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Experiments on the SCM usually ask participants to rate traits according to warmth and competence but this does not allow participants to use any other stereotype dimensions. The ABC model, proposed by Koch and colleagues in 2016 is an estimate of how people spontaneously stereotype U.S social groups of people using traits. Koch et al. conducted several studies asking participants to list groups and sort them according to their similarity. Using statistical techniques, they revealed three dimensions that explained the similarity ratings. These three dimensions were agency (A), beliefs (B), and communion (C). Agency is associated with reaching goals, standing out and socio-economic status and is related to competence in the SCM, with some examples of traits including poor and wealthy, powerful and powerless, low status and high status. Beliefs is associated with views on the world, morals and conservative-progressive beliefs with some examples of traits including traditional and modern, religious and science-oriented or conventional and alternative. Finally, communion is associated with connecting with others and fitting in and is similar to warmth from the SCM, with some examples of traits including trustworthy and untrustworthy, cold and warm and repellent and likeable. According to research using this model, there is a curvilinear relationship between agency and communion. For example, if a group is high or low in the agency dimension then they may be seen as un-communal, whereas groups that are average in agency are seen as more communal. This model has many implications in predicting behaviour towards stereotyped groups. For example, Koch and colleagues recently proposed that perceived similarity in agency and beliefs increases inter-group cooperation.
2772:, Chen, and Burrows (1996) activated the stereotype of the elderly among half of their participants by administering a scrambled-sentence test where participants saw words related to age stereotypes. Subjects primed with the stereotype walked significantly more slowly than the control group (although the test did not include any words specifically referring to slowness), thus acting in a way that the stereotype suggests that elderly people will act. And the stereotype of the elder will affect the subjective perception of them through depression. In another experiment, Bargh, Chen, and Burrows also found that because the stereotype about blacks includes the notion of aggression, subliminal exposure to black faces increased the likelihood that randomly selected white college students reacted with more aggression and hostility than participants who subconsciously viewed a white face. Similarly, Correll et al. (2002) showed that activated stereotypes about blacks can influence people's behavior. In a series of experiments, black and white participants played a video game, in which a black or white person was shown holding a gun or a harmless object (e.g., a mobile phone). Participants had to decide as quickly as possible whether to shoot the target. When the target person was armed, both black and white participants were faster in deciding to shoot the target when he was black than when he was white. When the target was unarmed, the participants avoided shooting him more quickly when he was white. Time pressure made the shooter bias even more pronounced. 3074:. Stereotypes and self-schemas are the same type of cognitive structure, therefore, they suggest that an integrated perspective of prejudice and depression provides useful insight on how stereotypes are acquired. Negative stereotypes are set in motion within the Source, who conveys the prejudice towards the Target, which in turn will lead the Target to suffer from depression. Members of stigmatized groups may internalize the negative evaluation of their group and develop depression. People may also show prejudice internalization through self-stereotyping because of negative childhood experiences such as verbal and physical abuse. This depression that is caused by prejudice (i.e., "deprejudice") can be related to group membership (e.g., Me–Gay–Bad) or not (e.g., Me–Bad). If someone holds prejudicial beliefs about a stigmatized group and then becomes a member of that group, they may internalize their prejudice and develop depression. People may also show prejudice internalization through self-stereotyping because of negative childhood experiences such as verbal and physical abuse. 2570:. The students that argued in favor of euthanasia came from the same law department or from different departments. Results showed that participants attributed the students' responses to their attitudes although it had been made clear in the video that students had no choice about their position. Participants reported that group membership, i.e., the department that the students belonged to, affected the students' opinions about euthanasia. Law students were perceived to be more in favor of euthanasia than students from different departments despite the fact that a pretest had revealed that subjects had no preexisting expectations about attitudes toward euthanasia and the department that students belong to. The attribution error created the new stereotype that law students are more likely to support euthanasia. 2645:
than group A, making negative behaviors and membership in group B relatively infrequent and distinctive. Participants were then asked who had performed a set of actions: a person of group A or group B. Results showed that subjects overestimated the frequency with which both distinctive events, membership in group B and negative behavior, co-occurred, and evaluated group B more negatively. This despite the fact the proportion of positive to negative behaviors was equivalent for both groups and that there was no actual correlation between group membership and behaviors. Although Hamilton and Gifford found a similar effect for positive behaviors as the infrequent events, a
2175:, a stereotype is any thought widely adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of behaving intended to represent the entire group of those individuals or behaviors as a whole. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality. Within psychology and across other disciplines, different conceptualizations and theories of stereotyping exist, at times sharing commonalities, as well as containing contradictory elements. Even in the social sciences and some sub-disciplines of psychology, stereotypes are occasionally reproduced and can be identified in certain theories, for example, in assumptions about other cultures. 2578:, one of which was described as being higher in status than the other. In a second study, subjects rated actual groups â€“ the poor and wealthy, women and men – in the United States in terms of their competence. Subjects who scored high on the measure of correspondence bias stereotyped the poor, women, and the fictitious lower-status Pacific Islanders as incompetent whereas they stereotyped the wealthy, men, and the high-status Pacific Islanders as competent. The correspondence bias was a significant predictor of stereotyping even after controlling for other measures that have been linked to beliefs about low status groups, the 2866:. When they receive positive evaluations, stereotyped individuals are uncertain of whether they really deserved their success and, consequently, they find it difficult to take credit for their achievements. In the case of negative feedback, ambiguity has been shown to have a protective effect on self-esteem as it allows people to assign blame to external causes. Some studies, however, have found that this effect only holds when stereotyped individuals can be absolutely certain that their negative outcomes are due to the evaluators's prejudice. If any room for uncertainty remains, stereotyped individuals tend to blame themselves. 2325: 2907:. In one study, they found that black college students performed worse than white students on a verbal test when the task was framed as a measure of intelligence. When it was not presented in that manner, the performance gap narrowed. Subsequent experiments showed that framing the test as diagnostic of intellectual ability made black students more aware of negative stereotypes about their group, which in turn impaired their performance. Stereotype threat effects have been demonstrated for an array of social groups in many different arenas, including not only academics but also sports, 3050:
men assess their own task ability higher than women performing at the same level. Similarly, a study by Sinclair et al. (2006) has shown that Asian American women rated their math ability more favorably when their ethnicity and the relevant stereotype that Asian Americans excel in math was made salient. In contrast, they rated their math ability less favorably when their gender and the corresponding stereotype of women's inferior math skills was made salient. Sinclair et al. found, however, that the effect of stereotypes on self-evaluations is
88: 2366:. Groups that do not compete with the in-group for the same resources (e.g., college space) are perceived as warm, whereas high-status (e.g., economically or educationally successful) groups are considered competent. The groups within each of the four combinations of high and low levels of warmth and competence elicit distinct emotions. The model explains the phenomenon that some out-groups are admired but disliked, whereas others are liked but disrespected. This model was empirically tested on a variety of national and international 2889: 3104: 2641:. Similarly, undesirable behavior (e.g. crime) is statistically less frequent than desirable behavior. Since both events "blackness" and "undesirable behavior" are distinctive in the sense that they are infrequent, the combination of the two leads observers to overestimate the rate of co-occurrence. Similarly, in workplaces where women are underrepresented and negative behaviors such as errors occur less frequently than positive behaviors, women become more strongly associated with mistakes than men. 2952:, sentence incompletions, incoherent sounds) and physically distanced themselves from black applicants. In a second experiment, trained interviewers were instructed to treat applicants, all of whom were white, like the whites or blacks had been treated in the first experiment. As a result, applicants treated like the blacks of the first experiment behaved in a more nervous manner and received more negative performance ratings than interviewees receiving the treatment previously afforded to whites. 2463: 2529:
subgroups of an outgroup (e.g., Russian gymnasts versus Russian boxers). Second, ingroup members may negotiate with each other, but conclude that they are disagreeing because of categorical differences amongst themselves. Accordingly, in this context, it is better to categorise ingroup members under different categories (e.g., Democrats versus Republican) than under a shared category (e.g., American). Finally, ingroup members may influence each other to arrive at a common outgroup stereotype.
49: 12634: 2781: 3163:, there are several Latin American stereotypes that have historically been used. Some examples are El Bandido, the Halfbreed Harlot, The Male Buffoon, The Female Clown, The Latin Lover, The Dark Lady, The Wise Old Man, and The Poor Peon. Many Hispanic characters in Hollywood films consists of one or more of these basic stereotypes, but it has been rare to view Latin American actors representing characters outside of this stereotypical criteria. 8803: 3259: 2739:
participants who were presented with a lower proportion of words related to the stereotype. This effect held true for both high- and low-prejudice subjects (as measured by the Modern Racism Scale). Thus, the racial stereotype was activated even for low-prejudice individuals who did not personally endorse it. Studies using alternative priming methods have shown that the activation of gender and age stereotypes can also be automatic.
120: 8449: 2599:. The results show that sector as well as non-work role-referencing influences perceived employee professionalism but has little effect on the confirmation of particular public sector stereotypes. Moreover, the results do not confirm a congruity effect of consistent stereotypical information: non-work role-referencing does not aggravate the negative effect of sector affiliation on perceived employee professionalism. 12644: 57: 2714:. This explanation assumes that when it is important for people to acknowledge both their ingroup and outgroup, they will emphasise their difference from outgroup members, and their similarity to ingroup members. International migration creates more opportunities for intergroup relations, but the interactions do not always disconfirm stereotypes. They are also known to form and maintain them. 3245: 2516:
to suit context. Once an outgroup treats an ingroup member badly, they are more drawn to the members of their own group. This can be seen as members within a group are able to relate to each other though a stereotype because of identical situations. A person can embrace a stereotype to avoid humiliation such as failing a task and blaming it on a stereotype.
2948:. White participants interviewed black and white subjects who, prior to the experiments, had been trained to act in a standardized manner. Analysis of the videotaped interviews showed that black job applicants were treated differently: They received shorter amounts of interview time and less eye contact; interviewers made more speech errors (e.g., 3225:
athletes. However, the intersection of being a female athlete adds additional pressures. Not only are they expected to excel in competition, but they are also required to conform to societal expectations of femininity. Furthermore, female athletes often face scrutiny and criticism regarding their appearance compared to non-athletic women.
2730:(1989), for example, suggested that stereotypes are automatically activated in the presence of a member (or some symbolic equivalent) of a stereotyped group and that the unintentional activation of the stereotype is equally strong for high- and low-prejudice persons. Words related to the cultural stereotype of blacks were presented 3129:. The instantly recognizable nature of stereotypes mean that they are effective in advertising and situation comedy. Alexander Fedorov (2015) proposed a concept of media stereotypes analysis. This concept refers to identification and analysis of stereotypical images of people, ideas, events, stories, themes, etc. in media context. 2748:
negative stereotypic dimensions and decreased them on the positive dimension whereas low-prejudice subjects tended in the opposite direction. The results suggest that the level of prejudice and stereotype endorsement affects people's judgements when the category â€“ and not the stereotype per se – is primed.
2976:. They were also told that historically, white students had outperformed black students on the test. This knowledge created a self-fulfilling prophecy in both the white and black students, where the white students scored statistically significantly higher than the African American students on the test. The 3232:
The proliferation of stereotypes in women's sports has resulted in a decline in female participation. These social stigmas, including being labeled as gay or delicate, and the expectation to play in a manner deemed "like a girl," have contributed to body image issues, eating disorders, and depression
Stereotypes lead people to expect certain actions from members of social groups. These stereotype-based expectations may lead to self-fulfilling prophecies, in which one's inaccurate expectations about a person's behavior, through social interaction, prompt that person to act in stereotype-consistent
Subsequent research suggested that the relation between category activation and stereotype activation was more complex. Lepore and Brown (1997), for instance, noted that the words used in Devine's study were both neutral category labels (e.g., "Blacks") and stereotypic attributes (e.g., "lazy"). They
Research has shown that stereotypes can develop based on a cognitive mechanism known as illusory correlation â€“ an erroneous inference about the relationship between two events. If two statistically infrequent events co-occur, observers overestimate the frequency of co-occurrence of these events.
and bureaucratic nature of the public sector spills over in the perception that citizens have about the employees working in the sector. With an experimental vignette study, they analyze how citizens process information on employees' sector affiliation, and integrate non-work role-referencing to test
Stereotypes can emphasize a person's group membership in two steps: Stereotypes emphasize the person's similarities with ingroup members on relevant dimensions, and also the person's differences from outgroup members on relevant dimensions. People change the stereotype of their ingroups and outgroups
People create stereotypes of an outgroup to justify the actions that their in-group has committed (or plans to commit) towards that outgroup. For example, according to Tajfel, Europeans stereotyped African, Indian, and Chinese people as being incapable of achieving financial advances without European
Stereotypes can help make sense of the world. They are a form of categorization that helps to simplify and systematize information. Thus, information is more easily identified, recalled, predicted, and reacted to. Stereotypes are categories of objects or people. Between stereotypes, objects or people
is a generalized belief about a particular category of people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group's personality, preferences, appearance or ability. Stereotypes
Young athletes, in particular, confront an intensified amount of pressure, leading some to quit sports because it is no longer enjoyable and the implications of being a young female athlete become overwhelming. They are unfairly labeled as gay or delicate and subjected to derogatory comments such as
A 2005 study by J. Thomas Kellow and Brett D. Jones looked at the effects of self-fulfilling prophecy on African American and Caucasian high school freshman students. Both white and black students were informed that their test performance would be predictive of their performance on a statewide, high
A 1995 book by Yueh-Ting Lee et al. argued that stereotypes are sometimes accurate. Similarly, a 2015 study by Jussim et al. reviewed four studies of racial stereotypes, and seven studies of gender stereotypes regarding demographic characteristics, academic achievement, personality and behavior, and
In a landmark study, David Hamilton and Richard Gifford (1976) examined the role of illusory correlation in stereotype formation. Subjects were instructed to read descriptions of behaviors performed by members of groups A and B. Negative behaviors outnumbered positive actions and group B was smaller
An assumption is that people want their ingroup to have a positive image relative to outgroups, and so people want to differentiate their ingroup from relevant outgroups in a desirable way. If an outgroup does not affect the ingroup's image, then from an image preservation point of view, there is no
Early studies suggested that stereotypes were only used by rigid, repressed, and authoritarian people. This idea has been refuted by contemporary studies that suggest the ubiquity of stereotypes and it was suggested to regard stereotypes as collective group beliefs, meaning that people who belong to
The funny thing is, the whole cop and doughnuts thing is completely out of date – today, an officer could just as easily swing through a McDonald's drive through as he could a Krispy Kreme. Yet, the stereotype endures, even though police aren't seen at doughnut shops in nearly the numbers they used
Stereotypes are traditional and familiar symbol clusters, expressing a more or less complex idea in a convenient way. They are often simplistic pronouncements about gender, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds and they can become a source of misinformation and delusion. For example, in a school
Stereotypes can be efficient shortcuts and sense-making tools. They can, however, keep people from processing new or unexpected information about each individual, thus biasing the impression formation process. Early researchers believed that stereotypes were inaccurate representations of reality. A
Hamilton and Gifford's distinctiveness-based explanation of stereotype formation was subsequently extended. A 1994 study by McConnell, Sherman, and Hamilton found that people formed stereotypes based on information that was not distinctive at the time of presentation, but was considered distinctive
Different disciplines give different accounts of how stereotypes develop: Psychologists may focus on an individual's experience with groups, patterns of communication about those groups, and intergroup conflict. As for sociologists, they may focus on the relations among different groups in a social
has suggested possible answers to why people find it easier to understand categorized information. First, people can consult a category to identify response patterns. Second, categorized information is more specific than non-categorized information, as categorization accentuates properties that are
Stereotypes can affect self-evaluations and lead to self-stereotyping. For instance, Correll (2001, 2004) found that specific stereotypes (e.g., the stereotype that women have lower mathematical ability) affect women's and men's evaluations of their abilities (e.g., in math and science), such that
the category of African-Americans using labels such as "blacks" and "West Indians" and then assessed the differential activation of the associated stereotype in the subsequent impression-formation task. They found that high-prejudice participants increased their ratings of the target person on the
The problem with the 'common environment' is that explanation in general is that it does not explain how shared stereotypes can occur without direct stimuli. Research since the 1930s suggested that people are highly similar with each other in how they describe different racial and national groups,
A complementary perspective theorizes how stereotypes function as time- and energy-savers that allow people to act more efficiently. Yet another perspective suggests that stereotypes are people's biased perceptions of their social contexts. In this view, people use stereotypes as shortcuts to make
shared by all members of a group. Third, people can readily describe objects in a category because objects in the same category have distinct characteristics. Finally, people can take for granted the characteristics of a particular category because the category itself may be an arbitrary grouping.
are those that lay on individuals' subconsciousness, that they have no control or awareness of. "Implicit stereotypes are built based on two concepts, associative networks in semantic (knowledge) memory and automatic activation". Implicit stereotypes are automatic and involuntary associations that
John C. Turner proposed in 1987 that if ingroup members disagree on an outgroup stereotype, then one of three possible collective actions follow: First, ingroup members may negotiate with each other and conclude that they have different outgroup stereotypes because they are stereotyping different
The characters that do appear in movies greatly affect how people worldwide perceive gender relations, race, and cultural communities. Because approximately 85% of worldwide ticket sales are directed toward Hollywood movies, the American movie industry has been greatly responsible for portraying
People can actively create certain images for relevant outgroups by stereotyping. People do so when they see that their ingroup is no longer as clearly and/or as positively differentiated from relevant outgroups, and they want to restore the intergroup differentiation to a state that favours the
Because stereotypes simplify and justify social reality, they have potentially powerful effects on how people perceive and treat one another. As a result, stereotypes can lead to discrimination in labor markets and other domains. For example, Tilcsik (2011) has found that employers who seek job
et al. (1991) showed that when black participants were evaluated by a white person who was aware of their race, black subjects mistrusted the feedback, attributing negative feedback to the evaluator's stereotypes and positive feedback to the evaluator's desire to appear unbiased. When the black
An even more recent model of stereotype content called the agency–beliefs–communion (ABC) model suggested that methods to study warmth and competence in the stereotype content model (SCM) were missing a crucial element, that being, stereotypes of social groups are often spontaneously generated.
information and thereby reduce the automatic activation of negative stereotypes. In a study by Kawakami et al. (2000), for example, participants were presented with a category label and taught to respond "No" to stereotypic traits and "Yes" to nonstereotypic traits. After this training period,
According to a third explanation, shared stereotypes are neither caused by the coincidence of common stimuli, nor by socialisation. This explanation posits that stereotypes are shared because group members are motivated to behave in certain ways, and stereotypes reflect those behaviours. It is
or unattractive, on the phone. The conversations were taped and analysis showed that men who thought that they were talking to an attractive woman communicated in a more positive and friendlier manner than men who believed that they were talking to unattractive women. This altered the women's
Nier et al. (2012) found that people who tend to draw dispositional inferences from behavior and ignore situational constraints are more likely to stereotype low-status groups as incompetent and high-status groups as competent. Participants listened to descriptions of two fictitious groups of
Female athletes have made considerable strides in overcoming obstacles. They have transitioned from being unable to compete competitively due to biological misconceptions to having equal opportunities as male athletes, thanks to Title IX. Today, there is greater societal acceptance of female
task, subjects read a paragraph describing a race-unspecified target person's behaviors and rated the target person on several trait scales. Results showed that participants who received a high proportion of racial words rated the target person in the story as significantly more hostile than
component of stereotyping and discrimination is one of the behavioral components of prejudicial reactions. In this tripartite view of intergroup attitudes, stereotypes reflect expectations and beliefs about the members of groups perceived as different from one's own, prejudice represents the
2542:) make it so that when a member of a group behaves as we expect, the behavior confirms and even strengthens existing stereotypes. Second, the affective or emotional aspects of prejudice render logical arguments against stereotypes ineffective in countering the power of emotional responses. 2156:, their decision bias can be partially mitigated using conscious control; however, attempts to offset bias due to conscious awareness of a stereotype often fail at being truly impartial, due to either underestimating or overestimating the amount of bias being created by the stereotype. 4548:
Cuddy, Amy J. C.; Fiske, Susan T.; Kwan, Virginia S. Y.; Glick, Peter; Demoulin, Stéphanie; Leyens, Jacques-Philippe; Bond, Michael Harris; Croizet, Jean-Claude; Ellemers, Naomi; Sleebos, Ed; Htun, Tin Tin; Kim, Hyun-Jeong; Maio, Greg; Perry, Judi; Petkova, Kristina; Todorov, Valery;
the same social group share the same set of stereotypes. Modern research asserts that full understanding of stereotypes requires considering them from two complementary perspectives: as shared within a particular culture/subculture and as formed in the mind of an individual person.
structure. They suggest that stereotypes are the result of conflict, poor parenting, and inadequate mental and emotional development. Once stereotypes have formed, there are two main factors that explain their persistence. First, the cognitive effects of schematic processing (see
3148:, "You can't even turn the TV on and go to the movies without reference to Russians as horrible." The portrayals of Latin Americans in film and print media are restricted to a narrow set of characters. Latin Americans are largely depicted as sexualized figures such as the Latino 2815:
In a 1973 paper, Marlene MacKie argued that while stereotypes are inaccurate, this is a definition rather than empirical claim – stereotypes were simply defined as inaccurate, even though the supposed inaccuracy of stereotypes was treated as though it was an empirical discovery.
The dual-process model of cognitive processing of stereotypes asserts that automatic activation of stereotypes is followed by a controlled processing stage, during which an individual may choose to disregard or ignore the stereotyped information that has been brought to mind.
in the formation of stereotypes suggests that stereotypes can develop because of incorrect inferences about the relationship between two events (e.g., membership in a social group and bad or good attributes). This means that at least some stereotypes are inaccurate.
Attributional ambiguity can also make it difficult to assess one's skills because performance-related evaluations are mistrusted or discounted. Moreover, it can lead to the belief that one's efforts are not directly linked to the outcomes, thereby depressing one's
Female athletes encounter various pressures and stereotypes, which have significant psychological consequences. These stereotypes give rise to challenges in athletes' lives, including diminished self-esteem, leading to more profound psychological impacts.
Haslam, S. Alexander; Turner, John C.; Oakes, Penelope J.; Reynolds, Katherine J.; Doosje, Bertjan (2002). "From personal pictures in the head to collective tools in the world: How shared stereotypes allow groups to represent and change social reality".
Stereotype threat occurs when people are aware of a negative stereotype about their social group and experience anxiety or concern that they might confirm the stereotype. Stereotype threat has been shown to undermine performance in a variety of domains.
it either to personal shortcomings, such as lack of ability or poor effort, or the evaluator's stereotypes and prejudice toward their social group. Alternatively, positive feedback can either be attributed to personal merit or discounted as a form of
people make between a social group and a domain or attribute. For example, one can have beliefs that women and men are equally capable of becoming successful electricians but at the same time many can associate electricians more with men than women.
3229:"like a girl." Additionally, they grapple with body image concerns that can give rise to severe health issues. Even specific sports contribute to the scrutiny female athletes face, with criticism directed at the uniforms required for competition. 2524:
Stereotypes are an indicator of ingroup consensus. When there are intragroup disagreements over stereotypes of the ingroup and/or outgroups, ingroup members take collective action to prevent other ingroup members from diverging from each other.
Haslam, S. Alexander; Turner, John C.; Oakes, Penelope J.; McGarty, Craig; Hayes, Brett K. (1992). "Context-dependent variation in social stereotyping 1: The effects of intergroup relations as mediated by social change and frame of reference".
VanLandingham, H.; Ellison, R. L.; Laique, A.; Cladek, A.; Khan, H.; Gonzalez, C.; Dunn, M. R. (February 2022). "A scoping review of stereotype threat for BIPOC: Cognitive effects and intervention strategies for the field of neuropsychology".
only made sense if Jews have certain characteristics. Therefore, according to Tajfel, Jews were stereotyped as being evil and yearning for world domination to match the antisemitic "facts" as presented in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
is a pedagogical approach that can effectively combat the entrenchment of stereotypes. The necessity for using information literacy to separate multicultural "fact from fiction" is well illustrated with examples from literature and media.
Studies emerging since the 1940s refuted the suggestion that stereotype contents cannot be changed at will. Those studies suggested that one group's stereotype of another group would become more or less positive depending on whether their
Koch, A.; Yzerbyt, V.; Abele, A.; Ellemers, N.; & Fiske, S. T. (2021). "Chapter One – Social evaluation: Comparing models across interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, several-group, and many-group contexts". In: Gawronski, B. (ed.),
11660: 1084: 4989:
Nier, Jason A.; Bajaj, Priya; McLean, Meghan C.; Schwartz, Elizabeth (2012). "Group status, perceptions of agency, and the correspondence bias: Attributional processes in the formation of stereotypes about high and low status groups".
to adopt the same stereotypes. Some psychologists believe that although stereotypes can be absorbed at any age, stereotypes are usually acquired in early childhood under the influence of parents, teachers, peers, and the media.
by the degree to which close people in someone's life endorse these stereotypes. People's self-stereotyping can increase or decrease depending on whether close others view them in stereotype-consistent or inconsistent manner.
Based on the anti-public sector bias, Döring and Willems (2021) found that employees in the public sector are considered as less professional compared to employees in the private sector. They build on the assumption that the
series of pioneering studies in the 1930s found no empirical support for widely held racial stereotypes. By the mid-1950s, Gordon Allport wrote that, "It is possible for a stereotype to grow in defiance of all evidence."
Dragon, P.; Holland, R.; Szumowska, E.; Suska, A.; Kossowska, M.; & Wigboldus, D. (2022). "Explaining the relationship between agency and communion by means of lay personality theories and connectionist modelling".
Gawronski, Bertram; Deutsch, Roland; Mbirkou, Sawsan; Seibt, Beate; Strack, Fritz (2008). "When 'Just Say No' is not enough: Affirmation versus negation training and the reduction of automatic stereotype activation".
Stereotype content refers to the attributes that people think characterize a group. Studies of stereotype content examine what people think of others, rather than the reasons and mechanisms involved in stereotyping.
at the time of judgement. Once a person judges non-distinctive information in memory to be distinctive, that information is re-encoded and re-represented as if it had been distinctive when it was first processed.
behavior: Female subjects who, unknowingly to them, were perceived to be physically attractive behaved in a friendly, likeable, and sociable manner in comparison with subjects who were regarded as unattractive.
Kawakami, Kerry; Dovidio, John F.; Moll, Jasper; Hermsen, Sander; Russin, Abby (2000). "Just say no (to stereotyping): Effects of training in the negation of stereotypic associations on stereotype activation".
Koch, A.; Dorrough, A.; Glöckner, A.; & Imhoff, R. (2020). "The ABC of society: Perceived similarity in agency/socioeconomic success and conservative-progressive beliefs increases intergroup cooperation".
when students are confronted with the task of writing a theme, they think in terms of literary associations, often using stereotypes picked up from books, films, and magazines that they have read or viewed.
and Kenneth Braly, stereotyping leads to racial prejudice when people emotionally react to the name of a group, ascribe characteristics to members of that group, and then evaluate those characteristics.
2697:, Persian Gulf conflicts) often changed intergroup relationships. For example, after WWII, Black American students held a more negative stereotype of people from countries that were the United States's 3133:
characters of different cultures and diversity to fit into stereotypical categories. This has led to the spread and persistence of gender, racial, ethnic, and cultural stereotypes seen in the movies.
Stereotyping can serve cognitive functions on an interpersonal level, and social functions on an intergroup level. For stereotyping to function on an intergroup level (see social identity approaches:
Attributive ambiguity refers to the uncertainty that members of stereotyped groups experience in interpreting the causes of others' behavior toward them. Stereotyped individuals who receive negative
7833: 7096:
Gentile, A.; Boca, S.; Giammusso, I. (1 November 2018). "'You play like a Woman!' Effects of gender stereotype threat on Women's performance in physical and sport activities: A meta-analysis".
Koch, A.; Imhoff, R.; Dotsch, R.; Unkelbach, C.; & Alves, H. (2016). "The ABC of Stereotypes About Groups: Agency/Socioeconomic Success, Conservative-Progressive Beliefs, and Communion".
Cadinu, Mara; Latrofa, Marcella; Carnaghi, Andrea (2013). "Comparing Self-stereotyping with In-group-stereotyping and Out-group-stereotyping in Unequal-status Groups: The Case of Gender".
Media stereotypes of women first emerged in the early 20th century. Various stereotypic depictions or "types" of women appeared in magazines, including Victorian ideals of femininity, the
11634: 1050: 7936: 2402:
Craig McGarty, Russell Spears, and Vincent Y. Yzerbyt (2002) argued that the cognitive functions of stereotyping are best understood in relation to its social functions, and vice versa.
Sachs, Nicole M.; Veysey, Bonita M.; Rivera, Luis M. (14 November 2017). "Implicit Social Cognitive Processes Underlying Victim Self and Identity: Evidence With College-Aged Adults".
theorizes that stereotypes are frequently ambivalent and vary along two dimensions: warmth and competence. Warmth and competence are respectively predicted by lack of competition and
or predictable characters or situations. Throughout history, storytellers have drawn from stereotypical characters and situations to immediately connect the audience with new tales.
9392: 9382: 6130:
Correll, Joshua; Park, Bernadette; Judd, Charles M.; Wittenbrink, Bernd (2002). "The Police Officer's Dilemma: Using Ethnicity to Disambiguate Potentially Threatening Individuals".
3521: 3516: 5877: 2681:
If stereotypes are defined by social values, then stereotypes only change as per changes in social values. The suggestion that stereotype content depends on social values reflects
6646: 7193:
Picho, K.; Rodriguez, A.; Finnie, L. (May 2013). "Exploring the moderating role of context on the mathematics performance of females under stereotype threat: a meta-analysis".
argued that if only the neutral category labels were presented, people high and low in prejudice would respond differently. In a design similar to Devine's, Lepore and Brown
or personality, and to underestimate the extent to which situational factors elicited the behavior. Correspondence bias can play an important role in stereotype formation.
For example, in a study by Roguer and Yzerbyt (1999) participants watched a video showing students who were randomly instructed to find arguments either for or against
9332: 5769: 3871:
Cox, William T. L.; Abramson, Lyn Y.; Devine, Patricia G.; Hollon, Steven D. (September 2012). "Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Depression: The Integrated Perspective".
Kellow, Thomas (February 2008). "The Effects of Stereotypes on the Achievement Gap: Reexamining the Academic Performance of African American High School Students".
A 2005 study by Terracciano et al. found that stereotypic beliefs about nationality do not reflect the actual personality traits of people from different cultures.
12123: 6459:
Quinn, Diane M.; Kallen, Rachel W.; Spencer, Steven J. (2010). "Stereotype Threat". In Hewstone, Miles; Glick, Peter; Dovidio, John F.; Esses, Victoria M. (eds.).
Cao, Y. T.; Sotnikova, A.; Daum'e, H.; Rudinger, R.; & Zou, L. X. (2022). "Theory-grounded Measurement of U.S. Social Stereotypes in English Language Models".
1553: 7692: 3611: 2809:
argued that some aspects of ethnic and gender stereotypes are accurate while stereotypes concerning political affiliation and nationality are much less accurate.
7460: 3016:
can predict real hiring discrimination against the obese. Similarly, experiments suggest that gender stereotypes play an important role in judgments that affect
In the following situations, the overarching purpose of stereotyping is for people to put their collective self (their in-group membership) in a positive light:
Nguyen, H. H.; Ryan, A. M. (November 2008). "Does stereotype threat affect test performance of minorities and women? A meta-analysis of experimental evidence".
4941: 11179: 2914:
Some researchers have suggested that stereotype threat should not be interpreted as a factor in real-life performance gaps, and have raised the possibility of
587: 9397: 6203:
Jussim, Lee; Cain, Thomas R.; Crawford, Jarret T.; Harber, Kent; Cohen, Florette (2009). "The unbearable accuracy of stereotypes". In Nelson, Todd D. (ed.).
3481: 2922:
and systematic reviews have shown significant evidence for the effects of stereotype threat, though the phenomenon defies over-simplistic characterization.
6897: 8162: 4869:
Burkley, Melissa; Blanton, Hart (2008). "Endorsing a negative in-group stereotype as a self-protective strategy: Sacrificing the group to save the self".
11387: 803: 8193: 7864: 3008:
is partly rooted in specific stereotypes and that these stereotypes loom large in many labor markets. Agerström and Rooth (2011) showed that automatic
12518: 11901: 6706: 1964: 1325: 3156:
members, (illegal) immigrants, or entertainers. By comparison, they are rarely portrayed as working professionals, business leaders or politicians.
One explanation for why stereotypes are shared is that they are the result of a common environment that stimulates people to react in the same way.
11338: 8343:
Burgess, Melinda; Dill, Karen (15 September 2011). "Playing With Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Video Games".
The danger in stereotyping lies not in its existence, but in the fact that it can become a substitute for observation and a misinterpretation of a
2094: 754: 8678: 5652: 4549:
RodrĂ­guez-BailĂłn, Rosa; Morales, Elena; Moya, Miguel; Palacios, Marisol; Smith, Vanessa; Perez, Rolando; Vala, Jorge; Ziegler, Rene (March 2009).
9365: 8577:
Spitzer, B. L.; Henderson, K.; Zavian, M. T. (1999). "Gender Differences in Population Versus Media Body Sizes: A Comparison over Four Decades".
Flore, Paulette C.; Wicherts, Jelte M. (2014). "Does stereotype threat influence performance of girls in stereotyped domains? A meta-analysis".
Stone, Jeff; Lynch, Christian I.; Sjomeling, Mike; Darley, John M. (1999). "Stereotype threat effects on Black and White athletic performance".
Crocker, Jennifer; Voelkl, Kristin; Testa, Maria; Major, Brenda (1991). "Social stigma: The affective consequences of attributional ambiguity".
11259: 9341: 9325: 8684: 8180: 7967: 5232:
Hamilton, David L.; Gifford, Robert K. (1976). "Illusory correlation in interpersonal perception: A cognitive basis of stereotypic judgments".
3511: 667: 4616:"Groups' warmth is a personal matter: Understanding consensus on stereotype dimensions reconciles adversarial models of social evaluation". 11906: 6397: 4419: 1330: 8290: 6829: 6742: 6056: 4709:
McGarty, Craig; Spears, Russel; Yzerbyt, Vincent Y. (2002). "Conclusion: stereotypes are selective, variable and contested explanations".
11876: 11480: 11017: 8725: 6704:
Gupta, V. K.; Bhawe, N. M. (2007). "The Influence of Proactive Personality and Stereotype Threat on Women's Entrepreneurial Intentions".
An explicit stereotype refers to stereotypes that one is aware that one holds, and is aware that one is using to judge people. If person
1300: 896: 417: 7432:
Word, Carl O.; Zanna, Mark P.; Cooper, Joel (1974). "The nonverbal mediation of self-fulfilling prophecies in interracial interaction".
11164: 9498: 6236:
Terracciano, A.; Abdel-Khalek, A. M.; AdĂĄm, N.; AdamovovĂĄ, L.; Ahn, C. K.; Ahn, H. N.; Alansari, B. M.; Alcalay, L.; Allik, J. (2005).
572: 7382: 6679: 2637:, for instance, are a minority group in the United States and interaction with blacks is a relatively infrequent event for an average 9318: 7390: 5234: 4992: 8548: 11099: 10987: 10730: 10189: 8140: 6294:
Mackie, Marlene. "Arriving at "truth" by definition: The case of stereotype inaccuracy." Social problems 20, no. 4 (1973): 431–447.
Mullen, Brian; Johnson, Craig (1990). "Distinctiveness-based illusory correlations and stereotyping: A meta-analytic integration".
3954: 3546: 3058:
Stereotyping can also play a central role in depression, when people have negative self-stereotypes about themselves. According to
499: 387: 2649:
review of studies showed that illusory correlation effects are stronger when the infrequent, distinctive information is negative.
7049:"Latent ability: grades and test scores systematically underestimate the intellectual ability of negatively stereotyped students" 6551: 3973: 2918:. Other critics have focused on correcting what they claim are misconceptions of early studies showing a large effect. However, 12673: 12619: 11343: 11109: 10937: 10922: 10917: 10763: 7236:
Liu, S.; Liu, P.; Wang, M.; Zhang, B. (June 2021). "Effectiveness of stereotype threat interventions: A meta-analytic review".
prejudice. For example, scientists and activists have warned that the use of the stereotype "Nigerian Prince" for referring to
2063: 759: 509: 337: 322: 317: 147: 4412:"A Model of (Often Mixed) Stereotype Content: Competence and Warmth Respectively Follow From Perceived Status and Competition" 3035:
to a nation of scammers and fraudulent princes, as some people still do online, is a stereotype that needs to be called out".
are as different from each other as possible. Within stereotypes, objects or people are as similar to each other as possible.
2399:), an individual must see themselves as part of a group and being part of that group must also be salient for the individual. 12647: 11238: 11169: 10902: 9114: 6654: 2422:
sense of their social contexts, and this makes a person's task of understanding his or her world less cognitively demanding.
646: 577: 302: 6800:
Stoet, G.; Geary, D. C. (2012). "Can stereotype threat explain the gender gap in mathematics performance and achievement?".
11682: 10992: 10814: 9067: 8979: 5792: 5169: 3194: 3004:
traits are particularly likely to engage in discrimination against gay men, suggesting that discrimination on the basis of
2087: 1106: 392: 206: 2903:
and Joshua Aronson conducted the first experiments showing that stereotype threat can depress intellectual performance on
In the inter-group context, illusory correlations lead people to misattribute rare behaviors or traits at higher rates to
12328: 11998: 11911: 11802: 11470: 11290: 10927: 10912: 2480: 1766: 1422: 1335: 1226: 886: 704: 327: 312: 9204: 8378:
Auracher, Jan; Hirose, Akiko (2017). "The Influence of Reader's Stereotypes on the Assessment of Fictional Characters".
11896: 11370: 9370: 8571: 7735: 4964: 3607: 3586: 1320: 786: 7483: 4316:
Tilcsik, AndrĂĄs (2011). "Pride and Prejudice: Employment Discrimination against Openly Gay Men in the United States".
4054: 11544: 11375: 10866: 10844: 8628: 8310: 8054:
Taylor, Rhonda Harris; Patterson, Lotsee (December 2000). "Using information literacy to promote critical thinking".
7816: 7640: 7611: 7545:
Friedman, A. L.; Lyne, S. R. (2001). "The beancounter stereotype: Towards a general model of stereotype generation".
7383:"Nonconscious Behavioral Confirmation Processes: The Self-Fulfilling Consequences of Automatic Stereotype Activation" 7365: 7338: 6534: 6501: 6472: 6379: 6352: 6320: 6220: 6187: 6039: 6006: 5971: 5938: 5752: 5635: 5594: 5384: 5309: 5277: 5209: 4924: 4818: 4771: 4726: 4532: 4494: 4411: 4391: 4297: 4141: 4101: 4034: 3809: 3677: 3652: 3564: 2259:
in English was in 1850, as a noun that meant 'image perpetuated without change'. However, it was not until 1922 that
960: 791: 258: 236: 17: 7656:
Agerström, Jens; Rooth, Dan-Olof (2011). "The role of automatic obesity stereotypes in real hiring discrimination".
3916:"Stereotypes in social psychology: The 'West-East' differentiation as a reflection of Western traditions of thought" 2285:, racism, and discrimination are understood as related but different concepts. Stereotypes are regarded as the most 12281: 12118: 12018: 11475: 11365: 9357: 3466: 2355:. For instance, Katz and Braly argued in their classic 1933 study that ethnic stereotypes were uniformly negative. 1719: 1548: 1442: 891: 781: 3070:, and Hollon (2012)., stereotyping can also play a central role in depression, which is characterized by negative 2124:. A stereotype does not necessarily need to be a negative assumption. They may be positive, neutral, or negative. 11871: 11382: 11139: 10942: 8964: 8718: 5660: 2768:
Empirical evidence suggests that stereotype activation can automatically influence social behavior. For example,
2080: 1295: 798: 547: 342: 8211: 6928: 11002: 10693: 9491: 9377: 4170: 3526: 3197:). Studies show that minorities are portrayed most often in stereotypical roles such as athletes and gangsters 402: 11144: 8476: 552: 12550: 12266: 10982: 9294: 5956:"Automatic social influence: The perception-behavior links as an explanatory mechanism for behavior matching" 4318: 2987:, there is a popular stereotype which represents members of the profession as being humorless, introspective 2206: 1996: 1704: 382: 8690: 7572:
Jeacle, I.; Miley, F.; Read, A. (2012). "Jokes in popular culture: The characterisation of the accountant".
and, when paired, become even more so. The heightened salience results in more attention and more effective
11829: 11777: 10753: 10723: 8940: 8861: 7890: 7141:"A review and meta-analysis of age-based stereotype threat: negative stereotypes, not facts, do the damage" 6898:"On interpreting stereotype threat as accounting for African American-White differences on cognitive tests" 5479: 3501: 2596: 2583: 1253: 1201: 137: 8464: 8258: 3825:
Judd, Charles M.; Park, Bernadette (1993). "Definition and assessment of accuracy in social stereotypes".
12461: 12313: 11732: 11333: 11279: 10386: 10081: 9941: 9147: 9057: 8923: 8742: 6490:"Stereotype Threat Spillover: The Short- and Long-term Effects of Coping with Threats to Social Identity" 3541: 3160: 3141: 1907: 1751: 1156: 749: 687: 32: 6057:"Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action" 4284:
Tajfel, Henri (1981). "Social stereotypes and social groups". In Turner, John C.; Giles, Howard (eds.).
members than to majority groups, even when both display the same proportion of the behaviors or traits.
et al. (2002): Four types of stereotypes resulting from combinations of perceived warmth and competence.
12570: 11355: 11037: 10768: 10648: 10437: 9772: 9450: 9272: 8952: 8906: 8901: 8884: 8711: 8652: 5685: 5266:"Illusory correlation and stereotype formation: making sense of group differences and cognitive biases" 3801: 3491: 3415: 2685:'s argument in his 1922 publication that stereotypes are rigid because they cannot be changed at will. 2396: 2298: 2016: 771: 437: 152: 2892:
The effect of stereotype threat (ST) on math test scores for girls and boys. Data from Osborne (2007).
12678: 11923: 11737: 11639: 11524: 11186: 11154: 10824: 10758: 9484: 8851: 8839: 8775: 5407:"Illusory correlation in the perception of groups: an extension of the distinctiveness-based account" 3486: 3013: 1347: 1161: 1055: 940: 594: 562: 216: 142: 7904: 7753: 7514: 6762: 6614: 6144: 6076: 4433: 3723:"Implicit stereotypes and the predictive brain: Cognition and culture in "biased" person perception" 2756:
subjects showed reduced stereotype activation. This effect is based on the learning of new and more
12688: 12183: 12071: 11918: 11687: 11624: 11452: 11407: 11269: 11149: 11131: 11067: 10997: 10881: 9754: 9518: 9349: 9282: 9244: 9062: 8698: 8229:
Berg, Charles (Summer 1990). "Stereotyping in films in general and of the Hispanic in Particular".
7700: 7461:"Social perception and interpersonal behavior: On the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes" 6105: 5298:"Illusory Correlation and Stereotype Formation: Tracing the Arc of Research Over a Quarter Century" 3496: 3476: 3185:
Stereotypes are also common in video games, with women being portrayed as stereotypes such as the "
2931: 2840: 2359: 2328: 1613: 1501: 1342: 1111: 1040: 868: 823: 677: 557: 537: 467: 397: 273: 5618:"The Four Horsemen of Automaticity: Awareness, Intention, Efficiency, Control in Social Cognition" 2701:. If there are no changes to an intergroup relationship, then relevant stereotypes do not change. 12683: 12637: 12466: 12446: 12308: 12298: 12256: 11886: 11727: 11589: 11559: 11554: 11497: 11432: 11417: 11350: 11323: 11308: 10716: 9413: 9257: 8896: 8770: 8765: 5302:
Cognitive Social Psychology: The Princeton Symposium on the Legacy and Future of Social Cognition
4524: 4518: 3536: 3471: 3385: 2964: 2960: 2830: 2615: 1912: 1892: 1746: 1736: 1694: 1310: 1151: 1005: 975: 970: 913: 848: 833: 766: 739: 724: 103: 11534: 8399: 6519:"Chapter 24: Stereotypes and the Fragility of Academic Competence, Motivation, and Self-Concept" 4026: 2710:
important to note from this explanation that stereotypes are the consequence, not the cause, of
described his observations of how some people found that the antisemitic fabricated contents of
2324: 2315:
Preventing some people of stereotyped groups from entering or succeeding in activities or fields
950: 12565: 12538: 12528: 12008: 11988: 11851: 11722: 11619: 11569: 11539: 11519: 11447: 11427: 11402: 11397: 11392: 11303: 11274: 11247: 11218: 11213: 10809: 10799: 10607: 10113: 9936: 9805: 9287: 9232: 9052: 9012: 8846: 8672: 7899: 7509: 6826: 6783: 6757: 6609: 6212: 6139: 6071: 5998: 5992: 5988: 4718: 4551:"Stereotype content model across cultures: Towards universal similarities and some differences" 4514: 4428: 4125: 3506: 3278: 3051: 2980:
of underperforming on standardized tests affected the African American students in this study.
when stereotypes are used for differentiating the ingroup as positively distinct from outgroups
2447: 2443: 2392: 2348: 2220: 2011: 1984: 1974: 1432: 1412: 1275: 1146: 1035: 985: 955: 935: 863: 843: 818: 813: 808: 719: 682: 655: 626: 621: 201: 191: 8425: 7800: 7324: 6741:
Ganley, C. M.; Mingle, L. A.; Ryan, A. M.; Ryan, K.; Vasilyeva, M.; Perry, M. (October 2013).
6518: 6489: 6369: 6340: 6308: 5926: 5582: 5535: 5370: 5297: 5197: 4763: 4638: 4085: 27:
Generalized but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
12533: 12493: 12426: 12323: 12271: 12198: 11953: 11717: 11629: 11604: 11599: 11584: 11579: 11574: 11514: 11462: 11422: 11328: 11298: 11196: 10819: 10638: 10217: 9164: 8947: 8606: 7628: 7355: 5955: 5738: 5617: 5265: 4912: 4682: 4621: 4375: 3790: 3410: 3390: 3360: 2269: 2249: 2117: 1979: 1939: 1872: 1761: 1709: 1628: 1377: 1141: 1045: 1020: 1015: 1000: 995: 990: 930: 878: 838: 744: 714: 604: 211: 6204: 5450:
Katz, Daniel; Braley, Kenneth (1933). "Racial stereotypes of one hundred college students".
4710: 4478: 3428: 2494:
help. This stereotype was used to justify European colonialism in Africa, India, and China.
12668: 12404: 11938: 11812: 11529: 11487: 11437: 11412: 11228: 11191: 10932: 10794: 10071: 9227: 8829: 8760: 8259:"Work–Family Imagery and Gender Stereotypes: Television and the Reproduction of Difference" 8141:"'The Little State Department': Hollywood and the MPAA's Influence on U.S. Trade Relations" 7407: 6958: 6251: 5710:
Perdue, Charles W.; Gurtman, Michael B. (1990). "Evidence for the automaticity of ageism".
4133: 3827: 3461: 3310: 3200: 3091: 2859:
participants' race was unknown to the evaluator, they were more accepting of the feedback.
2744: 2735: 2711: 2690: 2608: 1850: 1362: 1236: 945: 903: 853: 828: 636: 599: 332: 186: 5066:"Processing stereotypes: Professionalism confirmed or disconfirmed by sector affiliation?" 2988: 8: 12693: 12580: 12441: 12076: 11978: 11958: 11747: 11655: 11614: 11594: 11564: 11457: 11252: 11062: 10327: 10225: 9695: 9387: 9192: 9142: 9047: 9017: 8930: 8666: 8620: 8556: 7808: 5627: 5621: 3531: 3340: 3335: 3330: 3298: 3145: 3063: 2757: 2551: 2539: 2367: 2297:
Although related, the three concepts can exist independently of each other. According to
2290: 2164: 2121: 2026: 1887: 1506: 1402: 1382: 1171: 1079: 1030: 1010: 980: 873: 660: 462: 65: 8454: 6962: 6255: 12353: 12348: 12338: 12286: 12276: 12251: 12193: 12151: 12061: 12056: 12051: 11963: 11264: 10612: 10602: 10402: 10314: 10096: 9137: 9037: 8957: 8918: 8811: 8594: 8403: 8395: 8360: 8036: 8009: 7917: 7882: 7856: 7781: 7727: 7590:(2002). "The Social Psychology of Stereotypes". In Smelser, Neil; Baltes, Paul (eds.). 7527: 7305: 7261: 7218: 7165: 7140: 7121: 7078: 7029: 6981: 6946: 6878: 6817: 6723: 6671: 6627: 6582: 6441: 6272: 6237: 6097: 5677: 5673: 5563: 5182: 5144: 5095: 5009: 4851: 4575: 4550: 4454: 4353: 4241: 4019: 3935: 3896: 3744: 3693: 3642: 3186: 3125:
Stereotypes are common in various cultural media, where they take the form of dramatic
3117: 3005: 2956: 2731: 2665:
although those people have no personal experience with the groups they are describing.
2579: 1791: 1786: 1776: 1724: 1714: 1689: 1623: 1581: 1491: 1486: 1481: 1387: 672: 5247: 3992: 87: 12612: 12523: 12451: 12436: 12235: 12178: 11983: 11891: 11782: 11702: 11549: 10849: 10582: 10533: 10422: 9931: 9828: 9762: 9593: 9460: 9299: 9267: 9252: 9032: 8834: 8750: 8734: 8634: 8624: 8535: 8407: 8391: 8316: 8306: 8063: 8013: 8001: 7959: 7860: 7812: 7785: 7773: 7673: 7636: 7607: 7603: 7531: 7445: 7361: 7334: 7309: 7297: 7265: 7253: 7210: 7170: 7125: 7113: 7109: 7070: 7065: 7048: 7021: 6986: 6920: 6882: 6870: 6862: 6821: 6775: 6727: 6675: 6574: 6530: 6497: 6468: 6464: 6445: 6375: 6374:(2nd ed.). Belmont, California: Wadsworth / Cengage Learning. pp. 428–435. 6348: 6316: 6277: 6242: 6216: 6205: 6183: 6157: 6089: 6035: 6002: 5967: 5934: 5900: 5827: 5748: 5723: 5681: 5631: 5590: 5567: 5555: 5429: 5380: 5348: 5305: 5273: 5205: 5148: 5136: 5115:"Public servant stereotypes: It is not (at) all about being lazy, greedy and corrupt" 5099: 5087: 5046: 5013: 4920: 4855: 4814: 4767: 4752: 4722: 4711: 4580: 4528: 4490: 4479:"Doddering But Dear: Process, Content, and Function in Stereotyping of Older Persons" 4446: 4387: 4345: 4293: 4221: 4137: 4097: 4030: 3939: 3915: 3888: 3844: 3805: 3673: 3648: 3581: 3576: 3456: 3395: 3355: 3304: 3288: 3250: 3087: 3059: 3044: 2977: 2973: 2904: 2883: 2752: 2619: 2237: 2172: 2108: 2056: 1969: 1897: 1882: 1665: 1608: 1407: 1315: 1206: 1126: 965: 241: 8612:
Planet Simpson: How a Cartoon Masterpiece Documented an Era and Defined a Generation
8598: 7731: 7222: 7082: 7033: 6631: 5536:"International Migration and Stereotype Formation: Indonesian Migrants in Hong Kong" 5406: 5270:
Stereotypes as explanations: The formation of meaningful beliefs about social groups
Stereotypes as explanations: The formation of meaningful beliefs about social groups
4458: 4357: 4245: 3798:
Stereotypes as explanations: The formation of meaningful beliefs about social groups
3748: 12575: 12560: 12488: 12409: 12379: 12210: 12046: 11752: 11318: 11313: 11159: 11057: 10628: 10617: 10506: 10286: 10250: 10240: 9984: 9911: 9875: 9847: 9800: 9678: 9310: 9222: 9152: 9132: 9077: 9072: 8969: 8871: 8694: 8616: 8586: 8531: 8527: 8387: 8364: 8352: 8326: 8298: 8271: 8238: 8119: 7993: 7951: 7921: 7909: 7848: 7765: 7717: 7709: 7665: 7599: 7554: 7519: 7475: 7441: 7399: 7330: 7289: 7245: 7202: 7160: 7152: 7105: 7060: 7013: 6976: 6966: 6912: 6854: 6809: 6767: 6715: 6663: 6619: 6586: 6566: 6433: 6406: 6267: 6259: 6149: 6101: 6081: 6027: 5963: 5892: 5878:"The Effects of Stereotype Activation on Behavior: A Review of Possible Mechanisms" 5858: 5819: 5784: 5719: 5669: 5547: 5516: 5488: 5459: 5421: 5366: 5338: 5243: 5178: 5126: 5077: 5036: 5001: 4956: 4911:
Mackie, Diane M.; Hamilton, David L.; Susskind, Joshua; Rosselli, Francine (1996).
4878: 4843: 4806: 4570: 4562: 4438: 4335: 4327: 4233: 4179: 4168:
Katz, Daniel; Braly, Kenneth W. (1935). "Racial prejudice and racial stereotypes".
3927: 3900: 3880: 3836: 3734: 3559: 3283: 3028: 2915: 2888: 2855: 2575: 2021: 2006: 1934: 1855: 1825: 1640: 1476: 1176: 734: 729: 567: 457: 81: 7769: 7293: 6238:"National Character Does Not Reflect Mean Personality Trait Levels in 49 Cultures" 6031: 5492: 5082: 5065: 4960: 2937:
ways, thus confirming one's erroneous expectations and validating the stereotype.
12590: 12498: 12394: 12343: 12203: 12188: 12168: 12133: 11846: 11757: 11692: 11492: 11442: 11223: 11082: 10452: 10442: 10273: 10258: 10141: 9767: 9507: 9102: 9027: 8782: 8755: 8356: 7587: 7206: 6971: 6947:"Twenty Years of Stereotype Threat Research: A Review of Psychological Mediators" 6833: 6719: 5744: 4847: 4810: 4383: 4289: 3405: 3350: 3126: 3067: 3001: 2727: 2289:
component and often occurs without conscious awareness, whereas prejudice is the
2264: 2036: 1944: 1840: 1781: 1633: 1618: 1598: 1563: 1270: 1181: 1116: 908: 858: 631: 482: 61: 8302: 6623: 6153: 5896: 5626:. Vol. 2 (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Earlbaum. p.  5264:
Berndsen, Mariëtte; Spears, Russel; van der Pligt, Joop; McGarty, Craig (2002).
3840: 3103: 2944:, and Cooper (1974) demonstrated the effects of stereotypes in the context of a 12585: 12543: 12513: 12503: 12421: 12414: 12399: 12389: 12225: 12161: 12103: 12098: 12083: 11866: 11861: 11856: 11742: 11677: 11201: 11174: 11027: 10739: 10678: 10653: 10230: 10161: 10076: 9989: 9443: 9428: 9262: 9022: 8999: 8974: 8856: 8610: 8124: 8107: 7955: 7913: 7883:"Constraints into Preferences: Gender, Status, and Emerging Career Aspirations" 7595: 7479: 6743:"An examination of stereotype threat effects on girls' mathematics performance" 6570: 6526: 6410: 6085: 5862: 5823: 5788: 5551: 5425: 5376: 5343: 5327:"Social Networks Among Blacks and Whites: The Interaction Between Race and Age" 5326: 4882: 4759: 4747: 4442: 3400: 3293: 3264: 2682: 2638: 2630: 2414: 2344: 2194: 2031: 1989: 1959: 1949: 1867: 1860: 1845: 1835: 1655: 1591: 1533: 1528: 1513: 1290: 1285: 1280: 1166: 1101: 609: 582: 427: 111: 8662: 8590: 8330: 8242: 8027:
Hayakawa, S. I. (1950). "Recognizing Stereotypes as Substitutes for Thought".
6858: 6647:"Checkmate? The role of gender stereotypes in the ultimate intellectual sport" 6552:"Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans" 6437: 3931: 2470:
1873 caricature depicting the stereotypical physical features of a Jewish male
2462: 2343:
Early theories of stereotype content proposed by social psychologists such as
12662: 12597: 12220: 12156: 12141: 12003: 11968: 11948: 11819: 11762: 11697: 11104: 11007: 10688: 10633: 10465: 10427: 10412: 10373: 9888: 9687: 9657: 9583: 9568: 9199: 9187: 9182: 9007: 8989: 8320: 8067: 7997: 7777: 7754:"Anti-Afropolitan ethics and the performative politics of online scambaiting" 7523: 7117: 6916: 6866: 6175: 5559: 5140: 5091: 5050: 5005: 4566: 4237: 3884: 3739: 3722: 3626: 3370: 3325: 3315: 3190: 2945: 2919: 2900: 2726:
A number of studies have found that stereotypes are activated automatically.
2674: 2646: 2363: 2043: 1650: 1586: 1571: 1427: 1392: 1372: 1243: 1186: 1121: 504: 407: 8638: 7713: 6263: 5520: 5041: 5028: 3625:
to have been. In a way, it's become a stereotype of itself, which is pretty
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(2008). 3644:Dictionary of Psychology 3497:Stereotypes of Canadians 3477:Stereotypes of Americans 2932:Self-fulfilling prophecy 2926:Self-fulfilling prophecy 2800:Research on the role of 2784:A magazine feature from 2329:Stereotype content model 1343:Occupational segregation 1112:Compulsory sterilization 38:Not to be confused with 12447:Internalized oppression 12309:Fighting Discrimination 12299:Fat acceptance movement 12257:Anti-discrimination law 11897:Native American mascots 9258:Counterfactual thinking 8771:Physical attractiveness 8591:10.1023/a:1018836029738 8477:"Are Stereotypes True?" 7714:10.1111/0022-4537.00239 6832:12 January 2016 at the 6264:10.1126/science.1117199 5521:10.1002/ejsp.2420220104 4754:The Nature of Prejudice 3978:A Greek-English Lexicon 3959:A Greek-English Lexicon 3727:Palgrave Communications 3641:Cardwell, Mike (1999). 3537:Stereotypes of Russians 3472:Stereotypes of Africans 3445:Examples of stereotypes 3386:Similarity (philosophy) 3099:Role in art and culture 2831:Attributional ambiguity 2825:Attributional ambiguity 2691:intergroup relationship 1893:Internalized oppression 1747:Fighting Discrimination 1737:Fat acceptance movement 1695:Anti-discrimination law 1321:Native American mascots 91:Police officers buying 12566:Social identity threat 12539:Reverse discrimination 12529:Racial color blindness 12009:Violence against women 11989:Sex-selective abortion 10114:Manic Pixie Dream Girl 9538:By ethics and morality 9288:Availability heuristic 9233:Choice-supportive bias 9053:False-consensus effect 9013:Social identity theory 8847:Minimal group paradigm 8276:10.1006/jvbe.1996.1575 7559:10.1006/cpac.2000.0451 7404:10.1006/jesp.1997.1329 7354:Brown, Rupert (2010). 6426:Educational Psychology 5885:Psychological Bulletin 5737:Brown, Rupert (2010). 5534:Palmer, Wayne (2019). 3507:Stereotypes of Germans 3279:Attribute substitution 3122: 3023:Stereotypes can cause 2961:undergraduate students 2893: 2793: 2489:Justification purposes 2471: 2393:social identity theory 2336: 2189: 2012:Social identity threat 1985:Reverse discrimination 1975:Racial color blindness 1433:Violence against women 1413:Sex-selective abortion 96: 84: 53: 12534:Religious intolerance 12494:Political correctness 12324:Intersex human rights 12272:Cultural assimilation 11954:Religious persecution 11718:Disability hate crime 11503:Jewish / Antisemitism 9407:Regional & social 9350:Ethnic & national 8948:Pluralistic ignorance 7870:on 12 September 2011. 7053:Psychological Science 6529:. pp. 436, 443. 5661:Psychological Science 5119:Public Administration 5042:10.1093/jopart/muu053 4017:Kleg, Milton (1993). 3920:Psychological Studies 3411:Trait ascription bias 3391:Statistical syllogism 3361:Out-group homogeneity 3152:or the Latina vixen, 3106: 2965:physically attractive 2891: 2802:illusory correlations 2783: 2465: 2431:Social categorization 2358:By contrast, a newer 2327: 2211:), 'firm, solid' and 2193:and derives from the 1980:Religious intolerance 1940:Political correctness 1762:Intersex human rights 1710:Cultural assimilation 1378:Religious persecution 1142:Disability hate crime 919:Jewish / Antisemitism 90: 59: 51: 11939:Political repression 10943:Anti-left handedness 10933:Anti-intellectualism 9228:Cognitive dissonance 8830:Outgroup homogeneity 8761:Mere-exposure effect 8553:The Inquisitive Mind 7145:Psychology and Aging 6467:. pp. 379–394. 5367:Moskowitz, Gordon B. 4805:. pp. 157–185. 4292:. pp. 144–167. 4286:Intergroup behaviour 4204:. Oxford: Blackwell. 3828:Psychological Review 3610:. Spoon University. 3462:List of ethnic slurs 3311:Echo chamber (media) 3201:Race and video games 3092:information literacy 3029:Advance-fee scammers 2758:positive stereotypes 2736:impression-formation 2712:intergroup relations 2705:Intergroup relations 2609:Illusory correlation 2603:Illusory correlation 2458:Explanation purposes 2446:) to another group ( 2165:Implicit stereotypes 2160:Implicit stereotypes 2128:Explicit stereotypes 1363:Political repression 343:Anti-left handedness 333:Anti-intellectualism 31:For other uses, see 12442:Historical eugenics 11979:Segregation academy 11959:Religious terrorism 11748:Enemy of the people 11656:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 11170:Jehovah's Witnesses 11063:Perpetual foreigner 10328:Princess and dragon 10226:Princesse lointaine 9726:(servants, clowns: 9696:Gentleman detective 9193:Cultural relativism 9143:Reciprocal altruism 9048:In-group favoritism 9018:Social facilitation 8667:Stanford University 8621:Random House Canada 8555:(3). Archived from 7741:on 6 November 2012. 7588:Banaji, Mahzarin R. 6963:2016PLoSO..1146487P 6685:on 20 November 2012 6256:2005Sci...310...96T 6026:. pp. 99–105. 5966:. pp. 99–100. 3532:Stereotypes of Jews 3450:Cultural and ethnic 3341:In-group favoritism 3336:Implicit stereotype 3331:Habitus (sociology) 3299:Conjunction fallacy 3146:Nina L. Khrushcheva 2557:Correspondence bias 2552:Correspondence bias 2546:Correspondence bias 2511:Self-categorization 2406:Cognitive functions 1888:Historical eugenics 1403:Segregation academy 1383:Religious terrorism 1172:Enemy of the people 1080:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 578:Jehovah's Witnesses 463:Perpetual foreigner 80:and popularized by 66:handlebar moustache 12354:Social integration 12349:Self-determination 12339:Racial integration 12287:Diversity training 12277:Cultural pluralism 12252:Affirmative action 12152:Racial segregation 12062:Crime of apartheid 11964:Religious violence 11467:Indigenous people 10867:Sexual orientation 10613:Identity formation 10403:American mappillai 10315:Damsel in distress 10097:Magical girlfriend 10002:(wealthy old men, 9378:European Americans 9165:Prisoner's dilemma 9138:Prosocial behavior 9038:Group polarization 8958:Milgram experiment 8919:Autokinetic effect 8699:Chimamanda Adichie 8218:. 5 November 2014. 7992:(3–4): 1256–1282. 7973:on 27 August 2014. 7250:10.1037/apl0000770 5798:on 2 January 2014. 5132:10.1111/padm.12686 4748:Allport, Gordon W. 4386:. pp. 22–44. 3577:Blonde stereotypes 3429:Gender stereotypes 3187:damsel in distress 3123: 3006:sexual orientation 2905:standardized tests 2894: 2794: 2753:counterstereotypic 2657:Common environment 2580:just-world fallacy 2472: 2351:reflected uniform 2337: 2120:, inaccurate, and 1792:Social integration 1787:Self-determination 1777:Racial integration 1725:Diversity training 1715:Cultural pluralism 1690:Affirmative action 1582:Racial segregation 1492:Crime of apartheid 1388:Religious violence 883:Indigenous people 259:Sexual orientation 97: 85: 54: 12656: 12655: 12524:Racism by country 12452:Intersectionality 12437:Heteronormativity 12236:Voter suppression 11984:Sexual harassment 11783:Forced conversion 11703:Cultural genocide 11366:African Americans 11180:post–Cold War era 11165:Eastern Orthodoxy 10928:Anti-drug addicts 10923:Anti-homelessness 10850:Scientific racism 10706: 10705: 10702: 10701: 10583:Adolescent clique 10563: 10562: 10559: 10558: 10555: 10554: 10336: 10335: 10072:Farmer's daughter 10041:By sex and gender 10031: 10030: 10027: 10026: 10023: 10022: 9814: 9813: 9673: 9672: 9594:Mythological king 9474: 9473: 9461:White Southerners 9398:Arabs and Muslims 9308: 9307: 9300:Self-serving bias 9268:Confirmation bias 9253:Explanatory style 9033:Group development 8835:Stereotype threat 8751:Attachment theory 8735:Social psychology 8430:Academic Festival 8056:Teacher Librarian 7633:Diversity at Work 7326:Social psychology 6756:(10): 1886–1897. 6465:SAGE Publications 6111:on 9 October 2013 4898:Social Psychology 4836:Self and Identity 4515:"Intergroup Bias" 3991:Harper, Douglas. 3804:. pp. 1–15. 3582:Nurse stereotypes 3554:Sexuality related 3457:Ethnic stereotype 3396:Stigma management 3356:Negativity effect 3305:Counterstereotype 3289:Base rate fallacy 3251:Psychology portal 3088:cultural identity 3045:Self-stereotyping 3039:Self-stereotyping 2978:stereotype threat 2974:standardized test 2884:Stereotype threat 2878:Stereotype threat 2576:Pacific Islanders 2173:social psychology 2109:social psychology 2105: 2104: 1970:Racism by country 1898:Intersectionality 1883:Heteronormativity 1666:Voter suppression 1408:Sexual harassment 1207:Forced conversion 1127:Cultural genocide 782:African Americans 588:post–Cold War era 573:Eastern Orthodoxy 328:Anti-drug addicts 323:Anti-homelessness 242:Scientific racism 18:Social stereotype 16:(Redirected from 12701: 12679:Cognitive biases 12646: 12645: 12636: 12635: 12576:Social privilege 12561:Social exclusion 12489:Police brutality 12410:Multiculturalism 12380:Amatonormativity 12211:Social exclusion 12047:Age of candidacy 11847:Homeless dumping 11753:Ethnic cleansing 10733: 10726: 10719: 10710: 10709: 10629:Little green men 10618:Imaginary friend 10569: 10568: 10525: 10347: 10346: 10287:Mammy stereotype 10241:Yamato nadeshiko 10057: 10056: 10048: 10047: 10037: 10036: 9912:Bug-eyed monster 9876:Social Darwinist 9825: 9824: 9801:Good cop/bad cop 9684: 9683: 9554: 9553: 9545: 9544: 9534: 9533: 9508:Stock characters 9501: 9494: 9487: 9478: 9477: 9335: 9328: 9321: 9312: 9311: 9223:Spotlight effect 9153:Empathy-altruism 9133:Bystander effect 9078:Frog pond effect 9073:Self-enhancement 8970:Self-concealment 8872:Social influence 8805: 8728: 8721: 8714: 8705: 8704: 8687:at AHealthCareer 8642: 8617:Douglas Coupland 8602: 8585:(7/8): 545–565. 8568: 8566: 8564: 8543: 8514: 8505: 8496: 8494: 8492: 8483:. Archived from 8451: 8450: 8434: 8433: 8421: 8412: 8411: 8375: 8369: 8368: 8345:Media Psychology 8340: 8334: 8324: 8286: 8280: 8279: 8261: 8253: 8247: 8246: 8226: 8220: 8219: 8208: 8202: 8201: 8200:. 9 August 2015. 8198:The Moscow Times 8190: 8184: 8177: 8171: 8170: 8159: 8153: 8152: 8136: 8130: 8129: 8127: 8103: 8097: 8096: 8094: 8092: 8078: 8072: 8071: 8051: 8045: 8044: 8024: 8018: 8017: 7981: 7975: 7974: 7972: 7966:. Archived from 7941: 7932: 7926: 7925: 7907: 7887: 7878: 7872: 7871: 7869: 7863:. Archived from 7847:(6): 1691–1730. 7838: 7829: 7823: 7822: 7796: 7790: 7789: 7749: 7743: 7742: 7740: 7734:. Archived from 7725: 7697: 7688: 7682: 7681: 7670:10.1037/a0021594 7653: 7647: 7646: 7624: 7618: 7617: 7584: 7578: 7577: 7569: 7563: 7562: 7542: 7536: 7535: 7517: 7497: 7491: 7490: 7489:on 17 June 2012. 7488: 7482:. Archived from 7465: 7456: 7450: 7449: 7429: 7423: 7422: 7420: 7418: 7412: 7406:. Archived from 7387: 7378: 7372: 7371: 7351: 7345: 7344: 7331:Cengage Learning 7320: 7314: 7313: 7276: 7270: 7269: 7233: 7227: 7226: 7190: 7179: 7178: 7168: 7157:10.1037/a0038586 7136: 7130: 7129: 7093: 7087: 7086: 7068: 7059:(9): 1132–1139. 7044: 7038: 7037: 7018:10.1037/a0012702 7012:(6): 1314–1334. 7001: 6995: 6994: 6984: 6974: 6942: 6936: 6935: 6934:on 4 April 2013. 6933: 6927:. Archived from 6902: 6893: 6887: 6886: 6842: 6836: 6825: 6814:10.1037/a0026617 6797: 6791: 6790: 6789:on 19 July 2014. 6788: 6782:. Archived from 6772:10.1037/a0031412 6765: 6747: 6738: 6732: 6731: 6701: 6695: 6694: 6692: 6690: 6684: 6678:. Archived from 6668:10.1002/ejsp.440 6651: 6642: 6636: 6635: 6617: 6608:(6): 1213–1227. 6597: 6591: 6590: 6556: 6547: 6541: 6540: 6514: 6508: 6507: 6485: 6479: 6478: 6456: 6450: 6449: 6421: 6415: 6414: 6392: 6386: 6385: 6365: 6359: 6358: 6336: 6327: 6326: 6304: 6295: 6292: 6286: 6285: 6275: 6250:(5745): 96–100. 6233: 6227: 6226: 6210: 6200: 6194: 6193: 6172: 6166: 6165: 6147: 6138:(6): 1314–1329. 6127: 6121: 6120: 6118: 6116: 6110: 6104:. Archived from 6079: 6061: 6052: 6046: 6045: 6019: 6013: 6012: 5984: 5978: 5977: 5964:Psychology Press 5962:. Philadelphia: 5951: 5945: 5944: 5922: 5916: 5915: 5913: 5911: 5882: 5873: 5867: 5866: 5845: 5836: 5835: 5806: 5800: 5799: 5797: 5791:. Archived from 5774: 5765: 5759: 5758: 5734: 5728: 5727: 5707: 5701: 5700: 5698: 5696: 5690: 5684:. Archived from 5657: 5648: 5642: 5641: 5610: 5601: 5600: 5578: 5572: 5571: 5531: 5525: 5524: 5503: 5497: 5496: 5474: 5468: 5467: 5464:10.1037/h0074049 5447: 5438: 5437: 5411: 5402: 5391: 5390: 5363: 5357: 5356: 5346: 5337:(2): S112–S118. 5322: 5316: 5315: 5293: 5284: 5283: 5261: 5252: 5251: 5229: 5216: 5215: 5193: 5187: 5186: 5164: 5153: 5152: 5134: 5110: 5104: 5103: 5085: 5061: 5055: 5054: 5044: 5024: 5018: 5017: 4986: 4980: 4979: 4977: 4975: 4969: 4963:. Archived from 4946: 4937: 4931: 4930: 4908: 4902: 4901: 4893: 4887: 4886: 4866: 4860: 4859: 4831: 4825: 4824: 4797: 4778: 4777: 4757: 4744: 4733: 4732: 4716: 4706: 4700: 4699: 4691: 4685: 4674: 4668: 4661: 4655: 4647: 4641: 4630: 4624: 4614: 4608: 4604:, 110, 675–709. 4598: 4589: 4588: 4578: 4545: 4539: 4538: 4511:Dovidio, John F. 4507: 4501: 4500: 4489:. pp. 7–8. 4474: 4463: 4462: 4436: 4416: 4407: 4398: 4397: 4371: 4362: 4361: 4343: 4313: 4304: 4303: 4281: 4250: 4249: 4217: 4206: 4205: 4197: 4188: 4187: 4184:10.1037/h0059800 4165: 4148: 4147: 4136:. p. 1277. 4121: 4108: 4107: 4081: 4070: 4069: 4067: 4065: 4047: 4041: 4040: 4024: 4014: 4008: 4007: 4005: 4003: 3988: 3982: 3981: 3969: 3963: 3962: 3950: 3944: 3943: 3911: 3905: 3904: 3868: 3853: 3852: 3822: 3816: 3815: 3795: 3786: 3753: 3752: 3742: 3718: 3709: 3708: 3706: 3704: 3690: 3684: 3683: 3665: 3659: 3658: 3638: 3632: 3631: 3621: 3619: 3603: 3560:LGBT stereotypes 3284:Attribution bias 3267: 3262: 3261: 3253: 3248: 3247: 3246: 3204: 3127:stock characters 3113:drunken Irishman 2916:publication bias 2901:Claude M. Steele 2426:Social functions 2224: 2216: 2215: 2210: 2202: 2201: 2192: 2097: 2090: 2083: 2022:Social privilege 2007:Social exclusion 1935:Police brutality 1856:Multiculturalism 1826:Amatonormativity 1641:Social exclusion 1477:Age of candidacy 1271:Homeless dumping 1177:Ethnic cleansing 122: 99: 98: 82:Snidely Whiplash 43: 36: 21: 12709: 12708: 12704: 12703: 12702: 12700: 12699: 12698: 12689:Labeling theory 12659: 12658: 12657: 12652: 12624: 12499:Polyculturalism 12395:Civil liberties 12363: 12344:Reappropriation 12245:Countermeasures 12240: 12169:Racial steering 12135:Numerus clausus 12039: 12033: 11758:Ethnic conflict 11693:Corrective rape 11644: 11284: 11239:minority Muslim 11126: 11018:HIV/AIDS stigma 10886: 10835:Mental disorder 10773: 10742: 10737: 10707: 10698: 10574: 10551: 10528: 10501: 10470: 10453:Prince Charming 10447: 10443:Superfluous man 10438:Nice Jewish boy 10391: 10368: 10332: 10309: 10291: 10274:Lady-in-waiting 10268: 10245: 10212: 10184: 10156: 10142:Fairy godmother 10118: 10042: 10019: 9958: 9898: 9870: 9841: 9810: 9789: 9768:Gentleman thief 9749: 9742: and  9710: 9669: 9641: 9613: 9539: 9528: 9510: 9505: 9475: 9470: 9444:Mountain Whites 9402: 9344: 9339: 9309: 9304: 9239: 9209: 9169: 9119: 9103:Deindividuation 9084: 9028:Social cohesion 8994: 8866: 8806: 8797: 8783:Parenting style 8756:Falling in love 8737: 8732: 8649: 8631: 8562: 8560: 8559:on 26 July 2011 8490: 8488: 8487:on 24 July 2010 8475: 8472: 8471: 8470: 8452: 8448: 8443: 8441:Further reading 8438: 8437: 8422: 8415: 8376: 8372: 8341: 8337: 8313: 8287: 8283: 8254: 8250: 8227: 8223: 8210: 8209: 8205: 8192: 8191: 8187: 8178: 8174: 8169:. 10 July 2017. 8161: 8160: 8156: 8137: 8133: 8104: 8100: 8090: 8088: 8080: 8079: 8075: 8052: 8048: 8025: 8021: 7982: 7978: 7970: 7939: 7933: 7929: 7905: 7885: 7879: 7875: 7867: 7836: 7830: 7826: 7819: 7811:. p. 239. 7797: 7793: 7758:Social Dynamics 7750: 7746: 7738: 7695: 7689: 7685: 7654: 7650: 7643: 7625: 7621: 7614: 7585: 7581: 7570: 7566: 7543: 7539: 7515: 7498: 7494: 7486: 7463: 7457: 7453: 7430: 7426: 7416: 7414: 7410: 7385: 7379: 7375: 7368: 7352: 7348: 7341: 7333:. p. 172. 7321: 7317: 7277: 7273: 7234: 7230: 7191: 7182: 7137: 7133: 7094: 7090: 7045: 7041: 7002: 6998: 6957:(1): e0146487. 6943: 6939: 6931: 6900: 6894: 6890: 6843: 6839: 6834:Wayback Machine 6798: 6794: 6786: 6763: 6745: 6739: 6735: 6702: 6698: 6688: 6686: 6682: 6649: 6643: 6639: 6615: 6598: 6594: 6554: 6548: 6544: 6537: 6515: 6511: 6504: 6486: 6482: 6475: 6457: 6453: 6422: 6418: 6393: 6389: 6382: 6366: 6362: 6355: 6341:"Social Stigma" 6337: 6330: 6323: 6305: 6298: 6293: 6289: 6234: 6230: 6223: 6201: 6197: 6190: 6173: 6169: 6145: 6128: 6124: 6114: 6112: 6108: 6077: 6059: 6053: 6049: 6042: 6020: 6016: 6009: 5985: 5981: 5974: 5952: 5948: 5941: 5923: 5919: 5909: 5907: 5880: 5874: 5870: 5846: 5839: 5807: 5803: 5795: 5772: 5766: 5762: 5755: 5745:Wiley-Blackwell 5735: 5731: 5708: 5704: 5694: 5692: 5688: 5655: 5649: 5645: 5638: 5611: 5604: 5597: 5579: 5575: 5532: 5528: 5504: 5500: 5475: 5471: 5448: 5441: 5409: 5403: 5394: 5387: 5379:. p. 182. 5364: 5360: 5323: 5319: 5312: 5294: 5287: 5280: 5262: 5255: 5230: 5219: 5212: 5194: 5190: 5165: 5156: 5111: 5107: 5062: 5058: 5025: 5021: 4987: 4983: 4973: 4971: 4970:on 29 July 2013 4967: 4944: 4938: 4934: 4927: 4909: 4905: 4894: 4890: 4867: 4863: 4832: 4828: 4821: 4798: 4781: 4774: 4745: 4736: 4729: 4707: 4703: 4692: 4688: 4675: 4671: 4662: 4658: 4648: 4644: 4631: 4627: 4615: 4611: 4599: 4592: 4546: 4542: 4535: 4508: 4504: 4497: 4475: 4466: 4434: 4414: 4408: 4401: 4394: 4372: 4365: 4314: 4307: 4300: 4282: 4253: 4218: 4209: 4198: 4191: 4166: 4151: 4144: 4122: 4111: 4104: 4096:. p. 357. 4082: 4073: 4063: 4061: 4048: 4044: 4037: 4015: 4011: 4001: 3999: 3989: 3985: 3970: 3966: 3951: 3947: 3912: 3908: 3869: 3856: 3823: 3819: 3812: 3793: 3787: 3756: 3719: 3712: 3702: 3700: 3692: 3691: 3687: 3680: 3666: 3662: 3655: 3639: 3635: 3617: 3615: 3604: 3600: 3595: 3551: 3447: 3420: 3406:Stock character 3351:Labeling theory 3301:(Linda problem) 3263: 3256: 3249: 3244: 3242: 3239: 3218: 3161:Hollywood films 3118:Harper's Weekly 3101: 3080: 3047: 3041: 2997: 2934: 2928: 2886: 2880: 2833: 2827: 2822: 2778: 2766: 2728:Patricia Devine 2720: 2707: 2671: 2659: 2611: 2605: 2554: 2548: 2535: 2522: 2513: 2500: 2491: 2460: 2433: 2428: 2408: 2389: 2380: 2331:, adapted from 2322: 2279: 2265:Walter Lippmann 2181: 2162: 2130: 2118:overgeneralized 2101: 2072: 2071: 2070: 2069: 2068: 1945:Polyculturalism 1841:Civil liberties 1813: 1805: 1804: 1803: 1802: 1801: 1782:Reappropriation 1682: 1681:Countermeasures 1674: 1673: 1672: 1671: 1670: 1599:Racial steering 1565:Numerus clausus 1469: 1461: 1460: 1459: 1458: 1457: 1182:Ethnic conflict 1117:Corrective rape 1072: 1064: 1063: 1062: 1061: 1060: 707: 696: 695: 694: 693: 692: 647:minority Muslim 540: 530: 529: 528: 527: 526: 418:HIV/AIDS stigma 290: 282: 281: 280: 279: 278: 227:Mental disorder 169: 161: 160: 159: 158: 157: 130: 62:stock character 44: 37: 30: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 12707: 12697: 12696: 12691: 12686: 12684:Discrimination 12681: 12676: 12671: 12654: 12653: 12651: 12650: 12640: 12629: 12626: 12625: 12623: 12622: 12617: 12616: 12615: 12605: 12600: 12595: 12594: 12593: 12588: 12583: 12573: 12568: 12563: 12558: 12553: 12548: 12547: 12546: 12544:Reverse racism 12536: 12531: 12526: 12521: 12516: 12514:Prisoner abuse 12511: 12506: 12504:Power distance 12501: 12496: 12491: 12486: 12481: 12476: 12471: 12470: 12469: 12459: 12454: 12449: 12444: 12439: 12434: 12429: 12424: 12422:Ethnic penalty 12419: 12418: 12417: 12415:Neurodiversity 12412: 12402: 12400:Dehumanization 12397: 12392: 12390:Cisnormativity 12387: 12382: 12377: 12371: 12369: 12368:Related topics 12365: 12364: 12362: 12361: 12356: 12351: 12346: 12341: 12336: 12331: 12326: 12321: 12316: 12311: 12306: 12301: 12296: 12291: 12290: 12289: 12279: 12274: 12269: 12264: 12259: 12254: 12248: 12246: 12242: 12241: 12239: 12238: 12233: 12228: 12226:State religion 12223: 12218: 12213: 12208: 12207: 12206: 12201: 12196: 12191: 12181: 12176: 12171: 12166: 12165: 12164: 12162:Nuremberg Laws 12159: 12149: 12144: 12139: 12131: 12126: 12121: 12116: 12111: 12106: 12104:Ghetto benches 12101: 12099:Gerrymandering 12096: 12091: 12086: 12084:Gender pay gap 12081: 12080: 12079: 12074: 12064: 12059: 12054: 12049: 12043: 12041: 12038:Discriminatory 12035: 12034: 12032: 12031: 12026: 12021: 12016: 12011: 12006: 12001: 11996: 11991: 11986: 11981: 11976: 11971: 11966: 11961: 11956: 11951: 11946: 11941: 11936: 11931: 11926: 11921: 11916: 11915: 11914: 11909: 11904: 11894: 11889: 11884: 11879: 11874: 11869: 11867:Lavender scare 11864: 11862:Kill Haole Day 11859: 11857:Indian rolling 11854: 11849: 11844: 11839: 11834: 11833: 11832: 11822: 11817: 11816: 11815: 11805: 11800: 11795: 11790: 11785: 11780: 11775: 11770: 11765: 11760: 11755: 11750: 11745: 11743:Eliminationism 11740: 11735: 11730: 11725: 11720: 11715: 11710: 11705: 11700: 11695: 11690: 11685: 11680: 11678:Cancel culture 11675: 11670: 11665: 11664: 11663: 11652: 11650: 11649:Manifestations 11646: 11645: 11643: 11642: 11637: 11632: 11627: 11622: 11617: 11612: 11607: 11602: 11597: 11592: 11587: 11582: 11577: 11572: 11567: 11562: 11557: 11552: 11547: 11545:Middle Eastern 11542: 11537: 11532: 11527: 11522: 11517: 11512: 11511: 11510: 11500: 11495: 11490: 11485: 11484: 11483: 11478: 11473: 11465: 11460: 11455: 11450: 11445: 11440: 11435: 11430: 11425: 11420: 11415: 11410: 11405: 11400: 11395: 11390: 11385: 11380: 11379: 11378: 11373: 11368: 11358: 11353: 11348: 11347: 11346: 11341: 11336: 11326: 11321: 11316: 11311: 11306: 11301: 11295: 11293: 11286: 11285: 11283: 11282: 11280:Zoroastrianism 11277: 11272: 11267: 11262: 11257: 11256: 11255: 11245: 11244: 11243: 11242: 11241: 11236: 11231: 11226: 11221: 11206: 11205: 11204: 11202:Untouchability 11199: 11189: 11184: 11183: 11182: 11177: 11172: 11167: 11162: 11152: 11147: 11142: 11136: 11134: 11128: 11127: 11125: 11124: 11119: 11114: 11113: 11112: 11107: 11102: 11092: 11091: 11090: 11085: 11075: 11070: 11065: 11060: 11055: 11050: 11045: 11040: 11035: 11030: 11028:Leprosy stigma 11025: 11020: 11015: 11010: 11005: 11000: 10995: 10990: 10985: 10980: 10975: 10970: 10965: 10960: 10955: 10950: 10945: 10940: 10935: 10930: 10925: 10920: 10915: 10910: 10905: 10900: 10894: 10892: 10888: 10887: 10885: 10884: 10879: 10874: 10869: 10864: 10859: 10854: 10853: 10852: 10847: 10837: 10832: 10827: 10822: 10817: 10812: 10807: 10802: 10797: 10792: 10787: 10781: 10779: 10775: 10774: 10772: 10771: 10766: 10761: 10756: 10750: 10748: 10744: 10743: 10740:Discrimination 10736: 10735: 10728: 10721: 10713: 10704: 10703: 10700: 10699: 10697: 10696: 10691: 10686: 10681: 10679:Tragic mulatto 10676: 10671: 10666: 10661: 10656: 10654:Shoulder angel 10651: 10646: 10641: 10636: 10631: 10626: 10625:("The Lovers") 10620: 10615: 10610: 10605: 10600: 10595: 10590: 10585: 10579: 10576: 10575: 10565: 10564: 10561: 10560: 10557: 10556: 10553: 10552: 10550: 10549: 10544: 10538: 10536: 10530: 10529: 10527: 10526: 10517: 10511: 10509: 10503: 10502: 10500: 10499: 10494: 10489: 10484: 10478: 10476: 10472: 10471: 10469: 10468: 10463: 10457: 10455: 10449: 10448: 10446: 10445: 10440: 10435: 10430: 10425: 10420: 10415: 10410: 10405: 10399: 10397: 10393: 10392: 10390: 10389: 10384: 10378: 10376: 10370: 10369: 10367: 10366: 10361: 10355: 10353: 10344: 10338: 10337: 10334: 10333: 10331: 10330: 10325: 10319: 10317: 10311: 10310: 10308: 10307: 10301: 10299: 10293: 10292: 10290: 10289: 10284: 10278: 10276: 10270: 10269: 10267: 10266: 10261: 10255: 10253: 10247: 10246: 10244: 10243: 10238: 10233: 10231:Southern belle 10228: 10222: 10220: 10214: 10213: 10211: 10210: 10205: 10200: 10194: 10192: 10186: 10185: 10183: 10182: 10177: 10172: 10166: 10164: 10162:Hawksian woman 10158: 10157: 10155: 10154: 10149: 10144: 10139: 10134: 10128: 10126: 10120: 10119: 10117: 10116: 10111: 10110: 10109: 10104: 10094: 10089: 10084: 10079: 10077:Girl next door 10074: 10069: 10063: 10061: 10054: 10044: 10043: 10033: 10032: 10029: 10028: 10025: 10024: 10021: 10020: 10018: 10017: 10011: 9997: 9992: 9990:Masked villain 9987: 9982: 9977: 9972: 9966: 9964: 9960: 9959: 9957: 9956: 9955: 9954: 9944: 9939: 9934: 9929: 9924: 9919: 9914: 9908: 9906: 9900: 9899: 9897: 9896: 9891: 9886: 9880: 9878: 9872: 9871: 9869: 9868: 9863: 9858: 9852: 9850: 9843: 9842: 9840: 9839: 9833: 9831: 9822: 9816: 9815: 9812: 9811: 9809: 9808: 9803: 9797: 9795: 9791: 9790: 9788: 9787: 9786: 9785: 9780: 9770: 9765: 9759: 9757: 9751: 9750: 9748: 9747: 9720: 9718: 9712: 9711: 9709: 9708: 9703: 9698: 9692: 9690: 9681: 9675: 9674: 9671: 9670: 9668: 9667: 9666: 9665: 9655: 9649: 9647: 9643: 9642: 9640: 9639: 9634: 9629: 9623: 9621: 9615: 9614: 9612: 9611: 9606: 9601: 9596: 9591: 9586: 9581: 9576: 9571: 9566: 9560: 9558: 9551: 9541: 9540: 9530: 9529: 9527: 9526: 9521: 9515: 9512: 9511: 9504: 9503: 9496: 9489: 9481: 9472: 9471: 9469: 9468: 9463: 9458: 9453: 9451:Ugly Americans 9448: 9447: 9446: 9441: 9436: 9431: 9421: 9416: 9410: 9408: 9404: 9403: 9401: 9400: 9395: 9390: 9385: 9380: 9375: 9374: 9373: 9368: 9360: 9354: 9352: 9346: 9345: 9338: 9337: 9330: 9323: 9315: 9306: 9305: 9303: 9302: 9297: 9292: 9291: 9290: 9285: 9275: 9270: 9265: 9263:Framing effect 9260: 9255: 9249: 9247: 9241: 9240: 9238: 9237: 9236: 9235: 9225: 9219: 9217: 9211: 9210: 9208: 9207: 9202: 9197: 9196: 9195: 9190: 9179: 9177: 9171: 9170: 9168: 9167: 9162: 9157: 9156: 9155: 9150: 9145: 9135: 9129: 9127: 9121: 9120: 9118: 9117: 9112: 9111: 9110: 9100: 9094: 9092: 9086: 9085: 9083: 9082: 9081: 9080: 9070: 9065: 9060: 9055: 9050: 9045: 9040: 9035: 9030: 9025: 9023:Social loafing 9020: 9015: 9010: 9004: 9002: 9000:Group dynamics 8996: 8995: 8993: 8992: 8987: 8982: 8977: 8975:Social anxiety 8972: 8967: 8962: 8961: 8960: 8950: 8945: 8944: 8943: 8933: 8928: 8927: 8926: 8921: 8911: 8910: 8909: 8904: 8894: 8893: 8892: 8887: 8876: 8874: 8868: 8867: 8865: 8864: 8859: 8857:Discrimination 8854: 8849: 8844: 8843: 8842: 8837: 8832: 8822: 8816: 8814: 8808: 8807: 8800: 8798: 8796: 8795: 8790: 8785: 8780: 8779: 8778: 8773: 8768: 8763: 8753: 8747: 8745: 8739: 8738: 8731: 8730: 8723: 8716: 8708: 8702: 8701: 8688: 8682: 8676: 8670: 8660: 8648: 8647:External links 8645: 8644: 8643: 8629: 8615:. Foreword by 8603: 8574: 8569: 8544: 8526:(1): 237–271. 8515: 8506: 8497: 8453: 8446: 8445: 8444: 8442: 8439: 8436: 8435: 8413: 8386:(4): 795–823. 8370: 8351:(3): 289–311. 8335: 8311: 8281: 8270:(2): 323–347. 8248: 8237:(3): 294–296. 8221: 8203: 8185: 8172: 8154: 8131: 8118:(2): 158–162. 8098: 8073: 8046: 8035:(3): 208–210. 8019: 7976: 7950:(4): 529–542. 7927: 7873: 7853:10.1086/321299 7824: 7817: 7791: 7764:(2): 240–258. 7744: 7723:2027.42/146421 7708:(4): 743–762. 7683: 7664:(4): 790–805. 7648: 7641: 7619: 7612: 7579: 7564: 7553:(4): 423–451. 7537: 7492: 7474:(9): 656–666. 7451: 7440:(2): 109–120. 7424: 7413:on 22 May 2013 7398:(5): 541–560. 7373: 7366: 7346: 7339: 7315: 7288:(2): 503–522. 7271: 7244:(6): 921–949. 7228: 7201:(3): 299–333. 7180: 7151:(1): 180–193. 7131: 7088: 7039: 6996: 6937: 6888: 6837: 6792: 6733: 6696: 6662:(2): 231–245. 6637: 6592: 6565:(5): 797–811. 6542: 6535: 6527:Guilford Press 6509: 6502: 6480: 6473: 6451: 6432:(1): 135–154. 6416: 6405:(2): 218–228. 6387: 6380: 6360: 6353: 6328: 6321: 6296: 6287: 6228: 6221: 6195: 6188: 6176:Lee, Yueh-Ting 6167: 6122: 6070:(2): 230–244. 6047: 6040: 6014: 6007: 5979: 5972: 5946: 5939: 5917: 5891:(6): 797–826. 5868: 5857:(2): 370–377. 5837: 5818:(5): 871–888. 5801: 5783:(2): 275–287. 5760: 5753: 5747:. p. 88. 5729: 5718:(3): 199–216. 5702: 5691:on 21 May 2013 5668:(3): 136–141. 5643: 5636: 5614:Bargh, John A. 5602: 5595: 5573: 5546:(3): 731–744. 5526: 5498: 5487:(2): 327–336. 5469: 5458:(3): 280–290. 5439: 5420:(3): 414–429. 5392: 5385: 5377:Guilford Press 5358: 5317: 5310: 5285: 5278: 5253: 5242:(4): 392–407. 5217: 5210: 5188: 5154: 5125:(4): 807–823. 5105: 5076:(2): 221–239. 5056: 5019: 5000:(4): 476–487. 4981: 4955:(4): 233–240. 4932: 4925: 4903: 4888: 4861: 4842:(6): 582–596. 4826: 4819: 4779: 4772: 4760:Addison-Wesley 4734: 4727: 4701: 4686: 4681:, 90, 103996. 4669: 4656: 4642: 4625: 4620:, 89, 103995. 4609: 4590: 4540: 4533: 4502: 4495: 4464: 4427:(6): 878–902. 4399: 4392: 4363: 4332:10.1086/661653 4326:(2): 586–626. 4305: 4298: 4251: 4207: 4189: 4178:(2): 175–193. 4149: 4142: 4109: 4102: 4071: 4042: 4035: 4009: 3983: 3964: 3945: 3906: 3879:(5): 427–449. 3854: 3835:(1): 109–128. 3817: 3810: 3754: 3710: 3685: 3678: 3660: 3653: 3633: 3597: 3596: 3594: 3591: 3590: 3589: 3584: 3579: 3573: 3572: 3568: 3567: 3562: 3556: 3555: 3550: 3549: 3544: 3539: 3534: 3529: 3524: 3519: 3514: 3509: 3504: 3499: 3494: 3489: 3484: 3479: 3474: 3469: 3464: 3459: 3453: 3452: 3451: 3446: 3443: 3442: 3441: 3436: 3431: 3425: 3424: 3419: 3418: 3413: 3408: 3403: 3401:Stigmatization 3398: 3393: 3388: 3383: 3378: 3373: 3368: 3363: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3343: 3338: 3333: 3328: 3323: 3318: 3313: 3308: 3302: 3296: 3294:Cognitive bias 3291: 3286: 3281: 3276: 3270: 3269: 3268: 3265:Society portal 3254: 3238: 3235: 3217: 3216:Role in sports 3214: 3191:sexual objects 3111:, depicting a 3100: 3097: 3079: 3076: 3043:Main article: 3040: 3037: 2996: 2993: 2930:Main article: 2927: 2924: 2911:and business. 2882:Main article: 2879: 2876: 2829:Main article: 2826: 2823: 2821: 2818: 2777: 2774: 2765: 2762: 2719: 2716: 2706: 2703: 2683:Walter Lippman 2670: 2667: 2658: 2655: 2639:white American 2631:minority group 2607:Main article: 2604: 2601: 2550:Main article: 2547: 2544: 2534: 2531: 2521: 2518: 2512: 2509: 2499: 2496: 2490: 2487: 2459: 2456: 2455: 2454: 2451: 2440: 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2415:Gordon Allport 2407: 2404: 2388: 2385: 2379: 2376: 2345:Gordon Allport 2321: 2318: 2317: 2316: 2313: 2310: 2278: 2275: 2270:Public Opinion 2238:printing trade 2180: 2177: 2161: 2158: 2139: 2129: 2126: 2103: 2102: 2100: 2099: 2092: 2085: 2077: 2074: 2073: 2067: 2066: 2061: 2060: 2059: 2051: 2046: 2041: 2040: 2039: 2034: 2029: 2019: 2014: 2009: 2004: 1999: 1994: 1993: 1992: 1990:Reverse racism 1982: 1977: 1972: 1967: 1962: 1960:Prisoner abuse 1957: 1952: 1950:Power distance 1947: 1942: 1937: 1932: 1927: 1922: 1917: 1916: 1915: 1905: 1900: 1895: 1890: 1885: 1880: 1875: 1870: 1868:Ethnic penalty 1865: 1864: 1863: 1861:Neurodiversity 1858: 1848: 1846:Dehumanization 1843: 1838: 1836:Cisnormativity 1833: 1828: 1823: 1817: 1816: 1815: 1814: 1812:Related topics 1811: 1810: 1807: 1806: 1800: 1799: 1794: 1789: 1784: 1779: 1774: 1769: 1764: 1759: 1754: 1749: 1744: 1739: 1734: 1729: 1728: 1727: 1717: 1712: 1707: 1702: 1697: 1692: 1686: 1685: 1684: 1683: 1680: 1679: 1676: 1675: 1669: 1668: 1663: 1658: 1656:State religion 1653: 1648: 1643: 1638: 1637: 1636: 1631: 1626: 1621: 1611: 1606: 1601: 1596: 1595: 1594: 1592:Nuremberg Laws 1589: 1579: 1574: 1569: 1561: 1556: 1551: 1546: 1541: 1536: 1534:Ghetto benches 1531: 1529:Gerrymandering 1526: 1521: 1516: 1514:Gender pay gap 1511: 1510: 1509: 1504: 1494: 1489: 1484: 1479: 1473: 1472: 1471: 1470: 1467: 1466: 1463: 1462: 1456: 1455: 1450: 1445: 1440: 1435: 1430: 1425: 1420: 1415: 1410: 1405: 1400: 1395: 1390: 1385: 1380: 1375: 1370: 1365: 1360: 1355: 1350: 1345: 1340: 1339: 1338: 1333: 1328: 1318: 1313: 1308: 1303: 1298: 1293: 1291:Lavender scare 1288: 1286:Kill Haole Day 1283: 1281:Indian rolling 1278: 1273: 1268: 1263: 1258: 1257: 1256: 1246: 1241: 1240: 1239: 1229: 1224: 1219: 1214: 1209: 1204: 1199: 1194: 1189: 1184: 1179: 1174: 1169: 1167:Eliminationism 1164: 1159: 1154: 1149: 1144: 1139: 1134: 1129: 1124: 1119: 1114: 1109: 1104: 1102:Cancel culture 1099: 1094: 1089: 1088: 1087: 1076: 1075: 1074: 1073: 1071:Manifestations 1070: 1069: 1066: 1065: 1059: 1058: 1053: 1048: 1043: 1038: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1008: 1003: 998: 993: 988: 983: 978: 973: 968: 963: 961:Middle Eastern 958: 953: 948: 943: 938: 933: 928: 927: 926: 916: 911: 906: 901: 900: 899: 894: 889: 881: 876: 871: 866: 861: 856: 851: 846: 841: 836: 831: 826: 821: 816: 811: 806: 801: 796: 795: 794: 789: 784: 774: 769: 764: 763: 762: 757: 752: 742: 737: 732: 727: 722: 717: 711: 710: 709: 708: 702: 701: 698: 697: 691: 690: 688:Zoroastrianism 685: 680: 675: 670: 665: 664: 663: 653: 652: 651: 650: 649: 644: 639: 634: 629: 614: 613: 612: 610:Untouchability 607: 597: 592: 591: 590: 585: 580: 575: 570: 560: 555: 550: 544: 543: 542: 541: 536: 535: 532: 531: 525: 524: 519: 514: 513: 512: 507: 502: 492: 491: 490: 485: 475: 470: 465: 460: 455: 450: 445: 440: 435: 430: 428:Leprosy stigma 425: 420: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 380: 375: 370: 365: 360: 355: 350: 345: 340: 335: 330: 325: 320: 315: 310: 305: 300: 294: 293: 292: 291: 288: 287: 284: 283: 277: 276: 271: 266: 261: 256: 251: 246: 245: 244: 239: 229: 224: 219: 214: 209: 204: 199: 194: 189: 184: 179: 173: 172: 171: 170: 167: 166: 163: 162: 156: 155: 150: 145: 140: 134: 133: 132: 131: 128: 127: 124: 123: 115: 114: 112:Discrimination 108: 107: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12706: 12695: 12692: 12690: 12687: 12685: 12682: 12680: 12677: 12675: 12672: 12670: 12667: 12666: 12664: 12649: 12641: 12639: 12631: 12630: 12627: 12621: 12618: 12614: 12611: 12610: 12609: 12606: 12604: 12601: 12599: 12598:Social stigma 12596: 12592: 12589: 12587: 12584: 12582: 12579: 12578: 12577: 12574: 12572: 12569: 12567: 12564: 12562: 12559: 12557: 12554: 12552: 12549: 12545: 12542: 12541: 12540: 12537: 12535: 12532: 12530: 12527: 12525: 12522: 12520: 12517: 12515: 12512: 12510: 12507: 12505: 12502: 12500: 12497: 12495: 12492: 12490: 12487: 12485: 12482: 12480: 12477: 12475: 12472: 12468: 12465: 12464: 12463: 12460: 12458: 12455: 12453: 12450: 12448: 12445: 12443: 12440: 12438: 12435: 12433: 12430: 12428: 12425: 12423: 12420: 12416: 12413: 12411: 12408: 12407: 12406: 12403: 12401: 12398: 12396: 12393: 12391: 12388: 12386: 12383: 12381: 12378: 12376: 12373: 12372: 12370: 12366: 12360: 12357: 12355: 12352: 12350: 12347: 12345: 12342: 12340: 12337: 12335: 12332: 12330: 12327: 12325: 12322: 12320: 12317: 12315: 12312: 12310: 12307: 12305: 12302: 12300: 12297: 12295: 12292: 12288: 12285: 12284: 12283: 12280: 12278: 12275: 12273: 12270: 12268: 12265: 12263: 12260: 12258: 12255: 12253: 12250: 12249: 12247: 12243: 12237: 12234: 12232: 12229: 12227: 12224: 12222: 12221:State atheism 12219: 12217: 12214: 12212: 12209: 12205: 12202: 12200: 12197: 12195: 12192: 12190: 12187: 12186: 12185: 12182: 12180: 12177: 12175: 12172: 12170: 12167: 12163: 12160: 12158: 12157:Jim Crow laws 12155: 12154: 12153: 12150: 12148: 12145: 12143: 12142:One-drop rule 12140: 12138: 12136: 12132: 12130: 12127: 12125: 12122: 12120: 12117: 12115: 12112: 12110: 12107: 12105: 12102: 12100: 12097: 12095: 12092: 12090: 12087: 12085: 12082: 12078: 12075: 12073: 12070: 12069: 12068: 12065: 12063: 12060: 12058: 12057:Blood quantum 12055: 12053: 12050: 12048: 12045: 12044: 12042: 12036: 12030: 12027: 12025: 12022: 12020: 12017: 12015: 12012: 12010: 12007: 12005: 12004:Victimisation 12002: 12000: 11999:Trans bashing 11997: 11995: 11992: 11990: 11987: 11985: 11982: 11980: 11977: 11975: 11972: 11970: 11969:Religious war 11967: 11965: 11962: 11960: 11957: 11955: 11952: 11950: 11949:Racialization 11947: 11945: 11942: 11940: 11937: 11935: 11932: 11930: 11927: 11925: 11922: 11920: 11917: 11913: 11910: 11908: 11905: 11903: 11900: 11899: 11898: 11895: 11893: 11890: 11888: 11885: 11883: 11880: 11878: 11875: 11873: 11870: 11868: 11865: 11863: 11860: 11858: 11855: 11853: 11850: 11848: 11845: 11843: 11840: 11838: 11835: 11831: 11828: 11827: 11826: 11823: 11821: 11820:Glass ceiling 11818: 11814: 11811: 11810: 11809: 11806: 11804: 11801: 11799: 11796: 11794: 11791: 11789: 11786: 11784: 11781: 11779: 11776: 11774: 11771: 11769: 11766: 11764: 11763:Ethnic hatred 11761: 11759: 11756: 11754: 11751: 11749: 11746: 11744: 11741: 11739: 11736: 11734: 11731: 11729: 11726: 11724: 11721: 11719: 11716: 11714: 11711: 11709: 11706: 11704: 11701: 11699: 11698:Counter-jihad 11696: 11694: 11691: 11689: 11686: 11684: 11681: 11679: 11676: 11674: 11671: 11669: 11666: 11662: 11659: 11658: 11657: 11654: 11653: 11651: 11647: 11641: 11638: 11636: 11633: 11631: 11628: 11626: 11623: 11621: 11618: 11616: 11613: 11611: 11608: 11606: 11603: 11601: 11598: 11596: 11593: 11591: 11588: 11586: 11583: 11581: 11578: 11576: 11573: 11571: 11568: 11566: 11563: 11561: 11558: 11556: 11553: 11551: 11548: 11546: 11543: 11541: 11538: 11536: 11533: 11531: 11528: 11526: 11523: 11521: 11518: 11516: 11513: 11509: 11506: 11505: 11504: 11501: 11499: 11496: 11494: 11491: 11489: 11486: 11482: 11481:United States 11479: 11477: 11474: 11472: 11469: 11468: 11466: 11464: 11461: 11459: 11456: 11454: 11451: 11449: 11446: 11444: 11441: 11439: 11436: 11434: 11431: 11429: 11426: 11424: 11421: 11419: 11416: 11414: 11411: 11409: 11406: 11404: 11401: 11399: 11396: 11394: 11391: 11389: 11386: 11384: 11381: 11377: 11374: 11372: 11369: 11367: 11364: 11363: 11362: 11359: 11357: 11354: 11352: 11349: 11345: 11344:United States 11342: 11340: 11337: 11335: 11332: 11331: 11330: 11327: 11325: 11322: 11320: 11317: 11315: 11312: 11310: 11307: 11305: 11302: 11300: 11297: 11296: 11294: 11292: 11287: 11281: 11278: 11276: 11273: 11271: 11268: 11266: 11265:Protestantism 11263: 11261: 11258: 11254: 11251: 11250: 11249: 11246: 11240: 11237: 11235: 11232: 11230: 11227: 11225: 11222: 11220: 11217: 11216: 11215: 11212: 11211: 11210: 11207: 11203: 11200: 11198: 11195: 11194: 11193: 11190: 11188: 11185: 11181: 11178: 11176: 11175:LDS or Mormon 11173: 11171: 11168: 11166: 11163: 11161: 11158: 11157: 11156: 11153: 11151: 11148: 11146: 11143: 11141: 11138: 11137: 11135: 11133: 11129: 11123: 11120: 11118: 11115: 11111: 11108: 11106: 11105:Transmisogyny 11103: 11101: 11098: 11097: 11096: 11093: 11089: 11086: 11084: 11081: 11080: 11079: 11076: 11074: 11071: 11069: 11066: 11064: 11061: 11059: 11056: 11054: 11051: 11049: 11046: 11044: 11041: 11039: 11036: 11034: 11031: 11029: 11026: 11024: 11021: 11019: 11016: 11014: 11011: 11009: 11008:Gerontophobia 11006: 11004: 11001: 10999: 10996: 10994: 10991: 10989: 10986: 10984: 10981: 10979: 10976: 10974: 10971: 10969: 10966: 10964: 10961: 10959: 10956: 10954: 10951: 10949: 10946: 10944: 10941: 10939: 10938:Anti-intersex 10936: 10934: 10931: 10929: 10926: 10924: 10921: 10919: 10916: 10914: 10913:Anti-albinism 10911: 10909: 10906: 10904: 10901: 10899: 10896: 10895: 10893: 10889: 10883: 10880: 10878: 10875: 10873: 10870: 10868: 10865: 10863: 10860: 10858: 10855: 10851: 10848: 10846: 10843: 10842: 10841: 10838: 10836: 10833: 10831: 10828: 10826: 10823: 10821: 10818: 10816: 10813: 10811: 10808: 10806: 10803: 10801: 10798: 10796: 10793: 10791: 10788: 10786: 10783: 10782: 10780: 10776: 10770: 10767: 10765: 10762: 10760: 10757: 10755: 10754:Institutional 10752: 10751: 10749: 10745: 10741: 10734: 10729: 10727: 10722: 10720: 10715: 10714: 10711: 10695: 10692: 10690: 10689:Village idiot 10687: 10685: 10682: 10680: 10677: 10675: 10672: 10670: 10667: 10665: 10662: 10660: 10657: 10655: 10652: 10650: 10647: 10645: 10642: 10640: 10637: 10635: 10634:Magical Negro 10632: 10630: 10627: 10624: 10621: 10619: 10616: 10614: 10611: 10609: 10606: 10604: 10601: 10599: 10596: 10594: 10591: 10589: 10586: 10584: 10581: 10580: 10577: 10570: 10566: 10548: 10545: 10543: 10540: 10539: 10537: 10535: 10531: 10524: 10523: 10518: 10516: 10513: 10512: 10510: 10508: 10504: 10498: 10495: 10493: 10490: 10488: 10485: 10483: 10480: 10479: 10477: 10473: 10467: 10466:Knight-errant 10464: 10462: 10459: 10458: 10456: 10454: 10450: 10444: 10441: 10439: 10436: 10434: 10431: 10429: 10428:Little Johnny 10426: 10424: 10421: 10419: 10416: 10414: 10413:Ivan the Fool 10411: 10409: 10406: 10404: 10401: 10400: 10398: 10394: 10388: 10385: 10383: 10380: 10379: 10377: 10375: 10374:Father figure 10371: 10365: 10362: 10360: 10357: 10356: 10354: 10352: 10348: 10345: 10343: 10339: 10329: 10326: 10324: 10321: 10320: 10318: 10316: 10312: 10306: 10303: 10302: 10300: 10298: 10294: 10288: 10285: 10283: 10280: 10279: 10277: 10275: 10271: 10265: 10262: 10260: 10257: 10256: 10254: 10252: 10248: 10242: 10239: 10237: 10234: 10232: 10229: 10227: 10224: 10223: 10221: 10219: 10215: 10209: 10206: 10204: 10201: 10199: 10196: 10195: 10193: 10191: 10190:Woman warrior 10187: 10181: 10178: 10176: 10173: 10171: 10168: 10167: 10165: 10163: 10159: 10153: 10150: 10148: 10145: 10143: 10140: 10138: 10135: 10133: 10130: 10129: 10127: 10125: 10121: 10115: 10112: 10108: 10105: 10103: 10100: 10099: 10098: 10095: 10093: 10090: 10088: 10085: 10083: 10080: 10078: 10075: 10073: 10070: 10068: 10065: 10064: 10062: 10060:Love interest 10058: 10055: 10053: 10049: 10045: 10038: 10034: 10015: 10012: 10009: 10005: 10001: 9998: 9996: 9993: 9991: 9988: 9986: 9983: 9981: 9978: 9976: 9973: 9971: 9968: 9967: 9965: 9961: 9953: 9950: 9949: 9948: 9945: 9943: 9940: 9938: 9937:Swamp monster 9935: 9933: 9930: 9928: 9925: 9923: 9920: 9918: 9915: 9913: 9910: 9909: 9907: 9905: 9901: 9895: 9892: 9890: 9889:Mad scientist 9887: 9885: 9882: 9881: 9879: 9877: 9873: 9867: 9864: 9862: 9859: 9857: 9854: 9853: 9851: 9849: 9844: 9838: 9835: 9834: 9832: 9830: 9826: 9823: 9821: 9817: 9807: 9804: 9802: 9799: 9798: 9796: 9792: 9784: 9781: 9779: 9776: 9775: 9774: 9771: 9769: 9766: 9764: 9761: 9760: 9758: 9756: 9752: 9745: 9741: 9737: 9733: 9729: 9725: 9722: 9721: 9719: 9717: 9713: 9707: 9704: 9702: 9699: 9697: 9694: 9693: 9691: 9689: 9688:Lovable rogue 9685: 9682: 9680: 9676: 9664: 9661: 9660: 9659: 9658:Super soldier 9656: 9654: 9651: 9650: 9648: 9644: 9638: 9635: 9633: 9630: 9628: 9625: 9624: 9622: 9620: 9616: 9610: 9607: 9605: 9602: 9600: 9597: 9595: 9592: 9590: 9587: 9585: 9584:Knight-errant 9582: 9580: 9577: 9575: 9572: 9570: 9569:Christ figure 9567: 9565: 9562: 9561: 9559: 9555: 9552: 9550: 9546: 9542: 9535: 9531: 9525: 9522: 9520: 9517: 9516: 9513: 9509: 9502: 9497: 9495: 9490: 9488: 9483: 9482: 9479: 9467: 9464: 9462: 9459: 9457: 9454: 9452: 9449: 9445: 9442: 9440: 9437: 9435: 9432: 9430: 9427: 9426: 9425: 9422: 9420: 9417: 9415: 9412: 9411: 9409: 9405: 9399: 9396: 9394: 9391: 9389: 9386: 9384: 9381: 9379: 9376: 9372: 9369: 9367: 9364: 9363: 9361: 9359: 9356: 9355: 9353: 9351: 9347: 9343: 9336: 9331: 9329: 9324: 9322: 9317: 9316: 9313: 9301: 9298: 9296: 9293: 9289: 9286: 9284: 9281: 9280: 9279: 9276: 9274: 9271: 9269: 9266: 9264: 9261: 9259: 9256: 9254: 9251: 9250: 9248: 9246: 9242: 9234: 9231: 9230: 9229: 9226: 9224: 9221: 9220: 9218: 9216: 9212: 9206: 9203: 9201: 9200:Individualism 9198: 9194: 9191: 9189: 9188:Culture shock 9186: 9185: 9184: 9183:Enculturation 9181: 9180: 9178: 9176: 9172: 9166: 9163: 9161: 9158: 9154: 9151: 9149: 9146: 9144: 9141: 9140: 9139: 9136: 9134: 9131: 9130: 9128: 9126: 9122: 9116: 9113: 9109: 9106: 9105: 9104: 9101: 9099: 9096: 9095: 9093: 9091: 9087: 9079: 9076: 9075: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9064: 9061: 9059: 9056: 9054: 9051: 9049: 9046: 9044: 9041: 9039: 9036: 9034: 9031: 9029: 9026: 9024: 9021: 9019: 9016: 9014: 9011: 9009: 9008:Belongingness 9006: 9005: 9003: 9001: 8997: 8991: 8990:Social stress 8988: 8986: 8983: 8981: 8978: 8976: 8973: 8971: 8968: 8966: 8963: 8959: 8956: 8955: 8954: 8951: 8949: 8946: 8942: 8939: 8938: 8937: 8934: 8932: 8929: 8925: 8922: 8920: 8917: 8916: 8915: 8912: 8908: 8905: 8903: 8900: 8899: 8898: 8895: 8891: 8888: 8886: 8883: 8882: 8881: 8878: 8877: 8875: 8873: 8869: 8863: 8860: 8858: 8855: 8853: 8850: 8848: 8845: 8841: 8838: 8836: 8833: 8831: 8828: 8827: 8826: 8823: 8821: 8818: 8817: 8815: 8813: 8809: 8804: 8794: 8791: 8789: 8786: 8784: 8781: 8777: 8774: 8772: 8769: 8767: 8764: 8762: 8759: 8758: 8757: 8754: 8752: 8749: 8748: 8746: 8744: 8740: 8736: 8729: 8724: 8722: 8717: 8715: 8710: 8709: 8706: 8700: 8696: 8692: 8689: 8686: 8683: 8680: 8679:"Stereotypes" 8677: 8674: 8671: 8668: 8664: 8661: 8658: 8654: 8651: 8650: 8640: 8636: 8632: 8630:9780679313182 8626: 8622: 8618: 8614: 8613: 8608: 8607:Turner, Chris 8604: 8600: 8596: 8592: 8588: 8584: 8580: 8575: 8573: 8570: 8558: 8554: 8550: 8545: 8541: 8537: 8533: 8529: 8525: 8521: 8516: 8512: 8507: 8503: 8498: 8486: 8482: 8478: 8474: 8473: 8468: 8467: 8466: 8460: 8456: 8431: 8427: 8420: 8418: 8409: 8405: 8401: 8397: 8393: 8389: 8385: 8381: 8374: 8366: 8362: 8358: 8354: 8350: 8346: 8339: 8332: 8328: 8322: 8318: 8314: 8312:9781599048086 8308: 8304: 8300: 8296: 8292: 8285: 8277: 8273: 8269: 8265: 8260: 8252: 8244: 8240: 8236: 8232: 8225: 8217: 8213: 8207: 8199: 8195: 8189: 8182: 8176: 8168: 8164: 8158: 8150: 8146: 8142: 8135: 8126: 8121: 8117: 8113: 8109: 8102: 8087: 8083: 8077: 8069: 8065: 8061: 8057: 8050: 8042: 8038: 8034: 8030: 8023: 8015: 8011: 8007: 8003: 7999: 7995: 7991: 7987: 7980: 7969: 7965: 7961: 7957: 7953: 7949: 7945: 7938: 7931: 7923: 7919: 7915: 7911: 7906: 7901: 7898:(1): 93–113. 7897: 7893: 7892: 7884: 7877: 7866: 7862: 7858: 7854: 7850: 7846: 7842: 7835: 7828: 7820: 7818:9780805844153 7814: 7810: 7806: 7802: 7795: 7787: 7783: 7779: 7775: 7771: 7767: 7763: 7759: 7755: 7748: 7737: 7733: 7729: 7724: 7719: 7715: 7711: 7707: 7703: 7702: 7694: 7687: 7679: 7675: 7671: 7667: 7663: 7659: 7652: 7644: 7642:9780521860307 7638: 7634: 7630: 7623: 7615: 7613:9780080430768 7609: 7605: 7601: 7597: 7593: 7589: 7583: 7575: 7568: 7560: 7556: 7552: 7548: 7541: 7533: 7529: 7525: 7521: 7516: 7511: 7507: 7503: 7496: 7485: 7481: 7477: 7473: 7469: 7462: 7455: 7447: 7443: 7439: 7435: 7428: 7409: 7405: 7401: 7397: 7393: 7392: 7384: 7377: 7369: 7367:9781405113069 7363: 7359: 7358: 7350: 7342: 7340:9780495812401 7336: 7332: 7328: 7327: 7319: 7311: 7307: 7303: 7299: 7295: 7291: 7287: 7283: 7275: 7267: 7263: 7259: 7255: 7251: 7247: 7243: 7239: 7232: 7224: 7220: 7216: 7212: 7208: 7204: 7200: 7196: 7189: 7187: 7185: 7176: 7172: 7167: 7162: 7158: 7154: 7150: 7146: 7142: 7135: 7127: 7123: 7119: 7115: 7111: 7107: 7103: 7099: 7092: 7084: 7080: 7076: 7072: 7067: 7062: 7058: 7054: 7050: 7043: 7035: 7031: 7027: 7023: 7019: 7015: 7011: 7007: 7000: 6992: 6988: 6983: 6978: 6973: 6968: 6964: 6960: 6956: 6952: 6948: 6941: 6930: 6926: 6922: 6918: 6914: 6910: 6906: 6899: 6892: 6884: 6880: 6876: 6872: 6868: 6864: 6860: 6856: 6852: 6848: 6841: 6835: 6831: 6828: 6823: 6819: 6815: 6811: 6807: 6803: 6796: 6785: 6781: 6777: 6773: 6769: 6764: 6759: 6755: 6751: 6744: 6737: 6729: 6725: 6721: 6717: 6713: 6709: 6708: 6700: 6681: 6677: 6673: 6669: 6665: 6661: 6657: 6656: 6648: 6641: 6633: 6629: 6625: 6621: 6616: 6611: 6607: 6603: 6596: 6588: 6584: 6580: 6576: 6572: 6568: 6564: 6560: 6553: 6546: 6538: 6536:9781593851231 6532: 6528: 6524: 6520: 6513: 6505: 6503:9780199732449 6499: 6495: 6491: 6484: 6476: 6474:9781412934534 6470: 6466: 6462: 6455: 6447: 6443: 6439: 6435: 6431: 6427: 6420: 6412: 6408: 6404: 6400: 6399: 6391: 6383: 6381:9780495599647 6377: 6373: 6372: 6364: 6356: 6354:9780195213768 6350: 6346: 6342: 6335: 6333: 6324: 6322:9780585300658 6318: 6314: 6310: 6303: 6301: 6291: 6283: 6279: 6274: 6269: 6265: 6261: 6257: 6253: 6249: 6245: 6244: 6239: 6232: 6224: 6222:9780805859522 6218: 6214: 6209: 6208: 6199: 6191: 6189:9781557983077 6185: 6181: 6177: 6171: 6163: 6159: 6155: 6151: 6146: 6141: 6137: 6133: 6126: 6107: 6103: 6099: 6095: 6091: 6087: 6083: 6078: 6073: 6069: 6065: 6058: 6051: 6043: 6041:9780387799476 6037: 6033: 6029: 6025: 6018: 6010: 6008:9780805836127 6004: 6000: 5996: 5995: 5990: 5983: 5975: 5973:9781841690391 5969: 5965: 5961: 5957: 5950: 5942: 5940:9781462503056 5936: 5932: 5928: 5921: 5906: 5902: 5898: 5894: 5890: 5886: 5879: 5872: 5864: 5860: 5856: 5852: 5844: 5842: 5833: 5829: 5825: 5821: 5817: 5813: 5805: 5794: 5790: 5786: 5782: 5778: 5771: 5764: 5756: 5754:9781405113069 5750: 5746: 5742: 5741: 5733: 5725: 5721: 5717: 5713: 5706: 5687: 5683: 5679: 5675: 5671: 5667: 5663: 5662: 5654: 5647: 5639: 5637:9780805810561 5633: 5629: 5625: 5624: 5619: 5615: 5609: 5607: 5598: 5596:9781572304215 5592: 5588: 5584: 5577: 5569: 5565: 5561: 5557: 5553: 5549: 5545: 5541: 5537: 5530: 5522: 5518: 5514: 5510: 5502: 5494: 5490: 5486: 5482: 5481: 5473: 5465: 5461: 5457: 5453: 5446: 5444: 5435: 5431: 5427: 5423: 5419: 5415: 5408: 5401: 5399: 5397: 5388: 5386:9781593850852 5382: 5378: 5374: 5373: 5368: 5362: 5354: 5350: 5345: 5340: 5336: 5332: 5328: 5321: 5313: 5311:9780805834147 5307: 5303: 5299: 5292: 5290: 5281: 5279:9780521800471 5275: 5271: 5267: 5260: 5258: 5249: 5245: 5241: 5237: 5236: 5228: 5226: 5224: 5222: 5213: 5211:9780521831598 5207: 5203: 5199: 5192: 5184: 5180: 5176: 5172: 5171: 5163: 5161: 5159: 5150: 5146: 5142: 5138: 5133: 5128: 5124: 5120: 5116: 5109: 5101: 5097: 5093: 5089: 5084: 5079: 5075: 5071: 5067: 5060: 5052: 5048: 5043: 5038: 5034: 5030: 5023: 5015: 5011: 5007: 5003: 4999: 4995: 4994: 4985: 4966: 4962: 4958: 4954: 4950: 4943: 4936: 4928: 4926:9781572300538 4922: 4918: 4914: 4907: 4899: 4892: 4884: 4880: 4876: 4872: 4865: 4857: 4853: 4849: 4845: 4841: 4837: 4830: 4822: 4820:9780521804820 4816: 4812: 4808: 4804: 4796: 4794: 4792: 4790: 4788: 4786: 4784: 4775: 4773:9780201001754 4769: 4765: 4761: 4756: 4755: 4749: 4743: 4741: 4739: 4730: 4728:9780521800471 4724: 4720: 4715: 4714: 4705: 4697: 4690: 4684: 4680: 4673: 4666: 4660: 4653: 4646: 4640: 4636: 4629: 4623: 4619: 4613: 4607: 4603: 4597: 4595: 4586: 4582: 4577: 4572: 4568: 4564: 4560: 4556: 4552: 4544: 4536: 4534:9780470137475 4530: 4526: 4522: 4521: 4516: 4512: 4506: 4498: 4496:9780262140775 4492: 4488: 4484: 4480: 4473: 4471: 4469: 4460: 4456: 4452: 4448: 4444: 4440: 4435: 4430: 4426: 4422: 4421: 4413: 4406: 4404: 4395: 4393:9781405106542 4389: 4385: 4381: 4377: 4370: 4368: 4359: 4355: 4351: 4347: 4342: 4337: 4333: 4329: 4325: 4321: 4320: 4312: 4310: 4301: 4299:9780631117117 4295: 4291: 4287: 4280: 4278: 4276: 4274: 4272: 4270: 4268: 4266: 4264: 4262: 4260: 4258: 4256: 4247: 4243: 4239: 4235: 4231: 4227: 4223: 4216: 4214: 4212: 4203: 4196: 4194: 4185: 4181: 4177: 4173: 4172: 4164: 4162: 4160: 4158: 4156: 4154: 4145: 4143:9780470479216 4139: 4135: 4131: 4127: 4120: 4118: 4116: 4114: 4105: 4103:9780195213768 4099: 4095: 4091: 4087: 4080: 4078: 4076: 4060: 4056: 4052: 4051:Vega, Tanzina 4046: 4038: 4036:9780585054919 4032: 4028: 4023: 4022: 4013: 3998: 3994: 3987: 3979: 3975: 3968: 3960: 3956: 3949: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3929: 3925: 3921: 3917: 3910: 3902: 3898: 3894: 3890: 3886: 3882: 3878: 3874: 3867: 3865: 3863: 3861: 3859: 3850: 3846: 3842: 3838: 3834: 3830: 3829: 3821: 3813: 3811:9780521800471 3807: 3803: 3799: 3792: 3785: 3783: 3781: 3779: 3777: 3775: 3773: 3771: 3769: 3767: 3765: 3763: 3761: 3759: 3750: 3746: 3741: 3736: 3732: 3728: 3724: 3717: 3715: 3699: 3695: 3689: 3681: 3679:9780300130270 3675: 3671: 3664: 3656: 3654:9781579580643 3650: 3646: 3645: 3637: 3630: 3628: 3613: 3609: 3602: 3598: 3588: 3585: 3583: 3580: 3578: 3575: 3574: 3570: 3569: 3566: 3563: 3561: 3558: 3557: 3553: 3552: 3548: 3545: 3543: 3540: 3538: 3535: 3533: 3530: 3528: 3525: 3523: 3520: 3518: 3515: 3513: 3510: 3508: 3505: 3503: 3500: 3498: 3495: 3493: 3490: 3488: 3485: 3483: 3480: 3478: 3475: 3473: 3470: 3468: 3465: 3463: 3460: 3458: 3455: 3454: 3449: 3448: 3440: 3437: 3435: 3432: 3430: 3427: 3426: 3422: 3421: 3417: 3414: 3412: 3409: 3407: 3404: 3402: 3399: 3397: 3394: 3392: 3389: 3387: 3384: 3382: 3379: 3377: 3374: 3372: 3371:Role reversal 3369: 3367: 3364: 3362: 3359: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3349: 3347: 3344: 3342: 3339: 3337: 3334: 3332: 3329: 3327: 3326:Filter Bubble 3324: 3322: 3319: 3317: 3316:Ethnocentrism 3314: 3312: 3309: 3306: 3303: 3300: 3297: 3295: 3292: 3290: 3287: 3285: 3282: 3280: 3277: 3275: 3272: 3271: 3266: 3260: 3255: 3252: 3241: 3234: 3230: 3226: 3222: 3213: 3211: 3206: 3202: 3196: 3192: 3188: 3183: 3181: 3177: 3173: 3169: 3164: 3162: 3157: 3155: 3151: 3147: 3143: 3139: 3136:For example, 3134: 3130: 3128: 3120: 3119: 3114: 3110: 3105: 3096: 3093: 3089: 3084: 3075: 3073: 3069: 3065: 3061: 3056: 3053: 3046: 3036: 3034: 3030: 3026: 3021: 3019: 3015: 3011: 3007: 3003: 2992: 2990: 2986: 2981: 2979: 2975: 2969: 2966: 2962: 2958: 2953: 2951: 2947: 2946:job interview 2943: 2938: 2933: 2923: 2921: 2920:meta-analyses 2917: 2912: 2910: 2906: 2902: 2898: 2890: 2885: 2875: 2873: 2867: 2865: 2860: 2857: 2853: 2851: 2847: 2842: 2838: 2832: 2817: 2813: 2810: 2806: 2803: 2798: 2792:as the model. 2791: 2787: 2786:Beauty Parade 2782: 2773: 2771: 2761: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2746: 2740: 2737: 2733: 2729: 2724: 2715: 2713: 2702: 2700: 2696: 2692: 2686: 2684: 2679: 2676: 2666: 2662: 2654: 2650: 2648: 2647:meta-analytic 2642: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2627: 2625: 2621: 2617: 2610: 2600: 2598: 2593: 2587: 2585: 2581: 2577: 2571: 2569: 2564: 2562: 2558: 2553: 2543: 2541: 2530: 2526: 2517: 2508: 2504: 2495: 2486: 2483: 2482: 2477: 2469: 2464: 2452: 2449: 2445: 2441: 2438: 2437: 2436: 2423: 2419: 2416: 2412: 2403: 2400: 2398: 2394: 2384: 2375: 2371: 2369: 2365: 2361: 2356: 2354: 2350: 2346: 2341: 2334: 2330: 2326: 2314: 2311: 2308: 2307: 2306: 2303: 2300: 2295: 2292: 2288: 2284: 2281:Stereotypes, 2274: 2272: 2271: 2266: 2262: 2258: 2253: 2251: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2234: 2232: 2228: 2223: 2222: 2209: 2208: 2196: 2191: 2186: 2176: 2174: 2169: 2166: 2157: 2155: 2151: 2148:, and person 2147: 2143: 2137: 2135: 2125: 2123: 2119: 2114: 2110: 2098: 2093: 2091: 2086: 2084: 2079: 2078: 2076: 2075: 2065: 2062: 2058: 2055: 2054: 2052: 2050: 2047: 2045: 2044:Social stigma 2042: 2038: 2035: 2033: 2030: 2028: 2025: 2024: 2023: 2020: 2018: 2015: 2013: 2010: 2008: 2005: 2003: 2000: 1998: 1995: 1991: 1988: 1987: 1986: 1983: 1981: 1978: 1976: 1973: 1971: 1968: 1966: 1963: 1961: 1958: 1956: 1953: 1951: 1948: 1946: 1943: 1941: 1938: 1936: 1933: 1931: 1928: 1926: 1923: 1921: 1918: 1914: 1911: 1910: 1909: 1906: 1904: 1901: 1899: 1896: 1894: 1891: 1889: 1886: 1884: 1881: 1879: 1876: 1874: 1871: 1869: 1866: 1862: 1859: 1857: 1854: 1853: 1852: 1849: 1847: 1844: 1842: 1839: 1837: 1834: 1832: 1829: 1827: 1824: 1822: 1819: 1818: 1809: 1808: 1798: 1795: 1793: 1790: 1788: 1785: 1783: 1780: 1778: 1775: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1763: 1760: 1758: 1755: 1753: 1750: 1748: 1745: 1743: 1740: 1738: 1735: 1733: 1730: 1726: 1723: 1722: 1721: 1718: 1716: 1713: 1711: 1708: 1706: 1703: 1701: 1698: 1696: 1693: 1691: 1688: 1687: 1678: 1677: 1667: 1664: 1662: 1659: 1657: 1654: 1652: 1651:State atheism 1649: 1647: 1644: 1642: 1639: 1635: 1632: 1630: 1627: 1625: 1622: 1620: 1617: 1616: 1615: 1612: 1610: 1607: 1605: 1602: 1600: 1597: 1593: 1590: 1588: 1587:Jim Crow laws 1585: 1584: 1583: 1580: 1578: 1575: 1573: 1572:One-drop rule 1570: 1568: 1566: 1562: 1560: 1557: 1555: 1552: 1550: 1547: 1545: 1542: 1540: 1537: 1535: 1532: 1530: 1527: 1525: 1522: 1520: 1517: 1515: 1512: 1508: 1505: 1503: 1500: 1499: 1498: 1495: 1493: 1490: 1488: 1487:Blood quantum 1485: 1483: 1480: 1478: 1475: 1474: 1465: 1464: 1454: 1451: 1449: 1446: 1444: 1441: 1439: 1436: 1434: 1431: 1429: 1428:Victimisation 1426: 1424: 1423:Trans bashing 1421: 1419: 1416: 1414: 1411: 1409: 1406: 1404: 1401: 1399: 1396: 1394: 1393:Religious war 1391: 1389: 1386: 1384: 1381: 1379: 1376: 1374: 1373:Racialization 1371: 1369: 1366: 1364: 1361: 1359: 1356: 1354: 1351: 1349: 1346: 1344: 1341: 1337: 1334: 1332: 1329: 1327: 1324: 1323: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1312: 1309: 1307: 1304: 1302: 1299: 1297: 1294: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1282: 1279: 1277: 1274: 1272: 1269: 1267: 1264: 1262: 1259: 1255: 1252: 1251: 1250: 1247: 1245: 1244:Glass ceiling 1242: 1238: 1235: 1234: 1233: 1230: 1228: 1225: 1223: 1220: 1218: 1215: 1213: 1210: 1208: 1205: 1203: 1200: 1198: 1195: 1193: 1190: 1188: 1187:Ethnic hatred 1185: 1183: 1180: 1178: 1175: 1173: 1170: 1168: 1165: 1163: 1160: 1158: 1155: 1153: 1150: 1148: 1145: 1143: 1140: 1138: 1135: 1133: 1130: 1128: 1125: 1123: 1122:Counter-jihad 1120: 1118: 1115: 1113: 1110: 1108: 1105: 1103: 1100: 1098: 1095: 1093: 1090: 1086: 1083: 1082: 1081: 1078: 1077: 1068: 1067: 1057: 1054: 1052: 1049: 1047: 1044: 1042: 1039: 1037: 1034: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1024: 1022: 1019: 1017: 1014: 1012: 1009: 1007: 1004: 1002: 999: 997: 994: 992: 989: 987: 984: 982: 979: 977: 974: 972: 969: 967: 964: 962: 959: 957: 954: 952: 949: 947: 944: 942: 939: 937: 934: 932: 929: 925: 922: 921: 920: 917: 915: 912: 910: 907: 905: 902: 898: 897:United States 895: 893: 890: 888: 885: 884: 882: 880: 877: 875: 872: 870: 867: 865: 862: 860: 857: 855: 852: 850: 847: 845: 842: 840: 837: 835: 832: 830: 827: 825: 822: 820: 817: 815: 812: 810: 807: 805: 802: 800: 797: 793: 790: 788: 785: 783: 780: 779: 778: 775: 773: 770: 768: 765: 761: 760:United States 758: 756: 753: 751: 748: 747: 746: 743: 741: 738: 736: 733: 731: 728: 726: 723: 721: 718: 716: 713: 712: 706: 700: 699: 689: 686: 684: 681: 679: 676: 674: 673:Protestantism 671: 669: 666: 662: 659: 658: 657: 654: 648: 645: 643: 640: 638: 635: 633: 630: 628: 625: 624: 623: 620: 619: 618: 615: 611: 608: 606: 603: 602: 601: 598: 596: 593: 589: 586: 584: 583:LDS or Mormon 581: 579: 576: 574: 571: 569: 566: 565: 564: 561: 559: 556: 554: 551: 549: 546: 545: 539: 534: 533: 523: 520: 518: 515: 511: 508: 506: 505:Transmisogyny 503: 501: 498: 497: 496: 493: 489: 486: 484: 481: 480: 479: 476: 474: 471: 469: 466: 464: 461: 459: 456: 454: 451: 449: 446: 444: 441: 439: 436: 434: 431: 429: 426: 424: 421: 419: 416: 414: 411: 409: 408:Gerontophobia 406: 404: 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 361: 359: 356: 354: 351: 349: 346: 344: 341: 339: 338:Anti-intersex 336: 334: 331: 329: 326: 324: 321: 319: 316: 314: 313:Anti-albinism 311: 309: 306: 304: 301: 299: 296: 295: 286: 285: 275: 272: 270: 267: 265: 262: 260: 257: 255: 252: 250: 247: 243: 240: 238: 235: 234: 233: 230: 228: 225: 223: 220: 218: 215: 213: 210: 208: 205: 203: 200: 198: 195: 193: 190: 188: 185: 183: 180: 178: 175: 174: 165: 164: 154: 151: 149: 146: 144: 141: 139: 138:Institutional 136: 135: 126: 125: 121: 117: 116: 113: 110: 109: 105: 101: 100: 94: 89: 83: 79: 75: 71: 67: 63: 58: 50: 46: 41: 34: 19: 12607: 12432:Gender-blind 12319:Human rights 12147:Racial quota 12134: 12114:Jewish quota 12094:Gerontocracy 12089:Gender roles 12067:Disabilities 12052:Blood purity 12024:Wife selling 12014:White flight 11994:Slut-shaming 11974:Scapegoating 11892:Murder music 11565:Palestinians 11508:Anti-Zionism 11376:South Africa 11361:Black people 11339:South Africa 11155:Christianity 11145:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith 11073:Sectarianism 11013:Heterosexism 10978:Ephebiphobia 10948:Anti-Masonry 10815:Hair texture 10694:White savior 10664:Straight man 10598:Dragonslayer 10547:Black knight 10515:Seme and uke 10497:Mountain man 10487:Noble savage 10382:Wise old man 10203:Magical girl 10175:Femme fatale 10152:Loathly lady 10107:Monster girl 9952:Nazi zombies 9927:Monster girl 9894:Supervillain 9856:Double agent 9829:Antivillains 9783:Space pirate 9716:Tricky slave 9663:Space marine 9627:Byronic hero 9609:Youngest son 9557:Classic hero 9456:Valley Girls 9414:Appalachians 9371:South Asians 9215:Self-concept 9205:Collectivism 8985:Social proof 8824: 8673:Stereotyping 8665:—Lecture by 8611: 8582: 8578: 8561:. Retrieved 8557:the original 8552: 8523: 8519: 8510: 8501: 8489:. Retrieved 8485:the original 8480: 8463: 8462: 8461:profile for 8458: 8429: 8383: 8379: 8373: 8348: 8344: 8338: 8294: 8284: 8267: 8263: 8251: 8234: 8230: 8224: 8215: 8206: 8197: 8188: 8175: 8167:The Guardian 8166: 8157: 8148: 8144: 8134: 8115: 8111: 8101: 8089:. Retrieved 8085: 8076: 8059: 8055: 8049: 8032: 8028: 8022: 7989: 7985: 7979: 7968:the original 7947: 7943: 7930: 7895: 7889: 7876: 7865:the original 7844: 7840: 7827: 7804: 7794: 7761: 7757: 7747: 7736:the original 7705: 7699: 7686: 7661: 7657: 7651: 7632: 7622: 7594:. New York: 7591: 7582: 7573: 7567: 7550: 7546: 7540: 7505: 7501: 7495: 7484:the original 7471: 7467: 7454: 7437: 7433: 7427: 7415:. Retrieved 7408:the original 7395: 7389: 7376: 7356: 7349: 7325: 7318: 7285: 7281: 7274: 7241: 7237: 7231: 7198: 7194: 7148: 7144: 7134: 7101: 7097: 7091: 7056: 7052: 7042: 7009: 7005: 6999: 6954: 6950: 6940: 6929:the original 6908: 6904: 6891: 6853:(1): 25–44. 6850: 6846: 6840: 6805: 6801: 6795: 6784:the original 6753: 6749: 6736: 6714:(4): 73–85. 6711: 6705: 6699: 6687:. Retrieved 6680:the original 6659: 6653: 6640: 6605: 6601: 6595: 6562: 6558: 6545: 6525:. New York: 6522: 6512: 6493: 6483: 6460: 6454: 6429: 6425: 6419: 6402: 6396: 6390: 6370: 6363: 6344: 6312: 6290: 6247: 6241: 6231: 6206: 6198: 6179: 6170: 6135: 6131: 6125: 6113:. Retrieved 6106:the original 6067: 6063: 6050: 6023: 6017: 5993: 5982: 5959: 5949: 5930: 5920: 5908:. Retrieved 5888: 5884: 5871: 5854: 5850: 5815: 5811: 5804: 5793:the original 5780: 5776: 5763: 5739: 5732: 5715: 5711: 5705: 5693:. Retrieved 5686:the original 5665: 5659: 5646: 5622: 5586: 5576: 5543: 5539: 5529: 5512: 5508: 5501: 5484: 5478: 5472: 5455: 5451: 5417: 5413: 5375:. New York: 5371: 5361: 5334: 5330: 5320: 5301: 5269: 5239: 5233: 5201: 5191: 5177:(1): 11–28. 5174: 5168: 5122: 5118: 5108: 5073: 5069: 5059: 5032: 5022: 4997: 4991: 4984: 4972:. Retrieved 4965:the original 4952: 4948: 4935: 4916: 4906: 4897: 4891: 4874: 4870: 4864: 4839: 4835: 4829: 4802: 4753: 4712: 4704: 4698:. p. 4. 4695: 4689: 4678: 4672: 4664: 4659: 4645: 4634: 4628: 4617: 4612: 4601: 4558: 4554: 4543: 4519: 4505: 4482: 4424: 4418: 4379: 4323: 4317: 4285: 4229: 4225: 4201: 4175: 4169: 4129: 4089: 4062:. Retrieved 4058: 4045: 4020: 4012: 4000:. Retrieved 3996: 3986: 3977: 3967: 3958: 3948: 3926:(1): 18–25. 3923: 3919: 3909: 3876: 3872: 3832: 3826: 3820: 3797: 3730: 3726: 3701:. Retrieved 3697: 3688: 3669: 3663: 3643: 3636: 3623: 3616:. Retrieved 3601: 3381:Scapegoating 3376:Role suction 3231: 3227: 3223: 3219: 3207: 3184: 3176:femme fatale 3165: 3158: 3135: 3131: 3124: 3116: 3108: 3090:. Promoting 3085: 3081: 3072:self-schemas 3057: 3048: 3022: 3002:heterosexual 2998: 2989:beancounters 2982: 2970: 2954: 2939: 2935: 2913: 2899: 2895: 2874:to succeed. 2868: 2861: 2854: 2834: 2814: 2811: 2807: 2799: 2795: 2785: 2767: 2750: 2741: 2732:subliminally 2725: 2721: 2708: 2699:WWII enemies 2695:World War II 2687: 2680: 2672: 2663: 2660: 2651: 2643: 2635:Black people 2628: 2612: 2588: 2572: 2565: 2556: 2555: 2536: 2527: 2523: 2514: 2505: 2501: 2492: 2479: 2476:Henri Tajfel 2473: 2434: 2420: 2413: 2409: 2401: 2390: 2381: 2372: 2357: 2342: 2338: 2304: 2296: 2280: 2268: 2267:in his work 2260: 2256: 2254: 2242:Firmin Didot 2235: 2184: 2182: 2170: 2163: 2153: 2149: 2145: 2141: 2133: 2131: 2112: 2106: 1878:Gender-blind 1757:Human rights 1577:Racial quota 1564: 1544:Jewish quota 1524:Gerontocracy 1519:Gender roles 1497:Disabilities 1482:Blood purity 1448:Wife selling 1438:White flight 1418:Slut-shaming 1398:Scapegoating 1316:Murder music 981:Palestinians 924:Anti-Zionism 792:South Africa 777:Black people 755:South Africa 563:Christianity 553:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith 473:Sectarianism 413:Heterosexism 378:Ephebiphobia 348:Anti-Masonry 207:Hair texture 74:silent films 45: 12669:Stereotypes 12334:Nonviolence 12329:LGBT rights 12294:Empowerment 12262:Anti-racism 12184:Segregation 12129:No kid zone 11929:Persecution 11842:Hate speech 11793:Gay bashing 11768:Ethnic joke 11723:Dog whistle 11668:Blood libel 11356:Azerbaijani 11260:Neopaganism 11253:Persecution 11214:Persecution 11197:Persecution 11160:Catholicism 11095:Transphobia 11078:Supremacism 11033:Lesbophobia 10953:Aporophobia 10918:Anti-autism 10769:Taste-based 10764:Statistical 10639:Mole people 10482:Feral child 10364:Scaramouche 10236:Valley girl 10198:Jungle girl 10170:Dragon Lady 10147:La Ruffiana 10092:Loosu ponnu 10014:Il Capitano 9637:Tragic hero 9589:Legacy hero 9564:Action hero 9466:White Trash 9424:Poor Whites 9366:East Asians 9245:Attribution 9160:Cooperation 8965:Reciprocity 8657:Susan Fiske 8619:. Toronto: 8062:(2): 9–14. 6911:(1): 7–13. 6689:5 September 5515:(1): 3–20. 4561:(1): 1–33. 4232:(1): 5–18. 4094:McGraw-Hill 3439:Masculinity 3172:Gibson Girl 3020:decisions. 2985:accountancy 2864:self-esteem 2790:Bettie Page 2561:disposition 2468:antisemitic 2299:Daniel Katz 2240:in 1798 by 2144:from group 2053:Stereotype 1772:Nonviolence 1767:LGBT rights 1732:Empowerment 1700:Anti-racism 1614:Segregation 1559:No kid zone 1353:Persecution 1266:Hate speech 1217:Gay bashing 1192:Ethnic joke 1147:Dog whistle 1092:Blood libel 772:Azerbaijani 668:Neopaganism 661:Persecution 622:Persecution 605:Persecution 568:Catholicism 495:Transphobia 478:Supremacism 433:Lesbophobia 353:Aporophobia 318:Anti-autism 153:Taste-based 148:Statistical 12694:Prejudices 12663:Categories 12608:Stereotype 12603:Speciesism 12484:Oppression 12479:Oikophobia 12375:Allophilia 12359:Toleration 12216:Sodomy law 12109:Internment 12029:Witch-hunt 11907:Blackhawks 11837:Hate group 11825:Hate crime 11798:Gendercide 11788:Freak show 11778:Excellence 11738:Employment 11708:Defamation 11640:Vietnamese 11635:Venezuelan 11525:Lithuanian 11187:Falun Gong 11122:Xenophobia 11117:Vegaphobia 11100:Non-binary 11058:Pedophobia 11023:Homophobia 10845:Skin color 10805:Disability 10778:Attributes 10759:Structural 10674:Town drunk 10623:Innamorati 10323:Final girl 10305:Gamer girl 10008:Il Dottore 9980:Folk devil 9922:Killer toy 9917:Evil clown 9837:False hero 9778:Air pirate 9740:Pulcinella 9090:Aggression 9043:Groupthink 8936:Persuasion 8914:Conformity 8897:Compliance 8825:Stereotype 8766:Similarity 8465:Stereotype 7508:: 94–120. 7104:: 95–103. 6808:: 93–102. 5695:12 January 5035:: muu053. 4762:. p.  4341:1807/34998 4288:. Oxford: 4134:John Wiley 4002:22 October 3733:(1): 1–9. 3618:2 November 3593:References 3434:Femininity 3178:, and the 2872:motivation 2718:Activation 2675:socialised 2624:correlated 2568:euthanasia 2261:stereotype 2257:stereotype 2250:stereotype 2246:typography 2190:stĂ©rĂ©otype 2185:stereotype 2138:particular 2116:are often 2113:stereotype 2049:Speciesism 1930:Oppression 1925:Oikophobia 1821:Allophilia 1797:Toleration 1646:Sodomy law 1539:Internment 1453:Witch-hunt 1331:Blackhawks 1261:Hate group 1249:Hate crime 1222:Gendercide 1212:Freak show 1202:Excellence 1162:Employment 1132:Defamation 1056:Vietnamese 1051:Venezuelan 941:Lithuanian 595:Falun Gong 522:Xenophobia 517:Vegaphobia 500:Non-binary 458:Pedophobia 423:Homophobia 237:Skin color 197:Disability 168:Attributes 143:Structural 78:melodramas 68:and black 40:Stereotypy 12581:Christian 12509:Prejudice 12457:Masculism 12405:Diversity 12199:religious 12174:Redlining 11773:Ethnocide 11733:Education 11625:Ukrainian 11560:Pakistani 11550:Mongolian 11471:Australia 11453:Hungarian 11408:Colombian 11388:Bulgarian 11270:Rastafari 11219:Ahmadiyya 11132:Religious 11110:Trans men 11068:Pregnancy 11003:Gayphobia 10998:Fatphobia 10903:Acephobia 10898:Arophobia 10882:Viewpoint 10684:Truck-kun 10588:Barbarian 10522:Otokonoko 10475:Primitive 10351:Harlequin 10342:Masculine 10297:Geek girl 10282:Columbina 10218:Queen bee 10004:Pantalone 9975:Archenemy 9884:Dark lord 9866:Terrorist 9861:Evil twin 9732:Brighella 9728:Harlequin 9706:Trickster 9653:Cyberhero 9632:Man alone 9604:Superhero 9579:Folk hero 9524:Archetype 9278:Heuristic 9108:Anonymity 8953:Obedience 8880:Authority 8820:Prejudice 8653:Interview 8579:Sex Roles 8408:148778808 8321:755871149 8068:425340563 8014:206565963 7900:CiteSeerX 7861:142863258 7786:222232833 7778:0253-3952 7532:145490359 7510:CiteSeerX 7310:235769090 7266:221098319 7126:149490634 7118:1469-0292 6883:206516995 6867:0022-4405 6822:145724069 6758:CiteSeerX 6728:145318243 6676:144308852 6610:CiteSeerX 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12231:Ugly law 12072:Catholic 12040:policies 11887:Mortgage 11882:Lynching 11813:examples 11808:Genocide 11728:Economic 11713:Democide 11673:Bullying 11590:Romanian 11555:Nigerian 11498:Japanese 11433:Georgian 11418:Filipino 11351:Assyrian 11324:Armenian 11314:American 11309:Albanian 11291:National 11275:Yazidism 11192:Hinduism 11150:Buddhism 11053:Nepotism 11048:Misogyny 11043:Misandry 10968:Clannism 10963:Biphobia 10908:Adultism 10825:Language 10669:Tokenism 10659:Sidekick 10649:Redshirt 10644:Pop icon 10461:Bishƍnen 10433:Nice guy 10180:Tsundere 10132:Cat lady 10052:Feminine 9942:Vampires 9932:Skeleton 9904:Monsters 9820:Villains 9619:Antihero 9574:Everyman 9439:Rednecks 9429:Crackers 9125:Altruism 9098:Violence 8812:Conflict 8793:Adoption 8639:55682258 8609:(2004). 8599:55674520 8540:15012482 8216:BBC News 8091:30 March 8041:42581302 8006:29294984 7964:16649853 7732:54219902 7678:21280934 7596:Pergamon 7302:34233577 7258:32772526 7223:45950675 7215:23724702 7175:25621742 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453:Nepotism 448:Misogyny 443:Misandry 368:Clannism 363:Biphobia 308:Adultism 217:Language 104:a series 102:Part of 12648:Commons 12427:Figleaf 11852:Housing 11620:Turkish 11570:Pashtun 11540:Mexican 11520:Kurdish 11493:Italian 11443:Haitian 11428:Finnish 11403:Chinese 11398:Chechen 11393:Catalan 11383:Bengali 11304:African 11289:Ethnic/ 11248:Judaism 11234:Sunnism 11224:Shi'ism 11140:Atheism 10973:Elitism 10872:Species 10810:Genetic 10800:Dialect 10542:Pachuco 10534:Bad boy 10492:Caveman 10359:Pierrot 10264:Laotong 10259:Class S 10102:Catgirl 10087:IngĂ©nue 10067:Bishƍjo 10000:Vecchio 9947:Zombies 9763:Bad boy 9744:Pierrot 9738:,  9736:Scapino 9734:,  9730:,  9599:Paladin 9434:Redlegs 9419:Cowboys 9175:Culture 8931:Passing 8890:Honesty 8788:Divorce 8695:TEDTalk 8491:25 July 8455:Scholia 8365:1416833 7922:8735336 7417:5 April 7166:4360754 6982:4713435 6959:Bibcode 6587:4665022 6579:7473032 6273:2775052 6252:Bibcode 6243:Science 6115:10 June 6102:6654763 6094:8765481 5910:10 June 5434:7965600 4974:5 April 4576:3912751 3974:"Ï„ÏÏ€ÎżÏ‚" 3901:1512121 3849:8426877 3210:clichĂ©d 3180:Flapper 3121:, 1871. 3033:Nigeria 3010:obesity 2972:stakes 2856:Crocker 2820:Effects 2616:salient 2444:ingroup 2368:samples 2320:Content 2207:stereos 2200:στΔρΔός 2140:person 1873:Figleaf 1276:Housing 1036:Turkish 986:Pashtun 956:Mexican 936:Kurdish 909:Italian 859:Haitian 844:Finnish 819:Chinese 814:Chechen 809:Catalan 799:Bengali 720:African 703:Ethnic/ 656:Judaism 642:Sunnism 632:Shi'ism 548:Atheism 373:Elitism 264:Species 202:Genetic 192:Dialect 70:top-hat 64:, with 12613:threat 12467:autism 12204:sexual 12194:racial 12077:Jewish 11934:Pogrom 11912:Chiefs 11902:Braves 11630:Uyghur 11605:Somali 11600:Slavic 11585:Romani 11580:Quebec 11575:Polish 11515:Korean 11476:Canada 11463:Indian 11448:Hazara 11423:Fulani 11334:France 11299:Afghan 11229:Sufism 10958:Audism 10891:Social 10820:Height 10573:Others 10208:Virago 9970:Alazon 9773:Pirate 9755:Outlaw 9679:Rogues 9549:Heroes 8637:  8627:  8597:  8538:  8457:has a 8406:  8398:  8363:  8325:Book: 8319:  8309:  8066:  8039:  8012:  8004:  7962:  7920:  7902:  7859:  7815:  7784:  7776:  7730:  7676:  7639:  7610:  7530:  7512:  7364:  7337:  7308:  7300:  7264:  7256:  7221:  7213:  7173:  7163:  7124:  7116:  7081:  7073:  7032:  7024:  6989:  6979:  6923:  6881:  6873:  6865:  6820:  6778:  6760:  6726:  6674:  6630:  6612:  6585:  6577:  6533:  6500:  6471:  6444:  6378:  6351:  6319:  6280:  6270:  6219:  6215:–227. 6186:  6160:  6142:  6100:  6092:  6074:  6038:  6005:  5970:  5937:  5903:  5830:  5751:  5680:  5634:  5593:  5566:  5558:  5432:  5383:  5351:  5308:  5276:  5208:  5147:  5139:  5098:  5090:  5049:  5012:  4923:  4854:  4817:  4770:  4725:  4721:–199. 4583:  4573:  4531:  4493:  4457:  4449:  4431:  4390:  4356:  4348:  4296:  4244:  4140:  4100:  4033:  4029:–137. 3938:  3899:  3891:  3847:  3808:  3747:  3676:  3651:  3423:Gender 3174:, the 3170:, the 3068:Devine 3025:racist 3018:hiring 2940:Word, 2745:primed 2540:schema 2364:status 2197:words 2057:threat 1913:autism 1634:sexual 1624:racial 1507:Jewish 1358:Pogrom 1336:Chiefs 1326:Braves 1046:Uyghur 1021:Somali 1016:Slavic 1001:Romani 996:Quebec 991:Polish 931:Korean 892:Canada 879:Indian 864:Hazara 839:Fulani 750:France 715:Afghan 637:Sufism 358:Audism 289:Social 212:Height 12591:white 11944:Purge 11610:Tatar 11535:Māori 11530:Malay 11488:Irish 11438:Greek 11413:Croat 11371:China 11329:Asian 11209:Islam 11083:White 10830:Looks 10795:Class 10790:Caste 10747:Forms 10603:Donor 10593:Clown 10408:Himbo 10396:Young 10137:Crone 9995:Miser 9963:Other 9794:Other 9724:Zanni 9646:Other 8595:S2CID 8563:4 May 8459:topic 8404:S2CID 8396:JSTOR 8361:S2CID 8037:JSTOR 8010:S2CID 7971:(PDF) 7940:(PDF) 7918:S2CID 7886:(PDF) 7868:(PDF) 7857:S2CID 7837:(PDF) 7782:S2CID 7739:(PDF) 7728:S2CID 7696:(PDF) 7528:S2CID 7487:(PDF) 7464:(PDF) 7411:(PDF) 7386:(PDF) 7306:S2CID 7262:S2CID 7219:S2CID 7122:S2CID 7079:S2CID 7030:S2CID 6932:(PDF) 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