
A. S. Neill

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children were denied personal freedom. Such unhappiness led to repressed and psychologically disordered adults. He blamed a "sick and unhappy" society for widespread unhappiness. Neill claimed that society harboured fears of life, children and emotions that were continually bequeathed to the next generation. He felt that children turned to self-hate and internal hostility when denied an outlet for expression in adult systems of emotional regulation and manipulation. Likewise, children taught to withhold their sexuality would see such feelings negatively, which would fuel disdain for self. Neill thought that calls for obedience quenched the natural needs of children. Moreover, their needs could not be fulfilled by adults or a society that simultaneously prolonged their unhappiness, although perhaps a school like Summerhill could help.
added that education's role is to facilitate that release, with Summerhill actualizing this concept. Neill never defines "true interest" and does not account for the social influences on child interest. Bailey felt that this omission discredits Neill's position against external influence. Bailey also cited "adaptive preferences" literature, where human interests change based on their surroundings and circumstances, as evidence of how intrinsic interest can be externally influenced. Bailey also dubbed Neill's views on intelligence as "innatist" and fatalist – that children had naturally set capabilities and limitations. Neill saw contemporary interventionist practice as doing harm by emphasising conformity and stifling children's natural drive to do as they please.
rare. Neill felt that the community's authority never created resentment in those subject to sanctions. Sven Muller contended that the meeting was more useful than discipline for creating civic-minded citizens. An ex-pupil recalled some of the wild ideas Neill would propose at the meeting, and while the students would vote him down, she later recounted how the exercise was also intended as a lesson for the staff on the power of the meeting and communal authority. Neill considered self-governance "the most valuable asset in education and life" and the general meeting "more important than all the textbooks in the world".
606:'s followers were more evangelical in character, and that Neill deterred would-be devotees. He specifically discouraged American association with his school in both name and likeness. By 1972, Ray Hemmings wrote that Neill's ideas were misinterpreted in the hands of other schools. Hemmings found Neill to have moderate influence on state schools in areas such as teacher–student interactions. Neill's views on sexuality and non-compulsory lessons did not have widespread acceptance. Herb Snitzer said that Neill "influenced thousand of teachers". Both 412:
growth. Neill saw moral instruction as a wedge between natural instinct and conformity and thought children were best off without it. Neill trusted the natural inclinations of children and saw no need to externally and purposefully influence their behaviour. Denis Lawton likened Neill's ideas to Rousseauan "negative education", where children discover for themselves instead of receiving instruction. Neill is commonly associated with Rousseau for their similar thoughts on human nature, although Neill claimed to not have read Rousseau's
emphasised that adult removal from child affairs was distinct from disregard for their security. He felt that children met their own limits naturally. Neill believed in equal rights between parents and children, and that undesirable "disciplined" or "spoiled" homes were created when those rights were imbalanced. He felt it unnecessary to fulfil all of childhood's requests and had great disdain for spoiled children. Summerhill children were naturally restricted by the school's limited teaching expertise and low funds.
241:. He became the student paper's editor during his last year, which opened Neill to a world of culture. He also felt more confident to pursue women. In his editorials, Neill criticized the tedium of lectures and the emphasis on tests instead of critical thinking. He began to develop his thoughts about the futility of forced education, and the axiom that all learning came from intrinsic interest. Neill graduated in 1912 and began to edit encyclopedias and similar reference books. He took a new job as art editor of the 335:
natural inclinations "in no way immoral". If left alone, children would become self-regulating, reasonable and ethical adults. Together with Homer Lane, Neill supported personal freedoms for children to live as they please without adult interference, and called this position "on the side of the child". Neill's practice can be summarised as providing children with space, time, and empowerment for personal exploration and with freedom from adult fear and coercion.
bring himself to study. Now 15, his parents decided to make him his father's assistant "pupil teacher". The children liked Neill, though he received poor marks from a school inspector. He taught a wider range of topics as his self-confidence grew, and he developed an interest in mathematics from the Forfar Academy maths master. After four years, he tried for teacher training college, but came nearly last in his class. He continued as a pupil teacher in
2645: 202:, as corporal punishment. Neill feared his father, though he later claimed his father's imagination as a role model for good teaching. Scholars have interpreted Neill's harsh childhood as the impetus for his later philosophy, though his father was not shown to be harsher to Allie (as Neill was known) than to anyone else. Neill's mother insisted on high standards for her family, and demanded comportment to set the family apart from the townspeople. 226:, where he learned to dance and appreciate music and theatre. He also fell in love, and Margaret became an obsession of his. He adopted progressive techniques at this school, and abandoned the tawse for other forms of establishing discipline. Neill was friendly and relaxed with his pupils, and described his two years there as "the happiest of life thus far". He finished his university entrance exams and received his full teaching certification. 316:, Richard Bailey described Neill's teaching technique as "simply awful" for his lack of student engagement, inarticulate explanations, and insults directed at students. Bailey criticized Neill's absolution of responsibility for his pupils' academic performance, and his view that charismatic instruction was a form of persuasion that weakened child autonomy. Ronald Swartz referred to Neill's method as Socratic, about which Bailey disagreed. 219:, where he found the teachers' instruction militant and loathsome. He stayed in Kingskettle for three years, during which he learned Greek from a local priest, an experience that increased his interest in academicism and sublimated his interest in priesthood into a desire to attend university. After studying with the priest and the Forfar math master, Neill passed his university entrance exam and preliminary teacher's certification. 285: 2621: 51: 2609: 450:
abide by external restraints. Bailey added that children cannot know the extent to which dull and unknown subjects can be exciting without guidance. He felt that Neill's belief in children's innate and realistic wisdom did not accommodate human characteristics "such as error, prejudice, and ignorance", ascribed genius-level intelligence to children, and did not consider social aspects in child decision-making.
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first educational celebrity" in the 1930s, though he was not driven by his reception. Journal reviews called Neill "the most popular writer on education today" and said of his works, "Nearly all the more alive and up-to-date teachers in Britain have read and argued about his notions". He was known via his books as a figure in the new psychoanalysis. The accessible 1960
authority for its feelings of power, and that this motive was a type of repression. In Neill's philosophy, the goal was maintenance of happiness through avoidance of repressive habits from society. Despite Neill's common citation as a leader within progressive education, his ideas were considerably more radical, and he was called an extremist by other radicals. Unlike
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often took jabs at what he saw to be education's overemphasis on book-learning. Neill felt that an emotional education freed the intellect to follow what it pleased, and that children required an emotional education to keep up with their own gradual developmental needs. This education usually entailed copious amounts of
198:, near Forfar in eastern Scotland, and his mother had been a teacher before her marriage. The village dominie held a position of prestige, hierarchically beneath that of upper classes, doctors, and clergymen. As typical of Scottish methods at the time, the dominie controlled overcrowded classrooms with his 503:
catapulted Neill into the public view. Richard Bailey described its result as "an American cult" of Summerhillian schools and their support organizations. The book sold well and made Neill into a figurehead of new interest in education. Bailey added that the unpretentious book's message was easier to
The Summerhill classroom was popularly assumed to reflect Neill's anti-authoritarian beliefs, though their classes were traditional in practice. Neill did not show outward interest in classroom pedagogy, and was mainly interested in student happiness. He did not consider lesson quality important, and
gas meter factory. His parents took pity on his hatred of the job, homesickness, and its low pay, and so Neill became an apprentice draper in Forfar. He found the work stultifying and came home after a foot inflammation. Neill tried to take an examination that would raise his pay grade, but could not
declared Neill "one of the greatest democratic educators of the last century" in 2005. Academics and teachers cited Summerhill as the common ancestor for free schools, and Neill was poised to become a public figure during Summerhill's heyday in the 1970s. Its detractors do not classify Summerhill as
Self-governance was a central idea to Summerhill, and is perhaps its "most fundamental feature". Summerhill held a weekly general meeting that decided the school's rules and settled school disputes, where every member of the community—staff and student alike—had a single vote. Almost everyone in the
until near the end of his life. John Cleverley and D. C. Phillips declared Neill "the most notable figure in the Rousseauean tradition", and Frank Flanagan credited Neill with actualising what Rousseau envisaged. Marc-Alexandre Prud-homme and Giuliano Reis found the comparison "inappropriate" on the
in Thomas Sowell's "unconstrained vision" tradition, where human potential is naturally unlimited and human development is dependent on environment and not incentives. Bailey also compared Neill's thoughts on coercion to those of Godwin, who felt that regulation through reward and punishment stunted
Emotional education trumped intellectual needs, in Neill's eyes, and he was associated with anti-intellectualism. In actuality, he had a personal interest in scholarship and used his autobiography near the end of his life to profess the necessity of both emotion and intellect in education, though he
On occasion, Neill exercised unilateral decision-making as the owner of the school, despite his emphasis on the authority figure-less nature of the school. Instances include when he once made a decision after the group's discussion protracted, and when he once asserted himself dictator. Ultimately,
The aim of life, to Neill, was "to find happiness, which means to find interest." Likewise, the purpose of Neill's education was to be happy and interested in life, and children needed complete freedom to find their interests. Neill considered happiness an innate characteristic that deteriorated if
Neill was not religious. Despite this, he would flippantly remark that Summerhill was the only Christian school in England when its philosophy was compared with that of Christ. Neill saw the doctrine of "original sin" as a means of control and sought a world ruled by love and self-examination. Like
Neill credited Summerhill's environment instead of himself for the school's reformatory successes. Neill used to offer psychoanalytic therapy ("private lessons", since he was not a licensed therapist) for children who arrived as delinquents from other institutions, but later found love, affirmation
for the basis of that lesson. The general meeting replaced teacher authority with communal control, which freed teachers from their roles as disciplinarians and instructed children in the role of democratic participation and the role of rules. Additionally, reports of teacher–student disputes were
When Neill said children should be free, he did not mean complete freedom, but freedom without licence—that everyone can do as they like unless such action encroaches upon another's freedom. As such, adults could and should protect children from danger, but not trample their self-regulation. Neill
called Summerhill "a caricature of education" and felt threatened by the implications of "the spread of Neill's hedonism to the majority of the next generation". Others criticized Neill for his progressive ideals despite agreement on his critique of traditional schools, and bemoaned his "outdated
Neill did not identify with the progressive educators of his time. They advocated far gentler authority in child-rearing, which Neill considered more insidious than overt authority and altogether unnecessary. All imposed authority, even if meant well, was unjustified. He felt that adults asserted
Richard Bailey wrote that Summerhill received most of its public attention in the 1920s to 1930s and in the 1960s to 1970s, which were eras of social change (progressivism and the counterculture, respectively). Neill was known in British education circles by the 1920s and was "probably Britain's
Bailey wrote that Neill did not have full faith in self-regulation due to his emphasis on the necessity of making specific environments for children. Robin Barrow argued that Neill's idea of self-regulation was contradictory, when its intent was, more simply, the extent to which children need to
As for "interest", Neill felt it came organically and spontaneously as a prerequisite for learning. Neill considered forced instruction (without pupil interest) a destructive waste of time. Earlier in his career, he wrote that human interest releases emotions that otherwise congests a person. He
Neill felt that children (and human nature) were innately good, and that children naturally became just and virtuous when allowed to grow without adult imposition of morality. Children did not need to be coaxed or goaded into desirable behaviour, as their natural state was satisfactory and their
and his utopian ideas on human sexuality. In Reich's view, "discharge" of sexual energy leads to happiness, whereas lack of such discharge leads to unhappiness and "rigidity". Although not a trained therapist, Neill gave psychoanalytic private lessons to individual children, designed to unblock
233:. He began as an agriculture student, at his father's behest for a well-salaried career, but switched to English literature by the end of his first year. Neill was excluded from cultural events due to his lack of funds, but participated in sports, showed interest in the military, and wrote for 422:
Peter Hobson found Neill's philosophy of education incomplete, oversimplified, without a "coherent theory of knowledge", and too dependent on his experience instead of philosophical position. When presented with Hobson's position, four experts on Neill and Summerhill considered his assertions
school in 1921 and founded Summerhill on returning to England in 1924. Summerhill gained renown in the 1930s and then in the 1960s–1970s, due to progressive and counter-culture interest. Neill wrote 20 books. His top seller was the 1960
Children usually left the local school for Forfar Academy at the age of 14, and with his father a teacher, Neill was especially expected to do so. Instead of wasting time and money, Neill went to work as a junior clerk in an
school attended the meeting, and children always held the majority. Meetings were managed by an elected Chairperson. At times, the school had over 200 rules. His daughter says that although he was seen as benign he allowed
house with values of fear, guilt, and adult and divine authority, which he later repudiated. As a child, he was obedient, quiet, and uninterested in school. His father was the village dominie (Scottish schoolmaster) of
249:, in which he served as an officer in the army. He returned to Scotland, working as a head teacher at Gretna Green School during the first year of the war. The diary he wrote for this year was published as a book, 308:, Neill thought all teaching should follow student interest, and that teaching method did not matter much once student interest was apparent. In a review of an algebra lesson taught by Neill as recounted through 367:, Neill did not view children with romantic innocence. He saw their animalistic traits as qualities to be "outgrown with time and freedom". Neill also considered his role in providing emotional support. 483:
Neill wrote 20 books in his lifetime. His style was simple and friendly, unlike didactic literature from the era. His topics included the balance of authority and the thoughts–feelings relationship.
Few of Neill's acolytes continued his work after his death. His family maintained Summerhill, with Neill's daughter as its headmaster as of 2013. Others influenced by Neill included
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in 1921. The school moved to a monastery near Vienna in 1923, where the townspeople did not receive it well. He moved to England in 1924 and started Summerhill in
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Freud, he felt that children who were denied understanding of their sexuality in their youth became adults who were similarly fearful of their own sexuality.
140:, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and community self-governance. Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the 2261: 575:. Scholars debate whether Neill fits best in a progressive or more radical tradition. Other schools inspired by Neill's philosophy in the UK include 610:
and Bailey felt Neill's influence to not be easily measurable, with Dennison adding that non-Summerhill schools continue to adopt Neillian thought.
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Critics regard Neill's influence and importance with mixed opinion. Supporters counted Neill amongst the world's most influential educationists.
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Summerhill sought to produce individualists conscious of their surrounding social order, and Neill chose the self-governance of Homer Lane's
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impart than Deweyan thought, and that its release inspired Neill's education critic contemporaries as to the viability of their ideas.
559:, and David Gribble wrote in 1998 about schools around the world that followed Neill's teachings. Timothy Gray linked the release of 2670: 2044: 2254: 2186: 2138: 2113: 2089: 2033: 2012: 1988: 1964: 1939: 1870: 1842: 1818: 1794: 1771: 1750: 2705: 2534: 189:
Sutherland Sinclair). He was their fourth son; one of the eight surviving children out of 13. He was raised in an austere,
329: 2324: 2163: 1916: 1891: 2690: 379:'s theories of psychoanalysis, Homer Lane's interpretation of Freud, and later, by the unorthodox sexual theories of 2247: 383:. The reverence for Reich appears in the abundant correspondence between them. Neill accepted Reich's claims about 2105:
Wheels in the Head: Educational Philosophies of Authority, Freedom, and Culture from Confucianism to Human Rights
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to berate the weekly meetings and she increasingly ran the school becoming the head, officially, when he died.
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Neill... believed that the best thing teachers could do was to leave children alone to develop naturally.
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crowned Neill the leader of a new avant-garde education and he became symbolic of the rebel decade.
2334: 2289: 1807:(1978). "The Free School Movement: A Perspective". In Deal, Terrence E.; Nolan, Robert R. (eds.). 292:
The school picked up some notoriety and the average enrolment was 40 pupils. In 1927, it moved to
2574: 2489: 2339: 523: 230: 141: 2710: 2494: 2479: 556: 440: 414: 256: 136:(17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, 2174: 304:
thus there were no distinctive Summerhillian classroom methods. Leonard Waks wrote that, like
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Record of a friendship: The correspondence between Wilhelm Reich and A. S. Neill, 1936–1957
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A Record of Friendship: The Correspondence Between Wilhelm Reich and A S. Neill 1936–1957
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radicalism" and "dangerously enthusiastic following in teaching training institutions".
392:, as suggested by Reich. Neill later found that freedom cured better than this therapy. 364: 2519: 2499: 2284: 2270: 1699: 544: 251: 154: 2067: 2561: 2484: 2448: 2396: 2304: 2216: 2205: 2182: 2159: 2134: 2109: 2085: 2059: 2029: 2008: 1984: 1960: 1956: 1935: 1912: 1887: 1866: 1838: 1814: 1790: 1767: 1746: 494: 279: 165: 137: 112: 375:
and distance from the adult anxieties of work and ambition. Neill was influenced by
2613: 2601: 2529: 2514: 2474: 2225: 599: 552: 1739: 2649: 2504: 2438: 2406: 2370: 2149: 2124: 2103: 2079: 2023: 2002: 1978: 1950: 1902: 1881: 1856: 1852: 1832: 1828: 1808: 1804: 1761: 607: 595: 587: 580: 372: 2212: 2637: 2625: 1908: 1862: 603: 564: 548: 396: 223: 222:
Neill became an assistant teacher at the Newport Public School in the wealthy
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listed him in its 12 most important British educationists of the millennium.
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as a leader in its tradition. H. A. T. Child associated Summerhill with the
2443: 576: 568: 528: 309: 149: 2239: 2099: 572: 424: 408: 246: 216: 145: 1904:
Children's Freedom: A. S. Neill and the Evolution of the Summerhill Idea
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listed Neill within its 100 most important educationists worldwide. The
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Village School in the second year of the war, writing his first book,
Gray, Timothy (2009). "Fun City: Kenneth Koch among schoolchildren".
212: 207: 195: 190: 87: 404: 284: 1932:
Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education: From Piaget to the Present Day
158:(1915), as a diary of his life there as head teacher. He joined a 115:, advocacy of personal freedom for children, progressive education 389: 293: 263: 159: 91: 50: 1293: 259:, and received good reviews for its humour and narrative style. 2608: 513: 182: 68: 2175:"Freedom and desire in the Summerhill philosophy of education" 1785:
Radical Education: A Critique of Freeschooling and Deschooling
1344: 1269: 2151:
Neill & Summerhill: A Man and His Work, a Pictorial Study
Neill was awarded three honorary degrees: a master's and two
199: 1601: 1599: 992: 990: 2043:
Prud'homme, Marc-Alexandre; Reis, Giuliano (Summer 2011).
1424: 1710: 1652: 1596: 1505: 1400: 1356: 1281: 1201: 1160: 1109: 1097: 1058: 987: 943: 931: 185:, Scotland, on 17 October 1883 to George Neill and Mary ( 1930:. In Bresler, Liora; Cooper, David; Palmer, Joy (eds.). 1673: 1671: 1669: 1667: 1630: 1628: 1626: 1586: 1584: 1582: 1580: 1543: 1541: 1539: 1537: 1524: 1522: 1520: 1457: 1455: 1453: 1451: 1390: 1388: 1375: 1373: 1371: 1322: 1320: 1222: 1220: 1218: 1216: 1179: 1177: 1175: 1150: 1148: 1048: 1046: 1033: 1031: 1029: 977: 975: 973: 960: 958: 897: 895: 882: 880: 867: 865: 852: 850: 848: 846: 844: 1075: 1073: 802: 790: 780: 778: 776: 763: 761: 759: 686: 684: 682: 680: 1810:
Alternative Schools: Ideologies, Realities, Guidelines
1565: 831: 829: 636: 634: 245:, but its operations were halted by the 1914 onset of 30:"Alexander Neill" redirects here. For other uses, see 2585: 1664: 1640: 1623: 1611: 1577: 1553: 1534: 1517: 1467: 1448: 1436: 1412: 1385: 1368: 1332: 1317: 1244: 1232: 1213: 1189: 1172: 1145: 1133: 1121: 1085: 1043: 1026: 1014: 1002: 970: 955: 919: 892: 877: 862: 841: 667: 665: 663: 661: 621:
in 1966. He was reportedly very proud of the awards.
impasses in their inner energies. Neill also offered
A. S. Neill: Bringing Happiness to Some Few Children
2021: 1070: 814: 773: 756: 696: 677: 144:
in 1908–1912. He took two jobs in journalism before
1305: 907: 826: 744: 732: 646: 631: 2042: 1782: 1738: 1299: 720: 708: 658: 262:Neill was invited to join a progressive school in 431:, in that the parents would share power equally. 229:In 1908, at the age of 25, Neill enrolled in the 2657: 2045:"Comparing A.S. Neill To Rousseau, Appropriate?" 2052:Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning 2004:Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing 1879: 475:the school's freedom was Neill's to structure. 427:likened Neill's views on the family to that of 27:Scottish progressive school founder (1883–1973) 2084:. Bramcote Hills: Educational Heretics Press. 1741:On the Side of the Child: Summerhill Revisited 2255: 1834:All the Best, Neill: Letters from Summerhill 2269: 2262: 2248: 49: 2147: 1900: 1858:Neill of Summerhill: The Permanent Rebel 1692:Texas Studies in Literature and Language 283: 176: 2726:Military personnel from Angus, Scotland 2181:. London: Routledge. pp. 144–154. 2122: 2028:. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1851: 1827: 1571: 652: 579:in Devon, Sherwood School in Epsom and 507: 434: 270:, where the name came from the estate. 181:Alexander Sutherland Neill was born in 14: 2658: 2098: 1948: 1925: 1803: 1780: 1759: 1716: 1677: 1658: 1646: 1634: 1617: 1605: 1590: 1559: 1547: 1528: 1511: 1473: 1461: 1442: 1430: 1418: 1406: 1394: 1379: 1362: 1350: 1338: 1326: 1311: 1287: 1275: 1250: 1238: 1226: 1207: 1195: 1183: 1166: 1154: 1139: 1127: 1115: 1103: 1091: 1079: 1064: 1052: 1037: 1020: 1008: 996: 981: 964: 949: 937: 925: 901: 886: 871: 856: 835: 820: 808: 796: 784: 767: 750: 738: 726: 714: 702: 690: 671: 640: 395:Richard Bailey placed Neill alongside 2721:British Army personnel of World War I 2666:Alumni of the University of Edinburgh 2243: 2077: 2007:. New York: Hart Publishing Company. 1997: 1983:. New York: Hart Publishing Company. 1973: 1886:. New York: Hart Publishing Company. 1733: 1698:(2). University of Texas Press: 233. 419:basis of Rousseau's views on gender. 2535:Upattinas School and Resource Center 2172: 1745:. New York: Teachers College Press. 1689: 913: 563:with the rise of writers Herb Kohl, 273: 2325:Lehman Alternative Community School 543:Neill is generally associated with 24: 2676:20th-century educational theorists 2206:Summerhill School official website 2022:Placzek, Beverley R., ed. (1981). 453: 237:(the university magazine) and the 25: 2737: 2197: 2643: 2631: 2619: 2607: 2595: 2179:The Philosophy of Open Education 300:and freedom to be better cures. 1683: 1479: 1266:(Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981). 1256: 330:Philosophy of Summerhill School 123:Ada Lillian Lindesay Neustätter 2671:Scottish educational theorists 13: 1: 2470:Auckland Metropolitan College 2222:Works by or about A. S. Neill 1880:Hart, Harold H., ed. (1970). 624: 617:. One doctorate was from the 486: 323: 2177:. In David A. Nyberg (ed.). 1952:Education and Social Justice 1789:. London: Martin Robertson. 598:. Richard Bailey wrote that 519:Times Educational Supplement 351:Education and Social Justice 7: 2706:Heads of schools in England 2423:Democratic School of Hadera 2402:Brisbane Independent School 2108:(3rd ed.). Routledge. 1934:. Routledge. pp. 1–5. 1883:Summerhill: For and Against 478: 10: 2742: 2345:The Sphere College Project 2126:Summerhill and A. S. Neill 1980:Neill! Neill! Orange Peel! 1300:Prud'homme & Reis 2011 492: 438: 327: 277: 134:Alexander Sutherland Neill 62:Alexander Sutherland Neill 32:Alex Neil (disambiguation) 29: 2543: 2525:Scotland Road Free School 2462: 2431: 2415: 2390:Australia and New Zealand 2389: 2381:Shimer Great Books School 2363: 2277: 2173:Waks, Leonard J. (1975). 1837:. London: André Deutsch. 119: 107: 99: 76: 57: 48: 41: 2691:Youth empowerment people 2335:Philadelphia Free School 2290:ALPHA Alternative School 2278:United States and Canada 1928:"A. S. Neill, 1883–1973" 1813:. Chicago: Nelson-Hall. 1760:Bailey, Richard (2013). 1353:, pp. 128–130, 132. 1278:, pp. 108–110, 112. 2490:Free School of Evanston 2340:SEED Alternative School 2271:Democratic free schools 2148:Walmsley, John (1969). 231:University of Edinburgh 142:University of Edinburgh 2495:Houston Sudbury School 2480:Dartington Hall School 2123:Vaughan, Mark (2006). 1949:Lawton, Denis (1977). 1926:Hobson, Peter (2001). 1901:Hemmings, Ray (1973). 1781:Barrow, Robin (1978). 1766:. London: Bloomsbury. 557:Dartington Hall School 441:Freedom versus license 415:Emile, or On Education 346: 289: 255:, in November 1915 by 2716:British Army soldiers 2350:Sudbury Valley School 2310:The Clearwater School 2131:Open University Press 1487:"Obituary: Ena Neill" 401:Jean-Jacques Rousseau 342: 296:, where it remained. 287: 177:Early life and career 169:, read widely in the 2575:Korczak's orphanages 2570:Free school movement 2510:Malting House School 2376:Deep Springs College 2300:Brooklyn Free School 2295:Arthur Morgan School 2231:Works by A. S. Neill 2213:Works by A. S. Neill 2078:Purdy, Bryn (1997). 2073:on 16 December 2013. 1433:, pp. 144, 142. 619:Newcastle University 508:Reception and legacy 499:The 1960 release of 435:Freedom, not licence 314:Living at Summerhill 171:free school movement 2701:People from Leiston 2454:Neue Schule Hamburg 2355:Village Free School 2330:Mission Hill School 2320:The Highland School 1719:, pp. 156–157. 1661:, pp. 152–153. 1608:, pp. 154–155. 1514:, pp. 130–131. 1409:, pp. 129–130. 1365:, pp. 128–130. 1290:, pp. 114–115. 1169:, pp. 107–108. 1106:, pp. 124–125. 1067:, pp. 122–123. 999:, pp. 111–112. 952:, pp. 120–121. 940:, pp. 146–148. 615:honorary doctorates 468:Little Commonwealth 429:Mary Wollstonecraft 243:Piccadilly Magazine 2696:People from Forfar 2520:Rowen House School 2500:Kilquhanity School 2285:Albany Free School 1493:. 28 November 1997 1210:, p. 138–139. 1118:, p. 125–126. 545:democratic schools 290: 2583: 2582: 2485:The Family School 2449:Summerhill School 2397:Currambena School 2305:The Circle School 2217:Project Gutenberg 2188:978-0-203-86109-7 2140:978-0-335-21913-1 2115:978-1-135-15537-7 2091:978-1-900219-03-7 2035:978-0-374-51770-0 2014:978-0-14-013559-6 1990:978-0-671-81300-0 1966:978-0-8039-9946-6 1941:978-1-134-59259-3 1872:978-0-394-51403-1 1844:978-0-233-97594-8 1820:978-0-88229-383-7 1796:978-0-85520-170-8 1773:978-1-4411-0042-9 1752:978-0-8077-4399-7 811:, pp. 15–16. 799:, pp. 13–14. 495:Summerhill (book) 280:Summerhill School 274:Summerhill School 131: 130: 113:Summerhill School 80:23 September 1973 16:(Redirected from 2733: 2648: 2647: 2646: 2636: 2635: 2634: 2624: 2623: 2622: 2612: 2611: 2600: 2599: 2598: 2591: 2530:The Small School 2515:Rochdale College 2475:The Beach School 2315:Fairhaven School 2264: 2257: 2250: 2241: 2240: 2226:Internet Archive 2209: 2208: 2192: 2169: 2144: 2119: 2095: 2074: 2072: 2066:. Archived from 2049: 2039: 2018: 1994: 1970: 1945: 1922: 1897: 1876: 1853:Croall, Jonathan 1848: 1829:Croall, Jonathan 1824: 1805:Cremin, Lawrence 1800: 1788: 1777: 1756: 1744: 1720: 1714: 1708: 1707: 1687: 1681: 1675: 1662: 1656: 1650: 1644: 1638: 1632: 1621: 1615: 1609: 1603: 1594: 1588: 1575: 1569: 1563: 1557: 1551: 1545: 1532: 1526: 1515: 1509: 1503: 1502: 1500: 1498: 1483: 1477: 1471: 1465: 1459: 1446: 1440: 1434: 1428: 1422: 1416: 1410: 1404: 1398: 1392: 1383: 1377: 1366: 1360: 1354: 1348: 1342: 1336: 1330: 1324: 1315: 1309: 1303: 1297: 1291: 1285: 1279: 1273: 1267: 1260: 1254: 1248: 1242: 1236: 1230: 1224: 1211: 1205: 1199: 1193: 1187: 1181: 1170: 1164: 1158: 1152: 1143: 1137: 1131: 1125: 1119: 1113: 1107: 1101: 1095: 1089: 1083: 1077: 1068: 1062: 1056: 1050: 1041: 1035: 1024: 1018: 1012: 1006: 1000: 994: 985: 979: 968: 962: 953: 947: 941: 935: 929: 923: 917: 911: 905: 899: 890: 884: 875: 869: 860: 854: 839: 833: 824: 818: 812: 806: 800: 794: 788: 782: 771: 765: 754: 748: 742: 736: 730: 724: 718: 712: 706: 700: 694: 688: 675: 669: 656: 650: 644: 638: 600:Maria Montessori 553:Alfred the Great 365:Friedrich Fröbel 354: 288:Summerhill, 1993 173:from the 1960s. 148:, and taught at 103:Educator, author 83: 53: 39: 38: 21: 2741: 2740: 2736: 2735: 2734: 2732: 2731: 2730: 2656: 2655: 2654: 2644: 2642: 2632: 2630: 2620: 2618: 2606: 2596: 2594: 2586: 2584: 2579: 2539: 2505:Kirkdale School 2458: 2439:Escola da Ponte 2427: 2411: 2407:Tamariki School 2385: 2371:Antioch College 2359: 2273: 2268: 2204: 2203: 2200: 2195: 2189: 2166: 2141: 2116: 2092: 2070: 2047: 2036: 2015: 1991: 1967: 1942: 1919: 1894: 1873: 1845: 1831:, ed. (1983a). 1821: 1797: 1774: 1753: 1724: 1723: 1715: 1711: 1688: 1684: 1676: 1665: 1657: 1653: 1645: 1641: 1633: 1624: 1616: 1612: 1604: 1597: 1589: 1578: 1570: 1566: 1558: 1554: 1546: 1535: 1527: 1518: 1510: 1506: 1496: 1494: 1491:The Independent 1485: 1484: 1480: 1472: 1468: 1460: 1449: 1441: 1437: 1429: 1425: 1417: 1413: 1405: 1401: 1393: 1386: 1378: 1369: 1361: 1357: 1349: 1345: 1337: 1333: 1325: 1318: 1310: 1306: 1298: 1294: 1286: 1282: 1274: 1270: 1261: 1257: 1249: 1245: 1237: 1233: 1225: 1214: 1206: 1202: 1194: 1190: 1182: 1173: 1165: 1161: 1153: 1146: 1138: 1134: 1126: 1122: 1114: 1110: 1102: 1098: 1090: 1086: 1078: 1071: 1063: 1059: 1051: 1044: 1036: 1027: 1019: 1015: 1007: 1003: 995: 988: 980: 971: 963: 956: 948: 944: 936: 932: 924: 920: 912: 908: 900: 893: 885: 878: 870: 863: 855: 842: 834: 827: 819: 815: 807: 803: 795: 791: 783: 774: 766: 757: 749: 745: 737: 733: 725: 721: 713: 709: 705:, pp. 6–7. 701: 697: 689: 678: 670: 659: 651: 647: 639: 632: 627: 608:George Dennison 596:R. F. Mackenzie 588:John Aitkenhead 581:Kirkdale School 510: 497: 491: 481: 456: 454:Self-governance 443: 437: 356: 348: 332: 326: 282: 276: 257:Herbert Jenkins 252:A Dominie's Log 179: 155:A Dominie's Log 124: 95: 85: 81: 72: 66: 65:17 October 1883 64: 63: 44: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 2739: 2729: 2728: 2723: 2718: 2713: 2708: 2703: 2698: 2693: 2688: 2683: 2678: 2673: 2668: 2653: 2652: 2640: 2628: 2616: 2604: 2581: 2580: 2578: 2577: 2572: 2567: 2566: 2565: 2553: 2547: 2545: 2541: 2540: 2538: 2537: 2532: 2527: 2522: 2517: 2512: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2492: 2487: 2482: 2477: 2472: 2466: 2464: 2460: 2459: 2457: 2456: 2451: 2446: 2441: 2435: 2433: 2429: 2428: 2426: 2425: 2419: 2417: 2413: 2412: 2410: 2409: 2404: 2399: 2393: 2391: 2387: 2386: 2384: 2383: 2378: 2373: 2367: 2365: 2361: 2360: 2358: 2357: 2352: 2347: 2342: 2337: 2332: 2327: 2322: 2317: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2281: 2279: 2275: 2274: 2267: 2266: 2259: 2252: 2244: 2238: 2237: 2228: 2219: 2210: 2199: 2198:External links 2196: 2194: 2193: 2187: 2170: 2165:978-0140801347 2164: 2145: 2139: 2129:. Maidenhead: 2120: 2114: 2096: 2090: 2075: 2040: 2034: 2019: 2013: 1995: 1989: 1971: 1965: 1946: 1940: 1923: 1918:978-0805234848 1917: 1909:Schocken Books 1898: 1893:978-0805500592 1892: 1877: 1871: 1863:Pantheon Books 1849: 1843: 1825: 1819: 1801: 1795: 1778: 1772: 1757: 1751: 1735:Ayers, William 1730: 1729: 1728: 1722: 1721: 1709: 1682: 1680:, p. 153. 1663: 1651: 1649:, p. 152. 1639: 1637:, p. 151. 1622: 1620:, p. 155. 1610: 1595: 1593:, p. 154. 1576: 1574:, p. 424. 1564: 1562:, p. 134. 1552: 1550:, p. 135. 1533: 1531:, p. 131. 1516: 1504: 1478: 1476:, p. 133. 1466: 1464:, p. 132. 1447: 1445:, p. 143. 1435: 1423: 1421:, p. 136. 1411: 1399: 1397:, p. 130. 1384: 1382:, p. 129. 1367: 1355: 1343: 1341:, p. 190. 1331: 1329:, p. 149. 1316: 1304: 1292: 1280: 1268: 1262:Documented in 1255: 1253:, p. 138. 1243: 1241:, p. 140. 1231: 1229:, p. 139. 1212: 1200: 1198:, p. 114. 1188: 1186:, p. 128. 1171: 1159: 1157:, p. 107. 1144: 1142:, p. 141. 1132: 1130:, p. 127. 1120: 1108: 1096: 1094:, p. 125. 1084: 1069: 1057: 1055:, p. 122. 1042: 1040:, p. 124. 1025: 1023:, p. 116. 1013: 1011:, p. 113. 1001: 986: 984:, p. 111. 969: 967:, p. 123. 954: 942: 930: 928:, p. 146. 918: 916:, p. 144. 906: 904:, p. 145. 891: 889:, p. 144. 876: 874:, p. 147. 861: 859:, p. 137. 840: 825: 813: 801: 789: 772: 755: 743: 731: 719: 707: 695: 693:, p. 115. 676: 657: 645: 629: 628: 626: 623: 604:Rudolf Steiner 565:Jonathan Kozol 555:, and Child's 549:Bedales School 509: 506: 493:Main article: 490: 485: 480: 477: 455: 452: 436: 433: 423:"irrelevant". 397:William Godwin 349:Denis Lawton, 341: 325: 322: 278:Main article: 275: 272: 239:Glasgow Herald 224:Newport-on-Tay 178: 175: 129: 128: 121: 117: 116: 109: 108:Known for 105: 104: 101: 97: 96: 86: 84:(aged 89) 78: 74: 73: 67: 61: 59: 55: 54: 46: 45: 42: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2738: 2727: 2724: 2722: 2719: 2717: 2714: 2712: 2711:Wilhelm Reich 2709: 2707: 2704: 2702: 2699: 2697: 2694: 2692: 2689: 2687: 2684: 2682: 2679: 2677: 2674: 2672: 2669: 2667: 2664: 2663: 2661: 2651: 2641: 2639: 2629: 2627: 2617: 2615: 2610: 2605: 2603: 2593: 2592: 2589: 2576: 2573: 2571: 2568: 2564: 2563: 2559: 2558: 2557: 2554: 2552: 2549: 2548: 2546: 2542: 2536: 2533: 2531: 2528: 2526: 2523: 2521: 2518: 2516: 2513: 2511: 2508: 2506: 2503: 2501: 2498: 2496: 2493: 2491: 2488: 2486: 2483: 2481: 2478: 2476: 2473: 2471: 2468: 2467: 2465: 2461: 2455: 2452: 2450: 2447: 2445: 2442: 2440: 2437: 2436: 2434: 2430: 2424: 2421: 2420: 2418: 2414: 2408: 2405: 2403: 2400: 2398: 2395: 2394: 2392: 2388: 2382: 2379: 2377: 2374: 2372: 2369: 2368: 2366: 2362: 2356: 2353: 2351: 2348: 2346: 2343: 2341: 2338: 2336: 2333: 2331: 2328: 2326: 2323: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2282: 2280: 2276: 2272: 2265: 2260: 2258: 2253: 2251: 2246: 2245: 2242: 2236: 2232: 2229: 2227: 2223: 2220: 2218: 2214: 2211: 2207: 2202: 2201: 2190: 2184: 2180: 2176: 2171: 2167: 2161: 2157: 2156:Penguin Books 2154:. Baltimore: 2153: 2152: 2146: 2142: 2136: 2132: 2128: 2127: 2121: 2117: 2111: 2107: 2106: 2101: 2097: 2093: 2087: 2083: 2082: 2076: 2069: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2053: 2046: 2041: 2037: 2031: 2027: 2026: 2020: 2016: 2010: 2006: 2005: 2000: 1996: 1992: 1986: 1982: 1981: 1976: 1972: 1968: 1962: 1958: 1954: 1953: 1947: 1943: 1937: 1933: 1929: 1924: 1920: 1914: 1910: 1906: 1905: 1899: 1895: 1889: 1885: 1884: 1878: 1874: 1868: 1864: 1860: 1859: 1854: 1850: 1846: 1840: 1836: 1835: 1830: 1826: 1822: 1816: 1812: 1811: 1806: 1802: 1798: 1792: 1787: 1786: 1779: 1775: 1769: 1765: 1764: 1758: 1754: 1748: 1743: 1742: 1736: 1732: 1731: 1726: 1725: 1718: 1713: 1705: 1701: 1697: 1693: 1686: 1679: 1674: 1672: 1670: 1668: 1660: 1655: 1648: 1643: 1636: 1631: 1629: 1627: 1619: 1614: 1607: 1602: 1600: 1592: 1587: 1585: 1583: 1581: 1573: 1568: 1561: 1556: 1549: 1544: 1542: 1540: 1538: 1530: 1525: 1523: 1521: 1513: 1508: 1492: 1488: 1482: 1475: 1470: 1463: 1458: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1444: 1439: 1432: 1427: 1420: 1415: 1408: 1403: 1396: 1391: 1389: 1381: 1376: 1374: 1372: 1364: 1359: 1352: 1347: 1340: 1335: 1328: 1323: 1321: 1313: 1308: 1302:, p. 16. 1301: 1296: 1289: 1284: 1277: 1272: 1265: 1259: 1252: 1247: 1240: 1235: 1228: 1223: 1221: 1219: 1217: 1209: 1204: 1197: 1192: 1185: 1180: 1178: 1176: 1168: 1163: 1156: 1151: 1149: 1141: 1136: 1129: 1124: 1117: 1112: 1105: 1100: 1093: 1088: 1082:, p. 78. 1081: 1076: 1074: 1066: 1061: 1054: 1049: 1047: 1039: 1034: 1032: 1030: 1022: 1017: 1010: 1005: 998: 993: 991: 983: 978: 976: 974: 966: 961: 959: 951: 946: 939: 934: 927: 922: 915: 910: 903: 898: 896: 888: 883: 881: 873: 868: 866: 858: 853: 851: 849: 847: 845: 837: 832: 830: 823:, p. 16. 822: 817: 810: 805: 798: 793: 787:, p. 14. 786: 781: 779: 777: 770:, p. 13. 769: 764: 762: 760: 753:, p. 12. 752: 747: 741:, p. 11. 740: 735: 728: 723: 716: 711: 704: 699: 692: 687: 685: 683: 681: 673: 668: 666: 664: 662: 654: 649: 643:, p. 10. 642: 637: 635: 630: 622: 620: 616: 611: 609: 605: 601: 597: 593: 592:Michael Duane 589: 584: 582: 578: 574: 570: 566: 562: 558: 554: 550: 546: 541: 539: 533: 530: 525: 521: 520: 515: 505: 502: 496: 489: 484: 476: 472: 469: 464: 462: 461:Ena May Neill 451: 447: 442: 432: 430: 426: 420: 417: 416: 410: 406: 402: 398: 393: 391: 386: 385:cosmic energy 382: 381:Wilhelm Reich 378: 377:Sigmund Freud 374: 368: 366: 360: 355: 352: 345: 340: 336: 331: 321: 317: 315: 311: 307: 301: 297: 295: 286: 281: 271: 269: 265: 260: 258: 254: 253: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 227: 225: 220: 218: 214: 209: 203: 201: 197: 192: 188: 184: 174: 172: 168: 167: 161: 157: 156: 151: 147: 143: 139: 135: 127: 126:Ena May Neill 122: 118: 114: 110: 106: 102: 100:Occupation(s) 98: 93: 89: 79: 75: 70: 60: 56: 52: 47: 40: 37: 33: 19: 2560: 2555: 2444:Sands School 2178: 2150: 2125: 2104: 2100:Spring, Joel 2080: 2068:the original 2055: 2051: 2024: 2003: 1999:Neill, A. S. 1998: 1979: 1975:Neill, A. S. 1974: 1951: 1931: 1907:. New York: 1903: 1882: 1861:. New York: 1857: 1833: 1809: 1784: 1762: 1740: 1712: 1695: 1691: 1685: 1654: 1642: 1613: 1572:Croall 1983b 1567: 1555: 1507: 1495:. Retrieved 1490: 1481: 1469: 1438: 1426: 1414: 1402: 1358: 1346: 1334: 1314:, p. 3. 1307: 1295: 1283: 1271: 1263: 1258: 1246: 1234: 1203: 1191: 1162: 1135: 1123: 1111: 1099: 1087: 1060: 1016: 1004: 945: 933: 921: 909: 838:, p. 1. 816: 804: 792: 746: 734: 729:, p. 9. 722: 717:, p. 8. 710: 698: 674:, p. 5. 655:, p. 8. 653:Croall 1983b 648: 612: 585: 577:Sands School 569:Neil Postman 560: 542: 537: 534: 529:Max Rafferty 517: 511: 500: 498: 487: 482: 473: 465: 457: 448: 444: 421: 413: 394: 390:body massage 369: 361: 357: 350: 347: 343: 337: 333: 318: 313: 310:Herb Snitzer 302: 298: 291: 261: 250: 242: 238: 234: 228: 221: 204: 186: 180: 164: 153: 150:Gretna Green 133: 132: 82:(1973-09-23) 36: 2686:1973 deaths 2681:1883 births 2556:A. S. Neill 1763:A. S. Neill 1717:Bailey 2013 1678:Bailey 2013 1659:Bailey 2013 1647:Bailey 2013 1635:Bailey 2013 1618:Bailey 2013 1606:Bailey 2013 1591:Bailey 2013 1560:Bailey 2013 1548:Bailey 2013 1529:Bailey 2013 1512:Bailey 2013 1474:Bailey 2013 1462:Bailey 2013 1443:Bailey 2013 1431:Bailey 2013 1419:Bailey 2013 1407:Bailey 2013 1395:Bailey 2013 1380:Bailey 2013 1363:Bailey 2013 1351:Bailey 2013 1339:Spring 2012 1327:Bailey 2013 1312:Hobson 2001 1288:Bailey 2013 1276:Bailey 2013 1251:Bailey 2013 1239:Bailey 2013 1227:Bailey 2013 1208:Bailey 2013 1196:Bailey 2013 1184:Bailey 2013 1167:Bailey 2013 1155:Bailey 2013 1140:Bailey 2013 1128:Bailey 2013 1116:Bailey 2013 1104:Bailey 2013 1092:Bailey 2013 1080:Lawton 1977 1065:Bailey 2013 1053:Bailey 2013 1038:Bailey 2013 1021:Bailey 2013 1009:Bailey 2013 997:Bailey 2013 982:Bailey 2013 965:Bailey 2013 950:Bailey 2013 938:Bailey 2013 926:Bailey 2013 902:Bailey 2013 887:Bailey 2013 872:Bailey 2013 857:Bailey 2013 836:Hobson 2001 821:Bailey 2013 809:Bailey 2013 797:Bailey 2013 785:Bailey 2013 768:Bailey 2013 751:Bailey 2013 739:Bailey 2013 727:Bailey 2013 715:Bailey 2013 703:Bailey 2013 691:Bailey 2013 672:Bailey 2013 641:Bailey 2013 583:in London. 573:Ivan Illich 425:Joel Spring 409:Robert Owen 247:World War I 235:The Student 217:Kingskettle 146:World War I 43:A. S. Neill 2660:Categories 2562:Summerhill 2551:Homer Lane 2235:HathiTrust 1955:. London: 625:References 561:Summerhill 538:Summerhill 527:a school. 501:Summerhill 488:Summerhill 439:See also: 328:See also: 324:Philosophy 306:Homer Lane 268:Lyme Regis 166:Summerhill 138:Summerhill 71:, Scotland 18:A.S. Neill 2614:Education 2602:Biography 2064:1916-8128 1855:(1983b). 1497:29 August 914:Waks 1975 524:Herb Kohl 213:Bonnyrigg 208:Edinburgh 196:Kingsmuir 191:Calvinist 120:Spouse(s) 111:Founding 94:, England 88:Aldeburgh 2650:Scotland 2364:Colleges 2102:(2012). 2001:(1960). 1977:(1972). 1737:(2003). 1704:40755540 479:Writings 405:Voltaire 2638:Schools 2626:England 2588:Portals 2544:Related 2224:at the 1727:Sources 353:, p. 78 294:Leiston 264:Dresden 160:Dresden 92:Suffolk 2463:Closed 2432:Europe 2416:Israel 2185:  2162:  2137:  2112:  2088:  2062:  2058:(10). 2032:  2011:  1987:  1963:  1938:  1915:  1890:  1869:  1841:  1817:  1793:  1770:  1749:  1702:  594:, and 571:, and 514:UNESCO 407:, and 183:Forfar 69:Forfar 2071:(PDF) 2048:(PDF) 1700:JSTOR 200:tawse 2183:ISBN 2160:ISBN 2135:ISBN 2110:ISBN 2086:ISBN 2060:ISSN 2030:ISBN 2009:ISBN 1985:ISBN 1961:ISBN 1957:SAGE 1936:ISBN 1913:ISBN 1888:ISBN 1867:ISBN 1839:ISBN 1815:ISBN 1791:ISBN 1768:ISBN 1747:ISBN 1499:2023 602:and 373:play 215:and 77:Died 58:Born 2233:at 2215:at 312:'s 187:née 2662:: 2158:. 2133:. 2054:. 2050:. 1959:. 1911:. 1865:. 1696:51 1694:. 1666:^ 1625:^ 1598:^ 1579:^ 1536:^ 1519:^ 1489:. 1450:^ 1387:^ 1370:^ 1319:^ 1215:^ 1174:^ 1147:^ 1072:^ 1045:^ 1028:^ 989:^ 972:^ 957:^ 894:^ 879:^ 864:^ 843:^ 828:^ 775:^ 758:^ 679:^ 660:^ 633:^ 590:, 567:, 551:, 403:, 399:, 90:, 2590:: 2263:e 2256:t 2249:v 2191:. 2168:. 2143:. 2118:. 2094:. 2056:5 2038:. 2017:. 1993:. 1969:. 1944:. 1921:. 1896:. 1875:. 1847:. 1823:. 1799:. 1776:. 1755:. 1706:. 1501:. 34:. 20:)


A.S. Neill
Alex Neil (disambiguation)

Summerhill School
Ena May Neill
University of Edinburgh
World War I
Gretna Green
A Dominie's Log
free school movement
University of Edinburgh
World War I
A Dominie's Log
Herbert Jenkins
Lyme Regis

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.