
Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto

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2931:, heading towards Sunpu Castle. During this distraction, the troupe make their way inside to search for the room containing Katsu and Saigo, who continue to argue against their will, much to Jubei's amusement. Meanwhile, Sotetsu finds his way in Sunpu Castle inside a distant room, preparing the clay pot for unknown reasons. Once Yojiro finds and fights Kanna, Yojiro makes use of candles and walls from the hallways as an advantage against Kanna. When Yojiro finally pins down Kanna, smoke begins to arise, prompting Yojiro to leave. The Head of the Conqueror influences Katsu and Saigo into a duel with swords, but the smoke engulfs the spirit of the Head of the Conqueror back into the clay pot, reverting Katsu and Saigo back to normal. After the troupe assemble, Sotetsu stabs Meifu before escaping with the clay pot. Jubei is stabbed by Ebisu and shot by Kanna. Before rowing off with the clay pot, Sotetsu releases ghost warriors at Yojiro to protect the Head of the Conqueror from being sealed. Katsu and Saigo agree to not turn Edo into a sea of fire. 3939:
wants the Eternal Assassin destroyed. As Kakunojo prepares to stab Yojiro with her sword, he grasp onto it and takes it away, finally undoing their curse and releasing the Head of the Conqueror from Enomoto. However, Sotetsu summons the Head of the Conqueror to be his new vessel. While the five old sorcerers continue wreaking havoc upon the earth, Yojiro fights Sotetsu. After Yojiro stabs Sotetsu, the Head of the Conqueror is released, allowing Yojiro the opportunity to finally seal it. Sotetsu dies after saying that Yojiro is as strong-willed as Ryoma. On May 18, second year of Meiji, Goryōkaku falls and the Boshin War ends. Two months later, Yojiro and Kakunojo leave their Moon Tear Swords inside Lord Shoten's shrine. The Yuyama Troupe resume performing, as Kakunojo says farewell to Yojiro, who is going away on business while thinking about Ryoma's vision of world exploration.
571:, when she was still a young child, and was saved from death in the same incident by the brave actions of her late father's acquaintance Zagashira and apprentice Ebisu. With her home destroyed in the same fire, Kakunojo, along with Zagashira and Ebisu, formed the Yuyama Troupe and visit various regions around the country to seek Hario, in order to exact revenge upon the murder of her parents. Their group was soon joined by Sotetsu, an intelligent playwright, and later by Shiranui and Kakashi, both of whom were attracted to the group's ideals. Her real past is that she was also in the same orphanage as Yojiro but was adopted. Later during the series, she develops strong feelings of love for Yojiro, noting that their destinies are intertwined. Lord Shoten says that the sword that calls to her is the "yang to Yojiro's Moon Tear Sword yin". 3070:
defends himself with his sword and knocks out Okita. Kakunojo officially disbands the troupe, seeing that their revenge is over. At Edo Port, Omura commands the Imperial Army to fire Armstrong breech-loading cannons against the Shougi Army, turning the battle in favor of the Imperial Army. Masumitsu was killed in the battle at just 28 years old, while Omura was assassinated in the following year. Okita asks Yojiro for one final kendo match, but Yojiro steps out to find a doctor when Okita becomes ill again. Just then, the officers arrive to apprehend Okita, but Yojiro comes to the rescue. Okita dies in Yojiro's arms soon after. Oryo crosses paths with Sotetsu, who gives her a box of scripts to deliver to the troupe. This means that the troupe is back in business, and their next stop will be in Edo.
one's sword, but which is stopped with the application of water within its path. He later serves in Yokohama as Kawai's bodyguard, as ordered by Jubei, and is instantly recognized by Ebisu, who moves to inform the rest of the troupe and later traces him to an underground auction held in the Shanghai Club, where Hario had been accompanying Kawai. After witnessing Yojiro's attempt to destroy the Hasha no Kubi, Hario becomes very intrigued with Yojiro and attempts to find and kill him the next day, to the extent of even ignoring his job to protect Kawai and his Gatling guns. Later, Hario is cornered by Yojiro and the Yuyama Troupe in the midst of a sun-brazen wheat field. When they attempt to kill him, a sniper named Magozo, sent by Jubei, attempts to shoot him, and Hario soon dies.
3507:, the allied provinces surrender to the New Government Army. Yojiro and Kakunojo cross swords one last time, as they now have reached an understanding in their destiny of sharing the same path. Yojiro and Kakunojo leave the temple, while Hijikata prepares to meet the new recruits, with Yojiro and Kakunojo among them. Kanna and the elite British soldiers attack Enomoto's fleet, but Enomoto commands his men to fight back. After Rook is stabbed in the chest, Kanna orders the rest of the elite British soldiers to retreat. As Yojiro and Kakunojo arrives on the flagship to confront Enomoto, Yojiro is suddenly stabbed by Kakunojo, since her sword prevents the Head of the Conqueror from being sealed. Yojiro falls overboard, Enomoto celebrates his victory and Kakunojo cries in agony. 2886:
and Zagashira discuss how Sotetsu first helped them reveal the truth through his playwright skills. Meanwhile, Sotetsu purchases a special clay pot and secretly meets with Jubei to discuss matters with the Head of the Conqueror. Tatewaki later finds Sotetsu, interrogating him about the clay pot while they duel with swords. Sotetsu manages to escape by jumping off a bridge and rowing off in a canoe. During the meeting in Sunpu Castle, Katsu convinces Saigo to not enter into war, and they bring out a drink of sake together after reaching an agreement. However, Kanna infiltrates the room and points guns at both Katsu and Saigo. Jubei enters with the Head of the Conqueror and sits in a nearby room, turning Katsu and Saigo against each other.
fight in the ongoing Boshin War. Yojiro later finds Riku's shoe by the shore, deducing that she fell into the ocean, but Mitsu prevents him from diving into the dangerous waters. Enomoto blasts the cannons at Fukuyama Castle despite the snowy weather, allowing Hijikata's men entry inside Karamete Gate. On November 5, first year of Meiji, Fukuyama Castle falls in the hands of Enomoto's fleet. After Mitsu retrieves Riku from the ocean, Mitsu reveals that the ocean waves are consistent, no matter how much she hates them since childhood. Mitsu's husband returns to the village, where he is tearfully greeted by Mitsu and Riku. On November 15, first year of Meiji, the Republic of Ezo is born.
Conqueror at all costs, not knowing Sotetsu planned for the current events to put into place. Meanwhile, Kanna confronts Parkes, since Parkes had the elite British soldiers attempt to bomb Kanna, who tried to retrieve the Head of Conqueror from the sea. However, Kanna stands down after learning that the order came from the queen of England. Kanna joins the elite British soldiers, who find him oddly different since he prefers guns as his weapons. Kakunojo leaves the troupe to find Yojiro, much to the worry of Kobako and Benimaru. Suspicious that Sotetsu is plotting something, Brunet has his men surround Sotetsu with swords. Sotetsu calmly states that he desires a
military fortress, the Yuguntai lead an attack on Goryōkaku. At the base, Enomoto, Hijikata and Brunet lead a counterattack on horseback, while Sotetsu heads to Hakodate Hospital and takes Kakunojo with him to the battlefield. Upon arriving, Yojiro senses the Head of the Conqueror within Enomoto, but Kakunojo blocks Yojiro as they cross swords, scaring away the Yuguntai. Sotetsu entrusts Kakunojo to protect Enomoto in rebuilding the republic, something Yojiro has yet to understand. While Kakunojo gives a performance to express her dedication in rebuilding the republic, Enomoto gives a speech to encourage the crowd to join them in their cause.
seeing that the crowd is more like a mob. Kanna, who is barely living, sits on a chair next to the stage, while looking at a locket containing a picture of his mother. At a cemetery, Shiranui and Kotoha give a letter to Okoma to deliver to Katsu. As Otori has already taken measures, Okoma is attacked by one of Enomoto's subordinates at a pier, while Shiranui and Kotoha are ambushed by two of Enomoto's subordinates at a restaurant. While Okoma kills her opponent, Kotoha is gravely injured by hers, prompting Shiranui to slaughter them in anger. After the fortress of
orphans. Kanna and the elite British soldiers then decide to go after Enomoto. Meanwhile, Enomoto, Sotetsu and Hijikata go to a secret dungeon under the base, where Sotetsu tells Hijikata that Enomoto has been possessed by the Head of the Conqueror, which will guarantee victory for Goryōkaku. One by one, the elite British soldiers attack Hijikata and Sotetsu, but Queen retreats and both Bishop and Knight are killed. When Kanna shoots his gun at Enomoto, the bullet ricochets to the wall. Queen attempts to use her
the Head of the Conqueror was once sealed in the past. As Yojiro is outmatched against ghost warriors, Kakunojo finally traces Yojiro to the underground shrine. She becomes drawn to a second Moon Tear Sword left at the altar and grasps it, causing light to emit from Yojiro's sword. This allows Yojiro to cut through the ghost warriors. After Yojiro then destroys the helmet left at the altar, he and Kakunojo make their escape as the shrine is destroyed from the inside. Kakunojo decides to join Yojiro in his path.
delivery. At night, Benimaru delivers a letter to Yojiro, requesting him to see Katsu, who is unsure whether or not the earthquake is a good sign during a time of political negotiations. After hearing about the second performance concerning Hario's involvement in the Ansei Purges, Jubei plans to stop the troupe from going any further. On the following day, the troupe prepare for their third performance, where they reveal the scene when Hario was sniped. Yojiro finds Magozo above stage, but Magozo uses a
their armed forces back from Edo, which might be blindly leaping them into a viper's nest. Parkes accidentally bumps into a grumpy samurai, but Kotoha manages to dissolve the situation. When the troupe come to give an outstanding performance at the Ushioza, Kakunojo is surprised to learn that Kotoha received an anonymous tip for the venue despite her generous invite. The performance is soon interrupted by Kurota, Kaen and Gensai, who all have a desire to kill. As most of the crowd evacuates,
ghost warriors through the fog while he trains outside a shrine, but the sunlight causes them to vanish. Enomoto prepares to set sail for the Nagaoka Province in order to assist Kawai in the ongoing Boshin War. After the troupe rehearse, the ghost warriors reappear. Yojiro arrives to protect the troupe, saying that the ghost warriors are weak against fire and urging the troupe to grab torches. After the ghost warriors vanish, Yojiro says that the ghost warriors are gone, but not killed.
2111:, who is the most famed and influential of the Sekkakurō, a pleasure house located in the Yukaku, Yokohama's pleasure quarters. She rivals the famous Yokohama oiran of the time, Kiyu from Gankurō. Her influential clientele include Katsu and Parkes. Kotoha is also a staunch supporter of the Yuyama Troupe, and during a discussion with Sotetsu, arranged for the group to perform during a night at the Sekkakurō. She later works as a waitress at Hakodate, much to Shiranui's surprise. 5892: 3851:
leave by Sotetsu and Enomoto. Hijikata gives Tetsunosuke a letter to deliver to Katsu, then Tetsunosuke says farewell to Kakunojo before embarking on his journey. On May 11, second year of Meiji, a battle has begun between the New Government Army and the Yuguntai at Bentenai Pier. Enomoto and Kakunojo transform Goryōkaku into an iron wall fortress. At Ippongi Gate, Hijikata kills many New Government Army soldiers, but Kanna shoots Hijikata to death.
after the clay pot was destroyed, but Kakunojo finds him, saying that the scenery outside is beautiful. Although Yojiro believes that Kakunojo should not share his path, Kakunojo believes that they have already been on the same path since their first encounter. A desperate Kakunojo retrieves her sword from the temple and challenges Yojiro to a duel in hopes of reaching an understanding. Meanwhile, the elite British soldiers sneak abroad the
36: 3383:. The former Shogunate Forces withdraw to Aizuwakamatsu Castle due to the New Government Army's fierce attack. Meanwhile, Yojiro takes Kakunojo to a private room to recuperate, following an incident when she fainted in the forest. Yojiro and Kakunojo head to a creek, where they rescue Sonosuke Goto from some New Government Army soldiers. After arriving, Hijikata is told by Yojiro that Okita is now dead. Despite Hijikata saying that 3238:, the elite British soldiers, bomb the pier, prompting Yojiro to protect Kakunojo. Ebisu chains Jubei to a canoe, and both are bombed as a result. At the same time, Kanna reaches for the Head of the Conqueror in the sea, but Yojiro destroys the clay pot. The soul of Lord Awa is released and chooses Enomoto as its new vessel. Enomoto prepares the former Shogunate Fleet to set sail to the north. 3804:, but Enomoto is able to quickly dodge before the arrows reach him. As Queen runs away in fear, Enomoto approaches Kanna, reminding him how his mother abandoned him. Enomoto then tells Kanna to fire a bullet at Queen, who then dies. Kanna cries as the ground rises to the surface, where Kakunojo prevents Kanna from shooting himself in the head, and he kisses her foot in repentance. 506:, a supernatural object said to appear during times of unrest and revolution. He was once a close confidante, friend and bodyguard of the late Ryoma, whose assassination he failed to prevent and which continues to haunt him to the current day. During the midst of his quest to destroy the Head of the Conqueror, he visits 407:
comes across a traveling theater group who is out for revenge for the killing of the parents of the group's leader, and whose mysterious playwright likes to secretly help along events of history. Yojiro joins them to lend them his skill against their enemies, while dark conspiracy continues to follow behind him.
3503:, but are unable to defeat Enomoto. Luckily, Kanna arrives to save them, but he is unable to pull the trigger on Enomoto. Yojiro senses the presence of the Head of the Conqueror from afar, while Hijikata signs his name on Sotetsu's unofficial list of fleet members before leaving. On September 15, first year of 3757:
as bait to kidnap Hijikata, who instead put a stop to this plan despite his badly injured comrades. At Hakodate Port, Yojiro parts ways with Hijikata and travels towards Goryōkaku by foot. Meanwhile, Shiranui is surprised when Kotoha is doing business in Ezo. At the north gate in the former Shogunate
in front of the guests, inviting Kakunojo to participate in dance. Okoma gives Yojiro a letter written by Lord Shoten, urging Yojiro to run off without telling Kakunojo. Under a red shining star at night, Yojiro finds a secret cave hidden inside a waterfall, which leads to an underground shrine where
The troupe advertise their second performance taking place at night. Meanwhile, Enomoto chooses to wait at sea while the war in the north is still ongoing. Yojiro decides to join the play as the Eternal Assassin, since he is after the Head of the Conqueror. At Fort Shinagawa, Jubei demands Sotetsu to
The troupe begin their first performance inside the theater, revealing that the Moon Tear Sword was forged to seal the Head of the Conqueror. In a flashback, when Yojiro was diverted away from an inn, Ryoma was attacked by Shinta, but Ryoma managed to kill Shinta before passing away himself. Kakunojo
One of three traveling geishas who encounters Yojiro and Kakunojo at the Utsunomiya Inn, where she secretly gives Yojiro a letter written by Lord Shoten, leading Yojiro to an underground shrine hidden behind a waterfall where the second Moon Tear Sword is guarded by the ghost warriors. Okoma is later
Shinsengumi's vice-commander. In the past, there was friendship with Yojiro in Kyoto, and they meet again during the Battle of Aizu. He joined the fleet after Sotetsu's cunning convincing in order to lead the ranks to take over Japan. Although he showed his success in the Battle of Shinkansen, he was
being in its final years, and war fast approaching. When Yojiro Akizuki, a dark and mysterious mercenary, nears something supernatural with some kind of importance to him, the ornament on the end of his sword hilt waves in its direction, his eyes glow mysteriously, and he is driven to go after it. He
leads an uprising to kill all merchants making money off the republic. Enomoto's subordinates withdraw when Yojiro shows up to save a girl from being killed outside a burning building. After witnessing Otori's rebellion, Hijikata confronts the Head of the Conqueror within Enomoto, only to be told to
to the northern lands, await their next plan of action. Two weeks before the assault on Matsumae, Yojiro is washed up at the shore of Mutsu Iwaji Village in Mutsunokuni, where he is being nurtured by Mitsu and her daughter Riku. Mitsu tells Yojiro that she decided to hate her husband for choosing to
prepares to give her some medicine to calm down. On October 20, first year of Meiji, Enomoto's fleet lands at Ezo Uchura Bay in Washinoki, dividing into two line squads into Hakodate and Goryōkaku. By the time they reached Hakodate, governor Kinnaru Shimizudani already fled from Goryōkaku. Enomoto's
with representatives of the alliance provinces, who are on the verge of dissolution due to the attacks by the New Government Army. Sotetsu is impressed when Hijikata scolds the other representatives for surrendering so easily. Yojiro remembers when Enomoto was first possessed by the soul of Lord Awa
Enomoto tells Brunet and his men that they may face death as they are headed to the north. Kawai died in the line of battle just as Enomoto's fleet left Shinagawa. The troupe hold a funeral for Ebisu, while Yojiro thinks back to when he first told Sotetsu about his mission of sealing the Head of the
begins throughout early morning at the Kuro Gate, Omura is confident that a secret weapon will be delivered from Yokohama Port soon. Oryo leaves Yokohama, not long before realizing that Kakunojo has feelings for Yojiro. Meanwhile, Yojiro catches up to Okita, who then draws his sword. However, Yojiro
and Katsu became reality. Although their play of revenge was successful, the troupe become upset with the timing of Kanna during their last performance, especially when they revealed the truth behind Jubei. With Sotetsu at the Village of Koma without the troupe's knowledge, Kakunojo, Shiranui, Ebisu
Jubei plans to show something to Kanna, who made an unexpectedly arrival and is eager to shoot. Meanwhile, the troupe advertise and prepare for the last performance of their series. In the dungeon where Meifu continues to chant incantations, Jubei reveals to Kanna that Yojiro possesses the Moon Tear
to defend himself and escape backstage. Before Magozo can reach Kakunojo and get a clear shot, the police show up to interrupt the performance. However, as Magozo recklessly charges at Kakunojo, Yojiro stabs Magozo through the chest. When Magozo attempts to fire at smoke bombs that he planted on the
One of two messengers sent to deliver a secret letter to form an alliance with the emperor, but are halted by Sotetsu on their way to Sunpu Castle. A sudden earthquake caused this letter to be undelivered, thus a stalemate to an era. He, along with Yamaoka, are later sent to deliver a message to not
Lord Shoten's caretaker and Yojiro's former mentor. He is the first to send Yojiro on a mission to seal the Head of the Conqueror after Yojiro released its spirit while at the Shanghai Club. He also sensed that Sotetsu bought the clay pot for an ulterior motive. He attempted to duel against Sotetsu,
the latter bought during the same auction. Jubei seemed to know about the Ansei Purges, and was well acquainted with British merchant Glover, from whom he acquires his weapons. His death occurred when the Yuyama Troupe performed at the pier of Fort Shinagawa, while he was chained to a canoe by Ebisu
A mysterious Yokohama merchant formerly known as Sennosuke Kuroiwa, Jubei was presumed to be dead after the fire at his company headquarters the Bronze Palace in 1861. Jubei mysteriously reappeared in 1868 in a secret auction inside the Shanghai Club trying to sell the Head of the Conqueror. He sent
The rest of the troupe are relieved that Kotoha will be fine after she gets some rest. Yojiro, who is still alive, enters Goryōkaku, where he faces Kakunojo in a fruitless struggle of a duel, while Sotetsu watches nearby. Meanwhile, Enomoto has an internal battle with the Head of the Conqueror, who
after the Nagaoka Province has fallen. At the Takanawa Reception Area, Parkes is responsible for Kanna now guarding Jubei. Kanna later finds Sotetsu at Edo Port, where Kanna shoots at Sotetsu when the latter ignores the former. Yojiro shortly arrives and realizes that Sotetsu might be influenced by
Magozo fires at smoke bombs in order to make his escape. Yojiro departs before Benimaru and Kobako can properly thank him for saving Kakunojo. On the next day, while the troupe give their first performance of when Hario is introduced, Yojiro tells Sotetsu that the troupe are rather stiff with their
A resident doctor aboard the fleet who first saved Kakunojo from a traumatic state when Yojiro first confronted Enomoto and she accidentally knocked Yojiro into the sea, though Yojiro later survived that incident. Ryoun later assists Kakunojo and Tetsunosuke at Hakodate Hospital when the fleet took
A swordsman who murdered Kakunojo's parents and attempted to kill her, whose face was forever to be remembered by Ebisu. Hario is a bearer of the ancient earth-splitting sword technique, which attempts to create a continuous fissure within the earth's surface as a result of the vertical movement of
An actor of the Yuyama Troupe under the stage name Seijūrō Yuyama, Shiranui joined the group after one of Sotetsu's plays saved him from being executed. He slept with a policeman's wife. The police killed his wife and framed him for murder. He enjoys visiting the red-light district and has feelings
group, and its leader Kakunojo. While in the city, Yojiro senses the aura of the Head of the Conqueror within an auction held in the Shanghai Club, soon breaking through its confines in attempting to cut it in half. However, even if its head appeared to have been cut, the spirit of the elusive Head
After Hijikata's death, Yojiro challenges Kanna to a duel to the death to settle matters, sending them both off a cliff into the sea below. At night at the base, the sky rains red as Kakunojo gives hope for the crowd. Brunet leaves after realizing that Sotetsu is not planning a revolution anymore,
At the Tamoto Photograph House, Hijikata requests Yojiro to entrust him with slaying the Head of the Conqueror. On April 9, second year of Meiji, the New Government Army lands at Otobe, splitting into three groups and claiming victory over Kikonai and Matsumae. However, on April 13, second year of
to join his cause in rebuilding the Tokugawa family. Enomoto takes Sotetsu to see Jubei, who is still alive, and Kanna is there as Jubei's bodyguard. With the theater nearly complete, the troupe find out from the scripts that there is an Eternal Assassin as a role. Meanwhile, Yojiro is attacked by
suddenly appear, causing the crowd to quickly leave. Yojiro slashes Kurota, Kaen and Gensai, while Kanna briefly arrives to shoot Kurota when he attempts to reawaken. In the aftermath, Yamaoka and Masumitsu are sent to deliver a message to not make Edo a battlefield, but they arrive there too late.
binds Kurota, Kaen and Gensai in chains and controls them using the Head of the Conqueror. Meanwhile, Katsu visits Kotoha, as they talk about how impressive the troupe's performances have been thus far. Once Kotoha leaves, Katsu tells his men that he wants to solicit the English to help them drive
One of two messengers sent to deliver a secret letter to form an alliance with the emperor, but are halted by Sotetsu on their way to Sunpu Castle. A sudden earthquake caused this letter to be undelivered, thus a stalemate to an era. He, along with Masumitsu, are later sent to deliver a message to
The chief of staff of the Shogun's Edo army and a native of Edo city. He was working desperately to avoid bloodshed in Edo. With support from the British and French representatives, he arranged a meeting with Takamori in Edo to negotiate for peace on behalf of the Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu. He was
travel to Hakodate Port. The four reunite with Sotetsu, who tells them that Kakunojo is in town. Later, members of the Yuguntai show up outside Hakodate Hospital with the intention of ambushing Hijikata, who is currently at the base with Enomoto, Sotetsu and Brunet discussing their plan to attack
Forces, Sonosuke plans to go there. However, Kakunojo suggests that the four of them should travel together. At Yonezawa, Sonosuke runs off after saying that his sister is married. Yojiro and Hijikata create a distraction by pretending to duel, attracting nearby soldiers to watch. Sonosuke has no
One of the actors of the Yuyama Troupe, Ebisu was an apprentice of Kakunojo's household, who had treated him very well. When the household was being burnt and Kakunojo's parents were murdered before his very eyes by Hario as part of the Ansei Purges, Ebisu attempted to protect Kakunojo, and while
Parkes relieves Kanna, Knight, Queen and Bishop from their current mission, calling them pathetic soldiers and ripping off their embroidered patches. While traveling on a ship with Kanna and the other elite British soldiers, Queen mourns the loss of Rook, revealed to be her brother growing up as
as his bodyguard. At night, a parade is held. Kakunojo advertises a play of revenge which will start the next day at the Stone Crane Mansion, while the rest of the troupe hand out flyers. Before Magozo can target Kakunojo in the crowd, Yojiro intercepts and chases after him. When the rest of the
to take care of Kakunojo, much to Tetsunosuke's dismay. The next day, Kakunojo stops herself from throwing her sword into the sea when Sotetsu tells her that Yojiro is still alive. While Shiranui finds Kotoha working as a waitress at the local restaurant, Kakashi, Zagashira, Kobako and Benimaru
Ryoma's lover and Yojiro's friend. She was aware of the Head of the Conqueror always wandering around Ryoma when Yojiro was asked to be Ryoma's bodyguard. At the time that the Yuyama Troupe was disbanded, Oryo crosses paths with Sotetsu while leaving Yokohama. She gives a box of scripts to the
masked samurais confine all the tayūs and customers inside the Ushioza. The tayūs and customers escape when the British soldiers show up to gun down the samurais, who set fire to the Ushioza. The performance unveils that Jubei was presumed dead during the Ansei Purges. Kurota, Kaen and Gensai
A sorcerer who worked for Jubei, Meifu was first seen in a dungeon as he uses the Head of the Conqueror to control Kurota, Kaen and Gensai in many attempts to kill Yojiro and obtain the Moon Tear Sword. He is killed by Sotetsu at Sunpu Castle, following a failed attempt to use the Head of the
first squad captain. He has a past with meeting Yojiro at the Sato Dojo when they were younger, but in the end he is held in Yojiro's arm due to gradual illness, leaving his will to Hijikata and taking his final breath. In historical fact, Okita leaves the world without knowing the death of
One of three highly-skilled samurais who were summoned by Jubei then controlled by Meifu using the Head of the Conqueror in many attempts to kill Yojiro and obtain the Moon Tear Sword. He is ultimately slashed by Yojiro at the Stone Crane Mansion, but then shot by Kanna when he attempts to
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struggles to fight back, but proves to be too weak. After Yojiro and Sotetsu are surrounded by Kurota, Kaen and Gensai inside the Ushioza, Parkes summons his British soldiers to rehearse a march outside for the crowd, causing Kurota, Kaen and Gensai to retreat from hearing the
2485:. A sudden earthquake caused this letter to be undelivered, thus a stalemate to an era. The Yokohama Foreign Merchant Area opened up to the world in a time of economic expansion in 1853, in which the Japanese lived in the west and the foreigners lived in the east. 520: 3024:, on November 15, third year of Keiō, this presence went somewhere else, diverting Yojiro away while Ryoma was killed by an unknown assailant. Before dawn, on May 15, fourth year of Keiō, Yojiro chases after Okita, who is walking straight into a battlefield. 2562:
Yojiro wakes up in the Yuyama Theater, where he is interrogated by the troupe for his interference, but he leaves in silence. Hario finds and follows Yojiro to a shrine. After realizing that Hario can perform an earth-splitting sword technique, Yojiro uses
3704:, Kuroda gives the signal for his soldiers to attack in betrayal. During the crossfire, Kuroda remembers when Saigo told him to transport Yojiro to Ezo unharmed. On March 26, second year of Meiji, Yojiro and Hijikata reunite as they return to Hakodate. 752:
Zagashira simply means the head of the troop. His real name remains unknown. The manager of the Yuyama Troupe, Zagashira looks after the group's accounts. He used to work for Kakunojo's father. Zagashira saved Kakunojo from the fire that destroyed her
On August, fourth year of Keiō, ten days after, Edo is renamed "Tokyo". The troupe arrive at Edo Port, where they are greeted by Kotoha and Tatsugoro. At Shinagawa, the troupe take a break from constructing a theater. Meanwhile, Sotetsu meets with
1629:. He is possessed by the soul of Lord Awa inside the clay pot housing the Head of the Conqueror, during a play performed by the Yuyama Troupe taking place at Fort Shinagawa. Under the influence of the Head of the Conqueror, Enomoto establishes the 617:. He works secretly to attain Lord Shoten's Head of the Conqueror, manipulating events behind the scenes, and is in business with the infamous Jubei early on in the story. He later joins Enomoto in rebuilding the republic to further his own plan. 515:
of the Conqueror was not destroyed and still remains, with Yojiro continuing in his quest to find and destroy it. Occasionally, Yojiro acts as the personal bodyguard to the Yuyama Troupe. He is shown to have some feelings of love for Kakunojo.
type. He seems to harbor passionate and confused feelings for Kakunojo, who reminds him of his beautiful Japanese mother, whose desertion haunts him. He later becomes an elite British soldier, tasked with the dangerous mission to eliminate
2588:. Elsewhere, Sotetsu takes Kawai to carry the remaining Gatling gun onto a cargo ship, in order to ensure the armed neutrality between the Shogunate and Imperial forces that was maintained by the Nagaoka clan. Jubei later tells Magozo and 1471:
One of three highly-skilled samurais who were summoned by Jubei then controlled by Meifu using the Head of the Conqueror in many attempts to kill Yojiro and obtain the Moon Tear Sword. He is ultimately slashed by Yojiro at the Stone Crane
One of three highly-skilled samurais who were summoned by Jubei then controlled by Meifu using the Head of the Conqueror in many attempts to kill Yojiro and obtain the Moon Tear Sword. He is ultimately slashed by Yojiro at the Stone Crane
in North East Japan, Kawai arrives in Yokohama to purchase two Gatling guns in order to ensure the armed neutrality between the Shogunate and Imperial forces that was maintained by the Nagaoka clan. During the Boshin War, Kawai fled to
the Head of the Conqueror. As the ghost warriors return, Kanna protects Kakunojo when she also arrives. Sotetsu lights a match to make the ghost warriors disappear, and he departs to write another script based on how the others acted.
after the Republic of Ezo conquered Goryōkaku. Three months earlier, Shiranui, Kakashi and Zagashira are surprised when Kobako and Benimaru find bullets at Hakodate Port, hinting that Ezo might soon turn into a battlefield. At
tells Yojiro that the Head of the Conqueror has been wandering around Ryoma and waiting to possess him, something that Oryo knew about. Yojiro blames himself for Ryoma's death, which is why he is choosing his own path. On the
One of four original elite British soldiers. She is the orphaned sister of Rook. Her preferred weapon is the crossbow. She was killed when Enomoto convinced Kanna to shoot her during the raid in the dungeon of the Goryōkaku
visits Katsu and Kotoha, who encourage Tatsugoro to watch the upcoming performance, hinting that politics can have an opposite side to a story. Later, while the performance commences in the Stone Crane Mansion, a group of
The head of the British mission in Yokohama. He arranges for Kanna to be the bodyguard of Katsu first and Jubei later. He then arranges for Kanna to join the elite British soldiers in the dangerous mission to eliminate
3329:, one of three traveling geishas passing by, lends Kakunojo a replacement sandal before they depart. Yojiro and Kakunojo stay at the Utsunomiya Inn, where they run into the three geishas. The three perform on their 3458:, but Enomoto scares them away with cannons. Hijikata confronts Sotetsu during this time when Sotetsu states that Tokugawa will fall, but Hijikata agrees to join the fleet after hearing the cannons in the distance. 3897:
fell, the Yuguntai rallied together and collaborated with the New Government Army, as they closed in on Goryōkaku. However, the five old sorcerers cause destruction upon the land and sea surrounding Goryōkaku.
hand over the Head of the Conqueror, while Kanna points a gun at Sotetsu. During the second performance, the troupe debut Yojiro as the Eternal Assassin. Yojiro tears down the upper stage, which leads to the
Minister of the Army. He leads an uprising to kill all merchants making money off the republic. He later sends Enomoto's subordinates to attack Okoma at a pier and ambush Shiranui and Kotoha at a restaurant.
to households, which explains why Zagashira first started an adventuring kabuki group. Yojiro destroys one of the Gatling guns after Hario uses it to shoot down the area. Hario goes after Yojiro into a
A French army officer who joined the fleet in support of Sotetsu's ideals of a revolution. Following the birth of the Republic of Ezo, he leaves the fleet when the crowd of people start behaving like a
386:. The series follows Yojiro Akizuki, the bearer of the legendary Moon Tear Sword, who is on a mission to seal a supernatural object known as the Head of the Conqueror, which has now appeared during the 1903:, Kanna was tasked with being the bodyguard of Katsu, as part of a request from Parkes, the head of British mission in Yokohama, and is an extremely talented fighter, armed with two guns, each of the 2197:
not make Edo a battlefield, but they arrive there too late. It is thanks to their desperate action that the meeting between Saigo and Katsu became reality. Yamaoka survived during the Battle of Ueno.
3012:. In Edo, on April 30, fourth year of Keiō, Katsu visits Tatsugoro, who states that there will be bloodshed no matter what happens. Okita recuperates under Yojiro's care at Uekiya Heigoro's home in 2024:
One of four original elite British soldiers. He is the largest of the group. His preferred weapons are smoke grenades. He was killed by Sotetsu during the raid in the dungeon of the Goryōkaku base.
1798:. He was ordered by Hijikata to take care of Kakunojo while at Hakodate Hospital. He escapes from Hakodate heading toward Hino, the hometown of Hijikata to deliver his master's photo and letter. 2234:
make Edo a battlefield, but they arrive there too late. It is thanks to their desperate action that the meeting between Saigo and Katsu became reality. Masumitsu died during the Battle of Ueno.
of Fort Shinagawa. Yojiro charges at Kanna into the sea, which allows time for Jubei to activate the ghost warriors from the Head of the Conqueror to attack the troupe. Just then, Parkes has
realizes that there is an opposite side of the story, just as Sotetsu mentions. As news of this performance reaches Jubei, he plans to end this performance before any secrets get out. After
One of four original elite British soldiers. He is the oldest of the group. His preferred weapon is the staff. He was killed by Hijikata during the raid in the dungeon of the Goryōkaku base.
to escape the blow. Yojiro returns to the troupe to request his service as their bodyguard. At night, Hario guards the Gatling guns that are being transported through a forest. Meanwhile,
4527: 2064:
One of four original elite British soldiers. He is the orphaned brother of Queen. His preferred weapons are throwing knives. He was killed by two of Enomoto's men during an attack on the
3684:. As the officials of the republic believe this to be a trap set by Kuroda, Hijikata takes the risk and sets sail. On March 25, second year of Meiji, Yojiro and Kuroda are onboard the 3284:, something Brunet also desires. Off the coast of Shinagawa, Kanna and the elite British soldiers infiltrate and commandeer a French naval supply ship, as they also head to the north. 2489:
breaks up a fight between pairs of gunmen and swordsmen in the streets. He is introduced to the Yuyama Troupe, an adventuring kabuki group, who show appreciation for him rescuing
4440: 3846:
Meiji, Hijikata leads an invincible charge at Futamataguchi against the last group. While the rest of the troupe are concerned with Kakunojo's views on rebuilding the republic,
One of the child actors of the Yuyama Troupe, Benimaru, along with Kobako, was saved by Yojiro from a near fatal incident, and are both grateful to him for saving their lives.
One of the child actors of the Yuyama Troupe, Kobako, along with Benimaru, was saved by Yojiro from a near fatal incident, and are both grateful to him for saving their lives.
53: 1102:
The famous tactician who first met with Saigo to discuss the attack on Ueno. He was assassinated a year after the Battle of Ueno was won by the Imperial Army with the use of
2645:. Tatewaki is made aware that Yojiro cut the Head of the Conqueror, but failed to eradicate its spirit. It is now up to Yojiro to seal the Head of the Conqueror. After 4445: 3375:
The ongoing Boshin War intensifies as the New Government Army defeats many allied provinces in order to reach the border of Aizu. On August 21, fourth year of Keiō,
shot to death by Kanna because he turned the banner against the Head of the Conqueror. In historical fact, it is believed he died after striking a stray bullet.
100: 1158:
to the Republic of Ezo. Also, he had to transport Yojiro to Ezo unharmed as a favor from Saigo. Due to the failure in his attempt, he and his men lost in the
72: 1326:
A Scottish arms merchant and industrialist based in Nagasaki. He works closely with Jubei and often supplies him weapons, including Magozo's sniping rifle.
formerly the Navy Magistrate of the Shogun's Navy. Katsu was mentor to Ryoma (who initially attempted to kill him, however, instead became his bodyguard).
79: 3392:
more regrets after finally seeing his sister one last time. After the four reunite, Sonosuke chooses to depart and risk his life in the Battle of Aizu.
17: 4532: 86: 449: 4050: 4136: 68: 563:
A young woman and leader of the Yuyama Troupe, Kakunojo's parents, shipping and wholesale merchants, were murdered by Hario, as part of the
5861: 3553:
fleet decided to use Goryōkaku as a base to launch a counterattack against the New Government Army. At Hakodate Hospital, Hijikata orders
is sold to Kawai. When Jubei tries to sell the Head of the Conqueror, Yojiro cuts it in half, consequently setting the building in flames.
5929: 5813: 5630: 611:
The extremely intelligent and mysterious playwright of the Yuyama Troupe, Sotetsu is respected by each member of the group, who call him
A sniper who worked for Jubei, Magozo was first seen firing a critical shot at Hario, as per Jubei's orders. He was a descendant of the
5853: 5498: 3020:. Tatewaki explains to Lord Shoten that Yojiro guarded Ryoma because the presence of the Head of the Conqueror was always nearby. In 1012:
after the Nagaoka Province has fallen, but he died in the line of battle just as Enomoto's fleet left Shinagawa to assist in the war.
959:, Ryoma was greatly respected by Yojiro, who was his bodyguard and close confidant. Ryoma negotiated an alliance between Satsuma and 2497:, the children of the troupe. However, Yojiro leaves them in disinterest. After the Yuyama Troupe advertise their next performance, 5924: 5714: 4300: 3672:, Lord Shoten and Tatewaki visit Katsu and Saigo, asking them to have someone take Yojiro to Ezo. During his travels, Yojiro meets 2881:
As the Eastern Army prepares to invade Edo, it is thanks to the desperate action of Yamaoka and Masumitsu that the meeting between
5797: 2584:, rendering the earth-splitting sword technique useless. The rest of the troupe surround Hario, but he is ultimately sniped by 93: 4249: 963:, two Imperialist clans who had traditionally been bitter rivals towards each other. However, he was later assassinated in a 5431: 1288:
period. He was stabbed through the chest by Yojiro during a play performed by the Yuyama Troupe at the Stone Crane Mansion.
The strongman of the Yuyama Troupe, Kakashi is a good-hearted person who joined the group for a similar reason to Shiranui.
doing so, he was burnt by the resulting fire, forced to live the rest of his life with bandages covering his face and body.
5934: 4828: 1521:, the immortal mage to seal and dispose the Head of the Conqueror in Japan. He enjoys good food and simple village life. 5327: 3562:. Kakunojo protects Tetsunosuke from being killed, and the rest of the troupe show up, forcing the Yuguntai to retreat. 4129: 862:
The chief of staff of the newly formed fully modernized Imperial Army (or the New Government Army) and a samurai from
4780: 4367: 119: 5530: 5455: 4094: 5845: 5762: 5554: 5303: 2367:
The series was broadcast between October 6, 2006, and April 6, 2007, on the Japanese Internet streaming channel,
3437:, Yojiro and Kakunojo stay at a temple owned by Kazunao Sainen. Enomoto has locked himself inside a room in the 2996:
is given a boat ride by Glover to Yokohama, and she seeks shelter in the Yuyama Theater when it begins to rain.
5770: 5614: 5263: 4487: 57: 1613: 4844: 4463: 4265: 4432: 4122: 4964: 4316: 4233: 2358:
seen at a cemetery outside the Goryōkaku base, tasked to deliver a letter to Katsu for Shiranui and Kotoha.
4852: 3663: 1150: 5135: 4820: 5944: 5895: 5722: 5586: 5111: 4884: 4860: 4836: 1625: 5939: 5829: 5698: 4900: 4804: 4553: 867: 5914: 5546: 4932: 4788: 4102: 5690: 5399: 5215: 4988: 4916: 4892: 4745: 4729: 4641: 4601: 4569: 4503: 4177: 2477:, messengers sent to deliver a secret letter to form an alliance with the emperor, are halted by 46: 4868: 5837: 5821: 5746: 5662: 5622: 5538: 4657: 4593: 4376: 4201: 4185: 2514: 371: 208: 390:. Yojiro will not rest until his mission is fulfilled, no matter what or who gets in his way. 5919: 5730: 5638: 5447: 5407: 5247: 5060: 4908: 4876: 4665: 4577: 4360: 2386: 4996: 4924: 4721: 4673: 4625: 4585: 4193: 3750: 1907: 1761: 1159: 359: 4146: 3325:
Kakunojo catches up to Yojiro in a forest, not long before she breaks one of her sandals.
375: 193: 8: 5869: 5789: 5754: 5231: 5207: 5175: 5151: 5119: 4812: 4633: 4561: 2142: 1293: 1069: 1722: 5439: 5199: 5036: 4972: 4940: 4772: 4697: 4609: 4511: 4217: 4108: 3559: 3388: 3384: 2981: 2116: 1514: 1053: 960: 875: 780: 180: 948: 5463: 5167: 4956: 4479: 4416: 4408: 4308: 4209: 3915: 3869: 3822: 3776: 3722: 3634: 3580: 3525: 3476: 3410: 3352: 3302: 3256: 3194: 3139: 3088: 3042: 2949: 2904: 2858: 2806: 2739: 2692: 2614: 2539: 2447: 2226: 2189: 1676: 1619: 1429: 1269: 1141: 1095: 996: 379: 351: 270: 260: 5295: 3021: 3016:. Oryo tells Kakunojo and Zagashira about when Yojiro first became the bodyguard of 2927:
The troupe start a large-scale public disturbance, known as the Why Not Phenomenon:
2159: 922: 827: 5877: 5506: 5311: 5239: 5191: 4353: 4241: 3658: 2411:
on September 4, 2012, for episodes 1-13 and November 27, 2012, for episodes 14–26.
2400: 2308: 745: 604: 488:, tasked with the quest of utilizing its blade to destroy the Head of the Conqueror 445: 291: 285: 2985: 1803: 1057: 568: 383: 5678: 5578: 5562: 5319: 5271: 5092: 4948: 4025:
Oochi, Yoko, et al. (January 2007). "Bakumatsu Kikansetsu: I-RO-HA-NI-HO-HE-TO".
3608: 2185: 1944: 1940: 1896: 1870: 1748: 1630: 1604: 1576: 1319: 1111: 810: 883: 4764: 4705: 4471: 4292: 3442: 3380: 3066: 3000:
is attacked by officers, but Yojiro intervenes and saves Okita from committing
2350: 1904: 1886: 1795: 1672: 1061: 1004: 863: 649: 645: 600: 3171:
tells Enomoto that he trusts neither Kanna nor Sotetsu. Kawai has now fled to
2320: 1355: 1041: 5908: 5670: 5646: 5415: 5391: 5076: 5068: 4689: 4114: 2267: 2053: 1985: 1981: 1874: 1787: 1550: 1232: 1103: 776: 198: 4345: 3894: 3657:
On March, second year of Meiji, the New Government Army prepares to send an
2372: 2280: 878:
resides. Takamori is a firm believer in the privileges of the samurai class.
5738: 5522: 5335: 5143: 5028: 5004: 4519: 3504: 2973: 2928: 2518: 2482: 2346: 2146: 2100: 2096: 1892: 1646: 1554: 1281: 1137: 715: 680: 1638: 5570: 5052: 5044: 5012: 4980: 4796: 4737: 4713: 4681: 4400: 4324: 4161: 4051:"Intrigue In The Bakumatsu ~ Irohanihoheto Collection 2 Anime DVD Review" 3446: 3009: 2572: 2315: 1829: 1506: 1359: 1205: 1196: 1045: 956: 564: 556: 3603:
Enomoto's fleet travel across the Matsumae Sea on former Shogunate ship
5706: 5423: 5375: 4649: 4617: 4495: 4169: 3689: 3669: 3611:
at Matsumae Province. Hijikata's men, who already have traveled on the
3434: 3281: 2649:
questions Sotetsu concerning their next performance as rather violent,
2593: 2564: 2057: 1889: 1367:
Conqueror to have Saigo and Katsu oppose each other against their will.
1277: 909: 855: 684: 552: 387: 1517:. He is a direct descendant of the 3,000 men and women mission led by 5805: 5654: 5383: 5279: 5223: 5127: 5084: 4273: 4086: 3680:. In the present, Hijikata hears word that Kuroda will surrender the 3013: 2637:
Yojiro visits the Village of Koma, where he has a friendly duel with
1900: 403: 399: 2830:
Sword, the only blade capable of sealing the Head of the Conqueror.
35: 5602: 5471: 5351: 5343: 5255: 5183: 5159: 5020: 4455: 4225: 3801: 3753:, but the true intention of the New Government Army was to use the 3330: 2785: 2717: 1634: 507: 1513:
A well-respected high priest of the Village of Koma in modern day
Voiced by: Masahiro Ogata (Japanese); Kalob Martinez (English)
Voiced by: Masahiro Ogata (Japanese); Kalob Martinez (English)
5594: 5514: 5359: 5287: 4424: 4392: 4027: 3001: 2404: 2263: 1285: 1154:. He attempted to ambush Hijikata by pretending to surrender the 141: 2977: 1712:
Voiced by: Endou Moriya (Japanese); Kalob Martinez (English)
5479: 4078: 3450: 1882: 613: 511: 4257: 3005: 2836: 2581: 2576: 2108: 2020:
Voiced by: Bifu Hitoshi (Japanese); John Kaiser (English)
1563: 1518: 964: 519: 3219: 3172: 2662: 2368: 1009: 3441:. On September 1, fourth year of Keiō, Hijikata attends a 2323:, but in this work he is informed of the fact from Yojiro. 2408: 2399:
by Takako & The Crazy Boys. The anime is licensed by
1162:. Yojiro and Hijikata reunite as they return to Hakodate. 871: 5771:
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin – Advent of the Red Comet
472:, Yojiro is the bearer of the legendary Moon Tear Sword 3909: 3863: 3816: 3770: 3716: 3628: 3574: 3519: 3470: 3404: 3346: 3296: 3250: 3188: 3133: 3082: 3036: 2943: 2898: 2852: 2800: 2733: 2721:
ceiling, Kanna ricochets the shot with his own bullet.
2686: 2608: 2533: 2441: 510:
and happens to meet the Yuyama Troupe, an adventuring
167: 3499:
The elite British soldiers stage a comeback onto the
troupe, where they resumed their performances in Edo.
troupe catch up, Mogozo is cornered at a riverbank.
60:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 2403:in North America, and they released the series to 456:The seventeen-year-old legendary Eternal Assassin 5906: 5416:Dinosaur King D-Kids Adventure: Pterosaur Legend 2513:reports to the troupe that Kawai will be at the 821: 3902: 3856: 3809: 3763: 3709: 3621: 3567: 3512: 3463: 3397: 3339: 3289: 3243: 3181: 3126: 3075: 3029: 2936: 2891: 2845: 2793: 2726: 2679: 2601: 2571:explains to Yojiro that Hario took part in the 2526: 2434: 2295: 2252: 2215: 2174: 2131: 2042: 2010: 1970: 1929: 1859: 1818: 1776: 1737: 1702: 1661: 1591: 1539: 1495: 1455: 1418: 1385: 1344: 1308: 1258: 1185: 1126: 1084: 1030: 985: 937: 898: 842: 589: 541: 497: 481: 465: 434: 363: 5870:The Faraway Paladin: The Lord of Rust Mountain 4144: 4000: 3981: 3962: 3004:. Yojiro and Okita were once acquaintances in 2392: 2378: 2335: 2289: 2246: 2209: 2168: 2125: 2085: 2036: 2004: 1964: 1923: 1853: 1812: 1770: 1731: 1696: 1655: 1585: 1533: 1489: 1449: 1412: 1379: 1338: 1302: 1252: 1221: 1179: 1120: 1078: 1024: 979: 955:A famous liberal and progressive samurai from 931: 892: 836: 799: 765: 734: 704: 669: 634: 583: 535: 491: 475: 459: 428: 157: 4375: 4361: 4130: 1094:Voiced by: Hiroshi Kawaguchi (Japanese); 1052:A dear friend of Katsu and part of the final 5862:Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror 5814:Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 5631:Battle Spirits: Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero 3387:is currently controlled by the Satsuma and 2517:. At an underground auction, a bid for two 2509:upon his arrival. After recognizing Hario, 2307:Voiced by: Takuma Takeyama (Japanese); 995:Voiced by: Takeharu Onishi (Japanese); 69:"Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto" 5854:Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury 5499:SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors 5328:GaoGaiGar Final -Grand Glorious Gathering- 4368: 4354: 4137: 4123: 3745:The failure for the republic to steal the 3548:While Kakunojo is still left traumatized, 1428:Voiced by: Masahiro Ogata (Japanese); 140: 5368:Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto 4333:Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto 4104:Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto 3700:approach them. After Hijikata boards the 3554: 3079:"The Troupe at a Provisional Stage Again" 2389:while the ending theme is "Ai no Tsurugi" 1840: 1828:Voiced by: Minoru Hirano (Japanese); 1747:Voiced by: Nozomi Hiyama (Japanese); 1231:Voiced by: Hiromi Sugino (Japanese); 1209:and bombed by the elite British soldiers. 1195:Voiced by: Tetsuo Komura (Japanese); 908:Voiced by: Shouto Kashii (Japanese); 854:Voiced by: Hiromi Sugino (Japanese); 748: (Japanese); Carl Masterson (English) 346:Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto 148:Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto 135:Intrigue in the Bakumatsu – Irohanihoheto 120:Learn how and when to remove this message 5715:Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 4301:Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory 2642: 2638: 2474: 2225:Voiced by: Masato Amada (Japanese); 1633:after his fleet successfully takes over 1562:but Sotetsu escaped by rowing away in a 1280:warrior clan, who once rebelled against 1268:Voiced by: Tomohisa Aso (Japanese); 518: 5707:Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons 5424:Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 3185:"The Head of the Conqueror with a Soul" 2780: 1790: (Japanese); Connor Leach (English) 1322: (Japanese); Scotty Fulks (English) 813: (Japanese); Kalin Coates (English) 718: (Japanese); Steve Fenley (English) 14: 5907: 4048: 3379:arrives at the Bonari Pass during the 2831: 2670: 2506: 2383:, lit. The Vicissitudes of Wilderness) 1509: (Japanese); John Kaiser (English) 951: (Japanese); Andrew Love (English) 567:for being a staunch supporter for the 4349: 4250:Armored Trooper Votoms: Pailsen Files 4118: 3376: 2771: 1607: (Japanese); Mike Yager (English) 5432:Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin 5376:Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion 3549: 3113: 2895:"Satisfactions for Revenge Achieved" 2763: 2683:"Anecdote of an Underhanded Scandal" 2646: 2478: 58:adding citations to reliable sources 29: 5798:King's Raid: Successors of the Will 5448:Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season 4829:The Brave Fighter of Legend Da-Garn 3673: 3017: 2989: 2882: 2510: 2486: 2470: 2072: 24: 5930:Historical fantasy anime and manga 5723:Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 5320:Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori 4528:Scientific Adventure Team Tansar 5 3847: 2988:. Saigo met with famous tactician 2650: 2530:"The Earth-Splitting Sword Laughs" 2498: 1570: 1476: 1166: 415: 365:Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto 169:Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto 25: 18:Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto 5956: 4781:The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird 4072: 3168: 2654: 2585: 5891: 5890: 5763:Double Decker! Doug & Kirill 5671:Buddy Complex: The Final Chapter 5531:Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 5456:The Girl Who Leapt Through Space 4049:Silver, Jessi (March 14, 2013). 3959:Credited as Supervising Director 2669:arrives and presents Katsu with 2666: 2589: 2502: 1104:Armstrong breech-loading cannons 870:, he was in charge of capturing 621: 34: 5925:Anime with original screenplays 5846:Amaim Warrior at the Borderline 5555:Daily Lives of High School Boys 5304:Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny 2997: 2992:to discuss the attack on Ueno. 2797:"The Closing Performance Burns" 2775: 2605:"Ballad of Stone Crane Mansion" 1204:Hario to protect Kawai and the 45:needs additional citations for 5806:Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon 5615:Love Live! School Idol Project 5264:Superior Defender Gundam Force 4488:Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3 4095:Official Sentai Filmworks site 4042: 3991: 3972: 3953: 3910: 3864: 3817: 3771: 3717: 3676:, who invites him to join the 3629: 3575: 3520: 3471: 3405: 3347: 3297: 3251: 3189: 3134: 3083: 3037: 2976:, on April 11, fourth year of 2944: 2899: 2853: 2801: 2734: 2687: 2609: 2568: 2534: 2442: 2422: 13: 1: 4845:The Brave Express Might Gaine 4464:Invincible Super Man Zambot 3 4441:Dinosaur Expedition Born Free 4266:Muteking, The Dashing Warrior 4014: 2767: 2490: 1617:, and former Shogunate ships 822:Shogunate and Imperial forces 410: 5136:Brigadoon: Marin & Melan 4965:The King of Braves GaoGaiGar 4317:The King of Braves GaoGaiGar 3293:"The Secret Sword Resonates" 2762:In a dungeon, Jubei summons 2107:A tayū, highest rank of the 1717:over Hakodate and Goryōkaku. 382:, with character designs by 7: 3713:"An Encounter in the North" 3590:February 23, 2007 3535:February 16, 2007 3516:"Bright Inverted Pentagram" 3343:"Accompaniment of the Four" 3235: 3223: 3204:December 29, 2006 3149:December 22, 2006 3098:December 15, 2006 3084:Ichiza Futatabi Kari Yagura 2914:November 24, 2006 2868:November 17, 2006 2816:November 10, 2006 2658: 2494: 2414: 2296: 2253: 2216: 2175: 2132: 2043: 2011: 1971: 1930: 1899:mother, formerly a tayū in 1860: 1819: 1777: 1738: 1703: 1662: 1592: 1540: 1496: 1456: 1419: 1386: 1345: 1309: 1259: 1186: 1127: 1085: 1031: 986: 938: 899: 843: 590: 542: 498: 482: 466: 435: 364: 168: 10: 5961: 5935:Samurai in anime and manga 5587:Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes 5112:Mighty Cat Masked Niyander 4861:Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 4837:Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger 4433:Chōdenji Robo Combattler V 3978:Credited as Chief Director 3625:"Crossing Over the Strait" 3486:February 9, 2007 3420:February 2, 2007 3401:"Unnecessary Deliberation" 3362:January 26, 2007 3326: 3312:January 19, 2007 3266:January 12, 2007 3227: 3052:December 8, 2006 2959:December 1, 2006 2749:November 3, 2006 2702:October 27, 2006 2624:October 20, 2006 2549:October 13, 2006 334: 150:, featuring Yojiro Akizuki 27:Japanese television series 5888: 5781: 5699:Gundam Build Fighters Try 5490: 5103: 4901:The Brave of Gold Goldran 4853:Nekketsu Saikyō Go-Saurer 4805:Armored Police Metal Jack 4756: 4554:Invincible Robo Trider G7 4545: 4456:Chōdenji Machine Voltes V 4384: 4284: 4153: 4001: 3982: 3963: 3936: 3919: 3905: 3890: 3873: 3859: 3843: 3826: 3812: 3797: 3780: 3766: 3743: 3726: 3712: 3655: 3638: 3624: 3601: 3584: 3570: 3546: 3529: 3515: 3497: 3480: 3466: 3431: 3414: 3400: 3373: 3356: 3342: 3323: 3306: 3292: 3277: 3260: 3246: 3231: 3215: 3198: 3184: 3160: 3143: 3129: 3109: 3092: 3078: 3063: 3046: 3032: 2993: 2970: 2953: 2939: 2925: 2908: 2894: 2879: 2862: 2848: 2827: 2810: 2796: 2760: 2743: 2729: 2713: 2696: 2682: 2635: 2618: 2604: 2560: 2543: 2529: 2468: 2457:October 6, 2006 2451: 2437: 2429: 2426: 2421: 2393: 2379: 2336: 2290: 2247: 2210: 2169: 2126: 2086: 2037: 2005: 1965: 1924: 1908:New Model Army Conversion 1854: 1813: 1771: 1732: 1697: 1656: 1586: 1534: 1490: 1450: 1413: 1380: 1339: 1303: 1253: 1222: 1180: 1121: 1079: 1025: 980: 932: 893: 866:. Under the authority of 837: 800: 766: 735: 705: 670: 635: 584: 536: 492: 476: 460: 429: 398:The series is set in the 374:(ONA) series, created by 355: 327: 319: 305: 276: 266: 256: 248: 231: 214: 207: 186: 176: 158: 155: 139: 134: 5547:Phi Brain: Puzzle of God 4973:Super Mashin Hero Wataru 4933:The Vision of Escaflowne 4789:Future GPX Cyber Formula 4087:Official production blog 3997:Credited as Chief Writer 3946: 3879:March 30, 2007 3832:March 23, 2007 3786:March 16, 2007 2438:"A Foul Star in the Sky" 2371:. The opening theme is " 2362: 1611:Captain of the flagship 5691:Gundam Reconguista in G 5472:Inuyasha: The Final Act 5400:Idolmaster: Xenoglossia 5216:Mobile Suit Gundam SEED 4917:Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 4893:Mobile Fighter G Gundam 4746:Patlabor: The TV Series 4642:Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 4570:Fang of the Sun Dougram 4504:Future Robot Daltanious 4178:Fang of the Sun Dougram 3925:April 6, 2007 3906:"To Go Towards the Sea" 3732:March 9, 2007 3644:March 2, 2007 1060:in preparation for the 393: 5838:Love Live! Superstar!! 5822:SD Gundam World Heroes 5747:Magic-kyun Renaissance 5663:Mobile Suit Gundam-san 5623:Valvrave the Liberator 5539:Mobile Suit Gundam AGE 5176:Banner of the Stars II 4658:Blue Comet SPT Layzner 4594:Armored Trooper Votoms 4202:Blue Comet SPT Layzner 4186:Armored Trooper Votoms 2900:Katakiuchi Honkai Naru 2641:, before reporting to 2397:, lit. Swords of Love) 1841:Elite British soldiers 874:where the 15th Shogun 524: 372:original net animation 209:Original net animation 146:Promotional poster of 5731:Love Live! Sunshine!! 5639:Gundam Build Fighters 5408:Mobile Suit Gundam 00 5248:Tank Knights Fortress 5128:Dinozaurs: The Series 4989:Ginga Hyōryū Vifam 13 4909:Wild Knights Gulkeeva 4885:Haō Taikei Ryū Knight 4877:Brave Police J-Decker 4666:Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ 4578:Combat Mecha Xabungle 3521:Kakugyaku no Gobousei 3190:Hasha no Kubi Nyuukon 2940:"The Black Cat Cries" 2596:of the Yuyama Troupe. 2387:FictionJunction Yuuka 522: 4957:Reideen the Superior 4925:Brave Command Dagwon 4869:Shippū! Iron Leaguer 4821:Mama is a 4th Grader 4773:Mashin Hero Wataru 2 4674:Metal Armor Dragonar 4626:Panzer World Galient 4586:Aura Battler Dunbine 4194:Panzer World Galient 3751:Battle of Miyako Bay 3555:Tetsunosuke Ichimura 2730:"Shureiki Unleashed" 2592:that Sotetsu is the 2505:as the bodyguard of 2217:Masumitsu Kyuunosuke 1778:Ichimura Tetsunosuke 1764:Tetsunosuke Ichimura 1160:Battle of Miyako Bay 54:improve this article 5790:Wave, Listen to Me! 5755:Gundam Build Divers 5595:Gintama': Enchousen 5232:Machine Robo Rescue 5208:Overman King Gainer 5152:Gear Fighter Dendoh 5120:Banner of the Stars 4997:Sentimental Journey 4813:Matchless Raijin-Oh 4634:Choriki Robo Galatt 4562:Space Runaway Ideon 4320:(1997–98, producer) 3865:Goryōkaku Fujousuru 3860:"Goryōkaku Emerges" 3472:Shukumei Aware Nari 2643:Lord Shoten of Koma 2639:Shinzaemon Tatewaki 2475:Kyunosuke Masumitsu 2204:Kyunosuke Masumitsu 2143:Tomomichi Nishimura 1794:Hijikata's teenage 1541:Tatewaki Shinzaemon 1528:Shinzaemon Tatewaki 1497:Koma no Shōten-sama 1484:Lord Shoten of Koma 5440:Tales of the Abyss 5200:Witch Hunter Robin 5037:Crest of the Stars 4941:After War Gundam X 4730:Madö King Granzört 4698:Mashin Hero Wataru 4610:Heavy Metal L-Gaim 4602:Ginga Hyōryū Vifam 4512:Mobile Suit Gundam 4336:(2006–07, creator) 4328:(1999–00, creator) 4218:The Silent Service 4109:Anime News Network 3908:Transliteration: " 3862:Transliteration: " 3815:Transliteration: " 3769:Transliteration: " 3715:Transliteration: " 3627:Transliteration: " 3573:Transliteration: " 3571:"There Were Waves" 3518:Transliteration: " 3469:Transliteration: " 3467:"Pathetic Destiny" 3403:Transliteration: " 3345:Transliteration: " 3295:Transliteration: " 3249:Transliteration: " 3187:Transliteration: " 3135:Ryōma no Kotodzume 3132:Transliteration: " 3081:Transliteration: " 3035:Transliteration: " 2974:Ueno Kan'ei Temple 2942:Transliteration: " 2897:Transliteration: " 2851:Transliteration: " 2799:Transliteration: " 2781:Kakashi no Keishin 2732:Transliteration: " 2685:Transliteration: " 2610:Sekkakurō Dodoitsu 2607:Transliteration: " 2532:Transliteration: " 2443:Kyou Hoshi Hashiru 2440:Transliteration: " 1515:Saitama Prefecture 1003:A retainer of the 876:Tokugawa Yoshinobu 781:Brittney Karbowski 699:Kakashi no Keishin 525: 181:Historical fantasy 5945:Sunrise (company) 5902: 5901: 5685: 5609: 5507:Tiger & Bunny 5168:Z.O.E. Dolores, I 4417:La Seine no Hoshi 4409:Reideen The Brave 4379:television series 4343: 4342: 4312:(1993–03, writer) 4309:Konpeki no Kantai 4296:(1988–89, writer) 4147:Ryōsuke Takahashi 4031:. pp. 60–61. 3944: 3943: 3772:Hakodate wa Akaku 3767:"Hakodate is Red" 3749:was known as the 3630:Kaikyou wo Wataru 3406:Hakaru Muyou Nari 3130:"Ryoma's Message" 2832:Tatsugoro Shinmon 2735:Shureiki Hanataru 2671:Sakyonosuke Kanna 2661:enjoy a drink of 2507:Tsuginosuke Kawai 2430:Original air date 2349: (Japanese); 2266: (Japanese); 2227:Christopher Ayres 2190:Mark X. Laskowski 2188: (Japanese); 2145: (Japanese); 2099: (Japanese); 2056: (Japanese); 1984: (Japanese); 1943: (Japanese); 1873: (Japanese); 1861:Kanna Sakyōnosuke 1848:Sakyonosuke Kanna 1677:Christopher Ayres 1675: (Japanese); 1553: (Japanese); 1430:Mark X. Laskowski 1358: (Japanese); 1270:Christopher Ayres 1142:Mark X. Laskowski 1140: (Japanese); 1096:Christopher Ayres 1044: (Japanese); 1032:Shinmon Tatsugoro 1019:Tatsugoro Shinmon 997:Mark X. Laskowski 987:Kawai Tsuginosuke 974:Tsuginosuke Kawai 779: (Japanese); 683: (Japanese); 648: (Japanese); 603: (Japanese); 555: (Japanese); 448: (Japanese); 376:Ryōsuke Takahashi 342: 341: 301: 261:Hideyuki Fukasawa 252:Junichi Miyashita 238:Keiichi Matsumura 221:Ryōsuke Takahashi 194:Ryōsuke Takahashi 130: 129: 122: 104: 16:(Redirected from 5952: 5940:Sentai Filmworks 5894: 5893: 5878:Maebashi Witches 5683: 5607: 5312:Yakitate!! Japan 5240:Crush Gear Nitro 5192:Crush Gear Turbo 4536: 4449: 4370: 4363: 4356: 4347: 4346: 4139: 4132: 4125: 4116: 4115: 4099: 4091: 4083: 4066: 4065: 4063: 4061: 4046: 4008: 4006: 4004: 4003: 3995: 3989: 3987: 3985: 3984: 3976: 3970: 3968: 3966: 3965: 3957: 3932: 3930: 3921: 3913: 3912: 3886: 3884: 3875: 3867: 3866: 3839: 3837: 3828: 3820: 3819: 3793: 3791: 3782: 3774: 3773: 3739: 3737: 3728: 3720: 3719: 3659:ironclad warship 3651: 3649: 3640: 3632: 3631: 3597: 3595: 3586: 3578: 3577: 3542: 3540: 3531: 3523: 3522: 3493: 3491: 3482: 3474: 3473: 3427: 3425: 3416: 3408: 3407: 3377:Toshizo Hijikata 3369: 3367: 3358: 3350: 3349: 3319: 3317: 3308: 3300: 3299: 3273: 3271: 3262: 3254: 3253: 3211: 3209: 3200: 3192: 3191: 3156: 3154: 3145: 3137: 3136: 3116:on his flagship 3105: 3103: 3094: 3086: 3085: 3059: 3057: 3048: 3040: 3039: 3008:at Sato Dojo in 2966: 2964: 2955: 2947: 2946: 2921: 2919: 2910: 2902: 2901: 2875: 2873: 2864: 2856: 2855: 2823: 2821: 2812: 2804: 2803: 2772:Gensai Hachisuka 2756: 2754: 2745: 2737: 2736: 2709: 2707: 2698: 2690: 2689: 2631: 2629: 2620: 2612: 2611: 2556: 2554: 2545: 2537: 2536: 2535:Jiwari Ken Warau 2481:on their way to 2464: 2462: 2453: 2445: 2444: 2424: 2419: 2418: 2401:Sentai Filmworks 2398: 2396: 2395: 2384: 2382: 2381: 2354: 2341: 2339: 2338: 2332: 2331: 2312: 2309:Leraldo Anzaldua 2303: 2302: 2299: 2293: 2292: 2285: 2284: 2271: 2258: 2256: 2250: 2249: 2243: 2242: 2230: 2221: 2219: 2213: 2212: 2206: 2205: 2193: 2180: 2178: 2172: 2171: 2164: 2163: 2150: 2137: 2135: 2129: 2128: 2121: 2120: 2104: 2091: 2089: 2088: 2082: 2081: 2073:Other characters 2061: 2048: 2046: 2040: 2039: 2033: 2032: 2021: 2016: 2014: 2008: 2007: 2001: 2000: 1989: 1976: 1974: 1968: 1967: 1961: 1960: 1948: 1935: 1933: 1927: 1926: 1920: 1919: 1878: 1865: 1863: 1857: 1856: 1850: 1849: 1833: 1824: 1822: 1816: 1815: 1808: 1807: 1791: 1782: 1780: 1774: 1773: 1766: 1765: 1752: 1743: 1741: 1739:Hijikata Toshizō 1735: 1734: 1727: 1726: 1725:Toshizo Hijikata 1713: 1708: 1706: 1700: 1699: 1693: 1692: 1680: 1667: 1665: 1659: 1658: 1651: 1650: 1608: 1599: 1598: 1595: 1589: 1588: 1581: 1580: 1558: 1545: 1543: 1537: 1536: 1530: 1529: 1510: 1501: 1499: 1493: 1492: 1486: 1485: 1468: 1463: 1462: 1459: 1457:Hachisuka Gensai 1453: 1452: 1446: 1445: 1444:Gensai Hachisuka 1433: 1424: 1422: 1416: 1415: 1409: 1408: 1396: 1391: 1389: 1383: 1382: 1376: 1375: 1363: 1350: 1348: 1342: 1341: 1335: 1334: 1323: 1314: 1312: 1306: 1305: 1298: 1297: 1273: 1264: 1262: 1256: 1255: 1249: 1248: 1236: 1227: 1225: 1224: 1218: 1217: 1200: 1191: 1189: 1183: 1182: 1176: 1175: 1145: 1132: 1130: 1124: 1123: 1116: 1115: 1099: 1090: 1088: 1082: 1081: 1074: 1073: 1049: 1036: 1034: 1028: 1027: 1021: 1020: 1000: 991: 989: 983: 982: 976: 975: 952: 943: 941: 935: 934: 927: 926: 913: 904: 902: 896: 895: 888: 887: 868:Prince Arisugawa 859: 850: 849: 846: 840: 839: 832: 831: 814: 805: 803: 802: 796: 795: 784: 771: 769: 768: 762: 761: 749: 746:Takashi Nagasako 740: 738: 737: 731: 730: 719: 710: 708: 707: 701: 700: 688: 675: 673: 672: 666: 665: 653: 640: 638: 637: 631: 630: 608: 605:Illich Guardiola 595: 593: 587: 586: 580: 579: 560: 547: 545: 539: 538: 532: 531: 505: 504: 501: 495: 494: 487: 485: 479: 478: 471: 469: 463: 462: 453: 446:Daisuke Namikawa 440: 438: 432: 431: 425: 424: 369: 367: 357: 338: 335:List of episodes 315: 311: 310:October 6, 2006 299: 294: 292:Sentai Filmworks 289: 277:Licensed by 232:Produced by 224:Yoshimitsu Ōashi 215:Directed by 171: 164: 163: 162: 161: 144: 132: 131: 125: 118: 114: 111: 105: 103: 62: 38: 30: 21: 5960: 5959: 5955: 5954: 5953: 5951: 5950: 5949: 5915:2006 anime ONAs 5905: 5904: 5903: 5898: 5884: 5777: 5679:Tribe Cool Crew 5579:Good Luck Girl! 5563:Natsuiro Kiseki 5486: 5272:Kaiketsu Zorori 5099: 5093:Infinite Ryvius 4949:Ganbarist! Shun 4797:City Hunter '91 4752: 4541: 4530: 4443: 4380: 4374: 4344: 4339: 4280: 4149: 4143: 4111:'s encyclopedia 4097: 4089: 4081: 4075: 4070: 4069: 4059: 4057: 4055:The Fandom Post 4047: 4043: 4017: 4012: 4011: 3998: 3996: 3992: 3979: 3977: 3973: 3960: 3958: 3954: 3949: 3940: 3928: 3926: 3907: 3898: 3882: 3880: 3861: 3852: 3835: 3833: 3814: 3813:"Irohanihoheto" 3805: 3789: 3787: 3768: 3759: 3735: 3733: 3714: 3705: 3647: 3645: 3626: 3617: 3609:Fukuyama Castle 3593: 3591: 3572: 3563: 3550:Ryoun Takamatsu 3538: 3536: 3517: 3508: 3489: 3487: 3468: 3459: 3423: 3421: 3402: 3393: 3365: 3363: 3344: 3335: 3315: 3313: 3298:Hitou Kyoumeisu 3294: 3285: 3269: 3267: 3248: 3239: 3207: 3205: 3186: 3177: 3152: 3150: 3131: 3122: 3114:Takeaki Enomoto 3101: 3099: 3080: 3071: 3055: 3053: 3034: 3025: 2982:Tokugawa Shogun 2962: 2960: 2941: 2932: 2917: 2915: 2896: 2887: 2871: 2869: 2850: 2849:"Sotetsu Moves" 2841: 2819: 2817: 2798: 2789: 2764:Kurota Karasuma 2752: 2750: 2731: 2722: 2705: 2703: 2688:Ura Gigoku Ibun 2684: 2675: 2647:Kakunojo Yuyama 2627: 2625: 2606: 2597: 2552: 2550: 2531: 2522: 2479:Sotetsu Ibaragi 2460: 2458: 2439: 2417: 2390: 2376: 2365: 2344: 2333: 2329: 2328: 2306: 2300: 2287: 2282: 2281: 2261: 2244: 2240: 2239: 2224: 2207: 2203: 2202: 2183: 2176:Yamaoka Tesshuu 2166: 2161: 2160: 2140: 2123: 2118: 2117: 2094: 2083: 2079: 2078: 2075: 2051: 2034: 2030: 2029: 2019: 2002: 1998: 1997: 1979: 1962: 1958: 1957: 1945:Caitlynn French 1941:Tomoko Kawakami 1938: 1921: 1917: 1916: 1871:Kousuke Toriumi 1868: 1851: 1847: 1846: 1843: 1827: 1810: 1805: 1804: 1785: 1768: 1763: 1762: 1749:John Gremillion 1746: 1729: 1724: 1723: 1711: 1704:Takamatsu Ryoun 1694: 1691:Ryoun Takamatsu 1690: 1689: 1670: 1653: 1648: 1647: 1631:Republic of Ezo 1605:Kazuhiro Nakata 1602: 1596: 1593:Enomoto Takeaki 1583: 1579:Takeaki Enomoto 1578: 1577: 1573: 1571:Enomoto's fleet 1548: 1531: 1527: 1526: 1504: 1487: 1483: 1482: 1479: 1477:Village of Koma 1466: 1460: 1447: 1443: 1442: 1427: 1410: 1406: 1405: 1394: 1387:Karasuma Kurota 1377: 1374:Kurota Karasuma 1373: 1372: 1353: 1336: 1332: 1331: 1317: 1300: 1295: 1294: 1267: 1250: 1246: 1245: 1230: 1219: 1215: 1214: 1194: 1177: 1173: 1172: 1169: 1167:Jubei's faction 1148:Captain of the 1135: 1118: 1113: 1112: 1093: 1076: 1071: 1070: 1054:Tokugawa Shogun 1039: 1022: 1018: 1017: 994: 977: 973: 972: 949:Kōichi Yamadera 946: 929: 924: 923: 907: 890: 885: 884: 853: 847: 834: 829: 828: 824: 811:Etsuko Kozakura 808: 797: 793: 792: 774: 763: 759: 758: 743: 732: 728: 727: 713: 702: 698: 697: 678: 667: 663: 662: 643: 632: 628: 627: 624: 598: 591:Ibaragi Sōtetsu 581: 578:Sotetsu Ibaragi 577: 576: 550: 543:Yuyama Kakunojō 533: 530:Kakunojo Yuyama 529: 528: 523:Kakunojo Yuyama 502: 489: 473: 467:Eien no Shikaku 457: 443: 426: 422: 421: 418: 416:Main characters 413: 396: 349: 332: 313: 309: 298: 295: 290: 284: 249:Written by 244: 227: 203: 187:Created by 165: 159: 156: 151: 126: 115: 109: 106: 63: 61: 51: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 5958: 5948: 5947: 5942: 5937: 5932: 5927: 5922: 5917: 5900: 5899: 5889: 5886: 5885: 5883: 5882: 5874: 5866: 5858: 5850: 5842: 5841:(2021–present) 5834: 5826: 5818: 5810: 5802: 5794: 5785: 5783: 5779: 5778: 5776: 5775: 5767: 5759: 5751: 5743: 5735: 5727: 5719: 5711: 5703: 5695: 5687: 5675: 5667: 5659: 5651: 5643: 5635: 5627: 5619: 5611: 5599: 5591: 5583: 5575: 5567: 5559: 5551: 5543: 5535: 5527: 5519: 5511: 5503: 5494: 5492: 5488: 5487: 5485: 5484: 5476: 5468: 5460: 5452: 5444: 5436: 5428: 5420: 5412: 5404: 5396: 5388: 5380: 5372: 5364: 5356: 5348: 5340: 5332: 5324: 5316: 5308: 5300: 5296:Onmyō Taisenki 5292: 5284: 5276: 5268: 5260: 5252: 5244: 5236: 5228: 5220: 5212: 5204: 5196: 5188: 5180: 5172: 5164: 5156: 5148: 5140: 5132: 5124: 5116: 5107: 5105: 5101: 5100: 5098: 5097: 5089: 5081: 5073: 5065: 5057: 5049: 5041: 5033: 5025: 5017: 5009: 5001: 4993: 4985: 4977: 4969: 4961: 4953: 4945: 4937: 4929: 4921: 4913: 4905: 4897: 4889: 4881: 4873: 4865: 4857: 4849: 4841: 4833: 4825: 4817: 4809: 4801: 4793: 4785: 4777: 4769: 4765:Brave Exkaiser 4760: 4758: 4754: 4753: 4751: 4750: 4742: 4734: 4726: 4718: 4710: 4706:Ronin Warriors 4702: 4694: 4686: 4678: 4670: 4662: 4654: 4646: 4638: 4630: 4622: 4614: 4606: 4598: 4590: 4582: 4574: 4566: 4558: 4549: 4547: 4543: 4542: 4540: 4539: 4524: 4516: 4508: 4500: 4492: 4484: 4476: 4472:Majokko Tickle 4468: 4460: 4452: 4437: 4429: 4421: 4413: 4405: 4397: 4388: 4386: 4382: 4381: 4373: 4372: 4365: 4358: 4350: 4341: 4340: 4338: 4337: 4329: 4321: 4313: 4305: 4304:(1992, writer) 4297: 4293:Ronin Warriors 4288: 4286: 4282: 4281: 4279: 4278: 4270: 4262: 4254: 4246: 4238: 4230: 4222: 4214: 4206: 4198: 4190: 4182: 4174: 4166: 4157: 4155: 4151: 4150: 4142: 4141: 4134: 4127: 4119: 4113: 4112: 4100: 4092: 4084: 4074: 4073:External links 4071: 4068: 4067: 4040: 4039: 4038: 4037: 4033: 4032: 4022: 4021: 4016: 4013: 4010: 4009: 3990: 3971: 3951: 3950: 3948: 3945: 3942: 3941: 3937: 3934: 3933: 3923: 3911:Umi no Mukau e 3904: 3900: 3899: 3891: 3888: 3887: 3877: 3858: 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Parkes 2590:T.B. Glover 2503:Hario Genba 2345:Voiced by: 2321:Isami Kondō 2262:Voiced by: 2184:Voiced by: 2141:Voiced by: 2119:H.S. Parkes 2095:Voiced by: 2052:Voiced by: 1980:Voiced by: 1939:Voiced by: 1869:Voiced by: 1830:John Swasey 1786:Voiced by: 1671:Voiced by: 1626:Banryū Maru 1620:Kaiten Maru 1603:Voiced by: 1549:Voiced by: 1507:Kousei Yagi 1505:Voiced by: 1360:Josh Grelle 1356:Naoki Bandō 1354:Voiced by: 1318:Voiced by: 1296:T.B. Glover 1284:during the 1216:Hario Genba 1197:John Swasey 1136:Voiced by: 1046:Andy McAvin 1042:Naoki Bandō 1040:Voiced by: 947:Voiced by: 809:Voiced by: 775:Voiced by: 744:Voiced by: 714:Voiced by: 679:Voiced by: 657:for Kotoha. 644:Voiced by: 599:Voiced by: 557:Emily Neves 551:Voiced by: 444:Voiced by: 5909:Categories 4650:Dirty Pair 4618:Giant Gorg 4496:Cyborg 009 4170:Cyborg 009 4015:References 3929:2007-04-06 3895:Shiryōkaku 3883:2007-03-30 3836:2007-03-23 3790:2007-03-16 3736:2007-03-09 3690:Miyako Bay 3648:2007-03-02 3594:2007-02-23 3539:2007-02-16 3501:Kaiyō Maru 3490:2007-02-09 3456:Kaiyō Maru 3439:Kaiyō Maru 3435:Matsushima 3424:2007-02-02 3366:2007-01-26 3316:2007-01-19 3282:revolution 3270:2007-01-12 3208:2006-12-29 3165:Kaiyō Maru 3153:2006-12-22 3118:Kaiyō Maru 3102:2006-12-15 3056:2006-12-08 2998:Soji Okita 2963:2006-12-01 2918:2006-11-24 2872:2006-11-17 2820:2006-11-10 2776:Meifu Hata 2753:2006-11-03 2706:2006-10-27 2665:together, 2628:2006-10-20 2594:playwright 2565:well water 2553:2006-10-13 2461:2006-10-06 2373:Kōya Ruten 2297:Okita Sōji 2283:Soji Okita 2186:Tōru Ōkawa 2133:H・S・Pākusu 2066:Kaiyō Maru 2058:Greg Ayres 1890:royal Navy 1614:Kaiyō Maru 1346:Hata Meifu 1333:Meifu Hata 1320:Tōru Ōkawa 1310:T・B・Gurabā 1278:Saiga Ikki 910:David Wald 856:Rob Mungle 753:household. 685:Greg Ayres 483:Getsuruitō 411:Characters 388:Boshin War 323:24 minutes 80:newspapers 5464:Black God 5384:Kekkaishi 5280:Sgt. 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Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto

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Historical fantasy
Ryōsuke Takahashi
Hajime Yatate
Original net animation
Hideyuki Fukasawa
Sentai Filmworks
List of episodes
original net animation
Ryōsuke Takahashi
Yusuke Kozaki
Boshin War

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