918: 23915: 23912: 23904: 23894: 23887: 23878: 23869: 23866: 23863: 23843: 23840: 23837: 23834: 23825: 23802: 23799: 23796: 23793: 23788: 23778: 23765: 23763: 23756: 23731: 23721: 23714: 23705: 23696: 23693: 23689: 23682: 23677: 23667: 23658: 23648: 23639: 23635: 23632: 23629: 23626: 23619: 23618: 23617: 23615: 23594: 23584: 23577: 23568: 23558: 23557: 23556: 23554: 23547: 23523: 23497: 23486: 23481: 23478: 23470: 23464: 23460: 23457: 23454: 23449: 23445: 23437: 23436: 23435: 23419: 23415: 23380: 23375: 23372: 23366: 23363: 23352: 23347: 23344: 23338: 23327: 23319: 23316: 23308: 23299: 23296: 23291: 23281: 23270: 23269: 23268: 23266: 23245: 23240: 23235: 23231: 23206: 23197: 23193: 23189: 23186: 23180: 23177: 23169: 23165: 23161: 23158: 23152: 23144: 23140: 23133: 23130: 23125: 23121: 23116: 23110: 23105: 23102: 23099: 23095: 23091: 23086: 23082: 23074: 23073: 23072: 23053: 23049: 23045: 23040: 23036: 23028: 23027: 23026: 23002: 22998: 22994: 22990: 22986: 22983: 22979: 22974: 22968: 22960: 22956: 22948: 22947: 22946: 22945:is given by: 22932: 22929: 22926: 22902: 22890: 22886: 22879: 22876: 22873: 22867: 22864: 22856: 22852: 22848: 22845: 22839: 22828: 22824: 22817: 22811: 22808: 22803: 22799: 22794: 22788: 22783: 22780: 22777: 22773: 22769: 22766: 22759: 22758: 22757: 22740: 22735: 22731: 22727: 22722: 22718: 22714: 22711: 22704: 22703: 22702: 22688: 22685: 22682: 22657: 22651: 22621: 22618: 22614: 22610: 22607: 22603: 22598: 22592: 22586: 22579: 22578: 22577: 22575: 22570: 22550: 22525: 22521: 22512: 22508: 22504: 22499: 22497: 22493: 22486: 22479: 22463: 22460: 22457: 22454: 22451: 22443: 22439: 22432: 22425: 22417: 22416:data points. 22415: 22391: 22381: 22377: 22373: 22365: 22355: 22350: 22347: 22344: 22340: 22336: 22331: 22326: 22316: 22305: 22304: 22303: 22287: 22282: 22278: 22269: 22245: 22218: 22213: 22208: 22204: 22183: 22161: 22156: 22152: 22129: 22125: 22113: 22094: 22089: 22079: 22075: 22071: 22066: 22062: 22053: 22048: 22045: 22042: 22038: 22034: 22029: 22025: 22017: 22016: 22015: 22010: 22007: =  22006: 21998: 21994: 21989: 21974: 21964: 21937: 21932: 21922: 21918: 21914: 21909: 21905: 21899: 21895: 21891: 21886: 21882: 21873: 21868: 21865: 21862: 21858: 21854: 21849: 21845: 21837: 21836: 21835: 21833: 21817: 21812: 21808: 21804: 21799: 21795: 21791: 21788: 21780: 21773: 21767:data points ( 21766: 21761: 21759: 21755: 21751: 21746: 21744: 21728: 21724: 21709: 21705: 21701: 21698: 21678: 21670: 21654: 21646: 21642: 21636: 21629:"Rule of ten" 21626: 21624: 21620: 21615: 21611: 21607: 21603: 21599: 21595: 21591: 21587: 21583: 21579: 21575: 21567: 21566:heavier tails 21548: 21542: 21539: 21507: 21501: 21494:), comparing 21493: 21489: 21485: 21481: 21476: 21467: 21451: 21443: 21440: 21434: 21428: 21425: 21419: 21413: 21407: 21401: 21368: 21362: 21357: 21352: 21345: 21337: 21329: 21325: 21316: 21308: 21304: 21298: 21291: 21283: 21275: 21271: 21262: 21254: 21250: 21244: 21238: 21233: 21221: 21220: 21219: 21202: 21199: 21193: 21187: 21184: 21178: 21172: 21166: 21132: 21126: 21123: 21120: 21111: 21105: 21099: 21096: 21093: 21064: 21058: 21048: 21040: 21035: 21018: 21007: 21001: 20989: 20986: 20981: 20970: 20958: 20947: 20942: 20937: 20934: 20931: 20917: 20916: 20915: 20871: 20858: 20848: 20844: 20840: 20837: 20833: 20828: 20822: 20816: 20794: 20786: 20783: 20777: 20769: 20765: 20761: 20755: 20747: 20743: 20739: 20736: 20730: 20724: 20693: 20690: 20685: 20681: 20677: 20672: 20668: 20664: 20659: 20655: 20648: 20643: 20628: 20624: 20620: 20616: 20600: 20597: 20594: 20574: 20571: 20568: 20550: 20546: 20542: 20538: 20535: 20531: 20530: 20529: 20527: 20523: 20519: 20513: 20511: 20507: 20495:Model fitting 20492: 20475: 20469: 20466: 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19641: 19638: 19635: 19629: 19626: 19620: 19610: 19595: 19594: 19593: 19591: 19587: 19583: 19579: 19575: 19548: 19542: 19539: 19535: 19531: 19528: 19524: 19519: 19516: 19509: 19508: 19507: 19504: 19500: 19493: 19489: 19485: 19478: 19477:step function 19474: 19470: 19450: 19437: 19434: 19431: 19427: 19421: 19417: 19413: 19410: 19407: 19402: 19399: 19396: 19392: 19386: 19382: 19378: 19373: 19369: 19362: 19358: 19354: 19351: 19347: 19342: 19337: 19333: 19325: 19324: 19323: 19315: 19313: 19309: 19305: 19301: 19297: 19293: 19289: 19284: 19279: 19263: 19253: 19248: 19238: 19208: 19204: 19200: 19190: 19180: 19175: 19165: 19161: 19157: 19154: 19150: 19145: 19135: 19125: 19120: 19109: 19105: 19102: 19094: 19084: 19079: 19068: 19062: 19056: 19053: 19048: 19044: 19030: 19029: 19028: 19011: 19008: 19001: 18991: 18982: 18978: 18971: 18961: 18956: 18945: 18937: 18936: 18935: 18921: 18913: 18908: 18874: 18864: 18854: 18849: 18838: 18834: 18827: 18817: 18812: 18801: 18792: 18782: 18777: 18766: 18760: 18758: 18740: 18730: 18725: 18714: 18710: 18703: 18693: 18688: 18677: 18666: 18656: 18647: 18637: 18627: 18622: 18611: 18603: 18593: 18584: 18577: 18575: 18560: 18550: 18541: 18533: 18523: 18518: 18507: 18503: 18496: 18486: 18477: 18469: 18459: 18454: 18443: 18433: 18423: 18414: 18406: 18396: 18391: 18380: 18373: 18371: 18356: 18346: 18335: 18330: 18316: 18312: 18305: 18295: 18284: 18279: 18265: 18256: 18246: 18235: 18230: 18216: 18210: 18208: 18200: 18197: 18192: 18188: 18170: 18169: 18168: 18163: 18162: 18154: 18153: 18148: 18132: 18129: 18123: 18120: 18115: 18111: 18101: 18095: 18092: 18087: 18083: 18053: 18050: 18045: 18041: 18011: 18008: 18003: 17999: 17969: 17963: 17960: 17955: 17945: 17940: 17930: 17925: 17915: 17910: 17900: 17897: 17891: 17888: 17885: 17879: 17876: 17871: 17867: 17853: 17852: 17851: 17849: 17845: 17819: 17809: 17804: 17793: 17787: 17783: 17774: 17764: 17759: 17748: 17742: 17736: 17733: 17728: 17724: 17710: 17709: 17708: 17687: 17677: 17667: 17662: 17651: 17647: 17640: 17630: 17625: 17614: 17605: 17595: 17590: 17579: 17573: 17571: 17563: 17560: 17555: 17551: 17530: 17520: 17515: 17504: 17500: 17493: 17483: 17478: 17467: 17458: 17448: 17443: 17432: 17426: 17424: 17416: 17413: 17408: 17404: 17386: 17385: 17384: 17363: 17353: 17348: 17337: 17333: 17326: 17316: 17311: 17300: 17296: 17293: 17286: 17285: 17284: 17283:". 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1118: 1115: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1098: 1094: 1089: 1083: 1077: 1070: 1069: 1068: 1066: 1058: 1051: 1043: 1034: 1032: 1028: 1024: 1020: 1004: 1001: 998: 995: 992: 972: 969: 966: 958: 954: 947: 934: 931: 928: 925: 922: 919: 916: 913: 910: 907: 904: 901: 898: 895: 892: 889: 886: 883: 880: 877: 874: 867: 866: 862: 859: 856: 853: 850: 847: 844: 841: 838: 835: 832: 829: 826: 823: 820: 817: 814: 811: 808: 805: 802: 795: 794: 791: 788: 786: 782: 776: 772: 759: 756: 752: 742: 740: 736: 732: 728: 724: 720: 716: 712: 708: 704: 700: 696: 691: 685: 663: 658: 656: 651: 649: 644: 643: 641: 640: 635: 630: 625: 624: 623: 622: 617: 614: 612: 609: 607: 604: 602: 599: 597: 594: 592: 589: 588: 587: 586: 582: 581: 576: 573: 571: 568: 566: 563: 561: 558: 556: 553: 552: 551: 550: 545: 542: 540: 537: 535: 532: 530: 527: 525: 522: 521: 520: 519: 514: 511: 509: 506: 504: 501: 499: 496: 495: 494: 493: 488: 485: 483: 480: 478: 477:Least squares 475: 474: 473: 472: 468: 467: 462: 459: 458: 457: 456: 451: 448: 446: 443: 441: 438: 436: 433: 431: 428: 426: 423: 421: 418: 416: 413: 411: 410:Nonparametric 408: 406: 403: 402: 401: 400: 395: 392: 390: 387: 385: 382: 380: 379:Fixed effects 377: 375: 372: 371: 370: 369: 364: 361: 359: 356: 354: 353:Ordered logit 351: 349: 346: 344: 341: 339: 336: 334: 331: 329: 326: 324: 321: 319: 316: 314: 311: 309: 306: 304: 301: 300: 299: 298: 293: 290: 288: 285: 283: 280: 278: 275: 274: 273: 272: 268: 267: 264: 261: 260: 256: 255: 252: 250: 246: 242: 238: 234: 230: 226: 222: 218: 213: 211: 207: 203: 199: 195: 191: 187: 183: 178: 176: 172: 168: 164: 160: 156: 152: 148: 144: 139: 137: 133: 129: 125: 124: 120: 115: 114: 109: 105: 101: 97: 93: 89: 86: 82: 78: 74: 70: 66: 62: 58: 54: 50: 46: 42: 34: 28: 22: 34369: 34357: 34338: 34331: 34243:Econometrics 34193: / 34176:Chemometrics 34153:Epidemiology 34146: / 34119:Applications 33961:ARIMA model 33908:Q-statistic 33857:Stationarity 33753:Multivariate 33696: / 33692: / 33690:Multivariate 33688: / 33628: / 33624: / 33618: 33398:Bayes factor 33297:Signed rank 33209: 33183: 33175: 33163: 32858:Completeness 32694:Cohort study 32592:Opinion poll 32527:Missing data 32514:Study design 32469:Scatter plot 32391:Scatter plot 32384:Spearman's ρ 32346:Grouped data 31999: 31972: 31966: 31943: 31924: 31905: 31883: 31864: 31838: 31819: 31796: 31752:(2): 79–85. 31749: 31743: 31732:Wilson, E.B. 31687: 31683: 31654: 31650: 31633: 31625:the original 31612: 31608: 31585: 31581: 31559: 31549: 31521: 31517: 31506: 31478: 31472: 31439: 31435: 31410: 31406: 31385:. Retrieved 31378:the original 31373: 31357: 31330: 31318: 31313:, p. 9. 31306: 31294: 31289:, p. 5. 31282: 31270: 31265:, p. 6. 31258: 31253:, p. 7. 31246: 31241:, p. 4. 31234: 31223:. Retrieved 31219: 31215: 31205: 31193: 31181:. Retrieved 31176: 31172: 31159: 31147: 31138: 31134: 31124: 31114: 31107: 31097: 31090: 31081: 31068: 31056:. Retrieved 31006: 31000: 30975: 30971: 30965: 30947: 30928: 30880: 30874: 30837: 30833: 30823: 30796: 30792: 30782: 30755: 30749: 30739: 30702: 30698: 30688: 30669: 30663: 30646: 30642: 30629: 30615:(1): 83–97. 30612: 30608: 30602: 30583: 30545: 30535: 30461: 30440: 30432: 30418: 30384: 30378: 30358: 30347:. Retrieved 30343: 30334: 30309: 30305: 30295: 30246: 30242: 30232: 30210:(1): 11–20. 30207: 30203: 30193: 30184: 30178: 30161: 30157: 30151: 30134: 30130: 30124: 30097: 30061: 30057: 30051: 30038: 30001: 29997: 29991: 29966: 29962: 29956: 29931: 29927: 29921: 29904: 29900: 29894: 29867: 29863: 29853: 29848:, p. 8. 29841: 29816: 29812: 29769: 29704:(5): 533–4. 29701: 29697: 29691: 29558: 29548: 29540: 29531: 29506:Theil (1969) 29499: 29488: 29460: 29428:Bliss (1934) 29420:probit model 29417: 29393: 29377: 29353: 29341: 29334: 29298:probit model 29295: 29292:Alternatives 29285: 29237: 29159: 28627: 28593: 28586: 28439: 28045:is given by 27965: 27884: 27744: 27717: 27710: 27524:independent 27494:rather than 27491: 27365: 27226: 27224: 27165: 27045: 27041: 27039: 26939: 26735: 26628: 26626: 26496: 26431: 26424: 26422: 26225: 26221: 26214: 26206: 26204: 26054: 25933: 25800: 25791: 25789: 25784: 25780: 25689: 25683: 25677: 25675: 25670: 25508: 25393: 25293: 25286: 25250: 25230: 25216: 25139: 25029: 24972: 24749: 24745: 24732: 24648: 24642: 24629: 24619: 24612: 24602:distribution 24569: 24514: 24506: 24488: 24275: 24159: 24110: 24106: 24090: 24023: 24008: 24001:confidence. 23959: 23952: 23945: 23943: 23932: 23766: 23758: 23754: 23751: 23611: 23549: 23542: 23513: 23407:The optimum 23406: 23264: 23222: 23070: 23024: 22918: 22755: 22641: 22573: 22571: 22510: 22506: 22502: 22500: 22495: 22488: 22481: 22476:. Using the 22434: 22427: 22420: 22418: 22410: 22408: 22264: 22111: 22109: 22008: 22004: 21996: 21990: 21952: 21831: 21775: 21768: 21764: 21762: 21747: 21739: 21725: 21644: 21638: 21571: 21385: 21080: 20614: 20560: 20514: 20503: 20490: 20161: 19954: 19844:In terms of 19843: 19837: 19833: 19828: 19824: 19822: 19714: 19710: 19702: 19698: 19694: 19692: 19585: 19577: 19573: 19571: 19502: 19498: 19491: 19487: 19480: 19466: 19321: 19288:econometrics 19280: 19225: 19026: 18893: 18160: 18159: 18151: 18150: 17984: 17841: 17706: 17382: 17276: 17272: 17263: 17259: 17255: 17253: 17029: 16837: 16833: 16827: 16819: 16797: 16755:High-income 16744:Center-right 16732: 16708: 16691: 16682: 16655: 15606: 15500: 15489: 15467: 15350: 15226: 15224: 15099: 14932: 14910:probit model 14903: 14526: 14426: 14423: 14417: 14413: 14409: 14404: 14400: 14396: 14392: 14387: 14383: 14379: 14375: 14372: 14224: 14220: 14218: 14207: 14149: 14067: 14063: 14056: 14054: 14050:probit model 14039: 13652: 13478: 13446: 13437: 13433: 13431: 13425:such as the 13389: 13385: 13383: 13341: 13330: 13157: 12889: 12881: 12871: 12867: 12804: 12772: 12584: 12577: 12573: 12566: 12558: 12510: 12315: 12311: 12307: 12305: 12153: 12025: 12021: 11979: 11872: 11536: 11532: 11528: 11524: 11520: 11453: 11421: 11349: 11306: 11057: 10590: 10520: 10518: 9960: 9955: 9948: 9941: 9939: 9776: 9772: 9770: 9579:case above: 9523: 9490: 9279: 9095: 9093: 9004: 9002: 8785: 8783: 8776: 8752: 8750:Euler number 8745: 8714: 8712: 8562: 8524: 8517: 8510: 8503: 8499: 8497: 8440: 8438: 8417: 8356: 8350: 8342: 8341: 8336: 8332: 8327: 8322: 8317: 8312: 8302: 8301:coefficient 8293: 8288: 8284: 8277: 8272: 8271: 8266: 8262: 8255: 8248: 8242: 8189: 8072: 8026: 8022: 8016: 8004: 8000: 7995: 7991: 7986: 7982: 7966: 7962: 7957: 7953: 7948: 7944: 7939: 7935: 7923: 7919: 7915: 7910: 7906: 7897: 7893: 7883: 7375: 7371: 7362: 7358: 7356: 7340: 7313: 7302: 7298: 7293: 7288: 7283: 7279: 7277: 7267: 7263: 7250: 7246: 7241: 7236: 7232: 7228: 7224: 7222: 7188: 7043: 6908: 6826: 6618: 6604: 6600: 6596: 6592: 6553: 6489: 6186: 6094: 6066: 5876:denotes the 5788: 5683: 5457: 5252: 5096: 5042:as follows: 5019: 4954: 4949: 4947: 4798: 4756: 4635: 4591: 4559: 4536: 4512: 4503: 4497: 4482: 4326:Log-odds (t) 4307: 4157: 3978: 3913: 3795: 3791: 3789: 3711: 3707: 3643: 3578: 3354:to be zero: 3289: 3285: 3219: 3217: 3205: 3081: 2819: 2815: 2813: 2808: 2690: 2551: 2430: 2019: 1832: 1830: 1825: 1814: 1593: 1586: 1568: 1559: 1462: 1458: 1360: 1356: 1306: 1205: 1154: 1152: 1062: 1053: 1046: 1026: 1018: 956: 949: 942: 940: 869: 797: 789: 778: 774: 770: 748: 687: 681: 673:Applications 534:Non-negative 327: 214: 193: 186:probit model 179: 140: 122: 118: 117: 111: 76: 72: 48: 44: 38: 34371:WikiProject 34286:Cartography 34248:Jurimetrics 34200:Reliability 33931:Time domain 33910:(Ljung–Box) 33832:Time-series 33710:Categorical 33694:Time-series 33686:Categorical 33621:(Bernoulli) 33456:Correlation 33436:Correlation 33232:Jarque–Bera 33204:Chi-squared 32966:M-estimator 32919:Asymptotics 32863:Sufficiency 32630:Interaction 32542:Replication 32522:Effect size 32479:Violin plot 32459:Radar chart 32439:Forest plot 32429:Correlogram 32379:Kendall's τ 31615:: 164–165. 31350:Cramer 2002 31335:Cramer 2002 31323:Cramer 2002 31311:Cramer 2002 31299:Cramer 2002 31287:Cramer 2002 31275:Cramer 2002 31263:Cramer 2002 31251:Cramer 2002 31239:Cramer 2002 31198:Cramer 2002 31152:Cramer 2002 30312:: 418–426. 29846:Cramer 2002 29796:Cramer 2002 29658:Brier score 29569:Mixed logit 29545:categorical 29432:John Gaddum 29400:Lowell Reed 29286:probability 27885:Therefore, 27745:Consider a 24537:Nagelkerke 21754:chi-squared 21743:overfitting 20534:Regularized 19298:models and 16783:Low-income 16747:Center-left 14884:(see above) 12836:vector and 11307:probability 11058:probability 8420:dot product 7328:categorical 7320:real-valued 4795:probability 4511:Intercept ( 4491:Coefficient 3910:Predictions 1355:(it is the 1025:", and the 711:engineering 707:blood tests 544:Regularized 508:Generalized 440:Least angle 338:Mixed logit 49:logit model 34387:Categories 34238:Demography 33956:ARMA model 33761:Regression 33338:(Friedman) 33299:(Wilcoxon) 33237:Normality 33227:Lilliefors 33174:Student's 33050:Resampling 32924:Robustness 32912:divergence 32902:Efficiency 32840:(monotone) 32835:Likelihood 32752:Population 32585:Stratified 32537:Population 32356:Dependence 32312:Count data 32243:Percentile 32220:Dispersion 32153:Arithmetic 32088:Statistics 32037:Mark Thoma 31436:Biometrics 31387:2019-04-20 31225:2013-02-18 31183:3 December 30705:(1): 163. 30649:: 97–120. 30364:Neyman, J. 30349:2024-03-16 29813:Biometrika 29726:6823603312 29684:References 29590:stratified 29561:) handles 29528:Extensions 29502:Cox (1966) 29495:Cox (1958) 27966:and since 26627:where the 26423:where the 25026:Discussion 24616:definition 23933:Using the 22176:where the 21993:null model 21486:(i.e. the 20526:separation 20522:sparseness 19469:perceptron 17281:normalized 16772:moderate + 16669:improve it 15445:otherwise. 14350:otherwise. 12314:, let the 10593:-intercept 9311:with base 7219:Definition 4644:Background 4494:Std. Error 2816:minimizing 2780:for which 1835:-th point 583:Background 487:Non-linear 469:Estimation 198:odds ratio 41:statistics 33619:Logistic 33386:posterior 33312:Rank sum 33060:Jackknife 33055:Bootstrap 32873:Bootstrap 32808:Parameter 32757:Statistic 32552:Statistic 32464:Run chart 32449:Pie chart 32444:Histogram 32434:Fan chart 32409:Bar chart 32291:L-moments 32178:Geometric 31642:808240121 31456:0006-341X 31179:: 113–121 30506:− 30497:− 30473:Δ 30326:0925-7535 30271:0272-4332 30224:1527-6988 30164:: 88–96. 29718:0098-7484 29491:David Cox 29430:, and by 29412:Udny Yule 29316:(inverse 29257:∣ 29177:∣ 29135:∣ 29123:− 29115:θ 29107:∥ 29088:− 29055:∣ 29037:⁡ 29022:θ 29007:∣ 28975:∣ 28954:⁡ 28948:− 28901:∈ 28894:∑ 28881:∈ 28874:∑ 28854:θ 28839:∣ 28821:⁡ 28776:∈ 28769:∑ 28756:∈ 28749:∑ 28739:θ 28723:∣ 28704:⁡ 28681:∑ 28672:− 28662:∞ 28656:→ 28569:θ 28553:∣ 28534:⁡ 28511:∑ 28502:− 28479:∣ 28476:θ 28467:⁡ 28456:− 28406:− 28374:θ 28366:− 28325:θ 28311:∏ 28294:θ 28278:∣ 28253:∏ 28236:θ 28227:∣ 28196:∣ 28193:θ 28145:− 28120:θ 28112:− 28085:θ 28071:θ 28062:∣ 28030:θ 28021:∣ 27977:∈ 27940:θ 27932:− 27920:θ 27911:∣ 27867:θ 27858:∣ 27823:θ 27819:− 27785:θ 27757:θ 27684:λ 27679:− 27669:λ 27654:β 27625:λ 27596:λ 27567:λ 27553:. 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Logit function

§ Example
statistical model
linear combination
independent variables
regression analysis
dependent variable
indicator variable
independent variables
continuous variable
logistic function
unit of measurement
§ Background
§ Definition
§ Example
§ Applications
binary regression
categorical variables
multinomial logistic regression
ordinal logistic regression
§ Extensions
statistical classification
binary classifier

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