
User talk:Cunard

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3060:: "This study of Laukat's games reveals three different ways his créateur status can be discursively constructed: through the game aesthetics, through the narrative worldbuilding, and through the interplay between theme and mechanics. I chose Laukat's gaming output to represent the créateur for a number of reasons. First, there is a manageable output of games to examine. Red Raven Games has published thirteen games, ten of them designed by Laukat. Compared to the output of some designers, for example Reiner Knizia (who has published over 600 games), ten can be studied in a time-sensitive way. Second, Red Raven Games all have a recognizable aesthetic sense, mainly because Laukat does the art for all the games himself. Third, Red Raven Games has become a success in the board game industry: Above and Below (2015), their best-selling game, has sold around 50,000 copies, while the Eight-Minute Empire (2012) series has sold over 40,000 worldwide and has been translated into over fifteen languages. His highest-ranked game on BoardGameGeek (BGG) is Near and Far (2017), with a rank of 132 (as of December 2019). Fourth, on a personal level, I enjoy playing his games—while not a scientifically valid rationale, the fact that his games are fun while also retaining a sense of his particular style is a meaningful factor in the discursive construction of the créateur. The games that I researched for this chapter are all designed by Ryan Laukat, with art by Laukat as well: Eight- Minute Empire, Artifacts, Inc. (2014), Above and Below, City of Iron 2e (2016), ..." 6991:
approaching 40 and never married, have lived together for 18 years, give or take a revolving guest roommate, cohabitating in spaces like an East Village walk-up, a Chelsea loft and, now, a converted office space in Queens. ... Imagination and creativity have always been important to the men, who met at N.Y.U. in 1991, three of them through a role-playing group organized by Mr. Crane. While still in college, they lived in neighboring dorm rooms. For a brief stint in 1994, a two-bedroom, fourth-floor walk-up on East Fifth Street was home to Mr. Crane, Mr. Brown and Mr. Dempsey. ... Mr. Crane channeled his interest in fantasy into creating The Burning Wheel, a role-playing game he first published in 2002. None have come close to making it big, although Mr. Crane is somewhat famous in the niche world of role-playing. ... Hart Crane, Mr. Crane’s younger brother, started visiting the men from his home in North Carolina when he was 9. Now he is 22. ... In December, Mr. Dempsey will be the first roommate to turn 40, followed by Mr. Theerakulstit and Mr. Crane in the spring, and Mr. Brown next August."
was one of a few employees, Hammack was one of 350 employees. The firm's best-known game, Dungeons & Dragons, had caught on. "TSR got a burst of nationwide publicity. The company really started growing. It got more like a big impersonal corporation than the group of friends it had once been." Hammack became a victim of the company's growth. The company hired more employees than it could afford, got in financial trouble, and chose to extricate itself by letting go middle-level management personnel. Hammack was one who got let go. He left Lake Geneva, Wisc., where TSR is based, and returned with his wife Susan to Birmingham, where he grew up. Two months ago he opened his own game and bookshop, the Lion and Unicorn, in Five Points South. "I was ready to come back South," Hammack says. "The Wisconsin winters are notorious. I learned the true meaning of 'wind chill factor' in Wisconsin." Hammack, 29, splits his time between running the shop and writing for game companies. He writes well-documented supplements to adventure games like Dungeons & Dragons."
tavoliere ben disegnato e gli identificatori del vari reparti militari facilmente riconoscibili, anche ad un colpo d'occhio superficiale. Il game è gestibile Interamente con il solo utilizzo del mouse, Il lavorare in ambiente Windows rende plù facili ed immediate le operazioni, in pratica il tutto viene gestito attraverso del menu a tendina, sul video si aprono e chiudono numerose finestre che mostrano lo stato del vari reparti o spiegano alcune situazioni in corso. Anche per questo la giocabilità è molto alta e basta una lettura superficiale del manuale per entrare subito nello spirito del game. All'interno del programma è contenuto un help molto dettagliato, che può essere sfogliato come se fosse un libro vero e proprio, come è nella tradizione di WINDOWS. E' possibile scegliere fra sei scenari differenti, oppure se volete, potete crearvi un teatro di battaglia tutto vastro, utilizzando l'editor che viene fomito col programma."
depicting a rocky coastline and divided into 227 numbered hexagons. At each turn, the player controlling the shark secretly writes down the number of the hex to which he intends to move (this may be the same hex as he is currently on or it may be up to four hexes away), the player or players controlling the swimmers moves them each a distance of up to 2 hexes , and the player controlling the shark reveals his move and places the shark piece accordingly. If the shark lands on the same hex as a swimmer, the swimmer is swallowed whole. If the shark lands on a hex adjacent to that of a swimmer, the swimmer loses a leg and continues to move only one hex per turn. Swimmers losing both legs merely drift one hex in the direction of the shore. Dice are used if a swimmer lands on a hex depicting a Red Herring which offers one of twelve instructions, half of which are favourable and half unfavourable."
the gaming community, Peterson references many nearly-impossible-to-find fanzines and rules books from the early days of the hobby, as well as telephone interviews and correspondences with numerous individuals who were involved with the development of role-playing games. Appelcline's series relies on Peterson's book at many points—especially in the early volumes—but expands on that prior work by focusing more intently on the business end of the early hobby, with special attention paid to things like intellectual property rights, marketing, and distribution. Both authors manage to present a mountain of information in a very accessible, engaging format, and anyone interested in particular stages of the development of the hobby—from hit points and character classes to the first “indie” games and the rise of "story-based" role-playing—will find a rich trove of resources in either work."
the identifiers of the various military departments easily recognisable, even at a superficial glance. The game can be managed entirely with the sole use of the mouse. Working in a Windows environment makes operations easier and more immediate, in practice everything is managed through the drop-down menu, numerous windows open and close on the video which show the status of the various departments or explain some ongoing situations. This is also why the playability is very high and a superficial reading of the manual is enough to immediately get into the spirit of the game. The program contains very detailed help, which can be browsed as if it were a real book, as is the WINDOWS tradition. It is possible to choose between six different scenarios, or if you want, you can create a completely vast battle theater, using the editor that comes with the program."
11347:, a bundle of board game design essays by Jeremy Holcomb that came in a box with game prototyping materials such as dice, colored cubes, cardboard chits, and multicolor wooden person tokens (or "meeples" in board game parlance). The 10.5-page chapter on rulebooks comes relatively early in the book and is the only reviewed chapter that speaks to the implicit/explicit rule dichotomy that Salen and Zimmerman cover in detail in Rules of Play as an important part of game manual style. This chapter gives a thorough explanation of each of the crucial sections of a standard rulebook and attends to the order in which those sections should appear to make the rulebook easy to understand for a new reader. Though this chapter does not cover in any significant detail how to conduct usability testing on the manual, this is covered in later chapters." 1347:
Mixing tactical battles, role-playing elements, and action sequences, Sword of the Samurai was a great game that never received the acclaim of its predecessor. ... Hendrick parlayed his military history background into the original M1 Tank Platoon. Then, Hendrick created the most detailed role-playing game imaginable. Darklands was one part detailed historical setting (Germany during the 15th century AD) and another part open-ended fantasy. Unfortunately, Darklands arrived over budget, past due, and with hundreds of thousands of lines of discrete code instead of the promised software engine that could craft 15th-century Italy and 15th-century Britain as its heirs apparent. It also arrived with so many bugs that it ran through seven patches before it was playable on the average machine."
19494:, which is a common name. I refined the search by searching for "Oasis" and people or topics related to the television series such as "Carlton Television", "Carlton", "ITV", "CITV", "Zenith North", "Dean Gaffney", "John Simm", "Posh Robert", "wasteland", "The Jungle", and "Byker Grove" which helped filter out irrelevant results. Another tip is I used quotation marks around search terms so that the query returned only results with those exact phrases. When there were too many results, I also refined the searches by narrowing search results to the years 1992 to 1994 since the television series aired in 1993. For some topics, I do several combinations of searches in multiple places which is why for some of the harder cases it takes me between one and three hours for source searches. 10062:"Dungeon Masters Guide," as well as the games "Boot Hill" and "Top Secret." He also wrote "Monsters of Myth and Legend III" and "The Ghost Tower of Inverness. With his wife, Hammack founded the Lion & Unicorn fantasy game, book and comic book store in Birmingham, which he sold about three years ago. He's now a lab technician at the Jefferson County Water Pollution Laboratory. His South East Lake home is adorned with pieces from his fantasy past. Swords stick in corners around the house and art of unicorns and other mythical figures hang on the walls. For him, fantasy coupled with education can provide a satisfying life. Applying those stories was easy for Hammack when he was in his 20s and just beginning to work for TSR, which created Dungeons & Dragons." 7988:. Andrew Bates. World of Darkness novels. White Wolf. Reviewed by Don Bassingthwaite. ... According to his bio, these are author Andrew Bates' first three novels. Well done! The action is suitably intense and the plotting is brisk. Slotting the world-views of the different monstrous factions of the World of Darkness together is no easy task, nor is smoothing over the game jargon, but Bates has done a good job of both. The few rough edges that do remain — frequently repeated information, jarring bits of dialogue, extraneous details and actions, and the odd plot line that ends up going nowhere — are distracting but not detrimental to a good story. ... If the Year of the Scarab Trilogy is anything to judge by, you may want to keep an eye on Andrew Bates." 11625:
was born to a French mother and an American father in 1954. He grew up in northwest Indiana at a time when steel and oil industries dominated the area. Impressions of the industrial landscape of his childhood are evident in his work. Raised by his mother and grandmother, he absorbed their love for nature and art, but he also had a fondness for math and science, subjects that came easily to him. Price earned a bachelor’s degree in physics and went on to graduate studies in theoretical astrophysics. After deciding not to pursue a career in academia, he began work as a designer for the company that made the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. He spent three decades developing classic toys, video games and even amusement park rides."
Panzersimulation salonfähig: Ml Tank Platoon kombinierte ein für seinerzeitige Verhältnisse sehr lebensnahes Verhalten der Tanks mit taktischen Anforderungen an den Spieler. ... Der mittlerweile zu Interactive Magic gewechselte Chefdesigner von »Ml Tank Platoon«, Arnold Hendrick, besann sich dort alter Tugenden und erstellte iMlA2 Abrams. Auch hier kommandierten Sie eine Kompanie Panzerfahrzeuge inklusive Artillerie, Hubschrauber und Flugzeuge. In puncto Simulation und Strategie ist ihm und seinem Team ein ansprechendes Produkt gelungen, die grafische Präsentation ließ aber stark zu wünschen übrig. Trotzdem ein bemerkenswertes Spiel, dem leider kein großer kommerzieller Erfolg beschieden war."
why there wasn't a central online hub where people could meet and learn about events. Bates, who leads the Planning and Compliance Division of the Louisville Metro Department of Resilience and Community Services, was immersed in the world of non-profits but had no real-world experience in running one. Pfaff convinced Bates that a nerd-centric group and website was the ideal non-profit opportunity and Nerd Louisville was born. ... It was an eye-opener for Bates that students didn't have their own books, which are de rigueur for any level of gamer. "That was a surprise to me and really put it into perspective," said Bates, 48. "I grew up pretty middle class, and when I played
there, so he started a Kickstarter for producing RPGs. He designed larger pieces such as the 132-page Goblin Quest (2015) but found the scheduling too grueling. Howitt's wife, Mary "Maz" Hamilton, then suggested one-page RPGs. Howitt embraced this model starting with Force-Blade Punk (2016), which like many one-pagers was as much of an artistic design as a game. Howitt's most famous design was certainly Honey Heist (2017), a game of animals stuck between criminality and bearness. Multiple Critical Role sessions ensured that the whole world knew about the one-page game. Meanwhile, the idea has continued to explode, with beginning to run One-Page RPG Jams in 2020."
was Ivan Chermayeff, who created such notable logos as those for the Smithsonian Institute and Showtime. ... Mackles went on to design such legendary logos as those for PBS Kids and the animated WGBH logo (which is still in use). Mackles also created the pilot for the game show “Quickdraw” and served as graphic designer and animation art director for the video version of “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” ... Through middle and high school, Mackles studied piano and music theory at the Juilliard School. After graduating from Dartmouth College with a degree in Fine Arts, he attended the School for the Visual Arts, where he took a class with Glaser."
not have an existing draft to look at for content, and there is no archive saved anywhere, but I did write a short note about each person with a link to a listing of their works before the drafts were deleted, so they are not total mysteries to me. :) So if you will help with these, if any sources exist for them, I can easily request them to be restored so I can work on them. If there is content on those drafts once we can see them that gives more context to find additional sources, you may find them if you don't mind looking again and I will add those as well. :) It's fine by me if it therefore takes a little longer to go through these.
magnitude and relevance. It also sports system rules that serve to illustrate some of the deliberation on the ways to integrate setting and mechanics, and thereby demonstrates how TRPG game system processes can function as a procedural rhetoric modeling experience. The game illustrates how setting ideas and system modeling can function in conjunction to create a player experience of productive and eye-opening estrangement. Furthermore, FreeMarket’s relative novelty, conceptual sophistication, and even distributive under-exposure offer incentives to commentators and players to study or play with its reservoir of ideas and concepts."
closer to characters who do good for the world and improve themselves--in Chad's other work," Baugh says. "He's been poking at it for a while." ... Goldsmith's husband, Eric Rowe, also a gamer, calls Dead Inside "the psychological equivalent of a dentist's mirror. It lets you examine things in hard-to-see places."Despite such praise, Baugh says that Underkoffler has his work cut out for him if he wants Dead Inside to reach a large number of players. "Games fighting convention face the distinct challenges of not only finding an audience," he says, "but creating one as well. If a game isn't fun to play, it's failed.""
acceptable: Ml Tank Platoon combined the behavior of the tanks, which was very realistic for the time, with tactical requirements for the player. ... The chief designer of "Ml Tank Platoon", Arnold Hendrick, who has since moved to Interactive Magic, remembered old virtues and created iMlA2 Abrams. Here too you commanded a company of armored vehicles including artillery, helicopters and aircraft. In terms of simulation and strategy, he and his team created an appealing product, but the graphical presentation left a lot to be desired. Still a remarkable game that unfortunately didn't have much commercial success."
convoys bound for the Russian port of Murmansk. The German forces are built around the battle-cruiser Scharnhorst and the battleship Tirpitz. Additionally, the German commander has available both submarines and air power. The opposing British forces consist of battleships, battle-cruisers, aircraft carriers, cruisers and long range bombers. The combatants can select either a winter or summer scenario, and the famous gunnery battle between the Scarnhorst and the Duke of York can be recreated, or numerous other scenarios created. The graphics are very average, and the GQS interface takes some getting used to."
8397:. In this experiment, Appelcline wrote his regular Skotos column in screenplay format to demonstrate the problems that arise when material created for one medium is presented using another. Things work in different ways in different media, and not all transfer; some aesthetics intersect, but some don't. You always need to adapt a work of art for a different medium, and therefore you always have to adapt your understanding of works of art for different media. In particular, models of narrative and performance appropriate for the silver screen are not necessarily appropriate for virtual worlds." 1915:
both for his comedic sensibilities and his passion for building story structures. It’s also where he met Hamilton and his best friend-turned-business partner, Christopher Taylor. After graduating, Howitt moved to Australia with Hamilton and started a Patreon to compensate his legal inability to work within that country. That’s where he designed his own full-sized tabletop games, such as Goblin Quest, which comprised dozens of pages and weeks of work. The schedule was draining and hobbled his ability to support ongoing projects, such as Unbound, his and Taylor’s first collaborative release."
Keepers, um grupo de escritores de cenários que organizou o Cthulhu Nationals Tournament do Reino Unido. Mike, já bem inteirado no funcionamento arcano das empresas de jogos, já trabalhou para a Games Workshop como diretor de linha para Dark Heresy, um RPG ganhador do ENnie Award. Hoje em dia, Mike vive em Nottingham, Inglaterra, e gosta de café, cerveja forte, e uísque em igual medida. Mike edita, escreve e produz todos os livros de Chamado de Cthulhu da Chaosium, e quanto não está fazendo isso pode ser encontrado assistindo filmes de terror e procurando por ouro de Innsmouth."
and colonization, and combat, and in the wealth of scenarios it presents. The first important advantage is that the space represented in Gateway even has geography. In Stellar Conquest, once a player has achieved Unlimited Ship Range, one piece. of space looks like another--since encounters can only take place at star systems, the location of stars on the board solely affects travel time. Enemy systems can be easily bypassed with impunity. Combat is therefore limited to a relatively small number of hexes, which I always thought was a waste of a perfectly good hexboard."
13139: 15619:
the Pearl Harbour attack, and the humiliation of the Dolittle Raid. Spans the open reaches of the pacific from the home islands to the Hawaiian chain, with Dutch Harbour and Truk as theatre limits, and in the centre, Midway Island. The game concentrates on plan formulation and execution via command and control to hold the pivotal position between the US Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy, during an eighteen month campaign. Sim Can products are very specialist, effectively a computer moderated board game, no graphics, text driven, and complex."
droop; what to expect if you’re arrested; and how to get media attention. Holcomb says he knows from experience that letter writing campaigns often fail because letters to corporations or politicians often get held up at a central warehouse and are never delivered. If folks take the time to find the recipient’s home address, the campaign usually has more impact – though you could be considered a stalker.But Holcomb’s biggest pet peeve with picketeers is that they only print their slogan on one side of their poster, leaving the other side bare."
19203: 18050: 2451:
shield and drawn sword. While the piece featured none of the hallmarks of AI artwork, such as disproportionate or misaligned limbs, blurred text, architecturally impossible structures, or poor composition, Pounds pointed to what he felt were several inconsistencies within the artwork and used an AI art checker to claim that the work was AI-generated. ... After Ossandón's statement and WIP images were posted online, Pounds posted apologies on both YouTube and social media and delisted the original video at the artist's request."
They decided to work together in partnership with Atlas Games and Gameplawright to create a cohesive product for a reasonable price. Holcomb and Tidball, talked about The White Box in an episode of the Modifier podcast with Meghan Dornbrock. She asked them about the product but also about how their backgrounds lent to the creation of The White Box. Holcomb, has been making board games and card games through publishers like AEG and has also self-published games. He now teaches game design at Digipen Institute of Technology."
of dollars in dental work. Today, Pounds is blind in his left eye, and he can't breathe through his nose. He has trouble standing for long periods because his surgeons used part of a bone in his left leg to repair his face. Overall, Pounds, a self-employed musician and student, and his family have spent thousands of dollars on his medical care — even with him receiving coverage from his father's Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma plan and receiving Medicare and Medicaid coverage through his disability benefits."
743: 19898: 17456: 18589:(which I am able to find information about elsewhere, mostly under the spelling of "Nazm-i-Jamiath"), and in the "Who's Who" section (second mention) he is listed as "Commander, Nazm-Jamiath Irregular Forces". He was the commander of this particular group, which I think was the Nizam's retinue and palace guard. I added to the article incorrectly that he was also aide-de-camp, because I misread the page containing the first mention. I will follow your advice and ask editors at that noticeboard. — 4457:
the form of a political campaign. ... Back in 2019, Shasn was supposed to be a small project which actually spiraled out of control. ... Zain and his team reached out to board game traders around the world. Having been a gamer his entire life, he believed that it was time the zest for board games were brought back to India, outside of the occasional game of Monopoly or Life. As a collector himself, he engaged with game creators from around the world who helped him shape and market the product."
story hooks attached - and I found myself wondering why I hadn't heard of the guy's name before. It did, however, resolve me to buy Monsters and Other Childish Things as a prerequisite for buying Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor. ... And then I Googled his name and realized, Oh, that's Bailywolf. I know that guy. He's been on the forums forever, good citizen, no infractions, probably not a sock of anybody. Moderating a board tends to change how you think of people's attributes."
includes Spelling and Math lessons. Your job is to fix broken-down starships in the vastness of space. Use knowledge and intelligence to solve the puzzling problems posed by the ship's security computer. Features include new graphics, music, animation, and enhanced gameplay. Works on all Amigas with 512K memory. Additional expansion lesson disks are also available. Suggested retail price: $ 69.95, Microillusions, P.O. Box 3475, Granada Hills, CA 91394, (818) 785-7345, Inquiry#208"
answer, I’m very sure.” She then went on to create the hashtag #1ReasonWhy, which other developers took up, responding with personal stories as to why they believed there were so few women in their industry. The hashtag exploded with thousands of tweets from women and allies that “detailed their own experiences with sexism in the field of game development along with other obstacles that prevent women from joining game development as a career” (Blodgett & Salter, 2014)."
13530: 12521:
that I wanted to look at for now), so I'm glad for your help in getting through them with me, and sorry that I get so scattered on a bunch of different things. :) I have only a few more of those articles left to go through and then I will be able to get back to my original BLP drafts project.  :) Either way, thank you once again for the massive amount of help that you have been able to give me with getting articles restored and/or built up so they don't get deleted.
17980: 17753: 8622:(Appelcline, 2013). Peterson describes the precursors to and influences upon the development of D&D as well as the early history of the game itself (Chapter 3), while Appelcline details the fortunes of the myriad TRPG publishers that emerged, decade by decade, in the wake of D&D's publication. These works provide detailed overviews of the history of RPG publishing, extending earlier, briefer accounts but, in large measure, confirming their outlines." 1185:(1980) by Arnold Hendrick, which appeared to connect the narrative lessons learned by hobby board games of the late 1970s with the conventions of miniature wargaming that had given birth to D&D. Knights & Magick consists of three volumes of rules for miniature combat set in a world of high fantasy, but its extensive world-building, story-oriented approach, and numerous possibilities for customization, give the design a very strong role-playing feel." 4487:
Lab. Memesys is a cinema and new media studio that works at the intersection of science, philosophy, and culture. Memon is also the creator of Shasn, a new political strategy board game that’s already being compared with Twilight Struggle, the Cold War strategy game that critics rank as the greatest game ever to be made. When it launched on Kickstarter, it crossed its funding target under 22 hours. Today, Memon’s got his team to play the game with me."
engraves the bells of Cannonball saxophones and trumpets by hand. The company is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and also runs two factories in Taiwan. Cannonball trumpet models include the 42 Artist Series (in B-flat and C) as well as a variety of B-flat trumpets including the 725, the 789RL (with reverse leadpipe), and the Lynx. Known for producing trumpets with a larger-than-normal bell size (BigBell), Cannonball also makes a model 779 flugelhorn."
17068: 10099:, says when participants begin acting out roles they are no longer playing Top Secret. "It's such a departure from what the game is intended to be that I can't even begin to tell you' what they might be doing or what guidelines they might follow," he says. Hammack says he has heard of other role-playing games being acted out but never Top Secret. He says he has difficulty understanding how the Ragland incident could be connected with the game." 16402:. I strongly agree with your statement, particularly, "Processes like AFD and PROD will show up on Article Alerts pages for WikiProjects and on Deletion sorting pages and in other areas of Knowledge where editors will be able to address for themselves if a topic is notable or not. With BLAR, if you have not watchlisted every article you might ever want to read or work on, it would be easy to miss an article being redirected." 19808: 19723: 19637: 19552: 19107: 19017: 18844: 18756: 18626: 17818: 17628: 17523: 16724: 13377: 13288: 13203: 13048: 18009: 13470: 13971:
tactical information. There are no intelligence screens regarding coordinate positions of the player’s ships or of his planets. What is displayed is a row of numbers with a statement listing the order that the information is displayed, it should have been quite easy to make a simple statement line with variable inclusions or, at least, a column head format to make those displays easier for the player to grasp."
6157:. A few years ago Mackles decided to create a strategic card game. He’d never invented a game before, but whenever he played one he always thought about how he would improve it. “I kept thinking, ‘This game would be better if…,’ ” he says. A former graphic designer for 23 years at WGBH in Boston, the Auburndale, Massachusetts, resident had the artistic chops to get the look of his game just right. So he did." 1008:
Entwicklung von Brettspielen beschäftigt und stieg dann erst in den Computerspielebereich ein. Vor Darklands arbeitete er zusammen mit Sid “Civilization” Meier an den C64-Versionen von Pirates und Red Storm Rising. Unter seinen Fittichen entstanden für den O64 der erste Hubschraubersimulator Gunship und die Flugsimulation F19, die mittlerweile als Klassiker in die Computerspielgeschichte eingegangen sind."
lifes. ... As senior designer at WGBH, Mackles collaborated on programs such as "Nova," "Evening at Pops," "Zoom" and many others. He was also responsible for WGBH’s on-air image including station breaks, print advertising and fund-raising elements. More recently he has designed and produced work for NBC Sports, HGTV, The Food Network, The History Channel and The Cleveland Orchestra among others."
17913: 15431:
characterized such classics as Starcross and the original Adventure. The game is really no more than a collec tion of puzzles which are loosely strung together. To the designer's credit, however, the puzzles are fine examples of their type and, to the delight of this puzzle-hungry player, there are a ton of them. Some of them are the kind of puzzle one doesn't see too often any more."
spelling, geography, history, science, social studies, trivia, and so on. The nice thing is that the lessons come on a separate disk and you can add your own or modify existing ones. Price for the basic program (with just math and spelling questions) is $ 39.95. A special Educational Pack with the other topics is available for $ 69.95. PO Box 3475, Granada Hills, CA 91394. RS #221."
journalism and English at the University of Indiana before entering the graduate school orbit at the University of Texas, where he completed a dissertation in 2017 titled “The Narrative Dimensions of Empire: Time and Space in the British Imperial Imaginary, 1819–1855.” It was in those dry, empty months of higher learning that he first dipped his toe into tabletop authorship."
perilous quests across a series of fantasy realms. ... The first thing you’ll notice when you open Near and Far’s box is the quality of its presentation. As with previous releases like Eight Minute Empire and Islebound, Laukat isn’t just the game’s designer, he’s also its illustrator and publisher. He work here has injected Near and Far with real charm and personality."
development along the Spokane River west of the Riverstone development. ... Huntman said aside from a stint as treasurer in high school, he has never been involved in politics. ... A middle school teacher at Developing Mind Montessori School in Post Falls, Huntman, 47, is an author of 19 books published on Amazon. He writes books on therapy, horror and role playing."
penalty incurred for dumping dangerous chemicals or failing to protect workers may be lower than the savings made by cutting corners on safety practices. Prof Macrory recommended standardised sentencing guidelines for convictions when offences came to court, statutory notices requiring businesses to comply with the law and a proportionate range of penalties."
develop as the game goes on. Different research expenditures will result in faster or stronger starships, stronger planetary defenses, automated industry, or a number of other improvements. You never know what your opponents are developing until they use it against you. The game requires extensive record-keeping and will last an entire evening or longer."
Someone has to plan these things, defining causes, goals, methods, logistics and networking to create something both workable and effective. This work describes how to organize, but also contains information of value to individual protesters. For instance, what to bring to a protest, how to behave and what to do if arrested, are all fully covered."
developer MicroProse. Meier admired how Hendrick brought his concept of permadeath—when a character dies, they cannot be played anymore—to video gaming; and Hendrick conveyed his knowledge of history to Meier’s game Pirates!—often cited as a groundbreaking open-world game. The two would ultimately go on to collaborate on 15 different games."
throne. ... Arnold Hendrick appeared to land on his feet, though. It was reported he went on to work for Coleco, just as the video game mania was reaching its height. ... Hendrick seemed to have helped supply the indefinable quality of fun and purpose that fills Pirates!. It’s not just a game of battles, plunder, and divvying up the loot."
believes they should still make games with difficult themes. ... In his game An Infamous Traffic, about the opium wars in China, Mr. Wehrle believes he achieves the payoff by juxtaposing sobriety with absurdity. ... Mr. Wehrle has a doctorate in the literature of British colonialism, giving him a leg up in navigating this tricky balance."
the day, we closed our doors and kicked everybody out, and we had a big staff party in the building,” Mr. Crane said. The head of human resources played, and so did two of Kickstarter’s founders. “They were instantly hooked,” he said. “Each of them came to me in turn and said, ‘How do we keep this here?’ So we made a little home for it.”"
He put his arm up almost at the same time it hit him in the face. Instantly, his ears were ringing loudly. Everything was black. He could hear people calling his name. ... He plans to title the book he has been working on “Happy to Be Here,” inspired by that conversation. The book is about the post-traumatic growth he has experienced."
perhaps neglect fine detail in trying to be farsighted in looking ahead to future production years. In the case of the latter, it is good to try and be farsighted in a society level game such as SC, yet SC is also a game of much detail. Failure to recognize this has cost many a player his position in the game, myself included."
only incorporates the weapons and armour of the region and period (the Holy Roman Empire of the fifteenth century), but also the old German calendar, currency, religious teachings, writings on alchemy; even the music is authentic. The 115-page manual that accompanied the game was also loaded with historical information."
familiar with the seven pages of rules, play can begin in a very short time. Though rated by The Avalon Hill Game Company to be of medium solitaire suitability, Stellar Conquest is really a terrific game for four people on a Friday night, good multi-player SF games are rare, and Stellar Conquest is one of the best."
situation (see below). “I’m incredibly sorry about what happened”, Pounds says. “If I had just looked into who the artist was who did the piece originally, I would have seen somebody that has a long track record of proven quality work in the industry, and I could have ended it right there and not affected anyone.”"
role-playing game. Hammack, 30, who once worked for the game's manufacturer, says he wants to teach the game to parents to calm any fears due to "problems and misinformation" associated with D & D. ... The game is played at Hammack's store about once a month. As many as 22 people participate in each game."
distinctive artwork and polished gameplay. It's amazing the number of titles coming from Red Raven Games that are absolutely excellent. Every one seems to be a hit. The Ancient World is no different. The best part is that Laukat is a local designer in Sandy, Utah. His games can be purchased on"
The book notes: "At the opposite extreme is Password (Milton Bradley Co.), of TV fame. Here, the object is not to hide but to communicate words to your partner. Representatives of each team give clues alternately to their partners; the player who guesses the "password" scores for his team a number of
The book notes: "TKO Pro Boxing. Lance Haffner Games. Text only. Boxing game that includes over 600 boxers, the ability to use retired fighters at different stages of their careers, fight boxers across eras, you can alter the strategy for the boxer between rounds, three judge scoring. Includes a text
The article notes: "Stellar Conquest (hereafter referred to as SC) and Starforce (SF) both approach the idea of a far flung stellar society from quite different view points. The differences lie not only in game mechanics but in the underlying philosophical assumptions without which the games would be
The article notes: "Conceptually, this game bears a strong resemblance to the Metagaming/Avalon Hill classic of the genre, Stellar Conquest, originally released in the early 1970s. It has important advantages over Stellar Conquest, however, in the way that it handles geography, exploration, economics
and adding reviews to all the games that already had articles, and creating articles for those that didn't have one. I got up through issue #100 and towards the end I skipped 11 of them that I could not find any additional reviews for, leaving them for later. Maybe you would like to help me get most
Hi there! :) I know I'm all over the place... I hope you don't mind if we take a look at another area from time to time? I'm still really into getting through those BLP drafts, but I have another spot that I left unfinished and I want to get through it, so I may want to go back and forth a bit. A few
The article notes: "Ever since the release of Root, Cole Wehrle has become a household name in the tabletop gaming industry and community. Wehrle has gone on to design several expansions and Oath, a semi-campaign style board game that Matt couldn’t praise enough in our review. Wehrle’s latest game is
The article notes: "Five15 Arts at Chartreuse recently opened the first solo exhibition of new collective member Michael Pierre Price, whose work reflects his interest in math, physics, and astronomy. The artist is showing surreal and abstract works that also draw from teachings of indigenous elders.
practical and technical problems involved in creating a coherent new jurisdiction where so much incoherence currently exists. Inevitably, this report will disappoint some but it shows a way forward and provides a sound and workable basis for modernising the system for achieving environmental justice."
The article notes: "A rather belated attempt to cash in on the recent Jaws-mania comes from a 26-year-old London barrister, Richard Macrory, inventor of a new game called "Man-Eater" in which players must swim for shore whilst being harassed by a plastic shark. The swimmers, too, are plastic and have
The article notes: "Day Of Al’Akbar (TSR, 40pp +map, $ 8) by Allen Hammack. For 6-8 characters of levels 8-10. "A deadly plague sweeps your land. The holy men say that if only they had the Talisman, they could create cures for this dread disease. Many adventurers have tried and failed to find the Cup
The article notes: "Parents will draw imaginary swords and fight dragons and ghouls next month at a Southside Community School class. Allen Hammack, co-owner of the game and book store Lion and Unicorn, will take adults through the fantasy world of Dungeons & Dragons, a complicated, controversial
The book notes: "Crane and Sorenson, as designers of the game, are aware of how game mechanics shape player experience through the channeling of character choice of actions and decisions. For several years they ran a popular convention seminar called “Game Design Is Mind Control.’”? The seminar dealt
The article notes: "Luke Crane, a community manager at Kickstarter, played Killer Queen at an indie-game exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image, in Queens, and was so taken by it that he persuaded his company to host the cabinet for its annual block party in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. “At the end of
The caption notes: "The Reading Art Association hosted an oil cityscape demonstration by Gene Mackles recently as part of the Reading Art Association’s Monthly Demonstration. As senior designer at WGBH, Gene Mackles (shown here) collaborated on programs such as NOVA; Evening at the Pops; Where in the
The article notes: "A local game designer has taken his teeny card game worldwide. Gene Mackles, 65, a resident of Newton for more than 30 years, has found growing success with his card game "Iota." Since Iota’s debut in 2012, Mackles has sold more than 20,000 units. ... Mackles has not always been a
The article notes: "In an effort to get more people to think about policy, politics and change, Goa-based new media studio Memesys has developed a strategic board game, Shasn."Whenever I would talk politics with friends and family, I found it to be an uphill task," says Zain Memon, who conceptualised
The article notes: "Having co-founded Memesys Culture Lab, a cinema and new media studio at the intersection of science, philosophy and culture, with Anand Gandhi, Mumbai-based Zain is one of the country’s best known digital storytellers with projects such as Else VR under his belt. Memon’s narrative
The article notes: "The Mario video game series inspired New Millennium Theatre Company’s latest production, "The Princess Peach Conspiracy." Company member Joseph White directs Megan Mackie’s play about what happens after the battle ends and the princess has to manage reconstructing her kingdom with
The program book notes: "Red Raven Games publishes exciting tabletop games, all produced and illustrated by Ryan Laukat. Since 2011, Ryan has shared his vibrant, imagined worlds through acclaimed titles that include City of Iron, The Ancient World, and the Eight-Minute Empire series. Ryan's games are
The article notes: "At a recent meeting of the guild, other members brought games to try out. Ryan Laukat has one called "Radio Active Cities." You build cities and try to persuade people to come live in them. Laukat is known for his design work and, in fact, has been the artist/designer for a couple
The article notes: "Taron Pounds knows people wonder what happened to his face when they see him. He doesn't mind if they ask. He would rather they find out than just stare at him. It's from a fireworks accident. On July 7, the Tulsa resident and jazz guitarist was lighting commercial-grade fireworks
The article notes: "Taron Pounds, 27, of Tulsa, said being able to stay on his father's insurance has been crucial for him over the past few years. ... Over the past four years, Pounds has undergone 30 surgeries by at least eight surgeons. And his recovery is not complete, as he still needs thousands
The article notes: "Pounds is a 23-year-old Tulsan who lost half his face in a fireworks accident. But there's a lot more to Pounds than what happened to him last July. ... He placed a mortar shell in the pipe and lit the fuse. The problem was the firework had two fuses, and Pounds lit the short one.
The article notes: "Although it's unlikely that he wrote the first one-page RPG, Grant Howitt usually gets attention as one of the most popular one-page RPG writers. As with so much in the hobby, it started by an accumulation of coincidences. Howitt moved to Australia, and wasn't able to legally work
The author biography says: "Arnold Hendrick spent ten years designing paper wargames, RPGs, and miniatures rules before his 1982 arrival in computer games. Since then, he spent three years in the “cart game” trenches at Coleco, enjoyed MicroProse’s ups and downs for ten years while working on various
The book notes: "Arnold J. Hendrick is the designer of Darklands, a computer role-playing game (CRPG) published by MicroProse in 1992. Hendrick's game is notable for the depth of historical research that went into its design. The attention to detail is evident not only from the game itself, which not
The book notes: "Arnold Hendrick has been in the gaming business for more than 20 years. He got involved with the electronic gaming industry by working for Coleco. Since the mid-1980s he has been a game designer for MicroProse Software. Some of the projects he worked on include F19, Silent Service 2,
From Google Translate: "Arnold Hendrick, who at 42 is a seasoned programmer, has been working at Microprose's American office for six years. Overall, he has been earning his living in the games industry for over twenty years. He was busy developing board games and only then entered the computer games
The article notes: "Arnold Hendrick has long been one of the great "lost boys” of gaming. ... And one of the games suggested to me as a good solitaire game was Barbarian Prince designed by Arnold Hendrick. Prince was a solo board game featuring the adventures of Kal Arath as he attempts to regain his
OK, thanks for continuing with me on game-related BLP draft articles. :) To begin with, there are about a dozen (and apparently growing) draft articles created by other users, almost all of which were started last year, some of which have been abandoned, that might just need a few more sources to get
18220:)! Thank you for your hard work on book articles: creating detailed book articles, finding non-notable books and nominating them for deletion, searching for sources at AfD, and proposing alternatives to deletion like redirects to authors when ones exist. I deeply appreciate your quality work too. :) 15308:
The article notes: "In the simulation, McCall lasted past the sixth round against Tyson only once in the five matches. For Tyson he was, well, just a sparring partner. Conducted with: TKO Pro Boxing (Lance Haffner, Nashville, Tenn.). Each installment of "What if...?" reports the results of a fantasy
The article notes: "Second Conflict è game molto piacevole, anche per le soluzioni grafiche utilizzate, Intendiamoci rimane pur sempre un wargames, con le limitazioni di questo tipo di programmi. Una ottima grafica per una gloco di guerra non vuole dire animazioni mozzafiato, ma più semplicemente un
The article notes: "Although running a war cheaply is seldom a factor in real life, it is very important in Stellar Conquest. You must use the smallest fleet and least defenses, but still win the battles you have to win. After all, SC is a game of economics. The main goal of war is simple Industrial
The article notes: "STAR-KING: Another small company’s first effort (like Hong Kong Mahjong), Star King offers players a strategic level space game for 1-7 players (at the same computer). Each player begins on a single planet, expands and tries to conquer the entire playing area. Many levels of play
The article notes: "The asymmetrical strategy games are renowned for designer Cole Wehrle’s mechanical innovations and artist Kyle Ferrin’s charming woodland creatures. Now that dynamic duo is poised to launch something completely different. Arcs: Collapse and Conflict in the Void is a quick-playing
The article notes: "Unlike designer Cole Wehrle’s breakout hit Root, all of the players have the same set of options and actions - for the most part - at their disposal. ... Cole Wehrle has added another masterpiece to his already gleaming collection of games that are as interesting around the table
The article notes: "said Cole Wehrle, the designer of a number of well-regarded games about British colonialism. ... Mr. Wehrle described board games as "little sympathy engines" because players directly embody a role. Designers should question whom they have players sympathize with, and why, but he
The article notes: "Artist Michael Pierre Price examines “the nature of reality, consciousness, and existence” in this exhibition that includes a 33-minute musical soundscape as well as an interactive component comprising augmented reality animations that are accessible by using the Arloopa app on a
The article notes: "After starting to earn a Ph.D. in theoretical astrophysics from the University of Toledo, Price decided not to pursue academia and went into tabletop game design in the early 1980s – for a company that made a little game called Dungeons & Dragons. He spent 30 years developing
The article notes: "Michael Pierre Price is a numbers guy, a whiz with computations. He’s a great admirer of nature and can see beauty right down to the molecular level. He's a scientist, a mathematician, a believer in divine force and an artist working from the depths of those identities. ... Price
The article notes: "The White Box is the brainchild of Jeremy Holcomb (above, left), professor of game design at the DigiPen Institute of Technology. He earned his credits with The Duke, Timestreams and plenty of other titles and the majority of The White Box Essays are his thoughts, ideas and years
The abstract notes: "The editorial team responsible for this volume press a central case espousing a need for effective carbon capture and storage (CCS) law and regulatory structures, with a view to ‘reconciling the complex issues and relationships involved’ (p 296). To this end, Havercroft, Macrory
The article notes: "The chairman of the supermarket group J Sainsbury, Philip Hampton, proposed this approach more than a year ago and his ideas were fully accepted by the Chancellor, who subsequently asked Richard Macrory, professor of environmental law at University College, London, to examine how
is a very attractively presented chase game where one player takes on the role of a man-eating killer shark attempting to devour the four swimmers which are moved by the other player / players whose objective is to reach the shore in as much of one piece as possible. Movement is on a colourful board
is a bit of an unusual one that I went back and forth on, but then I decided I have worked on drafts that were even more tangential to the games industry than this one. :) It may be a longshot but I'd like to know if there is a source covering him regarding his sole design the 1976 game Man-Eater!:
presents an incredibly detailed look at the history of tabletop roleplaying games, featuring profiles of more than a hundred companies, including TSR, Wizards of the Coast, and White Wolf. ... For each article, Appelcline gathered as much information as he could from magazines and websites, then ran
The article notes: "Trinity (by Andrew Bates. White Wolf Publishing Inc., Clarkston, GA, 1999, 320 pgs., $ 14.95) has just been reissued in a handy paperback form at about half the price of the original hardcover. ... Andrew Bates and his co-authors have fast-forwarded history to 2120 and imagined a
creator. It could be about a different person since it does not mention his illustration and game design work. The article notes: "Nerd Louisville's birth in May of 2015 was, of course, nerdy. Co-founders Mike Pfaff and Andrew Bates have long been involved in Louisville's gaming culture and wondered
The article notes: "New Yorkers in midlife crisis, meet the brotherhood of Fortress Astoria: Danaher Dempsey, Luke Crane, Rick Brown and Shyaporn Theerakulstit, best friends and artists. They have no children, no linear career histories, no readily disposable savings. The four men, all heterosexual,
So that was it for the pending drafts created by other people, for now at least. Next up, I have 10 userspace drafts about RPG writers from the same user; these were created several years ago as empty placeholders that I was invited to help build up, but I haven't done much with most of them so far
The review notes: "For one thing, with Paul Fricker, Lynne Hardy and Mike Mason credited for system development on Rivers of London, you've got a team responsible for some of the best Chaosium material of recent years, and if they couldn't put together a workable system around something like Call of
The book notes: "Meanwhile, Chaosium may have a way to freshen up Call of Cthulhu — to bring it fully into the 21st century. Cthulhu designers Paul Fricker and Mike Mason have been working on a seventh edition of the game that promises to be the biggest overhaul since Lynn Willis’ fifth edition. The
The article notes: "A fourth candidate in the race, Roger Huntman, ended his campaign earlier this fall, citing an inability to raise enough money to mount a campaign. That decision came after the deadline to remove his name from the ballot, so Huntman will appear when Coeur d’Alene voters visit the
The article notes from Google Translate: "The games editor Ralph Querfurth gave the impetus for the project, as he explains. He was inspired by a newly opened so-called escape room in Stuttgart - a specially equipped room in which players have to find and decipher puzzles and codes together on site.
The article notes: "Shasn: Azadi, co-designed by Abhishek Lamba and Zain Memon, is a standalone expansion to Memesys’ first board game, Shasn, which was released last year to critical acclaim. IGN India had a chance to talk to Memon, Memesys’ co-founder, about the studio’s ambitions for Shasn: Azadi
The article notes: "He pitched his thoughts to his partner, tech specialist and gaming enthusiast Zain Memon, and the duo’s Mumbai-based Memesys Culture Lab — which is also behind the documentary — came up with SHASN, a political strategy board game which lets players create their own democracy. ...
The article notes: "On a sunny weekday afternoon, Zain Memon walks into Jamjar Diner, a bohemian café in Versova, that haven of aspiring movie stars and indie filmmakers. Memon is a ludologist and a media producer who, along with Ship of Theseus filmmaker Anand Gandhi, has co-founded Memesys Culture
The article notes: "Do you have a minute? How about eight? In the time it takes to make a cup of bean juice*, you can play a game of EightMinute Empire. Developed by Acram Digital, Eight-Minute Empire is a fast-paced strategy game that uses card-driven area control. It is a port of the tabletop game
The article notes: "Bridge Troll was born. The game, designed by Seegert and illustrated by local artist Ryan Laukat, is being published by Z-Man Games, a major game company for designer games. ... He and Laukat are both members of the Board Game Designers Guild of Utah, and that has been invaluable
The article notes: "The firework explosion nearly blew away the left side of Taron Pounds' face. He went through another surgery for his injuries this morning in Oklahoma City. But his mom says he's a fighter, and she's proud of how his friends have rallied in support. Pounds, 22, is a talented jazz
The article notes: "“Please,” intoned Grant Howitt (Spire, Heart), a game designer and co-founder of Rowan, Rook and Decard, in the rather woebegone voice of a man who has seen too much shit on Twitter and doesn’t want to see any more. ... Howitt is a game designer, but for this game he’s describing
The article notes: "Before venturing into the world of The Spire we thought it would be a good idea to talk to one of it’s creators. Thankfully he agreed to the conversation! Grant Howitt is the co-creator of Spire, co-owner of Rowan, Rook, and Decard, and the mind behind games such as Goblin Quest,
The article notes: "Lucy Martinez rises from her position as Maestro's Marketing Director to become Vice President of Global Marketing. She had spent almost two years as their Marketing Director before moving up to this new position where she will be working directly with the company's founder Javon
The article notes: "Maestro Media revealed this week they will be releasing a new edition of their popular card game The Binding Of Isaac: Four Souls. The plan is for the game to get an expansion which will simply be called Requiem, which will be getting a Kickstarter to help fund the creation of it
The article largely contains interview content. The article notes: "Within a couple of days, the game was ‘fun enough’ at the kitchen table with his wife that McMillen got in touch with Javon Frazier. Frazier had previously contacted the designer to discuss licensing The Binding of Isaac – knowing a
is another open-world strategy video game by Microprose. The game was created by Sid Meier, who is credited for game code and sound. Graphics were made by Michael Haire, documentation and scenario design by Arnold Hendrick. In the game, the player takes over a ship as captain and has the possibility
The article notes: "Arnold Hendrick, the creator of the 1992 Microprose RPG Darklands, has died. ... Hendrick has credits on multiple games from Microprose's heyday, including Gunship, Sid Meier's Pirates!, F19 Stealth Fighter, Silent Service 2, and American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox. But
I expanded François's article from a stub but I was wondering if there was more comprehensive/later coverage I'm missing (particularly about his death), while with Edith I'm not technically sure she's notable outside of the combination of factors of having a more famous brother, husband, and a very
17276:? The reviewer pointed out some prose issues and I felt like you'd probably better understand how to correct them than I, since I can't read Chinese (and much of the content is from a Chinese source). I'm fine trying to work on it myself if you're too busy; just thought I might as well ask. Thanks, 16264:
Ahh, OK, can't win em all but thanks for checking. :) Macintosh games are just harder to find sources for some reason, like I say. OK, thank you once again for your help on these! I will have more in the future, probably a few months from now, but these are all my old leftovers and you've helped me
from Soft Stream International by designer Russell Lowke was also deleted at AFD like the first one in this thread, but in this case no archive of the article survived. I'm not really sure why, but games that were only released for Macintosh computers are harder to find reviews for. It was reviewed
The review notes: "A follow on to MBT – Central Germany, and provides the terrain of the Middle East deserts, and the forces of the local powers. It also allows for past, current and future combat simulations of the various local conflicts. Several scenarios, plus the versatile scenario editor. Sim
The article notes: "A collection of five full-featured games written using one or more of the toolkits in the GX Development series. Normally, a game package includes only the executable program. The executable games are provided, along with actual source code for each game in C, Pascal, and Basic.
is a strategic-level wargame covering the crucial eighteen-week period beginning on May 15, 1942, using nine two-week turns. While the Japanese have the initiative, the Americans need a "win" for public consumption, so both sides are on the prowl and in need of a victory. Players assume the role of
The book notes: "Stellar Conquest. A standard space-battle game, in which your goal is to conquer all of the known universe for your team. Explore nearby planets, engage in battle, and work your way up in rank. You earn points for a kill (100) or a planet capture (500). For destroying a planet, you
The review notes: "Stellar Conquest is filled with nice touches. The components are top-notch, with a colorful map-board that displays the galaxy, the tables needed for play, and a place to hold the planet cards. ... And besides being a rich game. Stellar Conquest is very playable. If one person is
The article notes: "One common, recurrent flaw on the part of most Stellar Conquest players is to under estimate the value of the Escort (ESC). Why is still a mystery to me, though I have come to attribute it to two basic oversights. I think players become too anxious for rapid military buildup and
The interview notes: "New school— probably the most interesting board game for me that’s come out in the last few years is “Root.” It’s by Cole Wehrle. It’s from Leder Games. You can buy it right now. And I’m going to make this sound really weirdly intellectual, but let me just say that Cole Wehrle
The article notes: "The White Box is essentially a game design workshop in a box. It was created by Jeremy Holcomb and Jeff Tidball to provide information and tools for the aspiring game designer. Both Holcomb and Tidball have backgrounds in designing games as well as writing and teaching about it.
The abstract notes: "This book is a testament to the invaluable and distinctive contribution that Macrory has made to environmental law scholarship over the years. It contains a selection of the author’s work, ranging across public lectures, previously published academic articles and book chapters,
The article notes: "New powers for regulators to inflict harsher punishments on the worst transgressors will be given only to watchdogs who stop "box ticking" and agree to police business on a risk-based approach, the head of a government-commissioned review of regulatory sanctions has said. In his
The article notes: "Allen Hammack played games so well that TSR Inc., a company that makes games, hired him. When he joined the firm in 1978 he was one of a few employees. "We did everything." Hammack says. "We designed and wrote and edited. We even helped unload the UPS truck." Five years after he
The article notes: "Monsters and Other Childish Things (hereafter shortened to MaOCT) is Benjamin Baugh’s game of children and the horrible, monstrous beings that love them, as powered by a self-contained variant of the One Roll Engine used in such games as Wild Talents and Nemesis. ... It’s one of
The article notes: "The first time I encountered Benjamin Baugh's work was when I read an excerpt for The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor and was immediately struck by the quality of the writing. The excerpt that I read was good - an Edward Gorey-esque setting populated by NPCs with big, meaty
by Shannon Appelcline (2013), which devotes one volume each to the 1970s, eighties, nineties, and two-thousands. The scope of Peterson's study is massive, tracing the roots of role-playing games through wargaming all the way back to antiquity. Thanks to his material resources and connections within
The book notes: "The second central text for this chapter is Shannon Appelcline's comprehensive chronological collection of major RPG publishing houses and their games (2011). Unlike Porter, Appelcline takes a production-oriented approach, chronicling the development of the people who make RPGs and
The article notes: "Kickstarter vice president and head of community Luke Crane is departing the company after launching, and quickly canceling, a controversial game project on the crowdfunding platform in February. Kickstarter confirmed Crane’s departure, which it described as a “mutual decision,”
The article notes: "Author Bruce Baugh, developer: Justin Achilli and cover artist: John Van | Fleet offer the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks. Lasombra takes one of the classic Vampire® sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material,
The article notes: "Gene Mackles has had an interest in graphics and their meaning since a very early age and has translated it into not one but two successful careers. ... Another early inspiration for Mackles (who has himself served on the faculty of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
The article notes: "This 90 second teaser, directed by Anand Gandhi, is a perfect introduction to the world of SHASN: AZADI. Designed and produced by Zain Memon, AZADI is a board game about revolution and politics. ... AZADI is a standalone expansion to SHASN - the hugely popular political strategy
The article notes: ""Outside Kickstarter, we have raised around $ 600,000 (around Rs 4.5 crore), which is leaps and bounds ahead of any campaign that has happened in India," Zain Memon, developer of Shasn, told TOI. ... said Memon, also a co-collaborator at Memesyn, a new media studio that had made
The article notes: "Memesys Culture Lab, a media startup by Filmmaker Anand Gandhi and designer Zain Memon, has raised close to Rs 20 lakh ($ 28,592) on crowd funding platform Kickstarter. ... Designed by Memon and his team of artists, activists, and gamers - Shasn is a table-top game about ethics,
The article notes: "Game designer Zain Memon wanted neither, but wanted to bring people together anyway. Having co-founded Memesys Culture Lab, he has introduced a number of games into the market. But two years ago, he created Shasn, a political strategy game that pits players against each other in
The article notes: "Finding a job she loves didn't take recent massage therapy graduate Megan Mackie nearly as long as she thought it would. Mackie, 27, used her school's job portal website to speed and streamline her search. ... says Mackie, who graduated from Cortiva Institute. Shortly after, she
The article notes: "An Oklahoma man, whose face was disfigured by fireworks, is recovering from a 22-hour long reconstructive surgery. Taron Pounds, 22, lost portions of his face, eye, neck and chest when a fireworks mortar inexplicably detonated in front of him on July 7 at a family celebration in
The article notes: "Paranoia was a groundbreaking roleplaying game when it first appeared in 1984, and it's about to get a reboot at Mongoose Publishing, thanks to a Kickstarter that looks to be one of the most successful in the roleplaying field this year. Designers James Wallis, Grant Howitt, and
The article notes: ""Graaarggh!" His arms raise towards me. "Sorry," I reply. I'm not partaking in Grant Howitt and Mary Hamilton's live-action zombie roleplaying game, but new friend is — bandaged face, bloodstained shirt and all. His shuffle is distinctive, even when compared with the rest of the
The PhD thesis notes: "As the player base for tabletop games continues to diversify, both patience and interest has diminished for games models that still manifest 1970’s mentalities and/or focus solely on violence. The internet has streamlined access to smaller independent games like Avery Adler’s
The article notes: "Howitt has been creating games since grade school, cramming downloaded PDFs through a text processor and hacking the nearly inscrutable results with a teenager’s disregard for tact or taste. In college, he fell in with the live action role-play (LARP) crowd and discovered a home
and the following page but most of the content is not on those pages. The content is likely on the remaining 28 pages, most of which Google Books does not provide me access to. I think it would take substantial time to verify all of the content and copyedit the article to address the prose quality
The book notes: "One of the all-time greatest party games. Password requires an ingenious blend of logical thinking and creativity. Usually played in teams of two, it can also be played by a group of single competitors (details provided below). Password was adapted into an enormously successful TV
The book notes: "Pacific Storm - The Midway Campaign. Simulations Canada. Text only. In the second Pacific Storm study (following Pacific Storm - The Solomons), the masters of tactical computer moderated games turn to Admiral Yamamoto's grand plan to defeat the US Navy after the partial success of
The article notes: "Stellar Agent: While most people thought that the “text only” adventure game died with the brouhaha at Infocom, Robert A. Kraus has attempted to recapture the glory days of old. Using a menu-driven interface in lieu of an actual parser. Stellar Agent puts the player square in a
The article notes: "As with all Lance Haffner game products, TKO is a stat-based text-only product. It contains over 600 active and retired fighters from sixteen of boxing’s seventeen divisions. The potential match-ups are fascinating, from the obvious Ali versus Tyson to the much more provocative
From Google Translate: "Second Conflict is a very pleasant game, also due to the graphic solutions used. Mind you, it is still a wargame, with the limitations of this type of program. Excellent graphics for a war game does not mean breathtaking animations, but more simply a well-designed board and
The article notes: "Discovery 2.0. Game disk with math or spelling. Save the Starship Discovery by guiding crew members through the starship and answering questions. Avoid the aliens, collect fuel crystals, and save the ship. Easy playability and compelling graphics. Game disk in math or spelling;
The article notes: "The first design problem that one encounters is serious, it is impossible to exit from the game and there is no save game feature! The only way out is to reset the entire thing and start from scratch. This is annoying at best. The second major problem is the poor display of the
OK, moving on to the next set of drafts! In this case, this will be the other end of what I started this thread with, drafts started in draft space by other people, but the difference with these 12 drafts is that they went unedited for too long so they got deleted. The downside from that is we do
The article notes: "The first time I played the new version of Pax Pamir, the latest game from Root designer Cole Wehrle, I simply didn’t get it. It was perfectly fine, but I couldn’t understand why the reboot of Wehrle’s debut design - part of the notoriously intimidating Pax series of historical
The article notes: "Cole Wehrle feels like the tabletop designer of the moment. Still riding high on the acclaim that followed the release of his breakthrough board game Root in 2018, the designer joined forces with his brother, Drew, for a revised edition of his debut release, historical strategy
of experience put to paper. Jeff Tidball (above, right), co-founder of Gameplaywright and chief operating officer of Atlas Games, took charge of the production and publication of The White Box having convinced Holcomb to bring his idea to Kickstarter back in April. And it was a move that paid off."
The review notes: "I was really looking forward to reading this book and, on balance, it did not disappoint. I was particularly interested as to what the authors would conclude in relation to the book’s sub-title: Does EU environmental law provide the EU’s citizens with a high level of protection?
The article notes: "A taskforce of environmental lawyers is drawing up plans to stop thousands of EU rules protecting rivers, wildlife, coastlines and air quality from being dropped by the government after Brexit. ... Richard Macrory, professor of environmental law at University College London, is
The article notes: "You won't see articles on lots of new topics or games until we find people to write about them. Allen Hammack is tops around here with the TOP SECRET® rules, but he’s super busy editing, managing, and designing for TSR; we'll squeeze a few articles out of him, but not lots. You
The book notes: "In order to understand the attacks on game competition, it is worth reviewing how a variety of these systems work. Although most game players are familiar with sports competitions, the growth of online play has introduced several new types of ranking systems. There is surprisingly
The book notes: "Yet this changed in November 2012, when game designer Luke Crane posed what he thought was an innocent question to Twitter, asking “why are there so few lady game creators?” A designer named Filamena Young quickly answered him, “you realize that’s more complicated than a tweet can
The article notes: "Luke Crane is Kickstarter’s head of games. A lifelong gamer himself, he’s also the highly respected designer of the Burning Wheel and Mouse Guard RPGs. He says he joined the company following a surge in gaming campaigns on the site, which until then had been primarily known for
The book notes: "The problem wasn't that Ronin Arts was doing poorly. It was actually doing so well that in 2004, Reed left his day job at Steve Jackson Games to work on the company full-time. Around the same time, new freelancers such as Bruce Baugh, Michael Hammes, James Maliszewski, and Patrick
The article mentions the word "Baugh" three times. The article notes: "Bruce Baugh, an accomplished game designer and writer with more than 30 books to his name, thinks that was a natural development for Underkoffler. "I've seen this desire--to get away from the killing-and-stealing stereotype and
The article notes: "Newton artist Gene Mackles will present a show of his oil paintings in The Art Gallery at First Parish Church in Weston from Oct. 31 to Dec. 12. His subjects range from local landmarks (including Dairy Joy, Weston Center, and the West Newton Cinema) to soft landscapes and still
OK, so I started this thread off with a dozen (and counting) drafts started by other people, and sure enough we are still counting! There were two more started after I posted this thread, and could be more later, and if so I will address them as they appear. :) Got to give the original authors a
The article notes: "... says Zain Memon, co-founder (alongside Anand Gandhi) of Memesys Culture Lab, the organisation that produced the film. ... At the Memesys lab in Versova, Mumbai, Memon and his team create VR films that last a maximum of eight minutes — any longer, and the experience gets too
The article notes: "The last of our UK sponsors is Stuff by Bez who has kindly donated copies of In a Bind, In a Bind Junior and Wibbell++ Stuff by Bez is the brainchild of London based games designer, artist and self-publisher Behrooz ‘Bez’ Shahriari. Since 2015 she has published a new game every
The article notes: "Much has changed since Ryan Laukat was a 13-year-old taping paper to regular playing cards to design his own games. Laukat, who lives in Sandy, is one of few board game designers that have turned their passion into a successful business and full-time career. About 11 years ago,
The article notes: "Taron Pounds, better known as Indestructoboy to the Dungeons & Dragons community, homebrewed one of the best unofficial 5e player classes out there. ... The most interesting part about the alchemist is that it's a martial class and not a spellcaster. Not having a spell list
The article notes: "On the surface, "Daddy Long Legs," the first production under the Tulsa PAC Trust's new "TPAC Presents" series, is a very simple thing. ... The on-stage ensemble of music director Jeremy Stevens on piano, cellist Austin Jade Pendergrass and guitarist Taron Pounds performed this
The article notes: "Howitt is primarily an RPG designer, best known for the linked games Spire and Heart, both available from publisher Rowan, Rook, and Decard. His Patreon supports an ongoing project to create 100 single-page RPGs; so far he’s made 83, with titles including ‘Sexy Battle Wizards’,
The article notes: "In addition to Sid Meier's brilliant designs, MicroProse was the home of a host of other talented designers. Arnold Hendrick, formerly of board game publisher SPI, and Lawrence Schick, formerly of Coleco's electronic game division, collaborated on a Japanese version of Pirates!
The article notes: "Arnold Hendrick, der sich mit seinen 42 Jahren in der routinierten Programmiergilde befindet, arbeitet seit sechs Jahren in der amerikanischen Niederlassung von Microprose. Insgesamt verdient er sich seine Brötchen schon über zwanzig Jahre in der Spieleindustrie. Er war mit der
The book notes: "• In 1962, a board-game version of Password was produced by the Milton Bradley toy company. More than two million games were sold. • Due to the success of the first edition of the board game, Milton Bradley went on to create 25 different editions of the Password board game. • The
does for World War II in Europe what Le Grand Armee did for the Napoleonic Wars. In scale, the closest board game analog would probably be Avalon Hill's Hitler's War. As in Le Grand Armee, players build units during the game. The quantity of builds depends on the number of cities under a player's
The review notes: "GX Games is a product for both the programmer who has invested in one or more libraries of the GX Development series and wishes to learn some gaming techniques, and the gamer who has some programming experience and wants to know how games tick, as well as how to modify them. As
14700:, reviewers thought the concept was good, but the implementation was poor. Nothing has really changed. With a new digitized voice, the ability to correct mathematical errors and a movement system in which characters didn't continually fall down hatches (easier than characters fall down ladders in 14463:
The article notes: "This complex but fascinating game combines exploration with colonization and the growth of population, industry and technology. The combat system is very simple but important. The most interesting feature of Stellar Conquest is that players secretly choose how their races will
Hey there Cunard, I just want to apologize if I've been asking for too much lately. I know you're busy so I don't want to take up too much of your time. If you're still on board for helping me out, I will let you know that my various side projects are nearly complete (at least the parts of them
is a simulation of political and economic warfare of a struggle for the hearts and minds of the people. Crucially, the game is radically asymmetric. Each side plays by different rules and aims at different goals; they virtually play different games. Root is based on the COIN series of war games-a
The article notes: "Where does a designer go after making the game of the year? Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile was an innovative outing that solved legacy gaming and how to tell a story from worldbuilding alone. ARCs trades in the somewhat fantasy-medieval setting for a swashbuckling sci-fi
The article notes: "The measures will be part of the regulatory, enforcement and sanctions bill to be laid before parliament today for consultation. It implements recommendations in the 2005 report on reducing administrative burdens by Sir Philip Hampton, now chairman of J Sainsbury, and the 2006
The article notes: "Fifteen years ago Richard Macrory was an impecunious young lawyer working for Friends of the Earth, then embroiled in what was Britain’s longest-running public inquiry. The 77-day hearing, a clash between the nuclear industry and the fledgling environmental movement, was about
The book notes: "A short case study of Luke Crane and Jared Sorenson's game FreeMarket (2010) will illustrate how these concepts might yield a productive framework for analysis of TRPGs and for their potential as serious games. FreeMarket provides a setting that incorporates nova with substantial
The article notes: "Each fall, Luke Crane (designer of the "Burning Wheel Fantasy Roleplaying System" and the "Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game") brings RPG players together in New York City for one intense weekend of gaming. The event is called Burning Con, ... Crane's knowledge of RPGs extends well
The book notes: "Cannonball. American musical instrument manufacturer. Founded in 1996 by Tevis and Sheryl Laukat, Cannonball makes trumpets, saxophones, clarinets, and flutes. Trumpeter Ryan Laukat plays and acoustically customizes all Cannonball trumpets. Also a professional artist, Ryan Laukat
The article notes: "This past Friday, Pounds, a Tulsa resident, underwent a 22-hour reconstructive surgery at OU Medical Center to repair extensive damage to the left side of his face. In July, Pounds was at a family event in Inola, setting off fireworks, when something went wrong. Pounds lit the
Thank you for reviewing the article and for the kind words! Not having autopatrolled means each article I create gets reviewed by another editor. I like this as it has led to improvements to the articles that might otherwise have happened. I create a small number of articles so this adds minimal
Those were both redirected long ago, but if you find anything for those and want to restore them that would be fine. :) I did not look into redirected articles for fictional elements, as that is its own challenge that I don't feel like getting into at this time, as well as certain other types of
The article notes: "TKO Pro Boxing: Those who remember the Atari 8-bit Computer Title Bout from Avalon Hill and Ringside Seat on the Apple II and C-64/128 will have a general idea of what TKO Pro Boxing has to offer. Although TKO does not even have the primitive graphics of the earlier games, it
definitely has something going for it. It could even become "addictive," if some effort were spent in fixing some of the problems. Some suggested improvements would include: the ability to create a new starbase after having the team’s original one blown up; being able to communicate with a named
The article notes: "Professor Richard Macrory of University College London has reviewed the current system for the Cabinet Office and found it flawed. He said regulators like the Health & Safety Executive and the Environment Agency were over-reliant on criminal prosecutions that often do not
The article notes: "The bill includes some of the recommendations of the 2006 report on regulatory sanctions carried out by Professor Richard Macrory, of University College London. This found that current fines were not high enough to deter businesses from breaking regulations - for example, the
The book notes: "So when I was assigned to write an article titled “Did You Know that Wizards of the Coast DIDN'T Originally Make Dungeons & Dragons?" for Geek & Sundry, I felt like I knew the exact story I was going to tell about the company's fall. I'd lived through it and read Shannon
The article notes: "Kickstarter’s VP Head of Community Luke Crane has cancelled the recently launched campaign for The Perfect RPG after receiving public backlash to the inclusion of designer Adam Koebel as a contributor. ... Crane, previously Head of Games for the massive crowdfunding platform,
The article notes: "Game designer Luke Crane (Mouse Guard) has announced plans to release the Burning Wheel Gold Codex supplement for his Burning Wheel RPG, with release in August. ... Crane was also the designer of both a role-playing game and a board game based on the award-winning Mouse Guard
beyond his own systems, and if this taste has made you hungry for more, I recommend seeking out a copy of the "Adventure Burner" supplement to "Burning Wheel", which was a tome of universal roleplaying advice published back in 2010. It's out of print now, but well worth the effort to track down."
The author biography notes: "Diretor criativo de Chamado de Cthulhu Mike é o co-escritor de Chamado de Cthulhu 7a Edição e de Pulp Cthulhu. Por volta da virada do milênio, Mike editou e publicou The Whisperer uma zine dedicada a Chamado de Cthulhu. Nesse inteirim, Mike criou e comandou o Kult of
The article notes: "Jones' pick for the next big game is Dominion (Rio Grande). It's a game set in medieval times, but it is a deck-building game. "You build your economy through cards, so it is a new style of play for this kind of game. It's very compelling. Gamers are eating it up. It's also a
The article notes: "Near and Far is one of the best games I have ever played. If thematic storytelling adventure games appeal to you, this game is one of the best. Stop reading now and purchase a copy. It delivers greatness on many levels and is extremely fun to play. It receives this reviewer's
The review notes: "I’ve appreciated that sandbox sense of freedom in games ever since, and it’s something that Near And Far, a campaign-driven board game from designer Ryan Laukat, strives to emulate. A sequel to his 2015 release Above and Below, Near and Far casts players as heroes embarking on
The article notes: "On Monday, Taron "Indestructoboy" Pounds posted a video in which he pointed to alleged inconsistencies in a recent piece of art showcased by the Dungeons & Dragons design team that will appear in the 2024 Player's Handbook. The piece depicted a Dwarf Fighter with a raised
The article notes: "Since arriving on the digital games platform four years ago, Honey Heist hasn’t ambled too far out of the top ten or so, enjoying a stable success few other titles can boast. The extremely popular and extremely silly one-page tabletop role-playing game is the work of designer
The author worked with the subject, so this is not an independent source. The article notes: "Hendrick deftly applied his war and RPG game experience to the burgeoning world of video games. The renowned game designer Sid Meier praised several of his innovations—they worked together at video game
The article notes: "Action in the North Atlantic: Much like its sister game, Battleship Bismarck, which was peeked last issue, Action in the North Atlantic is a solid naval strategy wargame for those who do not live and die by state of the art graphics. Like Battleship Bismarck, the research is
The book provides 127 words of coverage about the subject. The book notes: "Action in the North Atlantic. General Quarters Software. CGA/EGA. Another of the detailed naval simulations from Dr Owen Hall. This simulates the grim battles in the frozen north, between German combat forces and Allied
The review notes: "This is a surprisingly well done guide for protesting for social change. Like most people out there, I've done some protesting in my time. It always seemed simple enough. Just listen around, find out where the rally for your favorite cause is, and then show up, right? Hardly.
The article notes: "A new book is teaching folks the ins and outs of protesting. Seattle-based writer Jeremy Holcomb penned his new book “Speak Up, Speak Out and be Heard” (Loompanics) as a resource for folks who have no experience in protesting. His tips include: how to build a sign that won’t
The article notes: "Some of the first tasks facing the new LBRO will be leading the implementation of the changes suggested in two recent reports, by Peter Rogers, the chief executive of Westminster City Council, and Professor Richard Macrory of University College London. ... The Macrory Review
The article notes: "Richard Macrory has now followed Sir Patrick as Merchant Ivory's Chairman - has inherited us, one might say. I am happy to state the son has also inherited his father's business acumen, taste for scholarship, and - dare I be so rash as to write this in 1993? - proper English
The article notes: "Another guest of honor at the convention, Allen Hammack, 40, a Dungeons & Dragons legend and former editor at the one-time dominate TSR fantasy gaming company, also thinks that fantasy is the best tool of the imagination. He helped write and design the D&D bible, the
The article notes: "Come July 16 and Shasn — a high-end political strategy game from Memesys Culture Lab — will be launched on Kickstarter, a US-based crowdfunding platform. “We have received the coveted ‘Projects We Love’ badge from the platform,” says Zain Memon, cofounder of Memesys based in
The article notes: "... the Bad Grammar Theater booth manned by Chicago authors Brendan Detzner, K.M. Herkes, R.J. Howell, and Megan Mackie ... But the one that leaped into my hands when I finally settled in my big green chair was The Finder of the Lucky Devil, the self-published novel by Megan
The article notes: "In this gorgeously illustrated game by Ryan Laukat and Red Raven games, two to four players try to build up a city and defeat titans by using the help of the five tribes that wander the fantasy world. ... Those familiar with Laukat's games will know of the excellent quality,
From Google Translate: "But it wasn't until 1989 that Arnold Hendrick at Microprose created a title with "Ml Tank Platoon" that combined tactical depth with action-packed tank battles and excellent optics for the time. ... With this program, Arnold Hendrick made serious tank simulation socially
Hi 2A04:4A43:8C3F:F82C:D8E2:E501:7C4C:59EC. Thank you for the kind words. The AfD was closed. In my English-language searches for sources, I found those mentioned in the AfD and coverage about his appointment to be the High Commissioner of Pakistan to the United Kingdom. It is likely there are
which I'll translate to English in the near future. His story (Polish Boy Scout - well, young adult... - travels around the world in a car) was said to have been widely reported in contemporary newspapers; he was supported by governments (in US he met the persident, etc.). Supposedly there was
The book notes: "Password adapts the wordguessing concept of Charades and turns it into a vocal team game that involves everyone at once. The same word is given to one member of each team at the same time; they take turns giving clues to their teammates; the winner is the team that guesses the
The article notes: "Jeremy Holcomb, director of the game design programme at DigiPen Institute of Technology, pointed to free-to-play mobile game Candy Crush Saga as a game that is popular and financially viable, even though users do not play to earn. ... Holcomb takes the view that blockchain
The review notes: "In conclusion this is an important contribution to a discussion that may well be nearing some form of conclusion. Certainly, this report combines solid research, a serious desire to achieve a system that meets the needs of environmental justice, and an acute awareness of the
The author biography notes: "Luke Crane is an award-winning gamer designer living in New York City. He spends much of his time playing his games, Burning Wheel, Burning Empires, Mouse Guard, and FreeMarket. When he’s not playing, he’s researching his next project, managing the Manhattan Mayhem
The book notes: "Luke Crane's desk at Kickstarter is littered with figurines, card sets, and books-the detritus of dozens of curated Kickstarter projects as well as his own campaigns. His official title is the charmingly generic "Head of Games." His job, in a manner of speaking, is to critique
The article notes: "The newest entrant into the board game fray is SHASN, a multiplayer political strategy board game created by Zain Memon, and published by Memesys Culture Lab, where each player takes on the role of a politician contesting elections and is required to take a stand on various
The book notes in a footnote: "Ryan Laukat appropriated the "Book of Tales" concept in his 2015 European strategy game Above and Below, which blends the trope of village building with branching narratives that directly influence the village construction. In its 2017 sequel Near and Far, Laukat
teaches the concept of carrying and borrowing numbers in addition and subtraction problems and offers fill-in-the-blank questions for addition, subtraction. Answers can be typed or set up in a multiple choice format. Learners will take part in an interactive, educational space adventure which
The review notes: "Like almost every wargame, these are at the center of Stellar Conquest. It is appropriate that competition and conflict change in the game as technology advances. Again as on Terra, technology makes them deadlier as well. Stellar Conquest is about power reduced to its basic
The article notes: "The "action" in Action in the North Atlantic dates from the spring of 1942. In the game, as in history, the player has the option of attempting to disrupt the Murmansk-bound convoys as Grand Ad- miral Doenitz or defending those self-same convoys as Fleet Admiral Pound. The
plans to build a reprocessing plant at Windscale, now called Sellafield. Earlier this year, as construction of the Sellafield plant finished, the same affable and engagingly boyish figure was appointed Britain’s first professor of environmental law, a matter of undisguised professional pride."
The book notes: "For the most comprehensive history of not only the birth of Dungeons & Dragons but the role-playing industry itself see Shannon Appelcline's four-title Designers & Dragons series on Kindle from Evil Hat Productions (expanding and updating a single-volume issuance from
8485:, Appelcline examines many of the most influential texts and genres which influenced the game’s design (2016). ... The literary inspirations that Appelcline and Driussi refer to are based in 20th Century pulp fiction. As with the lurid, fantastic action-oriented titles that inspired Gygax for 5374:
The article notes: "Roger Huntman. Unhappy with recent decisions made by the city council involving issues including development and parking, political newcomer Roger Huntman said it’s time for a change on the council. ... Huntman also takes issue with the council’s actions involving proposed
The article notes: "The concerns about Ossandón’s work appear to stem from D&D YouTube – primarily from Indestructoboy (Taron Pounds), whose content focuses on tabletop RPGs. The original video has been deleted, but Pounds shared a video titled ‘I screwed up’ on December 18 addressing the
Thank you very much. He is mentioned on pages 68 and 267 as Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahadur (in the first mention abbreviated as Bahdr). I don't know what to think about Qudrat vs. Khudrath (I had left a citation needed comment about that). He is listed as a member of the government in the "staff"
is a refined, evolved design that makes for a highly playable, intriguing and enjoyable simulation. Unfortunately, it is a game in search of development, an artificial opponent and state of the art presentation. Is it a good game? Is a glass half-full or half empty? While many jaded computer
also recalls the best of the early adventure game era: ingenious logic puzzles; multi-stage death traps; a robust and shameless mixing of science fiction, high fantasy and anything else that caught the designer's fancy; and, best of all, the anything-goes atmosphere of discovery and fun that
The article notes: "Microlllusions is shipping Discovery 2.0, a reworking of their lesson-based educational game. The player tries to work through the many levels of a spaceship and must correctly answer questions in order to pass through doors. There are sets of questions available on math,
The article notes: "Cole Wehrle dreams of someday making a board game about Reconstruction. The 38-year-old designer has tinkered with a number of different prototypes over the years, but invariably he finds himself stymied by the same obstacle. ... Wehrle is an academic at heart. He studied
The article notes: "Top Secret players will want to come in from the cold long enough to read up on “The Super Spies,” dossiers on every worldsaver from James Bond to Maxwell Smart which were prepared by TS developer/editor Allen Hammack in conjunction with Merle Rasmussen, the author of the
The book notes: "And this culture was highlighted in November 2012, when Luke Crane casually tweeted, “Why are there so few lady game creators?” In response, hundreds of people who worked in the game industry, primarily women, started the #1reasonwhy hashtag, through which they cataloged the
The article notes: "2012 was also the year of #1reasonwhy, a hashtag campaign fomented by Kickstarter games specialist Luke Crane's earnest and unintentionally hilarious question on Twitter: “Why are there so few lady game creators?” The hashtag ultimately sparked multiple panels at the Game
while working on games out of his basement with his wife Malorie, the Laukats launched their first Kickstarter crowdfunding effort to try and turn Ryan’s work into a game for the masses to enjoy. That Kickstarter, for a game called Empires of the Void, raised about $ 36,000 from 651 backers."
The article notes: "Pounds suffered a devastating facial injury last July when a 4-inch mortar shell exploded at his cousin's wedding and nearly took his life. Oklahoma City doctors have started the long process of reconstructive surgery on Pounds' shredded bones and tissues, and at least 10
The article notes: "“It’s just a pun that got really out of hand,” award-winning game designer Grant Howitt said as he attempted to explain the inspiration behind Eat the Reich. Last year, sometime around Gen Con, as he was on some plane ride or another from Indianapolis to England, probably
sector. Before Darklands, he worked with Sid “Civilization” Meier on the C64 versions of Pirates and Red Storm Rising. Under his wing, the first helicopter simulator Gunship and the flight simulation F19 were created for the O64, which have now gone down as classics in computer game history."
The article notes: "Luke Crane, head of games at Kickstarter, said there’s been “a huge leap” in tabletop game design in recent years. “Games are getting better – better design and components, with more thought,” Crane said. “And you have a hungry, hungry community with a lot of people with
The review notes: "MBTME and its sister programs by SimCan are unique. They are not recommended for those looking solely for "awesome graphics." Instead, despite some shortcomings, they are recom- mended to those fans of traditional board wargames who remember how much fun they had playing
The review notes: "Stellar Conquest is a game of exploration, colonization, industrialization, technological research, and conquest. Two to four science fiction fans or gamers direct complete interstellar societies as they compete for dominance of a star cluster. The game design emphasizes
board games - had been so hotly anticipated. ... With Wehrle and his brother Drew having announced their publishing label Wehrlegig Games with such a breathtaking first release, I can barely contain my excitement for their upcoming second edition of Cole’s similarly acclaimed John Company."
The article notes: "For the last 12 months, Taron has undergone several reconstructive surgeries at OU Medical Center, although he's on his way to making a full recovery, Taron and his family hope with many more surgeries to go, their experience is a reminder of how dangerous fireworks can
The image caption notes: "Marilee West (Aldonza) and Allen Hammack (a muleteer), both from Lake Geneva, are rehearsing a scene from Man of La Mancha, which will be presented this weekend and next at the Elkhorn Area High School. It features singing, dancing and acting performances by area
by Christopher Allen and Shannon Appelcline. The article notes: "This introductory tutorial teaches basics of both native (SDK) and web programming for the iPhone, and also introduces Objective-C. ... Appelcline is a writer and technologist. The book is distributed in the US and Canada by
The article notes: "In a Bind was the first game by Scottish designer Behrooz ‘Bez’ Shahriari, which she published a couple of years ago under her own label Stuff by Bez. ... French publisher Gigamic will overhaul Bez’s original In a Bind artwork and monochromatic design with a new set of
The article notes: "So this is how tonight's fight might have transpired, courtesy of TKO Pro Boxing, a computer simulation designed by Lance Haffner Games of Nashville, Tenn. The game's "pre-fight condition" option reveals that Tyson has "not trained seriously" for the fight against the
The article notes: "At Digipen Institute of Technology outside Seattle, students are learning the fundamentals of board game design. The school is known for video game design, but in a class taught by Jeremy Holcomb, the students — including Shiloh Liedtke — get to create non-electronic
The article notes: "Aber erst 1989 gelang Arnold Hendrick bei Microprose mit »Ml Tank Platoon« ein Titel, der taktische Tiefe mit actionreichen Panzergefechten und einer für damalige Verhältnisse hervorragenden Optik verband. ... Mit diesem Programm machte Arnold Hendrick die ernsthafte
The article notes: "SHASN was designed by Zain Memon, now recognised as the leading authority in game design out of India. ... Memesys Studios, run by Anand Gandhi and Zain Memon, has also produced critically acclaimed cinema like Ship of Theseus, An Insignificant Man, and OK Computer
The book notes: "Stellar Agents. Better Games. Text only. A science fiction spy adventure. Features a menu-driven interface with multiple options resident on-screen in each location. Contains a few rough edges but remains an enjoyable adventure with some tough puzzles that are always
earlier this month. The other 5 deleted articles might be restored one day, but I think that what you helped me bring back so far is amazing. :) This same user started many game-related AFDs over the next couple of years after that, and I'd like to get through all of them eventually
and reports commissioned by government and NGOs. The work spans four decades of intellectual endeavour, beginning in 1979 with Macrory’s first published legal article, and culminating in a revised version of the 2007 Brodies Environment Lecture on reforming regulatory sanctions. "
4553: 1230:
by Arnold Hendrick (both 1981). These games made a much more integrated use of the interaction between textual paragraphs and board-based actions. The excellent reception they received among hobbyists, in turn, gave impulse to a considerable diffusion of the genre in the years to
does, however, feature intriguing strategy, ability to modify boxers and a larger library of competitors to choose from than the earlier games. The computer opponent leaves something to be desired, but the game is still worth considering. IBM ($ 39.95). Circle Reader Service #8."
3053:: "An examination of Ryan Laukat's games reveals the particular créateur discourse in board games. Laukat, the founder/owner of Red Raven Games, is aware that he has a particular style in his game mechanics and how much that can change his reputation among board game players." 14777:
expansion disks in Trivia 1 and 2, Science, History, Geography, Spelling 1 and 2, Math 1 and 2, Math Concepts, Language, and Social Studies. Now includes hard drive installation, five spaceships to explore, and questions that use pic- tures or sound. $ 39.95. Microillusions."
I finished looking through my list of AFDs, and I was honestly expecting to see more from TPH. I must have encountered them more as a respondent or on AFDs against fictional elements and other topics that I'm not looking at for now. Anyway, in case you need them here is my
abound in this straightforward space opera game. Again, the level of graphics is below state-of-the-art, and there is no sound support, but those who can handle 3-D gameboards will want to explore the space provided in this game. IBM ($ 39.95). Circle Reader Service #10."
The book notes: "The precision of social design is not simply confined to the cooperative aspects of games. Games can arrange competitors into astoundingly precise and intricate social structures. Take, for example, Cole Wehrle's remarkable game design for the board game
The article notes: "Those drawn in by Kyle Ferrin’s awesomely evocative and characterful artwork – think The Dark Crystal by way of Richard Scarry – might be put off by designer Cole Wehrle’s almost highbrow yet generic terminology (that wordy subtitle is a big tip-off).
This may be a bit out of your wheelhouse, and was unrelated to why I wanted to send thanks to you, but I was stuck earlier and was wondering if you could help me find more sources about either of these two French sportspeople (who are siblings)? No obligation of course.
strategy game set in space. Players take on the role of scrappy spacefaring societies, each one attempting to achieve galactic supremacy. The project boasts the same level of daring innovation that Wehrle is known for, but it also proposes an entirely new release model."
8504:, most of the works that Appelcline identifies belong to a more heroic, adventurous legacy of science fiction (which might also lend themselves more accessible to a game that requires players to role-play compelling action-oriented heroes) (Wolf). Appelcline posits that 5260:
The article notes from Google Translate: "Coburg University awarded the three best graduates of the courses with gold, silver and bronze performance medals. The medal winners are in ... Automotive technology and management: Ralph Querfurth, Jens Einsiedler and Alexander
is a great game for those who abhor complex rules or enjoy games with short turns. For those who like to define the arena for a battle by changing the victory conditions to fit one's mood. Second Conflict is a must. And remember, there is no such thing as a benevolent
The article notes: "“This is going to impact us individually and collectively,” says artist Michael Pierre Price, a member of the Five15 Arts collective based on Grand Avenue. “We’re still trying to wrap our heads around this and absorb how long it could last,” he
The article notes: "Viking Gods (TSR Hobbies, Inc.) $ 3.98. Designed by Allen Hammack. Boxed, with a 7" x 4" 18-page rulebook, two six-sided dice. 84 color counters, and 11%” x 14" hex map. For two players; playing time one half to one and a half hours. Published
The article notes: "The story may not be deep but it’s fun to know that authors, Inka and Markus Brand and Ralph Querfurth, are not just finding ways to link together a variety of puzzles and locations, but attempting to branch an overarching plotline through the
I'm not sure if you'd be able since it would be mostly French language sources I'd guess but you seemed the best at finding obscure things - though if the resources you have don't work as well for that kind of source, that would make sense. Sorry for any bother!
Can products are very specialist, effectively a computer moderated board game, no graphics, text driven, and complex. They show the most amazing depth and realism, but will be considered far too dry and boring, by anything other than a real committed strategist."
The article notes: "TSR sent quite a few people to East, including Ernie Gygax, Jim Ward, Allen Hammack (C2 author), ... And an honorable mention to Allen Hammack, who was unexpectedly dragged out of bed to DM Sunday morning, but who was not needed (as it turned
s literary antecedents are fairly obscure. Appelcline identifies Dickson’s “Childe Cycle” series, H. Beam Piper’s space operas, Keith Laumer’s comic science fictions, E.C. Tubb’s “Dumarest” saga, and David Drake’s military science fiction stories, as primary
The article notes: "Among those playing the games at Game Night Games was Ryan Laukat, who said he has been creating games for years. He has been working on his pirate-themed game "Keys" for nearly six months, three of which were spent hand-painting the game
8262:(aka "Shannon Appel") is a name you have probably seen often enough while looking for sources for me; he is a game designer in his own right, but he has also done a lot of writing about the RPG industry and its history. As a game designer, his main area was 10371:
The article notes: "Allen Hammack has been accepted into the fall class of the evening MBA program at the Lake Forest (IL) School of Management. Hammack, who is design manager for T.S.R. Hobbies, Inc., Lake Geneva, lives with his wife, Susan, in Williams
integration of multi-factor societies into a balanced, playable format. Stellar Conquest was our first design and it's already something of a popular classic. If games, science fiction, space or Star Trek appeal to you you'll surely regret missing this."
The article notes: "The game's developers are quick to point out that it was designed to be played at a table with participants describing verbally how they execute their missions. Allen Hammack, a Birmingham hobby shop owner who helped develop and edit
1582:: "Over the years Jaquays hired many other tabletop game designers to work with him at Coleco, including Lawrence Schick of TSR, freelancer Dennis Sustare, John Butterfield of Victory Games, Arnold Hendrick of Heritage Models, and David Ritchie of TSR. " 11802:
The review notes: "They've Invaded Pleasantville (TSR); $ 4.00. Designed by Michael Price, One 4" X 7" 20-page rules booklet, 1 IVi'* x 14" map, 84 die-cut counters, two 6-sided dice, plastic box. For two players; playing time 30-60 minutes. Published
The article notes from Google Translate: "“Echt Spitze”, a new roll & write game by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede and Ralph Querfurth, is published by Schmidt Verlag. Today we want to find out whether the new element sets it apart from other Roll & Write
4796:"When politics on celluloid spills over to a board game. After 'An Insgnificant Man', filmmaker Anand Gandhi teams up with tech enthusiast and partner at Memsys Culture Lab, Zain Memon, for their newest venture 'SHASN', a political strategy board game" 891:
is the oldest of these drafts still left, is not even a BLP (although the death is unsourced so that needs to be fixed), and he has credits on tabeltop board games and role-playing games, as well as video games. His most significant RPG credit was on
305: 8430:
series, published by the TTRPG publisher Evil Hat Productions, similarly combined archival documents and interviews to assemble portraits of significant game designers and the shape of the TTRPG industry over four decades, from the 1970s through the
The book notes: "And true to the intertwining of RPG fandom and scholarship, independent authors like Jon Peterson (2012) and Shannon Appelcline (2015) have produced substantial historiographies of the emergence and evolution of TRPGs and RPGs more
5089: 3646:
Under "Best Writing", the page says: "KULT: Divinity Lost, 4th Edition of KULT – Core Rules, Helmgast AB *Silver Winner* Authors: Marco Behrmann, Martin Fröjdh, Ola Jentzsch, Robin Liljenberg, Petter Nallo, Andreas Nordlund, Krister Sundelin, Anton
is easy to learn, as there are few rules to contend with. In addition, the game runs under Windows 3.0, so it is very mouse-oriented and easy to use. Moving fleets, attacking and changing production are all handled through the menus and icons. ...
was first priority. It was published in 1994, and though Garcia was the main designer and developer, he collected together many authors to help fill out the game. This included not only Laws, but also other future notables like Bruce Baugh and Rob
4523: 4966:
The article notes: "As the game goes on sale on Kickstarter, we speak to the creators Anand Gandhi, the filmmaker behind Tumbbad, and Zain Memon, who also heads Asia’s largest virtual reality lab, about the game and what compelled them to create
The article notes: "Cost of Coal is India’s first narrative non-fiction film in Virtual Reality (VR), directed by award-winning filmmaker Faiza Khan (of Supermen of Malegaon fame). It is produced by Khushboo Ranka with Zain Memon as the creative
The article notes: "E no lado do Trinity, as coisas estão iguolmente nebulosas: o autor Andrew Bates está deixando a White Wolf — supostamente por que estaria insatisfeito com as mudanças que q empresa impôs oo seu jogo, dizem as mós línguas.
the game. "But the less you talk politics, the more difficult it will be to solve the problems around us. So, I started thinking about how to make political conversations healthy again. Not in a didactic boring way, but where it becomes fun.""
Hello Cunard. What is your opinion on this article? It has been on my radar for a while, and I often think about it. It doesn't seem like it's possible to write an encyclopedic article on this topic, but maybe I am missing something obvious.
Grant Howitt. He created it in 2017 as part of his one-game-a-month Patreon promise. ... That stunning, almost overnight success set Howitt on track to become one of the foundational voices in the current generation of tabletop RPG creators."
The article notes: ""Speak Up, Speak Out and Be Heard: How to Protest and Make It Count" by Jeremy Holcomb (Loompanics, $ 14.95, Tips on organizing effective marches, pickets, boycotts and letter campaigns, by a Seattle
The PhD thesis notes in a footnote on page 88: "Arneson has not received as much popular recognition – although his influence is being discovered and reevaluated (thanks in part to the rigorous scholarship of historians such as Peterson and
there, the strategies are varied and, fortunately for Action in the North Atlantic, the scenario is much more flexible. Walk right in, sit right down, and captain 'till the subs come home! Apple II, IBM ($ 35.00). Circle Reader Service #7."
The article notes: "As Cole Wehrle notes, “ aesthetics, like the rules that structure their play, are essentially political in that they organize the relationship between the players. For, if games structure play, so too do they structure
little good discussion about how these systems work from a practical perspective, but Christopher Allen and Shannon Appelcline have put together a number of excellent articles on the subject at Christopher Allen's blog, Life with Alacrity."
4943: 4218:
The book notes: "There are too many to individually name here, but I will especially shout out Janice Wren and Bez Shahriari for being indie game publishers who took accessibility seriously even when there were so many other calls on their
Darklands may be his best-known work. ... After leaving Microprose, Hendrick worked at developers including Interactive Magic, Kesmai, Electronic Arts, and Area 52 Games, before becoming a freelance consultant in 2016. He was 69 years old."
4563: 15795:
Not only are the games fun to play, they are an excellent learning tool for the GX Development Series. The games make the learning interesting and they cover most of the major concepts when writing any kind of graphics oriented program."
Unlike the br tag, the p tag is more readable in providing more spacing between the paragraphs. Without the close tags, the page displays properly and doesn't have any errors, so it is laborious and hard to remember to close those tags.
2457: 15278:
The article notes: "The boxers, referee, judges and even the crowd resided within a 3 1/2-inch disc: Lance Haffner Games' TKO Pro Boxing, which provided commentary during rounds, punch totals after each round and full scoring after the
from Sigma Press notes: "Sigma Press is an independent publisher of regional walking and cycling guides and local interest books. ... The company was started 30 years ago by Graham Beech, an avid walker and cyclist, based in Wilmslow,
from Sigma Press notes: "Sigma Press is an independent publisher of regional walking and cycling guides and local interest books. ... The company was started 30 years ago by Graham Beech, an avid walker and cyclist, based in Wilmslow,
From Google Translate: "And on the Trinity side, things are equally cloudy: author Andrew Bates is leaving White Wolf — supposedly because he is dissatisfied with the changes that the company has imposed on his game, say many tongues.
The article notes: "“We’re very clear about the fact that there is always risk involved in backing a project,” says Luke Crane, games lead at Kickstarter. “But with the vast majority of projects, that risk turns out to have been worth
As you can see they nominated 18 game-related articles throughout that day, 8 of which were closed as Keep or No consensus. Of the rest, 3 were closed as merge and 7 were closed as delete. The three merged or redirected articles were
It's very very much appreciated :) I always try to do my due diligence searching for sources before I nominate an article, but I miss some, and you're saved seemingly countless articles from the void. Thank you for your great work!
4431: 4736: 2147:"Kieron Gillen on How the DIE RPG Brings the Heartbreaking Comic to Life. Gillen and designer Grant Howitt tell us how meta-narratives, mind-body problems, and player freedom are at the heart of the RPG adaptation of hit comic DIE" 19376:? How does one get a subscription for that? Are there any additional secret weapons you deploy? I'm good at a straight Google search and keywords, but you find things that don't show up that way. Any help appreciated .... Thanks, 12536:
I'm glad so many articles have been restored or created from all this work. I am willing to continue helping but my response times will at times be slower because of the time I spend on creating content and participating in AfDs.
could help do a search for sources? I recommend also asking about them about the "1936 Hyderabad directory" source to see if they can find where he is discussed in the text. It's possible that it provides significant coverage of
11601: 11054:
Thanks, that was more than enough! Since this topic is well outside of my comfort zone, I mostly just added several citations, and dumped the lot of these sources on the talk page for any interested party to develop it further.
2546: 2881:
makes the chemistry part the actual focus and not an afterthought like some unofficial subclasses have done. The class comes with downtime activities, specialized equipment, and subclasses like the apothecary and toxicologist."
The article notes: "Michael Pierre Price, an Arizona-based digital artist and former physicist, said one intriguing aspect of working with fractals and algorithms is the ability to get vastly different outcomes from a unitary
Thank you for pointing out pages 68 and 267. Those sources are just one-sentence list entries so aren't significant coverage but they verify his existence. I hope the editors at the India-related topics noticeboard can help.
elements. Under the only moderately complex system is a subtle and elegant portrayal of power and how it can be fostered, and wielded, very few strictly historical games can make a claim to do it as well as Stellar Conquest."
The book notes: "Star King. Spacewar Simulations Company. CGA/EGA. To be played by 1-7 players this is a strategic level space game. Each begins on a single planet and then tries to conquer the entire play-area. Graphics are
10639: 4707: 3365:
The article notes: "For futher evidence that Utah boasts some truly great board game designers, take a look at "Near and Far" from Utah-based Ryan Laukat, which combines storytelling with adventure for a surprising, engaging
2774: 17117: 15958:
control. And, as in Le Grand Armee, play is straightforward with the twist that the opposing player may intervene during the current player's turn. In this case, the intervention is in the form of air and naval intercepts."
The article notes: "Seat 5. Roger Huntman: 5%. ... A third candidate who filed against English, teacher and author Roger Huntman, also appeared on the ballot. However, Huntman stopped campaigning due to a lack of financial
and Gunship. Hendrick has been responsible for the cartridge-based games section of MicroProse and is now in the process of reorganizing development away from 16-bit video game systems and toward 32-bit and 64-bit systems."
which The Knowledge Library is missing. NewsBank frequently has sources that the other databases don't have (and vice versa). Some academic institutions and public libraries grant access to NewsBank. I also do searches on
11336: 2357:. Which, unsurprisingly, has ruffled a lot of feathers as it would suggest that when they transition everything over to the new system, a lot of people who create third-party material are going to be left out in the cold." 12460:, just a little over half. :) I've got more to add to it from this current thread, but that's OK, I'm glad for the progress you were able to help me make on some drafts that in some cases had been there a very long time! 2576: 1747:
sometime in June. Maestro's Founder and CEO, Javon Frazier, has been working closely with The Binding Of Isaac creator Edmund McMillen on the launch of this new version as the two had also worked Four Souls and Tapeworm."
strengths were further celebrated when he led the most successful crowdfunding campaign in India, for the documentary feature film An Insignificant Man which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2016."
The image caption notes: "Dressed as soldiers from "Attack On Titan," Hester Junior High eighth-graders Vanessa Stankiewicz (left) and Mia DeLeon, along with Emma DeLeon, 7, talk to author Megan Mackie at Pop!Con. (File
The article notes: "Three years and about 18 surgeries later, a Metro man is still recovering after a fireworks accident. He wants everyone to know the thrill of setting off your own fireworks isn't worth what he's been
Sanchez versus Pep and Cerdan versus Hagler. The beauty of this game is the ability to match great fighters from different eras (Sanchez versus Pep) or to “promote” fights that should have been (Frazier versus Norton)."
s debt to wargames is apparent. It uses the hex-and-counter wargame genre standard of a game board depicting a map—which in this case covers a small part of the Milky Way galaxy—divided into a grid of hexagonal spaces.
and a number of other games largely from White Wolf, such as Adventure!, Aberrant, Vampire, Demon, Exalted, Hunter, Mage, Wraith, Mummy, Werewolf), with a little bio for him here (Charles is his first name apparently):
was one of the last ones deleted, and you helped me get that one back as well), especially given the success rate in finding sources for these so far, but for now I'd like to get back to sourcing my BLP draft list. :)
The page notes: "Best Monster/Adversary. «Silver»Home-Field Advantage: a Compendium of Lair Actions Authors: Trekiros, Sean Vas Terra, Taron Pounds, Boyan Valev, Kirsty Kidd, Xhango Games, Zavier Bates, Devlin DM, Joe
18159: 5827:: "The seventh (2014) marked a significant overhaul by designers Mike Mason and Paul Fricker, bringing the game in line with advances in contemporary design (Mason would go on to become the line's creative director)." 7366:
reboot writer Rhianna Pratchett. The hashtag campaigns felt at the time like a moment of resistance, of organizing, and even of joy. Huntemann called them a direct challenge to “the symbolic annihilation of women in
The idea immediately arose to develop a board game for the home based on this model, says Querfurth. ... Concept developer Querfurth sees the success of the games in the fact that the puzzles have a different focus."
2487: 10565:
The article notes: "Man-Eater! Chase game (Footloose Productions - £ 3.99) Inventors : Richard Macrory & Nick Young Age : 8 - family Players : 2-3 Playing time : 30 mins JAWS Another spin -off of the Jaws cult,
5669:). That's a lot of drafts! I agree that it's good to give the original authors a chance to finish their drafts and then take over if it seems they've abandoned the drafts. :) Here are some sources about the subject: 4620: 1603:: "Genesis Gaming Products — a division of World Wide Wargames (3W) — picked up the Dwarfstar Games, but their sole production ended up being a “dungeon floor; Arnold Hendrick and David Helber’s The Tavern (1983)." 2386:
The article notes: "Earlier this month, the YouTuber Indestructoboy claimed that Wizards of the Coast would not create a new System Reference Document for One D&D, the codename for the upcoming new edition of
The article notes: "The coalition announced plans for a public meeting next week involving Professor Richard Macrory, whose report into the work of agencies in the UK has fuelled the campaign for one in Northern
4650: 8342:
his research past people who had actually worked at the companies in question. ... Along the way he discovered that the history of tabletop gaming is full of confrontations, betrayals, and scandals, which makes
The book notes on page 26: "Meanwhile, White Wolf was faced with a dilemma. There was an RPG-sized hole in their 1997 schedule. CEO Steve Wieck asked designer Andrew Bates to fill it. The result was a new game,
The book notes: "Second Conflict. JSoft. CGA/EGA. A space strategy conquest game for Windows users. You can produce a variety of different types of spacecraft. Includes six scenarios including a Do It Yourself
11719: 8956:, the story of roleplaying games is the story of two different trends coming together: one concerning wargames, the other reflecting the new-found love for fantasy that flourished with the sudden US success of 6770:
The article notes: "Your game could be up there on shelves, physical or virtual, with stuff by Monte Cook, Justin Achilli, Bruce Baugh, Matthew Sprange and many other outstanding writers. How will you compare?"
1922:"Plastic Bastards is like Warhammer 40k but extremely petty. Indie game designer Grant Howitt, best known for making 100 one-page RPGs, has released a free wargame for scrappy battles between kit-bashed models" 6194:
The book notes: "Others set their sights on motion graphics in broadcast - WGBH, the Public Broadcasting System's Boston network design department, headed by Chris Pullman, gave rise to such designers as Gene
2858:"10 Coolest Unofficial Classes And Subclasses For D&D 5e. The Dungeons & Dragons community has created some powerful yet balanced classes and subclasses to expand the character options 5e players have" 18542:, the languages spoken were Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, and Urdu. It is possible that there are sources in these languages and an editor familiar with these languages could find these sources. Maybe editors at 4401: 15249:
light-hitting Mathis (no surprise there). The final instructions conclude in the middle of the MGM Grand ring, as Mills Lane (yes, the program even rates referees) exhorts the fighters to "Let's get it on.""
10870: 8913:(2015) both offer expansive histories of TRPGs. What ties these works together is fantasy's seminal role in opening horizons of possibility for new technological-driven world creation and subject formation." 8708:
their companies. Used in synthesis, Porter's conceptual structure and Appelcline's detailed content should provide a satisfactory insight into the evolution of the medium in form and content beyond D&D."
7913: 11934:
and his games have won numerous awards including the American Tabletop Awards, the As d'Or / Golden Ace, the Board Game Quest Awards, the Diamond Climber Awards, the Jogo do Ano, the Golden Geek Award, the
The article notes: "Alfred DeAngelo of Wellesley paints a scene of the South Natick dam on a wooden panel Tuesday. With DeAngelo was fellow painter Gene Mackles of Newton, who was working on an oil canvas."
5100: 2140:
The article notes: "Please note that the following games were created by Grant Howitt. If someone is interested in following up with any of these titles, please check out Howitt's Patreon or pages."
10578:"From green to academe: Richard Macrory, a former campaigner with Friends of the Earth, has become Britain's first professor of environmental law. Is this a natural progression or a clever change of tack?" 4533: 1999:
The Quiet Year, Grant Howitt’s Honey Heist, or Tales from the Loop - games that either minimize or eliminate combat altogether. These games have experienced high levels of commercial and critical success."
thing or two about how to give a community what they want. Two days later he was playing the game at the same kitchen table. “It was fast,” says Frazier, the CEO of Maestro Media and previously of Marvel."
strategic game can simulate five, fifteen or thirty day campaigns in which the German tries to locate the convoys via submarine, air and sea searches while the British use the same methods to avoid them."
12259: 6291:
World is Carmen Sandiego; and Zoom. He was responsible for WGBH’s on-air image, and the lead designer for children’s program promotion for PBS and an original developer of their “Ready to Learn” service."
4463: 2300: 2110:
The article notes: "Kieron Gillen, author of the award-winning The Wicked + The Divine and Phonogram, teamed up with veteran TTRPG designer Grant Howitt, to adapt DIE into an actual tabletop role-playing
17898: 6619:: "The first hints of problems for Guardians appeared in 2004, when payments to freelancers started getting delayed. Despite that, it was still a productive year for the company. Among the releases were 19939:
before making your decision (if it looks daunting, don't worry, it basically boils down to checking CSD, notability, and title). If this looks like something that you can do, please consider joining us.
That's fantastic progress. Thank you for your work on rescuing these deleted articles! If offline sources can be found for those other five deleted articles, there's a good chance they can be restored.
The article notes: "Best of the zine (best of any art I've seen recently in fanzines) is the luscious Wendy and the Yellow King, Part 6, drawn and scripted by Judy Mitchell and Mike Mason respectively."
3154: 2028:"Grant Howitt's Eat the Reich Asks If You're Willing to Be a Monster. An interview with the game designer on balancing sexy vampires with tasteless violence, and how not to screw up a sensitive subject" 18936: 12644:
were PRODed by another user. I removed the PRODs for all, but if you happen to spot anything in case they come up for AFD, just please note the sources you find on the talk pages of those articles. :)
12569: 4913: 18107:
that "news sourcing in China is already sparse to begin with" and "I am much less concerned with recentism here than I am with geographic bias." I will review that AfD and topic in more detail later.
18103:. Articles listed there frequently need improvement and research so I am deeply grateful for your contributions and hope you continue participating there in the future. I agree with your statement at 11659: 8872:
The book notes: "If you're looking for a longer explanation of RPG design history, I recommend that book and the many great books it cites, especially the work of Jon Peterson and Shannon Appelcline."
published in more than 20 languages worldwide, standing out for their iconic beauty and memorable gameplay. In 2015, Red Raven Games will release two new titles: Artifacts, Inc., and Above and Below."
Scenario set in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton park areas. The adventurers oppose a band of pure strain humans with high-tech weaponry who are bent on wiping out a tribe of mutants. (2nd-ed. rules.)
with game design in general, not limited to TRPGs in particular, and here they demonstrated that rules function to move players to perform never before considered actions (within the space of play)."
4883: 12049: 11074:
was recently closed as "merge" - if you see enough good sources, that close could be overruled, or otherwise we could start somewhere somehow that could be used in the future to return his article.
series, in which he highlights an important fact: however much role-playing games might constitute a labor of love, from their earliest conception they were mined for their profit-making potential."
The book notes: "Others such as Gene Mackles (pers. comm.) explain they tried to purchase a Progress poster on eBay because they liked the image and thought it would become important in the future."
4854: 1211:: "Other games came out in the same period that followed the same premises: fantasy setting, RPG feel, limited play area, and a combination of exploration, looting, and combat. Examples include ... 4953: 4027:
The article notes: "Bad Grammar is a local reading series, and their booth in the Dealer’s Room this year was manned by Chicago authors Brendan Detzner, R.J. Howell, Megan Mackie, and K.M. Herkes."
The article notes: "Advice about persistence: “I write every day, even if it’s just a sentence; it’s a sentence closer to finishing,” said Megan Mackie, a writer, actor, podcaster and playwright."
either Admiral Yamamoto or Admiral Nimitz and have massive naval and air forces at their disposal. Some ground forces are also at the ready, but theirs is a support role in this clash of navies."
12756: 10640:"Lawyers plan to stop UK dropping EU rules on environment after Brexit: Taskforce head says complexity, scale and political resistance mean key protections could be lost during rollover into law" 5526: 12701:
who is an English writer of tabletop roleplaying games with credits for many supplements for Vampire, Werewolf, Mummy, Changeling, Call of Cthulhu, They Came From... and other RPGs listed here:
The article notes: "It started out with game designer and Kickstarter games specialist Luke Crane, who asked a deceptively simple question on Twitter: why are there so few "lady game creators"?"
The book notes: "Indie game developer Luke Crane runs the game section of Kickstarter. He has crowdfunded a number of his own designs, including The Burning Wheel, Torchbearer, and Mouse Guard."
The article notes: "Developed by Abhishek Lamba and Zain Memon of Goa-based cinema and new media studio Memesys Lab, it is a sequel to the political strategy board game Shasn, released in 2019."
2467: 17663: 10894:
the penalties system could be reformed. Only last week Prof Macrory said that agencies such as the HSE should be given the tools to adopt a different approach to businesses like Clingfoil, ..."
6049: 5933: 5556: 19252: 8802:(Evil Hat Production, 2014). Those books were an invaluable resource for getting my facts straight and should be the first stop for anyone desiring to read about the history of the RPG hobby." 5433:
The article notes: "Coeur d'Alene — Christie Wood and Elaine Price are seeking Seat 1; Dan Gookin and Michael Pereira Seat 3; and Dan English, Tom Morgan, Roger Huntman and Lacey Moen Seat 5."
2087: 1204:) the game depicted parties of fantasy heroes raiding a subterranean system of chambers and hallways to slay monsters and plunder riches, like the dominant taste in RPGs at the time dictated." 10864:... As noted above, at times I felt that some of the chapters were overoptimistic. However, the final chapter, from Ludwig Krämer himself, is enough to sober even the most optimistic reader." 7907:
together, but the writing came from White Wolf. The book’s large array of authors included many familiar names, such as Andrew Bates, Ken Cliffe, Mike Tinney, Steve Wieck, and Stewart Wieck."
4795: 1695: 18154:
AFDs are needed now unfortunately - they are purging a lot of notable Pakistani articles by leveraging low participation of editors on AfDs and driving away a lot of new editors. Thank you!
There should be more coverage in foreign policy-related academic journals/magazines about him and I know you're really good at that. He has received in-depth coverage in newspapers as well (
11214: 7277: 7130: 18671: 18135: 12316: 4443: 4063:
landed her first job in the massage therapy field. ... Mackie is now working at Balanced Body Integrated Wellness in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood, close to where she makes her home."
2690: 4746: 3282: 16481:
points which decreases according, to the number of guesses required. The game can be played to a given point total or, more typically, until the words on one pair of cards are exhausted."
6267: 4493: 3452:
The article notes: "A free print-and-play demo has been released for Sleeping Gods, the next game from the creator of Above and Below, Near and Far, and Eight-Minute Empire, Ryan Laukat."
The article notes: "Taron Pounds has spent the past year of his life recovering from a fireworks accident that took the left side of his face. He is still living his life to the fullest."
includes four hundred counters that the players use to represent their units on the map. Battle is resolved by rolling six-sided dice and looking to a fire effects table for the result."
4285: 16353: 12953: 11611: 11452:
technology does not add value to online games. "The speculation effect is destructive to the actual play experience. Work overrides play and the game experience is destroyed," he said."
The article notes from Google Translate: "Effeltrich – Ralph Querfurth from Effeltrich has turned his passion into a profession and is responsible for the popular series of exit games."
brightly-coloured illustrations for Yogi, many of them featuring pop culture references (we spotted Shakespeare, Ryu from Street Fighter, a Roman emperor and a luchador, for starters)."
2804: 2556: 1166:: "A few years later Jeffrey C. Dillow featured obvious Tolkien knockoffs such as the "thrent" and the "balro" in the RPG High Fantasy, and Arnold Hendrick followed suit in the wargame 18370: 17959: 15285: 15255: 12874:, as well as non-fiction writing on a variety of topics including steampunk, zombies, dragon slayers, military history and more, in case that brings up any additional sources for him. 11421: 11391: 11361: 10789: 10759: 10729: 10699: 10669: 10468:
If not, that's OK, but this is essentially a very long unsourced bio on a topic I'm not super interested in, but I'll toss up a few citations here and there based on what you find. :)
4678: 4583: 3914: 3184: 2517: 12111: 6108: 5867: 5303:
is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, educational, science-fiction, and fantasy novels, but for my area of expertise he is known for the Ancient Steel RPG:
3944: 3096: 2718: 12568:
I wanted to take a moment just to thank you one more time for your help in looking at old AFDs. :) Over the last few months I re-examined AFDs started by this user on the same date:
11989: 10649: 8839:
The book notes: "Designer Shannon Appelcline identifies three types of majority control game based upon the element to be controlled: share-based, area-based and tile-based (2005b)."
From Google Translate: "Just like Peter Adkison (from TSR) and Andrew Bates (also from WW), Mike also came to Brazil to attend the VII International RPG Meeting." The magazine issue
The article notes: "“I advised them not to call it that,” said Luke Crane, Kickstarter’s head of games. “I said don’t call it that. My exact words were perhaps a bit more colorful.”"
4765: 4717: 3312: 2784: 14587:), my mistake. I missed that there is a board game and a video game with the same name! I'm glad that the other sources are useful in the board game article and that the reviews in 12171: 10924:
deliver the sanction and change in behaviour by the offending business that the regulator wishes to achieve. So instead Prof Macrory has recommended the creation of a set of tools."
3066: 2606: 1945:‘Pride and Extreme Prejudice’, and ‘Jason Statham’s Big Vacation’. Plastic Bastards fits perfectly into the continually growing Inq28 scene of indie wargames and heavy kit bashing." 11689: 1464:(1992 MicroProse) designed by Arnold Hendrick, set in a fantastic fifteenth-century Germany in which all the medieval beliefs about religion and the supernatural are made real ..." 16636:. Date: 1961. Original Co.: Milton Bradley. Comments: Silver anniversary edition has been sold by Hasbro/Bradley every year since the 25th anniversary in 1986; out of production." 12698: 3429: 2021:
undead at Battersea Art's Centre. "Sorry," I repeat quietly. He shuffles off towards another victim, slightly deflated. February's Bit of Alright conference is indie to its core."
1753: 6238: 2586: 18795: 16519:
game show hosted by Alan Ludden. Who was married to Betty White. Who was in Colden Girls with Bea Arthur. Who played Maude in a spin-off of All in the Family. Oops! Wrong game!"
wargamers will look down upon this fine effort at self-publishing with a "buy cheap, get cheap" attitude, I cannot. After many hours of repeated play, I must confess that I see
12201: 11277: 4004: 3885: 3342: 2830: 14281:, requires players to ferret out knowledge blindly, by themselves. Gaining more knowledge than the next player is essential to a winning strategy — and to effective diplomacy." 6079: 4824: 19865: 19774: 19692: 19606: 19168: 19074: 18911: 18811: 18687: 17875: 17679: 17589: 16781: 13432: 13343: 13254: 13103: 10900: 9453: 6967: 5498: 5468: 3974: 3252: 1951: 17463: 16348: 8403: 5119: 3208:
in his design, he says. ... For Laukat, the life-changing game was one called Puerto Rico. ... Laukat was hired by Z-Man Games to do the artwork on Seegert's recommendation."
18155: 7625: 2497: 2330: 1589:: "Arnold Hendrick was brought on as Publishing Director that same year, to coordinate the company’s non-miniatures production (and to design quite a few games of his own)." 19868:
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
which you helped me source was also redirected by TPH, and with the many sources you found it definitely makes me wonder why it needed to be redirected in the first place.
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
after its run on the Main Page has completed. Finally, if you know of an interesting fact from another recently created article, then please feel free to suggest it on the
12081: 17142:
Good day! Thank you for contributing to Knowledge by writing this article. I have marked the article as reviewed. Have a wonderful and blessed day for you and your family!
Games included are Apples & Oranges, Mind Plus, Space Miner, Puzzler and Black Jack. I feel like this package may have been part of a larger project for the company.
12995: 12072:
The article notes: ""When we're in a hot development stage here, we can play a game three or four times a day for weeks," said Cole Wehrle, a game designer and developer."
7218: 4630: 2908:
The article notes: "Two years ago Taron Pounds from Tulsa, Oklahoma had one explode in his face. He spent weeks in a coma and underwent multiple reconstructive surgeries."
2635: 17216:
Thanks for your beneficial and dedicated contributions to finding sources in multiple AfDs. You’ve definitely helped save some articles and find sources others couldn’t.
11749: 4660: 1820:
Oh OK, thanks. I'll see what I can do with those. He may yet become notable since it looks like he is pretty active in the field so I will keep an eye on that draft. :)
19930:; Knowledge needs experienced users to perform this task and there are precious few with the appropriate skills. Even a couple reviews a day can make a huge difference. 6887:
OK thanks, I will take a look. The advantage of user space drafts of course, is that there is no time limit for them to exist so they can always be worked on later. :)
1018: 19849: 18104: 17939: 16399: 12260:"Arcs is a 4X board game from the team behind critically acclaimed Root and Oath. An interview with designer Cole Wehrle ahead of Leder Games' next Kickstarter launch" 11729: 7923: 7477:
The article notes: "Burning Wheel by Luke Crane. The joy of the six sided dice pool. The 'Beliefs' mechanic partly inspired the more task focused 'Goals' in Wordplay."
3856: 2887: 2741:
The article notes: "“I am an Oklahoma teacher,” posted a Twitter user named Taron Pounds. “I refuse to show PragerU’s revisionist propaganda to impressionable minds.”"
2427: 1048: 12310:
The article notes: "Cole Wehrle, creator of Root, Pax Pamir Second Edition, and now, Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile, kindly takes us through the broad strokes,"
7188: 5148: 4032: 19465: 11249: 10975:
Stallworthy, Mark (2012-11-08). "Carbon Capture and Storage–Emerging Legal and Regulatory Issues. Edited by Ian Havercroft, Richard Macrory and Richard B. Stewart".
Thanks, I will take a look tomorrow! I think I will edit this one, and the next one if there are more sources, and leave it for a little bit to see what happens. :)
4411: 17176: 10880: 8573:
The book notes: "Shannon Appelcline, lead designer at game company Skotos, has written extensively about emergent cultures within the games he designs (2000–2006)."
7373: 2146: 2051:
sleep-deprived, definitely exhausted, he texted a friend. “I was thinking ‘eat the reich,’ sounds like ‘eat the rich’... The impetus was not any deeper than that.”"
19058: 17673: 16395: 16358: 12452:
I just wanted to share this with you, as a bit of a diversion. :) You started helping me out with my BLP drafts almost a year ago, at which time my draft list was
7774: 5239: 4673:
The article notes: "Designed by Zain Memon, co-founder and media tech specialist at Memesys Culture Lab, the original plan was to make the game in digital format."
1887: 1723: 90: 18554:
If editors familiar with these languages conduct searches for sources and cannot find anything, then that provides a fair indication that the topic does not meet
Younts began writing for Ronin Arts. However, this success was largely centering on Ronin Arts' work supplementing other lines, rather than publishing their own."
5940: 2057: 1794: 19295: 18681: 17859: 17406: 17008:
fascinating book (from 1929, digitized) to you, but it is in Polish. Machine translation will not do it justice, I fear. Maybe in few more years as AI improves.
12269: 10609: 9265:
proved enormously significant in the roleplaying game industry and almost twenty years later steampunk roleplaying games like Nigel McClelland and Ben Redmond's
The article notes: "Zain Memon is the developer of a recently launched strategy boardgame called Shasnand co-founder at a new media studio, Memesys Culture Lab."
4473: 3731: 3678: 2310: 12135:
game Pax Pamir, last year under the banner of their newly co-founded label Wehrlegig Games. (In fact, Pax Pamir: Second Edition was my favourite game of 2019.)"
6133:"Voices in the Wilderness. Anna Stork '08 • Melissa Cook '82 • Andrenne & Angilique Coleman '13 • Gene Mackles '68 • Alison Crocker '06 • Jason Dadakis '99" 4907:
board game which reintroduced India to tabletop gaming. The creator of SHASN, Zain Memon has been a driving force in the country’s growing board game industry."
17997: 16141:
The article notes: "The future of Battleground: Middle East is now fuzzy; after an initial surge of interest, gamer response has turned luke-warm to the title"
14277:, because there is no verbal communication permitted, diplomacy can be an awesome weapon if implemented correctly. ... Limited intelligence, a main feature in 12456:. With your help, moving some back into article space myself, and sending ones deleted at AFD through AFC instead, I have shrunk that original list down to be 5351: 3164: 2663: 2363: 2249: 1790: 985: 12344: 10991:
and Stewart provide the reader with a clear thematic structure, which they book-end with an informative introduction and a stimulating concluding section ..."
The article notes: "A third candidate who filed against English, teacher and author Roger Huntman, will also appear on the ballot. However, Huntman tells the
4923: 2353:
The article notes: "Several websites sourced a new video from Indestructoboy, who would go on to claim that the company was not going to create a new SRD for
2027: 1237: 18987: 12141: 11853:
Scenario: characters on a journey to the Rite of Adulthood fall afoul of deadly radioactive mutant chickens! Includes wilderness encounters. (1st-ed. rules.)
11669: 11631: 7247: 7158: 5617:
OK thanks, that's interesting, apparently he is more notable as a failed local political candidate than as an author. :D Let me see what I can do with that!
fuse of a commercial-grade mortar shell, and shortly thereafter, his family members saw a puff of smoke. It remains unclear as to how the accident happened."
odd manner of death, though I've seen reports describing her as famous which makes me feel like there should be sigcov. Edith later married the more famous
5410: 5183: 4893: 18805: 18127:
Hi Cunard - hope you're well and thank you for your good work. I was wondering if you could find relevant references to prove notability of this diplomat:
16195: 12289: 12059: 9081:(Silver Springs, MD: Evil Hat Productions LLC, 2014) discuss the legal battles and rulings that determined that system mechanics could not be copyrighted." 4864: 19414: 19353:
To be fair there a fair number of articles under the British Saturday and Sunday morning children's television programmes that probably need improvement.
Hi Cunard. Since you seem to be excellent on China-related topics, I was wondering if you'd be willing to help out with some of the issues pointed out at
OK, did what I could with that one! One more draft popped up this week, but I will give that one a few days to see if the creator works on it anymore. :)
The book notes: "According to RGP historian Shannon Appelcline, "Back in 1978, Gygax had decided that it was best if the players did not know the rules.""
5211: 5094: 18543: 18096: 16306:
OK, so I went through my list of deleted/redirected game articles to find any redirected by TPH, and I only found these two home versions of game shows:
The book notes: "Often touted as the first 4X game (explore, exploit, expand, exterminate), and one of the first space-empire-style games on the market,
13327: 12911: 10377: 10346: 1982:
Dungeons & Dragons & Dewey: Toward a Ludic Pedagogy of Democratic Civic Life Through the Philosophy of John Dewey and Tabletop Role-Playing Games
8467:(2012) provides the comprehensive historical record of the evolution of wargames to TRPGs. I provide an abridged version here for context; Appelcline’s 5536: 19998:
I know how good you are with finding obscure Chinese sources - if you have the time, could you see if there is anything on this 2004 Olympian? Thanks,
19815: 19730: 19644: 19152: 17938:. This is a great rating for a new article, and places it among the top 21% of accepted submissions — kudos to you! You may like to take a look at the 12231: 12112:""We're not trying to make fun games. We're trying to make good games": Root, Pax Pamir and Oath designer Cole Wehrle argues on (and off) the tabletop" 10839:
The entry notes: "Richard Macrory is the Director of the IBM Environmental Change Unit in the University of Oxford and is a Fellow of Linacre College."
The article notes: "Taron Pounds, 23, tells KJRH-TV he was at a family wedding when a 4-inch mortar shell exploded in his face, and tore off his skin."
19859: 19559: 18326: 15217: 12903: 12019: 8069: 8030: 7335:
Kocurek, Carly A. (Winter 2020). "Editor's Introduction: It Isn't Difficult to Find Feminist Game Studies, but Can We Find a Feminist Game History?".
6059: 5566: 18128: 13416: 5381: 2097: 19068: 17869: 13384: 13097: 4805: 1703: 1353: 19943: 17620: 16079:
Panzerblitz or Panzerleader. The Main Battle Tank series, because of its use of limited intelligence and "post mortem" features, is the next step."
13295: 13210: 13129: 13055: 11222: 7287: 7138: 4614:
the critically acclaimed film 'Ship of Theseus'. ... Memon, for instance, had met a lot of scepticism over the idea of merging politics and games."
12324: 10105: 10038: 10034: 10001: 6476:
Hsu, Huan (2004-03-04). "The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth; In the world created by role-playing gamer Chad Underkoffler, nice guys finish first".
2857: 2698: 19590: 19372:
You are a research ninja -- I've noticed you around on AFD discussions for a while. What is your secret (besides possibly Is it
18558:. The subject lived in the pre-Internet era so there still could be offline sources about him. But if no sources can be found, the article fails 18141: 14560:
board game though which is just fine because they can be useful there. :) I'll start a stub for the similarly-titled video game tomorrow though.
Nice, I'm glad you feel that way. :) I'm going to ask the closing admin if they are willing to undelete this one based on the sources you found.
The book notes: "A number of references were critical in the writing of this book. First among them is Shannon Appelcline's four-volume history,
The PhD thesis notes on page 57: "Jon Peterson and Shannon Appelcline’s historical scholarship provides the record of the emergence of the TRPG."
8437: 7648:
The article notes: "Luke Crane, Kickstarter’s vice president of community, has attributed the growth to continued outreach to Japanese creators."
7307: 3292: 1921: 1196:: "To return to the '80s, we can see that in this period the trend toward smallscale fantasy wargames that borrowed heavily from RPGs continued. 18387: 15295: 15265: 11438: 11401: 11371: 10799: 10769: 10739: 10709: 10679: 6277: 4688: 4600: 4503: 3924: 3652: 3625: 19758: 19676: 18618: 15768:
such, it is a showcase for 2-D gaming possibilities and what can be accomplished with one’s programming language compiler and Genus libraries."
13337: 13238: 9105:
Oh wow, that is impressive, thank you! :) It will take some time to work this one out, so that might have to wait until Monday. It's worth it!
The book notes: "Since then, the broad category of RPGs has been subjected to a considerable amount of critical commentary. ... Jon Peterson's
8052:: "Assim como Peter Adkison (da TSR) e Andrew Bates (também da WW), Mike também veio ao Brasil prestigiar o VII Encontro Internacional de RPG." 6308: 6132: 4293: 19162: 19114: 18170:
additional Farsi-language sources about the subject, so I recommend asking an editor with Farsi-language expertise to find sources about him.
13502: 8135: 7945:, I begged my parents a little bit, and they got me the books. The books are $ 40 and a struggling family isn't going to drop $ 40 on books."" 6527: 6403:
and neither has that user. As such, I'm going to see if I can make them into real articles, if you would like to help me find the sources. :)
5439: 2812: 1071:
The article notes: "Gamasutra has learned that Arnold Hendrick, creator of MicroProse's 1992 RPG Darklands, has passed away at the age of 69."
20032: 19526: 19497: 19299: 19256: 18995: 18895: 18732: 18600: 18567: 18466: 18221: 18171: 18108: 18022: 17796: 17729: 17501: 17429: 17428:
of a book he co-edited with four other people but did find significant biographical coverage in reliable sources in my searches for sources.
17370: 17315: 17253: 17249: 17197: 17103: 17040: 16991: 16687: 16251: 16151: 15968: 15805: 15663: 15504: 15319: 15004: 14816: 14602: 14542: 14022: 13827: 13592: 13559: 13506: 13426: 13181: 13145: 13026: 12919: 12857: 12791: 12726: 12659: 12615: 12538: 12490: 12423: 11879: 11492: 11128: 11120: 11026: 10413: 10071: 10067: 9953: 9935: 9880: 9504: 9424: 9155: 9091: 8230: 7782: 7713: 7670: 6874: 6780: 6357: 5981: 5952: 5603: 5271: 5006: 4977: 4349:
is a storyteller, media-producer, game designer, entrepreneur, futurist and media-tech specialist based in Goa, India, who is best known for
4317: 4073: 3766: 3702: 3529: 3500: 3194: 2918: 2600:
procedures are expected in the near future. Now, the Tulsa community has rallied to support Pounds and help offset monumental medical bills."
2527: 2220: 1806: 1613: 14749: 12121: 8508:
is a “child of the ‘50s and ‘60s,” because its inspirations belong to a mode of science fiction based on an interstellar manifest destiny. "
6857: 6616: 6578: 6112: 5875: 3954: 3104: 2728: 100: 19600: 18100: 16731: 16235: 13520: 11999: 11124: 6904: 6633: 6604: 6574: 4775: 3938:
her hero Mario. Performances begin Friday, April 4, at Studio BE 3110 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago. See for more information."
3322: 415: 245: 19768: 19686: 18138: 16430: 16312:
topics. I may have had more experience instead with articles that TPH sent to AFD if you think it would be worthwhile looking into those?
16008: 14250: 13248: 13157: 12181: 11930:. The draft otherwise speaks for itself with some solid credits on modern board games, but it should also be noted that he co-founded the 9952:
Thank you for the kind words and for your great work on increasing coverage of these game designer and game articles! I am happy to help.
is designed by Gene Mackles, and published by Gamewright (2012). In Europe, it is also known as Kwatro, and is published by White Goblin."
5687: 3076: 2616: 1600: 1593: 1586: 1579: 1553: 1549: 1545: 1541: 19418: 18905: 18179: 17273: 12956:
was a French board game designer, and sadly this is not a BLP as he died last year, with a list of his many games and a small bio here:
Your help is outstanding and definitely worth waiting for. :) Keep on creating new notable content and saving articles from deletion. :)
11699: 11307:
Hobbyist Board Game Design Practices: How Do Board Game Designers Craft Their Rules Manuals and Solicit User Feedback on Prototype Games?
The book notes: "The historical arc traced here draws in large measure upon two recent histories of the origins of TRPGS: Jon Peterson's
2694: 350: 19024: 18763: 18633: 16422: 14436: 9847: 9818: 9731: 9702: 8478:
The PhD thesis notes on page 99: "Appelcline notes that TRPG play in the 1970s was often “competitive” between players and the referee."
8056: 3439: 1763: 1645:
is the founder of tabletop game developer Maestro Media. He does have some other things going on for him that might interest people. :)
18851: 17573: 13087: 6627:(2004), a new and critically acclaimed Tri-Stat cyberpunk RPG that included settings by Bruce Baugh, Rebecca R. Borgstrom, and others." 6248: 5462:
The article notes: "Two of the three candidates challenging incumbent English were present, with Roger Huntman choosing not to attend."
4059:, Megan Mackie said, "During the day, I am a clinical massage therapist, on the weekends I play pathfinder and in between that I knit." 3919: 2176: 375: 17583: 16418: 12211: 11285: 9119:
A little bit wired before going to bed, and I got it done now. :) Will publish the draft tomorrow, but will almost certainly spin out
8314: 4014: 3895: 3352: 2838: 19923:
is currently struggling to keep up with the influx of new articles. We could use a few extra hands on deck if you think you can help.
19426: 17825: 17722: 13810:
The book notes that the title is "Action In The North Atlantic", the Publisher is "GQ", the author is "Hall", and the date is "1989".
13588: 11108: 10844:
Skinner, Ian (2006-11-27). "Reflections on 30 Years of EU Environmental Law: A High Level of Protection? edited by Richard Macrory".
6089: 4834: 4224: 1393: 110: 95: 17635: 17530: 13549: 12849: 10910: 6977: 5508: 5478: 4255: 3998:
Mackie, and the opening novel in her Lucky Devil series. It’s got an intriguing premise, and that beautiful cover doesn’t hurt any."
3984: 3879:
The article notes: "Special guests will include Megan Mackie, who runs a satirical podcast called the Princess Peach Conspiracy ..."
3262: 2397: 1961: 18748: 18479: 18163: 17743: 16775: 16241: 16118: 14401:
may possibly be the most intellectually demanding, exuberant, and disquieting phase of player decision to be found in any wargame."
by small time publisher General Quarters Software was deleted at AFD due to notability issues. An archived page actually survived:
10168: 8413: 6997: 6698:
Barron, Neil; Barton, Tom; Burt, Daniel S.; Hudak, Melissa; Meredith, D.R.; Ramsdell, Kristin; Schantz, Tom; Schantz, Enid (2005).
6564: 5129: 3716:
OK thanks, I will see what I can do with those! It looks like he did win one award, so that is a little bit of something at least.
18707: 18516: 18448: 17926:
Congratulations, and thank you for helping expand the scope of Knowledge! We hope you will continue making quality contributions.
17705: 11305: 10577: 7635: 2340: 18040: 17409:. I noticed that you've been voting at a lot of deletion discussions, and thought that you might want to take a look. Thank you! 16765: 16238: 13483: 12091: 11104: 7778: 3682: 1531: 1377:
well-known products, and for the last two years has been involved in building and guiding the design staff of Interactive Magic."
19409:(TWL) as well as other databases I have access to. When searching for sources for AfD, the resources I find most useful are the 17039:). Jerzy Jeliński has a very interesting story. Thank you for working on his biography, and I hope technology improves by then! 16410: 9789: 9760: 9379: 9349: 9319: 7228: 6747: 5894: 3597: 2643: 897: 18344: 17245: 16682:
kept selling while the programs on which they were based were off the air (1968–70 for "Password" and 1975–77 for "Jeopardy")."
13177: 11759: 10513: 6504: 6333: 2117: 2081:
Unbound, One Last Job, and Honey Heist! He’s also got a writing credit in the Paranoia Reboot that we loved so much last year."
1696:"Adapting Digital Games to Tabletop With The Binding of Isaac Designer Edmund McMillen, and CEO of Maestro Media Javon Frazier" 16674:: "TV games are still very popular, and they still come and go as the shows on which they are based gain and lose favor. Only 11927:
was created the other day, but first of all the correct spelling of his name is "Cole Wehrle" as shown on his short bio here:
6297: 3046:: "I analyze the work of Ryan Laukat of Red Raven Games as the créateur, or a board game designer with an identifiable style." 2570:
with some relatives and celebrating a wedding in Inola when a mortar shell exploded in his face, blowing apart the left side."
2547:"Doctors help man get his face back after tragic fireworks accident. Taron Pounds says he's learned a lot during his recovery" 1786: 18527: 18480: 17656: 17647: 17127: 17119: 17058: 16564: 14368:
player; and giving the teamless player more power. Even so, Stellar Conquest is worth playing now and could get even better."
14300: 12385: 10931: 10693:
first interview since being appointed to chair the penalties review, Richard Macrory told the Financial Times there would be"
9642: 9243: 9055: 9009: 8975: 8934: 8891: 8858: 8821: 8780: 8727: 8689: 8641: 8592: 8555: 8443: 7879: 7731: 7596: 7546: 7500: 7424: 7106: 7038: 6646: 6585: 6214: 6176: 5801: 5700: 5243: 4204: 4167: 3673:
Under "Best Adventure", the page says: "«Silver»The Troubleshooters – The U-Boat Mystery, Helmgast. Author: Krister Sundelin"
3471: 3227: 3024: 1560: 1442: 1400: 1328: 1290: 1144: 1028: 675: 18831: 17786: 13587:
The first one is actually a little bit different from the others, and part of the reason I skipped the rest. The 1989 title
12584:, and you helped me find enough sources to restore them back all in March. Of the 7 deleted articles, you helped me restore 4554:"How India caught on the new-age board game culture of the west to create an ecosystem of cafes & communities back home" 3866: 3690: 2895: 2437: 1674: 1058: 19193: 18491: 18354: 12105:
has a designer diary where he explains how the idea of this game came from his graduate studies into Foucauldian biopower."
9180:, and has written for games such as Vampire: The Requiem, Cavaliers of Mars, Wild Talents, Don't Rest Your Head, and more: 8769:
Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground, Deluxe Edition: A Guide to Tabletop Roleplaying Games from D&D to Mothership
8259: 7198: 6861: 6499: 5160: 4280:#BezDay (1st August) and will be donating copies of these games to UK libraries participating in International Games Week." 4042: 3686: 2851:
The article notes: "Taron Pounds was lighting fireworks on July 7 at a family gathering when a mortar blew up in his face."
260: 19405:). Thank you for the kind words. When I participate AfDs, I find a lot of the sources through databases available through 18072: 13779: 11257: 9279: 8471:
series (2014- 2015) is an equally valuable record of the history of TRPG companies, creators, and philosophies of design."
8266:, as well as work on Hero Wars/HeroQuest, Nephilim, RuneQuest, Ars Magica, and Pendragon, with a little bio for him here: 1200:
is probably one of the most notable examples. Released by Heritage in 1980 and designed by Arnold Hendrick (the author of
19800: 18655: 18645: 12338:
one. Cole Wehrle takes some time to give us the full story on bringing this 70s space opera inspired game to our tables."
Sunkin, Maurice (2004-07-01). "Modernising Environmental Justice: Regulation and the Role of an Environmental Tribunal".
The book notes: "Shannon Appelcline has already written an extensive account of the economic history of the hobby in his
8296:). I've seen the name "Shannon Appelcline" a lot while searching for sources. :) Here are some sources about the subject: 8263: 8184: 7383: 6916: 5719:
draft they were talking about in early 2012 brings in various indie ideas, but the actual release was still a ways away."
4102: 4056: 2156: 700: 145: 18555: 18310: 17309:
of the text. The "Life" section is sourced to the fifth source, a book that mentions the subject on 30 pages. I checked
15382: 14598: 14322:(1975) warrants a closer inspection here. Clearly rooted in notions of spatial domination, expansion, and colonization, 13640: 8064: 8049: 8025: 5247: 4819:
Gandhi and Memon also head ElseVR, a virtual reality lab which explores journalism and storytelling through technology."
Hill, Owen (April 2012). "An indie afternoon: David Hay ward's Bit of Alright indie games conference breaks the mould".
1897: 1733: 19402: 18318: 17497: 16307: 16300: 15533: 12975: 12870:
Thanks, will see what I can do with that. :) The draft mentions he has done fiction writing, including a novel titled
12853: 11116: 9177: 3464: 2067: 1241: 365: 125: 17810: 17093: 16282: 11343:. The PhD thesis notes: "One of the most thorough and interesting game design handbooks reviewed for this project was 10619: 4185:
The book notes: "Behrooz "Bez" Shahriari, a game designer living in Scotland, seconds King's perspective, saying, ..."
20024: 19094: 19009: 18200: 18185: 18035: 17302: 16614: 16500: 16462: 16094: 15930: 15600: 15475: 15093: 14975: 14513: 13986: 13792: 13714: 13040: 11825: 10234: 8368: 6712: 5591: 1090: 280: 19228: 18512: 16817:
extensive newspaper coverage, but I am terrible at finding it. Can you take a look? Period in question is 1926–1928
12998:. You continue to make work for other editors. If it is too much work to find and close them, please consider using 12195:
Arcs, an upcoming board game that was initially pitched as a narrative-driven tabletop title taking place in space."
9669: 9496: 8745:
The book notes: "Two recent histories of the hobby that have found their way into print are notable: Jon Peterson's
7997: 7684:
Oh WOW, that is so much! Amazing. :) Thank you, I will have to find time throughout the day to work on this one. :)
5361: 3124: 2746: 2671: 2373: 20: 18290: 18217: 18002: 14782: 14696:
The review notes: "Can a child learn something by playing Discovery 2.0? "Not gu-ite...." As early as the original
14374: 12352: 10258: 9534: 9173: 6809: 5730: 5636: 4730:
The article notes: "says Memon, 29. ... says Memon, who’s a ludologist and one of the founding members of the lab."
2037: 1245: 19886: 18931: 18566:(if a source can be found to verify the connection and if it would be due weight to mention him in that article). 18322: 18314: 17261: 13189: 12759:
is a game designer and illustrator with many credits, with a list of his board game designs and a small bio here:
12151: 11639: 10458:
A slight detour for a moment, as new drafts can pile up a bit. :) Just a few for now, and then on to another set.
7257: 7168: 7063: 19406: 18547: 18508: 18474: 18092: 17971: 17950: 17900: 17893: 15460:
science-fiction spy adventure that is both enjoyable to read and play. IBM ($ 35.00). Circle Reader Service #17."
11112: 9910: 9412: 6919:, and worked on other games such as Miseries & Misfortunes, and Mouse Guard, with a little bio for him here: 5420: 5191: 2088:"DIE Interview: Kieron Gillen and Grant Howitt Discuss Influences, Aspirations, and More About Kickstarter TTRPG" 893: 19362: 19288: 16200: 16005: 15838: 15037: 14849: 13567: 13124: 12297: 10950:
Abbot, Carolyn (2010-05-28). "Regulation, Enforcement and Governance in Environmental Law. By Richard Macrory".
7189:"Kickstarter executive cancels The Perfect RPG campaign amid backlash to Dungeon World co-creator's involvement" 5926: 5639:
is a British RPG designer, known for his work with Games Workshop and on the Call of Cthulhu game for Chaosium:
19434: 17701: 17611: 16829: 16807: 16695: 15773: 15696: 15541: 15352: 14626: 14055: 13861: 13598: 13454: 11546: 8214: 7812: 6103:
game designer. In his career as a graphic designer, he was a senior designer at Boston public TV station WGBH."
5219: 2204: 16: 19534: 19520: 19505: 17509: 15147: 13011: 12845: 10385: 10354: 6870: 4855:"Shasn: Azadi Creator Zain Memon on the Journey From VR and Feature Films to Board Games and Esports in India" 3490:
provided a campaign mode where the narratives are more sequential and interlocking for individual characters."
2775:"Surgeons use part of man's leg to reconstruct his face after being disfigured in horrific fireworks accident" 1384:"Global History, Facts and Fiction in Early Computer Games: Hanse, Seven Cities of Gold, Sid Meier's Pirates!" 20040: 20028: 19982: 19669:, who once cleaned toilets at a nursing home, beat out over 3,000 people to sing the national anthem for the 18784: 18775: 18726: 17737: 17480: 17329: 17323: 17193: 17036: 16846: 16321: 15997: 14051: 13496: 7658: 6418: 6406: 4276:
The article is not independent of the subject because the subject is a donor and this is a "Donor spotlight".
3067:"Review: Near and Far, a story-driven board game that almost works. Board gaming with a narrative story book" 695: 19852:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 19761:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 19679:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 19593:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 19307: 19155:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 19061:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 18898:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 18798:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 18674:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 18294: 18271: 18229: 17966:
Once you have made at least 10 edits and had an account for at least four days, you will have the option to
17862:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 17804: 17666:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 17576:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 17437: 17310: 16914: 16768:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 15920:
more along the lines of "good things come in small packages." May it continue to evolve, for every revision
13458: 13419:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 13330:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 13241:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 13090:. You are welcome to check how many pageviews the nominated article or articles got while on the front page 12317:"From Woodlands, to history, and on to Sci-Fi, Oath Designer Cole Wehrle talks his Cinematic Follow Up ARCs" 12239: 5041:
is a German board game editor and designer who is known for "Star Wars" games as well as "Exit – The Game":
19313: 19270: 19248: 18972: 18928: 18665: 18608: 18593: 18575: 18375: 18116: 17967: 17946: 17157: 16583:
Password board game was revived in 1979 with the title Password Plus, and again in 1984 as Super Password."
16123: 15935: 15544: 15231: 14714: 13514: 13364: 13321: 13280: 13275: 13034: 12589: 12029: 10945:
The abstract notes: " Martin Ince talks to Richard Macrory, first professor of environmental law in the UK"
The PhD thesis notes on page 166: "Although Miller has cited Asimov’s “Foundation” series as influential to
8098: 5782:
Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground: A Guide to Tabletop Roleplaying Games from D&D to Mothership
that he has "bowed out" of the race due to a lack of financial resources. "I just can't compete," he says."
The article noters: "A fourth candidate, Roger Huntman, withdrew from the race but is still on the ballot."
4439: 4259: 1525:
The article notes: "Some designers, like Arnold Hendrick, arrived at Microprose via the boardgaming route."
530: 485: 210: 19986: 19624: 19385: 19188: 19003: 17345: 12915: 11779: 6385:
I was able to put some work into this one. :) I will look more at a different set of BLP drafts mid-week!
5391: 4991:
Oh wow, thanks, that's a lot! :) I will get to work on this one soon! Thanks again for everything you do.
1469: 19710: 19099: 18740: 18414: 18404: 17711: 17205: 17111: 17048: 17020: 16999: 16850: 16445: 15227: 15177: 14406: 11168:
and although this draft and the bio mention RPGs there were no actual credits for him that I could find?
review of penalties for breaking regulations by Professor Richard Macrory of University College, London."
7816: 6824:
game lines (Vampire, Demon, Werewolf), as well as other games of theirs like "Trinity" and "Adventure!":
6207: 5590:
is an archive of the subject's publishing company website via Internet Archive. The website is mentioned
The article notes: "Roger Huntman, who dropped out of the race earlier this year, took 5.2% of the vote."
4944:"SHASN: New board game by Anand Gandhi's Memesys Culture Lab aims to put you in the shoes of politicians" 3306:
highest recommendation. The icing on the cake is that it was designed by Utah game designer Ryan Laukat."
1596:: "Heritage also published one more full RPG, Swordbearer (1982), by Arnold Hendrick and Dennis Sustare." 1474: 1363: 853: 846: 839: 832: 825: 425: 395: 225: 19264: 16981: 16973: 16969: 16965: 16961: 16957: 16953: 16949: 16945: 16941: 16937: 16926: 16922: 16903: 16899: 16895: 16891: 16887: 16883: 16879: 16858: 16489:
Gladstone's Games to Go: Verbal Volleys, Coin Contests, Dot Duels, and Other Games for Boredom-Free Days
16055: 15888: 15118: 15036:
from Lance Haffner Games by designer Shannon Lynn with Jim & Thomas Trunzo was reviewed in CGW #89:
14896: 13584:
or all of those articles started? Anything that you don't see more for, I can leave it for another day.
The book notes: "Thanks to Shannon Appelcline, for his ambitious and clear-cutting work in RPG history."
19869: 19855: 19778: 19764: 19696: 19682: 19610: 19596: 19172: 19158: 19078: 19064: 18950: 18915: 18901: 18815: 18801: 18691: 18677: 17879: 17865: 17683: 17669: 17593: 17579: 17336:
This one was PRODded but that was removed; do you see anything more for it in case that is challenged?
17330: 17239: 17223: 16871: 16785: 16771: 16595: 16159: 15976: 15834: 15813: 15744: 15671: 15626:"Meeting the Japanese Halfway – American Style. Simulation Canada's Pacific Storm: The Midway Campaign" 15625: 15512: 15436: 15403: 15327: 15222: 15012: 14824: 14673: 14550: 14411: 14340: 14030: 13947: 13917: 13835: 13785: 13746: 13675: 13463: 13436: 13422: 13369: 13347: 13333: 13258: 13244: 13171: 13153: 13107: 13093: 12821: 12760: 12172:"Could Arcs be the first misfire from Cole Wehrle? Our impressions of Root creators' latest board game" 11542: 11071: 10115: 10052: 10048: 10011: 8884: 8518: 8409: 7903:(2000), a book of monsters — almost immediately. Clark Peterson and Bill Webb of Necromancer Games put 5124: 2867: 1502: 818: 811: 804: 797: 790: 783: 776: 769: 762: 615: 300: 240: 32: 19832:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 19795: 19747:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 19661:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 19576:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 19131:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 19041:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 18868:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 18780:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 18650:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 18302: 17842:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 17652:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 17547:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 17229: 16748:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 13401:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 13312:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 13227:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 13072:, which you recently created, substantially expanded, or brought to good article status. The fact was 12825: 11812: 11545:
is now an artist, but back in the 1980s he did some game design work for TSR including the board game
OK cool, I'll do what I can with that, and hopefully after it's merged he can be restored one day. :)
10227: 10139: 8447: 7896:
was a science-fiction game intended to create a whole new series of games — to be precise, a trilogy."
7317: 6699: 5587: 4708:"A new political strategy game is trying to make politics and policy-making trendy for the apolitical" 1931: 19479: 19469: 19410: 19318:
Like I have said before since you have a knack of improving articles on old British television shows
18330: 18020:
has been reviewed, and some issues with it may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) at
17615: 17392: 17378: 17362: 16710: 16527:
The Games Treasury: More Than 300 Indoor and Outdoor Favorites with Strategies, Rules, and Traditions
16391: 16274: 16259: 16231: 16188: 16174: 16034: 15991: 15867: 15828: 15723: 15686: 15570: 15527: 15378: 15342: 15063: 15027: 14875: 14839: 14652: 14610: 14584: 14569: 14475: 14287: 14081: 14045: 13887: 13850: 13815: 13626: 13595: 13481:
has been reviewed, and some issues with it may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) at
12941: 12927: 12899: 12883: 12865: 12813: 12799: 12766: 12748: 12734: 12681: 12667: 12653: 12623: 12585: 12573: 12560: 12546: 12512: 12498: 12486: 12446: 11968: 11902: 11580: 11515: 11193: 11150: 11136: 11100: 11064: 11049: 10833: 10493: 10436: 10223: 10219: 10215: 10211: 10201: 9980: 9961: 9903: 9576: 9526: 9512: 9492: 9447: 9207: 9163: 9147: 9114: 8293: 8253: 7847: 7804: 7790: 7770: 7721: 7693: 7031: 6946: 6896: 6882: 6853: 6803: 6671: 6456: 6380: 6028: 6000:
is an artist and composer who has been designing board games since 2012, with a dozen to his credit:
5989: 5975: 5666: 5626: 5330: 5294: 5068: 5028: 5014: 5000: 4380: 4340: 4133: 4096: 3835: 3788: 3774: 3762: 3725: 3660: 3633: 3576: 3537: 3523: 2978: 2941: 2279: 2243: 1985: 1866: 1829: 1670: 1636: 956: 927: 155: 16214: 16018: 15851: 15707: 15554: 15362: 15047: 14859: 14739:, the award-winning educational program, has now become even better. Designed for children in K-12, 14636: 14065: 13871: 13610: 11990:"Board but Not Boring. Cole Wehrle's board games don't just teach you history—they make you live it" 6140: 5042: 4432:"Elections with Shasn: This board game allows people to talk politics, minus hostility and violence" 3579:). I was unable to find much coverage for Krister Sundelin. Here are some sources about the subject: 1838:
is an award winning British RPG designer with quite a bit of 20th century experience under his belt:
19975: 19837: 19827: 19544: 19430: 18434: 18424: 17285: 12457: 12453: 11936: 11166: 10466: 9373:
the best games I’ve seen in some time and I think it’s made me a Benjamin Baugh fan at this point."
8920:"The Wargame Legacy: How Wargames Shaped the Roleplaying Experience from Tabletop to Digital Games" 8387: 7986:
Year of the Scarab Trilogy 1: Heralds of the Storms, II: Lay Down With Lions, III: Land of the Dead
7493: 6414: 6340: 6243: 6169: 5449: 4878:
and beyond, which for starters has ignited a renewed interest in tabletop games for many in India."
715: 20007: 18459: 18455: 17418: 16977: 16918: 16910: 16867: 16372: 16339: 12725:
on the subject's website but the sources are passing mentions, interviews, or unreliable sources.
11916: 11533: 10450: 10085: 10081: 9947: 9132: 7707: 6394: 5858:
for Cubicle 7 (2009), which also produced an odd fusion of war story and cosmic horror with their
5725: 4245:
The summary notes: "An exclusive interview with independent designer and publisher Bez Shahriari (
4106: 1888:"Honey Heist and the legacy of the one-page RPG. An interview with tabletop designer Grant Howitt" 19715: 19629: 19343: 19276: 18924: 18559: 17443: 16930: 16802: 16525: 16487: 16293:
Good job on both of those. This is exactly why I leave the door open for redirects to be undone.
15290: 13573: 13195: 12824:
is a tabletop wargames designer with a list of his many board game credits and a small bio here:
12378: 8996: 8355: 8174:
is set in 2120 during an extended war against the Aberrants, psionically gifted mutant invaders."
7539: 7525: 6908: 6001: 4037: 3220: 1077: 165: 40: 15178:"Pixel Pugilists: Title Fight Pro Boxing Ain't Pretty, But It Stands Victorious After 15 Rounds" 14556:
Oh, nice! :) I think that all of those, except for the CGW review and the last one, are for the
12489:). That's incredible progress. Thank you for your work on improving and expanding these drafts! 11928: 7483: 7131:"How board games conquered Kickstarter: Five years on from the tabletop crowdfunding revolution" 4354: 951: 19516: 19396: 19381: 19255:! Thank you for your work in that discussion in finding Dutch sources to establish notability. 19046: 19036: 18942: 18877: 18836: 18714: 17491: 17476: 17365:). Aside from the sources already used in the article, I did not find additional sources about 16853:
for "Jerzy Jeliński" returns 44 results. I did not find coverage in my searches for sources in
16449: 14500: 14470: 14225: 14220: 13076: 13067: 10827: 10110: 10043: 10006: 9151: 9120: 9044: 8814: 8720: 8682: 8628: 7581: 7535: 6410: 6371:
Oh nice, thanks! :) I will take a look at that probably in the evening or tomorrow morning. :)
5754: 4914:"Filmmakers Anand Gandhi & Zain Memon Announce Sequel To SHASN, The Blockbuster Board Game" 3545: 3404: 1121: 705: 660: 435: 370: 250: 19216: 16640: 16629: 16603: 16599: 16309: 13487:
and respond there at your earliest convenience. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! —
12987: 12957: 12431: 12372: 11887: 11500: 11034: 10421: 9909:
And finally for the last of these user space drafts before moving on to other things, we have
9888: 9633: 9432: 9228: 9099: 8966: 8919: 8767: 8676: 8579: 8542: 8238: 7678: 7417: 7403: 7093: 6788: 6365: 6201: 6163: 5960: 5611: 5279: 4985: 4325: 4154: 4081: 3710: 3508: 3458: 2951: 2926: 2577:"Barrelhouse beat: Pair of tributes among this week's shows. Tributes among this week's shows" 2228: 1814: 1621: 1429: 1387: 1383: 1315: 1269: 1265: 1219: 1208: 1193: 1189: 1137: 1133: 20018: 20003: 19820: 19735: 19649: 19564: 19323: 19119: 19029: 18856: 18768: 18638: 18380: 18031: 18026:
and respond there at your earliest convenience. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know!
17851: 17837: 17830: 17715: 17640: 17535: 17296: 17281: 17235: 17218: 16736: 16671: 16607: 16327: 16246: 16085: 16060: 15893: 15749: 15648:
The book notes: "For zero to two players (playing at the same machine), Simulations Canada's
15630: 15441: 15408: 15182: 15152: 15123: 15084: 14966: 14901: 14678: 14589: 14446: 14345: 13977: 13952: 13922: 13892: 13751: 13705: 13680: 13649: 13631: 13580: 13389: 13300: 13235:, a Bangkok cultural show, the forestage was transformed into a 50-metre-long (160 ft) river? 13215: 13167: 13149: 13060: 12721:
I did not find significant coverage in reliable sources about the subject. There are sources
12637: 11431: 11315: 11162: 10936: 10461: 10288: 10173: 10144: 9914: 9857: 9828: 9741: 9712: 8927: 8845: 8808: 8714: 8522: 7959: 7430: 7352: 6817: 6813: 6483: 6478: 6422: 6272: 5831: 5820: 5794: 5790: 5038: 4593: 4160: 4009: 3979: 3214: 3129: 3125:"For love of the game: Boards, cards in hand, designers meet monthly to test their creations" 3057: 3050: 3043: 3017: 3013: 3009: 3005: 2364:"Dungeons & Dragons Clarifies Support for Third-Party Material as New Edition Draws Near" 2011: 1989: 1507: 1174: 1163: 1129: 1125: 980: 888: 680: 475: 460: 320: 58: 17556: 16985: 15591: 15466: 12787: 12783: 11549:, the gamebook "The Amber Sword of World's End", and other work as noted here on games like 9465: 8990:
Mongoose Publishing). It is also a good history of print and miniatures wargame publishers."
8878: 7773:). I found very little coverage of the subject. I found coverage in non-independent sources 6856:), I found very little coverage of the subject. I found coverage in non-independent sources 5304: 4191: 3371: 2186: 19367: 19358: 19284: 19090: 19052: 18827: 18703: 18526:
I was unable to find coverage about the subject but this is not an area I'm proficient in.
18284: 18267: 18211: 18196: 17782: 17774: 17770: 17728:
I did not know about the existence of that list. I will do. Thank you for letting me know.
17414: 16203: 14054:
from the Delphi Telecommunications Network by designer Andy Green was reviewed in CGW #86:
13271: 12970: 12838: 12782:
I did not find significant coverage in reliable sources about the subject. He is mentioned
12776: 12715: 12641: 12607: 12530: 12469: 11952: 11564: 11177: 11158: 11083: 10477: 10317: 9928: 9560: 9475: 9191: 9048: 8324: 8277: 8267: 7872: 7831: 7753: 7743: 7589: 7585: 7571: 6930: 6836: 6639: 6570: 6440: 6012: 5693: 5650: 5561: 5531: 5503: 5473: 5444: 5415: 5386: 5356: 5314: 5052: 4364: 4117: 3819: 3745: 3560: 2962: 2264: 1952:"Advanced Designers & Dragons #55: 31 Short Essays About Roleplaying History, Part One" 1850: 1654: 1537: 911: 600: 510: 195: 180: 17005: 16813: 16549:
password first. Password works best as a game for four, with a fifth playing quiz master."
12907: 12828: 11720:"In-Person Art Shows Are Starting to Return to Metro Phoenix Galleries — With Precautions" 10106:"Dungeon master opens door to parents: Class to unravel mystery of Dungeons & Dragons" 10033:
Schauer, Roman (1995-03-24). "Outer limits: Fantasy gathering nurtures creativity" (pages
9034: 6672:"Future of gaming: Virtual shape of things to come. White Wolf revises Clanbook: Lasombra" 6522:
This article was written by the subject himself and contains autobiographical information.
4232: 2252:, aka Taron Pounds, has some experience with third-party D&D 5th edition supplements: 1386:. In Denk, Natalie; Serada, Alesha; Pfeiffer, Alexander; Cover, Thomas Wernbacher (eds.). 1268:. In von Lünen, Alexander; Lewis, Katherine J.; Litherland, Benjamin; Cullum, Pat (eds.). 8: 19956: 19670: 18886: 18590: 18502: 18488: 18086: 18070: 17993: 17515: 16531: 15260: 13493: 13007: 12763: 12202:"Oath board game review - Root creator's ambitious 'game with a memory' is unforgettable" 11422:"Play-to-earn blockchain games have disappointed, but some see new applications emerging" 10905: 10875: 8952:
The book notes: "According to Shannon Appelcline's (2013) exhaustive historical treatise
8634: 7899:
The book notes on page 33: "White Wolf produced the first Sword & Sorcery book — the
6054: 5300: 4468: 4263: 3549: 3399: 2779: 2407: 1642: 640: 540: 470: 445: 420: 255: 205: 140: 105: 18241: 17306: 12702: 9938:
once again for all your help with these! I have accomplished so much with your help. :)
7968: 7964: 7954: 7529: 7487: 7005: 4464:"This new Indian board game, Shasn, wants you to play dirty and think like a politician" 900: 19707: 19621: 18983: 18563: 18535: 18531: 18520: 18122: 17935: 17890: 17695: 17605: 16555: 16001: 15537: 14190: 14184:
nothing more than pieces of cardboard to move lifelessly about a flat playing surface."
13448: 12705: 12581: 12086: 12024: 11683:
smart phone or tablet. First Friday hours at Five15 Arts at Chartreuse are 6 to 9 p.m."
11322: 10857: 10588: 10547: 9181: 7950: 7892:(1997), which went from first conception to publication in just 10 months. Like Exile, 7378: 7312: 7248:"This isn't Candy Land: Exploding Kittens and others are reviving board and card games" 6972: 5997: 4770: 4741: 4712: 4588: 4558: 4528: 4498: 3796: 3734:- OK, bad page name, but he is a British RPG designer for D100 Dungeon and D100 Space: 2402: 1926: 1835: 285: 265: 19202: 18049: 17004:
Thank you - I will be sure to check them in the near future. I wish I could recommend
16589: 15841: 14160: 14130: 14102: 13860:
from Spacewar Simulations Company by designer Walker Vanning was reviewed in CGW #85:
13018: 12050:"Patrick Leder, who lost a St. Paul IT job, has become a board-game industry luminary" 11893:
Oh nice, thanks! :) That's more than I expected, so I'll see what I can do with that.
9550: 6825: 3808: 3735: 3430:"Play Above and Below creator's next game Sleeping Gods with free print-and-play demo" 3423:
of the same name, which was designed by Ryan Laukat and published by Red Raven Games."
2253: 1781:
These sources are interviews or otherwise non-independent and some may be unreliable:
1503:"Fantastic Voyages IV: The Whirlwind Tour Inside the Entertainment Industry Continues" 28: 19948: 19755:
launched a restaurant that was Taiwan's highest-priced buffet when it opened in 2023?
19512: 19490:. Compared to to topics with unique names, it was more difficult to find sources for 19392: 19377: 19347: 18722: 18349: 18017: 17845: 17487: 17472: 17187: 17169: 17089: 17030: 17014: 16840: 16823: 16798: 16611: 16561: 16497: 16459: 16091: 15597: 15472: 15090: 14972: 14757: 14510: 14379: 14297: 14255: 13983: 13789: 13711: 13478: 13316: 13307: 13138: 12382: 12264: 11924: 11822: 11724: 11694: 11664: 11606: 11426: 11396: 11311: 10823: 10263: 10231: 10076: 9918: 9799: 9770: 9674: 9660:
The book notes: "GURPS Alpha Centauri (2002) by Jon F. Zeigler, Steve Jackson Games."
9639: 9604: 9596: 9461: 9389: 9359: 9329: 9290: 9240: 9052: 9006: 8972: 8931: 8888: 8855: 8818: 8777: 8724: 8686: 8638: 8589: 8552: 8365: 8140: 8106: 8002: 7876: 7821: 7593: 7543: 7497: 7421: 7252: 7163: 7103: 7035: 6912: 6821: 6757: 6718: 6709: 6643: 6582: 6532: 6312: 6211: 6173: 5904: 5798: 5697: 4201: 4164: 3607: 3468: 3224: 3021: 2947: 1892: 1839: 1782: 1557: 1439: 1397: 1325: 1287: 1141: 1087: 630: 550: 360: 330: 275: 48: 14934: 13015: 13002:
tags, which do not cause syntax errors when they are unclosed. Thanks in advance. –
11554: 11458: 9035:"Playing for Change: FreeMarket and the Rise of Serious Tabletop Role-Playing Games" 7572:"Playing for Change: FreeMarket and the Rise of Serious Tabletop Role-Playing Games" 7456: 6430: 3155:"Game review: The Ancient World is a fun strategic game of city-building and titans" 2200:
Paul Dean sat down with me to talk about this newest iteration of the classic game."
2127: 1117:
Storytelling in the Modern Board Game: Narrative Trends from the Late 1960s to Today
20014: 19999: 19443: 19242: 19224: 19136: 19126: 18958: 18523:
but could not find where he is discussed since there are people with similar names.
18438: 18428: 18306: 18027: 17567: 17292: 17277: 16716: 16576: 16542: 16512: 16474: 16413:. Most of the results are about the television show, not about the board game. For 16135: 16106: 16072: 15947: 15905: 15788: 15761: 15642: 15612: 15487: 15453: 15420: 15194: 15164: 15135: 15105: 14987: 14949: 14913: 14799: 14787: 14770: 14729: 14690: 14557: 14525: 14487: 14423: 14391: 14357: 14312: 14267: 14237: 14207: 14177: 14147: 14117: 13998: 13964: 13934: 13763: 13726: 13692: 11994: 11837: 11818: 11796: 11473: 11040:
Fantastic. :) I'm sure this one can easily be published, will work on it tomorrow.
11005: 10980: 10959: 10853: 10530: 10334: 10322: 10305: 10275: 10246: 10207: 10185: 10156: 9686: 9654: 9617: 9067: 9021: 9002: 8380: 8361: 8319: 8152: 8119: 8081: 8042: 8014: 7978: 7608: 7558: 7512: 7471: 7344: 6920: 6731: 6705: 6686: 6658: 6597: 6544: 6516: 6319: 6188: 5767: 5742: 5712: 5640: 4346: 4286:"Yogi is the card game spin on 'Twister without the mat' sure to put you In a Bind" 3803:
game and "Yugman's Guide" series by Onyx Path Publishing and the not-yet-published
3416: 3386: 1572: 1519: 1486: 1302: 1279: 1102: 1001: 968: 947: 710: 585: 500: 495: 480: 400: 13635:
is a really fun project! I'm happy to help with the game articles too. :) I think
11215:"Amid Board Game Boom, Designers Roll The Dice On Odd Ideas — Even Exploding Cows" 10790:"New office aims for better regulation and enforcement at a local authority level" 9038: 8678:
The Postmodern Joy of Role-Playing Games: Agency, Ritual and Meaning in the Medium
7575: 4524:"Memesys Culture Lab raises Rs 20 lakh via crowd funding for political board game" 896:, while he has several 1970s and 1980s board game and wargame credits to his name: 19882: 19846:
hotel, is the longest-duration topless production in Las Vegas at a single venue?
19843: 19791: 19354: 19339: 19280: 19184: 19086: 18823: 18699: 18539: 18383: 18280: 18263: 18207: 18192: 17979: 17778: 17563: 17410: 16283: 14845: 13405: 13396: 13360: 13267: 13120: 11808: 11754: 11434: 11318: 10939: 10764: 10734: 10674: 10614: 10542: 10293: 10197: 9538: 8020:
The article lists Andrew Bates as a designer and illustrator of the Trinity game.
7918: 7739: 7433: 7407: 7355: 7025: 5780: 5557:"In Coeur d'Alene, growth, development and housing costs dominate local politics" 5527:"Coeur d'Alene votes to keep two incumbents and one new face on the City Council" 4948: 4683: 4655: 4625: 4596: 3949: 3890: 3861: 2999: 2723: 2458:"Oklahoma City doctors work to rebuild Tulsa man's face after fireworks accident" 2014: 1992: 1115: 1083: 742: 655: 620: 590: 335: 310: 190: 170: 135: 53: 19587:
first novel was published after literary agents turned it down roughly 60 times?
19279:. Since you are so good at finding information on old British television shows. 17455: 15286:"What if . . . - Heavyweight champ McCall met rival Moorer, eight former greats" 14289:
Playing Oppression: The Legacy of Conquest and Empire in Colonialist Board Games
11165:, and designed other games mentioned in the draft, and he has a small bio here: 10341:
and Talisman. Now it is your turn, Find these treasures, and save your people!""
9320:"Review of Monsters and Other Childish Things: The Completely Monstrous Edition" 8968:
On Wargaming: How Wargames Have Shaped History and how They May Shape the Future
8525: 6486: 5980:
Good plan! I hope the draft creator returns and contributes more after that. :)
4679:"Your turn...: New Indian board games are playing on climate, ecology, politics" 3915:"Tympanic Theatre Company and The Side Project team up for the - world premiere" 2177:"The RPGnet Interview #49: James Wallis, Grant Howitt & Paul Dean, Paranoia" 19487: 19459: 19422: 18498: 18418: 18408: 18339: 18298: 18147: 18082: 18063: 17989: 17400: 17267: 16863: 15242: 15033: 14622: 14457: 13489: 13003: 11940: 11340: 10396: 10365: 10126: 10089: 10056: 10022: 9297: 8351: 8099:"SF's finest gaming franchises build themselves bigger and better battlefields" 7914:"Meet the group that's preserving Louisville's nerd culture - and saving lives" 7362:
Developers Conference and a further hashtag campaign, #1reasontobe, started by
7099: 4105:
is a Scottish board game designer who has designed dozens of games since 2010:
beautiful — and one of our local guys, Ryan Laukat, helped with the graphics.""
879: 525: 390: 355: 345: 290: 150: 19897: 14397:
The article notes: "Effective synchronization of the ship movement systems in
9503:. I did not find coverage about Jonathan Woodward in my searches for sources. 8544:
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games and Virtual Worlds
8179: 5469:"CdA Councilman Dan English draws challengers Tom Morgan, Lacey Moen for seat" 1627:
Oh, wonderful, thanks! :) I will get to work on this one as soon as I can. :)
864: 19991: 19935: 19920: 19891: 19704: 19618: 19580: 19571: 18979: 18946: 18361: 18246: 17919: 17904: 17887: 17691: 17601: 17388: 17356: 17341: 17135: 16706: 16455: 16385: 16368: 16335: 16317: 16270: 16225: 16210: 16184: 16170: 16028: 16014: 15987: 15861: 15847: 15824: 15717: 15703: 15682: 15564: 15550: 15523: 15372: 15358: 15348: 15338: 15057: 15043: 15023: 14869: 14855: 14835: 14760: 14646: 14632: 14618: 14578: 14565: 14075: 14061: 14041: 13881: 13867: 13846: 13620: 13606: 13444: 12966: 12937: 12893: 12879: 12834: 12809: 12772: 12744: 12711: 12677: 12649: 12603: 12594: 12556: 12526: 12508: 12480: 12465: 12442: 11962: 11948: 11931: 11912: 11898: 11574: 11560: 11529: 11521: 11511: 11187: 11173: 11146: 11094: 11079: 11060: 11045: 10582: 10487: 10473: 10446: 10432: 9974: 9943: 9924: 9899: 9607: 9570: 9556: 9522: 9486: 9471: 9443: 9293: 9201: 9187: 9141: 9128: 9110: 9077:(Silver Springs, MD: Evil Hat Productions LLC, 2014) and Shannon Appelcline, 8287: 8273: 8249: 8109: 7841: 7827: 7800: 7764: 7749: 7703: 7689: 6940: 6926: 6892: 6847: 6832: 6799: 6721: 6450: 6436: 6390: 6376: 6315: 6022: 6008: 5971: 5660: 5646: 5622: 5324: 5310: 5290: 5062: 5048: 5024: 4996: 4374: 4360: 4336: 4127: 4113: 4092: 3829: 3815: 3784: 3756: 3741: 3721: 3570: 3556: 3548:
is a Swedish designer and illustrator of role-playing games since the 1990s:
3519: 3514:
Oh nice, we're really on a roll. :) Thank you, I will work on this one soon!
2972: 2958: 2937: 2522: 2492: 2462: 2432: 2368: 2335: 2305: 2273: 2260: 2239: 1860: 1846: 1825: 1728: 1664: 1650: 1632: 1317:
High Score! Expanded: The Illustrated History of Electronic Games 3rd Edition
1283: 921: 907: 625: 610: 595: 580: 565: 490: 200: 130: 19955:
If you have questions, please feel free to drop a message at the reviewer's
Since you have made at least 10 edits over more than four days, you can now
13180:), and thank you for reviewing the sources and reconsidering your position! 8202:
was the first to be published in a "thematic trilogy" of games, followed by
7278:"Game on: what happens to video startups that make millions on Kickstarter?" 7159:"Kickstarter community head quits, apologizes for controversial RPG project" 2805:"The most disturbing fireworks safety story you'll see ahead of July Fourth" 2331:"Dungeons & Dragons Adds Context For Third-Party Support On One D&D" 19751: 19742: 19665: 19656: 19451: 19142: 18718: 18661: 18334: 18258:
so I've also seen her last name given as Bonlieu-Vuarnet or simply Vuarnet.
18255: 17766: 17211: 17183: 17164: 17131: 17085: 17026: 17010: 16836: 16819: 16794: 16287: 14506: 14441: 13804: 13775: 13231: 13222: 12577: 12397: 12054: 11009: 10794: 10644: 10559: 10518: 9635:
Beyond Role and Play: Tools, Toys and Theory for Harnessing the Imagination
9255: 9079:
Designers & Dragons: A History of the Roleplaying Game Industry '00-'09
Designers & Dragons: A History of the Roleplaying Game Industry '90-'99
8946: 8833: 8792: 8739: 8701: 8653: 8604: 8567: 8131: 8126:
space opera future dominated by the psions, humans bom with mental powers."
7443: 7348: 7282: 7223: 7118: 7050: 6226: 6084: 5813: 4179: 3656: 3629: 3483: 3347: 3317: 3287: 3257: 3239: 3189: 3159: 3071: 3036: 2750: 1454: 1412: 1340: 1156: 725: 720: 690: 650: 605: 570: 560: 455: 440: 385: 270: 15837:
from SDJ Enterprises by designer Steven D. Jones was reviewed in CGW #96:
13529: 19455: 19238: 19220: 18872: 18863: 18013: 17752: 16493: 14195: 14165: 14135: 12206: 12176: 12146: 12116: 11850:
Michael Price, cover by Jim Holloway, illos by Tim Truman and Jeff Easley
11784: 11550: 10984: 10963: 10704: 9542: 8439:
Agential Fantasy: A Copenhagen Approach to the Tabletop Role-Playing Game
7193: 6426: 3434: 3134: 2862: 2754: 2611: 2581: 2551: 1754:"People on the Move: Maestro Media Promotes One and Adds Three Designers" 685: 575: 555: 545: 535: 430: 405: 325: 235: 230: 175: 120: 115: 85: 18937:
I have sent you a note about a page you started (The Chinese in America)
without posting a request. However, you may continue submitting work to
17425: 17405:
Hi Cunard, I thought that I would notify you that you've been mentioned
OK, thanks! :) I will take a look at those sometime in the coming week.
is a gamepack from Genus Microprogramming that was reviewed in CGW #95:
Net Games: Your Guide to the Games People Play on the Electronic Highway
Net Games: Your Guide to the Games People Play on the Electronic Highway
14004: 13732: 11278:"Inside This Mysterious White Box Contains the Makings of Your Own Game" 8998:
Protecting Games: A Security Handbook for Game Developers and Publishers
I cannot determine whether this article is about the same person as the
proper, Mike Mason and Paul Fricker did interesting work at the helm of
870: 35: 19992: 19878: 19787: 19327: 19319: 19180: 18151: 17664:
Template:Did you know nominations/Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse
17081: 13356: 13116: 12722: 12077: 11366: 7073: 7027:
Superfandom: How Our Obsessions are Changing What We Buy and Who We Are
I'm glad to be getting this work done, and grateful for all your help!
4033:"Want to know you can land a job after graduation? Try massage therapy" 2831:"Docs use part of man's leg to rebuild his face after fireworks injury" 2062: 868: 215: 17067: 15208:) wants to change all that, however, and has trained his new slugger, 12413:
series of extremely complex simulations of counterinsurgency warfare."
11690:"Metro Phoenix Artists Face Economic Uncertainty Amid COVID-19 Crisis" 11250:"The White Box co-creators on making game design accessible to anyone" 10871:"The HSE is accused of over-the-top action on company's safety record" 8810:
Eurogames: The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games
inviting gamers to add as much depth to their character as they like."
6425:, particularly Vampire: The Masquerade, and an early 2000s edition of 3626:"Congratulations to all of the 2019 ENNIE Award Nominees and Winners!" 3283:"Game review: Near and Far is storytelling board gaming at its finest" 2932:
Oh wow, that's a lot! Thanks, I will get to work on that one soon. :)
1019:"Arnold Hendrick, creator of influential '90s RPG Darklands, has died" 19928:
it requires a good understanding of Knowledge policies and guidelines
19474: 19331: 18789: 18672:
Template:Did you know nominations/The Penguin History of Modern China
OK, thanks for checking. I think this one is safe for now anyway. :)
16056:"A Syrian Offense. Simulation Canada's Main Battle Tank: Middle East" 14674:"In Games, No One Can Hear You Scream. MicroIllusions' Discovery 2.0" 14293: 13857: 13601:
So, if you see anything else, maybe we can get this one restored. :)
13410: 13081: 12976: 12629: 9665: 9546: 9236: 8851: 8773: 8585: 8548: 7993: 7413: 5786: 4888: 4884:"Anand Gandhi announces new board game Azadi, designed by Zain Memon" 4829: 4800: 4621:"Bored millennials get hooked to Shasn, the newest modern board game" 4406: 4197: 2719:"PragerU's 'Propaganda' Videos Infiltrate Another State's Classrooms" 2607:"Review: 'Daddy Long Legs' a heart-touching tale of love and letters" 2122: 2092: 1435: 1358: 1321: 1275: 1053: 520: 515: 505: 410: 315: 295: 19807: 19722: 19636: 19551: 19253:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Swissôtel Amsterdam (2nd nomination)
19106: 19016: 18843: 18755: 18625: 18144: 17817: 17627: 17522: 16723: 16591:
Games: American Boxed Games and Their Makers, 1822–1992, with values
from Better Games by designer Robert Kraus was reviewed in CGW #91:
13376: 13287: 13202: 13047: 11459:"Speak Up, Speak Out and Be Heard: How to Protest and Make It Count" 7308:"Secret Hitler, a Game That Simulates Fascism's Rise, Becomes a Hit" 7212:
announced The Perfect RPG on February 27th via a Twitter thread ..."
comic (see “New ‘Mouse Guard’ RPG” and “ ‘Mouse Guard’ Board Game”)"
What Do I Read Next? 2004: A Reader's Guide to Current Genre Fiction
3097:"This Utah board game company crowdfunded $ 2M+ for its newest game" 2636:"Victim Speaks Out After Fireworks Explosion Destroys Half His Face" 19942:
If you would like to join the project and help out, please see the
19483: 19438: 19373: 19146: 18957:
Beautifully constructed and written article. How come you are not
18788:, the performers scale a tree that is 50 feet (15 m) tall and then 18713:
Regarding this article, I think it is an exceptional candidate for
18444: 17978:
If you would like to help us improve this process, please consider
17551: 17542: 17384: 17352: 17337: 16854: 16758: 16702: 16381: 16364: 16354:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Power Rangers Collectible Card Game
16331: 16313: 16266: 16221: 16206: 16180: 16166: 16024: 16010: 15983: 15857: 15843: 15820: 15713: 15699: 15692: 15678: 15560: 15546: 15519: 15368: 15354: 15334: 15053: 15039: 15019: 14865: 14851: 14831: 14642: 14628: 14574: 14561: 14071: 14057: 14037: 13877: 13863: 13842: 13616: 13602: 12962: 12933: 12889: 12875: 12830: 12805: 12768: 12740: 12707: 12673: 12645: 12599: 12552: 12522: 12504: 12476: 12461: 12438: 12020:"Should Board Gamers Play the Roles of Racists, Slavers and Nazis?" 11958: 11944: 11908: 11894: 11570: 11556: 11525: 11507: 11183: 11169: 11142: 11090: 11075: 11056: 11041: 10483: 10469: 10442: 10428: 9970: 9939: 9920: 9895: 9566: 9552: 9518: 9517:
OK, thanks! :) I can at least add a little to the draft with that.
9482: 9467: 9439: 9197: 9183: 9137: 9124: 9106: 8880:
Dread Trident: Tabletop Role-Playing Games and the Modern Fantastic
Strictly Fantasy: The Cultural Roots of Tabletop Role-Playing Games
8283: 8269: 8245: 7837: 7823: 7796: 7760: 7745: 7699: 7685: 6936: 6922: 6888: 6843: 6828: 6795: 6446: 6432: 6386: 6372: 6018: 6004: 5967: 5656: 5642: 5618: 5499:"Incumbents, Christie Wood win seats on Coeur d'Alene City Council" 5320: 5306: 5286: 5058: 5044: 5020: 5005:
Thank you for the kind words and for the great work on the drafts!
4992: 4370: 4356: 4332: 4123: 4109: 4088: 3825: 3811: 3780: 3752: 3737: 3717: 3566: 3552: 3515: 2968: 2954: 2933: 2891: 2834: 2269: 2256: 2235: 2006: 1856: 1842: 1821: 1660: 1646: 1628: 1023: 990: 917: 903: 866: 670: 635: 465: 220: 185: 160: 18008: 14341:"Connecting With the Galactic Network: Stellar Conquest on Delphi" 13781:
The Complete Wargames Handbook: How to Play, Design, and Find Them
13469: 13320:
competed in eight events, the most of any participant, during the
11362:"The Weird and the Wonderful: odds and ends from around the world" 10846:
Review of European Community & International Environmental Law
looked at regulatory penalties to ensure they were proportionate."
Hicks, Roderick (1985-12-08). "Murder a part of the game?" (pages
The Role-Playing Society: Essays on the Cultural Influence of RPGs
The Role-Playing Society: Essays on the Cultural Influence of RPGs
5868:"TTG's Top Board Games of 2016: Call of Cthulhu editor Mike Mason" 3945:"In Franklin Park, 2020 will bring quiet zone, school renovations" 1677:
yet as there is mostly interview or other non-independent content:
17922:, which you submitted to Articles for creation, has been created. 12633: 11602:"Math & art: The enigmatic creations of Michael Pierre Price" 11281: 11218: 7489:
Gaming Representation: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Video Games
6080:"Newton's Gene Mackles creates Iota, a little game that wins big" 5753:
Bowser, Chad; Newton, Andi; Holloway, James; Mason, Mike (2020).
4005:"Captured at Capricon: Stories of the Restoration by k.m. Herkes" 3460:
Digitalizing the Global Text: Philosophy, Literature, and Culture
3375: 3185:"Board game Bridge Troll presents old story from new perspective" 2808: 2667: 2639: 2151: 2032: 1673:). The sources I found indicate that Javon Frazier does not pass 450: 380: 63: 19294:
Thank you for letting me know about this AfD. I've commented at
Significant coverage coverage in English-language newspapers in
15212:, to exploit this gap and take advantage of the Windows format." 15200:
The article notes: "Veterdan designer Jim Trunzo (Avalon Hill's
Oh, one more - this one isn't actually a draft, but the AFD for
The subject's books are mentioned on several pages of this book.
who was an old school RPG designer largely on TSR games such as
9231:. In McFarlane, Anna; Murphy, Graham J.; Schmeink, Lars (eds.). 7626:"Video game funding on Kickstarter is at its highest since 2015" 5918:
Cthulhu BRP basics, then I swear off all faith in human nature."
3765:). I was unable to find coverage in reliable sources about him. 2488:"Oklahomans on Obamacare share how its repeal would affect them" 19447: 19335: 18796:
Template:Did you know nominations/Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show
15381:). I don't think there is enough yet for Stellar Agent to meet 9852: 9823: 9794: 9765: 9736: 9707: 9500: 9408: 9384: 9354: 9324: 8218: 7653: 6866: 6752: 5922: 5899: 4737:"India plays: Time to realise domestic potential of boardgames" 4402:"TTTI International Storytelling Festival: a mosaic of moments" 3602: 2208: 2181: 1956: 645: 18062:
For your awesome research at AfD, I cannot thank you enough.
secured a license to feature characters from the manga series
15745:"How Do They Do That? A Look at Genus GX Games—Inside and Out" 13948:"Stars in My Pocket. Spacewar Simulations Company's Star-King" 10700:"Newsletter: Campaign seeks agency to protect the environment" 9454:
User:Newimpartial/Jonathan Woodward (role-playing game writer)
Slaying the Dragon: A Secret History of Dungeons & Dragons
3975:"Captured at Capricon: The Lucky Devil Series by Megan Mackie" 871: 18961:(for which you are unambiguously at the standard of). thanks. 18301:
returns numerous results. There are also numerous results in
16752: 16743: 16643:: "Also, quiz programs have proved particularly durable, and 13474: 12981: 9457: 8513:"iPhone in action; introduction to Web and SDK development". 7735: 7219:"#1reasonwhy: the hashtag that exposed games industry sexism" 5633:
chance to finish their own work, if they want to, after all.
5156: 4918: 4350: 3313:"Playmakers — Nothing beats fun of old-fashioned board games" 2398:""No AI was used" in new Player's Handbook art, Wizards says" 665: 340: 15677:
Cool, thanks! :) I will work with those in the near future.
by developer Sylvan Technical Arts was reviewed in CGW #88:
Ince, Martin (1992-03-20). "Digging dirt in the back yard".
has inspired plenty of other RPG makers. Pagan Publishing's
3886:"Pop! Con: Franklin Park library embraces pop culture event" 2691:"Community Rallies Behind Oklahoma Man Injured by Fireworks" 17912: 16667:
have all been popular games as well as long-running shows."
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Pokéthulhu (2nd nomination)
start almost all of them so I'm super happy about that. :)
Oh wow, great work! :) I'll get to work on this one today.
The PhD thesis notes in a footnote on page 66: "Peterson’s
8206:(1999 WW) designed by Justin Achilli and Andrew Bates, and 7068: 3343:"I'll be home for Christmas (playing these 16 board games)" 1758: 19850:
Template:Did you know nominations/Fantasy (Las Vegas show)
18371:"Love born on mountain tops perished in 'the pit of hell'" 18105:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Tibet Airlines Flight 9833
17305:). I will not have time to work on the article. I checked 16429:. For Contested Ground Studios, I found a passing mention 16400:
Knowledge:Arbitration/Requests/Clarification and Amendment
Nice, thank you! :) I will try to work on this one today.
from DOS Game Zone, but it might not be a reliable source.
but these are self-published sources or passing mentions.
10163:(yeah, YOU) can write things and send them in, can't you?" 8971:. Newport, Rhode Island: Naval War College Press. p. 126. 8337:
The article notes: "Shannon Appelcline’s four-book series
The article notes: "Designed by Andrew Bates, Ken Cliffe.
7486:. In Malkowski, Jennifer; Russworm, Treaandrea M. (eds.). 3253:"Do you have what it takes to invent the next 'Monopoly'?" 30: 29: 19466:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Oasis (British TV series)
18881: 17956:
If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask at the
14161:"Two Views of the Future: Stellar Conquest and Starforce" 13579:
years ago I started going through the reviews section of
detatchable legs—these are removed as the shark attacks!"
iPhone in action; introduction to Web and SDK development
7630: 7565:
women's roller derby team, or barking up the wrong tree."
7001: 5752: 4859: 4651:"Forget Ludo: Boardgames are tackling power and politics" 1423:
to become a trader or pirate with different allegiances."
Template:Did you know nominations/The Chinese in America
For another help with newspapers query. I am working on
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Contested Ground Studios
OK, nice, I can probably make something out of that. :)
14437:"Science-fiction games are fun, but don't plan to hurry" 12960: 12503:
Absolutely, couldn't have done it without your help. :)
Meehan, Alex; Carter, Chase; Jarvis, Matt (2022-06-28).
Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-playing Games
11660:"Here's Your Guide to September First Friday in Phoenix" 11541:
Ok and the last of these miscellaneous ones for now. :)
Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-playing Games
The PhD thesis notes: "Shannon Appelcline’s four-volume
8315:"Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Tabletop RPGs" 5352:"Eight candidates seek three seats on Cd'A City Council" 2664:"Firework explosion leaves man disfigured and in a coma" 2428:"Wizards of the Coast Grapples With Growing AI Distrust" 19926:
Reviewing/patrolling a page doesn't take much time but
for "Edith Bonlieu" and "Edith Vuarnet" return results.
The article discusses Edith Bonlieu in many paragraphs.
sports scenario enacted through a computer simulation."
15119:"Blow by Blow with TKO. Lance Haffner's TKO Pro Boxing" 9150:), great work on the draft, and I'm looking forward to 8618:(Peterson, 2012) and Shannon Appelcline's multi-volume 8170:
games), appears in November. Designed by Andrew Bates,
disposable income willing to support these designers.”"
6998:"Luke Crane Provides Advice For Building RPG Scenarios" 6623:(2004) — based on the DC/ Wildstorm comic series — and 3732:
Draft:Martin Knight (author, games designer, publisher)
Oh, nice, thanks! :) I'll get to work on that soon. :)
1724:"The Binding Of Isaac Card Game Will Get A New Edition" 19296:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Dooby Duck's Disco Bus
Template:Did you know nominations/The Days of '98 Show
And the last one of these, for now at the very least!
For your constant addition of sources to TV articles.
toys and games before embarking on his artistic path."
I definitely got some good use from these, thank you!
egregious harassment heaped on women in the industry."
Got it, thanks! I'll see what I can do with these. :)
Arnaudo, Marco (2018). Kapell, Matthew Wilhelm (ed.).
18519:. I searched for various combinations of his name in 15889:"Wargaming's Tiny Titan: Big Three Keeps WWII Simple" 15112:
commentary of the fight. Recommended for fight fans."
Nice, thanks! I'll get to work on this one today. :)
Maloni, Kelly; Baker, Derek; Wice, Nathaniel (1994).
14221:"Stellar Empire: Empire-Building in Stellar Conquest" 13413:
with their ability to be open about their identities?
9597:"Gurps Transhuman Space: un jeu bien "singulier" ..." 8924:
War Games: Memory, Militarism and the Subject of Play
6697: 6500:"Then and Back Again: Updating Visions of the Future" 3528:
Thank you for expanding and sourcing these articles!
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
18099:! Thank you for searching for sources for topics at 17858:
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serves "Chicken Volcano", a dish containing whiskey?
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Significant coverage in Polish-language newspapers:
in a search for "Jerzy Jelinski", but no matches in
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The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
The nomination discussion and review may be seen at
Michael Price and Garry Spiegle, art by Jim Holloway
10730:"Burden eased on business as rogue traders targeted" 10670:"Watchdogs told to clean up their act on regulation" 10427:
Oh nice, thank you! That's more than I expected. :)
8210:(2001 WW) designed by Andrew Bates and Bruce Baugh." 7738:, and is the author of the award-winning supplement 3799:
is a fantasy author who also has RPG credits on the
736: 18544:
Knowledge talk:Noticeboard for India-related topics
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Grand Hyatt Beijing
17710:If you do any more Thai hotels can you add them to 15819:Cool, thanks! :) I'll see what I can do with that. 13328:
Template:Did you know nominations/Jin Hao (swimmer)
12704:also he also co-designed the party game Unrivaled: 11971:). Here are some sources I found about the subject: 11583:). Here are some sources I found about the subject: 11520:I think I will also be able to start an article on 9894:OK thanks, I will see what I can do with those. :) 8578:Zagal, José P.; Deterding, Sebastian, eds. (2008). 7023: 6050:"Award-winning graphic designer now a game creator" 4735:Lakshmanan, Remya; Aggarwal, Aarushi (2021-01-10). 4087:OK great, thanks! I will work on this one soon. :) 19511:Excellent info, thanks! I will keep this on hand. 19153:Template:Did you know nominations/The Strip (book) 17314:and accuracy issues the DYK reviewer pointed out. 16936:Passing mentions and less significant coverage in 15540:by designer R.C. Randall was reviewed in CGW #94: 14897:"The Empire Strikes Fast: jSoft's Second Conflict" 14036:OK thanks, I will see what I can do with that. :) 12628:Definitely. :) As far as other games articles go, 12169: 11868:316-404.1/900-83. 32 pp., outer folder. TSR, 1983. 11856:316-402.1/900-82. 32 pp., outer folder. TSR, 1982. 10587: 7795:OK thanks, I will see what I can do with that. :) 6550:The article discusses two games from Bruce Baugh: 5759:(in Portuguese) (7 ed.). New Order Editora. p. 270 5099: 4734: 4193:Tabletop Game Accessibility: Meeple Centred Design 19251:), for your kind words about my contributions at 19055:, mailed their laundry to Hong Kong for cleaning? 18965:To reply, leave a comment here and begin it with 18556:Knowledge:Notability#General notability guideline 18095:), for your kind words about my contributions at 17248:), thank you for the kind words about my work at 17146:To reply, leave a comment here and begin it with 17118:I have sent you a note about a page you started ( 16874:for "Jerzy Jeliński". The sources: 15924:will be a welcome installation to my hard drive." 15426:The review notes: "However, unpolished as it is, 15383:Knowledge:Notability#General notability guideline 14599:Knowledge:Notability#General notability guideline 14285: 13652:article. Here are some sources about the subject: 13641:Knowledge:Notability#General notability guideline 13417:Template:Did you know nominations/Calypso Cabaret 12082:"Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews C. Thi Nguyen" 10901:"Law-breaking companies face 'community service'" 10760:"Rogue businesses could face unlimited new fines" 9438:OK thanks, I'll see what I can do with those. :) 8581:Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations 6621:The Authority Role-Playing Game and Resource Book 3857:"Celebrate fall at Clarendon Hills, Berwyn fests" 2888:"3 On Your Side: Fireworks Accidents On The Rise" 2255:but may be better known for his YouTube channel. 1381: 1170:, which included "entish treemen" and "balrons."" 18994:additional work to the new page patrol process. 15333:Oh nice, thanks! :) I'll check these out today. 13856:I will keep the rest of these short and simple. 8244:Nice, thanks! :) I will work on this one today. 7867:Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Adamus, John (ed.). 6794:Nice, thanks! :) I will work on this one today. 6632:Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Adamus, John (ed.). 6563:Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Adamus, John (ed.). 6109:"Oil paintings at First Parish Church in Weston" 5686:Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Adamus, John (ed.). 2301:"Fireworks accident changes Oklahoma man's life" 2118:"14 One-Page Tabletop RPGs Everyone Should Play" 1530:Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Adamus, John (ed.). 1238:"Game Influencer: The Career of Arnold Hendrick" 1222:: "Two games that came out soon after that were 19591:Template:Did you know nominations/Robert Aiello 19051:documents how people in California, during the 18150:(which, ironically, is an essay). More eyes on 16861:returns results but they are all snippet views. 15982:Nice, thanks! :) I will work on that one soon. 14498: 13629:). Creating articles for the games reviewed by 12765:and a couple of board game illustrations here: 12345:"Oath: Chronicles of Empire & Exile Review" 9692:The article notes that Jon F. Zeigler designed 9632:Montola, Markus; Stenros, Jaakko, eds. (2004). 7481: 7409:The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Feminism 6812:is best known as one of the main designers for 5212:"EXIT The Game: The Gate Between Worlds Review" 4793: 4584:"How game developers are getting fund projects" 3677:He is listed in the credits or acknowledgments 3372:"Gen Con 2015 Program Book: Discover Adventure" 19759:Template:Did you know nominations/Feastogether 19677:Template:Did you know nominations/Lorena Peril 18562:and should be either deleted or redirected to 18293:). Thank you for your work on these articles! 14375:"Stellar Conquest: Examining Movement Tactics" 14251:"The Tactics of Diplomacy in Stellar Conquest" 14189:Weir, Jr., Frank W. (November–December 1979). 13403:... that the performers in the Thai drag show 13239:Template:Did you know nominations/Siam Niramit 12232:"Groping in the Dark: Intimacy in Nyctophobia" 11506:Nice, thanks! :) I'll work on this one today. 11161:is a board game designer who won an award for 10697: 9790:"Review of GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars" 9631: 9350:"Review of Monsters and Other Childish Things" 9037:. In Byers, Andrew; Crocco, Francesco (eds.). 8577: 7949: 7734:is known for his work on many supplements for 7574:. In Byers, Andrew; Crocco, Francesco (eds.). 7482:deWinter, Jennifer; Kocurek, Carly A. (2017). 6409:is the first one up. He began his career with 6309:Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers 3276:of other games published by Rio Grande Games." 2950:has been an illustrator for many board games: 1382:Elmenreich, Wilfried; Gabriel, Martin (2019). 1263: 19914:Hello Cunard, we need experienced volunteers! 18896:Template:Did you know nominations/Drew Thomas 18146:) but some deletionists are dismissing it as 17621:DYK for Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse 17250:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Alpine Pearls 17134:, while examining this page as a part of our 16083: 15589: 15464: 15404:"Back to Basics: Better Games' Stellar Agent" 15082: 14964: 13975: 13703: 13146:Knowledge:Articles for deletion/Adrian Stoica 13130:Some baklava for you! (from IgnatiusofLondon) 11750:"Insight: Algorithmic art in the digital age" 10698:Sherriff, Richard; McGinn, Dan (2006-06-09). 7024:Fraade-Blanar, Zoe; Glazer, Aaron M. (2017). 6737:The book has an entry for Bruce Baugh's book 5756:Cthulhu Idade das Trevas – Chamado de Cthulhu 5285:Not bad, I will take a look this morning. :) 1460:The book notes: "Other notable games are ... 1049:"Obituary: Darklands creator Arnold Hendrick" 19472:, I was able to find a television review in 18101:Knowledge:WikiProject Deletion sorting/China 15870:). Here are some sources about the subject: 13896:articles and a few sentences of coverage in 11743:Gallery hours are currently by appointment." 10088:) on 2024-04-20. Retrieved 2024-04-20 – via 10055:) on 2024-04-20. Retrieved 2024-04-20 – via 9812:The review lists the subject as a co-author. 9623:The article notes that Jon F. Zeigler wrote 9603:(in French). No. 43. March–May 2003. p. 17. 9402:The review lists the subject as a co-author. 9377: 9233:The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture 8964: 8922:. In Hammond, Phil; Pötzsch, Holger (eds.). 6905:User:Newimpartial/Luke Crane (game designer) 6239:"Photos: Painters drawn to South Natick dam" 5120:"Exit Games als Standbein der Spielebranche" 4494:"This new board game lets you play politics" 4249:) about her unique approach to board games." 1751: 1675:Knowledge:Notability (people)#Basic criteria 1392:. Hamburg: Edition Donau-Universität Krems. 416:Technology Education and Literacy in Schools 246:Hungry: A Mother and Daughter Fight Anorexia 18619:DYK for The Penguin History of Modern China 17274:Template:Did you know nominations/Zhuan Zhu 17196:)! Best wishes to you and your family too! 16326:Oh! I had forgotten, there is one more. :) 16090:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 253. 16037:). Here are some sources about the subject: 15726:). Here are some sources about the subject: 15573:). Here are some sources about the subject: 15089:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 230. 15066:). Here are some sources about the subject: 14971:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 230. 14878:). Here are some sources about the subject: 14704:), the game might be worthwhile. As it is, 14655:). Here are some sources about the subject: 14084:). Here are some sources about the subject: 13982:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 234. 13710:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 242. 13676:"Cruisers, Convoys and the Cost of Command" 13324:, causing him to lose 4 kilograms (8.8 lb)? 12142:"Game of the Year 2019: Matt Jarvis' Top 5" 12076: 12047: 11632:"Artist of the Month: Michael Pierre Price" 11456: 11247: 11196:). Here are some sources about the subject: 10974: 10496:). Here are some sources about the subject: 9983:). Here are some sources about the subject: 9729: 9579:). Here are some sources about the subject: 9210:). Here are some sources about the subject: 8674: 8481:The PhD thesis notes on pages 164–165: "In 7850:). Here are some sources about the subject: 7657:has numerous reviews of Luke Crane's games 7406:. In Oren, Tasha; Press, Andrea L. (eds.). 7091: 6949:). Here are some sources about the subject: 6459:). Here are some sources about the subject: 6131:Kylstra, Carolyn (September–October 2015). 6031:). Here are some sources about the subject: 5333:). Here are some sources about the subject: 5071:). Here are some sources about the subject: 4383:). Here are some sources about the subject: 4136:). Here are some sources about the subject: 3838:). Here are some sources about the subject: 2981:). Here are some sources about the subject: 2661: 2282:), here are some sources about the subject: 1869:). Here are some sources about the subject: 930:). Here are some sources about the subject: 899:and quite a few video game credits as well: 19275:If you have any additional information on 18717:status. I encourage you to nominate it! ~ 17574:Template:Did you know nominations/One Chun 17454: 17150:. Please remember to sign your reply with 17126:Hello, Cunard. Thank you for your work on 16425:. I did not find significant coverage for 16205:Thanks again for your help with these! :) 15596:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 51. 15471:. Wilmslow, Cheshire: Sigma Press. p. 51. 15385:. Here are some sources about the subject: 14671: 14597:are sufficient for the video game to meet 14338: 14286:Flanagan, Mary; Jakobsson, Mikael (2023). 13900:. Here are some sources about the subject: 13088:Template:Did you know nominations/Hatakabb 9917:, Top Secret, Viking Gods, and Boot Hill: 9870:The review lists the subject as an author. 9841:The review lists the subject as an author. 9783:The review lists the subject as an author. 9754:The review lists the subject as an author. 9725:The review lists the subject as an author. 9464:, and several books for Trinity and more: 9313:The review lists the subject as an author. 8917: 7866: 6631: 6562: 6268:"Three finalists named for RMHS principal" 5892: 5842:(1997) is a novel take, mixing modern-day 5685: 5411:"Attention, voters: Full slate for Nov. 5" 4941: 4618: 3340: 3216:A Dictionary for the Modern Trumpet Player 2574: 2174: 1949: 1529: 1264:Barton, Matt; Hendrick, Arnold J. (2020). 1215:(Ral Partha, 1980) by Arnold Hendrick ..." 981:"Darklands—Microprose's Rollenspiel Debüt" 351:Santa's Village (Jefferson, New Hampshire) 19824:was updated with a fact from the article 19739:was updated with a fact from the article 19653:was updated with a fact from the article 19568:was updated with a fact from the article 19123:was updated with a fact from the article 19033:was updated with a fact from the article 18860:was updated with a fact from the article 18772:was updated with a fact from the article 18642:was updated with a fact from the article 18329:, which cover Bonlieu on multiple pages. 17834:was updated with a fact from the article 17644:was updated with a fact from the article 17539:was updated with a fact from the article 17486:It's been five years! Thank you so much, 16740:was updated with a fact from the article 16587: 16485: 16451:The Playboy Winner's Guide to Board Games 14848:from jSOFT was also reviewed in CGW #88: 14188: 13589:Action in the North Atlantic (video game) 13521:A barnstar for you! (from TenPoundHammer) 13393:was updated with a fact from the article 13304:was updated with a fact from the article 13219:was updated with a fact from the article 13064:was updated with a fact from the article 12257: 11859:GW3, The Cleansing War of Garik Blackhand 11457:Huston, Peter (Fall 2003 – Winter 2004). 10787: 10667: 10286: 9541:line such as "Interstellar Wars" and for 9317: 9277: 8876: 8446:. pp. 66, 88, 99, 164–166. Archived from 8073:(in Portuguese). No. 60. March 2000. p. 4 7371: 7064:"Luke Crane's 'Burning Wheel Gold Codex'" 6556:Darkness Revealed: Passage Through Shadow 5888:The article includes an author biography. 5181: 4491: 3280: 3152: 2604: 2115: 1394:University for Continuing Education Krems 376:To Whom It May Concern: Ka Shen's Journey 18585:, presumably meaning commander, next to 18368: 17942:to see how you can improve the article. 15928: 15253: 14468: 13774: 12902:). I found more non-independent sources 12636:were recently PRODed by one user, while 12406:Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right 11747: 11629: 11389: 10177:. Vol. 1, no. 3. Winter 1981–1982. p. 22 9848:"Review of Transhuman Space: Fifth Wave" 9819:"Review of GURPS Traveller: Rim of Fire" 9787: 9273:(2008) would acknowledge its influence." 8843: 8712: 8312: 8162:, White Wolf's new SF RPG (unrelated to 8034:(in Portuguese). No. 52. July 1999. p. 2 7454: 7401: 7305: 7216: 7061: 6745: 6536:. Vol. 23, no. 2 #249. July 1998. p. 119 6047: 5437: 5379: 5349: 5240:"Hervorragende Leistungen Ausgezeichnet" 5237: 5173:The article lists Ralph Querfurth under 4852: 4794:Balasubramanian, Malavika (2019-07-12). 4581: 3854: 2544: 2485: 2455: 2298: 1478:(in German). October 1998. pp. 81–83, 87 1427: 1351: 1075: 946: 19525:That's great. I'm glad this is useful! 18156:2A04:4A43:8C3F:F82C:D8E2:E501:7C4C:59EC 16766:Template:Did you know nominations/DeeDo 16444: 16234:). I was able to find coverage in only 15911:The review notes: "On the whole, then, 15742: 15175: 15116: 14158: 13945: 13890:). I found significant coverage in two 13744: 12315:Eggett, Christopher John (2022-03-04). 12288:Eggett, Christopher John (2021-05-13). 11717: 11687: 11657: 11599: 11303: 10843: 10757: 10727: 10637: 10137: 10103: 9123:(finally!) sometime during the day. :) 8765: 8386:There is an article about this book at 7911: 7698:All done, what a wild ride he went on! 7334: 6130: 6077: 5932:The subject is listed as a contributor 5846:with a sort of paramilitary version of 5778: 5209: 5128:(in German). 2023-04-14. Archived from 4521: 4399: 4253: 3942: 3912: 3883: 3551:and co-founded the publisher Helmgast. 3212: 3094: 2885: 2395: 2328: 2085: 1979: 1919: 1721: 1694:Eggett, Christopher John (2022-02-17). 1313: 1235: 1113: 1046: 19149:near the pool while visiting a casino? 18941:Hi Cunard. Thank you for your work on 16417:, I found a few sentences of coverage 16053: 16004:in 1991 was also reviewed in CGW #96: 15886: 15623: 15283: 14894: 14712: 14372: 14363:The review notes: "While not perfect, 14248: 14128: 13166:Thank you so much for the kind words, 12757:Draft:Giorgio De Michele (aka Erebus). 12370: 12314: 12287: 12229: 12199: 12139: 12109: 12017: 11987: 11807: 11777: 10995: 10196: 9999: 9845: 9816: 9700: 9460:books such as the GURPS adaptation of 9226: 9032: 8540: 8435: 8402:Munise, Benjamin Joseph (2023-05-24). 8401: 8350: 8130: 7569: 7275: 7186: 7152:arts, design and technology projects." 6995: 6965: 6669: 6607:: "Garcia liked the idea, but his own 6505:The New York Review of Science Fiction 6334:Education Resources Information Center 6236: 6153:The article notes: "Gene Mackles '68. 5723: 5554: 5408: 5149:"Exit the Game: The Mysterious Museum" 4911: 4002: 3972: 3456: 3427: 3397: 3310: 3250: 3182: 2855: 2716: 2425: 2361: 2211:lists reviews of Grant Howitt's games. 2144: 2025: 1885: 1693: 1271:Historia Ludens: The Playing Historian 1079:The Magic of Interactive Entertainment 18749:DYK for Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show 18528:Nawab Mir Khudrath Nawaz Jung Bahadur 18481:Nawab Mir Khudrath Nawaz Jung Bahadur 17744:A barnstar for you! (from Polygnotus) 17674:Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse 17648:Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse 17182:Thank you for reviewing the article, 17128:Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse 17120:Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse 17011:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 16820:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 16553: 16409:, I found a few sentence of coverage 16202:Mobygames has a little bit of info: 16084:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 15590:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 15465:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 15401: 15218:"Tyson TKOs Mathis ... in cyberspace" 15083:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 14965:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 14715:"New products & other neat stuff" 14713:Duarte, Timothy, ed. (October 1991). 14100: 13976:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 13704:Matthews, Robin; Rigby, Paul (1992). 12844:I found some non-independent sources 12739:OK, thank you again for checking. :) 12672:I will have a look today, thank you! 12342: 12290:"Oath: An Interview with Cole Wehrle" 11419: 11275: 11212: 10949: 10932:The Times Higher Education Supplement 10898: 10868: 10820:Baker & Taylor Author Biographies 10607: 10575: 10256: 9732:"Review of GURPS Traveller: First In" 9703:"Review of GURPS Traveller: First In" 9073:The book notes: "Shannon Appelcline, 8994: 8806: 8626: 8313:Williams, Matthew Ryan (2019-07-13). 8096: 7732:User:Newimpartial/William H. Stoddard 7623: 7523: 7128: 6748:"Musings of a Would-Be Game Designer" 6497: 6295: 6265: 6199: 6161: 5496: 5244:Coburg University of Applied Sciences 4825:"Cinema that really takes you places" 4763: 4705: 4551: 4231:. No. 11. Summer 2023. Archived from 4189: 4152: 3122: 3064: 2997: 2802: 2772: 2662:VanTimmeren, Christine (2015-07-02). 2055: 1016: 676:Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse 19962:Cheers, and hope to see you around. 18530:says that he was an aide-de-camp of 18206:Thank you for your very kind words, 18041:A barnstar for you! (from Toadspike) 16523: 16007:Mobygames has a little bit of info: 15840:Mobygames has a little bit of info: 15543:Mobygames has a little bit of info: 15176:Coleman, Terry Lee (November 1995). 14434: 14218: 13597:And here is the one review I found: 13594:Mobygames has a little bit of info: 10928: 10080:. Archived from the original (pages 10047:. Archived from the original (pages 9758: 9664: 9347: 8260:User:Newimpartial/Shannon Appelcline 7992: 7484:"Aw Fuck, I Got a Bitch on My Team!" 7306:Bromwich, Jonah Engel (2017-09-05). 7156: 6298:"Learning mathematics through games" 5466: 5175:Exit the Game: The Mysterious Museum 5087: 4912:Sharma, Priyanka, ed. (2021-09-09). 4648: 4461: 4429: 2515: 2003: 1752:Dohm-Sanchez, Jeffrey (2023-02-09). 261:Automatic Complaint-Letter Generator 15: 19946:. You can apply for the user-right 18682:The Penguin History of Modern China 18664:, whose army moved to the beat of " 18656:The Penguin History of Modern China 18646:The Penguin History of Modern China 16427:Power Rangers Collectible Card Game 15256:"Sweetpea Wins in Computer Matchup" 14708:is only likely to make one scream." 14339:Wesolowski, Leah (September 1991). 13673: 13144:For your excellent contribution to 13074:... that the packaging of one Thai 12852:and a review of a game he designed 12697:The first one I want to look at is 10287:Leake III, George R. (March 1983). 8675:Schallegger, René Reinhold (2018). 8185:The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 7912:Puckett, Jeffrey Lee (2017-10-12). 7404:"Why we need feminist game studies" 6475: 4462:Bhot, Abhishek Mande (2019-07-24). 4190:Heron, Michael James Heron (2024). 4103:Draft:Bez Shahriari (Game Designer) 3620:The review lists him as a coauthor. 2575:Chancellor, Jennifer (2013-01-24). 2170:himself more like a ringleader ..." 1841:and has also done some journalism. 1236:Natsume, Christopher (2023-04-07). 1181:, Heritage published a game called 701:The Penguin History of Modern China 13: 19896: 19350:could do with additional sources. 17911: 17059:A barnstar for you! (from Bearian) 15929:Mitchell, Stuart (December 1992). 15774:"GX Games. Genus Microprogramming" 15650:Pacific Storm: The Midway Campaign 15534:Pacific Storm: The Midway Campaign 15117:Poulter, Wallace (December 1991). 14735:The review notes: "Discovery 2.0. 14672:Wesolowski, Leah (November 1991). 14469:Costello, Matthew J. (June 1986). 14249:Cooper, Edward C. (October 1977). 14191:"Expanding Your Stellar Conquests" 14101:Weuve, Christopher (Summer 1996). 13643:through coverage in the 1992 book 12932:Cool, I will put those to use. :) 12258:Percovich, Gianluca (2022-05-24). 11778:Barton, William A. (August 1981). 11304:Bushner, Anthony J (August 2020). 10858:10.1111/j.1467-9388.2006.00521_4.x 10663:leading the taskforce of lawyers." 9178:Monsters and Other Childish Things 8436:Bruner, Scott Michael (May 2023). 7455:Spearing, Graham (December 2009). 7245: 6305:The Australian Mathematics Teacher 5382:"Here's your Nov. 5 election menu" 5238:Bögelein, Margareta (2009-06-23). 4582:Banerjee, Chandrima (2020-08-11). 4400:Bhavani, Divya Kala (2018-04-12). 4258:. Games & Gaming Round Table. 4256:"UK Donor Spotlight! Stuff by Bez" 3465:University of South Carolina Press 2605:Watts Jr., James D. (2022-10-25). 2175:Appelcline, Shannon (2014-11-06). 1950:Appelcline, Shannon (2021-09-07). 1242:The Strong National Museum of Play 960:. Vol. 12, no. 1 #126. pp. 171–172 366:Rocky Mountain Bank v. Google Inc. 146:America's Incredible Pizza Company 126:Jock Wilson (British Army soldier) 14: 20052: 19209:The Tireless Contributor Barnstar 19194:A barnstar for you! (from gidonb) 18975:tool, on behalf of the reviewer.) 18513:an earlier version of the article 18056:The Tireless Contributor Barnstar 17987:Thanks again, and happy editing! 17930:The article has been assessed as 17856:shootout, startling the audience? 17160:tool, on behalf of the reviewer.) 16557:Game Show Mania: Catch The Craze! 15931:"La Grande Armee & Big Three" 14895:Cadman, Dana L. (November 1991). 14754:AC's Guide To The Commodore Amiga 12954:Draft:Serge Laget (game designer) 11248:Langsworthy, Billy (2017-06-06). 11103:). I found some passing mentions 10326:. No. 45. March–April 1987. p. 42 9730:Maliszewski, James (1999-06-22). 8965:Caffrey, Jr., Matthew B. (2019). 8444:University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee 8405:Roleplaying Games and Performance 8097:Baker, Eric T. (September 1999). 7869:Designers & Dragons: The '90s 6635:Designers & Dragons: The '00s 6566:Designers & Dragons: The '90s 5689:Designers & Dragons: The '70s 3943:Hindery, Rachel K. (2019-12-27). 3884:Hindery, Rachel K. (2017-09-18). 3595: 2116:Armstrong, Patrick (2021-12-22). 1533:Designers & Dragons: The '70s 281:National Survivors of Suicide Day 19806: 19801:DYK for Fantasy (Las Vegas show) 19721: 19635: 19550: 19201: 19105: 19015: 18953:and left the following comment: 18842: 18754: 18624: 18581:category, his title is given as 18048: 18007: 17816: 17751: 17626: 17521: 17066: 16722: 15402:Ardai, Charles (February 1992). 14479:. Vol. 10, no. 6 #105. pp. 22–23 13528: 13468: 13375: 13286: 13201: 13137: 13046: 12658:I've replied on the talk pages. 12048:St. Anthony, Neal (2020-02-23). 11390:Upchurch, Michael (2004-04-11). 11355:Speak Up, Speak Out and be Heard 9788:Dunwoody, Charlie (2006-07-07). 9638:. Helsinki: Ropecon ry. p. 172. 9535:User:Newimpartial/Jon F. Zeigler 9318:MacLennan, Darren (2012-12-03). 9278:Lafayette, Lev (December 2019). 9174:User:Newimpartial/Benjamin Baugh 8909:(2012) and Shannon Appelcline's 8483:The Science Fiction in Traveller 8221:reviews related to Andrew Bates. 7062:Niebling, William (2016-01-19). 6810:User:Newimpartial/Michael B. Lee 6528:"White Wolf Games. New for July" 6508:. Vol. 16, no. 9 #189. pp. 20–22 6421:, followed by many products for 5637:Draft:Mike Mason (game designer) 5182:Otterbein, Sandra (2023-01-12). 5090:"Der Mann hinter den Exit-Games" 4942:Khandelwal, Heena (2019-07-12). 4789:uncomfortable and disorienting." 4619:Chaturvedi, Swati (2021-09-13). 4492:Devidayal, Namita (2019-07-26). 3779:Got it, thanks for checking. :) 3457:Miller, Paul Allen, ed. (2019). 2712:guitarist and a devoted friend." 2545:Muchmore, Shannon (2013-01-24). 2426:Hoffer, Christian (2023-12-21). 2362:Hoffer, Christian (2022-11-21). 1224:The Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora 741: 19864:, and the hook may be added to 19773:, and the hook may be added to 19691:, and the hook may be added to 19605:, and the hook may be added to 19407:Knowledge:The Knowledge Library 19167:, and the hook may be added to 19073:, and the hook may be added to 18966: 18910:, and the hook may be added to 18810:, and the hook may be added to 18686:, and the hook may be added to 18548:Knowledge:Translators available 17874:, and the hook may be added to 17678:, and the hook may be added to 17588:, and the hook may be added to 17151: 17147: 16780:, and the hook may be added to 14941:(in Italian). No. 7. 1992-04-15 14435:Gray, Michael L. (1977-12-11). 14373:Cooper, Edward C. (June 1978). 13431:, and the hook may be added to 13342:, and the hook may be added to 13253:, and the hook may be added to 13102:, and the hook may be added to 12080:; Nguyen, C. Thi (2022-02-25). 11780:"They've Invaded Pleasantville" 10979:. Vol. 24, no. 3. pp. 590–592. 10788:Ranscombe, Peter (2007-04-13). 10610:"Obituary: Sir Patrick Macrory" 9911:User:Newimpartial/Allen Hammack 9261:The book notes in a footnote: " 9001:. Boston: Charles River Media. 7057:projects for their fan appeal." 6816:, with many other products for 6552:Doomslayers: Into the Labyrinth 5893:Mackintosh, Paul (2022-12-15). 3913:Vitello, Barbara (2014-04-04). 3598:"Review of KULT: Divinity Lost" 3341:Montgomery, Matt (2018-12-17). 2486:Cosgrove, Jaclyn (2017-01-24). 2456:Cosgrove, Jaclyn (2012-09-24). 2299:Cosgrove, Jaclyn (2013-07-01). 2058:"Meet The Makers: Grant Howitt" 1920:Linward, Timothy (2023-06-06). 1352:Hendrick, Arnold (1998-03-20). 20041:08:45, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 20008:14:20, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 19987:14:58, 13 September 2024 (UTC) 19887:00:03, 13 September 2024 (UTC) 19796:00:03, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 19711:00:03, 11 September 2024 (UTC) 19433:, and to a much lesser extent 19010:DYK for The Chinese in America 18731:Thank you for the kind words! 18538:. According to the infobox of 18369:Donnelly, Marea (2017-01-04). 18186:Thank you for your work at AfD 17795:Thank you for the kind words! 17138:, had the following comments: 16524:Mohr, Merilyn Simonds (1993). 16127:. No. 75. February 1997. p. 20 14939:Videogame & Computer World 14791:. No. 44. November 1991. p. 16 14259:. Vol. 2, no. 4 #10. pp. 23–25 13041:DYK for Takabb Anti-Cough Pill 12971:14:47, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 12942:11:46, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 12928:08:31, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 12884:15:59, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 12866:09:36, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 12839:00:07, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 12814:11:02, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 12800:10:04, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 12699:Draft:Matthew Dawkins (author) 10668:Eaglesham, Jean (2006-01-04). 10638:Laville, Sandra (2017-07-03). 9678:. Vol. 20, no. 12 #229. p. 113 8664:, which touched on the topic." 7813:User:Newimpartial/Andrew Bates 7372:Frushtick, Russ (2014-10-12). 6339:The article is also available 5724:Gomoll, Jeanne (Summer 1977). 5438:Northrup, Craig (2019-10-04). 5380:Northrup, Craig (2019-11-03). 5350:Erickson, Keith (2019-09-08). 5210:Stretch, Andrew (2021-08-17). 4853:Majumdar, Rahul (2021-09-20). 4766:"Cost of Coal: The Mind's Eye" 4649:Iyer, Aishwarya (2019-09-28). 4644:political and ethical issues." 4552:Bhatt, Shephali (2019-06-30). 4522:Laghate, Gaurav (2019-07-22). 4254:Edwards, Darren (2017-08-05). 4108:and a mental health advocate. 3855:Petlicki, Myrna (2017-09-14). 3281:Morgenegg, Ryan (2017-08-30). 3153:Morgenegg, Ryan (2016-05-17). 2630:music with understated grace." 2396:Russell, Mollie (2023-12-19). 1266:"Arnold Hendrick on Darklands" 1047:Francis, Bryant (2020-05-29). 885:them ready for article space. 805:September 2010 – February 2011 1: 19625:00:04, 1 September 2024 (UTC) 19535:09:29, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 18949:, has reviewed it as part of 18806:Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show 18785:Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show 18776:Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show 18018:Did You Know nominations page 18003:DYK nomination of Drew Thomas 17970:without posting a request to 16560:. Chicago: Kidsbooks. p. 33. 15998:Main Battle Tank: Middle East 15518:OK thanks for taking a look. 15445:. No. 90. January 1992. p. 12 15254:Flanagan, Mike (1993-09-09). 15156:. No. 75. October 1990. p. 76 14103:"Gateway to the Stars Review" 14052:Stellar Conquest (video game) 13946:Arneson, Dave (August 1991). 13674:Lee, Wyatt (September 1990). 13515:06:06, 19 February 2024 (UTC) 13497:04:53, 19 February 2024 (UTC) 13479:Did You Know nominations page 13459:00:02, 19 February 2024 (UTC) 12777:13:36, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 12749:06:35, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 12735:08:25, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 12716:14:00, 6 September 2024 (UTC) 12682:15:52, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 12668:08:25, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 12654:11:31, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 12624:09:29, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 11630:D'Andrea, Niki (2016-12-01). 11600:Wiechec, Nancy (2018-05-17). 11547:They've Invaded Pleasantville 10899:Tyler, Richard (2006-12-05). 10869:Tyler, Richard (2006-05-30). 10522:. No. 19. October 1976. p. 11 10382:The Lake Geneva Regional News 10351:The Lake Geneva Regional News 10347:"Hammack Attends Lake Forest" 10104:Slawson, Tabby (1985-09-27). 9846:Hubert, Jürgen (2002-12-31). 9817:Donald, Graham (2001-09-23). 9406:There are other reviews from 9380:"Review of The Kerberos Club" 9280:"Several Monster RPG Reviews" 9043:. Jefferson, North Carolina: 8877:Carbonell, Curtis D. (2019). 8813:. Jefferson, North Carolina: 8719:. Jefferson, North Carolina: 8681:. Jefferson, North Carolina: 8006:. Vol. 22, no. 7 #244. p. 100 7580:. Jefferson, North Carolina: 7276:Moodie, Alison (2015-05-17). 7217:Hamilton, Mary (2012-11-28). 6966:Howard, Hilary (2012-08-03). 6746:Martinez, Mike (2003-09-09). 6670:Davies, Kevin (Winter 2001). 6407:User:Newimpartial/Bruce Baugh 6048:Robinson, Matt (2023-11-07). 5823:about the seventh edition of 5651:14:11, 29 February 2024 (UTC) 5627:12:59, 29 February 2024 (UTC) 5612:10:38, 29 February 2024 (UTC) 5497:White, Rebecca (2019-11-05). 5315:23:59, 27 February 2024 (UTC) 5295:12:43, 27 February 2024 (UTC) 5280:10:35, 27 February 2024 (UTC) 5088:Opel, Jennifer (2022-12-18). 5053:18:41, 26 February 2024 (UTC) 5029:12:42, 27 February 2024 (UTC) 5015:10:35, 27 February 2024 (UTC) 5001:14:15, 25 February 2024 (UTC) 4986:09:34, 25 February 2024 (UTC) 4365:18:12, 24 February 2024 (UTC) 4341:07:16, 24 February 2024 (UTC) 4326:06:35, 24 February 2024 (UTC) 4118:14:00, 20 February 2024 (UTC) 4097:01:00, 20 February 2024 (UTC) 4082:00:49, 20 February 2024 (UTC) 3820:17:43, 19 February 2024 (UTC) 3789:13:03, 16 February 2024 (UTC) 3775:09:18, 16 February 2024 (UTC) 3746:13:23, 13 February 2024 (UTC) 3726:12:46, 12 February 2024 (UTC) 3711:07:36, 12 February 2024 (UTC) 3561:06:09, 12 February 2024 (UTC) 3538:07:36, 12 February 2024 (UTC) 3524:16:54, 10 February 2024 (UTC) 3509:09:56, 10 February 2024 (UTC) 3123:Lange, Brianna (2007-10-04). 3095:Swanson, Jacob (2023-01-24). 2953:and founded Red Raven Games. 2803:Benny, Michael (2013-07-01). 2773:Walsh, Michael (2012-09-26). 2329:Sheehan, Gavin (2022-11-27). 1722:Sheehan, Gavin (2021-04-11). 1120:. Jefferson, North Carolina: 993:. August–September 1992. p. 9 833:December 2015 – February 2018 696:Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show 19486:as well several articles in 18880:, reached the finals of the 18666:Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 18517:the 1936 Hyderabad directory 17811:DYK for The Days of '98 Show 17570:, and aged clocks on a wall? 16851:This Internet Archive search 16124:Computer Games Strategy Plus 15936:Computer Games Strategy Plus 15284:Herman, Bruce (1994-11-03). 15230:. 1995-11-04. Archived from 14415:. Vol. 4, no. 5. 1976. p. 11 13637:Action in the North Atlantic 13365:00:02, 9 February 2024 (UTC) 13322:2001 National Games of China 13276:02:08, 7 February 2024 (UTC) 13190:09:24, 8 February 2024 (UTC) 13158:11:45, 6 February 2024 (UTC) 13125:00:03, 4 February 2024 (UTC) 13035:12:11, 31 January 2024 (UTC) 13013:11:59, 31 January 2024 (UTC) 12590:Bloodlust (roleplaying game) 12018:Draper, Kevin (2019-08-01). 11748:Ellefson, Sam (2020-09-14). 11718:Trimble, Lynn (2020-08-13). 11688:Trimble, Lynn (2020-03-13). 11658:Trimble, Lynn (2021-09-02). 11370:. 2003-07-20. Archived from 11213:Gross, Ashley (2016-07-24). 10998:Journal of Environmental Law 10977:Journal of Environmental Law 10952:Journal of Environmental Law 10758:Willman, John (2007-05-15). 10728:Willman, John (2007-07-12). 10384:. 1980-10-09. Archived from 10353:. 1982-11-11. Archived from 10257:Mohan, Kim (December 1980). 9701:Shafer, Scott (1999-05-31). 9269:(2005) and Benjamin Baugh's 8918:Nikolaidou, Dimitra (2020). 8346:a surprisingly lively read." 7526:"Luke Crane on Jungle Speed" 7374:"Dynamite With a Laser Beam" 7187:Carter, Chase (2021-03-01). 7157:Hall, Charlie (2021-03-26). 6968:"A Confederacy of Bachelors" 6911:designer who self-published 6296:Gough, John (January 2015). 6111:. 2008-11-06. Archived from 5895:"Review of Rivers of London" 5874:. 2016-12-26. Archived from 5785:. Cambridge, Massachusetts: 5535:. 2019-11-06. Archived from 5409:Walker, Brian (2019-09-10). 5159:. 2023-07-15. Archived from 4892:. 2021-09-08. Archived from 4833:. 2016-08-06. Archived from 4764:Singh, Radika (2016-12-04). 4687:. 2024-01-05. Archived from 4440:The New Indian Express Group 4292:. 2017-03-29. Archived from 4260:American Library Association 4041:. 2010-05-10. Archived from 3463:. Columbia, South Carolina: 3311:Wadley, Carma (2008-11-30). 3251:Wadley, Carma (2008-11-17). 3183:Wadley, Carma (2009-06-29). 2963:14:39, 9 February 2024 (UTC) 2942:12:46, 8 February 2024 (UTC) 2927:10:59, 8 February 2024 (UTC) 2837:. 2012-09-25. Archived from 2697:. 2012-07-13. Archived from 2642:. 2013-07-01. Archived from 2265:21:53, 6 February 2024 (UTC) 2244:01:47, 5 February 2024 (UTC) 2229:01:22, 5 February 2024 (UTC) 2145:Codega, Linda (2022-05-12). 2086:Whitson, Hank (2022-06-03). 2056:Ecock, Justin (2020-02-18). 2026:Codega, Linda (2023-08-28). 1886:Carter, Chase (2021-07-20). 1851:15:31, 4 February 2024 (UTC) 1830:12:50, 31 January 2024 (UTC) 1815:09:07, 31 January 2024 (UTC) 1655:23:48, 30 January 2024 (UTC) 1637:12:47, 30 January 2024 (UTC) 1622:10:41, 30 January 2024 (UTC) 912:23:10, 29 January 2024 (UTC) 826:October 2012 – December 2015 812:February 2011 – October 2011 486:Ronald Read (philanthropist) 211:Purple Songs Can Fly Project 7: 19521:04:24, 29 August 2024 (UTC) 19506:09:32, 27 August 2024 (UTC) 19386:02:20, 27 August 2024 (UTC) 19363:16:21, 15 August 2024 (UTC) 19308:08:09, 15 August 2024 (UTC) 19289:14:33, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 19265:06:37, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 19229:04:08, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 19189:00:03, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 19141:documents how the gangster 18971:(Message delivered via the 17934:, which is recorded on its 17712:List of hotels: Countries T 17156:(Message delivered via the 16808:Perhaps I could trouble you 16275:11:34, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 16260:08:07, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 16215:05:08, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 16189:19:15, 11 August 2024 (UTC) 16175:12:47, 11 August 2024 (UTC) 16160:08:29, 11 August 2024 (UTC) 15743:Weksler, Mike (June 1992). 15228:Scripps Howard News Service 14229:. Vol. 26, no. 1. pp. 34–36 13745:Proctor, Bob (April 1990). 12979:Please close all <p: --> 12608:19:36, 27 August 2024 (UTC) 12561:12:46, 11 August 2024 (UTC) 12547:08:29, 11 August 2024 (UTC) 12531:16:20, 10 August 2024 (UTC) 12230:Murray, Jack (2023-03-26). 12200:Jarvis, Matt (2021-06-02). 12140:Jarvis, Matt (2019-12-27). 12110:Jarvis, Matt (2020-07-22). 11988:Winkie, Luke (2024-01-28). 10608:Ivory, James (1993-07-07). 10576:Milne, Roger (1992-05-30). 9378:The Unshaven (2011-09-19). 9348:Babb, Shelby (2010-10-08). 8065:"Cessar Jogo...Digo, Fogo!" 7871:. Silver Spring, Maryland: 7457:"Wordplay Designer's Notes" 7182:in a statement to Polygon." 6996:Morgan, Matt (2012-10-25). 6638:. Silver Spring, Maryland: 6569:. Silver Spring, Maryland: 6208:Utah State University Press 6078:Viccaro, Tom (2013-04-10). 5939:The subject is interviewed 5692:. Silver Spring, Maryland: 5555:Kelety, Josh (2019-10-24). 5190:(in German). Archived from 5098:(in German). Archived from 4706:Malik, Ektaa (2019-07-24). 4003:ONeill, John (2020-04-10). 3973:ONeill, John (2020-02-18). 3805:Sirens: Battle of the Bards 3653:"Judges' Spotlight Winners" 3428:Jarvis, Matt (2020-11-02). 3398:Hertel, Josh (2022-10-28). 2886:Donovan, Jim (2014-06-27). 2717:Fiallo, Josh (2023-09-05). 2518:"Top NewsOK videos of 2015" 1980:Haarman, Susan (May 2023). 1536:. Silver Spring, Maryland: 1431:Science Fiction Video Games 854:October 2022 – January 2024 819:October 2011 – October 2012 798:April 2010 – September 2010 616:Trial & Error (company) 531:Bob's Your Uncle (YouTuber) 396:Ticketmaster v. 226:Little Red Wagon Foundation 10: 20057: 19215:For your tireless work on 18454:Google Books searches for 18360:Here are some sources for 18333:for "Francois Bonlieu" on 18297:for "Francois Bonlieu" on 18012:Hello! Your submission of 17438:22:48, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 17419:06:34, 24 April 2024 (UTC) 17393:15:28, 20 April 2024 (UTC) 17379:09:45, 20 April 2024 (UTC) 17367:Mind Lords of the Last Sea 17346:11:52, 15 April 2024 (UTC) 17331:Mind Lords of the Last Sea 17324:09:21, 12 April 2024 (UTC) 17286:21:49, 11 April 2024 (UTC) 17049:09:18, 22 March 2024 (UTC) 17021:11:47, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 17000:08:36, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 16830:00:04, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 16803:00:02, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 16711:00:58, 14 April 2024 (UTC) 16696:23:05, 13 April 2024 (UTC) 16596:Wallace-Homestead Book Co. 16340:20:26, 29 March 2024 (UTC) 16322:14:26, 26 March 2024 (UTC) 16301:18:32, 18 March 2024 (UTC) 15887:Emrich, Alan (July 1992). 15835:The Big Three (video game) 15223:The Kingston Whig-Standard 15048:22:16, 29 April 2024 (UTC) 15028:01:02, 14 April 2024 (UTC) 15013:23:07, 13 April 2024 (UTC) 14860:11:58, 10 April 2024 (UTC) 14611:06:58, 26 March 2024 (UTC) 14570:06:34, 26 March 2024 (UTC) 14551:06:17, 26 March 2024 (UTC) 14383:. Vol. 3, no. 1. pp. 19–21 14129:Cooper, Edward C. (1975). 14066:17:14, 25 March 2024 (UTC) 14046:13:50, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 14031:08:36, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 13926:. No. 83. June 1991. p. 91 13872:12:50, 19 March 2024 (UTC) 13786:William Morrow and Company 13473:Hello! Your submission of 12982:_tags-20240131115900": --> 12977:_tags-20240131115900": --> 12822:Draft:Joseph A. McCullough 11543:Draft:Michael Pierre Price 11276:Olson, Lena (2017-06-26). 11151:23:05, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 11137:22:37, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 11084:02:16, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 11072:Dan Gelber (game designer) 11065:04:17, 29 April 2024 (UTC) 11050:23:04, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 11035:22:37, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 10478:14:18, 21 April 2024 (UTC) 10451:17:13, 20 April 2024 (UTC) 10437:15:30, 20 April 2024 (UTC) 10422:09:49, 20 April 2024 (UTC) 10000:Hodges, Sam (1984-11-16). 9962:09:49, 20 April 2024 (UTC) 9948:17:48, 19 April 2024 (UTC) 9929:17:46, 19 April 2024 (UTC) 9904:01:00, 14 April 2024 (UTC) 9889:23:06, 13 April 2024 (UTC) 9759:Reid, Britt (2006-04-24). 9192:21:37, 26 March 2024 (UTC) 9164:08:42, 25 March 2024 (UTC) 9133:06:20, 25 March 2024 (UTC) 9115:13:55, 24 March 2024 (UTC) 9100:08:14, 24 March 2024 (UTC) 8885:Liverpool University Press 8844:Holleman, Patrick (2019). 8519:Copyright Clearance Center 8410:Louisiana State University 8278:16:55, 23 March 2024 (UTC) 8254:11:56, 22 March 2024 (UTC) 8239:09:18, 22 March 2024 (UTC) 7832:16:05, 21 March 2024 (UTC) 7805:07:36, 10 March 2024 (UTC) 7791:05:09, 10 March 2024 (UTC) 7722:05:09, 10 March 2024 (UTC) 7624:Ziwei, Puah (2020-12-23). 7531:Family Games: The 100 Best 7528:. In Lowder, James (ed.). 7129:Duffy, Owen (2017-05-09). 7032:W. W. Norton & Company 6266:Feely, Paul (2012-03-20). 6237:McGagh, Ken (2009-10-07). 5440:"Outsiders vs. incumbents" 5125:Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung 4430:Riaz, Azmia (2021-03-05). 3596:S, Antonios (2019-04-01). 3065:Duffy, Owen (2018-01-27). 1986:Loyola University Chicago 1511:. No. 60. June 1989. p. 49 1017:Chalk, Andy (2020-06-01). 840:February 2018 – April 2020 426:One Voice Children's Choir 301:World Chocolate Wonderland 156:Wallace Roberts & Todd 19480:British Newspaper Archive 19470:Oasis (British TV series) 19411:British Newspaper Archive 19314:Sorry to bother you again 19271:Any help would be great!! 19200: 19095:00:03, 31 July 2024 (UTC) 19004:05:22, 14 July 2024 (UTC) 18832:00:03, 28 June 2024 (UTC) 18727:13:59, 28 June 2024 (UTC) 18708:00:03, 28 June 2024 (UTC) 18492:23:57, 26 June 2024 (UTC) 18272:22:12, 26 June 2024 (UTC) 18230:08:21, 26 June 2024 (UTC) 18201:23:48, 25 June 2024 (UTC) 18180:08:34, 25 June 2024 (UTC) 18164:07:45, 21 June 2024 (UTC) 18047: 17765:Thanks again for turning 17750: 17654:... that a restaurant in 17462: 17453: 17262:19:46, 7 April 2024 (UTC) 17230:14:47, 7 April 2024 (UTC) 17206:21:23, 6 April 2024 (UTC) 17177:16:18, 6 April 2024 (UTC) 17112:10:12, 6 April 2024 (UTC) 17094:14:21, 5 April 2024 (UTC) 17065: 16588:Whitehill, Bruce (1992). 16436:Here are some source for 16398:in the related thread at 16373:14:24, 5 April 2024 (UTC) 16054:Sherfy, Joe (July 1992). 16019:13:20, 14 July 2024 (UTC) 15992:05:27, 14 July 2024 (UTC) 15977:05:23, 14 July 2024 (UTC) 15829:11:13, 25 June 2024 (UTC) 15814:08:35, 25 June 2024 (UTC) 15708:15:06, 13 June 2024 (UTC) 15624:Emrich, Alan (May 1992). 14840:11:48, 3 April 2024 (UTC) 14825:10:13, 3 April 2024 (UTC) 14719:Amazing Computer Magazine 14637:13:53, 1 April 2024 (UTC) 14412:People's Computer Company 13851:12:56, 5 March 2024 (UTC) 13836:07:26, 5 March 2024 (UTC) 13611:13:30, 4 March 2024 (UTC) 13568:09:23, 3 March 2024 (UTC) 13550:17:18, 2 March 2024 (UTC) 13527: 13281:DYK for Jin Hao (swimmer) 12804:OK, thanks for checking. 12586:Capes (role-playing game) 12574:Doctor Who: The Card Game 12513:05:24, 14 July 2024 (UTC) 12499:05:22, 14 July 2024 (UTC) 12470:07:40, 13 July 2024 (UTC) 12343:Jolin, Dan (2021-06-22). 11335:The PhD thesis is listed 9561:05:54, 8 April 2024 (UTC) 9527:13:54, 7 April 2024 (UTC) 9513:08:04, 7 April 2024 (UTC) 9476:20:46, 3 April 2024 (UTC) 9448:11:47, 3 April 2024 (UTC) 9433:10:12, 3 April 2024 (UTC) 8995:Davis, Steven B. (2008). 8847:Reverse Design: Diablo II 8713:Nachtwey, Gerald (2021). 8395:Shannon Appelcline, 2001? 7754:18:05, 9 March 2024 (UTC) 7708:17:36, 8 March 2024 (UTC) 7694:12:49, 8 March 2024 (UTC) 7679:10:19, 8 March 2024 (UTC) 7092:Livingstone, Ian (2019). 6931:15:32, 7 March 2024 (UTC) 6897:12:46, 7 March 2024 (UTC) 6883:08:19, 7 March 2024 (UTC) 6864:and a list of reviews on 6837:23:59, 6 March 2024 (UTC) 6804:12:49, 6 March 2024 (UTC) 6789:12:33, 6 March 2024 (UTC) 6498:Baugh, Bruce (May 2004). 6441:05:43, 6 March 2024 (UTC) 6395:06:12, 4 March 2024 (UTC) 6381:13:47, 3 March 2024 (UTC) 6366:09:22, 3 March 2024 (UTC) 6200:Gries, Laurie E. (2015). 6137:Dartmouth Alumni Magazine 6013:20:57, 2 March 2024 (UTC) 5990:10:18, 2 March 2024 (UTC) 5976:10:16, 2 March 2024 (UTC) 5961:10:11, 2 March 2024 (UTC) 3807:from Apotheosis Studios: 3659:. c. 2022. Archived from 3632:. c. 2019. Archived from 2856:Keeton, BJ (2024-02-02). 2753:. c. 2022. Archived from 2516:Kemp, Adam (2015-12-28). 1470:"Wir Machen Den Weg Frei" 1226:by John Butterfield, and 847:April 2020 – October 2022 791:October 2009 – April 2010 241:Who the Hell is Juliette? 76:I have created/rewritten: 20036: 19860:Fantasy (Las Vegas show) 19828:Fantasy (Las Vegas show) 19530: 19501: 19437:. I also have access to 19303: 19260: 19219:and many more articles! 19100:DYK for The Strip (book) 18999: 18988:11:51, 7 July 2024 (UTC) 18932:00:03, 6 July 2024 (UTC) 18741:07:49, 1 July 2024 (UTC) 18736: 18609:09:59, 1 July 2024 (UTC) 18604: 18594:09:53, 1 July 2024 (UTC) 18576:07:49, 1 July 2024 (UTC) 18571: 18475:07:51, 1 July 2024 (UTC) 18470: 18225: 18175: 18117:10:37, 8 June 2024 (UTC) 18112: 18073:08:26, 7 June 2024 (UTC) 18036:16:42, 2 June 2024 (UTC) 17998:22:18, 31 May 2024 (UTC) 17981:leaving us some feedback 17968:create articles yourself 17947:create articles yourself 17894:00:03, 30 May 2024 (UTC) 17805:00:47, 26 May 2024 (UTC) 17800: 17787:00:45, 26 May 2024 (UTC) 17738:06:37, 14 May 2024 (UTC) 17733: 17505: 17433: 17374: 17319: 17311:the page that was linked 17257: 17201: 17107: 17044: 16995: 16859:This Google Books search 16691: 16594:. Radnor, Pennsylvania: 16255: 16155: 15972: 15852:11:59, 2 July 2024 (UTC) 15809: 15687:15:46, 27 May 2024 (UTC) 15672:08:24, 27 May 2024 (UTC) 15667: 15555:18:50, 24 May 2024 (UTC) 15528:11:37, 16 May 2024 (UTC) 15513:09:31, 16 May 2024 (UTC) 15508: 15363:00:39, 15 May 2024 (UTC) 15323: 15008: 14820: 14606: 14546: 14476:Asimov's Science Fiction 14026: 13831: 13747:"Conflict in the Cosmos" 13563: 13510: 13185: 13030: 12959:and his frwiki article: 12923: 12861: 12827:and some RPG work here: 12795: 12730: 12663: 12619: 12542: 12494: 12447:12:24, 24 May 2024 (UTC) 12432:09:49, 24 May 2024 (UTC) 12427: 12351:. No. 56. Archived from 12349:Tabletop Gaming Magazine 12323:. No. 62. Archived from 12321:Tabletop Gaming Magazine 12296:. No. 47. Archived from 12294:Tabletop Gaming Magazine 11953:16:20, 16 May 2024 (UTC) 11937:Charles S. Roberts Award 11917:22:13, 14 May 2024 (UTC) 11903:12:23, 14 May 2024 (UTC) 11888:05:59, 14 May 2024 (UTC) 11883: 11496: 11353:Articles about his book 11132: 11030: 10417: 10169:"Convention Wrapup 1981" 10148:. Vol. 2, no. 1 #4. p. 5 9957: 9884: 9508: 9428: 9159: 9095: 8388:Designing Virtual Worlds 8360:. Berkeley, California: 8357:Designing Virtual Worlds 8234: 8105:. Vol. 7, no. 6. p. 84. 7786: 7717: 7674: 7494:Indiana University Press 7492:. Bloomington, Indiana: 7337:Feminist Media Histories 7095:Board Games in 100 Moves 6878: 6784: 6415:Nexus: The Infinite City 6361: 6244:The MetroWest Daily News 6203:Still Life with Rhetoric 6170:Laurence King Publishing 5985: 5956: 5607: 5492:ballot boxes next week." 5467:Hill, Kip (2019-11-02). 5275: 5010: 4981: 4547:politics, and strategy." 4321: 4225:"Senet Magazine article" 4077: 3770: 3706: 3533: 3504: 3221:Rowman & Littlefield 2922: 2224: 1810: 1702:. No. 62. Archived from 1617: 1284:10.4324/9780429345616-14 1188:The book notes on pages 957:Asimov's Science Fiction 784:June 2009 – October 2009 770:June 2008 – January 2009 716:Fantasy (Las Vegas show) 19344:Ghost Train (TV series) 18560:Knowledge:Verifiability 18437:for "Edith Vuarnet" on 18427:for "Edith Bonlieu" on 18417:for "Edith Vuarnet" on 18407:for "Edith Bonlieu" on 18023:your nomination's entry 17723:09:03, 5 May 2024 (UTC) 17706:00:04, 5 May 2024 (UTC) 17616:00:02, 4 May 2024 (UTC) 17510:09:29, 1 May 2024 (UTC) 17481:07:08, 1 May 2024 (UTC) 16554:Goméz, Rebecca (2000). 16486:Gladstone, Jim (2004). 16179:Done and thank you! :) 15343:11:36, 2 May 2024 (UTC) 15328:08:04, 2 May 2024 (UTC) 15291:The Dallas Morning News 14273:The article notes: "In 13647:and the September 1990 13484:your nomination's entry 13464:DYK nomination of DeeDo 13370:DYK for Calypso Cabaret 12762:and his RPG work here: 12379:Oxford University Press 12371:Nguyen, C. Thi (2020). 11565:23:04, 3 May 2024 (UTC) 11534:15:21, 3 May 2024 (UTC) 11516:11:46, 3 May 2024 (UTC) 11501:07:11, 3 May 2024 (UTC) 11178:21:18, 2 May 2024 (UTC) 10140:"Where I'm Coming From" 10138:Mentzer, Frank (1982). 9761:"Review of GURPS Space" 9152:Designers & Dragons 9121:Designers & Dragons 9045:McFarland & Company 8850:. Boca Raton, Florida: 8815:McFarland & Company 8807:Woods, Stewart (2012). 8800:Designers & Dragons 8759:Designers & Dragons 8751:Designers & Dragons 8749:(2012), and the series 8721:McFarland & Company 8683:McFarland & Company 8662:Designers & Dragons 8660:Appelcline's excellent 8469:Designers & Dragons 8428:Designers & Dragons 8412:. p. 16. Archived from 7582:McFarland & Company 7246:Li, Shan (2016-06-23). 6909:indie role-playing game 6162:Drate, Spencer (2006). 4196:. Boca Raton, Florida: 4038:The Beaver County Times 3213:Koehler, Elisa (2015). 1434:. Boca Raton, Florida: 1428:Tringham, Neal (2015). 1354:"Hiring Game Designers" 1320:. Boca Raton, Florida: 1314:DeMaria, Rusel (2019). 1122:McFarland & Company 1076:Morrison, Mike (1994). 777:January 2009 – May 2009 166:Shadle Park High School 19901: 19870:Did you know talk page 19779:Did you know talk page 19697:Did you know talk page 19611:Did you know talk page 19277:Dooby Duck's Disco Bus 19173:Did you know talk page 19079:Did you know talk page 19069:The Chinese in America 19047:The Chinese in America 19037:The Chinese in America 18963: 18943:The Chinese in America 18916:Did you know talk page 18816:Did you know talk page 18692:Did you know talk page 17916: 17880:Did you know talk page 17684:Did you know talk page 17594:Did you know talk page 17424:I found a book review 17144: 16786:Did you know talk page 16530:. Shelburne, Vermont: 16421:and a passing mention 15210:Title Fight Pro Boxing 14905:. No. 88. pp. 150, 152 14756:. Winter 1992. p. 38. 14159:Shapiro, Neil (1975). 13437:Did you know talk page 13348:Did you know talk page 13259:Did you know talk page 13108:Did you know talk page 13098:Takabb Anti-Cough Pill 13068:Takabb Anti-Cough Pill 11870: 11339:and is released under 10111:Birmingham Post-Herald 10044:Birmingham Post-Herald 10007:Birmingham Post-Herald 9915:Dungeons & Dragons 9670:"Role-Playing Reviews" 8541:Pearce, Celia (2009). 8487:Dungeons & Dragons 7943:Dungeons & Dragons 7536:Green Ronin Publishing 7402:Consalvo, Mia (2019). 7349:10.1525/fmh.2020.6.1.1 6678:. Vol. 4, no. 2. p. 58 6411:Daedalus Entertainment 6343:. The article notes: " 3546:Draft:Krister Sundelin 2389:Dungeons & Dragons 763:March 2008 – June 2008 706:The Chinese in America 661:Takabb Anti-Cough Pill 436:Meridian School (Utah) 371:George M. Hill Company 251:Possibility Playground 111:Mat-Su School District 19900: 19545:DYK for Robert Aiello 19324:Bluebirds (TV series) 18955: 18449:the Knowledge Library 18337:returns results from 17972:Articles for creation 17951:Articles for creation 17915: 17901:Articles for creation 17140: 17136:page curation process 17074:The Teamwork Barnstar 16328:The Mad Magazine Game 16247:Computer Gaming World 16064:. No. 96. pp. 122–123 16061:Computer Gaming World 15897:. No. 86. pp. 120–121 15894:Computer Gaming World 15750:Computer Gaming World 15631:Computer Gaming World 15442:Computer Gaming World 15409:Computer Gaming World 15183:Computer Gaming World 15153:Computer Gaming World 15124:Computer Gaming World 14902:Computer Gaming World 14679:Computer Gaming World 14590:Computer Gaming World 14346:Computer Gaming World 14214:Unit (IU) attrition." 14131:"The Escort Illusion" 14109:. Vol. 1, no. 4. p. 7 13953:Computer Gaming World 13923:Computer Gaming World 13893:Computer Gaming World 13752:Computer Gaming World 13681:Computer Gaming World 13650:Computer Gaming World 13632:Computer Gaming World 13581:Computer Gaming World 13536:The Citation Barnstar 12638:Challenge The Yankees 11847:GW2, Famine in Far-Go 11845: 11817:. Buffalo, New York: 11341:the CC BY 4.0 license 10462:Draft:Richard Macrory 10267:. Vol. 5, no. 6. p. 3 10206:. Buffalo, New York: 9227:Nevins, Jess (2020). 9033:Leaman, Troy (2016). 8954:Designers and Dragons 8928:Bloomsbury Publishing 8911:Designers and Dragons 8766:Horvath, Stu (2023). 8620:Designers and Dragons 8344:Designers and Dragons 8339:Designers and Dragons 8057:contains an interview 8048:The article notes on 7998:"Roleplaying Reviews" 7963:. Vol. 1, no. 4. pp. 7953:, ed. (Summer 2002). 7570:Leaman, Troy (2016). 6818:White Wolf Publishing 6814:Hunter: The Reckoning 6479:Washington City Paper 6423:White Wolf Publishing 6273:Daily Times Chronicle 5929:of works he authored. 5779:Horvath, Stu (2023). 5734:. Vol. 3, no. 2. p. 7 5039:Draft:Ralph Querfurth 4161:Bloomsbury Publishing 3130:The Salt Lake Tribune 3006:Bloomsbury Publishing 1508:Computer Gaming World 1213:Crypt of the Sorcerer 889:Draft:Arnold Hendrick 476:Monster in the Mirror 461:South Shore Furniture 321:Michel Maxwell Philip 59:Shiloh (Naylor novel) 20029:expanded and sourced 19976:Significa liberdade 19716:DYK for Feastogether 19630:DYK for Lorena Peril 18515:. The article cites 18421:returns 221 results. 17870:The Days of '98 Show 17852:The Days of '98 Show 17838:The Days of '98 Show 17777:. Magnificent work! 17759:The Special Barnstar 17444:Precious anniversary 15953:The article notes: " 15778:Programmers Paradise 15753:. No. 95. pp. 40, 42 15412:. No. 91. pp. 71, 74 13574:1990s computer games 13196:DYK for Siam Niramit 12642:Pecking Order (game) 12374:Games: Agency As Art 11420:Kelly (2022-08-08). 11345:The White Box Essays 11159:Draft:Jeremy Holcomb 11010:10.1093/jel/16.2.307 10318:"New Games in Print" 8907:Playing at the World 8747:Playing at the World 8616:Playing at the World 8531:The article reviews 8465:Playing at the World 8158:The article notes: " 8026:"Vampiros Ameaçados" 7873:Evil Hat Productions 7712:So true, nice work! 7524:Crane, Luke (2010). 6640:Evil Hat Productions 6571:Evil Hat Productions 6417:and supplements for 5850:. Before renovating 5834:: "Beyond Chaosium, 5694:Evil Hat Productions 5504:The Spokesman-Review 5474:The Spokesman-Review 4156:Board Games as Media 4153:Booth, Paul (2021). 3219:. Lanham, Maryland: 3001:Board Games as Media 2998:Booth, Paul (2021). 2250:Draft:Indestructoboy 1538:Evil Hat Productions 1202:Knights & Magick 1183:Knights & Magick 1168:Knights & Magick 948:Costello, Matthew J. 681:The Days of '98 Show 601:Fortress of the Bear 511:Mat and Savanna Shaw 196:LabVantage Solutions 181:Arc of San Francisco 19944:granting conditions 19866:the statistics page 19842:, performed at the 19775:the statistics page 19693:the statistics page 19671:San Francisco 49ers 19607:the statistics page 19468:as an example: For 19217:Swissôtel Amsterdam 19169:the statistics page 19075:the statistics page 18912:the statistics page 18887:Last Comic Standing 18837:DYK for Drew Thomas 18812:the statistics page 18688:the statistics page 18441:returns 19 results. 18431:returns 20 results. 18411:returns 25 results. 18376:The Daily Telegraph 17899:Your submission at 17876:the statistics page 17844:... that a firearm 17680:the statistics page 17590:the statistics page 17450: 16782:the statistics page 16532:Chapters Publishing 15780:. Fall 1992. p. 120 15261:The Virginian-Pilot 15204:and Haffner Games' 14919:The review notes: " 14702:Shadow of the Beast 14349:. No. 86. pp. 69–70 14219:Webaneth, James P. 13433:the statistics page 13344:the statistics page 13255:the statistics page 13104:the statistics page 12236:Analog Game Studies 12225:as they are on it." 11843:The article notes: 11465:. No. 40. pp. 42–43 10935:. No. 1011. p. 48. 10906:The Daily Telegraph 10876:The Daily Telegraph 10818:"Richard Macrory". 10548:Games & Puzzles 10002:"Games people play" 9545:, as well as a few 9537:wrote books in the 8627:Riggs, Ben (2022). 8136:"The Current Clack" 8103:Science Fiction Age 7951:Bassingthwaite, Don 7905:Creature Collection 7901:Creature Collection 6704:. Vol. 2. Detroit: 6055:Fifty Plus Advocate 5445:Coeur d'Alene Press 5416:Coeur d'Alene Press 5387:Coeur d'Alene Press 5357:Coeur d'Alene Press 5301:Draft:Roger Huntman 5184:"Test: Echt Spitze" 2780:New York Daily News 1643:Draft:Javon Frazier 641:Tournament of Kings 541:Buddha-like mindset 471:Working with Lemons 446:Sarah Charles Lewis 421:Greenhouse Software 256:Death Risk Rankings 206:Green Fields (film) 141:Worldwide Food Expo 106:Wasilla High School 101:Se le movió el piso 19902: 18945:. Another editor, 18564:Mir Osman Ali Khan 18536:Nizam of Hyderabad 18532:Mir Osman Ali Khan 17917: 17448: 16670:The book notes on 16639:The book notes on 16628:The book notes on 16196:Galactic Frontiers 16087:The PC Games Bible 16002:Simulations Canada 15593:The PC Games Bible 15538:Simulations Canada 15468:The PC Games Bible 15086:The PC Games Bible 14968:The PC Games Bible 13979:The PC Games Bible 13898:The PC Games Bible 13776:Dunnigan, James F. 13707:The PC Games Bible 13645:The PC Games Bible 12582:Cthulhu Britannica 12087:The New York Times 12025:The New York Times 10985:10.1093/jel/eqs026 10964:10.1093/jel/eqq004 10824:Baker & Taylor 8635:St. Martin's Press 8517:. Vol. 33, no. 4. 8059:with Andrew Bates. 7412:. Abingdon, Oxon: 7379:The New York Times 7313:The New York Times 6973:The New York Times 6615:The book notes on 6603:The book notes on 6307:. Vol. 71, no. 4. 5998:Draft:Gene Mackles 5856:Cthulhu Britannica 5830:The book notes on 5819:The book notes on 4937:(Disney+Hotstar)." 4771:The Indian Express 4742:The Indian Express 4713:The Indian Express 4589:The Times of India 4559:The Times of India 4529:The Times of India 4499:The Times of India 4247:Yogi, the ELL Deck 3797:Draft:Megan Mackie 3056:The book notes on 3049:The book notes on 3042:The book notes on 2010:. No. 238. p. 10. 1836:Draft:Grant Howitt 1599:The book notes on 1592:The book notes on 1585:The book notes on 1578:The book notes on 1218:The book notes on 1207:The book notes on 1177:: "Not long after 1173:The book notes on 1162:The book notes on 286:Merrilands College 266:Starfall (website) 21:edit summary usage 19979: 19863: 19816:13 September 2024 19772: 19731:12 September 2024 19690: 19645:11 September 2024 19604: 19368:Research question 19348:The Mersey Pirate 19234: 19233: 19166: 19072: 18976: 18909: 18809: 18685: 18662:Christian General 18447:searches through 18353:magazine such as 18343:magazine such as 18078: 18077: 17907:has been accepted 17873: 17792: 17791: 17677: 17587: 17568:transistor radios 17469: 17468: 17161: 17099: 17098: 16814:pl:Jerzy Jeliński 16779: 16649:Hollywood Squares 16566:978-1-56156-935-9 16394:). Thank you for 16147: 16146: 15964: 15963: 15801: 15800: 15659: 15658: 15500: 15499: 15315: 15314: 15186:. No. 136. p. 218 15000: 14999: 14935:"Second Conflict" 14812: 14811: 14538: 14537: 14302:978-0-262-37371-5 14169:. No. 3. pp. 7–10 14018: 14017: 13823: 13822: 13555: 13554: 13430: 13341: 13338:Jin Hao (swimmer) 13314:... that swimmer 13308:Jin Hao (swimmer) 13252: 13163: 13162: 13101: 12990:Please close all 12419: 12418: 12387:978-0-19-005209-6 11925:Draft:Cole Werhle 11875: 11874: 11725:Phoenix New Times 11695:Phoenix New Times 11665:Phoenix New Times 11607:Arizona Daily Sun 11488: 11487: 11427:The Straits Times 11397:The Seattle Times 11392:"Local Offerings" 11312:Purdue University 11022: 11021: 10633:gentlemanliness." 10409: 10408: 10289:"Capsule Reviews" 10077:The Anniston Star 9876: 9875: 9644:978-9-52916-843-9 9497:a list of reviews 9420: 9419: 9289:. No. 45. p. 32. 9271:The Kerberos Club 9245:978-0-8153-5193-1 9087: 9086: 9057:978-0-7864-9883-3 9011:978-1-58450-670-6 8977:978-1-935352-65-5 8958:Lord of the Rings 8936:978-1-5013-5115-0 8893:978-1-78962-057-3 8860:978-0-429-83410-3 8823:978-0-7864-6797-6 8782:978-0-262-04822-4 8729:978-1-4766-7571-8 8691:978-1-4766-3146-2 8643:978-1-250-27804-3 8594:978-1-138-63890-7 8557:978-0-262-16257-9 8521:. December 2009. 8515:Scitech Book News 8393:The book notes: " 8226: 8225: 8144:. No. 208. p. 120 7996:(February 1998). 7984:The book notes: " 7881:978-1-61317-084-7 7666: 7665: 7598:978-0-7864-9883-3 7548:978-1-934547-21-2 7502:978-0-253-02573-9 7426:978-1-138-84511-4 7253:Los Angeles Times 7108:978-1-4654-8575-5 7040:978-0-393-24996-5 6913:The Burning Wheel 6822:World of Darkness 6776: 6775: 6648:978-1-61317-087-8 6587:978-1-61317-084-7 6353: 6352: 6216:978-0-87421-977-7 6178:978-1-85669-471-1 5948: 5947: 5860:World War Cthulhu 5803:978-0-262-04822-4 5702:978-1-61317-075-5 5599: 5598: 5267: 5266: 4973: 4972: 4313: 4312: 4206:978-1-0325-4147-1 4169:978-1-5013-5716-9 4069: 4068: 3698: 3697: 3496: 3495: 3473:978-1-64336-058-4 3400:"Tabletop Ubuntu" 3229:978-0-8108-8657-5 3026:978-1-5013-5716-9 2948:Draft:Ryan Laukat 2914: 2913: 2216: 2215: 1802: 1801: 1609: 1608: 1562:978-1-61317-075-5 1444:978-1-4822-0389-9 1418:The book notes: " 1402:978-3-903150-72-0 1330:978-1-138-36720-3 1292:978-0-367-36386-4 1146:978-1-4766-6951-9 877: 876: 734: 733: 631:Martin (YouTuber) 551:Battlefield Vegas 361:Indigenous Tweets 331:Bang for the buck 276:I Wear Your Shirt 74:List of articles 49:Middlesex (novel) 20048: 19977: 19957:discussion board 19853: 19810: 19762: 19725: 19680: 19639: 19594: 19586: 19560:1 September 2024 19554: 19444:Internet Archive 19205: 19198: 19197: 19163:The Strip (book) 19156: 19127:The Strip (book) 19109: 19062: 19019: 18970: 18968: 18951:new pages patrol 18899: 18892: 18846: 18799: 18782:... that in the 18758: 18675: 18628: 18439:Internet Archive 18429:Internet Archive 18398: 18396: 18395: 18386:. Archived from 18307:Internet Archive 18242:François Bonlieu 18068: 18052: 18045: 18044: 18011: 17983: 17975: 17962: 17863: 17848:goes off during 17820: 17755: 17748: 17747: 17720: 17667: 17630: 17577: 17562:restaurant, has 17525: 17516:DYK for One Chun 17458: 17451: 17447: 17252:and other AfDs! 17236:StreetcarEnjoyer 17228: 17226: 17221: 17220:StreetcarEnjoyer 17174: 17173: 17167: 17155: 17153: 17149: 17070: 17063: 17062: 17017: 16826: 16769: 16762:on its products? 16726: 16665:Wheel of Fortune 16626: 16624: 16623: 16580: 16577:Internet Archive 16574: 16573: 16546: 16543:Internet Archive 16540: 16539: 16516: 16513:Internet Archive 16510: 16509: 16492:. Philadelphia: 16478: 16475:Internet Archive 16472: 16471: 16298: 16296:Ten Pound Hammer 16139: 16136:Internet Archive 16133: 16132: 16110: 16107:Internet Archive 16104: 16103: 16076: 16073:Internet Archive 16070: 16069: 16046:Extended content 16042: 16041: 15951: 15948:Internet Archive 15945: 15944: 15909: 15906:Internet Archive 15903: 15902: 15879:Extended content 15875: 15874: 15792: 15789:Internet Archive 15786: 15785: 15765: 15762:Internet Archive 15759: 15758: 15735:Extended content 15731: 15730: 15646: 15643:Internet Archive 15640: 15639: 15616: 15613:Internet Archive 15610: 15609: 15582:Extended content 15578: 15577: 15491: 15488:Internet Archive 15485: 15484: 15457: 15454:Internet Archive 15451: 15450: 15424: 15421:Internet Archive 15418: 15417: 15394:Extended content 15390: 15389: 15306: 15304: 15303: 15294:. Archived from 15276: 15274: 15273: 15264:. Archived from 15246: 15240: 15239: 15198: 15195:Internet Archive 15192: 15191: 15168: 15165:Internet Archive 15162: 15161: 15139: 15136:Internet Archive 15133: 15132: 15127:. No. 89. p. 112 15109: 15106:Internet Archive 15103: 15102: 15075:Extended content 15071: 15070: 14991: 14988:Internet Archive 14985: 14984: 14953: 14950:Internet Archive 14947: 14946: 14917: 14914:Internet Archive 14911: 14910: 14887:Extended content 14883: 14882: 14803: 14800:Internet Archive 14797: 14796: 14774: 14771:Internet Archive 14768: 14767: 14733: 14730:Internet Archive 14727: 14726: 14694: 14691:Internet Archive 14688: 14687: 14664:Extended content 14660: 14659: 14558:Stellar Conquest 14529: 14526:Internet Archive 14523: 14522: 14491: 14488:Internet Archive 14485: 14484: 14461: 14455: 14454: 14445:. Archived from 14427: 14424:Internet Archive 14421: 14420: 14399:Stellar Conquest 14395: 14392:Internet Archive 14389: 14388: 14365:Stellar Conquest 14361: 14358:Internet Archive 14355: 14354: 14332:Stellar Conquest 14328: 14324:Stellar Conquest 14320:Stellar Conquest 14316: 14313:Internet Archive 14310: 14309: 14279:Stellar Conquest 14275:Stellar Conquest 14271: 14268:Internet Archive 14265: 14264: 14241: 14238:Internet Archive 14235: 14234: 14211: 14208:Internet Archive 14205: 14204: 14181: 14178:Internet Archive 14175: 14174: 14151: 14148:Internet Archive 14145: 14144: 14139:. No. 3. pp. 5–6 14121: 14118:Internet Archive 14115: 14114: 14093:Extended content 14089: 14088: 14002: 13999:Internet Archive 13996: 13995: 13968: 13965:Internet Archive 13962: 13961: 13938: 13935:Internet Archive 13932: 13931: 13909:Extended content 13905: 13904: 13808: 13802: 13801: 13767: 13764:Internet Archive 13761: 13760: 13730: 13727:Internet Archive 13724: 13723: 13696: 13693:Internet Archive 13690: 13689: 13666:Extended content 13662: 13661: 13547: 13545:Ten Pound Hammer 13532: 13525: 13524: 13492: 13472: 13420: 13385:19 February 2024 13379: 13331: 13290: 13242: 13229:... that during 13205: 13168:IgnatiusofLondon 13150:IgnatiusofLondon 13141: 13134: 13133: 13091: 13050: 13020: 13017: 13001: 12993: 12989: 12983: 12978: 12401: 12395: 12394: 12363: 12361: 12360: 12335: 12333: 12332: 12308: 12306: 12305: 12280: 12278: 12277: 12268:. Archived from 12250: 12248: 12247: 12238:. Archived from 12222: 12220: 12219: 12210:. Archived from 12192: 12190: 12189: 12180:. 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15365: 15364: 15360: 15356: 15353: 15350: 15349:Stellar Agent 15344: 15340: 15336: 15332: 15331: 15330: 15329: 15325: 15321: 15310: 15298:on 2024-05-02 15297: 15293: 15292: 15287: 15282: 15280: 15268:on 2024-05-02 15267: 15263: 15262: 15257: 15252: 15250: 15244: 15234:on 2024-05-02 15233: 15229: 15225: 15224: 15219: 15215: 15213: 15211: 15207: 15203: 15196: 15185: 15184: 15179: 15174: 15172: 15166: 15155: 15154: 15149: 15145: 15143: 15137: 15126: 15125: 15120: 15115: 15113: 15107: 15097: 15095:1-85058-332-3 15092: 15088: 15087: 15081: 15080: 15079: 15073: 15072: 15068: 15067: 15065: 15062: 15059: 15055: 15050: 15049: 15045: 15041: 15038: 15035: 15029: 15025: 15021: 15017: 15016: 15015: 15014: 15010: 15006: 14995: 14989: 14979: 14977:1-85058-332-3 14974: 14970: 14969: 14963: 14961: 14957: 14951: 14940: 14936: 14932: 14930: 14927: 14922: 14915: 14904: 14903: 14898: 14893: 14892: 14891: 14885: 14884: 14880: 14879: 14877: 14874: 14871: 14867: 14862: 14861: 14857: 14853: 14850: 14847: 14841: 14837: 14833: 14829: 14828: 14827: 14826: 14822: 14818: 14807: 14801: 14790: 14789: 14784: 14780: 14778: 14772: 14762: 14759: 14755: 14751: 14747: 14745: 14742: 14738: 14731: 14720: 14716: 14711: 14709: 14707: 14706:Discovery 2.0 14703: 14699: 14692: 14681: 14680: 14675: 14670: 14669: 14668: 14662: 14661: 14657: 14656: 14654: 14651: 14648: 14644: 14639: 14638: 14634: 14630: 14627: 14624: 14620: 14619:Discovery 2.0 14612: 14608: 14604: 14600: 14596: 14592: 14591: 14586: 14583: 14580: 14576: 14573: 14572: 14571: 14567: 14563: 14559: 14555: 14554: 14553: 14552: 14548: 14544: 14533: 14527: 14517: 14515:0-679-75592-6 14512: 14508: 14504: 14503: 14497: 14495: 14489: 14478: 14477: 14472: 14467: 14465: 14459: 14449:on 2024-03-26 14448: 14444: 14443: 14438: 14433: 14431: 14425: 14414: 14413: 14408: 14404: 14402: 14400: 14393: 14382: 14381: 14376: 14371: 14369: 14366: 14359: 14348: 14347: 14342: 14337: 14335: 14333: 14325: 14321: 14314: 14304: 14299: 14295: 14292:. Cambridge: 14291: 14290: 14284: 14282: 14280: 14276: 14269: 14258: 14257: 14252: 14247: 14245: 14239: 14228: 14227: 14222: 14217: 14215: 14209: 14198: 14197: 14192: 14187: 14185: 14179: 14168: 14167: 14162: 14157: 14155: 14149: 14138: 14137: 14132: 14127: 14125: 14119: 14108: 14104: 14099: 14098: 14097: 14091: 14090: 14086: 14085: 14083: 14080: 14077: 14073: 14068: 14067: 14063: 14059: 14056: 14053: 14047: 14043: 14039: 14035: 14034: 14033: 14032: 14028: 14024: 14013: 14009: 14006: 14000: 13990: 13988:1-85058-332-3 13985: 13981: 13980: 13974: 13972: 13966: 13955: 13954: 13949: 13944: 13942: 13936: 13925: 13924: 13919: 13915: 13914: 13913: 13907: 13906: 13902: 13901: 13899: 13895: 13894: 13889: 13886: 13883: 13879: 13874: 13873: 13869: 13865: 13862: 13859: 13852: 13848: 13844: 13840: 13839: 13838: 13837: 13833: 13829: 13817: 13813: 13811: 13806: 13796: 13794:0-688-10368-5 13791: 13787: 13783: 13782: 13777: 13773: 13771: 13765: 13754: 13753: 13748: 13743: 13741: 13737: 13734: 13728: 13718: 13716:1-85058-332-3 13713: 13709: 13708: 13702: 13700: 13694: 13683: 13682: 13677: 13672: 13671: 13670: 13664: 13663: 13659: 13657: 13656: 13654: 13653: 13651: 13646: 13642: 13638: 13634: 13633: 13628: 13625: 13622: 13618: 13613: 13612: 13608: 13604: 13600: 13596: 13593: 13590: 13585: 13582: 13569: 13565: 13561: 13557: 13556: 13551: 13546: 13541: 13540: 13537: 13534: 13531: 13526: 13516: 13512: 13508: 13504: 13501: 13500: 13499: 13498: 13495: 13491: 13486: 13485: 13480: 13476: 13471: 13461: 13460: 13456: 13453: 13450: 13446: 13440: 13438: 13434: 13428: 13424: 13418: 13414: 13412: 13408: 13407: 13400: 13399: 13398: 13392: 13391: 13386: 13378: 13367: 13366: 13362: 13358: 13351: 13349: 13345: 13339: 13335: 13329: 13325: 13323: 13319: 13318: 13311: 13310: 13309: 13303: 13302: 13297: 13289: 13278: 13277: 13273: 13269: 13262: 13260: 13256: 13250: 13246: 13240: 13236: 13234: 13233: 13226: 13225: 13224: 13218: 13217: 13212: 13204: 13191: 13187: 13183: 13179: 13176: 13173: 13169: 13165: 13164: 13159: 13155: 13151: 13148:, thank you! 13147: 13143: 13140: 13136: 13135: 13127: 13126: 13122: 13118: 13111: 13109: 13105: 13099: 13095: 13089: 13085: 13083: 13079: 13078: 13071: 13070: 13069: 13063: 13062: 13057: 13049: 13036: 13032: 13028: 13023: 13022: 13021: 13014: 13009: 13005: 12997: 12973: 12972: 12968: 12964: 12961: 12958: 12955: 12943: 12939: 12935: 12931: 12930: 12929: 12925: 12921: 12917: 12913: 12909: 12905: 12901: 12898: 12895: 12891: 12887: 12886: 12885: 12881: 12877: 12873: 12869: 12868: 12867: 12863: 12859: 12855: 12851: 12847: 12843: 12842: 12841: 12840: 12836: 12832: 12829: 12826: 12823: 12815: 12811: 12807: 12803: 12802: 12801: 12797: 12793: 12789: 12785: 12781: 12780: 12779: 12778: 12774: 12770: 12767: 12764: 12761: 12758: 12750: 12746: 12742: 12738: 12737: 12736: 12732: 12728: 12724: 12720: 12719: 12718: 12717: 12713: 12709: 12706: 12703: 12700: 12695: 12683: 12679: 12675: 12671: 12670: 12669: 12665: 12661: 12657: 12656: 12655: 12651: 12647: 12643: 12639: 12635: 12631: 12627: 12626: 12625: 12621: 12617: 12612: 12611: 12610: 12609: 12605: 12601: 12596: 12595:Bruce Harlick 12591: 12587: 12583: 12579: 12575: 12570: 12562: 12558: 12554: 12550: 12549: 12548: 12544: 12540: 12535: 12534: 12533: 12532: 12528: 12524: 12514: 12510: 12506: 12502: 12501: 12500: 12496: 12492: 12488: 12485: 12482: 12478: 12474: 12473: 12472: 12471: 12467: 12463: 12459: 12455: 12448: 12444: 12440: 12436: 12435: 12434: 12433: 12429: 12425: 12414: 12411: 12407: 12399: 12389: 12384: 12380: 12376: 12375: 12369: 12367: 12355:on 2024-05-24 12354: 12350: 12346: 12341: 12339: 12327:on 2024-05-24 12326: 12322: 12318: 12313: 12311: 12300:on 2024-05-24 12299: 12295: 12291: 12286: 12284: 12272:on 2023-09-29 12271: 12267: 12266: 12261: 12256: 12254: 12242:on 2024-05-24 12241: 12237: 12233: 12228: 12226: 12214:on 2024-05-24 12213: 12209: 12208: 12203: 12198: 12196: 12184:on 2024-05-24 12183: 12179: 12178: 12173: 12168: 12166: 12154:on 2024-05-24 12153: 12149: 12148: 12143: 12138: 12136: 12124:on 2024-05-24 12123: 12119: 12118: 12113: 12108: 12106: 12094:on 2024-05-24 12093: 12089: 12088: 12083: 12079: 12075: 12073: 12062:on 2024-05-24 12061: 12057: 12056: 12051: 12046: 12044: 12032:on 2024-05-24 12031: 12027: 12026: 12021: 12016: 12014: 12002:on 2024-05-24 12001: 11997: 11996: 11991: 11986: 11985: 11984: 11978: 11977: 11973: 11972: 11970: 11967: 11964: 11960: 11955: 11954: 11950: 11946: 11942: 11938: 11933: 11932:Zenobia Award 11929: 11926: 11918: 11914: 11910: 11906: 11905: 11904: 11900: 11896: 11892: 11891: 11890: 11889: 11885: 11881: 11869: 11866: 11863: 11860: 11857: 11854: 11851: 11848: 11844: 11839: 11829: 11827:0-87975-652-7 11824: 11820: 11816: 11815: 11810: 11806: 11804: 11798: 11787: 11786: 11781: 11776: 11774: 11762:on 2024-05-14 11761: 11757: 11756: 11751: 11746: 11744: 11732:on 2024-05-14 11731: 11727: 11726: 11721: 11716: 11714: 11702:on 2024-05-14 11701: 11697: 11696: 11691: 11686: 11684: 11672:on 2024-05-14 11671: 11667: 11666: 11661: 11656: 11654: 11642:on 2024-05-14 11641: 11637: 11633: 11628: 11626: 11614:on 2024-05-14 11613: 11609: 11608: 11603: 11598: 11597: 11596: 11590: 11589: 11585: 11584: 11582: 11579: 11576: 11572: 11567: 11566: 11562: 11558: 11555: 11553:and D&D: 11552: 11548: 11544: 11535: 11531: 11527: 11523: 11522:The White Box 11519: 11518: 11517: 11513: 11509: 11505: 11504: 11503: 11502: 11498: 11494: 11481: 11475: 11464: 11460: 11455: 11453: 11441:on 2024-05-03 11440: 11436: 11433: 11429: 11428: 11423: 11418: 11416: 11404:on 2024-05-03 11403: 11399: 11398: 11393: 11388: 11386: 11374:on 2024-05-03 11373: 11369: 11368: 11363: 11359: 11358: 11356: 11352: 11348: 11346: 11342: 11338: 11325:on 2024-05-03 11324: 11320: 11317: 11313: 11309: 11308: 11302: 11300: 11288:on 2024-05-03 11287: 11283: 11279: 11274: 11272: 11260:on 2024-05-03 11259: 11255: 11251: 11246: 11245: 11243: 11242:The White Box 11239: 11237: 11225:on 2024-05-03 11224: 11220: 11216: 11211: 11210: 11209: 11203: 11202: 11198: 11197: 11195: 11192: 11189: 11185: 11180: 11179: 11175: 11171: 11167: 11164: 11160: 11152: 11148: 11144: 11140: 11139: 11138: 11134: 11130: 11126: 11122: 11118: 11114: 11110: 11106: 11102: 11099: 11096: 11092: 11088: 11087: 11086: 11085: 11081: 11077: 11073: 11066: 11062: 11058: 11053: 11051: 11047: 11043: 11039: 11038: 11037: 11036: 11032: 11028: 11017: 11011: 11007: 11003: 10999: 10994: 10992: 10986: 10982: 10978: 10973: 10971: 10965: 10961: 10957: 10953: 10948: 10946: 10941: 10938: 10934: 10933: 10927: 10925: 10913:on 2024-04-28 10912: 10908: 10907: 10902: 10897: 10895: 10883:on 2024-04-28 10882: 10878: 10877: 10872: 10867: 10865: 10859: 10855: 10851: 10847: 10842: 10840: 10835: 10832: 10831: 10825: 10821: 10816: 10814: 10802:on 2024-04-28 10801: 10797: 10796: 10791: 10786: 10784: 10772:on 2024-04-28 10771: 10767: 10766: 10761: 10756: 10754: 10742:on 2024-04-28 10741: 10737: 10736: 10731: 10726: 10724: 10712:on 2024-04-28 10711: 10707: 10706: 10701: 10696: 10694: 10682:on 2024-04-28 10681: 10677: 10676: 10671: 10666: 10664: 10652:on 2024-04-28 10651: 10647: 10646: 10641: 10636: 10634: 10622:on 2022-07-09 10621: 10617: 10616: 10611: 10606: 10604: 10592:on 2024-04-28 10590: 10585: 10584: 10583:New Scientist 10579: 10574: 10572: 10569: 10561: 10551:. 1978. p. 17 10550: 10549: 10544: 10540: 10538: 10532: 10521: 10520: 10515: 10511: 10510: 10509: 10503: 10502: 10498: 10497: 10495: 10492: 10489: 10485: 10480: 10479: 10475: 10471: 10467: 10463: 10459: 10452: 10448: 10444: 10440: 10439: 10438: 10434: 10430: 10426: 10425: 10424: 10423: 10419: 10415: 10404: 10398: 10388:on 2024-04-20 10387: 10383: 10379: 10375: 10373: 10367: 10357:on 2024-04-20 10356: 10352: 10348: 10344: 10342: 10336: 10325: 10324: 10319: 10315: 10313: 10307: 10296: 10295: 10290: 10285: 10283: 10277: 10266: 10265: 10260: 10255: 10253: 10248: 10238: 10236:0-87975-652-7 10233: 10229: 10225: 10221: 10217: 10213: 10209: 10205: 10204: 10199: 10195: 10193: 10187: 10176: 10175: 10170: 10166: 10164: 10158: 10147: 10146: 10141: 10136: 10134: 10128: 10118:on 2024-04-20 10117: 10113: 10112: 10107: 10102: 10100: 10098: 10091: 10087: 10083: 10079: 10078: 10073: 10069: 10065: 10063: 10058: 10054: 10050: 10046: 10045: 10040: 10036: 10032: 10030: 10024: 10014:on 2024-04-20 10013: 10009: 10008: 10003: 9998: 9997: 9996: 9990: 9989: 9985: 9984: 9982: 9979: 9976: 9972: 9963: 9959: 9955: 9951: 9950: 9949: 9945: 9941: 9937: 9933: 9932: 9931: 9930: 9926: 9922: 9919: 9916: 9912: 9905: 9901: 9897: 9893: 9892: 9891: 9890: 9886: 9882: 9871: 9860:on 2024-04-13 9859: 9855: 9854: 9849: 9844: 9842: 9831:on 2024-04-13 9830: 9826: 9825: 9820: 9815: 9813: 9802:on 2024-04-13 9801: 9797: 9796: 9791: 9786: 9784: 9773:on 2024-04-13 9772: 9768: 9767: 9762: 9757: 9755: 9744:on 2024-04-13 9743: 9739: 9738: 9733: 9728: 9726: 9715:on 2024-04-13 9714: 9710: 9709: 9704: 9699: 9697: 9695: 9688: 9677: 9676: 9671: 9667: 9663: 9661: 9656: 9646: 9641: 9637: 9636: 9630: 9628: 9626: 9619: 9609: 9606: 9602: 9598: 9594: 9593: 9592: 9586: 9585: 9581: 9580: 9578: 9575: 9572: 9568: 9563: 9562: 9558: 9554: 9551: 9549:supplements: 9548: 9544: 9540: 9536: 9528: 9524: 9520: 9516: 9515: 9514: 9510: 9506: 9502: 9498: 9494: 9491: 9488: 9484: 9480: 9479: 9478: 9477: 9473: 9469: 9466: 9463: 9459: 9455: 9449: 9445: 9441: 9437: 9436: 9435: 9434: 9430: 9426: 9414: 9411: 9410: 9405: 9403: 9392:on 2024-04-03 9391: 9387: 9386: 9381: 9376: 9374: 9362:on 2024-04-03 9361: 9357: 9356: 9351: 9346: 9344: 9332:on 2024-04-03 9331: 9327: 9326: 9321: 9316: 9314: 9303:on 2024-04-03 9299: 9295: 9292: 9288: 9281: 9276: 9274: 9272: 9268: 9264: 9257: 9247: 9242: 9238: 9234: 9230: 9225: 9224: 9223: 9217: 9216: 9212: 9211: 9209: 9206: 9203: 9199: 9194: 9193: 9189: 9185: 9182: 9179: 9175: 9165: 9161: 9157: 9153: 9149: 9146: 9143: 9139: 9136: 9135: 9134: 9130: 9126: 9122: 9118: 9117: 9116: 9112: 9108: 9104: 9103: 9102: 9101: 9097: 9093: 9082: 9080: 9076: 9069: 9059: 9054: 9050: 9046: 9042: 9041: 9036: 9031: 9029: 9023: 9013: 9008: 9004: 9000: 8999: 8993: 8991: 8979: 8974: 8970: 8969: 8963: 8961: 8959: 8955: 8948: 8938: 8933: 8929: 8925: 8921: 8916: 8914: 8912: 8908: 8895: 8890: 8886: 8883:. Liverpool: 8882: 8881: 8875: 8873: 8862: 8857: 8853: 8849: 8848: 8842: 8840: 8835: 8825: 8820: 8816: 8812: 8811: 8805: 8803: 8801: 8794: 8784: 8779: 8775: 8772:. Cambridge: 8771: 8770: 8764: 8762: 8760: 8755: 8752: 8748: 8741: 8731: 8726: 8723:. pp. 12–13. 8722: 8718: 8717: 8711: 8709: 8703: 8693: 8688: 8684: 8680: 8679: 8673: 8671: 8668: 8665: 8663: 8655: 8645: 8640: 8636: 8632: 8631: 8625: 8623: 8621: 8617: 8612: 8606: 8596: 8591: 8587: 8583: 8582: 8576: 8574: 8569: 8559: 8554: 8550: 8547:. Cambridge: 8546: 8545: 8539: 8537: 8534: 8527: 8524: 8520: 8516: 8511: 8509: 8507: 8503: 8498: 8492: 8488: 8484: 8479: 8476: 8475:Appelcline)." 8472: 8470: 8466: 8461: 8450:on 2023-10-23 8449: 8445: 8441: 8440: 8434: 8432: 8429: 8416:on 2024-03-24 8415: 8411: 8407: 8406: 8400: 8398: 8396: 8391: 8389: 8382: 8372: 8370:0-131-01816-7 8367: 8363: 8359: 8358: 8353: 8349: 8347: 8345: 8340: 8327:on 2024-03-24 8326: 8322: 8321: 8316: 8311: 8310: 8309: 8303: 8302: 8298: 8297: 8295: 8292: 8289: 8285: 8280: 8279: 8275: 8271: 8268: 8265: 8261: 8255: 8251: 8247: 8243: 8242: 8241: 8240: 8236: 8232: 8220: 8216: 8213: 8211: 8209: 8205: 8201: 8187: 8186: 8181: 8177: 8175: 8173: 8169: 8165: 8161: 8154: 8143: 8142: 8137: 8133: 8132:Varney, Allen 8129: 8127: 8121: 8111: 8108: 8104: 8100: 8095: 8093: 8092:Sacripantas!" 8089: 8088:Sacripantas!" 8083: 8072: 8071: 8070:Dragão Brasil 8066: 8062: 8060: 8058: 8053: 8051: 8044: 8033: 8032: 8031:Dragão Brasil 8027: 8023: 8021: 8016: 8005: 8004: 7999: 7995: 7991: 7989: 7987: 7980: 7970: 7966: 7962: 7961: 7956: 7952: 7948: 7946: 7944: 7939: 7926:on 2024-03-22 7925: 7921: 7920: 7915: 7910: 7908: 7906: 7902: 7897: 7895: 7891: 7883: 7878: 7874: 7870: 7865: 7864: 7863: 7857: 7856: 7852: 7851: 7849: 7846: 7843: 7839: 7834: 7833: 7829: 7825: 7822: 7818: 7814: 7806: 7802: 7798: 7794: 7793: 7792: 7788: 7784: 7780: 7776: 7772: 7769: 7766: 7762: 7758: 7757: 7756: 7755: 7751: 7747: 7744: 7741: 7737: 7733: 7723: 7719: 7715: 7711: 7710: 7709: 7705: 7701: 7697: 7696: 7695: 7691: 7687: 7683: 7682: 7681: 7680: 7676: 7672: 7660: 7656: 7655: 7651: 7649: 7638:on 2024-03-08 7637: 7633: 7632: 7627: 7622: 7620: 7616: 7610: 7600: 7595: 7591: 7587: 7583: 7579: 7578: 7573: 7568: 7566: 7560: 7550: 7545: 7541: 7537: 7533: 7532: 7527: 7522: 7520: 7514: 7504: 7499: 7495: 7491: 7490: 7485: 7480: 7478: 7473: 7462: 7458: 7453: 7451: 7445: 7435: 7432: 7428: 7423: 7419: 7415: 7411: 7410: 7405: 7400: 7398: 7386:on 2024-01-23 7385: 7381: 7380: 7375: 7370: 7368: 7365: 7357: 7354: 7350: 7346: 7342: 7338: 7333: 7331: 7320:on 2023-06-06 7319: 7315: 7314: 7309: 7304: 7302: 7290:on 2024-03-08 7289: 7285: 7284: 7279: 7274: 7272: 7260:on 2024-03-08 7259: 7255: 7254: 7249: 7244: 7242: 7231:on 2024-03-08 7230: 7226: 7225: 7220: 7215: 7213: 7201:on 2024-03-08 7200: 7196: 7195: 7190: 7185: 7183: 7171:on 2024-03-08 7170: 7166: 7165: 7160: 7155: 7153: 7141:on 2024-03-08 7140: 7136: 7132: 7127: 7125: 7120: 7110: 7105: 7101: 7097: 7096: 7090: 7088: 7076:on 2024-03-08 7075: 7071: 7070: 7065: 7060: 7058: 7052: 7042: 7037: 7033: 7029: 7028: 7022: 7020: 7008:on 2024-03-08 7007: 7003: 6999: 6994: 6992: 6980:on 2021-05-12 6979: 6975: 6974: 6969: 6964: 6963: 6962: 6956: 6955: 6951: 6950: 6948: 6945: 6942: 6938: 6933: 6932: 6928: 6924: 6921: 6918: 6914: 6910: 6906: 6898: 6894: 6890: 6886: 6885: 6884: 6880: 6876: 6872: 6869: 6868: 6863: 6859: 6855: 6852: 6849: 6845: 6841: 6840: 6839: 6838: 6834: 6830: 6826: 6823: 6819: 6815: 6811: 6805: 6801: 6797: 6793: 6792: 6791: 6790: 6786: 6782: 6771: 6760:on 2024-03-06 6759: 6755: 6754: 6749: 6744: 6742: 6740: 6733: 6723: 6720: 6716: 6714:0-7876-7092-8 6711: 6707: 6703: 6702: 6696: 6694: 6688: 6677: 6673: 6668: 6666: 6660: 6650: 6645: 6641: 6637: 6636: 6630: 6628: 6626: 6622: 6618: 6613: 6610: 6606: 6599: 6589: 6584: 6580: 6576: 6572: 6568: 6567: 6561: 6559: 6557: 6553: 6546: 6535: 6534: 6529: 6525: 6523: 6518: 6507: 6506: 6501: 6496: 6494: 6488: 6485: 6481: 6480: 6474: 6473: 6472: 6466: 6465: 6461: 6460: 6458: 6455: 6452: 6448: 6443: 6442: 6438: 6434: 6431: 6428: 6424: 6420: 6416: 6412: 6408: 6404: 6396: 6392: 6388: 6384: 6383: 6382: 6378: 6374: 6370: 6369: 6368: 6367: 6363: 6359: 6348: 6346: 6342: 6335: 6325:on 2024-03-03 6321: 6317: 6314: 6310: 6306: 6299: 6294: 6292: 6280:on 2024-03-03 6279: 6275: 6274: 6269: 6264: 6262: 6251:on 2024-03-03 6250: 6246: 6245: 6240: 6235: 6233: 6228: 6218: 6213: 6209: 6205: 6204: 6198: 6196: 6190: 6180: 6175: 6171: 6167: 6166: 6160: 6158: 6156: 6143:on 2024-03-03 6142: 6138: 6134: 6129: 6127: 6115:on 2024-03-03 6114: 6110: 6106: 6104: 6092:on 2024-03-03 6091: 6087: 6086: 6081: 6076: 6074: 6062:on 2024-03-03 6061: 6057: 6056: 6051: 6046: 6045: 6044: 6038: 6037: 6033: 6032: 6030: 6027: 6024: 6020: 6015: 6014: 6010: 6006: 6002: 5999: 5991: 5987: 5983: 5979: 5978: 5977: 5973: 5969: 5965: 5964: 5963: 5962: 5958: 5954: 5942: 5938: 5935: 5931: 5928: 5924: 5921: 5919: 5907:on 2024-03-02 5906: 5902: 5901: 5896: 5891: 5889: 5878:on 2024-03-02 5877: 5873: 5869: 5865: 5863: 5862:line (2013)." 5861: 5857: 5853: 5849: 5845: 5841: 5837: 5833: 5828: 5826: 5822: 5815: 5805: 5800: 5796: 5792: 5788: 5784: 5783: 5777: 5775: 5769: 5758: 5757: 5751: 5749: 5744: 5733: 5732: 5727: 5722: 5720: 5714: 5704: 5699: 5695: 5691: 5690: 5684: 5683: 5682: 5676: 5675: 5671: 5670: 5668: 5665: 5662: 5658: 5653: 5652: 5648: 5644: 5641: 5638: 5634: 5628: 5624: 5620: 5616: 5615: 5614: 5613: 5609: 5605: 5593: 5589: 5586: 5584: 5582: 5569:on 2024-02-29 5568: 5564: 5563: 5558: 5553: 5551: 5539:on 2024-02-29 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5003: 5002: 4998: 4994: 4990: 4989: 4988: 4987: 4983: 4979: 4968: 4956:on 2024-02-25 4955: 4951: 4950: 4945: 4940: 4938: 4926:on 2024-02-25 4925: 4921: 4920: 4915: 4910: 4908: 4896:on 2024-02-25 4895: 4891: 4890: 4885: 4881: 4879: 4867:on 2024-02-25 4866: 4862: 4861: 4856: 4851: 4849: 4837:on 2023-05-21 4836: 4832: 4831: 4826: 4822: 4820: 4808:on 2024-02-25 4807: 4803: 4802: 4797: 4792: 4790: 4778:on 2024-02-25 4777: 4773: 4772: 4767: 4762: 4760: 4749:on 2024-02-25 4748: 4744: 4743: 4738: 4733: 4731: 4720:on 2024-02-25 4719: 4715: 4714: 4709: 4704: 4702: 4691:on 2024-02-25 4690: 4686: 4685: 4680: 4676: 4674: 4663:on 2024-02-25 4662: 4658: 4657: 4652: 4647: 4645: 4633:on 2024-02-25 4632: 4628: 4627: 4622: 4617: 4615: 4603:on 2024-02-25 4602: 4598: 4595: 4591: 4590: 4585: 4580: 4578: 4566:on 2024-02-25 4565: 4561: 4560: 4555: 4550: 4548: 4536:on 2024-02-25 4535: 4531: 4530: 4525: 4520: 4518: 4506:on 2024-02-25 4505: 4501: 4500: 4495: 4490: 4488: 4476:on 2023-03-20 4475: 4471: 4470: 4465: 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2275: 2271: 2267: 2266: 2262: 2258: 2254: 2251: 2245: 2241: 2237: 2233: 2232: 2231: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2210: 2206: 2203: 2201: 2189:on 2024-02-05 2188: 2184: 2183: 2178: 2173: 2171: 2159:on 2024-02-05 2158: 2154: 2153: 2148: 2143: 2141: 2130:on 2024-02-05 2129: 2125: 2124: 2119: 2114: 2112: 2100:on 2024-02-05 2099: 2095: 2094: 2089: 2084: 2082: 2070:on 2024-02-05 2069: 2065: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2052: 2040:on 2024-02-05 2039: 2035: 2034: 2029: 2024: 2022: 2016: 2013: 2009: 2008: 2002: 2000: 1994: 1991: 1987: 1983: 1978: 1976: 1964:on 2024-02-05 1963: 1959: 1958: 1953: 1948: 1946: 1934:on 2024-02-05 1933: 1929: 1928: 1923: 1918: 1916: 1912: 1900:on 2023-05-22 1899: 1895: 1894: 1889: 1884: 1883: 1882: 1876: 1875: 1871: 1870: 1868: 1865: 1862: 1858: 1853: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1840: 1837: 1831: 1827: 1823: 1819: 1818: 1817: 1816: 1812: 1808: 1796: 1792: 1788: 1784: 1780: 1778: 1766:on 2024-01-31 1765: 1761: 1760: 1755: 1750: 1748: 1736:on 2024-01-31 1735: 1731: 1730: 1729:Bleeding Cool 1725: 1720: 1718: 1706:on 2024-01-31 1705: 1701: 1697: 1692: 1691: 1690: 1684: 1683: 1679: 1678: 1676: 1672: 1669: 1666: 1662: 1657: 1656: 1652: 1648: 1644: 1638: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1625: 1624: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1604: 1602: 1597: 1595: 1590: 1588: 1583: 1581: 1574: 1564: 1559: 1555: 1551: 1547: 1543: 1539: 1535: 1534: 1528: 1526: 1521: 1510: 1509: 1504: 1500: 1498: 1494: 1488: 1477: 1476: 1471: 1467: 1465: 1463: 1456: 1446: 1441: 1437: 1433: 1432: 1426: 1424: 1421: 1414: 1404: 1399: 1395: 1391: 1390: 1385: 1380: 1378: 1366:on 2012-05-12 1365: 1361: 1360: 1355: 1350: 1348: 1342: 1332: 1327: 1323: 1319: 1318: 1312: 1310: 1304: 1294: 1289: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1273: 1272: 1267: 1262: 1260: 1248:on 2024-01-30 1247: 1243: 1239: 1234: 1232: 1229: 1225: 1221: 1216: 1214: 1210: 1205: 1203: 1199: 1195: 1191: 1186: 1184: 1180: 1176: 1171: 1169: 1165: 1158: 1148: 1143: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1127: 1123: 1119: 1118: 1112: 1110: 1104: 1094: 1092:0-672-30456-2 1089: 1085: 1081: 1080: 1074: 1072: 1061:on 2020-05-30 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Retrieved 6565: 6555: 6551: 6549: 6538:. Retrieved 6531: 6521: 6510:. Retrieved 6503: 6491: 6477: 6453: 6444: 6405: 6401: 6356: 6344: 6338: 6327:. Retrieved 6320:the original 6304: 6289: 6282:. Retrieved 6278:the original 6271: 6260: 6253:. Retrieved 6249:the original 6242: 6231: 6227:Google Books 6220:. Retrieved 6202: 6193: 6182:. Retrieved 6164: 6154: 6152: 6145:. Retrieved 6141:the original 6136: 6124: 6117:. Retrieved 6113:the original 6101: 6094:. Retrieved 6090:the original 6085:Wicked Local 6083: 6071: 6064:. Retrieved 6060:the original 6053: 6025: 6016: 5996: 5951: 5916: 5909:. Retrieved 5905:the original 5898: 5887: 5880:. Retrieved 5876:the original 5871: 5859: 5855: 5851: 5847: 5843: 5839: 5835: 5829: 5824: 5818: 5814:Google Books 5807:. Retrieved 5781: 5772: 5761:. Retrieved 5755: 5747: 5736:. Retrieved 5729: 5717: 5706:. Retrieved 5688: 5663: 5654: 5635: 5631: 5602: 5580: 5578: 5571:. Retrieved 5567:the original 5560: 5548: 5541:. 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No. 186 3223:. p. 34. 2695:News9Live 2685:through." 2205:This page 2123:Game Rant 2093:Game Rant 1988:. p. 72. 1777:Frazier." 1475:PC Player 1462:Darklands 1436:CRC Press 1359:Gamasutra 1322:CRC Press 1276:Routledge 1054:Gamasutra 986:Play Time 521:AJ Rafael 516:Crowd Cow 506:Sunny Lam 411:NewsDiffs 316:LucyPhone 296:Heart-kun 91:In Rwanda 20027:). 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