
Tobacco in the American colonies

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534:, tobacco caused systematic soil depletion that shaped both agricultural development and the broader socio-economic order. Agriculture in Virginia and Maryland relied on a single crop and exploitative practices, causing declining yields and exhausted lands. Land that had originally been highly fertile became useless and was abandoned on a wide scale. Planters realized the waste and knew they would have to move on to fresh land. The lack of proper plowing and cultivation methods led to destructive erosion, while continuous replanting depleted essential plant nutrients and encouraged harmful soil organisms. The failure to add organic matter or fertilizers worsened the situation. As a result, expansion became necessary to maintain productivity, leading to social, economic, and political conflicts, as well as a decline in living standards. Although some observers blamed slavery as a major cause, Craven discounts its role in soil exhaustion. 413:. With the early tobacco boom in Virginia and the expansion of trade with England, the value of tobacco soared and provided an incentive for a large influx of colonists. In Virginia, the rough climate made it difficult for the colonists to produce crops that were necessary for survival. Due to this difficulty, the colonists lacked a source of income and food. The colonists of Virginia began to grow tobacco. Tobacco brought the colonists a large source of revenue that was used to pay taxes and fines, purchase slaves, and to purchase manufactured goods from England. As the colonies grew, so did their production of tobacco. Slaves and indentured servants were brought into the colonies to participate in tobacco farming. It has been said that some colonies would have continued to fail had it not been for the production of tobacco. Tobacco provided the early colonies with an opportunity for expansion and economic success. 366: 482:
value, farmers would add dirt and leaves to increase the weight, but lowering the quality. From the 1640s to the 1690s the value of tobacco would be highly unstable, government officials would help stabilize tobacco by reducing the amount of tobacco produced, standardizing the size of a tobacco hogshead, and prohibiting shipments of bulk tobacco. Eventually the tobacco currency would stabilize in the early 1700s but would be short lived as farmers started cutting back on growing tobacco. In the 1730s tobacco crops were being replaced with food crops as the colonies moved closer to revolution with England.
19: 346: 119: 478:. In order to help with accounting and standardizing trade, colonial government officials would rate tobacco and compare its weight into values of pounds, shillings, and pence. The popularity of American tobacco increased dramatically in the colonial period eventually leading to English goods being traded equally with tobacco. Because England's climate did not allow for the same quality of tobacco as that grown in America, the colonists did not have to worry about scarcity of tobacco. This eventually led to tobacco being the main form of trade with England. 333:
unique skills, honed over the course of many years in the field, proved indispensable to a planter’s success. Tobacco planters favored a technique called “ganging”, where groups of eight to twelve slaves worked fields simultaneously under the supervision of a white superior or a tenured slave. The hardest working slaves, called “pace-setters”, were spread amongst the different groups as an example for those around them. Unlike tasking, ganging was amenable to supervision and quality control and lacked an inherent measure of individual effort.
61: 262: 2171: 270:
racial relations. Planters pushed slaves to their physical limits to ensure a superior crop. Slaves, meanwhile, realized that the quality of a crop depended on their effort and began “foot-dragging”, or collectively slowing their pace in protest of the planters' extreme demands. Farmers racialized foot-dragging, portraying it as an inherent personality trait of slaves. William Strickland, a wealthy colonial tobacco planter, remarked:
the Virginian economy as a whole. This led to several booms and busts related to tobacco. The price of tobacco dropped from 6.50 pennies per pound in the 1620s down to as low as .80 pennies per pound in the 1690s. This downward trending triggered a whole series of crop controls and government sponsored price manipulations throughout the 1600s to try to stabilize pricing, but to no avail.
388:, author T.H. Breen writes “quite literally, the quality of a man’s tobacco often served as the measure of the man.” Proficient planters, held in high regard by their peers, often exercised significant political clout in colonial governments. Farmers often spent excess profits on expensive luxury goods from London to indicate to others that their tobacco was selling well. Notably, 1440: 431:
American Colonies and profit tremendously within Europe. The British merchants influenced economies using the power of the nation-state to influence and protect business interests. In exchange, taxes were levied in order to fund political interests. The bill that the merchants put forward in 1621 to Parliament was a classic example of the power and influence of
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killed. Cotton and rice plantation owners employed a management technique called “tasking”, in which each slave would receive around one-half acre of land to tend individually with minimal supervision. The weight of the yield from each slave’s plot was interpreted as a direct reflection of the quality of his work.
450:. Ironically King James had very strong opinions against the use of tobacco, pointing to the ill health effects and social impact of those that used tobacco Despite these grievances the King was then able to capture import duties on tobacco and in exchange monopoly power was granted to the merchants. 453:
The measures also prevented any foreign ships from carrying colonial tobacco. This monopolization became extremely profitable and flourished during the 1600s. The economy of Virginia was extremely dependent on the tobacco trade. So much so that subtle shifts in demand and prices dramatically affected
and an edict that tobacco was not to be grown and cultivated anywhere else within England. The objective of the merchants was to monopolize and control all means of tobacco distribution within Europe and throughout the world. By doing so it was possible to secure a stable return on investment for the
take effect on harvest quality past a certain threshold of labor investment. Tobacco, however, was considered to be more artisanal and craft-like, with limitless opportunities to improve yield and quality. Thus, the most profitable cotton and rice operations were large and factory-like, while tobacco
Before the slave boom, Chesapeake tobacco plantations were characterized by a “culture of assimilation”, where white planters worked alongside their black slaves and racial boundaries were less distinct. As slaveholding increased, intense racial contrasts emerged and all-black labor units supervised
The slave population in the Chesapeake increased significantly during the 17th century due to the demand for cheap tobacco labor and a dwindling influx of indentured servants willing to migrate from England. In this century, it is estimated that the Chesapeake African slave population increased from
plantation, Washington saw his liabilities swell to nearly £2000 by the late 1760s. Jefferson, on the verge of losing his own farm, aggressively espoused various conspiracy theories. Though never verified, Jefferson accused London merchants of unfairly depressing tobacco prices and forcing Virginia
Some contemporary scholars argue that the Chesapeake was a more hospitable environment for slaves. It was more common in the Chesapeake for a slave to work alongside his master, an arrangement unheard of in the strict vertical hierarchies of massive Southern plantations. Whites and blacks were more
The Chesapeake had few urban centers relative to the South. Instead, multiple markets were established along tributaries. This facilitated the persistence of smaller tobacco farms because the cost of moving tobacco to market was kept reasonable. In the south, all economic activity was fed through a
Following the legalization of chattel slavery, slaves slowly and steadily replaced white indentured servants. Native American slaves were also sought after, but dwindling Native population at the end of the 17th century turned focus onto African slaves. Between 1675 and 1695, 3000 black slaves were
Due to the Revolutionary War, Southern exports dropped by 39% from the upper South and almost 50% from the lower South. Lack of domestic market growth exacerbated these effects and a stagnated tobacco industry failed to fully recover as cotton became the main cash crop of the south going forward.
In contrast, tobacco planters desired skilled male slaves, while women were mainly responsible for breeding and raising children. Family members were often estranged when women and children left to seek other work. Individual life expectancies for tobacco slaves were generally longer because their
deeply divided in the Deep South, and tasking allowed slave owners to arbitrarily replace individuals who did not meet expectations. Others argue that it is disingenuous to romanticize one incarnation of slavery over another and that neither environment was “hospitable” despite these differences.
For the many farmers who seized the opportunity in the profitable tobacco enterprise, financial and personal anxiety mounted amidst stiff competition and falling prices. Some historians believe that these anxieties were redirected onto subordinates in the field, which exacerbated already strained
in Virginia as a way to control the production of tobacco and raise its price. Legislation was also passed as a way of ensuring that low-quality trash tobacco was not being shipped or used for the payment of taxes. This series of legislation on both sides of the Atlantic to exert control over the
Imports of tobacco into England increased from 60,000 pounds in 1622 to 500,000 pounds in 1628, and to 1,500,000 pounds in 1639. Such dramatic growth in demand for tobacco eventually led to overproduction of the commodity, and in turn extreme devaluation of tobacco. To compensate for the loss of
Because of the diminished need for trained labor, families of slaves on cotton and rice plantations would often remain together, bought and sold as complete packages. Individual life expectancies were generally shorter because their skill set was less refined and workers were easily replaced if
A culture of expertise surrounded tobacco planting. Unlike cotton or rice, cultivating tobacco was seen as an art form, and buyers understood that behind every crop of good tobacco was a meticulous planter with exceptional skills. Tobacco shipments were “branded” with a signature unique to its
American planters responded to increased European demand by expanding the size and output of their plantations. The number of man-hours needed to sustain larger operations increased, which forced planters to acquire and accommodate additional slave labor. Furthermore, they had to secure larger
In the period of 1619 to 1629, the average tobacco farmer was expected to produce 712 pounds of tobacco in a year. By the period of 1680 to 1699, the output per worker was 1,710 pounds of tobacco in a year. These increases in productivity were brought about primarily from relocation and better
In conjunction with a global financial crisis and growing animosity toward British rule, tobacco interests helped unite disparate colonial players and produced some of the most vocal revolutionaries behind the call for American independence. A spirit of rebellion arose from their claims that
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100,000 to 1 million – a majority of the enslaved workforce and about 40% of the total population. Slaves were not imported to the Chesapeake after 1775, but slave populations continued to increase through 1790 because most were forced by their masters to produce large numbers of offspring.
Tobacco cultivation and exports formed an essential component of the American colonial economy. It was distinct from rice, wheat, cotton and other cash crops in terms of agricultural demands, trade, slave labor, and plantation culture. Many influential American revolutionaries, including
494:, financed their plantations with sizeable loans from London. When tobacco prices dropped precipitously in the 1750s, many plantations struggled to remain financially solvent. Severe debt threatened to unravel colonial power structures and destroy planters’ personal reputations. At his 421:
As early as 1621, only 14 years after the establishment of a colony in Virginia and just 9 years after John Rolfe discovered the economic potential of tobacco in America, British merchants were on the march in an attempt to control the tobacco trade. A measure was introduced into the
The inability to pay what one owed was not just a financial failing, but a moral one. Planters whose operations collapsed were condemned as “sorry farmers” – unable to produce good crops and inept at managing their land, slaves, and assets. Washington excused his situation thusly:
A powerful engine for this was the giving of good prices and credit to the planter till they got him more immersed in debt than he could pay without selling lands or slaves. They then reduced the prices given for his tobacco so that…they never permitted him to clear off his
planter before they were sent overseas, and guarantors regarded brands as a seal of approval from the planter himself. One planter proclaimed of his branded tobacco, “it was made on the plantation where I live and therefore as I saw to the whole management of it myself
Tensions between slaves and planters occasionally escalated enough to bring work in the field to a standstill. When this occurred, masters often punished insubordinate slaves with physical violence such as lashings and whippings until they resumed their tasks.
few heavily centralized markets, which favored large plantations that could bear the higher transportation costs. Differences in plantation size also owed significantly to the different demands of tobacco farming versus cotton and rice. Cotton and rice were
The use of tobacco by the native Americans dates back centuries as a sacred plant with immense healing and spiritual benefits. They consumed tobacco through pipes. The Europeans had never seen tobacco before and quickly learned it from the natives.
Nothing can be conceived more inert than a slave; his unwilling labor is discovered in every step he takes; he moves not if he can avoid it; if the eyes of the overseer are off him, he sleeps…all is listless inactivity; all motion is evidently
techniques were relatively rudimentary, colonial farmers quickly developed more efficient techniques. Tobacco will wear out the soil in just a few years and this necessitated farmers to relocate from coastal areas up rivers in the
94:, which was harsher. It is unknown exactly where John Rolfe got the seeds for this new species of tobacco, as the sale of the seeds to a non-Spaniard was punishable by death. It is possible he acquired the seeds from the 148:, limiting its growth to the colonies in America. While it would take many years for this to take effect, it influenced other policies. In reaction to this, the colonies would pass legislation like the 184:, which required inspectors to grade tobacco at 40 specified locations. Some elements of this system included the enslavement and importation of African people to grow crops. Planters filled large 362:, I can with authority recommend it to be exceedingly good.” Even though not necessarily participate in the manual labor, planters took a great financial stake in their final product. 1248:
3.2 (2006): 131-157; argues the need to study regional tobacco cultures, trade with Caribbean, trade with the Indians, internal markets, shipbuilding, and western land development.
203:, which required them to take out loans for farm expenses from London guarantors in exchange for tobacco delivery and sale. Further contracts were negotiated with wholesalers in 110:(marketed as "Orinoco tobacco" by Rolfe) proved to be very popular in England and the first shipment was sent in 1614. By 1639, 750 tons of tobacco had been shipped to England. 136:
area. Production was further increased by the use of slave labor on larger farms. On the frontier, hired help would both farm the tobacco and protect farms from Indian raids.
brought in to the region. In 1668, ratio of white servants to black slaves were around 5-to-1. By 1700, most plantations in Chesapeake had more black slaves than servants.
The tobacco economy in the colonies was embedded in a cycle of leaf demand, slave labor demand, and global commerce that gave rise to the Chesapeake Consignment System and
841: 1403:
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plantations dominated. Stark diversity in the geographic and social landscapes of these two regions contributed to differences in their respective slave cultures.
1348: 165:
surrounding the Chesapeake Bay. Vast plantations were built along the rivers of Virginia, and social/economic systems were developed to grow and distribute this
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By the mid 1620s tobacco became the most common commodity for bartering due to the increasing scarcity of gold and silver and the decreasing value of
1642: 1437:
France and the Chesapeake: A History of the French Tobacco Monopoly, 1674–1791, and of its Relationship to the British and American Tobacco Trades
initial loans from London, which increased pressure to produce a profitable crop and made them more financially vulnerable to natural disasters.
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Bradburn, Douglas M., and John C. Coombs. "SMOKE AND MIRRORS: Reinterpreting the society and economy of the seventeenth-century Chesapeake".
As the English increasingly used tobacco products, tobacco in the American colonies became a significant economic force, especially in the
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Mischance rather than Misconduct hath been the cause of …It is but an irksome thing to a free mind to be always hampered in Debt.
2200: 2113: 808: 426:
in 1621 with two major components: a restriction on tobacco importation from anywhere with the exception of Virginia and the
173:) passed a Tobacco Act requiring the inspection of all tobacco intended for export or for use as legal tender. In 1730, the 1942: 1468:
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Cogswell, Thomas. "‘In the Power of the State’: Mr Anys's Project and the Tobacco Colonies, 1626–1628".
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123.500 (2008): 35-64; a failed scheme for a transatlantic monopoly of Virginian and Bermudan tobacco.
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Motives of Honor, Pleasure, and Profit: Plantation Management in the Colonial Chesapeake, 1607–1763
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Furthermore, local reputation and social status varied with the quality of one’s leaf. In his book
35:, owned tobacco plantations, and were hurt by debt to British tobacco merchants shortly before the 1445:
Rainbolt, John C. “The Case of the Poor Planters in Virginia for Inspecting and Burning Tobacco.”
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to ship the tobacco to London merchants. The loan was then repaid with profits from their sales.
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Soil Exhaustion as a Factor in the Agricultural History of Virginia and Maryland, 1606-1860
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The Visible Fist: The Chesapeake Tobacco Trade in War and the Purpose of Empire, 1690–1715
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The old dominion in the seventeenth century: A documentary history of Virginia, 1606-1700
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Tobacco Culture: the Mentality of the Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of Revolution.
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The Atlantic Imperial Constitution: Center and Periphery in the English Atlantic World
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Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-century Chesapeake and Lowcountry
Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680–1800
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Price, Jacob M. "The rise of Glasgow in the Chesapeake tobacco trade, 1707-1775".
292:, tobacco constituted a major percentage of the total agricultural output. In the 2090: 2008: 1966: 1930: 1772: 1754: 1742: 1648: 1605: 1585: 1171:
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standardized and improved quality of tobacco exported by establishing the
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Clemens, Paul GE. "Reimagining the political economy of early Virginia".
by white planters came to replace mixed-race units. Unwritten race-based
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estate was styled after the dwellings of a wealthy European aristocrat.
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Wholly Built Upon Smoke" Tobacco in History: The Cultures of Dependence
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Coclanis, Peter A. "Tobacco Road: New Views of the Early Chesapeake".
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insurmountable debts prevented the exercise of basic human freedoms.
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Salmon, Emily & Salmon, John. "Tobacco in Colonial Virginia" in
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farmers to take on unsustainable debt loads. In 1786, he remarked:
373: 258:, became common social fixtures in Northern and Southern colonies. 185: 174: 214: 169:. In 1713, the General Assembly (under the leadership of Governor 145: 99: 399: 1907:
Non-British colonial entities in the contemporary United States
471: 325:
profits hinged on skilled, careful, and efficient labor units.
305: 200: 153:
tobacco industry would continue until the American Revolution.
1217:(1908) good coverage of imperial system of exploiting tobacco 1303:
History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860
British mercantilism and monopolization of the tobacco trade
Tobacco played a major role in the development of the early
In 1621, King James prohibited the production of tobacco in
82:. He had brought with him a new species of tobacco known as 309: 188:
with tobacco and conveyed them to inspection warehouses.
MacMillan, Ken. "Tobacco and the Economy of Empire". in
404: 320:, and cultivation was geared towards maximizing volume. 485: 1532:(U of North Carolina Press Books, 1975), pp 175–204. 1215:
The origins of the British colonial system, 1578-1660
Aftermath of Legalization of Chattel Bondage in 1660s
226: 195:. American tobacco farmers would sell their crops on 1704:
Other British colonial entities in the contemporary
490:American tobacco planters, including Jefferson and 932: 930: 928: 562:History of commercial tobacco in the United States 41:History of commercial tobacco in the United States 1207: 284:Differences between the Chesapeake and Deep South 2187: 1486:good brief introduction to pre-1799 era pp 3-73. 156: 1888:Colony of British Columbia and Vancouver Island 1296:Tobacco in History and Culture: An Encyclopedia 925: 1419:. (University of North Carolina Press, 1998). 951:The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 22:Tobacco advertisement from 18th century London 1554: 1439:(University of Michigan Press, 1973. 2 vols) 400:Economic impact of the early tobacco industry 265:Slaves processing tobacco in Virginia in 1670 839: 735:. Univ. Press of Mississippi. pp. 30–. 722: 88:. This species was preferable to the native 1367:McCusker, John J., and Russell R. Menard. 1347:(University of North Carolina Press, 1986) 900: 898: 594:Use of tobacco among North American Indians 340: 78:to find the colonists there struggling and 1561: 1547: 1470:Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 1447:Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 1357:Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 714:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 240: 2196:Colonization history of the United States 1392: 1378:(Palgrave Macmillan US, 2011) pp. 85-111 1371:(University of North Carolina Press 1985) 1369:The Economy of British America, 1607–1789 1080:Middleton, A.P. (1953). "Tobacco Coast". 1079: 728: 98:in the Caribbean or from plants found in 973: 971: 895: 632: 630: 461: 364: 344: 260: 213: 127:farming techniques. While early tobacco 122:Cultivation of tobacco at Jamestown 1615 117: 59: 17: 806: 2188: 1170: 986: 948: 802: 800: 798: 796: 794: 792: 790: 788: 786: 767: 765: 763: 761: 759: 699: 610:"Our Ancestors in Jamestown, Virginia" 113: 2114:Discourse Concerning Western Planting 1568: 1542: 1130: 968: 729:McGregory, Jerrilyn (April 1, 1997). 702:Economy and Society in Early Maryland 680: 654: 627: 405:Economic growth in the early colonies 139: 1943:Captaincy General of the Philippines 1458:(UNC 1949), good short introduction. 1255:Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP (1985) 486:American Revolution and New Republic 46: 1327:Encyclopedia of Smoking and Tobacco 783: 756: 13: 1522: 867:"Spotswood, Alexander (1676–1740)" 376:leader, made in ~1750 and used to 227:Slave labor on tobacco plantations 14: 2222: 2146:Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1627:(1629–1641; 1679–1686; 1689–1776) 1131:Borio, Gene (September 6, 2018). 704:. New York. pp. 448–50, 462. 681:Borio, Gene (September 6, 2018). 2206:History of the Thirteen Colonies 2170: 2169: 1949:Captaincy General of Puerto Rico 442:although it was defeated in the 104:shipwrecked with other colonists 1480:The Story of Tobacco in America 1456:The Story of Tobacco in America 1191: 1164: 1155: 1143: 1124: 1106: 1088: 1073: 1048: 1023: 980: 942: 916: 907: 886: 877: 859: 833: 1400:(Routledge, 2022) pp. 377-445. 1239:10.5309/willmaryquar.68.3.0361 1208:References and further reading 773:"Tobacco in Colonial Virginia" 693: 674: 648: 602: 586: 378:advertise a tobacconist's shop 182:Tobacco Inspection Act of 1730 150:Tobacco Inspection Act of 1730 1: 1788: 1315:(2006), Vol. 34, pp. 137-158. 871:www.encyclopedia 157:Chesapeake Consignment System 55: 2201:Tobacco in the United States 1894:Province of British Columbia 1114:"LEARN NC has been archived" 842:"Tobacco Inspection of 1730" 521: 457: 39:. For the later period see 7: 1298:(2 vol Thomason-Gale, 2005) 1291:. London: Routledge (1993). 537: 254:, which would later become 10: 2227: 2073:Brandenburger Saint Thomas 1882:Colony of British Columbia 1502:William and Mary Quarterly 1427:William and Mary Quarterly 1272:William and Mary Quarterly 1262:William and Mary Quarterly 1231:William and Mary Quarterly 372:likely meant to portray a 2165: 2109: 2100: 2043:, 1682–1763 and 1801–1803 1961:Captaincy General of Cuba 1914: 1903: 1785:New England Confederation 1714: 1700: 1614: 1576: 1528:Billings, Warren M., ed. 1322:enslaved tobacco workers. 1282:English Historical Review 807:Pecquet, Gary M. (2003). 1955:Santa Fe de Nuevo México 1767:Massachusetts Bay Colony 1398:The Atlantic Slave Trade 1325:Hirschfelder, Arlene B. 1305:(1933) vol 1 pp 213-276 1001:10.3098/ah.2007.81.3.309 657:"John Rolfe (1585-1622)" 580: 466:Lorillard hogshead, 1789 341:Colonial tobacco culture 2085:Scottish Darien Company 2029:Hospitaller Saint Croix 1828:Dominion of New England 1810:North-Western Territory 1150:Randall, Willard Sterne 638:"Rolfe, John (d. 1622)" 551:, merchants in Scotland 530:According to historian 438:The measure passed the 241:Slave boom in the 1700s 218:The "Triangular Trade". 2138:Of Plymouth Plantation 1860:(1779–1783; 1814–1815) 1769:(1629–1686; 1689–1691) 1745:(1620–1686; 1689–1691) 1657:(1664–1673; 1702–1776) 1472:97.2 (1989): 132-162. 1405:Historical Archaeology 1390:81.3 (2007): 309-332. 1274:68.3 (2011): 398-404. 1264:68.3 (2011): 393-397. 1233:68.3 (2011): 361-386. 1031:"The Roanoke Colonies" 700:Menard, R. R. (1985). 614:Genealogical Gleanings 515: 506: 467: 381: 380:in England until 1900. 354: 288:In the Chesapeake and 277: 266: 219: 123: 67: 23: 1919:Columbian Viceroyalty 1491:Encyclopedia Virginia 1463:The Virginia Magazine 1359:108 (2000): 345–392. 1197:Avery Odelle Craven, 1060:Encyclopedia Virginia 1035:Encyclopedia Virginia 939:Retrieved August 2012 846:Encyclopedia Virginia 655:Shifflett, Crandall. 511: 501: 465: 368: 351:tobacco advertisement 348: 272: 264: 217: 121: 63: 21: 2055:Dutch Virgin Islands 2003:Spanish West Florida 1997:Spanish East Florida 1876:Stickeen Territories 1581:New England Colonies 1504:56.1 (1999): 53-94. 1449:79 (1971): 314–321. 1429:(1954) pp: 179-199. 1388:Agricultural History 1313:Historical Geography 1225:Bradburn, Douglas. " 1213:Beer, George Louis. 1173:Agricultural History 989:Agricultural History 1991:Provincias Internas 1967:Spanish Saint Croix 1591:Chesapeake Colonies 1301:Gray, Lewis Cecil. 1201:(1926) pp. 162-163. 1084:. Mariners' Museum. 1056:"The Starving Time" 544:History of Virginia 428:British West Indies 411:Chesapeake Colonies 322:Diminishing returns 171:Alexander Spotswood 114:Cultivation methods 37:American Revolution 2211:History of tobacco 2154:Quintipartite Deed 2067:Danish West Indies 2035:French Saint Croix 1478:Robert, Joseph C. 1454:Robert, Joseph C. 1441:online book review 1415:Morgan, Philip D. 1407:38 (2004): 68-82. 1334:Hemphill, John M. 840:General Assembly. 573:Tobacco and Slaves 567:Plantation economy 468: 424:British Parliament 382: 370:Cigar store Indian 355: 267: 220: 178:House of Burgesses 140:Expansion of trade 124: 68: 24: 2183: 2182: 2158: 2150: 2142: 2134: 2126: 2122:Mayflower Compact 2118: 2103:Related Documents 1985:Spanish Louisiana 1864:Columbia District 1787:(1643–1654; 1675– 1673:Massachusetts Bay 1601:Southern Colonies 1570:Thirteen Colonies 1510:Walsh, Lorena S. 1343:Kulikoff, Allan. 1294:Goodman, Jordan. 1287:Goodman, Jordan. 732:Wiregrass Country 661:Virtual Jamestown 492:George Washington 474:from forgery and 108:Nicotiana tabacum 91:Nicotiana rustica 85:Nicotiana tabacum 65:Nicotiana tabacum 47:Early cultivation 33:George Washington 2218: 2173: 2172: 2156: 2148: 2140: 2132: 2130:Mourt's Relation 2124: 2116: 2041:French Louisiana 1870:Red River Colony 1793: 1790: 1737:Berkeley Hundred 1596:Tobacco Colonies 1563: 1556: 1549: 1540: 1539: 1435:Price, Jacob M. 1338:(Garland, 1985). 1246:Atlantic Studies 1202: 1195: 1189: 1188: 1168: 1162: 1159: 1153: 1147: 1141: 1140: 1128: 1122: 1121: 1110: 1104: 1103: 1092: 1086: 1085: 1082:Newport News, VA 1077: 1071: 1070: 1068: 1066: 1052: 1046: 1045: 1043: 1041: 1027: 1021: 1020: 984: 978: 975: 966: 965: 946: 940: 934: 923: 920: 914: 911: 905: 902: 893: 890: 884: 881: 875: 874: 863: 857: 856: 854: 852: 837: 831: 830: 828: 826: 813: 804: 781: 780: 769: 754: 753: 751: 749: 726: 720: 719: 713: 705: 697: 691: 690: 678: 672: 671: 669: 667: 652: 646: 645: 634: 625: 624: 622: 620: 606: 600: 590: 557:Tobacco colonies 440:House of Commons 390:Thomas Jefferson 199:to merchants in 163:tidewater region 29:Thomas Jefferson 2226: 2225: 2221: 2220: 2219: 2217: 2216: 2215: 2186: 2185: 2184: 2179: 2161: 2105: 2096: 2091:Russian America 2009:Alta California 1979:Las Californias 1931:Spanish Florida 1910: 1899: 1791: 1710: 1696: 1610: 1606:United Colonies 1586:Middle Colonies 1572: 1567: 1525: 1523:Primary sources 1210: 1205: 1196: 1192: 1169: 1165: 1160: 1156: 1148: 1144: 1129: 1125: 1112: 1111: 1107: 1094: 1093: 1089: 1078: 1074: 1064: 1062: 1054: 1053: 1049: 1039: 1037: 1029: 1028: 1024: 985: 981: 976: 969: 947: 943: 935: 926: 922:Brandt, p.21-22 921: 917: 912: 908: 903: 896: 891: 887: 882: 878: 865: 864: 860: 850: 848: 838: 834: 824: 822: 811: 805: 784: 771: 770: 757: 747: 745: 743: 727: 723: 707: 706: 698: 694: 679: 675: 665: 663: 653: 649: 636: 635: 628: 618: 616: 608: 607: 603: 591: 587: 583: 540: 524: 488: 460: 419: 407: 402: 386:Tobacco Culture 343: 286: 243: 234: 229: 159: 142: 116: 58: 49: 12: 11: 5: 2224: 2214: 2213: 2208: 2203: 2198: 2181: 2180: 2178: 2177: 2166: 2163: 2162: 2160: 2159: 2151: 2143: 2135: 2127: 2119: 2110: 2107: 2106: 2101: 2098: 2097: 2095: 2094: 2088: 2082: 2076: 2070: 2064: 2058: 2052: 2049:New Netherland 2046: 2045: 2044: 2038: 2032: 2026: 2023:French Florida 2014: 2013: 2012: 2006: 2000: 1994: 1988: 1982: 1976: 1970: 1964: 1958: 1952: 1946: 1940: 1934: 1922: 1915: 1912: 1911: 1909: 1908: 1904: 1901: 1900: 1898: 1897: 1891: 1885: 1879: 1873: 1867: 1861: 1855: 1849: 1843: 1837: 1834:Indian Reserve 1831: 1825: 1819: 1813: 1807: 1801: 1795: 1782: 1776: 1770: 1764: 1758: 1752: 1746: 1740: 1734: 1728: 1722: 1715: 1712: 1711: 1709: 1708: 1701: 1698: 1697: 1695: 1694: 1688: 1685:South Carolina 1682: 1679:North Carolina 1676: 1670: 1664: 1658: 1652: 1646: 1640: 1634: 1628: 1622: 1615: 1612: 1611: 1609: 1608: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1577: 1574: 1573: 1566: 1565: 1558: 1551: 1543: 1537: 1536: 1524: 1521: 1520: 1519: 1508: 1498: 1487: 1476: 1466: 1459: 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2080: 2077: 2074: 2071: 2068: 2065: 2062: 2059: 2056: 2053: 2050: 2047: 2042: 2039: 2036: 2033: 2030: 2027: 2024: 2020: 2019: 2018: 2015: 2010: 2007: 2004: 2001: 1998: 1995: 1992: 1989: 1986: 1983: 1980: 1977: 1974: 1973:Spanish Texas 1971: 1968: 1965: 1962: 1959: 1956: 1953: 1950: 1947: 1944: 1941: 1938: 1935: 1932: 1928: 1927: 1926: 1923: 1920: 1917: 1916: 1913: 1906: 1905: 1902: 1895: 1892: 1889: 1886: 1883: 1880: 1877: 1874: 1871: 1868: 1865: 1862: 1859: 1856: 1853: 1850: 1847: 1844: 1841: 1838: 1835: 1832: 1829: 1826: 1823: 1820: 1817: 1814: 1811: 1808: 1805: 1804:Rupert's Land 1802: 1799: 1796: 1786: 1783: 1780: 1777: 1774: 1771: 1768: 1765: 1762: 1759: 1756: 1753: 1750: 1747: 1744: 1741: 1738: 1735: 1732: 1729: 1726: 1723: 1720: 1717: 1716: 1713: 1707: 1706:United States 1703: 1702: 1699: 1692: 1689: 1686: 1683: 1680: 1677: 1674: 1671: 1668: 1665: 1662: 1659: 1656: 1653: 1650: 1647: 1644: 1641: 1638: 1635: 1632: 1629: 1626: 1625:New Hampshire 1623: 1620: 1617: 1616: 1613: 1607: 1604: 1602: 1599: 1597: 1594: 1592: 1589: 1587: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1578: 1575: 1571: 1564: 1559: 1557: 1552: 1550: 1545: 1544: 1541: 1535: 1531: 1527: 1526: 1517: 1513: 1509: 1507: 1503: 1499: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1485: 1481: 1477: 1475: 1471: 1467: 1464: 1460: 1457: 1453: 1451: 1448: 1444: 1442: 1438: 1434: 1432: 1428: 1424: 1422: 1418: 1414: 1413: 1410: 1406: 1402: 1399: 1395: 1393: 1389: 1385: 1384: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1370: 1366: 1365: 1362: 1358: 1354: 1353: 1350: 1346: 1342: 1341: 1337: 1333: 1332: 1328: 1324: 1321: 1317: 1314: 1310: 1308: 1304: 1300: 1297: 1293: 1290: 1286: 1283: 1279: 1277: 1273: 1269: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1258: 1254: 1251:Breen, T. H. 1250: 1247: 1243: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1223: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1211: 1200: 1194: 1186: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1167: 1158: 1151: 1146: 1138: 1134: 1127: 1119: 1115: 1109: 1101: 1097: 1091: 1083: 1076: 1061: 1057: 1051: 1036: 1032: 1026: 1018: 1014: 1010: 1006: 1002: 998: 994: 990: 983: 974: 972: 964: 960: 956: 952: 945: 938: 933: 931: 929: 919: 910: 901: 899: 889: 880: 872: 868: 862: 847: 843: 836: 821: 817: 810: 803: 801: 799: 797: 795: 793: 791: 789: 787: 778: 774: 768: 766: 764: 762: 760: 744: 742:9780878059263 738: 734: 733: 725: 717: 711: 703: 696: 688: 684: 677: 662: 658: 651: 643: 639: 633: 631: 615: 611: 605: 599: 595: 589: 585: 575: 574: 570: 568: 565: 563: 560: 558: 555: 554: 550: 549:Tobacco Lords 547: 545: 542: 541: 535: 533: 528: 519: 514: 510: 505: 500: 497: 493: 483: 479: 477: 473: 464: 455: 451: 449: 445: 441: 436: 434: 429: 425: 414: 412: 397: 395: 391: 387: 379: 375: 371: 367: 363: 361: 352: 349:18th-century 347: 338: 334: 330: 326: 323: 319: 313: 311: 307: 303: 299: 295: 291: 281: 276: 271: 263: 259: 257: 256:Jim Crow laws 253: 247: 238: 224: 216: 212: 210: 206: 202: 198: 194: 193:Tobacco Lords 189: 187: 183: 179: 176: 172: 168: 164: 154: 151: 147: 137: 135: 130: 120: 111: 109: 105: 101: 97: 93: 92: 87: 86: 81: 77: 73: 66: 62: 53: 44: 42: 38: 34: 30: 20: 16: 2102: 2079:Krabbeninsel 1852:West Florida 1846:East Florida 1667:Pennsylvania 1643:Rhode Island 1529: 1511: 1501: 1490: 1479: 1469: 1462: 1455: 1446: 1436: 1426: 1416: 1404: 1397: 1387: 1375: 1368: 1356: 1344: 1335: 1329:(Oryx, 1999) 1326: 1312: 1302: 1295: 1288: 1281: 1271: 1261: 1252: 1245: 1230: 1214: 1198: 1193: 1176: 1172: 1166: 1157: 1145: 1136: 1126: 1117: 1108: 1099: 1090: 1081: 1075: 1063:. 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Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
American Revolution
History of commercial tobacco in the United States

John Rolfe
Nicotiana tabacum
Nicotiana rustica
Taino people
shipwrecked with other colonists

Chesapeake Bay
Tobacco Inspection Act of 1730
tidewater region
cash crop
Alexander Spotswood
House of Burgesses
Tobacco Inspection Act of 1730
Tobacco Lords

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