
Talk:110th United States Congress

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in unless there is a reasonable chance it can happen. I've seen this all over the 2008 presidential articles - whether Bush would die, whether the Constitution would be changed, etc. Consensus seems to be: reflect what is likely to happen, and change the text if you need to in the future. Especially since an incapacitated Senator can not be replaced unless he resigns, and Johnson does not seem to be on his deathbed, any text about Johnson leaving the Senate is "not-likely" speculation, and does not belong in the article. As for "the Democrats will likely have a majority", that's too wishy-washy. How about just saying "The results of the elections will give the Democrats a majority in both chambers for the first time...". It's then based on the "results of the elections". If it then turns out that something changes in the composition of the Senate between now and Jan 4, we can update the article at that time.
Senate and were undergoing current consideration, and to illustrate just how hard it is to decide what to include. Bills like authorization bills and approrpiations probably don't need to be included. However, some bills aren't necessarily blue linked (yet), like Ethics Reform, so should probably be included due to their historic nature or press coverage. However, I think we need some standard on what makes a bill notable enough for inclusion in Knowledge as an article other than it has a blue link. Some bills probably don't deserve an article of their own just because the Washington Post wrote an article about it or the President made some comment for or against the bill. For example, how about linking bills based on general subject matter. That's what I did with the U.S. Attorney bill, linking it to the
183: 1751:. We will have to see official word from the Secretary of the Senate on just when his senority starts. It all depends on whether he's Senator number 1898 (before Mark Udall), Senator 1904 (before Kay Hagan), or Senator 1907 (before Ted Kaufman). The fact that the Senate refused to seat him that may have some bearing on the issue as well, but there wasn't a formal vote in the Senate or other official denial other than the Secreatary of the Senate saying his "creditials weren't in order." It could be something for Senate historians and parliamentarians to decide, rather than Knowledge editors. 236: 215: 526: 80: 53: 659:
rightly be considered a political party as it is not registered as a political party but as a personal campaign committee. Every member of the Senate and House including Sanders had or has a personal campaign committee but we would not list "Friends of Sanders" or whatever he calls his committee as a political party. Let's stick with what we do know. That Lieberman did not run as a Democrat, or a Republican, or as a Libertarian, etc but ran under his own name and therefore that makes him an Independent.
the oath until the 111th Congress, since that is how bioguide handles all situations where a senator is elected or appointed and take the oath on a different date (Huey Long, Jay Rockefeller, Rush Holt, etc.) The oath is a very important aspect of being a senator, and while I now accept that the oath should not and does not affect when a term starts, to we simply cannot ignore it outright, particularly when there are notable circumstances to why there is a delay in taking office and taking the oath.
246: 90: 556: 3641:===Served non-continuous terms=== ====Senate==== * ] (D-NJ): 1983–2001, 2003– ====House of Representatives==== * ] (D-HI): 1986–1987, 1991– * ] (R-CA): 1995–2001, June 2006– * ] (D-TN): 1983–1995, 2003– * ] (D-CA): 1993–1999, 2001– * ] (D-IN): 1999–2005, 2007– * ] (R-SC): 1993–1999, 2005– * ] (D-WA): 1993–1995, 1999– * ] (D-TX): 1997–2005, 2007– * ] (R-CA): 1979–1989, 2005– * ] (R-TX): 1976–1977, 1979–1985, 1997– * ] (D-NC): 1987–1995, 1997– * ] (D-TX): 1997–2005, 2007– 352: 331: 22: 4293:. The two independents are considered Democrats for purposes of organizing the Senate, regardless of their party affiliation. It is the 51-49 split that determines majority/minority status. The only way we could refer to it as 49-49-2 would be if Sanders and Lieberman opted not to caucus with either party. I don't think a rewrite to the lede is needed, since we do address the 2 Democratic-leaning independents later in the article. 428: 2011:
they were elected as Republicans. It is incorrect to say the formal organization of Democrats is in the majority of the House and Senate. Prior to this time there has no been no attempt to re-define the majority party to reflect its Caucus. In 2004 it did not read that the Republican caucuses controlled the House and Senate and it seems to me that the only reason anyone would want this changed is political in nature.
party membership, not caucus membership. Lieberman has stated (reference in the current article) that he will be listed as an Independent Democrat. Others have stated that he should be shown as just an Independent. I'm willing to put that debate off until Jan 4. Either way, he shouldn't be shown as a Democrat in any picture of party membership for the 100th Congress, unless there is a source stating otherwise.
Republican to Democratic in 2001 the original organizing resolution that addressed GOP control in a 50-50 Senate had a provision nullifying the resolution and requiring a new one be approved if either party gained an outright 51-49 majority. The resolution for the 110th Congress contained no such provision. I highly doubt this would become an issue, though, since the 110th Congress is likely to adjourned
made for them on the committees. I know that Bill Frist kept his seats on Finance, Labor, and Rules committeesas Majority Leader. Senator Daschle served on Finance, Agriculture, and Indian Affairs and a few other committees prior to becoming Minority Leader in 1995, but kept only Finance, Ag, and Rules in his later years of service to make room for other senators.
4009:. Swearing in = taking the oath of office. Legally, you're not recognized as occupying the office until you've been sworn in. Even though, for example, LBJ actually became President the instant JFK died, he took the oath of office as soon as possible thereafter, and before he did anything as simple as giving the order for Air Force One to leave dallas. 2001:
body of the Senate and House or considered to be a majority caucus. This is not their role, and they are not in the majority. They are simply Democrats meeting as Democrats to conduct Democratic business or Republicans meeting as Republicans to conduct Republican business. The Independents could caucus together if they choose to do so.
3448:"Coming on the last day of the first session of the 110th Congress, the failure to offset the cost of the tax measure was simply the latest example of how difficult it has been for the Democratic leadership to get what it wants in the 'first Democratic-led Congress in a dozen years,' says the Washington Post in its lead story." 3357:
the omnibus spending bill. One example of something to remove for no chance of ever getting any serious attention by this Congress is Rangel's bill to reintroduce the draft. He does this every session, it gets refered to the approative commitee and dies a quiet death, in most years without a hearing on the subject.
1770:(Let's skip the seniority debate for this discussion.) So we currently say on the 111th page that he was a Senator from at least the start (1/3/09). So should we put him in at all on the 110th page?? As with many of these things, I'm leaning towards putting him in, but with a clear explanatory note.— 4622:
edited the article to claim that Rep. Tom Davis's (R-VA) seat "will remain vacant until the next Congress". I don't think this is an appropriate statement. While the current Congress is out of session, special elections have happened while Congress has adjourned in the past. Here are two examples. In
Since Biden was reelected to the Senate, the assumption is that he would not resign before Jan 6, since he would just have to resign again on Jan 6. But there are a number of media reports saying he will resign shortly, and there's really no reason why he couldn't resign now, and then resign again on
Democrats for purposes of organizing the Senate. Party affiliation is irrelevant in this case. They could be registered Republicans, Libertarians, or what have you. If they chose to caucus with the Democrats, they'd be considered Democrats for purposes of organizing the Senate. The Democrats have the
Gotta say I disagree. It is a fact that this specific session of Congress has a very low approval rating. This is not true of the idea of the Congress; it is related specifically to the current 110th Congress. Here's a reference if you want one (not sure if it would be usable, but it makes the point)
who ever served non-consecutive terms. If the consensus is that only returning members Hill, Lampson and Rodriguez should be mentioned, then the section should be retitled. "Returning Members Who Previously Served" or something to that effect. I have no strong feelings as to whether or not to have an
Answers. 1) I don't recall this ever being discussed, and 2) Any member of congress who served noncontinuous terms that is currently a member of the 110th congress should be listed, even if they did not "restart" their term with the 110th Congress. The way the subheading is written, leaving out other
Personaly I think it just needs the "failed or pending list" trimed down a bit. One example of something to remove for not being newsworthy is The HHS approat. bill. There's an HHS bill introduced every year, if it doesn't get approved on it's own merits (often the case) it ends up being wrapped into
I don't have any to add, but I think Rangel's Universal Service Bill should be dropped from the list. I'm not aware of a single commitee hearing on it either in this term or in any of the last several terms in which he's introduced a similar bill. I think proposed legislation should at the very least
Sorry. I removed them. Back before the Congress started, demographics and the names of party leaders were greatly speculative and then based on newspaper accounts. Since the Congress began, however, they are easily found on Congress's websites. We don't have citations for who the members are, and
I did go back and think about this some more. It is possible to be a senator appointed or elected and still not be a member of a specific Congress. The oath is very important to the Senate (required by Rule 3 and the U.S. Constitution) and per Senate rules you cannot be a part of the Senate until you
The reason I prefer mentioning the oath is that "seated" presents the impression that he didn't become a senator until the latter date. I think discussing the oath is more neutral about when he became a senator. It is entirely possible I am being ridiculous. Dealing with this Burris and Franken stuff
The first comment of this thread certainly sums up all I have to say. It is definitely notable! There is possibility for him to be replaced. Yes, sources indicate that he is "getting better," but the so called sources are family members and members of the Dem. party, who would obviously want to think
I agree that it is odd. Only Senator Reid knows his reasons, but I still think it plausible that with 9 new Democratic senators he wanted to reward them with as many committee seats as he could. No freshman was appointed to Approprations, but Jack Reed, Ben Nelson, and Frank Lautenberg all got seats.
Disagree. Also, Lieberman's listing at his article is also disputed; using Knowledge in self-reference for such purposes is moot. So far as other independent senators using the phrase "Independent Democrat" go, they should be used on a case-by-case basis, as they do not speak for one another or any
Regarding a recent edit, I've seen no promise from Lieberman to return as an "Official Democrat Member". If the editor has a source for that, please provide it. What Lieberman has said is that he will caucus with the Democrats, which is a very different thing. The picture that's under reversion shows
It can remain a generic "Independent who caucuses with Democrats" until an official government/Senate source (not Lieberman on a television show) demonstrates otherwise; Lieberman can claim that he will appear as a "Green Eggs and Ham Democrat" if he likes, but this cannot be verified until the rolls
When the 110th Congress opens, Lieberman will be either a Democrat (D) or an "Independent Democrat" (ID) as he has requested, but he will not be listed as a Connecticut for Lieberman (CFL) since that was only a party for the purpose of the campaign and the election. Once he was elected, that party no
No, Lieberman said today he will be in the Senate as an "Independent Democrat", according to his interview on Meet the Press Sunday, November 12, 2006. ("I'm going to be an independent, because that is how and why I returned to the Senate. I was elected as an independent. I was elected, I believe,
Now what we need to watch going forward is what Lieberman calls himself in the future. On the Senate web site, he's currently listed as a Democrat, as expected. It will be interesting to see what he is shown as in January. Unlike Sanders, who I'm sure will be shown as an Independent, I would actually
Whichever bills in this that are still active need to have the title of their years changed from "2007" to "2008" while the ones already effectively dead should retain the "2007" year. I'm not sure which ones of these still have a reasonable shot at passing and which don't and in any case don't have
I agree with this assessment. Committee consideration does not necessarily make a bill a "major law." Look at all of the post office naming bills and technical corrections that have become public law so far this year. I added the bulk of the new bills because they were considered "major" by the U.S.
Correct. The 20th amendment states that the terms of senators and representatives (and that Congress) ends at noon on January 3 in odd numbered years. Congress cannot alter those end dates, though they are permitted to establish a different start date by law if they choose. Traditionally, the date a
I would think that the 110th Congress starts when it first meets - it probably needs to be gaveled into existence or something. The Jan 3 date is not "written in stone", it's "written in the consititution", which also says it can be changed by law. If the law is passed, then the 110th would start on
Prior to this time independents have been listed as either Democrat or Republican when it comes to determining which party is in the majority based on which party they caucus with. There is no reason to change this now. Nor has there been a time where the Caucuses have been elevated to the governing
Both Sanders and Lieberman have publicly committed to caucusing with the Democrats (which is a separate issue from what party Lieberman calls himself a member of). So unless/until there is some change in that commitment, or some other change in party membership, its correct to say the Democrats will
Burris was appointed during the 110th Congress, but never participated in it. His term starts from Dec. 31, but technically he wouldn't be a voting member of the 110th Congress because since the Senate was in pro forma sessions only, it was a defacto adjournment and he couldn't take the oath in open
Although discussion of the replacement of Tim Johnson is speculative, so is discussion of Democratic control over the chamber. Given the crystal ball nature of this article overall, mention of Senate Democratic control should be tempered with the possibility it may not occur if Johnson is replaced.
Reid did keep his chairmanship of the Energy Appropriations subcommittee after he took over as Minority Leader from Daschle. I speculate it had something to do with his opposition to funding for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project in Nevada, and wanting a seat at the table. Reid could have kept
It's rare for the Senate Majority Leader to serve on more than one or two Senate committees, and if they do, they rarely serve as chairman. I was also suprised Reid gave up his committee assignments. Only Reid knows for sure, but there are 9 new Democrats in this this new Congress, so room had to be
1296:"Independent" indicates a lack of party affiliation in political discourse. This is widely-accepted and understood, you're simply trying to play semantics, Qqqqqq. What's wrong, still sore that your attempts at changing Knowledge and Wikimedia Commons content to deliberately misrepresent Lieberman 773:
Lieberman was defeated in the Democratic primary, and was not the Democratic candidate for senator. He may now be claiming to be a Democrat, but he proved he was not when he chose to run against the Democratic candidate, winning the election only with strong Republican support. Since he won as an I,
I think we should just mark him down as an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. Also, I am not so sure that membership in a political party is what defines someone as an Independent or not in terms of holding office. Nor would I say that the campaign committee "Connecticut for Lieberman" can
Obama resigning his Senate seat made it 50-49 for the Democrats (counting Sanders and Lieberman). If Biden resigns his seat before January 3, the composition becomes 49-49, and since the Republicans still have the Presidency and Cheney is the tie-breaking vote, does that mean that (briefly) the GOP
I am aware that it was discussed before; it was two years ago, and so consensus can clearly change. As for your statement that the independents are considered Democrats for the purpose of organizing the Senate, please provide a source. And I really fail to see why there is any reason not to clarify
Specifically, in the second paragraph, the first version was indeed vetoed in large part for the reason mentioned. And an entirely new paragraph needs adds since the second version (without the timetable) was passed late last week and signed. Any other major differences between the two bills should
The very lack of serious consideration by a commitee makes it no different than hundreds of other bills that get introduced and refered to commitee and die at the end of each congress due to lack of support by leadership and the reavlent committee(s). Even without a link here, articles dealing with
It's just a matter of the date that was selected. The 109th Congress started January 4, 2005, so they likely just kept that date. The 108th started on Jaunary 7, 2003; the 107th on Jan. 3, 2001; 106th on Jan. 6, 1999; 105th on January 7, 1997, and 104th on Jan. 4, 1995. It's a matter or picking the
It is the Democrats who caucus as Democrats who are in the majority and this would include the independents if they choose to be Democrats in the Senate. If those who did not run as Democrats were to caucus with the Democrats then they would in the sense of the House and Senate be Democrats even if
Well, I never saw anything on my talk page, but here's my 2 cents, based on what I've seen in many articles, and I think it follows Wiki policy. It's OK to say that something will happen in the future if it's verifiable and it's likely to happen. Likely is debatable, but caveats are not usually put
lists Lieberman as (I-CT), not ID. I will conceede the point and say that he should probably be listed as such (I-CT) in all references since that is how the Senate references him. If the Senate changes thins to include (ID-CT), then wikipedia should be updated to reflect that. However, it is still
Well, it did say ID last night, but it no longer does. I agree on now calling him (I-CT) officially, with the right to revisit this if the official web site changes again. I would also propose that the brief paragraph on him in the summary section be removed. What party he ran on in November is not
It's really more technically correct to identify him as CFL than Independent; even though there's no one else in the CFL party, it is legally a party, and, by definition, he's not independent if he's affiliated with a party. It really is just a technical distinction, but in an encyclopedia, we have
The list of members lists dates on which those who won special elections in the current Congress were "installed." That's not the term used in the United States - it should be "sworn in" or "took office." This appears to be done by an automatic template of some kind - is there any way to fix that?
Well… it's not up to Knowledge to name the bills. They are called what the Congress calls them. Some bills change names as they progress through Congress. Some enacted Acts actually have had the year of the prior year in the title because they were worked on during year X but signed into law in
Two additional bills insufficently advanced to be included. The bills Barack introduced linked here have not cleared a commitee a comitee in either the house or senate. (DPVIPA and Iraq-DEA). At the moment these bills are just like several hundred other bills this section introduced and refered to
Just a comment or question on the section on "pending legislation." How are we to decide what is included in this list. Several of the bills, while important, may not qualify as "key" issues to some people, and may provide an incomplete picture of legislation introduced or pending in the House and
The Northern Mariana Islands elects a "Resident Representative to the United States" (see, Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Art. V), but as of yet, this official has not been granted the right to sit in the House of Representatives as have the Resident Commissioner
The House has adopted H.J. Res. 101, which provides "hat the first regular session of the One Hundred Tenth Congress shall begin at noon on Thursday, January 4, 2007." It's pending in the Senate and since the leadership consults on these things, I assume it will be adopted, but it hasn't been yet.
Actually, it should read that the Democrats hold a 50 seat majority, as Lieberman has declared that he will be a Democrat, something that any citizen is free to do. It has nothing to do with what ticket that was held on. Senator-elect Sanders from Vermont is an Independent and has not declared his
as being a member of the 75th Congress, even though was elected months after it ended and never participated in a single senate debate or vote. Therefore, it is appropriate to list Roland Burris as part of the 110th Congress. It is also completely appropriate to include a note that he did not take
GoodDay -- the problem is that my edit (consisting of the paragraph above) was reverted by user Markles. Also, user Simon12 reverted another user's mention of the Johnson situation. So, I'm trying to develop a concensus (see my initial comment in this section). On both of their talk pages, I've
Senator Lieberman's official listing is ID-CT (Independent Democrat). The pdf you list below only allowed for one letter parties. This problem is being corrected, and when the new phone list is generated in about a week Senator Lieberman's party will be listed as ID. We apologize for any confusion
The U.S. Senate considers Indpendent Democrat a valid "party" for terms of party idendification. News media also refer to Lieberman as Independent Democrat. Under normal circumstances, that would be sufficient for inclusion on Knowledge since it is verifiable. However, I'd be willing to accept the
920:" without implying that a party by the name has been created. Per the article on this subject, it is "a term occasionally adopted by Members of Congress in the United States to refer to their party affiliation" and has precedent, with at least 2 Members of Congress previously adopting this label. 4702:
I'm the editor who put the images above the section heading. Then they hang down but don't break up the columns. In some cases, the images had been overlapping/covering text in the right column. So I moved them up a bit. It didn't seem like such a problem, but if the MOS is strict about images
No. For a change in majority to occur, the full Senate would need to pass a new organizing resolution establishing Republicans as committee chairs. That resolution would be subject to a 60-vote filibuster, and it is unlikely that Democrats would support such a move. When the majority flipped from
Are the articles on the last several Republican Congresses mentioning the Senate Democratic blocking of Republican legislation? It seems to me that the most important thing be that the articles are consistent about this. I would also lean towards not including such langague in any of the articles
was enacted in 1935, which is the statute that dictates when the terms of office for elected and appointed senators begin. Riddick's Senate Procedure describes Pyle as "senators not sworn," meaning she was a senator, received salary and office space (per 2 USC 36) but since Congress had adjourned
Perhaps the mention should say that Lieberman has announced his intention to join the Democratic caucus (which he did during the election). We can't anticipate that he will actually go through with his pledge, although I would have thought it's pretty much certain. Sanders made no such pledge and
Lieberman's official party is really a bit unclear. First, he's not Independent. The party he ran on is 'Connecticut for Lieberman'. Second, he's still a member of the Democratic Party, which is a different position than Sanders, who is not. I think, for now, let's mark him as CfL, and see how it
calls you a "representative-elect" until you take the oath, and that date is considered the start of your service by the House itself. I'm not sure why the Bioguide (published, as far as I know, by the Library of Congress) lists it as the day of the election. In any case, I was raising a concern
Any bill that is "XX Act of 2007" that is still pending still uses "2007" as the official title. Once a bill is enacted, Congress may or may not change the name of the bill (as Markles indicated above). A few years ago, Congress passed an annual Defense Authorization Bill and changes its name in
Most of the linked articles have passed the House and have been refered to the Senate committee(s) that deal with legislation in that proposed area. As I recall, the house senate compromise on the Minimum Wage bill was incorporated into the vetoed suplemential apporation. I don't know if the new
Democrats do in fact hold the majority. Any member who does not Caucus does not serve on Committees and the moment they cease Caucusing with a specific party they lose their Committee assignments, etc. You were incorrect to change Democrats to Democratic caucuses because the Democratic Caucus is
Independent Democrat is a party affiliation where the Senate is concerned. There have been several senators who have used the "Independent Democrat" identifier in past congresses, and the official Senate historical webpage outlining the party affilation of past congresses identifies "Independent
and import it to the Congressional roster of the 110th Congress. The graphics I think make for a better read, although it does extend out the article a bit more. The other option is to link the table from a seperate article to the 110th. I'd also like to create the same wikitable for the U.S.
That Sen. Lieberman has a pet name and pet acronym for his Independent status does not change that he is an independent (not affiliated with a party). Listing him "Independent Democrat" implies membership in an Independent Democratic Party, which does not exist. If he is not affiliated with a
does not include criticisms or approval ratings. This is an historical list of the specifics about how the 110th Congress was formulated and its legislative actions, not a regular article. For example, it lists legislation considered by Congress, but any discussion of how Congress debated that
With the recent increase in articles to the list, I've cut the red links. The list is definately long enough now and it's now August so there have been plenty of time for a noteworthy sugested article to have been created by now. In fact, going thru the list, it looks to me like about five the
Note: Strom Thurmond (SC) was an Independent Democrat during this Congress until his resignation on April 4, 1956. In November of that year he was elected as a Democrat to fill the vacancy created by his resignation. The Independent member listed above was Wayne Morse (OR), who changed from an
article. Talk about citations! Basically, every single statement added needs a source or it will get deleted by one of many passionate editors. I've had educators tell me that Knowledge is worthless because of the absence of verified information. I respond by explaining that all facts are
All looks OK to me now. The current US Rep list that has been reformatted looks much better and easier to follow. ........Oh, any chance the US Senate delegatons table for the 110th can be seperated by state? I think it would be easier to follow, but I'm OK if it is left as is..........Just
on first day proceedings in the Senate. If you look at the recent congresses, the start date has been during the first full week of January, either on a Monday or a Wednesday (the Thursday start date of the 110th being the exception). There's no hard fast rule over what day they pick, though
797:. Not "I", not "D", and not "CfL". It's his choice, and since that's what Congress is going to show him as, that's what we should show him as. The party he ran on in the election is no longer relevant. It should read "ID", and we shouldn't change it back without a newer, verifable, reference. 2667:
I don't understand what is behind the recent removal of many citations. Nothing should be assumed to be "common knowledge". Contributers obviously put in considerable effort to cite sources for facts as they were added, which produces a valuable encyclopedic resource. They shouldn't be
I agree we need a better standard on what to include under pending. I like the idea of using committee consideration as a standard. However, Rangel's Unversal Service Bill may be an exception. It will never get serious consideration by any committee, because it deals with reinstating the
before December 31, officially ending the 110th Congress. Even if Biden resigned prior to his current term expiring on January 3, there would be no Congressional session in place for the majority to switch. My guess is Biden will resign on or after January 6 at the start of the 111th
It really is a very useful and cool thing to have all the hyperlinks on our government leaders in one place. Kudos to the wiki communinity for gathering all this useful info in one place. In the end it does read like an encyclopedia. This formalism on style is good for quality IMHO
In the section on legislation, shouldn't it be made more clear what bills have failed and what bills are pending? After all, there's quite a difference between failed and pending. For pending, it would be interesting to know why a bill is pending, which may be for numerous reasons.
his seats (though probably not serve as chairman) in this new Congress, but I bet he had a lot of requests from current and new senators and wanted to spread the wealth. As Majority Leader you basically run the show, so there's nothing wrong with not having a committee assignment.
article, which could be appropriate to discuss congressional approval ratings over time, including the current Congress. Also, as a listing of facts, the article is neutral. To add a "criticism" section, you'd have to also balance that with other viewpoints to continue meeting
Another possible change is if Lieberman leaves the Democratic caucus (or if the Democrats expel him) before January 3; that would give the Republicans a majority for what is left of the term. But again, for the reasons stated above, the Senate is unlikely to be reorganized.
he's getting better (not to say I wouldn't...). So a small blurb in the opening should mention that the composition is not set in stone, and situations like the one we may deal with could give quick control of the senate to the Repubs. It's a must-add comment, by all means!
was appointed a senator in October 1921, but Congress wasn't in session. She did not become a senator until taking the oath in November. This predates 2 USC 36, which was enacted for the explicit purpose of eliminating any confusion regarding when a senator's term starts).
Thanks. Its OK; I made the change after I posted my message. I checked the VA Governor's website and found the only special election called was for seats in House of Delegates, not Congress. Majority Leader Hoyer has said the lame duck session could go into December; see
I think this is a neutral and valid assessment of the situation. A further question would be if addressing Lieberman's Republican leanings and the fact that he was previously a Democrat would be appropriate in the lede, or anywhere else in the article. I welcome comment.
as an "ID." It does not change that he is an independent where party affiliation is concerned. If you're speaking of "Party Affiliation" in his article (or elsewhere), ID is not appropriate. It's simply his pet name for his independent status, not a party affiliation.
While the Democratic party does not technically hold a majority of the Senate seats, having forty-nine, the two Independent senators — Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut — caucus with the Democrats, giving the Democrats and effective majority of
because I said to my constituents in Connecticut I'm as fed up with the partisanship in Washington as you are ... I am now an Independent Democrat, capital-I, capital-D.") I think it best to mark him down as an "I" (or "ID") as that's how he was elected to the Senate.
Why isn't Reid listed as having any committee assignments? In the 109th he was on Appropriations, having for some reason given up all his other committee assignments (Aging, EPW, Ethics, Indian Affairs). Has he given that up as well now? Why would he do this?
3589:(who also served non-continous terms) implies that the ones listed are the only ones with non-continuous terms. I'm all for simplicity and leaving extraneous material out, but we can't have a "facts about members" section that arbitrarily leaves some facts out. 1222:
I suggest we either have a separate entry for Indpendent Democrat is the Senate party affiliation table or follow the Official Senate party breakdown for the 110th Congress and include Liberman in the Democratic totals, with a note that he is an Indpendent
2510:). I would suggest leaving them as separate pages. The year in office info is available on that other page if people want it. This page should proabably as a general summary of the 110th Congress, and not a comprehensive listing of all facts and figures. 821:
People are assuming that Political Parties exist in an official capacity. They don't. Lieberman could call himself a member of whatever party he wants and be a member of that party. Senators are citizens and citizens can choice whatever party they want.
The Congress currently has an approval rate hovering around 15%-20%. There is a wide range of criticism for the Congress, probably enough to fill a section. Currently the words "criticism" and "approval rate" do not appear in the article. Anyone agree?
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this
1085: 1351:
I have requested from the OFFICIAL listing for Joe Lieberman. One web site (a PDF dated 1/3) says it is I-CT and another web site (an dynamic page) says it is ID-CT. Let's wait for the response. user:mnw2000 02:35, 9 January 2007 (UTC)
I think it is misleading to say that the Democrats control a majority in the Senate, as the party technically does not, the caucus does, and many readers will not know this distinction. I propose the following rewording of the line in the lede:
2472:, which we shouldn't be, there should only be 100 senators. I see 101 on the first chart, but I can't change it since I don't know which party would be getting the cut (Republicans, if they truly lost the Senate.) -01:30, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1851:
in WP and the real world, especially as an Illinoisan whose best friend lives in Minnesota, has caused skull fissures from my brain trying to explode. In any event, I will acquiesce here an in the other place or places about oath v. "seated". -
This is simple fact-based article about a specific session of Congress listing members, states, and party affiliations. Any criticisms, such as approval ratings, or other information about Congress in general would be more appropriate at the
nothing more than Democrats of the House or Senate and they have no official role as a part of the Senate or House and therefore the Democrats will hold the majority if both of those who did not run as Democrats choose to caucus as Democrats.
replacement. This would cause the U.S. Senate to have equal Republican and Democratic membership. Should these events occur prior to January 4, 2007, the 103rd Congress will remain as the most recent one in which Democrats controlled both
Democrat" as a party. Visit the offial Senate page on party affilation and scroll down to the 30th Congress, 84th Congress, and 110th Congress. (Note that the Senate site itself is in error, in that it says Lieberman is from Vermont.)
indicates his service starting in 2009, being appointed December 30, 2008. So he probably isn't part of the 110th Congress. Appointments only go into affect on the day they are issued if Congress is adjourned sine die (Riddicks) a la
2624: 2059:
No, Lieberman has stated he will be an "Independent Democrat", not a "Democrat", and that he will be part of the Democratic caucus. So he is really no different than Sanders. We do agree that this is not related to what party he ran
Vermont should be listed as purple, as it will be a split state in terms of its Senators not being of the same party. We should not change the standards simply for the political benefit of those who hope to gain from such a change.
Just to continue the debate, there are numerous article which include polling data as sources, including almost every article regarding a congressional race. I see no harm if it is from a reputable news source and VERY well cited.
Again with oath? Let's make the distinction about being seated, because that's what matters. We don't care about oaths anymore than we care about other very important parts of the Senator's job, such as first paycheck and office
from Puerto Rico and the territorial delegates. Proposals to create the position of Delegate or Resident Commissioner from the Northern Mariana Islands have been under consideration but have not been enacted as of this time. See
The meaning of the term "vacancy" in South Dakota law is the subject of various interpretations by constitutional law experts. Jonathan Ellis, S.D. governor would name person to fill Johnson vacancy, Argus Leader , December 14,
to the Constitution specifies the "Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January." The Constitution gives Congress discretion to select a different day, so if
it can be listed as NPOV. Perhaps a section on "approval ratings" could be added. It's fine to include this information if it's intended to be included extensively across many Congresses (even if it's not executed thusly).
at the start of the article it mentions notable senators (first muslim, first budhists etc..) perhaps bernie sanders should be listed here as the first (self-described) socialist to serve in the US senate. what do you think?
to learn more. I know we list other vetoed bills under pending/failed, but I really feel strongly that I don't want this article (110th congress) to get too bulky with detailed information that could be learned elsewhere.
I know I know. I'm sorry for POV'ing it, but I couldn't think of what else to say. The fact is, political maneuvering like this goes on with every Congress. Why is this so historically significant that it is relevant to
committee assignments. I know that they generally don't have a lot of committees, and can't be chairmen, but they can't certainly serve on committees. It's rather odd that he would give up his place on appropriations.
a bill to "designate the United States Postal Service located at 152 North 5th Street in Laramie, Wyoming, as the 'Gale W. McGee Post Office'. That bill has meaning to someone, but probably doesn't belong on Knowledge.
No term is necessary at all on the listing section... they simply need to say Month "DD, YYYY - Present" as they do now. As for the descriptive paragraphs... it's simply semantics... installed is just as good as sworn
The US Senate lists his Party Affiliation as "Independent Democrat". I believe that's how Knowledge should refer to his party going forward. You disagree. I'd like to see what others think so we can reach a consensus.
1287:"Independent" is obviously not a "party" either (there is no "Independent Party") - so to say that there must be an "Independent Democrat(ic)" Party in order for that to be Lieberman's "party" seems inaccurate to me. 614: 3872:
honor of Senator Strom Thurmond prior to enactment. We cannot change the titles until Congress does so. It is not uncommon for Congress to leave "Year X" in place even if the bill passes well into the following year.
1234:"Independent Democratic Party." Lieberman is not a sitting Democratic Party Senator, and calling him one is both inaccurate and POV. Listing "Independent Democrat" within fields labeled "party" is also inaccurate. 3761: 2496:
Senators over the next few weeks. It does address the comment above about years in office, as well as adding a bit more info. Any strong thoughts either way. No comments I'd interpret as to go forward............
Recently the US House passed a bill that was similar to the preivously vetoed and substained SCHIP one. In fact, I think it even has the same title (but a different bill number). How do we want to categorize this?
My fault. Bush signed the so-called "clean" bill. Then someone consolidated a bunch of bills. Then I cleaned them all up. I suppose you could put it back- but I think that it belongs instead in articles about
2728: 3016: 4507:
Well, I think it's a well known fact that this Congress has the lowest approval ratings of any Congress in the history of the United States, but it says this nowhere in the article. I think it deserves mention.
legislation is posted on the legislation's page, not here. Polls and approval ratings also fluctuate throughout a congressional term, so how would you decide which numbers or which polls to use? There is also a
The correct answer is A) the worst memory ever. In my defense, however, I wasn't saying I didn't remember it, I just wanted to refer back to the discussion so that we could revisit it here. So here it is, from
The relevant point for this article is that although the Democrats are not a majority, they control a majority. They elected the majority leader, they control majorities on committees.12:38, 11 September 2008
The current source in the article appears to be another dubious source. That article's title alone is heavily biased. And the domain name of it looks more like how a blog would be named instead of a newspaper.
2278:. Why start on the 4th, and not the 3rd? I'd understand if the 3rd was a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I presume that Members could travel on the 2nd and still make it on time. Anyone have a source on 3745:
Fine with me. The list of those who'd served non-consecutive terms was woefully incomplete (and therefore inaccurate), and it's not all that relevant outside a specific discussion of seniority, anyway.
5021: 4033:
What does? The codified start-of-term would seem to be the main one, but that doesn't apply to midterm replacements... in this case, would it be when their credentials are accepted by the congress? --
I would like to disagree with the House Page Board bill being important. I was a House Page for 10 months, from September 2006 to June 2007, and honestly it was no big deal, it will have no affect.
I figured it wasn't necessary to list citations anymore for the leaders. I DID, however, change "External links" to "External links and sources" to emphasize that you could get your sources there.—
This does look very useful, although perhaps it belongs either as a separate article or as part of the 2006 election article. A minor quibble - the party color row seems wider than it should be.
2317:. Does anyone think this would be useful in this article? I see it's not standard and I know there are a lot of folks doing a great job keeping things uniform for the articles of this type... — 1106: 496: 477: 4353:
I have no objection to expanding on the two independents caucusing with the Democrats, but I do object to the statement that "Democrats do not technically hold a majority." The two independents
2539: 1548: 2637: 2451:
That comment refers to Connecticut's House delegation, which is now 4D-1R. But now that you mention CT's Senators, the Senate website now lists Lieberman as an "ID" or Independent Democrat.
2314: 1742:
That is the $ 25,000 question isn't it. The 110th didn't adjourn sine die until January 3, so he could be. Burris claims he's been a senator since December. However, his official bioguide at
1227: 2438:
Connecticut is the color of 60-69% Democrat but should be 80%-99% considering there is only one Republican from New England and if CT was 60%-69% there would be 2 Republicans from CT alone.
2492: 2407: 4598:
I think this deserves mention. Congress has a lower approval rating than President Bush, who has almost an entire paragraph in the lead of his article talking about his approval ratings. »
as Independent (which is true, he is a unpartied independent senator), but note that he caucuses with the Democratic Party, and is lists himself for official purposes under the "ID" name.
5201: 5091: 4335:
I don't see any reason not to change it how I proposed above. Absolutely nothing is taken away from the article, and this wording clarifies it. I plan to modify it in the next few days.
3804: 3781: 2255:
congress adjourns "sine die" determines the technical end of a congressional session, since they rarely reconvene after that date, even though officially Congresses run until January 3.
3695:: Unless someone already did it before me, I'm the editor in question who added Paul (and Price). The phrase "Members of the 110th Congress who served non-consecutive terms" includes 1041:
Ha. Let it be noted that this same dispute is apparently going on at the .gov sources, too. For now, the .gov sources (including the one you linked) all list Lieberman as "(I-CT)."
This article is technically incorrect. The Democrats will not hold a majority in the Senate. They would only have control of the Senate if both Independent members caucus with them.
I believe that Lieberman needs to be listed as an Indpendent Democrat in this article both as (ID) and is the Senate party affiliation table. That is how his party is listed on the
636: 4643:. This means that the latest day an election could be held is Dec. 24. While I personally doubt an election will be held, we can't say for sure until someone else does. - Thanks, 5219: 5215: 5109: 5105: 1729:
was appointed on December 31, 2008. The Senate refused to seat him on January 6, 2009. The Senate agreed to seat him on January 12, 2009. He was sworn-in on January 15, 2009.
5067: 4250:
I disagree. Not every political event should be covered in this article. You're welcome to write a new article and if it's Wiki-worthy, then it might be worth including here.—
Sigh. I'm not going to bother with this until the Secretary of the Senate recognizes the new Congress in early January. Then the label on Senate documentation should be used.
671:. He was as a member of the "Connecticut for Lieberman" party, an official party in Connecticut under Connecticut law. This is what we know. And I've provided the source for it. 3417:
I've restored this sentence. I don't think this fact is POV as the Republicans are actually proud of this, naturally, and the tactic was the topic of an entire NYT article. --
2816:". On this page (110th Congress) we don't really need to say the legislative history of an Act, do we. Isn't it enough to say that it was enacted and let the reader read the 1669:
IF Johnson is still ill (when the 110th) new Congress assumes office, then mention it in the article. Johnson illness should only be mentioned in the (current) 109th Congress.
3412: 3025: 610: 4178:
A lot of specific congresses have had low approval ratings in the past. Several have had high approval ratings. None of the US Congress articles list praises or criticism.
5291: 4731:
During several automated bot runs the following external links were found to be unavailable. Please check if the links are in fact down and fix or remove it in that case!
Do they opinion polls really matter? The majority party gained seats in both houses I don't see that as disapproval of Congress. In fact its kind of an approval isn't it?
Normally Congress uses the year in which it passed congress in the final version, which is why the above bills signed in early January have the prior year in their title.
3796: 2874:. A "notability test" would ensure bills that are either getting at least some or extensive coverage in the news or blogosphere are included, while leaving out bills like 784:
longer has any reason to exist. I suggest that the party affiliation in the chart be changed to refer to him as a "Independent Democrat", not "Connecticut for Lieberman".
Revision Act of 2007: The statute itself is not blue-lined. It should be included, however, beacuse it's historic: it was part of the reason the Dems took over Congress.
3005: 2506:
The table from Current List of House members was originally on this page, but moved out since it didn't fit with the standard wikipedia template for Ordinal congresses (
If Reid had kept his seat, Nelson wouldn't have been able to serve and still keep the required 28 committee members and a one seat Democratic majority on the committee.
3421: 2907:. However, I would offer that it is major legislation worth including because it has received a lot of coverage in the media and is tied to the larger debate over the 5022:
commitee. With several current US Senators running for President we don't want to cluter up of the pending legislation section with every single bill they introduce.
Yes, now I see some of these articles need to be split up and reorganized, etc. (Maybe not this article but others for sure). I'll investigate that avenue first. —
I followed your link just a few minutes before the timestamp on this message, and Lieberman is listed as "I", not "ID". Have they changed his page already? --Heath
5301: 1010:
The Secretary of the Senate is the official charged with recognizing Senators' partisan affiliation. To deviate from this official list seems, simply, revisionist.
197: 2169:
is enacted and signed by the President, since it would be a public law, January 4 is likely to be the official start date. Of course Congress could change its mind.
I've moved it down a little bit so that the "HR" labelled bills are at the end. The program was funded at status quo ante levels through a continuing resolution,
4840: 3264: 5346: 3604:
Markles either you have the worst memory ever or someone used you name because you and i were the one who discussed this and you were the one who removed it all
Perfect, 'Lexicom'. That's what I like, accuracy. PS-you should become a registered user, Knowledge benefits from participation by accurate editors (like you).
669: 302: 173: 5306: 5051: 3001: 2507: 2486: 120: 5025: 4756: 3520:
Another news tidbit -- this congress had what's being called the shortest Senate session ever at 11 seconds for the sole purpose of preventing a Presidential
2500: 5296: 4961: 4925: 2847:
Senate. As the 110th Congress proceeds, there will be many more bills introduced, and the list could get quite lengthy without some sort of vetting process.
2790: 618: 2866:
dealing with the same subject and accomplishing much of the same goals. Which one is worthy of inclusion? There are at least six different bills related to
The article was already updated, but to close out this discussion, Lieberman said today he will be in the Senate as a Democrat, not an CfLer or Independent.
1033: 4675: 4631:
for details). Congress was out of session during this time. A week ago a special election was held in Ohio after the death of Stephanie Tubbs-Jones; (see
4577: 3250: 1045: 4972: 3350: 3328: 1308: 1103: 1042: 1020: 992: 892: 860: 812: 2921:
military draft in the US would still link to that article. Commitee support is key, with it, a proposed bill can and often is attached to another bill.
1327: 4468: 4363:
This debate is also generally moot, considering the upcoming election, where most predictions indicate 3 to 4 additional seats being held by Democrats.
3333: 1966:
that it is correct to say the Democrats will be the majority party in the Senate notwithstanding the political reasons others would want that changed.
1610:. This situation (Democrats to take control of Senate), hasn't changed (Johnson is still alive, hasn't resigned). Perhaps it's best to wait & see. 775: 137: 3538: 2831:
I disagree since his veto's are so rare and since the overridden veto's even more rare I think its important especially looking back on this congress
take the oath (their rules, not mine). That doesn't affect their terms off office, however, and several Senators have served without taking the oath.
1280: 1249: 4660:
You're right - I was wrong. I really didn't put enough thought into it, which is my fault. I suggest you edit it to correct what I wrote. Thanks.—
4560: 3318: 1036: 4593: 4546: 4532: 3726: 3275: 2152: 1970: 1437: 1427: 1413: 1291: 1023: 1005: 995: 908: 863: 815: 675: 663: 5267: 4192:, which could make the article unwieldy from the article in my opinion. If you really feel that strongly about it, I suggest you post your idea at 2656: 2143: 2134: 2125: 1623: 1311: 1122: 3861:
Right. And then there are the appropriations Acts which typically have the name of the year for which the funds are appropriated - typically the
3509: 2692:
OK. I think many of the facts can get by with a non-specific citation. I'm accustomed to the "negotiations" that have taken place regarding the
2350: 2336: 2302: 1297: 841:
Consensus will (hopefully) be reached around Jan 4 when the official Senate website is updated with the 2007 membership, including their parties.
749: 734: 5157: 4439: 4205: 4173: 4155: 3938: 3881: 3455: 3436: 3402: 2988: 2959: 2943: 2925: 2915: 2897: 2854:
as an intitial guide. Other bills could be still be added, but perhaps just with people and other articles some test of "notability" be applied.
2711: 2683: 2594: 2576: 2514: 2040: 2015: 4481: 4454: 4375: 4322: 4305: 4223: 3856: 3842: 3476: 3393: 3361: 3046: 2797: 2607: 2529: 2418: 2385: 2259: 1763: 1346: 757:, Leiberman's office has announced he will officially be listed in Congress as an ID, Independent Democrat. That's how he should be referred to. 441: 406: 5321: 5286: 4619: 4394: 4346: 4254: 4106: 3952: 3773: 3617: 3578: 3380: 3286: 3259: 3068: 3035: 2556: 2247: 2234: 2225: 1774: 1691: 1682: 1673: 1664: 1635: 1602:
I don't see why we need a detailed discussion of the Johnson issue now. Why not just leave it at "the Democrats will likely have a majority"?
1594: 1591: 1580: 1567: 1454: 1336: 854: 801: 761: 739: 693: 292: 192: 163: 63: 5068:
4689: 4664: 4606: 4095: 4059: 4042: 3242: 3228: 3136: 3119: 3106: 3059: 2835: 2616: 2546: 1068: 1014: 969: 877: 845: 440:. Please view the link under Article milestones below to see why the nomination was archived. Once the objections have been addressed you may 3176: 2455: 2443: 1860: 1845: 1396: 1332:
Agreed. And interestingly, last night and earlier today, these sites said "ID" and were changed some time during the day today to just "I".
961: 951: 5011: 4089: 3985: 3967: 3755: 3187: 1953: 4018: 3999: 3923: 3731:
I deleted the miscellaneous facts sections from the 110th Congress & 109th Congress. It's been bothering me for months. Then I found
3687: 3628: 3598: 3489:
I've seen various dubious sources assert that this congress has set a record so far so filibusters. Might be worthy of mention if true. --
Ah, I see, you wanted that over in another subpage specially about nominations for featured status or article, I just now became aware of.
Connecticut is the wrong color on the House percentages images. I'd fix it, but I don't have software that saves out png images. Thanks,
2364: 2173: 1786: 807:
come out, and the only neutral way to list him 'til then is as a generic independent. Also, linking "Independent Democrat" as "Independent
726: 3721: 3648: 3566: 2371: 2114: 1373: 689:
expect Lieberman to continue to officially call himself a Democrat. If that's the case in Jaunary, I think we should move him to a D then.
5311: 3739: 3670: 2178: 2024: 1979: 1938: 1058: 980: 127: 1386: 5316: 5281: 4382:
I generally agree that the Democrats control a majority. The caucus has a majority and the party controls the caucus. This debate is
3709: 3548: 3528: 1877:, for example, was elected to a special election in South Dakota. However, her term started November 9, 1938 to finish out the term of 1299: 1203:
Note: Senator Joseph Lieberman of Vermont, an Independent Democrat, is counted in the majority party statistics for the 110th Congress.
5071: 4517: 4497: 5326: 3816: 2778: 2771: 2672: 895: 573: 5197:
When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs.
When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs.
4914: 2211: 1614: 1570: 1457: 778: 4951: 4477:
Furthermore, Obama's seat could be filled quickly as could Biden's. The length of the 49-49 split would be short or non-existent.—
4193: 3493: 2886: 2326: 826: 268: 132: 5187: 3908: 2433: 2096: 1491:
The Democrats will likely control a majority in both chambers, which would be the the first time this will have occured since the
4721: 4459:
A concurring precedent: in November 2002, the Republicans re-obtained a majority (50), but did not get majority party control. --
What ever happened to it I personally think especially with this president this is important seeing as he has had 2 vetos so far
2851: 2817: 2809: 2786: 2378: 2053: 1978:
The Democratic Caucuses hold the majority, but not the Democrats. I changed Democrats to Democratic caucuses. That should do it.
1264: 1237: 883:
Some new information. Lieberman has a news release up on his website which refers to himself as "Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT)".
4415: 4243: 3467:
about sessions of congress because the minority party so often filibusters legislation predominately supported by the majority.
2841: 2579: 2480: 2367:? I know they take up a lot of space here, but they are useful and there's no reason to bury them in a talk page until January. 2294: 2110:
from Pelosi's office clearly says Congress will start on January 4, 2007. Does anyone have a source that is clearly definitive?
1079: 788: 652: 4841:
4798: 2411: 1257:
current version of the article listing 2 independents, with a clear note that Lieberman is officially an Independent Democrat.
924: 835: 1716: 1447: 5336: 4707: 4654: 4635:
for details) as the Hawaii example, Congress is out of session. Due to these examples, I don't we can say a special election
4184: 3552: 3445:
Seems to be a general theme and describes the nature of the political maneuvering which is particular to this congress, e.g.
3009: 2446: 1919: 396: 115: 5052:
2400: 1736: 668:"Connecticut for Lieberman" was not (just) a campaign committee. It was the party he was listed on on the Connecticut ballot 5026:
4489: 4460: 3533: 2027: 1982: 1941: 642: 111:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the ongoing discussions.
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
4556:. This is an encyclopedia article and a list of facts. Opinions, no matter their source, are pointless in this article.— 3211: 2286: 1830: 5341: 5077: 4910: 4871: 4509: 4135: 3914:
Quite hilarious, indeed. I wonder whether politicians can be uninstalled through the "Add and remove programs" wizard :D
3339: 2977: 2102: 1241: 1054:
really relevant to this reference-style article, and then he's no different than Sanders, an I, caucusing with the Dems.
259: 220: 103: 58: 5031: 3605: 4940: 4640: 4283: 3446: 2358: 437: 5041: 3943:
If one term is commonly used in the US, and the other isn't, then it's not just semantics. It's a matter of accuracy.
2825: 5331: 5162: 2882:
I'm open to any suggestions or we can simply leave the list as is an have editors add bills they feel are noteworthy.
2649: 2645: 2265: 2088: 2071: 1882: 5179: 5055: 5003: 4628: 1075: 975: 3343: 3087: 2597: 1678:
If he's only ill, it doesn't need to be mentioned in either article, as no other member's illness's are mentioned.
1525: 1496: 1304: 1216: 1095: 947: 935: 808: 372: 3162: 1712:
This article needs some revision, due to the death of Represenative Charlie Norwood (R-Georgia), on Feb 13 ,2007.
1705: 4986: 2984:
version of the suplemential being drafted will include this or if instead another vechicle will be found for it.
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
4678:. This could mean a special election could be held, but I doubt it due to the window being too short. - Thanks, 4080:
about the terminology rather than debating the start of service. "Installed" is simply not the recognized term.
602: 3893: 3515: 2719: 2697:
supposed to be cited with reliable sources. (Of course that statement is an unrealized goal.) I'll add a few
There are not 2 Republicans from CT, nor are there two Democrats. Lieberman is now technically an Independent.
1276: 1064:
Sounds good. Whatever the Senate website lists him as should, obviously, be what Knowledge goes with as well.
I'm considering nominating this article for "Featured" status, but I don't know if it should be counted as a "
1721: 1082:. I recommend references be switched back to Independent Democrat in all references to Lieberman. Discussion? 938:-Democrat. Lieberman is free to "go by that" as a reference to his independent status all he likes, yes. He 3220:. I suppose so. Let's put it under the veto section and mark it as a pocket veto. Let's not, however, put 3099: 1134: 5061: 4632: 4400: 2967: 2707:
s in this article where I believe we should have specific sources. Hopefully they won't be hard to find. --
appropriate to include an asterisk to point out that Lieberman self-identifies as an "Independent Democrat."
5262: 5171: 5152: 4995: 4965: 4929: 4853: 4846: 4832: 4825: 4811: 4804: 4790: 4783: 4769: 4762: 4748: 4741: 4387: 2662: 2108: 1811: 1492: 1480: 33: 489: 470: 5012:
4179: 3307: 3303: 2313:
I threw together a table summarizing all of the changes in membership between the 109th and the 110th at
368: 364: 359: 336: 5237:
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If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
3631:: I "removed entire section because none of these events occured during this Congress." Nonetheless, I 2803: 1211:
page on Knowledge, so it should be the same here. We can avoid POV issues as long as he it is linked to
795: 755: 5178:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 5002:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 4712: 3484: 3292: 2693: 2463: 2308: 1560: 1514: 1502: 4614: 4537:
Yes, it's a very important piece of information for this article. I'll see if I can dig something up.
Yes, it does. The person becomes a voting member of Congress when he or she takes the oath of office.
Well, you did end your first sentence with "Your sugestions?" Will trim the list down on the article.
I had brought this up before and I believe there should be a seperate section atleast when he hits 5.
current blue links should be cut here because they appear unlikely to ever get serious consideration.
1893:, which adjourned in June 1938, but was a senator by virtue of her election and 2 USC 36. (Side note, 1319: 1019:
So you now seem, simply revisionist. Or will you admit that your previous rhetoric was over the top?
on 2011-06-01 02:07:10, Socket Error: 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host'
on 2011-05-23 02:12:07, Socket Error: 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host'
4502: 4229: 1937:
I'm not sure how to change this sentence and preserve the reference to the historical shift in power.
719: 4311:
this fact. The line as currently written is misleading; clarification and precision is always good.
I would have to disagree I think that because of how rare his vetos are that it is very note worthy
3078: 5072:
4493: 4464: 4052: 3990:
Is that specific to congress? I mean, a president doesn't have to be sworn in to be president... --
3732: 2763: 2566: 2107:
Most sources seem to indicate that the new Congress will start on January 3, 2007, but this release
Another thing - the Senate map does not indicate that Connecticut will have an Independent senator
1301: 597: 4234:
Why isn't there a section or an article about the protest going on? That seems pretty important.
I was watching C-SPAN 2 last night, and the Senators said the new Congress will begin on the 4th.
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
5253: 5143: 5015: 4906: 4879: 4735: 4627:
died during the 2002 election. In Nov 02 a special election for the short term was held (see the
4513: 3300: 3197: 2424: 1924: 1889:
sine die, she did not take the oath in open session. So technically, she was not a member of the
1245: 5222:
before doing mass systematic removals. This message is updated dynamically through the template
before doing mass systematic removals. This message is updated dynamically through the template
dealing with perchlorate contamination in drinking water is listed, but she has also introduced
If we want to create a separate article with lots of such bills and statutes we could put it at
I strongly believe that this list should be short. Not every statute or bill should be listed.
5238: 5188:
5175: 5128: 4969: 4943: 4936: 4697: 4573: 4143: 2863: 1098:
within the phrase "Independent Democrat," is inaccurate. My compromise is to list Lieberman's
That's a clear indication of what he is officialy going to call himself in the 100th Congress.
633: 264: 2875: 2859: 5225: 5115: 4639:
be held. VA state law states that 30 days has to pass before a special election is held; see
all-inclusive list, but if the list is not all-inclusive, the title should be more specific.
2756: 2092: 2075: 1518: 884: 39: 4799:
we already discussed this and its only for those who restarted their terms in this congress.
2793:. The DC voting rights bill from 2006 redirects the general voting rights article. Thoughts? 182: 5245: 5135: 4102: 3934: 3769: 3021:
I'm thinking that by the October - November timeframe there are going to be a lot of them.
2997: 2630: 2391: 2084: 2067: 1473:
As reflected in the changes I made to the second paragraph of the intro (later reverted) --
1212: 1115: 917: 811:" is incredibly POV. Please, compromise to consensus, and avoid revert warring over this. 251: 95: 4406:
becomes the majority party in the Senate once again until the 111th Congress is sworn in?
3346:." Or do you think this really isn't good enough for featured status? Your suggestions?— 2243:
Regardless of the beginning date of the 110th, I'm very sure the 109th ends on January 3.—
2166: 1365:
I guess the case is closed on this one for now. user:mnw2000 01:32, 10 January 2007 (UTC)
8: 3678:
But make whichever decsision is made here consistent which the pages of past congresses.
Sorry about that, if I hadn't I "compressed" the name it wouldn't have fit in the graph.
2346: 2322: 1902:
session (even if Reid would have let him). This is all inside baseball, however. We list
As I wrote above, Lieberman's office has announced he will be officially listed as "ID".
586: 5204:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 5191: 5094:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 4902: 4867: 4819: 4431: 4411: 4367: 4297: 4201: 4169: 4162: 4151: 4131: 3877: 3852: 3792: 3717:: Never mind. Based on the discussion below, the entire section ought to be left out.— 3683: 3594: 3521: 3505: 3472: 1911: 1755: 1272: 5244:
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
3574:: Do we agree with including only members who restarted their terms in this Congress?— 5032:
4933: 4932:. The information in the former article essentially duplicates that in the latter. - 4726: 4718: 4704: 4661: 4569: 4557: 4523:
The first thing to do would to find reliable external sources backing up this claim.
4478: 4450: 4391: 4341: 4317: 4278: 4251: 4239: 4220: 4120: 4056: 3964: 3866: 3839: 3827: 3736: 3718: 3645: 3575: 3563: 3433: 3377: 3347: 3256: 3225: 3173: 3133: 3103: 3043: 2822: 2775: 2680: 2526: 2415: 2382: 2283: 2244: 2208: 2037: 2012: 1967: 1842: 1771: 1733: 1380: 660: 607:
Mark R. Warner, Senator from Virginia, is a Democrat, not a Republican as was noted.
525: 235: 214: 4077: 3255:
Is there a way to have a generic link so it doesn't have to be updated every month?—
Given it some thought. Though it's stings me, think it might be best to leave it at
The Democrats will control a majority in both chambers for the first time since the
4685: 4650: 4589: 4542: 4528: 4260: 4038: 3995: 3919: 3666: 3613: 3238: 3207: 2871: 2749: 2653: 2430: 2122: 1620: 1424: 1393: 682: 3762:
List of current members of the United States House of Representatives by seniority
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008" is not blue-linked. It should be omitted.
The Democrats will hold a majority in both chambers for the first time since 1995.
4999: 4947: 4717:
I added before and after data in the party summary sections. What do you think?—
4098: 3963:"Swearing in" does not start a person's term. That is not the relevant factor. — 3930: 3765: 3155: 3042:
Ok. 5 is a good number. It should be part of the not-enacted group, however. —
2774:, which should duplicate only the blue-lined statutes of the "enacted" section. — 2625:
Doesn't The Northern Mariana Islands now have a Resident Commissioner (from CMMI)
2050: 1856: 1826: 1706: 823: 746: 427: 2220:, which actually probably means that the 109th continues until Jan 4, not Jan 3. 79: 52: 4777: 4189: 4085: 4014: 3981: 3948: 3904: 3751: 3705: 3525: 3490: 3452: 3418: 3095: 2904: 2867: 2708: 2669: 2522: 2342: 2318: 2161: 1894: 1885: 1793: 1463:
Just a note: Johnson can't be replaced, unless he resigns or dies (in office).
5210:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 5100:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 5081: 3608:
and I put the ones that occured in this congress that was how we discussed it
582: 5275: 5035: 4863: 4428: 4407: 4364: 4294: 4197: 4165: 4147: 4127: 3873: 3848: 3788: 3679: 3590: 3586: 3501: 3468: 3399: 3390: 3358: 3325: 3272: 3065: 3022: 2985: 2974: 2956: 2940: 2922: 2912: 2894: 2893:
have passed a commitee in the House or Senate to be considered on this list.
2883: 2855: 2794: 2701: 2553: 2511: 2497: 2397: 2368: 2333: 2299: 2256: 2170: 2149: 1908: 1890: 1878: 1805: 1752: 1726: 1434: 1410: 1324: 1268: 1258: 1224: 1208: 722: 555: 108: 2633:
a non-voting member of Congress? Or is he still working on his recognition?
Associated Press , Senator's Illness a Lifelong Condition, December 14, 2006
5045: 4599: 4446: 4337: 4313: 4274: 4235: 3369: 2634: 2604: 2298:
accomodating the holiday travels of members is usually a key consideration.
2231: 2222: 2140: 2131: 2111: 1963: 1950: 1799: 1748: 1713: 1688: 1679: 1670: 1642: 1632: 1611: 1577: 1499: 1464: 1370: 1055: 1002: 977: 905: 874: 851: 842: 798: 785: 758: 736: 690: 672: 649: 107:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of topics relating to the 5211: 5101: 5062:
They are not sufficiently the same. For example, there is discussion at
4680: 4645: 4585: 4538: 4524: 4034: 3991: 3915: 3662: 3609: 3283: 3234: 3203: 3184: 3116: 3084: 3056: 3032: 2908: 2832: 2613: 2584: 2543: 2477: 2469: 2452: 2396:
It'd be nice if year elected could be added. Both for reps and senators.
1903: 1874: 1521: 1333: 1288: 1119: 1065: 1011: 958: 943: 921: 832: 629: 625: 588: 4624: 3808: 3551:. Another editor then removed Paul, stating in the Edit Summary that " 2377:
I moved the list because we already had an article on this very topic (
1852: 1822: 1510: 2363:
Is there any particular reason to move the senate committee tables to
in order to adopt the label; he, too, was an independent (no longer a
4081: 4010: 3977: 3944: 3900: 3831: 3820: 3747: 3701: 2493:
List of current members of the United States House of Representatives
List of current members of the United States House of Representatives
2200: 2192: 2184: 1086:"Independent Democrat" is not a political party or party affiliation. 2199:, even though the Congress will not meet in its first session until 2049:
membership to any party, but participates in the Democratic caucus.
4423: 3544: 3449: 716: 712: 584: 4055:, the bioguide lists their starts as the day of their elections.— 1810:
Appointed December 31, 2008, but did not take the oath until the
351: 330: 3146:(Note: What a civil debate! I wish mine ended like this! Haha.) 4048: 3661:
the way it is currently on the page not they way it is approve
article. The same could be done with the DC voting rights bill
1743: 1506: 5016:
Another source of confusion is the Congressional Directory at
page, and should remain only on the "List of Current…" pages.—
Shouldn't the article state that the 110th Congress runs from
589: 3635:
think we need some consensus on the topic. The old code was:
Should the vetoed legislation be moved into its own category?
49D + 49R + 2I = 100 Senators. Is that the chart you mean?
most practical start date after January 3. Source is from a
Best Wishes, Liz Horrell, On behalf of the Senate Webmaster
regarding two of the elections which is far beyond that in
being in the precise section, then we'd need a workaround.—
3835: 3823: 3812: 3787:
a reliable source on hand about the status of these bills.
Years in the bill titles in the pending and failed sections
2204: 2196: 2188: 5182:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
2731:. Until then, we need a good statute for inclusion here. 2491:
I'd like to import the wikitable someone created for the
371:, where you can join the project and/or contribute to the 3549:
110th United States Congress#Served non-continuous terms
1517:, die or otherwise cause his office to become "vacant", 263:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of the 2130:
Thanks. Once it gets passed, we can update the article.
Perhaps editing should be restricted for a while then?
Senate Republicans blocking of Democratic leglistation
3372:! And why did you intend to put your comment here in 2508:
IMHO the article is accurate and unbiased currently.
Special elections to the 110th United States Congress
Special elections to the 110th United States Congress
that have been introduced, more than 60 dealing with
District of Columbia Vote in House of Representatives
1135: Party Division in the Senate, 1789-Present
And the only modern example of that term, Sen. Byrd,
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.
My question: was he a member of the 110th Congress?—
549: 241: 85: 5292:
List-Class United States articles of Low-importance
5214:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 5104:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 3293: 1074:The Senate now lists Lieberman as (ID-CT) both on 974:Lieberman is officially an "ID" in the US Senate. 711:it's reasonable to let him remain as Independent. 2521:I think all that information is excessive on the 1307:-Democrat in the 110th Congress didn't work out? 5302:Low-importance United States Government articles 5273: 1369:Yep, it's Joe Lieberman (Independant Democrat). 891:party, he should be listed as an "Independent." 4097:about this...I'll let you know what they say.-- 2729:Legislation of the 110th United States Congress 1179:Independent to a Democrat on February 17, 1955. 5347:Knowledge featured list candidates (contested) 5200:This message was posted before February 2018. 5090:This message was posted before February 2018. 3760:FYI... that info is more or less available at 2487:Import Wikitable from US House Current Members 533:Please put discussions of specific members in 5307:WikiProject United States Government articles 4897:A summary of the conclusions reached follows. 4196:and see what other project particpants think. 2593:(diagram near top) refers to the Republicans? 1418:Except that no other majority leader has had 831:Is there any way to reach consensus on this? 5297:List-Class United States Government articles 4778: 2589:Do we need to remind the casual reader that 2365:Talk:List of United States Senate committees 1080:official Senate calendar listing of senators 5082: 2282:the 110th Congress would start on the 4th?— 540: 363:, an attempt to structure and organize all 5170:I have just modified one external link on 5036: 4386:moot because the election will affect the 2230:Agree with the below comments on end date. 21: 19: 4994:I have just modified 8 external links on 4358:majority in the Senate, plain and simple. 4289:This has already been discussed above at 3817:National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 3319:Iraq War section needs updated to present 2772:List of United States federal legislation 2766:" is blue linked. It should be included. 2603:We need to, for the unfamilliar readers. 1608:the Democrats will likely have a majority 574:Talk:110th United States Congress/Archive 539:Please put discussions of legislation in 5046: 2738:that are historically significant and/or 1509:-like bleeding in the brain caused by a 367:. If you wish to help, please visit the 2850:May I suggest that we use the Senate's 2810:Water Resources Development Act of 2007 2787:Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy 2379:List of United States Senate committees 904:Comporises Indepedent until January 4. 611:2600:1003:B003:F396:9503:156B:4825:EFE2 5274: 4901:No consensus and stale discussion. -- 4094:As most of you know, I sent an e-mail 2412:List of current United States Senators 1192:Minority Party: Republican (49 seats) 5322:Top-importance U.S. Congress articles 5287:Low-importance United States articles 4856:on 2011-06-01 02:07:53, 404 Not Found 4849:on 2011-05-23 02:11:49, 404 Not Found 4835:on 2011-06-01 02:07:44, 404 Not Found 4828:on 2011-05-23 02:11:51, 404 Not Found 4814:on 2011-06-01 02:07:36, 404 Not Found 4807:on 2011-05-23 02:11:50, 404 Not Found 4772:on 2011-06-01 02:06:59, 404 Not Found 4765:on 2011-05-23 02:11:49, 404 Not Found 4751:on 2011-06-01 02:06:47, 404 Not Found 4744:on 2011-05-23 02:11:48, 404 Not Found 4185:History of the United States Congress 4051:. For midterm replacements, such as 2540:User:Just H/110th Congressional Table 1949:be the Majority party in the Senate. 1355:I have received the following reply: 1167:Minority Party: Republican (47 seats) 1151:Other Parties: 1 Independent Democrat 1114:Why not link Independent Democrat to 534: 444:the article for featured list status. 4888:The following discussion is closed. 4290: 3376:(Nomination for "Featured" status)?— 3368:I agree. Why didn't you remove it? 3265:SCHIP is now both vetoed and pending 2315:User:Wknight94/2006 Election Changes 519: 357:This article is within the scope of 312:This article is about one (or many) 257:This article is within the scope of 101:This article is within the scope of 15: 1195:Other Parties: Independent (1 seat) 1189:Majority Party: Democrat (50 seats) 1164:Majority Party: Democrat (48 seats) 1145:Majority Party: Democrat (38 seats) 277:Knowledge:WikiProject U.S. Congress 148:Knowledge:WikiProject United States 38:It is of interest to the following 13: 5312:WikiProject United States articles 3562:: When/where did we discuss this?— 3298:Tooltip Public Law (United States) 3064:Agreed with Markles & Gang14. 2538:I'm making a sortable list now at 2139:The Senate passed the bill today. 1379:Well, that solves that problem. - 859:I have requested page protection. 280:Template:WikiProject U.S. Congress 181: 151:Template:WikiProject United States 14: 5358: 5317:List-Class U.S. Congress articles 5282:List-Class United States articles 5174:. Please take a moment to review 4998:. Please take a moment to review 3805:Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 2650:List of U.S. states by population 2646:Delegate (United States Congress) 5327:WikiProject U.S. Congress events 4978:The discussion above is closed. 4004:Article VI of the Constitution: 3334:Nomination for "Featured" status 3251:Resume of Congressional Activity 3233:Thats really all I was thinking 1590:asked them to view this thread. 1305:Democratic Party (United States) 1096:Democratic Party (United States) 948:Democratic Party (United States) 946:) to pretend that he is still a 936:Democratic Party (United States) 809:Democratic Party (United States) 632:did not serve in this Congress.— 554: 524: 426: 350: 329: 244: 234: 213: 88: 78: 51: 20: 5060:Corrected formatting/usage for 3012:) 00:41, August 24, 2007 (UTC). 1495:in 1993-1995. However, should 1383:5:20pm, January 12, 2007 (EST) 1148:Minority Party: Whig (21 seats) 401:This article has been rated as 297:This article has been rated as 168:This article has been rated as 4347:05:30, 17 September 2008 (UTC) 4323:22:57, 10 September 2008 (UTC) 4306:16:30, 10 September 2008 (UTC) 4284:03:29, 10 September 2008 (UTC) 3381:23:06, 24 September 2007 (UTC) 3362:21:23, 24 September 2007 (UTC) 3351:20:00, 13 September 2007 (UTC) 3260:17:11, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 2078:) 10:49, 10 October 2008 (UTC) 1687:Great point Simon12, I agree. 1552: 1541: 986:Lieberman, an independent, is 513:Former featured list candidate 1: 4915:03:46, 26 February 2013 (UTC) 4722:01:27, 30 December 2008 (UTC) 4708:23:44, 29 November 2008 (UTC) 4690:07:16, 29 November 2008 (UTC) 4665:23:47, 28 November 2008 (UTC) 4655:23:21, 28 November 2008 (UTC) 4607:07:09, 10 December 2008 (UTC) 4594:16:02, 17 November 2008 (UTC) 4578:14:42, 17 November 2008 (UTC) 4498:02:56, 17 November 2008 (UTC) 4482:18:31, 16 November 2008 (UTC) 4469:02:56, 17 November 2008 (UTC) 4455:05:03, 17 November 2008 (UTC) 4440:17:41, 16 November 2008 (UTC) 4416:16:44, 16 November 2008 (UTC) 3882:20:51, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 3857:19:04, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 3529:04:07, 30 December 2007 (UTC) 3524:. Don't have a ref handy. -- 3510:19:00, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 3494:09:51, 23 December 2007 (UTC) 3456:18:28, 20 December 2007 (UTC) 3437:23:13, 13 December 2007 (UTC) 3422:22:47, 13 December 2007 (UTC) 3243:16:26, 30 December 2007 (UTC) 3229:15:34, 30 December 2007 (UTC) 3212:03:58, 30 December 2007 (UTC) 3100:George W. Bush administration 2887:03:52, 17 February 2007 (UTC) 2836:00:17, 10 November 2007 (UTC) 2734:This should include articles 2668:indiscriminately deleted. -- 2386:12:58, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 2372:05:09, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 2351:15:10, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 2337:05:05, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 2327:17:20, 24 November 2006 (UTC) 2303:18:54, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 2287:15:08, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 2260:18:54, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 2248:18:30, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 2235:02:49, 28 November 2006 (UTC) 2226:17:09, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 2212:15:08, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 2174:15:26, 20 November 2006 (UTC) 2135:05:03, 20 November 2006 (UTC) 2126:04:54, 20 November 2006 (UTC) 2115:04:34, 20 November 2006 (UTC) 2054:08:13, 28 November 2006 (UTC) 2041:21:59, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 2028:16:36, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 2016:21:59, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 1983:14:52, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 1971:21:59, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 1954:14:50, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 1942:14:36, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 1802:(D), until November 16, 2008 1779:How about we do it like this: 1717:19:18, 13 February 2007 (UTC) 1692:02:11, 22 December 2006 (UTC) 1683:01:17, 22 December 2006 (UTC) 1674:00:15, 22 December 2006 (UTC) 1665:21:02, 20 December 2006 (UTC) 1636:03:29, 15 December 2006 (UTC) 1624:01:59, 15 December 2006 (UTC) 1615:23:52, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 1595:23:06, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 1581:21:45, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 1571:21:30, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 1458:21:10, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 1438:15:27, 22 November 2006 (UTC) 1428:04:13, 22 November 2006 (UTC) 1414:22:51, 21 November 2006 (UTC) 1397:16:33, 21 November 2006 (UTC) 962:19:35, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 952:15:51, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 925:04:41, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 909:04:06, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 896:03:37, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 878:03:21, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 864:03:14, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 855:02:32, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 846:02:27, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 836:01:46, 26 December 2006 (UTC) 827:08:04, 28 November 2006 (UTC) 816:12:42, 21 December 2006 (UTC) 802:01:44, 16 November 2006 (UTC) 789:01:30, 16 November 2006 (UTC) 779:01:00, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 774:he should be listed as an I. 762:17:16, 15 November 2006 (UTC) 750:09:00, 13 November 2006 (UTC) 740:23:32, 11 November 2006 (UTC) 727:13:02, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 694:05:11, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 676:02:45, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 664:01:51, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 637:11:57, 5 September 2012 (UTC) 619:11:35, 5 September 2012 (UTC) 271:and see a list of open tasks. 190:This article is supported by 5337:Low-importance List articles 5172:110th United States Congress 4996:110th United States Congress 4966:110th United States Congress 4930:110th United States Congress 4854:110th United States Congress 4847:110th United States Congress 4833:110th United States Congress 4826:110th United States Congress 4812:110th United States Congress 4805:110th United States Congress 4791:110th United States Congress 4784:110th United States Congress 4770:110th United States Congress 4763:110th United States Congress 4749:110th United States Congress 4742:110th United States Congress 4561:11:36, 3 November 2008 (UTC) 4547:06:33, 3 November 2008 (UTC) 4533:22:35, 13 October 2008 (UTC) 4518:21:47, 13 October 2008 (UTC) 4395:20:51, 10 October 2008 (UTC) 4376:19:21, 10 October 2008 (UTC) 4049: 3843:22:10, 8 February 2008 (UTC) 3803:year X+1. For example, the 3797:21:42, 8 February 2008 (UTC) 3688:21:44, 8 February 2008 (UTC) 3671:21:52, 14 January 2008 (UTC) 3649:21:44, 14 January 2008 (UTC) 3618:19:28, 14 January 2008 (UTC) 3599:18:07, 14 January 2008 (UTC) 3579:15:05, 13 January 2008 (UTC) 3567:15:05, 13 January 2008 (UTC) 3543:Yesterday, one editor added 3534:Miscellaneous facts sections 3477:21:39, 8 February 2008 (UTC) 3287:15:32, 26 October 2007 (UTC) 3276:13:39, 26 October 2007 (UTC) 2826:16:36, 9 November 2007 (UTC) 2808:I'm not sure we should list 2712:00:12, 24 January 2007 (UTC) 2684:22:44, 23 January 2007 (UTC) 2673:21:54, 23 January 2007 (UTC) 2657:22:02, 15 January 2007 (UTC) 2638:21:54, 15 January 2007 (UTC) 2617:21:23, 11 January 2007 (UTC) 2608:20:44, 11 January 2007 (UTC) 2153:22:02, 9 December 2006 (UTC) 2144:21:47, 9 December 2006 (UTC) 2097:10:54, 10 October 2008 (UTC) 1920:02:05, 18 January 2009 (UTC) 1861:09:01, 18 January 2009 (UTC) 1846:22:36, 17 January 2009 (UTC) 1831:22:27, 17 January 2009 (UTC) 1775:22:03, 17 January 2009 (UTC) 1764:16:18, 16 January 2009 (UTC) 1744: 1737:15:34, 16 January 2009 (UTC) 1374:20:48, 11 January 2007 (UTC) 1170:Other Parties: 1 Independent 916:Lieberman is free to go by " 653:16:10, 9 November 2006 (UTC) 434:110th United States Congress 7: 5268:09:36, 2 January 2018 (UTC) 4180:55th United States Congress 3547:to the list of members who 3539:Served non-continuous terms 3403:19:22, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 3394:19:18, 1 October 2007 (UTC) 3324:also be mentioned as well. 3202:Should we or shouldn't we? 2598:20:35, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2580:20:35, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2557:01:11, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2547:21:36, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 2530:22:56, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 2515:18:54, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 2501:12:22, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 2481:01:41, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 2456:07:12, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2447:05:10, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2434:19:58, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 2419:15:40, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2401:22:51, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 2103:Opening day: Jan 3rd or 4th 1347:The final word on Lieberman 1337:01:16, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1328:23:38, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1312:01:04, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1292:21:35, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1281:17:47, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1261:23:38, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1250:17:26, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1228:03:20, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1123:09:45, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1107:05:03, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1069:08:22, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1059:03:34, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1046:00:47, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1037:22:41, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1024:02:02, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 1015:09:49, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 1006:05:23, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 996:04:57, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 981:03:25, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 942:free (and neither are you, 381:Knowledge:WikiProject Lists 193:WikiProject U.S. Government 10: 5363: 5342:WikiProject Lists articles 5231:(last update: 5 June 2024) 5167:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 5121:(last update: 5 June 2024) 4991:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 4255:19:52, 5 August 2008 (UTC) 4244:17:30, 5 August 2008 (UTC) 4090:14:44, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 4060:13:34, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 4043:12:42, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 4019:14:35, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 4000:14:22, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 3986:14:10, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 3968:10:44, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 3953:10:27, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 3939:22:31, 10 April 2008 (UTC) 3924:22:00, 10 April 2008 (UTC) 3909:21:44, 10 April 2008 (UTC) 3727:Remove sections altogether 2978:17:51, 23 March 2007 (UTC) 2960:21:04, 1 August 2007 (UTC) 2694:Keith Ellison (politician) 2468:Unless we're counting the 2359:Senate committee list move 1515:arteriovenous malformation 1387:Reid committee assignments 1185:110th Congress (2007-2009) 970:Lieberman officially an ID 624:You're confusing him with 407:project's importance scale 384:Template:WikiProject Lists 303:project's importance scale 174:project's importance scale 5158:23:15, 13 June 2017 (UTC) 4973:19:51, 20 July 2012 (UTC) 4952:22:25, 19 July 2012 (UTC) 4944:Random Picture of the Day 4224:20:58, 22 June 2008 (UTC) 4206:14:51, 21 June 2008 (UTC) 4194:Wikiproject U.S. Congress 4174:12:00, 21 June 2008 (UTC) 4156:00:33, 21 June 2008 (UTC) 4136:00:02, 21 June 2008 (UTC) 3585:members like Ron Paul or 3069:15:31, 28 June 2007 (UTC) 3060:22:58, 27 June 2007 (UTC) 3047:16:58, 27 June 2007 (UTC) 3036:16:22, 27 June 2007 (UTC) 3026:15:15, 27 June 2007 (UTC) 1619:That sounds right to me. 1160:84th Congress (1955-1957) 1141:30th Congress (1847-1849) 1076:the list of senators page 932:left the Democratic Party 510: 452: 448: 400: 345: 311: 296: 260:WikiProject U.S. Congress 229: 189: 167: 104:WikiProject United States 73: 46: 5332:List-Class List articles 4980:Please do not modify it. 4891:Please do not modify it. 4872:02:08, 1 June 2011 (UTC) 3733:Knowledge:Trivia section 3329:14:54, 29 May 2007 (UTC) 3188:15:20, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 3177:15:14, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 3163:11:05, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 3137:10:33, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 3120:06:30, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 3107:02:19, 31 May 2007 (UTC) 3088:19:36, 30 May 2007 (UTC) 2989:19:37, 24 May 2007 (UTC) 2944:15:19, 29 May 2007 (UTC) 2926:13:31, 25 May 2007 (UTC) 2916:22:11, 24 May 2007 (UTC) 2898:19:30, 24 May 2007 (UTC) 2798:20:49, 25 May 2007 (UTC) 2779:19:37, 25 May 2007 (UTC) 2764:Clean Energy Act of 2007 1090:And to list it as such, 109:United States of America 5163:External links modified 4987:External links modified 4214:I agree with inclusion 4107:01:30, 7 May 2008 (UTC) 4076:The Clerk of the House 3774:20:13, 6 May 2008 (UTC) 3756:19:24, 6 May 2008 (UTC) 3740:18:35, 6 May 2008 (UTC) 3722:23:34, 6 May 2008 (UTC) 3710:23:23, 6 May 2008 (UTC) 3172:Update: I've added it.— 2852:Active legislation list 1524:will be free to name a 685:04:31, 10 November 2006 541:#List(s) of legislation 497:Featured list candidate 478:Featured list candidate 438:featured list candidate 365:list pages on Knowledge 4144:United States Congress 3654:I say we start voting: 3516:11 second long session 2741:which are blue-linked. 2720:List(s) of legislation 2552:offering a suggestion. 1513:malformation known as 1359:this may have caused. 1320:Senate phone directory 283:U.S. Congress articles 265:United States Congress 186: 154:United States articles 28:This article is rated 3132:Alright. Put it in.— 3000:comment was added by 2757:Department of Defense 2179:Beginning of Congress 1519:South Dakota Governor 1448:Tim Johnson situation 1267:comment was added by 1240:comment was added by 185: 5212:regular verification 5102:regular verification 3055:Like a mini section 2663:Removal of citations 2631:Pedro Agulto Tenorio 1215:and not Independent 1213:Independent Democrat 1116:Independent Democrat 918:Independent Democrat 252:United States portal 96:United States portal 5202:After February 2018 5092:After February 2018 2842:Pending legislation 754:According to 122:Articles Requested! 5256:InternetArchiveBot 5207:InternetArchiveBot 5146:InternetArchiveBot 5097:InternetArchiveBot 4713:Before & After 3522:recess appointment 3485:Filibuster record? 2464:101 Senators, now? 2309:Summary of changes 471:September 22, 2007 453:Article milestones 187: 34:content assessment 5232: 5122: 4605: 4554:Disagree strongly 4503:Approval Ratings? 4230:GOP House protest 3828:Trade Act of 1974 3013: 2629:Isn't Republican 2087:comment added by 2070:comment added by 1962:I agree with you 1815: 1662: 1284: 1253: 1100:party affiliation 681:to be technical. 643:Lieberman's party 595: 594: 548: 547: 535:#Specific members 518: 517: 506: 505: 421: 420: 417: 416: 413: 412: 360:WikiProject Lists 324: 323: 320: 319: 208: 207: 204: 203: 5354: 5266: 5257: 5230: 5229: 5208: 5156: 5147: 5120: 5119: 5098: 4893: 4604: 4437: 4434: 4401:Possible change? 4373: 4370: 4303: 4300: 4291:#Senate majority 3627:edit summary of 3340:Featured Article 3299: 3295: 3158: 2995: 2872:renewable energy 2750:House Page Board 2706: 2700: 2648:and footnote to 2567:notable senators 2099: 2079: 1917: 1914: 1881:. 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