
List of EastEnders characters introduced in 2017

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2864:), Josh gives Lauren a copy of Max's contract that shows he is owed 20%, after Max's copy was destroyed by James. With Luke missing, James asks Josh to serve the eviction notice on Ian. Josh visits Lauren and tells her the development can be stopped, but he needs her help whilst he accesses James's computer that has documents to prove that James bribes council officials. Whilst James and Fi attend a press launch, Josh downloads the files and Lauren gets arrested when she stages a protest at the launch to hold James and Fi up. When James returns, Lauren contacts Josh and James demands the downloaded files. Josh decides to quit his job and at the police station, he tells Lauren what he did and Lauren kisses him. Fi tries to get Josh to return, but he tells Fi that James has ruined and controls their lives just like with their mothers. When Fi attempts to question James over why he never allowed Wendy to get a job or why her mother Elizabeth committed suicide, James pushes her. Josh gets a job offer in Glasgow and when Ian catches Lauren and Josh kissing, he confronts them and Josh stands up to Ian, saying he is not like James and loves Lauren. Josh is offered a job in Glasgow and Lauren prepares to move there with him. However, their departure is delayed when Lauren and Abi are rushed to the hospital after falling from the Vic while trying to stop Max from committing suicide, though Lauren appears to be fine soon afterwards. Josh later visits Lauren in the hospital as she recovers from the fall, though is reluctant to tell her that Abi is 4196:) and goes on a date with him at The Albert bar. Michelle is unaware that Tom is watching her from the outside. When the date ends, Tom threatens Doug on the train and tells him he is Michelle's husband, she has used a fake name and is using him, and not to see her again. He then texts Michelle, saying he needs to see her, but she tells him to leave her alone. Tom looks at a picture of his wife in his wallet and replaces it with a picture he took of Michelle. Tom then sends Michelle a scarf and as it smells of a perfume he gave her, she guesses it is his wife's scarf. Michelle deletes Tom's text messages without replying, and Sharon tells her to return all his gifts. Tom then starts troubling the Mitchell household, where Michelle lives, with persistent silent phone calls, prompting Michelle and Sharon to report him to the police. Tom continues to follow her and she starts to get scared, locking herself in the house. The next day, she sees him in Albert Square and grabs him by the throat, telling him to leave her alone. Later, Sharon says she has called the police again, and that they said they would call him directly as it usually puts people off. 1301:) and Michelle get home drunk, Alexandra and Madison are amused when Louise berates them and tells them how alcohol has affected her family, so they decide to use it against her. Madison and Alexandra talk about a party they have arranged at Madison's, but later tell Louise that Madison cannot host it and they suggest a girls' night for the three of them at Louise's home, which Sharon agrees to. Madison and Alexandra invite Travis to the party, overheard by Bex. Bex tries to warn Louise that Madison and Alexandra cannot be trusted but Louise just accuses her of jealousy. Madison and Alexandra arrive at Louise's with vodka and people later start arriving, including Keegan and Travis, and Louise frets about alcohol in the house, but Madison and Alexandra reassure Louise that they will make non-alcoholic drinks for the three of them. Louise unknowingly has drinks that Madison and Alexandra spiked, resulting in Louise getting drunk. Madison and Alexandra take selfies with Louise when she is too drunk to know about it. Louise is sick and as she staggers outside, she collapses after bringing up blood, panicking Madison, Alexandra, Keegan, Travis and Bex. 4207:) goes out and shouts at him, so Tom runs off. Michelle gets on the train to go to a party, but Tom follows her. On an empty carriage, she tells him to stop following her, and he says he does not want to but she is forcing him. He touches her face and tells her not to pretend she does not want this. To get rid of him, she tells him they should talk about it another night, and invites him to dinner the following week, claiming she has been scared of commitment. She tells him to stay on the train while she gets off, and he asks her for a kiss, which she does after he accuses him of lying. Michelle starts to research Tom online, and at their dinner, he is unaware that she is filming everything on her phone. He claims that his actions were just to get her attention, as "some women need convincing". He admits that things got out of hand but he wanted her to realise that they are meant to be together. She says what he did was harassment, but he says he loves her and reveals he knows things about her private life that she has not told him. He tries to kiss her but she backs away, so he forces himself on her. At that moment, Sharon, 1332:
hear; exposing them. Alexandra and Madison are publicly shamed and humiliated after Louise smugly tells them that they are caught out. They are then angrily ordered by Mrs Lund to her office. Louise and Bex make statements against Alexandra and Madison to Mrs Lund and Louise realises what they are really like. Madison and Alexandra receive external exclusions and are banned from the school prom. Alexandra asks Keegan for help to ruin the prom. Madison and Alexandra watch the prom from the balcony. Travis arranges an area behind the stage with candles for him and Louise. Alexandra and Madison turn up and Louise berates them and their actions and Alexandra pushes Louise onto lit candles, setting off the fire alarms and sprinklers. Louise is in agony as Mr Pryce and other students help her by cooling the burns with water. Keegan is sickened by Madison and Alexandra's actions and drags them onto the stage, where Alexandra denies it being their fault. The police arrive to get statements where Madison and Alexandra turn against each other as Alexandra tries to blame Madison. Madison and Alexandra are both arrested for
2791:), and Josh apologises for not telling her, but she is upset and tells him she is busy. Josh visits Lauren at home and explains that he did not tell her about Imogen because she had been travelling the world and is only with her to keep their parents happy, but they know their relationship is over. Steven sees Josh and Lauren together and threatens Josh. At Abi's party, she kisses Josh, and a jealous Lauren states he is engaged. Later, Josh admits flirting with Abi to get a reaction from Lauren, but she insists she does not want to cheat on Steven and tells him not to go after Abi. Steven gets a mobile charger with a hidden camera to spy on Lauren while she is at work, and watches her and Josh talking. Josh tries to get Lauren to admit that her relationship is not working but she refuses. The next day, Lauren tells Josh that she does not love Steven any more and she will end their relationship. Steven learns from Josh that Lauren has resigned when Josh visits her. Josh visits again and learns that she is planning to go to New Zealand to see 6817:) tells Aidan that they sold a family member's war medal; Aidan believes the story but Mel speaks to Halfway who says they won the money on a scratchcard, so when Mel tells Aidan this, he is furious. Phil sees Vincent being friendly with a police officer after a break-in at the Albert that was staged by Aidan and notices how on-edge he is all day, while Aidan sees Mick celebrating and that the Vic is suddenly running smoothly after the Carters faced eviction, so Phil and Aidan agree that Vincent or Mick are guilty of taking the money; Mick is then bundled into a van by two men. Mick is taken to the garage where Phil, Aidan, Vincent, Keanu and Billy confront him; he convinces Aidan that the Vic was returned to them for nothing, so Aidan turns his attention to Vincent; Vincent accuses Ben, while Phil accuses Mel. Aidan gives Phil ten days to find out the truth; Mel then overhears Phil telling Sharon that if Aidan knew who had the money, there would be a "bloodbath". Mel discovers that Sharon took the money and it is returned to Ciara. 1782:) forces Gethin to take his place to give Bex a driving lesson and when Bex tries to pursue Gethin, he tells her again that it cannot happen. While Gethin and Sonia are having a meal at her home, Sonia is called into work, so Bex visits Gethin and tries to get him to admit that he likes her. When Sonia returns, he tells her that Bex kissed him. Sonia is furious, but Gethin claims that Bex kissed him against his will, however, when Bex says that he kissed her back, Sonia throws him out. She asks Bex for the whole truth and Bex insists it was just a kiss and asks Sonia not to report Gethin. Gethin gets drunk and tells Jack that he has been set up by a student and when Jack takes him to get his wallet from Sonia's, Sonia tells Jack about the kiss, so Jack evicts Gethin from his flat with immediate effect, and tells him to leave Walford, which Gethin does. The following day, Bex tells Sonia that Gethin was not in school and Sonia reveals that he called her, letting her know that he has resigned and will not be returning to Walford. 7501:) discovers his affair with Abi. Abi's pregnancy puts a "massive spanner in the works of this slow-burning epic plot, which is quite literally about to blow up" as it provides a "new crisis" for Steven. With Abi being "even more hateful" towards Lauren after Steven's death, Abi receives a "world of hate" from Lauren upon admitting to the affair. Fitzgerald said that Abi is "just so happy" to be having a baby so she can receive "unconditional love", which Abi longs for as she "keeps losing that" within her family and with the death of Steven." Although Lauren is "fuming" in the aftermath of learning about Abi's baby, Fitzgerald states that Abi regards it as a "relief she's got this massive weight off her chest." The hatred between Abi and Lauren comes out in an "explosive" manner, with the anger coming from Abi's betrayal and not Steven's and the fact the baby "will be too much as it means Steven will be around forever." 1549:), about the party on Travis's behalf. When Bex tells Louise that Alexandra followed Travis into the kitchen, Alexandra admits to Louise that Travis did not spike her drink without revealing that she and Madison did it. Sharon wants to meet Travis, inviting him for dinner, but Louise calls it off when Madison and Alexandra tells her he is only interested in sex. Travis later kisses Louise in the park, but she runs away. Louise meets Travis and he asks her if she wants to break up with him. She denies it and he denies it too when she asks the same question. Travis asks Louise if she is ready to have sex but they are both unsure. Travis humiliates Keegan in front of his schoolmates after Keegan makes fun of him. Travis breaks up with Louise, believing the rumours that Louise had sex with Keegan. Madison and Alexandra tell him that he did the right thing. 6468:(Aine Garvey). Stacey returns in January 2018 and when Stacey is out, Martin accuses her of being with Max, so Stacey decides Martin should leave, but he angrily throws her out and exposes her affair. Martin keeps Lily, Arthur and Hope inside, away from Stacey, though he and Stacey support each other briefly when Lily holds Hope by the upstairs window, asking for Stacey. Martin rejects Stacey when she says Lily, Arthur and Hope need her and he decides he will not let Stacey near Lily, Arthur and Hope. Martin decides to go for custody, although his friends advise them to resolve their problems. Martin is not happy when Stacey seemingly changes her mind about Martin looking after Lily, Arthur and Hope for the night, but he refuses to look after Hope when Stacey offers as he suspects she will see Max. Stacey's cousin, 4184:) that she is interested in someone she met on the train, unaware that Tom is outside her home, looking at photos he covertly took of her. Tom meets Michelle on the train again, this time when she is working late and he claims to have a day off from work. They finally introduce themselves and Tom says he is widowed. Michelle invites Tom for a drink. They discuss Michelle's personal life but when she says her marriage went stale and someone younger showed interest, Tom assumes her husband cheated and not the other way around. Afterwards, Tom is aggressive to a stranger he accidentally bumps into. Tom and Michelle meet for a drink again and despite her confession that she was the one who fell in love with a younger student, causing the ending of her marriage, Tom kisses her. 6745:), locks him in the cellar after reading his text messages. Keegan helps Mick escape the cellar so Shirley gets Linda and they track his phone. Mick joins Keanu and they successfully stop a van and divert it to Albert Square. The van stops outside the garage owned by Ben, and Mick, Keanu, Vincent and Phil use fake guns to hold up the van; the men in the back open the van and Mick is shot as Linda and Shirley look on. Bernadette calls the police, while Aidan sends Keanu home and then threatens Vincent because when he was a police informant, he had Aidan's brother sent to prison and Aidan blames Vincent for his brother's suicide; Phil stops Aidan shooting Vincent and Vincent promises to sell his bar, the Albert, and give Aidan the proceeds. Aidan's former wife, 2779:) and asks Lauren to join him; he is impressed with her local knowledge. Josh invites Lauren to a work event and she walks in on him, changing in his office. Josh asks Lauren to stay for sushi afterwards and she agrees, despite having plans with Steven. Josh reveals he used to stutter as a child but overcame it with therapy. Josh takes Lauren home and Abi points out Josh's attractiveness to Steven when she sees them, making Steven worried about Lauren and Josh's relationship. When Steven makes dinner for Lauren, she comes home early and Josh is with her. Steven invites Josh to stay for dinner. Abi arrives and joins them, and she flirts with Josh. Josh suggests that Lauren should go home after she develops morning sickness as he thinks she has a stomach bug. 4817:). Karen and Keanu find one of Ted's chess pieces under Bernadette's bed so accusing him of having an illegal sexual relationship with her, but Bernadette shows them that they have been playing chess. Wanting Bernadette to have friends her own age, Karen pays Keegan to take Bernadette for some fun, but she is hurt when she discovers he posted an embarrassing photo of her online. Keegan apologises, saying that he would have spent time with her even if he was not paid, and tells her not to change. Karen then arranges for Bernadette to spend time with Bex, Louise and Tiffany, but Tiffany sneaks Bernadette away to play chess with Ted. Bernadette plays in a tournament, but is beaten, however, she is asked to join the chess club. Bernadette supports Ted when 1522:(Seraphina Beh and Sydney Craven) tell Louise that Bex has been after Travis for a while. Louise confronts Bex but she insists they are just friends. Louise, Madison and Alexandra see Travis and Bex hanging out together and they show Travis their nails. Travis and Bex go for food and Travis tells Louise that he'll see her at school. Madison and Alexandra invite Travis to a party at Louise's house and Travis agrees to go, unaware that Bex overheard the conversation. Travis arrives at Louise's house for a party that Madison and Alexandra arranged, and Louise unknowingly has drinks that Madison and Alexandra spiked, resulting in her getting drunk and being sick. A concerned Travis tells Bex that Louise needs her, and he watches as she collapses. 2015:) have a meeting with Hugo and Fi, Hugo tells them they have five weeks to pay him £60,000 or else they lose the pub. Later, Fi gives Mick a document where the Carters would receive a payout if they left the Vic. Mick then signs the paperwork but he signs it as "Lady Di" which leaves Hugo furious. He then reveals that Fi had been sharing personal information about the Carters with him. Linda then throws a drink in Fi's face. Hugo and Fi then leave and Hugo threatens to evict the Carters if they do not pay the money. Fi tricks the Carters into believing they can pay £50,000, which they raise, but as this was a lie, James, Luke and Hugo serve the Carters with an eviction notice. When James suffers a heart attack after Fi believes 1553:
wrong impression, especially as he agreed to take her to the prom as friends. He thinks that Louise hates him but Bex and Shakil convince him otherwise and tell him to apologise to her. He visits her and says he should have let her explain about Keegan instead of ending their relationship. After Alexandra and Madison are publicly exposed as being Bex's bullies, Travis asks Louise to be his date for the school prom. At prom, Louise and Travis win most beautiful couple and Travis arranges an area behind the stage with candles for them. Alexandra and Madison turn up and Louise berates them and their actions and Alexandra pushes Louise onto lit candles, setting off the fire alarms and sprinklers. Louise is in agony as
9244:). Irene tells Shirley she did not go to her own mother's funeral and tells her where the chapel is if she wants to talk. Later, Shirley goes to the chapel and asks why Irene did not go to her mother's funeral, to which she says she hated her, and asks Shirley about her mother. Shirley explains that Sylvie was never a good mother, and Irene wonders if Sylvie needs to mourn for the little girl she used to be. Shirley tells Irene about her childhood, including a time Sylvie allowed her to wear makeup but then said she looked like a tart, and would often leave her alone in the house with no food. Shirley cries to Irene, asking why her mother never loved her. Five months later, she reveals to 6833:); Linda then calls the police. Aidan gives Keanu a box to hide in a coffin at the funeral home while he is fixing the electricity there. The following day the pub is raided and Cal is arrested, but Aidan pretends not to know anything. He later confronts the Carters, knowing one of them called the police. Shirley and Mick both try to take the blame, but Linda admits it was her so Aidan threatens her. Mick defends her and refuses to give in to him. Aidan warns him he has a week to get him the robbery money or else he is a dead man. Aidan later covers Mick's son Ollie with petrol as a warning. Jay gives the box Aidan gave Keanu to Phil. Upon opening it, Phil discovers some removed teeth. 2505:), due to a rat being spotted in the kitchen. Konrad brings food from his shop, making the night a success. He tells Shirley that he will not charge them as the food is slightly out of date. However, then someone spray paints "Poles go home" on the door of the pub but Konrad simply calls it "the Britain we live in now". Konrad then offers to help fix the leaks in the pub at a discounted price. However, due to court fines that Mick is due to pay, he is unable to pay Konrad, until Shirley decides to go to prison for not paying the fines and Mick then pays Konrad. He later comes to Shirley's welcome party only to find out that her stay in prison has been extended. When loan sharks cut off 1205:), Madison and Alexandra spread it around online. When a porn video with Bex's face imposed in the model's body is sent around school (created by Keegan in revenge for Shakil's photo being distributed), the police get involved and the explicit photo of Shakil is discovered and Bex takes the blame. After Bex is told she will be interviewed under caution, she tells Louise she will admit the truth, so Louise confesses that Madison and Alexandra were responsible for sending it on and she should think about bringing them into it. After being given a warning, Bex tells Madison, Alexandra and Louise she took the blame despite being the only innocent person, and they laugh at her. 8200:) uploads a fake porn video of Bex. Lund asks Bex if she knows who made the video but Bex says she does not. Lund informs Martin that the police will be involved. The next day, Lund meets with Martin, Bex and police officers, where Martin discovers that the video was probably made in revenge for a nude photo of Shakil that was sent from Bex's phone. Lund tells Martin that Bex's mock GCSE results were uncharacteristically poor, and that sharing an indecent image of a minor is a criminal offence so Bex will be interviewed under caution. Lund then meets Carmel and Shakil again to discuss the situation. Lund finds Bex in a state in the toilets, Bex admits to her and 1752:. Alexandra is also missing so Gethin asks Louise to take over. At the prom, Gethin presents "Most Beautiful Couple" to Louise and Travis. The sprinklers go off due to a fire, so Gethin evacuates the students out of the school. Louise is burnt, and Gethin tries to get the students to cool her burns with water. When Travis blames himself for Louise's burns, Gethin assures him that it was not his fault. Gethin later names Madison and Alexandra when they are arrested by the police, but he does not stop the other students from insulting them when they are both escorted out. Gethin later informs Bex and Sonia that Madison and Alexandra will be prosecuted. 6825:(Jesse Rutherford) installed at the Vic. Mick tries to stop the drug dealing but Aidan threatens to take the Vic from the Carters and to harm members of his family. When Linda discovers the drug dealing, Mick explains that Aidan is behind it and he took the Albert from Vincent so they have no choice but to allow it. Linda wants to report Aidan to the police but Mick says it would endanger their lives; Aidan then gives Mick money for his silence, but Linda returns it, however, Aidan has conned a supplier meaning Mick needs the money to pay them; Mick nearly goes to the police but changes his mind after finding out Aidan contacted his daughter, 3754:(Clair Norris) how to play chess, but is frustrated when doing so consumes most of Ted's time. On Alan's birthday, Bernadette is scheduled to play in a chess tournament and asks Ted to support her. Joyce is upset that Ted intends to miss a Skype call with their son for the tournament and argues with him, berating him for giving Bernadette the time and affection that he never gave his own children. When Bernadette panics at the tournament, Joyce relents and allows Ted to go to her, realising the importance for both of them. Ted returns later that night to find Joyce in bed, but in the morning realises that Joyce has died in her sleep. 4028:) how to play chess, but is frustrated when doing so consumes most of Ted's time. On Alan's birthday, Bernadette is scheduled to play in a chess tournament and asks Ted to support her. Joyce is upset that Ted intends to miss a Skype call with their son for the tournament and argues with him, berating him for giving Bernadette the time and affection that he never gave his own children. When Bernadette panics at the tournament, Joyce relents and allows Ted to go to her, realising the importance for both of them. Ted returns later that night to find Joyce in bed, but in the morning realises that Joyce has died in her sleep. 7439:(Colin Tierney), and use Jack's house to convince him they are suitable to raise Abi and after the meeting, Rainie and Max row about Rainie potentially ruining Max's plan to raise Abi. Abi's social worker visits Max and Rainie again to discuss their marriage, which could be considered unstable due to the short time they have been married, about Max's contemplated suicide, though Max insists he is stronger and promised to bring up Abi. Max and Rainie are asked for three references and although Jack agrees to be the family referee, other residents are unwilling to support Max, but Max's former daughter-in-law 6837:
aid Mick, only to find themselves surrounded by an even larger group of thugs called in by Aidan, who then threatens to burn the pub down. Mick finally apologises after seeing no way out, but Aidan is quickly attacked by Phil, who insists he has gone too far with his actions. Knowing that the teeth in the box belong to Luke, who Aidan had killed despite Phil only requesting to scare him off, Phil threatens to hand them over to the police unless Aidan ceases his actions and leaves. Heartbroken at Phil's betrayal, and feeling helpless entirely, Aidan finally calls off his gang and quietly leaves for good.
1771:, after Sonia inherited his mother's money. Bex attempts to make Gethin jealous by flirting with Shakil and Gethin asks her to stop her behaviour. Sonia queries Gethin about the possibility of a relationship and Gethin kisses Sonia, watched by Bex. Bex tries to convince Gethin that he wants her and not Sonia but Gethin tells her that he could lose his job or go to prison if they have a relationship. Sonia then tells Gethin that she thinks Bex fancies him. Bex tells Gethin she is moving on from what happened between them, claiming to have an older boyfriend, and Gethin decides to tutor Bex again. 6753:), arrives and tells the police that she owns the van involved and she staged a robbery as part of security training, so convinces the police to leave; Ciara realises Aidan was involved and makes a phone call to someone. Two days later, Vincent worries that nobody will receive their share of the money so Aidan assures him that if they are patient they will get it. Ciara meets Aidan, accusing him or arranging the robbery, but he denies being involved; Phil recognises her and confronts Aidan; Aidan says they are taking back his money that she took from him, and tells Phil where the money is. 1763:) about locating a property on the Square. Gethin then moves into one of Jack's flats. Sonia later meets him on the square and offers to wash his clothes when he finds out the laundrette is closed. Sonia tells Gethin about the residents and he tells Sonia about his break up with his former girlfriend. After receiving news that his grandmother had died, Gethin goes to her funeral and tells Sonia that his father did not go to the funeral. Bex receives her GCSE results and is disappointed that she gained a D in music, so Sonia contacts Gethin about Bex's result and Gethin agrees to tutor Bex. 4017:) goes to confront them. Joyce tells Mick and Linda that Ted did not save his best friend during the war which is why Ted is in possession of the gun. Although Linda understands the emotions, she says she cannot forgive them for their treatment of Johnny. The police later arrive where they tell Joyce they have forensic evidence that proves Ted was the shooter and arrests Joyce for perverting the course of justice. Joyce and Ted later receive community service and a suspended sentence respectively, thanks to Ted's psychiatric report and a letter Johnny wrote in their defence. 616:), that Kim's behaviour is unreasonable and Kim throws her out, so she moves in with Denise. Before Emerald leaves Walford, Denise defends Kim to Emerald and Kim says she is thankful for her sister, to which Emerald states that they are not sisters. When pushed for more information, Emerald reveals that Denise was brought to her as a baby and she felt she had no choice but to raise her as her own. Emerald says she is still Denise's mother and then leaves. Over a year later, Kim and Denise take a DNA test, which reveals that they are biological sisters and that Emerald lied. 2799:), but he convinces her to stay. He declares his love for Lauren but she says she does not feel the same way. Josh overhears Lauren talking to Max on the phone where she mentions that she is engaged to Steven. A disappointed Josh congratulates her. Lauren later tells Josh that she has been selfish and being in the company has made her realise that she needs to be with Steven, so she resigns from Weyland & Co. When Steven dies, Lauren contacts Josh and she tells him that she wants him to be with her at Steven's funeral. Josh is then revealed to be the brother of 2528:
they talk about what they're seeing. Now, more than ever, in a divided world, it is the job of artists, of writers, of TV comedy and drama, not only to entrain us, but to reflect the things happening in our world, on screen. To show us not only what is familiar, but also wildly different. To reflect the lives of people who are underrepresented, so we can understand those who we didn't before. If getting a brief glimpse into the mind of a man struggling to find his place in the country he lives in makes you uncomfortable then perhaps you needed to see it."
2851:) finds a business card in his boyfriend Luke's wallet reading "Project Dagmar" and when Ben questions what it means, Luke chokes Ben when he refuses to drop the subject. Ben tells Lauren about this, and Lauren asks Josh about Project Dagmar, but he has no knowledge of it, so questions Luke. Luke throttles him but Fi breaks them up and Josh is hurt that Fi is in on Project Dagmar whilst he is excluded. Lauren finds a Project Dagmar model, showing plans for Albert Square to be developed into luxury apartments. Josh watches on when his family reveals in 2868:. However, after Lauren finds out from a nurse and slaps Max for lying to her about Abi's condition, Max confronts Josh about their move to Glasgow and threatens him not to manipulate Lauren or he will have him beaten up. Abi later dies after her life support is withdrawn. On the day of her funeral, Whitney and Lauren talk about Josh and Whitney tells Lauren to think about whether Josh is right for her and if she can love him as much as she loved Peter. After Abi's funeral, Lauren takes Louie and walks past Josh implying that she leaves without him. 9014:) for getting her to eat, to which Sharon says she told Michelle something she wanted to hear, which Pru said was good, but Sharon admits that she has not told Michelle the whole truth, so Pru encourages her to do so before she finds out from someone else. Sharon also asks Pru to borrow a phone charger for Michelle's phone. Later, Pru witnesses Michelle smashing her phone after she fails to contact Preston, so Pru comforts her and mends the phone. Michelle tells her that Preston is not her son but her lover, to which Pru says "good on you". 6734:) a present for Mick, which she puts under Mick's Christmas tree, and Aidan tells Mick there is a gun in the Vic and he has called the police; Mick manages to find it under the tree and gives it to Billy to give to Phil as the police arrive, but Aidan only reported a fight so the police leave. Aidan later tells Mick he needs him back on his team and he could make £150,000. The day before the heist, Mick asks Aidan to rejoin the gang but Aidan makes him beg, so Mick refuses, however, when the others get drunk, Aidan agrees to have Mick back. 8220:) sent the explicit photo of Shakil. Louise, Madison and Alexandra deny any involvement. At the showcase, when Bex looks for a replacement guitar string, Madison and Alexandra pin Bex up against a wall. Shakil hears the bullying through headphones and exposes it through the soundboard. Mrs Lund orders Madison and Alexandra to her office and later asks Louise and Bex to make statements against them. Keegan is annoyed with Lund's seemingly sarcastic reaction to him revising and smashes a brick through her car window, which his half-sister 3291:, the show's executive producer, also expressed his delight at Ryan's casting, branding him "a perfect casting" for the serial and revealing that producers decided immediately that they wanted Ryan for the role. O'Connor explained the character's backstory, which states he worked in several drinking establishments "around the world" before deciding to "put down some roots". He added that Woody would "ruffle some feathers and obviously break some hearts". Ryan was offered the part the day after his audition. He was invited to audition by 2286:) that she had a relationship with a 17-year-old student in the United States, meaning she had broken the law. Preston arrives in Walford unexpectedly on Valentine's Day and he and Michelle kiss. Michelle goes for a job interview at a teaching agency, but fails to get the job as they find out from her references about her relationship with Preston. Michelle insists that he should go home. Preston tries to win Michelle back, but she is adamant their relationship is over. Michelle later sees Preston with her niece, 6098:) gives Felix her stall on the market, on which he plans to sell "vintage goods". This leads to the other market traders throwing Robbie in a bin. However Felix is annoyed when Robbie has a change of heart and decides to return the pitch to Donna. Felix continues to appear in Walford however and has since appeared to have obtained a permanent pitch in the market. In October 2017, Felix attends the Halloween party at The Queen Vic and also helps in the search for the children when they disappear from a party at 4339:). On 29 July 2023, it was announced that Stanley had been axed from the show and that Karen would leave in late 2023. She departed on 8 December 2023, and made a one-off guest appearance via a video call on 25 December. On 24 January 2024 it was confirmed Karen's story was not finished and she would return to the series in February for a short stint less than 3 months since her departure. On 22 April 2024 it was confirmed that Stanley will reprise her role as Karen for another brief stint in June. 6710:(Adam Astill), Phil asks Aidan for help; Luke is bundled into the back of a van and not seen again. Vincent is angry about Aidan's meetings being in the Albert so he tells Aidan he does not want to be involved; Aidan convinces him that he is the right person for the job while also making a threat, so Vincent agrees to come back on board. Mick misses a meeting with Aidan because of his family, and later Aidan tells him one thing has changed and gives him a gun. Mick hides the gun from his wife, 10060:). They are former neighbours in Walford Towers, which is due to be demolished. The three of them meet in the café and Ted and Joyce ask Joan if the "neighbours from hell" have moved out yet, and Joan says they nearly killed her. Joan says she is planning to move near to her son, Stuart, but says she will not be happy to move. After Joan leaves, Ted calls her "Moanie Joanie" and complains about her not paying for her food. Joan visits the Murrays again, but realises that her former neighbour, 1389:) and hoped she might be redeemed in the future. When Madison and Alexandra began to bully Louise while still pretending they were friends, they spiked Louise's drinks at a party resulting in her collapsing, they were described as "vicious" and "evil teens." Beh and Craven hinted that the backstories of their characters could be explored, saying "there's a reason why" their characters are the way they are as "most people who have that kind of lifestyle tend to have a reason behind it." 4842:
grateful to be given the opportunity and I can't wait to see the audience's reaction to us." Bernadette is described as having "little interest in anything other than sitting around the house and dreaming of being famous." Norris added that her character is "quite young. She's always being forced by her mum to go to school, but she can't be bothered basically" and she is "a typical teenager. She doesn't want to go to school. She just wants to stay around at home and watch reality TV"
3146:, made his first appearance on 18 April 2017. Woody initially appeared for a guest stint between 18 April and 19 May. It was later announced that Woody would be promoted to a regular role and that Ryan had signed a one-year contract with the show. His return aired on 3 August. Ryan made a temporary departure on 28 November. It was announced on 16 March 2018 that Ryan would be leaving the show at the end of his contract. He departed in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2018. 1265:) asks her to serve Alexandra and Madison their drinks; they insult her and Alexandra trips Bex, causing Kathy to spill soup on Madison. They leave and order Louise to come with them. They later find Bex in the local chicken shop and Madison tells Bex that she owes her a new top, and Alexandra insults Bex's weight. They then tell Bex that they will always be around and she cannot escape them. Later, Louise, Alexandra and Madison arrive at Bex's house and her stepmother, 4223:) walk in and Sharon hits him over the head with a vase, knocking him unconscious. When Tom wakes up, Michelle reveals that she had done research on his background, revealing that she knows his wife is not dead, merely divorced from him, and that he lied about his job to her. Michelle then reveals that everything has been recorded and says that if he comes near her again, she will show the video to his boss, clients and former wife. He agrees and leaves in shock. 7048: 11750:) with a loan, saying he will be back in a month for her first repayment. He later reappears after collecting Karen's children from school as a ploy to collect the first repayment, but Karen does not have the money to do so. Karen calls Lloyd the following day and gives him the payment. However, he tells her she is still overdue after the first payment as it includes interest. When Karen does not have extra money, he orders bailiffs to remove her television. 3201:), that Linda sent him to help out. Woody moves into The Vic, and when they are unable to buy more beer due to unpaid bills, Woody supplies cocktails and Shirley is impressed. Woody arranges male strippers for a ladies' night at the pub where he attempts to set one of them up with Johnny and bets on the outcome. When Johnny finds out, he berates Woody. Tina, who is upset over the death of her mother, seeks solace in Woody, which results in them having sex. 1328:, and later Alexandra tells Louise that she is now playing the part but only because Mr Pryce was desperate and she did not really want it. Bex tells Louise that Alexandra is lying but Louise believes Alexandra. During rehearsal, Alexandra's acting is wooden but she confidentially kisses Travis, though Mr Pryce tells her she should act shy. Alexandra overhears Bex telling Shakil that Alexandra will mess up in the showcase so decides to take revenge. 3653: 2023:) side of the story about James raping her, Fi puts together a dossier containing incriminating evidence against Weyland & Co. Fi threatens to give it to the police, bringing down the entire company unless Hugo signs all the Walford properties over to her. In order to ensure the survival of the company, Hugo signs all the properties over to Fi so that she can sell them back to their owners, and the Walford redevelopment plan is abandoned. 9677:) meets at Slim Start. Ian makes jokes to him about sneaking in food and Kai thinks Ian might be in the wrong place. Ian sees Maggie, who is running the group, and Kai reveals she used to weigh 22 stone and that thanks to her, is no longer suicidal. Maggie gets Ian weighed and then asks why he is there, and shares that Karen wants to slim for a wedding, Mike gained weight after giving up smoking and Kai gained weight after a painful divorce. 4722:), and Keegan walks in on them. Keegan believes Shakil did not make the pass and Bernadette confides in Keegan that she arranged to see Callum and wants another baby as she misses Belle. When Bernadette complains about not having a good phone, Riley takes Stacey's phone from her car and gives it to Bernadette. Later, when Bernadette attempts to unlock the phone, Jane calls before a panic Bernadette puts the phone under the bed. On Halloween, 10521:) being left in a hospital corridor instead of on a ward. Zennia says they have no beds available, but Sonia says that Dot has been left around drunken people. Zennia finds a more quiet place for Dot, but when another drunk person appears, Sonia says Dot cannot stay there, so goes to find Zennia, but another man is complaining to her that his wife has been waiting for three hours. Zennia later tells Sonia that a bed has been found for Dot. 4597: 2754:) and is shocked when Josh joins the interview, as she assumed he was only a photocopier operator. After the interview, Josh tells her that she did well, and she slaps him for lying about his job. He says she lied too as she never told him her father works at the same company, and accuses her of liking him. She insults him but they kiss, and when she returns home, he texts her with the message, "Don't pretend you didn't feel it too." 7427:), suggests that Max would kidnap the baby as punishment for being banned from the funeral. Jack arrives at the hospital and finds the incubator is empty. He presumes that Max has taken her, although Max returns with her and explains that he has registered her birth, naming her Abi in memory of her mother, and that he wants to do things right. After Max returns to Walford after a break away, he and his new wife, Abi's great-aunt 10801:) who the father is. She tells Callum that she is pregnant by him. He becomes emotional because he is worried about his abusive father's reaction, but Bernadette says that she will not let him hurt Callum. He offers her the £16 he has in his bank account and asks if they should get married. After Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, she arranges to meet Callum at the allotments, but Bernadette's mother, Karen, and half-brothers, 4001:) insists to Ted and Joyce that they played no part in the break-in and Joyce is grateful when Keanu offers to board up their window. When a gas tank explodes outside the couple's flat, it smashes their windows and debris flies through. Ted panics, under the illusion someone is trying to harm him and Joyce, who tries to calm him down. Ted arms himself with his gun and when someone checks on the couple, Ted accidentally shoots 3240:
Woody is then offered a job in Malaga as a Bar Manager but would need to relocate there immediately. Woody realises Whitney is worried that he will leave her, so he asks her to go with him which she delightfully accepts. When Whitney says farewell to her family and friends, Woody realises she is better to remain in Walford and leaves her a note at the tube station, thus leaving Walford without her and ending their engagement.
3121: 1049:
baby. It was reported that this would "spark a huge storyline" due to the "hatred" expressed between them. When it was reported that Denise would opt for adoption, Kim would make the plan "increasingly complicated" when she offers to adopt the baby. Phil discovers he is the father of the baby because Sharon feels she "has been left with no option but to tell" Phil as she wants to give him the option of meeting his child.
2322:), witnesses Michelle shouting at Dennis. Dennis tells Louise about Michelle and Preston, and Louise tells Bex. Bex, who has just made her relationship with Preston "official", does not believe her, but then sees Preston touching Michelle and Michelle flinching, so publicly asks Michelle if she is having sex with her boyfriend. Michelle refuses to answer but Louise reveals the truth. Michelle's brother and Bex's father, 4662:(Rachel Bavidge), who confirms the pregnancy. Bernadette cannot work out how far gone she is and Bernadette says she was not forced to have sex, but refuses to name the father. Karen and Bernadette are also told social services will be notified due to Bernadette being underage. Bernadette wants to keep the baby and Karen tries to talk her out of it, but allows Bernadette to make her own choice. When her half-brother 4885:
however, Karen "remains determined to get to the truth." Bernadette's refusal to name the father leaves Karen "more frustrated than ever." Instead of being "the mouthy matriarch" and "gobby", Karen "surprisingly" opts to use "a softer approach" to the situation. Bernadette's silence will prompt Karen's "own suspicions", but she could have "the wrong end of the stick" or uncover a "worrying secret" about Bernadette.
7478:), Abi's step-grandfather, Cora puts Ian on the spot by claiming he is supporting custody application to Max and Rainie. When Max takes Abi from Cora whilst Rainie attempts to resolve their feud, Abi is removed to a place of safety by the police. After Cora strikes Rainie over the head with a frying pan, Rainie blackmails Cora into withdrawing her custody application and Abi is placed into Max and Rainie's care. 5112:) wants to get Janet a dog. Karen agrees that Billy can have Bronson for a few nights for Janet. When Karen fails to repay a loan shark, he comes to remove the family's belongings and takes Bronson, which distresses them. Keanu returns home with Bronson after finding him in the park. In March 2021 Bronson falls ill, and a vet recommends that he be put to sleep, as his body is failing in his old age. Though 1289:
have to report to Mrs Lund every day because of her, and then agree with each other that she has disrespected them and must not get away with it. Madison and Alexandra take Louise's school books and hide them, but later return them to her after she gets detention. This causes Louise to miss a drama rehearsal and they tell her she cannot miss another one or she will be unable to take part in a talent show.
30: 7062:(Clair Norris), go to visit Kandice. Kandice agrees to lend them the money, but when Karen begins arguing with her, Kandice changes her mind. Bernadette meets up with Kandice and emotionally pleads with her to help, but she apologetically refuses to but when the bailiffs are due to visit, Kandice turns up with the money. After bickering again and Karen throwing the money back, Kandice and Karen make up. 9082:) about her car crash into the fish and chip shop. Although Newbold says that Michelle was not over the legal drinking limit, she had sleeping pills in her system and asks why she allowed herself to drive, to which Michelle says she was not advised not to drive and thought the pills would only calm her down. Newbold tells her that, although she has not been arrested for or charged with any offence, the 12676:) fell off a roof. Fuller interviews Max but he answers "no comment" and Fuller accuses him of luring his daughters to the roof, however, off the record, in exchange for information about his daughters, Max admits to Fuller that he was suicidal. However, a video emerges of the incident showing that they slipped, so Fuller tells Max they will no longer be pursuing the matter and Max is free to leave. 10155:) to live with them in Ireland, insisting that Dot is not coming as it is their time and chance for a fresh start. It is revealed that Liz has been having IVF treatment that has not worked and having Matthew is her only chance of having a family with Charlie. Liz breaks the news to Dot that they do not want her to live with them. Jack and Dot are heartbroken when Matthew leaves with Charlie and Liz. 3299:
He said that there would be tension between Woody and Shirley after he is brought in as a bar manager at The Queen Vic pub, adding that "I think Shirley would quite like Woody to get lost!" Woody departed the serial in the episode broadcast on 28 November 2017 after agreeing to manage a bar in Spain. It was confirmed that Ryan had not left the cast and would return following a temporary break.
2294:). They later kiss, and Preston encourages Bex to truant from school. Preston then texts Michelle that he needs to see her, but when she arrives, he is in bed with Bex and he acts surprised to see her. Michelle demands that Preston leave immediately but he ignores her, and she realises that he used Bex to make her jealous. Preston then leads Michelle upstairs; it is implied that they have sex. 5907:). When they begin to grow closer, Ingrid and Jack share a passionate kiss. When Amy and Ricky ask questions about Ingrid and Jack's relationship, she insists that she has no feelings for Jack. Realising that she may have feelings for him, Ingrid decides to leave Walford Jack persuades her to return as the au pair. Ingrid is shocked when she attends an art class to find that her neighbour 1313:), about the party on Travis's behalf, Bex tells Louise that Alexandra followed Travis into the kitchen, and Alexandra interrupts them. Alexandra gets herself out of trouble by telling Louise and Bex that Travis may not have been responsible for spiking her drink and Louise insists that Madison and Alexandra are still her friends, but Bex worries that they have targeted Louise. 3212:) tells the Carters that they must fire at least two of their employees, the Carters decide that Woody is the only one that should be fired. However, Woody refuses to go and Fi insists that the new freeholders, Grafton Hill, want him to stay, and Woody declares that until Linda tells him otherwise, he is the manager of the pub. Much to the disappointment of the Carters and 1193:(Zack Morris), who have teased Louise about how scared she was during the crash, and Louise inadvertently shows them a naked photo that Shakil sent to Bex. Under Madison and Alexandra's instruction, Louise gets Bex's phone and sends Shakil's naked photo to them and Bex is left distressed when she finds out what Louise did and that the photo has been sent to another person. 7085:), asks Kandice for a video call to show her supporters. Kandice and Karen set up a tent in Karen's flat for the call and Ellie believes Kandice until Keegan accidentally interrupts. Ellie visits Karen and Kandice the next day, and Kandice shows her a cheque for the golf club, which Ellie accepts in exchange for keeping quiet about the scam and giving Kandice's husband, 10817:), go there to do a memorial for the baby. Keegan punches Callum when he realises he is the father, but Callum joins the family for the memorial and Bernadette reveals their daughter was going to be called Belle. Karen then invites Callum to join them for tea. When the school term starts, Callum texts Bernadette to end their relationship, leaving her heartbroken. 6674:). The next day, Aidan tells Phil about his criminal plan with Vincent and Phil asks to be involved; Aidan says he will be in touch. Aidan, Phil and Vincent meet to discuss Aidan's plan, but Phil does not want to work with Vincent; Aidan says the team is his choice and later Phil tells Aidan he is still interested. When Aidan is mugged for his phone and injured, 6765:), assumes she is a customer and takes her to the Vic; Ciara overhears Honey on the phone to Billy and realises Aidan is at a church, so calls him, interrupting a confrontation between Vincent and Aidan; Ciara lies that she knows exactly where Aidan is; the men open the coffin but the money is not there; sirens approach and Aidan tells everyone to run. Ben and 3974:) used to be friends with their son, Alan, though Joyce says Nick was behind a break-in at their flat once and Dot was a busybody. Joyce is upset that Ted has brought a box with them after agreeing to "keep the past in the past". Joyce instructs Ted to keep it out of her way and he opens the box, which has a gun inside. Ted and Joyce meet up with a friend, 4188:
kiss in public. A few weeks later, he asks her out but she turns him down as she is babysitting. He turns up anyway, saying she sounded stressed, and asks her out for lunch the next day; Michelle says she will be in touch and walks away. Michelle breaks up with Tom but he continues to stalk her. When Michelle starts internet dating, she meets a man called
and Louie to the zoo. He reluctantly accepts but implies they should go out together as a couple instead, which displeases Lauren. Josh visits Lauren the following day and declares his love again. When he asks her why they cannot be together, she explains that they have very different lifestyles and asks him to leave. However, after a heart-to-heart with
8590:) that she should sit with him, joking that it is the "VIP area", but Bex tells them that she will sit somewhere else. Later, when Bex is put into isolation at school, Samuel meets her and Bex assumes he is also in isolation until he reveals that Madison and Alexandra told him that Bex would have sex with anybody, causing her to walk out of school. 6102:'s house. After a customer from the market smashes a 1950s vintage vase worth £100, Robbie insists that the customer does not pay as he is worried that the customer may be a mystery shopper inspecting the market and deciding whether to close it or not. Later, Felix calls Mr. Lister and announces to him and Robbie that he will be leaving the market. 4850:
warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again…" In an interview, O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the
9425:) for a "services sector" job that she has applied for. She soon realises it is a cleaning job when he asks her what equipment she used to clean at the shop she used to work in. Denise says it is not the kind of job she is looking for but Greg tells her that cleaning is nothing to be ashamed of and she needs a job, so she sits back down. 4833:), arrives in Walford and is jealous of and annoyed with Bernadette due to parental affection she receives from Ted. Following Shakil's death, Bernadette and the other teenagers play spin the bottle and Tiffany kisses both Bernadette and Keegan, which leads Bernadette to confusion about her feelings, though Tiffany says she likes Keegan. 597:), Denise and Kim's surrogate father, about what she would have to do to stop the adoption and he advises her to support Denise. Kim decides to cut all ties with Denise as a result of the adoption and when Emerald stands by Denise, Kim angrily throws her mother out leaving Emerald no choice but to move in with Denise, Libby and Patrick. 10625:), he asks Lance to lock up The Arches. When Luke, who is now Ben's boyfriend, watches Lance working on a car, Ben tells Lance to go on his lunch break to stop Luke looking at him. When Ben arrives at The Arches, he gives Cole and Lance their sandwiches, Lance points into the arches to tell Ben that Luke is inside waiting for him. On 4697:) and Karen scolds her. Bernadette is delighted that social services think she will be a good mother and when Keanu gives her a moses basket. Keanu manages to convince Bernadette to go to teenage parenting classes and decides to go with her. Bernadette is anxious by the commotion caused by a gas explosion and she is in agony when she 12840:), tells him about her son's death. When Max goes to visit Abi's baby, Dr Harding tells Max and Lauren that her life support will be withdrawn that day and he later explains to them what will happen. Max asks if Abi's machines can be withdrawn at her time of birth, 8:32pm. Abi's life support is withdrawn with her family's presence. 7619:), Ronnie and Roxy's mother, that the coroner's report shows that Ronnie drowned and Roxy drowned following a cardiac arrest in the swimming pool, leading Jack to conclude that Roxy's cocaine habit was to blame for both deaths, though DS Anderson attempts to tell Jack that there is no evidence that Ronnie died trying to save Roxy. 3236:), asking for a divorce. Woody later catches Whitney shoplifting and he saves her from a man who is coming onto her. When they arrive back at The Vic, they kiss and have sex, only for Mick to return and find them in bed together. Mick punches Woody and orders him to leave. After wishing the Carters good luck, Woody leaves Walford. 1257:) in the café, Madison and Alexandra make remarks about them both being with Preston and laugh when Bex shouts at Michelle. When Alexandra sees Bex in the local shop, she knocks the sugar she is buying out of her hands and sticks chewing gum in her hair when she goes to pick it up. Later, Bex goes to the café where her great-aunt 12265:) through the Prince Charming Escort agency. She invites Keanu to her hotel room. Later, he finds her crying in the bathroom and she admits this is her first time hiring an escort. she tells Keanu her former husband was a controlling narcissist and she has recently divorced him. She pays Keanu a substantial tip before he leaves. 2895:), adding "Will Savage's face isn't one you can trust, is it? So, that's the question: is the photocopier guy completely innocent? Or is he up to something far shadier? Like maybe he's actually involved with Max's revenge plot, which would make the whole Clark Kent look a brilliant way of tricking Lauren (and the viewers)". 2746:) and Whitney and Josh goes to see Lauren. They are left alone, and Josh goes to kiss Lauren but she rejects him because she feels guilty about Steven and Louie. When Lauren attends her job interview at Weyland & Co, Josh sees her waiting and compliments her, telling her she will get the job. Lauren is interviewed by 8801:) and tells Shirley not to think about her family as it makes being in prison harder. After Shirley disagrees Debbie pours Shirley's tobacco down the toilet and continues to taunt her. Later, when Shirley tells Debbie that she does not want to make any enemies, Debbie tells her it is too late. When Shirley's sister 6456:. Martin is overjoyed when he learns that he has another daughter, but is told she has complications. Stacey goes to see her daughter, but changes her mind, however, she later sees her. Stacey and Martin's daughter is put on a ventilator. Stacey grows annoyed at Martin suggesting baby names, but confides in 12815:
roof and she is declared brain dead. He later delivers her baby girl via caesarean section on New Year's Eve. Max obtains a court order preventing Dr Harding withdrawing life support and presents information on a medical trial in the US to Dr Harding that costs £2,000,000, but Dr Harding urges Max to
The Taylors "are thrown into a crisis" when Karen makes a "shock discovery" about Bernadette and Karen figures out Bernadette is pregnant after Karen is "troubled by Bernadette's behaviour" coming to the "shocking realisation." Bernadette "refuses initially to reveal the father of her unborn child",
casting executive, Julia Crampsie, 18 years after she first approached him about him joining the show. Ryan insisted that the character is not a "bad boy", despite being "a little bit manipulative" and explained that in his "sad" backstory, Woody has travelled and experienced the death of a relative.
The character and Ryan's casting were announced on 15 February 2017, when it was said the character would "cause lots of trouble" upon his arrival. Ryan expressed his delight at his casting, calling Woody "the best role could have wished to play" and "a brilliant character". He found it obvious that
The following week, Max tells Josh not to give Lauren a job and makes sure another candidate is offered it, but Josh visits Lauren at home and offers her a job as a creative team assistant. He also meets Steven, who is wary of him, and realises that Lauren has a son. Outside, Josh meets Max and tells
Before Bex's performance at the showcase, Madison and Alexandra break a guitar string and when Bex looks for one in the classroom, Madison and Alexandra pin Bex up against a wall. Shakil hears the bullying through headphones and intentionally turns up the volume through the soundboard for everyone to
Sharon wants to meet Travis, inviting him for dinner, but Louise calls it off when Madison and Alexandra plant doubts that Travis is a cheat. Keegan tells Louise that they had sex at the party, but Louise says he is lying, but worries after Madison and Alexandra tell her that Keegan is telling people
Bex receives an anonymous Valentine's card and believes Shakil sent it, however, realises that Madison and Alexandra sent it as a joke. Shakil tells Louise that he has seen Bex and Travis together and Madison and Alexandra tell Louise they believe Bex has been after Travis for a while, causing Louise
deserves the very best and in Patrick we are absolutely privileged to have a truly great actor join the show. It's a huge honour to have him on board, where he'll be working hand in hand with Phil Mitchell and Mick Carter to carry a truly explosive storyline for Christmas and New Year. We can't wait
The following week, Mick and the Carters prepare to flee Walford to escape Aidan and his gang, but Mick returns to the Vic at the last minute to confront Aidan, who viciously beats him until he apologises and allows drug dealing to resume in the Vic. Jack, Linda, and several others quickly arrive to
Aidan offers to share the money with Ciara, and later meets with Vincent, Keanu, Mick, Phil and Billy, who is hiding the money in a coffin; when they open the coffin, the money is missing. Billy realises there has been a mix-up and the money has been buried in another coffin; Aidan makes them dig up
After her first day back at school, Bernadette arrives home in tears after being bullied by girls saying Bernadette was not pregnant, just fat. Bernadette throws away her stuffed toys as she was going to give them to Belle. Karen then confides in Bernadette about a miscarriage she suffered after her
and upset the residents with their rowdy behaviour. Bernadette bunks off school to the annoyance of Karen, pretending she is sick. Karen finds Bernadette eating packets of crisps in her room and when Bernadette does not eat her favourite food, Karen confronts Bernadette, working out she is pregnant.
named Rooney. On 1 November 2019, it was announced that Walters had decided to leave the series; and Keanu's last scenes aired on 3 January 2020. Not long after his departure, he was re-introduced for the 35th anniversary plans. He returned on 7 February and departed again on 21 February. Keanu made
said Tom "has turned out to be a little bit unsettling as he has snapped pictures of and followed her home" and said that "many have poured scorn on the likelihood of two strangers regularly bumping into each other on packed London trains, it seems that this was less accidental than we were led to
named Ryan one of "Soapland's rising stars", opining that despite heavy criticism following news of his casting, Ryan had "proved his doubters wrong". He praised Ryan's "easy chemistry" with his co-stars, noting that Woody's relationship with Whitney was eye-catching. He also commented, "In fact, in
as I have watched and admired it since the days of Dirty Den. It is an iconic show that has the ability to shape the way people think, while also telling big explosive stories that keep the audience gripped. I am really looking forward to seeing what they have in store for Aidan as it's bound to be
Walters described working with Jacobs and his brother as "incredible" by "seeing the development of them as they grow." Walters said the brothers "were so nervous" on their first day with "all these lights, cameras everything, all the people", but as they began to settle in, they started "to become
families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round –
Walters described working with Jacobs and his brother as "incredible" by "seeing the development of them as they grow." Walters said the brothers "were so nervous" on their first day with "all these lights, cameras everything, all the people", but as they began to settle in, they started "to become
families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round –
families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round –
The character and Steed's casting were announced on 1 April 2017. Of her casting, Steed said she is "very much looking forward to having Christopher as my on-screen husband, he is a terrific actor. We're going to have lots of fun. I'm incredibly excited to be joining what is such a well-established
hoped that she would see more of Woody, writing, "Like Danny Dyer, Lee Ryan has the natural charm and twinkle in his eye that's an essential requirement for the manager of the Queen Vic. He's been fun to have around these last few weeks. Don't be a stranger, Woody!" In August of the same year, Ryan
that they now own the business, serve an eviction notice to the Carter family and inform the locals that the pub will become flats, also revealing that they did it with Max's help. Lauren is angry with Josh for what his family has done and James tries to comfort a hurt Josh, telling him to earn his
Louise is taken to hospital with paralysis and when she is sent home, Madison and Alexandra turn up and they tell her that Keegan filmed what happened and was going to post it online but they stopped him, and they tell Louise, Sharon and Ben that Travis was responsible for spiking her drink. Louise
The character and Spearritt's casting was announced on 25 October 2017. Kandice was billed as the "outspoken" younger sister of Karen. She initially appeared for a stint, with the possibility of reintroducing the character if she proved popular. The following day, promotional images of Kandice and
Everyone goes into hiding for a few weeks and when they return, Phil sees Kathy's necklace and thinks Ben and Jay took the money. The men gather at Phil's and accuse each other of the theft, while Aidan says the woman they robbed does not have the money as her "blonde bombshell" is looking for it;
a daughter, which devastates Bernadette, Karen and Keanu. Bernadette is angry towards Karen when she visits her daughter at the hospital without her. Bernadette goes to see her daughter at the hospital and returns home with a box containing her daughter's footprints and is further angry with Karen
After not hearing from Tom for a while, he returns and tells Michelle that he was scared because she is the first person he has dated since his wife's death and felt guilty. He invites Michelle for a drink and she says she will think about it. The next day she agrees to a drink in the Vic and they
said the Murrays "seemed like a harmless elderly couple, if slightly put out at being rehoused by the council due to the imminent demolition of the tower block they've lived in for 40 years." He questioned why "two plucky pensioners" have a pistol and if it has "something to do with their previous
said the Murrays "seemed like a harmless elderly couple, if slightly put out at being rehoused by the council due to the imminent demolition of the tower block they've lived in for 40 years." He questioned why "two plucky pensioners" have a pistol and if it has "something to do with their previous
Months later, Woody returns to Walford and he and Whitney are now engaged. However, Mick still dislikes him. It is revealed that Woody knows that Linda has had cancer, something she has been keeping from Mick. When Mick and Linda decide to go on holiday, Woody is put in charge of managing the pub.
When Lauren returns to her job, Josh continues to pursue her but Imogen visits and belittles Lauren, which Josh tells her not to. When Imogen leaves, Josh flirts with Lauren and she kisses him. After being told by Imogen that Josh does not like children, Lauren asks if he would like to go with her
Following a gas explosion in Albert Square, Bex helps Gethin and when she takes him to her house to clean his wounds, Bex and Gethin kiss. Gethin reassures Bex as she apologises for her actions, but she reminds him he did not stop her. Gethin tells Bex he cannot tutor her in music, but has found a
Bex and Louise try to fix their friendship after Louise agrees to no longer be friends with Madison and Alexandra, but later they bump into Madison and Alexandra, and Louise says she is only talking to Bex and they are not friends again, so Bex leaves, upset. Madison and Alexandra tell Louise they
As part of Phil's alcoholism storyline, in April 2016, he has a one-night stand with Denise after being estranged from his wife, Sharon; the "unlikely pair" are brought together by parenting issues. The one-night stand leads to a "much bigger plan" when Denise finds out she is pregnant with Phil's
added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They're noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and
added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They're noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and
added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They're noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and
cast". He said that the Murrays "are a breath of fresh air to Walford having achieved a long–standing marriage. But it's not long before echoes of the past catch up with them. I'm very excited to see what these wonderful performers—and these fascinating characters—bring to Albert Square." Timothy
cast". He said that the Murrays "are a breath of fresh air to Walford having achieved a long–standing marriage. But it's not long before echoes of the past catch up with them. I'm very excited to see what these wonderful performers—and these fascinating characters—bring to Albert Square." Timothy
bias from the BBC, however, writer Leo Richardson defended his script, saying "That story was rooted in reality. That's how the main soaps generate a lot of their stories. A diverse array of writers, from all over the country get together with their story team and producers on a regular basis and
When Michelle starts community service, Louise, Madison and Alexandra tease her. Madison and Alexandra graffiti "cougar" on a wall, targeted at Michelle. They tell Louise she could have a chance at going out with Travis, and though she says Alexandra is more his type, they laugh at Louise's crush
The next day, Madison apologises to Bex, saying that she is no longer involved with Alexandra and warns her that Alexandra is planning to cut her hair. Later the same day, Alexandra and Louise tell Bex that they are planning revenge on Madison, so Bex warns Madison of this; Madison thanks her and
as the parents are a fan of his. Denise later reads a letter from his adoptive parents informing her that Raymond is living a happy life with them. Months later, Denise gets confirmation that the adoption has been finalised. Denise gives Phil the letter about Raymond's progress. When Phil gets an
exam and she finds out Freda is taking five exams—English, English literature, French, history and maths. After the exam, Freda buys Denise a drink and says that although she found the exam tricky, she was enjoyed studying and that even if she fails, it was worth it as it is better than cleaning
During rehearsal, Alexandra confidentially kisses Travis despite the role calling for her to act shy. After Louise tells Bex she is worried that Travis and Alexandra are getting close, Bex and Shakil talk to Travis, who says that he only sees Alexandra as Juliet and wonders if he has given her a
after spending time with their sister, Chantelle. After Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, Chatham and Riley return home from their father's and they ask questions about the baby. Karen panics when Chatham and Riley are not at school to pick up and she finds them at a home with a loan shark, who
5380:(Abbie Knowles), but is found in the gardens. Karen panics when Riley and Chatham are not at school to pick up and she finds them at a home with a loan shark, who insults Riley and Chatham's learning difficulties. Chatham and Riley attempt to sell Stacey's phone but eventually return it to her. 4841:
The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Of her casting, Norris said "I'm so excited to go on a journey with my character Bernadette, and to be a part of the Taylor family. I never in a million years thought my first TV role would be in EastEnders. It's surreal but I'm ever so
Josh is surprised when Lauren returns to work later in the week. Josh and Corrine celebrate when they receive good news about one of the company's projects. Josh asks Lauren if she wants to celebrate with them but she tells him that she needs to go somewhere but she will not be long. Josh tells
is not only that I'll be back on the television, but I'll also be working with Maggie. I have admired her for a long time. She is one of my favourite actresses. Filming not just our first scenes but our first episode together will be like first night in the theatre—very exciting indeed. And of
4794:). Kandice agrees to loan them the money, but when Karen begins arguing with her, Kandice changes her mind. Bernadette meets up with Kandice and emotionally pleads with Kandice to help, but she apologetically refuses to and when the bailiffs are due to visit, Kandice turns up with the money. 3730:
When a gas tank explodes outside the couple's flat, it smashes their windows and debris flies through. Ted panics, convinced that someone is trying to harm him and Joyce, who tries to calm him down. Ted arms himself with his gun and when someone checks on the couple, Ted accidentally shoots
2735:. Lauren invites Whitney out for drinks near to Max and Josh's office in the hope of seeing him again, because she has lost her phone. Lauren sees Josh and invites him in for drinks, where they flirt and she takes his number again, though Whitney continues to remind her of Steven and Louie. 6781:), and Ben demands a share of any money as he is now involved but Sharon says Phil was double-crossed, however, Ben later hides the bracelet along with other jewellery and a large amount of cash, revealing that he has stolen it. Ben sells the jewellery but gives one necklace to his mother, 4243:
source said, "It's nothing short of a miracle to get someone to talk to you on the Tube in London, so Michelle should feel extremely flattered!" However, White said that Tom is a stranger to Michelle and she knows nothing about him, she could be "playing with fire". Duncan Lindsay from the
8893:), to look for a dress for Sylvie despite the shop closing in five minutes. Sylvie is confused and insults Ivy's age, and Ivy asks them to leave but Tina says Sylvie is just having a bad day, so Ivy allows Sylvie to get changed into the dress she picked, as she is on her way to a party. 2163:) confronts Keegan over the meeting, saying that Zayan's half-brother, Lewis, stabbed someone the year before and is in prison, but Keegan reveals that Zayan is going to help track down the people who attacked Shakil so Keegan can take revenge. Zayan later gives Keegan information about 1277:
they meet up, where Madison offers her truffles. As Bex is revulsed by the taste, Alexandra and Louise emerge, filming Bex's reaction, saying it was cat faeces. Bex later watches a video they posted online of them making the fake truffle from mud and showing Bex's reaction. Bex's mother
Travis is a student who attends drama club at Walford High School with Louise. He later assists her when her can of drink is stuck in the vending machine. Louise takes a liking to him and he later texts Louise for a date. Louise waits for Travis, however, it turns out she was set up by
5127:, "beautiful" and "gorgeous". A "specific dog" was chosen to work alongside child actors Alfie and Tom Jacobs. Another dog took on the role of Bronson when Cyrus had a knee operation, but the decision to keep the replacement dog permanently was taken due to Cyrus' health and welfare. 7611:) of their deaths and acts as Jack's family liaison officer. The next day, he visits Jack, telling him that CCTV footage shows Ronnie diving into the swimming pool after Roxy, where they both died. DS Anderson then accompanies Jack to identify their bodies. Kye later tells Jack and 2522:
called the character a "burly eastern European fella" and speculated on whether Shirley would see him as someone to depend on and who would become a soulmate. The showing of graffiti reading "Poles go home" following the Polish-themed night was criticised by some viewers as showing
4677:(Shaun Aylward), and tells him she is pregnant and he is the father. Callum becomes emotional and worries about his abusive father's reaction. Bernadette is touched when Callum offers her £16, all he has in his bank account, and laughs when he asks if they should get married. When 6452:), phones social services about bruises on Arthur, suspecting a stressed Stacey of hurting him, Stacey suffers an eclamptic seizure when she learns what Carmel did and is taken to hospital. In between her seizures, Stacey and Martin are told the baby will have to be delivered via 1744:), and asks Sonia to encourage Bex to take part in an upcoming school showcase. Gethin encourages Bex to sing her original song, "Boxed Up Broken Heart", at the showcase, and she agrees. At the showcase, Gethin calls Bex to the stage but when she is missing he calls Alexandra and 1767:
new tutor. Gethin tells Bex that it is illegal for a relationship to happen between them as she is a minor who he has a duty of care for and tells her he has no feelings for her. Gethin warns a man that visits Sonia to stay away from her, who was the son of a patient who died in
12588:) attend an interview to take on a new pub. When they arrive, Jeff arrogantly drives into their parking space before Mick can reverse in, and they are surprised to see that he is conducting the interview. Jeff offers them the pub but they are shocked to discover that it is in 6820:
Vincent tries to hurry through the sale of the Albert and tells Aidan that he will have his money in four weeks but Aidan demands an immediate bank transfer and has Vincent beaten up when he refuses. Eventually, Aidan buys the bar himself for £1. Aidan then has a drug dealer,
6464:) about her feelings. Stacey apologises to Martin and they name their daughter Hope. Martin and Stacey bring Hope home and Stacey decides to make amends with Carmel. When Stacey cheats on Martin with Max in December 2017, she leaves Walford with Arthur, Hope and her daughter, 10333:) flat to speak to him about an incident involving the Taylors' dog, Bronson, who ended up in a pond after a scuffle in the park. Kush does not give a statement. Jaz visits Karen and Keegan, who also refuse to make a complaint, but Keegan mentions that Kush was looking after 4042:
explained that Ted and Joyce were neighbours with Dot and "whether old animosities between Dot and the Murrays will resurface" and that "Joyce looks set to get annoyed with her husband when she discovers that he's broken a promise and brought a piece of their past with him."
explained that Ted and Joyce were neighbours with Dot and "whether old animosities between Dot and the Murrays will resurface" and that "Joyce looks set to get annoyed with her husband when she discovers that he's broken a promise and brought a piece of their past with him."
1037:), is angry when he finds out about Raymond. Raymond has been mentioned by Phil on some occasions. In September 2020, Raymond is involved in a car accident along with his adoptive parents and sister. Denise visits Raymond in hospital and meets Raymond's adoptive grandmother, 1208:
Madison and Alexandra overhear Bex insult them when she confronts Louise over their friendship. In the toilets, Madison and Alexandra push Bex, Madison tears her shirt and Alexandra writes "dirty" on her face while Louise stands outside. Bex then admits to the headteacher,
said that Maguire would play a "minor character who is part of a small community based storyline", that the actor would be in around three episodes and had already filmed his scenes, and that his casting was nothing to do with the change of executive producer. A different
said that Tom "gets even darker" in his fifth episode, and said Michelle "could be heading for serious danger after her new love interest Tom showed another worrying side", calling him a "weirdo" and his behaviour "nasty", as he seems "more and more dangerous by the day".
3680:) used to be friends with their son, Alan. Joyce is upset that Ted has brought a box with them after agreeing to "keep the past in the past". Joyce instructs Ted to keep it out of her way and he opens the box, which has a gun inside. Ted and Joyce meet up with a friend, 5952:
called Ingrid the "demented new nanny", commenting, "Ingrid is the stuff of nightmares. Like when fairy tales used to be genuinely terrifying." Following Ingrid's departure, Tyler voiced her suspicion that there was a storyline planned for Ingrid, but it was cancelled.
The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Jacobs and his real-life brother, Alfie Jacobs, play the roles of Riley and Chatham, "who can often be a challenge" for Karen as they both have learning difficulties, as they do in real life. Executive producer
4762:) when she asks for a job, but is disappointed that Vincent will not give her a job due to her age. When Bernadette stages a robbery with Riley and Chatham, Vincent offers her a job of glass collecting. On her first shift, she overhears Keanu who has been recruited by 12816:
do the dignified thing for Abi as she is already dead. Dr Harding reminds Max that Abi is not a minor and he has no legal rights. Max threatens to go to the press and find details about Dr Harding's private life and accuses him of killing Abi, but Abi's older sister,
The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Jacobs and his real-life brother, Tom Jacobs, play the roles of Chatham and Riley, "who can often be a challenge" for Karen as they both have learning difficulties, as they do in real life. Executive producer
5899:(Freddie Phillips), which was overheard by Amy and Ricky. Ingrid tells them that they can come camping too, but Jack is unsure about the idea. However, he later agrees. Ingrid comforts Jack when he is reminded that it is the first family trip without his dead wife 3283:) and that he stole the money. Jack confronts Woody just before he is about to flee Walford with the money and succeeds in getting him to hand the money over. Before he leaves, Woody tells Jack that all he has ever done is run away after which, he departs Walford. 391:(Seraphina Beh). He first appears in the episode broadcast on 9 January 2017. On 23 February 2022, it was announced that Morris would be leaving his role as Keegan with his exit scenes set to air in the spring. Keegan departed on 17 March 2022, alongside his wife 9308:). She then apologises to Lauren for having to re-arrange her induction. Corrine later tells Lauren she is doing well at her job but sends her home when she is unwell. She then celebrates with Josh when there is good news about one of the company's projects. 9260:) as the new vicar. She visits Dot again because Dot has not been attending parish meetings, and she is worried that Dot dislikes that she is a lesbian, but Dot is only concerned with Mills's use of technology in her sermons. In February 2018, Irene performs 1365:"is nailing the representation of the various young characters you find in school environments" and that Beh and Craven "are doing a commendable job with those bitchy characters." Their revenge plan against Shakil was called "spiteful" by Sophie Dainty from 12522:) and belittles Lauren due to her position at the firm, lack of education and that she has an infant son born out of wedlock. Imogen also refers Lauren as "Laura", which Lauren tries in frustration to correct her. Lauren later sees Josh talking to Imogen. 3747:) decides to confront Joyce who promises Ted that she will still take the blame for him. Joyce and Ted later receive community service and a suspended sentence respectively, thanks to Ted's psychiatric report and a letter Johnny wrote in their defence. 2305:
Preston goes to Manchester for a while to visit a friend and on his return, despite being pleased to see him, Michelle rejects him when she is turned down for a job interview for a teaching assistant (for being "overqualified"). Preston is rude towards
On 24 April 2018, it was announced that Spearritt would reprise the role for another guest appearance later in 2018. The character's July 2018 return was described as a "comedy plot". A third stint over Christmas 2018 was announced on 4 December 2018.
12207:). She tells him that he is a "bit of rough" and therefore different to their usual escorts, but that women will like that. After he says he does not think the job will suit him, she tells him he could earn £300 a day and tells him to think about it. 1557:(Cerith Flinn) and other students help her by cooling the burns with water. Travis blames himself for the incident and at the hospital, Sharon reluctantly allows him to see her. Louise orders him out of the room. Louise is distressed when her mother 5363:
after spending time with their sister, Chantelle. After Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, Riley and Chatham return home from their father's and they ask questions about the baby. When Bernadette complains about not having a good phone, Riley takes
dubbed Alexandra the "vilest villain in soap right now", and added "No one has us screaming more abuse at the telly!" Tyler later said Alexandra was "a vicious, spiteful girl... but she has a spark about her." She compared the character to a young
7411:. She is held by Max after being born. Max and Lauren visit her and discuss naming her. Max later visits her in the hospital and takes a photograph of her, but is told that she is not strong enough to go to her mother's funeral. Her great-uncle, 9907:), serves Sarah in the Albert bar and asks her for ID despite her being 26 years old, and insults her photo. Kush and Sarah's date is awkward, and he says he is in the wrong "headspace", so she tells him to delete his dating profile and leaves. 4710:). Keegan punches Callum when he realises he is the father, but Callum joins the family for the memorial and Bernadette reveals they were going to name their daughter Belle. When Riley and Chatham return home, they ask questions about the baby. 6840:
The character is described as a charismatic old school villain and is an old friend of Phil Mitchell, having shared a cell together while Phil was in prison in 2005. Speaking of joining the show, Bergin said: "I am delighted to be joining
578:). Her introduction to the series was revealed on 1 January 2017, in a trailer for upcoming storylines. It was revealed the character would be appearing in "a handful of episodes". The character was previously referred to in the series as " 9507:) in the Job Centre and assures Denise that applying for benefits is providing for your family and as she paid her taxes all her life she should feel no shame. Dusana encourages Denise to be honest and assures her she will not be judged. 1016:). Denise tells him their ages and lifestyles would make them bad parents, and that adoption is the best thing for the baby. Phil finds his son and holds him, but then leaves the hospital, having accepted Denise's decision. Social worker 9116:), assuming she is a Mrs Kapoor. He reveals that the flat is being subleased and though Tina was unaware of this, she will have to be evicted. He tells Tina she can appeal to the county court but Tina decides to move out straight away. 2762:
pub, referring to Weyland's plan to develop the local area. Josh tells Max never to tell him what to do again as he is his boss, and reminds him of their mole in the pub. On Lauren's first day, Josh does a presentation for two clients,
2330:) punches Preston and disowns Michelle. Preston admits to Bex he loves Michelle but then is forced to leave the pub. A drunk Michelle frantically searches for Preston and on hearing that he has headed for the tube station, she gets in 4754:) offers Bernadette a paper round. Bernadette fails to deliver the paper properly and Honey initially refuses to give Bernadette the full amount, but Bernadette blackmails it out of Honey, as well as extra money. Bernadette impresses 7036:, first appears in the two episodes first broadcast on 28 December 2017. She then appears in the episodes first broadcast between 16 and 20 July, and returns again in December 2018. She is the younger sister of established character 4786:), but agrees to keep quiet. When the Taylors belongings are removed by bailiffs due to Karen failing to repay loans and they can get them back the next day if they can raise £1000, Karen and Bernadette go to visit Karen's sister, 9353:) enjoys watching Luke strip and flirts with Luke, and later leaves with him. Rowan pays Woody money as they bet on Johnny leaving with Luke, but Johnny returns and hears this, so is angry and Woody is forced to return the money. 5084:(Charlie de Melo) arrives at Kush's flat to speak to him about the incident, but Kush does not give a statement. Jaz visits Karen and Keegan, who also refuse to make a complaint. Bronson goes missing during the gas explosion, but 1336:
and students insult the pair as they are escorted out. Mr Pryce visits Bex and Sonia and tells them that Madison and Alexandra will be prosecuted. A few days later, Sharon finds out that they have both been expelled from school.
6682:) helps him and as they talk. Aidan mentions the planned robbery and Mick is interested as he needs money. Keegan then hands Aidan his phone, revealing the mugging was a scam to get Mick and Aidan talking. Aidan then recruits 12132:) about the fire at Beales' restaurant. She asks for her mobile phone back from them but they says it was not in her belongings. Later, she explains to the two officers what happened in the fire, but after being threatened by 6718:), but she finds it and he is forced to reveal that Aidan is planning a robbery; she tells him to return the gun or she will leave him. Mick returns the gun to Aidan, saying he will not take part in the plan, and Aidan meets 589:. Kim finds out Denise has decided to keep the adoption plans for him and both Emerald and Kim are upset with her. Emerald researches adoption, and is pleased to learn that Denise is allowed to change her mind. Emerald tells 11251:) is living there. Phil then forces Dominic to give him the keys to Lisa's room. When Phil unlocks the room, Lisa hits him over the head with a telephone. Dominic then calls an ambulance (credited as "hotel receptionist"). 2354:) inside. Sharon returns from her holiday when she finds out that Michelle is in hospital and she convinces Preston that Michelle does not love him, that his presence is only hurting her and to return to the United States. 3472:
people's houses, which is her job. Freda and Denise later sit their final exam and afterwards, Freda tells Denise that her mind went blank and asks how Denise did. Denise collapses and Freda tries to talk to her. In 2019,
9937:) gets a job as a sales assistant. When Michelle attempts to work the checkout, Kelly reminds her that she has not been trained and could mess up their takings, so she gets Michelle to sort clothes out. Another employee, 5857:, and Jack is reluctant to hire her, wanting someone with experience of the area. When Ingrid helps remove chewing gum from Amy's hair without the need to cut it, he offers her a trial. She tries to connect with Amy and 2710:
When Lauren visits Max's office to check on him, she sees Josh having trouble with the photocopier and helps him solve the problem. Josh is attracted to her and leaves his phone number for Lauren with the receptionist
5861:(Henri Charles) by cooking a Norwegian meal but fails. They end up bonding when they order a pizza and she tells them a story about Norway. Jack almost misses a meeting when Ingrid is almost late. When Ingrid catches 5685:
In an interview, Sean O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the
In an interview, Sean O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the
wrote about Travis, "Proving that he's not a "total toenail" like the Square's other recent new arrival Keegan, Travis even helped Louise out when she was having some trouble with a pesky drinks machine. What a guy!"
7824:) for new trainers. She then tells him not to contact her son again and threatens to call the police if he does so. Antoinette later visits Phil, after he leaves her a note, and apologises for what she said before. 4009:). Joyce calls emergency services and the police. She takes the blame for Ted and is subsequently arrested. Joyce visits Johnny in hospital and when he realises that Ted was the real person who shot him, his mother 10147:(Henri Charles) would be welcome to visit. Jack phones Liz to arrange a visit and agree rules for Matthew, letting Charlie have residency. Liz is unimpressed when she finds out Charlie has invited his grandmother 1541:) that Travis was responsible for spiking her drink. Louise believes Travis when he says he could have been framed, but Madison and Alexandra convince Louise that he is lying. Bex speaks to Louise's step-brother, 4896:, in 2004 as the Millers "were just as mouthy and controversial as the Taylors and at the time of their arrival, 13-year-old Demi was heavily pregnant. When Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, Daniel Kilkelly from 1181:) that they have treated Louise better than she has, following her teasing over the recent bus crash and advise Louise to get her own back. Alexandra and Madison help Louise come up with a plan to get revenge on 2707:). He first appears in the episode broadcast on 17 March 2017, where he was initially credited as "Photocopier guy". Eyre finished filming with the serial in February 2018, and he departed on 16 February 2018. 2314:) when he refuses to serve him for already being drunk and underage, and Michelle returns home to find the police there with Preston. When Dennis calls Michelle a paedophile, she hits him, and his step-sister, 4232:
reported that the actor has an official cast shot and the character's name is Tom, speculating that he would appear again. It was then reported that Tom would be a love interest for Michelle. Kate White from
3990:) and her children have moved in above them, as Karen is the woman who caused Joan's nervous breakdown. Joyce is hurt but not surprised when her and Ted's daughter, Judith, cancels her visit on Father's Day. 999:
from his battle with alcoholism. Denise puts him up for adoption immediately after his birth, visiting him in his cot and telling him her reasons. The next day, Phil finds out he is the father after his wife
17253:"Thank you to everyone at @bbceastenders and the wonderful @jacquelineMjos @aaronsidwell and @mrjakedwood who all looked after me and were a pleasure to work with! Goodbye Walford. Goodbye Josh. #EastEnders" 9152:) flat. When Jay goes missing, Ben finds him locked in the bathroom and he reveals that Heidi seduced him and tied him up. Their television is missing and the two girls have left without paying their rent. 4036:
added that he is "delighted to welcome Maggie and Christopher to Albert Square. They are both already much-loved by audiences and it's wonderful to have attracted such esteemed and acclaimed actors to the
added that he is "delighted to welcome Maggie and Christopher to Albert Square. They are both already much-loved by audiences and it's wonderful to have attracted such esteemed and acclaimed actors to the
5830:, played by Pernille Broch, first appears in the episode broadcast on 22 June 2017. On 1 May 2018, it was announced that Ingrid would be departing the series with her final scenes airing on 7 May 2018. 8331:). He establishes that although cocaine may have impaired Roxy's judgement when she jumped into a swimming pool, the combination of cold water immersion would likely to have caused her cardiac arrest. 3982:), and talk about a family they describe as being "neighbours from hell" who nearly killed Joan. Ted and Joyce decide they like their new home as it is peaceful but are then horrified to discover that 3688:), and talk about a family they describe as being "neighbours from hell" who nearly killed Joan. Ted and Joyce decide they like their new home as it is peaceful but are then horrified to discover that 6690:) into his team; Aidan, Phil, Vincent, Mick and Keanu then have a meeting in Vincent's bar, the Albert, but Bernadette walks in as they are discussing the plan; she insists she has heard nothing, but 3739:). Joyce calls the emergency services and she is arrested after taking the blame to protect Ted. When Joyce visits Johnny in hospital and he realises Ted was the person who shot him, Johnny's mother 3004:
said that Ben and Jay's party was "overshadowed by newcomer Tom" and called him "hilarious", reporting that many viewers were "baffled at who he was and where he came from". Cydney Yeates from the
608:) shoplifting at the local shop where Denise works whilst everyone is in chaos rescuing the injured, and attempts to stop him but he pushes her against the shelves. Emerald tells Kim's husband, 10020:, which resulted in the loss of his sight and that he will be getting married in August but will not be able to see his bride. This prompts Ian to take his own type 2 diabetes more seriously. 11213:), who has also been stabbed, what happened and he tells her it was a random attack, however, after Shakil dies, Keegan tells her that a gang were looking for him because he stole a bicycle. 10325:) and is familiar with the family. Despite Keegan saying he made it up, Jaz arrests Keegan on suspicion of rape. Jaz comes to see how Louise is doing the following day. Jaz later arrives at 3958:
Ted and Joyce are a married couple, who arrive in Albert Square after being rehoused. They finish packing up their flat at Walford Towers and arrive at their new home. Ted tells Joyce that
Ted and Joyce are a married couple, who arrive in Albert Square after being rehoused. They finish packing up their flat at Walford Towers and arrive at their new home. Ted tells Joyce that
10585:) meets when she is placed in a hospital ward. Elsie tells Dot that she has been on the ward for a month after assuming she would be out quickly, and tells Dot she has no family at home. 1940:), is the Chairman of a development company called Weyland & Co. He made his first appearance on 26 January 2017, and departed on 28 December 2017 at the conclusion of his storyline. 1791:
suggested that Gethin would be appearing more regularly and that he would be a love interest for Sonia, asking, "Could a new romance be on the cards for Sonia if they become neighbours?"
15430: 11402:
A man leading a group of demonstrators who are protesting against the council at the Walford in Bloom event. Following a gas explosion in the Square, Stuart helps the injured, including
9006:(Martin Anzor) on Michelle's phone and asks if he is her son, but Michelle does not answer. Later, Pru brings sandwiches and Michelle eats this time, and Pru thanks Michelle's friend 7058:
When the Taylors' belongings are removed by bailiffs due to Karen failing to repay loans and they can get them back the next day if they can raise £1,000, Karen and her daughter,
9800:) meets at Walford Food Bank. Denise later gives her food to Candice's son, Harley, as Candice has not got a food voucher and is crying that she and her two children are hungry. 2363:
said "the romance is bound to cause trouble in Walford, since even Michelle's lifelong best friend Sharon reacted harshly when she first learned the truth". Jonathon Hughes from
21208: 2147:) over his explicit photo. Zayan's words anger Shakil and they end up fighting, and Zayan leaves Shakil with cuts to his face. In May 2018, after Shakil is stabbed and killed, 1569:, leaving Louise happy. Keegan freaks Louise out by using a scar covered mask and Travis' protectiveness overwhelms Louise. Louise decides to end her relationship with Travis. 582:", though in the 5 January 2017 episode, Denise asks if her mother is "still calling herself ", implying that it is a nickname, rather than the character's name being changed. 20367: 7489:), that has led to "tension" between the characters, especially with the discovery that Lauren terminated her pregnancy. In the climax of Steven's lie of having an inoperable 1225:), that Louise, Madison and Alexandra were responsible for sending the photo, but they deny knowledge of either incident. Madison and Alexandra go to Louise's half-brother's, 18855: 10269:. Rachel assures Louise that despite being fifteen, it is confidential. When Louise says she hates the person she had sex with, Rachel asks Louise if she wanted to have sex. 6809:(Tony Clay), who was the person who shot Mick, gives him a ring he stole during the robbery, which is worth £200,000. Aidan finds out Mick has bought the Vic and Mick's son, 4650:
named Rooney. On 30 September 2021, it was announced that Norris would take a break for an undisclosed period of time. She exited in the episode broadcast on 8 October 2021.
20474: 4681:(Pernille Broch) catches Bernadette destroying flowers in the square, she comforts her when she reveals she is pregnant and was being bullied. Ingrid makes her apologise to 2136:, played by Alex Blake, appears in the episode first broadcast on 6 February 2017. He returns for two appearances in the episodes first broadcast on 29 May and 1 June 2018. 1686:, is a teacher of Walford High School. He first appears in the episode broadcast on 23 January 2017. He made his final appearance on 14 November. He appears in 36 episodes. 5695:
we're going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that's where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to
we're going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that's where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to
we're going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that's where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to
1249:), turns up, he orders her to leave and she tells him that Madison and Alexandra are underage. Madison and Alexandra are forced to leave. When Bex works alongside her aunt 11682:) that her cancer treatment had worked well and that she has been given the all-clear. He then tells her that she would need further check-ups to rule out re-occurrence. 11492:) visits Kent at the police station to ask if Shakil's watch is with his belongings. Kent confirms it is not and says it could have been stolen during the stabbing. When 7093:
behind-the-scenes images of Spearritt filming with Stanley and Norris were released. It was also reported that Kandice would make her first appearance at Christmas 2017.
the coffin. Ciara goes to meet Aidan as agreed but he is not there, so she goes to Billy's funeral home where Aidan has been conducting his business but Billy's fiancée,
988:). In 2020, Raymond returned to the serial following the death of his adoptive parents in a car accident. Since 2020, he has been played by Michael Jose Pomares Calixte. 21842: 10223:(Henri Charles), to school, Mrs Kapoor tells him that she needs to talk to him about Amy's disruptive behaviour, but Jack asks to talk the next day as he is in a hurry. 6476:), gets involved by pretending to be interested in Martin and encouraging him to keep the children for longer than agreed, resulting in him being visited by the police. 5865:(Clair Morris) destroying flowers, she comforts her when she reveals she is pregnant and is being bullied for her physical appearance, and Ingrid makes her apologise to 20615: 18134: 9735:) as she left her last job in the Minute Mart voluntary, she will not receive any benefit money for ten weeks. He recommends a food bank and gives her a referral slip. 18675: 11594:), that she needs to be tested for the condition. After this, he confirms to Carmel that she has the condition and that she has passed it on to Kush, and that her son 8942: 8572: 8080:) for alcohol but she tells him it is too early to serve alcohol. He gets up to leave, so Babe adds a shot of alcohol to his coffee and asks Gary not to say anything. 11193:). She tells them that they are heading for Liverpool Street Station. The following day, she reveals that Lisa and Louise were not at the station, but were traced to 20448: 13658: 8361:). Carmel meets him on the market and tells him to stop putting rubbish outside her house, but he says it is not a big deal. Later, he goes to The Albert bar, where 6737:
Aidan talks Phil, Mick, Vincent and Keanu through his heist plan and tells them to be ready; when Aidan signals for everyone to take their positions, Mick's mother,
15404: 13710: 12098:) that she suffered a placental abruption and is in intensive care. Later, she tells Martin that Stacey is doing well and takes Martin to see his newborn daughter. 5934:
Following the character's introduction, fans of the series believed that there was "an ulterior motive" to her appearance, suggesting that she could be involved in
a pretty lacklustre year for the show, his scenes actually turned out to be one thing fans didn't have much to complain about." In May 2017, Laura-Jayne Tyler from
Lauren that Abi has invited him to her 21st birthday party, realising that Lauren lied to Abi that he is unavailable. Max reveals to Lauren that Josh is engaged to
19161: 2892: 21666: 11834:) meets on a dating website. She goes on a date with him at The Albert bar. When the date ends, he asks her if she wants to meet him again and she agrees. Later, 11500:) believes he has killed someone, he reports the murder and is interviewed by Kent but after she checks, she says she has wasted his time as there was no murder. 8627:) a business loan. The bank cannot offer Mick any money because he is currently in debt, and when Justin offers him the right to appeal, Mick tells him to leave. 1273:), lets them in, where Alexandra threatens to smash Bex's guitar. Louise tries to stop her from doing it but Alexandra stamps on the guitar, leaving Bex in bits. 20422: 11267: 9994: 9474: 9381: 8536: 6639:
made his first appearance on 27 November 2017. He is part of a robbery storyline. Aidan departed the series on 9 March 2018 at the conclusion of his storyline.
2776: 20310: 19683: 7786:) befriended when they were waiting for liver transplants, but his father died. Aaron meets up with Phil in the café and Phil gives him money for new trainers. 2738:
Lauren later meets Josh in a restaurant to tell him about the job she applied for at Weyland & Co. A week later, Lauren goes to a nightclub with her sister
21042: 15490: 11552: 10887: 9168: 8833: 2502: 21901: 18106: 1165:
Madison and Alexandra attend the drama club at Walford High School with Louise. They are both unfriendly towards her when Louise tries to speak to them. When
17193: 16481: 12324: 11842:), who Michelle has recently rejected, pins Doug against a wall and tells him that he is Michelle's husband and he threatens Doug to not see Michelle again. 11668: 10407: 10139:
in place of Charlie and tells Jack about her job and family, trying to assure him that Matthew would have a good life in Ireland and that Matthew's cousins,
8606: 7537: 5717:), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It's the classic Scarlett O'Hara mantra; 'tomorrow is another day." 5424:), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It's the classic Scarlett O'Hara mantra; 'tomorrow is another day." 4881:), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It's the classic Scarlett O'Hara mantra; 'tomorrow is another day." 20929: 12612: 12500: 11516: 8739: 8680: 8173: 8096: 4670:) and Keanu argue over whether Bernadette is really ill, Karen tells them that Bernadette is pregnant. Keegan calls her stupid whilst Keanu is supportive. 2788: 1710: 10553:) that she needs a hip operation following her fall. Dot asks if he is old enough to be a doctor, so he offers to show her his driver's licence as proof. 21813: 10322: 10093: 8224:(Clair Norris) takes the blame for and is suspended. When Keegan is suspended from school for three days, she is invited to the flat by Keegan's father, 3243:
Woody returns to Walford after five months and seeks to resume his relationship with Whitney, although she does not want to and is now in a romance with
1170: 21726: 19711: 19610: 4738:) are forced to include Bernadette in their plans. Bernadette wants to raise money to enable Riley and Chatham to go on a school trip and after helping 12977: 12566: 12008: 10499: 8909: 7840: 1697:) to use her time wisely at home to study for her music exam after the pupils are sent home due to a faulty boiler. He later breaks up a fight between 21868: 21752: 8769:) to ask Bex about explicit photos she took of herself, which she deleted but that were backed up to the cloud, and to assess Bex's living situation. 8683:) to ask Bex about explicit photos she took of herself, which she deleted but that were backed up to the cloud, and to assess Bex's living situation. 4161:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 1 June 2017 and departs in the episode broadcast on 9 November 2017, appearing in a total of 22 episodes. 3696:) and her children have moved in above them, as Karen is the woman who caused Joan's nervous breakdown. Ted later applies for a vacancy at the local 1162:). They first appear together in the episode broadcast on 17 January 2017, and made their final appearances in the episode broadcast on 21 July 2017. 25031: 21698: 20336: 16405: 11766: 8022: 3719:) should share the job on a part-time basis. Ted and Joyce find that they have been burgled and Ted blames the Taylors and the police question them. 3267:). Much to Billy's dislike, Mel appoints Woody as the bar manager. When money is stolen from the club's safe, Mel's boyfriend, former police officer 1021: 600:
When a bus crashes into the market and viaduct, Emerald is relieved to learn that Denise has survived the crash with minor injuries. Emerald catches
19103: 13632: 12769:) defaulted on the loans that she has taken out. He tells Karen that she needs to raise £1000 or she will get served with a third party debt order. 9975: 9923: 7756:) was selling alcohol illegally. Manners later visits the pub for breakfast, and Babe serves him a beer, still unaware that he is a police officer. 5057:(Alfie Jacobs). He first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, and makes his last appearance in the episode broadcast on 15 March 2021. 20500: 19930: 18602: 15376: 12950: 12755: 11936: 11698: 10981: 10833: 10377: 8988: 8699: 8309: 5748: 21154: 20641: 12030:) who keeps ringing the house phone and not speaking. PC Gayle tells Michelle that she should keep a record of times when Tom tries to stalk her. 8126:) that Alan is a cowboy builder who will over-charge Mick. He asks Kathy not to tell Mick as revenge for him telling everyone that Ian was drunk. 23264: 20667: 12460: 12426: 12400: 12046: 11155: 11097: 11057: 10783: 10445: 9068: 8871: 8465: 8146: 7921: 7181: 6934: 6566: 6024: 5786: 5190: 4702:
for allowing the hospital to cremate her. Bernadette asks Callum to meet at the allotments, but Karen decides to do a memorial after speaking to
4115: 3878: 3564: 3400: 3081: 2942: 2712: 2607: 2225: 2086: 1848: 1718: 1640: 1444: 1214: 1108: 1024:) visits Denise a few weeks later to inform her how her son is doing with his potential adoptive family and that he has been named Raymond after 456: 21235: 21180: 19748: 18248: 17073: 10353:) to check if Arthur was injured, and Martin worries that Social Services may get involved. The Taylors' social worker realises that they stole 6483:, bringing on a seizure, which puts Stacey and her baby's life at risk. The character being named Hope drew similarities to the introduction of 6436:
In early 2017, after Stacey finds out she is pregnant, she and her husband Martin agree to seek medical advice because she is worried about her
18276: 12370: 11630: 11348: 11229: 10927: 10539: 9869: 9850: 9786: 9688: 8961: 8499: 7872: 7703: 1202: 18162: 16990: 15806: 6109:
was reported on 24 June 2017, when it was said that Maguire had signed a £200,000 contract to help increase the show's ratings. However, the
21597: 19582: 17221: 12824:) shouts at Max, telling him he killed Abi. Max barricades Abi's room and refuses to comply and listen to Dr Harding, Lauren or his brother, 12789: 11966: 11900: 11858: 11027: 10571: 10239: 10201: 9823: 9663: 8766: 8645: 8248: 8059: 2432: 1494:). He first appears in the episode broadcast on 17 January 2017, and makes his final appearance in the episode broadcast on 2 November 2017. 20794: 19132: 6183: 4659: 3228:) and Tina warns him to be careful. Woody and Whitney later grow closer when Woody comforts her when she receives a letter from her husband 676: 19881: 19219: 12889: 9721: 9411: 9175: 8423: 8347: 7821: 7772: 5682:
warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again..."
warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again..."
19793: 15833: 10965:) that Louise has third degree burns and will need another operation and skin grafts. She then takes Louise for the skin graft operation. 10318: 7481:
Abi and Steven begin their affair when Steven suspects Abi's sister and Steven's girlfriend Lauren of having an affair with her employer,
7436: 19895: 12118: 11736: 10749: 9518: 9324: 9030: 8393: 7467:). Rainie accepts the offer for £30,000, but contacts Calvin and when social services visit, Max and Rainie inform them of Cora's bribe. 6773:) find a bracelet at the garage and a police officer visits, so they realise Phil has done something illegal; they confront Phil's wife, 3784:
The character and Timothy's casting were announced on 1 April 2017. Of his casting, Timothy said, "The most exciting thing about joining
17: 12833: 19240: 19194: 15518: 13611: 9764: 7078: 2498: 20901: 20393: 18739: 3727:) insists to Ted and Joyce that they played no part in the break-in and Joyce is grateful when Keanu offers to board up their window. 18865: 5873:) for ruining her garden. After repeated lateness, Jack asks Ingrid to move in with him and the children, which she happily accepts. 3781:) making an effort to dissuade him, but he later comes round to the idea. After saying goodbye to his friends, he leaves with Wanda. 18707: 12440:) that confidential information has been accessed by a third party and that she is suspended until they carry out an investigation. 11914:) of stealing money from his dead mother's inheritance. She tries to explain to him that she had left the money to her in her will. 11804:
but that she cannot be sure until a later stage in his development and recommends equipment they can purchase to make Arthur safer.
8675:) that Bex will be interviewed under caution in the presence of an appropriate adult. Khodeir visits the Fowlers with social worker 4176:
after suffering a nosebleed and Michelle gives him a tissue. They meet a few times later on the train and Michelle tells her friend
18230: 7086: 7077:), agree to help her by pretending she is ill. After successfully fooling her supporters with fake photos, the golf club director, 6973: 18307: 17042: 17016: 8817:) death, Debbie overhears and when they return to the cell she teases Shirley about her feelings, causing Shirley to beat her up. 6797:
pub back, but Mick calls Aidan a liar and wants nothing more to do with him; Billy then tells Phil that the "blonde bombshell" is
and he gave it to another student. When Travis breaks up with Louise, Madison and Alexandra tell him that he did the right thing.
25026: 18891: 11534:) that Martin has a wife and children and that he needs to go home to them, but Martin is sentenced to four weeks' imprisonment. 9086:
will assess if she should be charged. When Michelle says she may not be in the country, Newbold confiscates Michelle's passport.
Karen overhears Bernadette talking to Keanu, who Karen thinks may be the baby's father. Bernadette meets up with a schoolfriend,
called Tommy a "surprise new character", but said that he lacked a backstory, which also confused viewers. Laura-Jane Tyler from
2302:), who Michelle is looking after while Sharon is on holiday, sees Michelle and Preston kissing and starts blackmailing Michelle. 2164: 1975:
pub. In September 2017 when Max collects Luke when he is released from prison, he takes him home to be reunited with his sister,
18574: 15779: 11292:) to sign the petition, but she is against his views about the halfway house as she has served time in prison. Shirley's friend 11119:) asks her if she can take Louise outside, Sally tells her to be careful. When Louise goes missing, Sally tells Louise's father 4456: 1305:
believes Travis could have been framed, but Madison and Alexandra convince her that he is lying. After speaking to Sharon's son
25001: 11583: 9052:) flat to be interviewed to become a lodger. He is covered in piercings and tattoos and Jay and Ben decide not to take him on. 7724:) reports The Queen Vic for selling alcohol outside of licensing hours. Kathy overhears him making a phone call and mentioning 6822: 2275:), with whom she had an illegal relationship with in Florida. He appears in 16 episodes between 14 February and 31 March 2017. 19631: 13320: 3773:), Wanda announces that she has two tickets to travel the world for a year, and invites Ted. At first, he is reluctant due to 1349:
was announced on Twitter by her management, Hero Talent Group. Alexandra and Madison were called "mean girls" by a writer for
19915: 19856: 7816:) befriended when they were waiting for liver transplants. Antoinette visits Phil to give back the money he gave to her son, 5845:, Ingrid arrives at his house to inquire about the job, although she has the wrong day. Jack lets her in after his daughter, 18546: 9186:) is with him so the bouncer will let her in. They talk and later kiss, but then she is sick on him and he tells her sister 8972:) has broken ribs and a damaged spleen following a car accident and that they will have to perform and emergency procedure. 1733:) sent the explicit photo of Shakil that previously got Bex in trouble. Louise, Madison and Alexandra deny any involvement. 1565:) and Bex arrange for Travis to visit her, because she does not want him to see her in that condition but he gives Louise a 1324:
When Louise decides to pull out of the school showcase, Alexandra asks Travis to sign her up to replace Louise as Juliet in
24978: 24973: 24968: 24963: 24958: 24953: 24948: 24943: 24938: 24933: 24928: 24923: 24918: 24913: 24908: 24903: 24898: 24893: 24888: 24883: 24878: 24873: 24868: 24863: 24858: 24853: 24848: 24843: 24838: 24833: 24828: 24823: 24818: 24813: 24808: 24803: 24798: 24793: 24788: 24783: 23504: 19353:
Until the formal coroner's report is in, we can only assume that Joyce was bored to death by her husband's chess obsession.
5491: 4967: 8753:) at school when the police investigate a porn video with Bex's face imposed on the model's body and an explicit image of 5116:(Kara-Leah Fernandes) initially objects, they ultimately go ahead with it, and Bronson dies with the Taylors at his side. 3789:
course, I'm looking forward to meeting all the cast who I've been used to seeing on TV over the year." Executive producer
25036: 23257: 16637: 4714:
older half-sister, Chantelle. Bernadette arranges to see Callum, but he cancels and she makes a pass at Keegan's friend,
13684: 11205:), who is missing, and calls for an ambulance when he is found, having been stabbed in the back. Adney asks his friend, 10068:) has moved into the same building as Ted and Joyce. Joan says she will not visit them again. Joan later has a drink in 5915:) is a nude life model. Ingrid and Keanu later begin a relationship. Ingrid is excited when Keanu plans to move in with 19072: 18916: 11328:) tells her to go on a break and he attempts to steal money from the manager's office only to discover there is none. 7435:), visit Abi, who is being cared for by Cora, and vows to get her back. Max and Rainie meet with Abi's social worker, 4058:
found Joyce and Ted dull and predicted that Joyce died after being "bored to death by her husband's chess obsession."
6067: 5980: 271: 18630: 7878:
Mary is a woman who tries to find her son Lewis who is missing after a bus crashes into the market and the viaduct.
Abi and Steven's baby is conceived during their affair, while Steven is in a relationship with her mother's sister,
offer for some land he owns, he tells Sharon that he would like to provide for Raymond. In July, Phil's eldest son,
18210: 12630:) tells him he is in the wrong place and sends him somewhere else, and he apologises when he finally arrives late. 12514:) who arrives at Weyland & Co office where he works. Imogen is confused to see Josh working with his assistant 10793:(Clair Norris) meets up with in the allotments after she discovers she is pregnant and refuses to tell her mother, 112:(Alex James-Phelps), three new teenage characters, were also introduced in January as well as their school teacher 8479:) has driven into a road verge after driving through a no entry sign. He informs Dot that she needs to notify the 2474:, played by Piotr Baumann, is a Polish shopkeeper. He first appears in the episode broadcast on 16 February 2017. 23820: 20939: 15347: 10100: 1755:
Gethin appears in Walford looking for somewhere to live and Sonia informs him that she will speak with her uncle
12144:(Denise McCormack) tells him that she staged the robbery as part of security training. However, Alsworth visits 11984:) that Arthur must have got his bruises from bumping into things. He allows her to take Arthur and her daughter 3488:). Martin takes pity on Freda, however, and instead uses takings from the fruit stall on the market to pay Ben. 24986: 23250: 11973: 11865: 11797: 11611: 10334: 6441: 6260: 5942:) revenge plot. Other fans speculated that she could begin a relationship with Jack due to his reputation as a 20930:"EastEnders welcomes West End star George Maguire to the Square amid fears of falling ratings – Mirror Online" 15318:"Catch Seraphina Beh in her first episode as new regular, Maddison, in EASTENDERS tomorrow at 7.30pm on BBC 1" 12140:), she does not tell them that he was involved. In January 2018, Alsworth investigates an alleged robbery but 4052:
links to Walford" as well as wondering if their son Alan is "another nasty Nick Cotton." Laura-Jayne Tyler of
Zayan's fight with Shakil was criticised by viewers as "too violent" for the time it was shown on television.
23289: 11041:) family that only three people can visit Louise at a time. He then takes Louise for a skin graft operation. 10391:) to create the new Coker & Mitchell Funeral Directors sign but when the sign is unveiled it is smudged. 10254: 3955:. On 22 March 2018, it was announced that Steed would be leaving the show. Joyce was killed off on 29 March. 18712:
Awards 2017 shortlist revealed – which Corrie, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks stars are up for prizes?"
11652:) talk to about their marriage failing. When Linda talks about her rape to Jan, Mick walks out of the room. 6658:(Clair Norris) over money and he advises Keegan not to display his anger as it shows weakness. Aidan visits 4801:'s (Polly Highton) car window for her seemingly sarcastic reaction to Keegan revising. Bernadette befriends 4393:
an unannounced return on 13 December 2022. Keanu was killed-off on 25 December 2023 after being murdered by
2338:) car and speeds around the square. She narrowly avoids hitting Preston and crashes into the chip shop with 1967:) murder. Hugo meets with Max and tells him that Max's former cellmate, later revealed to be Hugo's nephew, 24635: 24620: 24415: 6774: 6352: 4826: 4177: 3926: 3620: 3213: 2279: 1526: 1502:(Zack Morris) and his friends. Travis later greets Louise, but she doesn't respond to him. Louise's friend 1294: 899: 20475:"EastEnders: Viewers compare the Taylor family to the Millers as teen Bernadette discovers she's pregnant" 11370:) house after it was burgled (credited as "police officer"). Two months later, she takes a statement from 10669:) comes to see Keanu, Lance looks after The Arches. When Sharon comes to see Phil, Lance is fixing a car. 7455:) agree to be referees. Cora visits Rainie and Max and offers Rainie the chance to leave Max, relocate to 24740: 24300: 24290: 24135: 23405: 23340: 23034: 22998: 22962: 22922: 22886: 22682: 22649: 22613: 22577: 22525: 22489: 22449: 22399: 22339: 22303: 22267: 22227: 22191: 22155: 22086: 22046: 22004: 21971: 21938: 21121: 21083: 20864: 20761: 20728: 20695: 20569:; Director: Richard Lynn, Christopher McGill & Conor Morrissey; Writer: Rob Gittins (15 March 2021). 20529:; Director: Richard Lynn, Christopher McGill & Conor Morrissey; Writer: Pete Lawson (12 March 2021). 20232: 20199: 20163: 20121: 20083: 20043: 20001: 19961: 19549: 19505: 19463: 19423: 19373: 19309: 19271: 19036: 18992: 18946: 18860: 18818: 18774: 18468: 18422: 18374: 18341: 18167: 17919: 17881: 17845: 17807: 17767: 17723: 17679: 17637: 17599: 17562: 17496: 17456: 17410: 17368: 17332: 17294: 17139: 17106: 16957: 16924: 16886: 16853: 16817: 16781: 16741: 16705: 16668: 16600: 16560: 16516: 16448: 16372: 16336: 16303: 16263: 16225: 16185: 16143: 16101: 16061: 16021: 15983: 15943: 15901: 15861: 15747: 15707: 15674: 15632: 15586: 15553: 15284: 15248: 15198: 15152: 15119: 15069: 15029: 14991: 14947: 14897: 14855: 14817: 14775: 14727: 14691: 14645: 14609: 14573: 14533: 14493: 14460: 14414: 14376: 14343: 14310: 14272: 14222: 14172: 14130: 14097: 14049: 14011: 13961: 13917: 13879: 13835: 13797: 13751: 13578: 13542: 13506: 13470: 13432: 13388: 13223: 13175: 13133: 13087: 13045: 13005: 12918: 12407: 12335: 10384: 7294: 6719: 6193: 6070:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 6 July 2017. He is a customer in Bridge Street Café and asks 6034: 5892: 5884: 5796: 5687: 5678: 5501: 5394: 5385: 5373: 5200: 5105: 5093: 4977: 4851: 4846: 4466: 4125: 4033: 3888: 3790: 3574: 3493: 3410: 3288: 3260: 3091: 3006: 2952: 2617: 2513:) electricity, Shirley asks him to put it back on, which he does, however, he does not appear on-screen. 2442: 2369:
said, "despite the scandal surrounding their romance they're both ready to pick up where they left off".
2235: 2096: 1858: 1650: 1454: 1118: 949: 929: 847: 686: 466: 53: 20368:"EastEnders boss Sean O'Connor gives first in-depth interview on his changes to the soap and its future" 13292: 11011:), who is in hospital with burns. She mistakes Sharon for Louise's mother and gives Louise pain relief. 8713:) face imposed on the model's body being circulated around Walford High School and an explicit image of 8659:) face imposed on the model's body being circulated around Walford High School and an explicit image of 5617:, played by Alfie Jacobs, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, along with his mother 5119:
The character was announced on 10 May 2017. Stanley called Bronson's portrayer Cyrus, a cross between a
Ted and Joyce find that they have been burgled and Ted blames the Taylors and the police question them.
24540: 24455: 24405: 24310: 24150: 23940: 23475: 23435: 23315: 12622:
who arrives at the local community centre for a press launch of the planned redevelopment of the area.
12384:) works. She visits Abi at home to fire her as she has been caught on CCTV stealing animal medication. 12091: 11877: 11781: 11716:
and that he did not have a brain tumour. She also tells them that Steven had been taking animal pills.
11523: 10618: 10346: 9884: 9346: 8949: 8916: 8668: 8554:) at her request to write an article about how the lack of community spirit effects people in Walford. 8177: 7981: 7448: 7320: 6810: 6418: 6226: 6216: 5646: 5345: 5120: 4739: 4639: 4302: 4002: 3732: 3473: 3162: 2816: 2662: 2323: 1968: 1911: 875: 818: 543: 279: 5316:, played by Tom Jacobs, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, along with his mother 1361:
said they are not as "trustworthy" as they seem. Lindsay also said that through the young characters,
in 2017, by order of first appearance. All characters are introduced by the show's executive producer
24650: 24640: 24605: 24535: 24450: 24385: 24340: 24285: 24260: 24195: 24075: 23840: 23805: 23800: 23535: 20906: 19688: 19615: 17047: 16486: 15495: 15381: 13325: 13297: 12145: 10610: 9145: 9083: 9045: 7037: 6963: 6699: 6111: 5924: 5618: 5602: 5526: 5317: 5301: 5225: 5018: 4615: 4584: 4508: 4361: 4265: 4246: 4216: 3983: 3689: 3481: 2980: 2844: 1534: 1357: 1226: 1030: 889: 857: 781: 223: 19133:"TV icons Maggie Steed and Christopher Timothy to join EastEnders as new residents of Albert Square" 8110:) hires to repair the pub's leaking roof. Alan tells Mick that he will need to purchase a new roof. 2856:
father's trust. When Luke sacks Lauren for refusing to serve an eviction notice on Steven's father,
24070: 23910: 23895: 23870: 23785: 23595: 23465: 10706: 10634: 8225: 6083: 4045:
After their first appearance, where scenes showed Ted and Joyce having a gun, Jonathan Hughes from
After their first appearance, where scenes showed Ted and Joyce having a gun, Jonathan Hughes from
3225: 1901: 1173:) greets Louise, they tease her when they notice she has a crush on him. They tell Louise's friend 21843:"EastEnders: Abi pregnant! Jane threatens to expose Steven's tumour lie! Here's what happens next" 18107:"EastEnders fans compare Lauren's love interest to Clark Kent as she looks set to cheat on Steven" 24996: 24600: 24445: 24120: 24030: 23795: 20616:"EastEnders spoilers: All you need to know about new family the Taylors from the cast themselves" 19583:"EastEnders' Michelle Fowler turns violent with stalker Tom Bailey in explosive scenes next week" 12023: 11835: 11531: 10116: 9257: 7996:) after he suffers from a dislocated shoulder following his involvement in a car crash caused by 7655:) that Bev, who lives in Walford Towers, has had a compulsory purchase order placed on her flat. 4226:
Despite being credited as "nosebleed man", following the character's first episode, Ben Lee from
3229: 21667:"EastEnders fans are having an S Club Party now that Hannah Spearritt is back as Kandice Taylor" 21005:
Executive Producer: Chris Clenshaw; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Poz Watson (9 August 2022).
15431:"EastEnders reveals naked pictures scandal as Louise Mitchell gets her revenge on Shakil Kazemi" 15405:"No, EastEnders isn't turning into Grange Hill – why we should be commending the teen storyline" 13633:"Shock EastEnders spoilers: Denise Fox sleeps with Phil Mitchell after hearing a baby bombshell" 10429:). Hargreaves tells Robbie that the ward she needs is full and she will have to wait for a bed. 5931:), and is disappointed after Keanu decides not to move because Karen and his siblings need him. 24715: 24170: 23920: 23635: 23565: 10710: 6087: 2828: 1818: 1197:
to confront Bex, but Bex insists they are just friends. After finding out Bex has had sex with
996: 125: 20337:"EastEnders newcomer Clair Norris reveals Bernadette Taylor gossip: 'She wants to be famous!'" 15807:"Has EastEnders' Louise Mitchell found love? Newcomer Travis asks her out on a date this week" 13711:"EastEnders spoilers: Sharon Mitchell to tell Phil that he is the father of Denise Fox's baby" 23214: 23181: 23148: 23115: 23078: 22850: 22817: 22784: 22751: 22715: 21780: 21633: 21565: 21532: 21496: 21460: 21424: 21388: 21346: 21306: 21266: 20642:"EastEnders recasts the Taylor family dog Bronson after "poor health" saw him unable to work" 20449:"EastEnders: who is the father of Bernadette's baby? Karen demands answers from her daughter" 20270: 18508: 18073: 18035: 17993: 17956: 13259: 12646: 12262: 12232: 12204: 12057: 11950:) the chance to be a model. She then pays Keanu after he models naked in front of the class. 11947: 11468:) that someone committed arson in the restaurant. In May 2018, following a stabbing in which 10806: 10630: 9601:
A woman who is being interviewed for a sales assistant job at Porter & Bryce, along with
A woman who is being interviewed for a sales assistant job at Porter & Bryce, along with
8377:) tells him to back off. Carmel later complains to the council and the students are evicted. 7191: 6944: 6847: 6687: 6576: 5912: 5630: 5329: 5030: 4627: 4357: 4282: 3998: 3724: 2715:). Lauren is pleased and goes to text him when she gets home but bins it when her boyfriend, 2160: 1971:(Adam Astill), has requested a prison visit and that Max needs to speed up his plans to take 235: 57: 21181:"EastEnders and Coronation Street now have one big thing in common as Stacey names her baby" 20983: 13351:; Director: Nimer Rashed, Ian Barnes and John Greening; Writer: Matthew Hurt (4 June 2021). 12978:"EastEnders reveals 5 new storyline spoilers after Ronnie and Roxy Mitchell's tragic deaths" 10483:) after she is hospitalised. Shanice appears with her arm in a sling following a hen party. 9236:) in her cell because she knows Shirley is not planning to go to the funeral of her mother, 8923:) that he cannot behave in the way he has while he is in the hospital. She tells Martin and 3649:. The character made a previously unannounced departure from the show on 27 September 2019. 24745: 21043:"EastEnders spoilers: Birth trauma for Martin and Stacey Fowler – will their baby survive?" 20423:"EastEnders spoilers: The father of pregnant teenager Bernadette Taylor's baby is revealed" 17256: 15321: 13612:"EastEnders' Mica Paris character revealed as Walford car crash revisits Denise Fox secret" 12692: 12475: 12334:
officers who carry out a tax audit on Coker and Mitchell, the funeral home. Mr Mayer tells
11396: 11375: 10898: 9113: 8882: 8806: 6806: 6437: 5101: 5064:
and upset the residents with their rowdy behaviour. Bronson ends up in the park pond after
4277:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, along with four of her children, 3244: 3158: 3016:
said, "Walford newcomer Tommy should definitely move in with Ben and Jay. He's hilarious!"
2808: 2644: 1992: 1333: 1285:) reports Bex's bullying to the school but keeps Louise's name out of it on Bex's request. 163: 21753:"EastEnders confirms a Christmas return for S Club 7's Hannah Spearritt as Kandice Taylor" 20961: 19611:"Spoiler: Final showdown : Final showdown for Michelle Fowler and stalker Tom Bailey" 15317: 7927:
A jewellery stall holder who is unaccounted for after the bus crash but is later found by
5943: 2497:) prepare the meal. However, the kitchen is shut down by an environmental health officer, 8: 23925: 21902:"EastEnders spoilers: Abi Branning reveals her Steven Beale's pregnancy secret to Lauren" 21676: 20311:"EastEnders spoilers: Meet the brand new family heading to Walford to bring huge trouble" 19829: 19162:"Christopher Timothy reveals Ted and Joyce's connection to one famous EastEnders regular" 18603:"Lee Ryan reveals more gossip on EastEnders character Woody ahead of his debut next week" 18286: 15491:"EastEnders spoilers: Louise Mitchell dies after the evil bullies cause her to collapse?" 13964:; Director: Vito Rocco, Ian White; Writer: Jaden Clark, Sarah Hooper (16 February 2017). 12860: 12589: 11497: 11484:) with a photo of the suspect to see if Mel has seen him. The next day, Shakil's mother, 11359: 11210: 10814: 10306: 10262: 10049: 8839:
The team captain of a quiz team called "The Emergency Brexits" who attends a pub quiz at
8197: 7459:, run a tearoom and be part of Abi's upbringing with her and Abi's maternal grandmother, 7074: 6651: 5038: 4806: 4689:) for ruining the gardens and agrees to help fix it. Bernadette steals baby clothes from 4667: 3971: 3952: 3677: 3657: 3638: 3524: 3221: 2489:'s Polish-themed night. Konrad provides food for the Polish supper and helps Shirley and 2152: 1566: 605: 352: 203: 65: 19916:"EastEnders return confirmed for Karen Taylor in surprise twist following Keanu's death" 10653:) visits Phil to aks him about Luke, Lance is seen in the background. When Phil's wife, 9970:) gets a job as a sales assistant. Steph tells Michelle about their colleagues and that 7388:). Shortly afterwards, Steven dies after being injured in a fire caused by Abi's father 5673:) phone to give to Bernadette, they try to sell it, but eventually return it to Stacey. 3497:
said that Freda stole the "soap limelight" and fans wanted her as a regular character.
3193:). Tina, Johnny and Whitney are surprised to see him there, but he explains to them and 24750: 24315: 19794:"EastEnders casts a brand new family as the Taylors arrive with "explosive" storylines" 12812: 12707: 12193: 12149: 11614:
could also have Brugada syndrome, she goes for a check-up appointment with Dr Webster.
11599: 11473: 11278: 11202: 10614: 10069: 9572: 9339: 9149: 9049: 8840: 8758: 8718: 8664: 8613: 8514: 8279: 8165: 8066: 8037: 7936: 7710: 7405: 7069:
for charity by allowing her to stay for a few days. Karen, Bernadette and Karen's son,
Kandice arrives in Walford in July 2018 and asks Karen for help to get out of climbing
6794: 6703: 6479:
Turner said that Stacey's ultimate fear is her baby not surviving after Stacey suffers
6079: 4719: 4173: 3697: 3315: 3233: 3150: 2984: 2852: 2848: 2759: 2486: 2295: 2144: 1972: 1702: 1542: 1538: 1515: 1386: 1306: 1230: 1186: 1034: 789: 360: 73: 19712:"EastEnders hints at big danger for Michelle Fowler as Nosebleed Man gets even darker" 17222:"EastEnders star Eddie Eyre bows out as he finishes filming his role as Josh Hemmings" 16482:"EastEnders spoilers: Three exits air as Fi Browning brings down James Willmott-Brown" 10941:) an operation after suffering from burns from candles. She tells Louise's stepmother 4888:
Viewers drew similarities to a teenage pregnancy storyline involving the character of
3456:, appears in two episodes on 22 and 26 May 2017. She later reappears in October 2019. 23485: 21699:"EastEnders releases first pictures of S Club 7's Hannah Spearritt as Kandice Taylor" 18667: 16991:"EastEnders saves Valentine's Day for Michelle Fowler as her American toyboy arrives" 15783: 15352: 12593: 12095: 11881: 11785: 11527: 10730: 10650: 10350: 9888: 8953: 8928: 8920: 8672: 8181: 8123: 7985: 7721: 7644: 7452: 7397: 6786: 6671: 6485: 6453: 6422: 6075: 5705: 5412: 5372:) from her car and gives it to Bernadette. During Halloween, Riley goes missing with 4869: 4759: 4743: 4336: 4021: 3762: 3477: 3331: 2840: 2796: 2494: 2343: 2327: 2278:
When Michelle returns to Walford at Christmas 2016, she confides in her best friend,
2020: 1745: 1351: 1262: 1246: 903: 613: 283: 21869:"EastEnders reveals Abi Branning is pregnant as Jane discovers all of Steven's lies" 18249:"EastEnders airs a shock exit for Lee Ryan's character Woody – but will he be back?" 17252: 17194:"EastEnders writer defends Poles Go Home scene – "that story was rooted in reality"" 11111:), who is in hospital with burns, to get into her own clothes. When Louise's mother 7950:) sells her necklace to him for five pounds (credited as "jewellery stall holder"). 3287:
he is living "a full and colourful life" and looked forward to the public reaction.
24630: 24345: 24035: 23790: 23780: 23740: 23660: 23545: 20795:"EastEnders fans have an interesting theory about Jack Branning's new nanny Ingrid" 18575:"Lee Ryan turned down the chance to join EastEnders as a teenager – and here's why" 18135:"EastEnders fans left BAFFLED by new arrival Tom: 'Who the flipping heck is this?'" 12821: 12808: 12766: 12718: 12703: 12673: 12665: 12627: 12547: 12519: 12381: 11801: 11747: 11579: 11481: 11457: 11449: 10954: 10798: 10182: 10065: 9533: 9460: 9395:) that she must eat her lunch with the rest of the people doing community service. 9297: 9265: 9253: 9191: 9183: 8750: 8710: 8656: 8587: 8189: 7385: 7366: 7361:
first appears in the episode broadcast on 29 December 2017. She is the daughter of
7051: 7041: 7033: 6882: 6802: 6750: 5928: 5622: 5584: 5560: 5321: 5283: 5259: 5022: 4791: 4727: 4619: 4570: 4540: 4365: 4274: 4220: 3987: 3693: 3256: 2992: 2743: 2704: 2510: 2291: 1694: 1507: 1382: 1178: 376: 319: 307: 227: 175: 21814:"EastEnders spoilers: Sex shocker as Abi Branning and Steven Beale sleep together" 21391:; Director: John Howlett; Writers: Mark Catley and Simon Norman (2 January 2018). 21209:"Hollywood star joins EastEnders as villain for big Phil and Mick Christmas story" 16406:"EastEnders fans will be seeing much more of Bex Fowler's school teacher Mr Pryce" 6417:
first appears in the episode broadcast on 16 October 2017. She is the daughter of
said there is a "spark" between them, and called him Michelle's "train crush". An
24660: 24625: 24470: 24330: 24320: 24295: 24280: 24240: 24090: 24065: 23970: 23930: 23875: 23845: 23735: 23530: 23400: 23365: 23355: 12817: 12714: 12661: 12623: 12543: 12515: 12437: 12076: 12015: 11911: 11827: 11591: 11530:) in court after he assaulted a police officer. He tells the chair of the bench ( 11489: 11453: 11403: 11325: 11178: 11104: 11072: 11034: 11004: 10962: 10934: 10902: 10840: 10646: 10510: 10468: 10464: 10294: 10287: 10246: 10178: 10124: 10120: 10017: 9963: 9956: 9942: 9930: 9892: 9602: 9579: 9554: 9456: 9388: 9293: 9222: 9187: 9141: 9075: 9041: 8995: 8965: 8848: 8374: 8362: 8358: 8320: 8316: 8286: 8275: 8229: 8213: 8157: 8077: 8043:'s Chinese buffet. The next day he attends the pub's quiz night with his family. 7997: 7932: 7851: 7753: 7612: 7588: 7584: 7577: 7548: 7544: 7428: 7401: 7381: 7286: 7210: 6770: 6667: 6498: 6449: 6402: 6370: 6328: 5920: 5904: 5900: 4810: 4755: 4731: 4165: 3947:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 26 May 2017, along with her husband, 3712: 2976: 2865: 2731:) about Josh, who tries to put Lauren off because she has a boyfriend and a son, 2700: 2315: 2268: 1741: 1726: 1487: 1317:
about Louise's birthmark. Madison and Alexandra then tell Louise that Keegan has
1282: 1250: 1238: 1155: 992: 933: 808: 711: 609: 590: 571: 392: 364: 187: 171: 133: 93: 18211:"EastEnders favourite to return as show regular after impressing in guest stint" 13008:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Alex Straker, Robert Butler (5 January 2017). 7748:). Kathy admits to Manners that she made the complaint, and tells him that only 5923:), so that they have their own space without being disturbed by Keanu's mother, 4614:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, along with her mother 4360:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, along with his mother 214:), an elderly couple, made their first appearances in May. The following month, 24735: 24725: 24680: 24610: 24565: 24555: 24520: 24515: 24500: 24485: 24480: 24420: 24325: 24305: 24215: 24105: 24095: 24085: 24080: 24060: 24020: 23995: 23975: 23935: 23865: 23815: 23775: 23760: 23745: 23710: 23690: 23665: 23655: 23650: 23445: 23440: 23385: 23375: 18631:"8 more of Soapland's rising stars, from EastEnders' Keegan to Hollyoaks' Lily" 12837: 12660:) on suspicion of GBH after he admits that it was his fault that his daughters 12471: 12157: 11793: 11567: 11563: 11297: 11285: 11240: 11166: 11124: 10714: 10666: 10642: 10472: 10452: 10414: 10330: 10220: 10144: 10104: 9880: 9756: 9640: 9229: 9195: 8794: 8787: 8263: 7993: 7879: 7813: 7783: 7741: 7276: 7258: 6758: 6738: 6727: 6663: 6636: 6528: 6378: 6362: 6300: 6091: 5876: 5858: 5700: 5654: 5588: 5506: 5407: 5353: 5287: 5205: 5085: 5069: 4864: 4797:
Bernadette is suspended from school takes the blame for Keegan when he smashes
4775: 4767: 4747: 4703: 4647: 4550: 4389: 4310: 4204: 3766: 3758: 3716: 3322: 3194: 3170: 2968: 2922: 2724: 2478: 2351: 2335: 1775: 1009: 985: 907: 828: 594: 299: 145: 16744:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Richard Davidson (17 February 2017). 16638:"EastEnders viewers SHOCKED by brutally violent scenes amid revenge porn plot" 15904:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Christopher Reason (22 August 2017). 6078:) whom to speak to about renting a stall on the market. He then has drinks in 25020: 24655: 24560: 24510: 24505: 24495: 24490: 24335: 24265: 24250: 24235: 24230: 24225: 24130: 24115: 24110: 24100: 23950: 23915: 23880: 23810: 23730: 23705: 23700: 23695: 23685: 23675: 23460: 23415: 23370: 23325: 22718:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Madeleine Clifford (12 March 2018). 16642: 15946:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (24 August 2017). 13659:"EastEnders baby bombshell! Phil Mitchell is the father of Denise Fox's baby" 12825: 12585: 12479: 12467: 12433: 12339: 12290: 12141: 12083: 12019: 11977: 11869: 11831: 11820: 11773: 11709: 11679: 11649: 11603: 11595: 11587: 11485: 11469: 11465: 11441: 11430: 11407: 11293: 11274: 11248: 11236: 11198: 11190: 11162: 11120: 11116: 11068: 11000: 10661:), visit The Arches looking for Keanu, Lance is seen in the background. When 10645:) as he wants to learn how to repair a car, Lance is seen in the background. 10638: 10388: 10358: 10354: 10338: 10208: 10136: 10108: 10038: 10013: 9967: 9934: 9896: 9760: 9674: 9632: 9606: 9583: 9558: 9493: 9392: 9241: 9237: 9199: 9102: 9079: 8999: 8969: 8890: 8886: 8852: 8814: 8810: 8754: 8714: 8660: 8404: 8366: 8354: 8324: 8161: 8153: 8115: 8001: 7973: 7928: 7847: 7809: 7779: 7737: 7652: 7616: 7604: 7592: 7552: 7482: 7475: 7440: 7412: 7374: 7338: 7082: 6746: 6731: 6723: 6715: 6659: 6643: 6611: 6480: 6469: 6445: 6426: 6394: 6374: 6338: 6286: 6236: 6099: 5896: 5888: 5834: 5666: 5661: 5365: 5360: 5109: 5061: 4830: 4771: 4715: 4690: 4654: 4398: 4200: 4193: 4169: 4014: 3979: 3744: 3685: 3672:) is their neighbour, who they already know, and Ted mentions that Dot's son 3641:, first appears in the episode broadcast on 26 May 2017, along with his wife 3453: 3362: 3268: 3264: 3209: 3182: 3174: 2861: 2824: 2812: 2804: 2728: 2720: 2331: 2272: 2140: 2012: 1996: 1984: 1980: 1964: 1956: 1756: 1698: 1562: 1511: 1266: 1254: 1182: 981: 957: 945: 937: 757: 721: 575: 356: 327: 287: 259: 167: 137: 97: 69: 23218: 23185: 23152: 23119: 23086: 23042: 23002: 22966: 22930: 22890: 22854: 22821: 22788: 22755: 22719: 22686: 22653: 22617: 22581: 22529: 22493: 22457: 22407: 22347: 22307: 22271: 22235: 22195: 22159: 22123: 22090: 22054: 22008: 21975: 21942: 21784: 21637: 21569: 21536: 21500: 21464: 21428: 21392: 21354: 21310: 21270: 21125: 21087: 21006: 20872: 20765: 20732: 20731:; Director: Penelope Shales-Slyne; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (28 August 2017). 20699: 20570: 20530: 20501:"EastEnders plans miscarriage storyline as Bernadette Taylor loses her baby" 20274: 20236: 20203: 20167: 20125: 20087: 20047: 20009: 19965: 19553: 19509: 19467: 19427: 19381: 19313: 19275: 19104:"EastEnders casts new couple played by Maggie Steed and Christopher Timothy" 19040: 18996: 18954: 18826: 18778: 18512: 18476: 18430: 18378: 18345: 18077: 18039: 18001: 17964: 17927: 17885: 17849: 17811: 17771: 17731: 17687: 17641: 17603: 17570: 17504: 17460: 17414: 17372: 17336: 17298: 17143: 17110: 16961: 16928: 16890: 16857: 16821: 16785: 16745: 16709: 16676: 16608: 16564: 16524: 16452: 16376: 16340: 16307: 16267: 16229: 16189: 16147: 16105: 16065: 16025: 15987: 15947: 15905: 15865: 15751: 15715: 15678: 15640: 15590: 15557: 15377:"EastEnders spoilers: Sex picture horror for Louise Mitchell and Bex Fowler" 15288: 15252: 15210: 15160: 15123: 15073: 15033: 14995: 14951: 14905: 14859: 14821: 14779: 14735: 14695: 14649: 14613: 14577: 14537: 14497: 14464: 14422: 14380: 14347: 14314: 14276: 14234: 14184: 14134: 14101: 14053: 14015: 13965: 13921: 13883: 13839: 13801: 13763: 13582: 13546: 13510: 13474: 13436: 13435:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Leo Richardson (21 February 2017). 13396: 13352: 13263: 13227: 13183: 13141: 13091: 13049: 13009: 12922: 10317:), report it to the police. Jaz arrives at the home of Keegan's family with 2971:. He appears in the first episode shown on 21 March 2017. He is a friend of 972:
first appears in the episode broadcast on 13 January 2017. He is the son of
559: 426: 81: 24991: 24665: 24645: 24550: 24545: 24465: 24430: 24395: 24365: 24355: 24350: 24270: 24245: 24210: 24180: 24155: 24140: 24005: 23985: 23945: 23905: 23900: 23860: 23855: 23830: 23755: 23715: 23680: 23670: 23645: 23630: 23625: 23585: 23580: 23570: 23560: 23525: 23470: 23450: 23430: 23330: 23305: 23082: 22453: 22403: 22343: 22050: 20934: 20868: 20005: 19077: 19073:"All Creatures Great and Small star Christopher Timothy to join EastEnders" 18950: 18822: 18472: 18426: 18215: 17923: 17683: 17566: 16672: 16604: 16520: 16451:; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (26 January 2017). 15636: 15202: 15156: 14901: 13755: 13179: 13137: 12829: 12804: 12796: 12722: 12710: 12699: 12669: 12653: 12581: 12377: 12298: 12133: 12129: 12087: 12027: 11981: 11907: 11873: 11839: 11777: 11713: 11705: 11675: 11645: 11607: 11575: 11493: 11445: 11437: 11367: 11363: 11281: 11206: 11194: 11182: 11174: 11170: 11132: 11128: 11108: 11076: 11038: 11008: 10992: 10988: 10958: 10946: 10942: 10938: 10906: 10844: 10756: 10722: 10718: 10658: 10654: 10578: 10546: 10514: 10506: 10476: 10460: 10456: 10422: 10418: 10342: 10314: 10310: 10298: 10250: 10216: 10212: 10148: 10140: 10128: 10112: 10072: 10057: 10005: 9904: 9842: 9834: 9797: 9732: 9636: 9529: 9504: 9422: 9342: 9286: 9261: 9245: 9179: 9011: 9007: 8616: 8551: 8517: 8483:
about her failing eyesight and that she cannot drive until further notice.
8472: 8430: 8290: 8282: 8232:), who gets Keegan to apologise and she reduces his suspension to one day. 8217: 8205: 8193: 8069: 8040: 7977: 7947: 7939: 7733: 7713: 7680: 7608: 7498: 7490: 7444: 7432: 7424: 7416: 7408: 7389: 7370: 7362: 7330: 7306: 7244: 7234: 7224: 7214: 7114: 7070: 6826: 6778: 6711: 6691: 6683: 6473: 6457: 6430: 6348: 6212: 6122: 6095: 5935: 5908: 5870: 5846: 5838: 5710: 5670: 5638: 5626: 5546: 5417: 5377: 5369: 5337: 5325: 5245: 5113: 5077: 5046: 5034: 5026: 4874: 4822: 4814: 4735: 4694: 4686: 4663: 4623: 4611: 4600: 4518: 4428: 4394: 4373: 4348: 4328: 4290: 4278: 4212: 4181: 4158: 4085: 4025: 4010: 3994: 3959: 3944: 3840: 3809:
links to Walford" as well as wondering if their son Alan is "another nasty
3778: 3770: 3740: 3720: 3700: 3665: 3646: 3464: 3326: 3272: 3217: 3178: 2988: 2843:), Lauren decides to give Josh a chance and they start dating. Kathy's son 2751: 2739: 2716: 2692: 2319: 2283: 2008: 1944: 1779: 1760: 1737: 1730: 1683: 1610: 1530: 1499: 1491: 1298: 1278: 1270: 1222: 1190: 1159: 1017: 1005: 1001: 977: 953: 767: 601: 567: 396: 368: 339: 323: 315: 291: 263: 243: 231: 219: 211: 117: 89: 61: 23217:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matthew Barry (19 January 2018). 23184:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matthew Barry (18 January 2018). 23151:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (16 January 2018). 23001:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Madeleine Clifford (3 November 2017). 21535:; Director: Dominic Keavey; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (12 February 2018). 20668:"EastEnders reveals exit plot for Ingrid Solberg as she prepares to leave" 19931:"EastEnders star Clair Norris to 'take break' from Bernadette Taylor role" 19684:"EastEnders spoilers Who is the man on the Tube stalking Michelle Fowler?" 19241:"EastEnders death plot begins as Joyce Murray is seen lifeless in her bed" 18995:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Christopher Reason (12 September 2017). 16064:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Richard Davidson (19 September 2017). 11135:) that she did not think that Lisa would take Louise out of the hospital. 6666:), his former prison cellmate, and later Phil sees him shaking hands with 24730: 24720: 24705: 24700: 24675: 24670: 24575: 24570: 24530: 24475: 24460: 24360: 24255: 24220: 24205: 24190: 24175: 24160: 24145: 24125: 24055: 24050: 24015: 24010: 23980: 23965: 23960: 23835: 23770: 23765: 23750: 23725: 23605: 23590: 23575: 23550: 23480: 23455: 23425: 23390: 23380: 23335: 23320: 23300: 22926: 21757: 21703: 21671: 21240: 20844: 20823: 20799: 20764:; Director: Penelope Shales-Slyne; Writer: Jaden Clark (29 August 2017). 20672: 19900: 19882:"EastEnders star Lorraine Stanley to be written out of Karen Taylor role" 19716: 19663: 19636: 19587: 19343: 19245: 19224: 18921: 18748: 18716: 18684: 18659: 18635: 18607: 18579: 18551: 18281: 18253: 18191: 18111: 17997: 17960: 17500: 17226: 17198: 17173: 17078: 16410: 15838: 15811: 15711: 15523: 15474: 15457: 15206: 14731: 14418: 14230: 14180: 13759: 13616: 13392: 12982: 12730: 12573: 12251: 11985: 11789: 11637: 11559: 11371: 11289: 11244: 11186: 11112: 11064: 10996: 10622: 10326: 9876: 9644: 9441: 9233: 9109: 8924: 8878: 8844: 8802: 8798: 8620: 8506: 8328: 8267: 8255: 8119: 8103: 8029: 7989: 7883: 7745: 7725: 7717: 7640: 7596: 7556: 7460: 7346: 7342: 7316: 7302: 7298: 7272: 7262: 7248: 6805:) and Phil says they need to find Ben. Mick is able to keep the pub when 6782: 6762: 6742: 6675: 6465: 6318: 6314: 6310: 6296: 6274: 6071: 5948: 5880: 5850: 5714: 5421: 5124: 5097: 5089: 5065: 4898: 4893: 4889: 4878: 4779: 4751: 4707: 4698: 4332: 4235: 4228: 4054: 4047: 3967: 3810: 3804: 3704: 3673: 3309: 3280: 3205: 3198: 3186: 3154: 3012: 2888: 2873: 2836: 2820: 2800: 2792: 2768: 2732: 2672: 2518: 2490: 2482: 2365: 2359: 2347: 2339: 2307: 2299: 2016: 2000: 1976: 1921: 1787: 1578: 1558: 1546: 1376: 1367: 1310: 1258: 1038: 1025: 1013: 941: 885: 836: 832: 800: 785: 525: 149: 23242: 23118:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Colin Wyatt (15 January 2018). 21155:"EastEnders: Stacey and her baby fight to survive, reveals Lacey Turner" 16784:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (23 February 2017). 15556:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (2 November 2017). 14014:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (24 February 2017). 13581:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Richard Davidson (15 August 2017). 13545:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Richard Davidson (14 August 2017). 10361:) bench and Jaz visits the family to arrest Karen, but Keanu stops him. 7047: 3120: 24755: 24710: 24695: 24615: 24590: 24585: 24580: 24410: 24400: 24375: 24370: 24275: 24200: 24165: 24045: 24025: 24000: 23955: 23850: 23825: 23720: 23640: 23620: 23615: 23600: 23540: 23520: 23395: 23360: 23345: 23274: 23222: 23189: 23156: 23123: 23090: 23046: 23038: 23006: 22970: 22934: 22894: 22858: 22825: 22792: 22759: 22723: 22690: 22657: 22621: 22585: 22533: 22497: 22461: 22411: 22351: 22311: 22275: 22239: 22231: 22199: 22163: 22127: 22094: 22058: 22012: 21979: 21946: 21788: 21641: 21573: 21540: 21504: 21468: 21432: 21396: 21358: 21350: 21314: 21274: 21129: 21091: 21010: 20876: 20769: 20736: 20703: 20574: 20534: 20278: 20240: 20207: 20171: 20129: 20124:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (11 September 2017). 20091: 20051: 20013: 19969: 19557: 19513: 19471: 19431: 19385: 19377: 19317: 19279: 19274:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Richard Davidson (19 June 2017). 19044: 19000: 18958: 18917:"EastEnders exit for Ted Murray as Christopher Timothy leaves the show" 18830: 18782: 18516: 18480: 18434: 18382: 18349: 18081: 18043: 18005: 17968: 17931: 17889: 17853: 17848:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Matthew Barry (21 November 2017). 17815: 17810:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Matthew Barry (20 November 2017). 17775: 17735: 17727: 17691: 17645: 17640:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (23 June 2017). 17607: 17602:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Richard Davidson (20 June 2017). 17574: 17508: 17464: 17418: 17376: 17340: 17302: 17248: 17147: 17114: 16965: 16932: 16894: 16861: 16825: 16789: 16749: 16713: 16680: 16612: 16568: 16528: 16456: 16380: 16344: 16311: 16271: 16233: 16193: 16151: 16109: 16069: 16029: 15991: 15951: 15909: 15869: 15755: 15719: 15682: 15644: 15594: 15561: 15292: 15256: 15214: 15164: 15127: 15077: 15037: 14999: 14955: 14909: 14863: 14825: 14783: 14739: 14699: 14653: 14617: 14581: 14541: 14501: 14468: 14426: 14384: 14351: 14318: 14280: 14238: 14226: 14188: 14176: 14138: 14105: 14057: 14019: 13969: 13925: 13887: 13843: 13805: 13767: 13586: 13550: 13514: 13478: 13440: 13400: 13356: 13267: 13231: 13187: 13145: 13095: 13053: 13048:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (13 January 2017). 13013: 12926: 12577: 12511: 12294: 12125: 11641: 11571: 11355: 10950: 10760: 10726: 10582: 10550: 10518: 10480: 10426: 10152: 10001: 9900: 9838: 9830: 9793: 9728: 9547: 9525: 9500: 9452: 9418: 9350: 9305: 9249: 8746: 8706: 8652: 8624: 8583: 8547: 8510: 8476: 8434: 8271: 8259: 8185: 8107: 8073: 8033: 7943: 7749: 7729: 7676: 7494: 7486: 7420: 7334: 7290: 7066: 6830: 6814: 6679: 6490: 6390: 6382: 6366: 6270: 6246: 5866: 5696: 5598: 5403: 5297: 5073: 4860: 4783: 4723: 4682: 4580: 4315: 4208: 4006: 3963: 3774: 3736: 3708: 3669: 3485: 3460: 3415: 3190: 3166: 2878: 2758:
him that he has given Lauren a job, adding that Max has done well with
2688: 2555: 2485:) outside his Polish delicatessen and she asks if he can help out with 2311: 2287: 2004: 1988: 1960: 1690: 1503: 1242: 1174: 1042: 973: 865: 771: 731: 563: 501: 493: 372: 159: 85: 48: 44: 21783:; Director: Dominic Keavey; Writer: Carey Andrews (16 February 2018). 21636:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Carey Andrews (28 December 2017). 21309:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Carey Andrews (28 December 2017). 21236:"EastEnders confirms a shock death as Aidan Maguire leaves the Square" 21124:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Christopher Reason (17 October 2017). 19830:"EastEnders: Meet the Taylors, the new 'not-to-be-messed-with' family" 19749:"EastEnders: the Taylor family moves in – see the first-look pictures" 17884:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Daran Little (23 November 2017). 16889:; Director: Audrey Cooke; Writer: Christopher Reason (23 March 2017). 16708:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Carey Andrews (12 January 2017). 12890:"EastEnders enters a new era as John Yorke's storylines begin tonight" 11602:), despite showing no signs of the disease, could still have it. When 6501:), who was born prematurely and fought for her life in December 2010. 3652: 1510:) invites him to her house for guitar lessons. Bex's former boyfriend 585:
Emerald and Kim arrive at the hospital for the birth of Denise's son,
24685: 24595: 24435: 24425: 24390: 24380: 24185: 24040: 23990: 23890: 23885: 23610: 23410: 23350: 23310: 22965:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Christopher Reason (10 October 2017). 22652:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Jessica Lea (18 September 2017). 19508:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Madeleine Clifford (12 October 2017). 18676:"Coronation Street, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks all make the 18344:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (25 April 2017). 16856:; Director: Audrey Cooke; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (21 March 2017). 16563:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Pete Lawson (22 September 2017). 16339:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (13 November 2017). 16306:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Wendy Granditer (26 October 2017). 16104:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Pete Lawson (21 September 2017). 14496:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (24 April 2017). 13090:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Kathrine Smith (17 January 2017). 12800: 12734: 12726: 12657: 12286: 12137: 11884:) that Arthur collapsed because he swallowed Stacey's bipolar pills. 11868:(Hunter Bell) after he suffers a collapse. She tells Arthur's mother 11461: 11321: 10345:) has mental health problems. Jaz then visits Stacey and her husband 10266: 10132: 10009: 9670: 9137: 9037: 8400: 8370: 8111: 7886:) tries to comfort her. Lewis is eventually found safe and unharmed. 7648: 7471: 7464: 7393: 6766: 6695: 6494: 6461: 6398: 6386: 6250: 5939: 5916: 5665:
insults Riley and Chatham's learning difficulties. After Riley takes
4320: 3276: 3248: 2972: 2883: 2857: 2696: 1952: 1948: 1768: 1318: 1234: 911: 804: 533: 529: 183: 22616:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (30 June 2017). 22580:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (29 June 2017). 22194:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (13 February 2017). 19426:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (22 June 2017). 19312:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Lynne Dallow (15 September 2017). 19039:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Lynne Dallow (14 September 2017). 18856:"EastEnders pensioner Freda steals soap limelight: 'Regular please'" 17371:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (28 April 2017). 17335:; Director: Afia Nkrumah; Writer: Richard Davidson (14 April 2017). 14379:; Director: Afia Nkrumah; Writer: Richard Davidson (13 April 2017). 13920:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (14 February 2017). 11277:
that is proposed to replace the community centre. When Mark goes to
thanks to Lisa's credit card. In May 2018, she leads the search for
9463:) gives her input on the types of businesses that devalues an area. 4596: 24440: 23555: 23515: 22528:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Carey Andrews (3 August 2017). 22270:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Gillian Richmond (3 April 2017). 22122:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (17 October 2019). 20235:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Carey Andrews (23 October 2017). 18511:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Mark Catley (28 November 2017). 17770:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Carey Andrews (3 August 2017). 15750:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Lauren Klee (31 October 2017). 13882:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (2 February 2017). 12865: 12152:) at the garage where the incident took place and asks if he knows 11477: 10763:) about her refusing physiotherapy. Dot says she does not need it. 10662: 9853:) when she does not have a food voucher (credited as "volunteer"). 9536:
online, which angers Denise as she has wasted her time in a queue.
9335: 6798: 6126:
that "George will join the soap for a few episodes early in July".
5883:) talks to Ingrid about her upcoming camping trip with her husband 3252: 3143: 3124: 3043: 925: 915: 515: 195: 22089:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Peter Mattessi (7 February 2017). 21269:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Pete Lawson (12 December 2017). 20698:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Lauren Klee (10 August 2017). 20273:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Pete Lawson (11 December 2017). 20086:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Alex Straker (1 August 2017). 16024:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Pete Lawson (7 September 2017). 15986:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Pete Lawson (5 September 2017). 15589:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Paul Quiney (19 January 2017). 15287:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Carey Andrews (28 July 2017). 14820:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (12 June 2017). 14536:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Wendy Granditer (1 May 2017). 14133:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Carey Andrews (9 March 2017). 14100:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Carey Andrews (7 March 2017). 14052:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Laura Poliakoff (2 March 2017). 13509:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Lauren Klee (11 August 2017). 12921:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Julia Honour (9 January 2017). 12160:), who is Ciara's former husband, but Ben denies having seen him. 6726:) and thinks he could be a good replacement for Mick. Aidan gives 24690: 23420: 23232: 23199: 23166: 23133: 23100: 23056: 23016: 22980: 22944: 22904: 22868: 22853:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Peter Mattessi (28 August 2018). 22835: 22802: 22769: 22733: 22700: 22667: 22631: 22595: 22543: 22507: 22471: 22421: 22361: 22321: 22285: 22249: 22209: 22173: 22137: 22119: 22104: 22068: 22022: 21989: 21956: 21798: 21651: 21583: 21550: 21514: 21499:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Mark Stevenson (8 January 2018). 21478: 21442: 21406: 21368: 21324: 21284: 21139: 21101: 21020: 20886: 20779: 20746: 20713: 20584: 20566: 20544: 20526: 20288: 20250: 20217: 20202:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Pete Lawson (28 September 2017). 20181: 20166:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Colin Wyatt (26 September 2017). 20139: 20101: 20061: 20046:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Lisa Gifford (31 July 2017). 20023: 19979: 19567: 19552:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Carey Andrews (19 October 2017). 19523: 19481: 19466:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Pete Lawson (29 September 2017). 19441: 19395: 19327: 19289: 19054: 19010: 18968: 18840: 18792: 18657:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (27 May – 2 June 2017). "Hits & Misses!".
18526: 18490: 18444: 18392: 18377:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Julia Honour (27 April 2017). 18359: 18091: 18076:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Matt Evans (14 December 2017). 18053: 18038:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Matthew Barry (8 December 2017). 18015: 17978: 17941: 17899: 17863: 17825: 17785: 17745: 17701: 17655: 17617: 17584: 17518: 17474: 17428: 17386: 17350: 17312: 17268: 17157: 17124: 16975: 16942: 16904: 16871: 16835: 16820:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Julia Honour (6 March 2017). 16799: 16759: 16723: 16690: 16622: 16578: 16538: 16466: 16390: 16354: 16321: 16281: 16243: 16203: 16161: 16119: 16079: 16039: 16001: 15961: 15919: 15879: 15864:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Pete Lawson (7 August 2017). 15765: 15729: 15692: 15654: 15604: 15571: 15333: 15302: 15266: 15224: 15174: 15137: 15087: 15047: 15009: 14965: 14919: 14873: 14835: 14793: 14749: 14709: 14663: 14627: 14591: 14551: 14511: 14478: 14436: 14394: 14361: 14346:; Director: Afia Nkrumah; Writer: Robert Butler (11 April 2017). 14328: 14290: 14275:; Director: Audrey Cooke; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (21 March 2017). 14248: 14198: 14148: 14115: 14067: 14029: 13979: 13935: 13897: 13853: 13838:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Katie Douglas (31 January 2017). 13815: 13800:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Katie Douglas (30 January 2017). 13777: 13596: 13560: 13524: 13488: 13450: 13410: 13366: 13348: 13277: 13241: 13197: 13155: 13105: 13063: 13023: 12936: 10421:) complains to about not being able to find his step-grandmother 8578:
A geeky student at Walford High School who eats his lunch alone.
5842: 5815: 4199:
On Halloween night, Michelle sees Tom outside her home again, so
3419: 861: 691: 497: 40:
The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the
22889:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Pete Lawson (24 July 2017). 22685:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Kim Revill (16 November 2017). 22306:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Katie Douglas (6 April 2017). 22007:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Christopher Reason (9 May 2017). 21974:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Colin Wyatt (3 January 2017). 21941:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Colin Wyatt (2 January 2017). 21086:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Lisa Gifford (16 October 2017). 18777:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Gillian Richmond (22 May 2017). 17142:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Katie Douglas (7 April 2017). 16375:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Kim Revill (14 November 2017). 15251:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Pete Lawson (25 July 2017). 15122:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (14 July 2017). 15072:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (13 July 2017). 14463:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Matt Evans (21 April 2017). 9763:) from running off with stolen goods. The other security guard ( 6698:) sees them leaving together and is suspicious. When Phil's son 6082:
with his friends and the pub's staff call them "hipsters". When
5849:(Abbie Knowles) soaks her, and she tells Jack that she lives in 1525:
The next day, Madison and Alexandra tell Louise, her stepmother
222:), a love interest for Michelle, the Taylor family − comprising 22754:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Pete Lawson (3 April 2018). 22158:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Lauren Klee (9 February 2017). 21895: 21893: 21891: 21889: 21568:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Matthew Barry (1 March 2018). 21463:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Kim Revill (4 January 2018). 21427:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Kim Revill (3 January 2018). 17297:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Tim Stimpson (4 April 2017). 15834:"EastEnders: Gethin Pryce leaves following showdown with Sonia" 15519:"EastEnders: Madison and Alexandra's backstory to be explored?" 13226:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Jessica Lea (6 February 2017). 12861:"EastEnders executive producer leaves programme after one year" 12432:
A man who works for Walford Council. He tells council employee
11976:'s (Hunter Bell) bruises on his arms. He tells Arthur's mother 7456: 3177:), are looking after the pub in the absence of the landlords, 2524: 22787:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Jeff Povey (30 April 2018). 20902:"West end star George Maguire joins EastEnders for guest role" 19964:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (3 July 2017). 17413:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (23 May 2017). 16960:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (28 March 2017). 16927:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (27 March 2017). 16266:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Lauren Klee (6 October 2017). 16228:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Lauren Klee (5 October 2017). 16188:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Paul Quiney (3 October 2017). 16146:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Pete Lawson (2 October 2017). 14950:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Katie Douglas (4 July 2017). 14858:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Davey Jones (13 June 2017). 14778:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Tim Stimpson (5 June 2017). 14648:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Lauren Klee (5 May 2017). 14612:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Lauren Klee (4 May 2017). 14576:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Joanna Toye (2 May 2017). 13473:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Colin Wyatt (3 March 2017). 13262:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Simon Norman (2 March 2018). 11320:
A woman who works for Coker & Mitchell Funeral Directors.
10633:) first day working at The Arches, Cole is fixing a car. When 22492:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Carey Andrews (2 June 2017). 19195:"EastEnders: shock secret revealed for newcomers the Murrays" 18547:"All rise! Blue's Lee Ryan is joining the cast of EastEnders" 17459:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Carey Andrews (1 June 2017). 17109:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Liz Lake (9 March 2017). 15677:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Pete Lawson (6 June 2017). 15455:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (18–24 March 2017). "Hits & misses!".
14313:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Jessica Lea (10 April 2017). 12410:(Grace) after she sustains injuries from being hit by a car. 9978:) sister wanted her job. Steph invites Michelle for a drink. 1774:
On Bex's 17th birthday, Bex's uncle and Sonia's half-brother
Gethin is a drama teacher at Walford High School who advises
190:), both debuted in March. April sees the first appearance of 56:
or, from 27 November, his successor as executive consultant,
29: 22820:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Rob Gittins (23 July 2018). 21886: 20394:"EastEnders: Karen makes a shock discovery about Bernadette" 15032:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Jaden Clark (11 July 2017). 14994:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Colin Wyatt (6 July 2017). 12761:
A bailiff that removes goods from the Taylor family flat as
10894: 9136:
One of two German tourists who rent a room for the night in
8579: 8209: 1959:
as an act of revenge for Max's being falsely imprisoned for
1722: 1519: 105: 101: 24525: 20821:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (15–21 July 2017). "Hits & Misses".
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (7–13 April 2018). "Hits & Misses".
18231:"EastEnders: Whitney returns – and she's engaged to Woody!" 15472:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (13–19 May 2017). "Hits & misses!".
12951:"EastEnders spoilers – Keegan Butcher-Baker exit confirmed" 12331: 8480: 5854: 5690:
did upon their arrival and like other established, popular
did upon their arrival and like other established, popular
did upon their arrival and like other established, popular
4384:(Alfie Jacobs). The family also have two pets, a dog named 3468: 1293:
when she leaves the room. Later, when Louise's stepmother,
21805: 21727:"S Club 7's Hannah Spearritt is coming back to EastEnders" 20842:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (19–25 May 2018). "Hits & Misses".
A fellow life model who recommends an escorting agency to
11444:) death and the fire at Beale's restaurant. She questions 10867:
A student at Walford High School who attends the prom and
The pathologist at the inquest into the deaths of sisters
7988:) after he gets out of his hospital bed. She later treats 1576:
was announced by Beresford Management. Daniel Kilkelly of
128:), the chairman of Weyland & Co. The following month, 23228: 23195: 23162: 23129: 23096: 23052: 23012: 22976: 22940: 22900: 22864: 22831: 22798: 22765: 22729: 22696: 22663: 22627: 22591: 22539: 22503: 22467: 22417: 22357: 22317: 22281: 22245: 22205: 22169: 22133: 22100: 22064: 22018: 21985: 21952: 21794: 21647: 21579: 21546: 21510: 21474: 21438: 21402: 21364: 21320: 21280: 21135: 21097: 21016: 20882: 20775: 20742: 20709: 20580: 20540: 20284: 20246: 20213: 20177: 20135: 20097: 20057: 20019: 19975: 19661:
White, Kate (17–23 June 2017). "New love for Michelle?".
19563: 19519: 19477: 19437: 19391: 19323: 19285: 19050: 19006: 18964: 18836: 18788: 18522: 18486: 18440: 18388: 18355: 18189:
Tyler, Laura-Jane (1–7 April 2017). "Hits & Misses".
18163:"EastEnders fans left confused by surprise new character" 18139: 18087: 18049: 18011: 17974: 17937: 17895: 17859: 17821: 17781: 17741: 17697: 17651: 17613: 17580: 17514: 17470: 17424: 17382: 17346: 17308: 17153: 17120: 17074:"EastEnders reveals new love interest for Shirley Carter" 17017:"EastEnders: Michelle's toy boy lover arrives in Walford" 16971: 16938: 16900: 16867: 16831: 16795: 16755: 16719: 16686: 16618: 16574: 16534: 16462: 16386: 16350: 16317: 16277: 16239: 16199: 16157: 16115: 16075: 16035: 15997: 15957: 15915: 15875: 15761: 15725: 15688: 15650: 15600: 15567: 15298: 15262: 15220: 15170: 15133: 15083: 15043: 15005: 14961: 14915: 14869: 14831: 14789: 14745: 14705: 14694:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Jaden Clark (8 May 2017). 14659: 14623: 14587: 14547: 14507: 14474: 14432: 14390: 14357: 14324: 14286: 14244: 14194: 14144: 14111: 14063: 14025: 13975: 13931: 13893: 13849: 13811: 13773: 13592: 13556: 13520: 13484: 13446: 13406: 13362: 13273: 13237: 13193: 13151: 13101: 13059: 13019: 12932: 8931:) that as soon as there is news they will let them know. 7639:
A customer of Bridge Street Café who is an old friend of
3000: 2815:), also father to Josh, who reunite with him and brother 41: 10789:
A fellow student from King Edward Secondary School that
8212:(Seraphina Beh and Sydney Craven) bullied her, and that 7709:
An undercover police officer who poses as a customer in
returning that she suffered after the birth of her son,
2807:). The following day, Fi is revealed as the daughter of 1725:(Seraphina Beh and Sydney Craven) bullied her, and that 140:) had an illegal relationship in the United States, and 21598:"EastEnders confirms the gruesome death of a character" 19632:"Where have you seen EastEnders' nosebleed man before?" 19126: 19124: 8843:. He incorrectly answers the tiebreaker question about 8407:) visits for a health check. She refers him to his GP. 8152:
The headteacher of Walford High School, who meets with
3966:) is their neighbour, who they already know. Dot's son 3480:) is sent to collect an outstanding debt from Freda by 21836: 21834: 18892:"Christopher Timothy and Maggie Steed join EastEnders" 17043:"EastEnders lines up a new romance for Shirley Carter" 9945:), tells Michelle that Kelly's sister wanted her job. 9292:
A woman who works at Weyland & Co, and interviews
7683:) newborn baby boy, so he can be put up for adoption. 3321:. He made the viewer-voted shortlist, but lost out to 1052: 18540: 18538: 18536: 17171:
White, Kate (18–24 February 2017). "Shirley Pulls!".
12737:), saying she has news about one of their daughters. 11582:
and recommends that Kush has an operation to have an
10909:) after she is pushed into lit candles by Alexandra. 7054:
appeared across three guest stints as Kandice Taylor.
6789:). Ben tells Jay that he will give the cash to Phil. 5721:
themselves in the scenes which is beautiful to see."
themselves in the scenes which is beautiful to see."
3251:). Woody takes a job at the club as a barman, run by 19121: 12572:
A human resources manager at Bartons Brewers, where
11800:(Hunter Bell) is at a high risk of having inherited 11235:
A receptionist at the Mayside Hotel who is asked by
9002:) to eat, but Michelle refuses. She sees a photo of 8168:), after Shakil is involved in a violent fight with 7493:
with just a few months to live, Steven's stepmother
7419:), visits the hospital after her great-grandmother, 6793:
Aidan then offers to help Mick get his money to buy
named Rooney. Stanley appeared in the 2004 spin off
21831: 12227:A woman who works in Bridge Street café and serves 12199:An agent at Prince Charming Escorts who interviews 9586:) for a sales assistant job at Porter & Bryce. 7603:(Gillian Kirkpatrick), he informs Ronnie's husband 4157:(initially credited as "nosebleed man"), played by 4020:Joyce is supportive of Ted when he begins teaching 3750:Joyce is supportive of Ted when he begins teaching 2699:) introduced as a love interest for Max's daughter 2691:, is a worker of Weyland & Co and colleague of 21203: 21201: 20416: 20414: 19857:"New EastEnders family arrives – meet the Taylors" 19656: 19654: 18533: 12090:) following a seizure, and tells Stacey's husband 11378:) after she was a victim of an attempted robbery. 10617:) at Mitchell's Autos. When Ben wants to confront 7089:(Greg Haiste) a gold membership to the golf club. 3467:) meets when she is taking her English literature 2516:The character is a new love interest for Shirley. 23041:; Writer: Madeleine Clifford (10 November 2017). 19896:"EastEnders' Karen Taylor to make another return" 15315: 11300:) defends her and he orders Mark out of The Vic. 8705:A police officer investigating a porn video with 8651:A police officer investigating a porn video with 5344:(Alfie Jacobs). The family also have two pets, a 4638:(Alfie Jacobs). The family also have two pets, a 4301:(Alfie Jacobs). The family also have two pets, a 2267:, played by Martin Anzor, is a former student of 1154:, played by Sydney Craven, are school friends of 25018: 20492: 20304: 20302: 20300: 20298: 19380:; Writer: Madeleine Clifford (9 November 2017). 19220:"EastEnders' Joyce Murray to exit Albert Square" 19097: 19095: 12832:), but Max relents when Dr Harding's colleague, 9829:A volunteer at Walford Food Bank. He introduces 9447:Clients of Weyland & Co who are present for 8513:) asks for a quote to fix a leak in the roof of 2155:) meets Zayan in secret. Keegan's half-brother, 1991:). Hugo is revealed to be the brother-in-law of 1008:) overheard Denise telling Phil's ex-girlfriend 991:Raymond was conceived when Denise had a drunken 24773: 21198: 20633: 20440: 20411: 19651: 13685:"EastEnders: Kim wants to adopt Denise's baby!" 12342:) that he will have to pay a substantial fine. 8809:) visits Shirley to inform her of their mother 6444:. In October 2017, after Arthur's grandmother, 5645:(Tom Jacobs). The family also have two pets, a 22745: 22743: 21627: 21625: 21623: 21621: 21619: 21300: 21298: 21296: 21294: 20893: 20609: 20607: 20605: 20603: 20601: 19824: 19822: 19820: 19818: 19816: 19814: 19155: 19153: 18242: 18240: 16847: 16845: 15368: 10637:(Charlie Winter) is waiting by The Arches for 9524:The receptionist at the Job Centre, who tells 7404:following a fall with Lauren from the roof of 4825:) is found dead and Ted and Joyce's daughter, 2995:) but he upsets her when he forgets her name. 1713:). When Bex is found in a state by Gethin and 1241:) chats Madison up. When Jay's ex-girlfriend, 23258: 22519: 22517: 22149: 22147: 20295: 19787: 19785: 19783: 19781: 19779: 19777: 19775: 19773: 19771: 19769: 19092: 17761: 17759: 17757: 17755: 17100: 17098: 17096: 15626: 15624: 15622: 15620: 15618: 15616: 15614: 14266: 14264: 14262: 14260: 14258: 14216: 14214: 14212: 14210: 14208: 14166: 14164: 14162: 14160: 14158: 13178:; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: 13136:; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: 8471:A police officer who attends the scene where 7583:A police officer investigating the deaths of 7543:A police officer investigating the deaths of 1748:(Alex James-Phelps) for their performance of 22776: 22707: 22393: 22391: 19922: 17556: 17554: 17552: 17550: 17548: 13321:"Who dies in Fatal car crash in EastEnders?" 12376:The manager at the veterinary surgery where 11586:fitted. He later suggests to Kush's mother, 10705:The stall holder of Walford Wholefoods, who 10000:A man at a diabetes presentation, who tells 9767:) tells Chris that he'll deal with Whitney. 9727:An employee of Walford Job Centre who tells 9174:A man in a nightclub who tells the bouncer ( 8877:A charity shop employee who agrees to allow 8369:) flirts with him. Nathan flirts back until 5660:Chatham and Riley arrive at the new flat on 5359:Riley and Chatham arrive at the new flat on 4902:called it a "tragic" and "upsetting" turn. 3275:), finds out that Woody was in cahoots with 1486:played by Alex James-Phelps, is a friend of 330:), made their first appearance in December. 23072: 23070: 23068: 23066: 23028: 23026: 22956: 22954: 22880: 22878: 22809: 22740: 22643: 22641: 22607: 22605: 22571: 22569: 22567: 22565: 22563: 22561: 22559: 22557: 22555: 22553: 22443: 22441: 22439: 22437: 22435: 22433: 22431: 22389: 22387: 22385: 22383: 22381: 22379: 22377: 22375: 22373: 22371: 22333: 22331: 22221: 22219: 22185: 22183: 22040: 22038: 22036: 22034: 22032: 21616: 21526: 21524: 21340: 21338: 21336: 21334: 21291: 21260: 21258: 21115: 21113: 21111: 21077: 21075: 21073: 21071: 21069: 21067: 21065: 21063: 20598: 20361: 20359: 20357: 20328: 20264: 20262: 20260: 20193: 20191: 20157: 20155: 20153: 20151: 20149: 20115: 20113: 20111: 20037: 20035: 20033: 19811: 19742: 19740: 19738: 19736: 19734: 19543: 19541: 19539: 19537: 19535: 19533: 19499: 19497: 19495: 19493: 19491: 19457: 19455: 19453: 19451: 19417: 19415: 19413: 19411: 19409: 19407: 19405: 19303: 19301: 19299: 19265: 19263: 19150: 19066: 19064: 19030: 19028: 19026: 19024: 19022: 19020: 18986: 18984: 18982: 18980: 18978: 18940: 18938: 18936: 18934: 18932: 18812: 18810: 18808: 18806: 18804: 18802: 18768: 18766: 18502: 18500: 18462: 18460: 18458: 18456: 18454: 18416: 18414: 18412: 18410: 18408: 18406: 18404: 18402: 18335: 18333: 18331: 18329: 18308:"EastEnders airs exit for Lee Ryan's Woody" 18237: 18067: 18065: 18063: 17913: 17911: 17909: 17875: 17873: 17839: 17837: 17835: 17801: 17799: 17797: 17795: 17717: 17715: 17713: 17711: 17673: 17671: 17669: 17667: 17665: 17631: 17629: 17627: 17546: 17544: 17542: 17540: 17538: 17536: 17534: 17532: 17530: 17528: 17404: 17402: 17400: 17398: 17396: 17362: 17360: 17326: 17324: 17322: 16918: 16916: 16914: 16842: 16775: 16773: 16771: 16769: 16735: 16733: 16662: 16660: 16594: 16592: 16590: 16588: 16554: 16552: 16550: 16548: 16510: 16508: 16506: 16504: 15159:; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (17 July 2017). 3711:) chooses Ted, he agrees that both Ted and 643:Michael Jose Pomares Calixte (2020–present) 60:. The first character to be introduced was 23265: 23251: 23085:; Writer: Lauren Klee (26 December 2017). 22992: 22990: 22916: 22914: 22842: 22514: 22483: 22481: 22297: 22295: 22261: 22259: 22144: 22111: 22080: 22078: 21932: 21930: 21928: 21926: 21924: 21922: 21490: 21488: 21454: 21452: 21418: 21416: 21382: 21380: 21378: 20927: 20077: 20075: 20073: 20071: 19995: 19993: 19991: 19989: 19955: 19953: 19951: 19766: 19367: 19365: 19363: 19361: 18029: 18027: 18025: 17752: 17490: 17488: 17486: 17484: 17450: 17448: 17446: 17444: 17442: 17440: 17438: 17288: 17286: 17284: 17282: 17280: 17278: 17093: 17067: 17065: 16811: 16809: 16442: 16440: 16438: 16436: 16434: 16432: 16430: 16428: 16366: 16364: 16297: 16295: 16293: 16291: 16095: 16093: 16091: 16089: 16055: 16053: 16051: 16049: 15937: 15935: 15933: 15931: 15929: 15895: 15893: 15891: 15889: 15782:. Beresford Management Ltd. Archived from 15741: 15739: 15611: 15396: 15340: 15278: 15276: 15242: 15240: 15238: 15236: 15234: 15192: 15190: 15188: 15186: 15184: 15113: 15111: 15109: 15107: 15105: 15103: 15101: 15099: 15097: 15063: 15061: 15059: 15057: 15023: 15021: 15019: 14891: 14889: 14887: 14885: 14883: 14849: 14847: 14845: 14811: 14809: 14807: 14805: 14803: 14721: 14719: 14454: 14452: 14450: 14448: 14446: 14408: 14406: 14404: 14304: 14302: 14300: 14255: 14205: 14155: 14005: 14003: 14001: 13999: 13997: 13995: 13993: 13991: 13989: 13955: 13953: 13951: 13949: 13947: 13945: 13911: 13909: 13907: 13829: 13827: 13825: 13791: 13789: 13787: 13745: 13743: 13741: 13739: 13737: 13735: 13733: 13731: 13572: 13570: 13536: 13534: 13500: 13498: 13426: 13424: 13422: 13420: 13169: 13167: 13165: 10897:(Seraphina Beh and Sydney Craven) for the 10513:) complains to about her step-grandmother 10207:A teacher at Walford Primary School. When 8612:An employee of Stedford Bank who comes to 8285:. She reappears and is seen looking after 5092:) finds him in the community centre. When 2823:). They are joined by Max and their uncle 1721:) in the toilets, she admits to them that 384: 23272: 21724: 20998: 19188: 19186: 19184: 19182: 18949:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: 18885: 18883: 18274: 16257: 16255: 16253: 16219: 16217: 16215: 16213: 16179: 16177: 16175: 16173: 16171: 16137: 16135: 16133: 16131: 16129: 16015: 16013: 16011: 15977: 15975: 15973: 15971: 15668: 15666: 15664: 15547: 15545: 15543: 15541: 15348:"Jack shares his suspicions about Glenda" 14985: 14983: 14981: 14979: 14977: 14975: 14941: 14939: 14937: 14935: 14933: 14931: 14929: 14769: 14767: 14765: 14763: 14761: 14759: 14685: 14683: 14681: 14679: 14677: 14675: 14673: 14639: 14637: 14603: 14601: 14567: 14565: 14563: 14561: 14527: 14525: 14523: 14521: 14122: 14091: 14089: 14087: 14085: 14083: 14081: 14079: 14077: 14043: 14041: 14039: 13873: 13871: 13869: 13867: 13865: 13863: 13464: 13462: 13460: 13253: 13251: 13217: 13215: 13213: 13211: 13209: 13207: 13127: 13125: 13123: 13121: 13119: 13117: 13115: 13081: 13079: 13077: 13075: 13073: 13039: 13037: 13035: 13033: 10871:(Seraphina Beh) refers to her as a mess. 9962:An employee at Porter & Bryce, where 9929:The manager at Porter & Bryce, where 9387:A community service supervisor who tells 8353:A college student who lives next door to 7854:) about the future of the market stalls. 5017:is a dog belonging to the Taylor family, 3302:Daniel Kilkelly of entertainment website 25032:Television characters introduced in 2017 23206: 23173: 23140: 23107: 23063: 23023: 22951: 22875: 22674: 22638: 22602: 22550: 22428: 22368: 22328: 22216: 22180: 22029: 21772: 21750: 21696: 21521: 21331: 21255: 21108: 21060: 20856: 20753: 20720: 20687: 20558: 20518: 20498: 20354: 20334: 20257: 20224: 20188: 20146: 20108: 20030: 19791: 19731: 19530: 19488: 19448: 19402: 19296: 19260: 19061: 19017: 18975: 18929: 18799: 18763: 18705: 18628: 18572: 18497: 18451: 18399: 18366: 18326: 18246: 18060: 17906: 17870: 17832: 17792: 17708: 17662: 17624: 17591: 17525: 17393: 17357: 17319: 17219: 17071: 16982: 16949: 16911: 16878: 16766: 16730: 16697: 16657: 16585: 16545: 16501: 15804: 13656: 13630: 12975: 12912: 12910: 12887: 10115:) are embroiled in a custody battle for 7046: 5096:(Grace) is knocked over accidentally by 4595: 3651: 3314:was longlisted for Best Newcomer at the 3119: 28: 22987: 22911: 22478: 22292: 22256: 22234:; Writer: Davey Jones (14 March 2017). 22075: 21996: 21963: 21919: 21899: 21811: 21557: 21485: 21449: 21413: 21375: 21040: 20899: 20613: 20420: 20385: 20365: 20308: 20068: 19986: 19948: 19681: 19608: 19358: 19130: 19101: 18622: 18277:"Lee Ryan to exit role as barman Woody" 18104: 18022: 17985: 17948: 17481: 17435: 17275: 17131: 17062: 17040: 16806: 16635: 16479: 16425: 16361: 16328: 16288: 16086: 16046: 15926: 15886: 15736: 15578: 15488: 15402: 15374: 15273: 15231: 15181: 15144: 15094: 15054: 15016: 14880: 14842: 14800: 14716: 14485: 14443: 14401: 14368: 14335: 14297: 13986: 13942: 13904: 13822: 13784: 13728: 13708: 13567: 13531: 13495: 13417: 13380: 13162: 12811:) will never recover from her fall off 10257:after being told that she had sex with 10245:A nurse at a sexual health clinic, who 10119:, Charlie's son with Jack's dead wife, 9899:), sister of Kush's former girlfriend, 8582:(Seraphina Beh and Sydney Craven) tell 2987:) 21st birthday party. He later kisses 1518:) becomes convinced they are a couple. 14: 25019: 23288: 21866: 21840: 21233: 21178: 21146: 20871:; Writer: Paul Quiney (18 July 2017). 20792: 20665: 20639: 20472: 20446: 20391: 19709: 19580: 19238: 19192: 19179: 19070: 18880: 18853: 18737: 18600: 18160: 18132: 17014: 16403: 16250: 16210: 16168: 16126: 16008: 15968: 15853: 15699: 15661: 15538: 15428: 15316:Hero Talent Group (16 January 2017). 14972: 14926: 14756: 14670: 14634: 14598: 14558: 14518: 14074: 14036: 13860: 13457: 13340: 13248: 13204: 13112: 13070: 13030: 12721:). She later speaks to their parents, 12706:) to hospital following her fall from 12542:An employee of Weyland & Co where 11918:(Cerith Flinn) tells him to back off. 11584:implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 11476:) is killed, Kent visits club manager 11436:A police officer who is investigating 11185:) after she is abducted by her mother 10790: 10177:An employee of Weyland & Co where 9883:), which is arranged by Kush's friend 9108:A man from Walford Council who visits 8994:A ward hostess who tries to encourage 8762: 8721:). She takes Bex's phone as evidence. 8221: 7600: 7109:character introduced in 2017. For the 7059: 7017: 6655: 5862: 5634: 5564: 5333: 5263: 5042: 4369: 4286: 3751: 2636:Associate Director of Weyland & Co 1166: 380: 239: 109: 24772: 23503: 23502: 23287: 23246: 22530:"Episode dated 03/08/2017 (part 1/2)" 22406:; Writer: Colin Wyatt (15 May 2017). 22160:"Episode dated 09/02/2017 (part 2/2)" 21841:Hughes, Jonathon (1 September 2017). 21725:Alexander, Susannah (24 April 2018). 21638:"Episode dated 28/12/2017 (part 2/2)" 21311:"Episode dated 28/12/2017 (part 1/2)" 21152: 20976: 20841: 20820: 19854: 19746: 19660: 19340: 19159: 18889: 18656: 18573:Kilkelly, Daniel (16 February 2017). 18275:Alexander, Susannah (16 March 2018). 18247:Kilkelly, Daniel (28 November 2017). 18188: 17922:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: 17772:"Episode dated 03/08/2017 (part 2/2)" 17191: 17170: 17111:"Episode dated 09/03/2017 (part 2/2)" 17015:Hughes, Jonathon (14 February 2017). 16858:"Episode dated 21/03/2017 (part 2/2)" 15641:"Episode dated 20/01/2017 (part 2/2)" 15516: 15471: 15454: 14277:"Episode dated 21/03/2017 (part 1/2)" 14235:"Episode dated 17/03/2017 (part 2/2)" 14185:"Episode dated 17/03/2017 (part 1/2)" 14135:"Episode dated 09/03/2017 (part 1/2)" 13682: 13657:Kilkelly, Daniel (2 September 2016). 13391:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: 13318: 12997: 12907: 12888:Kilkelly, Damiel (27 November 2017). 11578:), that Kush has been diagnosed with 8885:) and her dementia-suffering mother, 8667:). Khodeir tells Bex and her father, 7846:A man who speaks to market inspector 7013: 4809:) when she learns to play chess, and 274:), a market trader, debuted in July. 144:(Piotr Baumann), a love interest for 22342:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: 21664: 21349:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: 19928: 18706:Kilkelly, Daniel (31 October 2017). 18673: 18544: 18475:; Writer: Matt Evans (19 May 2017). 18429:; Writer: Matt Evans (18 May 2017). 17726:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: 17247: 17220:Kilkelly, Daniel (9 February 2018). 17041:Lindsay, Duncan (14 February 2017). 16988: 16480:Lindsay, Duncan (28 December 2017). 15805:Kilkelly, Daniel (18 January 2017). 14417:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: 13609: 13290: 11610:) finds out that her and Kush's son 4653:Karen, Keanu and Bernadette move to 4404: 3220:), Woody fires long-serving barmaid 1955:, talking about a plan to redevelop 1392: 511: 141: 132:(Martin Anzor), a student with whom 22687:"Episode dated 16/11/2017 Part One" 21900:Lindsay, Duncan (26 October 2017). 21867:Dainty, Sophie (1 September 2017). 21812:Lindsay, Duncan (26 October 2017). 21751:Kilkelly, David (4 December 2018). 21041:Lindsay, Duncan (10 October 2017). 21007:"Episode dated 09/08/2022 – Part 1" 20928:Agbonlahor, Winnie (25 June 2017). 20640:Davies, Megan (23 September 2017). 20499:Kilkelly, Daniel (29 August 2017). 19629: 19609:Lindsay, Duncan (31 October 2017). 15635:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: 15375:Lindsay, Duncan (2 February 2017). 13709:Lindsay, Duncan (13 January 2017). 12976:Kilkelly, Daniel (1 January 2017). 11704:A family liaison officer who tells 10895:Madison Drake and Alexandra D'Costa 9331: 9003: 8957: 8580:Madison Drake and Alexandra D'Costa 8210:Madison Drake and Alexandra D'Costa 7980:) asks if she has seen her husband 6999: 5574: 5341: 5273: 5235: 5054: 4798: 4787: 4678: 4635: 4560: 4530: 4381: 4298: 3703:as a potman. Although the landlord 2747: 2723:) arrives. Lauren tells her friend 1723:Madison Drake and Alexandra D'Costa 1714: 1520:Madison Drake and Alexandra D'Costa 1210: 1198: 1053:Madison Drake and Alexandra D'Costa 303: 258:(Pernille Broch), a nanny hired by 255: 251: 191: 129: 24: 22456:; Writer: Liz Lake (16 May 2017). 22049:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: 21179:Dainty, Sophie (20 October 2017). 19929:Harp, Justin (30 September 2021). 18744:Awards for the third year running" 18738:Dainty, Sophie (6 November 2017). 17565:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: 17499:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: 17072:Sandwell, Ian (14 February 2017). 16671:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: 16636:Debnath, Neela (7 February 2017). 16603:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: 15710:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: 15429:Dainty, Sophie (2 February 2017). 14900:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: 13683:Brown, David (16 September 2016). 13631:Kilkelly, Daniel (19 April 2016). 13610:Harp, Justin (25 September 2020). 12507: 12153: 12124:Two police officers who interview 11942:A life drawing teacher who offers 11354:A police officer who investigates 10868: 10713:) purposely shouts hello to, when 9448: 9301: 8793:A prisoner who shares a cell with 8676: 7113:character introduced in 2006, see 6707: 4763: 3975: 3681: 2372: 619: 388: 295: 155: 121: 25: 25048: 21697:Sandwell, Ian (26 October 2017). 20392:Hughes, Jonathon (27 June 2017). 20004:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: 19581:Dainty, Sophie (9 October 2017). 18740:"Emmerdale wins best soap at the 18629:Kilkelly, Daniel (29 June 2017). 18545:Harp, Justin (15 February 2017). 17192:Brown, David (23 February 2017). 16989:Harp, Justin (14 February 2017). 12762: 12258: 12228: 12200: 12053: 11943: 11915: 11743: 11079:) (credited as "social worker"). 10810: 10802: 10794: 10626: 10302: 10258: 10061: 10053: 9338:) to perform at ladies' night at 8243:7 February 2017 – 17 October 2019 8201: 7817: 7003: 6995: 6991: 6858: 6647: 6090:) is late paying her pitch fees, 5724: 5642: 5550: 5536: 5431: 5249: 5081: 5050: 4818: 4631: 4526: 4522: 4377: 4294: 3642: 3601: 3019: 2506: 2173: 2156: 2148: 1785:In August 2017, Sophie Dainty of 1554: 1218: 995:with Phil, who was battling with 311: 247: 207: 152:), made their first appearances. 113: 22925:; Director: John Dower; Writer: 21860: 21744: 21718: 21690: 21658: 21590: 21227: 21172: 21153:Brown, David (10 October 2017). 21034: 20954: 20921: 20900:Lindsay, Duncan (25 June 2017). 20835: 20814: 20786: 20659: 20614:Lindsay, Duncan (15 June 2017). 20466: 20447:Hughes, Jonathon (4 July 2017). 20335:Kilkelly, Daniel (8 June 2017). 19908: 19888: 19874: 19848: 19792:Kilkelly, Daniel (10 May 2017). 19703: 19682:Lindsay, Duncan (12 June 2017). 19675: 19623: 19602: 19574: 19334: 19239:Dainty, Sophie (29 March 2018). 19232: 19212: 19193:Hughes, Jonathan (26 May 2017). 19102:Lindsay, Duncan (2 April 2017). 18909: 18847: 18821:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: 18731: 18699: 18650: 18601:Dainty, Sophie (12 April 2017). 18594: 18566: 18300: 18268: 18223: 18203: 18182: 18161:Yeates, Cydney (21 March 2017). 18154: 18126: 18105:Hegarty, Tasha (18 March 2017). 18098: 17996:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: 17959:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: 17682:; Director: David Moor; Writer: 17241: 17213: 17185: 17164: 17034: 17008: 16629: 16519:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: 16404:Dainty, Sophie (1 August 2017). 15403:Lindsay, Duncan (3 March 2017). 13291:Paul, Anna (25 September 2020). 9875:A woman who goes on a date with 9074:A police officer who interviews 8761:). Luke visits the Fowlers with 8619:to assess if the bank can offer 8278:) with breaching the licence of 8169: 6846:dramatic." Executive consultant 6504: 4836: 2531: 2167:(Josh Fraser), Shakil's killer. 2139:Zayan is a schoolboy who taunts 1794: 1736:Gethin meets with Bex's mother, 1706: 1355:, while Duncan Lindsay from the 586: 275: 267: 77: 21234:Dainty, Sophie (9 March 2018). 20421:Lindsay, Duncan (3 July 2017). 20366:Lindsay, Duncan (16 May 2017). 20309:Lindsay, Duncan (10 May 2017). 19710:Dainty, Sophie (22 June 2017). 19131:Gardner, Alice (2 April 2017). 19071:Yaqoob, Janine (1 April 2017). 18674:Harp, Justin (22 August 2017). 18133:Harris, Naomi (21 March 2017). 16473: 16397: 15826: 15798: 15772: 15510: 15482: 15465: 15448: 15422: 15309: 14730:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: 13702: 13676: 13650: 13624: 13603: 13312: 13293:"Who is Raymond in EastEnders?" 13284: 10301:) thinks she has been raped by 10265:) whilst drunk and that he has 10045: 9845:). He is later seen talking to 7100: 6654:) arguing with his half-sister 5130: 4802: 4342: 4259: 3948: 3907: 3816: 3554:27 September 2019 Episode 6002 3459:Freda is an elderly woman whom 1586: 363:) who also goes to school with 333: 215: 199: 25027:Lists of EastEnders characters 20793:Dainty, Sophie (4 July 2017). 18854:Yeates, Cydney (23 May 2017). 15489:Lindsay, Duncan (4 May 2017). 12969: 12943: 12881: 12853: 11570:. He tells Kush's girlfriend, 11273:A man who petitions against a 11071:) talks to about her daughter 10729:) lost cat, who is also named 9755:A security guard who prevents 8745:A social worker who sits with 6129: 5956: 4658:Karen takes Bernadette to see 3765:) sets Ted up with her mother 3556:30 September 2019 (voiceover) 2026: 1340: 402: 13: 1: 21665:Harp, Justin (16 July 2018). 20666:Dainty, Sophie (1 May 2018). 20473:Harris, Niomi (4 July 2017). 18890:Brown, David (2 April 2017). 12846: 12713:roof, along with her sister, 12652:A police officer who arrests 12022:) gives a statement to about 11712:) family that Steven died of 10893:A police officer who arrests 10255:sexually transmitted diseases 10127:), caused by Jack's brother, 9631:A police officer who arrests 9252:) that she will be replacing 9228:A prison chaplain who visits 8254:A police officer who charges 7396:). The baby is delivered via 6157:Isabelle Smith (2020–present) 4251:believe". Sophie Dainty from 4061: 3500: 2881:lookalike who also resembles 1150:played by Seraphina Beh, and 302:) arrived in November, while 198:), a friend of the Carters'. 24621:Celestine and Etta Tavernier 19855:Brown, David (10 May 2017). 19747:Brown, David (2 June 2017). 19160:Brown, David (16 May 2017). 15517:Brown, David (5 June 2017). 11566:) after he collapses with a 9846: 8437:) meets in a garden centre. 8429:A woman and her husband who 5650: 5349: 5080:) bag, which angers Keegan. 4643: 4385: 4306: 1877:Chairman of Weyland & Co 7: 24774:Lists of characters by year 11522:A solicitor who represents 11161:A police officer who helps 10309:), she and her stepmother, 9300:), alongside her colleague 8072:at breakfast time. He asks 4674: 4603:portrays Bernadette Taylor. 2784: 2772: 1233:), 21st birthday party and 18:Woody Woodward (EastEnders) 10: 25053: 25037:2017 in British television 23219:"Episode dated 19/01/2018" 23186:"Episode dated 18/01/2018" 23153:"Episode dated 16/01/2018" 23120:"Episode dated 15/01/2018" 23087:"Episode dated 26/12/2017" 23043:"Episode dated 10/11/2017" 23003:"Episode dated 03/11/2017" 22967:"Episode dated 10/10/2017" 22931:"Episode dated 04/09/2017" 22891:"Episode dated 24/07/2017" 22855:"Episode dated 28/08/2018" 22822:"Episode dated 23/07/2018" 22789:"Episode dated 30/04/2018" 22756:"Episode dated 03/04/2018" 22720:"Episode dated 12/03/2018" 22654:"Episode dated 18/09/2017" 22618:"Episode dated 30/06/2017" 22582:"Episode dated 29/06/2017" 22494:"Episode dated 02/06/2017" 22458:"Episode dated 16/05/2017" 22408:"Episode dated 15/05/2017" 22348:"Episode dated 17/04/2017" 22308:"Episode dated 06/04/2017" 22272:"Episode dated 03/04/2017" 22236:"Episode dated 14/03/2017" 22196:"Episode dated 13/02/2017" 22124:"Episode dated 17/10/2019" 22091:"Episode dated 07/02/2017" 22055:"Episode dated 30/03/2017" 22009:"Episode dated 09/05/2017" 21976:"Episode dated 03/01/2017" 21943:"Episode dated 02/01/2017" 21785:"Episode dated 16/02/2018" 21570:"Episode dated 01/03/2018" 21537:"Episode dated 12/02/2018" 21501:"Episode dated 08/01/2018" 21465:"Episode dated 04/01/2018" 21429:"Episode dated 03/01/2018" 21393:"Episode dated 02/01/2018" 21355:"Episode dated 29/12/2017" 21271:"Episode dated 12/12/2017" 21126:"Episode dated 17/10/2017" 21088:"Episode dated 16/10/2017" 20873:"Episode dated 18/07/2017" 20766:"Episode dated 29/08/2017" 20733:"Episode dated 28/08/2017" 20700:"Episode dated 10/08/2017" 20571:"Episode dated 15/03/2021" 20531:"Episode dated 12/03/2021" 20275:"Episode dated 11/12/2017" 20237:"Episode dated 23/10/2017" 20204:"Episode dated 28/09/2017" 20168:"Episode dated 26/09/2017" 20126:"Episode dated 11/09/2017" 20088:"Episode dated 01/08/2017" 20048:"Episode dated 31/07/2017" 20010:"Episode dated 07/07/2017" 19966:"Episode dated 03/07/2017" 19554:"Episode dated 19/10/2017" 19510:"Episode dated 12/10/2017" 19468:"Episode dated 29/09/2017" 19428:"Episode dated 22/06/2017" 19382:"Episode dated 09/11/2017" 19314:"Episode dated 15/09/2017" 19276:"Episode dated 19/06/2017" 19041:"Episode dated 14/09/2017" 18997:"Episode dated 12/09/2017" 18955:"Episode dated 25/08/2017" 18827:"Episode dated 26/05/2017" 18779:"Episode dated 22/05/2017" 18663:. No. 21. p. 98. 18513:"Episode dated 28/11/2017" 18477:"Episode dated 19/05/2017" 18431:"Episode dated 18/05/2017" 18379:"Episode dated 27/04/2017" 18346:"Episode dated 25/04/2017" 18078:"Episode dated 14/12/2017" 18040:"Episode dated 08/12/2017" 18002:"Episode dated 05/12/2017" 17965:"Episode dated 04/12/2017" 17928:"Episode dated 24/11/2017" 17886:"Episode dated 23/11/2017" 17850:"Episode dated 21/11/2017" 17812:"Episode dated 20/11/2017" 17732:"Episode dated 27/07/2017" 17688:"Episode dated 10/07/2017" 17642:"Episode dated 23/06/2017" 17604:"Episode dated 20/06/2017" 17571:"Episode dated 15/06/2017" 17505:"Episode dated 08/06/2017" 17461:"Episode dated 01/06/2017" 17415:"Episode dated 23/05/2017" 17373:"Episode dated 28/04/2017" 17337:"Episode dated 14/04/2017" 17299:"Episode dated 04/04/2017" 17144:"Episode dated 07/04/2017" 16962:"Episode dated 28/03/2017" 16929:"Episode dated 27/03/2017" 16891:"Episode dated 23/03/2017" 16822:"Episode dated 06/03/2017" 16786:"Episode dated 23/02/2017" 16746:"Episode dated 17/02/2017" 16710:"Episode dated 12/01/2017" 16677:"Episode dated 31/03/2017" 16609:"Episode dated 27/10/2017" 16565:"Episode dated 22/09/2017" 16525:"Episode dated 25/05/2017" 16453:"Episode dated 26/01/2017" 16377:"Episode dated 14/11/2017" 16341:"Episode dated 13/11/2017" 16308:"Episode dated 26/10/2017" 16268:"Episode dated 06/10/2017" 16230:"Episode dated 05/10/2017" 16190:"Episode dated 03/10/2017" 16148:"Episode dated 02/10/2017" 16106:"Episode dated 21/09/2017" 16066:"Episode dated 19/09/2017" 16026:"Episode dated 07/09/2017" 15988:"Episode dated 05/09/2017" 15948:"Episode dated 24/08/2017" 15906:"Episode dated 22/08/2017" 15866:"Episode dated 07/08/2017" 15752:"Episode dated 31/10/2017" 15716:"Episode dated 09/06/2017" 15679:"Episode dated 06/06/2017" 15591:"Episode dated 19/01/2017" 15558:"Episode dated 02/11/2017" 15289:"Episode dated 28/07/2017" 15253:"Episode dated 25/07/2017" 15211:"Episode dated 20/07/2017" 15161:"Episode dated 17/07/2017" 15124:"Episode dated 14/07/2017" 15074:"Episode dated 13/07/2017" 15034:"Episode dated 11/07/2017" 14996:"Episode dated 06/07/2017" 14952:"Episode dated 04/07/2017" 14906:"Episode dated 16/06/2017" 14860:"Episode dated 13/06/2017" 14822:"Episode dated 12/06/2017" 14780:"Episode dated 05/06/2017" 14736:"Episode dated 12/05/2017" 14696:"Episode dated 08/05/2017" 14650:"Episode dated 05/05/2017" 14614:"Episode dated 04/05/2017" 14578:"Episode dated 02/05/2017" 14538:"Episode dated 01/05/2017" 14498:"Episode dated 24/04/2017" 14465:"Episode dated 21/04/2017" 14423:"Episode dated 18/04/2017" 14381:"Episode dated 13/04/2017" 14348:"Episode dated 11/04/2017" 14315:"Episode dated 10/04/2017" 14102:"Episode dated 07/03/2017" 14054:"Episode dated 02/03/2017" 14016:"Episode dated 24/02/2017" 13966:"Episode dated 16/02/2017" 13922:"Episode dated 14/02/2017" 13884:"Episode dated 02/02/2017" 13840:"Episode dated 31/01/2017" 13802:"Episode dated 30/01/2017" 13764:"Episode dated 21/07/2017" 13583:"Episode dated 15/08/2017" 13547:"Episode dated 14/08/2017" 13511:"Episode dated 11/08/2017" 13475:"Episode dated 03/03/2017" 13437:"Episode dated 21/02/2017" 13397:"Episode dated 16/01/2017" 13353:"Episode dated 04/06/2021" 13264:"Episode dated 02/03/2018" 13228:"Episode dated 06/02/2017" 13184:"Episode dated 24/01/2017" 13142:"Episode dated 23/01/2017" 13092:"Episode dated 17/01/2017" 13050:"Episode dated 13/01/2017" 13010:"Episode dated 05/01/2017" 12923:"Episode dated 09/01/2017" 12772: 12740: 12679: 12633: 12599: 12553: 12525: 12485: 12443: 12413: 12387: 12357: 12345: 12311: 12304: 12293:) thanks for helping with 12268: 12238: 12210: 12180: 12163: 12101: 12063: 12033: 11991: 11953: 11921: 11887: 11845: 11807: 11753: 11742:A loan shark who provides 11719: 11685: 11655: 11636:A marriage counsellor who 11617: 11537: 11503: 11413: 11381: 11331: 11303: 11254: 11216: 11138: 11082: 11044: 11014: 10968: 10912: 10874: 10850: 10820: 10766: 10736: 10688: 10672: 10588: 10556: 10524: 10486: 10432: 10394: 10364: 10272: 10226: 10188: 10158: 10078: 10023: 9981: 9971: 9948: 9938: 9910: 9856: 9815: 9803: 9770: 9738: 9713: 9706: 9694: 9680: 9650: 9612: 9589: 9564: 9539: 9532:) that she must apply for 9510: 9480: 9466: 9428: 9398: 9368: 9356: 9311: 9271: 9205: 9155: 9119: 9089: 9058:Traffic PC Patrice Newbold 9055: 9017: 8975: 8934: 8896: 8858: 8820: 8772: 8724: 8686: 8630: 8593: 8557: 8523: 8486: 8452: 8440: 8410: 8380: 8334: 8296: 8293:) after she is arrested.} 8235: 8129: 8083: 8046: 8007: 7953: 7906: 7889: 7857: 7827: 7789: 7759: 7686: 7658: 7622: 7562: 7524: 7510: 7166:19 February 2021 7149:29 December 2017 7105:This section is about the 7104: 6919:27 December 2018 6902:28 December 2017 6009:19 December 2017 5841:) places an advert for an 5647:Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5346:Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5121:Staffordshire Bull Terrier 4905: 4640:Staffordshire Bull Terrier 4346: 4303:Staffordshire Bull Terrier 4263: 4032:show." Executive producer 2967:in the show, is played by 2592:16 February 2018 1938:Chairman, Weyland & Co 337: 179: 25002:Characters from spin-offs 24779: 24768: 23511: 23498: 23296: 23283: 12773: 12741: 12680: 12634: 12600: 12554: 12526: 12486: 12444: 12414: 12388: 12358: 12346: 12329: 12317: 12312: 12305: 12284: 12279: 12274: 12269: 12239: 12211: 12181: 12164: 12123: 12102: 12064: 12034: 11992: 11954: 11922: 11888: 11846: 11808: 11754: 11720: 11686: 11656: 11618: 11538: 11504: 11414: 11382: 11332: 11304: 11255: 11217: 11139: 11083: 11045: 11015: 11003:) to stop arguing around 10969: 10913: 10875: 10851: 10821: 10767: 10737: 10689: 10673: 10608: 10603: 10589: 10557: 10525: 10487: 10433: 10395: 10365: 10273: 10253:) sees to get tested for 10227: 10189: 10159: 10079: 10024: 9982: 9949: 9916: 9911: 9857: 9816: 9804: 9791: 9776: 9771: 9739: 9714: 9707: 9700: 9695: 9681: 9668: 9656: 9651: 9613: 9590: 9565: 9540: 9511: 9486: 9481: 9467: 9446: 9434: 9429: 9399: 9369: 9357: 9329: 9317: 9312: 9272: 9206: 9156: 9120: 9090: 9084:Crown Prosecution Service 9056: 9018: 8976: 8935: 8902: 8897: 8859: 8821: 8773: 8725: 8687: 8631: 8594: 8558: 8524: 8487: 8453: 8441: 8428: 8416: 8411: 8381: 8335: 8297: 8236: 8130: 8084: 8047: 8008: 7954: 7907: 7890: 7877: 7858: 7828: 7808:The widow of Tony, a man 7790: 7760: 7687: 7659: 7623: 7563: 7525: 7520: 7517: 7514: 7511: 7504: 7400:after her mother becomes 7326: 7312: 7282: 7268: 7254: 7240: 7230: 7220: 7206: 7201: 7197: 7187: 7177: 7160: 7143: 7135: 7127: 7122: 7009: 6987: 6979: 6969: 6959: 6954: 6950: 6940: 6930: 6913: 6896: 6888: 6878: 6870: 6865: 6607: 6599: 6591: 6586: 6582: 6572: 6562: 6552: 6542: 6534: 6524: 6516: 6511: 6358: 6344: 6334: 6324: 6306: 6292: 6280: 6266: 6256: 6242: 6232: 6222: 6208: 6203: 6199: 6189: 6179: 6169: 6161: 6149: 6141: 6136: 6049: 6044: 6040: 6030: 6020: 6003: 5986: 5976: 5968: 5963: 5811: 5806: 5802: 5792: 5782: 5772: 5762: 5754: 5744: 5736: 5731: 5594: 5580: 5570: 5556: 5542: 5532: 5522: 5517: 5513: 5497: 5487: 5477: 5467: 5459: 5451: 5443: 5438: 5293: 5279: 5269: 5255: 5241: 5231: 5221: 5216: 5212: 5196: 5186: 5176: 5166: 5158: 5150: 5142: 5137: 5000: 4995: 4991: 4983: 4973: 4963: 4953: 4943: 4935: 4925: 4917: 4912: 4770:) in an illegal job with 4576: 4566: 4556: 4546: 4536: 4514: 4504: 4481: 4476: 4472: 4462: 4452: 4442: 4434: 4424: 4416: 4411: 4266:Karen Taylor (EastEnders) 4189: 4140: 4135: 4131: 4121: 4111: 4101: 4091: 4081: 4073: 4068: 3922: 3914: 3903: 3898: 3894: 3884: 3874: 3864: 3854: 3846: 3836: 3828: 3823: 3616: 3608: 3597: 3589: 3584: 3580: 3570: 3560: 3548: 3538: 3530: 3520: 3512: 3507: 3435: 3430: 3426: 3406: 3396: 3386: 3376: 3368: 3358: 3350: 3345: 3204:When business consultant 3106: 3101: 3097: 3087: 3077: 3067: 3057: 3049: 3039: 3031: 3026: 2979:) who helps Jay organise 2948: 2938: 2928: 2918: 2910: 2905: 2764: 2668: 2658: 2650: 2640: 2632: 2627: 2623: 2613: 2603: 2586: 2569: 2561: 2551: 2543: 2538: 2457: 2452: 2448: 2438: 2428: 2418: 2408: 2400: 2392: 2384: 2379: 2250: 2245: 2241: 2231: 2221: 2211: 2201: 2193: 2185: 2180: 2119: 2111: 2106: 2102: 2092: 2082: 2072: 2062: 2054: 2046: 2038: 2033: 1936:, (initially credited as 1917: 1907: 1897: 1889: 1881: 1873: 1868: 1864: 1854: 1844: 1834: 1824: 1814: 1806: 1801: 1665: 1660: 1656: 1646: 1636: 1626: 1616: 1606: 1598: 1593: 1572:James-Phelps' casting in 1469: 1464: 1460: 1450: 1440: 1430: 1420: 1412: 1404: 1399: 1133: 1128: 1124: 1114: 1104: 1094: 1084: 1080:Sydney Craven (Alexandra) 1074: 1066: 1059: 921: 895: 881: 871: 853: 843: 824: 814: 796: 777: 763: 753: 745: 737: 727: 717: 707: 702: 698: 682: 672: 661:13 January 2017 655: 647: 639: 631: 626: 539: 521: 507: 489: 481: 476: 472: 462: 452: 442: 432: 422: 414: 409: 23871:Bruno and Luisa di Marco 19630:Lee, Ben (2 June 2017). 12618:A photographer from the 10839:A talent scout who asks 9891:) through a dating app. 9499:A woman who queues with 9036:A person who arrives at 8455:Sergeant Lucius Hamilton 8176:). She later meets with 7675:A nurse that takes away 3338: 2898: 1902:Elizabeth Willmott-Brown 294:), was born in October. 170:) and love interest for 24997:The Banned band members 11532:Christopher Ravenscroft 11177:) find Phil's daughter 10755:A doctor who speaks to 10609:Two mechanics hired by 10117:Matthew Mitchell Cotton 9639:) and later interviews 9578:A woman who interviews 9330:Two strippers hired by 7778:The son of Tony, a man 7647:). Kathy tells her son 7202:In-universe information 6955:In-universe information 6587:In-universe information 6204:In-universe information 6045:In-universe information 5946:. Laura-Jayne Tyler of 5807:In-universe information 5518:In-universe information 5217:In-universe information 5072:) stops him tugging on 4996:In-universe information 4477:In-universe information 4136:In-universe information 3899:In-universe information 3585:In-universe information 3431:In-universe information 3102:In-universe information 2628:In-universe information 2575:17 March 2017 2453:In-universe information 2246:In-universe information 2107:In-universe information 1869:In-universe information 1661:In-universe information 1465:In-universe information 1129:In-universe information 1078:Seraphina Beh (Madison) 703:In-universe information 477:In-universe information 310:), Karen's sister, and 23213:Executive Consultant: 23180:Executive Consultant: 23147:Executive Consultant: 23114:Executive Consultant: 23077:Executive Consultant: 22849:Executive Consultant: 22816:Executive Consultant: 22783:Executive Consultant: 22750:Executive Consultant: 22714:Executive Consultant: 21779:Executive Consultant: 21632:Executive Consultant: 21564:Executive Consultant: 21531:Executive Consultant: 21495:Executive Consultant: 21459:Executive Consultant: 21423:Executive Consultant: 21387:Executive Consultant: 21345:Executive Consultant: 21305:Executive Consultant: 21265:Executive Consultant: 20269:Executive Consultant: 18507:Executive Consultant: 18072:Executive Consultant: 18034:Executive Consultant: 17992:Executive Consultant: 17955:Executive Consultant: 13347:Executive Consultant: 13258:Executive Consultant: 12506:The former fiancée of 12474:) in and later out of 11972:A doctor who examines 10383:A signwriter hired by 10215:) takes his children, 8542:A journalist from the 7599:). With his colleague 7055: 5060:The Taylors arrive on 4931:Uncredited (2017–2021) 4604: 3661: 3128: 2877:referred to Josh as a 997:cirrhosis of the liver 37: 23821:Charlie Cotton (2014) 23816:Charlie Cotton (1986) 12795:A doctor who informs 12014:A police officer who 10847:) to become a model. 9475:Shanice Stewart-Jones 9417:A man who interviews 7961:26 January – 30 March 7144:First appearance 7050: 6897:First appearance 6543:First appearance 6170:First appearance 6105:Maguire's casting in 5992:6 July 2017 5987:First appearance 5891:) and their children 5763:First appearance 5468:First appearance 5167:First appearance 4944:First appearance 4599: 4443:First appearance 4092:First appearance 3855:First appearance 3655: 3539:First appearance 3491:Cydney Yeates of the 3377:First appearance 3127:plays Woody Woodward. 3123: 3058:First appearance 2777:Shanice Stewart-Jones 2570:First appearance 2409:First appearance 2202:First appearance 2063:First appearance 1825:First appearance 1617:First appearance 1421:First appearance 1374:Laura-Jayne Tyler of 1085:First appearance 656:First appearance 433:First appearance 383:(Alex James-Phelps), 254:(Alfie Jacobs) − and 32: 24992:Dickens Hill inmates 24746:James Willmott-Brown 23033:Executive Producer: 22997:Executive Producer: 22961:Executive Producer: 22929:(4 September 2017). 22921:Executive Producer: 22885:Executive Producer: 22681:Executive Producer: 22648:Executive Producer: 22612:Executive Producer: 22576:Executive Producer: 22524:Executive Producer: 22488:Executive Producer: 22448:Executive Producer: 22398:Executive Producer: 22338:Executive Producer: 22302:Executive Producer: 22266:Executive Producer: 22226:Executive Producer: 22190:Executive Producer: 22154:Executive Producer: 22118:Executive Producer: 22085:Executive Producer: 22045:Executive Producer: 22003:Executive Producer: 21970:Executive Producer: 21937:Executive Producer: 21353:(29 December 2017). 21120:Executive Producer: 21082:Executive Producer: 20863:Executive Producer: 20760:Executive Producer: 20727:Executive Producer: 20694:Executive Producer: 20565:Executive Producer: 20525:Executive Producer: 20231:Executive Producer: 20198:Executive Producer: 20162:Executive Producer: 20120:Executive Producer: 20082:Executive Producer: 20042:Executive Producer: 20000:Executive Producer: 19960:Executive Producer: 19548:Executive Producer: 19504:Executive Producer: 19462:Executive Producer: 19422:Executive Producer: 19372:Executive Producer: 19308:Executive Producer: 19270:Executive Producer: 19035:Executive Producer: 18991:Executive Producer: 18945:Executive Producer: 18925:. 27 September 2019. 18817:Executive Producer: 18773:Executive Producer: 18467:Executive Producer: 18421:Executive Producer: 18373:Executive Producer: 18340:Executive Producer: 17926:(24 November 2017). 17918:Executive Producer: 17880:Executive Producer: 17844:Executive Producer: 17806:Executive Producer: 17766:Executive Producer: 17722:Executive Producer: 17678:Executive Producer: 17636:Executive Producer: 17598:Executive Producer: 17561:Executive Producer: 17495:Executive Producer: 17455:Executive Producer: 17409:Executive Producer: 17367:Executive Producer: 17331:Executive Producer: 17293:Executive Producer: 17251:(16 February 2018). 17138:Executive Producer: 17105:Executive Producer: 16956:Executive Producer: 16923:Executive Producer: 16885:Executive Producer: 16852:Executive Producer: 16816:Executive Producer: 16780:Executive Producer: 16740:Executive Producer: 16704:Executive Producer: 16667:Executive Producer: 16599:Executive Producer: 16559:Executive Producer: 16515:Executive Producer: 16447:Executive Producer: 16371:Executive Producer: 16335:Executive Producer: 16302:Executive Producer: 16262:Executive Producer: 16224:Executive Producer: 16184:Executive Producer: 16142:Executive Producer: 16100:Executive Producer: 16060:Executive Producer: 16020:Executive Producer: 15982:Executive Producer: 15942:Executive Producer: 15900:Executive Producer: 15860:Executive Producer: 15786:on 23 September 2017 15746:Executive Producer: 15706:Executive Producer: 15673:Executive Producer: 15631:Executive Producer: 15585:Executive Producer: 15552:Executive Producer: 15283:Executive Producer: 15247:Executive Producer: 15197:Executive Producer: 15151:Executive Producer: 15118:Executive Producer: 15068:Executive Producer: 15028:Executive Producer: 14990:Executive Producer: 14946:Executive Producer: 14896:Executive Producer: 14854:Executive Producer: 14816:Executive Producer: 14774:Executive Producer: 14726:Executive Producer: 14690:Executive Producer: 14644:Executive Producer: 14608:Executive Producer: 14572:Executive Producer: 14532:Executive Producer: 14492:Executive Producer: 14459:Executive Producer: 14413:Executive Producer: 14375:Executive Producer: 14342:Executive Producer: 14309:Executive Producer: 14271:Executive Producer: 14221:Executive Producer: 14171:Executive Producer: 14129:Executive Producer: 14096:Executive Producer: 14048:Executive Producer: 14010:Executive Producer: 13960:Executive Producer: 13916:Executive Producer: 13878:Executive Producer: 13834:Executive Producer: 13796:Executive Producer: 13750:Executive Producer: 13577:Executive Producer: 13541:Executive Producer: 13505:Executive Producer: 13469:Executive Producer: 13431:Executive Producer: 13387:Executive Producer: 13319:Patterson, Stephen. 13222:Executive Producer: 13174:Executive Producer: 13132:Executive Producer: 13086:Executive Producer: 13044:Executive Producer: 13004:Executive Producer: 12917:Executive Producer: 12698:A doctor who admits 12693:Clare Lawrence Moody 12476:James Willmott-Brown 12406:A doctor who treats 12082:A doctor who treats 11988:(Aine Garvey) home. 11864:A doctor who treats 11558:A doctor who treats 11376:Luisa Bradshaw-White 10933:A surgeon who gives 10899:grievous bodily harm 10219:(Abbie Knowles) and 10143:(Abbie Knowles) and 9208:Reverend Irene Mills 9202:) to take her home. 9114:Luisa Bradshaw-White 8948:A doctor that tells 8883:Luisa Bradshaw-White 8834:Theo Toksvig-Stewart 8807:Luisa Bradshaw-White 7327:Other relatives 7161:Last appearance 6914:Last appearance 6625:Aidan Joseph Patrick 6553:Last appearance 6438:postpartum psychosis 6359:Other relatives 6004:Last appearance 5773:Last appearance 5478:Last appearance 5177:Last appearance 5102:Luisa Bradshaw-White 4954:Last appearance 4102:Last appearance 3865:Last appearance 3549:Last appearance 3387:Last appearance 3159:Luisa Bradshaw-White 3068:Last appearance 2809:James Willmott-Brown 2645:James Willmott-Brown 2587:Last appearance 2419:Last appearance 2212:Last appearance 2073:Last appearance 1993:James Willmott-Brown 1983:) and half-brother, 1835:Last appearance 1627:Last appearance 1431:Last appearance 1095:Last appearance 922:Other relatives 746:Adoptive mother 738:Adoptive father 540:Other relatives 443:Last appearance 387:(Sydney Craven) and 345:Keegan Butcher-Baker 266:), were introduced. 164:James Willmott-Brown 108:(Sydney Craven) and 21677:Hearst Magazines UK 21215:. 11 September 2017 18287:Hearst Magazines UK 18000:(5 December 2017). 17963:(4 December 2017). 16607:(27 October 2017). 15780:"Alex James-Phelps" 15639:(20 January 2017). 13395:(16 January 2017). 13182:(24 January 2017). 13140:(23 January 2017). 12590:Stratford-upon-Avon 11772:A doctor who tells 11674:A doctor who tells 11360:Christopher Timothy 11103:A nurse who allows 10987:A nurse who orders 10957:) and Bex's mother 10949:), Louise's friend 10545:A doctor who tells 10229:Nurse Rachel Covell 10050:Christopher Timothy 9837:) to his colleague 9792:A young mother who 8915:A nurse that tells 8184:) and his daughter 8118:) later reveals to 7538:Gillian Kirkpatrick 4845:Executive producer 4807:Christopher Timothy 4488:Newspaper deliverer 3953:Christopher Timothy 3658:Christopher Timothy 3639:Christopher Timothy 3525:Christopher Timothy 3142:, played by singer 1533:) and half-brother 562:, is the mother of 204:Christopher Timothy 24316:Little Mo Mitchell 23841:Tom "Rocky" Cotton 23290:Present characters 19918:. 24 January 2024. 18953:(25 August 2017). 12957:. 23 February 2022 12813:The Queen Victoria 12708:The Queen Victoria 12501:Alexandra Sinclair 12466:A man who escorts 12257:A woman who books 12194:Anita Louise Combe 11906:A man who accuses 11600:Shaheen Jafargholi 11474:Shaheen Jafargholi 11460:). She then tells 11421:11 September 2017– 11279:The Queen Victoria 11203:Shaheen Jafargholi 11090:31 July – 1 August 11033:A nurse who tells 10971:Nurse Amanda Jacob 10451:A woman who tells 10280:16 June – 3 August 10135:). Liz arrives in 10099:Liz is married to 10070:The Queen Victoria 9573:Melanie Gutteridge 9340:The Queen Victoria 8841:The Queen Victoria 8780:14 March – 4 April 8759:Shaheen Jafargholi 8740:Sean Michael Verey 8719:Shaheen Jafargholi 8689:PC Annika Fairbank 8681:Sean Michael Verey 8665:Shaheen Jafargholi 8614:The Queen Victoria 8515:The Queen Victoria 8383:Nurse Gemma Bardon 8280:The Queen Victoria 8166:Shaheen Jafargholi 8067:The Queen Victoria 8038:The Queen Victoria 8036:) employs to cook 7956:Nurse Laura Barnes 7937:The Queen Victoria 7914:26 January – 9 May 7711:The Queen Victoria 7447:) and her husband 7406:The Queen Victoria 7313:First cousins 7188:Introduced by 7056: 6941:Introduced by 6795:The Queen Victoria 6706:) is beaten up by 6573:Introduced by 6493:, the daughter of 6345:First cousins 6190:Introduced by 6184:Present; recurring 6080:The Queen Victoria 6031:Introduced by 5793:Introduced by 5498:Introduced by 5197:Introduced by 5104:), Janet's father 4974:Introduced by 4720:Shaheen Jafargholi 4605: 4494:Call centre worker 4463:Introduced by 4174:London Underground 4122:Introduced by 3885:Introduced by 3698:The Queen Victoria 3662: 3571:Introduced by 3407:Introduced by 3259:), competing with 3234:Danny-Boy Hatchard 3151:The Queen Victoria 3129: 3088:Introduced by 2998:Niomi Harris from 2949:Introduced by 2853:The Queen Victoria 2789:Alexandra Sinclair 2760:The Queen Victoria 2614:Introduced by 2487:The Queen Victoria 2439:Introduced by 2296:Dennis Rickman Jnr 2232:Introduced by 2145:Shaheen Jafargholi 2093:Introduced by 1973:The Queen Victoria 1855:Introduced by 1703:Shaheen Jafargholi 1647:Introduced by 1543:Dennis Rickman Jnr 1516:Shaheen Jafargholi 1451:Introduced by 1387:Martine McCutcheon 1307:Dennis Rickman Jnr 1187:Shaheen Jafargholi 1115:Introduced by 896:First cousins 790:Dennis Rickman Jnr 683:Introduced by 677:Present; recurring 651:2017, 2020–present 463:Introduced by 361:Shaheen Jafargholi 314:, the daughter of 278:, the daughter of 74:Shaheen Jafargholi 38: 25014: 25013: 25010: 25009: 24764: 24763: 23505:Former characters 23494: 23493: 23486:Priya Nandra-Hart 22346:(17 April 2017). 22053:(30 March 2017). 20984:"Frankie Brennan" 16675:(31 March 2017). 15356:. 31 January 2017 14421:(18 April 2017). 14233:(17 March 2017). 14183:(17 March 2017). 12844: 12843: 12780:28 December 2017– 12594:Stratford, London 11876:) and stepfather 11141:DS Jennifer Adney 11127:) and stepmother 11017:Nurse Jude Pepple 10791:Bernadette Taylor 10721:) is looking for 10651:Richard Blackwood 10323:Sanchia McCormack 10166:5 June – 3 August 10094:Michelle Connolly 9279:21 April – 4 July 8929:Gillian Taylforth 8899:Nurse Nicole Wade 8763:DS Yasmin Khodeir 8633:DS Yasmin Khodeir 8222:Bernadette Taylor 8124:Gillian Taylforth 8102:A contractor who 7792:Antoinette Giroux 7722:Gillian Taylforth 7645:Gillian Taylforth 7601:DI Sara Devenport 7527:DI Sara Devenport 7470:When Cora visits 7398:caesarean section 7356: 7355: 7352: 7351: 7182:Former; recurring 7060:Bernadette Taylor 7027: 7026: 7023: 7022: 7018:Bernadette Taylor 6935:Former; recurring 6879:Portrayed by 6855:to get started." 6787:Gillian Taylforth 6672:Richard Blackwood 6656:Bernadette Taylor 6642:Aidan arrives in 6622: 6621: 6618: 6617: 6525:Portrayed by 6486:Coronation Street 6454:Caesarean section 6412: 6411: 6408: 6407: 6150:Portrayed by 6076:Gillian Taylforth 6061: 6060: 6057: 6056: 6025:Former; recurring 5977:Portrayed by 5863:Bernadette Taylor 5825: 5824: 5821: 5820: 5787:Former; recurring 5745:Portrayed by 5706:Coronation Street 5635:Bernadette Taylor 5612: 5611: 5608: 5607: 5565:Bernadette Taylor 5492:Former; recurring 5452:Portrayed by 5413:Coronation Street 5311: 5310: 5307: 5306: 5264:Bernadette Taylor 5191:Former; recurring 5151:Portrayed by 5053:(Tom Jacobs) and 5043:Bernadette Taylor 5012: 5011: 5008: 5007: 4968:Former; recurring 4926:Portrayed by 4870:Coronation Street 4760:Richard Blackwood 4634:(Tom Jacobs) and 4608:Bernadette Taylor 4594: 4593: 4590: 4589: 4425:Portrayed by 4412:Bernadette Taylor 4405:Bernadette Taylor 4380:(Tom Jacobs) and 4337:Amy-Leigh Hickman 4297:(Tom Jacobs) and 4152: 4151: 4148: 4147: 4144:Financial advisor 4116:Former; recurring 4082:Portrayed by 4022:Bernadette Taylor 3938: 3937: 3934: 3933: 3837:Portrayed by 3763:Suzette Llewellyn 3752:Bernadette Taylor 3632: 3631: 3628: 3627: 3521:Portrayed by 3447: 3446: 3443: 3442: 3359:Portrayed by 3332:Coronation Street 3153:pub (The Vic) as 3149:Woody arrives at 3118: 3117: 3114: 3113: 3040:Portrayed by 2958: 2957: 2919:Portrayed by 2871:Tasha Hegarty of 2841:Gillian Taylforth 2682: 2681: 2678: 2677: 2552:Portrayed by 2495:Gillian Taylforth 2469: 2468: 2465: 2464: 2433:Former; recurring 2412:Episode 5443/5444 2393:Portrayed by 2357:Justin Harp from 2344:Gillian Taylforth 2262: 2261: 2258: 2257: 2226:Former; recurring 2194:Portrayed by 2131: 2130: 2127: 2126: 2047:Portrayed by 2021:Gillian Taylforth 1931: 1930: 1927: 1926: 1849:Former; recurring 1815:Portrayed by 1746:Travis Law-Hughes 1677: 1676: 1673: 1672: 1607:Portrayed by 1484:Travis Law-Hughes 1481: 1480: 1477: 1476: 1445:Former; recurring 1416:Alex James-Phelps 1413:Portrayed by 1400:Travis Law-Hughes 1393:Travis Law-Hughes 1345:Beh's casting in 1263:Gillian Taylforth 1247:Amy-Leigh Hickman 1171:Alex James-Phelps 1167:Travis Law-Hughes 1152:Alexandra D'Costa 1145: 1144: 1141: 1140: 1109:Former; recurring 1075:Portrayed by 1062:Alexandra D'Costa 1060:Madison Drake and 967: 966: 963: 962: 904:Courtney Mitchell 640:Portrayed by 614:Richard Blackwood 553: 552: 549: 548: 423:Portrayed by 385:Alexandra D'Costa 381:Travis Law-Hughes 355:, is a friend of 250:(Tom Jacobs) and 240:Bernadette Taylor 110:Travis Law-Hughes 106:Alexandra D'Costa 104:(Seraphina Beh), 84:), the mother of 16:(Redirected from 25044: 24770: 24769: 24631:Hattie Tavernier 24346:Tiffany Mitchell 24036:Christine Hewitt 23791:Christian Clarke 23781:Lorna Cartwright 23741:Kelvin Carpenter 23661:Bradley Branning 23546:Chantelle Atkins 23500: 23499: 23285: 23284: 23267: 23260: 23253: 23244: 23243: 23237: 23236: 23210: 23204: 23203: 23177: 23171: 23170: 23144: 23138: 23137: 23111: 23105: 23104: 23074: 23061: 23060: 23030: 23021: 23020: 22994: 22985: 22984: 22958: 22949: 22948: 22918: 22909: 22908: 22882: 22873: 22872: 22846: 22840: 22839: 22813: 22807: 22806: 22780: 22774: 22773: 22747: 22738: 22737: 22711: 22705: 22704: 22678: 22672: 22671: 22645: 22636: 22635: 22609: 22600: 22599: 22573: 22548: 22547: 22521: 22512: 22511: 22485: 22476: 22475: 22445: 22426: 22425: 22395: 22366: 22365: 22335: 22326: 22325: 22299: 22290: 22289: 22263: 22254: 22253: 22223: 22214: 22213: 22187: 22178: 22177: 22151: 22142: 22141: 22115: 22109: 22108: 22082: 22073: 22072: 22042: 22027: 22026: 22000: 21994: 21993: 21967: 21961: 21960: 21934: 21917: 21916: 21914: 21912: 21897: 21884: 21883: 21881: 21879: 21864: 21858: 21857: 21855: 21853: 21838: 21829: 21828: 21826: 21824: 21809: 21803: 21802: 21776: 21770: 21769: 21767: 21765: 21748: 21742: 21741: 21739: 21737: 21722: 21716: 21715: 21713: 21711: 21694: 21688: 21687: 21685: 21683: 21662: 21656: 21655: 21629: 21614: 21613: 21611: 21609: 21594: 21588: 21587: 21561: 21555: 21554: 21528: 21519: 21518: 21492: 21483: 21482: 21456: 21447: 21446: 21420: 21411: 21410: 21384: 21373: 21372: 21342: 21329: 21328: 21302: 21289: 21288: 21262: 21253: 21252: 21250: 21248: 21231: 21225: 21224: 21222: 21220: 21205: 21196: 21195: 21193: 21191: 21176: 21170: 21169: 21167: 21165: 21150: 21144: 21143: 21117: 21106: 21105: 21079: 21058: 21057: 21055: 21053: 21038: 21032: 21031: 21029: 21027: 21002: 20996: 20995: 20993: 20991: 20980: 20974: 20973: 20971: 20969: 20958: 20952: 20951: 20949: 20947: 20938:. Archived from 20925: 20919: 20918: 20916: 20914: 20897: 20891: 20890: 20860: 20854: 20853: 20839: 20833: 20832: 20818: 20812: 20811: 20809: 20807: 20790: 20784: 20783: 20757: 20751: 20750: 20724: 20718: 20717: 20691: 20685: 20684: 20682: 20680: 20663: 20657: 20656: 20654: 20652: 20637: 20631: 20630: 20628: 20626: 20611: 20596: 20595: 20593: 20591: 20562: 20556: 20555: 20553: 20551: 20522: 20516: 20515: 20513: 20511: 20496: 20490: 20489: 20487: 20485: 20470: 20464: 20463: 20461: 20459: 20444: 20438: 20437: 20435: 20433: 20418: 20409: 20408: 20406: 20404: 20389: 20383: 20382: 20380: 20378: 20363: 20352: 20351: 20349: 20347: 20332: 20326: 20325: 20323: 20321: 20306: 20293: 20292: 20266: 20255: 20254: 20228: 20222: 20221: 20195: 20186: 20185: 20159: 20144: 20143: 20117: 20106: 20105: 20079: 20066: 20065: 20039: 20028: 20027: 19997: 19984: 19983: 19957: 19946: 19945: 19943: 19941: 19926: 19920: 19919: 19912: 19906: 19905: 19904:. 22 April 2024. 19892: 19886: 19885: 19878: 19872: 19871: 19869: 19867: 19852: 19846: 19845: 19843: 19841: 19826: 19809: 19808: 19806: 19804: 19789: 19764: 19763: 19761: 19759: 19744: 19729: 19728: 19726: 19724: 19707: 19701: 19700: 19698: 19696: 19679: 19673: 19672: 19658: 19649: 19648: 19646: 19644: 19627: 19621: 19620: 19606: 19600: 19599: 19597: 19595: 19578: 19572: 19571: 19545: 19528: 19527: 19501: 19486: 19485: 19459: 19446: 19445: 19419: 19400: 19399: 19369: 19356: 19355: 19338: 19332: 19331: 19305: 19294: 19293: 19267: 19258: 19257: 19255: 19253: 19236: 19230: 19229: 19228:. 22 March 2018. 19216: 19210: 19209: 19207: 19205: 19190: 19177: 19176: 19174: 19172: 19157: 19148: 19147: 19145: 19143: 19128: 19119: 19118: 19116: 19114: 19099: 19090: 19089: 19087: 19085: 19068: 19059: 19058: 19032: 19015: 19014: 18988: 18973: 18972: 18942: 18927: 18926: 18913: 18907: 18906: 18904: 18902: 18887: 18878: 18877: 18875: 18873: 18864:. Archived from 18851: 18845: 18844: 18814: 18797: 18796: 18770: 18761: 18760: 18758: 18756: 18735: 18729: 18728: 18726: 18724: 18703: 18697: 18696: 18694: 18692: 18680:Awards longlist" 18671: 18665: 18664: 18654: 18648: 18647: 18645: 18643: 18626: 18620: 18619: 18617: 18615: 18598: 18592: 18591: 18589: 18587: 18570: 18564: 18563: 18561: 18559: 18542: 18531: 18530: 18504: 18495: 18494: 18464: 18449: 18448: 18418: 18397: 18396: 18370: 18364: 18363: 18337: 18324: 18323: 18321: 18319: 18304: 18298: 18297: 18295: 18293: 18272: 18266: 18265: 18263: 18261: 18244: 18235: 18234: 18227: 18221: 18220: 18207: 18201: 18200: 18186: 18180: 18179: 18177: 18175: 18158: 18152: 18151: 18149: 18147: 18130: 18124: 18123: 18121: 18119: 18102: 18096: 18095: 18069: 18058: 18057: 18031: 18020: 18019: 17989: 17983: 17982: 17952: 17946: 17945: 17915: 17904: 17903: 17877: 17868: 17867: 17841: 17830: 17829: 17803: 17790: 17789: 17763: 17750: 17749: 17730:(27 July 2017). 17719: 17706: 17705: 17686:(10 July 2017). 17675: 17660: 17659: 17633: 17622: 17621: 17595: 17589: 17588: 17569:(15 June 2017). 17558: 17523: 17522: 17492: 17479: 17478: 17452: 17433: 17432: 17406: 17391: 17390: 17364: 17355: 17354: 17328: 17317: 17316: 17290: 17273: 17272: 17266: 17264: 17245: 17239: 17238: 17236: 17234: 17217: 17211: 17210: 17208: 17206: 17189: 17183: 17182: 17168: 17162: 17161: 17135: 17129: 17128: 17102: 17091: 17090: 17088: 17086: 17069: 17060: 17059: 17057: 17055: 17038: 17032: 17031: 17029: 17027: 17012: 17006: 17005: 17003: 17001: 16986: 16980: 16979: 16953: 16947: 16946: 16920: 16909: 16908: 16882: 16876: 16875: 16849: 16840: 16839: 16813: 16804: 16803: 16777: 16764: 16763: 16737: 16728: 16727: 16701: 16695: 16694: 16664: 16655: 16654: 16652: 16650: 16633: 16627: 16626: 16596: 16583: 16582: 16556: 16543: 16542: 16512: 16499: 16498: 16496: 16494: 16477: 16471: 16470: 16444: 16423: 16422: 16420: 16418: 16401: 16395: 16394: 16368: 16359: 16358: 16332: 16326: 16325: 16299: 16286: 16285: 16259: 16248: 16247: 16221: 16208: 16207: 16181: 16166: 16165: 16139: 16124: 16123: 16097: 16084: 16083: 16057: 16044: 16043: 16017: 16006: 16005: 15979: 15966: 15965: 15939: 15924: 15923: 15897: 15884: 15883: 15857: 15851: 15850: 15848: 15846: 15830: 15824: 15823: 15821: 15819: 15802: 15796: 15795: 15793: 15791: 15776: 15770: 15769: 15743: 15734: 15733: 15703: 15697: 15696: 15670: 15659: 15658: 15628: 15609: 15608: 15582: 15576: 15575: 15549: 15536: 15535: 15533: 15531: 15514: 15508: 15507: 15505: 15503: 15486: 15480: 15479: 15469: 15463: 15462: 15452: 15446: 15445: 15443: 15441: 15426: 15420: 15419: 15417: 15415: 15400: 15394: 15393: 15391: 15389: 15372: 15366: 15365: 15363: 15361: 15344: 15338: 15337: 15331: 15329: 15313: 15307: 15306: 15280: 15271: 15270: 15244: 15229: 15228: 15209:(20 July 2017). 15194: 15179: 15178: 15148: 15142: 15141: 15115: 15092: 15091: 15065: 15052: 15051: 15025: 15014: 15013: 14987: 14970: 14969: 14943: 14924: 14923: 14904:(16 June 2017). 14893: 14878: 14877: 14851: 14840: 14839: 14813: 14798: 14797: 14771: 14754: 14753: 14723: 14714: 14713: 14687: 14668: 14667: 14641: 14632: 14631: 14605: 14596: 14595: 14569: 14556: 14555: 14529: 14516: 14515: 14489: 14483: 14482: 14456: 14441: 14440: 14410: 14399: 14398: 14372: 14366: 14365: 14339: 14333: 14332: 14306: 14295: 14294: 14268: 14253: 14252: 14218: 14203: 14202: 14168: 14153: 14152: 14126: 14120: 14119: 14093: 14072: 14071: 14045: 14034: 14033: 14007: 13984: 13983: 13957: 13940: 13939: 13913: 13902: 13901: 13875: 13858: 13857: 13831: 13820: 13819: 13793: 13782: 13781: 13762:(21 July 2017). 13747: 13726: 13725: 13723: 13721: 13706: 13700: 13699: 13697: 13695: 13680: 13674: 13673: 13671: 13669: 13654: 13648: 13647: 13645: 13643: 13628: 13622: 13621: 13607: 13601: 13600: 13574: 13565: 13564: 13538: 13529: 13528: 13502: 13493: 13492: 13466: 13455: 13454: 13428: 13415: 13414: 13384: 13378: 13377: 13375: 13373: 13344: 13338: 13337: 13335: 13333: 13316: 13310: 13309: 13307: 13305: 13288: 13282: 13281: 13255: 13246: 13245: 13219: 13202: 13201: 13171: 13160: 13159: 13129: 13110: 13109: 13083: 13068: 13067: 13041: 13028: 13027: 13001: 12995: 12994: 12992: 12990: 12973: 12967: 12966: 12964: 12962: 12947: 12941: 12940: 12914: 12905: 12904: 12902: 12900: 12885: 12879: 12878: 12876: 12874: 12857: 12822:Jacqueline Jossa 12809:Lorna Fitzgerald 12792: 12785: 12776: 12767:Lorraine Stanley 12758: 12751: 12744: 12719:Jacqueline Jossa 12704:Lorna Fitzgerald 12695: 12688: 12683: 12674:Lorna Fitzgerald 12666:Jacqueline Jossa 12649: 12642: 12637: 12628:Jacqueline Jossa 12615: 12608: 12603: 12569: 12567:Dominic Thorburn 12562: 12557: 12548:Jacqueline Jossa 12539: 12534: 12529: 12520:Jacqueline Jossa 12503: 12496: 12489: 12463: 12456: 12447: 12429: 12422: 12417: 12403: 12396: 12391: 12382:Lorna Fitzgerald 12373: 12366: 12361: 12354: 12349: 12327: 12320: 12315: 12308: 12282: 12277: 12272: 12254: 12247: 12242: 12224: 12219: 12214: 12196: 12189: 12184: 12177: 12172: 12167: 12121: 12114: 12109:16 October 2017– 12105: 12079: 12072: 12067: 12049: 12042: 12037: 12011: 12009:Jennifer Saayeng 12004: 12001:4 September 2018 11999:12 October 2017– 11995: 11969: 11962: 11957: 11939: 11932: 11925: 11903: 11896: 11891: 11861: 11854: 11849: 11823: 11816: 11811: 11802:Brugada syndrome 11769: 11762: 11757: 11756:Manprett Hesbani 11748:Lorraine Stanley 11739: 11732: 11723: 11701: 11694: 11689: 11671: 11664: 11659: 11633: 11626: 11621: 11580:Brugada syndrome 11555: 11548: 11541: 11519: 11512: 11507: 11482:Tamzin Outhwaite 11458:Jacqueline Jossa 11450:Lorna Fitzgerald 11433: 11426: 11417: 11399: 11392: 11385: 11351: 11344: 11335: 11317: 11312: 11307: 11270: 11263: 11258: 11232: 11225: 11220: 11158: 11151: 11142: 11100: 11093: 11086: 11063:A therapist who 11060: 11053: 11048: 11047:Dr Alice Waldren 11030: 11023: 11018: 10984: 10977: 10972: 10955:Jasmine Armfield 10930: 10923: 10916: 10890: 10883: 10878: 10864: 10859: 10854: 10836: 10829: 10824: 10799:Lorraine Stanley 10786: 10779: 10770: 10752: 10745: 10740: 10702: 10697: 10692: 10685: 10676: 10606: 10601: 10592: 10574: 10567: 10560: 10542: 10535: 10528: 10502: 10500:Malgorzata Klara 10495: 10490: 10475:) where to find 10448: 10441: 10436: 10410: 10403: 10398: 10380: 10373: 10368: 10337:, whose mother, 10290: 10283: 10276: 10242: 10235: 10230: 10204: 10197: 10192: 10183:Jacqueline Jossa 10174: 10169: 10162: 10096: 10089: 10082: 10066:Lorraine Stanley 10041: 10034: 10027: 9997: 9990: 9985: 9959: 9952: 9926: 9919: 9914: 9872: 9865: 9860: 9826: 9819: 9812: 9807: 9789: 9782: 9774: 9752: 9747: 9742: 9724: 9717: 9710: 9703: 9698: 9691: 9684: 9666: 9659: 9654: 9628: 9623: 9616: 9598: 9593: 9592:Manpreeet Khatri 9575: 9568: 9550: 9543: 9534:Universal Credit 9521: 9514: 9496: 9489: 9484: 9477: 9470: 9461:Jacqueline Jossa 9455:) presentation. 9444: 9437: 9432: 9414: 9407: 9402: 9384: 9377: 9372: 9365: 9360: 9327: 9320: 9315: 9298:Jacqueline Jossa 9289: 9282: 9275: 9266:Lorna Fitzgerald 9254:Reverend Stevens 9225: 9218: 9215:16 February 2018 9209: 9192:Jacqueline Jossa 9184:Lorna Fitzgerald 9171: 9164: 9159: 9133: 9128: 9123: 9105: 9098: 9093: 9071: 9064: 9059: 9033: 9026: 9021: 8991: 8984: 8979: 8945: 8943:Richard Clements 8938: 8912: 8910:Marta Kielkowicz 8905: 8900: 8874: 8867: 8862: 8836: 8829: 8824: 8790: 8783: 8776: 8751:Jasmine Armfield 8742: 8735: 8728: 8711:Jasmine Armfield 8702: 8695: 8690: 8657:Jasmine Armfield 8648: 8641: 8634: 8609: 8602: 8597: 8596:Justin Fairbrass 8588:Jasmine Armfield 8575: 8573:George Churchill 8568: 8561: 8539: 8532: 8527: 8502: 8495: 8490: 8468: 8461: 8456: 8449: 8444: 8426: 8419: 8414: 8396: 8389: 8384: 8350: 8343: 8338: 8312: 8305: 8300: 8251: 8244: 8239: 8238:Sgt Sharon Bayes 8190:Jasmine Armfield 8149: 8142: 8137:6 February 2017– 8133: 8099: 8092: 8087: 8062: 8055: 8050: 8028:A Thai chef who 8025: 8018: 8011: 7969: 7964: 7957: 7924: 7917: 7910: 7903: 7898: 7893: 7875: 7868: 7861: 7843: 7841:Kieron Jecchinis 7836: 7831: 7805: 7804:Frédérique Feder 7800: 7793: 7775: 7768: 7763: 7706: 7699: 7690: 7672: 7667: 7662: 7636: 7631: 7626: 7580: 7573: 7566: 7540: 7533: 7528: 7509: 7508: 7386:Jacqueline Jossa 7367:Lorna Fitzgerald 7199: 7198: 7173: 7171: 7156: 7154: 7120: 7119: 7052:Hannah Spearritt 7042:Lorraine Stanley 7034:Hannah Spearritt 7014:Chantelle Atkins 6952: 6951: 6926: 6924: 6909: 6907: 6883:Hannah Spearritt 6863: 6862: 6803:Tamzin Outhwaite 6751:Denise McCormack 6584: 6583: 6548:27 November 2017 6509: 6508: 6201: 6200: 6134: 6133: 6120:source told the 6042: 6041: 6016: 6014: 5999: 5997: 5961: 5960: 5929:Lorraine Stanley 5804: 5803: 5729: 5728: 5623:Lorraine Stanley 5585:Mackenzie Atkins 5561:Chantelle Atkins 5515: 5514: 5483:23 November 2023 5436: 5435: 5322:Lorraine Stanley 5284:Mackenzie Atkins 5260:Chantelle Atkins 5214: 5213: 5182:23 November 2023 5135: 5134: 5023:Lorraine Stanley 4993: 4992: 4910: 4909: 4792:Hannah Spearritt 4746:) on his stall, 4728:Jasmine Armfield 4660:Dr Natasha Black 4620:Lorraine Stanley 4571:Mackenzie Atkins 4541:Chantelle Atkins 4474: 4473: 4457:Present; regular 4409: 4408: 4366:Lorraine Stanley 4331:, the mother of 4275:Lorraine Stanley 4221:Lorraine Stanley 4133: 4132: 4066: 4065: 3988:Lorraine Stanley 3896: 3895: 3821: 3820: 3694:Lorraine Stanley 3660:was cast as Ted. 3582: 3581: 3505: 3504: 3428: 3427: 3343: 3342: 3297: 3257:Tamzin Outhwaite 3099: 3098: 3024: 3023: 2993:Lorna Fitzgerald 2903: 2902: 2744:Lorna Fitzgerald 2705:Jacqueline Jossa 2625: 2624: 2599: 2597: 2582: 2580: 2536: 2535: 2511:Lorraine Stanley 2450: 2449: 2414:16 February 2017 2377: 2376: 2292:Jasmine Armfield 2243: 2242: 2207:14 February 2017 2178: 2177: 2104: 2103: 2031: 2030: 1866: 1865: 1840:28 December 2017 1799: 1798: 1750:Romeo and Juliet 1695:Jasmine Armfield 1658: 1657: 1632:14 November 2017 1591: 1590: 1508:Jasmine Armfield 1462: 1461: 1397: 1396: 1383:Tiffany Mitchell 1326:Romeo and Juliet 1179:Jasmine Armfield 1126: 1125: 1057: 1056: 700: 699: 668: 666: 624: 623: 474: 473: 407: 406: 377:Jasmine Armfield 320:Lorna Fitzgerald 308:Hannah Spearritt 228:Lorraine Stanley 176:Jacqueline Jossa 21: 25052: 25051: 25047: 25046: 25045: 25043: 25042: 25041: 25017: 25016: 25015: 25006: 24987:Flaherty family 24775: 24760: 24661:Anthony Trueman 24636:Jules Tavernier 24626:Clyde Tavernier 24471:Kheerat Panesar 24331:Ronnie Mitchell 24321:Louise Mitchell 24296:Glenda Mitchell 24281:Archie Mitchell 24241:Josie McFarlane 24091:Blossom Jackson 24066:Vincent Hubbard 23971:Michelle Fowler 23931:Ferreira family 23876:Gianni di Marco 23846:Stella Crawford 23736:Tiffany Butcher 23531:Della Alexander 23507: 23490: 23401:Lauren Branning 23366:Yolande Trueman 23356:Patrick Trueman 23292: 23279: 23271: 23241: 23240: 23212: 23211: 23207: 23179: 23178: 23174: 23146: 23145: 23141: 23113: 23112: 23108: 23076: 23075: 23064: 23032: 23031: 23024: 22996: 22995: 22988: 22960: 22959: 22952: 22920: 22919: 22912: 22884: 22883: 22876: 22848: 22847: 22843: 22815: 22814: 22810: 22782: 22781: 22777: 22749: 22748: 22741: 22713: 22712: 22708: 22680: 22679: 22675: 22647: 22646: 22639: 22611: 22610: 22603: 22575: 22574: 22551: 22523: 22522: 22515: 22487: 22486: 22479: 22447: 22446: 22429: 22397: 22396: 22369: 22337: 22336: 22329: 22301: 22300: 22293: 22265: 22264: 22257: 22225: 22224: 22217: 22189: 22188: 22181: 22153: 22152: 22145: 22117: 22116: 22112: 22084: 22083: 22076: 22044: 22043: 22030: 22002: 22001: 21997: 21969: 21968: 21964: 21936: 21935: 21920: 21910: 21908: 21898: 21887: 21877: 21875: 21865: 21861: 21851: 21849: 21839: 21832: 21822: 21820: 21810: 21806: 21778: 21777: 21773: 21763: 21761: 21749: 21745: 21735: 21733: 21723: 21719: 21709: 21707: 21695: 21691: 21681: 21679: 21663: 21659: 21631: 21630: 21617: 21607: 21605: 21596: 21595: 21591: 21563: 21562: 21558: 21530: 21529: 21522: 21494: 21493: 21486: 21458: 21457: 21450: 21422: 21421: 21414: 21386: 21385: 21376: 21344: 21343: 21332: 21304: 21303: 21292: 21264: 21263: 21256: 21246: 21244: 21232: 21228: 21218: 21216: 21207: 21206: 21199: 21189: 21187: 21177: 21173: 21163: 21161: 21151: 21147: 21119: 21118: 21109: 21081: 21080: 21061: 21051: 21049: 21039: 21035: 21025: 21023: 21004: 21003: 20999: 20989: 20987: 20982: 20981: 20977: 20967: 20965: 20962:"Noach Persell" 20960: 20959: 20955: 20945: 20943: 20942:on 29 July 2017 20926: 20922: 20912: 20910: 20898: 20894: 20862: 20861: 20857: 20840: 20836: 20819: 20815: 20805: 20803: 20791: 20787: 20759: 20758: 20754: 20726: 20725: 20721: 20693: 20692: 20688: 20678: 20676: 20664: 20660: 20650: 20648: 20638: 20634: 20624: 20622: 20612: 20599: 20589: 20587: 20564: 20563: 20559: 20549: 20547: 20524: 20523: 20519: 20509: 20507: 20497: 20493: 20483: 20481: 20471: 20467: 20457: 20455: 20445: 20441: 20431: 20429: 20419: 20412: 20402: 20400: 20390: 20386: 20376: 20374: 20364: 20355: 20345: 20343: 20333: 20329: 20319: 20317: 20307: 20296: 20268: 20267: 20258: 20230: 20229: 20225: 20197: 20196: 20189: 20161: 20160: 20147: 20119: 20118: 20109: 20081: 20080: 20069: 20041: 20040: 20031: 20008:(7 July 2017). 19999: 19998: 19987: 19959: 19958: 19949: 19939: 19937: 19927: 19923: 19914: 19913: 19909: 19894: 19893: 19889: 19880: 19879: 19875: 19865: 19863: 19853: 19849: 19839: 19837: 19828: 19827: 19812: 19802: 19800: 19790: 19767: 19757: 19755: 19745: 19732: 19722: 19720: 19708: 19704: 19694: 19692: 19680: 19676: 19659: 19652: 19642: 19640: 19628: 19624: 19607: 19603: 19593: 19591: 19579: 19575: 19547: 19546: 19531: 19503: 19502: 19489: 19461: 19460: 19449: 19421: 19420: 19403: 19371: 19370: 19359: 19339: 19335: 19307: 19306: 19297: 19269: 19268: 19261: 19251: 19249: 19237: 19233: 19218: 19217: 19213: 19203: 19201: 19191: 19180: 19170: 19168: 19158: 19151: 19141: 19139: 19129: 19122: 19112: 19110: 19100: 19093: 19083: 19081: 19069: 19062: 19034: 19033: 19018: 18990: 18989: 18976: 18944: 18943: 18930: 18915: 18914: 18910: 18900: 18898: 18888: 18881: 18871: 18869: 18852: 18848: 18825:(26 May 2017). 18816: 18815: 18800: 18772: 18771: 18764: 18754: 18752: 18736: 18732: 18722: 18720: 18704: 18700: 18690: 18688: 18672: 18668: 18655: 18651: 18641: 18639: 18627: 18623: 18613: 18611: 18599: 18595: 18585: 18583: 18571: 18567: 18557: 18555: 18543: 18534: 18506: 18505: 18498: 18466: 18465: 18452: 18420: 18419: 18400: 18372: 18371: 18367: 18339: 18338: 18327: 18317: 18315: 18306: 18305: 18301: 18291: 18289: 18273: 18269: 18259: 18257: 18245: 18238: 18229: 18228: 18224: 18209: 18208: 18204: 18187: 18183: 18173: 18171: 18159: 18155: 18145: 18143: 18131: 18127: 18117: 18115: 18103: 18099: 18071: 18070: 18061: 18033: 18032: 18023: 17991: 17990: 17986: 17954: 17953: 17949: 17917: 17916: 17907: 17879: 17878: 17871: 17843: 17842: 17833: 17805: 17804: 17793: 17765: 17764: 17753: 17721: 17720: 17709: 17677: 17676: 17663: 17635: 17634: 17625: 17597: 17596: 17592: 17560: 17559: 17526: 17503:(8 June 2017). 17494: 17493: 17482: 17454: 17453: 17436: 17408: 17407: 17394: 17366: 17365: 17358: 17330: 17329: 17320: 17292: 17291: 17276: 17262: 17260: 17246: 17242: 17232: 17230: 17218: 17214: 17204: 17202: 17190: 17186: 17169: 17165: 17137: 17136: 17132: 17104: 17103: 17094: 17084: 17082: 17070: 17063: 17053: 17051: 17039: 17035: 17025: 17023: 17013: 17009: 16999: 16997: 16987: 16983: 16955: 16954: 16950: 16922: 16921: 16912: 16884: 16883: 16879: 16851: 16850: 16843: 16815: 16814: 16807: 16779: 16778: 16767: 16739: 16738: 16731: 16703: 16702: 16698: 16666: 16665: 16658: 16648: 16646: 16634: 16630: 16598: 16597: 16586: 16558: 16557: 16546: 16523:(25 May 2017). 16514: 16513: 16502: 16492: 16490: 16478: 16474: 16446: 16445: 16426: 16416: 16414: 16402: 16398: 16370: 16369: 16362: 16334: 16333: 16329: 16301: 16300: 16289: 16261: 16260: 16251: 16223: 16222: 16211: 16183: 16182: 16169: 16141: 16140: 16127: 16099: 16098: 16087: 16059: 16058: 16047: 16019: 16018: 16009: 15981: 15980: 15969: 15941: 15940: 15927: 15899: 15898: 15887: 15859: 15858: 15854: 15844: 15842: 15832: 15831: 15827: 15817: 15815: 15803: 15799: 15789: 15787: 15778: 15777: 15773: 15745: 15744: 15737: 15714:(9 June 2017). 15705: 15704: 15700: 15672: 15671: 15662: 15630: 15629: 15612: 15584: 15583: 15579: 15551: 15550: 15539: 15529: 15527: 15515: 15511: 15501: 15499: 15487: 15483: 15470: 15466: 15453: 15449: 15439: 15437: 15427: 15423: 15413: 15411: 15401: 15397: 15387: 15385: 15373: 15369: 15359: 15357: 15346: 15345: 15341: 15327: 15325: 15314: 15310: 15282: 15281: 15274: 15246: 15245: 15232: 15196: 15195: 15182: 15150: 15149: 15145: 15117: 15116: 15095: 15067: 15066: 15055: 15027: 15026: 15017: 14989: 14988: 14973: 14945: 14944: 14927: 14895: 14894: 14881: 14853: 14852: 14843: 14815: 14814: 14801: 14773: 14772: 14757: 14734:(12 May 2017). 14725: 14724: 14717: 14689: 14688: 14671: 14643: 14642: 14635: 14607: 14606: 14599: 14571: 14570: 14559: 14531: 14530: 14519: 14491: 14490: 14486: 14458: 14457: 14444: 14412: 14411: 14402: 14374: 14373: 14369: 14341: 14340: 14336: 14308: 14307: 14298: 14270: 14269: 14256: 14220: 14219: 14206: 14170: 14169: 14156: 14128: 14127: 14123: 14095: 14094: 14075: 14047: 14046: 14037: 14009: 14008: 13987: 13959: 13958: 13943: 13915: 13914: 13905: 13877: 13876: 13861: 13833: 13832: 13823: 13795: 13794: 13785: 13749: 13748: 13729: 13719: 13717: 13707: 13703: 13693: 13691: 13681: 13677: 13667: 13665: 13655: 13651: 13641: 13639: 13629: 13625: 13608: 13604: 13576: 13575: 13568: 13540: 13539: 13532: 13504: 13503: 13496: 13468: 13467: 13458: 13430: 13429: 13418: 13386: 13385: 13381: 13371: 13369: 13346: 13345: 13341: 13331: 13329: 13317: 13313: 13303: 13301: 13289: 13285: 13257: 13256: 13249: 13221: 13220: 13205: 13173: 13172: 13163: 13131: 13130: 13113: 13085: 13084: 13071: 13043: 13042: 13031: 13003: 13002: 12998: 12988: 12986: 12974: 12970: 12960: 12958: 12949: 12948: 12944: 12916: 12915: 12908: 12898: 12896: 12886: 12882: 12872: 12870: 12859: 12858: 12854: 12849: 12818:Lauren Branning 12788: 12783: 12782:19 January 2018 12781: 12779: 12774: 12754: 12749: 12747: 12742: 12715:Lauren Branning 12691: 12686: 12681: 12662:Lauren Branning 12645: 12640: 12635: 12624:Lauren Branning 12620:Walford Gazette 12611: 12606: 12601: 12580:) and his wife 12565: 12560: 12555: 12544:Lauren Branning 12537: 12532: 12527: 12516:Lauren Branning 12499: 12494: 12492: 12487: 12459: 12454: 12452: 12450: 12445: 12438:Bonnie Langford 12425: 12420: 12415: 12399: 12394: 12389: 12369: 12364: 12359: 12352: 12347: 12323: 12318: 12313: 12306: 12280: 12275: 12270: 12250: 12245: 12240: 12222: 12217: 12212: 12192: 12187: 12182: 12175: 12170: 12165: 12117: 12112: 12110: 12108: 12103: 12077:Bryony Afferson 12075: 12070: 12065: 12045: 12040: 12035: 12016:Michelle Fowler 12007: 12002: 12000: 11998: 11994:PC Amelia Gayle 11993: 11965: 11960: 11955: 11935: 11930: 11928: 11923: 11912:Natalie Cassidy 11899: 11894: 11889: 11857: 11852: 11847: 11828:Michelle Fowler 11819: 11814: 11809: 11767:Tania Rodrigues 11765: 11760: 11755: 11735: 11730: 11728: 11726: 11721: 11697: 11692: 11687: 11667: 11662: 11658:Dr Lucas Sharpe 11657: 11629: 11624: 11619: 11592:Bonnie Langford 11551: 11546: 11545:14–19 September 11544: 11539: 11515: 11510: 11505: 11490:Bonnie Langford 11454:Lauren Branning 11429: 11424: 11423:5 November 2018 11422: 11420: 11415: 11404:Michelle Fowler 11395: 11390: 11388: 11383: 11347: 11342: 11340: 11338: 11333: 11326:Jamie Borthwick 11315: 11310: 11305: 11266: 11261: 11256: 11228: 11223: 11218: 11179:Louise Mitchell 11171:Sharon Mitchell 11169:) and his wife 11154: 11149: 11147: 11145: 11140: 11129:Sharon Mitchell 11105:Louise Mitchell 11096: 11091: 11089: 11084: 11073:Louise Mitchell 11056: 11051: 11046: 11035:Louise Mitchell 11026: 11021: 11016: 11005:Louise Mitchell 10989:Sharon Mitchell 10980: 10975: 10970: 10963:Natalie Cassidy 10943:Sharon Mitchell 10935:Louise Mitchell 10926: 10921: 10919: 10914: 10903:Louise Mitchell 10886: 10881: 10876: 10862: 10857: 10852: 10841:Louise Mitchell 10832: 10827: 10822: 10782: 10777: 10775: 10773: 10768: 10748: 10743: 10738: 10700: 10695: 10690: 10683: 10681: 10679: 10674: 10655:Sharon Mitchell 10647:Vincent Hubbard 10604: 10599: 10597: 10595: 10590: 10570: 10565: 10563: 10558: 10538: 10533: 10531: 10526: 10511:Natalie Cassidy 10498: 10493: 10488: 10469:Patrick Trueman 10465:Natalie Cassidy 10444: 10439: 10434: 10406: 10401: 10396: 10376: 10371: 10366: 10311:Sharon Mitchell 10295:Louise Mitchell 10288:Charlie De Melo 10286: 10281: 10279: 10274: 10247:Louise Mitchell 10238: 10233: 10228: 10200: 10195: 10190: 10179:Lauren Branning 10172: 10167: 10165: 10160: 10125:Samantha Womack 10121:Ronnie Branning 10107:). Charlie and 10092: 10087: 10085: 10080: 10037: 10032: 10031:1 June – 3 July 10030: 10025: 10018:type 2 diabetes 9993: 9988: 9983: 9964:Michelle Fowler 9957:Hannah-Jane Fox 9955: 9950: 9943:Hannah Jane Fox 9931:Michelle Fowler 9922: 9917: 9912: 9893:Kim Fox-Hubbard 9868: 9863: 9858: 9822: 9817: 9810: 9805: 9785: 9781: 9779: 9777: 9772: 9750: 9745: 9740: 9720: 9715: 9708: 9701: 9696: 9687: 9682: 9669:Kai is man who 9662: 9657: 9652: 9626: 9621: 9619: 9614: 9603:Michelle Fowler 9596: 9591: 9580:Michelle Fowler 9571: 9566: 9555:Michelle Fowler 9546: 9541: 9517: 9512: 9492: 9487: 9482: 9473: 9468: 9457:Lauren Branning 9440: 9435: 9430: 9410: 9405: 9400: 9389:Michelle Fowler 9380: 9375: 9370: 9363: 9358: 9323: 9318: 9313: 9294:Lauren Branning 9285: 9280: 9278: 9273: 9258:Michael Keating 9223:Melanie Kilburn 9221: 9216: 9214: 9212: 9207: 9188:Lauren Branning 9167: 9162: 9157: 9142:Jamie Borthwick 9131: 9126: 9121: 9101: 9096: 9091: 9076:Michelle Fowler 9067: 9062: 9057: 9042:Jamie Borthwick 9029: 9024: 9019: 9008:Sharon Mitchell 8996:Michelle Fowler 8987: 8982: 8977: 8966:Michelle Fowler 8941: 8936: 8908: 8903: 8898: 8870: 8865: 8860: 8849:Kim Fox-Hubbard 8832: 8827: 8822: 8786: 8781: 8779: 8774: 8738: 8733: 8731: 8726: 8698: 8693: 8688: 8644: 8639: 8637: 8632: 8605: 8600: 8595: 8571: 8566: 8564: 8560:Samuel Philpott 8559: 8544:Walford Gazette 8535: 8530: 8525: 8498: 8493: 8488: 8464: 8459: 8454: 8447: 8442: 8422: 8417: 8412: 8392: 8387: 8382: 8375:Jamie Borthwick 8363:Michelle Fowler 8359:Bonnie Langford 8346: 8341: 8336: 8321:Samantha Womack 8317:Ronnie Branning 8308: 8303: 8298: 8287:Rainie Branning 8276:Annette Badland 8247: 8242: 8237: 8230:Roger Griffiths 8214:Louise Mitchell 8202:Mr Gethin Pryce 8160:) and her son, 8158:Bonnie Langford 8145: 8140: 8138: 8136: 8131: 8095: 8090: 8085: 8078:Annette Badland 8058: 8053: 8048: 8023:Yo Santhaveesuk 8021: 8016: 8014: 8009: 7998:Michelle Fowler 7967: 7962: 7960: 7955: 7933:Bonnie Langford 7920: 7915: 7913: 7908: 7901: 7896: 7891: 7871: 7866: 7864: 7859: 7852:Bonnie Langford 7839: 7834: 7829: 7803: 7798: 7796: 7791: 7771: 7766: 7761: 7754:Annette Badland 7702: 7697: 7695: 7693: 7688: 7670: 7665: 7660: 7634: 7629: 7624: 7613:Glenda Mitchell 7589:Samantha Womack 7585:Ronnie Branning 7578:Jonathan Harden 7576: 7571: 7569: 7565:DS Kye Anderson 7564: 7549:Samantha Womack 7545:Ronnie Branning 7536: 7531: 7526: 7507: 7429:Rainie Branning 7382:Lauren Branning 7345: 7341: 7337: 7333: 7319: 7305: 7301: 7297: 7293: 7289: 7287:Lauren Branning 7275: 7261: 7247: 7169: 7167: 7165: 7152: 7150: 7148: 7118: 7103: 7016: 7002: 6998: 6994: 6922: 6920: 6918: 6905: 6903: 6901: 6861: 6775:Sharon Mitchell 6771:Jamie Borthwick 6668:Vincent Hubbard 6567:Former; regular 6557: 6547: 6507: 6499:Jennie McAlpine 6450:Bonnie Langford 6403:Tiffany Butcher 6401: 6397: 6393: 6389: 6385: 6381: 6377: 6373: 6371:Belinda Peacock 6369: 6365: 6351: 6329:Michelle Fowler 6317: 6313: 6299: 6285: 6273: 6249: 6175:16 October 2017 6174: 6156: 6155:Frankie Brennan 6154: 6132: 6012: 6010: 6008: 5995: 5993: 5991: 5959: 5921:Jamie Borthwick 5905:Samantha Womack 5901:Ronnie Mitchell 5777: 5767: 5727: 5625:) and siblings 5601: 5587: 5563: 5549: 5505: 5482: 5472: 5463:2017–2020, 2023 5434: 5324:) and siblings 5300: 5286: 5262: 5248: 5204: 5181: 5171: 5162:2017–2020, 2023 5133: 4958: 4948: 4930: 4908: 4839: 4827:Judith Thompson 4811:Tiffany Butcher 4778:), Vincent and 4756:Vincent Hubbard 4732:Louise Mitchell 4622:) and siblings 4583: 4529: 4525: 4521: 4500: 4491:Glass collector 4447: 4407: 4368:) and siblings 4351: 4345: 4268: 4262: 4178:Sharon Mitchell 4166:Michelle Fowler 4107:9 November 2017 4106: 4096: 4064: 3929: 3927:Judith Thompson 3879:Former; regular 3869: 3859: 3819: 3713:Patrick Trueman 3623: 3621:Judith Thompson 3565:Former; regular 3555: 3553: 3543: 3503: 3414: 3392:15 October 2019 3391: 3381: 3341: 3325:, who portrays 3295: 3214:Sharon Mitchell 3082:Former; regular 3072: 3062: 3022: 2977:Jamie Borthwick 2933: 2929:Appears in 2901: 2701:Lauren Branning 2608:Former; regular 2595: 2593: 2591: 2578: 2576: 2574: 2534: 2503:Margaréta Szabó 2472:Konrad Topolski 2423: 2413: 2380:Konrad Topolski 2375: 2373:Konrad Topolski 2316:Louise Mitchell 2280:Sharon Mitchell 2269:Michelle Fowler 2216: 2206: 2176: 2077: 2068:6 February 2017 2067: 2029: 1893:Dulcie Browning 1839: 1830:26 January 2017 1829: 1797: 1742:Natalie Cassidy 1727:Louise Mitchell 1641:Former; regular 1631: 1622:23 January 2017 1621: 1589: 1555:Mr Gethin Pryce 1527:Sharon Mitchell 1488:Louise Mitchell 1436:2 November 2017 1435: 1426:17 January 2017 1425: 1395: 1343: 1295:Sharon Mitchell 1283:Natalie Cassidy 1251:Michelle Fowler 1239:Jamie Borthwick 1219:Mr Gethin Pryce 1217:), and teacher 1156:Louise Mitchell 1099: 1090:17 January 2017 1089: 1079: 1061: 1055: 1022:Tessa Churchard 1002:Sharon Mitchell 993:one-night stand 970:Raymond Dawkins 956: 952: 948: 944: 940: 936: 934:Ronnie Mitchell 932: 928: 914: 910: 906: 902: 888: 864: 860: 835: 831: 809:Louise Mitchell 807: 803: 788: 784: 770: 690: 664: 662: 660: 627:Raymond Dawkins 622: 620:Raymond Dawkins 610:Vincent Hubbard 591:Patrick Trueman 572:Kim Fox-Hubbard 532: 528: 514: 512:Raymond Dawkins 500: 496: 448:6 February 2017 447: 438:13 January 2017 437: 405: 393:Tiffany Butcher 365:Louise Mitchell 342: 336: 188:Jamie Borthwick 172:Lauren Branning 142:Konrad Topolski 134:Michelle Fowler 114:Mr Gethin Pryce 94:Kim Fox-Hubbard 76:), followed by 68:), a friend of 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 25050: 25040: 25039: 25034: 25029: 25012: 25011: 25008: 25007: 25005: 25004: 24999: 24994: 24989: 24982: 24981: 24976: 24971: 24966: 24961: 24956: 24951: 24946: 24941: 24936: 24931: 24926: 24921: 24916: 24911: 24906: 24901: 24896: 24891: 24886: 24881: 24876: 24871: 24866: 24861: 24856: 24851: 24846: 24841: 24836: 24831: 24826: 24821: 24816: 24811: 24806: 24801: 24796: 24791: 24786: 24780: 24777: 24776: 24766: 24765: 24762: 24761: 24759: 24758: 24753: 24748: 24743: 24741:Cindy Williams 24738: 24736:Debbie Wilkins 24733: 24728: 24726:Lorraine Wicks 24723: 24718: 24713: 24708: 24703: 24698: 24693: 24688: 24683: 24681:Chrissie Watts 24678: 24673: 24668: 24663: 24658: 24653: 24648: 24643: 24638: 24633: 24628: 24623: 24618: 24613: 24611:Gavin Sullivan 24608: 24603: 24598: 24593: 24588: 24583: 24578: 24573: 24568: 24566:Charlie Slater 24563: 24558: 24556:Lydia Simmonds 24553: 24548: 24543: 24538: 24533: 24528: 24523: 24521:Binnie Roberts 24518: 24516:Dennis Rickman 24513: 24508: 24503: 24501:Louise Raymond 24498: 24493: 24488: 24486:Frankie Pierre 24483: 24481:Minty Peterson 24478: 24473: 24468: 24463: 24458: 24453: 24448: 24443: 24438: 24433: 24428: 24423: 24421:Mercy Olubunmi 24418: 24413: 24408: 24403: 24398: 24393: 24388: 24383: 24378: 24373: 24368: 24363: 24358: 24353: 24348: 24343: 24338: 24333: 24328: 24326:Peggy Mitchell 24323: 24318: 24313: 24308: 24306:Jamie Mitchell 24303: 24301:Grant Mitchell 24298: 24293: 24291:Danny Mitchell 24288: 24283: 24278: 24273: 24268: 24263: 24258: 24253: 24248: 24243: 24238: 24233: 24228: 24223: 24218: 24216:Shabnam Masood 24213: 24208: 24203: 24198: 24193: 24188: 24183: 24178: 24173: 24168: 24163: 24158: 24153: 24148: 24143: 24138: 24136:Danielle Jones 24133: 24128: 24123: 24118: 24113: 24108: 24106:Robbie Jackson 24103: 24098: 24096:Carmel Jackson 24093: 24088: 24086:Billie Jackson 24083: 24081:Bianca Jackson 24078: 24073: 24068: 24063: 24061:Lofty Holloway 24058: 24053: 24048: 24043: 24038: 24033: 24028: 24023: 24021:Dexter Hartman 24018: 24013: 24008: 24003: 23998: 23996:Joanne Francis 23993: 23988: 23983: 23978: 23976:Pauline Fowler 23973: 23968: 23963: 23958: 23953: 23948: 23943: 23938: 23936:Conor Flaherty 23933: 23928: 23923: 23918: 23913: 23908: 23903: 23898: 23893: 23888: 23883: 23878: 23873: 23868: 23866:Beppe di Marco 23863: 23858: 23853: 23848: 23843: 23838: 23833: 23828: 23823: 23818: 23813: 23808: 23803: 23798: 23793: 23788: 23783: 23778: 23776:Zsa Zsa Carter 23773: 23768: 23763: 23761:Shirley Carter 23758: 23753: 23748: 23746:Tony Carpenter 23743: 23738: 23733: 23728: 23723: 23718: 23713: 23711:Janine Butcher 23708: 23703: 23698: 23693: 23691:Tanya Branning 23688: 23683: 23678: 23673: 23668: 23666:Derek Branning 23663: 23658: 23656:April Branning 23653: 23651:Alice Branning 23648: 23643: 23638: 23633: 23628: 23623: 23618: 23613: 23608: 23603: 23598: 23593: 23588: 23583: 23578: 23573: 23568: 23563: 23558: 23553: 23548: 23543: 23538: 23533: 23528: 23523: 23518: 23512: 23509: 23508: 23496: 23495: 23492: 23491: 23489: 23488: 23483: 23478: 23473: 23468: 23463: 23458: 23453: 23448: 23446:Callum Highway 23443: 23441:Elaine Peacock 23438: 23433: 23428: 23423: 23418: 23413: 23408: 23406:Janet Mitchell 23403: 23398: 23393: 23388: 23386:Honey Mitchell 23383: 23378: 23376:Freddie Slater 23373: 23368: 23363: 23358: 23353: 23348: 23343: 23341:Billy Mitchell 23338: 23333: 23328: 23323: 23318: 23313: 23308: 23303: 23297: 23294: 23293: 23281: 23280: 23270: 23269: 23262: 23255: 23247: 23239: 23238: 23205: 23172: 23139: 23106: 23062: 23022: 22986: 22950: 22910: 22874: 22841: 22808: 22775: 22739: 22706: 22673: 22637: 22601: 22549: 22513: 22477: 22427: 22367: 22327: 22291: 22255: 22215: 22179: 22143: 22110: 22074: 22028: 21995: 21962: 21918: 21885: 21859: 21830: 21804: 21771: 21743: 21717: 21689: 21657: 21615: 21604:. 9 March 2018 21589: 21556: 21520: 21484: 21448: 21412: 21374: 21330: 21290: 21254: 21226: 21197: 21171: 21145: 21107: 21059: 21033: 20997: 20975: 20953: 20920: 20892: 20855: 20834: 20813: 20785: 20752: 20719: 20686: 20658: 20632: 20597: 20557: 20517: 20491: 20465: 20439: 20410: 20384: 20353: 20327: 20294: 20256: 20223: 20187: 20145: 20107: 20067: 20029: 19985: 19947: 19921: 19907: 19887: 19873: 19847: 19810: 19765: 19730: 19702: 19674: 19650: 19622: 19601: 19573: 19529: 19487: 19447: 19401: 19357: 19333: 19295: 19259: 19231: 19211: 19178: 19149: 19120: 19091: 19060: 19016: 18974: 18928: 18908: 18879: 18868:on 23 May 2017 18846: 18798: 18762: 18730: 18698: 18666: 18649: 18621: 18593: 18565: 18532: 18496: 18450: 18398: 18365: 18325: 18314:. 15 June 2018 18299: 18267: 18236: 18222: 18219:. 22 May 2017. 18202: 18181: 18153: 18125: 18097: 18059: 18021: 17984: 17947: 17905: 17869: 17831: 17791: 17751: 17707: 17661: 17623: 17590: 17524: 17480: 17434: 17392: 17356: 17318: 17274: 17240: 17212: 17184: 17163: 17130: 17092: 17061: 17033: 17007: 16981: 16948: 16910: 16877: 16841: 16805: 16765: 16729: 16696: 16656: 16628: 16584: 16544: 16500: 16472: 16424: 16396: 16360: 16327: 16287: 16249: 16209: 16167: 16125: 16085: 16045: 16007: 15967: 15925: 15885: 15852: 15825: 15797: 15771: 15735: 15698: 15660: 15610: 15577: 15537: 15509: 15481: 15464: 15447: 15421: 15395: 15367: 15339: 15308: 15272: 15230: 15180: 15143: 15093: 15053: 15015: 14971: 14925: 14879: 14841: 14799: 14755: 14715: 14669: 14633: 14597: 14557: 14517: 14484: 14442: 14400: 14367: 14334: 14296: 14254: 14204: 14154: 14121: 14073: 14035: 13985: 13941: 13903: 13859: 13821: 13783: 13727: 13701: 13675: 13649: 13623: 13602: 13566: 13530: 13494: 13456: 13416: 13379: 13339: 13311: 13283: 13247: 13203: 13161: 13111: 13069: 13029: 12996: 12968: 12942: 12906: 12880: 12869:. 24 June 2017 12851: 12850: 12848: 12845: 12842: 12841: 12838:Dystin Johnson 12793: 12786: 12777: 12771: 12770: 12759: 12756:Stephen Fawkes 12752: 12745: 12739: 12738: 12696: 12689: 12684: 12678: 12677: 12650: 12643: 12638: 12632: 12631: 12616: 12609: 12604: 12598: 12597: 12570: 12563: 12558: 12552: 12551: 12540: 12535: 12530: 12524: 12523: 12504: 12497: 12493:20–21 November 12490: 12484: 12483: 12472:Steve McFadden 12464: 12457: 12448: 12442: 12441: 12430: 12423: 12418: 12412: 12411: 12408:Janet Mitchell 12404: 12397: 12392: 12386: 12385: 12374: 12367: 12362: 12356: 12355: 12350: 12344: 12343: 12336:Billy Mitchell 12328: 12321: 12316: 12310: 12309: 12303: 12302: 12283: 12278: 12273: 12267: 12266: 12255: 12248: 12243: 12237: 12236: 12225: 12220: 12215: 12209: 12208: 12197: 12190: 12185: 12179: 12178: 12173: 12168: 12162: 12161: 12158:Patrick Bergin 12122: 12115: 12106: 12100: 12099: 12080: 12073: 12068: 12062: 12061: 12050: 12043: 12038: 12032: 12031: 12012: 12005: 11996: 11990: 11989: 11970: 11963: 11958: 11952: 11951: 11940: 11937:Tracy Whitwell 11933: 11926: 11920: 11919: 11904: 11897: 11892: 11886: 11885: 11862: 11855: 11850: 11844: 11843: 11824: 11817: 11812: 11806: 11805: 11794:Davood Ghadami 11770: 11763: 11758: 11752: 11751: 11740: 11733: 11727:26 September – 11724: 11718: 11717: 11714:liver bleeding 11702: 11699:Alicia Charles 11695: 11690: 11684: 11683: 11672: 11665: 11660: 11654: 11653: 11634: 11627: 11622: 11616: 11615: 11568:cardiac arrest 11564:Davood Ghadami 11556: 11549: 11542: 11536: 11535: 11520: 11513: 11508: 11502: 11501: 11434: 11427: 11418: 11412: 11411: 11400: 11393: 11386: 11380: 11379: 11352: 11345: 11336: 11334:PC Leanne Wane 11330: 11329: 11318: 11313: 11308: 11302: 11301: 11298:Steve McFadden 11286:Shirley Carter 11271: 11264: 11259: 11253: 11252: 11241:Steve McFadden 11233: 11226: 11221: 11215: 11214: 11167:Steve McFadden 11159: 11152: 11146:1 August 2017– 11143: 11137: 11136: 11125:Steve McFadden 11101: 11094: 11087: 11081: 11080: 11061: 11054: 11049: 11043: 11042: 11031: 11024: 11019: 11013: 11012: 10985: 10982:Shamia Chalabi 10978: 10973: 10967: 10966: 10931: 10924: 10917: 10911: 10910: 10891: 10884: 10879: 10873: 10872: 10865: 10860: 10855: 10849: 10848: 10837: 10834:Tara Godolphin 10830: 10825: 10819: 10818: 10787: 10780: 10771: 10765: 10764: 10753: 10746: 10741: 10735: 10734: 10715:Robbie Jackson 10703: 10698: 10693: 10687: 10686: 10682:12 March 2018 10677: 10671: 10670: 10667:Jessie Wallace 10643:Steve McFadden 10607: 10602: 10593: 10587: 10586: 10577:A patient who 10575: 10568: 10561: 10555: 10554: 10543: 10536: 10529: 10523: 10522: 10503: 10496: 10491: 10485: 10484: 10473:Rudolph Walker 10453:Robbie Jackson 10449: 10442: 10437: 10431: 10430: 10415:Robbie Jackson 10411: 10404: 10399: 10393: 10392: 10385:Billy Mitchell 10381: 10378:Nick Cavaliere 10374: 10369: 10363: 10362: 10331:Davood Ghadami 10319:DC Sally Booth 10291: 10284: 10277: 10271: 10270: 10243: 10236: 10231: 10225: 10224: 10221:Ricky Mitchell 10205: 10198: 10193: 10187: 10186: 10175: 10170: 10163: 10157: 10156: 10145:Ricky Mitchell 10105:Declan Bennett 10101:Charlie Cotton 10097: 10090: 10083: 10077: 10076: 10042: 10035: 10028: 10022: 10021: 10016:) that he has 9998: 9991: 9986: 9980: 9979: 9960: 9953: 9947: 9946: 9927: 9920: 9915: 9909: 9908: 9881:Davood Ghadami 9873: 9866: 9861: 9855: 9854: 9827: 9820: 9814: 9813: 9808: 9802: 9801: 9790: 9783: 9775: 9769: 9768: 9757:Whitney Carter 9753: 9748: 9743: 9737: 9736: 9725: 9718: 9712: 9711: 9705: 9704: 9699: 9693: 9692: 9685: 9679: 9678: 9667: 9660: 9655: 9649: 9648: 9641:Honey Mitchell 9629: 9624: 9617: 9611: 9610: 9599: 9594: 9588: 9587: 9576: 9569: 9563: 9562: 9551: 9544: 9538: 9537: 9522: 9515: 9509: 9508: 9497: 9490: 9485: 9479: 9478: 9471: 9465: 9464: 9445: 9438: 9433: 9427: 9426: 9415: 9408: 9403: 9397: 9396: 9385: 9378: 9373: 9367: 9366: 9361: 9355: 9354: 9332:Woody Woodward 9328: 9321: 9316: 9310: 9309: 9290: 9283: 9276: 9274:Corrine Mandel 9270: 9269: 9230:Shirley Carter 9226: 9219: 9213:17 April 2017– 9210: 9204: 9203: 9196:Whitney Carter 9172: 9165: 9160: 9154: 9153: 9134: 9129: 9124: 9118: 9117: 9106: 9099: 9094: 9088: 9087: 9072: 9065: 9060: 9054: 9053: 9034: 9027: 9022: 9016: 9015: 9004:Preston Cooper 8992: 8989:Liz Sutherland 8985: 8980: 8974: 8973: 8958:Preston Cooper 8946: 8939: 8933: 8932: 8913: 8906: 8901: 8895: 8894: 8875: 8868: 8863: 8857: 8856: 8837: 8830: 8825: 8823:Charles Bowman 8819: 8818: 8795:Shirley Carter 8791: 8788:Beth Cordingly 8784: 8777: 8771: 8770: 8743: 8736: 8729: 8723: 8722: 8703: 8700:Jessica Butler 8696: 8691: 8685: 8684: 8649: 8642: 8635: 8629: 8628: 8610: 8603: 8598: 8592: 8591: 8576: 8569: 8562: 8556: 8555: 8540: 8533: 8528: 8522: 8521: 8505:A plumber who 8503: 8496: 8491: 8485: 8484: 8469: 8462: 8457: 8451: 8450: 8445: 8439: 8438: 8427: 8420: 8415: 8409: 8408: 8397: 8390: 8385: 8379: 8378: 8351: 8344: 8339: 8333: 8332: 8313: 8310:Damola Adelaja 8306: 8301: 8299:Mr Omar Wright 8295: 8294: 8264:Shirley Carter 8252: 8245: 8240: 8234: 8233: 8150: 8143: 8134: 8132:Mrs Robyn Lund 8128: 8127: 8100: 8093: 8088: 8082: 8081: 8065:A customer in 8063: 8056: 8051: 8045: 8044: 8026: 8019: 8012: 8006: 8005: 7994:Davood Ghadami 7970: 7965: 7958: 7952: 7951: 7942:(uncredited). 7925: 7918: 7911: 7905: 7904: 7899: 7894: 7888: 7887: 7880:Honey Mitchell 7876: 7869: 7862: 7856: 7855: 7844: 7837: 7832: 7826: 7825: 7814:Steve McFadden 7806: 7801: 7794: 7788: 7787: 7784:Steve McFadden 7776: 7769: 7764: 7758: 7757: 7742:Shirley Carter 7707: 7700: 7691: 7685: 7684: 7673: 7668: 7663: 7657: 7656: 7637: 7632: 7627: 7621: 7620: 7581: 7574: 7567: 7561: 7560: 7541: 7534: 7529: 7523: 7522: 7521:Circumstances 7519: 7516: 7513: 7506: 7503: 7437:Calvin Hoskins 7402:brainstem dead 7354: 7353: 7350: 7349: 7328: 7324: 7323: 7314: 7310: 7309: 7295:Cindy Williams 7284: 7280: 7279: 7277:Oscar Branning 7270: 7266: 7265: 7259:Tanya Branning 7256: 7252: 7251: 7242: 7238: 7237: 7232: 7228: 7227: 7222: 7218: 7217: 7208: 7204: 7203: 7195: 7194: 7189: 7185: 7184: 7179: 7178:Classification 7175: 7174: 7162: 7158: 7157: 7145: 7141: 7140: 7137: 7133: 7132: 7125: 7124: 7102: 7099: 7030:Kandice Taylor 7025: 7024: 7021: 7020: 7011: 7007: 7006: 7000:Chatham Taylor 6989: 6985: 6984: 6981: 6977: 6976: 6971: 6967: 6966: 6961: 6957: 6956: 6948: 6947: 6942: 6938: 6937: 6932: 6931:Classification 6928: 6927: 6915: 6911: 6910: 6898: 6894: 6893: 6890: 6886: 6885: 6880: 6876: 6875: 6868: 6867: 6866:Kandice Taylor 6860: 6859:Kandice Taylor 6857: 6759:Honey Mitchell 6739:Shirley Carter 6728:Whitney Carter 6720:Billy Mitchell 6664:Steve McFadden 6637:Patrick Bergin 6620: 6619: 6616: 6615: 6609: 6605: 6604: 6603:Connor Maguire 6601: 6597: 6596: 6595:Joseph Maguire 6593: 6589: 6588: 6580: 6579: 6574: 6570: 6569: 6564: 6563:Classification 6560: 6559: 6554: 6550: 6549: 6544: 6540: 6539: 6536: 6532: 6531: 6529:Patrick Bergin 6526: 6522: 6521: 6514: 6513: 6506: 6503: 6410: 6409: 6406: 6405: 6379:Freddie Slater 6363:Charlie Slater 6360: 6356: 6355: 6346: 6342: 6341: 6336: 6332: 6331: 6326: 6322: 6321: 6308: 6304: 6303: 6301:Pauline Fowler 6294: 6290: 6289: 6282: 6278: 6277: 6268: 6264: 6263: 6258: 6254: 6253: 6244: 6240: 6239: 6234: 6230: 6229: 6224: 6220: 6219: 6210: 6206: 6205: 6197: 6196: 6191: 6187: 6186: 6181: 6180:Classification 6177: 6176: 6171: 6167: 6166: 6163: 6159: 6158: 6151: 6147: 6146: 6139: 6138: 6131: 6128: 6092:Robbie Jackson 6068:George Maguire 6059: 6058: 6055: 6054: 6051: 6047: 6046: 6038: 6037: 6032: 6028: 6027: 6022: 6021:Classification 6018: 6017: 6005: 6001: 6000: 5988: 5984: 5983: 5981:George Maguire 5978: 5974: 5973: 5966: 5965: 5958: 5955: 5893:Janet Mitchell 5885:Billy Mitchell 5877:Honey Mitchell 5859:Ricky Mitchell 5853:, but is from 5828:Ingrid Solberg 5823: 5822: 5819: 5818: 5813: 5809: 5808: 5800: 5799: 5794: 5790: 5789: 5784: 5783:Classification 5780: 5779: 5774: 5770: 5769: 5764: 5760: 5759: 5756: 5752: 5751: 5749:Pernille Broch 5746: 5742: 5741: 5734: 5733: 5732:Ingrid Solberg 5726: 5725:Ingrid Solberg 5723: 5701:Jessie Wallace 5688:Jackson family 5657:named Rooney. 5655:Bearded lizard 5615:Chatham Taylor 5610: 5609: 5606: 5605: 5596: 5592: 5591: 5589:Roland Highway 5582: 5578: 5577: 5575:Kandice Taylor 5572: 5568: 5567: 5558: 5554: 5553: 5544: 5540: 5539: 5534: 5530: 5529: 5524: 5520: 5519: 5511: 5510: 5507:Chris Clenshaw 5499: 5495: 5494: 5489: 5488:Classification 5485: 5484: 5479: 5475: 5474: 5469: 5465: 5464: 5461: 5457: 5456: 5453: 5449: 5448: 5441: 5440: 5439:Chatham Taylor 5433: 5432:Chatham Taylor 5430: 5408:Jessie Wallace 5395:Jackson family 5374:Janet Mitchell 5356:named Rooney. 5354:Bearded lizard 5309: 5308: 5305: 5304: 5295: 5291: 5290: 5288:Roland Highway 5281: 5277: 5276: 5274:Kandice Taylor 5271: 5267: 5266: 5257: 5253: 5252: 5243: 5239: 5238: 5236:Chatham Taylor 5233: 5229: 5228: 5223: 5219: 5218: 5210: 5209: 5206:Chris Clenshaw 5198: 5194: 5193: 5188: 5187:Classification 5184: 5183: 5178: 5174: 5173: 5168: 5164: 5163: 5160: 5156: 5155: 5152: 5148: 5147: 5140: 5139: 5132: 5129: 5106:Billy Mitchell 5094:Janet Mitchell 5086:Shirley Carter 5070:Davood Ghadami 5055:Chatham Taylor 5010: 5009: 5006: 5005: 5002: 4998: 4997: 4989: 4988: 4985: 4981: 4980: 4975: 4971: 4970: 4965: 4964:Classification 4961: 4960: 4955: 4951: 4950: 4945: 4941: 4940: 4937: 4933: 4932: 4927: 4923: 4922: 4915: 4914: 4907: 4904: 4865:Jessie Wallace 4852:Jackson family 4838: 4835: 4799:Mrs Robyn Lund 4788:Kandice Taylor 4776:Steve McFadden 4768:Patrick Bergin 4748:Honey Mitchell 4704:Shirley Carter 4679:Ingrid Solberg 4648:Bearded lizard 4592: 4591: 4588: 4587: 4578: 4574: 4573: 4568: 4564: 4563: 4561:Kandice Taylor 4558: 4554: 4553: 4551:Roland Highway 4548: 4544: 4543: 4538: 4534: 4533: 4531:Chatham Taylor 4516: 4512: 4511: 4506: 4502: 4501: 4499: 4498: 4495: 4492: 4489: 4485: 4483: 4479: 4478: 4470: 4469: 4464: 4460: 4459: 4454: 4453:Classification 4450: 4449: 4444: 4440: 4439: 4436: 4432: 4431: 4426: 4422: 4421: 4414: 4413: 4406: 4403: 4390:Bearded lizard 4347:Main article: 4344: 4341: 4311:Bearded lizard 4299:Chatham Taylor 4264:Main article: 4261: 4258: 4205:Steve McFadden 4150: 4149: 4146: 4145: 4142: 4138: 4137: 4129: 4128: 4123: 4119: 4118: 4113: 4112:Classification 4109: 4108: 4103: 4099: 4098: 4093: 4089: 4088: 4083: 4079: 4078: 4071: 4070: 4063: 4060: 3936: 3935: 3932: 3931: 3924: 3920: 3919: 3916: 3912: 3911: 3905: 3901: 3900: 3892: 3891: 3886: 3882: 3881: 3876: 3875:Classification 3872: 3871: 3866: 3862: 3861: 3856: 3852: 3851: 3848: 3844: 3843: 3838: 3834: 3833: 3826: 3825: 3818: 3815: 3767:Wanda Baptiste 3759:Sheree Trueman 3717:Rudolph Walker 3630: 3629: 3626: 3625: 3618: 3614: 3613: 3610: 3606: 3605: 3599: 3595: 3594: 3591: 3587: 3586: 3578: 3577: 3572: 3568: 3567: 3562: 3561:Classification 3558: 3557: 3550: 3546: 3545: 3540: 3536: 3535: 3532: 3528: 3527: 3522: 3518: 3517: 3510: 3509: 3502: 3499: 3445: 3444: 3441: 3440: 3437: 3433: 3432: 3424: 3423: 3408: 3404: 3403: 3398: 3397:Classification 3394: 3393: 3388: 3384: 3383: 3378: 3374: 3373: 3370: 3366: 3365: 3360: 3356: 3355: 3348: 3347: 3340: 3337: 3323:Julia Goulding 3261:Billy Mitchell 3226:Jane Slaughter 3195:Shirley Carter 3171:Whitney Carter 3116: 3115: 3112: 3111: 3108: 3104: 3103: 3095: 3094: 3089: 3085: 3084: 3079: 3078:Classification 3075: 3074: 3069: 3065: 3064: 3059: 3055: 3054: 3051: 3047: 3046: 3041: 3037: 3036: 3029: 3028: 3027:Woody Woodward 3021: 3020:Woody Woodward 3018: 2969:Jordan Coulson 2963:, also called 2956: 2955: 2950: 2946: 2945: 2940: 2939:Classification 2936: 2935: 2930: 2926: 2925: 2923:Jordan Coulson 2920: 2916: 2915: 2908: 2907: 2900: 2897: 2893:James Atherton 2866:brainstem dead 2829:Simon Williams 2748:Corrine Mandel 2725:Whitney Carter 2680: 2679: 2676: 2675: 2670: 2666: 2665: 2660: 2656: 2655: 2654:Wendy Hemmings 2652: 2648: 2647: 2642: 2638: 2637: 2634: 2630: 2629: 2621: 2620: 2615: 2611: 2610: 2605: 2604:Classification 2601: 2600: 2588: 2584: 2583: 2571: 2567: 2566: 2563: 2559: 2558: 2553: 2549: 2548: 2541: 2540: 2533: 2530: 2479:Shirley Carter 2467: 2466: 2463: 2462: 2459: 2455: 2454: 2446: 2445: 2440: 2436: 2435: 2430: 2429:Classification 2426: 2425: 2420: 2416: 2415: 2410: 2406: 2405: 2402: 2398: 2397: 2394: 2390: 2389: 2382: 2381: 2374: 2371: 2352:Davood Ghadami 2336:Steve McFadden 2265:Preston Cooper 2260: 2259: 2256: 2255: 2252: 2248: 2247: 2239: 2238: 2233: 2229: 2228: 2223: 2222:Classification 2219: 2218: 2213: 2209: 2208: 2203: 2199: 2198: 2195: 2191: 2190: 2183: 2182: 2181:Preston Cooper 2175: 2174:Preston Cooper 2172: 2129: 2128: 2125: 2124: 2121: 2117: 2116: 2113: 2109: 2108: 2100: 2099: 2094: 2090: 2089: 2084: 2083:Classification 2080: 2079: 2074: 2070: 2069: 2064: 2060: 2059: 2056: 2052: 2051: 2048: 2044: 2043: 2036: 2035: 2028: 2025: 1929: 1928: 1925: 1924: 1919: 1915: 1914: 1909: 1905: 1904: 1899: 1895: 1894: 1891: 1887: 1886: 1885:Henry Browning 1883: 1879: 1878: 1875: 1871: 1870: 1862: 1861: 1856: 1852: 1851: 1846: 1845:Classification 1842: 1841: 1836: 1832: 1831: 1826: 1822: 1821: 1819:Simon Williams 1816: 1812: 1811: 1804: 1803: 1796: 1793: 1776:Robbie Jackson 1715:Mrs Robyn Lund 1675: 1674: 1671: 1670: 1667: 1663: 1662: 1654: 1653: 1648: 1644: 1643: 1638: 1637:Classification 1634: 1633: 1628: 1624: 1623: 1618: 1614: 1613: 1608: 1604: 1603: 1596: 1595: 1588: 1585: 1479: 1478: 1475: 1474: 1471: 1467: 1466: 1458: 1457: 1452: 1448: 1447: 1442: 1441:Classification 1438: 1437: 1432: 1428: 1427: 1422: 1418: 1417: 1414: 1410: 1409: 1402: 1401: 1394: 1391: 1342: 1339: 1211:Mrs Robyn Lund 1199:Preston Cooper 1143: 1142: 1139: 1138: 1135: 1131: 1130: 1122: 1121: 1116: 1112: 1111: 1106: 1105:Classification 1102: 1101: 1096: 1092: 1091: 1086: 1082: 1081: 1076: 1072: 1071: 1064: 1063: 1054: 1051: 1010:Shirley Carter 986:Steve McFadden 965: 964: 961: 960: 950:Janet Mitchell 930:Billy Mitchell 923: 919: 918: 908:Ricky Branning 897: 893: 892: 883: 879: 878: 873: 869: 868: 855: 851: 850: 848:Grant Mitchell 845: 841: 840: 829:Peggy Mitchell 826: 822: 821: 816: 812: 811: 798: 794: 793: 779: 775: 774: 765: 761: 760: 755: 751: 750: 747: 743: 742: 739: 735: 734: 729: 725: 724: 719: 715: 714: 709: 705: 704: 696: 695: 684: 680: 679: 674: 673:Classification 670: 669: 657: 653: 652: 649: 645: 644: 641: 637: 636: 629: 628: 621: 618: 595:Rudolph Walker 551: 550: 547: 546: 541: 537: 536: 523: 522:Granddaughters 519: 518: 509: 505: 504: 491: 487: 486: 483: 479: 478: 470: 469: 464: 460: 459: 454: 453:Classification 450: 449: 444: 440: 439: 434: 430: 429: 424: 420: 419: 412: 411: 404: 401: 338:Main article: 335: 332: 304:Kandice Taylor 300:Patrick Bergin 272:George Maguire 256:Ingrid Solberg 252:Chatham Taylor 192:Woody Woodward 182:, a friend of 162:), the son of 146:Shirley Carter 130:Preston Cooper 126:Simon Williams 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 25049: 25038: 25035: 25033: 25030: 25028: 25025: 25024: 25022: 25003: 25000: 24998: 24995: 24993: 24990: 24988: 24984: 24983: 24980: 24977: 24975: 24972: 24970: 24967: 24965: 24962: 24960: 24957: 24955: 24952: 24950: 24947: 24945: 24942: 24940: 24937: 24935: 24932: 24930: 24927: 24925: 24922: 24920: 24917: 24915: 24912: 24910: 24907: 24905: 24902: 24900: 24897: 24895: 24892: 24890: 24887: 24885: 24882: 24880: 24877: 24875: 24872: 24870: 24867: 24865: 24862: 24860: 24857: 24855: 24852: 24850: 24847: 24845: 24842: 24840: 24837: 24835: 24832: 24830: 24827: 24825: 24822: 24820: 24817: 24815: 24812: 24810: 24807: 24805: 24802: 24800: 24797: 24795: 24792: 24790: 24787: 24785: 24782: 24781: 24778: 24771: 24767: 24757: 24754: 24752: 24749: 24747: 24744: 24742: 24739: 24737: 24734: 24732: 24729: 24727: 24724: 24722: 24719: 24717: 24714: 24712: 24709: 24707: 24704: 24702: 24699: 24697: 24694: 24692: 24689: 24687: 24684: 24682: 24679: 24677: 24674: 24672: 24669: 24667: 24664: 24662: 24659: 24657: 24656:Heather Trott 24654: 24652: 24649: 24647: 24644: 24642: 24639: 24637: 24634: 24632: 24629: 24627: 24624: 24622: 24619: 24617: 24614: 24612: 24609: 24607: 24604: 24602: 24599: 24597: 24594: 24592: 24589: 24587: 24584: 24582: 24579: 24577: 24574: 24572: 24569: 24567: 24564: 24562: 24561:Ethel Skinner 24559: 24557: 24554: 24552: 24549: 24547: 24544: 24542: 24541:Colin Russell 24539: 24537: 24534: 24532: 24529: 24527: 24524: 24522: 24519: 24517: 24514: 24512: 24511:Terry Raymond 24509: 24507: 24506:Simon Raymond 24504: 24502: 24499: 24497: 24496:Irene Raymond 24494: 24492: 24491:Paul Priestly 24489: 24487: 24484: 24482: 24479: 24477: 24474: 24472: 24469: 24467: 24464: 24462: 24459: 24457: 24456:George Palmer 24454: 24452: 24449: 24447: 24444: 24442: 24439: 24437: 24434: 24432: 24429: 24427: 24424: 24422: 24419: 24417: 24414: 24412: 24409: 24407: 24406:Trevor Morgan 24404: 24402: 24399: 24397: 24394: 24392: 24389: 24387: 24384: 24382: 24379: 24377: 24374: 24372: 24369: 24367: 24364: 24362: 24359: 24357: 24354: 24352: 24349: 24347: 24344: 24342: 24339: 24337: 24336:Roxy Mitchell 24334: 24332: 24329: 24327: 24324: 24322: 24319: 24317: 24314: 24312: 24311:Kate Mitchell 24309: 24307: 24304: 24302: 24299: 24297: 24294: 24292: 24289: 24287: 24284: 24282: 24279: 24277: 24274: 24272: 24269: 24267: 24266:Mickey Miller 24264: 24262: 24259: 24257: 24254: 24252: 24251:Darren Miller 24249: 24247: 24244: 24242: 24239: 24237: 24236:Lilly Mattock 24234: 24232: 24231:Zainab Masood 24229: 24227: 24226:Tamwar Masood 24224: 24222: 24219: 24217: 24214: 24212: 24209: 24207: 24204: 24202: 24199: 24197: 24194: 24192: 24189: 24187: 24184: 24182: 24179: 24177: 24174: 24172: 24169: 24167: 24164: 24162: 24159: 24157: 24154: 24152: 24151:Sanjay Kapoor 24149: 24147: 24144: 24142: 24139: 24137: 24134: 24132: 24131:Lucas Johnson 24129: 24127: 24124: 24122: 24119: 24117: 24116:Saeed Jeffery 24114: 24112: 24111:Naima Jeffery 24109: 24107: 24104: 24102: 24101:Carol Jackson 24099: 24097: 24094: 24092: 24089: 24087: 24084: 24082: 24079: 24077: 24074: 24072: 24069: 24067: 24064: 24062: 24059: 24057: 24054: 24052: 24049: 24047: 24044: 24042: 24039: 24037: 24034: 24032: 24029: 24027: 24024: 24022: 24019: 24017: 24014: 24012: 24009: 24007: 24004: 24002: 23999: 23997: 23994: 23992: 23989: 23987: 23984: 23982: 23979: 23977: 23974: 23972: 23969: 23967: 23964: 23962: 23959: 23957: 23954: 23952: 23951:Arthur Fowler 23949: 23947: 23944: 23942: 23941:Mary Flaherty 23939: 23937: 23934: 23932: 23929: 23927: 23924: 23922: 23919: 23917: 23916:Natalie Evans 23914: 23912: 23909: 23907: 23904: 23902: 23899: 23897: 23894: 23892: 23889: 23887: 23884: 23882: 23881:Rosa di Marco 23879: 23877: 23874: 23872: 23869: 23867: 23864: 23862: 23859: 23857: 23854: 23852: 23849: 23847: 23844: 23842: 23839: 23837: 23834: 23832: 23829: 23827: 23824: 23822: 23819: 23817: 23814: 23812: 23811:Ashley Cotton 23809: 23807: 23804: 23802: 23799: 23797: 23794: 23792: 23789: 23787: 23784: 23782: 23779: 23777: 23774: 23772: 23769: 23767: 23764: 23762: 23759: 23757: 23754: 23752: 23749: 23747: 23744: 23742: 23739: 23737: 23734: 23732: 23731:Ricky Butcher 23729: 23727: 23724: 23722: 23719: 23717: 23714: 23712: 23709: 23707: 23706:Frank Butcher 23704: 23702: 23701:Diane Butcher 23699: 23697: 23696:Aidan Brosnan 23694: 23692: 23689: 23687: 23686:Suzy Branning 23684: 23682: 23679: 23677: 23676:Joey Branning 23674: 23672: 23669: 23667: 23664: 23662: 23659: 23657: 23654: 23652: 23649: 23647: 23644: 23642: 23639: 23637: 23634: 23632: 23629: 23627: 23624: 23622: 23619: 23617: 23614: 23612: 23609: 23607: 23604: 23602: 23599: 23597: 23594: 23592: 23589: 23587: 23584: 23582: 23579: 23577: 23574: 23572: 23569: 23567: 23564: 23562: 23559: 23557: 23554: 23552: 23549: 23547: 23544: 23542: 23539: 23537: 23534: 23532: 23529: 23527: 23524: 23522: 23519: 23517: 23514: 23513: 23510: 23506: 23501: 23497: 23487: 23484: 23482: 23479: 23477: 23476:George Knight 23474: 23472: 23469: 23467: 23464: 23462: 23461:Harvey Monroe 23459: 23457: 23454: 23452: 23449: 23447: 23444: 23442: 23439: 23437: 23436:Johnny Carter 23434: 23432: 23429: 23427: 23424: 23422: 23419: 23417: 23416:Jack Branning 23414: 23412: 23409: 23407: 23404: 23402: 23399: 23397: 23394: 23392: 23389: 23387: 23384: 23382: 23379: 23377: 23374: 23372: 23371:Stacey Slater 23369: 23367: 23364: 23362: 23359: 23357: 23354: 23352: 23349: 23347: 23344: 23342: 23339: 23337: 23334: 23332: 23329: 23327: 23326:Phil Mitchell 23324: 23322: 23319: 23317: 23316:Martin Fowler 23314: 23312: 23309: 23307: 23304: 23302: 23299: 23298: 23295: 23291: 23286: 23282: 23277: 23276: 23268: 23263: 23261: 23256: 23254: 23249: 23248: 23245: 23234: 23230: 23226: 23225: 23220: 23216: 23209: 23201: 23197: 23193: 23192: 23187: 23183: 23176: 23168: 23164: 23160: 23159: 23154: 23150: 23143: 23135: 23131: 23127: 23126: 23121: 23117: 23110: 23102: 23098: 23094: 23093: 23088: 23084: 23080: 23073: 23071: 23069: 23067: 23058: 23054: 23050: 23049: 23044: 23040: 23036: 23035:Sean O'Connor 23029: 23027: 23018: 23014: 23010: 23009: 23004: 23000: 22999:Sean O'Connor 22993: 22991: 22982: 22978: 22974: 22973: 22968: 22964: 22963:Sean O'Connor 22957: 22955: 22946: 22942: 22938: 22937: 22932: 22928: 22924: 22923:Sean O'Connor 22917: 22915: 22906: 22902: 22898: 22897: 22892: 22888: 22887:Sean O'Connor 22881: 22879: 22870: 22866: 22862: 22861: 22856: 22852: 22845: 22837: 22833: 22829: 22828: 22823: 22819: 22812: 22804: 22800: 22796: 22795: 22790: 22786: 22779: 22771: 22767: 22763: 22762: 22757: 22753: 22746: 22744: 22735: 22731: 22727: 22726: 22721: 22717: 22710: 22702: 22698: 22694: 22693: 22688: 22684: 22683:Sean O'Connor 22677: 22669: 22665: 22661: 22660: 22655: 22651: 22650:Sean O'Connor 22644: 22642: 22633: 22629: 22625: 22624: 22619: 22615: 22614:Sean O'Connor 22608: 22606: 22597: 22593: 22589: 22588: 22583: 22579: 22578:Sean O'Connor 22572: 22570: 22568: 22566: 22564: 22562: 22560: 22558: 22556: 22554: 22545: 22541: 22537: 22536: 22531: 22527: 22526:Sean O'Connor 22520: 22518: 22509: 22505: 22501: 22500: 22495: 22491: 22490:Sean O'Connor 22484: 22482: 22473: 22469: 22465: 22464: 22459: 22455: 22451: 22450:Sean O'Connor 22444: 22442: 22440: 22438: 22436: 22434: 22432: 22423: 22419: 22415: 22414: 22409: 22405: 22401: 22400:Sean O'Connor 22394: 22392: 22390: 22388: 22386: 22384: 22382: 22380: 22378: 22376: 22374: 22372: 22363: 22359: 22355: 22354: 22349: 22345: 22341: 22340:Sean O'Connor 22334: 22332: 22323: 22319: 22315: 22314: 22309: 22305: 22304:Sean O'Connor 22298: 22296: 22287: 22283: 22279: 22278: 22273: 22269: 22268:Sean O'Connor 22262: 22260: 22251: 22247: 22243: 22242: 22237: 22233: 22229: 22228:Sean O'Connor 22222: 22220: 22211: 22207: 22203: 22202: 22197: 22193: 22192:Sean O'Connor 22186: 22184: 22175: 22171: 22167: 22166: 22161: 22157: 22156:Sean O'Connor 22150: 22148: 22139: 22135: 22131: 22130: 22125: 22121: 22114: 22106: 22102: 22098: 22097: 22092: 22088: 22087:Sean O'Connor 22081: 22079: 22070: 22066: 22062: 22061: 22056: 22052: 22048: 22047:Sean O'Connor 22041: 22039: 22037: 22035: 22033: 22024: 22020: 22016: 22015: 22010: 22006: 22005:Sean O'Connor 21999: 21991: 21987: 21983: 21982: 21977: 21973: 21972:Sean O'Connor 21966: 21958: 21954: 21950: 21949: 21944: 21940: 21939:Sean O'Connor 21933: 21931: 21929: 21927: 21925: 21923: 21907: 21903: 21896: 21894: 21892: 21890: 21874: 21870: 21863: 21848: 21844: 21837: 21835: 21819: 21815: 21808: 21800: 21796: 21792: 21791: 21786: 21782: 21775: 21760: 21759: 21754: 21747: 21732: 21728: 21721: 21706: 21705: 21700: 21693: 21678: 21674: 21673: 21668: 21661: 21653: 21649: 21645: 21644: 21639: 21635: 21628: 21626: 21624: 21622: 21620: 21603: 21599: 21593: 21585: 21581: 21577: 21576: 21571: 21567: 21560: 21552: 21548: 21544: 21543: 21538: 21534: 21527: 21525: 21516: 21512: 21508: 21507: 21502: 21498: 21491: 21489: 21480: 21476: 21472: 21471: 21466: 21462: 21455: 21453: 21444: 21440: 21436: 21435: 21430: 21426: 21419: 21417: 21408: 21404: 21400: 21399: 21394: 21390: 21383: 21381: 21379: 21370: 21366: 21362: 21361: 21356: 21352: 21348: 21341: 21339: 21337: 21335: 21326: 21322: 21318: 21317: 21312: 21308: 21301: 21299: 21297: 21295: 21286: 21282: 21278: 21277: 21272: 21268: 21261: 21259: 21243: 21242: 21237: 21230: 21214: 21210: 21204: 21202: 21186: 21182: 21175: 21160: 21156: 21149: 21141: 21137: 21133: 21132: 21127: 21123: 21122:Sean O'Connor 21116: 21114: 21112: 21103: 21099: 21095: 21094: 21089: 21085: 21084:Sean O'Connor 21078: 21076: 21074: 21072: 21070: 21068: 21066: 21064: 21048: 21044: 21037: 21022: 21018: 21014: 21013: 21008: 21001: 20985: 20979: 20963: 20957: 20941: 20937: 20936: 20931: 20924: 20909: 20908: 20903: 20896: 20888: 20884: 20880: 20879: 20874: 20870: 20866: 20865:Sean O'Connor 20859: 20851: 20847: 20846: 20838: 20830: 20826: 20825: 20817: 20802: 20801: 20796: 20789: 20781: 20777: 20773: 20772: 20767: 20763: 20762:Sean O'Connor 20756: 20748: 20744: 20740: 20739: 20734: 20730: 20729:Sean O'Connor 20723: 20715: 20711: 20707: 20706: 20701: 20697: 20696:Sean O'Connor 20690: 20675: 20674: 20669: 20662: 20647: 20643: 20636: 20621: 20617: 20610: 20608: 20606: 20604: 20602: 20586: 20582: 20578: 20577: 20572: 20568: 20561: 20546: 20542: 20538: 20537: 20532: 20528: 20521: 20506: 20502: 20495: 20480: 20476: 20469: 20454: 20450: 20443: 20428: 20424: 20417: 20415: 20399: 20395: 20388: 20373: 20369: 20362: 20360: 20358: 20342: 20338: 20331: 20316: 20312: 20305: 20303: 20301: 20299: 20290: 20286: 20282: 20281: 20276: 20272: 20265: 20263: 20261: 20252: 20248: 20244: 20243: 20238: 20234: 20233:Sean O'Connor 20227: 20219: 20215: 20211: 20210: 20205: 20201: 20200:Sean O'Connor 20194: 20192: 20183: 20179: 20175: 20174: 20169: 20165: 20164:Sean O'Connor 20158: 20156: 20154: 20152: 20150: 20141: 20137: 20133: 20132: 20127: 20123: 20122:Sean O'Connor 20116: 20114: 20112: 20103: 20099: 20095: 20094: 20089: 20085: 20084:Sean O'Connor 20078: 20076: 20074: 20072: 20063: 20059: 20055: 20054: 20049: 20045: 20044:Sean O'Connor 20038: 20036: 20034: 20025: 20021: 20017: 20016: 20011: 20007: 20003: 20002:Sean O'Connor 19996: 19994: 19992: 19990: 19981: 19977: 19973: 19972: 19967: 19963: 19962:Sean O'Connor 19956: 19954: 19952: 19936: 19932: 19925: 19917: 19911: 19903: 19902: 19897: 19891: 19883: 19877: 19862: 19858: 19851: 19836:. 12 May 2017 19835: 19831: 19825: 19823: 19821: 19819: 19817: 19815: 19799: 19795: 19788: 19786: 19784: 19782: 19780: 19778: 19776: 19774: 19772: 19770: 19754: 19750: 19743: 19741: 19739: 19737: 19735: 19719: 19718: 19713: 19706: 19691: 19690: 19685: 19678: 19670: 19666: 19665: 19657: 19655: 19639: 19638: 19633: 19626: 19618: 19617: 19612: 19605: 19590: 19589: 19584: 19577: 19569: 19565: 19561: 19560: 19555: 19551: 19550:Sean O'Connor 19544: 19542: 19540: 19538: 19536: 19534: 19525: 19521: 19517: 19516: 19511: 19507: 19506:Sean O'Connor 19500: 19498: 19496: 19494: 19492: 19483: 19479: 19475: 19474: 19469: 19465: 19464:Sean O'Connor 19458: 19456: 19454: 19452: 19443: 19439: 19435: 19434: 19429: 19425: 19424:Sean O'Connor 19418: 19416: 19414: 19412: 19410: 19408: 19406: 19397: 19393: 19389: 19388: 19383: 19379: 19375: 19374:Sean O'Connor 19368: 19366: 19364: 19362: 19354: 19350: 19346: 19345: 19337: 19329: 19325: 19321: 19320: 19315: 19311: 19310:Sean O'Connor 19304: 19302: 19300: 19291: 19287: 19283: 19282: 19277: 19273: 19272:Sean O'Connor 19266: 19264: 19248: 19247: 19242: 19235: 19227: 19226: 19221: 19215: 19200: 19196: 19189: 19187: 19185: 19183: 19167: 19163: 19156: 19154: 19138: 19137:What's On TV? 19134: 19127: 19125: 19109: 19105: 19098: 19096: 19080: 19079: 19074: 19067: 19065: 19056: 19052: 19048: 19047: 19042: 19038: 19037:Sean O'Connor 19031: 19029: 19027: 19025: 19023: 19021: 19012: 19008: 19004: 19003: 18998: 18994: 18993:Sean O'Connor 18987: 18985: 18983: 18981: 18979: 18970: 18966: 18962: 18961: 18956: 18952: 18948: 18947:Sean O'Connor 18941: 18939: 18937: 18935: 18933: 18924: 18923: 18918: 18912: 18897: 18893: 18886: 18884: 18867: 18863: 18862: 18857: 18850: 18842: 18838: 18834: 18833: 18828: 18824: 18820: 18819:Sean O'Connor 18813: 18811: 18809: 18807: 18805: 18803: 18794: 18790: 18786: 18785: 18780: 18776: 18775:Sean O'Connor 18769: 18767: 18751: 18750: 18745: 18743: 18734: 18719: 18718: 18713: 18711: 18702: 18687: 18686: 18681: 18679: 18670: 18662: 18661: 18653: 18638: 18637: 18632: 18625: 18610: 18609: 18604: 18597: 18582: 18581: 18576: 18569: 18554: 18553: 18548: 18541: 18539: 18537: 18528: 18524: 18520: 18519: 18514: 18510: 18503: 18501: 18492: 18488: 18484: 18483: 18478: 18474: 18470: 18469:Sean O'Connor 18463: 18461: 18459: 18457: 18455: 18446: 18442: 18438: 18437: 18432: 18428: 18424: 18423:Sean O'Connor 18417: 18415: 18413: 18411: 18409: 18407: 18405: 18403: 18394: 18390: 18386: 18385: 18380: 18376: 18375:Sean O'Connor 18369: 18361: 18357: 18353: 18352: 18347: 18343: 18342:Sean O'Connor 18336: 18334: 18332: 18330: 18313: 18309: 18303: 18288: 18284: 18283: 18278: 18271: 18256: 18255: 18250: 18243: 18241: 18232: 18226: 18218: 18217: 18212: 18206: 18198: 18194: 18193: 18185: 18170: 18169: 18164: 18157: 18142: 18141: 18136: 18129: 18114: 18113: 18108: 18101: 18093: 18089: 18085: 18084: 18079: 18075: 18068: 18066: 18064: 18055: 18051: 18047: 18046: 18041: 18037: 18030: 18028: 18026: 18017: 18013: 18009: 18008: 18003: 17999: 17995: 17988: 17980: 17976: 17972: 17971: 17966: 17962: 17958: 17951: 17943: 17939: 17935: 17934: 17929: 17925: 17921: 17920:Sean O'Connor 17914: 17912: 17910: 17901: 17897: 17893: 17892: 17887: 17883: 17882:Sean O'Connor 17876: 17874: 17865: 17861: 17857: 17856: 17851: 17847: 17846:Sean O'Connor 17840: 17838: 17836: 17827: 17823: 17819: 17818: 17813: 17809: 17808:Sean O'Connor 17802: 17800: 17798: 17796: 17787: 17783: 17779: 17778: 17773: 17769: 17768:Sean O'Connor 17762: 17760: 17758: 17756: 17747: 17743: 17739: 17738: 17733: 17729: 17725: 17724:Sean O'Connor 17718: 17716: 17714: 17712: 17703: 17699: 17695: 17694: 17689: 17685: 17681: 17680:Sean O'Connor 17674: 17672: 17670: 17668: 17666: 17657: 17653: 17649: 17648: 17643: 17639: 17638:Sean O'Connor 17632: 17630: 17628: 17619: 17615: 17611: 17610: 17605: 17601: 17600:Sean O'Connor 17594: 17586: 17582: 17578: 17577: 17572: 17568: 17564: 17563:Sean O'Connor 17557: 17555: 17553: 17551: 17549: 17547: 17545: 17543: 17541: 17539: 17537: 17535: 17533: 17531: 17529: 17520: 17516: 17512: 17511: 17506: 17502: 17498: 17497:Sean O'Connor 17491: 17489: 17487: 17485: 17476: 17472: 17468: 17467: 17462: 17458: 17457:Sean O'Connor 17451: 17449: 17447: 17445: 17443: 17441: 17439: 17430: 17426: 17422: 17421: 17416: 17412: 17411:Sean O'Connor 17405: 17403: 17401: 17399: 17397: 17388: 17384: 17380: 17379: 17374: 17370: 17369:Sean O'Connor 17363: 17361: 17352: 17348: 17344: 17343: 17338: 17334: 17333:Sean O'Connor 17327: 17325: 17323: 17314: 17310: 17306: 17305: 17300: 17296: 17295:Sean O'Connor 17289: 17287: 17285: 17283: 17281: 17279: 17270: 17258: 17254: 17250: 17244: 17229: 17228: 17223: 17216: 17201: 17200: 17195: 17188: 17180: 17176: 17175: 17167: 17159: 17155: 17151: 17150: 17145: 17141: 17140:Sean O'Connor 17134: 17126: 17122: 17118: 17117: 17112: 17108: 17107:Sean O'Connor 17101: 17099: 17097: 17081: 17080: 17075: 17068: 17066: 17050: 17049: 17044: 17037: 17022: 17018: 17011: 16996: 16992: 16985: 16977: 16973: 16969: 16968: 16963: 16959: 16958:Sean O'Connor 16952: 16944: 16940: 16936: 16935: 16930: 16926: 16925:Sean O'Connor 16919: 16917: 16915: 16906: 16902: 16898: 16897: 16892: 16888: 16887:Sean O'Connor 16881: 16873: 16869: 16865: 16864: 16859: 16855: 16854:Sean O'Connor 16848: 16846: 16837: 16833: 16829: 16828: 16823: 16819: 16818:Sean O'Connor 16812: 16810: 16801: 16797: 16793: 16792: 16787: 16783: 16782:Sean O'Connor 16776: 16774: 16772: 16770: 16761: 16757: 16753: 16752: 16747: 16743: 16742:Sean O'Connor 16736: 16734: 16725: 16721: 16717: 16716: 16711: 16707: 16706:Sean O'Connor 16700: 16692: 16688: 16684: 16683: 16678: 16674: 16670: 16669:Sean O'Connor 16663: 16661: 16645: 16644: 16643:Daily Express 16639: 16632: 16624: 16620: 16616: 16615: 16610: 16606: 16602: 16601:Sean O'Connor 16595: 16593: 16591: 16589: 16580: 16576: 16572: 16571: 16566: 16562: 16561:Sean O'Connor 16555: 16553: 16551: 16549: 16540: 16536: 16532: 16531: 16526: 16522: 16518: 16517:Sean O'Connor 16511: 16509: 16507: 16505: 16489: 16488: 16483: 16476: 16468: 16464: 16460: 16459: 16454: 16450: 16449:Sean O'Connor 16443: 16441: 16439: 16437: 16435: 16433: 16431: 16429: 16413: 16412: 16407: 16400: 16392: 16388: 16384: 16383: 16378: 16374: 16373:Sean O'Connor 16367: 16365: 16356: 16352: 16348: 16347: 16342: 16338: 16337:Sean O'Connor 16331: 16323: 16319: 16315: 16314: 16309: 16305: 16304:Sean O'Connor 16298: 16296: 16294: 16292: 16283: 16279: 16275: 16274: 16269: 16265: 16264:Sean O'Connor 16258: 16256: 16254: 16245: 16241: 16237: 16236: 16231: 16227: 16226:Sean O'Connor 16220: 16218: 16216: 16214: 16205: 16201: 16197: 16196: 16191: 16187: 16186:Sean O'Connor 16180: 16178: 16176: 16174: 16172: 16163: 16159: 16155: 16154: 16149: 16145: 16144:Sean O'Connor 16138: 16136: 16134: 16132: 16130: 16121: 16117: 16113: 16112: 16107: 16103: 16102:Sean O'Connor 16096: 16094: 16092: 16090: 16081: 16077: 16073: 16072: 16067: 16063: 16062:Sean O'Connor 16056: 16054: 16052: 16050: 16041: 16037: 16033: 16032: 16027: 16023: 16022:Sean O'Connor 16016: 16014: 16012: 16003: 15999: 15995: 15994: 15989: 15985: 15984:Sean O'Connor 15978: 15976: 15974: 15972: 15963: 15959: 15955: 15954: 15949: 15945: 15944:Sean O'Connor 15938: 15936: 15934: 15932: 15930: 15921: 15917: 15913: 15912: 15907: 15903: 15902:Sean O'Connor 15896: 15894: 15892: 15890: 15881: 15877: 15873: 15872: 15867: 15863: 15862:Sean O'Connor 15856: 15841: 15840: 15835: 15829: 15814: 15813: 15808: 15801: 15785: 15781: 15775: 15767: 15763: 15759: 15758: 15753: 15749: 15748:Sean O'Connor 15742: 15740: 15731: 15727: 15723: 15722: 15717: 15713: 15709: 15708:Sean O'Connor 15702: 15694: 15690: 15686: 15685: 15680: 15676: 15675:Sean O'Connor 15669: 15667: 15665: 15656: 15652: 15648: 15647: 15642: 15638: 15634: 15633:Sean O'Connor 15627: 15625: 15623: 15621: 15619: 15617: 15615: 15606: 15602: 15598: 15597: 15592: 15588: 15587:Sean O'Connor 15581: 15573: 15569: 15565: 15564: 15559: 15555: 15554:Sean O'Connor 15548: 15546: 15544: 15542: 15526: 15525: 15520: 15513: 15498: 15497: 15492: 15485: 15477: 15476: 15468: 15460: 15459: 15451: 15436: 15432: 15425: 15410: 15406: 15399: 15384: 15383: 15378: 15371: 15355: 15354: 15353:What's on TV? 15349: 15343: 15335: 15323: 15319: 15312: 15304: 15300: 15296: 15295: 15290: 15286: 15285:Sean O'Connor 15279: 15277: 15268: 15264: 15260: 15259: 15254: 15250: 15249:Sean O'Connor 15243: 15241: 15239: 15237: 15235: 15226: 15222: 15218: 15217: 15212: 15208: 15204: 15200: 15199:Sean O'Connor 15193: 15191: 15189: 15187: 15185: 15176: 15172: 15168: 15167: 15162: 15158: 15154: 15153:Sean O'Connor 15147: 15139: 15135: 15131: 15130: 15125: 15121: 15120:Sean O'Connor 15114: 15112: 15110: 15108: 15106: 15104: 15102: 15100: 15098: 15089: 15085: 15081: 15080: 15075: 15071: 15070:Sean O'Connor 15064: 15062: 15060: 15058: 15049: 15045: 15041: 15040: 15035: 15031: 15030:Sean O'Connor 15024: 15022: 15020: 15011: 15007: 15003: 15002: 14997: 14993: 14992:Sean O'Connor 14986: 14984: 14982: 14980: 14978: 14976: 14967: 14963: 14959: 14958: 14953: 14949: 14948:Sean O'Connor 14942: 14940: 14938: 14936: 14934: 14932: 14930: 14921: 14917: 14913: 14912: 14907: 14903: 14899: 14898:Sean O'Connor 14892: 14890: 14888: 14886: 14884: 14875: 14871: 14867: 14866: 14861: 14857: 14856:Sean O'Connor 14850: 14848: 14846: 14837: 14833: 14829: 14828: 14823: 14819: 14818:Sean O'Connor 14812: 14810: 14808: 14806: 14804: 14795: 14791: 14787: 14786: 14781: 14777: 14776:Sean O'Connor 14770: 14768: 14766: 14764: 14762: 14760: 14751: 14747: 14743: 14742: 14737: 14733: 14729: 14728:Sean O'Connor 14722: 14720: 14711: 14707: 14703: 14702: 14697: 14693: 14692:Sean O'Connor 14686: 14684: 14682: 14680: 14678: 14676: 14674: 14665: 14661: 14657: 14656: 14651: 14647: 14646:Sean O'Connor 14640: 14638: 14629: 14625: 14621: 14620: 14615: 14611: 14610:Sean O'Connor 14604: 14602: 14593: 14589: 14585: 14584: 14579: 14575: 14574:Sean O'Connor 14568: 14566: 14564: 14562: 14553: 14549: 14545: 14544: 14539: 14535: 14534:Sean O'Connor 14528: 14526: 14524: 14522: 14513: 14509: 14505: 14504: 14499: 14495: 14494:Sean O'Connor 14488: 14480: 14476: 14472: 14471: 14466: 14462: 14461:Sean O'Connor 14455: 14453: 14451: 14449: 14447: 14438: 14434: 14430: 14429: 14424: 14420: 14416: 14415:Sean O'Connor 14409: 14407: 14405: 14396: 14392: 14388: 14387: 14382: 14378: 14377:Sean O'Connor 14371: 14363: 14359: 14355: 14354: 14349: 14345: 14344:Sean O'Connor 14338: 14330: 14326: 14322: 14321: 14316: 14312: 14311:Sean O'Connor 14305: 14303: 14301: 14292: 14288: 14284: 14283: 14278: 14274: 14273:Sean O'Connor 14267: 14265: 14263: 14261: 14259: 14250: 14246: 14242: 14241: 14236: 14232: 14228: 14224: 14223:Sean O'Connor 14217: 14215: 14213: 14211: 14209: 14200: 14196: 14192: 14191: 14186: 14182: 14178: 14174: 14173:Sean O'Connor 14167: 14165: 14163: 14161: 14159: 14150: 14146: 14142: 14141: 14136: 14132: 14131:Sean O'Connor 14125: 14117: 14113: 14109: 14108: 14103: 14099: 14098:Sean O'Connor 14092: 14090: 14088: 14086: 14084: 14082: 14080: 14078: 14069: 14065: 14061: 14060: 14055: 14051: 14050:Sean O'Connor 14044: 14042: 14040: 14031: 14027: 14023: 14022: 14017: 14013: 14012:Sean O'Connor 14006: 14004: 14002: 14000: 13998: 13996: 13994: 13992: 13990: 13981: 13977: 13973: 13972: 13967: 13963: 13962:Sean O'Connor 13956: 13954: 13952: 13950: 13948: 13946: 13937: 13933: 13929: 13928: 13923: 13919: 13918:Sean O'Connor 13912: 13910: 13908: 13899: 13895: 13891: 13890: 13885: 13881: 13880:Sean O'Connor 13874: 13872: 13870: 13868: 13866: 13864: 13855: 13851: 13847: 13846: 13841: 13837: 13836:Sean O'Connor 13830: 13828: 13826: 13817: 13813: 13809: 13808: 13803: 13799: 13798:Sean O'Connor 13792: 13790: 13788: 13779: 13775: 13771: 13770: 13765: 13761: 13757: 13753: 13752:Sean O'Connor 13746: 13744: 13742: 13740: 13738: 13736: 13734: 13732: 13716: 13712: 13705: 13690: 13686: 13679: 13664: 13660: 13653: 13638: 13634: 13627: 13619: 13618: 13613: 13606: 13598: 13594: 13590: 13589: 13584: 13580: 13579:Sean O'Connor 13573: 13571: 13562: 13558: 13554: 13553: 13548: 13544: 13543:Sean O'Connor 13537: 13535: 13526: 13522: 13518: 13517: 13512: 13508: 13507:Sean O'Connor 13501: 13499: 13490: 13486: 13482: 13481: 13476: 13472: 13471:Sean O'Connor 13465: 13463: 13461: 13452: 13448: 13444: 13443: 13438: 13434: 13433:Sean O'Connor 13427: 13425: 13423: 13421: 13412: 13408: 13404: 13403: 13398: 13394: 13390: 13389:Sean O'Connor 13383: 13368: 13364: 13360: 13359: 13354: 13350: 13343: 13328: 13327: 13322: 13315: 13300: 13299: 13294: 13287: 13279: 13275: 13271: 13270: 13265: 13261: 13254: 13252: 13243: 13239: 13235: 13234: 13229: 13225: 13224:Sean O'Connor 13218: 13216: 13214: 13212: 13210: 13208: 13199: 13195: 13191: 13190: 13185: 13181: 13177: 13176:Sean O'Connor 13170: 13168: 13166: 13157: 13153: 13149: 13148: 13143: 13139: 13135: 13134:Sean O'Connor 13128: 13126: 13124: 13122: 13120: 13118: 13116: 13107: 13103: 13099: 13098: 13093: 13089: 13088:Sean O'Connor 13082: 13080: 13078: 13076: 13074: 13065: 13061: 13057: 13056: 13051: 13047: 13046:Sean O'Connor 13040: 13038: 13036: 13034: 13025: 13021: 13017: 13016: 13011: 13007: 13006:Sean O'Connor 13000: 12985: 12984: 12979: 12972: 12956: 12952: 12946: 12938: 12934: 12930: 12929: 12924: 12920: 12919:Sean O'Connor 12913: 12911: 12895: 12891: 12884: 12868: 12867: 12862: 12856: 12852: 12839: 12835: 12831: 12827: 12826:Jack Branning 12823: 12819: 12814: 12810: 12806: 12802: 12798: 12794: 12791: 12787: 12778: 12768: 12764: 12760: 12757: 12753: 12746: 12736: 12732: 12728: 12724: 12720: 12716: 12712: 12709: 12705: 12701: 12697: 12694: 12690: 12685: 12675: 12671: 12667: 12663: 12659: 12655: 12651: 12648: 12647:Philip Brodie 12644: 12639: 12629: 12625: 12621: 12617: 12614: 12610: 12605: 12595: 12591: 12587: 12586:Kellie Bright 12583: 12579: 12575: 12571: 12568: 12564: 12559: 12556:Jeff Atkinson 12549: 12545: 12541: 12536: 12531: 12521: 12517: 12513: 12509: 12508:Josh Hemmings 12505: 12502: 12498: 12491: 12481: 12480:William Boyde 12477: 12473: 12469: 12468:Phil Mitchell 12465: 12462: 12461:Kevin McCurdy 12458: 12451:10 November – 12449: 12439: 12435: 12434:Carmel Kazemi 12431: 12428: 12427:Jason Baughan 12424: 12419: 12416:David Kennedy 12409: 12405: 12402: 12401:Mark Rawlings 12398: 12393: 12383: 12379: 12375: 12372: 12368: 12363: 12351: 12341: 12340:Perry Fenwick 12337: 12333: 12326: 12322: 12300: 12296: 12292: 12291:Adam Woodyatt 12288: 12264: 12263:Danny Walters 12260: 12256: 12253: 12249: 12244: 12234: 12233:Danny Walters 12230: 12226: 12221: 12216: 12206: 12205:Danny Walters 12202: 12198: 12195: 12191: 12186: 12174: 12169: 12159: 12155: 12154:Aidan Maguire 12151: 12147: 12143: 12142:Ciara Maguire 12139: 12135: 12131: 12127: 12120: 12116: 12107: 12097: 12093: 12092:Martin Fowler 12089: 12085: 12084:Stacey Fowler 12081: 12078: 12074: 12069: 12059: 12058:Danny Walters 12055: 12051: 12048: 12047:Deano Bugatti 12044: 12039: 12029: 12025: 12021: 12020:Jenna Russell 12017: 12013: 12010: 12006: 11997: 11987: 11983: 11979: 11978:Stacey Fowler 11975: 11974:Arthur Fowler 11971: 11968: 11964: 11959: 11949: 11948:Danny Walters 11945: 11941: 11938: 11934: 11927: 11917: 11913: 11909: 11905: 11902: 11898: 11893: 11883: 11879: 11878:Martin Fowler 11875: 11871: 11870:Stacey Fowler 11867: 11866:Arthur Fowler 11863: 11860: 11856: 11851: 11841: 11837: 11833: 11832:Jenna Russell 11829: 11825: 11822: 11821:Trevor Murphy 11818: 11813: 11803: 11799: 11798:Arthur Fowler 11795: 11791: 11787: 11783: 11782:Martin Fowler 11779: 11775: 11774:Stacey Fowler 11771: 11768: 11764: 11759: 11749: 11745: 11741: 11738: 11734: 11725: 11715: 11711: 11710:Aaron Sidwell 11707: 11703: 11700: 11696: 11691: 11681: 11680:Kellie Bright 11677: 11673: 11670: 11666: 11661: 11651: 11650:Kellie Bright 11647: 11643: 11639: 11635: 11632: 11628: 11623: 11613: 11612:Arthur Fowler 11609: 11605: 11604:Stacey Fowler 11601: 11597: 11596:Shakil Kazemi 11593: 11589: 11588:Carmel Kazemi 11585: 11581: 11577: 11573: 11569: 11565: 11561: 11557: 11554: 11550: 11543: 11533: 11529: 11525: 11524:Martin Fowler 11521: 11518: 11514: 11509: 11499: 11495: 11491: 11487: 11486:Carmel Kazemi 11483: 11479: 11475: 11471: 11470:Shakil Kazemi 11467: 11466:Adam Woodyatt 11463: 11459: 11455: 11451: 11447: 11443: 11442:Aaron Sidwell 11439: 11435: 11432: 11431:Polly Maberly 11428: 11419: 11416:DI Ellie Kent 11409: 11408:Jenna Russell 11405: 11401: 11398: 11394: 11389:4–5 September 11387: 11377: 11373: 11369: 11365: 11361: 11357: 11353: 11350: 11346: 11337: 11327: 11323: 11319: 11314: 11309: 11299: 11295: 11294:Phil Mitchell 11291: 11287: 11283: 11280: 11276: 11275:halfway house 11272: 11269: 11268:Richard Frame 11265: 11260: 11250: 11249:Lucy Benjamin 11246: 11242: 11238: 11237:Phil Mitchell 11234: 11231: 11227: 11222: 11212: 11208: 11204: 11200: 11199:Shakil Kazemi 11196: 11192: 11191:Lucy Benjamin 11188: 11184: 11180: 11176: 11172: 11168: 11164: 11163:Phil Mitchell 11160: 11157: 11156:Joanna Miller 11153: 11144: 11134: 11130: 11126: 11122: 11121:Phil Mitchell 11118: 11117:Lucy Benjamin 11114: 11110: 11106: 11102: 11099: 11098:Peri Olufunwa 11095: 11088: 11078: 11074: 11070: 11069:Lucy Benjamin 11066: 11062: 11059: 11058:Rosy Benjamin 11055: 11050: 11040: 11036: 11032: 11029: 11025: 11020: 11010: 11006: 11002: 11001:Lucy Benjamin 10998: 10994: 10990: 10986: 10983: 10979: 10974: 10964: 10960: 10956: 10952: 10948: 10944: 10940: 10936: 10932: 10929: 10925: 10918: 10908: 10904: 10900: 10896: 10892: 10889: 10885: 10880: 10870: 10869:Madison Drake 10866: 10861: 10856: 10853:Libby Walker 10846: 10842: 10838: 10835: 10831: 10826: 10816: 10812: 10808: 10807:Danny Walters 10804: 10800: 10796: 10792: 10788: 10785: 10784:Shaun Aylward 10781: 10772: 10762: 10758: 10754: 10751: 10747: 10742: 10732: 10728: 10724: 10720: 10716: 10712: 10708: 10704: 10699: 10694: 10678: 10668: 10664: 10660: 10656: 10652: 10648: 10644: 10640: 10639:Phil Mitchell 10636: 10632: 10631:Danny Walters 10628: 10624: 10620: 10619:Luke Browning 10616: 10612: 10600:(14 episodes) 10598:23 July 2018 10594: 10584: 10580: 10576: 10573: 10569: 10562: 10552: 10548: 10544: 10541: 10537: 10530: 10520: 10516: 10512: 10508: 10504: 10501: 10497: 10492: 10482: 10478: 10474: 10470: 10466: 10462: 10458: 10454: 10450: 10447: 10446:Rosie Akerman 10443: 10438: 10428: 10424: 10420: 10416: 10413:A doctor who 10412: 10409: 10405: 10400: 10397:Dr Hargreaves 10390: 10389:Perry Fenwick 10386: 10382: 10379: 10375: 10370: 10360: 10359:Bill Treacher 10356: 10355:Arthur Fowler 10352: 10348: 10347:Martin Fowler 10344: 10340: 10339:Stacey Fowler 10336: 10335:Arthur Fowler 10332: 10328: 10324: 10320: 10316: 10312: 10308: 10304: 10300: 10296: 10292: 10289: 10285: 10278: 10268: 10264: 10260: 10256: 10252: 10248: 10244: 10241: 10237: 10232: 10222: 10218: 10214: 10210: 10209:Jack Branning 10206: 10203: 10199: 10194: 10184: 10180: 10176: 10171: 10164: 10154: 10150: 10146: 10142: 10138: 10137:Albert Square 10134: 10130: 10126: 10122: 10118: 10114: 10110: 10109:Jack Branning 10106: 10102: 10098: 10095: 10091: 10084: 10074: 10071: 10067: 10063: 10059: 10055: 10051: 10047: 10043: 10040: 10039:Eileen Davies 10036: 10029: 10026:Joan Murfield 10019: 10015: 10014:Adam Woodyatt 10011: 10007: 10003: 9999: 9996: 9995:Steven George 9992: 9987: 9977: 9973: 9969: 9968:Jenna Russell 9965: 9961: 9958: 9954: 9944: 9940: 9936: 9935:Jenna Russell 9932: 9928: 9925: 9921: 9906: 9902: 9898: 9897:Tameka Empson 9894: 9890: 9886: 9885:Martin Fowler 9882: 9878: 9874: 9871: 9867: 9862: 9852: 9848: 9844: 9840: 9836: 9832: 9828: 9825: 9821: 9809: 9799: 9795: 9788: 9784: 9766: 9762: 9761:Shona McGarty 9758: 9754: 9749: 9744: 9734: 9730: 9726: 9723: 9719: 9690: 9686: 9676: 9675:Adam Woodyatt 9672: 9665: 9661: 9646: 9642: 9638: 9634: 9633:Jack Branning 9630: 9625: 9618: 9608: 9607:Jenna Russell 9604: 9600: 9595: 9585: 9584:Jenna Russell 9581: 9577: 9574: 9570: 9560: 9559:Jenna Russell 9556: 9552: 9549: 9545: 9542:Debra Hammond 9535: 9531: 9527: 9523: 9520: 9516: 9506: 9502: 9498: 9495: 9494:Joanna Kanska 9491: 9476: 9472: 9462: 9458: 9454: 9450: 9449:Josh Hemmings 9443: 9439: 9424: 9420: 9416: 9413: 9409: 9404: 9394: 9393:Jenna Russell 9390: 9386: 9383: 9382:Matthew Bates 9379: 9374: 9362: 9352: 9348: 9347:Johnny Carter 9344: 9341: 9337: 9333: 9326: 9322: 9307: 9303: 9302:Josh Hemmings 9299: 9295: 9291: 9288: 9284: 9277: 9267: 9263: 9259: 9255: 9251: 9247: 9243: 9242:Linda Marlowe 9239: 9238:Sylvie Carter 9235: 9231: 9227: 9224: 9220: 9211: 9201: 9200:Shona McGarty 9197: 9193: 9189: 9185: 9181: 9177: 9173: 9170: 9166: 9161: 9151: 9147: 9143: 9139: 9135: 9130: 9125: 9115: 9111: 9107: 9104: 9103:Patrick Myles 9100: 9095: 9085: 9081: 9080:Jenna Russell 9077: 9073: 9070: 9069:Stacey Norris 9066: 9061: 9051: 9047: 9043: 9039: 9035: 9032: 9028: 9023: 9013: 9009: 9005: 9001: 9000:Jenna Russell 8997: 8993: 8990: 8986: 8981: 8971: 8970:Jenna Russell 8967: 8963: 8959: 8955: 8951: 8950:Martin Fowler 8947: 8944: 8940: 8937:Dr Aaron Kent 8930: 8926: 8922: 8918: 8917:Martin Fowler 8914: 8911: 8907: 8892: 8891:Linda Marlowe 8888: 8887:Sylvie Carter 8884: 8880: 8876: 8873: 8872:Shirley Dixon 8869: 8864: 8855:) team wins. 8854: 8853:Tameka Empson 8850: 8846: 8842: 8838: 8835: 8831: 8826: 8816: 8815:Linda Marlowe 8812: 8811:Sylvie Carter 8808: 8804: 8800: 8796: 8792: 8789: 8785: 8778: 8775:Debbie Morton 8768: 8764: 8760: 8756: 8755:Shakil Kazemi 8752: 8748: 8744: 8741: 8737: 8730: 8727:Luke Ayshford 8720: 8716: 8715:Shakil Kazemi 8712: 8708: 8704: 8701: 8697: 8692: 8682: 8678: 8677:Luke Ayshford 8674: 8670: 8669:Martin Fowler 8666: 8662: 8661:Shakil Kazemi 8658: 8654: 8650: 8647: 8643: 8636: 8626: 8622: 8618: 8615: 8611: 8608: 8604: 8599: 8589: 8585: 8581: 8577: 8574: 8570: 8563: 8553: 8549: 8545: 8541: 8538: 8537:Jamie Nichols 8534: 8529: 8519: 8516: 8512: 8508: 8504: 8501: 8497: 8492: 8482: 8478: 8474: 8470: 8467: 8466:Simon Lenagan 8463: 8458: 8446: 8436: 8432: 8425: 8421: 8406: 8405:Adam Woodyatt 8402: 8399:A nurse that 8398: 8395: 8391: 8386: 8376: 8372: 8368: 8367:Jenna Russell 8364: 8360: 8356: 8355:Carmel Kazemi 8352: 8349: 8345: 8340: 8330: 8326: 8325:Roxy Mitchell 8322: 8318: 8314: 8311: 8307: 8302: 8292: 8288: 8284: 8281: 8277: 8273: 8269: 8265: 8261: 8257: 8253: 8250: 8246: 8241: 8231: 8227: 8223: 8219: 8215: 8211: 8207: 8203: 8199: 8195: 8191: 8187: 8183: 8179: 8178:Martin Fowler 8175: 8171: 8167: 8163: 8162:Shakil Kazemi 8159: 8155: 8154:Carmel Kazemi 8151: 8148: 8147:Polly Highton 8144: 8139:26 March 2018 8135: 8125: 8121: 8117: 8116:Adam Woodyatt 8113: 8109: 8105: 8101: 8098: 8094: 8089: 8086:Alan Robinson 8079: 8075: 8071: 8068: 8064: 8061: 8057: 8052: 8042: 8039: 8035: 8031: 8027: 8024: 8020: 8015:30–31 January 8013: 8003: 8002:Jenna Russell 7999: 7995: 7991: 7987: 7983: 7982:Martin Fowler 7979: 7975: 7974:Stacey Fowler 7971: 7966: 7959: 7949: 7945: 7941: 7938: 7934: 7930: 7929:Carmel Kazemi 7926: 7923: 7922:Paul Bradbury 7919: 7912: 7900: 7895: 7885: 7881: 7874: 7870: 7865:24–26 January 7863: 7853: 7849: 7848:Carmel Kazemi 7845: 7842: 7838: 7833: 7823: 7819: 7815: 7811: 7810:Phil Mitchell 7807: 7802: 7797:20–31 January 7795: 7785: 7781: 7780:Phil Mitchell 7777: 7774: 7770: 7765: 7755: 7751: 7747: 7743: 7739: 7738:Kellie Bright 7735: 7731: 7727: 7723: 7719: 7715: 7712: 7708: 7705: 7701: 7694:20 January – 7692: 7682: 7678: 7674: 7669: 7664: 7654: 7653:Adam Woodyatt 7650: 7646: 7642: 7638: 7633: 7628: 7618: 7617:Glynis Barber 7614: 7610: 7606: 7605:Jack Branning 7602: 7598: 7594: 7593:Roxy Mitchell 7590: 7586: 7582: 7579: 7575: 7568: 7558: 7554: 7553:Roxy Mitchell 7550: 7546: 7542: 7539: 7535: 7530: 7502: 7500: 7496: 7492: 7488: 7484: 7483:Josh Hemmings 7479: 7477: 7476:Adam Woodyatt 7473: 7468: 7466: 7462: 7458: 7454: 7450: 7449:Martin Fowler 7446: 7442: 7441:Stacey Fowler 7438: 7434: 7430: 7426: 7422: 7418: 7414: 7413:Jack Branning 7410: 7407: 7403: 7399: 7395: 7391: 7387: 7383: 7378: 7376: 7375:Aaron Sidwell 7372: 7368: 7364: 7360: 7348: 7344: 7340: 7339:Jack Branning 7336: 7332: 7329: 7325: 7322: 7321:Beth Williams 7318: 7315: 7311: 7308: 7304: 7300: 7296: 7292: 7288: 7285: 7281: 7278: 7274: 7271: 7267: 7264: 7260: 7257: 7253: 7250: 7246: 7243: 7239: 7236: 7233: 7229: 7226: 7223: 7219: 7216: 7212: 7209: 7205: 7200: 7196: 7193: 7190: 7186: 7183: 7180: 7176: 7163: 7159: 7146: 7142: 7138: 7134: 7130: 7126: 7121: 7116: 7112: 7108: 7098: 7094: 7090: 7088: 7084: 7083:Helen Masters 7080: 7076: 7072: 7068: 7063: 7061: 7053: 7049: 7045: 7043: 7039: 7035: 7031: 7019: 7015: 7012: 7008: 7005: 7001: 6997: 6993: 6990: 6986: 6982: 6978: 6975: 6972: 6968: 6965: 6962: 6958: 6953: 6949: 6946: 6943: 6939: 6936: 6933: 6929: 6916: 6912: 6899: 6895: 6891: 6887: 6884: 6881: 6877: 6873: 6869: 6864: 6856: 6853: 6849: 6844: 6838: 6834: 6832: 6828: 6824: 6818: 6816: 6812: 6811:Johnny Carter 6808: 6804: 6800: 6796: 6790: 6788: 6784: 6780: 6776: 6772: 6768: 6764: 6760: 6754: 6752: 6748: 6747:Ciara Maguire 6744: 6740: 6735: 6733: 6732:Shona McGarty 6729: 6725: 6724:Perry Fenwick 6721: 6717: 6716:Kellie Bright 6713: 6709: 6708:Luke Browning 6705: 6701: 6697: 6693: 6689: 6688:Danny Walters 6685: 6681: 6677: 6673: 6669: 6665: 6661: 6660:Phil Mitchell 6657: 6653: 6649: 6645: 6644:Albert Square 6640: 6638: 6634: 6630: 6626: 6613: 6612:Ciara Maguire 6610: 6606: 6602: 6598: 6594: 6590: 6585: 6581: 6578: 6575: 6571: 6568: 6565: 6561: 6555: 6551: 6545: 6541: 6537: 6533: 6530: 6527: 6523: 6519: 6515: 6512:Aidan Maguire 6510: 6505:Aidan Maguire 6502: 6500: 6496: 6492: 6489: 6487: 6482: 6481:pre-eclampsia 6477: 6475: 6471: 6470:Hayley Slater 6467: 6463: 6459: 6455: 6451: 6447: 6446:Carmel Kazemi 6443: 6442:Arthur Fowler 6439: 6434: 6432: 6428: 6427:Stacey Fowler 6424: 6420: 6419:Martin Fowler 6416: 6404: 6400: 6396: 6395:Cherry Slater 6392: 6388: 6384: 6380: 6376: 6375:Hayley Slater 6372: 6368: 6364: 6361: 6357: 6354: 6350: 6347: 6343: 6340: 6339:Charli Slater 6337: 6333: 6330: 6327: 6323: 6320: 6316: 6312: 6309: 6305: 6302: 6298: 6295: 6291: 6288: 6287:Arthur Fowler 6283: 6279: 6276: 6272: 6269: 6265: 6262: 6261:Arthur Fowler 6259: 6257:Half-brothers 6255: 6252: 6248: 6245: 6241: 6238: 6237:Stacey Slater 6235: 6231: 6228: 6227:Martin Fowler 6225: 6221: 6218: 6214: 6211: 6207: 6202: 6198: 6195: 6194:Sean O'Connor 6192: 6188: 6185: 6182: 6178: 6172: 6168: 6164: 6160: 6153:Noach Persell 6152: 6148: 6144: 6140: 6135: 6127: 6125: 6124: 6119: 6114: 6113: 6108: 6103: 6101: 6100:Jack Branning 6097: 6093: 6089: 6085: 6081: 6077: 6073: 6069: 6065: 6053:Market trader 6052: 6048: 6043: 6039: 6036: 6035:Sean O'Connor 6033: 6029: 6026: 6023: 6019: 6006: 6002: 5989: 5985: 5982: 5979: 5975: 5971: 5967: 5962: 5954: 5951: 5950: 5945: 5941: 5937: 5932: 5930: 5926: 5922: 5918: 5914: 5913:Danny Walters 5910: 5906: 5902: 5898: 5897:Will Mitchell 5894: 5890: 5889:Perry Fenwick 5886: 5882: 5878: 5874: 5872: 5868: 5864: 5860: 5856: 5852: 5848: 5844: 5840: 5836: 5835:Jack Branning 5831: 5829: 5817: 5814: 5810: 5805: 5801: 5798: 5797:Sean O'Connor 5795: 5791: 5788: 5785: 5781: 5775: 5771: 5765: 5761: 5757: 5753: 5750: 5747: 5743: 5739: 5735: 5730: 5722: 5718: 5716: 5712: 5709: 5707: 5702: 5698: 5693: 5689: 5683: 5680: 5679:Sean O'Connor 5674: 5672: 5668: 5667:Stacey Fowler 5663: 5662:Albert Square 5658: 5656: 5652: 5648: 5644: 5640: 5636: 5632: 5631:Danny Walters 5628: 5624: 5620: 5616: 5604: 5600: 5597: 5593: 5590: 5586: 5583: 5579: 5576: 5573: 5569: 5566: 5562: 5559: 5555: 5552: 5548: 5545: 5543:Half-brothers 5541: 5538: 5535: 5531: 5528: 5525: 5521: 5516: 5512: 5508: 5503: 5502:Sean O'Connor 5500: 5496: 5493: 5490: 5486: 5480: 5476: 5470: 5466: 5462: 5458: 5454: 5450: 5446: 5442: 5437: 5429: 5425: 5423: 5419: 5416: 5414: 5409: 5405: 5400: 5396: 5390: 5387: 5386:Sean O'Connor 5381: 5379: 5375: 5371: 5367: 5366:Stacey Fowler 5362: 5361:Albert Square 5357: 5355: 5351: 5347: 5343: 5339: 5335: 5331: 5330:Danny Walters 5327: 5323: 5319: 5315: 5303: 5299: 5296: 5292: 5289: 5285: 5282: 5278: 5275: 5272: 5268: 5265: 5261: 5258: 5254: 5251: 5247: 5244: 5242:Half-brothers 5240: 5237: 5234: 5230: 5227: 5224: 5220: 5215: 5211: 5207: 5202: 5201:Sean O'Connor 5199: 5195: 5192: 5189: 5185: 5179: 5175: 5169: 5165: 5161: 5157: 5153: 5149: 5145: 5141: 5136: 5128: 5126: 5122: 5117: 5115: 5111: 5110:Perry Fenwick 5107: 5103: 5099: 5095: 5091: 5087: 5083: 5079: 5075: 5071: 5067: 5063: 5062:Albert Square 5058: 5056: 5052: 5048: 5044: 5040: 5036: 5032: 5031:Danny Walters 5028: 5024: 5020: 5016: 5004:Taylor family 5003: 4999: 4994: 4990: 4986: 4982: 4979: 4978:Sean O'Connor 4976: 4972: 4969: 4966: 4962: 4959:15 March 2021 4956: 4952: 4946: 4942: 4938: 4934: 4928: 4924: 4920: 4916: 4911: 4903: 4901: 4900: 4895: 4891: 4886: 4882: 4880: 4876: 4873: 4871: 4866: 4862: 4857: 4853: 4848: 4847:Sean O'Connor 4843: 4834: 4832: 4831:Emma Fielding 4828: 4824: 4820: 4816: 4812: 4808: 4804: 4800: 4795: 4793: 4789: 4785: 4781: 4777: 4773: 4772:Phil Mitchell 4769: 4765: 4764:Aidan Maguire 4761: 4757: 4753: 4749: 4745: 4741: 4740:Martin Fowler 4737: 4733: 4729: 4725: 4721: 4717: 4716:Shakil Kazemi 4711: 4709: 4705: 4700: 4696: 4692: 4691:Stacey Fowler 4688: 4684: 4680: 4676: 4671: 4669: 4665: 4661: 4656: 4655:Albert Square 4651: 4649: 4645: 4641: 4637: 4633: 4629: 4628:Danny Walters 4625: 4621: 4617: 4613: 4609: 4602: 4598: 4586: 4582: 4579: 4575: 4572: 4569: 4565: 4562: 4559: 4555: 4552: 4549: 4545: 4542: 4539: 4535: 4532: 4528: 4524: 4520: 4517: 4515:Half-brothers 4513: 4510: 4507: 4503: 4496: 4493: 4490: 4487: 4486: 4484: 4480: 4475: 4471: 4468: 4467:Sean O'Connor 4465: 4461: 4458: 4455: 4451: 4445: 4441: 4437: 4433: 4430: 4427: 4423: 4419: 4415: 4410: 4402: 4400: 4399:Kellie Bright 4396: 4391: 4387: 4383: 4379: 4375: 4371: 4367: 4363: 4359: 4358:Danny Walters 4355: 4350: 4340: 4338: 4334: 4330: 4326: 4322: 4318: 4317: 4312: 4308: 4304: 4300: 4296: 4292: 4288: 4284: 4283:Danny Walters 4280: 4276: 4272: 4267: 4257: 4254: 4249: 4248: 4242: 4238: 4237: 4231: 4230: 4224: 4222: 4218: 4214: 4210: 4206: 4202: 4201:Phil Mitchell 4197: 4195: 4194:Trevor Murphy 4191: 4185: 4183: 4179: 4175: 4171: 4170:Jenna Russell 4167: 4162: 4160: 4156: 4143: 4139: 4134: 4130: 4127: 4126:Sean O'Connor 4124: 4120: 4117: 4114: 4110: 4104: 4100: 4094: 4090: 4087: 4084: 4080: 4076: 4072: 4067: 4059: 4057: 4056: 4050: 4049: 4043: 4040: 4035: 4034:Sean O'Connor 4029: 4027: 4023: 4018: 4016: 4015:Kellie Bright 4012: 4008: 4004: 4003:Johnny Carter 4000: 3999:Danny Walters 3996: 3991: 3989: 3985: 3981: 3980:Eileen Davies 3977: 3976:Joan Murfield 3973: 3969: 3965: 3961: 3956: 3954: 3950: 3946: 3942: 3928: 3925: 3921: 3917: 3913: 3909: 3906: 3902: 3897: 3893: 3890: 3889:Sean O'Connor 3887: 3883: 3880: 3877: 3873: 3870:30 March 2018 3867: 3863: 3857: 3853: 3849: 3845: 3842: 3839: 3835: 3831: 3827: 3822: 3814: 3812: 3807: 3806: 3800: 3797: 3792: 3791:Sean O'Connor 3787: 3782: 3780: 3776: 3772: 3768: 3764: 3760: 3755: 3753: 3748: 3746: 3745:Kellie Bright 3742: 3738: 3734: 3733:Johnny Carter 3728: 3726: 3725:Danny Walters 3722: 3718: 3714: 3710: 3706: 3702: 3699: 3695: 3691: 3687: 3686:Eileen Davies 3683: 3682:Joan Murfield 3679: 3675: 3671: 3667: 3659: 3654: 3650: 3648: 3644: 3640: 3636: 3622: 3619: 3615: 3611: 3607: 3603: 3600: 3596: 3592: 3588: 3583: 3579: 3576: 3575:Sean O'Connor 3573: 3569: 3566: 3563: 3559: 3551: 3547: 3541: 3537: 3533: 3529: 3526: 3523: 3519: 3515: 3511: 3506: 3498: 3496: 3495: 3489: 3487: 3483: 3479: 3475: 3474:Martin Fowler 3470: 3466: 3462: 3457: 3455: 3454:Leila Hoffman 3451: 3438: 3434: 3429: 3425: 3421: 3417: 3412: 3411:Sean O'Connor 3409: 3405: 3402: 3401:Former; guest 3399: 3395: 3389: 3385: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3364: 3363:Leila Hoffman 3361: 3357: 3353: 3349: 3344: 3336: 3334: 3333: 3328: 3324: 3320: 3318: 3312: 3311: 3305: 3300: 3294: 3290: 3289:Sean O'Connor 3284: 3282: 3278: 3274: 3270: 3269:Jack Branning 3266: 3265:Perry Fenwick 3262: 3258: 3254: 3250: 3246: 3241: 3237: 3235: 3231: 3227: 3223: 3219: 3215: 3211: 3210:Lisa Faulkner 3207: 3202: 3200: 3196: 3192: 3188: 3184: 3183:Kellie Bright 3180: 3176: 3175:Shona McGarty 3172: 3168: 3164: 3163:Johnny Carter 3160: 3156: 3152: 3147: 3145: 3141: 3137: 3133: 3126: 3122: 3109: 3105: 3100: 3096: 3093: 3092:Sean O'Connor 3090: 3086: 3083: 3080: 3076: 3070: 3066: 3063:18 April 2017 3060: 3056: 3052: 3048: 3045: 3042: 3038: 3034: 3030: 3025: 3017: 3015: 3014: 3009: 3008: 3003: 3002: 2996: 2994: 2990: 2986: 2982: 2978: 2974: 2970: 2966: 2962: 2954: 2953:Sean O'Connor 2951: 2947: 2944: 2943:Former; guest 2941: 2937: 2934:21 March 2017 2931: 2927: 2924: 2921: 2917: 2913: 2909: 2904: 2896: 2894: 2890: 2886: 2885: 2880: 2876: 2875: 2869: 2867: 2863: 2862:Adam Woodyatt 2859: 2854: 2850: 2846: 2842: 2838: 2832: 2830: 2826: 2825:Hugo Browning 2822: 2818: 2817:Luke Browning 2814: 2813:William Boyde 2810: 2806: 2805:Lisa Faulkner 2802: 2798: 2794: 2790: 2786: 2780: 2778: 2774: 2770: 2766: 2761: 2755: 2753: 2749: 2745: 2741: 2736: 2734: 2730: 2729:Shona McGarty 2726: 2722: 2721:Aaron Sidwell 2718: 2714: 2713:Kristen Obank 2708: 2706: 2702: 2698: 2694: 2690: 2686: 2685:Josh Hemmings 2674: 2671: 2667: 2664: 2663:Luke Browning 2661: 2659:Half-brothers 2657: 2653: 2649: 2646: 2643: 2639: 2635: 2631: 2626: 2622: 2619: 2618:Sean O'Connor 2616: 2612: 2609: 2606: 2602: 2589: 2585: 2572: 2568: 2564: 2560: 2557: 2554: 2550: 2546: 2542: 2539:Josh Hemmings 2537: 2532:Josh Hemmings 2529: 2526: 2521: 2520: 2514: 2512: 2508: 2504: 2500: 2496: 2492: 2488: 2484: 2480: 2477:Konrad meets 2475: 2473: 2460: 2456: 2451: 2447: 2444: 2443:Sean O'Connor 2441: 2437: 2434: 2431: 2427: 2421: 2417: 2411: 2407: 2403: 2399: 2396:Piotr Baumann 2395: 2391: 2387: 2383: 2378: 2370: 2368: 2367: 2362: 2361: 2355: 2353: 2349: 2345: 2341: 2337: 2333: 2332:Phil Mitchell 2329: 2325: 2324:Martin Fowler 2321: 2317: 2313: 2309: 2303: 2301: 2297: 2293: 2289: 2285: 2281: 2276: 2274: 2273:Jenna Russell 2270: 2266: 2253: 2249: 2244: 2240: 2237: 2236:Sean O'Connor 2234: 2230: 2227: 2224: 2220: 2217:31 March 2017 2214: 2210: 2204: 2200: 2196: 2192: 2188: 2184: 2179: 2171: 2168: 2166: 2162: 2161:Danny Walters 2158: 2154: 2150: 2146: 2142: 2141:Shakil Kazemi 2137: 2135: 2122: 2120:Half-brothers 2118: 2114: 2110: 2105: 2101: 2098: 2097:Sean O'Connor 2095: 2091: 2088: 2087:Former; guest 2085: 2081: 2075: 2071: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2053: 2049: 2045: 2041: 2037: 2032: 2024: 2022: 2018: 2014: 2013:Kellie Bright 2010: 2006: 2002: 1998: 1997:William Boyde 1994: 1990: 1986: 1985:Josh Hemmings 1982: 1981:Lisa Faulkner 1978: 1974: 1970: 1969:Luke Browning 1966: 1965:Hetti Bywater 1962: 1958: 1957:Albert Square 1954: 1950: 1946: 1941: 1939: 1935: 1934:Hugo Browning 1923: 1920: 1916: 1913: 1912:Luke Browning 1910: 1906: 1903: 1900: 1896: 1892: 1888: 1884: 1880: 1876: 1872: 1867: 1863: 1860: 1859:Sean O'Connor 1857: 1853: 1850: 1847: 1843: 1837: 1833: 1827: 1823: 1820: 1817: 1813: 1809: 1805: 1802:Hugo Browning 1800: 1795:Hugo Browning 1792: 1790: 1789: 1783: 1781: 1777: 1772: 1770: 1764: 1762: 1758: 1757:Jack Branning 1753: 1751: 1747: 1743: 1739: 1734: 1732: 1728: 1724: 1720: 1719:Polly Highton 1716: 1712: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1699:Shakil Kazemi 1696: 1692: 1687: 1685: 1681: 1668: 1664: 1659: 1655: 1652: 1651:Sean O'Connor 1649: 1645: 1642: 1639: 1635: 1629: 1625: 1619: 1615: 1612: 1609: 1605: 1601: 1597: 1592: 1584: 1581: 1580: 1575: 1570: 1568: 1564: 1563:Lucy Benjamin 1560: 1556: 1550: 1548: 1544: 1540: 1536: 1532: 1528: 1523: 1521: 1517: 1513: 1512:Shakil Kazemi 1509: 1505: 1501: 1495: 1493: 1489: 1485: 1472: 1468: 1463: 1459: 1456: 1455:Sean O'Connor 1453: 1449: 1446: 1443: 1439: 1433: 1429: 1423: 1419: 1415: 1411: 1407: 1403: 1398: 1390: 1388: 1384: 1379: 1378: 1372: 1370: 1369: 1364: 1360: 1359: 1354: 1353: 1352:What's on TV? 1348: 1338: 1335: 1329: 1327: 1322: 1320: 1314: 1312: 1308: 1302: 1300: 1296: 1290: 1286: 1284: 1280: 1274: 1272: 1268: 1267:Stacey Fowler 1264: 1260: 1256: 1255:Jenna Russell 1252: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1215:Polly Highton 1212: 1206: 1204: 1200: 1194: 1192: 1188: 1184: 1183:Shakil Kazemi 1180: 1176: 1172: 1168: 1163: 1161: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1148:Madison Drake 1136: 1132: 1127: 1123: 1120: 1119:Sean O'Connor 1117: 1113: 1110: 1107: 1103: 1097: 1093: 1087: 1083: 1077: 1073: 1069: 1065: 1058: 1050: 1046: 1044: 1040: 1036: 1032: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1003: 998: 994: 989: 987: 983: 982:Phil Mitchell 979: 975: 971: 959: 958:Charli Slater 955: 951: 947: 946:Will Mitchell 943: 939: 938:Roxy Mitchell 935: 931: 927: 924: 920: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 898: 894: 891: 887: 884: 880: 877: 876:Jordan Atkins 874: 870: 867: 863: 859: 856: 852: 849: 846: 842: 838: 834: 830: 827: 823: 820: 819:Eric Mitchell 817: 813: 810: 806: 802: 799: 795: 791: 787: 783: 780: 778:Half-brothers 776: 773: 769: 766: 762: 759: 758:Jack Branning 756: 752: 749:Lydia Dawkins 748: 744: 741:Jonah Dawkins 740: 736: 733: 730: 726: 723: 722:Phil Mitchell 720: 716: 713: 710: 706: 701: 697: 693: 688: 687:Sean O'Connor 685: 681: 678: 675: 671: 658: 654: 650: 646: 642: 638: 634: 630: 625: 617: 615: 611: 607: 603: 598: 596: 592: 588: 583: 581: 577: 576:Tameka Empson 573: 569: 565: 561: 557: 545: 544:Jordan Atkins 542: 538: 535: 531: 527: 524: 520: 517: 513: 510: 506: 503: 499: 495: 492: 488: 484: 480: 475: 471: 468: 467:Sean O'Connor 465: 461: 458: 457:Former; guest 455: 451: 445: 441: 435: 431: 428: 425: 421: 417: 413: 408: 400: 398: 394: 390: 389:Madison Drake 386: 382: 378: 374: 370: 366: 362: 358: 357:Shakil Kazemi 354: 351:), played by 350: 346: 341: 331: 329: 328:Aaron Sidwell 325: 321: 317: 313: 309: 305: 301: 297: 296:Aidan Maguire 293: 289: 288:Stacey Fowler 285: 281: 280:Martin Fowler 277: 273: 269: 265: 261: 260:Jack Branning 257: 253: 249: 245: 241: 237: 236:Danny Walters 233: 229: 225: 221: 217: 213: 209: 205: 201: 197: 193: 189: 185: 181: 177: 173: 169: 168:William Boyde 165: 161: 157: 156:Josh Hemmings 153: 151: 147: 143: 139: 138:Jenna Russell 135: 131: 127: 123: 122:Hugo Browning 119: 115: 111: 107: 103: 102:Madison Drake 99: 98:Tameka Empson 95: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 71: 70:Shakil Kazemi 67: 63: 59: 55: 54:Sean O'Connor 51: 50: 46: 43: 35: 31: 27: 19: 24666:Paul Trueman 24651:Kelly Taylor 24646:Keanu Taylor 24641:Karen Taylor 24606:Dan Sullivan 24551:Trevor Short 24546:Mandy Salter 24536:Matthew Rose 24466:Jags Panesar 24451:Annie Palmer 24431:Mehmet Osman 24416:Andy O'Brien 24396:Spencer Moon 24386:Michael Moon 24366:Anthony Moon 24356:Aaron Monroe 24351:Vinnie Monks 24341:Sam Mitchell 24286:Ben Mitchell 24271:Rosie Miller 24261:Keith Miller 24246:Poppy Meadow 24211:Amira Masood 24196:Jill Marsden 24181:Donna Ludlow 24156:Karim family 24141:Naomi Julien 24076:Alan Jackson 24006:Vanessa Gold 23986:Vicki Fowler 23946:Fred Fonseca 23906:Nellie Ellis 23901:Steve Elliot 23861:Whitney Dean 23856:Rainie Cross 23831:Dotty Cotton 23806:Julie Cooper 23801:Richard Cole 23756:Nancy Carter 23716:Liam Butcher 23681:Max Branning 23671:Jim Branning 23646:Abi Branning 23631:Polly Becker 23626:Steven Beale 23586:Laurie Bates 23581:Debbie Bates 23571:Geoff Barnes 23561:Keegan Baker 23536:Johnny Allen 23526:Masood Ahmed 23471:Nish Panesar 23451:Suki Panesar 23431:Linda Carter 23331:Sonia Fowler 23306:Sharon Watts 23273: 23223: 23208: 23190: 23175: 23157: 23142: 23124: 23109: 23091: 23083:Karl Neilson 23081:; Director: 23047: 23037:; Director: 23007: 22971: 22935: 22895: 22859: 22844: 22826: 22811: 22793: 22778: 22760: 22724: 22709: 22691: 22676: 22658: 22622: 22586: 22534: 22498: 22462: 22454:Karl Neilson 22452:; Director: 22412: 22404:Karl Neilson 22402:; Director: 22352: 22344:Daran Little 22312: 22276: 22240: 22230:; Director: 22200: 22164: 22128: 22113: 22095: 22059: 22051:Daran Little 22013: 21998: 21980: 21965: 21947: 21909:. Retrieved 21905: 21876:. Retrieved 21872: 21862: 21850:. Retrieved 21846: 21821:. Retrieved 21817: 21807: 21789: 21774: 21762:. Retrieved 21756: 21746: 21734:. Retrieved 21730: 21720: 21708:. Retrieved 21702: 21692: 21680:. Retrieved 21670: 21660: 21642: 21606:. Retrieved 21601: 21592: 21574: 21559: 21541: 21505: 21469: 21433: 21397: 21359: 21315: 21275: 21245:. Retrieved 21239: 21229: 21217:. Retrieved 21212: 21188:. Retrieved 21184: 21174: 21162:. Retrieved 21158: 21148: 21130: 21092: 21050:. Retrieved 21046: 21036: 21024:. Retrieved 21011: 21000: 20988:. Retrieved 20978: 20966:. Retrieved 20956: 20944:. Retrieved 20940:the original 20935:Daily Mirror 20933: 20923: 20911:. Retrieved 20905: 20895: 20877: 20869:Karl Neilson 20867:; Director: 20858: 20849: 20843: 20837: 20828: 20822: 20816: 20804:. Retrieved 20798: 20788: 20770: 20755: 20737: 20722: 20704: 20689: 20677:. Retrieved 20671: 20661: 20649:. Retrieved 20645: 20635: 20623:. Retrieved 20619: 20588:. Retrieved 20575: 20560: 20548:. Retrieved 20535: 20520: 20508:. Retrieved 20504: 20494: 20482:. Retrieved 20478: 20468: 20456:. Retrieved 20452: 20442: 20430:. Retrieved 20426: 20401:. Retrieved 20397: 20387: 20375:. Retrieved 20371: 20344:. Retrieved 20340: 20330: 20318:. Retrieved 20314: 20279: 20241: 20226: 20208: 20172: 20130: 20092: 20052: 20014: 20006:Daran Little 19970: 19938:. Retrieved 19934: 19924: 19910: 19899: 19890: 19876: 19864:. Retrieved 19860: 19850: 19838:. Retrieved 19833: 19801:. Retrieved 19797: 19756:. Retrieved 19752: 19721:. Retrieved 19715: 19705: 19693:. Retrieved 19687: 19677: 19668: 19662: 19641:. Retrieved 19635: 19625: 19614: 19604: 19592:. Retrieved 19586: 19576: 19558: 19514: 19472: 19432: 19386: 19376:; Director: 19352: 19348: 19342: 19336: 19318: 19280: 19250:. Retrieved 19244: 19234: 19223: 19214: 19202:. Retrieved 19198: 19169:. Retrieved 19165: 19140:. Retrieved 19136: 19111:. Retrieved 19107: 19082:. Retrieved 19078:Daily Mirror 19076: 19045: 19001: 18959: 18951:Daran Little 18920: 18911: 18899:. Retrieved 18895: 18870:. Retrieved 18866:the original 18859: 18849: 18831: 18823:Daran Little 18783: 18753:. Retrieved 18747: 18741: 18733: 18721:. Retrieved 18715: 18709: 18701: 18689:. Retrieved 18683: 18677: 18669: 18658: 18652: 18640:. Retrieved 18634: 18624: 18612:. Retrieved 18606: 18596: 18584:. Retrieved 18578: 18568: 18556:. Retrieved 18550: 18517: 18481: 18473:Karl Neilson 18471:; Director: 18435: 18427:Karl Neilson 18425:; Director: 18383: 18368: 18350: 18316:. Retrieved 18311: 18302: 18290:. Retrieved 18280: 18270: 18258:. Retrieved 18252: 18225: 18216:Daily Mirror 18214: 18205: 18196: 18190: 18184: 18172:. Retrieved 18166: 18156: 18144:. Retrieved 18138: 18128: 18116:. Retrieved 18110: 18100: 18082: 18044: 18006: 17987: 17969: 17950: 17932: 17924:Daran Little 17890: 17854: 17816: 17776: 17736: 17692: 17684:Daran Little 17646: 17608: 17593: 17575: 17567:Daran Little 17509: 17465: 17419: 17377: 17341: 17303: 17267:– via 17261:. Retrieved 17249:Eyre, Eddie 17243: 17231:. Retrieved 17225: 17215: 17203:. Retrieved 17197: 17187: 17178: 17172: 17166: 17148: 17133: 17115: 17083:. Retrieved 17077: 17052:. Retrieved 17046: 17036: 17024:. Retrieved 17020: 17010: 16998:. Retrieved 16994: 16984: 16966: 16951: 16933: 16895: 16880: 16862: 16826: 16790: 16750: 16714: 16699: 16681: 16673:Daran Little 16647:. Retrieved 16641: 16631: 16613: 16605:Daran Little 16569: 16529: 16521:Daran Little 16491:. Retrieved 16485: 16475: 16457: 16415:. Retrieved 16409: 16399: 16381: 16345: 16330: 16312: 16272: 16234: 16194: 16152: 16110: 16070: 16030: 15992: 15952: 15910: 15870: 15855: 15843:. Retrieved 15837: 15828: 15816:. Retrieved 15810: 15800: 15790:22 September 15788:. Retrieved 15784:the original 15774: 15756: 15720: 15701: 15683: 15645: 15637:Daran Little 15595: 15580: 15562: 15528:. Retrieved 15522: 15512: 15500:. Retrieved 15494: 15484: 15473: 15467: 15456: 15450: 15438:. Retrieved 15434: 15424: 15412:. Retrieved 15408: 15398: 15386:. Retrieved 15380: 15370: 15358:. Retrieved 15351: 15342: 15332:– via 15326:. Retrieved 15311: 15293: 15257: 15215: 15203:Karl Neilson 15201:; Director: 15165: 15157:Karl Neilson 15155:; Director: 15146: 15128: 15078: 15038: 15000: 14956: 14910: 14902:Daran Little 14864: 14826: 14784: 14740: 14700: 14654: 14618: 14582: 14542: 14502: 14487: 14469: 14427: 14385: 14370: 14352: 14337: 14319: 14281: 14239: 14225:; Director: 14189: 14175:; Director: 14139: 14124: 14106: 14058: 14020: 13970: 13926: 13888: 13844: 13806: 13768: 13756:Karl Neilson 13754:; Director: 13718:. Retrieved 13714: 13704: 13692:. Retrieved 13688: 13678: 13666:. Retrieved 13662: 13652: 13640:. Retrieved 13636: 13626: 13615: 13605: 13587: 13551: 13515: 13479: 13441: 13401: 13382: 13370:. Retrieved 13357: 13342: 13332:25 September 13330:. Retrieved 13324: 13314: 13304:25 September 13302:. Retrieved 13296: 13286: 13268: 13232: 13188: 13180:Daran Little 13146: 13138:Daran Little 13096: 13054: 13014: 12999: 12987:. Retrieved 12981: 12971: 12959:. Retrieved 12954: 12945: 12927: 12897:. Retrieved 12893: 12883: 12871:. Retrieved 12864: 12855: 12834:Nurse Lennon 12830:Scott Maslen 12805:Abi Branning 12797:Max Branning 12784:(8 episodes) 12763:Karen Taylor 12750:(2 episodes) 12723:Max Branning 12711:public house 12700:Abi Branning 12670:Abi Branning 12654:Max Branning 12619: 12602:Kenny Thomas 12582:Linda Carter 12495:(2 episodes) 12455:(2 episodes) 12378:Abi Branning 12371:Sarah Durham 12301:) recovery. 12299:Laurie Brett 12259:Keanu Taylor 12229:Keanu Taylor 12201:Keanu Taylor 12146:Ben Mitchell 12134:Max Branning 12130:Laurie Brett 12113:(8 episodes) 12111:12 June 2018 12104:DCI Alsworth 12088:Lacey Turner 12054:Keanu Taylor 12028:Daniel Casey 12003:(2 episodes) 11982:Lacey Turner 11944:Keanu Taylor 11931:(2 episodes) 11916:Gethin Pryce 11908:Sonia Fowler 11874:Lacey Turner 11840:Daniel Casey 11815:29 September 11778:Lacey Turner 11761:26 September 11744:Karen Taylor 11731:(3 episodes) 11706:Steven Beale 11693:22 September 11676:Linda Carter 11663:21 September 11646:Linda Carter 11631:Esther Coles 11625:19 September 11608:Lacey Turner 11576:Diane Parish 11553:Andrew Lewis 11547:(4 episodes) 11511:12 September 11494:Keegan Baker 11446:Abi Branning 11438:Steven Beale 11425:(5 episodes) 11397:James Fisher 11391:(2 episodes) 11368:Maggie Steed 11364:Joyce Murray 11349:Kirsty Osmon 11343:(2 episodes) 11339:25 August – 11282:public house 11230:Barry McStay 11207:Keegan Baker 11195:Castle Point 11183:Tilly Keeper 11175:Letitia Dean 11150:(4 episodes) 11133:Letitia Dean 11109:Tilly Keeper 11092:(2 episodes) 11077:Tilly Keeper 11039:Tilly Keeper 11009:Tilly Keeper 10993:Letitia Dean 10959:Sonia Fowler 10947:Letitia Dean 10939:Tilly Keeper 10928:Joanna Croll 10922:(3 episodes) 10907:Tilly Keeper 10888:Matt McClure 10845:Tilly Keeper 10811:Keegan Baker 10803:Keanu Taylor 10795:Karen Taylor 10778:(2 episodes) 10776:14 September 10757:Dot Branning 10739:Dr Armstrong 10723:Dot Branning 10719:Dean Gaffney 10711:Lisa Hammond 10684:(6 episodes) 10680:4 July 2017– 10659:Letitia Dean 10627:Keanu Taylor 10611:Ben Mitchell 10596:4 July 2017– 10579:Dot Branning 10566:(2 episodes) 10547:Dot Branning 10540:Tariq Jordan 10534:(2 episodes) 10515:Dot Branning 10507:Sonia Fowler 10505:A nurse who 10489:Nurse Zennia 10477:Dot Branning 10461:Sonia Fowler 10457:Dean Gaffney 10423:Dot Branning 10419:Dean Gaffney 10343:Lacey Turner 10315:Letitia Dean 10303:Keegan Baker 10299:Tilly Keeper 10282:(5 episodes) 10275:PC Jaz Jones 10259:Keegan Baker 10251:Tilly Keeper 10217:Amy Mitchell 10213:Scott Maslen 10168:(5 episodes) 10149:Dot Branning 10141:Amy Mitchell 10129:Max Branning 10113:Scott Maslen 10088:(3 episodes) 10075:with Joyce. 10073:public house 10062:Karen Taylor 10058:Maggie Steed 10054:Joyce Murray 10044:A friend of 10033:(3 episodes) 10006:Laurie Brett 9976:Zoë Harrison 9924:Zoë Harrison 9905:Diane Parish 9870:Jade Matthew 9851:Maia Watkins 9843:Ann Mitchell 9835:Diane Parish 9798:Diane Parish 9787:Maia Watkins 9780:(2 episodes) 9733:Diane Parish 9689:Joanna Croll 9637:Scott Maslen 9622:(2 episodes) 9530:Diane Parish 9505:Diane Parish 9423:Diane Parish 9371:Mr Cockerill 9343:public house 9287:Laura Rogers 9281:(5 episodes) 9262:Abi Branning 9246:Dot Branning 9217:(4 episodes) 9180:Abi Branning 9169:Jack Daniels 9146:Ben Mitchell 9046:Ben Mitchell 9020:"Hellraiser" 9012:Letitia Dean 8962:Martin Anzor 8782:(3 episodes) 8734:(2 episodes) 8640:(2 episodes) 8617:public house 8567:(2 episodes) 8552:Diane Parish 8543: 8526:Marcus Leask 8518:public house 8500:Munro Graham 8473:Dot Branning 8431:Dot Branning 8291:Tanya Franks 8283:public house 8218:Tilly Keeper 8206:Cerith Flinn 8194:Keegan Baker 8141:(9 episodes) 8070:public house 8041:public house 8017:(2 episodes) 7978:Lacey Turner 7972:A nurse who 7968:Nicola Weeks 7963:(2 episodes) 7948:Diane Parish 7940:public house 7916:(2 episodes) 7873:Victoria Gee 7867:(2 episodes) 7860:Mary Scholes 7818:Aaron Palmer 7799:(2 episodes) 7762:Aaron Palmer 7734:Linda Carter 7714:public house 7704:David Semark 7698:(2 episodes) 7681:Diane Parish 7609:Scott Maslen 7572:(3 episodes) 7499:Laurie Brett 7491:brain tumour 7480: 7469: 7445:Lacey Turner 7433:Tanya Franks 7425:Ann Mitchell 7417:Scott Maslen 7409:public house 7390:Max Branning 7379: 7371:Steven Beale 7363:Abi Branning 7359:Abi Branning 7358: 7357: 7331:Rainie Cross 7307:Annie Carter 7255:Grandmothers 7245:Max Branning 7241:Grandfathers 7235:Abi Branning 7225:Steven Beale 7164:Episode 6224 7147:Episode 5628 7128: 7123:Abi Branning 7115:Abi Branning 7110: 7106: 7101:Abi Branning 7095: 7091: 7071:Keegan Baker 7064: 7057: 7038:Karen Taylor 7032:, played by 7029: 7028: 7004:Riley Taylor 6996:Keegan Baker 6992:Keanu Taylor 6964:Karen Taylor 6917:Episode 5838 6900:Episode 5626 6871: 6851: 6842: 6839: 6835: 6827:Nancy Carter 6819: 6791: 6779:Letitia Dean 6755: 6736: 6712:Linda Carter 6700:Ben Mitchell 6692:Max Branning 6684:Keanu Taylor 6648:Keegan Baker 6641: 6635:, played by 6632: 6628: 6624: 6623: 6558:9 March 2018 6556:Episode 5668 6546:Episode 5605 6517: 6484: 6478: 6474:Katie Jarvis 6458:Max Branning 6435: 6431:Lacey Turner 6414: 6413: 6349:Vicki Fowler 6293:Grandmothers 6284:Brian Slater 6281:Grandfathers 6267:Half-sisters 6173:Episode 5581 6165:2017–present 6142: 6123:Daily Mirror 6121: 6117: 6110: 6106: 6104: 6096:Dean Gaffney 6088:Lisa Hammond 6066:, played by 6063: 6062: 6007:Episode 5618 5990:Episode 5523 5969: 5947: 5936:Max Branning 5933: 5925:Karen Taylor 5909:Keanu Taylor 5895:(Grace) and 5875: 5871:Laurie Brett 5847:Amy Mitchell 5839:Scott Maslen 5832: 5827: 5826: 5776:Episode 5702 5768:22 June 2017 5766:Episode 5515 5737: 5719: 5711:Elsie Tanner 5704: 5691: 5684: 5675: 5671:Lacey Turner 5659: 5643:Riley Taylor 5639:Clair Norris 5627:Keanu Taylor 5619:Karen Taylor 5614: 5613: 5603:Peggy Taylor 5557:Half-sisters 5551:Keegan Baker 5547:Keanu Taylor 5537:Riley Taylor 5527:Karen Taylor 5481:Episode 6809 5473:15 June 2017 5471:Episode 5511 5455:Alfie Jacobs 5444: 5426: 5418:Elsie Tanner 5411: 5398: 5391: 5382: 5378:Amy Mitchell 5376:(Grace) and 5370:Lacey Turner 5358: 5338:Clair Norris 5318:Karen Taylor 5314:Riley Taylor 5313: 5312: 5302:Peggy Taylor 5256:Half-sisters 5250:Keegan Baker 5246:Keanu Taylor 5226:Karen Taylor 5180:Episode 6809 5172:15 June 2017 5170:Episode 5511 5143: 5138:Riley Taylor 5131:Riley Taylor 5118: 5114:Bailey Baker 5082:PC Jaz Jones 5078:Diane Parish 5059: 5051:Riley Taylor 5047:Clair Norris 5035:Keegan Baker 5027:Keanu Taylor 5019:Karen Taylor 5014: 5013: 4957:Episode 6237 4949:15 June 2017 4947:Episode 5511 4929:Cyrus (2017) 4918: 4897: 4892:, played by 4887: 4883: 4875:Elsie Tanner 4868: 4855: 4844: 4840: 4823:Maggie Steed 4819:Joyce Murray 4815:Maisie Smith 4796: 4736:Tilly Keeper 4712: 4695:Lacey Turner 4687:Laurie Brett 4672: 4664:Keegan Baker 4652: 4616:Karen Taylor 4612:Clair Norris 4610:, played by 4607: 4606: 4601:Clair Norris 4585:Peggy Taylor 4537:Half-sisters 4527:Riley Taylor 4523:Keegan Baker 4519:Keanu Taylor 4509:Karen Taylor 4448:15 June 2017 4446:Episode 5511 4438:2017–present 4429:Clair Norris 4417: 4395:Linda Carter 4374:Clair Norris 4362:Karen Taylor 4356:, played by 4354:Keanu Taylor 4353: 4352: 4349:Keanu Taylor 4343:Keanu Taylor 4329:Thelma Bragg 4324: 4314: 4291:Clair Norris 4273:, played by 4271:Karen Taylor 4270: 4269: 4260:Karen Taylor 4252: 4245: 4240: 4234: 4227: 4225: 4217:Karen Taylor 4213:Diane Parish 4198: 4186: 4182:Letitia Dean 4163: 4159:Daniel Casey 4154: 4153: 4105:Episode 5595 4095:Episode 5503 4086:Daniel Casey 4074: 4053: 4046: 4044: 4038: 4030: 4026:Clair Norris 4019: 4011:Linda Carter 3995:Keanu Taylor 3992: 3984:Karen Taylor 3960:Dot Branning 3957: 3951:, played by 3945:Maggie Steed 3943:, played by 3941:Joyce Murray 3940: 3939: 3910:(until 2018) 3868:Episode 5681 3858:Episode 5500 3841:Maggie Steed 3829: 3824:Joyce Murray 3817:Joyce Murray 3803: 3801: 3795: 3785: 3783: 3779:Diane Parish 3771:Anni Domingo 3756: 3749: 3741:Linda Carter 3729: 3721:Keanu Taylor 3701:public house 3690:Karen Taylor 3666:Dot Branning 3663: 3647:Maggie Steed 3645:, played by 3643:Joyce Murray 3637:, played by 3634: 3633: 3604:(until 2018) 3602:Joyce Murray 3552:Episode 6001 3542:Episode 5500 3513: 3492: 3490: 3482:Ben Mitchell 3465:Diane Parish 3458: 3452:, played by 3449: 3448: 3390:Episode 6007 3380:Episode 5497 3351: 3330: 3327:Shona Ramsey 3316: 3308: 3303: 3301: 3292: 3285: 3273:Scott Maslen 3242: 3238: 3218:Letitia Dean 3203: 3179:Linda Carter 3148: 3139: 3135: 3131: 3130: 3073:15 June 2018 3071:Episode 5725 3061:Episode 5478 3032: 3011: 3005: 2999: 2997: 2989:Abi Branning 2981:Ben Mitchell 2964: 2960: 2959: 2932:Episode 5462 2911: 2882: 2872: 2870: 2845:Ben Mitchell 2833: 2781: 2756: 2752:Laura Rogers 2740:Abi Branning 2737: 2717:Steven Beale 2709: 2693:Max Branning 2687:, played by 2684: 2683: 2669:Half-sisters 2590:Episode 5657 2573:Episode 5460 2544: 2517: 2515: 2507:Karen Taylor 2476: 2471: 2470: 2422:Episode 5488 2385: 2364: 2358: 2356: 2320:Tilly Keeper 2304: 2284:Letitia Dean 2277: 2264: 2263: 2215:Episode 5468 2205:Episode 5442 2197:Martin Anzor 2186: 2169: 2157:Keanu Taylor 2149:Keegan Baker 2138: 2133: 2132: 2076:Episode 5468 2066:Episode 5442 2039: 2009:Linda Carter 1945:Max Branning 1942: 1937: 1933: 1932: 1838:Episode 5626 1828:Episode 5432 1807: 1786: 1784: 1780:Dean Gaffney 1773: 1765: 1761:Scott Maslen 1754: 1749: 1738:Sonia Fowler 1735: 1731:Tilly Keeper 1688: 1684:Cerith Flinn 1680:Gethin Pryce 1679: 1678: 1630:Episode 5598 1620:Episode 5430 1611:Cerith Flinn 1599: 1594:Gethin Pryce 1587:Gethin Pryce 1577: 1573: 1571: 1567:promise ring 1551: 1535:Ben Mitchell 1531:Letitia Dean 1524: 1500:Keegan Baker 1496: 1492:Tilly Keeper 1483: 1482: 1434:Episode 5591 1424:Episode 5426 1405: 1375: 1373: 1366: 1362: 1356: 1350: 1346: 1344: 1330: 1325: 1323: 1315: 1303: 1299:Letitia Dean 1291: 1287: 1279:Sonia Fowler 1275: 1271:Lacey Turner 1227:Ben Mitchell 1223:Cerith Flinn 1207: 1203:Martin Anzor 1195: 1191:Keegan Baker 1164: 1160:Tilly Keeper 1151: 1147: 1146: 1100:21 July 2017 1098:Episode 5532 1088:Episode 5426 1067: 1047: 1031:Ben Mitchell 1018:Trish Barnes 1006:Letitia Dean 990: 978:Diane Parish 969: 968: 954:Amy Mitchell 890:Peggy Taylor 858:Sam Mitchell 825:Grandmothers 815:Grandfathers 797:Half-sisters 782:Ben Mitchell 768:Sharon Watts 659:Episode 5424 632: 602:Keegan Baker 599: 584: 579: 568:Diane Parish 558:, played by 555: 554: 446:Episode 5436 436:Episode 5424 415: 397:Maisie Smith 369:Tilly Keeper 348: 344: 343: 340:Keegan Baker 334:Keegan Baker 324:Steven Beale 316:Abi Branning 312:Abi Branning 292:Lacey Turner 264:Scott Maslen 248:Riley Taylor 244:Clair Norris 232:Keanu Taylor 224:Karen Taylor 220:Daniel Casey 212:Maggie Steed 208:Joyce Murray 154: 118:Cerith Flinn 90:Diane Parish 62:Keegan Baker 47: 39: 33: 26: 24731:Simon Wicks 24721:Kevin Wicks 24706:David Wicks 24701:Carly Wicks 24676:Angie Watts 24671:Owen Turner 24576:Sean Slater 24571:Kyle Slater 24531:Willy Roper 24476:Lola Pearce 24461:Ash Panesar 24361:Dana Monroe 24256:Demi Miller 24221:Syed Masood 24206:Afia Masood 24191:Ryan Malloy 24176:Harold Legg 24161:Kush Kazemi 24146:Gita Kapoor 24126:Greg Jessop 24071:Andy Hunter 24056:Lynne Hobbs 24051:Garry Hobbs 24016:Nina Harris 24011:Marge Green 23981:Ruth Fowler 23966:Mark Fowler 23961:Lisa Fowler 23911:Barry Evans 23896:Huw Edwards 23836:Nick Cotton 23786:Barry Clark 23771:Tina Carter 23766:Stan Carter 23751:Mick Carter 23726:Pat Butcher 23606:Laura Beale 23596:Bobby Beale 23591:Nigel Bates 23576:Clare Bates 23551:Gray Atkins 23481:Anna Knight 23466:Ravi Gulati 23456:Zack Hudson 23426:Lily Slater 23391:Chelsea Fox 23381:Jean Slater 23336:Peter Beale 23321:Cindy Beale 23301:Kathy Beale 22927:Rob Gittins 21911:16 February 21878:16 February 21873:Digital Spy 21852:16 February 21847:Radio Times 21823:17 February 21758:Digital Spy 21731:Digital Spy 21704:Digital Spy 21682:8 September 21672:Digital Spy 21241:Digital Spy 21185:Digital Spy 21159:Radio Times 20986:. 20964:. 20845:Inside Soap 20824:Inside Soap 20800:Digital Spy 20673:Digital Spy 20651:30 November 20646:Digital Spy 20505:Digital Spy 20453:Radio Times 20398:Radio Times 20341:Digital Spy 19935:Digital Spy 19901:Digital Spy 19861:Radio Times 19798:Digital Spy 19753:Radio Times 19717:Digital Spy 19664:Inside Soap 19637:Digital Spy 19588:Digital Spy 19344:Inside Soap 19246:Digital Spy 19225:Digital Spy 19199:Radio Times 19166:Radio Times 18922:Digital Spy 18896:Radio Times 18749:Digital Spy 18742:Inside Soap 18717:Digital Spy 18710:Inside Soap 18685:Digital Spy 18678:Inside Soap 18660:Inside Soap 18636:Digital Spy 18608:Digital Spy 18586:18 February 18580:Digital Spy 18558:16 February 18552:Digital Spy 18312:Digital Spy 18282:Digital Spy 18260:28 November 18254:Digital Spy 18192:Inside Soap 18112:Digital Spy 17998:Rob Gittins 17961:Rob Gittins 17501:Rob Gittins 17263:16 February 17233:12 February 17227:Digital Spy 17199:Radio Times 17174:Inside Soap 17085:16 February 17079:Digital Spy 17054:16 February 17026:14 February 17021:Radio Times 17000:14 February 16995:Digital Spy 16649:26 December 16493:29 December 16411:Digital Spy 15845:14 November 15839:Radio Times 15812:Digital Spy 15712:Rob Gittins 15524:Radio Times 15475:Inside Soap 15458:Inside Soap 15435:Digital Spy 15207:Rob Gittins 14732:Rob Gittins 14419:Rob Gittins 14231:Rob Gittins 14181:Rob Gittins 13760:Rob Gittins 13689:Radio Times 13663:Digital Spy 13637:Digital Spy 13617:Digital Spy 13393:Rob Gittins 12983:Digital Spy 12961:23 February 12955:Digital Spy 12899:27 November 12894:Digital Spy 12790:Nick Waring 12748:28 December 12731:Tanya Cross 12687:26 December 12641:26 December 12607:14 December 12592:instead of 12574:Mick Carter 12561:11 December 12533:24 November 12453:12 December 12390:Dr Sullivan 12325:Nick Harris 12285:Nurses who 12252:Mazz Murray 11986:Lily Fowler 11967:Julien Ball 11929:3–5 October 11901:Andrew Bone 11859:Fleur Keith 11790:Kush Kazemi 11729:21 November 11669:John MacKay 11638:Mick Carter 11560:Kush Kazemi 11498:Zack Morris 11372:Tina Carter 11290:Linda Henry 11245:Lisa Fowler 11211:Zack Morris 11187:Lisa Fowler 11148:25 May 2018 11113:Lisa Fowler 11085:Nurse Sally 11065:Lisa Fowler 11028:Chin Nyenwe 10997:Lisa Fowler 10915:Mrs Kempton 10815:Zack Morris 10707:Donna Yates 10635:Hunter Owen 10623:Adam Astill 10572:Penny Ryder 10408:Alex Jordan 10327:Kush Kazemi 10307:Zack Morris 10263:Zack Morris 10240:Emily Wyatt 10202:Maya Saroya 9877:Kush Kazemi 9824:Rob Maloney 9664:Tom Gilling 9645:Emma Barton 9513:Naveed Omar 9442:Matt Jessup 9401:Greg Dowson 9268:) funeral. 9234:Linda Henry 9110:Tina Carter 8925:Kathy Beale 8879:Tina Carter 8803:Tina Carter 8799:Linda Henry 8767:Sirene Saba 8646:Sirene Saba 8621:Mick Carter 8607:Paul Jacobs 8546:who visits 8531:24 February 8507:Mick Carter 8494:24 February 8460:24 February 8418:23 February 8413:Sian Davies 8388:21 February 8342:13 February 8329:Rita Simons 8268:Linda Henry 8256:Mick Carter 8249:Alison Egan 8226:Mitch Baker 8198:Zack Morris 8170:Zayan Scott 8120:Kathy Beale 8104:Mick Carter 8060:Dean Kilbey 8030:Mick Carter 7990:Kush Kazemi 7884:Emma Barton 7746:Linda Henry 7726:Mick Carter 7718:Kathy Beale 7696:2 February 7641:Kathy Beale 7597:Rita Simons 7570:2–9 January 7557:Rita Simons 7461:Tanya Cross 7347:Pat Butcher 7343:David Wicks 7317:Louie Beale 7303:Anna Knight 7299:Gina Knight 7273:Peter Beale 7263:Cindy Beale 7249:Simon Wicks 7079:Ellie James 7075:Zack Morris 6783:Kathy Beale 6763:Emma Barton 6743:Linda Henry 6676:Mick Carter 6652:Zack Morris 6614:(backstory) 6466:Lily Fowler 6415:Hope Fowler 6353:Mark Fowler 6319:Kyle Slater 6315:Sean Slater 6311:Mark Fowler 6297:Jean Slater 6275:Lily Slater 6137:Hope Fowler 6130:Hope Fowler 6084:Donna Yates 6072:Kathy Beale 6064:Felix Moore 5964:Felix Moore 5957:Felix Moore 5949:Inside Soap 5881:Emma Barton 5851:Walthamstow 5715:Pat Phoenix 5422:Pat Phoenix 5125:Bullmastiff 5098:Tina Carter 5090:Linda Henry 5066:Kush Kazemi 5039:Zack Morris 4899:Digital Spy 4894:Shana Swash 4890:Demi Miller 4879:Pat Phoenix 4837:Development 4780:Mick Carter 4752:Emma Barton 4708:Linda Henry 4668:Zack Morris 4333:Linzi Bragg 4327:in 2016 as 4319:as a young 4253:Digital Spy 4236:Inside Soap 4229:Digital Spy 4097:1 June 2017 4055:Inside Soap 4048:Radio Times 3972:John Altman 3968:Nick Cotton 3918:Alan Murray 3860:26 May 2017 3811:Nick Cotton 3805:Radio Times 3705:Mick Carter 3678:John Altman 3674:Nick Cotton 3612:Alan Murray 3544:26 May 2017 3382:22 May 2017 3317:Inside Soap 3310:Inside Soap 3304:Digital Spy 3281:Laila Morse 3206:Fi Browning 3199:Linda Henry 3187:Mick Carter 3155:Tina Carter 3110:Bar manager 3013:Inside Soap 2889:Will Savage 2874:Digital Spy 2837:Kathy Beale 2821:Adam Astill 2801:Fi Browning 2793:Peter Beale 2769:Matt Jessup 2733:Louie Beale 2673:Fi Browning 2519:Inside Soap 2499:Agnes Novak 2491:Kathy Beale 2483:Linda Henry 2366:Radio Times 2360:Digital Spy 2348:Kush Kazemi 2340:Kathy Beale 2308:Mick Carter 2300:Bleu Landau 2153:Zack Morris 2134:Zayan Scott 2078:1 June 2018 2034:Zayan Scott 2027:Zayan Scott 2017:Kathy Beale 2001:Mick Carter 1977:Fi Browning 1943:Hugo meets 1922:Fi Browning 1788:Digital Spy 1707:Zayan Scott 1579:Digital Spy 1559:Lisa Fowler 1547:Bleu Landau 1377:Inside Soap 1368:Digital Spy 1341:Development 1311:Bleu Landau 1259:Kathy Beale 1039:Ellie Nixon 1026:Ray Charles 1014:Linda Henry 942:Lola Pearce 900:Mark Fowler 886:Lexi Pearce 837:Ellie Nixon 833:Emerald Fox 801:Chelsea Fox 786:Albie Watts 606:Zack Morris 556:Emerald Fox 526:Chelsea Fox 482:Other names 410:Emerald Fox 403:Emerald Fox 353:Zack Morris 276:Hope Fowler 268:Felix Moore 150:Linda Henry 78:Emerald Fox 66:Zack Morris 25021:Categories 24756:May Wright 24711:Dean Wicks 24696:Carl White 24616:Dawn Swann 24601:Mary Smith 24591:Babe Smith 24586:Leon Small 24581:Zoe Slater 24446:Steve Owen 24411:Rod Norman 24401:Tyler Moon 24376:Eddie Moon 24371:Danny Moon 24276:Rob Minter 24201:Mila Marwa 24166:Yusef Khan 24121:Al Jenkins 24046:Tony Hills 24031:Alex Healy 24026:Julie Haye 24001:Jodie Gold 23956:Bex Fowler 23851:Cora Cross 23826:Dot Cotton 23796:Paul Coker 23721:Mo Butcher 23641:Manda Best 23621:Pete Beale 23616:Lucy Beale 23601:Jane Beale 23541:Ruby Allen 23521:Iqra Ahmed 23396:Denise Fox 23361:Alfie Moon 23346:Kat Slater 23278:characters 23275:EastEnders 23224:EastEnders 23215:John Yorke 23191:EastEnders 23182:John Yorke 23158:EastEnders 23149:John Yorke 23125:EastEnders 23116:John Yorke 23092:EastEnders 23079:John Yorke 23048:EastEnders 23039:Kate Saxon 23008:EastEnders 22972:EastEnders 22936:EastEnders 22896:EastEnders 22860:EastEnders 22851:John Yorke 22827:EastEnders 22818:John Yorke 22794:EastEnders 22785:John Yorke 22761:EastEnders 22752:John Yorke 22725:EastEnders 22716:John Yorke 22692:EastEnders 22659:EastEnders 22623:EastEnders 22587:EastEnders 22535:EastEnders 22499:EastEnders 22463:EastEnders 22413:EastEnders 22353:EastEnders 22313:EastEnders 22277:EastEnders 22241:EastEnders 22232:Kate Saxon 22201:EastEnders 22165:EastEnders 22129:EastEnders 22096:EastEnders 22060:EastEnders 22014:EastEnders 21981:EastEnders 21948:EastEnders 21790:EastEnders 21781:John Yorke 21764:4 December 21710:26 October 21643:EastEnders 21634:John Yorke 21575:EastEnders 21566:John Yorke 21542:EastEnders 21533:John Yorke 21506:EastEnders 21497:John Yorke 21470:EastEnders 21461:John Yorke 21434:EastEnders 21425:John Yorke 21398:EastEnders 21389:John Yorke 21360:EastEnders 21351:Jeff Povey 21347:John Yorke 21316:EastEnders 21307:John Yorke 21276:EastEnders 21267:John Yorke 21219:18 October 21190:22 October 21164:10 October 21131:EastEnders 21093:EastEnders 21052:10 October 21012:EastEnders 20990:19 January 20968:19 January 20878:EastEnders 20771:EastEnders 20738:EastEnders 20705:EastEnders 20576:EastEnders 20536:EastEnders 20280:EastEnders 20271:John Yorke 20242:EastEnders 20209:EastEnders 20173:EastEnders 20131:EastEnders 20093:EastEnders 20053:EastEnders 20015:EastEnders 19971:EastEnders 19559:EastEnders 19515:EastEnders 19473:EastEnders 19433:EastEnders 19387:EastEnders 19378:Kate Saxon 19351:(14): 98. 19319:EastEnders 19281:EastEnders 19046:EastEnders 19002:EastEnders 18960:EastEnders 18861:Daily Star 18832:EastEnders 18784:EastEnders 18755:6 November 18723:31 October 18518:EastEnders 18509:John Yorke 18482:EastEnders 18436:EastEnders 18384:EastEnders 18351:EastEnders 18168:Daily Star 18083:EastEnders 18074:John Yorke 18045:EastEnders 18036:John Yorke 18007:EastEnders 17994:John Yorke 17970:EastEnders 17957:John Yorke 17933:EastEnders 17891:EastEnders 17855:EastEnders 17817:EastEnders 17777:EastEnders 17737:EastEnders 17728:Jeff Povey 17693:EastEnders 17647:EastEnders 17609:EastEnders 17576:EastEnders 17510:EastEnders 17466:EastEnders 17420:EastEnders 17378:EastEnders 17342:EastEnders 17304:EastEnders 17149:EastEnders 17116:EastEnders 16967:EastEnders 16934:EastEnders 16896:EastEnders 16863:EastEnders 16827:EastEnders 16791:EastEnders 16751:EastEnders 16715:EastEnders 16682:EastEnders 16614:EastEnders 16570:EastEnders 16530:EastEnders 16458:EastEnders 16382:EastEnders 16346:EastEnders 16313:EastEnders 16273:EastEnders 16235:EastEnders 16195:EastEnders 16153:EastEnders 16111:EastEnders 16071:EastEnders 16031:EastEnders 15993:EastEnders 15953:EastEnders 15911:EastEnders 15871:EastEnders 15818:18 January 15757:EastEnders 15721:EastEnders 15684:EastEnders 15646:EastEnders 15596:EastEnders 15563:EastEnders 15440:2 February 15388:2 February 15360:2 February 15328:3 February 15294:EastEnders 15258:EastEnders 15216:EastEnders 15205:; Writer: 15166:EastEnders 15129:EastEnders 15079:EastEnders 15039:EastEnders 15001:EastEnders 14957:EastEnders 14911:EastEnders 14865:EastEnders 14827:EastEnders 14785:EastEnders 14741:EastEnders 14701:EastEnders 14655:EastEnders 14619:EastEnders 14583:EastEnders 14543:EastEnders 14503:EastEnders 14470:EastEnders 14428:EastEnders 14386:EastEnders 14353:EastEnders 14320:EastEnders 14282:EastEnders 14240:EastEnders 14229:; Writer: 14227:Kate Saxon 14190:EastEnders 14179:; Writer: 14177:Kate Saxon 14140:EastEnders 14107:EastEnders 14059:EastEnders 14021:EastEnders 13971:EastEnders 13927:EastEnders 13889:EastEnders 13845:EastEnders 13807:EastEnders 13769:EastEnders 13758:; Writer: 13720:23 January 13694:23 January 13668:23 January 13642:23 January 13588:EastEnders 13552:EastEnders 13516:EastEnders 13480:EastEnders 13442:EastEnders 13402:EastEnders 13358:EastEnders 13269:EastEnders 13260:John Yorke 13233:EastEnders 13189:EastEnders 13147:EastEnders 13097:EastEnders 13055:EastEnders 13015:EastEnders 12928:EastEnders 12847:References 12775:Dr Harding 12613:Simon Cole 12578:Danny Dyer 12538:Uncredited 12512:Eddie Eyre 12421:9 November 12395:3 November 12365:27 October 12353:Uncredited 12319:26 October 12295:Jane Beale 12281:Uncredited 12276:19 October 12246:19 October 12223:Uncredited 12218:17 October 12188:16 October 12176:Uncredited 12171:16 October 12150:Harry Reid 12126:Jane Beale 12071:16 October 12041:12 October 12024:Tom Bailey 11961:10 October 11848:Dr Roberts 11836:Tom Bailey 11826:A man who 11642:Danny Dyer 11572:Denise Fox 11540:Dr Webster 11517:James Duke 11356:Ted Murray 11341:2 November 11316:Uncredited 11284:, he asks 10951:Bex Fowler 10920:21–27 July 10877:DC Walters 10863:Uncredited 10823:Persephone 10774:10 July – 10761:June Brown 10727:June Brown 10701:Uncredited 10615:Harry Reid 10605:Uncredited 10583:June Brown 10564:29–30 June 10551:June Brown 10532:29–30 June 10519:June Brown 10481:June Brown 10427:June Brown 10191:Mrs Kapoor 10173:Uncredited 10153:June Brown 10081:Liz Cotton 10046:Ted Murray 10002:Jane Beale 9901:Denise Fox 9839:Cora Cross 9831:Denise Fox 9811:Uncredited 9794:Denise Fox 9751:Uncredited 9729:Denise Fox 9722:Roly Botha 9702:Uncredited 9627:Uncredited 9597:Uncredited 9548:Katie Neil 9526:Denise Fox 9501:Denise Fox 9453:Eddie Eyre 9419:Denise Fox 9412:Ian Attard 9364:Uncredited 9351:Ted Reilly 9306:Eddie Eyre 9250:June Brown 9176:Marko Leht 9150:Harry Reid 9132:Uncredited 9092:Gary Green 9050:Harry Reid 8978:Pru Garcia 8747:Bex Fowler 8707:Bex Fowler 8653:Bex Fowler 8625:Danny Dyer 8584:Bex Fowler 8565:2–17 March 8548:Denise Fox 8511:Danny Dyer 8477:June Brown 8448:Uncredited 8443:Bob Davies 8435:June Brown 8424:Jean Trend 8348:Jamie Knox 8304:9 February 8272:Babe Smith 8260:Danny Dyer 8186:Bex Fowler 8174:Alex Blake 8108:Danny Dyer 8097:Chris Bell 8091:2 February 8074:Babe Smith 8054:2 February 8034:Danny Dyer 7944:Denise Fox 7902:Uncredited 7897:26 January 7835:23 January 7830:John Dixon 7822:Jude Clark 7773:Jude Clark 7767:20 January 7750:Babe Smith 7730:Danny Dyer 7689:DC Manners 7677:Denise Fox 7671:Uncredited 7666:13 January 7635:Uncredited 7512:Character 7495:Jane Beale 7487:Eddie Eyre 7421:Cora Cross 7335:Cora Cross 7291:Lucy Beale 7192:John Yorke 7170:2021-02-19 7153:2017-12-29 7129:EastEnders 7111:EastEnders 7107:EastEnders 7067:Mont Blanc 6945:John Yorke 6923:2018-12-27 6906:2017-12-28 6872:EastEnders 6852:EastEnders 6848:John Yorke 6843:EastEnders 6831:Maddy Hill 6815:Ted Reilly 6704:Harry Reid 6680:Danny Dyer 6577:John Yorke 6518:EastEnders 6491:Hope Stape 6391:Ernie Moon 6383:Tommy Moon 6367:Kat Slater 6271:Bex Fowler 6247:Ruby Allen 6243:Stepmother 6143:EastEnders 6118:EastEnders 6107:EastEnders 6050:Occupation 6013:2017-12-19 5996:2017-07-06 5970:EastEnders 5867:Jane Beale 5812:Occupation 5778:7 May 2018 5738:EastEnders 5697:Kat Slater 5692:EastEnders 5649:dog named 5599:Mia Atkins 5445:EastEnders 5404:Kat Slater 5399:EastEnders 5348:dog named 5334:Bernadette 5298:Mia Atkins 5154:Tom Jacobs 5144:EastEnders 5074:Denise Fox 4919:EastEnders 4861:Kat Slater 4856:EastEnders 4803:Ted Murray 4784:Danny Dyer 4724:Bex Fowler 4699:miscarries 4683:Jane Beale 4642:dog named 4581:Mia Atkins 4482:Occupation 4418:EastEnders 4370:Bernadette 4325:EastEnders 4316:Pat and Mo 4305:dog named 4287:Bernadette 4241:EastEnders 4209:Denise Fox 4164:Tom meets 4155:Tom Bailey 4141:Occupation 4075:EastEnders 4069:Tom Bailey 4062:Tom Bailey 4039:EastEnders 4007:Ted Reilly 3964:June Brown 3949:Ted Murray 3908:Ted Murray 3830:EastEnders 3796:EastEnders 3786:EastEnders 3775:Denise Fox 3737:Ted Reilly 3709:Danny Dyer 3670:June Brown 3635:Ted Murray 3590:Occupation 3514:EastEnders 3508:Ted Murray 3501:Ted Murray 3494:Daily Star 3486:Max Bowden 3461:Denise Fox 3436:Occupation 3416:Kate Oates 3372:2017, 2019 3352:EastEnders 3293:EastEnders 3230:Lee Carter 3191:Danny Dyer 3167:Ted Reilly 3107:Occupation 3033:EastEnders 3007:Daily Star 2985:Harry Reid 2912:EastEnders 2887:character 2879:Clark Kent 2849:Harry Reid 2689:Eddie Eyre 2633:Occupation 2596:2018-02-16 2579:2017-03-17 2556:Eddie Eyre 2545:EastEnders 2461:Shopkeeper 2458:Occupation 2424:5 May 2017 2386:EastEnders 2312:Danny Dyer 2288:Bex Fowler 2251:Occupation 2187:EastEnders 2112:Occupation 2050:Alex Blake 2040:EastEnders 2005:Danny Dyer 1989:Eddie Eyre 1961:Lucy Beale 1874:Occupation 1808:EastEnders 1711:Alex Blake 1691:Bex Fowler 1682:played by 1666:Occupation 1600:EastEnders 1574:EastEnders 1539:Harry Reid 1504:Bex Fowler 1470:Occupation 1406:EastEnders 1363:EastEnders 1347:EastEnders 1243:Star Bragg 1231:Harry Reid 1175:Bex Fowler 1134:Occupation 1068:EastEnders 1043:Mica Paris 1035:Harry Reid 974:Denise Fox 866:Daphne Fox 839:(adoptive) 792:(adoptive) 772:Kat Slater 764:Stepmother 754:Stepfather 732:Denise Fox 665:2017-01-13 633:EastEnders 564:Denise Fox 560:Doña Croll 502:Daphne Fox 494:Denise Fox 427:Doña Croll 416:EastEnders 373:Bex Fowler 216:Tom Bailey 200:Ted Murray 160:Eddie Eyre 86:Denise Fox 82:Doña Croll 58:John Yorke 49:EastEnders 45:soap opera 34:EastEnders 24716:Joe Wicks 24686:Den Watts 24596:Gus Smith 24436:Sue Osman 24426:Ali Osman 24391:Nana Moon 24381:Jake Moon 24186:Joe Macer 24171:Tony King 24041:Ted Hills 23991:Libby Fox 23921:Roy Evans 23891:Jase Dyer 23886:Ray Dixon 23636:Adam Best 23611:Lou Beale 23566:Tom Banks 23411:Jay Brown 23351:Mo Harris 23311:Ian Beale 21026:12 August 20852:(20): 98. 20831:(28): 98. 20625:28 August 20510:29 August 19940:1 October 19671:(24): 17. 19616:The Metro 18691:22 August 18199:(13): 98. 15478:(19): 98. 15461:(11): 98. 12989:2 January 12801:Jake Wood 12735:Jo Joyner 12727:Jake Wood 12658:Jake Wood 12636:DI Fuller 12550:) works. 12348:Mr Bridge 12287:Ian Beale 12138:Jake Wood 12119:Nik Drake 12096:James Bye 12066:Dr Prince 11956:Dr Raynor 11895:2 October 11890:Mr Waters 11882:James Bye 11853:2 October 11786:James Bye 11737:Tom Dawze 11528:James Bye 11462:Ian Beale 11322:Jay Brown 11311:24 August 11262:22 August 10750:Pezh Maan 10351:James Bye 10267:chlamydia 10185:) works. 10133:Jake Wood 10010:Ian Beale 9889:James Bye 9778:18–19 May 9671:Ian Beale 9620:15–16 May 9567:Liz James 9519:Sid Sagar 9325:Ace Ruele 9138:Jay Brown 9038:Jay Brown 9031:Oli Regan 8954:James Bye 8921:James Bye 8732:7–9 March 8673:James Bye 8638:7–9 March 8401:Ian Beale 8394:Gail Kemp 8371:Jay Brown 8182:James Bye 8112:Ian Beale 7986:James Bye 7649:Ian Beale 7630:2 January 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