

Source 📝

1978: 1302: 8626: 1973:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}S_{x}&={\frac {1}{2}}\det {\begin{bmatrix}|\mathbf {A} |^{2}&A_{y}&1\\|\mathbf {B} |^{2}&B_{y}&1\\|\mathbf {C} |^{2}&C_{y}&1\end{bmatrix}},\\S_{y}&={\frac {1}{2}}\det {\begin{bmatrix}A_{x}&|\mathbf {A} |^{2}&1\\B_{x}&|\mathbf {B} |^{2}&1\\C_{x}&|\mathbf {C} |^{2}&1\end{bmatrix}},\\a&=\det {\begin{bmatrix}A_{x}&A_{y}&1\\B_{x}&B_{y}&1\\C_{x}&C_{y}&1\end{bmatrix}},\\b&=\det {\begin{bmatrix}A_{x}&A_{y}&|\mathbf {A} |^{2}\\B_{x}&B_{y}&|\mathbf {B} |^{2}\\C_{x}&C_{y}&|\mathbf {C} |^{2}\end{bmatrix}}\end{aligned}}} 7962: 151: 8621:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\alpha ={\frac {\left|P_{2}-P_{3}\right|^{2}\left(P_{1}-P_{2}\right)\cdot \left(P_{1}-P_{3}\right)}{2\left|\left(P_{1}-P_{2}\right)\times \left(P_{2}-P_{3}\right)\right|^{2}}}\\\beta ={\frac {\left|P_{1}-P_{3}\right|^{2}\left(P_{2}-P_{1}\right)\cdot \left(P_{2}-P_{3}\right)}{2\left|\left(P_{1}-P_{2}\right)\times \left(P_{2}-P_{3}\right)\right|^{2}}}\\\gamma ={\frac {\left|P_{1}-P_{2}\right|^{2}\left(P_{3}-P_{1}\right)\cdot \left(P_{3}-P_{2}\right)}{2\left|\left(P_{1}-P_{2}\right)\times \left(P_{2}-P_{3}\right)\right|^{2}}}\end{aligned}}} 8689: 8677: 8665: 4346: 4616: 114: 3882: 8729: 8720: 11006: 4068: 3452: 4357: 3661: 9703: 4341:{\displaystyle p_{0}={\frac {((\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {b} -\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {a} )\cdot \mathbf {b} )\mathbf {a} -((\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {b} -\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {a} )\cdot \mathbf {b} )\mathbf {a} }{2(\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}-(\mathbf {a} \cdot \mathbf {b} )^{2})}}+\mathbf {C} } 7248: 1011: 1287: 142:. For three non-collinear points, these two lines cannot be parallel, and the circumcenter is the point where they cross. Any point on the bisector is equidistant from the two points that it bisects, from which it follows that this point, on both bisectors, is equidistant from all three triangle vertices. The circumradius is the distance from it to any of the three vertices. 4048: 3260: 3646: 645: 4611:{\displaystyle p_{0}={\frac {\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}(\mathbf {a} +\mathbf {b} )-(\mathbf {a} \cdot \mathbf {b} )(\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {b} +\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {a} )}{2(\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}-(\mathbf {a} \cdot \mathbf {b} )^{2})}}+\mathbf {C} } 7642: 3877:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {u} \times (\mathbf {v} \times \mathbf {w} )&=(\mathbf {u} \cdot \mathbf {w} )\mathbf {v} -(\mathbf {u} \cdot \mathbf {v} )\mathbf {w} ,\\\left\|\mathbf {u} \times \mathbf {v} \right\|^{2}&=\left\|\mathbf {u} \right\|^{2}\left\|\mathbf {v} \right\|^{2}-(\mathbf {u} \cdot \mathbf {v} )^{2}.\end{aligned}}} 10452: 9354: 7862: 2842: 6862: 707: 10769: 1034: 3897: 3447:{\displaystyle r={\frac {\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|\left\|\mathbf {a} -\mathbf {b} \right\|}{2\left\|\mathbf {a} \times \mathbf {b} \right\|}}={\frac {\left\|\mathbf {a} -\mathbf {b} \right\|}{2\sin \theta }}={\frac {\left\|\mathbf {A} -\mathbf {B} \right\|}{2\sin \theta }},} 158:
An alternative method to determine the circumcenter is to draw any two lines each one departing from one of the vertices at an angle with the common side, the common angle of departure being 90° minus the angle of the opposite vertex. (In the case of the opposite angle being obtuse, drawing a line at
These locational features can be seen by considering the trilinear or barycentric coordinates given above for the circumcenter: all three coordinates are positive for any interior point, at least one coordinate is negative for any exterior point, and one coordinate is zero and two are positive for a
of three points is defined either by the circumcircle (where three points are on the minimum bounding circle) or by the two points of the longest side of the triangle (where the two points define a diameter of the circle). It is common to confuse the minimum bounding circle with the circumcircle.
3488: 425: 7417: 356: 7358: 3245: 6030: 6752: 2229: 9698:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{diameter}}&{}={\frac {abc}{2\cdot {\text{area}}}}={\frac {|AB||BC||CA|}{2|\Delta ABC|}}\\&{}={\frac {abc}{2{\sqrt {s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}}}}\\&{}={\frac {2abc}{\sqrt {(a+b+c)(-a+b+c)(a-b+c)(a+b-c)}}}\end{aligned}}} 10285: 6541: 2540: 10260: 7653: 5215: 7243:{\displaystyle U={\frac {a^{2}\left(b^{2}+c^{2}-a^{2}\right)A+b^{2}\left(c^{2}+a^{2}-b^{2}\right)B+c^{2}\left(a^{2}+b^{2}-c^{2}\right)C}{a^{2}\left(b^{2}+c^{2}-a^{2}\right)+b^{2}\left(c^{2}+a^{2}-b^{2}\right)+c^{2}\left(a^{2}+b^{2}-c^{2}\right)}}.} 1006:{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}|\mathbf {v} |^{2}&-2v_{x}&-2v_{y}&-1\\|\mathbf {A} |^{2}&-2A_{x}&-2A_{y}&-1\\|\mathbf {B} |^{2}&-2B_{x}&-2B_{y}&-1\\|\mathbf {C} |^{2}&-2C_{x}&-2C_{y}&-1\end{bmatrix}}} 2653: 10569: 9336: 9913: 8912: 1282:{\displaystyle \det {\begin{bmatrix}|\mathbf {v} |^{2}&v_{x}&v_{y}&1\\|\mathbf {A} |^{2}&A_{x}&A_{y}&1\\|\mathbf {B} |^{2}&B_{x}&B_{y}&1\\|\mathbf {C} |^{2}&C_{x}&C_{y}&1\end{bmatrix}}=0.} 4043:{\displaystyle r={\frac {\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|\left\|\mathbf {a} -\mathbf {b} \right\|}{2{\sqrt {\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}-(\mathbf {a} \cdot \mathbf {b} )^{2}}}}}} 3641:{\displaystyle p_{0}={\frac {(\left\|\mathbf {a} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {b} -\left\|\mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}\mathbf {a} )\times (\mathbf {a} \times \mathbf {b} )}{2\left\|\mathbf {a} \times \mathbf {b} \right\|^{2}}}+\mathbf {C} .} 6855:
Since the Cartesian coordinates of any point are a weighted average of those of the vertices, with the weights being the point's barycentric coordinates normalized to sum to unity, the circumcenter vector can be written as
2339: 3035: 640:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}|\mathbf {v} -\mathbf {u} |^{2}&=r^{2}\\|\mathbf {A} -\mathbf {u} |^{2}&=r^{2}\\|\mathbf {B} -\mathbf {u} |^{2}&=r^{2}\\|\mathbf {C} -\mathbf {u} |^{2}&=r^{2}\end{aligned}}} 7951: 6237: 6132: 7637:{\displaystyle \mathrm {P_{1}} ={\begin{bmatrix}x_{1}\\y_{1}\\z_{1}\end{bmatrix}},\mathrm {P_{2}} ={\begin{bmatrix}x_{2}\\y_{2}\\z_{2}\end{bmatrix}},\mathrm {P_{3}} ={\begin{bmatrix}x_{3}\\y_{3}\\z_{3}\end{bmatrix}}} 1307: 205: 9009: 2932: 10574: 9359: 9110: 7278: 3165: 10905: 5487: 5648: 4702: 6845: 6560: 9830: 2049: 6351: 2117: 10996: 10290: 10064: 7967: 7283: 3666: 3170: 430: 210: 5628: 9215: 10532: 10447:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\overline {IG}}&<{\overline {IO}},\\2{\overline {IN}}&<{\overline {IO}},\\{\overline {OI}}^{2}&=2R\cdot {\overline {IN}}.\end{aligned}}} 2106: 4689: 2260: 417: 5643: 7857:{\displaystyle \mathrm {r} ={\frac {\left|P_{1}-P_{2}\right|\left|P_{2}-P_{3}\right|\left|P_{3}-P_{1}\right|}{2\left|\left(P_{1}-P_{2}\right)\times \left(P_{2}-P_{3}\right)\right|}}} 6373: 2370: 10105: 9759: 4697: 2837:{\displaystyle \mathrm {R} (s)=\mathrm {P_{c}} +\cos \left({\frac {\mathrm {s} }{\mathrm {r} }}\right)(P_{0}-P_{c})+\sin \left({\frac {\mathrm {s} }{\mathrm {r} }}\right)\left.} 2597: 2643: 10764:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}3{\sqrt {3}}R&\geq a+b+c\\9R^{2}&\geq a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}\\{\frac {27}{4}}R^{2}&\geq m_{a}^{2}+m_{b}^{2}+m_{c}^{2}.\end{aligned}}} 692: 6287: 5561: 5524: 5384: 3092: 3130: 9253: 9842: 8783: 8739:
The angles which the circumscribed circle forms with the sides of the triangle coincide with angles at which sides meet each other. The side opposite angle
10924:, there exist an infinite number of other triangles with the same circumcircle and incircle, with any point on the circumcircle as a vertex. (This is the 2265: 2954: 7876: 11500: 3655:
is not defined in other dimensions, but it can be generalized to the other dimensions by replacing the cross products with following identities:
and – assuming the three points were not in a line (otherwise the circumcircle is that line that can also be seen as a generalized circle with
351:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} &=(A_{x},A_{y})\\\mathbf {B} &=(B_{x},B_{y})\\\mathbf {C} &=(C_{x},C_{y})\end{aligned}}} 11435: 10910: 8934: 7353:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {a} &=\mathbf {A} -\mathbf {C} ,\\\mathbf {b} &=\mathbf {B} -\mathbf {C} .\end{aligned}}} 3240:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {a} &=\mathbf {A} -\mathbf {C} ,\\\mathbf {b} &=\mathbf {B} -\mathbf {C} .\end{aligned}}} 2872: 9029: 11120: 10796: 6747:{\displaystyle a^{2}\left(b^{2}+c^{2}-a^{2}\right):\;b^{2}\left(c^{2}+a^{2}-b^{2}\right):\;c^{2}\left(a^{2}+b^{2}-c^{2}\right),\,} 6151: 11495: 8654:
For an obtuse triangle (a triangle with one angle bigger than a right angle), the circumcenter always lies outside the triangle.
6788: 2224:{\displaystyle \left|\mathbf {v} -{\tfrac {\mathbf {S} }{a}}\right|^{2}={\tfrac {b}{a}}+{\tfrac {|\mathbf {S} |^{2}}{a^{2}}},} 9764: 6552: 2935: 135: 117: 1986: 6306: 11480: 10938: 10913:
states that the sum of the distances from the circumcenter to the three sides equals the sum of the circumradius and the
10006: 6041: 3139:
Additionally, the circumcircle of a triangle embedded in three dimensions can be found using a generalized method. Let
10917:. Here a segment's length is considered to be negative if and only if the segment lies entirely outside the triangle. 11208: 9131: 5396: 10467: 6025:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}U'_{x}&={\frac {1}{D'}}\left,\\U'_{y}&={\frac {1}{D'}}\left\end{aligned}}} 2054: 8640:
For an acute triangle (all angles smaller than a right angle), the circumcenter always lies inside the triangle.
6536:{\displaystyle a\left(b^{2}+c^{2}-a^{2}\right):b\left(c^{2}+a^{2}-b^{2}\right):c\left(a^{2}+b^{2}-c^{2}\right).} 4638: 3153:
be three-dimensional points, which form the vertices of a triangle. We start by transposing the system to place
2535:{\displaystyle {\widehat {n}}={\frac {(P_{2}-P_{1})\times (P_{3}-P_{1})}{|(P_{2}-P_{1})\times (P_{3}-P_{1})|}}.} 2234: 368: 178:
is available. The horizontal angle between two landmarks defines the circumcircle upon which the observer lies.
10255:{\displaystyle {\overline {OH}}={\sqrt {R^{2}-8R^{2}\cos A\cos B\cos C}}={\sqrt {9R^{2}-(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2})}}.} 9986: 11113: 5567:
to these vertices. Observe that this trivial translation is possible for all triangles and the circumcenter
5210:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}U_{x}&={\frac {1}{D}}\left\\U_{y}&={\frac {1}{D}}\left\end{aligned}}} 11130: 9715: 5570: 8751:, which states that the angle between the tangent and chord equals the angle in the alternate segment. 5389:
Without loss of generality this can be expressed in a simplified form after translation of the vertex
2570: 11044:, have various special properties. In particular, the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are 2619: 11441: 11374: 11301: 8771: 675: 11390: 9952: 5226: 1017: 52: 3050: 11200: 9975: 150: 56: 9331:{\displaystyle {\text{diameter}}={\frac {a}{\sin A}}={\frac {b}{\sin B}}={\frac {c}{\sin C}}.} 3097: 11277: 11253: 11087: 11067: 9968: 9908:{\displaystyle {\text{diameter}}={\sqrt {\frac {2\cdot {\text{area}}}{\sin A\sin B\sin C}}}.} 8907:{\displaystyle {\frac {bc}{b^{2}-c^{2}}}:{\frac {ca}{c^{2}-a^{2}}}:{\frac {ab}{a^{2}-b^{2}}}} 8764: 7396: 6298: 4632: 3044: 2853: 695: 196: 139: 11170: 6255: 5529: 5492: 74:
with all its vertices on the same circle, also called the circumscribed circle, is called a
11147: 11062: 11057: 11045: 11041: 11037:. Every triangle is concyclic, but polygons with more than three sides are not in general. 11016: 11009: 10932: 10082: 9345:, it does not matter which side and opposite angle are taken: the result will be the same. 699: 86: 11442:
Semi-regular angle-gons and side-gons: respective generalizations of rectangles and rhombi
10935:). A necessary and sufficient condition for such triangles to exist is the above equality 8: 11445: 11107: 11082: 1021: 94: 10457:
The product of the incircle radius and the circumcircle radius of a triangle with sides
11474: 11470: 11395:
College Geometry: An Introduction to the Modern Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle
11326: 11318: 11193: 11109:
Trilinear Coordinates and Other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions
9941: 9833: 8648: 7868: 3040: 1293: 11347:
Modern Geometry: An Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle
11278:"Distances between the circumcenter of the extouch triangle and the classical centers" 11451: 11330: 11204: 11167: 10546: 10273: 9979: 9919: 40: 8774:: the non-vertex point of intersection of the circumcircle with the Steiner ellipse. 195:, it is possible to give explicitly an equation of the circumcircle in terms of the 11458: 11350: 11310: 11072: 11027: 11020: 10078: 10077:
is the circumcircle radius; hence the circumradius is at least twice the inradius (
9960: 9119: 102: 11454: 8688: 11077: 8919: 8676: 8664: 7369: 2611: 192: 60: 7372:, there is a unique circle passing through any given three non-collinear points 11354: 11033: 7400: 2334:{\displaystyle {\sqrt {{\tfrac {b}{a}}+{\tfrac {|\mathbf {S} |^{2}}{a^{2}}}}}.} 75: 11314: 11299:
Smith, G. C.; Leversha, Gerry (November 2007). "Euler and triangle geometry".
3030:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {a^{2}}{x}}+{\tfrac {b^{2}}{y}}+{\tfrac {c^{2}}{z}}=0.} 11489: 7408: 3652: 2361: 167: 7946:{\displaystyle \mathrm {P_{c}} =\alpha \,P_{1}+\beta \,P_{2}+\gamma \,P_{3}} 113: 9342: 9239:, can be computed as the length of any side of the triangle divided by the 2342: 154:
Alternative construction of the circumcenter (intersection of broken lines)
For a right triangle, the circumcenter always lies at the midpoint of the
10093: 9945: 9930: 9836:. Trigonometric expressions for the diameter of the circumcircle include 9017: 8682:
The circumcenter of a right triangle is at the midpoint of the hypotenuse
7404: 2358: 2346: 1025: 11322: 8728: 8719: 11005: 9934: 8644: 98: 11238:
Nelson, Roger, "Euler's triangle inequality via proof without words,"
166:, a triangle's circumcircle is sometimes used as a way of obtaining a 11463: 11175: 9925:
In any given triangle, the circumcenter is always collinear with the
7363: 90: 9004:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{ax}}+{\tfrac {1}{by}}+{\tfrac {1}{cz}}=0} 10921: 10914: 10266: 9994: 9926: 9228: 163: 32: 20: 9974:
Circumcircles of triangles have an intimate relationship with the
is the line on which the three points lie, often referred to as a
2927:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {a}{x}}+{\tfrac {b}{y}}+{\tfrac {c}{z}}=0.} 10920:
If a triangle has two particular circles as its circumcircle and
all emanate from the same vertex of a triangle with circumradius
175: 171: 71: 11254:"Non-Euclidean versions of some classical triangle inequalities" 11165: 8743:
meets the circle twice: once at each end; in each case at angle
9105:{\displaystyle \sec(A+\omega ):\sec(B+\omega ):\sec(C+\omega )} 36: 11402: 8694:
The circumcenter of an obtuse triangle is outside the triangle
to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate systems, i.e., when
one parametric equation of the circle starting from the point
1020:. Thus the circumcircle may alternatively be described as the 9244: 8636:
The circumcenter's position depends on the type of triangle:
Derivation of formula for radius of circumcircle of triangle
10900:{\displaystyle 4R^{2}h^{2}(t^{2}-h^{2})=t^{4}(m^{2}-h^{2}).} 8670:
The circumcenter of an acute triangle is inside the triangle
6232:{\displaystyle r=\|U'\|={\sqrt {{U'_{x}}^{2}+{U'_{y}}^{2}}}} 2341:
A similar approach allows one to deduce the equation of the
9933:. The line that passes through all of them is known as the 9240: 9348:
The diameter of the circumcircle can also be expressed as
This gives us the following equation for the circumradius
11031:, and a polygon whose vertices are concyclic is called a 8747:(similarly for the other two angles). This is due to the 6840:{\displaystyle \sin 2\alpha :\sin 2\beta :\sin 2\gamma .} 2847: 199:
of the vertices of the inscribed triangle. Suppose that
108: 9825:{\displaystyle \scriptstyle {\sqrt {s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}}} 8754: 11414: 9768: 9726: 8979: 8959: 8939: 7585: 7513: 7441: 7411:
to calculate the radius and center of the circle. Let
6782:, the barycentric coordinates of the circumcenter are 3043:
of the circumcircle is the line at infinity, given in
3003: 2981: 2959: 2907: 2892: 2877: 2565:
and a unit normal of the plane containing the circle,
2287: 2272: 2239: 2179: 2164: 2136: 2044:{\displaystyle a|\mathbf {v} |^{2}-2\mathbf {Sv} -b=0} 1809: 1684: 1523: 1345: 1046: 716: 10941: 10799: 10572: 10470: 10288: 10108: 10009: 9845: 9767: 9718: 9357: 9256: 9134: 9032: 8937: 8786: 7965: 7879: 7656: 7420: 7281: 6865: 6791: 6563: 6376: 6346:{\displaystyle \cos \alpha :\cos \beta :\cos \gamma } 6309: 6258: 6154: 6044: 5646: 5573: 5532: 5495: 5399: 5229: 4700: 4641: 4360: 4071: 3900: 3664: 3491: 3263: 3168: 3100: 3053: 2957: 2875: 2656: 2622: 2573: 2373: 2268: 2237: 2120: 2057: 1989: 1305: 1037: 710: 678: 428: 371: 208: 16:
Circle that passes through the vertices of a triangle
A set of points lying on the same circle are called
8926:), is the ellipse of least area that passes through 8631: 159:
a negative angle means going outside the triangle.)
10991:{\displaystyle {\overline {OI}}={\sqrt {R(R-2r)}}.} 10059:{\displaystyle {\overline {OI}}={\sqrt {R(R-2r)}},} 3651:This formula only works in three dimensions as the 698:, these equations reduce to the condition that the 11372: 11192: 10990: 10899: 10763: 10526: 10446: 10254: 10058: 9907: 9824: 9753: 9697: 9330: 9209: 9104: 9003: 8906: 8620: 7945: 7856: 7636: 7364:Cartesian coordinates from cross- and dot-products 7352: 7272:is the area of the triangle. As stated previously 7242: 6839: 6746: 6535: 6345: 6281: 6231: 6127:{\displaystyle D'=2(B'_{x}C'_{y}-B'_{y}C'_{x}).\,} 6126: 6024: 5622: 5555: 5518: 5481: 5378: 5209: 4683: 4610: 4340: 4042: 3876: 3640: 3446: 3239: 3124: 3086: 3029: 2926: 2836: 2637: 2591: 2534: 2333: 2254: 2223: 2100: 2043: 1972: 1281: 1005: 686: 639: 411: 350: 11148:"Part I: Introduction and Centers X(1) – X(1000)" 9712:are the lengths of the sides of the triangle and 11487: 11408: 11397:(2nd ed.). Barnes & Noble. p. 122, #96. 11389: 11373:Posamentier, Alfred S.; Lehmann, Ingmar (2012). 7261:are the vertex vectors. The divisor here equals 1801: 1676: 1515: 1337: 1038: 419:in the Cartesian plane satisfying the equations 11481:An interactive Java applet for the circumcenter 11190: 8759:In this section, the vertex angles are labeled 4053:and the following equation for the cicumcenter 2610:and proceeding in a positively oriented (i.e., 2364:to the plane containing the circle is given by 365:. The circumcircle is then the locus of points 9210:{\displaystyle \csc(B-C):\csc(C-A):\csc(A-B).} 5489:In this case, the coordinates of the vertices 47:of the triangle, and its radius is called the 11298: 5482:{\displaystyle A'=A-A=(A'_{x},A'_{y})=(0,0).} 11251: 11226:100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics 8703:non-vertex point on a side of the triangle. 6172: 6161: 10527:{\displaystyle rR={\frac {abc}{2(a+b+c)}}.} 9922:has half the diameter of the circumcircle. 4621: 2101:{\displaystyle \mathbf {S} =(S_{x},S_{y}),} 145: 7647:Then the radius of the circle is given by 6683: 6623: 6546: 4684:{\displaystyle U=\left(U_{x},U_{y}\right)} 4626: 2255:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\mathbf {S} }{a}}} 412:{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} =(v_{x},v_{y})} 43:. The center of this circle is called the 11126: 11105: 7932: 7915: 7898: 7867:The center of the circle is given by the 6743: 6123: 5375: 181: 11349:. Houghton Mifflin Co. p. 189, #298(d). 11252:Svrtan, Dragutin; Veljan, Darko (2012). 11004: 9989:, the distance between the circumcenter 9967:. Nearly collinear points often lead to 6292: 186: 149: 112: 11420: 11344: 11040:Cyclic polygons, especially four-sided 9832:above is the area of the triangle, by 11501:Compass and straightedge constructions 11488: 11448:, interactive dynamic geometry sketch. 11399:Reprinted by Dover Publications, 2007. 11223: 11156:The circumcenter is listed under X(3). 11145: 7257:is the vector of the circumcenter and 6850: 2352: 134:The circumcenter of a triangle can be 105:are cyclic, but not every polygon is. 11379:. Prometheus Books. pp. 289–290. 11359:Republished by Dover Publications as 11232: 11191:Coxeter, H.S.M. (1969). "Chapter 1". 11166: 9761:is the semiperimeter. The expression 9754:{\displaystyle s={\tfrac {a+b+c}{2}}} 2848:Trilinear and barycentric coordinates 109:Straightedge and compass construction 11275: 11141: 11139: 9971:in computation of the circumcircle. 8755:Triangle centers on the circumcircle 3134: 2934:An equation for the circumcircle in 2852:An equation for the circumcircle in 9222: 51:. The circumcenter is the point of 13: 11112:. Deighton, Bell, and Co. p.  11048:(adding up to 180° or π radians). 11000: 9468: 8930:. An equation for this ellipse is 7886: 7882: 7658: 7567: 7495: 7423: 6778:In terms of the triangle's angles 5623:{\displaystyle U'=(U'_{x},U'_{y})} 5563:represent the vectors from vertex 3094:and in barycentric coordinates by 2767: 2762: 2707: 2702: 2680: 2676: 2658: 59:of the triangle's sides, and is a 14: 11512: 11429: 11136: 11106:Whitworth, William Allen (1866). 11099: 8632:Location relative to the triangle 6137:Due to the translation of vertex 11152:Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers 9231:of the circumcircle, called the 8727: 8718: 8687: 8675: 8663: 7339: 7331: 7319: 7307: 7299: 7287: 6360:are the angles of the triangle. 6141:to the origin, the circumradius 4604: 4580: 4572: 4551: 4531: 4510: 4495: 4482: 4467: 4451: 4443: 4429: 4421: 4403: 4383: 4334: 4310: 4302: 4281: 4261: 4243: 4235: 4224: 4209: 4196: 4181: 4162: 4154: 4143: 4128: 4115: 4100: 4021: 4013: 3992: 3972: 3950: 3942: 3928: 3915: 3853: 3845: 3824: 3804: 3776: 3768: 3750: 3742: 3734: 3723: 3715: 3707: 3689: 3681: 3670: 3631: 3609: 3601: 3582: 3574: 3560: 3545: 3532: 3517: 3416: 3408: 3372: 3364: 3341: 3333: 3313: 3305: 3291: 3278: 3226: 3218: 3206: 3194: 3186: 3174: 2296: 2242: 2188: 2139: 2128: 2059: 2025: 2022: 1999: 1942: 1892: 1842: 1630: 1587: 1544: 1440: 1397: 1354: 1220: 1165: 1110: 1055: 935: 865: 795: 725: 680: 600: 592: 549: 541: 498: 490: 447: 439: 373: 304: 259: 214: 138:by drawing any two of the three 120:of the circumcircle of triangle 11383: 11366: 11338: 11292: 9020:: antipode of the Steiner point 6775:respectively) of the triangle. 6242:and the actual circumcenter of 2592:{\displaystyle {\widehat {n}},} 11496:Circles defined for a triangle 11269: 11245: 11217: 11184: 11159: 10980: 10965: 10891: 10865: 10849: 10823: 10515: 10497: 10244: 10205: 10048: 10033: 9816: 9804: 9801: 9789: 9786: 9774: 9685: 9667: 9664: 9646: 9643: 9622: 9619: 9601: 9564: 9552: 9549: 9537: 9534: 9522: 9481: 9464: 9454: 9443: 9438: 9427: 9422: 9411: 9201: 9189: 9177: 9165: 9153: 9141: 9099: 9087: 9075: 9063: 9051: 9039: 6117: 6059: 6010: 5960: 5941: 5891: 5823: 5773: 5754: 5704: 5617: 5585: 5473: 5461: 5455: 5423: 5364: 5338: 5322: 5296: 5280: 5254: 5195: 5169: 5166: 5130: 5124: 5098: 5095: 5059: 5053: 5027: 5024: 4988: 4944: 4918: 4915: 4879: 4873: 4847: 4844: 4808: 4802: 4776: 4773: 4737: 4594: 4585: 4568: 4555: 4547: 4535: 4527: 4522: 4514: 4499: 4491: 4471: 4463: 4458: 4455: 4439: 4433: 4417: 4407: 4399: 4387: 4379: 4324: 4315: 4298: 4285: 4277: 4265: 4257: 4252: 4239: 4228: 4213: 4205: 4185: 4177: 4172: 4169: 4158: 4147: 4132: 4124: 4104: 4096: 4091: 4088: 4026: 4009: 3996: 3988: 3976: 3968: 3955: 3937: 3932: 3924: 3919: 3911: 3858: 3841: 3828: 3820: 3808: 3800: 3781: 3763: 3746: 3730: 3719: 3703: 3693: 3677: 3614: 3596: 3586: 3570: 3564: 3549: 3541: 3521: 3513: 3508: 3461:is the interior angle between 3421: 3403: 3377: 3359: 3346: 3328: 3318: 3300: 3295: 3287: 3282: 3274: 2823: 2797: 2743: 2717: 2668: 2662: 2638:{\displaystyle {\widehat {n}}} 2522: 2518: 2492: 2486: 2460: 2456: 2450: 2424: 2418: 2392: 2302: 2291: 2194: 2183: 2092: 2066: 2005: 1994: 1948: 1937: 1898: 1887: 1848: 1837: 1636: 1625: 1593: 1582: 1550: 1539: 1446: 1435: 1403: 1392: 1360: 1349: 1226: 1215: 1171: 1160: 1116: 1105: 1061: 1050: 941: 930: 871: 860: 801: 790: 731: 720: 606: 587: 555: 536: 504: 485: 453: 434: 406: 380: 361:are the coordinates of points 341: 315: 296: 270: 251: 225: 39:that passes through all three 1: 11093: 10081:), with equality only in the 7399:to represent these points as 6363:In terms of the side lengths 650:guaranteeing that the points 11242:81(1), February 2008, 58-61. 10952: 10432: 10395: 10372: 10350: 10325: 10303: 10119: 10020: 7403:, it is possible to use the 4351:which can be simplified to: 687:{\displaystyle \mathbf {u} } 7: 11361:Advanced Euclidean Geometry 11276:Gras, Marie-Nicole (2014). 11051: 10079:Euler's triangle inequality 10073:is the incircle radius and 9987:Euler's theorem in geometry 9944:of the circumcenter is the 5379:{\displaystyle D=2\left.\,} 10: 11517: 11477:With interactive animation 11345:Johnson, Roger A. (1929). 11014: 9959:The circumcircle of three 8922:, with center = centroid ( 3087:{\displaystyle ax+by+cz=0} 668:are all the same distance 11446:Dynamic Geometry Sketches 11335:See in particular p. 449. 11315:10.1017/S0025557200182087 11266:See in particular p. 198. 11224:Dörrie, Heinrich (1965). 11171:"Barycentric Coordinates" 9965:circle of infinite radius 8749:alternate segment theorem 8706: 2556:, a point on the circle, 2545:Hence, given the radius, 694:of the circle. Using the 78:, or in the special case 11391:Altshiller Court, Nathan 11376:The Secrets of Triangles 11302:The Mathematical Gazette 11195:Introduction to geometry 10782:, and internal bisector 9341:As a consequence of the 8763:and all coordinates are 4622:Circumcenter coordinates 3125:{\displaystyle x+y+z=0.} 2231:giving the circumcenter 146:Alternative construction 11409:Altshiller Court (1952) 9953:minimum bounding circle 9235:and equal to twice the 6553:barycentric coordinates 6547:Barycentric coordinates 2936:barycentric coordinates 672:from the common center 140:perpendicular bisectors 57:perpendicular bisectors 11012: 10992: 10901: 10765: 10528: 10448: 10256: 10060: 9976:Delaunay triangulation 9909: 9826: 9755: 9699: 9332: 9211: 9106: 9005: 8908: 8647:. This is one form of 8622: 7947: 7858: 7638: 7354: 7244: 6841: 6748: 6537: 6347: 6283: 6282:{\displaystyle U=U'+A} 6233: 6128: 6026: 5624: 5557: 5556:{\displaystyle C'=C-A} 5520: 5519:{\displaystyle B'=B-A} 5483: 5380: 5211: 4685: 4612: 4342: 4044: 3878: 3642: 3448: 3241: 3126: 3088: 3031: 2928: 2838: 2639: 2593: 2536: 2335: 2256: 2225: 2102: 2045: 1974: 1283: 1007: 688: 641: 413: 352: 182:Circumcircle equations 155: 131: 11471:Triangle circumcircle 11228:. Dover. p. 379. 11088:Problem of Apollonius 11068:Circumcevian triangle 11042:cyclic quadrilaterals 11010:Cyclic quadrilaterals 11008: 10993: 10902: 10766: 10529: 10449: 10257: 10088:The distance between 10061: 9969:numerical instability 9910: 9827: 9756: 9700: 9333: 9212: 9107: 9006: 8909: 8765:trilinear coordinates 8623: 7948: 7859: 7639: 7397:Cartesian coordinates 7355: 7245: 6842: 6749: 6551:The circumcenter has 6538: 6367:, the trilinears are 6348: 6299:trilinear coordinates 6297:The circumcenter has 6293:Trilinear coordinates 6284: 6234: 6129: 6027: 5625: 5558: 5521: 5484: 5381: 5212: 4686: 4633:Cartesian coordinates 4627:Cartesian coordinates 4613: 4343: 4045: 3879: 3643: 3449: 3242: 3127: 3089: 3045:trilinear coordinates 3032: 2929: 2854:trilinear coordinates 2839: 2640: 2594: 2537: 2336: 2262:and the circumradius 2257: 2226: 2103: 2046: 1975: 1284: 1008: 696:polarization identity 689: 642: 414: 353: 197:Cartesian coordinates 187:Cartesian coordinates 153: 127:and the circumcenter 116: 11240:Mathematics Magazine 11063:Circumscribed sphere 11058:Circumcenter of mass 11046:supplementary angles 11017:Cyclic quadrilateral 10939: 10797: 10570: 10468: 10286: 10106: 10007: 9843: 9765: 9716: 9355: 9254: 9132: 9030: 8935: 8784: 7963: 7877: 7654: 7418: 7279: 6863: 6789: 6561: 6374: 6307: 6256: 6152: 6042: 5644: 5571: 5530: 5493: 5397: 5227: 4698: 4639: 4635:of the circumcenter 4358: 4069: 3898: 3662: 3489: 3473:. The circumcenter, 3261: 3166: 3098: 3051: 2955: 2873: 2654: 2620: 2571: 2371: 2266: 2235: 2118: 2055: 1987: 1303: 1035: 708: 676: 426: 369: 206: 95:isosceles trapezoids 87:cyclic quadrilateral 25:circumscribed circle 11355:2027/wu.89043163211 11282:Forum Geometricorum 11258:Forum Geometricorum 11146:Kimberling, Clark. 10753: 10735: 10717: 6851:Circumcenter vector 6219: 6194: 6145:can be computed as 6116: 6103: 6087: 6074: 6002: 5977: 5959: 5933: 5908: 5890: 5850: 5815: 5790: 5772: 5746: 5721: 5703: 5663: 5616: 5600: 5454: 5438: 5165: 5147: 5094: 5076: 5023: 5005: 4914: 4896: 4843: 4825: 4772: 4754: 2353:Parametric equation 66:More generally, an 11452:Weisstein, Eric W. 11199:. Wiley. pp.  11168:Weisstein, Eric W. 11013: 10988: 10897: 10761: 10759: 10739: 10721: 10703: 10537:With circumradius 10524: 10444: 10442: 10252: 10056: 9942:isogonal conjugate 9905: 9822: 9821: 9751: 9749: 9695: 9693: 9328: 9207: 9102: 9001: 8993: 8973: 8953: 8904: 8618: 8616: 7943: 7869:linear combination 7854: 7634: 7628: 7556: 7484: 7350: 7348: 7240: 6837: 6744: 6533: 6343: 6279: 6229: 6207: 6182: 6124: 6104: 6091: 6075: 6062: 6022: 6020: 5990: 5965: 5947: 5921: 5896: 5878: 5838: 5803: 5778: 5760: 5734: 5709: 5691: 5651: 5620: 5604: 5588: 5553: 5516: 5479: 5442: 5426: 5376: 5207: 5205: 5151: 5133: 5080: 5062: 5009: 4991: 4900: 4882: 4829: 4811: 4758: 4740: 4681: 4608: 4338: 4040: 3874: 3872: 3638: 3444: 3237: 3235: 3122: 3084: 3041:isogonal conjugate 3027: 3019: 2997: 2975: 2924: 2916: 2901: 2886: 2834: 2647:is the following: 2635: 2589: 2532: 2331: 2324: 2281: 2252: 2250: 2221: 2216: 2173: 2147: 2098: 2041: 1970: 1968: 1960: 1778: 1653: 1475: 1294:cofactor expansion 1279: 1267: 1003: 997: 684: 637: 635: 409: 348: 346: 164:coastal navigation 156: 132: 55:between the three 10983: 10955: 10933:Poncelet's porism 10684: 10585: 10519: 10435: 10398: 10375: 10353: 10328: 10306: 10274:nine-point center 10247: 10182: 10122: 10051: 10023: 9920:nine-point circle 9900: 9899: 9867: 9849: 9819: 9748: 9689: 9688: 9570: 9567: 9486: 9402: 9399: 9365: 9323: 9302: 9281: 9260: 8992: 8972: 8952: 8902: 8862: 8822: 8612: 8396: 8180: 7852: 7235: 6761:are edge lengths 6227: 5871: 5684: 4981: 4730: 4598: 4328: 4038: 4035: 3625: 3439: 3395: 3351: 3250:The circumradius 3135:Higher dimensions 3018: 2996: 2974: 2915: 2900: 2885: 2791: 2771: 2711: 2632: 2583: 2527: 2383: 2326: 2323: 2280: 2249: 2215: 2172: 2146: 1513: 1335: 11508: 11459:"Cyclic Polygon" 11438:at 11424: 11418: 11412: 11406: 11400: 11398: 11387: 11381: 11380: 11370: 11364: 11363:, 1960 and 2007. 11358: 11342: 11336: 11334: 11309:(522): 436–452. 11296: 11290: 11289: 11273: 11267: 11265: 11249: 11243: 11236: 11230: 11229: 11221: 11215: 11214: 11198: 11188: 11182: 11181: 11180: 11163: 11157: 11155: 11143: 11134: 11127:Whitworth (1866) 11124: 11118: 11117: 11103: 11083:Lester's theorem 11073:Inscribed circle 11021:Concyclic points 10997: 10995: 10994: 10989: 10984: 10961: 10956: 10951: 10943: 10930: 10911:Carnot's theorem 10906: 10904: 10903: 10898: 10890: 10889: 10877: 10876: 10864: 10863: 10848: 10847: 10835: 10834: 10822: 10821: 10812: 10811: 10789: 10785: 10781: 10777: 10770: 10768: 10767: 10762: 10760: 10752: 10747: 10734: 10729: 10716: 10711: 10695: 10694: 10685: 10677: 10671: 10670: 10658: 10657: 10645: 10644: 10628: 10627: 10586: 10581: 10562: 10544: 10540: 10533: 10531: 10530: 10525: 10520: 10518: 10492: 10481: 10460: 10453: 10451: 10450: 10445: 10443: 10436: 10431: 10423: 10405: 10404: 10399: 10394: 10386: 10376: 10371: 10363: 10354: 10349: 10341: 10329: 10324: 10316: 10307: 10302: 10294: 10278: 10271: 10261: 10259: 10258: 10253: 10248: 10243: 10242: 10230: 10229: 10217: 10216: 10201: 10200: 10188: 10183: 10154: 10153: 10138: 10137: 10128: 10123: 10118: 10110: 10098: 10091: 10076: 10072: 10065: 10063: 10062: 10057: 10052: 10029: 10024: 10019: 10011: 9999: 9992: 9961:collinear points 9914: 9912: 9911: 9906: 9901: 9898: 9869: 9868: 9865: 9856: 9855: 9850: 9847: 9831: 9829: 9828: 9823: 9820: 9770: 9760: 9758: 9757: 9752: 9750: 9744: 9727: 9711: 9704: 9702: 9701: 9696: 9694: 9690: 9600: 9599: 9585: 9580: 9575: 9571: 9569: 9568: 9518: 9512: 9501: 9496: 9491: 9487: 9485: 9484: 9467: 9458: 9457: 9446: 9441: 9430: 9425: 9414: 9408: 9403: 9401: 9400: 9397: 9388: 9377: 9372: 9366: 9363: 9337: 9335: 9334: 9329: 9324: 9322: 9308: 9303: 9301: 9287: 9282: 9280: 9266: 9261: 9258: 9243:of the opposite 9223:Other properties 9216: 9214: 9213: 9208: 9120:Kiepert parabola 9111: 9109: 9108: 9103: 9012: 9010: 9008: 9007: 9002: 8994: 8991: 8980: 8974: 8971: 8960: 8954: 8951: 8940: 8929: 8925: 8913: 8911: 8910: 8905: 8903: 8901: 8900: 8899: 8887: 8886: 8876: 8868: 8863: 8861: 8860: 8859: 8847: 8846: 8836: 8828: 8823: 8821: 8820: 8819: 8807: 8806: 8796: 8788: 8762: 8746: 8742: 8731: 8722: 8691: 8679: 8667: 8627: 8625: 8624: 8619: 8617: 8613: 8611: 8610: 8609: 8604: 8600: 8599: 8595: 8594: 8593: 8581: 8580: 8563: 8559: 8558: 8557: 8545: 8544: 8520: 8519: 8515: 8514: 8513: 8501: 8500: 8483: 8479: 8478: 8477: 8465: 8464: 8450: 8449: 8444: 8440: 8439: 8438: 8426: 8425: 8409: 8397: 8395: 8394: 8393: 8388: 8384: 8383: 8379: 8378: 8377: 8365: 8364: 8347: 8343: 8342: 8341: 8329: 8328: 8304: 8303: 8299: 8298: 8297: 8285: 8284: 8267: 8263: 8262: 8261: 8249: 8248: 8234: 8233: 8228: 8224: 8223: 8222: 8210: 8209: 8193: 8181: 8179: 8178: 8177: 8172: 8168: 8167: 8163: 8162: 8161: 8149: 8148: 8131: 8127: 8126: 8125: 8113: 8112: 8088: 8087: 8083: 8082: 8081: 8069: 8068: 8051: 8047: 8046: 8045: 8033: 8032: 8018: 8017: 8012: 8008: 8007: 8006: 7994: 7993: 7977: 7952: 7950: 7949: 7944: 7942: 7941: 7925: 7924: 7908: 7907: 7891: 7890: 7889: 7863: 7861: 7860: 7855: 7853: 7851: 7850: 7846: 7845: 7841: 7840: 7839: 7827: 7826: 7809: 7805: 7804: 7803: 7791: 7790: 7767: 7766: 7762: 7761: 7760: 7748: 7747: 7733: 7729: 7728: 7727: 7715: 7714: 7700: 7696: 7695: 7694: 7682: 7681: 7666: 7661: 7643: 7641: 7640: 7635: 7633: 7632: 7625: 7624: 7611: 7610: 7597: 7596: 7576: 7575: 7574: 7561: 7560: 7553: 7552: 7539: 7538: 7525: 7524: 7504: 7503: 7502: 7489: 7488: 7481: 7480: 7467: 7466: 7453: 7452: 7432: 7431: 7430: 7394: 7359: 7357: 7356: 7351: 7349: 7342: 7334: 7322: 7310: 7302: 7290: 7271: 7267: 7260: 7256: 7249: 7247: 7246: 7241: 7236: 7234: 7233: 7229: 7228: 7227: 7215: 7214: 7202: 7201: 7187: 7186: 7174: 7170: 7169: 7168: 7156: 7155: 7143: 7142: 7128: 7127: 7115: 7111: 7110: 7109: 7097: 7096: 7084: 7083: 7069: 7068: 7058: 7054: 7050: 7049: 7048: 7036: 7035: 7023: 7022: 7008: 7007: 6992: 6988: 6987: 6986: 6974: 6973: 6961: 6960: 6946: 6945: 6930: 6926: 6925: 6924: 6912: 6911: 6899: 6898: 6884: 6883: 6873: 6846: 6844: 6843: 6838: 6781: 6774: 6773: 6769: 6765: 6760: 6753: 6751: 6750: 6745: 6739: 6735: 6734: 6733: 6721: 6720: 6708: 6707: 6693: 6692: 6679: 6675: 6674: 6673: 6661: 6660: 6648: 6647: 6633: 6632: 6619: 6615: 6614: 6613: 6601: 6600: 6588: 6587: 6573: 6572: 6542: 6540: 6539: 6534: 6529: 6525: 6524: 6523: 6511: 6510: 6498: 6497: 6477: 6473: 6472: 6471: 6459: 6458: 6446: 6445: 6425: 6421: 6420: 6419: 6407: 6406: 6394: 6393: 6366: 6359: 6352: 6350: 6349: 6344: 6288: 6286: 6285: 6280: 6272: 6248: 6238: 6236: 6235: 6230: 6228: 6226: 6225: 6220: 6215: 6201: 6200: 6195: 6190: 6179: 6171: 6144: 6140: 6133: 6131: 6130: 6125: 6112: 6099: 6083: 6070: 6052: 6031: 6029: 6028: 6023: 6021: 6017: 6013: 6009: 6008: 6003: 5998: 5984: 5983: 5978: 5973: 5955: 5940: 5939: 5934: 5929: 5915: 5914: 5909: 5904: 5886: 5872: 5870: 5859: 5846: 5830: 5826: 5822: 5821: 5816: 5811: 5797: 5796: 5791: 5786: 5768: 5753: 5752: 5747: 5742: 5728: 5727: 5722: 5717: 5699: 5685: 5683: 5672: 5659: 5636: 5630:of the triangle 5629: 5627: 5626: 5621: 5612: 5596: 5581: 5566: 5562: 5560: 5559: 5554: 5540: 5525: 5523: 5522: 5517: 5503: 5488: 5486: 5485: 5480: 5450: 5434: 5407: 5392: 5385: 5383: 5382: 5377: 5371: 5367: 5363: 5362: 5350: 5349: 5337: 5336: 5321: 5320: 5308: 5307: 5295: 5294: 5279: 5278: 5266: 5265: 5253: 5252: 5216: 5214: 5213: 5208: 5206: 5202: 5198: 5194: 5193: 5181: 5180: 5164: 5159: 5146: 5141: 5123: 5122: 5110: 5109: 5093: 5088: 5075: 5070: 5052: 5051: 5039: 5038: 5022: 5017: 5004: 4999: 4982: 4974: 4965: 4964: 4951: 4947: 4943: 4942: 4930: 4929: 4913: 4908: 4895: 4890: 4872: 4871: 4859: 4858: 4842: 4837: 4824: 4819: 4801: 4800: 4788: 4787: 4771: 4766: 4753: 4748: 4731: 4723: 4714: 4713: 4690: 4688: 4687: 4682: 4680: 4676: 4675: 4674: 4662: 4661: 4617: 4615: 4614: 4609: 4607: 4599: 4597: 4593: 4592: 4583: 4575: 4564: 4563: 4558: 4554: 4544: 4543: 4538: 4534: 4517: 4513: 4508: 4507: 4502: 4498: 4485: 4480: 4479: 4474: 4470: 4454: 4446: 4432: 4424: 4416: 4415: 4410: 4406: 4396: 4395: 4390: 4386: 4375: 4370: 4369: 4347: 4345: 4344: 4339: 4337: 4329: 4327: 4323: 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2069: 2058: 2056: 2053: 2052: 2021: 2009: 2004: 2003: 1998: 1993: 1988: 1985: 1984: 1967: 1966: 1959: 1958: 1952: 1947: 1946: 1941: 1936: 1934: 1928: 1924: 1922: 1916: 1912: 1909: 1908: 1902: 1897: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1884: 1878: 1874: 1872: 1866: 1862: 1859: 1858: 1852: 1847: 1846: 1841: 1836: 1834: 1828: 1824: 1822: 1816: 1812: 1805: 1804: 1794: 1788: 1787: 1777: 1776: 1771: 1765: 1761: 1759: 1753: 1749: 1746: 1745: 1740: 1734: 1730: 1728: 1722: 1718: 1715: 1714: 1709: 1703: 1699: 1697: 1691: 1687: 1680: 1679: 1669: 1663: 1662: 1652: 1651: 1646: 1640: 1635: 1634: 1629: 1624: 1622: 1616: 1612: 1609: 1608: 1603: 1597: 1592: 1591: 1586: 1581: 1579: 1573: 1569: 1566: 1565: 1560: 1554: 1549: 1548: 1543: 1538: 1536: 1530: 1526: 1519: 1518: 1505: 1498: 1492: 1488: 1485: 1484: 1474: 1473: 1468: 1462: 1458: 1456: 1450: 1445: 1444: 1439: 1434: 1431: 1430: 1425: 1419: 1415: 1413: 1407: 1402: 1401: 1396: 1391: 1388: 1387: 1382: 1376: 1372: 1370: 1364: 1359: 1358: 1353: 1348: 1341: 1340: 1327: 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perpendicular bisectors
triangle center
cyclic polygon
cyclic quadrilateral
isosceles trapezoids
right kites
regular polygons

perpendicular bisectors

coastal navigation
position line
Euclidean plane
Cartesian coordinates
polarization identity

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