
List of Beast Wars episodes

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1303:, distracting the Maximals long enough for Waspinator and Terrorsaur to steal the rectifier coil from the ship's external shield generator. Without the coil, the base is no longer protected from Energon radiation, and the Maximals are forced to stay in beast mode at all times, which Megatron predicts will cause their bestial instincts to overwhelm their internal programming. The Maximals succumb to their primal tendencies and flee into the wilderness, and Megatron organizes the other Predacons into a traditional hunting party to destroy them. A freshly repaired Airazor sneaks into the unoccupied Predacon base to retake the rectifier coil while Tigatron, already at one with his beast mode, rounds up the other Maximals and helps them restore the balance between their organic and technological bodies. With their minds restored, the Maximals use their robot and beast modes to defeat the Predacons. 930:. One of the probes successfully finds the mystery planet on which the Maximals and Predacons are stranded but moves out of communication range before a signal can be sent. However, Rhinox informs the group the probe will pass by the planet again before returning to Cybertron, so the Maximals hurry to build a signal array powerful enough to make contact. Dinobot confesses he is not excited to return to Cybertron, where Predacons are treated as second-class citizens under Maximal rule. Meanwhile, Tigatron and Cheetor fall victim to Tarantulas' latest invention, a transformation lock lens that traps them in beast mode, and they are captured. Cheetor accidentally informs Megatron about the probe and signal array, and the Predacons storm the site and trap the other Maximals in beast mode. Tigatron and Cheetor repair themselves on the 1639:
mind for the necessary information to complete the ship. As the other Maximals rescue Rhinox and Dinobot and discover Blackarachnia inside the hold, the Planet Buster fires a giant heat ray to ignite the Energon deposits and destroy the planet. Optimus orders Blackarachnia to surrender the ship's control codes, planning to destroy the Planet Buster by flying the ship into orbit and detonating the transwarp cell inside the machine. She reluctantly complies, but Optimus realizes too late that the pod's ejection sequence has been disabled. Megatron calls the doomed Optimus and gleefully informs him he added his own special programming to the transwarp cell, unbeknownst to Tarantulas. The other Maximals can only watch in horror as the transwarp cell explodes, obliterating the Planet Buster, the escape ship...and Optimus Primal.
2883:, emissary of the aliens and the fusion of Tigatron and Airazor's deactivated bodies. Tigerhawk and his masters, known only as the Vok, mean to eliminate Megatron for meddling with the time stream, but the alien creation is attacked and incapacitated by Tarantulas. An unconscious Cheetor dreams of meeting Tigatron and Airazor's disembodied sparks, which fuse, and he awakens to find the fused spark leading him to Tarantulas' lair. There, he overhears Tarantulas explain his grand plan to an imprisoned Tigerhawk: using the emissary's immense power, the Autobots, Decepticons, Maximals, and Predacons will be wiped from existence in one fell swoop, and he and the Tripredacus Council will be unaffected by the resulting temporal storm due to having " 1898:
Maximals and attracts the attention of Rattrap and Silverbolt; once the Predacons arrive at the cave, though, Tarantulas decides to construct a new lair inside and attempts to sway Blackarachnia and Quickstrike to his side. Desperate to be free of his psychic influence, Blackarachnia nearly detonates an Energon cube and forces Tarantulas to sever the link; Rattrap and Silverbolt attack the cave, but the latter chivalrously refuses to strike the female Blackarachnia. The cave entrance explodes, and both parties assume it was destroyed and retreat to their respective bases. However, Tarantulas merely collapsed the entrance to claim the cave and its Energon supply for himself.
Predacons. Although Optimus is skeptical, the two leaders meet, and Megatron affirms his genuine desire for a truce, stating that he no longer has time to worry about the Maximals. The other Maximals conclude his hesitancy is connected to the alien energy pulse and send Rattrap and Airazor to distract Megatron while Tigatron infiltrates the Predacon database. Although he successfully downloads the necessary information, he is caught by Terrorsaur before he can escape; the two factions hold a weaponless battle at both Optimus and Megatron's insistence, and the Maximals defeat the Predacons through a variety of primitive traps and tricks. Back at the
and Blackarachnia are assigned to escort two young anthropoids back to the village but are attacked by more cyber raptors and lose contact with the other Maximals. As the Predacons send more troops to ambush the stranded Cheetor and Blackarachnia, the two Maximals bond while working together to destroy the raptors and safely return the anthropoid children to their village. Despite this, Blackarachnia reaffirms her love for Silverbolt and spurns Cheetor's advances, while Megatron realizes he can perfect the Transmetal technology by combining the raptors' technology with the other half of Rampage's spark.
feral monster that saved Depth Charge. Although Rattrap assumes the monster has eaten Cheetor, Megatron realizes that the monster is Cheetor, whose contact with the experiment upgraded him to a feral Transmetal II form. He sends Waspinator and Dinobot II to capture him as the Maximals come to the same conclusion. Cheetor awakens in a strange cave in his normal Transmetal body and returns to base, but a Predacon attack causes the Transmetal II beast to reemerge. Optimus helps Cheetor reassert control and master his new body, and Blackarachnia resolves to upgrade herself into a Transmetal II body.
but Ravage has already learned of the supply from Tarantulas, a mole for the Predacon Secret Police. Optimus and Cheetor attempt to retrieve the Energon supply but are ambushed by Inferno, who detonates the Energon and vaporizes himself. Silverbolt catches up to Blackarachnia by a mountain and saves her when her hovercraft crashes into Waspinator. Although slightly irritated by his goofy chivalrous demeanor, Blackarachnia allows him to stay, and requests help digging into the mountainside. Megatron informs Ravage that he traveled to prehistoric Earth at the command of the original
disappearance of the "colony," Inferno flies into a rage and pursues Tarantulas, but Tigatron destroys the pod first. He is nearly killed by the combined firepower of Inferno, Tarantulas, and Megatron, but the three Predacons are driven back by Airazor and the other Maximals. Inferno is repaired and pledges his fanatical devotion to "the Royalty" (Megatron), while Blackarachnia questions Tarantulas about why he wanted the pod specifically. He accidentally informs her that the planet is doomed and meant to convert the pod into an escape shuttle but refuses to tell her anything else.
one of the anthropoid children, named Una, to finish the weapon instead. Una is brought to the Predacons, and Megatron uses the cannon on the approaching Rattrap and Depth Charge, damaging all the Predacons and blowing the two Maximals out of the sky. Rattrap leaves the damaged Depth Charge behind as Una somehow completes the cannon despite barely comprehending Tarantulas and Megatron's instructions. Rattrap arrives to save her as Una secretly steals the cannon's stabilizing crystal. The two reunite with Depth Charge and sail into the sunset as the now-unstable cannon explodes.
stones to claim the probe, but it seemingly disintegrates Optimus. The other Maximals squabble over leadership before receiving a signal from Optimus, who informs them he is trapped inside the probe and appoints Rattrap leader in his absence. Rhinox attempts to build a device capable of saving Optimus as the other Maximals confront the Predacons at the stones, but Waspinator accidentally reactivates the stones and releases Optimus. The probe then vanishes into transwarp space again, leaving the Maximals to wonder where it came from and who โ€“ or what โ€“ built it.
1940:. However, he surprises all the Predacons by requesting to rejoin their faction, concluding that Megatron's victory is inevitable. Skeptical, Megatron orders Dinobot to prove his loyalty by defeating Quickstrike in single combat and returning the original Golden Disk, which he reluctantly does. However, Dinobot cannot pass Megatron's final test to kill the imprisoned Rattrap and instead drives him away. As Optimus and Silverbolt arrive, Dinobot confesses his betrayal and allows Rattrap to decide his fate, who reluctantly lets him remain with the Maximals. 2531:โ€™s wreckage using a submarine crafted by Blackarachnia. Rattrap successfully retrieves Sentinel but is caught by Rampage; he is saved by Depth Charge, who agrees to keep Rampage occupied long enough for Silverbolt to extract Rattrap. Waspinator ambushes the two Maximals and steals Sentinel, but Depth Charge refuses to help them retrieve it. Although Rattrap and Silverbolt nearly manage to retrieve Sentinel from Inferno, a repentant Depth Charge inadvertently ruins the mission and allows the Predacons to escape. Back at the 2619:
II, to life. Depth Charge and Cheetor arrive and steal the Transmetal driver, but Megatron knocks Cheetor into the cloning machine, which overloads and seemingly destroys the young Maximal. The others mourn Cheetor's death while Blackarachnia secretly saves the Transmetal driver after Depth Charge throws it into lava; the giant Maximal is later ambushed by Dinobot II and the Predacons while on patrol but is saved by a strange feral monster. Optimus and Rhinox later find Cheetor alive outside the Maximal base.
2490:, where Optimus informs the others that Depth Charge was the lone survivor of one of Protoform X's mass killings. Depth Charge successfully captured Protoform X after many years of searching but could not convince the Maximal Elders to execute him, leaving him jaded and resentful against Optimus for agreeing to dispose of him non-lethally. Depth Charge awakens and, despite recognizing the Beast Wars' temporal significance, contemptuously leaves to hunt Rampage alone as the Predacon destroys his crashed ship. 1173:. They inform Megatron that the "cloud" is a flying island armed with a massive energy weapon, and Tigatron has taken refuge within the island's ecosystem. Megatron sends Blackarachnia and Scorponok to secure the island, and Airazor is shot down by the weapon while following them. The three Cybertronians quickly discover that the island is populated with traps and hidden defenses. At the same time, Tigatron commandeers one of Scorponok's cyber-bee drones to warn the Maximals about the island's power. 2072:โ€™s real mission was to dispose of Protoform X, an insane, sociopathic serial killer created while attempting to replicate Starscream's immortal spark. Blackarachnia and Waspinator attempt to claim the pod, but a violent Energon storm scatters everyone across the jungle; Blackarachnia and Silverbolt agree to work together and escape, while Protoform X reactivates and tears Tarantulas limb from limb. As Blackarachnia develops romantic feelings for Silverbolt, Protoform X attacks them with his giant 472:
nearby mountain and calls the Predacons away. Optimus allows Dinobot to remain with the Maximals, disregarding Rattrap's reservations, and both sides reach the mountain's peak and attack in their beast modes. Megatron manages to injure Optimus, but Dinobot starts a chain reaction that destroys the mountain. As everyone escapes and watches the explosions, Optimus proclaims that the Maximals will continue battling the Predacons on this strange prehistoric world in the "Beast Wars."
their constant bickering, they dispatch Tarantulas and discover his underground laboratory, although the Predacons have already claimed the antidote. Dinobot attempts to use the unconscious Tarantulas as a hostage, but Rattrap sneaks past the Predacons and steals the antidote. The other Maximals arrive to find the situation resolved until Rhinox, who had been eating the wild beans to calm his stomach, releases a massive Energon-infused fart that sends the Predacons flying.
2777:โ€™s access codes to Optimus. Tarantulas detects the intrusion and leads a squadron of Predacons to attack the base, disrupting Rhinox long enough for Blackarachnia to die on the operating table. An absolutely livid Silverbolt attacks Tarantulas and nearly executes the unconscious mad scientist, but Rampage ambushes him. He is saved by Blackarachnia, who was revived and upgraded into a Transmetal II by the Transmetal driver, and she finally accepts herself as a Maximal. 4307: 1077:
Maximal base. The clone kicks Rattrap off a cliff into a lava river and finally gets Optimus to leave the base and rescue him. As the clone repeatedly tries and fails to bypass Sentinel's security, Optimus and Cheetor save Rattrap as the real Dinobot digs himself out of the cave and returns to the Maximal base. He discovers and attacks the clone but agrees to fight it in beast mode upon discovering it cannot transform. Megatron approaches the
Blackarachnia, she reencounters Dinobot II and agrees to fight, but Blackarachnia cannot call for backup. Silverbolt arrives, but Blackarachnia convinces Dinobot II to continue their duel, giving Silverbot enough time to trick the Predacon clone and shoot him off a cliff. Blackarachnia attempts to leave the Maximals, but Optimus and the others arrive and convince her that the choice to remove the shell program is hers, convincing her to stay.
1854:โ€™s shields fail and the Maximals run out of ammunition. The Predacons close in on their defeated foes but are suddenly stopped by the surprise return of Optimus Primal! Rhinox had retrieved Optimus' spark from the afterlife and transferred it into the blank protoform. With his new flight mode and increased firepower, Optimus defeats the Predacons, and Silverbolt kicks Megatron off a cliff and is accepted into the Maximals. Back at the 24: 1031:
Predacon. Although the other Maximals immediately call for an assault on the Predacon base, Optimus decides to wait since Rhinox's new aggressive and devious personality drives him to threaten, brutalize, and dispatch the other Predacons until only Megatron remains. As Rhinox gloats about his victory, Megatron lures him onto the Transmuter and reverts him to his standard programming, at which point the other Maximals breach the
2030:โ€™s remaining transwarp cells to the alien weapon, Megatron informs Optimus that he will use the alien weapon to conquer Cybertron. The Maximals attack the alien weapon to give Rattrap and Tarantulas just long enough to sneak aboard, free Optimus, and activate a self-destruct mechanism. Everyone flees as the alien machine explodes harmlessly in space, and the Maximals resolve to save Tigatron and Airazor if possible. 2925:
Predacons depart as the Maximals pick up their trail. Inferno and Quickstrike plan to conquer an anthropoid settlement as their new base, but Waspinator finally tires of the continual abuse suffered during the Beast Wars and quits the Predacons. Silverbolt is injured by a bomb left behind on the tunnel's hatch and is returned to base for repairs as Optimus and Depth Charge discover Tarantulas' final gambit: the
equivalent of a soul. Cheetor agrees to donate some of his components to help Rhinox stabilize the protoform and engages Blackarachnia, Waspinator, and Terrorsaur to buy him as much time as possible. Rhinox saves the protoform but absorbs too much Energon radiation and collapses, while Terrorsaur takes down Cheetor. Just as Terrorsaur attempts to claim the pod, the protoform comes online as the flight-capable
2431:. Optimus and Cheetor catch him but are too late to stop Rampage and an army of Tarantulas' small spider drones from dragging the Maximal base off its perch and into the lake below. The repairs on Optimus Prime's body are completed, and Optimus Primal returns his ancestor's spark to its rightful place. Blackarachnia provisionally joins the Maximals and helps salvage their former base to fortify the 2119:
keeps the original Golden Disk on him. Megatron and Rampage, meanwhile, conduct an experiment using the Disk's historical records and realize that the future can be changed. With this information, the Predacons lay siege to the valley from which the human race is destined to emerge, planning to erase humanity from existence and alter the outcome of the Great War between the
1169:, Tigatron is ambushed and knocked off a mountain by Terrorsaur and Waspinator. The Maximal falls into a strangely fast cloud and vanishes, and the two Predacons follow him as Optimus arrives at the battleground. Although the Maximals conclude that Tigatron has been destroyed, Airazor witnesses a badly-damaged Terrorsaur and Waspinator limping back to the 1499:
body and quits the Maximals and the Beast Wars, to his comrades' shock. As the three Predacons regroup, Dinobot and Optimus individually approach Tigatron as to why he should not abandon the fight, but he refuses to listen. Later, Inferno's team ambushes Dinobot again and heavily damages Optimus, but Tigatron changes his mind and returns to save them.
that the island's creators intended it to be a survival test for whichever intelligent species encountered it. With the obelisk weapon on cooldown, Blackarachnia breaches the structure and takes control of the island's power; Scorponok attempts to stop her but is ejected from the island by another trap. The other Maximals scramble to evacuate the
them thanks to the Predacon jamming stations. As Tarantulas and the other Predacons detect the alien presence, Tigatron and Airazor are captured and abducted after professing their love for each other. Cheetor arrives too late to save them, closely followed by the other Maximals, but Megatron, Inferno, and Blackarachnia attack the understaffed
1812:โ€™s equipment to project his core consciousness into a temporal rift created by the Planet Buster's destruction as the Predacons prepare for a full-scale assault on the Maximal base. Since any disturbance to the ship would instantly kill Rhinox, Rattrap, Cheetor, and Dinobot have no choice but to hold the line against six fully armed Predacons. 784:. To prove his loyalty, Rattrap is sent on a dangerous scouting mission into Predacon territory, where he is ambushed by Terrorsaur and agrees to switch sides to save himself. With Rattrap's help, Terrorsaur deposes Megatron as Predacon leader and imprisons him, but the other Predacons also imprison Rattrap. The Maximals attack the 2164:
with the damaged creature, Rampage befriends it, and Megatron reluctantly gives it a chance to destroy the Maximals, even though it cannot transform. Rampage and Inferno ambush Silverbolt, but Transmutate refuses to kill the Maximal and knocks Inferno away with a powerful sonic scream. Silverbolt brings Transmutate to the
1784:, and the two Disks contain information about the future. Blackarachnia returns and reluctantly revives Tarantulas as Dinobot dispatches Waspinator and escapes. The Maximals discover a stasis pod with a Transmetalized blank protoform as the two malfunctioning pods give birth to mismatched mutant Cybertronians โ€“ the 2656:
Since returning to the Maximals, Cheetor has been acting strangely; he refuses to use the repair chambers, grows a strange green appendage in his sleep, and suffers from nightmares of the other Maximals tormenting him. When Rattrap attempts to check on the sleeping Cheetor, he is attacked by the same
2265:, the leader of the Decepticons and Ravage's old commander. He uses the last shard of the Golden Disk to play a fragment of the original Megatron's message, instructing any Decepticon descendants to travel back in time to prehistoric Earth using transwarp technology. Optimus and Cheetor return to the 2123:
and Decepticons. Dinobot has no choice but to defend the valley alone and singlehandedly defeats Tarantulas, Blackarachnia, Inferno, Waspinator, Rampage, and Quickstrike, sustaining mortal injuries in the process. Dinobot uses the last of his strength to destroy the Golden Disk before collapsing, and
forms; Rattrap's rat mode now possesses supercharged wheels, while Cheetor and Megatron can fly in their upgraded beast modes. Megatron attacks the leaderless Maximals and squares off against Rattrap and Cheetor, while Tarantulas psychically forces Blackarachnia to take his unconscious Transmetalized
The alien weapon finishes charging as Megatron and the other Predacons watch Tarantulas and Blackarachnia convert the transwarp cell and the stasis pod into an escape ship, but Inferno arrives and dispatches them both. Blackarachnia recovers and knocks him out, then scans the unconscious Tarantulas's
Cheetor and Dinobot are ambushed on patrol by Inferno, Terrorsaur, and Waspinator. During the battle, Tigatron arrives to support them and accidentally detonates a Predacon explosives depot, killing his tiger companion Snowstalker in a rockslide. Distraught over losing his friend, Tigatron buries her
and is scolded for his reckless behavior; he sneaks out again to retrieve the mega-cannon but is once more ambushed by Tarantulas, who takes him to his underground lair. Tarantulas attempts to drain Cheetor's energy but is stopped by Rattrap, who destroys the lair and reluctantly covers for Cheetor's
once more. Instead of attacking Optimus Prime again, though, Megatron decides to absorb the spark of the original Megatron in hopes of replicating the power boost that mutated Optimus into his "Optimal Optimus" form. Once he does so, however, Quickstrike drops Megatron into a lava pit on Tarantulas'
One dark and stormy night, Megatron and Waspinator steal a stasis pod containing a blank protoform from Optimus and Cheetor. Using the protoform, Rampage's half-spark, cells from Dinobot, and a mysterious Transmetal driver of alien origin, Megatron brings another clone of Dinobot, designated Dinobot
before leaving Cheetor stranded on an island. Rampage ambushes Depth Charge underwater, but their fight ends with the two giant Transmetals unconscious on the beach. The two continue battling, but Quickstrike distracts Depth Charge long enough for Rampage to escape. Optimus Primal and Cheetor return
With Megatron imprisoned and the Predacons scattered, Optimus reprimands Silverbolt for his infatuation with Blackarachnia and sends Cheetor to arrest her; however, Silverbolt knocks Cheetor out and flees. On Ravage's ship, Megatron attempts to trade his freedom for a secret supply of Energon cubes,
As the Maximals attempt to prune an infestation of wild bean vines around their base, Tarantulas infects Rhinox with an Energon discharge virus that forces the Maximal to sneeze his Energon reserves dry. To save Rhinox, Rattrap and Dinobot are sent to find Tarantulas and obtain the antidote. Despite
as Megatron and Rattrap independently escape; Rattrap destroys a Maximal codebreaker inside the Predacon communications system, while Megatron allows the bumbling Terrorsaur to lead the Predacon counterattack against the Maximals. Rattrap turns on Terrorsaur and escapes with Optimus, who informs the
for crashing their ship on the wrong world. In response, Megatron blasts Dinobot away and orders the other Predacons to destroy the Maximals. The overeager Cheetor attracts the attention of the Predacons, which soon escalates into a major confrontation between both sides. The Maximals rescue Cheetor
The Maximals' attempt to destroy another Predacon jamming station is foiled by a powerful earthquake, which reveals a buried and badly malfunctioning stasis pod. A fight ensues over the pod, which opens to reveal a misshapen skeletal Cybertronian named Transmutate. Struck by an odd sense of kinship
Still haunted by his shameful betrayal of the Maximals, Dinobot contemplates suicide as Rhinox reports that the quantum surge from the Planet Buster's destruction will reach present-day Cybertron soon. Dinobot resolves to mitigate his past misdeeds and captures Tarantulas, who reveals that Megatron
Megatron instructs Waspinator and Inferno to construct a jamming tower to disrupt Maximal communications and orders Tarantulas, Blackarachnia, and Quickstrike to convert a recently discovered supply of stabilized Energon into a refueling station. Tarantulas secretly broadcasts their location to the
Tigatron and Megatron both observe a mountain emitting a strange energy pulse of alien origin; Inferno is sent to investigate and retrieves a second Golden Disk inscribed with alien runes. The next day, Optimus receives a transmission from Megatron, who requests a truce between the Maximals and the
before the Energon poisoning kills them. As the four blind Maximals fend off a large snake and attempt to cross a waterfall, Waspinator returns and sends them over the falls. Left with no other options, the Maximals use Rhinox's keen senses to fend off Waspinator and Terrorsaur. They are saved when
where Blackarachnia and Terrorsaur are trying to use a sonic bomb to destroy the Maximal base. Tigatron foils their sabotage while Rattrap evades Sentinel's defenses, eventually arriving at its control unit. Although Sentinel nearly kills Rattrap, he deactivates the rogue system and retakes control
The Maximals and Predacons gather at an unnatural stone formation to claim an Energon cache, but Terrorsaur accidentally destroys the cache and activates a mysterious signal. Later, a probe of unknown origin emerges from transwarp space and lands at the stones; the Cybertronians again gather at the
crashes elsewhere on the planet. Optimus returns the original Megatron's spark to his body (although this scene was cut from the episode), and the surviving Maximals modify the Autobot shuttle with a transwarp cell. With Megatron restrained on the shuttle's hull, Optimus, Cheetor, Rattrap, Rhinox,
to find that Tarantulas repaired and refurbished the vessel. Rampage ambushes Depth Charge on the ocean floor outside the warship as Optimus and Tigerhawk fly to their coordinates. During the battle, Depth Charge stabs Rampage with an Energon crystal and detonates it in a fit of rage, killing them
Blackarachnia attempts to convert herself into a Transmetal II with the alien driver, but Silverbolt inadvertently ruins the experiment. After Rhinox informs her that her Predacon shell program is degrading and threatens to extinguish her core consciousness, Blackarachnia agrees to have it removed
Tarantulas' latest invention is a bi-polar disruptor cannon capable of destroying Maximals and Predacons while sparing Autobots and Decepticons, but Inferno prematurely activates the weapon before its completion. Megatron is unable to approach it without being killed and sends Waspinator to kidnap
village is suddenly attacked by a group of Predacon cyber raptors as part of Megatron's attempts to advance Transmetal technology further. Rattrap notices Blackarchnia stealing parts from the classified area of the base as Cheetor develops an infatuation with her, drawing Silverbolt's ire. Cheetor
and the ship's defense systems to save herself, blasting Megatron away. She and Silverbolt connect Optimus Prime to a life-support system, but the repair trauma still threatens to extinguish his spark. Optimus Primal takes Optimus Prime's spark into his own body to allow Rhinox enough time to heal
The Predacon assault on the Maximal base renews with Ravage's support, and its shields quickly fail; Rampage accidentally runs over Quickstrike while Rattrap sneaks aboard Ravage's ship and destroys it, Tarantulas, and the former Decepticon. The ship's final missile takes out Rampage, but Megatron
and is angered by the other Maximals' decision to return the mentally damaged creature to its pod, while Rampage lures Transmutate outside again. Rampage and Silverbolt battle for Transmutate's allegiance, and it sacrifices itself to protect its two friends. As Rampage collapses with grief holding
Rhinox and Dinobot discover another pattern between the runes on the alien Golden Disk and the various alien installations the Maximals and Predacons have encountered on prehistoric Earth. The next such alien structure coincides with Tigatron and Airazor's scout patrol, but they are unable to warn
while the aliens personally address Optimus. Using the visage of Unicron's head, they inform Optimus that the warring Cybertronians have contaminated their experiments and will be accordingly sterilized along with the rest of the planet. As Optimus breaks free and Rattrap and Airazor overpower the
Megatron and Scorponok bring to life a non-transforming clone of Dinobot as part of their latest plan to destroy the Maximals. Terrorsaur lures the real Dinobot into a cave and collapses the roof, while the clone attempts to convince Optimus to investigate a false Predacon sighting and abandon the
The Maximals attempt to set up a sensor system around their territory, but Optimus scrubs the mission when a powerful lightning storm approaches. Dinobot encourages Cheetor to outrun the storm and place the sensors, but the young Maximal is struck by lightning while planting the last sensor and is
With Waspinator acting as a distraction, Tarantulas infects Optimus with a small drone that burrows into his nervous system and hijacks control of his body. Using a control harness linked to the drone, Quickstrike uses Optimus' body to dispatch all of the Maximals and allow Megatron access to the
for repairs, Megatron accesses the weapon using the alien Golden Disk and takes control of its systems. Using its considerable power, Megatron retrieves the other Predacons, betrays Tarantulas, and captures Optimus; Rattrap avoids detection and reluctantly accepts Tarantulas' help in retaking the
Noting that the Predacon installations correspond in shape and relative position to the runes on the original Golden Disk, Dinobot begins to suspect that Megatron is playing a much larger game than previously anticipated. He, Rattrap, and Silverbolt are later ambushed by Inferno, Quickstrike, and
Tigatron decides to remain on the flying island as its guardian, saving the injured Airazor from another trap while the Predacons move closer to the central obelisk. Optimus, Rattrap, Terrorsaur, and Waspinator crashland on the island and rendezvous with their respective allies. Rattrap theorizes
While examining flowers on a reconnaissance mission, Optimus and Dinobot are ambushed by Scorponok, who infects Optimus with one of his cyber-bee drones. Dinobot informs the other Maximals that the cyber-bee reprograms its victims into cowards and will explode if removed. However, Optimus instead
One of the orbiting Maximal stasis pods crashlands in the planet's icy northern wastelands. Bent on retrieving the pod first and reprogramming the blank protoform within into a new Predacon, Megatron incapacitates the flight-capable Optimus and forces the Maximals to head for the pod on foot. The
and challenges Megatron for leadership of the Predacons, easily destroying him. However, the red Energon's effects quickly wear off, and Tarantulas secretly follows Terrorsaur back to the mountain while Scorponok and Waspinator repair Megatron. Acting on Cheetor's information, Optimus and Rattrap
Another orbiting stasis pod is clipped by a piece of debris and crashlands in Predacon territory. Rhinox and Cheetor arrive first, only to discover that the damage sustained to the pod and the high levels of Energon radiation threatens to extinguish the protoform and its spark โ€“ the Cybertronian
named Sentinel, but Rattrap and Dinobot's squabbling prematurely activates the system, forcing the Maximals to flee the base. Rattrap stays behind to deactivate Sentinel while Optimus and Tigatron find Waspinator acting strangely in Maximal airspace, but he disappears during the pursuit. Optimus
As the battle commences, Silverbolt repeatedly questions Megatron's ruthless strategy and is harshly reprimanded for his words. Waspinator and Silverbolt fly ahead to the Maximal base, with Cheetor in hot pursuit and closely followed by Rattrap and Dinobot. Tarantulas attempts to mentally force
Cheetor, Rattrap, Dinobot, and Rhinox are ambushed by Waspinator and Scorponok, who detonates the Energon deposit the Maximals are mining. The two Predacons return to base, unaware that their enemies are still alive but heavily damaged and completely blind. Rhinox takes command of his panicking
is thus created, but his damaged programming convinces him that he is an actual ant, and he attacks everyone in sight for approaching the "colony" (his stasis pod). With Blackarachnia and Airazor unwittingly distracting Inferno, Tarantulas steals the stasis pod and escapes. Upon discovering the
Optimus reluctantly accepts Dinobot's challenge despite the other Maximals' objections. Although both are impressed by the other's skill, the Predacons interrupt the duel and nearly blast them into a ravine. Rhinox saves Optimus and Dinobot while Megatron notices a huge Energon deposit inside a
prevents the Maximal Elders from detecting it and sends a secret agent to track its source and eliminate Megatron. With his time and options running out, Megatron implements one last risky plan as Silverbolt and Blackarachnia secretly meet to exchange components and a kiss. The other Predacons
Rhinox singlehandedly foils a Predacon ambush inside a canyon with his intelligent tactics, brute strength, and heavy weaponry. Impressed, Megatron orders Tarantulas to kidnap Rhinox and use him as the test subject for his latest invention, a "Transmuter" that forcibly reprograms Rhinox into a
alone and singlehandedly tears his way through the Predacons until reaching Scorponok's laboratory, where Megatron has the antidote. Megatron attempts to trade Optimus' loyalty for the antidote, but Optimus tears the drone off and is cured by the other Maximals as the drone explodes inside the
Blackarachnia undergoes a medical test to find the location of Tarantulas' Predacon shell programming but leaves the Maximal base in a huff after feeling derided by her teammates. Dinobot II ambushes her, but he angrily retreats after she refuses to duel him. As Silverbolt tries searching for
Optimus Primal's death is met with grief from the Maximals and delight from the Predacons, but a quantum surge created by the Planet Buster's destruction hits the planet at full force and begins affecting several of the Cybertronians. Cheetor, Rattrap, Megatron, Tarantulas's unconscious body,
lose Cheetor in the ship's ventilation systems. Terrorsaur tries to ally with Dinobot but is quickly ejected from the Maximal base; meanwhile, Cheetor is captured after discovering that a massive Energon vein runs under both ships, meaning that an explosion at either end would destroy all the
Now vulnerable without a base, Inferno leads Waspinator and Quickstrike to search for a new "colony" as Megatron, Rampage, and Dinobot II search the remains of Tarantulas' lair for anything useful. Dinobot II discovers a tunnel leading to an intricate underwater railway system, and the three
and steal the alien Golden Disk from Rhinox. The Maximals return to base and agree that stopping Megatron is their priority, while Tarantulas secedes from the Predacons but offers to help stop the aliens. The Predacons and Maximals confront each other at the abduction site, but an alien ship
While attempting to retrieve another fallen stasis pod, Optimus and Dinobot are ambushed by Terrorsaur and Waspinator and lose the pod, the latest in a series of failed missions. As Optimus accuses intelligence supplier Rattrap of treachery, Tarantulas reprograms the blank protoform into the
3012:. Having regained some vestiges of the original Dinobot's personality after the destruction of Rampage's spark, Dinobot II distracts Megatron just long enough for Rhinox to crash the Autobot shuttle through the warship's bridge and eject him. Dinobot II bids farewell to the Maximals as the 1253:
Tarantulas deactivates the Maximal and Predacon sensors to claim another fallen stasis pod for himself but is forced to bring Blackarachnia along. The two spiders successfully reprogram the protoform into a Predacon but are unable to change its beast form into another spider. The insane
While on patrol, Cheetor finds a massive stasis pod with a large yellow "X," alarming the other Maximals and attracting the interest of the Predacons. Optimus and Silverbolt arrive to find the protoform inside dead, to the former's relief; when questioned, Optimus informs them that the
across the prehistoric landscape in a maddened random attack, and Tigerhawk sacrifices himself to buy the Maximals more time to prepare. Megatron destroys the anthropoid settlement, killing Inferno and Quickstrike in the process, while the Maximals frantically try to reactivate the
Blackarachnia to search Megatron's databanks for information on the Golden Disks, but she trashes the computer instead. Sentinel shoots down the approaching Silverbolt, who surrenders to the Maximals and is taken inside for repairs. Rhinox returns and joins his crewmates, but the
738:. Tigatron helps the other Maximals defeat the Predacons, but the damage sustained during the crash makes him prefer his beast mode and the planet's natural wilderness. Tigatron agrees to support the Maximals in any way possible before departing with the second white tiger. 381:, ejects their cargo of stasis pods containing dormant Maximals into the planet's atmosphere before impact. The two crews scan organic alternate forms to protect themselves from overexposure to the planet's raw Energon deposits. As Optimus and the other Maximals 1587:
as the aliens capture Airazor for study. Megatron and Scorponok meet Optimus and Rattrap outside the alien structure and help them rescue Airazor, though Optimus is captured in her place. Inferno follows Tarantulas and Blackarachnia as they sneak aboard the
as Tigatron regretfully destroys the obelisk to stop Blackarachnia, obliterating the entire island and its natural splendor. The fallen obelisk sends a signal into transwarp space, leaving the Maximals to wonder how the island's creators will react to its
The Predacons place Quickstrike on trial for betraying and attempting to assassinate Megatron, but the event is disrupted by the return of the aliens. Their defenses against the latest alien anomaly are ineffective, so the Predacons evacuate as the
2887:." However, Tarantulas accidentally exorcises the two Vok inhabiting Tigerhawk and detonates an Energon crystal, killing himself and the aliens. The fused spark of Tigatron and Airazor retakes control of Tigerhawk, who agrees to join the Maximals. 1417:. Nevertheless, she agrees to help Starscream destabilize both factions, and they capture Optimus and Dinobot after they request access to their base's repair center. However, the two Maximals use the opportunity to arm themselves and retake the 2472:
Back in the present day, a mysterious Maximal hunting Protoform X is suddenly sucked into a transwarp portal, Transmetalized, and crashlands on prehistoric Earth. Rampage notes the new Maximal's arrival and abandons a planned ambush at the
and tank alternate modes but is defeated with Optimus' help. Silverbolt heroically saves Blackarachnia, and Megatron steals a piece of the dazed Protoform X's spark to control him, forcibly inducting him into the Predacons and renaming him
2219:, a former Decepticon working with the Tripredacus Council to arrest Megatron. Waspinator is sent on a secret mission as Blackarachnia follows him in a homemade hovercraft, and the Maximals accompany Ravage as he breaks into the 972:
The Maximals activate a spy camera inside Scorponok's laboratory just in time to watch the Predacons revolt against Megatron and accidentally vaporize themselves by detonating an Energon crystal. Shocked, they infiltrate the
2332:, the legendary Supreme Commander of the Autobots. With one final grandiose speech glorifying the Decepticons and Predacons, Megatron kills Optimus Prime and creates a temporal storm that erases the Maximals from existence. 934:
and arrive in time to save their comrades, but Megatron destroys the array and gloats that the Beast Wars will continue until the Predacons win. The despondent Maximals can only watch as the probe disappears into transwarp
The Transmetalized Cybertronians quickly recover from the alien weapon's attack, and Tarantulas activates a force field around it, locking the Maximals outside. As Cheetor and Silverbolt return Rhinox and Dinobot to the
1541:, Tigatron informs the others of his shocking discovery โ€“ the mysterious aliens who seeded the planet with Energon and constructed the stone formation, probe, and flying island are on their way...and they are not happy. 2535:, a furious Optimus berates Depth Charge for costing the Maximals a major strategic advantage. He reluctantly agrees to join the team to prevent further miscommunications as the Predacons install Sentinel into the 1593:
Predacons, the dome explodes with a beam of energy that activates one of the planet's two moons and knocks the remaining stasis pods out of orbit. Tarantulas and Blackarachnia ambush Rhinox and Dinobot inside the
A flash of energy emerging from transwarp space alerts Rhinox that the aliens have arrived. As Optimus, Rattrap, and Airazor rendezvous at the landing site, Tarantulas dispatches Waspinator and steals one of the
only to be met by the real Dinobot, who reactivates Sentinel and blasts the Predacon leader away. Dinobot explains the situation to the other Maximals once they return and reveals he ate the clone after killing
is destroyed. A horrified Optimus brings Cheetor to the crash site, fearing that the original Megatron's spark was also destroyed. Once there, they find a massive winged Cybertronian who introduces himself as
Silverbolt, and Blackarachnia depart prehistoric Earth for Cybertron. The Beast Wars come to an end as the surviving anthropoids elect Waspinator as their new leader, who declares that he is finally happy.
4341: 4331: 372:
pursues the Predacons across space and time, emerging from a transwarp portal in an unknown star system. Both ships are heavily damaged in the subsequent space battle and crashland on a nearby world; the
becomes a crazed berserker whose increased aggression is rapidly draining his Energon reserves. As the Maximals discuss how best to retrieve the cyber-bee's antidote from Scorponok, Optimus attacks the
1410:, and he successfully drives the Maximals from their base. As the Maximals plan a response, Blackarachnia privately reveals to Starscream that she knows he was really destroyed when his commander 981:. Dinobot decides to stay on the mystery planet, fearing he will be executed on Cybertron as a Predacon criminal. However, he soon discovers the rest of the Predacons hiding in a crevasse. As the 989:
and dispatches most of the Maximals but is ejected from the ship by Rhinox; however, his tail weapon destroys the controls and sends the ship crashing to the ground. Optimus manages to slow the
for his beast mode and continues searching for Protoform X. Cheetor arrives at the crash site but is knocked into the water by Rampage; the new Maximal saves him and introduces himself as
1421:. Optimus defeats Starscream in aerial combat, and Blackarachnia betrays the Decepticon, freeing Waspinator and sending Starscream's immortal spark back into the depths of space and time. 4123: 4264: 2124:
Megatron is forced to retreat as the other Maximals arrive. Surrounded by his friends and safe knowing that humanity's future is assured, Dinobot succumbs to his wounds and dies.
1808:. Megatron inducts the two Fuzors into the Predacons as Dinobot decides not to destroy the two Disks, hiding the original and secretly keeping the alien one. Rhinox utilizes the 2935:
down and crashed on Earth alongside it. Depth Charge follows the rail system as Optimus sounds the alarm, but it is too late, as Megatron and Dinobot II arrive at the crashed
1776:. Dinobot breaks into the Predacon base to steal the two Golden Disks and confronts Waspinator, who has made the same realization: the mystery planet they are stranded on is, 985:
prepares for liftoff, Optimus and Cheetor leave the ship to help Dinobot escape, but Scorponok blasts Optimus away from reentering the departing vessel. Megatron boards the
3008:โ€™s engines fail to come online and the other Maximals accept their deaths, but Dinobot II unexpectedly informs them of a detachable Autobot shuttle stored within the 688:
destroy the mountain while fending off Terrorsaur and Tarantulas; defeated, the two Predacons return to base, where an extremely angry Megatron confronts Terrosaur.
3876: 604:, and Megatron reluctantly releases Cheetor to disarm it. Cheetor manages to escape, destroying the remaining survey posts and severing the teleportation link. 2310:
strangely flees in a different direction than the Predacon base. Blackarachnia and Silverbolt dig into a cave system inside the mountain and discover the
4293: 683:
Terrorsaur discovers a floating mountain rich with unstable red Energon, which supercharges his systems. As Cheetor watches, Terrorsaur returns to the
526:, who heavily damages the young Maximal and buys Scorponok enough time to escape with the mega-cannon before Optimus arrives. Cheetor reawakens on the 2527:
Since Rhinox cannot connect Maximal technology with Teletraan-1's forcefield to protect the base, Optimus forces Rattrap to salvage Sentinel from the
4189: 4115: 1858:, Megatron rages at the recent string of failures while Blackarachnia mulls over the information she secretly downloaded from Megatron's computer. 1128:, who easily bests Terrorsaur in aerial combat. Airazor returns to the Maximal base with Rhinox and Cheetor and is happily accepted into the team. 3916: 1402:. Starscream claims to the shocked Predacons that his immortal spark was unbound from space and time when his body was destroyed by the dark god 726:
other Predacons successfully block their path and reach the pod first, but Dinobot remotely starts the protoform's activation sequence from the
4003: 41: 88: 3996: 60: 4286: 4101: 3869: 2836:โ€™s self-destruct sequence, frees the other Maximals, and helps them drive Megatron away, who still holds the original Megatron's spark. 1793: 2824:
and wipe out Autobots, Decepticons, Maximals, and Predacons alike. However, Megatron emerges from the lava, reborn as a monstrous red
4218: 4062: 67: 4226: 4204: 2832:
to escape from Rampage and help free Optimus from Quickstrike's control. As Optimus and Megatron battle, Blackarachnia stops the
129:. The series premiered on September 16, 1996 and ended on May 7, 1999, with a total of 52 episodes over the course of 3 seasons. 2320:
in four million years. Megatron arrives, seals the cave's entrance, and shoots Silverbolt, forcing Blackarachnia to give up the
4048: 2427:
to attack again but quickly flees upon seeing the new "Optimal Optimus," shooting Blackarachnia on his way to the unprotected
the Autobot leader, but the power of two sparks mutates the Maximal commander into a gigantic new form. Megatron reenters the
4034: 3862: 2940:
both. Although the two Maximals mourn Depth Charge's sacrifice, their grief quickly turns to horror as the fully operational
1735:. Megatron retreats as two stasis pods activate elsewhere on the planet, their DNA scanners experiencing severe malfunctions. 993:โ€™s descent with his jetpack and safely returns the ship to its original position, but Rhinox reports it will never fly again. 74: 883:
Predacon base. Optimus awakens to find Dinobot at his bedside, who leaves him one of the flowers from their earlier mission.
4087: 3890: 3945: 1722:
Scorponok, and Terrorsaur take the brunt of the surge's effects, but the latter two fall into the lava pits beneath the
56: 1772:
Megatron and Inferno leave to claim the two malfunctioning stasis pods while Waspinator regards the planet's remaining
353: 121: 4336: 4131: 3911: 2316:, a crashed Cybertronian ship containing the offline bodies of the greatest Autobot and Decepticon warriors who will 511:
Cheetor enthusiastically volunteers to test one of Rhinox's new long-range comlinks but is quickly distracted by the
107: 2211:
commence a full-scale assault on the Maximal base but are soon driven away by an invisible attacker, who boards the
4142: 4311: 4346: 45: 3988: 3938: 2078: 1258: 977:
only to confirm that no trace of the Predacons remain, and they strip the ship of enough parts to repair the
On Cybertron, the Maximal Elders dispatch a fleet of temporal probes to scour time and space for the missing
4010: 3905: 2419: 2317: 1726:
and are swiftly killed. The remaining three awaken only to discover that they have been upgraded into new
4258: 4158: 4151: 3922: 2482: 1414: 659: 81: 4270: 3929: 2324:โ€™s access codes to save him. The Maximals arrive and frantically start digging as Megatron enters the 835:
returns to base as Tigatron continues following Waspinator's scent, discovering a cave underneath the
4095: 523: 4277: 4240: 4212: 3977: 125: 434:, where they find Dinobot waiting for them, who challenges Optimus for leadership of the Maximals. 4183: 4056: 34: 1406:
and pledges himself to Megatron. Intrigued, Megatron allows Starscream to lead an attack on the
4198: 2927: 363: 4233: 4042: 3952: 2216: 901: 730:. Upon discovering the empty pod, Megatron blackmails the Maximals by threatening two nearby 356:
criminals steal an ancient relic known as the Golden Disk and flee in a stolen warship, the
4028: 426: 416: 8: 4165: 4081: 2207: 3959: 2311: 1777: 3849: 1477: 1583:โ€™s transwarp cells. Blackarachnia offers to help obtain another stasis pod from the 4109: 789:
other Maximals that Rattrap's betrayal was merely a ploy for him to infiltrate the
Cybertronians. Not realizing this, Dinobot convinces Optimus to send a bomb to the
3843: 3854: 550: 490: 3820: 3800: 3780: 3760: 3740: 3720: 3700: 3680: 3660: 3640: 3620: 3600: 3580: 3560: 3540: 3520: 3500: 3480: 3460: 3440: 3420: 3400: 3380: 3360: 3340: 3320: 3300: 3280: 3260: 3240: 3220: 3200: 3180: 3160: 3140: 3120: 3100: 3080: 3060: 4325: 2751: 2329: 781: 622: 421: 378: 2996:
head-on. The warship arrives above the mountain and attempts to destroy the
3886: 3001: 2962: 2142: 905: 411: 2169:
Transmutate's body, Silverbolt advises the other Maximals to leave him be.
2829: 2284: 1805: 1727: 1598: 1055: 777: 731: 331: 519:โ€™s mega-cannons. Cheetor surprises Scorponok but is ambushed by the mad 1399: 1396: 1050: 596: 585: 581: 402: 3038: 734:, but one of them transforms into a Maximal and introduces himself as 2880: 2577: 2478: 1983:
materializes before them and disables everyone with an Energon surge.
1411: 520: 3004:, and Optimus boards the ship to battle Megatron one last time. The 2269:, only to find that Ravage has switched sides and released Megatron. 830:
Rhinox finishes construction on an advanced defense program for the
23: 2414:
As the Maximals fade out of existence, Blackarachnia activates the
2262: 1876: 1797: 1255: 735: 512: 358: 3826: 3806: 3786: 3766: 3746: 3726: 3706: 3686: 3666: 3646: 3626: 3606: 3586: 3566: 3546: 3526: 3506: 3486: 3466: 3446: 3426: 3406: 3386: 3366: 3346: 3326: 3306: 3286: 3266: 3246: 3226: 3206: 3186: 3166: 3146: 3126: 3106: 3086: 3066: 2884: 2206:
The Planet Buster's quantum surge finally reaches Cybertron; the
2120: 1403: 1125: 398: 394: 390: 382: 4342:
Lists of Canadian children's animated television series episodes
Lists of American children's animated television series episodes
2825: 1395:, Waspinator is suddenly possessed by the ghost of the ancient 1121: 386: 368: 1801: 1789: 1781: 3039:"Beast Wars: Transformers (a Titles & Air Dates Guide)" 2073: 1785: 1773: 593: 406: 1597:
and watch in horror as the moon's surface burns away to
2828:, and incinerates Tarantulas while Blackarachnia uses 2026:
weapon. As the other Predacons begin transferring the
attempts to capture Cheetor but is transported to the
Waspinator, and Dinobot is captured and taken to the
Predacon Scorponok attempting to retrieve one of the
1346:Tigatron and Optimus arrive and return them to the 48:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 143: 4323: 3884: 1299:The Predacons mount a full-scale assault on the 2949: 2931:, a legendary Decepticon warship that shot the 2892: 2841: 2782: 2738: 2700: 2662: 2624: 2586: 2544: 2495: 2440: 2382: 2274: 2228: 2174: 2139:J. Falconer, Sean Osborne & George Samilski 2129: 2086: 2035: 1988: 1945: 1903: 1863: 1817: 1740: 1689: 1606: 1546: 1504: 1464: 1426: 1355: 1308: 1267: 1221: 1178: 1133: 1087: 1040: 998: 940: 888: 845: 1341:teammates and begins guiding them back to the 798: 743: 693: 649: 609: 540: 477: 439: 318: 3870: 3822:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E39 FULL EPISODE 3802:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E38 FULL EPISODE 3782:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E37 FULL EPISODE 3762:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E36 FULL EPISODE 3742:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E35 FULL EPISODE 3722:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E34 FULL EPISODE 3702:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E33 FULL EPISODE 3682:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E32 FULL EPISODE 3662:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E31 FULL EPISODE 3642:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E30 FULL EPISODE 3622:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E29 FULL EPISODE 3602:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E28 FULL EPISODE 3582:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E27 FULL EPISODE 3562:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E26 FULL EPISODE 3542:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E25 FULL EPISODE 3522:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E24 FULL EPISODE 3502:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E23 FULL EPISODE 3482:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E22 FULL EPISODE 3462:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E21 FULL EPISODE 3442:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E20 FULL EPISODE 3422:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E19 FULL EPISODE 3402:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E18 FULL EPISODE 3382:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E17 FULL EPISODE 3362:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E16 FULL EPISODE 3342:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E15 FULL EPISODE 3322:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E14 FULL EPISODE 3302:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E13 FULL EPISODE 3282:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E12 FULL EPISODE 3262:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E09 FULL EPISODE 3242:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E10 FULL EPISODE 3222:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E11 FULL EPISODE 3202:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E08 FULL EPISODE 3182:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E07 FULL EPISODE 3162:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E06 FULL EPISODE 3142:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E05 FULL EPISODE 3122:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E04 FULL EPISODE 3102:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E03 FULL EPISODE 3082:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E02 FULL EPISODE 3062:Beast Wars: Transformers S01 E01 FULL EPISODE 1387:During a violent storm that damages both the 3877: 3863: 146: 2318:reawaken and renew the Great War on Earth 108:Learn how and when to remove this message 4287:Beast Wars II: Lio Convoy's Close Call! 235: 199: 163: 120:The episodes listed below are from the 4324: 2983:Megatron directs the firepower of the 4294:Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising 3858: 2435:against any further Predacon attacks. 2339: 1646: 275: 231: 195: 159: 140: 46:adding citations to reliable sources 17: 2976: 2917: 2866: 2807: 2765: 2725: 2687: 2649: 2611: 2569: 2520: 2465: 2407: 2302: 2253: 2199: 2156: 2111: 2060: 2045:Steve Sacks & Jonathan Goodwill 2013: 1970: 1928: 1890: 1842: 1765: 1714: 1631: 1571: 1529: 1491: 1451: 1380: 1333: 1292: 1246: 1203: 1158: 1112: 1069: 1023: 965: 919: 870: 823: 768: 718: 676: 636: 567: 504: 464: 352:On the planet Cybertron, a gang of 345: 13: 2374: 1681: 592:, while Scorponok and the jittery 310: 132: 14: 4358: 3837: 3585:. September 30, 2023 – via 3565:. September 21, 2023 – via 3545:. September 13, 2023 – via 2959:Cal Shumiatcher & Steve Sacks 2820:orders, who plans to destroy the 575:accidentally teleported into the 4306: 4305: 3825:. December 22, 2023 – via 3805:. December 13, 2023 – via 3745:. November 24, 2023 – via 3725:. November 17, 2023 – via 3705:. November 10, 2023 – via 3105:. February 21, 2023 – via 3085:. February 14, 2023 – via 2477:, while the new Maximal scans a 1559:Larry DiTillio & Bob Forward 393:admire their new beast modes (a 22: 3813: 3793: 3785:. December 8, 2023 – via 3773: 3765:. December 1, 2023 – via 3753: 3733: 3713: 3693: 3685:. November 3, 2023 – via 3673: 3665:. October 27, 2023 – via 3653: 3645:. October 17, 2023 – via 3633: 3625:. October 10, 2023 – via 3613: 3593: 3573: 3553: 3533: 3513: 3493: 3473: 3453: 3433: 3413: 3393: 3373: 3353: 3333: 3313: 3293: 3273: 3253: 3233: 3213: 3065:. February 6, 2023 – via 1731:body with her as she flees the 811:Karen Willson & Chris Weber 33:needs additional citations for 3605:. October 7, 2023 – via 3525:. August 30, 2023 – via 3505:. August 22, 2023 – via 3193: 3173: 3153: 3133: 3113: 3093: 3073: 3053: 3031: 2354: 2347: 1824:"Coming of the Fuzors, Part 2" 1747:"Coming of the Fuzors, Part 1" 1661: 1654: 290: 283: 1: 3485:. August 7, 2023 – via 3165:. April 27, 2023 – via 3145:. April 12, 2023 – via 3024: 1415:murdered him for his betrayal 57:"List of Beast Wars episodes" 3465:. July 31, 2023 – via 3445:. July 26, 2023 – via 3425:. July 12, 2023 – via 3385:. June 28, 2023 – via 3365:. June 21, 2023 – via 3345:. June 12, 2023 – via 3125:. March 8, 2023 – via 1601:an enormous doomsday weapon. 793:and destroy the codebreaker. 709:September 30, 1996 667:September 25, 1996 627:September 24, 1996 558:September 23, 1996 495:September 18, 1996 455:September 17, 1996 336:September 16, 1996 174:September 16, 1996 7: 4259:The Transformers: The Movie 3405:. July 5, 2023 – via 3325:. June 7, 2023 – via 3305:. June 5, 2023 – via 3285:. May 31, 2023 – via 3265:. May 17, 2023 – via 3245:. May 21, 2023 – via 3225:. May 17, 2023 – via 3205:. May 12, 2023 – via 2756:February 22, 1999 2716:February 18, 1999 2678:February 14, 1999 2560:November 15, 1998 2051:February 22, 1998 2004:February 15, 1998 1919:November 23, 1997 1881:November 16, 1997 1520:February 21, 1997 1482:February 17, 1997 1442:February 10, 1997 1194:November 19, 1996 1149:November 18, 1996 1103:November 11, 1996 270: 10: 4363: 3185:. May 5, 2023 – via 2640:February 7, 1999 2602:January 31, 1999 2511:November 8, 1998 2456:November 1, 1998 2398:October 25, 1998 2215:and introduces himself as 1961:February 8, 1998 1833:November 9, 1997 1756:November 2, 1997 1705:October 26, 1997 1371:February 3, 1997 1324:January 27, 1997 1060:November 5, 1996 1014:November 4, 1996 956:November 1, 1996 910:October 15, 1996 861:October 14, 1996 246:October 25, 1998 210:October 26, 1997 122:animated television series 4303: 4250: 4227:War for Cybertron Trilogy 4175: 4141: 4073: 4020: 3969: 3897: 2981: 2955: 2922: 2898: 2871: 2847: 2812: 2788: 2770: 2744: 2730: 2706: 2692: 2668: 2654: 2630: 2616: 2592: 2574: 2550: 2525: 2501: 2470: 2446: 2412: 2388: 2373: 2370: 2367: 2364: 2361: 2353: 2346: 2307: 2280: 2258: 2234: 2204: 2180: 2161: 2135: 2116: 2092: 2065: 2041: 2018: 1994: 1975: 1951: 1933: 1909: 1895: 1869: 1847: 1823: 1770: 1746: 1719: 1695: 1680: 1677: 1674: 1671: 1668: 1660: 1653: 1636: 1612: 1576: 1552: 1534: 1510: 1496: 1470: 1456: 1432: 1385: 1361: 1338: 1314: 1297: 1283:January 7, 1997 1273: 1251: 1237:January 6, 1997 1227: 1208: 1184: 1163: 1139: 1117: 1093: 1074: 1046: 1028: 1004: 970: 946: 924: 894: 875: 851: 828: 814:October 8, 1996 804: 773: 759:October 7, 1996 749: 723: 699: 681: 655: 641: 615: 572: 546: 509: 483: 469: 445: 350: 324: 309: 306: 303: 300: 297: 289: 282: 245: 242: 209: 206: 173: 170: 154: 151: 4337:Transformers: Beast Wars 3845:Beast Wars: Transformers 2798:March 15, 1999 2293:March 13, 1998 2244:March 12, 1998 2190:March 11, 1998 2147:March 10, 1998 1562:March 31, 1997 220:March 13, 1998 126:Beast Wars: Transformers 4184:Challenge of the GoBots 2502:"Changing of the Guard" 2486:the new arrival to the 2102:March 9, 1998 1622:April 1, 1997 1165:While reporting to the 415:Predacon first officer 184:April 1, 1997 2745:"Crossing the Rubicon" 2631:"Feral Scream, Part 2" 2593:"Feral Scream, Part 1" 2328:and finds the body of 2223:and captures Megatron. 1995:"Other Visits, Part 2" 1952:"Other Visits, Part 1" 1613:"Other Voices, Part 2" 1553:"Other Voices, Part 1" 4347:Transformers episodes 3946:Super-God Masterforce 2967:May 7, 1999 2944:rises from the ocean. 2908:May 6, 1999 2857:May 5, 1999 1185:"The Trigger, Part 2" 1140:"The Trigger, Part 1" 256:May 7, 1999 2281:"The Agenda, Part 3" 2235:"The Agenda, Part 2" 2181:"The Agenda, Part 1" 1321:Samuel Warren Joseph 805:"A Better Mousetrap" 531:absence back on the 446:"Beast Wars, Part 2" 325:"Beast Wars, Part 1" 42:improve this article 4166:Power of the Primes 4132:Rescue Bots Academy 2389:"Optimal Situation" 2208:Tripredacus Council 1471:"Law of the Jungle" 366:exploration vessel 4191:Robots in Disguise 4143:Prime Wars Trilogy 4117:Robots in Disguise 2773:and transfers the 2707:"Go With the Flow" 2340:Season 3 (1998โ€“99) 2287:& Colin Davies 1910:"Maximal, No More" 1647:Season 2 (1997โ€“98) 1511:"Before the Storm" 1274:"Call of the Wild" 1188:Michaela Zabranska 778:black widow spider 616:"Chain of Command" 579:. The treacherous 430:and return to the 276:Season 1 (1996โ€“97) 4319: 4318: 4278:Dare to Be Stupid 3022: 3021: 2956:"Nemesis, Part 2" 2899:"Nemesis, Part 1" 2848:"Other Victories" 2669:"Proving Grounds" 2371:Original air date 2337: 2336: 1678:Original air date 1644: 1643: 1478:Mark Leiren-Young 1277:Jonathan Goodwill 1035:and retrieve him. 852:"Gorilla Warfare" 750:"Double Jeopardy" 700:"Fallen Comrades" 487:C. Michael Easton 422:Tyrannosaurus rex 409:, respectively), 307:Original air date 267: 266: 118: 117: 110: 92: 4354: 4309: 4308: 4074:Aligned Universe 3906:The Transformers 3879: 3872: 3865: 3856: 3855: 3831: 3830: 3817: 3811: 3810: 3797: 3791: 3790: 3777: 3771: 3770: 3757: 3751: 3750: 3737: 3731: 3730: 3717: 3711: 3710: 3697: 3691: 3690: 3677: 3671: 3670: 3657: 3651: 3650: 3637: 3631: 3630: 3617: 3611: 3610: 3597: 3591: 3590: 3577: 3571: 3570: 3557: 3551: 3550: 3537: 3531: 3530: 3517: 3511: 3510: 3497: 3491: 3490: 3477: 3471: 3470: 3457: 3451: 3450: 3437: 3431: 3430: 3417: 3411: 3410: 3397: 3391: 3390: 3377: 3371: 3370: 3357: 3351: 3350: 3337: 3331: 3330: 3317: 3311: 3310: 3297: 3291: 3290: 3277: 3271: 3270: 3257: 3251: 3250: 3237: 3231: 3230: 3217: 3211: 3210: 3197: 3191: 3190: 3177: 3171: 3170: 3157: 3151: 3150: 3137: 3131: 3130: 3117: 3111: 3110: 3097: 3091: 3090: 3077: 3071: 3070: 3057: 3051: 3050: 3048: 3046: 3035: 2974: 2972: 2915: 2913: 2864: 2862: 2805: 2803: 2789:"Master Blaster" 2763: 2761: 2723: 2721: 2685: 2683: 2647: 2645: 2609: 2607: 2567: 2565: 2518: 2516: 2463: 2461: 2405: 2403: 2376: 2356: 2349: 2344: 2343: 2300: 2298: 2251: 2249: 2197: 2195: 2154: 2152: 2109: 2107: 2058: 2056: 2011: 2009: 1968: 1966: 1926: 1924: 1888: 1886: 1840: 1838: 1763: 1761: 1712: 1710: 1683: 1663: 1656: 1651: 1650: 1629: 1627: 1569: 1567: 1527: 1525: 1489: 1487: 1449: 1447: 1378: 1376: 1331: 1329: 1290: 1288: 1244: 1242: 1201: 1199: 1156: 1154: 1110: 1108: 1067: 1065: 1047:"Double Dinobot" 1021: 1019: 963: 961: 917: 915: 868: 866: 821: 819: 766: 764: 716: 714: 674: 672: 660:Nicholas Kendall 634: 632: 565: 563: 547:"Equal Measures" 502: 500: 462: 460: 343: 341: 312: 292: 285: 280: 279: 263: 261: 253: 251: 240: 239: 238: 227: 225: 217: 215: 204: 203: 202: 191: 189: 181: 179: 168: 167: 166: 147:Originally aired 138: 137: 113: 106: 102: 99: 93: 91: 50: 26: 18: 4362: 4361: 4357: 4356: 4355: 4353: 4352: 4351: 4322: 4321: 4320: 4315: 4299: 4246: 4171: 4137: 4069: 4021:Unicron Trilogy 4016: 3965: 3939:The Headmasters 3893: 3891:animated series 3883: 3840: 3835: 3834: 3819: 3818: 3814: 3799: 3798: 3794: 3779: 3778: 3774: 3759: 3758: 3754: 3739: 3738: 3734: 3719: 3718: 3714: 3699: 3698: 3694: 3679: 3678: 3674: 3659: 3658: 3654: 3639: 3638: 3634: 3619: 3618: 3614: 3599: 3598: 3594: 3579: 3578: 3574: 3559: 3558: 3554: 3539: 3538: 3534: 3519: 3518: 3514: 3499: 3498: 3494: 3479: 3478: 3474: 3459: 3458: 3454: 3439: 3438: 3434: 3419: 3418: 3414: 3399: 3398: 3394: 3379: 3378: 3374: 3359: 3358: 3354: 3339: 3338: 3334: 3319: 3318: 3314: 3299: 3298: 3294: 3279: 3278: 3274: 3259: 3258: 3254: 3239: 3238: 3234: 3219: 3218: 3214: 3199: 3198: 3194: 3179: 3178: 3174: 3159: 3158: 3154: 3139: 3138: 3134: 3119: 3118: 3114: 3099: 3098: 3094: 3079: 3078: 3074: 3059: 3058: 3054: 3044: 3042: 3037: 3036: 3032: 3027: 3018: 2970: 2968: 2945: 2911: 2909: 2888: 2860: 2858: 2837: 2801: 2799: 2778: 2759: 2757: 2748:Trenton Carlson 2734: 2719: 2717: 2710:Cal Shumiatcher 2696: 2681: 2679: 2658: 2643: 2641: 2620: 2605: 2603: 2582: 2563: 2561: 2554:Trenton Carlson 2540: 2514: 2512: 2491: 2459: 2457: 2436: 2401: 2399: 2377: 2358: 2350: 2342: 2333: 2296: 2294: 2270: 2247: 2245: 2224: 2193: 2191: 2184:Cal Shumiatcher 2170: 2150: 2148: 2125: 2105: 2103: 2082: 2054: 2052: 2031: 2007: 2005: 1984: 1964: 1962: 1941: 1922: 1920: 1913:Trenton Carlson 1899: 1884: 1882: 1859: 1836: 1834: 1827:Cal Shumiatcher 1813: 1759: 1757: 1736: 1708: 1706: 1684: 1665: 1657: 1649: 1640: 1625: 1623: 1602: 1565: 1563: 1542: 1523: 1521: 1500: 1485: 1483: 1460: 1445: 1443: 1422: 1374: 1372: 1351: 1327: 1325: 1304: 1286: 1284: 1263: 1240: 1238: 1228:"Spider's Game" 1217: 1197: 1195: 1174: 1152: 1150: 1129: 1106: 1104: 1083: 1063: 1061: 1036: 1017: 1015: 994: 959: 957: 936: 913: 911: 884: 864: 862: 841: 817: 815: 794: 762: 760: 739: 712: 710: 689: 670: 668: 645: 630: 628: 619:Andrew Doucette 605: 561: 559: 536: 498: 496: 473: 458: 456: 435: 339: 337: 313: 294: 286: 278: 273: 268: 259: 257: 249: 247: 234: 233: 232: 223: 221: 213: 211: 198: 197: 196: 187: 185: 177: 175: 162: 161: 160: 135: 133:Series overview 114: 103: 97: 94: 51: 49: 39: 27: 12: 11: 5: 4360: 4350: 4349: 4344: 4339: 4334: 4317: 4316: 4304: 4301: 4300: 4298: 4297: 4290: 4283: 4282: 4281: 4274: 4267: 4254: 4252: 4251:Animated films 4248: 4247: 4245: 4244: 4237: 4230: 4223: 4222: 4221: 4209: 4208: 4207: 4195: 4187: 4179: 4177: 4173: 4172: 4170: 4169: 4162: 4155: 4147: 4145: 4139: 4138: 4136: 4135: 4128: 4127: 4126: 4113: 4106: 4105: 4104: 4092: 4091: 4090: 4077: 4075: 4071: 4070: 4068: 4067: 4066: 4065: 4053: 4052: 4051: 4039: 4038: 4037: 4024: 4022: 4018: 4017: 4015: 4014: 4011:Beast Machines 4007: 4004:Beast Wars Neo 4000: 3993: 3992: 3991: 3986: 3973: 3971: 3967: 3966: 3964: 3963: 3956: 3949: 3942: 3935: 3934: 3933: 3926: 3919: 3914: 3901: 3899: 3895: 3894: 3882: 3881: 3874: 3867: 3859: 3853: 3852: 3839: 3838:External links 3836: 3833: 3832: 3812: 3792: 3772: 3752: 3732: 3712: 3692: 3672: 3652: 3632: 3612: 3592: 3572: 3552: 3532: 3512: 3492: 3472: 3452: 3432: 3412: 3392: 3372: 3352: 3332: 3312: 3292: 3272: 3252: 3232: 3212: 3192: 3172: 3152: 3132: 3112: 3092: 3072: 3052: 3029: 3028: 3026: 3023: 3020: 3019: 2982: 2979: 2978: 2975: 2965: 2960: 2957: 2954: 2951: 2947: 2946: 2923: 2920: 2919: 2916: 2906: 2903: 2902:Ezekiel Norton 2900: 2897: 2894: 2890: 2889: 2872: 2869: 2868: 2865: 2855: 2854:Larry DiTillio 2852: 2849: 2846: 2843: 2839: 2838: 2813: 2810: 2809: 2806: 2796: 2793: 2790: 2787: 2784: 2780: 2779: 2771: 2768: 2767: 2764: 2754: 2749: 2746: 2743: 2740: 2736: 2735: 2731: 2728: 2727: 2724: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2705: 2702: 2698: 2697: 2693: 2690: 2689: 2686: 2676: 2675:Arthur Sellers 2673: 2670: 2667: 2664: 2660: 2659: 2655: 2652: 2651: 2648: 2638: 2635: 2632: 2629: 2626: 2622: 2621: 2617: 2614: 2613: 2610: 2600: 2597: 2594: 2591: 2588: 2584: 2583: 2575: 2572: 2571: 2568: 2558: 2555: 2552: 2551:"Cutting Edge" 2549: 2546: 2542: 2541: 2526: 2523: 2522: 2519: 2509: 2506: 2503: 2500: 2497: 2493: 2492: 2471: 2468: 2467: 2464: 2454: 2453:Larry DiTillio 2451: 2448: 2445: 2442: 2438: 2437: 2413: 2410: 2409: 2406: 2396: 2393: 2390: 2387: 2384: 2380: 2379: 2372: 2369: 2366: 2363: 2360: 2352: 2341: 2338: 2335: 2334: 2308: 2305: 2304: 2301: 2291: 2288: 2282: 2279: 2276: 2272: 2271: 2259: 2256: 2255: 2252: 2242: 2239: 2236: 2233: 2230: 2226: 2225: 2205: 2202: 2201: 2198: 2188: 2185: 2182: 2179: 2176: 2172: 2171: 2162: 2159: 2158: 2155: 2145: 2140: 2137: 2134: 2131: 2127: 2126: 2117: 2114: 2113: 2110: 2100: 2097: 2094: 2093:"Code of Hero" 2091: 2088: 2084: 2083: 2066: 2063: 2062: 2059: 2049: 2046: 2043: 2040: 2037: 2033: 2032: 2019: 2016: 2015: 2012: 2002: 2001:Larry DiTillio 1999: 1996: 1993: 1990: 1986: 1985: 1976: 1973: 1972: 1969: 1959: 1958:Larry DiTillio 1956: 1953: 1950: 1947: 1943: 1942: 1934: 1931: 1930: 1927: 1917: 1914: 1911: 1908: 1905: 1901: 1900: 1896: 1893: 1892: 1889: 1879: 1874: 1871: 1868: 1865: 1861: 1860: 1848: 1845: 1844: 1841: 1831: 1828: 1825: 1822: 1819: 1815: 1814: 1780:, prehistoric 1771: 1768: 1767: 1764: 1754: 1751: 1748: 1745: 1742: 1738: 1737: 1720: 1717: 1716: 1713: 1703: 1702:Larry DiTillio 1700: 1697: 1694: 1691: 1687: 1686: 1679: 1676: 1673: 1670: 1667: 1659: 1648: 1645: 1642: 1641: 1637: 1634: 1633: 1630: 1620: 1619:Larry DiTillio 1617: 1616:Ezekiel Norton 1614: 1611: 1608: 1604: 1603: 1577: 1574: 1573: 1570: 1560: 1557: 1554: 1551: 1548: 1544: 1543: 1535: 1532: 1531: 1528: 1518: 1515: 1512: 1509: 1506: 1502: 1501: 1497: 1494: 1493: 1490: 1480: 1475: 1472: 1469: 1466: 1462: 1461: 1457: 1454: 1453: 1450: 1440: 1437: 1434: 1433:"The Low Road" 1431: 1428: 1424: 1423: 1386: 1383: 1382: 1379: 1369: 1366: 1363: 1360: 1357: 1353: 1352: 1339: 1336: 1335: 1332: 1322: 1319: 1316: 1313: 1310: 1306: 1305: 1298: 1295: 1294: 1291: 1281: 1278: 1275: 1272: 1269: 1265: 1264: 1252: 1249: 1248: 1245: 1235: 1234:Larry DiTillio 1232: 1229: 1226: 1223: 1219: 1218: 1209: 1206: 1205: 1202: 1192: 1189: 1186: 1183: 1180: 1176: 1175: 1164: 1161: 1160: 1157: 1147: 1144: 1141: 1138: 1135: 1131: 1130: 1118: 1115: 1114: 1111: 1101: 1100:Larry DiTillio 1098: 1095: 1092: 1089: 1085: 1084: 1075: 1072: 1071: 1068: 1058: 1053: 1048: 1045: 1042: 1038: 1037: 1029: 1026: 1025: 1022: 1012: 1009: 1006: 1005:"Dark Designs" 1003: 1000: 996: 995: 971: 968: 967: 964: 954: 951: 948: 945: 942: 938: 937: 925: 922: 921: 918: 908: 899: 898:Ezekiel Norton 896: 893: 890: 886: 885: 876: 873: 872: 869: 859: 856: 853: 850: 847: 843: 842: 840:of their base. 829: 826: 825: 822: 812: 809: 806: 803: 800: 796: 795: 774: 771: 770: 767: 757: 756:Jesse Winfield 754: 753:Mark Schiemann 751: 748: 745: 741: 740: 724: 721: 720: 717: 707: 704: 701: 698: 695: 691: 690: 682: 679: 678: 675: 665: 664:Larry DiTillio 662: 657: 654: 651: 647: 646: 642: 639: 638: 635: 625: 623:Jesse Winfield 620: 617: 614: 611: 607: 606: 573: 570: 569: 566: 556: 553: 551:T. W. Peacocke 548: 545: 542: 538: 537: 510: 507: 506: 503: 493: 491:Larry DiTillio 488: 485: 482: 479: 475: 474: 470: 467: 466: 463: 453: 450: 447: 444: 441: 437: 436: 379:Optimus Primal 351: 348: 347: 344: 334: 329: 326: 323: 320: 316: 315: 308: 305: 302: 299: 296: 288: 277: 274: 272: 269: 265: 264: 254: 244: 241: 229: 228: 218: 208: 205: 193: 192: 182: 172: 169: 157: 156: 153: 149: 148: 145: 142: 136: 134: 131: 116: 115: 30: 28: 21: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4359: 4348: 4345: 4343: 4340: 4338: 4335: 4333: 4330: 4329: 4327: 4314: 4313: 4302: 4296: 4295: 4291: 4289: 4288: 4284: 4279: 4275: 4272: 4268: 4266: 4263: 4262: 4261: 4260: 4256: 4255: 4253: 4249: 4243: 4242: 4238: 4236: 4235: 4231: 4229: 4228: 4224: 4220: 4217: 4216: 4215: 4214: 4210: 4206: 4203: 4202: 4201: 4200: 4196: 4194: 4193:(2000 series) 4192: 4188: 4186: 4185: 4181: 4180: 4178: 4174: 4168: 4167: 4163: 4161: 4160: 4159:Titans Return 4156: 4154: 4153: 4152:Combiner Wars 4149: 4148: 4146: 4144: 4140: 4134: 4133: 4129: 4125: 4122: 4121: 4120: 4119:(2015 series) 4118: 4114: 4112: 4111: 4107: 4103: 4100: 4099: 4098: 4097: 4093: 4089: 4086: 4085: 4084: 4083: 4079: 4078: 4076: 4072: 4064: 4061: 4060: 4059: 4058: 4054: 4050: 4047: 4046: 4045: 4044: 4040: 4036: 4033: 4032: 4031: 4030: 4026: 4025: 4023: 4019: 4013: 4012: 4008: 4006: 4005: 4001: 3999: 3998: 3997:Beast Wars II 3994: 3990: 3987: 3985: 3982: 3981: 3980: 3979: 3975: 3974: 3972: 3968: 3962: 3961: 3957: 3955: 3954: 3950: 3948: 3947: 3943: 3941: 3940: 3936: 3932: 3931: 3927: 3925: 3924: 3923:Scramble City 3920: 3918: 3915: 3913: 3910: 3909: 3908: 3907: 3903: 3902: 3900: 3896: 3892: 3889: 3888: 3880: 3875: 3873: 3868: 3866: 3861: 3860: 3857: 3851: 3847: 3846: 3842: 3841: 3828: 3824: 3823: 3816: 3808: 3804: 3803: 3796: 3788: 3784: 3783: 3776: 3768: 3764: 3763: 3756: 3748: 3744: 3743: 3736: 3728: 3724: 3723: 3716: 3708: 3704: 3703: 3696: 3688: 3684: 3683: 3676: 3668: 3664: 3663: 3656: 3648: 3644: 3643: 3636: 3628: 3624: 3623: 3616: 3608: 3604: 3603: 3596: 3588: 3584: 3583: 3576: 3568: 3564: 3563: 3556: 3548: 3544: 3543: 3536: 3528: 3524: 3523: 3516: 3508: 3504: 3503: 3496: 3488: 3484: 3483: 3476: 3468: 3464: 3463: 3456: 3448: 3444: 3443: 3436: 3428: 3424: 3423: 3416: 3408: 3404: 3403: 3396: 3388: 3384: 3383: 3376: 3368: 3364: 3363: 3356: 3348: 3344: 3343: 3336: 3328: 3324: 3323: 3316: 3308: 3304: 3303: 3296: 3288: 3284: 3283: 3276: 3268: 3264: 3263: 3256: 3248: 3244: 3243: 3236: 3228: 3224: 3223: 3216: 3208: 3204: 3203: 3196: 3188: 3184: 3183: 3176: 3168: 3164: 3163: 3156: 3148: 3144: 3143: 3136: 3128: 3124: 3123: 3116: 3108: 3104: 3103: 3096: 3088: 3084: 3083: 3076: 3068: 3064: 3063: 3056: 3040: 3034: 3030: 3015: 3011: 3007: 3003: 2999: 2995: 2992:to fight the 2991: 2986: 2980: 2966: 2964: 2961: 2958: 2952: 2948: 2943: 2938: 2934: 2930: 2929: 2921: 2907: 2904: 2901: 2895: 2891: 2886: 2885:other origins 2882: 2877: 2870: 2856: 2853: 2850: 2844: 2840: 2835: 2831: 2827: 2823: 2818: 2811: 2797: 2794: 2791: 2785: 2781: 2776: 2769: 2755: 2753: 2752:D. 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Falconer 1365:Owen Hurley 1280:Bob Forward 1191:Bob Forward 1146:Bob Forward 1143:J. Falconer 1094:"The Spark" 1056:Rowby Goren 1008:Owen Hurley 895:"The Probe" 808:J. Falconer 706:Bob Forward 452:Bob Forward 332:Bob Forward 328:Ian Pearson 301:Directed by 152:First aired 4326:Categories 4265:soundtrack 4241:EarthSpark 4213:Cyberverse 3989:characters 3978:Beast Wars 3917:characters 3041:. epguides 3025:References 2971:1999-05-07 2912:1999-05-06 2861:1999-05-05 2802:1999-03-15 2795:Eric Torin 2760:1999-02-22 2720:1999-02-18 2682:1999-02-14 2644:1999-02-07 2606:1999-01-31 2596:John Pozer 2578:anthropoid 2564:1998-11-15 2515:1998-11-08 2460:1998-11-01 2402:1998-10-25 2368:Written by 2297:1998-03-13 2248:1998-03-12 2194:1998-03-11 2151:1998-03-10 2106:1998-03-09 2055:1998-02-22 2008:1998-02-15 1965:1998-02-08 1955:John Pozer 1923:1997-11-23 1885:1997-11-16 1837:1997-11-09 1794:Silverbolt 1760:1997-11-02 1728:Transmetal 1709:1997-10-26 1675:Written by 1626:1997-04-01 1566:1997-03-31 1524:1997-02-21 1486:1997-02-17 1474:John Pozer 1446:1997-02-10 1400:Starscream 1397:Decepticon 1375:1997-02-03 1328:1997-01-27 1318:Steve Ball 1287:1997-01-07 1241:1997-01-06 1198:1996-11-19 1153:1996-11-18 1107:1996-11-11 1064:1996-11-05 1051:John Pozer 1018:1996-11-04 960:1996-11-01 950:Steve Ball 914:1996-10-15 865:1996-10-14 818:1996-10-08 763:1996-10-07 713:1996-09-30 703:Steve Ball 671:1996-09-25 631:1996-09-24 597:Waspinator 586:Terrorsaur 582:Pteranodon 562:1996-09-23 524:Tarantulas 499:1996-09-18 459:1996-09-17 449:Steve Ball 403:rhinoceros 340:1996-09-16 304:Written by 260:1999-05-07 250:1998-10-25 224:1998-03-13 214:1997-10-26 188:1997-04-01 178:1996-09-16 155:Last aired 68:newspapers 4271:The Touch 4057:Cybertron 3970:Beast era 2881:Tigerhawk 2479:manta ray 1514:Adam Wood 1412:Galvatron 947:"Victory" 780:Predacon 521:tarantula 484:"The Web" 98:June 2023 4312:Category 4219:episodes 4205:episodes 4199:Animated 4124:episodes 4102:episodes 4088:episodes 4063:episodes 4049:episodes 4035:episodes 3984:episodes 3912:episodes 2876:Darksyde 2557:Ian Weir 2537:Darksyde 2263:Megatron 2221:Darksyde 2121:Autobots 2099:Ian Weir 2028:Darksyde 1938:Darksyde 1877:Len Wein 1856:Darksyde 1798:scorpion 1796:and the 1724:Darksyde 1581:Darksyde 1393:Darksyde 1391:and the 1368:Ian Weir 1256:fire ant 1171:Darksyde 1124:Maximal 1033:Darksyde 1011:Ian Weir 975:Darksyde 932:Darksyde 880:Darksyde 791:Darksyde 786:Darksyde 736:Tigatron 685:Darksyde 602:Darksyde 577:Darksyde 517:Darksyde 513:scorpion 427:Megatron 359:Darksyde 354:Predacon 271:Episodes 144:Episodes 4234:BotBots 4043:Energon 3953:Victory 3827:YouTube 3807:YouTube 3787:YouTube 3767:YouTube 3747:YouTube 3727:YouTube 3707:YouTube 3687:YouTube 3667:YouTube 3647:YouTube 3627:YouTube 3607:YouTube 3587:YouTube 3567:YouTube 3547:YouTube 3527:YouTube 3507:YouTube 3487:YouTube 3467:YouTube 3447:YouTube 3427:YouTube 3407:YouTube 3387:YouTube 3367:YouTube 3347:YouTube 3327:YouTube 3307:YouTube 3287:YouTube 3267:YouTube 3247:YouTube 3227:YouTube 3207:YouTube 3187:YouTube 3167:YouTube 3147:YouTube 3127:YouTube 3107:YouTube 3087:YouTube 3067:YouTube 3014:Nemesis 3000:with a 2994:Nemesis 2985:Nemesis 2969: ( 2942:Nemesis 2937:Nemesis 2928:Nemesis 2910: ( 2859: ( 2800: ( 2758: ( 2718: ( 2680: ( 2642: ( 2604: ( 2562: ( 2513: ( 2458: ( 2400: ( 2351:overall 2295: ( 2246: ( 2192: ( 2149: ( 2104: ( 2079:Rampage 2053: ( 2006: ( 1963: ( 1921: ( 1883: ( 1835: ( 1804:fusion 1792:hybrid 1778:in fact 1758: ( 1707: ( 1658:overall 1624: ( 1564: ( 1522: ( 1484: ( 1444: ( 1404:Unicron 1373: ( 1326: ( 1285: ( 1259:Inferno 1239: ( 1196: ( 1151: ( 1126:Airazor 1105: ( 1062: ( 1016: ( 958: ( 912: ( 863: ( 816: ( 761: ( 711: ( 669: ( 629: ( 560: ( 497: ( 457: ( 425:leader 417:Dinobot 399:cheetah 395:gorilla 391:Rattrap 383:Cheetor 364:Maximal 338: ( 287:overall 258: ( 248: ( 222: ( 212: ( 186: ( 176: ( 82:scholar 4029:Armada 3045:13 May 2826:dragon 2529:Axalon 2429:Axalon 2359:season 2267:Axalon 2217:Ravage 2213:Axalon 2166:Axalon 2070:Axalon 2023:Axalon 1980:Axalon 1852:Axalon 1810:Axalon 1733:Axalon 1666:season 1599:reveal 1595:Axalon 1590:Axalon 1585:Axalon 1539:Axalon 1419:Axalon 1408:Axalon 1389:Axalon 1348:Axalon 1343:Axalon 1301:Axalon 1213:Axalon 1167:Axalon 1122:falcon 1079:Axalon 991:Axalon 987:Axalon 983:Axalon 979:Axalon 935:space. 928:Axalon 904:& 837:Axalon 832:Axalon 728:Axalon 590:Axalon 533:Axalon 528:Axalon 432:Axalon 405:, and 389:, and 387:Rhinox 375:Axalon 369:Axalon 362:. 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animated television series
Beast Wars: Transformers
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Optimus Primal

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