
List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens

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2949:(1976). They are a highly dangerous, sentient form of plant life which are renowned amongst galactic botanists. They spread via seed pods which travel in pairs and are violently hurled through space by frequent volcanic eruptions on their unnamed home planet. The pods when opened are attracted to flesh and are able to infect and mingle their DNA with that of the host, taking over their body and slowly transforming them into a Krynoid. The species can also exert a form of telepathic control over other plant life in the surrounding area, making it suddenly dangerous and deadly to animal-kind. In the later stages of development the Krynoid can also control the vocal cords of its victims and can make itself telepathically sympathetic to humans. Fully grown Krynoids are many meters high and can then release hordes of seed pairs for further colonisation. 3034:-like species from an unnamed planet colonised by humanity in the future. The Macra invade the control center of the colony and seize the levers of power without the colonists – including their Pilot – knowing what had happened. Thereafter the Macra only appear at night, when the humans are in their quarters, observing a curfew. They have strong hypnotic powers which alter human perception. They also have the ability to ensure messages are vocalised through electronic apparatus such as television or sensor speakers. Both these tools are used to keep the human colonists under control, believing they are blissfully happy. This provides a cover for the Macra to use the colonists as miners in a vast gas mine. The gas is deadly to the miners but vital to the Macra, enabling them to move more quickly and rejuvenating their abilities. The 1986:" (2009). The Tenth Doctor speculates that they may have been imprisoned by the Ice Warriors within a glacier. The Mars base Bowie Base One utilizes the glacier for water, but when one of their water filters breaks the Flood begins to infect the personnel, transforming them into a zombie like state that can produce the infectious water, with unusual electrical activity in the brain and blackened teeth. As the Flood overrun the base with the intent of reaching Earth the Doctor decides he must leave, knowing that the base's destruction is a fixed point in time that can't be changed. He soon returns but the base's leader, Adelaide Brooke, activates the base's self destruct feature. Arrogantly breaking the laws of time, the Doctor manages to save the remaining crew not infected by the water and the Flood is destroyed with the base. 1033:. The Cybermen were portrayed by tall actors in order to portray the Cybermen's menace, with the actors being over six feet in height. The costumes were hot and bulky, and it was difficult for the actors to see. These initial Cybermen used cloth masks, and had a zombie-like appearance, with flesh-based hands. They additionally had individual names. The Cybermen were brought back as recurring antagonists in other serials following this, and were an effort by the production team to find replacement antagonists due to the Daleks being planned to be featured in an American television series at the time. The Cybermen's design would change frequently from episode to episode, and grew more mechanical and bulky in design. Despite their popularity, the Cybermen were not brought back for any episode starring 4995:(1981). Hailing from E-Space, their world is connected to a gateway between E-space and N-space. They are time-sensitive and are able to use their powers to traverse the universe. Thanks to this, they were able to enslave many people. However, their empire crumbled when the slaves rebelled, building robots that were able to overcome the Tharils. The tables were turned and the Tharils became the slaves, forcefully used by their captors to navigate through time and space. One Tharil brings the Fourth Doctor and his companions to the gate. When the Doctor learns of their history, he agrees they have suffered enough for their crimes, and helps free the Tharils on the slavers' ship. As the Doctor and Adric leave, Romana and K9 remain behind, to help the Tharils free slaves on other planets. 934: 3767:
them to dust. They remained dormant beneath Vesuvius for centuries until an earthquake in Pompeii awoke them. They began to plan the conquest of earth using the city's soothsayers to their advantage. By having them inhale the dust of those destroyed in the crash the people of Pompeii began to turn to stone and would eventually become new Pyroviles. The Tenth Doctor learns of their plans to conquer Earth and boil the oceans and finds their lair in the heart of the volcano. But he learns that due to them using the volcano's power they are preventing the infamous eruption. Realizing that it was "Pompeii or the world" the Doctor and Donna reverse the machine triggering Vesuvius' eruption which destroys the Pyrovile.
943: 3315: 3546:
were awake, they would glow and make a loud rumbling noise. Like other silicon-based lifeforms, they broke down into grit when killed and also left silicon behind when they moved. They fed on various types of proteins which were common on Ogros. When on Earth, the Ogri had to rely on the globulin in blood, which they could absorb by touch. Ogri were not shown to communicate and did not show any signs of intelligence. Ogri had long lifespans, living for thousands of years. Cessair of Diplos took three Ogri from Ogros, which she used for protection and to impress the humans of Earth. These Ogri waited with the Nine Travellers until they were awoken by Cessair or her followers.
5441: 4505: 5576:
These children were teleported to Kudlak's orbiting spaceship and dispatched to fight in his race's war. Kudlak took orders from a battle computer that used the image of a female of his race as an avatar, which he referred to as "Mistress". An error left the computer unable to comprehend the concept of the war ending, so it withheld from Kudlak an announcement of peace from his emperor for over a decade. When this fact was revealed, by intervention of Luke Smith's computer hacking, Kudlak destroyed the computer. He then dedicated his life to finding and returning the already dispatched human children, hoping to gain inner peace by doing so.
3513:" (2023). Upon reaching the edge of the universe, they heard the sounds of hatred and war and were shaped by it, becoming malicious. They are able to copy other beings with incredible accuracy from their physical appearance to their memories as well while keeping a degree of flexibility allowing them to run faster or twist their bodies in unnatural ways. The Not-things mold copies by tapping into their subject's brain and converting heat in the air into mass to match their outer appearance. They can copy faster when the subject's brain is most active so they constantly scare their subjects, letting adrenaline and fear keep the brain active. 5774: 2622: 1971: 1212: 5202:" (2011). They are a cowardly rodent-faced race that live on Tivoli, the most invaded planet in the galaxy. As a result, they have designed their cities to be comfortable for invading armies and their national anthem is "Glory To <Insert Name Here>". They are known for surrendering as soon as possible, and actually enjoy being conquered. As a result of the natives' cowardly attitudes, the planet Tivoli has lasted longer than any of the greater civilizations. They do not assert their own opinions often, just wishing to be ordered around or enslaved, as seen in the case of Gibbis and Albar Prentis. The 4349:(1976). They are a female religion situated on the planet Karn in charge of the Elixir of Eternal Life, made from the Eternal Flame. The Elixir has remarkable healing properties, such as aiding Time Lords undergoing difficult regenerations; the Fourth Doctor was given some after brain damage in a mental duel with Morbius. Other potions that the Sisterhood brew can allow Time Lords to choose what their next incarnation will be like; they range from age, weight, strength, emotion, sex and mindset. Seeing the person he had been for all his regenerations wasn't suited to combat the terror of the Time War, the 979: 4692: 2613: 1239: 478:(1972). The real creature upon which the legend is based is a large, hairy beast with a single horn. Hunted to near extinction, one Aggedor beast roamed the tunnels below the citadel and, at one stage, was used to judge prisoners who were cast into a pit to face the Judgement of Aggedor. Peladon's High Priest, Hepesh, secretly captured a remaining Aggedor, and used it to attempt to generate superstition about the "curse" of Aggedor in order to stop Peladon from joining the Galactic Federation, an intergalactic alliance of planets. The Aggedor killed Hepesh, and the same Aggedor later returned in 4238:" (2012). They are said to be the "pest controllers of the universe". They attack any species that they believe will pose a threat to the universe, hence why they tried eliminating humanity in the 21st century, years before they could colonise space in the future. A hologram of a wrinkled humanoid in a black robe was seen on the Shakri ship; however, it is not known if this is actually what the Shakri look like. The Shakri consider seven an important number, given they used that amount of portals, ships, cube activation time, and for a countdown. They follow something known as "the Tally"; 2157: 997: 4148:" (2010). Their appearance is fear-inducing due to many sharp protrusions and fangs. They were able to breathe underwater and had vampire-like qualities such as a vulnerability to sunlight, no reflections and a thirst for human blood. However, these are easily explainable; as "fish from space", they are used to living in the dark depths; anyone's mind cannot deal with conflicting information of a perception filter and a Saturnyn's true reflection; Rosanna and Francesco drank the blood of the girls attending the school so they could replace it with their own. Their leader, 2175: 1275: 961: 6441: 4892: 3069: 1266: 5275:, using them to fake a first contact situation in order to draw the world's leaders into one place for easy capture. He then uses a "paradox machine" to allow the future of the human race to slaughter many in the present, in short bringing the six billion humans that are alive in the year 100 trillion to return in the form of the Toclafane. The paradox machine creates a temporal paradox, allowing them to kill their ancestors without damaging themselves, and thus establish the Master's rule over Earth. After subduing Earth, the Master aims to establish a new 3812: 2488: 2441: 309: 680: 1284: 5063: 4273:'s enemies converging on Trenzalore, the Papal Mainframe underwent a faith conversion into the Church of the Silence whose main belief is that "Silence will fall" to keep the Doctor from answering the oldest question in the universe "Doctor Who?" to avert a war caused by the Time Lords' return. However, a group of Silents under a splinter chapel led by Madam Kovarian wanted to completely avoid the Siege of Trenzalore by eliminating the Doctor: their attempts range from destroying reality in Series 5, which caused the events at Trenzalore, and using 2604: 4610:
pulses, administered directly into the opened pain center of the Whale's brain, in order to keep the ship flying. Over the years, they realised that they could not justify keeping the creature in agony, but feared that if they set it free, the ship and all those aboard would be destroyed as the creature fled, so they chose to instead forget, and fed those who protested to the beast. When the Doctor learnt of this, he decided to render the creature brain-dead, ending its suffering and saving the lives of all those on the ship, but
1668:(1973). In the serial, the Drashigs were captured inside a "Miniscope," a device which kept various species trapped in miniature versions of their natural environments for entertainment. The Drashigs damage the circuitry of the Miniscope, while a group known as the Tribunal attempts to free them to cause chaos. The Drashigs kill the rogue Tribunal members, and are returned home from the Miniscope at the episode's conclusion. The Drashigs in this episode utilized puppets, with fox skulls being used for the heads. The documentary 2686: 2166: 1248: 1230: 1221: 6330: 5690: 2340: 855:, in which Kronos sought revenge against the Master and tricked him into cutting off a point in the dimensions known as the Lux Aeterna. This created the Quantum Archangel, which, in order to satisfy the desires of every human on Earth, created seven billion alternate realities. The Chronovores swarmed the planet and began to feed on the Earth, acting like parasites to prolong their meal. Kronos sacrificed itself in order to stop this, freeing the Lux Aeterna and causing the Chronovores to return to their dimension. 2480:" (2011). They wear hooded cloaks, giving the impression that they still have a head, however under the hood, the skin is tied into a tight knot where the head has been removed. Despite their name, most people are unaware of this literal description being true, because except under very special circumstances, one incurs a death penalty if they ever remove the hood of a monk. The monks have no detectable life signs, and are endowed with the ability to throw lightning from their hands. They were first mentioned in " 5335: 988: 2654:. They were designed to be able to show more personality than other recurring monsters, such as the Daleks and Cybermen. Baugh additionally gave the Warriors their reptilian appearance when designing them, with two different suits for the Ice Warriors being produced for their debut serial. Baugh designed the armour out of fibreglass. The armour was later given a redesign for their appearance in "Cold War," though it kept the basic design mostly the same. Neill Gorton, a creature designer for 3913: 3126: 4633:" (2018). As physical contact with any part of them can cause death from sub-zero burns, Stenza require the use of specialised suits to be able to interact safely with other lifeforms. The Stenza maintain two traditions amongst their people – a ritualistic hunt to earn the right of leadership, in which a Stenza hunts a randomly selected quarry without the use of weapons or any form of aid; and collecting a tooth from a kill to later apply to their face. The Stenza are noted for conducting 1257: 2650:, who were planned to be featured in an American television series at the time. The Ice Warriors were created by writer Brian Hayles, who penned every episode featuring them in the classic era of the show. Hayles was inspired by the discovery of a pre-historic mammoth to write the original serial. Hayles initially proposed the Ice Warriors to have cybernetic enhancements, which was scrapped by costume designer Martin Baugh out of concerns that it would be seen as too similar to the 168: 952: 16062: 6201:(1982). Originating from the planet Xeriphas, they possessed immense psychokinetic and scientific powers. Their planet was destroyed in a war between two other species, with the surviving Xeraphin crash-landing on prehistoric Earth. Due to intense radiation, they merged into a gestalt. The Master arrived on prehistoric Earth shortly after the radiation began to subside. The Master attempted to use the Xeraphin to power his TARDIS, but is thwarted by the 16052: 5426:(1983). A civil war broke out on the planet, and those on the wrong side were banished to different planets, Turlough ended up on Earth, while the rest of his family ended up on a volcanic planet. The descendants of the original exiles came to believe the mark of exile meant those who had it were chosen by their god, Mulkur, to lead them. After several years past, the exile was lifted from those banished from the planet, allowing them back home. 4717:
called Sycoraxic. The Sycorax also appear to have technology that is either disguised or treated as magic, referring to "curses" and the Doctor's regenerative abilities as "witchcraft". The Sycorax leader referred to an "armada" that they could use to take Earth by force if their blood control plan failed. They also appear to have a martial society, with traditions of honourable combat, yet they have no qualms about killing prisoners.
66: 3927:" (2005). They are native to the fictional planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius and may be grouped by extended family names which are sometimes used to refer to their species generically. They hatch from eggs and are composed of living calcium. Capital punishment is practised on the homeworld, which involves immersion of convicted criminals in acid that slowly dissolves them while still alive, which spectators then drink as a soup. 970: 25: 6085:. The Wirrn's life cycle involves laying their eggs in living hosts; the larvae emerge to consume the host, absorbing its memories and knowledge. A Wirrn larva is a green slug-like creature, varying in size from a few inches to 1 or 2 metres across. It can "infect" another organism through contact with a substance it excretes, mutating them into an adult Wirrn and connecting their consciousness to the hive mind. 1797:(1983). The Eternals live outside of time, in the realm of eternity. They consider the mortal inhabitants of the universe to be "Ephemerals." The Eternals are powerful enough to manipulate matter, creating objects out of thin air; they also read minds effortlessly through telepathy. They lack imagination and creativity, stating that they were empty and lost without Ephemeral thought to entertain and challenge them. 3354:" (2017), the Monks ruled over Earth for six months and kept the humans control by broadcasting a revised version of the planet's history that included the Monks from the beginning. Bill, the lynchpin through whom the fake history was broadcast, broke her psychic link with the Monks by broadcasting pure memories of her mother, causing the Monks to lose control over humanity and ultimately retreat from Earth. 5728:", this is revealed to be the reason for their unusual prevalence in The Library, as it is made known that the books and The Library itself was constructed of wood from the Vashta Nerada's native forest feeding grounds. Individually, Vashta Nerada are non-sentient, but if a large enough concentration come together, they can form a group mind of human-level intelligence capable of communication. 4839:" (2011). Put simply, "a Tenza's sole function is to fit in." They adapt perfectly to what their foster parents want, such as "George" becoming the son Claire was unable to give birth to. Tenzas have powerful psychic abilities such being able to create monsters with just their imagination, as well as mentally creating massive perception filters that alter their foster parents' memories. 810:, Rona Munro, was disappointed with how the Cheetah People turned out. Her initial outline only had the Cheetah People have cheetah-like eyes and a pigmentation of the skin, but the final version depicted the Cheetah People with heavy masks that obscured the actors' faces, which Munro weakened the emotions the actors were able to convey, and which she believed particularly weakened the 4035:, with the former two questioning the identity of the Twelfth. The three end up touching, creating a paradox that summoned the Reapers. The three Doctors are able to use their connection to each other to re-activate their TARDIS, which had been shut down by the Reapers, and de-materialize the TARDIS, forcing the Reapers to either leave the ship or be killed, dispelling their threat. 746:(1967), who can imprint on individual humans and take on their appearance. The Chameleons lost their identities and faces in a massive explosion on their home planet. As a result, their scientists created a device that would allow them to adopt the identities of other beings. In the late 1960s, they ran a fake airline, Chameleon Tours, to kidnap human subjects for that purpose. The 6253:. Set and effects designer John Wood used descriptions by Strutton to sketch designs for the Zarbi, with Wood wanting the Zarbi to be realistic whilst also hiding the human element. Four costumes were constructed, with producer Verity Lambert loving the design, though many other crew members were more hesitant about the feasibility of the Zarbi. The outfits were modelled on actor 4370:. Since then, they had been using their mental powers to crash ships onto the planet's surface. The Eternal Flame became clogged by soot one year prior to the events of the episode, and the Sisterhood had been trying to fix it to no avail. The Doctor solves the problem, and the Sisterhood later aid him in stopping the revived Morbius. They later reappear in the 2013 mini-episode " 5872:'s murder mystery books. Eventually it turns out the reason for Vespiform's killings was due to his firestone in the possession of Lady Eddison, who was thinking about Christie's novels. Furthermore, the Vespiform is revealed to be Lady Eddison's illegitimate son: Reverend Golightly. In the end, trying to get the firestone back, the Vespiform dies chasing after the item when 4571:(1973). They are the dominant species of sentient humanoids on planet Spiridon in the Ninth System. They have developed a form of invisibility, capable of generating "anti-reflecting light waves". They become visible after death, having pale skin and a gaunt appearance. They wear heavy purple fur cloaks at night to protect themselves from the harsh nights of Spiridon. 703:" (2007), most of New New York is killed by a plague, leaving the only survivors in the Under City and Motorway. A Cat Person, Thomas Kincade Brannigan, is encountered by the Tenth Doctor, and has a human wife and a litter of kittens. Additionally, a surviving member of the Sisters of Plentitude, Novice Hame, appears, who survived the plague via the protection of the 3259:" (2008). The natural appearance of this organism is not directly known, only being referred to as a shadow, "something shifting. Like it was running". The creature was capable of possessing humans. First unable to move, it repeats what other people say, then begins saying what they are saying at the same time, then is capable of moving, taking over other people. 3343:" (2017), the Monks showed the assembled world leaders a future where the Earth would be destroyed in one year by bacteria and offered to protect them as their rulers. The Doctor planned to stop the bacteria by blowing up the laboratory where it was found, but realized he could not escape the explosion due to his blindness. Unwilling to let her friend die, 2575:(1967). The Ice Warriors wore bulky armour, which protects them from temperature fluctuations and enemy attack. They can additionally attack using sonic weaponry. Ice Warriors can remove their armour. The Ice Warriors initially intend to find a new world due to Mars being uninhabitable via conquest, but their re-appearances in the serials 4097:, Rutans can shapeshift at will. They are also vulnerable to certain sound frequencies. A Rutan appeared in "Horror of Fang Rock", where it attempted to invade the planet as a strategic outpost in their war with the Sontarans. The Rutans have since appeared in a variety of spin-off media, including books, audio dramas, and video games. 6077:, or even a planet named "Andromeda" is unclear), but were driven into space by human settlers. They are slightly larger than humans, dark green and wasp-like in appearance, and live mostly in space, although their breeding colonies are terrestrial. Their bodies are a self-contained system, their lungs being able to recycle waste 4490:(1972). Their planet was colonized by the Overlords. The atmosphere contains a nitrogen isotope which causes the air to become toxic to humans in sunlight, although it has no effect on Solonians. Because Solos' environment changes drastically every 500 years, they must undergo major mutations periodically in order to survive. 2658:, chose to make the redesign resemble plating in order to make the Ice Warriors appear "beefier and stronger." Urethane rubber was used for the costume instead of fibreglass like their older costumes. Gorton sought to improve on the armour due to shortcomings in the older models, with the armour being specially designed around 877:" (2024). The Chuldur appeared in 1813, where they infiltrated a ball in order to "cosplay" as those from the nineteenth century. The Fifteenth Doctor is able to trap the Chuldur within a sealing device, which banished them to another dimension, but at the sacrifice of Rogue, a bounty hunter the Doctor had fallen in love with. 5378:(1981). They live on the peaceful planet of Traken, which is part of the Traken Union. A Keeper is chosen to guard the Source once the life of the current one draws close to ending. Their planet would petrify anything evil that would arrive, until the Keeper's life began waning and thus the petrification would weaken. During " 1316:, and he is the only being whom they fear. The Daleks see themselves as the superior lifeforms in the universe, and seek to eliminate all other life for being "impure." The creatures inside of their casings resemble squids, with a single eye, exposed brain and many tentacles. The Daleks acted as a highly recurring foe during 6093:
their plan, Noah, leader of Nerva, was infected and converted to their kind. However, Noah still retained "more than a vestige of human spirit", probably thanks to the encouragements of the Doctor, and led the Wirrn into Nerva's transport ship even though he knew it was rigged to explode. It did so, ending the Wirrn threat.
5017:. The Time Beetle, similar to the Trickster himself, feeds on time energy and can cause a victim to change a decision they made in the past, thereby altering history. The change in history is usually very minor, affecting only the person the beetle attaches to, and the universe usually "compensates" for the discrepancy. 5525:(1977). They enslaved humanity after their engineers made Mars suitable for human habitation, humans having depleted the Earth's resources. Once humanity had depleted Mars's resources as well, the Usurians engineered Pluto so that humans could inhabit it. They created six artificial "Suns" around it and installed 2986:, where an environmentalist group uses samples from the original Krynoid to try and create hybrids that can be controlled by the human host and thus control Earth's fauna to cope with the environmental damage, only for their efforts to merely create a rapidly-growing Krynoid before the Doctor sets it on fire. 2462:, and saved her life at the cost of its own. They seem sentient and while they do not speak a language intelligible to humans, the two races planned to colonize the planet Messaline together. However, they later turned on each other – before their eventual reconciliation, thanks to the Doctor's intervention. 1676:, detailed several aspects of the Drashigs' production. The Drashigs' name was an anagram of "dish rag" due to dish rags being used as an eyeline for the actors when filming scenes in which they encountered Drashigs. The Drashigs' roars were created by reversing the sound of a car tire screeching backwards. 1098:" (2013) which used a sleeker design. These Cybermen were constantly upgrading to counter-act any threat, which Gaiman cited as being inspired by the speed of improvement in modern technology and the Cybermen's own penchant to "upgrade" other lifeforms to be like themselves. The original design seen in 4324:
had been becalmed (and the crew dead from a human disease), she impulsively started to take the injured of the ship, even if it was for a simple cut, showing a great lack of intelligence. Were it not for the Doctor's arrival, the Siren would eventually have reached shore and started trying to process
Hailing from the planet Pyrovillia, these creatures had bodies made of rock that seemed to contain fire. Much taller than humans their heads resembled centurion helmets and they could be killed by contact with water. When their home planet vanished they fled and crash landed on earth reducing many of
The Ogri were a species of silicon-based creatures native to Ogros. They looked like large rocks, usually taller than a human but irregular in shape. They were large, slow and heavy, sometimes weighing as much as 3.5 tons, but they could take a lot of damage, both energy-based and physical. When they
stole the last one needed during a prior visit to the planet, causing The Great One to go after him in order to complete her web. The Great One eventually completes her web, but the power of the web is too great, and it kills The Great One and all of her spiders, and causes mortal injury to the Third
at one point. They could be destroyed in the traditional vampire-killing fashion of driving a stake through their chests. They could also be repelled by their victim's faith, which formed a psychic barrier, like the Doctor's faith in his companions, Ace's faith in the Doctor, Captain Sorin's faith in
In the series' revival in 2005, the Daleks were initially not going to appear, with drafts of the scripts not featuring them being made if the development team was unable to use them. This was due to issues in negotiations with Nation's estate after his death in 1997, with the estate not trusting the
Vespiform have a telepathic connection to objects called firestones, which contains part of their mind. Like Earth's wasps, the Vespiform are vulnerable to water. A Vespiform-human hybrid can live a normal life as a human until a burst of intense emotion awakens its alien biology. When the Vespiform
The Toclafane's cyborg forms possess energy devices capable of killing and disintegrating targets. They are equipped with numerous retractable blades. The first four to be seen also exhibit apparent teleportation or cloaking abilities, not displayed by others of their race. All that remains of their
The Sycorax appear to be skinless humanoids wearing mantles of bone, usually keeping their features concealed under helmets. They are proficient in the use of weapons like swords and whips, the latter which can deliver an energy discharge that disintegrates the flesh of its target. Their language is
as its core, hibernating for billions of years, with the exception of their Empress. The Doctor notes that because the Huon particles ceased to exist, the surviving Racnoss are stuck in hibernation. The Empress is seen coming to Earth in her ship, the Webstar in this episode, seeking to use the Huon
are able to save the baby, but the Goblins go back in time to steal Ruby when she was a baby. Using special gloves that enhance his strength, the Fifteenth Doctor drags the Goblins' ship into the steeple of a church, impaling their King and saving Ruby. A scrapped scene in the episode would have had
encountered them on a planetoid known as "DrashigWorld," a theme park where various species of Drashig are on display. The creator of the park attempted to use it as a ploy to discover what it is like to be a Drashig by connecting to the Drashigs' brain waves. The Drashigs break free, but the Doctor
hide with bioluminescent patches. It arrived on Earth as it heard the children of the United Kingdom crying, and was unable to bear the sound. Believing its arrival to be a one-in-a-million miracle, the people of Britain captured it and built their ship around it, torturing it via powerful electric
into accepting a gift of the Raxacoricofallapatorian plant Rakweed, which begins to poison the Earth with deadly spores. The Slitheen-Blathereen have no interest in the Blathereen's law-abiding ways, and instead turn to the Slitheen's greed and need to make profit. After indulging on Rakweed, which
as a means of reviving her "children" before feasting on the human population of Earth. The last Racnoss are presumed wiped out when the Doctor drains the waters of the Thames down the shaft leading to their ship; the Empress is killed when her own ship is destroyed by the British Army at the order
as an ancient race of aliens from the Dark Times of the universe. Half-humanoid, half-arachnid in appearance, they were an invasion force who consumed everything on the planets they conquered. Their race was wiped out by the Fledgling Empires, over 4.6 billion years ago. Although the Time Lords are
with the Argolins, which resulted in the decimation of their planet, Argolis. Argolis subsequently came under the Foamasi's control. Two saboteurs, hailing from a group known as the "West Lodge" attempted to force the Argolins to sell the Leisure Hive, a location within which the Argolins survived.
which caused the people to mutate into more wild creatures. The Cheetah People frequently fought each other, which weakened their home planet and caused it to slowly reach a breaking point. The Master became stranded on the planet, and slowly began to mutate as well. He attempted to use the Cheetah
into Adipose children. The process is generally harmless to the host beyond the loss of body fat; but in emergencies the process can be accelerated, converting the host's entire body, which is fatal to the host and produces ill and weak Adipose children. This is illegal under the laws of the Shadow
waiting for the planet to recover, but had overslept by several millennia. The Wirrn intended to use the sleepers as a food source and claim the empty Earth for their own, as both a means of survival and an act of revenge against the human race for taking their former territories. In the course of
4605:" (2010). It's presumed to be the last of its kind, and is used to pilot the Starship UK, so as to save its citizens from the dangerous solar flares. The whale has the features of other animals such as an anglerfish's angler, an octopus's tentacles and a scorpion's tail, as well as having a bright 4152:
used a perception filter to appear as a human woman, who started a school for girls; it was a guise for seeking victims to be transformed into mates for Francesco's brothers. They planned to flood Venice in an attempt to continue their civilization since their own planet Saturnyne was destroyed by
style. They are stronger and have more physical endurance than human beings. A major weakness of the Movellan design is an external power pack which each android carries on its belt. This can be removed with comparative ease, causing the android to completely shut down. Once removed the power pack
moved the planet into a time loop. Somehow, though, the Fendahl managed to eject a skull, which passed through space (seriously harming life on Mars as it passed) to land on Earth, where its powers helped shape humanity, a new vessel for the Fendahl. Ages later, that skull was found by scientists,
served in his race's military until injuries forced him to retire. In order to gain more troops for his race's continuing war effort, Kudlak was dispatched to Earth. He seized control of the Combat 3000 laser game franchise, which he secretly used to find human children with strong combat skills.
Unlike the other time echoes, they could touch the present world, and killed Bram Van Baalen. They end up trapping their past selves in the Eye of Harmony's room by accident, setting up the existence of the Time Zombies. The Doctor realises how to avert the future, killing all but Clara's echo by
books, the name of the Sycorax homeworld is given as "Sycorax". It is unclear if this is another name for the Fire Trap. Furthermore, after the destruction of the Fire Trap, the Sycorax spread further through the galaxy, and like humans are one of three species that continually survive and adapt,
3495:" (2011). While one posed as a God, it acquired sacrifices to be used as batteries for powering their teleporter. However, the Doctor's arrival prevented more than two extra Nimons from arriving; the rest tried a last-resort plan by blowing up their now resource-deprived planet, killing them all. 5037:
is taken to the Sontaran homeworld, and millions of people die from threats the Doctor would have otherwise prevented. Donna travels back in time to make her make the original decision that leads to her meeting the Doctor, killing the Beetle. According to both the Doctor and Donna, this universe
set it free, revealing that the whale had volunteered to help, and that contrary to the beliefs of the station's masters, that it would continue flying without the need to torture it. The creature's exact size is not specified, and it is only visible in its entirety towards the episode's ending.
and delegates from the Ogron and Sontaran species. The Draconian delegate later aided the Tenth Doctor in saving the Shadow Architect, head of the Shadow Proclamation, an intergalactic police body who had arrested them before. The Draconian was freed and later attended peace talks with the other
discovering that the Zarbi had once again turned against the Menoptera, another species that inhabited Vortis. They later discovered that the Zarbi were actually devices piloted by an alien species known as the Skirkons, who had enslaved the real Zarbi as well as the Menoptera. The First Doctor
5942:(1964). The Voord attempted to work with their leader, Yartek, to gain the Keys of Marinus in order to obtain the Conscience of Marinus, which they seek to use for their antagonistic purposes. The Voord are thwarted when Yartek takes a fake key, resulting in his death. The Voord were created by 5279:
empire with himself as the leader and the Toclafane as his people and ground troops. This plan is foiled when the paradox machine is destroyed, causing time to rewind and trapping the Toclafane back at the end of the universe. Once the Master loses control of Earth, the false name Tocalafane is
Tetraps have four eyes, one on each side of their head, giving them all-round vision, and put this to good use in stalking fugitives. Like bats, they sleep by hanging upside-down in a cavern. They feed off a dark red-coloured sludge that the Lakertyan leader releases down a chute into a trough.
was sailing on in 1699. Thanks to "protein circuitry", she could appear before a species in a form that would be alluring to them for cooperation. To sedate her patients, the Siren could sing a beautiful vocal song. However, being nothing more than a program, the Siren had very little reasoning
of the second pod, which overtook his scientific adviser Arnold Keeler, and transformed its subject over time into a virtually full-sized Krynoid. Unable to destroy the creature by other means, and with the danger of a seed release imminent from the massive plant, the Doctor orchestrated an RAF
Ultimately, the Seventh Doctor convinced the Ancient One to turn against Fenric, and it released the toxin within a sealed chamber, destroying itself and Fenric's host. Whether this means that the future the Ancient One came from was averted is not clear, although the Doctor seemed to think so.
ended up encountering a group of Eternals, who sought to win the "Enlightenment" from the Black and White Guardians in a competition between themselves. The Eternals captured many residents of the universe to participate in the competition, with the Doctor attempting to stop the competition. An
5240:, the last refuge of a dying universe, they find nothing but "the dark and the cold" of space. Losing the last shred of hope they had, they turned on themselves, cannibalising their own bodies to create a new cyborg race. As part of this process they regress into little more than children with 4670:
The Stingrays are apparently arthropods, as they are exothermic, and possess an exoskeleton composed of metal that has been ingested then exuded to the exoskeleton. They are voracious feeders, eating both organic and inorganic materials ranging from flesh and bone to plant matter to metals and
The Ice Warriors proved to be popular, and they were thus brought back in later episodes. Bernard Bresslaw portrayed the Ice Warrior Varga in their debut serial. Bresslaw voiced Varga with a notable whisper-like to depict the Ice Warriors' reptilian nature, with the voice believed to have been
in an attempt to get revenge for the death of his son. The Abzorbaloff summons an alien known as the "Krakanord" to defeat the Doctor, but it kills the Abzorbaloff due to the Abzorbaloff's mistreatment of it. Grantham returned to direct and animate the short, and also judged the monster design
to oversee the collection of taxes from their human workforce. They intended to abandon Pluto and leave humanity to become extinct once the humans had exhausted its resources, there being no economically viable planet to relocate humanity to once more. The humans on Pluto revolted against the
depicted the Draconians being unhappy with human colonization of the planet Catastrophea. They attempted to intervene, but after an uprising by the planet's natives, the Draconians and humans work together to make sure all inhabitants from both sides are able to evacuate the planet, with both
being drawn into the war against the Racnoss in the distant past when a call for help during the war is picked up by a long-dormant program in the TARDIS, resulting in the Doctor being caught up in a political struggle between the Empress of the Racnoss and her traitorous old consort and her
run a hospital near the city of New New York, where they test on human subjects by infecting them with every disease in order to concoct cures for them. The subjects later escape, infecting many in the hospital, including several of the Sisters. The Tenth Doctor later develops a cure for the
515:(1971). They pose as a friendly family who wished to aid humanity, but are able to shapeshift into monstrous forms in order to aid Axos. The Axons are later trapped in a time loop alongside Axos. The Axons are portrayed by Bernard Holley, Patricia Gordino, John Hicks, and Debbie Lee London. 3669:" (2007). They absorb blood from their victims, which in turn changes their own blood chemistry to that of the victim, allowing them to mimic other species when medically scanned. A Plasmavore was hiding from the Judoon in the Royal Hope Hospital on Earth, disguised as Florence Finnegan. 1059:(1982), wanting to feature a returning antagonist but not wanting to use the Daleks. Turner kept the reveal of the Cybermen a secret from the public prior to the airing of the episode, after which they reprised their role as consistent antagonists until the series' cancellation in 1989. 5124:, and resistance to otherwise harmful effects such as extreme cold and radiation. They possess a binary vascular system (two hearts), and therefore a faster heart rate, as well as a cooler internal body temperature. The Doctor would later claim that Time Lords came before humans did in " 2209:, who at the time were written out of the series. The Snowmen appeared in "The Snowmen," where they were sentient snow that manifested when people thought about them. The Snowmen were defeated alongside the Intelligence. The Whisper Men were servants of the Intelligence who appeared in " 347:
contest to have a monster created by a child appear on the show. Grantham originally envisioned the Abzorbaloff to be much bigger and fueled by rage, being unable to speak, though he was satisfied with the final version seen on screen. The Abzorbaloff was portrayed on-screen by comedian
5671:; they are covered in fur and thorns. Anyone pricked by a Varga thorn will be consumed by the urge to kill, while simultaneously becoming a Varga plant themself. This grisly fate befell astronauts Jeff Garvey and Gordon Lowery, and their commander, Marc Cory, was forced to kill them. 3715:
will dock at will destroy the ship if it detects the P'ting on board, but the Thirteenth Doctor is able to deduce that the P'ting is seeking out energy sources, and feeds it a fail-safe bomb from the ship's power source before jettisoning it into space. A P'ting later appears in
in designing the Daleks, and acted as an allegory for the Nazis. Cusick was only given an hour to work on the design for the Daleks, and was inspired by a pepper pot on the table. The in-human aspects of the design were considered a large part of what made the Daleks a success.
5896:(1975). Vogans are the native population of the planet Voga, which was made entirely of gold. The Cybermen sought to destroy Voga, as humans were using Voga's gold to gain an advantage in the Cyber Wars, wars fought against humans and the Cybermen. The Vogans were aided by the 4444:" (2010). They are capable of swimming through the air using the electricity of the planet Ember's crystalline fog. They are attracted to music as it causes the crystals in the fog to resonate in a way that produces delta waves. They vary from small fish to fully grown sharks. 4667:-like creatures, with metal exoskeletons that allow them to travel from planet to planet via wormholes. They consume everything on a planet, turning it into desert; and then swarm over the planet's surface, generating a wormhole which allows them to travel to the next planet. 2458:" (2008). They appear as tall, roughly humanoid creatures with fish-like heads, who can breathe in air via the employment of apparatus fitted to their faces that incorporates a canister of green liquid. They are intelligent, emotional creatures – one formed a friendship with 5717:, and claims that they can be seen as the specks of dust visible in bright light. He states they are the reason most sentient creatures have an instinctual fear of the dark. On most planets, however, Vashta Nerada exist in relatively low concentrations, feeding primarily on 4934:
Tetraps possess limited intelligence, but they soon realise that the Rani's plans would have them all killed on Lakertya. This is confirmed when their leader, Urak, hears of her plans and she later leaves him to guard over her laboratory rather than take him with her in her
3057:" (2013). In the episode, some Macra are found to be alive below New New York, a city of New Earth. They live in the thick fog of exhaust gases on the main motorway under the city, tracking the flying cars by their lights and snatching at them when they get too close. The 2409:
paralyse their victims so they could feed and drain them of blood. Not all of their victims were turned into Haemovores, although the selection process was never explained. The Haemovores were impervious to most forms of attack, surviving being shot at close range by a
was inspired by the Daleks seen in the 60s Dalek films, and sought to make them big to make them intimidating. A green Dalek was planned but scrapped. These Daleks, dubbed the "New Paradigm," were widely controversial with viewers. They were re-designed for the episode
2595:." The Ice Warriors followed a code of honor, which they treated very seriously. The Ice Warriors have a leadership ranking, being led by Ice Lords, which wear differently designed armour. They are additionally led by a Queen, who was portrayed by actress Adele Lynch. 1624:(1965). In the serial, a group of Drahvin were stranded on a planet that was soon to die. They were trapped with the Rills, a physically repulsive race, who offered aid but were rejected. The Drahvin attempted to kill the Rills, but were stopped from doing so by the 2025:
believed would allow him to find the Gelth new bodies. However, once the Rift was open, the Gelth revealed their malicious intent and threatened to take Earth by force. Gwyneth sacrificed herself to close the Rift, setting the remaining Gelth ablaze with fire.
5664:, and when the Daleks set up a base on the planet Kembel they brought some Varga plants with them to act as sentries in the jungle surrounding their base. They were suited to this as they could move around freely by dragging themselves along with their roots. 6273:
before being shown to their dressing rooms, was aired prior to the episode's airing, with the trailer being made to take "the curse out of the Zarbi" for younger viewers of the episode. The Zarbi were planned to re-appear in a brief cameo in the 2024 episode
until the Cybermen took control of the planet, and allied with the mercenary Lytton in order to defeat them. The Cryons were later destroyed by an attack by the Cybermen. Director Matthew Robinson elected to make the Cryons an all-female race, as otherwise
5721:, with attacks on people being comparatively rare. In the episode "Silence in the Library", an unusually high concentration of Vashta Nerada had completely overrun the 51st-century "Library", resulting in the apparent death of everyone inside at the time. 4867:
species. They cannot survive long without breathing soliton gas, which is highly combustible when combined with oxygen. As an advanced society, they enjoy a heightened appreciation of both aesthetics and warfare and have been known to employ bejewelled
are genetically engineered members of the Papal Mainframe under the Academy of the Question. As they were originally created as confessional priests, Silents cannot be remembered unless they are being looked at, or if someone is wearing an eyedrive. In
1471:, which resulted in the destruction of the Daleks and the Time Lords alike, with the Doctor the sole survivor. The Doctor eventually comes into contact with Dalek survivors as the series progresses, and the Daleks are eventually revived in the episode " 250:. The series first aired in 1963 before being cancelled in 1989, with a brief attempt to revive the show in 1996 being unsuccessful. The show was successfully revived in 2005, and continues to air episodes. The series stars an extraterrestrial known as 2287:, warning them of the Black Guardian who also wished to obtain the Key. The White Guardian was later revealed to actually be the Black Guardian in disguise, who attempted to trick the Doctor into assembling the Key for him. The Doctor scrambled the 5020:
When the beetle attaches to Donna in "Turn Left", instead of compensating it creates a "great big parallel world" where Donna never meets the Doctor, resulting in disaster for Earth. The Doctor, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, and Torchwood staff
depicted another group of Foamasi, known as the Dark Peaks Lodge, attempting to sabotage and gain control of the Foamasi government. The Eighth Doctor was able to reveal the group, causing the Foamasi government to hunt down the Dark Peaks Lodge.
6422:," (2010) but this was scrapped due to his similar appearance to the Vinvocci, who had appeared recently at that point in the series. A version of the Fourth Doctor, based off his appearance when Meglos shapeshifts into him, was featured in the 5946:, who had also created the Daleks, with costume designer Daphne Dare creating the visual design for the creatures. The Voord were portrayed by actors Martin Cort, Peter Stenson and Gordon Wales, while Yartek was portrayed by Stephen Dartnell. 4682:
created in the fabric of Spacetime by circling a planet faster and faster, and as each swarm can contain billions of giant stingrays, they rip a hole in space. Their wormholes can transport the whole swarm an infinite distance through space.
knocking them off the rail. However, the Van Baalens couldn't avoid their fate. The Doctor eventually prevents the existence of the zombies by resetting time, preventing the TARDIS from being damaged and salvaged by the Van Baalen Brothers.
town known as Mercy, where it became apparent that he was responsible for the creation of a deadly Kahler cyborg, who was now hunting him down to execute Kahler-Jex for his crimes against the Kahler species. The Kahler race were created by
3872:" (2008). In the parallel universe created by Donna, she has still been defeated, but the Doctor, without Donna to stop him and ultimately save his life, is shown having drowned; a UNIT soldier speculates that he died "too fast for him to 1021:(1966). As they implanted more and more artificial parts into their bodies as a means of self-preservation, they became coldly logical and calculating, with emotion all but deleted from their minds. The Cyberman concept was created by Dr. 1861:
who believed it could grant them power; the attempt unfortunately backfired in the creation of a new Golden Core. The Core began creating Fendahleen, but one person committed suicide, preventing the Fendahl from reaching the quota. The
on Torajii to refuel their ship, unaware that it is actually a living organism. Torajii then uses the stolen matter to possess and kill the crew until the fuel is returned. Once the sun scoop is dumped, it allows the ship to fly away.
5180:" (2013). They are echoes of the possible future selves that the Doctor, Clara, and Trickey and Gregor Van Baalen would have become from being exposed to the Eye of Harmony too long; they were burnt by it as their cells liquified. 3707:" (2018). The P'ting are not actively malicious, but have toxic skin and eat large amounts of inorganic material, making them hazardous due to being capable of eating spaceships. In the episode, the P'ting is let loose aboard the 1707:. The Drashigs in this story were the result of genetic mutation in humans who were exposed to radiation when stranded on an alien planet. Some of these mutated humans' eggs were sent back in time, creating the Drashigs. The book 6379:, appeared. A pair of them attempted to take a Vinvocci medical device away from a human, named Joshua Naismith, who attempted to re-program the device to make his daughter immortal. They later aided the Tenth Doctor in stopping 5705:" (2008). They are microscopic swarm creatures which, when present in a high enough concentration, are indistinguishable from shadows, and use this to their advantage in approaching and attacking prey. They are described as the " 1324:
going on-air during the Daleks' second appearance, the return of the Daleks saw a higher viewer count. The Daleks were merchandised heavily during this period and grew wildly popular. Dalekmania declined following the airing of
being created later than scheduled, the production team had only two to three weeks to finish all of the VFX shots using the Reapers. The episode ended up being higher-budget than expected due to the inclusion of the Reapers.
1366:. Nation's design inspiration for the Daleks came from watching a dance troupe on television, as their long skirts gave the impression that they glided across the stage. Nation additionally pulled from the cultural memory of 5112:
through the Time Vortex on its return. Upon arriving 300 years later, she finds a visibly aged Doctor, proving that Time Lords experience natural physical changes during each lifespan between regenerations. In the episode
1574:(1973). Common interstellar travel and attempts at colonization have brought them into frequent and occasionally hostile contact with humans, leading to a treaty establishing a frontier between the two empires. Antagonist 262:. In the process, the Doctor often comes into contact with various alien species. This list only covers alien races and other fictional creatures and not specific characters. Additionally, several alien races re-appear in 2898:
states that he has encountered them before, but that due to their composite nature, they looked different, hence him not recognizing them. He also states that they gain their composite nature from consuming other beings.
piloting abilities, causing the TARDIS's landing sites to be randomized in order to evade the vengeful Black Guardian. The Black Guardian later appeared in several episodes of the series, where he attempted to manipulate
1446:. The Daleks have been described as British cultural icons, and a 2008 survey stated that nine out of ten British children were able to identify a Dalek correctly. The word "Dalek" has entered dictionaries, including the 1639:
shared mind, with one female Drahvin being able to allow other female Drahvin to enter the mind. The Drahvin was killed, but her shared connection to the female Drahvin let her overthrow the patriarchy and institute a
faces the Sycorax in the audio "Harvest of the Sycorax", where he has to stop their efforts to take control of a space station that contains blood samples taken from virtually the entire human race of the far future.
BBC with the Daleks and the BBC not offering the same editorial control Nation had once had in the past. The BBC and Nation estate eventually came to an agreement, leading to the return of the Daleks in the episode "
4750:" when the Doctor finds a horse's skull in The Globe's prop cupboard. He comments that it "Reminds too much of the Sycorax". Shakespeare remarks he likes the sound of the word, obviously then going on to use it in 2306:, where the Guardians offered a crystal of great power to the winner of a race held by Eternals. Turlough threw the crystal at the Black Guardian, causing him to dissipate. The White Guardian was portrayed by actor 6464:(1975). In the episode, the Zygon home world had been destroyed, and they attempted to conquer the Earth in order to claim it as their new home world. They later re-appeared in the fiftieth anniversary special " 411:
is killed fighting another alien menace prior to encountering the Adipose, the Adipose incident happened in America instead of the United Kingdom, as London was destroyed when the space-faring version of the
6543:. The Zygons fed on the milk it produced, which is why they brought it with them. The Skarasen was filmed using a puppet hung by wires, with other scenes depicting the Skarasen being filmed in stop motion. 6413:
abilities of his species to obtain an item known as the Dodecahedron, which contained immense power. He planned to use the Dodecahedron to destroy the neighboring planet of Tigella, but is thwarted by the
5382:" (1981), the Master caused the destruction of the Traken Union and its people by unleashing entropy back into the universe, leaving Nyssa (as far as she or anyone knew) the sole Trakenite in existence. 3161:, with each Menoptra possessing four large wings. They have yellow and black stripes around their bodies and appear to be around six feet tall, but do not seem to have typical insect body parts (such as 1856:; it is composed of one Golden Core and 12 Fendahleen. The Fendahl arose on the original fifth planet of our solar system, which they eventually wiped of all other life; so dangerous were they that the 1578:
attempted to trick the two sides into thinking the other broke the treaty in order to provoke galactic war, but after the truth was revealed, the Draconians allied with the humans to combat the Master.
intervened in the nick of time and ensured the Krynoid was destroyed by a bomb, but the second pod was stolen and taken to the home of millionaire botanist Harrison Chase in England. Chase ensured the
5400:" (2005). The Ninth Doctor meets Jabe and her attendants, Lute and Coffa, when they attend the viewing of the destruction of Earth on Platform One. They are descended from the rain forests of Earth. 3976:" (2005). Although not named on screen, they were referred to as "Reapers" in the publicity material for the episode. The Reapers are parasitic creatures that feed on damage to the timeline, such as 5553:. Shock can force them to revert to their natural form. According to the Doctor, Usurians are listed in a "flora and fauna" of the universe written by a Professor Thripthead under poisonous fungi. 1948:" (2007). With sharp teeth and warrior-like markings and piercings over their faces, the Futurekind are tribalistic, and hunt down those they can kill and eat. The Futurekind attempted to kill the 6160:. At the end of the episode, the Wrarth capture the Meep and take him into custody. Actor Robert Strange portrayed one of the lead Wrarth, known as Sergeant Zogroth. The Wrarth actors used wore 4551:
As seen with Strax, Sontarans can't tell the difference between men and women ("Two genders is a bit further than can count"), and think polite terms such as Miss or Mister are military ranks.
describing the Judoon as "interplanetary thugs" due to their methods. The Judoon use energy weapons to incarcerate prisoners, and can breathe for some time in space due to their powerful lungs.
in an attempt to murder the Doctor in Series 6. The Silents still loyal to the Papal Mainframe remain and joined forces with the Doctor to fight back all the villains converging on Trenzalore.
The Daleks use physical props, which are operated from the inside by actors, who manipulated aspects such as the eyestalks and appendages, and physically moved the props. For the 2019 episode "
In issue #1 of the IDW published Doctor Who comic book, a Sycorax is collecting near-extinct species to use with shape-shifters for expensive hunts. The Sycorax race also make a return in the
3329:" (2017). On Earth, they chose to resemble human corpses. The Monks study other planets through virtual simulations and take over by having someone in power consent to their rule out of love. 4939:, thus condemning him to death. Urak and the enraged Tetraps capture the Rani in her ship and take her back to their home planet, to force her to help solve their natural resource shortages. 2387:
Soon after the transformation, victims appeared much as they did in life, except for elongated fingernails and a corpse-like pallor. Later they became deformed blue-grey humanoids covered in
Eternal naming themselves Captain Wrack is able to pull ahead in the competition, which involves many spaceships based off boats racing to see who would make it to victory. A rival ship, the
691:" (2006). The Catkind have hair-covered bodies, feline facial features and retractable claws. Their young resemble typical domestic kittens, with humanoid features emerging after ten months. 5082:
when mortally wounded. This process creates for them an entirely new body and results in major changes in personality, but retains the Time Lord's memories and identity. It is suggested in
family are a ruthless criminal sect motivated by profit. After being convicted for their crimes on Raxacoricofallapatorius, they are exiled and threatened with execution if they returned.
6246:(or Venom Grubs) which they used to enforce their will. They returned to normal after the defeat of the Animus, and returned to a peaceful existence with the other inhabitants of Vortis. 3288:
to lose her faith in him, which eventually allows the Minotaur to die peacefully in the corridors of the hotel. The Doctor mentions that this alien species of Minotaur are cousins of the
Proclamation, an inter-galactic law body, and the Adipose abandoned Foster to die in order to hide their crimes, taking the infant Adipose with them. In the parallel universe created in "
284:, though antagonists original to those series do not appear on this list. The separate article below contains an associated list, which includes other similar entities from the series: 5762:
visiting a theme park that has unleashed the local Vashta Nerada after the planet's forests were torn down to allow the park to be constructed, and "Day of the Vashta Nerada" pits the
Movellans outwardly resemble physically attractive humans of various ethnicities and genders. All Movellan androids wear white, form-fitting uniforms and have silver hair braided in a
not specified as being a part of the Empires, the Doctor acknowledges that his people unravelled their power source, Huon particles, and upon hearing the name of the Doctor's planet,
10543: 3001:", 2013), the Doctor defeating the Krynoid by blasting it with rapidly-freezing water from a specially modified hose and then shattering it with the reverberations of the town bell. 5857:
in hives in the Silfrax Galaxy. Each possesses the ability to morph into other species. It also has the ability to breed with other species, including humans, to produce offspring.
2709:" (2008) where they aid The Shadow Proclomation, an inter-galactic body of law, and later made cameo appearances in other episodes of the series. They also appeared in the series 3 1813:, allied with the Doctor to stop Wrack from winning, with the Doctor killing her and her first mate, allowing him to win the race and stop the Eternals from claiming Enlightenment. 1078:, the head of "Cybus," who was a genius obsessed with immortality. He forcibly 'upgraded' vast numbers of people in the parallel earth before a counter-revolution, initiated by the 83: 38: 5460:
and Lady Christina de Souza. The Doctor speaks with them through their own language while they understand The Doctor through a one-way telepathic translating communication device.
4192:(1972). They lived in Earth's oceans millions of years before humans evolved. They believed that a small planet would crash into Earth, which instead became Earth's moon. Like the 4168:" (2011), he said his adventures were "running about, sexy, fish vampires, and blowing up stuff", and even asked Melody Pond if Amy told her about the "Vampires in Venice" during " 1090:, the Cybermen from the Doctor's universe became the primary antagonists, though they still used the design of the "Cybus" Cybermen. The Cybermen were later re-designed for writer 8686: 2235:
The Goblins are a group of time-travelling creatures. They are attracted by coincidence and feed on infants as a food source. The Goblins appeared in the 2023 Christmas special "
Designer Raymond Cusick said that he got the idea for their appearance "whilst fiddling with a pepperpot" and had them produced in fibreglass, at a cost of less than £250 each.
10599: 3277:" (2011). The "hotel" had never-ending corridors, and the Minotaur established itself as a God, feeding from the fears of the beings that find them trapped in the hotel. The 10136: 5737:, "Shadows of the Vashta Nerada", features them as the leading villain when a temporal rift draws a swam of Vashta Nerada to an underwater base that is being visited by the 4544:", where he sides up with Mrs Wormwood, the recurring Bane. In the end, he sacrifices himself to foil her plans of the destruction of Earth. He makes a small appearance in " 3638:, but they elected to instead burrow under the ground and abandon the world of light and flight above. It is implied that they may have been driven there by the malevolent 3336:
eventually realized the truth and emailed a recording of the Monks' simulation to the real Twelfth Doctor through his sonic sunglasses, warning him of the coming invasion.
3996:. The damage is undone when Pete kills himself by letting himself be run over by the car, allowing the timeline to go back to its proper state and banishing the Reapers. 526:, it distributes an energy drink as part of branding for the fictional television show "Goruda," causing the children to become Axons. These Axons begin to rampage across 8682: 5953:
the Voord are revealed to have evolved into Cybermen, with Marinus becoming the Cybermen's home planet of Mondas. The events of the comic strip were later referenced in "
also influenced the final appearance. They were designed to resemble "oversized embryos." The Zygons were initially planned to be able to "sting" their victims, akin to
6476:," (2015) a splinter group of Zygons is unhappy with having to hide away among humans, and attempt to change the status quo so they can live in their natural forms. The 3281:
realised that actually, the Minotaur is feeding on the people's faith that something or someone will save them from their worst fears, and so temporarily encourages his
15924: 1691:
encountered them. Due to the lack of food in the Miniscope, she was able to use the Drashigs to kill several antagonist groups in the Miniscope trying to kill her. The
1644:. Following her tyrannical rule over the Drahvin, she was deposed and her body was sent into space. In the audio drama, the Drahvin attempted to cause an uprising at a 1192:, where it attempted to harness the powers of a woman named Maria. Maria travelled back in time and committed suicide, thwarting its plans and causing it to be killed. 15909: 2960:
until discovered at the end of the twentieth century. One of them hatched after being exposed to ultra-violet light, and took control of a nearby human scientist. The
1320:'s classic era, and were among its most popular. During the 1960s, public popularity for the Daleks was high, with this era being referred to as "Dalekmania." Despite 5572: 4975:. Once a warlike species, a nuclear conflict with the Daleks, which nearly wiped out all life on their home planet, led them to develop a pacifist, agrarian society. 3580:, being large humanoids with thick gray skin, protruding brow ridges, and thick, tangled hair. They primarily employ stun weapons, and have been employed by both the 1394:, Jon Davey, Tony Starr, and Cy Town. Several variant designs for the Daleks existed throughout the series, including a variant known as the "Special Weapons Dalek." 1421:, the latter of whom voices the Daleks in the revived series. Briggs uses a voice modulator to perform the Daleks, and had previously performed as the Daleks in the 1164:
attempts to obtain the power of a Dæmon named Azal. Azal is the last of his kind, and eventually decides to give his power to the Master as he threatens to kill the
330:" (2006), that can absorb any living thing into its body by touch. They are from the planet Clom, the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius, the home planet of the 3483:(1979-80). However, they are nothing more than a parasitic race that bleed planets dry before moving on to new ones in a repeating cycle. They are cousins to the 2587:
portrayed them as having shifted towards peace, though a group in the latter episode had not eschewed violence. The Ice Warriors later re-appeared in the episodes "
in order to have hosts, though the cadavers did not last long. The Gelth spoke through a maid named Gwyneth, and asked for Gwyneth to use her abilities to open the
and a community service worker named Rigsy are able to trick the Boneless into restoring the TARDIS, allowing the Doctor to send them back to their home dimension.
The golden-skinned humanoid Axons attempt to take over the Earth by distributing Axonite, actually pieces of a single creature named Axos; they were encountered in
let them in. The Doctor was able to use a vortex manipulator, a device that can allow the wearer to travel through time, to get him and his companions to safety.
7430: 2221:
added them to the episode due to re-appearances by returning monsters in prior episodes in the same season, wanting to feature an original monster in the finale.
1432:, Nation received large amounts of letters from children who watched the series, inquiring about the Daleks. The popularity of the Daleks ensured the survival of 14977: 9906: 4320:
skills. The Siren turned red with demonic-looking face when faced with resistance and germs. When the ship she was doctor to crashed in a spatial rift where the
so that she would free Rakaya. The pair wished to siphon nightmares in order to feed on them. The Doctor is able to trick the pair, imprisoning them once again.
17437: 3061:
says that the species is billions of years old and once developed a small empire as "the scourge of this galaxy", but the Macra beneath New New York must have
2419:, and the Reverend Wainwright's faith in God; this repelling force can be called into will, the Doctor merely called the names of past companions as a medium. 1442:(1963). The ownership of the Daleks was a co-production between Nation and the BBC, and as a result, Nation received royalties whenever the Daleks appeared in 130: 6468:," (2013) where they attempted to conquer the planet once more. The Zygons and humans negotiate a treaty, leading to Zygons living among humans on Earth. In " 1918:
The saboteurs were thwarted and subsequently arrested by the Foamasi government. The Foamasi that appeared in the episode was portrayed by actor Andrew Lane.
15671: 15119: 338:– although it planned to absorb the Doctor's knowledge. It is killed when Elton Pope, a member of L.I.N.D.A, broke its cane, causing the Earth to absorb it. 236: 189: 102: 44: 4872:. Criminal punishment in Terileptil society includes life imprisonment working in tinclavic mines on the planet Raaga, often with substandard medical care. 3236:(1974). The Metebelis Spiders were mutated Earth spiders. They are led by The Great One, a massive spider who has a web composed of Metebelis Crystals. The 15156: 14272: 6088:
In "The Ark in Space", the Wirrn found Space Station Nerva in orbit around an Earth devastated centuries before by solar flares. The survivors had lain in
4765:" (2013), the Great Intelligence mentions them as one of those that left the Doctor blood-soaked. A Sycorax appears as a prisoner alongside the Doctor in " 2872:. They are artificial crystalline organisms with rudimentary mobility and understanding of simple commands, created and controlled by the main antagonist, 7920: 2148:, who jumps into the Doctor's time stream and splits into copies of herself, with each stopping the Intelligence's interference in the Doctor's timeline. 16897: 5162:" (2013) shows that this was a ruse; the Time Lords are still alive in pocket universe, where all of the Doctors put them to save them from destruction. 4011:. Though the design was changed, the scythe of the Grim Reaper persisted in their tails, which bore a resemblance to scythes. Due to the creation of the 2144:" (2013) so that the Intelligence could access the Doctor's time stream and undo all of the Intelligence's past defeats. The Intelligence is thwarted by 1820:" (2020), in which a pair named Zellin and Rakaya appear as the primary antagonists. Rakaya was imprisoned for causing chaos, and Zellin manipulated the 627:
The Carrionites are creatures who hail from "The Dark Times," a time before the universe, and fought against the Time Lords in the past. They appear in "
12038: 10686: 8567: 6302:, depicted a mutation, which causes a Zarbi to mutate into the Zarbi Supremo. The Supremo takes control of the rest of its kind and turns Vortis into a 4315:" (2011). The Siren is a virtual doctor that was aboard a spaceship of an unknown alien race that crashed in a dimension parallel to the ocean the ship 109: 16704: 6242:. The Zarbi possessed little intelligence and fell under the Animus's control, becoming the animus's foot-soldiers. They had sentient weapons known as 647:
and Shakespeare were able to reverse the process, sending the Carrionites back into their prison and trapping Lilith, Bloodtide, and Doomfinger into a
created two types of Adipose for filming. Adipose with artificial intelligence, who independently moved, were used for larger crowd shots, as well as "
1542:, published in 2015, where they set up the company Dominex Industries in order to harness nuclear waste to power their fleets, only to be defeated by 420:
and caused much of the southern United Kingdom to become an irradiated wasteland. Over 60 million Americans were killed in this timeline as a result.
17178: 10766: 8488: 3168:
Peaceful and kindly by nature, the Menoptra move in a unique, stylised way and their vocal inflections are stilted. They were very welcoming of the
1172:, steps in the way in an act of self-sacrifice. This confuses Azal due to its illogical nature, causing his powers to reverse on him, killing him. 6666: 6306:, sending it to invade Earth. The First Doctor is able to kill the Supremo and free the Zarbi from their subjugation. A later comic, published by 4161:" (2010) by preventing the cracks' existence, it is highly likely Saturnyne was not destroyed by the cracks and the Calvierri family did not end. 758:. In the story, the Chameleons began to infiltrate and replace the people of the planet Krennos after their last defeat by the Second Doctor. The 116: 14106: 13014: 2778:" (2012). They have unique patterns on the left side of their faces to reflect their individuality. A Kahler doctor, Kahler-Jex, encountered the 10875: 10236: 9436: 5724:
Vashta Nerada normally live in forested areas, and reproduce by means of microscopic spores which can lie dormant in wood pulp. In the episode "
Ice Warriors as they appeared in the classic series (left) and revived series (middle) , as well as the design of the Ice Queen, Iraxxa. (right)
14972: 10628: 5210:—they'd be more likely to give the goose their car keys and bank account information. Among the list of those who ruled the Tivolians are the 17111: 9879: 8197: 5104:
that a Time-Lord, naturally, is only allowed 12 regenerations, resulting in 13 different incarnations. In the same episode, the Doctor saves
98: 13951: 9974: 4923:
to help defend her Giant Brain. The Rani armed a pack of Tetraps for this purpose and used them as general henchmen to terrorise the native
attempt to stop one, during which they are briefly encountered by the episode's protagonist, Elton Pope. A Hoix later appears in the series
The Headless Monks are a religious order that can be converted from any humanoid species by the removal of the head, who first appeared in "
631:" (2007). Three Carrionites- Bloodtide, Doomfinger, and Lilith- attempt to release their species from a prison using the power of words and 15666: 15066: 9940: 16684: 10954: 8435: 2398:, Fenric released the Ancient One. Fenric's plan was that the Ancient One was to release the toxin which would pollute the world and thus 1889:(1967). The Fish People were subsequently convinced to strike against the villainous Professor Zaroff, joining the rebellion against him. 14997: 14960: 8782: 7113: 4242:
has implied that the Shakri compare a species' failures and successes to decide whether or not they will be subjected to "pest control".
The Blathereen family are sworn enemies of the Slitheen and infiltrate the prison on the planet Justicia. A pair of Blathereen appear in
2213:" (2013). Their hands can phase through a person's chest and stop their hearts at will. The Whisper Men capture the Doctor's friends the 1725:
Doctors, but the pair reversed the Scoop, sending the Drashig to kill the one who initially used the Scoop. Another audio drama, titled
13828: 8657: 6484:
were portrayed by actors Keith Ashley and Ronald Gough, while the Zygons in "Day of the Doctor" were portrayed by actors Aidan Cook and
As of the 2005 revival series, the Time Lords are essentially extinct, apart from the Doctor, as they have been destroyed by him during
15754: 15389: 15092: 14541: 8712: 7626: 6696: 6501: 2239:" where they attempted to capture a baby being fostered by Ruby Sunday's mother, Carla Sunday, and feed it to their King. Ruby and the 1082:, started fighting back. These Cybermen acted as recurring foes, aiming to "upgrade" other life-forms to be like themselves, but after 3509:
The Not-things, sometimes referred to as nobodies, are beings that existed within the emptiness outside the universe, encountered in "
2869: 16916: 16832: 16825: 16211: 15151: 14982: 14267: 5810:. The Vervoids were noted for their design, which was described as appearing to be sexual in nature. The design caused conflict when 5754: 4787: 4383: 3885: 3192:, a hostile alien intelligence that had taken over the originally passive Zarbi and almost all of Vortis. Once it was clear that the 657: 9148: 17216: 17139: 16967: 15168: 14583: 12533: 10132: 8158: 5519:
The Usurians from the planet Usurius are a species that abandoned military conquest in favour of economic conquest, encountered in
4149: 2268: 5971:
and his companions fight against an invading group of Voord on a spaceship known as the Hydra. The Voord later re-appeared in the
to trap readers in their realm. Utilizing a shared mental communication caused by the kidnapped readers' love of comic books, the
17427: 16890: 334:
family. An Abzorbalovian disguised itself as "Victor Kennedy" and infiltrated L.I.N.D.A – a group of people trying to track down
8077: 5900:, who helped them defeat the Cybermen. Two of the Vogans who appeared in the episode Vorus and Magrik, were portrayed by actors 3836: 3038:
effects a revolution on the Macra planet and helps engineer an explosion in the control centre, destroying the Macra in charge.
17211: 17038: 15484: 15061: 14651: 14032: 13369: 10323: 8690: 8631: 14061: 11672: 1160:(1971). They resemble demons, and inspired the concept of demons in humanity. The Dæmons have great power, and the antagonist 695: 491:, after the death of the original Aggedor, it was revealed the Aggedor had a child, which remained hidden for many years. The 123: 14042: 13277: 12972: 12872: 12672: 12517: 12380: 12355: 12330: 12235: 12185: 12022: 11656: 11542: 11467: 11342: 11317: 11217: 11167: 10520: 10408: 9503: 9304: 9199: 9158: 9131: 9106: 9096: 8965: 8940: 8899: 8849: 8111: 8034: 7984: 7838: 7785: 7665: 7610: 7542: 7200: 7175: 7123: 7096: 7086: 7069: 6706: 5983:, causing the species to evolve into a more powerful, muscular state. An alternate Twelfth Doctor, following his betrayal by 1292:
Various Dalek designs from throughout the series, including variants such as the Special Weapons Dalek and the Dalek Emperor.
13343: 10159: 9409: 5999:
ends up being forced to regress the Voord back to their pre-Time War state in order to defeat the alternate Twelfth Doctor.
17391: 17093: 14928: 10210: 3951: 3938: 2428: 1298:
The Daleks are a warmongering, xenophobic race of mutant creatures who live within mobile battle armour first appearing in
8542: 8461: 2391:-like suckers. The Ancient One was the least human in appearance; in its own time, it was the last living thing on Earth. 185: 17432: 16098: 15459: 14099: 14006: 13078: 10661: 10297: 8410: 6153: 6147: 5177: 5171: 4875:
In 1666, a group of Terileptil prison escapees hidden near London attempted to use a genetically enhanced version of the
3340: 3305: 1347: 13394: 13243: 9854: 5117:" (2011), it is suggested this ability evolved due to the Time Lord race's long-term exposure to the untempered schism. 4007:
in order to include more monsters into the series. The Reapers were initially designed as "men in cowls," based off the
from being killed prior to his wedding, it caused a paradox that released the Reapers. The Reapers disable the Doctor's
Ogrons are mercenaries employed by various parties to "do their dirty work" throughout the universe, first appearing in
Doctor, causing him to regenerate. Kismet Delgado voices one of the spiders, while Maureen Morris voices The Great One.
897:(1985). Cryons appear to be an all female race who cannot exist at temperatures above zero degrees. The Cryons lived on 17013: 16883: 15802: 15788: 15712: 13850: 13302: 13037: 12947: 12772: 12697: 12647: 12433: 12408: 11982: 11948: 11851: 11801: 11749: 11631: 11581: 11392: 11142: 10831: 10433: 10185: 9777: 9667: 9642: 9617: 9224: 8009: 7414: 7360: 6919: 6760: 6614: 6298:
managed to free all the races and defeated the Skirkons. A short story published in the Doctor Who Annual 1966, titled
5526: 4164:
The Doctor, at least in his eleventh incarnation, considered his adventure battling the Saturnyns to be memorable. In "
2070: 2043: 1478:
The Daleks were briefly re-designed following "Victory of the Daleks," gaining six roles with multiple colours. Writer
1103: 790:(1989). The Cheetah People were once humanoids resembling humans, but they made bonds with cat-like creatures known as 6809: 6585: 5995:
to escape the vengeance of the Time Lords, who they feared would remove the hyper-evolved state of their species. The
5908:, respectively. It is believed that Wisher's performance in the episode led to him being cast as recurring antagonist 1777:, killing the latter, before Amy kills both her and the Doctor in the dream world, ending the threat of the Eknodine. 608:
is able to use the power in the communication to free the readers and send the Boneless back to their home dimension.
16960: 15681: 15043: 15018: 13719: 13631: 13478: 13428: 13327: 13137: 13112: 13062: 12922: 12897: 12847: 12822: 12797: 12747: 12722: 12603: 12578: 12492: 12467: 12305: 12284: 12260: 12210: 12160: 12135: 12110: 11826: 11606: 11517: 11492: 11442: 11417: 11292: 11267: 11242: 11192: 11117: 11092: 10278: 9744: 9594: 9578: 9528: 9478: 9365: 9279: 9263: 9240: 9079: 9035: 9019: 8996: 8915: 8367: 8241: 7710: 7694: 7587: 7571: 6360: 6350: 5397: 5391: 4742:. Shakespeare's Sycorax has died before the play begins; she is described as a witch who was the mother of the beast 4423: 4417: 3325:
The Monks are an alien race of shapeshifting humanoids that can choose their appearance at will, first appearing in "
3045:", becoming the first one-off opponent of the Doctor in the classic series to appear in the revived series, with the 2082: 2066: 2039: 1952:
and his companions when they wound up at the end of the universe, and later broke into the last human sanctuary when
as a way to survive and win a war between themselves and a species known as the Thals. They are life-long enemies of
242: 214: 149: 52: 13528: 6861: 4782:#395. The DWM comic story is the first appearance of female Sycorax, who seem to operate separately from the males. 563:
is able to thwart the plot. The Bandril Ambassador that appears in the episode was portrayed by actor Martin Gower.
16236: 16190: 15984: 15889: 15650: 14992: 12048: 10773:
Reading Between Designs: Visual Imagery and the Generation of Meaning in The Avengers, The Prisoner, and Doctor Who
8513: 5215: 3945:. This pair are created by the marriage of a member of both Slitheen and Blathereen families, and attempt to trick 933: 5798:(1986). They were created as slaves to humanity, but began to rebel and attempt to kill all animal lifeforms. The 3255:
The Midnight Entity is the conjectural name given to a mysterious being encountered by the Doctor in the episode "
3062: 17164: 17072: 15816: 15774: 15180: 14895: 14071: 10899: 10544:"Doctor Who writer Mark Gatiss on the history of the Ice Warriors - and his new versions of the classic monsters" 10047: 9710: 7888: 6789: 5733: 4671:
plastic. They also produce vast numbers of young and grow from birth to adult in under a year, as shown when the
4235: 4225: 4068: 3843:
are shown witnessing nearly all of the survivors of the race escape in their ship to where the Earth would later
fan Paul Condon, who passed away a year before the episode released. The Judoon re-appear in the finale episode "
2515: 2505: 327: 321: 11558: 8299: 7801: 7139: 2873: 17380: 16791: 16292: 16148: 15851: 15765: 15427: 14092: 13926: 13201: 13169: 11875: 11358: 10790: 10063: 9384: 8815: 7928: 7904: 7863: 7377: 6948: 6418:, who instead rerouted the Dodecahedron to destroy Meglos and Zolfa-Thura. Meglos was planned to re-appear in " 4441: 4435: 3820: 3806: 1817: 1679:
Drashigs re-appear in spin-off material for the series. The Drashigs, still trapped in the Miniscope following
with Regelous flying to London to aid with coordinating the crowd shots of Adipose. Special effects department
391: 381: 87: 13901: 13777: 10711: 9294: 9189: 8575: 6480:
is able to negotiate with the splinter group's leader, Bonnie, and come to a peaceful solution. The Zygons in
cracks in the universe. When the Doctor foiled their plan, Rosanna committed suicide by allowing her brood to
17447: 17333: 16616: 16512: 15837: 15676: 15109: 12989: 10374: 8050: 6057: 5961:
refers to Marinus as one of the planets the Cybermen originated from. They later appeared in the audio drama
5842: 3510: 3504: 2056:" (2005). They infiltrate planets by subtly replacing members of the planet's species with disguised Graske. 711:. Brannigan has several kitten offspring who appear in "Gridlock," who were portrayed by real-life kittens. 11724: 10850: 8598: 6156:" and the original comic upon which the episode is based. They seek to hunt down and capture the villainous 2890:
The Krillitanes are a race who take attributes from other races to change their appearance. In the episode "
blew up the house the Fendahl were in, and later tossed the skull that caused the trouble into a supernova.
17340: 17237: 16436: 16338: 16278: 15823: 15519: 15434: 15038: 15013: 14596: 13664: 11058: 9800: 7216: 7165: 6372: 6354: 5241: 4367: 3973: 3963: 3666: 3656: 3314: 2876:, to aid in his plan to forcefully merge all of the minds in the Universe into a single omnipotent entity. 2698: 1748: 1543: 13217: 11007: 10741: 9544: 7725: 2277:
The Guardians are a pair of powerful entities in charge of keeping balance in the universe, first seen in
842:, which worshipped Kronos, in order to revive and control the deity. After Kronos destroyed Atlantis, the 750:
was able to convince them to seek another solution. The Chameleons later re-appeared in the spin-off book
17363: 17322: 16773: 16405: 16250: 15919: 15830: 14987: 14386: 14331: 6835: 6552: 5452:" (2009). They trade with other civilisations for their excrement. They communicate with clicks that the 4859: 4848: 4630: 4624: 4464: 4453: 4390:." The Sisterhood further appears in several pieces of Doctor spin-off media, including the audio dramas 4312: 4306: 3368:
Monoids are shaggy-haired, one-eyed bipeds who work as servants on a space ark. They were encountered in
3177: 3162: 2982: 2891: 2885: 2272: 2140:" (2012). The Intelligence later orchestrated events to force the Doctor to the planet of Trenzalore in " 942: 914:. Sarah Berger, Esther Frued, Faith Brown, and Sarah Greene all portrayed various Cryons in the episode. 4526:" after the destruction of his battle fleet as well as the death of the other Sontarans on board in the 398:" in order to create new Adipose children. She formulated a drug that would cause human fat to morph by 17442: 17065: 16800: 16727: 16419: 16132: 15844: 15781: 15023: 14451: 14351: 14341: 8333: 7484: 6319: 5645: 4836: 4830: 3415: 2302: 2074: 1793: 1786: 1457: 1327: 1026: 828:
Chronovores are glowing white creatures that live outside time; the Doctor encountered one, Kronos, in
11032: 8930: 17422: 17417: 17171: 17146: 17006: 16907: 16780: 16507: 16476: 16412: 16377: 16363: 16162: 15615: 15595: 15526: 15369: 15279: 15258: 14874: 13444: 10778: 10454: 9838: 9781: 9748: 8741: 6561: 6375:" (2009-10), a species related to the Zocci, except green and more human-like in size, known as the 6275: 6074: 5476: 5469: 5440: 5079: 4583: 4158: 3873: 3196:
was willing to help them defeat the Animus, they were only too glad to assist in any way they could.
2091: 2061: 1662:
Drashigs are huge, aggressive and hungry creatures with caterpillar bodies and dragon heads, seen in
The Draconians (also called Dragons, a derogatory term in their culture) are a humanoid race seen in
1448: 1111: 640: 559:(1985). A villain known as the Borad seeks to start a war between them and the people of Karfel. The 288: 268: 255: 180: 13498:
Wright, Mark, ed. (2017). "The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The Rescue, The Romans and The Web Planet".
10569: 10349: 4504: 2701:" (2007), where they sought to capture an alien fugitive by transporting an Earth hospital onto the 1816:
Though the Eternals were referenced in the revived series, they did not re-appear physically until "
17452: 16849: 16176: 16028: 15872: 15609: 15540: 15413: 14921: 14526: 10981: 10487: 7453: 6097: 5865: 5850: 5836: 5211: 4766: 4548:" (2010). The Sontarans remain slightly miffed that they weren't allowed to fight in the Time War. 4257: 4251: 3717: 3113: 3106: 2819:, when the creatures attempt to take over the Earth using robot duplicates of key people in UNIT. 2455: 2449: 1410: 1123: 1074:(2006), the Cybermen originate on a parallel-universe version of Earth, where they were created by 10929: 7512:
AWW! David Tennant & A Basket of Kittens | Doctor Who Confidential Series 3 | Doctor Who | BBC
7268: 5806:
against the Vervoids, which is later used against him when he is put on trial by his species, the
The Tenza are an alien species that has their young raised by other species, seen in the episode "
for centuries, occasionally drawing victims into the water and transforming them into Haemovores.
in a possible far future, caused by millennia of pollution. As part of his final game against the
1211: 17242: 16939: 16734: 16320: 16218: 16204: 16091: 15498: 15173: 15146: 15087: 14834: 14661: 14511: 14496: 14132: 13952:"Cyberons, sexy Zygons and Mark Gatiss: the bizarre world of the unofficial Doctor Who spin-offs" 13623: 12620: 10458: 9765: 9736: 8233: 7022: 6940: 6419: 6380: 5988: 5892: 5885: 5709:
of the air", able to strip their victims to the bone in an instant in high enough densities. The
5084: 5075: 5057: 5053: 4572: 4371: 4270: 4118: 4111: 3862: 3477:
Black Minotaur-like beings with red eyes that go to other planets, posing as Gods, first seen in
3398:(1979), are an android species originating from outside the galaxy. They were adversaries of the 3344: 2666:
developed by Bresslaw. Steve Peters, Tony Harwood, and Sonny Caldinez portray them in the serial
2531: 2509: 2236: 2230: 1953: 1688: 1575: 1379: 1313: 1161: 835: 781: 408: 335: 251: 76: 10823: 10813: 9684: 6524:, but this concept was not elaborated on in the episode and hard to notice in the final story. 6326:
hit the Animus with a train, defeating it. The First Doctor then returned the freed Zarbi home.
5773: 5530:
Collector and seized control of Pluto. The revolutionaries intended to relocate to Earth as the
The Toclafane are the last remnants of humanity from the year 100 trillion, first seen in "
3844: 3442:
The Nestenes are a race of amorphous aliens who can control all forms of plastic, first seen in
3419:(1984), where a virus of their invention was central to that story's plot. They also appear in " 2621: 1970: 726:. The scene features Hame on her deathbed in the far future as she awaits the Doctor's arrival. 17086: 17058: 16766: 16752: 16693: 16625: 16384: 16356: 16008: 15932: 15899: 15809: 15642: 15621: 15564: 15512: 15452: 15383: 15163: 15114: 15033: 14295: 12014: 12002: 11911: 11703: 10782: 6993: 6119: 6102: 5823: 5794: 5787: 5749: 5702: 5680: 5640: 5630: 5294: 5268: 5114: 5097: 5004: 4762: 4710: 4700: 4533: 4387: 4266: 4165: 4145: 4131: 3788: 3781: 3704: 3698: 3471: 3420: 3282: 2998: 2977: 2841: 2835: 2732: 2714: 2638: 2583: 2477: 2471: 2399: 2210: 2205:." The Yeti were an effort of the production team to find recurring antagonists to replace the 2141: 2126: 2124:
The Great Intelligence is a creature with no physical form of its own, which first appeared in
1531: 1422: 1341: 893: 886: 688: 670: 480: 467: 385: 280: 8227: 6723: 6698:
Mummies around the World: An Encyclopedia of Mummies in History, Religion, and Popular Culture
5271:" (2007), the Master rescues four Toclafane from the end of the universe prior to an eventual 1238: 16605: 16370: 16313: 15977: 15726: 15719: 15628: 15588: 15547: 15294: 15233: 15082: 14844: 14786: 14262: 10079: 7461: 7306: 6615:"Doctor Who's wilderness years: How fans kept the flame alive after it was cancelled in 1989" 6465: 6451: 6334: 6270: 6157: 5980: 5914: 5767: 5694: 5339: 5284: 5159: 5155: 5136: 5067: 4956: 4509: 4392: 4286: 4196:, they went into hibernation and wanted to take the planet back from humans when they awoke. 4181: 3917: 3603: 3576: 3394: 3383: 3326: 3319: 3301: 3256: 3250: 3232: 3225: 3073: 3054: 3042: 2748: 2588: 2492: 2316: 1975: 1885: 1874: 1472: 1468: 1382:," a fully remote controlled prop was created for the Dalek. Notable Dalek operators include 1336: 1071: 851: 786: 771: 700: 674: 578: 572: 228: 10770: 8489:"Doctor Who New Year special 'Eve of the Daleks' was written "in a little over a fortnight"" 7634: 4691: 1005:
Various Cyberman designs from throughout the series, as well as the Cybermat and Cybershade.
978: 577:
The Boneless are a group of creatures that hailed from a two-dimensional universe, seen in "
mind-controlled this Aggedor to aid them, after which it gave birth to many baby Aggedors.
17118: 16999: 16992: 16932: 16299: 15938: 15914: 15420: 15346: 14791: 13189: 13157: 10604:: Cold War preview – the Ice Warrior's return offers something for both newcomers and fans" 6509: 6460: 6446: 5811: 5617: 5610: 5374: 5361: 5260:
bodies are barely recognisable human faces wired into basketball-sized mechanical spheres.
4952: 4880: 4817: 4810: 4747: 4577: 4567: 4560: 4404: 4398: 4362: 4345: 4338: 4261: 4169: 3760: 3754: 3745:'s development. The development team loved the "brilliant and unusual name for the alien." 3742: 3685: 3678: 3444: 3370: 3363: 2997:, as one of the creatures attacking Trenzalore during the Doctor's defence of the planet (" 2815: 2808: 2728: 2577: 2416: 2217:, forcing the Doctor to Trenzalore in order to face the Great Intelligence. Episode writer 2053: 2035: 1845: 1838: 1664: 1657: 1535: 1484: 1436:, which was in danger of being cancelled due to low viewing figures from the prior serial, 1402: 1063: 628: 622: 474: 463: 13753: 13735: 9880:"Doctor Who's classic 'Web of Fear' story will be completed with animated missing episode" 8183:
Chapman, James (2014). "Fifty Years in the TARDIS: The Historical Moments of Doctor Who".
7485:"Doctor Who: Russell T Davies hints at new regeneration twist in David Tennant mini-scene" 3347:
consented to the Monks' rule in return for the Doctor's eyesight, allowing him to escape.
2612: 2077:, who saved him from death, Krislok later gains his freedom. An unnamed Graske appears in 1713:, published in 1997, depicted a Drashig being pulled through time via a device known as a 1582:
The Draconians appear in several pieces of spin-off material. The 2020 online short story
8: 17125: 16720: 16563: 16243: 16155: 16065: 16023: 15970: 15740: 15299: 15028: 14914: 14611: 14554: 14401: 14361: 13511: 11777: 10491: 9907:"Doctor Who missing episodes: a fan's view of The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear" 9834: 7250: 6473: 6239: 6134: 6115: 6089: 5963: 5938: 5289: 5245: 5237: 4778: 4758: 4733: 4545: 4079: 4064: 3853: 3639: 3585: 3538: 3527: 3453: 3410:
circuitry can be reprogrammed so that the android will obey the orders of another being.
3351: 3309: 3193: 3189: 3150: 2775: 2769: 2736: 2717:" (2009), where a Judoon captain is in pursuit of an escaped prisoner known as Androvax. 2543: 2366: 2353: 2334: 2283:(1978), where the White Guardian appeared before the Doctor and asked him to re-assemble 2279: 2096: 2010: 1945: 1941: 1935: 1507:(1968). They attempted to capture the planet Dulkis utilizing their robotic servants the 1405:
designed the voices for the Daleks and voiced them, with the voices further processed by
1095: 636: 13685: 12547: 7751: 6322:. The Animus used the Zarbi as its minions once more until the First Doctor's companion 5766:
against genetically-altered Vashta Nerada that have been created as a new weapon in the
was able to stop the Master, leaving him stranded on the Cheetah People's dying planet.
16953: 16855: 16759: 16713: 16306: 16285: 16084: 15858: 15505: 15406: 15213: 14839: 14754: 14636: 14411: 14391: 14336: 13976: 10016: 9830: 9588: 9325: 9273: 9234: 9029: 8990: 8909: 7704: 7581: 6469: 6315: 6205:. The Xeraphin in the episode were portrayed by actors André Winterton and Hugh Hayes. 6039: 6020: 6013: 5725: 5684: 5568: 5562: 5449: 5435: 5367: 5264: 5233: 5227: 4864: 4656: 4650: 4638: 3738: 3479: 3465: 3212: 3205: 3181: 2864: 2857: 2668: 2481: 2115: 1983: 1965: 1508: 1438: 1351:, were adaptations of other Dalek serials and produced at the highlight of Dalekmania. 1050: 898: 874: 864: 687:
The Catkind are felines in the future that have evolved into humanoids, first seen in "
447: 441: 232: 13876: 6440: 4891: 3068: 2255:," which was performed by Christina Rotondo. The song was composed by series composer 2174: 2156: 1982:
The Flood is a viral entity resembling water found on Mars, appearing in the special "
1274: 996: 960: 17079: 17020: 16985: 16946: 16647: 16271: 16055: 16051: 16013: 15991: 15284: 15104: 14965: 14759: 14549: 14516: 14215: 14210: 14038: 13715: 13515: 13474: 13424: 13323: 13298: 13273: 13197: 13165: 13133: 13108: 13058: 13033: 13008: 12968: 12943: 12918: 12893: 12868: 12843: 12818: 12793: 12768: 12743: 12718: 12693: 12668: 12643: 12599: 12574: 12513: 12488: 12463: 12429: 12404: 12376: 12351: 12326: 12301: 12280: 12256: 12231: 12206: 12181: 12156: 12131: 12106: 12018: 11978: 11944: 11847: 11822: 11797: 11652: 11627: 11602: 11577: 11538: 11513: 11488: 11463: 11438: 11413: 11388: 11338: 11313: 11288: 11263: 11238: 11213: 11188: 11163: 11138: 11113: 11088: 10900:"Doctor Who Fugitive of the Judoon review recap - s12 episode 5 review | Radio Times" 10827: 10786: 10771: 10636: 10516: 10429: 10404: 10274: 10244: 10059: 9982: 9948: 9914: 9663: 9638: 9613: 9574: 9524: 9499: 9474: 9444: 9361: 9300: 9259: 9220: 9195: 9154: 9127: 9102: 9075: 9015: 8961: 8936: 8895: 8845: 8790: 8606: 8363: 8307: 8237: 8107: 8030: 8005: 7980: 7900: 7834: 7781: 7690: 7661: 7606: 7567: 7538: 7410: 7356: 7298: 7196: 7171: 7119: 7092: 7065: 6915: 6756: 6702: 6540: 6262: 5701:
Vashta Nerada (literally: the shadows that melt the flesh) are first encountered in "
4991: 4984: 4915: 4900: 4629:
The Stenza are a warrior race who possess sub-zero body temperatures, first seen in "
4541: 4523: 3811: 3721: 3562: 3555: 3093: 3086: 2945: 2934: 2914: 2791: 2752: 2487: 2440: 2190: 2189:
The Intelligence has several servants it uses to aid in its plans. The first are the
2183:(From left to right) The Yeti, Snowmen, and Whisper Men as they appear in the series. 2119: 1821: 1709: 1570: 1563: 1383: 1265: 742: 735: 723: 519: 511: 504: 417: 364: 308: 13803: 6383:
after he used the device to turn every human on Earth into a copy of himself. Actor
4055:(1965). While their appearance was ugly to human eyes, the Rill was quite friendly. 2538:
stating that it "lives to eat". One appeared as a member of an Alliance to seal the
679: 518:
The Axons later re-appeared in the 2010 comic strip "The Golden Ones," published by
484:(1974). In both of Aggedor's appearances, Aggedor is portrayed by actor Nick Hobbs. 17329: 17206: 17132: 16612: 16264: 16257: 15533: 15477: 14656: 14436: 14381: 14220: 13652: 13619: 12625: 11903: 11867: 10020: 9826: 7955: 7943: 7449: 6981: 6936: 6777: 6517: 6294: 6070: 6062: 6051: 5954: 5501: 5494: 5141: 5121: 5062: 4634: 4518: 4085: 3946: 3924: 3026: 3015: 2845: 2706: 2571: 2373:
transported the most powerful Haemovore, called the "Ancient One", through time to
2240: 2214: 2202: 2006: 2000: 1909: 1898: 1538:
to turn humanity into an ideal labor force for them. They re-appeared in the novel
1475:" (2010). The Daleks have since gone on to be recurring antagonists in the series. 1107: 1067: 1017: 870: 830: 823: 796: 707:. She aids the Tenth Doctor in opening the Motorway. Hame was portrayed by actress 436: 428: 9685:"10 Must Watch Interactive Films Available On YouTube (Or Other Online Platforms)" 8756: 6426:
waxwork museum in the early 1980s alongside a waxwork model of the Fourth Doctor.
5013:" (2008). It is a member of the Trickster's Brigade, a group of aliens that serve 3456:
destroyed their food supply planets, the Nestenes have been seeking replacements.
The Kahler are a highly technologically advanced humanoid species encountered in "
The Graske are a race of diminutive aliens that first appeared in the interactive
2009:" (2005). The Gelth claimed to have lost their corporeal forms as a result of the 1734:
is able to evacuate the survivors before the Drashigs are able to kill everyone.
1283: 1011:
The original Cybermen were a race of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet
17349: 17252: 17221: 16527: 16486: 16018: 15904: 15894: 15865: 15634: 15570: 15355: 14869: 14601: 14569: 14421: 14396: 14356: 14246: 14200: 13593: 13553: 12076: 10955:"WHAT?! Doctor Who brings back a beloved companion and teases a secret Time Lord" 9333: 9049: 8865: 7752:"'Doctor Who' Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Finally, the Gay 'Bridgerton' We Deserve" 7326: 7294: 7241: 6496: 6489: 6423: 5992: 5869: 5738: 5592: 5585: 5415: 5312: 5306: 5199: 5193: 5125: 5101: 4602: 4596: 4239: 4137: 4028: 3492: 3488: 3278: 3274: 3268: 3050: 2990: 2779: 2659: 2592: 2539: 2426:
Fenric and his Haemovores return in the 2012 Big Finish Productions audio story,
2311: 2293: 2284: 2252: 2132: 1914: 1766: 1754: 1696: 1418: 1387: 1132: 838:
attempted to use Kronos for one of his schemes, infiltrating the lost kingdom of
531: 399: 15747: 6667:"What is Bi-Generation? 'Doctor Who' Just Changed Its Oldest Canon Rule Forever" 2603: 1550:
later depicted the Dominators attempting to conquer the Doctor's home planet of
The Dominators later appeared in various pieces of spin-off material. The comic
1177: 1029:
in 1966, based around the ideas of the ethical issues present in innovations in
who is capable of changing their appearance when they die in a process known as
17356: 16601: 16391: 15698: 15602: 15376: 14687: 14441: 14326: 14205: 14180: 13660: 13627: 11697: 10809: 10450: 10324:"Doctor Who: 10 Companions Who Betrayed The Doctor, Ranked Least-Most Shocking" 10108: 10008: 9329: 8877: 7951: 7457: 6944: 6785: 6477: 6323: 6226: 6219: 6078: 5958: 5905: 5901: 5521: 5514: 5422: 5409: 5203: 4910: 4792: 4537: 4473: 4329:
took over the ship to give her someone to look after, and to see the universe.
4212: 4205: 4188: 4032: 3999:
Despite attempts by the production team to keep the episode low-budget, writer
3626: 3615: 3333: 3173: 3145: 3134: 3111:
The Marshmen are amphibious humanoids from the planet Alzarius, encountered in
The Mandrels are furry, scaly bipeds native to the planet Eden, encountered in
2796: 2411: 2348: 1850: 1523: 1503: 1496: 1363: 1110:" (2017), while the main Cyberman design was redesigned again for the episode " 800: 605: 432: 13829:"'Doctor Who' 50th Anniversary Episode To Feature Daleks, Cyberman And Zygons" 10687:"Doctor Who: the creators of the Daleks, Cybermen and Ice Warriors – revealed" 8568:"BBC – Doctor Who – Dalek Empire III [interview with Nicholas Briggs]" 7510: 6887: 6329: 5689: 4484:
The Solonians are a race of humanoid creatures from the planet Solos, seen in
2685: 2339: 2165: 1247: 1229: 1220: 869:
The Chuldur are a race of shape shifting bird-like aliens who appeared in the
394:" (2008). Their breeding world, Adipose 3, was lost, causing them to turn to " 17411: 16807: 16451: 16398: 16033: 15248: 14811: 14621: 14559: 14521: 14491: 14456: 14416: 14321: 14185: 14165: 14155: 13507: 13185: 13153: 11907: 11059:"Doctor Who Theory: How The Doctor Escapes The Judoon In The Holiday Special" 10640: 10479: 10248: 10104: 10012: 9986: 9952: 9918: 9769: 9740: 9448: 8794: 8610: 8311: 8276: 7947: 7255: 6985: 6810:"BBC - Press Office - Blue Peter design to be turned into Doctor Who monster" 6513: 6415: 6410: 6254: 6250: 6081:
and only needing to touch down occasionally on planetary bodies for food and
6033: 5897: 5763: 5759: 5531: 5147: 5132: 5093: 5034: 4879:
to destroy humanity. The destruction of their lab in Pudding Lane caused the
4375: 4350: 4293: 4012: 3533: 3389: 3035: 3021: 2973: 2961: 2940: 2787: 2307: 2218: 2014: 1862: 1774: 1730: 1722: 1512: 1406: 1398: 1391: 1332: 1331:, a twelve part serial. Two movie spin-offs of Dalek serials, starring actor 1083: 1046: 987: 747: 16875: 12963:
Wood, Tat (2007). "23.3: The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids".
Hearn, Marcus (December 2018). "Episode previews – The Tsuranga Conundrum".
8132: 6640: 1183: 1156: 1149: 17247: 16568: 16517: 16491: 16481: 16466: 16197: 15795: 15274: 14626: 14616: 14591: 14501: 14481: 14471: 14461: 14346: 14236: 14195: 14190: 14175: 14170: 14160: 14150: 14076: 13605: 12088: 12072: 9773: 7338: 7302: 6989: 6364: 6307: 6303: 6290: 6258: 6202: 6192: 6107: 5996: 5984: 5972: 5968: 5943: 5933: 5799: 5710: 5650: 5636: 5457: 5108:
life by sending her home to her own time, but in protest she clings to the
5105: 4876: 4854: 4773: 4706: 4672: 4469: 4024: 4004: 4000: 3993: 3969: 3954:
sounds an alarm which ultimately led to the Slitheen-Blathereen exploding.
3894: 3857: 3848: 3827: 3683:
Mutagenic slime from under the Earth turned humans into savage Primords in
3621: 3237: 3169: 3149:(1965). They are an intelligent, bipedal insectoid species from the planet 3140: 3058: 2895: 2826:, which was released in June 2012 as part of the Fourth Doctor Adventures. 2721: 2519: 2459: 2395: 2320:. Dyall portrayed the Black Guardian in the character's later appearances. 2297: 2145: 2022: 2018: 1949: 1805: 1718: 1692: 1625: 1600: 1527: 1367: 1355: 1256: 1165: 1079: 1038: 907: 843: 759: 652: 648: 644: 597: 586: 560: 492: 368: 10211:"Doctor Who's Goblin Queen thought she was being pranked with Goblin Song" 9060:, no. 3-6 (2 September-16 December 2009). IDW Publishing. 6069:
The Wirrn claim to have originated from Andromeda (whether they meant the
5334: 5131:
The first Time Lord to appear other than the Doctor and his granddaughter
sought to include Reapers in the episode, encouraged by BBC Head of Drama
The P'ting are small, apparently indestructible creatures encountered in "
2743:. The Judoon captain in the episode is named Pol-Kon-Don, named after the 2646:
production team wished to introduce new recurring monsters to replace the
Chameleons are aliens with no features or identities of their own seen in
167: 16522: 16471: 16461: 16456: 16183: 15218: 14766: 14646: 14641: 14531: 14476: 14466: 12542: 12043: 11008:"The Sarah Jane Adventures: 10 Worst Episodes Of The Doctor Who Spin Off" 10483: 10112: 8737: 8383: 7864:"To Mondas and back again: a brief history of the Cybermen in Doctor Who" 7045: 6862:"Even The Star Of Doctor Who's Worst Modern Episode Thinks It's Terrible" 6281:
The Zarbi later re-appeared in several spin-off stories. The comic story
6265:, and Gerald Taylor portrayed the Zarbi on-screen. A special trailer for 6197: 6186: 5873: 5346:
Tractators are giant insects with incredible power over gravity, seen in
Time Lords exhibit various other superhuman abilities, including certain
5026: 5022: 4738: 4486: 4274: 4154: 4008: 3923:
The Raxacoricofallapatorians first appeared in the Ninth Doctor episode "
3840: 3662: 3631: 3273:
An alien Minotaur was kept in a prison that resembled an Earth hotel in "
3154: 3125: 2965: 2953: 2921: 2908: 2560: 2377: 2256: 2245: 2137: 1853: 1645: 1479: 1414: 1321: 1091: 1034: 951: 704: 395: 341:
The Abzorbaloff was created by nine-year old William Grantham, who won a
14084: 5991:" (2014) allied with these hyper-evolved Voord, who hid themselves in a 4325:
anyone who was ill. Captain Henry Avery, Toby Avery and the crew of the
3912: 2848:
can see it. It is suggested that this is because of his mental illness.
585:, the Doctor's ship, in an attempt to infiltrate the Doctor's universe. 522:. In an attempt by Axos to free itself and resume its feeding following 390:
The Adipose are aliens composed of living fat, featured in the episode "
17315: 17306: 16594: 16585: 16169: 15705: 15491: 15099: 14938: 14666: 14631: 14606: 14446: 14426: 14366: 14241: 14116: 13668: 13635: 13529:"Doctor Who showrunner cut Susan Twist scene from 2-part season finale" 12296:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "2.2: The Dalek Invasion of Earth".
11915: 11879: 11707: 11033:"A new Doctor Who character has been named after a fan who passed away" 10876:"Doctor Who's Mark Gatiss: Why I wanted to bring back the Ice Warriors" 10819: 10495: 10186:"Doctor Who Showrunner Details Cut Seasonal Special Goblin King Battle" 10116: 10055: 10024: 9337: 8223: 7959: 7896: 7465: 7310: 6998: 6953: 6793: 6485: 6409:, is the last surviving member of the species. Meglos used the natural 6169: 6124: 5792:
Vervoids are artificially created plant-based humanoids that appear in
5538: 5272: 5145:, however his race is not confirmed. The term itself is not used until 4963: 4948: 4761:" (2010) as part of The Alliance formed to trap the Doctor. Later, in " 4528: 4516:
A Sontaran first appeared as the antagonist in the Third Doctor serial
4379: 4354: 3985: 3981: 2957: 2740: 2694: 2535: 2523: 2374: 1758: 1714: 1703:, released in 2018, depicted the Drashigs' creation in the short story 1695:
returned the Drashigs to their home at the end of the audio drama. The
1641: 1636: 1300: 1075: 1055: 1030: 1022: 911: 719: 632: 601: 472:
Aggedor is the Sacred Royal Beast of the planet Peladon, first seen in
360: 343: 246: 11559:"BBC - Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide - Day of the Daleks - Details" 8658:"I voice the Daleks on Doctor Who - they're all different and twisted" 4472:. After the Slyther attacked a small group of humans, killing Ashton, 3230:
Giant psychic spiders inhabited the planet of Metebelis 3, as seen in
1635:, which detailed the Drahvin's past. The Drahvin were once ruled by a 16108: 15362: 15320: 15243: 14826: 14776: 13656: 12010: 11871: 10462: 9321: 7686: 7563: 6536: 6521: 6384: 6132:
with the Sixth. A dead Wirrn appears briefly in the television story
5807: 5542: 5379: 5316: 5276: 5249: 5047: 5010: 4679: 4675:
shows a year-old clip of San Helios before its Stingray infestation.
4664: 4231: 4193: 4090: 3869: 3832: 3406: 2662:, who portrayed the Ice Warrior Grand Marshal Skaldak in "Cold War." 2542:
inside of the Pandorica, a specially-made prison for the Doctor, in "
2381: 2362: 2103: 2078: 1940:
The Futurekind are a cannibalistic humanoid species that live at the
1857: 1762: 1551: 1464: 1042: 708: 451: 424: 404: 349: 274: 13344:"Doctor Who director confirms monster's return for 60th anniversary" 12007:
Who Is the Doctor: The Unofficial Guide to Doctor Who-The New Series
11673:"Doctor Who fans loved new monster Pting and want one for Christmas" 10712:"BBC - Doctor Who - Classic Series - Photonovels - The Ice Warriors" 6238:, from the planet Vortis, which were controlled by the power of the 5029:
are all killed, the city of London is completely destroyed when the
4746:. The Shakespearean name is referenced in the third series episode " 2534:" (2008). One of the protagonists, Owen, distracts it by feeding it 2484:" (2010), but did not appear until "A Good Man Goes To War" in 2011. 1883:
who have been surgically altered to live underwater; they appear in
65: 17280: 17275: 17259: 16543: 15238: 15228: 15198: 14849: 14801: 14796: 14739: 14486: 14431: 14376: 14371: 14034:
Nessie: Exploring the Supernatural Origins of the Loch Ness Monster
13565: 11817:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "21.6: The Caves of Androzani".
9385:"Doctor Who: Who are the Eternals, the Guardians and the Toymaker?" 8632:"Doctor Who star Nicholas Briggs celebrates 60 years of the Daleks" 6781: 6586:"The Longest-Running Sci-Fi Show Just Retconned Its Oldest Mystery" 6286: 6234:-like insectoid species, with some characteristics associated with 5868:", a Vespiform appears and goes on a killing spree in the style of 5803: 5742: 5546: 5541:, graded as "Grade 3" in their "latest market survey", considering 5372:
Trakenites are a humanoid species with great intelligence, seen in
5348: 5329: 5253: 4924: 4920: 4869: 4611: 4499: 4074: 4051: 4044: 3931: 3907: 3877: 3571: 3285: 2952:
Two pods arrived on Earth at the South Pole during the prehistoric
2783: 2651: 2406: 2358: 1974:
A bust of a human-possessed Flood, as it appears on display at the
1880: 1770: 1620: 1613: 1587: 1586:
depicted a Draconian attempting to repair a battle cruiser in 1896
In the revived series, the Daleks fought the Doctor's species, the
1169: 923: 839: 718:
The Secret of Novice Hame" was released as part of a tie-in with a
555: 548: 331: 13184: 13028:
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.7: The Unicorn and the Wasp".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "3.2: Mission to the Unknown".
9975:"Doctor Who recap: The Name of the Doctor – series 33, episode 13" 9410:"Doctor Who is all over the map in an episode about mental health" 8757:"The 2005 'Doctor Who' Revival Almost Looked Completely Different" 8713:"'Sonic screwdriver' to be added to the Oxford English Dictionary" 5713:
says that almost every planet in the universe has some, including
5078:, among other characters, belongs. Time Lords have the ability to 4508:
Sontarans as they appear throughout the series, on display at the
4366:, where they had grown paranoid as a result of a past betrayal by 4116:
The Sand Beasts are indigenous to the planet Dido, encountered in
3448:(1970). The Nestenes can create humanoid plastic creatures called 3210:
Mentors are amphibious capitalists who first appear in the serial
One Goblin, named Janis Goblin, sang a song in the episode named "
The Drahvin are a group of aggressive female aliens first seen in
1131:, a sub-species of Cybermen, seen in the 2008 Christmas special, " 15733: 14671: 14564: 14506: 12738:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "18.6: The Keeper of Traken".
11925: 11889: 7007: 6966: 6958: 6368: 6172:
in order to determine the Wrarth's "physicality" in the episode.
5718: 5706: 5550: 4743: 4729: 4641:", using the conquered populace to create weapons for their use. 3977: 2813:
The Fourth Doctor and Sarah oppose the Kraals in the 1975 serial
2388: 1904: 811: 777: 413: 12938:
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.8: Silence in the Library".
11725:"Doctor Who Holiday Special: Every Monster In The Judoon Prison" 9711:"'Doctor Who': 7 Villains the Doctor Could Take in a Fist Fight" 9494:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "4.5 The Underwater Menace".
8277:"When Doctor Who's Daleks beat The Beatles in TV ratings battle" 7975:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "5.1: Tomb of the Cybermen".
6836:"Kid Behind Doctor Who's "Love and Monsters" Episode Speaks Out" 6516:
as part of a collaboration with John Friedlander. Then director
The Thals are a race of peaceful, blond humanoids first seen in
hit it with a rock, causing it to fall down a pit to its death.
and begin to kill and feast on the people nearby, including the
bombing raid to destroy the creature before it could germinate.
2751:" (2020) where their "cold case unit" appears and imprisons the 2021:
in order to let the Gelth through to possess corpses, which the
The Dominators are a race of aggressive warlords, first seen in
1121:, small cybernetic creatures used by the Cybermen first seen in 969: 17285: 15289: 15223: 15208: 14771: 14749: 13597: 13557: 13103:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "1.5: The Keys of Marinus".
stated that the production team refer to it as the Time Beetle.
12080: 10424:
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.6: The Doctor's Daughter".
9437:"Doctor Who recap: series 38, episode seven – Can You Hear Me?" 9053: 8869: 8078:"2004's 'Doctor Who' spin-off 'Daemos Rising' is coming to DVD" 7921:"BBC - Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide - Earthshock - Details" 7330: 7245: 6406: 6396: 6235: 6161: 6082: 5932:
The Voord are a race of amphibious humanoids introduced in the
5909: 5456:
did not translate because it was not on the same planet as the
5453: 5109: 4936: 4601:
The Star Whale is a giant whale-like creature that appears in "
4459: 4141: 3989: 3726: 3184:; but showed an animosity towards their fellow insectoids, the 3046: 2370: 2288: 1648:
rally, but was stopped by the First Doctor and his companions.
1371: 1309: 1012: 582: 553:
The Bandrils are a reptilian species encountered in the serial
259: 258:. They travel through time and space in a machine known as the 13244:"Domain of the Voord - Doctor Who Early Adventures 1.1 review" 11792:
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.2: The Fires of Pompeii".
Wood, Tat (2007). "23.2: The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp".
10930:"Who are the Judoon? When did they last appear in Doctor Who?" 10815:
The Doctor's Monsters: Meanings of the Monstrous in Doctor Who
10160:"Doctor Who Christmas Special: The Church on Ruby Road Review" 8783:"Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks - series 31, episode three" 8159:"Everything You Need To Know About the Daleks of 'Doctor Who'" 6363:" (2007) featured a Zocci named Bannakaffalatta, who aids the 5693:
A victim of the Vashta Nerada as it appears on display at the
The Tharil are a humanoid race of lion-like creatures seen in
4522:(1973–74). Commander Kaagh appears in Series 2 in the story " 1599:
featured a Draconian delegate, who was arrested alongside the
15325: 15253: 15203: 14906: 14816: 14806: 14744: 14734: 14406: 13268:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "5.6 Fury from the Deep".
13218:"Are the monsters in Doctor Who: Spyfall actually the Voord?" 12838:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "19.2: Four to Doomsday".
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.15: Planet of the Dead".
10629:"Doctor Who recap: series 36, episode nine – Empress of Mars" 9633:
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.16: The Waters of Mars".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "18.1: The Leisure Hive".
7254:, no. 425-428 (19 August-18 November 2010). 7088:
The Language of Doctor Who: From Shakespeare to Alien Tongues
6435: 6402: 5927: 5714: 5668: 5661: 5657: 5207: 5089: 4972: 4968: 4094: 3581: 3449: 3437: 3399: 3185: 2844:" (2010). It appears to be invisible to most people, however 2720:
The Judoon are blunt in their applications of laws, with the
2647: 2206: 1791:
The Eternals are a race of cosmic beings first introduced in
1201: 1175:
Another Dæmon later appeared in the unofficial 2004 BBV film
defeats Axos, which causes the children to return to normal.
527: 359:
The Genuine Article" was released as part of a tie-in with a
16076: 13395:"How Doctor Who's epic Wrarth Warriors were brought to life" 11208:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "4.7: The Macra Terror".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "5.3: The Ice Warriors".
8543:"Doctor Who: A History of Dalek Redesigns and Fan Reactions" 8133:"Dalekmania - the story of Doctor Who from the BBC Archives" 7533:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "4.8 The Faceless Ones".
depicted the re-formation of the Animus, who is sent to the
4659:" (2009). Also known by the Unified Intelligence-Taskforce ( 4136:
Saturnyn are vampiric, lobster-like aliens that battled the
1761:, the Eknodine reside in the bodies of elderly residents in 17385: 16642: 15304: 12788:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "21.5: Planet of Fire".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "18.5: Warriors' Gate".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "19.4: The Visitation".
11750:"'Roblox' announces limited-run 'Doctor Who' collaboration" 7829:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "4.2 The Tenth Planet".
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.1: Partners in Crime".
5846: 4660: 4606: 4186:
Sea Devils are turtle-like humanoids who first appeared in
4083:(1977), although they were mentioned in the Sontaran story 3720:" (2021) where one is imprisoned in the same prison as the 3031: 2702: 2697:, who recur throughout the series. They first appeared in " 2566: 2361:
creatures that fed on blood, they were the result of human
367:. The video depicts the Abzorbaloff's father attacking the 13469:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "2.5: The Web Planet".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "1.7: The Sensorites".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "2.5: The Web Planet".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "2.5: The Web Planet".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "20.5: Enlightenment".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "6.1: The Dominators".
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.14: The Next Doctor".
7378:"Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Stories, Ranked" 6458:
The Zygons are shape-shifting aliens first encountered in
Uxarieans are creatures from the planet Uxarieus, seen in
14781: 13977:"Terror Of The Zygons | A Brief History Of Time (Travel)" 12663:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "6.7: The War Games".
11921: 11885: 10030: 8462:"Who Dalek operator sacked after sweary magazine message" 8384:"Doctor Who facts: 50 fascinating facts about Doctor Who" 7003: 6962: 6231: 5979:
It is revealed in the comic that the Voord fought in the
5818: 5534:
assured them it would have regenerated in their absence.
4906: 4291:
Silurians are a reptilian humanoid species first seen in
3876:"; without his protection, the Earth is shown becoming a 3602:
The Ood are an intelligent species first encountered in "
3597: 3567: 3158: 2005:
The Gelth were blue gaseous life-forms that appeared in "
choosing to leave the planet alone. The 2009 comic story
1534:, where they attempted to make a movie that would spread 1397:
The Daleks' voice has a harsh, staccato delivery. Actors
1359: 1025:(the unofficial scientific advisor to the programme) and 239: 13419:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "19.7: Time-Flight".
13127: 11258:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "18.3: Full Circle".
10868: 8051:"13 Doctor Who spin-offs you've probably never heard of" 6191:
The Xeraphin were an ancient species encountered by the
in order to depict the Wrarth's height, and worked with
Tritovores are humanoid fly creatures that appeared in "
5088:(1966) that some detectable feature is retained, as the 3839:
claims that they "murdered" the Racnoss. The Doctor and
1487:," (2012) but did not re-appear in subsequent episodes. 846:
was able to free Kronos, thwarting the Master's plans.
12867:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 152–154. 12350:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 402–404. 12325:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 249–250. 12226:
Wood, Tat (2009). "7.2: Doctor Who and the Silurians".
12180:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 234–236. 12101:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "3.1: Galaxy Four".
11337:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 468–470. 11158:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2007). "6.4: The Krotons".
9126:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 316–318. 9070:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "3.1: Galaxy Four".
8029:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 170–172. 7195:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 132–133. 6531:
additionally brought with them a creature known as the
The Zocci are a diminutive race of red spiked aliens. "
5821:, with one country refusing to release the season with 4909:-like race from the planet Tetrapyriarbus, seen in the 776:
Cheetah People are feline humanoids greatly resembling
A short direct sequel to "Love & Monsters", titled
13152: 12990:"Doctor Who: Trial Of A Time Lord DVD [pt. 3]" 12569:
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "1.2: The Daleks".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "2.3: The Rescue".
10237:"Doctor Who releases Christmas single The Goblin Song" 9855:"BBC - Press Office - Doctor Who Attack of the Graske" 8683:"Wildlife is alien to a generation of indoor children" 6152:
The Wrarth Warriors are a police force who appear in "
The Time Lords are a race of humanoid aliens to which
for millennia, the Rutans first appeared on screen in
The Movellans, who made their first appearance in the
The Drahvin appeared in the 2010 spin-off audio drama
with the help of an ironworks company. The 1998 novel
799:'s friends and mutating them into Cheetah People. The 12813:
Wood, Tat (2023). "17.3: The Creature from the Pit".
Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "21.3: Frontios".
12230:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 34–36. 11651:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 78–79. 11462:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 15–16. 10666:: Everything You Need To Know About The Ice Warriors" 10133:"Steven Moffat on the Finale, New Monsters and More!" 10111:, Producer Denise Paul, Marcus Wilson (5 May 2013). " 7085:
Barr, Jason; Mustachio, Camille D. G. (15 May 2014).
6885: 6024:(1968); it had the ability to take over human minds. 5861:
morphs into another species it emits a purple light.
The Vashta Nerada appear in the second volume of the
Urbankans are green-skinned humanoids encountered in
Humanoid Trees from the Forest of Cheem are seen in "
3153:. In appearance, they resemble a cross between giant 2919:
The Krotons are a crystalline species encountered in
serial. The Daleks were created by a scientist named
List of actors considered for the part of the Doctor
13736:"The Lodger | A Brief History Of Time (Travel)" 12638:
Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.11: Turn Left".
7027:. Season 4. Episode 1. 5 April 2008. BBC. BBC Three. 6724:"Doctor Who: Why The Tardis Looks Like A Police Box" 6367:
in attempting to stop a space-faring version of the
6257:, and took around thirty minutes to put on. Jewell, 5567:
The Uvodni is a bug-like race, first introduced in "
to be of low commercial value. Usurians can adopt a
The Tritovore, as shown at the Doctor Who Experience
5293:, which chronicles Martha Jones's adventures during 1188:
The same Dæmon later appeared in the spin-off novel
13851:"The Doctor Gets Political in "The Zygon Invasion"" 13710:Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2005). "18.2: Meglos". 13053:Wood, Tat (2023). "12.5: Revenge of the Cybermen". 11700:, Director Jennifer Perrott, Producer Nikki Wilson 11408:Wood, Tat; Miles, Lawrence (2006). "3.6: The Ark". 11383:Wood, Tat; Ail, Dorothy (2019). "X4.10: Midnight". 10594: 10592: 10590: 5949:The Voord appeared in spin-off media. In the comic 3661:Plasmavores are shape-changing aliens that live on 3423:" (2017), where they are seen fighting the Daleks. 1154:A race of humanoids from the planet Dæmos, seen in 814:subtext between Ace and one of the Cheetah People. 581:" (2014). The Boneless harness the energy from the 90:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 12424:Wood, Tat (2013). "X2.0: The Christmas Invasion". 12375:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. p. 358. 11537:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. p. 200. 10654: 9941:"Doctor Who: The Snowmen – Christmas special 2012" 8960:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. p. 336. 8334:"Doctor Who: No, It's Not Time To Rest the Daleks" 7776:Wood, Tat (2007). "22.1: Attack of the Cybermen". 7660:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. p. 274. 7558:Cole, Stephen; Raynor, Jacqueline (6 March 2000). 7064:(2nd ed.). Mad Norwegian Press. p. 216. 6018:A powerful weed took over an off-shore gas rig in 4260:" (2011). Self-proclaimed "Sentinels of History", 2693:The Judoon are a galactic alien police resembling 1628:, and were killed when the planet was destroyed. 99:"List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens" 13370:"Doctor Who Just Revealed The Meep's Dark Secret" 11572:Wood, Tat (2013). "X2.8: The Impossible Planet". 11433:Wood, Tat (2023). "17.1: Destiny of the Daleks". 11333:Wood, Tat (2009). "11.5: Planet of the Spiders". 10000: 8229:The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom 7726:"Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 7 – "Rogue" Review" 7038: 7036: 7034: 5777:A Vervoid, on display at a Doctor Who exhibition. 4575:returns to Spiridon in spin-off audio adventures 3819:The Racnoss appeared in 2006 Christmas special, " 3041:The Macra are also featured in the 2007 episode " 2822:The Kraals reappear in a Big Finish story called 17409: 13132:. Manchester University Press. pp. 43, 63. 12888:Wood, Tat (2023). "15.6: The Invasion of Time". 12763:Wood, Tat (2013). "X1.2: The End of the World". 12458:Wood, Tat (2023). "16.4: The Androids of Tara". 12371:Wood, Tat (2009). "10.4: Planet of the Daleks". 12279:. London, United Kingdom: BBC Books. pp. 214–5. 11083:Wood, Tat (2023). "13.4: The Android Invasion". 10587: 9469:Wood, Tat (2023). "15.3: Image of the Fendahl". 9122:Wood, Tat (2009). "10.2: Carnival of Monsters". 7351:Wood, Tat (2017). "X3.2: The Shakespeare Code". 7244:), Geraghty, Martin. Roach, A. David. ( 5151:(1969), when the race as a whole is introduced. 3730:as part of a collaboration between the game and 2989:A Krynoid appears as one of the villains in the 2735:" (2020), where they attempt to find and arrest 2136:(1968) and did not re-appear until the episode " 1903:The Foamasi are an intelligent, bipedal race of 1753:The Eknodine are a parasitic life form seen in " 1117:The Cybermen have several variants, such as the 754:, appearing in a short story in the book titled 651:. They reappeared, this time facing against the 12688:Wood, Tat (2017). "X3.12: The Sound of Drums". 12251:Wood, Tat (2023). "13.5 The Brain of Morbius". 12126:Wood, Tat (2023). "15.1: Horror of Fang Rock". 11508:Wood, Tat (2023). "16.3: The Stones of Blood". 11458:Wood, Tat (2009). "7.1: Spearhead from Space". 10982:"What The Shadow Proclamation Is In Doctor Who" 10399:Wood, Tat (2007). "26.3: The Curse of Fenric". 10269:Wood, Tat (2023). "16.1: The Ribos Operation". 9829:, Director Ashley Way, Producer Brian Minchin, 7060:Wood, Tat (2009). "9.2: The Curse of Peladon". 6495:An unofficial erotic spin-off film produced by 5096:, even though he has just regenerated. During " 4210:Sensorites are an alien species encountered in 4157:her. However, when the Doctor rewrote time in " 4073:An alien species who have been at war with the 3868:The Empress appears briefly in a flashback in " 2248:, but this was scrapped for budgetary reasons. 592:The Boneless later appeared in the comic story 14130: 11483:Wood, Tat (2023). "17.5: The Horns of Nimon". 9146: 7115:A Critical History of Doctor Who on Television 7031: 6751:Wood, Tat (2013). "X2.10: Love and Monsters". 6405:from the planet Zolfa-Thura. Meglos, from the 5549:form but in their natural state they resemble 4440:The Sky Fish are fish-like creatures seen in " 4422:Skithras are an alien species encountered in " 3792:(1984) to produce an anti-toxin for spectrox. 3759:Pyroviles are alien creatures encountered in " 1672:, released as part of the 2011 DVD release of 694:In "New Earth", a group of Catkind called the 326:The Abzorbaloff is an alien creature seen in " 17438:Lists of The Sarah Jane Adventures characters 16905: 16891: 16092: 14922: 14100: 12508:Wood, Tat (2007). "24.1: Time and the Rani". 12001:Burk, Graeme; Smith?, Robert (6 March 2012). 11842:Wood, Tat (2017). "X3.0: The Runaway Bride". 11183:Wood, Tat (2023). "13.6: The Seeds of Doom". 10183: 10125: 9743:, Producer Matthew Bouch (29 October 2007). " 8956:Wood, Tat (2009). "10.3: Frontier in Space". 8876:, no. 10 (6 November 2013). 7084: 4757:The Sycorax also make a brief appearance in " 3470:"Nimons" redirects here. For other uses, see 2689:Judoon, as shown at the Doctor Who Experience 2073:" (2008). Originally a henchman and slave of 1413:. Other actors to portray the Daleks include 13604:, no. 1 (29 January 2013). 13318:Wood, Tat (2023). "12.2: The Ark in Space". 12987: 12346:Wood, Tat (2009). "11.1: The Time Warrior". 11939:Wood, Tat (2013). "X1.4: Aliens of London". 11902: 11533:Wood, Tat (2009). "9.1: Day of the Daleks". 11233:Wood, Tat (2023). "17.4 Nightmare of Eden". 9658:Wood, Tat (2013). "X1.3: The Unquiet Dead". 9147:Campbell, Mark; Newman, Kim (1 April 2011). 8300:"Doctor Who aliens - the truth is out there" 7191:Wood, Tat (2009). "8.3: The Claws of Axos". 7014: 6539:for so long that it had become known as the 5420:Trions are a humanoid species first seen in 5338:A Tractator as it appears on display at the 5236:" (2007). Originally intending to travel to 5206:says that Tivolians wouldn't say "Boo" to a 3332:In "Extremis", the simulated version of the 1757:" (2010). In the dream world created by the 906:would have had an all-male cast barring the 891:Cryons are a species of alien first seen in 762:discovered their plan and put a stop to it. 699:infected, and the Sisters are arrested. In " 435:. The Adipose were animated in hordes using 13013:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 12448:Doctor Who Starships And Spacestations 2008 11622:Wood, Tat (2017). "X3.1: Smith and Jones". 10804: 10802: 10350:"Doctor Who's Best Episodes: The 1980s Era" 10052:Inside the TARDIS: The Worlds of Doctor Who 7893:Inside the TARDIS: The Worlds of Doctor Who 7656:Wood, Tat (2009). "9.5: The Time Monster". 6249:The Zarbi were named by the wife of writer 4815:Taran Beasts are the furry species seen in 4353:choose a potion that would turn him into a 2244:Ruby fight the Goblin King using luck from 1913:(1980). The Foamasi fought a twenty minute 53:Learn how and when to remove these messages 16:Fictional creatures in a fictional universe 16898: 16884: 16099: 16085: 14929: 14915: 14709: 14107: 14093: 13146: 12863:Wood, Tat (2009). "8.4: Colony in Space". 12031: 12000: 11133:Wood, Tat (2013). "X2.3: School Reunion". 10184:Graham-Lowery, Nathan (31 December 2023). 9801:"BBC - Doctor Who - Doctor Who Prom, 2008" 7557: 7508: 6889:Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN | The Genuine Article 6886:Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN! (14 February 2021). 5474:Tythonians are enormous creatures seen in 5315:" (2007). The crew of a cargo ship uses a 5283:The Toclafane feature on the cover of the 4919:(1987). A pack of Tetraps was employed by 3901: 3852:particles which had been recreated by the 3724:. The P'ting also appeared in online game 3072:A Mandrel as it appears on display at the 2868:(1979/1980) and consequently in its later 2565:Ice Warriors are reptilian humanoids from 2085:" (2008). A similar species known as the 639:into writing the key to their escape into 363:for "Love & Monsters" held during the 227:This is a list of fictional creatures and 15139: 14294: 14268:List of actors who have played the Doctor 14114: 13927:"Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor ★★★★★" 13709: 13468: 13418: 13297:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 204–206. 13267: 13102: 12912: 12892:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 128–130. 12842:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 116–118. 12837: 12817:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 346–348. 12792:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 290–291. 12787: 12737: 12717:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 270–271. 12712: 12667:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 277–279. 12662: 12593: 12568: 12487:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 140–141. 12482: 12295: 12200: 12176:Wood, Tat (2009). "9.3: The Sea Devils". 12150: 12100: 11866: 11816: 11596: 11407: 11282: 11257: 11237:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 370–372. 11207: 11157: 11137:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 280–282. 10515:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 142–143. 10510: 10403:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 324–326. 9518: 9493: 9360:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 221–222. 9355: 9074:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 188–189. 9069: 8980: 8839: 8754: 7974: 7828: 7532: 5311:A sentient star featured in the episode " 5244:. The name Toclafane is given to them by 4637:on planets they conquer, as revealed in " 4458:The Slyther is a monster that serves the 4343:The Sisterhood of Karn first appeared in 3886:Doctor Who: Classic Doctors, New Monsters 1843:The Fendahl are an alien species seen in 1053:brought the Cybermen back for the serial 780:who enjoy hunting humans; the Doctor and 215:Learn how and when to remove this message 150:Learn how and when to remove this message 13577: 13367: 13241: 12394: 12392: 12087: (19 August-23 September 2015). 11996: 11994: 11973:Wood, Tat (2013). "X1.8: Father's Day". 11162:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 234-235. 10979: 10799: 10570:"Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors Explained" 9904: 8101: 7723: 7337:, no. 9 (11 May 2016). 7112:Muir, John Kenneth (15 September 2015). 6928: 6439: 6328: 5772: 5758:; "Night of the Vashta Nerada" sees the 5688: 5439: 5333: 5280:discarded for a more generic "spheres". 5061: 5033:crashes into Buckingham Palace, Captain 4890: 4705:The Sycorax first appeared in the debut 4690: 4503: 4374:," where they revive a mortally wounded 3911: 3810: 3313: 3124: 3067: 2684: 2514:The Hoix first appeared in the episode " 2486: 2439: 2338: 2269:List of Doctor Who supporting characters 1969: 1041:, and only had one appearance alongside 849:The Chronovores re-appeared in the book 795:People to escape, kidnapping several of 678: 454:" Adipose, which were animated by hand. 372:competition that created the Krakanord. 307: 15755:Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough 14030: 14001: 13999: 13997: 13772: 13770: 13714:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 26–27. 13494: 13492: 13490: 13322:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 38–40. 13121: 13027: 12937: 12767:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 40–42. 12742:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 72–73. 12637: 12598:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 60–62. 12573:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 32–34. 12546:. BBC. 5 September 1987. Archived from 12398: 12205:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 76–77. 12068: 12066: 11943:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 82–84. 11846:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 14–16. 11791: 11626:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 40–42. 11382: 11262:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 40–42. 11212:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 80–81. 11005: 10845: 10843: 10808: 10765: 10622: 10620: 10423: 10321: 10292: 10290: 10157: 10046: 9795: 9793: 9682: 9662:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 54–56. 9632: 9568: 9523:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 10–12. 9498:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 60–62. 9473:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 54–56. 9379: 9377: 9351: 9349: 9292: 9095:Raynor, Jacqueline (20 February 2010). 8889: 8816:"Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks ★★★" 8596: 8411:"Doctor Who's chief Dalek dies aged 82" 8357: 8351: 8198:"Re-Viewed: The '60s Doctor Who movies" 8075: 7999: 7887: 7833:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 20–22. 7780:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 14–16. 7537:. Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 90–92. 7375: 7163: 7049:(5–11 April 2008). BBC: 25. April 2008. 6909: 6746: 6744: 6502:Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough 3030:(1967). They are an intelligent, giant 2862:Krargs appear in the unfinished serial 2491:A Hoix as it appears on display at the 2380:. There it waited, trapped beneath the 2102:The Graske has been portrayed by actor 17410: 17039:From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love 14066:Monsters, Villains & Alien Species 13845: 13843: 13683: 13663:(25 December 2009 – 1 January 2010). " 13178: 12321:Wood, Tat (2009). "9.4: The Mutants". 11768: 10924: 10922: 10920: 10894: 10892: 10736: 10734: 10732: 10626: 10567: 10538: 10536: 10534: 10532: 10098: 10096: 10042: 10040: 9972: 9938: 9434: 9094: 8928: 8780: 8655: 8536: 8534: 8486: 8408: 8271: 8269: 8267: 8265: 8263: 8261: 8222: 8216: 8127: 8125: 8123: 8025:Wood, Tat (2009). "8.5: The Daemons". 7858: 7856: 7854: 7852: 7850: 7824: 7822: 7680: 7560:Short Trips and Side Steps: Face Value 6694: 6038:The Weeping Angels first appeared in " 5092:are immediately able to recognize the 4230:The Shakri are a species spoken of in 4093:-like glowing green spheres. Like the 3741:, who worked in the story room during 1683:, re-appeared in the 2019 audio drama 17031: 16879: 16672: 16120: 16080: 14910: 14708: 14293: 14129: 14088: 14072:"Every Doctor Who villain since 1963" 13821: 13564: (22 March - 26 April 1965). 13196:. Virgin Publishing. pp. 68–71. 12389: 11991: 11774: 11056: 10347: 10234: 9708: 9253: 9214: 9187: 9009: 8540: 8331: 8102:Mann, George; Howe, David J. (2007). 7749: 7479: 7477: 7405:Wood, Tat (2013). "X2.1: New Earth". 7400: 7398: 6859: 6721: 6609: 6607: 5615:The Vardans are first encountered in 5066:Time Lord costumes on display at the 4678:They travel to other planets through 4565:The Spiridons featured in the serial 4332: 3413:The Movellans are mentioned again in 2972:The Krynoid are also featured in the 2109: 17392:The Sarah Jane Adventures Collection 13994: 13801: 13767: 13686:"It's official: There's a new R2-D2" 13592:Tipton, Scott. Tipton, David. ( 13487: 13473:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 134. 13423:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 165. 13317: 13292: 13272:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 178. 13128:Bignell, J. & O'Day, A. (2004). 13052: 13032:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 118. 12967:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 138. 12962: 12942:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 142. 12917:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 195. 12887: 12862: 12812: 12762: 12692:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 258. 12687: 12642:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 194. 12512:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 172. 12507: 12462:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 224. 12457: 12428:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 226. 12423: 12403:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 266. 12370: 12345: 12320: 12300:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 109. 12255:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 200. 12250: 12225: 12175: 12155:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 118. 12125: 12105:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 190. 12063: 11977:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 132. 11972: 11938: 11841: 11821:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 302. 11722: 11646: 11621: 11601:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 135. 11576:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 368. 11571: 11532: 11512:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 202. 11507: 11487:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 400. 11482: 11457: 11437:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 300. 11432: 11412:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 242. 11387:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 172. 11332: 11312:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 128. 11307: 11287:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 134. 11232: 11187:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 216. 11182: 11132: 11112:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 422. 11107: 11087:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 176. 11082: 10980:Hemenway, Megan (24 November 2023). 10840: 10617: 10428:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 100. 10398: 10287: 10273:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 154. 10268: 9905:Harrison, Andrew (10 October 2013). 9790: 9657: 9637:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 286. 9612:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 236. 9607: 9468: 9374: 9346: 9121: 8955: 8844:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 203. 8689:website. 9 July 2008. Archived from 8436:"Observations: How to drive a Dalek" 8297: 8024: 8004:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 244. 7979:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 120. 7775: 7655: 7605:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 342. 7601:Wood, Tat (2007). "26.4: Survival". 7600: 7409:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 244. 7404: 7350: 7190: 7164:Edwards, Barnaby (26–27 July 2007). 7111: 7059: 6833: 6755:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 392. 6750: 6741: 6690: 6688: 6508:The Zygons were conceived by writer 6096:The Wirrn have also appeared in the 4776:comic strip "The Widow's Curse", in 4468:(1964), guarding the Dalek mines in 4382:. They make further appearances in " 3219: 2840:The Krafayis appear in the episode " 2454:The Hath are aliens that appear in " 161: 88:adding citations to reliable sources 59: 18: 13840: 13107:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 59. 13057:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 92. 12130:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 10. 11796:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 34. 10917: 10889: 10729: 10529: 10322:Bassett, Sean (13 September 2022). 10158:Allcock, Chris (25 December 2023). 10093: 10037: 9608:Wood, Tat (2017). "X3.11: Utopia". 8929:Robson, Eddie (12 September 2017). 8531: 8487:Laford, Andrea (22 December 2021). 8298:Robb, Brian J. (14 November 2009). 8258: 8120: 7847: 7819: 7355:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 60. 6914:. Mad Norwegian Press. p. 12. 6148:The Star Beast (Doctor Who episode) 5656:Varga Plants grew naturally on the 5537:The Usurians have knowledge of the 5178:Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS 5172:Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS 5009:The Time Beetle first appeared in " 4725:even unto the End of the Universe. 4360:They first appeared in the episode 3341:The Pyramid at the End of the World 3306:The Pyramid at the End of the World 3188:, as well as an abhorrence for the 2300:. Both Guardians later appeared in 1717:. The Drashig was sent to kill the 13: 17014:The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith 15713:Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans 14031:Redfern, Nick (8 September 2016). 13684:Taylor, Chris (14 February 2017). 13368:Hargrave, Sam (26 November 2023). 13293:Wood, Tat (2017). "X3.10: Blink". 13162:Doctor Who: A Television Companion 12988:jbindeck2015 (10 September 2008). 12624:episode accompanying "Turn Left", 11647:Wood, Tat (2009). "7.4: Inferno". 10457:, Chris Chibnall (4 April 2008). " 10235:Belam, Martin (11 December 2023). 10019:(1 February – 25 November 1983). " 9778:The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith 8890:Walters, Nick (20 November 2015). 8755:Guimarães, Elisa (23 March 2024). 7474: 7395: 6860:Smith, Jessica (23 October 2023). 6604: 6371:from crashing into the Earth. In " 6333:Bannakaffalatta on display at the 5100:" (2013), it was confirmed by the 5014: 3244: 2405:The Haemovores had the ability to 2130:(1967). It returned in the serial 2071:The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith 2059:A Graske named Krislok appears in 2044:The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith 2013:, and possessed human cadavers in 1849:(1977). A race that never exceeds 14: 17464: 14978:Christmas and New Year's specials 14055: 13804:"Doctor Who: Who Are The Zygons?" 13600:). "Unnatural Selection" 13320:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 13055:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 12890:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 12815:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 12460:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 12253:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 12128:About Time, volume 4.2: 1977-1980 11510:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 11485:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 11435:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 11235:About Time, volume 4.2: 1977-1980 11185:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 11110:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 11108:Wood, Tat (2023). "17.6: Shada". 11085:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 11057:Bacon, Thomas (5 November 2020). 11006:Pettitt, Ben (17 February 2020). 10271:About Time, volume 4.2: 1977-1980 9471:About Time, volume 4.1: 1975-1977 9293:Mulryne, Phil (16 January 2019). 9215:Black, Jayce (23 December 2018). 8541:Blair, Andrew (4 December 2020). 7376:Bassett, Sean (10 October 2021). 6695:Cardin, Matt (17 November 2014). 6685: 6351:Voyage of the Damned (Doctor Who) 6141: 5635:The Varga Plants appeared in the 5398:The End of the World (Doctor Who) 5392:The End of the World (Doctor Who) 4023:, a fight breaks out between the 3826:The Racnoss are described by the 3737:The P'ting was created by writer 2465: 1729:, was also released in 2019. The 765: 431:, with their name being based on 243:science fiction television series 34:This article has multiple issues. 16961:Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? 16061: 16060: 16050: 15460:Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. 14024: 13969: 13944: 13919: 13894: 13877:"'Doctor Who' recap: Boxing day" 13869: 13802:Gift, Arianne (3 October 2023). 13795: 13746: 13728: 13703: 13677: 13644: 13611: 13586: 13571: 13546: 13521: 13500:Doctor Who: The Complete History 13462: 13437: 13412: 13387: 13361: 13336: 13311: 13286: 13261: 13242:McArdell, Ian (1 October 2014). 13235: 13210: 13096: 13071: 13046: 13021: 12981: 12956: 12931: 12906: 12881: 12856: 12831: 12806: 12781: 12756: 12731: 12706: 12681: 12656: 12631: 12612: 12587: 12562: 12526: 12501: 12476: 12451: 12442: 12417: 12364: 12339: 12314: 12289: 12277:Doctor Who: The Legend Continues 12269: 12244: 12219: 12194: 12169: 12144: 12119: 12094: 11966: 11957: 11932: 11896: 11860: 11835: 11810: 11785: 11742: 11716: 11690: 11665: 11640: 11615: 11590: 11565: 11551: 11526: 11501: 11476: 11451: 11426: 11401: 11376: 11351: 11326: 11301: 11276: 11251: 11226: 11201: 11176: 11151: 11126: 11101: 11076: 11050: 11025: 10999: 10973: 10947: 10759: 10704: 10679: 10568:Norman, Dalton (22 March 2023). 10561: 10504: 10471: 10453:, Director Ashley Way, Producer 10442: 10417: 10392: 10367: 10348:Blair, Andrew (6 January 2023). 10341: 10315: 10262: 10228: 10203: 10177: 10151: 10072: 9966: 9939:Martin, Dan (25 December 2012). 9932: 9898: 9872: 9847: 9818: 9757: 9745:Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? 9728: 9702: 9676: 9651: 9626: 9601: 9562: 9537: 9512: 9487: 9462: 9428: 9402: 9313: 9052:), Smith, Matthew Dow ( 8981:Wilkinson, Joy (22 April 2020). 8781:Martin, Daniel (17 April 2010). 8597:Hayward, Anthony (9 June 2011). 7724:Anderson, Robert (7 June 2024). 7681:Hinton, Craig (8 January 2001). 6641:"The 2005 revival of Doctor Who" 6027: 6007: 5674: 5649:(1965–66). They were created by 4853:The Terileptils appeared in the 4663:) as Stingrays, they are flying 4049:The Doctor encounters a Rill in 3566:(1972). They strongly resemble 2620: 2611: 2602: 2506:Love & Monsters (Doctor Who) 2201:Another Yeti later appeared in " 2173: 2164: 2155: 2067:Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? 2040:Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? 1348:Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. 1282: 1273: 1264: 1255: 1246: 1237: 1228: 1219: 1210: 1181:, which acted as a follow-up to 995: 986: 977: 968: 959: 950: 941: 932: 722:for "New Earth" held during the 322:Love & Monsters (Doctor Who) 166: 64: 23: 17073:The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith 16673: 15672:Big Finish spin-off audio plays 13712:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 13560:). "On the Web Planet" 13471:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 13421:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 13270:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 13105:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 13030:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 12965:About Time, volume 6: 1985-1989 12940:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 12915:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 12865:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 12840:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 12790:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 12765:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 12740:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 12715:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 12665:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 12640:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 12596:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 12571:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 12510:About Time, volume 6: 1985-1989 12485:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 12426:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 12401:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 12373:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 12348:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 12323:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 12298:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 12228:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 12203:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 12178:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 12153:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 12103:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 11975:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 11941:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 11819:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 11794:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 11649:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 11599:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 11574:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 11535:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 11460:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 11410:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 11385:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 11335:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 11310:About Time, volume 6: 1985-1989 11285:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 11260:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 11210:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 11160:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 11135:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 10513:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 10426:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 10401:About Time, volume 6: 1985-1989 10139:from the original on 1 May 2013 9683:Bassett, Sean (27 March 2022). 9660:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 9635:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 9521:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 9496:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 9435:Martin, Dan (9 February 2020). 9358:About Time, volume 5: 1980-1984 9286: 9254:Dicks, Terrence (2 June 1997). 9247: 9208: 9181: 9167: 9140: 9124:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 9115: 9088: 9072:About Time, volume 1: 1963-1966 9063: 9042: 9003: 8974: 8958:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 8949: 8922: 8883: 8868:), Casagrande, Elena ( 8858: 8842:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 8833: 8808: 8774: 8748: 8730: 8705: 8675: 8649: 8624: 8590: 8560: 8514:"Remembrance of the Daleks ★★★" 8506: 8480: 8454: 8428: 8402: 8376: 8332:Blair, Andrew (8 August 2023). 8325: 8291: 8190: 8177: 8151: 8095: 8069: 8043: 8027:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 8018: 8002:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 7993: 7977:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 7968: 7935: 7913: 7881: 7831:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 7794: 7778:About Time, volume 6: 1985-1989 7769: 7750:Coley, Samantha (7 June 2024). 7743: 7717: 7674: 7658:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 7649: 7619: 7603:About Time, volume 6: 1985-1989 7594: 7551: 7535:About Time, volume 2: 1966-1969 7526: 7509:Doctor Who (19 February 2015). 7502: 7441: 7423: 7407:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 7369: 7344: 7319: 7286: 7261: 7234: 7209: 7193:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 7184: 7157: 7132: 7105: 7078: 7062:About Time, volume 3: 1970-1974 7053: 6973: 6912:About Time, volume 9: 2008-2009 6903: 6879: 6853: 6827: 6753:About Time, volume 7: 2005-2006 6390: 6122:used them in the audio stories 5734:Doctor Who: The Adventure Games 5165: 4378:, and help him regenerate into 4256:The Silence first appeared in " 4226:The Power of Three (Doctor Who) 4069:Doctor Who: The Adventure Games 3883:The Racnoss also appear in the 3065:into nothing more than beasts. 1879:Fish People are humanoids from 1086:took over as the showrunner of 423:The Adipose were inspired by a 75:needs additional citations for 42:or discuss these issues on the 17428:Lists of Doctor Who characters 16826:Original Television Soundtrack 15428:An Adventure in Space and Time 14936: 11723:Elvy, Craig (4 January 2021). 9010:Dicks, Terrence (5 May 1998). 8872:). "Quiet on the Set" 8864:Tipton, David and Scott ( 8656:Butler, Mark (13 April 2017). 8185:Critical Studies in Television 7335:Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor 6834:Elvy, Craig (3 January 2019). 6802: 6769: 6722:Bacon, Thomas (19 June 2020). 6715: 6659: 6633: 6578: 6060:race that made their debut in 5624: 4998: 4804: 4436:A Christmas Carol (Doctor Who) 4424:Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror 4418:Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror 4245: 3950:is highly sensitive to sound, 3807:The Runaway Bride (Doctor Who) 3020:The Macra first appear in the 2554: 1868: 1425:audio dramas featuring them. 817: 382:Partners in Crime (Doctor Who) 303: 1: 16121: 16106: 13754:"MEGLOS – Tom Baker Official" 11963:BBC BOOK, The Monsters Inside 9593:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 9569:Russell, Gary (6 July 1998). 9278:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 9239:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 9188:Adams, Guy (27 August 2019). 9150:Doctor Who: The Episode Guide 9034:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 8995:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 8914:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 8574:. 8 July 2004. Archived from 7709:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 7633:. 4 June 2011. Archived from 7586:: CS1 maint: date and year ( 7431:"Gridlock commentary podcast" 7333:). "The Fourth Wall" 7248:). "The Golden Ones" 6701:. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. 6571: 6278:," though this was scrapped. 5755:Classic Doctors, New Monsters 4967:(1963-64) who, together with 4842: 4788:Classic Doctors, New Monsters 4590: 4105: 3711:. The space station that the 3650: 3635: 3505:Wild Blue Yonder (Doctor Who) 3498: 3484: 3139:The Menoptra appeared in the 2939:The Krynoids appeared in the 2879: 2705:. They later re-appeared in " 1929: 1554:, though they were thwarted. 1467:, in a conflict known as the 729: 635:. They attempt to manipulate 616: 312:Abzorbaloff, as shown at the 17238:Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart 15435:The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot 14597:Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart 14007:"BBC - The Fourth Dimension" 13902:"Terror of the Zygons ★★★★★" 13778:"Terror of the Zygons ★★★★★" 13079:"BBC - The Fourth Dimension" 11359:"Planet of the Spiders ★★★★" 10627:Martin, Dan (10 June 2017). 10298:"BBC - The Fourth Dimension" 8409:Wilson, Bo (13 April 2012). 8358:Bentham, Jeremy (May 1986). 7329:), Stott, Rachael ( 7091:. Rowman & Littlefield. 6355:The End of Time (Doctor Who) 6269:, featured the Zarbi at the 5830: 5827:included due to the design. 5463: 5429: 5355: 5323: 5221: 5176:Creatures that appeared in " 5041: 4971:, are natives of the planet 4644: 4199: 4175: 3775: 3657:Smith and Jones (Doctor Who) 3318:A Monk as it appears at the 2956:era and remained dormant in 2328: 2262: 1959: 1687:, where recurring character 1557: 1544:Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart 1490: 1102:was later brought back for " 7: 13596:), Fraser, Simon ( 12079:), Edwards, Neil ( 9973:Martin, Dan (18 May 2013). 8892:Mutually Assured Domination 7802:"Attack of the Cybermen ★★" 7140:"The Monster of Peladon ★★" 6546: 6387:portrayed Bannakaffalatta. 6180: 6168:creature movement director 6128:with the Eighth Doctor and 5890:Vogans were encountered in 5579: 5488: 5198:The Tivolians appeared in " 5187: 4849:The Visitation (Doctor Who) 4631:The Woman Who Fell to Earth 4625:The Woman Who Fell to Earth 4554: 4493: 4479: 4465:The Dalek Invasion of Earth 4454:The Dalek Invasion of Earth 4429: 4313:The Curse of the Black Spot 4307:The Curse of the Black Spot 4280: 4125: 3748: 3672: 3620:The Optera appeared in the 3377: 3262: 3120: 3100: 3080: 2886:School Reunion (Doctor Who) 2829: 2755:at the end of the episode. 2727:The Judoon appeared in the 2347:Haemovores appeared in the 2273:List of Doctor Who villains 1780: 1742: 1540:Mutually Assured Domination 1530:fighting the Dominators in 1511:, but were thwarted by the 1354:The Daleks were created by 917: 566: 179:to comply with Knowledge's 10: 17469: 17433:Lists of fictional species 17066:The Mad Woman in the Attic 15485:Thirty Years in the TARDIS 13837:. Retrieved November 2013. 13295:About Time, volume 8: 2007 12690:About Time, volume 8: 2007 12083:). "Four Doctors" 12047:. May 2005. Archived from 11904:Davies, Russell T (writer) 11868:Davies, Russell T (writer) 11844:About Time, volume 8: 2007 11624:About Time, volume 8: 2007 10375:"The Ribos Operation ★★★★" 9709:Brown, Ed (9 March 2022). 9610:About Time, volume 8: 2007 8360:Doctor Who—The Early Years 7353:About Time, volume 8: 2007 6433: 6394: 6348: 6217: 6184: 6145: 6049: 6031: 6011: 5925: 5883: 5834: 5785: 5781: 5678: 5628: 5608: 5583: 5560: 5512: 5508: 5492: 5467: 5433: 5413: 5407: 5389: 5365: 5359: 5327: 5304: 5300: 5225: 5191: 5169: 5051: 5045: 5002: 4982: 4946: 4898: 4846: 4831:Night Terrors (Doctor Who) 4828: 4808: 4698: 4686: 4648: 4622: 4594: 4558: 4497: 4451: 4447: 4433: 4415: 4411: 4336: 4304: 4284: 4249: 4223: 4203: 4179: 4129: 4109: 4062: 4042: 3961: 3916:Slitheen, as shown at the 3905: 3804: 3800: 3779: 3752: 3696: 3676: 3654: 3634:-like creatures were once 3613: 3595: 3588:on at least one occasion. 3553: 3525: 3502: 3469: 3463: 3435: 3431: 3416:Resurrection of the Daleks 3381: 3361: 3299: 3289: 3266: 3248: 3223: 3203: 3199: 3132: 3104: 3084: 3013: 2932: 2928: 2912: 2906: 2883: 2855: 2833: 2806: 2767: 2558: 2503: 2469: 2447: 2332: 2266: 2259:and released as a single. 2228: 2224: 2113: 2033: 1998: 1963: 1933: 1896: 1892: 1872: 1836: 1832: 1787:Enlightenment (Doctor Who) 1784: 1765:. The Eknodine attack the 1746: 1655: 1651: 1611: 1607: 1561: 1494: 1199: 1168:. The Doctor's companion, 1147: 921: 884: 862: 858: 821: 769: 752:Short Trips and Side Steps 733: 668: 664: 620: 570: 546: 542: 502: 461: 457: 379: 375: 319: 17373: 17305: 17298: 17268: 17230: 17199: 17192: 17172:The Curse of Clyde Langer 17156: 17147:Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith 17103: 17050: 17030: 17007:The Mark of the Berserker 16977: 16924: 16915: 16908:The Sarah Jane Adventures 16842: 16817: 16790: 16744: 16703: 16683: 16679: 16668: 16635: 16584: 16577: 16556: 16536: 16500: 16444: 16435: 16348: 16330: 16228: 16140: 16131: 16127: 16116: 16046: 16001: 15959: 15952: 15882: 15764: 15690: 15659: 15580: 15557: 15527:The Science of Doctor Who 15469: 15444: 15398: 15370:The Sarah Jane Adventures 15345: 15338: 15313: 15267: 15189: 15132: 15075: 15054: 15006: 14953: 14946: 14891: 14862: 14825: 14730: 14719: 14715: 14704: 14680: 14582: 14540: 14314: 14307: 14303: 14289: 14255: 14229: 14143: 14139: 14125: 13580:The Lair of Zarbi Supremo 13194:The First Doctor Handbook 12275:Richards, Justin (2005). 11908:Harper, Graeme (director) 10779:University of Texas Press 9840:The Sarah Jane Adventures 9783:The Sarah Jane Adventures 9750:The Sarah Jane Adventures 8742:Oxford English Dictionary 6444:A Zygon as it appears in 6300:The Lair of Zarbi Supremo 6276:The Legend of Ruby Sunday 5853:" (2008). They were born 5845:species resembling giant 5604: 5556: 5477:The Creature from the Pit 5470:The Creature from the Pit 4978: 4886: 4618: 4584:Brotherhood of the Daleks 4540:" (2008). He returns in " 4384:The Magician's Apprentice 4219: 4150:Signora Rosanna Calvierri 3984:went to save her father, 3964:Father's Day (Doctor Who) 3957: 3941:The Sarah Jane Adventures 3880:over the next few years. 3692: 3609: 3532:The Ogri appeared in the 3357: 2902: 2851: 2763: 2680: 2092:The Sarah Jane Adventures 2062:The Sarah Jane Adventures 2029: 1749:Amy's Choice (Doctor Who) 1449:Oxford English Dictionary 1112:Ascension of the Cybermen 880: 269:The Sarah Jane Adventures 17364:Sarah Jane's Alien Files 16029:Magic Bullet Productions 15610:Eighth Doctor Adventures 15414:The Curse of Fatal Death 15093:United States and Canada 13578:Whitaker, David (1965). 11920:. Series 4. Episode 11. 10851:"The Seeds of Death ★★★" 9545:"The Leisure Hive ★★★★★" 7240:Morris, Johnathan ( 7217:"The Claws of Axos ★★★★" 7118:(in Arabic). McFarland. 6429: 6407:episode of the same name 6344: 6213: 6110:, and in the audio play 6098:Eighth Doctor Adventures 6045: 5921: 5879: 5866:The Unicorn and the Wasp 5851:The Unicorn and the Wasp 5837:The Unicorn and the Wasp 5403: 5385: 5248:, who takes it from the 4824: 4767:Revolution of the Daleks 4300: 4258:The Impossible Astronaut 4252:The Impossible Astronaut 4089:in 1974. They appear as 4058: 3968:Reapers appeared in the 3847:, serving in place of a 3718:Revolution of the Daleks 3549: 3459: 3107:Full Circle (Doctor Who) 3009: 2802: 1994: 1411:BBC Radiophonic Workshop 1195: 1143: 1124:The Tomb of the Cybermen 498: 192:may contain suggestions. 177:may need to be rewritten 16940:Revenge of the Slitheen 14662:Kate Lethbridge-Stewart 14037:. Llewellyn Worldwide. 13164:. BBC. pp. 21–24. 12621:Doctor Who Confidential 11712:. 4 November 2018. BBC. 8362:. England: W.H. Allen. 8234:Oxford University Press 8076:CultBox (1 July 2016). 7325:Morrison, Robbie ( 7024:Doctor Who Confidential 6535:, which had resided in 6492:providing their voice. 5893:Revenge of the Cybermen 5886:Revenge of the Cybermen 5876:throws it into a lake. 5646:The Daleks' Master Plan 5295:The Year That Never Was 5085:The Power of the Daleks 5058:The Master (Doctor Who) 5054:The Doctor (Doctor Who) 4942: 4655:The Swarm was seen in " 4372:The Night of the Doctor 4311:The Siren appeared in " 4234:myths, encountered in " 4038: 3902:Raxacoricofallapatorian 3856:using the water of the 3786:Queen Bats are used in 3521: 3295: 2993:short story collection 2739:, who is hiding out in 2569:that first appeared in 2510:Exit Wounds (Torchwood) 2499: 2435: 2237:The Church on Ruby Road 2231:The Church on Ruby Road 1699:short-story anthology, 1328:The Daleks' Master Plan 1062:In the two-part story " 427:owned by script writer 17059:Prisoner of the Judoon 16626:Torchwood Declassified 16385:The Categories of Life 16009:Big Finish Productions 15900:The Minister of Chance 15803:Destiny of the Doctors 15667:Big Finish audio plays 15622:Past Doctor Adventures 15513:Torchwood Declassified 15453:Dr. Who and the Daleks 15120:Awards and nominations 14983:Supplementary episodes 14710:Creatures and villains 13833:The Huffington Post UK 12534:"The Changing Face of 12039:"Creating the Reapers" 11704:The Tsuranga Conundrum 10742:"The Ice Warriors ★★★" 10135:. BBC. 27 April 2013. 10080:"Innes Lloyd (1980's)" 9296:Planet of the Drashigs 9056:). "Fugitive" 8599:"Roy Skelton obituary" 6505:was produced in 2005. 6455: 6401:A race of intelligent 6341: 6293:and his grandchildren 6224:The Zarbi appeared in 5824:Terror of the Vervoids 5795:Terror of the Vervoids 5788:Terror of the Vervoids 5778: 5750:Big Finish Productions 5731:The fourth episode of 5703:Silence in the Library 5698: 5681:Silence in the Library 5667:Varga plants resemble 5641:Mission to the Unknown 5631:Mission to the Unknown 5445: 5343: 5269:Last of the Time Lords 5115:A Good Man Goes to War 5098:The Time of the Doctor 5071: 5005:Turn Left (Doctor Who) 4896: 4763:The Name of the Doctor 4711:The Christmas Invasion 4701:The Christmas Invasion 4696: 4534:The Sontaran Strategem 4513: 4267:The Time of the Doctor 4166:A Good Man Goes to War 4146:The Vampires of Venice 4132:The Vampires of Venice 3920: 3816: 3789:The Caves of Androzani 3782:The Caves of Androzani 3705:The Tsuranga Conundrum 3699:The Tsuranga Conundrum 3591: 3472:Nimon (disambiguation) 3322: 3130: 3077: 2999:The Time of the Doctor 2870:Big Finish/BBCi remake 2842:Vincent and the Doctor 2836:Vincent and the Doctor 2733:Fugitive of the Judoon 2715:Prisoner of the Judoon 2690: 2639:The Evil of the Daleks 2584:The Monster of Peladon 2496: 2478:A Good Man Goes to War 2472:A Good Man Goes To War 2445: 2369:, the entity known as 2344: 2211:The Name of the Doctor 2195:The Abominable Snowmen 2142:The Name of the Doctor 2127:The Abominable Snowmen 1979: 1727:Planet of the Drashigs 1532:Hollywood, Los Angeles 1522:, released in 2013 by 1423:Big Finish Productions 1342:Dr. Who and the Daleks 1304:(1963-64), the second 904:Attack of the Cybermen 894:Attack of the Cybermen 887:Attack of the Cybermen 714:A short scene, titled 684: 671:New Earth (Doctor Who) 481:The Monster of Peladon 468:The Monster of Peladon 386:Turn Left (Doctor Who) 317: 17179:The Man Who Never Was 16212:Captain Jack Harkness 15629:New Series Adventures 15169:Supporting characters 14973:2005–present episodes 13630:(25 December 2007). " 13582:. World Distributors. 11874:(25 December 2006). " 11872:Lyn, Euros (director) 10050:(19 September 2006). 9776:(17 November 2008). " 9177:(DVD). 28 March 2011. 9175:Destroy All Monsters! 7891:(19 September 2006). 7683:The Quantum Archangel 7437:. BBC. 14 April 2007. 6466:The Day of the Doctor 6452:Doctor Who Experience 6443: 6332: 6271:BBC Television Centre 5915:Genesis of the Daleks 5776: 5695:Doctor Who Experience 5692: 5443: 5340:Doctor Who Experience 5337: 5285:New Series Adventures 5160:The Day of the Doctor 5139:, in the 1965 serial 5068:Doctor Who Experience 5065: 4957:Genesis of the Daleks 4894: 4694: 4532:two-parter episodes " 4510:Doctor Who Experience 4507: 4287:Silurian (Doctor Who) 4182:Silurian (Doctor Who) 3918:Doctor Who Experience 3915: 3898:replacement consort. 3891:Empire of the Racnoss 3814: 3604:The Impossible Planet 3577:The Lord of the Rings 3395:Destiny of the Daleks 3384:Destiny of the Daleks 3320:Doctor Who Experience 3317: 3302:Extremis (Doctor Who) 3251:Midnight (Doctor Who) 3233:Planet of the Spiders 3226:Planet of the Spiders 3128: 3074:Doctor Who Experience 3071: 3055:The Day of the Doctor 2824:The Oseidon Adventure 2749:The Timeless Children 2711:Sarah Jane Adventures 2688: 2493:Doctor Who Experience 2490: 2456:The Doctor's Daughter 2450:The Doctor's Daughter 2443: 2400:create its own future 2342: 2317:The Armageddon Factor 1976:Doctor Who Experience 1973: 1886:The Underwater Menace 1875:The Underwater Menace 1670:Destroy All Monsters! 1473:Victory of the Daleks 1104:World Enough and Time 1072:second revived series 852:The Quantum Archangel 772:Survival (Doctor Who) 682: 675:Gridlock (Doctor Who) 655:, in the audio drama 573:Flatline (Doctor Who) 311: 17448:Torchwood characters 17119:The Vault of Secrets 17000:Secrets of the Stars 16993:The Day of the Clown 16933:Invasion of the Bane 16300:From Out of the Rain 16237:Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang 16191:Greeks Bearing Gifts 15939:Time Lord Victorious 15421:Scream of the Shalka 14896:List of cast members 13632:Voyage of the Damned 13552:Main, Neville ( 10121:. London. BBC. BBC1. 9833:(25 October 2010). " 9153:. Oldacastle Books. 8106:. Telos Publishing. 7931:on 24 February 2020. 7522:– via YouTube. 7305:(18 October 2014). " 7167:The Bride of Peladon 7043:"Little Monsters?". 6899:– via YouTube. 6529:Terror of the Zygons 6510:Robert Banks Stewart 6482:Terror of the Zygons 6461:Terror of the Zygons 6450:, on display at the 6447:Terror of the Zygons 6361:Voyage of the Damned 6312:Unnatural Selection, 6208: 6175: 6002: 5957:" (2017), where the 5912:in the later serial 5802:is forced to commit 5618:The Invasion of Time 5611:The Invasion of Time 5599: 5483: 5375:The Keeper of Traken 5362:The Keeper of Traken 4953:Planet of the Daleks 4881:Great Fire of London 4818:The Androids of Tara 4811:The Androids of Tara 4799: 4785:In the audio series 4748:The Shakespeare Code 4722:The Doctor Who Files 4578:Return of the Daleks 4568:Planet of the Daleks 4561:Planet of the Daleks 4405:Vengeance of Morbius 4399:Sisters of the Flame 4380:his next incarnation 4363:The Brain of Morbius 4346:The Brain of Morbius 4339:The Brain of Morbius 4100: 3795: 3770: 3761:The Fires of Pompeii 3755:The Fires of Pompeii 3679:Inferno (Doctor Who) 3645: 3516: 3445:Spearhead from Space 3426: 3364:The Ark (Doctor Who) 3004: 2816:The Android Invasion 2809:The Android Invasion 2758: 2675: 2578:The Curse of Peladon 2549: 2417:Communist Revolution 2323: 2083:Music of the Spheres 2054:Attack of the Graske 2036:Attack of the Graske 1989: 1846:Image of the Fendahl 1839:Image of the Fendahl 1827: 1737: 1681:Carnival of Monsters 1674:Carnival of Monsters 1665:Carnival of Monsters 1658:Carnival of Monsters 1536:subliminal messaging 1485:Asylum of the Daleks 1358:and designed by the 1138: 1064:Rise of the Cybermen 784:encountered them in 696:Sisters of Plenitude 658:The Carrionite Curse 629:The Shakespeare Code 623:The Shakespeare Code 611: 537: 489:The Bride of Peladon 475:The Curse of Peladon 464:The Curse of Peladon 298: 84:improve this article 17126:Death of the Doctor 17087:Mona Lisa's Revenge 16721:Everyone Says Hello 16564:Torchwood Institute 16024:Mad Norwegian Press 15910:Dalek illustrations 15817:The Adventure Games 15789:The Mines of Terror 15775:The First Adventure 15390:Spin-off companions 15300:Torchwood Institute 15044:soundtrack releases 14612:Professor Chronotis 14555:Bernice Summerfield 14362:Victoria Waterfield 14062:The Bumper Book of 11778:Doctor Who Magazine 10812:(30 October 2012). 10492:The Pandorica Opens 9835:Death of the Doctor 8894:. Candy Jar Books. 7251:Doctor Who Magazine 6790:Love & Monsters 6474:The Zygon Inversion 6230:(1965), and are an 6135:The Stones of Blood 6090:suspended animation 5964:Domain of the Voord 5939:The Keys of Marinus 5290:The Story of Martha 4863:(1982). They are a 4779:Doctor Who Magazine 4759:The Pandorica Opens 4734:William Shakespeare 4546:The Pandorica Opens 4080:Horror of Fang Rock 4065:Horror of Fang Rock 4019:In the comic story 3854:Torchwood Institute 3539:The Stones of Blood 3528:The Stones of Blood 3454:Last Great Time War 3352:The Lie of the Land 3310:The Lie of the Land 3049:reappearing in the 2995:Tales of Trenzalore 2776:A Town Called Mercy 2770:A Town Called Mercy 2737:The Fugitive Doctor 2544:The Pandorica Opens 2516:Love & Monsters 2354:The Curse of Fenric 2335:The Curse of Fenric 2280:The Ribos Operation 2097:Death of the Doctor 2011:Last Great Time War 1942:end of the universe 1936:Utopia (Doctor Who) 1428:Upon the airing of 1096:Nightmare in Silver 641:Love's Labour's Won 637:William Shakespeare 600:. The Boneless use 487:In the audio story 407:" (2008), in which 328:Love & Monsters 266:'s spin-off series 16954:Warriors of Kudlak 16856:Torchwood Magazine 16293:Something Borrowed 16286:A Day in the Death 16149:Everything Changes 15852:The Eternity Clock 15596:Missing Adventures 15506:Totally Doctor Who 15407:Dimensions in Time 15214:Great Intelligence 14961:1963–1989 episodes 14755:Great Intelligence 13512:Hachette Partworks 10959:SYFY Official Site 10017:John Nathan-Turner 9886:. 23 November 2020 9416:. 10 February 2020 9326:Catherine Morshead 8578:on 10 January 2009 8390:. 19 November 2013 8279:. 19 November 2023 7460:(14 April 2007). " 7021:"A Noble Return". 6621:. 23 November 2023 6512:, and designed by 6470:The Zygon Invasion 6456: 6342: 6316:London Underground 6283:On the Web Planet, 6112:Wirrn: Race Memory 6021:Fury from the Deep 6014:Fury from the Deep 5951:The World Shapers, 5849:, encountered in " 5779: 5726:Forest of the Dead 5699: 5685:Forest of the Dead 5569:Warriors of Kudlak 5563:Warriors of Kudlak 5450:Planet of the Dead 5446: 5436:Planet of the Dead 5368:Nyssa (Doctor Who) 5344: 5265:The Sound of Drums 5252:equivalent of the 5234:The Sound of Drums 5228:The Sound of Drums 5214:and the "glorious 5072: 4905:The Tetraps are a 4897: 4865:reptilian humanoid 4697: 4657:Planet of the Dead 4651:Planet of the Dead 4639:The Ghost Monument 4514: 4333:Sisterhood of Karn 4236:The Power of Three 3921: 3817: 3665:, encountered in " 3480:The Horns of Nimon 3466:The Horns of Nimon 3323: 3213:Vengeance on Varos 3206:Vengeance on Varos 3131: 3078: 2858:Shada (Doctor Who) 2691: 2669:The Seeds of Death 2522:and his companion 2497: 2482:The Time of Angels 2446: 2345: 2116:Great Intelligence 2110:Great Intelligence 1984:The Waters of Mars 1980: 1966:The Waters of Mars 1546:. The audio drama 1439:An Unearthly Child 1051:John Nathan-Turner 865:Rogue (Doctor Who) 685: 318: 17443:Lists of villains 17405: 17404: 17401: 17400: 17294: 17293: 17188: 17187: 17112:The Nightmare Man 17080:The Eternity Trap 17046: 17045: 17021:Enemy of the Bane 16986:The Last Sontaran 16947:Eye of the Gorgon 16873: 16872: 16869: 16868: 16865: 16864: 16833:Children of Earth 16664: 16663: 16660: 16659: 16656: 16655: 16552: 16551: 16431: 16430: 16339:Children of Earth 16074: 16073: 16042: 16041: 16014:Reeltime Pictures 15992:The Black Archive 15948: 15947: 15838:The Mazes of Time 15334: 15333: 15285:Sonic screwdriver 15128: 15127: 14904: 14903: 14887: 14886: 14883: 14882: 14858: 14857: 14700: 14699: 14696: 14695: 14578: 14577: 14285: 14284: 14281: 14280: 14044:978-0-7387-5007-1 13857:. 2 November 2015 13602:Prisoners of Time 13279:978-0-9759446-1-5 12974:978-0-9759446-5-3 12874:978-0-9759446-7-7 12674:978-0-9759446-1-5 12519:978-0-9759446-5-3 12382:978-0-9759446-7-7 12357:978-0-9759446-7-7 12332:978-0-9759446-7-7 12237:978-0-9759446-7-7 12187:978-0-9759446-7-7 12051:on 9 January 2010 12024:978-1-55022-984-4 11910:(21 June 2008). " 11876:The Runaway Bride 11658:978-0-9759446-7-7 11544:978-0-9759446-7-7 11469:978-0-9759446-7-7 11344:978-0-9759446-7-7 11319:978-0-9759446-5-3 11219:978-0-9759446-1-5 11169:978-0-9759446-1-5 10961:. 26 January 2020 10522:978-0-9759446-1-5 10490:(19 June 2010). " 10410:978-0-9759446-5-3 9505:978-0-9759446-1-5 9306:978-1-78703-295-8 9256:The Eight Doctors 9219:. Obverse Books. 9217:Daring Initiation 9201:978-1-78703-508-9 9160:978-1-84243-660-8 9133:978-0-9759446-7-7 9108:978-1-78575-812-6 9058:Doctor Who (2009) 8983:The Simple Things 8967:978-0-9759446-7-7 8942:978-1-78178-810-3 8901:978-0-9933221-5-0 8874:Prisoners of Time 8851:978-0-9759446-1-5 8468:. 2 November 2017 8139:. 1 November 2023 8113:978-1-84583-104-2 8057:. 17 January 2018 8036:978-0-9759446-7-7 7986:978-0-9759446-1-5 7840:978-0-9759446-1-5 7787:978-0-9759446-5-3 7667:978-0-9759446-7-7 7627:"rona munro 2007" 7612:978-0-9759446-5-3 7544:978-0-9759446-1-5 7299:Douglas MacKinnon 7202:978-0-9759446-7-7 7177:978-1-78575-404-3 7125:978-1-4766-0454-1 7098:978-1-4422-3481-9 7071:978-0-9759446-7-7 6992:(5 April 2008). " 6949:Partners in Crime 6947:(5 April 2008). " 6788:(17 June 2006). " 6708:979-8-216-12019-3 6673:. 9 December 2023 6647:. 1 November 2023 6541:Loch Ness Monster 6318:with the help of 6263:John Scott Martin 6056:The Wirrn are an 5841:Vespiform are an 5643:" and the serial 5038:ceased to exist. 4916:Time and the Rani 4901:Time and the Rani 4542:Enemy of the Bane 4524:The Last Sontaran 4442:A Christmas Carol 4170:Let's Kill Hitler 3893:, which sees the 3821:The Runaway Bride 3722:Thirteenth Doctor 3563:Day of the Daleks 3556:Day of the Daleks 3220:Metebelis Spiders 3094:Nightmare of Eden 3087:Nightmare of Eden 2946:The Seeds of Doom 2935:The Seeds of Doom 2915:Kroton (Cyberman) 2792:American frontier 2753:Thirteenth Doctor 2429:Gods and Monsters 2310:, and briefly by 2296:into killing the 2120:Yeti (Doctor Who) 2015:Victorian England 1822:Thirteenth Doctor 1710:The Eight Doctors 1705:Daring Initiation 1701:The Book of Peace 1584:The Simple Things 1571:Frontier in Space 1564:Frontier in Space 1384:John Scott Martin 743:The Faceless Ones 736:The Faceless Ones 724:COVID-19 pandemic 524:The Claws of Axos 520:Panini Publishing 512:The Claws of Axos 505:The Claws of Axos 418:Buckingham Palace 392:Partners in Crime 365:COVID-19 pandemic 225: 224: 217: 207: 206: 181:quality standards 160: 159: 152: 134: 57: 17460: 17423:Doctor Who races 17418:Doctor Who lists 17330:The Stolen Earth 17303: 17302: 17207:Sarah Jane Smith 17197: 17196: 17133:The Empty Planet 17033: 17028: 17027: 16922: 16921: 16900: 16893: 16886: 16877: 16876: 16681: 16680: 16670: 16669: 16613:The Stolen Earth 16582: 16581: 16442: 16441: 16279:Dead Man Walking 16138: 16137: 16129: 16128: 16118: 16117: 16101: 16094: 16087: 16078: 16077: 16064: 16063: 16054: 15957: 15956: 15824:Evacuation Earth 15520:The Commentaries 15478:Whose Doctor Who 15343: 15342: 15137: 15136: 15067:Other home video 14988:Missing episodes 14951: 14950: 14931: 14924: 14917: 14908: 14907: 14728: 14727: 14717: 14716: 14706: 14705: 14657:Paternoster Gang 14382:Sarah Jane Smith 14312: 14311: 14305: 14304: 14291: 14290: 14141: 14140: 14131:Incarnations of 14127: 14126: 14109: 14102: 14095: 14086: 14085: 14081: 14049: 14048: 14028: 14022: 14021: 14019: 14017: 14003: 13992: 13991: 13989: 13987: 13973: 13967: 13966: 13964: 13962: 13948: 13942: 13941: 13939: 13937: 13923: 13917: 13916: 13914: 13912: 13898: 13892: 13891: 13889: 13887: 13873: 13867: 13866: 13864: 13862: 13847: 13838: 13836: 13835:. 18 April 2013. 13825: 13819: 13818: 13816: 13814: 13799: 13793: 13792: 13790: 13788: 13774: 13765: 13764: 13762: 13760: 13750: 13744: 13743: 13732: 13726: 13725: 13707: 13701: 13700: 13698: 13696: 13681: 13675: 13674: 13653:Russell T Davies 13648: 13642: 13641: 13620:Russell T Davies 13615: 13609: 13590: 13584: 13583: 13575: 13569: 13550: 13544: 13543: 13541: 13539: 13525: 13519: 13496: 13485: 13484: 13466: 13460: 13459: 13457: 13455: 13441: 13435: 13434: 13416: 13410: 13409: 13407: 13405: 13391: 13385: 13384: 13382: 13380: 13365: 13359: 13358: 13356: 13354: 13340: 13334: 13333: 13315: 13309: 13308: 13290: 13284: 13283: 13265: 13259: 13258: 13256: 13254: 13239: 13233: 13232: 13230: 13228: 13214: 13208: 13207: 13188:; Stammers, M.; 13182: 13176: 13175: 13150: 13144: 13143: 13125: 13119: 13118: 13100: 13094: 13093: 13091: 13089: 13075: 13069: 13068: 13050: 13044: 13043: 13025: 13019: 13018: 13012: 13004: 13002: 13000: 12985: 12979: 12978: 12960: 12954: 12953: 12935: 12929: 12928: 12910: 12904: 12903: 12885: 12879: 12878: 12860: 12854: 12853: 12835: 12829: 12828: 12810: 12804: 12803: 12785: 12779: 12778: 12760: 12754: 12753: 12735: 12729: 12728: 12710: 12704: 12703: 12685: 12679: 12678: 12660: 12654: 12653: 12635: 12629: 12626:Russell T Davies 12616: 12610: 12609: 12591: 12585: 12584: 12566: 12560: 12559: 12557: 12555: 12550:on 17 April 2010 12530: 12524: 12523: 12505: 12499: 12498: 12480: 12474: 12473: 12455: 12449: 12446: 12440: 12439: 12421: 12415: 12414: 12396: 12387: 12386: 12368: 12362: 12361: 12343: 12337: 12336: 12318: 12312: 12311: 12293: 12287: 12273: 12267: 12266: 12248: 12242: 12241: 12223: 12217: 12216: 12198: 12192: 12191: 12173: 12167: 12166: 12148: 12142: 12141: 12123: 12117: 12116: 12098: 12092: 12070: 12061: 12060: 12058: 12056: 12035: 12029: 12028: 12009:(1st ed.). 11998: 11989: 11988: 11970: 11964: 11961: 11955: 11954: 11936: 11930: 11929: 11900: 11894: 11893: 11864: 11858: 11857: 11839: 11833: 11832: 11814: 11808: 11807: 11789: 11783: 11782: 11772: 11766: 11765: 11763: 11761: 11746: 11740: 11739: 11737: 11735: 11720: 11714: 11713: 11694: 11688: 11687: 11685: 11683: 11669: 11663: 11662: 11644: 11638: 11637: 11619: 11613: 11612: 11594: 11588: 11587: 11569: 11563: 11562: 11555: 11549: 11548: 11530: 11524: 11523: 11505: 11499: 11498: 11480: 11474: 11473: 11455: 11449: 11448: 11430: 11424: 11423: 11405: 11399: 11398: 11380: 11374: 11373: 11371: 11369: 11355: 11349: 11348: 11330: 11324: 11323: 11305: 11299: 11298: 11280: 11274: 11273: 11255: 11249: 11248: 11230: 11224: 11223: 11205: 11199: 11198: 11180: 11174: 11173: 11155: 11149: 11148: 11130: 11124: 11123: 11105: 11099: 11098: 11080: 11074: 11073: 11071: 11069: 11054: 11048: 11047: 11045: 11043: 11029: 11023: 11022: 11020: 11018: 11003: 10997: 10996: 10994: 10992: 10977: 10971: 10970: 10968: 10966: 10951: 10945: 10944: 10942: 10940: 10926: 10915: 10914: 10912: 10910: 10896: 10887: 10886: 10884: 10882: 10872: 10866: 10865: 10863: 10861: 10847: 10838: 10837: 10806: 10797: 10796: 10776: 10763: 10757: 10756: 10754: 10752: 10738: 10727: 10726: 10724: 10722: 10708: 10702: 10701: 10699: 10697: 10683: 10677: 10676: 10674: 10672: 10658: 10652: 10651: 10649: 10647: 10624: 10615: 10614: 10612: 10610: 10596: 10585: 10584: 10582: 10580: 10565: 10559: 10558: 10556: 10554: 10540: 10527: 10526: 10508: 10502: 10501: 10475: 10469: 10468: 10446: 10440: 10439: 10421: 10415: 10414: 10396: 10390: 10389: 10387: 10385: 10371: 10365: 10364: 10362: 10360: 10345: 10339: 10338: 10336: 10334: 10319: 10313: 10312: 10310: 10308: 10294: 10285: 10284: 10266: 10260: 10259: 10257: 10255: 10232: 10226: 10225: 10223: 10221: 10207: 10201: 10200: 10198: 10196: 10181: 10175: 10174: 10172: 10170: 10155: 10149: 10148: 10146: 10144: 10129: 10123: 10122: 10100: 10091: 10090: 10088: 10086: 10076: 10070: 10069: 10044: 10035: 10034: 10021:The Five Doctors 10004: 9998: 9997: 9995: 9993: 9970: 9964: 9963: 9961: 9959: 9936: 9930: 9929: 9927: 9925: 9902: 9896: 9895: 9893: 9891: 9876: 9870: 9869: 9867: 9865: 9851: 9845: 9844: 9827:Russell T Davies 9822: 9816: 9815: 9813: 9811: 9797: 9788: 9787: 9761: 9755: 9754: 9732: 9726: 9725: 9723: 9721: 9706: 9700: 9699: 9697: 9695: 9680: 9674: 9673: 9655: 9649: 9648: 9630: 9624: 9623: 9605: 9599: 9598: 9592: 9584: 9566: 9560: 9559: 9557: 9555: 9541: 9535: 9534: 9516: 9510: 9509: 9491: 9485: 9484: 9466: 9460: 9459: 9457: 9455: 9432: 9426: 9425: 9423: 9421: 9406: 9400: 9399: 9397: 9395: 9381: 9372: 9371: 9353: 9344: 9343: 9332:(15 May 2010). " 9317: 9311: 9310: 9290: 9284: 9283: 9277: 9269: 9251: 9245: 9244: 9238: 9230: 9212: 9206: 9205: 9185: 9179: 9178: 9171: 9165: 9164: 9144: 9138: 9137: 9119: 9113: 9112: 9092: 9086: 9085: 9067: 9061: 9048:Lee, Tony ( 9046: 9040: 9039: 9033: 9025: 9007: 9001: 9000: 8994: 8986: 8978: 8972: 8971: 8953: 8947: 8946: 8926: 8920: 8919: 8913: 8905: 8887: 8881: 8862: 8856: 8855: 8837: 8831: 8830: 8828: 8826: 8812: 8806: 8805: 8803: 8801: 8778: 8772: 8771: 8769: 8767: 8752: 8746: 8745: 8734: 8728: 8727: 8725: 8723: 8709: 8703: 8702: 8700: 8698: 8693:on 23 March 2010 8679: 8673: 8672: 8670: 8668: 8653: 8647: 8646: 8644: 8642: 8628: 8622: 8621: 8619: 8617: 8594: 8588: 8587: 8585: 8583: 8564: 8558: 8557: 8555: 8553: 8538: 8529: 8528: 8526: 8524: 8510: 8504: 8503: 8501: 8499: 8484: 8478: 8477: 8475: 8473: 8458: 8452: 8451: 8449: 8447: 8442:. 30 August 2012 8432: 8426: 8425: 8423: 8421: 8415:Evening Standard 8406: 8400: 8399: 8397: 8395: 8380: 8374: 8373: 8355: 8349: 8348: 8346: 8344: 8329: 8323: 8322: 8320: 8318: 8295: 8289: 8288: 8286: 8284: 8273: 8256: 8254: 8252: 8250: 8220: 8214: 8213: 8211: 8209: 8204:. 22 August 2014 8194: 8188: 8181: 8175: 8174: 8172: 8170: 8155: 8149: 8148: 8146: 8144: 8129: 8118: 8117: 8099: 8093: 8092: 8090: 8088: 8073: 8067: 8066: 8064: 8062: 8047: 8041: 8040: 8022: 8016: 8015: 7997: 7991: 7990: 7972: 7966: 7965: 7956:The Age of Steel 7954:(20 May 2006). " 7944:Russell T Davies 7939: 7933: 7932: 7927:. Archived from 7917: 7911: 7910: 7885: 7879: 7878: 7876: 7874: 7860: 7845: 7844: 7826: 7817: 7816: 7814: 7812: 7798: 7792: 7791: 7773: 7767: 7766: 7764: 7762: 7747: 7741: 7740: 7738: 7736: 7721: 7715: 7714: 7708: 7700: 7678: 7672: 7671: 7653: 7647: 7646: 7644: 7642: 7623: 7617: 7616: 7598: 7592: 7591: 7585: 7577: 7555: 7549: 7548: 7530: 7524: 7523: 7521: 7519: 7506: 7500: 7499: 7497: 7495: 7481: 7472: 7471: 7450:Russell T Davies 7445: 7439: 7438: 7427: 7421: 7420: 7402: 7393: 7392: 7390: 7388: 7373: 7367: 7366: 7348: 7342: 7323: 7317: 7316: 7290: 7284: 7283: 7281: 7279: 7265: 7259: 7238: 7232: 7231: 7229: 7227: 7213: 7207: 7206: 7188: 7182: 7181: 7161: 7155: 7154: 7152: 7150: 7136: 7130: 7129: 7109: 7103: 7102: 7082: 7076: 7075: 7057: 7051: 7050: 7040: 7029: 7028: 7018: 7012: 7011: 6982:Russell T Davies 6977: 6971: 6970: 6937:Russell T Davies 6932: 6926: 6925: 6907: 6901: 6900: 6898: 6896: 6883: 6877: 6876: 6874: 6872: 6857: 6851: 6850: 6848: 6846: 6831: 6825: 6824: 6822: 6820: 6806: 6800: 6799: 6778:Russell T Davies 6773: 6767: 6766: 6748: 6739: 6738: 6736: 6734: 6719: 6713: 6712: 6692: 6683: 6682: 6680: 6678: 6663: 6657: 6656: 6654: 6652: 6637: 6631: 6630: 6628: 6626: 6611: 6602: 6601: 6599: 6597: 6582: 6518:Douglas Camfield 6295:John and Gillian 6063:The Ark in Space 6052:The Ark in Space 5955:The Doctor Falls 5817:was released on 5502:Four to Doomsday 5495:Four to Doomsday 5142:The Time Meddler 4913:'s debut story, 4635:ethnic cleansing 4519:The Time Warrior 4140:in 16th-century 4086:The Time Warrior 3947:Sarah Jane Smith 3925:Aliens of London 3511:Wild Blue Yonder 3491:encountered in " 3485:Minotaur species 3165:or an abdomen). 3027:The Macra Terror 3016:The Macra Terror 2976:audio story for 2846:Vincent van Gogh 2707:The Stolen Earth 2624: 2615: 2606: 2572:The Ice Warriors 2530:in the episode " 2241:Fifteenth Doctor 2215:Paternoster Gang 2203:The Five Doctors 2199:The Web of Fear. 2193:, who appear in 2177: 2168: 2159: 2007:The Unquiet Dead 2001:The Unquiet Dead 1910:The Leisure Hive 1907:who appeared in 1899:The Leisure Hive 1818:Can You Hear Me? 1520:Quiet on the Set 1286: 1277: 1268: 1259: 1250: 1241: 1232: 1223: 1214: 1108:The Doctor Falls 1100:The Tenth Planet 1068:The Age of Steel 1018:The Tenth Planet 1015:, first seen in 999: 990: 981: 972: 963: 954: 945: 936: 871:Fifteenth Doctor 831:The Time Monster 824:The Time Monster 437:Stephen Regelous 429:Russell T Davies 220: 213: 202: 199: 193: 170: 162: 155: 148: 144: 141: 135: 133: 92: 68: 60: 49: 27: 26: 19: 17468: 17467: 17463: 17462: 17461: 17459: 17458: 17457: 17453:Torchwood lists 17408: 17407: 17406: 17397: 17369: 17350:K-9 and Company 17341:The End of Time 17290: 17264: 17226: 17184: 17152: 17099: 17042: 17026: 16973: 16911: 16904: 16874: 16861: 16838: 16813: 16786: 16740: 16699: 16675: 16652: 16631: 16573: 16548: 16532: 16528:Jilly Kitzinger 16496: 16487:Esther Drummond 16427: 16406:End of the Road 16344: 16326: 16251:To the Last Man 16224: 16123: 16112: 16105: 16075: 16070: 16038: 16019:BBV Productions 15997: 15985:Battles in Time 15944: 15895:Faction Paradox 15878: 15866:Lego Dimensions 15831:Return to Earth 15760: 15686: 15655: 15576: 15553: 15465: 15440: 15394: 15356:K-9 and Company 15330: 15309: 15263: 15185: 15124: 15110:Popular culture 15071: 15050: 15002: 14942: 14935: 14905: 14900: 14879: 14854: 14821: 14723: 14711: 14692: 14676: 14602:Sergeant Benton 14574: 14570:Charley Pollard 14536: 14422:Vislor Turlough 14357:Jamie McCrimmon 14299: 14277: 14251: 14247:Fugitive Doctor 14225: 14135: 14121: 14113: 14080:. 16 July 2010. 14070: 14058: 14053: 14052: 14045: 14029: 14025: 14015: 14013: 14005: 14004: 13995: 13985: 13983: 13975: 13974: 13970: 13960: 13958: 13950: 13949: 13945: 13935: 13933: 13925: 13924: 13920: 13910: 13908: 13900: 13899: 13895: 13885: 13883: 13875: 13874: 13870: 13860: 13858: 13849: 13848: 13841: 13827: 13826: 13822: 13812: 13810: 13800: 13796: 13786: 13784: 13776: 13775: 13768: 13758: 13756: 13752: 13751: 13747: 13734: 13733: 13729: 13722: 13708: 13704: 13694: 13692: 13682: 13678: 13665:The End of Time 13650: 13649: 13645: 13617: 13616: 13612: 13591: 13587: 13576: 13572: 13551: 13547: 13537: 13535: 13527: 13526: 13522: 13497: 13488: 13481: 13467: 13463: 13453: 13451: 13445:"Time-Flight ★" 13443: 13442: 13438: 13431: 13417: 13413: 13403: 13401: 13393: 13392: 13388: 13378: 13376: 13366: 13362: 13352: 13350: 13342: 13341: 13337: 13330: 13316: 13312: 13305: 13291: 13287: 13280: 13266: 13262: 13252: 13250: 13240: 13236: 13226: 13224: 13216: 13215: 13211: 13204: 13183: 13179: 13172: 13151: 13147: 13140: 13126: 13122: 13115: 13101: 13097: 13087: 13085: 13077: 13076: 13072: 13065: 13051: 13047: 13040: 13026: 13022: 13006: 13005: 12998: 12996: 12986: 12982: 12975: 12961: 12957: 12950: 12936: 12932: 12925: 12911: 12907: 12900: 12886: 12882: 12875: 12861: 12857: 12850: 12836: 12832: 12825: 12811: 12807: 12800: 12786: 12782: 12775: 12761: 12757: 12750: 12736: 12732: 12725: 12711: 12707: 12700: 12686: 12682: 12675: 12661: 12657: 12650: 12636: 12632: 12617: 12613: 12606: 12592: 12588: 12581: 12567: 12563: 12553: 12551: 12532: 12531: 12527: 12520: 12506: 12502: 12495: 12481: 12477: 12470: 12456: 12452: 12447: 12443: 12436: 12422: 12418: 12411: 12397: 12390: 12383: 12369: 12365: 12358: 12344: 12340: 12333: 12319: 12315: 12308: 12294: 12290: 12274: 12270: 12263: 12249: 12245: 12238: 12224: 12220: 12213: 12199: 12195: 12188: 12174: 12170: 12163: 12149: 12145: 12138: 12124: 12120: 12113: 12099: 12095: 12071: 12064: 12054: 12052: 12037: 12036: 12032: 12025: 11999: 11992: 11985: 11971: 11967: 11962: 11958: 11951: 11937: 11933: 11901: 11897: 11865: 11861: 11854: 11840: 11836: 11829: 11815: 11811: 11804: 11790: 11786: 11773: 11769: 11759: 11757: 11756:. 12 March 2020 11748: 11747: 11743: 11733: 11731: 11721: 11717: 11701: 11695: 11691: 11681: 11679: 11671: 11670: 11666: 11659: 11645: 11641: 11634: 11620: 11616: 11609: 11595: 11591: 11584: 11570: 11566: 11557: 11556: 11552: 11545: 11531: 11527: 11520: 11506: 11502: 11495: 11481: 11477: 11470: 11456: 11452: 11445: 11431: 11427: 11420: 11406: 11402: 11395: 11381: 11377: 11367: 11365: 11357: 11356: 11352: 11345: 11331: 11327: 11320: 11306: 11302: 11295: 11281: 11277: 11270: 11256: 11252: 11245: 11231: 11227: 11220: 11206: 11202: 11195: 11181: 11177: 11170: 11156: 11152: 11145: 11131: 11127: 11120: 11106: 11102: 11095: 11081: 11077: 11067: 11065: 11055: 11051: 11041: 11039: 11031: 11030: 11026: 11016: 11014: 11004: 11000: 10990: 10988: 10978: 10974: 10964: 10962: 10953: 10952: 10948: 10938: 10936: 10928: 10927: 10918: 10908: 10906: 10898: 10897: 10890: 10880: 10878: 10874: 10873: 10869: 10859: 10857: 10849: 10848: 10841: 10834: 10810:Sleight, Graham 10807: 10800: 10793: 10769:(1 June 2003). 10764: 10760: 10750: 10748: 10740: 10739: 10730: 10720: 10718: 10710: 10709: 10705: 10695: 10693: 10685: 10684: 10680: 10670: 10668: 10660: 10659: 10655: 10645: 10643: 10625: 10618: 10608: 10606: 10598: 10597: 10588: 10578: 10576: 10566: 10562: 10552: 10550: 10542: 10541: 10530: 10523: 10509: 10505: 10477: 10476: 10472: 10467:. BBC. BBC Two. 10448: 10447: 10443: 10436: 10422: 10418: 10411: 10397: 10393: 10383: 10381: 10373: 10372: 10368: 10358: 10356: 10346: 10342: 10332: 10330: 10320: 10316: 10306: 10304: 10296: 10295: 10288: 10281: 10267: 10263: 10253: 10251: 10233: 10229: 10219: 10217: 10209: 10208: 10204: 10194: 10192: 10182: 10178: 10168: 10166: 10156: 10152: 10142: 10140: 10131: 10130: 10126: 10102: 10101: 10094: 10084: 10082: 10078: 10077: 10073: 10066: 10045: 10038: 10006: 10005: 10001: 9991: 9989: 9971: 9967: 9957: 9955: 9937: 9933: 9923: 9921: 9903: 9899: 9889: 9887: 9878: 9877: 9873: 9863: 9861: 9853: 9852: 9848: 9824: 9823: 9819: 9809: 9807: 9799: 9798: 9791: 9763: 9762: 9758: 9734: 9733: 9729: 9719: 9717: 9707: 9703: 9693: 9691: 9681: 9677: 9670: 9656: 9652: 9645: 9631: 9627: 9620: 9606: 9602: 9586: 9585: 9581: 9567: 9563: 9553: 9551: 9543: 9542: 9538: 9531: 9517: 9513: 9506: 9492: 9488: 9481: 9467: 9463: 9453: 9451: 9433: 9429: 9419: 9417: 9408: 9407: 9403: 9393: 9391: 9383: 9382: 9375: 9368: 9354: 9347: 9319: 9318: 9314: 9307: 9291: 9287: 9271: 9270: 9266: 9252: 9248: 9232: 9231: 9227: 9213: 9209: 9202: 9186: 9182: 9173: 9172: 9168: 9161: 9145: 9141: 9134: 9120: 9116: 9109: 9093: 9089: 9082: 9068: 9064: 9047: 9043: 9027: 9026: 9022: 9008: 9004: 8988: 8987: 8979: 8975: 8968: 8954: 8950: 8943: 8927: 8923: 8907: 8906: 8902: 8888: 8884: 8863: 8859: 8852: 8838: 8834: 8824: 8822: 8814: 8813: 8809: 8799: 8797: 8779: 8775: 8765: 8763: 8753: 8749: 8736: 8735: 8731: 8721: 8719: 8711: 8710: 8706: 8696: 8694: 8681: 8680: 8676: 8666: 8664: 8654: 8650: 8640: 8638: 8630: 8629: 8625: 8615: 8613: 8595: 8591: 8581: 8579: 8566: 8565: 8561: 8551: 8549: 8539: 8532: 8522: 8520: 8512: 8511: 8507: 8497: 8495: 8485: 8481: 8471: 8469: 8460: 8459: 8455: 8445: 8443: 8440:The Independent 8434: 8433: 8429: 8419: 8417: 8407: 8403: 8393: 8391: 8382: 8381: 8377: 8370: 8356: 8352: 8342: 8340: 8330: 8326: 8316: 8314: 8296: 8292: 8282: 8280: 8275: 8274: 8259: 8248: 8246: 8244: 8232:. Vol. 5. 8221: 8217: 8207: 8205: 8196: 8195: 8191: 8182: 8178: 8168: 8166: 8165:. 11 March 2016 8157: 8156: 8152: 8142: 8140: 8131: 8130: 8121: 8114: 8100: 8096: 8086: 8084: 8074: 8070: 8060: 8058: 8049: 8048: 8044: 8037: 8023: 8019: 8012: 7998: 7994: 7987: 7973: 7969: 7941: 7940: 7936: 7919: 7918: 7914: 7907: 7886: 7882: 7872: 7870: 7862: 7861: 7848: 7841: 7827: 7820: 7810: 7808: 7800: 7799: 7795: 7788: 7774: 7770: 7760: 7758: 7748: 7744: 7734: 7732: 7722: 7718: 7702: 7701: 7697: 7679: 7675: 7668: 7654: 7650: 7640: 7638: 7625: 7624: 7620: 7613: 7599: 7595: 7579: 7578: 7574: 7556: 7552: 7545: 7531: 7527: 7517: 7515: 7507: 7503: 7493: 7491: 7483: 7482: 7475: 7447: 7446: 7442: 7429: 7428: 7424: 7417: 7403: 7396: 7386: 7384: 7374: 7370: 7363: 7349: 7345: 7324: 7320: 7295:Jamie Mathieson 7292: 7291: 7287: 7277: 7275: 7267: 7266: 7262: 7239: 7235: 7225: 7223: 7215: 7214: 7210: 7203: 7189: 7185: 7178: 7170:(Audio drama). 7162: 7158: 7148: 7146: 7138: 7137: 7133: 7126: 7110: 7106: 7099: 7083: 7079: 7072: 7058: 7054: 7042: 7041: 7032: 7020: 7019: 7015: 6979: 6978: 6974: 6934: 6933: 6929: 6922: 6908: 6904: 6894: 6892: 6884: 6880: 6870: 6868: 6858: 6854: 6844: 6842: 6832: 6828: 6818: 6816: 6808: 6807: 6803: 6775: 6774: 6770: 6763: 6749: 6742: 6732: 6730: 6720: 6716: 6709: 6693: 6686: 6676: 6674: 6665: 6664: 6660: 6650: 6648: 6639: 6638: 6634: 6624: 6622: 6613: 6612: 6605: 6595: 6593: 6584: 6583: 6579: 6574: 6549: 6497:BBV Productions 6490:Nicholas Briggs 6438: 6432: 6424:Madame Tussauds 6399: 6393: 6373:The End of Time 6357: 6347: 6289:, depicted the 6222: 6216: 6211: 6189: 6183: 6178: 6150: 6144: 6054: 6048: 6036: 6030: 6016: 6010: 6005: 5993:pocket universe 5967:, in which the 5930: 5924: 5888: 5882: 5870:Agatha Christie 5839: 5833: 5790: 5784: 5739:Eleventh Doctor 5687: 5679:Main articles: 5677: 5633: 5627: 5613: 5607: 5602: 5593:Colony in Space 5588: 5586:Colony in Space 5582: 5565: 5559: 5517: 5511: 5497: 5491: 5486: 5472: 5466: 5438: 5432: 5418: 5416:Vislor Turlough 5412: 5406: 5394: 5388: 5370: 5364: 5358: 5332: 5326: 5309: 5307:42 (Doctor Who) 5303: 5242:shared memories 5230: 5224: 5200:The God Complex 5196: 5194:The God Complex 5190: 5174: 5168: 5126:The Beast Below 5102:Eleventh Doctor 5060: 5050: 5044: 5007: 5001: 4987: 4981: 4959: 4945: 4903: 4889: 4851: 4845: 4833: 4827: 4813: 4807: 4802: 4703: 4689: 4653: 4647: 4627: 4621: 4603:The Beast Below 4599: 4597:The Beast Below 4593: 4563: 4557: 4502: 4496: 4482: 4456: 4450: 4438: 4432: 4420: 4414: 4341: 4335: 4309: 4303: 4289: 4283: 4269:" (2013), with 4254: 4248: 4228: 4222: 4208: 4202: 4184: 4178: 4138:Eleventh Doctor 4134: 4128: 4114: 4108: 4103: 4071: 4061: 4047: 4041: 4029:Eleventh Doctor 3966: 3960: 3910: 3904: 3809: 3803: 3798: 3784: 3778: 3773: 3757: 3751: 3701: 3695: 3681: 3675: 3667:Smith and Jones 3659: 3653: 3648: 3618: 3612: 3600: 3594: 3558: 3552: 3530: 3524: 3519: 3507: 3501: 3493:The God Complex 3489:Eleventh Doctor 3475: 3468: 3462: 3440: 3434: 3429: 3386: 3380: 3366: 3360: 3312: 3300:Main articles: 3298: 3279:Eleventh Doctor 3275:The God Complex 3271: 3269:The God Complex 3265: 3253: 3247: 3245:Midnight Entity 3228: 3222: 3208: 3202: 3137: 3123: 3109: 3103: 3089: 3083: 3051:Eleventh Doctor 3018: 3012: 3007: 2991:Eleventh Doctor 2937: 2931: 2917: 2911: 2905: 2888: 2882: 2860: 2854: 2838: 2832: 2811: 2805: 2780:Eleventh Doctor 2772: 2766: 2761: 2699:Smith and Jones 2683: 2678: 2660:Spencer Wilding 2634: 2633: 2632: 2631: 2627: 2626: 2625: 2617: 2616: 2608: 2607: 2593:Empress of Mars 2563: 2557: 2552: 2540:Eleventh Doctor 2512: 2504:Main articles: 2502: 2474: 2468: 2452: 2438: 2337: 2331: 2326: 2312:Valentine Dyall 2294:Vislor Turlough 2285:The Key to Time 2275: 2267:Main articles: 2265: 2253:The Goblin Song 2233: 2227: 2187: 2186: 2185: 2184: 2180: 2179: 2178: 2170: 2169: 2161: 2160: 2133:The Web of Fear 2122: 2114:Main articles: 2112: 2046: 2034:Main articles: 2032: 2003: 1997: 1992: 1968: 1962: 1938: 1932: 1921:The 1998 novel 1901: 1895: 1877: 1871: 1841: 1835: 1830: 1789: 1783: 1767:Eleventh Doctor 1751: 1745: 1740: 1697:Faction Paradox 1660: 1654: 1616: 1610: 1566: 1560: 1526:, depicted the 1499: 1493: 1419:Nicholas Briggs 1388:Barnaby Edwards 1296: 1295: 1294: 1293: 1289: 1288: 1287: 1279: 1278: 1270: 1269: 1261: 1260: 1252: 1251: 1243: 1242: 1234: 1233: 1225: 1224: 1216: 1215: 1204: 1198: 1152: 1146: 1141: 1133:The Next Doctor 1009: 1008: 1007: 1006: 1002: 1001: 1000: 992: 991: 983: 982: 974: 973: 965: 964: 956: 955: 947: 946: 938: 937: 926: 920: 889: 883: 867: 861: 826: 820: 774: 768: 738: 732: 677: 669:Main articles: 667: 625: 619: 614: 596:, published by 594:The Fourth Wall 575: 569: 551: 545: 540: 532:Eleventh Doctor 507: 501: 470: 462:Main articles: 460: 400:parthenogenesis 388: 380:Main articles: 378: 324: 306: 301: 221: 210: 209: 208: 203: 197: 194: 184: 171: 156: 145: 139: 136: 93: 91: 81: 69: 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 17466: 17456: 17455: 17450: 17445: 17440: 17435: 17430: 17425: 17420: 17403: 17402: 17399: 17398: 17396: 17395: 17388: 17383: 17381:Sonic lipstick 17377: 17375: 17371: 17370: 17368: 17367: 17360: 17353: 17346: 17345: 17344: 17337: 17326: 17323:School Reunion 17311: 17309: 17300: 17296: 17295: 17292: 17291: 17289: 17288: 17283: 17278: 17272: 17270: 17266: 17265: 17263: 17262: 17257: 17256: 17255: 17250: 17240: 17234: 17232: 17228: 17227: 17225: 17224: 17219: 17214: 17209: 17203: 17201: 17194: 17190: 17189: 17186: 17185: 17183: 17182: 17175: 17168: 17160: 17158: 17154: 17153: 17151: 17150: 17143: 17136: 17129: 17122: 17115: 17107: 17105: 17101: 17100: 17098: 17097: 17090: 17083: 17076: 17069: 17062: 17054: 17052: 17048: 17047: 17044: 17043: 17036: 17034: 17025: 17024: 17017: 17010: 17003: 16996: 16989: 16981: 16979: 16975: 16974: 16972: 16971: 16964: 16957: 16950: 16943: 16936: 16928: 16926: 16919: 16913: 16912: 16903: 16902: 16895: 16888: 16880: 16871: 16870: 16867: 16866: 16863: 16862: 16860: 16859: 16852: 16846: 16844: 16840: 16839: 16837: 16836: 16829: 16821: 16819: 16815: 16814: 16812: 16811: 16804: 16801:The Conspiracy 16796: 16794: 16788: 16787: 16785: 16784: 16781:The Lost Files 16777: 16770: 16763: 16756: 16748: 16746: 16742: 16741: 16739: 16738: 16731: 16728:In the Shadows 16724: 16717: 16709: 16707: 16701: 16700: 16698: 16697: 16694:Long Time Dead 16689: 16687: 16677: 16676: 16666: 16665: 16662: 16661: 16658: 16657: 16654: 16653: 16651: 16650: 16648:Ianto's Shrine 16645: 16639: 16637: 16633: 16632: 16630: 16629: 16622: 16621: 16620: 16609: 16602:Army of Ghosts 16590: 16588: 16579: 16575: 16574: 16572: 16571: 16566: 16560: 16558: 16554: 16553: 16550: 16549: 16547: 16546: 16540: 16538: 16534: 16533: 16531: 16530: 16525: 16520: 16515: 16510: 16504: 16502: 16498: 16497: 16495: 16494: 16489: 16484: 16479: 16474: 16469: 16464: 16459: 16454: 16448: 16446: 16439: 16433: 16432: 16429: 16428: 16426: 16425: 16424: 16423: 16420:The Blood Line 16416: 16409: 16402: 16395: 16392:The Middle Men 16388: 16381: 16374: 16367: 16352: 16350: 16346: 16345: 16343: 16342: 16334: 16332: 16328: 16327: 16325: 16324: 16317: 16310: 16303: 16296: 16289: 16282: 16275: 16268: 16261: 16254: 16247: 16240: 16232: 16230: 16226: 16225: 16223: 16222: 16215: 16208: 16201: 16194: 16187: 16180: 16173: 16166: 16159: 16152: 16144: 16142: 16135: 16125: 16124: 16114: 16113: 16104: 16103: 16096: 16089: 16081: 16072: 16071: 16069: 16068: 16058: 16047: 16044: 16043: 16040: 16039: 16037: 16036: 16031: 16026: 16021: 16016: 16011: 16005: 16003: 15999: 15998: 15996: 15995: 15988: 15981: 15974: 15966: 15964: 15954: 15950: 15949: 15946: 15945: 15943: 15942: 15935: 15930: 15922: 15917: 15912: 15907: 15902: 15897: 15892: 15886: 15884: 15880: 15879: 15877: 15876: 15869: 15862: 15855: 15848: 15845:Worlds in Time 15841: 15834: 15827: 15820: 15813: 15806: 15799: 15792: 15785: 15778: 15770: 15768: 15762: 15761: 15759: 15758: 15751: 15744: 15737: 15730: 15723: 15716: 15709: 15702: 15694: 15692: 15688: 15687: 15685: 15684: 15682:Audio releases 15679: 15674: 15669: 15663: 15661: 15657: 15656: 15654: 15653: 15648: 15640: 15632: 15625: 15618: 15613: 15606: 15603:Virgin Decalog 15599: 15592: 15589:New Adventures 15584: 15582: 15578: 15577: 15575: 15574: 15567: 15561: 15559: 15555: 15554: 15552: 15551: 15544: 15537: 15530: 15523: 15516: 15509: 15502: 15495: 15488: 15481: 15473: 15471: 15467: 15466: 15464: 15463: 15456: 15448: 15446: 15442: 15441: 15439: 15438: 15431: 15424: 15417: 15410: 15402: 15400: 15396: 15395: 15393: 15392: 15387: 15380: 15373: 15366: 15359: 15351: 15349: 15340: 15336: 15335: 15332: 15331: 15329: 15328: 15323: 15317: 15315: 15311: 15310: 15308: 15307: 15302: 15297: 15292: 15287: 15282: 15277: 15271: 15269: 15265: 15264: 15262: 15261: 15256: 15251: 15246: 15241: 15236: 15231: 15226: 15221: 15216: 15211: 15206: 15201: 15195: 15193: 15187: 15186: 15184: 15183: 15178: 15177: 15176: 15166: 15161: 15160: 15159: 15154: 15143: 15141: 15134: 15130: 15129: 15126: 15125: 15123: 15122: 15117: 15112: 15107: 15102: 15097: 15096: 15095: 15090: 15079: 15077: 15073: 15072: 15070: 15069: 15064: 15058: 15056: 15052: 15051: 15049: 15048: 15047: 15046: 15041: 15036: 15026: 15021: 15019:Script editors 15016: 15010: 15008: 15004: 15003: 15001: 15000: 14998:Unmade serials 14995: 14990: 14985: 14980: 14975: 14970: 14969: 14968: 14957: 14955: 14948: 14944: 14943: 14934: 14933: 14926: 14919: 14911: 14902: 14901: 14899: 14898: 14892: 14889: 14888: 14885: 14884: 14881: 14880: 14878: 14877: 14872: 14866: 14864: 14860: 14859: 14856: 14855: 14853: 14852: 14847: 14842: 14837: 14831: 14829: 14823: 14822: 14820: 14819: 14814: 14812:Weeping Angels 14809: 14804: 14799: 14794: 14789: 14784: 14779: 14774: 14769: 14764: 14763: 14762: 14752: 14747: 14742: 14737: 14731: 14725: 14713: 14712: 14702: 14701: 14698: 14697: 14694: 14693: 14691: 14690: 14688:Iris Wildthyme 14684: 14682: 14678: 14677: 14675: 14674: 14669: 14664: 14659: 14654: 14649: 14644: 14639: 14634: 14629: 14624: 14619: 14614: 14609: 14604: 14599: 14594: 14588: 14586: 14580: 14579: 14576: 14575: 14573: 14572: 14567: 14562: 14557: 14552: 14546: 14544: 14538: 14537: 14535: 14534: 14529: 14524: 14519: 14517:Graham O'Brien 14514: 14509: 14504: 14499: 14494: 14489: 14484: 14479: 14474: 14469: 14464: 14459: 14454: 14449: 14444: 14442:Grace Holloway 14439: 14434: 14429: 14424: 14419: 14414: 14409: 14404: 14399: 14394: 14389: 14387:Harry Sullivan 14384: 14379: 14374: 14369: 14364: 14359: 14354: 14349: 14344: 14339: 14334: 14332:Barbara Wright 14329: 14327:Ian Chesterton 14324: 14318: 14316: 14309: 14301: 14300: 14287: 14286: 14283: 14282: 14279: 14278: 14276: 14275: 14270: 14265: 14259: 14257: 14253: 14252: 14250: 14249: 14244: 14239: 14233: 14231: 14227: 14226: 14224: 14223: 14218: 14213: 14208: 14203: 14198: 14193: 14188: 14183: 14178: 14173: 14168: 14163: 14158: 14153: 14147: 14145: 14137: 14136: 14123: 14122: 14112: 14111: 14104: 14097: 14089: 14083: 14082: 14068: 14057: 14056:External links 14054: 14051: 14050: 14043: 14023: 13993: 13968: 13943: 13918: 13893: 13868: 13839: 13820: 13794: 13766: 13745: 13727: 13720: 13702: 13676: 13661:Tracie Simpson 13643: 13628:Phil Collinson 13610: 13585: 13570: 13545: 13520: 13506:(61). London: 13486: 13479: 13461: 13436: 13429: 13411: 13386: 13360: 13335: 13328: 13310: 13304:978-1935234166 13303: 13285: 13278: 13260: 13234: 13209: 13202: 13177: 13170: 13145: 13138: 13120: 13113: 13095: 13070: 13063: 13045: 13039:978-1935234203 13038: 13020: 12980: 12973: 12955: 12949:978-1935234203 12948: 12930: 12923: 12905: 12898: 12880: 12873: 12855: 12848: 12830: 12823: 12805: 12798: 12780: 12774:978-1935234159 12773: 12755: 12748: 12730: 12723: 12705: 12699:978-1935234166 12698: 12680: 12673: 12655: 12649:978-1935234203 12648: 12630: 12611: 12604: 12586: 12579: 12561: 12525: 12518: 12500: 12493: 12475: 12468: 12450: 12441: 12435:978-1935234159 12434: 12416: 12410:978-1935234203 12409: 12388: 12381: 12363: 12356: 12338: 12331: 12313: 12306: 12288: 12268: 12261: 12243: 12236: 12218: 12211: 12193: 12186: 12168: 12161: 12143: 12136: 12118: 12111: 12093: 12062: 12030: 12023: 11990: 11984:978-1935234159 11983: 11965: 11956: 11950:978-1935234159 11949: 11931: 11895: 11859: 11853:978-1935234166 11852: 11834: 11827: 11809: 11803:978-1935234203 11802: 11784: 11767: 11741: 11715: 11698:Chris Chibnall 11689: 11664: 11657: 11639: 11633:978-1935234166 11632: 11614: 11607: 11589: 11583:978-1935234159 11582: 11564: 11550: 11543: 11525: 11518: 11500: 11493: 11475: 11468: 11450: 11443: 11425: 11418: 11400: 11394:978-1935234203 11393: 11375: 11350: 11343: 11325: 11318: 11300: 11293: 11275: 11268: 11250: 11243: 11225: 11218: 11200: 11193: 11175: 11168: 11150: 11144:978-1935234159 11143: 11125: 11118: 11100: 11093: 11075: 11049: 11024: 10998: 10972: 10946: 10916: 10888: 10867: 10839: 10833:978-1848851788 10832: 10798: 10791: 10767:Britton, Piers 10758: 10728: 10703: 10678: 10653: 10616: 10586: 10560: 10528: 10521: 10503: 10470: 10455:Richard Stokes 10451:Chris Chibnall 10441: 10435:978-1935234203 10434: 10416: 10409: 10391: 10366: 10340: 10314: 10286: 10279: 10261: 10227: 10202: 10176: 10150: 10124: 10109:Saul Metzstein 10092: 10071: 10064: 10058:. p. 53. 10048:Chapman, James 10036: 10009:Terrence Dicks 9999: 9965: 9931: 9897: 9871: 9846: 9817: 9789: 9766:Gareth Roberts 9756: 9737:Gareth Roberts 9727: 9701: 9675: 9669:978-1935234159 9668: 9650: 9644:978-1935234203 9643: 9625: 9619:978-1935234166 9618: 9600: 9579: 9571:Placebo Effect 9561: 9536: 9529: 9511: 9504: 9486: 9479: 9461: 9427: 9401: 9373: 9366: 9345: 9330:Tracie Simpson 9312: 9305: 9285: 9264: 9246: 9226:978-1909031722 9225: 9207: 9200: 9180: 9166: 9159: 9139: 9132: 9114: 9107: 9087: 9080: 9062: 9041: 9020: 9002: 8973: 8966: 8948: 8941: 8932:Time in Office 8921: 8900: 8882: 8878:IDW Publishing 8857: 8850: 8832: 8807: 8773: 8747: 8729: 8704: 8687:National Trust 8674: 8648: 8623: 8589: 8559: 8530: 8505: 8479: 8453: 8427: 8401: 8375: 8368: 8350: 8324: 8290: 8257: 8242: 8215: 8189: 8176: 8150: 8119: 8112: 8094: 8068: 8042: 8035: 8017: 8011:978-1935234203 8010: 7992: 7985: 7967: 7952:Phil Collinson 7934: 7912: 7905: 7899:. p. 53. 7889:Chapman, James 7880: 7846: 7839: 7818: 7793: 7786: 7768: 7742: 7716: 7695: 7673: 7666: 7648: 7637:on 4 June 2011 7618: 7611: 7593: 7572: 7550: 7543: 7525: 7501: 7473: 7458:Phil Collinson 7440: 7422: 7416:978-1935234159 7415: 7394: 7368: 7362:978-1935234166 7361: 7343: 7318: 7285: 7260: 7233: 7208: 7201: 7183: 7176: 7156: 7131: 7124: 7104: 7097: 7077: 7070: 7052: 7030: 7013: 6972: 6945:Phil Collinson 6927: 6921:978-1935234203 6920: 6902: 6878: 6852: 6826: 6801: 6786:Phil Collinson 6768: 6762:978-1935234159 6761: 6740: 6714: 6707: 6684: 6658: 6632: 6603: 6592:. 16 June 2024 6576: 6575: 6573: 6570: 6569: 6568: 6559: 6548: 6545: 6527:The Zygons in 6478:Twelfth Doctor 6434:Main article: 6431: 6428: 6395:Main article: 6392: 6389: 6346: 6343: 6324:Ian Chesterton 6267:The Web Planet 6227:The Web Planet 6220:The Web Planet 6218:Main article: 6215: 6212: 6210: 6207: 6185:Main article: 6182: 6179: 6177: 6174: 6154:The Star Beast 6146:Main article: 6143: 6142:Wrarth Warrior 6140: 6114:, produced by 6103:Placebo Effect 6079:carbon dioxide 6050:Main article: 6047: 6044: 6032:Main article: 6029: 6026: 6012:Main article: 6009: 6006: 6004: 6001: 5959:Twelfth Doctor 5926:Main article: 5923: 5920: 5906:Michael Wisher 5902:David Collings 5884:Main article: 5881: 5878: 5835:Main article: 5832: 5829: 5786:Main article: 5783: 5780: 5676: 5673: 5629:Main article: 5626: 5623: 5609:Main article: 5606: 5603: 5601: 5598: 5584:Main article: 5581: 5578: 5573:General Kudlak 5561:Main article: 5558: 5555: 5522:The Sun Makers 5515:The Sun Makers 5513:Main article: 5510: 5507: 5493:Main article: 5490: 5487: 5485: 5482: 5468:Main article: 5465: 5462: 5434:Main article: 5431: 5428: 5423:Mawdryn Undead 5410:Planet of Fire 5408:Main article: 5405: 5402: 5390:Main article: 5387: 5384: 5360:Main article: 5357: 5354: 5328:Main article: 5325: 5322: 5305:Main article: 5302: 5299: 5226:Main article: 5223: 5220: 5204:Twelfth Doctor 5192:Main article: 5189: 5186: 5170:Main article: 5167: 5164: 5046:Main article: 5043: 5040: 5003:Main article: 5000: 4997: 4992:Warriors' Gate 4985:Warriors' Gate 4983:Main article: 4980: 4977: 4944: 4941: 4911:Seventh Doctor 4899:Main article: 4888: 4885: 4860:The Visitation 4847:Main article: 4844: 4841: 4829:Main article: 4826: 4823: 4809:Main article: 4806: 4803: 4801: 4798: 4793:Seventh Doctor 4699:Main article: 4688: 4685: 4649:Main article: 4646: 4643: 4623:Main article: 4620: 4617: 4595:Main article: 4592: 4589: 4559:Main article: 4556: 4553: 4538:The Poison Sky 4498:Main article: 4495: 4492: 4481: 4478: 4452:Main article: 4449: 4446: 4434:Main article: 4431: 4428: 4416:Main article: 4413: 4410: 4337:Main article: 4334: 4331: 4305:Main article: 4302: 4299: 4285:Main article: 4282: 4279: 4250:Main article: 4247: 4244: 4224:Main article: 4221: 4218: 4213:The Sensorites 4206:The Sensorites 4204:Main article: 4201: 4198: 4189:The Sea Devils 4180:Main article: 4177: 4174: 4130:Main article: 4127: 4124: 4110:Main article: 4107: 4104: 4102: 4099: 4060: 4057: 4043:Main article: 4040: 4037: 4033:Twelfth Doctor 3962:Main article: 3959: 3956: 3906:Main article: 3903: 3900: 3805:Main article: 3802: 3799: 3797: 3794: 3780:Main article: 3777: 3774: 3772: 3769: 3753:Main article: 3750: 3747: 3697:Main article: 3694: 3691: 3677:Main article: 3674: 3671: 3655:Main article: 3652: 3649: 3647: 3644: 3630:(1965). These 3627:The Web Planet 3616:The Web Planet 3614:Main article: 3611: 3608: 3596:Main article: 3593: 3590: 3554:Main article: 3551: 3548: 3526:Main article: 3523: 3520: 3518: 3515: 3503:Main article: 3500: 3497: 3464:Main article: 3461: 3458: 3436:Main article: 3433: 3430: 3428: 3425: 3382:Main article: 3379: 3376: 3362:Main article: 3359: 3356: 3334:Twelfth Doctor 3297: 3294: 3267:Main article: 3264: 3261: 3249:Main article: 3246: 3243: 3224:Main article: 3221: 3218: 3204:Main article: 3201: 3198: 3146:The Web Planet 3135:The Web Planet 3133:Main article: 3122: 3119: 3105:Main article: 3102: 3099: 3085:Main article: 3082: 3079: 3014:Main article: 3011: 3008: 3006: 3003: 2933:Main article: 2930: 2927: 2907:Main article: 2904: 2901: 2894:" (2006), the 2892:School Reunion 2884:Main article: 2881: 2878: 2856:Main article: 2853: 2850: 2834:Main article: 2831: 2828: 2807:Main article: 2804: 2801: 2797:Toby Whithouse 2768:Main article: 2765: 2762: 2760: 2757: 2682: 2679: 2677: 2674: 2629: 2628: 2619: 2618: 2610: 2609: 2601: 2600: 2599: 2598: 2597: 2559:Main article: 2556: 2553: 2551: 2548: 2501: 2498: 2470:Main article: 2467: 2466:Headless Monks 2464: 2448:Main article: 2437: 2434: 2412:submachine gun 2349:Seventh Doctor 2333:Main article: 2330: 2327: 2325: 2322: 2264: 2261: 2229:Main article: 2226: 2223: 2182: 2181: 2172: 2171: 2163: 2162: 2154: 2153: 2152: 2151: 2150: 2111: 2108: 2081:mini-episode " 2069:" (2007) and " 2052:mini-episode " 2031: 2028: 1999:Main article: 1996: 1993: 1991: 1988: 1964:Main article: 1961: 1958: 1934:Main article: 1931: 1928: 1923:Placebo Effect 1897:Main article: 1894: 1891: 1873:Main article: 1870: 1867: 1851:unlucky number 1837:Main article: 1834: 1831: 1829: 1826: 1802:Enlightenment, 1785:Main article: 1782: 1779: 1747:Main article: 1744: 1741: 1739: 1736: 1656:Main article: 1653: 1650: 1612:Main article: 1609: 1606: 1562:Main article: 1559: 1556: 1548:Time in Office 1524:IDW Publishing 1504:The Dominators 1497:The Dominators 1495:Main article: 1492: 1489: 1364:Raymond Cusick 1291: 1290: 1281: 1280: 1272: 1271: 1263: 1262: 1254: 1253: 1245: 1244: 1236: 1235: 1227: 1226: 1218: 1217: 1209: 1208: 1207: 1206: 1205: 1200:Main article: 1197: 1194: 1148:Main article: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1004: 1003: 994: 993: 985: 984: 976: 975: 967: 966: 958: 957: 949: 948: 940: 939: 931: 930: 929: 928: 927: 922:Main article: 919: 916: 885:Main article: 882: 879: 863:Main article: 860: 857: 822:Main article: 819: 816: 806:The writer of 801:Seventh Doctor 770:Main article: 767: 766:Cheetah People 764: 734:Main article: 731: 728: 666: 663: 621:Main article: 618: 615: 613: 610: 606:Twelfth Doctor 571:Main article: 568: 565: 547:Main article: 544: 541: 539: 536: 503:Main article: 500: 497: 459: 456: 433:adipose tissue 377: 374: 320:Main article: 305: 302: 300: 297: 296: 295: 223: 222: 205: 204: 174: 172: 165: 158: 157: 72: 70: 63: 58: 32: 31: 29: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 17465: 17454: 17451: 17449: 17446: 17444: 17441: 17439: 17436: 17434: 17431: 17429: 17426: 17424: 17421: 17419: 17416: 17415: 17413: 17394: 17393: 17389: 17387: 17384: 17382: 17379: 17378: 17376: 17372: 17366: 17365: 17361: 17359: 17358: 17354: 17352: 17351: 17347: 17342: 17338: 17335: 17334:Journey's End 17331: 17327: 17324: 17320: 17319: 17318: 17317: 17313: 17312: 17310: 17308: 17304: 17301: 17297: 17287: 17284: 17282: 17279: 17277: 17274: 17273: 17271: 17267: 17261: 17258: 17254: 17251: 17249: 17246: 17245: 17244: 17241: 17239: 17236: 17235: 17233: 17229: 17223: 17220: 17218: 17215: 17213: 17210: 17208: 17205: 17204: 17202: 17198: 17195: 17191: 17181: 17180: 17176: 17174: 17173: 17169: 17167: 17166: 17162: 17161: 17159: 17155: 17149: 17148: 17144: 17142: 17141: 17137: 17135: 17134: 17130: 17128: 17127: 17123: 17121: 17120: 17116: 17114: 17113: 17109: 17108: 17106: 17102: 17096: 17095: 17091: 17089: 17088: 17084: 17082: 17081: 17077: 17075: 17074: 17070: 17068: 17067: 17063: 17061: 17060: 17056: 17055: 17053: 17049: 17040: 17035: 17029: 17023: 17022: 17018: 17016: 17015: 17011: 17009: 17008: 17004: 17002: 17001: 16997: 16995: 16994: 16990: 16988: 16987: 16983: 16982: 16980: 16976: 16970: 16969: 16965: 16963: 16962: 16958: 16956: 16955: 16951: 16949: 16948: 16944: 16942: 16941: 16937: 16934: 16930: 16929: 16927: 16923: 16920: 16918: 16914: 16910: 16909: 16901: 16896: 16894: 16889: 16887: 16882: 16881: 16878: 16858: 16857: 16853: 16851: 16848: 16847: 16845: 16841: 16835: 16834: 16830: 16828: 16827: 16823: 16822: 16820: 16816: 16809: 16808:Fall to Earth 16805: 16802: 16798: 16797: 16795: 16793: 16789: 16783: 16782: 16778: 16775: 16774:The Dead Line 16771: 16768: 16764: 16761: 16757: 16754: 16750: 16749: 16747: 16743: 16737: 16736: 16732: 16730: 16729: 16725: 16723: 16722: 16718: 16716: 16715: 16711: 16710: 16708: 16706: 16702: 16696: 16695: 16691: 16690: 16688: 16686: 16682: 16678: 16671: 16667: 16649: 16646: 16644: 16641: 16640: 16638: 16634: 16628: 16627: 16623: 16618: 16617:Journey's End 16614: 16610: 16607: 16603: 16599: 16598: 16597: 16596: 16592: 16591: 16589: 16587: 16583: 16580: 16576: 16570: 16567: 16565: 16562: 16561: 16559: 16555: 16545: 16542: 16541: 16539: 16535: 16529: 16526: 16524: 16521: 16519: 16516: 16514: 16511: 16509: 16508:Andy Davidson 16506: 16505: 16503: 16499: 16493: 16490: 16488: 16485: 16483: 16480: 16478: 16477:Rhys Williams 16475: 16473: 16470: 16468: 16465: 16463: 16460: 16458: 16455: 16453: 16452:Jack Harkness 16450: 16449: 16447: 16443: 16440: 16438: 16434: 16421: 16417: 16414: 16413:The Gathering 16410: 16407: 16403: 16400: 16399:Immortal Sins 16396: 16393: 16389: 16386: 16382: 16379: 16378:Dead of Night 16375: 16372: 16368: 16365: 16364:The New World 16361: 16360: 16359: 16358: 16354: 16353: 16351: 16347: 16341: 16340: 16336: 16335: 16333: 16329: 16322: 16318: 16315: 16311: 16308: 16304: 16301: 16297: 16294: 16290: 16287: 16283: 16280: 16276: 16273: 16269: 16266: 16262: 16259: 16255: 16252: 16248: 16245: 16241: 16238: 16234: 16233: 16231: 16227: 16220: 16216: 16213: 16209: 16206: 16202: 16199: 16195: 16192: 16188: 16185: 16181: 16178: 16174: 16171: 16167: 16164: 16163:Ghost Machine 16160: 16157: 16153: 16150: 16146: 16145: 16143: 16139: 16136: 16134: 16130: 16126: 16119: 16115: 16111: 16110: 16102: 16097: 16095: 16090: 16088: 16083: 16082: 16079: 16067: 16059: 16057: 16053: 16049: 16048: 16045: 16035: 16034:Obverse Books 16032: 16030: 16027: 16025: 16022: 16020: 16017: 16015: 16012: 16010: 16007: 16006: 16004: 16000: 15994: 15993: 15989: 15987: 15986: 15982: 15980: 15979: 15975: 15973: 15972: 15968: 15967: 15965: 15963: 15958: 15955: 15951: 15941: 15940: 15936: 15934: 15931: 15929: 15927: 15923: 15921: 15918: 15916: 15913: 15911: 15908: 15906: 15903: 15901: 15898: 15896: 15893: 15891: 15888: 15887: 15885: 15883:Miscellaneous 15881: 15875: 15874: 15870: 15868: 15867: 15863: 15861: 15860: 15856: 15854: 15853: 15849: 15847: 15846: 15842: 15840: 15839: 15835: 15833: 15832: 15828: 15826: 15825: 15821: 15819: 15818: 15814: 15812: 15811: 15807: 15805: 15804: 15800: 15798: 15797: 15793: 15791: 15790: 15786: 15784: 15783: 15779: 15777: 15776: 15772: 15771: 15769: 15767: 15763: 15757: 15756: 15752: 15750: 15749: 15745: 15743: 15742: 15738: 15736: 15735: 15731: 15729: 15728: 15724: 15722: 15721: 15717: 15715: 15714: 15710: 15708: 15707: 15703: 15701: 15700: 15696: 15695: 15693: 15689: 15683: 15680: 15678: 15675: 15673: 15670: 15668: 15665: 15664: 15662: 15658: 15652: 15651:Novelisations 15649: 15647: 15646: 15641: 15639: 15638: 15633: 15631: 15630: 15626: 15624: 15623: 15619: 15617: 15614: 15612: 15611: 15607: 15605: 15604: 15600: 15598: 15597: 15593: 15591: 15590: 15586: 15585: 15583: 15579: 15573: 15572: 15568: 15566: 15563: 15562: 15560: 15556: 15550: 15549: 15545: 15543: 15542: 15538: 15536: 15535: 15531: 15529: 15528: 15524: 15522: 15521: 15517: 15515: 15514: 15510: 15508: 15507: 15503: 15501: 15500: 15496: 15494: 15493: 15489: 15487: 15486: 15482: 15480: 15479: 15475: 15474: 15472: 15470:Documentaries 15468: 15462: 15461: 15457: 15455: 15454: 15450: 15449: 15447: 15443: 15437: 15436: 15432: 15430: 15429: 15425: 15423: 15422: 15418: 15416: 15415: 15411: 15409: 15408: 15404: 15403: 15401: 15397: 15391: 15388: 15386: 15385: 15381: 15379: 15378: 15374: 15372: 15371: 15367: 15365: 15364: 15360: 15358: 15357: 15353: 15352: 15350: 15348: 15344: 15341: 15339:Related media 15337: 15327: 15324: 15322: 15319: 15318: 15316: 15312: 15306: 15303: 15301: 15298: 15296: 15293: 15291: 15288: 15286: 15283: 15281: 15278: 15276: 15273: 15272: 15270: 15266: 15260: 15257: 15255: 15252: 15250: 15249:Weeping Angel 15247: 15245: 15242: 15240: 15237: 15235: 15232: 15230: 15227: 15225: 15222: 15220: 15217: 15215: 15212: 15210: 15207: 15205: 15202: 15200: 15197: 15196: 15194: 15192: 15188: 15182: 15179: 15175: 15172: 15171: 15170: 15167: 15165: 15162: 15158: 15155: 15153: 15150: 15149: 15148: 15145: 15144: 15142: 15138: 15135: 15131: 15121: 15118: 15116: 15113: 15111: 15108: 15106: 15103: 15101: 15098: 15094: 15091: 15089: 15086: 15085: 15084: 15081: 15080: 15078: 15076:Miscellaneous 15074: 15068: 15065: 15063: 15060: 15059: 15057: 15053: 15045: 15042: 15040: 15037: 15035: 15032: 15031: 15030: 15027: 15025: 15022: 15020: 15017: 15015: 15012: 15011: 15009: 15005: 14999: 14996: 14994: 14993:Radio stories 14991: 14989: 14986: 14984: 14981: 14979: 14976: 14974: 14971: 14967: 14964: 14963: 14962: 14959: 14958: 14956: 14952: 14949: 14945: 14941: 14940: 14932: 14927: 14925: 14920: 14918: 14913: 14912: 14909: 14897: 14894: 14893: 14890: 14876: 14873: 14871: 14868: 14867: 14865: 14861: 14851: 14848: 14846: 14843: 14841: 14838: 14836: 14833: 14832: 14830: 14828: 14824: 14818: 14815: 14813: 14810: 14808: 14805: 14803: 14800: 14798: 14795: 14793: 14790: 14788: 14785: 14783: 14780: 14778: 14775: 14773: 14770: 14768: 14765: 14761: 14758: 14757: 14756: 14753: 14751: 14748: 14746: 14743: 14741: 14738: 14736: 14733: 14732: 14729: 14726: 14722: 14718: 14714: 14707: 14703: 14689: 14686: 14685: 14683: 14679: 14673: 14670: 14668: 14665: 14663: 14660: 14658: 14655: 14653: 14650: 14648: 14645: 14643: 14640: 14638: 14635: 14633: 14630: 14628: 14625: 14623: 14622:Harriet Jones 14620: 14618: 14615: 14613: 14610: 14608: 14605: 14603: 14600: 14598: 14595: 14593: 14590: 14589: 14587: 14585: 14581: 14571: 14568: 14566: 14563: 14561: 14560:Izzy Sinclair 14558: 14556: 14553: 14551: 14548: 14547: 14545: 14543: 14539: 14533: 14530: 14528: 14525: 14523: 14522:Ryan Sinclair 14520: 14518: 14515: 14513: 14510: 14508: 14505: 14503: 14500: 14498: 14495: 14493: 14492:Rory Williams 14490: 14488: 14485: 14483: 14480: 14478: 14475: 14473: 14470: 14468: 14465: 14463: 14460: 14458: 14457:Jack Harkness 14455: 14453: 14452:Adam Mitchell 14450: 14448: 14445: 14443: 14440: 14438: 14435: 14433: 14430: 14428: 14425: 14423: 14420: 14418: 14417:Tegan Jovanka 14415: 14413: 14410: 14408: 14405: 14403: 14400: 14398: 14395: 14393: 14390: 14388: 14385: 14383: 14380: 14378: 14375: 14373: 14370: 14368: 14365: 14363: 14360: 14358: 14355: 14353: 14352:Ben and Polly 14350: 14348: 14345: 14343: 14342:Steven Taylor 14340: 14338: 14335: 14333: 14330: 14328: 14325: 14323: 14322:Susan Foreman 14320: 14319: 14317: 14313: 14310: 14306: 14302: 14297: 14292: 14288: 14274: 14271: 14269: 14266: 14264: 14261: 14260: 14258: 14254: 14248: 14245: 14243: 14240: 14238: 14235: 14234: 14232: 14228: 14222: 14219: 14217: 14214: 14212: 14209: 14207: 14204: 14202: 14199: 14197: 14194: 14192: 14189: 14187: 14184: 14182: 14179: 14177: 14174: 14172: 14169: 14167: 14164: 14162: 14159: 14157: 14154: 14152: 14149: 14148: 14146: 14142: 14138: 14134: 14128: 14124: 14119: 14118: 14110: 14105: 14103: 14098: 14096: 14091: 14090: 14087: 14079: 14078: 14073: 14069: 14067: 14065: 14060: 14059: 14046: 14040: 14036: 14035: 14027: 14012: 14008: 14002: 14000: 13998: 13982: 13978: 13972: 13957: 13953: 13947: 13932: 13928: 13922: 13907: 13903: 13897: 13882: 13878: 13872: 13856: 13852: 13846: 13844: 13834: 13830: 13824: 13809: 13805: 13798: 13783: 13779: 13773: 13771: 13755: 13749: 13741: 13737: 13731: 13723: 13721:0-9759446-4-9 13717: 13713: 13706: 13691: 13687: 13680: 13672: 13671: 13666: 13662: 13658: 13654: 13647: 13639: 13638: 13633: 13629: 13625: 13621: 13614: 13607: 13603: 13599: 13595: 13589: 13581: 13574: 13567: 13563: 13559: 13555: 13549: 13534: 13530: 13524: 13517: 13513: 13509: 13508:Panini Comics 13505: 13501: 13495: 13493: 13491: 13482: 13480:0-9759446-0-6 13476: 13472: 13465: 13450: 13446: 13440: 13432: 13430:0-9759446-4-9 13426: 13422: 13415: 13400: 13396: 13390: 13375: 13371: 13364: 13349: 13345: 13339: 13331: 13329:9781935234258 13325: 13321: 13314: 13306: 13300: 13296: 13289: 13281: 13275: 13271: 13264: 13249: 13245: 13238: 13223: 13219: 13213: 13205: 13199: 13195: 13191: 13187: 13181: 13173: 13167: 13163: 13159: 13155: 13149: 13141: 13139:9780719065477 13135: 13131: 13124: 13116: 13114:0-9759446-0-6 13110: 13106: 13099: 13084: 13080: 13074: 13066: 13064:9781935234258 13060: 13056: 13049: 13041: 13035: 13031: 13024: 13016: 13010: 12995: 12991: 12984: 12976: 12970: 12966: 12959: 12951: 12945: 12941: 12934: 12926: 12924:0-9759446-0-6 12920: 12916: 12909: 12901: 12899:9781935234258 12895: 12891: 12884: 12876: 12870: 12866: 12859: 12851: 12849:0-9759446-4-9 12845: 12841: 12834: 12826: 12824:9781935234258 12820: 12816: 12809: 12801: 12799:0-9759446-4-9 12795: 12791: 12784: 12776: 12770: 12766: 12759: 12751: 12749:0-9759446-4-9 12745: 12741: 12734: 12726: 12724:0-9759446-4-9 12720: 12716: 12709: 12701: 12695: 12691: 12684: 12676: 12670: 12666: 12659: 12651: 12645: 12641: 12634: 12627: 12623: 12622: 12615: 12607: 12605:0-9759446-4-9 12601: 12597: 12590: 12582: 12580:0-9759446-0-6 12576: 12572: 12565: 12549: 12545: 12544: 12539: 12537: 12529: 12521: 12515: 12511: 12504: 12496: 12494:0-9759446-4-9 12490: 12486: 12479: 12471: 12469:9781935234258 12465: 12461: 12454: 12445: 12437: 12431: 12427: 12420: 12412: 12406: 12402: 12395: 12393: 12384: 12378: 12374: 12367: 12359: 12353: 12349: 12342: 12334: 12328: 12324: 12317: 12309: 12307:0-9759446-0-6 12303: 12299: 12292: 12286: 12285:0-563-48640-6 12282: 12278: 12272: 12264: 12262:9781935234258 12258: 12254: 12247: 12239: 12233: 12229: 12222: 12214: 12212:0-9759446-0-6 12208: 12204: 12197: 12189: 12183: 12179: 12172: 12164: 12162:0-9759446-0-6 12158: 12154: 12147: 12139: 12137:9781935234609 12133: 12129: 12122: 12114: 12112:0-9759446-0-6 12108: 12104: 12097: 12090: 12086: 12082: 12078: 12074: 12073:Cornell, Paul 12069: 12067: 12050: 12046: 12045: 12040: 12034: 12026: 12020: 12016: 12012: 12008: 12004: 11997: 11995: 11986: 11980: 11976: 11969: 11960: 11952: 11946: 11942: 11935: 11927: 11923: 11919: 11918: 11913: 11909: 11905: 11899: 11891: 11887: 11883: 11882: 11877: 11873: 11869: 11863: 11855: 11849: 11845: 11838: 11830: 11828:0-9759446-4-9 11824: 11820: 11813: 11805: 11799: 11795: 11788: 11780: 11779: 11771: 11755: 11751: 11745: 11730: 11726: 11719: 11711: 11710: 11705: 11699: 11693: 11678: 11674: 11668: 11660: 11654: 11650: 11643: 11635: 11629: 11625: 11618: 11610: 11608:0-9759446-0-6 11604: 11600: 11593: 11585: 11579: 11575: 11568: 11560: 11554: 11546: 11540: 11536: 11529: 11521: 11519:9781935234258 11515: 11511: 11504: 11496: 11494:9781935234258 11490: 11486: 11479: 11471: 11465: 11461: 11454: 11446: 11444:9781935234258 11440: 11436: 11429: 11421: 11419:0-9759446-0-6 11415: 11411: 11404: 11396: 11390: 11386: 11379: 11364: 11360: 11354: 11346: 11340: 11336: 11329: 11321: 11315: 11311: 11304: 11296: 11294:0-9759446-0-6 11290: 11286: 11279: 11271: 11269:0-9759446-4-9 11265: 11261: 11254: 11246: 11244:9781935234609 11240: 11236: 11229: 11221: 11215: 11211: 11204: 11196: 11194:9781935234258 11190: 11186: 11179: 11171: 11165: 11161: 11154: 11146: 11140: 11136: 11129: 11121: 11119:9781935234258 11115: 11111: 11104: 11096: 11094:9781935234258 11090: 11086: 11079: 11064: 11060: 11053: 11038: 11034: 11028: 11013: 11009: 11002: 10987: 10983: 10976: 10960: 10956: 10950: 10935: 10931: 10925: 10923: 10921: 10905: 10901: 10895: 10893: 10877: 10871: 10856: 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BBC Books. 9572: 9565: 9550: 9546: 9540: 9532: 9530:0-9759446-4-9 9526: 9522: 9515: 9507: 9501: 9497: 9490: 9482: 9480:9781935234258 9476: 9472: 9465: 9450: 9446: 9442: 9438: 9431: 9415: 9414:The A.V. Club 9411: 9405: 9390: 9386: 9380: 9378: 9369: 9367:0-9759446-4-9 9363: 9359: 9352: 9350: 9341: 9340: 9335: 9331: 9327: 9323: 9316: 9308: 9302: 9298: 9297: 9289: 9281: 9275: 9267: 9265:0-563-40563-5 9261: 9258:. BBC Books. 9257: 9250: 9242: 9236: 9228: 9222: 9218: 9211: 9203: 9197: 9193: 9192: 9184: 9176: 9170: 9162: 9156: 9152: 9151: 9143: 9135: 9129: 9125: 9118: 9110: 9104: 9100: 9099: 9098:The Suffering 9091: 9083: 9081:0-9759446-0-6 9077: 9073: 9066: 9059: 9055: 9051: 9045: 9037: 9031: 9023: 9021:0-563-40584-8 9017: 9014:. BBC Books. 9013: 9006: 8998: 8992: 8984: 8977: 8969: 8963: 8959: 8952: 8944: 8938: 8934: 8933: 8925: 8917: 8911: 8903: 8897: 8893: 8886: 8879: 8875: 8871: 8867: 8861: 8853: 8847: 8843: 8836: 8821: 8817: 8811: 8796: 8792: 8788: 8784: 8777: 8762: 8758: 8751: 8743: 8739: 8733: 8718: 8714: 8708: 8692: 8688: 8684: 8678: 8663: 8659: 8652: 8637: 8633: 8627: 8612: 8608: 8604: 8600: 8593: 8577: 8573: 8569: 8563: 8548: 8544: 8537: 8535: 8519: 8515: 8509: 8494: 8490: 8483: 8467: 8463: 8457: 8441: 8437: 8431: 8416: 8412: 8405: 8389: 8388:BBC Newsround 8385: 8379: 8371: 8369:0-491-03612-4 8365: 8361: 8354: 8339: 8335: 8328: 8313: 8309: 8305: 8301: 8294: 8278: 8272: 8270: 8268: 8266: 8264: 8262: 8245: 8243:0-19-215964-X 8239: 8235: 8231: 8230: 8225: 8219: 8203: 8199: 8193: 8186: 8180: 8164: 8160: 8154: 8138: 8134: 8128: 8126: 8124: 8115: 8109: 8105: 8104:Child of Time 8098: 8083: 8079: 8072: 8056: 8052: 8046: 8038: 8032: 8028: 8021: 8013: 8007: 8003: 7996: 7988: 7982: 7978: 7971: 7963: 7962: 7957: 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7037: 7035: 7026: 7025: 7017: 7009: 7005: 7001: 7000: 6995: 6991: 6987: 6986:Graeme Harper 6983: 6976: 6968: 6964: 6960: 6956: 6955: 6950: 6946: 6942: 6938: 6931: 6923: 6917: 6913: 6906: 6891: 6890: 6882: 6867: 6863: 6856: 6841: 6837: 6830: 6815: 6811: 6805: 6797: 6796: 6791: 6787: 6783: 6779: 6772: 6764: 6758: 6754: 6747: 6745: 6729: 6725: 6718: 6710: 6704: 6700: 6699: 6691: 6689: 6672: 6668: 6662: 6646: 6642: 6636: 6620: 6616: 6610: 6608: 6591: 6587: 6581: 6577: 6567: 6565: 6560: 6558: 6556: 6551: 6550: 6544: 6542: 6538: 6534: 6530: 6525: 6523: 6519: 6515: 6514:James Acheson 6511: 6506: 6504: 6503: 6498: 6493: 6491: 6487: 6483: 6479: 6475: 6471: 6467: 6463: 6462: 6453: 6449: 6448: 6442: 6437: 6427: 6425: 6421: 6417: 6416:Fourth Doctor 6412: 6411:shapeshifting 6408: 6404: 6398: 6388: 6386: 6382: 6378: 6374: 6370: 6366: 6362: 6356: 6352: 6339: 6337: 6331: 6327: 6325: 6321: 6320:Adam Mitchell 6317: 6313: 6309: 6305: 6301: 6296: 6292: 6288: 6285:published in 6284: 6279: 6277: 6272: 6268: 6264: 6260: 6256: 6255:Robert Jewell 6252: 6251:Bill Strutton 6247: 6245: 6241: 6237: 6233: 6229: 6228: 6221: 6206: 6204: 6200: 6199: 6195:in the story 6194: 6188: 6173: 6171: 6167: 6163: 6159: 6155: 6149: 6139: 6137: 6136: 6131: 6127: 6126: 6121: 6117: 6113: 6109: 6105: 6104: 6099: 6094: 6091: 6086: 6084: 6080: 6076: 6075:constellation 6072: 6067: 6065: 6064: 6059: 6053: 6043: 6041: 6035: 6034:Weeping Angel 6028:Weeping Angel 6025: 6023: 6022: 6015: 6008:Weed Creature 6000: 5998: 5994: 5990: 5986: 5982: 5978: 5977:Four Doctors. 5974: 5970: 5966: 5965: 5960: 5956: 5952: 5947: 5945: 5941: 5940: 5935: 5929: 5919: 5917: 5916: 5911: 5907: 5903: 5899: 5898:Fourth Doctor 5895: 5894: 5887: 5877: 5875: 5871: 5867: 5862: 5858: 5856: 5852: 5848: 5844: 5838: 5828: 5826: 5825: 5820: 5816: 5814: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5796: 5789: 5775: 5771: 5769: 5765: 5764:Eighth Doctor 5761: 5760:Fourth Doctor 5757: 5756: 5751: 5746: 5744: 5740: 5736: 5735: 5729: 5727: 5722: 5720: 5716: 5712: 5708: 5704: 5696: 5691: 5686: 5682: 5675:Vashta Nerada 5672: 5670: 5665: 5663: 5660:' homeworld, 5659: 5654: 5652: 5648: 5647: 5642: 5638: 5632: 5622: 5620: 5619: 5612: 5597: 5595: 5594: 5587: 5577: 5574: 5570: 5564: 5554: 5552: 5548: 5544: 5540: 5535: 5533: 5528: 5527:the Collector 5524: 5523: 5516: 5506: 5504: 5503: 5496: 5481: 5479: 5478: 5471: 5461: 5459: 5455: 5451: 5442: 5437: 5427: 5425: 5424: 5417: 5411: 5401: 5399: 5393: 5383: 5381: 5377: 5376: 5369: 5363: 5353: 5351: 5350: 5341: 5336: 5331: 5321: 5318: 5314: 5308: 5298: 5296: 5292: 5291: 5286: 5281: 5278: 5274: 5270: 5266: 5261: 5257: 5255: 5251: 5247: 5243: 5239: 5235: 5229: 5219: 5217: 5213: 5209: 5205: 5201: 5195: 5185: 5181: 5179: 5173: 5163: 5161: 5157: 5152: 5150: 5149: 5148:The War Games 5144: 5143: 5138: 5134: 5133:Susan Foreman 5129: 5127: 5123: 5122:mental powers 5118: 5116: 5111: 5107: 5103: 5099: 5095: 5094:Second Doctor 5091: 5087: 5086: 5081: 5077: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5055: 5049: 5039: 5036: 5035:Jack Harkness 5032: 5028: 5024: 5018: 5016: 5015:the Trickster 5012: 5006: 4996: 4994: 4993: 4986: 4976: 4974: 4970: 4966: 4965: 4958: 4954: 4950: 4940: 4938: 4932: 4928: 4926: 4922: 4918: 4917: 4912: 4908: 4902: 4893: 4884: 4882: 4878: 4873: 4871: 4866: 4862: 4861: 4856: 4850: 4840: 4838: 4837:Night Terrors 4832: 4822: 4820: 4819: 4812: 4797: 4794: 4790: 4789: 4783: 4781: 4780: 4775: 4770: 4768: 4764: 4760: 4755: 4753: 4749: 4745: 4741: 4740: 4735: 4731: 4726: 4723: 4718: 4714: 4712: 4708: 4702: 4693: 4684: 4681: 4676: 4674: 4668: 4666: 4662: 4658: 4652: 4642: 4640: 4636: 4632: 4626: 4616: 4613: 4608: 4604: 4598: 4588: 4586: 4585: 4580: 4579: 4574: 4570: 4569: 4562: 4552: 4549: 4547: 4543: 4539: 4535: 4531: 4530: 4525: 4521: 4520: 4511: 4506: 4501: 4491: 4489: 4488: 4477: 4475: 4471: 4467: 4466: 4461: 4455: 4445: 4443: 4437: 4427: 4425: 4419: 4409: 4407: 4406: 4401: 4400: 4396: 4394: 4389: 4385: 4381: 4377: 4376:Eighth Doctor 4373: 4369: 4365: 4364: 4358: 4356: 4352: 4351:Eighth Doctor 4348: 4347: 4340: 4330: 4328: 4323: 4318: 4314: 4308: 4298: 4296: 4295: 4294:The Silurians 4288: 4278: 4276: 4272: 4268: 4263: 4259: 4253: 4243: 4241: 4237: 4233: 4227: 4217: 4215: 4214: 4207: 4197: 4195: 4191: 4190: 4183: 4173: 4171: 4167: 4162: 4160: 4156: 4151: 4147: 4143: 4139: 4133: 4123: 4121: 4120: 4113: 4098: 4096: 4092: 4088: 4087: 4082: 4081: 4076: 4070: 4066: 4056: 4054: 4053: 4046: 4036: 4034: 4030: 4026: 4022: 4017: 4014: 4010: 4006: 4002: 3997: 3995: 3991: 3987: 3983: 3979: 3975: 3971: 3965: 3955: 3953: 3948: 3944: 3942: 3935: 3933: 3928: 3926: 3919: 3914: 3909: 3899: 3896: 3892: 3888: 3887: 3881: 3879: 3875: 3871: 3866: 3864: 3859: 3855: 3850: 3846: 3842: 3838: 3834: 3829: 3824: 3822: 3813: 3808: 3793: 3791: 3790: 3783: 3768: 3764: 3762: 3756: 3746: 3744: 3740: 3735: 3733: 3729: 3728: 3723: 3719: 3714: 3710: 3706: 3700: 3690: 3688: 3687: 3680: 3670: 3668: 3664: 3658: 3643: 3641: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3628: 3623: 3617: 3607: 3605: 3599: 3589: 3587: 3583: 3579: 3578: 3573: 3569: 3565: 3564: 3557: 3547: 3543: 3541: 3540: 3535: 3534:Fourth Doctor 3529: 3514: 3512: 3506: 3496: 3494: 3490: 3486: 3482: 3481: 3473: 3467: 3457: 3455: 3451: 3447: 3446: 3439: 3424: 3422: 3418: 3417: 3411: 3408: 3403: 3401: 3397: 3396: 3391: 3390:Fourth Doctor 3385: 3375: 3373: 3372: 3365: 3355: 3353: 3348: 3346: 3342: 3337: 3335: 3330: 3328: 3321: 3316: 3311: 3307: 3303: 3293: 3291: 3287: 3284: 3280: 3276: 3270: 3260: 3258: 3252: 3242: 3239: 3235: 3234: 3227: 3217: 3215: 3214: 3207: 3197: 3195: 3191: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3166: 3164: 3160: 3156: 3152: 3148: 3147: 3142: 3136: 3127: 3118: 3116: 3115: 3108: 3098: 3096: 3095: 3088: 3075: 3070: 3066: 3064: 3060: 3056: 3052: 3048: 3044: 3039: 3037: 3036:Second Doctor 3033: 3029: 3028: 3023: 3022:Second Doctor 3017: 3002: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2987: 2985: 2984: 2979: 2975: 2974:Eighth Doctor 2970: 2967: 2963: 2962:Fourth Doctor 2959: 2955: 2950: 2948: 2947: 2942: 2941:Fourth Doctor 2936: 2926: 2924: 2923: 2916: 2910: 2900: 2897: 2893: 2887: 2877: 2875: 2871: 2867: 2866: 2859: 2849: 2847: 2843: 2837: 2827: 2825: 2820: 2818: 2817: 2810: 2800: 2798: 2793: 2789: 2788:Rory Williams 2785: 2781: 2777: 2771: 2756: 2754: 2750: 2746: 2742: 2738: 2734: 2730: 2725: 2723: 2718: 2716: 2712: 2708: 2704: 2700: 2696: 2687: 2673: 2671: 2670: 2663: 2661: 2657: 2653: 2649: 2645: 2641: 2640: 2623: 2614: 2605: 2596: 2594: 2590: 2586: 2585: 2580: 2579: 2574: 2573: 2568: 2562: 2547: 2545: 2541: 2537: 2533: 2529: 2525: 2521: 2518:", where the 2517: 2511: 2507: 2494: 2489: 2485: 2483: 2479: 2473: 2463: 2461: 2457: 2451: 2442: 2433: 2431: 2430: 2424: 2420: 2418: 2413: 2408: 2403: 2401: 2397: 2392: 2390: 2385: 2383: 2379: 2376: 2372: 2368: 2364: 2360: 2356: 2355: 2350: 2341: 2336: 2321: 2319: 2318: 2313: 2309: 2308:Cyril Luckham 2305: 2304: 2303:Enlightenment 2299: 2295: 2290: 2286: 2282: 2281: 2274: 2270: 2260: 2258: 2254: 2249: 2247: 2242: 2238: 2232: 2222: 2220: 2219:Steven Moffat 2216: 2212: 2208: 2204: 2200: 2196: 2192: 2176: 2167: 2158: 2149: 2147: 2143: 2139: 2135: 2134: 2129: 2128: 2121: 2117: 2107: 2105: 2100: 2098: 2094: 2093: 2088: 2084: 2080: 2076: 2075:the Trickster 2072: 2068: 2064: 2063: 2057: 2055: 2051: 2045: 2041: 2037: 2027: 2024: 2020: 2016: 2012: 2008: 2002: 1987: 1985: 1977: 1972: 1967: 1957: 1955: 1951: 1947: 1943: 1937: 1927: 1924: 1919: 1916: 1912: 1911: 1906: 1900: 1890: 1888: 1887: 1882: 1876: 1866: 1864: 1863:Fourth Doctor 1859: 1855: 1852: 1848: 1847: 1840: 1825: 1823: 1819: 1814: 1812: 1807: 1803: 1798: 1796: 1795: 1794:Enlightenment 1788: 1778: 1776: 1775:Rory Williams 1772: 1768: 1764: 1760: 1756: 1750: 1735: 1732: 1731:Fourth Doctor 1728: 1724: 1720: 1716: 1712: 1711: 1706: 1702: 1698: 1694: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1677: 1675: 1671: 1667: 1666: 1659: 1649: 1647: 1643: 1638: 1634: 1633:The Suffering 1629: 1627: 1623: 1622: 1615: 1605: 1602: 1598: 1593: 1589: 1585: 1580: 1577: 1573: 1572: 1565: 1555: 1553: 1549: 1545: 1541: 1537: 1533: 1529: 1525: 1521: 1516: 1514: 1513:Second Doctor 1510: 1506: 1505: 1498: 1488: 1486: 1481: 1476: 1474: 1470: 1466: 1461: 1459: 1453: 1451: 1450: 1445: 1441: 1440: 1435: 1431: 1426: 1424: 1420: 1416: 1412: 1408: 1407:Brian Hodgson 1404: 1400: 1399:Peter Hawkins 1395: 1393: 1392:Nicholas Pegg 1389: 1385: 1381: 1376: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1352: 1350: 1349: 1344: 1343: 1338: 1334: 1333:Peter Cushing 1330: 1329: 1323: 1319: 1315: 1311: 1307: 1303: 1302: 1285: 1276: 1267: 1258: 1249: 1240: 1231: 1222: 1213: 1203: 1193: 1191: 1190:Child of Time 1187: 1185: 1180: 1179: 1173: 1171: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1158: 1151: 1136: 1134: 1130: 1126: 1125: 1120: 1115: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1084:Steven Moffat 1081: 1077: 1073: 1069: 1065: 1060: 1058: 1057: 1052: 1048: 1047:Fourth Doctor 1044: 1040: 1036: 1032: 1028: 1024: 1020: 1019: 1014: 998: 989: 980: 971: 962: 953: 944: 935: 925: 915: 913: 910:'s companion 909: 905: 900: 896: 895: 888: 878: 876: 872: 866: 856: 854: 853: 847: 845: 841: 837: 833: 832: 825: 815: 813: 809: 804: 802: 798: 793: 789: 788: 783: 779: 773: 763: 761: 757: 753: 749: 748:Second Doctor 745: 744: 737: 727: 725: 721: 717: 712: 710: 706: 702: 697: 692: 690: 681: 676: 672: 662: 660: 659: 654: 650: 646: 642: 638: 634: 630: 624: 609: 607: 603: 599: 595: 590: 588: 584: 580: 574: 564: 562: 558: 557: 550: 535: 533: 529: 525: 521: 516: 514: 513: 506: 496: 494: 490: 485: 483: 482: 477: 476: 469: 465: 455: 453: 449: 445: 443: 438: 434: 430: 426: 421: 419: 416:crashed into 415: 410: 406: 401: 397: 393: 387: 383: 373: 370: 366: 362: 358: 353: 351: 346: 345: 339: 337: 333: 329: 323: 315: 310: 294: 292: 287: 286: 285: 283: 282: 277: 276: 271: 270: 265: 261: 257: 253: 249: 248: 244: 241: 238: 234: 230: 219: 216: 201: 191: 187: 182: 178: 175:This article 173: 169: 164: 163: 154: 151: 143: 132: 129: 125: 122: 118: 115: 111: 108: 104: 101: –  100: 96: 95:Find sources: 89: 85: 79: 78: 73:This article 71: 67: 62: 61: 56: 54: 47: 46: 41: 40: 35: 30: 21: 20: 17390: 17362: 17355: 17348: 17314: 17217:Rani Chandra 17177: 17170: 17163: 17145: 17140:Lost in Time 17138: 17131: 17124: 17117: 17110: 17092: 17085: 17078: 17071: 17064: 17057: 17019: 17012: 17005: 16998: 16991: 16984: 16968:The Lost Boy 16966: 16959: 16952: 16945: 16938: 16906: 16854: 16843:Publications 16831: 16824: 16779: 16733: 16726: 16719: 16712: 16692: 16624: 16593: 16569:Cardiff Rift 16518:Martha Jones 16492:Oswald Danes 16482:Rex Matheson 16467:Toshiko Sato 16355: 16337: 16198:Random Shoes 16177:Small Worlds 16107: 15990: 15983: 15976: 15969: 15961: 15953:Publications 15937: 15925: 15905:Death's Head 15873:Worlds Apart 15871: 15864: 15857: 15850: 15843: 15836: 15829: 15822: 15815: 15808: 15801: 15796:Dalek Attack 15794: 15787: 15780: 15773: 15753: 15748:Dæmos Rising 15746: 15739: 15732: 15725: 15718: 15711: 15704: 15697: 15644: 15636: 15627: 15620: 15608: 15601: 15594: 15587: 15569: 15546: 15541:The Fan Show 15539: 15532: 15525: 15518: 15511: 15504: 15499:Confidential 15497: 15490: 15483: 15476: 15458: 15451: 15433: 15426: 15419: 15412: 15405: 15382: 15375: 15368: 15361: 15354: 15280:Regeneration 15275:Cardiff Rift 15190: 15133:Plot devices 14937: 14870:Death's Head 14767:Ice Warriors 14724:and villains 14720: 14627:Toshiko Sato 14617:Jackie Tyler 14592:Sara Kingdom 14502:Clara Oswald 14482:Wilfred Mott 14472:Martha Jones 14462:Mickey Smith 14347:Dodo Chaplet 14237:The Valeyard 14144:Series leads 14115: 14077:The Guardian 14075: 14063: 14033: 14026: 14014:. Retrieved 14010: 13984:. Retrieved 13980: 13971: 13959:. Retrieved 13955: 13946: 13934:. Retrieved 13930: 13921: 13909:. Retrieved 13905: 13896: 13884:. Retrieved 13880: 13871: 13859:. Retrieved 13854: 13832: 13823: 13811:. Retrieved 13807: 13797: 13785:. Retrieved 13781: 13757:. Retrieved 13748: 13739: 13730: 13711: 13705: 13693:. Retrieved 13689: 13679: 13673:. BBC. BBC1. 13669: 13646: 13640:. BBC. BBC1. 13636: 13624:James Strong 13613: 13606:Titan Comics 13601: 13588: 13579: 13573: 13561: 13548: 13536:. Retrieved 13532: 13523: 13503: 13499: 13470: 13464: 13452:. Retrieved 13448: 13439: 13420: 13414: 13402:. Retrieved 13398: 13389: 13377:. Retrieved 13373: 13363: 13351:. Retrieved 13347: 13338: 13319: 13313: 13294: 13288: 13269: 13263: 13251:. Retrieved 13247: 13237: 13225:. Retrieved 13221: 13212: 13193: 13190:Walker, S.J. 13180: 13161: 13158:Walker, S.J. 13148: 13130:Terry Nation 13129: 13123: 13104: 13098: 13086:. Retrieved 13082: 13073: 13054: 13048: 13029: 13023: 12997:. Retrieved 12993: 12983: 12964: 12958: 12939: 12933: 12914: 12908: 12889: 12883: 12864: 12858: 12839: 12833: 12814: 12808: 12789: 12783: 12764: 12758: 12739: 12733: 12714: 12708: 12689: 12683: 12664: 12658: 12639: 12633: 12619: 12614: 12595: 12589: 12570: 12564: 12552:. Retrieved 12548:the original 12541: 12535: 12528: 12509: 12503: 12484: 12478: 12459: 12453: 12444: 12425: 12419: 12400: 12372: 12366: 12347: 12341: 12322: 12316: 12297: 12291: 12276: 12271: 12252: 12246: 12227: 12221: 12202: 12196: 12177: 12171: 12152: 12146: 12127: 12121: 12102: 12096: 12089:Titan Comics 12085:Four Doctors 12084: 12053:. Retrieved 12049:the original 12042: 12033: 12006: 11974: 11968: 11959: 11940: 11934: 11916: 11898: 11880: 11862: 11843: 11837: 11818: 11812: 11793: 11787: 11776: 11770: 11758:. Retrieved 11753: 11744: 11732:. Retrieved 11728: 11718: 11708: 11692: 11680:. Retrieved 11676: 11667: 11648: 11642: 11623: 11617: 11598: 11592: 11573: 11567: 11553: 11534: 11528: 11509: 11503: 11484: 11478: 11459: 11453: 11434: 11428: 11409: 11403: 11384: 11378: 11366:. Retrieved 11362: 11353: 11334: 11328: 11309: 11303: 11284: 11278: 11259: 11253: 11234: 11228: 11209: 11203: 11184: 11178: 11159: 11153: 11134: 11128: 11109: 11103: 11084: 11078: 11066:. Retrieved 11062: 11052: 11040:. Retrieved 11036: 11027: 11015:. Retrieved 11011: 11001: 10989:. Retrieved 10985: 10975: 10963:. Retrieved 10958: 10949: 10937:. Retrieved 10933: 10907:. Retrieved 10903: 10879:. Retrieved 10870: 10858:. Retrieved 10854: 10814: 10772: 10761: 10749:. Retrieved 10745: 10719:. Retrieved 10715: 10706: 10694:. Retrieved 10690: 10681: 10669:. Retrieved 10663: 10656: 10644:. Retrieved 10633:The Guardian 10632: 10607:. Retrieved 10601: 10577:. Retrieved 10573: 10563: 10551:. Retrieved 10547: 10512: 10506: 10500:. BBC. BBC1. 10496: 10473: 10463: 10444: 10425: 10419: 10400: 10394: 10382:. Retrieved 10378: 10369: 10357:. Retrieved 10353: 10343: 10331:. Retrieved 10327: 10317: 10305:. Retrieved 10301: 10270: 10264: 10252:. Retrieved 10241:The Guardian 10240: 10230: 10218:. Retrieved 10214: 10205: 10193:. Retrieved 10189: 10179: 10167:. Retrieved 10163: 10153: 10141:. Retrieved 10127: 10117: 10083:. Retrieved 10074: 10051: 10025: 10002: 9990:. Retrieved 9979:The Guardian 9978: 9968: 9956:. Retrieved 9945:The Guardian 9944: 9934: 9922:. Retrieved 9911:The Guardian 9910: 9900: 9888:. Retrieved 9883: 9874: 9862:. Retrieved 9858: 9849: 9843:. BBC. CBBC. 9839: 9820: 9808:. Retrieved 9804: 9786:. BBC. CBBC. 9782: 9774:Nikki Wilson 9759: 9753:. BBC. CBBC. 9749: 9730: 9718:. Retrieved 9714: 9704: 9692:. Retrieved 9688: 9678: 9659: 9653: 9634: 9628: 9609: 9603: 9570: 9564: 9552:. Retrieved 9548: 9539: 9520: 9514: 9495: 9489: 9470: 9464: 9452:. Retrieved 9441:The Guardian 9440: 9430: 9418:. Retrieved 9413: 9404: 9392:. Retrieved 9388: 9357: 9342:. BBC. BBC1. 9338: 9334:Amy's Choice 9315: 9295: 9288: 9255: 9249: 9216: 9210: 9190: 9183: 9174: 9169: 9149: 9142: 9123: 9117: 9097: 9090: 9071: 9065: 9057: 9044: 9012:Catastrophea 9011: 9005: 8982: 8976: 8957: 8951: 8931: 8924: 8891: 8885: 8873: 8860: 8841: 8835: 8823:. Retrieved 8819: 8810: 8798:. Retrieved 8787:The Guardian 8786: 8776: 8764:. Retrieved 8760: 8750: 8732: 8720:. Retrieved 8716: 8707: 8695:. Retrieved 8691:the original 8677: 8665:. Retrieved 8661: 8651: 8639:. Retrieved 8635: 8626: 8614:. Retrieved 8603:The Guardian 8602: 8592: 8580:. Retrieved 8576:the original 8571: 8562: 8550:. Retrieved 8546: 8521:. Retrieved 8517: 8508: 8496:. Retrieved 8492: 8482: 8470:. Retrieved 8465: 8456: 8444:. Retrieved 8439: 8430: 8418:. Retrieved 8414: 8404: 8392:. Retrieved 8387: 8378: 8359: 8353: 8341:. Retrieved 8337: 8327: 8315:. Retrieved 8304:The Guardian 8303: 8293: 8281:. Retrieved 8247:. Retrieved 8228: 8218: 8206:. Retrieved 8201: 8192: 8184: 8179: 8167:. Retrieved 8162: 8153: 8141:. Retrieved 8136: 8103: 8097: 8085:. Retrieved 8081: 8071: 8059:. Retrieved 8054: 8045: 8026: 8020: 8001: 7995: 7976: 7970: 7964:. BBC. BBC1. 7960: 7937: 7929:the original 7924: 7915: 7892: 7883: 7871:. Retrieved 7867: 7830: 7809:. Retrieved 7805: 7796: 7777: 7771: 7759:. Retrieved 7755: 7745: 7733:. Retrieved 7729: 7719: 7682: 7676: 7657: 7651: 7639:. Retrieved 7635:the original 7630: 7621: 7602: 7596: 7559: 7553: 7534: 7528: 7516:. Retrieved 7511: 7504: 7492:. Retrieved 7488: 7470:. BBC. BBC1. 7466: 7443: 7434: 7425: 7406: 7385:. Retrieved 7381: 7371: 7352: 7346: 7339:Titan Comics 7334: 7321: 7315:. BBC. BBC1. 7311: 7303:Nikki Wilson 7288: 7276:. Retrieved 7272: 7269:"Timelash ★" 7263: 7249: 7236: 7224:. Retrieved 7220: 7211: 7192: 7186: 7166: 7159: 7147:. Retrieved 7143: 7134: 7114: 7107: 7087: 7080: 7061: 7055: 7044: 7023: 7016: 6997: 6990:Susie Liggat 6975: 6952: 6941:James Strong 6930: 6911: 6905: 6893:. Retrieved 6888: 6881: 6869:. Retrieved 6865: 6855: 6843:. Retrieved 6839: 6829: 6817:. Retrieved 6813: 6804: 6798:. BBC. BBC1. 6794: 6771: 6752: 6731:. Retrieved 6727: 6717: 6697: 6675:. Retrieved 6670: 6661: 6649:. Retrieved 6644: 6635: 6623:. Retrieved 6618: 6594:. Retrieved 6589: 6580: 6563: 6554: 6532: 6528: 6526: 6507: 6500: 6494: 6481: 6459: 6457: 6445: 6400: 6391:Zolfa-Thuran 6376: 6365:Tenth Doctor 6358: 6335: 6311: 6308:Titan Comics 6304:rogue planet 6299: 6291:First Doctor 6282: 6280: 6266: 6259:Kevin Manser 6248: 6243: 6225: 6223: 6203:Fifth Doctor 6196: 6193:Fifth Doctor 6190: 6165: 6151: 6133: 6129: 6123: 6111: 6108:Gary Russell 6101: 6095: 6087: 6068: 6061: 6055: 6037: 6019: 6017: 5997:Tenth Doctor 5985:Clara Oswald 5976: 5973:Titan Comics 5969:First Doctor 5962: 5950: 5948: 5944:Terry Nation 5937: 5934:First Doctor 5931: 5913: 5891: 5889: 5863: 5859: 5854: 5840: 5822: 5812: 5800:Sixth Doctor 5793: 5791: 5753: 5747: 5732: 5730: 5723: 5711:Tenth Doctor 5700: 5666: 5655: 5651:Terry Nation 5644: 5637:First Doctor 5634: 5616: 5614: 5591: 5589: 5566: 5536: 5520: 5518: 5500: 5498: 5475: 5473: 5458:Tenth Doctor 5447: 5421: 5419: 5395: 5373: 5371: 5347: 5345: 5310: 5288: 5282: 5262: 5258: 5231: 5216:Arcateenians 5197: 5182: 5175: 5166:Time Zombies 5158:. However, " 5156:the Time War 5153: 5146: 5140: 5130: 5119: 5083: 5073: 5030: 5019: 5008: 4990: 4988: 4962: 4960: 4933: 4929: 4914: 4904: 4877:Black Plague 4874: 4858: 4855:Fifth Doctor 4852: 4834: 4816: 4814: 4786: 4784: 4777: 4774:Tenth Doctor 4771: 4756: 4751: 4737: 4727: 4721: 4719: 4715: 4707:Tenth Doctor 4704: 4677: 4673:Tenth Doctor 4669: 4654: 4628: 4600: 4582: 4576: 4566: 4564: 4550: 4527: 4517: 4515: 4485: 4483: 4470:Bedfordshire 4463: 4457: 4439: 4421: 4403: 4397: 4391: 4361: 4359: 4344: 4342: 4326: 4321: 4316: 4310: 4292: 4290: 4255: 4229: 4211: 4209: 4187: 4185: 4163: 4159:The Big Bang 4135: 4117: 4115: 4084: 4078: 4072: 4050: 4048: 4025:Tenth Doctor 4021:Four Doctors 4020: 4018: 4005:Jane Tranter 4001:Paul Cornell 3998: 3994:Ninth Doctor 3974:Father's Day 3970:Ninth Doctor 3967: 3940: 3936: 3929: 3922: 3895:Fifth Doctor 3890: 3884: 3882: 3867: 3858:River Thames 3849:planetesimal 3828:Tenth Doctor 3825: 3818: 3787: 3785: 3765: 3758: 3736: 3731: 3725: 3712: 3708: 3702: 3684: 3682: 3660: 3625: 3622:First Doctor 3619: 3601: 3575: 3561: 3559: 3544: 3537: 3531: 3508: 3478: 3476: 3452:. Since the 3443: 3441: 3414: 3412: 3404: 3393: 3387: 3369: 3367: 3349: 3338: 3331: 3324: 3272: 3254: 3238:Third Doctor 3231: 3229: 3211: 3209: 3170:First Doctor 3167: 3144: 3141:First Doctor 3138: 3112: 3110: 3092: 3090: 3040: 3025: 3019: 2994: 2988: 2981: 2971: 2951: 2944: 2938: 2920: 2918: 2896:Tenth Doctor 2889: 2863: 2861: 2839: 2823: 2821: 2814: 2812: 2773: 2744: 2726: 2722:Tenth Doctor 2719: 2710: 2695:rhinoceroses 2692: 2667: 2664: 2655: 2643: 2637: 2635: 2582: 2576: 2570: 2564: 2527: 2520:Tenth Doctor 2513: 2475: 2460:Martha Jones 2453: 2427: 2425: 2421: 2407:hypnotically 2404: 2396:World War II 2393: 2386: 2352: 2346: 2315: 2301: 2298:Fifth Doctor 2278: 2276: 2250: 2246:scratchcards 2234: 2198: 2194: 2188: 2146:Clara Oswald 2131: 2125: 2123: 2101: 2090: 2089:appeared in 2086: 2060: 2058: 2049: 2047: 2023:Ninth Doctor 2019:Cardiff Rift 2004: 1981: 1950:Tenth Doctor 1939: 1922: 1920: 1908: 1902: 1884: 1878: 1844: 1842: 1815: 1810: 1806:Fifth Doctor 1801: 1799: 1792: 1790: 1755:Amy's Choice 1752: 1726: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1693:Third Doctor 1684: 1680: 1678: 1673: 1669: 1663: 1661: 1632: 1630: 1626:First Doctor 1619: 1617: 1601:Tenth Doctor 1596: 1592:Catastrophea 1591: 1583: 1581: 1569: 1567: 1547: 1539: 1528:Tenth Doctor 1519: 1517: 1502: 1500: 1477: 1462: 1454: 1447: 1443: 1437: 1433: 1429: 1427: 1403:David Graham 1396: 1377: 1368:World War II 1356:Terry Nation 1353: 1346: 1340: 1326: 1317: 1305: 1299: 1297: 1189: 1182: 1178:Dæmos Rising 1176: 1174: 1166:Third Doctor 1155: 1153: 1128: 1122: 1118: 1116: 1099: 1087: 1080:Tenth Doctor 1061: 1054: 1039:Third Doctor 1016: 1010: 908:Sixth Doctor 903: 892: 890: 868: 850: 848: 844:Third Doctor 829: 827: 807: 805: 791: 785: 775: 760:Sixth Doctor 755: 751: 741: 739: 715: 713: 693: 686: 656: 653:Sixth Doctor 649:crystal ball 645:Tenth Doctor 626: 598:Titan Comics 593: 591: 587:Clara Oswald 576: 561:Sixth Doctor 554: 552: 523: 517: 510: 508: 493:Fifth Doctor 488: 486: 479: 473: 471: 440: 439:'s software 422: 389: 369:Tenth Doctor 356: 354: 342: 340: 325: 313: 290: 279: 273: 267: 263: 256:regeneration 245: 237:long-running 226: 211: 195: 186:You can help 176: 146: 137: 127: 120: 113: 106: 94: 82:Please help 77:verification 74: 50: 43: 37: 36:Please help 33: 16818:Soundtracks 16792:Audio drama 16745:Radio plays 16735:Ghost Train 16674:Other media 16523:Vera Juarez 16472:Ianto Jones 16462:Owen Harper 16457:Gwen Cooper 16357:Miracle Day 16321:Exit Wounds 16219:End of Days 16205:Out of Time 16184:Countrycide 15933:Exhibitions 15782:The Warlord 15766:Video games 15645:Short Trips 15643:Big Finish 15637:Short Trips 15219:Ice Warrior 15115:Merchandise 15034:theme music 14792:The Silence 14647:Ianto Jones 14642:Gwen Cooper 14532:Ruby Sunday 14527:Yasmin Khan 14477:Astrid Peth 14467:Donna Noble 13956:Radio Times 13931:Radio Times 13906:Radio Times 13782:Radio Times 13659:, Producer 13655:, Director 13626:, Producer 13622:, Director 13533:Radio Times 13449:Radio Times 13399:Radio Times 13348:Radio Times 13222:Radio Times 12994:Den of Geek 12543:Radio Times 12044:Radio Times 12013:. pp.  11677:Radio Times 11363:Radio Times 11037:Radio Times 10934:Radio Times 10855:Radio Times 10822:. pp.  10781:. pp.  10746:Radio Times 10691:Radio Times 10548:Radio Times 10486:, Producer 10484:Toby Haynes 10482:, Director 10459:Exit Wounds 10379:Radio Times 10354:Den of Geek 10215:Radio Times 10164:Den of Geek 10113:The Snowmen 10107:, Director 10015:, Producer 10011:, Director 9884:Digital Spy 9772:, Producer 9768:, Director 9739:, Director 9549:Radio Times 9389:Radio Times 9328:, Producer 9324:, Director 8820:Radio Times 8717:Radio Times 8636:Radio Times 8547:Den of Geek 8518:Radio Times 8466:Digital Spy 8338:Den of Geek 8224:Briggs, Asa 8202:Digital Spy 8055:Digital Spy 7950:, Producer 7946:, Director 7868:Radio Times 7806:Radio Times 7489:Radio Times 7456:, Producer 7452:, Director 7301:, Producer 7297:, Director 7273:Radio Times 7221:Radio Times 7144:Radio Times 7046:Radio Times 6988:, Producer 6984:, Director 6943:, Producer 6939:, Director 6784:, Producer 6780:, Director 6499:, known as 6244:Larvae Guns 6198:Time-Flight 6187:Time-Flight 5874:Donna Noble 5625:Varga Plant 5250:Gallifreyan 5212:Fisher King 5027:Gwen Cooper 5023:Ianto Jones 4999:Time Beetle 4805:Taran Beast 4752:The Tempest 4739:The Tempest 4732:is used in 4487:The Mutants 4275:Melody Pond 4262:the Silence 4246:The Silence 4232:Gallifreyan 4009:Grim Reaper 3841:Donna Noble 3663:haemoglobin 3632:caterpillar 3155:butterflies 3114:Full Circle 2966:germination 2954:Pleistocene 2925:(1968-69). 2922:The Krotons 2909:The Krotons 2790:in a small 2561:Ice Warrior 2555:Ice Warrior 2532:Exit Wounds 2378:Northumbria 2257:Murray Gold 2138:The Snowmen 1944:, seen in " 1915:nuclear war 1869:Fish People 1646:suffragette 1637:patriarchal 1604:delegates. 1480:Mark Gatiss 1460:" (2005). 1415:Roy Skelton 1322:The Beatles 1129:Cybershades 1094:'s serial " 1092:Neil Gaiman 1049:. Producer 1035:Jon Pertwee 1027:Gerry Davis 818:Chronovores 720:watch-along 705:Face of Boe 602:comic books 396:Miss Foster 361:watch-along 304:Abzorbaloff 17412:Categories 17316:Doctor Who 17307:Whoniverse 17243:The Doctor 17212:Luke Smith 17193:Characters 16767:Golden Age 16753:Lost Souls 16705:Audiobooks 16595:Doctor Who 16586:Whoniverse 16501:Supporting 16437:Characters 16170:Cyberwoman 16002:Publishers 15978:Adventures 15960:Magazines 15810:Top Trumps 15706:P.R.O.B.E. 15677:Audiobooks 15492:Dalekmania 15174:The Master 15164:Companions 15157:considered 15147:The Doctor 15140:Characters 15100:Whoniverse 15062:Home video 15007:Production 14939:Doctor Who 14835:The Master 14827:Time Lords 14777:Mechonoids 14667:Danny Pink 14652:Luke Smith 14632:Pete Tyler 14607:Mike Yates 14512:Bill Potts 14497:River Song 14447:Rose Tyler 14427:Peri Brown 14367:Zoe Heriot 14315:Television 14308:Companions 14298:and allies 14296:Companions 14242:War Doctor 14216:Fourteenth 14211:Thirteenth 14133:the Doctor 14120:characters 14117:Doctor Who 14064:Doctor Who 13670:Doctor Who 13637:Doctor Who 13562:Doctor Who 13518:2057-6048. 13374:The Direct 13203:0426204301 13186:Howe, D.J. 13171:0563405880 13154:Howe, D.J. 12536:Doctor Who 12003:"Series 1" 11917:Doctor Who 11881:Doctor Who 11781:(531): 26. 11729:ScreenRant 11709:Doctor Who 11063:ScreenRant 11012:ScreenRant 10986:ScreenRant 10820:I B Tauris 10792:0292709277 10664:Doctor Who 10602:Doctor Who 10574:ScreenRant 10497:Doctor Who 10328:ScreenRant 10190:ScreenRant 10118:Doctor Who 10065:184511163X 10056:I B Tauris 10029:. London. 10026:Doctor Who 9689:ScreenRant 9339:Doctor Who 7961:Doctor Who 7906:184511163X 7897:I B Tauris 7467:Doctor Who 7382:ScreenRant 7312:Doctor Who 6999:Doctor Who 6954:Doctor Who 6866:ScreenRant 6840:ScreenRant 6795:Doctor Who 6728:ScreenRant 6619:Yahoo News 6572:References 6564:Doctor Who 6555:Doctor Who 6486:Paul Kasey 6420:The Lodger 6381:the Master 6349:See also: 6338:Experience 6336:Doctor Who 6170:Paul Kasey 6166:Doctor Who 6130:Wirrn Isle 6125:Wirrn Dawn 6120:Big Finish 6042:" (2007). 5989:Dark Water 5813:Doctor Who 5808:Time Lords 5571:" (2007). 5539:Time Lords 5414:See also: 5366:See also: 5273:Big Freeze 5246:The Master 5128:" (2010). 5080:regenerate 5076:the Doctor 5052:See also: 4969:the Daleks 4964:The Daleks 4949:The Daleks 4947:See also: 4925:Lakertyans 4843:Terileptil 4769:" (2021). 4713:" (2005). 4591:Star Whale 4573:The Doctor 4529:Doctor Who 4462:, seen in 4426:" (2020). 4271:The Doctor 4240:the Doctor 4172:" (2011). 4119:The Rescue 4112:The Rescue 4106:Sand Beast 4063:See also: 3986:Pete Tyler 3982:Rose Tyler 3939:The Gift ( 3874:regenerate 3763:" (2008). 3732:Doctor Who 3651:Plasmavore 3606:" (2006). 3586:the Master 3499:Not-things 3345:Bill Potts 2978:Big Finish 2958:Antarctica 2913:See also: 2880:Krillitane 2745:Doctor Who 2741:Gloucester 2656:Doctor Who 2644:Doctor Who 2636:Following 2546:" (2010). 2536:cigarettes 2524:Rose Tyler 2375:Viking Age 2050:Doctor Who 1954:The Master 1930:Futurekind 1858:Time Lords 1759:Dream Lord 1715:Time Scoop 1689:River Song 1642:matriarchy 1576:the Master 1465:Time Lords 1444:Doctor Who 1434:Doctor Who 1430:The Daleks 1380:Resolution 1337:the Doctor 1318:Doctor Who 1314:The Doctor 1306:Doctor Who 1301:The Daleks 1184:The Dæmons 1162:the Master 1157:The Dæmons 1150:The Dæmons 1114:" (2020). 1088:Doctor Who 1076:John Lumic 1056:Earthshock 1031:prosthesis 1023:Kit Pedler 912:Peri Brown 836:The Master 782:the Master 756:Face Value 730:Chameleons 643:, but the 633:witchcraft 617:Carrionite 530:until the 409:The Doctor 344:Blue Peter 336:The Doctor 316:Experience 314:Doctor Who 291:Doctor Who 264:Doctor Who 252:The Doctor 247:Doctor Who 110:newspapers 39:improve it 17281:Sontarans 16513:John Hart 16371:Rendition 16314:Fragments 16122:Programme 16109:Torchwood 15928:crossover 15926:Star Trek 15565:2008 Prom 15548:Unleashed 15363:Torchwood 15347:Spin-offs 15321:Gallifrey 15314:Locations 15244:Time Lord 15191:Creatures 15088:Australia 15039:composers 15014:Producers 14966:1996 film 14947:Programme 14802:Sontarans 14787:Silurians 14721:Creatures 14542:Spin-offs 14221:Fifteenth 13808:Game Rant 13657:Euros Lyn 12011:ECW Press 11912:Turn Left 10641:0261-3077 10464:Torchwood 10249:0261-3077 9987:0261-3077 9953:0261-3077 9919:0261-3077 9831:Phil Ford 9589:cite book 9449:0261-3077 9322:Simon Nye 9274:cite book 9235:cite book 9030:cite book 8991:cite book 8910:cite book 8795:0261-3077 8611:0261-3077 8312:0261-3077 7705:cite book 7687:BBC Books 7631:Deejsaint 7582:cite book 7564:BBC Books 6994:Turn Left 6537:Loch Ness 6522:jellyfish 6385:Jimmy Vee 6310:, titled 6066:(1975). 6058:insectoid 5843:insectoid 5831:Vespiform 5815:season 23 5639:episode " 5543:Gallifrey 5464:Tythonian 5430:Tritovore 5380:Logopolis 5356:Trakenite 5324:Tractator 5317:sun scoop 5277:Time Lord 5222:Toclafane 5048:Time Lord 5042:Time Lord 5011:Turn Left 4728:The name 4680:wormholes 4665:manta ray 4645:The Swarm 4388:Hell Bent 4200:Sensorite 4194:Silurians 4176:Sea Devil 4091:jellyfish 4075:Sontarans 3978:paradoxes 3972:episode " 3870:Turn Left 3863:Mr. Saxon 3833:Gallifrey 3776:Queen Bat 3743:series 11 3739:Tim Price 3542:(1978). 3487:that the 3421:The Pilot 3407:dreadlock 3283:companion 3163:mandibles 2980:entitled 2731:episode " 2729:series 12 2528:Torchwood 2382:North Sea 2363:evolution 2343:Haemovore 2329:Haemovore 2263:Guardians 2104:Jimmy Vee 2095:episode " 2079:The Proms 2065:stories " 1960:The Flood 1811:Buccaneer 1763:Leadworth 1558:Draconian 1552:Gallifrey 1491:Dominator 1362:designer 1339:, titled 1070:" of the 1043:Tom Baker 792:Kitlings, 709:Anna Hope 689:New Earth 425:plush toy 405:Turn Left 350:Peter Kay 275:Torchwood 231:from the 198:July 2024 190:talk page 140:June 2024 45:talk page 17276:Slitheen 17269:See also 17260:Jo Jones 17253:Eleventh 17157:Series 5 17104:Series 4 17094:The Gift 17051:Series 3 16978:Series 2 16925:Series 1 16606:Doomsday 16557:Concepts 16544:Cybermen 16537:See also 16349:Series 4 16331:Series 3 16229:Series 2 16141:Series 1 16133:Episodes 16066:Category 15971:Magazine 15727:Downtime 15720:Mindgame 15616:Novellas 15399:Specials 15295:Time War 15268:Concepts 15239:Slitheen 15234:Silurian 15229:Sontaran 15199:Cyberman 15055:Releases 14954:Episodes 14863:See also 14850:Rassilon 14845:The Rani 14797:Slitheen 14740:Cybermen 14681:See also 14487:Amy Pond 14432:Mel Bush 14377:Jo Grant 14372:Liz Shaw 14256:See also 14201:Eleventh 13690:Mashable 13566:TV Comic 13192:(1994). 13160:(1999). 13009:cite web 11754:Engadget 10881:14 April 10671:14 April 10609:14 April 10143:27 April 10137:Archived 10085:16 March 9715:Collider 9191:Peepshow 8761:Collider 8572:BBC News 8249:20 March 8226:(1995). 7756:Collider 7462:Gridlock 7307:Flatline 6782:Dan Zeff 6562:List of 6557:villains 6553:List of 6547:See also 6533:Skarasen 6377:Vinvocci 6287:TV Comic 6181:Xeraphin 5981:Time War 5855:en masse 5804:genocide 5768:Time War 5743:Amy Pond 5707:piranhas 5621:(1978). 5596:(1971). 5580:Uxariean 5547:humanoid 5505:(1982). 5489:Urbankan 5480:(1979). 5352:(1984). 5349:Frontios 5330:Frontios 5254:bogeyman 5188:Tivolian 5137:the Monk 4921:the Rani 4870:androids 4821:(1978). 4736:'s play 4555:Spiridon 4500:Sontaran 4494:Sontaran 4480:Solonian 4430:Sky Fish 4297:(1970). 4281:Silurian 4216:(1964). 4126:Saturnyn 4122:(1965). 4052:Galaxy 4 4045:Galaxy 4 3952:Mr Smith 3932:Slitheen 3908:Slitheen 3878:dystopia 3749:Pyrovile 3713:Tsuranga 3709:Tsuranga 3689:(1970). 3673:Primords 3636:Menoptra 3572:Uruk-hai 3378:Movellan 3374:(1966). 3327:Extremis 3286:Amy Pond 3263:Minotaur 3257:Midnight 3216:(1985). 3129:Menoptra 3121:Menoptra 3117:(1980). 3101:Marshmen 3097:(1979). 3081:Mandrels 3063:devolved 3053:story, " 3043:Gridlock 2983:Hothouse 2830:Krafayis 2784:Amy Pond 2713:story, " 2652:Cybermen 2589:Cold War 2359:Vampiric 2357:(1989). 2289:TARDIS's 1905:reptiles 1881:Atlantis 1781:Eternals 1771:Amy Pond 1743:Eknodine 1685:Peepshow 1621:Galaxy 4 1614:Galaxy 4 1597:Fugitive 1588:West Ham 1469:Time War 1370:and the 1170:Jo Grant 1127:and the 1119:Cybermat 924:Cyberman 918:Cyberman 840:Atlantis 834:(1972). 808:Survival 787:Survival 778:cheetahs 701:Gridlock 579:Flatline 567:Boneless 556:Timelash 549:Timelash 448:The Mill 332:Slitheen 289:List of 233:universe 17299:Related 16917:Serials 16578:Related 16244:Sleeper 16156:Day One 15915:Pinball 15734:Cyberon 15699:Wartime 15083:History 15024:Writers 14672:Ashildr 14565:Destrii 14507:Nardole 14263:Dr. Who 14206:Twelfth 14181:Seventh 14016:17 July 13986:20 July 13961:26 June 13886:26 June 13861:26 June 13855:Inverse 13813:26 June 13787:26 June 13759:27 June 13651:Writer 13618:Writer 13556:,  13538:27 June 13404:25 June 13379:25 June 13353:25 June 13248:CultBox 13088:21 July 12999:21 July 12618:In the 12075: ( 12055:17 June 11926:BBC One 11890:BBC One 11760:25 June 11734:25 June 11696:Writer 11682:25 June 11368:27 June 11068:25 June 11042:25 June 11017:25 June 10991:25 June 10965:25 June 10939:25 June 10909:25 June 10860:27 June 10751:27 June 10721:27 June 10696:27 June 10646:27 June 10579:27 June 10553:27 June 10478:Writer 10449:Writer 10384:27 June 10359:27 June 10333:27 June 10307:27 June 10254:27 June 10220:27 June 10195:27 June 10169:27 June 10103:Writer 10007:Writer 9992:25 June 9958:25 June 9924:25 June 9890:25 June 9864:27 June 9825:Writer 9810:27 June 9764:Writer 9735:Writer 9720:27 June 9694:27 June 9554:18 July 9394:27 June 9320:Writer 8738:"Dalek" 8697:9 March 8582:9 March 8523:13 July 8498:13 July 8493:CultBox 8472:13 July 8446:13 July 8420:13 July 8394:13 July 8169:14 July 8163:Inverse 8087:13 July 8082:CultBox 8061:13 July 7942:Writer 7873:30 June 7811:30 June 7761:28 June 7735:28 June 7641:28 June 7494:27 June 7448:Writer 7435:podcast 7387:27 June 7293:Writer 7008:BBC One 6980:Writer 6967:BBC One 6959:Cardiff 6935:Writer 6871:26 June 6845:26 June 6819:26 June 6776:Writer 6733:26 June 6677:27 June 6671:Inverse 6625:26 June 6590:Inverse 6488:, with 6472:" and " 6369:Titanic 6236:beetles 5936:serial 5782:Vervoid 5719:carrion 5551:seaweed 5509:Usurian 5301:Torajii 5287:novel, 5267:" and " 5106:Clara's 5031:Titanic 4857:serial 4744:Caliban 4730:Sycorax 4709:story " 4695:Sycorax 4687:Sycorax 4536:" and " 4448:Slyther 4412:Skithra 4393:Zagreus 4386:" and " 4368:Morbius 4355:Warrior 3980:. When 3837:Empress 3815:Racnoss 3801:Racnoss 3686:Inferno 3432:Nestene 3392:serial 3371:The Ark 3200:Mentors 3178:Barbara 2929:Krynoid 2591:" and " 2394:During 2389:octopus 2225:Goblins 1893:Foamasi 1833:Fendahl 1652:Drashig 1608:Drahvin 1409:in the 1106:" and " 1066:" and " 1045:as the 1037:as the 873:story " 859:Chuldur 812:lesbian 683:Catkind 665:Catkind 543:Bandril 458:Aggedor 442:MASSIVE 414:Titanic 376:Adipose 235:of the 124:scholar 17286:Judoon 17231:Guests 16850:Comics 16760:Asylum 16714:Hidden 16307:Adrift 16056:Portal 15920:Spoofs 15890:Comics 15859:Legacy 15290:TARDIS 15259:Robots 15224:Judoon 15209:Davros 15152:actors 15105:Fandom 14875:Robots 14817:Zygons 14772:Judoon 14750:Davros 14745:Daleks 14735:Autons 14584:Allies 14550:Kroton 14402:Romana 14186:Eighth 14166:Fourth 14156:Second 14041:  13936:7 July 13911:7 July 13718:  13695:7 July 13477:  13454:7 July 13427:  13326:  13301:  13276:  13253:5 July 13227:5 July 13200:  13168:  13136:  13111:  13061:  13036:  12971:  12946:  12921:  12896:  12871:  12846:  12821:  12796:  12771:  12746:  12721:  12696:  12671:  12646:  12602:  12577:  12554:5 June 12516:  12491:  12466:  12432:  12407:  12379:  12354:  12329:  12304:  12283:  12259:  12234:  12209:  12184:  12159:  12134:  12109:  12021:  11981:  11947:  11850:  11825:  11800:  11655:  11630:  11605:  11580:  11561:. 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