
California Indian Reservations and Cessions

Source 📝

293: 212: 311:"Its extent afforded an ample field for the ambition and enterprise of all, and the character, low culture-status, and religious beliefs of the aborigines afforded an apology for considering them a people over whom the superior genius of Europe might rightfully claim an ascendancy. The sovereigns of the Old World therefore found no difficulty in convincing themselves that they made ample compensation to the natives by bestowing on them the benefits of civilization and Christianity in exchange for control over them and their country." 2436:
freshet, which left the soil covered to the depth of several feet with sand. The Indians were at once removed to Smith River reservation. Though not formally relinquished, the Klamath was not thereafter occupied as an Indian reservation until 1877, when the Commissioner of Indian. Affairs asked that the War Department remove white trespassers. Recent action has been taken looking to the allotment of land in severally to those Indians residing on the reserve with a view to restoring the surplus land to the public domain.
326:." The data are extracted from the U.S. government's treaties, reservations and land cessions with California's tribal people in the years 1851–1896. The California instances in the spreadsheet include page references to legal citation and historic materials. All links embedded in the spreadsheet, including the names identifying particular "Mission Indian" Tribes, have been added to make the original report clearer. Some sections on individual tracts in the 2413:
never surveyed. Subsequently, ex-superintendent Beale and others obtained patents under old Spanish grants for most of the land covered by the original reserve. Measures were therefore taken to remove the Indians and to abandon the reserve. The last of the Indians were removed to Tule River reserve, as reported by Superintendent Wiley, July 11, 1864. The tract shown on the map exhibits the boundaries of the reserve as originally surveyed.
25: 2456:
boundaries thus surveyed are here shown by red lines and contained 25,030.08 acres, having been reduced to the limit authorized by the act of Mar. 3, 1853. A subsequent enlargement and survey was made in 1870, the boundaries of which are shown by blue lines (see Executive order of Mar. 30, 1870). Still later modifications of boundary have been made, for which see act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1873, and Executive order of July 26, 1876.
known, made of its boundaries although by report of Superintendent Henley, Aug. 15, 1857 it was stated that he had selected it as the last of the five permanent reserves authorized by act of Mar. 3, 1853. Its location is laid down (but by what authority is not known) on a map of California in the Indian Office files bearing number 186. The location thus indicated is accepted for want of a more definite one.
247:. Frémont pushed for federal troops and three Indian Commissioners who obtained treaty agreements from tribal representatives to abandon their lands in exchange for what would be the first round of reservations for land actions in California. The state, however, refused to even allow these massive land takeaways, resulting in the 2615:
This extension includes the land set apart to the Klamath Indians by Executive order, Nov. 16, 1855, which, however, was subsequently abandoned by them because of the destruction of their property by a great freshet. (See No. 400, California map 2.) This addition is shown by blue lines extending from
Nov. 17. 1855, Superintendent Henley transmitted a report of Major Heintzelman with a map showing the tract selected for the Mendocino reservation and recommending its establishment. Aug. 16, 1856, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs recommended issuance of Executive order setting apart this reserve.
This was selected by Superintendent Henley as one of the two additional reserves authorized by act of Congress Mar. 3, 1855. It was surveyed by Deputy Surveyor Lewis in 1857. Dec. 31, 1861, the Indian agent reported the complete destruction of both the reservation and the public property thereon by a
President cancels reserve made by Executive order Jan. 9, 1873, and establishes another at Tule river in lieu thereof, bounded as follows: Commencing on the S. fork of Tale river. 4 miles below the Soda springs on said river; thence N. to the ridge of mountains dividing the waters of the N. fork and
July 1, 1865, Agent Lockhart recommended the establishment of two reserves of 360 acres each for the Washo in Carson and Washoe valleys. July 10, 1865, the Secretary of the Interior directed that two reserves, containing in the aggregate 8 sections, be set apart for them. Oct. 23, 1865, Agent Parker
Oct. 3, 1864, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in approving the action of Superintendent Wiley, directed that particular care be taken in the definition of the boundaries of the reserve. Mar. 3, 1865, Congress appropriated $ 60,000 to pay for improvements of white settlers on the reserve. In 1875
For a separate definition of the boundaries of the Shoshoni-Goship, see treaty with that band of Oct. 12, 1863. For reservations established under this authority see Lemhi reserve, by Executive order of Feb. 12, 1875; Carlin Farms reserve, by Executive order of May 10, 1877, and Duck Valley reserve,
President authorized to establish reservations for them when deemed advisable. Location primarily in Nevada, but includes California. No formal purchase of the territorial claim of these tribes or bands was made, but the U. S. took possession of the same, assuming the right of satisfying their claim
The establishment of this reserve was recommended by Agent Dodge Nov. 25, 1859. Nov. 29, 1859, the .Secretary of the Interior directed that the reserve be so established. Feb. 15, 1861, Agent Lockhart was instructed to have the boundaries surveyed. They were surveyed by Eugene Monroe in Jan., 1865.
In 1857–58 Mr Thomas P. Madden, an employee of the Indian service, entered and obtained title to the land with state-school warrants. It was thereafter known as the Madden farm, containing 1,280 acres, and the U. S. paid him rental therefor until it was abandoned in 1876, and the Indians removed to
establishes a reserve called Nome Lackee | This reserve was surveyed by Nicholas Gray in Sept., 1857, and contained 25,139.71 acres. It was practically abandoned by Superintendent Hanson in July, 1861. He recommended its sale. July 7, 1870, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs officially notified the
This reserve was surveyed, shortly after its location, by H. D. Washburn, and contained about 75,000 acres. Nov. 25, 1856, the Secretary of the Interior ordered its reduction to 25,000 acres, to bring it within the limits prescribed by act of Mar. 3, 1855. The boundaries of the reduced reserve were
The United States Bureau of American Ethnology produced annual reports to the Smithsonian Institution on various Native American (First Nation) subjects. In their 18th annual, two-volume report, they published a complete list of all U.S. takings (cessions), treaties and reservations prior to 1896.
Patents issued to J. J. Warner, Jan. 16, 1880, and to Harmon T. Helm, Jan. 16, 1886, are hereby withdrawn from sale and settlement, and set apart as a reservation for the Mission Indians: Provided, however, that any other tract or tracts the title of which h,as passed out of the U. S., or to which
Round valley, or "Nome Cult," as it was then called, was selected for Indian purposes by Superintendent Henley in 1856. Nov. 18, 18.58, the Secretary of the Interior ordered public notice to be given that the entire valley had been set apart for an Indian reservation and directed its survey May 3,
Congress restores Mendocino Indian reservation to public domain. This tract lay on both sides of Klamath river from its mouth 20 miles up the same; between the S. bank of Noyo river (so as to include that river) and a point 1 mile N. of Hale, or Bee-da-loe creek; extending eastward from the coast
Special Agent J. Ross Browne reported, Nov. 4, 1859, that this reserve, so far as the agricultural portion of it was concerned, consisted of a farm which had been rented of private parties since 1854. It was originally established as a temporary Indian reserve and no official survey was, so far as
Larisa Miller documented how the Northern California Indian Association (NCIA) petitioned President Roosevelt in 1903 to buy federal lands for thousands of homeless Indians across the state because "title and ownership to this beautiful land have never been extinguished." Their campaign led to the
Note that the below database identifies the land involved in each transaction with a number that can be located on the above maps. Later transactions are located on the 2nd map or "Ca-2", plus the appropriate number. The first 18 entries, described below as unratified treaties, were not listed as
It was first established as an Indian farm for temporary use, but has been ever since continued as an Indian reserve. Nov. 18, 1858, Superintendent Henley was instructed to make public proclamation that the whole of Round valley was reserved. In Mar. 1860, it was surveyed by Andrew J. Hatch. The
Between 1851 and 1865, California carried out the wishes of its citizens: the removal of tribal communities from their ancestral lands by military force across California. The United States went along with these actions, rather than using its resources to stop the state from this period of
Partly restored to public domain by Executive order of Aug. 3, 1878, as shown under that order. The remainder constitutes the present Tule River reserve, and is shown here. (This includes Nos. 547 and 607. The portions added to the former reserve are the N. part of 607 and the yellow No.
136:, compiled by Charles C. Royce, includes the 18 lost treaties between the state's tribes and a map of the reservations. Below is the California segment of the report listing the treaties. The full report covered all 48 states' tribal interactions nationwide with the U.S. government. 2536:
for quantity so as to include the valleys beyond the first range of hills to the Coast mountains, conforming to their shape. | The act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1853, authorized the selection of five military reserves for Indian purposes in California not to exceed 25,000 acres each.
forced California's tribes to sign 18 treaties that relinquished each tribe's rights to their traditional lands in exchange for reservations. Due to pressure from California representatives, the Senate repudiated the treaties and ordered them to remain secret. In 1896 the
Upon becoming a state in 1850, California was required by law to allow the United States government to conduct all formal relationships with tribal communities. Because California's previous Mexican government had no formal relationships with the Indians following the
Subsequent investigation showed Monroe's survey of E. boundary to be incorrect. The incorrect portion of Monroe's survey is indicated by a dotted black line. Remainder of Pai Ute country taken possession of by U.S. without formal relinquishment by the Indians.
Klamath River Reserve destroyed with Indians moved to Smith River in 1862. In May 1862, Sec. of Interior and Indian Commissioner set aside additional lands at Smith River, but Congress fails to make appropriations to purchase it. Smith River abandoned in
President cancels a, part of Executive order of Dec. 27, 1875, as follows: All that portion of said order relating to the Agua Caliente NO. 1 (Cupeno) Indian reservation, and also that part relating to the Santa Ysabel Indian reservation. T.11S., R.3E.
the new Tule River reservation, established, by Executive orders of Jan. 9 and Oct. 3, 1873. In addition to the Madden farm the U. S. occupied and fenced 160 acres adjoining, but that was also entered by an Indian employee as a homestead in 1864.
These constitute the present boundaries of the reserve except that the military reserve of 1 square mile at Camp Wright was added to the Indian reservation by Executive order of July 26, 1876. (See Executive orders of Apr. 8, 1873, and Mar.30,
President sets apart a reserve of 25,000 acres on both sides of Klamath river in California, the same being a strip commencing at the Pacific Ocean and extending 1 mile in width on each side of the Klamath river for a distance of 20 miles.
1860. See act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1873. and Executive orders of Mar. 30, 1870, Apr. 8, 1873, May 18, 1873, and Jan. 26, 1876. The boundaries of the reserve as enlarged by this Executive order (Mar. 30, 1870) are shown by blue lines.
with military support that resulted in 134 of the state's 300-plus Indian tribes signing 18 treaties that gave away their sovereign rights in exchange for 7.4 million acres of "reservation" lands spread across the state.
The report was compiled By Charles C. Royce, with a 122-page introduction by Cyrus Thomas documenting legal claims for the actions the United States had based its actions on, with a focus on U.S. Supreme Court's 1823
Phoho-neche tribes today are: California Valley Miwok Tribe, Tuolumne Band, Buena Vista Rancheria, Chicken Ranch Rancheria, Ione Band, Jackson Rancheria, Shingle Springs Band & Middletown Rancheria of Pomo
The President extends the limits of their reservation so as to include a tract of country 1 mile in width on each side of the Klamath river, and extending from the then limits thereof to the Pacific Ocean.
located mostly in Southern California. In 1896, the Smithsonian Institution produced a report documenting all historic actions by date and tribe of lands taken from or reservations created by the U.S.
How-ech-ee, Chook-cha-nee, Chow-chil-lie, Po-ho-nee-chee, Nook-choo, Pit-cat-chee, Cas-son, Toom-na, Tall-in-chee, Pas-ke-sa, Wa-cha-et, I-tach-ee, Cho-e-nem-nee, Cho-ki-men-a, We-mal-che, No-to-no-to
2709: 191:
California's farmers and gold miners demanded that Indians and other "aliens" be heavily taxed or removed from the gold fields. In 1851, at the same time that the United States was setting up the
valid, legal rights have attached under existing laws of the U. S. providing for the disposition of the public domain, are also hereby excepted and excluded from the reservation hereby created.
The commissioners made their report Nov. 1, 1873. It was approved by the Secretary of the Interior Aug. 4. 1874. and proclamation of the boundaries made by Executive order of May 18, 1875.
2852: 2506:
the boundaries were surveyed by C. T. Bissell, and by Executive order of June 23, 1876, these boundaries were adopted and declared to be the true boundaries of the Hoopa Valley reserve.
Authorizes Secretary of the Interior to appoint three commissioners to select a reservation for each band or village so as to include as far as practicable the lands now occupied to a
the Hoopa reservation to the Pacific ocean. By act of Congress, June 17, 1892, this land was restored to the public domain, without reference to the Executive order of Oct. 16, 1891.
The report included color maps for each state, two for California, with numbered areas (also in color) to identify each cession or reservation. These can be used to locate the land.
The President orders certain lands to be withdrawn from sale and set apart as a reserve for the Mission Indians West of Gilroy T.10S., R.4E., & secs. 3&4. T.11S., R.4E.
1860: 938:
Negotiations Scotts Valley camp. The first of these tribes was commonly called Upper Klamath; the next three, Shasta Valley Indians; and the last two, Scotts Valley Indians.
1751: 42: 2822: 263: 1723: 1590: 1508: 1452: 1195: 2654: 2516:
reported that no suitable lands for such reserves remained vacant, and recommended that no further action lie taken. The original country of the Washo is here shown.
President restores to public domain a portion of lands withdrawn by Executive orders of Dec. 27, 1875, and May 15, 1876, T.7S, R.2E, T.14S.,R.2E & T.9S.,R.2W.
by assigning them such reservations as might seem essential lor their occupancy, and supplying them in such degree as might seem proper with necessaries of life.
Statute limited the number of reservations in California to a total of 4. Recognized under this act were Round Valley, Hoopa Valley, Smith River, and Tule River
1983: 1832: 1535: 1527:
President withdraws from sale certain lands in Round valley, specified by act of Mar. 3, 1873, until report of commissioners is received fixing N. boundary.
1480: 1169: 1582:
President establishes reservation at Pyramid Lake, as surveyed by Eugene Monroe on January 23, 1865, Plat taken from original in Office of Indian Affairs
89: 2902: 2877: 2659: 2496:
by Executive order of Apr. 16, 1877. A reservation had also been established in 1859 at Euby valley, but after a few years of occupancy it was abandoned.
61: 1617:
Mission Indians – Portrero – Rincon, Gapich, La Joya, Cahuila, Capitan Grande, Santa Ysabel – Mesa Grande, Pala, Agua Caliente, Sycuan, Inaja, Cosmit
report on major native American Indian interactions with the United States Government was the first time the treaties were made public. The report,
rediscovery of the 18 Treaties that were signed by 134 bands of Californians and the removal of the senate's order of secrecy on January 18, 1905.
225: 132: 68: 1070:
Cede tract along N. Cal border and Oregon: Applegate creek, Rogue river, Althouse creek, along Siskiyou mountains; Cascade range to Pitt's peak.
204: 2882: 159:
The following database is an extraction of all the United States' formal actions between 1851–1892 with California Indians documented by the
75: 2897: 1164:
This reserve was abandoned for Indian purposes on Mar. 31, 1866, and was restored to the public domain by act of Congress of July 27, 1868
57: 2735:
Lee, Robert; Ahtone, Tristan; Pearce, Margaret; Goodluck, Kalen; McGhee, Geoff; Leff, Cody; Lanpher, Katherine; Salinas, Taryn (2020).
Ta-che, Cah-wia, Yo-kol, To-lum-ne, Wic-chum-ne, Hol-cu-ma, To-e-ne-che, Tu-huc-mach, In-tim-peach, Choi-nuck, We-mil-che, No-to-no-to
2113: 2546:
May 22, 1856, President Pierce issued the desired Executive order. Its actual abandonment for Indian purposes occurred Mar. 31, 1866.
323: 1910: 2892: 1161:
President set apart Mendocino reserve in California in compliance with recommendation of Superintendent Henley of Nov. 17, 1855.
Investigation" (2020), lands subject to the unratified treaties were taken by the United States government and sold to fund the
2842: 1806: 1660:
President alludes to previous errors and correctly defines boundaries of Colorado River reservation – partially in California.
281:, eventually set up four reservations as prescribed by Congress, followed later by additional tracts of lands ceded to various 1358:
Country claimed by Washoes was taken possession of by settlers between 1855 and 1865 without purchase of their title by U. S.
Middle fork of Tule river; thence on said ridge easterly, extended, if necessary, to a point from which a line running due S.
President amends order of Mar. 22, 1886, relative to reservation for Mission Indians. Sec. 28 T.4S., R.1E. SE of Fremont Ca.
1339: 2639: 599:
2. Reserve a tract for Yo-luiu-ne and Co-ye-tie tribes between Tule river. Paint creek, Emigrant road, and Sierra Nevadas.
2837: 2219:
Restores the original Klamath River reservation to the public domain. Provides for allotments to Indians settled thereon.
sufficient extent to meet their just requirements. It also authorizes all allotments in severalty on certain conditions.
82: 173: 2792: 248: 108: 1013: 267: 1331:
Superintendent Wiley locates the whole of Hoopa valley as one of the reserves contemplated by act of Apr. 8, 1864
2644: 1975:
President restores to public domain certain lands withdrawn by Executive order Dec. 27, 1875. sec. 3 T.12S, R.2E
1778: 278: 258:, reported that the government's action would lead to a "war of extermination" against the state's tribal people 2823:
O.M. Wozencraft [1851], "To the People Living and Trading Among the Indians in the State of California".
2649: 1609:
President proclaims the boundaries of Round Valley reservation in accordance with act of Congress Mar. 3, 1873
177: 46: 2862: 2857: 1077: 2887: 2313:
Das-pia, Ya-ma-do, Yol-la-mer, Wai-de-pa-can, On-o-po-ma, Mon-e-da, Wan-nuck, Nem-shaw, Be-no-pi, Ya-cum-na
Cas-take, Tejon, San Imiri, Uva, Cari-se, Buena Vista, Se-rahu-ow, Holo-cla-me, Soho-nut, Toci-a, Hol-mi-uk
The President sets apart as an addition to the Mission Indian reservation of Cahuilla Sec. 23, T.7S.,R.2E.
1641: 1395: 1037: 160: 127: 2028:
President cancels Executive order of June 27, 1882, so far as relates to lot 2 in sec. 28, T. 8S., R.2 W.
Indians to retain temporary occupancy of a portion of the ceded country until a reserve is assigned them.
196: 2765: 1076:
The boundaries of the country reserved under this clause are shown by dotted red lines. It was known as
384: 259: 2051:
President cancels and revokes Executive order of June 19, 1883. Sec. 28 T.4S., R.1E. SE of Fremont Ca.
President restores to public domain part of reservation set apart by Executive order of Oct. 3, 1873.
2847: 327: 292: 2832: 1636:
See Executive orders of May 3, 1877, Aug. 25, 1877, and Sept. 29, 1877; also that of Jan. 17, 1880.
2710:"America's "Land Grab" Universities: Robert Lee on Colonial Extraction by "Treaty-Like Agreements"" 274: 211: 188:
or to the north where they mixed with other non-Mission tribes that had been left alone by Mexico.
President sets apart certain tracts for Mission Indians sec. 9, T.5S., R.1E. & T.14S., R.2E.
1424: 1366: 1213:
Superintendent Henley reports selection of temporary reservation at Round valley or "Nome Cult."
1031: 144: 139:
According to historian Robert Lee and the other authors of the report "Land-Grab Universities, a
35: 2843:
1920 Congressional subcommittee on Indian Affairs – 18 treaties and their congressional history
such in the 1896 Smithsonian report, but as stated lands ceded in exchange for tracts of land.
192: 148: 2340:
Ca-la-na-po, Ha-bi-na-po, Da-no-ha-bo, Mo-al-kai, Checom, How-ku-ma, Cha-nel-kai, Me-dam-a-rec
President withdraws and sets apart further tracts for reservation: Palm Springs – T.4S.,R.4E.
200: 181: 1687:
See Executive orders of Dec. 27, 1875, May 3, 1877, August 25, 1877, and September 29, 1877
See act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1865, and executive order of Nov. 22, 1873 and Nov. 16, 1874
251:, and by a Senate order their very existence was hidden from the public for over 45 years. 244: 185: 1302:
Authorizing the establishment of four Indian reservations within the limits of the state.
8: 1048: 221: 1742:
President adds late Camp Wright military reservation to Round Valley Indian reservation
Reserve a tract for between Tule river, Paint creek, Emigrant road, and Sierra Nevadas.
President sets apart reservations for Mission Indians, in San Diego county, California
1. Reserve a tract for Chu-nute and Wo-wol tribes between Tulare and Buena Vista lakes
302: 240: 229: 122: 2740: 2634: 2277:
I-o-no-hum-ne, We-chil-la, Su-ca-ah, Co-to-plan-e-nee, Chap-pah-sim, and Sage-wom-nee
See Executive orders of Dec. 27, 1875, May 15, 1876, May 3, 1877, and Sept. 29, 1877
See Executive orders of Dec. 27, 1875, May 15, 1876, May 3, 1877, and Sept. 29, 1877
2827: 2422: 2286:
Ko-ya-te, Wo-la-si, New-chow-we, Wack-sa-che, Pal-wis-ha, Po-ken-well, Ya-wil-chine
1089: 1081: 996: 961: 862: 827: 731: 696: 661: 556: 521: 425: 388: 255: 2683: 2322:
Mi-chop-da, Es-ki-un, Ho-lo-lu-pi, Toto, Su-nu, Che-no, Bat-si, Yut-duc, Sim-sa-wa
Land Grants given California citizens prior to 1846, the government also set up a
2629: 1563: 399: 282: 236: 2199: 1113: 2871: 2833:
Historic Marker and Adobe where Treaty K at Temecula Ca. on January 5th, 1852
President withdraws and sets apart further tracts for reservation T.2S.,R.1E
Trouble arose with the settlers and the reserve was abandoned in Apr., 1871.
180:, most of the 150,000 surviving tribal people either became servants for the 555:
U.S. Indian commissioners: Col. Redrick Mckee, Col. George W. Barbour, and
U.S. Indian commissioners: Col. Redrick Mckee, Col. George W. Barbour, and
It was Thomas' following statement that set the tone for the introduction:
2108: 1248:
Superintendent McDuffie reports abandonment of Fresno River reservation.
1225: 2664: 2385:
O-de-i-lah, I-ka-ruck, Ko-se-tah, I-da-kar-i-waka-ha, Wat-sa-he-wa, E-eh
This tract was informally established in 1856 as an Indian reservation.
U.S. Indian commissioners Col. George W. Barbour, and Persifer F. Smith
1896 California Map 2 of Indian(First Nations) Cessions and Reservations
1896 California Map 1 of Indian(First Nations) Cessions and Reservations
in its Eighteenth annual report to the Smithsonian Institution in 1896.
Si-yan-te, Po-to-yan-ti, Co-co-noon, A-pang-asse, Aplache, A-wall-a-che
National Park Service link to state by state tribal naming variations.
Poh-lik(Lower Klamath), Pehtuck(Upper Klamath), Hoo-pah(Trinity river)
Cede all claim to territory and agree to remove to Clear lake reserve
General Land Office that it was no longer needed for Indian purposes.
See Executive order of Mar. 30, 1870, Apr. 8, 1873, and May 18, 1873
24: 2863:
The Journal of George W. Barbour, May 1, to October 4, 1851: Part 2
The Journal of George W. Barbour, May 1, to October 4, 1851: Part I
co-lu, Wil-lay, Co-ha-ma, Tat-nah, Cha, Doc-duc, Cham-et-ko, Toc-de
2082: 1718:
This reserve was established Aug. 21, 1864 by Superintendent Wiley
1256: 2114: 1387:
Removal of Indians to Hoopa Valley and Round Valley reservations
President sets apart additional tracts for a reserve T.8S, R.2W
See Executive orders of August 25, 1877, and September 29, 1877
2009: 1712:
President proclaims the boundaries of Hoopa Valley reservation
President sets apart a reserve for Indians near San Bernardino
1221: 322:
The spreadsheet section in part 2, pages 781 – 948 is titled "
154: 1229: 2736: 1752:
Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians of the Cahuilla Reservation
Mission Indians – Portrero, Agua Caliente, Torros, Cabezons
317: 239:, a U.S. Senator for the state of California, organized the 2737:"Land-Grab Universities: A High Country News Investigation" 2170: 1902:
President sets apart additional tracts for Mission Indians
1692: 1684:
President sets apart additional tracts for Mission Indians
1310: 1141: 1472:
President enlarges Round Valley reservation in California
to round up tribal representatives who were living on his
with the Republic of Mexico to verify the legality of the
as one of the reserves authority by act of Apr. 8, 1864.
1080:, and was abandoned and the Indians removed in 1855. See 16:
History of the removal of California's Indigenous peoples
2716:(Interview). Interviewed by Plotz, John; Tharaud, Jerome 602:
Cede all claims to territory outside of reserved tracts
2734: 634:
Cede all claim to territory outside of reserved tract
Reserve a tract between Cah-wia and Chowchilla rivers
Reserve a tract between Chowchilla and Cah-wia rivers
1. Reserve a tract between Cah-wia and King's rivers
and numerous bond and financing actions that went to
Canceled and a new reserve established Oct. 3, 1873
laying out the impacts, but for speaking out he was
Slavery among Native Americans in the United States
394:Reserve a tract between Mercede and Tuolumne river 49:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 632:Reserve a tract between Tejon pass and Kern river 567:Cede all territory not reserved by said treaties. 529:Cede all territory not reserved by said treaties. 465:Cede all territory not reserved by said treaties. 433:Cede all territory not reserved by said treaties. 2853:List of Federally Recognized Tribes in California 2869: 593:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. George W. Barbour 491:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. George W. Barbour 459:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. George W. Barbour 133:Indian Land Cessions in the United States (book) 2793:"The Secret Treaties With California's Indians" 2828:Indian Nations Tribal Sovereignty by Roy Moore 235:During the first years between 1851 and 1852, 2784: 1500:President sets apart a reserve at Tule river 1170:Tule River or Madden Farm reservation Indians 765:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. Redrick Mckee, 667:Reserve a tract between Bear and Yuba rivers 58:"California Indian Reservations and Cessions" 928:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. Redrick Mckee 896:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. Redrick Mckee 797:U.S. Indian commissioner Col. Redrick Mckee 232:that hunted down and killed tribal members. 2766:"Indian Land Cessions of the United States" 1313:(S. Fork, Redwood, and Grouse Creek bands) 932:Reserve a tract on the upper Klamath river 155:California Indian Reservations and Cessions 2903:United States and Native American treaties 2878:American Indian reservations in California 2759: 2757: 2688:University of Cambridge Faculty of History 2349:Sai-nell, Yu-ki-as, Mas-su-ta-ka-ya, Po-mo 2331:Noe-ma-noe-ma, Y-lac-ca, and Noi-me-noi-me 1952:President cancels order of Dec. 27, 1865. 1216:Round Valley Reservation size and history 1203:Ca-2 (detail of Round Valley reservation) 533:Negotiations at Dent and Vantine Crossing 254:One of the three appointed commissioners, 2838:Digital copy of January 5th 1852 Treaty K 1036:E.F. Beale establishes a reserve, called 1002:Reserve a tract on S. line of California 324:Indian Land Cessions in the United States 318:Indian Land Cessions in the United States 109:Learn how and when to remove this message 1555:Tule Reservation Expansion and location 1008:Negotiations at Village of Santa Isabel 291: 210: 2754: 1475:Nome Cult Reservation size and history 1417:Mendocino Reservation size and history 874:Negotiations at Fork of Cosumnes River 638:Negotiations at Camp Persifer F. Smith 2870: 2772:. 18th Annual Report (Part 2): 781–948 2367:Cu-lee, Yas-see, Lo-clum-ne, Wo-pum-ne 2295:Chu-nute, Wo-wol, Yo-lum-ne, Co-ye-tie 1807:Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians 2883:Native American history of California 2763: 2394:San Luis Rey, Kah-we-a, Co-com-cah-ra 1538:, King's river, Owen's river, et al. 1483:, King's river, Owen's river, et al. 1328:Under act of Congress April 8, 1864. 2640:California mission clash of cultures 1232:(Poho-neche), Chook-chancie, et al. 973:Negotiations at Village of Temecula 833:Reserve a tract on Sacramento river 804:Negotiations at Camp Fernando Feliz 737:Reserve a tract on Sacramento river 527:Reserve a tract on Stanislaus river 47:adding citations to reliable sources 18: 2898:Former American Indian reservations 2707: 1612:Reservation boundaries and history 868:Reserve a tract on Consumnes river 564:2. Reserve a tract on King's river 277:, which was originally part of the 13: 2790: 2222:See executive order, Oct 16, 1891 1190:Tule Reservation size and history 967:Reserve a tract in SW. California 771:Cede all claim to other territory 739:Cede all claim to other territory 704:Cede all claim to other territory 669:Cede all claim to other territory 397:Negotiations held at Camp Fremont 14: 2914: 2816: 1585:Reservation location and history 1558:Reservation location and history 1043:Reservation location and History 1030:Superintendent of Indian Affairs 900:Reserve a tract on Klamath river 775:Negotiations at Camp Lu-pi-yu-ma 702:Reserve a tract on Feather river 224:that was legitimized by the 1850 1196:Round Valley reservation Indians 330:were omitted from the original. 230:finance dozens of state militias 23: 2645:Population of Native California 2609: 2599: 2589: 2579: 2569: 2559: 2549: 2539: 2529: 2519: 2509: 2499: 2489: 2479: 2469: 2459: 2449: 2439: 2429: 2416: 2406: 2397: 2388: 2379: 2370: 2361: 2352: 2343: 2334: 2325: 2316: 2307: 2298: 2289: 2280: 2271: 270:by September of the same year. 184:owners or migrated east to the 178:Spanish era's Catholic Missions 34:needs additional citations for 2893:Native Americans in California 2728: 2701: 2676: 2655:Native Americans in California 2650:Aboriginal title in California 2262: 2253: 2244: 2235: 2138:Reservation lands and history 1731:Ca-2 594 sec.2, T.22N.,R.13W. 1509:Round River Valley Reservation 1453:Round River Valley Reservation 1353:Order of Sectary of Interior. 1016:, Castake, San Imirio, et al. 769:Reserve a tract on Clear lake 743:Negotiations ad Reading Ranch 708:Negotiations at Bidwell Ranch 387:, Col. George W. Barbour, and 381:Ca. Militia: Mariposa Brigade 1: 2670: 2194:Reservation size and history 1361:Reservation size and history 1334:Reservation size and history 1280:Reservation size and history 1251:Reservation size and history 1224:Chow-chilla(Chaushila) & 1136:Reservation size and history 1108:Reservation size and history 906:Negotiations at Camp Klamath 437:Negotiations at Camp Barbour 149:Morill Land-Grant Act of 1862 2770:Bureau of American Ethnology 2708:Lee, Robert (19 July 2022). 1861:Agua Caliente No. 1 (Cupeno) 1396:Mendocino Indian Reservation 1052:Table Rock Oregon Territory 1004:Cede all claim to territory 993:California Mariposa Brigade 969:Cede all claim to territory 958:California Mariposa Brigade 934:Cede all claim to territory 926:California Mariposa Brigade 902:Cede all claim to territory 894:California Mariposa Brigade 870:Cede all claim to territory 859:California Mariposa Brigade 839:Negotiations and Camp Colus 835:Cede all claim to territory 824:California Mariposa Brigade 795:California Mariposa Brigade 763:California Mariposa Brigade 728:California Mariposa Brigade 693:California Mariposa Brigade 658:California Mariposa Brigade 626:California Mariposa Brigade 606:Negotiations at Camp Burton 591:California Mariposa Brigade 571:Negotiations and Camp Keyes 553:California Mariposa Brigade 518:California Mariposa Brigade 489:California Mariposa Brigade 457:California Mariposa Brigade 422:California Mariposa Brigade 161:Bureau of American Ethnology 128:Bureau of American Ethnology 7: 2623: 673:Negotiations at Camp Union 498:Negotiations at Camp Keyes 383:U.S. Indian commissioners: 197:Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 121:Between 1851 and 1852, the 10: 2919: 2764:Royce, Charles C. (1899). 520:U.S. Indian commissioners 469:Negotiations at Camp Belt 361:Historic data and remarks 166: 2200:Klamath River Reservation 1931:See Act of Mar. 3. 1873. 995:U.S. Indian commissioner 960:U.S. Indian commissioner 861:U.S. Indian commissioner 826:U.S. Indian commissioner 730:U.S. Indian commissioner 660:U.S. Indian commissioner 328:Public Land Survey System 249:treaties' initial failure 2228: 1591:Round Valley Reservation 997:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 962:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 863:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 828:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 732:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 697:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 695:U.S. Indian commissioner 662:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 557:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 522:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 426:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 389:Dr. Oliver W. Wozencraft 275:Bureau of Indian Affairs 195:as required by the 1848 1835:, King's River, et al. 1461:Ca-2 Round River inset 1367:Smith River Reservation 358:Cession or Reservation 262:, even going public by 174:1833 Secularization Act 145:land-grant universities 2143:Mission Indians – ALL 297: 268:relieved of his duties 216: 193:Public Land Commission 2423:Superintendent Henley 295: 264:publishing a pamphlet 226:Indian Protection Act 214: 201:Ranchos of California 182:Ranchos of California 2739:. Paonia, Colorado: 2268:Yo-lum-ne, Co-ye-tie 2216:Stat. L., XXVII, 52 2157:Stat. L., XXVI, 712 1724:Round Valley Indians 1390:Reservation history 1325:Stat. L., XIII, 39. 256:Oliver M. Wozencraft 43:improve this article 2888:Native American law 1415:Reservation status 1299:Stat. L.,XIII, 39. 1285:California Indians 1274:Stat. L.,xviii,689 1142:Camel-el-po-ma Pomo 1092:, Nir-muck, et al. 1049:Rogue River Indians 400:Full text of treaty 279:U.S. War Department 222:California Genocide 147:established by the 2791:Miller, Larisa K. 2107:Mission Indians – 2081:Mission Indians – 1909:Mission Indians – 1859:Mission Indians – 1777:Mission Indians – 1277:Possession status 1259:, (Western bands) 1078:Table Rock reserve 990:Unratified Treaty 955:Unratified Treaty 923:Unratified Treaty 891:Unratified Treaty 856:Unratified Treaty 821:Unratified Treaty 792:Unratified Treaty 760:Unratified Treaty 725:Unratified Treaty 690:Unratified Treaty 655:Unratified Treaty 623:Unratified Treaty 588:Unratified Treaty 550:Unratified Treaty 515:Unratified Treaty 486:Unratified Treaty 454:Unratified Treaty 419:Unratified Treaty 385:Col. Redrick Mckee 378:Unratified Treaty 303:Discovery doctrine 298: 241:Mariposa Battalion 217: 123:United States Army 2741:High Country News 2635:Indian Reductions 2226: 2225: 1467:Executive Action 1439:Executive Action 1271:Executive Action 1065:Stat. L.,X, 1018 141:High Country News 119: 118: 111: 93: 2910: 2811: 2810: 2808: 2806: 2797: 2788: 2782: 2781: 2779: 2777: 2761: 2752: 2751: 2749: 2747: 2732: 2726: 2725: 2723: 2721: 2705: 2699: 2698: 2696: 2694: 2680: 2617: 2613: 2607: 2603: 2597: 2593: 2587: 2583: 2577: 2573: 2567: 2563: 2557: 2553: 2547: 2543: 2537: 2533: 2527: 2523: 2517: 2513: 2507: 2503: 2497: 2493: 2487: 2483: 2477: 2473: 2467: 2463: 2457: 2453: 2447: 2443: 2437: 2433: 2427: 2420: 2414: 2410: 2404: 2401: 2395: 2392: 2386: 2383: 2377: 2374: 2368: 2365: 2359: 2356: 2350: 2347: 2341: 2338: 2332: 2329: 2323: 2320: 2314: 2311: 2305: 2302: 2296: 2293: 2287: 2284: 2278: 2275: 2269: 2266: 2260: 2257: 2251: 2248: 2242: 2239: 2213:Act of Congress 2185:Executive Order 2154:Act of Congress 2130:Executive Order 2119: 2116: 2095:Executive Order 2069:Executive Order 2058:Mission Indians 2046:Executive Order 2035:Mission Indians 2023:Executive Order 2008:Mission Indians 1996:Executive Order 1982:Mission Indians 1970:Executive Order 1959:Mission Indians 1947:Executive Order 1936:Mission Indians 1923:Executive Order 1897:Executive Order 1886:Mission Indians 1873:Executive Order 1847:Executive Order 1819:Executive Order 1805:Mission Indians 1792:Executive Order 1764:Executive Order 1750:Mission Indians 1737:Executive Order 1707:Executive Order 1679:Executive Order 1655:Executive Order 1628:Executive Order 1604:Executive Order 1577:Executive Order 1550:Executive Order 1522:Executive Order 1495:Executive Order 1427:Mission Indians 1412:Stat. L.xv.223. 1409:Act of Congress 1384:Stat. L.xv.221. 1381:Act of Congress 1296:Act Of Congress 1156:Executive Order 1127:Executive Order 1082:Rogue River Wars 978:Treaty L Tribes 943:Treaty K Tribes 911:Treaty R Tribes 879:Treaty Q Tribes 844:Treaty J Tribes 809:Treaty I Tribes 780:Treaty P Tribes 748:Treaty O Tribes 713:Treaty H Tribes 678:Treaty G Tribes 643:Treaty F Tribes 611:Treaty D Tribes 576:Treaty C Tribes 538:Treaty B Tribes 503:Treaty E Tribes 474:Treaty B Tribes 442:Treaty A Tribes 407:Treaty N Tribes 366:Treaty M Tribes 337: 336: 186:Sierra Mountains 176:that closed the 114: 107: 103: 100: 94: 92: 51: 27: 19: 2918: 2917: 2913: 2912: 2911: 2909: 2908: 2907: 2868: 2867: 2819: 2814: 2804: 2802: 2795: 2789: 2785: 2775: 2773: 2762: 2755: 2745: 2743: 2733: 2729: 2719: 2717: 2706: 2702: 2692: 2690: 2684:"Dr Robert Lee" 2682: 2681: 2677: 2673: 2630:Mission Indians 2626: 2621: 2620: 2614: 2610: 2604: 2600: 2594: 2590: 2584: 2580: 2574: 2570: 2564: 2560: 2554: 2550: 2544: 2540: 2534: 2530: 2524: 2520: 2514: 2510: 2504: 2500: 2494: 2490: 2484: 2480: 2474: 2470: 2464: 2460: 2454: 2450: 2444: 2440: 2434: 2430: 2421: 2417: 2411: 2407: 2402: 2398: 2393: 2389: 2384: 2380: 2375: 2371: 2366: 2362: 2357: 2353: 2348: 2344: 2339: 2335: 2330: 2326: 2321: 2317: 2312: 2308: 2303: 2299: 2294: 2290: 2285: 2281: 2276: 2272: 2267: 2263: 2258: 2254: 2249: 2245: 2240: 2236: 2231: 2111: 320: 283:Mission Indians 260:on May 31, 1852 245:Mariposa Rancho 169: 157: 115: 104: 98: 95: 52: 50: 40: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 2916: 2906: 2905: 2900: 2895: 2890: 2885: 2880: 2866: 2865: 2860: 2855: 2850: 2845: 2840: 2835: 2830: 2825: 2818: 2817:External links 2815: 2813: 2812: 2783: 2753: 2727: 2700: 2674: 2672: 2669: 2668: 2667: 2662: 2657: 2652: 2647: 2642: 2637: 2632: 2625: 2622: 2619: 2618: 2608: 2598: 2588: 2578: 2568: 2558: 2548: 2538: 2528: 2518: 2508: 2498: 2488: 2478: 2468: 2458: 2448: 2438: 2428: 2415: 2405: 2396: 2387: 2378: 2369: 2360: 2351: 2342: 2333: 2324: 2315: 2306: 2297: 2288: 2279: 2270: 2261: 2252: 2243: 2233: 2232: 2230: 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Retrieved 2799: 2786: 2774:. Retrieved 2769: 2744:. Retrieved 2730: 2718:. Retrieved 2714:Public Books 2713: 2703: 2691:. Retrieved 2687: 2678: 2611: 2601: 2591: 2581: 2571: 2561: 2551: 2541: 2531: 2521: 2511: 2501: 2491: 2481: 2471: 2461: 2451: 2441: 2431: 2418: 2408: 2399: 2390: 2381: 2372: 2363: 2354: 2345: 2336: 2327: 2318: 2309: 2300: 2291: 2282: 2273: 2264: 2255: 2246: 2237: 2161: 1779:Morongo Band 1713: 1416: 1071: 1051: 1040:Reservation 1003: 994: 968: 959: 933: 927: 901: 895: 869: 860: 834: 825: 796: 770: 764: 738: 729: 703: 694: 668: 659: 633: 627: 601: 598: 592: 582:282 283 284 566: 563: 554: 544:277 278 279 528: 519: 490: 464: 458: 432: 423: 398: 382: 332: 321: 313: 310: 307: 299: 287: 272: 253: 237:John Frémont 234: 218: 190: 170: 158: 140: 138: 131: 120: 105: 96: 86: 79: 72: 65: 53: 41:Please help 36:verification 33: 2805:25 December 2776:23 December 2176:10-16-1891 2112: [ 2109:Amah Mutsun 1984:Barona Band 1620:12-27-1875 1425:Pala Valley 1235:11-19-1859 1226:Mono people 1118:11-16-1855 2872:Categories 2671:References 2204:6-17-1892 2146:1-12-1891 2087:3-14-1887 2061:1-29-1887 2038:3-22-1886 2015:1-25-1886 1988:6-19-1883 1939:7-24-1882 1915:6-27-1882 1865:1-17-1880 1833:Tule River 1811:9-29-1877 1783:8-25-1877 1728:7-26-1876 1698:6-23-1876 1671:5-15-1876 1646:5-15-1876 1595:5-18-1875 1568:3-23-1874 1541:10-3-1873 1536:Tule river 1481:Tule river 1458:3-30-1870 1430:1-31-1870 1400:7-27-1868 1372:7-27-1868 1344:7-10-1865 1316:8-21-1864 1262:10-1-1863 1147:5-22-1856 1056:9-10-1853 1038:Tejon Pass 914:11-4-1851 882:10-6-1851 847:9-18-1851 783:8-22-1851 751:8-20-1851 716:8-16-1851 646:7-18-1851 614:6-10-1851 541:5-30-1851 506:5-28-1851 477:5-13-1851 445:5-13-1851 410:4-29-1851 369:3-19-1851 355:Authority 352:Reference 305:decision. 205:commission 69:newspapers 2665:Genízaros 2403:Dieguenos 2207:Ca-2 400 2122:5-6-1889 1962:2-5-1883 1889:3-9-1881 1841:Ca-2 607 1838:8-3-1878 1786:Ca-2 825 1756:5-3-1877 1701:Ca-2 461 1649:Ca-2 593 1598:Ca-2 583 1571:Ca-2 562 1516:Ca-2 583 1513:4-8-1873 1489:Ca-2 607 1486:1-9-1873 1455:expanded 1403:Ca-2 522 1375:Ca-2 521 1347:Ca-2 473 1319:Ca-2 461 1288:4-8-1864 1265:Ca-2 444 1238:Ca-2 423 1200:9-4-1856 1177:Ca-2 402 1150:Ca-2 522 1121:Ca-2 400 1098:Ca-2 331 1095:9-1-1854 1090:Nome Cult 1059:Ca-2 312 1022:Ca-2 311 981:1-7-1852 946:1-5-1852 812:9-9-1851 681:8-1-1851 579:6-3-1851 273:The U.S. 99:July 2020 2624:See also 2115:Wikidata 2083:Cahuilla 2010:Pechanga 1911:Pechanga 1544:547 607 1257:Shoshone 1032:EF Beale 984:309 310 949:307 308 917:305 306 885:303 304 850:301 302 815:298 299 754:295 296 719:293 294 684:290 291 649:287 288 617:285 286 509:280 281 372:273 274 2746:12 July 2720:12 July 2693:12 July 2466:Indians 2173:et al. 1695:et al. 1369:Closed 1144:et al. 1114:Klamath 1019:9-1853 167:History 83:scholar 2596:1870.) 2012:Tribe 1564:Paiute 1340:Washoe 1222:Yokuts 346:Map # 340:Tribe 85:  78:  71:  64:  56:  2796:(PDF) 2576:547.) 2526:1869. 2229:Notes 2171:Hoopa 2118:] 1230:Miwok 1174:1856 1014:Tejon 349:Page 343:Date 90:JSTOR 76:books 2807:2017 2778:2017 2748:2023 2722:2023 2695:2023 2210:944 2182:942 2151:938 2127:934 2092:924 2066:924 2043:918 2020:918 1993:912 1967:910 1944:908 1920:906 1894:902 1870:898 1844:892 1816:892 1789:890 1761:890 1734:886 1704:886 1693:Hupa 1676:886 1652:886 1625:884 1601:880 1574:872 1547:864 1519:862 1492:860 1464:852 1436:852 1406:850 1378:850 1350:836 1322:832 1311:Hupa 1293:830 1268:828 1241:822 1206:816 1180:814 1153:816 1124:794 1101:794 1062:788 1025:788 987:788 952:788 920:788 888:788 853:786 818:786 789:784 786:297 757:784 722:784 687:784 652:784 620:782 585:782 547:782 512:782 483:782 480:276 451:782 448:276 416:782 413:275 375:780 62:news 45:by 2874:: 2798:. 2768:. 2756:^ 2712:. 2686:. 1228:, 151:. 2809:. 2780:. 2750:. 2724:. 2697:. 112:) 106:( 101:) 97:( 87:· 80:· 73:· 66:· 39:.


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"California Indian Reservations and Cessions"
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United States Army
Bureau of American Ethnology
Indian Land Cessions in the United States (book)
land-grant universities
Morill Land-Grant Act of 1862
Bureau of American Ethnology
1833 Secularization Act
Spanish era's Catholic Missions
Ranchos of California
Sierra Mountains
Public Land Commission
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Ranchos of California

California Genocide
Indian Protection Act
finance dozens of state militias
John Frémont

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