
List of Farscape characters

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Crais and Crichton into a labyrinth forcing them to duel to the death. Crichton eventually wins, but Maldis quickly gets rid of Crais and tells Crichton his plan was to get Crais into a frenzy so he'd bring his Command Carrier further in the Uncharted Territories for a "carnage on a truly massive scale". While Maldis is defeated by Zhaan, his plan worked nonetheless. Crais disobeys direct orders from High Command, continues the hunt and brutally murders his own lieutenant who is the only member of his crew aware of the order to return to High Command. When Scorpius gets hold of Crichton months later in the end of the first season, Crais joins Scorpius in interrogating Crichton in the Aurora Chair. Eventually, following a false memory, Crais is put in the chair and becomes bitter in the process, especially after he discovers that Scorpius will come with him on the Command Carrier (Scorpius was aware of Crais's crimes). Eventually, Scorpius slowly usurped Crais's position and after a physical fight with the menacing hybrid, Crais realizes that he will soon have to face the consequences of his decisions for the past cycle. He helps the crew of Moya escape and is granted asylum. During the second season, Bialar quickly forms a bond with Moya's offspring, Talyn. Crais finds Talyn difficult to control, but he becomes neurally linked to Talyn and they leave Moya. Crais and Talyn later again cross paths with Moya and her crew after Talyn hears a call of distress from his mother. In the penultimate episode of Season 3, Crais uses Talyn to perform a suicidal Starburst inside Scorpius' command carrier to finally have his vengeance against the horrid hybrid. This heroic act of self-sacrifice effectively destroys the Peacekeeper wormhole project, and Talyn and Crais along with it.
an illusory D'Argo. To combat him, Pilot proposed to run from him, Jool proposed to try to talk to him, Chiana proposed to fight him. All failed. Crichton went with Harvey's idea after being clinically dead for a time and it worked. But Crichton's idea, love, worked best. After that, Harvey unlocked Noranti's subliminal message: "Aeryn is pregnant". Crichton got the message after Aeryn left and at once decided to retrieve her. Unfortunately, after that, Moya was sucked down by a wormhole, leaving Crichton stranded. After Crichton returned to the ship, Scorpius asked for asylum. Harvey suggested killing him. Scorpius proposed to erase Harvey. Since this Harvey had been in Crichton far longer than his twin, Crichton hesitated, but eventually agreed. Harvey was removed. After Crichton and Scorpius had allied and Crichton broke the agreement and left the hybrid to die, Harvey was "resurrected" and improved to Harvey 2.0. He was loyal to Scorpius and had a connection with him so Scorpius would know he was alive. After Scorpius was rescued thanks to Harvey's lies, a war between Scarrans and Peacekeepers broke out and Crichton finally created the wormhole weapon. Harvey was deleted after his success, since his purpose was finally fulfilled. His last words were: "Goodbye John. Thanks... for your memories"
the highest bidder—in this case the Scarrans, via the Charrids. When John and Ancient Jack arrived on Dam-Ba-Da, the Charrids had already taken over Furlow's garage in order to secure the knowledge for the Scarrans, who were on their way to the planet. Before John, Aeryn, and Jack were able to destroy the information, the Scarrans downloaded some of it, so "Jack" came up with a plan to destroy the Scarran ship, deciding to build a device that used wormholes as a weapon. Before the Scarrans arrived, however, Furlow betrayed them, killing Jack. She stole the completed device—a displacement engine—and fled her shop in a vehicle, hoping to sell the engine to the Scarrans when they arrived. Crichton pursued and caused Furlow to crash, inadvertently exposing the radioactive material that powered the engine. Knowing that approaching the engine would mean risking a fatal dose of radiation, Furlow fled, and urged Crichton to do the same. But Crichton instead retrieved the engine, sacrificing his life in order to ensure that the Scarrans would not retain the information they'd just stolen.
return for giving them maps to their homes. Despite this, he did not hold a grudge as he considered serving the others, whatever their needs, to simply be his role. He was most happy when helping other crew members, although as his independence grew, he could sometimes become irritated with them and would order them out of his chamber and even off the ship altogether. In the series finale, Pilot experienced a conflict with Moya where he wanted to help Crichton destroy the wormhole linking Earth to Tormented Space and Moya did not want him to. Despite this and initially stating he could do nothing, Pilot joined the mission, leaving Moya for the first time in a long time to aid Crichton's plan. Though Pilot was left weakened by his separation from Moya, he succeeded in destroying the wormhole and saving Earth, inadvertently killing the crew of a Scarren Stryker in the process. He was later rebonded with Moya.
298:. In the end of Season 2, the neural chip takes complete control over Crichton (resulting in a Scorpius/Crichton mixed personality with extremely dark humor) and transmits a message to Scorpius. Shortly after that Harvey defeats Aeryn in an aerial dogfight and seemingly kills her. After Aeryn's death, Crichton regains control. The chip is removed, but stolen by Scorpius. With the beginning of Season three, Harvey still remains in Crichton's head and Aeryn has been revived by Zhaan, who consequently dies a few episodes later. Sometime thereafter Crichton is "twinned" by another alien; neither of the Crichtons can be called a copy, but are "equal and original" (and each has his own "Harvey") eventually, the crew of Moya is split across the two Leviathans, Moya and 2037:
smaller portion possess a slightly smaller and more humanoid face on a shorter neck. Finally there is a third and even rarer variety that are almost human in proportion though their faces retain a certain bestial mien. There have been examples of male Scarrans of all three types, but the only females seen to date have been of this last variety - a large sexual dimorphism exists between the large muscular males and the smaller svelte females. As these Scarran women possess breasts, it may be inferred that they give birth to and nurture live young; whether the same can be said of females of the other types is uncertain. Scarrans are known to reproduce in a manner physically compatible with humans and Sebaceans.
1934:'s son Talyn in honor of her father. Almost two cycles later, Aeryn tries to contact her dead father on the planet Valldon. There, an alien being claims to be Talyn. It is soon revealed, however, that he is not Talyn, but an impostor hired by Xhalax in her attempt to kill Aeryn and cause her the same kind of pain Xhalax felt when forced to make her horrific choice between her daughter and her lover. (The false Talyn wears an insect-like prosthetic over half of his face, claiming to have thus changed his appearance through surgery when going into hiding; a similar half-face appears on the "bioloid" imposter of Aeryn after Crichton shoots her in the head.) 1697:. She is successful in tracking the crew down, and early in season 4, drugs and rapes Crichton: the stated purpose is to gain access to his wormhole knowledge, using allegedly more pleasurable methods than torture; the plan fails, though Crichton spends most of Season Four of Farscape traumatized by his treatment at Grayza's hands. Humiliated, Grayza directs Braca to keep searching for Moya - word spreads quickly to bounty-hunters of the price she puts on Crichton's head - but this also fails. Finally, when her bid for peace is lost, Grayza orders her Command Carrier to engage the Scarrans in conflict, only to be stopped by her subordinate Captain Meeklo 1807:"), she recognised Crichton masquerading as a Peacekeeper officer and aided them getting past the base's security. Though she realized that Crichton no longer felt as strongly for her as he had before, she agreed to help them. When Crichton was apprehended by Scorpius, Gilina used her superior knowledge of the Peacekeeper systems to get off the base, before attempting to help Crichton during his interrogations in the Aurora Chair while initially remaining undiscovered. Eventually, she reprogrammed the chair to show a false memory of Crais and Crichton making a deal, resulting in a reprieve for Crichton while Crais was later interrogated (episode " 835:
and sacrifice those close to him to get what he wants. He is also willing to aid his enemies or humiliate himself if it will further his goals. He has returned from supposedly fatal situations more than once, which he credits to his "foresight and preparation". He manipulates others to do his work but does much on his own; his obsession with Crichton and his wormhole secrets is proof of that. He is highly educated and extremely intelligent, and exercises remarkable ingenuity. Only he knows how deep his schemes run and, while he claims his main desire is to eliminate the Scarran threat, protagonist John Crichton is loath to ever trust him.
neural clone's longer presence within and increased familiarity with Crichton, Harvey's reaction includes persuasion and appeal to sympathy rather than threats. Crichton still agrees to allow Scorpius to remove the lingering neural spillover. Halfway through the season, Crichton finds his way back to Earth, but he voluntarily gives up the dream of Earth and returns to Moya. After a series of dangerous events (including Harvey's resurrection) Crichton and Aeryn find time alone together. Aeryn tells him he is the father of her child and Crichton proposes to her. The moment she accepts, an alien craft melts the two and ends the season.
Leviathan gods, the Builders, and they order her death for having produced Talyn, she is willing to die, and is only saved when the order is revealed to be a test for Zhaan. By the end of the second season, she is willing to join the effort to rescue Crichton from Scorpius despite her fears, and is severely damaged in the attempt. At the end of the third season, she asks the crew to kill another Leviathan who is disturbing the burial of her child's remains. And in "The Peacekeeper Wars", this previously timid and peaceful creature trusts the crew enough to allow Crichton to use her to launch the deadly Wormhole Weapon.
but it was no longer inhabited. Charrids, the collaborators of Scarrans, had overrun Furlow's mechanic lab though. Furlow indeed had made progress and the Scarrans soon got the data. To destroy the Dreadnought, Jack began building a wormhole weapon. To make sure Harvey would not get the unlocked data, Jack decided to destroy him. Harvey angrily opposed, but was "mortally wounded" nonetheless. In his last minutes, he took control over the unconscious Crichton and attempted to manipulate Aeryn to shoot him, claiming Crichton was dead. He failed and his last words were: "A soldier must not be weak. Weakness means defeat."
469:). As a Luxan warrior, D'Argo carries a weapon known as a Qualta Blade, a heavy broadsword that can transform into a Qualta Rifle. His personality in Season 1 was paranoid and ill-tempered against his friends (in the fourth episode, D'Argo puts on a Tavlek gauntlet that injects a stimulant so "stimulating" his personality that D'Argo attempted to take command of Moya and kill all those who stand against him). He has a powerful, fast tongue that he can use to attack in a manner similar to that of a frog or chameleon. The tip can inject an "adaptive" venom which renders the target unconscious without killing them. 303:
extracts Harvey and unlocks the wormhole knowledge, but this Crichton later dies of radiation poisoning from a wormhole weapon. When the survivors of the two crews are reunited, Aeryn (in her grief) is very cold to the remaining Crichton, due to him having different memories about the last few months; the crew members of Moya start going their separate ways at the end of season three. Just after Aeryn Sun leaves Crichton, seemingly for good, he learns that she is pregnant with his child (whether the child belongs to the Moya Crichton or the Talyn Crichton is left unknown).
2011:(for whom the aforementioned Talyn had been named). Her superiors told her that after making this choice she would be forgiven and allowed to return to being a pilot, but she was never reinstated in her former position and was instead assigned assassination missions from that time on. This line of work slowly made her become cold and bitter, seemingly destroying the love that she'd shown during her clandestine visit to young Aeryn's barracks, and the love for which she'd sacrificed the life of her lover in order to save their child. 1026:
over" a soul—aiding or comforting a person in the moments prior to their death. However, in doing so, Stark absorbs a small fragment of the soul - and thus the knowledge and lingering emotions - of the person he "crosses over" into his own psyche, something which might explain his somewhat unbalanced mental behaviour (although his undergoing months of torture may have even more to do with it). In addition, by virtue of being a Stykera, Stark can ease the pain and suffering of others, one of the traits that made him sought after for
Crichton's memory and nervous system when the chip is in place, which he uses to hide his presence from Crichton. Eventually, the chip becomes strong enough to completely dominate Crichton's mind and body. Even after the chip is removed, Harvey is able to exert limited control over Crichton. After Scorpius reprograms him, Harvey has some type of mental link to Scorpius that allows Scorpius to track Crichton down after John is revived from his crystallization by the Eidelons. Harvey contains much of Scorpius' knowledge and intellect.
something that had been denied him by the elders of his race because he was still young and immature. Unwilling to allow the slow gradual bonding of Pilot and Leviathan that is normal, the Peacekeepers forcibly grafted the new Pilot into Moya's systems, an action that allowed him control over the ship but at the cost of continuous pain, until Pilot pulled free from his connections with Moya and re-bonded himself to Moya at the natural speed. The second Pilot carried the guilt of his role in the death of the first for several years.
to place her baby inside Chiana, as Nebari are immune to the disease. Moya's crew engaged in an operation to prevent this, and Scorpius lured him off ship. When Jenek caught onto his ruse, Scorpius attacked Jenek and was promptly beaten into submission by the Scarran captain and taken prisoner, though Aeryn and Chiana were rescued. Jenek arrived in Katratzi with Scorpius and attended the peace conference, serving as the chief security officer. Jenek is killed when Crichton's homemade nuclear bomb detonated, destroying the base.
552:, and like other trained Delvians, Zhaan has several empathic and telepathic abilities which she cultivated to Pa'u level during her time in prison on Moya, although she was forced to channel these abilities to cause harm during the crew's first confrontation with the powerful Maldis in order to stop him and save the currently-imprisoned Crichton. She is also skilled in medicine and other related sciences. During her time aboard Moya, she is often seen making drugs and explosives in her workshop to assist her shipmates. 2576:'s crew returned to the present, they discovered that they were still in Earth orbit, now in late 2003. John and Jack reunited on Moya, though John was hesitant at first, wary of yet another Ancient-created, or similar, illusion. John accepted that he had finally returned home and he along with the crew of Moya spent some time on Earth. During their stay, John was distressed to learn that Jack now had, while nationalistic, an isolationist attitude toward the other nations of the world, due primarily to the 1034:
Aurora chair and his pretense of acting mentally unbalanced in front of the guards, which causes them to leave him alone more often. Stark assists Crichton in his escape to Moya and quickly forms a bond with Zhaan. During one of the crew's misadventures, they are put on trial for murder and Stark is executed by "dispersion" or the scattering of his molecules into atoms. He survives this because he is mostly made of energy, but his appearances thereafter show him as being more uneven in his personality.
638:. Due to his size and cunning, he is able not only to leave his cell at will, but also to organize and carry out a revolt among the other prisoners placed on Moya, allowing them to escape Peacekeeper control. After the escape (i.e., during the series), Rygel is shown to be cunning and resourceful but also focused almost entirely on his own personal goals and wealth. As time goes on, his egocentric attitude becomes less prevalent and he warms to his role as a member of Moya's crew. A recurring gag in 2722:
knowledge. The two tracked her to Dam-Ba-Da, and found the Charrids and Scarrans has turned on her. With a Scarran dreadnought on the way, Jack and Crichton planned to destroy the ship and Furlow's equipment along with the ship itself, by building a wormhole weapon. Jack intends to activate the weapon himself, not wanting to endanger Crichton's life, but Furlow shoots and fatally wound him. Crichton comforts Jack in his final moments, and after he dies, Jack reverts to his true form.
1714:, Grayza is seen as an advisor to the Peacekeeper Grand Chancellor, whilst also pregnant. The child's father is not identified, leaving open the question of whether it is the Grand Chancellor's, John Crichton's, or someone else's baby. If Crichton's, Grayza's pregnancy could have been planned by her to get the wormhole knowledge from the child. The Scarran race had developed the science to remove knowledge from DNA, attempting to do just that from Crichton's unborn child with 1811:"). When Aeryn arrived to rescue Crichton, Gilina helped them flee the base, but chose to stay rather than leave her life as a Peacekeeper behind. However, she would later change her mind, realising that she truly did want to leave with Crichton and that if she stayed, her part in Crichton's escape would eventually be discovered. When Crichton was caught and held at gunpoint by Scorpius during his attempted escape, Gilina unexpectedly came to his rescue, armed with a 827:". Being half Scarran, Scorpius's body produces an extreme amount of body heat, particularly when angry. However, being also half-Sebacean means that too much heat will kill him. To prevent this he wears a full-body cooling suit notable mostly for the interchangeable cooling rods inside his cranium that absorb his excess body heat. He can see temperature gradients, especially of the face, allowing him to tell when people are lying, as described in the episode " 410:, she defends John from Crais' allegation that John deliberately attacked and killed Crais' brother, saying he is not brave enough or smart enough to have done so. In return, Crais declares her to be "irreversibly contaminated" from spending too much time with an unknown life form, which means a death sentence. John Crichton and D'Argo soon escape the Peacekeepers again and, having nowhere else to go, Aeryn reluctantly becomes a fugitive alongside them. 228:
used as witty mockery in the face of danger or opponents who, being unfamiliar with the references, are unaware that they are being insulted. Although an occasional reference will provoke curiosity or confusion to his friends, Crichton's fellow shipmates are largely unaffected by these comments because they simply assume them to be native Earth terms that cannot be interpreted by translator microbes and merely extrapolate the meaning from its context.
with weapons." During the birthing process, Talyn's external weaponry caused him to become stuck in the birth canal, and he had to fire a low-yield shot from those same weapons to free himself. Shortly after his birth, he had a few disagreements with his mother and refused to talk to her. Moya felt that a Peacekeeper should talk to him. Aeryn boarded Talyn and succeeded in convincing the young Leviathan to listen to his mother. Moya asked Officer
him his violent past with the Scarrans and did everything to convince him, but the Crichton clone claimed he had already lost everything. After Crichton refused to give him the data he needed, his anger's Scarran heat destroyed the chip and killed him. His last words were: "You think that neural clones go to heaven? Well, wherever I wind up, when I see your mama, I'll be sure to give her your regards!" According to the show's executive producer
2683:. Grunchlk serves as the go-between for Diagnosans (to whom translator microbes are fatal) and patients, though he often overcharges the patients, occasionally against the Diagnosan's wishes. Grunchlk also keeps dying patients cryogenically frozen so that Diagnosans can use their parts in medical procedures, trapping them between life and death. On some occasions he freezes their family members as well, as seen with Jool and her cousins. 35: 1396:, Qujaga. This development is foreshadowed in several earlier episodes: At their first meeting, Chiana thinks that Sikozu is a spy because she has Scarran currency and speaks Scarran. Sikozu explains this by saying that her people are from Scarran-controlled space. In a visit to an unrealized reality, Crichton — in that reality, a ranking Peacekeeper officer — is forced to execute Sikozu after she is revealed to be a Scarran spy. 1560:
creators is a delay in the gestation of the fetus, eyesight significantly keener than that of humans, and average lifespans at least twice that of a human from the 20th century (though it is unclear if this is due to their advanced medical technology). A biological drawback is their inability to deal with extreme heat (due to their genetic loss of the gland required to regulate heat): overheating leads to a state known as the
strictly via studying and not understanding that the floorplans of the biomechanoids vary as a result of passenger preference). Sikozu's sense of self-preservation is foremost in her mind, and so she is prone to switching sides in any conflict with no notice and seemingly no premeditation other than ad hoc judgments on who currently holds the greatest advantage. This makes her true loyalties (if any) uncertain.
hopes to emulate his meteoric rise through the Peacekeeper ranks. He is also, like Scorpius, a "true believer" in the Peacekeeper cause and willing to go to any lengths to ensure their victory over the Scarrans. Braca's complete devotion to Scorpius is clearly evident when he braves the wrath of Mele-on Grayza in order to remain Scorpius' spy amongst the Peacekeepers, at great risk to his own life and position.
819:'s unconscious mind to create a wormhole weapon. He is the product of an experiment by the Scarrans – his Sebacean mother was raped by a Scarran to see if there would be any benefit in a hybrid. Raised by Scarrans, he has come to hate them, to reject his Scarran side, and to live for revenge against them. His physical attributes and his character traits are influenced by his race. Scorpius first appeared in " 2687:
neural clone briefly took control of Crichton's body, formed a deal with Grunchlk that would have him give Scorpius the neural chip in exchange for payment. When Scorpius arrives alongside a squad of Peacekeeper commandos, Grunchlk sets a cryogenic pod containing a Scarran agent to thaw as insurance against Scorpius, planning to stop the pod from thawing should Scorpius live up to his end of the bargain.
1105:. This Diagnosan was later able to remove John Chrichton's neural chip, though the procedure required removing some of his brain and replacing it with a closely related donor species. Interons, like Jool, had the closest physiological match to a human brain, and Crichton reluctantly was saved through a donation by one of her cousins. He later took her and her other cousin's stasis capsules with him onto 2045:) seem immune, or at least resistant to this probe. The gland's ability to produce heat is negated by sub-zero temperatures, and its removal has a noticeably debilitating physical effect. The indifference to climate may, however, be due to the Scarran being cold-blooded, similar to reptiles, and that evolution resulted in a gland that 'stores' heat, which may be discharged as a defensive mechanism. 2650:
ability to set up a meeting between himself and Bialar Crais, at which Crichton can explain to Crais the circumstances of his brother's death, which will end the Peacekeeper captain's pursuit. Then Maldis, as Haloth, also approaches Crais, offering him John Crichton for a price. When Crais agrees, Haloth reveals himself to Crichton, and unleashes Crais upon him within an arena of his own devising.
1512: 1671:. Politically astute and ruthlessly ambitious, she will use anyone or anything at her disposal to achieve her goals. To this end, she has had a gland implanted in her chest that secretes a substance known as Heppel oil, which she uses to bend her (male) victims to her will. A drawback to the gland is that it severely lowers her lifespan. To what degree it is lowered is not explored. 2300:. Jenek serves as Aeryn's jailer while she is in Scarran custody, keeping her on board his ship and torturing her both physically and psychologically while his ship made its way to the Katratzi base. After forcing her to tell him that Crichton is the father of her child, he continues his path to Katratzi, intending to have scientists extract wormhole information from its DNA. 2321:. He wears a gauntlet weapon that injects him with a narcotic stimulant, giving him increased speed, strength, and aggression, but also resulting in addiction. The gauntlet can also fire short energy bursts with an output that is on par with a pulse pistol blast, able to kill a target in one hit, and can absorb blasts too. He is featured in the episode " 2630:) was a recurring villain within the series. By his very nature, Maldis enjoys the pain and death of others, feeding off them like a psychic vampire. Though his exact origin and nature is unknown, Maldis is a powerful, non-corporeal being, having seemingly met his mortal end on several occasions, but always returning. He is sometimes likened to as the " 2003:. It is revealed that Xhalax, a former spaceship pilot, had been forced to become an assassin as punishment for her crimes of having formed a romantic relationship with another Peacekeeper, having intentionally chosen to have a child with him, and then having established contact with that child (albeit briefly), all of which violated Peacekeeper rules. 1388:
Scarran heat producing glands, rendering them weak and vulnerable. She is also able to direct this energy in smaller bursts via her hands when necessary. This radiation seems to still be harmful, although to a lesser degree, to Scarran hybrids such as Scorpius. When using her power in his presence, she instructs him to take cover and not to look at her.
1383:, whom she initially seems intrigued by both because he saves her life and because he is arguably the most powerful and intelligent person on Moya. (He is the first mind Sikozu has known who she acknowledges as her equal or superior.) They eventually become lovers and she takes a place at his side when he is kicked off Moya. Just prior to the Scarran- 1042:, he is forced to "cross over" the Eidolon leader and thus gains his knowledge of the Eidolon powers, something that makes Stark almost crazy. He later transfers the knowledge and regains his usual personality. At the end of the series, Stark finds a measure of peace and leaves his mask with Crichton, revealing that the energy beneath it is now gone. 2041:
beam of heat, usually from the hand, that proves exceptionally useful for purposes of torture and interrogation. Some Scarrans are skilled enough in applying this ability and studying the response its effects elicit that they can tell whether or not the victim is answering truthfully, though certain individuals (including the Scarran/Sebacean hybrid
legitimate means of ascending to the throne which has no gender restriction on who may occupy it. The position of War Minister is considered the third to the Emperorship in terms of power and prestige within Scarran society, though whether this is constitutional mandate or a result of the Imperium's inexorable mobilisation to war by the time of the
1288:. Although her skills are sometimes not quite as successful as she would like, she does manage to come to the crew's rescue with odd potions and powders on many occasions. At times, she seems to have her own agenda, although what that agenda may be is never quite made clear. Being 293 years old, she sometimes appears to the others as being slightly 1038:
Zhaan is calling out to him, he eventually parts ways with the crew to search for her spirit. He is later found a prisoner on Katratzi which had been part of the reason Scorpius held him prisoner: he was searching for it and Stark knew where it was from "crossing over" Scarrens. He is rescued by Chiana and Noranti and rejoins Moya's crew. During
1124:"Jool" on-board Moya, and though she resented it at first, it soon grew on her, as did he. While an intelligent young woman, Jool has led a sheltered life, and though she possesses a lot of knowledge, it was rarely practiced before joining the crew who soon became her friends. Jool comes from a peaceful star system far away, and before meeting 1788:
opinion of Aeryn had changed to one of quiet respect despite her status, she may have also been fearful of suffering Aeryn's fate - being deemed "irreversibly contaminated" by alien life-forms and banished from the Peacekeepers - as Aeryn herself pointed out. Reluctantly, Crichton and Gilina parted ways (in Crichton's words: "Life sucks.").
2646:". Maldis wields immense powers which enable him to shapeshift, allowing him to take on any form he wishes, thus obscuring his true age or species. Maldis has reconstituted his physical form on more than one occasion, and occupied spaces beyond the normal dimensions of spacetime, hinting that he may be more than a mere sentient being. 2256:, whom Staleek has prisoner at the base. During that time, Staleek hopes to find a way to capture Crichton without setting off the nuclear bomb attached to Crichton's belt. He is also under the impression that Scorpius is his spy and double agent, but in truth, Scorpius turns out to be a triple agent whose true allegiance is to the 1927:. Together, they deliberately conceived Aeryn, as a symbol of their love. When the Peacekeepers discovered their relationship and the daughter they had sired, they gave Xhalax a choice. She could kill Talyn or she could kill Aeryn. Xhalax executes Talyn, which is her initiation into the life of an assassin for the Peacekeepers. 2618:. According to comic continuity later, Jothee's unique background helped him achieve the honor of becoming the youngest Kleeva in the history of the Luxan people. Jothee's skills are primarily tactic and mind based, unlike his father who quite often relied upon his brute strength, anger, and intimidating stature to get results. 2440:, after considerable badgering by Crichton, Einstein removes the mental blocks preventing Crichton from turning a wormhole into a weapon. After Crichton builds such a weapon and uses it to coerce the Peacekeepers and Scarrans to negotiate peace, Einstein strips the knowledge from his mind even as he's shutting off the weapon. 1973:, Teeg informs him of an attempt by another officer to remove him from command, an action that she has prevented. She also notifies him that she remains the only other person besides Crais who knows about the admiral's order. Making sure it stays that way, Crais snaps her neck, ending the life of his most faithful officer. 132: 2425:. Einstein actually reveals to Crichton that the Ancients are members of his race, though substantially modified, who provide intelligence of 'normal' space. There are allusions and references made to the Pathfinder wormhole-traversing race as well as the extradimensional entity from the Season One episode 1640:
from her duties in order to save the lives of the command carrier crew from certain death. Braca later welcomed Scorpius on board, though this was seen as a welcome change compared to Gayza's command structure. When he inquired where Grayza was, Braca said he threw her in the brig, under heavy sedation.
1202:(Diagnostic Repair Drones), which are small, beetle-like robots that Leviathans build as they grow. They help with Moya's upkeep, by repairing and maintaining Moya. DRDs also play a major role in many of the adventures, helping John and the crew; the most notable DRDs are named 1812, One-Eye, and Pike. 2713:
Jack first appears when he places John, Aeryn, Rygel, and D'Argo inside a simulation of Earth, so that he can determine if it would be a suitable home for the Ancients. Jack takes the form of Jack Crichton, as it was deemed suitable to get John to trust him. Crichton eventually uncovers the ruse, and
Decades later, when she was assigned to the Peacekeeper retrieval squad, she met Aeryn once again and explained what had happened after she'd visited Aeryn. She accused Aeryn of being sentimental and weak for having named the spaceship Talyn after the father she'd never met. That encounter ended with
After the Sheyang attack was repelled and the screen was installed on Moya, the crew decided that the best course of action would be to leave Gilina behind to be picked up by Crais. Gilina readily agreed not to inform her superior of their visit and appropriation of Peacekeeper technology: while her
and so must learn all languages by hearing them. This may not be a species trait, given that she is later exposed as a Bioloid agent, and could be a consequence of that process instead. She is extremely intelligent and picks up information very quickly. She can "change her centre of gravity" so that
After the crew robs the Shadow Depository and Zhaan confronts a lethal illness, he becomes genuinely disturbed and wrought with grief over her death. He joins up with the crew of Talyn but frequently is at odds with his desire to "save" others, which eventually alienates Aeryn and Crais. Feeling that
Stark initially came into contact with John Crichton while both were being held prisoner in Scorpius' first Gammak Base devoted primarily to wormhole research. Having been a prisoner for many years, Stark informs Crichton that his (Stark's) survival is due both to his resistance to the effects of the
Stark wears a half-mask - strapped to his head by two separate buckles - of an unidentified metal, covering an incorporeal area that glows dark orange when uncovered, on the right side of his face (roughly his eye and cheek-bone) that he only reveals when he is taking away someone's pain or "crossing
Crais makes a few appearances after his death. An alternate version of Crais appears in "Unrealized Realities". In this reality, Crichton is a Peacekeeper agent working for Crais, and after Crichton kills Moya's crew, Crais congratulates him for a job well done. In "John Quixote", Crais appears as an
battle at the beginning of the series, the younger Crais was killed. For the course of the show's first season, Crais scoured the Uncharted Territories for Crichton and Moya, obsessed with finding the man he blamed for his brother's death. In the eighth episode, an evil entity named Maldis transports
Other Pilot characters seen briefly in the series include that of the damaged and mutilated Leviathan named Rovhu, whose limbs were repeatedly eaten and regrown by carnivorous prisoners, and the ancient Pilot of Elack, who housed Crichton when he was separated from Moya and sacrificed her quiet death
Aboard Moya, Aeryn learns to think beyond the strict, militaristic confines of her Peacekeeper upbringing. Born in service aboard a command Carrier, it is the only life she has known and thus she is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and armed combat. She also becomes a valuable and important member
who, in the opening few minutes of the pilot episode, is accidentally catapulted through a wormhole across the universe, thus; setting the scene for the show as a whole. As the only regularly appearing human on the show, he is the main focus and is the main character as he narrates the weekly credits
by Crichton), in order to maintain their sentience. According to Harvey, failure to consume the flower results in their intelligence diminishing, and eventually turns them feral. Only a few planets possess the conditions necessary to support the flower's growth, which consequentially puts a limit on
Aeryn encountered Xhalax once again later on, and a situation arose from which only one could escape alive. During a tense standoff, Aeryn managed to reason with Xhalax only to see Xhalax shot down by Bialar Crais who through no fault of his own misinterpreted the standoff as unacceptably dangerous
Sebaceans are externally similar to humans, and by inference are a genetic offshoot of humans artificially created some 27 millennia before the events of the series; as a result of this genetic enhancement, Sebacean biology has several notable differences. Among the known advantages granted by their
feels Moya's pain. The device's sympathetic effect can even go as far as to physically blind the humanoid if Talyn's sensors are damaged. Also because of the connection strength Talyn can force those connected to him to do his will to a certain degree. This causes great pain to the humanoid pilot to
six months after their escape from peacekeeper captivity, leading to the conception of a fetus. Roughly six months later, Moya gave birth to a baby Leviathan, though the baby was far from normal: unlike typical Leviathans, which are streamlined and have no weapons whatsoever, the infant was "covered
Black Harvey, who goes to Talyn with his Crichton, advises to John to not trust the Ancient Jack. He also points out that Scorpius did not copy his module, but that it was Furlow who also had the sketchy wormhole data Crichton had in early Season 1. Talyn was quickly taken to Furlow's desert planet,
In Season 2, Harvey is discovered. He is basically a menacing hallucination of Scorpius that influences Crichton to become more erratic, unpredictable and similar to Scorpius. He is capable of killing Crichton and does his best to make sure that Crichton would not go against Scorpius's ideas. In the
Scorpius prides himself on his patience and his intellect. Scorpius is willing to do absolutely anything to achieve his goals, which he is very honest about when it suits him. He will (and does over the course of the series) lie, kill in cold blood, order the deaths of multitudes, torture innocents,
As a Pa'u, Zhaan's spiritual abilities significantly improve upon achieving a new level. When first introduced, Zhaan is a level nine Pa'u, with the ability to lessen the pain of others by taking some portion of it into herself. Later in the series with Crichton's help, she gains a level, becoming a
of the leader of the Delvian government and her lover, Bitaal. Bitaal refused to step down as leader of the Delvian people when his tenure was over. He, along with other conservative Pa'us, hired the Peacekeepers for "external security." There was a political crackdown and it is implied that some
While Crichton is being tortured by Scorpius in the Aurora Chair, Scorpius uncovers a repressed memory of Jack. It is revealed that Jack, as an apology, implanted wormhole knowledge in Crichton's brain so he would be able to return to Earth faster, and erased the memory because the Ancients believe
and his late wife Lo'Laan, played by Matthew Newton, and later by Nathaniel Dean. After the death of Lo'Laan, D'Argo left Jothee in the care of others. In the time between D'Argo giving him up and his reappearance, the details are vague. It was implied that Jothee spent time as a slave, as he was
with an opportunity to finally harness wormhole travel and return to Earth, a main focus of the series. He is shown as enigmatic and ultimately fake, appearing as an eyeless, gray-skinned human being wearing a suit and tie, obviously in imitation of Crichton's memories, as he is not truly existent
that he is a valuable prisoner, the current dominar of a great empire. Bekhesh takes Rygel to the planet below and imprisons him in a makeshift cell, burying the Hynerian halfway into the ground as he waits for the crew of Moya to pay Rygel's ransom. Despite Rygel's supposed value, Bekhesh treats
Jenek's ship stops at a border station that Moya's crew are also on, having disguised themselves as Scarran agents. While on the station, Noranti infects Rygel with a contagious Hynerian disease to have the station put into quarantine. Jenek becomes paranoid the disease will kill Aeryn and attempts
at the Emperor's side. Ahkna is zealous in her campaign against the Peacekeepers, more so than the Emperor himself, believing that the war should only end with their enemy's total annihilation. Ahkna often acts without Staleek's consent, doing what benefits both her and the Scarran race. Pleased
Later, in the "Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars" miniseries Scorpius had been made commander of an armada and used Braca's command carrier as his flagship, and Braca is once again at his side. Although he is wounded during the climactic ground fighting on the planet Qujaga, he is rescued by Scorpius and
Braca's initial appearances focused on a nondescript, professional relationship to Bialar Crais, his commanding officer. As Crais continued his downward spiral into dereliction of duty in his ruthless pursuit of John Crichton, Braca slowly emerged as the voice of quiet dissent among Crais' officers
Bialar Crais was born in a Sebacean farming community, but while still a boy, he and his younger brother Tauvo were taken from their family and conscripted into the Peacekeeper military. As they were hauled away, Crais' father charged him to look after his younger brother, which was a major burden
After the chip was removed, it was discovered by Scorpius that although his neural clone had blended into Crichton, the opposite happened in the chip. A neural clone of John Crichton existed within it. And since there were encryptions to the wormhole data, only he could unlock them. Scorpius showed
Green Harvey faced death when John Crichton was attacked by Ka D'Argo in Luxan hyper-rage. John's reasons to live (Earth, dad, pizza, sex, cold beer, fast cars, sex, Aeryn, love) were not adequate so Harvey proposed revenge. To discover a reason to live, Crichton created a cartoon reality to oppose
In Season 3, Harvey discovers that even though the chip was removed, he has blended with Crichton's subconscious and is trapped there forever without any of his previous powers. He attempts to manipulate John to commit suicide, but fails. Crichton is rescued and the only thing Harvey can do is give
mini-series, and Crichton uses his wormhole knowledge to successfully force a peace treaty between the warring Peacekeepers and Scarrans. The wormhole knowledge in his brain is finally removed by Einstein the Ancient. During the mini-series, Aeryn gives birth to their son, named D'Argo Sun-Crichton
After discovering a Charrid using a replica of Crichton's module to fly through a wormhole, Jack is sent by the other Ancients to track Crichton down and see if he had given away wormhole knowledge. After Crichton makes it clear he did not, the two deduce that Furlow was the one using the wormhole
After a Diagnosan opens the pod prematurely and is murdered by the Scarran, Scorpius places an implant in Grunchlk's brain that allowed him to take control of Grunchlk's body. The Scorpius-controlled Grunchlk encountered the Scarran, and the Scarran placed Grunchlk inside a cryogenic pod and froze
knowledge given to him by the ancients. However, Crichton had given the knowledge to Furlow before ever meeting the Ancients. Furlow used the wormhole information given to her by John, as well as a replica of the Farscape One module, to conduct her own wormhole research. Her plan was to sell it to
are large humanoids that are distinctly reptilian in appearance and display a noticeable variation in body types. Most members of this species are perhaps best described as tailless "lizard men" with extended necks and long muzzled faces that some have found reminiscent of a horse. A significantly
When Grayza had a mental breakdown in the end of season four due to incompetent handling of a confrontation with the Scarrans, Captain Braca relieved her of command. By invoking an article of Peacekeeper doctrine he maintained his unwavering loyalty to the organization as a whole, removing Grayza
through the Pilot's den), he does not require one in order to navigate himself and fire his weapons. He can operate purely on voice command; still, a humanoid can be implanted with a device that allows direct interface with Talyn, although not to the same extent as a Pilot (Talyn can resist orders
who constantly belittles those around her. While her knowledge about technology, species, history, and the galaxy in general is vast, it is mostly academic. She is extremely naive and unknowledgeable about how things function outside a controlled environment (such as learning Leviathan physiology
Pilot is effectively immobile in the heart of the ship, but plays a key role in numerous adventures, and the other characters come to rely upon him as a figure of wisdom and comfort. Early in the series he is attacked and mutilated by members of the crew, as a local scientist wanted Pilot flesh in
One of Chiana's other characteristic traits is her strong sense of individuality. She respects no authority and values her freedom more than anything or anyone else. This gives her the appearance of being promiscuous; she attempted to seduce Jothee, D'Argo's son, the present and past versions of
Many episodes have demonstrated that she is a skilled fighter and is agile and acrobatic. She has a number of distinctive mannerisms such as cocking her head at times and crouching on objects rather than sitting or standing. Other Nebari do not exhibit the same style of physical movement, though
The crew first encounters Maldis while visiting a commerce planet early in their adventures. Taking the form of a clown named Igg, he demonstrates that he knows a lot about Crichton, and explains that he serves a benevolent old magician named Haloth (also Maldis). Haloth tells Crichton he has the
A cycle after this incident, John again encounters the Ancient in the form of his father. Assumedly, this Ancient took the form of Jack to make Crichton more comfortable as they worked together to keep wormhole technology out of the hands of the Scarrans. "Ancient Jack" was eventually killed by
By inference natives of a hot world, Scarrans nonetheless seem comfortable in temperate conditions to the point that their military facilities are heated to a level comfortable for non-Scarrans. This may have to do with the specialized gland in their chest that permits a Scarran to emit a focused
with which he was trying to negotiate. Durka tried to kill Rygel, but Rygel came prepared for his treachery and killed Durka instead, a surprisingly abrupt end for so prominent a villain in the series. For the next few days, Rygel carried Durka's severed head around on a stake, as a trophy of his
Grayza eventually kills the Grand Chancellor when he tells her of his intention to surrender to the Scarrans, and she takes command of the Peacekeeper forces herself. When Crichton finally demonstrates the destructive powers of the wormhole weapon, she agrees to a truce with the Scarrans "for the
war, it is revealed that she is a bioloid (an android) and a double-agent. She is working with the Kalish resistance to free the Kalish from Scarran servitude, and as such was specially bioengineered to be able to hover in the air and release intense radiation heat rays from her body that destroy
found themselves on Arnessk, where Jool became acquainted with other Interions and helped in their excavation of the site. She helped John, D'Argo and Chiana to free the priests from 12,000-cycle-long sleep in suspended animation. A scholar of Arnesskian history, Jool left Moya after over a cycle
The Pilot most commonly seen in the series is Moya's second pilot. The first, a female, was shot and forcibly removed by Peacekeepers when she refused to consent to experiments being done upon Moya. With her death, the more familiar Pilot took her place, seduced by his desire to travel the stars,
In Season 3, the writers created a scenario in which Chiana developed a new ability. After her encounter with an Energy Rider, Chiana began to experience precognitive visions that left her with blindness and splitting headaches. These visions later evolved into being able to see the present and
was also a Peacekeeper pilot who — against Peacekeeper regulations — fell in love with an older officer, Talyn Lyczac. They deliberately had Aeryn, a child born of love, and Xhalax sneaked into Aeryn's dormitory one night to tell her so, which is strictly against regulations. To redeem her crime,
Although Crichton is a heroic and unwaveringly loyal character, he is also a mischievously comical one, so much so that he is the primary source of humor for the series. The show derives much of its humor from Crichton's habitual (and extensive) use of Earth-related pop culture references, often
Many months later, Chiana obtains a unique picture from a woman named Kyvan. She begins experiencing progressively more dangerous "accidents" seemingly predicted by images in the picture. After attempts to examine it end in Chiana's disappearance, the crew try destroying the picture to bring her
Due to Scorpius' often isolated lifestyle and history, as well as the generally impersonal nature of Peacekeeper culture, his relationship with Braca is often a mixture of mentoring, paternally guiding, and intellectually stimulating at the same time. It is clear that Braca idolizes Scorpius and
and they are subsequently separated from each other; each ship has one Crichton. The Crichton aboard Talyn begins a romantic relationship with Aeryn while the Crichton on Moya continues studying wormholes, helped by the repository in his brain. Jack the Ancient finds the Talyn Crichton, forcibly
Grunchlk is first seen in "Die Me, Dichtomy", where Moya is brought to his facility to treat burn wounds she had sustained during the "Liar, Guns, and Money" three-parter. Grunchlk also agrees to have the Diagnosan remove the neural chip from John's brain. Scorpius, signaled by Harvey after the
to disappear as well. The remaining crew eventually learn from Kyvan that the image was commissioned by Maldis. Zhaan enacts a plan to defeat the wizard again. Zhaan thrusts Crichton into the portrait, where he distracts Maldis while Zhaan instructs Aeryn to kill Kyvan (actually an extension of
module there after it had suffered damage in space. Furlow offered to repair John's ship, provided he could pay for it. When repairs were completed, and compensation was demanded, Crichton admitted that he had nothing with which to pay her. Furlow demanded all the flight data he had recorded on
Early season four leaves Crichton with nothing but time to work on his wormhole theories. He eventually reunites with the crew members of Moya, and Aeryn and Scorpius, who has fallen out of favor with Peacekeeper high command. Shortly, after arrival, Scorpius offers to remove Harvey. Due to the
gains help from a local high priest, Liko. Together, they work to unleash Zhaan's abilities to inflict pain and damage on others. Interrupting Maldis' attempt to kill Crichton and feed off his soul, Zhaan renders the dark sorcerer tangible, allowing Crichton to smash his physical form to bits.
John Crichton's childhood friend who, along with Crichton, formulated the theory that was being tested by the Farscape project. Crichton helped D.K. cheat on his SATs, and helped get him his job at IASA. In the episode "Terra Firma" D.K. and his wife were killed by an alien named Skreeth. D.K.
1226:, manage to escape. Moya has become a friend and home to her crew and they have been through many bizarre, disheartening, and exhilarating events together. During season one, Moya becomes pregnant thanks to an accidentally released Peacekeeper experiment, and later gives birth to a Peacekeeper/ 1625:
Throughout season two, Scorpius mentored Braca, instructing him on strategy, planning, and politics both internal to Peacekeeper command and the galaxy at large. Braca emerged from this grooming with several promotions and quickly established himself as an increasingly efficient and dangerous
Despite being only able to communicate through Pilot (with one exception), Moya has her own personality which can be seen to develop and change through the series. At the beginning of the series she is timid, starbursting to escape the slightest danger at a moment's notice. When she meets the
Despite being an antagonist for the first three seasons, Scorpius joins the crew of Moya for the final season to protect Crichton after his Command Carrier is destroyed and he is hunted by the Peacekeepers. He becomes a more or less trustworthy crewmember though he looks for any chance to get
spacecraft and become their helmsman, navigator, companion, and liaison to passengers. Once bonded, Pilots can survive only a brief period of time of separation from their Leviathans, and only when travelling in something made of a Leviathan's components (as in a transport pod). In bonding to
Aeryn evolves from a cold, detached soldier into a valuable friend and crewmate. Her relationship with John Crichton also evolves, and Aeryn ultimately becomes a compassionate wife and loving mother at the end of the series. They name their son D'Argo Sun-Crichton; after their dear friend who
Scarran society is structured along imperial lines, with an Emperor in overall charge. This position's power is not absolute - an incompetent may be removed by a body known as the "Hierarchy". Though dynastic succession is expected, killing the current Emperor and taking power is a perfectly
In Season 2, the writers created a backstory for Chiana, along with a family member. She has one named relative, her brother Nerri, three years her senior. Along with Nerri, she escaped Nebari Prime at a young age, and then the two traveled around for some years. Nerri decided to join the
level ten Pa'u and gaining the ability to protect others from psychic attack with her own mind. In the episode "Bone to Be Wild" she shows that for short periods of time she can make herself invisible, although it is not stated whether or not this is only possible when surrounded by foliage.
knowledge stored somewhere in Crichton's brain, protect Crichton's life until Scorpius manages to retrieve the chip, and prevent Crichton from hurting or killing Scorpius. Harvey also has the ability to stop Crichton's brain functions for a short time, making him appear dead. He can control
end of Season 2, Harvey dominates Crichton (resulting in a mixed personality with dark humor), murders his love Aeryn Sun (whom the mixed personality also is attracted to) and transmits a message to Scorpius. After that, Crichton regains control, the chip is removed and stolen by Scorpius.
Emperor Staleek is the Scarran emperor, played by Duncan Young and is a major antagonist in both the series and the mini-series. He first appears in the "We're So Screwed" three-part story in season 4, holding a conference at the secret moon of Katratzi. It was there he first encounters
1849:. His most famed accomplishments were the liberation of Mintaka III and the quelling the Senovion rebellion. Many of his tactics are required learning during Peacekeeper training. Durka was also an inveterate sadist, and frequently tortured prisoners that came under his supervision. In 2128:
territories to the Scarrans in exchange for Peacekeeper control of the Uncharted Territories and a peace treaty. Ahkna accepts the arrangement and signs the treaty, but betrays Grayza a moment later when her escorts open fire on Grayza's party, killing everyone but Grayza and Captain
When her crimes were discovered via security camera when she secretly visited Aeryn when Aeryn was a child, in order to inform her that her life was not an accident or an assigned birthing to fill the ranks, Xhalax was forced to choose between killing Aeryn and killing Aeryn's father,
soldiers. For a price, they will serve as the military force for planets that lack one, though this arrangement usually is more advantageous to the Peacekeepers than to their "clients". During the storyline, the Peacekeepers are known to be employed by Hynerian rebel elements loyal to
to Aeryn. Dying, Xhalax told Aeryn that her true selfdom had been killed years before by her unyielding loyalty to the Peacekeepers. Her last request was for Aeryn to let her fall from the high ledge where their standoff had taken place. As a token of respect, Aeryn acquiesced.
939:, the idea for Harvey came from a necessity to have the character of Scorpius more visible during the show. As the show's main villain, he needed to be a constant and viable threat. After seeing a hallucinated Scorpius interact with Crichton in the second season's fourth episode, " 1896:, he was recognised by Rygel who promptly tried to kill him with a makeshift bomb. However the explosion only succeeded in somehow negating the mind cleansing, and Durka was returned to his old violent self. In short order, he (allegedly) murdered his Nebari keeper and hijacked 867:
he finally gets what he wants when Crichton uses a wormhole weapon on the Scarrens and Peacekeepers and is horrified, calling it "madness", finally understanding the danger of what he sought. He is last seen on Moya smiling as the Scarrens and Peacekeepers sign a peace treaty.
1284:, and little is known of her past before she joined the crew. Initially appearing to Crichton and Chiana as a grateful cook, she later describes herself as a "doctor, instructor, and among many other disciplines . . . negotiator". She is basically portrayed as an accomplished 1018:, is Stykera, a specialized subrace of the Banik. He is introduced to the series late in the first season and became a main character during the third season, before disappearing at the end of it and only returning at the end of the fourth season; he played a major part in 2569:. Crichton and his friends did what they could to fix the timeline, while John avoided any unnecessary contact with his parents. It seems, however, that Jack later caught a glimpse of his grown son shortly after he had rescued the younger 1985-John from a burning house. 2235:, Pennoch heads for the wormhole that leads to Earth. When the Stryker arrives and enters, however, Crichton has already begun to collapse the wormhole. The Stryker is caught in the implosion, destroying the ship and killing Pennoch as Ahkna can only listen helplessly. 1492:
from time to time: they're more suggestions than orders). This device, unless properly modified, can also be a two-way street through which Talyn can force feedback through to injure the implanted humanoid. It also leaves the humanoid open to feeling Talyn's pain as
series, hostilities between Scarrans and Peacekeepers escalate into an open conflict that lasts for a number of months; almost without exception, the Scarran war machine carries every battle, conquering many systems both within the Uncharted Territories, and under
1815:; her hesitation to fire on Scorpius, however, led to him shooting her instead. This distraction gave Crichton the chance to break away and escape with the rest of Moya's crew and Gilina, now mortally wounded. She had saved Crichton's life, at the cost of her own. 1880:
was crippled by Nebari "Host" vessel. The crew refused to surrender to Nebari "mind cleansing" and were all killed, and Durka apparently committed suicide. However, it is later revealed that he had faked his own death by murdering a junior officer, and fled the
The Leviathan Moya was subjected to a hybridization experiment by the Peacekeepers while in captivity. A synthetic stimulant/conceptive was placed in her by a peacekeeper Leviathan expert called Velorek, leader of the experiment. It was accidentally released by
existed, though Sebaceans are familiar to her. When frightened or nervous, her orange hair (which sheds) turns red and her high-frequency screams can melt metal, an ability which proves useful on several occasions. Her arrival aboard Moya came with the loss of
having claimed to have killed Xhalax to prevent her from completing her mission to capture Talyn for the Peacekeepers. In reality, he had allowed Xhalax to leave them because he knew that otherwise, the Peacekeepers would simply send another retrieval squad.
An alternate reality version of Chiana appeared in "Unrealized Reality" and "Prayer"; in the latter episode she is killed by Scorpius, an act that disturbs Crichton because, in the alternate reality of those two episodes, she resembles Aeryn (and is played by
is being held captive in the base and Ahkna takes much pleasure in torturing him. Despite the efforts of her underlings, Katratzi is all but destroyed by Crichton and his companions. With their precious flower destroyed, Ahkna leaves Katratzi with Staleek.
In the episode "Durka Returns", Chiana was a thief so slippery that she evades Moya's internal sensors. She proves to be resourceful in "Nerve", distracting the Peacekeepers from John, disguising herself as a tech, manipulating Gilina and delivering Talyn.
resistance fighting against the Nebari leaders, and split up with Chiana so she would not be endangered by his activities. In the third season of the show, Chiana harbours hopes of meeting up with her brother and joining the resistance to reunite with him.
149:. The series is set aboard a living spacecraft named Moya of the Leviathan race. The physical, racial and species-specific cultural characteristics, as well as underlying mythological/sociological similarities and differences of the alien races portrayed in 2555:
Crichton would finally see his real father again, about a cycle later, though this time he encountered Jack when he was younger in 1985. Crichton soon discovered that his presence in the past had altered history and that Jack was now to command the tragic
While on vacation with her two male cousins—they were traveling around the galaxy to celebrate her birthday—they ran into some trouble. Her two cousins contracted a fatal disease, and they and she were frozen into stasis to be used for organ donation by a
677:, a grey-skinned race whose society is heavily regimented by the government (known as The Establishment). The Establishment venerates control and order, pitting Chiana's independent ways in a society all about conformity against the Nebari's ideal about " 2583:
Months later, Crichton would contact Jack one last time. With the Scarrans on their way to attack Earth, John decided to collapse the wormhole linking Earth to the area of the galaxy near the Uncharted Territories and Tormented Space. After landing a
helped ease her pain, showing her a memory of a place he had kept hidden during his many sessions in the Aurora Chair. She professed her love for Crichton and he admitted that he could have loved her as well. They shared one final kiss before she died.
494:, a story by creator Rockne S O'Bannon that takes place far in the future, and that was written before Peacekeeper War, D'Argo is still alive. However, he did lose his arm, which is now a clear prosthetic. D'Argo was also parodied by the character 1391:
Late in the war, it is revealed that Sikozu is a spy for the Scarran Empire in exchange for a promise from them to free her people from servitude. Scorpius assaults her after revealing his knowledge about her betrayal and leaves her to die on the
the carrier, causing a massive energy wave that progressively destroyed the Carrier (while leaving enough time for most of the crew to evacuate the ship). Talyn's remains were carried by Moya to the Leviathan Sacred Space region, something of an
that if one does not discover the knowledge by themselves, they do not deserve it. This proves crucial to the rest of the series, establishing the central arc of the Peacekeepers and later the Scarrans pursuing John for his wormhole knowledge.
appears, and John and his "Farscape One" module are pulled into and through it. On his exit from the wormhole, he finds himself in the middle of a spaceship dogfight, during which he accidentally causes the death of Tauvo Crais, the brother of
With more of his links to the physical world destroyed, Maldis is once again banished to an unknown region to conserve his energies until he gains enough strength for his inevitable return (although he does not manifest again in the series).
2540:. Initially this was to fool John while studying human reactions (for a possible colonisation of Earth). Following John seeing his true form, the illusion was retained for unknown reasons (Possibly to make John feel more at ease with him). 540:
atrocities occurred under Bitaal's rule. Zhaan, while in Unity (an erotic, if not entirely sexual, activity unique to Delvians) with Bitaal, killed him and drove herself insane in the process. It is unclear whether Zhaan was a member of a
1194:, who serves as the Leviathan's navigator, operator, companion, and link to the crew of the ship. Leviathans are ships of peace, and as such have no offensive capabilities. They do have an impressive defensive maneuver, however, called 2543:
Around a cycle later, John would again encounter a false image of his father. This was the result of a Scarran interrogation device which presented Crichton with increasingly erratic and irrational imagery in order to break his mind.
and crew. While harboring serious misgivings about the pursuit, there was no way to act upon these doubts until the Command Carrier arrived at the Gammak Base where John Crichton had been captured. Braca quickly established himself as
2360:'s son. He discovers that Bekhesh had given up his life of violence and has joined a pacifist holy order. He is, however, unwilling to give up the gauntlet and agrees to go with Crichton. After Crichton later turns himself over to 1900:, but the crew eventually succeeded in luring him into a trap. While he was powering up the weapons on the crippled Nebari ship on which he had arrived, it was jettisoned into space, leaving him stranded on board the derelict vessel. 646:
when he gets nervous, causing everyone's voices to have a higher pitch by the offensive gas. At the end of the series, Bishan pleads with him to return to help reunite their people and Rygel departs to do so with a devastated Chiana.
once claimed that Scorpius was "higher even than a captain" ("I-Yensch, You-Yensch"), the claim was made more as a boast in an attempt to inflate Scorpius' value to kidnappers. His authority is not absolute, however, as Commandant
480:", but they are later reunited and somewhat reconciled in the miniseries. D'Argo and Chiana's relationship is subsequently tense, but they can at least maintain an amicable association as crewmates. After being mortally wounded in 887:. Harvey is the result of a neural chip that was placed into Crichton's brain by Scorpius after the Aurora Chair failed to reveal the wormhole information he was after. His name, given to him by Crichton, is taken from either the 2580:. In spite of their differences, John eventually convinced his father to support a unified globe, knowing it was their only chance Earth had if they hoped to face the challenges of the galaxy that Crichton had already faced. 2528:
During his time in the Uncharted Territories, the junior Crichton would often think of his father. In his first year, he would sometimes record his thoughts into a tape recorder, usually addressing Jack in his recordings.
681:" and making her a target for government reprogramming (called "cleansing"). In her premiere episode during the middle of season 1, "Durka Returns", she successfully escapes from Nebari custody, and ends up a passenger on 2189:
Ahkna's final battle takes place on the ravaged surface of Qujaga. After prolonged ground combat between Peacekeeper and Scarran forces, Crichton and his allies try to move out from their fortified position and escape to
while he is aboard the Leviathan Elack in the Leviathan's sacred burial space; she led the pirates there and they subsequently try to kill her to prevent her telling anyone where the burial area is. Crichton nicknames her
Rygel has a long history. After ruling for an unknown number of years as Dominar of the Hynerians, he was overthrown by his cousin Bishan. After the overthrow, which occurred over 130 cycles (years) before the events of
left the show because of health problems related to the extensive makeup and demanding work schedule. She still reappeared as Zhaan in two fourth-season episodes, "John Quixote" and "Unrealized Reality"; series director
2068:, both civilisations laying claim to parts of the so-called Uncharted Territories into which their populaces might expand. How long the state of cold war has existed between them is unknown - though legend tells of the 294:". These hallucinations influence Crichton in an effort to get at the hidden wormhole knowledge. As a result, Crichton's behavior grows more erratic and unpredictable, even as he continues to have romantic feelings for 235:(an astronaut) and Leslie Crichton. He has two sisters, Olivia (his younger sister) and an older sister, Susan. He has a childhood friend named Douglas "D.K." Knox. John's mother died of cancer four years before his 414:
of Moya's crew, and a companion and romantic interest of Crichton during the series. It is only after leaving the Peacekeepers that she can begin to find out about her parentage. She has discovered that her mother,
him mercilessly and does not tolerate dissent. When Rygel tries to escape, Bekhesh strangles him, nearly causing the Hynerian's death. Rygel's crewmates eventually come for him and as Bekhesh and Crichton have a
when her pulse rifle proves to be ineffective against his thick hide. He is also present at the meeting and devastation at Katratzi. He is sent on his final mission by Emperor Staleek. In command of a Scarran
was a notable exception to the Peacekeepers racial purity rules, and was required to endure a loyalty test to be excepted from those rules. The Peacekeepers employ several large groups as slave laborers, notably
1773:'s defection from the Peacekeepers, and while not overly hostile, Gilina's opinion of her was not favourable (openly accusing her as a "traitor"). When the Sheyangs returned, she helped Moya's crew repair the 1443:
At times, Talyn could be emotionally unstable, even going so far as to deliberately attack Moya. He also panicked easily. It is unclear whether this resulted from his violent childhood, or from errors in his
897:, in which Harvey is an invisible six-foot, one-and-a-half-inch tall rabbit that only Elwood P. Dowd can see, or the popular film versions, both starring Jimmy Stewart (1950; 1972). Harvey first appeared in " 2108:
who plays series protagonist John Crichton). She is a Minister of War throughout the last few episodes of Season 4 of the series. Her position makes her the third most powerful Scarran in the Empire, under
who control her and other Leviathans through the use of giant control collars placed around the ships that prevent autonomous control and inflict pain upon any disobedience. Moya and Pilot, with the help of
484:, D'Argo covers the escape of his comrades off Qujaga, which was then destroyed by Crichton's wormhole weapon. John Crichton and Aeryn Sun then name their son, born during the battle, D'Argo, in his memory. 2180:
Two months later, Ahkna helps lead the war effort against the Peacekeepers. With superior forces and firepower, the Scarrans win every battle against the Peacekeepers. Ahkna is stationed aboard Staleek's
At the end of season 3 Talyn sacrificed his life to save the crew of Moya. Captured and disabled while docked inside the Peacekeeper Command Carrier that had been following the crew for three years, Talyn
to attack and subdue the planet. Ahkna loses her love, however, when the efforts of Crichton, Aeryn, and Pilot cause the collapse of the wormhole connected to Earth while Pennoch is still inside of it.
2160:'s decision, not hers and 2) Crichton has a nuclear bomb strapped to his chest. Ahkna is relatively fearless, however, and menaces Crichton despite the nuclear bomb, almost setting it off. At the time, 701:
future in slow motion, and each time she used this ability, the following blindness would last longer than before until she ended up completely blind at the end of season 4. Shortly before the start of
1799:(although it is never explained how since it is unlikely Crais would make a stop at any Peacekeeper facility unless absolutely necessary). When Crichton and Chiana arrived to find a tissue sample for 2340:'s arrival in the Uncharted Territories. Posing as a group of traders, Bekhesh's group attempts to rob Moya shortly after boarding. While deterred from stealing any goods, Bekhesh manages to kidnap 2698:, Grunchlk returns, having somehow escaped the pod, and now with another Diagnosan, who had given Chiana new eyes. Grunchlk and the Diagnosan accompany Chiana to Qujaga to treat Aeryn and Crichton. 851:
informed him when she superseded it. During the series, he is shown to have the authority to command a research base, a command carrier, a fleet of command carriers, and an even larger fleet in
series at the temple on Arnesk, the testimony of the Eidelons themselves as to their lack of familiarity with the Scarran species would indicate the story as the galaxy knows it is fallacious.
While on Moya Jothee had an affair with Chiana, who was his father's lover, which caused a rift between both D'Argo and Chiana, and D'Argo and Jothee. Jothee left Moya's crew at this point.
Talyn was a very powerful ship when young, and had he achieved maturity he would likely have been one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy. He was young (and quite childlike) for much of
Throughout the first half of the series, D'Argo's consuming desire was to find Jothee, his son by Lo'Laan. After Jothee was found, his plans to settle down with his son and Chiana scared the
in a fit of Luxan Hyper-Rage. During his time as a prisoner, the Peacekeepers shackled D'Argo in his cell with heavy chains attached to a pair of metal hooks surgically implanted around his
on the Moon, John used one of its communicators to dial Jack's house. They wished each other good bye and Jack expressed his pride in John and all he had done before they closed the line.
accident. John Crichton followed in his father's footsteps by becoming an astronaut, flew on two missions prior to the Farscape incident and was Mission Commander on one of those missions.
to salvage whatever they could from the vessel; the rest of her companions had been slaughtered by a previous visit of Sheyangs set on stripping the former ship. She had also heard of
2466:) is a knowledgeable, yet somewhat arrogant, mechanic on the desert world Dam-Ba-Da. While her race is not known, she appears to be a rather short and stocky female, likely Sebacean. 1622:
interaction. However, their relationship is generally more complex in that Scorpius clearly trusts Braca implicitly, which is unusual for Scorpius' methodical and suspicious nature.
1090: 2156:
arrives with the supposed intention of selling his wormhole knowledge to the highest bidder. Though she is suspicious of his motivations, she can do little to him since 1) it is
in the Leviathan's Burial Ground to help Crichton escape from the Peacekeepers. Moya's child Talyn did not need a Pilot by Peacekeeper design, but nevertheless could support one.
Scarran expansion. However, upon learning that the flower grows wild on Earth, the Scarrans prioritize conquering the planet, forcing Crichton to permanently close the wormhole.
548:. It is clear, however, that Zhaan was courted by a violent revolutionary organization of Pa'us on a planet they encountered in the Uncharted Territories. She has also been an 2604:
As a result of his separation, Jothee was denied most of the Luxan upbringing and, after being the subject of abuse over his mixed heritage, mutilated his more Luxan features.
2279:. He personally captures Crichton at Arnessk and is later present at the battle over Qujaga where Crichton unleashes a wormhole weapon and forces the two sides to make peace. 242:
In the first episode of season one, during a test flight designed to prove a scientific theory concerning the use of planetary gravity as a means for spaceship acceleration, a
2353:, Crichton is able to convince Bekhesh that Rygel is not worth anything. Bekhesh gives him up, deciding that Rygel has already been more trouble than he could ever be worth. 1457:, and was dwarfed by his mother Moya, although he did grow gradually over the series. It was theorized by Pilot that he might even have grown larger than a normal Leviathan. 2260:. When Crichton severely damages the Katratzi base, Staleek orders Captain Pennoch to Earth, as he has learned from Crichton that the planet contains a large supply of the 1889:. He was later captured by the Nebari and spent the next 100 cycles (years) in stasis being mind cleansed into an obedient, pacifistic servant of the Nebari Establishment. 1765:"). After the crew boarded the derelict Command Carrier, they discovered Gilina already there. She explained that she was the lone surviving member of a team sent there by 1843: 780:
Leviathans, Pilots sacrifice much of their life-span for the benefits of space travel, since Pilots can live well over a thousand years but Leviathans live only hundreds.
Early in season two, Crichton learns that Scorpius has implanted a neural chip into his head, which causes hallucinations of a "neural clone" of Scorpius, whom he dubs "
also felt an immediate attraction to one another. As they worked to move the defence screen to Moya, they grew continually closer until they eventually shared a kiss.
Moya's pilot is only known by his species's name, which also describes his role on the ship. His real name, if he has one, is unknown. Pilots bond with biomechanical
3635: 2064:
The Scarran Imperium rose to its current position as a major galactic power within the last 12,000 cycles and within that time they have come into conflict with the
3640: 2194:. Ahkna's forces intercept them on the way and Ahkna holds Crichton at gunpoint. Before she can fire, however, Aeryn shoots her in the back, ending her life. 2375:
Unlike other Tavleks, Bekhesh wears some type of masking shield over the top of his head. Its purpose is unknown but it is implied that it is due to injury.
technical specialist. Unlike the soldier caste, she sees little to no combat during her career and is instead utilized for maintenance and engineering tasks.
673:, is a street-smart, savvy, and mercurial character who is willing to scam or steal for an adventure and risk her life for the people she loves. Chiana is a 283:, who hide a repository of wormhole knowledge into his brain to guide him home, beginning a series-long chase by a Sebacean-Scarran hybrid Peacekeeper called 1675: 1045:
As the series progresses, three different alternate 'versions' of Stark are seen: as a not-quite-sane Gamesmaster in a twisted virtual-reality style game ("
2207: 2710:. Jack is not actually his name, but rather a nickname Crichton gives him, as Jack's true name is pronounced through a series of incomprehensible sounds. 406:
and is towed along with the escaping Leviathan. Aeryn is brought on board Moya as a prisoner, but when she and Crichton encounter her commanding officer,
pilot and officer. Although she appears to be human, she is in fact Sebacean, a species indistinguishable from humans in external appearance. At the time
1958:'s escape from captivity. She is his first officer and is fiercely loyal and supportive. When Crais' brother is killed, it falls to her to inform him. 2372:
in an effort to rescue Crichton. After their success, Bekhesh takes his cut and thanks the crew of Moya for bringing him back to his life of violence.
Almost three cycles after her death, Crichton and Chiana would encounter Gilina in another form, appearing in a neural-based, video game-like device of
1153:-like persona. Moya, however, had been followed by the Scarrans who deployed a weapon which destroyed the temple. Jool was inside and is presumed dead. 571:
collides with another spacecraft. In order to save Moya and her crew, Zhaan sacrifices herself by piloting the other craft away before it is destroyed.
279:, guns, and space travel, without the comfort of Earth culture. Toward the end of season one, Crichton encounters a mysterious alien race known only as 2296:
Captain Jenek is a Scarran freighter captain and a member of the Scarran ruling caste who serves as a major antagonist in the fourth season, played by
2288:, a 1970s children's Saturday morning Sci-Fi TV show that featured lizard-like humanoid antagonists, presumably remembered from John Crichton's youth. 658:" as an Asgard with a Fu-Manchu beard and mustache; his only line was the Hynerian curse "Yotz", similar in use and meaning as the earth curse "Hell". 606:
Empire. He is known for being selfish and collects anything valuable, and was one of two regular puppet characters on the show. Rygel was operated by
Information about John Crichton's life before the first episode is only revealed slowly over the course of the series. He was the middle child born to
1109:. Her cousin died almost immediately upon being released from stasis, but Jool, who had not been sick, was fine. She awoke to find herself aboard the 3068: 2408:
First introduced in Season 4, "Einstein" is an Ancient who has tremendous knowledge of wormholes, time and theoretical physics. His appearance is a
943:", they came up with the idea of putting Scorpius inside of John's head. The clone's presence was hinted at in the second and third episodes of the " 3038: 838:
His rank is never mentioned, and it is assumed that he does not officially hold one. Wayne Pygram seemed to confirm this during an interview on the
Within a number of days, Ahkna and Staleek have discovered that a large supply of crystherium flower exists on Earth. Staleek sends Ahkna's lover
Initially, it appeared that he had betrayed Scorpius to Grayza, but by the end of the season it was revealed that Braca was really Scorpius's spy.
Prior to Jool's first appearance one of her cousins, who was revived shortly before his death, referred to her as Jool rather than her full name.
Jack reveals the purpose of the experiment to him. Though Crichton is understandably angry over the manipulation, the two part on civil terms.
3292: 3130: 3081: 2417:
in Crichton's world, simply a manifestation of another, vastly more powerful being. He is one of the many 'godlike aliens' which episodes of
she can walk on walls and ceilings, and she can easily reattach limbs that have been severed. She has to eat only a few times a cycle (year).
3259: 3226: 3160: 2948: 2806: 2614:
are unknown. Two cycles later, Jothee re-appeared as the "Kleeva" (a military strategist and officer) of a small Luxan commando unit during
2261: 1568:. Until the onset of the final stage, the condition may be halted or even reversed by sufficiently lowering the sufferer's core temperature. 3193: 2427: 2389: 2186:
with her determination and ruthlessness, Staleek all but promises her rule of the Scarran Empire by his side at the completion of the war.
1062: 563:, and in the process became critically ill herself. While the crew are searching for a planet with the right conditions for Zhaan to heal, 52: 99: 3382: 3352: 2691:
him. Stark, who was horrified by Grunchlk's use of the cryogenic pods, reported him as dead to the rest of the crew and left him frozen.
71: 2113:. Ahkna believes in the superiority of the Scarran race and would do almost anything to ensure that the Scarrans dominate the galaxy. 1693:
and his wormhole knowledge, believing it to be a potential bargaining chip in her dealings with the Scarrans, and sets out to capture
2978: 2858: 1281: 3322: 2918: 2888: 583:
also made an on-screen appearance as a male virtual reality incarnation in "John Quixote", and Zhaan appears in archive footage in
78: 3412: 3008: 2639: 2146: 2092:
utilises a wormhole weapon with the potential to destroy the galaxy in order to frighten both sides into signing a peace treaty.
1298:, where she realizes the existence of more Eidelons and convinces Crichton to seek to reawaken their powers to help end the war. 1149:, Moya returned to Arnessk, where the crew were briefly reunited with Jool who, for reasons never explained, had adopted a more 3114: 1644:
is able to return with the rest of the group to safety. Braca is last seen fully recovered at the signing of the peace treaty.
275:). Shortly after, John meets Bialar Crais, who wants revenge for his brother's death. John has to adapt quickly to a life with 2048:
It's revealed in Season 4 that Scarrans must routinely consume a type of flower known as "Crystherium Utilia" (described as a
2748: 2393: 1050: 85: 1808: 1359:" due to the shape of her hairstyle when they met. There is initial confusion at their meeting because she cannot tolerate 859:
Crichton's knowledge and forms a relationship with Sikozu. At the end of the series, he returns to the Peacekeepers and in
1834:"). Her character was present on the Gammak base level and was later destroyed by one of the game's versions of Scorpius. 2706:"Jack" is an Ancient who takes the form of Crichton's father Jack and serves as something of a mentor to John, played by 3446: 1686:
research, considering it to be a threat to her efforts to negotiate a truce between the Sebaceans and the Scarran race.
764:. He is operated by Sean Masterson, Tim Mieville, Matt McCoy, Mario Halouvas and Fiona Gentle. His voice is provided by 67: 3515: 3470: 1544:
cousin Bishan (although the extent of their involvement in the rebellion is unknown), and by the rulers of Delvia. The
1520: 1350:, and eventually goes to work for a pirate group who harvest toubray (nerve) fibers from Leviathans. She meets up with 2356:
Almost two cycles later, Crichton seeks Bekhesh out, hoping to acquire the gauntlet to use it in an assault to rescue
2557: 2284: 2169: 2008: 1999:
Xhalax is first seen in season three of the series, as the leader of a Peacekeeper retrieval squad sent to recapture
About a cycle (year) later, Rygel discovered that Durka survived their last encounter and was then the leader of the
An alternate reality version of Noranti appeared in the Season 4 episode, "Unrealized Reality", and was portrayed by
118: 487:
The episode "Unrealized Reality" features a character from another universe who is a composite of D'Argo and Rygel.
Season 2 cast, from left to right: Bialar Crais, Rygel (front), Chiana, Zhaan, Aeryn Sun, John Crichton, Ka D'Argo.
1951: 807:, is the half-Sebacean, half-Scarran Peacekeeper, and the primary antagonist of the series, relentlessly pursuing 419:
Xhalax was forced by the Peacekeepers to choose between the two, and she executed Talyn so that Aeryn could live.
Bekhesh is the leader of a group of Tavlek mercenaries but later gives up his life of violence. He is played by
1598:. At the end of fourth season, it is revealed that Braca's first name is Meeklo. He made his last appearance in " 2133:. Ahkna takes Grayza and Braca to her ship, planning to later interrogate them about the Peacekeepers' alleged 708: 3560: 2846: 2436: 2397: 1710: 1599: 1343: 1304: 1294: 1292:, and is often referred to as "Grandma". She was featured throughout Season 4 of Farscape, as well as being in 1180: 1146: 1145:
with the crew to follow her new destiny and help the priests adjust to the new life that lay ahead of them. In
1094: 1019: 903: 824: 703: 587:. Hey's voice was used in the Aeryn-focused episode "The Choice", the seventeenth episode of the third season. 312: 56: 1424: 1796: 1780:
s defence screen, preventing Moya from being destroyed, and agreed to install the screen on Moya. Gilina and
154: 17: 2431:. The moniker "Einstein" is given to him by Crichton. His true name, and whether he has one, is not known. 2218:
and can often be seen at their side or carrying out their orders. He accompanies Ahkna to her meeting with
1873: 1335: 674: 473: 3553: 1553: 828: 205:, is an International Aeronautics and Space Administration (most commonly referred to on the show as IASA) 1198:, which allows the ship to travel at incredible speed through a tear in space-time. Moya is maintained by 3046: 2385: 2264:
flower, vital to the Scarrans' power. Pennoch's mission fails and his ship is destroyed by Crichton and
1176: 1156:
An alternate reality version of Jool, encountered in "Unrealized Reality" and "Prayer", was portrayed by
1150: 742: 92: 2772:
Outraged when Sci Fi Channel cancelled the series, hundreds of female "'Scapers" mailed in their bras...
of Leviathans; space they regard as holy and where they go to die. He was mourned by Moya and her crew.
girl, resulting in her betraying him by having sex with Jothee. D'Argo and Jothee part on bad terms in "
2577: 2421:
often center around, presenting alternate realities and confusing illusions, similar to Maldis and the
610:, Sean Masterson, Tim Mieville, Matt McCoy, Mario Halouvas and Fiona Gentle. His voice was provided by 3571: 2326: 2322: 1866: 1862: 1858: 1762: 1708:
Although reported by Braca to be under sedation in the brig at the end of the series, by the time of
1488: 1054: 952: 948: 944: 940: 215: 3594: 3300: 3138: 3089: 2565: 2518: 2474: 2413: 2337: 2245: 2153: 2089: 1804: 1781: 1690: 1611: 1532: 1415:
hybrid gunship, a living spaceship that is the progeny of the Leviathan Moya. Talyn is named after
1351: 1211: 1117: 987: 898: 880: 820: 816: 808: 564: 373: 3267: 3234: 3168: 2956: 2814: 1969:
High Command to withdraw from the Uncharted Territories. After Crais is abducted and returned by
2272: 2257: 2117: 1966: 1812: 1743: 1664: 1470: 1408: 1384: 1277: 1266: 1206: 1187: 991: 741:
is a member of a race known to viewers simply as Pilots or "Servicers". He is introduced in the "
623: 450: 369: 248: 45: 3201: 3508: 2085: 2065: 1943: 1587: 1528: 689:
her fluid movements and frequent situational appraisals suggest a lifetime of avoiding danger.
541: 3390: 3360: 1629:
At the beginning of season four, Lieutenant Braca was promoted to Captain Braca by Commandant
1448:, perhaps the result of trying to create a warship from an essentially nonaggressive species. 855:. However, the exact Peacekeeper ranks at this level have never been established in the show. 3608: 1477: 1191: 936: 545: 146: 1842:
Selto Durka (played by David Wheeler) was a legendary Peacekeeper captain in command of the
224:, Browder's Crichton has been called one of the sexiest male characters in science fiction. 2513:
John Robert "Jack" Crichton, Sr. is a retired astronaut who at one point had walked on the
2276: 2223: 2182: 1754: 1462: 1412: 1347: 1227: 1195: 1172: 1110: 1015: 923:
advice. Everything goes "fine" until John is twinned by a madman, twinning Harvey as well.
776: 747: 568: 443: 403: 381: 2986: 2866: 2282:
Crichton mockingly calls him Emperor Sleestak, a play on his name and also a reference to
Talyn is rare for a Peacekeeper in that he met and fell in love with another Peacekeeper,
8: 3580: 2679:
Grunchlk is an unkempt and opportunistic swindler who runs a medical facility, played by
2643: 2533: 2505:
Furlow's whereabouts thereafter remain unknown as she never again appears in the series.
2494: 2422: 2361: 2253: 2161: 2042: 1977: 1792: 1702: 1679: 1607: 1548: 1380: 1360: 1215: 1134: 1027: 732: 655: 505: 396: 284: 280: 259:, a Leviathan (a biomechanoid, i.e., a "living ship") where John meets his first aliens ( 3330: 2926: 2896: 1722:
sake of our children". She is last seen aboard Moya, signing the peace treaty alongside
3546: 3420: 3016: 2232: 2203: 2173: 2088:
control. Despite this, the war is brought to a peaceful conclusion with no victor when
1262: 975: 951:" before his presence was revealed outright to Crichton in the season's 15th episode, " 752: 626:. During this time, he was imprisoned in several places and tortured, most notably by 3630: 3501: 2744: 2341: 2318: 2219: 2211: 2121: 1854: 1595: 1420: 1219: 843: 392: 291: 276: 2368:, Bekhesh helps stage an assault on a Shadow Depository, fighting beside D'Argo and 2784: 2680: 2350: 2248:. Crichton comes to Katratzi under the guise of selling the information he has on 2101: 1996:, with whom she had never formed a personal relationship due to Peacekeeper rules. 1827: 1819: 1739: 1705:
while pretending to be loyal to Grayza. He assumes command of the Command Carrier.
1493: 1485: 888: 330: 175: 1876:
sector, over 100 cycles (years) prior to the events covered by the TV Series, the
1594:" at the end of season one, although he first appeared in a non-speaking role in " 3601: 3353:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Liars, Guns and Money, Part 2: With Friends Like These"" 2573: 2470: 2463: 2333: 2215: 2191: 2157: 2110: 1962: 1955: 1931: 1750: 1723: 1694: 1619: 1591: 1376: 1273: 1137:, and the crew and fans alike were a little slow in accepting the new character. 1106: 1082: 974:, was the series' original antagonist throughout season 1. The series' creator, 682: 635: 532: 477: 446: 384: 256: 1976:
Teeg's murder goes undiscovered until Crais is placed into the Aurora Chair by
1630: 1339: 1258: 1157: 956: 848: 711:
that allowed her to 'see' energy sources and, to an extent, see through walls.
611: 607: 435: 380:
in the beginning of the series, Aeryn is in her Prowler battling to retake the
211: 3624: 3454: 2631: 2627: 2585: 2561: 2145:. Ahkna's group manages to capture Aeryn, and she turns her over to Captain 1989: 1660: 1480:
bonded to him, but still has a vestigial Pilot's den: although he physically
Command Carrier was being destroyed. The "Old Woman", as she is called, is a
893: 720: 651: 536: 500: 461:
to keep him under control despite his strength. He later escaped (along with
365: 287:
who hunts John and the rest of the Farscape crew to obtain that information.
220: 3039:"Farscape Journey Logs: Subject: Scorpius : Appendix To Service Record" 2489:
Two cycles later, one of the twinned Crichtons returned to Dam-Ba-Da aboard
technology. Before she can do this, however, Grayza and Braca are freed by
731:"Pilot (Farscape)" redirects here. For the first episode of the series, see 131: 3478: 2802: 2663: 2597: 2482: 2357: 2297: 1947: 1831: 1766: 1516: 1498: 1484:
be bonded to a Pilot (he managed to bond temporarily, yet successfully, to
1432: 1393: 1223: 1141: 1089:
woman of remarkable academic achievement. She had her first appearance in "
1046: 979: 884: 804: 769: 678: 575: 520: 407: 388: 264: 252: 236: 959:, as Crichton's memory of Harvey was erased, until he was revealed again. 559:
Towards the beginning of the third season, Zhaan saved the seemingly dead
2707: 2522: 2409: 2105: 1678:" towards the end of season three of the series, when she arrives aboard 1331: 1312: 1058: 670: 627: 580: 202: 2667:
Maldis) so that he is weakened enough to be physically dispersed again.
creating a peace between the two species over 12,000 years prior to the
1564:, a brain fever that leads to a permanent coma-state referred to as the 3282: 2049: 1924: 1886: 1668: 1545: 1049:"), a fused Stark/Sikozu character witnessed in an alternate reality (" 458: 454: 415: 2124:
to discuss a peace treaty between the two powers. Grayza offers the
978:, named the character after his friend, contemporary mystery novelist 3287: 3285: 2478: 2444: 2369: 2265: 2252:
technology to the highest bidder. Crichton is truly there to rescue
2227: 2138: 1993: 1920:. At the beginning of the series, he has been dead for many cycles. 1917: 1800: 1770: 1715: 1615: 1536: 1437: 1416: 1285: 1231: 1102: 971: 765: 560: 549: 495: 295: 268: 206: 3227:"Farscape Journey Logs: "We're So Screwed, Part 2: Hot to Katratzi"" 1718:; it can be safely assumed that the Peacekeepers could do the same. 1515:
The symbol used by the Peacekeepers. Out of universe, it references
34: 3525: 2766: 2498: 2456: 2455:"Furlow" redirects here. For the temporary leave of employees, see 2345: 2249: 2202:
Captain Pennoch is a high ranking Scarran soldier and the lover of
2134: 1850: 1683: 1453: 1440:
to name her offspring, and Aeryn named it after her father, Talyn.
Sikozu accompanies Crichton as he reunites with his crewmates from
1368: 1289: 1129: 1121: 1086: 911: 812: 760: 603: 377: 243: 141: 2662:
back. The picture reassembles again and again, eventually causing
1830:'s that was apparently based on Crichton's own memories (episode " 1577: 1175:, a biomechanoid spacecraft. She had her first appearance in the " 531:(priestess) in their religious order. Zhaan was imprisoned aboard 3587: 2069: 1727: 1356: 1269: 1160:. This version is reluctantly shot dead by Crichton in "Prayer". 524: 210:
and is the only character to appear in every episode. Along with
3383:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Liars, Guns and Money, Part 3: Plan B"" 1338:
who grew up in Scarran-controlled space. She first appeared in "
863:, instigates a war between them and the Scarrens. At the end of 2549: 2365: 2142: 1970: 1892:
When Durka and his Nebari master later encountered the crew of
1445: 879:
is a neural clone of Scorpius and exists solely in the head of
755: 643: 2100:
Ahkna is an upper-caste member of the Scarran race, played by
However, Aeryn's Prowler is caught up in the stream of Moya's
336: 193: 3260:"Farscape Journey Logs: "We're So Screwed, Part 3: La Bomba"" 2654: 2497:
in the guise of Jack Crichton had accused him of selling the
2490: 2130: 2125: 2000: 1698: 466: 453:
after being convicted (falsely) of killing his Sebacean wife
439: 299: 260: 2741:
The Creatures of Farscape: Inside Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Some time later, Gilina was transferred from Crais' ship to
Peacekeepers are of the Sebacean race and were originally a
1265:", when she suddenly appears among them as a mysterious and 1113:
Moya and discovered that she had been frozen for 22 cycles.
255:. Crichton's craft is pulled aboard a large spaceship named 3493: 3161:"Farscape Journey Logs: "What Was Lost, Part 1: Sacrifice"" 2514: 2116:
Several months before the war between the Scarrans and the
1511: 187: 567:
diverts Moya to investigate a wormhole instead, where the
353: 2552:
who had hoped to sell the wormhole tech to the Scarrans.
and commerce center. He later assists in the capture of
Talyn Lyczac was a Peacekeeper soldier and the father of
final victory over the man who tortured him for so long.
339: 1610:'s assistant once Crais was removed from command, which 1091:
Self-Inflicted Wounds Part I: Could'a, Would'a, Should'a
2638:, also far more sinister. He appeared in the episodes " 1818:
She spent her final moments on Moya. As she lay dying,
ogre in a virtual reality game. Crais also appears in
Ahkna is later at Katratzi with Emperor Staleek when
Into the Lion's Den Part II: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
accidentally followed a wormhole into the midst of a
356: 350: 342: 181: 2764:"25 Top Cult Shows Ever!, #4 Farscape (1999-2003)". 2610:
His whereabouts between his departure from Moya and
745:" and plays a significant role in the resolution of 423:(apparently) lost his life in the Peacekeeper Wars. 190: 184: 145:
features an extensive cast of characters created by
3413:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Til the Blood Runs Clear"" 3194:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Bringing Home the Beacon"" 1504: 1346:". She becomes an expert (albeit a book expert) on 1061:, and as a convincing bioloid replica of himself (" 910:Harvey's purpose is threefold: he is to unlock the 527:, a blue, spiritual, humanoid plant species, and a 347: 333: 310:Crichton and Aeryn are revived at the beginning of 178: 59:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1676:Into the Lion's Den Part I: Lambs to the Slaughter 3069:Look at the Princess Part I: A Kiss is But a Kiss 2214:. He usually appears in the service of Ahkna or 1663:, is a Sebacean female who has risen through the 3636:Lists of Australian television series characters 3622: 2859:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Crackers Don't Matter"" 1276:along with an unidentified group of others as a 1186:Like others of her race, Moya was captured by a 3009:"Farscape Journey Logs: "That Old Black Magic"" 2344:, because they have been led to believe by the 2027: 1476:Unlike other Leviathans, Talyn does not have a 1302:was additionally performed by Amanda Wenban in 3641:Lists of science fiction television characters 2919:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Exodus from Genesis"" 2596:Jothee is the half-Luxan/half-Sebacean son of 1965:'s escape, Teeg and Crais receive orders from 3509: 3109: 3107: 2307: 3375: 3345: 3323:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Throne for a Loss"" 3125: 3123: 2275:-Scarran war, traveling in his flagship the 1576:For the Portuguese unit of measurement, see 387:which has been seized by escaping prisoners 3254: 3252: 3221: 3219: 2795: 1261:, joined the crew in the Season 3 finale, " 1190:squad at a young age and was bonded with a 955:". However, this then became an example of 3516: 3502: 3104: 2271:Staleek later takes an active role in the 1853:, he was particularly known for torturing 630:, captain of the near-legendary ship, the 490:The character appeared in other media. In 3188: 3186: 3120: 3031: 1757:discovered the wreckage of the legendary 1367:She is extremely arrogant, a self-styled 1063:We're So Screwed Part II: Hot to Katratzi 119:Learn how and when to remove this message 3249: 3216: 1626:extension of Scorpius' loyal following. 1510: 1379:, and she gradually allies herself with 1068: 130: 2789:Terra Firma Farscape Transcript Archive 2738: 2486:wormholes so far to Crichton's dismay. 2332:He is first encountered by the crew of 1682:' Command Carrier to put a stop to his 14: 3623: 3183: 2536:took on his form when conversing with 2378: 2095: 768:(who also plays the character Captain 442:warrior who was imprisoned aboard the 3497: 3293:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Bad Timing"" 3153: 3131:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Bad Timing"" 2889:"Farscape Journey Logs: "The Locket"" 2842: 2840: 2838: 2836: 2834: 2832: 1872:During a Peacekeeper invasion of the 1749:Gilina first encountered the crew of 3082:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Fractures"" 1701:, who has secretly been allied with 634:, and was eventually transferred to 57:adding citations to reliable sources 28: 3115:We're So Screwed Part III: La Bomba 2979:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Premiere"" 2949:"Farscape Journey Logs: "Promises"" 2801: 2701: 1423:" and made his last appearance in " 1342:" and made her last appearance in " 823:" and made his last appearance in " 153:were conceptualised and created by 24: 2829: 2537: 1689:However, she becomes intrigued by 1521:Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge 1140:The crew parted ways and Jool and 602:) was once the royal ruler of the 434:(called simply D'Argo), played by 232: 160: 25: 3652: 3439: 2016: 1651: 1419:'s father. He first appeared in " 1324:Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu 901:" and had his last appearance in 693:John Crichton as well as others. 2508: 2481:were forced to land John's IASA 2291: 1733: 1505:Recurring Peacekeeper characters 329: 317:in honor of their late comrade. 174: 165: 33: 3405: 3315: 3074: 3061: 3001: 2971: 1911: 1667:ranks to achieve the status of 1571: 1205:Moya was once a captive of the 962: 751:. Pilot was one of two regular 707:, she received new eyes from a 44:needs additional citations for 2941: 2911: 2881: 2851: 2847:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 2777: 2757: 2732: 2578:September 11 terrorist attacks 2437:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 1954:as early as two cycles before 1837: 1711:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 1535:which employs their people as 1147:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 853:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 704:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 622:, he became a prisoner of the 313:Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 13: 1: 2725: 2015:Talyn seriously crippled and 1983: 1079:Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis 68:"List of Farscape characters" 3523: 2743:. Reynolds & Hearn Ltd. 2028:Recurring Scarran characters 1497:the extent that was seen on 426: 320: 7: 2807:"Why did I leave Farscape?" 2674: 2403: 1946:, was stationed on Captain 1942:Lieutenant Teeg, played by 1600:The Peacekeeper Wars Part 2 1344:The Peacekeeper Wars Part 2 1181:The Peacekeeper Wars Part 2 1151:Sheena, Queen of the Jungle 1095:The Peacekeeper Wars Part 1 904:The Peacekeeper Wars Part 2 825:The Peacekeeper Wars Part 2 795: 685:with the rest of the crew. 650:A parody of him was in the 10: 3657: 2601:found among Banik slaves. 2572:When John and the rest of 2454: 2312: 2308:Other recurring characters 2238: 2197: 1575: 1541: 1245: 1235: 1125: 986:for Crais. When the human 730: 462: 272: 155:Jim Henson's Creature Shop 3570: 3554:Farscape Roleplaying Game 3533: 2621: 2591: 2450: 2428:Through the Looking Glass 2384:appears in the episodes " 2122:Commandant Mele-On Grayza 1738:Gilina Renaez (played by 1674:Grayza is first seen in " 1657:Commandant Mele-on Grayza 1318: 1179:", and was last seen in " 1120:originated the shortened 1030:' Aurora Chair research. 947:" trilogy as well as in " 871: 661: 642:involves him flatulating 171:John Robert Crichton, Jr. 1533:private military company 1399: 1006: 883:. He was also played by 726: 590: 511: 3447:"Farscape Journey Logs" 3113:Season 4, Episode 21, " 3067:Season 2, Episode 11, " 2770:(May 30-June 5, 2004). 1937: 1930:Aeryn would later name 1857:. He was first seen in 1163: 1073: 2473:first met Furlow when 2390:Won't Get Fooled Again 2327:Liars, Guns, and Money 1988:Xhalax Sun (played by 1980:several months later. 1944:Christine Stephen-Daly 1529:law enforcement agency 1524: 953:Won't Get Fooled Again 139:The television series 136: 3595:Crackers Don't Matter 3471:"Farscape Characters" 2739:Nazzaro, Joe (2004). 2104:(the wife of co-star 1867:Liars, Guns and Money 1590:, was introduced in " 1514: 1251:Utu Noranti Pralatong 1069:Supporting characters 941:Crackers Don't Matter 899:Crackers Don't Matter 815:technology locked in 134: 3561:The Peacekeeper Wars 2817:on 27 September 2007 2696:The Peacekeeper Wars 2640:That Old Black Magic 2521:; Jack is played by 2517:, and the father of 1305:The Peacekeeper Wars 1295:The Peacekeeper Wars 1238:, after her father. 1230:hybrid gunship that 1128:, she had not known 1093:", and her last in " 1040:The Peacekeeper Wars 1020:The Peacekeeper Wars 1003:in archive footage. 1001:The Peacekeeper Wars 945:Look at the Princess 865:The Peacekeeper Wars 861:The Peacekeeper Wars 748:The Peacekeeper Wars 585:The Peacekeeper Wars 482:The Peacekeeper Wars 53:improve this article 2644:Picture if You Will 2379:D.K. (Douglas Knox) 2325:" and the trilogy " 2206:. He is played by 2120:, Ahkna meets with 2096:Ahkna, War Minister 2061:series is unknown. 1992:) is the mother of 1542:Dominar Rygel XVI's 1531:, but has become a 1361:translator microbes 811:for the secrets of 733:Premiere (Farscape) 3547:Farscape: The Game 2805:(11 August 2004). 2785:"Rhapsody In Blue" 2653:As the two fight, 2626:Maldis (played by 2462:Furlow (played by 2394:Unrealized Reality 2208:Jonathan Pasvolsky 2204:War Minister Ahkna 2079:By the end of the 1726:, overseen by the 1525: 1471:elephant graveyard 1263:Dog with Two Bones 1051:Unrealized Reality 376:appears through a 147:Rockne S. O'Bannon 137: 3618: 3617: 2750:978-1-90311-185-7 2323:Throne for a Loss 2220:Commandant Grayza 1865:, and finally in 1809:The Hidden Memory 1596:The Hidden Memory 1421:The Hidden Memory 1057:") and played by 844:Dominar Rygel XVI 596:Dominar Rygel XVI 129: 128: 121: 103: 16:(Redirected from 3648: 3518: 3511: 3504: 3495: 3494: 3490: 3488: 3486: 3481:on 25 March 2009 3477:. Archived from 3466: 3464: 3462: 3457:on 25 March 2009 3453:. Archived from 3433: 3432: 3430: 3428: 3423:on 25 March 2009 3419:. Archived from 3409: 3403: 3402: 3400: 3398: 3393:on 25 March 2009 3389:. Archived from 3379: 3373: 3372: 3370: 3368: 3363:on 25 March 2009 3359:. Archived from 3349: 3343: 3342: 3340: 3338: 3333:on 25 March 2009 3329:. Archived from 3319: 3313: 3312: 3310: 3308: 3303:on 25 March 2009 3299:. Archived from 3289: 3280: 3279: 3277: 3275: 3270:on 25 March 2009 3266:. Archived from 3256: 3247: 3246: 3244: 3242: 3237:on 25 March 2009 3233:. Archived from 3223: 3214: 3213: 3211: 3209: 3204:on 25 March 2009 3200:. Archived from 3190: 3181: 3180: 3178: 3176: 3171:on 25 March 2009 3167:. Archived from 3157: 3151: 3150: 3148: 3146: 3141:on 25 March 2009 3137:. Archived from 3127: 3118: 3111: 3102: 3101: 3099: 3097: 3092:on 25 March 2009 3088:. Archived from 3078: 3072: 3065: 3059: 3058: 3056: 3054: 3049:on 25 March 2009 3045:. Archived from 3035: 3029: 3028: 3026: 3024: 3019:on 25 March 2009 3015:. Archived from 3005: 2999: 2998: 2996: 2994: 2989:on 25 March 2009 2985:. Archived from 2975: 2969: 2968: 2966: 2964: 2959:on 25 March 2009 2955:. Archived from 2945: 2939: 2938: 2936: 2934: 2929:on 25 March 2009 2925:. Archived from 2915: 2909: 2908: 2906: 2904: 2899:on 25 March 2009 2895:. Archived from 2885: 2879: 2878: 2876: 2874: 2869:on 25 March 2009 2865:. Archived from 2855: 2849: 2844: 2827: 2826: 2824: 2822: 2813:. Archived from 2799: 2793: 2792: 2781: 2775: 2774: 2761: 2755: 2754: 2736: 2702:Jack the Ancient 2681:Hugh Keays-Byrne 2532:A member of the 2443:He is played by 2364:in exchange for 2351:Mexican standoff 2285:Land of the Lost 2102:Francesca Buller 1779: 1742:) is a Sebacean 1740:Alyssa-Jane Cook 1519:'s 1919 poster " 1272:that escaped to 1135:Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan 679:the greater good 517:Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan 397:Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan 363: 362: 359: 358: 355: 352: 349: 345: 344: 341: 338: 335: 200: 199: 196: 195: 192: 189: 186: 183: 180: 124: 117: 113: 110: 104: 102: 61: 37: 29: 21: 3656: 3655: 3651: 3650: 3649: 3647: 3646: 3645: 3621: 3620: 3619: 3614: 3602:Season of Death 3566: 3529: 3522: 3484: 3482: 3469: 3460: 3458: 3445: 3442: 3437: 3436: 3426: 3424: 3411: 3410: 3406: 3396: 3394: 3381: 3380: 3376: 3366: 3364: 3351: 3350: 3346: 3336: 3334: 3321: 3320: 3316: 3306: 3304: 3291: 3290: 3283: 3273: 3271: 3258: 3257: 3250: 3240: 3238: 3225: 3224: 3217: 3207: 3205: 3192: 3191: 3184: 3174: 3172: 3159: 3158: 3154: 3144: 3142: 3129: 3128: 3121: 3112: 3105: 3095: 3093: 3080: 3079: 3075: 3066: 3062: 3052: 3050: 3037: 3036: 3032: 3022: 3020: 3007: 3006: 3002: 2992: 2990: 2977: 2976: 2972: 2962: 2960: 2947: 2946: 2942: 2932: 2930: 2917: 2916: 2912: 2902: 2900: 2887: 2886: 2882: 2872: 2870: 2857: 2856: 2852: 2845: 2830: 2820: 2818: 2800: 2796: 2783: 2782: 2778: 2763: 2762: 2758: 2751: 2737: 2733: 2728: 2704: 2677: 2624: 2594: 2511: 2464:Magda Szubanski 2460: 2453: 2412:which provides 2406: 2381: 2315: 2310: 2294: 2241: 2216:Emperor Staleek 2200: 2111:Emperor Staleek 2098: 2030: 1986: 1952:Command Carrier 1940: 1914: 1905:Zenetan Pirates 1844:command carrier 1840: 1777: 1736: 1724:Emperor Staleek 1654: 1620:Waylon Smithers 1592:Bone to Be Wild 1581: 1574: 1507: 1489:in one instance 1402: 1321: 1253:(called simply 1248: 1166: 1083:Tammy MacIntosh 1076: 1071: 1009: 976:Rockne O'Bannon 965: 874: 842:DVD set; while 798: 736: 729: 664: 598:(called simply 593: 544:or whether she 542:terrorist group 514: 478:Suns and Lovers 429: 346: 332: 328: 323: 214:' character of 177: 173: 168: 163: 161:Main characters 125: 114: 108: 105: 62: 60: 50: 38: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3654: 3644: 3643: 3638: 3633: 3616: 3615: 3613: 3612: 3605: 3598: 3591: 3584: 3576: 3574: 3568: 3567: 3565: 3564: 3557: 3550: 3543: 3537: 3535: 3531: 3530: 3521: 3520: 3513: 3506: 3498: 3492: 3491: 3467: 3441: 3440:External links 3438: 3435: 3434: 3404: 3374: 3344: 3314: 3281: 3248: 3215: 3182: 3152: 3119: 3103: 3073: 3060: 3030: 3000: 2970: 2940: 2910: 2880: 2850: 2828: 2794: 2776: 2756: 2749: 2730: 2729: 2727: 2724: 2703: 2700: 2676: 2673: 2623: 2620: 2593: 2590: 2510: 2507: 2452: 2449: 2405: 2402: 2380: 2377: 2336:shortly after 2314: 2311: 2309: 2306: 2293: 2290: 2240: 2237: 2199: 2196: 2097: 2094: 2029: 2026: 1985: 1982: 1939: 1936: 1913: 1910: 1839: 1836: 1735: 1732: 1653: 1652:Mele-on Grayza 1650: 1631:Mele-On Grayza 1614:compared to a 1588:David Franklin 1573: 1570: 1506: 1503: 1401: 1398: 1340:Crichton Kicks 1320: 1317: 1259:Melissa Jaffer 1247: 1244: 1165: 1162: 1158:Anthony Simcoe 1075: 1072: 1070: 1067: 1008: 1005: 964: 961: 957:dramatic irony 873: 870: 849:Mele-On Grayza 797: 794: 758:characters in 728: 725: 663: 660: 612:Jonathan Hardy 608:John Eccleston 592: 589: 574:In real life, 513: 510: 436:Anthony Simcoe 428: 425: 368:, is a former 322: 319: 216:Daniel Jackson 212:Michael Shanks 167: 164: 162: 159: 127: 126: 41: 39: 32: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3653: 3642: 3639: 3637: 3634: 3632: 3629: 3628: 3626: 3610: 3606: 3603: 3599: 3596: 3592: 3589: 3585: 3582: 3578: 3577: 3575: 3573: 3569: 3563: 3562: 3558: 3556: 3555: 3551: 3549: 3548: 3544: 3542: 3539: 3538: 3536: 3532: 3528: 3527: 3519: 3514: 3512: 3507: 3505: 3500: 3499: 3496: 3480: 3476: 3472: 3468: 3456: 3452: 3448: 3444: 3443: 3422: 3418: 3414: 3408: 3392: 3388: 3384: 3378: 3362: 3358: 3354: 3348: 3332: 3328: 3324: 3318: 3302: 3298: 3294: 3288: 3286: 3269: 3265: 3261: 3255: 3253: 3236: 3232: 3228: 3222: 3220: 3203: 3199: 3195: 3189: 3187: 3170: 3166: 3162: 3156: 3140: 3136: 3132: 3126: 3124: 3116: 3110: 3108: 3091: 3087: 3083: 3077: 3070: 3064: 3048: 3044: 3040: 3034: 3018: 3014: 3010: 3004: 2988: 2984: 2980: 2974: 2958: 2954: 2950: 2944: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2914: 2898: 2894: 2890: 2884: 2868: 2864: 2860: 2854: 2848: 2843: 2841: 2839: 2837: 2835: 2833: 2816: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2803:Hey, Virginia 2798: 2790: 2786: 2780: 2773: 2769: 2768: 2760: 2752: 2746: 2742: 2735: 2731: 2723: 2719: 2715: 2711: 2709: 2699: 2697: 2692: 2688: 2684: 2682: 2672: 2668: 2665: 2659: 2656: 2651: 2647: 2645: 2641: 2637: 2633: 2629: 2628:Chris Haywood 2619: 2617: 2613: 2608: 2605: 2602: 2599: 2589: 2587: 2586:transport pod 2581: 2579: 2575: 2570: 2568: 2567: 2563: 2562:Space Shuttle 2559: 2553: 2551: 2545: 2541: 2539: 2538:John Crichton 2535: 2530: 2526: 2524: 2520: 2519:John Crichton 2516: 2509:Jack Crichton 2506: 2503: 2500: 2496: 2492: 2487: 2484: 2480: 2476: 2475:John Crichton 2472: 2467: 2465: 2458: 2448: 2446: 2441: 2439: 2438: 2432: 2430: 2429: 2424: 2420: 2415: 2414:John Crichton 2411: 2401: 2399: 2395: 2391: 2387: 2376: 2373: 2371: 2367: 2363: 2359: 2354: 2352: 2347: 2343: 2339: 2338:John Crichton 2335: 2330: 2328: 2324: 2320: 2305: 2301: 2299: 2292:Captain Jenek 2289: 2287: 2286: 2280: 2278: 2274: 2269: 2267: 2263: 2259: 2255: 2251: 2247: 2246:John Crichton 2236: 2234: 2229: 2225: 2221: 2217: 2213: 2210:and later by 2209: 2205: 2195: 2193: 2187: 2184: 2178: 2175: 2172:in a Scarran 2171: 2166: 2163: 2159: 2155: 2154:John Crichton 2150: 2148: 2144: 2140: 2136: 2132: 2127: 2123: 2119: 2114: 2112: 2107: 2103: 2093: 2091: 2090:John Crichton 2087: 2082: 2077: 2075: 2071: 2067: 2062: 2060: 2054: 2051: 2046: 2044: 2038: 2035: 2025: 2021: 2018: 2012: 2010: 2004: 2002: 1997: 1995: 1991: 1990:Linda Cropper 1981: 1979: 1974: 1972: 1968: 1964: 1961:Months after 1959: 1957: 1953: 1949: 1945: 1935: 1933: 1928: 1926: 1921: 1919: 1909: 1906: 1901: 1899: 1895: 1890: 1888: 1884: 1879: 1875: 1870: 1868: 1864: 1863:Durka Returns 1860: 1856: 1852: 1848: 1845: 1835: 1833: 1829: 1824: 1821: 1816: 1814: 1810: 1806: 1802: 1798: 1794: 1789: 1785: 1783: 1782:John Crichton 1776: 1772: 1768: 1767:Captain Crais 1764: 1760: 1756: 1752: 1747: 1745: 1741: 1734:Gilina Renaez 1731: 1729: 1725: 1719: 1717: 1713: 1712: 1706: 1704: 1700: 1696: 1692: 1691:John Crichton 1687: 1685: 1681: 1677: 1672: 1670: 1666: 1662: 1661:Rebecca Riggs 1658: 1649: 1645: 1641: 1637: 1634: 1632: 1627: 1623: 1621: 1617: 1613: 1612:John Crichton 1609: 1603: 1601: 1597: 1593: 1589: 1585: 1579: 1569: 1567: 1563: 1562:heat delirium 1557: 1555: 1550: 1547: 1543: 1538: 1534: 1530: 1522: 1518: 1513: 1509: 1502: 1500: 1495: 1490: 1487: 1483: 1479: 1474: 1472: 1467: 1464: 1458: 1456: 1455: 1449: 1447: 1441: 1439: 1434: 1428: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1414: 1410: 1406: 1397: 1395: 1389: 1386: 1382: 1378: 1373: 1370: 1365: 1362: 1358: 1353: 1349: 1345: 1341: 1337: 1333: 1330:), played by 1329: 1325: 1316: 1314: 1309: 1307: 1306: 1301: 1297: 1296: 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1271: 1268: 1264: 1260: 1257:), played by 1256: 1252: 1243: 1239: 1237: 1233: 1229: 1225: 1221: 1217: 1213: 1208: 1203: 1201: 1197: 1193: 1189: 1184: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1170: 1161: 1159: 1154: 1152: 1148: 1143: 1138: 1136: 1131: 1127: 1123: 1119: 1118:John Crichton 1114: 1112: 1108: 1104: 1098: 1096: 1092: 1088: 1085:, is a young 1084: 1080: 1066: 1064: 1060: 1056: 1052: 1048: 1043: 1041: 1035: 1031: 1029: 1023: 1022:mini-series. 1021: 1017: 1013: 1004: 1002: 996: 993: 989: 988:John Crichton 983: 981: 977: 973: 969: 960: 958: 954: 950: 949:Beware of Dog 946: 942: 938: 932: 928: 924: 920: 916: 913: 908: 906: 905: 900: 896: 895: 890: 886: 882: 881:John Crichton 878: 869: 866: 862: 856: 854: 850: 845: 841: 836: 832: 830: 826: 822: 818: 817:John Crichton 814: 810: 809:John Crichton 806: 802: 793: 789: 785: 781: 778: 773: 771: 767: 763: 762: 757: 754: 750: 749: 744: 740: 734: 724: 722: 721:Claudia Black 716: 712: 710: 706: 705: 698: 694: 690: 686: 684: 680: 676: 672: 668: 659: 657: 653: 652:Stargate SG-1 648: 645: 641: 637: 633: 629: 625: 621: 615: 613: 609: 605: 601: 597: 588: 586: 582: 577: 572: 570: 566: 565:John Crichton 562: 557: 553: 551: 547: 543: 538: 537:assassination 534: 530: 526: 522: 518: 509: 507: 503: 502: 501:Stargate SG-1 497: 493: 488: 485: 483: 479: 475: 470: 468: 464: 460: 456: 452: 448: 445: 441: 437: 433: 424: 420: 417: 411: 409: 405: 400: 398: 394: 390: 386: 383: 379: 375: 374:John Crichton 371: 367: 366:Claudia Black 361: 327: 318: 315: 314: 308: 304: 301: 297: 293: 288: 286: 282: 278: 274: 270: 266: 262: 258: 254: 250: 245: 240: 238: 234: 229: 225: 223: 222: 221:Stargate SG-1 217: 213: 208: 204: 198: 172: 166:John Crichton 158: 156: 152: 148: 144: 143: 133: 123: 120: 112: 101: 98: 94: 91: 87: 84: 80: 77: 73: 70: –  69: 65: 64:Find sources: 58: 54: 48: 47: 42:This article 40: 36: 31: 30: 27: 19: 18:Gilina Renaez 3559: 3552: 3545: 3540: 3524: 3483:. 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489: 486: 481: 471: 451:Peacekeepers 431: 430: 421: 412: 408:Bialar Crais 401: 364:, played by 325: 324: 311: 309: 305: 289: 281:The Ancients 253:Bialar Crais 241: 237:Farscape One 230: 226: 219: 201:, played by 170: 169: 150: 140: 138: 115: 106: 96: 89: 82: 75: 63: 51:Please help 46:verification 43: 26: 2708:Kent McCord 2523:Kent McCord 2410:plot device 2398:Terra Firma 2273:Peacekeeper 2262:crystherium 2106:Ben Browder 2086:Peacekeeper 1967:Peacekeeper 1838:Selto Durka 1813:pulse rifle 1797:Gammak base 1744:Peacekeeper 1665:Peacekeeper 1409:Peacekeeper 1385:Peacekeeper 1332:Raelee Hill 1313:Gigi Edgley 1278:Peacekeeper 1188:Peacekeeper 1059:Raelee Hill 992:Peacekeeper 753:animatronic 671:Gigi Edgley 628:Selto Durka 581:Rowan Woods 546:acted alone 459:collarbones 370:Peacekeeper 249:Peacekeeper 203:Ben Browder 3625:Categories 3609:Bad Timing 3541:Characters 2821:16 October 2726:References 2566:Challenger 2222:on a dead 2050:Strelitzia 1984:Xhalax Sun 1925:Xhalax Sun 1887:escape pod 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Gilina Renaez

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Rockne S. O'Bannon
Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Ben Browder
Michael Shanks
Daniel Jackson
Stargate SG-1
Farscape One
Bialar Crais

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