
Le Quesnoy

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artillery (created in 1517), archers (existing since 1379) and officers, enjoying special privileges. In 1521, the King of France made his raids in Hainaut and ravaged Ostrevant. In 1523, Charles V came to Le Quesnoy to fight the French raids and strengthened the fortifications of the town which had not been changed since 1314. It was then that the walls of the ramparts, still currently existing, were built on the foundations of the original enclosure. A new design of fortifications had been born at the end of 15th Century developed by the Italians. It was to divide the angles of the fortifications, the towers, which, projecting from the enclosure while remaining attached to them, allowed defenders to fire at all angles against the attackers (also allowing the use of artillery). The invention of these bastions offered shooting in all directions and the stronghold of Quesnoy did not escape this rule hence in 1534, Charles V's engineer, Frate da Modena (Jacopo Seghizzi) drew plans for the refortification and to replace the medieval walls. To defend Le Quesnoy now were new towers (bastion Impérial, bastion César, bastion Soyez, bastion Saint-Martin et bastion Vert) and four gates (Porte de la Flamengerie, porte de Valenciennes, porte Saint-Martin, porte Fauroeulx) and the work took nearly 20 years! The last tower of the few preserved earlier towers was demolished in 1885. In 1540, Charles returned to Le Quesnoy accompanied by the Dauphin of France and the Duke Orleans (both sons of Francis) as a 10-year truce was signed in 1538 between the belligerents. He returned in 1543 also to check the progress of the work to the town and its fortifications. At this time he ordered the closure of the Gate of Flamengerie to allow flooding around the ramparts. These great works monopolized the activity of town residents who took full advantage of this period of relative calm for entertainment with major feasts and festivals of jubilation: we saw for a time here various companies promoted and sponsored by local lords and monasteries with rich costumes and playing drums and trumpets. Also in 1543, Francis reappeared with an army of 40,000 men and captured Landrecies, Maubeuge and D’Aymeries and Berlaimont castles: establishing his headquarters at the Abbey of Maroilles: these gains were ceded to Charles V under the Treaty of Crépy in 1544. In 1554
and the castle of the castle of Le Quesnoy dubbed the "Castle of Margaret of Burgundy". She set up a perpetual foundation for the poor of the town which at that time stood at 300 gold florins as irrevocable annuity: This annuity endured the centuries, since in 1960 the office of Beneficence of Le Quesnoy continued to manage the donation. Upon her death in 1441, the castle became the residence of successive lords representing the Duke. These lords later became captain-governors then governors. With the advent of these lords, the provost's primarily judicial function was reassigned in their favor. The role of provost dates from 1181 in the reign of Baldwin V. The provost chaired a meeting of 32 "jurors of peace", of which 16 were selected from prominent citizens of Le Quesnoy and the rest were selected from within the jurisdiction of the provost and had to have land to be eligible. For a decision to be valid 16 jurors had to be present. From 1440, the function of the lord took considerable importance: he was to govern, keep guard of the town (watches day and night), maintain the town's rights, monitor the stipends granted to various officers of the town, and finally account to the Duke of Burgundy he represented. Many parchments of that time are in the departmental archives in Lille mentioning the lords appointed: Jean de Mons, followed in 1446 by Jean Parding; in 1451, the Lord de Haubourdin, in 1459, Guillaume Delcourt/De Le Court, in 1465, François d’Est as the first captain-governor in 1469, Jean de Rosembos, Lord of Fromelles. This role continued until the French Revolution In 1442 a fire devastated the town: most homes up to that time were built of wood. In 1444, Philip the Good came to Quesnoy, after defending the town against bands of robbers who operated regularly since 1441 in the region and called "skinners, house-robbers and shearers." He also fixed a weekly market on Tuesday and two annual fairs (on the second Monday of Lent and on 25 October, Saint Crispin's day). In 1449 a new fire destroyed Le Quesnoy: Duke donated 356 oak trees from the nearby forest or Mormal and also established a hospice in the town called "Les Chartrières".
1767:, 12 November 1568, the Prince of Orange, the spiritual leader of the Reformed Church, attacked a body of Spanish soldiers under the walls of Le Quesnoy and then captured the town. The Duke of Alba, Governor of the Netherlands, acting on behalf of Spain the same year retook the town as the Prince of Orange withdrew into France. In 1569, it was decided to top the watchtower of the castle with an octagonal belvedere 17 metres (56 ft) (the tower existed until 1768: it was destroyed on that date by a hurricane). From 1572, the Protestants supported by the French pillaged the area for several years, because of these facts Sieur Guillaume de Hornes Heze (who realigned with the nobility and the people of Hainaut in dissatisfaction with the Spanish military presence) was executed in 1580 in Le Quesnoy for having attended the Bishop of Cambrai. The result was a growing hatred of the population vis-à-vis Spain and its king. At that time, the abbot of the Benedictine abbey of Maroilles, Frederick d’Yve (born in Bavai) became councilor of state and played a key role as intermediary in negotiations between the warring parties in the Netherlands : the representatives of the Protestants led by the Prince of Orange; and the representatives of the Catholic King Philip II of Spain. In 1581 seven northern provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, however, joined a Protestant secession and declared their independence under the name "United Provinces". In 1583, the Magistrate (a Mayeur, four aldermen, a treasurer and a prosecutor) decided to build a town hall and a belfry. Meanwhile, and until 1593, the rebels were fought: only after this date did calm recover in the Le Quesnoy province. 1477:" mention the siege as follows: "(1340) .. Those of the town (= the besieged Le Quesnoy) unleashed against them (= the French troops) guns and machinery that threw large paving tiles. These tiles were generally made of iron, but could also be made of stone and tourniquets fire as they could find at very short notice in places under siege. The horses of the attackers were scared by the noise of the artillery which scattered iron and stone projectiles against them that could cause serious injury (equally to the riders), so they in this case against such weapons had no choice but to withdraw. The French, angry at having been repulsed by the artillery of the town, moved out of spite on the surrounding villages, which they then burned such as Gommegnies, Frasnoy, Château de Potelle, Wargnies-le-Grand, Wargnies-le-Petit.. (Notes 1.) Historians speak of the war machines without surprise, because they were more embarrassing than effective, and that no one foresaw the revolution that would make the discovery of gunpowder. In Europe around the year 1326 in Italy the first weapons loaded with powder were encountered. 2.) This siege is also interesting by the fact that there was no hand to hand combat and a new conception of the war by means of firearms was about to emerge : Artillery will quickly become indispensable to all wars and/or sieges.)" 1367:. But Flanders was allied with the English and the Germans: there followed a war with the King of France and Joan's husband was taken prisoner until 1227. Joan, who lived in Le Quesnoy castle since her marriage, held various meetings with key figures in the town. However she left the town in 1225, as a minstrel-adventurer, Bertrand de Rays, living in the woods of Glançon, pretended to be her father and intended to retake his land. In 1233, she returned and did improve the hospital in the town founded by Peter Pitens, enlarged the castle (the high Watchtower). Under the castle, extended the cellars and passages that still exist today. Her husband died in 1233 and in 1237 she married a second husband, Thomas of Savoy, who became a benefactor of Le Quesnoy. This served incidentally to improve the breeds of the country by bringing in bulls of Savoy and of Messin. He also brought horses from Italy and Spain, sheep from Catalonia, which yielded fine highly regarded wool, imbuing the drapers of Le Quesnoy with great renown: they mixed them with silk to make fabrics called Sayette. The cloth industry, widespread in Flanders, was also located in the town of Le Quesnoy. 1386:, King of France, was called to serve as arbitrator: the king, after taking advice, apportioned Flanders to the Dampierres and Hainaut to the Avesnes. However, despite this wise decision, fighting continued between members of two families. In Le Quesnoy and its environs Margaret Hainaut had, in addition to land, a wealth of manorial rights: duties on goods brought to the market, rights on meat and beer sold, rights over the entry and exit of goods; rights over the number of the mills and ovens, rights over products of rivers etc. She preferred to lease it all through an annual fee: between 1274 and 1277, a citizen of Le Quesnoy called Clarembault settled an annual fee of 2925 pounds. Also, a cartulary of the said Margaret tells us that in Le Quesnoy at that time there were about six hundred properties, and they measured up to 33m long and 13m wide on the road; there were nine bread ovens in the town that residents were subjected to forced labor, such as to provide firewood to the castle, but in return, they could collect dead wood; in case of war the call to Quercitains would be twenty-four hours after that to the Valenciennes. 1568:: the couple did not get along. In 1421, under the pretext of a trip to Bouchain she went to England whose court received her with respect and without waiting for the annulment by the Pope of her marriage to the Duke of Brabant, married Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, brother of King Henry V of England. This was the beginning of a new war: Gloucester and Brabant each claiming their right to rule the territories of Jacqueline. One misfortune often leads to another; and in 1423, the towns of the provost of Le Quesnoy were not spared by the battles between the Armagnacs and the Burgundians: and were spoiled by bands such as "thieves de Guise", and "thieves and brigands of all kinds". In 1424, the town, which since 1420 had lost some of its rights, such as the hereditary bailiwick of the Vénerie stood up against the Duke of Brabant, permitting Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester to occupy the country. Jacqueline directed her governance of Le Quesnoy until 1425. Given the extent of the events caused by her third marriage, she left Le Quesnoy and took refuge in Mons, where she was captured and taken to the home of her cousin 1697:. A conscientious noblewoman and aware of her duchess status as a political contract (cementing the politico-economic links of Burgundy-Netherlands-England), she was an informed advisor to her husband, and after his death, to Mary of Burgundy and Maximilian of Austria, the new sovereigns of the Netherlands and Hainaut. At that time, several men of fiefs and legal representatives of the Duke and Duchess of Burgundy officiated at Le Quesnoy in the administration of Hainaut, such as Jehan de Longchamp, Jacquemart du Parc, Jacquemart de Surie, Enguerrand le Jeune. This feudal organization was superimposed on the manorial organization that was the foundation, which called these men of fiefs to preside over the complexity and tangle of fiefs and under-fiefs and their rights and changes over time: the seals of those "notaires" appended to the deeds they passed conferred full authority and exempted the use of the seal of the Bailiwick (of the municipal administration, today). 1798:
by all troops and vehicles of war and requisitions impoverished rural areas. This misfortune led to another ... in 1639, an epidemic became widespread throughout the region and many people perished in Le Quesnoy. In 1648, the Prince of Ligne came to Le Quesnoy with 4,000 men equipped with artillery and prepared to defense operations, which were needed to counter the advance of French troops. The following year, the property belonging to the French in the town was confiscated. On 31 August 1651 the Hispanic-Hainaut garrison at Le Quesnoy won one last success in the walls of the town. But on 4 September 1654 the Vicomte de Turenne, at the head of the French army, stood before Le Quesnoy with a powerful artillery: he seized the town whilst the Spanish before leaving tried to render useless the fortifications by damaging the most out of walls. Turenne became master, cleverly foiled the plans of Condé (the Great Condé, Duc d'Enghien, then in the service of Spain).
the town. In 1492, the population which had previously more than 800 heads of families was reduced to a quarter of its former size. The Court had moved to Mons with many middle-class families and many trades following. Le Quesnoy from this time was seen as a stronghold under the authority of lords and captains-governors: in 1478, The Lord de Maingoval, Count of Chimay took this role. In 1493, we find Robert de Melun, in 1499, John of Luxembourg, in 1511, Philippe de Belleforière, Lord of Romeries and of Caudry. Maximilian of Austria kept a considerable bastion in Le Quesnoy to withstand the incessant incursions of the French settled in Cambrai. At that time, the religious communities in the town, already very numerous, developed in peace yet appointments of the heads of these establishments had to be made with the consent of the central government. Philip the Handsome (
Bousies, Briastre, Bry, Busegnies, Caudry, la Chapelle, Croix-Caluyau, Englefontaine, Escarmain, Eth, Fontaine-au-Bois, Forest(-en-Cambresis), Frasnoy, Ghissignies, Gommegnies, Harbegnies (Herbignies : a hamlet situated by the gate of the forest de Mormal), Haveluy, Haussy, Hecq, Jenlain, Le Quesnoy, Louvignies-Quesnoy, Malmaison, Maresches, Marbaix, Maroilles, Molaing, Neuville, Noyelles-sur-Sambre, Orsinval, Poix(-du-Nord), Potelle, Preux-au-Bois, Preux-au-Sart, Raucourt, Robersart, Romeries, Ruesnes, Salesches, St.-Martin, St.-Python, Sassegnies, Sepmeries, Solesmes, Sommaing, Taisnières-en-Thiérache, Vendegies-au-Bois, Vendegies-sur-Ecaillon, Vertain, Villereau, Villers-Pol, Wagnonville (hamlet), Wargnies-le-Grand, Wargnies-le-Petit.
93: 2738:, in, administrative archives of the city of Reims, t. I, P. Varin, Paris, 1839, pp. 1071–1074. NOTE: A sentence of the aldermen of the city of Reims in March 1292, brought order into the business of drapers and weavers of linen: 18 drapers and 32 weavers of linen included in the city, they are almost all foreigners by their nicknames, such as Rethel, Provins, Maubeuge, Valenciennes, Le Quesnoy. The Reims cloth industry, dating from the Roman period, at this time seems to have called in foreign industry and particularly the north (Hainaut, Flanders) whose expertise in this area was known and indisputable as to the quality of draperies produced. 2281: 1577:
lands. On the death of Jacqueline in 1436 without issue, Hainaut including Le Quesnoy became, by law, Burgundian possessions. That same year, one of the bands of "routiers" across France, who had fought the British but now being laid off, commanded by Chabannes and other leaders fought against Hainaut, where it gained a justified nickname of "the Skinners". The nearby Mormal forest served as a refuge to the inhabitants of the villages of Le Quesnoy, who were not too perturbed; although an expeditionary force formed by Jean de Croy had been beaten by the Skinners, who fortunately withdrew after their victory to Champagne.
49: 123: 64: 1151:, we find no evidence of a major population centre in the vicinity. However, the historian Jacques de Guise, claims that at that time the town was founded by a brave knight named Aymond, who lived around the year 800: "This Aymond was Count of Faumars (Famars) and Ardennes, also by his loyalty to the king, he and all four sons tended the deep wood, where they made a fortress and a place called Carcetus, Le Quesnoy. The legendary story of the epic by Renaud of Montauban "the horse Bayard and the four Aymond sons" is still known today from the Ardennes forest to the forest of Orleans." 1763:
by the Inquisition. The rebels, the Huguenots called "beggars" or "image breakers" began their campaign in 1566, attacking churches and desecrating any object of worship: on 24 August that year, all the churches in the town of Valenciennes were occupied and ransacked by a thousand of these rebels. Faced with this threat, the garrison of Quesnoy attacked on 24 November with 80 guns and the Huguenots entrenched themselves in Valenciennes. On 23 March 1567 the Huguenots surrendered their arms and the repression by Spanish was too severe, which displeased the people. In the
2297: 2068:– the four foremost places of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force during the Great War. In addition to designing, S. Hurst Seager had to find the ideal location of the memorial. So it was he who oversaw the erection of the monument whose implementation was provided by the artist Felix Desruelles the creator of the monument to the dead of the town. The plan of the New Zealanders monument in itself was the work of a designer of the British Flying Corps from Scotland, Robert Henry Fraser, a specialist in plastering and founder of the Art War Memorial Tablet in 1918. 1318:. Peace between the warring parties finally intervened. Le Quesnoy rose from its ruins and became the favorite residence of the Counts of Hainaut who indulged in hunting and maintained a brilliant court. From 1194, Count Baldwin V settled permanently in Le Quesnoy. That same year, Pierre Pitens, the Count's chaplain, founded a small hospital that was equipped with incomes of land: the hospital will be the source of the Abbey of St. Elizabeth, Le Quesnoy (in rue Achille-Carlier in the town) that occupant came from the Augustinian Abbey Prémy near Cambrai. 1913:
Pond near Potelle. A garrison of 1,000 German soldiers, including many defenders beaten in Tournai, was ordered to withstand whatever happened. Civilians in the city were ordered to evacuate on 27 October but some remained in cellars. On the third refusal to surrender, including one sent by an aircraft, the New Zealand troops launched an assault on the town while preserving it. In the late afternoon, the New Zealand artillery and British artillery aimed at the top of the walls and confused the defenders through the use of "oil bombs". Some men led by 2Lt
3268: 2187: 2425: 1889: 2305: 426: 2139: 1546:, known for this reason, in the history of Le Quesnoy by the name of Margaret of Burgundy. Margaret stood out throughout her life by her good works, and moreover, she had to take an important role in the town. During his reign, William IV granted many privileges including to the bowmen of Le Quesnoy. Le Quesnoy reached its peak of power and fame. The town was well protected and supplied, and was able to sell to the towns of the Somme and others darts, crossbows and guns. 2451: 2199: 2175: 2151: 2163: 2438: 1591:
During these hunts, deer were hunted (for their meat of choice, their fur and antlers used for decoration), wolves (due to attacking the sheep), wild dogs (as carriers of rabies) and badgers (as their fur was in great demand). From this forest were also taken the best wild foals (although made quite docile by the presence of man over time) which later would take part in parades to honour the combat of the troops of the Count of Hainaut.
2412: 1075: 3365: 2055:. This monument of the New Zealand fixed on a curtain wall between the two bastions of the Gard and Saint-Martin, is dated 1922. Like many memorials of the Great War, it was opened on Sunday 15 July 1923 in the presence of Marshal Joffre, Lord Milner and Sir James Allen (NZ). The New Zealand government decided in 1920 to include its lost youth in stone. Thus, the "jack of all trades" New Zealand architect, 1778:
Century. The garrison of Le Quesnoy was increased at that time to station 3000 armed men. As there was not enough room in the barracks of the town, use was made to lodge some of the men with the citizens but protests ensued from the population. In 1616 the convent of Récollets was founded at a place called "L’Hermitage," near the town walls east of the Rue du Gard: its mission was to assist the clergy.
1523:. The peers of Hainaut protested and petitioned the lord of Ligne: in reply, the Duke beheaded the lord of Enghien and seized his lands. In 1365, civil war sparked in Hainaut, which was ended in 1376, by the promise of Albert of Bavaria to found a mass in the church of Le Quesnoy dedicated to the repose of the soul of the lord executed, as well as providing monetary compensation for his orphans. 2106:. Jacqueline of Hinault was born at the Castle in 1401. Charles the Bold and his daughter were the last sovereigns to live there. It was later neglected and almost abandoned in the sixteenth century. Of the prestigious Medieval castle there are few vestiges: a gateway and a set of remarkable Romanesque cellars. The current large building at the site is called Cernay and was mostly built in 1681. 130: 100: 1841:. The existing five bastions were amended or supplemented to create a body eight strong. The northern areas (Royal bastion) and south (Gard stronghold) are most representative of the action of Vauban. However, in the old regime of France where clientele took precedence over skills or even economy, the work was not awarded to local contractors. 491:) are major attractions. Le Quesnoy is home to many small traders and has a trading area of more than respectable size for a town of less than 5,000 people. The closure of industrial enterprises (Cofradec, Duarte, dairy products) and services (transport) remains problematic, although there have been some new sources of work such as with the 2080:, best known for cinematic special effects work on Lord of the Rings, Avatar, and Dune, created an immersive visitor experience. This includes a large-scale, hyper-realistic soldier and the piece that gave the museum its name: Te Arawhata (The Ladder). This artwork is a 7.4m structure that extends up through the museum stairwell. 1849:
question divided the supply ponds into two, known today under the names of The Red Bridge Pond and The Blessed Pond. These two ponds supplying water to flood the ditches in case of siege, were supplemented by two other ponds no longer exist (the pond d’Aulnoye and that of L’Ecaillon in the forest of Mormal).
was appointed official architect of the Great War memorials of New Zealand. His work was noticed by a traveling exhibition for "improving the aesthetic standards of memorials" had seduced the local authorities. Hurst Seager thus received the task of designing the memorials of Longueval and Le Quesnoy
Another Philip succeeded as head of the Spanish Empire in 1598. He made peace with all the old enemies: the Spanish Netherlands were administered by the Archduke Albert and his wife the Infanta Isabella under the tutelage of Spain. The region bathed in a period of peace in the first third of the 17th
in 1500, educated and advised by the Hainaut tutor Guillaume de Croÿ, Lord of Chièvres in whom he gave his full confidence upon succeeding his father in 1515. Upon the death of his maternal grandfather in 1516, he became undisputed King of Spain and its rich colonies. He became, in 1520 elected the
On the death of his mother Margaret in 1356, William became Count William III of Hainault and William V of Holland. But returning from a trip to England in 1358, he was suffering from madness and initially to prevent harm, was imprisoned in The Hague, then in the tower of the Castle of Le Quesnoy, in
The 18th century, during the reign of Louis XV and the beginning of the reign of Louis XVI, was relatively peaceful for the northern border. In fact, travelers passing by the town were astonished at the friendliness of Quercitains who gained a reputation, as flattering as it was, as "pretty people,"
On his wife Mary of Burgundy's demise in 1482, Maximilian of Austria gave to his son Philip the Handsome, still a child, his mother's inheritance, thus Hainaut passed to Austria. As to Le Quesnoy, it no longer served as favorite home to the new princes: the remoteness of the court was detrimental to
Under the Treaty of Delft in 1428 with Jacqueline, Philip the Good of Burgundy became the heir of Hainaut: he officially took possession in 1436 becoming the new Count of Hainault. However he left his aunt, Margaret of Burgundy, the mother of the late Jacqueline, the enjoyment of manors, the income,
In 1279, John I of Hainaut (or John II of Avesnes), son of another John and Margaret of Holland, son and grandson of Margaret II of Flanders, acceded to the County of Hainaut following the death of his grandmother. He preferred to live in Mons rather than in Le Quesnoy. In perpetual struggle against
In 1244, the death of her older sister who had no offspring, Marguerite of Hainaut and of Flanders (also known as Margaret of Constantinople as second daughter of Baldwin VI of Hainaut) inherited Flanders and Hainaut. She was nicknamed the Black for her dishonorable conduct. From her first marriage
The town was taken on 23 August 1914 by German troops and suffered a harsh occupation for four years. The mayor of the town, Achille Carlier, was condemned for hiding wounded French and British on the arrival of German troops. Carlier was put on trial in Brussels. He was defended by a German lawyer
for a declaration of war against Spain dragging the southern Spanish Netherlands (including Hainaut) into the turmoil of the fourth phase so-called " French phase" of the Thirty Years War, between the French and Dutch versus a Hispano-Austrian-German alliance. Hainaut at that time was criss-crossed
Another Philip succeeded as head of the Spanish Empire in 1621. In his time the castle's restoration was completed in 1625 and the town in 1631 gave 50,000 florins to borrow to pay off its debts. In 1635, France under the influence of Richelieu allied to the United Provinces (Dutch Protestant) and
After the abdication in 1555, of free will, of Charles V, his son Philip II of Spain succeeded to Spain and its rich American colonies, Italy and the Spanish Netherlands (including Hainaut). The reign of the new sovereign was characterized by the struggle against reformed religion harshly repressed
with the royal troops; the Duke and his father did not accept that Count of Hainaut had rallied to the English. The inhabitants of the town defended themselves. Fortunately, they were well equipped with soldiers, weapons and artillery they had previously equipped the town walls with cannon ("batons
who was given custody of Le Quesnoy castle, until the conclusion of a peace treaty: the treaty became effective in 1297. But John made the people who had previously dared to make an appeal against him to the Count of Flanders regret their behaviour: many citizens of Hainaut were imprisoned and died
of the mill in the town and used a ladder to scale the walls. The New Zealanders took the town after street fighting in the early evening of 4 November 1918. Taking Le Quesnoy and neighbouring communities opened the door to the Sambre Gap, that is: the way to Belgium and Germany which precipitated
troops. In a major movement of British troops who had distinguished themselves in Ghissignies, Louvignies, Jolimetz and Orsinval, taking the old fortress was given to the New Zealand troops encircling the city, who followed from the west a railway track (now dismantled) and bypassed the Red Bridge
The good relationship between the young William II (Count William IV of Hainault) and the bourgeois is Le Quesnoy resulted in the rapid construction of beautiful round towers surrounding the town (partially destroyed in the 16th Century on the construction of the new walls). In 1405 he reached his
entered Hainaut with 7000 men at arms and a powerful artillery. He stood before Le Quesnoy on 23 May 1477 but was repelled. He returned some time later and succeeded after intense bombardment (nearly 900 balls thrown) to take the town, leaving his fair archers to rush through the open breach, but
According to a survey for the Dukes of Burgundy dated1466 for areas of, the town of Quesnoy was also the seat of a district led by a Provost in the County of Hainaut comprising the following settlements (simply called "villes"): Amfroipret, Batiches, Beaudignies, Beaurain, Berlaimont, Bermerain,
In the 15th Century Le Quesnoy was the ideal holiday resort of the Dukes of Burgundy: they organized lavish parties, and in their moments of relaxation in the country they hunted, their favorite sport, in the nearby Mormal forest which happened to be the specific domain of the Counts of Hainaut.
With no trace of her father Baldwin VI since the year 1205 his eldest daughter, Joan of Flanders (also known as Joan de Constantinople), heiress of Flanders and Hainaut, took the reins of both states: in 1211 she married her cousin Ferdinand of Portugal (choice proposed by the King of France, her
and Charles V of Spain were in perpetual strife and wars during their respective reigns. At that time, the garrison of Quesnoy composed of a Walloon company 200 soldiers, commanded by a governor named by Antoine de Croÿ, Lord of Thour and Sempy. The company had to increase the bourgeois ranks of
in 1815, it was decided that the city was to be occupied by Russian troops for three years. Relations between Quercitains and Russians are friendly to the point that many marriages are between Russian officers and the local ladies. This relationship, although one officer left his wife to return
The experience of easy capture of the town led the authorities to strengthen the sector of the fortifications by which had the Imperials had attacked in 1712. A huge hornwork, unique in the world, was then built to protect the vicinity called Fauroeulx and the gate of the same name. The work in
in 1428, she retired to Holland, where she married secretly Frans van Borsele, Stadhouder of Holland, tasked with guarding her (she was 27 years old). On hearing this, her heir and cousin Philip the Good, decided on killing the fourth husband: to save him, Jacqueline gave up her rights over her
is housed in the mansion house originally built by Achille Carlier Snr as the mayoral home for Le Quesnoy. It is located on a four-hectare site in the centre of Le Quesnoy. Carlier would later become deputy mayor of Le Quesnoy and a member of parliament. A local Le Quesnoy architect, Véronique
of Quesnoy. Its doors, the oldest, attributed to Charles V, date from about 1540. The work was then modified, enhanced and refined several times. In 1759, the top sides were removed thereby increasing the capacity of the structure and the surface of the bastion. The interior space thus created
Many New Zealanders traveled to Le Quesnoy to join the French on 4 November 2018 to celebrate the centenary of the liberation of Le Quesnoy. Many events were held that day including the unveiling of a plan to construct a New Zealand War Memorial Museum. In October 2023, this original plan was
became a widow of her husband in 1347: when she moved to Le Quesnoy where she stayed until the end of her life, and made the castle her preferred home. The cloth industry flourished there at that time: indeed, when the cloth industry of Mons was reorganized in 1352 it called upon clothmaking
Despite the good reputation of the fortification work begun under the direction of Louvois and Vauban, the fortification was quickly outdated and the town was taken in 1712 by the imperialists in 6 days. The governor of the town of Mr. de la Badie, was made to explain his alleged "mediocre"
1720:. In 1500 Philip gave the castle of Le Quesnoy to his sister Margaret of Austria (later regent of the Netherlands under her godson Charles V). Philip, the local prince born, raised and loved by people in the Netherlands died in 1506, leaving two infant sons: Charles of Luxembourg, later 1864:
The city on the border of the young republic was taken by the Austrians and then again in July 1794 by the troops of Scherer after a severe siege in a downpour. 3000 Austrians were taken prisoner on this occasion. The news of the capture of the city was sent within hours by telegraph
Reglement d’entre les maistres de la drapperie et les tixerans de drap, faict par arbitres et amiables compositeurs (Acte de sentence de l’échevinage de Reims, concernant les métiers de drapier et tisserands, mars 1292. A cartulary, Archbishop of Reims, fol. 60 – Invent. of 1481, p.
1332:(he was also Baudouin IX Count of Flanders) succeeded in 1195 the title of Count of Hainaut following the death of his father. Born in Valenciennes in 1171, he later married Marie of Champagne, niece of the King of France — at that time there were very close links with France. 1467:
began and being a vassal state of the Holy Roman Empire, the Count was led to take sides with the Flemish and the King of England against France, despite the family ties binding it to the latter. Therefore, 22 May 1340, Le Quesnoy was besieged by John, Duke of Normandy (son of
the Dampierres, he could not so much as collect additional taxes on his middle classes, that they, in desperation, seeing their industries decline, appealed to the Count of Flanders, Dampierre. A truce was concluded on 14 October 1292 through the intervention of the Duke
406:. It is known for its fortifications, dating from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It had an significant shoemaking industry before the late 1940s, followed by a chemical factory and dairy, giving way to its weekly market, tourism, local commuting to elsewhere such as 1378:
in Le Quesnoy in 1212, with Bouchard Avesnes, her teacher she had chosen herself, she had two surviving sons, John and Baldwin of Avesnes. She divorced, for reasons unknown (Bouchard belonged, however, to English stock) and married again in 1223, a knight of Champagne,
to Gauthier, lord of Enghien and to Jacques de Verchain Seneschal of Hainaut, provided that if his wife Philippa of Luxembourg survived him, the town and its revenues should revert to him, she was widowed in 1304 and it actually reverted to John that year.
2009:. The result was a four-day siege which kept von Hartlieb-Walsporn's force in place at a time when other German armoured formations were making rapid progress. Von Hartlieb-Walsporn eventually took Le Quesnoy, but was relieved of his command soon after. 1974:
bell of the carillon at Le Quesnoy is dedicated to New Zealanders. After the abandonment the Germans set fire to the belfry, the big bell was melted. The bronze was recovered and used to make a new bell to continue the tradition. A bell in the
and the edge of it is met with a mill near wetlands known as "the Pond du Gard". Desiring to populate his new fortified town, the Count enacted in 1161 a charter granting privileges to many people: the town prospered and there embraced a ...
1572:, Duke of Burgundy in Ghent, which again she escaped. She continued the fight and became victorious: the Duke of Brabant (her second husband) died in 1427. However, her territories declared allegiance to her cousin Philip the Good. In the 1845:
resistance. He was quickly released because the French besieged the town under Claude Louis Hector de Villars, in the hands of the Austrians, could only resist one day or seven days more under the orders of the old French military.
torrential rain halted the fighting. However, the town surrendered the next day and preferred to pay 900 gold crowns to prevent looting: the King of France had lost 500 men at arms in the venture! The same year the young duchess
The Tower of Baldwin the Builder. This tower is one of the oldest parts of the fortification. Vulnerable at its top to artillery, this was razed. However, it is home to a beautiful vaulted room, allowing the reception of fifty
1639:, was apparently not entirely innocent in this matter: the powerful Duke of Burgundy took umbrage upon him. During his reign, Charles the Bold did nothing but make war: his desire was to recreate a single realm, as the former 1218:, wife of Baldwin IV endowed the castle with a chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist. The castle had a park called "Bois du Gard" in which encountered deer, fallow deer and wild game. The park extended to the southeast (to 1634:
his second wife. In 1463, he also intervened in the town concerning a case of witchcraft difficult to resolve: he arrested a man named Charles de Noyers in the service of the Comte d'Estampes. The beguiling King of France,
1437:: The couple lived in Le Quesnoy frequently. The count in 1314, improved and strengthened the fortifications and, in 1318, in order to promote trade, he allowed wealthy Lombard bankers to settle in the town. In 1327 1239:
to accommodate lepers (the disease of leprosy had been reported by the Crusaders from the East). Baldwin and his wife were still living, according to the scrolls, in 1169 in Le Quesnoy. The son of the Count (later
Today, economic activity is mainly based on tourism and local shops. The town with its ramparts, castle ponds and history (including the Revolutionary Armed bivouac and the New Zealanders Monument on the border of
2316:), kept on the first floor of the town hall: Pierre Bimberlot, created in 1904, and Giant Maori, created in 2004. On the first Sunday in August, Pierrot Bimberlot tours the town distributing sweets to onlookers. 1352:). Later he was elected by the Crusaders Emperor of Constantinople, but was captured in 1205 by the Greek allies to the Bulgarians: he never reappeared. He left two daughters, Jeanne and Marguerite P. Abbot. 2124:, one hundred and thirty years before. The restoration of the right flank of the bastion in 1991 helped find the artillery embrasures arranged in the sixteenth century, masked by the brick veneer created by 2072: 1964: 250: 445:, iron/steel works did not take hold. The lack of wealth underground and of a major transportation route partly explains this. The authorities, however, took note of this weakness and proposed the 3318: 2947:, publié dans Vauban et ses successeurs dans les ports du Ponant et du Levant, Paris : Association Vauban, 2000, p 123 (également publié dans Les cahiers de Montpellier no 38, tome II/1998, 1626:
including Count of Hainaut. In 1468, he came in the town of Le Quesnoy who greeted him with great fanfare. He had lived there from the age of seven, after the death of his mother, with his aunt
The chapel of the hospital building curiously built in latticed soft stone, gothic style, is actually a nineteenth-century structure and a fine example of neo-gothic architecture of the period.
Russia, between the town and empire of the Tsars, is also recalled when the Franco-Russian accord became the cornerstone of the alliance system of Third Republic on the eve of the Great War.
The post-war boom or 'trentes glorieuses' saw industrial development on the outskirts of the town, including the chemical company (Cofradec) and food (Laiterie des 4 Cantons) inaugurated by
of 48 bells. Directly adjacent to the belfry, the town hall built in 1700, offers a fine example of classical building. The grand staircase in the lobby is a classified architectural work.
3278: 1340:, sister of Baldwin VI. It also brought together in his hands the county of Flanders. In 1200, he took the cross (left on a Crusade) and left the regency of his dominions to his brother 1158:? Furthermore, the historian Jules Duvivier would rather name an ancient Count of Hainaut: indeed, in the 8th century, portions of territories around the present town belonged to the 2515: 1519:. Albert of Bavaria did not entertain good relations with particular subjects of Hainaut, he arrested Sir Sohier of Enghien at a banquet and locked him in Le Quesnoy, for causing him 1290:, with the consent of the inhabitants, burned the town so the attackers could not occupy it: the Quercitains took refuge in their castle and victoriously resisted the assaults of the 1564:, second son of King Charles VI of France, she would become widowed in 1417. From that time, Jacqueline lived with her mother in the castle. A year later, she married her cousin 1542:. He was married first wife, Mary, daughter of the King of France, Charles V. His marriage was barren so he contracted a new alliance (12 April 1385) with Margaret, daughter of 1402:
in the castle vaults of Le Quesnoy. Drapers and weavers of (with their jobs and know-how) started to flee Le Quesnoy even before 1292, we find some settled in the city of
surrounded the town of Quesnoy with ditches and ramparts and also built in 1150 the castle which became an important the center of the fortifications of the town (now the
to foreigners, of whichever countries they might be, the faculty to enjoy the same rights as residents of Le Quesnoy provided that they fix their residence in the town
as she had an eventful life: the cause of much pain for the town, Hainaut and the other states under her authority. Betrothed at 22 months and at five years to
Shoemaking was a major local industry until at least 1945, when a hundred shoemakers were still identifiable. Shoemakers worked at home for a local company (now
The town was then put in the hands of a man from Mazarin, Talon nicknamed 'of Le Quesnoy' administered the town that officially became French in 1659 under the
In 1417, Jacqueline, born in Le Quesnoy in 1401, succeeded to the title of Countess of Hainaut, following the death of her father William IV. She was nicknamed
in Champagne. John who did not like Le Quenoy, offered it in 1301 by will to his son Raoul de Clermont, Constable of France. He, however, was killed in 1302 in
fought against Charles V and took Le Quesnoy, but could not hold it: famine prevailed in the town, as the province had been devastated by the rekindled war.
Frédéric d’Yve, alias Fredericq abbé et seigneur de Maroilles : Un diplomate hennuyer, conseiller de Philippe II dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle
The belfry of the Town Hall, solid and chunky, which was destroyed many times, in 1794, 1918 and 1940. The first tower was built in 1583. It now houses a
who gave her three sons, and she tried to help (them) by bequest and inheritance: what proved the origin of a quarrel that engulfed Hainaut and Flanders.
1933:, for the courage of the soldiers recognized by numerous military citations (over 50 recorded in the London Gazette), and the preservation of the city. 2583: 1901: 1833:
An advanced bastion of France until 1678 when Valenciennes became French, the fortifications of Quesnoy were modified and reinforced by the very young
1811: 1515:
which he remained for more than twenty years. His brother, Albert, Duke of Bavaria, secured the regency of his States, pending the majority of his son
of fire"), machinery and small cannons mounted on carriages which were used against the French attackers led by Marshal Mirepoix. The "Chronicles of
1085: 2113:
The Fauroeulx gate. It is the only gate that has not suffered in Le Quesnoy from World War II. It connects the city with the horn work of Faulroeux.
2940: 1278:
rather than Le Quesnoy. In 1184, the count had to struggle against a coalition from the sire of Avesnes, the Count of Brabant and his brother the
Coupet, and a New Zealand architect based in London, Robert Hanson, worked together to transform the three-story mansion house into the museum.
6653: 2543: 155: 92: 1743:
new Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Amassing so much power in the hands of one man whose states surrounded France led to the inevitable:
1643:(from which Lorraine is named), between Burgundy and the Netherlands (he envisaged a Burgundian domination from the North Sea to Sicily). 361:
French Land Register data, which excludes lakes, ponds, glaciers > 1 km (0.386 sq mi or 247 acres) and river estuaries.
3323: 2828: 1825:. During this transitional period, many properties of the bourgeois came under the control of war profiteers who were local and French. 3289:
Some information about Le Quesnoy. I have down this website to help the people who want to visit this town. French and English version.
122: 3303: 1314:
Meanwhile, at Le Quesnoy, the Lord of Trazegnies who commanded the garrison made a sortie and surprised the Flemish in their camp at
married Maximilian of Austria, head of the house of Habsburg, and in 1478 his troops drove the French out of the county of Hainaut.
6658: 2397:
report the visit of General Hart in November 1918) in gratitude for liberation, but the rules of heraldry have prevented the plan.
1531: 1159: 1880:
However, the city exhausted by that time, would never regain the prestige that made it the second largest city in French Hainaut.
In 1304, William I, the second son of John Avesnes, succeeded his father and took the title of Count of Hainaut: he was nicknamed
3345: 1930: 2357:
The social emancipation of the 13th to 15th centuries (Publication of the accounts of the prévôté of Le Quesnoy – 13th Century)
in Le Quesnoy was opened to the public. This newer museum is in addition to four memorials previously constructed in Aotearoa.
1527: 2226: 1956: 3205: 1976: 1561: 506:
Le Quesnoy is first attested in forms accompanied by the Latinized name of its alleged founder, called Haymon or Aymond:
226: 2026:
allowed the addition of four underground rooms accessible only by a courtyard. The superstructure was modified in 1882.
63: 3105: 1481: 1154:
Despite this assertion, the historian Valenciennes d’Oultreman said he could be a character named Aymon: governor of
1114: 2629:Études étymologiques, historiques et comparatives sur les noms des villes, bourgs et villages du département du Nord 3138: 2215: 2005:
to invade Le Quesnoy on 18 May 1940. The town was defended by a small force which included a battalion of Moroccan
In late imperial times, the city was taken without much resistance by the Dutch during a mock siege. At the end of
1651: 1266:
Baldwin V of Hainaut inherited in 1171 the title of Count of Hainaut in the death of his father, he was nicknamed
3354: 2473: 2234: 2002: 1725: 1550: 6212: 4062: 1449:, (England). At that time, William of Hainault had an excellent relationship with Flanders, England and France. 4147: 2095: 48: 2493: 1646: 1487:
Margaret, in 1345, succeeded following the death in Friesland of her brother William II. In 1345, she granted
1162:, fellows of the Frankish kings to whom they were granted. In the 9th century, the region was occupied by the 2121: 1732: 1721: 2945:
Actes du colloque " Vauban et ses successeurs dans les ports du Ponant et du Levant ", Brest, 16–19 mai 1993
and whose final -fles is the same as –af(f)le and the northern -ofle, which descends from the Germanic
6187: 3857: 1905: 1516: 1492: 1453: 1322: 1198: 327: 5967: 2598: 2528: 3353: 3338: 3279:
Le Quesnoy New Zealand Memorial on the website ‘‘Remembrance Trails of the Great War in Northern France’‘
The New Zealand troops who liberated the town in 1918 formed from their ranks an entertainment group the
1419: 1297: 1260: 1241: 476:. In the Bellevue district, the remains of a factory attest to the presence of a former pottery factory. 238: 6012: 3039: 245: 2382:"Silver, one oak between two smaller ones, on a green base." In 1918, the municipality wanted to add a 1914: 1504: 1430: 1356: 1341: 6107: 5952: 5947: 5582: 4562: 2047:
On the ramparts, another work by Desruelles commemorates the liberation of the city (World War I) by
1998: 1764: 1407: 221: 6312: 3029:
W. E. Murphy, 2nd New Zealand Divisional Artillery, Historical Publications Branch, 1966, Wellington
2280: 1678:, who had been given custody of the town in 1477 by Louis XI, found himself in a hurry to get away. 597:
in Picard dialect which covers some of northern France and Belgium a few instances elsewhere in the
6632: 6202: 5727: 4722: 3358: 3040:"The liberation of Le Quesnoy – New Zealand and Le Quesnoy | NZHistory, New Zealand history online" 2782:, in " Villes et campagnes au Moyen Âge, mélanges Georges Despy ", Éd. du Perron, Liège (B.), 1991. 1565: 1271: 392: 214: 17: 5917: 5897: 5362: 5332: 4767: 4112: 3862: 3667: 3647: 2804:, t. XXVI, Mémoires de la Société Archéologique et Historique de l’arrondissement d’Avesnes, 1977. 2579: 551: 5957: 3997: 3912: 3522: 3163: 1379: 1371: 1349: 5882: 4327: 2844:
Sceau aux armes de Jacquemart de Surie (var. de Surye) – Année 1483 en la ville du Quesnoy,
2186: 2021:
The bastion Verde Hospital siege. The bastion Green is the smallest but the most interesting of
6522: 6512: 6257: 6007: 5232: 3967: 3657: 3331: 3293: 3079: 2874:
Sceau aux armes de Jacquemart de Surie (var. de Surye) – Année 1483 en la ville du Quesnoy
2468: 2455: 2258: 2253: 2018:
The ramparts, built in the Spanish period and modified by Vauban and his successors until 1914.
1944: 1822: 1814:. The town that was never French becomes it to the great pleasure of the court. The young King 1694: 1623: 1345: 5987: 5477: 5432: 4567: 4532: 4067: 4027: 2611: 1834: 1304:, collecting and concentrating his troops. The Count of Flanders then came to the ramparts of 1190:. Finally, 1148, the freehold was sold by the Bishop of Cambrai, Nicolas de Chièvres to Count 6626: 6527: 6237: 5812: 5367: 4887: 3962: 3907: 2511: 2091: 1543: 1442: 1191: 434: 395: 342: 306: 209: 6192: 5797: 5072: 4502: 4497: 2138: 1940:
visited the town that re-entered history by its sacrifice. A military parade was then held.
6367: 5912: 5422: 4512: 2539: 1690: 1675: 1627: 1438: 1253: 316: 6287: 5787: 5697: 3179: 2296: 1929:. Constructed to honor the excellence of preparation which remains in the memories of the 8: 6427: 6407: 6382: 5977: 5942: 5867: 5722: 5487: 5482: 5437: 5427: 5352: 5327: 5237: 4692: 4517: 4507: 4227: 4117: 4032: 3972: 3917: 3397: 2878:
Répertoire d'armoiries sur sceaux des hommes de fief du Comté de Hainaut du XIII au XVIII
2559: 2117: 2056: 1790: 1771: 1744: 1701: 1631: 1469: 1434: 1337: 1333: 6392: 6132: 6047: 4652: 2872:
Série 49H24, pièce sur parchemin 128A, Le Quesnoy, 1483 ; G. G. Sury et Y. Criez,
1937: 1622:) usually translated as "the Bold" succeeded his father as the Duke of Burgundy and the 1174:, as the river became too narrow for their boats. Later, the land at Le Queroy became a 6252: 5992: 5922: 5902: 5887: 5492: 5202: 5157: 5132: 4597: 4002: 3852: 3817: 3537: 3392: 3267: 2263: 2077: 1873: 1782: 1756: 1749: 1666: 1636: 1383: 1245: 388: 39: 6322: 5197: 3752: 2822: 1689:
of Burgundy upon marriage in Damme, Flanders, 1468. She was also the sister of Kings
598: 6472: 6467: 6457: 6377: 6307: 6247: 5962: 5927: 5892: 5767: 5417: 5392: 4972: 4902: 4582: 4572: 4537: 4352: 4057: 3547: 3507: 3477: 2198: 2174: 2150: 2103: 2099: 1717: 1508: 1464: 1398: 1390: 1291: 1283: 1279: 1249: 1143:
Near the Fauroeulx gate of the town in 1933, Roman pottery was discovered. Under the
480: 233: 197: 5347: 3777: 1092: 6437: 6387: 6242: 5757: 5382: 5067: 4907: 4557: 4552: 4447: 4242: 3517: 3497: 3017:
Philip Gibbs, copyright 1918 by the New York Times Company. Telegraph special for
2880:, Archives générales du Royaume (Belgique), Bruxelles, 1980. ; Mechelen 2005, 2817: 2393: 2383: 2277:, Mayor of Le Quesnoy (1945–1947, 1953–69). The town's main school bears his name. 2220: 2162: 1991: 1686: 1682: 1671: 1658: 1647: 1608: 1584: 1287: 1167: 468:. A glassmaking factory installed near the railway track on the site of the former 465: 4417: 3230: 2285: 2274: 1888: 6412: 6397: 6372: 5747: 5687: 5632: 5622: 5222: 5082: 4462: 3992: 3662: 3632: 3447: 3377: 1709: 1662: 1615: 1581: 1573: 1569: 1526: 1096: 519: 380: 375: 202: 6027: 5707: 5617: 5592: 4377: 4307: 6542: 6127: 6037: 5847: 5832: 5302: 5152: 5107: 5027: 4997: 4747: 4642: 4577: 4357: 4207: 3642: 3567: 3542: 3492: 3273: 1971: 1474: 1215: 1175: 543: 457:; considered but abandoned because of low water yield in the forest of Mormal. 403: 6352: 5372: 4522: 4037: 3727: 3452: 2304: 1503: 604:. This suffix is used to denote a set of trees belonging to the same species. 469: 425: 6647: 6572: 6567: 6492: 6442: 6347: 6092: 6052: 6002: 5972: 5907: 5732: 5652: 5647: 4682: 4442: 4317: 4162: 4142: 4122: 4107: 3982: 3482: 2240: 1948: 1866: 1630:. In 1454, he even gave a grand banquet at Le Quesnoy after his wedding with 1305: 1301: 1138: 170: 157: 5637: 5577: 3298: 6597: 6587: 6502: 6357: 6302: 6157: 6142: 6117: 5997: 5982: 5932: 5607: 5572: 5567: 5407: 5052: 4987: 4927: 4847: 4797: 4677: 4337: 4287: 4277: 4022: 3792: 2876:, Edit. Geoffroy G. Sury, Dépôt légal 2004, pp. 4, 12–15 ; G. Wymans, 1984: 1869:, a world first, at the delegation of the Parisian public that greeted it. 1275: 1171: 488: 438: 407: 5702: 5677: 5292: 5247: 4302: 4007: 3922: 3787: 3757: 3607: 3422: 3113: 2927:, Edit. Geoffroy G. Sury, Dépôt légal, 2004, pp. 2, 5–7 ; Y. Cazaux, 6552: 6547: 6452: 6402: 6292: 6272: 6227: 6172: 6162: 6017: 5937: 5762: 5532: 5517: 5412: 5402: 5342: 5317: 5282: 5242: 5217: 5187: 5042: 4992: 4877: 4867: 4827: 4732: 4627: 4592: 4387: 4157: 4092: 3942: 3897: 3827: 3807: 3737: 3637: 3597: 2450: 2052: 1952: 1909: 1640: 1219: 1214:
This castle had a tower which together with the rest make up a fortress.
who settled there along rivers. Around the year 842 at the time of King
1148: 1144: 473: 6082: 5782: 5562: 4817: 4282: 4272: 4197: 3682: 6602: 6577: 6507: 6362: 6337: 6327: 6317: 6197: 6177: 6057: 5857: 5612: 5587: 5552: 5522: 5507: 5472: 5287: 5277: 5177: 5172: 5122: 5117: 5092: 5017: 5012: 4982: 4967: 4917: 4807: 4802: 4762: 4717: 4697: 4687: 4662: 4657: 4402: 4397: 4382: 4267: 4247: 4087: 4017: 3952: 3932: 3882: 3872: 3847: 3837: 3797: 3772: 3767: 3732: 3712: 3692: 3677: 3622: 3532: 3402: 2429: 2030: 1979:
is named Le Quesnoy and is dedicated to the New Zealand Rifle Brigade.
1918: 1614:
On 5 June 1467 Charles, born Comte de Charolois, who was later called (
562: 335: 323: 302: 5642: 5322: 5307: 5007: 4647: 4467: 4297: 4077: 3947: 1652:
Maximilian Archduke of Austria, later Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
to try to take the town: it resisted. It was the same for the town of
6612: 6607: 6562: 6517: 6497: 6462: 6422: 6267: 6262: 6232: 6207: 6182: 6137: 6097: 6087: 6022: 5802: 5772: 5752: 5682: 5597: 5557: 5502: 5452: 5377: 5337: 5207: 5112: 5087: 4912: 4872: 4822: 4782: 4742: 4702: 4672: 4667: 4617: 4542: 4477: 4437: 4412: 4372: 4367: 4332: 4232: 4212: 4187: 4177: 4132: 3987: 3927: 3822: 3782: 3747: 3702: 3697: 3582: 3512: 3008:
Justice political disease of our time, Professor. Dr. Friedrich Grimm
2065: 1917:
reached the ramparts of the southern sector where the remains of the
1815: 297: 6277: 6032: 5717: 5712: 4527: 3707: 3457: 3086:. Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage. 21 January 2015 1892:
The New Zealand monument commemorating the liberation of Le Quesnoy.
It was the chief town of the District of Quesnoy from 1790 to 1795.
6582: 6487: 6482: 6222: 6147: 6102: 6067: 6062: 5877: 5862: 5817: 5737: 5667: 5657: 5547: 5457: 5442: 5262: 5257: 5192: 5167: 5142: 5127: 5062: 5057: 5002: 4962: 4952: 4922: 4897: 4882: 4852: 4832: 4787: 4772: 4712: 4632: 4607: 4602: 4472: 4407: 4347: 4257: 4252: 4222: 4137: 4127: 4102: 4097: 4082: 4047: 3902: 3887: 3877: 3867: 3832: 3812: 3742: 3672: 3652: 3602: 3592: 3572: 3472: 3467: 3432: 2416: 2041: 2040:
of the town, near the town hall, is a work created by Valenciennes
2037: 1926: 1794: 1411: 1309: 1228: 1155: 446: 442: 5807: 4837: 4492: 4487: 433:
The town of Le Quesnoy did not experience much change during the
6537: 6447: 6432: 6332: 6282: 6152: 6072: 5872: 5852: 5842: 5822: 5792: 5777: 5742: 5627: 5537: 5527: 5462: 5397: 5387: 5272: 5227: 5182: 5102: 5047: 5037: 5032: 4947: 4942: 4892: 4857: 4842: 4792: 4757: 4727: 4637: 4587: 4457: 4422: 4312: 4262: 4182: 4172: 4152: 4052: 3957: 3937: 3892: 3842: 3802: 3717: 3687: 3587: 3557: 3552: 3407: 3308: 3288: 2931:, Albin Michel Editeur, Fonds Mercator, Anvers (B), 1973, p. 392. 2498:, Plateforme ouverte des données publiques françaises
2437: 2424: 2411: 2324: 2022: 1959:, the New Zealand High Commissioner in London as honored guests. 1520: 1497: 1232: 1179: 1163: 547: 454: 2882:
Femmes d’exception, Marguerite d’York, et Marguerite d’Autriche,
The New Zealanders' action on November 1918 was memorialized in
6592: 6557: 6532: 6477: 6342: 6217: 6167: 6112: 6077: 6042: 5837: 5672: 5662: 5602: 5512: 5467: 5447: 5357: 5312: 5297: 5267: 5212: 5137: 5097: 4977: 4957: 4862: 4777: 4752: 4737: 4707: 4622: 4612: 4547: 4482: 4452: 4432: 4427: 4342: 4322: 4217: 4202: 4167: 4042: 4012: 3977: 3762: 3722: 3627: 3612: 3577: 3527: 3487: 3462: 3442: 3417: 3412: 3382: 2908:
Femmes d’exception, Marguerite d’York, et Marguerite d’Autriche
Femmes d’exception, Marguerite d’York, et Marguerite d’Autriche
2379: 2125: 1807: 1315: 450: 399: 190: 2327:. The coincidence appears to have gone unnoticed in history. 1943:
On 15 July 1923 the New Zealanders' monument was inaugurated.
5827: 5497: 5252: 5162: 5147: 5077: 5022: 4932: 4392: 4292: 4237: 4192: 4072: 3617: 3562: 3437: 3387: 3313: 2821: 2350:
The castral politics of Baldwin IV Builder and son Baldwin V
2061: 2048: 1739: 1681:
The town and province of Quesnoy were also given in dowry to
was even called to settle in Mons with his working material.
1403: 1236: 1224: 557:
Quenoy is the Picard equivalent of existing alternate French
514:, "oak", a Latin term never imposed in Gaul). It appeared as 3283: 2923:, Salesches, 1969, pp. 87–89 ; G. G. Sury et Y. Criez, 2857:
Chambre des Comptes : Cartulaire du Quesnoy, année 1466
6417: 6297: 6122: 4937: 4812: 4362: 3502: 3427: 1446: 1286:
was ravaged on all sides. Unable to defend Le Quesnoy, the
492: 3261: 2780:
L’industrie drapière dans le comté de Hainaut au Moyen Âge
5542: 2990:
Réimpression de l'ancien Moniteur, H. Plon, 1861, p. 515.
A. Aubry, Bookseller, Publisher, Paris, 1861, pp. 323–324
The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies
2442: 1716:), the ruler upon attaining the age of majority, married 3139:"The NZ Liberation Museum – Te Arawhata opens in France" 2929:
Guillaume le Taciturne, Comte de Nassau, Prince d’Orange
In the Cemetery, a marble sculpture given by the state:
in 1654, the town was taken by the French royal army of
In the mid-twelfth century, Count of Hainaut Baldwin IV
Fairs in Le Quesnoy in pictures, see and hear the bells
Archives de la Bastille, Volume 13, page 21-22-23; 1881
2910:, Editeur P. Wouters, Antwerpen (B.), 2005, pp. 28, 30. 2610:
This is probably the same word of Germanic origin that
New Zealand History - Nga korero a ipurangi o Aotearoa
Fonds d’archives de l’abbaye Ste-Elisabeth du Quesnoy,
Notes historiques sur l’Histoire de la forêt de Mormal
1252:: the wedding was gorgeous and the Holy Roman Emperor 565:, the group / ca-/ Latin has not evolved as in French 2366:
Vauban et la fortification du Quesnoy au XVIIe siècle
After a difficult approach through the valley of the
3284: – The community of Villarosa Citizens
1480: 2999:
E. Lesur, Seigneurs et châtelains de Jolimetz, 2007
2884:Éditeur P. Wouters, Antwerpen (B.), 2005, pp. 3–10. 1856: 1580: 498:The town holds a weekly market on Friday mornings. 2897:, Éditeur P. Wouters, Antwerpen (B.), 2005, p. 20. 2576:Des villages de Cassini aux communes d'aujourd'hui 2360:The fortifications from the 16th to 20th centuries 1549: 1274:). The new count, however, preferred to remain in 542:in property titles of the same period (surveys of 2363: 2312:Le Quesnoy has two of the giant statues of Nord ( 2231:Julien Auguste Joseph Mermet, French Army General 1463:, succeeded his father as Count of Hainault. The 1441:, his was asked for her hand in marriage by King 6645: 2846:Edit. Geoffroy G. Sury, Dépôt légal 2004, p. 14. 1598: 1955:(a signatory of the Treaty of Versailles), and 1452: 1321: 1197: 1132: 2548:etymological dictionary of the French language 1418: 1259: 3339: 3314:Site of the Community of surrounding communes 3304:Le Quesnoy on the national geographic website 2673: 2671: 2669: 2667: 2665: 2663: 2661: 2659: 2657: 2400: 1982: 1355: 849: 630: 2832:. Vol. 15 (11th ed.). p. 115. 2655: 2653: 2651: 2649: 2647: 2645: 2643: 2641: 2639: 2637: 2090:The castle, built in the twelfth century by 1883: 1801: 464:) in rue du Petit Valenciennes in a kind of 402:. It was part of the historical province of 3184:New Zealand Liberation Museum – Te Arawhata 3143:New Zealand Liberation Museum – Te Arawhata 2073:New Zealand Liberation Museum - Te Arawhata 1965:New Zealand Liberation Museum - Te Arawhata 1244:) married the said year 1169 in Le Quesnoy 1141:, the region was occupied by the Nerviens. 3346: 3332: 3309:Touristic and advertising site of the town 3266: 2796: 2794: 2792: 2790: 2788: 2774: 2772: 2758: 2756: 2754: 2752: 2750: 2748: 2746: 2744: 2717: 2715: 2713: 2711: 2709: 2707: 2494:"Répertoire national des élus: les maires" 2116:The bastion Caesar, which was built under 1370: 518:in romanized charters to try to match the 2816: 2812: 2810: 2705: 2703: 2701: 2699: 2697: 2695: 2693: 2691: 2689: 2687: 2634: 2504: 2364:Bernard Debrabant (2008). Invenit (ed.). 1977:Wellington National war memorial carillon 1828: 1445:: the marriage was celebrated in 1328 in 1115:Learn how and when to remove this message 2303: 2295: 2279: 1887: 424: 2785: 2769: 2741: 2247: 1235:), a hostel, a hospital and outside, a 1086:not related to the topic of the article 561:. Picard, to the north of the northern 6646: 2807: 2684: 2087:or the two pains, by Théodore Rivière. 2012: 1770: 1700: 593:is the form taken by the Latin suffix 413:Le Quesnoy's inhabitants are known as 3327: 3294:N.Z. Digger Pierrots story: GD Bolton 3133: 3131: 3074: 3072: 2209: 1781: 1755: 1731: 1528:William II, Duke of Bavaria-Straubing 374: 6654:Communes of Nord (French department) 2943:, " Louis Nicolas de Clerville", in 2599:Population en historique depuis 1968 2323:in which the actors were made up as 2227:Philip of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein 1818:received the town as a sacred gift. 1389: 1137:While not yet a town at the time of 1068: 276:14.23 km (5.49 sq mi) 2960:JB Colbert, lettres et instructions 1607: 1562:John, Dauphin of France (1398-1417) 1178:belonging to the Episcopal mass at 522:of the 11th to 14th century and as 13: 3128: 3069: 2679:Histoire de la ville de Le Quesnoy 2338:Le Quesnoy, l'archétype du Hainaut 1936:On 10 November 1918 the President 844: 625: 437:. Unlike the neighboring towns of 391:and small town in the east of the 129: 99: 25:Commune in Hauts-de-France, France 14: 6670: 3253: 1728:, the succession of the nations. 1482:Margaret II, Countess of Hainault 3363: 3274:Webpage about the fortifications 3206:"Musée d'Orsay: Notice d'Oeuvre" 2449: 2436: 2423: 2410: 2216:Margaret of Burgundy (1374-1441) 2197: 2185: 2173: 2161: 2149: 2137: 1857:Le Quesnoy during the Revolution 1496:specialists of Le Quesnoy and a 1433:, sister of the king of France, 1348:(tutor to his youngest daughter 1328:Baldwin VI of Hainaut nicknamed 1073: 356:(avg. 125 m or 410 ft) 354:82–138 m (269–453 ft) 128: 121: 98: 91: 62: 47: 6659:Vauban fortifications in France 3223: 3198: 3172: 3157: 3110:New Zealand War Memorial Museum 3098: 3057: 3032: 3023: 3011: 3002: 2993: 2984: 2975: 2963: 2954: 2934: 2913: 2900: 2887: 2862: 2859:, série B8984, f° 435r. à 437v. 2849: 2836: 2728: 2474:Communes of the Nord department 2330: 2235:Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut 1853:that is to say, polite people. 1726:Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor 1551:Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut 3319:Genealogy of Le Quesnoy (XIII) 2764:Histoire de la forêt de Mormal 2621: 2604: 2592: 2569: 2553: 2533: 2522: 2486: 2098:, who at some point were also 2064:in Belgium and Chunuk Bair in 1363:uncle) who became through her 1248:, sister of Thierry of Alsace 1127: 1: 2580:Commune data sheet Le Quesnoy 2500:(in French). 2 December 2020. 2479: 1599:Le Quesnoy in the Renaissance 1429:and married, on 19 May 1305, 1095:or discuss this issue on the 607: 577:, "oak", came from the Latin 6213:Téteghem-Coudekerque-Village 3164:France Honours New Zealand. 2405:Le Quesnoy is twinned with: 1718:Joanna of Castile and Aragon 1558:The Woman with four husbands 1517:William VI, Count of Holland 1493:Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor 1454:William II, Count of Hainaut 1323:Baldwin VI, Count of Hainaut 1199:Baldwin IV, Count of Hainaut 1133:The origin of the town walls 7: 2462: 2378:The arms of Le Quesnoy are 2373: 2291: 2128:in the seventeenth century. 1538:majority and was nicknamed 1420:William I, Count of Hainaut 1410:. He then left the town in 1298:Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut 1261:Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut 1242:Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut 501: 142:Show map of Hauts-de-France 10: 6675: 2512:"Populations légales 2021" 2401:Twin towns – sister cities 2120:from a structure built by 1915:Leslie Cecil Lloyd Averill 1505:William I, Duke of Bavaria 1431:Joan of Valois (1294-1352) 1357:Joan, Countess of Flanders 1336:, King of France, married 1064: 616: 420: 15: 6621: 5968:Saint-Martin-sur-Écaillon 5953:Saint-Hilaire-lez-Cambrai 4063:La Chapelle-d'Armentières 3373: 3180:"Making of a Museum Pt 1" 2951:, université Paul-Valéry) 2842:G. G. Sury et Y. Criez, 2269: 2094:, it was the home of the 1999:Max von Hartlieb-Walsporn 1884:Le Quesnoy in World War I 1837:who made in some way his 1802:Le Quesnoy becomes French 1057: 643:—     360: 350: 334: 313: 296: 288: 280: 272: 261: 256: 244: 232: 220: 208: 196: 186: 151: 85: 76: 58: 46: 37: 30: 6013:Saint-Vaast-en-Cambrésis 5728:Raillencourt-Sainte-Olle 4723:Hallennes-lez-Haubourdin 2340:(2005). Éditions SOPAIC. 1789:sent its heralds to the 1566:John IV, Duke of Brabant 1344:, his uncle William and 1272:Baldwin VIII of Flanders 585:("ash") of Gallic origin 18:Quesnoy (disambiguation) 6188:Taisnières-en-Thiérache 6108:Séranvillers-Forenville 5958:Saint-Hilaire-sur-Helpe 3913:Bruille-lez-Marchiennes 3858:Boussières-en-Cambrésis 3523:Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes 3237:(in French). Le Quesnoy 2829:Encyclopædia Britannica 2677:Abbé Paulin Giloteaux, 2384:New Zealand Silver Fern 1922:the defeat of Germany. 1372:Margaret II of Flanders 1350:Margaret II of Flanders 1256:was present in person. 1170:, they were blocked at 1058:Source: EHESS and INSEE 384: 292:340/km (880/sq mi) 6523:Wavrechain-sous-Denain 6513:Wattignies-la-Victoire 6313:Vendegies-sur-Écaillon 6258:Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes 6008:Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel 5948:Saint-Georges-sur-l'Aa 5233:Marquette-en-Ostrevant 4148:Crèvecœur-sur-l'Escaut 3658:Beaurepaire-sur-Sambre 3169:25 August 1928, page 9 2971:Histoire de Le Quesnoy 2469:Treaty of the Pyrenees 2309: 2301: 2288: 2259:William III of Hainaut 2254:Margaret II of Hainaut 1908:on 4 November 1918 by 1893: 1829:Le Quesnoy transformed 1823:Treaty of the Pyrenees 1713: 1695:Richard III of England 1624:Burgundian Netherlands 1619: 1380:Guillaume de Dampierre 1346:Bouchard IV of Avesnes 1212:and the fire station). 430: 79:Location of Le Quesnoy 6528:Wavrechain-sous-Faulx 5918:Saint-André-lez-Lille 5898:Sainghin-en-Mélantois 5813:Rombies-et-Marchipont 5368:Montigny-en-Ostrevent 5363:Montigny-en-Cambrésis 5333:Monchaux-sur-Écaillon 4888:Honnecourt-sur-Escaut 4768:Haucourt-en-Cambrésis 3963:Camphin-en-Carembault 3863:Boussières-sur-Sambre 3668:Beauvois-en-Cambrésis 3648:Beaumont-en-Cambrésis 3080:"Visiting Le Quesnoy" 2307: 2299: 2283: 2092:Baldwin IV of Hainaut 1931:New Zealand Artillery 1891: 1443:Edward III of England 1192:Baldwin IV of Hainaut 1084:may contain material 613:Historical population 581:and may be linked to 435:Industrial Revolution 428: 372:French pronunciation: 315: • Summer ( 5913:Saint-Amand-les-Eaux 5883:Rumilly-en-Cambrésis 5583:Péronne-en-Mélantois 5423:Neuville-en-Avesnois 4513:Flaumont-Waudrechies 4328:Ennetières-en-Weppes 2723:Histoire de Belgique 2540:Walther von Wartburg 2248:Deaths in Le Quesnoy 1963:actualized when the 1945:Mayor Daniel Vincent 1765:Battle of Le Quesnoy 1738:Charles was born in 1685:, the third wife of 1676:Antoine de Chabannes 1628:Beatrice of Portugal 1620:Charles le Téméraire 1532:Margaret of Burgundy 1459:In 1337, William II 1439:Philippa of Hainault 1254:Frederick Barbarossa 1093:improve this section 589:Cassano. The suffix 289: • Density 16:For other uses, see 6428:Walincourt-Selvigny 6408:Villers-Sire-Nicole 6383:Villers-en-Cauchies 6203:Templeuve-en-Pévèle 5988:Saint-Remy-Chaussée 5978:Saint-Pierre-Brouck 5943:Sainte-Marie-Cappel 5868:Les Rues-des-Vignes 5723:Radinghem-en-Weppes 5488:Noyelles-sur-Sambre 5483:Noyelles-sur-Escaut 5478:Noyelles-lès-Seclin 5438:Neuville-sur-Escaut 5433:Neuville-Saint-Rémy 5428:Neuville-en-Ferrain 5328:Monceau-Saint-Waast 5238:Marquette-lez-Lille 4693:Grand-Fort-Philippe 4568:Forest-en-Cambrésis 4563:Fontaine-Notre-Dame 4533:Flines-lès-Mortagne 4518:Flers-en-Escrebieux 4228:Dompierre-sur-Helpe 4118:Coudekerque-Branche 4033:Catillon-sur-Sambre 4028:Le Cateau-Cambrésis 3973:Cantaing-sur-Escaut 3918:Bruille-Saint-Amand 3398:Allennes-les-Marais 3116:on 22 December 2018 2949:Histoire et Défense 2564:The Gallic language 2560:Pierre-Yves Lambert 2518:. 28 December 2023. 2118:Louis XIV of France 2057:Samuel Hurst Seager 2013:Sites and monuments 2003:5th Panzer Division 1791:Grand Sablon Square 1772:Philip III of Spain 1745:Francis I of France 1702:Philip the Handsome 1632:Isabella of Bourbon 1470:Philip VI of France 1435:Philip VI of France 1338:Isabella of Hainaut 1334:Philip II of France 1270:(he was also later 614: 429:Orchard of Avesnois 262: • Mayor 167: /  6253:Tilloy-lez-Cambrai 6193:Taisnières-sur-Hon 5993:Saint-Remy-du-Nord 5903:Sainghin-en-Weppes 5888:Sailly-lez-Cambrai 5798:Rieux-en-Cambrésis 5493:Noyelles-sur-Selle 5203:Marcq-en-Ostrevent 5133:Louvignies-Quesnoy 5073:Ligny-en-Cambrésis 4598:Fresnes-sur-Escaut 4503:Ferrière-la-Petite 4498:Ferrière-la-Grande 4113:Condé-sur-l'Escaut 4003:Cappelle-la-Grande 3998:Cappelle-en-Pévèle 3908:Bruay-sur-l'Escaut 3853:Bousignies-sur-Roc 3818:Boulogne-sur-Helpe 3538:Avesnes-les-Aubert 3066:du 6 novembre 1918 3019:The New York Times 2721:Frans van Kalken, 2529:INSEE commune file 2336:Bruno Carpentier, 2310: 2302: 2289: 2264:Baldwin of Avesnes 2210:Born in Le Quesnoy 1894: 1874:Congress of Vienna 1806:At the end of the 1783:Philip IV of Spain 1757:Philip II of Spain 1750:Henri II of France 1733:Charles V of Spain 1722:Charles V of Spain 1667:Louis XI of France 1408:battle of Courtrai 1384:Louis IX of France 1296:During the siege, 1246:Margaret of Alsace 1182:and by the name of 612: 431: 268:Marie-Sophie Lesne 264:(2020–2026) 171:50.2497°N 3.6383°E 112:Show map of France 6641: 6640: 6473:Wargnies-le-Petit 6468:Wargnies-le-Grand 6458:Wandignies-Hamage 6378:Villers-au-Tertre 6368:Villeneuve-d'Ascq 6308:Vendegies-au-Bois 6288:Trith-Saint-Léger 6248:Thun-Saint-Martin 5963:Saint-Jans-Cappel 5893:Sailly-lez-Lannoy 5788:Ribécourt-la-Tour 5768:Rejet-de-Beaulieu 5698:Quesnoy-sur-Deûle 5393:Moustier-en-Fagne 4973:Lambres-lez-Douai 4903:Houdain-lez-Bavay 4583:Fournes-en-Weppes 4573:Forest-sur-Marque 4538:Flines-lez-Raches 4353:Erquinghem-le-Sec 3968:Camphin-en-Pévèle 3548:Avesnes-sur-Helpe 3508:Auchy-lez-Orchies 3478:Aubencheul-au-Bac 3145:. 11 October 2023 2818:Edmundson, George 2300:Pierrot Bimberlot 2100:Counts of Holland 2096:Counts of Hainaut 2085:Les deux douleurs 2044:Félix Desruelles. 1509:Albert of Holland 1465:Hundred Years War 1399:John I of Brabant 1391:John I of Avesnes 1365:Count of Flanders 1330:of Constantinople 1292:Count of Flanders 1280:Count of Flanders 1250:Count of Flanders 1231:, men of fiefs, ( 1186:, latinized from 1125: 1124: 1117: 1062: 1061: 1053: 1052: 834: 833: 524:Haismont-Caisnoit 481:Charles de Gaulle 410:and local shops. 376:[ləkenwa] 365: 364: 239:Avesnes-sur-Helpe 227:Avesnes-sur-Helpe 6666: 6438:Wallers-en-Fagne 6393:Villers-Outréaux 6388:Villers-Guislain 6243:Thun-Saint-Amand 6133:Solre-le-Château 6048:Sars-et-Rosières 5758:Raucourt-au-Bois 5383:Mortagne-du-Nord 5068:Lieu-Saint-Amand 4908:Houplin-Ancoisne 4653:Gognies-Chaussée 4558:Fontaine-au-Pire 4553:Fontaine-au-Bois 4448:Faches-Thumesnil 4243:Douchy-les-Mines 4068:Château-l'Abbaye 3518:Aulnoye-Aymeries 3498:Aubry-du-Hainaut 3368: 3367: 3366: 3348: 3341: 3334: 3325: 3324: 3270: 3265: 3264: 3262:Official website 3247: 3246: 3244: 3242: 3227: 3221: 3220: 3218: 3216: 3202: 3196: 3195: 3193: 3191: 3176: 3170: 3166:The Evening Post 3161: 3155: 3154: 3152: 3150: 3135: 3126: 3125: 3123: 3121: 3112:. Archived from 3106:"Museum Project" 3102: 3096: 3095: 3093: 3091: 3076: 3067: 3061: 3055: 3054: 3052: 3050: 3036: 3030: 3027: 3021: 3015: 3009: 3006: 3000: 2997: 2991: 2988: 2982: 2979: 2973: 2967: 2961: 2958: 2952: 2938: 2932: 2917: 2911: 2904: 2898: 2891: 2885: 2866: 2860: 2853: 2847: 2840: 2834: 2833: 2825: 2814: 2805: 2798: 2783: 2776: 2767: 2760: 2739: 2732: 2726: 2725:, Brussels, 1944 2719: 2682: 2675: 2632: 2625: 2619: 2608: 2602: 2596: 2590: 2588: 2573: 2567: 2557: 2551: 2537: 2531: 2526: 2520: 2519: 2508: 2502: 2501: 2490: 2454: 2453: 2441: 2440: 2428: 2427: 2415: 2414: 2394:Grey River Argus 2369: 2221:Olivier Bonnaire 2201: 2189: 2177: 2165: 2153: 2141: 1992:Battle of France 1938:Raymond Poincaré 1714:Philippe le Beau 1687:Charles the Bold 1683:Margaret of York 1672:Mary of Burgundy 1659:Charles the Bold 1648:Mary of Burgundy 1609:Charles the Bold 1585:Duke of Burgundy 1288:Count of Hainaut 1168:Charles the Bald 1120: 1113: 1109: 1106: 1100: 1077: 1076: 1069: 851: 846: 838: 837: 632: 627: 619: 618: 615: 611: 510:(from the Latin 508:Haymon Quercitum 472:collapsed after 466:cottage industry 378: 373: 320: 265: 246:Intercommunality 182: 181: 179: 178: 177: 172: 168: 165: 164: 163: 160: 143: 132: 131: 125: 113: 102: 101: 95: 66: 51: 28: 27: 6674: 6673: 6669: 6668: 6667: 6665: 6664: 6663: 6644: 6643: 6642: 6637: 6617: 6413:Volckerinckhove 6398:Villers-Plouich 6323:Verchain-Maugré 5623:Pont-sur-Sambre 5198:Marcq-en-Barœul 5083:Limont-Fontaine 3993:Cappelle-Brouck 3753:Beuvry-la-Forêt 3633:Beaucamps-Ligny 3448:Armbouts-Cappel 3369: 3364: 3362: 3352: 3260: 3259: 3256: 3251: 3250: 3240: 3238: 3231:"Nos Jumelages" 3229: 3228: 3224: 3214: 3212: 3204: 3203: 3199: 3189: 3187: 3178: 3177: 3173: 3162: 3158: 3148: 3146: 3137: 3136: 3129: 3119: 3117: 3104: 3103: 3099: 3089: 3087: 3078: 3077: 3070: 3062: 3058: 3048: 3046: 3038: 3037: 3033: 3028: 3024: 3016: 3012: 3007: 3003: 2998: 2994: 2989: 2985: 2980: 2976: 2968: 2964: 2959: 2955: 2939: 2935: 2918: 2914: 2906:Mechelen 2005, 2905: 2901: 2893:Mechelen 2005, 2892: 2888: 2868:A.D.N. Lille, 2867: 2863: 2854: 2850: 2841: 2837: 2815: 2808: 2799: 2786: 2778:M.-A. Arnould, 2777: 2770: 2761: 2742: 2733: 2729: 2720: 2685: 2676: 2635: 2626: 2622: 2618:meaning temple. 2609: 2605: 2597: 2593: 2586: 2574: 2570: 2558: 2554: 2538: 2534: 2527: 2523: 2510: 2509: 2505: 2492: 2491: 2487: 2482: 2465: 2448: 2435: 2422: 2409: 2403: 2376: 2333: 2321:digger pierrots 2294: 2272: 2250: 2212: 2205: 2202: 2193: 2190: 2181: 2178: 2169: 2166: 2157: 2154: 2145: 2142: 2015: 1996:Generalleutnant 1988: 1957:Sir James Allen 1904:, the city was 1897:and convicted. 1886: 1859: 1831: 1804: 1786: 1775: 1760: 1736: 1705: 1663:Battle of Nancy 1655: 1612: 1601: 1588: 1582:Philip the Good 1574:Treaty of Delft 1570:Philip the Good 1554: 1544:Philip the Bold 1535: 1512: 1507:and the regent 1491:. 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Gillotaux, 2962: 2953: 2941:Anne Blanchard 2933: 2912: 2899: 2886: 2861: 2855:A.D.N. Lille, 2848: 2835: 2823:"Jacoba"  2806: 2784: 2768: 2766:, Lille, 1887. 2740: 2727: 2683: 2633: 2620: 2603: 2591: 2568: 2552: 2532: 2521: 2503: 2484: 2483: 2481: 2478: 2477: 2476: 2471: 2464: 2461: 2460: 2459: 2446: 2433: 2420: 2402: 2399: 2386:to the crest ( 2375: 2372: 2371: 2370: 2361: 2358: 2355: 2347: 2346: 2342: 2341: 2332: 2329: 2314:Géants du Nord 2293: 2290: 2271: 2268: 2267: 2266: 2261: 2256: 2249: 2246: 2245: 2244: 2238: 2232: 2229: 2224: 2218: 2211: 2208: 2207: 2206: 2203: 2196: 2194: 2191: 2184: 2182: 2179: 2172: 2170: 2167: 2160: 2158: 2155: 2148: 2146: 2143: 2136: 2133: 2132: 2129: 2114: 2111: 2107: 2088: 2081: 2069: 2045: 2034: 2027: 2019: 2014: 2011: 1987: 1983:Le Quesnoy in 1981: 1949:Marshal Joffre 1885: 1882: 1858: 1855: 1830: 1827: 1803: 1800: 1785: 1780: 1774: 1769: 1759: 1754: 1735: 1730: 1704: 1699: 1665:. 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338:/Postal code 68:Coat of arms 22: 6553:West-Cappel 6548:Wervicq-Sud 6453:Wambrechies 6403:Villers-Pol 6353:Vieux-Condé 6293:Troisvilles 6273:Tourmignies 6228:Thivencelle 6173:Steenvoorde 6163:Steenbecque 6018:Saint-Waast 5938:Saint-Benin 5928:Saint-Aubin 5763:Recquignies 5533:Oost-Cappel 5418:La Neuville 5413:Neuf-Mesnil 5373:Montrécourt 5343:Monchecourt 5318:Millonfosse 5283:Mecquignies 5243:Marquillies 5188:Marchiennes 4993:Larouillies 4878:Hondschoote 4868:Hon-Hergies 4828:Hem-Lenglet 4628:Ghissignies 4593:Frelinghien 4523:Flesquières 4388:Escobecques 4058:Cerfontaine 4038:Cattenières 3943:Buysscheure 3898:Brouckerque 3828:Bourghelles 3738:Bettrechies 3728:Béthencourt 3638:Beaudignies 3598:Bantouzelle 3453:Armentières 3361:department 3241:22 November 3120:25 February 3049:24 February 2587:(in French) 2544:Oscar Bloch 2308:Giant Maori 2060:in France, 2053:New Zealand 2007:Tirailleurs 1990:During the 1970:The big or 1953:Lord Milner 1910:New Zealand 1641:Lotharingia 1220:Beaudignies 1206:the builder 1149:Carolingian 1145:Merovingian 1128:Middle Ages 569:, formerly 528:Le Kaisnoit 474:World War I 470:Intermarché 449:canal from 415:Quercitains 174: / 6648:Categories 6627:prefecture 6603:Zermezeele 6578:Winnezeele 6508:Wattignies 6363:Vieux-Reng 6328:Verlinghem 6318:Vendeville 6198:Templemars 6178:Steenwerck 6058:Sassegnies 5858:Rouvignies 5693:Le Quesnoy 5688:Quérénaing 5638:Prémesques 5613:Pommereuil 5588:Petit-Fayt 5578:Pérenchies 5553:Ostricourt 5508:Ochtezeele 5473:Noordpeene 5288:Merckeghem 5278:Mazinghien 5178:Malincourt 5173:Le Maisnil 5118:Loon-Plage 5093:Locquignol 5018:Ledringhem 5013:Lederzeele 4983:Landrecies 4968:Lambersart 4918:Houtkerque 4808:Hazebrouck 4803:Haynecourt 4763:Haubourdin 4718:Gussignies 4698:Gravelines 4688:Grand-Fayt 4663:Gondecourt 4658:Gommegnies 4403:Esquerchin 4398:Esquelbecq 4383:Escautpont 4268:Ebblinghem 4248:Le Doulieu 4088:Clairfayts 4018:Cartignies 3953:Cagnoncles 3933:Bugnicourt 3883:Bray-Dunes 3873:Bouvignies 3848:Bousignies 3838:Bousbecque 3798:Bollezeele 3773:Blaringhem 3768:Bissezeele 3733:Bettignies 3713:Bersillies 3693:Berlaimont 3678:Bellignies 3623:Bavinchove 3533:Avesnelles 3403:Amfroipret 3064:L'Humanité 2550:, PUF 1960 2480:References 2430:Morlanwelz 1919:sluicegate 608:Population 563:Joret line 532:Le Caisnoy 396:department 368:Le Quesnoy 281:Population 257:Government 210:Department 159:50°14′59″N 136:Le Quesnoy 106:Le Quesnoy 32:Le Quesnoy 6613:Zuytpeene 6608:Zuydcoote 6563:Wignehies 6518:Wattrelos 6498:Wasquehal 6463:Wannehain 6423:Wahagnies 6373:Villereau 6268:Tourcoing 6263:Toufflers 6233:Thumeries 6208:Terdeghem 6183:Strazeele 6138:Solrinnes 6098:Sepmeries 6088:Semousies 6023:Salesches 5803:Robersart 5773:Renescure 5753:Ramousies 5748:Ramillies 5703:Quiévelon 5683:Quarouble 5678:Quaëdypre 5633:Pradelles 5598:Phalempin 5558:Oudezeele 5503:Obrechies 5453:Niergnies 5378:Morbecque 5338:Moncheaux 5293:Mérignies 5248:Masnières 5223:Maroilles 5208:Maresches 5113:Looberghe 5088:Linselles 4913:Houplines 4873:Hondeghem 4783:Haut-Lieu 4743:Hardifort 4703:La Groise 4673:La Gorgue 4668:Gonnelieu 4618:Fromelles 4543:Floursies 4478:Felleries 4463:Le Favril 4413:Estourmel 4373:Escaudain 4368:Escarmain 4333:Ennevelin 4303:Élincourt 4213:Dimechaux 4208:Deûlémont 4188:Damousies 4178:Cuvillers 4133:Coutiches 4008:Carnières 3988:Capinghem 3923:Brunémont 3823:Bourbourg 3788:Boëseghem 3783:Boeschepe 3758:Bévillers 3748:Beuvrages 3703:Bermeries 3698:Bermerain 3663:Beaurieux 3608:La Bassée 3583:Bambecque 3513:Audignies 3423:Annœullin 3378:Abancourt 2921:Salesches 2456:Cambridge 2445:, Romania 2432:, Belgium 2419:, Germany 2388:The Times 2223:, cyclist 2122:Charles V 2066:Gallipoli 1947:welcomed 1816:Louis XIV 1691:Edward IV 1657:In 1477, 1461:the Hardy 1268:The Brave 1105:June 2021 1097:talk page 516:Caisnetum 495:company. 483:in 1959. 351:Elevation 324:UTC+02:00 303:UTC+01:00 298:Time zone 162:3°38′18″E 6583:Wormhout 6488:Warneton 6483:Warlaing 6223:Thiennes 6148:Sommaing 6128:Solesmes 6103:Sequedin 6083:Sémeries 6068:Saulzoir 6063:Saultain 6038:Sancourt 5878:Rumegies 5863:Rubrouck 5848:Roucourt 5818:Romeries 5783:Rexpoëde 5738:Rainsars 5668:Proville 5658:Prisches 5563:Oxelaëre 5548:Orsinval 5458:Nieurlet 5443:Neuvilly 5303:Merville 5263:Maubeuge 5258:Mastaing 5193:Marcoing 5168:Mairieux 5143:Louvroil 5128:Lourches 5063:Liessies 5058:Lezennes 5003:Lecelles 4963:Lallaing 4953:Jolimetz 4923:Hoymille 4898:Hornaing 4883:Honnechy 4853:Herzeele 4833:Hergnies 4818:Hélesmes 4788:Hautmont 4773:Haulchin 4748:Hargnies 4713:Guesnain 4633:Ghyvelde 4608:Fressies 4603:Fressain 4578:Fourmies 4473:Feignies 4443:Étrœungt 4408:Estaires 4348:Eringhem 4283:Éclaibes 4273:Écaillon 4258:Drincham 4253:Dourlers 4223:Doignies 4198:Dehéries 4138:Craywick 4128:Cousolre 4103:Colleret 4098:Cobrieux 4083:Choisies 4048:Caullery 3903:Broxeele 3888:Briastre 3878:Bouvines 3868:Boussois 3833:Boursies 3813:Bouchain 3778:Blécourt 3743:Beugnies 3683:Bérelles 3673:Bellaing 3653:Beaurain 3643:Beaufort 3603:Bas-Lieu 3593:Bantigny 3573:Baisieux 3568:Bailleul 3473:Attiches 3468:Assevent 3433:Anstaing 3355:Communes 3190:7 August 3149:7 August 3090:7 August 2820:(1911). 2612:Neaufles 2463:See also 2417:Ratingen 2380:blazoned 2374:Heraldry 2345:Study of 2292:Folklore 2192:Ramparts 2144:Ramparts 2042:sculptor 2038:memorial 2023:bastions 1927:Aotearoa 1906:relieved 1902:Ecaillon 1795:Brussels 1637:Louis XI 1540:the Good 1427:the Good 1412:appanage 1310:Maubeuge 1229:aldermen 1176:freehold 1156:Ponthieu 583:Fraxinus 579:cassinus 575:Duquesne 540:Quesnoyt 536:Caisnoit 502:Toponymy 447:Ecaillon 443:Maubeuge 385:L' Kénoé 6573:Willies 6568:Willems 6538:Waziers 6448:Wambaix 6433:Wallers 6333:Vertain 6283:Tressin 6153:Spycker 6073:Sebourg 5873:Ruesnes 5853:Rousies 5843:Roubaix 5823:Ronchin 5793:Rieulay 5778:Reumont 5743:Raismes 5643:Préseau 5628:Potelle 5538:Orchies 5528:Onnaing 5463:Nivelle 5398:Mouvaux 5388:Mouchin 5323:Mœuvres 5308:Méteren 5273:Maurois 5228:Marpent 5183:Marbaix 5103:Lompret 5048:Lewarde 5038:Lesquin 5033:Lesdain 5008:Lécluse 4948:Jeumont 4943:Jenlain 4893:Hordain 4858:Hestrud 4843:Herlies 4793:Haveluy 4758:Haspres 4728:Halluin 4648:Gœulzin 4638:Glageon 4588:Frasnoy 4468:Féchain 4458:Faumont 4423:Estreux 4418:Estrées 4313:Emmerin 4298:Élesmes 4288:Écuélin 4263:Dunkirk 4183:Cysoing 4173:Curgies 4153:Crochte 4143:Crespin 4108:Comines 4078:Chéreng 4053:Cauroir 3983:Capelle 3958:Cambrai 3948:Caëstre 3938:Busigny 3893:Brillon 3843:Bousies 3803:Bondues 3718:Berthen 3688:Bergues 3588:Banteux 3558:Bachant 3553:Awoingt 3408:Anhiers 3357:of the 2601:, INSEE 2325:Pierrot 2104:Zeeland 1972:Bourdon 1839:classes 1812:Turenne 1521:umbrage 1300:was in 1284:Hainaut 1233:lawyers 1180:Cambrai 1164:Vikings 1065:History 850:±% p.a. 631:±% p.a. 602:etu-(m) 595:-etu(m) 573:, then 559:chênaie 548:Cambrai 544:Hainaut 512:quercus 455:Scheldt 421:Economy 389:commune 387:) is a 187:Country 40:Commune 6593:Wylder 6558:Wicres 6533:Wavrin 6503:Watten 6478:Warhem 6343:Viesly 6278:Trélon 6218:Thiant 6168:Steene 6158:Staple 6143:Somain 6113:Sercus 6078:Seclin 6043:Santes 6033:Saméon 6028:Salomé 5838:Rosult 5718:Râches 5713:Quiévy 5673:Provin 5663:Prouvy 5603:Pitgam 5513:Odomez 5468:Nomain 5448:Nieppe 5358:Montay 5313:Millam 5298:Merris 5268:Maulde 5213:Maretz 5138:Louvil 5098:Loffre 4988:Lannoy 4978:Landas 4958:Killem 4928:Illies 4863:Holque 4848:Herrin 4778:Haussy 4753:Hasnon 4738:Hantay 4708:Gruson 4623:Genech 4613:Fretin 4548:Floyon 4528:Flêtre 4483:Fenain 4453:Famars 4433:Eswars 4428:Estrun 4343:Erchin 4323:Englos 4278:Eccles 4218:Dimont 4203:Denain 4168:Cuincy 4043:Caudry 4023:Cassel 4013:Carnin 3978:Cantin 3763:Bierne 3723:Bertry 3708:Bersée 3628:Bazuel 3613:Bauvin 3578:Baives 3528:Avelin 3488:Aubers 3463:Artres 3458:Arnèke 3443:Arleux 3418:Anneux 3413:Aniche 3383:Abscon 3215:9 June 2681:, 1960 2566:, 1994 2270:School 2180:Statue 2168:Bridge 2156:Church 2126:Vauban 2031:belfry 1867:Chappe 1835:Vauban 1808:Fronde 1710:French 1616:French 1498:fuller 1316:Viesly 1184:Noflus 1160:Leudes 1049:−0.38% 1038:−0.12% 1027:+0.36% 1016:+0.07% 1005:+0.25% 994:−0.96% 983:+0.07% 972:+1.85% 961:+3.06% 950:+1.34% 939:−0.80% 928:+1.38% 917:−0.47% 906:+0.75% 895:−1.78% 884:−0.43% 873:+0.31% 862:+0.04% 830:+0.15% 819:+0.42% 808:−1.35% 797:+1.77% 786:+0.85% 775:+1.08% 764:−2.30% 753:−0.98% 742:+2.26% 731:−0.11% 720:−1.97% 709:+3.63% 698:+0.56% 687:−0.40% 676:−0.58% 665:+3.43% 654:−1.11% 571:Caisne 550:, and 451:Sambre 400:France 381:Picard 345:/59530 234:Canton 198:Region 191:France 5828:Roncq 5808:Rœulx 5518:Ohain 5498:Obies 5403:Naves 5253:Masny 5218:Marly 5163:Maing 5148:Lynde 5078:Lille 5043:Leval 5023:Leers 4933:Inchy 4838:Hérin 4733:Hamel 4493:Féron 4488:Férin 4393:Esnes 4293:Eecke 4238:Douai 4193:Dechy 4158:Croix 4093:Clary 4073:Chemy 3808:Borre 3618:Bavay 3563:Bachy 3438:Anzin 3388:Aibes 2584:EHESS 2204:Tower 2062:Mesen 2049:ANZAC 1740:Ghent 1404:Reims 1237:leper 1225:Mayor 1046:4,934 1043:2017 1035:5,030 1032:2012 1024:5,061 1021:2007 1013:4,919 1010:1999 1002:4,890 999:1990 991:4,792 988:1982 980:5,127 977:1975 969:5,101 966:1968 958:4,570 955:1962 947:3,592 944:1954 936:3,229 933:1946 925:3,500 922:1936 914:3,268 911:1931 903:3,346 900:1926 892:3,223 889:1921 881:3,857 878:1911 870:3,941 867:1906 859:3,880 856:1901 827:3,872 824:1896 816:3,844 813:1891 805:3,765 802:1886 794:4,030 791:1881 783:3,692 780:1876 772:3,569 769:1872 761:3,346 758:1866 750:3,758 747:1861 739:3,948 736:1856 728:3,531 725:1851 717:3,551 714:1846 706:3,922 703:1841 695:3,281 692:1836 684:3,191 681:1831 673:3,320 670:1821 662:3,624 659:1806 651:2,960 648:1800 640:3,200 637:1793 567:quena 552:Condé 343:59481 336:INSEE 284:4,852 6418:Vred 6338:Vicq 6298:Uxem 6123:Socx 5523:Oisy 5123:Loos 4938:Iwuy 4813:Hecq 4363:Erre 3503:Auby 3428:Anor 3359:Nord 3243:2019 3217:2020 3192:2024 3151:2024 3122:2019 3092:2024 3051:2019 2616:alah 2542:and 2392:The 2390:and 2110:men. 2102:and 2071:The 2036:The 1724:and 1693:and 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Quesnoy (disambiguation)
The town hall
Coat of arms of Le Quesnoy
Le Quesnoy is located in France
Le Quesnoy is located in Hauts-de-France
50°14′59″N 3°38′18″E / 50.2497°N 3.6383°E / 50.2497; 3.6383
Pays de Mormal
Time zone

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