
Dion of Syracuse

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199:. An indiscreet letter from Dion to the Carthaginians led to his banishment. Settling in Athens, he lived a prosperous life until Dionysius II dispossessed him of his estates and income. Landing in Sicily in 357 BC, he was successful in conquering Syracuse (other than the citadel). However, Dion soon quarrelled with the radical leader Heraclides and was forced into exile. Recalled in 355 BC, he became master of the whole city but alienated the population with his imperious behaviour and financial demands. His supporters abandoned him, and he was assassinated. Dion's attempts to liberate Sicily only brought the island political and social chaos which lasted for nearly 20 years. 540:
the destroyed palisade of the acropolis and the liberating soldiers were unable to reach them. The Syracusans spontaneously decided to charge the enemy, which ended when Nypsius and his men retreated back into the citadel where many of Nypsius' soldiers were then captured. Nypsius somehow managed to escape from the city. Not long after, Dionysius' son Apollocrates, weary of the long siege, surrendered the island citadel to Dion and Dion's sister Aristomache, his wife Arete and the young Hipparinus were freed.
25: 410:. However, despite his own helmsman's advice, Dion sailed further along the southern coast of Sicily where the fleet was hit by a storm and nearly smashed into pieces against the rocks near Cercina, in northern Africa. The fleet had to wait for five days until a favourable southerly wind brought it back to Sicily. Dion was then able to land in Carthaginian territory. As he was a personal friend of the governor Synalus of 246:. Dionysius I was so satisfied with Dion's role as advisor that eventually Dion was authorized to withdraw money from the Syracusan treasury. The tyrant demanded, however, to be informed daily when he did so. Despite this requirement, Dion became extremely rich and his residence was magnificently furnished. Nonetheless, Dion occasionally criticized Dionysius I. 115: 332:
Fearing a plot between Carthage and Dion and his supporters, Dionysius feigned a renewed friendship with Dion. They walked to the seashore where the despot showed the incriminating letter to Dion and, without giving Dion the opportunity to defend himself, immediately forced Dion into exile. Dion eventually made his way to Athens.
with a king and a senate made up of aristocrats. Also, the people of Syracuse wished to see the citadel of the tyrant demolished, but Dion allowed it to remain. Dion seemed to have no intention of allowing the Syracusans to manage their own affairs. His authority was now only limited by his joint command with Heracleides.
With the news of the arrival of Dion, the people of Syracuse slew the tyrant's supporters and Timocrates had to flee. Dion led his army into Syracuse. He wore brilliant armour and a garland crowned his head. Dion was accompanied by Megacles and Callipus. The local community leaders greeted them. Dion
Eventually, Dionysius decided to seize all of Dion's properties in Syracuse and stopped him receiving revenue from his estates. Dionysius tried to mend his image by forcing Plato to visit him in Syracuse through public threats against Dion. The celebrated philosopher returned to Syracuse, but soon he
and Theodotes, to overthrow Dionysius. They agreed that they would wait in the hope of political reform, although they would oust Dionysius if this did not happen. Eventually Dion agreed with Heracleides to install a full democracy, by his wealthy patrician birth, he disliked this form of government.
Dionysius I was on his deathbed when Dion attempted to discuss the succession with him. Dion hoped that Dionysius I would hand over the rule of Syracuse to him or to his family. However, his attempt to influence Dionysius I was stopped by Dionysius I's doctors who supported the younger Dionysius II.
The situation reached a crisis point when Dionysius and Philistus intercepted a letter which had been sent by Dion to the Carthaginians. In that letter, Dion recommended that the Carthaginians should consult him regarding a peace agreement, because he would provide all of Syracuse's demands to them.
When he succeeded as tyrant of Syracuse, his entire court was composed of by licentious youngsters, who were completely disengaged from their political duties. The Syracusan institutions thus began to collapse. With his extensive political experience, Dion effectively ruled the city state. Soon, the
On that date, Dion was celebrating at home with his friends. The assassins were Zacynthians, who wore light garments and who were unarmed. They walked into the house while other accomplices began shutting all doors and windows. The mercenaries attacked Dion choking him and then with a short Spartan
The Syracusans began insisting, once again, about redistributing land and restoring democracy. However, according to Bury, Dion thought democracy was as bad a form of government as tyranny. Instead he hoped to create a Platonic state and establish an aristocracy with some democratic limitations and
When he learnt about Dion's imminent arrival, Nypsius ordered to his men to burn the city. During that night, the city of Syracuse burned while many of its citizens were slain. The next day, Dion led his troops through the city cheered by the local people. However, Nypsius' troops had hidden behind
A week later, Dionysius returned to Syracuse and, protected by his loyal fleet, managed to gain entry into the Syracusan island acropolis which had not been captured as it was guarded by a large garrison loyal to the tyrant. Dionysus attempted negotiating with Dion but Dion responded by saying that
At first the Syracusans seem to be winning after Heracleides put out to sea and won a sea fight against the fleet supporting Nypsius. On the news of this victory, the people of Syracusan went wild with joy and spent the night drinking. The next day, while all in Syracuse were asleep, Nypsius and
Dion opposed such plans but the Syracusans reacted decisively against what they saw as his oppressive government (which relied to a great extent on unpopular foreign mercenaries). The Syracusans deposed him from the post of general and appointed 25 new generals, among them Heracleides. They also
With his long connection with the former tyranny, it soon became clear to the people of Syracuse that Dion's political views were conservative and he did not favour the introduction of the democratic reforms sought by many of Syracuse's citizens. Dion was not a man who could hold the affections of
Dionysius' proposals were spurned by the people and Dion suggested his surrender. Dionysus accepted this suggestion and he invited a local embassy to come to his palace to discuss the details. However, it was a deception on Dionysius' part and Dion's representatives were immediately confined after
In response, Dion sought to start a revolt in Syracuse against Dionysius and his supporters. Dion's closest friends advised him that in Syracuse, the population could be expected to enthusiastically join Dion's revolt, if only he could get to the city. They told him that Dion did not need to bring
Plato was confined inside the acropolis and received excellent treatment as an important guest, so he would not follow Dion. Later, when war with Carthage restarted, Dionysius allowed the philosopher to depart Syracuse, promising Plato that he would allow Dion to return to Syracuse during the next
to Syracuse. Dion joined Plato's philosophical school, where he excelled as a disciple, and sought to inculcate Platonic maxims into the thoughts of Dionysius I. He arranged a meeting between the philosopher and the despot, which ended in a quarrel after Plato spoke out against tyrannical leaders.
From his exile, Dionysius had offered a bribe to Calippus to kill Dion and Calippus had accepted the offer. Calippus used the money from Dionysius to bribe some of Dion’s troops to defect to him. He then won Dion’s trust by betraying some of these soldiers to Dion, who then enlisted Calippus as a
During the next days, most of the opponents of Dion fled. Amongst the few who remained was Heracleides who sought Dion's pardon. Dion's foreign mercenaries suggested that he should be executed. However, Dion pardoned him and agreed to the arrangement where Dion would be general with full power on
The next day, Dionysius' army surprised and overwhelmed the many besieging Syracusans who retreated in utter disorder. Because of the confusion, Dion was unable to issue orders more generally, so he and his men charged against Dionysius' troops. Dion was injured and ended on the ground but he was
Thanks to these events, there was growing speculation in Syracuse that Aristomache, who was popular with her fellow citizens, would attempt to seize the power. Dionysius became aware of these sentiments and he attempted to address the situation. Publicly, he explained that Dion was temporarily in
Heracleides kept arguing in favour of democratic reform. Later, when Philistus returned from Italy with his squadron, Heracleides led a Syracusan fleet in a battle in which Philistus' fleet was defeated and Philistus was executed. The rivalry peaked after Heracleides failed to prevent Dionysius'
Nonetheless, Plato arrived and was welcomed with much enthusiasm. Plato's conversations with Dionysius were said to have led to significant changes in Dionysius' views and behaviour, who, became sober and attentive, whereas his court continued its libertine practices. Then, during a traditional
Heracleides refused joining the aristocratic senate even after an invitation of Dion and, again, the populist leader began conspiring. He protested because Dion had not destroyed the acropolis and because he had brought in foreign politicians. At last, Dion was persuaded to consent to having
When Dionysius expressed the view that he no longer wished to rule as a tyrant, this alarmed Philistus and his supporters and they campaigned intensively against Dion. They insisted to Dionysius that Dion was the greatest of deceivers, who was intending to seize the realm for his own nephews.
who formed his own political party. Heracleides was appointed admiral by the Syracuse assembly which increased his influence in the city. However, Dion undid this act on the grounds that his own consent was needed and then came forward himself to propose Heracleides for the role of admiral.
so, as he grew up, he lacked the knowledge, capabilities, political skills or personal strength expected of a future leader of men. When Dionysius I died in 367 BC, he was succeeded by Dionysius II. (References to Dionysius in this article hereafter refer to Dionysius II unless otherwise
Arete and Aristomache continued their enquiries into Calippus' plot against Dion, and when Calippus discovered their inquisitiveness, he approached them and told them that he was loyal and that he would prove his loyalty. They told him to take the Great Oath, involving a ceremony in
so that he wouldn't provoke some violent backlash against Dionysius. Dion was allowed to hold onto his Syracusan estate so he was still receiving his usual revenues. Furthermore, Dionysius handed two ships to Dion's relatives so they could send his possessions after him to Athens.
At Leontini, Dion was well received and his foreign mercenaries were made local citizens. There, the Sicilian congress held a meeting, denouncing Syracuse, but the Syracusans responded that they preferred their actual liberties instead of a continuation of tyranny.
With the departure of Dion and his mercenaries, the Syracusans decided to lay siege to the island fortress where Dionysius' son, Apollocrates, and his garrison of mercenaries resided. However, just as they were about to attack, reinforcements arrived led by a
with his own money to fight the Carthaginians. Although Dionysius was delighted by these suggestions, his courtiers resented Dion's interventions. They suggested to Dionysus that Dion was trying to oust him in favour of the line of his sister Aristomache.
Dion concluded that educating Dionysius would be the key to resolving Syracuse's problems. With his philosophical training, Dion began teaching him about philosophical principles and the importance of good governance with the aim of making him a
In 357 BC, Dion's fleet sailed for Sicily. As his coming was expected, the Admiral Philistus had a fleet in Italian coastal waters ready to waylay him. So Dion sailed straight across the open sea. After 13 days, Dion's fleet reached Sicily at
specified.) As an adult Dionysius was given to libertine practices. Cornelius Nepos was of the view that Dionysius lacked his father’s strength of character and he paid too much attention to unscrupulous advisers who wished to discredit Dion.
Shortly afterwards, Dion’s only son fell from a window and died. Dion’s wife, Arete, and sister, Aristomache, discovered Calippus’ plot against Dion, but Dion was still paralysed with remorse from his son’s death, and refused to take action.
and Dionysius began arguing bitterly about Dion's fate. The philosopher was jailed until an Athenian embassy arranged for his release. In his anger, Dionysus sold Dion's estate (keeping the proceeds) and compelled Dion's wife (and niece)
refused to pay the Greek mercenaries who had come with Dion to Syracuse. While Dion and his mercenaries could have turned against the Syracusans, Dion decided to abandon Syracuse and with his 3000 foreign mercenaries moved to
299:. Such lessons sparked Dionysius' interest, so Plato was invited again to Syracuse. The experiment, in spite of a promising beginning, failed, with Dion's opponents gaining influence over Dionysius, leading to the philosopher 535:
The Syracusans were unable to offer effective resistance, so they sent an embassy to Leontini to meet with Dion. In response, Dion announced that his soldiers should prepare to march towards Syracuse on that same night.
the people, for he repelled men with his haughtiness. He was also seen as too keen to direct the Syracusans on how they were to use their freedom. As a result, the Syracusans started to distrust Dion's intentions.
445:. Dionysius' soldiers from these areas deserted Timocrates' forces to defend their respective towns. Then, during the night, Dion ordered the expedition to advance, and at daybreak, Dion launched his attack. 605:
Following Dion's assassination, Calippus seized power himself and ruled as tyrant of Syracuse for about a year before Syracuse successfully revolted against his rule and he was exiled from the city.
Dionysius delayed Dion's return until the end of the war with Carthage. Dionysius recommended to Plato that Dion should not publicly criticise the Syracusan regime. Dion obeyed, staying within the
In Dionysius' court, Dion proposed a response to the continuing Carthaginian threat. Dion offered either to travel to Carthage (to seek a diplomatic solution) or to furnish Syracuse with 50 new
rescued by his men. Dion mounted a horse and was reunited with supporters. Dion's foreign mercenaries had superior fighting skills and forced Dionysius' men to retreat back into the acropolis.
secret agent to discover further plotters. So whenever Dion was told that Calippus was undermining him, Dion simply thought that Calippus was acting in his role as a spy.
Later Dion did begin travelling throughout Greece meeting many local statesmen. Dion was regarded as a celebrity and many Greek cities welcomed him. For instance, the
Following Dion's defeat of Dionysius' forces, Dion was elected to lead Syracuse (with his brother). Dionysius and his supporters were confined to the citadel.
As a trusted advisor to Dionysius I, Dion was given the most important diplomatic assignments. Dion excelled in managing the embassies that dealt with
598:’s temple, which he took. Following the ceremony, Calippus broke his vow and planned to kill Dion on the day celebrating the goddess Persephone. 274:
Dionysius I had dreaded that anyone might depose him treacherously. He had, therefore, cloistered his son Dionysius II inside the Syracusan
on the Italian peninsula with 80 ships, Dion's soldiers insisted on action. So Dion led his troops towards Syracuse. On the road through
On hearing of Dion's plans, Dionysius II then deliberately poisoned his father, who was unable to utter another word before passing away.
Since his youth, Dion had excelled in intellectual activities, particularly philosophy. In 387 BC he induced Dionysius I to invite
at the same time. Although Dion's sister was popular with her fellow Syracusans, it was Doris who gave birth to Dionysius I's heir
35: 532:
his troops issued from the gates of the island citadel and took control of key parts of the city and pillaged the city at will.
93: 65: 1261: 72: 1359: 1354: 975: 796: 570:
Although Dion led the funeral for the popular leader, the assassination was quite resented by the people of Syracuse.
1132: 883: 867: 79: 398:
Nevertheless, Dion managed to gather from his Greek supporters 800 soldiers who gathered on the Greek island of
402:. Dion assured the leaders of the mercenaries that they would be made commanders once they defeated Dionysius. 50: 433:
and the region surrounding Syracuse, they were joined by 5,000 Sicilians who wished to join the revolt. Near
388: 231: 61: 303:
being recalled (after he had been banished by the elder Dionysius) and then leading the opposition to Dion.
932: 208: 180: 1204: 1181: 1021: 262:. Despite this disagreement over Plato, Dion and Dionysius I's close relationship continued as before. 191:, he became Dionysius I's most trusted minister and adviser. However, his great wealth, his belief in 1364: 1172: 1063: 1049: 578:
Among those who had come with Dion from Greece to help liberate Syracuse was a pupil of Plato named
925: 637: 224: 196: 1096: 1074: 632: 212: 184: 1349: 1344: 1270: 1105: 968: 543:
The Syracusan assembly 'supplicated Dion as a god with prayers' when he returned to Syracuse (
86: 477: 307: 1127: 945: 657: 579: 353: 349: 46: 8: 1054: 356:. Additionally, Dion purchased a rural residence for his leisure. His closest friend was 348:
Thus, Dion lived amongst the Athenian high society, dwelling with the patrician Athenian
114: 254:
Plato escaped assassination by the agents of Dionysius I, but ended up being sold as an
162: 1291: 619: 306:
Facing increasing opposition to his plans, Dion began developing a plot, with generals
people of Syracuse formed the view that Dion was the only one who might save the city.
762: 230:
Aristomache had four children. Of these children, Sophrosyne married Dionysius II and
1248: 1231: 1213: 1014: 961: 879: 863: 792: 1301: 1190: 1070: 910: 296: 243: 127: 364: 328:
Dionysius believed their arguments so he adopted a hostile attitude towards Dion.
1029: 906: 652: 552: 414:, the Carthaginians offered lodging and plentiful supplies to Dion's expedition. 220: 172: 1252: 1159: 1091: 1000: 375: 157: 1338: 1286: 1244: 1058: 176: 195:
and his ambition aroused the suspicions of Dionysius I's son and successor,
1306: 1266: 1217: 1199: 642: 614: 486: 528:
from Naples, Nypsius, who sailed his fleet into Syracuse's Great Harbour.
319:, Dionysius openly stated that he did not wish to be a tyrant any longer. 42: 1296: 1177: 1114: 1109: 878:
Duncan Fishwick, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Brill, 1987, p. 4,
216: 1045: 667: 595: 525: 357: 374:
endowed him with citizenship, although the city state was at war with
1168: 1087: 647: 422: 399: 316: 300: 275: 192: 953: 215:
in the Syracusan army. Hipparinus' other children were Megacles and
24: 1257: 1163: 1150: 1141: 1136: 985: 902: 758: 548: 544: 496:
Syracusan land should be equally redistributed amongst the citizens
442: 430: 418: 407: 352:
with whom he had become acquainted during the celebrations of the
1240: 1235: 1226: 1222: 1186: 1007: 508: 438: 287: 1195: 1118: 1100: 371: 341: 259: 255: 168: 148: 1208: 1154: 1145: 1078: 662: 434: 411: 250: 188: 789:
Cornelius Nepos – Three Lives – Alcibiades, Dion and Attacus
1082: 426: 136: 139: 846:
The History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great
Heracleides then proposed to the popular assembly that:
A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great
married Dion (with their son being called Hipparinus).
437:, Dion spread rumours that he would be attacking both 485:
subsequent escape from Syracuse, with Dionysius' son
142: 559:
land while Heracleides would remain admiral by sea.
219:. Aristomache married Dionysius I, who also married 133: 130: 391:to marry the tyrant's close adviser, Timocrates. 1336: 518: 969: 816:(3 ed.). London: Macmillan. p. 666. 617:'s historical novel about classical Syracuse 499:the foreign officers should lose their salary 207:Dion was the son of the Syracusan statesman 51:introducing citations to additional sources 449:proclaimed that Dionysius was now deposed. 417:Having learnt that Dionysius had sailed to 976: 962: 811: 567:Heracleides assassinated at his own home. 464: 237: 939: 930: 919: 269: 113: 41:Relevant discussion may be found on the 786: 753: 751: 749: 747: 745: 743: 741: 739: 737: 735: 733: 731: 729: 727: 725: 723: 721: 719: 717: 715: 713: 711: 709: 707: 705: 703: 613:Dion appears as a central character in 453:the now free Syracusans should decide. 1337: 937:Intermittently from 357 –354 BC 791:. Bell and Hyman. pp. 8, 27, 30. 701: 699: 697: 695: 693: 691: 689: 687: 685: 683: 983: 957: 812:Bury, J. B.; Meiggs, Russell (1956). 608: 551:(16.20.6) described these honours as 843: 839: 837: 835: 833: 831: 829: 827: 825: 823: 782: 780: 778: 776: 774: 757: 18: 848:. Modern Library. pp. 669–672. 680: 489:being left to command the citadel. 13: 502:new commanders should be appointed 14: 1376: 820: 771: 16:4th-century BC Tyrant of Syracuse 573: 547:, Life of Dion 29.2). However, 126: 34:relies largely or entirely on a 23: 602:sword he was stabbed to death. 378:and was allied with Dionysius. 872: 852: 805: 1: 892: 860:Pindar and the Cult of Heroes 322: 395:either weapons or soldiers. 381: 7: 862:, Oxford UP, 2005, p. 180, 844:Bury, John Bagnell (1900). 626: 519:Regaining power in Syracuse 10: 1381: 1022:On the Malice of Herodotus 457:entering into the palace. 1360:4th-century BC Syracusans 1355:5th-century BC Syracusans 1315: 1279: 1038: 992: 367:and studying philosophy. 202: 161: 673: 638:Dionysius II of Syracuse 476:Dion soon fell out with 183:, and brother-in-law of 1280:Translators and editors 633:Dionysius I of Syracuse 185:Dionysius I of Syracuse 465:Leadership of Syracuse 238:Advisor to Dionysius I 211:, who had served with 118: 926:Dionysius the Younger 270:Dion and Dionysius II 117: 658:Calippus of Syracuse 354:Eleusinian Mysteries 350:Calippus of Syracuse 47:improve this article 1055:Alexander the Great 787:Roebuck, R (1987). 1292:Arthur Hugh Clough 933:Tyrant of Syracuse 761:. "Life of Dion". 620:The Mask of Apollo 609:In popular culture 119: 62:"Dion of Syracuse" 1332: 1331: 1319:Comparison extant 1249:Tiberius Gracchus 1015:De genio Socratis 952: 951: 179:, was the son of 112: 111: 97: 1372: 1365:Sicilian tyrants 1302:Philemon Holland 1191:Cato the Younger 1071:Aratus of Sicyon 978: 971: 964: 955: 954: 917: 916: 886: 876: 870: 856: 850: 849: 841: 818: 817: 809: 803: 802: 784: 769: 768: 755: 365:Athenian Academy 297:philosopher king 187:. 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Sic. 893:References 668:Speusippus 596:Persephone 358:Speusippus 323:Banishment 209:Hipparinus 181:Hipparinus 73:newspapers 1245:Cleomenes 1232:Sertorius 1205:Poplicola 1200:Agesilaus 1173:Marcellus 1169:Pelopidas 1106:Demetrius 1088:Aristides 984:Works of 648:Philistus 526:Campanian 423:Agrigento 400:Zacynthus 382:Rebellion 317:sacrifice 301:Philistus 276:acropolis 258:slave in 193:Platonism 43:talk page 1271:Camillus 1258:Timoleon 1164:Lycurgus 1151:Lysander 1142:Lucullus 1137:Pericles 986:Plutarch 946:Calippus 903:Plutarch 759:Plutarch 653:Syracuse 627:See also 623:(1966). 580:Calippus 549:Diodorus 545:Plutarch 509:Leontini 443:Campania 431:Camarina 419:Caulonia 408:Pachynus 372:Spartans 336:summer. 288:triremes 256:Athenian 244:Carthage 173:Syracuse 1236:Eumenes 1227:Theseus 1223:Romulus 1214:Pyrrhus 1187:Phocion 1097:Crassus 1008:Moralia 439:Lentini 87:scholar 1196:Pompey 1133:Fabius 1128:Brutus 1119:Cicero 1110:Antony 1101:Nicias 882:  866:  795:  553:heroic 376:Thebes 342:Athens 260:Aegina 203:Family 169:tyrant 89:  82:  75:  68:  60:  1324:Lives 1209:Solon 1155:Sulla 1146:Cimon 1079:Galba 1039:Lives 993:Works 909:(cf. 899:Lives 674:Notes 663:Plato 435:Akrai 389:Arete 251:Plato 232:Arete 189:Plato 158:Greek 94:JSTOR 80:books 1269:and 1260:and 1247:and 1241:Agis 1234:and 1225:and 1216:and 1207:and 1198:and 1189:and 1180:and 1171:and 1162:and 1160:Numa 1153:and 1144:and 1135:and 1126:and 1124:Dion 1117:and 1108:and 1099:and 1090:and 1083:Otho 1077:and 1064:life 1057:and 1048:and 905:and 880:ISBN 864:ISBN 793:ISBN 441:and 427:Gela 163:Δίων 122:Dion 66:news 901:by 175:in 171:of 49:by 1341:: 1251:/ 1243:/ 1081:/ 1073:/ 822:^ 773:^ 682:^ 582:. 555:. 511:. 429:, 425:, 360:. 227:. 160:: 156:; 149:ən 137:aɪ 1067:) 1061:( 1024:" 1020:" 1017:" 1013:" 977:e 970:t 963:v 801:. 767:. 152:/ 146:, 143:n 140:ɒ 134:d 131:ˈ 128:/ 124:( 105:) 101:( 91:· 84:· 77:· 70:· 53:. 39:.


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"Dion of Syracuse"

Magna Graecia
Dionysius I of Syracuse
Dionysius II
Dionysius I
Doris of Locris
Dionysius II

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