
Liu Ba (Three Kingdoms)

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344:, Zhang Zi (張咨), for refusing to supply grains to his army. Liu Ba's father was friendly with Sun Jian so by association the elites and the people of Nanyang started to dislike him. Soon they revolted and led an army against him. They battled and Liu Xiang was defeated and killed. Liu Biao also didn't like Liu Xiang so he detained Liu Ba and wished to kill him. Repeatedly, he sent one of Xiang's trusted friend to deceive Liu Ba by saying to him "Governor 425:“During my life, I have been forced to go through danger faced with troubles and hardships. I met many people concerned about virtue and righteousness who wished to follow me, carrying on the intention of Heaven and obeying nature's will. It was not my intention to have them leave their home for a arduous task. If the path is closed and my days here end, I shall entrust my life to the azur sea not looking back again toward Jing Province.” 538:
compete with one another to the various stores to take valuable items. Soon the military supplies were falling and Liu Bei was deeply worried about this. Liu Ba told him "It is simple! You simply have to cast bars worth a hundred coins, have the price for them stable and order your officials to manage the government markets." Liu Bei followed his advice and within several months, all the government treasury was full again.
515:"Zichu's ability and wisdom are far superior to any men. However even if I can employ him, I fear others wouldn't be able to." Zhuge Liang further said about Liu Ba "In logistics planning and strategies inside the tent curtains, I'm not the equal of Zichu. However if it's about beating the drums, gathering the army encampments and encouraging the common people to do their utmost, I can discuss this with others." 449:, however both of them were in disagreement. And therefore left the province by the Zangke road for Yi Province. He was detained in Yizhou commandery with the administrator wishing to kill him, however the master of records said "This man is not an ordinary person, you cannot kill him." The master of records then asked to personally escort Liu Ba to the province seat and meet his governor 511:
officers to help him accomplish his great mission. Even if you are a man of high moral and bright talents, you should be less condescending of others." Liu Ba's reply to Zhuge Liang was "When a real man is born in this world, he must associate himself with the greatest heroes. How can I speak with a mere soldier?"
525:, once criticized Liu Ba that he was narrow minded and should not have refused Zhang Fei so extremely. Sun Quan's reply to Zhang Zhao was "If Zichu had chosen to follow the world in being superficial and only acting to please Liu Bei dealing with improper persons, then how could he be worthy to be praised as a 546:
In 219, Liu Bei declared himself King of Hanzhong and Liu Ba was promoted to be the Master of Writing and soon took Fa Zheng's position as Prefect of the Masters of Writing. Liu Ba himself conducted with purity and integrity. He would not engage in the management of property or production. Moreover,
remarked that when Emperor Ling of Han was emperor, Liu Yan was already the director of the imperial clan and grand master of ceremonies and that when he was sent to be the governor of Yi Province, Liu Xiang was just the administrator of Jiangxia with Sun Jian having Changsha. Hence he believes that
attacked the province of Jing, Liu Bei fled south of the Yangtze with all the nobles and officials of Jing and Chu joining him. Liu Ba didn't follow Liu Bei south. Rather, he went north to join Cao Cao. Cao Cao appointed him to his staff as a Division Chief and sent him with the mission to convince
Around this time, Liu Bei was set to claim the imperial title for himself. Liu Ba did not think that Liu Bei should take the imperial throne yet and wanted him to change his mind. He joined with the Master of Records Yong Mao (雍茂) to disagree with Liu Bei. Later, Liu Bei used another problem as an
once visited Liu Ba's home. However, Liu Ba refused to speak with him. Because of this, Zhang Fei was angered and furious. And so Zhuge Liang said to Liu Ba "Although Zhang Fei is a martial person, he deeply admires and respects you. Right now, Lord Liu Bei needs to gather many civil and military
When he heard of this conversation, Liu Bei was furious. He said "I wish to secure the realm under Heaven. However, Zichu (Liu Ba) wishes to throw it into disorder. His desire is to leave and return North; he is only borrowing this road. How could he help me settle my affairs?" Liu Bei also said
When Liu Bei started his campaign against Liu Zhang, he made a pact with his armies and troops "If our great enterprise is successful then the government treasury with all his goods shall be all yours." And so when his army took Chengdu, all the soldiers threw away their shields and spears and
Soon, Yi Province was conquered by Liu Bei. And Liu Ba apologized to him, but Liu Bei did not hold him culpable. Moreover, Zhuge Liang repeatedly praised and recommended him for high position, so Liu Bei appointed him to his own staff as Left General's West Department Official Head (左將軍西曹掾).
for a mission. However Huan Jie declined and told him that he could not match Liu Ba. Liu Ba said to Cao Cao "Right now, Liu Bei is taking over Jing Province, this is not acceptable." Cao Cao answered "If Liu Bei plans against me then I would go after him with the might of my Six Armies."
to welcome Liu Bei. Liu Ba reprimanded him as such "Liu Bei is known as a hero. If you let him in Yi province, he will surely bring you misfortune. You have to stop him." After Liu Bei was in the province, Liu Ba once again reprimanded Liu Zhang: "If you send him against
because he was not originally an officer of Liu Bei, he feared that he would face jealousy, doubt and suspicion. Liu Ba was also respectful and always kept his composure. He was tranquil and had no personal dealings, and would speak of nothing but official business.
Of Liu Ba's objection to Liu Bei's imperial pretensions, Liu Qingzhi (劉清植) remarks that since Liu Ba was tasked to write all the documents, orders and decrees, he would not have been opposed to Liu Bei assuming the imperial throne. Liu Qingzhi also says that the
Authorship has been attributed to Sima Biao, a member of the Jin royal family, however J. Mansvelt Beck has questioned the attribution. See Mansvelt Beck, The Treatises of the Later Han: Their Author, Sources, Content and Place in Chinese
When he reached eighteen years old, Liu Ba was appointed as clerk in the Household Department, secretary clerk and master of records. At this time, Liu Xian (劉先) wanted to have Zhou Buyi (周不疑) study with Liu Ba. However Liu Ba
361:“In the past, when I travelled to the North of Jing. When I visited my master's home and learned "perfect memorization in order to answer any questions" however it wasn't enough to have my name well known. I'm not the same as 275:(the founding emperor of Shu) after Liu Zhang's surrender to Liu Bei in 214. Liu Ba was instrumental in helping Liu Bei reward his subordinates from the treasury without impoverishing the common people after their conquest of 433:“Lord Liu Bei great ability dominates the world. He occupies Jing Province and none turn their back on his virtue. He is already well aware of the comings and goings of Heaven and man. Why would you go elsewhere?” 486:, it would be like releasing a tiger in the mountains and forests." However Liu Zhang wouldn't listen and so Liu Ba stopped leaving his house and claimed illness. When Liu Bei surrounded the provincial seat 381:
only to wander in the world of swallows and sparrows. How would I enlighten him? I am ashamed by "having knowledge but feeling none, being full while seeming to be empty" How could I accomplish this task!”
698:(零陵先賢傳曰:巴祖父曜,蒼梧太守。父祥,江夏太守、盪寇將軍。時孫堅舉兵討董卓,以南陽太守張咨不給軍糧,殺之。祥與同心,南陽士民由此怨祥,舉兵攻之,與戰,敗亡。劉表亦素不善祥,拘巴,欲殺之,數遣祥故所親信人密詐謂巴曰:「劉牧欲相危害,可相隨逃之。」如此再三,巴輒不應。具以報表,表乃不殺巴。) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 390:
Liu Biao wanted to have Liu Ba appointed as a member of his staff and recommended him for the title of Abundant Talent. However Liu Ba refused both of his propositions. When Liu Biao died and
wishes to kill you, however you can escape with me." Although this happened several times, Liu Ba didn't fall for his trick. Soon it was reported to Liu Biao who then did not kill Liu Ba.
831:(備聞之,怒曰:「孤欲定天下,而子初專亂之。其欲還北,假道於此,豈欲成孤事邪?」備又曰:「子初才智絕人,如孤,可任用之,非孤者難獨任也。」亮亦曰:「運籌策於帷幄之中,吾不如子初遠矣!若提枹鼓,會軍門,使百姓喜勇,當與人議之耳。」) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 554:
When Liu Bei took the title of Emperor, he had Liu Ba write all the documents, admonitions and decrees. He died in the second year of Zhangwu (222). After his death, when
782:(零陵先賢傳曰:巴入交阯,更姓為張。與交阯太守士燮計議不合,乃由牂牁道去。為益州郡所拘留,太守欲殺之。主簿曰:「此非常人,不可殺也。」主簿請自送至州,見益州牧劉璋,璋父焉昔為巴父祥所舉孝廉,見巴驚喜,每大事輒以咨訪。) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 800:(零陵先賢傳曰:璋遣法正迎劉備,巴諫曰:「備,雄人也,入必為害,不可內也。」既入,巴復諫曰:「若使備討張魯,是放虎於山林也。」璋不聽。巴閉門稱疾。備攻成都,令軍中曰:「其有害巴者,誅及三族。」及得巴,甚喜。) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 822:(零陵先賢傳曰:張飛嘗就巴宿,巴不與語,飛遂忿恚。諸葛亮謂巴曰:「張飛雖實武人,敬慕足下。主公今方收合文武,以定大事;足下雖天素高亮,宜少降意也。」巴曰:「大丈夫處世,當交四海英雄,如何與兵子共語乎?」) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 461:
by Liu Ba's father, Xiang. Hence when Liu Zhang met Liu Ba, he was surprised and pleased. Every time there was a great affair, Liu Zhang would consult Liu Ba.
755:(零陵先賢傳云:巴往零陵,事不成,欲游交州,道還京師。時諸葛亮在臨烝,巴與亮書曰:「乘危歷險,到值思義之民,自與之眾,承天之心,順物之性,非余身謀所能勸動。若道窮數盡,將託命於滄海,不復顧荊州矣。」) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 562:
wrote to Zhuge Liang asking for news of Liu Ba, Chen Qun referred to him as "Lord Liu Zichu" (劉君子初) in his letter as a sign of his great respect for Liu Ba.
When Liu Ba was moving to Lingling but was unsuccessful and so he wished to move back to Jiao Province. When he was leaving for the capital, he knew that
Liu Ba answered "I have received an order, came and was unsuccessful for now I'm going back. This is the righteous way. What else are you speaking of?"
942: 490:, he ordered that anyone who would harm Liu Ba would suffer execution to third degrees. When Liu Bei finally met him, he was deeply happy. 410:
However, Liu Bei already had the three commanderies subjugated and so Liu Ba was unable to accomplish his mission and instead moved to the
1702: 1697: 1030: 373:: without substance and useless. You sent me a letter expressing your desire to have your worthy nephew gave up on the beauty of the 317:
Liu Ba's was from Zhengyang (烝陽) prefecture in Lingling (零陵) commandery. At a young age, he was already promising and famous in the
1025: 975: 1692: 616: 733:(零陵先賢傳曰:曹公敗於烏林,還北時,欲遣桓階,階辭不如巴。巴謂曹公曰:「劉備據荊州,不可也。」公曰:「備如相圖,孤以六軍繼之也。」) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 1707: 370: 445:
When Liu Ba entered Jiaozhi, he changed his surname to Zhang. He met and talked with the governor of the province
would have used critical language when speaking of people of the enemy state and that it should not be trusted.
707:(欲遣周不疑就巴學,巴答曰:「昔游荊北,時涉師門,記問之學,不足紀名,內無楊朱守靜之術,外無墨翟務時之風,猶天之南箕,虛而不用。賜書乃欲令賢甥摧鸞鳳之豔,遊燕雀之宇,將何以啟明之哉?愧於『有若無,實若虛』,何以堪之!」) 926: 583: 1544: 968: 1554: 1519: 1434: 1128: 600: 591:), appraised Liu Ba as follows: "Liu Ba followed the integrity of the pure and exalted.... Along with 1404: 1258: 1148: 1133: 1056: 1051: 596: 853:(初攻劉璋,備與士眾約:「若事定,府庫百物,孤無預焉。」及拔成都,士眾皆捨干戈,赴諸藏競取寶物。軍用不足,備甚憂之。巴曰:「易耳,但當鑄直百錢,平諸物賈,令吏為官巿。」備從之,數月之間,府庫充實。) 791:(臣松之案:劉焉在漢靈帝時已經宗正太常,出為益州牧,祥始以孫堅作長沙時為江夏太守,不得舉焉為孝廉,明也。) Pei Songzhi's annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 1429: 1353: 1343: 1308: 1223: 764:(亮追謂曰:「劉公雄才蓋世,據有荊土,莫不歸德,天人去就,已可知矣。足下欲何之?」) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 318: 1474: 1469: 1153: 1061: 518: 298: 1534: 961: 483: 635:
It could be that the favor Liu Ba's father did to Liu Yan was mistaken or just lost over time.
1630: 1163: 1444: 1303: 1188: 1020: 399: 8: 1687: 1635: 1378: 1348: 450: 329: 268: 309:
as the Prefect of the Masters of Writing in 220 and held office until his death in 222.
1514: 1409: 1228: 1046: 341: 1253: 1640: 1564: 1489: 1484: 1358: 773:(巴曰:「受命而來,不成當還,此其宜也。足下何言邪!」) Lingling Xianxian Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 454: 325: 1569: 1323: 1283: 1198: 1193: 1168: 411: 378: 1218: 551:
excuse to have Yong Mao killed. And so people from far away stopped joining him.
163: 24: 264: 953: 1681: 1605: 1288: 879:(零陵先賢傳曰:是時中夏人情未一,聞備在蜀,四方延頸。而備銳意欲即真,巴以為如此示天下不廣,且欲緩之。與主簿雍茂諫備,備以他事殺茂,由是遠人不復至矣。) 253: 226: 29: 369:
known for attending to the matters of all times. I'm like the southern star
1615: 896:(先主稱尊號,昭告于皇天上帝后土神祇,凡諸文誥策命,皆巴所作也。章武二年卒。卒後,魏尚書僕射陳群與丞相諸葛亮書,問巴消息,稱曰劉君子初,甚敬重焉。) 20: 1579: 1449: 1077: 937: 465: 418: 290: 276: 1620: 1584: 1383: 1333: 1298: 1263: 1183: 866:(建安二十四年,先主為漢中王,巴為尚書,後代法正為尚書令。躬履清儉,不治產業,又自以歸附非素,懼見猜嫌,恭默守靜,退無私交,非公事不言。) 720:(荊州牧劉表連辟,及舉茂才,皆不就。表卒,曹公征荊州。先主奔江南,荊、楚群士從之如雲,而巴北詣曹公。曹公辟為掾,使招納長沙、零陵、桂陽。) 1549: 1539: 1318: 1273: 1203: 1178: 1123: 1097: 1082: 921: 578: 507: 374: 365:
able to maintain serenity in all circumstances neither the manner of
337: 1248: 672:
stated that he died in the 2nd year of the Zhangwu era (221-223) in
1661: 1610: 1574: 1559: 1494: 1479: 1414: 1399: 1363: 1328: 1313: 1293: 1233: 1143: 1118: 1113: 1087: 1004: 604: 555: 522: 478: 469:
Liu Xiang could not recommend Liu Yan as filial and incorruptible.
458: 403: 362: 345: 333: 306: 294: 101: 1666: 1645: 1625: 1589: 1524: 1499: 1439: 1424: 1419: 1238: 1208: 1173: 1158: 1138: 999: 985: 840:(零陵先賢傳曰:輔吳將軍張昭嘗對孫權論巴褊阨,不當拒張飛太甚。權曰:「若令子初隨世沈浮,容悅玄德,交非其人,何足稱為高士乎?」) 673: 592: 559: 487: 446: 391: 272: 260: 183: 179: 142: 89: 1529: 1504: 1459: 1373: 1278: 1268: 1092: 1509: 1464: 1454: 1368: 1338: 1213: 366: 302: 167: 541: 402:(烏林). While returning to the north, he wanted to employ 267:
period of China. He originally served under the warlord
was at this time in Lingzheng so he wrote to him :
414:. Liu Bei deeply regretted not having Liu Ba join him. 395:
Lingling, Changsha and Guiyang commanderies to submit.
328:. While his father, Xiang (祥) was the administrator of 324:
Liu Ba's grandfather, Yao (曜) was the administrator of
1679: 664: 662: 983: 332:and Annihilating Bandits General (盪寇將軍). When 969: 659: 532: 284: 943:Annotations to Records of the Three Kingdoms 607:, he was one of the best officials in Shu." 809:(俄而先主定益州,巴辭謝罪負,先主不責。而諸葛孔明數稱薦之,先主辟為左將軍西曹掾。) 976: 962: 502: 472: 16:Chinese politician and official (died 222) 542:Liu Bei's imperial pretensions, and death 493: 529:(令士; a virtuous scholarly gentleman)?" 385: 55:Prefect of the Masters of Writing (尚書令) 1680: 581:, who wrote Liu Ba's biography in the 957: 617:Lists of people of the Three Kingdoms 289:), the legal code of Shu, along with 440: 429:Zhuge Liang quickly wrote him back: 13: 1703:Government officials under Cao Cao 1698:Government officials under Liu Bei 934:), Volume 39, Biography of Liu Ba. 259:, was an official in the state of 14: 1719: 568:Traditions of the Former Worthies 457:, in the past was recommended as 340:, he killed the administrator of 271:before becoming a subordinate of 844:annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 39. 909:(評曰: ... 劉巴履清尚之節, ... 皆蜀臣之良矣。) 903: 890: 873: 860: 847: 834: 825: 816: 803: 794: 785: 776: 767: 638: 629: 521:, advisor of the rival warlord 279:. Liu Ba also helped write the 758: 749: 742:(會先主略有三郡,巴不得反使,遂遠適交阯,先主深以為恨。) 736: 727: 714: 701: 692: 679: 1: 927:Records of the Three Kingdoms 652: 584:Records of the Three Kingdoms 312: 1693:Shu Han government officials 573: 351: 7: 610: 10: 1724: 533:Managing Liu Bei's economy 400:had been defeated at Wulin 18: 1708:Politicians from Shaoyang 1654: 1598: 1392: 1106: 1070: 1040:Princes and royal figures 1039: 1013: 992: 285: 243: 235: 225: 217: 203: 189: 173: 157: 152: 148: 138: 112: 107: 95: 85: 59: 54: 50: 45: 38: 622: 459:filial and incorruptible 336:raised troops to attack 881:Lingling Xianxian Zhuan 842:Lingling Xianxian Zhuan 503:Conflict with Zhang Fei 473:Advices against Liu Bei 668:Liu Ba's biography in 558:of the enemy state of 453:. Liu Zhang's father, 435: 427: 383: 108:Master of Writing (尚書) 1655:Other notable figures 494:Service under Liu Bei 431: 423: 398:At this time Cao Cao 359: 210:Liu Yao (grandfather) 984:Prominent people of 685:(劉巴字子初,零陵烝陽人也。少知名,) 477:When Liu Zhang sent 386:Service with Cao Cao 1599:Other notable women 305:. Liu Ba succeeded 676:'s reign. (章武二年卒。) 196:Liu Xiang (father) 1675: 1674: 1565:Zhang Yi (Bogong) 1393:Military officers 441:Joining Liu Zhang 326:Cangwu Commandery 247: 246: 1715: 1570:Zhang Yi (Junsi) 978: 971: 964: 955: 954: 914: 907: 901: 894: 888: 877: 871: 864: 858: 851: 845: 838: 832: 829: 823: 820: 814: 807: 801: 798: 792: 789: 783: 780: 774: 771: 765: 762: 756: 753: 747: 740: 734: 731: 725: 718: 712: 705: 699: 696: 690: 683: 677: 666: 646: 642: 636: 633: 412:Jiaochi province 319:province of Jing 288: 287: 153:Personal details 134: 132: 126: 124: 117: 98: 81: 79: 73: 71: 64: 36: 35: 1723: 1722: 1718: 1717: 1716: 1714: 1713: 1712: 1678: 1677: 1676: 1671: 1650: 1594: 1388: 1102: 1066: 1035: 1026:Empress Jing'ai 1009: 988: 982: 940:(5th century). 924:(3rd century). 918: 917: 908: 904: 895: 891: 878: 874: 865: 861: 852: 848: 839: 835: 830: 826: 821: 817: 808: 804: 799: 795: 790: 786: 781: 777: 772: 768: 763: 759: 754: 750: 741: 737: 732: 728: 719: 715: 706: 702: 697: 693: 684: 680: 667: 660: 655: 650: 649: 643: 639: 634: 630: 625: 613: 576: 544: 535: 505: 496: 475: 443: 388: 354: 315: 213: 199: 178: 164:Shaodong County 162: 130: 128: 122: 120: 118: 113: 96: 77: 75: 69: 67: 65: 60: 41: 34: 17: 12: 11: 5: 1721: 1711: 1710: 1705: 1700: 1695: 1690: 1673: 1672: 1670: 1669: 1664: 1658: 1656: 1652: 1651: 1649: 1648: 1643: 1638: 1633: 1628: 1623: 1618: 1613: 1608: 1602: 1600: 1596: 1595: 1593: 1592: 1587: 1582: 1577: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1547: 1542: 1537: 1532: 1527: 1522: 1517: 1512: 1507: 1502: 1497: 1492: 1487: 1482: 1477: 1472: 1467: 1462: 1457: 1452: 1447: 1442: 1437: 1432: 1427: 1422: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1402: 1396: 1394: 1390: 1389: 1387: 1386: 1381: 1376: 1371: 1366: 1361: 1356: 1351: 1346: 1341: 1336: 1331: 1326: 1321: 1316: 1311: 1306: 1301: 1296: 1291: 1286: 1281: 1276: 1271: 1266: 1261: 1256: 1251: 1246: 1241: 1236: 1231: 1226: 1221: 1216: 1211: 1206: 1201: 1196: 1191: 1186: 1181: 1176: 1171: 1166: 1161: 1156: 1151: 1146: 1141: 1136: 1131: 1126: 1121: 1116: 1110: 1108: 1107:Civil officers 1104: 1103: 1101: 1100: 1095: 1090: 1085: 1080: 1074: 1072: 1068: 1067: 1065: 1064: 1059: 1054: 1049: 1043: 1041: 1037: 1036: 1034: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1017: 1015: 1011: 1010: 1008: 1007: 1002: 996: 994: 990: 989: 981: 980: 973: 966: 958: 952: 951: 935: 916: 915: 902: 889: 883:annotation in 872: 859: 846: 833: 824: 815: 802: 793: 784: 775: 766: 757: 748: 735: 726: 713: 700: 691: 678: 657: 656: 654: 651: 648: 647: 645:Historiography 637: 627: 626: 624: 621: 620: 619: 612: 609: 575: 572: 543: 540: 534: 531: 504: 501: 495: 492: 474: 471: 442: 439: 387: 384: 357:replied : 353: 350: 314: 311: 265:Three Kingdoms 245: 244: 241: 240: 237: 233: 232: 229: 223: 222: 219: 215: 214: 212: 211: 207: 205: 201: 200: 198: 197: 193: 191: 187: 186: 175: 171: 170: 159: 155: 154: 150: 149: 146: 145: 140: 136: 135: 110: 109: 105: 104: 99: 93: 92: 87: 83: 82: 57: 56: 52: 51: 48: 47: 43: 42: 39: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1720: 1709: 1706: 1704: 1701: 1699: 1696: 1694: 1691: 1689: 1686: 1685: 1683: 1668: 1665: 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571: 569: 563: 561: 557: 552: 548: 539: 530: 528: 524: 520: 516: 512: 509: 500: 491: 489: 485: 480: 470: 467: 462: 460: 456: 452: 448: 438: 434: 430: 426: 422: 420: 415: 413: 408: 405: 401: 396: 393: 382: 380: 376: 372: 368: 364: 358: 349: 347: 343: 339: 335: 331: 327: 322: 320: 310: 308: 304: 300: 296: 292: 282: 278: 274: 270: 266: 262: 258: 255: 254:courtesy name 251: 242: 239:Zhang Ba (張巴) 238: 234: 230: 228: 227:Courtesy name 224: 220: 216: 209: 208: 206: 202: 195: 194: 192: 188: 185: 181: 176: 172: 169: 165: 160: 156: 151: 147: 144: 141: 137: 116: 111: 106: 103: 100: 94: 91: 88: 84: 63: 58: 53: 49: 44: 37: 32: 31: 26: 22: 1243: 947: 941: 938:Pei, Songzhi 931: 925: 910: 905: 897: 892: 884: 880: 875: 867: 862: 854: 849: 841: 836: 827: 818: 810: 805: 796: 787: 778: 769: 760: 751: 743: 738: 729: 721: 716: 708: 703: 694: 686: 681: 669: 640: 631: 588: 582: 577: 567: 564: 553: 549: 545: 536: 526: 517: 513: 506: 497: 476: 463: 444: 436: 432: 428: 424: 416: 409: 397: 389: 360: 355: 323: 316: 280: 256: 252:(died 222), 249: 248: 114: 61: 28: 21:Chinese name 1631:Lady Xiahou 1580:Zhuge Shang 1545:Xiang Chong 1450:Huang Zhong 1078:Zhuge Liang 466:Pei Songzhi 419:Zhuge Liang 291:Zhuge Liang 277:Yi Province 263:during the 236:Other names 97:Preceded by 25:family name 1688:222 deaths 1682:Categories 1621:Lady Huang 1585:Zhuge Zhan 1445:Huang Quan 1384:Zhuge Qiao 1334:Xiang Lang 1304:Wang Chong 1299:Shou Liang 1264:Meng Guang 1184:Guo Youzhi 1021:Empress Wu 922:Chen, Shou 653:References 519:Zhang Zhao 313:Early life 231:Zichu (子初) 218:Occupation 1636:Li Zhaoyi 1616:Lady Guan 1555:Zhang Nan 1550:Zhang Fei 1540:Xiahou Ba 1520:Wang Ping 1435:Gao Xiang 1379:Zhang Bao 1349:Yang Hong 1319:Wang Lian 1274:Qiao Zhou 1204:Huang Hao 1179:Guan Xing 1129:Chen Zhen 1124:Chen Shou 1098:Jiang Wei 1083:Jiang Wan 1014:Empresses 932:Sanguozhi 911:Sanguozhi 898:Sanguozhi 885:Sanguozhi 868:Sanguozhi 855:Sanguozhi 811:Sanguozhi 744:Sanguozhi 722:Sanguozhi 709:Sanguozhi 687:Sanguozhi 670:Sanguozhi 601:Chen Zhen 589:Sanguozhi 579:Chen Shou 574:Appraisal 508:Zhang Fei 451:Liu Zhang 375:phoenixes 352:Adulthood 338:Dong Zhuo 269:Liu Zhang 204:Relatives 115:In office 62:In office 1662:Meng Huo 1611:Lady Gan 1575:Zhao Yun 1560:Zhang Ni 1515:Ma Zhong 1495:Luo Xian 1480:Liao Hua 1415:Deng Zhi 1410:Cheng Ji 1405:Chen Shi 1400:Chen Dao 1364:Yao Zhou 1329:Xi Zheng 1314:Wang Hua 1294:She Yuan 1259:Ma Liang 1234:Li Zhuan 1229:Li Xiang 1164:Fan Jian 1149:Du Qiong 1144:Dong Jue 1134:Chen Zhi 1119:Chang Xu 1114:Chang Ji 1088:Dong Yun 1057:Liu Yong 1052:Liu Xuan 1047:Liu Chen 1005:Liu Shan 993:Emperors 913:vol. 39. 900:vol. 39. 887:vol. 39. 870:vol. 39. 857:vol. 39. 813:vol. 39. 746:vol. 39. 724:vol. 39. 711:vol. 39. 611:See also 605:Dong Yun 597:Ma Liang 556:Chen Qun 523:Sun Quan 484:Zhang Lu 479:Fa Zheng 464:However 404:Huan Jie 379:simurghs 363:Yang Zhu 346:Liu Biao 334:Sun Jian 330:Jiangxia 307:Fa Zheng 295:Fa Zheng 221:Official 102:Fa Zheng 19:In this 1667:Shamoke 1646:Yuan Fu 1641:Lady Hu 1626:Lady Mi 1590:Zong Yu 1525:Wei Yan 1500:Ma Chao 1490:Liu Yin 1485:Liu Yan 1440:Gong Lu 1430:Fu Rong 1425:Fu Qian 1420:Feng Xi 1359:Yang Yi 1354:Yang Xi 1344:Xu Jing 1309:Wang Fu 1239:Liao Li 1224:Li Miao 1209:Lai Min 1174:Fei Shi 1159:Du Zhen 1139:Dong He 1071:Regents 1000:Liu Bei 986:Shu Han 689:vol. 39 674:Liu Bei 593:Dong He 527:lingshi 488:Chengdu 455:Liu Yan 447:Shi Xie 392:Cao Cao 342:Nanyang 273:Liu Bei 261:Shu Han 184:Sichuan 180:Chengdu 161:Unknown 143:Liu Bei 139:Monarch 129: ( 121: ( 90:Liu Bei 86:Monarch 76: ( 68: ( 1530:Wu Ban 1505:Ma Dai 1475:Li Hui 1470:Li Yan 1460:Huo Yi 1374:Yin Mo 1324:Wen Li 1284:Ren Xi 1279:Qin Mi 1269:Mi Zhu 1249:Lü Kai 1244:Liu Ba 1199:He Zhi 1194:He Sui 1189:He Pan 1169:Fei Li 1154:Du Wei 1093:Fei Yi 1062:Liu Li 371:Winnow 299:Li Yan 281:Shu Ke 250:Liu Ba 190:Parent 40:Liu Ba 23:, the 1535:Wu Yi 1510:Ma Su 1465:Ju Fu 1455:Hu Ji 1369:Yi Ji 1339:Xu Ci 1254:Lü Yi 1219:Li Mi 1214:Li Fu 623:Notes 367:Mo Di 303:Yi Ji 257:Zichu 168:Hunan 603:and 377:and 301:and 174:Died 158:Born 127:–220 74:–222 560:Wei 177:222 131:220 123:219 119:219 78:222 70:220 66:220 30:Liu 27:is 1684:: 950:). 661:^ 599:, 595:, 321:. 297:, 293:, 286:蜀科 182:, 166:, 46:劉巴 977:e 970:t 963:v 946:( 930:( 587:( 283:( 133:) 125:) 80:) 72:) 33:.


Chinese name
family name
Liu Bei
Fa Zheng
Liu Bei
Shaodong County
Courtesy name
courtesy name
Shu Han
Three Kingdoms
Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
Yi Province
Zhuge Liang
Fa Zheng
Li Yan
Yi Ji
Fa Zheng
province of Jing
Cangwu Commandery
Sun Jian
Dong Zhuo
Liu Biao
Yang Zhu

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