
Death of Chow Tsz-lok

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the reason for the possible unconsciousness was unclear. However, Beh Swan-lip (Philip Beh), a forensic doctor who observed the autopsy, said that Chow did have palm bruises, even though the hospital report did not state any injuries to the palm, but that the ICU doctors may not have looked at it as the injuries were small, non-fatal, and non-important. The expert witness Kong Kam-fu (James Kong), an orthopedic doctor, commented about the bruises on both palms, surmising that it may have been caused by Chow lifting himself up with his left or both hands on the edge, rather than with his right hand alone, and falling to the side if he jumped with his left hand on the edge. Leung said that Chow had no arm fractures, which suggested that Chow was unable to reflexively extend his arms for protection during the fall. He said that the injuries were likely caused by a collision of great force such as falling from height, but also deemed that the injuries could either be from that or an assault. He added that there was no signs indicating that Chow inhaled tear gas or was hit by bullets. He found the scenario that Chow lost his balance and could not react in time by using his hands unlikely. Wong stated that Chow most probably fell from a height by accident, rather than being attacked and thrown off the wall. He said that Chow landed with the right side of his head first and that his left brain was bruised by the counter-impact force, similar to what happened with the chest and pelvic injuries. He said that the injuries did not look like that from an attack, there was no DNA from other people under his fingernails, and there was no evidence that Chow had been attacked. He also explained that Chow was unlikely to have been thrown based on the horizontal distance of 1.3 metres between Chow and the wall. He further explained that Chow's fall from the height of 4.3 meters took around 0.93 seconds based on his calculations and that people's perception reaction time is about 0.5 to 0.7 seconds, meaning that Chow did not have sufficient time to react to the fall. He added that the 0.7-second perception reaction time is based on results from laboratory experiments, but that this is in reality more than one second for the average person.
remove obstacles on the road when he found out that Chow had been injured to facilitate his rapid transfer to the hospital quickly. Wong responded that he judged that it was a higher priority to clear the threat posed by violent protesters so that the paramedics could continue treating the injured person, failing which firefighters and paramedics could have been assaulted. He said his team members had already enquired what had happened and whether rescuers needed help, but were informed their help was not needed. He said that they did not obstruct or harass firefighters or paramedics or get in touch with the injured person during the sweep. Senior Inspector Kwok Chun-hei, who led the other police team, said that they had not been informed of Chow's fall whilst dispersing protesters outside the car park. Both police Wong and Kwok stated that no officers had come in contact with Chow or had given chase to anybody during the incident.
1.2-metre-high wall where he fell eight seconds later. He added that no one else had been captured by cameras on the third floor for seven seconds before the incident. When asked whether Chow could have been attacked within the eight seconds, Cheng stated that there is no evidence that supports such a hypothesis. He explained that it is difficult for someone who wants to ambush Chow to hide from being captured by the cameras as the cameras rotate randomly, adding that the culprit would have to calculate the exact time of Chow walking up to the third floor and complete the whole attack within eight seconds, which is difficult to accomplish. He believes that it is impossible that someone could have attacked, lifted, and thrown Chow over the wall within the eight seconds.
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been affected as well if Chow was tear gassed, but no medical workers had noticed this during the rescue and thus the odds of Chow being tear gassed is slim. He said there was no trace of pepper spray or cyanide, a chemical found in tear gas, found in the blood and body fluid samples taken during the hospitalization and autopsy. A juror asked whether tear gas could have reach the destination due to the wind or could have filled out the third floor within one minute, but Tse responded that the tear gas was not affected by wind based on the footage showing the smoke rising upwards and that it is unlikely to diffuse at such a speed.
concentrated at the right side of the body, adding that the right side of the head and pelvic bone was severely hit. He reported that the injuries do not appear to be caused by a murder weapon. He added that the skull would be broken if the head was attacked by a hammer or stick. He also added that an indistinguishable lineair fracture could have formed if the flat part of a brick was used to hit the head, but that this would have needed planning to get these injuries to overlap with the fall injuries. He deemed the possibility of overlapping injuries by an attack and fall to be low.
investigate the reasons for Chow's death and the alleged delay in emergency medical personnel reaching Chow. The police responded to Shyy's open letter, stating the following points: the Regional Crime Unit of Kowloon East was investigating the case and would do so in depth; the police had recommended a death inquest and would submit a death investigation report to the coroner; the Fire Services Department clarified that the ambulance had no interaction with police officers at the scene, but was obstructed by buses and private cars and not by police vehicles.
1104:, whose responsibility covers the area where Chow died, announced a meeting on 3 March for which eight members of the council had submitted for discussion a motion to rename two resting places in the Tseung Kwan O district "Chow Tsz-lok Memorial Park" and "Chan Yin-lam Memorial Park". This motion was controversial, with some members of the public condemning the disrespect to the deceased and their families, who had not been consulted; two of the proposers reportedly received abusive messages on their social media pages. 963:
jury visits to the site was avoided due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He explained that the layout of the second and third floor is similar, which may have caused the confusion that the wall on the third floor was the same as the wall on the second floor, that is, connected to a sidewalk. He remarked that the surveillance footage showed that other people also had tried to cross the same wall in other locations, but that they found that there was no pedestrian path behind the wall and that nothing had happened.
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that they were consistent with injuries caused by falling from the third floor to the second floor of the parking lot. She further explained that there was no injury that pointed to an attack, whereas cases of killings would have shown a skull recess caused by the weapon and no contrecoup injury. She stated that the injuries would have to be serious for Chow to be beaten unconscious, which would have left traces of the murder weapon, but there was no sight of injuries caused by an attack.
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added that forensic experts had to ascertain the precise time and landing point of the fall based on the footage. Subsequent forensic examination determined the time of the fall as 01:01:48 based on the new footage, corroborating the conclusion of the investigators into the footage at the car park. Ko later stated that he indeed believes that the flash captured in the footage indicated the moment when Chow fell and that the time of the footage matched the other evidence.
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firefighters shortly after the discovery and that several first aid volunteers offered assistance about 10 minutes later. Mung said that over 20 riot police officers subsequently walked past during their sweep of the car park. He added that some of the officers came forward and yelled at the crowd surrounding Chow, but then left shortly thereafter. One of Mung's videos showed paramedics from the Fire Services Department arriving at 01:29.
protesters, and the escalation of protester violence. Bloomberg reported that "online rumors, fake news and propaganda from both sides of the political divide" were rife despite the police's role in the death of Chow being unsubstantiated; There were posts alleging that Chow had been chased and even pushed by an undercover officer, and that police blocked an ambulance from reaching him, thus depriving him of life-saving medical care.
Superintendent (Operations) of Kowloon East, said that their officers learned about Chow's injuries when they reached the second floor as they swept the building from the ground floor. She said that the firefighters told the police that they had the situation under control and did not require their presence. The police then dispersed the people at the scene with weapons, and left the first-aiders alone to provide care.
police command post had not received information about the incident involving Chow. He said that officers passed by the Sheung Tak Estate car park's ground entrance and reached the T-junction, about 80 metres north of the junction between Tong Ming Street and Tong Chun Street, at 00:58, and that protesters had reoccupied the roads and were throwing objects at officers by the time police were about to retreat at 01:27.
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junction of Po Shun Road at Tong Ming Street. At 01:20, finding their way blocked by private cars and fire engines near the Kwong Ying House of the Kwong Ming Court, the ambulance personnel abandoned their vehicle and walked to the scene with their equipment, arriving at their destination at 01:30. The ambulance left with Chow at 01:41 and arrived at the
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walked over 100 metres into the parking lot with the stretcher. He estimated that they could have reached the scene 10 minutes earlier if there had been no obstructions and if extra protective equipment had not been necessary. He noted the absence of tear gas and police near Kwong Ying House, and said that the surroundings did not appear dangerous.
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had been found unconscious. Police denied that there were any police officers inside the building when Chow was walking around there, nor did they chase after him before he fell. The police concluded their dispersal operation in the car park at 01:25 and in the nearby area around the Sheung Tak car park at 01:45.
the junction of Tong Ming Street and Tong Chun Street. Lai declared that his fire engine had to make a U-turn because the road to the car park was obstructed with various objects. A large number of protesters had gathered at that position, but that there had been unintentional obstruction to firefighters.
he stood on tiptoes. Mok Hon-pan, another Tseung Kwan O resident, said that he did not see any tear gas smoke nor detect any irritating smell around the area. He stated that police officers were shining flashlights at the building from the adjacent street during the time shortly before Chow was found.
on the left side, determined to be caused by a moving head hitting on a hard and non-deformed surface, such as by falling from a height and hitting the right side of the head against the ground. She stated that the injuries to the chest and pelvis could have occurred under the same circumstances, and
Leung Tsz-hang (Ray Leung), a medical doctor who treated Chow, said that he could not rule out the possibility that Chow was thrown off the car park while unconscious, based on the lack of bruises on the hands expected from a person reacting to a fall by placing his hands against the ground, but that
Lai Wai-kit, a firefighter who administered first aid to Chow, revealed that anti-government protesters had unintentionally delayed their arrival by blocking a road leading to Chow's location. News footage played in court showed that two fire engines could not reach the car park due to a roadblock at
saying that he was merely at the car park to watch the protest. His final message was " also went down to give something to others." Chow's father said that his last exchange with his son was via WhatsApp at 00:46 to tell his son that police had fired tear gas, to which Chow replied two minutes later
CCTV footage showed that Chow was wandering alone, backwards and forwards between the inside the car park and on a connecting footbridge from 0:26 until 01:02 – the last moment he was captured on camera. The fall itself was not captured in the footage due to the operational camera rotations and
said that Chow's death made the demand for an independent investigation into police conduct even more crucial, stating that "Reforming the Hong Kong police force has become a big demand in the society," and asserted that "Obviously, the Hong Kong police force has to be accountable for Chow's death."
The death of Chow ignited an escalation of violent protests, initiating the so-called "Blossom Everywhere" campaign from 11 November onward in which protesters established roadblocks, disrupted train services, and vandalised public spaces across the city that would ultimately lead to conflicts where
While the Hong Kong government expressed "great sorrow and regret" over Chow's death and extended sympathies to his family on 8 November 2019, and promised a "comprehensive investigation to find out what happened", the death of sparked heightened anger among protesters, repeated calls for revenge by
The expert witness Tse Man-li, a clinical toxicologist, concluded that Chow's death is not related to intoxication by tear gas fired by police. He stated that Chow's medical report did not record any signs of exposure to tear gas, such as at the nose or eyes. He noted that medical workers would have
that Chow had a 85 percent probability of dying within two weeks at the time of admission, and a 90 percent chance of going into vegetative state or remaining in a permanent deep coma if he did survive. He judged that Chow's prognosis was not dependent on if he had arrived sooner in the hospital. He
Detective Senior Constable Ngai Kwun-kit, who was tasked with reviewing security footage, said that the fall might have occurred at 01:01:47 due to an abnormal change in the light around the area where Chow was found. He posited that a sudden flash, seen in the footage, was caused by light reflected
said that television footage showed police had fired tear gas at the building in which Chow fell "minutes earlier". Tear gas was reported at the junction of Tong Ming Street and Tong Chun Street, to the western side of the car park, on the opposite side of the building and about 120 metres (parallel
Cheng Yuk-ki, a senior government chemist in charge of forensic analysis, believes that Chow's fall was accidental, rather than that Chow was attacked and thrown off the wall. He was involved in mapping out the interior of the car park for stereoscopic animation in virtual reality for the court, as
Tsui Ka-long, a local resident, said that he looked down from the third floor to see Chow lying in a pool of blood, so he ran and shouted for first aid. He said that in Chow's place, he himself would not have lost his balance as most parts of his body would have been below the concrete wall even if
Senior Inspector Wong Ka-lun said he and his team were tasked with conducting a sweep inside the car park, because black-clad protesters were hurling glass bottles and traffic cones at officers. The barrister representing Chow's family pressed the inspector that he should have realised the need to
Later, newly unearthed footage from a security camera installed at the Kwong Ming Court, a residential complex near the car park, showed a shadow identified as belonging to Chow as it descended. The moment was timestamped at 00:51:37 in the video, but Ko remarked that this was not the real time. He
The court heard that the second floor had four pavements separated by short concrete walls from the parking spaces, but that the third floor had a different layout as the walls were taller and there was no pavement behind the walls. Chow Tak-ming, the father, showed the route that they usually used
The police stated that officers conducted a dispersal operation in the building late Sunday, from 23:06 until 23:20, before Chow had arrived there. A second operation, to disperse protesters who had allegedly been throwing objects at officers on the street from above, took place at 01:05 after Chow
car park in Tseung Kwan O, near an area of confrontation between protesters and police. According to his father, Chow, also known as Alex Chow, had left their flat at around 23:40 on 3 November 2019, wearing a black top, deep-grey shorts, black running shoes, a black cap, and a dark backpack. Chow
Chow sustained multiple injuries, including a severe brain injury as a result of his fall. He died due to a cardiac arrest four days later. The death stirred great emotions as many blamed the police and the government, while the police strenuously denied responsibility for his death. The government
On 11 November, student protesters marched to the residence of HKUST president Shyy and called on him to "condemn police violence"; they daubed graffiti and vandalised the residence and also vandalised a Starbucks café and Bank of China branch on campus. Classes at HKUST were cancelled for repairs
Cheng said that he conducted an on-site experiment to test the hypothesis that the flash on the footage at 1:01:47 indicated the moment of Chow's fall, an experiment that resulted in a similar flash in live footage when a dummy was being thrown from the third to the second floor. He concluded that
Senior ambulanceman Cheng explained that his ambulance (A344) was parked for seven minutes and 56 seconds before the paramedics pushed the stretcher to the parking lot because they needed time to assess the situation at the scene, liaise with firefighters, find the best way to the parking lot, and
Cheng Kwun-ming, a senior ambulanceman and the team leader for ambulance A344 assigned to Chow, said that he had asked the team to drive another route to the car park due to a traffic jam on Tong Ming Street and that they were blocked by an illegally-parked vehicle at the Kwong Ying House, so they
Station Sergeant Lam Wah-ping, who led the police reinforcement, said that he and about 30 colleagues went to offer emergency support to two other teams of officers during the protest in Tseung Kwan O, but had not entered the car park or any other building. He stated that the East Kowloon District
said: "We saw the footage of ambulances being blocked by police cars and the paramedics walking to the scene, causing a delay of 20 minutes in the rescue operation of our student." However, it was ascertained that the disseminated footage actually depicted ambulance A346, assigned to a person with
A 17-year-old certified first aider who checked on the injured and accompanied him to hospital in the ambulance said that riot police spoke to the firefighters and ambulancemen at the scene. He added that neighbors were asking the police to leave, while the police did not move forward and did not
At 01:05, police were informed by a civilian that a person had fallen. Firefighters attending to the injured requested an ambulance at 01:11. At 01:15, as seen in CCTV footage, over 20 police officers arrived at the spot where Chow had fallen and left about a minute later. Suzette Foo, the Senior
alleged that Po Fook Memorial Hall, which supposedly had been approached by Chow's mother to organise her son's funeral arrangements, had declined to hold Chow's funeral ceremony and said that the entire funeral services sector would not help her. The funeral parlour denied the report. A public
called for a thorough and independent investigation into Chow's death, and a clarification from all parties and especially the police to the cause of the ambulance delay. The provisional president of the HKUST student union, Lai Wai-chun, said that he hoped that the university authorities could
Cheng stated that Chow was last captured on footage at 01:01:39 while walking from the second floor to the third floor along the ramp. He said that it is possible, based on Chow's walking pace, that Chow had walked 15 metres from the place where he was last captured on camera at 01:01:39 to the
The Fire Services Department said that it took 19 minutes for paramedics to arrive at the scene due to traffic congestion near the car park, seven minutes more than the 12-minute service pledge for emergencies. The police and protesters each blamed the other side for blocking the ambulance from
said ambulance A344 from the Po Lam district received an emergency call from firefighters and was redirected at 01:11 to the second floor of the Sheung Tak car park to attend to an urgent case. The ambulance was obstructed by other vehicles including double-decker buses and private cars at the
on 3 November 2019 were thus leaked, and calls were made to crash it. Around 16:00 on that day, the police dispersed protesters who were disrupting the wedding held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Riot police arrived near the hotel about two hours later. Then, around 00:20 on 4 November, around 100
On 8 November, the place where Chow had fallen became a shrine: many people queued up to place offerings of flowers, candles, and paper cranes. About a thousand protesters marched in the central business district chanting anti-police slogans and shouting at the police, including calling them
Leung Kwok-lai, the Fire Services Department Assistant Chief Ambulance Officer (Kowloon East), said that the ambulance assigned to Chow did not come in contact with any police on duty. He also stated that there were five ambulances deployed for various incidents in the area around that time:
Mung Wai-kit, the member of the public who found Chow at around 01:03 described the scene of the fall, stating that he did not see anyone chasing others, hear strange sounds, nor notice the pungent smell of tear gas. Photographs and videos by Mung showed that Chow was first tended to by two
Beh Swan-lip (Philip Beh), a forensic doctor who was appointed by Chow's parents and watched the autopsy, agreed that Chow's injuries could not be caused by anything other than falling. He believes that the fatal injuries were located at the head and brain. He stated that the injuries were
In a "citizen's press conference" held by protesters following the news of Chow's death, demonstrators said: "In this tragic moment, we plead to all to bear in heart and mind who the real culprits behind Tsz-lok's death were. His fall was not an unfortunate accident. It was an intentional
The Coroner's Court held a pre-inquest review on 16 September 2020. The Coroner's Court inquest began on 16 November 2020 and lasted for over a month. For the inquest, 48 witness testimonies and 142 pieces of evidence had been submitted to the court and used for deliberation by the jury.
Kwok Ka-kei, a forensic doctor who performed the autopsy, stated that she found no signs that Chow had been shot, burnt, or assaulted. She also found no trace of tear gas or pepper spray. She believes that the cause of death was the head injury. She explained that Chow had a brain
The Coroner's Court inquest concluded with an open verdict, as the jury was unable to make a determination about the death in the case. This was reached by a four to one majority. In addition, they agreed that the cause of death was the head injury due to a fall from a height.
The Coroner's Court heard that protesters assembled near the Sheung Tak Estate car park and barricaded roads overnight between 3 and 4 November 2019, following online calls to gather outside a nearby hotel where a police officer was holding a wedding banquet.
148:. Chow, who was clad in black clothing that had become an unofficial uniform for protesters, had been wandering alone inside the building in the moments preceding the fall. The car park was close to an area of confrontation between protesters and police. 821:, and then asserted that videos showed police entering the car park after the estimated time frame of Chow's fall, thus ruling out that Chow had been pushed by police officers. However, the cause for the fall could not be determined from the footage. 1024:
stations, while the police responded with tear gas. A graduation ceremony at HKUST on that day was cut short when masked students dressed in black took the stage and turned it into a memorial service for Chow. A vigil was held the next day in
from Chow as he fell down, but Magistrate Ko Wai-hung remarked that it was too early to confirm whether the flash could indicate the exact timing of Chow's fall. Ngai stated that Chow was alone and not followed by anyone in the footage.
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The Coroner's inquest found no evidence to suggest that Chow had taken part in the protest at the time. As the jury was unable to make a determination about the cause of death, the coroner pronounced an open verdict.
Chow remained in a critical condition with severe brain injury at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital until his death from cardiac arrest at 08:09 on 8 November 2019. The hospital referred the case to the Coroner's Court.
4577: 614: 942:. He had no obvious injuries to his hands and feet, nor had he been shot with bullets or was he bruised from a beating. The toxicology results only showed drugs administered after his admission to the hospital. 1497: 4587: 4294: 622: 2802: 1975: 1567: 4173: 4152: 4147: 3250: 685: 667: 662: 4168: 4142: 680: 657: 1714: 4203: 2888: 715: 3008: 2745: 2565: 2126: 4362: 4183: 4178: 2312: 1285: 695: 690: 590: 171: 3190: 3168: 2409: 2246: 2200: 2055: 1525: 4198: 4193: 3415: 1621: 1415: 710: 705: 2515: 2280: 1074:
observed the absence of trust between police and the public and thus urged the coroner to "proactively investigate, and take additional measures to ensure the credibility of the investigation."
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Hong Kong, called for an independent and urgent investigation into the events leading to Chow's fall, including into the allegations that the police delayed the ambulance. The activist
During a 6 November forum at HKUST to discuss Chow's incident, a student from the Chinese mainland was set upon by a crowd of protesters and repeatedly hit on the head. HKUST president
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reaching Chow; police vehemently denied responsibility. In an email to HKUST staff and students pledging to take up the matter with police and demand clarification, HKUST president
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believes that all the injuries were consistent with a fall from a height of 4.3 metres. He said that he could not determine that Chow was harmed or unconscious before the fall.
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the flash on the footage was indeed caused by Chow's fall. He stated that the footage of the flash and the footage of the shadow falling appeared to show the same moment.
415: 410: 347: 4117: 3302: 1878: 405: 3342: 1294:"Telegram social media channel used by protesters for doxxing Hong Kong police shuts down after leaking thousands of pictures and videos of officers and their families" 3958: 1278:"Telegram social media channel used by protesters for doxxing Hong Kong police suspended after leaking thousands of pictures and videos of officers and their families" 4367: 1097:
service was held there on the evening of 12 December. Thousands of mourners, including members of the public, queued until late into the night to pay their respects.
magazine, it was initially unclear whether or not the tear gas, fired near the car park where protesters and officers clashed, had played a role in Chow's fall. The
77: 2794: 2451: 1967: 1706: 1158: 1559: 4299: 3242: 4680: 4675: 4670: 4263: 3889: 1691: 774: 4599: 2880: 1855: 4582: 4304: 3000: 2737: 2557: 2381: 2118: 641: 618: 3427: 3201: 2304: 2146: 1351: 1277: 1256:"Night of violence and grief in Hong Kong as city mourns death of student Chow Tsz-lok, leading to confrontations with police and vandalism at university" 1240:"Night of violence and grief in Hong Kong as city mourns death of student Chow Tsz-lok, leading to confrontations with police and vandalism at university" 3182: 3160: 2401: 2238: 2220: 2192: 2047: 1734: 1517: 1297: 3407: 2332: 1633: 1613: 1545: 1407: 2585: 2535: 2507: 2075: 1427: 4542: 3027: 2931: 1792: 1424:"Hong Kong protests: coroner to hold inquest in open court into death of student who fell from car park at around time of police clearance operation" 1408:"Hong Kong protests: coroner to hold inquest in open court into death of student who fell from car park at around time of police clearance operation" 1331: 1259: 1212: 767: 582: 3216: 3145: 3125: 2903: 1893: 1239: 4665: 4036: 2353: 2266: 330: 174:
since the start of the anti-ELAB protests led to doxing of police officers and calls for revenge. Private details of a police officer's wedding in
2859: 2613: 2431: 1913: 3994: 3951: 3736: 2329:"Hong Kong protests: police officer says he prioritised dispersing radicals over clearing roadblocks to secure timely treatment of the injured" 2305:"Hong Kong protests: police officer says he prioritised dispersing radicals over clearing roadblocks to secure timely treatment of the injured" 293: 183: 137: 3324: 3102: 4258: 2582:"Hong Kong student who suffered fatal injuries in car park fall near protest site last year was unlikely to have lost balance, inquest hears" 2558:"Hong Kong student who suffered fatal injuries in car park fall near protest site last year was unlikely to have lost balance, inquest hears" 1190: 1046: 470: 2982: 2960: 1663: 256:
ambulance A344 assigned to Chow, two other ambulances handling other cases, while the remaining two ambulances did not handle any patients.
3272: 2092: 4505: 4474: 4233: 3503: 492: 450: 2824: 2378:"Hong Kong protests: inspectors in charge of clearance operation deny pursuing student who fell from height inside multistorey car park" 2354:"Hong Kong protests: inspectors in charge of clearance operation deny pursuing student who fell from height inside multistorey car park" 3424:"Thousands attend memorial service in Hong Kong for student Chow Tsz-lok, who died after car-park fall near police dispersal operation" 3408:"Thousands attend memorial service in Hong Kong for student Chow Tsz-lok, who died after car-park fall near police dispersal operation" 1590:"Hong Kong police call for coroner investigation into student's death as university president demands explanation over ambulance delay" 215:
to the building) to 160 metres (from the junction) away from the spot where Chow fell. Security footage released by the building owner
4751: 4730: 3944: 3058: 2164: 1950: 753: 3076: 1445: 4562: 3757: 2143:"Hong Kong protests: student who suffered fatal injuries in car park fall last year was alone at the time of accident, court hears" 2119:"Hong Kong protests: student who suffered fatal injuries in car park fall last year was alone at the time of accident, court hears" 1042: 600: 465: 2643: 219:
showed that there was no police presence nor significant amounts of tear gas inside the car park in the moments before Chow fell.
4550: 4419: 3665: 3660: 2928:"Hong Kong inquest avoids Covid-19 curbs with virtual reality recreation of site where student Alex Chow suffered fatal injuries" 2904:"Hong Kong inquest avoids Covid-19 curbs with virtual reality recreation of site where student Alex Chow suffered fatal injuries" 595: 4761: 4756: 4289: 3217:"Behind the barricades: Hong Kong protesters share what happened during the violent clashes with police on university campuses" 1471: 3298: 2402:"Hong Kong police 'unaware' of student's car park fall while handling anti-government protest in Tseung Kwan O, sergeant says" 1870: 4776: 4372: 4014: 3986: 3837: 3731: 311: 2072:"University student who died after car park fall near protest may have jumped from height by mistake, Hong Kong court hears" 2048:"University student who died after car park fall near protest may have jumped from height by mistake, Hong Kong court hears" 4572: 1092: 645: 610: 249: 4284: 3982: 58: 33:
Chow Tsz-lok was last captured on Sheung Tak car park's security footage, timestamped at around 01:02 on 4 November 2019.
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with a brick in Sheung Shui, eventually culminating in large-scale police sieges on university campuses, namely at the
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failed to conduct an independent investigation, and this triggered an escalation of violence of the ongoing protests.
4781: 4248: 3765: 3142:"Global Times chief calls for Hong Kong University of Science and Technology boycott over attack on mainland student" 3126:"Global Times chief calls for Hong Kong University of Science and Technology boycott over attack on mainland student" 460: 4697: 1683: 3972: 3901: 3895: 3877: 3471: 275: 165: 145: 3968: 4640: 4002: 3643: 3496: 3198:"Thousands gather for vigil in central Hong Kong to mourn death of student Chow Tsz-lok then disperse peacefully" 3183:"Thousands gather for vigil in central Hong Kong to mourn death of student Chow Tsz-lok then disperse peacefully" 1847: 1542:"Hong Kong protests: father of student who died after car park fall recalls night son left home dressed in black" 301: 2532:"Paramedics arrived late at Hong Kong car park where student was gravely injured in fall, witness tells inquest" 2508:"Paramedics arrived late at Hong Kong car park where student was gravely injured in fall, witness tells inquest" 2377: 1033:
after mass vandalism on the campus. Shyy demanded a "thorough and independent investigation" into Chow's death.
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inside the building on a model. He remarked that Chow fell in a location that was seldom used by their family.
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The police said that they fired tear gas in the area near the car park from 00:41 to 00:57. As reported in the
186:(HKUST), Chow Tsz-Lok, sustained severe head injuries due to a fall from the third to the second storey of the 3343:"Funeral home denies it refused services for family of Hong Kong student who died following fall near protest" 2216: 1348:"Condition of Hong Kong student injured in car park fall deteriorates, but doctors yet to confirm brain death" 1332:"Condition of Hong Kong student injured in car park fall deteriorates, but doctors yet to confirm brain death" 1293: 4405: 2328: 1629: 1541: 2581: 2531: 2071: 4484: 3606: 3161:"HKUST condemnation of attack on student fails to dispel mainlanders' safety fears amid Hong Kong protests" 2448:"Hong Kong protesters 'unintentionally' delayed firefighters' access to student in car park fall last year" 1423: 70: 2927: 1781: 1255: 4412: 3780: 3775: 3752: 3680: 3655: 3141: 1735:"Hong Kong police deny blocking ambulance from attending to student who fell from car park during unrest" 1490:"Father of a Hong Kong student who died after fall near protest scene says he told his son to be careful" 2262: 1020:"murderers". In several locations around Hong Kong, protesters blocked roads, lit fires, and vandalised 4766: 4702: 3936: 3883: 3726: 3638: 3489: 2851: 939: 179:
protesters gathered at the junction of Tong Ming and Tong Chun streets, with some creating roadblocks.
2217:"Hong Kong protests: new security camera footage shows moment student fell to his death from car park" 1909: 4692: 4655: 4253: 1101: 4625: 3623: 3316: 2263:"Hong Kong student in deadly car park fall went to building to watch nearby protest, inquest hears" 2239:"Hong Kong student in deadly car park fall went to building to watch nearby protest, inquest hears" 4499: 4007: 3866: 2974: 2952: 1655: 509: 316: 305: 3384: 4620: 4592: 4567: 4528: 4447: 4337: 3618: 3578: 3361: 1813: 1766: 1118: 1038: 626: 605: 568: 531: 515: 4650: 4327: 4238: 3805: 3800: 3628: 1113: 1062: 931: 558: 455: 3481: 1782:"An incident involving a person fell from height (Sheung Tak Estate Carpark, Tseung Kwan O)" 1707:"Cause of Hong Kong student's death remains unclear as car park owner releases CCTV footage" 4771: 4342: 1037:
a protester was shot in Sai Wan Ho, a man was doused and set on fire in Ma On Shan, and an
1021: 1942: 1630:"Hong Kong student Chow Tsz-lok dies after suffering severe brain injury in car park fall" 1614:"Hong Kong student Chow Tsz-lok dies after suffering severe brain injury in car park fall" 182:
Early 4 November, a 22-year-old second-year computer science undergraduate student at the
8: 4660: 4523: 4436: 4019: 3601: 3585: 2281:"University student who died after car park fall said he was there "getting the popcorn"" 838: 536: 283: 4512: 4398: 3820: 3695: 1213:"Equality watchdog slams online slurs aimed at local journalist of South Asian descent" 503: 4687: 3770: 3685: 3517: 1518:"Father of student who died after car park fall recalls night son left home in black" 951: 187: 1463: 3810: 817:
The police commandeered video footage from over 30 cameras from the building owner
3243:"Hong Kong protests: student who fell from parking lot during demonstrations dies" 3001:"Hong Kong protests: open verdict recorded on death of student from car park fall" 2738:"New CCTV footage emerges at inquest into student's death following car park fall" 28: 4458: 4441: 3611: 3531: 113: 4518: 3815: 3690: 1155:"Hong Kong student dies after fall in a parking garage during weekend protests" 526: 112:
Cardiac arrest due to injuries from a fall of 4.3 m in Sheung Tak Estate,
988: 235: 4745: 4453: 4243: 3872: 3563: 3558: 3541: 3536: 1684:"Anger in Hong Kong After Student Dies From Fall Following Clash With Police" 1238:
Chan, Ho-him; Cheung, Elizabeth; Chung, Kimmy; Lum, Alvin (8 November 2019).
with a claimed attendance of 100,000, while police put that figure at 7,500.
497: 175: 141: 92: 79: 2773:"Chow Tsz-lok's death most likely caused by an accidental fall, says expert" 2432:"Protesters 'unintentionally' delayed first aid to student in car park fall" 3859: 3854: 3546: 3273:"Urgent investigation into the events which led up to Chow Tsz-lok's death" 902: 4630: 3317:"Police response to open letter by President of HKUST, Professor Shyy Wei" 4645: 4635: 3463: 1446:"Thousands show up to funeral of Hong Kong student who died near protest" 1066: 947: 3966: 1000: 4489: 3700: 3633: 3553: 1026: 1005: 935: 521: 3077:"International students are leaving Hong Kong amidst heated protests" 818: 216: 194: 2795:"Chow Tsz-lok inquest told cyanide poisoning from tear gas unlikely" 1968:"Coroner reminds jury to make ruling based on evidence than opinion" 3648: 3568: 2193:"New CCTV footage shows moment Hong Kong student fell to his death" 1560:"Footage shows student in Tseung Kwan O car park alone, police say" 1078: 1013: 906: 261: 198:
Map displaying the whereabouts of Chow Tsz-lok before the incident
3059:"Hong Kong protests take a deadly turn as student killed in fall" 62: 3573: 927: 1656:"Hong Kong Student Who Fell From Height During a Protest Dies" 4494: 3511: 3321:
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3513: 3103:"How Fake News and Rumors Are Stoking Division in Hong Kong" 3299:"Hong Kong student's death fuels more anger against police" 1191:"Hong Kong student's death fuels more anger against police" 938:, bleeding in mainly the right half of the brain, and an 1053:
manslaughter executed by tyranny and the police force."
Mak Hoi-kwan (Calvin Mak), the Queen Elizabeth Hospital
1184: 1182: 1180: 1178: 1176: 1174: 1172: 1170: 1168: 992:
A shrine at the place where Chow fell, 12 November 2019
2020 detainment of Hong Kong residents at sea by China
1841: 1839: 1837: 1835: 1833: 1831: 4600:
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act
2953:"'Footage shows Chow Tsz-lok in and around car park'" 2881:"Court told Chow Tsz-lok's fall could be an accident" 3434: 3028:"Jury delivers open verdict on Chow Tsz-lok's death" 2975:"Jury delivers open verdict on Chow Tsz-lok's death" 1649: 1647: 1645: 1643: 1275: 1165: 1153:
Hollingsworth, Julia; Yee, Isaac (8 November 2019).
3057:Leung, Jasmine; Givetash, Linda (8 November 2019). 2614:"Court hears Chow had only 15pc chance of survival" 1828: 1552: 1464:"Protests Erupt in Hong Kong After Student's Death" 1406:Chung, Kimmy; Cheung, Elizabeth (8 November 2019). 191:did not disclose to his family where he was going. 1237: 3101:Banjo, Shelly; Lung, Natalie (11 November 2019). 1640: 1330:Cheung, Elizabeth; Lum, Alvin (7 November 2019). 879: 4743: 4666:Memorials for the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests 1760: 1758: 1756: 1754: 1752: 1366:"【周梓樂死因研訊】周父供稱梓樂曾參與遊行 事發當日無異常 凌晨曾 WhatsApp 著父關窗" 1271: 1269: 1233: 1231: 1229: 1152: 926:It was reported that Chow had a fractured right 3265: 3208: 2041: 2039: 1682:Ramzy, Austin; Cheung, Ezra (7 November 2019). 172:accumulated grievances against police brutality 140:fell from the third floor inside a car park in 3737:Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 3399: 3175: 3117: 1372:(in Chinese). 16 November 2020. Archived from 184:Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 138:Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 3952: 3497: 3056: 2501: 2499: 2497: 2495: 2493: 2491: 2425: 2423: 2421: 2419: 2232: 2230: 1749: 1266: 1226: 1085: 775: 3470:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 28 February 2020. 3448:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 25 February 2020. 2858:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 12 November 2019. 2731: 2729: 2727: 2551: 2549: 2547: 2545: 2298: 2296: 2294: 2186: 2184: 2182: 2112: 2110: 2036: 1728: 1726: 1724: 1607: 1605: 1603: 1511: 1509: 1507: 1483: 1481: 4506:Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times 4368:Controversies of the Hong Kong Police Force 4234:Storming of the Legislative Council Complex 3336: 3334: 3152: 2994: 2992: 2947: 2945: 2943: 2941: 2767: 2765: 2763: 2395: 2393: 2391: 2348: 2346: 2344: 2342: 2093:"Inquest into death of Chow Tsz-lok begins" 1807: 1805: 1681: 1677: 1675: 1673: 1405: 1401: 1399: 1397: 1395: 1393: 1391: 1389: 1387: 1385: 1383: 1148: 1146: 1144: 1142: 1140: 1138: 1136: 1134: 862: 3967: 3959: 3945: 3512: 3504: 3490: 3376: 3309: 3292: 3290: 3096: 3094: 2825:"No sign of tear gas on chow, court hears" 2637: 2635: 2633: 2631: 2488: 2416: 2227: 1949:(in Traditional Chinese). 9 January 2021. 1583: 1581: 1579: 1577: 1439: 1437: 1325: 1323: 1321: 1319: 1317: 1315: 1313: 1311: 1309: 1307: 1276:Lau, Chris; Lum, Alvin (8 November 2019). 930:from likely a lateral compression, a torn 782: 768: 27: 3100: 3022: 3020: 3018: 2875: 2873: 2871: 2869: 2818: 2816: 2814: 2812: 2724: 2695: 2693: 2691: 2689: 2687: 2685: 2607: 2605: 2603: 2601: 2599: 2597: 2595: 2542: 2467: 2465: 2463: 2461: 2291: 2179: 2158: 2156: 2107: 2087: 2085: 2007: 2005: 1962: 1960: 1811: 1764: 1721: 1600: 1504: 1478: 1329: 983: 842:to tell his father to close the windows. 837:Chow made posts in online group chats on 803: 146:anti-government protests in the territory 4563:Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 3758:French International School of Hong Kong 3331: 2989: 2967: 2938: 2852:"【周梓樂離世】傷勢曝光!右髂骨折手腳無明顯受傷 創傷科專家:或墮樓前已失知覺" 2760: 2708:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Archived from 2661: 2659: 2657: 2388: 2339: 2020:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Archived from 2003: 2001: 1999: 1997: 1995: 1993: 1991: 1989: 1987: 1985: 1937: 1935: 1933: 1931: 1929: 1927: 1925: 1923: 1802: 1670: 1380: 1131: 999: 987: 845: 601:Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 234: 193: 93:22.31177202686483°N 114.26107318439186°E 4551:Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation 3666:Public housing estates in Tseung Kwan O 3661:Historic churches of Sai Kung Peninsula 3372:from the original on 23 September 2020. 3287: 3091: 2628: 2165:"Flash sheds light on death of student" 1916:from the original on 17 September 2020. 1904:from the original on 16 September 2020. 1885: 1881:from the original on 18 September 2020. 1745:from the original on 23 September 2021. 1717:from the original on 23 September 2021. 1574: 1434: 1304: 1039:elderly man was killed after he was hit 596:Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation 132:In the early hours of 4 November 2019, 4744: 3838:Sai Kung & Clearwater Bay Magazine 3674: 3418:from the original on 12 December 2019. 3214: 3204:from the original on 10 November 2019. 3193:from the original on 11 November 2019. 3171:from the original on 17 November 2019. 3136:from the original on 23 November 2019. 3113:from the original on 13 November 2019. 3087:from the original on 31 December 2019. 3065:from the original on 17 November 2019. 3015: 3011:from the original on 16 February 2021. 2866: 2809: 2682: 2592: 2458: 2412:from the original on 28 November 2020. 2273: 2153: 2103:from the original on 23 November 2020. 2082: 1957: 1858:from the original on 14 November 2019. 1848:"School's out after vandals hit HKUST" 1779:A similar press release was posted on 1666:from the original on 14 November 2019. 1636:from the original on 17 December 2019. 1624:from the original on 17 November 2019. 1548:from the original on 25 November 2020. 1500:from the original on 7 September 2021. 1474:from the original on 17 November 2019. 1418:from the original on 15 November 2019. 1345: 1300:from the original on 14 December 2019. 1288:from the original on 29 November 2019. 1201:from the original on 14 November 2019. 1161:from the original on 19 November 2019. 974: 921: 239:The ledge from which Chow Tsz-lok fell 4373:Independent Police Complaints Council 3940: 3732:Caritas Institute of Higher Education 3485: 3442:"西貢區議會動議 將軍澳兩公園以周梓樂陳彥霖命名 設紀念碑、壁畫、連儂牆" 3430:from the original on 25 January 2020. 3340: 3283:from the original on 9 November 2019. 3148:from the original on 25 January 2020. 3069: 2985:from the original on 2 February 2021. 2963:from the original on 30 January 2021. 2934:from the original on 20 January 2021. 2846: 2844: 2842: 2835:from the original on 27 January 2021. 2822: 2805:from the original on 9 February 2021. 2787: 2654: 2641: 2624:from the original on 25 January 2021. 2611: 2484:from the original on 6 February 2021. 2442:from the original on 28 January 2021. 2384:from the original on 1 December 2020. 2364:from the original on 28 November 2020 2335:from the original on 4 December 2020. 2315:from the original on 19 November 2020 2249:from the original on 16 December 2020 2223:from the original on 20 January 2021. 2162: 2058:from the original on 15 December 2020 1982: 1978:from the original on 16 January 2021. 1953:from the original on 12 January 2021. 1920: 1862: 1732: 1704: 1694:from the original on 9 November 2019. 1653: 1587: 1570:from the original on 28 January 2020. 1528:from the original on 19 November 2020 1456: 1443: 1430:from the original on 9 November 2019. 1421: 1354:from the original on 8 November 2019. 1346:Cheung, Elizabeth (7 November 2019). 1342:from the original on 8 November 2019. 1262:from the original on 9 November 2019. 1250:from the original on 6 December 2019. 905:who operated on Chow, estimated from 896: 230: 98:22.31177202686483; 114.26107318439186 4716: 4573:2020 Hong Kong national security law 3456: 3353: 3139: 3123: 3038:from the original on 15 January 2021 2998: 2925: 2914:from the original on 17 January 2021 2901: 2783:from the original on 4 January 2021. 2748:from the original on 7 December 2020 2735: 2579: 2568:from the original on 4 December 2020 2555: 2529: 2518:from the original on 4 December 2020 2505: 2445: 2429: 2399: 2375: 2326: 2302: 2260: 2236: 2214: 2203:from the original on 4 December 2020 2190: 2140: 2129:from the original on 5 December 2020 2116: 2069: 2045: 1907: 1891: 1868: 1845: 1539: 1515: 1487: 1253: 1047:the Hong Kong Polytechnic University 736: 3983:democratic development in Hong Kong 3421: 3405: 3382: 3359: 3240: 3158: 2699: 2665: 2471: 2011: 1869:Shum, Michael (17 September 2020). 1627: 1611: 1358: 1291: 1077:In an open letter, HKUST president 832: 812: 265:shortness of breath and back pain. 203:parked vehicles blocking the view. 13: 4420:El pueblo unido jamás será vencido 3474:from the original on 13 July 2020. 3395:from the original on 28 June 2020. 3385:"【悼念周梓樂】寶福紀念館:已受託為周梓樂辦喪禮 12月12日設靈" 3327:from the original on 1 April 2020. 3296: 3215:Perper, Rosie (24 December 2019). 2891:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2839: 2678:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2588:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2538:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2454:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2269:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2175:from the original on 10 June 2021. 2149:from the original on 10 June 2021. 1824:from the original on 29 June 2020. 1798:from the original on 18 July 2020. 1777:from the original on 29 June 2020. 1654:Leung, Hillary (8 November 2019). 1488:Chau, Candice (17 November 2020). 1188: 794: 245:Hong Kong Fire Services Department 14: 4793: 4285:2021 Legislative Council election 4015:Hong Kong–Mainland China conflict 3987:Hong Kong–Mainland China conflict 3766:HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School 3452:from the original on 29 May 2020. 3422:Sum, Lok-kei (12 December 2019). 3406:Sum, Lok-kei (12 December 2019). 3305:from the original on 4 July 2020. 3253:from the original on 23 June 2021 2862:from the original on 6 July 2020. 2612:Zhang, Mandy (18 December 2020). 2163:Zheng, Manday (2 December 2020). 2078:from the original on 29 May 2021. 1908:Wong, Brian (16 September 2020). 1892:Wong, Brian (16 September 2020). 1846:Wong, Stella (11 November 2019). 1812:黃廸雯; 魯嘉裕; 楊婉婷 (8 November 2019). 1789:Hong Kong Fire Service Department 1765:黃廸雯; 魯嘉裕; 楊婉婷 (8 November 2019). 312:Hong Kong–Mainland China conflict 4726: 4725: 4715: 4363:Allegations of police misconduct 3200:. Yahoo! News. 9 November 2019. 3140:Chen, Laurie (8 November 2019). 3124:Chen, Laurie (8 November 2019). 2926:Wong, Brian (18 December 2020). 2902:Wong, Brian (18 December 2020). 2702:"周梓樂死因|專家推論周意外從高處墮下 約只得0.23秒作反應" 2668:"周梓樂死因|病理學家指頭傷不似兇器造成 跌得突兀可致嚴重後果" 2644:"New footage on student's death" 2642:Zheng, Mandy (4 December 2020). 2580:Wong, Brian (30 November 2020). 2556:Wong, Brian (30 November 2020). 2530:Wong, Brian (23 November 2020). 2506:Wong, Brian (23 November 2020). 2474:"周梓樂死因|停車近8分鐘 救護員才往停車場 隊目稱需評估環境" 2446:Wong, Brian (24 November 2020). 2430:Wong, Brian (24 November 2020). 2400:Wong, Brian (20 November 2020). 2376:Wong, Brian (17 November 2020). 2327:Wong, Brian (18 November 2020). 2303:Wong, Brian (18 November 2020). 2261:Wong, Brian (15 December 2020). 2237:Wong, Brian (15 December 2020). 2070:Wong, Brian (14 November 2020). 2046:Wong, Brian (14 December 2020). 2014:"周梓樂死因|影像未解墮下8秒之謎 專家醫生憑環境證供推斷因由" 1943:"周梓樂死亡懸案:香港示威標誌性案件以「死因存疑」裁決告一段落" 1871:"VR first set for inquest storm" 1814:"【墮樓科大生】救護遇巴士、私家車阻塞 警澄清無派喬裝或便衣警" 1767:"【墮樓科大生】救護遇巴士、私家車阻塞 警澄清無派喬裝或便衣警" 1540:Wong, Brian (16 November 2020). 1516:Wong, Brian (16 November 2020). 1444:Cheng, Kris (13 December 2019). 1422:Chung, Kimmy (8 November 2019). 1254:Chan, Ho-him (8 November 2019). 748: 747: 735: 591:Allegations of police misconduct 282: 4641:Emergency Regulations Ordinance 3920:(fatal injury at Tseung Kwan O) 3644:Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate 3341:Cheng, Kris (2 December 2019). 3277:Amnesty International Hong Kong 3234: 3159:Yan, Alice (11 November 2019). 3050: 2895: 2823:Zheng, Mandy (5 January 2021). 2736:Wong, Brian (3 December 2020). 2215:Wong, Brian (4 December 2020). 2191:Wong, Brian (4 December 2020). 2141:Wong, Brian (1 December 2020). 2117:Wong, Brian (1 December 2020). 1733:Cheng, Kris (6 November 2019). 1705:Cheng, Kris (8 November 2019). 1698: 1588:Cheng, Kris (9 November 2019). 1043:Chinese University of Hong Kong 646:Hong Kong national security law 144:, Hong Kong, in the context of 136:, a 22-year-old student of the 4616:COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong 4280:2019 District Council election 3297:Ng, Eileen (8 November 2019). 2999:Wong, Brian (9 January 2021). 1628:Lum, Alvin (8 November 2019). 1612:Lum, Alvin (8 November 2019). 1292:Lau, Chris (8 November 2019). 1205: 1189:Ng, Eileen (8 November 2019). 1072:Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor 950:on the right side and a brain 880:Local residents and volunteers 16:2019 Hong Kong protester death 1: 4762:Deaths by person in Hong Kong 4757:November 2019 events in China 3362:"傳周梓樂家人遭寶福山拒絕辦理後事 譚小環與丈夫仗義相助" 3241:Kuo, Lily (8 November 2019). 1124: 1061:Man-Kei Tam, the director of 4777:Scandals of Hong Kong Police 4752:2019–2020 Hong Kong protests 4636:Disappearance of Simon Cheng 4485:Boycotts of Chinese products 4406:Do You Hear the People Sing? 4295:disqualification controversy 4249:Prince Edward station attack 3973:2019–2020 Hong Kong protests 3607:Clear Water Bay Country Park 461:Prince Edward station attack 276:2019–2020 Hong Kong protests 166:2019–2020 Hong Kong protests 7: 4413:Sing Hallelujah to the Lord 3781:Hong Kong Adventist College 3776:Hong Kong Adventist Academy 3681:Clear Water Bay First Beach 3656:Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground 3464:"西貢區議員倡周梓樂紀念公園惹爭議 承認未獲家屬同意" 1107: 159: 10: 4798: 4703:San Uk Ling Holding Centre 3727:Hong Kong Design Institute 3639:Sai Kung East Country Park 3391:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 3368:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 2674:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 2480:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 1820:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 1773:(in Chinese (Hong Kong)). 1195:Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1086:Funeral and public tribute 940:intra-abdominal hemorrhage 538:Mutual Assured Destruction 212:Seattle Post-Intelligencer 163: 4711: 4693:National Anthem Ordinance 4656:Human rights in Hong Kong 4608: 4541: 4467: 4429: 4390: 4381: 4355: 4320: 4272: 4221: 4161: 4090: 4044: 4035: 4028: 3993: 3979: 3927: 3910: 3847: 3829: 3793: 3745: 3719: 3712: 3594: 3524: 3301:. PBS. Associated Press. 1102:Sai Kung District Council 1100:On 25 February 2020, the 1056: 583:Reactions to the protests 125: 120: 116:, Hong Kong. Open verdict 108: 69: 54: 46: 38: 26: 4782:Unsolved deaths in China 4626:Civil Human Rights Front 3929:This list is incomplete. 3624:Hong Kong Global Geopark 3412:South China Morning Post 3383:凌逸德 (30 November 2019). 3360:陳栢宇 (29 November 2019). 3187:South China Morning Post 3165:South China Morning Post 3130:South China Morning Post 3005:South China Morning Post 2908:South China Morning Post 2742:South China Morning Post 2700:林樂兒 (31 December 2020). 2666:林樂兒 (17 December 2020). 2562:South China Morning Post 2512:South China Morning Post 2472:林樂兒 (16 December 2020). 2436:South China Morning Post 2406:South China Morning Post 2358:South China Morning Post 2309:South China Morning Post 2243:South China Morning Post 2197:South China Morning Post 2123:South China Morning Post 2052:South China Morning Post 1898:South China Morning Post 1618:South China Morning Post 1522:South China Morning Post 1412:South China Morning Post 1336:South China Morning Post 1282:South China Morning Post 1244:South China Morning Post 1090:An article published by 1016:denounced the violence. 893:obstruct the first aid. 863:Fire Services Department 250:Queen Elizabeth Hospital 59:Queen Elizabeth Hospital 4588:international responses 4290:pro-democracy primaries 4008:Murder of Poon Hiu-wing 1004:A memorial for Chow in 306:Murder of Poon Hiu-wing 4621:Blitzchung controversy 4593:Hong Kong Autonomy Act 4568:Hong Kong Be Water Act 4529:Yellow economic circle 4448:Lady Liberty Hong Kong 3865:Leung Shuen Wan Chau ( 3619:Haven of Hope Hospital 3579:Tseung Kwan O New Town 2012:林樂兒 (9 January 2021). 1119:Death of Luo Changqing 1009: 993: 984:Responses in Hong Kong 804:Layout of the car park 627:Hong Kong Autonomy Act 606:Hong Kong Be Water Act 532:Yellow economic circle 516:Lady Liberty Hong Kong 240: 199: 4651:Hong Kong nationalism 3918:Death of Chow Tsz-lok 3629:Kiu Tsui Country Park 1114:Death of Chan Yin-lam 1063:Amnesty International 1003: 991: 932:internal iliac artery 846:Protesters and police 611:National security law 238: 197: 22:Death of Chow Tsz-lok 4343:Marco Leung Ling-kit 3761:Tsueng Kwan O Campus 3347:Hong Kong Free Press 3083:. 15 November 2019. 2959:. 28 December 2020. 2887:. 29 December 2020. 2779:. 31 December 2020. 2360:. 17 November 2020. 2099:. 16 November 2020. 1739:Hong Kong Free Press 1711:Hong Kong Free Press 1594:Hong Kong Free Press 1494:Hong Kong Free Press 1450:Hong Kong Free Press 1197:. Associated Press. 1022:Mass Transit Railway 50:08:09HKT (00:09 UTC) 4698:Reclaim Sheung Shui 4437:Black Bauhinia flag 4383:Tactics and methods 4020:Umbrella Revolution 3602:Cham Shan Monastery 3586:Tseung Kwan O South 3323:. 9 November 2019. 3279:. 8 November 2019. 3189:. 9 November 2019. 3081:Study International 2287:. 15 December 2020. 1791:. 9 December 2019. 1566:. 8 November 2019. 1470:. 8 November 2019. 1376:on 24 January 2021. 975:Summary and verdict 922:Forensic assessment 876:get the equipment. 485:Tactics and methods 317:Umbrella Revolution 89: /  23: 4513:Liberate Hong Kong 4399:Glory to Hong Kong 4209:September–November 3696:Silverstrand Beach 3468:Hong Kong In-Media 3034:. 9 January 2021. 2981:. 9 January 2021. 2801:. 4 January 2021. 2712:on 2 February 2021 1974:. 7 January 2021. 1688:The New York Times 1010: 994: 897:Medical assessment 721:September–November 504:Glory to Hong Kong 241: 231:Emergency services 200: 21: 4767:Deaths from falls 4739: 4738: 4688:Milk Tea Alliance 4537: 4536: 4356:Police misconduct 4351: 4350: 4305:mass resignations 4217: 4216: 3934: 3933: 3789: 3788: 3771:Hong Kong Academy 3762: 3746:Primary/secondary 3708: 3707: 3686:Hap Mun Bay Beach 3518:Sai Kung District 952:contrecoup injury 792: 791: 451:Storming of LegCo 130: 129: 4789: 4729: 4728: 4719: 4718: 4609:Related articles 4578:NPCSC's decision 4388: 4387: 4239:Yuen Long attack 4042: 4041: 4033: 4032: 4003:Extradition bill 3971: 3961: 3954: 3947: 3938: 3937: 3760: 3717: 3716: 3672: 3671: 3516: 3506: 3499: 3492: 3483: 3482: 3476: 3475: 3460: 3454: 3453: 3438: 3432: 3431: 3419: 3403: 3397: 3396: 3380: 3374: 3373: 3357: 3351: 3350: 3338: 3329: 3328: 3313: 3307: 3306: 3294: 3285: 3284: 3269: 3263: 3262: 3260: 3258: 3238: 3232: 3231: 3229: 3227: 3212: 3206: 3205: 3194: 3179: 3173: 3172: 3156: 3150: 3149: 3137: 3121: 3115: 3114: 3098: 3089: 3088: 3073: 3067: 3066: 3054: 3048: 3047: 3045: 3043: 3024: 3013: 3012: 2996: 2987: 2986: 2971: 2965: 2964: 2949: 2936: 2935: 2923: 2921: 2919: 2899: 2893: 2892: 2877: 2864: 2863: 2848: 2837: 2836: 2820: 2807: 2806: 2791: 2785: 2784: 2769: 2758: 2757: 2755: 2753: 2733: 2722: 2721: 2719: 2717: 2697: 2680: 2679: 2663: 2652: 2651: 2639: 2626: 2625: 2609: 2590: 2589: 2577: 2575: 2573: 2553: 2540: 2539: 2527: 2525: 2523: 2503: 2486: 2485: 2469: 2456: 2455: 2443: 2427: 2414: 2413: 2397: 2386: 2385: 2373: 2371: 2369: 2350: 2337: 2336: 2324: 2322: 2320: 2300: 2289: 2288: 2277: 2271: 2270: 2258: 2256: 2254: 2234: 2225: 2224: 2212: 2210: 2208: 2188: 2177: 2176: 2160: 2151: 2150: 2138: 2136: 2134: 2114: 2105: 2104: 2089: 2080: 2079: 2068:. 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Queen Elizabeth Hospital
22°18′42″N 114°15′40″E / 22.31177202686483°N 114.26107318439186°E / 22.31177202686483; 114.26107318439186
New Territories
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Tseung Kwan O
anti-government protests in the territory
2019–2020 Hong Kong protests
accumulated grievances against police brutality
Tseung Kwan O
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sheung Tak


Hong Kong Fire Services Department
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Wei Shyy
2019–2020 Hong Kong protests

Extradition bill
Murder of Poon Hiu-wing
Hong Kong–Mainland China conflict
Umbrella Revolution

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.