
talk:Polish Knowledgens' notice board/Archive2 - Knowledge

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being ignored. There is not a problem with the word itself only with their POV. Paying them attention I would only do them a favour, so what's the point? I believe that the article here will be as balanced as possible, because our goal is to show the real problem, not the alleged one. So maybe it's even better that we'll use the same word, as some people might want to confront the biased opinions with Knowledge. I think it's a good idea to additionally show how the word is misused, but I would be careful here as well not to spoil the main object of the article. To quote once more a Polish phrase: Krowa, która dużo ryczy... I think that the main problem with them is that they are making a big fuss, not that they are very popular or influential. We just don't like them, are ashamed of them, so they irritate us more and because of that are more visible for us, but still it doesn't mean that e.g. nationalist parties have any serious chances in elections etc., which shows real support of people. --
it on or off WP. Possibilities are abundant. Personally, I don't assume they would do that because, few misunderstandings aside, those communicating on these board are valuable contributors and are unquestionably ethical and good-faith editors. Yes, sometimes people loose their temper, so what? It happens with all editors and many active editors of all ethnicities received 24-h bans which works well to cool off the temper. Besides, the POV differences very often happen between the Polish editors and Russian or Ukrainian or Belorussian or Lithuanian editors. If the Polish side would want to discuss how to "conspire" and develop team plans on pushing certain views into the articles in questions, discussing them in such an open project, even EXCLUSIVELY in Polish, would not allow any "secrecy" because the editors from the above nations would be able to understand written Polish or at least get a general idea of what's going on.
tak zwanym "nauczaniem pogardy", to właśnie chrześcijańskie korzenie antysemityzmu. Dlatego też jest dużo do zrobienia w Polsce, gdzie badania opinii społecznej wykazują, że duży procent ludzi uważa, że Żydzi dzisiaj rządzą krajem, co jest absurdem. Żydów było 3,5 mln przed wojną, a dzisiaj jest ich kilka tysięcy. Są Polacy, którzy lubią usprawiedliwiać antysemityzm antypolonizmem środowisk żydowskich. To jest zupełnie błędne postawienie sprawy, bo antypolonizm jest skutkiem antysemityzmu. Antypolonizm jest nieraz krzywdzący i niesprawiedliwy, ale jest wynikiem tego, że rodzice czy dziadkowie Żydów, urodzonych w Ameryce, którzy przyjechali tam z Polski i przywieźli swoje doświadczenia, byli ofiarami tego antysemityzmu. Pogromy, dyskryminacja, niechęć na uniwersytetach -- oni ten bagaż ze sobą przywieźli i on w reakcji powoduje antypolonizm, więc tego nie można stawiać na równi.
1891:. I’m seriously wondering if something can be done with it? Maybe it would help if we send the links to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Any other ideas, anyone? On the other hand, at least I better understand now some latest comments on Wiki about Poles. I can see that their authors don’t intend to particularly hurt us, they just believe that they are right. Apart from the Polish case, what I find highly appalling, is the form in which Holocaust is presented there. The most complex human sufferance ever is showed mostly by several events and numbers. That explains, why something as unique as Holocaust, which was first of all an unprecedented agony of many individuals, where every personal history is different and no one’s own experience can be compared to another, is often turned into contest of numbers. -- 592:
Admini zaczeli go banować, a temu w to graj... Ma dynamiczne IP i mogą mu "nask..." jak to mówił. Obie strony nie przebierały w wulgaryzmach szczególnie na liscie dyskusyjnej. Gościu ma obecnie kilkadziesiąt kont- zarówno wandalizujących (ataki na Tawa i Beno), jak i normalnych. Sytuacja się zaogniła jak dostał bez podania powodu (troche w tym racji jest) bana na 14 dni od Tawa. On stał sie terrorystą ,a Admini zaczęli też na niego polowanie i no i nowym się czasem (rzadko, bo rzadko) dostaje przez pomyłkę. 11 osób rozpoczęło protest, a to zostało średnio przyjęte przez zpołeczność. Ja już nie zmogłem. Oficjalna strona protestu została przeniesiona
tylko szkodzi Polsce. Próbując trzeźwo ocenić sytuację, doszedłem do wniosku, że jestem Żydem-antypolonistą! W sali wrzało. Prof. Nowak prosił, aby nie mówić, że za wszystko odpowiedzialni są Żydzi, tylko wskazywać, który konkretny Żyd. Posypały się nazwiska, tytuły gazet, nazwy partii politycznych, fundacji i organizacji. Większość tytułów można znaleźć w moim domu, są moimi ulubionymi albo przynajmniej takimi, po które sięgam, słucham ich, z którymi sympatyzuję. Okazało się, że należy czytać jedynie „Niedzielę”, „Nasz Dziennik” i słuchać Radia Maryja. Reszty plugastwa nawet nie dotykać.
2342: 844: 2754:, an article I (mostly, wiki being wiki) have written over the past few months. It can definetly benefit from introducing Russian/English spelling of some names/people that I added knowing only Polish spelling, adjusting my Polish POV and adding more info from Russian/other sources I have no access to. I believe this article is fairly comprehensive, and we can make it reach FA. In few days I will submit it to Peer Review, and if there are no disputes on PR/article's talk page I will submit it to FA in over a week. 471:
many topics here are old now and not discussed anymore. However, as soon as Nohat told us that he was interested in the Minsk/Kiev discussion, authors of their posts started to translate them. It takes a while, I know, but almost everything there is translated now. There was really no bad will intended in using Polish. Also no one said that he would not translate. I understand that the “cities name” problem is live and I’m glad that Nohat and others are interested in looking for common solution. Regards --
dziejami Podlasia. Rod Chodkiewiczow tez pochodzenia bialoruskiego. Prosze pamietac, ze pojecie narodowosci to pojecie bardzo pozniejszego czasu od tego, w ktorym istnial Jan Karol Chodkiewicz. W jezyku polskim jest prawidlowym napisanie bialoruskich miast w tym napisaniu, jak jest prawidlowe po-polsku. Ale dla czego to musi byc prawidlowe w angelskiej Wikipedji? "Nie mialbym nic przeciwko gdyby dodali go do kategorii "litewska", ale "bialoruska" to absurd." — To jest juz zupelna glupota. —
31: 1797:
now is a perfectly acceptable situation, but I also don't think we should be harsher to ourselves than other countries are to themselves writing encyclopedia, unless we want to give more arguments to those who are already biased against us. Anyhow I think that the discussion is a bit futile now as there is not a ready text to discuss and at the end it may appear that we are in fact in an agreement about what should be written there and all our concerns were premature. --
275: 612:
Kwiecień and his sock-puppets were such big problem, that many Wikipedists stop (or at least minimalise contributions) participating in project. This situation forced some administrators to defend wikipedia and ban all old and new sock-puppets of Kwiecień. After this small grup of contriutors that wanted to find "compromise" with troll started protest in defending of "freedom of word" (It is other POV which mayby helps You to find Yours POV or NPOV as You wish :) )
872: 3532:
ktore Krzys samowolnie wykluczyl) podczas glosowania nie bylo jej pod zadnym punktem i C. nadal niektorzy uzywaja szablon by zdobyc immunitet podczas cofniec. I ostatecznie D. tradycyjnie administratorzy olewaja zgloszenia zlamania 3rr. (nie wiem czy czerwony kolor szablonu tak na ich dziala, czy poprostu zla wola.. chodz powoli sie przyzwyczajam ze trzymanie sie regul na wikipedii zalezy od humoru patrolujacych strony 3rr i zgloszen wandalizmu...) --
1587:że nie można stawiać na równi antypolonizmu i antysemityzmu. Tu nie ma symetrii. Żydowski antypolonizm nikogo nie zabił. Antysemityzm zabił miliony” (Artur Domosławski, „Spowiedź Kościoła”, „Gazeta Wyborcza” z 16-17 IX 2000). Nie da się też sprawy załatwić w sposób następujący: my – was, wy – nas. My mieliśmy być pomocnikami hitlerowskich katów, ale wy gnoiliście nas w ubeckich kazamatach. My antysemici, lecz wy – stalinowcy. 1724:""Wspomniany raport powołując się na pojedyncze przypadki - w sposób naszym zdaniem nieuzasadniony - może wywoływać u czytelników obraz Polski jako państwa dość powszechnego antysemityzmu. Zawiera ponadto krytyczne oceny odnoszące się do sytuacji Romów w naszym kraju. Taki sposób prezentacji wywołał prawdziwe zdumienie, a nawet oburzenie zarówno w środowiskach żydowskich i romskich w Polsce" - czytamy w liście." 532:), what do you think about some kind of a few-days trip? For example, to Wilno or Lwów or some other interesting place I bet most of us haven't been to (although some are fighting a wars in wikispace for it :D)? Or a 2-days trek in Polish mountains? Time - somewhere in July (I am definetly going to miss the offical meeting in August, as I won't be in Poland from 11th August till December). Anybody interested? -- 2324: 816: 1501:" - nazwa ma tu najmniej do znaczenia. W koncu to encyklopedia, wiec dlaczego Anglik ma nie wiedziec co to Antypolonizm, skoro jest uzywany w jego jezyku? W tego uzytkownika mniemaniu morderstwa i szyderstwa wobec Polakow to POV ... :) Jednak tylko polski artykul wzbudza zainteresowanie inne anty- juz nie - dlaczego? Odpowiedz powinna byc dopisana do artykulu :)-- 795:. I reverted one of his changes, since he deletes a useful disambig (Persia to Persian Empire in Chodkiewicz), but as usuall, I am not going to waste my time on those revert wars. However, I would like to raise one question: did Bielorusian nationality exist in 17th century, or was it simply part of a Ruthenian one that developed individuality in 19th century? -- 1767:"Według znanych mi statystyk, z danych sprzed kilku miesięcy, to Francja przoduje w ilości szeroko rozumianych incydentów antyżydowskich. Właśnie dlatego, że sytuacja we Francji jest bardzo niepokojąca - w Paryżu ma się odbyć posiedzenie światowego Kongresu Żydów. Kolejnym krajem w tej statystyce jest Austria" - powiedział Kichler. 2082:. A joint British-Polish commission carefully studied this issue and came to interesting conclusions. For example, 44% of the information British intelligence received from agents on the ground in occupied Europe came from Polish agents. We need an article about the work of this commission. Any suggestions as to the title? 1403:
nasty personal attacks by one Polish user/troll who has since left). In recent days Witkacy started linking the article or its related category all over the place, and now we are seeing a predictable backlash from the Knowledge community. Unfortunately, I suspect the vote for deletion will be overwhelming.
911:. Virtuti needs references, so I ask all of you who have contributed to it (Halibutt, especially) to provide them. I will nominate them to FAC soon, so if you want to make any final adjustments before the review process begins (PR was just archived), do so now, so voting is faster and supports more common. -- 1742:"Z kolei przewodniczący Związku Gmin Żydowskich w Polsce, Jerzy Kichler, powiedział PAP, że w ostatnich dwóch latach nie było w Polsce żadnych poważnych incydentów antyżydowskich. Był zdziwiony danymi przytaczanymi przez "Le Figaro", że Polska przoduje w liczbie wystąpień antysemickich w Europie Wschodniej. 511:
English-speaking friends for the trouble. Please don't let this tiny problem, now mostly resolved, make you loose faith in us. The entire Polish-language-on-this-board issue is, for me, a technical matter, which has been mostly resolved now. Let the tempers cool and resume the constructive work, ok guys? --
Chodzi o uzywanie niemieckiej nazwy dla miasta, gdy nie nalezalo ono do Niemiec (nie mowimy o dzis, chodz juz raz fani klamliwego szablonu starali sie przeforsowac dodawanie niemieckich nazw w artykulach jak polskie kluby pilkarskie - ale o tym juz chyba kazdy slyszal ;) ). Ogolnie sklaniam sie coraz
I said you should forward the dispute to Dispute Resolution, not to Polish administrators in the vain hope you'd find some biased one among them. Are you afraid of Dispute Resolution? And stop denouncing my edits as "vandalism". If anyone vandalises, it's certainly the one who never explains anything
Siedziałem w kącie i przygotowywałem kontrargumenty, gdy do głosu doszła publiczność. Zdrętwiałem: tezy Nowaka są akceptowane nie w 100, ale w 200 proc.! Ludzie urządzili słowną krucjatę przeciwko Żydom, wykupującym nas Niemcom, szkodnikom Polski... przeciwko całemu światu, który nic innego nie robi,
Irpen, thank you for understanding. You are right, Polish was used just out of convenience. In fact just a week ago all talks here were in Polish. Since JCarriker asked us to use English, there is more English messages here now. But we didn't see it necessary to translate all what was said before, as
Thank you for your assistance. Witkacy in particular seems to not use any diacritics in his Polish, which the translator appears to choke on. Even if you can't/don't want to provide complete translations of the comments, it would be very helpful if the untranslated Polish words could be replaced with
Nohat, if you will look again at the discussion, you will find that some parts of this translation are already improved. Generally this discussion leads to working out common rules, which might be applied to similar cases in future. Proposition of the rules is below this discussion in a thread titled
Indeed they're terrible. That's why I requested at the bottom of the discussion that they be cleaned. I honestly would like to know what the discussion is about, and the MT has provided only a fleeting glimpse. I implore anyone who speaks Polish to please clean them up and make them at the very least
This is not a semi-private area, this is a public space on the English wikipedia. English should be the primary language used. I have been assured that English will be used more and that translations will follow. I will be watching for them. As for Nohat's post of's translations, its well
A tak na marginesie, przydalo by sie cos zrobic z tym gdanskim szablonem (i ponownie na marginesie dlaczego jest zablokowany od paru miesiecy...?) bo A. glosowania nie moga sobie poprostu zmienic zasady 3rr i B. potrzebna jest 3/4 wiekszosc by cos przeglosowac, w tym wypadku (nawet odliczajac glosy,
up to Featured Article level. It still needs a lot of work, and one thing it is lacking is images. Because of the work of Polish archaeologists in this area, the world's greatest collection of Makurian art and artifacts is at the National Museum in Warsaw. I am wondering if anyone plans to visit the
pointed me to this page. Some people from the German Knowledge had the idea to set up a German-Polish meetup on the island of Uznam/Usedom in the end of August. We already posted invitations to the wikipl list, on the Polish Knowledge and in the wikipl chat but up to now the reaction is quite low. I
What I wanted to say, but couldn't do it properly in English was: Nie dajmy się zwariować. I know that there are biased media but it doesn't mean that I have to waste my time and learn their opinion or bother to search for words that are not ill used by them. I think those people deserve nothing but
Byłem na wykładzie prof. Jerzego Roberta Nowaka, który przyjechał do parafii na zaproszenie naszego proboszcza. Gdy znajomi pytają mnie, o czym było spotkanie, odpowiadam, że o Żydach. Dowiedziałem się, że oni są odpowiedzialni za nasze niepowodzenia, także przyszłe. Chyba że zrobimy z nimi porządek
Poszukiwanie za wszelką cenę symetrii cierpień, naginanie rzeczywistości do tego samego wymiaru zniszczenia narodu, przyczyniło się do ukucia terminu „antypolonizm” jako odpowiednika „antysemityzmu”. Mają to być zjawiska równorzędne i warte siebie. Ksiądz Michał Czajkowski mówił: „Zawsze podkreślam,
You're right the issue is over hyped. I origninally brought up the subject, when I noticed User names in the text other than the posters. That problem was not simply a linguistics problem and has since been corrected. Balcer has dilegenlty given his time to translating, but I believe we can only ask
So it seems obvious to me that Polish is used just out of convenience rather than to hide something. I think this is rather overblown. True, on other boards and projects editors communicate in English. Russian, Ukrainian boards and portals are exclusively in English. Personally, I would use English.
The simplest solution to this problem is to find some page on Knowledge where using Polish does not disturb the peace and does not contravene the rules, and transfer discussions in Polish there. I am sure there must be dozens of possibilities here, using someone's talk page for example is the first
Well, seeing as this place is - contrary to my early gloomy predictions - quite lively, I have decided to improve our 'to do' list (on the top of main page). I hope it is more useful now. Feel free (or compelled) to expand it. Also, note that we have quite a few articles which with little effort can
persists in doing nothing for the article but moving the Polish name between paragraphs (like from the second to the first) or switching it with the Russian name to make sure the Polish names is mentioned earlier, ignoring talk. A broad agreement would set a reliable precedent of addressing similar
Thanks. Actually I read the report earlier. I also read that our government protested the report as too exaggerated in its opinion about the situation in Poland. That's why I looked for another source which would compare the situation in Poland to other countries. Of course I don't say that what is
Lot's of interesting material. Instead of translating it here, I would ask you to add the relevant section to the AP article itself, describing its abuse (?) by far-right nationalistic parties in Poland. Note also that most far-right nationalistic parties, no matter what country they come from, use
Oczywiście Ojciec Święty odróżnia antysemityzm od antyjudaizmu. Antyjudaizm dotyczy płaszczyzny ściśle religijnej. Antysemityzm może być także rasistowski, niemniej jednak faktem jest, że ma pewne chrześcijańskie korzenie -- i temu Ojciec Święty nie przeczy. Oskarżenia o Bogobójstwo, katechizacja z
No big surprise there. At the time that article was created I was against it, since the term Anti-Polonism is non-existent in English, and it is not the job of Knowledge to promote new words, however justified they might be. Still, the article remained obscure, so I left it alone (disccouraged by
As I wrote to Nohat in his talk page, this board is definitely more open than, lets say, the mailing lists. It is pretty clear that the mailing lists are not available to all the interested wikipedians, yet important decisions are taken there (that is outside of wikipedia). If people are allowed to
edits. This might have caught attention of several users involved in those disputes to this board who got frustrated finding the discussion is in Polish. However, I think the demands are rather overblown. If Polish editors wanted to have these discussion secret, they could have easily accomplished
specifically to tag various articles we want moved - what do you think?). I recently got many dozens of great grafics and photos related to szlachta and PLC from Darek Wielec which I will be uploading to Commons soon, and I would like to have them properly categorised. I'd like to suggest we start
Collaborations are open associatons for anyone who are interested in a topic, to use Polish exclusivley is to exclude people. I think it is unfortunate your OK with that. Poles have few friends on wikipedia, out side of your fatherland, friends it is necessary to have if your going to achieve your
Translation: Do the assumptions of this encylopedia firmly forbid the use of any other language except English? It seems to me that its headquarters is located in the United States, where a dozen years ago a court ruled that it is not legal to prevent the workers of MacDonalds from speaking among
Once again, I invite your comments and edits, and hope this will be the first of many similar projects that proves we can work on together, to show our Eastern European history and culture to English-speaking world, most of whom unfortunately seem never to heard about Muscovy of Polish-Lithuanian
Well, the article is already merged into Anti-Semitism and its title redirected to the article, so I'm not sure if there is any sense to discuss it anylonger as the original article doesn't exist. I admit that the way of thinking, which the administrators took was in Orwellian or Kafka's style or
Tylko spokojnie, to artykuł napisany dzisiaj (10 lipca) przez jednego anonima z poważnymi problemami psychicznymi. Na pewno nie odzwierciedla ogólnego klimatu panującego na Wikipedii. Zresztą już w tej chwili jest usuwany. Nawet jeśli zostanie, na pewno nie będzie w formie której jest obecnie.
I admit that maybe I am being oversensitive on this whole issue. I can see now some evidence that, as language evolves, the term anti-polonism appears to be coming into wider use, at least in Polish. Come to think of it, if we make the article about it balanced and rational, discuss how the very
To preserve history of edits, it's better to move the page instead of copy the paste. However, if there alraedy is an article with old name (for example, a redirect) it must be deleted, beacuse move function works only if there is no page with the target name. As I am an admin, I will be happy to
And other POV: His contributoion was not so big. Most of his editons were in discusinons, containing mostly personal atacks, edit wars and so on. Group of Wikipedians want's to negotiate with this person, asking rest of them (or rather "us") to wait, and tolerate him for... few months. Actions of
I support JC on this, as I wrote above. By using Polish we intentionally wall ourselves in our own little Polish-speaking ghetto. I, for one, am not interested in this - if I wanted to speak Polish, I'd be on Polish wiki, not here. I hope JC changes his mind, and I apologise to him and all of our
założenia tej encyklopedii stanowczo zabraniają używania innego języka oprócz angielskiego? Zdaje się, że jej centrala znajduje się w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie kilkanaście lat temu sąd orzekł, że nie wolno zabraniać pracownikom u McDonalda mówienia po hiszpańsku tylko dlatego, że przełożeni i
Wydaje mi sie ze chodzi 1. o zarzut niemieckich neo-nazistow ktorzy nadal wierza w prowokacje "Gleiwitz" 2. o zarzut (z ktorym rowniez mozna sie spotkac na wikipedii) ze Niemcy stracili West-Prusie (czytaj Wielkopolske) i nie oddali Gdanska dla pana Adolfa (chodz milo prosil) i 3. ze Polska jako
sorki,że po polsku: Po pierwsze nie będe obiektywny, bo sam zaprzestałem kilka dni temu działalności na pl: Wiki. Sprawa ma się tak- od kwietnia zaczął tam działać gościu o tymże niku. Strasznie był on kontrowersyjny i nie stronił od ostrego języka, ale wkład miał ogromny jak na tak krótki czas.
Once again I ask all users of this page to use English. We are on English Wiki BY CHOICE, so let's abide by the standards here, ok guys? Instead of viewing non-Polish users as annoyance, I think it is much better to think of them as friends, who are likely to help us here and elsewhere. Positive
Nawet nie ma sensu wdawać się w dyskusje z tą osobą.Ostatnio jak widziałem pisał o kąpielach Polaków w stertach odciętych głów dzieci, o tym że Polacy gwałcili biedne ośmioletnie dziewczynki niemieckie i krzyżowali niemieckie dzieci.Sądzę że to jakiś wariat szczerze mówiąc biorąc pod uwagę jego
Bacler..., jak narazie, to nawet nie zostal stworzony watek antpolonizmu wsrod Zydow w artykule... Nie zgadzam sie rowniez z Turowicza zdaniem, bo niby co ma wspolnego szkalowanie Polakow na granicach, w Stanach czy w Europie zachodniej lub pomysl Niemcow wyniszczenia calego narodu polskiego z
First of all, the voting is about the article at all, not about the name. Is Anti-Polonism not intelligible and easy to understand for a typical user of English Knowledge? Balcer nie zastanawiales sie dlaczego inne tego typu artykuly nie sa podawane do kasacji? Nie zostal dodany przez nazwe...
Rod Hryniewieckich oczywiscie pochodzenia bialoruskiego. Jak odbywalo zasiedlenie Podlasia bylo to z dwoch stron - z Mazowia i z WKL. Przodkowie Hryniewieckich pochodzili z WKL, mowie o tym brzmienie ich nazwiska i pierwotnie wyznanie prawoslawne. Panstwo moze zapytac u osob, ktore zajmuje sie
Prawdopododobnie całe to spotkanie w Krakowie zdominuje sprawa ostatniego protesu i proponowanych zmian. Poza ty jeden ze zbanowanych wikipedystów (Kwiecień) zaczął już chyba nagonkę w prasie na temat cenzury, nierówności i przekraczania uprawnień przez adminów - więc może być gorąco....(tego
Profesor stwierdził, że w Polsce nie ma antysemityzmu tylko antypolonizm. Tak wielki, że sięga korzeniami całego świata, o czym świadczą liczne przykłady dostarczane mu przez słuchaczy i czytelników. Szerzą go wszędzie obecni Żydzi. Każdemu narodowi dostało się po trochu, poza Prawdziwymi
Artykul warty uwagi, za sprawa niektorych osob ktore niemile widza w nim link do antypolonizmu (argument przeciw mozna przeczytac na mojej stronie dyskusyjnej...) - Proces w Polsce, prowadzony przez Polakow przeciwko mordercom Polakow nie zasluguje w mniemaniu owych osob na link do
2298:. There is what seems to be a good-willing but novice editor too quick to jump on accusations. Maybe someone can try to have the article incorporate his ideas and cool him down a little bit too. Goes without saying that extra care is needed with this controversial topic. Regards, -- 3338:
so we can assign all pictures to the relevant period (i.e. I'd like to be able to direct sb to an Wiki album with all pictures from let's say PLC period). So, if sb wants to play with pictures instead of text, for a little change of setting, we can use any and all help in Commons.
so much. The importance lies in encouraging English to be used here, as SylwiaS and Piotrus and others are doing by using it on the page, and thus encouraging others to do so as well. Dispite a few rude comments this discussion has been quite civil and productive on both sides. -
on the Finnish-Soviet front. This to me is not really credible, but some limited actions against the Soviets in 1939-1941 might have occured. Finally, the theory that Poland declared war on the USSR any time between 1939 and 1945 is news to me. Anyone have evidence of this?
brigade was to be sent there (eventually it ended up in Narvik, after the war between USSR and Finland was halted). The link in Russian mentions this. It also mentions that Polish partisans acted against the USSR on Soviet territory, so presumably in Eastern Poland, and
Proszę o opinie w sprawie ujednoliceia nazwenictwa powiatów , bo obecnie mamy 2 modele X County (zdecydowanie dominujący) oraz Powiat of X- trzeba zdecydować jak ma być. Ja sam skłaniam się do wersji z County, ale można stworzyć redirecty z Powiat of X. Obecnie wygląda to
I really would be far from thinking that the fact that the word is used by some right-wing parties in Poland affects non-Poles at any way. Moreover, I think that the effort here should be focused on writing an objective article without caring what the parties might say.
Moving an article makes an automatic redirect from non-diacritical version, so it's a bit easier. BTW, I think someone should make a bot or something to change the html characters into normal (unicode?) characters in the text. The editing would be easier in the future.
instead (which I will do momentarily)... except I thought this one might as well be a somewhat special case because the artist passed away so recently. So may be there would be some interest in having this little article translated even if only partially? Regards -
1485:"Rename" is a valid option when voting for deletion. In fact, I hope it offers a compromise solution. Look, even if the word anti-polonism was not a neologism, I would still personally prefer to avoid using it, given its popularity among people writing books like 3171:
Artykul wymaga wiecej uwagi, przyciaga troli i takich co chetnie by schowali swoj rasizm pod dywan. Jak dobrze ze w wiki zostaje wszystko w archiwach - kazdy bedzie mogl w przyszlosci sprawdzic: kto probowal go skasowac, kto wandalizowal i kto staral sie zatrzec
as a title. Anything that is intelligible and easy to understand for a typical user of English Knowledge would be fine. Antipolonism is almost never used in English. Plus it is unfortunately a word loaded with implicit POV, given the way it is used in Poland.
What's here can mostly be incorporated into Polish September Campaign, Holocaust, History of Poland, and Ethnic slurs. Even after the cleanup by Jayjg, it remains absurdly POV. The rest of it needs to go, as it's little more than uncited WP:NOR and a magnet for
It should be developed then. The sentence I removed was rather suggesting that this is official point of view of Germany. BTW I congratulate to Witkacy and Molobo being promoted to a position in which they are hold responsible for texts written by anons. :-)
Many, if not most States, have legislated a requirement to include Holocaust education in public elementary, middle, and high schools. For that purpose some States e.g. Florida, have defined the term Holocaust more narrowly as mostly Jewish experience (see
Jego zdaniem, w Polsce z punktu widzenia liczby przypadków i dynamiki zjawiska nastąpił znaczny spadek tego rodzaju incydentów. "W ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat poważnych incydentów w Polsce nie było, może poza kilkoma uszkodzeniami nagrobków na cmentarzach" -
discuss the wiki content outside of the... well... wiki content, then I see no problem with such discussions here in Wiki space being in Polish. After all at any time any user can request a translation or join in (which is not the case with mailing lists).
3325:. There are quite a few subcategories, but a) they are fairly chaotic b) there are still quite a few pictures not assigned to a category c) there are some pictures on en and pl wiki that could be moved to commons. (I'd like to create a template similar to 2736: 1875:
either. However, if you would dig into their PDF materials, you would find a 2-page write-up about Polish WWII experience. This has been included there due to a successful lawsuit brought against the State of California by local Polonia many years ago.
Thanks. It seems that what I found before was copied from this site, but this site is a much better source. BTW I've just read there among others that 88% of Americans think that Holocaust should be taught at schools. Oh my, does it mean it is not?!
2728: 2758:
Commonwealth. If you like this initative. For now, I invite everybody to copy their replies to my talk page; if there is enough interest, perhaps we can create a serparate page to discuss it (Wikiproject:Eastern Europe or sth like this). --
Witajcie Wikipedyści, zapraszamy na Spotkanie Wikipedystów na Uznam! Spotkanie odbędzie się 27/28. sierpnia! Koszt uczestnictwa to 6 EUR za noc i osobę na kempingu (12EUR z prowiantem). Wieczorem możliwy grill. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany:
Wlasnie daje ludziom szanse i sam nie zaglosuje ;) redirect moim zdaniem nie jest dobrym rozwiazaniem ze wzgledu na to kto zakladal ten artykul (w jakim celu) i ze nikt wczesniej nie wpadl na pomysl by stworzyc taki redirect bynajmniej do
Co glosowanie, nowy cyrk :) Wydaje mi sie ze w tym wypadku wynik glosowania jest delete lub merge, skoro 31 osob wybralo te opcje a za zatrzymaniem bylo jedynie 14. Dodac do tego zamiary trolla ktory stworzyl ten artykul - powinien byc
One more thing to calm you down. There are of course idiots in every country or nation, what is important is not to let them fool you. I think the situation in Poland is really not a bad one. Please, see an anti-Semitism global report:
Nasz nowy przyjaciel rozpoczął wandalizowanie wpisów o prześladowaniu Polaków w Niemczech, Kulturkampf,Settlement Commision, połączone z kasowaniem linków o tym(w Kulturkampf wykasował przemówienie Bismarcka jako tendencyjne  ;))
antysemityzmem? Wiec 852,000 (sic!) stron ktore zawieraja w google slowo "polish jokes" tez jest skutkiem antysemityzmu? A Meta How to deal with Poles, rowniez? :) A tak na marginesie w polskim MSZ powstal katalog antypolonizmow
fallacy. Please show a rule that there should be no articles in languages other than English on And nobody is excluding any nationality here. If someone is interested in Polish topics, he should learn Polish...
175: 1906:
No question there is plenty of anti-Polish bias out there, especially outside the mainstream media (which does have some minimal standards). Take a look, for example, at a recent article about the March of the Living in Poland
ATM I have to object, but as I wrote, it can be made a FA with some effort. May I suggest some of you drop the city names issue and instead help adress the objections to this article? I am sure our dear papież would approve.
Warto rozszerzyć artykul o zarzuty postawione oskarżonym i podać konkretne dane dotyczące mordowania Polaków w tym obozie jako "podludzi" wtedy będzie trudniej zarzucać niewłaściwość linku do strony o antypoloniżmie.--
I believe that for the RoTW contributors we should always leave a redirect from non-diacritical version to the proper one. Other than that, at last Piłsudski and Radziwiłł are where they should be from the beginning.
2420:. Można pisać po angelsku lub po niemecku! .. Jeśli nie mówisz w żadnym z tych języków to spróbuj po polsku! ;) .. Jeśli zrozumiem będę tłumaczyć. Proszę szybko odpowiedzieć bo chcęmy rezerwować! ;) Na ra Sicherlich 2316:. It is not that hard to read it and support/object, is it? Please. Also, help appreciated with finding more images of the VM order to article (i.e. upload and link), and clarify who painted this 'Emax' picture: -- 1234:
gminas. Also, most of the articles on a gmina would consist mostly of the info that should also be found in an article on the town or a central village. Which makes most of such articles pretty obsolete to me (see
I think it would be best if you let the non-Poles decide what is and isn't interesting to them instead of deciding for them by holding discussions in Polish and refusing to translate those discussions to English.
1690:. The situation in Poland is comparable to that in Finland, which is famous for taking particular care of their minorities. Surprisingly the USA are not included in the report, so that's what I've found instead: 392:
Denmark, Russia, Quebec all have boards. All in English. Knowledge does not exclude people who are interested in topics because of nationality. To do so would be discrimination. Surely you are not suggesting
2747:) Wikipedians join forces and try together to promote some articles to FA, instead of (what seems to be more common, unfortunately) fighting over which name should go first and similar petty issues :: --> 3512:
in his edit summaries except for accusations against other editors ... but this is you, not me. It's not my fault that you cannot follow rules and this has undermined a lot of your credibility, not mine.
ktorego rodzina prawdopodobnie pochodzila z Kijowa. Co wystarcza by dodac go do kategorii "szlachta bialoruska"... Nie mialbym nic przeciwko gdyby dodali go do kategorii "litewska", ale "bialoruska" to
703:, I am afraid there is going to be little collaboration. I wish people would stop playing those silly Polish city name/nationality wars and instead put those time into helping us with this article... -- 426:
I don't think using a user talk page would go over well. Creating a Polish mailing list for the collaboration, or perhaps a sister board, Polish Collaboration on the English wikipedia on pl.wikipedia? -
hope many of you like this proposal and are as curious as we are to get to know the Wikipedians from the other side of the border. If you are interested, I would be happy to see your name added here:
150: 3580:
I would appreciate having the same rule for city/country names across whole WP and not just for particular cities. Well, maybe for Europe at least. I would suggest actively pursuing this issue in
When the Soviet Union attacked Finland in 1939, the Western public opinion was outraged, and the Western allies made some plans to give military support to Finland. Among those plans, the Polish
3841: 3622:
Gosc generalnie poswieca sie dniami i nocami zamienianiu polskich nazw na niemieckie, dorabianiu Polakom innych narodowosci itd., mocno polecam przegladanie listy jego ostatnich dokonan ;). --
1914:. So, I do not dispute the fact that we have to fight anti-Polish bias. I am just not sure that an article like anti-Polonism, with all its "baggage", so to speak, is the best way to do it. 1662:
formulation of the idea of antipolonism is still a work in progress, plus include some discussion of the way the term is misused by some groups, then it might become a very useful article.
I'm sorry that I put so many dukes into "to create/translate section", but I think this period of Polish history need to be realy developed (and we have quite good sources from pl: Wiki).
3832: 3326: 2176: 633: 2743:
I'd like to propose that Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian (and anybody else who wants to join, you will excuse me if I won't list everyone here, I tried to reach everybody on the
2732: 1013: 1002: 2542:
museum, and if it would be possible to take some GFDL images of Nubian artifacts while they were there. Of greatest interest would be some of the paintings from the Faras cathedral. -
2455: 3568:
bardziej do uzywania obecnych nazw miast - rowniez w historycznym kontekscie - ale jedynie gdy bedzie to oficjalnie postanowione, i owa regula uzawana na calej wiki (bez wyjatkow).--
2637: 194:
The "English translations" appearing on this page, in response to a request, are without doubt the most abysmal that I have ever seen. Were they produced by a computer program?
137: 3230: 3310: 2470: 2313: 1323: 3384:
Unfortunately I've got involved in a revert war with some crazy pro-Soviet nationalist. Is anyone aware of any "Polish partisans" fighting Soviets in Finnland ? He mentions it
artykul ktory zostal stworzony przez neo-nazistke helge - Tak wyglada sytuacja w Polsce :) (na marginesie, nie istnieja inne artykuly, jak np Antysemityzm w Niemczech itd.). --
529: 528:
I was thinking lately about organising some kind of meeting of those of us (i.e. en-wiki editors) in Poland. As just 'a meeting' seems rather tiring (and besides there is the
3069:)? The earlier is Zivinbudas-like, although I'm pretty sure it's not him personally. The latter introduces some strange Soviet/German propaganda and POV to articles on WWII. 2762: 2128:. It appears that Polish veterans will lead the upcoming 50th anniversary victory parade in London, in atonement for their exclusion from the great victory parade in 1946. 2558: 691:(or some other related article) into a Featured Article. We have about 2 months before the date, which should be plenty of time. Anybody else thinks this is a good idea? 3826: 3572: 3558: 3516: 2527: 2514: 2477: 1508:
Witkacy, would you be able not to use Polish language on English WP ? It is considered to be impolite by some, particularly those, who do not know the language. Thanks. --
1005:. We have 3 objects now and 0 support. Please comment as you see fit and help me improve the article - especially as I think current objections are minor or irrelevant. -- 3764: 1105:
OK- If we have Voivodship and gmina ("Those tranlations are recommended by Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as recommended terminology"), propably it should be powiat (
2904: 2158: 3373: 3176: 3164: 3142: 3022: 2997: 2976: 2959: 2945: 2933: 2609: 2500: 3616: 2677: 2018: 1996: 1979: 1966: 227:
intelligible if not grammatically perfect. The poltran translations are intended to be a spur to overcome the inertia of the trying to translate an entire discussion.
2662: 2644: 2627: 2592: 3358: 2781: 2366: 2066:
More comments on this would be welcomed, especially as I would like for this article to be FACed soon (just need to upload some more pics and summarise a little). --
ktory krecil sie w polskich kolkach rewolucyjnych. Encyklopedia PWN mowi wyraznie " zginal 1881 na ulicy od bomby rzuconej przez Polaka (I. Hryniewieckiego);.."
83: 79: 75: 67: 3776: 2442: 1489:. As for the other articles, I can only say that one bad article does not justify another one. Unfortunately, Knowledge is full of bad or inadequate articles. 127:
i o oddanie glosu, lub dodanie wlasnej propozycji do listy. Jezeli nie macie nic przeciwko, to w poniedzialek ustanowimy w imie kolektywu.. naszego kandydata.--
Wbrew poprzedniemu głosowaniu, kilku adminów i użytkowników chce zlikwidować i tak już atakowany artykuł.Nominowano go używając argumentu-"This is bullshit". --
3732: 2466: 3743: 3291: 3244: 3187: 2855: 2819: 2815: 2384: 3357:. Further, since I am mostly interested (ATM) in creating a gallery of PLC related images, I have created a subcategory to Polish historical images, one of 3080:
I am regaining my Internet access, although it may be some days before I have enough time for serious activity again. Remember there are always places like
1284: 1045:(szczegolnie ze niema dokladnego odpowiednika, czasem jest tlumaczony jako County a czasem jako District) - ale raczej w krotkiej formie jak na tej stronie 446:
I believe I might have created (unwillingly) this issue when pointing out at several talk pages to this board messages as an indication that several recent
102:). If any of you would like to work together with me and bring them up to FA quick, let me know. Otherwise, I'll do it myself, but it will take longer :) -- 3718: 3657: 3644: 2570: 2377: 3626: 2266:
I intend on helping with this one although I will be gone after the 12th. I didn't contribute to the last one because I'm not familiar with Wawel at all.
3800: 3411: 781: 3812: 3214:. I hope you can use it to track and contribute to Poland-related deletion debates. If you find the list useful, please also help keep it up to date. 2684: 174: 17: 3673:
Admin który próbuje germanizować polskie nazwy w rozmowie z innym użytkownikiem zaczął obrażać Polaków i Polską kulturę. Czy można to gdzieś zgłosić ?
3536: 3526: 3505: 3392: 3201: 2889: 2701: 1745:"Nie znam takich statystyk, ale Polska zdecydowanie plasuje się w ich dolnej strefie. Wystarczy przejść się ulicami w Polsce" - powiedział Kichler.""-- 784: 124: 3787:
in the Polish wikipedia. So strictly speaking, this one here is supposed to be moved out and a request for translation be entered appropriately into
3700: 3668: 3635: 3606: 2711: 3546:
name for a geographic entity — usually, the name preferred by its present inhabitants — I would support that whole-heartedly. It would prevent the "
3303: 3267: 1955: 3596: 3096: 2581: 3154: 3111: 2838: 2724: 1854:
or efforts of Polish Government in Exile. It used to have a map (now only the title of the page - see top left corner) titled "Polish Death Camps"
47: 2619: 2436: 3750: 3366: 2848: 1127: 576:
I am rarely fequenting Polish wiki, and their talk pages ever rarer - could you tell us more about this Kwieceń and other problems on pl wiki? --
111: 2923: 2240:
I am very dissapointed in the PCOTW progress. Except for my first major edit (which involved mostly merging subarticles into one main article),
3343: 3211: 3117:
I think you misunderstand why I pointed this out. I ment that if things were so bad that so many reverts were occuring, that perhaps it's an
2716: 923:
Hurray! Gentlemen, recent upgrade of the wiki engine allows for moving all the articles that lack diacritics to their proper place! At last!
3218: 2036: 2919:. Can anyone tell, what does it mean? Are the accusations common or there are particular examples, which can be sourced in this article? -- 2532: 1135: 1131: 1933:
Very silly, indeed. I will assume that, especially the second one, was wrote by someone as prejudiced as some of our right-wing people. --
2460: 2448: 2059: 1427: 1386: 1638:
similar aguments, dividing the world between 'us' and 'them'. This, however, should not discredit the concept - just as, for example,
and it was ok... Now the title can be changed to Gdańsk and some opposition appeared. Well, my home city is a controversial one :-) --
3757: 3581: 3041:
Piotrus is left and currently we are left without an admin to defend our club here ;). Could someone take a look at contributions of
2658:(why to look for examples in the literature while life proved it true?), yes, I would say a typical attitude of communist MO, lol. -- 1549:). Don't you find it curious that the concepts of anti-semitism and anti-polonism somehow seem to run together in these publications? 352:
themselves in Spanish only because their superiors and customers are curious what the workers are saying privately among themselves.
2451:: Image:Jan Matejko-Astronomer Copernicus-Conversation with God.jpg and Image:Rzeczpospolita voivodships.png . Feel free to vote. -- 1843:), while others, e.g. California, expanded it to include teaching about other genocides, as well as human rights and tolerance (see 3277: 3182: 649: 3465: 3273: 2993:
I reworded it and added a case sourced by Molobo. BTW Are you going to have a new talk page since the one you have is blocked? --
2091: 892:
Emax uploaded it without a source, name or author info. One of Kossaks, perhaps? The third is Witkacy's upload. More to come. --
3207: 3089: 3585: 2349: 1847:). These two programs offer quite a mixed bag: e.g. Florida program's online guide includes some information about the Poles 2078:
More to do :). A new report on the contribution of Polish Intelligence services to the Allied war effort just came out. (
I'm afraid your view of the question may be somewhat too optimistic. I suggest you take a look at the latest report by the
3369:. I hope you join me in categorisning the images - feel free to create other subcategories for other historical periods. -- 2810:
malym zainteresowaniem na stronie 3rr, chcialbym zwrocic uwage na anonimowego pana z bratniej nacji zachodniej ktory uzywa
The ruling by the dumb people cannot be overcome, because there are so many of them, and their vote counts as much as ours
2400: 1077:, więc nie jest to poprawne przetłumaczenie. Z drugiej strony wiele angielskich internetowych stron polskich powiatów ma 384:
We speak English in the articles, but this is POLISH WIKIPEDIANS' NOTICE BOARD (duh!). Nothing interesting for non-Poles.
Jest to powierz;enie Rzeczposolitej i jej narodów w opiekę Matki Boskiej (ogłoszenie jej Królową Polski) w obliczu Potopu
Nie no, oficjalna pozycja to nie jest - ale wsrod przecietnych ludzi, na tyle popularna ze wypadalo by o tym napisac :)--
Looknijcie rowniez na ostatnia zmiane w artykule, mozna z niej wywnioskowac ze Polacy sa winni Holocaustu na Zydach :) --
3362: 2897: 2062:, where IZAK seems bent on DELETING the article (!) splitting it into subarticles instead of summarising, arguing that 2787: 2331: 3350: 2279: 1621: 101:
be taken to the FA status (trust me, as a person with 10 FA under his belt, I can judge the article's quality :: -->
3723: 3674: 3459: 2744: 1541:
Unfortunately, some words have an agenda behind them, and they are inherently non-neutral. Take a look at another
2050: 3385: 3092:, just to name a few. There are many competent admins out there who will be happy to help you while I am busy. -- 3085: 3081: 2843: 2794:
On the issue of East European cooperation, could we get some editors look at the recent history and talk page of
2371: 867: 2359: 2073: 1910:(just click OK on the java mini-window, and it will work). And then something a bit older, but even more silly 636:
if you are interested in making sure that the Gdansk/Vote is fixed and new similar votes won't be disputable. --
3066: 2751: 2282:
article needs major overhaul - see discussion. Just added extermination of the psychiatric patients section. --
1351: 1340:
Well, not much move, but still... Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that Z. has finally given up..
goals. You just lost one of your best. I'll be removing all Polish related topics from my watchlist, including
PS Yes, I know there's only one item on the page at the moment. However, I'm sure that more will come along.
Great. By the way, it seems that the British are on some kind of charm offensive lately. Take a look at this
move stuff, just list exactly what should be moved to where, and make sure there are no objections at talk. --
2574: 2295: 1221:
Not zillion articles about gminas, but only 2500. It is not so big number (and this is the far, far future).
908: 1687: 3052: 1691: 596:.Gościu ma też własnego bloga gdzie zjeżdza równo i przesadnie pl:Wiki. Podkreślam- nie jestem obiektywny! 3495: 1354:
for a test period. If nothing happens, we may try unprotecting Lithuania and Wilno articles and others. --
189: 1624:
A Rotfeld stwierdzil ze bedzie wpieral kazda organizacje ktora zajmie sie walka ze szkalowaniem Polski--
3483: 3206:
I just wanted to let you know about a list of Poland-related items on Votes for Deletion. It's part of
1604:(może wywieziemy na Madagaskar, jak głosiły napisy na murach w moim mieście dwadzieścia parę lat temu?). 1486: 3379: 3335: 2672: 1813:. Balcer, please try to see beyond Poland and Polish perspective if you can... Remember that in the US 1095: 565:
spotkania raczej nie polecam osobom o słabych nerwach, ale nieoficjalne inicjatywy to co innego...:)).
38: 3290:. Of course everyone is welcome to keep an eye on RU/UA boards above as well. And please don't forget 3125:
for a brief calm-down. This was not an encouragement to get others involved with content reversions.
Bo sam jeszcze nie zagłosowałeś :). Atrykuł jest na vfd na razie tylko 30 minut, daj ludziom szansę.
3589: 3331: 2401:ów_na_Uznam
2125: 2097:, but I am sure we can rewrite this incoprorating info from other sources, including your article. -- 2052: 1304: 839: 369:
It is a voluntary project, not a company, so the above situation does not apply here. And this is an
3306:- I did try to start a 'recently done' section, but few ppl seem to be interested in updating it. -- 2241: 3489: 3248: 2865:
A clique of editors is claiming that Daniel Pipes is Polish, but not Jewish. Can you take a look?
1870: 3653:, pozujący na brytyjskiego intelektualistę, który w różnych miejscach szkaluje Polski patriotyzm. 1810: 3770: 3471: 3439: 3354: 3322: 2941:
panstwo w ogole powstalo. Mozna ten temat troche rozwinac, bo pewne sentymenty jednak istnieja.--
2689: 2432:
Why do all Wikipedian meetings in Europe ave to happen just as I go to another continent... :( --
There is no need to have this become a "FA", as that matters little about its encyclopedic value.
1948: 1887:
Ttyre, I looked through the links and I really don’t know what to say. I certainly didn’t expect
1873: 1817:
demonstrations (once they secure the proper permit) are protected by local police force and the
1431: 2768:
Not sure how much on-topic this is here, but I'd like to make you aware of the existence of the
3477: 2564: 699:
I second. Let's put it as PCTW first, the article is short. Still, looking at NO activity with
Knowledge:Village_pump_(policy)/Archive H#Fixing_giant_loopholes_in_Wikipedia:Survey_guidelines
153:, oddanie glosu z tendencja negatywna wobec propozycji kasowania tej strony, mile widziane :)-- 2171: 1710: 627: 3640:
B&W to po prostu skarpetka Krzysi. Chłopaki, pomocy, bo ten palant mnie zaraz zablokuje!
1869:. California's project, on the other hand, doesn't include Poland on their list of genocides 1806: 1450: 1366: 811: 733: 402: 374: 3784: 3631:
Uwaga pojawił się użytkownik Schwartz_und_Weiss wandalizujący wszystkie zmianki o Polsce --
3238: 2274: 3453: 3036: 2860: 2225: 956:
After moving only thing to do is to check out and correct redirects that leads to redirect
I think the best title is - maybe it's too long, but it explains and embraces everything.
8: 3824: 3798: 3252: 3102: 2811: 2805: 2795: 2788: 2341: 1776:
chyba że ktoś do własnych politycznych celów chce używać naciąganych badań statystycznych
1643: 792: 727: 3247:. Could the editors who haven't checked it yet, please take a look at it, as well as at 2136: 1579: 843: 803: 3809: 3693: 3073: 3060: 2489: 2389: 2258: 2112: 1344: 1291: 1274: 1243: 1210: 1142: 931: 711: 547: 492: 3780: 3255:'s edit history. I would be interested in the opinions of other Polish editors, since 2915:
In the article about Anti-Polonism in a section referring to Germany it is said that:
looks like a really bad joke. What was the voting for, if it was all up to an admin?--
2039:. I have to admit that IZAK managed to cross the line this time, I think, by stating: 1081: 3737: 3707: 3650: 3388:. I'm almost sure he either invents these things or confuses something. Any idea ? -- 2417: 1706: 1596: 961: 617: 300: 2203: 1855: 643: 95: 3715: 3654: 3641: 3282: 3046: 2910: 2823: 2307: 1848: 1781: 1639: 1206:. I guess it would be much easier to describe those entities in articles on towns. 904: 768: 385: 3425: 3417: 2554:, Silesia. Btw, remember to submit the article to Peer Review first before FAC. -- 1840: 1546: 1160:. Powiat of XXX sounds best and it's more difficult to make a mistake and call it 3678: 3623: 3555: 3513: 3316: 3107:
Can anyone look at the Anti-Polonism article? I've already used my 3rr. Thanks --
2886: 2878: 2690: 2407: 2208: 2079: 1867: 1864: 1861: 1858: 1844: 1752: 1727: 1542: 1350:
Hmm, it is true I have not seen him vandalise anything lately. I am unprotecting
1236: 1169: 982: 942: 455: 408: 354: 344: 211: 3150:
Ja rowniez juz moje zuzylem wczoraj w nocy - musze poczekac do okolo pierwszej--
1908: 1622:
Translation: Please take a look at that article - some people do not like it ...
On a slightly different topic - I'd oppose creation of a zillion of articles on
678: 123:
Ladnie rozbudowales liste. Chcialbym ponownie prosic wszystkie Panie i Panow na
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
3819: 3793: 3761: 3429: 2831: 2827: 2778: 2638:
Polakami-Katolikami (prof. Nowak osobiście decyduje, kto do tej grupy należy).
1562:, which explains the issue well (I will translate this if someone requests it): 1559: 1555: 1513: 504: 480: 427: 394: 310: 220: 61: 3416: 2770: 2041:
This category should be deleted because it is an insult to human intelligence.
503:. I'm afraid you will find other wikipedians won't go so quitely. Good luck. - 3806: 3788: 3711: 3690: 3287: 3126: 3122: 3070: 3056: 2874: 2486: 2395: 2255: 2109: 1423: 1367: 1341: 1288: 1271: 1240: 1207: 1157: 1139: 928: 544: 489: 114:. Please help me add references to this article! We can FAC it afterwards. -- 1821:
makes sure that white supremacists' right to free speech is not violated. --
context (I have my doubts), then why not instead provide competent, concise
3747: 3686: 3613: 3569: 3533: 3523: 3502: 3370: 3340: 3307: 3256: 3227: 3173: 3161: 3151: 3139: 3118: 3108: 3093: 3019: 2994: 2973: 2956: 2942: 2930: 2920: 2870: 2835: 2759: 2698: 2659: 2624: 2606: 2589: 2555: 2524: 2511: 2497: 2474: 2469:. On the bright sude, ArbCom should have a final decision soon, and so far 2452: 2433: 2363: 2317: 2267: 2245: 2233: 2214: 2196: 2164: 2140: 2098: 2067: 2044: 2015: 1976: 1952: 1934: 1892: 1831: 1805:
Sylvia, the authoritative source on anti-Semitism around the world is ADL:
1798: 1784: 1746: 1695: 1677: 1647: 1625: 1534: 1502: 1463: 1435: 1419: 1390: 1374: 1355: 1331: 1308: 1099: 1053: 1017: 1006: 990: 957: 912: 893: 885: 857: 829: 796: 772: 742: 704: 637: 613: 577: 556: 533: 512: 472: 362: 323: 296: 282: 262: 243: 183: 154: 141: 128: 115: 103: 3689:
particular aspect of the polish culture. Thank you, and happy editing. --
2306: 2254:
If it wasn't for both of my computers breaking almost at the same time...
I updated the PLCOTW since its been more than a month. The newe PLCOTW is
1911: 1083: 1030: 337: 274: 3838: 3729: 3697: 3665: 3632: 3603: 3433: 3408: 3042: 2708: 2543: 2520: 2230: 2192: 2129: 2095: 2083: 1993: 1963: 1915: 1718: 1688:
1663: 1589: 1571: 1490: 1455: 1415: 1404: 1267: 1250: 1222: 1186: 1114: 1086: 1060: 1034: 974: 871: 720: 692: 672: 660: 597: 566: 420: 2163:
Feel free to submit other beautiful pics connected with Poland there! --
2030: 1692:
3295: 3261: 3195: 2901: 2852: 2822:, i tego podobnych anonimowych IP, dzialajac w okregu artykulow pana 2799: 2681: 2641: 2578: 2381: 2355: 2299: 2283: 2180: 1877: 1822: 1138:, but I guess it's simply a matter of style and agreement between us. 748: 716: 688: 684: 653: 464: 439: 378: 314: 252: 228: 3432:. It is a rather poor stub and is very much in need of improvement. - 996: 683:
The 25th anniversary of the 1980 strikes which led to the creation of
speaking project. If you don't want to speak English, simply join the
3593: 3389: 3160:
Troche sie zgubilem w tych mieszankach - czegos brakuje w artykule?--
2775: 1509: 1287:. It should be pretty essential for the whole Polish community here. 242:. Please, feel free to share your opinion about the rules with us. -- 3551: 2220: 2186: 2177:
Hello, I am seeking an advice and if possible, help, regarding the
Nie trwalo to dlugo, ale nowy przyjaciel pojawil sie na horyzoncie
has just been created. Please participate, edit anything there and
Tymczasowo nie, ale jest poczta i to bez rozmow kontrolowanych ;)--
Knowledge:Wikiportal/Ukraine/Ukraine-related Knowledge notice board
2551: 1373:
Zerknicie na ten artykul - nie spodobal sie niektorym osobom ... --
1085:. Sam już nie wiem. Czy jest jakaś oficjalna zasada na ten temat? 1046: 1014:
Knowledge:Featured article candidates/History of Poland (1945-1989)
764: 760: 343:
konsumenci ciekawi są, co pracownicy prywatnie mówią między sobą.
2151: 1397:
Translation: I invite you to the "game/party" of the hypocrites...
918: 899: 593: 2729:
Knowledge:Wikiportal/Russia/Russia-related Knowledge notice board
2538: 1266:
Just in case you didn't notice it, there's yet another voting at
500: 2418:
and has these pages (if you wonder to know who were the Nazis):
OK. Should I move them to X Powiat or wait for more opinions?
1023: 361:
No rule, just convinience. When in Rome... See my post above. --
Ten obraz przedstawia koronacje czy jakies "inne slubowanie"? --
hodge-podge is completely pointless, except perhaps as satire.
3547: 2882: 2323: 1851: 1324:
Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Zivinbudas/Proposed decision
Ukraińcy np. zostali przy swoich rejonach (w formie: X Raion).
1042: 815: 2798:
and respond there or do something with the article? Thanks! --
523: 269: 2425: 1203: 756: 752: 700: 447: 313:
and its nations (proclamation Her as Queen of Poland) during
167: 3833:
Uwaga, ponowna próba zlikwidowania artykułu o antypoloniżmie
Knowledge:Featured picture candidates/Bitwa warszawska 1920
po cichu dodaja w kolejnych artykulach "bialoruski watek".
But I don't think the hype about this issue is justified. -
451: 3217:
By the way, new deletion sorters are welcome and needed.
Knowledge:Votes for deletion/Religious persecution by Jews
Not out of place to the above post, I would appreciate if
Well, 2500 is still much, especially when you add all the
3447: 3359:
Category:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth historical images
3280:? Anyway, some editors here might be interested to check 1814: 2037:
1818: 1317: 1249:
I can say that you are right, but only for 2-3 years :)
Seems interesting. Count me in (at least provisionally)
Well, mentioning that other boards are in English is an
136:...rowniez zapraszam do wpisywania ciekawostek o Polsce 2424:
We hope to see many of you in the end of August ;-) --
Knowledge:Featured article candidates/Pope John Paul II
in google print. Pages 56-60 available after log in.
1872:, and doesn't list any Poland/Polish-related websites 1774:"Dlatego jestem zdziwiony tego rodzajem raportu OBWE, 1261: 290:
Is this paintin shows coronation or some opther "oath"
Knowledge:WikiProject History of Poland/Periodization
OK, this is what I have done: on pedia, we have now
Knowledge:Eastern European Wikipedians' notice board
Knowledge:Eastern European Wikipedians' notice board
Knowledge:Eastern European Wikipedians' notice board
1197: 687:
is approaching. It would be a great moment to make
666: 648:
Please take a look at the proposed title change for
Knowledge talk:Polish Wikipedians' notice board
3302:Not that I know of, although you may want to check 2898:
2881:scholar was born in Cieszyn, Poland, to a wealthy 2294:members of this board take a look at discussion at 2060:
1545:in what circumstances this word is often used (and 3783:. As far as I can see, this article is a copy of 3706:Chłopaki, Antman i Schwartz und Weiss wandalizują 2929:It was put by an anon, so I've just removed it. -- 2058:In IZAK-releated news, I'd appreciate comments at 1709:and its Commission Against Racism and Intolerance 2330: 1434:ect. is racism towards Poles something special?-- 3612:parodia... przemowienie Bismarcka jest POV :))-- 3321:It would be nice if we could sort articles from 3304:Knowledge:Polish Wikipedians' notice board/to do 1782:,11,item.html-- 3367:commons:Category:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 2849:Knowledge:Votes for deletion/Witkacy/Black Book 2725:Knowledge talk:Polish Wikipedians' notice board 2443:Voting on 2 pics at Featured Pictures - Commons 751:zaczal rowniez wywalac polskie nazwy miast na: 112:Knowledge:Peer review/Virtuti Militari/archive1 3501:- sledzenie jego wkladu, by bylo na miejscu.-- 3194:if you think the idea is workable. Regards, -- 2750:In this spirit I invite you all to comment on 2550:Anybody from Warsaw? Unfortuantely, I am from 1753:,12,item.html 1728:,11,item.html 198:English translations are called for in such a 3742:I have collected Poland-related templates on 1414:It is a big suprise.... Nobody try to delete 1033:. Jeszcze raz proszę o sugestie! Pozdrawiam! 3728:Strona została odblokowana.Radzę zerknąć. -- 2485:Good Lord, when will this crap finally end? 2394:I hope you don't mind if I write this here. 2449:Commons:Commons:Featured_picture_candidates 2135:Now that's a pleasant suprise. This is the 1975:Jak narazie sa same glosy na zostawienie.-- 1715:Konieczność walki z antysemityzmem w Polsce 3294:, which I hope has some future. Thanks! -- 3202:Poland-related items on Votes for Deletion 3183:Eastern European Wikipedians' notice board 2510:It is final. He is banned for one year. -- 1428:Anti-French sentiment in the United States 1387:Knowledge:Votes for deletion/Anti-Polonism 1322:Finally, something has started to move at 1016:. C'mon, voting isn't that hard, is it? -- 251:approximate English translations. Thanks! 206:? The current ungrammatical, unidiomatic 3758:Template:Polish Underground State sidebar 3582:wikipedia:Naming conventions (city names) 3272:Is there a place at PL portal similar to 3268:Any place for new articles announcements? 219:intetioned but not particularly useful. - 3278:Portal:Ukraine/New article announcements 2340: 2322: 1845:California Center for Excellence website 870: 842: 814: 3330:series of categories related either to 3274:Portal:Russia/New article announcements 2917:Poland is accused of having caused WWII 2092:History of Polish Intelligence Services 2090:Sure. Let's fix the deleted copyvio of 454:changes (as of now reverted) were just 149:Moze zainteresuje kogos te glosowanie: 14: 3365:, to which I created a subcategory of 2244:happened during the COTW process :( -- 2205:Some information about Rej to rewrite. 1328:User:Zivinbudas is banned for one year 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 3748:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 3586:wikipedia:Naming conventions (places) 3371:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 3341:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 3308:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 3243:I posted recently an announcement at 3094:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 3090:Knowledge:Administrators' noticeboard 2760:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2717:Eastern-European cooperation proposal 2575:User_talk:Woohookitty#No_concensus.3F 2556:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2512:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2498:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2475:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2453:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2434:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2406:This is the text as it was posted by 2364:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2318:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2246:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2165:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2141:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2099:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2094:. It was deleted for being a copy of 2068:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 2045:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1648:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1356:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1332:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1309:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1100:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1018:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1007:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 991:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 913:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 894:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 797:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 705:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 638:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 578:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 534:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 513:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 363:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 309:It is enthrusting Mother of God with 263:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 184:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 116:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 104:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 3522:A oto i on, sam sie przedstawil :)-- 3361:. On Commons I decided to work from 2533:Anyone planning to visit the museum? 25: 3649:Uwaga! pojawił się nowy użytkownik 2461:Zvinbudas is back, but not for long 2074:Polish Intelligence in World War II 1326:. I admit that the current 2:0 for 23: 3363:commons:Category:History of Poland 3327:Template:Move to Wikimedia Commons 2896:His both parents are Jewish, see: 1841:A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust 1283:Also, take a look at this voting: 273: 261:thinking, people, is the key :) -- 24: 3852: 3351:Category:Polish historical images 2733:Knowledge talk:Wikiportal/Belarus 2280:World_War_II_atrocities_in_Poland 1713:, especially the special chapter 3685:. In the meantime, please enjoy 3681:once said (loosely translated): 2745:Knowledge:Regional notice boards 2211:The History of Polish Literature 1047: 868:Image:Jan Henryk Dabrowski 2.jpg 163:Polish Collaboration of the week 125:Polish Collaboration of the Week 29: 3086:Knowledge:Requests for comments 3082:Knowledge:Vandalism in progress 2332: 1850:, yet it fails to even mention 1578:Another relevant passage, from 1554:Finally, let me add a quote by 1385:Zapraszam do zabawy hipokrytow 62:Polish Wikipedians Notice board 3842:18:15, 21 September 2005 (UTC) 3827:01:37, 21 September 2005 (UTC) 3813:20:23, 20 September 2005 (UTC) 3801:08:08, 20 September 2005 (UTC) 3765:02:14, 23 September 2005 (UTC) 3751:22:38, 19 September 2005 (UTC) 3733:10:21, 14 September 2005 (UTC) 3701:19:48, 20 September 2005 (UTC) 3669:01:10, 18 September 2005 (UTC) 3658:15:47, 14 September 2005 (UTC) 3374:16:49, 11 September 2005 (UTC) 2752:Polish-Muscovy War (1605-1618) 2537:I am working to try and bring 1352:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1098:for some related arguments. -- 13: 1: 3818:Many thanks! so promptly - 3696:02:58, Jan 17, 2005 (UTC)" -- 3645:14:53, 7 September 2005 (UTC) 3636:02:46, 7 September 2005 (UTC) 3627:20:21, 6 September 2005 (UTC) 3617:14:08, 2 September 2005 (UTC) 3607:16:01, 1 September 2005 (UTC) 3436:01:35, August 30, 2005 (UTC) 3298:00:15, August 28, 2005 (UTC) 3264:03:48, August 22, 2005 (UTC) 3198:22:55, August 17, 2005 (UTC) 3135:17:24, August 13, 2005 (UTC) 3076:08:19, August 12, 2005 (UTC) 2523:przylecial nas odwiedzic :)-- 2350:Poland copyvio - what a shame 2296:talk:Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1449:I would have no problem with 909:History of Poland (1945-1989) 3719:23:54, 16 October 2005 (UTC) 3208:WikiProject Deletion sorting 2802:22:18, August 4, 2005 (UTC) 2774:initiative on meta. Thanks, 2137:article about the '46 parade 7: 3597:20:26, 31 August 2005 (UTC) 3573:20:07, 31 August 2005 (UTC) 3559:03:08, 31 August 2005 (UTC) 3537:00:24, 31 August 2005 (UTC) 3527:23:52, 30 August 2005 (UTC) 3517:23:50, 30 August 2005 (UTC) 3506:23:40, 30 August 2005 (UTC) 3412:18:30, 29 August 2005 (UTC) 3393:17:38, 29 August 2005 (UTC) 3344:22:29, 28 August 2005 (UTC) 3311:22:29, 28 August 2005 (UTC) 3231:03:39, 18 August 2005 (UTC) 3177:21:07, 14 August 2005 (UTC) 3165:22:16, 13 August 2005 (UTC) 3155:17:28, 13 August 2005 (UTC) 3143:23:10, 14 August 2005 (UTC) 3112:17:04, 13 August 2005 (UTC) 3097:19:28, 15 August 2005 (UTC) 3023:01:53, 12 August 2005 (UTC) 2998:01:34, 12 August 2005 (UTC) 2977:23:21, 11 August 2005 (UTC) 2960:23:12, 11 August 2005 (UTC) 2946:22:51, 11 August 2005 (UTC) 2934:21:28, 11 August 2005 (UTC) 2924:18:11, 11 August 2005 (UTC) 2782:18:43, 10 August 2005 (UTC) 2546:04:46, July 21, 2005 (UTC) 2528:15:16, 11 August 2005 (UTC) 2492:17:26, July 17, 2005 (UTC) 1778:" - powiedział PAP Kichler. 1599:. I quote it here in full: 785:23:12, 14 August 2005 (UTC) 650:Camps in Poland during WWII 10: 3857: 3336:Template:History of Poland 3121:and should be handed with 2905:22:31, 7 August 2005 (UTC) 2890:13:08, 7 August 2005 (UTC) 2856:02:08, 5 August 2005 (UTC) 2314:On FAC - comments welcomed 2172:Another interesting voting 1347:June 30, 2005 13:32 (UTC) 1277:June 29, 2005 10:46 (UTC) 1246:June 30, 2005 15:57 (UTC) 1213:June 30, 2005 13:36 (UTC) 1096:Talk:Voivodships of Poland 934:June 28, 2005 11:12 (UTC) 856:Januarego Suchodolskiego-- 840:Image:Henryk Dabrowski.jpg 628:Consequence of Gdansk/Vote 507:10:03, Jun 16, 2005 (UTC) 495:02:05, Jun 16, 2005 (UTC) 483:21:44, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC) 467:19:06, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC) 419:thing that comes to mind. 397:16:12, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC) 223:11:26, Jun 14, 2005 (UTC) 3590:Knowledge:Naming conflict 3332:Template:Polish statehood 3239:Games with names continue 3192:add it to your watchlists 3138:Thanks, I'll try that. -- 2839:22:14, 30 July 2005 (UTC) 2763:17:36, 29 July 2005 (UTC) 2712:23:22, 25 July 2005 (UTC) 2702:01:07, 25 July 2005 (UTC) 2685:15:32, 22 July 2005 (UTC) 2663:18:40, 25 July 2005 (UTC) 2645:17:33, 25 July 2005 (UTC) 2628:15:55, 24 July 2005 (UTC) 2610:08:15, 23 July 2005 (UTC) 2593:07:58, 23 July 2005 (UTC) 2582:15:22, 22 July 2005 (UTC) 2559:10:03, 21 July 2005 (UTC) 2515:16:04, 22 July 2005 (UTC) 2501:18:30, 17 July 2005 (UTC) 2478:16:29, 17 July 2005 (UTC) 2456:10:40, 14 July 2005 (UTC) 2437:20:48, 13 July 2005 (UTC) 2385:00:22, 11 July 2005 (UTC) 2367:09:06, 10 July 2005 (UTC) 2302:19:36, July 9, 2005 (UTC) 2275:WWII atrocities in Poland 2053:History of Jews in Poland 2019:23:29, 10 July 2005 (UTC) 1997:23:22, 10 July 2005 (UTC) 1980:23:12, 10 July 2005 (UTC) 1967:23:10, 10 July 2005 (UTC) 1956:22:59, 10 July 2005 (UTC) 1516:) 5 July 2005 08:49 (UTC) 1334:30 June 2005 12:47 (UTC) 1330:is music to my ears :) -- 1307:, new policy proposal. -- 1305:Knowledge:Naming conflict 1294:June 30, 2005 10:46 (UTC) 1145:June 30, 2005 13:36 (UTC) 1102:29 June 2005 18:29 (UTC) 1056:29 June 2005 13:36 (UTC) 1037:29 June 2005 10:44 (UTC) 1009:28 June 2005 19:40 (UTC) 993:28 June 2005 19:50 (UTC) 985:28 June 2005 18:49 (UTC) 915:17:48, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC) 896:16:21, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC) 775:01:09, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC) 745:22:50, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC) 695:02:49, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC) 675:16:15, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 663:14:52, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 656:20:45, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC) 640:19:37, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC) 550:02:02, Jun 16, 2005 (UTC) 536:00:01, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC) 475:21:30, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 430:16:33, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC) 423:16:28, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 388:15:55, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 381:15:28, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 357:06:45, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 347:06:45, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 326:22:52, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 304:15:26, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 285:14:57, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 246:16:41, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 214:10:20, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 186:21:35, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC) 106:19:29, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC) 3724:Antypolonizm odblokowany 3249:Talk:Kamianets-Podilskyi 2358:, which is a copyvio of 2286:9 July 2005 03:18 (UTC) 2261:July 6, 2005 15:55 (UTC) 2248:6 July 2005 14:41 (UTC) 2199:6 July 2005 00:27 (UTC) 2183:5 July 2005 15:56 (UTC) 2132:5 July 2005 20:47 (UTC) 2115:July 5, 2005 09:04 (UTC) 2086:4 July 2005 21:44 (UTC) 2070:6 July 2005 14:35 (UTC) 2047:6 July 2005 14:35 (UTC) 1834:7 July 2005 03:52 (UTC) 1801:6 July 2005 23:11 (UTC) 1721:5 July 2005 22:05 (UTC) 1592:5 July 2005 17:17 (UTC) 1537:5 July 2005 00:40 (UTC) 1505:4 July 2005 23:53 (UTC) 1493:4 July 2005 23:31 (UTC) 1458:4 July 2005 22:27 (UTC) 1393:4 July 2005 21:49 (UTC) 1377:4 July 2005 21:41 (UTC) 1358:30 June 2005 14:37 (UTC) 1225:30 June 2005 15:16 (UTC) 1172:30 June 2005 14:16 (UTC) 1117:29 June 2005 19:05 (UTC) 1094:Please use English. See 1089:29 June 2005 16:11 (UTC) 1063:29 June 2005 13:57 (UTC) 1041:Ja bym byl za uzywaniem 1020:4 July 2005 11:33 (UTC) 965:28 June 2005 13:45 (UTC) 945:28 June 2005 12:15 (UTC) 888:16:35, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC) 860:16:35, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC) 832:16:27, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC) 799:08:50, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC) 791:It was all discussed on 707:16:24, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC) 621:19:35, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 600:15:29, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 580:15:12, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 569:14:47, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC) 559:20:55, 18 Jun 2005 (UTC) 515:10:51, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC) 442:16:28, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 411:16:37, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 365:00:03, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC) 265:23:26, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 255:19:00, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 231:16:15, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC) 157:10:59, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC) 144:13:57, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC) 131:02:11, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC) 118:20:14, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC) 3777:request for translation 3355:Category:History images 3323:commons:Category:Poland 2844:VfD - Here we go again! 2372:Anti-Semitism in Poland 2333:File:Szarza Husarii.jpg 2320:9 July 2005 17:58 (UTC) 2270:7 July 2005 18:35 (UTC) 2236:6 July 2005 14:27 (UTC) 2217:6 July 2005 10:08 (UTC) 2167:5 July 2005 14:09 (UTC) 2143:5 July 2005 21:00 (UTC) 2101:4 July 2005 21:52 (UTC) 1949:Anti-Semitism in Poland 1937:9 July 2005 12:06 (UTC) 1918:8 July 2005 16:58 (UTC) 1895:8 July 2005 16:46 (UTC) 1880:7 July 2005 11:05 (UTC) 1825:7 July 2005 00:57 (UTC) 1787:9 July 2005 14:37 (UTC) 1749:9 July 2005 14:31 (UTC) 1698:5 July 2005 20:49 (UTC) 1680:5 July 2005 20:31 (UTC) 1666:5 July 2005 19:00 (UTC) 1650:5 July 2005 18:02 (UTC) 1628:5 July 2005 17:32 (UTC) 1574:5 July 2005 17:12 (UTC) 1496:Zwroc uwage na powod: " 1466:4 July 2005 23:08 (UTC) 1438:4 July 2005 22:02 (UTC) 1432:Anti-American sentiment 1407:4 July 2005 21:54 (UTC) 1311:2 July 2005 12:17 (UTC) 1253:1 July 2005 14:29 (UTC) 1189:2 July 2005 15:15 (UTC) 1162:Powiat gnieźnieźnieński 977:. The article name was 804:Whose painting is this? 3542:If you mean using the 3210:, and you can find it 2473:for outlaw&ban. -- 2346: 2338: 2328: 2080:see article in Polish) 876: 848: 820: 812:Image:Ksiaze Jozef.jpg 278: 190:"English translations" 2869:For what it's worth, 2465:Be warned and ready: 2362:on Polish economy. -- 2344: 2336: 2326: 1642:should not discredit 1451:Anti-Polish sentiment 874: 846: 818: 734:Jan Karol Chodkiewicz 644:Proposed title change 403:argumentum ad populum 277: 42:of past discussions. 3746:. Did I miss any? -- 2569:Please take a look: 2471:there is a consensus 2354:Please help rewrite 2345:'Wieszanie zdrajców' 1947:Prosze cos na deser 3353:, a subcategory of 3253:Kamianets-Podilskyi 2820:User: 2816:User: 2812:User: 2796:Kamianets-Podilskyi 2789:Kamianets-Podilskyi 1644:social evolutionism 793:Talk:Ignacy Domeyko 728:Ignacy Hryniewiecki 679:25 years after 1980 3380:Polish partisans ? 2697:antypolonizmu...-- 2673:Interesting voting 2618:Ciekawa dyskusja: 2467:Zvinbudas contribs 2347: 2339: 2337:'Szarża kawalerii' 2329: 2139:for reference. -- 1595:Finally, see this 884:Juliusza Kossaka-- 877: 849: 828:Juliusza Kossaka-- 821: 279: 3708:Eastern Pomerania 3554:" type anomaly. 3424:Just a note that 2740: 2495:Which one? :: --> 2327:Jozef Poniatowski 1707:Council of Europe 964: 819:Józef Poniatowski 620: 303: 204:English summaries 54: 53: 48:current talk page 3848: 3822: 3796: 3500: 3499: 3466:deleted contribs 3450: 3283:Faddei Zielinski 3132: 2723:Crossposted to: 2721: 2334: 2308:Virtuti Militari 1711:(link to report) 1640:social darwinism 960: 905:Virtuti Militari 875:Henryk Dabrowski 847:Henryk Dabrowski 769:Kazimir Malevich 616: 375:Polish Knowledge 338:Czy rzeczywiście 299: 151:dzienniczek uwag 96:Improved 'to do' 33: 32: 26: 3856: 3855: 3851: 3850: 3849: 3847: 3846: 3845: 3835: 3820: 3794: 3785:Zbigniew Dłubak 3781:Zbigniew Dłubak 3773: 3771:Zbigniew Dłubak 3740: 3726: 3679:Albert Einstein 3671: 3451: 3446: 3445: 3442: 3440:Nowy przyjaciel 3428:is this week's 3422: 3382: 3319: 3270: 3241: 3204: 3185: 3128: 3105: 3039: 2913: 2879:Polish American 2863: 2846: 2808: 2792: 2719: 2694: 2691:Auschwitz Trial 2675: 2567: 2535: 2463: 2445: 2392: 2374: 2352: 2311: 2277: 2189: 2174: 2154: 2076: 2056: 2033: 1371: 1320: 1264: 1200: 1026: 999: 921: 902: 806: 714: 681: 669: 646: 630: 526: 340: 272: 192: 179: 98: 87: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 3854: 3834: 3831: 3830: 3829: 3772: 3769: 3768: 3767: 3739: 3736: 3725: 3722: 3705: 3663: 3620: 3619: 3578: 3577: 3576: 3575: 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Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus
Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus


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