
List of Fables characters

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Flycatcher, shocked by her new appearance and intimidated by his attraction for her, ran away and reverted to his frog form. After Ambrose's humanity and memories were restored by Santa and the spirit of his deceased wife, he fell into a severe depression. At first, Riding Hood tried to be understanding of Flycatcher's state of mourning, checking in on him every so often to bring him food. However, after realizing Flycatcher was allowing himself to starve to death, Red scolds him for giving up on life and encourages him to take action rather than waste away. Red's message led Fly to start his journey through the Witching Well and to eventually form the Haven. During Flycatcher's heroic quest, Red Riding Hood, along with many of Fly's other friends, regularly watched Flycatcher's adventures through the magic mirror in the business office, which they dubbed "Fly T.V.". While everyone else watched Fly's journey with excitement, Red Riding Hood was wracked with anxiety and feared for Flycatcher's life, often bemoaning the amount of danger that Flycatcher often found himself in. She kept his favorite hat with her at all times, hoping to return it to him when his quest was over. After Fly's kingdom was established and became safe, Boy Blue brought Red along with him so she could move there. Upon arriving, she told Fly that she would fill in the roles of Royal Hostess and take on queenly responsibilities until Flycatcher could find himself a proper queen. The two continued to fall in love, though Flycatcher still denied his feelings for her out of fear of betraying the memory of his dead wife. During the Out to the Ballgame arc, Fly finally acknowledges his feelings for Riding Hood and kissed her, which accidentally turns him back into a frog. Riding Hood, tired of living in the shadow of Flycatcher's former wife, tells him that he has let his guilt rule him for too long, and that it is keeping him from finding happiness in the present. Flycatcher, convinced by Riding Hood's words, attempts to take control of his curse and changes himself back into human form. Later that evening, tired of being alone, he asks Red to share his bed with him, to which she delightedly accepts.
is delighted to be crowned Queen of Toyland. Dismayed when she finds she cannot fly nor go home, she begins to starve as nothing grows in Toyland and learns that all the inhabitants in Toyland are toys that caused their child owners to die in accidents, such as choking or drowning, and she is the latest in a long-line of ill-fated children who starved to death before they could restore the toys. Back in the "mundy" world, Darien realizes that as the pack leader, it is his job to look after the rest of the cubs. With the help of Lord Mountbatten, a magical clockwork tiger capable of taking physical form, he travels to Toyland to rescue his sister. However, the toy army attack them, injure Darien, and take Mountbatten prisoner. Therese, with her diminishing condition and the dark influence of the land, orders Mountbatten to be killed for her sustenance, savagely eating his raw flesh before ordering toys to be burned in order to cook her meal, thus committing the "evil thing" outlined in the prophecy. To save his sister, Darien realizes he must sacrifice himself, and impales himself on a broken mini pool cue. His blood goes into a magical cauldron and his body goes into the soil; because of Darien's magical bloodline, his blood invokes an ancient magic that allows growth to come to Toyland and restores the cauldron so it magically fills up with hot and fresh food every day. Therese grieves over her brother for a long, long time and, upon maturity, decides to put her brother's sacrifice to work and begins the restoration of Toyland. Forcing everyone to accept that they are killers including herself, she commands Mr. Steampuddle to lead a series of new voyages and for the toys to save lives. Over many years, the toys are gradually restored and Therese returns to the mundy world to inform her family of Darien's fate. However, while she has grown, little time has passed and her siblings are all still children. Therese also reveals that she is tied to Toyland as its queen due to the consequences of her actions and must eventually return.
9065:'s misadventure in the Homelands involving Frau Totenkinder, whom the children pushed into her own oven, Hansel and Gretel emerged from the Black Forest to find their land overrun by the Adversary's forces. They fled, staying ahead of the invading armies and taking sanctuary in one church after another until they learn of the mundane world. Arriving there in the mid-17th century, they made their way to the newly established Fabletown, where they were shocked to discover Frau Totenkinder among the Fables already present. When informed that, under the terms of the Fabletown Compact, Totenkinder had been granted amnesty for her actions in the Homelands, a disgusted Hansel announced his intention to live among the mundane population, leaving his sister behind in Fabletown. Many years later, Hansel visited Fabletown, asking to see his sister, begging her to leave Fabletown. Gretel refused, explaining to him that she has spent time studying with Frau Totenkinder in the intervening years and has gained a new appreciation for the magic arts, seeing them not as the devil's work, but as a useful tool. Horrified and enraged, Hansel struck her viciously with a chair, snapping her neck instantly. As a result, Hansel was stricken from the Fabletown Compact and banished forever. Gretel's body was cast down the witching well. Her spirit remained there in a sort of limbo for centuries, until Flycatcher, his memory restored and finally ready to face his past, went down the well, finding all the ghosts of those who had previously been thrown there. Gretel was one of the many spirits who were given flesh and blood and followed Flycatcher to Haven. 3544:
hidden inside a room of his apartment). He considered himself to be the nemesis of Bigby Wolf, using every opportunity to try to put the Sheriff down. When he pointed out to Wolf that his threats lost their value if Bigby didn't follow them through, Bigby responded that he never needed to because Bluebeard, a terror against weaker and/or helpless opponents, always backed down when faced with a stronger one. This observation caused Bluebeard to shed tears, and to hate Bigby even more and he attempted to engineer his assassination and that of Snow White, working in conjunction with Goldilocks. Bluebeard was killed by Prince Charming who, out of some guilt over his own mistreatment of Snow White, sought to prevent Bluebeard from ordering that assassination attempt on Snow and Bigby, but it had already been put into motion. As well, Charming wanted to seize his vast assets. Contrary to what his name might suggest, he is not, nor ever was, a pirate (though Willingham identified that Bluebeard's character design was supposed to be that of Captain Hook, absent from Fables because of copyright). His body was dropped down the witching well. Bluebeard appears along with other deceased Fables. He says that he has learned to be virtuous, though Lancelot and Fly believe that his position of villain has not changed. After being caught conspiring with Shere Khan to kill Flycatcher, his flesh form was taken away. He aided the Adversary's troops in attacking Fly's new stronghold, as Fly anticipated. Afterwards, he stayed with the Adversary, whose magicians are attempting to make him once more corporeal. With the fall of the Empire in the
was occasionally disrupted by summons to the Warlock's Hall, where, unbeknownst to her, magical fetches of her were created, allowing another to take her form in order to infiltrate groups that were against the Adversary. An unnamed sorceress used her form to infiltrate the citadel at World's End during the Fables last stand in the Homelands, and during her stay she became romantically involved with Boy Blue. The sorceress's eventual fate is unknown. More recently, Baba Yaga used her form to infiltrate Fabletown in preparation for an invasion by the Adversary's Wooden Soldiers. Shortly after the incident, Boy Blue went on a covert mission in the Homelands, which eventually resulted in him finding the real Red Riding Hood. Despite her not being the version of Riding Hood that he had fallen in love with, Boy Blue brought her back to Fabletown in order to protect her from the Adversary's possible wrath. Upon arriving in the Mundane world, Red Riding Hood was meant with considerable animosity from the other Fables and was treated with undue hostility, due to Baba Yaga's previous assault on Fabletown. Upset by her cold reception and confused by the conventions of the modern world, Red latched onto Boy Blue for support, up until Blue was forced to leave for the Farm to serve his sentence there. She subsequently became close to Flycatcher, who was asked by Boy Blue to look after her while he was gone. She soon fell in love with him for his kind heart and thoughtful nature, though she had trouble expressing her love for him, and was often jealous when she thought pretty Fables were flirting with him.
921:, Kay is now grown and living in New York, away from Fabletown itself. It has never been stated what happened to his friend Gerda or their home. He still has the troll mirror shards in his eye, with the result that he sees all the bad that people have ever done. The pain that this causes him leads him to routinely gouge out his own eyes, although they subsequently grow back over a period of around ten years. Kay has proven very useful in the past at detecting traitors, and it is with this in mind that Beast asked Frau Totenkinder to magically restore Kay's sight to assist him in rooting out Fables who might be secretly working for the Adversary. Because of his ability, Kay is the only other person in Fabletown to know the full details of Bigby's past deeds and how Frau Totenkinder truly gets her powers. The "bad" he sees is defined so by Fabletown morals and not by Mundy justice, as he sees the "bad" in Bigby (though he was mostly doing what he did because of an understandable (from a wolves perspective) dislike of humans, and from hunger rather than for the sake of evil) and in Frau Totenkinder (though what she does is perfectly legal from a 21st-century Mundy American justice point of view). After seeing the evil in The Adversary, he is so overwhelmed he gouges his eyes out again. Soon afterward, he is killed by Mr. Dark, who devours his teeth to make him a witherling. When Totenkinder destroys Mister Dark's teeth by feeding him candy, most likely this ended Dark's control over Kay's body. 2047:. He often puts himself at risk for just causes, when he isn't driving his fellow animals crazy with his tricks. He helped Snow White escape the clutches of The Three Pigs and helped her defeat Shere Khan and free Weyland Smith from his bonds. He flirts with Snow White shamelessly, who is, in turn, is playfully appalled by the fox's advances. During preparations for Bigby and Snow's home, Reynard tells Prince Charming that he blames him. When he asks why, Reynard explains if Prince Charming had kept his promise for glamour spells, he could have become a human and swept Snow off her feet. Charming, not wanting to be reminded of his broken promises, tells him to leave him alone. In the Homelands, he was the one who led King Noble the Lion's subjects (a large number of anthropomorphic animals) into the Mundy world, enabling them to escape the slavery of the Adversary's army. He did this despite the fact that, as a trickster, he was disliked by most of his neighbors. In a display of power, Ozma bestowed the ability to shapeshift between fox and human forms, and his human form is apparently very attractive. Currently, he is amusing himself by transforming back and forth and is very excited to be off the farm. He eventually becomes one of the Knights of Rose Red's New Camelot. 1927:, Weyland Smith served as the administrator of the Farm facility and thus bore the brunt of much of the resentment of those Fables confined there. He was imprisoned during the revolution there and was magically compelled to turn his mechanical prowess to the task of adapting mundane weapons so that they could be used easily by non-human Fables. Once the rebellion was foiled, he was replaced as administrator by Rose Red. He then intended to leave the Farm, but Snow White asked him to stay on and continue the task of adapting weapons, in preparation for the inevitable conflict with the Adversary. He agreed and stayed at the Farm, and became close with Rose, shortly before they were called into action to defend Fabletown against the incursion of the wooden soldiers. He fought bravely, smashing the enemy close up with his massive mallet, but ultimately fell in battle alongside many of his compatriots, his body committed to the witching well. He was eventually resurrected by Flycatcher and was tasked with building farms and other medieval era infrastructure for Fly's kingdom of Haven. He now holds a position of distinction as Haven's Chief Builder in service to King Ambrose. He's later murdered by Prince Brandish, who takes the opportunity to retaliate in Rose Red's absence. 944:. Sprat adopts her maiden name, Duglas, since the name Sprat is from a dead past, but Mr. Dark is killed by Mr. North, the North Wind, before any of his plans are carried through. When Leigh's fellow Fables come to claim the castle as their own following Mr. Dark's death, Leigh dresses in rags and hides in a dungeon, pretending to have been Dark's prisoner, and claims that the reason for her slim figure is that Dark starved her. Since her transformation, she has tried gaining favor with King Cole and has been approached romantically by Dr. Swineheart, much to her shock. It is recently revealed that she withheld the last shard from Bigby after he had been turned into glass and shattered by Brandish. Now ready to take on the mantle of Mister Dark, she resurrects Bigby in a feral form and unleashes him onto the Fables. When the Fables demand Bigby's death, Leigh vehemently accuses the Fables of lacking mercy, especially Rose Red as the supposed champion for the hope of second chances. Enhanced by the magic as the leader of the Knights of the Endless Table, Rose eventually sees Leigh's true form and notices her glass ring, made from Bigby's shard. Killing Leigh, Rose Red takes the ring and assumes control over Bigby. 345:
John was interrogated by Prince Charming, Beauty and Beast; he explained to them that, long before signing up to the Fabletown compact, he had sworn an unbreakable vow of loyalty to his King, who he believed had been killed leading his forces against the Adversary. It turned out that this had not been the case, that his King, now working for the Adversary, had contacted John and ordered him to spy on his fellow Fables. Bound by his vow, which overruled the later compact, John had no choice but to obey and spent the next four years passing information to the enemy before Kay, with newly regrown eyes, caught him. Despite being sorely tempted to forgive him, given the circumstances, Charming realised that treason, no matter what the situation, must be dealt with harshly. Hardening his heart, he gave John the option to jump down the Witching Well under his own power as a gesture of mercy, the alternative being that he would be executed on the spot and his corpse put down there anyway. John accepted the former offer. Few people explicitly know what happened to him, as revealing such a beloved Fable to be a traitor was deemed to be bad for the morale of Fabletown.
calm down. As things progressed, Sinbad began to see that the mundane world represented a new beginning, and decided to free all of his slaves. The enraged Yusuf used this as an excuse to release the d'jinn, giving it commands that would put him in control of both the European and Arabian fable communities. Fortunately, Frau Totenkinder had anticipated the possibility and warped his language, so that the commands he gave were not what he intended, ultimately leading to his own prolonged demise and the recapture of the d'jinn. Sinbad did indeed release his slaves, giving them the option to either accompany him back to Baghdad or to remain in Fabletown. He left Fabletown, taking King Cole with him as the official Ambassador to the Arabian Fables. They returned to Baghdad, where he revealed to Cole that, for the time being, the Arabian Fables still live in the Homelands equivalent of Baghdad, until such time as the Adversary's forces take it. Sinbad has learned from the uncontrolled exodus of the European Fables into the mundane world and has made plans to ensure that their own escape, should it prove necessary, will be much more orderly.
1955:). The first occasion was when she lay in a coma after being shot by Goldilocks, where they discussed death briefly and Colin pointed out that, while he was dead, she probably wasn't. The second was shortly before the assault on Fabletown by the wooden soldiers, giving her warning that bad things were coming that would require all of them to defeat. The third occasion was in a dream after her return to the Farm with her children, to warn her that things weren't going to improve any time soon. His final appearance was apparently while Snow was awake, to tell her that things were finally going to get better for her (unbeknownst to Snow, Bigby was on the way back) and to say goodbye, that she didn't need him anymore and that he should move on to whatever came next. Whether this was simply a function of Snow's unconscious mind or whether Colin's spirit survived his murder in some manner is unclear. The guiding spirit of Colin appeared again behind Santa Claus when Santa prophesied a coming battle to Flycatcher, and to Rose Red, warning her that she would have to lead Fabletown during the crisis of Mister Dark. 4159:
Fabletown compact that was presented to her, and stormed off in anger, refusing to let anyone "tie her hands like that", meaning she didn't want to be a good person and enjoyed killing too much. She left her friends behind and walked off with Toto in her arms, feeling that the others were dead weight and never came back for them. Dorothy created a new life for herself as a killer for hire in the mundy world, and had no trouble finding work. She eventually crossed paths with Fabletown spy Cinderella, who ran into Dorothy during several of Cindy's secret missions for Fabletown, getting in the way for Dorothy's work. Dorothy pointed out every chance they had, that she and Cindy were exactly the same but that she was better than Cindy. Cindy, however, greatly denied that as she killed to protect Fables and humans as a patriotic act. She calls Dorothy a cold-blooded killer who did it for fun and was dangerous. Cindy was in her way, better than Dorothy due to Dorothy's ego and her constant want to prove she's better than Cindy. Cindy, honestly, didn't care nor did she feel she has to prove her worth to anyone.
3772:. After killing and torturing all the goblins, who "dared to put their warty hands on her and dump her in a cart, like a bag of thrash", the Snow Queen, seeking vengeance on Briar Rose for putting her to sleep for years, sends her ice giants after Briar Rose, Noah and Ali Baba. Eventually, both are captured and taken to the Snow Queen. Instead of killing them, she asks the imp Noah to tell her the story of Briar Rose, as Lumi "is addicted to good stories". It is revealed that Lumi's actions while serving Geppetto were a result of Geppetto giving her his loyalty potions (the same ones he used to bind Pinocchio and all the other wooden soldiers to him) that made her utterly loyal to him. After being asleep for years, the spell has worn off, and she is gradually becoming a more sympathetic person. Ali Baba eventually realizes that he has no feelings for Briar Rose after all, but is in love with Lumi. Lumi discovers that she likes and is attracted to Ali Baba, and believes that love can grow from that. The two go back to Lumi's homeland, and start a new life together. Lumi would make an appearance in the 3801:
were married in a grand ceremony presided over by the Emperor himself. They settled down happily and swiftly conceived a child. Shortly thereafter, they were visited by the Snow Queen, who explained the service that was required of them. They were briefed on life in America, then were sent through and were installed in a small apartment in New York under the name Greenwood, only a couple of blocks from Fabletown, with orders to spy on the Fables there and to study up on sabotage and murder techniques in case they're required to take a more active role. They write their reports in a journal which is magically linked to an identical volume in the Homelands. Orders are passed to them in the same way; occasionally they are provided with specific instructions detailing tasks to be carried out, sometimes involving violent acts. Though both appear to be highly ambivalent about what they do, and June in particular worries about how the recent birth of their daughter (Junebug) will affect things, they nevertheless remain loyal to the Empire - the magic that changed them to flesh ensures that.
3527:). It also revealed that she was more psychotic than Fabletown really knew. In this story, Cinderella had started investigating the murders of powerful women (i.e. Snow White, Rose Red, Beauty, and even Briar Rose). With help from Bo Peep, she discovered it was Goldilocks behind the murders while utilizing a sword of regret that would guarantee the wielder a kill at the price of a second victim but had become cursed so only half the victims could be resurrected. Though her reasons varied, some she had an obvious vendetta against people like Snow; other murders, she apparently justified by finding them tainted in a way. While she boasts about her Briar Rose's death, she murders her and Prince Aspen mostly because she found them involved intimately, though Goldilocks herself did worse than all the women she murdered. Ultimately, Goldilocks fought a final showdown with Bo Peep and Cinderella, with Bo losing her life. Cinderella apparently killed her off for good using the same sword Goldilocks used, but due to the sword's ability, Cinderella could only resurrect half the victims. 4390:. Brandish accepts. Rose will soon regret her decision as it puts a great distance between the just recently reconciled sisters. More so, Brandish stays true to his real colors. He quickly murders Weyland Smith, becoming tired of being a squire (and most likely surviving under them), and demands to have his innocence proven via trial by combat against Lancelot. After he manages to best and kill Lancelot after three days of fighting, Brandish assumes that he is finally freed of service under Rose Red. However, an outraged Flycatcher asserts his prerogative as a king and orders Brandish's execution for his crimes, again via trial by combat, this time against Flycatcher, who is aware of his poor skills as a swordsman. During their duel, Grimble in his bluebird form, enchanted with spells from the Thirteenth Floor witches, succeeds in finding and infiltrating the fortress where Brandish's heart is kept. Grimble destroys the heart, causing a shocked Brandish to collapse and die from heart failure without Flycatcher needing to kill the prince. 620:
promises that he would prove to be unable to keep. Leaving the Mayor's penthouse apartment, he briefly roomed with Boy Blue, who had lost his roommate Pinocchio during the Adversary's assault on Fabletown. He then moved into Beauty and the Beast's home, they themselves moved into Snow White's old place. A well-meaning and amiable man, King Cole found his defeat profoundly depressing. When the Arabian Fables arrived in Fabletown, Cole found renewed importance as one of the few Fables fluent in Arabic, and his diplomatic acumen led to a close friendship with Sinbad. Before this, Cole had been portrayed as a figurehead whose primary duty was glad-handing Fabletown's budget; his diplomatic sessions showed a shrewdness and cunning that he had not displayed before then. He has since become the ambassador to Fabletown East in Baghdad. He returned to Fabletown briefly to preside over the wedding of Snow White and Bigby Wolf. At the start of the war with the Empire Prince Charming resigned his position as mayor, returning the job to King Cole.
any questions. With this objective in mind, Jack Frost takes part in the battle between Fables and Literals, ultimately turning the tide in favor of the Fables by freezing Kevin Thorn before he can write an end for the current universe. When the Literals leave the main universe to write a new one, Jack Frost stays back with his aunts, the Page Sisters, forswearing his bumbling father and unsure of his future. On Hillary and Priscilla's advice, Jack Frost divests himself of Lumi's powers, but to his great surprise, instead of returning the meek, sickly kid he was, he turns into a quite handsome young man with the stamina and physical prowess of his father and the innate ability to hop between dimensions. Joining forces with Gepetto's wooden owl, briefly tasked by the Adversary in spying the Homelands, whom he names "McDuff", he starts a career as a hero for hire, with McDuff acting as the brains of the operation, and the good-natured, courageous, but trusty and still naive Jack acting as the brawn.
936:#100, Snow White scolds her for her nasty, spiteful attitude towards Sheriff Beast and Beauty while the latter is going into labor. Snow explains that, while one can get away with being mean if she is beautiful, one can also get away with being hideous if she's pleasant, and since Mrs. Sprat is both ugly and mean she will have to do something about her attitude before someone has had enough of her. On the verge of tears, Mrs. Sprat reveals that she hates all the beautiful Fables, and became a nurse for the chance to have them under her care and at her mercy. When the Fables depart for Haven, Mrs. Sprat stays behind, unbeknownst to everyone else. When Mister Dark shows up at the Farm looking for the other Fables, she offers to reveal their location for three things: to become beautiful, for all the other beautiful Fables to become ugly like her, and for a prince to love her with "true love". Mister Dark agrees to all three conditions, and the two depart together. 3797:
other's company and began to court each other, despite not really having much of a clue how to go about it. Eventually, Rodney wrote a letter to Geppetto, asking that they be made flesh, so that they could marry and be together properly. The letter was read before dispatch by Rodney's superior officer who was shocked by the content, as it revealed a number of facts about Geppetto's true position within the Empire that would cause immense problems should they get out. He initially locked Rodney up, unsure how to proceed, then ultimately relented. Destroying the letter, he announced that Geppetto should be reassured that there had been no letter and that the situation was under control and dispatched Rodney to do so, with June accompanying him to provide additional witness, observing quietly to the pair that had somebody wanted to ask Geppetto what had supposedly been in the non-existent letter, then it would make much more sense to ask him in person.
a secret mission by the Thirteenth Floor to locate Brandish's heart. Under the protection of layers of stealth spells by Maddy and magic that will send him to far reaches where Brandish's heart in contained in an entrance-less fortress, Grimble sneaks in through the air grills in the fortress and destroys Brandish's heart, causing Brandish to collapse and die of heart failure during his duel against Flycatcher. Over the many years that follow, Grimble bitterly assumes that the Thirteenth Floor did not bother to provide him the magic to return to Fabletown after he had completed his task and gradually becomes accustomed to living as a bird. He learns from Clara that several members of the Thirteenth Floor died in the conflict between Rose Red and Snow White, explaining why he had not been provided the means to be recalled, and it is implied that he and Clara begin a relationship after she reveals that she is no longer seeing Vulco Crow.
756:, who is seeking treasures in the burned down city, about the sleeping girl that is blessed with eternal wealth and riches, but needs to be woken with true love's kiss from a prince. Ali Baba sneaks into the goblins' encampment and kisses the sleeping Briar Rose, who awakens from the spell, along with the Snow Queen. The Snow Queen seeks vengeance on Rose for putting her to sleep for years, and takes both of them captive. Instead of killing them, the Snow Queen forces Jonah the bottle imp to tell her stories of Briar Rose's life, as the Snow Queen "is addicted to good stories", and Jonah is very good at telling stories. While Ali Baba and Briar are forced to spend time with Lumi, Ali Baba realizes that he has no feelings for Briar after all, but is in love with Lumi. It is revealed that because Ali Baba risked his life to wake and rescue Briar Rose, his actions fell under the definition of true, but not romantic, love. 8055:. Raven, like so many others, believed that Wicked John, who was the spitting image of Jack except from his dark hair, was a copy of Jack Horner, and Raven and John became close friends. After the mass escape from the Golden Boughs, it was revealed that John was the original Jack of the Tales and that Jack was actually the copy. After hearing the news, Raven chose to leave John behind and become Jack's companion instead, since the spirit had specifically instructed him to befriend the copy and not the original. Staying true to the trickster figure mythology, he was close to turning his back on Jack more than once when trouble arose, but the bird spirit convinced him otherwise, reminding him that he was supposed to help Jack. Jack and Raven's ways eventually parted after the destruction of the Golden Boughs, when Raven chose to stay with a group of former prisoners. 995:, a rogue wind whose invisible nature meant his parents were initially unaware of his existence. This entity fed off the air of living beings, accidentally killing them before he learned control. Snow White, after a rash of deaths, discovers that they were inadvertently caused by her last child. She sends Ghost to find his self-exiled father. The family has since been reunited. On their fifth birthday, the other six cubs were introduced to Ghost, but were sworn to secrecy as to his existence, as zephyrs are considered dangerous aberrations, and their grandfather Mr. North is obligated by a prior vow to exterminate any zephyrs known to exist. Ghost appears sweet, if anything confused since he cannot feel normal things the others do. He's not hungry, thirsty or sleepy, but he is good at finding people, which was what convinced Snow to find Bigby. 1939:, Dun, Posey and Colin were heavily involved in the revolt at the Farm. Colin, who appeared to be considerably less enthusiastic about the idea of rebellion than his cousins, was sent down to Fabletown to attempt to steal or duplicate a key to the main business office in the Woodlands building, and also to determine which of the city Fables might be sympathetic to their cause. Colin failed in these missions, largely because Bigby Wolf kept a close eye on him before sending him back to the Farm. For this failure, he was killed by the ringleaders of the rebellion (the implication is that Goldilocks did the actual deed) and his head put on a pole in the centre of the Farm as a message that it was time for the rebellion to begin. When it ultimately failed, Dun and Posey were tried as ringleaders and were beheaded for their crimes. 7172:, which she had to carry on her back. The cup contained her entire homeland, an archipelago of "surging seas and sun-dappled islands", and all of its people. If she let the teacup fall or break, her people and her homeland would be destroyed, and her soul would be lost to her forever. Her horrible trial would end when she found a heroine of low station willing to trade places with her. The heroine would then become the new queen, and the turtle a new peasant. Once, the turtle passed through the woods where a young Rose Red, now without her sister, lived, but the turtle understood quickly that Rose Red, sad and depressed, was not the one she was looking for. The turtle once crossed paths with Bigby Wolf, and was the one who told him about the Lady of the Lake and her powers to assign fates. 443:, a liar, a narcissist, and an all-around rogue. He was also raised as a prince, to understand sacrifice necessary to be an effective leader, and the kind of king that sacrifices all to safeguard his subjects. His (known) previous wives in chronological order were Snow White, Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) and Cinderella; the latter two of his ex-wives were introduced to him by their shared fairy godmother. It is also revealed in the Jack of Fables' comic that Prince Charming is Jack Horner's father. It is most likely that Charming never knew of their relations to one another. He lived in Europe after leaving the Homelands, living off the kindness of various nobles and ex-nobles. He returned to Fabletown just prior to Rose Red's "murder". He hatched an intricate scheme, killing 1897:
Rose decides to take charge of the Farm again, stopping Ozma, Brock, and Geppetto's bids to take control of the farm and appointing them as her advisers. She also makes it clear to Cole, Beast, and Beauty that she will accept their advice but wants them to respect the fact that they're on the Farm and not at Fabletown. To show no hard feelings with Brock, she wears a blue scarf to show her support that Boy Blue could come back, but maintains that while she wants as much as anyone for Blue to come back, it is the job of everyone to fix their own problems instead of waiting for Blue to return and fix everything. While it has not been said, Rose does feel guilty for divorcing her husband, as Colin points out to her in a dream, by asking what she felt guilty about.
1178:. The brothers, warriors all, fought fiercely against the Adversary's forces and the Crows were instrumental in ensuring the escape of the last ship to leave the Homelands, as the then-surviving seven, armed only with daggers, took on and defeated a pair of dragons who were threatening the fleeing vessel, at the cost of four of their number. These days, Joel's sole task is to cut Rapunzel's hair three times a day, Ephram works as a security guard at the Knights of Malta hospital and Vulco runs the I Am the Eggman diner. The three Crows were brought in to assist with the arrest of the visiting Arabian Fables. Vulco is known to date Clara, the former dragon turned bird, in his bird form; as well as a fair maiden named Katrinelje while he is in human form. 1519:, Princess of Oz, a little girl witch who is often seen with Frau Totenkinder. While the Fairy Witch's great task was the creation of Fabletown and the Woodland building and Totenkinder's great task was the battle against the Empire, Ozma sees her task as the battle against Mr. Dark for the sake of Fabletown. She was voted as the new leader of the 13th floor after Frau Totenkinder went to find Dunster Happ. She participated in a power struggle in The Farm along with Stinky and Gepetto, and in the end was named one of Rose Red's three advisers. With Totenkinder gone to live with her new husband, Ozma is the leader of the thirteenth floor witches. She's killed by a resurrected feral Bigby Wolf (unknown to all is being controlled by Mrs. Sprat). 3733:, trusting him to arrange the transfer of the winter season to the next kingdom in the cycle. Jack immediately ignored her wishes, heading off to seek out new women to seduce and generally misuse the abilities given to him, abandoning Lumi, who quickly came to realise that she was not, in fact, unwell, but was instead pregnant with Jack's child. Jack's misadventures quickly wrecked the flow of the seasons, turning the population against her. Eventually, Lumi's three sisters were able to persuade Jack to return the powers that he'd taken. Angered by his betrayal, Lumi grew as cold as the season she controlled. While Jack is a compulsive liar, casting doubt on some of the details, Lumi took offence at a mention of "Jack Frost" during the 3666:
Empire, they were used to take over kingdoms through trickery, by killing a king and replacing him with a wooden look-alike. Pinocchio was the first one Geppetto created, but since then his creations have altered significantly. In addition to being created as adults rather than children, in both genders, they are brought to life with spells compelling them to obey Geppetto (these spells are obtained from Geppetto's main power source, the comatose body of the Blue Fairy). Aside from the Emperor, most wooden soldiers are highly derisive of all non-wooden life forms, human, Fable or otherwise, referring to them contemptuously as "meat" and commenting at great lengths about what they see as the many failures of human anatomy (the need for
909:, where the Japanese Fables have started a new life after the Adversary's invasion. Rapunzel is caught in a war between Tomoko's group and the other Japanese Fables, but eventually manages to help her former lover and the Japanese Fables find their way back to their homeland via a magical portal. Frau Totenkinder reveals to Joel Crow that she knows who took Rapunzel's children, and that this person is an enemy of Totenkinder, who would use Rapunzel to bring her and all of Fabletown down. This is why the twins were stolen, and why she can't tell Rapunzel. She persuades Joel to give Rapunzel a memory potion that will make her forget about her daughters, Tomoko and The Hidden Kingdom. It is implied that Joel gives the potion to Rapunzel. 10080:
deceased daughter) in an attempt to throw the duo off the trail. When they uncover the ruse, Greenleaf refuses to help them find Crane, warning them of "forces beyond their authority". When Snow threatens to burn down her ancient tree, which is both a family heirloom and what she uses to create her back-alley glamours, she tells them that Crane was at her apartment to take from her possession the Ring of Dispel, so he could undo the spell that keeps Georgie's girls from breaking their silence so Crane could prove himself innocent of Lily's and Faith's murders (Greenleaf says that the Ring lost its power decades ago). After they get this info out of Greenleaf, the player can decide whether or not to continue with destroying the tree.
4920:, the colonel of "Bearskin's Free Company", the Fables who held back the Adversary's forces and tried to hold their last unconquered territory. It is said that he fought in many famous battles. He was known for his cunning battle strategies which were the reason that the territory held as long as it did. He also cared for the safety of the people who had loved ones and sent them on the boat to Fabletown. Boy Blue was his orderly, and he gave Boy Blue the witching cloak so Blue would live to tell the tale of the battle and so he could escape to be with Red Riding Hood. He was one of the last of the Fables that stayed to fight to be killed; he was stabbed in the side and died slowly while the Adversary's troops mocked him. 5117:
elemental ice and wind, so that even the slightest brush of the Dullahan's death would not touch the world below. There, he entered his Casket of Primordial Winds (a suicide mechanism kept in case he got tired of this life, since nothing much could harm him) and took Mr. Dark with him, killing them both. When informed of Mr. North's death, Bigby felt conflicted, as he had hated his father for so long and now his father had done something so noble as this. His musings were interrupted when one of the North Wind's aides showed up and informed him that now that Mr. North was dead, a new North Wind was needed from his bloodline. Since Bigby is "entirely unsuitable", they will have to choose from among his children.
magical of the fables, and plays an important role in beginning Flycatcher's quest to restore his Homelands kingdom. It is also implied by Rose Red that Santa is the guardian of a gateway from the Homelands. Santa has also been revealed to be a Paladin of Hope, specifically the Hope for Justice, and the Hope for Reward as well as the hope that everything will turn out all right in the end, claiming that this is why Christmas takes place at the end of the year. He is also a vassal of the North Wind, and he taught Winter how use her powers to be in more than one place at a time. Winter also asked him to expand Christmas to all worlds that are under her sway, or are known to her.
7860:, was on the run from the Adversary's forces for years, before the group made it into the mundy world in the year of 1943. The Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man decided to live out on the Jersey pine barrens rather than staying at the Farm, while Dorothy went on to live as a killer for hire among the mundys. At some point years later, all of them were captured by Mr. Revise's people and imprisoned at the Golden Boughs. When Mr. Revise reluctantly allowed the revised Fables to be restored back to their original self, and the Cowardly Lion learns that he was actually vicious lion looking for restraint before he was revised. In the series' final issue, in a chaotic battle with 1893:
shown interest in Boy Blue while overseeing his labor sentence, but rejected his advances on the eve of Fabletown's strike against the Emperor in order to preserve their friendship. Boy Blue did not take the rejection well. Following the "War and Pieces" story-arc, Rose marries Sinbad, but immediately divorces him on account of her despair over Boy Blue's post-war condition. She attempts to revive her romantic relationship with Boy Blue in his last moments, but is denied by Blue himself, who tells her that she is hopelessly attracted to whoever seems to add the most excitement to her life, and that he deserves better than that, but he hopes someone else can "fix her".
a sheltered life along with his majordomo Vrumptus, growing into a sickly, frail child. When at the climax of the war between Fabletown and the Empire, as shown in War and Pieces, Lumi immediately falls permanently asleep because of Briar Rose's curse, her wintry powers seek Jack, turning him into the second Jack Frost (essentially a male version of the Snow Queen), imbuing him with several powers, such as the absolute mastery over cold and snow of his mother, the ability to travel between dimensions and the mystical ability to track Jack Horner. After receiving his powers one of the first things he does is to change his name which he decides to call himself Jack.
4687:, who was, in fact, a transformed Jack Horner; Jack had stolen the books when the Golden Boughs were destroyed. The sisters arrived at the same times as several former Golden Boughs prisoners, who were on a quest of their own, searching for Fabletown. The sisters went after the books while shooting at the dragon, which made the dragon burn the books - he was tired of them anyway - in anger. The sisters, upset at the loss of the books, started shooting everyone around them, thinking that since they were doomed to die without the books, everyone else could just as well die with them. This made some of the Fables retaliate and all three of the sisters were killed; 709:. As such, she lives in a luxurious apartment filled with expensive furnishings. Her curse, however, remains in effect, with the slightest prick of her finger causing her falling asleep, followed by everybody else in the building, which is then surrounded by rapidly growing thorn-bearing plants. A kiss from a (genuinely) loving "prince" resets the curse back to the start. It has been revealed during a talk with Bigby that in one incident when her finger was pricked, the police sent in a police dog named "Prince" and his innocent dog kiss awoke her, the affection of a dog being honest and true (though Briar threatened Bigby never to tell a soul of the incident). 10020:, a prostitute who was found murdered in the first episode of the game, "Faith". After the Woodsman attacks her, Bigby steps in and saves her. When she's found murdered later, Bigby finds her ring stuffed in her severed head, which bears a symbol that leads to her identity. Her story states that she escaped her father, the king, by using a magic coat made from his prize donkey; she married Prince Laurence before the exodus from the Homelands. Fallen on hard times in Fabletown, Faith estranged from Laurence and turned to prostitution, and Laurence, out of guilt for burdening her, tried to commit suicide (based on the player's action, he has a chance to survive). 10091:
herself. She appears as a woman with short black hair with a red-dyed streak in it, and she claims that she kills mundane children for fun. She and the Tweedles corner Bigby, Snow, and Crane in an alley so they can kidnap Crane. After she gets Dee and Dum to shoot at Bigby until he transforms into a wolf-man, she shoots and disables Bigby with a silver bullet from her revolver so she can chop off his head with an axe (heavily implying that she is the one who killed Faith and Lily, at the Crooked Man's behest); Snow surrenders Crane, so the Crooked Man signals Mary to spare Bigby (she breaks his arm instead). She ends up getting killed in a fight against Bigby.
Bluebeard, who was supposed to be keeping watch downstairs, insisted that they should simply shoot Sharp, belittling Bigby when he chose a different course of action. Kidnapping Sharp, the Fables took a number of photographs of him posed with Pinocchio, in such a manner to make it appear that Sharp was a pedophile. They then informed Sharp that if he published his story, they would release these photos, plus a videotape of an interview with Pinocchio where he explained what Sharp had supposedly done to him by pointing out on a teddy bear where Sharp touched him, thus destroying Sharp's reputation completely. Sharp had no choice but to cooperate.
pleased, says that their day of ascendancy has come at long last. During "Cubs in Toyland" arc Bigby asks as humbly as he could for their help in finding Therese and Darien. While of course all the winds at first refuse, Bigby makes a verbal threat that he'd make them pay if they didn't. It is noted, that while he's just as suspicious character as his siblings, he was the only one of them not griping or complaining about searching for them. He notes "Sometimes a doing a favor is its own reward", meaning he could have some benevolence in him at the most as he saw that while Bigby wasn't a god like them, he wasn't just an ordinary human either.
Adversary's forces. They flee, staying ahead of the invading armies and taking sanctuary in one church after another until they learn of the mundane world. Arriving there in the mid-17th century, they made their way to the newly established Fabletown, where they are shocked to discover Frau Totenkinder among the Fables already present. Hansel immediately demands her execution, only to be informed that, under the terms of the Fabletown Compact, Totenkinder had been granted amnesty for her actions in the Homelands. Disgusted, Hansel announces his intention to live among the mundane population, leaving his sister behind in Fabletown.
and Bagheera urinated on it. Bagheera was the only revolutionary who chose confinement over hard labour. He was eventually freed after Mowgli, who owed Bagheera a life debt, took on his burden of service and brought the self-exiled Bigby Wolf back to Fabletown. Khan is shown to be one of the many whose bodies were dumped down the Witching Well which means he is among the Fables dwelling below the well. As a ghost, Khan returned to the Homelands and joined The Adversary. His fate after the war's end is unknown. Bagheera recently returned to his homeland with Mowgli and Bigby's brothers to see if they can safely move back in.
book describing what it is he has discovered of the Fables. He has been keeping an eye on them for long enough now to be familiar with many of the regulars and has noticed the disappearance of several - Bigby Wolf, Snow White, Boy Blue and so forth - linked with references to "The Farm". He has come to the conclusion that "the Farm" is actually a euphemism for execution, giving him the mistaken impression that the Fables willingly kill their own without reservation. He is aware that Tommy Sharp was also investigating Fabletown and was subsequently murdered, which has only served to heighten his misgiving about the Fables.
her sister's death by Bigby, and what she says next sends Bigby to investigate her pimp Georgie Porgie. In episode 3, Holly is outraged at Bigby when she learned that Lily's corpse was thrown down the Witching Well, even when Snow tells her that was Crane's doing; Holly and Gren are then injured fighting the Tweedles when they interrupt Lily's funeral. At the Trip Trap in episode 3, Holly, rendered confused and lethargic due to the medicine Dr. Swineheart gave her for her injuries, has a conversation with Bigby while he roots through Lily's possessions for a clue to the witch Crane had hired for the black-market glamour.
5082:#110. When traveling the world, he fell in love with a wolf named Winter; they had seven cubs. Mr. North grew bored after several years and abandoned her. He is the only European fable that still holds his kingdom from the Adversary. He arrives in Fabletown when word reaches him about the birth of his grandchildren, and he spends several years at the farm helping Snow take care of them. He treats Snow like she was his own daughter even before she is married to his son, teaching his grandchildren how to fly and shapeshift. He is strong enough to fight Demons and is confident he would be able to beat the D'Jinn, or 10104:
employment, but in reality, his organisation is a thinly disguised racketeering ring which muscles in on other businesses and keeps its members in forced servitude through heavy debts, threats and acts of violence, and even torture. The Crooked Man is articulate, cunning, and manipulative, and likes to put on airs of sophistication, but when he loses his temper he reveals a terrifying and unrelenting ruthlessness. At the end of the game's storyline, he is found guilty of murder and either thrown down the Witching Well, turned into a caged raven by Aunty Greenleaf and send to the Farm, or brutally killed by Bigby.
Mister Dark was contained within a stone box which drained his power and transmitted it to be used by the Adversary. Looters mistakenly released the creature who proceeded to drain them of life. Mister Dark reacquired his stolen power including a portion that powered the Witching Cloak, destroyed the enchantments that held the Fabletown buildings together and set off to Fabletown to seek revenge. Upon arrival, he captured and then killed Kay, as well as a few hundred New York residents for the construction of his new palace. A composite character like Jack and Frau Totenkinder, he represents every version of the
3686:; they were defeated in the bloody Battle of Fabletown. Although they were sent ostensibly to collect every single magical item that was taken out of the Homelands and return it to the Empire, they also came with the clear intent to kill as many of the Fables as they could, something that they seemed to take pleasure in anticipating. These soldiers are all identical, with hands and heads enchanted to look human, allowing them to more easily pass through the mundane world without suspicion. These soldiers all appear in matching suits, sunglasses and toupees (one observing mundane assumed they were a procession of 3690:). Generally, they are only distinguishable from each other by wig color. Three of the soldiers, Hugh, Drew and Louis are apparently the leaders; they are the first to appear in New York (with Baba Yaga), and are the first to visit Fabletown, warning that they will return to confiscate all magic items. They also steal guns (from the murdered gun salesman) to use in the battle, and oversee the construction and arming of their brothers. When every wooden soldier is assembled into an army of hundreds, they invade Fabletown en masse. Eventually, due to the leadership of Snow White and the nick-of-time appearance by 826:
rebellion at the Farm, and also dealt with her extensively during her pregnancy with Bigby's children. A battlefield surgeon without peer, his services proved invaluable during the battle of Fabletown. He appears to have taken on some mundane attitudes, most likely because he deals with mundane patients as well as his work with the Fables, to the extent that he starts to suggest the possibility of abortion when Snow expresses her unhappiness about the scandal her pregnancy has resulted in. The appalled Snow stops him going any further, threatening to throw him out of Fabletown if he persists.
4523:, who has the powers of that concept. His precise status at the facility was somewhat unclear; while he did Revise's bidding, appearing to have his trust and carry out a number of minor staff duties, he was also kind and sympathetic and aided the escape plan. It is later revealed that the Pathetic Fallacy is a Literal, an extremely powerful magical being of a different kind to the Fables, in that he personifies a literary concept rather than being a character from literature. He was the father of Kevin Thorn and grandfather to Revise, although he appears to only be aware of this on occasion. 1461:
effect, as the women (like Rapunzel who bought jogging shoes) cannot take the shoes off and it is exhausting them. This causes the angry women to organize a protest where mundys can see, which puts Crispin in trouble with Sheriff Beast. Eventually, when Cindy returns, she makes the elves take back the shoes (though Cindy must pay them for their efforts, but she takes it out of Crispin's paycheck). She also makes Crispin give all the Fabletown women long foot massages for their tired feet. The elves decide to send their shoes back to the Homelands for the soldiers that served the "Emperor".
179:. In their youth, they were inseparable, swearing to each other that nothing would ever come between them, but they later had a falling out. Snow eventually married Prince Charming, but they divorced after she found him in bed with Rose. As revealed late in the series' run, she and Rose Red are part of a deeply magical bloodline in which all the sisters of each generation must attempt to kill each other, the sole survivor inheriting all of the family's power. Their mother, Lauda, had attempted to end the cycle by having only one child, but she was confounded when she gave birth to twins. 297:"everything beautiful leads to ruin in the end". Lamia then took the woman's form in order to adopt her peaceful and simple way of life. She kept the form so long that the woman's personality became her. She met Beast, and they fell in love. Every few decades, Beauty becomes herself Lamia again. When this happens, Beast tries to catch her in time and lock her away. Sometimes she escapes, and embarks on a killing rampage, targeting rapists and men who abuse women (going after innocents is "not her style"). Beast then assumes the identities of famous heroes of detective fiction (such as 3835:
with Frau Totenkinder in the intervening years and has gained a new appreciation for the magic arts, seeing them not as the devil's work, but as a useful tool. Horrified and enraged, Hansel strikes her viciously with a chair, snapping her neck instantly. As no witnesses are present, he tries to claim that it had been an accident, but he is not believed. Hansel is stricken from the Fabletown Compact and banished forever. He continues with his witch-finding activities, but as time passes and the witch-hunts cease, his fame becomes infamy and he vanishes from the mundane world.
10044:, or Gren, a barfly who regulars the Trip Trap Bar. He first appears waiting in line to see Acting Mayor Ichabod Crane and calls Bigby a "fucker". He later appears at the Trip Trap Bar. When Bigby meets the Woodsman at the Bar, Gren drops his glamour, revealing his true form to resemble a shark-like humanoid, and attacks Bigby; Bigby wins by partially morphing into his wolf form and targeting Gren's right arm, implying it was reattached after Beowulf ripped it off in the old legend. After beating Gren in the fight, the player can choose to rip off his arm or not. 8911:. He is assigned the mission of tracking down the missing Bigby and bringing him back to Fabletown. While this is outside the Tourists' normal duties, he accepts the mission when Prince Charming informs him that his friend Bagheera, imprisoned for his role in the Farm revolt, would be freed once his mission was completed. Mowgli is primarily given this assignment because, unlike the other Tourists, he was raised by wolves, and thus knows how Bigby would think. The task takes many months and covered thousands of miles, but Mowgli is ultimately successful. During 8019:, the place where he was left behind, for at least two decades, still living with the sword stuck in his chest. He is now being used as a tourist attraction as the "Impaled Wild Man". It appears no one's really tried making real interaction with him, beyond trying to pull out his sword for fun. Due to this treatment, he has lost some of his mental stability and has become somewhat delusional. Eventually, he has enough of being an attraction and makes a long journey to find Gary the Pathetic Fallacy. He does eventually find Jack, who has been transformed into a 279:. Afterwards, Beauty feels that there was something magical about this sex. In a subsequent, Beauty reveals she is pregnant. The child is born premature, but there are no apparent complications. The child, a little girl, is named Bliss, and seems normal. As Frau had predicted, though, there is a complication: when Bliss becomes angry, she transforms into a six-limbed, tailed beast. Since the birth of little Bliss, her father is unable to transform into his beastly form. When Beast is examined by Ozma she is unable to detect any trace of his ancient curse. In 5234:
the East Wind, who suggested that they not only killed the entire wolf clan, but the North Wind's attendant winds as well. The West Wind and the South Wind both agreed. Later, it becomes clear to the winds that the testing might place the children in mortal danger, and the East Wind remarks that if the cubs are killing themselves in the process of testing, the fewer the winds will have to take out when they are compelled to step in. The South Wind reminds the others that their patience is paying off and that they were right to hold off taking a direct hand.
3926:, and a sorcerer powerful enough to face Frau Totenkinder. Born in Hesse, the Homeland that mirrors German fables, Max and Peter's family were caught in the middle of a goblin invasion (under the supervision of the then-burgeoning Empire). The Piper family had a tradition of woodwinds performance, and passed down an ancient pipe named Frost from generation to generation. When Max was denied the inheritance in favor of his younger brother, he started to exhibit sociopathic tendencies, and ran away after murdering his father, lost during the invasion. 5198:
of personal spite. With coaxing from the South Wind, she got them to decide to invite themselves as guests of the Wolf Clan. However, upon hearing the ideas of his fellow winds, the East Wind suggested that they not only killed the entire wolf clan, but the North Wind's attendant winds as well. The others agreed to the plan, but when Winter (one of the "cubs") is chosen as the new North Wind, the East Wind appears to accept it, and even tells a disgruntled West Wind to be quiet and mind the occasion. He also wishes to assist in Winter's training.
three volunteered to join the defense, hoping to demonstrate their new loyalty. They fought bravely, but Papa Bear was badly injured and Boo was slain by enemy fire in the closing stages of the battle. Boo's body was committed to the depths of the Witching Well along with his fallen comrades, watched by his grieving parents. With the popular story requiring three bears, Mama Bear fell pregnant not long after her son's death and a new Baby Bear now completes the family once more. Boo Bear was among the ghosts who accompanied Flycatcher to Haven.
7608:. The Boxing League were the Emperor's army of highly specialized combat sorcerers, who were tasked with locking up any magician and magical creature who did not directly serve Geppetto's empire, because they were a potential threat to the Adversary's monopoly on power. Several years after the fall of Geppetto's empire, the boxes mysteriously sprung open and the prisoners were released. For unexplained reasons, they were drawn to Rose Red, and were absorbed into her body, in order to serve as members of her army. These magical beings include: 463:, successfully running for the position of Mayor of Fabletown against Old King Cole, so he would have access to those funds. However, he made some false presumptions (and thus promises) and had a difficult time in office with public opinion turning against him. Following his victory, he appointed Beauty and Beast to the positions of deputy mayor and sheriff respectively. Spending a large amount of time with Beauty on the job, he attempted to begin an affair with her; she rejected his advances, threatening to set Beast on him if he persisted. 5306:. Both end up working on the same spy job together, looking for the ones who are selling magical contraband. They eventually discover it is the three girls from Sinbad's harem and find they are in dealing with Cinderella's own Fairy Godmother. Cinderella eventually defeats her grandmother with the help of Hickory and leaves with Aladdin. She reveals she knows about him spying on the other Fable-communities, but states she'll keep quiet because she's attracted to him. Aladdin returns her feelings and they decide to spend a night together. 1978:), the father of Prince Brandish, were the ones behind Snow's separation from her family. When Rose realizes that Snow is not to blame for all her grief and that she needs to move on, she looks to her "mother's" spirit and tells her to stop trying to fool her. At this point she sees that this being is neither Boy Blue, Colin, nor her mother, and asks it to show her its real form, to which request it complies. Although its form is never seen, Rose is shown bathed in a golden light, and it is seen that this form impresses and shocks her. 10055:
is revealed to be the murderer of Lilly and Faith, acting on behalf of his boss, the Crooked Man. Furious that the Crooked Man attempts to throw him under the bus for the murders, he starts a three-way fight between himself, Bigby, and the Crooked Man's henchmen, during which he is mortally slashed with a knife, before he manages to escape back to his club along with Vivian. When Vivian commits suicide out of guilt, Georgie breaks down in despair and with his dying breaths, he reveals to Bigby where to find the Crooked Man's hideout.
1067:, Bigby's father, a successor is chosen among his grandchildren. After a series of tests are performed, Winter is named the winner and the new king of the North Wind's kingdom. Winter will be sent away soon for her training, but she admits to her father that she's deathly afraid as a result of recently having nightmares of her older self as the North Wind. In her dreams, she is no longer her sweet and shy self and sees herself as a cold and selfish person that hurts people. If this will happen is not known. By the time the events of 1889:
At the end of the arc Rose is shown to have matured greatly and has fixed her relationship with her sister and broke off her bad relationship with Jack for good. She continues to run the Farm, doting on her nieces and nephews, and has occasionally provided assistance to covert operations. Though her life as the original party girl is well behind her, she still maintains a cheerful attitude and independent spirit, evident in how she runs the Farm, regardless of how the current administration would like her to manage things.
1088:. In that story, it is also revealed that, no matter their nigh-immortality (due to their nature as Fables and part-gods), they will all die, eventually (as Bigby is fated to outlive them all). Still according to Bigby's new fate, all of his cubs will lay waste to worlds (meaning they will all do terrible things, eventually - though this is contradicted by Dare's noble suicide before he had any opportunity to commit any crime of any kind at all), but as noted earlier, the Lady can reassign fates. In the Fables story 1972:, it is revealed that the spiritual guide they thought was Colin Pig may not be him after all, during Colin's final attempt to help Rose Red from her depression. He soon transforms into Boy Blue, but immediately decides to change again, believing it would be too cruel for her. Instead, he takes the form of Rose and Snow White's mother. It is also noted that the spirit knows things about Rose and Snow that they had never told others, such as their child pet names, and he explains that their mother and the king (from 7250:. Rose asks her to get out of the cold, or else she'll die. The girl answers that she has no home and many matchstick bundles yet to sell. Rose says to her that she will die tonight, as in the fairy tale, but the girl answers that no one knows what will be and that she is young and can stand the cold. She speaks of her hopes for the future, and hopes that her (future) children will have a better life than her. Rose is heartbroken, because she knows that the girl will freeze to death, with all her hopes unfulfilled. 604:
techniques perfected by the mundane population. Her public persona is loud, brash and carefree, with most of her fellow Fables dismissing her as a shallow and largely irresponsible playgirl. On a mission, however, Cinderella is calm, calculating and frequently ruthless, displaying no qualms about killing when required. Cinderella eventually meets her end after finally killing Frau Totenkinder, partly at the request of Snow White given Totenkinder's decision to side with Rose Red and to even the score between them.
after Bigby's destruction of the magic grove, although he is not apprised of the war plans outlined by the Snow Queen so that he could not reveal them were he to be subjected to interrogation. Geppetto designates him as the Empire's official envoy to Fabletown, but his real mission in the mundane world is to recover Baba Yaga and the wooden soldiers and return them to the Homelands. He is initially given three years to accomplish this, as Geppetto is intent on a full-scale attack on the mundane world in 2009.
1099:. Blossom becomes the "pauper", a huntress who lives without material possessions or comforts, living off and protecting beasts and lands, which is a point of contention between her and Winter; Conner is the "hero bold", a swash-bucking adventurer who travels through worlds, though his flamboyant attitude has put him at odds with the more grounded Ambrose; and Ghost is revealed to be the one "who lives to ages old, and is by heaven blessed" by virtue of outliving all his siblings after a long eventful life. 3872:, Hansel is revealed to have joined the Shadow Players as an agent tasked to protect the Mundy world from its new magic. Upon finding the "package", a newly manifested mundy witch with incredible powers, his bigotry against witches manifests once more, driving him to attempt to murder her. In a turn of events, he was swiftly blown apart by the child, which seemed to end his life once and for all. His remains are collected by his fellow Shadow Player, Peter Piper, and magically revived by Feathertop. 475:, he supervised building the barricades, then fought bravely during the battle itself, defying the gun-carrying wooden soldiers while armed with a sword. In the battle's aftermath, he led the firefighters that went into the damaged buildings to extinguish the last blazes. Despite the fact that he took the job of mayor primarily for its economic benefits, he eventually dedicated himself sincerely to the duties of mayor, including setting up defenses for Fabletown against the Adversary and, in the 1242:) when he and a squad of Allied soldiers stormed the castle where the experiment was being performed. The Monster's still-animated head is kept in the business office in the Woodlands building where Bigby chats with him from time to time. He often has phantom thirst and is given drinks by Bufkin though the last time this happened, the bottom of his cage rusted out. He is Bufkin's dear friend and ally, he teams up with Bufkin and the others when they discover they're stuck with Baba Yaga. In the 1780:. Because Brandish has bewitched himself so that any injury inflicted on him will also hurt Snow, the task is easier said than done, especially since the spell is difficult to break. Morgan comes up with a plan. They will not try to break the spell, but add to it instead: She will build in a delay between cause and effect, which will give them some wiggle room between the moment Brandish is killed, and when the same thing happens to Snow. Morgan begins the hard work of casting the spell, while 211:, contrasted the chapters that covered the war against the Adversary, which are generally considered either examples or deconstructions of masculine ideas of warfare, with the female-led final arc, which focused heavily on the increasingly military rivalry between Snow White and Rose Red: "The martial prowess that Bigby, Prince Charming, and Boy Blue once represented becomes overshadowed by the enduring connections of the extended Fables family, a community where Rose and Snow reconcile". 4334:. After many years of adventuring, Briar Rose, who had been scratched by an undead blade, begins to succumb to a zombie-like curse. She returns to Fabletown to collect Hadeon, who has exactly one ride left before returning to her own form. Briar Rose commands Hadeon to take her "to the end of the universe" and then pricks her finger, declaring that if she must turn into an undead horror, she will not be awake for it and will keep her oath to prevent Hadeon from harming anyone ever again. 807:. After many years of adventuring, Briar Rose, who had been scratched by an undead blade, begins to succumb to a zombie-like curse. She returns to Fabletown to collect Hadeon, who has exactly one ride left before returning to her own form. Briar Rose commands Hadeon to take her "to the end of the universe" and then pricks her finger, declaring that if she must turn into an undead horror, she will not be awake for it and will keep her oath to prevent Hadeon from harming anyone ever again. 187:, she contends with Fabletown's enemies, has children with and eventually marries Bigby Wolf, and lives through a rivalry with her sister, Rose Red. Snow's seven children are born at the same time, and only one of them can pass for fully human at that time. By Fabletown law, she is required to move with them to the Farm, so she leaves her position as deputy mayor and is succeeded by Beauty. Nonetheless, Snow helps organize the conflict with the Adversary and Mr. Dark in 2389:, Bo is one of many Fables killed by Goldilocks, although Cinderella is able bring her back to life. Bo's husband, Peter, is also one of the intended victims, but Goldilocks is interrupted by Bo before she can go through with her plans. Because Goldilocks took Cinderella's form, Bo attacks the real Cinderella when the latter shows up at their house a moment later. She almost kills her in a knife fight, but Cinderella survives the deadly wounds, and is able to explain. 3487:
simply the power that such a position would provide. It was hoped that she had been killed after attempting to assassinate Bigby and Snow White (being, in order, hit in the head with an axe, knocked off a cliff and then finally hit by a truck off another cliff into a river), all the while still attempting to kill the two. Her popularity as a Fable allowed her to regenerate from her horrendous injuries and she eventually reappeared on the scene in the spin-off series
4219:, who claims that Dorothy has been hired to kill him. Eventually, both are abducted and taken to the Deadly Desert of Oz, where Dorothy is waiting. Before they reach their destination, both manage to escape in the middle of the desert. Cindy is feeling ready to face Dorothy, but Ivan drugs her, and she wakes up tied to a chair, Dorothy standing before her with Toto at her side. Toto had previously been killed during the mass escape from the Golden Boughs, but, as 3761:, intentionally activated her curse within the city. Lumi immediately fell asleep with the rest of the population. When she fell into slumber, her powers were transmitted to her son, the new Jack Frost. However, he returned them to her shortly afterward, but apparently this was not sufficient to wake her up. Recently, the city was burned to the ground, but not before both Lumi and Sleeping Beauty were carried away, still asleep, by a mysterious cadre of goblins. 515:
investigating a series of murders around the kingdom (the victims were revealed to be the Seven Dwarves). He states one of the violent of prisoners did it and had him executed. This kept peace with the dwarves. He had known it was really Snow White, as the sword wounds indicated progressive swordsmanship. Because he had lost his trust in her, he had Rose Red move in with them in the castle, and shortly after, cheated on Snow with Rose Red, revealed in the
uncertainty until Grimble gave him an impassioned speech of his responsibility as mayor. Cole led the Fable community to evacuate to The Farm so as to regroup and figure out what to do from there. In addition, he and Beauty have also taken over babysitting duties of Bigby and Snow's cubs while the parents were sent to investigate Jack Horner's claims regarding the Literals as well as Rose Red descending heavily into depression following Boy Blue's death.
5287:, with Prince Charming as his combat coordinator. After the destruction of the ship, he defended the injured Charming while the latter dragged the last bomb to its target and set it off. After the war, he married Rose Red, who divorced him around a week after their wedding to try to be with Boy Blue. Following a failed attempt to reconcile, he returned to Baghdad, expressing a wish to build a new airship with which to explore the liberated homelands. 264:, during the "Sons of Empire" story-arc, and the subsequent need to keep track of both him and his staff, Beast asks for, and is given, additional funding and manpower. This includes the zephyrs, provided by Bigby Wolf's father, the North Wind, which act as spies. During the war against the Empire, as depicted in the "War and Pieces" arc, Beast remains in Fabletown, commanding the troops stationed there in case of a retaliatory assault by the Empire. 3729:, she is one of four sisters, each representing one of the seasons, who jointly ruled four kingdoms with each moving in a yearly cycle to bring the seasons in a predictable manner to their subjects. She was once naive and good-natured, with a childlike and somewhat gullible personality. That changed after Lumi had a relationship with Jack. Feeling unwell as the seasonal change approached, she naively gave her powers to Jack, creating the persona of 332:, Lamia is gone for good: Beauty becomes the victim of a serial killer, and even though Beauty is brought back to life, Lamia is not. Beast is ultimately killed by a feral, controlled resurrected Bigby Wolf. It remains to be seen if he will stay dead. In the final story, it reveals that years later, a grown up Bliss and Beauty have a business where they solve the problems of people (such as murders and kidnappings) using Bliss' beastly abilities. 5782:
Baba Yaga, Mr. Dark and the last of the Baleful Hernes. Frau Totenkinder (after rejuvenating and using her true name again: Bellflower) asks him to teach her how to box Mr. Dark, despite her initial concerns that such boxes may have been made to capture her as well. During their time, Totenkinder apparently seduced him and became his lover. They would develop a deep relationship and would become engaged. They later came back to The Farm. In the
6165:, now working in the Pan-Ozian administration of the Nome King who freed him from his prison. The Nome King feeds his enemies to the Yoop. The Yoop eventually got tired of his job as the Nome King's "people eater", feeling that he could not keep up with the large number of people being fed to him every day. He was sent out to capture Bufkin, Jack Pumpkinhead, Bungle the Glass Cat and the Sawhorse, but decided to join their revolution instead. 4014:. Cinderella, Fabletown's secret agent, was able to uncover the identity of the usurper and put an end to the Fairy Godmother's dictatorship. However, she could not bring herself to kill her, and instead turned her over to Ultima Thule's citizens for punishment. It is unknown what became of her after this. The story implied that Briar Rose and Cinderella shared the same fairy godmother. This seems to have been proven apocryphal in the 10030:, twin brothers who claim were hired as private detectives by an unknown employer to investigate Faith's death. Dee roughs up Mr. Toad while looking for The Woodsman and something thought to be in his possession; Dee is pursued and caught by Bigby when they meet at Faith's and Laurence's apartment, but Dum saves him. At the Trip Trap Bar, Dee encounters Bigby again, and the player has to choose whether to arrest Dee or the Woodsman. 7969:, but it is unclear who he talks to exactly (himself, the reader or an imaginary audience). He also seems to be able to find himself in the most improbable situations, without anyone showing any sign of surprise (some characters even mistake him for a dog, though he clearly looks like what he is: a blue ox). Even Bunyan seems a little confused about Babe's identity, as he keeps referring to Babe as a "she", even though he 24: 4719:
conceived by Lumi and Jack when Jack Horner, trying to harness the wintry powers and the riches of the Snow Queen for himself, romanced the still naive and gullible Lumi. As a result of his predictable betrayal, Lumi hardened her heart, becoming the cold, ruthless villainess shown in the series, lavishing the young Jack with all her bottled and repressed love. It is unexplained why she would give her son such a name.
forth between his human and beastly forms depending on his wife's mood towards him, but the two are nevertheless a loving couple. With the election of Prince Charming to Mayor of Fabletown during the events of "The Mean Seasons", their lives take a turn for the better. As neither Bigby Wolf or Snow White are willing to work alongside Charming, they resign, and the Prince offers Beauty and Beast the available jobs.
1015:(named after Bigby's mother), is portrayed as being shy and cuddly, often shown sucking her thumb or holding a stuffed animal, usually the only one of the cubs to do so. Her brother Darien has referred to Winter as the runt of the litter, despite her being the firstborn. She also stands out because, unlike her other siblings, she was the only one who was born completely human in appearance. The remaining cubs are 3930:
the location of Frost from Totenkinder, he stole the children of Hamelin (whose parents had offended Totenkinder), exchanging their lives for the debts of his evil teachers. After a brief battle with Peter and suffering exile after being defeated by Peter, Max returned even more powerful as well as more intent on killing his brother. In the early 20th Century, he cast a curse that increased the lethality of the
4635:, something that he takes considerable pride in having achieved, though he also shows horror after learning that they are his half sisters. Hillary spends some time traveling with Jack after his escape from Golden Boughs, but left after discovering that he'd slept with both of her sisters before her and is now helping the Bookburner, Revise's brother and the father of her two sisters, track the fugitives. 5359:
Lumi. It is revealed that because Ali Baba risked his life to wake and rescue Briar Rose, his actions fell under the definition of true love, but was not romantic love. Lumi likes and is attracted to Ali Baba, and believes that love can grow from that. The two become a couple, and start a new life together in Lumi's homeland, but this is only temporary, as both of them are killed during the events of the
4309:, because Hadeon likes to pick a fight every century or so, to keep her tools honed. Hadeon nearly defeats Lumi, but Briar, wanting revenge for what Hadeon did to her as a baby, decides to take matters into her own hands. It is revealed that because Hadeon cast the curse on Briar Rose all those years ago, Briar has become immune to her magic. Briar defeats Hadeon with a few solid punches to the jaw. Her 838:'s hair is constantly growing, at a rate of four inches an hour, so she has to live under the most restrictive conditions to prevent any mundanes from noticing. She has three haircuts each day. She was part of the group of Fables who were part of the last stand in the old territory and she was also present at the Remembrance Day for those who died in the battle at the Last Castle. It is revealed in 8000:'s attentions, though she's clearly disgusted by him. It is revealed that Jack Horner was never involved in the Beanstalk or Giant-killing incidents, but is actually an unknowing copy of Wicked John. Upon Wicked John's death, some great power decided to write him back into the stories, but got his name wrong, thus creating Jack Horner. John was later revived, and now both Fables exist. 3360:, who now had a human form, like Bigby Wolf, but due to her unfamiliarity with dating customs, the date did not go well; Reynard left, embarrassed that he had vomited in front of her. Geppetto and Aspen convince to give up dating, especially after Geppetto promises to grow her an ideal mate. Aspen appeared to fare no better, nor did he appear to care for the people of Fabletown, but in 4584:, he's revealed in a more sympathetic light, as it is mentioned that keeping the laws of physics constant over time had been his idea, making science possible. It is also pointed out that he has been a stabilizing force against whims of Kevin Thorn, who could justify any event by claiming poetic license. Eventually, he decides to follow his father in the new universe created by the 1537:. It is hinted that Frau Totenkinder was the one who caused her to go mad after she took over the Fairy Witch's role. When Totenkinder gave her knitting needles and her bag of wool balls their true forms and names back and stopped knitting, the Great Fairy Witch continued to knit with no needles and no wool. She has gone by other names including Ardelia, Cherish, Birdie and Bulah. 352:, Flycatcher recruited John as his squire, offering him the possibility of redemption by accompanying him. Following the completion of his quest, Flycatcher, now King Ambrose of Haven, announced that John would henceforth be known as Trusty John once more, and appointed him to be Lord High Chancellor of the kingdom, putting him in charge of the day-to-day running of the new realm. 1072:
her age and knowledge inherited from her predecessors and is considerably more ruthless than her childlike form appears. Unbeknownst to Snow White, Winter has taken it upon herself to gather all the powers under her demesnes, including the other cardinal winds, the Snow Queen, and Santa Claus, as part of an army against the forces of Rose Red and the Knights of the Endless Table.
1201:: Still as hirsute as his name suggests, Thrushbeard apparently managed to escape the Homelands with some of his royal fortune, as observed by Jack when he tried to sell the exiled King the magic beans; Thrushbeard, wise to Jack's ways, wanted nothing to do with it. He can often be found drinking in the Branstock Tavern. Whether his wife escaped the Homelands with him is unknown. 855:
Rapunzel was giving birth to her children, a strange woman came to her aid. The woman drugged her and stole the children, who were twin girls. Rapunzel spent centuries looking for her daughters across a hundred worlds. Eventually, she gave up and sailed off the edge of the world in a ship, planning to die. Instead, she washed up on the shore of one of The Hidden Kingdom, a Fable
10073:), Nerissa gets Bigby to pay for her services so she can give him a room key for The Open Arms Hotel, where Georgie's girls use to service their johns. Bigby goes to The Open Arms to find the room Lily last used and investigate what he later learns is the site of her murder. Nerissa appears at Lily's funeral in episode 3, and is later attacked by Crane at the Pudding And Pie. 8618:. They joined Goldilocks' attempted revolution when Bookburner marched against the Golden Boughs. They changed their mind when Bookburner's army started shooting the revolutionaries down, and decided to make a run for it instead. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare are killed by Jack the dragon in the series' final battle. The Dormouse is not present, and his fate is unknown. 7030:. It is revealed that it was Cinderella's fairy godmother who showed him the way to Rapunzel's tower. Rapunzel and the Prince shared a passionate love affair, which resulted in Rapunzel becoming pregnant. She then spent months trying to find him, but unbeknownst to her, the fairy godmother now forbade the prince to contact Rapunzel, as the godmother had "plans for" her. 5108:
grandchildren - and would never intentionally hurt any of them. Nor did he wish to further exacerbate the slight bond he had managed to form with his son. Desperately trying to find a way to get himself out of the predicament, he realized that the only way he could forsake his vow to kill Ghost was to die, as death canceled all obligations. A grim Mr. North confronted
890:. When Rapunzel tried to get the foxfire back for Tomoko, she discovered that she was unable to solve the puzzle slide, and broke a plate in anger. The shogun caught her trying to break her into the safe, and beat her up and threw her limp form down a well. Rapunzel was unable to climb out the well, and ate her hair in order to survive. She coughed up hundreds of 600:. She has had a long vendetta with Dorothy Gale, both on a physical and ideological level. Whereas Dorothy was a mercenary motivated by the thrill of murder and chaos, Cinderella is motivated by duty and pragmatism. After finally defeating Dorothy, Cinderella took her magical slippers as bounty, and is now presumably also able to use them for assuming disguises. 5165:
were best suited to determine who might be the most fit to rule Mr. North's kingdom. Bigby, father of the cubs, was furious and would not allow this, and the West Wind then secretly attempted to persuade the East Wind and the South Wind to join him in taking over the North Wind's keep and kill his family, including the children. Thus, they could construct a
3653:, Bright Day, Radiant Sun and Dark Night, who rank among the most formidable warriors in the Empire. All three faced and were defeated by Boy Blue during his return to the Homelands, but due to their irrevocable bond with Baba Yaga, none of the three were able to die. Bright Day represented his mistress at the Imperial conference, appearing only as a head. 9617:. During Bigby's adventures during World War II, Nazis revealed that they had knowledge of at least one werewolf – which, according to "Werewolves of the Heartland", was actually Bigby. In "Werewolves Of The Heartlands", it is revealed that there used to be werewolves in the homelands and in the mundane world - also, a new breed of werewolves is created. 7077:, Gallifar Strikeswift, are mentioned. The brother's testimony plays a pivotal role when a murderer is trialled in Haven, in front of Flycatcher. It was unclear if the Scorpion's existence was genuine fact or pure myth, even within the Fables themselves (besides, the original tale itself was subject to ambiguity, as it is usually wrongly attributed to 3788:
capable of pulling in the winter weather surrounding her if she so chooses, but rarely does so. She commands legions of frost creatures, including giants. She seems to have either always known who the true leader of the Empire was or has known for quite some time, as she has been repeatedly shown as one of Geppetto's closest and most trusted allies.
him imply that even all of them with their guns could only irritate him, at best, if he fought back. Nonetheless, they manage to bring him back peacefully, where it is revealed Revise is actually his son, and the Pathetic Fallacy is his father. It seems that he became a mundane by choice, and doesn't refuse the notion of losing his memories again.
8185:, escaped to the mundy world during the 1940s. While the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion decided to live out in the woods rather than at the Farm, Dorothy took Toto with her when she left to live as a killer for hire among the mundys. At some point, Toto was captured by Revise's people, presumably when Dorothy was captured in the year of 1986. 9003:, compiled a number of personal histories and located photographs of several of the Fabletown residents going back to the beginnings of photography, proving that none of them had aged a day. He also secretly trailed Bigby Wolf, a not unimpressive feat, given the Wolf's massively enhanced senses and witnessed him changing to his wolf form in 1001:, the chubby and sweet cub named after Flycatcher, is portrayed as the weak link, often too scared to transform or fly when in danger. Ambrose narrates certain events such as the family's trip to his grandfather's castle, as well as his narrow escape from his six wild uncles, with whom his father later fought. These are done in the form of 4063:. It is revealed that she kept the prince from seeing Rapunzel again, as the godmother had plans for her. It is hinted she may have had a hand in the abduction of Rapunzel's daughters, but if she was the one to kidnap them, it is not known where she took them, since they were not present with her when Cinderella found her in Ultima Thule. 1880:'s relationship with her sister was defined by wild carousing and partying, serving as an embarrassment to her sister. Snow's then-husband Prince Charming got tangled with Rose Red in an adulterous relationship when she had stayed with the couple as Snow White's companion, thus putting an end to the already troubled marriage. In the first 940:
extremely painful spell, Mr. Dark transforms her into a beautiful, young woman in a black dress. Mr. Dark leaves to deal with the Fables, and promises to summon Mrs. Sprat to his side so that she will see the beautiful Fables be made ugly before they die. He also plans to make her his bride and the mistress of Castle Dark, his fortress in
3854:, as he returns to Fabletown from the Homelands. Pinocchio's escort, Cinderella, while initially also captured, is able to escape and rescue Pinocchio, slaying most of his captors. Uncertain whether Hansel is still officially an accredited envoy to Fabletown, Cinderella elects not to kill him and settles for shooting him in both knees. 1965:, it was revealed that there was a fourth Little Pig, Carl, who made a house out of cloth. He was Snow White's "favourite of The Four Little Pigs", prior to being eliminated from the story by Mr. Revise before he could find out what happened to his brothers—temporarily making Colin Snow White's "favourite of The Three Little Pigs". 1092:, the adult Ambrose narrates the events that led to Bigby's death, and reveals he is the child who judges the rest as the witch foretold, by telling the histories. Ambrose himself is eventually revealed to be an established author of popular children's books and histories, as well as having six children with the Lady of the Lake. 7965:, Revise had them both thrown down the "memory hole" as punishment, resulting in the already shrunken Bunyan becoming almost human-sized and Babe turning into a miniature blue ox. Throughout the series, Babe enjoys entertaining the reader with his own private musings. Babe seems to be one of the few characters that breaks the 5100:). Bigby has never forgiven him for abandoning Winter and considers him a monster. He eventually returns to his kingdom before Bigby returns to Fabletown. Following Bigby and Snow's visit to his castle, he agrees to help Fabletown during the war against the Empire by providing zephyrs trained to act as spies and messengers. 5351:, still asleep, is being held. The imp explains to Ali Baba that the sleeping girl is blessed with eternal wealth and riches, but needs to be woken with true love's kiss from a prince, and that if Ali Baba marries her, he will get everything she gets. Ali Baba sneaks into the camp, and finds both Briar Rose and, Lumi, the 4190:, she began plotting her revenge on Cinderella, while also for the first time remembering where she actually lost the silver slippers. She returned to the Deadly Desert and managed to get the slippers back by hanging off an aircraft on a rope, careful not to touch the deadly sand. She recruited the Spoon Brigade from 4675:. Hillary and Priscilla appear to have motherly attitudes toward him to him while Robin seemed to be following along out of reluctance: the former later advises Jack Frost to cast aside his wintry powers and find his way by himself, thus separating from him and paving for their favorite nephew the path of the hero. 1263:: Believed killed in the Adversary's assault on the Homelands, Gudrun actually escaped and now lives in a secret den within the Woodlands building. Her eggs provided Bigby with an untraceable source of funds for his covert activities. With Bigby moved on, Gudrun now fulfills the same role for his replacement, Beast. 932:, whose first name is Leigh, works as a nurse in the Knights of Malta Hospital special research wing and like the poem says, she is indeed fat. Mrs. Sprat is a rather ugly and grumpy individual, which does her no good in a community filled with beautiful men and women. Her husband was another of Ghost's victims. In 3694:, the soldiers are defeated, but not before killing many Fables. The soldiers afterwards are incarcerated as severed heads, and interrogated by Bigby Wolf and Cinderella; each individual soldier, when separated from his brothers, starts talking relatively quickly. Their bodies were thrown down the Witching Well. 3638:
Totenkinder had spent years laying down protective spells, giving her the advantage. The rest of Fabletown believes Baba Yaga died in this battle, but Bigby and Totenkinder kept her alive and restrained, regularly drained of magical power, in a secret prison cell in order to extract information from her.
come across several books of the original Fable stories (from before they were revised by Mr. Revise), one of which is called "Alice's Adventures Beyond the Grave" (this may or may not indicate that she might be able to return to the living, even though she may or may not have been killed like almost
also show up, and are devastated when Jack burns the books of original Fable stories that they have been looking for. Upset at the loss of the books (the sisters needed them for restoring their immortality), they start shooting everyone around them and Raven is shot through the head and his chest. As
signed the Fabletown compact, he had sworn an unbreakable vow of loyalty to his King, who he believed had been killed leading his forces against the Adversary. This would turn out not to be the case and John's King was now actually working for the Adversary. The King contacted John and ordered him to
has commented on the issue: "Narnia is my favorite fantasy series, bar none. (...) Problem is, Narnia isn't in the public domain, so we couldn't use it in Fables. So who is the lion mentioned in that one panel and what kingdom is depicted? I can't say it's Aslan and I can't say it's Narnia. But that
secured within a bottle, for a meeting carefully negotiated by Mowgli. Things got off to the worst possible start when Prince Charming forgot completely about the meeting and it was only when King Cole, who both spoke the language and was familiar with the customs, was brought in that things began to
After hearing the West Wind's ideas, the South Wind suggested that they should instead conduct themselves as proper guests until Bigby had another outburst. When that happened, they would be "fully justified" in stepping in with force. The other winds agreed to the plan, with a few modifications from
along with many other names. He is the same "kind" as Baba Yaga. Mister Dark's primary source of power is the fear of those who surround him. The more that fear him, the greater his power becomes; if he is surrounded by those who possess little fear, he becomes weaker. He has the power to consume the
Hansel moves to Europe, where he swiftly establishes a name for himself as a witch hunter, testifying in numerous trials and taking part enthusiastically in the executions. It reaches the point where his word is considered sufficient to convict a suspect of witchcraft. Hundreds of people are executed
In recent events, Pinocchio convinced Rodney and June to surrender to Fabletown authorities. Pinocchio also gave them the ability to defy the loyalty magic of Geppetto by explaining that although they need to do what is best for father Geppetto, they don't need to do what he orders since Geppetto may
Reaching Geppetto after months of travel, Rodney and June made their request. Geppetto talked with them for some hours, then told them that such a great gift would always come with a price and asked them to think about whether they'd be willing to pay it. Rodney and June accepted, were made flesh and
The Snow Queen has repeatedly shown a sharp mind and a cunning aptitude. Tall and quite beautiful, she is generally surrounded by an aura of cold, to the extent that it is usually snowing in her vicinity, often to the annoyance of those around her, not that any of them would dare say anything. She is
a large host of them marched on Flycatcher's kingdom of Haven. After surrendering to them, Fly used his magic to revert them into the Sacred Grove they were carved from. Not only did this supply Haven with its own defensive barrier, it also deprived Geppetto of his resources, as only one Sacred Grove
Her legendary chicken-legged hut was sent to the mundane world during the battle between Baba Yaga and the Boxers, an elite team of sorcerers whose mission is to seal away "Great old powers". To detain the witch, they had to remove her hut, as it protected her from the Boxers' lures. A conjured Field
Goldilocks is quite adept at tracking enemies in the wilderness, and is extremely skilled with a rifle, easily incapacitating Bigby in his giant wolf form when ambushed from behind. Contrary to her innocent-looking appearance, she has very keen senses, and is shown to be quite reckless and determined
During the Boy Blue's encounter with the heavily armoured and massively imposing figure Adversary, he is shown to be a figurehead and literal puppet, with this fact and the true identity of the Empire's ruler unknown to even most of the Empire's top leaders. The Adversary is eventually revealed to be
Jill: A Lilliputian who helped Jack steal some of Bluebeard's fortunes in exchange for freedom from the farm and to be able to see and experience the world. She is kept virtually a prisoner while Jack makes a name for himself in Hollywood and retaliates by tipping off his activities to Beast. So far,
got involved with the rebellion there, largely manipulated by Goldilocks, who was sleeping with Boo, the now-grown Baby Bear. After the revolt failed, the three were sentenced to one hundred years of hard labor. Some time later, when it became apparent that Fabletown would soon fall under attack, the
occur, it is revealed that Winter has fully assumed the powers of the North Wind, including the ability to appear in multiple places at once wherever the North Wind exists. While she takes on the form of a young girl to keep her mother from worrying, Winter actually possesses an adult form reflecting
Snow and Bigby's seven children are a rowdy, unpredictable bunch of hybrids that seem to have inherited abilities from all facets of their heritage. All, but Ghost, can fly, at first uncontrollably so, flight having been their natural state; they needed to be taught how to ground themselves. They can
in Paris to get him to reveal that he was willing to turn traitor and provide valuable intelligence to the Adversary. She served as an envoy to giants of the Cloud Kingdoms, aiming to forge an alliance with them, a mission that ultimately put her in debt to Frau Totenkinder, but that also cleared the
when he began to unravel behind his alias. It is unknown if it is a permanent spell or a temporary one, since Brandish didn't want Grimble to reveal that he and Mrs. Sprat were not Mr. Dark's prisoners. In his bluebird form, Grimble becomes crucial in the death of Prince Brandish, having been sent on
and quite possibly many other tales where a troll features. He has possession of an expensive glamour spell. He has been shown to assume troll form for battle. During the Fall of Fabletown due to the actions of Mister Dark, it is Grimble who snaps King Cole out of his melancholy and encourages him to
escaped from the Homelands with barely more than the clothes they were wearing. Both take relatively low-paid jobs, Beast maintaining the Fabletown buildings and Beauty working in a bookshop, earning between them enough to make ends meet. Their lives are hampered by Beast's tendency to shift back and
is the main antagonist of the game's storyline. Back in the Homelands, he killed his wife and child, not wanting to share his fortune with them. In Fabletown he has become a crime boss who claims to be legitimate businessman who provides help to downtrodden Fables by offering them cheap glamours and
is the Crooked Man's bodyguard and main enforcer. She enjoys intimidating other Fables and causing mayhem, pain, and bloodshed, something which her employment under Crooked Man gives her ample opportunity to do. She has the power to teleport by using reflective surfaces and is capable of duplicating
is the handyman, janitor, and bouncer for the Pudding And Pie. A well-meaning simpleton, Hans accidentally reveals the planner the prostitutes use when Georgie was arguing with Bigby. Georgie threatens Hans with a cricket bat for revealing the book, but Bigby takes the bat and threatens to trash the
accent, and is quite foul-tempered and thuggish, despite a tendency to quickly back down whenever someone challenges him. He often needlessly antagonises or provokes other Fables, even when they clearly outclass him in strength and rank. He is introduced in the second episode "Smoke and Mirrors". He
was one of the many Fables unable to escape the Homelands when the Adversary invaded, but unlike many of the Empire's subjects, she appears to have been spared of any violence and was allowed to live quietly in her cottage, where she would often remain undisturbed for long periods. Her peaceful life
and Jack the dragon. Raven lies to the others and convinces them to protect the dragon, saying the dragon is the only one who knows the secret way to Fabletown. Everyone soon realizes that they have been tricked when Jacks kills several of them, believing that they are out to steal his treasure. The
spikes though it and sent her tumbling down the cobbles to her death. The people who sentenced her to death are lying in their graves, but each Christmas Eve, they are freed from their resting places and allowed to walk about as ghosts. They all hope to be released from their confinement and pass on
story arcs. The queen is actually Snow White's and Rose Red's paternal aunt (the sister of their father). It was revealed in the "Rose Red" story arc, that in the past Lauda helped her to achieve the position of queen in a distant land. Also it was revealed in the "Happily Ever After" story arc that
from a bottle, in order to destroy Fabletown and its citizens and put him in control of both the European and Arabian fable communities. Frau Totenkinder used her magic powers to warp his language, so that the commands he gave were not what he intended, ultimately leading to his own prolonged demise
Winter soon becomes afraid when she starts having nightmares where she sees a grown-up version of herself as a cold, selfish North Wind that hurts people. The East Wind is very pleased with this new "marvelous" development in which they will have a "timid" North Wind, whereas the South Wind, equally
Writer's Block: Kevin Thorne's twin brother. He looks exactly like Thorne, but has the appearance of a mental patient. Though Writer's Block is always close to his brother, Thorne doesn't notice him until he accidentally touches him. In order to continue with his plans, Thorne murders Writer's Block
Although briefly distracted by the similarities between Wicked John and Jack Horner, Jack Frost manages to find his father at the Farm. Jack Horner, annoyed by his son's childish insistence, tricks him into believing that he must first complete a great quest before he has the right to ask his father
Whatever the reason is for his name, Jack shows no ill will to his mother or his caretaker Vrumptus. He seems to care for and love both as family and knows very well of his father's treatment to his mother. As a result, owing to Lumi's duties as an adviser for the ominous Adversary, young Jack lives
and the most powerful of the Literals, creates a new, empty universe for the Literals to inhabit and fill out as they please. Despite having a new occasion to create, Kevin expresses displeasure and worries, as after thousands of years spent dreaming the end of the universe, he's unable to write out
that Kevin has powers leading to the creation of Fables themselves, but it has not yet emerged what they actually are. It seems that Kevin refers to Fables as his creations and he consents to the revisions of his son Revise as the lesser of two evils, in an attempt to protect them from his other son
story-arc, it is revealed that Kevin is acting as a superintendent at a house three blocks away from Fabletown. This house is also now occupied by Hansel and his staff, though Kevin seems unaware of their true identities. In Kevin's free time (when not spying on Fabletown residents), he is writing a
performs an autopsy on the fallen prince, Brandish awakens just as Swineheart discovers a cavity where the prince's heart should be, with rune-etched brass fittings capping off the various branches of the circulatory system that would normally connect to a human heart. It is revealed that he had his
is away, Brandish takes Snow captive and locks her up in one of the towers in Mr. Dark's castle. He bewitches himself so that any injury inflicted on him will also hurt Snow, making any attempt at rescue complicated. When Snow attacks him in an attempt to free herself, he breaks her arm to teach her
In a surprising plot twist, it is revealed that Dorothy was Ivan all along (the real Ivan has been dead for a long time; most likely sometime between the 1980s or her escape from Mr. Revise), disguising herself using her magic silver slippers. Cindy manages to persuade Dorothy to untie her and fight
and a relatively low resistance to injury). Sometimes they will even assault and murder "meat" without provocation, as seen as when Hugh, Drew, and Lou (the first three soldiers to infiltrate Fabletown) murdered a gun salesman. In contrast, they are very close to each other, addressing themselves as
that have been provided for Geppetto by Grandfather Oak to be his bodyguards. They are highly protective over Geppetto, particularly when Ozma appears to threaten him, but they will not obey any order that will force them to kill someone. Their service ended when Rose Red resumed her position on the
Fables, Lonny, Donny and Johnny, who had been kept sedated for centuries due to the impossibility of hiding their huge forms, had been awakened. Rose Red, in her new position as Farm administrator, persuaded her sister to authorize the expensive spells required to transform the three giants into pig
After being thrown out by Totenkinder, Rapunzel tried to find her lost lover. Unbeknownst to her, Cinderella's fairy godmother forbade the prince to contact Rapunzel again, as the godmother had "plans for her". No one would take the homeless Rapunzel in, because of her past as Totenkinder's ward. As
preferred to leave the actual running of the place to Snow White, his deputy, focusing more on the more ceremonial and formal aspects of the role himself, an arrangement that generally worked well. He was eventually challenged for the position by Prince Charming who won after making a series of rash
is often seen as loud and rambunctious by her fellow Fables, and usually goes simply by the name Cindy. She is the owner and manager of her own shoe store, the Glass Slipper, in Fabletown. This is her first job, and possibly main income, but she also has another important job: she secretly works for
destruction, Charming, despite serious injuries, dragged a bomb by foot to the last remaining gate, with Sinbad accompanying him to defend against hostile forces. Arriving at their destination against considerable opposition, Charming dragged the bomb into the gatesite, stating that he would set the
Beauty takes Snow's position as deputy mayor, and also learns to cope with all of the responsibility. Early in her tenure, Prince Charming tries to seduce her, but she rebuffs him, threatening to send her husband after him if he tries again. It is notable that Beauty realizes, as a result of remarks
who owns and runs the Trip Trap Bar. She is friends with the Woodsman, Gren, and Jack Horner. Gren says that her sister is missing. Snow later finds the corpse of a female Fable using a black-market glamour to appear as Snow, and the body is revealed to be Lily, Holly's sister. Holly is informed of
was secretly laying the way for the invasion and planned to become the new ruler of the Hidden Kingdom. He offered to make her Mayumi his Empress, but she rejected him and called him "a parasite on the court". He responded by slitting Mayumi's cheeks in anger. Unable to live with her face mutilated
6891:. Max later mentioned that all of the abducted children died horribly - two of the youngest were sacrificed by[Frau Totenkinder to maintain her youth and keep her magical powers, while all the others were sold to various masters (whatever happened to them before their death is open to speculations). 5781:
A warlock and former Boxer (hunter of rogue spellcasters and magical beings) for the Empire. Though he did not invent the sealing boxes used by the Boxers to capture their targets, he was able to enchant them so that they would entice their targets to enter them willingly. He had been key to boxing
is able to resurrect the victims, but can only bring back half of them, and chooses the Lady of the Lake over the Blue Fairy. The Blue Fairy is cast into what the Magical Mirror calls the "stay dead group", meaning even the mirror does not expect her to return to the living (though her severed head
god of the wind) and Dragon of the East. He does appear to have some physical traits similar to young Ambrose. Not much is known about him, but unlike the West Wind, he doesn't appear to wish to kill the North Wind's family. Like the South Wind, he believes the West Wind only wants to hurt them out
It is later revealed that Mr. North and Mr. Dark, although having different purposes, are of similar magic and power (though Mr. Dark claims to be superior). He tried to persuade Mr. Dark to leave the mundane world and the Fables alone - which Dark refused - and offered a challenge of single combat
Son of Kevin Thorn, brother to Revise and father to Priscilla and Robin Page. Bookburner takes a different approach in dealing with magic to his brother, choosing to burn books completely, effectively removing those characters from existence. He does, however, claim to keep copies in what he refers
after a one-night stand with the former Golden Boughs prisoner. The sisters eventually got tired of life as mere mortals doomed to grow old and die, and started searching for Revise's books of original, unrevised Fable stories, knowing that the original books would make them immortal once more. The
The Pathetic Fallacy traveled with Jack Horner, taking on the role of his sidekick, being somewhat naive and frequently confused, although he had lucid moments when he shows a great deal of knowledge about how stories work. He regards inanimate objects (which are, of course, generally quite animate
During his wandering, he encountered Frau Totenkinder, who gave him the magical flute named Fire, an artifact of astounding potential. Over the course of Frau's trials and teaching, Max increased in power exponentially, which also came from sealing bargains with otherworldly powers. In exchange for
Returning to the Homelands, Hansel is tasked with investigating and punishing any unauthorized use of sorcery. It is implied that his job is not to give alleged sorcerers fair trials but simply to stamp out illegal sorcery through terror. He is one of the attendees at the Imperial conference called
Nearby for the first time in many years, Hansel visits Fabletown, asking to see his sister. He begs her to leave Fabletown, as it has only been her presence that stops him from assembling the forces required to obliterate the place. Gretel refuses, explaining to him that she has spent time studying
Spies for the Adversary, Rodney and June started out as two of Geppetto's wooden children, Rodney a highly decorated junior officer in the forces assaulting the Arabian Fablelands and June a medic assigned temporarily to his unit. Meeting when Rodney was injured, the pair swiftly grew to enjoy each
Grandfather Oak: The oldest tree in the forests surrounding the Farm. After Geppetto escapes imprisonment brought onto him by animals on the Farm such as Reynard and King Noble, he seeks aid from Grandfather Oak. Grandfather Oak provides Geppetto with two dryads, Prince Aspen and Princess Alder, to
lived on The Farm when her lamb was killed by Ghost. Mary was inconsolable over her lamb's death in spite of Rose Red's and the other Farm fables' best attempts to console her. Mary was later seen at Snow and Bigby's wedding enjoying herself and she, along with the other Fabletown women, was trying
admits he featured King Louie in the comic book because he mistakenly believed King Louie was from Kipling's book and was therefore public domain. They aided the revolution, and Khan was shot dead by Snow White. Baloo danced for a week on Khan's grave, doing a show everyday and a matinee on Sunday,
Emotionally destroyed by Blue's rejection and death, Rose descends into self-loathing and depression, refusing to leave her bed for any reason. She reunites briefly with Jack on her descent toward rock-bottom, believing that she deserves someone as terrible as Jack. After reconciling with her past,
She was briefly involved with Weyland Smith before his death in the battle of Fabletown. Rose was also the one who persuaded her sister to trust Frau Totenkinder and take her with them to the mundane world while they were escaping from the Homelands and the invading armies of the Adversary. She had
In the second story arc, she and Snow White go up to the Farm for Rose to do as punishment for her faked death, where they are caught up in a revolution. At the end of that story, Rose finally finds her niche, managing the Farm, which allowed her to stand equal to her sister, the then-deputy mayor.
Subsequently, the third and fourth children mentioned in the prophecy are revealed to be Therese and Darien respectively. After receiving a red plastic tugboat (Mr. Steampuddle) for Christmas from an unknown admirer, Therese is carried away to Toyland, a mysterious land where discarded toys go, and
ransacked his apartment. When it came time to awaken her, Prince Charming's kiss did not work, most likely because he no longer loved her. Flycatcher's kiss woke her up, which ended up with her tasting flies when she awoke. Presumably, the love has to be genuine but does not have to be romantic. It
Cinderella considers herself to be the finest secret agent who has ever lived, on the grounds that, being immortal, she has had multiple human lifespans to perfect her craft and, uniquely among Fables, has had access not only to the magical resources of the Fables, but also all the technologies and
and thus is generally found in the cavernous business office, where he both works and sleeps. Close to Boy Blue, he hid for a week when his friend left for the Homelands, thinking that he would be blamed for not stopping him. Bufkin lacks wisdom, although he is certainly not stupid, is occasionally
was almost universally popular. Amiable and good-natured, John enjoyed his job and was always pleased to see everybody. As such, it came as a complete shock to everyone when Kay unmasked John as a spy for the Adversary. Baffled as to how the 'most faithful Fable in history' could turn against them,
who was driven from her home after a man got her in the family way. The man's wife had some friends run Lamia out of town. They followed her to another world, where Lamia met a beautiful woman. Lamia, having so recently been abused for beauty's sake, hated the woman on sight and killed her, because
Vivian is Georgie's lover and second-in-command at the Pudding & Pie. Her origin fable is shrouded in mystery for much of the story, but her true identity as The Girl with the Ribbon is revealed, when Georgie explains that she found a way to duplicate her magic ribbon and transfer its curse to
9662:, but when it didn't work, they realized that the secrets of Doctor Frankenstein's process had died with him. It is unknown whether he was a Fable or one of the unmagic "mundys" of our world. After defeating the Nazis, Bigby kept the monster's still-living head and returned it to Fabletown. In the 8931:
short story. He appeared in "A Wolf in the Fold", a prose tale in the series' first trade paperback, where he accompanies Snow White on her mission to invite the Big Bad Wolf to join them in Fabletown in approximately 1650. He was chosen because, as an entity made of straw and vegetation, the Wolf
Decades later, in the final story arc of the series, the spirit comes to Raven in a dream and tells him that he has forgotten his purpose in life, which is to protect Jack Horner. The spirit commands him to gather together every ally he can muster and save Jack Horner, who, unbeknown to Raven, has
that Snow is lovelier than her. Even though the queen promised Lauda that she would love Snow dearly, the queen orders her huntsman to secretly kill her niece. The hunter spares Snow and she flees deep into the forest. The Queen eventually discovers that Snow White is alive by consulting the magic
5445:. King Shahryār entraps her, and for a thousand-and-one nights in a row, she must tell Shahryār a story, each time stopping at dawn with a cliffhanger, thus forcing him to keep her alive for another day so that she can complete the tale the next night, while at the same time wooing his cooperation. 5358:
The Snow Queen, wanting revenge on Briar Rose for putting her to sleep for years, takes both of them captive, but does not harm them. While Ali Baba and Briar Rose are forced to spend time with Lumi, Ali Baba eventually realizes that he has no feelings for Briar Rose after all, but is in love with
One of the "cubs", Winter, is eventually chosen as the new North Wind. The South Wind watches in silence and appears to accept the new development, but Winter becomes very afraid when she starts having premonitions of her older self as a cold and selfish North Wind that hurts people. The East Wind
After Jack Horner transformed into a dragon, The Pathetic Fallacy hid him in a cave where he had piles of gold. It was revealed he entered a brief marriage with a woman and sold some of the original books in exchange for cows (for Jack to eat, as opposed to other people, namely the women he brings
and was stripped of his memories so that he could be made into an ordinary human being. When he begins to regain his memories, he is recaptured so that the process can be repeated. In that process, it is implied he is one of the most powerful Literals in existence, and the soldiers sent to capture
He has recently revealed himself to Snow, much to Spratt's surprise and disdain (as she knew nothing of his past and was still very bitter to Snow). He forcefully tries to take claim on Snow as his legal wife, because they promised to marry each other back in the Homelands. Snow tries pushing away
A mysterious and extremely powerful entity with chalk-white skin and black hair. He replaced The Adversary as the main antagonist. Trapped by the Boxing League, a division of Warlocks specialized in capturing and containing the most dangerous of magical threats, during the expansion of the empire,
Later, after Mr. Dark was released and unbound the various enchantments that had drawn on his power, including those holding her, Baba Yaga escaped from her cell, only to find herself trapped in the labyrinth rubble. She summons her knights, fully reformed, and plans her escape, but before she can
arrived in Fabletown after taking the form of Red Riding Hood. In this disguise, she seduced, interrogated and tortured Boy Blue, and then led an army of wooden soldiers to attack Fabletown. She was defeated in a magical battle with Frau Totenkinder on the roof of the main Fabletown building where
as a prisoner of Mr. Revise. During this time, she once again leads a revolution; this time, she leads her revolutionaries to believe Bookburner and his army is coming to save them from their captivity at Golden Boughs. Bookburner's army shot the revolutionaries down when they finally arrived, but
political agitator. She led about half of the Farm against Snow White in a rather foolish revolution. Despite her claims to be fighting for the 'rights' of the Farm Fables, and even becoming Little Bear's lover, her actions make it quite clear that she didn't care about the cause in the slightest,
story arc, Brock meets clandestinely with Ozma and Gepetto to discuss the future of the leadership of the Farm in Rose Red's absence. When Rose clarifies her leadership, Brock backs her. Due to Brock's belief in Blue, he is able to manifest a more powerful form at times, but magic based on beliefs
and has generally proved invaluable to his master. He possesses a glamour for use in public, presumably provided by his masters, and notes proudly that he maintains an unblemished record of reliability with it. His great expertise as manservant leads him to be apparently very well paid; when asked
from this. On learning this Prince Charming threatened to kill Bufkin if he stole his alcohol again, Bufkin is then seen with another book—one relating to political assassination. After the magics holding Fabletown together have been unravelled he was stranded in the business office along with all
arc, when everybody was out of the office, Bufkin came to the conclusion that he was now in charge and decided to rename Fabletown Bufkintown, a change that only lasted as long as it took somebody else to find out about it. He apparently reads a lot of the books in the library, and it is suggested
According to the answers given in the "Burning Questions" issue, the couple ask Frau Totenkinder what it is she is always knitting. Totenkinder responds that it is a garment for their firstborn child. Though Beauty laughs, saying she's not even expecting, Frau answer "All things in time" and shows
focus on the growing conflict between Snow and Red as their ancestral power begins to demand confrontation. Other characters take side and divide into factions. Instead of fighting to the death, however, Snow and Rose decide to at least attempt to defy the compulsion to kill each other. One of the
made it into the mundy world in the year of 1943, having been on the run from the Adversary's forces for years. The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion decided to live out on the Jersey pine barrens rather than staying at the Farm, while Dorothy went on to live as a killer for hire among the mundys. At
During the process of choosing the North Wind's heir, the three other cardinal winds arrived, intending to take possession of the "cubs". They believed that the "offspring of one of the great houses" should be fostered for a time in the courts of other kings and that the cardinal winds themselves
The years passed, and Dorothy described them as living in a fog where she could not think straight. When the Golden Boughs was destroyed, the memory hole was destroyed with it, all of Dorothy's memories came back. As mentioned in a conversation between the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man during the
His initial discussions with Fabletown, however, meet with no success, as Prince Charming, having been informed by Frau Totenkinder that the Empire has no real interest in negotiation and was beginning to mobilise for an invasion, simply stalls Hansel at every opportunity, making demands that the
fame, holds the position of Head of the Imperial Inquisition and is one of the most feared men in the Empire. After their misadventure in the Homelands involving Frau Totenkinder, whom the children push into her own oven, Hansel and Gretel emerge from the forests to find their land overrun by the
The hut was stored at the Farm, kept under tight magical control. It awoke during the Baba Yaga's mission, broke through the controlling spells and went on a rampage when Baba Yaga came through in disguise, providing Frau Totenkinder with a clue to her true identity. It was shown tied down on the
was involved with various shady dealings in Fabletown. He was enormously wealthy, nearly singlehandedly supporting the Fabletown government (which had no way to levy taxes, and thus relied on donations from wealthy patrons) and was able to afford even the top magical spells (his entire palace was
that made the Adversary ignore any land in which Kadabra dwelled. The cost of Karrant's actions was that he forgot all about the spell and his enemy. He wandered from world to world until he ended up in Fabletown in the mundane world, where he made a living as a stage magician, adopting the stage
while Cindy goes on another mission (though she told him it was a business trip) he decides to run the shop his way. He convinces the elves to make magic shoes for the Fabletown women, such as jogging shoes that jog for woman, but despite their warning, he gets what he wants. It comes with a side
rope which Lily brought to life, had many adventures in many different worlds before his as well as Lily retirement and death. It is also stated that he had become Lily's husband three times thanks to a mad scientist experiment, a wishing fork and a transformation gas and has many children in the
is a Fable who can magically be at every house in the world at the same time on Christmas night. Following an attempt by Jack Horner to steal the naughty and nice list in 1956, Santa has left the list with Bigby to put in a safe place every year since. He is said to be one of the most powerfully
7263:: Another one of Hope's paladins and the avatar for the Hope of Revenge. She wanders at the edge of the living world, night after night, never to know rest. She explains to Rose Red that "all those good men and women" had their revenge on her; for her crimes, they locked her in a barrel, pounded 5548:
brought the Blue Fairy to the Farm, obviously wanting revenge on Geppetto for his wicked deeds. The Blue Fairy tried to attack Geppetto, but was interrupted when Pinocchio attempted to beat her up, wanting revenge for being stuck as a boy for centuries. She quickly overpowered him and went after
who had sworn vengeance against the Fables and was out to kill all of them, including Mr. North's family. Knowing that the damages from a battle between the two would be catastrophic for the Fables, Mr. North grabbed Mr. Dark by the throat and brought up him up into the North Wind's own realm of
In Mr. North's kingdom, zephyrs were viewed as predatory monsters. Long ago, following a child massacre at the hands of the zephyrs, Mr. North had sworn an oath to his people that as long as he lived, no zephyrs would be allowed to survive. He was now facing a dilemma, as he loved the cubs - his
with a demon-like, pointed tail who has appeared in a few panels with Frau Totenkinder and other witches. She is the acknowledged specialist in matters of locating and hiding and is a shape-shifter. Her powers at hiding are so great that Mr. Dark couldn't detect her, when she went to spy on him,
The Forsworn Knight: A human figure in full medieval armor, the Knight hangs from a noose tied to the tree in the Fabletown business office in the early issues of Fables. All that was known about him was that he had apparently killed himself sometime in the 13th century and that, when plied with
Red attended Bigby and Snow's wedding with Flycatcher, but she failed to recognize Bigby as her old foe, though she did admit that he looked oddly familiar. After returning, she ventured out into the mundane city to get a makeover, hoping to attract the attention of Fly. Her plan backfired when
through Jack's chest (and dies shortly thereafter). Jack, who can't get the sword out, is delighted with the news, since this means that the sword was really meant for John, the "real" version. Jack is able to pull Excalibur out of his chest and impales John with it, before leaving John behind.
The Empire's main military force consist of Geppetto's living wooden children. Although Geppetto maintains a large number of human troops, the wooden soldiers do the most difficult work, including the invasion of foreign lands, due to their extreme resiliency. Early on in the development of the
was especially disgusted with the relationship and took especial pleasure in murdering Briar Rose, with Aspen as the second victim demanded of the sword Goldilocks was wielding, and then incinerated their bodies. Though Cinderella ultimately finished off Goldilocks and was told that Goldilocks'
Mr. Dark shows Nurse Sprat how to make herself beautiful by exercising and fighting her eating disorder by eating more lean and less fat. Mrs. Sprat is delighted with the great progress, but eventually becomes impatient with her transformation and asks Mr. Dark to speed up the process. Using an
it is revealed that Rapunzel does not believe Totenkinder has reformed, and has a disdain for her. It is also revealed that in order to survive the winter, Rapunzel's mother sold her for a handful of gold to Totenkinder to be the witch's apprentice. Rapunzel and the prince had a passionate love
story of that name, Swineheart works at the Knights of Malta Hospital in New York, where the Special Research Section is in fact a cover for the private Fables-only medical facility. Swineheart took charge of Snow White's recovery after she was shot in the head by Goldilocks during the abortive
Beast, now sheriff, allied himself with Frau Totenkinder (the most powerful witch in Fabletown) and finally had his curse fixed, allowing him to transform into his Beast form at will. Whether he was aware that it was Totenkinder who inflicted the curse on him in the first place is unknown; this
is a witch living outside of the Thirteenth Floor of the Woodlands, and the one providing illegal glamours for Ichabod Crane to have sex with Lily in the form of Snow White. When Bigby and Snow find her apartment, she glamours herself into the form of a little girl named Rachel (presumably her
and vampire-wannabes, quickly formulated a plan to steal all of Sharp's research, using Briar Rose's enchantment to put all the occupants of the building to sleep while they ransacked his apartment. It quickly became apparent, however, that Sharp had backed all his information on the internet.
4871:, the Literal embodiment of the dramatic concept), arguably one of the most powerful of the Literals. He waits to solve all problems until doing so is truly impossible. He can appear out of nowhere, but he cannot work miracles, as he can only work "once per story, usually toward the dénoument". 3642:
Gate was set up to send the hut to a random world, which turned out to be the mundane world, leaving Baba Yaga behind. Without the hut's protection, she was quickly captured. After fifty years of being "boxed away" she struck a deal with the Empire to serve it instead of being trapped forever.
Frau Totenkinder (a pseudonym which literally translates as "dead children" in German) is the leader of the magicians of Fabletown, representing many of the unnamed witches found in tales and legends. Her outward appearance as a rather frail old woman masks the fact that she is one of the most
The second occasion was during the war against the Empire, as depicted in the "War and Pieces" story-arc, when the curse was deployed within the Imperial capital, putting the inhabitants of the entire city to sleep, depriving the Empire of most of its senior officials and the majority of their
years before, ahead of the invading armies of the Adversary, and had been on the run ever since. The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion hid out on the Jersey pine barrens, while Dorothy sought out Fabletown to find them all a safe haven. However, Dorothy reacted strongly to the stated terms in the
is able to bring back the victims of Goldilocks; she's only allowed to choose half. She ultimately chooses Morgan Le Fay, seeing her more valuable an alley for Fabletown. Snow White's fate is resolved in the same story; she is stabbed through the heart (as Morgan predicted) by Goldilocks, but
As of the beginning of the story, Snow White has been a long time member of Fabletown government, where she gradually climbed in ranks to become deputy major. She has a sharp, no-nonsense personality and expresses a distaste for "playing games" in preference of people being direct about their
His real name is Evelyn-Lawrence-Pinder-Shinks-Cobblepewter, uttered in its entirety once by his caretaker Vrumptus. Son of Jack Horner and the Snow Queen, nephew of the Page Sisters, and so one-quarter Literal and three-quarters Fable himself, Jack Frost is the estranged son of Jack Horner,
story, she acted as host of the Imperial conference called after Bigby's destruction of the magic grove. At the conference, she set out a four-stage plan for the invasion and destruction of the mundane world, which was generally approved, although she was instructed to make alterations after
and has the ability to assign and reassign different destinies to particular individuals. She is a green-skinned woman who sometimes lives in ponds. Initially a sly and conniving woman, she turns more diligently after two encounters with Bigby Wolf. Years later, she is in a well-established
7360:: They were residents of the Hidden Kingdom who were seen banishing other mystical creatures from the Emperor's court on the shogun's order. However, they were later seen among a group of creatures who had been exiled from the court, indicating that they were eventually banished themselves. 623:
Cole remained mayor after the war and, as before, delegated official duties over to the deputy mayor, who was now Beauty. When Mister Dark escaped his imprisonment, the enchantments upon Fabletown began to fade and caused the entire building structure to crumble. Cole had a brief moment of
refers to Babe as an ox and is deeply insulted when someone calls Babe a cow. Babe is somewhat loyal to Jack, but he is also somewhat delusional in his mind as he likes to talk in his mind about stories he makes up. Babe is also one of the very few characters to have survived in the final
back to the cave). When Jack Frost arrives to slay the dragon (not realizing the dragon is his biological father), the Pathetic Fallacy rushes to Jack Horner's defense, destroying the Fulminate Blade. As a result, Jack Frost shoots him, which kills him since he had been living as a Mundy.
4360:. After Mr. Dark's death, he begins to teach the transformed Mrs. Sprat the art of assassination, and becomes her co-conspirator on an unknown dark plan for Fabletown. When the Fables come to claim Dark's castle as their own, both Spratt and Holt pretend to have been Mr. Dark's prisoners. 767:
from the fairy tale. Briar's fairy godmothers then turn Hadeon into a car that can travel to any world, and the spaces between worlds. The car has to serve one thousand times before it will revert to Hadeon. Briar uses the car to travel back to the newly re-built Fabletown, as seen in the
4042:). Her sisters were killed by Frau Totenkinder, who was the Fairy Godmother's enemy who often ruined her spells. The Fairy Godmother also showed Rapunzel's prince the way to the tower that Frau kept her in, mainly to spite Totenkinder. She attacked Ultima Thule because she wanted to make 514:
series, the real reason Prince Charming cheated on Snow White with Rose Red in the first place was given. Contrary to popular belief, he had not yet known of his inability to remain faithful in marriage. By request of a wedding gift, he taught Snow fencing lessons and had taken charge of
3934:, at least in mundies. It caused stillbirths and extreme birth defects in Fable children, if not out and out sterility in Fables in general. After a battle with Totenkinder in New York, he was exiled again, only to return in the early 21st Century. He met his end in the mundy version of 7803:
some point years later, all of them were captured by Mr. Revise's people and imprisoned at the Golden Boughs. The Tin Man used to have all sorts of appendages attached to his body, including tin cannons, a rotating saw and a large drill, which were all removed when he was revised. When
Kevin Thorn is a former New York City journalist who has the ability to see behind the illusions cast by Fabletown magic-users. After the Battle of Fabletown, the anchorman on the news show Thorn worked for reported an out-of-control block party, a building fire and a gang fight in the
some of her power in order for him to turn more of his puppets into real people, but soon she saw how greedy Geppetto was becoming, and started resisting. This prompted Geppetto to trap the Blue Fairy and use machinery to drain power from her body so he could use her power on his own.
The Seven Chinese Brothers: The associates and possible bodyguards of Meng-Chiang-Nu. From the anonymously written Chinese folktale "The Five Brothers" (circa A.D. 300). In some versions of the story, there were seven, or even ten, brothers. In the west, the tale was popularized by
north wind from pure materials, but the South Wind accuses him of wanting to do this out of personal revenge on the North Wind. Both she and the East Wind remind him that he has been on bad terms with the North Wind for some years, even naming the "zephyrs" after him to insult him.
being put out on a windowsill (or other places) to cool. Mr. Porky Pine once convinced a human girl to give him a big kiss, claiming he was an enchanted prince. After the girl ran away with both hands stuck by needles, he explained to the Gingerbread Man and Chicken Ripple that he
Bluebeard, however, felt differently. Believing, as always, that he knew best and probably in no small part to spite Bigby, he summoned Sharp to Central Park where he asked Sharp if he had destroyed all his research; when Sharp confirmed he had, Bluebeard executed the journalist.
makes an appearance. Lancelot's betrayal, and the "unforgivable acts" that he perpetrated afterward, split the Round Table and led to the downfall of Camelot. Even though Arthur eventually forgave him, Lancelot couldn't forgive himself. He hanged himself and became the mysterious
story arc, she is believed to be murdered, until Bigby Wolf solves the mystery: she and Jack had faked her death as part of a complex plan to avoid her impending marriage to Bluebeard after using a great deal of his money to finance one of Jack's ill-fated get-rich-quick schemes.
324:, because Beauty will be safer there, as the "mundy" police keeps getting better and better at investigating and collecting evidence, and will catch Beauty sooner or later. The story's ending suggests that Beauty may be turning into Lamia again sometime in the near future. In the 2087:). The others agree to use the new name. After Blue's death, Brock starts a religion based on pure delusion. A belief the returning Jack of Fables is Blue is found false and Brock turns on Jack and Rose. She is hidden away from and Jack is ejected from farm territory. During the 1640:. Her true name is still unknown as she keeps it a secret "tucked away where no fell power can discern it". Mrs. Someone and Hakim chose to stay with Briar Rose until the end and fell under Briar's sleeping spell. Recently, the sleeping Briar Rose was carried out of the city by 8252:’ revolutionaries, who believed Bookburner and his army was coming to save them from their captivity at Golden Boughs. Ironically, it was Bookburner's army that shot the revolutionaries down when they finally did arrive. Apparently, she survived, as she cropped up in the final 6134:#4, there is a brief flashback from the exodus from the Homelands, where an unnamed character is shown flying in a swan-drawn chariot while fleeing the Adversary's forces. In the books, Glinda is said to ride a fancy chariot driven by swans or storks; however, while the figure 6066:, covered in poisonous quills which they can shoot out of their body at will. They can only be found in Oz. Dorothy brought one of the Chiss to the mundane world to aid her in her quest for revenge on Cinderella. When Cindy set out find Dorothy, she encountered the creature in 7322:. Tomoko kept her soul outside her body in the foxfire that burned beside her bed. The Shogun manipulated the Emperor of The Hidden Kingdom into banishing Tomoko and all her kind from the kingdom. The Shogun confiscated Tomoko's foxfire and used it to bend the emperor's will. 3804:
Rodney was one of the attendees at the Imperial conference called after Bigby's destruction of the magic grove. He was apparently horrified by the genocidal plan suggested for the mundane world by the Snow Queen and consulted with Pinocchio about how this could be prevented.
and his Polar Bear. Kiviuq, once a fearless warrior and, in his own words, "a trickster greater than any the world has ever known". He was reduced to a shadow of his former self after his story was revised, but was eventually restored back to his original self (and got his
she killed her brother; it was unrevealed whether or not Lauda knew of this or what her motivations for doing this were. When Snow's mother is forced to send Snow away, she arranges for her daughter to live with her aunt. Years pass, until the queen is one day told by the
brought him up into the North Wind's own realm of elemental ice and wind. There, Mr. North entered his Casket of Primordial Winds (a suicide mechanism kept in case he got tired of this life, since nothing much could harm him) and took Mr. Dark with him, killing them both.
4878:, a theatre concept now also adapted to any storytelling device (movies, literature etc.). She also has siblings - of whom nothing is known, except that, unlike her, they have no fourth wall awareness, as they do not understand it when she directly speaks to the readers. 8625:", who made a house out of cloth. He was Snow White's "favorite of The Four Little Pigs", prior to being eliminated from the story by Mr. Revise before he could find out what happened to his brothers - temporarily making Colin Snow White's "favorite of The Three Little 7759:, hoping they could inspire him in writing his masterpiece. After numerous disagreements, Sam eventually dumped Hansel out of his wheelchair and off a cliff. He then attempted, unsuccessfully, to put an end to Thorn's plans by stealing his magical pen. During the final 3392:, where he tries to woo Princess Alder but her plant-based perspective turns his seemingly romantic gesture on its head: when he brings her roses, she points out that dead flowers have all the sentimentality of a person handing over the corpses of her distant relatives. 8636:
imprisoned in a hidden cave deep beneath the Golden Boughs, as a sort of self-destruct mechanism. After the Bookburner's strike on the Golden Boughs, Jack, his fellow Fables, the Literals and the librarians were forced to release the prisoners, who unleashed a roaring
9437:(a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment) - "or someone faked it". Her ghost began lurking in the washrooms and corridors of the Heika's palace, haunting mirrors. Eventually, she managed to take on a physical form and escaped the Homelands with a group of 5104:
with Frau Totenkinder; it is shown that Mr. North did this in exchange for information from Totenkinder, confirmation that Snow had given birth to a zephyr, Ghost, and that he was living happily as a secret member of the family. Mr. North left, extremely displeased.
The actual villain of the fables living in Fabletown, he was an ally of Geppetto when he was the Adversary and living most of his life in Neverland. He has one true friend, and former lover, named Tinker Bell. He is based on Peter Pan from the story of J. M. Barrie.
although she had trouble keeping away from his detection, calling Mr Dark the most paranoid and dangerous of any subject she had spied on before. Ozma used her to find Frau Totenkinder before she went into seclusion. The character has been revealed to represent both
8464:. Another version of the trio lives in Fabletown; Jack claims that they are Mr. Revise's spies and that the Golden Boughs trio is the real one. It is unknown whether he is telling the truth or not. They were killed by Jack Horner the dragon at the end of the series. 1666:
is seen agreeing with Mr. Grandours that haste is a "mundy quality". It is unknown how the relation between Prospero and Maddy is, as he used her son as a slave for years, but this would fall under the Fabletown Compact which pardons any crimes done before signing.
Holben, the prince's brother: Unlike in the fairy tale, the prince does not marry the Snow, nor does his brother marry Rose; Holben makes it clear that he has no wish to marry Rose Red, and their father, the king, is against letting Brandish marry a common peasant
953: 3980:
teeth of humans and, by spitting them up one at a time, summoning the spirit of the owner of said tooth to serve him. He can do this once per tooth, so he can generally do this a maximum of thirty-two times (less if the person in question had poor oral hygiene).
novel, establishing its existence in the Mundane world of the series; it has yet to be clarified whether the Monster is a true Fable (i.e., a migrant from a Homeland where the events of the novel occurred) or a rare case of a non-Fable paranormal native to the
705:'s second wife. She escaped from the Homelands with close to nothing, but a blessing received on her christening day, which promised that she would always be wealthy, came to her rescue, and she rapidly gained great wealth through successful speculation on the 317:) and has to stop her before the mundy authorities can catch her. Bigby Wolf has threatened Beast to deal with the matter permanently - even if it means killing Beast as well. Beauty never remembers the incidents afterward and Beast never tells her the truth. 5543:
Pinocchio stated early on he only went to Remembrance Day celebrations to see when the Blue Fairy would show up, and that he would "kick her pretty little azure ass" whenever she did. Many years later, in the early period of the power struggle over the Farm,
story-arc and even detected his presence before he revealed himself, but was unable to determine who he was masquerading as and thus prevent his attack. When Blue escaped from captivity, Geppetto swore to send the Snow Queen after him to get revenge. In the
In "Witches", the captured and beheaded Wooden Soldiers at least partially overcome the xenophobia they nurture for every flesh being (other than Geppetto and Pinocchio) and assist Bufkin in his quest for survival, because of the kindness he had shown them.
Albeit one that's rarely seen, the Adversary's actions are responsible for the entire premise of the comic book, in that the real Adversary masterminded the conquest of the Fable homelands, and centuries ago forced the Fables to flee into the mundane world.
is a resident of the farm who stayed loyal during Goldilocks's revolution. He is a trickster, and a rogue, but also very cunning and brave, a characteristic that makes him very similar to Charming and Jack Horner as the three are depicted as a stereotype of
7693:, she subjugated a group of monsters who plagued the Fable Homeland Hybernia, and set herself up as their witch queen, before taking control of the land and declaring herself the new queen in the wake of the Adversary's defeat. She was eventually defeated. 502:
Charming failed to emerge before the bomb detonated. His body was never found, and a coffin containing his uniform, medals and some personal effects was buried at the Farm cemetery in absentia. A statue of Charming in Fabletown is dedicated to his memory.
story-arc, he expressed deep regret that his betrayal of Snow White hurt her so badly, and took it upon himself to kill Bluebeard partly because he knew Bluebeard planned to murder Bigby Wolf, whom Snow had grown fond of. Before the Battle of Fabletown in
5557:, intervened and managed to talk the Blue Fairy into going away for 777 days, at which time she promised to return and expected Beast to have Geppetto ready and waiting to receive her vengeance. If not, she was going to take Beast prisoner for 777 years. 10023:
Toad Jr., or "TJ", the son of Mister Toad, who is the landlord of the tenement building the Woodsman lived in. He helps Bigby and Snow find a clue in Faith's donkeyskin coat, which she wore to the Woodsman's apartment and left behind after he and Bigby
empire) enforcers in the Fable Homeland of Ev. It is revealed that he was drafted into one of the Nome King's press gangs, but eventually managed to escape with Bungle the glass cat and the Sawhorse. While sitting in one of Ev's native Lunch Box Trees,
2079:). Though he is usually referred to as "Stinky" (even in the "Who's Who In Fabletown" section of every volume), he specifically stated on several occasions that it is not his real name (while "Brock Blueheart" was invented in memory of Little Boy Blue; 9212:; a sign over the door at Pooh's house says "Mr. Sanders", the name of the person who resided at the very address prior to Pooh making it his house. Winnie the Pooh and several other characters from the books were actually based on the stuffed toys of 8063:. Raven tells the others that the bird spirit has shown him the way to Fabletown, and the group sets off to find the place. The group follows the spirit for days, until they reach their destination, finding themselves in the middle of a battle between 6024:
series. After Bungle landed, she was drafted into one of the Nome King's press gangs, building a road across the deadly desert. She managed to escape with Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse, also in the press gang. Bufkin came across the group in the
3892:. He is the current ruler of that land, as well as many of the surrounding kingdoms and Imperial districts. He attended the Imperial conference called after the destruction of the magic grove and was positively delighted by the plans outlined by the 8120:
Alice was not seen among the Fables who left the Golden Boughs together after its destruction, and she was not present during the series' finale, indicating that she may be one of the few who survived the series. In the series' final story arc, the
and forced to join him in his march against the Golden Boughs. After he got himself broken again, Bookburner had him resurrected as an evil version of his former self. Apparently, Humpty recovered, and was back as his old self again in the final
the reason for Thorn being able to see through the Fables' illusions is finally given: he is, in fact, a Literal, beings who are like Fables, but represent literary devices rather than actual characters. Like many Fables, though, he was taken to
2729:. Mr. Toad was one of the casualties in the war between Fabletown and the Empire, and was one of many who received a hero's burial. Mr. Mole actively sided with the revolutionaries during the Farm revolt. Mr. Badger appears in the graphic novel 1225:
and the spider: Now apparently married to the spider and calling herself Mrs. Web, she is Fabletown's biggest gossip. Her husband, the Spider, was one of the victims of Snow's son Ghost. He was later among the ghosts who went with Flycatcher to
explains about the great powers. Earlier in the same story arc, Rose asks the spirit to show her true form, which it does, but the reader doesn't get to see what Rose sees. Hope's identity as the spirit is revealed in the final issue of the
7498:. Charming falls in love with her, but although she is fond of him, she does not want any emotional entanglements for the time being; although she still chooses to come with him after he relinquishes his title and travels back to Fabletown. 3830:
break out in 1692, Hansel immediately returns to America to participate. Reports of his activities greatly concerned the Fabletown authorities, but as he remained within the letter of the Fabletown laws, no action can be taken against him.
This posed something of a problem, as the Three Little Pigs is a popular myth and thus they were needed to fulfill their roles, but it also presented a solution to another problem. As part of Snow White's plan to stem the revolution, three
rescues Snow while Brandish is distracted. Snow then engages Brandish in a sword fight, while Morgan slowly, but carefully manages to unwind the spell that Brandish has cast on himself, allowing Snow to stab him straight through his heart.
as their new home. At some point, perhaps after a failed attempt to kidnap Snow White in the 1980s, he was killed and Dorothy Gale assumed his identity. She may have most likely killed him, herself, after her escape from Golden Burroughs
9011:, Sharp came to Fabletown and asked to speak to Bigby, with the aim of giving the Fables a chance to respond to his story prior to publication as a journalistic courtesy. Explaining to a visibly amused sheriff that he believed them to be 8892:
The Tourists are a group of three Fables who originally worked for Bigby Wolf on keeping track of those Fables who have chosen not to live in Fabletown or up at the Farm. Since Bigby's departure, they now work for his replacement, Beast.
is seen briefly learning English in preparation for the war against the Adversary. He is later seen in Dubai, disguised as a concierge in the Burj al-Arab hotel, holding a knife and preparing to attack an oblivious Cinderella, as seen in
4487:, he becomes displeased with the current events, as the Fables themselves had grown beyond his control (he explicitly claims that Geppetto's transformation in the dreaded Adversary was something he couldn't even fathom), and decided to 8977:, in which Bigby implies that he still harbours vengeful feelings for him and is just as mad at him as he is at Jack (which does mean a lot) and that his current whereabouts are unknown. The Woodsman makes an appearance in the prequel 5455:. It is revealed she got the idea of telling the Sultan a new story every night from Snow White, who has been using the same trick herself to keep herself alive for a thousand-and-one nights while acting as an ambassador for Fabletown. 3319:
Mrs. Finch: She was killed by Mr. Dark while on a reconnaissance mission and, since birds have no teeth, she was not temporarily resurrected as a slave by her murderer. She may or may not be the "pert" and "saucy" Mrs. Kate Finch from
series (though Dracula let local peasants believe they were his own doing, to enhance his fearsome reputation) – making it hard to judge if vampires and werewolves are Fables and if this Dracula is a real Fable or just the historical
8999:. He somehow got wind that there was something unusual about the Fabletown community and spent several years following it up. He tracked down records detailing the Fables' possession of the area right back to when the city was called 4348:. Unlike in the fairy tale, the prince did not marry Snow White, as his father, the king, refused to let Brandish marry a common peasant girl. Centuries later, he assumed the name of Werian Holt, and was brought to the mundy world by 8936:, where he appears in silhouette in a single panel. In the follow-up series, Feathertop is the head of the Shadow Players, a black ops group that tries to keep the nastier side-effects of the Everaftering from destroying the world. 7101:
Lauda: Snow White and Rose Red's mother, who masquerades as nothing but a poor widow, but who is secretly a powerful witch who descends from a line of cursed magical women. Her status is currently unknown, but she is believed to be
formed an army and tried to fight the Adversary. Their group caught the attention of goblins, so to save their kingdom from destruction they left for the mundane world and founded Smalltown. They had no women, until Thumbelina came
1331:, who acted as Briar Rose's magical guardian. Recently, the sleeping Briar Rose was carried out of the city by goblins, before the city was burned to the ground, and it is assumed that Mrs. Someone and Hakim were killed in the fire. 2258:, Peter is almost killed by Goldilocks. The latter is out to murder the beautiful women of Fabletown, and goes after Peter's wife in their home. Fortunately, Bo catches her by surprise, and Goldilocks flees the scene of the crime. 7950:
when they reached their destination. Bookburner killed Bunyan by burning Bunyan's book and had him resurrected as one of his loyal soldiers, resulting in Bunyan's ox was left on its own. Bunyan was seemingly killed when Gary the
1486:, it is established that he is a resident of Fabletown. It is implied that he and Crispin are close friends; when Crispin is in a coma after a bomb attack meant for Cinderella, the huntsman remains at Crispin's bedside for days. 1454:, the patron of cobblers. He runs the Glass Slipper while Cinderella is off doing her spy work. The elves still have a working relationship with him, though their magic gifts come with unexpected side effects. This is seen when 2684:
story arc, he resents being restricted to the Farm and often vocally agitates the community by taking on the grievances of other residents and vocally bringing them up, claiming unfair treatment, whenever he can. According to
3784:. Goldilocks murdered both Lumi and Ali Baba. Cinderella could only pick half of Goldilocks' victims to resurrect. She choose Lumi because, although Cinderella never knew the Adversary, she saw Lumi as a victim at his hands. 8833:: One of the gods of Ancient Greece, whose appearance led some Westerners to identify him with the Devil. He claims that he is the real Devil and that Old Scratch is "just an uncredentialed upstart in a badly stitched suit". 7192:: He was executed by the Imperial General Mirant when Lindworm attempted to make himself the new Emperor in the wake of the defeat of the Adversary. He came back to life when his head was reunited with his body by his loyal 5375:
was able to bring Goldilock's victims back to life, but she could only pick half of the victims to resurrect, and she chooses Lumi, feeling she was a victim at the hands of the Adversary, and a potential ally for Fabletown.
The sisters have some mystical abilities as a result of their Literal heritage. Libraries are Hillary's place of power, while the open road is Priscilla's. She claims to know "shortcuts to anywhere", which she uses to reach
to show that even the "enlightened" faiths of the 19th Century were descended from the most superstitious and primitive. Like Frazer, Mr. Revise appears to be a modernist who wants to abolish superstition. In the end of the
4553:. His exact status is unclear, but he is descended from Literals, a group of magical beings who, unlike the Fables, who are characters from story, appear to personify literary concepts. He seems to embody the concept of the 4313:
turn Hadeon into a car that can travel to any world, and the spaces between worlds. The car has to serve one thousand times before it will revert to Hadeon. Briar uses the car to get back to Fabletown, before lending it to
heart magically removed from his own body, making him difficult to kill. Rose Red takes Brandish captive and offers him an ultimatum: he can spend the rest of his immortal life buried in concrete, or serve her and her new
he dies, he asks the spirit why it led them into this death trap, to which the spirit replies, "No particular reason. I thought it'd be funny" (though it realized some other being had been pulling its strings, as well).
7392:, he strikes a deal with the Green Lady in order to obtain a fantastic destiny but later gets betrayed by her. He mentions getting trained by Ulmore the Uncanny, which is a reference to Bill Willingham's earlier story " 4377:
and engages Brandish in a sword duel. Even with a broken arm, and much to Brandish's surprise, Snow manages to gain the upper hand, and stabs him through the heart, but not before Brandish shatters the statue of Bigby.
Mr. Kadabra is a stereotypical Stage Magician wearing a top hat. In earlier appearances, he is seen wearing a button with "yog" on it which refers to meditation and concentration. His name derives from the magic phrase
1027:, who bears a great deal of resemblance to Rose Red, seems to have inherited some stereotypical "Fairytale Princess" qualities, and is often seen with cute cuddly forest creatures and butterflies following her around. 6569:
story arc reveals that unlike in the fairy tale, the dwarfs treated Snow badly and turned her into their slave, abusing her physically and sexually. It is also revealed that the dwarfs were the sons of the dwarf from
for the effective genocide of the mundane population. He did feel, however, that the plan could be improved with his assistance, feeling that he had many minions that could be of great use. In the wake of the fall of
S.O.S.: The Society of Seconds, a faction composed of Fables who were born in the Mundy world, most likely from before the Pied Piper's Curse. They want to go back, and establish a country in one of the now liberated
story arc, where she explains to Rose Red that hope is neither destiny nor strategy, but that she tries to champion those who can direct their hopes into actions. Hope has several paladins working for her, including
3356:. Alder's unfamiliarity with the customs of modern courtship and rules of "recreational pollination" leads to several awkward situations, and what she describes as her "deplorable dating life". She attempted to date 5655:
is Bill Willingham's creation, as there is no such character in the King Arthur mythos. Based on the color of his armor, he may be the Green Knight from the poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (circa A.D. 1390).
affair which resulted in Rapunzel's pregnancy. When Totenkinder found out, she threw Rapunzel out. Despite the bad history Rapunzel does call Totenkinder "Mom", though it could be to get on Totenkinder's good side.
5218:-looking woman. Even though all the Cardinal Winds have the ability to take the form of both genders, she is the only one of the group who's chosen to take a female form. She goes by the names of Yoruba (after the 3020:: Formally Johnny Bullhorn, he was a resident of Smalltown back when there were no women. He ventured to the Homelands and retrieved the magic barleycorns that Thumbelina was born from, bringing women to Smalltown. 586:
Cinderella was recruited as his off-the-books agent shortly after her arrival in the mundane world, approximately two centuries prior to the present-day setting of the comics. Missions shown have included seducing
In the epilogue chapter, "The Last Story of Flycatcher", Red Riding Hood is revealed to have eventually married Flycatcher and had at least four children with him, and is living a peaceful life as queen of Haven.
2461:, one of the Fables who managed to escape on the last boat out of the Homelands, and the only living member of the species Bovalunaris (an obvious combination of the words "bovine" and "lunar"). She was felled by 1615:
and Arrow retrieve the jar and joined Fabletown. He eventually returned to his human form and lives on the 13th floor. He's the man in a big fur coat and hat with bear eyes. He was the one that originally revived
is cracking. He is also the first to fall to the now freed Mr. Dark. Mr. Dark keeps Hobbe's skull, intending to eat the goblin's teeth later, in order to summon his spirit to serve him. Mr. Dark is killed by the
4913:. Every year, on 15 May, the people who were on the last boat out of the Homelands would get together to drink to the memory of those who died so they could get out to the Mundy World. Among the defenders were: 7807:
attacked the Golden Boughs, Mr. Revise reluctantly allowed many of the revised Fables to be restored back to their original self, and the Tin Man magically got all of the appendages back. In the final issue of
The sixth child of the prophecy is revealed to be Ambrose, reinforced by his response to Therese's story as the "one who will judge the rest" through his role as a historian for the Fables. In the Fables story
596:, a mission where Cinderella served as his briefing officer. She also participated in the interrogation of the wooden soldiers captured after the Battle of Fabletown, and later helped with the interrogation of 522:
Theories both on and off the page speculate that he gives off powerful/magic pheromones, which are responsible for his strong ability to seduce nearly any woman he wishes. According to the answers given in the
tried to kill herself by sailing off the edge of the world and was washed up on the shores of the Fable homeland The Hidden Kingdom. The funa yurei, the spirits of the drowned, rescued her, and brought her to
It came down to a final confrontation, when Dorothy kidnapped Snow White and was planning to hold her hostage. The two had several violent encounters over the years, until Cindy almost finished Dorothy off in
leader. Mayumi wears a surgical mask to hide the disfigurement. She enjoys scaring people by asking them, "Am I beautiful?", before removing the mask and asking "How about now?". Eventually, with the help of
arrives to slay the dragon Jack, not knowing that the dragon is his father. Gary, rushing to Jack's defense, pulls the sword right out of John in order to defend Jack, and Wicked John dies from the injuries.
a lesson and make her more docile. Snow vows to kill him herself. Bigby eventually arrives to free his wife, but Brandish transforms him into a statue made of glass. Snow eventually manages to escape, while
5355:, also asleep. Since he doesn't know which woman the imp meant, he first kisses the sleeping Snow Queen. When that doesn't work, he kisses Briar Rose, who awakens from the spell, along with the Snow Queen. 566:. Charming then became Maharajah Charming, after killing the original Maharajah. Charming eventually relinquishes his title, and decides to go back to Fabletown. His story will be continued in the pages of 3038:
pot, Pete handles the night shift in the administration office at the Farm. He previously lived in the old cottage of one of the 13th floor witches in the Homelands, until he met John Barleycorn and Arrow.
894:, which talked to her with spiny mouths. Rapunzel knotted several of them into her hair, which gave her the purchase she needed to climb out. She escaped from the well, and killed the shogun and his men. 8116:
gives her a copy of her original story, an act that is supposed to grant powers back to the character that had been stripped away. However, whatever abilities Alice had returned to her were never shown.
to as his 'private collection', which appears to give him power over what remains of those characters, allowing him to compel them to act on his behalf. He has not been seen since the destruction of the
the formerly imprisoned fables. During this time he was able to bottle the Djinn and kill Baba Yaga and her knights by utilizing everything he has read (in this volume, several indirect allusions to the
7902:. Since Humpty had promised to lead Jack to a hidden treasure, Jack took the Humpty Dumpty parts with him, and did the impossible by putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, using copious amounts of 3373:
victims could be resurrected, Cindy could only choose half to be resurrected. Cinderella ultimately chooses Briar Rose; it is unknown how Alder or Grandfather Oak feel, or whether they know about this.
made by Prince Charming during this seduction attempt, that her actions and words toward her husband are not generally as kind as she herself perceived; she subsequently resolves to be nicer to Beast.
is investigating a series of murders around his kingdom. The victims are revealed to be the Seven Dwarfs, whereas the killer turns out to be Charming's wife, Snow White. The flashback sections of the
story arc, it is revealed that he has become a father to a little baby boy, Sammy Junior, as a result of a one-night stand with Robin Page. Sam is one of the few regular characters who survives the
his advances, but he's very determined to have her and plans to kill Bigby and all of the children she had with him, and also plans to make her replace the children with their human children. While
refers to the new development as "marvelous" because the new North Wind will be timid, and the South Wind appears to be very pleased and answers that "our day of ascendancy has come at long last".
562:), where he was nursed back to health. Because Charming is a popular Fable, his wounds healed quickly. He soon became the leader of a group of villages that joined forces in order to overthrow the 4235:
her in a real battle, in which Cindy steals the silver slippers and defeats Dorothy by pushing her from a great height into the Deadly Desert, apparently killing her, though her body is not seen.
1123:: He is one of the message birds used by the Fabletown authorities to communicate with The Farm whenever The Farm's phone lines are down. He is killed by another bird fable during the Farm revolt. 651:
after the Prince slew his former master. Calm and dignified, Hobbes is nevertheless a formidable fighter and fought savagely during the Battle of Fabletown. Hobbes worked tirelessly in Charming's
Jack being an unreliable narrator and a pathological liar, it is impossible to tell for sure if he was telling the truth. On the other hand, he has told the truth on several occasions (about the
Cole's realm was easily overwhelmed by the Adversary's forces. Only with the assistance of his loyal and loving subjects, was he able to hide in the woods and survive long enough to reach Earth.
418:). He is accompanied by Lily, one of the Barleycorn maidens who has a huge crush on him. While sitting in one of Ev's magic lunch box trees, he accidentally rescues a group of Oz-Fables from the 3531:
when she intends to kill someone. Cinderella later tells Snow White that Goldilocks had to die because if they had not killed her, she would have continued the murdering like a ravenous animal.
During the Fables Forum panel in the 2009 San Diego Comic Con, a one-page story was handed out to attendees that would foretell the fate of the cubs possibly within the next one hundred issues.
2291:'s flute, Fire. After the death of Max, Peter used Fire to heal her, and then he turned Fire over to the authorities of Fabletown. In her youth, she was a member of the Assassin's Guild of the 5401:
story "The Caliph's Night Adventure" (as Sidi Nu'uman), which includes the chapter "History of Sidi Nu'uman". The d'jinn makes references to the story by calling Sidi Nouman "famous abuser of
1185:: Served as an adviser to Bufkin while the latter was stranded in the business office. Other people who have asked the mirror questions are Flycatcher, Prince Charming and Jack Horner. In the 9366:
Fable who is a high-ranking member of one of the hidden shadow Fable communities. He may have been part of Dorothy's schemes to trap Cinderella. What became of him afterward was never stated.
reveals that Lancelot, Camelot's most gifted champion, was blessed by Frau Totenkinder, who told him that he would be unbeatable in battle as long as he remained pure and honorable. Lancelot
3861:, Kevin Thorn summons Hansel and Sam, hoping they can inspire him in writing his masterpiece. After numerous disagreements, Sam eventually dumps Hansel out of his wheelchair and off a cliff. 527:
issue, Prince Charming had no less than 1,412 romantic conquests by the age of fifteen. He stated that he is able to win any courtship, be it that of a single woman, or a political election.
9216:. In addition, a character looking remarkably similar to Winnie the Pooh (but drawn slightly differently, as Winnie the Pooh is currently under copyright) can be seen in flashbacks from the 7894:
Humpty attempted to escape the Golden Boughs again and again until he finally succeeded during the mass breakout orchestrated by Jack, only to get himself shattered when blasting several of
7747:. This upset Mister Revise greatly, as he viewed Sam as one of his greatest successes. According to Revise, Sam's story was "censored, shunned and forgotten by the oversensitive mundys". In 3466:. It has also been theorized that the title "The Adversary" could be derived from Jewish and Christian literature where the name "Satan" actually comes from the Hebrew word for "Adversary". 4046:
a better place, and decided it was time to force people to be happy. Her catchphrases are "reality is only what we make of it" and "you can't go to a ball without breaking a few pumpkins".
with her. Using her wits and feminine charm, she exposed him as a traitor willing to turn to the Adversary for revenge on the Fables. She even seduced him into signing a full confession.
who serves as commander of the Farm's air patrol. He accompanied the then-Johnny Bullhorn on his mission into the Homelands and Cinderella on her diplomatic mission in the Cloud Kingdoms.
4706:, it is revealed that the Page Sisters used to either live in Fabletown or visit it, as they talked to Mrs. Ford, a seer in a laundry who foresaw their death in a cave, as later seen in 2957:
is the name of the person who resided at Pooh's home prior to Pooh making it his house, and Winnie the Pooh and several other characters from the books were based on the stuffed toys of
34: 6463:
on a sledge, saying that they're planning a funeral for the cat. When Blue points out that the cat isn't dead but merely sleeping, the mice reply that "nevertheless, we have our plans".
9244:, to name just a few) - besides, the insistence he displays when telling he did not have an affair with the female ape Jane may be a proof that his tale is true, at least partially. 7153:
mirror. Cloaking herself in the guise of an old woman, she visits the cottage of the seven dwarfs and gives her a poisoned apple. Snow eats the apple and falls into a deep coma, but
1508:. She has appeared throughout the series as an integral part of the Fabletown community, both defending it against the Adversary's mages and making her own deals with its residents. 11003: 6138:
to be a woman, a closer inspection reveals that the person is wearing a hood, and what appears to be a mane of long flowing hair is actually part of the chariot. Annotations in the
2018:, as a prequel to the comics. He is seen hanging around Bigby's apartment, and Bigby must choose whether to let him stay or send him back to the farm. He is voiced by Brian Sommer. 9801:. "The Cricket on the Hearth" is also the name of one of the issue's chapters. The cricket repeatedly calls Rose "Boz", which was Dickens's family nickname and occasional pen-name. 7186:, saying her aunt always said "you should find something you love to do and then do it". Dorothy, having killed two witches and liking it, was inspired to become a killer for hire. 5056:: His rusty armor kept trying to fall apart during his weeks defending the Gateway, and his squire had to follow him around, retrieving the pieces that were dropped off in his way. 4657:. It is implied that all three sisters give up their powers when they decide to stay in the Fables universe instead of accompanying the other literals into the new one provided by 6509:
spy on his fellow Fables. John was bound by his vow, which overruled the later compact, and had no choice but to obey and spent four years passing information to the enemy before
meets one of the Thirteenth Floor Witches, Ozma of Oz, the young childlike second in command to Frau Totenkinder, who at his behest tells him of a prophecy she had. She explains:
5347:. Although the imp cannot grant him three wishes, it promises to lead him to great riches. The imp leads him to the encampment of the goblins who burned down the city, and where 367:
carry on. It is also he who motivates the former mayor during the evacuation to Haven after Mister Dark discovers the location of the Farm. He was turned into a harmless bird by
11161: 3563:, where it is revealed that Fabletown's former Deputy Mayor lost his job after he sexually harassed Snow White and embezzled government funds. He spent his years hiding through 1379:. Cinderella is able to bring back the victims of Goldilocks, but she's only allowed to choose half, and chooses Morgan Le Fay, seeing her more valuable an alley for Fabletown. 5173:
Winter, one of "the Cubs", was eventually chosen as the new North Wind. When this happened, the West Wind referred to the new situation as "a setback", but did not interfere.
where she was thrown down Revise's memory hole. When she emerged, she had been stripped of most of her memories and was again the same innocent girl she had been so long ago.
works for the Crooked Man as a house guard and escorts Bigby to him, though it is unclear whether this is his normal job or whether he is given jobs to do by the Crooked Man.
the women she and Georgie employed. Filled with regret over the murders, she decides to break the spell on the women by taking off the ribbon, killing herself in the process.
The Witch further explains that her vision made no real detailed specifics as to which child is which and she leaves it up to Ambrose to decide if he should tell the others.
8316: 8064: 7813: 6898: 5965:
accidentally saves the group from a couple of "Rumble Tumble Tom's", the Nome King's enforcers. The group joined forces with Bufkin, and went on to appear in the subsequent
5230:) and Storm Mother. She could be considered the more compassionate and sensible one of the Winds, although she has been shown to have a more ruthless, cunning side as well. 2628:, it is revealed that they were enchanted by Frau Totenkinder, in order to eliminate a bridge troll that was causing problems for a village that won her favor, back in the 712:
While generally a hazard, forcing Rose to take extreme care and wear gloves at all times, the curse has proved useful on at least two occasions. The first was in the story
6013:. Ivan seemingly manages to overpower their captors and throw Bungle and the other captors out of the ship, rescuing Cindy and himself. Bungle is shown floating down in a 5737:
was able to bring Goldilocks' victims back to life, but was only allowed to choose half of the victims to resurrect, and she chose Lady of the Lake over the Blue Fairy.
6346: 5672: 6981:: Their names were Katrya the Pure, Sofiya the wise, Nyura the Graceful, Ionna the Gifted, Alyas the Noble, Yeva the Lively and Leysa the Defender. They appear in the 5090:'s adviser releases, though he tells Snow White and the others the battle would probably destroy most of the planet. He is based on many European wind gods, primarily 4986:: Her final action before being killed, was throwing her magical spear, which would find any target she set for it, killing the general leading the Adversary's forces. 3122:
it remains unclear whether Fabletown justice condemned her for helping Jack steal their money and almost revealing their existence to the mundy world. Even though the
points out, "killed Fables often get magically replaced by new versions of the same Fables", and a new version of Toto shows up, alive and well, by Dorothy's side in
7735:'s story that Sam has grown into an old man and few people remember him. He still managed to escape during the mass breakout from the Golden Boughs by turning all of 5483: 2095:
He very briefly went by the code-name or hero-name of "Captain Blueheart". During a small portion of the volume "Snow White", his eyes unexplainably stop being blue.
7157:'s love is enough to overcome the poison, since all nobles of that world had some degree of magic in them. What happened to the Evil Queen has not yet been revealed. 393:
mischievous and prone to drinking heavily and stealing the Mayor's booze, nevertheless, he is generally a good worker and rarely complains. During the events of the
8915:, Mowgli replaces King Cole as ambassador to Baghdad, as well as running an English-language school for Arabian Fables participating in the war against the Empire. 6017:, indicating that she's working with Ivan. In a surprising plot twist, it is revealed that Dorothy was Ivan all along, disguising herself using her magic slippers. 4028:
refers to Cinderella's fairy godmother as a meddler in Briar Rose's life, indicating that there may have been more fairy godmothers involved than what was shown in
10344: 2877:
of renown, who were kept sedated for centuries due to the impossibility in hiding their huge forms. After they awoke, they agreed to transform be transformed into
6029:, and accidentally saved them from the Nome King's enforcers, who were chasing the fugitives. All four of them then secretly formed a secret resistance movement. 7961:
was transformed into a miniature ox by Mr. Revise; after Babe and Bunyan were caught trying to escape the Golden Boughs during the mass escape orchestrated by
points out that "we always found the old lion to be a bit too pompous and holier-than-thou for our tastes". The Great Lion also appears in an illustration for
murdered the two for giving into "carnal" desires, burning them both together. Cinderella is able to resurrect her, but she could not bring back Prince Aspen.
As shown in the "Great Fables Cross Over", after having a brief argument with Beast about his behavior with Bigby, Beauty and her husband retire to a tent for
story arc, where it is revealed that Snow White was their prisoner for several years. The story also shows what actually happened when she killed one of them.
4833:. He can solve some cases without needing to be physically present and he also managed to sneak up on everybody in the room, when they were summoned by Kevin. 4183:
story arc, Dorothy then struck off on her own. The Lions mentions that she got "all dark", and the Tin Man responds that Dorothy always was "kind of creepy".
2374:. Even though Peter says no, Bo decides to attempt to win a seat, and is ultimately chosen as one of Rose Red's Knights, who will take their place at the New 10902: 8642: 10973: 4671:(unless she was just acting crazy and actually found another way to unlock a secret passage). The sisters decide to travel the world with their nephew, the 4246:, in a flashback that shows the death of Mister Kadabra. As previously implied, it was Dorothy who killed him. Dorothy is also referred to in the story arc 1951:
The late Colin appeared to Snow White on four occasions after his murder, still appearing as a head on a pole (possibly in reference to the famous scene of
11175: 11017: 10958: 10604: 10576: 10452: 656:
about it, Prince Charming dryly noted that Hobbes was better paid as a servant than he was as Mayor himself. The name Hobbes is an obvious pun on the word
occurred pre-amnesty, so he is legally unable to retaliate. While initially overwhelmed by the complexities of the job, he eventually grows into the role.
10590: 8474:, due to the mundys confusing her name. She speaks only in rhymes. She is yet another inmate killed in the series' finale, when a van lands on top of her. 7164:: Once the queen of a great kingdom in the Fable Homelands. When the king discovered that she was being unfaithful, he punished her by turning her into a 6731:
was cursed by a young Frau Totenkinder: Mr. Porky Pine angered Totenkinder by calling human women ugly, and she threw a curse on him that made him desire
and willingly sacrifices his powers. Reasoning that the new universe will develop a Pathetic Fallacy when the need will arise, he returns at Jack's side.
4090:, where it is revealed that the former innocent farm girl became a professional killer for hire, going by the code "Silverslipper". She went on to become 4032:. The Fairy Godmother had two sisters, one with green and one with blue wings, while she herself has pink wings (like Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather from 1900:
Rose Red usually dresses in red and almost always has some sort of rose motif in her clothing, even if it is just a scarf tied in the shape of a blossom.
10562: 720:
threatened to reveal what he had discovered about the Fables, the curse was employed to put the inhabitants of his building to sleep while a team led by
In the run-up to the war against the Empire, Charming resigned as mayor, returning the job to King Cole, in order to focus on the war effort. During the
10842: 4561:
and the grandson of the Pathetic Fallacy, though he appears older than both of them. As such, Revise holds a considerable amount of supernatural power.
indeed be mentally unsound, and thus defying the empire might, in fact, be the best thing for Geppetto, since he is acting in a way that harms himself.
1273:, Bigby talks about a man who converts the Goose's eggs into currency. Bill Willingham has identified the person as Shylock, the central character from 10438: 6152:: All working in the Nome King's air corps. One of the monkeys discovers Bufkin's group of revolutionaries in Ev, and is subsequently killed by Bufkin. 4564:
Revise considers his role to be "neutering" Fables partly by stripping them of their darker elements, with his ultimate goal being to rid the world of
fame (one of the chapters is called "Jack and Jill", and another one is called "Broken Crowns and Candlesticks"), this was not the case, as a story in
11066: 8573:
during the big breakout from the Golden Boughs. The group briefly accompanied Jack Horner, who entertained them with the story behind his identity as
1219:, Snow asks if he did ever hear about the Boy Who Cried Wolf; Jack replies, "Sure, Snow. He lives up on the seventh floor" (of the Woodland building). 407:
are made). He was aided by the Magic Mirror, Frankenstein's monster's head, the Barleycorn maidens and several heads of the captured wooden soldiers.
8492: 7268:
to "rewards long delayed", but the false bride tells Rose that they hope in vain, because "they attend me and I'll never dismiss them". In addition,
10872: 8373:. The trio can be seen when Sam shows Jack up to his cottage and is later among the Fables escaping during the mass breakout from the Golden Boughs. 6108:: They appear briefly in flashbacks from Dorothy's adventures in Oz. In addition, several allusions to the Wicked Witch of the West are made in the 4119:
heard that Dorothy had already taken care of one witch, he hired her to kill another. Dorothy took the job, and discovered that she liked it. After
8200:. Dorothy remarks that she's kind of relieved, since this is the first time "that flea-bitten mongrel has quit yapping in a hundred years", but as 6867:
Omar: A creature resembling an anthropomorphic, two-legged dromedar, who is a soldier in Bookburner's army of Forgotten Fables, which attacked the
6042:: One of several Oz-fable who's ended up in the Fable Homeland of Ev while on the run from the Nome King's enforcers. He joins Bufkin's revolution. 4483:
a new pen, after destroying the pen (a simple goose-feather) used to write the Fables (and possibly the mundys as well) in the attempt to stop the
3291: 10812: 10370: 2593:, who was near death from starvation. They succeeded, but were caught stealing by the farmer's wife, who cut off their tails with a carving knife. 1792:
story arc, Morgan breaks the bad news to Snow: sooner or later, the fatal wound is bound to be inflicted on Snow herself, which will kill her. In
with a lion head sewn on the front, and four arms, two legs, and a place for a tail. Beast and Beauty are left flabbergasted by the implications.
The local Imperial Governor instructed Mr. Grandours to guard a tower, filled with various treasures, including the magic barleycorns. He helped
46: 7621: 7611: 7051:: Either he is a cheerleader/mascot who does not need a costume, or an actor is impersonating him, during the Frog Prince's baseball matches in 6815:
after Jack and his group. They eventually managed to shake them off. Bookburner can also be seen holding up a copy of Natty Bumppo's story, the
2739: 11435: 8615: 8499:, which may or may not be The Caterpillar, is shown eating a leaf while Humpty Dumpty tries to convince Jack to let him escape with the others. 6172:: Also working for the Nome King, they joined Bufkin's revolution because they were tired of being made to sleep in filthy cages when off-duty. 2444:. He is one of Cindy's animal spies, and can make time around him move slower that he seems so fast that can move between the ticks of a clock. 10502: 8244:
winners kidnapped so that she could use them for her grisly rituals. She left a string of bodies in her wake, but was eventually captured by
series, Alice is wearing her classic knee-length dress with a white pinafore, but the dress is red rather than blue. Like in the drawings of
8051:, which is true to the mythology. During his time as a prisoner at the Golden Boughs, the spirit instructed him to stay close to the copy of 3780:, being round up among many female Fables who were possible targets of an unknown murderer. It was eventually revealed that the murderer was 1109:
alcohol, he's prone to singing and uttering prophecies; it is mentioned that things got decidedly messy the last time that this happened. In
7891:. This is a reference to the history of the nursery rhyme; "Humpty Dumpty" was originally the name of a big cannon used during this battle. 6273:
refers to the lion as "the Great Lion on his stone" (Aslan sacrificed himself and was killed on a stone table) and one of the "true kings".
Foreshadowing: Little is known about Foreshadowing but that she is a female, though is mentioned by Revise after escaping the Golden Boughs.
3203:, hired by Bigby to train his and Snow's children to hunt, though the Cubs were instructed not to kill, hurt or lay fang or claw upon Peter. 8735: 8622: 4211:
is mysteriously killed by an unknown assailant, all signs point to Cinderella's nemesis from the old. Cindy sets out to find her, aided by
2703:: She moved to Smalltown during the 18th century and was the only woman there for a while, causing many fights over who would win her hand. 8599:
during the big breakout from the Golden Boughs. The group briefly accompanied Jack Horner, who told them his story behind his identity as
animates the sacks to go catch the cats again. Some members of the family can be seen escaping the Golden Boughs during the mass breakout.
6156: 8081: 6710:. Mr. Porky Pine and Chicken Ripple were two Fables in the Homelands who had banded together with the Gingerbread Man to steal unguarded 4645:
Bill Willingham has revealed in an interview that the Page sisters are the embodiment of organizing and codifying (in this case Fables).
4428:; minutes later, the details were fading from everyone's head but Kevin's. After reporting this to his boss, he was fired for "going all 8315:, who apparently were not eaten after all. The oysters were killed in the chaotic battle in the series' finale; some were stepped on by 7522:. He was Nalayani's companion for during her journey to the Maharajah's palace. She was forced to kill him when he became infected with 6435:
during Blue's exploits in the Homelands. After his death, Blue impersonated the governor, ordering his underlings to lower the tax rate.
5339:. While looking for treasures hidden among the char and ash, he finds a magic bottle, which he opens, but the bottle does not contain a 886:. He confiscated the kitsune's foxfire - her soul, which she kept outside her body. The shogun kept the foxfire in a safe locked with a 4642:, they were horrified to realize that they'd committed incest. Hillary was disgusted, Priscilla was enraged, and Robin was speechless. 2844: 490:
built by the Arabian Fables and commanded by Sinbad, running the offensive and defensive operations of the ship during the war and the
9241: 8699:
has stated that Flycatcher is his favorite character; Buckingham has said that he is the only truly innocent character in the series.
8480:, who lost most of his strength after being revised. When Mr. Revise allowed Cuchulainn's original story to be restored, the spear of 7569:. They came down from the mountains and attacked Maharajah Charming's palace, although Charming's forces were able to drive them away. 2853:, she could choose to leave the Farm any time she wished, but not without her beloved shoe-house, so she chooses to stay where she is. 844:
that Cinderella's Fairy Godmother showed Rapunzel's prince the way to the tower she was kept in, mainly to spite Frau Totenkinder. In
4972: 8342:, seen when Sam shows Jack up to his cottage and as one of the Fables escaping during the mass breakout orchestrated by Jack Horner. 360:
The security guard at the Woodland apartment building that forms the centre of Fabletown, Grimble is the troll from the tale of the
10932: 10540: 9735:, believing the Ranger to be part of Jack's gang of robbers. The Ranger is described as a mysterious masked rider with a faithful 6451:
story arc, during Boy Blue's exploits in the homelands, Blue comes across the strange group in the Rus, the Homelands version of
5636: 3679:, whom they see as their oldest sibling, since he was the first of their kind (despite the fact that he has since become human). 4373:
manages to break the spell that Brandish put on himself. Snow utilizes the fencing lessons once given to her by her ex-husband,
2925:, a character looking remarkably similar to Winnie the Pooh (but drawn slightly differently) can be seen in flashbacks from the 11425: 9320:, went through a lot of trouble to get him buried after he died, and ended up turning into a fish. She refused to give up when 9233: 1958:
Posey and Dun were among the Fables that were dumped down the Witching Well and were met by Flycatcher during his quest there.
enforcers. Bufkin then forms a resistance movement in order to overthrow the evil Nome King. Afterward, he, Lily and Hangy – a
11131: 10679: 3051:
story arc, Mustard Pot Pete can be seen writing down the mouse's complaints; the text says, "Miss Mousey complained about the
trade paperback, which says that Ford Laundry is run by "the washer woman at the Ford". She makes her first appearance in the
11114: 10331: 10230: 10137: 1371:, which reveals that Bean Nighe has the ability to predict the deaths of other people. In this story, Bean Nighe, along with 466:
In spite of his persistent unfaithfulness and narcissistic ego, Prince Charming has a good side few are aware of. During the
283:#143 (the third chapter of the "Happily Ever After" story arc), it is confirmed that Bliss has adopted his curse as her own. 8405: 8320: 8257: 8201: 8193: 8069: 8004: 7952: 7943: 7916: 7895: 7736: 4432:". Kevin has now dedicated himself to discovering what exactly is going on in the Upper West Side. He is leaving a complete 4220: 11307: 9757: 8969: 7584: 7154: 6950: 6651:
did not go home after burning Frau Totenkinder, realizing that their "wicked parents" had meant for them to die out in the
6562: 5476: 5302: 4882: 4710:; the sisters remarked that in response, they decided to just avoid that cave, until they gave up and accepted their fate. 4294: 4010: 2548: 2432: 1838: 1456: 840: 97: 8715: 8641:
upon escape, marking the end of the Golden Boughs Retirement Village. They are based on Wyeast, Klickitat and Loowit from
7470:#11, another group banished by the shogun. After he took control of The Hidden Kingdom, he started hunting them for sport. 3984: 2006: 730: 10315: 8932:
would be unable to read his emotions and would find him unpalatable. His identity as one of the Tourists is confirmed in
8696: 8332: 7367:, who were banished for the same reason. The Shogun claimed that they were "a terrible influence" and "violent monsters". 6626: 6258: 5949: 5914: 5643:
reveals that Arthur was eventually laid to rest in a crypt. Arthur appears briefly in flashbacks during the Fables story
3115: 2690: 2590: 1382: 1260: 10348: 9333: 8753: 8541: 8174: 7853: 7795: 7042: 6547:. He was the greatest sorcerer-scientist of that age, and was the inventor of the magic bottles used to capture d'jinns. 6119: 2485:, it is revealed that the moon is female. She becomes the victim of a serial killer who is after the women of Fabletown. 1019:, who isn't too different from Darien in personality and possesses similar facial characteristics like Prince Charming; 627:
Cole's diplomatic skills later served the Fable community when more Mundies became aware, and thus frightened, of them.
11314: 9736: 9559:
has a brief encounter with the legendary monster when one of the tengu drops him into the ocean off the coast of Japan.
8711: 8633: 8040: 7752: 7551: 7529: 7501: 6939: 6505: 5696:(in addition, Arthur, Lancelot and Merlin are all referred to in the latter story). She first appears in the story arc 5271:
story-arc, accompanied by his minister, Yusuf, a host of servants and slaves and, to the consternation of his hosts, a
5130: 5109: 4931: 4208: 3312:, circa 1800), she works for Cinderella as one of her animal spies. She hopes to find those who murdered her lost love 2911:
story arc, when the foiled revolution threatens to flare up again, the duo appears in two panels; from a distance when
2002: 541: 9313: 8588: 8420: 8393: 8249: 8245: 8233: 8213: 7947: 7939: 7907: 7804: 7728: 6673:
being put out on a windowsill (or other places) to cool. Another gingerbread man can be seen on the Farm in the story
6052: 5986: 4168: 4091: 3572: 2604: 2416: 1327:
when she agreed to use her curse to disable the Empire's capital city. Years later, he was still asleep together with
from the famous Japanese ghost story; while spending time at the Emperor's court, she took Okiku as her new name. The
11053: 9865: 7548:(where Charming was presumed dead). When Charming decides to go back to Fabletown, he makes Nathoo the new Maharajah. 6878: 6179:. Jack Pumpkinhead, Bungle the Glass Cat and the Sawhorse attempt to recruit Blug and his troops in their revolution. 3348:, it is revealed that they are now living on the outskirts of the Farm, where Princess Alder has become friends with 64: 8731: 7095: 5918: 1323:
Hakim: A newly freed Arabian slave, he has had trouble adjusting to modern-day New York. He became the bodyguard to
176: 11379: 11224: 9158: 8423:'s spies and that the Golden Boughs duo is the real one. It is unknown whether he is telling the truth or not. The 8085: 7958: 7931: 7717: 6868: 6844: 5930: 4889: 4737: 4624:#26, that the sisters have two different fathers; Hillary is the daughter of Revise, while Priscilla and Robin are 4601: 4550: 4512: 4456: 4172: 4079: 2600: 2532: 1644:, before the city was burned to the ground, and it is assumed that Mrs. Someone and Hakim were killed in the fire. 1346: 10910: 10076: 7756: 6648: 6644: 5962: 5087: 3657:
flee, she is defeated and killed, by the unlikely Bufkin who had been trapped within the Woodland office as well.
3445:. He was the primary antagonist for a long time in the series, but later on, his role is replaced by Mister Dark. 2674: 1873: 1063:
When the Cubs approach their ninth birthday, and the first result of the prophecy is revealed. After the death of
261: 10981: 9755:: still offering their services to the shoemaker (Crispin, who lives in Fabletown) from time to time, as seen in 7540:, as Maharajah Charming's servant and companion. It was Nathoo who found Charming after the bomb went off in the 4748:
A group of Literals who are the embodiment of the different genres found in story telling. The known genres are:
3322: 2764:
who appears in several stories, in which he is depicted with the taloned hands, red cap and iron-shod boots of a
2720: 2716: 2151:, eventually managed to escape to Fabletown and the mundane world, where they settled in on the Farm. Peter is a 2060: 1238: 479:
arc, giving Bigby Wolf land next to the farm in order to live with his new wife, Snow White, and their children.
9584:, before he was taken to Fabletown. The count was rumored to be some fell spirit returned from the dead. In the 5545: 1568:. Maddy seems to be second in command to Ozma, the same way that Ozma herself was always second to Totenkinder. 1164:, during a fencing lesson with Snow White, who was Goldilocks' intended victim. Although Snow is resurrected by 11300: 6719:
actually cursed by a witch, only the curse was, in his own words, a perverse attraction to human women. In the
6510: 6105: 5985:, a killer for hire. Bungle was later recruited by Dorothy to aid her in her quest for revenge on her nemesis, 4112: 3975:, The Khokhan, The Buse, Mörkö, The Dunganga, The Abo Ragl Ma Slokha, Burned man, the lake man, Buback and the 3918: 3905:'s revolution, when the Nome King's own hanging rope magically came to life and snapped its master's head off. 3615: 2544: 2127: 320:
Beast is considering making a new home for himself, his wife and their daughter in Flycatcher's kingdom in the
115: 10850: 10050:
is the pimp who owns the seedy bar/strip-club "Pudding & Pie", and employed Faith. He speaks in a British-
After becoming mortals, the sisters lived as normal "mundies" for years. Robin had a baby, Sammy Junior, with
4568:. He had been close to accomplishing that before the Fabletown refugees made their way to this mundane world. 2824: 1692:, it is revealed that Mr. Kadabra's real name is Karrant. Karrant was a powerful sorcerer who cast a spell on 9684: 9679: 9177: 7353:
to invade. According to Rapunzel, "no one minded too much. They were smelly, drunken, pesky little bastards".
6887: 6278:
doesn't stop any of you from looking at the first lines of this paragraph and coming to your own conclusion".
5524: 3132: 2996:
The Mounted Police, also referred to as the Mouse Police, is a police force of Lilliputians mounted on Fable
2849: 2301: 1402: 1126:
Jack Ketch: The executioner who killed Dun and Posey Pig after the revolution at the Farm. He is named after
10784: 9533:(only referred to as "raccoons" in the modern world, but by their real name back in the Homelands), various 5005:
story arc, while fleeing the Adversary's forces) chose to stay behind and defend the Gateway, to avenge his
1117:, who has pledged his service to Flycatcher, as well as knighted Ambrose to become the Once and Future King. 11074: 10523: 10094: 9522: 8504: 8311: 8273: 7946:
cooked up a plan to venture in Americana, she blackmailed Bunyan to go with her, and both were captured by
7116:, the eagle is angry and says that for one of them, seven evils await, for the other, the loss of one dear. 4917: 2520: 2027: 1731:, is the witch with the long dark hair and beauty mark on her face. Her identity was first revealed in the 8730:, has appeared in several stories; she is the mysterious being who serves as an adviser to Snow White and 6519:: Referred to as Sulymon the Wize in the comic. He appears in a brief flashback from ancient times during 3188:
colonel who was cursed to remain a human until a female rabbit could love him back. Bill Willingham cites
2333:, celebrating Christmas with their fellow Fables. They have their first speaking parts (in the comics) in 10880: 9888: 9857: 9853: 9751: 6427: 6301:, he is a general leading the Adversary's attack on the Last Free Gateway from the Homelands, as seen in 5870: 5560:
Later, Beast is able to stall her by saying that Gepetto wishes to marry her. The Blue Fairy chooses the
5252: 4762: 4530:
In one of his lucid moments, he refuses to join the Literals in the new universe created for them by the
4038: 2805: 2232:- in human form - asks the dryad out, Peter gives the fox advice on the customs of dating and courtship. 2187:. He can be seen playing his flute alongside another member of the band while the Fables are partying in 1446: 10820: 9018:
The concerned Wolf, realizing that even if nobody official believed the story, they'd be inundated with
8108:. Jack made a joking pass on her, but Alice rejected him. She was last seen in the Golden Boughs during 5572:, the Blue Fairy and the Lady of the Lake both become victims of a serial killer, who is revealed to be 5034:. He had a reputation of a scoundrel, but after winning a place for himself on the last ship out of the 4885:. She later gave birth to the Page sisters, Hillary with Revise and Priscilla and Robin with Bookburner. 11164:. Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. January 25, 2007. Archived from the original on March 11, 2016. 10499: 10374: 7824:. Jack Frost believes that the Tin Man is on the dragon's side and kills him by chopping off his head. 6929: 6690: 5798:
could only pick half of Goldilocks' victims to resurrect, and ultimately chooses Totenkinder over him.
5096: 4387: 4111:
by accident when Dorothy's house landed on her, and was given a pair of magic silver slippers from the
4099: 3104: 729:
combat-ready sorcerers. Recently, the city was burned to the ground, but not before Briar Rose and the
11006:. Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. December 1, 2005. Archived from the original on March 7, 2016. 10565:. Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. October 5, 2006. Archived from the original on March 10, 2016. 9518: 8823:: A man with pointy ears who wears a carnival-like red suit. He is the same Devil as in the legend of 5531:
into a real boy centuries ago. She took his wish too literally and made it so that he would be a real
These were some of the Fables who died defending the Last Free Gateway from the Homelands, as seen in
again". In addition, Flycatcher is singing the song when he is first introduced to the readers during
11275: 10027: 9768: 9655: 9049: 8400: 8149: 7062: 6882: 5267:, the famed mariner of legend, is a prince of the Arabian Fables. He arrived in Fabletown during the 5138: 4923: 3913: 2899:, albeit obscurely, since Winnie the Pooh was still under copyright at the time of the appearance in 2596: 2283: 2136: 2111: 1229: 1145: 3938:
at the hands of his brother, Peter Piper. Max has a brief flashback appearance in the graphic novel
and religion is extremely weak and easily destroyed by proper magic, as revealed during a skirmish.
11430: 10593:. Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. April 8, 2007. Archived from the original on March 7, 2016. 10058: 9596:. Frankie had actually fought the count once, years before he fought the "wolf man" (Bigby) during 9129: 8648: 7495: 6241: 6161: 6101: 6097: 6089: 5515:
story "Ala al-Din Abu al-Shamat", during the "Two Hundred and Fifty-third Night" (as Abd al-Kadir).
5458: 4888:
Onomatopoeia: Little is known about Onomatopoeia, though is mentioned by Revise after escaping the
4374: 4116: 4108: 4104: 3216: 2892: 2847:: She and her children live in the Farm and were heavily armed during the Revolution. According to 2635: 1353:
and not the real ones. When he orders the other Fables to arrest them, the Baker runs for his life.
702: 648: 404: 42: 10441:. Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. June 5, 2005. Archived from the original on March 9, 2016. 9743:, following his trail. Jack is apprehended by Bigby before he has the chance to catch up with him. 9542: 9441:
who had been banished from the court. The group started a new life in a hidden Fable community in
7938:, with his trusty blue ox at his side. He has been shrunk down to a smaller version of himself by 6968:" and "Cock Robin Got Up Early". He was murdered when the Adversary invaded Jenny Wren's homeland. 4926:, identified through the text on his clothes, which says, "seven at one stroke". He was killed by 11293: 11118: 10100: 9621: 9494: 9213: 8963: 8744: 8684: 8553:
story arc, while fleeing the Adversary's forces with the Tin Man and several other Oz-characters.
7090: 6585: 6572: 6525: 6480: 5818: 5614: 5433: 5215: 4994: 4631:
The Page sisters all appear to be relatively young, are attractive and all three have slept with
4344: 3940: 3462: 3152: 2965:-based treats, is run by Winnie the Pooh: Edward Bear is Winnie the Pooh's original name. In the 2958: 2837: 2731: 2725: 2624: 2615: 2541:, one of the "Br'er Group", which actively sided with the revolutionaries during the Farm revolt. 2493: 2075: 2065: 1974: 1877: 817: 494:
mission to bomb the gates connecting the Imperial homeworld to the rest of the Empire. After the
362: 162: 109: 10069:, is a stripper and prostitute working for Georgie Porgie. Unable to break her code of silence ( 8538:
and has a morbid fascination with the process of losing them. She even sleeps on a bed of teeth.
magically appeared back in his hand. After the destruction of the Golden Boughs, Cuchulainn and
storyline, Sinbad participated bravely in the war against the Adversary, commanding the skyship
3405:, he is an elderly man who works in the milking sheds. He tries and fails at courting the dryad. 2179:
story arc), Peter and his wife can be seen among the Fables standing in the background when the
story arc, where she is described as one of the great powers and belonging to the same group as
11031: 10087: 9697: 9401: 9104: 8949: 8872: 8856: 8851: 6965: 6957: 6852: 6600: 6471: 6357: 6352: 6297: 6047: 5846: 4322:. When the car has been used nine hundred and ninety-nine times, Briar plans to take it to the 4259: 4192: 3313: 3141: 3091: 2589:
invaded their homeland, they took part in an expedition to gather food for their beloved King,
1280: 1204: 1011:
is shown as the leader of the pack, something that Bigby has commented on. Another female cub,
764: 9592:, Frankenstein's monster ("Frankie") specifically makes references to a vampire count back in 6625:. Her husband, the farmer, was killed when the Adversary invaded her homeland, the kingdom of 4123:
explained to her about the powers of the magic slippers, Dorothy used them to fly home to the
9164: 8810: 8767: 8596: 8562: 8453:
back) along with several other Fables. After the destruction of the Golden Boughs, Kiviq and
in the series' final issue, by a truck titled "Lepus", which is the scientific word for hare.
8412: 8093: 7704: 7662: 7217: 6817: 6392: 5952:'s forces. His next appearance took place almost a hundred issues later, in the Fables story 4874:
Eliza Wall: A Literal and temporary narrator of the Jack of Fables series and represents the
4759:. He can sense Bigby's actions, because they both are sheriffs. He likes to play cards alone. 4120: 3996:
After the fall of the Empire, an unknown, powerful magic user from another realm invaded the
who escaped the Adversary's aquatic forces and lives in a lake on the Farm. According to the
2989: 2961:. In addition, it is implied that Fabletown's Edward Bear's Candy Shop, which specializes in 1596: 776:. When the car has been used nine hundred and ninety-nine times, she plans to take it to the 427:
species which they transform into which includes flying monkeys, Barleycorn and Korob birds.
7812:, the Tin Man and many former prisoners are caught in the middle of a confrontation between 7295: 6395:
incidents, thus making the woman the mother of Wicked John, not Jack. Jack's real mother is
Sidi Nouman: The first victim of the d'jinn released by Sinbad's servant, Yusuf, as seen in
in case of his sudden death (which he now considers to be a strong possibility). During the
875: 11338: 11217: 11189: 11096: 10660: 10466: 10162:"We All Live in Fabletown: Bill Willingham's Fables—A Fairy-Tale Epic for the 21st Century" 9732: 9625: 9556: 9530: 9341: 9142: 9086: 9082: 8789: 8287: 8189: 8147:, she also is seen wearing the striped stockings and wide ribbon from the illustrations of 8101: 8052: 7989: 7962: 7861: 7817: 7615: 7604:
Various magicians who were boxed away by the Boxing League, appear in the final story arc,
7342: 6384: 4632: 4413: 3726: 3301:
who loves to drink. He is the companion of Lord Mountbatten, and came with him to the Farm.
3043: 2946: 2566: 2447: 2423: 1865: 1309: 1212: 245: 10745: 5149:
of the west wind. Another reference to Native American mythology is made when he compares
4305:, Briar defeats Hadeon once and for all when the latter shows up to pick a fight with the 2870:. She is Rose Red's friend and enforcer, and is dating Vulco Crow when he is in bird form. 8: 11403: 11348: 10510: 10214: 10121: 9903: 9869: 8928: 8592: 8566: 8339: 7888: 7381: 6658: 6475: 5807: 4576: 4097:
It is revealed that Dorothy developed a taste for killing for hire after she, as seen in
3414: 3035: 2841:. He was one of the few who sided with Snow White during the (attempted) Farm revolution. 2655: 1653: 1275: 1175: 1171: 10168:(Special Issue: Fairy Tale and its Uses in Contemporary New Media and Popular Culture). 9470: 5729:, Lady of the Lake and her friend were attacked and apparently murdered at the hands of 4793:, a man in a spacesuit who fights with lasers. He is twin brother to his sister Fantasy. 4616:
handles retrievals, the capture of Fables and bringing them back to the facility, while
2603:, claims that the Tortoise and the Hare at the Farm are not the real ones, but spies of 2317:
story arc), where they can be seen among the Fables standing in the background when the
the Sheriff (first Bigby Wolf and then later Beast) as one of his off-the-record spies.
11374: 11353: 10798: 10548: 10222: 10129: 10066: 9969: 9861: 9667: 9423: 9272: 9217: 8860: 8814: 8669:
Flycatcher, or Prince Ambrose, and later King Ambrose, is a fictional character in the
8520: 8513: 8419:
usually wins. Another version of the duo exists at the Farm; Jack claims that they are
8229: 7935: 7884: 7732: 7682: 7624:: A personified nightmare from Lithuanian mythology, he was released along with Ragana. 7199: 7132: 7052: 6652: 6246: 5902: 5829:
user from another realm invaded their kingdom. The usurper eventually turned out to be
5826: 5822: 5528: 5438: 5332: 5247: 5158: 5035: 4998: 4951:, who almost won the battle all on his own, and could not be beaten, "not by goblin or 4881:
Prose Page: Jack Horner's mother, who gave birth to Jack after an affair with a Fable,
4765:, a dimwitted, musclebound commando who can sense when explosions happen. He resembles 4277: 4167:
in the year of 1986 by throwing Dorothy off a cliff. Dorothy, passed out, was found by
4124: 3997: 3827: 3676: 3592: 3005: 2974: 2926: 2915:
tells everyone to move back, and then from behind in the following panel. Also, in the
2629: 2292: 2140: 2117: 1637: 1527:
The former leader of the 13th floor who has gone a little crazy. She is the witch from
1505: 1495:
These are the spellcaster Fables who live on the 13th floor of the Woodlands building.
1247: 1222: 1095:
The remaining portions of the prophecy are confirmed in the last volume of the series,
860: 856: 687: 555: 321: 9252:
A network of hidden Fable communities, scattered throughout the world, as seen in the
8386: 8024: 7494:, she joins forces with the provincial Maharajah, who turns out to be none other than 4672: 3304:
Jenny Wren: From a cycle of nursery rhymes, including "Cock Robin Got Up Early" (from
1765:, where she was given the "superhero name" The Green Witch. She has the power to fly. 499:
longest fuse possible to give himself the best opportunity to get clear of the blast.
11396: 11358: 11343: 11169: 11049: 11011: 10952: 10766: 10598: 10570: 10446: 10327: 10236: 10226: 10143: 10133: 9797: 9784: 9458:, the fugitives manage to find their way back to their homeland via a magical portal. 9415: 9376: 9287: 9276: 9225: 9185: 9062: 8983: 8846: 8739: 8350: 8345: 8237: 8036: 8007:
informs Jack of the facts after a mysterious, old man shows up and plunges the sword
7942:, but still grows in size when he is angry or when he gets closer to Americana. When 7429: 7350: 7330: 7242: 7225: 6914: 6906: 6874: 6770: 6766: 6640: 6632: 6432: 6334: 5718: 5536: 5442: 5264: 5194: 5031: 4977: 4967: 4956: 3898: 3818: 3687: 3621: 3588: 3576: 3442: 3251:
in tracking down the title character during a flashback sequence set in the Old West.
3147: 2981:
actually owns the shop, but if he does, he does it from a distance, meaning the Farm.
2934: 2912: 2882: 2874: 2586: 2585:, Leland, Thaddeus and Prescott, who are often out on their own adventures. When the 2488: 2468: 2458: 2367: 2240: 2160: 2014: 1944: 1936: 1924: 1920: 1909: 1781: 1714: 1693: 1617: 1418: 1393: 902: 652: 220: 10722: 10642: 9739:
companion. Jack kills the gunsmith in anger and sets out to find the Lone Ranger in
9478: 9356:(1889) more or less permanently changed the number of brothers to seven in the West. 8839:: The banished angel who became the Devil. He is described by Jack as being "poncy". 6085:, and then attacked Cinderella, who was forced to kill the creature in self-defense. 5639:
who appears in the early issues of Fables. Dialog between Flycatcher and Lancelot's
4713: 3539:
The former nobleman and serial killer who has reformed, or rather pretended he had,
The Happy Courtship, Merry Marriage, and Pic-nic Dinner of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren
Miss Silkytail, a female rabbit. Col. Thunderfoot tried, unsuccessfully, to woo her.
Snow White was born in a small cottage and lived there with her younger twin sister
11268: 11139: 10683: 10173: 9832: 9776: 9765:
in making the Fable comics sold at Nod's bookstore, while Beauty was working there.
9643: 9419: 9406: 9385: 9305: 9268: 8727: 8719: 8707: 8048: 7670: 7385: 7364: 7038: 6618: 6075: 5941: 5679: 5488: 5327: 4948: 4810: 4638:
After the revelation that Jack was their half-brother through their shared mother,
4557:, in that he revises the universe so that it makes perfect sense. He is the son of 4516: 4231:, "killed Fables often get magically replaced by new versions of the same Fables". 4055: 4016: 3950: 3715: 3650: 3496: 3409: 3340: 3200: 2582: 2477: 2347: 2216: 1994: 1948:
forms, allowing the three to take up their new roles as the new Three Little Pigs.
1848: 1818: 1733: 1636:
and Hakim during the takeover of Calabri Anagni, the Imperial capital of the Fable
1198: 1085: 864: 846: 532: 519:
story arc to be a result of Rose Red seducing him, despite his initial resistance.
288: 204:
shows Rose Red coming to visit Snow and Bigby after centuries of successful peace.
103: 8390:. The cottage that Jack moves into is referred to as "Black Caroline's old place". 7919:
fired her rifle-mounted grenade launcher in a chaotic fight in the final issue of
after Jack and his group. They eventually managed to shake them off. Her husband,
unbeatable, until he lost his honor by having a love affair with the King's wife,
5331:, where the famous prince of thieves makes his way to the Imperial Capital in the 1168:, Dantès is not, as Cindy can only bring half of Goldilock's victims back to life. 1141: 834:
Cursed by Frau Totenkinder (for displeasing her by being a 'slutty little girl'),
story "Lamia", it is revealed that Beauty hides a dark secret. She is, in fact, a
11254: 11239: 11234: 11210: 10524:"Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Images Reveal First Look at Horror Reimagining" 10506: 10311: 9965: 9780: 9301: 9208: 9172: 9019: 8944: 8907: 8718:. Just like others of her kind, she has her own personal magic box artifact, her 8680: 7594: 7505: 7389: 7371: 7048: 6977: 6972: 6747: 6274: 6115: 5750: 5422: 5227: 5146: 4959:. Not by the dozens or the hundreds". He was finally killed when the enemy set a 4868: 4809:, a younger brother of Science-Fiction and Fantasy. He is known to be constantly 4790: 4772: 4752: 4662: 4565: 4425: 4310: 4264: 4005: 3901:'s Empire, the Nome King creates his own, pan-Ozian empire. He was killed during 3851: 3758: 3402: 3381: 3283: 3161: 3150:, also known as Squire Pup, identified through his dialogue in the graphic novel 3076: 3071: 3017: 2888: 2817: 2809: 2792: 2555: 2538: 2247:, but Peter says no, because he's already had more than his share of adventures. 2084: 1826: 1612: 1586: 1565: 1149: 1131: 698: 545: 436: 302: 225: 152: 85: 8188:
Toto attempted to flee the Golden Boughs during the mass escape orchestrated by
and another aide of Maharajah Charming. He is eventually killed by wild animals.
killed Hillary by firing a laser through her chest with his tin cannon, and the
3213:, he and Br'er Wolf tried, unsuccessfully, to catch and murder Peter Cottontail. 2143:
of Hesse, he was forced to make a living as a thief in the homelands version of
Fencing Academy. He can often be found in the Branstock Tavern. He is killed by
11261: 10047: 9486: 9397: 9153: 9135: 8978: 8794: 8776: 8675: 8629:". He is shot and killed by the Page sisters in the series' chaotic end battle. 8603:. He is present in the series' end battle, and is presumably killed off-screen. 8546: 8488:
set out on a quest to find Fabletown; whether they did succeed remains unknown.
8278: 8135: 7976: 7955:
unleashed his powers on him when Bookburner's army attacked the Golden Boughs.
7289: 7259: 7065:: One of the Scorpion's brothers, Ollikandar Strikeswift, appears in the story 6487: 6367: 6149: 5688: 5053: 5046: 4936: 4830: 4803:
woman with pointy ears who likes to plan epic adventures finding magical items.
4778: 4667: 4446: 4024:(where none of Briar's fairy seven godmothers look anything like her), but the 3719: 3605: 3489: 3239: 3190: 2917: 2662: 2274: 1832: 1299: 1191: 918: 898: 887: 822: 381: 314: 306: 269: 157: 120: 91: 992: 11419: 10240: 10147: 9788: 9349: 9264: 9000: 8584: 8461: 8217: 8182: 7876: 7833: 7791: 7515: 6039: 6002: 5994: 5898: 5219: 4784: 4665:), but Robin seems to be able to communicate with a stone lion at the end of 4323: 4212: 4147: 4132: 3885: 3556: 3452:. The term "The Adversary" appears based on "The Enemy", the common term for 2694: 2404: 2044: 1724: 1516: 1334: 1084:, an adult Ambrose appears to be in a well-established relationship with the 941: 777: 675: 616: 588: 298: 11202: 10621: 9498: 9445:. Centuries later, she has become the enforcer of Tomoko, a powerful female 8015:
In the final story arc of the series, it is shown that John has been at the
7189: 6680:
Mr. Porky Pine and Chicken Ripple: Their names are taken from the lyrics of
5856:, whose home has become a refuge for dissenters still loyal to the old king. 5295:
The Arabian Fables' best spy, ostensibly acting under the orders of Sinbad.
1680:. He has recently been killed by an unknown assailant in the first issue of 10017: 9827: 9672: 9639: 9597: 9593: 9577: 9546: 9321: 9280: 9004: 8467: 8435: 8377: 8140: 8016: 7697: 7678: 7161: 6925: 6901:
has read works of "fiction" and "fact" about MacBeth and he called his new
6836: 6800: 6681: 6221: 6208: 6071: 5448: 5091: 4904: 4850: 4840: 4475:
he's revealed to be truly the creator of the Fables, the embodiment of the
4071: 3177: 3010: 2866:
who, for practical purposes, chose to be transformed into a fire-breathing
2576: 2501: 1776:, Morgan is seen discussing rescue plans with her fellow witches, Ozma and 1252: 1233: 706: 10939:. The Norway List Web Site. Archived from the original on October 23, 2017 8508:. Jack became their great hero after he, inadvertently, saved them from a 7651:: The ghostly black dog said to roam the coastline and countryside of the 7149: 6051:: recruited by Dorothy to aid her in her plot for revenge on her nemesis, 5604:
and the fabled King Arthur set the standard of "true chivalry" for all of
3757:, Lumi was present in the Imperial capital when Briar Rose, the legendary 3140:
shows Jack calling "his Jill" on a pay phone before leaving Fabletown for
1284:. It seems that Shylock still works with money in some unspecified manner. 410:
After this, Bufkin climbs the Business Office's tree and finds himself in
10680:""This is a Wonderful Job": An Orca Q&A with Fables' Bill Willingham" 9973: 9884:. It is strongly implied that Beast kills him in order to protect Beauty. 9849: 9704: 9689: 9659: 9654:
story set during World War II. A team of German Nazi scientists is using
9526: 9363: 9325: 9221: 9203: 9199: 9036: 8824: 8820: 8531: 8496: 8178: 7966: 7849: 7775: 7666: 7652: 7648: 7510: 7478: 6790: 6493: 6312: 6306: 6214: 6203: 5944:'s first appearance was early on in the series, in flashbacks during the 5627: 5605: 5589: 5134: 5021: 5006: 4983: 4875: 4433: 4327: 4164: 4143: 4033: 3931: 3923: 3740:
She was present when Boy Blue cut off the head of the Emperor during the
3475: 3287: 3266:, and brought him to the Farm. Mountbatten was killed while accompanying 3220: 2985: 2950: 2938: 2930: 2570: 2398: 2371: 2244: 2105: 1728: 1677: 1658: 1591: 1556: 1451: 1023:, a blonde-headed cub who is observant, but tends to confuse things; and 897:
Centuries later, in the mundy world, Rapunzel and Joel Crow venture with
781: 550: 399: 341: 233: 9294:
who can take the shape of a man. He is the ruler of Shadow Fabletown in
has identified the third Tourist as being the Woodsman from the tale of
A blonde who feeds on people's luck by eating their brain. She fled the
5428: 3737:
story-arc, suggesting that at least some of this backstory is accurate.
story arc, the mirror is also identified as the mirror from the tale of
Prince Aspen, something no one in Fabletown knew about, but a murderous
11333: 9917: 9873: 9614: 9605: 9581: 9514: 9317: 9237: 9103:
series, or he was just Jack) and that, in turn, inspired Jack to go to
9044: 8924: 8771: 8670: 8611: 8607: 8600: 8580: 8574: 8570: 8477: 8454: 8450: 8205: 8105: 8097: 7903: 7642: 7254: 7122:, the bewitched prince (described in detail in the "villains" section). 7106: 6945: 6840: 6824: 6812: 6550: 6320: 6281: 6190: 6123: 6063: 6059: 6026: 6006: 5957: 5910: 5906: 5840: 5211: 5075: 5071: 5017: 4990: 4822: 4816: 4806: 4766: 4756: 4654: 4365: 4201: 4155: 4136: 3889: 3753:
At the climax of the war between Fabletown and the Empire, as shown in
3730: 3691: 3584: 3512: 3479: 3397: 3248: 3067: 2787: 2775: 2709:, who's been dating Thumbebelina and lives in his own miniature castle. 2700: 2650:, where they listen to Reynard's tales of exploit from the human world. 2419:
in exchange that Cindy would someday help him reclaim his lost estates.
2224:, where Peter and his wife have become friends with Princess Alder the 1821: 1797: 1601: 1529: 1478:
story arcs, playing the same role as he does in the fairy tale. In the
1466: 1356: 1287: 1182: 1174:: Joel, Vulco, and Ephram Crow are the three survivors of the original 1127: 1120: 929: 721: 579: 440: 415: 411: 385: 276: 168: 137: 80: 8813:: An old hermit living in a swamp, Jack first ran into him during the 8457:
set out on a quest to find Fabletown; it is unknown if they succeeded.
5956:, where he is on the run from the Nome King's (now the ruler of a pan- 5948:
story arc, where he can be seen among a large group of Fables fleeing
After Jack Frost II is able to stop him from writing the literal word
3575:, found him. Cindy tricked Ichabod into believing her to be a spy for 2341:
story arc), where they partake in the plans to rescue Snow White from
story arc), where they partake in the plans to rescue Snow White from
Peter and his wife have their first speaking parts (in the comics) in
1997:. She was previously seen in her true form in an illustration for the 1869: 451:
arc, putting Bluebeard's substantial wealth directly into Fabletown's
explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective
10323: 10178: 10161: 10051: 9824:
from enchanted sleep and realizes that Briar is not the girl for him.
9506: 9474: 9171:"Edgar the other orangutan": Presumably the murderous orangutan from 9149: 9119: 8863:. Chernobog is eager to show off his nature as an embodiment of evil. 8842: 8830: 8557: 8366: 8283: 8170: 8008: 7857: 7799: 7638: 7628: 7456: 7326: 7203: 7034: 6997:
share the same fairy godmother, but this is proven apocryphal in the
6786: 6751: 6743: 6728: 6669:. He works with Mr. Porky Pine and Chicken Ripple to steal unguarded 6093: 6014: 5978: 5660: 5623: 5182: 5126: 5125:
Brother/cousin of the North Wind, and great uncle of the "cubs". The
5013: 4826: 4154:
made it into the mundy world in the year of 1943. They had fled from
4151: 3968: 3881: 3634: 3540: 3449: 3255: 3226: 2856: 2797: 2706: 2562: 2359:. Bo advises the dryad on the customs and mores of modern courtship. 2299:. She likes to keep lambs. Bo is one of the supporting characters of 1853: 1772:
story arc, after the story arc's title character is taken captive by
1320:. The character of a folk song. She was accidentally killed by Ghost. 803:
Briar Rose's ultimate fate is given in the next-to-last compilation,
792:, Briar Rose is revealed to be having a secret relationship with the 658: 597: 592:
way for Bigby Wolf's covert insertion into the Homelands depicted in
563: 444: 389: 310: 10787:. First People of America and First People of Canada: Turtle Island. 8748:). Her true form is first seen, briefly, in an illustration for the 348:
On his mission into The Witching Well, as depicted in the story-arc
9724: 9720: 9552: 9466: 9012: 8481: 8424: 8358: 7879:, also known as Mister D, is a giant egg who can blast away like a 7658: 7573: 7473: 7444: 7423: 7415: 7287:
Ryogun: Based on the jealous samurai from Japanese urban legend of
7074: 7015: 6934: 6677:, when the Fable animals are asking Boy Blue questions about Haven. 6540: 6533:
story arc. Sulymon was the one who invented the idea of tricking a
6270: 6067: 5597: 5314: 5190: 5142: 5113: 5041:
The King of Madagao and the King of Bornegascar, old enemies, from
4775:, a very silent woman whose face is always covered by a black veil. 4330:. Hadeon's ultimate fate is given in the next-to-last compilation, 3976: 3972: 3595:. Flashbacks from Crane's time as Deputy Mayor appear in the story 3448:
Willingham originally intended for the Adversary to be revealed as
3364:, it was revealed that he had become attracted to the now awakened 3298: 2771: 2712: 2554:
Br'er Gator: Never referred to by name, but has been identified by
story arc. A revised version of the character is a prisoner at the
1663: 1422: 1114: 1113:
story arc, it is revealed that the Forsworn Knight is the ghost of
835: 486:
storyline, he held the position of Combat Commander on the skyship
452: 9462: 9438: 7715: 7580:. It possessed a child and then ate all the people in her village. 3750:
Pinocchio gave details of the likely response to such an assault.
book of nursery rhymes written and illustrated by artist R. Andre.
1359:: She was first referred to in a map of Fabletown, printed in the 10935:
The Ram and the Pig who went into the Woods to Live by Themselves
10041: 9740: 9601: 9569: 9490: 9446: 9433: 9308:. An old woman who is the former head of the Shadow Fabletown in 9123: 8973:, but not referred to by name. The Woodsman is also mentioned in 8836: 8723: 8638: 8524: 8516:. They assisted Jack in the mass breakout from the Golden Boughs. 8509: 7906:. They found the treasure eventually, but Humpty was captured by 7634: 7311: 7175: 7169: 6938:
series, a pair of adventurers who unleashed and were enslaved by
6894: 6794: 6516: 6431:. A Governor-General in the Adversary's empire, he was killed by 6391:
and that John was actually the one involved in the Beanstalk and
6342: 6327:, she is the woman by Robin Hood's side in flashbacks during the 6169: 6010: 5886:
The Ram and the Pig Who Went Into the Woods to Live by Themselves
5758: 5754: 5601: 5550: 5470: 5296: 5027: 4930:
early in the battle. In addition, his name can be seen on one of
4927: 4796: 4429: 4353: 4326:
and have Hadeon destroyed once and for all by dropping it into a
kingdom of Ultima Thule. The usurper eventually turned out to be
3935: 3483: 3210: 3206: 3168: 2832: 2622:, all three have the first name of William. In the graphic novel 2559: 2375: 2296: 2152: 2144: 2039: 1990: 1641: 1551: 1345:. Jack Horner, having met the revised version of the trio at the 1266: 1002: 868: 725:
has never been revealed if she knew Flycatcher awoke her or not.
423: 229: 8100:
during the big breakout, and the group briefly accompanied with
7293:, and the samurai that killed Okiku in the Japanese ghost story 5981:
escaped into the mundane world and became one of the helpers of
5535:, therefore never growing up and experiencing puberty. She lent 5437:, Snow White is dispatched to the Arabian sultan's court in the 3523:
story arc revealed that she once had a sexual relationship with
forms, allowing the three to take up their new roles as the new
2599:: Jack Horner, having met the revised version of the duo at the 1056:
The seventh lives to ages old, and is by heaven blessed (Ghost).
9987: 9946: 9931: 9881: 9877: 9728: 9450: 9427: 9359: 9295: 9291: 9112: 9096: 9091: 9052:, who are intelligent, capable of speech and can magically fly. 8902: 8485: 8445: 8306: 8295: 8291: 8248:'s people and taken to the Golden Boughs. Lady Luck was one of 8241: 8060: 8020: 7934:
used to travel the length and breadth of his Fable Homeland of
7880: 7865: 7821: 7744: 7523: 7455:. It is revealed that it was actually Rapunzel who entered the 7400: 7346: 7193: 7165: 6918: 6603:: Appears briefly in flashbacks from Bigby Wolf's story in the 6452: 6218: 6143: 5864: 5740: 5701: 5631: 5336: 4960: 4836: 4684: 4128: 3568: 3564: 3453: 3316:
during the Emperor's invasion of her homeland and take revenge.
3185: 3107:, and forms a relationship with one of the maids who milk Luna. 3031: 3024: 2863: 2801: 2765: 2761: 2745: 2736: 2412: 2056: 1581: 891: 879: 734: 644: 636: 9600:. Most (if not all) of the killings traditionally credited to 9015:, Sharp stated that he would shortly be publishing his story. 8967:. In addition, all of the tourists are shown in silhouette in 7345:. They were banished from the Emperor's court, as part of the 6062:: Also recruited by Dorothy. They are creatures the size of a 5713:
story arcs, Lady of the Lake was shown to be a good friend to
The North Wind's sister/cousin, and the cubs' great aunt. The
was leaving, Robin Hood (previously seen in flashbacks in the
4280:. Even though she was the one to actually cast the curse over 2547:: During the farm revolt, he led one of the teams hunting for 260:
After the arrival in Fabletown of the Imperial Emissary, Lord
10034: 9841: 9809: 9708: 9538: 9534: 9482: 9442: 9380: 9309: 8803: 8535: 8471: 8428: 8362: 8327: 8197: 8044: 7899: 7740: 7562: 7491: 7463: 7247: 7113: 7078: 6456: 6443: 6439: 6407: 6266: 6236: 5877: 5640: 5465: 5406: 5402: 5386: 5340: 5272: 5223: 5186: 5083: 4952: 4609: 4107:
in exchange for a trip back home. She had already killed the
3671: 3580: 3494:
Goldilocks survived (or came back to life) and reappeared in
3334: 3263: 3230: 3095: 2997: 2962: 2867: 2783: 2749: 2462: 2356: 2318: 2225: 2180: 2156: 2026:
Residents at the Farm due to their non-human appearance, the
1701:, who needed a dead body to send a message to her archenemy, 1561: 906: 883: 793: 559: 293: 214:
Snow White also appears in the 2013 video game adaptation of
achieve his dream of wealth and love by hooking him up with
talks about how they tried to create more of the monster in
7576:: This flesh-eating demon appears, unseen, in flashbacks in 6543:: He appears in a brief flashback from ancient times during 5825:. They were deposed of and killed when an unknown, powerful 5700:. Also known as the "Green Lady", she is a messenger of the 5608:
and its legend touched much of the pagan worlds beyond. The
4781:, a terrifying little girl. She can even scare Kevin Thorne. 1788:
The spell however is not broken, but merely delayed. In the
1236:. Bigby fought the monster (in a reference to the 1943 film 952: 9983: 9961: 8710:
is one of the great powers, belonging to the same group as
8416: 7374:
appears as a background character in the Hidden Kingdom in
7264: 7070: 6782: 6534: 6254: 5150: 3667: 3507:, it was revealed that Goldilocks may have a taste for, as 3234: 3052: 2978: 2828: 2472: 2465:
in the war between Fabletown and the Empire, but recovered.
story arc, Bo and her husband are among the candidates for
2345:. Bo and Peter both appear as supporting characters in the 2322: 2184: 1749:, Part 6). She is also known as Mrs. Green, as revealed in 1577: 1397: 9279:
invaded, and escaped into the mundane world, adopting the
9152:": A possible reference to the pet orangutan Clyde of the 8276:. Both were killed in the chaotic fight at the end of the 7459:
and slew the beast, while searching for her lost children.
that was conquered early on, as seen in flashbacks during
5189:(the name of the Greek deity representing the east wind), 4527:
in his presence) as friends and talks to them frequently.
3619:, with the character also playing a role in the events of 2903:, until the copyright expired in the United States (where 2693:, he is from the nursery rhyme "Mister Sunflower", from a 2491:. The Dish is male, and the Spoon is female, according to 2309:
story arc. She and her husband make a brief appearance in
were carried away, still asleep, by a mysterious cadre of
11135: 9805: 9746: 9510: 9502: 9108: 8798:
story "Jack o' Lantern". According to the final issue of
8626: 8299: 7868:, the Lion dies when he is caught in Jack's dragon fire. 7357: 7246:. The Little Match Girl is still making a living selling 6910: 6902: 6711: 6670: 6460: 5881: 5410: 5344: 5321:
storyline. He also appears in the first storyline of the
4846: 4800: 4679: 3516: 2949:
met (at least according to Jack). In the works of author
2878: 2779: 2475:, explaining how the cow is able to leap over it. In the 2408: 2355:, where they have become friends with Princess Alder the 1546: 749: 11032:"The Baltic Times: Summer reading special, May 20, 2004" 10665:, by Charles Dickens, Illustrated by S. Beatrice Pearse" 8092:, a man she openly despised. She managed to escape with 7992:, except the dark hair. He used to be best friends with 7840:
story arc, while fleeing the Adversary's forces. In the
story arc, while fleeing the Adversary's forces. In the
7700:: From Scottish mythology, servants of the Baobhan Sith. 7396:" where Ulmore is the legendary last Atlantean Sorcerer. 5821:
and his queen, rulers of Ultima Thule, one of the Fable
as her intermediary in the wedding negotiations. In the
takes the form of an obese man and goes by the names of
4276:. She is the ruler of the Forest of Dire Blight, in the 3649:
Baba Yaga is served by the three demigod knights of the
is published) at the start of 2022. In part five of the
2835:, his lands were shown being taken in the graphic novel 2239:
story arc, Peter is one of the candidates for a seat at
10879:. SurLaLune Fairy Tales. April 20, 2005. Archived from 9972:
Dunhollow, and is one of Rose Red's new Knights of the
and is guided by a bird spirit. He is referred to as a
7723: 7554:: The chief hunter of the local village from Kipling's 6593:, she also appears as a ghost before Flycatcher in the 5837:. Among the people still loyal to King Valemon include: 4131:. To her great despair, the slippers fell off over the 3850:
story-arc, where he and his men intercept Pinocchio in
3175:, any similarity between her and the title of the song 3041:
Miss Mousey, and possibly the frog, from the folk song
2125:, and went on to become one of the title characters in 2050: 10373:. Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. Archived from 10306: 10304: 10302: 10300: 10298: 10296: 10294: 10292: 10290: 10288: 10286: 10284: 10282: 10280: 10278: 10276: 10274: 10272: 10270: 8953:. He appears in flashbacks from the fairy tale in the 7314:
who had a passionate love affair with Rapunzel in the
7008:: They appear in flashbacks from Briar Rose's life in 5801: 5790:, they were both killed at the hands of the murderous 5717:
and came to represent her friend in the engagement to
4843:. He makes no difference between "a muse" and "amuse". 3587:
then executed Crane by bashing him in the head with a
story arc. They have their first speaking role in the
540:, it is revealed that Charming survived his injuries. 33:
describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily
10909:. SurLaLune Fairy Tales. June 2, 2005. Archived from 10268: 10266: 10264: 10262: 10260: 10258: 10256: 10254: 10252: 10250: 7490:. When her village is attacked by a group of talking 6781:. Jack, needing something for holding a hot piece of 6589:: Appearing in flashbacks from Flycatcher's story in 6245:. The Kingdom of the Great Lion was one of the Fable 6175:
General Blug, with his fifty thousand soldiers: From
5078:. His real name is Boreas Frostheart, as revealed in 5009:, who was killed when the invaders took his homeland. 3160:
erroneously states that the character was created by
3059:, as does one of the Three Blind Mice in issue #100, 1470:
fairytale. He first appears in flashbacks during the
had Rapunzel's lover banished, along with many other
He is presumably named after the English philosopher
9271:. One of many Fables who fled the Fable homeland of 7168:. He transformed her soul into a teacup of delicate 5499:
Abd Al Qadir: He appears briefly in flashbacks from
The Fairy Godmother also appears in flashbacks from
3722:, is the commander of the Emperor's personal guard. 3274:
in Far Mattagonia, a.k.a. Toyland. According to the
3103:#31, it is revealed that with the loss of her lamb, 7926: 7112:The eagle: After the girls save the dwarf from the 6964:, from the nursery rhymes "Jenny Wren Fell Sick", " 6754:, the tree that spans the world. He appears in the 5421:erroneously states that Sidi Nouman was created by 5074:, often referred to as Mr. North, is the father of 3308:, 1806) and "Jenny Wren Fell Sick" (from T. Evans' 2214:. They also appear as supporting characters in the 2191:#100. He appears with his wife and his band in the 1697:name "Master Kadabra". He was eventually killed by 662:. He is the first to notice that the gold covering 10785:"Native American Legends: Yaponcha - The Wind God" 10247: 10009:Fables first introduced in the prequel video game 9840:, tracking down the issue's title character - the 7711:. The Woodsman stole Lumberjack's clothes and axe. 7088:story arc, several characters from the fairy tale 6948:: They appear briefly in a one-panel flashback in 6615:survived being eaten because of the magic in them. 6484:. They were defeated in single combat by Boy Blue. 6410:to Jack (or actually Wicked John): Referred to in 5743:appears briefly in flashbacks in the Fables story 5246:A group of characters living in the Arabian Fable 4620:runs the research department. It was revealed, in 3633:One of the Adversary's most powerful sorceresses, 1930: 1429:, and can be seen with members of the band in the 867:'s court, and had a lesbian romance with a female 554:) found him and brought Charming to the Indu (the 10513:; posted June 18, 2009; retrieved August 18, 2023 10159: 9332:, when she was about to tell Cindy how to locate 8104:, who told them the story behind his identity as 7214:, in which he (Coyote) is described as "cunning". 5773:, is one of the 13th floor witches of Fabletown. 5024:, died side by side with Bearskin's Free Company. 3460:. Peter Pan did eventually make an appearance in 2735:. He may or may not be the same character as the 1856:. These are the characters who live at The Farm. 207:Jason Marc Harris, writing in a special issue of 11417: 11174:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 11162:"The New Fables Questions for Willingham thread" 11016:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 10957:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 10603:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 10591:"The New Fables Questions for Willingham thread" 10575:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 10451:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 9711:: The duo makes an off-screen appearance in the 9608:in the Dracula mythos were Bigby's doing in the 8502:Mustardseed, Cobweb, Peaseblossom and Moth from 8404:. When the cats escape from the sacks, Gary the 7224:'s paladins and the caretaker of Hope Deferred. 7119: 5969:story arcs, working to overthrow the Nome King. 5030:, who was claimed to be the knight loved by the 4661:(Deus Ex Machina, the Literal embodiment of the 4571:Tying into Revise's intention to destroy magic, 3478:' home and ate their porridge has grown up. Now 3292:Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma 2342: 2211: 1800:, a Fabled oracle, were victims at the hands of 1773: 1335:The Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick-Maker 368: 244:Still together after nearly one thousand years, 9426:of the Hidden Kingdom. Unbeknownst to her, the 9107:, which led to the creation of his own series. 7645:, released along with Black Shuck and Habetrot. 6762:, where he works as a messenger for Cinderella. 6224:: They appear briefly in flashbacks during the 5993:. Bungle assisted in kidnapping Cinderella and 5852:Mrs. Gudbrand, widow of the late Gudbrand from 4298:implies that Frau Totenkinder was its creator. 3675:"Brother" and "Sister"; they also look "up" to 3422:, he had a one-night stand with Princess Alder. 3368:and the two had started a sexual relationship. 3233:and former senator of the Homelands version of 2163:'s band. In addition to his main appearance in 1985:story arc reveals that the mysterious being is 1624:when they were almost killed by a magic arrow. 863:and culture. There, she became a member of the 11048:, Oxford University Press, New edition, 1997, 10217:(2008). "Fables". In Dougall, Alastair (ed.). 10124:(2008), "Fables", in Dougall, Alastair (ed.), 8427:is apparently killed when he is run over by a 8398:The family and some of the cats from the poem 8240:in the mundane world. In Vegas, she had lucky 7228:meets the little girl on Christmas Eve in the 7033:Baleful Hernes: Apparently a reference to the 5769:, Part 6). In addition, Arthur's half-sister, 5461:: He makes an appearance in the graphic novel. 4905:Colonel Bearskin and "Bearskin's Free Company" 4337: 3262:met him in The Indu, the Homelands version of 2677:, a regular character who lives in Fabletown). 2638:. The duo makes a brief appearance during the 2281:, she is also the wife from the nursery rhyme 1817:This is a list of fictional characters in the 1809:Cinderella is able to bring her back to life. 156:. She is based on two stories recorded by the 11232: 11218: 11132:"Exclusive Fables Interview Complete Edition" 10743: 9845: 9762: 9696:'s fortune). Jack phones her before going to 8264:. She remarked that it was "not lucky day". 7601:. His coat is in the possession of Fabletown. 6909:. Incidentally, one of his quests involves a 6803:("Hawkeye"): One of Bookburner's men. In the 6621:: Mrs. Sprongwallow appears in flashbacks in 6323:'s homeland. According to annotations in the 5554: 5511:. He is a minor character referred to in the 4714:The New Jack Frost – "Jack Two" or "Jack Too" 4402: 3548:story-arc, his current situation is unknown. 268:them the progress of her knitting: a pair of 10345:"SDCC '09 | The annual Fables one-page tale" 10342: 10209: 9328:told her no. Meng Chiang-Nu was killed by a 9260:. Among the Fables of Shadow Fabletown are: 8792:made a deal with to prolong his life in the 8462:Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick-Maker 6490:is mentioned by Boy Blue when he was in Rus. 6470:'s servants. They appear in the fairy tale " 5561: 5335:. The city has recently been burned down by 4980:, he turned out not to be a ghost after all. 4078:, as one of the many Fable prisoners at the 3114:, the character was created and designed by 3000:. The Mouse Police are inspired by the song 2059:who may or may not be the same character as 1533:, as seen in flashbacks in the Fables story 1444:Crispin Cordwainer: The famous shoemaker of 1232:: Frankenstein was animated by Nazis during 1211:story arc. When Snow White does not believe 79:This article is a list of characters in the 11004:"The Great Lion/Comments from a new reader" 10980:. India Kidz. March 5, 2011. Archived from 10845:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night 10815:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night 10535: 10533: 10207: 10205: 10203: 10201: 10199: 10197: 10195: 10193: 10191: 10189: 9812:, who specializes in information. He helps 9761:. They have also been secretly working for 9636:, in which Jack finds a way to cheat death. 9379:. They live in a hidden Fable community in 9316:, Meng Chiang-Nu sought her husband at the 8549:, previously seen in flashbacks during the 7094:appear in flashbacks from Snow White's and 5441:to enlist his support in the fight against 4519:, although he comes to prefer being called 4491:them, rebuilding a new world from scratch. 3074:'s "How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin" (from 2988:: A group of men from the small kingdom of 2527:annotations and makes an appearance in the 2167:, he also appears in several issues of the 2106:Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pepper 1576:Mr. Grandours (in French, literally "large 1385:: She is dating Vulco Crow when he's human. 239: 11225: 11211: 10677: 9700:. It is unknown if she lives in Fabletown. 9095:legend (which would then mean that either 8722:. The character, who is from the story of 8260:in a chaotic battle in the final issue of 8256:story arc. She was shot and killed by the 7848:, it is revealed the Lion, along with the 7236:, where Rose is taken "worlds away", in a 6553:: She first appeared in flashbacks in the 5592:and his court appear in flashbacks during 5584: 4197: 3682:A force of them were sent to Fabletown in 2573:, where he is referred to as "B'er Gater". 1490: 1044:The third will do an evil thing (Therese). 10746:"Field Guide: The Great Fables Crossover" 10177: 9375:A group of characters and creatures from 8817:, where Jack beat him in a game of cards. 8212:. It is unknown what became of him after 7996:and is shown several times trying to get 7790:, it is revealed that he, along with the 6706:is also the name of the duo's chapter in 6257:himself was felled and killed by arrows. 6183: 6118:: She appears briefly in flashbacks from 5706: 5630:are referred to in Lancelot's story, and 5417:- or is that the other way around?". The 4849:, who looks and acts like a soldier from 4600:directly as the senior librarians of the 4319: 3271: 3267: 2680:Mr. Sunflower: Identified by name in the 2401:: A Farm resident prone to panic attacks. 2121:, Peter was first mentioned in part 2 of 1291: 1047:The fourth will die to stop her (Darien). 760: 65:Learn how and when to remove this message 10616: 10614: 10530: 10347:. Archived from 10186: 9329: 9224:with Saunders in what appears to be the 9085:claims that his own adventures inspired 8859:, is identified as a place in the Fable 7836:was first seen in flashbacks during the 7778:was first seen in flashbacks during the 7482:, Nalayani is the main character of the 6769:: He ran into Jack Horner during Jack's 6319:, she was killed when the invaders took 5972: 5385:Yusuf: Sinbad's minister who released a 5133:, and goes by the name of Yaponcha, the 3884:, also known as Roquat the Red, is from 3768:kisses Briar Rose, as seen in the comic 2933:with Saunders in what appears to be the 2752:, identified by name in the prose story 2565:seen in several stories. He is from the 2392: 2287:. She was crippled by a magic song from 1216: 1102: 1053:The sixth will judge the rest (Ambrose). 1038:The first child will be a king (Winter). 951: 11196:. Project Gutenberg. February 27, 2004. 11046:The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes 10637: 10635: 9820:, the Snow Queen, after Ali Baba wakes 8527:couple who also assisted in the escape. 8415:, who still like to race, although the 8319:, and the others were shot down by the 7272:is one of the fairy tale books seen in 6960:: Jenny Wren's lost love, mentioned in 5379: 4608:is in charge of security, training the 4253: 4204:to assist her in her plan for revenge. 3646:Farm shortly after Baba Yaga's escape. 3258:tiger capable of taking physical form. 3110:The Fat Yellow Bird: Identified in the 3088:story arc, where he is slain in battle. 2407:, or The Marquis De Carabas, an orange 1406:, and can be seen with the band in the 1298:story arc. He is also mentioned in the 1144:: Better known by his famous alias of ' 1050:The fifth will be a hero bold (Conner). 947: 615:Mayor of Fabletown since its founding, 11418: 11129: 10773:. Project Gutenberg. January 17, 2007. 10667:. Project Gutenberg. November 5, 2007. 10213: 10120: 9957:, another beast slain by Saint George. 9808:: A small, less powerful version of a 9731:bullets to the Lone Ranger instead of 8632:Wy'east, Klickawit and Loo-Wit: Three 7832:Like several other Oz-characters, the 6032: 5926: 5038:, he gave it to his young page instead 4696: 4382: 4318:, who is searching for his lost cubs, 4238:Dorothy has a brief appearance in the 4142:Dorothy and a few of her friends, the 3660: 3194:as the inspiration for this character. 3014:), even though the song is about cats. 2607:, to which the Hare replies, "What? I 1864:Snow White's sister, ex-girlfriend of 1138:is an office, and not a single person. 340:The doorman at the Woodland building, 11436:Characters created by Bill Willingham 11206: 10976:Seeking Her Husband at the Great Wall 10611: 10473:. Project Gutenberg. August 25, 2008. 10386: 10384: 9418:'s invasion, she was a member of the 9145:has been inspired, according to Jack. 8192:, but was killed and eaten by one of 8122: 7447:appears briefly in flashbacks in the 7432:appears briefly in flashbacks in the 7037:. The last of their kind (presumably 6827:: One of Bookburner's people. In the 6504:, where is revealed that long before 6400: 6082: 6079:Seeking Her Husband at the Great Wall 5998: 5181:The North Wind's brother/cousin. The 5060: 4216: 3843:envoy finds increasingly outrageous. 3333:Prince Aspen and Princess Alder: Two 3290:. The historical Lord Mountbatten is 3270:on a mission to save Darien's sister 2139:. When the adversary invaded Peter's 1761:'s super team put together to defeat 1604:wizard king; this is revealed in the 874:It is also revealed that Rapunzel is 859:populated by people and creatures of 11308:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 10720: 10632: 10002: 9758:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 8970:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 8934:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 7827: 7585:Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came 7403:appear briefly in flashbacks in the 7299:. He appears in flashbacks from the 7020:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 6993:, it is implied that Briar Rose and 6991:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 6962:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 6951:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 6946:Cinderella's stepmother and -sisters 6835:, an angry Bookburner sends her and 6811:, an angry Bookburner sends him and 6612: 6235:annotations, this is a reference to 5897:A group of Fables from the books of 5834: 5812:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 5477:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 5303:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 4295:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 4171:'s people and was imprisoned at the 4011:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 3524: 3508: 3357: 2508:story arc and also mentioned in the 2433:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 2229: 1839:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 1757:, Chapter Four). Morgan was part of 1522: 1457:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 1148:', Edmond owns and runs Fabletown's 1041:The second child a pauper (Blossom). 841:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 810: 98:Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 17: 11130:George, Richard (January 5, 2007). 10172:(2). Texas A&M University: 32. 9817: 9247: 8659: 7988:A man who is the spitting image of 7349:'s plan for laying the way for the 6856:: They appear in flashbacks in the 6396: 5936: 5892: 5802:King Valemon and his royal subjects 5714: 5596:story arc, where the spirit of Sir 5352: 4819:, who holds the others in contempt. 4691:fired his cannon at Priscilla, the 4658: 4653:'s hideout ahead of Snow White and 4639: 4591: 4515:is also home to a man known as the 4506: 4306: 3893: 3571:, which was where Fabletown's spy, 2942: 2261:Peter is a supporting character in 1580:") is the title character from the 1498: 1261:The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs 1064: 668: 13: 11315:Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham 11103:. Project Gutenberg. May 18, 2008. 10381: 10160:Jason Marc Harris (May 19, 2016). 10153: 9688:(not to be confused with Jill the 9414:. Her real name is Mayumi. Before 9370: 8867: 8290:, who has been transformed into a 8143:, her hair is blond. In the story 8084:spent much of her time inside the 7864:, who has been transformed into a 7207: 6576:. More flashbacks are seen in the 6347:defenders of the last free gateway 6295:Count Aucassin de Beaucaire: From 5770: 5673:defenders of the last free gateway 5451:: She makes a brief appearance in 4688: 4604:, each with their own speciality. 4463:It later emerges in the storyline 4370: 3991: 3791: 3714:A sorceress of great power, Lumi ( 3384:. He appears in flashbacks in the 2760:trade paperback. He is the little 2325:. They also appear briefly in the 2034: 2021: 1372: 430: 419: 388:tales, Bufkin acts as Fabletown's 126: 14: 11447: 11069:A Cat Came Fiddling out of a Barn 10849:. eBooks@Adelaide. Archived from 10819:. eBooks@Adelaide. Archived from 10817:: "The Caliph's Night Adventure"" 10543:Winnie The Pooh and All, All, All 10439:"Questions, questions, questions" 9868:. With it he also slew the beast 9068: 8995:Tommy Sharp was a writer for the 8742:and Snow and Rose's mother (from 8382:White Caroline and Black Caroline 8371:A Cat Came Fiddling out of a Barn 7179: 7139:and appears in flashbacks in the 6793:"), steals the Horseman's "head" 6387:is actually an unknowing copy of 6231:The Great Lion: According to the 5982: 5651:annotations, "Sir Grimauld" from 5519: 5317:was briefly mentioned during the 5241: 5205: 5094:(who has his own fable, entitled 5065: 4997:": When the last ship out of the 4857: 3944:and is referred to in issue #89 ( 3709: 3376:Mr. Pickles: The fishmonger from 3002:And the Mouse Police Never Sleeps 2845:The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe 1698: 1328: 11380:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 11190:"The Project Gutenberg EBook of 11097:"The Project Gutenberg EBook of 10744:Vaneta Rogers (April 13, 2009). 9830:: Appears as a detective in the 8927:, the animated scarecrow from a 8763: 8267: 8089: 7927:Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox 7871: 7731:did such a good job of revising 7718:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 7273: 7105:The wicked dwarf: The father of 6869:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 6845:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 6399:, who is also the mother of the 6388: 6020:Bungle's story continues in the 5931:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 5922: 5390:and the recapture of the d'jinn. 5176: 5120: 4899: 4890:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4738:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4692: 4683:search brought the sisters to a 4650: 4602:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4558: 4551:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4513:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4457:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4349: 4173:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 4080:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 3875: 3551: 3431: 3349: 3130:implies that she is the Jill of 2601:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 2533:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 2459:The Cow who Jumped over the Moon 2278: 1914: 1872:of Bluebeard, and brief wife of 1762: 1719: 1571: 1504:powerful Fables to have escaped 1349:, claims that they are spies of 1347:Golden Boughs Retirement Village 1312:: Referred to in the story arcs 717: 663: 607: 435:Although charming and handsome, 398:that he has learned skills like 228:to the comics and serves as the 169:Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 22: 11301:Peter & Max: A Fables Novel 11182: 11154: 11123: 11107: 11089: 11059: 11038: 11024: 10996: 10966: 10925: 10895: 10865: 10835: 10805: 10801:. Internet Sacred Text Archive. 10791: 10777: 10759: 10737: 10714: 10699: 10671: 10653: 10583: 10555: 10516: 10493: 10477: 10459: 10431: 9920:the dragon: Referred to in the 9914:. It was slain by Saint George. 9821: 9692:, who helps Jack steal some of 9193:The Apes and the Two Travellers 8939: 8887: 8783: 8113: 8109: 7422:, escorting fallen warriors to 6994: 6924:Freddy and Mouse: Based on the 5830: 5795: 5791: 5776: 5734: 5730: 5600:tells his story to Flycatcher. 5577: 5573: 5372: 5368: 5348: 5154: 4625: 4597: 4503:a beginning to a new universe. 4357: 4315: 4281: 4066: 4001: 3919:Peter & Max: A Fables Novel 3846:Hansel is next seen during the 3781: 3616:Peter & Max: A Fables Novel 3369: 3365: 3323:Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens 3278:, one possible inspiration for 3084:annotations, he appears in the 2471:, much smaller and nearer than 2430:story arc, before appearing in 2131:. He is the younger brother to 2128:Peter & Max: A Fables Novel 2103:From the famous tongue twister 2012:Colin appeared in a video game 1931:The Three (or Four) Little Pigs 1805: 1801: 1702: 1633: 1627: 1621: 1417:Baby Joe Sheppard, a member of 1376: 1375:, were victims at the hands of 1350: 1324: 1239:Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man 1165: 1153: 797: 780:and have Hadeon destroyed in a 116:Peter & Max: A Fables Novel 11044:Iona and Peter Opie (editor), 10767:"The Project Gutenberg eBook, 10696:Interview with Bill Willingham 10661:"The Project Gutenberg eBook, 10547:. The Linguist. Archived from 10416: 10400: 10363: 10336: 10114: 9934:: A dragon referred to in the 9693: 9400:, the slit-mouthed woman from 9258:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 9030: 8990: 8354:who does not live at the Farm. 8210:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 8167:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 8023:, and Gary. At the same time, 7983: 7915:story arc. He was killed when 7846:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 7788:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 7770: 7661:: A figure in folklore of the 7206:character is mentioned by the 7184:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 7018:: He appears in flashbacks in 6467: 6466:The Three Knights of the Rus: 6438:Mice and cat from the Russian 6128:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 5991:Cinderella: Fables are Forever 5705:relationship with Bigby's cub 4966:Herman Von Starkenfaust, from 4575:was originally written by Sir 4418: 4407: 4188:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 4088:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 3971:. Other names for him are The 3961: 3922:. He was the elder brother to 3515:", as she attempted to seduce 2977:says that he is not sure if a 2514:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 2288: 2155:, and the holder to the magic 2132: 2098: 1844:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 1682:Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 1670: 987:One of the seven, later named 640: 578:Prince Charming's third wife, 335: 1: 11426:Lists of DC Comics characters 11073:. LanternTree. Archived from 10905:Little Freddy with his Fiddle 10847:: "Ala Al-Din Abu Al-Shamat"" 10343:J. K. Parkin (July 6, 2009). 10108: 9942:, also slain by Saint George. 9813: 9455: 9189:The Wolf, the Fox and the Ape 9184:Aesop: Presumably the ape of 9178:The Murders in the Rue Morgue 9035:Stationed at the North Pole, 8918: 8664: 8591:'s people. Bill escaped with 8565:, who managed to escape with 8438:: A background characters in 8232:Americana in order to escape 7820:, who has been turned into a 7334: 6888:Peter and Max: A Fables Novel 6601:Red Riding Hood's grandmother 6201:story arcs. Just like in the 5861:Little Freddy with his Fiddle 5500: 4743: 4730: 4596:The three Page sisters serve 4541: 4050: 3983:Mr. Dark was killed when the 3765: 3764:Lumi eventually awakens when 3718:for "snow"), better known as 3469: 2850:Peter and Max: A Fables Novel 2653:Animated playing cards, from 2426:. He appeared briefly in the 2302:Peter and Max: A Fables Novel 2123:The Ballad of Rodney and June 1427:Peter and Max: A Fables Novel 1403:Peter and Max: A Fables Novel 924: 753: 692: 573: 455:, then, during the events of 142: 131: 89:and its spin-offs (including 10963:(archived from the original) 9664:March of the Wooden Soldiers 8955:March of the Wooden Soldiers 8312:The Walrus and the Carpenter 8274:The Walrus and the Carpenter 8223: 8088:fending off the advances of 6605:March of the Wooden Soldiers 6444:The Mice are Burying the Cat 6412:March of the Wooden Soldiers 6363:March of the Wooden Soldiers 4549:is in overall charge of the 4393: 3908: 3684:March of the Wooden Soldiers 3628: 3534: 3474:The girl who broke into the 3353: 3310:Life and Death of Jenny Wren 3294:, the last Viceroy of India. 3086:March of the Wooden Soldiers 3049:March of the Wooden Soldiers 3030:Mustard Pot Pete: A talking 2521:The Walrus and the Carpenter 2148: 1392:Seamus McGuire, a member of 1244:March of the Wooden Soldiers 1209:March of the Wooden Soldiers 681: 473:March of the Wooden Soldiers 457:March of the Wooden Soldiers 7: 10645:Little Jenny Wren Fell Sick 10500:Re: Questions for Bill 2009 9889:Saint George and the Dragon 9752:The Elves and the Shoemaker 9115:he claims to have met are: 7578:The Return of the Maharajah 7567:The Return of the Maharajah 7538:The Return of the Maharajah 7520:The Return of the Maharajah 7488:The Return of the Maharajah 6698:story arc and in the story 6665:story arc and in the story 6633:Hansel and Gretel's parents 6406:The man who sold the magic 6142:speculate that this may be 5871:Little Annie the Goose-Girl 5663:makes an appearance in the 5309: 5253:One Thousand and One Nights 4338:Prince Brandish/Werian Holt 4082:. Her story is told in the 3948:story arc), as well as the 3902: 3426: 3259: 2523:". He is identified in the 2337:#127 (chapter three of the 2206:#127 (chapter three of the 1903: 1859: 1812: 1708: 1647: 1447:The Elves and the Shoemaker 829: 538:The Return of the Maharajah 369:Prince Brandish/Werian Holt 183:motives. During the run of 10: 11452: 10471:, by Joel Chandler Harris" 10395:The Great Fables Crossover 10062:club with it for the book. 9848:- in a story set in 1940s 9202:. A possible reference to 8975:The Great Fables Crossover 8653:The Great Fables Crossover 8348:. The only character from 7997: 7993: 7749:The Great Fables Crossover 7724:Little Black Sambo ("Sam") 7466:: They are referred to in 6930:Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser 6727:, it is revealed that the 6523:. He is also mentioned in 6361:. She is mentioned in the 6211:was the Jabberwock's bane. 5513:One Thousand and One Night 5405:", "celebrated husband of 5399:One Thousand and One Night 5290: 5097:The North Wind and the Sun 4839:, who looks and acts like 4825:, who looks and acts like 4498:to the universe, Dex, the 4473:The Great Fables Crossover 4411: 4403:Literals and Part-Literals 4332:Fables: Happily Ever After 4100:The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 3859:The Great Fables Crossover 3286:, the mechanical tiger of 3148:The Little Dog who Laughed 2665:, briefly seen during the 2504:, briefly seen during the 2424:Mouse who Ran up the Clock 2305:, and is mentioned in the 2268: 2051:Brock Blueheart ("Stinky") 1907: 1777: 1712: 1343:The Great Fables Crossover 984:transform into wolf form. 805:Fables: Happily Ever After 685: 355: 135: 11388: 11367: 11324: 11285: 11276:Fables: The Wolf Among Us 11246: 11099:Edmund Dulac's Fairy-Book 10875:Gudbrand on the Hill-side 10371:"Questions for Bill 2009" 9769:The Cricket on the Hearth 9727:sells a special order of 9580:count who had befriended 9563: 9431:like that, she committed 9159:Every Which Way but Loose 9141:Jane: From whom Tarzan's 9056: 8896: 8643:Native American mythology 8505:A Midsummer Night's Dream 8401:As I Was Going to St Ives 8387:Edmund Dulac's Fairy Book 8150:Through the Looking-Glass 7707:appears in flashbacks in 7333:. Hundreds of years ago, 7221: 7063:The Scorpion and the Frog 7045:during his "Boxing Days". 7041:) was boxed offscreen by 6883:The Pied Piper Of Hamelin 6597:story "Jiminy Christmas". 6545:Arabian Nights (and Days) 6521:Arabian Nights (and Days) 6377:The Great Fable Crossover 6315:: Mentioned in the story 5854:Gudbrand on the Hill-side 5682:was first referred to in 5464:Aladdin's father and the 5395:Arabian Nights (And Days) 5319:Arabian Nights (And Days) 5269:Arabian Nights (And Days) 5259: 4924:The Valiant Little Tailor 4704:Fairest: In All The Lands 4229:The (Nearly) Great Escape 3914:The Pied Piper of Hamelin 3812: 3559:'s main appearance is in 3099:to catch the bouquet. In 2873:Johhny, Donny and Lonny, 2618:: According to the novel 2597:The Tortoise and the Hare 2321:are enjoying the falling 2313:#91 (chapter five of the 2284:Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater 2183:are enjoying the falling 2175:#91 (chapter five of the 2159:Frost, and he is also in 2137:The Pied Piper of Hamelin 2112:Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater 1986: 1758: 1146:The Count of Monte Cristo 630: 375: 195:. The last few series of 10799:"Yaponcha, The Wind God" 10219:The Vertigo Encyclopedia 10126:The Vertigo Encyclopedia 9968:. She is from the Fable 9928:, slain by Saint George. 9670:can be seen reading the 8649:Wynken, Blynken, and Nod 8621:Carl the fourth of the " 8551:Fables: Legends in Exile 8460:Revised versions of the 8411:Revised versions of the 8076: 8059:been transformed into a 8031: 7838:Fables: Legends in Exile 7780:Fables: Legends in Exile 7755:summoned Sam along with 7709:Fable: The Wolf Among Us 7633:: From folktales in the 7614:: Goddess of trees from 7565:appear in flashbacks in 6242:The Chronicles of Narnia 6162:The Patchwork Girl of Oz 6102:Wicked Witch of the West 6090:Wicked Witch of the East 6001:and brought them to the 5806:Various characters from 4109:Wicked Witch of the East 4105:Wicked Witch of the West 3888:'s tales of the land of 2859:'s cabin on chicken legs 2808:, but did not appear in 2669:story arc and the story 2636:The Owl and the Pussycat 1632:A witch who stayed with 1540: 1250:can be seen reading the 1128:the infamous executioner 405:Wicked Witch of the West 330:Fairest In All The Lands 240:The Beauty and the Beast 150:is a major character in 11294:1001 Nights of Snowfall 11119:Oregon State University 10624:Cock Robin Got Up Early 10469:Nights With Uncle Remus 10427:"All in a Single Night" 10071:"these lips are sealed" 10065:Nerissa, once known as 9773:"All in a Single Night" 8964:1001 Nights of Snowfall 8788:A group of Devils that 8745:Snow White and Rose Red 8702: 8369:from the nursery rhyme 8169:tells the story of how 8156: 7599:Fairest In All the Land 7589:Fairest In All the Land 7234:"All in a Single Night" 7091:Snow White and Rose Red 7055:, as seen in the story 6843:, is a prisoner at the 6623:1001 Nights of Snowfall 6609:1001 Nights of Snowfall 6591:1001 Nights of Snowfall 6573:Snow White and Rose Red 6559:1001 Nights of Snowfall 6526:1001 Nights of Snowfall 6481:Narodnye russkie skazki 6459:are pulling a sleeping 6106:Good Witch of the North 6045:The Spoon Brigade from 5843:, now without his ship. 5788:Fairest In all the Land 5727:Fairest In All the Land 5615:1001 Nights of Snowfall 5585:King Arthur and Camelot 5581:can continue to talk). 5570:Fairest In All The Land 5527:was the one who turned 5453:1001 Nights of Snowfall 5434:1001 Nights of Snowfall 5431:: In the graphic novel 5365:Fairest In All The Land 5139:Native American legends 4708:Jack of Fables: The End 4699:mauled Robin to death. 4345:Snow White and Rose Red 4113:Good Witch of the North 3956:Fairest in All the Land 3941:1001 Nights of Snowfall 3778:Fairest In All the Land 3505:Fairest In All the Land 3463:1001 Nights of Snowfall 3362:Fairest In All the Land 3181:is likely coincidental. 3153:1001 Nights of Snowfall 3105:Mary takes up gardening 2862:Clarathea ("Clara"), a 2838:1001 Nights of Snowfall 2732:1001 Nights of Snowfall 2726:The Wind in the Willows 2625:1001 Nights of Snowfall 2616:Three Billy Goats Gruff 2494:1001 Nights of Snowfall 2483:Fairest in All the Land 2387:Fairest In All the Land 2331:"All in a Single Night" 2273:From the nursery rhyme 2256:Fairest In All the Land 2197:"All in a Single Night" 2076:1001 Nights of Snowfall 2066:The Wind in the Willows 1981:The final issue of the 1975:Snow White and Rose Red 1794:Fairest In All the Land 1739:Fairest In All the Land 1511: 1491:Thirteenth Floor Fables 1464:The huntsman: From the 1439:"All in a Single Night" 1425:. He is referred to in 1412:"All in a Single Night" 1400:. He is referred to in 1369:Fairest In All the Land 1290:: Killed off-screen by 1162:Fairest In All the Land 901:(before his break with 818:The Three Army Surgeons 790:Fairest In All the Land 508:1001 Nights of Snowfall 363:Three Billy Goats Gruff 163:Snow-White and Rose-Red 110:1001 Nights of Snowfall 10505:March 7, 2016, at the 9719:, which is set in the 9656:Frankenstein's monster 9422:'s court in the Fable 9402:Japanese urban legends 9354:Seven Chinese Brothers 9099:does not exist in the 9050:Santa Claus's reindeer 8950:Little Red Riding Hood 8923:The second Tourist is 8852:Night on Bald Mountain 8687:and first appeared in 8346:The Cat and the Fiddle 6966:Little Robin Redbreast 6853:Jack and the Beanstalk 6694:). They appear in the 6472:Vasilisa the Beautiful 6383:, it is revealed that 6358:Jack and the Beanstalk 6298:Aucassin and Nicolette 6184:Other Homelands Fables 6177:The Emerald City of Oz 6070:. The creature killed 6048:The Emerald City of Oz 5933:in the mundane world. 5901:, living in the Fable 5343:, but a little bottle 5157:) to the mythological 5141:. He is also known as 4973:The Spectre Bridegroom 4787:, a beautiful redhead. 4582:Great Fables Crossover 4479:. Having been able to 4465:Jack's Big Book of War 4223:points out during the 4193:The Emerald City of Oz 4115:as a reward. When the 3916:was the antagonist of 3826:at his word. When the 2895:make an appearance in 2489:The Dish and the Spoon 2415:. He became a spy for 1421:'s band who plays the 1396:'s band who plays the 1281:The Merchant of Venice 1230:Frankenstein's monster 1205:The Boy Who Cried Wolf 980: 912: 647:stayed on to work for 11142:on September 25, 2008 11115:Native American Myths 10545:Alan Alexander Milne" 10467:"Project Gutenberg's 9949:: Referred to in the 9906:: Referred to in the 9891:: Referred to in the 9346:Five Chinese Brothers 9165:Any Which Way You Can 8901:The first Tourist is 8768:The Little Match Girl 8734:, taking the form of 8683:. He is based on the 8534:, who likes to horde 8413:Tortoise and the Hare 8376:Black Caroline, from 8216:kills Dorothy in the 7705:The Honest Woodcutter 7663:Anglo-Scottish border 7218:The Little Match Girl 6877:: He was abducted by 6818:Leatherstocking Tales 6773:days, as seen in the 6639:story arc. Unlike in 6635:: Referred to in the 6284:: Referred to in the 5979:Bungle, the Glass Cat 5973:Bungle, the Glass Cat 5929:are prisoners at the 5921:"). In addition, the 5626:. The Knights of the 5486:: Referred to in the 5459:Scheherazade's father 5413:who's occasionally a 5214:takes the form of an 4811:dying and resurrected 4268:, she appears in the 4198:Bungle, the Glass Cat 4121:Glinda the Good Witch 4094:'s greatest nemesis. 3702:can exist at a time. 3080:). Identified in the 2671:Waiting for the Blues 2393:Other Farm characters 1796:, Morgan, along with 1597:The Yellow Fairy Book 1535:The Barleycorn Brides 1207:: Referred to in the 1103:Other New York Fables 955: 671:before this happens. 447:in a duel during the 10984:on December 22, 2013 10823:on December 15, 2013 10771:, by Ambrose Bierce" 10678:O'Shea, Tom (2003). 10649:. Mama Lisa's World. 10628:. Mama Lisa's World. 9624:: Has a run-in with 9469:named Neko, various 9342:Claire Huchet Bishop 9236:, about his days as 9087:Edgar Rice Burroughs 8774:from the fairy tale 8302:falls on top of him. 8043:who can turn into a 7889:Battle of Colchester 7883:, who fought in the 7703:The Lumberjack from 7691:The Boys in the Band 7616:Lithuanian mythology 7536:, Nathoo appears in 7257:from the fairy tale 7067:Out to the Ball Game 7057:Out to the Ball Game 7004:King and queen from 6746:, the squirrel from 6337:: Also mentioned in 6335:The Queen of Fairies 5859:Little Freddy, from 5397:. He appears in the 5380:Other Arabian Fables 5153:(more specifically, 5032:queen of the faeries 4414:Jack Horner (comics) 4254:Hadeon the Destroyer 3561:Cinderella Libertine 3282:Lord Mountbatten is 3254:Lord Mountbatten: A 3237:. He appears in the 3184:Col. Thunderfoot: A 3167:Mersey Dotes, now a 3044:Frog Went A-Courting 2648:Clamour for Glamours 2567:Joel Chandler Harris 2263:The Boys in the Band 2109:, the nursery rhyme 2069:(who appears in the 1989:, from the story of 956:From left to right: 761:Hadeon the Destroyer 166:and the more famous 11404:The Wolf Among Us 2 10883:on November 2, 2011 10723:"Fables #89 Review" 10551:on October 8, 2011. 10511:Clockwork Storybook 10377:on October 4, 2011. 10320:Fables Encyclopedia 10028:Dee and Dum Tweedle 9304:, a character from 9267:, a character from 9089:to write the whole 8929:Nathaniel Hawthorne 8802:, they are all The 8519:Lola and Doris the 8340:Little Tommy Tucker 8333:Baa Baa Black Sheep 7685:. Appearing in the 7583:Childe Roland from 6659:The Gingerbread Man 6496:: Mentioned in the 6476:Alexander Afanasyev 6428:Ruslan and Lyudmila 6349:, was loved by her. 6325:Fables Encyclopedia 6305:. He was killed by 6282:Thumbelina's mother 6233:Fables Encyclopedia 6193:: Mentioned in the 6140:Fables Encyclopedia 6033:Other Oz-characters 5808:Norwegian Folktales 5649:Fables Encyclopedia 5647:. According to the 5468:: From the tale of 5419:Fables Encyclopedia 5226:(the south wind in 4989:Robin O'The Woods ( 4026:Fables Encyclopedia 3661:The Wooden Soldiers 3415:Farmer Giles of Ham 3408:Farmer Giles: From 3276:Fables Encyclopedia 3247:, where he assists 3173:Fables Encyclopedia 3158:Fables Encyclopedia 3112:Fables Encyclopedia 3082:Fables Encyclopedia 2941:who was one of the 2656:Alice in Wonderland 2525:Fables Encyclopedia 2147:. He and his wife, 2083:is an old word for 1727:, from the saga of 1654:William Shakespeare 1652:The protagonist of 1606:Fables Encyclopedia 1217:The Wooden Soldiers 759:Briar also defeats 510:, a prequel to the 414:(a neighbor to the 232:. She is voiced by 11101:, by Edmund Dulac" 10663:The Magic Fishbone 10225:. pp. 72–81. 10223:Dorling Kindersley 10132:, pp. 72–81, 10130:Dorling Kindersley 10067:The Little Mermaid 9574:A Wolf in the Fold 9572:: The prose story 9525:, two human-sized 9412:The Hidden Kingdom 9391:The Hidden Kingdom 8957:story arc and the 8815:American Civil War 8521:Cottingley Fairies 7733:Little Black Sambo 7683:Scottish mythology 7655:region of England. 7606:Happily Ever After 7453:The Hidden Kingdom 7438:The Hidden Kingdom 7320:The Hidden Kingdom 7305:The Hidden Kingdom 7296:Banchō Sarayashiki 7028:The Hidden Kingdom 6760:Happily Ever After 6494:Trusty John's king 5863:, now without his 5061:The Cardinal Winds 4673:current Jack Frost 4320:Darien and Therese 4074:was first seen in 4061:The Hidden Kingdom 3828:Salem witch trials 3593:Napoleon Bonaparte 3519:(in addition, the 3395:Trotty Veck: From 3378:The Magic Fishbone 3330:be his bodyguards. 3070:from (presumably) 2812:'s original book. 2790:: Characters from 2450:, seen during the 2118:Peter and the Wolf 2115:, and the tale of 1925:Germanic mythology 1339:Happily Ever After 1223:Little Miss Muffet 981: 917:Once a captive of 861:Japanese mythology 688:Pinocchio (Fables) 594:Happily Ever After 477:Happily Ever After 439:is a pathological 11413: 11412: 11397:The Wolf Among Us 10721:Schedeen, Jesse. 10686:on April 29, 2005 10332:978-1-4012-4395-1 10232:978-0-7566-4122-1 10139:978-0-7566-4122-1 10011:The Wolf Among Us 10004:The Wolf Among Us 9976:, as seen in the 9852:. With the sword 9798:A Christmas Carol 9646:: Referred to in 9404:, appears in the 9383:, as seen in the 9377:Japanese folklore 9306:Chinese folktales 9288:Tugarin Zmeyevich 9226:Hundred Acre Wood 9063:Hansel and Gretel 8984:The Wolf Among Us 8847:Modest Mussorgsky 8845:: The devil from 8623:Three Little Pigs 8351:Hey Diddle Diddle 8236:, and settled in 8126:every one in the 8112:'s attack, where 8053:Jack of the Tales 7828:The Cowardly Lion 7532:: From Kipling's 7430:Romulus and Remus 7394:Thieves of Daring 7382:Sorcerer Atlantes 7331:Japanese folklore 7310:Tomoko: A female 7243:A Christmas Carol 7210:in the story arc 7016:Rapunzel's prince 6875:Till Eulenspiegel 6767:Headless Horseman 6661:: Appears in the 6619:The Farmer's Wife 6447:: As seen in the 6309:'s magical spear. 6290:Barleycorn Brides 6122:'s adventures in 5917:is listed under " 5810:, as seen in the 5761:are mentioned in 5549:Gepetto, but the 5222:of West Africa), 4968:Washington Irving 4755:, who looks like 4383:Doctor Swineheart 3819:Hansel and Gretel 3688:Young Republicans 3622:The Wolf Among Us 3597:Barleycorn Brides 3458:Lord of the Rings 3418:. Referred to in 3138:Burning Questions 3092:Mary and her Lamb 2937:. Saunders was a 2935:Hundred Acre Wood 2883:Three Little Pigs 2796:. King Louie the 2015:The Wolf Among Us 1953:Lord of the Flies 1937:Three Little Pigs 1921:Wayland the Smith 1910:Boy Blue (Fables) 1876:. For centuries, 1715:Geppetto (Fables) 1523:Great Fairy Witch 1337:: They appear in 811:Doctor Swineheart 701:, Briar Rose was 653:election campaign 525:Burning Questions 221:The Wolf Among Us 75: 74: 67: 11443: 11227: 11220: 11213: 11204: 11203: 11198: 11197: 11186: 11180: 11179: 11173: 11165: 11158: 11152: 11151: 11149: 11147: 11138:. Archived from 11127: 11121: 11111: 11105: 11104: 11093: 11087: 11086: 11084: 11082: 11077:on July 27, 2011 11063: 11057: 11042: 11036: 11035: 11028: 11022: 11021: 11015: 11007: 11000: 10994: 10993: 10991: 10989: 10970: 10964: 10962: 10956: 10948: 10946: 10944: 10929: 10923: 10922: 10920: 10918: 10899: 10893: 10892: 10890: 10888: 10869: 10863: 10862: 10860: 10858: 10853:on April 6, 2012 10839: 10833: 10832: 10830: 10828: 10809: 10803: 10802: 10795: 10789: 10788: 10781: 10775: 10774: 10769:Fantastic Fables 10763: 10757: 10756: 10754: 10752: 10741: 10735: 10734: 10732: 10730: 10718: 10712: 10703: 10697: 10695: 10693: 10691: 10682:. Archived from 10675: 10669: 10668: 10657: 10651: 10650: 10639: 10630: 10629: 10618: 10609: 10608: 10602: 10594: 10587: 10581: 10580: 10574: 10566: 10559: 10553: 10552: 10537: 10528: 10527: 10520: 10514: 10497: 10491: 10481: 10475: 10474: 10463: 10457: 10456: 10450: 10442: 10435: 10429: 10420: 10414: 10404: 10398: 10388: 10379: 10378: 10367: 10361: 10360: 10358: 10356: 10351:on July 24, 2011 10340: 10334: 10316:Buckingham, Mark 10312:Willingham, Bill 10308: 10245: 10244: 10211: 10184: 10183: 10181: 10179:10.3390/h5020032 10157: 10151: 10150: 10118: 10077:Auntie Greenleaf 10033:Holly, a female 9880:and the serpent 9804:Noah the bottle 9787:on a journey on 9783:' novella takes 9682:: The Jill from 9644:Dr. Frankenstein 9523:Sunamura no oryō 9493:named Tomoko, a 9326:his whole empire 9269:Russian folklore 9248:Shadow Fabletown 9009:A Two-Part Caper 8752:story arc, when 8691:#1 (July 2002). 8660:Other characters 8634:Native Americans 8495:: A violet/pink 8406:Pathetic Fallacy 8049:trickster figure 8005:Pathetic Fallacy 7959:Babe the Blue Ox 7953:Pathetic Fallacy 7671:Lowland Scotland 7667:Northern England 7476:: From the epic 7420:The Destiny Game 7409:The Destiny Game 7386:Chanson de Geste 7212:Inherit the Wind 7182:mentions her in 7107:The Seven Dwarfs 7039:Herne the Hunter 6973:fairy godmothers 6785:given to him by 6688:(from the album 6561:. In the story, 6551:The Seven Dwarfs 6425:Chernomor: From 6329:Legends in Exile 6251:Legends in Exile 6226:Legends in Exile 6195:Legends in Exile 6083:Shadow Fabletown 6076:Chinese folktale 5999:Shadow Fabletown 5946:Legends in Exile 5942:Jack Pumpkinhead 5937:Jack Pumpkinhead 5893:The people of Oz 5849:, always hungry. 5745:The Destiny Game 5698:The Destiny Game 5680:Lady of the Lake 5671:, as one of the 5645:The Destiny Game 5562:Lady of the Lake 5503:'s life, in the 5367:at the hands of 5285:Glory of Baghdad 5043:Fantastic Fables 5003:Legends in Exile 4949:Red Cross Knight 4934:'s books in the 4918:Colonel Bearskin 4829:as portrayed by 4663:dramatic concept 4592:The Page Sisters 4573:The Golden Bough 4517:Pathetic Fallacy 4507:Pathetic Fallacy 4342:The prince from 4311:fairy godmothers 4217:Shadow Fabletown 4053:'s story in the 3880:The much feared 3817:Lord Hansel, of 3599:, the story arc 3567:, then recently 3482:is a gun-toting 3410:J. R. R. Tolkien 3201:Peter Cottontail 3057:Legends in Exile 3008:(from the album 2943:"civilized apes" 2754:Pinocchio's Army 2583:Three Blind Mice 2195:Christmas story 1970:Fables: Rose Red 1499:Frau Totenkinder 1314:The Mean Seasons 1296:The Mean Seasons 1271:The Mean Seasons 1134:, Jack Ketch in 1086:Lady of the Lake 1082:The Destiny Game 716:when journalist 714:A Two-Part Caper 697:Better known as 488:Glory of Baghdad 461:The Mean Seasons 246:Beauty and Beast 70: 63: 59: 56: 50: 26: 25: 18: 11451: 11450: 11446: 11445: 11444: 11442: 11441: 11440: 11431:Fables (comics) 11416: 11415: 11414: 11409: 11384: 11363: 11320: 11281: 11242: 11240:Bill Willingham 11231: 11201: 11188: 11187: 11183: 11167: 11166: 11160: 11159: 11155: 11145: 11143: 11128: 11124: 11112: 11108: 11095: 11094: 11090: 11080: 11078: 11065: 11064: 11060: 11043: 11039: 11030: 11029: 11025: 11009: 11008: 11002: 11001: 10997: 10987: 10985: 10972: 10971: 10967: 10950: 10949: 10942: 10940: 10931: 10930: 10926: 10916: 10914: 10913:on May 14, 2011 10901: 10900: 10896: 10886: 10884: 10871: 10870: 10866: 10856: 10854: 10841: 10840: 10836: 10826: 10824: 10811: 10810: 10806: 10797: 10796: 10792: 10783: 10782: 10778: 10765: 10764: 10760: 10750: 10748: 10742: 10738: 10728: 10726: 10719: 10715: 10704: 10700: 10689: 10687: 10676: 10672: 10659: 10658: 10654: 10641: 10640: 10633: 10620: 10619: 10612: 10596: 10595: 10589: 10588: 10584: 10568: 10567: 10561: 10560: 10556: 10539: 10538: 10531: 10522: 10521: 10517: 10507:Wayback Machine 10498: 10494: 10482: 10478: 10465: 10464: 10460: 10444: 10443: 10437: 10436: 10432: 10421: 10417: 10405: 10401: 10389: 10382: 10369: 10368: 10364: 10354: 10352: 10341: 10337: 10309: 10248: 10233: 10212: 10187: 10158: 10154: 10140: 10119: 10115: 10111: 10101:The Crooked Man 10007: 9996:Of Men and Mice 9990:as seen in the 9966:Irish mythology 9856:, he had slain 9781:Charles Dickens 9737:Native American 9566: 9373: 9371:Japanese Fables 9312:. According to 9250: 9234:Wooden Soldiers 9209:Winnie the Pooh 9175:'s short story 9173:Edgar Allan Poe 9071: 9059: 9033: 9007:. In the story 8993: 8945:Bill Willingham 8942: 8921: 8913:The Good Prince 8908:The Jungle Book 8899: 8890: 8873:Red Riding Hood 8870: 8868:Red Riding Hood 8849:'s composition 8786: 8705: 8697:Mark Buckingham 8681:Bill Willingham 8667: 8662: 8270: 8226: 8159: 8079: 8041:Native American 8034: 7986: 7929: 7887:version of the 7874: 7830: 7773: 7765:Jack of Fables' 7726: 7721: 7716:Inmates at the 7595:Padarn Beisrudd 7587:: Mentioned in 7506:Rudyard Kipling 7496:Prince Charming 7390:Orlando Furioso 7372:Japanese dragon 7276:'s home in the 7190:Prince Lindworm 7155:Prince Charming 7135:: Mentioned in 7069:, and both the 7049:Kermit the Frog 7006:Sleeping Beauty 6978:Sleeping Beauty 6958:Robin Redbreast 6748:Norse mythology 6613:Red Riding Hood 6586:The Frog Prince 6563:Prince Charming 6365:story arc, the 6339:The Last Castle 6317:The Last Castle 6303:The Last Castle 6275:Bill Willingham 6263:The Good Prince 6186: 6116:Glinda the Good 6035: 5977:At some point, 5975: 5939: 5895: 5835:fairy godmother 5804: 5779: 5751:Uther Pendragon 5684:The Good Prince 5669:The Last Castle 5653:The Good Prince 5637:Forsworn Knight 5594:The Good Prince 5587: 5522: 5474:, mentioned in 5423:Bill Willingham 5382: 5312: 5293: 5262: 5244: 5228:Greek mythology 5208: 5179: 5131:Native American 5123: 5068: 5063: 4976:. According to 4970:'s short story 4911:The Last Castle 4907: 4902: 4883:Prince Charming 4869:Deus Ex Machina 4860: 4791:Science-Fiction 4746: 4733: 4716: 4594: 4586:Deus ex Machina 4544: 4532:Deus ex Machina 4509: 4500:Deus Ex Machina 4426:Upper West Side 4421: 4416: 4410: 4405: 4396: 4375:Prince Charming 4356:instructor for 4340: 4265:Sleeping Beauty 4256: 4248:Cubs in Toyland 4069: 4039:Sleeping Beauty 4006:fairy godmother 3994: 3992:Fairy Godmother 3964: 3911: 3878: 3852:Santiago, Chile 3815: 3794: 3792:Rodney and June 3759:Sleeping Beauty 3712: 3699:The Good Prince 3663: 3631: 3589:headless statue 3554: 3537: 3517:Brock Blueheart 3513:forbidden fruit 3472: 3434: 3429: 3403:Charles Dickens 3382:Charles Dickens 3358:Reynard the Fox 3314:Robin Redbreast 3162:Bill Willingham 3156:, although the 3116:Mark Buckingham 3094:: Mary and her 3077:Just So Stories 3072:Rudyard Kipling 3034:who lives in a 3018:John Barleycorn 2971:Around the Town 2889:Winnie the Pooh 2818:Bill Willingham 2793:The Jungle Book 2740:Brock Blueheart 2691:Mark Buckingham 2620:Peter & Max 2556:Bill Willingham 2549:Reynard the Fox 2442:Of Men and Mice 2395: 2343:Prince Brandish 2271: 2230:Reynard the Fox 2212:Prince Brandish 2101: 2085:European badger 2053: 2040:Reynard the Fox 2037: 2035:Reynard the Fox 2024: 2022:The Three Bears 1968:Recently since 1935:The "original" 1933: 1917: 1912: 1906: 1862: 1852:, published by 1815: 1774:Prince Brandish 1741:, and later in 1722: 1717: 1711: 1673: 1650: 1630: 1613:John Barleycorn 1587:The Wizard King 1574: 1566:Greek mythology 1543: 1525: 1514: 1501: 1493: 1484:Of Men and Mice 1383:Fair Katrinelje 1304:Jack O' Lantern 1215:'s story about 1176:twelve brothers 1132:Bill Willingham 1130:. According to 1111:The Good Prince 1105: 991:by Bigby, is a 950: 927: 915: 832: 813: 703:Prince Charming 699:Sleeping Beauty 695: 690: 684: 649:Prince Charming 633: 610: 576: 546:Rudyard Kipling 437:Prince Charming 433: 431:Prince Charming 378: 358: 350:The Good Prince 338: 303:Sherlock Holmes 242: 200:last scenes in 145: 140: 134: 129: 127:New York Fables 119:) published by 71: 60: 54: 51: 43:help rewrite it 40: 27: 23: 12: 11: 5: 11449: 11439: 11438: 11433: 11428: 11411: 11410: 11408: 11407: 11400: 11392: 11390: 11386: 11385: 11383: 11382: 11377: 11371: 11369: 11365: 11364: 11362: 11361: 11356: 11351: 11346: 11341: 11336: 11330: 11328: 11322: 11321: 11319: 11318: 11311: 11304: 11297: 11289: 11287: 11283: 11282: 11280: 11279: 11272: 11265: 11262:Jack of Fables 11258: 11250: 11248: 11244: 11243: 11230: 11229: 11222: 11215: 11207: 11200: 11199: 11192:Aesop's Fables 11181: 11153: 11122: 11106: 11088: 11058: 11037: 11023: 10995: 10965: 10924: 10894: 10864: 10834: 10804: 10790: 10776: 10758: 10736: 10713: 10698: 10670: 10652: 10631: 10610: 10582: 10563:"Fables music" 10554: 10529: 10515: 10492: 10476: 10458: 10430: 10415: 10413:, Chapter Five 10399: 10380: 10362: 10335: 10310:Nevins, Jess, 10246: 10231: 10185: 10152: 10138: 10112: 10110: 10107: 10106: 10105: 10098: 10092: 10085: 10081: 10074: 10063: 10056: 10048:Georgie Porgie 10045: 10039: 10031: 10025: 10021: 10006: 10001: 10000: 9999: 9981: 9958: 9943: 9929: 9915: 9900: 9885: 9862:Fable homeland 9825: 9802: 9766: 9744: 9713:Jack of Fables 9701: 9677: 9637: 9618: 9565: 9562: 9561: 9560: 9550: 9479:hitotsume-kozō 9465:: Including a 9459: 9428:Seii Taishogun 9398:Kuchisake-onna 9372: 9369: 9368: 9367: 9357: 9337: 9302:Meng Chiang-Nu 9299: 9285: 9249: 9246: 9230: 9229: 9196: 9186:Aesop's Fables 9182: 9169: 9154:Clint Eastwood 9146: 9139: 9133: 9127: 9079:Jack Of Fables 9070: 9069:Civilized Apes 9067: 9058: 9055: 9054: 9053: 9047: 9032: 9029: 8992: 8989: 8961:graphic novel 8941: 8938: 8920: 8917: 8898: 8895: 8889: 8886: 8869: 8866: 8865: 8864: 8840: 8834: 8828: 8818: 8800:Jack of Fables 8795:Jack of Fables 8785: 8782: 8777:The Goose Girl 8716:The North Wind 8704: 8701: 8666: 8663: 8661: 8658: 8657: 8656: 8646: 8630: 8619: 8604: 8578: 8560: 8554: 8544: 8539: 8528: 8517: 8500: 8489: 8475: 8465: 8458: 8443: 8440:Jack of Fables 8432: 8409: 8396: 8391: 8374: 8355: 8343: 8337: 8324: 8317:Jack Frost Two 8303: 8279:Jack of Fables 8269: 8266: 8262:Jack of Fables 8254:Jack of Fables 8230:Fable homeland 8225: 8222: 8202:Priscilla Page 8158: 8155: 8136:Jack of Fables 8128:Jack Of Fables 8078: 8075: 8065:Jack Frost Two 8033: 8030: 8025:Jack Frost Two 7985: 7982: 7977:Jack of Fables 7928: 7925: 7921:Jack of Fables 7913:Jack of Fables 7873: 7870: 7829: 7826: 7814:Jack Frost Two 7810:Jack of Fables 7772: 7769: 7761:Jack of Fables 7725: 7722: 7720: 7714: 7713: 7712: 7701: 7694: 7676: 7675: 7674: 7656: 7646: 7625: 7619: 7602: 7597:: Referred in 7592: 7581: 7570: 7559: 7549: 7546:War and Pieces 7527: 7499: 7471: 7460: 7441: 7427: 7418:appear during 7412: 7397: 7379: 7368: 7361: 7354: 7339: 7323: 7308: 7290:Kuchisake-onna 7285: 7282:The Bad Prince 7278:Jack of Fables 7270:The Goose Girl 7260:The Goose Girl 7251: 7215: 7197: 7187: 7173: 7158: 7150:magical mirror 7137:Storybook Love 7129: 7128: 7127: 7123: 7117: 7110: 7103: 7098:'s childhood: 7082: 7060: 7046: 7031: 7013: 7002: 6969: 6955: 6943: 6922: 6892: 6872: 6865: 6862:The Bad Prince 6858:Jack of Fables 6848: 6829:Jack of Fables 6822: 6805:Jack of Fables 6798: 6779:Jack O Lantern 6775:Jack of Fables 6771:Jack O'Lantern 6763: 6738:Radiskop: The 6736: 6708:Sons of Empire 6696:Sons of Empire 6678: 6663:Sons of Empire 6656: 6641:the fairy tale 6637:Sons of Empire 6630: 6616: 6607:story arc and 6598: 6583:Princess from 6581: 6548: 6538: 6537:into a bottle. 6514: 6491: 6488:Ivan Tsarevich 6485: 6464: 6436: 6423: 6420:The Bad Prince 6416:Jack of Fables 6404: 6381:The Bad Prince 6373:The Bad Prince 6368:Jack of Fables 6350: 6341:. Apparently, 6332: 6310: 6293: 6279: 6229: 6212: 6185: 6182: 6181: 6180: 6173: 6166: 6153: 6150:Winged monkeys 6147: 6113: 6086: 6072:Meng Chiang-Nu 6056: 6043: 6034: 6031: 5974: 5971: 5938: 5935: 5894: 5891: 5890: 5889: 5874: 5868: 5857: 5850: 5844: 5838: 5803: 5800: 5786:graphic novel 5778: 5775: 5725:graphic novel 5715:the Blue Fairy 5694:The Bad Prince 5689:Jack of Fables 5612:graphic novel 5586: 5583: 5568:graphic novel 5525:The Blue Fairy 5521: 5520:The Blue Fairy 5518: 5517: 5516: 5497: 5481: 5462: 5456: 5446: 5426: 5391: 5381: 5378: 5363:graphic novel 5311: 5308: 5292: 5289: 5281:War and Pieces 5261: 5258: 5250:, mostly from 5243: 5242:Arabian Fables 5240: 5207: 5206:The South Wind 5204: 5178: 5175: 5137:wind god from 5122: 5119: 5067: 5066:The North Wind 5064: 5062: 5059: 5058: 5057: 5054:King Pellinore 5050: 5047:Ambrose Bierce 5039: 5025: 5010: 4987: 4981: 4964: 4945: 4942:The Bad Prince 4937:Jack of Fables 4921: 4906: 4903: 4901: 4898: 4897: 4896: 4893: 4886: 4879: 4872: 4865: 4859: 4858:Other Literals 4856: 4855: 4854: 4844: 4834: 4831:Humphry Bogart 4820: 4814: 4804: 4794: 4788: 4782: 4776: 4770: 4760: 4745: 4742: 4732: 4729: 4715: 4712: 4668:Jack of Fables 4628:'s daughters. 4622:Jack of Fables 4614:Priscilla Page 4612:and so forth, 4593: 4590: 4543: 4540: 4508: 4505: 4485:Writer's Block 4452:The Bad Prince 4447:Jack of Fables 4438:Sons of Empire 4420: 4417: 4412:Main article: 4409: 4406: 4404: 4401: 4395: 4392: 4339: 4336: 4290:War and Pieces 4255: 4252: 4225:Jack of Fables 4221:Priscilla Page 4181:Jack of Fables 4076:Jack of Fables 4068: 4065: 3993: 3990: 3963: 3960: 3954:graphic novel 3910: 3907: 3877: 3874: 3814: 3811: 3793: 3790: 3776:graphic novel 3755:War and Pieces 3747:Sons of Empire 3735:War and Pieces 3720:the Snow Queen 3711: 3710:The Snow Queen 3708: 3662: 3659: 3630: 3627: 3606:Jack of Fables 3601:Sons of Empire 3579:and coming to 3553: 3550: 3546:War and Pieces 3536: 3533: 3490:Jack of Fables 3471: 3468: 3433: 3430: 3428: 3425: 3424: 3423: 3420:Aldered States 3406: 3393: 3390:Aldered States 3374: 3346:Aldered States 3331: 3327: 3317: 3302: 3295: 3252: 3240:Jack of Fables 3224: 3214: 3204: 3198: 3195: 3191:Watership Down 3182: 3165: 3145: 3128:Jack Be Nimble 3119: 3108: 3089: 3064: 3039: 3028: 3021: 3015: 2994: 2982: 2918:Jack of Fables 2886: 2871: 2860: 2854: 2842: 2822: 2769: 2743: 2710: 2704: 2698: 2678: 2673:(not counting 2663:Flying monkeys 2660: 2651: 2633: 2612: 2594: 2579: 2574: 2552: 2542: 2536: 2517: 2498: 2486: 2481:graphic novel 2466: 2455: 2445: 2420: 2411:who plays the 2402: 2399:Chicken Little 2394: 2391: 2385:graphic novel 2353:Aldered States 2277:, and wife to 2275:Little Bo Peep 2270: 2267: 2254:graphic novel 2222:Aldered States 2141:Fable Homeland 2100: 2097: 2073:graphic novel 2052: 2049: 2036: 2033: 2023: 2020: 2007:The North Wind 1963:Jack of Fables 1932: 1929: 1923:, a figure in 1916: 1913: 1908:Main article: 1905: 1902: 1861: 1858: 1833:Jack of Fables 1814: 1811: 1737:graphic novel 1721: 1718: 1713:Main article: 1710: 1707: 1672: 1669: 1649: 1646: 1629: 1626: 1573: 1570: 1542: 1539: 1524: 1521: 1513: 1510: 1500: 1497: 1492: 1489: 1488: 1487: 1462: 1442: 1415: 1390: 1386: 1380: 1367:graphic novel 1354: 1332: 1321: 1307: 1300:Jack of Fables 1285: 1264: 1258: 1227: 1220: 1202: 1196: 1192:The Snow Queen 1183:Magical Mirror 1179: 1169: 1160:graphic novel 1139: 1124: 1118: 1104: 1101: 1065:the North Wind 1058: 1057: 1054: 1051: 1048: 1045: 1042: 1039: 949: 946: 926: 923: 919:the Snow Queen 914: 911: 888:sliding puzzle 871:named Tomoko. 831: 828: 812: 809: 788:graphic novel 694: 691: 686:Main article: 683: 680: 632: 629: 609: 606: 575: 572: 484:War and Pieces 468:Storybook Love 449:Storybook Love 432: 429: 395:Storybook Love 377: 374: 357: 354: 337: 334: 328:graphic novel 315:Philip Marlowe 307:Hercule Poirot 270:footed pajamas 241: 238: 189:War and Pieces 158:Brothers Grimm 144: 141: 136:Main article: 133: 130: 128: 125: 121:Vertigo Comics 92:Jack of Fables 73: 72: 31:This article 30: 28: 21: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 11448: 11437: 11434: 11432: 11429: 11427: 11424: 11423: 11421: 11406: 11405: 11401: 11399: 11398: 11394: 11393: 11391: 11387: 11381: 11378: 11376: 11375:The Homelands 11373: 11372: 11370: 11366: 11360: 11357: 11355: 11352: 11350: 11347: 11345: 11342: 11340: 11337: 11335: 11332: 11331: 11329: 11327: 11323: 11317: 11316: 11312: 11310: 11309: 11305: 11303: 11302: 11298: 11296: 11295: 11291: 11290: 11288: 11284: 11278: 11277: 11273: 11271: 11270: 11266: 11264: 11263: 11259: 11257: 11256: 11252: 11251: 11249: 11245: 11241: 11237: 11236: 11228: 11223: 11221: 11216: 11214: 11209: 11208: 11205: 11195: 11193: 11185: 11177: 11171: 11163: 11157: 11141: 11137: 11133: 11126: 11120: 11116: 11110: 11102: 11100: 11092: 11076: 11072: 11070: 11062: 11055: 11054:0-19-860088-7 11051: 11047: 11041: 11033: 11027: 11019: 11013: 11005: 10999: 10983: 10979: 10977: 10969: 10960: 10954: 10943:September 19, 10938: 10936: 10928: 10912: 10908: 10906: 10898: 10882: 10878: 10876: 10868: 10852: 10848: 10846: 10838: 10822: 10818: 10816: 10808: 10800: 10794: 10786: 10780: 10772: 10770: 10762: 10751:September 23, 10747: 10740: 10724: 10717: 10711: 10707: 10702: 10685: 10681: 10674: 10666: 10664: 10656: 10648: 10646: 10638: 10636: 10627: 10625: 10617: 10615: 10606: 10600: 10592: 10586: 10578: 10572: 10564: 10558: 10550: 10546: 10544: 10536: 10534: 10525: 10519: 10512: 10508: 10504: 10501: 10496: 10490:, Part 1 of 2 10489: 10485: 10480: 10472: 10470: 10462: 10454: 10448: 10440: 10434: 10428: 10424: 10419: 10412: 10411:The Dark Ages 10408: 10403: 10397:, part 4 of 9 10396: 10392: 10387: 10385: 10376: 10372: 10366: 10355:September 23, 10350: 10346: 10339: 10333: 10329: 10325: 10321: 10317: 10313: 10307: 10305: 10303: 10301: 10299: 10297: 10295: 10293: 10291: 10289: 10287: 10285: 10283: 10281: 10279: 10277: 10275: 10273: 10271: 10269: 10267: 10265: 10263: 10261: 10259: 10257: 10255: 10253: 10251: 10242: 10238: 10234: 10228: 10224: 10220: 10216: 10210: 10208: 10206: 10204: 10202: 10200: 10198: 10196: 10194: 10192: 10190: 10180: 10175: 10171: 10167: 10163: 10156: 10149: 10145: 10141: 10135: 10131: 10127: 10123: 10117: 10113: 10102: 10099: 10096: 10093: 10089: 10086: 10082: 10078: 10075: 10072: 10068: 10064: 10060: 10057: 10053: 10049: 10046: 10043: 10040: 10036: 10032: 10029: 10026: 10022: 10019: 10016: 10015: 10014: 10012: 10005: 9997: 9993: 9989: 9985: 9982: 9979: 9975: 9971: 9967: 9963: 9959: 9956: 9952: 9948: 9944: 9941: 9937: 9933: 9930: 9927: 9923: 9919: 9916: 9913: 9909: 9905: 9901: 9898: 9894: 9890: 9886: 9883: 9879: 9876:, the dragon 9875: 9872:, the dragon 9871: 9867: 9863: 9859: 9855: 9851: 9847: 9843: 9839: 9835: 9834: 9829: 9826: 9823: 9819: 9815: 9811: 9807: 9803: 9800: 9799: 9794: 9790: 9789:Christmas Eve 9786: 9782: 9778: 9774: 9770: 9767: 9764: 9760: 9759: 9754: 9753: 9748: 9745: 9742: 9738: 9734: 9730: 9726: 9722: 9718: 9714: 9710: 9706: 9702: 9699: 9695: 9691: 9687: 9686: 9685:Jack and Jill 9681: 9678: 9675: 9674: 9669: 9665: 9661: 9657: 9653: 9649: 9645: 9641: 9638: 9635: 9631: 9627: 9623: 9619: 9616: 9611: 9607: 9603: 9599: 9595: 9591: 9587: 9583: 9579: 9578:Transylvanian 9575: 9571: 9570:Count Dracula 9568: 9567: 9558: 9554: 9551: 9548: 9544: 9540: 9536: 9532: 9528: 9524: 9520: 9516: 9512: 9508: 9504: 9500: 9496: 9492: 9488: 9484: 9480: 9476: 9472: 9471:chōchin'obake 9468: 9464: 9460: 9457: 9452: 9448: 9444: 9440: 9436: 9435: 9429: 9425: 9421: 9417: 9416:the Adversary 9413: 9409: 9408: 9403: 9399: 9396: 9395: 9394: 9392: 9388: 9387: 9382: 9378: 9365: 9361: 9358: 9355: 9351: 9350:Margaret Mahy 9347: 9343: 9338: 9335: 9331: 9327: 9323: 9319: 9315: 9311: 9307: 9303: 9300: 9297: 9293: 9289: 9286: 9282: 9278: 9274: 9270: 9266: 9263: 9262: 9261: 9259: 9255: 9245: 9243: 9239: 9235: 9227: 9223: 9220:, barbecuing 9219: 9215: 9211: 9210: 9205: 9201: 9197: 9194: 9190: 9187: 9183: 9180: 9179: 9174: 9170: 9167: 9166: 9161: 9160: 9155: 9151: 9147: 9144: 9140: 9137: 9134: 9131: 9128: 9125: 9121: 9118: 9117: 9116: 9114: 9110: 9106: 9102: 9098: 9094: 9093: 9088: 9084: 9080: 9076: 9066: 9064: 9051: 9048: 9046: 9043: 9042: 9041: 9038: 9028: 9024: 9021: 9016: 9014: 9010: 9006: 9002: 9001:New Amsterdam 8998: 8988: 8986: 8985: 8980: 8976: 8972: 8971: 8966: 8965: 8960: 8956: 8952: 8951: 8946: 8937: 8935: 8930: 8926: 8916: 8914: 8910: 8909: 8904: 8894: 8885: 8881: 8877: 8874: 8862: 8858: 8857:Bald Mountain 8854: 8853: 8848: 8844: 8841: 8838: 8835: 8832: 8829: 8826: 8822: 8819: 8816: 8812: 8809: 8808: 8807: 8805: 8801: 8797: 8796: 8791: 8781: 8779: 8778: 8773: 8769: 8765: 8760: 8755: 8751: 8747: 8746: 8741: 8737: 8733: 8729: 8728:Pandora's box 8725: 8721: 8717: 8713: 8709: 8700: 8698: 8694: 8690: 8686: 8682: 8679:, created by 8678: 8677: 8672: 8654: 8650: 8647: 8644: 8640: 8635: 8631: 8628: 8624: 8620: 8617: 8613: 8609: 8605: 8602: 8598: 8594: 8590: 8586: 8585:Slue-Foot Sue 8582: 8579: 8576: 8572: 8568: 8564: 8561: 8559: 8555: 8552: 8548: 8547:The Scarecrow 8545: 8543: 8540: 8537: 8533: 8529: 8526: 8522: 8518: 8515: 8511: 8507: 8506: 8501: 8498: 8494: 8490: 8487: 8483: 8479: 8476: 8473: 8470:, now a real 8469: 8466: 8463: 8459: 8456: 8452: 8447: 8444: 8441: 8437: 8433: 8430: 8426: 8422: 8418: 8414: 8410: 8407: 8403: 8402: 8397: 8395: 8392: 8389: 8388: 8383: 8379: 8375: 8372: 8368: 8364: 8360: 8357:The cat with 8356: 8353: 8352: 8347: 8344: 8341: 8338: 8335: 8334: 8330:and boy from 8329: 8325: 8322: 8318: 8314: 8313: 8308: 8304: 8301: 8297: 8293: 8289: 8286:is killed by 8285: 8281: 8280: 8275: 8272: 8271: 8268:Other inmates 8265: 8263: 8259: 8255: 8251: 8247: 8243: 8239: 8235: 8231: 8221: 8219: 8218:Deadly Desert 8215: 8211: 8207: 8203: 8199: 8195: 8191: 8186: 8184: 8183:Cowardly Lion 8180: 8176: 8173:, along with 8172: 8168: 8164: 8154: 8152: 8151: 8146: 8142: 8138: 8137: 8131: 8129: 8124: 8118: 8115: 8111: 8107: 8103: 8099: 8095: 8091: 8087: 8086:Golden Boughs 8083: 8074: 8071: 8066: 8062: 8056: 8054: 8050: 8046: 8042: 8038: 8029: 8026: 8022: 8018: 8013: 8010: 8006: 8001: 7999: 7995: 7991: 7981: 7979: 7978: 7972: 7968: 7964: 7960: 7956: 7954: 7949: 7945: 7941: 7937: 7933: 7924: 7922: 7918: 7914: 7909: 7905: 7901: 7897: 7892: 7890: 7886: 7882: 7878: 7877:Humpty Dumpty 7872:Humpty Dumpty 7869: 7867: 7863: 7859: 7855: 7851: 7847: 7843: 7839: 7835: 7834:Cowardly Lion 7825: 7823: 7819: 7815: 7811: 7806: 7801: 7797: 7793: 7792:Cowardly Lion 7789: 7785: 7781: 7777: 7768: 7767:final issue. 7766: 7762: 7758: 7754: 7750: 7746: 7742: 7738: 7734: 7730: 7719: 7710: 7706: 7702: 7699: 7695: 7692: 7688: 7684: 7680: 7677: 7672: 7668: 7664: 7660: 7657: 7654: 7650: 7647: 7644: 7640: 7636: 7632: 7630: 7626: 7623: 7620: 7617: 7613: 7610: 7609: 7607: 7603: 7600: 7596: 7593: 7590: 7586: 7582: 7579: 7575: 7571: 7568: 7564: 7560: 7557: 7553: 7550: 7547: 7543: 7539: 7535: 7531: 7528: 7525: 7521: 7517: 7516:golden jackal 7513: 7512: 7507: 7503: 7500: 7497: 7493: 7489: 7485: 7481: 7480: 7475: 7472: 7469: 7465: 7461: 7458: 7454: 7450: 7446: 7442: 7439: 7435: 7431: 7428: 7425: 7421: 7417: 7413: 7410: 7406: 7402: 7398: 7395: 7391: 7387: 7383: 7380: 7377: 7373: 7369: 7366: 7362: 7359: 7355: 7352: 7348: 7344: 7340: 7336: 7332: 7328: 7324: 7321: 7317: 7313: 7309: 7306: 7302: 7298: 7297: 7292: 7291: 7286: 7283: 7279: 7275: 7271: 7266: 7262: 7261: 7256: 7252: 7249: 7245: 7244: 7239: 7235: 7231: 7227: 7223: 7219: 7216: 7213: 7209: 7205: 7201: 7198: 7195: 7191: 7188: 7185: 7181: 7177: 7174: 7171: 7167: 7163: 7159: 7156: 7151: 7146: 7142: 7138: 7134: 7130: 7124: 7121: 7118: 7115: 7111: 7108: 7104: 7100: 7099: 7097: 7093: 7092: 7087: 7083: 7080: 7076: 7072: 7068: 7064: 7061: 7058: 7054: 7050: 7047: 7044: 7040: 7036: 7032: 7029: 7025: 7021: 7017: 7014: 7011: 7007: 7003: 7000: 6996: 6992: 6988: 6984: 6980: 6979: 6974: 6970: 6967: 6963: 6959: 6956: 6953: 6952: 6947: 6944: 6941: 6937: 6936: 6931: 6927: 6923: 6920: 6916: 6912: 6908: 6905:friend after 6904: 6900: 6896: 6893: 6890: 6889: 6884: 6880: 6876: 6873: 6870: 6866: 6863: 6859: 6855: 6854: 6849: 6846: 6842: 6838: 6834: 6830: 6826: 6825:Slue-Foot Sue 6823: 6820: 6819: 6814: 6813:Slue-Foot Sue 6810: 6806: 6802: 6799: 6796: 6792: 6788: 6784: 6780: 6776: 6772: 6768: 6764: 6761: 6757: 6753: 6750:who lives on 6749: 6745: 6741: 6737: 6734: 6730: 6726: 6725:In Those Days 6722: 6718: 6713: 6709: 6705: 6704:Porkupine Pie 6701: 6700:Waking Beauty 6697: 6693: 6692: 6687: 6686:Porkupine Pie 6683: 6679: 6676: 6672: 6668: 6667:Waking Beauty 6664: 6660: 6657: 6654: 6650: 6646: 6642: 6638: 6634: 6631: 6628: 6627:Old King Cole 6624: 6620: 6617: 6614: 6610: 6606: 6602: 6599: 6596: 6592: 6588: 6587: 6582: 6579: 6575: 6574: 6568: 6564: 6560: 6556: 6552: 6549: 6546: 6542: 6539: 6536: 6532: 6528: 6527: 6522: 6518: 6515: 6512: 6507: 6503: 6499: 6495: 6492: 6489: 6486: 6483: 6482: 6477: 6473: 6469: 6465: 6462: 6458: 6455:. A train of 6454: 6450: 6446: 6445: 6441: 6437: 6434: 6430: 6429: 6424: 6421: 6417: 6413: 6409: 6405: 6402: 6398: 6394: 6393:Giant-killing 6390: 6386: 6382: 6378: 6374: 6370: 6369: 6364: 6360: 6359: 6354: 6353:Jack's mother 6351: 6348: 6345:, one of the 6344: 6340: 6336: 6333: 6330: 6326: 6322: 6318: 6314: 6311: 6308: 6304: 6300: 6299: 6294: 6291: 6287: 6283: 6280: 6276: 6272: 6268: 6264: 6260: 6256: 6252: 6248: 6244: 6243: 6238: 6234: 6230: 6227: 6223: 6220: 6216: 6213: 6210: 6206: 6205: 6200: 6196: 6192: 6188: 6187: 6178: 6174: 6171: 6167: 6164: 6163: 6158: 6154: 6151: 6148: 6145: 6141: 6137: 6133: 6129: 6125: 6121: 6117: 6114: 6111: 6107: 6103: 6099: 6095: 6091: 6087: 6084: 6080: 6077: 6073: 6069: 6065: 6061: 6057: 6054: 6050: 6049: 6044: 6041: 6037: 6036: 6030: 6028: 6023: 6018: 6016: 6012: 6008: 6004: 6003:Deadly Desert 6000: 5996: 5992: 5989:, as seen in 5988: 5984: 5980: 5970: 5968: 5964: 5959: 5955: 5951: 5950:the Adversary 5947: 5943: 5934: 5932: 5928: 5927:Cowardly Lion 5924: 5920: 5916: 5912: 5908: 5904: 5900: 5899:L. Frank Baum 5887: 5883: 5879: 5875: 5872: 5869: 5866: 5862: 5858: 5855: 5851: 5848: 5845: 5842: 5839: 5836: 5832: 5828: 5824: 5820: 5817: 5816: 5815: 5813: 5809: 5799: 5797: 5793: 5789: 5785: 5774: 5772: 5771:Morgan le Fay 5768: 5764: 5760: 5756: 5752: 5748: 5746: 5742: 5738: 5736: 5732: 5728: 5724: 5720: 5716: 5712: 5708: 5703: 5699: 5695: 5691: 5690: 5685: 5681: 5676: 5674: 5670: 5666: 5662: 5657: 5654: 5650: 5646: 5642: 5638: 5633: 5629: 5625: 5621: 5617: 5616: 5611: 5607: 5603: 5599: 5595: 5591: 5582: 5579: 5575: 5571: 5567: 5563: 5558: 5556: 5552: 5547: 5541: 5538: 5534: 5530: 5526: 5514: 5510: 5506: 5502: 5498: 5495: 5491: 5490: 5485: 5482: 5479: 5478: 5473: 5472: 5467: 5463: 5460: 5457: 5454: 5450: 5447: 5444: 5443:the Adversary 5440: 5436: 5435: 5430: 5429:King Shahryār 5427: 5424: 5420: 5416: 5412: 5408: 5407:corpse-eaters 5404: 5400: 5396: 5392: 5388: 5384: 5383: 5377: 5374: 5370: 5366: 5362: 5356: 5354: 5350: 5346: 5342: 5338: 5334: 5330: 5329: 5324: 5320: 5316: 5307: 5305: 5304: 5298: 5288: 5286: 5282: 5277: 5274: 5270: 5266: 5257: 5255: 5254: 5249: 5239: 5235: 5231: 5229: 5225: 5221: 5220:Yoruba people 5217: 5213: 5203: 5199: 5196: 5192: 5188: 5184: 5177:The East Wind 5174: 5171: 5168: 5162: 5160: 5156: 5152: 5148: 5144: 5140: 5136: 5132: 5129:appears as a 5128: 5121:The West Wind 5118: 5115: 5111: 5105: 5101: 5099: 5098: 5093: 5089: 5085: 5081: 5077: 5073: 5055: 5051: 5048: 5044: 5040: 5037: 5033: 5029: 5026: 5023: 5019: 5015: 5011: 5008: 5004: 5000: 4996: 4992: 4988: 4985: 4982: 4979: 4975: 4974: 4969: 4965: 4962: 4958: 4954: 4950: 4946: 4943: 4939: 4938: 4933: 4929: 4925: 4922: 4919: 4916: 4915: 4914: 4912: 4900:The Homelands 4894: 4891: 4887: 4884: 4880: 4877: 4873: 4870: 4866: 4862: 4861: 4852: 4848: 4845: 4842: 4838: 4835: 4832: 4828: 4824: 4821: 4818: 4815: 4813:like Western. 4812: 4808: 4805: 4802: 4798: 4795: 4792: 4789: 4786: 4783: 4780: 4777: 4774: 4771: 4768: 4764: 4761: 4758: 4754: 4751: 4750: 4749: 4741: 4739: 4728: 4724: 4720: 4711: 4709: 4705: 4700: 4698: 4697:Cowardly Lion 4694: 4690: 4689:Humpty Dumpty 4686: 4681: 4676: 4674: 4670: 4669: 4664: 4660: 4656: 4652: 4646: 4643: 4641: 4636: 4634: 4629: 4627: 4623: 4619: 4615: 4611: 4607: 4603: 4599: 4589: 4587: 4583: 4578: 4574: 4569: 4567: 4562: 4560: 4556: 4552: 4548: 4539: 4535: 4533: 4528: 4524: 4522: 4518: 4514: 4504: 4501: 4497: 4492: 4490: 4486: 4482: 4478: 4474: 4469: 4466: 4461: 4458: 4453: 4449: 4448: 4442: 4439: 4435: 4431: 4427: 4415: 4400: 4391: 4389: 4384: 4379: 4376: 4372: 4371:Morgan le Fay 4367: 4361: 4359: 4355: 4351: 4347: 4346: 4335: 4333: 4329: 4325: 4321: 4317: 4312: 4308: 4304: 4299: 4297: 4296: 4291: 4287: 4283: 4279: 4275: 4271: 4267: 4266: 4261: 4251: 4249: 4245: 4244:In Those Days 4241: 4236: 4232: 4230: 4226: 4222: 4218: 4214: 4210: 4205: 4203: 4199: 4195: 4194: 4189: 4184: 4182: 4176: 4174: 4170: 4166: 4160: 4157: 4153: 4149: 4148:Cowardly Lion 4145: 4140: 4138: 4134: 4133:Deadly Desert 4130: 4126: 4122: 4118: 4114: 4110: 4106: 4103:, killed the 4102: 4101: 4095: 4093: 4089: 4085: 4081: 4077: 4073: 4064: 4062: 4058: 4057: 4052: 4047: 4045: 4041: 4040: 4035: 4031: 4027: 4023: 4019: 4018: 4013: 4012: 4008:, as seen in 4007: 4003: 3999: 3989: 3986: 3981: 3978: 3974: 3970: 3959: 3957: 3953: 3952: 3947: 3943: 3942: 3937: 3933: 3927: 3925: 3921: 3920: 3915: 3906: 3904: 3900: 3899:the Adversary 3895: 3891: 3887: 3886:L. Frank Baum 3883: 3876:The Nome King 3873: 3871: 3867: 3862: 3860: 3855: 3853: 3849: 3844: 3840: 3836: 3832: 3829: 3823: 3820: 3810: 3806: 3802: 3798: 3789: 3785: 3783: 3779: 3775: 3771: 3767: 3762: 3760: 3756: 3751: 3748: 3743: 3738: 3736: 3732: 3728: 3725:According to 3723: 3721: 3717: 3707: 3703: 3700: 3695: 3693: 3689: 3685: 3680: 3678: 3673: 3669: 3658: 3654: 3652: 3647: 3643: 3639: 3636: 3626: 3624: 3623: 3618: 3617: 3612: 3608: 3607: 3602: 3598: 3594: 3590: 3586: 3582: 3578: 3577:the Adversary 3574: 3570: 3566: 3562: 3558: 3557:Ichabod Crane 3552:Ichabod Crane 3549: 3547: 3542: 3532: 3528: 3526: 3522: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3501: 3499: 3498: 3492: 3491: 3485: 3481: 3477: 3467: 3465: 3464: 3459: 3455: 3451: 3446: 3444: 3438: 3432:The Adversary 3421: 3417: 3416: 3411: 3407: 3404: 3400: 3399: 3394: 3391: 3387: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3359: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3343: 3342: 3338:farm. In the 3336: 3332: 3328: 3325: 3324: 3318: 3315: 3311: 3307: 3303: 3300: 3296: 3293: 3289: 3285: 3281: 3277: 3273: 3269: 3265: 3261: 3257: 3253: 3250: 3246: 3242: 3241: 3236: 3232: 3229:, or "Tate", 3228: 3225: 3222: 3218: 3215: 3212: 3211:Reynard cycle 3208: 3205: 3202: 3199: 3196: 3193: 3192: 3187: 3183: 3180: 3179: 3174: 3170: 3166: 3163: 3159: 3155: 3154: 3149: 3146: 3143: 3139: 3135: 3134: 3133:Jack and Jill 3129: 3125: 3120: 3117: 3113: 3109: 3106: 3102: 3097: 3093: 3090: 3087: 3083: 3079: 3078: 3073: 3069: 3065: 3062: 3061:Single Combat 3058: 3054: 3050: 3046: 3045: 3040: 3037: 3033: 3029: 3026: 3022: 3019: 3016: 3013: 3012: 3007: 3003: 2999: 2995: 2991: 2987: 2983: 2980: 2976: 2972: 2968: 2964: 2960: 2956: 2952: 2948: 2944: 2940: 2936: 2932: 2929:, barbecuing 2928: 2924: 2923:Jack 'n' Apes 2920: 2919: 2914: 2910: 2906: 2902: 2898: 2894: 2890: 2887: 2884: 2880: 2876: 2872: 2869: 2865: 2861: 2858: 2855: 2852: 2851: 2846: 2843: 2840: 2839: 2834: 2833:Reynard cycle 2830: 2826: 2823: 2819: 2815: 2811: 2807: 2803: 2799: 2795: 2794: 2789: 2785: 2781: 2777: 2773: 2770: 2767: 2763: 2759: 2755: 2751: 2747: 2744: 2741: 2738: 2734: 2733: 2728: 2727: 2722: 2718: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2705: 2702: 2699: 2696: 2692: 2688: 2683: 2679: 2676: 2672: 2668: 2664: 2661: 2658: 2657: 2652: 2649: 2645: 2641: 2637: 2634: 2631: 2627: 2626: 2621: 2617: 2613: 2610: 2606: 2602: 2598: 2595: 2592: 2591:Old King Cole 2588: 2584: 2580: 2578: 2575: 2572: 2569:' stories of 2568: 2564: 2561: 2557: 2553: 2550: 2546: 2543: 2540: 2537: 2534: 2530: 2526: 2522: 2519:Walrus from " 2518: 2515: 2511: 2507: 2503: 2499: 2496: 2495: 2490: 2487: 2484: 2480: 2479: 2474: 2470: 2467: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2453: 2449: 2446: 2443: 2439: 2435: 2434: 2429: 2425: 2422:Dickory, the 2421: 2418: 2414: 2410: 2406: 2405:Puss in Boots 2403: 2400: 2397: 2396: 2390: 2388: 2384: 2379: 2377: 2373: 2369: 2365: 2360: 2358: 2354: 2350: 2349: 2344: 2340: 2336: 2332: 2328: 2324: 2320: 2316: 2312: 2308: 2304: 2303: 2298: 2294: 2290: 2286: 2285: 2280: 2276: 2266: 2264: 2259: 2257: 2253: 2248: 2246: 2242: 2238: 2233: 2231: 2227: 2223: 2219: 2218: 2213: 2209: 2205: 2200: 2198: 2194: 2190: 2186: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2170: 2166: 2165:Peter and Max 2162: 2158: 2154: 2150: 2146: 2142: 2138: 2134: 2130: 2129: 2124: 2120: 2119: 2114: 2113: 2108: 2107: 2096: 2093: 2090: 2086: 2082: 2078: 2077: 2072: 2068: 2067: 2062: 2058: 2048: 2046: 2045:lovable rogue 2041: 2032: 2029: 2019: 2017: 2016: 2010: 2008: 2004: 2000: 1996: 1995:Pandora's box 1992: 1988: 1984: 1979: 1977: 1976: 1971: 1966: 1964: 1959: 1956: 1954: 1949: 1946: 1940: 1938: 1928: 1926: 1922: 1915:Weyland Smith 1911: 1901: 1898: 1894: 1890: 1886: 1883: 1879: 1875: 1871: 1867: 1857: 1855: 1851: 1850: 1845: 1841: 1840: 1835: 1834: 1829: 1828: 1823: 1820: 1810: 1807: 1803: 1799: 1795: 1791: 1786: 1783: 1779: 1775: 1771: 1766: 1764: 1760: 1756: 1752: 1748: 1744: 1740: 1736: 1735: 1730: 1726: 1725:Morgan le Fay 1720:Morgan le Fay 1716: 1706: 1704: 1700: 1695: 1694:the Adversary 1691: 1690:In Those Days 1687: 1683: 1679: 1668: 1665: 1661: 1660: 1655: 1645: 1643: 1639: 1635: 1625: 1623: 1619: 1614: 1609: 1607: 1603: 1602:shapeshifting 1599: 1598: 1593: 1589: 1588: 1583: 1579: 1572:Mr. Grandours 1569: 1567: 1563: 1559: 1558: 1553: 1548: 1538: 1536: 1532: 1531: 1520: 1518: 1509: 1507: 1506:The Homelands 1496: 1485: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1469: 1468: 1463: 1459: 1458: 1453: 1449: 1448: 1443: 1440: 1436: 1435:Single Combat 1432: 1428: 1424: 1420: 1416: 1413: 1409: 1405: 1404: 1399: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1384: 1381: 1378: 1374: 1373:Morgan le Fay 1370: 1366: 1362: 1358: 1355: 1352: 1348: 1344: 1340: 1336: 1333: 1330: 1326: 1322: 1319: 1315: 1311: 1310:Barbara Allen 1308: 1305: 1301: 1297: 1293: 1289: 1286: 1283: 1282: 1278: 1277: 1276:Shakespeare's 1272: 1268: 1265: 1262: 1259: 1255: 1254: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1240: 1235: 1231: 1228: 1224: 1221: 1218: 1214: 1210: 1206: 1203: 1200: 1197: 1194: 1193: 1188: 1184: 1180: 1177: 1173: 1172:Crow brothers 1170: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1155: 1151: 1147: 1143: 1142:Edmond Dantès 1140: 1137: 1133: 1129: 1125: 1122: 1119: 1116: 1112: 1107: 1106: 1100: 1098: 1093: 1091: 1087: 1083: 1077: 1073: 1070: 1066: 1061: 1055: 1052: 1049: 1046: 1043: 1040: 1037: 1036: 1035: 1033: 1028: 1026: 1022: 1018: 1014: 1010: 1006: 1004: 1000: 996: 994: 990: 985: 979: 975: 971: 967: 963: 959: 954: 945: 943: 942:New York City 937: 935: 931: 922: 920: 910: 908: 904: 900: 895: 893: 889: 885: 881: 877: 872: 870: 866: 862: 858: 852: 849: 848: 843: 842: 837: 827: 824: 820: 819: 808: 806: 801: 799: 795: 791: 787: 783: 779: 775: 771: 766: 762: 757: 755: 751: 747: 743: 738: 736: 732: 726: 723: 719: 715: 710: 708: 704: 700: 689: 679: 677: 676:Thomas Hobbes 672: 670: 665: 661: 660: 654: 650: 646: 643:, Hobbes the 642: 638: 628: 625: 621: 618: 617:Old King Cole 613: 608:Old King Cole 605: 601: 599: 595: 590: 589:Ichabod Crane 584: 581: 571: 569: 565: 561: 557: 553: 552: 547: 543: 539: 535: 534: 528: 526: 520: 518: 513: 509: 504: 500: 497: 493: 489: 485: 480: 478: 474: 469: 464: 462: 458: 454: 450: 446: 442: 438: 428: 425: 421: 417: 413: 408: 406: 401: 396: 391: 387: 383: 382:winged monkey 373: 370: 365: 364: 353: 351: 346: 343: 333: 331: 327: 323: 318: 316: 312: 308: 304: 300: 299:Auguste Dupin 295: 291: 290: 284: 282: 278: 273: 271: 265: 263: 258: 254: 250: 247: 237: 235: 231: 227: 223: 222: 217: 212: 210: 205: 203: 198: 194: 193:The Dark Ages 190: 186: 180: 178: 173: 171: 170: 165: 164: 159: 155: 154: 149: 139: 124: 122: 118: 117: 112: 111: 106: 105: 100: 99: 94: 93: 88: 87: 82: 77: 69: 66: 58: 48: 44: 38: 36: 29: 20: 19: 16: 11402: 11395: 11325: 11313: 11306: 11299: 11292: 11274: 11267: 11260: 11253: 11233: 11191: 11184: 11156: 11144:. Retrieved 11140:the original 11125: 11109: 11098: 11091: 11079:. Retrieved 11075:the original 11068: 11061: 11045: 11040: 11026: 10998: 10986:. Retrieved 10982:the original 10975: 10968: 10941:. Retrieved 10934: 10927: 10915:. Retrieved 10911:the original 10904: 10897: 10885:. Retrieved 10881:the original 10874: 10867: 10855:. Retrieved 10851:the original 10844: 10837: 10825:. Retrieved 10821:the original 10814: 10807: 10793: 10779: 10768: 10761: 10749:. Retrieved 10739: 10727:. Retrieved 10725:. IGN Comics 10716: 10710:Skullduggery 10709: 10705: 10701: 10688:. Retrieved 10684:the original 10673: 10662: 10655: 10644: 10623: 10585: 10557: 10549:the original 10542: 10518: 10495: 10487: 10483: 10479: 10468: 10461: 10433: 10426: 10422: 10418: 10410: 10406: 10402: 10394: 10390: 10375:the original 10365: 10353:. Retrieved 10349:the original 10338: 10322:. New York. 10319: 10221:. New York: 10218: 10215:Irvine, Alex 10169: 10165: 10155: 10128:, New York: 10125: 10122:Irvine, Alex 10116: 10070: 10010: 10008: 10003: 9995: 9991: 9977: 9954: 9950: 9945:The serpent 9939: 9935: 9925: 9921: 9911: 9907: 9896: 9892: 9887:Dragon from 9837: 9831: 9828:Saint George 9796: 9792: 9772: 9756: 9750: 9716: 9712: 9683: 9673:Frankenstein 9671: 9663: 9651: 9647: 9640:Mary Shelley 9634:Bag 'O Bones 9633: 9629: 9609: 9598:World War II 9594:Transylvania 9589: 9585: 9573: 9432: 9411: 9405: 9390: 9384: 9374: 9364:West African 9353: 9348:(1938), and 9345: 9334:Dorothy Gale 9281:Soviet Union 9257: 9253: 9251: 9242:the Literals 9231: 9222:marshmallows 9207: 9198:Saunders: A 9192: 9188: 9176: 9163: 9157: 9132:, a gorilla. 9100: 9090: 9078: 9074: 9072: 9060: 9034: 9025: 9017: 9008: 9005:Central Park 8996: 8994: 8982: 8974: 8968: 8962: 8958: 8954: 8948: 8943: 8940:The Woodsman 8933: 8922: 8912: 8906: 8900: 8891: 8888:The Tourists 8882: 8878: 8871: 8855:. His home, 8850: 8799: 8793: 8787: 8784:The Devil(s) 8775: 8758: 8754:Dunster Happ 8749: 8743: 8720:Pandoran jar 8706: 8692: 8688: 8674: 8668: 8652: 8587:, is one of 8583:. His wife, 8550: 8542:Dorothy Gale 8512:back in the 8503: 8468:Mother Goose 8439: 8436:Jersey Devil 8399: 8385: 8381: 8378:Edmund Dulac 8370: 8349: 8331: 8321:Page Sisters 8310: 8298:dies when a 8282:series; the 8277: 8261: 8258:Page sisters 8253: 8227: 8209: 8187: 8175:Dorothy Gale 8166: 8162: 8160: 8148: 8144: 8141:John Tenniel 8134: 8132: 8127: 8123:Page Sisters 8119: 8080: 8070:Page Sisters 8057: 8035: 8017:Grand Canyon 8014: 8002: 7987: 7975: 7970: 7957: 7944:Hillary Page 7930: 7920: 7917:Hillary Page 7912: 7893: 7875: 7854:Dorothy Gale 7845: 7841: 7837: 7831: 7809: 7796:Dorothy Gale 7787: 7783: 7779: 7774: 7764: 7760: 7748: 7727: 7708: 7690: 7686: 7679:Baobhan sith 7665:counties of 7637:counties of 7631: 7605: 7598: 7588: 7577: 7566: 7555: 7545: 7541: 7537: 7533: 7519: 7509: 7487: 7483: 7477: 7467: 7452: 7448: 7437: 7433: 7419: 7408: 7404: 7393: 7375: 7319: 7315: 7304: 7300: 7294: 7288: 7281: 7277: 7269: 7258: 7241: 7237: 7233: 7229: 7211: 7204:mythological 7183: 7180:Dorothy Gale 7162:World Turtle 7144: 7140: 7136: 7089: 7085: 7066: 7056: 7043:Dunster Happ 7027: 7023: 7019: 7009: 7005: 6998: 6990: 6986: 6982: 6976: 6961: 6949: 6933: 6926:Fritz Leiber 6899:Jack Frost 2 6886: 6861: 6857: 6851: 6850:Giants from 6837:Natty Bumppo 6832: 6828: 6816: 6808: 6804: 6801:Natty Bumppo 6778: 6774: 6759: 6755: 6739: 6735:human women. 6732: 6724: 6720: 6716: 6707: 6703: 6699: 6695: 6689: 6685: 6682:Neil Diamond 6675:Kingdom Come 6674: 6666: 6662: 6653:Black Forest 6636: 6622: 6608: 6604: 6594: 6590: 6584: 6577: 6571: 6566: 6558: 6554: 6544: 6530: 6524: 6520: 6501: 6497: 6479: 6448: 6442: 6426: 6419: 6415: 6411: 6401:Page Sisters 6380: 6376: 6372: 6366: 6362: 6356: 6338: 6328: 6324: 6316: 6302: 6296: 6289: 6285: 6265:, where the 6262: 6250: 6240: 6232: 6225: 6222:Sancho Panza 6209:vorpal sword 6202: 6198: 6194: 6176: 6160: 6139: 6135: 6131: 6127: 6120:Dorothy Gale 6109: 6098:Wizard of Oz 6078: 6046: 6021: 6019: 5990: 5983:Dorothy Gale 5976: 5966: 5953: 5945: 5940: 5896: 5885: 5860: 5853: 5819:King Valemon 5811: 5805: 5787: 5783: 5780: 5777:Dunster Happ 5766: 5762: 5749: 5744: 5739: 5726: 5722: 5710: 5697: 5693: 5687: 5683: 5677: 5668: 5664: 5658: 5652: 5648: 5644: 5619: 5613: 5609: 5593: 5588: 5569: 5565: 5559: 5542: 5532: 5523: 5512: 5508: 5504: 5493: 5487: 5475: 5469: 5452: 5449:Scheherazade 5432: 5418: 5414: 5398: 5394: 5364: 5360: 5357: 5326: 5322: 5318: 5313: 5301: 5294: 5284: 5280: 5278: 5268: 5263: 5251: 5245: 5236: 5232: 5209: 5200: 5180: 5172: 5166: 5163: 5124: 5106: 5102: 5095: 5079: 5069: 5052:The ancient 5042: 5016:, including 5002: 4971: 4963:against him. 4941: 4935: 4910: 4908: 4851:World War II 4841:Groucho Marx 4747: 4734: 4725: 4721: 4717: 4707: 4703: 4701: 4677: 4666: 4647: 4644: 4637: 4630: 4621: 4618:Hillary Page 4617: 4613: 4605: 4595: 4585: 4581: 4577:James Frazer 4572: 4570: 4563: 4554: 4546: 4545: 4536: 4531: 4529: 4525: 4520: 4510: 4499: 4495: 4493: 4488: 4484: 4480: 4477:storytelling 4476: 4472: 4470: 4468:Bookburner. 4464: 4462: 4451: 4445: 4443: 4437: 4422: 4397: 4381:However, as 4380: 4362: 4352:to serve as 4343: 4341: 4331: 4302: 4300: 4293: 4289: 4285: 4273: 4269: 4263: 4257: 4247: 4243: 4239: 4237: 4233: 4228: 4224: 4206: 4191: 4187: 4185: 4180: 4177: 4161: 4141: 4098: 4096: 4087: 4083: 4075: 4072:Dorothy Gale 4070: 4067:Dorothy Gale 4060: 4054: 4048: 4043: 4037: 4029: 4025: 4021: 4015: 4009: 3995: 3982: 3965: 3955: 3949: 3945: 3939: 3928: 3917: 3912: 3879: 3869: 3865: 3863: 3858: 3856: 3847: 3845: 3841: 3837: 3833: 3824: 3816: 3807: 3803: 3799: 3795: 3786: 3777: 3773: 3769: 3763: 3754: 3752: 3746: 3741: 3739: 3734: 3724: 3713: 3704: 3698: 3696: 3683: 3681: 3664: 3655: 3648: 3644: 3640: 3632: 3620: 3614: 3610: 3604: 3600: 3596: 3560: 3555: 3545: 3538: 3529: 3520: 3504: 3502: 3495: 3488: 3473: 3461: 3457: 3447: 3439: 3435: 3419: 3413: 3396: 3389: 3385: 3377: 3361: 3345: 3339: 3321: 3309: 3305: 3284:Tipu's Tiger 3279: 3275: 3244: 3238: 3189: 3178:Mairzy Doats 3176: 3172: 3157: 3151: 3137: 3131: 3127: 3123: 3111: 3100: 3085: 3081: 3075: 3060: 3056: 3048: 3042: 3011:Heavy Horses 3009: 3001: 2986:Lilliputians 2970: 2966: 2954: 2931:marshmallows 2922: 2916: 2908: 2904: 2900: 2896: 2848: 2836: 2813: 2791: 2757: 2753: 2730: 2724: 2686: 2681: 2670: 2666: 2654: 2647: 2643: 2639: 2623: 2619: 2608: 2577:White Rabbit 2560:bespectacled 2539:Br'er Rabbit 2528: 2524: 2513: 2509: 2505: 2502:Cheshire Cat 2492: 2482: 2476: 2473:Earth's moon 2451: 2441: 2437: 2431: 2427: 2386: 2382: 2380: 2363: 2361: 2352: 2346: 2338: 2334: 2330: 2326: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2300: 2282: 2272: 2262: 2260: 2255: 2251: 2249: 2236: 2234: 2221: 2215: 2207: 2203: 2201: 2196: 2192: 2188: 2176: 2172: 2168: 2164: 2126: 2122: 2116: 2110: 2104: 2102: 2094: 2088: 2080: 2074: 2070: 2064: 2054: 2038: 2025: 2013: 2011: 1998: 1982: 1980: 1973: 1969: 1967: 1962: 1961:Recently in 1960: 1957: 1952: 1950: 1941: 1934: 1918: 1899: 1895: 1891: 1887: 1881: 1863: 1847: 1843: 1837: 1831: 1825: 1816: 1793: 1789: 1787: 1769: 1767: 1754: 1750: 1746: 1742: 1738: 1732: 1723: 1699:Dorothy Gale 1689: 1685: 1681: 1674: 1657: 1651: 1631: 1628:Mrs. Someone 1610: 1605: 1595: 1585: 1575: 1555: 1544: 1534: 1528: 1526: 1515: 1502: 1494: 1483: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1465: 1455: 1450:, named for 1445: 1438: 1434: 1430: 1426: 1411: 1407: 1401: 1368: 1364: 1360: 1342: 1338: 1329:Mrs. Someone 1317: 1313: 1303: 1295: 1279: 1274: 1270: 1253:Frankenstein 1251: 1243: 1237: 1234:World War II 1208: 1190: 1186: 1161: 1157: 1150:Chateau d'If 1135: 1110: 1096: 1094: 1089: 1081: 1078: 1074: 1068: 1062: 1059: 1031: 1029: 1024: 1020: 1016: 1012: 1008: 1007: 998: 997: 988: 986: 982: 977: 973: 969: 965: 961: 957: 938: 933: 928: 916: 896: 873: 853: 845: 839: 833: 816: 814: 804: 802: 789: 785: 773: 769: 758: 745: 741: 739: 727: 713: 711: 707:stock market 696: 673: 657: 634: 626: 622: 614: 611: 602: 593: 585: 577: 567: 549: 537: 531: 529: 524: 521: 516: 511: 507: 505: 501: 495: 491: 487: 483: 481: 476: 472: 467: 465: 460: 456: 448: 434: 409: 394: 379: 361: 359: 349: 347: 339: 329: 325: 319: 287: 285: 280: 274: 266: 259: 255: 251: 243: 219: 215: 213: 208: 206: 201: 196: 192: 188: 184: 181: 174: 167: 161: 151: 147: 146: 114: 108: 102: 96: 90: 84: 78: 76: 61: 52: 32: 15: 11389:Video games 11339:Jack Horner 11194:, by Aesop" 11146:October 11, 10088:Bloody Mary 10059:Clever Hans 9974:Round Table 9850:Los Angeles 9733:Jack Horner 9705:Lone Ranger 9690:Lilliputian 9666:story arc, 9660:World War I 9648:War Stories 9626:Jack Horner 9622:Grim Reaper 9576:mentions a 9557:Jack Horner 9527:gashadokuro 9519:Seto taishō 9214:Milne's son 9204:A. A. Milne 9200:sock monkey 9148:"Clint the 9138:, a monkey. 9083:Jack Horner 9075:Jack'n Apes 9037:Santa Claus 9031:Santa Claus 8991:Tommy Sharp 8981:video game 8825:Stingy Jack 8821:Old Scratch 8790:Jack Horner 8772:false bride 8764:Santa Claus 8685:Frog Prince 8532:Tooth fairy 8497:caterpillar 8493:Caterpillar 8305:The little 8288:Jack Horner 8190:Jack Horner 8102:Jack Horner 8090:Wicked John 7990:Jack Horner 7984:Wicked John 7980:story arc. 7967:fourth wall 7963:Jack Horner 7932:Paul Bunyan 7862:Jack Horner 7818:Jack Horner 7776:The Tin Man 7771:The Tin Man 7753:Kevin Thorn 7653:East Anglia 7649:Black Shuck 7556:Jungle Book 7534:Jungle Book 7518:appears in 7511:Jungle Book 7479:Mahabharata 7274:Kevin Thorn 7255:false bride 6928:characters 6921:'s mother). 6791:Old Scratch 6742:version of 6513:caught him. 6389:Wicked John 6385:Jack Horner 6313:Maid Marian 6215:Don Quijote 6204:Jabberwocky 6168:A group of 6092:, assorted 6058:One of the 5814:story arc. 5709:. In later 5628:Round Table 5606:Christendom 5590:King Arthur 5279:During the 5110:Mister Dark 4993:), a.k.a. " 4932:Kevin Thorn 4876:fourth wall 4763:Blockbuster 4651:Kevin Thorn 4633:Jack Horner 4559:Kevin Thorn 4444:During the 4434:paper trail 4419:Kevin Thorn 4408:Jack Horner 4388:Round Table 4328:car crusher 4209:Mr. Kadabra 4186:As seen in 4165:Switzerland 4144:Tin Woodman 4127:version of 3962:Mister Dark 3932:Spanish flu 3924:Peter Piper 3848:Skulduggery 3727:Jack Horner 3521:Animal Farm 3476:Three Bears 3350:Peter Piper 3297:Bad Sam, a 3288:Tipu Sultan 3221:Uncle Remus 3219:: From the 3209:: From the 3006:Jethro Tull 2959:Milne's son 2951:A. A. Milne 2947:Jack Horner 2939:sock monkey 2909:Animal Farm 2831:: From the 2742:("Stinky"). 2667:Animal Farm 2640:Animal Farm 2571:Uncle Remus 2529:Animal Farm 2506:Animal Farm 2452:Animal Farm 2428:Animal Farm 2372:Round Table 2295:version of 2279:Peter Piper 2265:story arc. 2245:Round Table 2099:Peter Piper 2028:Three Bears 1866:Jack Horner 1763:Mister Dark 1729:King Arthur 1678:abracadabra 1671:Mr. Kadabra 1659:The Tempest 1600:), about a 1592:Andrew Lang 1584:fairy tale 1557:The Tempest 1452:St. Crispin 1246:story arc, 1213:Jack Horner 1199:Thrushbeard 899:Jack Horner 782:car crusher 748:, a bottle 718:Tommy Sharp 635:Originally 558:version of 551:Jungle Book 400:lockpicking 342:Trusty John 336:Trusty John 234:Erin Yvette 224:, which is 35:in-universe 11420:Categories 11349:Flycatcher 11334:Bigby Wolf 11326:Characters 10166:Humanities 10109:References 9980:story arc. 9918:Illuyankas 9874:Illuyankas 9858:the dragon 9822:Briar Rose 9715:story arc 9615:Vlad Tepes 9606:werewolves 9590:The Ascent 9582:Bigby Wolf 9529:, various 9515:rokurokubi 9509:, various 9499:noppera-bō 9481:, various 9473:, various 9410:story arc 9389:story arc 9322:an emperor 9318:Great Wall 9314:Cinderella 9284:Community. 9265:Ivan Durak 9240:and about 9238:Jack Frost 9045:Mrs. Claus 8997:Daily News 8925:Feathertop 8919:Feathertop 8770:, and the 8759:Super Team 8671:comic book 8665:Flycatcher 8651:, seen in 8612:March Hare 8608:Mad Hatter 8601:Jack Frost 8597:John Henry 8589:Bookburner 8581:Pecos Bill 8575:Jack Frost 8571:Pecos Bill 8563:John Henry 8478:Cuchulainn 8455:Cuchulainn 8451:polar bear 8421:Mr. Revise 8394:Goldilocks 8326:The Black 8294:, and the 8250:Goldilocks 8234:Bookburner 8214:Cinderella 8194:Robin Page 8145:Jack Frost 8114:Mr. Revise 8110:Bookburner 8106:Jack Frost 8098:Pecos Bill 8094:John Henry 7948:Bookburner 7940:Mr. Revise 7908:Bookburner 7904:super glue 7896:Robin Page 7805:Bookburner 7737:Robin Page 7729:Mr. Revise 7689:story arc 7643:Lancashire 7544:story arc 7486:story arc 7451:story arc 7436:story arc 7327:funa yurei 7318:story arc 7303:story arc 7280:story arc 7133:Evil Queen 7026:story arc 7022:, and the 6995:Cinderella 6987:Wide Awake 6985:story arc 6971:The seven 6860:story arc 6841:Pecos Bill 6831:story arc 6807:story arc 6611:. She and 6418:story arc 6397:Prose Page 6371:story arc 6331:story arc. 6321:Robin Hood 6228:story arc. 6207:poem, the 6191:Jabberwock 6112:story arc. 6074:(from the 6064:Volkswagen 6053:Cinderella 6027:Land of Ev 5995:Ivan Durak 5987:Cinderella 5954:The Ascent 5847:Butterball 5841:Askeladden 5831:Cinderella 5796:Cinderella 5792:Goldilocks 5735:Cinderella 5731:Goldilocks 5692:story arc 5578:Cinderella 5574:Goldilocks 5509:Wide Awake 5507:story arc 5494:Wide Awake 5492:story arc 5373:Cinderella 5369:Goldilocks 5353:Snow Queen 5349:Briar Rose 5212:South Wind 5076:Bigby Wolf 5072:North Wind 5022:John Small 5018:Friar Tuck 4991:Robin Hood 4940:story arc 4817:Literature 4807:Super-hero 4757:John Wayne 4744:The Genres 4731:Bookburner 4640:Prose Page 4626:Bookburner 4606:Robin Page 4547:Mr. Revise 4542:Mr. Revise 4358:Mrs. Sprat 4316:Bigby Wolf 4307:Snow Queen 4288:story arc 4282:Briar Rose 4274:Wide Awake 4272:story arc 4260:evil fairy 4227:story arc 4213:Ivan Durak 4169:Mr. Revise 4092:Cinderella 4059:story arc 4044:the worlds 4022:Wide Awake 4020:story arc 4002:Cinderella 3985:North Wind 3894:Snow Queen 3868:spin-off, 3782:Goldilocks 3731:Jack Frost 3692:Bigby Wolf 3609:story arc 3573:Cinderella 3511:puts it, " 3480:Goldilocks 3470:Goldilocks 3398:The Chimes 3370:Goldilocks 3366:Briar Rose 3217:Br'er Wolf 3068:rhinoceros 2825:King Noble 2806:adaptation 2788:King Louie 2776:Shere Khan 2721:Mr. Badger 2701:Thumbelina 2646:story arc 2605:Mr. Revise 2545:Br'er Bear 2454:story arc. 2440:story arc 2339:Snow White 2307:Super Team 2208:Snow White 2171:comic: in 2061:Mr. Badger 1983:Super Team 1822:comic book 1806:Cinderella 1802:Goldilocks 1798:Bean Nighe 1770:Snow White 1755:Snow White 1703:Cinderella 1634:Briar Rose 1622:Bigby Wolf 1530:Thumbelina 1482:story arc 1467:Snow White 1389:Homelands. 1377:Goldilocks 1357:Bean Nighe 1351:Mr. Revise 1325:Briar Rose 1288:Jack Sprat 1166:Cinderella 1154:Goldilocks 1121:Cock Robin 1090:Snow White 948:"The Cubs" 930:Mrs. Sprat 925:Mrs. Sprat 798:Goldilocks 774:Snow White 772:story arc 765:evil fairy 746:Wide Awake 744:story arc 731:Snow Queen 722:Bigby Wolf 693:Briar Rose 669:North Wind 580:Cinderella 574:Cinderella 536:story arc 416:Land of Oz 277:makeup sex 209:Humanities 148:Snow White 143:Snow White 138:Bigby Wolf 132:Bigby Wolf 81:comic book 11368:Locations 11354:Pinocchio 10827:April 14, 10324:DC Comics 10241:213309015 10148:213309015 10052:Yorkshire 9844:, a.k.a. 9795:takes on 9698:Hollywood 9694:Bluebeard 9668:Pinocchio 9507:nure-onna 9475:funayurei 9461:Assorted 9449:who is a 9277:Adversary 9275:when the 9256:spin-off 9218:Homelands 9150:orangutan 9105:Hollywood 8979:adventure 8861:Homelands 8843:Chernobog 8736:Colin Pig 8558:Munchkins 8556:Assorted 8514:Homelands 8380:'s story 8367:bumblebee 8284:Carpenter 8238:Las Vegas 8224:Lady Luck 8165:spin-off 8130:series). 8009:Excalibur 8003:Gary the 7936:Americana 7885:Homelands 7844:spin-off 7786:spin-off 7639:Yorkshire 7629:grindylow 7457:Labyrinth 7416:Valkyries 7351:Adversary 7240:takes on 7220:: One of 7208:West Wind 7035:Wild Hunt 6932:from the 6833:Americana 6809:Americana 6787:the Devil 6752:Yggdrasil 6744:Ratatoskr 6729:porcupine 6502:Meanwhile 6468:Baba Yaga 6449:Homelands 6307:Britomart 6259:King Cole 6247:Homelands 6199:Homelands 6094:munchkins 6015:parachute 5915:Nome King 5903:Homelands 5823:Homelands 5721:. In the 5661:Pellinore 5624:Guinevere 5529:Pinocchio 5439:Homelands 5409:" and "a 5333:Homelands 5325:spin-off 5248:homelands 5183:East Wind 5147:Greek god 5127:West Wind 5036:Homelands 5014:Merry Men 4999:Homelands 4984:Britomart 4827:Sam Spade 4394:Peter Pan 4278:Homelands 4125:Homelands 4086:spin-off 3998:Homelands 3969:boogeyman 3909:Max Piper 3882:Nome King 3870:Everafter 3742:Homelands 3677:Pinocchio 3635:Baba Yaga 3629:Baba Yaga 3541:Bluebeard 3535:Bluebeard 3450:Peter Pan 3256:clockwork 3227:Incitatus 3142:Hollywood 3047:. In the 3023:Arrow: A 2975:Pinocchio 2927:Homelands 2857:Baba Yaga 2798:orangutan 2707:Tom Thumb 2695:Victorian 2630:Homelands 2587:Adversary 2563:alligator 2512:spin-off 2448:The Clock 2293:Homelands 2289:Max Piper 1919:Based on 1854:DC Comics 1684:. In the 1638:Homelands 1248:Pinocchio 892:hairballs 821:from the 784:. In the 682:Pinocchio 659:hobgoblin 641:Bluebeard 598:Baba Yaga 564:Maharajah 556:Homelands 445:Bluebeard 441:womanizer 420:Nome King 390:librarian 384:from the 322:Homelands 311:Sam Spade 55:June 2017 11359:Geppetto 11344:Boy Blue 11286:Specials 11170:cite web 11012:cite web 10988:April 7, 10953:cite web 10857:June 10, 10729:June 25, 10690:July 31, 10599:cite web 10571:cite web 10503:Archived 10447:cite web 10318:(2013). 10095:Tiny Tim 9970:Homeland 9814:Ali Baba 9785:Rose Red 9725:gunsmith 9721:Old West 9602:vampires 9553:Godzilla 9545:, and a 9467:bakeneko 9456:Rapunzel 9424:Homeland 9013:vampires 8811:Old Nick 8750:Rose Red 8740:Boy Blue 8732:Rose Red 8712:Mr. Dark 8616:Dormouse 8614:and the 8482:Morrigan 8425:Tortoise 8365:and the 8359:bagpipes 8181:and the 7696:Various 7659:Habetrot 7622:Slogutis 7574:Pishacha 7561:Various 7474:Nalayani 7462:Various 7445:Minotaur 7424:Valhalla 7414:Various 7363:Various 7356:Various 7341:Various 7335:Rapunzel 7325:Various 7226:Rose Red 7141:Rose Red 7120:Brandish 7096:Rose Red 7086:Rose Red 7075:Scorpion 7073:and the 6940:Mr. Dark 6935:Lankhmar 6915:Gertrude 6684:'s song 6567:Rose Red 6557:prequel 6541:Daedalus 6529:and the 6474:", from 6433:Boy Blue 6414:and the 6271:Lancelot 6217:and his 6170:Kalidahs 6104:and the 6068:Thailand 6040:Sawhorse 5925:and the 5919:Villains 5719:Geppetto 5686:and the 5598:Lancelot 5537:Geppetto 5501:Ali Baba 5484:Morgiana 5315:Ali Baba 5310:Ali Baba 5191:Fei Lian 5143:Zephyrus 5114:Dullahan 4978:Boy Blue 4489:uncreate 4481:break in 4350:Mr. Dark 4324:junkyard 4051:Rapunzel 3977:Torbalan 3973:Dullahan 3766:Ali Baba 3525:Boo Bear 3443:Geppetto 3427:Villains 3299:kinkajou 3223:stories. 3207:Isengrim 2990:Lilliput 2913:Boy Blue 2772:Bagheera 2758:Rose Red 2717:Mr. Mole 2713:Mr. Toad 2469:The Moon 2436:and the 2368:Rose Red 2241:Rose Red 2161:Boy Blue 2089:Rose Red 2003:Mr. Dark 1999:Rose Red 1904:Boy Blue 1868:, brief 1860:Rose Red 1813:The Farm 1804:. While 1782:Rose Red 1709:Geppetto 1664:Prospero 1656:'s play 1648:Prospero 1618:Boy Blue 1545:A black 1472:Rose Red 1433:stories 1419:Boy Blue 1394:Boy Blue 1318:Rose Red 1257:Mundane. 1115:Lancelot 1097:Farewell 903:Rose Red 857:Homeland 836:Rapunzel 830:Rapunzel 778:junkyard 754:Ali Baba 664:Mr. Dark 517:Rose Red 453:treasury 177:Rose Red 11269:Fairest 11081:May 21, 11056:, p. 80 10042:Grendel 10024:fought. 9992:Fairest 9978:Camelot 9964:: From 9951:Fairest 9936:Fairest 9922:Fairest 9908:Fairest 9904:Chimæra 9893:Fairest 9870:Chimæra 9860:in his 9854:Ascalon 9833:Fairest 9791:, in a 9777:cricket 9741:Montana 9628:in the 9547:wanyūdō 9543:uwabami 9491:kitsune 9487:kawauso 9447:kitsune 9434:seppuku 9407:Fairest 9386:Fairest 9130:Magilla 9124:gorilla 9113:monkeys 8905:, from 8837:Lucifer 8724:Pandora 8695:artist 8673:series 8639:volcano 8525:lesbian 8510:boggart 8307:oysters 8179:Tin Man 8133:In the 7850:Tin Man 7698:Cu sith 7681:: From 7635:English 7504:: From 7502:Tabaqui 7484:Fairest 7468:Fairest 7449:Fairest 7434:Fairest 7376:Fairest 7338:safety. 7329:: From 7316:Fairest 7312:kitsune 7301:Fairest 7248:matches 7202:: This 7196:troops. 7176:Aunt Em 7170:ceramic 7145:Camelot 7084:In the 7024:Fairest 7010:Fairest 6999:Fairest 6983:Fairest 6907:MacDuff 6895:MacBeth 6795:pumpkin 6578:Camelot 6531:Witches 6517:Solomon 6375:and in 6355:: From 6343:Tam Lin 6269:of Sir 6159:: From 6136:appears 6110:Witches 6011:airship 5923:Tin Man 5784:Fairest 5767:Camelot 5759:Mordred 5755:Gorlois 5723:Fairest 5707:Ambrose 5602:Camelot 5566:Fairest 5551:Sheriff 5505:Fairest 5489:Fairest 5471:Aladdin 5361:Fairest 5337:goblins 5328:Fairest 5297:Aladdin 5291:Aladdin 5216:African 5195:Chinese 5086:, that 5028:Tam Lin 4928:goblins 4797:Fantasy 4785:Romance 4773:Mystery 4753:Western 4693:Tin Man 4430:X-Files 4354:fencing 4303:Fairest 4270:Fairest 4056:Fairest 4030:Fairest 4017:Fairest 3951:Fairest 3946:Witches 3936:Hamelin 3864:In the 3774:Fairest 3770:Fairest 3716:Finnish 3509:Reynard 3497:Fairest 3484:Leftist 3456:in the 3386:Fairest 3354:Bo Peep 3341:Fairest 3280:Fables' 3272:Therese 3169:mermaid 3101:Fairest 3036:mustard 2955:Sanders 2816:author 2810:Kipling 2800:was in 2756:in the 2746:Red Cap 2689:artist 2644:Fairest 2558:as the 2478:Fairest 2438:Fairest 2383:Fairest 2381:In the 2376:Camelot 2370:'s new 2364:Camelot 2362:In the 2348:Fairest 2315:Witches 2269:Bo Peep 2252:Fairest 2250:In the 2243:'s new 2237:Camelot 2235:In the 2228:. When 2217:Fairest 2177:Witches 2153:flutist 2149:Bo Peep 2145:Hamelin 1991:Pandora 1870:fiancée 1849:Fairest 1824:series 1819:Vertigo 1790:Camelot 1768:In the 1747:Camelot 1734:Fairest 1642:goblins 1552:Sycorax 1480:Fairest 1476:Camelot 1365:Fairest 1294:during 1267:Shylock 1187:Witches 1158:Fairest 1156:in the 1069:Camelot 1032:Ambrose 1025:Blossom 1021:Therese 1003:memoirs 999:Ambrose 978:Blossom 974:Ambrose 966:Therese 869:kitsune 865:Emperor 847:Fairest 815:One of 786:Fairest 742:Fairest 740:In the 735:goblins 533:Fairest 530:In the 496:Glory's 492:Glory's 424:hanging 356:Grimble 326:Fairest 289:Fairest 286:In the 230:prequel 104:Fairest 83:series 41:Please 11255:Fables 11247:Series 11235:Fables 11052:  10917:May 1, 10887:May 1, 10706:Fables 10488:Wolves 10484:Fables 10425:#112: 10423:Fables 10407:Fables 10391:Fables 10330:  10239:  10229:  10146:  10136:  9994:story 9988:Veruna 9953:story 9947:Vritra 9938:story 9932:Tiamat 9924:story 9910:story 9895:story 9882:Vritra 9878:Tiamat 9866:Silene 9846:Beauty 9836:story 9793:Fables 9775:, the 9763:Beauty 9729:silver 9676:novel. 9652:Fables 9632:story 9630:Fables 9610:Fables 9588:story 9586:Fables 9564:Others 9541:, two 9531:tanuki 9451:Yakuza 9360:Anansi 9296:Russia 9292:dragon 9254:Fables 9156:films 9136:George 9101:Fables 9097:Tarzan 9092:Tarzan 9061:After 9057:Gretel 8959:Fables 8903:Mowgli 8897:Mowgli 8693:Fables 8689:Fables 8676:Fables 8610:, the 8486:Kiviuq 8446:Kiviuq 8361:, the 8296:Walrus 8292:dragon 8246:Revise 8242:casino 8198:tigers 8177:, the 8163:Fables 8061:dragon 8021:dragon 7900:tigers 7881:cannon 7866:dragon 7842:Fables 7822:dragon 7784:Fables 7757:Hansel 7745:butter 7741:tigers 7687:Fables 7612:Ragana 7563:Asuras 7552:Buldeo 7542:Fables 7530:Nathoo 7524:rabies 7514:, the 7492:dholes 7407:story 7405:Fables 7347:Shogun 7343:tanuki 7238:Fables 7232:story 7230:Fables 7200:Coyote 7194:goblin 7166:turtle 6919:Hamlet 6917:(like 6913:named 6777:story 6758:story 6756:Fables 6740:Fables 6723:story 6721:Fables 6649:Gretel 6645:Hansel 6595:Fables 6555:Fables 6535:d'jinn 6500:story 6498:Fables 6453:Russia 6288:story 6286:Fables 6253:. The 6219:squire 6144:Apollo 6132:Fables 6100:, the 6096:, the 6022:Fables 6009:in an 5967:Fables 5963:Bufkin 5865:musket 5765:#136 ( 5763:Fables 5741:Merlin 5711:Fables 5667:story 5665:Fables 5632:Gawain 5610:Fables 5466:d'jinn 5403:horses 5387:d'jinn 5341:d'jinn 5323:Fables 5273:d'jinn 5265:Sinbad 5260:Sinbad 5159:coyote 5151:wolves 5145:, the 5112:, the 5092:Boreas 5088:Sinbad 5080:Fables 5007:Marian 4995:Loxley 4961:dragon 4864:again. 4837:Comedy 4779:Horror 4685:dragon 4610:tigers 4598:Revise 4555:editor 4286:Fables 4284:, the 4242:story 4240:Fables 4200:and a 4179:final 4146:, the 4129:Kansas 4117:Wizard 4084:Fables 4034:Disney 3903:Bufkin 3866:Fables 3813:Hansel 3613:, and 3603:, the 3569:France 3565:Europe 3454:Sauron 3388:story 3344:story 3335:dryads 3268:Darien 3260:Mowgli 3243:story 3186:rabbit 3126:story 3124:Fables 3032:insect 3025:falcon 2993:along. 2969:story 2967:Fables 2921:story 2905:Fables 2901:Fables 2897:Fables 2893:Piglet 2875:giants 2864:dragon 2814:Fables 2802:Disney 2786:, and 2766:redcap 2762:goblin 2737:badger 2687:Fables 2682:Wolves 2675:Bufkin 2510:Fables 2463:arrows 2457:Luna, 2413:fiddle 2351:story 2335:Fables 2329:story 2327:Fables 2319:dryads 2311:Fables 2297:Hamlin 2220:story 2204:Fables 2193:Fables 2189:Fables 2181:dryads 2173:Fables 2169:Fables 2071:Fables 2057:badger 1882:Fables 1874:Sinbad 1827:Fables 1753:#128 ( 1751:Fables 1745:#136 ( 1743:Fables 1688:story 1686:Fables 1590:(from 1582:French 1431:Fables 1410:story 1408:Fables 1361:Wolves 1302:story 1226:Haven. 1136:Fables 1017:Conner 1013:Winter 1009:Darien 993:zephyr 970:Darien 962:Conner 958:Winter 934:Fables 880:shogun 770:Fables 763:, the 752:tells 645:goblin 637:butler 631:Hobbes 568:Fables 544:(from 542:Nathoo 512:Fables 376:Bufkin 281:Fables 262:Hansel 216:Fables 202:Fables 197:Fables 185:Fables 153:Fables 113:, and 86:Fables 10708:#72: 10509:, at 10486:#48: 10409:#81: 10035:troll 10018:Faith 9962:Maeve 9960:Lady 9955:Lamia 9940:Lamia 9926:Lamia 9912:Lamia 9897:Lamia 9842:Lamia 9838:Lamia 9810:genie 9779:from 9771:: In 9749:from 9747:Elves 9709:Tonto 9539:Tesso 9535:tengu 9495:kyūso 9483:kappa 9463:yokai 9443:Tokyo 9439:yokai 9420:Heika 9381:Tokyo 9330:Chiss 9310:China 9020:goths 8804:Devil 8593:Alice 8567:Alice 8536:teeth 8472:goose 8429:truck 8384:, in 8363:mouse 8328:Sheep 8309:from 8082:Alice 8077:Alice 8045:raven 8039:is a 8037:Raven 8032:Raven 7998:Alice 7994:Raven 7743:into 7464:kirin 7401:Fates 7384:from 7365:kappa 7126:girl. 7114:eagle 7102:dead. 7079:Aesop 7053:Haven 6989:. 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